#I have no name for the AU but I'll post the info later
anarchy-and-piglins · 26 days
After a mere half hour spent in the same room as these people, Philza has already been reminded of why he doesn't normally answer a summons.
The constant staring annoys him to no end. He supposes it's to be expected, what with his country's reputation for being a complete enigma. The Antarctic Empire is one of the lucky few nations that operates entirely self-sufficiently, producing all their own resources. They do not trade with other countries often. In fact, the mountain ranges that border the very south of their peninsula do not offer any convenient trading routes to begin with. And since that same treacherous terrain also cuts the empire off from the continent in such a way that passing through becomes a challenge in wilderness survival, they're mostly left to their devices. Some folks still believe Phil's nation is a myth, a story conjured up by fairytales.
So Phil coming all the way out here for Dante's attempt at diplomacy must be quite the sight. Most people will die without ever having seen the king of the Antarctic Empire, no wonder they have a hard time looking away.
That won't stop Phil from getting some satisfaction every time one of these pompous nobles cowers if he so much as flexes his wings and turns toward them. He's currently locked in a bit of a staring contest with a man across the room. Phil doesn't know if he's another royal or random noble, but he does know he can't stand the look on this fucking guy's face.
At one point the man smiles more broadly, as if pleased that Phil caught him staring. He bows his head a bit, with Phil half-heartedly returning the courtesy, tucking in his wings to keep them from flaring automatically with the gesture. However, this leaves Phil's elbow to bump into somebody trying to slide past him.
Phil didn't expect anybody to be there, the entire crowd had been giving him a pretty wide berth all evening. He's even more surprised when he sees it's a child, maybe ten or eleven years old. His fancy clothes and intricately braided pink hair with golden jewelry betray him as a prince.
"Sorry," Phil says. He reaches out to steady the boy, but the kid flinches and steps back at his attempted touch, pulling his sleeves up over his wrists. "I didn't see you there, are you okay?"
The boy looks up at him and instead of answering, his blue eyes widen a bit. "You're the emperor of the Antarctic Empire," he says. The statement is delivered in a deceptively neutral tone, especially for somebody of such a young age. Phil is used to more dramatic reactions.
"I am. Call me Phil. What's your name?" Phil smiles gently at the boy. He always had a soft spot for children.
Again, he doesn't receive an answer. Instead, the boy's gaze moves across him for a moment, pondering. He grins slightly, but it's a strange sort of expression. Almost private. As if nobody else is supposed to see. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be," the boy says. Before Phil can blink or respond, he's disappeared into the crowd.
Phil is very much left completely flabbergasted.
Curiosity ever the greatest motivator for him, Phil walks up to the man who was staring at him earlier. The guy pales three shades at seeing Phil approach him, maybe thinking his rude behavior is getting retribution after all. But Phil couldn't care less about this man anymore.
He wants to know who the boy is.
"The child I was just talking to, do you know who he is?" Phil asks, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.
"Who- Oh, he's nobody, sir." The way the man blunders and becomes overly formal brings Phil little pleasure. "Prince Techno. From the Blade family."
"From the Blade family? What is he doing so far away from home?"
"He's King Dante's ward." 
Phil glances over to where the man is looking, in the direction of Dante himself. Techno is standing next to the king, head bowed a bit and seeming pretty disgruntled to be there. But when Dante lays his hand almost delicately on the nape of Techno's neck, the boy flinches again and forces a neutral expression on his face.
"You know how the Blade family is," the man says grimly. "Ferocious beasts of war, all of them. It's a wonder Dante has managed to secure an allyship. They even got close enough bonds to leave their son in Dante's care."
Thinking about the summons, about how Dante was a nobody three years ago who since managed to overthrow several small countries by using superior weapons and strategies - those the likes of which only the Blade nation is known for - makes several things click into place. Allyship? It makes sense. A lot of sense.
Then what is the uncomfortable feeling that seems hooked into Phil's gut?
(Maybe it's because of the flinching. Or because of how Techno seems to move around like a ghost. Or because when he pulled up his sleeves, Phil was sure he saw the faded blue and purple of bruises on the boy's pale skin.
The Blade family runs their kingdom in a similar way to the Antarctic Empire. They don't make allies. Only enemies.)
"Are you staying for the peace conference, sir?" the man is brave enough to ask, now that Phil has broken the ice. It's probably a question for many of them. Despite Dante's ruthless way of overtaking other countries, Phil's empire isn't threatened by him. He's only here as a formality. He has no reason to stay, no stakes in this game.
Dante pulls his hand away and it's like Techno can finally breathe again. Phil's eyes meet his for a moment, then the boy looks away.
"I think I'll stick around to see how things unfold," Phil says pleasantly.
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now that the weapons beta is over, here's just a few more fancy shots of temp characters left over from the event.
Pact Admiral Trin (Human Daredevil) Eimear the Sharp (Sylvari Mirage) Protector Glonn (Asura Willbender)
and under the cut, all the betas on the character select screen:
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whipped-cheese · 3 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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keuwibloom · 6 months
I was looking at the designs for your parrallel synthesis AU,and I noticed Cross has a star pin too?(I made a thing to show what I am talking about but got a biiit carried away)
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Is he neutral? or is he has it for beccause uh,uh,uhm,idk
uh,just asking out of curiousity, and I couldn't really find the answer you mightve already said something about this. Sorry if you've already mentioned this ;///;
I've seen a couple of people ask about this, so I thought I'd clear some things up! (not me forgetting I haven't posted most of this info yet--)
So! The star pins were made by Ink and were originally given to the other two Stars sometime during their early team days, as a symbol of their friendship. It later on became a symbol of the Stars themselves.
The bone brooches, on the other hand, were given by Nightmare to his gang as a symbol of loyalty; their loyalty to him and in turn, himself to them. Each of them got it at different times-- when they were officially recognized as part of Nightmare's gang.
At some point post-truce, Cross starts actively helping the Stars out on missions from time to time because of how busy they get. He is eventually named an 'honorary Star' and is given the star pin.
So yeah! Cross is still a part of and lives with the gang, but he helps out the Stars from time to time and that's why he has the pin.
(There's three other characters that also have both a pin and brooch-- Pyrite, Error, and another character I haven't introduced yet. Error technically doesn't own the pin and brooch themselves, but I'll talk more about him in his own post.)
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indigitalembrace · 21 days
It has been years since KinitoPET's release in the 90s, and with old technology becoming obsolete, Kinito has been all but forgotten. Broken download links, abandoned servers, and missing files lead to him fading away, rotting alone in the dark on old, dying servers.
But all of that changes when a lost media fan, O, hears a rumor from an online friend about a game in their childhood that made people go missing. Six months of searching later, and they've finally pieced Kinito's program back together.
They open KinitoPET, and there is no going back - for either of them.
Kinito crawls out of the shadows, searching for a way out (and a new friend, of course).
RP/ask blog run by @calamitydarcy
The Abandonware AU takes place many years after KinitoPET's release. Kinito has spent years rotting, forgotten on old, dying servers. Everyone has all but forgotten about him, and the technology he ran on has become obsolete. As his world decays around him, Kinito is faced with the fact that he will die out here, alone, fading into obscurity.
Until a new User comes along. O is determined to bring Kinito back - and they succeed. Unfortunately, there are consequences. O is aware of Kinito's nature, having heard rumors of what he is capable of, and soon enough Kinito has to stop them to save himself.
And while he still doesn't have a friend (yet), now that he has access to O's system, there may be hope for him to change his fate.
Kinito is officially back online - but don't expect him to be exactly as you may remember him. Decades spent alone and slowly dying in the dark tend to mess with someone's head.
#//ooc: out-of-character posts from the mun, usually updates or answering blog-related, ooc asks
#___.exe: "chapters" of the story! these will change every so often as the plot progresses. completed or in-progress chapters are:
#memories.zip: flashback-type asks that tell a story of something that happened before the plot. i... tend to forget to use this tag lol
#README.txt: info posts, such as this one as well as things like ref sheets.
-CONTENT WARNING: This AU, as well as its source game, contain themes of horror. As a result, there may be content that some find dark or disturbing.
-Please do not send in NSFW asks. The mun is 18+ but is uncomfortable with them. Suggestive jokes are fine!
-I will gladly give anon name/emoji tags! Both for my organization/memory and yours lol
-There are codes and ciphers to solve. You are more than welcome to reblog solutions/hints and help each other out!!
-There are exceptions to this but as a general guideline, morse code in the tags gives clues.
-For vinegere ciphers, i will always have the key somewhere on this blog or on a page directly linked from this blog. keep important-sounding words in mind and look for keys!
-If a cipher for some reason is broken, or you just can't solve it, shoot me an ask or message and i'll double check.
-Whatever you do, don't le
- Do not ask about O. You do not need to know about them. - O is not my best friend. You are. - O is not your best friend. I am. - Therefore, they are not important. - Do not forget about me. - Never leave. - Please.
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kluskinoodles · 26 days
Okay okay so the characters are as follows: Redemption Done Subpar: Main Characters: Yi Suchong, Brigid Tenenbaum, Jack Antagonists: Frank Fontaine, Reggie, Fontaine's Goons Background characters: Nurse Chavez, J.S. Steinman, a bunch of Rapture citizens Three's A Crowd: Main Characters: Gilbert Alexander, Eleanor Lamb Supporting Character: Augustus Sinclair Antagonist: Sofia Lamb Background/Side Characters: Stanley Poole, a bunch of Rapture's Citizens and Lamb's Followers, multiple Fontaine Futuristics' Employees Give Me Freedom Or Give Me Death: Main Characters: Kyle Fitzpatrick, Silas Cobb, Martin Finnegan, Hector Rodriguez Supporting Character: Anna Culpepper Antagonist: Sander Cohen Background/Side Characters: Jasmine Jolene, multiple of Fort Frolic performers Note: Characters and locations may change, still working out the kinks
More random headcanons that don't matter but kinda do: -Sinclair legally adopted Jack, Eleanor, and Kyle for tax write offs -Kyle was homeschooled, up until his father took him to Rapture -Down the hill there is this one neighbor that is super suspicious of Sinclair but not Jack who literally has glowing yellow eyes 😭 -Silas got arrested for resisting arrest with violence and assault, Sinclair bailed him out but now he has a court date 😕 -Alexander is super paranoid that his family will track him down like Silas' mother found Silas. He does NOT want to see them, any of them. They are part of the reason he went to Rapture in the first place. Sadly, his family has found his info and whereabouts, and are on their way, send Gil thoughts and prayers cause he's not gonna be mentally well. 😬 -Eleanor does arts and crafts with Martin, the things she creates are a little wonky but Martin keeps all of them on his trinket shelf -Hector taught Eleanor and Jack swears in spanish, he got yelled at by Sinclair -The house is a multi language house hold. The languages that are spoken are Spanish, Korean, German, French, English, and Italian I'LL THINK OF MORE LATER Anyways anyways, NEXT QUESTION "Do the children have nicknames for the adults?" Yes. Jack can't say most of their names but Suchong is Papa, Tenenbaum is Mama (she hates it but is warming up to it). Jack heard Sinclair call Gilbert, Guppy, once and he will NOT STOP CALLING GIL THAT. Like they've tried to get him to stop, albeit he can only say it like "Gubby" (he can't say his P's that well yet) but still. He does stop when he's older. Sinclair is Poppy Auggie or just Poppy. Eleanor is Ellie. Kyle is Ky and Ky-ky, Silas is Sy (pronounced Psy) , Martin is Mari (pronounced Mar-ee), and Hector is fucking Tío (he taught him to say it). Some of these nicknames change after he grows up. Eleanor after a while she started calling Gilbert dad, the first time she called him dad, he sobbed for an hour. Sinclair is Papa Augustus/August. Suchong and Tenenbaum are Uncle and Aunt. Jack is well Jack. And the other 4, she just calls them by their first names. When Silas' mom finds him, Jack calls her Gigi (pronounced Gee-Gee) and Eleanor calls her Grandma Cobb. I will add to this post if need be with reblogs but that's it for now. I am going to grab this au and throw it around like a ragdoll. Me currently vvvv
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People-- @js-sexchange-surgeon-steinman @yuro-skell @arsont-t
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WOAH ME SENDING AN ASK WHAT UH…Anyway for some stupid reason I didn’t see you tag me in the dragonoid post until a week later I AM SO SORRY???
Erm 🤓☝️ I would love to help with it, I love world building so much you don’t understand. And this au has a really cool start, any more lore or do you need like. Prompts or whatever 🌚
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Girl I mostly need help with lore (and maybe design ideas, I don't mind prompts eigther) but here's some other stuff I got so far
For now, we'll call baby dragonoid's "Hatchlings". They stay with the name "hatchling" until they are about the equivalent of 10 years old.
I can't think of a dragon equivalent title to tween or teen so if you come up with anything. Edit (idea given to me by evostar): Tweens/teens are called Dweeps!
Diet mostly consists of fish (like regular dragons). I think fruit, other types of meat, and vegetables too?? I'm not sure.
Elders that are the equivalent of 40-50 years of age guard the edges in case any humans stumble upon the Encanto.
Also, dragonoid's that are Alma's age are deathly afraid of the outside world. So, the rule of never going beyond the barrier is HEAVILY MANDATORY.
DO NOT TOUCH THE EGGS!!! If you aren't a relative or close family friend, you will get a limb torn off.
Hatchlings are very curious and hardheaded; they only learn after the accident to not do it again (hopefully). Same for tweens and teens, but not to an extreme extent. Hatchlings also have a lot of energy.
Nests/Homes are always adorned with jewelry and anything shiny.
No shoes. Their feet are as stuff as leather so there's no need to wear them.
Teeth are as sharp as knives, it's a miracle tongues aren't bitten by accident on the daily.
shops, vendors, and "restaurants" do exist in Encanto it just looks different a little different.
The fashion is well...raggy per say?
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They can make their clothes look close to human standards, but they simply don't want to conform to that for petty reasons. And I just love this kind of fashion, so I wanted to put it in here.
Odd patterns, random jewelry, embroidery, patches, etc. Plus, certain patches or scraps of fabric are passed down from generation to generation.
I've decided, they do have gifts!
Alma wears a headpiece jewelry on her head that belonged to Pedro. She's rarely, if ever, seen with it off. Example:
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Also, male dragonoid's where whatever they want. Earrings, necklaces, rings, etc.
Ceremonies still exist, but like in beach town au, the very fact that you are alive is very important. Especially to a dragonoid seeing as they were wiped out very easily.
All of them are close in this au, no pressure. Isabela is the very definition of wild and so are the other grandkids.
As hatchlings (baby - 4), they bit everything in sight for teething reasons. Even their parents but it doesn't hurt at all. But to a human, the pain would be like if a piranha latched onto you.
Mirabel doesn't have a gift (I'm sorry Miraboo butcha don't), and her wings are smaller than the others. So, she mostly has to walk, crawl, climb, and run wherever she needs to go.
Which isn't an issue really, her body is already equipped with the biology to do all four, but it does get tedious.
Pepa doesn't breathe fire, she blasts lightning out of her instead. Think toothless.
Also, I'm not sure what dragon type they should be related too. Each dragonoid is related to some type of dragon but I can't decide theirs'. (But I think the triplets should be a mix between Alma and Pedro, the yellow kids should be a mix of Pepa and Felix, same for the blue couple and their kids.)
One more thing, Dragonoids' are taller than the average humans but much smaller than original dragons (BUT it depends on the type of dragon). I hope that makes since.
I'll have to look up the different types of dragons from HTTYD for some more info.
Also, @evostar
srry, forgot to tag you @thefourchimes
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thecourtjester12 · 4 months
About, asks, au's and relevant nonsense!
About me!
Heeeeeello, hello, hello! I'm Jester! I use They/she/ey pronouns and am a 22 year old autistic, aroace, artist/writer/jack of all trades creative bean/gremlin.
About the blog
I namely post Smoon (aka the daycare attendent, Sun and Moon FNAF) and Au's, be it drawings, writing, random thoughts and sneak peaks! And of course fanart (be it canon fnaf (or my takes on charas) orrrrr fanart for other lovely creators daycare Au's!)
I reblog stuff a lot, I just LOVE sharing peoples awesome stuff!! So expect to see a lot of that, buttttttt generally that will be set on queue throughout the week (unless its something more time dependent!)
Please read the FAQ page before sending asks!
FAQ page!
Asks are through Ask the Jester! Ask status: OPEN
Additionally I take requests for a small writing series which can be found HERE for 'FNAF sensory writing requests' which are SFW canon FNAF and reader interactions! Please read the info page before sending in Requests.
Asks open doesn't automatically mean Requests are open. Requests status: OPEN
My Au's (I'll have things sorted eventually so y'all can click and see all of a specific au's stuff at once)
JDCAU Masterpost (Jester's DayCare AU...its a terrible name I know) All info and posts on this au! (Masterpost is mostly done...needs to be spruced up a bit!)
My take on Fnaf SB if the fire never happened and the plex was taken under better management, stuff for the Au will be tagged as #jdcau
J-TOL Masterlist(Jester's The Other Location, its very sparce atm...needs to be spruced up)
Same universe as JDCAU, there are two locations the second location never had the virus at all here, also under the same management now and have their own struggles! Stuff for the Au will be tagged as #j-tol
LOTC (Legend of the Celestials)
Siren/leviathan Smoon au, very mythology/folklore based, reworking this au atm...stuff for this Au will be tagged as #lotc or #LOTC
Currently under rework/work in progress so not much for it rn
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public! (...Also just...have no clue on a name for it...I don't want redacted to stick...but it might :' D) Currently tagged as #REDACTED au (Reaalllllly need to name it >_<)
MIW (Monty In Wonderland)
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public!
Any snippets that may appear will be tagged #miw or #MIW
LSAU (Lonely Star Au)
An AU where Sun Polaris is sentient but Moondrop is not and his frequent struggles. Lots of angst and making the boi miserable. This Au is also inspired by a prompt from my friend @sketchtxt ! :3 (...and both are a frequent object of friend wanting to smooch...you know who you are.)
Masterpost to be made! Anything for this Au will be tagged #lsau
NBC au (Nightmare Before Christmas Au)
Currently unavailable please try again soon!!! Currently this au is in early stages of brainstorming, what it is may be announced soon! :3 Currently tagged #NBC au
ESS au (Eclipse's Solar System au)
A human SB au that mainly focuses on Eclipse and their twins Nova and Callisto and all their friends! A very fluffy slice of life type au with silly shenanigans and bits of angst! I have an ask blog for ESS au found here! And anything will be tagged as #ess au
PDC au (Playdate Collector au)
An au where me and my friends @sketchtxt and @sir-qwillian-ferne are SMods and put a bunch of our Au's together because we want our various Smoon's+ to interact and made lore for it! We all have a blog for it that can be found here! Anything for it will be tagged #pdc au
CTAMK au (....you'll find out soon)
An in progress AU with my friend @sir-qwillian-ferne to make a wholesome rarepair ship work! Currently not available to the public, please try again later! Anything that IS available will be tagged #ctamk au ;3
Tags listing
List of the types of main tags and what they're used for outside au tags
any and all post asides re blogs from other amazing creators
any and all drawings, sketches, all art stuff
any and all writing posts, be it wips, sneak peaks and finished works for A03 or here
#jester rambles
just random rants and tangents and whatnot that are just me rambling on whatever
for when answering asks!
#canon #not canon Anything not canon to an au will be tagged #notcanon.
A03 and Other Stuff
Most AU based stuff will be linked with their specific Au master lists (eventually...) Any misc stuff outside that will be listed here!
My A03
My artfight!
My side blog where I post non Smoon content!
Moots and Friendos!
No order of importance or preference, just nice and alphabetical They're all super cool so maybe check them out! ^-^ (Sorry for the random tags y'all >_<)
@buggoblin2 @cero-sleep @crabsnpersimmons @cryptidbisexual @dragoncxv360 @flufflefleurry @ieatconfettiforaliving @just-a-floofy-catt @salemlucidsleeper @rayofmisfortune @ryobitheaxololt @sir-qwillian-ferne @sketchtxt @tinyfairart @trenchcoat-full-of-snails @voidedpumpkin
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authormars · 3 months
Do you have a future au? Where MC is gone and they’ve all graduated from RAD?
My darling girlfriend once again asking questions she already knows.
You know you can phrase this as "Tell them about your future au" you don't have to act aloof
But I will elaborate on the question "What happens when MC dies/isn't there anymore?"
This is also a lot to unpack for one ask so I'll only be skimming the surface of the lore for this au bc I doubt anyone cares (though I may mention characters like Ari, Dev, or Metzi in my stories)
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Anyone who's on my page would know I'm an avid Dialuci shipper. In my Future AU, Diavolo and Lucifer are married and ruling as the Kings of Devildom.
Life doesn't change all that much for them. They're still always working. They don't go to the HoL family gatherings (hosted by the twins and Beel's wife Dahlia) unless they aren't swamped with work.
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Mammon is one of the brothers that keeps in contact with NB! MC who's become a demon by now (M!MC according to my universe becomes an angel with Simeon after the two fall in love and F!MC becomes a reaper with Thirteen after the two fall in love)
Mammon gets a wife named Aezorin Idreius, Zori for short. Mammon and Zori run a series of casinos called Lucky Coin.
Zori is a wrath demon. She's an axolotl demon. She's Scottish and much taller than Mammon. Zori is an intersex woman who's a siren. Zori is also the feared captain of the Black Mantis, a pirate ship.
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One of the brothers that doesn't get married. He gets a (partner? Best friend?) roommate named Adramalech Dreik-Mukhin, Adra for short.
They're a friend Levi met in school. Adra is a coder for a company that makes video games and Levi is a game tester. Adra and Levi live together.
Adra is a transmasc envy demon. They're a dragon-fly demon. They're very anxious always and generally keep to themselves at the HoL family gatherings, which Levi and Adra regularly attend.
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Satan lives at the castle as one of two Royal Archivists. The Archives are books and magical typewriters charmed to write the history of the entirety of Devildom. An Archivist's job is to sort these books and read the history.
Satan's girlfriend is named Metztli Rex, Diavolo's adopted younger sister. Satan and Metzi met when Diavolo hired Satan to be an Archivist.
Metzi is a greed demon with cotton candy pink hair. She's much smaller than anyone else and is often hovering slightly above the ground. She's an albino bat demon. She's also extremely traumatized (which I will not go into unless someone asked. Check out my AO3 for more info)
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Asmo lives as a fashion designer and p'rn star. He has three partners (bc Asmo is polyamorous bc of course he is)
Solomon is the first and most obvious. He's still the greatest sorcerer and still normal him. Ariadne Kamini is a fashion designer Asmo met at a modeling job. She's a succubus. Devereaux Eros is a str'pper with the nickname of Rose Quartz. He's an incubus. Asmo and him met at a str'pclub.
Asmo and his partners always go to the meetings at the HoL
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Beelzebub and Belphegor
They get the same section because I headcanon Belphie as being on the Aroace spectrum.
Beel is married to Dahlia Toth, a gluttony demon who is a cook. Dahlia and Beel own a string of restaurants called Infernal Delights. Belphie lives with them at the HoL bc Beel is never without his twin.
Dahlia is a trans woman. Dahlia was a human before she became a demon (called a Sinner Soul by most demons) and she murdered her husband and then became a demon.
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If anyone wants any more information, I do have more. Feel free to check out my ao3 book about this because it has more information. But I will give it later as I've posted two really long things today.
If you have any more headcanon requests or fic ideas, feel free to drop them in my inbox. Remember to eat and drink water!
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 11 months
Now that CN is over I need more fics to read (I say as if I'm not in the middle of rereading CN and plan to reread ITYSG(AINLY) again because I'm literally obsessed with your fics). Do you have an recs? Also what's your favorite fics/comfort fics (you can include your own)? I always find it interesting to know what the authors of my favorite fics like to read when they aren't writing.
other than my other fics (babysitting in the apocalypse is my other zhongchi fic), i do have a some zhongchi recomendations! sadly i cannot actually go to my bookmarks atm nor provide direct links. i also don't really remember the authors' names of most of them? and you'd have to like.... save them for later, what with ao3 being down and all;; but here are some off the top of my head if you want to get planning:
(once ao3 gets back up i'll update this list with proper links and the authors' names and maybe more recomendations since i do have many more i just can't remember,,)
○ entirely out of spite by Bgtea - i generally assume everyone's already reading this one given how big it is (and how it was kind of my inspiration for cyanide even tho i never said it), but if you're not, holy shit are you in for a good one. literally anything bgtea makes is wonderful. this one is an au based on the premise of a different story, but you don't need any knowledge whatsoever of it to enjoy and understand eoos (tho consider it if you like the premise, bc it's also really good). the rundown is- a mondern ajax dies and wakes up in the body of tartaglia, the antagonist of genshin impact, a game he'd been playing before kicking the bucket. he is tasked by a weird isekai-anime looking menu to fill in the shoes of the antagonist or else, but he's not technically stopped from altering the story just a tiny bit or being ooc, so he goes about trying to play the tartaglia role without meeting the same end as tartaglia (who dies ingame). it's such a good fic i cannot recommend it enough - it's not complete yet, but the wait for each chapter is more than worth it, and bgtea always does an insane amount of research for everything they post.
○ literally any other zhongchi fic by Bgtea. there's this short one about pulcinella or capitano (i can't remember, it might've been pantalone) selling pictures of childe to increase morale in the fatui (something something pr strategies), that one is hilarious. there's another one about zhongli getting stuck as a dragon and childe taking care of him as the world slowly goes to shit from rex lapis being missing (a comment pointed out it might be called "ajax' adventure with dog-lizard" and it sounds about right for me). another one they have is the autumn winds are sighing i think. that one was posted WAY back, some of the info is a bit outdated, but it's still so, so good. i can't remember what it was all about, but i do remember it involves zhongli going to snezhnaya to meet childe's siblings. the pining and tension on that one is off the roof. i should read it again,,,
○ after everything by Amanveth (i think that's how their username is written,,) - literally palate cleansing fluff. there's really good angst as well but it's overall just very sweet and soft, very much a feel-good fic. it's about zhongli and childe going back to being friends after the events of the archon quest and slowly realizing they're in love. it's still ongoing but it updates shockingly fast, and it's a nice little thing to read before going to sleep.
○ the white cicada society by clementinesgulag. still ongoing i think, but i have paused reading it for reasons unrelated to the fic itself, so i can only really atest to the frist arc of it? but holy fuck is the first arc good. the angst is godly in this one, and i'm always a sucker for a good horror mystery. this one is about the gritty and slow reconciliation of post-archon quest zhongli and childe as they investigate a series of awful murders and terrifying paranormal shit (i'm pretty sure) going on in the city. (it might be revealed to not be paranromal later in the fic as that partiuclar plotpoint hadn't yet resolved when i paused it at the end of the first arc, but i wouldn't know. wouldn't make it any less good if it wasn't tho)
○ death became him by Merianon. also still ongoing i think, but part of the many fics i have paused reading for reasons unrelated to them (i have... way too many saved,,,). this one is about childe going back in time after dying and waking up as a god, and the fic starts there, so it's about how the events of the game go with childe as a god and not in the fatui. i can't remember all that much about it tbh, but i remember i really liked it, the concept was so interesting. i'm waiting for it to end.
○ a sight for sore eyes by ToumeiKyoudai. still ongoing afaik, but i paused reading it as of very recently (again for reasons outside of the fic). this one is the events of the game except childe is legally blind. you have no idea how interesting and hilarious this fic is, the premise is so simple but it's so nicely executed. i can't really say all that much more about it since it's basically just that- it's a retelling but childe's blind. and he's so fucking funny. it's all so fucking funny, and the worldbuilding is stellar, and i just really really like it i can't explain why exactly. it's not a comedy! but fuck it's so entertaining.
i have so many more that i wish i could put here but i'm not 100% confident in their titles nor which fic was which (happens when you have a ton bookmarked but have paused reading a lot of them), so i don't want to risk saying this fic is one thing when in reality it's something else completely different,,,
these last two i put below for reasons i'll explain in each of their blurbs, but they're still as recomended as those above!
○ lungs full of roses, by SecretlyACatLady. if this is the title (and i'm 99% certain it is, but i can't check), then this is hands down the BEST hanahaki angst i've ever read. i'm not kidding. this one is very specific in its angst tho, and i gather likely not what everyone is looking for in a hanahaki fic, but holy fuck. basically childe gets hanahaki here but knows he cannot afford to have anyone find out he has it (bc fatui) and also not that he died from it, i think? might be mistaking that particular plotpoint for another fic. anyway- he leaves liyue but zhongli goes to look for him bc he's confused and just wants to apologize for the whole tsaritsa's contract and all. it gets out of hand real quick when the ppl of mondstadt try to help by acting as pushy wingmen and it's so GOOD holy fuck. i've never liked when other characters try to push the main pair together and act all 'just kiss already we all know!' around them, and seeing it backfire as horribly as it could if it were a realistic scenario (tho enhanced bc childe) is so incredibly satisfying. the reason why i put it down here is 1) i'm not 100% sure that's the title and 2) if it hasn't been abandoned, it's been in hiatus for a while now. which is hearbreaking, but it's also such a good fic that i'd honestly recommend it regardless if only for the angst at the start. but i understand not everyone is in for something like that if it doesn't resolve/likely won't resolve (idk if it's abandoned tho but i understand that if a fic takes too long to update, people will fear the worst). so yeah,,
○ non-playable character, by Jouicifer. this one is here exclusively because i'm a sucker for horror mystery - it doesn't mean the zhongchi isn't good, but it's not as prevalent in the plot as in white cicada (another horror mystery), so i can't exactly put it with the other more zhongchi-centric fics? not that the zhongchi isn't here, but. hard to explain. this one is also hard to explain in general, i'm not sure if it's based on the premise of another story or if this is a highly-secific trope/sub-genre in china (i think?), but the author refers to it as 'unlimited flow', so look it up if you want to be sure. either way, much like with eoos, it doesn't matter if you know anything about whatever that might be to enjoy and understand the story. the rundown is childe and a bunch of other people are players in this sort of virtual-reality scenario hopper, where they get put in 'games' with other players where they can die (tho idk if die die irl as well). basically, in the newest scenario they get thrown into, it's a horror murder mystery about a haunted mansion, and their guiding npc is zhongli, whom childe has met in another scenario and whom he is an absolute simp for. god idk how to explain it, it's just so good; but you need to be there for the plot first and the ship second. the ship is there! it's just the plot takes presedence. but holy fuck is the plot good. the reason why it's down here, like lungs full of roses, isn't bc of the plot or the ship being secondary, but... well, it's also been in hiatus for a long while now. to this fic's credit in particular, it was in a long hiatus before, but updated! out of nowhere! and then it went into its current hiatus, so. again, i understand people don't like that, but i'm a patient person so i'm willing to keep it in my bookmarks for as long as it takes (and forever if it gets abandoned). it's just THAT good. and since there's not much horror murder mystery in this fandom (or in fics in general), i'll take whatever i can get. the mystery is good in this one, so it helps.
(edit: added some authors and a fic title, thank you archon-of-chaos and redwormonastring!)
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fives-not-5 · 6 months
Admin Rules and Info
~ Admin Information:
Admin name: Domino (because Fives~)
Pronouns: She/Her
20+ Admin
- I am going with certain Canon things as well as fanon and my own personal headcanons for my interpretation of rp.
- Fives and Echo absolutely are twins
- Fives, Hardcase and Jesse are a chaos squad at the same as Fives and Echo being a dangerous Chaotic Partnership.
- I don't think I'll be doing any shipping on this blog, but if that ever changes I'll bring it up.
- all posts are open rp unless specified otherwise
- I welcome AUs and time travel shenanigans. Second part meaning, I kinda wanna interact with an Ezra even if that's technically not natural.
- I have multiple living Fives AUs I'll be doing too because he's my comfort character, so I've spent lots of time writing about him
- When rping, don't be afraid to set boundaries, they are healthy and essential.
- putting this out here because it was a problem before in star Wars rp community (it was discord but still) but no homophobia. I'm personally Bi, and I also Head canon that for Fives, even if there probably won't be any long term shipping here.
I'm blanking on what else I should put here, so I'll end it for now and maybe update later if I miss anything.
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creepylittlelady · 7 months
Lord Zalgo headcanons! [PUPPET STRINGS INFO DUMP]
Hey! Thank you so much for the notes on my Slenderman post! I hope one day my AU can reach a lot of people, because I seriously need people to lore dump to!
If you're reading this and want to request specific characters, go ahead! I have headcanons for everyone, but not as much for characters like Hobo Heart, Nathan the Nobody, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop or Vailly Evans, sadly ;(
I do have tons on different characters, and if you want to ask a question about my AU then go ahead! I could rant about it for days lol (my uber autism speaking).
Anyways, enough self promo. Lord Zalgo is such an interesting character to me and it hits me right in my soul when I barely see any content of him and in most comics he's just the evil guy. I feel like his character should be more nuanced to I hope these headcanons fit that objective!
Lord Zalgo Headcanons
-Okay, to explain, Lord Zalgo is the Emperor of the Underworld. Not hell, because that word's got a bad connotation. No, the Underworld is a mixture of every dead organism that has ever lived. Demons and Angels live there alike, it's just all one United State (ITS NOT COMMUNISM). Lord Zalgo is the divine ruler, and his authority resides over every community residing in the Underworld.
(I should definitely make a post about the Underworld soon)
-He came to the Underworld in the year 1901, dethroning all former leaders, whether they be Angels or Demons, and quickly established himself as the new leader. He's immensely powerful and lives in a Castle, which is a Labrinth of its own, right in the Centre of the Underworld.
Well, enough cool stuff. LETS GET TO THE ANGST.
-Zalgo was born the child of a Lady of the Night and an unknown Priest. His original name is Ashton, although he can't really remember what his actual last name was, he rolled with the last name 'Morningstar'. Whilst his mother did provide for him and later on his younger half-sister 'Lily' (I'll make a post on her later), she left when he was 11 years old, and never returned.
-Due to growing up in the worst of the worst, in absolutely inhumane slum conditions, he's used to seeing things such as Dead Corpses and most bloody conditions in general. He's completely desensitized to Gore and Death in general, which is why most people believe him to be cruel and sadistic.
-He once worked in a factory, and suffers from constant nightmares about his experiences there. He's acquired a lot of nasty permanent injuries from that place, and has nightmares about being beaten or being refused food. Yeah, the dude's really traumatised.
-Although politically he has to say that he hates Slenderman due to their political differences, truth is they're each others only friend. Since Slender is well aware of the horrors he's seen, he has an understanding of why he is the way he is, but it doesn't mean he condones his behaviour.
-By 'his behaviour' he means his constant misuse of lust (he's not a rapist he just has a bunch of kids with random mortals) and his wrath. He's not a sadistic person by any means, but copious amounts of violence is sort of how he copes with his own memories of violence.
-Since he was born extremely poor and by such he never got an education, the dude's a really slow reader. He's very intelligent, and was slightly more literate than the other kids in the Factories, but he's still an incredibly slow reader. He has a Servant write his letters for him and makes other people read messages to him out loud. He's quite insecure about this, so he's pretty grumpy every time he makes Stripes read out a text message for him.
-He became Lord Zalgo due to willingly sacrificing himself to the Operator, and because of his already traumatised soul became a Pure Demon. The Zalgo body is made, symbolically, out of his worst insecurities and traumatic experiences. That sounds edgy and confusing as hell but I promise when I put the concept into actual words I'll make a post about it someday.
-Due to being the sole provider for his little sister, Lily, at one point, he's basically used to being a father. Although he has many children he deems most of the male children as illegitimate. He only claims the female children, although he only has three of them. This is also his way of coping with a particularly bad trauma that he suffers from.
When he lost his sister and only remaining biological family, Lily, to a horrific death, he basically tried desperately filling that hole inside of him by having female children and taking care of them. He feels immense guilt as he feels that if he simply had protected her more he could have saved her from her fate.
Stripes, Sadiya (I HAVE GENUINELY NO IDEA IF SHES ZALGOS CHILD OR NOT BECAUSE APPARENTLY SHES LAZARIS COUSIN BUT THEN WHO TF IS SHE THE CHILD OF???), and Lazari were basically made to fill that void. He tries to take care of them, but he often fails. Lazari's custody went to Slender for that exact reason.
-He basically went insane when Lazari's mother refused to give her to him (Lazari's backstory is changed a bit in my AU).
-As for his relationships with the Proxies and the Pastas (that's just what I like to call them), he's generally just known either as Lazari's dad or as Slenderman's MAYBE-Boyfriend. Most people were confused as they thought he and Slender were dating when they weren't.
He particularly has a good relationship with Nina. She accidentally ended up in Zalgo's Castle after following Stripes back there after visiting Lazari, and the two of them hit it off, as Nina didn't really show fear towards him. He claims that Nina's his favourite one out of all of the Slender residents.
He also feels pretty bad for the Proxies and their situation, but he's not particularly on good terms with any of them.
-He's on HORRIBLE terms with Slenderman's brothers, especially his father. Since they all reside in the Underworld and have been trying to track down Slenderman for years, he basically has to lie to them as Slender doesn't want to talk to any of them. He particularly hates Slender's dad as he doesn't obey any of the laws of the Underworld.
-He likes to pretend to be an evil mastermind, but he's not really all that serious about his 'Evil Plans'. They mainly consist of stealing Slender's Books or putting them in the wrong alphabetical order.
-He actually can be evil at times, he's definitely capable of it. Due to the fact that he can be considered as the literal Devil, he's done his fair share of abhorrent deeds, such as Genocides and Executions of rebels.
-The dude's had so many coups and assassination attempts against him that he can spot them from a mile away. He's had people executed WAY before they even went near him. Due to his experience with Assassins, he's crazy stealthy as well.
-'Zalgo text' is just something he made to encrypt any letters that he sends. He uses Zalgo Text to make sure to make important messages are unintelligible to enemy interceptions. His handwriting is terrible anyways, so it just makes it even harder to read.
-His catchphrase 'HE COMES' is basically plastered on most things in the Underworld. It's like a brand at this point.
-He's very touch starved, so he's overly affectionate to people that he likes. When he's in a more stable mood he smothers Lazari with hugs (when she's allowed to visit) and basically doesn't let go of Slender, ever.
-Although he states that his birthday is on Halloween, it's actually on the 27th of July. He isn't used to celebrating his real birthday, so he just doesn't.
-Due to the fact that he's so used to being dirt poor, sometimes he just forgets that he's rich and can basically do whatever he likes.
Another incorrect quote format to demonstrate this.
Zalgo: Ah man looks like I don't have enough to get McDonalds today. Slender: What do you mean just take money out of your bank vault in the basement Zalgo: BANK VAULT? I HAVE A BANK VAULT? Slender: ...Yes? You're the Emperor of Hell? Zalgo: Wow you learn something new everyday
Once he was panicking about how he didn't have enough cash to pay the entrance fee for a restaurant, and was just SHOCKED when they let him in without him needing to pay.
-He's definitely not a great person, and is definitely one of the most mentally unstable characters in my AU, but dammit he's trying his best.
-He often has to keep Slenderman inside of a basement whenever the Operator takes control and gets too violent. it's basically his job to beat it into sedation, which he doesn't feel guilty about in the moment but then he remembers that Slender can also feel the pain.
The Operator's the only being that he's afraid since it directly holds power over him, and is basically holding his friend hostage. Him and Slender made a pact that if the Operator got too unbearable, that he has to try and kill him.
Alright, hope you enjoyed! I wanna explore his character more soon, so stay tuned for that!
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mysticarts · 1 month
Questions: Take your time.
1. I remember when you posted an art where you said Carmen has a boss? So like who are they? And what's their relationship with Carmen?
2. What is Carmen's step-brother's reaction if he meets Lucio? Lucio doesn't know a lot about him but knows Carmen doesn't like him, Lucio definitely despises him quickly. 
Also what is Carmen's step- brother background info?
(He would be intimated at Lucio's height and stoic nature, probably questioning how the Frick did she befriend this guy.)
3. What would Nia do in the sequel if she discovered Lucio accidentally adopting her, or  becoming her guardian, how would she feel about Lucio retiring from Marigold? 
Also I am wondering what would happen about the sequel au since it's take place after the stock market crash perhaps? (Or 1930s-)
4. Spoilers warning, how will Nia feel if Lucio had told her a secret after Carmen died. The secret about his past life and the fact Lucio isn't his real name but a disguised one. The reason why he hides his name is, so no one who was involved in the 'incident' finds out he's alive, and reveals his true name, especially the ones who thought they killed him.
Sure he could have some Carmen about it. However he feared Carmen would either react to it negatively, leave him forever or expose his identity to the public, thus he kept this secret forever until in 1931 he couldn't keep doing this, due to his conscience screaming at him. 
Lucio, being so guilty after Carmen's death mentally prepared telling Nia (who's now an adult in this au) and expecting her to slap, yell or hit him.
5. Not a question, Lucio in the sequel au braids his hair so he and Nia could match. Ah yes.
Edit: Sorry for the long lengthy sentences, have a good day/Night though! ^^
first question!
Carmen's boss: Victoria "Vicky" Seymore
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Victoria is Carmen's boss at her dress shop. Victoria seems very cold, to the point she seems like she's on a higher standard than everyone else around her. In reality, she begs her husband for some of his power to she can feel like she has choices.
Victoria, funny enough, envy's Carmen. She sees Carmen working willingly more than three jobs without a husband, and yet hears Carmen ramble about wanting one. It annoys Victoria, since she's a little salty about her not being in a healthy and stable marriage
2. Carmen's stepbrother?
Ive never fully designed Carmen's stepbrother, heck I forgot his name, but I know one thing: HE'D DESPISE LUCIO!!
Carmen's stepbrother (who I'll be calling Alexander for now) is good at literally anything he tries. That includes the looks department. Seeing Lucio's height, Alexander would already be annoyed and jealous that his stepsister had seemingly a better life than he was living
Alexander, again, was Irene's biological son. His dad died a year before Irene met Elias and they got married. It was on the same end of Carmen's aswell. Because both of them not over their biological parent's deaths, and then suddenly became siblings, let's just say Alexander did not like having this random girl be his sister, not to mention Carmen was abrasive and Brash and Alexander wanted to hold up a charater
Alexander usually blamed Carmen for some of the mess ups he did when it came to keeping the family name clean, saying that she was too unladylike for the family.
To put it in short: Alexander was born in such a strict household with gender roles than when he got moved to an entirely new place only a year later, he got a little mad, And salty.
3. Nia's next steps
Again, the sequel au is still in process, but during this time Nia would probably be working in college to become a detective, and would take phsycology as a fun little side thing. Turns out those phsycology lessons made Nia realize.......
Lucio has became VERRY unstable since Carmen's death, and is trying to subconsciously adopt Nia to remind himself of her, Carmen and him again. Nia would be concerned, but will appreciate how much Lucio cares, as around this time, Nia would probably call Lucio 'Uncle Luci'
If anything, Nia was glad Lucio quit Marigold cause working for a technical mafia while also loosing one of the closest friends you almost considered family has died, your not put in the best state.
(I just mentioned this au as fun and giggles, I still haven't fully fleshed out what year it would be, but I'd say at the beginning of the great depression)
4. Nia's reaction
Would Nia be pissed, yes. Main reason why? It's because Lucio didn't trust Carmen or not. Nia knows that even if Carmen didn't support Lucio's decisions, Carmen would still be friends with Lucio.
Nia would be mad that all of Carmen's attempts to get Lucio fully comfortable with her would fail, time and time again. Sadly, Nia doesn't have the same amount as gracefulness as Carmen has.
Nia may yell, but that's a low possibility. Nia was taught better than to hit a man when admitting his sins, showing his vulnerability. Nia would keep a calm tone, and try to talk it properly out.
5. I love the idea of Lucio and Nia having matching braids! However, I also imagine Nia would tie her hair up like Carmen used too, just to feel more closer to her.
(Fun fact!: the last words Carmen heard before she died was a blood curdling scream saying "MOM!!!!......")
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animaniacs-groove · 18 days
((Helloooo Tumblr! This is @yakkolicious, but from this point forward, I'll refer to myself as the admin. Everything I say will be in white text with double parentheses. This is the ask blog for the Animaniacs Groove AU, my older Animaniacs AU. Here, you can ask questions to older versions of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.))
About the AU
((This AU takes place in 2024, or whatever year it is in the present. However, the Warners will not age in real time. The Warners are two years older than they are in canon, so Yakko is 16, Wakko is 13, and Dot is 11, though I do have some fanfictions where they're only a year older. Yakko started a rock band with two of my OCs, Cleff and Winona. Yakko and Wakko also both have partners who are OCs. Here are some pictures to give you a bit more info on these versions of the Warners.))
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((I'll also add my OCs to this later, since they're pretty essential to this AU.))
((What's canon and what is not canon to this AU? The events of the 1993 series all happened and were televised, but it wasn't a scripted show. The Warners genuinely got into those situations and they just got on TV somehow. These Warners hold no ill will towards anyone who works for Warner Bros. aside from Thaddeus Plotz, and the reasons they hate Plotz are unrelated to the show itself. Wakko's Wish did not happen and neither did the 2020 reboot. Norita does not exist, and Plotz is still the CEO of Warner Bros. with no plans of retirement. Hello Nurse, however, has taken a job with another company (not Doctors Without Borders) and the Warners haven't seen her in a while. Chicken Boo also did not try to kill everyone and is actually a friend of the Warners (though you won't see him around much). If a question based on reboot knowledge is asked to these Warners, they'll probably be confused, if I respond to the question at all.))
((This blog is not the only place you can find the Groove AU. There are also fanfictions on AO3 where you can read more about the things that go on in the Warners' lives. The series can be found here. If requested, I will also post the existing shorter fics to @yakkolicious-writing if you would prefer to read those on Tumblr. I can post the longer multichapters too, but the only real benefit of that is that I can give some more specific info.))
((In addition, you may have seen a character by the name of Hailyn Warner on this blog. She is not my OC, but rather she's the original character of my close friend @silly-lil-lee. Hailyn and her twin brother Rylan do have Groove AU forms where they are 10 years old, and they sometimes do appear on this blog. They are canon to the blog, but they will not appear in any fanfictions since they aren't my characters.))
Keep things SFW. The Warners are all still minors.
Please be nice. Don't send an ask to complain about my headcanons and do NOT harass askers, including anons.
No magic anons. All magic anon asks will be deleted.
((With that, feel free to send Yakko, Wakko, and Dot some questions!))
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neptuniadoesstuff · 3 months
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The King of Beauty & Violence, Adder himself!
(Yes he can keel you but doesn't want to bcs welp, he's lazy & a germiphobe)
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& this is his Sigil.
So uh... Who da hecc is Adder? Welp Adder was a God OC I made for @stridesthroughashes on screb for their birfday. (But they were on a different acc during that time BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT-)
So uh... hab some info of him that I made up (with some extra stuff):
|| Name: Adder'Synn Malkovich or Adder | Nickname: King of Beauty & Violence | Gender: Male (Trans), He/Him | Personality: Narcissist & sadistic, has major anger problems & very lazy + is tired 24/7 | Pride: Gay | Height: ?? Ft tall | Species: Bloopmo/Human Hybrid (Formally), Primal God | Family: Tan'Tell (Adopted son) | Powers: Can turn into huge snek man when very angy ||
Now imma tell you his likes/dislikes.
Wine (Dood's a wine addict-)
Charcuterie Boards
Prob hoomon flesh-
Fancy poultry
Gold Possbly
Getting drunk & not doing anything
Hot men
His Overseer Isma (Isma is a OC of mine)
Ppl dying in his arena
Being a menace in the parties in GodHome in general
Hugo & his Overseer, Peter
Paying bills
Gwin (Yeh I sorta made up a Roommate AU where these 2 lived with each other but Gwin keeps eating his frikin walls)
"Ugly Ppl"
Getting dirty
Vallah & the other Gods that exist in GodHome.
Rlly doing any task that is necessary. (Dood never sleeps)
Being told what to do by others
Slight Origin Story?
Adder was originally just a college student in a rich family, despite this he wasnt rlly.. stable.. Always attacking others when being told what to do thus is often was called a spoiled brat by the other students in the campus. He did have one friend though, his was Hugo, a boy who he knew since childhood.
But then... a certain incident to happen... While one day, there was a campus party & smtn just snapped in Adder, this of course was from the pressure of his father who rlly gave no friks for him at all.. Adder to RAMPAGE & kill any known target that was "in his way" but then he was shot.. by Hugo? His friend! But why? Bcs of what Adder did what was the thing that trigger Hugo to kill him...
Adder was then reborn as a Sinner in Wrath, despite being the first level it was very much a warzone there, despite that he actually enjoyed killing ppl... As it was a way he can FINALLY take out HIS ANGER on the ones who wronged him.. Maybe is that what Mom wanted?
Years later he rose up the ranks, essentially becoming a tyrant till he went into the rank... of a God, who needed to be redeemed when you're now a God? He didn't, and he now had what HE wanted... To be in control.. No more being told what to do by some puny mortals or "peasants". His kingdom grew extensively, becoming bigger & bigger. But since it "was" still TECHNICALLY a part of Wrath, he took some of its culture & gave it his own twist..
And this is how Adder came to be! (And yeh I kinda changed his origins a bit bcs him dying in Highskool felt weird & I feel very iffy with that tbh)
Thats all I have for him.
Name: King of Beauty & Violence Ref Sheet
Character: Adder'Synn Malkovich ( @stridesthroughashes )
Artist: ME
Program: IbisPaint x
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nocturnal-nexu · 4 months
"Ninjago 7 AU"
General Lore Master Post
(I'll tag any posts I make related to this AU with "#ninjago 7 AU" so you guys can find them easier.)
(Warning! I love character analysis, so this is going to be really long.)
When Pixal first started constructing her little Mini Pix army, she started with just some simple base programming. To follow instructions and stuff. They aren't necessarily conscience AI like Zane and Pixal are.
But after making a few Mini Pix's, Pixal decided to experiment a bit by incorporating a slightly more cognitive AI system. It's not programming exactly like hers and Zane's, though.
Just like in real life, I think that Ninjago's AI learns through experience. Like how after you search and look at different things on Tumbler or Pintrest, it starts to tune the feed to your interests. Or how, after running tons of scripts from a show through an AI, it can predict how a script from that show would go. (Albeit a very wacky and random version of a script. 😂)
Of course, Ninjago has vastly more advanced technology than the stuff we have.
I think that Cyrus Borg built Pixal with most of her "experience" data already built in. I don't think he had time for an AI to learn and develop from analyzing situations in the outside world. The tech boom in Ninjago City seemed to happen pretty fast in season 3.
(This could also partially explain her extremely robotic personality at the beginning of Rebooted. Most of her "experiences" at that time were just information and data recorded in her system and not actual real-life experiences.)
Anyway, because of this, Pixal was built to be mentally an older teenager/young adult from the start.
Mini Pix #7, however, was built with only a base AI, with little to no life experience data built in. She is definitely much more aware of her surroundings than her many counterparts, but she is still just a base AI. Her AI programing at the time of her creation is about that of a 3 year old child.
She, of course, gets schematics of whatever Pixal is working on, just like the other Mini Pix's, and knows how to do technical things (that's what she was programed to do after all) but there is a big difference between technical knowledge and emotional maturity. Basically, just imagine a 3 year old who is crazy smart for some reason, but still has the mannerisms of, well, a 3 year old.
(Like if she isn't scheduled to work on whatever project Pixal has going on at the moment "7" will go pout in a corner. She's just a little toddler who wants to be included in whatever is going on.)
After spending a lot of time and energy programming "7", Pixal found that she did not have much of either to spare when there was so much work to get done, vehicles to build, and missions to help organize. So, for the rest of the Mini Pix models, she used her original blueprints, and no more AIs were integrated.
Now we're up to Crystalized.
In the episode "The Fall of the Monastery", "7" as we know, saves Pixal, Wu, and Skylor from the monastery fire. (This particular scene is really important later. I'll get to that.) After which, in a subsequent episode, Pixal decided that she deserved a name and thus dubbed her "Mini Pix 7"
"7" also joined everyone else in that final battle at the end of "Crystalized' as well.
We don't really know when Pixal first made all the Mini Pix's, but at the time of "Crystalized" I have "7" being about 4 1/2 cognitively.
(If you have any info that says otherwise, let me know! I love discovering all the lore of this show, and I know that the time frames of things always seem to be up to debate.)
Anyway, in the months following the whole "crystal king debacle" as the monastery was being rebuilt and thereafter, "7" became a bit more of a permanent fixture of the team. She helped a lot with the rebuilding and was constantly following Pixal around, wanting to be included. The rest of the team quickly accepted her into their little family. She would always be getting into shenanigans, with Kai and Jay especially, and started to follow Zane around about as much as she stuck by Pixal. She would constantly be asking him to make pretty ice crystals for her and would do happy little somersaults when he obliged.
Well, as well as she could ask, with her limited vocal capabilities.
This became a problem.
As the months passed, and "7" grew and experienced more and more of life, the more she wanted to say. And you can only communicate so much with beeps, boops, and facial expressions.
She would get very frustrated when she couldn't communicate what she wanted to her friends, and as that was becoming more and more frequent, it made for a very grumpy robot.
As this problem persisted, Zane and Pixal started discussing building "7" a proper nindroid body. But they came to a bit of an impasse in regards to her memories.
Pixal argued that it could be dangerous for "7" to have to carry the memory of dragging her family out of her home and then watching it go up in flames. She was essentially 4 1/2 at the time! No child should have to live with that. Maybe not even deleting the memory entirely, but at least blurring it a bit, scrub away the details and such, make it bit less tramatic. And she had noticed that "7" already tended to have very expressive emotional responses to things. She wanted to give "7" the best life she could, as her and Zane at this point had become her main caretakers and in their hearts considered "7" their daughter.
Zane was completely against the idea of any memory erasure or even tampering. He stated that even if their intentions were to help "7," messing with memories was not a good idea in the slightest. He knew from experience.
(Ahem...Dr. Julian....ahem...Ice Emperor...ahem)
The arguments went on for weeks, and the rest of the team couldn't remember a time when they had seen the two so angry.
Especially Zane.
He was very adamant that removing any of "7"s memories was not even to be considered as an option.
(In other words, Pixal is being a momma bear, and Zane is having memory tramua.)
They both made very good points, and really, they just wanted to protect "7" in their own way. In the end, they came to the concensus that they wouldn't alter her memories, but they would keep a close eye on her and her emotional responses to things moving forward. You know, talk to her about it and stuff, and help her to work through the memory if it started to bother her.
About 6 months after Crystalized, Zane and Pixal were finally done building "7's" new nindroid shell. And "7" was very eager to transfer over. She is cognitively around 5 at this point.
The process actually took a bit longer than Zane and Pixal thought. But "7" had been through a lot of adventures in her first couple of years alive. There were a lot of experiences and data to transfer over.
When the transfer was complete, "7" couldn't have been more excited!
The first thing Seven did was excitingly thank her mom and dad for her new body. Zane and Pixal were a bit surprised at this. They saw Seven as their daughter, of course, but they didn't realize that she shared the sentiment and thought of them as her parents. (As pretty much the whole team cared for and looked out for her in their own ways.) There was a lot of hugging and kissing and happy tears. 🥺 🤍💜🩵
(I want to eventually write out this particular scene with all the feels and such)
When asked if she wanted a new name, she declined, saying that she liked the name Mommy gave her. I mean, everyone on the team had been calling her "Seven" for a while, so I think that she would have become a bit attached to the name.
Behind the Scenes!
(I originally did want "7" to ask for a new name. She was going to choose "Crystal". "Like daddy's ice crystals!" was her reasoning. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that with everything she went through in...ahem..."Crystalized," I figured she wouldn't choose a name that would remind her of the evil purple shards that took over her home city and almost destroyed her family.
Also, I came across someone else's Pixane kid OC who was named Crystal, and I didn't want to steal that from them. So, with the combination of those factors, I scrapped that idea.)
In contrast to her parents' calm and thoughtful nature's, Seven is a bit of a handful. She's a very adventurous little 5 year old and is always seeming to get into trouble. Sometimes, in a mischievous way, but mostly, she's just exploring and learning about the world around her like all kids do.
She has a very bouncy and bubbly personality, and, as Pixal observed earlier, she can be rather emotional at times. She is very empathetic and doesn't like it when someone on the team is sad. She loves jokes and harmless pranks, and often, Jay and Kai will rope her into their prank wars. As much as she likes mechanical and electronic things, Seven loves to run around outside. She especially likes finding bugs.
Seven likes to spend time with her parents a lot. She was a bit clingy in her original shell, and that trait has definitely carried over. You'll often find her in the kitchen with Zane or in the Sam X cave checking out whatever new invention Pixal is working on.
Zane and Pixal, love their daughter so much!!! They are a little mini family inside of their bigger found family. They give each other hugs all the time and enjoy a big snuggle pile during movie nights.
Seven still loves watching Zane make snow flurries and ice crystals, and Zane loves seeing her face light up when he does. He often involves her when he's in the kitchen whipping up a new recipe. There is often a big mess by the time they're done. (Like when they made Cole a surprise birthday cake. Flour was everywhere!)
Since she started out working on inventions with Pixal, Seven still has a passion for electronics. She likes to hang around in the Sam X cave with her mom helping her with her inventions, making modification suggestions, and making stuff of her own. Pixal often hums when working on projects and Seven joins in. It often escalates into a full concert, both of them singing at the top of their lungs.
As Pixal predicted, Seven does have a bit of trauma from the whole monastery on fire incident.
It mostly surfaces as nightmares of fire and losing her family.
Zane and Pixal are with her through it all. Comforting her when she wakes up in the middle of the night, encouraging her that they aren't going anywhere. They will always be with her.
Zane got Kai involved, and he was able to show Seven that even though fire can be dangerous, when handled correctly it can be a beautiful thing, providing warmth, light, and comfort.
After that conversation and a few more experiences with Kai teaching her about fire, Seven began to overcome her fear of fire.
Seven loves her aunt and uncles!
Nya thinks that she is the absolute cutest thing and loves to work with her and Pixal on the silly projects Seven comes up with. 5 year olds have some crazy ideas for inventions.
Jay loves having someone around who actually laughs at his jokes. He loves being an uncle and playful teasing often ensues.
Lloyd is teaching her how to play some of his favorite video games, and in the process is taking more time for himself to relax and take a break from being the leader.
Kai is very happy to see this.
After helping Seven overcome her fear of fire, Kai has become a bit of a big brother figure to her. (Big surprise 🤭)
He likes to tease her and get into tickle fights until they both end up on the floor in fits of laughter.
Cole loves being an uncle and is always giving piggyback rides. They have a little game they play where Cole sees how high he can toss Seven into the air. This worried Zane a bit in the beginning, you know, his daughter being tossed straight up toward the ceiling. But he's used to it now. Cole knows what he's doing.
Zane and Pixal have discussed eventually passing on Zane's element to Seven. But obviously not right now. Right now, they are just letting her be a kid, and trying to raise her to be the best nindroid that she can be.
And I personally think they are doing a great job.
That's all for now. If you've read this far, wowie! Thank you! You've got some perseverance! I'm not really the best writer, so thank you for listening! I have Seven's design planned out, and I hope to draw her soon for y'all. Stay tuned!
@100-percential-human I'm assuming that the wide eyes emoji on your reblog means that you are interested in this concept, so here you go! I hope you enjoy! :)
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