#Indian fiction book
rahuljais02 · 2 years
5 Must-Read Books Of Different Genres
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When it comes to reading, there are "n" numbers of amazing books. But, picking the best one out of them will take some time. That’s why I have compiled some epic must-read book lists of different genres. It features some popular categories, such as fiction, horror, thrillers, and romance.
Here you will find a variety of novels that include the best Indian fiction novel, the best thriller novel, the best horror novel, etc.
So here is the list of some amazing novels:
5 must-read fiction novels
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Fahrenheit by Ray Bradbury
5 must-read horror novels
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
It by Stephen King
House of Leaves by Mark Z
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Shining by Stephen King
5 must-read thriller novels
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson
5 must-read romance novels
Seven Days in June by Tia Williams
Meet Me in Paradise by Libby Hubscher
Love at First by Kate Clayborn
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory 
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
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authoranupamagupta · 2 years
About the book:
Sant Haridas left on his motorbike, along with his students, in the search of ‘spring of life’. His way to Maansarovar is filled with adventures and with a new friend, whom he knows he will surely miss. But finding the sacred ‘spring of life’ is no child’s play. He is warned by Mahaguru that it won’t be easy. Still Haridas is no ordinary saint, he might not win but he will definitely try.
Shivi , Vipin and Satya’s other friends have all begun their morning sessions in which they are being trained by the highest of ranks, the Commander! They are all being given every knowledge which is necessary to fight and defeat the enemy. But suddenly they are attacked, one by one, by forces unrecognizable. Even the Masters; the mighty all knowledgeable and powerful souls, are daunted by the force that is behind these attacks on the warriors. Restless and tremulous, they rush for help from the higher realms of the world. Will they be helped for nothing in return?
Meanwhile, Satya, after killing the enemy commander, is being trained for the inevitable war that is upon the whole world. He is taught everything by MahaGuru except how to kill his enemy.  WhereasShivi has decided to move away from Satty not realizing that this might be the last time she is seeing him. But warriors are people of strong will. Nothing can happen to them unless they allow it to happen. Will Satya give up his everything in this war? Will the higher worlds help him? Will everything taught to Satya, be of use in this war of devil and divine?
Mahaguru Chintrana believes that no one is ever left alone in this world. One has to choose his armor and then be that armor ; so the forces know on which side you are, devil or divine? One has to choose his armor and then help arrives by itself.
Like the divine, the devil is also not alone.
In words of MahaGuru, “the war I have witnessed will be written down in history and told as a tale to our children for coming many yugas.”
...See You There.Namo Rudraya!
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mangotalkies · 1 year
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"after all, how can one feel the loss of a thing whose existence one has become unconscious to?"
a wonderful collection of essential and constant truth bombs.
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Pretty girls read romantic books to fill the lack of romance in their lives and then cry over the fact that no one's ever going to love them like their favourite fictional character......
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srkgirlblogger · 11 months
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book covers for vol. 1, 2 and 3 of The Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction
Cover artwork by Shyam Sankar (also known as "Shyam") and design by Malavika PC
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somerabbitholes · 9 months
I’ve been meaning to read more of Indian authors lately since I sometimes feel kinda ashamed to consume so much of foreign books but not of my own country, but the thing is … I just can’t get into most of them (that I’ve tried so far ). I’ve dnf’ed so many and I don’t even consider myself a picky reader. so it’d be helpful if you suggest some of your favourites that aren’t internationally popular ones.
I understand; I'm also very picky with the Indian authors I read, but here are some I've liked:
Battlefield by Vishram Bedekar (trans. Jerry Pinto): about two refugees fleeing wartime Europe (one Hindu, one Jewish), who meet on a ship and grow really close
Maharani by Ruskin Bond, or Room on the Roof, or The Blue Umbrella: I will turn myself inside out recommending Ruskin Bond, but these are my top three for you
Em and the Big Hoom by Jerry Pinto: about an East Indian family in Mumbai dealing with the mother's mental health; it's a really touching book
Our Moon Has Blood Clots by Rahul Pandita: a memoir of the Kashmiri Pandit genocide and its aftermath; it's a chilling memoir, but really good
English August by Upamanyu Chatterjee: about this elite bureaucrat who gets posted to the "hottest town in India" and how he deals with the locals; it has good satire going for it
Raag Darbari by Shrilal Shukl: another satire; follows a village and through it, explores democracy in early Independent India (or lack of it), the transition for the landed elite and generally most of the village to a democratic society. If you can read Hindi, I would recommend reading the original. If not, there's a translation by Gillian Wright.
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i love to consume media about usually very selfish brown girls. i feel loved and at home in the most deranged and lonely sense.
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"Honeycrisp" by Piya Patel is available to read here
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non - fiction is for when you've given up on life
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grimalkintoes · 10 months
if stephen graham jones has a million fans, then i'm one of them. if stephen graham jones has one fan, then i'm THAT ONE. if stephen graham jones has no fans, that means i've died a horrific, slasher-worthy death.
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rahuljais02 · 2 years
What is Fiction novel and its types?
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There is an expansive assortment of books accessible to the readers. From secrets to sentiment to tension, the collection of fictitious books with remarkable characters is perpetual to intrigue stories. If you appreciate reading or are viewed as a profession in experimental writing, you might profit from a better comprehension of the various fiction types for story writing. 
In this article, you will know about fiction, its types, and one of the best Indian fiction novel.
What is fiction?
Fiction is a kind of composing that comes from a creator's own creative mind and recounts a story. There are many sorts of fiction inside the class of fiction itself, yet a wide range of fiction incorporates fundamental components like plot, dialogue, character, etc.
Types of fiction novel
Sci-fi - Sci-fi stories frequently happen from here on out and include fictitious parts of science and innovation.
Mystery - The mystery is a kind of fiction that spotlights settling violations and baffling occasions.
Historical fiction - Historical fiction is a story that requires some investment and spot previously, commonly no less than 50 years or more for it to be viewed as verifiable fiction.
Fantasy - Fantasy is a sort of fiction that spotlights mystical and extraordinary components that don't exist in the real world.
Horror - The horror class' motivation is to make sensations of dread and energy in the peruser.
An Indian fiction book by Indian author
Shivi and Satty: And The Warriors of Death and Shivi and Satty: And The Rudra Sena - By Author Anupama Gupta
A tale, which progressively forged warriors, and made them learn sage and sacrifice, that fills the recesses of one's mind.
A spiritual voyage on the sea of Damyatha(Restraint), Datta(Charity), and Dayadhvam(Compassion) with a guiding star of varied mystical forms i.e., Upanishads; having interspersed with lively characters like Shivi and Satya.
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
Girl who reads x Guy who asks about the books she reads >>>
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mangotalkies · 11 months
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currently reading (at snail’s pace)
i’ve never juggled between such vastly different, yet equally heavy genres before. one boggles my mind with yet another unexplored aspect of indian history, another makes me realise how little i know about the world, and the last one could’ve just been a twitter thread.
“we said goodbye to our mothers. they’d been around all our lives, but we’d never properly seen them. they’d been bent over washing tubs or cooking pots, their faces red and swollen from heat and steam, holding everything together while our fathers were away at sea, and nodding off every night on the kitchen chair, with a darning needle in hand. it was their endurance and exhaustion we knew, rather than them."
- we, the drowned by carsten jensen
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fishyyyyy99 · 8 months
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Context: They were talking about how the truth can be different based on perspective.
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aquitainequeen · 11 months
Can't sleep. I should read to get myself drowsy. Hmm, what about the recently purchased and highly anticipated horror novel The Only Good Indians. by Stephen Graham Jones. Ooh, an epigraph!
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See that? That's how you use an epigraph!!!
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aishaisindelusion · 6 days
🌷 Whispers of Destiny 🌷
{Saad's POV}
I changed into a crisp blue polo shirt, setting aside my watch and slipping off my shoes. Thoughts of the girl from the wedding lingered in my mind, a mix of curiosity and intrigue dancing in my heart. Who attends a wedding just for the food? I chuckled softly, the memory of her smile brightening my mood.
Opening my laptop, I attempted to focus on work emails, but the invitation from the prestigious hotel kept tugging at my thoughts. The clock read 2:30 am, a late hour for contemplation. Closing the laptop, I made my way to the kitchen, the familiar hum of the fridge greeting me. "So, you wanna stare, huh?" I joked to the bottles of sauces, a lightness in my tone.
Preparing my favorite protein shake, memories of my childhood with my father surfaced, a mix of pain and determination swirling within me. His disapproval of my culinary dreams had left scars, but my passion for cooking burned brighter than ever. The invitation from the hotel was a validation of my hard work, a glimmer of hope in the darkness of doubt.
As I penned my response to the hotel, gratitude and excitement filled my heart. The recognition I had longed for was finally within reach, a testament to my dedication and love for cooking. The emotions of pride and accomplishment swirled within me, a sense of fulfillment washing over me.
The voices from my parents' room echoed down the hallway, a familiar strain of arguments and tension. My mother's gentle defense against my father's harsh words resonated with me, a reminder of the love and support I had always found in her and my sister. Their unwavering belief in me had been my anchor in the storm of my father's disapproval.
With a renewed sense of purpose, I packed my bags, anticipation bubbling in my chest. The journey ahead held promises of new beginnings and opportunities, a chance to prove my worth and follow my passion. The girl from the wedding flitted through my thoughts, a spark of interest igniting within me.
Boarding the plane, I couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and nervousness that coursed through me. The emotions of hope, determination, and a hint of longing mingled within me, a tapestry of feelings woven into the fabric of my being. Little did I know that this journey would not only lead me to culinary heights but also to unexpected disputes among me and my father. I wish he could understand me. I wish i had a normal relationship with him. I wish i could be a good son for them.
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