#Malleus is so happy to be teaching his little brother
ventique18 · 28 days
~ Baby Silver, big brother Malleus, and dancing ~
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"Ah, back then I thought learning to dance was necessary to become stronger."
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"With a log donning a dress as a dance partner, I spun round and round... I practiced hard with the forest animals as my audience."
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"When my father saw me practicing, he asked a certain someone to teach me how to dance."
Note: He uses Aru kata here to refer to this someone, meaning that someone is a very respectable person. Answer: it's Malleus.
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"And he said: 'Very well. We might as well teach both of you to dance,' as he instructed father and I."
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"It was just one day of practice, but it was a fun time. The more we danced, the more fun we had, and we were all laughing throughout the day."
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"Before we knew it, dusk had already broken. Time flies by when you're having so much fun."
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Hi! I really like your writing, and I was wondering if I could request a Yandere!Platonic 1st Years (+Grim) with an Eri!Reader?
How would they feel learning of her abused, trauma, and her unfamiliarity with general society and social norms? (Who’s looking murderous when they see just the scars littered around her arms and legs when her bandages are removed?)
Though it’s a whole different story when she says she sees her power as nothing but a ‘curse’, and her existence a ‘burden’ that only makes others suffer? All because of the man named ‘Overhaul’, the one who did this so her? (Who’s about to go feral when she admits she doesn’t remember how to smile?)
But she starts to become more positive thanks to Grim and slowly the others (She likes Grim and is very sparkly eyed because he talks, breaths fire and thinks he’s amazing)
Imagine when she says she made a friend all on her very own who’s ‘like her’, though they lightly chastise her that she shouldn’t talk with strangers (It’s Malleus, they’re both lonely, have horns she has 1, while Malleus has 2, have an incredible power that’s very dangerous, and they’re unfamiliar/slow with society)
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Eri Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’ve been through so much….so you’ve been told. The pain, the heartbreak, the constant voice in your head that has guilt weighing on your little heart. Your transportation to Twisted Wonderland couldn’t come at a better time. They’re going to welcome you cage you to this new world more than willing to spoil you to your hearts content:
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“Oi oi servant they all think we’re monsters!”
“Yeah! So we gotta show them we’re gonna be the greatest mages in here!”
He’s the perfect chaotic companion
He teaches you to allow yourself to do what you want
Granted his guidance isn’t all knowing
No matter how tasty Heartslabyul’s tarts are you shouldn’t eat them everytime you visit — especially without permission
Either way you’re learning to forgive yourself and allow you to have fun
And leave it to Grim to say whatever snarky thing you’d like to say when your big-brothers get in the way
“Nyeh! You won’t be able to do anything against my flames, nyah!”
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Ace Trappola
“Hey if I catch you moping about that plague doctor guy, I’ll sock ya in the head!”
“I-i-i won’t!”
In a weird way you’re so used to being bullied (by kai) that you tend to take his bully-affection to heart
You know he cares, he just won’t tell you often
He reminds you of a certain blonde…
It also makes you more privy to his very willing desire to steamroll over anyone he deems a problem for you
“I think he meant that as a joke, Ace…”
“Joke schmoke, I warned you, you stain! I’m putting you in the medical wing.”
“Ace, please!” 
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Deuce Spade
“(Y/n), did you eat today? Are you feeling well? Do you need me to carry you!”
Mother hen of the group
He’s hovering close behind even when you don’t see him
Always making sure you’re safe and happy as can be
He’s teeming with anxiety if he’s not watching you himself
Even worse if you get hurt accidentally or on purpose
Now he’s Mama bear totally bearing the claws to protect you
He’s not going to leave you to defend yourself
Especially when your abilities hinge on your mental state
He’s trying his best
“Are you doing the breathing techniques Crewel recommended? Where’s your paper bag?”
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Jack Howl
“Hello little one.”
“Would you…like to sit on my shoulders?”
Your #1 guard dog
Doesn’t have to worry considering Deuce is freaking out for him
He’ll be the sane voice of reason because Ace isn’t anywhere close to reliable in his eyes
Naturally he entrances you with his tail and overall dog-like personality
But don’t forget he’s got the bite force of a wolf that he’s not afraid to use if he deems fit
“Pup, don’t stop yourself from having fun or being…young. I–we will keep you safe.”
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Epel Felmier
“You’re so pretty.”
You’re the only one who can get away with calling him that
And he loves nothing more than escaping Vil to find out what other sweet makes you smile sweetly 
He’s also one of the first to join Ace as part of the self-proclaimed protection committee
He’s also one of the first to suggest taking it further than a mere beatdown
Anything for his new little sibling
“If there’s no body…there’ll be no problems.”
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Sebek Zigvolt
“Uhm…Ace took it from me…said it was unfair.”
Is definitely apart of a brainwash committee of his own and is insistent you become Diasomnia’s new mascot…under Malleus of course
His loudness sometimes scares you off but he means well
And will no doubt join the others if a few heads need to roll
“Rest easy, child. On my watch, no one will harm you.”
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hanafubukki · 23 days
Ok, I just can't get out of my head, big brother Silver and Malleus. Maybe MC and Lilia having their own child and it's a baby girl. She'd be the most beloved little girl in the Valley. I can imagine this is Silver's first time meeting a baby that young and he'd be so soft uwu. Like, he'd be her perfect prince and he'd be more than happy to live up to her image. He takes his role as being her big brother as seriously as his role as Malleus' knight. Malleus, meanwhile. I mean, the child is the product of his favorite human and his father figure. Say no more. Man would basically ignore a royal counsel meeting if it means going to one of her tea parties. Super duper important meeting... Yeah, that's a tomorrow problem. Man has a tea party to go and a messily writter invite in glitter ink is basically on top of his paperwork so he won't forget it. Ok, sorry for the rant. It's just nothing makes me softer than Lilia being a dad again and getting another member in his beloved family. Thank you.
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷💚
First of all Anonie, *grabs you by the shoulders* never be sorry about sending me these! I love love love fluff, especially domestic fluff! And adding on babies?! Ahsjsjjdd Anonie???? I’m the one who suffers from baby fever constantly ansjsjjdjfd believe me, I adore it. (My first fic was a lilia x reader who had a child together ahhhh💞💞💞). This is some of my faves to see in fics 💚💚🌺🌺
One of my fave ideas is a little girl being born into the Diasomnia family. I can see it change their dynamics but also not change it. Certain aspects will remain the same: teaching self defense/training, escaping Lilia’s food (unless she’s the rare one that likes it, to the detriment of everyone else haha), the pranks, etc.
But also, she’ll have these four overprotective figures in her life. Can you imagine when she dates? The sheer panic??
Malleus will eventually have to take a spouse, Silver might too, and now Lilia’s little girl? Papa is going to have a meltdown. Everyone is getting married and leaving him! (Ironic lmfaoo) But, relax, she was just born Lilia! She’s still a toddler! MC out here looking at this ex-general turned drama papa and enjoying the chaos in a fondly exasperated way.
Sebek, Sebek honey, you are so lucky not to deal with this 🤣🤣 that’s a Baul problem 😂😂
As we seen with Silver and the kids durning the bunny event, Silver is trying his best to be the best brother and Prince Charming figure to his little sister. He just…has trouble at times 🤣 But she knows her big brother Silver well just like she knows big brother Malleus, in her eyes, no one is as charming as them.
He’s going to take her and his animal friends to the meadows nearby. They’ll make flower crowns and talk about what’s for dinner as they forage for ingredients. I can see Silver teaching her to dance as Malleus taught him and Lilia.
She’ll sit on his shoulders and pick from apple trees. He’ll teach her how to pick berries. He’ll teach her about animal tracksand hunting. Of course, for now, she’s too young. But no one is too young to learn survival skills right? ✨✨
She can even train with him and he’ll carry her back when she’s tired. All tucked into him, safe in his arms.
As for Malleus? What meeting? His only meeting is this tea party that he’s been invited to. Don’t you see this messy yet glitter filled invite? How dare you try and stop him? Jkjk but at the same time I’m not. 😆
Big Brother Malleus is not going to miss out. He was late once, stupid councilmen, and the sad look he saw then had him almost burning the castle down. Lolol jkjk …maybe.
I can see Malleus getting busy with work at times, maybe so busy he late to dinner. Next thing he knows, there’s a tiny person peeking over his paperwork, giving him a look that can rival Lilia’s cute pout. (It’s even better than his in fact, no one tell Lilia but I doubt he’d mind. He’ll gladly give that mantle to his baby girl)
His baby sister asks him when he’s coming for dinner and it’s late, won’t he take a break? The way this Fae King folds? It would astound the masses. 💞
On the days where Malleus says he can’t join, oh my dear king, this baby girl is as stubbornness as her papa and brothers. She will pout and sit there, threatening not to eat until her big brother does. How can you deny that?
You know that phase that all little girls go through? The one where they want to marry the ones they really love? Watch these three just try their best to get her to choose them. 😂🤣
The winner is MC, of course, no one can beat Mama 💞💞 laughing at the thought of the three depressed in the dark corner.
Ahhh this was so cute! Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💞💞💚💚
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ How to earn the lion's love ♡
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-> things you can do to make this lazy lion love you to the moon and back
leona x reader (fluff!)
check out malleus' version here! -> ♡ how to gain the dragon's affection ♡
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Lull him to sleep!
Yes, I know he can easily fall asleep on his own already, but if you were there with him, he would sleep 10x better! Do anything to relax him. Let him rest his head on your lap, run your fingers through his smooth mane, or maybe even hum a soft tune and he will be at peace.
The first time you have him lay his head on your lap, he'll feel a bit tense. Sure, he's used to others doing things for him, but he's not used to being given such intimate affection. Assure him that it's okay to be this vulnerable. Though, you needn't say anything at all. Tell him by gently rubbing his temples, enveloping him with the warmth of your hands, and feel as he allows himself to let go as the weight of his head falls deeper into your lap. If he wakes up and sees you smiling tenderly down at him, he might immediately pop up off your lap. He'd do this, not because you startled him, but because his heart can't handle such a beautiful sight and he'd need to hide the faint blush on his cheeks.
Shower him with compliments!
This guy has a lot of pride and an ego that needs to frequently be fed. Just do it, will ya? Treat him like the king he is because at home, they simply don't treat him right. But no flattering him! He'll get irritated by your insincerity (and he'll probably call you a bootlicker lol 💀) if you do.
Don't allow him to tell you "never mind" or "it doesn't matter" when it comes to talking about his feelings or his opinions!
Even if he says "it's a pain" to try to explain it and will stubbornly attempt to keep his mouth shut, be persistent in wanting to hear what he has to say! If you're far more stubborn than he is, he'll eventually let up. Again, back home, he has often been treated with disregard for being the second son, so do the opposite and go all out with it! Make him feel heard and his appreciation for you will skyrocket. The foreign feeling of opening up to someone may be weird to him, but if that someone is you, then it's a feeling he'd be willing to get used to.
Be appreciative and acknowledge his efforts!
He’ll probably shrug you off, saying that he only did it for his own selfish reasons and whatnot, but stand your ground! Deep down, it warms his heart that you see him, and that his accomplishments and efforts aren't going unnoticed. He might say that he doesn’t need your thanks. Even so, a little appreciation can’t hurt from time to time, can it? And it'll go a long way too. You’ll notice that he’ll be doing those things you've thanked him for more frequently. (He'll act kind enough when he's around you that Ruggie would be like, "Hey, y/n...what the heck have you done to Leona?!" 😨 lol)
Simply play chess with him!
It doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it, play his favorite game with him and he'll enjoy it either way. If you're skillful, his competitive spirit will come out and he'll be having a fun time going against you! No worries if you're bad at it, he's willing to teach you even though he'd be like 🙄 for most of the time. But as you eagerly listen and try to grasp the tactics he teaches you, he'll subtly smile to himself. He's secretly happy you're trying to spend time with him doing what he enjoys.
Also, attempt to make it a routine with him. In his mundane life of attending classes, give him something to look forward to, (which would be getting to play chess with you)
For most of his life, Leona has been overshadowed by his brother and has lost much motivation because of it. So let him know that you see him, that you hear him, that you appreciate him, and maybe he'll come to find one of those rare motivations. That, being you 😘
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a/n: now that my posts are finally showing up in the tags, I'll continue this series on this blog instead of @ne-nene-ne ! That'll include any of my other writing as well!
I realize that I might honestly be more biased towards Leona because this one was longer than Malleus' 💀 (I love both boys tho, I swear)
As for the next victim, I'm thinking of doing Azul next! then maybe Idia too 🤔
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ashtavula · 4 months
I don’t know if you’re taking asks or anything and this is my first time ever even asking anything on tumblr BUT ANYWAY
Trey, Azul, Lilia and Leona with a pastry chef/baker reader?
I just think it would be so darn cute-
You're right, it's a super cute concept!
Trey, Azul, Lilia, and Leona with a pastry chef reader
- He's firmly convinced that he's found his soulmate. Seriously, Trey thinks you're absolutely perfect! The two of you often end up in the kitchen, coming up with new recipes and enjoying the fruits of your labors. Though, he does end up feeding you by hand more often than not. He just likes taking care of you. At least, that's what he claims.
-He can't wait to introduce you to his family, and show you their business. He's pretty proud of it, and the thought of you making things in his family's bakery makes his heart flutter. He's already dreaming about just how wonderful it would be to work with you, side by side in a kitchen surrounded by his supportive family. The idea of you being a part of his family, of being a Clover? He's struggling to stop himself from putting a ring on your finger right now.
-Azul's torn between having you bake things for the lounge, or keeping your sweet treats all to himself. In the end, he'll have you whip up some samples for him to try, and then you can teach the twins later. Please don't comment on the fact that his cheeks turn pink when he's eating your desserts, or that he's always willing to indulge in something you've made, even though he's watching his weight.
-Speaking of his figure, he's more than a little worried about gaining a few pounds from eating what you make. Don't misunderstand, he loves you, but he's afraid that you won't like him as much if he gets "fat". He'll be over the moon if you try to make healthier sweets just for him. Azul also wants to introduce you to his mother. He just knows the two of you will get along. And she'd be over the moon once she learned about your skills in the kitchen.
-Hope you like having company in the kitchen, because Lilia refuses to let you bake alone. He's always sticking his fingers where they don't belong, stealing little tastes of what you're making, and trying to "improve" your recipes. And if you get mad at him, he'll just coo out apologies and kiss you until you forget why you were upset at him to begin with. Honestly though, keep an eye on him. Lilia can and will try to add something "nutritious" to your sweets. And nobody likes petit fours with pureed liver filling.
-Lilia does really enjoy watching you feed Silver, Sebek, and Malleus your treats. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, seeing you take care of his boys. It makes him think that you'd be a wonderful addition to his and Silver's lives. He'll teasingly call you Silver's other parent, and will sigh contentedly when the boy quietly compliments your skills. Please give Silver more of your baking. He needs it, and it just makes Lilia more affectionate with you.
-He honestly doesn't care for sugary confections, but he'll take a bite of what you give him. It makes you happy to see him eat it, and he wants to keep you happy. Even if that means swallowing more sugar than he would normally consume. You do notice he prefers it when your baked goods are more savory, or if their sweetness comes from fruit instead of sugar. And it's a pleasant surprise for him when you take his tastes into account. He also doesn't mind if you share what you make with others. Just don't be too generous, yeah? Don't forget, lions can get territorial, especially yours.
-Seeing you feed Cheka makes him feel...odd. On the one hand, he can begrudgingly admit that it's sort of cute to watch you bond with his rambunctious nephew. On the other hand, it makes him think more about the future with you. You wouldn't be allowed to bake for yourself at the palace, but wouldn't his brother insist on you being a part of the royal family? He hates the idea of his family forcing you into a role you don't want. Honestly, thinking about it makes his head hurt. So for now, he'll drape his arms around you while you help Cheka frost a cookie.
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idiaa-shroxd · 1 year
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while working on reqs. here’s a little brainrot bubble. I think it’s be funny if instead of us getting Isekai’d the twenty two boys at entrance ceremony find themselves Isekai’d into your “mysterious” house that you inherited from a grandparent after you touch a mirror that had a cloth covering. Imagine teaching them about technology and try to convince these people to stay sane while in each other’s faces for almost twenty four hours a day, especially since some of them just met and got sorted into dorms. I just had the thought of do these men have airplanes in their world? and it kind of evolved to this.
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Like Diasomnia on edge at first with Silver and Sebek trying to guard Malleus as Lilia listens to you and your explanation deeming you no threat. Malleus is simply happy he was invited or included with everyone when they were teleported. In Savanaclaw they all still have their beastmen features so you’re pleading with this stranger to not leave and go outside and cause trouble and this lion man is like… if you insist, while being smug. Totally acts like he is pitiful if you ask for help because he is stuck indoors. Floyd is having the time of his life, he will gnaw on furniture, as Jade is a bit more grounded but follow’s Azul’s lead as he tries to convince you to turn your house into a business as you deny.
Ignihyde has Idia and his brother and you’re thinking what a cute robot before he shoots a laser at a bug and you think that is enough for today. You eventually let all the boys live in your grandpa’s old home since it were rather large.. and magic is convenient. They can easily clean up the place and some are eager to learn about your world. You went from a normal life alone to living a life with a whole lot of boys.
Some of them do chores, like Trey, Jade, Jamil, who are the main chefs, while others such as Ruggie and Rook handle the laundry. Azul, Jade and Floyd handle your budgeting and monthly finances. You are not sure how but the money they give as “rent” increases per month. Vil and Idia have picked up youtube and streaming respectively, Idia being a vtuber and Vil having a channel that does a variety of content. Both are surprisingly popular. Vil also helps you renovate the interior design and Idia + Ortho handle all the machines and wifi. Some do odd jobs on occasion around the place like Ace, Epel, Lilia, some do hard lifting and collecting firewood like Jack and Sebek. Others such as Riddle and Cater can set the table, sweep up and check in on you. Some are freeloaders such as Leona, Malleus, and Kalim.
You figured things would be dysfunctional at first since your newfound boys weren’t allowed outside of your house, in fact are physically incapable of leaving your property, but they all managed to fit right in snuggly. Honestly, you couldn’t imagine just how hard life would be without them. You start working from home as your grandpa’s business is also passed down to you, even though you are a grossly underqualified child- claiming to be told old to keep up as he leaves to traveling the world after meeting the boys once. He doesn’t freak out and just go “:P forgot to tell you.”
You find their magic interesting. You also find out your grandpa has a lot of secrets. He can’t return them (much to their disappoint but later they could not care less they won’t return) but he can at least help out with some ancient books passed down about the great seven themselves, helping the Octatrio stay in human form. You also find some of them demanding, Floyd and Kalim almost always clinging to your arms as you try to work.
Sometimes you wake up to arguments, a chair may be flying, literally. Another time you awoke to a crying grey cat with ears of fire, trying to scratch at you. Hearing your scream Riddle and Azul came to your rescue, but you quickly told them not to be mean to a kitty, keeping him and naming him Grim.. seems like your home has gotten a new member, again.
Idia seems much more willing to leave his room when you mention getting a cat. Ace looks slight annoyed that you get to keep a fire producing cat but he could not keep a bear that Rook found? You were completely unfair. Meanwhile Riddle is ready to collar the cat for existing because he found a tart of his being eaten by the cat. You barely contained his rage, everyone lived another day.
Overall a chaotic household you now have.
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a fun concept to play with? I’m a fan of the “inherits some mysterious magic object” trope and wanted to toy around with it a bit. i also had thoughts like my yuu would 100% be nicer to them than they are to us and give them a place to actually stay than kicking them to the curb like a certain Ramshackle building.
©idiaa-shroxd. do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works to train ai.
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mall-0-ry · 2 years
Hello! i'd liked to make another request, and i'm sorry that i kept on sending one! it's because you're the most active creator here.. soo0-- Can i request for 1st year scenario reactiom, of learning that MC/YUU/YN is dating their Housewarden
It’s alright to send requests! i do not really mind! i hope that this work that i did would be alright for you!
- He was shocked.
- How did he found out? well, he was trying to apologize for the trouble he caused, by bringing riddle a tart.
- He knocked at the door only to not get any answer, so he opened it and went inside.
- There he saw, You and Riddle Cuddling, while telling him how much you love him.
- He was too shocked to even move an inch.
- but he was too dumb to even keep quiet.
- So he, Shouted “ EW! “
after that, He was collared and was made to do a 6000 words apology, for barging in the room and making a ruckus.
- 100% told Deuce, unconsciously because he was complaining about the collar.
- “ Just because i found them cuddling and being lovey dovey, doesn’t mean he have to collar me! “
- in the end, he’s Very supportive, but he would still tease you and riddle!
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Deuce Spade:
- Found out, because Ace was complaining, and had slipped the secret.
- asked you if it’s true.
- told him that it’s true, and was very happy that you found someone.
- Supportive Baby.
- promises to keep the secret.
- would definitely keep up his word.
- would bonk ace hard on the head, for teasing you two.
- while trying his best not to laugh.
- Makes sure that you won’t get into any trouble, because of Grim and Ace’s constant brawls. (maybe a little of his too.)
- “ The House-warden is looking for you, Y/N! “
- super supportive.
- like very.
- Have i mentioned about being supportive?
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- He knew.
- He already knew.
- At first, he was slightly shocked.
- He found you and Leona cuddling at the Botanical garden, when he was looking for you. so he put in the pieces that you two are together.
- Was told by Leona to protect you from trouble.
- so he’s often roped into “Trouble” that Ace, Deuce and grim dragged you into.
- He’s very supportive, but won’t show it.
- he’s one of the supportive Babies.
- “ you should go find Dorm-head leona, now “
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- He found out, he was shocked.
- He didn’t think that his House-warden would lower his standards *sobs* Just kidding~
- part of the supportive babies.
- Genuinely happy!
- why?
- because Vil has been directing his attention towards you and would often teach you about Makeup and etc.
- He’s as free as a bird!
- His happiness only lasted for a few seconds before Vil spotted him, and asked him to join.
- He could not refuse!
- very sad.
- gave a wonky smile before accepting.
- Vil told him his smile is ugly.
- he made it even more uglier
- He was then taken by rook, who Vil summoned to put an eye on him.
- He was slightly happy!
- Slightly teases you about your Relationship with Vil.
- Would often come by Ramshackle to give you the makeup kit vil bought for you, and some skin care products.
- Loves the thought that you wouldn’t be single and complaining.
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- He was RoBotiCallY HapPy!
- Made a calendar reminder about your monthly Anniversary with Idia.
- calls you Big Sister/Brother
- doesn’t want to call you Sister/Brother in law.
- Would be the one bringing you gifts, that’s from idia.
- doesn’t mind being an Errand boy for Gifts.
- supportive baby.
- hugs you every time he sees you in the hall.
- “ Big brother wants to play this game with you! you should stop by!”
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- stalks you.
- still cannot accept.
- Still also cannot accept.
- Lowkey found you and Malleus cute together.
- Came to conclusion that
- If Malleus Sama is happy with you, then it’s alright.
- starts to slowly support your relationship.
- still would stalk you.
- screams at anybody who would come up to you to flirt.
- Made the whole campus know about your relationship with the Dragon fae.
- was proud about it.
- got a scolding by lilia.
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rugggie · 1 year
malleus draconia x F!reader fluff
Synopsis- malleus visits y/n and she teaches him how to play a few games!
B/n = brothers name
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You were just about to go to bed, but the bright green light that appeared just outside your yard meant one thing, malleus had come to visit!
You had just put your sleep set on, but decided it was a bit to chilly outside for tiny shorts and a tank top so you grabbed a sweater and your beat up f/c converse on ran outside going to great your friend.
"Hello child of man." He said rather formally
"Hi malleus!" You beamed, It's been a while since you two have had one of your night walks.
Without saying a word you both took the familiar dirt path, walks like these were very relaxing. Especially after a long week of cleaning up after the adeuce duo. "How was your week?" He asked gently
"Good, except yesterday would have been my little brother, B/n birthday.." you sighed feeling extremely homesick. It's already been 4 months since you came here, and it feels like Crowley never makes any progress on finding you a way home.
"Ah, I see. I'm sorry you have to miss such a important event, how old is he turning?" Malleus apologized, feeling remorse for you.
"13 he's going into 7th grade." You said with a small smile thinking about all of your guy's silly moments together.
It almost seemed like malleus didn't know what to say, almost all of him wants you to stay here forever. Be with him forever, but he knows your only human. He feels incredibly selfish for feeling this way, (which he should) so he suppresses it. But that tiny, tiny bit of him just wants to see you happy, the love of his life (even if he hasn't told you yet) happy, back home with her family.
"Ah- sorry for pushing that on you, it's sorta a touchy subject so I get a little sad thinking about it" you apologized feeling a little embarrassed
"Don't apologize, I was just thinking." He said, with a very content face. "So how was it like growing up with your little brother?" He added very intrigued.
"He was quite the handful to say the least." You giggle reminiscing on the days when he was younger. "This one time we were playing tic-tac-toe and he got so mad at me he ripped the paper up and threw it at me." You kept rambling on with different stories of you and your little brother, malleus intently listened happy to be getting a small peek into your upbringing.
"Hey, do you maybe wanna play tic-tac-toe?" You asked when you both made your round back to ramshackle.
"Sounds delightful" he said taking a seat on the concrete stairs.
"Okay! Lemme go get pens, and paper" you said rushing back into the dorm, you loved this game since you were little due to the fact you always won. You collected the materials and ran back outside excited to show him.
"You've played before, right?" You questioned taking a seat on the stair below him.
"Mhm, though it was a while ago so i may be rusty." He muttered watching you draw the battle field. Sure it was a little messy, but you drew it.
"What color?" You held up a pink and orange pen waving them in front of his face. "Orange it is" you said as he snagged it out of your hand
You both started playing, since he was the "newbie" you let him go first, he placed his X right in the middle. You placed your O in the top right corner setting your plan into motion.
Malleus never saw it coming, you just kept winning how? He thought looking over at you.
"How do you keep winning?" He said examining the paper
"It's my secret strategy!" You teased "wanna know it?" You whispered leaning closer to him
He felt weird excepting, the emphasis on secret made it feel like something he shouldn't know. It being your secret was what made him feel him feel dirty as he nodded his head letting you show him.
"See if you fill out these 3 corners than you have an automatic win!" You smiled showing him the paper.
"Child of man, you truly are fascinating.." he said with the most childlike curiosity ever.
"Hey, malleus thank you for helping me take my mind off my home world things" you said with the utmost gratitude, it has been weighing on you for quite some time now
"You're welcome, though that wasn't my intention." He said feeling his checks heat up, with you he never seemed to realize how time flew by. Even though he cannot tell you how he feels about you right now. this was good enough for him.
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 1 year
I have another idea for you bestie, if you can't do it, it's okay.
May I have headcanons of Trey, Rook, Leona, and Vil (separately) realizing they have a crush on GN!reader who is the adopted child of Lilia, and by extension the younger sibling of Malleus himself?
Hi bestieeeee
Warnings: ooc characters, a bit of Malleus hate on Leona's part, very ooc characters lmao. 
Request: yes. 
Words: 855
~Trey Clover~
•When Trey first noticed he was falling for Malleus' horned sibling, he didn't think much of it. While Malleus was intimidating to him at first, after spending large amounts of time with you he'd learned quite a lot about Malleus. 
•Trey is quick to accept his feelings for you. 
•When finding out Lilia was your father, it reminded him of the time Riddle took his (Lilia's) cooking advice when he was sick and couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. 
•Which, in turn, reminds him to never ever eat your father's food. 
•He thinks your draconian features are really cool. He enjoys feeling your horns (If you let him, of course.) 
•First time you showed him your wings and tail he was in awe. He's also amazed by the amount of highly concentrated magic you can use. Yet again, you are Lilia's child, and your Malleus' sibling. 
•When he confesses, you tell him you need to ask your father, which has  him chuckling and telling you to go and ask for his permission. 
•Ofc, Lilia does accept, with quite a bit of teasing. 
•You have a lot of picnics, and Trey loves teaching you how to cook. 
•Over all, while Malleus doesn't understand why you love him, a mere mortal, he supports your relationship. 
~Leona Kingscholar~
•Oh no. 
•That's it. That's all lmfao. 
•Jk, but honestly that's his thought process. 
•Leona doesn't accept that he's fallen in love with you for a long time. A very long time. Though he tries he can't deny the way his heart starts pumping every time you guys hang out. 
•Sadly, seeing you comes with seeing Malleus. So, most of the time seeing you ends in a large fight with Leona and your brother.
•Lilia finds this very amusing. 
•When you finally get together, it's very stiff and Malleus doesn't support this relationship. At all. They get into hissy fits all the time, so most of the time, you end up going to his dorm instead of the other way around. 
•He learned not to eat Lilia's cooking the hard way. Luckily you were there to hold his hair back as he puked his guts up in the toilet. 
•Him and Sebek also absolutely despise each other. 
•Your Fae features interest him quite a bit. That, and he likes grabbing on to your horns to tease you. 
•Overall, Malleus sulks at this relationship and Lilia finds it amusing. 
~Vil Schoenheit~
•Vil accepts his feelings pretty easily, though he knows it's for the best bot to act on them, especially with his huge fan club. Putting you in danger with his jealous fans isn't something he wants. 
•Though, of course he ends up not being able to stop himself, and soon enough you're talking and hanging out everyday. The rumors that spread from this isn't something he likes, but he's content with you. 
•He likes doing your hair and Makeup if you'd let him. Also thinks it's cute to see a bow wrapped around one of your horns. 
•Lilia doesn't have an opinion on your relationship. As long as you're happy he's happy. 
•Malleus also doesn't mind this relationship. In the end you're still his little sibling, and in his eyes a random guy isn't going to tear your bond apart. 
•He already knew not to trust Lilia's food the minute he saw it. Politely declines every time Lilia asks if he wants anything. 
•When his fans find out you're both together, it goes better than you'd both expect. Though, that was partly because your draconian and Malleus is just intimidating as hell.  
•His fans find out the hard way not to fuck with you. Not only can you kick ass, but so can all of your family members. 
•In general, your relationship is wholesome and no one minds it. 
~Rook Hunt~
•He also is very fast to accept his feelings. In fact, out of everyone, he's the quickest. 
•He's very interested in your family. Def spies on Lilia, and Lilia pretends not to notice at all. Despite the fact he indeed does notice. 
•Sebek does not like Rook. He gets too close to Malleus for his likings. 
•Speaking of, Malleus thinks it's amusing how curious Rook is about Fae's. Though, he's happy to answer any questions this Blond bob-cut Hunter has. 
•He is flabbergasted when he sees your tails and wings. Asks you to speed your wings, wiggle your tail. He touched and caresses them so curiously. 
•Rook is obsessed with playing man hunt with you. Just let him hunt you, maybe you'll even get a reward at the end of it all. 
•He's very heavy on the compliments. And finally, when he wins over your heart, Rook describes it as feeling complete. 
•Honestly, Rook follows you around like a puppy. 
•Lilia and Malleus both are very supportive of your relationship. Rook to them is fun to be around and his curious nature always has Malleus grinning. Lilia loves teaching him in some martial arts. 
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 2
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
Idia: Why…
Idia: There was less than a 30% chance, so why was I chosen…?
Idia: And on top of that, the three selected were Malleus-shi, Azul-shi, and me… All Dorm Leaders…?
Idia: That's gotta be a statistical anomaly!! I demand a re-do!!
Ortho: Ni-san…
Ortho: I came all this way to Diasomnia to check in on you, 'cause it felt like it was taking forever for you to come back…
Ortho: But now I see you were just clinging to a pillar in the dorm lounge refusing to practice. No wonder you weren't coming back at all.
Idia: Ortho, you're here to pick me up, right!? Okay, let's team up and head back to Ignihyde.
Ortho: Hmmm. I don't know if I can do that, even if you're the one asking me…
Idia: Eh. Why!?
Ortho: That's 'cause I'd be happy, too, if you'd sing in front of everyone!
Idia: You little…!
Sebek: Hey, human! Why don't you try to be a little more like Malleus-sama!
Sebek: Despite his already melodious singing voice, he wastes no time whatsoever and continues training with Lilia-sama!
Silver: Azul is also practicing hard every day.
Silver: He said he wished to return to basics, so once practice was over, he went to speak to the music teacher.
Idia: I-I can feel the fire burning within those two… B-But that's why I don't want to deal with it!
Idia: But no matter how much I offer to give the main vocal spot to one of the other guys going to the cultural exchange…
Idia: "That would not be fair," they'd say, or "I do not wish to incur Malleus-shi's wrath" and they all refuse me…
Idia: I really want you all to give me a break!
Sebek: I cannot comprehend why you would shirk singing this much… And you call yourself a mage!? How are you even passing your usual music classes?
Sebek: Music are essential in order for a mage to cultivate their imagination.
Silver: That's right. In order to become a distinguished mage, if there is something you aren't proficient in, this would be the best venue to overcome it.
Idia: Th-Th-Th-That's not what I mean…
Ortho: My brother doesn't hate singing, nor is he terrible at it.
Ortho: Back in his room, he's always singing the opening songs of anime, or video game theme songs.
Idia: Ortho… You can't just blab that out to people like that! I'm gonna be lying awake tonight with embarrassment!
Ortho: Why? You're so good at it, so I've been hoping for a while that others can listen to you too.
Ortho: You can sing on key, and your emotions have such an expressive range that even I can tell. I really love your singing voice!
Ortho: That's why I was so happy to hear that you were selected to be one of the main vocalists. Because you're so good.
Idia: Ortho…!
Idia: I mean, sure, I'm glad to hear all that praise… It's nice and all, but…!
Silver: If it isn't a skill issue… Then it must be an issue of self-consciousness.
Idia: Y-Y-Yeah! That!!
Idia: It's too high of a hurdle for me to have to stand in front of others, and sing while being at the c-center of attention…!
Sebek: How weak. Just think of everyone, other than the Young Master, as mere rocks!
Idia: So a huge rock's just trying to lecture me right now. 'K, I'll just ignore it, then.
Silver: Idia-senpai… Allow me to teach you the secret to singing.
Idia: The secret to singing…?
Silver: That's right. This.
Ortho: That's a glass cup filled with drinking water. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual with it…
Idia: Wh-What, you want me to drink this…?
Silver: No, I don't.
Silver: When you see your face reflected in the water like this… Doesn't it feel like a song begins to naturally build up from inside yourself?
Idia: NO, IT DOESN’T!?
Silver: Ever since my father taught me this "ancient method passed down for generations," I've used this approach whenever I required it.
Idia: What do you even mean by "see your face reflected in the water"? I don't get it at all.
Sebek: Unfortunately, I'm also at a loss…
Silver: If that method does not work for you, then you must simply practice.
Silver: As you sing in front of all of us, you'll slowly build up your courage. I'm sure that will help you develop the courage for the actual performance.
Ortho: It's just as Silver-san says. C'mon, Nii-san, you gotta practice, so we can go back to Ignihyde!
Idia: I DON'T WANNA~~~!!
Idia: I'm definitely, absolutely, hundred percent, never going to sing!
Silver/Sebek: Sigh...
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Can i have platonic headcannons for the diasomnia students (seprate) learning that the reader (who is from another world so she'd be Yuu basically) is Lilia's daughter (who even Lilia didn't know existed) considering at first the them AND the reader just thought she was a normal human. Even though the reader did have the pointed ears but the reader was just told her whole life that it was just some kind of genetic deformity of some kind and nothing else.
ooh, I saw this request answered on someone else's blog, so I'm more than happy to give you my take on it!
also, I had a difficult time with sebek, so my apologies, but he is excluded.
female reader
tw: child abadonment, implied sexual conduct
due to circumstances, lilia's partner (yuu's parental figure) is implied to be female.
requests are open!
🍉 malleus draconia 🍉
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lilia had a partner? is the first thing that pops into his mind. my word, what a surprising turn of events. and you're...human? what a curious tale.
malleus regards you with an air of fascination. as lilia was as close as he can get to a father figure, he becomes quite curious in his own eloquent way. he doesn't know what to do, to be honest.
he'll, of course, welcome you as part of the diasomnian family. while he isn't very good at social interaction, he hopes to get along better with you. you might just be the last of lilia's blood to survive.
truth be told, a small part of him is suspicious. how would lilia, in spite of all his travels, impregnate somebody, not be aware and... have a daughter? it doesn't add up to how he sees lilia.
pointy ears... are part of what identifies faes, so to hear that you simply thought of it as a birth defect amuses him. if sebek heard that...
he'll teach you the ways of briar valley. the history, traditions and so on, if you so persist. in a way, he's like a big brother who wants to get to know you, but doesn't quite know how.
🍉 silver 🍉
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surprise, of course. to think his old man was traveling to a different universe just before lilia found him... silver can command his strength.
he's surprised, of course. you're lilia's daughter...? so, his sister? no, half sister? he welcomes you as such, and is prepared for your utter shock when he tells you that your siblings.
he treats you like he does with sebek. siblings stand on equal ground, no? granted, he's sure you haven't endured much training, so he'll help you on that front.
that being said, he'll be an attentive older brother. receiving an unexpected sibling seems to show that side of him that even he doesn't know about.
I think when he first met you, there's a little strike of... oh. father's biological child. it fades as quick as it appears, so it doesn't bother him much.
while he's unsure on whether or not you plan to stay in twisted wonderland, he'll do his best to support your decision- it must be difficult, deciding between your adoptive parents or your biological one, who he happens to share familial connections with.
🍉 lilia vanrouge 🍉
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the man himself! in absolute shock. so his one fling led to... oh... oh dear. he feels very guilty. to abandon a child unknowingly while taking another one in... how is he supposed to feel about that?
for a few days, lilia is quiet. his head is muddled with thoughts and his confusion rings clear as day. how did he become so foolish? how did he... why... how...? it takes the combined efforts of everyone in diasomnia to snap him out of it.
first things first, he apologizes to you and tells you what he knows about your birth's circumstances. to think that he would create a child..
with silver, he's known him ever since he was a wee lad, but you..? even though you are bound by blood, he doesn't know a single thing about you. how would he start? he gives you options that makes it comfortable for you. you can reach out to him if you like, or you can back away. either way, he'll do his best to communicate with you.
he doesn't know what you'll choose- to stay in twisted wonderland, or to go back to your original world, but whichever you choose, he hopes you won't forget what happened with him.
since you hail from a world where magic doesn't exist, they will show you its wonders. from tricks to tricky spells, they'll attempt to aid you. who knows, perhaps after some exposure your own magic will appear. the child of lilia vanrouge would be expected to have a few throws of magic, yes?
they'll try to make you feel at home. it's not perfect, but they're trying. cooking with lilia is something that they're fervently trying to get you out off, but alas, the old man always comes out victorious.
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Malleus only had Lilia, his grandmother and servants as people he could interact with. However, the servants don't speak to him unless they have to and keep their gaze away from him or never come face to face with him. His grandmother is a person who's teaching him to be a good king and not giving the love a grandmother should give to her grandson. Lilia is a father figure, a knight and teacher.
Silver and Sebek are like little brothers, but they're his knights, not people he can joke around with often. Lilia, Silver and Sebek look at him as their future king and not fully a friend.
He wasn't allowed to leave the castle until he went to Night Raven College and there he met people who were scared of him and would never dare to approach him. Those who do approach him did it for a challenge online.
He grew up alone in a dark castle, the only people he could speak to were a mentor and knights, not a family member or completely friends. Outside he was greeted with fearful eyes from a simple glance of him.
He didn't experience true friendship (or romance), never dealing with the fear of losing someone and the grief that comes with it. He's an adult that never went through strong emotions and when he did, he was lost on how to deal with them.
Yuu, a human who didn't know of how powerful he is and greeted him without fear. Even when they were told who he was, they still stayed by his side and continued to see him as a friend.
Malleus was intrigued by the human who didn't know who he was. He was surprised because everyone knows him, so it felt different to be a stranger to someone instead of being a person you already know beforehand.
His thoughts on them was of curiosity and approached them again during Halloween. He asked for a dance during the party in the world of ghosts because he saw the chance to share a simple dance without formality or uncomfortable expression staring up at him.
Greeting him again with a smile or inviting him to something and be happy to see him there.
It felt new to him, finally feeling like a person and not someone who's always praised or seen as a monster.
But Yuu is a human and not from his world, they will leave him. He finally feels accepted and seen as not something bad. They will leave him and he will go back to being all alone and he can't stop this from happening.
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apompkwrites · 1 year
I'm having Lil Bat and Silver's twin thoughts again.
To be fair, I've had some of these on the back burner waiting since October/November/December haha I totally didn't forget that I did not send them before haha haha.
I'm gonna do some retconning for my previous brain rots.
Vanrouge(Name) pretty much has the same backstory in the other Vanrouge(name) brain rots I sent in this and this (I think, idk they could be the wrong ones)
a as brief as I am capable of TLDR for those two posts because they are long and made while brainrotting, so they might be hard to read lmao (plus some bits I added because I feel like they add a bit more to them idk help): Lil Bat was a sick child; who grew up separated from their brother because of the nurse's fear of them getting even sicker because of their brother's carelessness leading them both to become distant from each other and making Lil Bat long for freedom which then prompts them to start traveling once they get older and strong enough where they aren't sick constantly anymore, so that way even if they do eventually die of sickness or some other reason they won't have any possible regrets (for the most part)
ok so in the Neverending Halloween Event, which I didn't 100% complete, and I am still mad at myself because I am bad at time management, Silver says that in his childhood, he and his father (Lilia) lived in a little cabin in the woods and his father (Lilia) would be out traveling for months at a time leaving Silver alone during that time, and now I need to add some things.
Imagine Lilia never really staying anywhere long during his time as a general, one reason because of his job having to go off to fight many battles, and the other being the fact that he is a free spirit who seems to be physically incapable of being tied down unless he wills it; after his retirement as general and even as he started taking care of Malleus, he would go out traveling and would bring back souvenirs for Malleus, ( Malleus says in the Fireworks event that Lilia got him souvenir flags). None of this changed when Silver and his beloved twin came into the picture.
Imagine that when Lilia found Silver and his twin, they were holding each other's hand, as though they refused to be separated, and after he took them in, they were very close during childhood. They both took care of each other, even with their own curses of sleep individually; they relied on each other when they were alone, and it seemed like they were going to stay like that forever; they cleaned together, learned how to make edible food together so that they could avoid accidentally dying from food poisoning after consuming their fathers cooking, slept in the same room and sometimes shared a bed when one had a nightmare and didn't want to be alone, they had a structured routine that they would do to take care of the place that they lived in yet flexible enough that it accommodated for both of their sleeping curses if one or both of them fell asleep or passed out then the schedule wouldn't be affected that much.
During their childhood, Lilia started teaching them swordsmanship, though Silver seemed to enjoy it more than his twin did, it just wasn't that fun or enjoyable for them, and it seemed that it was tedious for them; Lilia noticed this and stopped getting (Name) to join them. Initially, they were happy with this and didn't mind that much, though they quickly started feeling left out. Their father was out traveling a lot + his job as the princes retainer and would come back in small periods to check up on them, when he did he spent a lot of his time with them training, and since they were no longer training with them, the time they spent with their father decreased significantly.
They didn't feel much jealousy or envy for their brother though, they were happy that their brother had time to bond with their dad and plus it's not like Lilia didn't spend time with them, and as a even bigger plus they had all the time in the world to spend with their brother when their father left.
One night during one of their father's visits, just as they both were about to fall asleep in their respective beds, (name) heard their brother tell them that they wanted to become a knight and that he was gonna talk to their father about it in the morning. They didn't think much about it and was just happy that their brother figured out what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. In the morning, Silver told their father. Their father was shocked, but (Name) could tell he was happy.
It was not long before Silver started to officially train at the palace; he initially seemed nervous, asking his twin if they could come with him. This wouldn't be his first time going to the palace or their grounds; when they were both toddlers that were this close to doing something that would get them killed, Lilia would often bring them along to the palace so he could do his job as a retainer and make sure his children didn't die prematurely at the same time, (name) thought that their brother was simply just not used to being without their presence yet. (Name) agreed anyway, and Silver promptly asked Lilia if they could bring his twin, to which Lilia also agreed.
Their time visiting the palace had been nothing but pleasant; they enjoyed watching their brother have fun. It was nice to see him befriend a half-fae who was kind of mean with hair that they would later learn to describe as radioactive named Sebek, who was two years younger than them, and all the servants were nice to them and were more than willing to help. That was until one day, they got bored, and the hallway leading to other parts of the palace looked really tempting; they slipped away and started walking through; nothing new, just an unending hallway. They heard some talking, and although they knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, they couldn't help it.
What they heard genuinely shocked them; some of the palace maids were complaining about them, how it was a shame that the retired general had such a useless child, how they were holding their brother back with their presence; at least Silver was doing something to help the royal family, there was more complaining about anything and everything about them. In hindsight, it was baseless gossip, but it could be more than true to their little child mind.
They wanted to cry, felt humiliated, and just ran, the servants in question probably saw them and knew they heard it, but they didn't try to comfort or chase after them. After a while of running, they went into a random room and just hid, not wanting to be seen or found. Did they want to be found? Was what they said true? Is that why their father doesn't as much time with them? Because he sees them as a failure, as useless? Sebek had previously said something like that to them, but they didn't listen because they didn't realize it. They thought he was just mean. Does their aunt/uncle also think of them like that?
They stayed like that for what felt like forever before being found, and when they were found, it wasn't by anyone they knew. They were found by a fae with horns with an appearance similar to the prince. They were confused and shocked after finding the child, yet they attempted to comfort them. They were awkward; they obviously had never interacted with a child before, especially a human one who was also crying. Nonetheless, their comfort attempts had worked, and they had calmed down enough to confide in the fae. They had talked for a while, and after hearing the cause of the human's tears, the fae had apologized for the two maids' behavior, telling them that they were just old fae clinging onto their youth with nothing better to do than hurt an innocent child. They had very quickly become close. Silver's twin had tried to get the Fae's name, but they seemed hesitant to tell them, so Silver's twin dropped it for a while and waited to ask them again, however before they were able to ask again the horned fae asked where their parent(s) was, Silver's twin answered the training area and the fae helped calm their swollen eyes before escorting them back to the training area and disappeared.
(Name) returned to the seat they sat in before they left and continued watching their brother train; it seemed like what just happened was a nasty nightmare that turned into a pleasant dream, and it seemed that no time had passed since they left with neither their brother nor their father seeming to notice or acknowledge their brief disappearance.
Once they returned to the cabin they called home, (Name) couldn't stop thinking about what happened that day, and despite the words that the fae had said to comfort them, they still thought and considered the words the maids had said. Nonetheless, they slipped away In search of the fae they conversed with the next time they returned to the palace to accompany Silver. They did eventually find them in the garden and they continued their conversations becoming closer.
The two kept meeting, even finding and tending to an injured bird they found in the garden. That was until Silver told them that he felt comfortable at the palace and that they no longer needed to accompany them after today. So when Draconia(Name) and Silver's twin met that day, they bid farewell and promised to write to each other. They did write to each other regularly, their conversations carried through by the letters. Eventually, Silver's visits to the palace got longer and longer, hours turned into days, and then days turned into weeks, cementing the idea in his twin's mind that they really were holding him back and that if that one of the things they heard was right, then the other things must be right.
Silver's twin was shocked to learn of their friend's bloodline during the NRC dorm assignment but was glad that they were in the same dorm and could see each other again. They both were very awkward around each other; the last time they had seen each other in person was when the human was a child, and they were both more talkative on paper than in person. They both have phones now and most of their conversations take place there.
Back to Vanrouge(Name) I think that they knew their brother now preferred his cabin but were always shocked whenever they didn't see him around the estate anymore; they always saw him around, through the window when he was training or just taking a walk, in the library, during dinner, etc... and now that he wasn't there, it just felt lonely.
One day they returned from a long exhausting, and very stressful trip, and they were half asleep ready to just eat dinner and pass out on their bed; they entered the dining room after asking one of the servants to prepare their food, and to their surprise, their brother was there.
They sat down and started eating their food as their brother started talking about something; about what? They weren't paying much attention; they were just nodding and eating. Eventually, their brother asked a question, and they nodded, and the (onesided) conversation ceased. Lil Bat finished their meal, and as they were getting up to head back to their room, their brother also got up and rushed over to them; grabbing their hand, he dragged them from the house to his cabin. Lil bat, though, who was not paying attention to what they had agreed to, was very confused and mildly scared. Did he notice that they weren't paying attention to what he was saying? Although he no longer lives in the mansion, he's still technically the head of the family. Is he kicking them out? shit shit shit shit- wait isn't that his cabin? why did he take them here again?
When they got into the cabin Lilia let them go and left into one of the rooms, they walked over to the couch and sat on it, noting that it was comfortable and a few seconds later Lilia walked out holding two babies and gave them one.
A baby...?
Their brother did mention something about children... did he? they were cursing at themself for not paying attention to what he was saying earlier; nonetheless, he had two children. Children...? did he get married? that would explain moving to the cabin, but why weren't they invited to the wedding? Did he get eloped? that would also make sense... these children are human, aren't they? So their sister-in-law must be human. Where is she? Wait- these children are humans? But if he had children with a human, wouldn't the children be half-fae...? where did he get the children? Step-children maybe? If so where is his wife? is she out? Did he steal these children? Dear seven... they weren't awake enough for this shit.
"I think they like you" was what drew them out of their thoughts; they snapped their head away from the child in their arms whose hands were making grabbing motions at them towards the voice, their brother, who laughed at their reaction he told them that one day as he was living his best life he found two abandoned children and he couldn't just leave them there so now they're his children.
I feel like Lil Bat would babysit for Lilia, if we go with my previous hobby hc's for Lil Bat I can see Lil Bat teaching Silver's twin how to paint and letting a child Silver's twin sit on their lap as they painted, it was messy but the child enjoyed it and liked being close to them.
I can also see Lil Bat popping up out of nowhere like it's 12AM, and Lil Bat would just enter and pass out on the couch because it was closer than the estate and would stay for like 2 days. Also, Lil Bat would 100% tell Silver's twin bedtime stories about their travels and the tales they previously heard of to help them fall asleep, and I can see them sitting and talking at night because Silver's twin couldn't fall asleep.
Also, I can imagine Lil Bat and Draconia meeting during a gala; Lil Bat was bored and was way too tired of pretending to be interested in what others were saying, so they escaped into the garden, where they found a horned fae child just vibing. Since the child was very obviously of Draconia bloodline, they very cautiously approached and asked the child why they were sitting alone out there and not inside with their family, to which they got the response, "I was told to stay here until the gala was over as to not tarnish the Draconia's reputation."
Lil Bat's first reaction was, "Oh shit" and recalled that there was some drama with an illegitimate child being born along with some outrage, the whole thing was pretty dumb in their opinion and very messy, but they always felt bad for the child as they did not ask to be born in this situation. The conversation had ceased, and the air was pretty awkward. The silence was deafening until Vanrouge(Name) asked how life was in the palace; they didn't know why they asked that it was the first thing that came to mind. The child stayed quiet for a moment before saying, "Um... it's not bad... Miss Leah is nice. She takes care of me." a look of anger appeared on Vanrouges face before turning neutral, and a small smile appeared "Yeah? tell me about her" and so the innocent child did, they talked about all the thing's Miss Leah did, how safe they felt around her, and how they wished for more people to think like she does and Vanrouge listen.
They went on for a while before adding, "...but the others-" "They aren't as nice, are they?" the older fae said "No... I don't understand it." Vanrouge took a sip of their wine and let out, "Agh! ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵗᵃˢᵗᵉˢ ʰᵒʳʳᶦᵇˡᵉ ʷʰʸ ᵈᵒ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ? Anyways... Don't listen to them; they're old and decrepit, rude and inconsiderate, clinging onto their youth- pathetic if you ask me. Nothing better to do than hurt a young, innocent child." The child looked at them. "No, really, they've probably never left the Valley. Never able to change their world views because they've never been challenged, staying as insufferable their whole life" The older fae laughed, "pitiful is it not?" "you've been outside the Valley" The child inquired; it seemed they had the child's attention. "Yes, I have. I've been almost everywhere; I've met many people, some nice, some mean; it's a mixed bag. Would you like to know some places I've been to?" The young fae nodded, "If it's not a bother." They stayed walking in the garden, Vanrouge telling the illegitimate Draconia child of their travel with the young fae asking questions every so often for hours, only stopping when the gala had long ended, and Vanrouge(Name) could only assume Miss Leah was looking for the child as they had wandered into the labyrinth while talking. "Oh... It seems that we're lost in the labyrinth... My apologizes" "No, it's okay. I know the way back." The child said in reply to the older fae's musings. "Well then! lead the way then, my liege." Once the pair had escaped the maze, the calls for the child by Miss Leah could be heard the older fae had bid their farewells and started to walk away before the hem of their sleeve had been tugged on. They looked back. "Um... is it alright if you visit again...? I would like to hear more..." the child asked, clearly nervous at the possible rejection. Vanrouge hummed, "Of course" they crouched down to look them in the eyes. "I would also love to write to you if you allow it, as I am not often in the Valley of Thorns; I could inform you of my next visit." The child's eyes sparkled, and nodded, "Okay!" The bat fae laughed, "Great, who should I address it to?" "Draconia(Name)" the child replied
Since then, they would write to each other regularly, with Vanrouge(name) writing about their travels and Draconia(Name) would write questions about the places they visited and would confide in the older fae. During their in-person visits, Vanrouge(Name) would give them personalized souvenirs of things they thought or knew the young Draconia would like. When they learned of their niece/nephew and the Draconia's correspondence, they were pleasantly surprised, glad that the precious children they cared for deeply became friends and could confide in each other as they both had their own burdens. sorry for this being so long. This has been sitting for a while, and I didn't want to just forget it all, so it was better to just let it all out at once lmao
waaaa more lil bat and twin silver!! gotta love the black sheep fae family <33
imagining how heartbroken twin!silver would feel after being told that they weren't needed to go to the castle with silver anymore. they continue the routine they set up with him but suddenly it doesn't work because there's only one of them :((
and and them meeting draconia!(name) in the castle and becoming friends :OO + vanrouge!(name)!!! ugh i love them
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hanafubukki · 8 months
am gonna cry about this fanart of Baul, Meleanor, Lilia, and Knight of Dawn together waaaahh 😭😭😭😭
The faes side eyeing Knight of Dawn... LMAO😂 Lilia looked particularly aggressive while Knight of Dawn is just nervous XD
I just knew that if Knight of Dawn was adopted by the dark faes instead of the human king, he'll have a better life without the constant pressure from Henrik using his love for the human king and Leia to "repay their kindness by going to war"😭😭✨✨
Hello Lian🌺🌻💚
AHHHH thank you for sharing this Fan Art with me, it's so so cute and seeing them all together makes me so emotional and happy.
Knight of Dawn doesn't know how to react. Lilia’s being protective of his sister, while Meleanor and Baul is nonchalant. 😂🤣
Ahhhhhh I love to think about how Dawn would have been so, so much happier if he was adopted by the Dark Faes. The shenanigans of these faes trying to raise a human baby.
Meleanor has to learn that human babies are softer compared to fae. She would sing him lullabies to sleep. Dress baby Dawn in the finest, be the protective sister to anyone who tries to mess with him or court him.
Lilia would be a tsun older brother figure. He would initially act like he doesn't care about the baby (kind of like Malleus when he first met Silver), but warm up to him. Take him out to walks, teach him how to fight, sneak him out of the castle to have fun, and so much more.
Baul would be the calm headed one, well calmer than everyone else. Be another one to watch over him, makes sure Dawn doesn't suffer Lilia's cooking, and pat him on the head.
It would be funny that despite these faes influence, Dawn would still be straight laced like we know in canon/Silver.
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Lilia: Why are you like this? We didn't raise you like this.
Meleanor: I need to teach you how to be greedy, just like the Draconias. You must take what you want without hesitation.
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I also headcanon that Dawn would make Meleanor flower crowns. Dawn would make Lilia little bracelets that he can hang on his uniform or sword. Baul would get a necklace (this kind of reminded me of the Lilo and Stitch scene where Lilo calmed Stitch with a flower necklace). ���💞💞
The faes would dispose of Henrik real quick, and just like how Aurora married Philip in the live action. Dawn could get engaged to Leia, (and like how Maleficent reacted) the faes in his life would reluctantly accept.
Thank you for sending this in Lian, I loved seeing them all together. 🥹💚💞
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nrc-broadcasting · 2 years
A Bat Guarded Gemstone
Requested by @hetaliagirlinthetardis
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“—so what you really need to do is either get them a stool so they reach you or you bend down to their height because you wouldn’t want to strain your neck talking to someone shorte- oh?” Yuu stopped mid sentence.
Yuu’s phone vibrated with a new message.
“By The Seven…Twisted Wonderland, we have another message!” Yuu gleefully cheered as they picked up their phone and opened the notification.
“This one is from…Sapphire! What an expensive name you’ve got there,” Yuu chuckled.
“She said: ‘Hi Yuu, I’m Sapphire and my question is what do you think of the Diasomnia Vice Housewarden? Like, do you think he’d maybe like to take an autistic girl as a little sibling? And how do you think he would be with an autistic sibling? I think he’d make an amazing big brother. Sorry to bother you, have a great day!’” Yuu read out loud to their mic.
“Hello, once again, Sapphire! And don’t worry, you aren’t bothering me!” Yuu reassured before trailing their eyes back to the message.
“The Diasomnia Vice Housewarden…?” Yuu squinted to try and remember who that is.
“Oh!” Yuu said as they come to a realization.
“Do you mean Lili—” Lilia himself suddenly appeared in front of Yuu, hanging upside down from the ceiling.
“Prefect, you called?” He said with a smirk on his face
“AAAAAH—!” Yuu jumped into the air.
“Lilia! Stop doing that!” Yuu scolded as they helped Lilia down from the ceiling.
‘If the overblots don’t kill me, this man is.’ Yuu shook their head.
“So, why did you call?” Lilia smiled at Yuu, his vampire-like teeth peeking out from his thin lips.
“Well, the broadcast just received a question regarding you.” Yuu said, passing their phone to the Vice Housewarden.
“Oh~! I’d be happy to answer it with you, Prefect.” Lilia said as his eyes scanned the phone’s screen.
“The truth is, I’m happy to adopt more family members! Doesn’t matter if you have any disorders or disabilities.” Lilia chuckled, a fond look taking over his face as he reminisces the times he had with the younger members of his dorm.
“Eh, but I think you’d treat Sapphire more as a daughter than a sister.” Yuu interrupted Lilia’s thoughts.
“Hahaha, I probably would! But I can fill in the big brother role too, you know!” Lilia laughed.
“Oh? Don’t tell me you don’t have any faith in my abilities!” Lilia said, faux shock on his face to tease Yuu
Yuu snorted.
“Alright, Grandfather. Call me when you actually learn how to cook.” Yuu shot back.
Lilia let out a disappointed sound with a frown on his face as listeners hear you laugh in the background, the musical sound ringing in their ears.
“But in all honesty, I know he’d stay up for days and nights in a row just so he can research what autism is and how to treat someone with making them feel like their different because of their disorder.” Yuu said after the calmed down from laughing.
“I’m flattered to hear you think of me like that~” Lilia said with a dopey smile on his face.
“I’m not saying what I think, I’m telling them facts about you.” Yuu corrected before going back to ramble on about how caring Lilia would be.
“He would comfort you after any meltdowns or episodes, if you ever have those. He probably would scold Sebek and tell him to keep his voice down if you get trigger by loud noises. And by extension, he’d teach Silver, Sebek, and Malleus on how to take care of you and treat you as part of their makeshift family.” Yuu listed off using their fingers.
“Prefect—” Lilia tried to stop Yuu and the rising heat that’s attacking his ears and face.
“Oh, and expect cuddle sessions, activities to calm you down and—?!” Lilia reached out an outstretched hand to cover Yuu mouth, reducing the words coming out to muffled sounds.
“Anddd, that’s all, Twisted Wonderland! See you next-next week!” Lilia nervously said as he tried to contain a squirming Yuu in his arms, angry he has the audacity to end their broadcast.
“Vanrouge!!!” Was the last thing heard before the broadcast faded into music.
Our fairytale has come to an end.
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
14 Birthday Jacket Vignette
14: I wonder who's gonna come to my interview, the interviewer chosen by the magical dice will bring good luck...I wonder what luck will befall me
???: 14..
14: H-Huh
Jade: *Smiles* Happy Birthday
14: *Tackles Jade down* JADE-SAN!!!
Jade: *Chuckles* H-Hello 14...
Jade: *Clears his throat and smiles again* I'm your interviewer today, how about that it seems luck is truly on your side
14: I do feel lucky already with you here, Jade!!
Jade: That's good, here's your gift
Jade: *Laughs* I knew you'd enjoy them! Grow away to your hearts content~
14: They look so cool! I love these, I have to grow these right now!
Jade: Maybe after the interview, 14, you will have all the time in the world too, as for growing them you'll have to teach me a thing or two about growing flowers
Jade: I'm more knowledgeable in growing mushrooms but I hear some like the company of certain floral plants
14: Of course, I'll show you the ropes when growing some flowers, I have this book on them back in my room
Jade: How useful, looks like we'll be gardening together more often
14: Yes!
Part 2
Jade: Let's begin with this interview shall we, so we can spend time together
Jade: If you could have any student from Night Raven Collage as your sibling who would it be?
Jade: Or course I'm out of the question as is everyone else in Octavinelle
14: Hm...then I'd have to go with....Cater then, the phone addict selfy guy!
Jade: Cater Diamond from Heartslabyul, why him?
14: He knows the latest trends, he's really friendly and I'm hoping to drag out that hidden side of his that he seems to dislike, the more....insecure side..
Jade: Hm?
14: I don't know much about emotions and all that but I can tell when someone is being a fake character, Cater has something hidden inside him that he won't allow out and is hiding it by being the outgoing social butterfly
14: I wish to help him mend that broken person inside, and being his sibling might help be get closer to him rather than an overall friendship between us
14: Friendships can only go so far, you know, yeah a friend has become family and you tell them secrets and all that, you have sleepovers hangout, but there are sometimes things that friends nor family realize and I was hoping to be that pillar for him as a sibling that realizes his pain
14: So I'd like to be Cater's little brother, if I'm able to become one...
Jade: Some spectacular thought you put into your decision, you have an eye sharper than Rook Hunt, 14
14: Not really, I'm just able to tell if someone's being fake, not trying to mean that in a rude way, but I know what it's like and how Cater hut secretly be feeling
Jade: A kind heart you own, 14
14: Aha, thank you, Jade-San...
Part 3
Jade: If you were to transfer to a different dorm, what would you pick
14: D-Different Dorm!? Why would I need to pick that, am I getting kicked out!!
Jade: No, or course not, it's just for the interview of course!
14: Then....I would have to pick...Diasomnia, yes, I'd choose Diasomnia
Jade: Why pick Diasomnia, it's a dorm filled with powerful mages? I worry you might end up getting pummeled you know, not many are as nice as the students here
14: I like dark spaces, Diasomnia has dark areas too, besides I'd be able to use my UM more efficiently when in that dorm
14: Besides Liv-Chan wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on me! She'd tell Malleus so fast and a new rule would be added suddenly if so!
14: Haha, another upside to being in Diasomnia, having someone who is close with the current dorm leader and gets spoiled by them a lot!
Jade: Sneaky, sneaky, 14
14: *Laughs, grinning at him*
Jade: I might have to shorten your time spent with Azul since you've become quite the mastermind
14: Hey, I learned a lot hanging out with the Fish Mafia, as everyone calls you three
Jade: *Chuckles* May I ask who refers to us as that?
14: Oh, Ace of course, he's the one who came up with the nickname as well after the whole fiasco you know!
14: It giggle whenever he says that, it's a silly nickname, really hilarious, but I don't think it describes you guys that well
Jade: *Grins* I see....I shall pay Trappola a visit sometime later today!
14: Alright!
Jade: And this concludes our interview! I had fun with your answers, 14, some were quite touching and others quite funny
14: Thanks Jade! I had an amazing time!
Jade: That's good, now Happy Birthday, 14!!
14: *Laughs smiling wide, chasing Jade, reaching forward with his other arm back preparing to throw a whipped cream pie*
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