#Fortune / Magician / Justice
numinously-yours · 4 months
What to leave behind and what to bring into the new month
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Happy last week of January! Pick a group for insights on what you should leave behind as the month ends and what you can focus on in the new month ahead. Let me know if you have any topics you'd like me to pull for!
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My dear pile one,
It is time to let go of your need to do everything on your own. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or weighed down by your responsibilities – or what you think is your responsibility – try remembering that you’re not alone and there are people here to help carry the load. Allow others to help, even in small ways.
Personal growth and development may be a great focus point for you in the upcoming month. The Magician brings forth the tools and energy you need to make progress in this personal journey. Focus on your “why” and look inward at your power. This period of growth will last you throughout (and beyond) the month, so don’t get hard on yourself if you don’t see immediate results. Growth is not linear.
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Hello lovely twos,
Rather than the Tower representing a destruction that has already happened/is currently happening, I think you’re being told to leave January with a bang (semi-literally), and create the destruction of your self-limiting beliefs. Light up some sticks of dynamite, rev up the bulldozer, or get that wrecking ball swinging cause we’re not going into the new month with any of our same thoughts. Your self-limiting beliefs have felt like a chaos storm in your brain, and this is your permission to let them go.
February is a month of self-exploration. It is a month to figure out why these self-limiting beliefs exist. This may be a good time to do some shadow work. Shadow work is tough, but I think some good realizations can come out of it. Here are some shadow work prompts if you’re ready to get started. You may find truths you didn’t know existed. Or you may find yourself answering just as you’d expect, but this time… it’s gonna hit different. You’re going to find answers for yourself which will put a lot into perspective and really help with letting go of your self-doubt.
For those who aren’t ready to dive deep into the darker parts of your soul (which is A-OK!), take a look at the resources at your fingertips. How can you align these resources with your goals? For example, do you have a goal to say nicer things to yourself each day? Make yourself a daily check list – add some normal items like “1 hour with no screen time” or “brush your teeth” and then add “say one good thing about yourself”. As you check of the easier items, you’ll see the tougher ones. And in an effort to make those check marks, you’ll get in the groove of participating in the hard tasks.
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My pile three friends,
Teamwork and collaboration seems to have been a theme in January. Whether it be your new years resolution, a project at work, or homing in on a new habit, the foundation was set in this last month. I wouldn’t say you’re really leaving anything behind, but the creation stage is ending. You are moving forward into the stabilization and growth phases of this beautiful thing you’ve launched.
Bring this sense of accomplishment into February with you to start the month off strong. You’ve done really great work! One great way to keep momentum is a partnership between your higher self and the work you are doing. As you continue to build on the project you started think: what can I get out of this project personally and what can I bring to this project to ensure it thrives. You will feel better about the end results knowing that it made your heart happy and that you had something to do with its success.
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To my pile fours,
You know what your higher self is trying to tell you. You know what your guides are hinting at. Maybe it seems too good to be true or it’s scary, but either way, you gotta get rid of the clouds you’re using as a way to doubt yourself. I know from experience that self-doubt speaks LOUD. It is MEAN. But it is soo worth getting past. It doesn’t mean it’ll go away for forever, but it sure can get quieter.
In this situation, “clarity” can be seen as the opposite of “cloudy” , and mental clarity is exactly what the King of Swords wants you to bring into/work on in the new month. You may not be ready to jump right into this new thing in February, but you can do the work this month to feel more confident when the time officially comes. Lay out the facts for yourself: I have done hard things in the past; I have the resources I need to be successful; I have people I know will support me when it gets difficult. And repeat these facts to yourself as much as you need to. As with pile two, you could do some shadow work to  bring clarity to why you feel this hesitancy to move forward.
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
Tarot Birth Cards
Today, the post will be different. Instead of talking about astrology, I will focus on tarot cards. Especifically, in the mayor arcanas that influence us from our birthday and throughout our lives. Each one of us has, usually, two mayor arcanas and those cards have an especific meaning so, taking into account what I've learned and my intuition, I will try to describe as best as possible the themes that will sorround you according to your birth cards.
As always, take this with a grain of salt since this is made just for fun, I hope it resonates with you and please don't copy or share this post without giving credits.
How to calculate your birth cards:
Write down the numbers of your birth day
Example: 27/10/2022
2. Add all the numbers together until there's only a single digit. In other words, calculate your life path number.
Example: 2+7+1+0+2+0+2+2 = 16 = 1+6 =7
3. Based on the result of your number, it will give you 2 mayor arcanas that will influence you throughout your life. Down here is the list according to the number:
1-The Magician, The Wheel and The Sun.
2-The High Priestess, Justice and Judgment.
3-The Empress, The Hanged Man and The World.
4-The Emperor and Death.
5-The Hierophant and Temperance.
6-The Lovers and The Devil.
7-The Chariot and The Tower.
8-Strengh and The Star.
9-The Hermit and The Moon.
Note: for those who have master numbers (11, 22, 33) as life paths, just add those numbers until you have a single digit.
The Magician, The Wheel and The Sun.
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You were born with the powerful gift of manifestation (this ability comes naturally to you), of building something meaningful or big from scratch, a bright and contagious personalty along with the ability to live through the constant cycles of life with relative ease. Just like the number 1 in numerology, you are natural leaders that wants to take the reins of your own destiny. With thar charismatic energy, it's not a surprise that people admire you or feel brighter when you are around. With The Wheel as one of your cards, I have no doubt that you have an important life path along with lessons ahead of you in order for you to ascend. That path can not be always easy, after all...the wheels of life always changes. We move through good cycles and bad cycles. This can be one of the challenges because, if we experience bad luck, we tend to think that what we are doing is bad or you are not good enough. That's not true. But, and this is important to remember, not everything that we manifest are good for us, for our soul evolution. So that's a hard lesson that possibly come too with these cards. Be careful what you manifest. You won't now until it's too late if what you manifested is good for you or if it's going to affect negatively to other people. Sometimes, the NO of the universe is a way of protecting us or to tell us that something needs to change (like to take a different aproach). That's another hard lesson to digest, but trust that everything has it's process and that the universe and guides knows better mostly of the time.
2. The High Priestess, Justice and Judgment.
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You were born with a highly intuitive nature and a strong sence of justice that possibly comes from lifetimes of experiences. That sence of justice lies in recognizing what attitude is good or bad or what is fair or not. You observe the world or a situation, you learn from the situation as a whole, you connect with your higher self and then you are able to make a judgement that is both fair and hard (if that makes sence) since, in many cases, the truth hurts. You tend to be right in almost all the cases that you see. The obstacles I see with these cards is that maybe you will be questioned a lot in regards of your sence of justice and intuition. These questions can come either from other people or through especific situations, but it will create a personal battle whithin you in regards of these topics too. For example: Was I right to tell him/her abot this even though it hurted him/her? Was my intuition right about this? Did I make right by telling what I felt was correct? Maybe you could question yourself alot about the world too. We all know these laws are injust, why do they make such a horrible decision? These questions are complex by nature, because it makes us question some abstract concepts that doesn't have a unique answer. For example: the good and bad. We all know war, in general, is bad. It kills people and afect thousand of beings that doesnt have anything to do with that conflict. And that is unfair. But many (maybe not so much in these years) see war as an opportunity to defend themself and their interest. Is that ok? I don't have the answer for that. We all see justice and the truth through different lents. But, in conclusion, I hope you were able to understand the general idea of what I wanted to say.
3. The Empress, The Hanged Man and The World.
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With these cards, you carry a very femenine and nurturing energy for sure. You are able to connect easily with the rest of the world because there's an empathic energy whithin you that helps you to understand how others feel or see the rest of the world. You're emphatic with every being that exists (being that animals, plants and humans) and so creative too since the divine femenine energy is the one that creates through her imaginative, intuitive and nurturing side. The difficulties I see with these cards relates to how other people will see yourself. You could be easily admired by others with your caring heart, but others will not or they won't understand your personality or the things you do. Others will try to take advantage of this caring energy, willingly or unwillingly, and it will be a conflict for you to learn that you also need time on your own to recover and bring self-love, especially if you see someone who needs your energy. In these cases, you must remember this. Just like the earth (with The World card) you also need to move through cycles. The earth provides a few months of abundance to us so we all can eat and the animals/plants can reproduce, and the other months she recovers her energy so she can bring enough energy to the next cycle. She puts priorities with each cycle. She provides to half of the world while she rest in the other half and vice versa.
4. The Emperor and Death.
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On the contrary to the last pile, you are gifted with a powerful masculine energy. An energy that provides you with movement, action and the courage to pursue whatever you feel you need to go after. That power allows you also to move forward through different obstacles and lessons in life, no matter how hard, painful or traumatic they are. In the eyes of others, you carry an almost royalty energy with you, that's why many respect you or even feel intimidated by you just like the representation of the Death card. But there will be obstacles and lessons surrounding power, transformation and your divine masculine energy. On one hand, you will encounter situations and people who will want to eliminate the driven, passionate and powerful energy from you. They will try to block you, through different schemes, from reaching your divine masculine power. For those of you who lost their passions and energy due to others, I will tell you that no one, no matter how badly they behaved with you, can take away your power. You are more capable and powerfull than what they think you are. I support you and tell you that you are perfectly capable of using these lessons as a transformation to reach the higher power that you posses inside of you. On the other hand, if you tend to missuse your powers, you will encounter situations that will try to humble you.
5. The Hierophant and Temperance.
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With The Hierophant and Temperance as your birth cards, you were born with these gifts: responsability, leadership, good team-player traits, hard-working, studious, knowleadgeable, comunicative, good teacher or coacher and so on. You were a very good student in school and/or university. If not, at the veary least you were very responsable and hard working with an eager expression to learn more. In life, I can see you working with larger companies or any buisness in general that requieres a team. Something that's coming out now in my mind is that you want either to make something meaningful to others through your work or you want your work to be meaningful to you. To fulfill you emotionally or spiritually just like the picture of the angel exchanging the liquid of one cup to the other. Maybe you really enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. The difficulties and challenges that these cards brings are complex to me for some reson. Like I can't pin point what are those challenges. Perphaps one of those resides is that maybe, with your hard working energy, you need to balance the ammount of effort you put in your work so you won't overburn yourself even though you enjoy it (this is kind of complex since most of us can't come directly to our bosses and say "I'm sorry but the ammount of work you gave me is just too much". A similar thing can be said when you have a team work project and some of them give the minimum effort or less). Another thing is learning to follow your beliefs (The Hierophant is represented by a Pope) even though many will question it. If you want to have a traditional job, find it. If you want a traditional marriage and role in life (meaning that, if you're a man you want to be the provider while the woman takes charge of the children and vice versa), you can do that. As long as you don't force it into other people and communicate your needs healthily, who cares is somebody else thinks you are so conservative or outdated to the actual times?
6. The Lovers and The Devil.
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This is a little similar to the number 3 pile. Those of you who have this cards, you are an incredible and loving person. You either, or tend to give unconditional love to everyone even though many of them treat you as shit or abuse of your kindness with possesiveness, blackmail or other things, or you act with love even in the most hardest situations. I have the feeling that you are someone who really values love and want to find someone who will bring it to you someday. Do you believe in soulmes, twin flames or karmics? The lessons for those who have both cards are this: to recognize what truly is unconditional love. I feel that many of you will face karmic connections surrounding this topic, because, since many of you belives that, despite how badly someone treates you, they can still change with care and love, you will have to realize that you can't change people. No matter how much you feel about them, they are certain actions that doesnt resonates with those that we call unconditional love. Treat you as an object is not unconditional love. Insulting you daily or getting mad at you daily it's not either. Hitting you it's definetly not. Even though I believe than akin souls can help others to change for the better (I've seen it), they must choose to heal and change for themselves first before aproaching you and having a relationship with you. You just can't be with someone who doesnt want to put the same effort as you. And it is ok to say no or put boundaries with someone who doesnt respect you (this doesn't have to be romantic per se, it can be friends or family too) because, if you allow them to do it, you wouln't be loving yourself first. And that is another huge lesson with these cards.
7. The Chariot and The Tower.
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For those who have the number 7 as the results, you were gifted in this lifetime with the ability to move forward despite the conflicts or tower moments we experience. In our spiritual evolution through multiple incarnations, we build some fundations, belief, ways of living (tower) based on our experiences. But, just like any new human construction, before anything can be used, there must be some tests to check the bases, the infrastructure and all that staff. If our building has weak or innapropiate stones, the most dangerous result will be the colapsing of the tower. That´s why there are going to be obstacules and tests in our journey. Because we must check how stable or strong our tower is. If the stones we used are good enough or if we must replace some of them for better ones. And you all can do it. You know why? Because you also have the Chariot. A powerful figure riding a chariot and guiding to horses (white and black). Our human and spiritual side, our good and bad side, our logical and emotional side. We all can move forward with our Chariot to build a strong fundation, a strong legacy, just like it can be seen in the Rider Tarot, in which there is a city behind the man in the chariot.
8. Strength and The Star.
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In this life, you were granted the gift of resistance, spiritual knowledge, inspiration, beliefs, and, obviously, strength. A woman is embracing a lion, considered one of the most powerful animals since many centuries ago. Even in the literary tradition, the most powerfull warriors were portreyed as someone who were able to tame, fight or kill a lion. Those who were not able to do that, were considerer cowards. This was the case of the Cantar de Mio Cid. Now, the lion can be interpretated as the sign of Leo in astrology (ruled by the sun), so it can clearly indicates that you are someone who holds strongly to their likes, beliefs, dreams, ambitions and so on. One of the main obstacles or troubles I see with this cards is that you will encounter many situatios in which your strengh will be tested. Maybe you will face setbacks, delays, rejections or any type of situation that will make you question your worth, the worth of your dreams or if your wasting your time pursuing something that seems impossible to achieve. That's not impossible and you are capable of doing it, just keep believing in it. If it's meant for you, it will reach you. Just don't forget to go with the flow like the figure in The Star card, which is throwing the water of his/her cup into the waters of a river while the stars shine above him/her. That is also a lesson that you are meant to learn. In order for your manifestation to arrive, you must loose a little bit the grip of control and let the universe take charge of it. Like I've said, what is meant for you will find the way towards you.
9. The Hermit and The Moon.
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For those whose numbers ended in the number 9, these cards signals either a very old soul, or at least someone who is not afraid to be on solitude to meditate of different topics in life. Thia ability allows you to connect with the higher wisdom. With The Moon card, it also shows someone who is very much conected to his/her emotional or imaginative side. Memories, feelings and the past can be something that you really think about when you are alone. One of the conflicts that these cards gives to those who have it is, in my opinion, being to much on solitude or lost in their emotions/imagination. Being able to connect with the self is an essential part of our journey. It allows us to discover, through our memories and feelings, part of our esence as well as connect with the world, but, being so lost in a hermit state can produce us to loose contact with reality. Yes, sometimes the real world sucks and we prefer to imagine something better in our minds or just feels scary (especially to those who had bad experiences in the past), but being so much on your own will prevent you to create real experiences. To connect with real people who are worth meeting. Another problem could be that you carry wisdom whithin you, but you are afraid to share it with the world since you could believe that they are just fantasies or some result of your imagination and that's just not true. You have real wisdom. Never feel fear towards that topic because you know things and those are equally valid and worth listening to as well as the wisdom of any other person.
Wow...hahahaha. This post took me longer than I expected, but I hope it resonated with some of you.
I send you love and light to all of you.
Tower Girl Anon
Credits to the owner of the pictures: Ferol Humphrey and Dreamstime.
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ruderubicante · 1 year
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DnD Campaign Cards.
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saganssorcery · 15 days
Hello! If your energy allows can I too get a reading?
Question: May I get a channeled message from R (ex fling)
A (Leo)
Thank you 💕
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Hello! You have drawn Justice and the Magician. Every action has a reaction, and every inaction too. He has weighed up his situation with logic and is approaching how he comes to life now through the lessons he had learnt in his past. He is acting on what he thinks is just and fair, and likely creating a whole new world from it. He has thought about things a lot and now knows what direction he wishes to take his life and is taking steps to manifest it. The catalyst to the lessons he has learnt could very well stem from his time with you.
Please [ Tip ] if you can ✨🙏✨
For an expanded reading please check out the [ full list of my services ] and DM me for any information you may need to get your reading underway 💙☄️
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skeletonmob · 6 months
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Stickers I ordered from LunariaDesignCo! Can't wait to decorate my new journals with them!
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hardcore-lonewolf · 7 months
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#Pocketwatch or #Greenlight?
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tiktaaliker · 1 year
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anywayz im not going to be ACTUALLY doing this for a while but. this is what started my oooooh oc tarot card thoughts and ideas. gazer/rasputin as the tower....
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travelingthief · 17 days
Tarot Card Associations for Hellenic Deities
Fool - Dionysus, Hermes, Pan, Ate, Gelos, Momus, Horme
Magician - Hephaestus, Hermes, Hecate, Aristeaus, Circe, the Muses, Apollo
High Priestess - Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Circe
Empress - Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Gaia, Rhea
Emperor - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ares
Hierophant - Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hestia, Hera, Gaia, Rhea
Lovers - Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, Adonis, Hera, Philotes
Chariot - Hermes, Charon, Iris, Morpheus
Strength - Athena, Ares, Heracles, Nike, Bia, Kratos, 
Hermit - Hades, Hestia
Wheel of Fortune - Hermes, Tyche, the Fates, Zeus
Justice - Athena, Themis, Nemesis, Astraea, Apollo
Hanged Man - Hermes, Harpocrates, Prometheus, Psyche 
Death - Hades, Thanatos, Dionysus, Charon, Persephone, Ares
Temperance - Athena, Demeter, Artemis, Harmonia
Devil - Dionysus, Pan, Comus, Ate, Priapus
Tower - Ares, Poseidon, Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Moros, Enyo, Hybris
Star - Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Urania, Hermes, Eos, Hesperus
Moon - Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Nyx, Hypnos, Erebus
Sun - Apollo, Helios, Hemera, Hyperion 
Judgment - Zeus, hades, Athena
World - Hermes, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Harmonia, Pan, Tyche
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Link to video: 0. The Fool, I. The Magician, II. The High Priestess, III. The Empress, IV. The Emperor, V. The Hierophant, VI. The Lovers, VII. The Chariot, VIII, Strength, IX. The Hermit, X. Wheel of Fortune, XI. Justice, XII. The Hanged Man, XIII. Death, XIV. Temperance, XV. The Devil, XVI. The Tower, XVII. The Star, XVIII. The Moon, XIX. The Sun, XX. Judgement, XXI. The World
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thecupidwitch · 2 months
Day of the Week Magickal Correspondences:
Planet: Moon
Tarot: High Priestess, Moon
Color: white, light blue, gray
Stones: moonstone, pearl, fluorite, amethyst, quartz, sapphire
Herbs: moonflower, jasmine, gardenia, white rose
Influences : astral realm, clairvoyance, creativity, dream work, emotions, family, fertility, healing the home, illumination, inspiration, intuition, love, prophecy, protection, psychic ability, travel, truth
Planet: Mars
Tarot: Strength, Wands (5, 6)
Color: red, orange
Stones: carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red jasper
Herbs: basil, ginger, blak pepper, patchouli, holly, dragon’s blood, nettle, thistle, thorns, wormwood, hawthorn,
Influences : power, war, courage, agression, revenge, hexes and curses, distruction, ambition, sexual identity, sex magick, self confidence
Planet: mercury
Tarot: The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, Pentacles (8)
Color: blue
Stones: Agate, citrine, aventurine, sodalite, lapis, hematite, emerald
Herbs: lavender, rosemary, fern, cherry, licorice, poppy, mugwort, plantain, apple, fennel
Influences : communication, arts, change, mental power, education, divination, psychic power, divination, wisdom, knowledge, traveling, spiritual enlightenment, mischief
Planet: jupiter
Tarot: Pentacles (ace, 9, 10)
Color: royal blue, green and purple
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, turquoise, lepidolite, sugilite
Herbs: cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, melissa, clove, honeysuckle
Influences : money, business, manifestion, justice, healing, abundance, luck, fidelity, honor, justice (legal matters), leadership, loyalty, prosperity, relationships, well-being, success
Planet: Venus
Tarot: Empress, Lovers, Cups (2)
Color: pink
Stones: rose quartz, pink tourmaline, moonstone, jade, peridot, emerald, ruby
Herbs: red hibiscus, rose, lavender, rosemary, jasmine, blue lotus, violet, birch, sage, ivy
Influences : beauty, emotions, fertility, friendship, happiness, love, passion, pleasure, sexuality, wisdom
Planet: Saturn
Tarot: Temperance, Swords (knight, 2)
Color: Black, Gray (dark), Indigo, Purple (dark)
Stones: onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, jet, pumice
Herbs: myrrh, moss, thyme, basil, hemlock, nettle, peppermint, pomegranate, hyacinth, mallow, juniper
Influences : banish, binding magick, death, protection, freedom, justice, karma, banishing, uncrossing magick, hexes and curses
Planet: Sun
Color: yellow, gold
Tarot: Chariot, Sun, Wands (ace)
Stones: citrine, sunstone, pyrite, gold, goldstone, carnelian, orange calcite, tiger’s eye, amber
Herbs: sunflower, chamomile, calendula, marigold, bergamot, oak, rosemary, oregano
Influences : accomplishment, action, ambition, attraction, authority, beauty, confidence, creativity, energy (solar), fame, freedom, friendship, goals, personal growth, healing, hope, illumination, justice, leadership, light, protection, spirituality
tip jar
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judasrpc · 9 months
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do they weight their options when making a decision, or do they impulsively make a choice?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Are they resourceful? What skills do they possess that help them navigate the world around them?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they meditate? Would they be considered "in tune" with themselves, or do they struggle with personal growth?
[THE EMPRESS] - Do they participate in or have a self-care ritual? If so, what does their routine look like?
[THE EMPEROR] - Is your muse a leader? If so, what kind of leader are they? Do they take a hands-off approach, or do they micromanage?
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
[THE CHARIOT] - Are they confident? If so, what makes them the most confident in themselves/their abilities?
[STRENGTH] - What are they determined to accomplish the most?
[THE HERMIT] - What does their inner voice sound like? Is it self-reflecting and introspective, or domineering and judgmental?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Do they believe in destiny/fate? If so, what do they believe their "purpose" is in this life?
[JUSTICE] - Are they a mediator, or do they prefer to step away from potential conflict?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Would they sacrifice themselves, literally or metaphorically, for those close to them? If so, what kind(s) of sacrifice would they make?
[DEATH] - What is their view on the cycle of life? Do they believe in reincarnation?
[TEMPERANCE] - Are they a patient person, or do they tend to act on impulse?
[THE DEVIL] - Which of the capital vices is your muse tempted by? (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth)
[THE TOWER] - Are they a destructive individual (be it literally or metaphorically)? If so, how?
[THE STAR] - What is their health like? Do they consider themselves healthy, or do they feel like they could make improvements to better their health?
[THE MOON] - If they had to choose one trait to describe themselves, what would it be? Is it a genuine answer, or the illusion/persona they put on for others?
[THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse?
[JUDGMENT] - What was an epiphany/awakening they recently had? Did they realize something that they've been naive to? Did they discover something about themselves? What happened?
[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable?
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servantofthefates · 1 month
The Major Arcana as People
The Fool
Uranian energy. Someone strange, eccentric, unpredictable.
The Magician
Mercurian energy. Someone intelligent. Has a way with words.
The High Priestess
Moon or Dianic energy. Someone intuitive. Has a built-in lie detector.
The Empress
Venusian energy. Gorgeous. Loves beauty and fashion.
The Emperor
Aries personality. Brave and fiery. Extroverted and assertive.
The Hierophant
Taurus personality. Enduring and stable. Potential for affluence.
The Lovers
Gemini personality. Or simply confirms this is your soulmate.
The Chariot
Cancer personality. Emotionally soft but mentally strong.
Leo personality. Someone courageous, chivalrous, charismatic.
The Hermit
Virgo personality. Someone precise, organized and analytical.
Wheel of Fortune
Jupiterian energy. Someone naturally lucky. Generous and kind.
Libra personality. Polished. Extroverted but in a refined way.
The Hanged Man
Neptunian energy. Deep and profound. Quiet but formidable.
Scorpio personality. Someone mysterious, seductive, irresistible.
Sagittarius personality. Outgoing, versatile, open-minded.
The Devil
Capricorn personality. Someone determined, ambitious, worldly.
The Tower
Martian energy. A mix of Aries and Scorpio. Incredibly intense.
The Star
Aquarius personality. Innovative and smart. Friendly yet lonely.
The Moon
Pisces personality. Introverted. Loner. Creative. Mystic.
The Sun
Apollonian energy. Someone who exudes joy and warmth.
Plutonian energy. Powerful. Or simply a soulmate confirmation.
The World
Saturnian energy. Disciplined and serious. Magnet for success.
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starhoppin · 7 months
pick a picture; what makes you different from your future spouse's previous partners
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
disclaimer; this is a general reading! these messages may not fit everyone. please take what resonates and leave the rest.
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「 pile one」
temperance rv (cb: death, the chariot), king of cups (cb: the magician, six of swords rv), strength rv (cb: wheel of fortune, two of cups rv)
one thing that makes you different from your future spouse's previous partners is that you're willing to work on the relationship. specifically, you're willing to work on yourself. your future spouse may have dated people in the past who always made promises that they'd change their behavior if it was hindering their relationship, but they never actually followed through with their promises. however, you will immediately start implementing those changes because you understand the importance of your connection. you're also emotionally mature/balanced. you've worked through your problems and won't allow the past to affect your relationship with your future spouse. they may have dated people who have brought emotional baggage into their relationship. because you differ in that aspect, there is a lack of confusion in your connection. your future spouse may have also dated people who suffer from self-doubt issues that ultimately put a strain on the relationship. specifically, their self-doubt manifested as jealousy and caused them to be controlling of your future spouse. whilst you have a healthy self-esteem which leads you to talk through potential problems with your future spouse instead of resorting to those measures.
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「 pile two」
two of pentacles (cb: seven of swords, the lovers), eight of wands (cb: judgement, ten of pentacles), ten of wands rv (king of swords rv, eight of swords)
first thing that i heard was "one true love." i think your future spouse may have dealt with cheating or dishonest partners in the past. however, you are their person; their partner and equal in every way. you and your future spouse are very open with each other. i heard "dream team" lol. you work together through challenges. you are partners in every meaning of the word. i cannot emphasize enough how much this person cares about you. it's like any words i choose just fall flat and don't do justice to their feelings. you're different from their previous relationships in terms of passion. you sparked something in them; you're everything in this person's eyes. their previous partners are nothing compared to you. your future spouse's previous partners may have played mind games with them, leaving them stressed out and burdened. but you aren't like that. you're clear with your intentions and don't mess around when it comes to your connection.
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「 pile three」
page of wands rv (page of cups, three of cups), the emperor (cb: ten of cups, the moon rv), the star (cb: the magician rv, five of cups)
your future spouse's previous partners may have been solely interested in the physical aspects of their connection. however, you're different because you're interested in the emotional aspects. your future spouse views you as both their best friend as well as their partner. you fulfill this person completely. they may not have had a traditional "relationship" until they meet you - perhaps, flings/situationships/failed talking stages, etc, but never really connected with anyone on a deep emotional level. i'm getting that they never really felt like they could open up to someone until they met you. you made your future spouse believe in love again. they may not have had the best of luck in terms of romance which left them disillusioned. you reignited their passion and desire to pursue a relationship.
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tarot deck used in this reading: cirque du tarot
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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Okay I'm just gonna go through the major arcana for now. This is based on you guys' suggestions as well as my own thoughts.
The Fool: Default Icon User
The Magician: @cryptotheism
The High Priestess: @rednines
The Empress: @thebibliosphere
The Emperor: @afloweroutofstone
The Hierophant: @sandsvendor100
The Lovers: thejorie and the Weed-Smoking Girlfriends
The Chariot: @inneskeeper
Justice: @radiofreederry
The Hermit: @jame7t
The Wheel of Fortune: Anonymous asks
Strength: @warriormale
The Hanged Man: @pissvortex
Death: gotitforcheap
Temperance: @fishingboatprocceeds
The Devil: methedupsamurai
The Tower: @staff
The Star: @lakemojave
The Moon: @one-time-i-dreamt
The Sun: @sexygaywizard
Judgment: @yourfaveisproblematic
The World: @heritageposts
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dr-felitas · 1 month
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synopsis: rainbow roses represent love and passion. similar to the feelings you’ve harbored for lyney ever since the two of you were children, feelings full of determination and tenderness.you take the initiative to confess your feelings,  the cards are already laid out on the table, the choices have already been written out and decided. besides one: the one that reveals lyneys response. how will he react?
✧ pairing: lyney x reader | wordcount: 2.1k | content and warnings: fluff, angst, confessing feelings | prompt: unrequited love | oneshot
✧ authors note: i might dislike this one even more than the "wish you were sober" one... this one's just so much more choppier</3
✧ tags: @azullumi
event: STARCROSSED 2024
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“and a rainbow rose for you!” 
the sly magician winks at you as he reaches out his gloved hand to yours. lyneys slender fingers are gracefully wrapped around the stem of the colorful flower. he looks at you, eyes full of anticipation as he awaits your reaction. 
his eyes twinkle like an amethyst - a gem that gleams and reflects the fluorescent light as it gets shone upon, presenting the purity that lies hidden beneath the depths of the pair of eyes. the irises that are drenched in a deep purple glint with a certain shimmer that you can’t quite make out. if you were to take a guess you’d say that they look hopeful, buoyant, almost fond. 
seriously, who were you to deny him? his smile is probably worth a fortune, it’s blithe practically dreamy. the ash blond is undeniably a beauty among the nation of justice - a seraphic seashell that lies buried in the fine sand, easily seeping through the tiny gaps of the palms as it is held with utter care. petite sand corns disappearing out of sight and the only object that remains in the hands is the mussel. 
it basks in the radiant sunlight and the sand that slipped out of the grasp of the fingers can only watch in envy, as the seashell continues to relish in the gentleness of the person who discovered it. the one who is allowed to see its beauty and all the secrets that are kept sealed beneath.
amid the vague living room light, lyney continues to shine as elegant as ever. his stage presence long-forgotten, revealing his true nature to you, the lyney whom you know, the one whom you grew up with, the one who makes your heart race. the lyney that shows himself to the outside world is simply just the celebrated magician of the court of fontaine but there was much more to lyney, so much more. 
to the people of fontaine he’s like the backside of a playing card, unaware of the image, the number, the symbol that is imprinted on it. but that’s not the case for you. unlike them you know lyney like the back of your hand. the two of you grew up together at the house of the hearth. under the care of father with lynette, freminet and the other children that resided there. 
no matter how many times lyney and lynette tried to trick you with one of their new learned magic tricks, you’ve always seen through them. nevertheless you weren’t able to deny that they were really impressive, especially for children of such a young age. naturally, over the years he grew up to be a grand magician, not only wrapping the audience that was seated in the rich red places in the court around his fingers, but also you. luring you in by coaxing mellow praises into your ear and simple gestures like this one, offering you a rainbow rose a day before a performance. 
an action that never fails to make you swoon.
his incandescent eyes, the ones that glow like a vibrant glass shard that got swept to the shore by the tide, his million dollar smile that is plastered on his pale face, they are the traits that make lyney look simply irresistible. 
(you don't think you could ever reject lyneys advances, after all you’ve already fallen far too deep into the bottomless abyss, also known as love, to search for your path out.)
right now, at this moment you think lyney looks absolutely majestic, heavenly even. taking a snapshot of this wouldn’t be enough to capture the beauty of lyney. neither would a portrait do the job well. the movements of the paintbrush are delicate, swiftly moving around the canvas, but they’re not enough. no matter how many brushstrokes were to be painted, they still wouldn’t be enough. 
(either way he’d outshine every other painting that gets hung next to his. he’s the muse that will always be out of everyone's reach.) 
simply because lyneys beauty, his bare nature, is something to keep etched into your mind, engraving it onto stone so that it will never fade or wash away, no matter the circumstances.
you reciprocate his action, accepting the flower. grasping the rainbow rose carefully, so that the stem doesn’t crinkle and eventually falls into two pieces or the blossom loses its petals. “my, what’s the occasion?” a performance awaits the folk of fontaine tomorrow. you already knew the answer, but, nevertheless you question him. lyneys honeyed voice is a sound you’ll never get tired of. listening to him as he talks never feels like a chore, rather, it feels like a voluntary course that isn’t important at all. but nevertheless you stick around, to not miss what others don't get to see.
“well, as you might already know, a performance awaits the folk of fontaine tomorrow.” the magician responds. you can only chuckle at that, predicting lyney has always been easy for you. 
“is that so? i can't wait.” you give him a small grin and take another peek at the flower. beautiful, you think to yourself as you look up to lyney once again. the corners of your mouth curve into a content smile. lyney stares right back at you and does the same, giving you a bright grin in return that makes your heart pump quickly. 
the brightness of lyneys smile competes with the one of the sun, it’s warm and welcoming. it works wonders like medicine, soothing and curing your wounds with a simple grin. lyney is out of this world, he's charismatic, making you fall for him head over heels. fun to be around, always making you laugh over stupid jokes. and not to mention caring. 
the first two buttons of his white dress shirt are unbuttoned, showing off his delicate collarbone. lyney was never particularly muscular, rather, he had a quite slender build.
“i’ve never put much effort into my physical training as in my shows. after all, i have an audience to bewitch with magic tricks, not my body."  you recall his words and the giggle he let out after.
some strands of his ash blonde hair are out of place, including his dyed one. his maroon colored hair slightly stands out, but you don’t mind, it's similar to the color of a maple leaf, vivid and lively. flying through the wind, admired by passersby as it floats around in the air. out of reach until someone takes the chance to grab it. 
“by the way, where’s the thank you?” lyney jokes in an offended manner. his sultry voice snapping you out of your former haze. 
“hm?” you tilt your head to the side.
“for the flower.” he points at the rose with his gloved finger. 
“ah, right. thanks a lot, it's really pretty.” you thank him by giving him another smile. before casting your gaze down to the rose again, admiring the colorful petals as you remember charlotte's words. 
“for example, magicians often use “rainbow roses” in their flower related performances to represent passion and romantic encounters.” her words stuck to you like a millstone around one’s neck. surely lyney knows what they mean, he’s not unaware what they symbolize right?
it makes you wonder if lyney is aware of your feelings, and possibly even returns them. lyney has always had a keen eye for the beauty of this world, attentively swaying his gaze around and admiring the elegance that lies within each individual. did lyney also see that kind of beauty in you? one that goes even further down, reaching into the inescapable depths. but then he’d face the ugliness that slummers at the bottom, despite that, how is lyney able to love you? 
for you the beauty of this planet has always been lyney. he’s the sun that you bask in, relishing in its warmth as the sun tendrils place delicate kisses on your body. the water that engulfs your body, plattering against your limbs and makes you feel refreshed. he’s the blood that runs through your veins, the one that makes you function properly.  
the question still lingers in the air: does lyney reciprocate your feelings? 
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your grip around the rose is tight, fearing that it might slip out of your grasp when you’re inattentive and losing it. you watch lyney make his way to the stage, the crowd already awaits their renowned magician, waiting in and staring in awe as he performs another unpredictable magic trick. 
the air is thick, the tension increases at every passing second, for both you and the crowd. if lyney takes another step, you’ll lose the lyney you know, your lyney. instead you’ll have to watch as he takes up on his persona, even if it’s only for a mere hour, it always feels like an eternity to you, until you get to see the lyney whom you love again. 
besides the sound of lyney who was shuffling his cards thoroughly once again, it was dead silent.
“nervous?” lyney looks up to you, a knowing glint in his eyes. 
“huh?” you’re confused, what is he implying.
“the way you fiddle with your fingers.” he points at your hands with one of the cards, a red heart you notice. “you only do that when you're anxious.” lyney says. “come on, tell me what’s wrong, you know that i’m always here for you, right?” he gives you a reassuring smile, a genuine smile that isn’t there to satisfy his guests. 
sometimes you forget how easy it is for lyney to see right through you. you nod as a response to his observation. “yeah, ironic isn't it? i’m nervous even though you’re the one who’ll enter the stage at any given moment now.” you try to sound steady, trying to convince yourself. but your voice betrays you, it quivers.
“aww.” lyney coos at you. “you know i hate that expression on you, do you not?” the ash blond sighs dramatically, purple eyes still maintaining eye contact, a fond shadow casting over his pupils. “how am i supposed to go out and present, knowing that my best friend is dying from nervousness.” he jokes, shaking his head. before he looks up at you once again with a look that says “don’t worry.”
best friend. 
“lyney.“ you try to gather your courage, how does one confess their feelings to the person whom they adore?  lyney smiles at you “yeah? i’m all ears.”
“lyney, you’re probably already aware of my feelings. but i really like you.  i love you. i've loved you ever since we got introduced to one another, ever since we were children.” you don’t dare to look him into his eyes, too embarrassed by your confession just now. you play with the fabric of your freshly ironed shirt a bit, to distract yourself, as you await lyneys reactions.
“archons, since when were you this sentimental?” lyney laughs out. “that’s what you were afraid of telling me?” he takes a few steps so that he stands in front of you now. “gotten all shy now?” the magician teases before patting your head. the action makes you look up, greeted by lyneys smile . “i love you too. youre like another sibling to me.” he slightly tilts his head to the side. "even though we’re not blood related, it just feels like we’re family, don’t you think?”
“no! lyney that's not what i-” you protest but you get cut off by the announcement.
“and now ladies and gentlemen, presenting fontaines renowned duo, mr. lyney and ms. lynette! a big applause please!” 
“ah!” lyney looks behind him where everything was already set up and put in place. “i suppose that is my sign to leave. farewell!” he inches away from you. “let’s reunite after the show, shall we?” he winks at you and bids you goodbye before rushing off to make his way over to the stage.
you remain glued to the floor, frozen in place after you’ve just gotten rejected. you hope this is just another one of lyneys antics, a joke that he will later on reveal as faux and tell you that he reciprocates your feelings. but you know that he won't. yes, perhaps lyney is a liar, a good one at that. he has lied to a dozen people before, but never once to you. 
the rainbow rose in your head shines vividly in the dim lightning, its petals making it glow beautifully. you’re not sure what came over you, frustration, regret, remorse. you’re not certain. the petals that were once finely attached to the pistil, will be gone, you rip the petals off, one by one.
he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not.
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e/n: "i got sibling-zoned." "that's rough buddy."
© DR-FELITAS 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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frndlywtch · 2 years
Tarot Inspired Journal Prompts
Fool: what is something new you are doing or want to do?
Magician: what is a magical way to enhance my day? Or, how can I be more like the magician?
High Priestess: what are my thoughts on divination? What about intuition?
Empress: what part of myself do I want to grow/nurture?
Emperor: what part of my life needs me to take authority? How can I?
High Priest: what are my personal traditions? How is my spirituality unique to me?
Lovers: what relationships mean the most to me?
Chariot: what part of my life needs me to be more combative/ warrior-like?
Strength: what part of my life should I face with courage?
Hermit: what do I need to do alone more often? What do I need to do with others more often?
Wheel of Fortune: what do I think about luck, fate, and/or fortune?
Justice: when do I need to focus on legality vs fairness? Or, What may cause me to seek justice/retribution?
Hanged Man: what have/will I sacrifice for -x-? What am I never willing to sacrifice? What will I easily give up?
Death: what is something personal I want to end or change? What is something that will end or change no matter how I feel? How can I accept it?
Temperence: what part of my life needs more patience? What part needs more balance? How can I achieve both?
Devil: what is a primal desire I have? Should I grant it to myself? Why or why not? How can I get what I want?
Tower: what can I learn from the current or recent chaos/disaster in my life?
Star: what do I hope for? How can I get it?
Moon: what part of my life is best kept private? Why?
Sun: what makes me happy?
Jusgement: what part of me needs reflection? What is a fair assessment of that part?
World: what parts of my life have been fulfilled? What parts are still lacking?
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