#u start describing urself and ur just
honeytonedhottie · 3 months
a post on persistence⋆.ೃ࿔*:・💝
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im super happy and excited to announce that this post is a collab with the AMAZINGG @pinkpigtailsprincess. we wanted to collab on this post and talk about PERSISTENCE in manifesting and how crucial it is when ur manifesting things.
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HOW TO PERSIST ; persisting simply means reminding urself that u already have whatever it is that u want. when u persist, you decide what it is that u want and you STICK to it.
the oxford definition of persistence simply means to continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
your 3d literally has no choice but to catch up and reflect the new thoughts that ur thinking in ur 4d so just KEEP GOING. if ur gonna whine or complain every step of the way and think thoughts like "persisting is hard" or "theres lots of resistance/difficulty with manifesting" then thats what ur going to experience.
manifesting is easy, effortless, and instant. when u catch urself thinking thoughts that perpetuate the old story, remind urself that no matter what, whatever u persist in will harden into reality simply because it HAS to. stop getting in your own way!!
limitless definition; possesing power of an immeasurable rate a perfect way to describe your power your literally the god of your reality and you know you might think thats silly or “delusional” its so true though like ever since birth people are conditioned to believe that being negative is the more “logical” and “realistic” way to think than positive which is such a stupid revelation because all throughout life you meant to believe that you have to bring yourself down to earth about achieving something and that you’ll never have “” but that makes no sense seeing all of the extraordinary achievements that humans have done like
build rockets and do rocket science
walk on the moon
build the great wall of china
and so many others including the human body its self your cells in your body healing and protecting wounds and your organs being able to stay in the designated spot no matter what and you think “logic” actually matters?
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everything in the human mind is projected i mean everything you use on a daily basis started off in the mind it all stems from imagination
deciding is the final decision and the final outcome no matter what no questions asked like if you went too a sushi restaurant and ordered and decided that you want a shrimp tempura roll you will have the shrimp tempura roll no matter what concepts “if the concept of something can exist then that can be achieved no matter what”
literally something i think about alot and a direct quote from yours truly like most people do think that you can have something because its quote “unrealistic” or it “doesn’t exist” but if that were really the case than why is the concept of it allowed to prosper like if those things really didn’t exist then the concept of billionaires or superpowers and superheroes wouldn’t exist or even time travel everything single one of those things are a product of imagination!!!
alot of the times on loablr you see people say “you’re the only power” and “you don’t even need that method just imagination and that honestly just so real because if you really think about all of these methods ie: 48 hour challenge, 10k affirmations method etc.
and the void state those things also stemmed from that person’s imagination when you use those methods or use subliminals all your doing is giving it a smidge of your power the method is only powerful because your giving it that power in conclusion you and your imagination are the only things that matter !!
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 3 months
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౨ৎ ⁺ . Dolly n Honeys Collab .ᐟ 🎀🍯🐬
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Hii Dolls!! im soo soo 2 do this collabs with one of my favorite blogs @honeytonedhottie !!! basically we’ll be talking about persistence and being limitless!!🧁🎀 Enjoy!!!
Honey 𝜗𝜚 ! 🍯🎀
HOW TO PERSIST ; persisting simply means reminding urself that u already have whatever it is that u want. when u persist, you decide what it is that u want and you STICK to it.
the oxford definition of persistence simply means to continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
your 3d literally has no choice but to catch up and reflect the new thoughts that ur thinking in ur 4d so just KEEP GOING. if ur gonna whine or complain every step of the way and think thoughts like "persisting is hard" or "theres lots of resistance/difficulty with manifesting" then thats what ur going to experience.
manifesting is easy, effortless, and instant. when u catch urself thinking thoughts that perpetuate the old story, remind urself that no matter what, whatever u persist in will harden into reality simply because it HAS to. stop getting in your own way!!
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Dolly ୨୧ ! 🎀🫧🍨🛼
Limitless > Imagination!! 🎀🧁
Limitless Definition; Possesing power of an immeasurable rate a perfect way to describe your power your literally the god of your reality and you know you might think thats silly or “delusional” its so true though like ever since birth people are conditioned to believe that being negative is the more “logical” and “realistic” way to think than positive whoch is such a stupid revelation because all throughout life you meant to believe that you have to bring yourself down to earth about achieving something and that you’ll never have “__” because of “__” but that makes no sense seeing all of the extraordinary achievements that humans have done like
- build rockets and do rocket science
- walk on the moon
- build the great wall of china
and so many others including the human body its self your cells in your body healing and protecting wounds and your organs being able to stay in the designated spot no matter what and you think “logic” actually matters? everything in the human mind is projected i mean everything you use on a daily basis started off in the mind it all stems from imagination i mean just think about how everything around you started put as an idea in someones head!!
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Decisions!! 🎀🍨🫧
deciding is the final decision and the final outcome no matter what no questions asked like if you went too a sushi restaurant and ordered and decided that you want a shrimp tempura roll you will have the shrimp tempura roll no matter what
Concepts !! 🎀🧁🐬
“if the concept of something can exist then that can be achieved no matter” literally something i think about alot and a direct quote from yours truly like most people do think that you can have something because its quote “unrealistic” or it “doesn’t exist” but if that were really the case than why is the concept of it allowed to prosper like if those things really didn’t exist then the concept of Billionaires or Superpowers and Superheroes wouldn’t exist or even time travel everything single one of those things are a product of imagination!!! 💭🎀
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iraprince · 3 months
Any ttrpgs (including/especially yours!) that you recommend to get the oc wheels turnin’? Or especially fun as oc design tools/inspiration?
as an overall recommendation for this, from the perspective of design tools, solo journaling games are often excellent for this -- you can browse the entire solo tag for the physical games category on itch and find TONS!!
moving on to specific recs: not for characters specifically, but for general worldbuilding one of mine i can recommend is lamplighter's festival! it's about building up the history and culture of a location by developing a ritual or holiday that's celebrated there, and i think sometimes creating a location with a lot of intention and thought will of course naturally get you thinking abt the ppl who live there. (i think this is also a great gm tool if you want to bring your party somewhere special!)
divined journey is a game about outlining a character's story in detail using tarot cards -- i've had a lot of fun using this to flesh out existing characters and imagine plot arcs that are different than the ones i'd come up with on my own, but i think it could absolutely start u running on a brand new character too. often the order ppl go in is make the character, THEN put them in a story, but forming a character BY putting them through the story (i.e. keeping them more malleable and considering events the primary development vs "backstory") can be extremely cool
on the more... i don't wanna say "traditional" but like, "narrative tabletop games as we know them" (vs solo journaling stuff/things that lean towards being design tools):
time to drop is a game about pulling one last heist (again and again and again, in a timeloop). i often find that games with a really specific premise/setting kickstart tons of fresh thought; as much as i love just doing the exact tropes i already like ad nauseum (being completely genuine there), restrictions and a narrowed focus are GREAT for getting the brain churning. and trapping a bunch of criminals in a time loop is a great way to develop necessarily juicy oc dynamics :3c
sapphicworld is a game that has gotten me SUPER revved about ocs (up to the point where i once planned out a 12 course formal dinner menu for a campaign finale.....). it's still in development, but you can get a pwyw glimpse at the ashcan here (kind of like a tasting platter of the style and mechanics of the game, which the dev describes as a dream about sapphicworld), and get access to the entire wip game on the darling demon patreon for five bucks. it's worth a billion times that. i love sapphicworld lol
in general i think games that have playbooks and picklists always get me going, for that same "narrowed focus" reason... at first ur urge might be to push outside the picklists, bc u have a different idea or none of the stuff on the list exactly matches what u had in mind for the character, but forcing urself to adhere and then branching out from that is something that i think creates a lot of really fun combinations. for this reason i think that a lot of PBTA stuff fits the bill -- i realize that doesn't narrow things down at all lol but it DOES mean u can browse the pbta tag and then just snag anything that seems to have a setting/tone that you're in the mood for!
i feel like this is a woefully small selection but it's all i have time for today, and ttrpgs are just so broad....! i would love if ppl gave more suggestions in the reblogs + replies!!!
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pwinkprincess · 19 days
omg u have outdone urself!!!! love seeing black fem content for onyo on this app it’s so refreshinggg, the way u write ur characters and just describe the story in general is so emotion provoking my heart literally dropped when onyo called the poor girl her name ૮ ˶′ﻌ ‵˶ ა shout out to zinnia MYYYY GIRL, a real one some may say
the piece was fantastic bunni ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ hoping to see another part if u would ever consider writing one!
— 🌺
thank u for reading !!! sending lots of hearts nd kisses !!!! yess m so happi i published it nd more black women started interacted wif it , it makes my heart warm . i wanna make sure everythings so good for u guys so if i gotta descriptively include a fly buzzing past i'll do it 😩 .
nd ikr !! ony is on one , we dont do governments over here sir . & i made sure zinnia is absolutely likeable by all , cus she jus wants da best for her cousin but she also wants her to experience adulthood on her own .
yess , there will b a part 2 otw babi !!
stay safe , ily !!
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Omg I'm so sorry ab that car following u that sounds so scary like omg I'm so glad ur okay 🥺🥺 Take care of urself after that experience
BUT ALSO THE SIDE CHARACTERS WITH THAT SCENARIO?? PLS?? SOBS I'M SORRY I like the prompt, I just do not like that it happened to u irl and will promptly go beat whoever was in that car up for u 😁
MC gets followed by a car while driving home
A/N: Thanks for worrying about me but now I am more than fine! It's been like 2-3 months since then. And it took me a week to start joking about it.
First part with the demon brothers can be found here: Part 1
TW: Stalking under the cut
Side characters x gn!MC
Driving during the night was relaxing in a way. There were barely any cars around, making going home after meeting with a friend back in the human world so much easier and relaxing. No need to worry about traffic, being able to go at your own pace without annoying others, it was a really nice way to end your day.
 As you were singing along to one of your favourite songs a car passed by you. While you didn't exactly pay too much attention to it, you couldn't help but notice that the car was full of guys, and that one of them was giving you a hand sign as they passed by your car. At the time you didn't stay and think about it too much, they were probably just friends having fun.
The car seemed to go on a street that led elsewhere. Just as you passed that street, the car was behind you again. You thought it was a bit weird, but you ignored it, in favour of thinking they were just taking advantage of the empty streets during the night to drive around, after all you often used to do that with your friends too.
But they kept being weird. They would pass by you, only to stop on the side of the road to let you get ahead of them so they could start following you again. Again and again. It was as if you were a mouse getting chased by a cat, and it didn't stop just at that either. Giving you weird signals with the lights of their car, getting so close to you, that if you were to stop, they would crash right into you. They were probably having fun toying with you like that.
You took note of their car, from the brand to color, the license plate and whatever details you managed to notice while driving. You were afraid to go home cause what if they followed you there? You didn't think of calling the police because what would you have told them? You didn't know what street were you on or how far you would drive. You didn't know what their intentions were either.
In the end you manage to lose them. When they passed by your car for what you thought to be the millionth time, you took the chance to go on a side street that you knew well enough. They couldn't turn their car to go after you so you were safe. You stopped the car at what you thought to be a safe place to calm yourself. 
You were away from them, you were safe, so why were your hands trembling so much. You even flinched when you saw the light the of what you thought was a car but it ended up being two girls on their bike that were probably going home. You knew you wouldn't be able to get home in this state. You would probably end up in an accident if you got scared of the lights of another car. Seeing you didn't have any other choice you decided to call someone to come get you.
He was stuck doing paperwork that he procastinated on earlier that day. When he got your call.
When he saw your name on his phone he got relieved thinking he could finally take a break to catch up to you, but any thought of a break or papework ceased to exist as he listened to you describe what happened
He immediately called for Barbatos to open a portal to the human world so he can go after you.
He felt guilty in a way. In his mind he felt like the only place you could ever get hurt was Devildom and that in the human world you would totally be safe. He was so confident in his thinking that he forgot that humans can be quite cruel too.
He just felt happy that his naivety didn't cause you any harm, despite this situation being out of his control.
By the time you got to the Demon Lord's castle a room was already prepared for you and Barbatos was waiting for you with a drink to calm you down.
The paperwork could wait for another day, right you were his priority. barbatosprobablyfinishedthepaperwork
Whatever you needed, he will give you. Want a specific type of dish or drink? Done! Need a warm bath and really fluffy change of clothes? Didn't even need to ask! Any products/medicine you need before sleep? Those will be waiting for you next to your bed. A shoulder to cry on and a hug? He is already wrapping his arms around you and giving you a forehead kiss.
He is the prince of Devildom and has a lot of contacts that can help him both from Devildom and the human world. Those guys are getting tracked down in less than 24 hours.
!!Spoiler for season 3!! Remeber when Diavolo nearly sent an army after a guy that tried to shot Belphegor? You'll have to stop him from doing that right now !!END OF SPOILER!!
He is a bit hesitant to let you go, but your freedom and happiness are more important to him than his own worries.
Calling the guy that can easily open a portal is honestly a smart move.
He just finished cleaning the kitchen after preparing a snack for Diavolo when he got your call. He already had a bad feeling about something, and your call confirmed his worries.
In less than 10 minutes not only were you in the Demon Lord's Castle, but a room, a light snack and a drink were prepared for you.
Diavolo was informed of the whole thing, but he decided you needed your privacy after such an incident. He also gave permission to Barbatos to look in the past to see who those guys were to make finding them way faster.
Despite everything his demeanour never changes. Getting anything you may need, finding those guys, and comforting you seem like a child's play from the outside. If you didn't know Barbatos well enough you would think he doesn't really care
But on the inside he is fuming. You could see that from the slight thighter grip he had on plates and cups or from the way his shoulder seemed for tense than usual. He did seem to calm down once he saw that you got better
If it weren't for the possible horrible consequences of messing with the past, he would have changed it in a way that this whole incident would have been avoided.
I am pretty sure he has a torture chamber that he can put to good use in this case. Imagine one minute being in the human world then you wake up in a strange chamber with a demon form Barbatos right in front of you.
You don't need to know about what happened to those guys, he will just tell you they were dealt with.
Once it's finally time to sent you home he checks to see if you are 100% fine before he lets you go. When you get home you also find a box with some of your favourite cakes made by Barbatos as a surprise.
I don't remember if it was from the main story or from an event, but it's canon that Solomon is a nightowl and he tends to stay up until late to do magic experiments
And this time was no different. He was deep concentration trying to test out a potion he has been working on when he got your call.
He nearly messed up the potion but that's besides the point.
Once he heard about your situation put everything away and teleported to your location.
A sigh of relief left his mouth once he got to you and made sure you are fine. He put a spell on the car that would make it invisinle to othet people. No need to attract unwanted attention.
He took you back to his home in the human world. He offered you some food and drinks but you declined saying that all the stress killed your appetite. noneedtodietonight
After accepting that you really couldn't eat or drink at the moment he lets you vent out your frustration and fears in order to let it all out. Depending on what you want he will either hold you keep his distance.
He offered to use a spell that could let him see into your past so he could collect for information about the car that followed you. No need to make you talk about the situation any more than needed if he can help it.
He has pacts with 72 demons and Barbatos is one of those demon. You can bet whatever you want that he is using everything he got to track down those guys.
Since Amso is one of his pacts, the demon brothes also find out quickly about this and cause a scene because you are all the way over at Solomon's house. At least they think about sending you some food that wouldn't kill you.
After everything is resolved Solomon gives you a magic charm that should protect you from danger.
For the sake of this sceneario let's pretend he was over in the Purgatory Hall and not in the Celestial realm.
He just put Luke to sleep when he got your call. He knew you were in the human world in order to meet up with a friend, so he thought you wanted to tell him how it went.
Instead of hearing about your meet up with your friend he listened to you explain what happened to you.
Went after Solomon to ask him to open some kind of portal to the human world. Seeing how worried he was, Solomon quickly figured out something must have happened to you.
When Simeon finally got to you he didn't take you immediately to the Purgatory Hall, instead he sat with you in the car until you calmed down a bit.
After calming down he suggested you drive home, and he will come with you. let'spretendyoudon'tlivewithyourparents
He wanted to get you to a place that feels both familiar and safe, and your house seems like a better option than Purgatory Hall.
He prepared something to drink while you told him what happened in order to get it off your chest and to get details about the car that followed you.
After all of that was said and done he asked about your meeting with your friend, as a way to distract and to get you in a better mood. When he saw that you were starting to get tired he suggested you go to sleep while he talks over the phone with the others about the whole situation.
He also tells Solomon to not tell Luke about why he is in the human world until everything gets resolved.
Even when you said you were fine he insisted on helping you around the house the following day.
After the others find those guys, he will make sure to have a talk with them. There is a reason a good part of the cast are afraid of Simeon when he is angry
Bonus Luke
Why the fuck would you call a kid in this situation?
When he wakes up he finds out Simeon is in the human world and that everyone is busy
While he didn't exactly knew what happened he could guess that it wasn't good.
He found out when he overheard Mammon and Levi talking about it. He demanded to be taken to your house where you and Simeon were. Again I hope you don't live with your parents.
He hugs you and gives you one of his bessings to keep you safe from now on(for those who don't know, his blessings are quiet powerfull!)
He also bakes for you! And don't worry, Solomon gave him money to buy ingredients so he wouldn't use the ones at your house.
He says that he wants to have a talk with the guys that stalked you. Don't worry, no one let Luke near them.
All around great emotional support chihuahua!
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glazemeda · 2 years
So i saw ur alphabet event and i really couldnt hold back but to join, i hope u dont have to many requests u dont have to do it if ur overhelmed
So i would love to see scaramouche with
L-love confession
Dont overwork urself, drink water, eat smth and have a nice day :}
note: hi there!! sorry for the wait, it's been a long while since i last wrote for scaramouche, but i hope you like it! <3 tags: fluff, slight angst and violence, scaramouche spoilers(!)
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F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights with Scaramouche aren’t uncommon, but most of them are actually just aggressive banter. It can go wrong, or maybe you’re having a serious fight, which will end up with him going away for a while to avoid saying too many things. You’re still his lover, and he doesn’t want you to leave him for not being able to control his words.
If you’re in the wrong, or did something that felt like betrayal, he’s not going to forgive you. Even if a part of him, the naive, gentle Kunikuzushi wants to talk and stay with you after that, he won’t do it. He won’t forgive anyone who betrays him, and that includes you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Your lover does indeed get jealous easily, mainly because of his own insecurities and memories from the past. He can’t help but feel upset when someone else makes you laugh, a whisper in his mind wondering if you’d be happier with them rather than with a broken puppet like him.
He won’t let you go, though. Scaramouche isn’t afraid to resort to violence to force that person away from you, but he knows you wouldn’t want that. So, he’ll force himself to act calm and give that person the chance to go away. If they take it, good, but if they don’t… Your lover’s smile as he tells you to walk away for a bit is anything but comforting.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It most likely happened in a moment of stress, completely unexpected for the two of you. Maybe you were in a dangerous situation, injured or arguing with him. It’s hard to control one’s words while upset, so he probably slipped up.
In reality, Scaramouche thought of ignoring his feelings, he hated the fact that you made him feel such warmth with just a look, as well as pure fear when you did something reckless. Unless his mouth is faster than his brain, he wouldn’t confess. He would, however, give it a chance if you took that step.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He usually calls you by your name, or a short version of it if it’s on the longer side. He tends to call you “dummy” sometimes, or “idiot” if he knows you don’t mind too much. Your lover doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you, but he’s not the most vocally affectionate.
In private, during nights where his mind is plagued with thoughts and he can’t help but chase after your touch for a reminder that you’re by his side, he calls you “love”. A simple nickname, but one that also describes his feelings for you at the same time. You might also hear him calling you “dear” or “darling” when he’s especially relaxed.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Scaramouche isn’t very romantic, mainly because he doesn’t really know much about romance. But, he’s willing to try if it makes you happy. A romantic dinner, walking side by side under a sea of stars, watching the sunset together… Tell him what you’d like.
You’ll have to be the one to think about what to do though, if you’d prefer something creative. He’ll go for safer options if you’d let him, at least the first few times. And, even though he would never admit it, he started enjoying the romantic gestures after a while. He may surprise you by getting you your favorite flowers or snacks from time to time, acting like he didn’t actually search for something to make you smile.
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glazemeda 2022
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straykidsholicleigh · 26 days
☆*:..... LEIGH'S MOOTS !!!!
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@yessa-vie - my wife ✨
i have to put this bitch first- ur the literal first person i started talking to on tumblr, no cap- words can't describe how grateful and happy i am to have u in my life like honestly. you've helped me with my depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts and brought me back up whenever i felt down, thank u sm 😭 sometimes i feel horrible bcs im bad at comforting people and i feel like whenever u want to vent, im not really helping but i promise to try better 🩷
also ur writing? like bitch ur writing? THAT HYUNJIN FIC 🫦🤌 like babes just throw me ur talent im begging u, i said it once, ill say it again; i am on my knees for ur writing 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ like whenever u release smth i get so excited idk- keep rocking yessa baby, ilyyy smmmm my unnie <33 💜
@double-knxtt - my sister 🧚🏾‍♀️
life ain't complete without ya- like honestly, i kinda find the way we met sorta funny bcs i embarrassed myself on the first msg- 💀 it's been literally 5 months since we've known each other wtf... if u need someone to talk to, pls, im always here and even though im not good at comforting ill try my best, okay? you've helped me with a lot of stuff and ik we've had a few fights but i just wanna thank u for being there for me and helping me out of my dark places. your my best friend and my sister 🩵
ur writing- girl, im begging u, DON'T STOP WRITING THAT ONE MINHO DRABBLE- girl, how tf u so good at writing? if u don't throw me ur talent like yessa, im finding u and suffocating u 😃🔪 (jk, unless-) ily sm ok? always remember that my precious unnie~~ 💞💞<3
@kaiyaba - my other wife idk- 🦝
still can't get over the fact that we became friends through murder- im gonna start calling u my canadian bestie bcs... you know... we're both canadians? okay soo... UR MY PRECIOUS POOKIE ILY ILY SMM- sorry, had to get that off my chest- ur loaded with hyunjin pics, do not stop sending me them I'm begging- also those cards? hello? lmao they're funny af and yeah they did make me feel better lmao 😂 also, ty sm for being there for me when sam broke up with me, that was a horrible time but ty sm~ 💕 im always here if u wanna vent ok?
also honestly fuck ur ex, he can die idc- 💀 also I'd like more hyunjin pics when u awake, I'll be waiting 🤲 also, just so you know, u kinda slow at typing (cmon, did u seriously think i wasn't going to roast u atleast once?) ignore that last one- ily sm keep going, my racoon 💕💕
@thatonedemigodfromseoul - my daughter 🌻
OMG U CUTIE PATOOTIE, ANYTHING U DO IS CUTE 😍 u can just breath and ur cute... u baby material, infant 🫵 also, still not over the fact we literally met THROUGH MURDER 👁👄👁🤌🤌 *deep breath* ahem.. ik life is hard and people are bitchy sometimes but i just wanna let you know that you're got it. ur a human too and sometimes things get hard but we have to do everything to survive right? whenever it gets hard, im always here for u if u wanna vent ok? ily my little infant 🩷
UR WRITING?????? UR FLUFF??? BITCH THROW ME UR TALENT I SUCK AT FLUFF, I'LL JUST STEAL YOURS, IDC ILL ROB IT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER- (that was so aggressive i promise im stable-) ... i still want ut writing bcs wtf?? for a ** year old, ur so good? huh? ilyy 🩵🩷🩵
@fauna-flora11 - my mother in law 🤡
omg my pakistan baby 😍 bestie, ik we don't talk much but i want u to know ily and ur doing great ok? ur doing amazing, im so proud of what u did yesterday, today, tomorrow and so on ur so cuteeee!! ily my bestie pls drink lots of water and take care of urself ok? and don't worry about my leg and lip, it'll get better eventually 😅 again, if u ever wanna vent, im here ok? ilyy smm <333
i've never really read your writing but im encouraging you to write bcs your good at it! ill be waiting for that skz fic or whatever u have stirring up in that pot of urs lmao.. ily sm flora, keep doing whatever ur doing and keeping smiling 💕💕💕💕💕💕
@silverstarburst - my sister 💟
hi my unnie! ik we don't talk much, but ty for taking up for me whenever those anons throw hate at me, ur really amazing and sassy like that lmao- ik ur always there for me whenever im sad and whenever i get hate so hopefully i can do the same for u, so whenever ur sad or need to vent, just msg me. it may take me time but i will respond and help u ok? ily unnie, ur amazing <33💕💕💕
also, if u want a Chinese or Spanish name just ask me lmao- ik it sounds weird but i can give u one~ should I call u ash or wonhu? 👀👀 ily my pookie ~~ stay hydrated and get lots of sleep and eat well mkay? ilyy <333
@zoey-rov - the dog 🌸
bitch explain why is not tagging u??? what black magic have u done to my tumblr? also that minecraft house u working on... O-O WHY DOES HAVE LIKE 58 BEDROOMS??? CHILL ON THE BEDROOMS, UR BF WON'T LET ME GO FOR THAT, HE KEEPS COMPLAINING IN MY DMS 😭 also when u land in korea in september, come visit me (if u want) idk when u coming tho bcs idt ur bf wants to- ty for being my friend and trusting me with ur secrets~ ily my cutie <33 💕💕
@michelle4eve - my niece 🧜‍♀️
we don't talk much but you've been here on my blog, sending me asks and checking on me and sending cute shit 😭 i feel so stupid for not dming u earlier and talking to u, but lets just say im glad u made the move first. ur so talented and so funny and kind, im so glad ur in my family 😭 im here if u ever wanna vent, ok? ty for sticking around and not leaving, ily ily <3
also i read ur writing and lets just say I AM SHOOK- like can u just... throw some my way?? like wth?? i love ur writing pookie, pls keep writing and showing off that beautiful talent of urs 💕 stay safe and hydrated~ <33
@heihaneul - the cat 🍡
i strongly advise u to leave the dog, the mouse, the rabbit and fish alone- ig i have to thank chris bcs if it wasn't for his drama, i wouldn't have met u. i like our little chats even though u roast me 24/7 and call me a grandma just bcs i have a short remembrance of things. atleast i can go around calling u kitty 🤷🏻‍♀️ ty for helping me and having my back so many times, ily ily if u ever need to vent, my dms are open and waiting 💕 ily, pls look after urself~ 💕<3
@wooyo-bae - my niece/stepdaughter 🤰
first, i'm sorry for leaving u on read for a whole month, second, yes im delulu for hyunjin and i always will be 🤷🏻‍♀️ im still kinda shocked i have another ** year old on my bad but i will accept only bcs of yessa and mari (jkjk u the cutest little niece) ik school can be tough so if u ever need help im here <3 and pls for godsake STOP LISTENING TO ADULT MUSIC, U R PRACTICALLY A CHILD 🤡 ily take care of urself cutie (i promise i will respond to ur dms-) 💕
and i love ur writing even though u only got like one thing out- im encouraging u to write more bcs u are good at it annd don't let anyone tell u otherwise <333
@immapopthelimits119 - my other daughter 🧋
no, i do NOT believe u whenever u tell me u drink water bcs from that pic u sent me, u look DEHYDRATED 24/7 DRINK WATER BEFORE I FLY DOWN TO GERMANY AND SLAP U ACROSS UR FACE. yes, i am delulu for hyunjin and keep sending me jurin pics bcs jurin is a queen and she deserves recognition. i promise that felix fic u wanted is in the making! I'll try post it soon and ily <33 🩷🩷
@robynnn-nnm - the horse 🐎
ur personality is a lot like sage and it TERRIFIES ME. ik ur obsessed with flower by jisoo and pls the fact that ur sis sent me her number just to send me videos of u dancing like ur possessed is boss energy and u slay so house down, whitney im deceased 😞✋ ur so hyper but the fact ur constantly sending me horse pics is not giving, like calm tf down u roach- ily either way u talented mf 💕💕
@atinyniki - my niece 👩‍🦲
idk why u chose that emoji but im not gonna complain 🤷🏻‍♀️ if im being honest, i was kinda scared to text u bcs idk i felt like i would say smth wrong and u would think bad of me, but im glad i did! ik we don't talk much but i like talking to u bcs ur kinda chaotic and it's really refreshing 😅 now about those anons, just block them or hit spam bcs that's not very respectful what their doing :( im sorry if u get them often, ill try my best to shut them up, ty for sticking around cutie 💕 if u ever need to vent, again, my dms are like a door, it's always open for u to come through and spill ur mind. im listening. ily <33 💕💕
ur writing, ur writing, that's it. that's the comment. if u have a taglist, add me (idk if im already added-) pls ur writing is like.. so good? like where did u get that talent from? i will FIGHT whoever says ur writing sucks, bcs their blind, ur writing is so good, keep going cutie! ~ 💕💕
@hynjinniesworld - my psychotic lover 💀
we communicate through 💀 girl, whatever is happening between u and sam, im truly trying my best to help u but there's only so much i can do behind a phone and in a different country 😭 im always here if u need to vent and dw i saved ur ass multiple times, i can handle more ig- also, imma stop calling u mommy bcs anons be tripping 💀 (ill call u mine ;)) btw ur dancing is 🤌🤌 anyways, ily pookie, take care of urself especially after that surgery ily ily my fiesty, cutie pieeee <33 💕💕
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an-obsessed-cactus · 2 months
I think i may be asexual?!
(okay this got longer than expected and i wanted to stop talking cuz ppl won't read it if it's so long and then i realized I'm not here to please anybody and i just wanna process some stuff so. yeah. also i come to realizations farther down that contradict some stuff from the beginning but I'll just leave my whole thought process here)
fun. um. I've realized I'm not straight two years ago and then started learning more about all things LGBT related and think myself educated enough on this topic but.
I've been pondering my sexuality and gender identity again more in recent days and. today i randomly stumbled across a yt video where the author (are you an author on yt? my brain is glitching rn)(also the 'author' in question is @jaidenanimationsofficial wonderful videos love the animation and the humor) talks about being aroace. few hours pass, my stomach hurts like hell so i go to lay down and sleep a bit, wake up and have a realization.
i googled again what asexuality is and read some more on this. i did this before and i guess i didn't see myself in it? so i kinda crossed it off the list of possible identities. i guess because i do want to have sex. i think. I'm not opposed to it and i get horny lmao. but that's only with fictional characters and works? like i just think: that was very sexy of you. but in a platonic way?! sex doesn't cross my mind. (also can you get aroused by music? or a good written work? or movie? like not even the characters but the work itself?) sorry i dunno I'm confused.
anyway i got a bit off track. what i wanted to say was that i suddenly remembered a convo i had with my sister a while ago where we talked about what is the difference between friendship and a romantic relationship. and she said it's that u wanna have sex with them and i was like ... i don't really think that's it...
and like. i get crushes i think. but I've never experienced this want to have sex with a particular person at least that i could remember. like a want to have sex? i guess yeah i mean not rlly sth i think about much but it's not unprecedented(see: i get horny)
honestly I'm not even sure anymore if im not aromantic as well. cuz queerplatonic sounds more like my jam?
like i felt(feel?) like omnisexual described me well because i think I'd be attracted to who the person is at their core. what if ur straight as a girl, date a boy, and then it turns out he's trans? i dunno i feel like gender isn't this fixed thing which then kinda creates problems when labeling urself with a certain sexuality. aaaa people came irl and i lost my train of thought. um. i feel like labeling myself anything other than omnisexual would feel limiting. even if i never developed a crush on a girl for example (i did), i still feel like i could potentially. like there's nothing stopping me. why shouldn't I?
that was written yesterday. it is now today and i have a whole lot of new thoughts and realizations.
I had a bit of a marathon with @jaidenanimationsofficial videos and i came across an older one she mentioned in the previous one i watched about being aroace(ik it's a mess) about how she couldn't understand why when romantic feelings are not mutual people don't just continue being friends. and i was like EXACTLY WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! and um. ahem. do u really see it as a problem? I guess if everyone does. but I'm starting to seriously consider if I'm aroace as well which woah there. this happened in a span of a day and I'm not sure it's real and it doesn't feel real? some time will have to pass for me to check out this theory cuz. ppl often say they felt like there was sth wrong with them and then they discovered these terms and were like aHA that's it! that explains everything! and I didn't... have that? and I'm not sure to what extent i identify with aroace because reasons(ill talk about some of it below). and I'm not saying that not having this realization moment or not feeling like sth is wrong with me through my life devalidates my orientation and stuff but it makes me doubt i guess?
i also came to an important discovery that aroused and horny are not the same. who would have thought?! I said above i get horny but apparently being horny means to want to have sex. and i just get the physical part aka arousal. fun. someone help pls im so confused.
okay for the last part(which prolly won't be the last part but one can hope right?)
i said i realized i wasn't straight two years ago. that was when i realized i like my best friend as more than i friend. well it wasn't exactly that simple. tbh i think Lucifer(the series i am NOT a satanist) helped a lot with that? like i knew about some lgbt stuff before because I'm alive on this planet but it kinda made me think about a lot of stuff, and between that stuff was my sexuality as well. idk. it's not like i had a crush on any of the female characters. just got me thinking for some reason. like why is having sex with people you're not romantically involved with wrong? why is prostitution wrong if u enjoy it and get money for it and it's well managed and secure? but that's beside the point.
well anyway I didn't know what i felt towards my bff(I'll say bff cuz bf also stands for boyfriend so it feels weird) but it felt like more than friendship. didn't feel like sth romantic tho. then i discovered queerplatonic relationships exist and i was like i think that's it! and then new school year came i saw her again and doubts flared up. again there was never i wanna have sex with her, but there was an occasional i wanna kiss her. and she was so important to me so it has to be romantic love right?! romance is the highest form of love one can experience afterall! nothing whatsoever can compare to it!! it feels ✨magical✨ when you find you will finally be completed!!! anyways.
it felt like romantic love was the only thing that could justify me feeling this way. i won't go deeper into this because i already have a draft where i do(i have like 16 drafts with uncompleted rambles so...) I'll try to post it but. i told her and we're still good friends! it actually made me closer to the rest of my friend group(which i was only a part of on the paper before)(i was so focused on my bff before I didn't really do group) because i felt a bit distanced from her for a while(she's a people pleaser like me and even tho i think i can read her well im paranoid and i thought she may feel weird?). anyways i got close with 3 other amazing ppl in the meantime and my friendship with my bff hasn't suffered!
but between my feelings being kinda realized and me telling her a whole year has passed and in the end i wasn't even sure what i was feeling anymore just that i didn't want her not to know. idk.
now im wondering what it was. even back then half year pre confession i was thinking if it was just because someone was finally paying attention to me. i didn't really do friends before (i kinda had them but there were no deep convos or shared secrets) and then there was suddenly this person who genuinely enjoys spending time with me! and listens to my problems! and weird obsessions! this sounds kinda sad put like this ngl lmao. but this was the first time I had that deep connection with someone. two years in my confused feelings came. geez i got off track again. point is i thought i was straight up until then and then had a crisis cuz i thought i only liked her cuz she was giving me attention cuz i was straight goddamit! ANYWAYS.
this post has lost all direction. it is a frustrated ramble of a very confused person. let us continue
i will just sum up how i feel about genders and people because I'm a chronic oversharer. oops doops.
men: find them aesthetically pleasing, all celebrity crushes are in this category (there's only one really but if i found a celebrity attractive like not objectively but to me it was a man), i would also get kinda crushes on boys my age when i spent 5 minutes with them. don't ask. i think it's dopamine mining(i suspect i have adhd). im not used to male company and i kinda don't like it that much but the the ?butterflies? are still there. tbh i don't really know what to do with men. doesn't stop me from having crushes tho. i don't have any real desire to be in a romantic relationship with men. i don't exclude the possibility but i haven't found one i would want it with. i also don't know now to interact with them. let alone flirt. actually flirt in general. it feels like it would be cringe and belongs in bad movies.
women: freaking amazing!! love them! no celebrity crushes, one irl crush which might have moved beyond crush(i suspected the L word for a while) to friends or it might have never been a crush in the first place! help! now there's another friend outside of my friend group who i may like. or i just enjoy her company? im not used to this yet. i forgot i think im aroace. this is killing me.
nonbinary/other genders: I haven't met any yet. there are some on discord servers im a part of but I don't really interact much just lurk there. i think irl experience would be different anyway.
someone please explain sth to me. you have sexual attraction okay get that(not really but that's not the point). but then there's romantic attraction. how do you separate that from friendship? just this intense feelings of wanting to be with them at all times? okay myb myb let's say u can separate them from friendship. what about queerplatonic? guys??
i am starting to dislike labels. this is confusing.
also i gotta figure this romantic thing out cuz im writing a fantasy series and there's romance involved lol.
okay so i guess i am at least asexual cuz i don't see ppl and go 'i wanna have sex with them'. i am not yet thoroughly convinced im aromantic as well but we'll see about that ig. because i still don't understand what the difference between romance and deep friendship is. aghhh
although if i can't tell the difference myb that answers the question.
also how does someone who is asexual but romantically attracted to all genders label themselves? like omnisexual ig doesn't work cuz it omnisexual.
i went to google aromantic and.
"demiromantic people have romantic attraction only after forming an emotional bond with another person."
HOW ELSE DO YOU HAVE ROMANTIC ATTRACTION??? Isn't this about who the person is?! Do you just see them and go: oh this must be such a good person. what?
like i understand sexual attraction when you see someone ig. but romantic? i really need someone to explain this to me in depth. i haven't even been asking the right questions.
"Quoiromantic people can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attractions." Welp i guess i have a new label i can stick on myself. also the name is killing me. (quoi=what in french💀)
(edit: well this thing just posted itself. I DIDN'T HIT POST WTF. but it's out there now. ig it had enough of me adding new and new thoughts. im inclined to agree)
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chlorinecake · 5 months
so, after a couple of hours (days) contemplating this, Darling you gotta share ur writing story with me. (if someone's asked this alrdy my apologies, feed me anything and I'll be grateful). But I'm just so downright curious🙂. i like hearing people's writing journeys and like, I need to know how u found urself here today in terms of your writing because I think about it more often than I should 🤣
─ hayzie
🤍 Hi, Hayzie !! I don’t know why it always gets me so excited whenever I hear from you on here, but anyways, this is such a great question, and I’m flattered by your curiosity :( Here goes my long as frick answer for ya, lovey ~
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GROWING UP ⊹ I was homeschooled, and hanging around the house all day led to me picking up a lot of random hobbies, one of which being freelance creative writing. I wrote so many original songs, short stories, and even poems during that time, and I'd say this sort of upbringing is what helped foster the strong love for literature and art I hold in my heart today ⊹
DISCOVERING TUMBLR ⊹ So this is where the story gets interesting. Imagine a 17 year old me introducing my former Kpop-fan sister turned anti to the wonderful era of 4th gen Kpop. She fell in love with the culture all over again, which led to us doing this thing where we would role-play as certain Kpop idols through texts and gifs 🥴...
• So one night as I was looking for a Heeseung gif to send her, I stumbled upon one that looked really high quality, and it so happened to be posted by this page on Tumblr. Though st the time, I had never heard about that app/website before. When I clicked the gif, it took me to this link , and all I remember seeing was a bunch of ~freaky deaky~ warnings, but I scrolled past them (out of curiosity) before actually reading the words, and that’s when I realized "Oh, this is a story about Heeseung that a fan wrote…"
• To this day, I never forgot that story, but like, back then, I didn't even know what "smut" meant 😭 so when the story started describing a sexual scene between Heeseung and the MC, I was honestly a bit uncomfortable to the point that I couldn't even bring myself to finish reading it, yet at the same time, I was so intrigued.
• I ended up telling my sister about Tumblr (after she begged to know where I kept finding those high quality gifs), before she eventually fall into a DEEP hole of K-pop fanfic, which later compelled me to read more fics myself. Our favorite blog back then was @kpophubb, because of how diverse and well written her content was, but I also discovered other blogs like @starrywonie and @hee-pster who really inspired me to wanna start a blog for myself where I'd upload all of my original work, but I was still nervous about it... that is, until my sister told me about her blog, four months after she had already created it that sneaky bitch ⊹
INTRODUCING CHLORINECAKE ⊹ The very next day after my sister told me about her secret blog, I had this surge of motivation to start my own page! Using a short story I found buried in one of my forgotten writing apps, I edited it over night, and got my pictures and title together. I'll admit that I was very nervous at first, as I didn't know what to expect from the people who’d read it, especially considering how it was my first ever original written work to be put online. Fortunately though, I instantly fell in love with the engagement, the environment of Tumblr, and the new people I was meeting along the way... and yeah, that's pretty much how I got here today ⊹
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
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what is self concept? self concept is how u see urself in relation to ur desires, and the world around you. self concept is the key to becoming a master manifestor.
bad self concept can hold you back from so many opportunities, and in some cases, ur desires in general. self concept isnt inherent, its learned. which means that it can be changed and altered. when we believe something about ourselves whether its negative or positive, thats still ur self concept and it will be proven to you.
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changing self concept ; describe urself as you are right now. what words would u use to describe urself? now, describe ur ideal self concept.
you can impress ur subconscious mind with subliminals as a way to change ur self concept
you can create an affirmations list and affirm those affirmations as a way to change ur self concept
write a daily vaunt
some of my favorite self concept affirmations ; im hardworking, im intelligent, im beautiful, im eloquent, im compassionate, im assertive, im feminine, im effortlessly funny, im full of confidence, im talented, im magnetic, im charismatic, im ambitious, im opulent etc
ways to work on and sustain self concept ;
WRITE A DAILY VAUNT, i have like 3 that i read back to myself whenever i want to/feel the need to
make an affirmations tape strictly for self concept, i listen to mine when getting ready in the morning and getting ready to sleep
watch how u talk to/about yourself (make sure to give urself compliments and not speak badly about urself in any way whatsoever)
make a self concept playlist
rampaging (dont be afraid to get cocky)
see yourself for what you are ;
you are literally so limitless. everything that ur experiencing right now, what you know to be "reality" is the product of your OWN manifestations. everything around you came to be with JUST your mind. no matter how mad, skeptical, or sad u may feel, the law CANNOT fail and you are proof of that!
stepping into the role ;
when u come to that realization that YOU are the source you also get a responsibility. if ur not willing to put in the mental work to work on self concept or if ur constantly wavering then pls know that u have nobody to blame but yourself. give yourself that discipline bcuz YOU CAN LITERALLY MANIFEST ANYTHING THAT U WANT. ISNT THAT EXCITING?? if u just let the knowledge of the law of assumption collect dust in ur mind, and ur not applying it, then u have no one to blame but you. so step into the role, stop being lazy and start creating!
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
i just finished reading chapter 50 of jtta and oh my gosh. i don’t even know where to start.
jtta is SUCH an amazing work of art that my words fall short.. it’s rlly the best fanfiction i have EVER read and i’m sure it’ll continue to be my Number One forever. your writing style is absolutely beautiful and your choice of words is IMMACULATE. the way you describe certain scenes truly baffles me everytime like,, there’s people out there who are really able to write like this?? they can magically plant a mental imagine w colors and all in my head from??? Words only??? u r so amazing omf
i also have to say that ur work has rlly helped me with expanding my own vocabulary — i had to look up a A LOT of words (though i’m sure i forgot them all by now..) but it was always so fun to learn new stuff!
your mind fascinates me sm bc?? when i was reading some scenes from jtta i rlly thought ‘man.. if i was the author i’d have no idea how to solve this..’ but u managed to surprise me every. single. time. u outdid urself each time and my jaw legit dropped at some scenes bc i could’ve NEVER EVER thought of that,,,
i only discovered jtta last summer bc i was looking for a platonic obey me ff (i can’t see the boys romantically to save my life 😔) and ur writing was rlly the best thing that ever happened to me.
i swear everytime i read another chapter i dived into this World bc ur writing is so????? Perfect??? i cant put it into words
idk how many times i repeated myself by now but i just wanna give u this BIG word of appreciation (even if im struggling w it LOL) for everything. your characterisation of all the characters was always SO on point and the pacing of the chapters always elevated the reading experience and and and i’m just so overwhelmed by the quality of your work 😭🫶
and when i found ur tumblr??? oh i was FLOORED. like. not only r u absolutely GIFTED at writing, ure also good at drawing???11!?1? the writer & illustrator combo is INSANEEEEE
jtta got me all wrapped up in this universe that whenever i went back to read other obey me work or play obey me itself, i got sad bc the newspaper club and ik weren’t there 😭
normally i’m sad about things ending, esp when i indulged in it over a course of time but with jtta all i felt was a warmth (oh and the tears…..) in my body, it rlly couldn’t have ended better!! jtta made me elict all sorts of emotions while reading and it was just such a wonderful experience!
i feel like i just want to say more to u and sing more praises for u and jtta but i’m just at a loss for words,, my mind is COMPLETELY blank :c
writing is definitely your superpower and i’m forever grateful that i found your work!!!!!! T__T <3 can’t wait to see more of your work in the future 🥹💝
i need you to know that i had to look away multiple times consecutively just to compose myself because aAAAggkj
from the bottom of my heart, thank you!! i don't know what else i can say, everything you've said means so much to me! messages like this make everything about creating so worth it, all i can do is thank you twice <33333
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milk-ducts · 6 months
You're really out here thinking u don't have a relevant internet presence?? lmao please, ur like one of the best invincible blogs i follow and ur art is just beyond stunning. i LIVE for the rare moments u post those gorgeous drawings, u capture these characters in a way no one else does and have such a way with color picking and rendering AHHHH. And don't even get me started on your character analyses, like the way u pick apart immortal and cecil just makes me see them in an entirely different way and anytime you post i know im in for a treat
you're a gem in this fandom and we're so lucky to have u, i just wish u were more active but i get it, life happens. i'm always happy whenever i see u post SOMETHING, even if it's just you reblogging other artists. point is, we love u, i love u, and u better know how much u mean to ur followers
i love u so much u funky little creature keep doing u and being the light of my dash. merry christmas, here's to another year of me thirsting after your art and yelling into the void abt how much i adore u. <333
WTF…,…. IM LITERALLY GONNA KILL MYSELF WJAT./.,… /J i seriously have such a hard time seeing any sort of value and or relevance in the things i post but msgs like this remind me there r actually ppl out there who do enjoy and look forward to my rambles n doodles,, and i am just,, so grateful……………. !!!!!
LIKE U DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME AAAAHHH THANK U THANK U THANK U.. IM ON MY KNEES. i feel so blessed to have followers like u who stick around even when i disappear for months on end.,, just know that anytime i do post, it's literally only becuz of sweethearts such as urself motivating me from the shadows <3 i appreciate every single one of u more than words can describe,, i wish yall would get more active here as well !! (INVINCIBLE TUMBLR FEED),, its such a great fandom filled w sm wonderful and talented ppl on here !!!
ALSO ANON U BETTER KNOW I LOVE U TOO U PRECIOUS ANGEL!!!!! LIKE IF I COULD REACH THRU THIS SCREEN N SMOOCH U I WOULD!!! AWAGHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGjHGGUIOIUFYG i hope the rest of ur holidays are as bright and cheerful as u made mine today. ur the best bb now if u'll excuse me imma go cry myself 2 sleep bc i can't handle this kind of stuf….. (also.. it is lat,e,, for me .. < 3 gn everyone)
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dustorange · 28 days
3, 13, 17, 23, 71, 75. has to resist asking more, ur writing is amazing🫶🫶
3–describe the creative process of writing a chapter I am always so jealous of people who have BIG outputs i seriously only think of 1-3 fic ideas per yr i can write something pretty fast but man. I do not have ideas. but WHEN THEY DO HAPPEN TO ME THE IDEAS ARE ALWAYS ENDINGS and then it’s like okay how tooooo create callbacks and painful leadup material FOR those endings
13—what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
I try AND FAIL but i try sooo hard to not write scenes that are longer than they need to be which results in a lot of like 3 paragraph scenes but u can tell when&its sooo boring when u can tell a scene is just getting dragged out so that it doesn’t end abruptly. END THAT THANG WHEN YOU WANT TO i say because if u end it right when u have said all that u wanted to say, then u don’t have to drag urself thru writing boring stuff which makes u think of the overall process as more fun 
17—What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
one thing that works for me is trying to rewrite the scene swapping in a totally different emotion/vibe than the one I’m currently struggling to write. sometimes its difficult to write a scene bc its tooooo serious and heavy so it can help to write it w a character concealing something or laughing wildly or joking but hiding the  bitterness
23—Best writing advice for other writers?
I think 1 thing is that if there’s something you want to say, but can’t find a way that satisfies tou to say it explicitly, you don’t have to say it. If u know it, and u keep it in mind as ur writing, it will come thru. It will be infused.
71—When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline.?
I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS. I can never and will never write a fic more than 8 chapters bc i Will NOT remember what happened in it. So all my stuff is pretty short because i just can’t keep track of length. But almost all of my stories i write because i think of a painful angst ending and im like OK HOW DO I GET THERE i m never able to start at the beginning 
75—What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?
I take sooooo long writing any plot but i also take a long time writing talia i love her but i find her sooo difficult to characterize 
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violentviolette · 4 months
Do you have any advice for approaching violent and homicidal urges or just general anger with a therapist that's a little. Gentle? Anger is a very large portion of my problems, and I'm just concerned that my therapist will be more freaked out than she already is by me.
i think everything is in how u phrase it. im gonna be very real, a lot of traumatized ppl (myself included when i was younger so no judgement) tend to phrase what we say in the worst most extreme and shocking manner possible. some of that is intentional, because getting negative reactions from ppl and making them uncomfortable gives us a feeling of power and control over other ppls emotions. and sometimes its unintentional, because weve been conditioned to seek out negative reinforcement or have learned that our feelings are not taken seriously unless we explain them in the extreme
but either way it does mean that when ur trying to avoid a negative reaction it can be difficult to get those feelings across. but its actually pretty easy when u stop and give it some more thought. a good idea if u have trouble doing that on they fly would be to write down what u want to say and bring it in to read it/consult it while talking
a good place to start is to break the feeling down to its base parts and describe more of how ur experiencing it. this helps to avoid the initial emotional knee jerk ur therapist might have. so instead of being like "i have homicidal urges and fantasize about killing my family" something more like "im really struggling with my anger, when things happen, my first reaction is to get angry and then i cant move past that feeling to think clearly"
also always avoid actionable statements. don't say things like "i want to shoot my classmates" or "when someone talks i just want to take a brick to their face" those can get u in trouble but they're also just more likely to get a negative reaction because now ur therapist has to choose between u and the people they think u might harm. dont put them in a situation where they would have to even hypothetically choose ur feelings over someone elses safety cause thats when things get sticky. it puts them at odds with u and makes things go from simply "helping u" to now "protecting other ppl" a good quick trick for this is to just replace ppl with objects. instead of "i want to punch them" using "i want to punch something" or instead of "i want to kill them" using "i want to break things" if u absolutely must talk about ur urges being directed at living objects, its a good idea to qualify that u know thats wrong and lie that its not what u "really" want to do. things like "but i know thats not okay" "i know thats not healthy" "thats not how i want to react" "i want to find a different way to handle that feeling"
also using more broad language that is again centered on urself can be more productive. describe what the sensation physically feels like for u to experience as opposed to what it makes u want to do "when ppl talk to me at the wrong times, it feels like my skin is on fire and i get very antsy, it becomes hard to focus on anything else except how angry its making me" or "sometimes i get very restless, it feels like my body is buzzing and i cant get that to stop until i break or hit something, but i know thats not a good solution"
this will again help to keep ur therapist focused on helping to relieve ur feelings rather than protect others from potential violence. u stay the center of the conversation and they can focus on addressing the individual parts of ur feelings instead of being worried about how ur actions are affecting others
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coexistentialism · 3 months
hiya!! i've been questioning if i may be plural for probably a few years on & off now. it's. a really confusing experience. i'm not sure i'll ever be certain of what i'm dealing with. there's so many obstacles. all i can do is hope i'll find some clarity sooner or later
but i just wanted to let u know that i stumbled upon ur post that happened to crop up on my feed about when ur alters aren't Distinct People, and i'm glad i read it, because that post alone resonated with me more than any other post i've seen. i felt seen
a lot of our experiences are really similar based off of what you've described! at my core, i don't really feel like anyone or anything. i mask and pretend a lot & i've hardly ever felt comfortable expressing myself. everything always feels. Wrong. i have different identities too, but it feels more like i'm playing a role than actually being an entirely new person? i'm still always present. i'm still always conscious of what's happening. i'm still very much in control. but the way i feel, my identity & my perception shifts. suddenly i connect more with other names and pronouns and orientations. suddenly i feel i should switch my personality and style to better suit me. suddenly i start to lean more towards different aesthetics and sometimes i'll have different impulses. different things that feel more Me as opposed to before
the thing is that i'm still here. always. using "i" loosely throughout all of this because i honestly don't know who i am & where i start and end, but. i act more or less the same—especially around other people and when masking—but i feel. different. i don't black out and i don't feel a very distinct, solid sense of who i am ever. and these identities aren't really consistent. most of the time it feels like they've just kind of disappeared entirely & won't return. i can't communicate with any of them and don't have a headspace
so i often feel like this experience makes me Not A Singlet but i also feel like i don't belong in this community. i feel like i'm trapped in a grey area. i can't tell if i have DID or if i'm just an abro genderfluid personality shifting littol creacher or if i'm. Faking or tricking myself into believing something i'm not??? safe to say it's super frustrating and weird. i always feel so alienated but!! positivity: reading ur post made me feel secure again, it feels soso comforting to find something i can relate to ^_^
excuse all of my rambling but i want u to feel that relatability and that belonging too. it's invaluable, especially for those with DID & dissociative disorders. i wish u the best. i hope u continue to make progress with urself—all of u individually—and ur system as a whole. know that u are never alone and ur experience with DID is as real as any other.
and i hope lots of other people will feel the same way. i hope, and i'm sure, lots of people read your posts and feel at home. like someone really gets it. sorry for all of my waffling but! genuinely! thank u taking the time to write ur posts, share ur experiences & for being here :3
YEAH YOU GET IT! I don't really have anything to add, but you get it! I'm glad my post helped you and made you feel seen :] And this is all so nice, I appreciate it so much :,D
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 months
imagine ur some french guy who got dumped by unknown colombian woman and now ur living ur khaki life on the coast of cartagena and ur friend catalina comes down to work on colombia's beauty pageant and brings with her a severely depressed assistant with enormous glasses and gelled down bangs. and ur friend is like 'hey help me cheer my assistant up she's going through it' and ur like 'okay sure whatever' and as pageant week continues u discover that ur friend's assistant has a forehead and giant eyes and damn she's cute actually. u and her are getting along great. yeah u tried to kiss her and she rejected u but it's probably bc she's just shy. pageant week ends and she leaves but she'll probably call u right? weeks go by and ur channel surfing on ur tv by the beach and u see her--ur friend's newly beautiful assistant only she's not an assistant anymore. she's launching a fashion line on tv with all sorts of famous ppl around her. u thought she was a beach girl and that she wasn't really into fashion. that's so weird.
anyway, u call ur friend and ask about her now beautiful Not assistant anymore friend and u learn she's president of some company you've never heard of and that its not a permanent job and ur like oh?? suddenly u remember ur business plan with some other ppl about colonizing the cartagena coastline with some chain restaurants and ur like like 'well.....before i waste money on putting a job ad in the Colombian Times i may as well....offer a managing job to a woman who already has a job that i only knew for 1 week but when u get to this company that youve never heard of until two days ago (bc u didnt call the woman u wanted to see ahead of time) u catch her by surprise when she's yelling at an employee. these polluted, busy cities, u think--they always change u : ( but not to worry! u offer a beach life job to this woman ur pretty sure u know well, of course u tell her she wont be getting paid the same as she is now as president of a company. but its okay bc the cost living is different at the beach <3 but when u mention her previous employer in a negative way her giant eyes get darker and she kind of looks at u funny.
u try to distract her by describing the ocean again. then u drive her car to her house to meet her parents bc that's a normal thing to do with a woman youve known for a week. her parents like u and u think all u need is one dinner to close the deal. but right as ur both about to drink the mai tai u made her order, her old boss shows up and sits next to her. and ur very confused. her old boss starts talking about ur job offer and how it's wonderful and ur like 'well yeah' but then he starts talking about the company and how much company loves her and how much the company needs her and ur like 'oh??? Oh'. and then u think to urself--'maybe i should have put an ad in the paper' bc it looks like someone's already in the boss\employee fall in love trope and its def not u. ur date-not-date is ruined even tho she tells u she does want ur low paying job. weeks go by and ur colonizing chain restaurant friends have already hired someone for the position u were offering to some woman u only knew a week but bc u like to suffer, u call her and she's like 'michel?? oh hey. no i wont be taking ur job offer. but thank u for thinking of me. sorry, i cant talk right now, im on my way to a dress fitting. ciao. 'dress fitting? must be busy with another fashion launch'. she never calls u back. oh well. at least u have those free ocean sounds.
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