#I mean I also enjoyed Twilight but I get their hesitation too
Wait a minute, they used Na Na Na in Renfield, a vampire movie... Which presumably means that they paid My Chemical Romance for use of that song... Which means....
They finally did it. MCR got their vampire money!
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acetolightning · 11 months
Headcanons of who is the easiest to corrupt to hardest
While he is a calm and collected individual with a heart for heroism, the scars of the Four Sword has left its mark on his soul. Cracks that have never been filled make corruption pretty easy to happen. Hence, his hesitance for dark magic.
The Colors can help keep evil at bay, but having something full in the cracked soul is relieving, no matter how much darkness it contains.
The curiosity Four has with dark magic, even if he hates it, is another reason for his placement. I mean, part of him did betray other parts of himself! That along with the interest that Four likes to claim isn’t there anymore is a breeding ground for dark thoughts and influence.
Having been cursed definitely doesn’t help Hyrule’s placement. Having the blood and curse of Ganon running through your veins means a stronger connection to all dark magic and corruption.
One would think being part fairy would stave off corruption or dark influence and, granted, it does somewhat. However, even the lightest of beings can have evil change their light.
Of course, my headcanon of Hyrule being controlled by Ganon because of evil’s blood also is why he placed very high here.
Ah, the champion. His was difficult to place, but I did see it in two ways. Right after he woke up, he was very susceptible to malice and darkness, even if it wasn’t able to reach him as easily up on the plateau. Gaining some memories back throughout his adventure did help with a stronger soul.
Resentment from his growing up still stays, causing dark thoughts and corruption to try and make a home within him. Luckily, thinking of the Champions helps keep darker thoughts at bay.
Dark crystal and shadow magic. Though shadow magic isn’t exactly the same, it still is a cousin of the more well known dark magic. It takes a significant more amount of dark magic to try to corrupt, as he has dealt with its cousin.
Using shadow magic does mean that when he gets hurt by dark magic, injuries are harder to heal from. The cousins don’t like each other much.
The man, the myth, the Legend. Having many magical items is a sure way to keep anything related to evil at bay, must I say. While constant adventures for Hylia isn’t something he enjoys, it’s not like he’ll betray his duty….right?
No, nothing to worry about! No matter if he cursed out Hylia when he’s alone, or has thoughts of extreme hatred for destiny and the likes. He’s someone who evil can’t quite get its hands on.
This is a guy who knows who he is (does he?) and what he needs to do. Though war is not pretty, Warriors has used his encounter with enemies and evil alike to shape his person. He keeps core values close to his chest, no matter the situation or people involved.
Does this mean perfection? Not quite, no. Fears of failure, death, and obsession have been and perhaps always will be within himself. It’s something that could be used to corrupt the captain, but would be hard to do nevertheless.
Perhaps it’s the influence of the Deity, but it’s almost like a protection from evil stays around his whole body. Being raised by the Great Deku Tree could also be why evil barely attempts to sway his hardened soul. It sees attempts as frustrating at the least and near impossible at the most.
Time is the one who would help his brother in arms more than be the one in need of help. Having to experience the Deity has made him well aware of possession and the feeling of power right under your fingertips.
Mischievous but kind, Wind has too bright of a soul for evil to even look his way. His love of family and need for adventure keeps influences of the darker variety not even try. It knows that trying to corrupt someone so bright would result in failure.
Though, thoughts of inadequacy brush his mind’s forefront, often with the goal of making him feel weaker than the rest. Sometimes it works, though not for long. After all, he’s the youngest and can already keep up with a lot of the heroes!
The original, the one to start it all. His love for Sun is as pure as love can be, and he is Hylia’s original chosen. Trying to corrupt him is asking for trouble. He knows his loyalty, his goal, his love.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Hyrule approached Twilight with a hesitant but expectant look. "Hey, Twi?"
The CNA smiled at his friend. "What's up, Rulie?"
"You're an EMT."
Hyrule took a breath, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "So you can do standbys, right?"
Twilight cocked his head to the side. Where was this going? "Yeah, technically, I guess."
"...You wanna do a standby with me?"
A standby with Hyrule? "Why would your job let me do a standby with you?"
"Oh! It isn't for work," Hyrule quickly corrected him. "It's for fun. Local roller derby. Aurora's part of the team and I need a partner for the standby. Mo sometimes does it but he also likes having his time off duty, you know?"
Twilight brightened. "Wait, that sounds fun! I'd love to do that with you."
Hyrule brightened immensely. Before he could say anything, though, another voice piped in. "Oh? Roller derby? I do like the idea of roller skating."
Twilight raised an eyebrow at Warriors. "You? Imagine you tumbling and busting that pretty face. You care too much about how you look to get down and dirty like that."
"You do remember I'm a soldier, right?" Warriors huffed, crossing his arms. "Just because I like looking good doesn't mean I won't get dirty."
"He'll just whine about it," Legend explained from where he lay on the floor with a heating pad under his back.
Warriors waved a dismissive hand. "Anyway, do they allow for a free skate at the rink before or after?"
"Yeah! Free skate afterward, and an after party with the teams," Hyrule answered amicably.
Warriors' eyes brightened. "Skating and an after party? You two can do all the standby work, I'm going to be enjoying myself."
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lpham2525 · 1 year
To Love is to Suffer
***Inspired by Love and Death (1975) 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of war and trauma.
FRANKY: So, Twilight, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. 
LOID: Is this about the listening device you’ve been promising me? 
LOID: Or the dating simulation program you’ve been building? 
FRANKY: HELL NO. How did you even find out—you know what? I don’t want to know. 
LOID: Okay, is it the fact that you’re running low on tobacco supplies? 
FRANKY: Also no, but thanks for reminding me. I’ll make a note to go check on it. 
LOID: What’s this about then?  
FRANKY: It’s about the sneaking suspicion I have that you might be...falling in love with your family. 
LOID: What. 
FRANKY: See, I knew you’d do that. 
LOID: Do what? 
FRANKY: That deadpan, non-committal thing you do when you don’t want to admit to something that’s so obvious even a blind bat can see it. 
LOID: Franky, we’ve been over this. You know what we are. You know the work we do. You know how every single one of these missions ends. This one is no different. People like you and I? We can’t afford feelings. We can’t afford mistakes. We sure as hell can’t afford... 
FRANKY: Love? 
LOID: Yes. That. 
FRANKY: You’re so deep into it, you can’t even say it. 
LOID: I can say it. 
FRANKY: Okay, say it then.   
LOID: What is this, grade school? 
LOID: *hesitates, the word heavy on his tongue, the implications heavy in his heart* 
LOID: Love. We sure as hell can’t afford to love. 
FRANKY: Well, if you can’t afford to love, what’s all this then?
FRANKY: *gestures to LOID’s stubble and tousled hair and disheveled appearance* 
LOID: I don’t follow.  
FRANKY: You don’t think that you're putting a bit...too much into this? 
LOID: If this helps Anya learn, then it’s worth it. After all, as a spy— 
FRANKY: Yes, yes, I know. “As a spy, I must do all I can to ensure the success of the mission.” 
LOID: Precisely. The fact that I'm putting in extra effort means that I’m dedicated to the mission at hand. It's not a reflection of how I feel at all. 
FRANKY: Yeah, sure...  
FRANKY: *rolls his eyes, then straightens up as he mentally shifts gears* 
FRANKY: You’re right. Of course you’re right. I mean, just because you’re going above and beyond doesn’t mean that you’re developing any real attachment to anything.  
LOID: Exactly. Like I said, if this helps Anya do better in school, then it will culminate in an Imperial Scholarship. That will help me reach my target, and ultimately, prevent a war. This is all for the sake of the greater good.  
FRANKY: I couldn’t have said it better myself. After all, our job is to end or even prevent world suffering, and this... 
FRANKY: *gestures to the studio and the towering stacks of frames and the expensive sound equipment* 
FRANKY: This just happens to be a necessary part of it. A necessary expense, if you will. It has nothing to do with how much you want to create something for Anya that you know she enjoys. 
LOID: Well, you already know that a significant part of my role is to care for Anya— 
FRANKY: And Yor. 
LOID: Yes, and Yor. 
FRANKY: And don’t forget about the dog. 
LOID: Yes, yes, and Bond, too. You already know I care for my whole family as much as is necessary to maintain appearances. 
FRANKY: Yeah. Uh-huh. I get it now. That’s exactly the point you were trying to make earlier. It’s not like you’d do anything so out-of-character as to develop any real feelings for this fake family. 
LOID: No. Of course not. 
FRANKY: Of course...not. Once this is all over, it’s not like disbanding this family is going to cause you any grief. You’re the best there is, after all. You’ve done this dozens of times before. No attachments, no feelings to get in the way.  
LOID: *pauses in the middle of adjusting the lighting for a shot and fixes Franky with a piercing look* 
LOID: Somehow, I get the feeling that you actually mean the opposite of what you’re saying. 
FRANKY: Who, me? NOoooo...Why would I do that? Surely, the greatest spy in Westalis can detect sincerity when he hears it.  
FRANKY: *blinks innocently at LOID while he continues to calibrate his optical filter* 
LOID: *glares at FRANKY, then turns away* 
FRANKY: *puts down his optical filter* 
FRANKY: That’s not the real reason, is it? 
LOID: I don’t know what you mean by "real reason". 
FRANKY: This I-can't-love-because-I'm-a-spy schtick. 
LOID: I can’t love. I am a spy. Those are facts. Spies only deal in facts.  
FRANKY: So do informants, but facts also include what’s happening in places that no one sees. And I’m not talking about covert exchanges in back alleyways.  
FRANKY: *strides up to LOID* 
FRANKY: I’m talking about places like here. 
FRANKY: *pokes the left side of his chest* 
LOID: *swats FRANKY away* 
LOID: Quit it. It has nothing to do with things like that. 
FRANKY: Come on, you really think I believe that? ‘Cause I know you don’t. 
LOID: Franky, you know I can’t love because... 
FRANKY: Because you’ll have to leave them someday. 
LOID: Yes, but also... 
LOID: *jaw tightens* 
LOID: To love is to suffer. Everyone I’ve ever loved...well, you know what happened to them. 
FRANKY: ... 
FRANKY: Come sit down a minute. 
LOID: I’m in the middle of— 
LOID: *sits down next to FRANKY, taken aback by his insistence* 
FRANKY: Here.  
FRANKY: *cracks open two beers and hands one to LOID* 
FRANKY: I’ve been thinking about that, too.  
LOID: … 
FRANKY: Listen, I know where you’re coming from, and you’re right. I do know what we are. I know what we do and why we do it and how this has always ended. It’s the road we’re on, even if it’s not one we would have chosen for ourselves. FRANKY: *stares into the neck of his beer, his memories reaching back through time* FRANKY: To love is to suffer. Trust me, I know. But recently, I realized something else. I realized that one can also suffer from not loving.  
LOID: *snorts dismissively* 
FRANKY: I’m serious about this! Love is one of the most basic human impulses and to deny yourself of that...it’s like denying an essential part of your own humanity.  
FRANKY: *looks over at LOID, a haunted expression in his eyes* 
FRANKY: And haven’t we lost enough of our humanity already?  
LOID: *tightens his grip on the beer bottle* 
LOID: That’s why I’m doing this. I’m fighting for a world where no one has to go through that again.  
FRANKY: Yes, but what about you? 
LOID: What about me? 
FRANKY: Do you think it’s fair to deny yourself the very thing you’re working so hard to give to everyone else?  
LOID: … 
LOID: This isn’t about fairness. Nor is it about me. I’m a spy. I gave my life over to this. Nothing else in my life will be as important. 
FRANKY: I don’t think you believe that, either. You think I don’t know that you’ve been doodling pictures of your family every chance you get? I doubt it’s because you’re using them as reference material. 
LOID: It...it helps me when I have a mental block. 
FRANKY: You sure have a lot of blocks then. 
LOID: *silently rolls his beer bottle from one hand to the other* 
FRANKY: Listen, you’ve been different lately. You know it. I know it. I’ve seen the change in you. Nothing has ever come over you like this. I’ve never seen you more yourself, whoever that may be, than you are when you’re with them.  
FRANKY: *finishes his beer and grabs another one* 
FRANKY: Hell, it’s almost like I’m seeing the man behind all the masks. The man before Twilight. The man before Roland even. Whoever the hell you were before everything happened. Before everything broke you. 
LOID: That guy is gone. He’s not coming back. 
FRANKY: *slurring slightly* 
FRANKY: And why the hell not? 
LOID: You sure curse a lot more when you’re drunk. 
FRANKY: I’m not drunk. And don’t change the subject. 
LOID: The man I was before Twilight was an angry, vengeful soldier, blinded by rage. 
FRANKY: And the one before that?  
LOID: The one before that was a street rat, scuttling through life wondering if I would have enough to eat or would live to see the next day. 
FRANKY: And before that? 
LOID: I was cowering all the time, hiding and waiting for sirens, for bombs, for the end. 
FRANKY: *gives him a “Go on” look* 
LOID: *sighs* 
LOID: And before that, I was a naïve boy playing soldier. And before that, I still had a fam— 
LOID: *breaks off suddenly* 
FRANKY: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there! Any tighter of a grip and that bottle’s going to shatter. 
LOID: *loosens his grip on the beer bottle, then hands it to FRANKY* 
LOID: We shouldn’t even be having this talk. I don’t know why you brought this up. 
FRANKY: *unfazed* 
FRANKY: You know why. 
LOID: *glares* 
FRANKY: Because if running away is all you’re going to do, you’re going to run away from the best thing that’s ever happened to you. 
LOID: You were the one who warned me about getting attached. 
FRANKY: And when have you ever taken my advice? 
FRANKY: *downs the second beer* 
FRANKY: Besides, don’t you think it’s too late now? 
LOID: No. Because I’m not attached. 
FRANKY: Keep telling yourself that, buddy. Your spy brain can fill you with all the propaganda it wants. These, however... 
FRANKY: *pulls out squares of paper, figures of ANYA and YOR and BOND drawn on them* 
FRANKY: These don’t lie.  
LOID: How did you— 
FRANKY: I’m an informant. We collect information. Especially when you put it right under our noses. However, I, unlike you, do not fail to see what’s right in front of me.  
FRANKY: *waves the drawings in LOID’s face* 
LOID: Give me that! 
FRANKY: I don’t think I need to. You already have so many replications of these hidden all over the studio. 
LOID: I... 
FRANKY: You what? Can’t admit to the truth? 
LOID: Fine. Keep them. I don’t need them. 
FRANKY: You might not need these drawings, but you do need what they represent. As a matter of fact, you already have it. Now it's only a matter of realizing it before it's too late.
FRANKY: *tucks away the drawings, then rises and brushes himself off* 
FRANKY: Remember that you only have so much time with them, whether you decide to stay or not. At this point, you’ve taken the path of Twilight many, many times. You know where it ends. For once, wouldn’t you rather see where the other road goes? The one created by Loid Forger?
FRANKY: *hands LOID a small book* 
LOID: What’s this? 
FRANKY: A little something I put together. Although I think you’ll find it quite familiar.  It's something you've looked at many times before, but have never really seen.
LOID: That doesn't make any sense.
FRANKY: Give it a shot. You'll see what I mean.
FRANKY: *returns to his work* 
LOID: *opens the book to find his own drawings of his family in there, then tosses the book away into a drawer and slams it shut, inexplicably angry* 
FRANKY: Well, that's it for me. I'm heading out for the night.
LOID: You go on ahead. I want to grab something before closing up.
FRANKY: All right. See you tomorrow.
LOID: See you.
LOID: Now, where is that list of gift ideas? I know I left it in here somewhere... 
[LOID opens a drawer to find FRANKY’s book in there again. He pulls out the book and rifles through it quickly in case he stuffed the list in there. That’s when he realizes that FRANKY had carefully organized the drawings into a flip book and as LOID flicks through it, a scene emerges before his eyes. It’s a simple scene of his family having an ordinary day together, but the last drawing is a composite sketch of LOID tucking in each member of his family. LOID stands there for several long minutes, staring at his own handiwork. Finally, he puts the book away, dons his hat and coat and leaves the studio, turning out the lights and closing the door on the way.] 
[LOID is scribbling something on a sign on the door. On one side, the sign says “OPEN”. On the other side, LOID has crossed out “CLOSED” and written “OUT WITH FAMILY”. He lets go of the sign and watches as it swings back and forth.] 
LOID: I gotta remember to thank him someday.  
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legendofmorons · 1 year
hello! may i request platonic headcannons for both legend and twilight with a gender neutral reader? the type of platonic relationship where they’re physically close (eg. hugging, holding hands, cuddling and occasionally forehead kisses). neither party has romantic feelings towards each other. thank you!
Of course!
Legend probably won't initiate most of the time, but he totally lets you!
If you're close and ask for a hug he will give you one
His hugs start awkward and stiff, though. Even if you've hugged him a hundred times. He melts into them
He will hold you and rub your back after nightmares, though, no hesitation.
If he's in a good mood and initiates things, he hugs you and rests is chin on your head/shoulder/wherever he can
I feel like you do most of the forehead and cheek kisses, though.
If you're having a really bad day, he will absolutely give you a forehead kiss and then glare at anyone who says anything negative or weird
He holds your hand a lot, mostly because he's worried you'll get lost and he won't know. He'd feel awful if that happened
He loves you like family- and unless he can't carry you when you're injured he's pushing everyone else away.
He does a lot of casual shoulder and hip bumps.
I think when either of you are tired you can be found sitting together one head atop the other.
You patch eachother up when magic isn't needed/available. You are the closest to eachother and the most comfortable with the other
Legend definitely hands you whatever item he thinks you need from his collection and helps you get it in place
He dosen’t get jealous when you go hug others, but he does get real mean when people try to force you into physical affection you don't want
After Legend has a bad nightmare, he seeks you out for late night comfort and to be held.
I think he would also probably do your hair if it's long enough
He's a real mother hen and does the back of the hand to your forehead thing at the slightest symptom of illness
He's the type of person to swipe hair from your face when your hands are busy
He likes to punch your shoulder lightly too
On hood days I think you guys hug and laugh.
When you do something particularly difficult or get reunited after a dungeon, he picks you up and spins you because you're both here and okay, and he's so happy about it
If you do get sick he stays right next to you, rubbing your back or petting your hair
He wants you to feel safe with him and, in general
Twilight is more openly affectionate than most of the others
He grew up in a friendly village with good people who did a lot of physical affection towards eachother
He gives really good hugs, warm and string and just the right amount of strength used to keep you there
He also mostly does forehead kisses most often when you're upset or going on a separate mission than him
He will sking an arm about your shoulders at any moment, he likes when you're close. He just enjoys your company honestly
If you have a nightmare, Twilight just lifts up his covers and then holds you as you tell him about it. Very much like a big brother still
If Twilight has a nightmare - bad enough to wake him at peast- he will just come lay down with you. He won't wake you up. You'll just wake up in the morning with a full-grown man using you like a teddy bear.
He will just come up to you and wrap you in a hug honestly
He also has a habit of setting a hand on your shoulder or arm if he is behind you so you know it's him. If you aren't hiding he'll usually say something too.
He's very mindful of any thing that upsets you, so he'll either hold you after wards or avoid doing that again depending on the situation
He's really strong, so if you're asleep or injured but need to be moved, he will just carry you.
He ruffles your hair a lot, and grins you you duck down to fix it
He elbows you sometimes, not hard kust to get your attention when another is being extra stupid in a 'can you believe this?' way
He pretty much lets you lay on him, lean on him, kiss his cheek and forehead, and do anything else you like
He can't do much with hair but he did learn a basic braid and ponytail from people in his village. So if you are having a really hard time and your hair is long he'll help you out as best he can
If he's hugging you most days you also have your own nickname. I don't make the rules (except I do)
Twilight would absolutely love to wrestle it's fun!
As Wolfie he curls around you on cold nights, keeping you both warm
He also sits on you like a lug as Wolfie when you're trying to be stubborn
He probably holds your hand often from either habit or wanting to keep you close in a crowd or fight.
Twilight teaches you anything you wnat to learn and corrects your hands with his own pretty often
If you are in a fight, he will keep his back to yours because he knows you'll keep it safe, and he'll keep yours safe
Twilight rubs your back on bad days. He tells you that it's okay to feel this way
He's the person to set his head against your shoulders or arm like a cat headbuts you.
Twilight will also pick you up if something is coming by to fast to warn you.
He lets you fiddle with his fingers if you need to. He knows it calms you
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Hey so this is the actual match-up request....I accidentally hit the copy and paste button on the other....sorry about that again but anyways may I please have a Walking dead and Twilight match-up? Tysm in advance and sorry again.....
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising Personality Type: ENTP Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight (For now might be bi but i'm going with straight)
I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. I also have a very strong grunge style, like Flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots, leather jackets etc. But i'd also always enjoy a nice oversized sweatshirt or hoodie with a pair of skinny, ripped jeans and some converses or something along those lines.
For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends....like i'm the type of person where if someone glares at me, i'll glare right back.
I have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it.
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting.
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything.
Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider.
Hi there!
I am glad, we found each other again, after all this time :D I read it and instantly thought of two people - so here they come:
I ship you with Daryl Dixson!
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I just wanna say: Face palm. Always. He watches you and sees what you do and just face palms.
He ist legit done with you.
He does not understand how you have not died yet. But he still gives his best to ensure that you - in fact - don't die.
No, honestly, he loves you. You have character. A hard shell, just like him but behind that, you have so much personality and he feels honored to be at your side.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't want do push you off a building when you - again - fight with Rick about stupid things or when you attack Negan again. And again.
I also ship you with Emmett Cullen!
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Do I even have to say something about it?
You two would be the chaos couple. The CC.
Emmett finds you absolutley funny and incredibly stunning. And it often leads from a silly prank against each other or against other family members to some 18+ stuff.
I don't even know that to add anymore, because you two are a perfect match. Absolutly funny, strange and living their best life even through all the ups and downs.
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chanheeinc · 2 years
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Requested : 2PM’s Junho! NSFW, dom, keep his bratty nature, would be better if friends having sudden hots for each other. maybe something in this line. But if you don't want any of these, feel free to change it upto the way you comfortable
- I haven’t written smut before so I hope this will be okay -
TW/CW: Smut, Mature, Strong-ish Language
Lee Junho is your biggest threat and closest friend. You spend at least five hours on the phone each night, even after he had busy schedule. 2PM have always called you two the old married couple, Junho usually whines until they apologize or run out the room. You two have been inseparable for years, everyone jokingly says that you are the only person that knows what’s going on in his evil little head. That was true, until a few hours ago.
Junho came over to yours for your weekly movie night, a special night for the two of you to watch an incredibly bad movie while eating junk food. Junho came over in the required wardrobe, sweatpants and a comfy tee, smiling at you as he skipped in holding two bags full of your favorite chips and drinks. You can’t help but to let your eyes linger on his arms, flexing as they hold the weight of the goods. He gives you a quick kiss on the forehead, hesitating a second longer than his usual motion. He started kissing you because it drove you insane, the brat, now it doesn’t bother you at much but he still does it. Maybe out of habit, maybe out of something you never predicted he’d feel also.
He plops down on the couch shoving the pillows you set out on the floor. You sigh, even after countless times of telling him not to do that, he continues to. You sit next to him , picking up the pillows on the way. He smiles, putting some popcorn In his mouth. It’s his turn to pick the movie.
“Your turn, what’s your pick?” You hand him the remote.
“I was thinking Twilight.” He smiles to himself.
“Are you trying to say my favorite movie is bad?” He laughs at you. “Never mind, you don’t get to pick this week.”
He hands over the remote surprisingly, you pick some crappy B-movie vampire romance movie in place of his choice. You catch him glancing at you, more than once. You’ve seen him like this, he usually does it right before he does something to make you question why you even tolerate him at times. His stupid pranks always got him in trouble. By the third time you pause the movie to face him.
“Whatever you are up to stop it.” You put a finger up as a warning, he sinks down on the couch to sulk.
“I’m not up to anything!” He bites your finger.
“Hey! Let go dickhead!” You scream.
“Make me,” His voice is muffled by your finger, but the tone makes your cheeks instantly heat up.
Two simple words have your brain racing. What does he mean? Does he like me too? Does he want me like I want him? Am I taking to long to do something?
He looks up at you with his beautiful brown eyes. Your heart starts beating louder and louder until you are sure the neighbors can hear it. He smiles at your flushed face, slowly releasing his mouth from your finger. He pulls your hand to his heart, it’s racing even faster than yours.
“I want you.” You blurt out like you’re possessed.
“Touch me.” His voice suddenly demanding, something you weren’t prepared to hear.
You move to your knees quickly, hands in a rush to pull down his sweatpants. You take a moment to met his eyes, he’s looking at you expectingly, throwing in a quick wink, brat. You pull down his underwear, dick springing out. You take his large member into your hand, slowly going up and down. You lick his head, looking up quickly to make sure he is enjoying himself, don’t worry he is.
You can’t fit all of him into your mouth, your hands end up doing most of the work. He grabs your hair, pulling it when he feels feels like it. He pulls you off eventually pulling you to his lips. His kisses are everything you’ve imagined, his moans are even better. He pulls off your shirt, you thank the universe for the fact you had to wear your cute panty and bra set today since the laundromat was closed. You pull off his shirt taking a moment to admire his body, he also takes that moment to admire yours.
“Here or the bedroom?” He kisses your neck.
“Anywhere you can fuck me.” You grind your hips.
He throws you on your back on the couch you lift up your legs as he takes your panties and sweatpants off in one motion. Too bad he didn’t see the cute underwear that matches your bra. His hands glide over your thighs, getting close to your desired spot. His hands stop just before, smiling as you grown obviously frustrated. He leans down to kiss you, reaching to your back to unclasp your bra. Then there you are, two completely naked best friends, five seconds from having the best sex of their lives.
“Condoms are in the nightstand of my bed.” You point.
“Okay baby,” he kisses you. “Wait for me, I don’t want to miss the movie.” He winks
Part two?
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mcjeanalds · 2 years
in history class rn its bloggin time baeby
lets do some headcanons since my last one did SO FUCKING WELL ILY GUYS
- hange is a die-hard samsung user and levi always bullies them for the camera quality
- armin has been in a gender identity crisis for a while and wants to experiment with different pronouns n shit (and we love that!)
- erwin is a h oh my god if my history teacher doesnt put on her mask i stg
- erwin is a huge fan of vinyl records and has one of those crates just filled with classic rock vinyls
- connie can do voice impressions but really weird ones, like morty from rick and morty or eric cartman from south park
- mikasa does eren's eyebrows, and she's the only one eren will let touch them
- levi has glasses for when he reads n shit, but they're the black square-ish ones and he doesn't push them all the way up and it's sexy
- jean can't drink boba because he chokes on the bubbles and sasha always spits them at him through her straw
- mikasa journals her emotions n shit, but she also draws very emotional and dark sketches in the journal too (but they look sick asf and she's actually super talented)
- armin has watched the entire twilight series and didn't hate it, and he's is so upset with himself for not hating it
- levi has the highest spice tolerance ever, like it takes like a 100,000 on the scoville unit for him to even feel something
- hange will visit people just for their pets, but obviously won't tell people that's why they're visiting
- eren's the kind of person who always has to have more followers than people he's following, and it has to be a decently big difference like 50 people or more
- hange will just like.., snack on cheese. and i mean like slices of american cheese or the little mozzarella cheese balls
- much like myself, jean gets random memes in spanish on his explore page. both myself and jean do not speak spanish (at least i don't think he does, i just know i don't)
- sasha has like 17,000 flannels, like she's got the whole rainbow and more, and she wears every single one
- erwin smells like one of those pine tree air fresheners. he doesn't even use one he just smells like it
- connie wanted to shave a design in his hair, like how drake shaved the heart, but absolutely everyone told him no
- we all know levi doesn't sleep, but neither does mikasa and they'll just reach out to each other like "are you up" "yeah" "i'm getting water do you want anything" "you're literally in a different city" (you can decide who's who in that example)
- though sasha eats everything with no hesitation, she won't eat out of a styrofoam container. she hates literally every single aspect about styrofoam
- eren gets so aggressive when it comes to video games. is he one of those "you wouldn't survive a cod lobby" guys? no, but he will scream and insult people
- armin is the victim of deez nuts/ur mom jokes. hange and connie are the ones that make the jokes
yas that's it enjoy my little cockatoos
ps i would love to see some of these things drawn, i absolutely adore aot art so if you wanna draw out any of these for visuals, please go ahead and show me!!!!!
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
What were the hsh boys like in highschool? 😶
Oh hey apparently I have a lot to say about this.
Twilight - Worked hard for his A's and B's, did all his homework, turned in every assignment. Star member of the Rolling Gorons wrestling team, participated in 4H and volunteered to mentor younger members as well. Spent his summers working hard on the ranch. Never a behavior issue, all around just a really good kid.
Champion - Quiet, focused, a gifted student who never liked to draw attention to himself. He had straight A's in his math classes and really liked his programming/comp sci classes, too. Did well in his other subjects, easily in the top 25% of his class. Very athletic, Champion preferred "solo" sports like track and field and tennis, and he enjoyed rock climbing in his spare time.
Warriors - What he may have lacked in grades, Wars made up for in charm, and he was also in the top 25% of his class. Balanced being captain of the cross country team, the fencing team, and an avid theatre and chorus kid. He was totally on the debate team, too. Prom King.
Sky - Sky was that kid that anyone and everyone, teachers included, felt like they could open up to about stuff. He had a tendency to nap in the classes that didn't hold his interest, was usually moved to the front of the class to try and prevent this, although sometimes even that didn't work. Although he seemed to skate by, he maintained his grades. Abysmal with foreign languages. He dated quite a bit in high school and went to every single dance and prom. Tennis team captain.
Legend - The kid every teacher dreaded having in their class. He didn't do a lick of work and yet felt like he was smarter than everyone in the room. Got kicked out of philosophy class more than once. Didn't do a single extracurricular activity. Got along well with his art and music teachers, never gave them shit and was a talented young man. Got suspended for fighting in school and just never went back.
Hyrule - Straight A's in everything, and I mean everything. Didn't really do sports, his extracurriculars were things more like Mathletes, SAT prep, smart kid stuff. Tutored underclassmen in the sciences. He might not have been the valedictorian, but he was in the top 5.
Four - Absolutely flew under the radar. He was an incredible math student and did well in art, very good at working with his hands, but wasn't interested in much other than that. Excelled in his trade school studies and as soon as he graduated, he never looked back at formal education. He's always had a love of reading and to this day has an ever-growing library tucked away in his room.
Wind - He was the epitome of Work Smarter, Not Harder. He did the bare minimum to get by, cheated much more often than he was ever caught for it, smoked on school property. He may have, on occasion, logged into the school's administrative software to doctor his grades - and those of people he thought deserved better. On the rare occasion when a school project really did strike his interest, he would always knock it out of the park, leaving his teachers stunned and dismayed as to why he really didn't apply himself in all things.
Time - The OG juvenile delinquent. He was smart but frustrated by formal education, and he didn't hesitate to give it back to his teachers when they got on his case for things. He's had anger issues from an early age and was prone to acting out in school. Was in and out of detention centers and programs for troubled teens. That's how he got picked up by Great Deku and funneled into a very different kind of life.
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hookingminor · 3 years
“In awe, the first time you realised it” with Mat Barzal please🥺
31. In awe, the first time you realised it
I swear all my favorite things I've written are for barz, this is also so self-indulgent for me bc my love language is playlists
You and Mat had been dating for just under a year now, still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship even after a few fights, and he swore you were the only person he would never get tired of. The weekends you spent at his apartment, the Saturday morning markets you always dragged him to, the nights he curled on your couch watching TV while you worked away at the kitchen table, there was no such thing as too much time with you.
The feeling nagged at the back of Mat’s mind, subtle and quiet, a distant voice telling him he was in love with you even if his brain hadn’t completely registered it yet. Your relationship was comfortable. You moved around each other with an ease Mat had never known, as if you’d spent years together and now lived in routines that revolved around the other. He hadn’t even processed how used to being around you he’d gotten until your first summer apart had hit.
He thought about you all the time, wondering whether or not you’d like the outfit he chose when he went out with friends, whether you’d enjoy his mom’s cooking, whether you were thinking about him all the way back in New York when he was in Coquitlam.
By the time fall came back around, he was ready to ask you to move in even if neither of you had said those words yet. Mat just missed you all the time. It didn’t matter how much time you spent apart, he was counting the hours until he saw you again.
It was only when the two of you packed your bags and climbed into his car, ready for a weekend road trip upstate that the overwhelming feeling of how much he loved you hit him. You chose to drive, knowing Mat’s proclivities for driving a little too fast would’ve made you insane during the four hour ride to the secluded cabin he rented. In turn, he got to choose the music, though you made him compromise that he’d split the time between both of your spotifys.
Yours and Mat’s music taste didn’t always mesh well, and while he knew your account and followed it, he never delved into the playlists you curated. At the two hour mark, he unlocked your phone and scrolled through your account, clicking through a few playlists as he tried to find one that he wouldn’t completely hate.
He came across one titled happiness, the playlist photo piquing his curiosity. It was a little further down the list, about halfway through your nearly twenty playlists, and he recognized the picture as his own head. There were no discernible features, only his hair as his head rested on your chest and your fingers curled in the strands, but Mat knew it was him.
One by one, he read over each song in the playlist. The theme seemed all over the place, ranging from slow songs to upbeat pop to hip-hop, and his curiosity got the best of him.
“Babe, what’s this playlist?” He asked, stretching your phone so you could check the screen. You only took a brief glance, noticing the title immediately and shifting your focus back to the road.
“Oh, it’s just a bunch of songs that remind me of you,” you answered with an apathetic shrug. You added the first song a week after you met Mat after your first date when you knew that you wouldn’t be letting him go any time soon.
Mat furrowed his brows, not quite sure what Christmas Eve by Kelly Clarkson or Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye had to do with him, but he pressed shuffle anyways.
The first song that came on was Flightless Bird, American Mouth, and Mat vaguely remembered hearing this before.
“Why’s this one on it?” He asked.
“Remember when I made you watch Twilight even though you complained the entire time? You said you thought this song sounded nice, so I added it,” you explained.
“And Bloom?” Mat questioned, finding another song title he didn’t know.
“It was a song that played in the cafe during our first date.”
“That one night we stayed up until three baking brownies because we were drunk and hungry, we sang it, like, four times dancing in the kitchen,” you said.
It turned out every song on the playlist had some underlying meaning as to why you added it. There was the song you first slow danced to at a teammate’s wedding, the song you chose to karaoke to once at a bar, the song Mat always played first thing upon turning on his car for a couple weeks whenever he drove anywhere, songs he found himself singing under his breath while not realizing you were listening, his favorite Taylor Swift songs even though he would publicly claim he didn’t listen to her, songs he went crazy for every time they played in clubs. Every song had a story.
Mat didn’t ask you for the explanation for each one, not wanting to annoy you with his many questions, but he connected the dots soon enough after you told him Green Light by Lorde was on there because of how many times you and Mat had watched through New Girl, but more specifically, the scene where Nick and Jess finally get together.
A few sparked memories in his own head, the Khalid songs you made him listen to the one time you convinced him to get high with you, the Kendrick songs he swore were the best rap songs ever made, even a few Bieber songs you found more tolerable than others since you weren’t a fan of him but Mat was.
The playlist was nearing fifty songs, all recounting moments in your relationship over the past year, and Mat’s chest tightened in a way he’d never felt before.
He was in love with you.
You didn’t even bat an eye explaining the meaning of each song, every story fresh in your mind and you told him each one without hesitation. Had it not been for your eyes on the road, you probably would’ve noticed the tears welling in his eyes, though he quickly brushed them away.
His heart was so full of love for you, how you paid attention to every detail, and there was no doubt in his mind he was in love.
“You good?” You glanced over quickly, curious as to why he was quiet all of a sudden.
“Yeah, I’m good.” He cleared his throat.
“I love you.”
That caught your attention immediately, and you looked back at him, your own eyebrows slightly drawn together in confusion as the outburst.
“Yeah?” You asked. The words had been on the tip of your tongue for so long you could probably trace it back to the first time you met him, but you kept it to yourself. Mat was always cautious with his words, never wanting to say anything he didn’t fully believe, and you didn’t want to scare him off saying it too early.
“Yeah,” he replied confidently. Grabbing the hand resting on the gearshift, he intertwined your fingers and brought it to his lips. “I love you." Gently, Mat kissed your knuckles.
Your own heart felt like bursting at the soft look on his face. “I love you too.”
“Yeah, I kind of figured that,” he chuckled, wide grins spreading across both of your faces.
You brought his knuckles to your own lips, placing a soft kiss on them before letting your joined hands rest across the middle console. The remainder of the drive was silent, neither of you starting a conversation as you let your playlist take you the rest of the way.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Hi, your metas are super interesting, and even if I really enjoy fanon twilight, it's really cool to read opinions based only on canon too!
So my question is about the sexual orientation of the Cullens, do you think they all straight?
For example i saw someone saying that Edward maybe was demisexual and it left me thinking, so i just wanted to know your opinions about it :)
In short, no.
In alphabetical order:
Alice is with a man, but without getting into the mess that is Alice/Jasper here, I don’t think theirs is a particularly physical relationship. I mean, if Alice wanted to get laid, she could just decide to fuck Jasper, enjoy the vision, and bam. Itch scratched. Thanks, Jazz. Alright, I’ll be serious. Alice and Jasper are with each other because the other represents salvation, not so much because of a personal or physical attraction but because of mysticism. So to me that doesn’t really say much about Alice’s preference. All the same I can’t see Alice having a particular preference, she’s too... Alice. Although it is easier to picture her with women. She is also the second half of the Alice/Bella homoerotic extravaganza, which makes heterosexual Alice even more farfetched to me. So, bisexual or lesbian Alice.
Bella shows clear attraction to women as well as men. She’s attracted to Rosalie, Alice, Edward, and Carlisle. I’ll just give you guys quotes: Of the three boys, one was big — muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students. The girls were opposites. The tall one was statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back. The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction. (Twilight, page 9) This is the Cullens’ introduction. I won’t spend much time on it, just notice the difference between Rosalie and the others. Rosalie is highlighted in a way Alice is not, and Edward is at first glance only the boyish one of the guys. Rosalie was the Cullen whose beauty immediately stood out to Bella. It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful — maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy. (sic.) Bella has realized by now that Edward’s a grade A hottie, but she’s still torn between him and Rosalie. Bella then gets to know Alice, and they become friends who take showers together(!). Rosalie may be the most attractive Cullen woman, but Alice is the one Bella gets emotionally close to. We get this in New Moon:  UNNATURALLY STILL AND WHITE, WITH LARGE BLACK EYES intent on my face, my visitor waited perfectly motionless in the center of the halt, beautiful beyond imagining.  (...) I locked my arms around her, gasping to inhale as much of the scent of her skin as possible. It wasn't like anything else—not floral or spice, citrus or musk. No perfume in the world could compare. My memory hadn't done it justice. (New Moon, page 191) Bella never thought she’d never see any of the Cullens again, so for her to be hysterical and ecstatic upon seeing her second favorite is not by itself damning. I’m sure she’d be ecstatic to see Emmett too. It’s that fact that she’d missed Alice’s scent that’s interesting. The scent of her skin was something Bella was aware of before they parted. And while it may be tempting to say “it’s because they’re vampires, Bella’s admiring them like she would a work of art!”, Bella never dwells on Esme, Jasper, or Emmett in this way. Jasper and Emmett especially are not admired beyond the introduction of their characters. We never hear about what any of them smell like, nor does Bella remark upon their beauty after waking up a vampire. Carlisle and Edward, by comparison, are men she keeps noticing. Bella finds Carlisle blindingly beautiful when she first sees him as a vampire, and there’s this from New Moon: Though it erased the sting, it reminded me of the gash, and I watched Carlisle's face carefully to distract me from what his hands were doing. His hair gleamed gold in the bright light as he bent over my arm. (New Moon, page 18) There’s thinking someone is pretty, and then there’s gazing lovingly upon their face instead of pain killers. Bella is bisexual.
Carlisle moved in with a very gay man, had a close relationship with him, lived with him for the sake of his company for decades, and only left because of dietary differences. We don’t know for sure whether they actually had an affair or not, but the fact remains that of all the Cullens, Carlisle is the one who is implied to have had a homosexual relationship in canon. He loses his straight card based on that alone. Also gonna link this clip, because I’m Mac listening to Edward talk about how young Carlisle lived with this sexy Mycenaean Greek for a few decades when he was young. Aro is all the santas. Carlisle is bisexual.
Edward... oh boy. His brain is supposedly seventeen, and yet this very interesting thing happens in his relationship with Bella where he never notices her body. Not ever. By body I mean curves. Edward notices Bella’s skin, her frailty, her humanity. He praises her blushes, her doe-like eyes, her warmth, her softness, her swan-like neck, her delicious scent. The feminine aesthetic. He does not once notice her tits. The only tits he is on record noticing belong to Siobhan, and it’s because she has an impossible to ignore rack: She was profoundly female in shape—aggressively, forcefully female. (Midnight Sun, chapter Probability) It’s one thing for him to be old-fashioned and too quintessentially Edward to even think the word “boob”, but in 700+ pages of Midnight Sun there’s just this absence of this seventeen-year-old noticing her curves. More damningly, when seeing Alice’s vision of vampire!Bella, Edward is horrified at the sight of his love cold and hard. He doesn’t describe vampire!Bella by any of the positives, like “flawless”. Edward is attracted to the human, not the woman. What that means for his sexuality... well, I’m going to go ahead and point out that he is very weird about Carlisle, and it’s damning that the personality he projects onto Bella is so similar to Carlisle. I hesitate to apply a label here, but in my own, personal, headcanon we’re veering towards homosexual. Deeeeeeply closeted homosexual.
Emmett is straight. Straightest guy ever to straight.
Esme is pretty clearly taken with Carlisle. Though if she were to feel attracted towards another woman, I imagine she’d have no idea what to make of that, if she even recognized it for what it was. She’s from a very different time and still living in that time, and she continues to be very sheltered. Still, as per my personal headcanon, I see her as straight.
Jasper, who knows. Though if he’s into guys, he has probably gone for it in the past. I suppose I should write a meta on vampires and sexual norms in general, but in short I don’t think they all live monogamously like the Cullens. STDs and pregnancies are unheard of, as is social ostracizing. Vampires are hedonistic, Twilight vampires more so than any other. Which in turn means I don’t think Maria and Jasper were monogamous. A couple, sure, but I don’t think Maria would say “oh noes, I can’t, I’m with Jasper!” if someone she was attracted to made an overture, and same goes for Jasper. So, if Jasper was into guys, then sure. I can see Jasper/Peter happening, or even Charlotte/Jasper/Peter. Jasper is certainly into women, with the possibility of guys as well. And if so, then it’s probably happened.
Rosalie I’m shocked is with a guy in the first place, everything about her screams lesbian. However, she’s clearly into Emmett, so apparently she’s bisexual.
(I’m not including Renesmée in this, since she’s three months old by the time the series conclude.)
This all being said, several of these people are from very different times and wouldn’t have the same concepts of sexuality internalized as we do, so how they’d identify is a very different matter.
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taizi · 2 years
If you are up to it, maybe prompt 24 and 60 for the ASL bros? 60 really seems to go well with Ace's self confidence problems in particular.
(I'm a fan of Luffy and Sabo confronting ace in an au where he lives post marine Ford but I also enjoy suffering so it can be whenever)
24. “You almost died! And for what?” +60. "I really think it's easier for people when I'm not around."
let's put it in the smile again au
ao3 // ko-fi
“Asshole,” Sabo hissed through his teeth.
Ace paused mid-step, halfway across the yard. The porch-light was little more than a dim orange glow but it pushed just enough of the dark twilight away that Sabo could see the surprise sprint across his brother’s face.
His brother’s bruised face.
“What are you doing up?” Ace asked shortly.
It was two hours after Ace was supposed to come home, and he had the audacity to stand there and ask stupid questions.
Sabo pictured flinging himself off the porch and attacking Ace like a feral cat so clearly that he was a little surprised he hadn’t actually done it. Maybe some of that telegraphed through his expression because Ace hesitated to approach the rest of the way.
“Well, I promised Luffy I’d wait up for you,” Sabo said brightly, going straight for the kill. “Since you weren’t here to say goodnight like you promised.”
Tomorrow he’d probably feel bad for it, but tonight he watched with vicious satisfaction as the blow struck home. Ace walked around in bullet-proof armor every day and sometimes he forgot to take it off at the door but there were some things that pierced straight through that hard outer shell as easy as breathing. Two things, to be precise.
And sure enough, Ace’s face transformed from stubbornly defiant to a little bit lost. When Sabo stomped down the porch steps and grabbed him by a fistful of his sleeve, he let himself be dragged inside.
They had only been living in this little house for a month or so. Dadan got evicted from her last apartment for being behind on rent, and after an uncomfortable period of sleeping in parking lots and laundromats, Ace threatened to call his grandpa if she didn’t get her shit together. That threat always worked like magic, because Ace very rarely resorted to it. And so she disappeared for a little over twenty-four hours and returned with a set of housekeys, and now here they are.
The place belonged to a friend of hers, who didn’t mind Dadan staying there when she was out of money or trying to get clean. Dadan had lots of friends and lots of little halfway homes, but that support and welcome didn’t extend to the three boys she’d been reluctantly saddled with.
She wasn’t their mother. She didn’t want to be. She owed the Portgas brothers’ grandpa some huge, impossible favor, so she did her best to make sure they had food and shoes and a place to sleep, but that was the extent of it. Sabo and Ace liked her well enough, but they didn’t count on her. They couldn’t afford to.
And when Dadan went to meet up with some friends on a Saturday night and never came back, it was a little scary at first, but it’s not as though they were entirely on their own. The house had heating and running water and lights that worked. Grandpa Garp still sent money every other week, even if he didn’t realize Dadan was no longer the one receiving it. There were some old bicycles in the shed behind the house that they could ride the two miles into town when they needed groceries.
It was always worth pedaling up that last big hill, because Luffy would throw his arms up in the air and scream with joy when they rode down it again. Sometimes Sabo would take his feet off the pedals and let gravity bring him that last little bit of the way home. Sometimes, Ace would do it, too. It felt like being free.
“I didn’t mean to be late,” Ace muttered, sinking into his mismatched seat at the table. “Bluejam was being an asshole and wouldn’t let me leave.”
Bluejam was Dadan’s old landlord, and sometimes when he got drunk he seemed to think he could shake up her ten-year-old foster kid for the money she owed him in unpaid rent.
“Here’s an idea,” Sabo replied. “Stop going over there.”
“It’s not like I want to look at his ugly face. I just thought he might know where Dadan is, since the only two things he cares about in the entire world are money and people who owe him money.”
Sabo’s temper relented a little bit, because it didn’t have a choice.
Garp had mentioned that he was coming for a visit soon, and if he found out how the boys had been living, it would be an absolute shit-show. He would get loud and angry and throw stuff around and scare crybaby Luffy. He might even try to take his grandsons away from the lady he thought he was paying to take care of them, which would mean taking them away from Sabo, too.
They needed to find Dadan. They needed to protect their cobbled-together little life. But Ace was sitting there with a black eye and a split lip, glaring at the tabletop like it could be blamed for his imagined failures, and it made Sabo’s heart hurt.
“Forget Dadan,” he blurted.
It got his brother to look up at him, surprised. “What?”
“Forget her,” Sabo said. “Forget everybody. Let’s never go to the city again. We can go to the village when we need stuff instead, it’s not that much farther away.”
Ace’s brow was furrowed. He wasn’t getting it. “Sabo--”
“Bluejam’s just like my dad was. Every time he hurts you he goes a little bit farther. What if tonight he went too far? What if he killed you? You could have died, and for what?”
Someone else’s debt. Some lady who just left them here and went away. Adults and their grandiose problems, their way of thinking nothing mattered except themselves.
Sabo knew he sounded angry, but he couldn’t help it. He was angry. He was furious, at every single person who had ever left a bruise on his brother’s skin, at everyone who had ever yelled at Luffy until he cried, at all these grown-up figures in their lives who were supposed to show up for them and didn’t.
“Your grandpa doesn’t know where we are,” Sabo went on. “If he finds Dadan and shakes the address out of her, we’ll run away. We’ll push him down the hill and steal his car. And his wallet! Fuck him!”
Ace shook his head slowly, but not like he was disagreeing. More like he was warming up to the idea, and he was annoyed he didn’t think of it first.
Sabo reached across the table and left his hand waiting, palm-up. “We’ll do it together. We can do anything.”
His brother reached back, but didn’t take Sabo’s hand right away. He bit his lip, struggling with those dark things he always thought about himself but rarely said out loud, and then muttered, “I thought… I always sort of thought it would be easier for you guys if I wasn’t around. I’m not as good as you are. I just make trouble, and you always have to get me out of it.”
It took more self-control than Sabo knew he had not to snatch Ace’s wavering hand out of the air.
“Luffy makes more trouble than you could ever dream of,” he said. “And if you say it’d be easier if he wasn’t around, I’ll give you another black eye.”
Ace blinked, and then grinned, and he smacked his hand into Sabo’s hard enough it stung. Their fingers were white-knuckled where they were wrapped around each other, and the grip of it felt like a promise. Like the one they made when they were both seven years old, and realized neither of them had a family, and decided to stick together from then on.
So they’ll stick together. It’s what they’ve always done. They’ll raise Luffy the way they raised each other and he’ll never have to worry about the things they worry about, because he’ll always have someone watching over him.
Four days later, Sabo would return to the city one last time. They had a couple of hidden stashes left that he wanted to retrieve, and then he was going to stop at the corner-store so his little brother could make those colorful confetti cupcakes he saw on TV. He got a late start, because the three of them spent all afternoon painting the mailbox, but he was laughing when he finally pedaled off, waving a blue- and red- and yellow-stained hand behind him as he disappeared down the road under a dusky orange sky.
It was Ace’s turn to wait for him. It was Sabo’s turn not to come home.
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
One-shot: Y/n Is Spiderman(Andrew Garfield Version) and goes to Forks High School, and Is a loner, and orphan. The Cullens are curious, about him, because Edward can't read his mind because of his Spider-Sense, and Alice can't see his future. Also because his blood, and scent acts as an anchor to The Cullens to control their bloodlust which makes them appreciate him more, and're always near him in school so Jasper doesn't go outta control.
the amazing spider-man
twilight one shot
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twilight & spider man crossover, male!reader x the cullens
no warnings really
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your senses were in overdrive as you entered the small cafeteria. not just because you were now surrounded by hundreds of chatty teenagers, but because they were there.
the cullens has been on your radar for quite a long time. having fought vampires before, it was your nature to inspect them before they became a threat.
you had known that the cullen’s were a ‘special’ breed of vampires, choosing to only feed on animals than humans.
it was nobel act but still, you had to be cautious.
you took a seat at an empty table and gently set your lunch down. after months of attending forks high school, you still hadn’t made very many friends. instead, you preferred the silence of being alone.
you took a bite out of your sandwich and just as you did, you smelled them.
looking up, you saw the five unnatural creatures walking into the cafeteria like they owned the place. the blonde, rosalie, was scowling at all the people that gawked at her. the burly brunette, emmett, had an arm around her protectivly. jasper, the one you knew had the most trouble controlling himself, was being reassured by his mate alice. and edward...well...he looked the most normal as he wore an expression that was downright miserable.
you noticed them the second they entered the cafeteria. your senses tingled, warning you of danger. but they didn’t seem to notice you though, at least not yet. it would be a couple seconds before edward realized that he couldn’t read your mind, and that your blood was calling out to them in a way different than everybody else’s.
you slumped back into your seat as the curious vampires turned to you. with your hearing, you knew that they were talking about you.
“do you guys smell that?” emmett asked his siblings, nodding his head in your general direction so fast you almost missed it.
“it’s coming him,” edward hissed, motioning towards you. “i can’t read his mind.”
“and i can’t see his future, either,” alice said worriedly.
“do you suppose he’s something supernatural, too?” jasper asked.
“not likely. just a really rare human,” rosalie said.
you almost smirked. oh, if only they knew.
shaking your head, you leaned back into your seat. you had biology with edward and jasper next. you’d learn more about them there, but for now, you enjoyed your lunch and let them speculate over who exactly you were.
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the classroom filled up quickly.
and you were late, no thanks to flash thompson, a boy that seemed to have it out for you ever since you arrived.
he had tripped you in the hallway, and because of this you weren’t able to get a good seat.
you were hoping to be somewhere near the cullens, but by the time you had arrived they had already stolen your table in the back.
you scowled as you had to sit in a middle row, next to a clumsy girl named bella. you hated that you were so exposed, but luckily bella was just as antisocial as you were.
she made no move to talk or even want to acknowledge your presence during the whole class. the only time she had to speak to you was during the lab you guys were working on, and it was because she asked for a bandaid.
“papercut,” she whispered, her cheeks turning red at your expression.
you looked horrified, but it wasn’t because of her.
it was because you currently had two vampires behind you, knowing that at least one of them could barley control themselves.
you froze up, your instincts kicking in just in case you needed to stop them.
but...you dared to take a peak back at the cullens.
you didn’t know what you expected — maybe them staring at bella with dark eyes with their fangs bared or something — but in reality, it was none of that.
both edward and jasper seemed to be in complete control, not even phased by the human girl’s blood. in fact, as far as you could see their eyes were still as gold as honey.
they weren’t even looking at bella.
but that was because they had their attention on someone else.
someone who’s scent seemed to cancel out everything else in the room.
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the confrontation came shortly after school that day.
because you were an orphan and lived by yourself, you had the pleasure of walking yourself home.
only, that’s not quite what happened.
for some reason, you decided to walk through the forest that day and use your webs to swing around. it was honestly your favorite thing to do. there was nothing more liberating than swinging above the tallest trees, and saying hi to the birds that flew in the sky.
you had just made your way past a river and was pertched in a tree when you saw them.
or rather, your senses alerted you of their presence and a second later, they were there.
all seven cullens seemed to be gathered at the base of your tree. it shocked you, and you began wondering why in the hell they were there. you tried to hide but you knew it was no use, they could smell you.
“hello there! do you mind coming down? my family and i would like to talk to you,” carlisle, the leader of the group who you knew to be a doctor and had the most control, spoke.
his golden eyes held kindness and he held his hands up to show he wasn’t a threat. the others simply stared at you curiously.
“and how do i know you’re not being genuine?” you called back down to them, hanging onto the tree. “i’ve met your kind before. most if not all want to kill me.”
“we’re different,” a woman, esme, spoke up. “but i’m sure you already know that. because you’re different, too, right? you’re not human.”
“partially,” you found yourself correcting. “i had an...accident a few years ago. now i am what i am.”
“please, just come down. we can talk about this in a more comfortable setting,” carlisle said.
you found yourself hesitant for a moment. sure, their eyes were golden but they were still vampires, right?
but then again...if they wanted to kill you they wouldn’t have entertained you for that long. despite living forever, vampires had no patience when it came to a meal.
“...fine...,” you reluctantly agreed and got your webs ready, “i’m coming down.”
the forks breeze whipped at your face as you latched your webs onto a tree and swung down. the cullens looked absolutely amazed as you landed in front of them, unharmed.
“how did you do that?” emmett wasted no time in asking. he sounded beyond excited.
you almost smiled. “long story. i was bitten by a spider and now i have all the capabilities except i’m human,” you explained.
“fascinating,” edward whispered. “is that why i can’t read your mind?”
“or why i can’t see your future?” alice piped up.
“probably,” you merely shrugged. “but i can’t be for sure. i don’t really know much on vampires, except how to kill them.”
the family looked stunned at your revelation.
“why are you here?” rosalie asked cautiously, her body language changing to protect her family. “what do you want with us?”
“what i want with all vampires,” you told them. “i don’t wanna hurt you but i will if you hurt any humans.”
“jasper told us that you prevented that, though,” carlisle spoke up. “around your blood...he wasn’t even phased.”
“it was like everything else cancelled out,” jasper confessed. “this girl...she had a paper cut but it didn’t even bother me.”
“and it was because of him?” rosalie asked astonished.
you blushed slightly as they all turned to you.
“didn’t know i had that effect,” you muttered.
“would you be willing to talk more?” carlisle asked. “my family and i, we live not too far from here. perhaps we can talk more and see if maybe, you could help us.”
“help you? you mean like with your thirst?” you asked.
“precisely. if you can stop jasper...” edward shook his head. “i heard his thoughts. isabella is alive because of you. if we can find out more, then maybe...”
“maybe we could have a real shot at not thirsting for human blood anymore,” rosalie said.
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the meeting with cullens had been strange, to say the least. but it was also nothing short of fascinating.
it took you a while to open up, but after discovering that your blood was somewhat of an anchor to them you found yourself actually wanting to help the cullens.
they weren’t bad people. and if they all had a choice, they wouldn’t be what they were.
you knew jasper especially had regrets about being a vampire. he had a hard time controlling himself around humans after decades of drinking their blood.
but now, you had decided to come to an agreement with them.
if they helped you hunt rouge vampires that were feeding on humans, then you’d stick around and help them control their thirst.
that was precisely why, a week later, the whole cafeteria stared as you walked in with them side-by-side.
for once, jasper didn’t look tortured as he walked passed the array of humans. alice didn’t have to search the future constantly wondering if he’d hurt anybody.
rosalie and emmett were over the moon at the possibly that you could help them adopt a baby since their thirst was under control.
and edward...well...
he still looked miserable, but you supposed you couldn’t help everyone. besides, it wasn’t because he had to endure thoughts coming from a room full of teenagers.
it was because, for some reason, he still thirsted for isabella swan.
but that was a story for another day.
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cafecourage · 3 years
The moment they realized they loved you. (Isekai Au Edition) Part 1
Because this was my first time doing this I went a little crazy. If you want more information on this AU here is the Link!
- It had been welcomed with open arms.
- You two are literally the opposite but also very similar. Time is calm and stoic. You are chaotic and loud. But both of you are very cryptic.
- You’re the only person in the kingdom of hyrule currently that remembers what he had gone through. He feels like he can trust you with anything.
- It’s started with a slip up by wind and just spiraled out of control.
Time was discussing the groups inventory with Twilight and Wild when it happens. A small slip of the tongue followed by a laughter that could be mistaken as a fairy chime. He looked over to see your bright smile shining through under your hood. In front of you was the target of your amusement, the youngest link.
“That’s so cute!” You exclaimed to the horror of Wind, who was red in embarrassment. “Wait who’s dad?”
“Can we let this go?” The teen was covering his face now.
“It’s Time.” Four said without looking up from his book. Utter chaos broke loose in camp with just a few words. A chorus of any forms of agreement was making you laugh even harder. Time though covering up his true feelings about the situation was very lost. While yes, he acknowledged that he had slowly became the father figure of the group. That title didn’t involve you.
“Time! I didn’t know we were married!” You bounced over to their leader looking at him with a playful smirk.
A life with you flashes in his head.
There could be a small cottage farm surrounded by the forest that reminding him of his old family and home. You could take care of the garden while he could take care the animals. In a few years the two of you might just have a few kids running around. Playing with each other without a care in the world. No more fighting. No more traveling. Just a simple lifestyle with a tight knit family. It looked peaceful. Everything he would want.
“You should have told me.” He was brought back to the present by your face looking up at him expectedly.
“I thought you knew.” He said super seriously. “We’ve got to raise nine children together already.”
“Hey! I raised you during the war old man!” Warriors called out from across camp.
“You’re the uncle then!” (Y/n) countered “I already say Twilight is our first born!” You declared pointing to Time’s flustered descendent. The rest of the conversation was tuned out as he went back to his thoughts once more.
Time lived longer than most of the heroes here by age 11. Yet not once did he stop to think about a future and family. He was so busy trying to keep out of hero work that it just slipped. Yet see you with the other heroes, knowing now that you were just as much a parental figure to the others as him. It made his softer just thinking about it and he welcomed that warm fuzzy feeling with open arms.
Reaching out he brush’s hair out of your face to kiss your temple. “I’ll propose to you properly later.” He said in a teasing tone to suggest he was only joking to hide the truth in that statement. Seeing your entire face flush red was really worth it.
“Gross Mom and Dad are flirting!”
- He’ll never once tell you straight if he liked you or was just playing along with the ongoing joke that the chain has.
- This time instead of you observing him. He wants to see how far he can go until confessing.
- It drives you crazy. Since you can’t get a read on him. You attempt to flirt back in retaliation. However, it always ends with you being the most flustered.
- Who knew the Old Man had it in him?
- It became a melancholic hopeless feeling that spiral out of control.
- He already had his heartbroken by someone before and he knows he shouldn’t get attached to you too.
- Yet he can’t stop himself from wanting to be near you. He heard you so clearly before.
- Now that he can actually speak to you directly, he wants to get to know his other travel companion more.
Being alone in the forest with you wasn’t what Twilight planned when dropped in a different Hyrule but here you two where. You offered to go on patrol with him when the others were setting up camp claiming it was too see if you could identify the era. It didn’t matter since Twilight enjoyed your company no matter what. The lack of conversation between the two of you didn’t bother him. If anything, it felt the most natural. Only a few words were needed for the two of you to understand each other. “Do you mind if I use my wolf form?” Twilight asked fiddling with the chain that attached to the shadow crystal around his neck.
You paused to think about it. “I mean you can. But be aware I will baby talk you.”
This got Twilight to stop walking. Maybe he lied. He doesn’t need a few words to understand your thought process. “Excuse me?”
“I can’t control myself around cute creatures.” You simply stated like it was the most obvious thing.
Instead, Twilight was burning up. You thought his wolf form was cute? Of all things you used that word? What did you think of human Twilight if you thought like that? Did he want to even know? He was searching for any way to take this conversation but it all lead to dead ends. “Cute?” Was all he could ask. His voice pitching up as he got flustered.
“Yeah?” You looked at him just as confused as he was. “Wolves are just like big dogs and to be honest you look more like a giant dog then a wolf.” Your explanation did not help at all with his situation. “If it makes you feel better you’re very handsome as a Hylian and also built like an go-“
Twilights brain was malfunctioning he couldn’t hear any more of what you had to say about him. He grabbed on to the shadow crystal, turning into his wolf form he ran. He didn’t hear you call out his name in surprise.
Hylia, what was wrong with him? You were just a friend. A very blunt yet gentle friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. Why was his heart racing so much? He had heard you shower him in complements before while on his first adventure. But hearing you say it to his face with no shame whatsoever was a different story.
Twilight knew what these feelings were and deep down he really wanted to act on them. But was it ok? Was his heart finally healing from his last love? Twilight was already aware this time that you had to leave at some point. He didn’t need to act on them despite wanting to. He could just be your friend and continue the relationship like that.
His heart was already breaking a second time.
Twilight was in love you and it was driving him crazy.
- Like Time, Twilight isn’t going to tell you about his feelings. Instead, he is going to forever pine for you.
- It’s going to be a slow process and you need to be aware that he will get hurt if you’re going to go back home.
- He’ll see you off with a smile, but as soon as your gone he will break.
- It was full of denial and fear.
- He went through the receiving end of someone’s obsessive love.
- And it doesn’t help that you’ve watched over their adventures. He vowed to not get that close to you.
- There was a need to destroy the endearing feeling he sees when you smile at him.
- Yet seeing you with a sad far out look on your face makes him scramble to your side to find out what’s wrong.
It was just the two of you. Weaving throughout the crowds of castle town. You were currently in Four’s Era and in the middle of the Picori festival. The group was long spilt up, leaving Warriors alone with the dimensional traveler. Soon even (Y/n) was walking away from him. He didn’t know why he followed, the argument in his head was telling him that it was so they didn’t get lost. Yet there was a part of him that knew that wasn’t it.
“Where are you going anyway?” He thought to finally ask as you reached a quieter area. “It’s going to be hard to spend time in the festival from here.”
“Yeah, that’s the point.” You were a bit snappy today, “shouldn’t you find someone else to hang out with?” Warriors just shrugged as you slowed your pace down to pause in front of the small river that ran through castle town. The silence now filled with the rushing of water as you sat on the bridge.
Against his better judgement Warriors sat next to you. Finally, he got to talk to you one on one but the normally impulsive and excitable person Warrior’s grew to expect had changed in that moment.
You looked so tired.
“Hey Link?” You finally called out to him “I know I shouldn’t ask you this but…” hesitation was new to your character. “How do I even start?” You rake a hand through your hair. Sweeping a part of your hair out of your eyes. “Was I ever helpful during your Adventure?”
Oh… Oh he really wasn’t the right person for this talk.
You look back you and towards the festival and he followed your gaze. From where they were he could only spot a few of his party members. Wind was with Legend and Hyrule playing some of the stall games. While Four was with his Zelda holding hands as she pulled him further into the crowd. “Last time I saw this festival it ended up destroyed by Vaati.” The wind mage was only brought up a few times by Four. All Warriors really knew was that the villain was supposed to be sealed away by the Four Sword, and that his power was connected by the dark mirror. “I found myself wondering if my presence even mattered.” Your shoulder slumped in defeat as you curled into yourself.
The instant need to comfort shot through Warriors. He wanted to reach out. He fought the urge to hold you. He bites his tongue when he started to think of embellished words to make you feel better.
What was wrong with him?
Warriors had to say something though. “I don’t know about Four or the others.” He didn’t even think about your presence in his adventure too much. If anything, he actively tried not to think about it. Here you were though a person and not a figment of in his imagination. “During the war, your voice and presence is what broke the tension. The moments that could have been my lowest, you were there saying things that I wanted to repeat out loud.” There was a fondness while he was looking back at the memories. From the moment he ran on the battle field foolishly as a trainee soldier. His pride grew upon hearing your praise and surprise when seeing him fight for the first time. To your excitement while meeting his friends from the other Eras. He shared your sentiments about Mask as you cooed over the child as Warriors fought by his side. Then your anger, disgust and pity towards Cia. While on his side, your empathetic nature had you morning during her passing. These where just the tip of the iceberg.
Just having someone voice out mutual thoughts on a situation helps when you can’t do it on your own. You feel crazy thinking the way you do. “With you there it’s like you always have someone by your side cheering you on and supporting you.” He paused to look at you. Conflicting emotions clashing together. You turn to look at him, your eyes only briefly visible through your bangs. Curiosity and guilt were swarming with in them. “I’m not the person to talk to about this.” He finally admitted out loud. “But I would be lying if I said your presence wasn’t important to us.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Was that not what he was supposed to say? Warriors tried to stay calm under your gaze.
You let out a huff of laughter covering your mouth and turning away from him a bit to calm down. “I didn’t think about it like that.” There was a pause where you looked back at the festive before turning back to smiling softly at him. “Thanks Cap.”
The smile that you had on your lips had Warriors stomach do back flips. A blush decorated his face as he turns away. “It’s something that should have been said a while ago.” He manages to say without stuttering.
You were really pretty.
The sound of a picto box followed by winds snickering, was ignored when the thought had just register in his head. He finally realized how far he fell for you.
- one by one his defenses lowered.
- With every smiled sent his way, with every laugh that he earned. He found himself wanting more.
- He slowly opens up, a slow process but it wasn’t as scary as he thought it was going to be.
- A teasing nickname here. A gentle touch there. He realizes he has gone too far.
(Part 2)
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attllhak · 3 years
@tortilla-of-courage I flipped one of my Fancy coins and got heads, so here’s the one about Wild! (And Twilight and Time and Malon.)
This is also the first fic I wrote, so there’s also a lot of worldbuilding details here too. Regardless, enjoy!
Twilight really shouldn’t be surprised by things like this anymore.
He had managed to befriend a trench mer about a year ago, and after all the drama that came from that he really should be used to weird shit just, happening to him.
But, here he was, surprised.
In his defence, usually he didn’t run into other mer when out swimming.
His family’s farm was along the coastline, and there weren’t any pods native to the area (outside of the trench mer that lived in the trench a few miles out to open sea), so the only mer that Twilight had ever run into were friends of his father’s who’d come to visit.
This was not a friend of his father’s.
The most obvious detail that this was something new was that all of Time’s friends were deep sea merfolk, and this individual was very much a tropical mer.
Well, maybe a mer. Twilight had never been good at telling the difference between merrow and mer, and that was made harder by the fact that he’d never seen a tropical mer before. This person could be mer or merrow and Twilight would never have been able to tell.
The second detail that said this was a new circumstance was all the blood.
That was actually what drew Twilight over. Large amounts of blood drew sharks, and though they were mostly kept away from the shores by the local zora, it was still better to avoid large blood pools in the water regardless.
Upon approaching, Twilight had noticed that the blood was fresh, and was coming from a merfolk that was definitely new to the area.
This tropical mer had been horribly injured, the entire left side of their body leaking blood into the water around them. Long, tangled blonde hair floated around their head, and their pale blue fins were tattered and damaged, and a few on their left side were just gone altogether.
Twilight initially thought they were dead until he got a bit closer, and their eyes moved to look at him.
Twilight had jerked back in surprise, eyes wide as he took in the expression on the mystery mer’s face, which had gone from defeated to hopeful.
Twilight had to fight to remember to breathe with his gills and not his throat for a moment.
He swallowed, and slowly tried to remember how to speak with his skin.
‘Who, what, why,’ he floundered for a bit. ‘Who are you?’
The mystery mer just watched him lazily, as though they didn’t have the strength to do anything more.
After a long, long moment, and what seemed like quite a bit of effort and pain, they managed to flash ‘help’ at him.
Twilight didn’t even hesitate, moving as quickly as he could without tripping over his fins to the mystery mer’s side, gently scooping them into his arms. Once he had a decent grip on them, he looked around to orient himself, and then took off towards the shoreline where he knew his parents would be.
He didn’t know if the mystery mer had issues with humans, but he couldn’t think of any other way to help them. The trench mer really couldn’t be trusted with delicate matters like this, as much as he loved Midna, so his parents were the only option he had.
He just hoped it wouldn’t make things worse by accident.
His head broke the surface not far from the shore line, where Time was sitting in his human form with Malon.
“Dad!” He shouted, struggling a bit more to keep his passenger steady as the water became more and more shallow. “Dad!”
Time looked up, noticed Twilight trailing blood, and was on his feet immediately.
He met Twilight halfway, which is when he noticed the mystery mer.
“Twilight, what,”
“I found them a ways out,” Twilight gasped out, letting Time help him carry them further onto shore. “They’re really badly hurt, and I couldn’t just leave them, so,”
“Malon!” Time shouted. “Red potions! Hurry!”
Malon nodded and ran up to the house as quickly as she could.
Time and Twilight hauled the mystery mer up onto the shoreline, though still in the water, and Twilight crawled up to the skirt that he and Time both had to pin around their hips to shift back to his human form, since clothes and mer don’t usually mix.
Twilight hurried back over as quickly as he could, stilling pinning fabric in place as he crouched down.
Fortunately it seemed like breathing straight air seemed less painful for the mystery mer, who had taken to clinging to Time’s shirt with his good hand.
Time carefully brushed back their hair, exposing the injuries on their head. Time frowned deeply.
“Can we help them?” Twilight asked, ringing his hands with worry.
“We can,” Time confirmed, and Twilight let out a full body sigh. “He’ll end up with some serious scarring, but he’ll live. What I’m more concerned about is the nature of these injuries,”
“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, frowning as he looked over the injuries himself.
Malon came back, three bottles of red potion in her arms as she dropped to her knees next to Time. She handed him one of the bottles.
Time nodded, mouthing ‘thank you’ to her, and opened the bottle. “Twilight, support his head,”
Twilight reached out, lifting up the mystery mer’s head so that Time could tip the bottle back and they could drink without choking.
“Dad, what did you mean about the injuries?” Twilight tried asking again once the bottle was empty and they were waiting the few seconds needed to see how well the potion worked so they could gage how many they would need.
Time frowned, but eventually pointed to the parts of the mystery mer’s tail where the fins were missing. “Here, the injuries imply his fins were sawed off by netting,”
“Netting?” Twilight asked, not really following. He knew he was rather sheltered for merfolk, since he grew up on land, but he couldn’t think why someone could end up missing fins from netting.
Time nodded gravely. “Poachers use a specific kind of netting that can cause serious injuries if you struggle too much,”
“Poachers?” Twilight echoed. He wasn’t so naive that he didn’t know people tried to poach merfolk, but poachers never got near zora controlled waters, which was where he’d found the mystery mer. “What are poachers doing here?”
“I don’t know,” Time said, popping open another bottle to offer to the injured mer.
Twilight accepted the other bottle as his mother got up to go and get more.
They spent well over an hour there, crouching in the shallows with this mystery mer as they slowly fed them red potions.
After a long while, Time declared that was enough, and they sat back.
The blood had stopped, but the entire left side of the mer was red and raw still, a collection of marks that would scar pretty badly. But they’d live.
Time sighed, letting the mer cling to his shirt with no small amount of relief.
“He’ll probably need to relearn how to swim with the missing fins, but he’ll be alright,” Time said, and both his wife and son sighed. Time looked up at Twilight. “You did good, bringing him back here. You probably saved his life,”
Twilight smiled. “I was just trying to help,” he shrugged.
“Thank you,”
Everyone froze, and let their eyes fall to the very tired mer in Time’s arms. Their voice croaked and was very quiet, but they all heard it clearly.
They all blinked at each other. Apparently no one expected them to speak a human language.
“Of course,” Twilight said softly, offering one of his hands, which the mer took with their bad hand. “I wasn’t just going to leave you there,”
They nodded, squeezing Twilight’s hand weakly and offering a smile.
“Darling,” Malon asked gently, drawing attention up to her. “Do you mind if we ask your name?”
The mer said nothing, frowning softly.
“Do you have a name?” Twilight tried. Midna had told him that not everyone in the trench had names, and he knew nothing about tropical merfolk. Maybe they had Nameless too.
“I don’t know,” the mer finally said.
“You, don’t know?” Time echoed.
“I don’t remember much,” they admitted, curling in tighter towards Time’s chest. “The last thing I can think of is floating, and then he found me,” they pointed towards Twilight.
Time and Malon shared a look.
“You don’t remember anything?” Malon asked.
They shook their head lightly.
Time and Malon shared another look, and Twilight shifted uncomfortably, bringing his hand up to join the other, just so he had something to do with them. He knew his parents did this often, speaking silently through facial expressions, but he’d never been able to figure out what they were talking about.
“You aren’t going to send me back out to sea, are you?” The mer finally asked, looking more than a bit concerned. “I, I don’t want to go back out there alone,”
“Of course not, dear,” Malon promised them, reaching out to set her hands on the one Twilight had between his own hands. “We wouldn’t do that,”
“We will need to find a way to make sure he doesn’t dry out,” Time pointed out. “We do live on land,”
“We have an extra water trough,” Malon pointed out. “We could pull it inside and fill it up until we think of something better,”
Time hummed. “Would it be big enough?”
Malon frowned at him.
“Right, my mistake,” Time coughed, covering up an amused smile.
The mer finally turned to look at Twilight, marred up face twisted in confusion.
“My mother is human,” Twilight explained carefully. “Dad and I are merrow, but since we can live on land, and mom can’t live in the sea, we live on land. We can and will bring you home, but unless you happen to be merrow then we’ll need to find a container to fill with water for you,”
“I don’t remember if I’m merrow,” the mer said quietly.
“That’s okay,” Twilight smiled. “That’s why we’re talking about options,”
The mer nodded, and curled back into Time.
“Alright,” Time sighed. “Twilight, can you carry him up to the house? I’m going to run ahead with Malon to drag a spare trough into the house to fill up for him,”
“Sure,” Twilight nodded, readjusting how he was crouched to take the mer from his father.
Both his parents stood up and headed back to the ranch, and Twilight watched them go, then turned back to the mer. The mer had wrapped their arms around his neck to hold on, and was looking between the retreating forms of Time and Malon and back to Twilight.
“You don’t have gills,” they said.
Twilight tried to look down at his neck (unsuccessfully), and shrugged. “I do, but they’re closed up right now. I don’t need them in my human form,”
“Oh,” the mer said, then nodded. “That makes sense,”
Twilight stood up, grunting as he shifted how he was holding the mer, and began slowly walking up to the house. Slowly because he didn’t want to trip at all.
Sure enough, Malon and Time had set up a horse trough in the kitchen with a small amount of water in it, towels and other soft materials lining the edge. Twilight knelt down and set the mer in it, being careful to be mindful of the still only mostly healed injuries.
The trough was just a bit too small, the mer’s tail sticking out the one end even fully sitting up.
Twilight and the mer both looked at the arrangement, taking in the cramped conditions.
“Well, this is most certainly a temporary thing,” Time sighed, holding a bucket of water in his hands and frowning at the arrangement. “I’ll call Ruto and see if any of the zora have anything that can help tomorrow,”
“That would be good,” Twilight agreed, voicing the mer’s nod.
The zora did promise to help with better accommodations, but it would take a while. So the mer spent a week and a half in a repurposed horse trough.
They took the mer back out to the shore every day, and Time and Twilight tried to help him relearn how to swim with his injuries. A zora princess, Mipha, also often attended these lessons after Time had called Ruto and gotten the zora involved. Mipha was a healer, and Ruto had made it very clear that they would be looking into poaching in their waters as that was unacceptable, and wanted to make it up to the poor victim.
This worked well, as the mer took quite a liking to Mipha, and she to him.
Of course, this was also where Twilight and Time learned just how outgoing their new family member was.
Malon called him their ‘wild child’, and after a while ‘Wild’ just became his name.
It fit, if nothing else.
Even on land, Wild continually became more and more vocal and involved in day to day life. He had been very quiet and reserved when they first brought him home, probably a side effect of his memory loss, but as he got more comfortable with them he started coming out of his shell more.
He would sometimes remember random things, and sometimes they would be sad things and others would be happy, but it was never anything big, or that they could use to find his original pod.
Wild didn’t seem to mind that much. He mentioned more than once that he was happy where he was, and was glad Twilight had found him that day in the open water.
The day he called Twilight his brother was the day that Twilight decided he wasn’t going to easily let go of Wild. This was his little brother now and Wild was part of his pod. Time didn’t argue this declaration, just told Twilight to go make sure Wild didn’t hurt himself showing off for Mipha.
Wild did not get hurt showing off for Mipha. Barely.
Wild adapted rather well to the lack of fins, and eventually was swimming just as gracefully as Twilight. Which still wasn’t very graceful, but it was effective enough that he was swimming confidently.
Which is when they spotted the boat.
It was a marine research boat, Wild recognized it but didn’t know why. Marine researchers weren’t allowed in zora controlled waters, it was one of the things they did to crack down on poachers. Hard to pose as marine researchers when marine researchers weren’t allowed in the first place.
‘We should go find Mipha,’ Twilight flashed at Wild, watching the ship warily.
Wild said nothing and didn’t move, just looking at the ship.
‘Wild,’ Twilight grabbed his arm. ‘We should go,’
Wild turned and blinked at him. ‘I know this ship,’
That sent Twilight’s heart up into his throat. He couldn’t stop himself from eying Wild’s scars, a reminder of the poaching that he’d survived.
Twilight swallowed hard, reminding himself that if this was what he was worried about then he’d need to be the one to stay calm, and tightened his grip on Wild’s arm a tiny bit. ‘We need to go,’ he flashed again, trying to press more urgency this time.
Wild shook his head. ‘I know this ship,’ he repeated.
Twilight took a deep breath, glancing up at the ship and seeing people start looking over the side of the ship. That did not calm his nerves. ‘Wild, marine researchers aren’t allowed here. And,’ he trailed off, biting his lip as he struggled and failed to avoid looking at the scars.
Wild caught on and shook his head. ‘I have a good feeling about this ship. I think it’s a good thing,’
Twilight did his best to avoid the worry and panic building in his chest. ‘They still can’t be here. These are zora waters, marine researchers aren’t allowed here. We need to go tell Mipha and Ruto,’
Wild shrugged. ‘Go then, I’ll wait here,’
‘I am not leaving here without you,’ Twilight flashed.
People on the ship were pointing now, and a small boat was being loaded to lower.
Twilight was starting to really worry now, biting his lip and trying not to squeeze Wild’s arm any harder.
‘Wild, please,’
‘You’re really freaking out, aren’t you?’ Wild asked.
Twilight nodded, not bothering to hide it with how the smaller boat had all but hit the water already. They were basically already out of time.
‘Okay,’ Wild offered him, as though he was consoling a small child, which Twilight would be offended by in any other circumstance. ‘Let’s go find Mipha and Ruto and tell them there’s a boat here that shouldn’t be,’
Twilight relaxed just a bit. ‘Thank you,’
They turned to swim off just as the person in the small boat started shouting.
Twilight startled, not sure how this person knew his real name, as he’d been named after his father and so they both had nicknames. Wild, however, froze.
Twilight turned to look, seeing a blonde woman with short cut hair leaning over the edge of the small boat, the arm not balancing her switching between waving and cupping her mouth when she yelled.
‘Wild?’ Twilight asked, shaking his shoulder slightly.
Wild snapped out of whatever daze he was in, twisting in the water to look at the woman.
“ZELDA?!” He shouted back, bubbles erupting from his mouth.
Twilight reared back. Wild never spoke out loud when underwater. Even in the big tank the zora installed for him in their house, he either flashed or surfaced to speak to them.
It didn’t even register that Wild knew the woman’s name until after Wild was already halfway to the surface.
Twilight panicked and followed.
Twilight made it to the surface slower than Wild, and very carefully peeked his eyes above the surface.
Wild had jumped up and had his arms hooked over the side of the boat, and was laughing alongside the woman.
“Oh, and who’s this?” ‘Zelda’ asked, spotting Twilight.
Twilight sunk just a bit further in the water, narrowing his eyes warily.
“Oh! That’s my brother, Twilight!” Wild waved him over, grinning. “Twi! This is Zelda! She’s a friend of mine!”
Twilight cautiously approached, trying to hide how his heart was still ramming in his chest. He poked the rest of his head out of the water.
“Hello Twilight,” Zelda smiled. “I didn’t realize Link had any siblings,”
“Hello,” Twilight said, voice carefully kept even, which was about as polite as he could manage. “You do realize your ship is illegally traveling through zora controlled waters, right?”
Zelda blinked at him, and Wild glowered. Twilight just waited.
“Well, no,” Zelda admitted. “My father had said he’d spoken to the zora here, and that we’d be able to pass through to look for Link. He went missing a while ago, and we’ve been very worried,”
“He was lying,” Twilight informed her bluntly. “If he really had spoken to the zora then he’d know that we’d found him already, and there’s no need to look,”
Both Wild and Zelda blinked at him.
“You’re certain?” Zelda asked.
Twilight lifted an arm to gesture at Wild. “How many merfolk do you know that would match his description?”
Zelda turned to look at Wild, who in turn blinked down at himself.
“You make a very good point,” Zelda conceded.
“You should probably get your boat out of here, before you get into a lot of trouble,” Twilight advised.
“Right, a very good idea. Thank you for warning me,” Zelda smiled, and Twilight could almost believe she was sincere, but he didn’t really want to do so, just in case.
“We won’t tell anyone about it,” Wild offered, and Twilight sent him a half-hearted glare. “So you don’t need to worry about getting in trouble,”
Twilight HAD planned to tell Time and Ruto about it.
“We will need to tell them that someone had lied about speaking to them about getting permission,” Twilight reminded Wild. “That could become a big problem in the future,”
“Oh,” Wild seemed to deflate.
“We don’t need to tell them who was here though,” Twilight offered hesitantly at Wild’s dejected look, not really caring about how worried Zelda was. “We can leave the ship and it’s crew anonymous,”
“Thank you,” Zelda gasped in relief again, smiling.
Twilight shrugged. “I will need your father’s name, though. For the report,”
“Oh, uh, right,” Zelda fumbled, but did provide a name.
“You should come visit!” Wild grinned. “I’d love to introduce you to the rest of the family!”
“The rest of your family?” Zelda asked.
Wild nodded. “Yeah, mom and dad,”
Zelda frowned. “Link, didn’t you tell me your parents had died in a wreck a few years ago?”
Wild blinked. “They did?”
Twilight looked between them. “You didn’t tell her about the amnesia, did you?”
Wild slid off the side of the boat and sunk up to his nose under the water, his hair floating like spider legs around him.
Twilight sighed. “I found him a few weeks ago floating injured in the water here. I brought him home and my parents and I healed him, which is when we learned he had no memories of anything before I found him. We brought him home with us, since we didn’t want to just leave him alone in the sea. The parents he mentioned are my parents, since we adopted him into our pod after a week or so,”
“Oh,” Zelda blinked.
“I’ve been remembering things though!” Wild piped up. “It’s how I recognized you,”
“Well, I’m very glad to hear that,” Zelda smiled. “And, I’d love to visit your new family, if they’d let me,”
She and Wild both looked at Twilight.
Twilight shrugged. “Mom is human and Dad and I are merrow, so show up on land without the ship and we’d be happy to let you in. We have been trying to find Wild’s original pod,”
“Wild?” Zelda blinked.
“We didn’t know his name and he didn’t remember,” Twilight explained. “We’ve been calling him Wild,”
“Ah,” Zelda nodded. “That makes sense. Where do you live? We’ll turn the ship around and meet you over land,”
Wild happily provided her their address, and she signalled for her smaller boat to be lifted up, promising to visit over land.
They watched until the ship had fully turned and left, and then headed back home.
Wild swam up to swim in front of Twilight.
‘You won’t get her in trouble, will you?’
‘The only person I plan to get in trouble is her father,’ Twilight explained.
‘Thank you,’ Wild flashed back.
Twilight did get Zelda’s father in a lot of trouble. Ruto had blown up, and Time, despite being dimmer than a true mer, still managed to nearly blind them as he went off.
It ended with Time and Ruto swimming off, publicly and angrily plotting while off on a warpath. Time likely had the same thoughts Twilight had.
They didn’t even have time to explain that they should be expecting company.
So they surfaced, Wild slapping the water while Twilight pulled on his skirt, and then Twilight carried Wild back to the house.
They decided to start by telling Malon that they’d have company before getting to the bit about Zelda’s dad lying.
A few hours later and Time walked in, still dripping and wearing only his skirt from coming out of the water. He was cursing under his breath.
Which is when the knock on the door sounded.
Wild shot up over the top of his tank, excitedly asking if it was Zelda, which confused Time immensely. Malon went to explain, and Twilight opened the door.
Zelda was tucking a bit of hair behind one of her ears, whispering with one of the people with her when the door swung open. The talking stopped when they saw him, not unexpected considering he was a big guy made mostly of muscle before even taking in the claws or second eyelid that came from being merrow.
Three people stood around her, sheikah Twilight guessed, based on the pure white hair and reddish eyes. One of the women had a streak of red dyed in her hair, and the man had a rather absurd haircut. At least the last woman looked mostly normal. Er, at least in that sense that she was only dressed like she was some kind of ninja or something. A gerudo woman stood a few feet back, watching him closely.
Twilight just smiled, not bothering to hide his fangs since he knew Zelda was already aware he was merrow.
“Zelda! You made it! We’ve been pretty excited about you coming over,”
Zelda smiled back. “Twilight! I’m glad we got the right house. It’s a pleasure to see you,” she waved at her companions. “I hope you don’t mind, I brought a few more mutual friends of Link and I’s, since we’ve all been really worried about him. This is Impa, Purah and Robbie, and that’s Urbosa back there!”
Urbosa stepped up to the porch, eying Twilight. He got the impression she maybe didn’t know he was merrow.
“So, you’re the one who found and rescued Link,” Urbosa greeted.
Twilight nodded. “I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he offered his hand.
Urbosa accepted, eying the claws on his hand.
“Twilight?” Malon called, appearing behind him. “Is this the friend you and Wild mentioned?”
Twilight nodded, and stepped aside, inviting them all in.
Malon greeted them happily, waving them into the living room where Wild was mostly out of his tank.
Wild slipped when he went to wave, and Time reached up calmly to catch him. Time hadn’t bothered to change, but was wearing a towel around his shoulders and was no longer dripping.
“Careful,” Time warned. “You don’t want to fall out,” he said it seriously, but there was mirth in his eye.
Wild grinned sheepishly, but without shame, and slipped back into the tank.
Zelda ran right up to the tank, craning her head up to look at Wild, her companions following her.
Time swiveled his head to her, looking confused, and Twilight hid his snort behind his hand. Time eyed him as well.
“Zelda!” Wild grinned. “You came!”
Zelda scoffed. “Of course I came! And, I brought more friends of ours!” She waved at the others, who all echoed their own greetings.
“Twilight,” Time said slowly. “Did you know Wild was having friends over?”
“We tried to tell you when we reported the confused marine research ship,” Twilight explained. “But you and Ruto got so mad that we couldn’t find a spot to jump in, and then you both swam off. So we came home and told Ma,”
Time nodded, eying the group. “And, you’ve learned Wild’s real name?”
“Yes,” Twilight confirmed.
“And his name is Link?”
Twilight’s grin never wavered, and Time just sighed. Malon burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Impa asked, eying the group.
“Oh, I,” Malon coughed, trying to reign in her laughter enough to speak. “There’s three of you!”
Time sighed, and Twilight’s grin just grew.
“What does that mean?” Zelda asked.
“I’m Link Jr,” Twilight explained, pointing. “Dad is Link Sr,”
A few more voices join Malon’s in laughter.
Time sighed again.
“I’m going to go get dressed,” Time said, walking out of the room, flicking his towel up over his head and pointedly ignoring the rest of them.
Twilight finally broke and snorted.
The conversation went very well actually, and Urbosa relaxed quite a bit once it was explained to her what merrow were. She came from the desert, and so hadn’t ever encountered merrow before, which explained the weird looks she gave Twilight when he opened the door.
Zelda promised to visit more as well, and to bring more of their mutual friends in the future, and agreed to stay for supper when Malon offered.
“Oh, Wild,” she turned on their way out, looking a bit curious and confused. “I have a question,”
“Yeah?” Wild asked, leaning out of his tank and still grinning.
“Why are you in a tank and your brother and father aren’t?”
Wild blinked. “Because they have legs,” he said, like it was obvious.
“Well, yes,” Zelda agreed. “But, so do you,”
“What do you mean?” Wild asked.
“Wild, you do know that you’re merrow, and not mer, don’t you?”
“I’M WHAT?!?!”
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trumpkinhotboy · 3 years
All in good time
Pairing: Jacob Black x f!reader
Type: Not requested
Genre: Kinda fluffy i'd say
Warnings: None!
Rating: g
Requests: Open (for Narnia and Twilight, maybe?😳)
A/n: Alright, alright, I know I said this blog was going to be centralized on Narnia stuff, but lately I've really gotten back in my Twilight phase🥴 Plus, I had a really shitty week and needed a pick me up. Jacob is one of my biggest comfort characters so I felt it was only suiting. I hope you'll enjoy it😬 I suggest reading this while listening to any kind of Twilight ambiance playlist.☺Also, I know my title sucks HAHA. Couldn't think of anything better so yea, I'm sorry, but this is what you get
Update: changed my title huhu!
* gif is not mine!!
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There were days that just deeply and inherently... sucked. Days where everything seemed out of rhythm, where no matter how hard you tried, it all seemed wrong; it all fell apart.
Today was one of those days. When your dad jokingly said: "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." you did not think it the tiniest of bit funny. When you opened one of the kitchen cabinets to get your favorite brand of cereals and found an empty box, you almost threw a full-on seven-year-old crying on the floor tantrum. Especially when you saw the half-emptied bowl sitting in the sink. Too bad, no breakfast for you this morning. Ridiculous, immature, and not changing anything? Yes, of course, but you still did it out of pure spite. As if that would punish anyone else than you.
Like any other day in Forks, it was raining, nothing awful here, if it was not for the fact that the window on the driver’s side hadn’t been properly closed. Your seat was by now totally drenched. With your pants completely soaked you rode to school, your knuckles turning white from angrily gripping the wheel. Once you arrived, it seemed that everyone was annoyingly happy and enthusiastic while you just couldn’t get out of your personal, unchangeable, black cloud. Not to help, your friends only kept making fun of your moody behavior. Could you not be taken seriously on one of your worst days?
In your least favorite class, you were horrified to see written in big letters on the board:
“20% exam!! Leave your personal effects in front of the class.”
You would have run away if it wasn’t for the flow of students coming in to push you further in the classroom. Convinced the exam was for the next week, you did not even open the pages of your manual concerning the subject. It is with panic and exasperation that you sat at your desk waiting for your doom. Did you need to add that along with all that bull crap of a day, the only person who could have made your day a little less annoying was, once again missing. No calls, no texts, no news, nothing. Probably on another mission with the rest of his mutant gang. You got to the Rez after school, hoping you would see him, but were only welcomed by Leah and Seth. It almost felt like they were waiting for you as they were sitting outside of Billy’s house. Why they were the only ones left here was a mystery for you. The pack usually always stayed together.
- “Where are the others?”
- “On some kind of mission around the lands.”
- “Is everything alright?” They nodded nonchalantly. “Then why are you two here?”
The answer Seth gave you while chewing loudly on yet, another snack, made you grith your teeth so hard he thought they were going to fall out of your mouth.
- “To protect you.”
- “I thought it was nothing, so why would I need protection?”.
- “You should talk about it with Black. He’s the one who ordered us to stay to watch over you or something.”
- “I am PERFECTLY capable of WATCHING OVER MYSELF.” you answered a little louder than expected, anger rumbling in your chest. That earned you some awkward looks from your two friends, but at this point, it didn’t even matter, you were seeing red.
Leah, never intimated by you, shrugged her shoulders. Seth looking a little bit more nervous still laughed at your display of anger. Jacob was the one assigning babysitters over you? Of course, you and he would have a little discussion, that mutt would not see it coming.
When you got back home, you called your father to warn him; there was no way you would be cooking dinner. With your luck, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you burnt the whole house down. Fortunately, he was in good mood (unfair) and answered there was no problem; he would get pizza. He got home with the box in hand and a “Hey sweet...heart”. One quick look at your rough appearance and frustrated expression and his mouth closed shut. He dropped politely, almost carefully, a plate with a slice of pizza before quickly leaving for the couch. You mostly played with the food, incapable of swallowing it down, looking at the forest many times, waiting, expecting to see a tall figure appear on its verge but nothing. Time passed, still no sign of life. There was no way that by now Leah or Seth didn’t give him your message. You had time to wash the dishes, do some homework, and get in your sweats. At 7:30 pm you gave up; he wasn’t coming. Your father was still watching TV, completely oblivious to your growing anger. You picked up his plate to put it in the sink but tripped and dropped it, the delicate plate exploded into a thousand pieces.
- “Y/n? Everything okay?”
- “Y..ea.. an accident. I’ll pick it up.”
There was a slight tremolo in your voice. That was it. Your day had been terrible with no sign of sun, and this broken plate would be your breaking point as ridiculous as it sounded. You leaned on the counter, head hanging low, feeling tears of frustration swelling up in your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you looked up; in a second you were out the back door.
- “Where you going?” you heard your father ask.
- “Getting the trash out.”
The figure backed in the woods as you rushed into them without hesitation. You smacked against something big and warm, warmer than it was normal to be, yet you had become quite accustomed to it.
- “You little piece of shit.” your index finger digging in his chest. “You weren’t even here today, and it was terrible, and you can’t do this. I do not need any PROTECTION. Oh my god, do you really think I am weak and helpless without you or Leah or Seth or ANY werewolf to protect me?!”
He didn’t interrupt your monologue, only looking at you spitting your anger out.
- “You are SO annoying. Honestly who- who do you think you- are?! I’m- I am not, I can DEFINITELY, I don’t ne-eed any-one.” Your speech was becoming less and less coherent, your emotions taking control of your mind.
Without waiting any longer for you to finish your incoherent thought, he pulled you in for one of his signature bear hugs.
- “You can’t do this to me I’m an-ang-angry...”.
- “Shhh, it’s okay.”
- “You-you weren’t there.” you gave up fighting him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
- “I’m sorry, Leah told me.”
- “Wh- why didn’t you come sooner?” you continued, sobbing.
- “Some wolf things, Paul got in trouble.“ you backed off, immediately lifting your head at the mention of one of your friends in trouble.
- “Is he okay?”
- “Of course, he is, but Sam was very upset this time.” he stroked the side of your face with a small smile. “Enough with the boys, tell me what's wrong.”
- “Everything. I left my car window opened my seat was drenched. At school, everyone was disgustingly happy and in a good mood. I did not know I had an exam, I didn’t even study the subject. And this morning, my dad half ate the rest of my favorites cereals, and then I didn’t eat anything else as a silent protest, I know that’s stupid, but”
- “You didn’t eat anything else?”
- “Yeah, but I…” you lifted your gaze to meet his disapproving one. “I mean, I must have eaten a snack at lunch today…”
- “Must have?” he looked angrier.
- “Y/n??? Where are you??”
The calling of your father interrupted your conversation; he looked in its direction.
- “You should go back inside before your dad comes out.”
- “What? No, please. Can’t you kidnap me for tonight?” he chuckled lightly.
- “Trust me, go back in, okay?”
You looked at him unsure, even though you knew he was worthy of your trust. You finally nodded before running back inside.
- “What took you so long?”
- “Oh, uh, I thought I saw something and got a little carried away.”
- “Mokay, I don’t like you being so close to the woods. We’ve still had a few complaints about some trekkers finding traces of big animals in the woods. I’d prefer you be careful, alright?” You held up a smile, thinking about your friend just outside.
- “Sure.”
You stayed in the middle of the living room, expecting, waiting to see Jacob’s next move. You expected something quick, but when ten minutes later, there were still no signs of him, you felt frustration rising again. Not sure what to do now, you sat next to your father, half paying attention to what was happening on the screen. If he just left you, he was going to pay for it. You needed him, and just like that, he was gone? Probably, got called away by Sam again. Maybe it wasn’t in his control? But if it was…
Knock. Knock.
You looked up, surprised. The door opened with a creaking sound.
- “Oh, Jacob. Hi, what are you doing here?”
- “Hi Charlie, I heard Y/n had a pretty bad day. Came to kidnap her, if that's okay?”
- “Bad day? That’s an understatement. I swear, at one point, I thought she was going to scream at me. I ate her last bowl of cereal this morning; the thing was disgusting, I only ate half of it. I don’t think that helped.” You heard your friend’s low chuckle. Your dad seemed to feel pretty guilty about his crime, which did make you feel a tad bit better. “But yeah sure. Y/n! You have a visitor.”
You walked to them, Jacob awkwardly fitting in your small house; he seemed so disproportionate with his imposing size. For once, he was wearing actual clothes, a shirt and a pair of jeans, a sign he wasn’t planning on having to transform tonight. A sign that he was planning on being entirely dedicated to you.
- “Ready to go? I’m kidnaping you.” He said that last part with a smirk, a hint to your previous request.
- “Sure.” You grabbed your coat, said goodbye to your dad, and left without waiting any longer.
First, he took you away to get some food in you. It wasn’t until your teeth were digging inside a delicious burger that you realized just how hungry you were. Jacob being the glutton that he is, ordered two cheeseburgers along with a pack of large fries. You went for a milkshake, the perfect dessert for a night like this, and took your victuals to the La Push beach. It was empty and peaceful; the sun was slowly going down, the wind just a whisper in the night. It wasn’t even that cold, but the excuse to snuggle into Jake’s wolfish warmth was too good to pass.
- “Feeling better?” he asked while wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
- “Yes. Thanks, Jake.”
- “Kidnapping mission was a success?”
- “Yes, it was.” You answered with a smile.
- “Alright.” He muttered under his breath, looking in the distance.
You stayed for a while in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the other’s presence.
- “So, what were you saying about me not being there today, like that made your day worst?”
His question took you by surprise. A look at his cocky expression was all it took you to punch him in the ribs as hard as you could.
- “You wish idiot.”
He laughed at your attack, he probably didn't even feel a thing but leveled his face with yours in all seriousness.
- “You can avoid this conversation for now since you had a shit day and all, but keep in mind, it’s not over.”
- “And you keep in mind that our discussion about you ordering werewolves to stay behind to protect me, is not over. You won’t get away easily with that one Black.”
He laughed again, visibly amused with your threat. You laughed too but were slightly less amused. These two conversations were important ones, although one you apprehended way more. You looked at Jacob's happy expression and felt a fuzzy feeling warming your body. No, right now was not the time for such serious topics.
All in good time, right?
Tagging my two gals because they know how nervous I was😭...@imjustdreamingig @gonzalezyon I did it gals🥺 I hope you'll like it, thank you so much for your support💕💕
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