#you underestimate people's ability to be stupid
blubushie · 2 days
how are you so stupid but so charismatic
It's weaponised incompetence.
At the risk of sounding like I've got tickets on myself–
I'm not actually stupid. I'm incredibly fucking smart, actually, and I act like a boofhead because comedy often comes across as charisma and I've gotten very good at being charismatic when I want to be, and because acting like I'm an idiot means people don't know how smart I actually am and they underestimate me. And this works to my advantage, because it means that in moments where I'm socialising but can't be arsed to be charismatic or mask my disorders or can't understand something that'd be assumed simple for anyone else, I don't cop shit for the sudden personality shift. People don't accuse me of playing stupid because I can't understand something they consider simple.
If people think you're smart they'll want you to be smart all the time, and no one is. I'd rather them think I'm stupid and impress them every now and then with my ability than them assume my capability and hold me to a standard I can't always maintain.
Don't call me stupid.
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jaguarys · 2 months
Heartbreaking: post you mostly agreed with used the "you wouldn't say this about [x thing]" gotcha when you know for a fact people do, in fact, say that about [x thing]
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soulprompts · 2 years
hi friends!! basically, i watched the teaser trailer for season 2 of shadow and bone, got excited, began to reread the soc duology, and then these happened! or rather, i found an ancient unpublished fic i wrote after the first time i read the duology, and decided to make that a problem for everyone else! i hope you all enjoy these, you don’t need to have seen the show nor read the books, i actually think many of these are fairly fandomless! i just wanted to explain my inspiration! DON’T ADD TO THIS LIST! i’ll make more lists like this one! ily all, bon appetit, go forth and write or read or nap or watch tv or something!
" my goodness, you're not nearly as stupid as you look! "
" you have all the answers right in front of you. you just need to look at it differently. "
" don't presume that you know me just because you've heard a few rumors and read a few articles. "
" there's certainly more to you than meets the eye, isn't there? "
" i urge you to remember exactly who it is you're talking to. because while others might appreciate your tone, i assure you, i do not. "
" i'm concerned that you mightn't understand what discreet means. because the path of chaos you've just created is exactly the opposite of discreet. "
" you owe me a favour. i'm here to collect. "
" i thought it was a good time to pay you a visit. it's been so long, after all; and we have so much to catch up on. "
" you are not your father/mother/parent's child. not by anything other than blood, and that's not even on the spectrum of importance. "
" i was wrong about you. "
" you know, i was warned not to get involved with you. people insisted it was a fool's decision. but i held out hope that you'd prove them wrong. now's your chance. "
" i'm not the sort of person to fuss over hurt feelings. you're either of value to me, or you're worthless. so prove to me that you're not the latter. "
" you honestly think i don't know where you go each night? i'm not blind nor an idiot. i just trust your ability to return home unharmed. "
" have you told anyone else about this? "
" there are no children anymore. only survivors. childhood and innocence are luxuries afforded to the privileged. not us. "
" i offered you an opportunity once. to build a better world together. we both know how that turned out. and now, you come crawling back, begging for... what? mercy? forgiveness? "
" i'm with you. always. no matter what happens, i will be right by your side. do you understand? "
" we're a team, aren't we? teams stick together. even when the leader is being a prick. "
" ...i was really worried about you, you know. you scared me earlier. and i'm not saying it to make you feel bad, it's just... promise me you'll tell me if things get bad again? "
" i can't pretend to understand all this stuff you've got going on. but i do promise that i'll be here to help you through it all. alright? "
" there's a job that needs to be done before we get to work on the big task. that's why i'm here. you'll be helping me/us to complete both jobs. payment upon completion. "
" you and i aren't as different as you want to believe. that must be why you're so angry. because looking at me, all that i've done... it's like looking in a mirror. isn't it? "
" people are scared. they need a leader. and right now, like it or not, they're looking to you. so go on. lead us. "
" you've come up with some really insane plans over the years, but this is just defying any amount of belief. "
" look. i don't care if people underestimate me. i actually enjoy it. they see me as an idiot, they drop their guard, the end. but i need you to know that i'm not an idiot. okay? "
" people have died. we can't let that go unpunished. "
" the world is changing. and if we don't get ahead of it, then they'll be the ones to decide what it changes into. "
" right! what's the plan, then? and god help the lot of us if you don't have one. "
" not all of us can afford the luxury of a conscience. "
" don't make the deadly mistake of presuming my actions reflect weakness. too many have made that same presumption. and not a single one of them lived to tell the tale. "
" you're scared. i can tell. the shaking, the look in your eye... you want to run. don't. you'll waste precious time and energy, and you'll need it all if you want to live. "
" everything is gone. it's all smoke, ruin, obliterated. is that our legacy now? our reputation? destruction, devastation, death? is that who we are? "
" we've fought against powerful enemies before, but this is beyond that. if we want to get out of this alive, we need to be smarter, stronger, better than we've ever been before. "
" don't forget why we're here. there's far more at stake than our lives if this goes wrong. "
" you're the only person here i trust. we need to stick together, watch each other's backs. just because everything's changed, doesn't mean we have to, too. "
" i can't think of anyone i'd rather be doing this crazy, ridiculous, nearly definitely lethal mission with. let's go out with a bang, eh? "
" you people are completely insane. but you're also insufferably good at this sort of thing. so let's go save the world, shall we? "
" why are we fighting so hard to save the lives of people who hate us, anyway? "
" you're the best there is at this sort of thing. i'd hate to see the one who got the better of you... "
" look at them all. going around, fussing over money, clothes, land... do they ever realize what's going on around them? do they ever see the bigger picture as we do? "
" you're clever. good. it's nice to have a challenge. but you should know now, you'll want to be a hell of a lot smarter than that if you want to go up against me. "
" you and i both know the risks. we both know what people like them are capable of. tell me it's all okay, and i won't question you. but if it isn't... we need to be ready. "
" it's lonely and vicious at the top. i can handle that. but you... you wouldn't survive five minutes of this life. "
" you can't survive in this world without growing a thicker skin, and erasing that naive belief that you can trust anyone you meet. least of all me. "
" if you're knocking on my door, i can only imagine it means you're here to collect. and by your demeanour, it's one hell of a favor you'll be asking, too. "
" i understand your anger. i've lived with that sort of rage for many years of my life. but you need to set it aside, understand? we need you calm if we want to get out of here. "
" oh, don't get all sentimental. i saved your life because you're worth more to me alive than dead. it doesn't signify any degree of care or affection. "
" you have one hell of an inflated ego, you know that? we were told this job was impossible. that's not a challenge. that's a fact. it is not possible. even for you. "
" i've heard it all before. one more job. one more mission. one last heist. but there's always more. it's like some sort of obsession for you. searching for another thrill. "
" enough! this is it! don't you see that?! we almost died! you almost got killed! if the saints are kind enough to save us today, it's only so we can quit while we're ahead! "
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ohanny · 3 months
so remember how i said i'd been having ideas about a pack orgy? well.
those ideas now under the cut:
(nothing graphic but subject matter by default is somewhat nsfw)
it all starts when jeff realizes his heat is coming and is miserable about it because a) he is jeff and b) it is a miserable experience. so to soothe his instincts thus also his stupid hormones and cramps, he orders alan to build them a big “nest” in the living room (covering the floor with mattresses, and pretty much every single pillow and blanket in the house) and invites over the entire pack so they can put on some studio ghibli movies, huddle close and jeff can feel comforted by the closeness of everyone he holds dear.
except jeff might have miscalculated his cycle and underestimated the effect having his entire pack so close might have on him. so barely two movies it becomes clear his heat is a lot less pre- and a lot more actually happening right now.
everyone is like “so uh, we should probably leave you two to it” but jeff who is pretty gone already, whines like a sad puppy. he needs his pack so why is his pack trying to abandon him? sensing his distress, alan is like “no, stay” and it’s not exactly an order but also kind of is because no one is allowed to make jeff sad. and it's not a big deal. because it’s pack. when your packmate is going through their heat or rut, you help out in whatever capacity you can. that’s just how it is.
so everyone is chill about the whole heat pheromone soup and whatever bodily reactions it might cause. they are fine more or less pretending to watch the movie while alan fucks and knots jeff right there in the middle of the nest. once jeff is stuffed full and calmed down, the fussing starts. as another omega, north would curl up as close to jeff as he could. kim would worry about water and snacks and “alan, you big oaf, don’t squeeze him so tight.” jeff would be high off the feeling of it, happily purring in alan’s arms and everyone would mirror his happiness.
well. not everyone. kenta - who babe invited and kim dragged over to “socialize” - is very much not okay. kenta is freaking out.
kenta’s experiences with pack dynamics have previously been limited to “do what father says to the best of your ability or else.” in tony’s mansion going through your cycles was seen as a huge inconvenience at best and something shameful at worst. pack was a matter of forced proximity versus genuine bonding and if you got close to someone, it would be used against you. he might have tried his best with the children to offer them some kind of security but after pete left all those years ago, no one bothered to do the same for him.
also, much to his horror kenta is hard. and he’s disgusted with himself because he's in a room full of people, it's because of the pack leader’s omega and on top of all that, jeff is someone he considers to be his brother. one of those things would be enough but all three? he is totally spiraling into shame and self-hatred, inching back until he’s about to fall off the mattress, stiff and scared.
in short, he is totally bringing the vibes down, the stench of his panic spiking when he makes accidental eye contact with alan who has been looking at him. alan sighs and kenta is pretty sure this is going to be it, tensing up even more in preparation of what's to come. instead of casting him out, alan utters out a very pointed “kim” shooting a significant look in kenta’s direction and kim looks over his shoulder and goes “oh shit, on it” and means it quite literally.
because he turns around, grabs and physically pulls kenta back in and then crawls on top of him, murmuring “it’s okay, feel that?” and takes kenta’s hand, guiding it between his own legs where he is also achingly hard. “see? me too. you’re good,” he tells kenta and noses around his neck, breathing him in, “you’re really good. just relax and let me take care of you, okay?” and how could kenta say no to that? being caged in like this by kim’s everything is turning his brain to mush. when kim presses down, he arches up and oh, fuck.
for a split second he forgets where he is but then babe - who is totally being the little spoon, all wrapped up in charlie as if he was the one in heat here because of course - stretches out a hand so he can scratch the top of kenta’s head and say he’s being silly, “this is pack.”
and north will take a brief break from jeff to ninja roll to rub his cheek on kenta’s shoulder, scent marking him, and then sonic will snort and just chomp on kenta’s bicep because he totally looks like a biter and kim will playfully growl at him in a “hey, no biting what’s mine” and swat sonic’s head to which sonic will respond by snapping his teeth at kim’s fingers. north would kick sonic’s shin and tell him to “stop biting other people’s people” and sonic would fling himself at north, the two of them getting tangled up and alan’s reflexes being the only thing saving jeff from accidentally getting elbowed in the face.
that will obviously jostle the knot still connecting them and jeff will whine, grinding back in a renewed surge of sheer need and alan lives to please. and let's not pretend gremlin charlie would not take advantage of all the fertile omega pheromones mixing with babe’s own scent to go full “is mama that desperate to be bred?” on babe. and if the whole mess of kenta, kim, north and sonic gets even messier and more tangled up as the night progresses, oh well. kim is horny and kenta clearly needs way more babying than jeff does. pack is pack after all.
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fluffydice · 3 months
Thinking,,, one of the things Kusuo had feared most happening during the Cat Tank arc, where someone he had "friendly feelings" towards gets roped into his life. Thinking about how he watched his body get stripped and his brother wanted to see more. Thinking about how it kept flashing back to when Kusuke gave him the limiters he turned it into a competition, telling him to protect his right one "even if it kills you," and how the manga shows them constantly fighting for it, showing Kusuo even waking up to Kusuke's 'games'. Thinking about Kusuo's stupid little "...Toritsuka...don't..." when he was standing there bleeding, and about how Kusuke had to instantly reassure him as he knocked out Toritsuka because he knew his little brother would go haywire if he thought for even a second that he'd killed him.
Thinking about how Kusuo took out his right limiter in the end, saying he "caused trouble" by living the life he wanted, in front of one of the people who originally planted the idea that he could hurt people just by existing in his head. Thinking about how the "trouble" wasn't even really Kusuo's fault, he just took on the blame for it because it all tied back into him just trying to exist and have friends.
Ugh, and the way Kusuke helped him with his pants, and how Kusuo—at his simultaneous strongest and most vulnerable—didn't even fuss, and the way his eyes shone when Kusuo promised to keep being his playmate,,, because he'd underestimated his little brother's ability to learn and grow just by having the support of other people, and how much Kusuo would let slide against him when it comes to the people he needs in his life.
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jupiter-letters · 2 months
Dating J'onn J'onnz would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: None
A/N: For the sake of my sanity and J’onn’s happiness, Martians are alive and well and these headcanons are based more on the young justice show. The reader is already a member of the justice league in this but maybe I’ll do some civilian headcanons later.
You both started out as pretty good friends but you never thought he’d like you romantically due to cultural differences. For him what you looked like didn’t really matter, your personalities meshed so well he wanted you around all the time. 
Despite having an open and honest friendship you kind of tried to bury your feelings from J’onn when you guys would talk telepathically. He did pick up on this though and it bothered him for a while but he didn’t want to pry. 
There’s this lingering tension though, you both like each other but one doesn’t want to overstep and the other is afraid of rejection. Other people can pick up on it too but nobody wants to say anything. There’s this romantic undertone with how you guys talk to each other but again nobody says anything. The other members of the league watching you guys interact is basically like this:
J’onn: “Would you like some refreshments after your journey to the watchtower? I’ve prepared some coffee for you.”  You: Ah, no thank you I appreciate it! Are you ok? I heard your last fight in Metropolis was tough, I was worried about you.  J’onn: And I you, your battle with Grodd caused me some distress but it was well fought. I’m happy you are unharmed.”
Wonder woman, Superman and Shazam standing in the corner like ???🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️🧍???
Things really get shaken up when M’gann makes her debut, she picks up on it as soon as you enter the room thinking you wouldn’t mind(due to your friendship of course). She ends up reaching into that crevice you thought you’d hidden. J’onn is unaware of this for like a second before she just comes out and says it. “Uncle J’onn have you guys started dating yet??” After she says that he’s looking at her like 👁️👄👁️. 
You fall out of your chair and M’gann realizes she messed up. Lucky for her she made a swift exit out of the room. You try not to make eye contact but J’onn is looking directly at you. 
At this point you both couldn’t put it off anymore and talked it out. You tell him your insecurities and he does the same. His fears about the attraction not being mutual due to the whole alien thing. Fortunately for you guys none of that matters since you’re so sickeningly in love. Now we get to the nitty gritty! The dating!
J’onn does everything in his power to learn Earth customs, especially your own culture, the language, the food. He wants to learn about it all to be closer to you. If english isn’t your native language he does a little brain download of it and speaks it with you. He’ll even prepare your favorite dish despite many, many failed attempts. When you make the same effort to learn about Martian culture it really warms his heart. It’s a rocky road but you get the hang of it, his family loves having you over. They’ll shapeshift into you when you come over and give you one big hug. 
You have to awkwardly explain why you’re seeing a new guy every week before J’onn chooses a form he likes. He doesn’t understand why it’d be a problem but he stops for you. It doesn’t matter though since he takes it off when you get home or when you’re among friends. He loves to shapeshifter for you to make you laugh, turning into celebrities or mascots to prank you. You wake up in the morning and open the bathroom door to see Chiitan taking a shower. He’ll even do stupid stuff like long furbys or the fresno nightcrawler. 
Fighting together is a breeze, nobody is crazy enough to go after you in the field. And psychic attacks forget it, you can’t beat a martian when it comes to telepathy. People often underestimate how strong J’onn actually is but they do enter the process of fucking around and finding out. He never doubts your ability to protect yourself either but if the need arises and you get overwhelmed he will step in. 
You understand J’onn’s feelings more than most, despite constantly being linked to each other’s mind. Like Bruce his body language is subtle, there are certain ways his lips twitch or how he rubs his fingers together. You both have a great understanding of each other’s emotions, it’s so wonderful, he never keeps things from you and is very blunt with his opinions. He feels like it’s insulting to you to use flowery language instead of being honest. 
He doesn’t mind PDA, however much you’re comfortable with he’ll do. However he won’t be hanging off of you in public, he will stay within arms reach. He always wants you to know he’s nearby and you’re safe. His love language largely revolves around words of affirmation. J’onn is a great person to vent to since he is a great listener and he’s lived a long life so he’s got some words of wisdom. You need advice? He’s your man and if you don’t he’s a good listener.
You can literally feel how much he loves you, he’ll even show you how he sees you. All colorful and bright like the sun. He’d literally walk through fire for you, his loyalty is unmatched.🗣️🗣️ You always tell him he doesn’t need to but he’ll do it anyway. After the most difficult day of missions and handling Martian and Earth politics, a moment in your arms rejuvenates him. For someone who isn’t super touchy the other thing he loves to do is hold your head in his hands and press your foreheads together. No words are exchanged, you just quietly enjoy each other’s presence. 
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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laninasinamor · 1 year
Confirmed: Namor’s wings grow back 🦅
“But also, they said, can we rip the wings off? They grow back, he’ll be fine, but it gives you an opportunity to humanize this God-like character and make him come to her. And so that’s playing to Shuri being smart.”
I know that a lot of Marvel bros complain about Shuri being a terrible Black Panther. Not only of her being a woman cuz they always complain about that but bc she’s too SKINNY or she doesn’t look like she has enough physical strength to beat an experienced adversary like Namor.
They need to stop saying stupid sh*t like being skinny EQUALS weakness bc there are so many Marvel characters who are underestimated for their physical size.
However Namor does have hundreds of years more of combat and battle experience that most likely surpasses Shuri’s limited fighting skillset.
But that’s why this guy speaks about Shuri using her intelligence to ultimately outwit her enemies.
Sure Namor is VERY much skilled as a fighter and can overpower Shuri but Shuri will probably win due to her being one of the SMARTEST people on earth.
Shuri is so far the only person able to HUMANIZE Namor and makes HIM COME TO HER 😏 bc of her own ability to outwit him. And that’s just hot lol. 🤷‍♀️
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gffa · 8 months
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There are better points of connection/references to point out for Batman #138, ones that are far more likely to be deliberate, but I had just read Detective Comics #1000 a couple of days before this issue came out and couldn't help thinking about one giving context to the other. That Bruce thinks he never should have let anyone follow him into this life, that he feels betrayed by all of them, but a special point is made that the oath Dick swore to him as a kid, to uphold righteousness, feels like it's been shattered. That Bruce feels like he should never have listened to Dick's argument about following him into this life--that the cat was already out of the bag, the moment that Bruce himself put on a costume, someone was going to follow him into this life, he couldn't stop it, it had already happened. And Bruce looks back on that and thinks that he shouldn't have allowed that argument to sway him. But he's forgetting what he and Alfred talked about leading up to that moment, why Alfred argued that Dick's inclusion was a good thing:
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"You know how highly I think of you and your abilities. But he could make you better. He could be better. A hero forged in the light." The Detective Comics story isn't just speculation, it takes place when Dick is a kid, but we see a flashforward of Nightwing--it's a confirmation that Alfred's right, Dick is better than Bruce. Dick isn't the one that lost sight of what's important, Dick isn't the one who betrayed their vow--Bruce is. Bruce is the one who betrayed them all, that's why Dick isn't just a brighter version of Batman as a person, it's why we twice see him here as physically a better fighter. He's the better version of what Batman was meant to be. It's hardly a new truth about Bruce and Dick's relationship, it's been around before--Nightwing is the better version of Batman, the one forged in light, the one who brings hope. The one who leads through not just being a brilliant detective and battle strategist and world class fighter, but because people trust him and know he's worthy of that trust. Dick mirrors Bruce's origin story the most out of all the characters, his parents killed in front of him when he was under the age of 10, the anger that lives in his heart is one that burns for justice for people. Dick is the clearer version of Batman:
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So, when their morals crash into each other here, Bruce can't see that Dick isn't the one betraying him (Dick doesn't even really seem to believe that much in Selina's plan so much as he knows they need the peace--however temporary it might be--her plan brings, because Dick tells her that this whole thing is stupid too, just as much as he's ready to tell that to Bruce), Bruce has forgotten that Dick is the clearer version of himself and that he is the one slipping down a bad path. That's why twice in this storyline, Batman underestimates him as a fighter and gets knocked on his ass for it. He can't see it because Zur-En-Arrh is leaking into him to the point that it's not really Bruce or Zur-En-Arrh, it's both of them, and he's so desperate to hold onto Batman to have a reason to hold himself together, he can't see that Dick is the one who should be making the judgement calls here, not himself. He's trying to force himself to stop loving his family, like he can't even see that that's the entire opposite of why he started doing any of this in the first place. It's not just crime that's the problem, it's the suffering people face because of that crime that he never wants to happen to anyone again. Selina's plan is already falling part, he's right that it's not the long term solution she wants to present it as, but in focusing on that, he's lost site of the actual point of what drove both of them to the vow--to make the world a better place. To fight crime so that others won't suffer.
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A central theme of Dick Grayson's character--including Bruce's own view of him--is that he makes the world better just by being in it. Bruce thinks that, by forcing Jason into a state of terror so strong that he can't fight, it will force him out of the life of crime, but he's forgetting that the point isn't just that Jason doesn't do crime anymore, it's that he's not making the world a better place by doing something so monstrous. Jason isn't better off this way. Jason is already no longer murdering people and doing this to him won't help those he killed in the past. Nobody is better off this way. I get why, in Bruce's war zone of a brain, he genuinely thinks this is being kind, he cares about Jason and the only way he can see to save Jason from jail, is to force him onto this path. But he can't see that this doesn't actually help anyone, it doesn't make the world a better place. Keeping Dick or Jason or Tim or Damian from this life wouldn't have made their lives better, even if Bruce could have stopped them. (He couldn't have.) The whole reason he couldn't out-argue Dick even at 9 years old was because Dick was helping to make the world better. Jason and Tim and Damian are all fighting to help make the world better. Knight Terrors was the storyline just before this one and it had a moment where Bruce breaks free of Insomnia's nightmare by hugging his child self and telling him about all the people that were going to find him in the dark--his friends, his children, his loved ones. They made him a better man.
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That's it, that's the story--when Bruce stops trusting his children, when he stops letting them influence him, when he stops letting his love for his family drive him, he loses everything, including his own grip on himself. Because the whole point of having them around was that they made him better, that some of them were directly meant to be a clearer reflection of his whole entire purpose, and the moment he stopped trusting them, the moment he realized Dick--the one he trusted with full access to the Batbox! the one he trained to be the best he could be, to be the one to stop Bruce, if he went over the line--was going against him, that's the moment everything broke.
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isa-ghost · 5 months
I need the headcanons, Isa. I need them like I need air. (I also have had very little time to watch QSMP overall, so all of my q!Phil info comes from you) -River
Here's Headcanon Set 1
He's an expert at playing stupid. I don't have any actual situations from canon off the top of my head to apply this to, but his wits are sharp enough for him to pull it off when shit isn't explosively hitting the fan
He hates not being able to fly, flying is/was the main way he would de-stress. Nothing makes him feel lighter than the breeze in his feathers and a breathtaking view
This man's commitment to The Bit is so underestimated. If The Bit was a person, it'd be part of his polycule. People just overlook his ability to commit to a bit because he has to personally find the bit worth committing to
Obligatory Shiny Good Crow Brain mention. Why do you think his backpacks need sorting like once every few weeks (though he neglects them for longer than that)? And shiny is not always literal. Sometimes it means flowers or pretty types of wood or a neat mob.
Every once in a while someone can get him to laugh in a way that Almost sounds like a squawk. He doesn't know how it happens, it's like an involuntary snort laugh, but with cawing.
Unfortunately for him, playfully raising his blood pressure (stares at the kids, Tubbo, the polycule, some others) is kinda funny. It's the way he gets louder the more exasperated he gets.
He has 100% slept so hard that he snored loud enough to earn a kick in the side from Chayanne
Speaking of sleep, this idiot will pass out in that wooden chair and then wake up in the morning and bitch about his neck aching as if he isn't the reason it's aching. Tallulah especially has roasted him for this
His dedication to Chayanne and Tallulah can go unmentioned bc it's just so obvious but I need everyone to understand it's not just how he'd burn the island to ashes for them. It's also how he'd stop mid-tea party with Tallulah, Pomme & Co, dressed the whole nine yards in a tutu, tiara & obnoxious amounts of pretend jewelry to beat the ever-loving SHIT out of a threat
At first Irish Goodbyes were unintentional (which is what made them so funny) but now it's become one of the biggest bits he's committed to. This man loves embodying that gif of the dude going ✌🏻 and vanishing.
Tallulah totally told him about the Duolingo "It's Spanish or Vanish" meme. It won't leave his head now
Anytime he does the reverb voice or something he is pulling a megaphone out of his backpack and yelling into it
Because I forgot it in the first hc set and it's too funny for me not to include, I must once again tap the sign that says "Phil and Fit fuck nasty behind Fit's gym." Why do you think the shit Fit says like "big boy" gets such a reaction out of Phil? He's heard it elsewhere
He thinks he has too much self-respect to do it but if he didn't, he'd 100% be the dad to dab or whip-nae nae just to make Chayanne and Tallulah faceplant on the ground out of embarrassment
Speaking of faceplanting, Tallulah is so good at timing when she does it, it absolutely kills Phil every time. It's like one of the Top 5 ways to get him to crack up
Calling back to the Bit Commitment hc: "The 4th Wall" is a bit he made up and won't stop referencing. It's not that he's fail rping in meta, he's getting conspiracy-style existential as a joke and that's why Tallulah hates it so much
Stealing this one from my hcs about my angel OC inspired by Phil: If you put him in water, his wings will involuntarily flap like a bird in a bath. It isn't nonstop, it's like a stim he can't help doing every so often.
He loves Rose so much. She instantly makes him feel safe. He regularly has to resist the urge to passionately gush about her to people because he knows they'd be like What The Fuck Are You On About. Rose is blorbo from his brain (little does he know, she isn't entirely)
He likes to pretend he isn't, but he's sentimental as hell. Why do you think he hasn't changed the ugly dirt shack? Why do you think he has so many backpacks of stuff? He's got that crow hoarder brain but he also just attaches to things to easily. Nostalgia and love for history has him in a death grip. Little does he know, it's a trait he's kept from his past
Speaking of his past, until I get canon story explaining otherwise, in my mind he IS hardcore!Phil but the Federation wiped his memory after somehow managing to invite him to the island. The Ender King & Rose's arrivals into qsmp canon are two very different ways of attempting to trigger his memories. What he thinks are dreams are actually those forgotten memories of what he was doing before coming to the island
Okay that's long enough, look out for a third set because I got another ask waiting for more >:)
EDIT: Here's Set 3 :D
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Jack Info Compilation part 24: Jack and Vil
Jack and Vil meet for the first time when child-Jack saves child-Vil from other children who were bullying Vil for his role as a villain in a TV show.
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Vil insists that he didn’t need Jack’s help and Jack apologizes.
Jack doesn’t recognize Vil as a celebrity because he doesn’t watch much TV, but he still tries to reassure Vil by saying his acting must have been very convincing.
Jack says that he and Vil went to the same school “for like a year or two,” and Vil seems to have several stories about Jack from their childhood. Vil relates a time when they went out to play together in the snow and Jack made him a life-sized throne (Vil helped with design and decorations).
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The two also took skiing and snowboarding lessons together and Vil says that as Jack was “already quite skilled at both” he helped Vil learn, but Jack insists that Vil mastered everything with just a few tips and he hardly needed any teaching.
Jack seems to be low-key hiding his past connection to Vil, telling Ace that there is someone in the school that he knew before he enrolled but not who it is.
We see the two reunite at Jack’s first opening ceremony where Vil says that Jack was the only one in their town who would ever say hello to him, as people tended to resent him for being a celebrity. Vil says that Jack left an impression on him “as an oddball who never cared about such things.”
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When Vil is revealed to be the group’s trainer for Fairy Gala IF Jack says he is honored that Vil is personally stepping in to help.
When Vil says that Jack’s catwalk is “passable” Jack responds, “You mean it?! Ah, sorry, stupid question. You never say things you don’t mean…”
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In another vignette Vil scolds Jack for wearing his ceremonial robes in a slovenly manner, insisting that he dresses himself in a way “befitting Night Raven College’s stories history.”
Jack promises to be careful, saying, “Can’t say I understood half of what you said, but…I know it’s somethin’ real important to you.”
Vil responds with “Huh…you really are an interesting one.”
After the performance in Book 5 Jack says that “Vil’s stage presence was incredible,” and when Vil says that he has added something special for Halloween Jack responds, “Now that you mention it, you’ve got more…grandeur than usual.”
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In what may or may not be a regular occurrence we see the two students go jogging together early in the morning, with Jack commenting that he is impressed with Vil’s ability to keep up with him.
Vil says, “You’d do well not to underestimate me” and Jack apologizes. Jack continues on his morning run and Lilia appears, commenting to Vil that he finds it surprising that Vil gets along with an “athletic type” like Jack.
Vil explains, “Anyone who is working towards a goal, no matter what it is, deserves respect.”
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sk2lton · 2 years
you want to pierce your ears, jade offers to do it for you.
— warnings: mention of needles, ears being pierced of course, semi proofread
— characters: jade (ft. azul)
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when you first complained about wanting to pierce your ears, jade offered to do it for you. immediately, you shot him down. it would be stupid of you to accept an offer from jade leech of all people to pierce your ears. the possibilities were endless. he could pierce the wrong part of your ear. he could end up making too big of a hole. he could make too small of a hole. you knew none of the staff would be impressed to see you walk in to the infirmary with your ears in dire need of first aid. however, you seemed to underestimate jade’s persuasive skills. that was your biggest and most costly oversight.
since, before you knew it, you were sitting in front of jade, after hours at monstro lounge, as he was readying himself to pierce your ears. “are you sure you can do this?” you nervously asked as you watched him slip a pair of latex gloves on. at least he acted like a professional piercer. 
“i have told you, i’ve done this many times. you have nothing to worry about,” jade spoke as he inspected some of the trinkets that were there to pierce your ears.
“define many,” you asked.
“myself, of course. floyd as well,” he seemed rather proud by this. however what he claimed to be many, wasn’t many. that was certainly not reassuring to hear. “now, can you please stop perspiring. what if your sweat makes my hand slip and pierce the wrong place?”
you froze, wiping the sweat off your face and away from your hairline. “you know what, maybe i’ll just wait to get a professional-”
“i am one. would you like to see my certificate?” jade asked, setting down the needle. 
you paused for a moment. sometimes, it was hard to tell if jade was serious or not. squinting at him, you spoke, “do you really have one?”
“no, i just thought that it would make you feel better if you thought i did,” jade said before he took a marker and begun trying to figure out where to pierce each ear. “i will not do anything bad, you have my word.” now that was more reassuring. 
“what if something goes wrong?” you mumbled, trying to stay still while he marks with two little dots where he is going to pierce your ears.
“that’s simple, it won’t,” he was rather confident in his piercing abilities. although you haven’t seen him in action, it was certainly comforting to hear his confidence remain fixed, despite the fact that you’ve continuously questioned his abilities ever since he offered to do this for you. although, an offer makes it sound like it was free. even though jade didn’t name a price, you knew it came with one that you would find out soon enough.
“i don’t think i’ve ever seen you this concentrated,” you tried hard not to make eye contact as he was very close to your face, still attempting to make the dots symmetrical. jade was completely and utterly fixated on the task at hand. his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and he seemed to bite the inside of his cheek in frustration. every now and then he would gently grasp your chin, moving your head around to make sure he’s gotten it right. that made it difficult to avoid eye contact and whenever your eyes would accidentally lock onto his, jade would let out a low chuckle. that chuckle sent heat straight to your face, but you tried to ignore it. 
once he was satisfied, he breathed out a long sigh. “this is your last chance to back out. are you going to take it or should i get started?” he picked up the needle, raising a brow at you expectantly. 
“just get over with it,” you told him. in response, he nodded. when positioning himself at a different angle, one that would aid him in getting the needle through your right ear, he leaned in close.
“if it’s too much pain, it doesn’t matter to me what you do. just don’t move,” jade advised you. you hummed in response to let him know that you had heard him.
“wait, are you going to do a countdown or something- ow!” you yelped as you felt the needle poke through your earlobe. although it didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would, jade had caught you off guard which caused you to let out that yelp.
“oh no,” jade said. 
“jade? what do you mean, oh no?” you tried to glance at him through your peripheral vision but failed. what did he mean by oh no? had something went wrong? you felt another pinch at your right ear and winced in response. “jade?!” you heard him suck in a breath. “why oh no?!” 
“i’m sincerely sorry.”
“what happened? what do you mean??” you felt yourself become increasingly more nervous, enraged, and confused. what had happened to make jade respond like this? did he truly mess up that badly?
“it’s best you don’t know. now, onto your left ear,” jade grinned.
“no way am i going to let that happen! what’d you do to my first ear?” 
“what are you guys doing here still?” azul walked out of his office, clearly annoyed by the ruckus being caused outside of it. “jade, why do you have a needle in your hand. and you, why are you screaming?”
“azul!” you ran to him. “does my ear look okay?” you turned to show him your right ear. azul shot jade a look of bewilderment. 
“yes, it looks fine,” he spoke. “did you always have an earring on this side?” 
turning around, you glared at jade who seemed to be chuckling to himself. of course, he had been joking about ruining your piercing. that should’ve seemed obvious from the start. after jade explained what you two were doing, azul looked at you both with amusement before retreating back into his office. however, before that, he had forced you two to promise not to do anything reckless and if you ended up needing to go to the infirmary, you had to say the injury was sustained in anywhere but the monstro lounge. once agreeing, you sat back down in front of jade, burning holes into him from your harsh scowl.
“remind me to never let you give me a piercing again,” you mumbled, arms crossed as jade moved around to your left side. 
“who else will i practice on?” he frowned.
“azul, i’m sure he’d appreciate it!” you sarcastically stated.
“if i ever came near azul with a needle, no matter what the reason was, he would make me pay,” jade said.
“next time, i’ll take a page from azul’s book then,” you grumbled. “and, this time can you countdown? it’s really annoying-” then once again, while you were unready, jade stuck the needle through your left ear. it hurt much less than the first time. “if you were an actual piercer, i would give you a one-star rating for this!” jade only smiled in response. next, you felt another pinch which you assumed was the earring going through the new hole. 
once finished, jade moved to face you directly. he nodded, seeming proud of the job he had done before he pulled out his phone, passing it to you so you could see yourself using the camera. to your surprise, your earrings were very evenly placed at the same level, in the middle of your earlobe. there was no blood and although your ears were red, that would fade over time. you smiled at the topaz and silver earrings which jade had insisted on. 
“thank you, jade. they look really nice!” you exclaimed.
“you’re welcome. now, for my pay, i’ll be calling upon you for a favour within the next few days, so don’t forget,” he spoke, pulling off his latex gloves. he begun to clean up his makeshift piercing station.
the fact that you had to pay jade back with a favour was probably more terrifying than the fact that jade was the person who pierced your ears. if you were to tell any of your friends this, surely they’ll boo at you for making such a stupid decision but in your defense, he was excellent at piercing ears. 
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tjodity · 3 months
Oo what about cHannah?
I'm just getting increasingly enraptured with her. Summaries for lore are helpful but going back and rifling through old vods gives me such deeper impressions of their characters. She talked about how she's aware of how women and femininity are usually ignored and underestimated and how she actively plays up femininity in her builds and general vibe so she can catch them off guard and kill them more easily, and also how her evil lair thing under her base isn't representative of her either and is exaggerated partially as an intimidation tactic. It's interesting to me how these things aren't necessarily 'acts' but that she leans into certain aspects of her personality while masking others depending on the situation. It's also more apparent in more subtle things like her level of politeness, how much she insults people, whether or not she makes an effort not to swear, etc. I think it's fun that she is a person who will insult and argue with you more if she likes/trusts you and I think it's an interesting and subtle level of guardedness for her character.
I also think it's interesting how much she enjoys fighting. Some characters like the feeling of violence or control or vengeance but she enjoys the act of fighting and it like. is very neat to think abt seriously. When she's running around on the first day she thinks its stupid that she's fighting zombies, not because they're irritating but because she thinks they're below her to fight. She lists her ability to kill other people with pride and a main core fact about her. The context to her joining the server is her losing in a fight to Dream but beating Punz. She is actively excited to fight Sapnap when Puffy tells her about him. She gets into repeated rematch fights with Punz outside his house. I think the only other character I've seen on the SMP that actually likes fighting as much as her is maybe Techno.
I also am fascinated by what Hannah's afraid of and what she's not afraid of. She's terrified of cave spiders because they've killed her in her previous hardcore worlds. When she and puffy get trapped in a void maze trap and Puffy's freaking out she just silently brute forces her way to an exit and seems undisturbed, but she's very scared when she thinks the two of them are lost and can't get back to the main SMP. She's initially freaked out by the Egg vines and says that they look 'poisonous' but after Puffy explains it to her she is totally frightened by it. She believes that it's evil and that it can mind control people and she's cautious but not. afraid in the same way other characters are.
One last thing I looooooove how much she carries over from her old experiences. As said before she's scared of cave spiders due to a hardcore series but also carries a bunch of her stuff on her instead of storing it and makes a ton of crafting tables because of it. She calls the Central SMP 'Mid' out of habit from Minecraft Hunger Games. Her entire fighting thing and most of her pre-smp knowledge of other characters comes from bedwars and other fighting minigames. I just like when people do that
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edum123 · 3 months
Here is the second part to episode 5 of why Rhaenyra is not being worthy of being the heir or queen to the throne. 5. Alicent’s green dress entrance to the wedding festivities. • This was a statement on Alicent’s part this is her saying I know the truth of what happened that night and I will not be quiet about it I will fight for the rights of my son. She made a statement for her allies to know that she is willing to fight and calling for them to help her sons claim. She is saying that the rumors are true about Rhaenyra as well. That her father was thrown aside for doing his job to protect the royal family that his service and duty were thrown aside for Rhaenyra’s sake. Alicent is making a subtle but very powerful political move so that she technically can’t get in trouble for it Alicent is wearing colors that relate to her house that everyone does at events like this the fact that the color has a meaning that people can pick up on is just a smart move on her part. Alicent is a smart woman who knows politics and she is showing everyone in that room that she knows how to play the game. She was very courteous to her husband and step daughter though it showed a more formal and cold tone she was still kind to the others around her. This shows Alicent understands that small details are important and how to make a political statement without causing damage to herself. Alicent is also saying to Rhaenyra I no longer believe you and I will not support your claim and that your word means nothing. Rhaenyra never thought Alicent would find out the truth or would react this way. This shows that Rhaenyra underestimates people and their ability to find out the truth. This yet again shows that Rhaenyra thinks she can treat people however she likes and they should still support and like her and yet again Rhaenyra is stunned when people turn against her for violating and betraying their trust. Again we see Rhaenyra’s lack of foresight and understanding of people around her.
6. Rhaenyra and Daemon along with Laenor and Joffrey interactions during the wedding feast. • If this is an agreement that Rhaenyra and Laenor have then they need to be more discreet about it not make it obvious to every lord of the realm of its existence. With how Rhaenyra and Daemon are acting they are making it look like the rumors are true especially with Alicent’s entrance. With Laenor making it obvious that he likes men if there is something to question in the future people will remember this. Not to mention Rhaenyra and Laenor’s marriage is happening for stability in the realm Rhaenyra asking Daemon to take her Dragonstone to become his wife is stupid along with not to mention insulting to the Velaryons. Once again Rhaenyra doesn’t understand the importance of friendly relationships with other houses and how this would look to others especially considering that Daemon’s wife just died at suspiciously convenient time for Daemon. Rhaenyra can’t understand that your actions can insult other houses and damage the relationship and reputation of the crown. Rhaenyra doesn’t understand that perception is important along with your image and she is doing a great job of destroying hers. Rhaenyra can’t think about long term repercussions.
7. Ser Joffrey Lonmouth’s death and rushed wedding. • If Rhaenyra never said she had a lover leaving for Joffrey to try to seek that person out would have not lead to his death. Talking to Criston who is already coming to a realization that Rhaenyra used him because she wanted pleasure not because she cared about him. That he was forced to do something he didn’t want to do because it pleased her with no regard to his life and choices. Joffrey is playing with something that could cost Criston his life and Criston acts on that primal fear of survival that we all have. Not to mention all of the other emotions of realizing you mean nothing to someone who used you for your body that you were violated and the person who did can get away with it because of the power they have. Joffrey was gambling in that moment and he lost and the reason is because of the arrangement Rhaenyra made with Laenor. Once again Rhaenyra lacks the foresight of the problems her actions have. Rhaenyra’s wedding is rushed after that chaos of Joffrey’s death is what her wedding will be remembered by. Laenor is crying during the ceremony and only the bare minimum people witness it what was once supposed to be a huge celebration for the realm has become a rushed hurried almost treated like an rush to protect the crown from rumors and embarrassment, with Viserys collapsing after it. Rhaenyra’s wedding which was expensive to the crown was rushed because of her actions wasted money on it and Viserys’ health took a turn for the worst after all the stress she put him through. All of this was the reaction of her terrible choices and lack of foresight of what could happen. Rhaenyra is once again surprised with what happened when this wedding disaster happened is a combination of her bad choices. That she stressed her father who is in bad health because of her choices and the mistakes he has to clean up of hers. Rhaenyra can’t understand that her bad choices stress people out and make them angry.
8. Ser Criston Cole trying to kill himself. • The reason that he even tried is because he killed Ser Joffery Lonmouth because of all the pent up feelings he felt. Criston finally made it in a society that is stacked up against him all for it to crashing down because of Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra took everything from him made him feel like he had nothing to live for. Criston feels like killing himself will let him have his honor back. I don’t think people understand that Rhaenyra’s actions really reinforced ideas that Criston means nothing to them that he is just a peasant that the nobility can use as they want with no regards to his feelings. Again Rhaenyra shows that she can’t think or understand that to someone like Criston reaching the position that he has is a great honor to have that all the sacrifices and choices he made lead to this honor. Rhaenyra yet again can’t see the consequences of taking advantage of someone like Criston means that they will try to protect themselves and the honor they have. When Criston tries to take his life it is stopped by Alicent the queen who doesn’t have to but wants to help him. Rhaenyra doesn’t understand that this action will have big consequences to her later down the line all from the choice of forcing Ser Cristion to sleep with her. She just made an enemy of someone who she thought was less important but will play a big role in her downfall.
All in all in this episode we see that Rhaenyra can’t seem to understand that her choices have consequences. That people are not just going to let Rhaenyra lie, manipulate, and steamroll them just because she can and wants too. Rhaenyra is surprised when people act out against her like they should never dare to. Rhaenyra’s poor choices have long lasting effects on everyone else. One of the saddest things is that Rhaenyra can’t learn from it she is always the poor victim even when she causes the mess. We also see that Rhaenyra makes poor choices that have disastrous consequences that she is surprised happen this shows that Rhaenyra can’t think in the future of the consequences her actions have which is terrible in a future leader who will rule rulers need to think of every possible outcome the choices make. Rhaenyra though only thinks of what she wants not of what the realm needs her to do. Again Rhaenyra is showing tyrant like behavior that she doesn’t seem to mind or care about because it should be what she wants.
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shxtodxroki · 8 months
𝙸.... 𝚆𝚘𝚗?
Summary: It’s time for exams at U.A., and as the students of class 1-A are pit against each other in one-on-one battles, it seems as if Denki’s instantly doomed to lose as he’s paired up against Katsuki Bakugo of all opponents. All of Denki’s classmates have always underestimated his abilities, but with you cheering him on, he manages to pull off the amazing feat you always believed he could.
Flufftober Day 4 Prompt: Cinderella Moment
Warnings: There’s some mentions of insecurities on Denki’s behalf due to teasing (this isn’t meant to villainize any other 1-A students to be clear, teenagers are stupid and we sometimes go too far with teasing our friends or don’t see how it affects them, but none of them are meant to be seen maliciously or as villains in this just to be clear)
Pairing: Denki Kaminari x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Check out my full Flufftober masterlist here!
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Denki knew that he’d never been considered one of the strongest in your class, he could see how the consequences of reaching his limit on his powers could be entertaining to his classmates and he understood that he hadn’t demonstrated any exceptional skills in comparison to his classmates. It was clear they'd meant no harm when they’d teased him as classes went on, and he could understand why everyone expected Bakugo to beat him in this exam. Hell, even he expected Bakugo to come out victorious in the end, like it was just a pre-determined course of fate that he had absolutely no hope of changing.
But there was one person who had faith in him, one person who wanted him to win and truly believed he could do it. 
You, the sound of your voice encouraging him before his turn came up and the image of you beaming at him, possibly even holding him close in a warm, tender hug if he were to somehow win, managed to spark the passion inside of him that had long laid dormant while attending U.A., and Denki knew right then and there that he had to win at any cost. If not for his own pride and accomplishments, then certainly for you and your unwavering belief in him.
You knew Denki couldn’t hear you while he was in his exam, that much was obvious. As much as you wished you could cheer him on through this, knowing how anxious he must have been at the thought of facing Bakugo of all people in a one-on-one fight, you’re unfortunately left as nothing more than a mere spectator as you watch him through the cameras displayed in front of you and desperately pray that he can win this. You knew he had the strength, you knew he was more than what everyone else in your class seemed to see him as. You could see the strength lying dormant within him, bubbling up and waiting for the perfect chance to erupt ever since the first day of classes. You were certain he could win this if he tried, so you simply watched in anxious anticipation, your eyes fixated on the pixelated image of him across the large TV screens.
Though he couldn’t physically see them, Denki could absolutely feel the presence of your eyes on him as he entered the exam arena. He knew his other classmates were watching him too, but right now, all he could think about was you. About how badly he wanted to prove you right and show that you believing in him wasn’t a mistake. He wanted more than anything to be the person you believed he was, and so he stood in the exam arena with a more sturdy resolve than ever before even as Bakugo’s unforgiving eyes pierced into his own shaky ones. Now wasn’t the time to let his aggressive, harsh classmate shake him up, so he forced himself through a round of deep breaths to calm the nerves flowing through his veins as the timer for the beginning of the exam began to down and echo all around them.
He felt too aware of everything, as if every hair on his body was standing on its end and every nerve ending was hyper-ware. The dust shifting beneath his feet, the wind just barely blowing through his hair, the electricity charging up within his fingertips, so many sensations bombarded his thoughts at one. Bakugo’s icy, borderline murderous glare would normally have him shaking where he stood, but today, he refused to cave. So as the alarm sounded for the exam to begin, Denki quickly took to the far end of the arena opposite of Bakugo’s starting post, attempting to glance over the exam location as he ran and form a plan despite Bakugo’s immediate pursuit of him. 
Denki just had to be fast enough to maintain distance between the two of them for now, until he could come up with a plan. He forced his legs to run faster to keep the lead, unwilling to give up this fight even as his friend’s booming voice screamed out for him to give up from behind him. “Come on, come on….” He muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice as he attempted to block out all outside noises and concentrate. How could he defeat Bakugo? What could he use to his advantage that would let him win this seemingly impossible battle?
His mind operated faster than ever before as Denki charged towards a large building at the far end of the arena, as the base concoction of a plan began brewing in his mind. It was dodgy at best, and it relied heavily on one particular assumption, but it was the best chance Denki had at succeeding and proving his worth in that moment with so little time to spare. And knowing Bakugo better than most others in the class, Denki felt more confident than expected with the assumption his plan set faith in, so with one last glance behind him, he solidified his resole and burst through the doors of the building as he put his plan into action. He knew he likely had a minute or less before his opponent would reach the building, so he instantly got to work as he found a suitable temporary hiding spot and swiftly set each moving part of his plan into motion. 
Exactly fourty-five seconds later Bakugo stormed through the doors behind his target, shattered glass raining onto the floor in his wake as his eyes frantically searched for his prey. He was (underwhelmingly for Denki) barely affected by the complete lack of light courtesy of the shut-off power his opponent had rushed to create, and Bakugo's ears quickly perked up at the sound of machinery a few floors above. A wolfish grin spread across his face, nearly consuming him as he stalked upstairs with the grace and precision of a madman on the run. He wasn’t even bothering to be careful, barely holding in his laugh as this victory had practically already fallen into his lap. Leave it to Denki to reveal his hiding spot by making too much noise, he nearly made it too easy for Bakugo to strike.
He barely paid mind to the heaviness of his stomps as he reached the top of the staircase, rushing over to the source of the sound of appliances whirring at lightning speed. The laugh that Bakugo had been biting back came out full-force as he realized that the dunce face had not only been careless, but he had quite literally left a trail leading right to his location, leading the wolf directly to his prey. The copier on this floor had been turned on, no doubt thanks to Denki’s careless running as he likely bumped into it on his way to what was clearly his final hiding spot; the broom closet in the back corner.
The sound of an electric vacuum whirring on and off made it clear that Denki was hidden in there, and was likely scrambling to power the machine down after accidentally setting it off in his rush to hide. If he were anyone else, Bakugo likely would have felt bad about his classmate’s unfortunate circumstances, but being the boy he was, he felt no shame or pity as he charged full-force into the broom closet, launching off one of his explosive blasts without a second thought while harnessing the power of one of his gauntlets that he had been warming up while entering.
And poor Bakugo, he had just made a fatal mistake. And he hadn’t even realized it yet.
He got cocky, and moreover, he got careless.
Denki had known with near certainty that his friend would underestimate him, that he would easily believe that Denki had been foolish enough to leave a trail of clues in his wake as he rushed off to cower in fear of his impending defeat. Bakugo seemed to have completely forgotten that Denki’s electric control also allowed him to control electronics remotely, too distracted by his seemingly easy win to think more clearly about the obvious trap he had walked straight into. Denki's entire plan had banked off of this assumption, and now it was coming to fruition.
The buzz of the copier and the electric vacuum, as well as the explosive outburst of Bakugo’s own gauntlets, perfectly covered up the sound of Denki’s soft and careful footsteps to his opponent’s ears as he crept up behind him, charging up his electricity as he felt static coursing through him. Thanks to the dust clouding the air from the explosion, Bakugo still hadn’t realized yet that he hadn’t caught his target after all as he cackled in his believed victory. Denki allowed himself to intake one last heavy, silent breath, before setting his eyes on Bakugo with pure determination. This was it, it was now or never.
He charged without a moment of hesitation, taking hold of Bakugo by the torso as his arms trapped the man in a prison-tight embrace as he instantly set off the maximum voltage output he could through his body without putting his friend at genuine risk. Just enough to win the battle, without doing any serious damage. Or so he hoped, as he waited a few moments before letting go of his enemy’s body to see what he had accomplished.
And as Katsuki’s now unconscious body swiftly fell from his arms and landed unceremoniously on the floor, time seemed to stop for Denki. His mind was silent, and he didn’t even register the alarm blaring to announce the end of the exam. Nothing clicked until he felt a warm set of arms wrap around him, pulling him into a cozy embrace and snapping him out of the daze he had been in as his eyes were met with the sight of your gorgeous face.
“Oh my god, Denki, you did it!” You were positively radiating with excitement, the smile on your face infecting him like a virus. Your words didn’t compute in his brain immediately, but your bright grin was immediately matched across his own face as he returned your hug without a second thought. “I knew you could, I’m so proud of you!”
And that was when his victory finally set in, the moment when his jaw fell wide in shock as he looked down at you with a mix of butterflies and pure joy swelling in his stomach. “I…. won?”
The questioning tone of his voice makes you laugh like a beautiful melody as you pulled him in for another hug, causing him to go weak in the knees as Denki’s hands tentatively began to lightly trail up and down your back. The way you nodded so eagerly in reponse to his question had his head spinning, both from his exhaustion after the intense battle he faced and from the nearly all-consuming wave of affection you had caused within him thanks to your soothing hug. He didn’t even bother to hide the increasing red flush painted across his face as he simply held you in his arms, so happy to have made you proud after seeing just how certainly you had believed in him. He had done it, he had managed to face this challenge and beat it, and it was all thanks to you.
Now he just had to man up and finally ask you out, but he allowed himself to put that off until later as Denki melted into your warm embrace with a satisfied, lovestruck grin lighting up his face and basked in the glory of his unexpected victory.
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Request - Anonymous said: if you could, would you mind writing for shouto and/or denki for flufftober, please???
A/N: I wasn’t super sure what to do with this one at first, so I hope this fits decently enough with today’s prompt! I need to catch up a bit on these lol, today was the first day where I didn’t have the fic ready at least a day in advance so hopefully I’ll be able to catch up! I really wanna keep up and be on time with this event, I’m having a lot of fun with it and I hope you guys are enjoying it so far as well! I’m really excited for some of the stuff I have coming up on later days hehe :] Also my requests are currently open, so please feel free to send in your requests if you have any, and I hope you guys are enjoying Flufftober so far!
Taglist: @flufftober @pasteldaze @yeagerfushiguro @papijean @trashy-bowtie @thekaylahub @palenightmarepersona @eunoiasa @applepie-macaroon @ghostofscarley @blesshouto @tsukkisukkii @awkwardaardvarkforever @kiaratheace @shotos-angelic-whore
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circinuus · 1 year
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two people caught in silence, one kills the hush.
ayatsuji yukito x gn! reader. 1.6k words
as another agent assigned to monitor the special first-class dangerous ability user, you sure are an odd duck.
[this loosely follows the gaiden LN]
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❥ my contribution to the ayatsuji enjoyers community. i lack sleep, rip. this isn't the best. but at this point i'm just desperate to write something for this man ('A`) no beta we die like my sleeping hours 👍
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In this world, there are two types of people.
One is those who aren't fortunate enough, or perhaps haven't worked their brain hard enough to match the lines of thoughts of people like Ayatsuji Yukito. That much, The Homicide Detective knows well. Sometimes, these people's naivety and simple-mindedness can serve as his harmless amusement. While some other times they genuinely irate his thinning patience. Ayatsuji has met many of these kinds of people.
The other type is those who do not ask stupid questions and are apt enough to follow simple observations and deductions from people like Ayatsuji Yukito. The detective, unfortunately, has only met (mostly heard) very few of these kinds of people; they comprise terrorists, murder instigators, criminals, and what seems to be only one or two actual detectives.
And yet, the person sitting in front of him appears to possess the worst traits of both categories. Ironic, considering they're as obedient and agreeable as a doll—the one thing he finds more intriguing than people.
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Case Report One: Ayatsuji Detective Office/ Morning/ Overcast
"This is not bad," The titular detective hums against the warm rim of his coffee-filled cup. "Have you ever considered being a maid?"
If one looks at the window, one will see how the day shows its aquamarine bleakness. Spring is already peeking from the horizon, but the remnants of winter still render the air frigid and the sky cloudy.
Your eager presence—another Special Divisions Agent—is as misplaced as a fully-bloomed spring flower at the quarter end of winter. Much less when your supposed 'target' is trying to trick you into making a cup of morning coffee. Two brown sugars, and no milk.
"Sure, if the costume's cute," you merely give him a derpy smile. "Regardless, I don't mind. It's just a cup of coffee."
Two people, strangers by then, share a moment of silence. Ayatsuji eventually deigns to look up from his erudite-looking book. Golden eyes meet your undeterred stare.
"What're you looking at me for? If so, then go change. Your outfit's over there."
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Case Report Two: Marshland/ Afternoon/ Partly Cloudy
Four bamboo leaves and six purple stones.
Two people on the side of an old well by a small river
Ayatsuji Yukito normally couldn't care less for any poor agent sent to accompany his investigation excursions. After all, he's the government's lap dog forced to work with nothing less than obedience, and whoever is sent to him is only the leash that is supposed to keep him at bay.
But his eyes inevitably deadpan at your crouching self. He exhales a long sigh on his kiseru as he watches you observe the base of "the well that grants evil."
(Ayatsuji has clearly underestimated your dedication to displaying your lack of dignity. Your sleek dress suit is a contrast against the frilly maid costume you wore—as you made him coffee and whatnot. As much as he finds amusement in your nonsense, the Homicide Detective had to put the buffoonery to an end before he gets another off look from Tsujimura, or before words about him being an unsightly creep begin to circulate).
"Hm. This reminds me of that 'curse' thingy from Kojiki."
"What a surprise," said he, "You have the capacity to use your head."
And yet as always, Ayatsuji only sighs when you respond to his quip with a proud thumbs up. Perhaps you're just that much of a fool, regardless of the quick observation.
"Like the green bamboo leaves that’ll wither," your voice starts to ebb along the steady stream of the quaint river, chanting the passage from the olden literature. "May you also be green then wither someday. Like the salt tide that surges and ebbs later, may you also surge then ebb away. Like these stones that sink in the water, may you also sink down all the way..right?"
"Excellent work. Now you just have to look for the salt."
Two people, acquaintances by then, exchange empty glances. You look hesitant, attention pacing back and forth between the muddy bamboo and Ayatsuji's orange lenses. The detective is quick to break the silence.
"Go on. What good is your tongue for? Lick it.”
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Case Report Three: Ministry of Justice Main Building/ Morning / Clear Skies
Ayatsuji Yukito is convinced something is wrong with your head.
Your nose had scrunched up when you bit the bullet and taste for any existing sodium chloride on that muddy—clearly full of bacteria—bamboo leaves. With a spry motion, Ayatsuji's gloved hand was quick to reach for your shoulder before you can go for another inspection.
"It is salty. Let's just have the forensics examine it to make sure."
"... Are you stupid?"
Your head snaps in his direction, right before you reach for a water bottle to rinse your mouth.
"But Ayatsuji-sensei was the one who told me to taste it!"
Ayatsuji Yukito is convinced something is clearly wrong with your head. On the bright side, fools can't catch colds.
"Sensei," your voice cuts through the detective's solemn reverie, taking him back to the present. "This 'Sorcerer,'... What if he appears alongside 'The Engineer' we're trying to capture?"
"Don't worry," with relaxed shoulders, Ayatsuji assures. "Kyogoku is the instigator who's closely related to this series of murder cases. We definitely won't deal with him soon."
For once, the detective feels retaliation oozing from your being. From the corner of his eyes did he catch your silent protest, mouth slightly taut and eyebrows creasing at his sarcastic remark.
Though it was short-lived as you soon nod to yourself, muttering a determined, almost relieved, 'Roger that.'
Two people, colleagues by then, are now drowned in their own's mullings.
"Good grief," Ayatsuji breaks the silence for the nth time. "I'm starting to wonder whether they made a good decision to station you in this case."
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Case Report Four: Ayatsuji Detective Office/ Morning/ Sunny
"What are you doing?" Ayatsuji eyes you sharply.
The case wasn't completely closed, per se. But the dust had settled, and with it, you are back to your usual routine as the watchdog for another dog of the government.
"Making myself a cup of coffee of course," you chirp.
Ayatsuji didn't bother to point out how you arbitrarily used his kitchen supply to make yourself comfortable. Instead, his expression slightly winces as he gets a taste of the beverage you handed to him.
"Four cubes of sugar? I'm surprised you haven't caught diabetes."
"Oh! That one must've been mine!"
His black cat, like a slinking dark shadow meows against your ankle; his calico cat blinking languidly as if its judging your mistake. You make careful steps to set down their master's supposedly correct cup, before deflating like a balloon to the chair in front of Ayatsuji's working table.
"Sorry about that, sensei," your laugh is sheepish, gingerly pushing his untouched no-milk and three-brown-sugar coffee. "But you're right. I'll consider laying off the sugar since you're already sweeter than any-"
"... Go on."
"... No." you solemnly close your eyes as you reach for your overly sweet coffee from his hands. "I have sensed I made a mistake of some kind."
The smell of pleasant coffee beans and cream wafts to your senses, promising a warm and energizing wake-up call from the haze of the morning and the remnants of your fading painkillers. What you have are mere grazes on the leg and a couple of broken bones, really. It doesn't matter as long as your responsibility is safe and sound.
"Ah. (Name)-kun, that's-"
"Whoa there! Wasn't that an indirect- AH that burns!-"
Ayatsuji, once again, sighs into the warm rim of his cup - the correct one, this time.
Translucent rays of the morning sun peek through the blinds of the well-decorated room. You're no longer in a maid dress, nor are you currently, stupidly doing whatever absurd request Ayatsuji dares you to do.
But you do resemble a doll, like this. dust particles floating around your eyelashes, you sitting prettily with a teacup in your hands. Have you been this pristine in appearance? Ayatsuji finally took the time to observe your features, curious as to why this slipped his attention for the weeks you stepped into his agency.
What prompted him to start looking, however, was the miscellaneous gauze littering your face, bandages slightly peeking from your sleeves.
His face ever so subtly sours.
"Look at the person you're talking to when they're speaking."
"Says you," your empty cup lands with a gentle thud against the wooden table, attention now transferred to the stacks of reports Ayatsuji should be doing for the day. "Say, do you need help with anything? I need your reports done by this afternoon so-"
The sensation of cold steel presses against your skin, startling your speech into silence. It tilts your chin up as it commands attention.
You know Ayatsuji's trusty kiseru too well. But not with this.. almost demanding gesture. Have you not looked longer, the Homicide Detective's sharp gaze will be reminiscent of the deadly one he procured when he faces those he condemned. But,
"You're awfully obedient and trusting towards me," he iterates, emphasis slow and tone deep—as if reciting the 'curse' you once sang to him beside the well.
"Agent (Name), have I perhaps attracted you in some way?"
"And so devoted," said he, turning your head as to appraise the 'battle wounds' —as you like to say it— that you took in his stead.
Two people, now unsure of what they are, are caught in silence. One decides to kill the hush. With the same derpy smile, you took the chance before Ayatsuji could open his mouth.
"Well, you are the detective here, Ayatsuji-sensei."
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♡ @ashthemadwriter
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
After a report implied many voters of color in swing states are souring on President Biden, Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, sparked outrage for implying they are only doing so because they are uninformed and blinded by their feelings.
CNN's "State of the Union" host Dana Bash spoke to a panel on her show about a recent report from The New York Times, "Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds." The report included polling that claimed, "Black voters — long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden — are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times."
Bash addressed Crockett and read an excerpt from the report, "In a remarkable sign of a gradual racial realignment between the two parties, the more diverse the swing state, the farther Mr. Biden was behind, and he led only in the Whitest of the six."
"It’s really scary for me," Crockett replied, before going on to explain why she thinks this shift appears to be happening.
"Here’s the deal, perception is reality, and so when you look at the data that was provided in this poll, it talks about how people feel… it is all about how you feel in that moment," she said. "While the facts may not align with their feelings, their feelings are dictating their reality and their reality is that they feel better or they felt better when Trump was in office."
Crockett added that Democrats have been "trying to push back" against this, even as "some very popular African American artists out here saying things like ‘Oh I got checks when Trump was in office. I want those checks again,’ not understanding that really came from Congress."
"So we have got a couple of things, the perception issue and then we also have an issue as it relates to civics in this country and people not understanding exactly how any of this works," she concluded.
As footage of Crockett’s statement shot across the internet, commentators condemned her rhetoric on social media.
"’Voters are too stupid and they don't understand their betters’ is probably not a great campaign message for Democrats," The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway wrote.
"The utter disdain these elitist lawmakers have for their own constituents is really mind-blowing," commentator Joe Concha wrote.
"Where did she get such a sense of superiority?" journalist Miranda Devine wrote.
"Pre Obama the Democrat’s stock response to dropping numbers in a demographic was, ‘we’ll go and listen, and try hard to earn that support,’" columnist David Marcus wrote. "Today it is, ‘they are wrong, and somewhat ignorant, we’ll show them why we are smart and right.’"
"Imagine being this dismissive of your voters? Democrats seem to think the people who they need to elect them are all stupid and incapable of understanding what’s actually happening," radio personality Mike Opelka wrote.
"Oh really," Fox News host Lawrence Jones III wrote.
Many commentators, especially Black conservatives, scorched Crockett for appearing to underestimate Black voters' ability to grasp politics.
"In other words, according to Democrat @RepJasmine Crockett, Blacks are too stupid to understand how much better they are under Biden," conservative commentator and former 2024 presidential hopeful Larry Elder wrote. "Not too bigoted! If Trump said this, Democrats would be drawing up another article of impeachment."
"Once again telling the Black community that we are not intelligent enough to see what’s going on and understand it," former Republican congressional nominee Jeffrey A. Dove wrote. 
"Democrats: Blacks are too emotional to think clearly. Smart pitch," HotAir associate editor David Strom wrote sarcastically.
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