#twilight imprint
writerlife23 · 2 years
Becoming your imprint {Sam Uley Imagine}
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Being friends with Sam always came with disadvantages. You were there for everything. From when he started dating Leah. To going missing. To even breaking up with Leah. But you never thought you would be the one to take your best friends place.
You were sitting outside with Sue when you saw Sam come threw the tree-line. You wanted to stay away from Sam as much as possible because of what he did to Leah. And on top of that, Sam really didn’t make an effort to want to save your friendship either after going missing.
“I’ll get Harry. I am assuming that’s why you’re here Sam.” Sue spoke before getting up. Leaving both you and Sam just sitting there in an awkward silence that neither one of you knew how to deal with.
It was strange considering they always had something to talk about. Neither knew what to say or where to start. But that shouldn’t have mattered because they had always been friends.
So when Cara looked up at Sam she wasn’t expecting to feel like her whole world was shifting. Looking up at Sam made it seem like everything fell into place. Neither one of them knew what happened but Cara smiled.
“Maybe it’s a good thing Sue is getting Harry. Cause I would like to know what happened.” Sam mumbled.
“They didn’t tell you when they were telling you everything else?” Cara asked.
“They touched on it. But promised to go more in when it happened.” Sam answered.
It didn’t take long till they got the answers that they were wanting. Sam had imprinted. And on none other than his best friend. Sam was overjoyed to have finally found his soulmate and it seemed like Care was the same way. They were pretty much attached at the hip from that day forward more than they had ever been before.
“You don’t regret imprinting on me?” Cara asked.
“Never regretted it. What I looked for in a future partner I looked for someone like you. Your personality and laughter. You were my future without me realizing it.” Sam answered.
Cara smiled before kissing Sam. They just hoped that Leah would get over it in time.
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sasa-slayer · 5 months
Hi! This is a little imagine about Jacob imprinting on best friend!reader. I have a bunch of more ideas about this relationship, so let me know if you want to see them!
WARNING: one F-bomb and I think that’s it. Also, reader is gender neutral :)
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Jacob Black was my best friend, my other half.
I met him when I moved to forks at 12 years old. I was riding my bike when he passed me on his bike, declared he was winning the “race”. He was so focused on beating me, he missed a turn and crashed into a bush. After laughing for a while, I greeted my future best friend.
We were both homeschooled and spent so many days playing games or doing homework together. And as we got older, I would sit and sketch or read as he worked on cars and bikes.
We did everything together, Jacob, I, and our other two main friends, Quil and Embry. So, you can imagine how confused and hurt Jacob and I were when they stopped talking to us; but, we promised we would never do that to each other.
Yet, Jacob hasn’t spoken to me in 3 weeks. I called him every other day, his dad saying he needed time, so I gave him space. But I was worried that I should be there to help him through whatever he was going through. I just wanted to see that he was ok.
So, I couldn’t stand by and hope for the best any longer. As the rain thundered down against my window, I pulled on my haindpainted mushroom-patterned converse and hopped on my bike.
I arrived and kicked off my muddy shoes as Jacob’s dad, Billy, opened the door with shock, immediately trying to get me to leave.
“I’m sorry, But I have to know he’s ok.” I pushed passed Billy, and sprinted to Jacob’s room. This house was my second home, so I knew how to move my hips just right to avoid any furniture.
When, I finally reached his door, I hesitated. Deciding it was best to give him a warning before I barged in, I knocked loudly, and then opened the door slowly.
“What’s going on-“
Jacob has just stood up, clearly just waking up, as I stood in the door way.
and then it happened.
Jacob slowly dropped to his knees, but I barely noticed. I had fallen down backwards, confused.
Moments of Jacob’s and my past flashing before my eyes. Me cleaning his scratched up knee as I introduced myself, him throwing me in the water at La push, us sitting in my bedroom as I braided his hair.
And then I saw moments that had never occurred. Me at a bonfire surrounded by people I didn’t know but they felt strangely familiar, Jacob engulfing me into a hug as I cried pulling a suitcase behind me, me in a beautiful purple dress and Him in a gorgeous green tux as we said our vows.
“It’s you…” I heard Jacob whisper.
I looked up to see Billy had wheeled his way over to us, and I looked at him and Jacob in terror. “What the fuck just happened?”
“I’ll gather up everyone and then we’ll explain everything” Billy said as he wheeled himself towards the phone.
I looked at Jacob for comfort, but I got lost in the emotion of his eyes. There was confusion, regret, contentment, and even excitement. And then he broke out in the biggest grin and engulfed me in a bear hug, inhaling into my neck.
I hugged back, shaking from the intensity of the flurry of emotions I felt.
“After avoiding me for three weeks, you mentally slap me with some weird voodoo magic. What a friend you are” I laugh out, pulling him into an even tighter embrace. “I’m so kicking your ass after I make sure you’re ok”
Jacob let out a breathy chuckle, swaying with me as we hugged.
“…Also, what the hell happened to your hair?”
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jogetsobsessed · 8 months
Friendship Bracelets - Paul Lahote x Reader
Hearing the engine of the rusty orange truck cut caused you to stir from your place on the couch. Your homework was sprawled all across the living room, the static of the TV crackling as it was in between channels. 
You were slightly annoyed that your sister was home cause that meant that her beau was in tow and you'd have to witness the awkward love the two of them shared. 
“Bella why don't you just listen to me”, your sister's boyfriend argued. Great, they were having their hourly argument. These happened so often because your sister was one of the most stubborn people you've ever met. 
“Edward drop it. I'm doing it and you can't tell me otherwise”, your sister shot back. 
“Bella I said no”, he downright yelled. 
They crashed into the kitchen and you could see how they were both physically angry and neither wanted to back down from their standpoint of whatever the hell they were talking about. 
“You don't get to make my decisions for me”, Bella screamed. 
“It's not safe for you to go alone Bella, and I obviously can't go”, Edward yelled., 
By now you were leaning against the doorframe observing the lovers quarrel, holding back laughter. You had to watch them go through this every day, except this time Edward seemed to be holding his ground even more, so it had to be serious. Normally he just gave in to your quarrelsome sister but not this time. 
Bella looked around completely baffled that somebody wasn't just giving her the green light to do whatever she wanted to do. As she looked around exasperated she spotted you listening in on the conversation and her eyes sparkled. 
“I won't go alone”, she proudly declared. 
“Hmm”, Edward hummed in question. 
“Y/N’s going with me”, Bella stated. 
“Absolutely not, I’m not letting you drag me into this”, you yelled suddenly less amused. 
“Bella just dropped it”, Edward stated clearly not enthused by Bella’s response. 
“Y/N just do this for me please”, Bella pleaded. 
She looked up at you with pleading eyes. Clearly, this was important to her. And no matter how much she pissed you off, you enjoy pissing Edward off even more. 
“Yeah Eddy boy I guess I’m going with good ole Bells to…where the hell are we going Bella?”, you asked. 
“La Push” 
The truck rattled down the gravel driveway as your sister drove you to the undisclosed location that apparently meant so much to her. 
Pulling to a stop in front of a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods you couldn't help but admire its beauty. Though the house itself was worn down in front of it barrels full of flowers and homemade raised flower beds were littered around. 
“Stay in the car”, your sister nonchalantly said. 
“Umm no”, you argued back. 
“I shouldn't be long, half an hour tops' ', was all she had to say. 
“Bella, I'm not letting you leave me here for thirty minutes. I’m helping you out by coming with you. I agreed to go with you with whatever you were doing, not to stay in the car”, you retorted. 
“Fine, just be careful and try to be quiet”, she sighed. 
“Whatever weirdo”, you answered. 
As the doors of the truck slammed shut and both of you hopped out the front door to the cabin two tanned-skinned boys came barreling out, both wanting to be the first to talk to Bella. 
“Bella is that you”, one of the boys called out. 
“Dude you know it's her don't be weird”, the other replied, shoving his friend nearly to the ground. 
Bella just laughed and nodded for you to follow her, the both of you stopping right in front of the two shirtless boys. 
“Who's the girl Bella?”, boy number one asked as he eyed you up and down, clearly suspicious. 
“This is my younger sister, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned her a few times, or at least Jacob has”, Bella answered. 
“Umm I’m Y/N”, you said shyly, granting them a small wave. As much as you didn't want to be you were intimidated by the two boys, something about their presence, maybe it was the way they were standing was almost animalistic. 
“Jared," the boy said. 
“Quil”, the other spoke. 
“Great, now that introductions are done, can we go in? I came to talk to Jacob and he said to meet him here”, Bella asked. 
“Yeah, everyone’s inside we were just heading out to go run the perimeter…hey!”, Jared was cut off by a smack from Quil who looked at him as if he had three heads. 
The strange cadence to their voices through you off and how quick Quill was to cut Jared off downright made you nervous, but you weren't going to say anything. You didn't want to be rude. 
Bella mumbled for you to follow her, which you did. Trudging up the old wooden steps you glanced around your sister's body to glance through the small glass window next to the front door. 
Inside around a large circular wooden table sat more tanned skin boys, all with their shirts off. They were laughing and shoving each other while eating what looked like pumpkin bread. You were able to recognize Jacob, even though he looked different from the last time you saw him. You could also see a girl, she had a large scar that covered a portion of her face and she was standing in the kitchen mixing a bowl of batter. 
Without hesitation, Bella rapped her knuckles against the wooden door, clearly impatient that it didn't open within the first five seconds. 
Still looking through the window you could see all the faces turn to look towards your direction. As quickly as you could you moved to hide behind your sister, embarrassed that you had been spotted. 
“Bella it's good to see you”, the girl with the bowl of batter said as she opened the door, one of the shirtless boys protective watching from over her shoulder. 
“You too Emily, Sam”, Bella added nodding to the guy standing behind the girl, who you now knew as Emily. 
“And this must be your little sister, Y/N right”, Emily asked, her eyes shining bright. 
“Yeah”, you breathed out still on edge. 
“Well, it's nice to finally meet you Y/N. You, ladies, need to come inside, it's freezing out there”, Emily ushered, opening the door wider and pushing Sam out of the way. He gave you a half smile and a nod as if he could sense that you were nervous. 
Bella barged in like she owned the place and went straight towards the table of boys, all of them amused at her presence not bothering to really give you a good look. 
“Jacob”, she barked. 
Jacob looked up from where he was sitting to roll his eyes at Bella's neediness. After they had a mini staring contest he looked beyond so he could see you. Sending you a cheesy grin he shot up and out of his seat. Rushing over to you and scooping you into his arms, spinning you around, 
“Little Y/N. You’re all grown up”, he said laughing. After holding onto you for a few more seconds he let your feet return to the earth again before keeping you an arm's length away so he could get a good look at you. 
Your back faced the dining room table and Jacob smiled as he saw truly how much you had grown up. 
“It's been six or seven years. How long have you been back?”, he asked. 
“Like three weeks. Been trying to get acclimated back to Forks after all these years”, you told him. 
“Well, I’m glad you're back now, even though I am a little annoyed that Bella and Charlie have been keeping you all to themselves for these past few weeks. And before I go off to see whatever the hell it is your sister wants to drag me into, I'll introduce you to these idiots right here”, Jacob told you. 
You turned around so you were facing the table. You could see a couple of the boys were now looking at you and the rest were semi-focused on the pumpkin bread they were eating.
“This here is Embry, Seth, Brady, and Collin. And you’ve already met Sam and Emily. And I assume Jared and Quil introduced themselves on their way out. All you are missing is Leah who is not here right now and Paul who should be here in a little bit” 
You said hi to everyone and accepted the seat that Jacob offered you and a slice of pumpkin bread from Emily. After being assured by your sister and Jacob that they would be right back, you agreed to wait and hang out with your new friends, or people you hoped were going to be your new friends. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since your sister and Jacob had been gone but you didn't really care. 
This was the most amount of fun you had experienced in months. The boys had convinced you to play a card game with them once a girl, whom you were introduced to as Leah, came over. They had even got Sam to play with you guys and it was a total blast. Cards were flying everywhere every time one of the boys lost a hand. Emily had been watching from the kitchen giggling every time an insult was thrown at her fiance. 
“God dammit. This game is so freaking stupid”, Embry exclaimed after he was the very apparent loser of the last round. As he slammed his cards against the table and everyone laughed at his tantrum the front door was pushed open and three more people entered laughing at their own conversation. 
Looking to see what was going on you smiled at your sister and Jacob noticing that they had the third with them. You were pleased to see that Bella looked less agitated than she had before they left and Jacob looked intact. 
“Oh hey Y/n that's Paul”, Seth said, nodding to the third person with your sister and Jacob after they started to make their way toward the dining room table. Turning your head to face the illusive Paul you were startled. 
He stood there next to Jacob and when the two of you locked eyes you saw every ounce of oxygen leave his body all at once. He looked shocked and extremely pleased and scared all at once. 
It was overwhelming and you had no idea what was happening. But you were smart enough to know that it was something. 
Nobody said anything in the passing moments and there was so much tension in the room it began to get too hard to breathe. You looked between Paul, Jacob, and your sister, too afraid to speak. Your eyes begging them for an explanation. Jared opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but a hand clamped down on his shoulder shut him up before anything happened. 
“Everyone out…NOW”, Sam growled. As lightning came and went, almost everyone was out of the house. All that was left was yourself, Sam, Paul, your sister, and Jacob. Emily didn't leave the house but she did excuse herself upstairs to go busy with something other than baking. “Paul”, Sam was the one to speak again. 
You were still perched on the dining room chair, your hands holding your knees that were curled against you.
You watch as Sam gives the three left still standing a look causing Jacob to pull Bella towards the barstools that rested under the kitchen counter, and surprisingly she didn't put up a fight like she normally does. 
That left Paul, having not moved an inch since whatever it was that happened between the two of you. 
Sam moved towards Paul and he moved his hand onto Paul's shoulder giving him a nod and a slight push in your direction. Jacob then whispered something to Bella, which caused her to stand up from her barstool and throw her hands up, her mouth opening to have a freakout. But Jacob harshly shrugged her down and clamped a hand over her mouth so nothing could come out. You almost lost it over her defeated look, but you refrained since the situation seemed grave. 
“Paul, would you rather do this alone?”Sam broke the silence. 
“Umm yeah, why don't we head out back. I’m gonna send everyone in. But we’re gonna stay close just in case, um you know”, Paul stammered. 
Paul moved towards the back door but backtracked so he was standing to the side of you. He held out his hand towards you. Every ounce of you was screaming internally telling you to not take it and run. But there was a small part of you, a point zero, zero one percent of you told you to trust him. And even though that percentage was so small the idea was echoed throughout. 
So slowly you reached out, accepting his invitation and letting him softly pull you out of the chair. You could tell that once your hand was in his he relaxed. He found enough confidence to even twirl a bracelet you wore on your wrist so that he could get a better look at it. 
Weaving through Emily’s house you looked over your shoulder and saw Jacob's mouth that you were going to be okay, and Bella was fuming but that was usual for her so you didn't think twice. 
Paul opened up the back door for you letting you out first, but not letting go of your hand. The group that had once occupied the kitchen table was now kicking a soccer ball around and chatting. But the conversation stopped once Paul's steps squeaked the wooden floorboards of the porch.
Smirks were placed on their faces but were immediately wiped off once Paul literally growled at them, which sent shivers down your spine. 
The soccer ball was quickly abandoned and they all rushed by and back into Emily’s house, but not before they could send a few teasing remarks toward Paul, which caused him to huff and puff a bit. But he quickly got over it once he looked towards you. 
He pulled you towards a set of lawn furniture that looked like it had seen better days that rested on the wrap-around porch. 
Once you sat down on the couch you once again pulled your legs against your chest. It was a mental way of creating a boundary between you and Paul that you weren't even doing consciously. 
Once he was next to you his hands found yours yet again. You were somewhat calmed by the sudden warmth that he gave off. 
“Y/I need to tell you something”, Paul finally said. 
“Yeah I figured as such”, you said slightly laughing trying to bring humor in to break up the tension. Paul met your laughter as he twisted your bracelet around some more. 
“So obviously something happened”, he drawled. 
“Do you want me to be blunt or sugarcoat it”, he asked. 
“Be blunt”, you answered. 
“OK well umm. There's no easy way to put this but you see well. My tribe, the Quileutes, we’re special. Some of us have a special gene that makes us different”
“You’re sugarcoating it”, you interrupted. 
“I'm sorry, fine. The gene makes us shifters. We shift into wolves. I’m a werewolf”
“Be so for real right now”, you answered, absolutely breaking out into laughter. With your comment, you could hear a collection of howling laughter coming from in the house. Paul looked absolutely bewildered but regained his composure, a smirk of disbelief formed on his face as he shook his head. 
“That's why I wanted to tell you the full story. I think it would have been a little more believable, then hey I’m a werewolf. But you’re the impatient one”, Paul said, raising his eyebrows. 
“Ok, so wolf boy. How do I come into this mix?”, you questioned. 
“That's the even more complicated part”
“Shifters have something called imprints. You’re mine”, he gulped at the last part as he looked at you for approval. 
You wouldn't believe what you were hearing. This was insane. Not believing him at all and believing him fully at the same time. 
You couldn't deny the connection that you felt with him, but werewolves don't exist. Or at least you didn't think that they did. 
“Imprints are like soulmates. But they don't have to be romantic. It could just be me being your protector or a friend. Or something more. It's your ultimate choice in the matter”. Paul had a firm grip on your hand now like he needed to be touching some part of you at the moment. '`Do you have anything to say?”, he asked. 
Inhaling as much air as your lungs could take in and letting it all out slowly you shifted yet again this time so you were fully in front of him. You wanted more time to think over everything that had just been thrown at you but part of you was terrified. If you asked for more time to think you would get in your head or worse let Bella get in your head. Since you were pretty positive that she knew everything that was going on based on her reactions earlier. 
“Would a human imprint, would they feel the connection too?”
“Yeah. Umm not completely like a wolf but they do. You’ll feel drawn to me. Any emotions surrounding me will feel heightened. You can feel the connection”, Paul answered. 
“Cool”, was all that you could manage to get out. This reaction made Paul heartily laugh and it made your heart warm to see him light up. 
“So what's the deal with you and Bella? We met her about a year ago and she just mentioned that she had a sister and that was it. Why did you just now come out of the woodwork?”Paul asked. You were now leaning against his chest, snuggled into it appreciating the warmth he provided against the freezing winds that whipped through the forest Emily's house sat in. 
“Well, I lived with my mom and stepdad for pretty much most of my life. My dad and mom got together pretty soon after Renee and he got divorced. That's why I'm only two years younger than Bella. A few months ago my stepdad found out he was sick and my mom wanted to move across the country so he could be treated at Boston Medical Center since they have a trial program he’s eligible for. Which I was all for because I love my step-dad and want him to get treated but it would have been too hard for me to go with him. So my mom called Charlie and asked if I could move back here”
“Damn I'm so sorry Y/N”, Paul softy said as he pulled you closer to him. 
“It's fine. My mom sends me daily updates on him and I’m glad to be back here with Charlie. And really it's probably a good thing that Bella and I are around each other more. Really our entire lives the only time we’ve gotten to know each other is over the phone”, you assured him. 
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Paul hummed no melody in particular and continued to wrap your bracelet in circles slowly around your wrist. You watched as it turned left and right and Paul's eyes concentrated on it. 
“I can make you one”, you said looking up to meet his eyes and giving him a sweet smile. He looked shocked for a second, almost embarrassed that you had caught him playing with it. 
“I don't wanna have to make you do anything for me”, Paul stuttered, but he still did not drop your left wrist. 
“Paul it would be no big deal. It's easy. I even have the colors left over. We could match”, You wiggled your eyebrows at the last point attempting to calm him down. Which worked. He laughed at your weirdness and pulled you tight to him again. 
“The packs gonna give me such crap for wearing a pink and orange bracelet”, he whined pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Such it up Lahote, You're getting a matching friendship bracelet”
1st post on tumblr, kinda nervous to see how this is going to do lol.
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dameare · 8 months
Personal Brand of Heater | Jacob Black x Fem!Reader (Oneshot)
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Word count: 1,899
Summary: The first time I had kissed Jacob was entirely an accident. That was how I wanted to think about it, at least.
Silly notes: So... it was 4am... and it was cold, so at the time writing this made a lot of sense. Plus I was lonely and destructively pining for the one and only, Jacob Black. *hands you this fic* Enjoy!
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The first time I had kissed Jacob was entirely an accident. That was how I wanted to think about it, at least.
Winter was just by the horizon, approaching with a certain quiet inevitability, and a blanket of darkness was beginning to unfurl itself across the landscape—and Forks, being the cold and sleepy town that it was, made the first hints of a wintry burden a lot more obvious.
So it was cold. And it was just that there was something about cuddling with Jacob in the middle of the night that did it for me. It made total sense: I was freezing, and Jacob was hot. Literally. Like my personal brand of heater. And maybe I also liked him a little bit. Or a little too much. Or maybe I was in-love. It was the only explanation, even though before what had happened I'd hardly given myself enough time to even name what I'd started to feel for Jake.
It sounded stupid at first, being in-love with Jake. There was no way. But the more I thought about it, the more convinced and horrified I became. That stupid fluttery feeling in my stomach whenever Jake looked at me. I'd thought about the way my chest sometimes felt like it was going to explode when he hugged me, or the way my stomach dropped and twisted at the thought of Jacob hugging a different woman that wasn’t me. God, I was in-love. Of course I was. But even that wasn’t reasonable enough to accidentally kiss him.
So when I had had the clever idea of hitting Jacob up to “hang out” at two in the morning and he didn’t reply, I'd assumed that would be the end of it, and that I would have to curl up in bed, alone and feverish from the chills the night brought.
But that wasn’t the case, and I had only realised this when Jacob was already launching himself through my second-story window and then into my room with a stealthy thud. The dumbass.
I looked at him, stunned. “Jake, what the hell?”
“Whew, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jacob said, a wide and pleasant grin of mockery spreading across his face—the one that made my stomach do the dumb flip thing. GAH. “I’m sure you don’t really mind.”
“I don’t,” I said automatically. I wasn't stunned at seeing him anymore, because he wasn’t wearing a shirt and I was stunned at something else instead. The pale moonlight sneaking in through my open window made his russet skin look richer. He looked ethereal. The dangerous kind of ethereal. “Do you ever get cold?” I asked dumbly, trying to shift my focus.
Jacob laughed. “Didn’t you already ask that before?”
“I did? Maybe I forgot.” And maybe I had also forgotten how to talk.
He opened his mouth, looking like he was about to crack a joke, but something made him change his expression. Instead, worry creased his forehead, and he inched closer to me.
He was huge, and he leaned over me, so huge that his shadow made my little room look darker. I was looking up at him, completely overwhelmed—my head was pounding and my chest was freaking out and the fever, which I had momentarily forgotten about ever since he came in, came hitting me again. I swayed unsteadily, legs going slightly limp. Jacob grabbed me easily by the waist. “Hey, hey. Is everything okay?” He whispered anxiously, slowly easing me towards the edge of the bed. “You’re shivering, why didn’t you tell me you were sick? Are you cold?”
I only managed to nod before my legs gave way, plopping into a weak heap on the bed.
His hand was really warm. “Jesus christ, you’re freezing. Don’t you have a heater somewhere?”
I shivered uselessly on the bed, delirious. He watched me for one long moment, hesitating. Then he snuck to my side and began settling down onto the bed, and before I could even begin to protest, his arms were already wrapped around me—one arm under my head and the other tightly snug around my waist. And then I wasn't protesting anymore.
I let my head rest against his bare chest. “You’re so warm,” I muttered, the words muffled out by his chest. The heat was so inviting, so comfortable that I didn’t want to pull away. Not that I could ever, even if I had the energy to. The warmth seeped into my skin, the icy grips of the night slowly melting away.
Jacob chuckled, pleased. “That better? Don’t move too much, alright. Save your energy for me. I’ll warm you up.”
“What about you?” I exhaled heavily. “You’re going to freeze.”
“Not really,” he promised. “Hey, say, why don’t you try sleeping? What’s kept you up this late?”
I thought for a second. "Hypothetically," I said, my mind gaining clarity. "If you weren't a werewolf anymore and you lived in the city, what's the first thing you'd do?"
I felt his chest stop at a chuckle, and then there was silence. When it dragged on for a moment too long, I tilted my head to look at his expression. He was staring into the distance, where I'd put up a bunch of city photos for my vision board. His eyes seemed to light up. "If I weren't a werewolf anymore," he mused. "I'd try out all the burgers in the city and check out what they sell in Walmart. I heard they sell weird stuff there... and then maybe I'd go shopping in one of those big malls... get a job... go to a university."
I snorted. "Wow okay, I understand the rest, but Walmart? Really?"
"Don't judge me," he met my eyes, suddenly defensive. He smiled playfully and pushed my hair out of my face. "Let's hear yours. If you decided to live in the city, away from... all of this. What would you do?"
There was hardly any need to think, because it was all I ever thought about during my first summer in Forks. And it was hardly even a summer, really, because it rained all the time and it was still cold even on the good days where the sun was slightly more visible. "I would live by myself in the city, in a small apartment. Like a normal person," I said, wincing at the last part, because all things considered, I thought the word *normal* just didn't exist in Forks anymore, and saying it felt like a major offense. He nodded, and I went on, "I would go to bookstores and those loud concerts... and then go for a late night drive after, you know? Just drive for hours without a destination. It kind of sounds nice. It's like surrendering all your worries for one night. I think that kind of freedom would make me feel lighter."
I watched his face. He laughed at first, saying, "Your answer makes mine look like child's play."
"I'd try out every burger with you, and go to every Walmart conceivable." I offered.
"You'd do that?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
He grinned. "Well, I'd carry your books for you, and I'd drive you across the city for as long as you want. Sounds fair?"
"So it's a promise." I smirked.
"Hah well, not that my being a werewolf can stop me from making you happy," he said. Then he tightened his grip just a bit and lifted me effortlessly, setting me on top of him. "Is this better?"
I hummed a yes, suddenly finding it very, very difficult to breathe. "You're... really warm," I sighed.
He smiled softly. It looked so much better up close, so much so that my stomach did that weird flippy thing again. "You said that earlier. Although," a sheen of mischief lit his eyes up, "if you want to feel warmer you could always just take your clothes off."
"Jacob," I warned, a smile threatening to break out of my face. "Shut up, will you?"
"Survival one-oh-one," he teased.
"Saying that isn't really a friends thing."
He raised one eyebrow, curious. "Oh so taking your clothes off is where you draw the line?"
"Like every sane person, ever, duh."
"Well, cuddling like this isn't really a friends thing either," he retorted.
My face flushed red. "What do you mean?"
"The way I hold you," he said quietly, with a sudden hint of seriousness to his voice. "Is this how friends are supposed to roll?" He asked, his face speculative.
I stayed quiet. I wasn't breathing again. It was the question, and maybe the way the gentle glow of the moon was casted upon his face. His eyes twinkled in the light, like pools of rich and velvety chocolate. He was sort of beautiful that I didn't want to breathe ever again. He stared right through me, watchful and interested. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, and our breaths mixed with how close our faces were. It was so warm and so right.
My gaze flickered from his eyes to his mouth, then back again. His mouth tugged up at one corner, as if he had the faintest idea of what I was thinking—and maybe, just maybe, he thought the same.
It was slow, but also quick in a weird way—not quick as in like something in the heat of the moment, but quick enough that I couldn't register what was happening, and slow enough for me to remember every single detail—slow enough for me to conclude that it really wasn't an accident.
His hand gently made its way to the small of my back. He rubbed gently, and I leaned in, our faces inching even closer; I could hear my heartbeat loud against my chest, so loud maybe he'd heard it too. But his eyes were fixed, mesmerised as I moved in. Our noses touched and he inched to the side, nudging forward with the tip of his chin; he glanced at my mouth, then flickered quickly back to my eyes.
There was a momentary pause where our faces both hovered, so close and mellow and sure, and I ached in anticipation. I stole one more glance at his mouth, and then I was sighing into the kiss, the aches and worries leaving my body. His lips were hot, and it scorched against mine, but god he was so gentle—like a gentle rush of air through leaves. The kiss stayed warm and slow, almost exploratory, but there was also a sliver of hunger shoved in between—like Jacob had been dying to do this for a while, and when he finally did he couldn't stop anymore. My lower lip caught delicately in his teeth, and he sucked on it; I allowed him, because I loved exploring his mouth just as much—in an almost obsessive manner. My tongue wandered, the pleasant taste of something woodsy settling into my mouth.
When we pulled apart, it was with soft gasps and fitful smiles and chuckles. He patted my head. "Was that also a friends thing?"
"Nothing about us is friendly," I finally admitted.
"So that means...?"
"I want to be your girlfriend, Jake."
His face stretched out into a huge grin. It was contagious. "Took you long enough, my little moon."
"Is that a yes?" I pinched him lightly.
He chuckled. "Do you want to go at it again for an answer?"
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last-herondale · 1 year
Jacob Black x Fem-reader
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Fluff, slight NSFW, mostly fluff 😊
A/N: This is similar to my previous Jacob x reader post. My head cannon is where the reader is part of the pack and imprints on Jacob, but he doesn’t immediately imprint on her back. Anyway, this scene takes place before the confrontation with the Voltori in BD pt 2. Jacob has finally imprinted on Y/N after you have a near death experience. (I refuse to accept the storyline of Jacob imprinting on Ratatouille 🤢) and the two of you station yourself out in the clearing to scout the area before the rest of the Cullens and wolves arrive. A blizzard comes in and forces the two of you to make camp within the woods. This allows for some fluffy conversations to occur. 😉
Might make a NSFW scene as a part 2 to this story. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jacob Black has my heart so expect one 😉
Edit: I did make part 2 😬 here’s a link. Okay byeee
Part 2
Enjoy 🤘🏼
You had been careful. Maybe too careful these past few weeks after the birth of Bella’s daughter. It had been a chaotic period of your life. You had chosen to break apart from the pack in order to follow Jacob. Your new Alpha. Your imprint. Your soulmate. Even from the beginning it was never really a choice, but still, you were proud of his decision to leave.
He was fighting to save Bella, as he always did. And even though it broke your heart to see the man you loved more than anything in the world fight so hard for someone who would never love him like he deserved, you stood by his side through it all. Even when the fight became deadly.
It had been a risky plan. But the Cullens needed to feed. Distract the pack. Protect the Cullens. That was the plan that fateful night. But it turned sour real quick. Bella had gone into labor, and Sam’s pack had launched an attack on the remaining Cullens. Paul had the small vampire, Alice, in between his giant wolf mouth. She had been weak and hungry, and even her immortal strength began to give way. You couldn’t let her die. Despite knowing Paul’s size and strength over powered you every time you trained with the pack, you didn’t care.
You had launched yourself at Paul, your claws and teeth slashing at his neck, forcing him to release Alice, allowing her to escape. Paul was enraged with you then. You could feel the rumble of his growl deep in his chest as he set his sights on you and pounced.
“Y/N!” Jacob’s voice called, snapping you out of the memory.
The wind was whipping all around you. Flurries of snow bit at your face and clung in your hair. The sun was beginning to set and the landscape was quickly turning dark. Jacob came up from behind you, his bare chest unfazed by the chill weather. You stood unbothered as well, the warmth of your wolf blood fought against the cold, especially after shifting. You turned to look at him, and as always your chest tugged at you to close the space between you. But you fought yourself and stood your ground.
“The weather is getting worse,” he nearly had to yell over the wind. You nodded. Alice had said this would happen. A winter vortex would come in and blanket the clearing with snow and ice. Then, after the sun returned, the Volturi would arrive.
“Should we head back?” You asked. It would take no time at all to head back to the Cullen house, but Edward had wanted eyes on the clearing to make sure there were no surprises.
Jacob shook his head and pulled over the backpack he had been carrying. “This storm shouldn’t last too long. Alice said it would be over by tomorrow morning.” He looked at you with a strange sparkle in his eyes. “I brought us a tent,” he continued, “I mean only- if you want to.” You arched your brow at him in amusement. You had never seen him trip over his words before, and lately he seemed to be doing that a lot around you.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s find somewhere out of this wind.” You reply.
The two of you found a nice spot within the trees, up against a large rock that blocked out a great deal of wind. You helped him set up the tent between the trees and found yourself glad to take refuge within. Jacob was close behind you, taking great care to zip up the tent, securing the two of you inside.
You sat across from him in silence for a moment. There seemed to be an electric charge buzzing between the two of you. It sent a strange sensation down your spine when you noticed how he looked at you. His lips parted slightly, as if he was going to speak, but to break the tension you finally reached over and yanked his pack away.
“What else are you hiding in here?” You teased.
Amusement warmed his face. He leaned back and crossed his arms and you searched his pack. “Oh you know, stakes, cloves of garlic, usual leech killing gear.”
You snorted. “Oh that’s what that smell was? The whole run over here I thought it was your breath.”
Jacob let out a laugh, a real genuine laugh. It had been a while, it had been months, since you heard that laugh of his. It warmed your heart to hear his laugh again. You pulled out the contents of his backpack, and found that he had packed the two of you an extra set of clothes, in case transforming caused any wardrobe issues. There was a handmade quilt that you pulled out and set aside. And a few granola bars and a few waters.
You tossed him a bar and a bottle and let yourself stretch out across the tent as you ate. The two of you chatted mindlessly a bit as you tried to ignore the growing tension that seemed to build within the tent. It was as if you could reach out and touch the electric waves that buzzed between you. Finally, you let yourself stretch out on the tent floor, using the quilt as a pillow. Jacob hesitated a moment before joining you on the floor, your bodies inches apart from each other as the wind picked up outside of the tent.
You turned on your side to face him, and were shocked to find him already facing you. His eyes seemed deep in thought as they scanned your face. You felt your face redden slightly at the intensity of his gaze.
“Jake?” You ask softly. His eyes snapped up to look at yours. “Hmm” was all he answered. You couldn’t help but smile at him. “Are you okay?” You ask with a small chuckle, “You’ve been acting—different ever since Ness was born.” At that Jacob’s smile wavered a bit but his eyes kept roaming your face.
“I’ve just been thinking,” he murmured, “ a lot of things have changed since then. It’s an— adjustment.” You expected that in some capacity. You were prepared to help Jacob once Bella became a vampire, to help distract him from the pain of that, but it never came. He seemed to almost welcome Bella into her immortal life, taking satisfaction in the fact of her still being alive in some capacity anyway. It had shocked you how— calm he was about it all.
“Does it hurt being around her?” You nearly whispered. Normally would wouldn’t have dared asked such a question, but his silence these past few weeks had been maddening. Confusion swept Jacob’s face for a moment before he realized what you meant. And then he chuckled.
“Around Bella? No. Not anymore. That’s— not the change I meant, although it has been an adjustment getting used to her new life. But that isn’t what I meant. ” He said. You scrunched you brows at him in confusion and then abruptly sat up. Jacob propped himself up on one arm to meet your gaze, his eyes searching your face to see what he had done.
“Then what do you mean, Jacob? Why else have you been acting so weird lately?” Anger tipped on your words, but you found yourself unable to restrain your emotions. Jacob waited for you to continue, his lips pressed together as if he was holding back.
“For weeks now you’ve been so calm, so careful… I thought you would be upset or angry or something! Leah and Seth won’t tell me anything, but I know they know something. Even Edward seems to know what it is but for some reason you refuse to tell me? Jacob, you’ve just been so quiet around me lately and I can’t understand why. What changed? Did I do something to you?” At the last question you felt tears fall down your eyes.
Without hesitation, Jacob’s hand we on either side of your face, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, “I was afraid that if I admitted the truth— that if I told you—“
“Told me what, Jacob?” You pleaded. You grabbed his hands that held your face.
“I—“ he struggled to say, “I imprinted.”
Suddenly you were back in that moment. You felt Paul’s teeth clamp down on your neck, the sharp crunching pain of his canines crunching down on bone. That pain was excruciating. But even then, the pain and shock allowed you to pass out from it. Death was a numbing relief to the pain, or so you imagined. But this pain had no relief. You dropped your hands from Jacob’s and felt your heart collapse.
“On who?” Your voice cracked. “When did you—?”
Jacob froze at your reaction. You could no longer hide the pain that radiated from your chest. You felt as if you might vomit. Would it be better to know? Who she was, how he now felt for her? His world now revolved around her. How would you survive?
“I need to leave,” you choke out. You tried to fumble with the zipper but Jacob’s strong hands gripped you and pulled you away.
“Y/N, please,” he voice was oddly strained, “let me explain—“
“I cant!” You cried, “i can’t do this anymore Jacob! I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay, when my heart is breaking! I can’t keep pretending that I don’t love you. That you are everything to me, my purpose, my entire existence! Please, let me go!”
The words you promised to never say were out. Your body heaved in violent sobs as the weight of your soul poured out before him. You expected him to release you. To be horrified by what you just said. But instead you felt him move closer, the space between you disappeared as he wrapped his large arms around you tightly and securely.
“Oh Y/N,” he murmured against your hair, “oh sweetheart, my love, my everything, no, no, no, no.” You stilled under him, his words piercing your body with every syllable. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why didn’t you tell me you imprinted?”
You pushed yourself away from him far enough to look into his eyes. You searched his wildly waiting for him to explain. He ran a hand through your hair, pushing it away from your face. “That night, when Paul nearly killed you—“ his voice cracked at the memory, “ I thought I would lose you. Something snapped in me that night, something deep and primal in my blood. Suddenly, you were the only pull I felt. Everything in my heart, body, and soul was fighting for you.”
You weren’t sure if you were breathing then. Tears fell down your face as Jacob continued. “I knew it was the imprint, I felt it deep within my bones. When you finally woke up, I waited to see if maybe the bond had snapped into place for you too… but nothing had seemed to change for you. I wasn’t sure how to tell you— so I waited and kept my distance. I didn’t want to force this on you, or scare you away. But I never thought…” he trailed off. His thumb traced down the side of your face, stopping at the edge of your bottom lip.
“How long have you known?” He asked.
“I’ve always known,” you whispered.
And with those words alone, any restraint, and uncertainty Jacob had had vanished. In an instant his hand cupped the back of your neck as he pulled you closer and kissed you. The contact of him made stars dance in your vision, but immediately you found yourself melting against him. You threw your arms around his neck and anchored yourself to him. He growled against your mouth in reaction, and deepened the kiss.
His tongue explored your mouth, intoxicating your senses with the taste of him. Your fingers knotted up in his hair, and you pulled his head closer to yours, needing more of him in your reach. He reacted to your touch, a soft groan escaping his lips as he nipped your bottom lip. His free hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. You gave out a small yelp in surprise and you couldn’t help but giggle.
Jacob moved his lips from your mouth to trace the line of your jaw, peppering you with kisses as he made his way down your neck. “Whats so funny?” He murmured against the nape of your neck. You tilted your head back to give him easier access, the warmth of his lips were inviting. “You have no idea—“ you said breathlessly, “how long I’ve wanted you to kiss me.”
You felt him smile against your neck, his teeth grazing you as he pulled away slowly. He looked at you, desire burning in his dark eyes, his face oddly flushed with red and warmth. “I’m sorry for not realizing sooner. I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting. All this time,” he said, both of his arms slipped around you, pulling you as close to him as possible, “I thought it was friendship that made our relationship so strong.” He said the word as a curse. As if he realized now that what the two of you had was more than that. More than any word used to describe this feeling.
“I thought it was a different kind of love you felt for me,” he admitted, “I never imagined it was— this.” You slid one hand down from his neck and traced the line of his jaw. Gentle touches you had always restrained yourself from. He leaned into you, shivering at each touch. A smile spread across your face as you held your heart in your hands. All of the heartache these past few years had suddenly vanished from your mind. None of it mattered. Not anymore. “I suppose you have time to make up for then,” you challenged.
Jacob’s eyes bore into you, waiting for you to make the next move. He would bend to you, only you. Your thumb traced the outline of his lips. Two words. One command of him. The one thing you had sought after since you met him. A whisper within the wind.
“Kiss me.”
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volturiprincess · 2 months
Little Brother
Paul Lahote x fem reader
Summary: reader has a little brother who is a shifter Warnings: some angst, I think there were some curse words A/N: So this was a request, sorry it took a while to get this out but school comes first ☺️. if anyone has a request, don't hesitate to ask me, I am open in doing them. There will be a second A/N in the end. Word count: 2k+
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Researching for colleges is such a pain in the ass, why am I doing this again? Oh yea I want to be a Doctor, more specifically a Physician. I have been in my room for over 3 hours already looking at different pamphlets of schools that have caught my eye. I have a little brother to take care of so I have been looking at schools near La Push but there are not a lot of schools that have the program I am interested in. And little old me decided to also graduate from High School one year early so that I could have a gap year to save up money and to visit different universities. I've been dragging my little brother with me to these college visits for the reason we are close and I don't like going alone on these visits. 
We are only 3 years apart but I still treat him like a small child, even if he is already slightly taller than me. I heard a sudden knock at my door and called out for them to come in. I sat up from the floor and saw my little brother walk in
“Hey Oli, what's up?”
“I just came to check on you, I haven't seen you in like days already and you missed dinner”
“Shoot, sorry, I didn't even know so much time has gone by, I been trying to narrow down my choices in colleges down to 5 but it has been a struggle but I did eat a sandwich earlier”
He nods 
“Why don't you take a break and we can go walk at La Push?”
My eyes widen at the mention of the beach
“Sounds like a plan bro, meet me outside in 10 minutes”
He rolled his eyes playfully but walked outside nevertheless. I stood off the ground and got somewhat ready, I just needed a sweater and shoes. I left my room and went outside where Oliver was waiting, we then started to walk to the beach, it was literally over the the treeline of where we live so it didn't take long. I have been coming to this beach since I was born, and when Oliver was born I made sure he came as frequently as I did or sometimes I would sneak at night just to come see the moon over the ocean. 
As we arrived at the beach I saw a group of boys and knew right away who they were, Sam Uley's pack. I went to school with them. I even had a class with some of the members but they always seem to annoy me with their loudness so I personally decided to stay away.
As we were walking Oliver asked me 
“Do you know those guys?”
“Yes I do, why do you ask?”
“Just asking, you always look at them like they killed your dog or something”
I laughed 
“Well there are just rowdy boys, and that annoys me you know?”
We kept on walking until someone shouted out “HEADS UP '', I grabbed Oliver instantly and pulled him down and saw a football flying over us. I stood up and walked over to the ball and looked at where it came from and I stiffen up when I saw it came from the pack, I grabbed the ball and threw it back to them immediately. I could hear one of the guys shout back “THANK YOU” which I just responded with a hand signal and walked off with Oliver.
“You know I'm surprised you didn't do sports in high or middle school, that was one heck of a throw, the distance you threw was easily a whole football field”
I rolled my eyes but wrapped an arm around his shoulders and ruffled his hair
“Oh yea? Easily a football field? You need to go touch the grass more often then, but I do got to agree it was a beautiful throw, an old friend of mine and I would practice throwing either a football or baseball in the backyard”
“I remember that, I preferred to sit at the porch and read a book while you two played”
“Such a bookworm, you know thats suppose to be me right, the amount of books I have read so far in the 17 years I have existed would blow your mind”
Chuckling he answered 
“I'll take your word on that”
Recently Oliver has been a bit distant with me, I thought at first it was just him being busy with school and his new job he told me he got recently but I hardly see him at the house anymore. I have approached him multiple times but his response is always “I'm just busy living my life”. He always says it in this tone that is just bland and he doesn't sound like himself. I know I've been busy with applying to colleges and stuff but he's been like this for a couple of months now. It also appears he's been getting into shape, not only has he gotten taller out of the blue but he has muscles now and on top of that he cut his beautiful thick locks. It makes me think that maybe there is a girl he likes and he wants to impress her or maybe there is something else. I wish he would come up to me but for now I am giving him his space and hoping he will come up to me when he is ready. 
I decided to go take a  walk at La Push beach to just clear my mind from the stress of life for a bit. It has been a while since I've been here and I kind wish Oliver was here with me. As I am walking on the sand, I see a group of boys all shirtless and with jorts on close by. I knew right away it was Sam Uley's pack but then I saw a familiar figure amongst them. My eyes widen and before I even think twice I shout out his name
I saw him turn his head to me slowly and his face reflects my current face. I felt slightly betrayed and went up to the group of boys and confronted my little brother.
“The hell are you doing with these guys Oliver, I told you to stay away from them”
Sam was the one who spoke up
“Miss why don't you relax and leave Oliver alone”
I snap my gaze to him 
“Excuse me? You don't get to tell me what to do when it comes to my little brother, that is between me and him. Sir”
Oliver spoke up still with that same monotone voice 
“Y/n just go home please, I will talk with you later”
I stared at him and then I saw something else I didn't notice earlier, a tattoo, the same tattoo that all of the other guys in this pack had. At that moment I had to bite my tongue so I didn't blow up on him in front of the guys so instead I nodded stiffly and walked away. So many thoughts started to flow through my mind; “why is he hanging out with older guys, more specifically why is he with those guys?” “Is that why he changed, so he could fit in with them or was he forced?” “What happened to that sweet boy who was scared of the lighting and would come to my room for comfort?”
I sat in the living room waiting for Oliver's arrival. I really wanted to blow up on him right there in front of the guys but why embarrass him like that, even if it was very tempting. I just realized I was addressed as “Miss”, I literally had a class with Sam and he sat right next to me and we were even partners once for a stupid math project. But what went totally over my head was a certain guy was watching intensely, he was looking at me like I was the only person alive. Before I could decipher this guy's name Oliver came into my view of sight.
I looked at him with narrowed eyes,
“So? Care to explain to me what I witnessed at the beach earlier? Or are you going to brush me off again like you have these past few months?
I saw for a moment he was hesitant but what he said next was expect
“You wouldn’t understand, they are helping me with stuff”
“Helping you with stuff? Like how to flirt with girls or how to be an idiot?”
“As I said you would not understand? How could you, you are only focusing on yourself and your future, I seen the pamphlets you been looking at, and they are all colleges far away from here”
I tried my best to be face to face with him but he is at this point he is a whole foot taller than me now
“For your information little brother, I have been looking at schools near here, why do you think it's been so hard for me to find the one, and for your information you think I am so self absorbed that I don't think about you? Why do you think you don't live with mom and dad? it's because they never paid attention to you or even cared to  raise you, it was all ME who raised you. I am trying to work towards a good career so that I could give you a better childhood that mom and dad failed to give you.”
I didn't even know a tear spilled from my eye but I quickly wiped it away and stood my ground, but for some reason he huffed and stormed out of the house without giving me a second glance or anything. I stared at the door for a while until I decided to just drop this for now. Teenagers really are something else, I really wish I did have someone to confide in when I face these problems with him but there is nobody. I decided to just make dinner and call it a night already, if he does not want to talk with me then so be it. 
I was getting ready to go visit another college alone once again when I heard a knock at my front door. I went to it and did not expect to see Paul Lahote there. Secretly I thought he was pretty cute, even if he flirted with all the girls at school but I just admired him from a distance and in silence. 
He was the one to speak first 
“Can I have a quick word with you?”
“Yea sure, what's up?”
“It's about you brother”
My mood dropped at that moment
“What about him?”
“Are you familiar with the Quileute legends?”
I nodded with suspicion 
“Yes i'm aware of them, but they are just stories”
I saw that look of hesitation once again, it was the same face Oliver did when I confronted him at home after the beach incident.
“Well, to some people it is but they are real you see, and your brother happens to be a shifter along with me and the other guys”
My hand went straight to the dorm frame to steady myself and Paul instantly went to a concerned stance.
“Hey you good?”
“You-your telling me, that my little brother who is 14, is a shifter, that the stories I grew up listening to are true and he didn't even tell me?”
He gave me a sheepish look
“Well the thing is, he couldn't tell you, it's a secret that is between the pack, it's to protect each other and not to reveal others our existence, can you imagine if others found out about us, the panic everyone would go through?”
I nodded since he did made a valid point.
“Yes well you have a point, but why are you telling me then, why not Oliver or Sam for instance?”
He scratched the back of his neck and he avoided eye contact with me. It's strange to see him like this, all flustered and nervous when I knew him as some cocky and flirty guy from High School. 
“Well you see I um….. imprinted on you….”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion 
“Imprinted on me? What the hell is that? And why me to be exact?”
“Well you see it's an involuntary mechanism that us shifters go through when we find out soulmates, we have no choice in who we get to imprint on, it just you know.......happens”
At the mention of soulmates my eyes widened in shock, the guy who I secretly liked but annoyed me at the same time is supposedly my soulmate. I always thought soulmates was an interesting topic hence my obsession with Greek Mythology and the topic that Zeus splitted people's souls in half and it was mortal's mission to find their other half. I looked back into his eyes 
“Soulmates? That's insane”
He chuckled and teased in return
“Oh and not shifting to a big wolf is not insane, your brother definitely knew you would react like this”
“Well I have heard the legends for years, so it's not like `oh what the hell your mental” kind of situation, at least I knew some part of this, but soulmates? You got to admit that's something you don't hear everyday”
Rolling his eyes playfully he gave a me a smile that stopped my heart for a minute 
“Fair but you're not too creeped out by this or have questions or whatsoever?”
I chuckled at his rambling but asked him 
“Well now that you say that I think about 1 million questions came up, please don't tell me Oliver has found an imprint yet?”
“No he hasn't yet, he's still figuring this whole shifting and stuff”
I nodded along
“Good, Good, I don't think I would accept it right away thinking he found love so young, but I also wanted to thank you”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion
“For what?”
“You and the other guys probably were a great help to him with all of this, even if I was completely clueless to all of this, he was for sure scared and confused with all of this, wasn't he?”
He nodded 
“Yea he was lucky me and Sam were close by, we heard a yell of pain and then a growl and well we knew what it was, we went up to him and calmed him down and then we explained everything to him”
When he said yell of pain, that hit me, as much as I might not tell Oliver directly that I love him, I do, I just show it a different way by being there and being his best friend. I looked up at Paul and hugged him tightly. I felt him stiffen from shock but eventually he wrapped his arms around me. He was so warm, even with the layers of clothing he had on, his heat was radiating through it to me. I felt him caressing the back of my head while I just had my cheek against his chest.
We pulled apart shortly after and I looking down mumbled 
“I'm sorry for calling you and your pack a cult and annoying behind your back”
I heard him chuckling loudly and I looked up at him with a surprised look
“No need to apologize sweetheart, we know we are annoying and I could never be mad at you”
I rolled my eyes playfully but let out a breath of relief
“Is Oliver with the other guys?”
He nods 
“I can take you to him, the cat is out of the bag already or this case the wolf is out of the bag”
I punched his arm playfully 
“Your such a nerd”
He did a fake pout but smiled while offering his arm for me to take. He guided me to his car and we drove off to who knows where. We eventually arrived at a cabin in the woods and I saw a bunch of shirtless guys running outside of the house towards us. I spotted Oliver and ran into his arms and pulled him into a deep hug. He returned the gesture immediately and I felt some small tears spill 
“I know everything, I'm sorry for blowing up on you”
He pulled away slightly to look at with slightly teary eyes
“It wasn't your fault y/n, it's mine, I just wished I could've told you about this but you know why I didn't, right?”
I nodded and wiped away his tears
“I'm just glad you didn’t have to deal with all of this alone” I turned to all of the guys “Thanks to all of you” they all nodded in a reassurance and some of them went back inside the house 
“So Paul also told you about him imprinting on you?”
I nodded 
“And he told me you have not found an imprint yet which is a relief, I don't think I would be ready to see you with someone yet, your just a little boy”
I ruffle his hair and he just chuckled slightly 
“Im 14, almost 15, and I'm taller than you also”
I huffed at his response
“Well i'm older and more mature than you”
Paul came up to us,
“She's got you there dude”
I looked at Paul who winked at me and Oliver just groaned in disgust
“Can you not be like that in front of me”
“Hey! since I know about all of this, you will see more of me and Paul together”
He scoffed but then smiled 
“Whatever, at least you won't be alone that often now”
Paul wrapped an arm around me and looked down on me 
“She will never be alone”
My heart skipped a beat at his response
A/N: My third one-shot DONE. Anyways I will get to that extended version of that Felix drabble/random idea/ im not sure what to call it, hopefully I will get it down in the next couple of days. Plus I will work on another moodboard since its been a while.
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fuckmeyer · 9 months
Eleazar says Bella's "purely mental" shield is "easy to classify." except several pages before being labeled a shield, Raviolomew is using her psychic gift on Bella to project a thought. 3 pages after being labeled a shield, Bella is blocking Kate's electric eel skin. did a sINGLE EDITOR WORK ON BREAKING DAWN????
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
You Know Each Other? - Paul Lahote
Paul x Fem!reader
Emmet x friend reader
Warnings: Jealously?
Word count: 934
Summary: Paul getting extremely protective over his imprint the reader. When they meet up with the Cullens and it turns out Y/n and Emmet know eachother and are really close friends.
Arthors Note: I like putting Paul with a strong reader cause I think his imprint would have to be very strong and opinionated to be able to put up with him. Everyone puts him with these shy little wallflowers and I get that it's cute and he’d be protective and sweet but no one puts him with someone who would challenge him on occasions.
Twilight Masterlist
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“That last name sounds familiar.” Y/n wondered out loud as they were talking about their plans for tomorrow. The last name sounded familiar but she couldn’t place it.
“Cullen?” Paul questioned confused on how she would know that name. She hadn’t been in Forks long enough.
Y/n nodded. “Yeah. But I can’t place where from.”
“Hmmm.” Paul hummed but Y/n could tell what he was thinking.
“No, Paul.” Y/n turned her head to him as he readjusted himself on their couch.
“What?” Paul said playing innocent but he knew she knew.
“I know that look.” Y/n stated poking Paul in the chest.
“What look? I’m not doing a look.” Paul raised his hands up in mock surrender.
“Yes, you are and I’m going.” Y/n nodded and gave him a strict look with her eyes. She was going whether he liked it or not.
“Sometimes I hate how well you know me.” Paul growled out frustrated but he knew there was no stopping her.
^ ^ ^
“Just stay close to me. Please.” Paul pleaded to Y/n as they pulled up to the clearing where the pack and the Cullens were meeting up. Just to update each other on things and hang out, have some fun. Ever since they had to team up together things had been good between the two groups.
“I’ll do what I want when I want. You don’t own me.” Y/n turned to look at him as she spoke. “I love that you're protective of me but they're not going to hurt me so, chill. Please.”
“You’re lucky your my imprint.” he grumbled pulling her into his chest and kissing her. Not many people could talk to him like that and live.
“An that you love me.” Y/n smiled up at him goofy.
“Yeah, that too.” Paul nodded mirroring her smile before they kissed again.
“y/n?” Someone said and Y/n pulled away from Paul who had decided to tickle her upon hearing her name. Even the voice sounded familiar.
“Emmett?” Y/n looked over shocked to see him there.
“Well holy shit girl!” Emmett ran towards her and Y/n meet him in the middle. He picked her up in a big tight hug, spinning her around. Y/n could see Rosalie smiling over at them.
“Long time no see Em!” Y/n laughed happily, hugging him back tight as well.
“How’ve you been girly?” Emmett asked as he put her down with a smile on his face. It had been a year or two since they had seen each other.
“I’ve been great. What about you? If I knew you were one of the Cullen’s in town I would’ve tried to contact you earlier.” Y/n answered nodding, it was great getting to see him again. Y/n had met all the Cullen’s a few years back. She knew what they were and didn’t care, she had missed them. At least now she knew some people in town.
Y/n had met Paul out of Forks and came back with him to visit and so he could explain the imprint thing better. So she didn’t really know anyone in the town she had pretty much moved into.
“Been awesome and don’t worry about it. But hey do you live in town now?” he asked smiling, Emmett couldn’t help it he missed the girl he thought of as a sister.
Y/n nodded. “Yeah, now I do. I’m Lahote’s imprint.”
“Pauls imprint?” Emmett raised his eyebrows in shock.
“Yeah, that's right.” Paul said gruffly as he approached the two. It was no secret how Paul Emmett didn’t get along. An now his imprint seemed to be good friends with his enemy.
Y/n smacked Paul's shoulder. “Cool it.”
“Nah, he’s ok Y/n/n. Just protecting his girl. Even though I’m no threat.” Emmett shrugged off Paul's aggressive nature. He’d do the same thing. Whether it was Rosalie or even Y/n.
“Hmmm.” Paul hummed with a scowl on his face.
“We’re good friends Paul. Emmett’s like a brother to me.” Y/n stated with an eye roll directed to her boyfriend.
“Yeah, man. She’s like a little sister to me. I will tell you though, your a lucky man to have her.” Emmett said, it was honestly a compliment towards Paul but even Emmett had the sense to know Paul probably wouldn’t take it as one.
“Oh, he knows.” Y/n smiled over in Paul's direction next to her. She was joking but Paul knew it was true.
Emmett laughed. “I’m sure he does. But if you ever hurt her I will come after you. Got it?”
To say Paul was shocked, about multiple things would be an understatement. But he nodded to the vampires’ statement. “Yeah.”
With that Emmett left the new couple be and headed back over to Rosalie and Alice.
Y/n turned to face Paul, stepping closer to him. “I’m yours you can cool the hostility.”
Paul looked at her and sighed shaking his head. “I’m sorry.”
“I get your mortal enemies or whatever but he’s one of my bestest most close friends. Can you please just try? For me?” Y/n asked giving him her best puppy dog eyes she could.
Paul rolled his eyes but nodded none the less. He’d do anything for her, even try and be friends or at least sivial with Emmett Cullen. “For you.”
Y/n smiled placing her hands on his shoulder, using them as leverage to lean up and kiss him. She was truly grateful that he would try for her.
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nivtee · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ COUCH. sam uley
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sam uley x gn!reader
fluff ! slight angst !
sam uley may not want you as his imprint, but you sure as hell want him
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the words had stung from the moment they left his lips.
it was almost like your lungs were filled with water, like you were drowning in shallow water that you couldn't pull yourself out of. nothing could have prepared you for the way the strings in your heart broke.
sam uley had pulled your heart out, placed it between his teeth and tore through it like a pomegranate.
he was panting, his shoulders lifting and dropping in the same pattern that you'd been infatuated with ever since you'd met, shoulders rolled back and eyes shut so tightly someone might have believed he was afraid.
"i see," you cleared your throat and shuffled slightly. "alright, sam, i'll leave."
you didn't give yourself another second to think, turning on your heel and swiftly making your way back towards the parked jeep at the top of the driveway. if he didn't want you here, you wouldn't be here.
staying away from sam was easy, considering he lived on the reserve and you were on the other side of the town. seeing as how he was the alpha of his pack, you knew his boys would follow his orders.
and so you hadn't expected any of them to show up to your door.
rubbing your forehead, you glanced between the two boys sitting on your couch and sipped at your coffee. your house was a mess, seeing as how you hadn't been expecting guests and you were currently sick with the flu.
blowing your nose into a tissue, you walked back into the loungeroom, taking a seat on the single couch and face the two boys. "sorry," you motioned to yourself, "i would have made myself more presentable but, as you can sick-"
"sam's a wreck." you blinked. "he won't sleep and when he does he wakes up, screams a bit and goes back to sleep. he doesn't eat, fuck, he's a husk." jared cameron may not have been a friend to you but he was a friend to same. your sam.
"im not asking you and him to get together and have a kid or anything, just, sleep near him. on the couch even."
you sighed, "even if it did help, he wouldn't let anywhere near him." you pointed out. paul, who'd been mostly silent, smirked and stood up.
"leave it to me, princess."
despite the fact that you did not like being called princess by paul lahote, you found yourself standing outside the small cabin just after a month of avoiding it. you found yourself trapped between the air of the house and the boys, both ushering you towards the house.
pushing open the door, you took note of the couch that had been pushed against the wall, with blankets and pillows draped over it. you knew that on the other side of the wall was sam's bedroom, not that you'd ever been in it.
you and sam had met only recently, and you had just simply been friends until he started getting somewhat handsy, and you didn't mind, you encouraged him.
and then he had told you about werewolves, vampires, the lot. you may have freaked out a bit, but you'd eventually placed your hand on his leg, and told him that it was okay, that you were still there.
he'd looked into your eyes and time had stopped. for you at least, he was the only thing that you could see, behind him blurring into a flurry of colours and sparks, your fingers feeling as though they were threaded with his skin and your feet no longer touching the floor.
then, he'd torn himself away from you and screamed for you to leave. you'd obeyed, and now you were back. and now you stood in the middle of the slightly run down shack, annoyed at the tug on your heart and frustrated with the boys.
putting yourself onto the couch, the boys promised they'd wake you up before sam saw you, and as much as you trusted them, it didn't stop you from staying awake all night.
that was how your nights went, sleeping on a couch in the room beside sam, getting around four hours of sleep and then being shaken awake so paul or jared could drive you to your workplace, promising to pick her up later that night.
you hadn't heard from sam, but the boys had told you he felt better, he was waking up and going on patrols. they said he was gradually getting better, and they thanked you over and over.
you weren't sure how long you'd been keeping up this routine, at least two months, and somehow it had been kept from sam.
in reality, it had not been kept from sam. he knew exactly where you laid at night, if the boys tried to hide your scent they were doing a horrible job. he could smell your perfume, the shampoo you used, he could see the rings you left in his bathroom and the shirt you'd accidently stolen, believing it was your own.
he would never tell you, he couldn't bring himself to look you in the eye again. he would continue to sit, lie awake at night and listen to your heart beat, your breathing, even your steps.
he knew he wasn't worthy of you, but he would be selfish.
and when you left in the morning, he would sink into the couch and get a final few minutes or rest for the night.
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battlescas · 3 months
Imagining the day Jacob confesses his love to Renesmee and she’s just like “tf you’re my uncle”
133 notes · View notes
atlas-of-a-human-soul · 8 months
Wildest dreams, pt. 28
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Summary: Paul's gone. While the search for him is ongoing, Y/N is back home, awaiting his return.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, talking about death, mental health issues and suicide
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Tucking her legs under her, Y/N stares out the window. It’s been unusually cold lately, the skies turning darker with each passing day. The clouds are getting lower, spreading among the trees surrounding her home. Whenever autumn comes knocking, Y/N welcomes the rainy days and moody weather with both arms. She didn’t detest the cold as she once did, because Paul would always hold her a little bit closer. He’d often kiss her until they both struggled to keep their hands to each other and she had to beg for mercy before they were both late for work. It’s not like he’d kiss her any less in the summer, it’s just that he’s aware his warmth in already warm days is harder for Y/N’s body to handle. It’s why he’d give her space from time to time. Y/N hated that. That’s why she’d turn down the AC to freezing cold temperatures all the time just so she could enjoy Paul’s cuddles more.
She misses his cuddles now.
It’s been five days since Paul went out of the Cullen’s house and shifted into a wolf. When he’d lose his temper, Paul would be back by nightfall and Y/N never needed to worry. This felt different. Jacob didn’t tell her much at first, trying to sugarcoat what they’d discovered, but she wasn’t letting up. She could never let up when Paul was involved.
“You need to hear it from him, not me,” Jacob sighs.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Y/N frowns deeply. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I know I feel that his heart is shattered and I -”, she pauses as a sob threatens to escape her. “I never feel his emotions unless they’re at an extreme and his pain is suffocating me right now.”
“It’s a deeply personal thing I can’t imagine Paul would want you to talk to us about.”
Chuckling dryly, she points a finger at Jacob’s chest. “You have no idea what he or I would want. You weren’t here when we were building this relationship from the ground up! You weren’t here as we grew up and you sure as hell weren’t here when we learned each other’s hearts by heart! So don’t tell me what he would or wouldn’t want, because I know what he wants, and that is me! And if he is in this state because he believes he’s done something that will take me away from him, I need to know what the fuck it is so I can convince him it isn’t his fault and that–,“ belting over she lets a shuddered breath pass her lips. Clutching her chest, Y/N’s knees hit the ground with a loud sob echoing throughout the room. Jacob’s quick to wrap his arms around her, looking at Edward in distress.
“She’s overwhelmed”, Edward explains before glancing at Jasper, who seems devastated by the constant waves of pure anguish coming off of Y/N.
In the blink of an eye, Jasper is beside Y/N, his hand running up and down her back as she gasps for breath. All the pain and confusion coursing through her blood is nearly enough to make anyone insane. Even Jasper is barely holding it together as he takes some of her pain, replacing the tsunami of negative emotions with a sense of tranquility.
It doesn’t take long for Y/N’s breathing to return to normal, but her tears don’t dry. Jasper can manipulate her emotions, but he can’t trick her body into forgetting everything.
“Just tell me,” she pleads. “I need to know how to bring him back home.”
“He’s found out you’d possess a rare ability if you were to join our family,” Carlisle answers, and her eyes find him immediately. “One that the Volturi would never allow to exist. That means they’d kill you if you were to change.”
Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she furrows her eyebrows. “Then I won’t shift and it won’t be a problem.”
“Aro will know,” Alice chimes in. “He can read every thought anyone’s ever had just by touch. He’d find out about you. Even as a human, you’d be a threat. The potential you carry is enough for him to act.”
Letting out a heavy breath, Y/N shakes her head. “How do you even know I might have this power?”
“We asked a member of our extended family to visit,” Alice replies. “We didn’t want to take risks when it came to you. A Quileute imprint.”
“And if you didn’t? If he never told you what potential I carry? If we never even mentioned the possibility of me being part of your family?”
“You’d have never gone through what Paul saw the day he imprinted on you.”
“A self-actualizing prophesy,” Y/N nods. “Is it really as bad as it seems?” Y/N asks Alice. “Paul has always seemed traumatized by it, but he’s my imprint. Is it really a horrid way to die?”
For the first time, Y/N noticed emotions in the Cullens. The Cullens' stony faces are difficult to read by humans, but Y/N can no longer ignore the emotions she notices in them. It’s on all their faces–compassion and pity most of all.
“Okay then”, Y/N forces a small smile as she uses Jacob’s shoulders to help herself stand. Jasper doesn’t hesitate, holding her up as she stumbles during her attempt.
“We need to find my fiancé,” Y/N purses her lips. “Jacob,” she sighs. “Please find him and bring him back to me.”
“I will do my best,” he promises. “But it’s not easy when we get into this headspace. It once took me an entire summer to return to my human form.”
Nodding, she swallows thickly. “Tell him I need him. Tell him I love him and I don’t care about anything other than spending the rest of my life with him. I want to get married and I want us to live every single day to the fullest.”
“I’ll gather the rest of the pack still willing to shift,” Jacob pecks her forehead. “We can cover more ground and drag him back if necessary.”
As Jacob walks toward the door, he’s stopped as her fingers coil around his pinky finger–the only part of him she could reach as he all but ran to fulfill his promise.
“Don’t let him see me breaking down. He can’t ever know.”
Ever since, Y/N waited for her soulmate to return to her. Embry, Quill, and Seth joined Jacob in their search the very first night. Sam and his eldest son waited for Leah and her husband, Owen, to come from Port Angeles before joining the very next day.
Emily would visit with her youngest every morning. Y/N’d have her dad over for lunch, but it didn’t help distract her as much. The greatest thing Sam has ever done for her was give her and Paul his blessing to clue her father in. She didn’t tell him she was marked for certain death. It would kill him to know, but he knows enough to be aware her life is in danger. She told him Paul’s off with the pack trying to hunt down a rogue cold one, protecting the tribe. Kim and Jared would come over every other night for dinner. Y/N imagines it’s because they feel guilty about Jared’s lack of involvement in the search for Paul. He’s not shifted in so long, the human part of him is much stronger than the wolf. Y/N supposes they didn’t want to halt his aging now when they finally seem to look the same age. She can’t take it to heart. Perhaps she’d hate if Paul shifted after a decade too.
Claire and her wife visited on the second day. She’s never been too close to Claire as she and Andrea live far, about a five-hour drive in one direction. They mostly see each other for holidays, but Y/N appreciated her visiting very much. Catching up with them put her mind at ease for a few hours, long enough to maintain some semblance of sanity.
Renesmee showed up with Bella for a few hours on the third day, bringing loads of chocolates Edward knew Y/N liked. Apparently, he’s joined the search earlier that day with Emmett and Rosalie.
The only ones who never left her home were Daisy and Jasper. It would likely drive Embry crazy if he knew his imprint had been sitting beside a vampire this entire time, especially when that vampire was Jasper. He’s apparently less stable with his diet compared to others in his family, but Y/N likes it when he’s close by. If it weren’t for him micromanaging her emotions whenever they threatened to kill her, Y/N would have lost herself. Alice came and went, unable to handle the smell of wolves for too long. The smell of several wolves mixed together is much worse than Jacob's scent, she said.
“He’s going to come back”, Daisy hands her a cup of warm tea. It’s nothing compared to holding Paul’s hand, but if she closes her eyes for a few minutes, she can pretend he’s there, safe with her.
Daisy sits with her, feeling her loss. Embry’s never been away this long before. She can’t imagine how hard it must be for Y/N when she can’t even be sure Paul is alright when she can feel he’s in pain. At least Embry isn’t in danger and he isn’t heartbroken to the point of being stuck in his wolf form. He’ll definitely come back home. Paul might not. She doesn’t say that openly, but she carries that worry. Meeting Y/N was scary as hell, especially with how highly Embry used to talk about her. She knows they had a mutual crush on each other when they were younger, but it never seemed to work for them. Embry told her he didn’t want to mess up his friendship with Jacob, who was evidently in love with Y/N, but he also didn’t want to risk losing Y/N as a friend. It was easier to admire her from a distance.
It’s not like Daisy is insecure about her relationship with Embry now, but before she knew what imprinting was, it did cross her mind that Y/N might be competition. She only found out about imprints when Embry spilled the beans about Paul imprinting on Y/N when she first came back to town. He wasn’t aware she was close enough to hear him and the way he mocked Paul for it, but she heard it. It wasn’t hard making the connection about their own situation. Smiling, she remembers how stupid his face looked when she called him her imprint in bed that night. He nearly choked on his own saliva before she kissed him harder than ever before. She wishes he was with her to kiss him harder than that. Jared didn’t shift and leave Kim, so why did Embry? Shaking her head, she puts those thoughts away. Y/N is a close friend, possibly her closest friend, and she’s definitely Embry’s favorite person aside from herself. This is a small sacrifice for someone they both care about.
Jasper watches the two girls from the couch. He can sense the quickly shifting emotions in Daisy every day, but none of them are malicious. It’s evident she simply misses her husband. Y/N is a hurricane compared to Daisy. She’s impossible to predict and the devastation her emotions can cause is incredibly difficult to contain. He’s never truly delved much into imprint connections, perhaps because Jacob and Renesmee had a simple relationship. Renesmee didn’t pay him much attention until she ended things with her high school boyfriend. After graduation, that’s when she decided she wanted him…selfishly so. She never quite unlatched from him. Renesmee was more or less obsessed with him, jealous of Y/N’s friendship with him, but she was never in any pain regarding Jacob. As for the wolf side of the relationship, Jacob just wanted to protect her and make her happy. He didn’t necessarily love her the way Renesmee loved him, but he wouldn’t ever break her heart, even though his own wasn’t whole. Jasper always knew Jacob loved someone else and despite the imprinting tying him to his niece, Jacob never forgot the one he wanted truly. Seeing Jacob and Y/N in the same room revealed everything to him — he wanted what he could never have. And now he’s off, making sure Y/N can have some form of a happy ending as if she won’t die soon.
Never before did Jasper care much about humans, knowing they’re around only for a brief part of his immortal life. Very few did he care to befriend and, for some reason, Y/N felt like a person he wanted to be around. She didn’t make him thirsty, it’s her heart that speaks to him. So many people walk around hiding their true feelings, but she feels everything so clearly and she refuses to pretend otherwise. It’s rare to find someone like that. He has observed her mainly depressed in the time he's known her, but he wonders about the potential of being around her when she's truly happy.? He could get drunk on candid joyfulness Y/N is capable of feeling. Perhaps he’s going to be invited to the wedding when Paul returns. She’ll certainly be cheerful on that day and he has to know the other side of this despair. He can't believe that he cannot replace this pit of aching with ecstasy and serenity.
Alice finds him unreasonable for staying with Y/N inside the house she shares with Paul, but he can’t bring himself to leave yet. Not before she’s reunited with her fiancé. Leaving now is like playing with destiny. She deserves the relief he’s cautiously giving her, making sure she can feel her emotions without allowing them to cross the borders of what she can safely handle. Y/N needs him, even if others do not agree. Until Paul walks over the threshold of this house, Jasper will not leave. Y/N doesn’t demand it either. He can feel she’s grateful for his presence, for taking the edge off the very sharp knife her emotions tend to become.
So he stays, watching over the girls as the lighting tears apart the sky.
“What would happen if I were to join your family and Aro was,” Y/N pauses as she turns to look at Jasper, who seemed rather surprised she was talking about it. “Well, if he was eliminated, would it really be such a problem for me? For your family?”
Staring at Jasper, Y/N watches as his lips spread in a thin line and then into a genuine smile. She’s definitely gone mad. “You’d want to take on the Volturi?”
“I want to take on Aro,” she corrects. “If he was alone, he’d be easier to eliminate.”
“To kill, you mean,” Jasper states.
Shaking her head, she places the empty teacup down. “I understand the chances of it are minimal, but say I accept to be one of you and I get this magical power of making vampires human… Can’t I make him human?”
“Would he, like, just become a vampire again?” Daisy asks.
Jasper rubs his chin. The more time he spends around her, Y/N swears he does these little gestures for her benefit, something to take away from the ungodly beauty he possesses, to make him seem more human.
It's impossible to turn them into vampires after they have been cured. However, the rest of them would know. The entire army would be ready to dismember us to get to you.”
“Not if he disappears,” Y/N tries. “We could hold him hostage until he dies a human death.”
“That’s dark”, Daisy notes.
“It’s nothing compared to what he’s been doing for much longer than you’ve been alive,” Jasper argues. “He deserves far worse.”
“Could it work?” Y/N asks as Jasper’s phone lights up. “Alice?” The hope in her voice is so easily detectable that it makes Jasper almost frown when he sees it’s a message from Edward.
We found Paul.
“No. Edward says they found Paul.”
“Are they coming home?” Y/N jumps, running toward Jasper. “Call him, call him!”
Smiling as her hope brings alive the butterflies in his stomach, Jasper dials his brother immediately.
“Kind of hard to talk now”, Edward grunts as a loud growl sounds.
“I’m with Y/N. You’re on speaker.”
“Where is he”, Y/N grabs Jasper’s wrist, bringing her lips closer to the phone. “Is he okay?”
“Canada”, Edward sighs as the growling grows louder.
“Is that him?!” she exclaims. “Paul Lahote, you stop that right now!”
On command, the growls turn into whimpers and she can’t help the way her chin trembles with the pained sound leaving her fiancé.
“Come home,” she says softly. “I know you believe you put me in this situation, but that’s not true.” Sniffling, she pauses as if to wonder if saying it in front of everyone is unwise. It doesn’t take long for her to decide, choosing to prioritize Paul over her vulnerability. “If you and I never fell in love, I’d have been dead a long time ago. Paul, I came back home for a few months to tie up loose ends.”
Glancing at Daisy who stood by her, Y/N swallows thickly. “I was struggling with anxiety and depression. And I didn’t feel like I had anyone in this world other than my dad. I just…I was in therapy, but it didn’t really feel like it was working. The meds never really helped either. I was just so…so lonely.”
“Y/N”, Daisy rests a hand on her shoulder as a show of support.
“I was planning on taking my life and then you showed up in that forest with your stupid smile and gorgeous eyes and suddenly I had one more mystery to solve.” Smiling meekly, Y/N sighs. “Before long, I was falling in love with you and my friends returned to me and in that time, I started falling in love with life again. You saved my life, Paul Lahote, and I hate how cheesy that sounds, but you did. And whatever time I got now is still a lot longer than it would have been if we never met.”
Biting her lower lip, she closes her eyes. “You made me happier than I believed was possible. I love you and I want to marry you. I want to marry you and become your wife as we planned. Come back to me so we can enjoy this time we have left.”
“I will.”
She recognizes Paul’s voice immediately.
“I’ll be home soon. We’ll do whatever you want.” His voice is shaky, imbued with heavy emotions he’s attempting to keep under control.
Smiling, she nods. “A beach wedding would have been great, but the weather might not agree.”
“I’ll make sure it agrees,” Paul sniffles.
“Where we had our first date?”
“Sounds perfect!”
Neither spoke for a few moments. Each breath seems to hang in the air, heavy with unspoken thoughts. It’s the kind of silence that carries weight, a palpable tension that both parties are acutely aware of but hesitate to break. Y/N inhales sharply as Paul breaks the silence.
“I love you too.”
“I know”, she replies quietly.
“With all my heart.”
“I believe you.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Paul promises.
Nodding, she holds her breath as tears rush to her eyes. She can’t let Paul hear her crying. He’s carrying far too much guilt already and her tears shouldn’t be part of the load. Swallowing the growing lump at the back of her throat, she replies sweetly, her tone laced with all the love she wants to give him.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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Part 29
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elissanatok · 1 year
﹒•˒⟿⭒「﹒•𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙚 ❞」ʿʿ ⟿☼
↳🪶💌⭒˞˔˙ː❛ -„𝖧𝗂𝗌 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖨 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾. 𝖫𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖽𝗂𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾."✹⋮
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summary: In which the middle child of the clearwater family suddenly gets pulled out of her peacefull and secure lifestyle, just to enter a world of shifters, vampires and love triangles.
◌༄۵ ! 𝔧𝔞𝔠𝔬𝔟 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 !
! 𝖳𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 !
I hope you enjoy reading my story! Show me you're here, write a comment, vote, make a girl happy ;)<3
englisch is not my first language, please feel free to kindly point out the mistakes that are possibly made
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
﹒•˒⟿⭒「﹒• 𝗋 𝖺 𝗂 𝗇  ❞」ʿʿ ⟿☼
there was not much one could wear at the reservation. half of the people ran around like it was august all year long, but not Olivia. she put on a pair of socks, a pair of fluffy socks and her boots. her thick coat almost hid her completely as she stepped down her porch. mutt was making a squeaking sound under her shoes, the brown liquid spraying against her jeans, as she walked to her jeep. the tiny yellow car being her only way into town.
she wanted to get a book, nothing else.
she did not expect to be thrown to the ground by the most fragile force that could have ever run into her. she looked up into brown eyes. the girl's hand being stuffed in thick gloves reached out to her. "g-god I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to." Olivia nodded. her bum was wet and her hands were red and itchy from the ground, but she forced a light smile. "It's alright. don't worry. could have happened to me too." she tried stepping around the brunette and into the store, stuffing her hands back into her coat. the girl stepped aside, smiling uncomfortably and left a second later.
"bella!", she had heard a familiar voice call, but didn't bother turning around and taking a look. she wasn't bella and she had hurt herself enough already.
the rain fell harshly against the windows of the bookstore, then the window of her car, and the windows of her bedroom. it had been raining for a few days now, which annoyed her just a little bit. spending hours in her bed reading and watching movies was something she loved. but she hated going to school during the rain, because when she went in and when she stepped out, she would get wet, and being wet was something entirely different than watching the rain through her window.
a knock on her door made her look up from her novel. she smiled when she saw the brown hair of her brother, but rolled her eyes when she saw the second one. paul grinned. he was content in her room. it smelled of lavender and honey and her. "what do you want?", she asked and sat up slightly. seth let himself fall on her bed, while the older boy sat down in her chair. he inhaled the air carefully. honey, lavender and something he really, really did not like. he threw a nasty look at her coat, which was hanging around the wooden chair.
"we wanted to know if you would like to eat at sams today. emily asked about you, you know", paul told her, while watching her intently. she had not been at sams for a few years now. not since he had broken up with her sister. she liked emily, she loved her, she was her cousin, but that did not change the sour taste in her mouth whenever they talked about her. "Not today. tell her thanks tho please.", she smiled slightly, looking down at her book again.
paul exhaled a loud breath. he had already expected her answer. "you know, she and leah talked. they're on good terms now.", he told her, while seth threw her and annoyed look. she shook her head. she had to talk to leah first, after that she could decide if she would allow herself back there.
"okay. bye olli.", he called, as he jumped from her chair and jogged out of her room with her brother hot on his heels. she shook her head. she had just as much energy as they had in their little toes.
the day went by slow, even slower than usual. the tv had the nerve to stop working and olivia's mother was starting to get annoyed with everything around her. her job, her house, the dishes, the tv and her children. Olli didn't really blame herself, she had spent the whole day in her room, and was sure that she could not have possibly annoyed anyone.
Oh how wrong she was. her sister could get annoyed by anything. anything. and she truly loved her younger sister, but the fact that Sam and her whole pack had confronted her about her sister's absence, and asked her to talk to her, definitely ruined her mood. she felt like it was her fault that they had to miss her, pulling Olivia on her side after the breakup and away from emily. not like she was that close to anybody in the pack except her cousin. when Olli thought about them, she could only remember a few faces, a few names here and there, but she didn't miss anybody.
so when Leah stormed straight towards her the second she came home, she didn't really see the problem. yes, Leah was probably right. she should come to see Emily the next time she had the chance, but when she heard that everybody had been missing her, she got confused. "everybody? Sam?", Leah nodded her head. "Yeah, Sam. Paul's also a pain in my ass." Olivia rolled her eyes at that. "yeah I will come. Alright?"
she didn't feel excited about visiting them. not at all.
she didn't even know who them really were. she knew that her siblings and a few other teens hung around them a lot, she didn't understand why. she knew that seth never brought anybody home except Paul, and her sister was always careful with throwing names around, but she ignored it, trying to be happy for her siblings after all they had been through. she just wished she could be a little bit more like them.
let me know what you think!! reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback are highly appreciated <33
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agent-grey-fics · 2 months
Who we are | Paul Lahote | Part 5
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Paired: Paul Lahote x reader Wordcount: 1300 Summary: Paul and y/n attend a wedding of Paul's ex, and feelings of jealousy surface
Writers note: Here is part 5 of 'who we are', Previous parts: part 1 | part 2 | Part 3 | part 4
Part 6 coming soon.
Three months later
You and Paul tried to spend some time together, tried being friends again. It was awkward in the beginning but it became easier over time. Today, however, was a strange day. You were invited to the wedding of Jake's sister, Rachel who was also Paul's ex. You didn't quite know how to act, you were so uncomfortable with the situation. You knew that the universe assigned Paul to you, you belonged together but somehow being at Rachel’s wedding made you insecure. You knew their history, he loved her at one point and he only came to you because of a supernatural bond. It stung
The gentle sea breeze played with your hair as you took your seat, they had chosen a beachside wedding ceremony. The chairs were arranged in neat rows on the sandy aisle, and you found yourself guided by the pack to a seat next to Paul. As you sat side by side, the tension between you was palpable, an unspoken acknowledgement of what was going on.
Rachel, adorned in a stunning white gown, stood under the flower-adorned arbour with her brother Jacob. The ceremony was set against the backdrop of the setting sun, casting a warm glow over the beach. Your gaze involuntarily flickered towards Paul, his expression unreadable behind his sunglasses. The pack had strategically placed the two of you together, a subtle reminder of the complexities that lingered beneath the surface.
As Rachel exchanged vows with her new partner, Thomas, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over you. You couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy as you caught the fleeting glances exchanged between Paul and Rachel. The unspoken history between them lingered in the air, and you found yourself caught between the joy of Rachel's wedding and the jealousy burning inside your chest. The ceremony unfolded with the rhythmic crash of waves providing a natural soundtrack. Your attention alternated between the heartfelt vows and the subtle interplay of emotions between Paul and Rachel. You couldn't decipher the look they shared, but it left a knot of uncertainty in your stomach. You were jealous. You knew that they dated for a longue time but you never knew how things ended, you made a mental note to ask one of the boys if they knew what had happened. 
Once the vows were exchanged, applause erupted, and you joined in the celebration.  As the crowd dispersed for the reception, you found yourself standing up from your seat to join the festivities. Paul did the same. Before he had the chance to walk away you grabbed his hand. He looked down and softly squeezed you hand in a reassuring gesture as he took of his sunglasses to give you a wink. 
The beach reception was a lively affair, with laughter, music, and the scent of saltwater lingering in the air. The two of you observed Rachel and Thomas sharing their first dance, the couple seemingly lost in the magic of the moment. The pack surrounded them, creating a circle of joy.
Later in the evening, as the dance floor came alive, you found yourself face to face with Paul. The music played a melodic tune, and Paul extended his hand, inviting you to join him for a dance. Hesitant, you  accepted, and you swayed to the rhythm of the music. In the warmth of the night, with the moon casting its glow on the beach, you danced in a silence filled with unspoken words. As you moved together, you couldn't ignore the weight of the bond that connected you. The proximity brought a mix of comfort and uncertainty, and you finally broke the silence.
‘Paul, what does this all mean?’ you asked, voice barely audible over the music. Paul paused for a moment, his gaze meeting yours. ‘Y/n, I understand this is a lot to take in. It means whatever you want it to. If you want to go back to your old life, I would understand. The bond... it's not something everyone can handle.’ You didn’t respond immediately. ‘But everyone I know found a way to work their one out, I think we could to. I would do everything for you to see you happy.’ The sincerity in Paul's eyes struck a chord within you. The complexities of the supernatural world, the unspoken history with Rachel, and the undeniable connection with Paul left you feeling torn. For a moment, you considered the possibility of stepping away, of returning to a life untouched by the supernatural. You could go back to Phoenix, pretending that nothing ever happened. You felt a sting in your heart, you knew you couldn't leave him behind. ‘
Paul, still holding you in a gentle embrace, sensed your uncertainty. He stopped dancing, and he looked into your eyes, a mixture of understanding and sincerity in his gaze. ‘I would be anything you want me to be. I can give you some space if you want that.’ ‘Paul,’ youbegan, your voice soft yet filled with a myriad of emotions, ‘I want to be here, but I don't know how to navigate this. The imprint bond, your history with Rachel… It's a lot, and I'm not sure how to handle it all.’
Paul nodded, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. ‘I get it, Y/n but me and Rachel are history.’ You sighed. ‘Then what were those looks?’ He shrugged. 'We were together for a long time, but the moment I saw you after my first time shifting changed everything. She knew I couldn't stay away from you, that she didn't stand a chance.' A soft smile hung on his lips. ‘No one compares to you.’  He gently stroked your cheek. Your gaze met Paul's, searching for reassurance. ‘I want to stay,’ you confessed, ‘but I don't know what that means for us. How do we handle this imprint thing? We tried to be friends and we both know it only works for certain aspects.’ Paul sighed, a mix of contemplation and resignation in his expression.  ‘It's complicated. Imprinting is like a force pulling us together, and we can't just ignore it. But we also have a choice in how we navigate it.’
The weight of Paul's words settled in the night air, and you felt the gravity of the situation. ‘What do you want, Paul?’ you asked, eyes searching for clarity. Paul hesitated, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. ‘I want you to have a choice, Y/n. If staying means too much upheaval in your life, I'd understand. The imprint bond is strong, but it doesn't mean you're trapped. We can figure this out together.’ You sighed. ‘But what do you want?’ He shifted his gaze to you. ‘You, I want you.’
The sincerity in Paul's words resonated with you. The imprint bond was a force beyond your control, but it didn't erase your agency. The uncertainty lingered, but a glimmer of determination sparked within you. Deep down you knew you felt more than friendship for him, you had a connection. The flirting before was proof of it. You wanted to give this a chance. ‘I want to stay,’ you admitted, your voice firm. ‘I want to understand this world, our connection. But I need time, we need to take one step at a time Paul.’ A smile crept on his lips. He looked into your eyes, a gentle gaze full of love, and you could only stare back. 'We'll figure it out together, we have each other.' You nodded. 'Don't move.' He gently leaned forward, immensely slow afraid of scaring you away. 'Paul.' 'Shhh.' He placed his lips feather lightly on yours. When he leaned back again you followed him, not wanting the kiss to stop. He laughed softly and placed his hands on your cheeks. His lips found yours again, a little wilder than the kiss before. You were going to figure it out together.
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jogetsobsessed · 8 months
"So domestic" - Paul Lahote x reader
Here's a sweet little blurb full of fluff I wrote last night before I went to sleep!
Paul Lahote was madly in love with you. 
It was clear as day. 
Everyone could see it, people that you were just meeting for the first time and people that you had known your whole life. 
The imprint bond wasn't the only reason for his infatuation with you. 
Sure it was what originally drew him towards you, but every day since he has woken up more and more in love with you. 
He spent his time finding new things to love about you. 
The way that he looked at you oftentimes caused you to turn into a blushing mess. His hard exterior would melt away and his soft smile, which was reserved strictly for you would come out. 
No smugness or cockiness. Only pure love and admiration. 
Paul knew about your insecurities and tried his best to relieve them. 
If he caught you staring for yourself too long in the mirror, gawking at a particular spot for too long he would come up behind you and distract you with his touch. 
It was a simple gesture, and both of you knew that it was only a temporary fix to a lifelong problem. But it didn't matter, because Paul was going to be by your side for the rest of your natural life to provide the temporary fix that you needed. 
Rolling over you were met with a cold, empty space on the other side of the bed. It wasn't necessarily ideal, but that meant you wouldn't be going to sleep alone tonight. Early morning patrol meant no late-night patrol. 
Your motivation to get out of bed was nowhere to be found, normally Paul was the first one out of bed and pulled you with him. But this morning he wasn't here, so you took some time staring up at the skylight that was right above your bed. 
It was your favorite part of Paul’s house, the skylights in almost every room upstairs and the beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows in the master.
The windows did not compare to the Cullen’s house by any means, but it was satisfactory. The bed was positioned to be under the skylight, it looked a little out of place when you walked in the room, but it didn't matter to either of you. 
Because the nights spent together, tangled beneath the sheets being able to stare up and gaze at the stars before you closed your eyes each night was the recipe for a perfect night's sleep. 
Eventually, you found the strength to get up, groaning as you sat up. Going through the motions of essentially waking the house up for the day. Making the bed and opening the blinds. 
Putting the dishes away you couldn't help but laugh. This was so domestic of you. Having just graduated high school less than a year ago you were performing housewife duties. 
You had a job, but it was just working with Emily at the small grocery store she and Sam owned. Everyone that you had gone to school with was off partying at college and waking up still drunk from the night before. But not you. 
That had been your plan at first, freshman year you couldn't wait for that freedom that a high school diploma offered. But that childish dream didn't last long. Because the summer before your sophomore year after getting your first-ever job at the grocery stand on the reservation you met a certain someone who changed the course of your life. 
So lost in your thoughts you don't notice the front door open and close and your boyfriend sneaks up behind you. 
His unnaturally warm hands brought you back to reality and you almost purred at the sudden warmth. 
“Sorry for leaving without telling you, I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful”, Paul reached around to pick up the glasses you had been drying off. He whisked around you, placing the cups on the shelf that he knew was just slightly out of your reach. The rest of the dishes were put away in silence, but it wasn't awkward, it was sweet. 
You finished with your stack before Paul finished with his because he was taking the time to organize your cups because he thought they were in disarray. 
That was something you loved about him. 
Paul wanted everyone to believe that he was the definition of masculinity. That he didn't care about certain things that might have been viewed or associated with femininity at any point. 
It was partially the way he was raised. He and his brothers were raised by a single father. The house he grew up in lacked a certain feminine touch a mother could provide. 
So when Paul grew up and got his own house and eventually moved you in he was fascinated with how you kept the house. 
It had taken some getting used to. Neither of you had ever lived with a partner before and it was Paul’s house that he had bought and insisted you move in with him the day you turned eighteen. It might have been his house but you felt like you had to house-train him. 
After some time he figured out that you liked organization, something that had never been important to him. 
So he took it upon himself to actively change his ways, eventually becoming overly insistent on the ways things were in the house. 
You watched as he moved cups over slightly, making sure that they were all spaced apart to his definition of perfection. 
This was a moment where you wish the rest of the pack was around, so they could see this side of Paul and not only the asshole-ish side of him that they normally got. But you would dare to bring it up to any of them, not even Emily for the sake of saving Paul the embarrassment. 
Finally, he was done, a satisfied sigh left his lips, his hands on his hips as he looked happily at the dang cups. 
The small chortled laugh that left your lips had Paul whipping around like a deer caught in headlights, which only had you laughing harder. 
Paul crossed the kitchen coming right up to you, his arms finding their way around your waist again, only this time he hoisted you up spinning you around while he matched your laughter. 
“ I love you so much Y/N”. 
Once your feet were on solid ground you pulled him in for a sweet kiss, knowing that this was going to work Paul up since he loved when you initiated any kind of romance. 
Before he could deepen it you slipped out of his hold laughing once again, but this time at his frustrated scoff. 
“You love it when I tease you”
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dameare · 8 months
Better Than Morphine | Oneshot
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Word count: 1,596
Summary: “I don’t think I’m the dumbass here.” He finally says. “If anything, you are the dumbass for almost getting yourself killed out there.”
Notes: This one doesn't make sense. It's sooo self-indulgent, please don't bring this up EVER. If you know me, it's all a lie and you actually don't. I had the clever idea of writing this because of That One Twilight Frame where Jacob was all sweaty and weak and aww-able and all I wanted to do was hug him!! Like God, IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!! I SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE!!!
Anyway, as to not embarrass myself even further...
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She flinches and looks at Billy, who only gives her a nod of encouragement. She feels a tinge of hesitation deep in her bones, prickling at the skin right above it, but she pushes the door open anyway.
She isn't really expecting anything. She's known Jacob her entire life, of course. She's seen him at his excruciatingly worst, and his timeless best.
But really, Jacob has never really failed to surprise her either. Not even once. And she's still very much surprised to see Jacob on the bed even though she'd already expected to see him there.
This time however, she isn't particularly pleased. Jacob's here, lying on his back with almost his entire left shoulder wrapped in a long strip of bandage, trailing towards his abdomen, where it looks like it had been to hell and back. His face is calm, and he doesn't say anything, but somehow she's sure that under that stern coolness - under where no-one else is allowed to unravel but her - he's in pain. And pain that, no matter how hard he tries to hide, still manifests through his locked jaw and his otherwise beautiful russet skin that's now dotted with grime and sweat. His eyes look sunken, and they seem to have forgotten the deep intensity they once held. He's not very good at hiding his pain, she notices, but she's glad that's the case.
It takes everything in her not to look away. Perhaps she'd been too stupid to think that he wouldn't actually follow her, and even more stupid to think that she wasn't in any kind of danger especially after the incident in Alaska.
The dark, empty hallway. The vampire's crimson eyes glistening with murderous intent. His razor sharp fangs that were only inches away from burrowing itself into the pale skin of her neck. Then, Jacob in his wolf form, springing out of the blue with animalistic rage, rapidly wedging himself in between the cold one and Y/N...
She winces at the remembered feeling. But as hard as it is to look at him or think about how it's entirely her fault that he's hurting, her only place of solace is still him, and she's glad he's okay.
"Hey there, dumbass," Y/N mutters sheepishly.
Jacob doesn't say anything at first. He kinda just stares at her for a long moment, the silence hanging over the room like a promise long maintained. Then he sort of smiles that smug smile of his, and Y/N doesn't know whether or not to feel happy.
"I don't think I'm the dumbass here." He finally says. "If anything, you're the dumbass for almost getting yourself killed out there."
"I know, I know," she sighs, coming over to the bed and sitting on the empty spot next to him. She's probably never going to hear the end of this; in fact, this is definitely going to be at the top of the list of Stupid Things Y/N Has Done that Jacob can bring up during arguments. "I'm really sorry, Jake."
He waves his right hand, allowing it. "I know you are."
"But still, you shouldn't have followed me. I mean, I told you not to follow me, didn't I?" She reminds him. "Now you're hurt. You're hurt because of me."
"I am. It hurts so much," Jacob says. "But you know what would hurt more?" he covers her hand with his. It's rough, but warm regardless, and familiar. For a split second, his smug smile disappears and his eyes darken. "That if I had spared even a single moment second-guessing my decision... that if I hadn't followed you, I would've spent my entire life full of regrets because I could've done something. And you know what? I'm fucking glad I got hurt, if that means I get to spend more time with you."
Y/N laughs at the sappiness, or she tries to, only for it to devolve into an uncharacteristic fit of tears (God she hates it whenever that happens), and Jacob just reassuringly squeezes her hand through it, his eyes warming up with concern.
"Hey, hey," Jacob says hurriedly. "It's okay, it's not like I'm dying or anything. Besides, I don't blame you completely-"
"It's not that, Jake," she says. "It's just... I just really love you, you know?"
He looks at her face and doesn't say anything, and Y/N briefly wonders if it's the right thing to say after all, or maybe he just doesn't feel the same way anymore after she so cleverly left Forks without saying anything. But then he smiles mockingly, and all her worries suddenly ease up. "Of course I love you too, Y/N. If I didn't, do you think I would've done what I did?"
"I guess not," she smiles sadly, and instinctively tries to unlatch her hand from his so that she could wipe her tears, but her efforts are made futile when he pulls her instead. "Jacob-" she starts, but it only takes one shush from him for Y/N to quickly oblige.
There's a long silence. How long - she has no way to tell. Not with Jacob staring at her like that, no. He brings a hand up to her face and wipes the tears away with his warm thumb, then holds her face by the chin like he always does when he wants her attention all to himself, or when he wants to drive her crazy. "My little moon," he says softly, and she holds her breath, trying to hide the stupid fluttery feeling in her chest. God, she's so full of longing, he has no idea. In a daze, and perhaps against better judgment, she shuffles a few inches closer. His face is so close, she could feel his hot breath against her face...
What happens next is a simple mistake, in Y/N's defense. She didn't mean for her eyes to dart dreamily towards his lips, but they did, to her horrible realisation, and he saw, because now his lips are turned up into a cocky half-smile. "Hey, I'm afraid we don't want any more accidents," he teases.
"Yeah?" She challenges, and something washes over her - maybe it's the yearning, the nights she'd uselessly spent alone in Alaska wishing he was there to warm her up; or maybe it's the elation at finally touching the bareness of his skin, slick with sweat - at finally being able to see and talk to him and not the imagined Jacob of her fantasies back in Alaska. He's there, actually there, and she feels dumb for having such a late reaction but God, she's just so happy and so so close to his face that his warm breath is mixing with hers and, what is there to lose?
So she kisses him; at first he doesn't move at all. She's not even sure he's breathing, but her head's swimming and she could almost cry from the longing that she doesn't think to stop. Y/N shoves a hand through his hair, stopping only to cup the back of his head while the other brushes ever so softly over the rise of his cheekbone. Her breath hitches in her throat when his lips press back into the kiss, burning her. She sighs, weak, and Jacob takes this opportunity to open her mouth with his tongue. He tastes sweet, she thinks, and his tongue is slick and hot and she doesn't want it to stop ever, not when she feels like she's on top of the world, and certainly not when she's still aching for him.
Then, whatever washed over her somehow stops and her senses come crawling back. Y/N pulls back suddenly, stares at Jacob for one harrowing second. He stares back, smirking, dazed and amused.
"I – um," Y/N brushes a finger over her lips. "I didn't mean to."
"Y/N, God," Jacob says, his breath ragged. "You have no idea how much I've been waiting for that." And then he dives back in, to her pleasant surprise, and mutters her name like a sacred prayer. It's gentler this time, like she's too precious and he's too afraid to hurt her; he takes little breaks - too little, in fact, for it to even count as a break - where he just gently pecks at her lips, until her lower lip catches in his and he takes his chance to nibble at it softly. Then he's kissing her properly again, and she hums, relieved, eyes closing and hand rubbing the back of his head.
Her lips are red and throbbing by the time they pause and, with fatigue oddly catching up, she curls up to him for warmth. She doesn't mind that he's sweaty, that's the least of her worries, and that didn't even occur to her because she's too busy catching her breath. "Did I hurt you?" She asks softly, if not a little broken. 
Jacob chuckles and gives her head a brief kiss. "Sweetheart, I'd take this over morphine, trust me."
She laughs a bit, and she listens to his chest calm down, moving up and down slowly; she does this for what feels like an eternity before everything dims down and she falls asleep.
"Sleep tight, my little moon."
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Enchanted to meet you (Paul Lahote X OC)
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“Shhh.” Amelia shushed her little sister Evelyn as she tip-toed down the staircase leading to the foyer. Both girls stopped before the last step, hiding behind the wall which separated them from their expected guest—well their parents expected guests.
Amelia and Evelyn were the two daughters of head of the north American coven. Well, their mother was head of the coven, their father was Fae; a simple mythical creature known mainly for their connection with nature and healing magic. It was common for Fae and witches to mingle amongst one another, as witches channeled the powers of nature for their spells and potions; much like the Fae. Procreation between the two species was a special rarity, most Fae never made romantic or sexual connections as there was no real need. You see, Fae is not made through conventional means.
If you’ve ever been out in nature, in a secluded spot where it almost seems untouched by humanity, you feel the sudden sense of calmness rushing over you. The sun seems to illuminate the world around you in a blanket of warmth and bliss, and it feels as if in that moment everything is perfect; that means a Fae was probably just born near you. The Fae believes that mother nature carefully crafts each and every Fae, their bodies created from the earth itself, and then she releases them to live their lives and protect her earth. Other species have different theories on how the Fae came to be, but no one can say with complete certainty.
This seeming species wide asexuality is why it causes everyone a shock when a Fae bares a child physically, and to do so with not only a witch but one of the most powerful witches in existence? The leader of the North American Coven? Now that creates two very interesting girls.
Amelia Boleyn is an 18-year-old halfling, those halves being part witch and Fae. She stands on the shorter side, just under 5’3—however if anyone ever called her anything less than 5’3 she’d make sure to put them in their place. She cropped her hair just above her shoulders with some rusty kitchen scissors during a slightly tipsy night she shared with her sister. Her skin was naturally on the tanner side, resembling her father’s coloring of curly dark hair and tan skin, more so than her mother’s red hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She came into her powers when she was 13 years of age, although she showed much promise with her witchcraft already being a fourth level spell caster. She much preferred dabbling in the simple powers of her father, a stereotypical daddy’s girl. She would much rather go out into the woods, lay in a field, and connect with nature rather than sit at home and stare at old grimoires.
Her sister Evelyn, however, is the opposite. She is 16 and also a halfling, her skin only a shade or two darker than her mothers, she also had her mother’s straight auburn hair and sparkling green eyes. She was also one who could spend hours sitting in her room, reading her ancestors grimoires and attempting to learn to cast new and more advanced spells, already dabbling the same level as her older sisters, but severely struggling with any Fae related magic.
The two girls are very possibly going to become two of the strongest women alive, and here they were huddled together behind a flimsy wooden wall, straining to eavesdrop on their parents’ conversation. Amelia and Evelyn both shared worried looks as they heard multiple heavy footsteps walking into the house. Their father Aeon had told them of the recent killings of magic folk in the area, forbidding them from going out alone even for the most insignificant of tasks. Whoever was responsible for the killings was targeting young adults and teens, and although they have yet to kill a Fae child or witch child, the matter needed to be dealt with.
As far as anyone could tell, going off the bodies of the victims, the killer was a vampire. Incredibly fast, and efficient killers, but not known to go after other supernatural’s. Something was brewing, and Jenny and Aeon Boleyn had made the decision to call in the only supernatural’s who were properly equipped to deal with a vampire, wolf shifters.
Amelia and Evelyn were fascinated when their father explained who was coming, and why they had to keep their distance. The northwestern shifters were notorious for being big, burly brutes with wicked tempers. Tales of the smallest disagreement turning into massive fights involving clashing canines spread like wildfire when they seemingly reappeared a few years back after being presumed extinct. To the girls, however, this made them a group of very fascinating subjects to poke and prod at—youthful stupidity mixed with curiosity.
Amelia leaned closer to the edge of doorway as she heard a somehow quiet, yet booming voice start to speak. “Aeon it’s been too long.” A small pause filled with the sound of scuffing shoes and a door closing, “I only wish this meeting was under better circumstances.” The same voice spoke again, sounding sympathetic.
“It’s so nice to see you, Sam.” Their mother’s sweet voice greeted, “It’s so nice to see all of you. Though, I do see a few new faces. Please everyone come inside and sit down I’m sure your journey has been very tiring.” Multiple deep voices muttered hellos, and then heavy footsteps followed the woman into the small living room.
Most of the men opted to sit on the grown, allowing Sam their pack alpha to sit on the couch with Jen and Aeon. They all trusted Sam when he said the couple could be trusted, perhaps it was the wolf in them that made them skeptical of the unknown but regardless of the reason, no one but Sam wanted to be too close to the two.
The two girls waited on the stairs for a few minutes, trying to strain and hear what was being said, but all they could pick up on was the low mumbling of conversation. “You think we should try to get closer?” Evelyn whispered into her older sister’s ear, her heart thrumming quickly with excitement.
Amelia considered for a moment, weighing if the risk of getting caught was worth satiating her curiosity, in the end the latter won. “Yes, but don’t make any noise. I so do not want to hear the lecture from mom and dad if they catch us snooping.”
Unbeknownst to the pair, the shifters had exceptional hearing and all of them had picked up on the quiet encounter a few yards away. Sam simply ignored the two girls, seeing no real threat in them eavesdropping, Quill, Embry, Seth, Collin, Brady, and Paul all shared sly smirks to one another—not so subtly glancing at the small door way as gentle and slow footstep inched forward.
“You should take a peek—see what they look like! “Evelyn urged faintly, Nudging her sister with her arm. “Why me? So, I’m the one who gets caught?” Amelia shot a pointed glare towards her younger, yet taller sister. “Yes! Now look, Mom said werewolves were usually all ruggedly handsome! Maybe the same applies for shifters.” Evelyn had a wicked smirk on her mouth as she envisioned a group of big burly men fresh for the pickings waiting in her living room—those teenage hormones surging through her body at the prospect.
“That’s gross, Eve.” Amelia sighed, rolling her eyes, “But I’ll do it… not because you said they were hot though.” The two sisters shared a mischievous look together, before Amelia crouched down to knee level and carefully leaned past the doorway, bracing herself on the wall so as not to fall and peering into the living room.
A not so silent profanity left her lips as her eyes met six other pairs of eyes looking directly back at her. In her shock her grip slipped on the door frame, and she tumbled into full view of everyone—including her parents. Evelyn silently died of laughter still hidden behind the wall, before quickly making her escape back up the stairs, abandoning her sister to the wolves.
“Uh—Hi!” Amelia chirper, looking around at the men in her living room, very purposely not making eye contact with her parents. “I just… uhm” Evelyn quickly looked around the floor around her, a somewhat stupid plan popping her head, but hell it was her only idea. She reached forward and grabbed a lost pen from the floor and held it up swinging it in the air. “Was just lookin for this!” As her eyes travelled back up to the unknown men, the pen almost fell from her hands.
Amelia thought it was just due to the surprise of meeting eyes with—in her opinion—the most attractive man in the room. Paul, however, felt as if he was cemented in his place, sitting on an old Abrash rug in a run-down but quaint little cottage, looking into a pair of beautiful dark eyes. A gentle click in his brain, and he knew what this feeling was, this feeling as if he had just taken off a filter from his eyes and he was finally seeing clearly. Her confused face tempting him to come closer, and to never leave. His imprint.
Everyone but Amelia could feel the shift in the air, Jen Boleyn silently screaming in her head as it dawned on her. Her precious eldest daughter being imprinted upon by a shifter? A breed who was made to kill and slaughter their enemies without a moment of remorse, she opened her mouth to speak but no words would leave her lips.
Amelia looked around at all the shocked and speechless faces, assuming this was caused solely by her interruption, her face reddened, and she quickly stood up, ignoring the slight ache in her hips where she landed. “I’m just going to go, it was nice—uh—meeting all of you!” She smiled before quickly making her exit and running up the stairs.
Amelia threw herself into her room and hopped up onto her bed. She knew she was in for it but she silently prayed to mother nature that her parents wouldn’t be too pissed about the interruption—a pointless prayer and she knew it. Remaining under her covers she shimmied off her jeans and bra and turned over towards her window. Listening to the now significantly louder voices downstairs speak and watching the pale blue clouds pass by the full moon outside. She laid there for what felt like hours, but in reality, was only thirty minutes, waiting for her parents’ lecture to come—but it never did. Instead, she was slowly lulled into one of the deepest slumbers she had in a very long time, strangely plagued by the sight of those deep brown eyes of one of the very handsome but strange young man.
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