#Avatar Ty Lee
sillybillylulu · 1 day
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Baby ty lee alert
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peppidraws · 4 months
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Finally finished drawing all the atla girlies after my recent rewatch of the show.
Here you can find my fanart of Toph, Katara and Suki :)
Just like with my other atla fanart, I tried to incorporate some details of their original designs into these, which was a lot of fun to figure out 😊
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jasminedragonart · 2 years
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I’m a bit out of practice, but I wanted to draw a pretty dress so here you are
Kofi link is on my page
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Imagine Mai and Ty lee teasing you for your crush on the Princess of the fire nation, not knowing Azula is more than aware of your crush and intends to have some fun with it.
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"You all follow the bison. I’ll take the Avatar" Azula commanded. Ty lee and Mai nodded, stepping away but you paused "Azula can i come with you?". When Azula paused looking annoyed you rushed to explain. "I’m just keen to learn more about survival and combat, already this trip has taught me more than the academy ever did and I don’t want it to stop so I want to accompany you". Azula’s frown turned into a light smirk "you may accompany me, keep up" she said sharply before taking off into a run. You smiled before chasing after her. 
The trip had certainly been interesting. You and Azula had faced a large group including the Avatar and Azula’s older brother Zuko but thanks to Azula you managed to escape. You made it back to your accommodation and once reunited with Mai and Ty lee they wasted no time in teasing you. "Please can I accompany you Azula. I can’t bear to be parted from you for a second!" Ty lee cried and you shushed her "stop it! Azula’s only in the next room". "I just learn so much from you because you're so talented and perfect please don’t ever leave my side" Mai added in and you rolled your eyes "I’m not that bad". "Ow please” Mai smirked "you’re so obvious! Just ask to sit in her lap next time or something". "Mai!" you cried going bright red and her smirk widened. "What we know you’d love to, your blush says it all". "Ow like you're one to talk, you used to blush anytime Zuko was around". "Yeah but atleast i dated him! I did something about my crush, you just stare after Azula longingly" Mai replied smugly. "I don’t stare at her" you cried and Ty lee frowned "you kind of do and your face gets all vague and expressionless". "We call it Azula-land" Mai grinned and you blushed. "Okay so I have a small crush....". "Huge crush" Mai corrected you and you sighed "huge crush on Azula but have mercy on me. I’m weak and she's just so...." you sighed and Mai and Ty lee smirked at one another before their expressions vanished. They stared behind you and you heard the door close. You turned to find Azula right behind you and gulped. "Don’t go quiet on my account....what were you talking about?" Azula asked. She walked into the centre of the room and perched on one of the chairs facing you. You blinked "I was erm....saying....". "She was talking about her mother" Mai improvised "Y/n was saying how her mother is just so annoying and possessive". You smiled at Mai gratefully and she nodded to you. "Is that true Y/n?" Azula asked and you looked at her. She was staring at you intently and you could’ve sworn there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Yes it’s true" you said and Azula nodded standing up. "How interesting...i thought you were talking about someone else". You glanced from Azula to Mai and Ty lee frozen. "But i see i was mistaken" Azula smiled sweetly and you relaxed. Somehow you’d avoided a large bullet.
A week later you had made much progress on capturing the Avatar. There was a moment where you almost drilled into Ba Sing Sei and you thought everything would work out but then the Avatar defeated Azula and so you were back to square one, travelling the Fire Nation in the big clunky tanks. You were getting pretty bored of your routine when something happened to definitely keep you on your toes. 
You stumbled into your shared room with Mai and Ty lee still dazed at what had just happened to you. You knocked over a table you didn’t see causing both the girls to turn and look at you. “Gosh y/n could you be any louder?” Mai called. In reply you just shrugged and Ty lee got a good look at your face. "Y/n are you okay?” Ty lee called “you look like you’ve seen a ghost”. Mai turned and stood up “yeah you’re even paler than me” and she tugged you towards a chair making you sit down. “What happened?” Ty lee asked and you shook your head “I...it was nothing”. “Well clearly not I mean look at the state of you...no offence” Mai replied. You searched for the words for a while but couldn’t think of how to start so you just said the most important word. ”Azula” you finally managed to say but that wasn’t enough. “Azula what?” Mai asked and you sighed. “I was dropping off the reports in Azula’s room like I do every day but today she was in there. I didn’t realise at first because she was behind a screen but then she heard me and she called out and she came to see who it was and...her hair was down and wet because she’d just come out of the shower and she smelt so damn good. I nearly combusted on the spot! Especially when she came over to me to read my report, she was so close to me and in nothing but a towel!”. Mai and Ty lee shook their heads. “We thought you were in danger and you’re just in Azula-land again”. 
They both moved away from you and got back on with what they’d been doing. Meanwhile you were outraged. “I was in danger! Azula was right there and she looked amazing!”. Ty lee smiled “you know she probably did it on purpose”. “What?” you asked “why would she do that?”. Mai nodded “yeah you’re right Ty, I mean Azula’s routine is like clockwork and she also has everyone else’s memorised too. It seems a bit suspicious that she’d just forget she’d asked you to bring the stuff to her room while she happened to be in a towel”. “But what would Azula gain from that?” you asked. Ty lee smiled “well you are pretty obvious so maybe Azula just likes teasing you?”. “You think she knows I like her?” you asked panicked. Mai shrugged “it’s possible...”. You buried your head in your hands “Mai do you have your knives because I need you to stab me please”. Ty lee chuckled “ow come it’s not that bad!” and Mai nodded “yeah the fact she’s toying with you shows she’s interested in you”. “It does?” you asked and the girls nodded. “Let me put it this way. If Azula found you repulsive, there’s no way she’s make you flustered on purpose or encourage you in any way, right?” Mai asked. You shrugged “maybe...unless it was so she could brutally reject me to teach me the follies of romance”. Mai paused “okay I didn’t think of that, she could be doing that”. “No!” Ty lee cried “she’s not! Y/n Azula clearly likes you, or the fact you like her, but either way just relax! Azula’s having fun with this so maybe you should try to as well”. You nodded your head but there was no way you could let your guard down now, if anything your feelings became heightened around Azula.  
Finally your weeks of patrolling the earth kingdom wilderness paid off. You found and defeated the Kyoshi Warriors which would’ve been reason enough to celebrate but Azula came up with the brilliant idea to steal their disguises and use them to infiltrate Ba Sing Sei. It was a fantastic plan the only problem was you had to look the part exactly or you’d be discovered. You’d never worn makeup before so you weren’t good at putting it on and despite starting first you were taking the longest to get ready. Azula was in the same room as you and had done her hair and makeup while you were still busy sighing and wiping away your mistakes, eventually she took pity on you. 
"Here let me do it" Azula said and she spun you around to face her. "Azula i...". "Sit still and close your mouth" she ordered. You obeyed and sat as still as you could as Azula placed the makeup on your face only inches away from you. You stared at the floor worried a blush would show through the make-up. "Look up" Azula said suddenly and you paused "why?". "I can’t do your eyes properly, look up...i won’t bite" she smirked as she said that last part and you felt your heart speed up. 
Azula did your lips last and she has a small smile of her face as she delicately touched traced them with the brush. "You have such lovely lips" she said softly "they appear very soft and full...i wonder if they are". You jolted in surprise and pulled away “what?”. “I just wondered if they’re as nice as they look” Azula shrugged putting the brush down “does that offend you?”. “No of course not!” you cried and Azula smiled “good”. She looked right at you, gazing at you from head to toe and you erupted into another blush. Azula chuckled softly and a sigh escaped her lips. “All done” she touched your chin lightly and turned your face to different angles as if inspecting it. Finally she stopped “perfect” she breathed. You blushed and Azula’s smirk widened, so blushes did show through this make-up...great.
As soon as Azula was occupied you rushed to Mai and Ty lee. “So you were right...Azula totally knows I like her”. “Was there any doubt we weren’t right?” Mai asked as Ty lee nudged her “what made you change your mind?”. “Well long story short she was flirting with me! I know that might sound crazy but I promise you Azula was trying to embarrass me and blatantly flirting!”. Mai and Ty lee looked at one another before smiling. “What?” you asked “don’t just stand there! Help me!”. Ty lee laughed and Mai even managed a dry cough. “Y/n Azula’s been flirting with you for ages”. “WHAT!” you cried and Mai smirked  “yeah...pretty much since the academy. How haven’t you noticed?”. You paused “Are you sure? What you guys count as flirting might be different to what I class as”. Mai rolled her eyes “Azula always chooses you when we split off into pairs. She checks you out every time you walk in front of her, not to mention she loves when you adore her and go all red like you are right now”. Ty lee nodded and you frowned “I...don’t know what to say”. “You could say we were right again?” Mai offered “I liked hearing that”. You chuckled despite yourself and shook your head “what does she want with me though? Azula is literally perfect! She could have anyone in the world!”. “Yeah...but she’s known you since we were all kids” Ty lee pointed out “you’re the person she is softest around so she clearly feels more comfortable with you than other people. Not to mention you’re just as hot as Azula so you’d totally fit”. “We would?” you asked and Mai nodded “yes Y/n, plus you’re totally her type but do us a favour and don’t just roll over and do everything she says okay? Azula has power over you but you also have power over her! She cares about you way more than she does us so don’t underestimate yourself. Stand up for yourself and don’t let Azula act all...well Azula”. You laughed “I’ll do my best”. 
You infiltrated Ba Sing Sei and everything went exactly to plan, even down to the smallest detail. You were once again astounded by how good Azula was and watched her work in awe. She fooled Long Fen into “recruiting” her and tonight was the moment she revealed she’d been playing him all along. You were all so close you just had to carry out this evening perfectly and Azula had precautions to do that. 
"Y/n i want you with me when i face long fen" Azula called. Of course those words would make you go anywhere with her and so you nodded obediently "yes Princess Azula". Ty lee and Mai shot you a *this is one of those moments* look and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Surely the blush on your face proved you were aware of that. Regardless you accompanied Azula and stood to the side, in the wings in case she needed you as she destroyed the man who ruled Ba Sing Sei. 
"You were never even a player” Azula smiled and you felt a tingle go down your spine. Azula sat there on that throne so confident and beautiful....you looked away with a heavy sigh. She was flawless, you were convinced she had no faults and you’d never recover from your infatuation with her. Azula dismissed the dai li and smirked "Y/n come and stand in front of me". You stood at the bottom of her throne and she smiled "well aren’t you going to bow?". You got on one knee and bowed, Azula chuckled softly "i like seeing you do that". You blushed, wondering what she meant and jumped to hear her coming closer. She hadn’t told you to stand so you stayed kneeling. Azula circled you and smiled "there’s something just so....powerful about seeing people on their knees for you, utterly at your will, ready to do anything to please you....that is you isn’t it Y/n? You'd do anything to please me?". You looked up and nodded "of course Princess". "Stand!" she said suddenly and you did. You were slightly taller than her but Azula had a way of appearing bigger. "I have to leave to take care of my brother but you will stay here and keep my throne warm...then later, I want to see you on the ship when we’re on our way home. “I...have I done something wrong?” you asked and Azula chuckled “no...not at all, i’ll send word to you but I’m not sure what time so wait up for me. Can you manage that?”. You nodded “yes Princess”.
Azula somehow convinced Zuko to ally with her, captured her uncle and killed the Avatar all in one night. It was a glorious victory and everyone was in high spirits but you had one thing on your mind. The note from Azula arrived late like she’s said and told you to come to her room in exactly ten minutes. You did as she said and knocked on her door bang on time. Azula opened the door and smiled “I love how you’re always punctual” and she opened the door just wide enough for you to step inside. You stepped in and Azula didn’t step away. She closed the door sharply and you stood with your back against it.
“Well come inside then” Azula said suddenly smiling and you relaxed a little. She directed you to her sofas and poured you a drink. “To our victory” she said toasting you and you smiled lifting the glass “to your victory princess”. She seemed to like that and Azula nodded at you pleased. “So what are your plans when we reach home?” Azula asked. You paused “I’m not too sure...I guess I’ll have to return to my family”. “You don’t want to stay in my company?” Azula asked and you froze. “No of course I do! I just had no idea that was an option...I’d love to stay if you’ll have me”. Azula nodded “I can definitely live with the thought”. “Then I will stay” you nodded and Azula smiled. “You know I’ve rather enjoyed this trip” Azula told you and you nodded “me too, it’s rather annoying being a civilised lady all the time”. Azula nodded “I could tell you’ve been enjoying it and might I guess I’ve been a big part of that?”. You looked at her to find her smirking. “I erm...of course” you nodded “you’re a great leader”. “And you find me attractive too yes?” Azula asked making you crimson in seconds. “What?” you cried leaping to your feet but Azula just grinned. 
"I heard you in the drill" Azula said softly a smile on her lips "i heard you sigh just at the thought of me...I realised Mai and Ty lee were in on it when they came to your aid and supposed it had been going on for some time....am i correct?". You nodded your head unsure if you were even capable of speech at this moment. "I want you to finish your sentence” Azula said suddenly and you frowned “what?". "On the drill you sad and I quote “I’m weak and she’s just so” before you trailed off in a deep sigh. Since then I’ve been wondering what word you were going to say, what single word were you going to use to describe me? What word could be fitting?" Azula mused "so i ask you yYn what word were you going to say and choose wisely". 
You pondered Azula’s question and realised you truly had no idea. You tried to rack your brains for an answer but with Azula staring at you with that damned smile on her face you found it hard to think let alone plan an answer. Finally you just sighed "I don’t know what word I would’ve chosen as you see that was my problem there are so many good qualities to describe” you shrugged deciding flattery was always best. “You’re smart, the most cunning strategist i’ve ever met and your hunch is always correct. You are the best fire bender in the whole of the Fire Nation and watching you bend is an art form. You are strong and capable but also the most beautiful and stunning woman i have ever laid eyes on. From your muscular arms to your golden eyes and jet black waist-long hair...you are exquisite. So only one word comes to mind when I think of all that Azula so if i have to pick a word it would be this one....perfect". Azula’s smile told you that your answer pleased her. "Perfect?" she purred coming to stand right in front of you and you backed up without even meaning to "you think i’m perfect" she asked. You swallowed as you realised there was a wall behind you and Azula trapping you against it in front. "Yes, I can’t think of any other word to describe you, to me you are perfect in every single way". "That was the correct answer" Azula said before swiftly pressing you up against the wall and kissing you harshly. "And good answers deserve rewarding" Azula smiled "how do you wish to be rewarded?". You blinked utterly overwhelmed with the wonderful situation you’d found yourself “I...I don’t mind”. Azula tilted her head to the side. “There’s not one thing you can think of? Not one thing you want?”. “Well I want you” you replied blushing and Azula smiled “all you had to do this whole time Y/n...was ask”.
You returned to your room and bumped into Mai and Ty lee. “Y/n?” Mai asked spotting you “why are you still awake?”. You paused “I...why are you still up?”. “Because she’s a vampire” Ty lee replied and Mai rolled her eyes. “Ha ha now no dodging the question, where were you? We tried looking for you earlier and couldn’t find you anywhere”. You blushed “I was erm...with Azula”. Ty lee nodded “that’s nice” and went to walk away when Mai caught her arm “wait...at this time at night?”. You blushed and Ty lee gasped “Wait are you two...”. You blushed even more and Ty lee squealed jumping on you while Mai watched you mildly impressed “so you decided to do something about it huh? Only took you around 2 years”. “That’s rich coming from you” you replied and Mai shrugged “fairs”. “Omg this is so great! You can go on double dates together! You and Azula” she said pointing to you “and you and Zuko” she told Mai. You and Mai looked at one another before bursting out laughing. “Yeah that’s not gonna happen any time soon” Mai smiled widely “but thanks for the laugh Ty lee”. “Plus Azula and I...I’m not even sure if we’re dating”. Ty lee frowned “well even if you’re not you’re still the first person Azula’s ever shown an interest in. There’s no way she’s letting you get away easily. Mai nodded “I bet you will be seeing a lot more of her from now on...I just say about time”. You blushed and a yawn escaped you. “Ow she’s all tuckered out” Mai teased “I wonder why”. You threw your shoe at her making them both laugh. “I’m going to bed, goodnight!” you called and finally made it to your own room. 
Despite all their teasing you were happy, their words had pleased you and you were hopeful this would lead to something good. Azula had been happier lately than you’d ever seen her and you were determined to see that smile on her face again.
I feel like Azula would get on with anyone who fuels her ego and I would happily volunteer for that role!
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More atla & and pose practice :D
I love making costume designs
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robstarsupremacy · 22 days
shes so cute i love ty lee
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kingoftheu · 16 days
Updated my Avatar Fic. Featuring some heavy Ty Zula content without any actual appearance by Ty Lee.
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fabdante · 1 year
in this one, i actually feel like the amount of time i spent sketching is pretty well represented
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mytoesfelloff · 2 years
I don’t like how fans make Azula out to be this over-sexualized, femme fatale, master seductress like did y’all not see the way sis was STRUGGLING to talk to Chan? I wanna read posts and fanfics of her being the social awkward teenager that she is. Also, I wanna read some Dangerous Ladies content that’s not just “big bad Azula is torturing poor Mai and Ty Lee and they hate her”. Positive Dangerous ladies content (AU or not) where they’re the center of the story and their friendship is the focus in a positive light? Top tier. Positive dangerous ladies content where they’re all lowkey assholes, don’t be fooled by Ty Lee the girl’s a dick at times, but still manage to be lovable is immaculate. Positive dangerous ladies content where they’re all lovable and lowkey assholes AND Azula is socially awkward AND they show affection for each other in their own ways? ✨Exquisite✨ I love to see it.
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sillybillylulu · 1 day
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!W.I.P! I've been thinking about baby tyzula for some time now
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cogamori · 11 months
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oyeone89 · 3 hours
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Team Azula rocks
[rendered in Blender 3.6 | No AI was used]
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Imagine getting Azula a present for her birthday
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The first thing you noticed when your family returned to the fire nation was how serious everyone was. You’d been born in a fire nation colony so had little experience with the capital of your nation. Your parents were high born but even they’d relaxed in the colonies and allowed you to have a mostly normal life. However once Ozai declared your parent’s mission over and summoned them back to the capital that all ended. Rules patroling you seemed to spring from everywhere. Don’t wear your hair fully down, don’t meet the eye of anyone who ranks higher than you, bow from the floor to all members of the royal family...the list was endless! Due to your parent’s being very well respected you were introduced to Azula and she took you into her group. Part of you wondered if she only did it to please her father or because you were considered an oddity here in the capital but as time went on you didn’t think either was the case. Everyone here was very strict or distant and even Azula’s closest friends didn’t know her very well. Mai seemed to tolerate her mainly because of her titles and brother. Ty lee, while seemingly fond of Azula, obviously didn’t try getting closer to her than necessary. That wasn’t how friendships worked in your town and you were determined not to pick up this capital custom. So you put time and effort into all three of the girls and made progress with each. You’d go shopping with Ty lee, discuss popular and obscure theology with Mai and help Azula think through her battle strategies. Azula was the one who reacted the strongest to your attention and friendship. She began spending more time with you alone, seeking you out regularly and inviting you to events where even Mai and Ty lee weren’t permitted to go. You found yourself drawn to Azula because she seemed like the one who could most do with a friend. Mai had Zuko, Ty lee seemed content flitting from numerous different people but Azula didn’t really have anyone.
So you continued nurturing your friendship and when Azula’s birthday came around you set out to get her the most meaningful present you could to let her know she was cared for. You were very excited with your choice of present and rushed into the palace, the box you’d spent hours wrapping and unwapping until it was perfect, held tightly in your hands. “Good morning” you smiled finding Mai, Ty lee and Zuko in the royal wing. “Good morning” Ty lee beamed back but Zuko and Mai just nodded not being morning people. Mai noticed your present first. “What’s that?” she asked and you smiled “Azula’s present!”. They all looked at you confused and Zuko spoke first “why are you buying my sister a present?”. “Because it’s her birthday” you explained but that didn’t seem to help, they all still stared at you blankly. “It’s her birthday so I got her a birthday present...is that not something you do in the capital?”. “No but it sounds very sweet” Ty lee grinned. Mai shrugged “I would like presents every year just for being born but I can’t say I understand the logic”. Zuko nodded but you shrugged “ow well, hopefully Azula will enjoy it anyway”. “You’re still going to give it to her”? Zuko asked shocked and you paused “well why wouldn’t I?”. “She might think it’s weird considering you only give people presents when you’re...”. Mai hit Zuko’s arm before he could finish and shook her head. You stared confused “if you’re what?”. “It doesn’t matter” Mai said quickly “Zuko was thinking of something else, I think Azula’s in her study if you want to see her”. You frowned but Mai and Ty lee smiled at you encouragingly so you shook Zuko’s words from your mind and went to find the birthday girl. 
You knocked on Azula’s door and heard her call come in. “Happy birthday Azula!” you cried as soon as your eyes fell on her. Azula jumped vividly, the  brush she was writing with dragging messily across the page ruining her letter. “I am so sorry” you gaped “can it be saved”. “No it cannot” Azula sighed angrily “please in the future don’t scream just because it’s my birthday”. You nodded “is wishing someone a happy birthday not a thing here either?” you asked “just when I think I’m getting a handle on the capital I mess everything up”. “Birthdays are not a big deal here” Azula nodded “only important ones are given any recognition but I have heard of some places where every single birthday is celebrated. I take it your home town is one such place?”. You nodded smiling at the memory “Yes! Every year you usually have a party or do something special with the people you love most! You eat your favourite foods and someone usually makes a cake, it’s lovely”. Azula nodded her head but looked unconvinced and then her eyes fell on the box in your hand. “And what is this?”Azula asked. “A present” you smile brightly but Azula blushed and looked away for some reason. “For my birthday right?” she asked “this is one of your odd traditions nothing more?”. “Yes” you agreed unsure what else a present could mean “you also give the person whose birthday it is a present, something you think they’ll like and wrap it up nicely for them...can I give it to you?”. Azula was still red but nodded so you placed it down on the desk before stepping away. 
Azula picked it up hesitantly and undid the bow before removing the lid carefully. You watched her face excitedly for any reaction but all Azula did was stare inside. You were dying for a sign however small to know if she loved or hated it but Azula continued to stare until you thought you would burst of anticipation. When you couldn’t contain yourself any longer you sighed “so do you like it? It’s the trinket we saw in that glass store in town”. Azula nodded her head “yes I recognise it...how did you decide on this for me?”. “Well I thought I saw you admiring it when we were there because you kept staring at it but now I’m not sure if you staring at something means you love or hate it”.
Azula remembered the day a few weeks ago when you went into town together and she recalled how you’d mysteriously disappeared before reappearing minutes later. She picked up the small figurine carefully. It was a rose that fit in the palm of her hand made of different orange, red and yellow coloured glass all intricately folded together. When the light hit it looked as if it was on fire and Azula remembered thinking it looked very beautiful and she had the same thought now. 
“So...is it okay?” you asked nervously “If you don’t like it then I can always return it and get you something else?”. “No!” Azula said sharply before she composed herself and rid her face of the emotion she felt underneath. “It is a nice present, I like the colours...” she said awkwardly aware she was blushing “I will keep it, thank you”. The look on your face made Azula’s heart beat faster. You were so happy that she liked the tiny piece of glass and Azula figured if such a small thing could cause you so much happiness maybe it wasn’t such a stupid tradition after all. “I’m so glad you like it” you grinned “I was going to suggest we have a meal or something to celebrate but as that’s probably not a thing here either I’ll leave you to your work. Have a lovely birthday day Princess” you smiled and with a bow to her you disappeared.
All day your gift didn’t leave Azula’s mind. Usually when you gave someone a present it meant you were interested in courting that person. For a second when you entered Azula thought that was what you intended, she thought this was your declaration before she realised what your intention’s really were. As she stared at the small rose she recalled the slight relief she felt realising you didn’t mean to court her but she also felt another feeling, larger and deeper inside herself which she refused to acknowledge. 
Azula placed the rose back in the box and got back to work. A while later a servant let her know that her father was ready for her and she prepared to meet with him. She hesitated to leave the present you gave her and frowned. She saw the servant glance at it and blushed furiously. “Tell my father I will be there soon” she commanded and he scurried away. Azula sighed and lifted the lid off the box once again. The rose was still shining beautifully and Azula hesitated before picking it up and slipping it into her pocket. 
The meeting did not go well. Ozai didn’t mention Azula’s birthday which wasn’t odd but the fact he didn’t even seem aware it was today stung a little considering a girl she knew for only 8 months did. The meeting went from bad to worse as Ozai started snapping at everyone in the room and through it all Azula gently held your rose. It was cold in her palm and she liked the coolness. She carried on with her meeting, holding the rose whenever she needed something positive to focus on, and got through the meeting. 
When Azula was finally dismissed she was relieved and felt the toll it had taken on her. She started back to her study aware she still had work to do but honestly her eyes were tired and her brain hurt. She didn’t want to do any more work and your offer suddenly came into her head. You’d mention something about food...a tradition you’d thought to try before figuring Azula wouldn't want to. Azula thought it over before she found a messenger and dispatched them to go find you.
You arrived at Azula’s apartments in the palace confused. Her note hadn’t said much just that she wanted to see you and to come quickly. So you dutifully dropped your very busy schedule (which concerned lounging and reading in the gardens) and made your way to her door. Two guards let you in and you called out for Azula. “Ah y/n” a voice replied and you turned to see Azula descending the stairs. “Azula” you smiled before remembering the note “is everything okay? Your note just said to come here”. “Everything is fine” Azula assured you “I just...thought we could entertain that custom of yours”. “The meal?” you asked excitedly. Azula nodded looking away to disguise her blush “exactly, what must we do?”. You laughed “we don’t have to attack it like a battle! I have everything planned, I’d already gotten the picnic ready and I still have the spot in the gardens although I do need to decorate it and call the others...if you give me an hour I will have everything ready!”. Azula nodded “that is fine” and with a smile you rushed for the door. Before you could disappear Azula called out to you “ow and y/n there’s no need to disturb the others i’m sure they’re too busy on such short notice”. You paused “are you sure? You’re their friend so i’m sure they’d happily drop whatever they were doing to celebrate your birthday, I mean it only happens once a year”. Azula smiled at the sentiment but shook her head “somehow I doubt they’ll think that way but it doesn’t matter, I will be happy with just the two of us”. Now it was your turn to blush. You nodded and bowed slightly “of course princess” and left the room. 
An hour later Azula made her way to the gardens, following the instructions you’d sent her. She usually avoided the gardens for obvious reasons but she was hoping you’d give her a good memory in the place her mother cherished. You’d said to follow the yellow flowers and so Azula did that until she saw a raised area. There was a small platform with food all arranged along a small table. A small cake perched in the centre with the words “Happy Birthday Azula” frosted on the top. Lanterns hung around the platform and lines of colourful fabric hung from the ceiling of the structure. Cushions were placed on the floor in a seating area and the whole area looked very inviting even if it wasn’t very fire nation. Azula took in the scene for a few seconds before she realised you were there. You were muttering about something as you re-arranged some of the decorations your back to her. “Y/n” she called and you jumped “Azula! I promise I’m almost done I was just trying to work out where to place the balloons”. Azula smiled “there’s balloons too?” looking at the sea of decorations all over the small structure. You paused “why is it too much?”. Azula stepped through the doorway and saw due to the streams of decorations you were practically hidden away from the rest of the garden. Azula liked that idea and surveyed the rest of the platform. The lanterns made the light that passed through them change colour and they chimed nicely in the breeze. The food looked and smelled delicious and the cushions looked very comfortable. “No this is just perfect” Azula smiled. You beamed at her happily and squeezed her arm “I’m so happy you like it! You deserve a special day”. Azula blushed and wasn’t sure how to respond to something like that, especially while you were staring at her just inches away. So Azula just avoided the topic. 
“Shall we begin?” she asked and you nodded. You placed a selection of all the foods (which were all Azula’s favourites of course) on a plate and passed it her before doing the same for yourself. You joined her on the cushions and smiled “so! How was your birthday? What made you decide to indulge me?”. Azula looked down at her food “it was fine...I had a really long war meeting and honestly the thought of doing more work after it was not appealing, so I contacted you. I know it’s not ideal, a whole evening wasted on being frivolous but there’s nothing to do about it now. I’ll just work extra hard tomorrow”. You frowned before looking up at her “it’s your birthday so I think you’re allowed to have a more chilled day just enjoying yourself. Plus you already work so hard anyway, if anyone deserves a rest it’s you”. “Yes but I work hard for a reason, you don’t become the best by being lazy”. You nodded “yes but you’re already the best!” you grinned “so sit back and relax for one evening. The world will still be waiting for you to conquer it tomorrow”. You nudged her shoulder and despite your words going against everything she’d been taught Azula found herself smiling “okay”. 
The two of you chatted while you ate and when you finished you began cutting Azula a piece of cake. She watched the concentration clearly etched on your face fondly. You passed Azula the piece and she took a bite cautiously but she had no reason to. It was wonderful. “This is rather nice y/n what type of cake is it?”. You smiled “it’s based off a red velvet cake because you know fire nation but I also added some spice because I know you like it”. “You made this?” Azula cried and you nodded “yes but it was no bother...i’m just glad you like it”. “I do” Azula agreed “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this silly custom of yours. It is nice to be spoiled”. You nodded grinning “it is! My birthday is in January just so you know”. Azula froze at the thought of having to plan something like this for you when you laughed “don’t worry I was joking, you don’t have to do anything for me”. “Well I doubt I’d be able to match this” Azula said gesturing around her “but I will remember, you have my word”. You smiled blushing but didn’t break your eyes away from her “thank you Azula, I’m really glad I met you”. Azula went red matching you and nodded her head “I am too...although I should be going soon. I have a meeting early tomorrow morning”. You nodded standing “of course, would you like me to walk you back to your room?”. Azula shook her head “that is fine thank you y/n...do you need any help with all the decorations?” she asked hesitantly. You shook your head “no it’s fine, the decorations will take 5 minutes to pack away and i’ll take the spare food to the kitchen...the only thing is the cake, would you like to take it or would you like me to?”. Azula eyed the cake remembering the delicious taste and nodded “I will take it with me”. You packaged it up for her and smiled “well I hope you’ve had a nice birthday”. “I have thank you” Azula nodded “now I must be going”. You nodded and waved as Azula left the gardens. 
Azula walked through the palace to her room your cake in her hands and she felt proud. Her friend had made this to celebrate her birthday. She hadn’t asked you to, you did it because you wanted to do it for her, because you cared for her. Azula stepped inside her room and looked about her. She couldn’t help but realise after all the colourful decorations you’d used just how dull her room was. Despite all of the finery none of the room was really hers. None of the pieces had been bought just for her, they were all things passed down for generations. Azula placed your cake on a table and took your present out of her pocket, running her hand over it softly. Nobody had ever bought her something just because they wanted her to be happy. Azula wondered where to place your present. She didn’t want it out in the open where anyone could see or break it. She couldn’t find anywhere suitable so she changed and got into bed still undecided. She toyed with the figurine remembering the way you’d smiled when she said she liked it. Now safely in her own room alone she recognised she’d been slightly disappointed this was a token of friendship and nothing else. She enjoyed having your attention and liked you most out of all her friends but in a very different way. Still, even if this wasn’t a romantic gesture it was still a gesture of love and such an open un-fire nation one. 
Azula smiled to herself before placing the rose under her pillow where she could hide it but also keep it close to her while she slept. “What a strange day” she muttered to herself but she knew it hadn’t actually been strange, it had been the best birthday she could remember having and it was all because of you.   
I’m constantly sad Azula never had anyone really love and care for her like Zuko did, she deserved better. But even if someone had shown her affection, based on her sad upbringing, I feel like Azula wouldn’t know how to respond to it because she’s never been shown what love is so I want to shower her in it!!  Hence this story :)
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bambiraptorx · 2 years
I've been thinking about Azula recently and how she's had exactly two friends her entire life (maybe three if you count Zuko). It's possible she didn't even really pick Mai and Ty Lee, and that it was a sort of political arrangement between the parents to have the kids hang out and hopefully like each other, an arranged friendship similar in principle to an arranged marriage.
Outside of Azula, Mai has Ty Lee and Zuko, and Ty Lee has Mai, the circus, and possibly her sisters.
Outside of Mai and Ty Lee, Azula has no one.
She's only had a handful of peers her entire life, and all of them leave her. She didn't even think it was possible for them to leave. Her two closest (and only) friends betrayed her in quick succession, not only shaking her worldview, but leaving her entirely alone in the world. No friends, no family, no nothing. No wonder she had a breakdown.
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kingoftheu · 1 year
Bitter Medicine New Chapter!
Azula and Ty Lee chase the Avatar upstream, hoping to capture him and the traitor Jeong Jeong. Instead they find trouble.
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