#I don’t like Virgo men but he gets a pass
ignitemyboness · 5 months
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I don’t just attend metalcore concerts, I also attend shows for slightly obscure 90s bands that come out of hiatus after 20 years. Oh and said band’s bassist is Keanu Reeves. So here’s some neat photos of the dude.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No. 8
*based on my personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt
-I wanted this to be my 18+ edition bc 8th house but I don’t have enough spicy observations yet lol
-Virgo placements & Scorpio placements having 100 invisible tests some has to pass before you let them get close to you
-Why yes my Jupiter is in my 3rd house. Why yes I did start recommending documentaries to documentary students because I watch that much educational content for fun.
-Cancer suns can beat out Leo suns for being the most charismatic one in the room and that’s coming from someone that loves Leo suns.
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-Someone said to be a full time artist you either need the external structure of a rich sponsor/family with money/sugar daddy or the internal structure of being an earth sign and I love that lol (Idek how to explain how I got to the mad men zodiac roast where I saw that line lmao)
-Geminis lie but get so boldfaced they often contradict themselves a lot. And Cancers manipulate but often go so hard on it that it starts to become pretty obvious. Pisces can actually be the best at both, especially if they don’t have any earth placements, no energy to ground those illusions.
-Ok I’ve been googling birth charts to practice reading them (thank you for your dms I’ll reply soooon!) and I was surprised Robert j Oppenheimer (the guy that spearheaded making the atomic bomb) was a cancer moon because of all the destruction the bomb caused (and from the beginning they knew that was going to be a destructive endeavor) BUT Cancer’s are very nationalistic so I could see this being his rationale. Until all the violent consequences, of course. (Very specific but he may have been apart of the scientists that advocated for peace after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I don’t know fs)
-Also a LOT of actors have aries moon and/or Leo mars (including aries moon for Cillian Murphy who’s playing Oppenheimer in that new movie, full circle connection)
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-Virgo mars people can embody a certain gender fluidity. The women can dress in masculine clothing and carry a certain tinge of a masculine vibe and vice versa for feminine energy and virgo mars men. (Not sure if this applies to all mutable mars or not).
-Scorpio rising/pluto in the first house and wearing sunglasses on the streets just to avoid weird eye contact with strangers
-Saturn conjunction moon/Capricorn, Aquarius moon/Aquarius and/or Uranus 4th house - what was it like not having a childhood? (Gang, gang)
-*reads that Capricorn Mercury is straight forward*
Me with Capricorn Mercury rx:
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12thhausveen · 1 year
More astrobservations:
Aquarius placements and always being the sore thumb in the family- what is that? A lot of the time family doesn’t up approve of what their into/ up to and they’re usually very ok with that. At some point they just stop trying to impress their parents and I’ve noticed some just go off the deep end and it seems like it’s spite driven + their urge to not conform rising to the occasion
When water suns are attracted to you those eyes will do all the talking first especially with pisces suns like… are you gonna say something orr 😭
With sun opp moon in synastry the sun can have a fondness for the moon that i think comes from noticing the similar modality they operate with and respecting the moons unique approach to things since the sun is a creative energy as is, once the moon knows they aren’t being stepped on and have their own space to exist these two are some peas in a pod
The dynamic when there’s attraction between a water sun male and a fire sun female in the beginning stages has the most awkward interactions… he could be the most outgoing person (rare) til he gets around her then it’s SILENCE and the weirdest attempt at flirting I’ve ever witnessed ensues. Lmk your experiences with this dynamic if they exist
Cancer placements may not want children or to be a mother but there’s this weird urge to mother or PROTECT more so… i don’t know what it is but we all have our Thing we protect, for me im oddly protective of animals and when someone becomes apart of my crew and my life there’s that urge to protect them from the world 😶
Leo sun (+ cancer placements bonus points) have this rich protectiveness that reads a bit aggressive at times, if they perceive there’s a threat they won’t hesitate to get loud and defend who they love either
Jupiter in the 12th/pisces could enjoy getting drunk/ high/ not being sober while traveling… it’s strange and very true for me
Mars conjunct pluto and hating men… it’s usually not for no reason either
Also men with aquarius placements… why are so many skinny/ lanky?! The amount aquarius placement men/ individuals built like that needs to be studied… also always got some kinda geeky swag and a eccentric beauty either eccentric weird or just oddly charming without trying (see harry styles, ashton kutcher etc and those are just aqua suns)
Libra moons are literally a mirror of their environment… we’re not sweetie pies or moody we’re literally just you 😭 (especially right when we meet new people). Also it’s hard for us to be blatantly mean for no reason, the kid to say ‘guys let’s just stop’ while playing ding dong ditch
No one’s gonna read you on your flaws like a virgo sun/ moon/ (possibly venus)… if you pass the visual test or they don’t stoop that low it’s what about your life is lacking they tend to call out passive aggressively or during a fight and they do love themselves a verbal spar… also I’ve noticed they love to talk about their day and how it went with their person at the end of the day
Also aries venuses (with a fire mars bonus points 😵‍💫) what is it with y’all making rash/ impulsive decisions to feel something or for some kinda validation then regretting it later… and this is coming from a sag mars y’all need to calm down 😭 the energy and zest is nice but channel it into something you KNOW will benefit you in the future
> Just stuff I’ve gathered if you have other experiences lmk i like to learn ッ
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majorarenarde · 7 months
🔥 Mars 🔥
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Mars - known for aggression, motivation, conquest, acting on desire, sex, and stamina
One's mars sign can drastically influence the way they carry themselves, are seen, and impact personal relations and diplomacy. Mars is Energy.
❤️‍🔥 Mars aspecting Chiron can lead to wounds being healed through physical activity- such as martial arts. It should also be noted that it may also indicate particularly violent wounds, or wounds involving domineering men.
❤️‍🔥Mars in pisces need to learn to act on instinct. Decisions are made intuitively and felt through. Because pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter- luck tends to be on their side in accidents or conflict. The type to be in a serious car wreck without a scratch.
❤️‍🔥Mars in cancer are very moody individuals. They can be very shy in private, but project confidence in group settings. They claim to be loners, but I usually see them socializing and going with the mood of the crowd they’re in. Super sweet, but more on the guarded side of cancer placements.
❤️‍🔥Virgo mars have ANGER issues. The type to journal their darker feelings graphically. Think of constant bickering and debates as stimulating and engaging. PE teacher vibes.
❤️‍🔥Libra mars are by far the most charming libra placement I’ve encountered. They can really make everyone comfortable and smooth rough edges in their environment. The type to just shrug and go “this too shall pass” at high stress situations. Very loyal and old fashioned lovers. Their energy is directed towards unity.
❤️‍🔥Pisces mars genuinely need to have a hold on their escapist tendencies. I notice we’re either running from something or highly highly spiritual. Mediums fr tho.
❤️‍🔥 Gemini Mars 🤝 Arguing as a way to flirt
❤️‍🔥 Pluto-Mars aspects and their eternal struggle with control and power is real. You know they aren’t in a good place when they keep trying to death-grip everything in their lives.
❤️‍🔥Saturn-Mars and needing to build up tension
❤️‍🔥 Mercury-Mars and the voice *chefs kiss* 🤌🏻
❤️‍🔥 5th house mars 🤝 being addicted to high risk activities.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 1st house can appear to always be injured/ in accidents. Commonly seen for the first time with casts and braces. Athletic. Also prone to arguing about themselves. “I’m not like that at all!” “my leg is fine! Just leave me alone, I can handle myself!” Etc
❤️‍🔥 Capricorn mars is NOTORIOUS for their waiting. I’m not saying they don’t take action (they DEFINITELY do and BOLDLY) but it’s more structured when they do. When they move, they make it so NOTHING can disrupt their foundation. They’re slow and steady FS. Very respectful of lover’s boundaries in my experience.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 2nd house constantly argue about their worth, fortune, and their structure. Sign will color how this plays out. My mom has Aries mars in 2nd house- always arguing with people ab money, her values, eating habits, etc. my father also has mars here- but it’s Virgo, and he will debate about giving away his money, debate values, etc. he tends to be less aggressive than my mother in this house.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 7th literally HAVE to argue with their partners. I don’t know why. They get really upset when their partners don’t argue back. They really like bratty banter.
❤️‍🔥 10th house mars 🤝 arguing with authority figures
❤️‍🔥 Mars-moon hard aspects have a hard time balancing their emotional reactions, and tend to have very impulsive responses to stimuli.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in detriment or fall signs tend to have lower energy levels and aren’t necessarily motivated to act easily.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in water signs and houses can and will be angry if those around them are. Very reflective lol. Also the type to get hype/motivated when in a crowd. Probably loves mosh pits tbh. Hard for them to release that emotion.
❤️‍🔥 Mars-Venus are charming individuals, often making peace during war, but can sometimes take out their angers and frustration on their closer friends and lovers. Could also just find conflict with social relationships.
❤️‍🔥 Mars Opposite Jupiter (cap mars) can be VERY quick. For some reason he wanted to edge himself??? Literally went in and exited immediately.
❤️‍🔥 EVERY Sagittarius Mars i have met was so funny and sooo nerdy. 10/10 my Sag Venus falls SO hard for this mars sign (esp bc its in my 5th house). Most around my age have aspects to pluto, which is very hot omg. In true fire mars fashion,(in an unserious and joking tone) i have been told by this placement, "I don't want to share you," and that they would flip off anyone checking me out.
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vampirae · 9 months
I saw your pinned post I don’t know what to tell you I just hope you genuinely like the person you’re engaged to now💞
Thank you very much sweetheart ❤️ for your interest, it means a lot to me, in this ugly and lonely period I have. Have a wonderful day darling!!
Objectively thinking all my ex fiancés were great man, loving, affectionate, always taking care of my needs and spoiling me with gifts and attention, basically I always were envied for how they treated me. But they got a downfall, an extreme feel of not being enough and leaving them. Envious people always tried to "manipulate" them into thinking that I'm too good for them and I deserve better (if men usually they intended themselves). So I always had to pacify them and reassure them it's not like this or just to have more trust in me and not being so possessive, jealous or insecure.
To sum up I liked them but once the months passes by, they become more emotional and emotionally unstable. Even today in the morning I had a fight with my fiancé because yesterday his stepmother said that maybe we're gonna split up and he had a nightmare were I left him and was looking for other dates. It just gets on nerves, because I feel like they don't trust my own feelings or see me as a naïve girl who's easily impressed by others. Meanwhile it's the total opposites, because of my mental issues and personality disorders I get obsessed with my lover and I despise when other men tries to court me, flirt me or generally interact with me.
I guess Virgo men with Cardinal risings suffers from "chronically not enough disorder" (1st fiancé and my actual fiancé Virgo with Cancer rising, 2nd fiancé Virgo with Libra rising).
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emmythespacecowgirl · 9 months
I just found your content and I love it! Wondering if you could please do a pacific ship for me? I am female, she/her pronouns, interested in men.
I'm really strong-willed and opinionated, and not too afraid to tell people. I am very caring and can be emotional at times, especially when it comes to the people I care about. But otherwise I'm blunt and have really dry humor. I can be really stubborn and a lot of times awkward around new people as I'm a bit more on the introverted side. I tend to either not care at all or care too much when it comes to people.
I enjoy writing, hiking, gardening, and in general being out in nature. I'm a very homestead minded person and enjoy learning how to do things for myself, like how to crochet or grow a vegetable or raise chickens. That is, when I have time for it. Otherwise, I work as a nurse, and I enjoy the aspect of helping others when they need it the most.
I am 5'3" tall, curvy to chubby body with an hourglass figure. I've got pale skin with light freckles all over the place. Long, straight dark brown hair and dark brown/green eyes. Full lips, fuller face, just a more romantic body type in general. I tend to dress in baggier clothes as I am a bit insecure about my weight and especially my arms. I am working on losing weight but it's definitely a long process.
My personality type is INFJ. My biggest pet peeves are people who don't pull their weight when it comes to helping others and also chewing food really loud. My love language is physical touch, with a healthy sprinkling of words of affirmation. I am an August Virgo (don't know my other two signs, but that's my main one). I am also a proud Slytherin.
Thank you so much!!
Hi dear! Sorry for your wait! I’ve been extremely busy living life the past couple months 😊
I ship you with: John Basilone from The Pacific
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Ship theme song: Marry Me, Archie by Alvvays
I could easily see you two meeting at a training hospital for nurses in California while John is training up recruits
He seems you and is immediately stunned by your beauty
He thinks your curves are so fuckin hot
He makes a pass at you and you don’t really seem to care at first
Until the second time when he formally asks you out
And then you take it seriously (even if you were pretending not to be a bundle of nerves)
Your personality types definitely seem compatible
I would imagine that John is either ENTJ or ESTJ
So that balances out your introverted tendencies and your feeling function
As he gets to know you better, he falls fast for your strong-willed personality and your opinionated takes
That being said, he also loves your soft and tender side as well
It inspires him to be more gentle in dealing with personal matters
He loves to kiss your sweet soft lips
He could do it all day long if you let him
He hates when people bullshit and waste time with flowery words
Which is why he loves your bluntness and dry humor
He knows you tend to be introverted and that dealing with people initially can be tough for you
So he apologizes profusely when you first meet him big Italian family
(Im Italian too and I would also apologize lmao)
He’s really good for you because he knows how to show you how to not give a fuck what other people think about you
You can teach him how to truly appreciate nature and all it’s natural beauty
He’s always wanted to try to grow a windowsill pot of oregano
Just like his Nonna did
You are able to show him how
And he is forever grateful
He really admires your pioneering personality
Like you, this man is very much a slytherin
Try to convince me otherwise
(You won’t ;) )
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marsgod · 2 years
hi! im new around here, first off i wanna say congrats on ur milestone!
and second of all i wanna request a matchup. either for twst or genshin, whichever one is easier for u.
my pronouns are he/they and im into men
im an intp and a virgo. im relatively quiet unless around people im close with, bcs then i can talk for hours. im more of a book smart kinda guy (burnout gifted kid) im a nightowl, love watching the sky, im also obsessed with mythology and murder mysteries. im the walks behind the group when the sidewalk is too narrow friend. im also very creative and most of my hobbies relate to that (singing. writing, drawing, painting, cross stitching and sometimes gardning) my ideal date would be something like having a midnight picnic under the stars.
im a personality over looks person so i dont care about physical atributes. im average height a bit underweight and look somewhat androgynous. i have blue-grey eyes (which i consider my best feature apart from my hair) and wear glasses. the cool thing abt my hair is that its dyed blue at the tips. apart from that its straight w almost no volume and dirty blonde. my overall style is somewhere between grunge emo and softboy (for some reason)
hope i didnt ramble too much
hope you have a good day/night whenever you see this, dont forget to take care of yourself and take breaks. if u ever want another writer friend im always willing to talk (no pressure tho ofc)
Hello! tysm, and i’d love to be friends!!!
【A Time of Celebrations】 - Matchup for Twisted Wonderland!
I’d match you with… Kalim Al Asim!
Kalim is persistent in making friends, and wants to include everyone in everything and will often follow you around like a puppy wanting pets
You might have to sit him down and explain you like being alone sometimes, he’ll understand the words but constantly has guilt eating away because you’re alone, but has to remind himself you’re not alone you just want quiet time (does that make sense?)
But! moving on, Kalim’ll will gladly stay up, since it’s almost blazing hot where He and Jamil come from, I imagine they’d also prefer night to day because it’s cooler and Kalim never seems tired so long as he pays attention to something
He’s never had to wear glasses, so he’s the type to ask if he can wear them and (depending on how bad your vision is) will run into a wall
You two can sing together! Kalim loves (unironically) horrible karaoke (early 2000’s songs, any Katty Perry song, etc.) and knows them by heart, and will either get you to join him or stand on a table and preform for you
Kalim, surprisingly, isn’t too phased by any serial killer documentaries, horror movies or anything of the like, the only thing he hates is when they show the body
He usually ends up zoning out during movies anyways, so it’s not a problem even if it is scary
Be careful and do not let Kalim near your makeup, god forbid do your makeup, cause he can’t remember what’s what no matter how many time he assures you “It’ll be fine”… Just don’t, unless you’re looking for a laugh (and a mess)
He isn’t too good at hair either, not dyeing it at least, but he’ll watch attentively and pass you whatever you need while you do your hair, asking questions about this and that, and listens with fascination
Some of his siblings really like mythology too! That probably means you should meet them, right?
He really wants you to meet his family cause they’re the best and you’re the best so it’ll be the best time ever! Kalim will try to nudge it to you (like, he wants it to be your idea but will attempt to egg you on in hopes you’ll ask, but if you don’t then there’s not much else he’ll do about it)
He missed the “be subtle” part of it though, so it’s easy to know what he wants, but it’s ultimately up to you since.. Well, he has a lot of siblings so it may or may not be stressful depending on how you are with so many people at once
“The stars look amazing! Next time though, we should take my magic carpet!… What do you mean that ‘wouldn’t be a good idea’?… Ah, the food? Right.”
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flickeringart · 3 years
Mars Retrograde in the natal chart
I’ve written about planets in retrograde in the natal chart before, find the post about Mercury, Venus and Mars here and the post about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto here.
In this post I’m going a bit deeper into Mars Rx.
As we all probably know, Mars is the planet of personal drive, aggression, assertiveness and outward directed energy. Mars it works on behalf of the personality as the warrior – as forward movement, strength and desire. Mars enables us to be goal oriented, to stand up for ourselves and have a sense of direction and momentum. Depending on the sign Mars is in, the style in which one goes about one’s interests will vary. For example, an Aries Mars will be direct, impulsive, straightforward, loud, non-apologetic and open in taking action. Taurus Mars will be calm, patient, stubborn and energy preserving. Gemini will be cerebral, creative, mischievous and all over the place. Cancer Mars will be careful and protective of emotions while trying to secure a goal. Leo Mars will be demonstrative, proud and demanding. Virgo Mars will be purposeful and practical, going over the steps required to reach a specific goal. Libra Mars will try to smoothly get other people to get on board with one’s direction without ruffling any feathers, usually through using reason and logic. Scorpio Mars will assert its will “undercover” often through subtle yet effective emotional blackmail and strategy. Sagittarius Mars will be bold and restless, potentially quite clumsy and funny. Capricorn Mars will be serious, patient, mature, responsible and steadfast. Aquarius Mars will potentially be acting on behalf of a collective mission and thought-movement, considering what lies in the best interest of the “group”. Pisces Mars will be easily directed by influences from the environment, compassionate, soft and a bit confusing.
Having Mars direct in the natal chart means that desire is merged with action. In other words, action is employed in the name of desire. In the most basic sense, a person sees something of value (Venus) and Mars is the one who is in charge of conquering it. Venus and Mars can’t really be discussed separately for this reason because something has to catch one’s attention (Venus) in order for there to be anything to attain and achieve. Simply put, Venus is the object, person, place of esteem and Mars is the force that is in charge of closing the gap between the person and that which is desired.
When Mars is retrograde in the natal chart the drive to achieve is equally as strong as with Mars direct, but it is turned inward instead of being directed outward. This causes inner frustration, pent-up energy and often feelings of being ineffectual – unable to directly go after what one wants. Many sources state that since Mars is a masculine planet, Mars Rx is more bothersome for men, as women tend to not suffer from lacking in masculine traits as acutely because of identification with femininity (Venus). This is probably true, yet women will similarly experience the debilitating effects of Mars Rx – sometimes through the lover and partner of choice.
Some sources state that natives with Mars Rx had a childhood where they were not allowed to get angry or to stand up for themselves. Perhaps no one listened or bothered, perhaps displays of aggression were forcefully disapproved of and punished. There could have been a lack of support of the native taking initiative and paving his or her own path. I have had the reverse experience of being accused of not being assertive enough. I have Mars Rx in Virgo in the 3rd house and I was constantly criticized for lack of extroversion growing up, particularly in school (the 3rd house rules lower education) by teachers and peers. I was “too quiet”, “too inhibited”. In a sense, I was attacked for my “lack of Mars”. Unfortunately, I think this is quite common for people with Mars in Rx, we seem to invite aggression (in my case criticism because Virgo rules my 3rd house) in the area of life (house) that Mars is placed. I never attempted to “strike back” but kept my own pent up anger inside feeling worse and worse about myself, humiliated, yet for some reason unable to project the intensity outwardly – probably because it would only have caused me more reprimanding. However, the positive thing I’ve noticed with Mars Rx is that I have the ability to act independently of outside influences. In a sense I can act without desire being merged with action. Or rather, I can choose to redirect the build-up of intensity into unrelated activity. It’s definitely counter-intuitive, but it’s very useful in situations where one is required to act despite of a goal. Since people with Mars Rx have an obscure desire nature, there’s the ability to simply put one foot in front of the other and see what comes of the action.
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(Buy products with my art here)
There’s something to be said about inviting aggression from the outside with Mars Rx. Other people seem to want to cause a reaction by provoking the Mars Rx person to make them stand up for themselves and display some assertiveness. This never works because Mars Rx people don’t react defensively to personal attacks on the spot. They sit tight, face the situation calmly yet is feeling a build-up of energy that is likely going to erupt later, when the situations has passed and when it’s no longer relevant. They get angry with themselves for not acting on the spot, for not saying the things they wanted to say and display the strength that they really do possess. Mars Rx people often question their potency and can beat themselves up for not being more willful. As stated, the bouts of anger come only at a later time, which does nothing to gain the individual a reputation of being impactful. The moment has passed and the opportunity to strike is gone. It’s important to not be too hard with oneself, Mars Rx isn’t a character flaw, it’s part of one’s unique blueprint and one would do better focusing on the benefits rather than the down-sides. Mars is after all about confidence and there’s no reason why Mars Rx should settle for feeling “less than” confident. The key is to not look for external proof of one’s potency and be content with knowing that one is powerful despite appearances of lack of assertiveness. With Mars Rx one should avoid comparing oneself to other people. Comparison and competitiveness don’t benefit these people, for obvious reasons. Measuring one’s strength against another will leave one feeling neither strong nor confident because the strength of Mars Rx is passive and felt internally.
In order to not feel emasculated with Mars Rx, one has to be squarely doing one’s own thing and avoid caring about what other people think one should do or even what oneself think one should do based on social values. This is the only way to be happy with this natal planet in my opinion. Stop competing = stop depleting, stop comparing = stop caring. Mars Rx people have the opportunity to be real individualists when they start valuing their internal integrity rather than the outward display of it. In a sense, Mars Rx is a very pure Mars. It’s simple action, unmotivated and unresponsive. It will not win us any battles in the moment; Mars Rx doesn’t build any momentum, energy is extended outward in bursts, starts and stops. The approach that works the best is to let action flow through, rather than directing it deliberately. This is usually going to translate into a quite soft energy but it can be quite beautiful. The famous male ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov had Mars Rx – he was especially admired for his gracious jumps and seemingly effortless soaring in his dancing. He’s a good example of Mars Rx manifesting in a very powerful way – he uses his Mars to move independently in a non-confronting “Venusian fashion”. Yet, no one could claim that he lacks strength. The famous basket player Michael Jordan also has Mars Rx and he is widely considered one of the greatest basketball player of all time. It makes sense that dance and sport should suit these people because these activities require starts and stops more than building momentum.
Mars Rx has a reputation for being sluggish and lethargic. I think this is inaccurate to accept as a rule, but it is certainly possible for these people to seem like they are. Other people often perceive Mars Rx people to be at least very chill and calm, which is not always the case, it’s just that the boil hasn’t reached the surface yet and when it does, it’s out of tune with the outer situation and its momentum. The Mars Rx person might sit tight in a social interaction, never showing any sign of annoyance or agitation, despite being pissed off. It might be frustrating to not be able to release energy directly but Mars Rx energy is better channeled into purposeful activity, into independent action. Some sources claim that Mars Rx can be prone to self-destructive behavior and self-harm because of pent-up energy and unexpressed anger. I think this is true, especially if one lives in a very hostile environment and has a hard time, because of one’s Mars Rx, to do something about it – to fight back, to spontaneously immerse oneself in “combat” and defend oneself. It could also be because one’s aggression, when openly displayed, is turned to a social disadvantage. People might claim that one is “over-reacting” because the anger response is out of proportion with the situation at hand. “Over-reacting” is common problem for people with Mars Rx, because they’re typically calm, until they burst – and then they’re commonly labeled crazy or even abusive. There’s no way to “win” socially with Mars Rx, I find – either one is accused of being too passive or too reactive. This social disadvantage could easily turn into self-hate and self-rejection, because one doesn’t get any approval from the outside. Depression is sometimes linked to planets in retrograde, and this is quite understandable, in the light of everything that they imply. Depression is after all often associated with repressed anger, of a blocked drive and frustrated desire.
People with Mars Rx say that it gets better with age and that Mars is gradually more easily expressed because of experience and understanding of oneself. This might be partly due to Mars going direct in one’s progressed chart, however, one cannot make Mars go direct in one’s natal chart, it is a fixed blueprint that one will have to contend with. This is not to say that one cannot become more conscious of one’s own psychology.
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lilmajorshawty · 4 years
This is such a dorky question but it’s absolutely killing me cause he’s so all over the place I need to know and I trust your opinion like no other, if you don’t mind answering, what you think Matthew Gray Gubler’s ascendant is? It’s so dumb I’m sorry, but ily and thank you for taking the time 🥺💙
Virgo rising! :)
A useful tool for telling any rising sign apart is the eyes and the hair.
Earth risings:
Usually have natural/unkept/darker tones like brunette and Ruddish hues. Their eyes are always very piercing and intensive when they’re starting at you or something. But they can have deflective eyes as well meaning they avoid eye contact if they don’t like you or if they’re lying since earth risings are not good Liers due to their fire 8th house.
Earth risings are like the earth so you can usually tell them apart because they look like they go on hikes, build cars, wield, do heavy duty, work in the field and so on. This is for women and men alike. They just have that ruggedness to them. Also earth risings smile quite a bit but also maintain a good deal of emotional detachment despite how approachable and friendly they may seem.
Air risings:
Can have different colored hair/change hair colors a lot. Tend to like facial or body piercings or tattoos. Body augmentation is big here. Their eyes are very dull/dead seeming. They don’t really have a lot of feeling or emotions in their eyes. Rather their emotion is in their speech and their actions. They might not seem emotional but they have a very grounded and “do” aspect to the way they show it.
Air risings are like the air so they love to be around people and in social situations. That being said air signs have batteries and don’t enjoy prolonged interactions with people. They tend to be or have depressive Aura even if their not depressed or sad. They tend to be the first to leave and event or party and aren’t ones for hiding their dissatisfaction with people. They’re painfully blunt and have a easy time telling people what’s up, but their nature to bite their tongue usually fights them on this. They usually look very put together. When you think of them think indie, skinny jeans or baggy jeans, loft style apartments and coffee, long work shifts at the mall and the college era.
Fire risings:
Can have very dynamic hair. Like you notice it. Be it that it’s a vibrant color, be it that it’s voluptuous, be it that it’s short and decorated like a Mohawk. They have very noticeable hair no matter what. They also like tattoos and body modification but they tend to lean more towards one or the other. VERY intense eyes. The thing that sets them apart though is that they can have intensity in their eyes but there is also deceit. They have a way of looking like they’re all in but they have that gaze that always makes you thing they’re lying even if they’re not. The reason for that uncertainty is their watery 8th houses.
Fire risings are adrenaline junkies. Lowkey you will catch them mountain climbing with friends, working with kids at a daycare, literally running a race or working out at the gym, fucking, or all of the above. They’re easy to spot because they’re loud as shit. They’re literally like kids. They get distracted very easily and can derail a conversation in 0-50 seconds. They loose track of time easily and have a hard time controlling their patience. They have nice bodies, and tend to look good even when they gain weight. Normally I’d if you put them in a quiet room they’ll be the only one making some kind of noise.
Water risings:
So there hair doesn’t really stand out. Like they can almost seem bald even though they have a full head of hair because they tend to have hair that’s just sorta their. Like it’s beautiful but yet it’s like waves in the ocean. It’s part of a greater image. Their eyes are analytical. They seem like they’re sizing everything and everyone up, passing judgment silently. They don’t have approachable eyes rather they have a gaze that brings out an emotion in you no matter what even if you don’t know them whatsoever, their gaze can literally pull a feeling out of you. Cancer can bring out softer more vulnerable feelings, but also childhood. Scorpio can bring out more confrontational and insecure feelings and Pisces can bring out more distrustful and repressed feelings.
Water risings are like temperatures. Once again what makes them easy to spot is their eyes. They tend to gaze once and then that’s it. They can assess allot with that gaze. The tell tale sign that they like you is if they keep staring in your direction. If they look once and then never again? They don’t like you. Water risings are all running at their own temps. Cancer risings are warm, you’ll notice when you’re around them you’re always warm no matter how cold it is you’ll always feel warm. Scorpio risings are ice cold, you’ll notice you’re bundled up or in blankets more around them. Pisces risings are windy, you’ll often fly between moments of warmth and moments of coldness like you would on a windy day. Water risings tend to remind me of three aspects of life. Home attire, sex attire, sleep attire. They tend to dress comfortably and in something that doesn’t leave them overly exposed. Also water signs are 10x more sexual online and in private then they are publicly.
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hyuukais · 2 years
Hi!! Just sending this in hopes of being apart of the matchmaker. Could I get mine written about Stray Kids, TXT and Enhypen?
Here’s a little about me:
I’m a female and use she/her pronouns,5’9,brown hair, brown/green eyes, I have thicker thighs and I’m a Virgo and also an ISFJ. I’m from Australia and my favourite subjects at school are English, Drama, History, Art, Psychology and Geography. I have some mental health issues (anxiety/depression) and am also pretty sensitive to what people say so I’m not the biggest fan of teasing, I don’t mind it if you are very close to me though. I’m also pretty insecure about my appearance and mainly my personality, I also don’t really trust men so I would need someone who would help me through that. I also really love someone who is good at hugs and am low key into arms (oooooopsies), I also would like someone to be really good at comforting me when I’m sad or having a panic attack or crying (which kind of relates to the hugging). I’m more on the introverted side, but if you are close to me I will talk about anything I’m passionate about. I’m the mum friend of the group and am also the resident therapist of my friend group as I’m a good listener, I’m always taking care of others and helping them with their problems. I’m pretty loyal and if I find out someone is talking bad about someone I love deeply, it’s on site. I’m also into supernatural stuff and things like astrology and Tarot. I like music, fashion, makeup, dancing, writing, reading, drawing and any other forms of art. My favourite animals are dogs, followed closely by penguins, cone snails and elephants. Thank you!!
I’m really really sorry but enhypen isn’t one of the main groups i write for :((( i’ve written a small blurb for niki but i’m not an active writer for the group and don’t plan to be. once again i’m really sorry :(
I Pair You With…
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Kang Taehyun !!
Despite of his dry sense of humor, Taehyun is very conscious of others feelings, especially those of the people he loves. He always wants to make you feel comfortable and loved in anyway he can. It takes a little while for him to be completely confident in providing physical affection, but once he gets to that point hugs and kisses will be far more common. Being able to keep a level-head in more chaotic situations, he’ll try to comfort and bring you into a warmer headspace when things get to be a little too much. Taehyun wants to make you feel heard, like you can talk about anything and everything with him, no limits.
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Bang Chan !!
This fellow Aussie is a big, fluffy, teddy bear. He’s armed and ready with a multitude of hugs from the get-go, though that doesn’t stop his ears from burning when you two are first starting out. As time passes, and you become far more in tune with one another, Chan will be more prepared to help in moments of panic. He’d be ready with a warm blanket and quiet movie while you just take the time you need. Bang Chan would be incredibly proud of all of the art and stories you created; he’d understand if you didn’t want to share but his happiness can’t be contained when he sees something you’ve made. It’s all apart of his quest to get to know every single new thing there is to love and cherish about you.
Thank you for your submission!
Matchmaker Event
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hase0k · 3 years
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[eric andre vc] and WE’RE BACK hey everyone omg i’m miya & you may recognize me and this piece of shit from charmed!! :’) haseok has only changed somewhat; he’s the son of the f*ckin president of the country, is 27, last name is hong and now does day trading aka the kid buys tesla call options on robinhood all day!!! i’ll still include a tl;dr under the cut for all his basic info but anyways i am HYPED to be here and have him again so tysm rhi admins for helping give haseok life once more ♡ feel free to like this post if you’d like to plot! i prefer discord for msging so if you’d like to add me there as well, u can @ miya#8158 !!!
                                                       ( FULL BIO / STATS ) — hong haseok (listen i hate the double h as well but we’re gonna have to live with it ok), 27 (where all my 94liners at???), stupid dumb virgo, doesn’t want to talk astrology with u because he’s not fun and will tell u to shut up — born in london, sorta grew up there until high school and moved back to attend saebom high school (grad. 2012), double majored in finance & economics from hanbit university (2016) / not able to run for any sort of govt position because he technically doesn’t hold korean citizenship 🤷🏻 — TW: BULLYING he probably bullied u in hs :’(  — hobbies include playing football (he’ll literally hate u forever if u call it soccer to his face), getting his shoes shined, being forced to go to church by his parents on sunday mornings when he’s hungover af, throwing good ass parties but half the time nobody can ever find where he is — was raised quite religious but that’s his struggle bc he 🤫 refuses to accept he likes men and tries to be the most str8 passing person to ever exist — may or may not secretly L word @taekangs but you’ll have to stay tuned to find out ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 — is pretty dysfunctional with any members of his family and because of his upbringing he struggles to see himself as either the golden child or the black sheep of the family — also gonna put another TW: HOMOPHOBIA here and just get it out of the way he is also a gay hater (bc he’s in actual denial) and i apologize in advance for his behavior...... i know this is a touchy subject so please don’t ever hesitate to lmk if anything is ever too much and i’ll tone him down!!! sorry he’s rly such a problematic asshole but ofc his thoughts and opinions do not reflect my own!!! — ps it’s canon that he has a fat ass so don’t forget it thank u — i feel like i’m forgetting 3458973584 things so in case i am that’s why u should come plot with me :’) thanks for reading this far if u did, ily<3
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acousticcheeze · 3 years
Here's my 100 questions for my OC thing!
My OC is Laureli, a 6'2 Altmer trying to make his way in Skyrim
1. What do they smell like?
Whatever alchemy ingredient he’s been working with, really. Lavender is what he smells like most often, though.
2. What is their voice like?
A smooth-ish medium pitch Altmer voice that has elements of calm and irritation.
3. What is their biggest motivator?
Helping others through his alchemy. He wants to improve medicine for Skyrim, as well as all of Tamriel.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
He had a whole scientific presentation one year that ended up being completely wrong. He got humiliated in front of everyone.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
Winces at it, curses, and then gets to treating the problem.
6. What do they like to wear?
Functional clothes that keep him warm and allow him to carry alchemy ingredients in his pockets.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
The relationships with some of the people he’s helped over the years. It gave him a sense of purpose and fulfillment knowing that he could help people, save people.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
He’s an alchemist...in Skyrim...I’m pretty sure there are a few contenders… (giants toe, large/small antlers, ectoplasm, the list goes on)
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Normal side sleeper. Prefers to sleep on his left side.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
Horker stew. It’s actually way better than he thought it would be.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
If what he’s doing is good enough. He has big problems with perfectionism that still persist with him even after leaving Summerset.
12. How do they like to dress?
Robes with an alchemy enchantment and a hood.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
He tries to shake them off, but has panic attacks and whatnot sometimes as a result of them.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Is completely shattered by it. He’s dealt with this so many times before, though, so he keeps his cards close to his chest.
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Creating potions that help much more than the average cure disease potion would, as well as all sorts of other concoctions. Also, he’s created a sort of disinfectant and is working on a hand sanitizer.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Cranky, cranky, cranky.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Drunk? Oh no no no no Laureli does not drink (and even if he did he’d be out real quick)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
He isn’t really into music, but he enjoys the songs the bard plays at the Bannered Mare.
19. Are they right or left handed?
Right, but is practicing with his left hand too in case something happens to his right.
20. Fears?
Death and failure, mostly.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
As the sun rises and there’s dew all over the grass, the light reflecting through each drop.
22. Favorite color?
The color of eyes. Or, more specifically, the hundreds of little pinpricks of different colors inside of eyes, It’s really quite fascinating.
23. Do they collect anything?
OH YEAH. So many different alchemy ingredients and random stuff to be used in his next works-
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold, which is good since he lives in Skyrim.
25. What is their eye color?
Chartreuse (like most Altmer)
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
Yup. Breezehome is small, but manageable, and Whiterun is a decent hold to live in.
29. Are they a morning person?
Yes. He gets tired around 9 and can’t stay up past 12.
30. Sunrise or sunset?
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
Very organized. Again, he’s a perfectionist.
32. Pet peeves?
People touching his things as well as people inserting themselves into his business.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
An amulet of Talos a Nord gave him. He hadn’t gotten the chance to learn much about Talos at home, and he found it very interesting talking to the local Nords about their beliefs. That amulet reminds him of his first day in Skyrim, the first day of his new life.
34. Least favorite food?
Taffy treats, or anything with that sort of texture and stickiness that can get stuck to his teeth very easily.
35. Least favorite color?
Very pale green. It looks gross.
36. Least favorite smell?
Death. (Yes, death has a smell)
37. When was the last time they cried?
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
No. Oh Auri-el, no no no no. He cries alone and he makes sure of it.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
Was in a fire when he was younger, he has a burn going up the inner leg on his right leg.
40. Do they have any scars?
Only mental ones. (and the burn scar on his leg)
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Perfectionism, past abuse, self hate, among others.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Picking at his nails. He knows it makes them hurt and get bloody, but sometimes he just can’t help it.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He can be very rude if he’s working, but to be fair, it is really annoying to be bothered in the middle of your work.
44. Why might someone love them?
Who wouldn’t love an overworked science boye? But in all seriousness, if he loves someone, he will be very caring towards them and is also just great listener. Tries not to care any more though because of personal trauma.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Yup. He’s heard of people’s encounters with them. Honestly, you’d be stupid to not believe in them.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
At this point? No. Farkas later down the line? Yes.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Farkas, but we ain’t talking about that yet~
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
49. Do they like surprises?
No. Please do not surprise this poor man he will stagger back and crash into everything.
50. When is their birthday?
9th of Hearthfire (September 9th)
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
He takes a few seconds to acknowledge it and then gets on with his work.
52. Do they have any family?
Yup! A Mom, a Dad, a younger sister, and a male cousin that lives nearby (he’s in the Thalmor and the whole family has very Pro-Thalmor views)
53. Are they close to their family?
HAH- no~
54. What is their MBTI type?
INTJ (Damn this list for making me look up stereotypes for this. Honestly I hate the MBTI system so much-)
55. What is their zodiac sign?
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
57. What D&D alignment are they?
If lawful chaotic good was a thing then yes
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Yes, but they are often so tangled up that it’s hard to get any real meaning from them.
59. What are their views on death?
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ll be fine-” Hopes that he’ll be fine but is really scared about it.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Bad science puns. He will stifle a chuckle before telling you how bad your joke was.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
This man does not get bored. He will always find something alchemy related to study or look into.
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
Yes. Laureli loves the Skyrim weather (for the most part. Places like Dawnstar and Winterhold suck)
63. Do they have an accent?
Yes. He has the typical Altmer accent.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
“Why is this here? This isn’t mine.”
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say
He would probably take too long deciding and die before he could do/say anything.
66. How do they feel about sex?
Sex repulsed asexual.
67. What is their sexuality?
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
He’s seen so much it would take a lot to surprise him here.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
Grumpy scientist with no people skills.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yes, definitely
72. Are they allergic to anything?
Not really. (Lucky)
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Nope, unless you press his buttons. His anger is pretty much “What in the name of Auri-el is wrong with you?! Don’t touch my equipment!!”
75. How patient are they?
Very...until you hit his limit. Then he gets passive aggressive.
76. Are they good at cooking?
Not really. He can be good at it, he just chose not to learn in favor of working on his projects. Can make enough to live on, though.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
He doesn't have a favorite insult (he rarely insults people).
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Talking fast, pacing, flappy hands.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
Try to avoid bringing those fears up around them and avoiding making fun of them. If their fear is nearby, he will either tell them or take care of it. (which is good because Farkas is scared of spiders)
80. Are they trustworthy?
Yes, but you have to be a very certain kind of person to work with him.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Sometimes, especially romantic feelings. Romantic attraction? Nope, not possible- (It totally is; he’s in denial)
82. Do they exercise regularly?
With all of the walking he does around various holds, yes.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yes. He’s a perfectionist with many things, but has learned to let go a bit more when it comes to his appearance. He still will take ages to get ready, though.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
Tattoos, braids, basically everything you’d see on a typical Nord. It’s so different from his home and he’s completely enamored.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Himbo nord men. Sweet morons basically.
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Not really. Sweet foods do have their place, but he isn’t wanting to get any cavities, so he tries to limit his sugar. (Especially since Altmer live 200-300 years aprox)
87. What is their age?
52 (~20s for an Altmer)
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
Tall, but about average for an Altmer
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
No, but if he did he would have half-moon spectacles.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
Not really. He doesn’t really think anyone is attractive. (Well, except for Nord himbos, but he doesn’t know that until he meets Farkas)
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Practically nonexistent, but when there is humor it’s mostly dry and sardonic.
92. What mood are they most often in?
That sort of focused work mode you get in when you’re really concentrating, as well as somewhat-sociable-but-still-kind-of-tired-and-grumpy
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People messing up his equipment. Oh sweet Auri-el, if you touch his things he will explode. Also, he hates the racism that the Thalmor promote. (He hates racism in general, but he hates the Thalmor’s views the most).
94. Outlook on life?
“It sucks, but I do find quite a bit fascinating and I’ll help where I can.”
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
His perfectionism, how lonely he knows he is, and more.
96. What is their greatest weakness?
Again, his perfectionism, as well as having his work dictate more in his life than he should.
97. What is the greatest strength?
His brain. He remembers small details extremely well, and is practically an encyclopedia when it comes to alchemy.
98. Something that they regret?
How awful he used to be to everyone back home. He got a lot of pushback on his dreams and who he was, so he lashed out. Even though there wasn’t much he could do there, he still regrets hiring his family and wants to try at a relationship again with them (lol good luck).
99. Biggest accomplishment?
How is this different from “Greatest Achievement”?
100. Create your own! (Why is his alchemy so different from the norm?)
Because he’s trying to do something much more along the lines of modern medicine as opposed to just potions.
101. (Bonus!) Why is he in Skyrim?
Because it’s rather lacking in the medicine department compared to the other provinces, so he decided his talents would be best used there. Obviously, his family protested, but he went anyways.
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mjjicons · 3 years
apparently i’m an attorney right now
hey guys
this bitch right here
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@deborahdeshoftim5779​ i can’t even write her username without copying and pasting it but there we go
she’s trying you guyssss she’s really trying to come for michael
maybe inside her basement......no bathing for days... we know quarantine right.. people get crazy
so here i am responding to the “EVIDENCE THAT MICHAEL JACKSON MOLESTED CHILDREN” because.... i don’t know why tho
but this bitch challenged me and virgos love a challenge
we do love a challenge.. so
Michael Jackson slept in bed with other people’s children. Everyone, including @mjjicons, knows this is inappropriate and unacceptable. The majority of sexual abuse accusations against Michael Jackson have stemmed from the fact that he slept in bed with other people’s children. This is one of the clear reasons why parents do not allow their children to sleep in bed with adult strangers, and @mjjicons knows this very well.
this one is actually so shitty that i can’t even lol i highlighted the most important part on this.. this is actually not true
with a simple google search we can type in like “michael jackson accusations timeline” (i don’t have to do that because i actually know every single one of them but for proof purposes) 
safechuck said he met michael in 1986 in a pepsi commercial set and of course, he said that michael asked him to sleep with him as seen in here:
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alright! let’s do some research then
1986... what a year you guys! what a year!
here we have a great year review on the detail. (a youtube channel that i love so so so so so so so so much). and as we all know, 1986 was really important for michael jackson’s career overall, because that was the year when he wrote his (amazing) record called BAD!! kinda reclused. and of course he had the time to be the humanitarian he was:
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also i can refute your “evidence number two” that michael only cared about pre-pubescent boys.. here’s our girl donna having a blast with my baby and bubbles.
also, safechuck said that he gave him the thriller jacket in the meeting.......but that’s actually a lie 
because that jacket is with..... lady gaga! because it never was in safechuck’s hands. it was sold for her in a auction.
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let’s go forward, shall we?
back to 86. allegations say that michael asked safechuck to sleep with him in the same bed in a trip to hawaii! of course if michael jackson was in hawaii in 1986 we would have some candids.
let’s do our research once again. he was never in hawaii in 86.... 87... no... here we go, 88, with safechuck and his family:
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this was in february 1, 1988, at the kahala hilton hotel - hawaii. found it. also, this was the day of “moonwalk - the autobiography” release!
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here he is with everyone! and our buddy alan light actually met him at the time:
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as alan said, his team was with him too, of course. digging more information we can see it was a business trip and he brought his “friends” with him (fake bitchessss) as always. the first accusations, however, were made to the LAPD in 1993. james was with his whole family in there, fans around, team around, everyone. the only evidence is safechuck’s word, that as we saw before we can’t trust that much. i will explain why in a bit. michael had no time to bullshit in 1988, because this was the year of his american leg of the bad tour, and of course, shooting every single video from the bad era. iconic! he was in japan also in january-february as seen on his year review.
unfortunately i don’t have his hotel files from this time to see how many rooms he booked, but as a fan i can say that when michael did stay in hotels, it was common for him to book the whole hallway. (please read j. randy taraborrelli’s book if interested). same bed huh.......i don’t think so too
michael was diagnosed with vitiligo at the time, and his self-esteem wasn’t 100% (for his whole life actually) so i doubt he would let anyone in his room. also, his addiction to medication was also at the beggining. he was working so much as you can see. wait a minute. i have to eat my breakfast.
back at it.
about sleeping with children in the same bed in other occasions:
with the allegations made firstly in 1993, michael had to explain himself about every situation envolving himself and kids around him. he wasn’t a men of interviews, but on the topic, michael always said he never was alone with little boys in a bedroom. there always was someone when he did watch movies with his friends, including liz taylor, in any room (neverland had a whole movie theater there) and if falling asleep was the case, he mostly laid down on the floor. and he didn’t sleep a lot either. he couldn’t.
about sharing a bed tho, it happened! i’m not saying this never happened, brett barnes said it happened, in opposite sides, no touching. it happened, yes, and this is something not common between you and someone that isn’t your own kid. but it doesn’t mean that michael took off his clothes and had sex with a minor. not only a minor, but small boys. when someone is accused of pedophilia this is obviously a red flag, but those red flags were investigated by the FBI and local police (LAPD). if michael did it with a little boy, his DNA, sperm, skin would be all over them. the abuse would be clear. a kid doesn’t have body structure to handle abuse and heal fast enough. those are little kids. the brain development and body development aren’t enough to hide such a thing. if michael did it, he would be arrested FOR LIFE. oh yes he would. because no one besides his fans were there for him when shit got bad. people wanted his head in a plate with a tomato in his mouth.
on a side note i don’t know why people think michael was someone that always had time to keep little boys around him and sleeping around with them...........he worked his ass off EVERY SINGLE YEAR OF HIS ACTIVE CAREER LIFE. years and years on tour, no privacy, no free time, no real friends, no real family, no one.........
2. The vast majority of “special friends” were pre-pubescent boys, who Jackson dumped once they hit puberty. Joy Robson testified to this in 2005, saying that she told June Chandler this would happen to her son as well. Joy Robson admitted in court that the dumping had a serious mental effect on the boys, as they were no longer the favourite.
this is the biggest lie ever. i can’t even. about “the vast majority of michael’s friends being pre-pubescent boys” i won’t even post pictures of him and little girls because this is actually.........sick.............you are just a google search away... don’t be a lazy bitch.
this dumping thing is so sad to read because it portraits kids as literal objects. and this is actually a lie too. michael mantained contact with people for years, like macaulay, the cascio family (including all the kids), omer, his nephews, tata vega..... so many people, so many children. the female-chandler had jordan and his sister as kids, and in the years that michael related with them he was at family barbecues with the chandlers (and the press even called them his new family) because he was always around EVERYONE. 
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the 2005 trial was the only one actually dumped in all of this because there was no evidence against michael. and 2005 is actually a really important year for all of us, because it was the year of the innocent veredict. and wade robson was a witness in this trial. ON MICHAEL’S FAVOUR. if joy robson warned june about this in this trial WHY WOULD HER KID TESTIFY IN A ALLEGED PEDOPHILE’S SIDE?????????? 
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this makes no sense. and also, the clownery was way too much. in the book “untouchable” by randall sullivan (i do not know if this is the english title because i am brazilian and here this is the title for the book, i just translated it. but you can find it everywhere) the author describes how the prosecution tried too hard to accuse michael. they were always catching “witnesses” - even a man that said michael molested him in the 80′s, but when asked about the dates, time, what happened, the court found michael wasn’t even in the place the man said he was at the time. but they demanded michael to testify on court anyway - to talk about a child he never met in a day he was at a event - with pictures and shit. a solid alibi. it was ignored. the witch hunt was big and they were ready to put michael in handcuffs WHENEVER THEY COULD. they just needed something. and this something never came.
if you are good enough to get all “your evidence” together, don’t be lazy to check facts. as i said before, it’s a google search away. 
about joy robson, this bitch is bipolar or.. idk. because she was thriving in 2013 liking posts about michael and how good he was.
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2013 was also the year wade filled his allegations against michael. because wade realized that michael actually did the wrong to him in 2012. before that, as a grown ass man, in the ‘05 trial, he didn’t. but in 2012 oh boy we are here just realizing things.
in 2009, michael’s passing, the estate released the michael jackson opus, a big book of memories and good stuff. wade was there too and made a beautiful statement, as follows:
“Michael Jackson changed the world and, more personally, my life forever. He is the reason I dance, the reason I make music, and one of the main reasons I believe in the pure goodness of human kind.”
and after that, wade wanted to be on charge of all the tributes related to michael in tv shows and awards. that’s pretty big right......to work in the name of your “abuser”.......
now you answer me: how did joy robson warned june chandler about anything if she, herself, said that wade didn’t show a single sign that he was abused by michael? she even said michael coached him to be “a master of deception” and that “wade should have won an oscar for lying that good for her” on court (2013) and that she was lied to so good that she never believed anything.... but warned chandler’s mom about “dumping”? what dumping?
if wade was dumped and really sad about it.....why would he want to lead shit about michael after he died? if your molester died....you should cheer up....
just a side note: joy said in leaving neverland that when michael died she was so relieved and danced around BUT HOW IF HER SON JUST WROTE A WHOLE LOVE LETTER TO MICHAEL JACKSON IN HIS MEMORIAL
is it crack? is it? what you smoke? following up..
3. Michael Jackson’s “special friends” include: Emmanuel Lewis (Brooke Shields said in 1984 that it looked like the pop star was dating the boy, rather than her), Jonathan Spence (Jackson owned a naked photograph of him), James Safechuck, Brett Barnes (Jackson is on video pretending this boy is his cousin), Macaulay Culkin, Wade Robson, Jordan Chandler, Jason Francia, Arnold Schleiter, Sean Lennon (Mark Ronson said that Jackson watched pornography with both of them in a hotel room), Omer Bhatti (whom Jackson met in a Tunisian hotel, and pretended the boy was his son), David Martinez, Gavin Arvizo, Michael Jacobshagen, and his nephews (whom the police suspected him of molesting, and with whom he took an inappropriate photo shoot for Star Magazine).
“brooke shields said in 1984 that blahblagabal” when where WHERE bitch where
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i think people don’t actually answer your allegations because it is so DUMB that no one wants to waste their time with you. like......why am i doing this
i am just on #3 and i’m so tired because THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT are you wade robson in a fake account? just take off your mask
if you have this brooke shields line please show me???? i would like to see it
michael didn’t meet omer in a tunisian hotel, he actually met him because he was in a contest for michael jackson impersonators.......and he loves him, and pia, his mom, is so grateful for everything michael done for their family WHY AM I RESPONDING TO THIS i am so frustrated 
4. Joy Robson also testified in 2005 that Jackson had called her up in the middle of the night in December 1993, asking that Wade Robson be brought to his bedroom. She admitted that she went back home, after leaving her son with Jackson. For context, Jackson was under investigation for child sexual abuse of Jordan Chandler at the time
she actually didn’t because she wasn’t a witness on court at the time. wade was. she wasn’t. as i showed before. next.
actually i’m tired because all of this is so dumb and i am wasting my time........ let’s just jump to the final shit.
We have good reason to believe that Jackson molested other boys not named above. For example, who was the boy whose semi-nude photograph was found inside Jackson’s bedroom in August 1993? 
they never found anything in ‘93 because if they did michael would be arrested...............
Who filed a Restraining Order against Jackson back in the 80′s, and who reported this to the FBI? 
no one filed a restraining order against michael back in 80′s. there is no such evidence. the fbi files are public and you can access them and read everything.
Who were the two Mexican boys that Jackson was accused of molesting back in 1985-1986?
michael didn’t have contact with any mexican people between ‘85 and ‘86 as i said before, in his year review, and in ‘85 he was never seen with any mexican boys because he was working in USA for africa, we are the world and captain EO. nothing michael did was away from the public eye. 
Who were the other boys that slept in Jackson’s bedroom, according to a security guard? Who were the boys/men whose DNA was found in semen stains on Jackson’s mattress in November 2003? Who was the “Rhonda” who sent Jackson a picture book of naked boys, because she said Jackson might like them? What did Norma Staikos know about Jackson’s predilection for pre-pubescent boys? Who was the boy that Darlene Craviotto saw Jackson alone with in 1991 (reported in her book)?
norma staikos was his personal assistant at the time and wade said she knew about “what was going on” and was someone that arranged all the “sexual meetings” as said on court right here, but this meeting mentioned by wade on court was actually arranged BY HIS OWN MOTHER! 
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and the book by darlene craviotto never mentioned anything sexual between michael and boys, actually it’s a kind book about how michael helped her with her agoraphobia................
the rest of your evidence isn’t worth the read or the research because i’m not the one who should be doing this, debora, it should be you. just google it. or show something more credible, maybe actual proof? pictures? videos? audiotapes? where are they?
why am i here tho?
fuck you bitch
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keiscait · 3 years
hey, may i please request a bedroom matchup LOL 😏
she/her, bisexual (men over women (unless it's a big tittie goth gf)
sagittarius sun and virgo rising
ravenclaw 😏
sexual: i like being the top. call me mommy LOL. i also like being topped, i have a major knife kink 😏 im in charge most of the time, however it can change every now and then. when i'm the bottom i want my partner to spit in my mouth 🧎‍♀️ neck and ear bites plz 😏 i'm very vocal 👹👹
things i look for in a partner:
-has to have a good sense of humor
-very understanding
personality: i'm very outgoing and friendly to most people, but i keep my friend group small. i'm the loud friend of the group and i'm always trying my best to make my friends laugh. i say really weird things at the most random times and i often look really high so people think i'm on something. i'm a good leader though and take charge in the three sports i'm in. (i'm varsity captain in one of my sports!!)
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plans for future: i'm currently a senior in high school and i plan on going into the national guard or air force when i graduate :). the military will pay for college and i plan on either going into the criminal justice field or information technology field :p
music taste: literally everything except for country. you can catch me listening to dr dre, schoolboy q, blackstreet, and kendrick lamar one minute and then queen the next. i also love my female rap artists 👏👏 90s rock and rnb are also a must. i listen to 00's club music on a regular 😏
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Hello and welcome, my dearest Bri! AND ADVANCED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish I could bake you a cake, but all I can do is send some love (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* Let’s get right to it then! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who we have here, hon!
Suna Rintarou! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
Suna here has a really cold and icy demeanor, which I think has to be balanced out by outgoing people (like the Miya twins). He likes to act like this dark and brooding person, but deep down, he’s actually just a little gremlin like most of us. 
- Okay okay, I know what you’re thinking. Yes, I already know that you’re a Suna stan, but I genuinely could not think of anybody who matches your personality description better, the two of you would just be *aggressive chefs kiss*
- I’m kinda getting an enemies-to-lovers-ish vibe with this dynamic, but also like a partners-in-crime-to-lovers type of deal. Either way, it’ll start out a little bit chaotic
- Has a crush on you immediately, I just KNOW it, but he won’t realize this until later on, and may even totally deny it to himself
- He doesn’t really know when exactly he starts catching feelings for you, but the realization probably hits him when he sees you going about your daily activities
- You could be doing any of your extra curriculars - basketball, track, or marching band - and he sees how much you enjoy it, or maybe even after you just said one of your random thoughts. Whatever makes him feel like he’s getting to know you a little bit better
- it’s when you laugh right after, and suddenly he feels like he’s just been spiked a ball in the face, and he just audibly goes “ah shit.”
- Has no fucking clue what to do at first KDHFKSJHL someone pls help him!!!
- He ends up being a little awkward when he tries to do anything about it, and it’ll all just feel so unnatural HAHAH
- “Let me carry your bag” “No Rin it’s fine I can--” *pries your bag from your hands with way too much force*
- in his mind he’s like “Ah yes that went perfectly 😌”
- he tries to communicate his feelings in little ways like this, hoping you’ll catch on
- No, Suna Rintarou, poking fun at someone is not a declaration of love, but nice try!
- he’ll get so frustrated if you don’t catch on (or maybe you do, and you just want him to say something first), and eventually will straight up yell tell you how he feels
- once you two are together, he’ll still try to act he’ll try to keep up his icy exterior, but trust me, he’s completely whipped for you
- Appreciates that you keep your friend group small, because at the end of the day, he’s still a pretty reserved guy
- Admires your leadership qualities, and will not be insecure and toxic about it, despite what other people believe. He honestly wishes he could be more like you, in that sense
- He’ll be your # 1 fan in everything you do. Will support whatever it is that you want to achieve, and will cut any bitch who tries to get in your way
- boy is in LOOOOOVE
- If he ever gets mad or annoyed at you, just give him the smallest peck on his cheek, and he’ll be all putty in your hands again
- Likewise, I think he’d be so good at making you blush too. It’s not all the time that he does this, but when he does, it’s 1000000% effective
- Honestly I love this dynamic so much that I wanna make him your bedroom matchup too, but I feel like that would be a cop out 
You were exhausted.
It was never easy juggling all the activities that you took part in - each of them was truly a labor of love. Today was particularly draining because it was, after all, your birthday, and it just HAD TO fall on a weekday. You plonked on your bed and started scrolling through your phone.
Your tight-knit group of friends continued to send you birthday wishes, despite having already done so when you saw them earlier that day. They had sung to you and let you blow out a birthday candle - it was all they could do, given your busy schedules. You looked forward to the weekend you had planned with them and your boyfriend, Rintarou.
Speaking of Rin, you thought to yourself, as a message notification from him popped up.
- You’re already home, right?
- Yeah! Just got here. So tired
- That’s too bad. I was gonna ask you to open the door for me but I guess I’ll just go home
You ran to your front door faster than you expected you could manage, and there stood Suna, a balloon and a box of pizza in hand. He pretended to walk away slowly, making you giggle before you grabbed him and dragged him inside.
He pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “Happy birthday, babe.”
You were giddy, not expecting him to show up. “I thought we were gonna wait til the weekend for my celebration??” 
“Do you not know me by now?” he chuckled. “As if I’d let today pass without doing anything about it.”
You smiled and looked at him for a few seconds. He rarely looks so sincere, and so warm, and you just wanted to drink up every last drop of this moment.
He teased, “But y’know, I guess if you’re too tired, I can totally scarf down this pizza by myself.”
You groaned before dragging him to your room and setting up the playlist you guys worked on together, getting ready for a night in.
I hope that was alright, bb! Let’s make our way to the bedroom now ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For some private time, I’ve invited over...
Oikawa Tooru! (Runner up: Suna Rintarou)
Despite how other people believe he’s a dom, I think he’d be a switch, at best. I think in the bedroom, he’d love to let his partner take control, just as much as loves having his way with them.
- What really gets this fucker going is pleasing people - and who would he love to please more than his s/o?
- He loves how your confidence translates into your bedroom behavior
- I headcanon that he easily falls apart in bed, and would gladly do so for his partner 
- He is s e n s i t i v e. Touch him, kiss him, grab him EVERYWHERE
- LOUD, but a lot of it is trying to get his partner to be even louder
- How does this man have both a praise kink and a degradation kink? Idk but I’m so sure he has both
- Would be totally onboard with your knife kink. He’s super into sensory play
- Speaking of which
- Once you ask him to take charge, I think he would still be a service dom
- Knows all your sensitive spots. Made sure to take note of them so that he can get you back for all the times you hit his sweet spots
- Loves mouth stuff. His mouth. Your mouth. Putting stuff in them. Tongue stuff. Loves all of it
- Great at aftercare, just a bit flashy with it. Kind of makes a show of what he’s doing but in the most adorable way
- Delicate with how he handles you after. Or if you’re the one giving him aftercare, would praise you the whole time
- Will hold you til you fall asleep 🥺
As a little extra gift, I wanted to give you a dressing room matchup too! 
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I think your gorgeous face would look SO GOOD with...
That’s it for now, darling! I hope that was worth all the waiting you did. Thank you for being such a wonderful housemate - don’t hesitate to chat with me anytime. Advanced happy birthday again! (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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cheekyaleigh · 3 years
To Swing...
   I have thought about writing this topic several times over the past couple of weeks.  It seems to be an ever evolving and changing topic within Luke's and my relationship.  Our feelings seem to differ from one day to the next.  I think I will write this in two separate posts.  So how about let's back up and let me tell you how the topic came up in the first place.  
   The very first night Luke and I met in person was hands down the absolute best date I have ever been on.  We live about 60 miles apart so we had planned to meet on a Saturday night after a prior commitment of mine ended.  I knew that it was expected to be over and I should be home roughly around 8ish.  Luke drove up to my little town and we talked on the phone the whole drive.  He actually beat me to the restaurant so he was standing there waiting as I pulled into the parking lot.  
   "My God, you're tall!"  I laughed as I stood, getting out of the car.  Of course, he had met me at the car and opened the door for me before I even turned the car off.  His dating profile had told me his height but seeing it in person was still a shock.  
   Have you ever seen a picture of someone but then when you met them in person, they didn't look the same?  Maybe they were younger in the picture.  Maybe they had different hair.  Or glasses.  Or the angle just didn't capture their essence.  Maybe they looked worse than their photo.  Maybe they looked better. You get my point.
   That's what I was currently facing.  If I hadn't been talking to Luke as I drove up, I wouldn't have recognized him just going off of photos alone.  Don't get me wrong, his pictures were cute and showed a good looking enough guy.  But, in person?  Damn.  Luke may not be traditionally "handsome" but to me?  He is incredibly good looking!  I still look at him and think "How did I get so lucky?" But I digress.  Back to the swinging.  
   After dinner, neither of us were ready for our night to end.  "What do you want to do now?"  He asked.  
   "In this town?  Not much."  I laughed.  "I would invite you back to my place but there would have to be some stipulations agreed upon."  
   "Oh?  What are those?"  He eyed me carefully.
   "I am NOT going to have sex with you."  I already knew that I really liked him just from our previous messages and phone conversations.  But meeting him and talking during dinner reinforced that fact.  I knew I didn't want sex to complicate or confuse those feelings. I was still recovering from a long failed relationship, after all.
   We talked and he agreed so we went back to my place.  We sat up till 2 A.M. just talking.  Have you ever just had an amazing conversation with someone and next thing you know 5 hours has passed?  That's how this night went.  We talked about anything and everything.  No holds barred.  Childhood traumas, previous relationships, previous sexual exploits, family, etc.  Nothing was off limits.  
   If you've read my previous blog posts, I've mentioned that Luke has a very colorful sexual history.  There isn't much he hasn't done or won't do.  In his previous marriage, they started as swingers then moved to polyamory.  That caught my attention and not for the reason you're probably thinking.  No, I wasn't afraid that I wouldn't be enough for him.  I was actually enticed by the idea that he could possibly be open to swing again.  
   "Is that something that you would want to try again?"  I asked.
   In my previous marriage, I had been unhappy on and off for years for various reasons that I won't go into now.  At one time, I had tried to talk my ex into polyamory.  I thought I wanted a girlfriend.  Why?  Because, in my opinion, everything about a relationship and sex with a girl is different than it is with a man.  Not better, not worse.  Just different.  Sometimes I crave that feminine touch.  (Now, I realize that I don't really want a relationship with a female.  Just sex.)
   There have also been times in the past when I have been sexually attracted to someone but unable to act upon it because I was in a relationship.  I said as much to Luke.  Just the idea that he could be open minded enough to discuss the possibility with me was astounding.  
   He said, "I'm not saying that I would agree to let you sleep with him.  But if you were sexually attracted to someone, we could discuss it and see.  It would depend upon a lot of things.  Whether the person in question were trustworthy and would understand it was a one and done.  Whether we are in a good place in our relationship.  Because if a relationship isn't strong then swinging and/or polyamory is a bad idea."  
   Wow. Fast forward a few months. It had been a terrific night.  We had spent the day together and had ended up at the local Japanese restaurant.  Luke had tried to covertly place his hand between my thighs while the chef was putting on a show and throwing rice.  Hibachi was a favorite of mine but it was my first time actually watching the show.  (Side note: If you haven't been, I suggest you give it a try.  It's a lot of fun no matter your age.)  Needless to say, I was full of amazing food and a lot of laughs but couldn't wait to get home to fuck my boyfriend.  
   I was flying on nothing but happiness as we went to exit the restaurant.  As we approached, the exit door opened and the finest specimen of mucular male police officer stood before me.  (I TOTALLY have a thing for men in uniform.  Fugly?  Slap them in some BDU's and I'd probably fuck that.)
   The officer stood back and held the door open for us.  "How are you doing tonight?"  Ah, and he had a sexy voice to match.  
   My panties were thoroughly dampened at this point and I was feeling pretty bold.  I looked him down then back up and said "Fine and yourself?"  in the sultriest voice I could manage.  Luke gripped my hand and smiled as we made our way on out to the car.  He definitely took notice.
   "Baby, were you eye fucking that guy?"  He asked leaning over and rubbing my pussy thru my jeans.
   "Oh...So you noticed that?"  I said coyly.  "Maybe."
   "Of course I noticed.  Your voice was dripping with sex.  Want me to go back in and ask for his number for you?"  Still continuing to tease me as best he could thru the denim.
   "Have you lost your mind?!  NO!!"  I said, stupified.  Then, brazenly asked, "you would do that?"  I could tell he wasn't offended or upset or I wouldn't have asked.  And I wasn't asking because I wanted him to.  I was asking because it shocked the hell out of me.  
   "Of course.  If it's something you wanted.  Cops, in my experience, are pretty wild in bed. You probably would have enjoyed him."  Ah, my darling Luke and his straight forward, sometimes clinical, approach to things.  Typical Virgo. I assured him that there was no need for him to go talk to the cop so we began to make our way home.  
   "Ok, so purely hypotetical question. Say I get pulled over.  If the officer seemed interested, would you have a problem with me trading sexual favors to get me out of a ticket?"  I asked, honestly curious.
   "If it's something you discussed with me first, then no.  I wouldn't mind.  But we have to have completely open communication.  Now, with that being said, you better be careful propositioning an officer!"  
   The rest of this conversation isn't really relevant to what I'm trying to explain.  Only the fact that he again said he would be ok with me fucking someone else under the correct guidelines. This conversation was when I really started to believe that he may actually be that openminded.  
 To tell you the next tidbit, I need to tell you about Destiny.  When Luke first told me about Destiny, I was threatened.  They texted regularly.  They had also met on a dating site and had been on a couple of dates before agreeing that they needed to stay friends.  On one of these dates, they had made out and he had fingered her.  And she is SO pretty.  I mean...dayum. Curly black hair.  A fierce independent personality. Bisexual. Loves sex and refuses to be tied down to one person.  Destiny is the complete package of every single man's dream.
   The day we went to the adult toy store, see previous blog post, Luke had sent Destiny a text telling her about our purchases.  She text back telling him that she had recently ordered a spreader bar on Amazon and that she needed a willing participant to test it out on.  He told me, of course, and I laughed it off at the time.  
  I had given it a lot of thought and had decided that I was going to ask Luke to introduce me to Destiny.  I just wasn't sure how to broach the subject and explain exactly what I wanted.  I don't remember exactly what made me decide to talk to Luke about it this particular night but I decided to go for it.  I just remember that Destiny had came up in conversation.  He was telling me about a conversation they had earlier that day.
   "Baby, would you mind if I flirted with your friend?"  Ok, not the most tactful way to ask but hey, I was in uncharted territory here.
   "Uhh...what?"  He looked completely lost.
   "Well, you remember the comment Destiny made about the spreader bar?  Would you mind if I sent her a message and flirted a bit."  I asked again.  I was so nervous I couldn't make eye contact.
   "Oh!  I don't mind.  Here I'll unlock my phone for you."  So he did and handed it to me.  He appeared still slightly puzzled but had a knowing smile on his face.  
   I took a selfie and sent it to her with the caption of "A spreader bar, huh?"  
   While waiting for a reply, Luke asked "What are you hoping to accomplish with this?"  
   "I haven't thought that far ahead.  I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants.  I want to be ok with you talking to Destiny.  I know you guys are just friends.  But I don't think I will ever actually be ok with it until I meet her and get to know her."  Ok, perhaps a small fib.  I had seen pictures and knew enough about Destiny to know that I could probably get in her pants or us have a threesome pretty easily.  Since she and Luke were friends and he trusted her, I figured he would be ok with it.  
   Turns out, I was right.  On both counts.  The longer the texting went, I knew that eventually we would hang out and probably fuck.  
   So Luke and I discussed it and at length. While not opposed to the idea of swinging,  Luke does have some insecurities because of how his conniving bitch of an ex-wife acted while they were swinging.  So it was time I told him exactly what I was thinking and how I was feeling.
   "Luke, to be honest, I really want to be with a girl again.  I could never be in a relationship with a female because I am in the closet where my family is concerned.  But I really really want that feminine touch."  Yeah...my family is a long story for another time.  "I can say with certainty that I would never leave you for another female because I know that that isn't in the cards for me."  I really feel like he believes me on the female front.  We have discussed it at length so many times at this point.  
   As of the time I am originally writing this post, Destiny and I have hung out once but I was WAY too tired after a hell of a day to do anything.  Our work schedules are completely opposite and we have each had family obligations.  We still talk occasionally but I feel like we have all but given up on each other.
   Luke and I have created a profile on a swinger site but listed that we are only looking for a female.  I mean, the guy can watch but I only want to play with his wife.  As of yet, nothing has happened.  More on that in the next post.  Stay tuned...
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liamgranger · 3 years
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NAME: William Matthew Liam Granger
AGE: 26
OCCUPATION: Bouncing around minimum wage jobs / Freelance Photographer.
BIRTHDAY: September 20th, 1994 (Virgo)
HOMETOWN: Phoenix, Arizona.
FACECLAIM: Jacob Elordi
William Matthew Granger was born on September 20th,1994 in Phoenix, Arizona. The middle child of the Granger clan, and quite possibly the most reckless one out of the bunch.
He was named after his father, and therefore, hates every part of it. He also doesn’t feel like a William, as it feels too formal for his liking. Therefore, he goes by Liam on everything. Also hardly, if ever, will respond to William; will absolutely never answer to the nickname Will or Bill either.
Their father left when they were all fairly young, he was about 6 years old at the time, and can’t quite remember the man. However, this doesn’t cease he’s hatred for said man. In fact, Liam isn’t much of a fan to either parent. As he feels that they both left their children to fend for themselves. When his mother passed, he seemed rather unphrased by it. Rather that was true or not, is up for debate. This would be the part most would come to realize that he isn’t exactly the most forgiving man. 
Growing up, he’s always been fairly rebellious and outgoing. He enjoyed being different and not living by anyone’s rules. Which would cause fiction at home.
He enjoys art, he’s an incredible artist, can absolutely draw and paint, yet so few actually know that about him. He doesn’t tend to share that part of him with just anyone. What he is willing to share with others, however, is his photography skills. To ask him how he came into such a hobby, he wouldn’t really be able to give a straight answer. One day he simply picked up a camera, and he truly just never put it back down.
When he’s not making money off of those particular skills, he is usually found jumping from dead end job to dead end job. Anything that gives him an extra, more stable, income until he gets frustrated or annoyed with it, and just quits the job on the spot. Hes also made money off of testing his luck, in such things as gambling and drag racing.
Liam is very much for anything that makes him feel as though he’s alive. He enjoys living the fast life more often then not, and this has led him to some bad habits. He enjoys partying, and hasn’t quite grown out of that phrase yet. Rules, also, aren’t something he cares to follow often, especially because he feels as though rules are meant to be broken.
While a seemly careless and reckless soul, he’s actually not completely that. He does love hard, and despite most times budding heads with his siblings, he does love them. He also adores the hell out of his nephew, and even tho, Chloe can find herself worrying about that from time to time; in the end, he’d do anything for that little boy.
When most look at him, they do see a boy with no path in life, who’s gonna end up washed out. But the truth is he’s actually quite smart, when he applies himself, and he has dreams of being a big time photographer.
He is currently struggling with his sexuality, and may just be the one thing he’s not the most confident about in life. He hasn’t completely figured out how to deal with that part of him, but he has started to realize that he is attracted to men as well. Therefore, realizing that he may be bisexual. He finds himself quite uncomfortable with that, as he’s just not all that sure how accepting those around him would be to such a thing.
While a man who seems incredibly forthcoming with things, confident in the way he moves, and uncaring about others opinions; there are little things about him that is quite telling that he’s not exactly 100% those things. His sexuality, and his art being two of those things. They are extremely personal to him, and he doesn’t go out of his way to share either of those thing. 
He is a chaotic soul. not necessarily in a bad way, however. 
Also here’s his pinterest. I love these, definitely feel like they help give a more vivid picture<3
FRIENDS: While he’s quite out there, he’s absolutely a pretty nice guy over all. He’s not hard to get along with, as long as he doesn’t feel as though you’ve attacked him in some way. This could be long time friends, this could be party friends, honestly the list of any kind of friends is quite long and possible. 
ENEMIES/I DON’T REALLY LIKE YOU: Despite being an pretty easy guy to get along with, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t bumps head in the past. This could also be a number of things as well, to be honest. They could’ve fought at a party, Liam could’ve quite honestly slept with their S/O. etc. 
EXES/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS/HOOK UPS (F/M/NB): Liam doesn’t have a very long list of exes, as he’s not too into the exclusive thing. so this could honestly be anything from a very short relationship, to a simple arrangement that ended on ok terms, or on bad terms. Could also just still be an ongoing thing as well. He is very much into having fun. (He would have way way way more female FWBS/hook ups over male ones.)
A HIGHSCHOOL SWEETHEART (F): He had, at least, semi serious relationship with someone back in high school, this could’ve been a long thing, it could’ve been a short thing. But either way, this didn’t end well. Mainly because he wasn’t even close to the all American teenage boy that a parent would want their daughter to bring home. So, either she ended it when he was actually falling for her/did fall for her. Or he made a stupid choice and cheated, or something that ended it. Either way, hearts were most definitely broken here. 
THE BOY THAT GOT HIM QUESTIONING: In my head, for some reason, this was a really good friend of his, if not his best friend. They probably aren’t in contact anymore, as this would’ve been the first time it started clicking for Liam. And that would’ve caused him to pull away, completely. 
CLIENTS: Anyone who would’ve or do need photographs taken. 
FORMER COWORKERS: The boy’s had a lot of job, that he seriously just bounced from. So, this could’ve been how they met. 
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