#Healthy Lifestyle Coach
connections111 · 8 days
The frequency of sessions can be customized to your specific needs, whether weekly or monthly. If you have serious health difficulties, a more frequent schedule is recommended. For the best result look for a reputable marketplace for holistic practitioners to relieve tension and anxiety,
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holsomahealth7 · 2 months
Healthy Lifestyle Coach — Holsoma Health
Embark on Your Wellness Journey: 🌱 Transform Your Life with a Healthy Lifestyle Coach from Holsoma Health!
Personalized Guidance, Lasting Results: 🌟 Receive Customized Support Tailored to Your Goals, Lifestyle, and Preferences, Empowering You to Achieve Optimal Health and Wellbeing.
Holistic Approach to Wellness: 🌿 Experience a Comprehensive Approach to Health and Wellness, Addressing Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellbeing for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes.
Empowerment Through Education: 📚 Gain the Knowledge and Skills Needed to Make Informed Choices and Cultivate Habits That Support Your Long-Term Health and Happiness.
#HealthyLifestyleCoach #WellnessJourney #HolsomaHealth #Empowerment
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bigothteddies · 21 days
whenever someone’s trying to sell me their outlook on life and self help ideology or even when people are just trying to convince me how soft and genuine they are I just want to ask them how they drive when they’re in the car alone. Especially after a bad day. Are you letting other people into your lane or are you blocking people and holding up traffic flow because it feels unfair? Are you running red lights because you don’t want to feel inconvenienced? Are you riding that guy’s ass cause he cut you off? Are you accelerating as hard as possible to get in front of everyone? Are you swearing and flashing your brights at people not going as fast as you’d like on the freeway? Are you going around people on the shoulder when they’re stopping traffic to turn left into their driveway? Are you speeding through residential neighborhoods as a shortcut? Like….it’s such a basic check to see if you’re selling bullshit or not. We have zero consequences for 99% of our actions in cars and never question why we act the way we do. It’s so much safer and allows for better traffic flow to just…back the fuck off and stop caring so much. And if you can’t do that but are selling me on some self help yoga mindfulness bullshit ?? Then I know for a fact you don’t embody your own stated beliefs and instead just use them to fit your own narratives
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optimal-living-lab · 9 months
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How to start and stick to a fitness routine that works for you
Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you get started and stay motivated:
Check your health. Before you begin any exercise program, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider and get a physical medical examination. This will help you avoid any potential injuries or complications and determine the best type of exercise for you.
Set realistic goals. Start with small and achievable goals that match your fitness level and lifestyle. For example, you can aim to walk for 10 minutes a day, three times a week, and gradually increase the duration and intensity as you improve. Setting realistic goals will help you track your progress and celebrate your achievements.
Choose activities that you enjoy. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or painful. You can find many fun and creative ways to move your body, such as dancing, playing sports, hiking, gardening, or joining a fitness class. Choose activities that suit your personality, preferences, and schedule. The more you enjoy your exercise, the more likely you are to stick with it.
Make a plan and schedule it. Having a clear plan and a regular schedule can help you overcome any excuses or obstacles that might prevent you from exercising. You can use an activity planner or a calendar to write down the days and times you will do each activity. You can also set reminders on your phone or computer to keep you on track. Try to make exercise a priority and a habit in your daily routine.
Find a buddy or a group. Exercising with a friend, a family member, or a group can make it more enjoyable and motivating. You can support each other, challenge each other, and hold each other accountable. You can also join an online community or a social media platform where you can share your goals, progress, and tips with other like-minded people.
Mix it up and have fun. Doing the same exercise over and over can get boring and lead to a plateau in your results. To keep things interesting and challenging, try to vary your workouts by changing the type, intensity, duration, or frequency of your exercise. You can also try new activities or equipment, or add some music or podcasts to spice up your sessions. Remember to have fun and enjoy the benefits of exercise.
I hope these tips will help you start and stick to a fitness routine that works for you. Remember that exercise is not only good for your body but also for your mind and mood.
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serenityreikiclinic · 9 months
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Bad habits vs Good habits
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sweetygirlm · 2 years
دي صفحتي عن الصحه عامة و التغذيه العلاجية سواء لسمنه او نحافه او عن التغذية المناسبه لكل مرض.
شوفوها هتعجبكم 😁✌️
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
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rainyfestivalsweets · 8 months
Had a meeting with my coach yesterday.
"So your weight loss stalled, why do you think that happened?"
Oof. The disappointment.
"Have there been eating issues?"
No praise. Oof.
I scrambled to justify. Off cycle period, parties, stress.
But yeah, I did have some issues last week at the mid week party. An extra plate of beefy nachos and extra cookies/desserts.
The wedding cake.
Otherwise, I did pretty damn good. Packed food. Hotel workout. But- I lost focus and it showed.
It's not real it's not real.
Maybe you need to try harder yo.
Wt today 204.8.
Focus on consistency. And not snacking out of boredom/emotions.
And for yesterday.....
You are upset that you aren't marriage material?
That's on you. You want to be a trophy wife?
Sculpt the trophy.
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Choose happiness always. Happiness is a choice that we can make every day. Here are some simple steps to choose happiness and live more joyfully.
1. Gratitude is the practice of focusing on what we have rather than what we don't have. When we cultivate gratitude, we train our minds to see the positive aspects of our lives.
2. We all need a sense of purpose in our lives. We feel more fulfilled and satisfied when we feel like we're contributing to something larger than ourselves. Take some time to reflect on what's important to you and what brings you joy.
3. Humans are social creatures, and our relationships with others significantly impact our happiness. Make time for the people who matter most to you, whether your partner, friends, or family.
4. Taking care of yourself is essential for your happiness. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Take time to do things you enjoy, whether reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or walking in nature. Prioritizing self-care shows yourself that you're worth taking care of, and that's an essential part of choosing happiness.
5. Negativity can be a happiness killer. Whether it's negative self-talk or dwelling on the past, negativity can hold us back from experiencing joy in the present moment. Practice letting go of negativity by acknowledging it when it arises and consciously focusing on the positive instead. Surround yourself with positivity by spending time with people who uplift you and consuming media that makes you feel good.
Choosing happiness is a daily practice that requires effort and intention. Remember, happiness is a choice that you have the power to make every day.
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vitalityguru · 10 months
Healthy Tips & Habits to set you up for success.
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thegratitude · 1 year
Happiness has been proven to improve our health, productivity, relationships, and even our lifespan! So why not make today the day that you start looking for those moments of joy/happiness in your life?
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connections111 · 19 days
Psychic Medium Reading
In a psychic medium reading session, you can expect to receive healing messages from your spirit guides, higher self and loved ones that have crossed beyond the veil. If you are looking for the right platform to make your appointment with certified expert, "Connections Marketplace" can be a great choice for you. During this session, you may ask questions and receive answers related to your purpose and life's journey.
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healthyandfreelife · 2 years
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What to do when you are eating out of boredom
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eatwellnutrition · 1 year
Exercising Right: Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Reverse Years of Aging
Exercising Right: Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Reverse Years of Aging
You want to lose weight, and you've set goals for yourself, but you aren't sure if they are the right goals, and maybe you're not even sure how you are going to hit these goals. Keep reading because this is for you. So many of my clients tend to focus on either Nutrition or Fitness, but the truth is we need to be focusing on both. Last week we talked about general movement and how effective it is in moving the needle of weight loss. Today we are going to talk about the specific types of exercise that will help you lose fat, gain muscle, and reverse signs of aging. 
Resistance Training and Aging
As we age we naturally lose muscle and bone mass due to a loss of protein synthesis, creatine conversion, and declining hormones. Sarcopenia is the term for muscle and bone shrinkage as you age. But just because we undergo declining hormones and protein synthesis as we age doesn't mean we automatically will suffer from Sarcopneia or Osteoperosis. There are ways to prevent and reverse these old-age fates, no matter what age you are. The best way to do this is by Lifting heavy stuff. Studies show lifting weights reverse 40 years of aging by building lean muscle tissue in older adults. And 6 months of resistance training makes aging mitochondria younger.  A study done on 70-year-old men shows they increased their strength by 50% by performing strength training. Genes get younger with resistance training. So why not look and feel 10 years younger than your elderly counterpart? But this isn't the only benefit to weight training. 
Lift Heavy, Burn Fat, and Reverse Metabolic Syndrome
Lifting weights is also the best way to reverse insulin resistance and is one of the best ways to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal. Your body does this by directing food to glycogen storage (glucose stored in muscle for energy) as opposed to fat storage. Lifting at just 30% of your 1 rep max is enough to achieve this. But bodyweight exercise has been proven effective at building muscle as well. Resistance training also increases fast-twitch muscle fibers which burn fat and help you move more explosively, and are also protective against some of those aging factors. 
On the flip side, if we aren't gaining muscle or maintaining muscle we are losing muscle. Losing muscle is detrimental to your weight loss. Skeletal muscle mass contributes 15-17% of your basil metabolic rate. So, the more muscle you can build and maintain the more fat you will burn and the higher your metabolic rate will be. 
Why Resistance Training? 
Resistance training, specifically, mitigates muscle loss while eating in a caloric deficit. You will burn more fat, instead of muscle. When performing cardio only, your body gets the signal that muscle isn't a priority and keeps less of it around, therefore lowering your BMR and muscle mass. Less muscle = less fat that gets burned.
A study was done on subjects who consumed an 800-calorie liquid diet and found that those who did resistance training experienced no loss of muscle mass over 12 weeks, but those who did not and only did cardio lost 3-5 kg (6-11 lbs) of lean body mass, plus their metabolic rate was lower. Lifting weights should feel uncomfortable. New muscle requires pushing to fatigue, but not the same muscles every day. You do need to be strategic about the muscle groups you are working and also make sure you are getting the right amount of rest and supplementation. 3-6 days per week of resistance training for someone who isn't new to exercise is a good goal. 2 days per week is a good place to start for someone new to exercise. 
For my chronic cardio lovers out there-some cardio is ok, and effective at burning calories, but depending on your age and hormone health it can also be detrimental to your health if that is all you are doing. Chronic cardio causes an inability to shed fat over time. It creates extreme metabolic efficiency, which means your body down-regulates growth hormone and testosterone. And often it's only effective when you are very overweight and new to weight loss. When you are engaging in a lot of cardio you need to make sure you are getting variety. Swimming, cycling, running, and hiking are all great ways to implement low-to-moderate intensity cardio. How frequently you engage in these exercises is entirely dependent on your goals and health status.
If you are someone who likes to perform High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT), studies show this burns more body fat, specifically abdominal fat and preserves lean muscle. However, in excess, and depending on your sex, age, and hormone health, it can also wreck your hormones. In turn, this may cause more problems with your health and metabolism. 2-3 days a week of HIIT, combined with strength training on opposite days is a safe place to start for most.  
Remember, excessive exercise leads to increased inflammation, fatigue, and decreased immune function over time. 
My 6 Tips to Maximize your Weightloss with Exercise
My best advice for losing body fat and gaining muscle while exercising: 
1. Reduce inflammation: Remove seed oils and processed sugar from your diet. Rancid oils cause the most inflammation and will keep you from losing fat. 
2. Be consistent with your routines, but incorporate variety. This goes for your food and your exercise. 
3. Try getting a pre-breakfast, fasted cardio session 5 days per week for controlling blood sugar and burning fat.
4. Walk after meals, especially higher-carb meals.  
5. Stand instead of sitting down when you can-studies show this reduces blood sugar spikes by 11 % by the end of the day. 
6. Take "rest days"  or recovery days so your body can recover and rebuild: 1-2 days off if you're younger, 2-3 days if you are older.  Recovery days could include easy hiking, a sauna session, yoga, or walking. 
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ecohealthcareusa · 2 years
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The start of a new year is the ideal opportunity to review your objectives, aspirations, and dreams. Everyone usually places leading a happy, healthy lifestyle at the top of their list of resolutions, but to succeed, you'll need one crucial element: an action plan. Define your idea of a healthy lifestyle first, then schedule the daily activities and timing necessary to achieve it. Here are six suggestions to help you keep fit and active all year.
GO OUTDOORS. Time spent outside positively impacts your physical, mental, and emotional health. Additionally, it encourages imagination and creativity and cuts down on screen time. Plan to spend time outside daily, be mindful of the moment, and appreciate the beauty around you.
GET SOME WATER. You should drink ounces of water every day to be hydrated. This helps you stay hydrated, controls hunger, and improves the appearance of your skin. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you must do this.
BE ADVENTUROUS. Learning a new skill keeps your mind active and keeps outdoor encounters interesting. Try taking up fishing, enrolling in a class for group exercise, or visiting a nearby city. Families and couples may find this to be a gratifying activity.
GET YOUR BODY MOVED. Don't be discouraged by the prospect of a crowded gym or a nightmare-inducing fitness routine. It is enjoyable if you think of fitness as merely moving your body. Take a walk during your lunch break or play in the yard with your children to get your circulation flowing.
EAT YOUR GREEN VEGETABLES. Being active and healthy begins in the kitchen. What you put into your body impacts your physical and emotional health positively or negatively. Only you can decide the ideal dietary balance for you; however, eliminating processed foods and sugar would help everyone.
RELAX AND REFILL. You should work hard and rest even more complex. Every night, try to get eight hours of sleep. This allows your body to repair, lowers stress, enhances brain function, strengthens your immune system, and does many other things for you.
Put these six suggestions for leading a healthy lifestyle into practice daily, and they'll eventually become habits. To not provide your utmost effort is a waste of time. This new year, possess a joyful, healthy lifestyle as a gift.
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caringyourself · 2 months
Unleash Your Weight Loss Journey with Proven Strategies
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Embarking on a weight loss journey is often perceived as a daunting task, but fret not, for we are here to guide you through every step of the way. At Our Health & Wellness Hub, we understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight not just for physical appearance, but also for overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil proven strategies to help you achieve your weight loss goals effectively and sustainably.
Understanding the Science Behind Weight Loss
Before diving into the strategies, it’s essential to comprehend the science behind weight loss. Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume, creating a calorie deficit. However, not all calories are created equal. Opt for nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while keeping calories in check.
Nourish Your Body with Nutrient-Rich Foods
The foundation of any successful weight loss journey lies in nutrition. Focus on incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods not only provide essential nutrients but also keep you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
Discover the transformative power of our holistic Weight Loss & Wellbeing Solution!
Stay Hydrated for Optimal Performance
Hydration plays a crucial role in weight loss and overall health. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including metabolism and digestion. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and consider swapping sugary beverages for water or herbal tea to cut down on unnecessary calories.
Move Your Body and Embrace Physical Activity
Physical activity is key to weight loss success. Incorporate both cardio and strength training exercises into your routine to maximize calorie burn and build lean muscle mass. Find activities that you enjoy, whether it’s brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or yoga, and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
Prioritize Quality Sleep for Optimal Results
Sleep is often overlooked but plays a significant role in weight loss and overall health. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormone levels, leading to increased appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night to support your weight loss efforts.
Manage Stress Levels to Avoid Emotional Eating
Stress can wreak havoc on your weight loss journey by triggering emotional eating and cravings for comfort foods. Incorporate stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. Prioritize self-care to maintain a healthy mind-body balance.
Track Your Progress and Adjust Accordingly
Tracking your progress is essential for staying accountable and identifying areas for improvement. Keep a food journal, track your workouts, and monitor your weight regularly to gauge your progress. Be flexible and willing to adjust your approach as needed based on your results and feedback from your body.
Seek Support and Accountability
Embarking on a weight loss journey can feel overwhelming at times, but you don’t have to go it alone. Seek support from friends, family members, or join a weight loss support group to stay motivated and accountable. Surround yourself with positive influences who encourage and empower you to reach your goals.
Celebrate Your Victories Along the Way
Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating on your weight loss journey. Acknowledge your progress, celebrate your achievements, and reward yourself for your hard work and dedication. Remember that weight loss is a journey, not a destination, and every effort you put in brings you closer to your goals.
Conclusion: Your Path to Lasting Weight Loss Success
Embarking on a weight loss journey is a transformative experience that requires dedication, commitment, and perseverance. By incorporating the proven strategies outlined in this guide and staying focused on your goals, you can achieve lasting weight loss success and reclaim your health and vitality. Remember, the journey may have its ups and downs, but with the right mindset and support system, you can overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger than ever.
At Our Health & Wellness Hub, we’re committed to empowering you on your weight loss journey and providing you with the tools and resources you need to succeed. Join our community today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!
Discover the transformative power of our holistic Weight Loss & Wellbeing Solution!
“Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link for the product mentioned. If you buy through this link, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Rest assured, I recommend only products I trust.”
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