#I’m not tagging this as a spoiler because it doesn’t talk about the trailer from yesterday
I can’t wait to see just how unhinged Robotnik is in the next movie. I feel like each movie has had him devolve into more and more madness.
Ooooh! Yes! You’re absolutely right, hon! I love seeing chaotic Dr. Robotnik. He becomes more insane (I.E., his plans to conquer the universe and turn the world into his own empire) as time progresses. I wonder what he’s got in store for Sonic and Co. this time 🤔🤔🤔
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moefling · 11 months
ok i’m gonna talk about the RWRB Movie...
SPOILER: i’m gonna be negative and i’m not planning on watching the movie (i guess that means ppl are gonna block me??? idk why ppl are just mass blocking because of this but whatever) (edit: per a suggestion I swapped the tag on this post so it isn't tagged under "rwrb movie")
so i’m gonna start by saying that i’ve watched the trailer a few times and honestly i love the vibes, it makes me smile ever time.
-the kiss is great
-the butt slap is everything
-Henry’s facial expressions *chefs kiss*
-the visible chain around Alex neck. yes
i’m also gonna say that its great that people ARE going to see the movie, we need more queer movies and the only way for that to happen is if ppl watch the ones that are being made now.
so the bad.
honestly i could deal with a lot of the little things.  like they make my eye twitch a little but i do actually understand that you can’t 100% remake a book into a movie.
it’s June that i can’t forgive.
if i’m wrong and she is in the movie than amazing and i redact everything but it doesn’t seem to be that way.
removing June makes me SO angry.  its like removing Alice from Twilight or Sam from Lord of the Rings.  if Main Characters are just the romantic leads (Alex and Henry) than June defiantly falls into secondary tier - all the Super Six kinda do (Bea would be the most removable for me but is is also necessary for Henry’s development as much as June is for Alex.
June balances Alex out.  the book even specifically states WHY all of the White House Trio are needed (page 28: “Alex pushes them. June steadies them. Nora keeps them honest.”) She keeps him sane and she put her life on hold to watch out for Alex, and Alex knows this!
the idea of Alex being an only child is terrifying.  he is already kinda selfish (i say that lovingly) and “a little shit” without growing up with an older sibling to shut him up he would be a monster (and Nora doesn’t count because first they don’t actually meet until Ellen is running with Mike as VP and second Nora’s personality is to “go with the flow” to really steady Alex)
June also has some important moments that happen in the book! like it doesn’t really work to have Nora be fake dating Henry for the like 2 days that that happens and no June means no Magazine moment (i know that isn’t really directly in the book but its a fav for everyone).  no June also really changes the tone of the Lake House....
ANWAY, moving away from June here is some other things that i don’t like (because its my rant and i want to, feel free to change my mind)
- the height difference (i did love the lifts comment in the trailer but idk if they’ll be able to keep that up in a way that makes since - that means that if they are every barefoot Alex would have to be shorter *cough* like swimming)
-the actor for Alex is to old.  i know ppl are really split about this but the actor feels put together and like an adult to me (vs. book Alex feels very young - or he honestly acts his age of 21/22).  i think the polo match scene says a lot for me in the postures of the 2 actors, Henry is ok (tho honestly i think he wouldn’t have the loose posture once he rejoined ppl but its cute so pass) but Alex is to stiff, he should be almost bouncing as he walks.
-WFT is Ellen’s accent in the trailer???
-i heard a rumor that Raf and Liam are merged and redone.  Gross and big no.
-King instead of Queen.  i understand why this was done but the tone changes a lot in my head of abusive Grandpa vs. Grandma
-Zahra.  don’t like, the vibe is off with the actress... can’t explain why except the smile in the photos and the bow in the trailer
 -i feel like some of the scenes feel still (this is 100% my opinion and i could be reading this VERY wrong so ignore this if you interpret it differently)
i really wanted to like the movie but realistically i probably wouldn’t watch the movie anyway because i have issues with that so..... i guess it doesn’t matter.
i hope ppl who watch it enjoy it and please separate tags of movie vs book, thanks
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acergi · 1 year
Okay I’m gonna try and put together my prediction for a timeline:
Also, this only has stuff in the trailer, so I’m tagging it with spoilers, but there aren’t really any. I’m putting it under the cut because it’s super long stjrsjsrs
First off, the link to the trailer if you haven’t seen it yet:
And the promo stuff (cause I mentin them a bit):
Episode opens similarly to TTT 
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So we go back to the DOU. The Collector goes and does whatever they did to the coven heads next. There may be a brief fight (I doubt they could fight for long in that condition), or they never even wake up from the spell and wake up to being used as a puppet. 
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Based on King’s outfit (by which I mean not wearing those robes), I think this also happens on the DOU. The Collector recogonizes Eda/The Owl Beast, and doesn’t put the weird mind control on her (or tries and it doesn’t work, which could be why Collectors are supposed to lock up all Flying or Swimming things so they last (I think that’s what the book said)). Eda doesn’t win, maybe because she too, was weakened by the spell, and lost an arm (and the collector is crazy powerful), or The Collector vaugely threatens King (or Eda thinks he does and wants to keep King safe). She either ends up locked up by where the coven geads are later seen, or is able to barely escape, but not save King.
Lilith gets away somehow. Maybe the BATTs do too, and I think Hooty? Lilith has a different outfit and way shorter hair, so she must be able to originally get away. Since Eda also does it’s possible she initially gets away. Not many others get away from the DOU.
The parents of the Hexsquad may think the kids are either dead or under the Collector’s influence, since they were last known to be in the area. 
Side note: The Collector being called a collector and being trapped in something strongly resembling a pokeball is hilarious to me rn.
Anyway, credits play (or just the show name), and it cuts to the Hexsquad. They do they’re little thing in the forest from all of the New Years promo stuff. If the palisman thing is a trick of the Collector, this happens now, letting the rest of the hexsquad understand the situation a bit better. Since I think they’ll be by the Clawthorne ruins at first, they are in the forest, so all the foresty stuff happens. If the palisman is actually hatching, it won’y happen in the beginning of the episode because that makes absolutely no sense. 
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I think this is the first place they would go, just to see what’s left and regroup. Some of them may need medical attention *cough* Hunter *cough*. Amity and Luz talk about what happened in the Human Realm/Amity tries to comfort her, maybe Willow finallly does something since she was barely in the last episode. Maybe Gus and Hunter can finally have the Grimwalker/Belos’s memories talk? They decide to go see what’s happening in Bonesbourough/see who they can find/see their parents. I think Willow and Gus live in town, so their parents would be there.
That being said, Amity and Camila are fighting someone in a cave, which could happen more towards the beginning if they are tracking Belos. 
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Belos has a head start, so he goes back to his stupid cave that he used to live in 300 years ago. He opened it with a glyph combo so I think its his old cave. Can’t exactly have people coming across your genocide plans. I think this episode will be more about the Collector and King, while Belos plans for the finale. I know the blurb says he is also going after the collecor, so maybe this is him regrouping. idk what he’s doing. Maybe he’s hoping he left a palisman in the freezer a couple hundred years ago before he moved out. 
Okay the next couple of things happen some time in the middle but idk in what order:
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King reads the story to The Collector/we get Collector lore. It seems like there are a bunch of them. 
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From the handwriting at the bottom, it seems to me like The Collector does not exactly fit in with the other Collectors/disagrees and just wants to play. Also, the last line about wiping everything really concerns me.
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Whatever happens to Hooty happens. This could have happened in the beginning and Lilith is just seeing it now which could be for a few reasons:
1. King, who has Hooty manages to escape with Eda
2. Eda gets a hold of him and shows her
However, it is also very possible that this happens now. What’s interesting is that King has Hooty in this shot:
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which seems to be Eda trying to rescue King or escape. I would imagine this happens later in the episide as almost a penultimate fight, or a secondary fight while the main fight at hexside is happening, but it’s hard to tell. Either way, I think Eda and Lilith have been camping out somewhere together and this is their daring plan to save King (and maybe the kids if they don’t know where they are). Also, Eda’s curse is starting to come out. And short hair!!
Also, it lowkey looks like the grom tree in the background, so maybe grom is here? The goop thing in the poster looks a lot like grom, and there’s a picture of grom in the memory room later in the trailer. 
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They go to Hexside where everyone is hanging out.
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They look through Luz’s memories for knowledge of Philip Wttebane. I think I saw someone say that they could be looking for that glyph combo he used to get them into the Titan’s skull, where The Collector’s castle seems to be. This gets interrupted by whatever the Collector’s doing. Also, that spider is slitghtly concerning. 
Callback to grom, with the grom monster, who I think is going to make a callback in this episode in some way. Maybe in the end of the episode?
Meanwhile, Hunter and Willow are out and about doing some Huntlowy things. They seem to be in town when The Collector and King arrive, so idk what they’re doing. 
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They arrive in Bonesbourough. Idk why King looks sort of mad. Bump tries to hold them off, but fails, Boom attack, something happens that totally changes things, idk. 
I also have no idea what Belos is doing this whole time. Idk what his next plan is, or litterally anything about what the hell he’s trying to do at this point. 
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wilhelmsplaidscarf · 1 year
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#they are a very gentle soul with a boat load of experience and kindness
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I need to see more of Boris the socialist icon in the new fics
16 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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I’m so excited for S2 it’s unbelievable!! The bingo will be a fun thing to do whilst watching it!!
17 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
YR-The Confrontation Scene
Confrontation Scene YR
I just wanted to come on here after re-watching the last episode and talk about the confrontation scene. Wilhelm has just found out that it was August who leaked the video and goes straight to the gym to confront him. 
‘I trusted you’ August keeps up the front even though he knows why Wilhelm is there looking at him with a stony face. He has nothing to offer to Wilhelm other than ‘förlåt’. Wilhelm realises this and knows that this is the end of whatever friendship they had. 
The use of having them in two separate frames could be used to show that they are completely on different pages to each other. Erik died and he was pretty much the only thing that kept them together. When they are in the frame together, they are very far apart; again showing that they are two worlds apart from each other. 
Wilhelm is proving that actually he will be a great King because when he uses his power, which he rarely does, it will cut deeper. ‘Do you think Wilhelm will be a good king?’ 
August had the question that he asked Vincent answered but not in the way he was expecting. 
August doesn’t look Wilhelm in the eyes once when Wilhelm is shouting at him. He looks like a broken, hollowed shell of a person. Completely broken. I think that this must be because he knows he has messed up big time. August only meets Wilhelm’s eye when he says that August is no longer a part of the family. Is it possible for August to look even more broken and hurt? Yes. Wilhelm knows there is nothing else to say. This is the worst thing that could happen for August because he is very fixed with the titles and keeping the nobility of the upper class. He was clinging onto Årnäs and was struggling financially to keep his name. To be ‘no longer a part of this family’ would result in him being excluded from Wilhelm, the Crown’s, life. 
I am really intrigued to see what Season 2 will hold for the characters! Feel free to say your opinions, I am interested to see what other people think! :)
30 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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Me when the trailer is released let alone the actual season
33 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
August: Realization and Revenge
I am totally obsessed with Young Royals and have been since I first watched it around mid July. I love being a part of this fandom; everyone contributes amazing content from beautiful fanfics to perspective-changing analysis. I wanted to contribute with a little bit of August analysis.
I could analyse every Young Royals scene if I could but today, I will talk about a scene that I haven’t seen anyone discuss yet (@ them if they have!)
I would like to give some credit to @starsabovetheunderground , @grizviser and @purplehoodiesimon who have done some amazing pieces of analysis that inspired me to do this.
August. Such a wonderfully complex character and there are so many moments where we can see on his face exactly what he is thinking internally. Malte Gårdinger played this conflicted character so well I felt a surge of anger every time he reappeared on screen. Whilst he is the main ‘villain’, he did a lot of bad things but is not necessarily a bad person.
Erik is dead. Wilhelm has not only lost his brother and role-model but as a result of this tragedy he is now Kronprinsen. There now is an Erik sized hole in Wilhelm’s life. 
I think that August’s first mistake is immediately offering Wilhelm Erik’s seat in The Society. Wilhelm already had to adjust to replacing Erik in every way in the public eye and I don’t think it helped when August gave him the seat that was previously Erik’s in private. Despite this however, I don’t believe that August meant any harm by doing this. In his mind it would be an honour both for August and Wilhelm for the new Kronprins to be a part of such an elite ‘club’.
They have a good time and it seems that Wilhelm forgets about his turbulent and upside-down life for a few hours. However, when outside with August (peeing) he starts to realise how much of a train wreck his life is. 
When people are drunk and/or high they tend to speak their inner thoughts more and don’t think about their actions. Wilhelm is quite clearly very drunk and high, in contrast to August who seems pretty sober, and is very vocal to August. Wilhelm is very vulnerable in this scene and August catches onto that. 
If you think back to episode 1 when Erik, Wilhelm and August are in the church talking about Felice we hear (and see on the subtitles)  August say ‘the trick is to lay the foundation whilst they’re too insecure to object’. Basically saying, achieve what you want when said person is at a weak point. August can see at this small moment in time, he is the closest person to the grieving, vulnerable future King. There is a small gleam in his eyes as he realises. He jokes about swapping places with Wilhelm but knows it will never happen. However, he could become the next closest thing.
Royal Advisors have always been a key part of the monarchy throughout history no matter which country. I believe that in this split second, August realised that he could become the closest person to Wilhelm and in turn be his Royal Advisor (if not that, someone similar). Think about it, it’s perfect. The Queen knew that he was close to Erik and Erik trusted him ‘like a brother’. August has been brought up by Royalty, he is related to The Crown after all he is second cousin to Kronprinsen. The Queen knew that August has the principles of the top part of the upper class and so he would be perfect to advise Wilhelm, who was very unstable and didn’t really want to be King. To top this off, August receives the call from the Queen to ‘look after Wilhelm’. He takes this role on but perhaps goes too far. 
All August has to do is build up the trust and form a strong friendship with Wilhelm. This can secure him a place as a close friend to Wilhelm throughout his life as Kronprinsen and eventually his reign as King of Sweden.
I have read a few theories saying that August was going to use the video for joking with Wilhelm. For example, when thinking back to episode 2, the whole ‘Wille on the table’ scenario. I think that is quite a good idea. I don’t think he had any malicious intentions when he first started recording. However, things turn sour when he realises who Wilhelm is with. Simon. They have had lots of clashes and August’s face turns. Realisation. He murmurs ‘Kronprinsen’. This is no longer a funny, jokey video. He realises just how much power he now has over not only Kronprinsen Wilhelm but also Simon. This is going to be perfect revenge. 
I will do a shorter part 2 to delve deeper into the revenge part!
If you have gotten this far, thank you for reading this essay (it is rather long!) :)
51 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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erule · 3 years
The Multiverse of Thieves, part 2 | p.p.
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader, Nathan Drake x reader (not a love triangle)
Summary: you and Peter are going undercover during a mission. Everything is going well, until you get through a Portal by chance and meet another version of Peter.
Warnings: spoilers from the Uncharted trailer, established relationship, comedy, plot twist, Peter/Nate/Reader are 18+, a lil bit of violence (fighting, mention of blood, guns), angst
A/N: here’s part 2!! I hope that Nathan is not too different/strange from the videogame, but since I haven’t played it, I don’t know if I gave him justice. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer! Tell me if you wanna be tagged in part 3. Hope you like it :)
Read part 1 here!
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You’d think he would be the one astonished, while you’d be excited to have crossed a Portal, but truth is: it’s the other way around. He’s looking at you with a wide smile on his face, while you’re thinking that Cap will scold the hell out of you when you’ll come back. You’re not a kid anymore, but it seems like Cap loves to think that you still are. Anyway, Nathan, who really reminds you of Peter for his appearance, is now looking at his maps.
“So, you said you’re from New York? Where was the Portal?”
“Do you really believe me? A stranger that was in your bed randomly?”
“It’s not the first weird thing that happened to me,” he replies with a crooked smile. “Anyway, we’re in New Orleans now. This means that we have to reach New York in order to find the Portal. We can’t meet the Avengers, though. They can’t recognize you, because in theory, your other version lives there”.
“I watched Back to the Future, I already know the rules, Sherlock,” you say, more angry at the situation than him.
He raises his hands in front of his chest as an apology: “Sorry, didn’t want to offend you”.
You stand up from the bed, sighing.
“I’m not mad at you, Nathan. It’s just… I had this beautiful dinner reserved at my favourite restaurant and I really hoped to spend the night with my boyfriend,” you say.
“I see. How’s he? Tell me about him,” he replies, while taking some supplies for the trip. “Peter, right?”
“Yeah. He’s very cute and goofy and sweet. You’d like him. Everybody loves Peter,” you say. “He’s a really good guy”.
“There aren’t good guys anymore. You should keep him,” Nathan says.
“You look like them”.
He turns in order to look at you. He’s scanning your face as if he wants to find out that you’re actually lying, but you’re not. A corner of his lips raises up.
“We should go,” he says.
You’re asking yourself if Peter’s looking for you. Probably, he’s annoying Doctor Strange by now, asking him a lot of questions about Portals and time travels. Maybe even Cap is worried about you, even if sometimes he doesn’t really care about you. Since he’s become the chief of the Avengers, he always seems so concerned about everything. Once, the two of you were really good friends. He even helped you to get with Peter, some time ago. Now he’s always so busy even to talk together just for a while. You wonder if your relationship with him is different in this universe. If he seems like your big brother. If you’re with Peter. If you’re an Avenger.
“I can hear the noise of your thoughts, Y/N,” Nathan says. He’s sitting next to you on the airplane. He offers you one of his earphones. “Come on, listen to some music with me”.
You accept the offer.
“I can alredy say that your taste in music is awful. You should listen to Taylor Swift,” you say, one song later.
“You’re so annoying,” he says, rolling his eyes, but then he allows you to pick the next song.
The two of you spend the rest of the flight talking. He’s a very interesting person, so it surprises you that he wants to know about your life and your missions with the Avengers. They’re not so exciting, you think. The most exciting thing, for you, is that you get to share them with Peter. He’s actually the reason why you became an Avenger in the first place. To spend your time with him.
“So, uhm, this Peter guy,” he says, while taking the luggage in the airport, “he seems very cute”.
“You look like you’re trying to be my big brother,” you chuckle. “Don’t worry there’s already Cap for that. He approves,” you say.
“Does he really know him?” He asks you. You stop exactly out of the airport, confused.
“What do you mean?”
Nathan notices that you stopped and he does it too.
“Nothing. It’s just that… maybe things are not always as they seem,” he says.
You open your mouth to reply, but this happens before someone shouts Nathan’s name. You turn around and you see two men with a gun, following him.
“Nathan, what’s happening?”
He takes your hand, leaving the luggage. Your mind becomes blurry, you don’t even remember about New York’s streets anymore. For a moment, you’re scared as never before. So you try to think about something that could help you concentrate. You look up, hoping to see Peter on patrol, but he’s not there. How could he be? And then, something pops up in your mind: if Nathan has got Peter’s face, do the Avengers actually exist in this world?
Nathan takes you behind a building. He’s trying to catch his breath, hands on his knees. You look at him with disgust, while taking a few steps back from him. He looks at you, confused.
“What are you doing? They could see us,” he says, out of breath.
“You lied to me,” you affirm.
“What?” He asks, furrowing his brows. He looks so much like Peter now, but he’s not him for sure. Peter would never do that to you.
“The speech about the good guys and all of that… it was all a lie, right? You’re not just an archeologist who likes treasures. You steal them,” you spit out. He looks pale, now. “Do the Avengers even exist in this world?” You find yourself screaming. “Cap? Iron Man? Anyone?”
“Y/N, please, calm down…” he says, trying to take your hand, but you take another step back. “Don’t touch me. You didn’t believe me just for fun, you wanted a way out. Where you thinking of coming with me through the Portal? You’re not gonna do that, Nate. Not on my watch,” you say.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, but I… if you’d know…”
“Drake!” Somebody screams.
You look behind you, only to see one of the two men with the gun pointed at you. You jump on your left just a moment before he could catch you. Nathan wasn’t so fast, though. One of his legs is bleeding. Even if a part of you just wants to live him there, you’re still an Avenger and this means that you have to protect him.
“Go,” you tell him, taking the knuckledusters that Nat gifted you for your birthday. “I may not be the Black Widow, but Nat taught me pretty well. Meet me at the museum. We’ll find the Portal!” You say.
Then you take a dustbin lid to use it as a shield. You throw it against one of them. It’s like Cap taught you: one breath, one punch, one breath, one kick. If you’d be a witch like Wanda, you would have already finished, but no, you had to be human, of course. And then they say that being an Avenger is supposed to be fun.
You take the gun from the guy and you throw it away. You can hear the sirens of the police cars getting close. When you turn around, you notice that somehow Nathan has disappeared. You hope to find him at the museum. That’s when a punch makes you fall on the ground.
“I thought that your boyfriend had already let you die once. I guess I’m gonna have to kill you again, then,” he says, loading the gun.
Boyfriend? Is he talking about Peter?
Too late for them, though: the police is here. They’re quick to arrest them, but you’re faster than them, so luckily, two minutes later you’re already running away.
Your ribs hurt and so is your chest. You stole a hat from a guy in order to enter in the museum without getting recognized. You don’t how Nate could have cured his wound, but you don’t really care right now. You just want to go home and hug Peter. You see the place in which he was before the Portal ate you alive and almost feel the urge to cry.
You take a deep breath. When things are difficult, you always have to remember than you’re stronger than what you think you are. So you look around, but you don’t see the Portal, nor Nate anyway. That’s odd. How did you end up here in the first place? Who opened the Portal?
“Y/N?” Somebody asks you. Nate looks very tired. “I’m glad you’re okay”.
“Nate, maybe I should call an ambulance,” you say, while holding onto his arm. “Please, let me help you”.
“I’m running out of time, Y/N,” he says. He takes you somewhere private, when other people can barely see the two of you, hidden by a wall.
“The police arrested them, Nate. You’re safe now,” you say, with a smile. “Probably they found your treasure, though”.
“Don’t think about that. I owe you an explanation, Y/N. I lied to you. I knew who you were, because I met you. Well, I met this universe’s version of you,” he says.
He’s on the verge of crying, now. You can see it in his face, in his glossy eyes and in his sense of guilt. His expression is of pure pain, but also full of affection, maybe for your other self. It’s the same look that Peter gives you when he tells you he loves you. Can two different people look at the you in the same exact way? Is there just one way to look at the person you love?
Wait. Does that mean that Nathan has feelings for you?
“You died, Y/N. I’m sorry. I never had the chance to tell you this, but I’m truly sorry,” he says. “We were partners. Last time, something went wrong and you died. I couldn’t help you. I kept the treasure, because it was an engagement ring. Now, I’d like to give it to you,” he explains. Then, he takes a ring from his pocket and hands it over to you. “Marry Peter, one day. He’s a good guy,” he says.
You try to talk, but turns out, the police followed you and now they’re here. Time’s over. So you take the ring, smiling at him.
“I forgive you, Nate,” you say, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“Tell Peter I say hi,” he replies, pointing at something behind you. You turn around and you see that a Portal is opening in the middle of the room.
“I’m not gonna leave you here,” you say.
“Does it look like it’s your choice?” He asks you. Then, he pushes you over, where the police can see you.
You start running, while one of them is following you. You don’t look back, you don’t have the time to, but you bet that Nate’s looking at you.
You jump into the Portal a moment before it closes.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself in the Avengers’ Tower. You stand up, still holding the ring in your hand. Cap, Strange and Peter are talking in front of you. Cap seems really sad and concerned, while Peter’s trying to find a solution with Strange. Peter’s almost screaming, when Strange suddenly turns around and sees you.
“Y/N?” Strange calls you.
Peter immediately runs towards you. He hugs you, holding you so tight you almost can’t breathe. Your ribs still hurt, but you don’t want Peter to know. You want to live this moment completely. You’ve missed this. You give him a sweet kiss on the lips, caressing his cheeks with both of your hands. You’re wearing the ring on your finger and he notices it.
“Did you get married or something?” He asks you, confused.
“Something,” you shrug with a smile. “I’m gonna tell you everything tomorrow. Now I just want to sleep. And cuddle, maybe,” you say.
“Of course,” he says, kissing you.
But you can’t sleep. You wake up in the middle of the night. Peter’s sleeping next to you in the bed, peacefully. You’re still wearing the ring that Nathan has given to you. You have to know if he’s alright. So you go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, thinking about a plan to come back, but you find Cap there.
He looks at you.
“You know, I haven’t really understood why you started calling me like that. Before I became the chief, I was just Steve to you,” he says, while pouring some water in a glass for you.
You swallow.
“I’m not gonna talk to you about this now”.
“I think we should, Y/N,” he says, firmly.
“Y/N?” It’s Peter’s voice. You turn around, astonished. This can’t be happening. Not again. Next to each side of Peter there’s someone: Strange on his left and you on his right, with a gun pointed at Peter’s back. At least, another version of you. “Maybe it’s time you explain to us what happened back there” Peter says.  
“And please, be quick,” Strange adds.
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themand0lorian · 2 years
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Summary: You deepen your relationship with Dieter Bravo.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader (no Y/N)
Rating: Teen
Words: ~4000 (AO3)
Tags: enemies to lovers, miscommunications, lots of Pandemic talk, lots of mention of illness/vomit/pills/doctors, the scene in the trailer where he’s on the toilet (jfc this tag), the real Dieter Bravo™️, Stardew Valley, a specific reference to a Netflix movie in which a dog dies (nondescript)
no movie spoilers (unless unintentional)
Notes: Wanted to finish this story before the movie, but it doesn’t look like that’ll happen :( I have two more parts planned!
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You end up being correct, at least in one aspect.
Right as you get on the mend, temperature approaching normal levels and stomach keeping down solid foods, Dieter comes down with the same flu you had.
You suppose it was inevitable; since the night in the bathroom, he hasn’t been short with his physical affection. He was always laying his hands on yours, pulling you to him on the couch until your head rested on his shoulder and your knees touched chastely.
You’re pretty sure you hallucinated his lips on your forehead, since nothing like that ever seemed close to happening again.
Luckily for you, he had been popping Vitamin C and zinc pills like candy since you were diagnosed, so he wasn’t as severely ill as you were; still mostly capable, not bad enough to warrant his own prescriptions. But Dieter Bravo was a petulant patient.
He was needy, but not in a bad way; not needy like when he wants his pants ironed or his coffee brewed just right. More like needy for human interaction, for an escape from the mental prison he had built up. Needy for something, you think, he doesn’t know.
Still, he had doted on you when you were ill, and so you doted right back on him. His tea and coffee were made perfectly, even when he groused at being awoken; you pulled new sets of pajamas and forced him into a shower—alone, much to his chagrin—when he needed a pick-me-up. Netflix was always queued up to the movies section, some classic or another droning in the background, though you didn’t think he was really paying attention.
When he emerges out of the shower this time, wearing a Cliff Beasts promo shirt with his face over it (which you had chosen for him purely for comedy, finding it stuffed behind some other, nicer items), he sniffs loudly at the air, still congested.
“Are you cooking?” You startle from the kitchenette, your back to the bedroom.
“Oh—yeah. I had Pete bring by some ingredients for my Mom’s famous chicken noodle soup. Thought it’d help get rid of the last of the flu.” He shuffles over, bending down for another whiff and letting the steam clear his sinuses. “Ew, don’t get snot in it—”
“Alright, alright,” he acquiesces. “It smells great—I hate to mess with perfection, but, maybe, could you hold the noodles?” You roll your eyes. Typical Hollywood.
“Dee, you could really use the calories to help you get better—”
“What? No! Not—no,” he sputters, then scoffs. “Not because of that. I—I’m allergic to gluten.” You drop the spoon, narrowing your eyes at him, and when he gives a sheepish grin, you decide to believe him.
“Ok. Get in bed. I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.” He nods, excitedly shuffling back to the bedroom as you continue the recipe, setting aside the noodles. You suppose it made sense; he didn’t eat Pete’s cookies because he physically couldn’t, not because he’s an ass. None of the candy or food in the room was ever gluten-based. You had even spotted the half-eaten bag of chocolate chips, specified “gluten free” on the package, in the cupboard.
When the soup is done, you bowl it up, moving to walk slowly with the full bowl into Dieter’s room. It still feels strange to call him Diego; part of the fever dream you’re still not quite sure is real. But you were getting used to Dieter.
Speaking of, you found the man tucked into the fluffy white sheets, an awful movie about killer beavers playing on the large tv, though his eyes immediately shift to you with a big smile when you enter.
“Here we go, chicken-no-noodle soup for you,” you offer him the bowl, and he takes it greedily.
“And some chicken noodle for me at the table.” You set your bowl on the little table you’ve setup just outside the room, but he whines moodily when you move to walk to it.
“Come to bed.” “What?” You look at him in confusion.
“Come watch Zombeavers. It’s very bad.” You cock your brow. “You would like it.” “Are you in it?” With that he chokes out a laugh, which turns into a pitiful coughing fit.
“No. C’mon. I’ll restart it.” You think on it a moment. You think about your original list of rules; no getting involved. You think of Hailey’s comments; Dieter Bravo never has the same woman in his bed twice. But then you think of his care when you were sick, his puppy-dog eyes and sickly-sweet smile, and you acquiesce, bringing your soup bowl into bed, too.
Dieter practically cheers, excitedly restarting Zombeavers as you settle. The sheets are mussed, no housekeeping in while you’re quarantined, but it feels comfortable and homey as you both begin eating, and Dieter explains the intricacies involved in the filming of this movie bomb.
By the time the movie’s halfway done, you’ve both settled low in the bed, watching as the idiots on screen essentially set up their dog to get eaten by a beaver.
You turn away before the carnage can show, upset; watching the humans be killed by zombie beavers was one thing, but the poor dog? As you turn, you curl closer into Dieter’s shoulder, broad and warm and perfectly fit to your hiding. When did you get this close? When did his arm snake around you? He holds you there as you mumble into him.
“Tell me when it’s over.” “Okay,” he murmurs. When a bark sounds, you burrow closer into him, and he holds you, seemingly ready to distract instead.
 “You know, I never thanked you for your help with the necklace—I chose a simpler one, just a bar with stones in it, but my sister loved it.”
“Your sister?” You mumble into his shirt. “Yeah, Lina? I had her boys’ birthstones put in it, she loved it--”
“Lina’s your sister?”  You bounce up as you speak, though you ignore the tv, and he looks to you in confusion. “Why does she have a couple emoji in your phone?”
“It’s not a couple! It’s a brother and sister!” “It’s a couple,” you mutter. “I’m pretty sure they’re holding hands.” His eyes widen, and he pulls his phone from the nightstand, presumably pulling up the emoji and holding it close to his face to inspect as you settle back on his chest.
“Oh, god,” he groans, realizing the mistake and making you laugh loudly, forgetting about the movie. “You thought I was dating my sister!”
“I’m glad you’re not,” you chuckle. He pins you with a look you can’t really place, as you rest your head near his, cuddled in bed and watching shitty movies together.
“Me too.”
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You must fall asleep to the sounds of zombie beavers, ensconced in Dieter’s arms, because when you startle again, the Netflix homescreen plays idly on tv, and the moon shines bright and big outside Dieter’s window.
And the bed is empty.
In your hazed confusion, you begin to look around the room, until you hear the sound of what likely woke you up to begin with; painful retching from behind a closed door. You move closer to it, knocking lightly.
“Dieter? Are you okay?”
“F—Fine,” he replies smally, though it’s punctuated by more gagging noises.
“Are you sure? You don’t sound—"
“What—what brand of broth did you use in the soup?” You twist your brow. “Uh—I don’t know, let me see—” you run out of the room, grabbing the carton out of the trash and reading it to him through the door.
“Does it have gluten?” Your eyes go wide as you scan the label.
“Oh my God,” you reply, which is all he needs to hear before heaving again. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Dieter! Let me in!” You hear several more awful retching sounds, seeming to escalate in their fervor as you try to open the door again.
“It’s fine, you didn’t know, just--please—just go,” he pleads.
“Dee, what’s happening? What can I do?” You jiggle the handle aggressively. “Let me in!” “No! Leave!”
“Dieter!” You try to jiggle the handle again, hearing him groan. “Dee!”
“Please, just let me be,” he practically begs. “I—It’s repulsive, and it’s only a matter of time before it starts out the other end, and then I get mean and achy and tired--” “Dee, I don’t care.” After a moment, he doesn’t respond, and you get desperate. “Please. Let me help. I—I did this. I want to help you. I don't care if you're gross.” You hear him sigh through the door. “Please, Diego—" You hear the lock give on the door through the silence, though you push the door open to burst in to a pitiful sight.
Dieter sits in front of the toilet, not unlike you had before, his top soiled with his own sick, which is unfortunate for the Dieter Bravo Cliff Beasts shirt. His eyes are glazed a bit, his bones stiff as he groans. You quickly flush what he’s produced so far, before looking to him.
“I—I’m gonna get you a change of clothes, okay? And some water? What else?” He directs you to some pill bottles at the bottom of his luggage, which you bring back with you along with a comfy grey shirt and sweats. He quickly takes a few of the different pills—all treatments for the symptoms, he later explains, not the cause—and flops back as he attempts to change himself, so you step in, pulling the shirt off of him and replacing it with the new one, which you’re surprised to see is from Target. He thanks you smally before gagging again, though he doesn’t produce anything, and you gently wipe his mouth with the old shirt.
“You don’t have to do this—"
“Dee, I told you. I don’t leave when things are hard. Especially not when I made them hard.” “You’re lucky I’m too sick for a boner joke,” he mumbles, his head resting back against the porcelain tiles on the wall. You sit next to him, and his head heavily swings over to your shoulder instead. “Didn’t want to get out of bed. You looked peaceful.”
“I guess there’s a first time for everything,” you attempt to joke, but he pins you with soulful eyes.
“Why do you do that?” “Do what?”
“Hate on yourself for being strong.” You twiddle your thumbs in your lap, and a broad hand rests over them to bring them to stop.
“It’s not that long ago you were calling me a ‘ball-buster.’” He opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “That’s not the worst thing I’ve ever been called. That’s not even the worst this month.”
“M’sorry,” he offers, squeezing your hands in his.
“Me too,” you reply softly. “For the things I said.” “I know,” he whispers, his head still heavy on your shoulder, though his eyes linger on your face.
“What?” You chuckle awkwardly.
“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re delirious,” you brush off.
“Then you know I really mean it,” he replies with a goofy grin, his stomach still gurgling. “Even if you did poison me.”  The two of you sit in the quiet some more, just the sound of the bathroom fan humming above you, when he breaks the silence awkwardly.
“Thank you for helping me. But I’ll be honest, sweetheart—things are about to get bad in here, and no matter how beautiful you are, I think I need some time alone.” You nod, moving to stand, then pulling him to his feet.
“I’ll be just in here,” you gesture to the bedroom.
“Go back to bed,” he almost pleads, but you ignore him.
“Come get me if you need me.”
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Dieter does not come get you.
But you also do not go to bed.
He looks sheepish when he emerges again, the bathroom fan humming, seeing you watching a trashy reality TV show in a chair to the side of his bed. Almost immediately, you shake his embarrassment, standing up and approaching him with a smile that seems to erase any ill-will left in his heart as you enrobe him in fluffy terrycloth. When he finally does get into bed, you move to turn off the light, but he stops you with a hand to your wrist, not unlike you did to him.
“Stay. Even when things aren’t hard. Stay.” You search his face for a moment, finding nothing but sincerity there. Hailey is practically screaming in your ear. Dieter Bravo never has the same woman in his bed twice.
But it’s late, and you did poison him, and he’s giving you this look you don’t think you could ever describe, even with all the words in the English language at your disposal.
So you stay. Even when things aren’t hard.
You stay.
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After a few more days and some final negative flu tests, you’re quarantine is finally over; it seems most of the cast and crew had been ill at some point, as the set doctor looks haggard, and you get word that it’ll be a few more days still until filming starts up again.
Though you’re finally allowed to travel back to your own room—a page had been delivering some of your items to Dieter’s while quarantined—you don’t spend much time there.  It seems most of your time, even unrestricted, remains with Dieter—or Diego.
All the items that had made your way to his room seem to stay there; the Dieter Bravo promo shirt a favorite for pajamas as you exhaust Netflix’s archives. Dieter shows you his favorites—be it for cinematography or acting or costumes—and you see his passion again. You listen to him talk about it with rapt attention, even if the words mean nothing to you. You had never been much into movies before this, but snuggled low in Dieter’s expansive bed, tucked into his side as he tells you about green screens and practical effects and creative vision, it feels like you fit right in.
When the day’s movies are done, he even graciously switches to your trashy reality tv shows, getting more invested than you thought he ever would on whether Natalie and Shane would end up together (“He’s a psycho! Don’t, Natalie!”) or which housewife would end up in jail this time (“Teresa. Absolutely. Just look at her—you know she’s laundering money somewhere.”). You get the feeling he doesn’t often get to indulge in this side of himself; carefree, silly, human. So you do your best to bring it out.
You bake gluten free cookies, asking Pete for his recipe but changing out the flour for rice flour. It ends up with a flour fight and most of the chocolate chips in Dieter’s mouth, but the flour creases around his eyes when he smiles, and you wish you could bake the smile into his face like the cookies. You spend the afternoons out on his balcony—because of course, his room would have a balcony when yours could barely house a tv—the breeze billowing the curtains as you sit around the wrought iron table, Dieter studying his lines as you answer his emails and set up interviews. It all feels normal, domestic--only a little strange, like standing upon ice you know may start melting at any moment. At night, you’ve brought your Switch up to his room, and gotten him very invested in his farm in Stardew Valley, even if he only has a cabin on your main save file. He ensures he pets the chickens every day, and when he pets the dog and the heart emoticon shows up, he tells you all about his childhood pet, Doug the Dog, and how he starred in Dieter’s first directorial debut at age nine.
“It was about a dog trying to be tough like a wolf. Doug did the acting and I did voiceover. Though he was not a great actor,” Dieter laughs. “Was more interested in my treats than following my directions.”
“Of course,” you reply, eyes on the screen as you both move your characters down to the beach. It’s a rainy day, and a man stands in the corner of the sand.
“Who’s that?” Dieter asks, interacting with the man on screen. “Oh, he sells you a pendant if you want to marry one of the characters,” you supply, not looking away from your half of the screen. You make your way down to fish, setting it up before looking more closely at Dieter.
“Why don’t you do that again?” “What? Talk to that guy?”
“No. Direct. With real people and not dogs.” He shrugs, watching you catch a fish before both your characters walk back home to go to bed.
“No one wants an actor as a director.” “Why not?”
“I just—I’m washed up. I don’t know anymore—it doesn’t feel like it used to.”
“Then it sounds like you do need something different. Like directing.” He sucks in air, getting into his bed on screen before turning in on himself. “What if I suck at it? What if—what if no one listens to me? Like Doug?”
“Dee, Doug was a dog,” you chuckle, but he doesn’t return it. “Hey—look at me.” When he does, you see the fear in his eyes, and you grab his hand over the controller. “I listen to you talk about movies all the time. That’s the passion you want; the passion you need. I know it’s scary, but I think everyone would listen to you.” “You never do,” he supplies back sarcastically, watching your character climb into his bed instead of your own. “Get out of my bed!”
“In game or in real life?” You ask with a grin, pushing his buttons with you giggle. That makes him laugh fully, and he tumbles over you, the game forgotten as he cages you in with his body and you both dissolve into laughter. For a moment, you stay there; his elbows holding his body just barely above yours, your breath mingling between you as you come down from the giggles. You see that look in his eyes again; the one you don’t know how to take, and swallow nervously as he scans your face.
“Tomorrow’s back to shooting,” you murmur quietly.
“Yeah,” he offers plainly. You have so much you want to ask—will things go back to how they were? Will more hairstylists and boom operators make their way to his room when he’s allowed to have them? Will he turn back into Dieter Bravo like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
“I—I should go then. We have an early call.” I don’t want to get hurt when I figure out this isn’t real. I don’t want to be sucked into you any more than I already have. He nods, slowly moving away from you until you can get up around him. His hand traces the bed where you once laid, the warmth still set in the sheets.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” “Yeah,” he offers dumbly. “I’ll see you then.”
Dieter sleeps in your spot that night, holding on to whatever warmth, whatever scent is left, as he worries himself. Had he gone too far? Did he fuck this up like everything else? Had you finally seen who he really was and fled? It was what he expected all along. People see the glamour, the pomp, the fame. Then they see the real him; the him who can’t eat bread and talks about one shot in a movie for fifteen minutes straight, the messy, human side of him. They see Diego, not Dieter, and they run. Or they get what they wanted, and they run. There was never an option three.
You hadn’t though. You stayed through everything, requested specific flour and listened to his ramblings and encouraged his passions—
You saw Diego.
And you stayed.
And he needs to tell you what that means to him, what you mean to him; if he could only figure it out himself.
He’s never been good at words; it’s why he acts and doesn’t direct. The words are already on the page for him, ready to be said. So when he sees what’s on deck for the day—a specific scene in mind, one they blocked just before quarantining, he has an idea.
The morning goes the same as always, though he’s up and dressed before you even get to his room. He offers you coffee instead of the other way around, and you give him that smile, crooked and endearing an yours, and he knows.
They film a few group scenes first, getting back into the action after time away. When everyone comes back from lunch, Dieter finds you with the other PA’s, waiting to get your attention until you’ve noticed him.
“Hey, what’s up—” “Could you come with me?” You nod, seeming ready to jump in and help however he needs, but he leads you to the other side of the set, hands on your shoulders as he guides you.
“What are you doing?” You laugh gently, moving with him. He doesn’t answer, but mutters to himself.
“Just—riiiight here. There.” He places you to the side of the active set, finally releasing your shoulders. “You see that rock?” He points at a set piece. “When we do this scene, I want you to stand here, looking at that rock. Okay?” “Okay?” you reply confusedly, though he looks thrilled at your acceptance, and you stay rooted in the spot as the various castmates take their places. You’re not sure what’s interesting about the rock; it looks like every other one on set, likely made of Styrofoam rather than earth, but painted appropriately, but you have a feeling this may be another one of his movie making tangents he loves, and you watch it appropriately, hoping to finally provide some feedback when he talks about his interests. As the scene plays out in front of you, Dieter and the woman who plays Dolly, Lauren, move in front of your assigned rock, and you huff in annoyance at losing your intended visual target. Looking up at them instead of the rock, Dieter is standing, facing you, while Lauren has her back to you.
“Status update: We. Are. Fucked.” A glance down at the script in your hands confirms your suspicions; this is the scene you had practiced with him, though Lauren plays a much more believable Dolly. “It looks like this is it. I’m sorry I couldn’t save ya’ll. I’m supposed to know all about these beasts, and they damn near snuck up on me.” You watch on, Dieter looking up to face Lauren; but, instead, he looks past her, making eye contact with you.
“Well—I have to tell you. I don’t know about any beasts. I don’t know about any cliffs. But I do know a beautiful woman when I see one, and I can’t—no, I won’t--let these creatures take you away from me.” Your mouth hangs open slightly as he continues his impassioned plea; he hasn’t broken your stare as he speaks, even though he should be saying it to Dolly.
“What are you sayin’?”
“I’m saying, I think I’m falling in love with you, sweetheart, and that scares me more than these beasts ever will.” His eyes convey that thing you can’t quite place; a quiet pleading, a desperate ache. He has yet to even look at Lauren, holding eye contact with you instead. When he’s done, the director yells cut; Dieter messed up the line.
“Dieter, no, you made a mistake. See here—you say Dolly’s name. Not ‘sweetheart.’” Dieter hangs his head at first, but then looks up at you, though he nods in understanding at the director. You hold his gaze for a moment as he keeps talking. “It was good though—do it again, just like that. Maybe a bit thicker on the accent.” Dieter nods, letting the director walk off set as he sent you a coy smirk that made you think, maybe, the director was wrong.
Maybe Dieter hadn’t made a mistake.
Maybe he meant to say sweetheart all along.
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TAGS: @i-love-movies @frasmotic @justanotherblonde23 @nicolethered @buckybarneshairpullingkink @scorpio-marionette @songsformonkeys @pedrostories @littlemisspascal @gracie7209 @fangirl-316 @spideysimpossiblegirl @mariwinns16 @ajeff855 @hungrhay
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Exiled States the Obvious Pt. 1
Warning: May contain spoilers, may not be 100% accurate, sick ramblings, may break your heart upon debunking common theories
Some canon notes I've noticed and analyzed, this will be placed here not just for safekeeping but for other writers to be known of them too :DD
From Venti's story I; it is said that as a loophole to being refused to be served alcohol because of his appearance, he 'drinks on the job', performing while drinking alcohol the audience gives him instead of Mora (his own suggestion)
Story IV offers some interesting details from Venti's story quest: First, Decarabian truly loved his people and believed that he had done good for them. Second is that Venti was supposed to gift his friend an eagle's feather but wasn't able to do so because he died.
Venti knows how to forge Rex Lapis' signature. Venti knows how to FORGE REX LAPIS' SIGNATURE.
It confuses me how Venti and Diluc doesn't have some kind of estranged relationship knowing how aristocracy/monarchy damaged freedom in Mondstadt.
Venti has been to Celestia and it apparently fucking sucks. That or Venessa told him about it, but it still SUCKS.
The Anemo Archon can and will strip you just to protect his identity/secrets/past. Ask Mona.
Albedo and Klee in his trailer, we can consider this canon: Babysitting Klee includes fucking battles. Best big brother.
The way Venti talks about Albedo speaks of [How Earth is a thing in Space] [Creation of Human Life through Earth] which are direct points to God's (biblical) creation of the universe and humans. With the dialogue, Venti recognizes Albedo has Godly powers that can create such miracles, take this line with a pinch of salt tho.
A connection: The real reason Zhongli does not carry nor care about prices is because of his trailer, THE FUNERAL PARLOR LITERALLY CARRIES ALL HIS EXPENSES
Hu Tao's existence proves that Xiao has a sense of humor and it is MORE THAN LIKELY that the adepti knows and can casually smile or laugh.
This piece of work exists: "Sigils of Permission were once created by Rex Lapis and infused with adeptal power. During the Archon War, such talismans were used by mortals to channel divine power. Now, most of its power has worn off, but adepti will still refrain from harming its holder."
Xiao is actually less hostile/asshole-y in the Chinese version than the English one and should be taken as canon since, well, Mihoyo is a Chinese company. Lots of dialogues or voiceline connotations are lost in translation.
Zhongli's retirement scenario does NOT mean that the adepti will not be needed or will also retire (looking at you Keqing) because as proven by the fight, the adepti are still in need of protecting mankind.
The Qixing and Adepti all know he is not dead, stating he gave hints that he hasn't really died to them.
A huge possibility that Zhongli recites this line whenever he finishes or fulfills a contract: "The contract is fulfilled. That which thou seeketh is now bestowed unto thee, for my promise is solid as stone."
If his words from the cool trailer is to be taken into heart, then Zhongli had long since cared for and protected humans, during the archon war.
Zhongli is not a MORTAL FUNERAL man, he is an ADEPTI FUNERAL man.
This broke God has the AUDACITY to go to operas, and not just any operas no no, "operas by the most celebrated performers."
He does not know shit about poverty because he doesn't know what it's like to be poor. He doesn't need to eat.
Besides the usual, he has more titles, some which are pretty funny: God of History, God of Stove. Liyueans(?) call him Rex Lapis, outside of his nation everyone calls him Morax. And in operas and children, he's more known as the War God.
Zhongli is very likely to cause divine intervention or sightings because a lot of stories and tales in Liyue about him are actually first-hand experience of accounts seeing the God himself.
Wrath of the Rock does not only mean Zhongli smacking asses with a laddle: Qixing of Liyue are officially responsible of punishing contract breakers.
Ningguang's role holds the big bad book of laws, with a whooping page count of 279.
This infomation is mostly for me to clarify Rex Lapis standing in the Seven: He is the first to ascend into Archon-hood, the one out of two remaining of the original Seven (Barbatos is second longest) and that besides him and Venti, the original Seven would also gather for wine in Liyue until they all left Archon-hood.
Zhongli really fuckin did a pest termination arc.
I repeat, ZHONGLI DOES NOT HATE SEAFOOD. To clarify, he hates TENTACLED seafood/cuisines. He can eat seafood tofu, happily.
It's so funny how the concept of "equivalent exchange" exists and is exercised in contracts, but not in a more dangerous aspect such as a l c h e m y.
The reason Jean is working as an Acting Grand Master is because the actual Grand Master is out on an expedition.
It is not normal for the Harbingers to be like Childe.
While battles and sparring is one of Childe's most usual traits, a lot of his character lines point to the fact that he's not outright looking for beating people up 24/7 and that his thirst can also be quenched by thrill or excitement.
General ones:
The other five archons do not uphold/focus on the duty of leading humanity, which was the prior responsibility of the original Seven.
I just realized the Archon War was literally about fighting to get a seat on the Seven. The way Archons are chosen are a mystery, just look at how Venti got his Archon-hood smh.
A pattern that we should consider but may be debunked in the future: A playable character MUST posses a visible Vision. So bye Scaramouche banner :')) pls debunk this Mihoyo
With Morax being unable to make Mora, economy is gonna be wack in Teyvat. In essence, every piece of Mora is valuable and will need to be circulated. Nations may fight to hold the most Mora and the one leading and already found a work around on this is actually the Tsaritsa, who has long since focused on economic power. This may not be coincidence.
Characters who are CANONICALLY good with children, to an extent: Ningguang, Beidou, Xiangling, Baizhu, Albedo, Jean, Childe, Ganyu, Xiao, Lisa. Italicized ones are the to an extent ones.
The Fatui has connections with Mondstadt, mainly the Ordo Favonius.
200 years ago sure is an oddly specific duration in Lisa's story and this might be expanded in the Sumeru chapter.
A clarification to a subtly known fact : It is the combined power of all the adepti that revived Qiqi, not just Xiao.
Almond Tofu is NOT made of tofu. And in original Chinese recipes, it's not even fuckin Almond, it's goddamn Apricot seeds. But in Genshin it is canon Almond.
Tag lists for my homies that I want to share this with. Tagging other authors or lore enthusiasts are also greatly appreciated:
@heiayen @dandelion-dreams @karemelle @jrnightingale @galassyalex @boxofteenageideas @chels-void @starconch @worldsfool
PS I'm sorry for suddenly tagging you guys, I just thought it would be nice to share these with some authors that I know or have seen me, please tell me if you want to be removed, s-sorry in advance 👉👈
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oyedeng · 3 years
Loki 1x04 Spoilers
Preface: I don't even really go here for shipping, and I have no strong feelings one way or another, but y'all are being really horrible right now, and it's impossible to go into the tag for a character I really enjoy and just have content for that character, or talk to people about plot developments, character revelations, *anything*, because everyone's just vomiting their shit into those tags... So I'm gonna piss a lot of you off right now, but I need to get this off my chest, and you're always welcome to block and/or unfollow...
Biphobia: By and large, most of y'all are just biphobic as fuck. And I know this because I've seen the posts going 'What was the point of making Loki bisexual if you don't give him a male love interest' and 'If they don't give him a male love interest, they should just not give him any love interest'. You're transparent, you're gross. This is unrelated to Sylvie/Loki, because the complaint here isn't related or limited to Sylvie, but purely about a male vs female love interest regardless of other factors. Note how no one cares about Sylvie, or shipping her with anyone, it's purely about Loki. I've been in fandoms long enough to know that most of y'all don't care about actual representation - you care whether or not your white fave kisses another (white) boy. None of you give a shit about the fact that we'll get an actual gay ship in The Eternals (but that's between two poc men, so I bet many of y'all will ignore it in favour of shipping the white GoT actors together, because you're transparent af). You're pressed because the first canon on-screen representation doesn't happen on your terms in the exact conditions you've set. Let me be clear: Bisexuals do not owe the gay or lesbian community same-sex relationships in order to be valid, and it's so insanely, stupidly hurtful to be reminded once again that we'll never be queer enough for queer spaces. A bisexual person dating anyone regardless of gender or sexual identity, is in a queer relationship. Full stop.
Sylvie/Loki: It's not incest, y'all. I understand not shipping it, not vibing with it, etc etc, but it's not incest, and I'm gonna need you to stop pretend that it's gross when it's not. It's not even really purely selfcest. They're not the same person. Variants are not all necessarily the same person from different points in time, like skinny Steve vs Serum Steve or Infinity War Loki vs D+ Show Loki would be. Sylvie and Loki are more like Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker vs Tom Holland's Peter Parker - different people who occupy the same role in the narrative of the universe, not all of whom make the cut. For all we know, Sylvie's Frigga, Odin and Thor are different, too. The Loki Variants in the post-credits and in the trailer shots prove that further - we have other female presenting Lokis there, two black Lokis, at least one east asian Loki... they're not all the same person. That's why the question is "What makes a Loki a Loki" and not "What makes us us/What makes you you?". They occupied the same role up until their nexus event, that's all.
Let me break this down for you: Thor + Hela = Incest Thor + Loki = Not Incest by blood, but they grew up thinking themselves siblings so YMMV on the levels of incestuous here (it squicks me out personally, but there's no blood relation.) IW Loki + D+ Loki = Selfcest, since they're the same person from different points in time. Selfcest isn't Incest - it's a fictional concept. Sylvie + Loki = None of the above. They're different people who play the same role in the universe. And even if you do consider it Selfcest - see above. It's still not Incest.
Also hello MCU fandom, Comics Bucky had a Threesome involving a version of himself, Deadpool is all about that stuff, the mythology Loki is based on has weirder shit. Please sit down and take a breath.
I fully understand not liking the ship for any reason including if it reads platonic to you instead of romantic, but stop trying to make purity discourse happen when the ship isn't incestuous.
Learn to tag your shit: Oh my god this is my biggest pet peeve right now. I just wanted to go into the Sylvie tag to find people talking about what we learned about her character, I wanted to find out what people make of her and Loki (regardless of whether you find them platonic or romantic), if anyone ships her with B15 like I do, to find gifs etc. I did not need to see all of you fail to grasp what incest is in her character tag, and I did not need to see you crying about Lokius in the Sylvia tag either. I'm sorry that your ship didn't go canon this episode, and I wanna tell you not to worry, we don't know if he's dead, it could still happen, and even if it doesn't, you can still ship it, but I've lost all patience because it's not about shipping wars, it's about being unable to engage with any show related content right now without being flooded with bad takes, rampant biphobia, discourse and drama. Screw this fandom. I just wanted to enjoy the bonkers story and awesome new characters.
Learn to curate your experience: And finally, if you don't like it, don't go there. Block the ship tag, it's as easy as that. Stop posting your salt into main tags. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. None of this is harmful, none of this is what you're trying to cry into existence,
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pika-ace · 3 years
My skin is clear, my children are fed, and my crops are thriving and I have SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT IT
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT! Seriously, do not read if you want to see the movie, I want you to experience this emotional ride yourselves
- I don't really need to talk about the music because, as expected, it was top-notch. Everyone was great, great voices, god-tier dancing, just good shit all around
- Songs are cut and things are changed, but honestly, NOTHING was lost so there's no need to worry. For every story element they take away, they add SO MUCH MORE with the changes they made to make up for it. It's like ITH for the first time all over again :D
- First up, Usnavi. MY GOD ANTHONY RAMOS, I AM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN SLEEPING ON YOU FOR SO LONG! I never paid him any mind back in the day because his face was just plastered all over Lams stuff (UGGGGH) so seeing him doing his own thing SEPARATE from that? I WAS ONCE BLIND BUT NOW I SEE
- The whole beach story-telling thing was throwing me off the whole time. I remember how PETRIFIED everyone was when the trailers showed that, but I had faith that there was a point to it and I WAS RIGHT!! The SECOND Sonny pointed out that green crab he painted, it was like a slap in the face, and when Usnavi started his whole 'There goes my flight' part, my cousin and I silently fist pumped in pure joy
- Also, USNAVI👏AND👏VANESSA👏AS👏MARRIED👏BUSINESS👏PARTNERS👏FUCKING👏ALL👏MY👏YES (Why did none of us think of this before????)
- Next, Nina. Just...OH her voice...so soft...so gentle...I could fall asleep to that shit...
- The extra details of her being discriminated against at Stanford, just...DAMN, that shit HURTED. Best Girl doesn't deserve that shit!!!
- And her deciding to go back after learned that Sonny wants to be like her but can't due to discrimination just...BEST GIRL
- Benny just...OOZED charm, man. It almost makes me sad that he and Nina didn't play as big a role in the movie as they did in the play compared to Usnavi and Vanessa. ALMOST.
- Speaking of, Vanessa got an expanded role, HELL TO THE FUCKING YES. (She got a last name change from Otilla Garcia to Morales, but hey, her last name was just a workshop thing anyway so it's JUST not-canon enough to make changing it acceptable)
- Vanessa being the one who decided on the mural thing and getting Pete and Sonny to help just...BEAUTIFUL. That's TRUE LOVE right there
- Lin as Piragua Guy and Chris Jackson as Mr. Softee; that was the funniest meta shit I've EVER seen.
- I?? Did not expect?? To come out of this LOVING Kevin Rosario??? Like, he was SO MUCH BETTER and less antagonistic??? And I LOVED IT??
- Seriously though, getting rid of his prejudice against Benny was THE MOST WELCOME CHANGE in this whole movie (to me at least). When those two were together in the dispatch during the Blackout and helping people, that was just *chef's kiss* That was the pseudo-father-son shit I have been CRAVING for those two!
- Blackout was much less scary and chaotic than we were led to believe in the stage play; a part of me was disappointed, but the way they made it with everyone taking it in stride made up for it. It was like 'Aw dammit, blackout! Welp, bust out the fireworks and the Bingo boards, we're gonna be in the dark for a while, you all know the drill.'
- Also, lights turning back on RIGHT after Carnival del Barrio? Nice touch 👌
- Pete was SO GOOD. Favorite scene:
Usnavi, with Sonny: You're out here; who's watching the store? *points to Pete who's booking it out of the store having stolen something*
Sonny: *runs after him* PETE NO, YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!!
- Age gap still seems a bit ambiguous between Sonny and Pete, so until confirmation is given, this pairing is staying EXPLICITLY in the stage version tag on Ao3 XD
- Also, appreciate Usnavi being MUCH less antagonistic towards Pete, just treating him as an annoying kid that enjoys getting a rise out of him rather than a vandal that's a bad influence who Usnavi WILL call the cops on if pushed.
- Daniela and Carla were REALLY awesome together and I'm DOWN for them being a couple, even though Hollywood STILL decided to be cowards about it with no on-screen kiss or mention that they were girlfriends (come on guys, it's 2021, stop hiding the gays!!)
Usnavi: I wanna take you and Sonny to DR
Abuela: I'm not leaving without Sonny
- When I saw her lying down during Blackout and staring at Usnavi and Sonny and then started transitioning into Paciencia y Fe, my writer brain IMMEDIATELY began putting those metaphor pieces together and was like 'No...no no no no NO, don't you do this to me, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DO THIS TO ME-'
- Alabanza had me sobbing; no comment.
- The lotto money twist was SO GOOD??? Like, my cousin and I were VERY concerned when it wasn't brought up AT ALL, but then when it turns out she saved the ticket to give to Usnavi as a final gift after her death just...TEARS EVERYWHERE
- And last but not least...Sonny. Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny SONNYYYYYYYYYYY! My son, my child, the light of my life, the stars in my sky, was given justice on this day!!!
- HE HAS A DAD!! IT'S A SHITTY DAD BUT HE HAS A PLACE TO LIVE!!! IT'S BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAD BEFORE AND I THANK BASED LMM FOR GIVING MY BOY THE BACKSTORY HE DESERVED!! (Fanfic writers, I expect MOUNTAINS of angst and hurt/comfort from you all with this new material!)
- RIP Smol Sonny, but that baby face of his MORE than made up for it :3c
- Usnavi WANTING to take Sonny to DR right off the bat, just...THANK YOU. That was DESPERATELY NEEDED and was even wrapped up early and neatly with Sonny saying to Usnavi 'Nah, I grew up here in NY, I have no memories of DR but YOU do, so if you wanna go, then go, I like it here.' and since he HAS A FUCKING HOME here, the worry for his well-being is GONE and it feels GOOD.
- Learning Sonny was undocumented was a PUNCH IN THE FUCKING HEART! My mind IMMEDIATELY reminded me when his dad asked Usnavi why he only paid Sonny in cash and the FACE HE MADE when Nina said that undocumented kids can't get in college just BABY NOOOOOOOOOO
Do I have ANY gripes with this movie? Yes, I do.
Other than that though, this movie is a 10/10, go see it. Right now. I mean it.
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avgeriss · 4 years
Everything I hate about tlou2 :)
SPOILERS! (I’ve tagged the post but just in case the tag doesn’t work)
I wasted 20 hours on this bullshit, so now it’s time for me to talk about everything I hate about it. This is going to be a very long and very messy post.
Not in chronological order, or in order of how much I hate the particular moment/thing.
Also, I think I should just state, these are all my personal opinions, please don’t attack me over them
 1. the transphobia (I don’t care about the plot, I’m so fucking mad that Lev was deadnamed so. Many. Times)
2. the homophobia (I can’t believe this piece of shit actually called Ellie and Dina the d slur...)
3. the racist writing
4. the sexist writing
5. the fact that ALL the trailers where fucking lies
6. and they were lies because ND knew everyone was going to hate it, but they needed people to think it was good so the fans would buy it
7. the fact that they knew people would be upset with part two but went with in anyways
8. Ellie being forced to listen to Seth apologies for being a homophobic piece of shit
9. Joel dying
10. Jesse dying
11. (the /way/ Joel and Jesse died)
12. Tommy becoming a selfish fucking asshole at the end
13. Tommy and Mariah breaking up
14. the fact that Ellie and Dina didn’t even stay together? They fucking broke up at the end, what the fuck (can that be considered queerbaiting?)
15. ND trying to make us sympathies with Abby after she violently tortures and kills Joel
16. And they try to make us sympathies with her by making her grow attached to a child, just like Joel did with Ellie. It just makes her a fucking hypocrite
17. That fact that ND even thought they could get us to sympathize with Joel’s killer after we grew attached to Joel through the first game
18. That fucking sex scene oh my goodness (which includes a man cheating on his pregnant gf, yikes)
20. How most of the fucking game we end up playing as Abby
21. The fact that Joel and Ellie don’t even fully make up before Joel was killed IN FRONT OF ELLIE
22. That fact that the actual scene of Ellie finding out Joel lied to her was so short
23. Mariah being a bitch. They made Mariah a fucking bitch in the second game. Even more so then she was in the first game (I understand her concerns in the first game, and at the beginning of the second game, but holy shit dude)
24. We never found out what happened to Cat. She seems to be so important, but we only know about her from Ellies diary. Is she even still alive?
25. No closure for anyone. No, Ellie did not receive closure (Ellie especially didn’t receive closure)
26. The fact that Yara died (and the way she died. I had to look away)
27. the plot is horrible, as I’ve mentioned, but it’s also just a fucking mess
28. Neil trying to make us feel bad for wanting revenge on bad people? What the hell
29. Neil thinking his game was so fucking edgy and cool, when in reality it was just torture porn
30. And once again, the people who suffered this torture where: poc, women, trans and lesbian characters
31. How they built up Joel and Ellies relationship in the first game then fucking tore it down so horribly
32. The fact that ND is one hundred percent going to try and hide behind how ‘diverse’ their game is when rightfully angry fans complain
33. The fights scene where very underwhelming compared to the trailers. might just be who I watched though
34. Holy shit. The fact that Ellie didn’t even end up killing Abby, after ALL SHE WENT THROUGH! She killed all those people to get to Abby and then didn’t even end up killing her
35. I know ND isn’t about giving players choices that may affect the game dramatically, but the fact that we couldn’t even have chosen to stay with Dina?
36. That Neil’s self insert oc fucking spitting on Joel’s mangled dead body,,,, that just shows how much respect Neil has for Joel as a character.
37. I know I’ve talked about it already, but they fucked up with Joel and Ellies relationship So Fucking Bad
38. Ya’ll wanna know how mad this game made me? Towards to end, when I thought they had killed Tommy, I got so fucking mad, that my emotions just. Shut off. I was /literally/ so mad, that I couldn’t even feel how mad I was. I ended up skipping pretty much to the end fight with Abby and Ellie, which I also ended up skipping half of it anyway. How bad do you have to fuck up to make someone feel like that? That’s not easy, my dude.
39. Not one character death made me think ‘wow, that was a good death, what a way to send of this character.’ It was literally all for shock value
40. Ellie ending up alone, after she states, not once, BUT TWICE in the first game, that that’s something she doesn’t want to happen. She tells Sam that’s her biggest fear, and then tells Joel everyone she loved has died or left. That was such a big thing in the first game and ND just shit on that
41. This one is just me being a little sensitive, but ND put Ellie in her own little house, as apposed to her living with Joel. One of the most important people in her life, even after he lied to her. I might be able to understand her moving out after Joel told her the truth, but not as soon as they get to Jackson. That doesn’t fit her character At All
42. Basically, I think they just fucked up with the characters and their relationships. like don’t get me wrong, I adore Dina/Ellie, but their whole dynamic…. I just can’t place it (mainly their relationship at the beginning, it gets better towards the end, until the real end)
43. Also I feel like the only real mourning any character did was Ellie mourning Joel, and even that was done badly. I felt as though she moved on too fast, she only really started experiencing ptsd with that traumatic scene towards the end of the game. I also feel like Jesse wasn’t really mourned properly
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portsidewonderland · 3 years
Okay, I’ve been wanting to write this for the last three weeks, but I’m finally - finally - sitting down to do just that.
First, I’m a Rogan shipper. I’ve been a Rogan shipper for the last 20 years, but in that time, I’ve grown, I’ve experienced my own sense of love, and I’m a writer so I’d like to think I’m familiar with structure, characterization, and the like.
Second, I’m focused on the film franchise, strictly speaking. Just wanted to make sure that is clear.
Having said that, when I discuss how utterly wrong the X-Men franchise is, I’m talking about from a story standpoint. When I speak of Logan and Rogue, if that ship isn’t your jam, fine, but the points I make still stand.
Finally, spoiler alert for all of the movies.
Okay, I think we’re ready to jump in.
1. After the first movie, everyone forgot the heart of what made the first movie so special: Wolverine & Rogue
I don’t necessarily mean together. I mean, the movie focused primarily on Logan’s story and Rogue’s story. It was told through THEIR POV. This is important because, essentially, we’re asked to connect with these two characters AND WE DO.
The dialogue, the acting, and their stories (which reflect each other’s as well as stand on their own) draw us in and we are hooked.
Even the critics thought some of the best scenes are the ones Logan and Marie share together. Multiple critics discuss chemistry, how they add to the scene, etc.
Regardless of whether you ship them or not, there’s a compelling story between the two. This vulnerable, slip of a girl is the most powerful X-men out there (or one of) and this growly, fierce angry, broken man who’s been alone for so long that out of everyone he’s met and seen, THIS girl brings him to his knees.
And it’s because she isn’t scared of him.
Even after watching him beat the shit out of his opponent, even after seeing the claws threaten humans and slice through a barrel of a gun, she still thinks, I can trust him.
And when he catches her in his trailer, she STILL isn’t afraid of him. She gives him lip. She calls him out on his shit.
That’s how she manages to slide through the cracks.
And that is BEAUTIFUL.
I’m not here to talk about the performances, but Jesus Christ, I love this scene so damn much. The chemistry RADIATES. The glances, the confusion, the curiosity, and the attraction. (Sorry not sorry, it’s there on both parts, I’ll die on this hill.)
Anyway, the first movie is about how this girl brings the savage, feral Wolverine to his knees. How she gets him to STAY. How she gets him to open up.
Yes, Logan wants info on his past, but he’s staying for Marie. We all know it.
When he threatens Jean after first waking up, Jean is scared. And for good reason, obviously.
But Logan STABS Marie with his claws, and guess what? She’s still not scared of him. She’s worried about him.
This is THEIR story.
Do you really think Wolverine is going to go running around in leather for anyone but Marie? Yeah, I don’t think so. I mean, he literally STABS HIMSELF IN THE CHEST to free himself and get to her.
He PROMISES her that he’d take care of her. Do you think Wolverine bullshits? Hell no, he doesn’t.
And that’s why....
2. The whole Jean thing was just not great.
Okay, can I tell you something?
I don’t see Jean as a sympathetic character. She’s engaged to Scott and suddenly, Wolverine comes strolling in and she can’t get her shit together?
I mean, okay, I get it, let’s be real.
But Scott isn’t a bad guy. He nay be a dick, but he treats Jean well. Because we’re not in Cyclops’ or Jean’s head, we as the audience don’t see any marital/romantic issues between them. Hence, when Jean gets flustered by Wolverine to the point where she lets him goad her into reading his mind, she knows what she’s doing. She likes it. She likes Logan’s attention.
Not because she likes Logan.
(I read this fic where basically Jean tells Logan he could have been anybody, and I thought that was so perfect)
But because he’s giving her attention. He makes her feel desired.
And she leads him on.
Right there, I don’t like her, and I think that’s why a lot of Rogan shippers don’t like her is that she has no problem toying not only with Logan’s feelings, but with Scott’s.
But that’s not even the worst part of this.
At the end, when Logan asks for Marie and Jean makes her comment, she adds, “I think she’s taken with you.”
Like - why would Jean say that? Why mention it?
That’s petty ass shit right there.
To me, what she’s trying to do is align herself with Logan as adults and belittle Marie for having a little crush on him. Like it’s so juvenile.
And the worst line of this whole movie is when he says, “Tell her my heart belongs to another.”
Want to know why?
Because the writers/director haven’t SHOWN this. This line is forced here to TELL the audience that we should be shipping Jean and Wolverine. It’s sloppy writing. It tells me they think the audience are idiots.
Really, Logan?
Jean has your heart even though you completely go against Tall Dark and Feral to pick up a girl, then stay at the school with her, leave a fucking mansion to bring her back, make a promise to her, go after her after she’s kidnapped, stab yourself in the chest, fling yourself on the Statue of Liberty AND RISK YOUR FUCKING LIFE TO SAVE ROGUE’S JUST BY TOUCHING HER and you want me to believe your heart belongs to Jean????
Please, tell me, why the FUCK should I buy that?
Oh, because they’re the same age?
LOL no.
Anyway, I didn’t like Jean’s characterization because of that. Because she’s leading people on, because she needs to put down Marie’s feelings after her ordeal because of her insecurity, because of it all.
Which is why I’ll never ship them together.
Logan is at his worst when he’s around Jean.
And Jean is just the worst.
3. They took something meaningful and they fucked it
Logan promises to take care of Rogue. Do you know important that is for both of them as individuals and their relationship?
Rogue only goes back because of Logan. Not for anyone else. Not even Bobby. She comes back, she stays, for Logan.
Where do we see that after the second movie?
He’s so goddamned focused on Jean, on everything about her, that he barely notices that Rogue is ready to get the cure.
I’m GLAD they got a scene together. Because of their looks.
I am.
But shit.
It’s like Logan has completely forgotten all about Rogue, and I’m sorry, but after that first movie, I just can’t buy that.
I can buy that he leaves to check out his past. The dog tag scene is one of my absolute favorites. That’s perfect. Makes sense.
(Also, side note: Fic is so beautiful about this but he isn’t afraid to touch her. Like, he doesn’t HAVE to play with her hair but he does. It’s playful and flirty. It IS. He could have just said he liked her hair BUT HE HAD TO TOUCH IT. And this is HUGE for Rogue because honestly SHE’S afraid to touch and of herself but if Logan isn’t afraid, she stops being afraid - if that makes sense.)
But seriously? He’s not calling the mansion, not writing to Rogue?
I don’t believe that for one second.
This is why I will never watch The Wolverine after that first time (I refuse especially after the director said he was contemplating adding Rogue at the end and didn’t and FUCK EVERYTHING.) because he just leaves because he’s upset about fucking JEAN
I’m sorry but the Wolverine isn’t ABOUT Jean.
If that was the case, we should have had point of views between Logan and Jean in the first movie, not Rogue.
We should have SEEN their development, but we didn’t.
We’re TOLD it.
I’m sorry, but how do you want me to believe that the big bad Wolverine runs off to Japan because he’s sad about Jean? Like, so he’s just going to leave Rogue alone with all of those threats? Are you fucking kidding me?
Show them keeping in touch or SOMETHING. You can’t expect me to see such a huge transformation arc in Logan in the first movie that just gets shit on in every other movie (besides the second). Because that makes Wolverine look like a big, gigantic ASSHOLE and I get that he’s supposed to be that way, but NOT with Rogue.
Which is why Days of Future Past pisses me off as much of the rest them (I’m only discussing the Rogue Cut because I refuse to acknowledge that Bryan Singer - who gave us the first movies - regulated Rogue to such a fucking small cameo.) because Rogue was treated as garbage.
Now, I’m going to assume Logan doesn’t know about what really happened to Rogue because no one told him. But honestly? If he cares about Rogue the way I know he does, he should be asking about her every single time he and Xavier talk.
I love that Logan can sense Rogue when she steps in to help. I love that Rogue refuses to let go of Logan’s mind even in the heart of danger (@bigfrogbestfrogs has an awesome breakdown of these scenes). But I’m appalled at how Kitty is chosen before Rogue? Like, even when coming up with the idea for this movie, why not involve Rogue more?
I refuse to discuss Bobby and her together at the end.
Fuck that.
4. The timelines
Look, I’m not even going to go into the shit that is the timelines.
But honestly?
Fuck everything about that.
I get Singer wanted to retcon X3, but I don’t care.
Based on Apocalypse, the future still sucks so everything failed and then the movie LOGAN takes that shit and amplifies it.
5. LOGAN (the movie)
I’m sorry, but this movie is amazing in some ways and sucks in others.
Want to know why?
Because it takes everything about what made the first movie great and emphasized it.
Laura is too young to be a love interest, so clearly, it’s paternal, and I’m here for it.
But there are so many parallels between logan and Laura and Logan and Rogue that for Logan not to say anything or feel anything in a way tgat tells the audience he’s feeling something just boggles my mind.
Even if he carried HER picture or played with the dog tags and thought of her, something that shows the audience he remembers her, dammit, and she MEANT something to him.
But FUCK how could he NOT?
And that’s why the scene where he’s reading that comic book and he sees himself saving Rogue is so poignant.
Because his gaze lingers.
I mean, obviously I’m assuming she’s dead (which is bullshit but whatever). But still.
And then when he’s dying and Laura is holding his hands and you get that prophecy of him dying with his heart in his hand and I loved how they paired it with the Logan and Rogue song. I loved that callback.
And if the films in between them weren’t such shit, it would be enough.
But it’s not enough for me.
There was so much potential and everything got shit on and it angers me soooo much.
That’s me venting.
Luckily we have so many talented Rogan fic writers and that our ship has survived 20 years.
But still.
What could have been...
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doctorwholover01 · 3 years
Hello, hi wow it's been a while since I've posted on the tag. Then again there is really nothing to post about it really speculate about. Anyways, we got the episode names which is fun and some photo bare minimum. With this though I wanted to make a post about the episode names and the synopsis of episode two of s11 I wanna talk about specifically the part of;
' Daryl is in his own intense hellish situation trying to find dog and finding more than he expected '
Like many others who I have seen on here and on Twitter my mind went ' it's Leah '. We knew she was coming back and specifically them using dog as a way of leading Daryl to Leah as it sounds in this is very remanist of in Find me where dog leads Carol and Daryl to the cabin. Now as I said we knew Lynn was coming back as Leah we suspected as much. But I want to talk more on how the importance of the Leah is a reaper theory comes into the episode names in my mind. To break down:
11×01: Acheron Part I
11×02: Acheron Part II
- Acheron a river in Greece and known in Greece mythology as the ' river of woe ' and one of the five rivers of the underworld. This river would be a passage for the newly deceased into the underworld. I thought it was interesting that they are naming a two part episode after Greek mythology and especially the river of woe, of sorrow of distress. This could possibly be the inevitable end to Alexandria or something more. There is a need for food and a need to rebuild to survive could this be why they used this myth as well as in episode two having to fight walker. So basically all in all this two parter will possibly be sorrowful. With the return of Leah though the next few episode names is where I thought of what the writers may or may not being doing.
11×03: Hunted
11×05: Out of the Ashes ( if this isn't a Caryl EP I will riot )
11×06: On the Inside
11×07: Promises Broken
11×08: For Blood.
Okay these episodes right here their names I really like them and my brain may be making up shit or thinking up a possible dream story but heres what I thought may happen when I read after ep1 and 2 names.
So episode threes name for me went for two things 1. Being Daryl being hunted by Leah and the reaper's ( I'm not so sure about that one ) 2. Daryl being hunted by his past of Leah so her presence being there as well as the group being hunted by the reaper's specifically Maggie her story to this and how Leah being a reaper will make the story that more interesting. Because of whatever hold she has on Daryl can be used to her advantage.
Episode four being name Rendition I thought was interesting in two ways in story wise. Rendition is a performative piece of music so a performance is being performed from Eugene group possible to get to the commonwealth. And as well as Leah to get her way into the group and get to Maggie to preform as a defensively, alone in order for that hold on Daryl to be held. A performance is going to happen in each way.
Out of the ashes episode 5 like I said will fight if it's not a Caryl episode. I'm joking... Kind of. Out of the ashes to me sounds like a big phew moment maybe the group find food, find Connie, get in contact with Eugene group. All of that to me is what I think this episode may be a kind of relief but not really. Cause it's TWD and we haven't known relief for years. Like episode one and two this episode I don't really have a lot to say expect that.
Episode six, On the Inside, now from I think it apparent filming spoilers of Norman filming as Daryl with reaper's there has been this theory going about that Daryl will actually be a reaper because of Leah which I'm not going lie to me just sounds like bad story telling if it goes through. Daryl character had found his place in where he belongs which is with team fam he says as much to Carol in find me. To me On the Inside would be where Leah found in EP 2 would come into play with her reaper story line. She is on the inside of the group now possibly part of it she is inside there walls and she has infiltrated the group which in order for her possibly maybe being a reaper leader gives her a head start on how to get to Maggie to know the group and the bring it all down and burn it, pillage and take everything. I don't think Daryl is working with the reaper like I said it would be a horrible 360 on his character now but infact Leah infiltrating on the inside. As well as Eugene group getting a feel for the commonwealth scooping it out. Seeing what that life is.
Promises broken this episode is why I think it's Leah working on the inside of the group to infiltrate. She has most likely told Daryl she doesn't have a group in order to get to Maggie since the reaper's seem to be her storyline and now Daryl possibly with Leah. Like I said I think Leah from the inside of the group will try to burn it all down like with the Whispers expect Leah will be smart about it hitting already weak points like alpha did but not showing her hand too quickly. Remmber the hold on Daryl I said about she will try to use that break him down more against the group possibly reminding him of his time in the woods. Maybe he's sees through it through the lie hence a Promise broken. She is break that hold on him promise of his past of which he left and felt guilty about where he thought he belonged broken. Which would tie into.
The half way point... I think. For Blood episode eight. The reaper want blood as we've seen a little in the extra episode specifically Maggie groups blood and now it will be all of Alexandria who is Maggie group. I feel in this episode as it is the half way point Leah will show her true colours to everyone making Daryl feel at blame as he has let her into the group and now put HIS BLOOD his family at danger to the reaper's. I think a fight will pan out in this episode and as one of my friends said maybe Daryl will have to chose to either still feel this hold Leah had over him and sacrifice Leah For Blood, for his family to feel he has right his own wrong.
Yeah so basically tada. This is all been stuck in my head for about two days now and I thought I'd share. I'd like to know others opinions on these episodes as well. So I'm just going to peace out again and not post until the trailer comes out.
PSA I do know this has little to nothing to do with Caryl but the Caryl tag is where I post most. I am a Caryl account this is also where I seen the most speculation.
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Hey so that Dainsleif quest huh 👀
[Spoilers for those who haven't played it yet ofc]
These are just some disorganized initial thoughts for your consideration:
So I'm pretty sure his "travel companion" that he keeps mentioning is our twin
Does that mean our twin has gone to the exact same places as we've been going?? Dainsleif seemed to be familiar with all the locations we visited in Mondstadt but I suppose that could've been from an even earlier journey
And the possibility that the Abyss is trying to mislead us bc we hadn't encountered any abyss mages since Dvalin 🤔🤔🤔 what do they want??? We know (kinda) that our twin is watching our progress and that they're the prince/princess of the Abyss so like are they trying to keep us from getting in the way of their plans so as not to accidentally hurt us? Though something tells me we're gonna get tangled up in it one way or the other lmao
Dainsleif said that his goal is to oppose the Abyss so perhaps he's got his own secret plans to try to stop our twin (as is also supported by what he said at the end of the mortal travails video about proving ourselves worthy of stopping "her"/Lumine probably)
Also turns out I'd been pronouncing his name wrong the whole time lmao I had been saying dains-leaf instead of dains-lif
No Vision as confirmed by his full character model
Also his eyepatch is more of a phantom of the opera mask lmao
Important observation he looks like post timeskip Dimitri from a distance when I had to meet him in Dvalin's Lair I legit thought he was Dimitri for a sec XD
Anyway those were my thoughts about the new quest lmao my internet was cutting out the whole time while I was trying to play like dsfkdksjf pls I just wanted to talk to blond eyepatch man
Important part of this post: 
I took a lot of pictures of Dainsleif if you want to use them as references (or appreciation).  The pictures are under the read more tag so if you don’t want spoilers, don’t read anything and skip to the read more. 
Also, he calls you and your sibling “idiots” through money.
He asks for 500 mora and (this is probably just a coincidence but considering Zhongli tips Xiangling 888 mora I’m sus). The number 250  [二百五] or ( èr bǎi wǔ) means “idiot”. 
If someone calls you 250, they can say (nǐ shì wǔ bǎi) or “You are [250]”. But if you give someone 500, this can be taken as saying two people are stupid (250 + 250 = 500). I mean, that’s probably not how it works but I think it’s funny to imagine Dainsleif being too polite to call us stupid. 
I know right? When I saw the leak for it and seeing it confirmed in patch notes, I was so confused. Wha-Why are you here so early? I wasn’t expecting you for another 5 years at least. I’m happy to see you and your beautiful model in game but at the same time I was so worried that we were going to get crumbs of interactions. Same thing with Guizhong in Zhongli’s story quest. Genshin please...finish your stories (that’s fucking hilarious coming from me considering I still have a part 2 to Childe that I need to write), but I’m honestly just happy that he’s in the game. But yes 👀👀 more lore food. 
You know, I was talking about the archons a bit with @maagdalen and, I may have been misunderstanding or reading the wrong message, but they brought up the idea that what if the archons’ personality is based on their regions country's? So for example, Venti’s personality adopts the German mentality because Mondstadt was modelled after Germany? Obviously, I have no idea if that’s true because I’m not from or am German but in the context of Liyue and Zhongli. I can definitely see some sort of connection. 
But some food for thought:
“But cyro archon is very viable since she's suppose to be a kind hearted person that needed to be cold for the sake of freedom. or peace. something like that.”
 “Sorry, but this is stupidly Russian style. No matter what you say, people will always be dissatisfied. Of course it's not that bad...but it's something to think about.“ 
But yess, @svnflowery​ said the same thing. That Dainsleif was Lumine’s “guide” the same way Paimon is our guide. I actually think that’s an interesting idea. That Lumine has gone to the exact same places as we’ve been through. It actually makes me wonder (since we can play as both her and Aether), that Lumine went through the same story line as Aether. She met Venti, Zhongli, everything that’s happening right now. She’s already been through, then when she reached the Khaenri’ah chapter she failed. So she decided to spin the clock back and change destiny. I mean, this is me spit balling and I don’t think this happened but it’s something to think about. 
You know funny enough, hasn’t Venti been asleep for a while? Either way, he doesn’t really strike me as the type that truly wants to be an Archon. He says in his voicelines as well that “that’s a problem for Mondstadt to deal with”. So it would be easier for the Abyss Order to mess some things up. While Zhongli has been alive for 6000 years and I highly doubt Abyss Order can do anything to him haha. If we’re going on that “Lumine has already been through this journey” she could be trying to re-make or lead us on the same path. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dainsleif was our guide, then when Lumine spun the clock back and aligned herself with the abyss, that’s when they split. That could be a reason why he’s trying to oppose the abyss order but really I think it’s because the Abyss Order’s goal is to basically set the world on fire (or something like that). I always pronounce character names wrong and I don’t understand why people make such a big deal out of it. You know who I’m talking about, my pronunciation isn’t completely shit to the point you don’t know. So why do you keep yelling at me??
Also. The most important part of his quest was it was “Aether’s version” of the “We will be reunited” trailer. 
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It even showed the crushed dandelion flower and the ruin guard footprints. IT’S OUR SISTER. 
I knoww, I was searching for his vision and got weird pics but that’s alright, I LOWKEY HATE THE OPERA MASK SO MUCH. GIVE ME ACTUAL MASK. THERE GOES THE “SEPERATE COLOURED EYE” ART OF KHAENRIAH PEOPLE. Yo, knock off Dimitri let’s go. 
I love Dainslief’s english voice but I hate Xiao’s en voice. What a dilemma. I usually play in chinese but wow does Dainslief sound old. Jp is slightly better but I hear grandpa vibes. Korean isn’t bad and I actually don’t mind korean xiao so korean we shall go. It’s weird. I like Dainsleif english voices, Xiao chinese voice, paimon korean voice haha. Jp is usually just good all around but I have preferences. But tyty for telling me your thoughts! I’d love to hear about the Xiao quest that just dropped. Beautiful boy 
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yeah about that...xiao scammed me. I wonder if his speech changes based on what you say. i kind of doubt it though. 
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I’m looking at his outfit from every angle while Xiao stays pretty in the back. 
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I like that you can see his magic arm there. 
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While on this side you can’t. 
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I swear this is for research. IM TRYING TO SEE IF HE HAS A VISION. IM INNOCENT!!
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he also has some sort of weird...blue thingy on his foot?
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Im using Xiao as a personfication of me BUT TELL ME YOUR SECRETS 
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dianaburnwood · 3 years
HITMAN 3: First Impressions
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This post is full of SPOILERS. Also, it is LONG, so.... yeah. Be prepared lol 
HITMAN 3. Also known as: Diana’s Game. 
Dear GOD I am in love. 
I’m going to do my best to make this coherent. But. I am still freaking out. And I have SO much more to explore!!!! This won’t be very in-depth because I played each map exactly once so far. There’s so much left to see, conversations to overhear, opportunities to exploit - but, I DO have some first impressions, oh hell yes. 
That menu music!!! I was not expecting that at all. It was a mix of choral and classical with previous themes intertwined, and it reminded me of Blood Money. Speaking of Blood Money, this game is Blood Money. 
Very, very beautiful. Kinda thought Grey made it all about himself lol of course he wanted to say “in your face” to the partners, but it was like 47 was just there to pull the trigger, like he’d not been hurt by them too. But, I really liked it. Trapping them in a room and watching them freak while Grey watched me kill them?? Helloo??? Popping off HARD from the start and I love it.
So - here’s the thing. I don’t get the timing. Diana tells them then that Edwards escaped. Did he escape just before the boys got to Dubai? Or were they unavailable to reach until then? It seems that the message Grey got at the end of HAVEN was after Olivia hacked the HAVEN servers, and then the boys were out of reach so after Diana discovered Edwards was gone, she couldn’t tell them until Dubai? And it was shown to us in a different order to leave us hanging? I dunno. Maybe? It seems weird. 
THE CUTSCENE here omg - once again establishing that 47 and Diana are ride or die. “Diana will make it right, she always does” - BABE. BABE. SWEET BOY. His little face when Grey doesn’t trust Diana. OMGGG.
I went the murder mystery route, of course. I figured it was Emma from her conversation with her husband, but I got all the clues after just to be sure. Can’t believe Carlisle just handed 47 the file on Edwards and then went out alone on the balcony like I wasn’t gonna kill her??? Bitch????? do you forget who i am?????? Anyway, the murder mystery was SO much fun, but I can’t wait to infiltrate this manor in other ways. Lots of Beldingford vibes here.
THE CUTSCENE bdsfgafhlsjfah WAHT????? Ok so HOW did Edwards know where they were? And - ok, so it made for an amazing scene, but Grey is a badass. He is a mercenary genius that duped the ICA and brought Providence to its knees. How did he get himself surrounded in the woods by CICADA? But he did, and it was beautiful, and he literally only shot himself to save 47, and the LOOK in 47′s eyes on his balaclava face - I just bfjKSFasad. I can’t believe he died so early tho. I was very sure he’d die somehow, but SO early. WOW. 
fucking hell. Berlin. fuck. fucckkkk. 
I wanna shout out to Mini (not gonna tag you in case you’re avoiding spoilers) but hot damn girl if you’re reading you were BANG ON about 47 wearing Grey’s coat. I really didn’t think it was his. It was. It is such a beautiful way for 47 to express his emotions about this death without actually saying anything. Omg. It was perfection. I’m crying thinking about it.
BERLIN was where this game really upped its... game. Like WOW. 5 targets, and it’s the ICA. Clearly Edwards went to the ICA board at this stage and was like uhhhh so you need to take these ppl out. HOWEVER I am amazed that the ICA is like “oh, ok”. DO you not remember what happened in SOUTH DAKOTA. 
But going after the ICA is a fucking trip and I love it. I love how 47 says each agent’s name to himself. I love how he listens in and the team handler realises it. I love how she pulls the rest of her team out once you get 5. I love that the ICA agents use disguises too!!! This is truly APEX PREDATOR and I love that they named it that. Y’all think you have the balls to go up against 47??? bitch?????
But the fact that you have to find the targets and none of them are marked is so fantastic. I found 6, but I have no idea how many are actually available - but I’m gonna find out!!! The club is HUGE as well, and lots of throwbacks to Contracts, especially with the biker gang. Amazing. Amazing level. I’m so excited to replay it. 
Also they really addressed the elephant in the room with the ICA agents describing 47 as a caucasian male, bald, average height and ppl being like uh that’s every man here, and then he said yeah but he’s got this big tattoo lmao 
ok this is where I started to think this game was my fanfiction. Inside the ICA? Showing off how truly international it is, and high tech. Hidden in plain sight. Ready to dismantle in 12 hours if needed. SO perfect. This lore builds on Absolution and Blood Money ICA lore in wonderful ways. 
Also, I don’t know why the IOI and DK of the logo looked different in the trailer, they must have been just hard to make out. Cos in the game, the ICA logo is the same as all previous games. 
Also, analysts do client vetting? Intrigue. Always assumed that was part of the handlers’ job. I take it all back Diana, you have never done anything wrong in your life, ever 
I killed Royce by firing the ppl she recommended so she’d get trapped in the data core cleaning. I killed Hush (what a name I love it) as his patient. 
Working with Olivia is really fun. I missed Diana, but Olivia brought a whole fresh perspective. I also really like how neither Grey nor Olivia are as good as Diana - they both fucked up while guiding 47 at least once. 
47 saying “...I will leave you to prepare” to Olivia, I yelled fdagsfa
Also I love how 47 decided to expose the ICA exactly like Diana did in Absolution. Those two. One of a kind. My heart. And his desire to protect her. I love that the files showed their start together. Olivia saying “I can see why you...” and then she stopped herself. We all KNOW what she was gonna say. 
the cutscene - I screamed
“47 has one weakness. Me.” 
I swear to fucking GOD, IO has seen into my soul. I’ve said all along that Diana is 47′s weakness, and he is hers. But to hear it said, aloud, by my girl? WHAT???!!!!!
Ok. OK. OKKKKKK. OK. I can’t even write about this one. This was where I was pretty sure I was hallucinating the entire level. This is my Diana and 47 dreams come true. This is insane. This is EVERYTHING.
So we have OUR MOMENT IN THE SUN. She puts her HAND on HIS HAND and he looks in fucking wonderment at it. ahugarhiewEG;FEJGHEFlejlhsgfes;gjrsgt. I can’t. I can barely get through writing about this. 
Diana - the dress, the Jolie thigh slit, the jewellery, the hair (they finally fixed her fucking hair), SASS. “I have tango fever” omg. 
How do these ppl not have a pic of 47 by now lol 
I followed Diana and Vidal around cos I was entranced by my girl. Diana was fucking amazing each time. So much sass. Little did I know I interrupted them enough times for Vidal to say “ok son let’s talk”. I saw the tango and I was like omg imagine if I could dance with Diana. 
Anyway, got to kill Vidal via her own setup for me, and that was amazing. I wasn’t expecting it at all. I snuck into the house to kill Yates, and overheard him calling Edwards’ voicemail. Also, it is April 2021?? So, yeah. My previous dates were way wrong lol. 
And then, ALL MY DREAMS CAME TRUE. Diana and 47 fucking dancing the tango? I was pissed that I was in a security guard outfit, next time I play he will be in his tuxedo baby. 
Diana’s comments to 47 when he’s in disguise tho, I was freaking. As security “you look like a true professional. I feel so much safer with you gentlemen around” aaahhhh
I am so glad I was right about my baby girl tho. She even told him “you didn’t have a choice” about her parents. Good. I’m so glad I was right about that. But omg it broke my heart to have 47 so, SO, SOOO sure of Diana all along, defending her to Grey and Olivia, knowing, KNOWING that she was on his side, and then, he eventually started to doubt it. 
I was screaming at my screen - this is BLOOD MONEY! SHe is doing what she did in BLOOD MONEY!!!!
But, for a second, 47 wasn’t sure anymore. And Diana played her part well. 
Carpathian Mountains
Ok, what I love most about Contracts was how it gave us an insight into 47′s psyche, and this game upped that tenfold. Him seeing all his targets surround him? Him imagining Diana and the Constant dancing together? Him imagining her say terrible things about him, things he’s thought about himself deep down, always, omg, but he finally snapped out of it. Ironic that thinking about Grey snapped him out of it, when in life Grey had not trusted Diana. But 47 came to the realisation on his own. Diana would never betray him. 
opening that door and finding out you’re on a fucking train?????? I screamed. 
I am a bit disappointed that it turned out Romania wasn’t significant, they just happened to be passing through. But omg the fact that you are “subject 47″ again. I freaked. This is 47′s worst nightmare. 
I love that you have a free pass to kill everyone in this level. I did it in stealth anyway, cos it felt wonderfully tense to sneak through that train. But wow. This is another BIG risk that IO took. The train was straight out of Uncharted, and crafting a silencer for your pistol??? Hello The Last of Us????? But I don’t care. They used those elements super well. 
I think some people will be angry at this game because parts of it (especially the last level) were a departure from how HITMAN and HITMAN 2 worked. But I love it. I love that they took risks to tell the story they wanted to tell, and those risks paid off. 
47′s undying loyalty to Diana, omg. Telling Edwards bye bitch, I’ll never forget who I am again, and Diana thinks you suck. <3<3<3<3<3
OH MY GOD. ONE YEAR LATER????? 47 obviously took some time off cos he fucking needed a break. But he’s back, baby. Ending on “it’s good to be back” was wonderful. The game ended where the 2015 trailer for HITMAN started, and I’m crying. He’s ready to continue with Diana, and not because it’s what he was made to do, not because he doesn’t know what else to do, but finally, because he CHOOSES to do that. 
But one year later? What does that mean? Has Diana rebuilt the ICA like in Blood Money, or will she and 47 work together without anyone else? They’ll need the infrastructure that an organisation like the ICA has though. Diana said she would dismantle Providence from the top down once Edwards was gone, but how? Does that mean dismantling what’s left of the ICA? They were one and the same by the end of the game. All that didn’t just disappear. I’m left with so many questions. 
I was disappointed Diana wasn’t in the cabin when 47 got there. And I wonder why she wasn’t. She knew he was coming, but they are clearly still on good terms. Maybe she wasn’t sure what to expect. But does that mean they hadn’t spoken in a year since??? But she didn’t sound surprised to hear him, and he had coordinates that he was following, so I think they arranged to meet. But her phone was in there when he arrived, and she wasn’t. Maybe he was tracking her phone? Did she come back there to him after????? 
the game 
with 47
And for that I will be forever grateful. 
Ok bye, I need to play it again. RIP work tomorrow lol 
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