#Okay no it was actually way cooler in my head. BUT yeah that’s more or less the entire plot ☺️☺️☺️😊🙏
cartoon-angerr · 5 months
Apologies for my sudden disappearance again 😭 I hope everyone is doing okay!
I've got news! First of all, happy new year 2014 ,,☺️ Second of all, I am rebranding my MSM AU, Loodvigg's Day at Disneyland. I lost motivation to write it, but l've somehow grown deeply attached to it. So I turned AU Loodvigg into an OC... erm hi Viggy sorry you're a furry now
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They're going to be an important character in an OC story I'm planning to develop! I'm basically gonna implant the story I had for LDaD into this character and his own backstory. And I've got a lot planned for this fella... By the way, their name is Guillaz!
Ok so that's it that's the announcement. Uh. I won't go more into detail for now but yeah! I might post the art concepts I had for LDaD in an art dump at some point.
Okay back to my hibernation... Zzz
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italiansteebie · 11 months
for some reason, eddie munson has been hanging out at scoops. scoops ahoy, of all places.
robin isn't sure why he's here, but it seems when he shows up, her rich bitch of a coworker, steve harrington, seems to get real flustered.
how interesting.
she watches from the corner of her eye as steve strikes out with yet another girl, and as eddie scoffs in his direction. it's not harsh, though. more of a fond, knowing look, to which steve meets with his own matching expression.
it seems practices, casual, even. do eddie and steve know each other? outside of boring school hierarchies? are they friends?
the way they're interacting now sure seems like it.
she catches steve's eye, watching as a blush rises to his cheeks, before he ducks his head and wiggles his fingers in some sort of wave at her.
she scoffs and looks back to where eddie was, only to find that he'd moved on already. she pretends not to notice the disappointment on steve's face.
were they actually friends? it seems unlikely but, hey. who is she to judge, the dingus is actually pretty cool sometimes.
turns out, the king and the freak were much closer than robin once thought.
and cooler too.
though, that was physically speaking, because about thirty seconds ago, she'd walked in on them in the freezer. luckily, they were only kissing, still, it was a sight she'd never lose.
she power walked back to the break room. "oh my god." she whispered to herself as she sat at the table. "buckley! buck, hey. robin," there was eddie, he looked a bit flustered and the situation fully set in. "hey-"
"robin, you can't-" eddie heaved a breath, "you can't tell anyone, please," his tone was pleading, and his eyes were wide with fear. a concerned part of her wondered where steve was, if he was too ashamed to show his face. no, he wasn't like that.
"it's okay, i- uh. i have a crush on tammy thompson."
"wh- oh. that's great, good. good." eddie breathed. "i gotta go check on stevie." he told her, jerking a thumb towards the walk in.
how steve was still in there was beyond her, that little box was cold.
it was a few minutes before both boys emerged once more, tears frozen to steve's face as he walked out, shaking hands grasping at ring clad fingers.
he was scared. scared of her, robin realized.
"it's okay, robin. eddie told me," he sniffled, hands still shaking. "thanks for being cool about this, my dad would actually kill be if he found out, i- uh. yeah. thanks." he sighed, shoulders finally relaxing, falling away from his ears.
"of course, steve."
"tammy thompson, though?"
"i know, right?" eddie giggled from next to him, still holding steve in a comforting embrace, smiling as steve laughed.
robin scoffed, "what's wrong with tammy?"
"nothing," eddie said casually, while steve decided to forgo pleasantries, "she's a total dud." he scoffed. "she is not!" robin protested, mouth open in amused shock. "glad to see you're back to your bitchy self, sunshine," eddie laughed, watching their antics.
i read @scoops-stevie 's recent post and was ✨inspired✨
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zvdvdlvr · 3 months
— Lunch Break
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— 🫧. Synopsis. Spencer hasn’t been feeling well lately. When he accidentally gives you his lunch as well as yours, you have to leave work to make sure he gets his lunch and eats to make sure he gets better. But the thing is, no one knew Spencer had married someone.
— 🫧. Warnings. Blue!collar reader. Female reader. Collective group shock lmao. Foul language. Welder!reader. Pet names. Possible out of character Spencer but i dont really care. I’m so sleep deprived yall.
— 🫧. Other welder!reader pieces. Alive and Breathing.
“Bye, angel,” you murmured after pressing a kiss to your sleepin husband’s cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Spencer replied tiredly, eyes opening the slightest bit. “I already put your lunch in your cooler. Be safe.”
You smiled. Of course, even though you have to leave at 2 in the morning, Spencer’s already five steps ahead. You turned to leave the bedroom but stopped after hearing him cough. “Before you leave- I got you a few more boxes of that DayQuill/NyQuill stuff and Mucinex. Should be on the counter. Make sure you take them, Spence. I know you haven’t been feeling well. Bye, I love you,” you spoke quickly, throwing your coat on.
Spencer felt a smile forming on his face. His wife: always attentive and gentle (to him at least). “I love you, baby.”
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“Hey,” Spencer greeted, picking up his phone and heading out of the bullpen. “What’s up?” Spencer was confused: you didn’t usually call him or contact him when you were at work unless it was absolutely necessary. Were you in trouble? “Are you okay?”
“I’m alright, angel. I’m coming over to drop off your lunch. You, uh,” your voice paused, probably observing other drivers’ movements at a red light. “You gave me my lunch and yours. So I’m on my way. Do you want me to come up or… drop it off? I’m all dirty ‘n everything,” you rambled.
“I think you look hot when you get off of work,” Spencer replied with a smile. He felt himself sigh. He was glad nothing had happened to you.
Your laugh crackled through the line. “That’s because it’s a very physical job, Spence.”
Spencer chuckled, “No, babe, I think you’re just… naturally very attractive.”
“You’re too good for me, Spence. Did you take your medicine? You sound pretty nasally,” you questioned.
“Yeah, I took it,” Spencer replied quietly with a smile on his face. You noticed everything- and Spencer was the profiler! “Anyway, I gotta go, babe. Drive safe, my beautiful wife. I love you.”
“I love you too, husband.”
Spencer tucked his ohone back into his pocket and wandered back out to the bullpen. “Hey, so… I have something to tell you,” Spencer blurted out to Emily and Derek who were watching him like a hawk.
“What is it?” Emily asked immediately, eyebrows furrowing.
“So, I want to apologize for keeping this for so long but I just- I didn’t know how to tell you. I mean, not to mention the fact that you wouldn’t have believed me anyway but that’s not the point. The point is I want you to stay calm and don’t be mad at me.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, kid, slow your roll. What’s goin’ on?” Derek asked.
Spencer looked at both Emily and Derek before sighing. “My wife is gonna be swinging by soon and… she’s… all I’m asking is don’t scare her away. Actually,” Spencer paused, smiling slightly, “she might scare you a little bit.”
Emily’s brows raised higher then Spencer previously thought possible. “You… What?” She asked, standing up.
“You’re actually joking.” Derek stated, face solemn. “You’re joking, man, come on.”
Spencer shrugged, hand coming up to pull the necklace his ring was on from under his shirt to show his coworkers. “We went to the courthouse one year, eleven months. two weeks, four days, and twelve hours ago.”
Derek blinked. “Are- You’re seriously not joking?”
“I have the documents at home to prove it,” Spencer replied, tucking it back under his shirt. “If, you know, you want to see them.”
“I’d rather see her in person,” Emily stated, already starting her pacing. “But like, you didn’t kidnap her or anything did you?”
Spencer shook his head. “No, believe me. She loves me, Emily. I love her.”
Derek sat, hands on his head. “So we missed the wedding and everything? You didn’t say a word, man.”
Spencer nodded. “We were gonna tell you, invite you over for our anniversary.”
“Spencer, what’s her name?” Emily asked suddenly.
“Who’s name?” A low, gravely voice asked. Aaron Hotchner stood, hands on his hips, staring each of his agents down.
“Spencer’s wife’s,” Derek responded slowly.
“Oh,” Hotch replied casually.
“You knew?!” Emily asked loudly, mouth dropped open in shock.
“I saw he added someone else to the insurance, and there was another emergency contact. I haven’t seen her though,” Hotch answered honestly.
“When’s she gonna be here?”
“Soon. She called me probably five minutes ago, so estimating the amount of traffic about this time, I’d guess probably ten minutes.”
“I assume you can find something to do for ten minutes?” The corner of Hotch’s lip turned up just the slightest bit, and he had a hint of amusement in his voice. When Derek finally tore his eyes off of Spencer and Emily bee-lined for her desk, Hotch turned around and stalked over to Rossi’s office to tell him the good news.
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Spencer stood up when he heard the unmistakable sound of your steel-toed boots making comtact with the floor. A sweet smile painted his face as he gravitated to you, shoulders relaxing at your presence. “Hey, baby,” he whispered when he was close enough to you.
“Hi you,” you replied, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You brandished a brown paper bag, Spencer’s name written in your handwriting.
Emily watched you walk in. You were wearing two shirts, dark in color with small holes decorating the sleeves and the hem of both shirts. Your pants were dark and thick, dark liquids and stains all over them. The boots on your feet were definitely thick: steel toed if Emily had to guess. A physical worker, she put the pieces together. Electician? That wouldn’t explain all the stains. Mechanic? Couldn’t be: why would your shirts be all torn if you were fixing cars? Welder? The pieces fit, though Emily wasn’t too educated in that department. She had respect for you. Not many women Emily knew could handle the responsibilities of such a physical job, or handle all the creeps, jerks, and perverts that passed in your workplace.
“Derek,” Emily whisper-yelled. He looked up and she gestured to where Spencer had strode over to you.
“Come on.”
Emily stood up, brushing her hands on her pants and followed Derek to where you were conversing.
“-come back? He’s been slacking off too much, baby, you shouldn’t let him keep relying on you to get his stuff done,” Spencer rambled angrily.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Spence. How are you feeling? I brough- oh. Hi,” you greeted.
“Hi! Mrs. Reid, right?” Emily asked, sticking her hand out.
You smiled brightly and nodded. When you saw her hand and showed her your own: “I don’t, uh, think you’d want to do that,” you murmured.
“Doesn’t bother me,” Emily assured honestly.
You returned her genuine smile and clasped her hand. “Thank you. You’re… Emily? Right? And then you’re Derek?” You asked, turning to face Morgan.
“That’s us,” Morgan answered.
“I don’t think Spencer’s brought me up. I’m y/n Reid,” you introduced. “Sorry for all the grime. I came to drop off Spencer’s lunch,” you explained, shooting Spencer a smile, who kept his eyes trained on you the whole time.
“Good to meet you, y/n.” Emily said. “If… if you’re alright with it, I’d like to get the team together. To meet you. If,” she glanced between you and Spencer who was watching you unblinkingly, “that is okay with both of you? I don’t want to push you.”
Derek side eyed Emily. Penelope would probably scare y/n away, even though she didn’t mean to.
“Up to you, baby,” Spencer murmured when you turned to face him.
“Doesn’t bother me,” you answered. Glancing at your Casio, you nodded, “I’ve got an hour.”
“It’ll be fast,” Emily reassured with a smile.
Emily and Derek split up, Emily going up to get Rossi and Hotch, Derek rounding up JJ and Garcia.
“Are you sure, baby?” Spencer asked. He led you to his desk, setting down the bag you gave him. “I don’t- they-“
“Do you want us to do this another day? When I’m not in my work clothes?” You asked, refusing to sit down on anything.
Spencer shook his head. “No, no. I just want you to be prepared. They can be overwhelming.”
“‘Overwhelming’ I hear?”
You turned your head and saw two men and Emily walking towards you both. The younger looking one was Hotchner because you knew David Rossi’s face; him being a famous author and everything.
“Hello! You must be the missus,” Rossi greeted, sticking his hand out. Good lord, you thought, feds and their handshakes.
You showed Rossi your dirt stained hands and opened her mouth.
“We’ve touched dead bodies, y/n. I promise we won’t get upset at a little grease,” Emily explained gently. Good god, you thought.
Regardless, you shook Rossi and Hotch’s hand, grateful for Emily’s reassurance. Spencer wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He leaned in, whispering “You’re doing great, baby.”
“So,” Hotch began, “I want to personally thank you for keeping Reid sane and healthy.”
Emily and Rossi both laughed. “Yeah, he’s got enough trouble on the field,” Emily joked.
You elbowed Spencer, a grin painting your face. “Is that right?”
“Doesn’t matter if it’s right or not: I’ll always come back to you,” Spencer replies softly, eyed swiftly darting to your lips.
“Spencer!” You reprimanded, smacking him (lightly) on the stomach. “Your bosses are right there, you-“
A loud shriek cut you off, making everyone’s gaze dart to a person behind you. “She’s real! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Reid! You didn’t even drop a singular hint that you were hitched!”
Spencer chuckled, pulling your form a little closer to his. “If I remember correctly, JJ saw my ring when I was asleep on the plane: I assumed she had told everyone and you didn’t want to bring it up.”
“For a genius, you’re pretty dumb,” a new voice cut in. “Hi, I’m Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ.” The blonde smiled warmly and brought you in for a swift hug.
“Ah! Hello, you gorgeous soul! I’m Penelope!” A shorter blonde, more colorful and energetic, embraced you. “I’m so glad to meet you, even though, you know, I didn’t even knew you existed until about two minutes ago.” She shot your husband a look. “But, I would cery much like to get to know you, as would JJ and Emily if you can’t tell.”
You smiled. “I’d love to now, but seeing as I’m technically on my lunch break, I don’t think I’ll have time to do everything you probably have in mind. Could we,” you turned to Spencer, eyes glinting, “bring them over for dinner?”
“Anything you want, babe,” Spencer replied. Truly, if you had asked him to give you his heart, he would find a way to rip the organ out of his chest and give it to you in his bood stained hands. Dinner? No problem.
“I’ll give you my number. Penelope could make a groupchat or something,” you suggested.
Everyone nodded. Hotch was looking forward to this dinner. And Rossi, no matter what he said.
After you gave Penelope your phone number and everyone dispersed, Emily and Derek were wise enough to go busy themselves with a vending machine.
“You alright, baby?” Spencer asked.
You nodded. “I’m alright. Glad I finally met them. I, uh, hope you’re not mad about the dinner thing.”
Spencer scoffed. “I wouldn’t get mad over that.”
You shrugged. “Well. I should probably head back to work. Sorry for getting you all dirty,” you apologized again, pulling away from Spencer quickly, remembering you were in your work attire.
“It’s alright, baby. ‘M just glad I got to see you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, a sly smile forming on your face. “You’ve been awfully sappy lately, Spence. Are you sure you’re alright? I’m seriously considering taking you to a doctor.”
Spencer laughed. “I’m your sap,” he responded casually.
“Okay. Seriously. Stop making me get lost in your eyes because I got to go to work. Bye. I love you,” you babbled, pulling Spencer down to kiss you.
“Bye, wife,” Spencer whispered into your lips.
“Bye, husband.”
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thetarsier · 1 year
Hiii I’ve been checking your blog and I love it, can I request secret relationship with Hotch? Like, Jack reveals your secret by accident by calling reader mom or smthn like that ❤️❤️❤️
a/n: I LOVE this.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings/notes: sickness (but like fever, not actually being sick), Derek Morgan being a little shit, not proofread
<3: aaron hotchner x reader
When you’d woken up that morning to Jack coughing and sneezing his little heart out, you’d known what kind of day it was going to be. 
Seeing his condition, it was obvious that he shouldn’t be going to school, and once Aaron had woken up, too, he’d agreed. However, there was work to be done in the office for both of you, and you didn’t want to risk getting Jessica’s children sick, too. The only option was to bring Jack into the office. He could sleep on Aaron’s couch for the day, and then go home to bed straight after. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do. 
As usual, you and Aaron took separate cars to work, you parked nowhere near each other, and Aaron always waited at least five minutes after you’d exited your car to leave his. All countermeasures to keep the keen eyes of your coworkers away from the two of you and your well-hidden relationship. 
It hadn’t been going on for long - just under a year - but things had moved quickly, and you basically lived with Aaron and Jack, only going back to your apartment occasionally when you and Aaron decided it would be best for him and Jack to be alone. You loved the both of them from wherever you were, staying with them was just a way to love them a little bit closer. 
And, boy, was there love. Much to your surprise, Jack had called you ‘mom’ the other day by accident, which led to you going back to your apartment while he and Aaron had a conversation about Haley. You felt flattered that he’d felt so safe and loved around you that the name had been given to you, and Aaron assured you that he wasn’t upset about it. 
When you’d gotten back, Jack had hugged you tightly around your neck and whispered: “My mommy is watching over me, and you do that, too. So you’re also my mom. Dad said that I could call you that if I wanted to.”
“Yeah? You want to, buddy?” You’d asked, fighting back your tears. 
“Yeah! D’you want to come play?” He brushed off the issue as if it were nothing, pulling away from you and grabbing your hand instead, leading you into the living room where his toys were. 
That lively boy had been replaced now by a quiet, sick one, and you tried not to be distracted by the sounds of him coughing in Aaron’s office. You had paperwork to do. You were supposed to be working. Jack had his father, and Penelope, who seemed to be making more trips to the water cooler today than she ever had before.
“God, it’s awful, isn’t it?” JJ’s words made you turn your attention to her from where you’d been staring at the door of Aaron’s office. 
“Hearing children in pain. It never gets better. It’s actually worse once you have a child,” She shook her head, “I wish there was something I could do.”
“Yeah,” You said on an exhale, shuffling some of your papers to give your hands a task, “I might go and see if they need anything, actually.”
“I doubt it. Hotch probably has everything Jack could need right in there,” JJ patted your shoulder as she continued her walk past your desk, “You don’t want to risk catching whatever he has.”
You nodded, swallowing as you looked down at your computer. You had to focus. If you went in there, all of the secrecy that you and Aaron had worked for would be put under a microscope. If Jack found comfort in you, like you knew he would, if Aaron let you stay with him in his office when he’d kicked everyone else out within a couple of minutes, every separate car journey to work would be rendered useless. 
Profilers were a nuisance. They saw everything, every minute shift in behaviour. They would definitely notice the signs of a relationship between you and your boss. 
“You okay, pretty girl?” Morgan asked as he came up behind you, placing his hands on your tense shoulders, “You’ve been staring at your computer screen for a while.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m just distracted.” 
He didn’t seem to buy it. Or, rather, he did, he just knew that there was a deeper reason as to why you were distracted that you weren’t mentioning. His fingers pushed into your shoulders as if he were trying to knead the secrets out of you. 
“Oh, I get it,” He mumbled next to your ear and your heart rate began to pick up, “Someone’s got a new boyfriend.”
“What?” You squeaked, turning in your chair and forcing Morgan’s hands from you, “What are you talking about?”
“You’re checking your phone a lot, you’re distracted, you’re happier recently; all signs point to good sex.”
“Derek! This is a work environment.”
“You’re not denying it,” He grinned, leaning on his own desk that was right behind yours, “So you do have a guy.”
“No! No.” You squirmed under his knowing gaze, dropping your shoulders as you let out a sigh, “Okay, yes. Yes, I do. Now, will you leave me alone to do my work?”
He cheered loudly in success, but your worried glance around the space forced him to quieten down, and after he didn’t make any other noises for a few seconds, the eyes in the office that had been drawn to the two of you quickly left again. 
“Just…” You turned back to your computer, “Don’t mention anything to anyone, okay?”
“Only if you answer one question: was I right? Is the sex good?”
You imagined what Derek’s reaction might be if he realised he was talking about his boss, the thought almost put a smile on your face. Instead, you glared at him over your shoulder, and he raised a challenging eyebrow at you. 
“Hey, baby girl-” He shouted across the office while holding eye contact with you. 
“No! Okay fine,” You leaned closer to him, speaking in a hushed whisper, “The answer to your question is yes.”
His shit-eating grin only grew wider at your answer, and when Penelope approached the two of you, Derek made an excuse of asking her out to lunch, and the two of them left the office together. You could finally relax. 
Until the sound of Jack’s coughing punctured through the air again. 
As much as Derek annoyed you (much like an older sibling), he was brilliant at distracting you from everything going on in your life. And even though you were sure that he was telling Penelope your secret at that very moment, you couldn’t help but be a little bit grateful that you’d managed to tear your mind away from the child in Aaron’s office.
It was scary to think about what could happen if the people in your office found out about you and Aaron. As a woman, it was undoubted that you would get at least one comment about sleeping your way to the top, and even though HR knew about your relationship in order to keep professionalism, you couldn’t imagine the kinds of issues that might arise with other agents if they all knew about your relationship. People could be made uncomfortable, or accuse Aaron of preferential treatment; your jobs could be on the line. 
But, then again, it would relieve a huge weight off your shoulders. You wouldn’t have to worry about taking separate cars, waiting in the parking lot, or having to stay away from the person who brought you the most comfort when you were really in need of a hug. 
No. No, you couldn’t be public about your relationship until either one of you didn’t work at the BAU anymore, which you were sure wouldn’t be happening any time soon. 
The door to Aaron’s office opened, and Jack appeared, holding Aaron’s hand and a blanket that he hadn’t let go of since he’d left the house. You tried to seem unfazed, glueing your eyes to your paperwork, but your heart beamed out of your chest when Jack pulled Aaron to a stop right beside your desk. 
“Hey, you feeling okay, buddy?” You asked, keeping your voice gentle. The burn of about a dozen pairs of eyes suddenly became apparent.
Which was why, when Jack held his arms up to be brought up into your lap, loudly exclaiming ‘Mommy!’ as you hesitantly pulled him up, you knew there was no way you could hide. Even if he hadn’t said anything, the way he melted into you, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck, was probably a dead giveaway. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” You cooed as you rubbed his back, looking up at Aaron, who was shielding you somewhat with his body as he leaned against your desk, watching you with a hint of a smile, “It’s okay, baby. You’ll feel all better soon, I promise.”
“How soon is soon?” Jack groaned into your skin, and you kissed his hot cheek.
“Really, really soon, buddy, okay?”
You continued rubbing his back as the people around you pretended to continue on with their tasks. Aaron rolled Derek’s desk chair from behind his desk and pulled it up next to you and Jack, lips stretching into a thin line. 
“He was upset, asking for you. I thought I’d rather he be happy than us protect ourselves,” He explained in a low voice, “I probably should have asked.”
“It’s alright,” You assured him, “I’m glad you brought him out, it’s been killing me all day. What are we going to tell everyone?”
“I’ll tell them to mind their own business,” He placed a hand on your knee, away from the view of everyone else, “We did everything right, telling HR but keeping it a secret from the team. It can be a sort of… relief that we don’t have to sneak around anymore.”
“Yeah, you’re right. We should get him back to your office,” Jack had fallen asleep against you, so you stood up carefully, keeping his head still with one hand cradling it, “Morgan will be back soon, and we should probably figure out a strategy to best tell him-”
“Oh!” Came a shout across the office as you and Aaron were halfway up the stairs. You squeezed your eyes shut, not believing in your bad luck, and Aaron turned around to look at Morgan, “Hotch is the secret boyfriend?”
“Watch your volume, Morgan,” Aaron warned, “As much as it may not seem like it, you’re still at work.” The ‘And don’t you dare wake up my son’ was implied, but Jack did nothing more than wiggle around in your arms at the loud noises.
“Oh, man,” Derek grinned as you and Aaron continued to walk up the stairs to his office, “I know something about you, Hotch.” 
His taunts were blocked out by Aaron opening his office door for you and closing it behind himself, twisting the lock and pulling the blinds as you set Jack down on his sofa and tucked his blanket around him. 
“What is he talking about?” Aaron asked once you’d stood up, hands coming to rest on your waist in a way they never had while you two were at work.
You relished in his touch, morphing it into a hug as you wound your arms over his shoulders. At home, he was always touching you, always somewhere close, but it was different - new - in his office, where the only things exchanged between the two of you were longing looks and papers. 
“Nothing you need to worry about.”
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littlemelaninfics · 1 month
Surprise, Surprise
a/n: I had this mostly written in my drafts before Bi!Buck actually became canon and wanted to finish it, so enjoy <3 (18+ ONLY)
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Warnings: pregnant reader, fluff (whoa! Cali writes fluff? Don’t get used to it 😉)
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“Is y/n feeling okay?”
“Yeah. Why do you ask?”
“Because she looks - Well she looks a little-“
“Hot.” Maddie said.
“Yeah that,” Chim agreed while pointing to Maddie.
“Hot?” Buck asked furrowing his brow.
“As in sexy. Foxy. Hot!” Maddie said very bluntly that even had her husband looking at her. Athena and Hen scurried to the three at the kitchen island to join in,
“You guys talking about Y/n?” Hen asked.
“I don’t mean to be suggestive as I am a woman of class, but whatever you’re doing Buck, keep doing it,” Athena nodded as she raised her glass to the gals.
“It’s not that she wasn’t THAT before now, but we haven’t seen her in a while and she looks and even feels different. I can feel her vibe from here,” Hen said as she playfully grasped at the air in your direction.
“Uh, heh, yeah. I guess things are a little different,” Buck said while looking back at you sweetly,
“Uh, I mean, things are good! Great even! That’s why you guys are here. We wanted to see everyone in one room for once,” Buck smiled, “so glad you’re all here.” Buck sipped on his beer before his foot got stuck any further down his throat.
The get together was in full swing when you went and grabbed the extra bag of ice from the freezer. Buck saw you out of the corner of his eye and practically flew out of his pants rushing over to you. Eddie saw the interaction from across the room and squinted his eyebrows in his chismoso ways. He migrated to the group by the counter with a full on detective look on his face,
“Y’all saw that, right?”
“You mean the way Buck Scooby-Doo’ed his way out of his seat to help a grown woman carry 10 pounds of ice? Yeah.” Hen confirmed. All heads turned to Eddie waiting for an explanation.
“Why are you looking at me?”
“You’re his best friend,” Maddie said matter of factly.
“You’re his sister,” Eddie mocked back.
“I mean it would explain the changes we all see,” Hen shrugged her shoulders.
“The glowing skin, thicker hair, filled out in the appropriate places…” Athena drifted off.
“The cravings, the mood swings, the crying…” Chimney chimed in. Now all heads swifted his way,
“I saw her last Thursday-
“What!? I wasn’t paying attention to anything except the safety and well being of my Jiyung. But it does make a little more sense now…”
They stared on as Buck kissed you on your forehead and took the ice to the cooler. Bobby rounded the corner in the backyard and made his way over to you, giving you the biggest hug. The group realizes he’s pointing to Buck a lot and using grand gestures,
“Think he knows something?” Hen asked Athena who just looked on. Bobby went to head inside when he spotted the gathering at the counter and immediately stopped in his tracks to turn the other way.
“He knows!” Eddie said has he raced around the counter, beating Bobby to bathroom,
“Hey Cap! What’s up?”
“What’s up, Eddie?”
“Nothin. Just hangin out, you know,” he said with a big smile and deep eye contact trying to read his Captain.
Feeling awkward,
“Alright well, I’m gonna..” Bobby said as he motioned to the bathroom.
“Yeah, man! For sure! We’ll be right out here!” Eddie walked back to the island.
“He’s not coming out,” Chimney said, “Do you think that’s why everyone’s here? So they can tell us all?”
“I guess we’ll find out, but we can’t in good conscience harass Bobby into telling us,” Athena said as she was the first to walk off.
The party went on for another hour or so when Buck called the attention of everyone,
“Y/N and I would first like to start off by thanking you all for being here. It means a lot to us that we can see the people we love and care about all together and creating memories. That’s why today is so special. Uh, it has come to my attention that some of you may be guessing…” he said as he turned his attention to his family and they turned to Bobby who kept his eyes wide and trained forward,
“My wife and I have created our true dream life and forever team. We’ve been through so much together and have been privileged to have had all of you by our side along the way. Which is why we are-words can’t even describe this feeling, but we are beyond blessed to announce that we are expecting our first child-”
The party erupted in cheer and Bobby let out a sigh of relief before joining in on the applause. Buck never got to finish his speech before parents were coming up to you both and giving hugs.
“You knew?” Athena asked Bobby.
“For 3 weeks now. He said he needed to tell someone but knew it was too early to tell everyone.”
“Ohh, so in the end you just respecting Buck’s wishes?” She delivered with a playful side eye.
“Exactly,” he said leaning down to kiss her forehead and pull her in.
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
hello ! i was wondering if you would be able to write a fic of Percy ( PJO ) befriending a child of ares reader ( or hypnos , either is fine ! ). If you are not able to, that is alright as well! Have a great day / night !
- 🗡️
hi 🗡!! of course I could! I did child of hypnos because I thought it was cooler and shit idrk ; also gave reader some little sleep powers cause why not ; have a good day/night to you as well! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
PERCY JACKSON ; slumbering demi-god
summary ; you meet good old Percy Jackson and helped him when he couldn't sleep
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; Percy is a little ooc but I was attempting to make him a little bit older (about 14-16 but no like danger or quests to go on yk)
word count ; 710
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"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry!" You exclaim, holding your shoulder after accidently walking into another camper.
"You're fine, sorry, that was my fault" He awkwardly smiles, "You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry"
"What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before?" The boy asks, pushing his curly blonde hair away from his face.
"Y/n" You answer, rubbing your eyes a bit, "Sorry, really drowsy this morning"
"You say sorry a lot"
"I know, jackass"
"Gods, okay, damn"
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"Oh, yeah, I know Y/n" Annabeth nods, "They're a child of Hypnos, like, the personification of sleep and slumber"
Percy nods, humming in response. "So, like, they just sleep a lot?"
"They can make people sleep slash fall into a deep slumber on command, basically. But they have to sleep a lot to keep themselves charged"
"Huh, interesting," Percy shrugs. "Like how I just drink gallons of water every day to keep myself hydrated? And somehow I don't fall ill to water poisoning?"
"Yeah, something like that, Perc"
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You roll your eyes, sending the young camper to sleep on command with a wave of your fingers. "Sorry, but I'm not dealing with cranky kids in the morning"
You sigh, retrieving outside to get a breath of air before heading to bed.
"Hey, Y/n!" You hear a slightly familiar voice call.
You quickly turn your head toward the source of the sound, that kid you bumped into earlier today. He still wears the same orange Camp Half-Blood shirt, his blonde curls a mess upon his head now.
"Hi?" You reply, more like a question if anything. "I don't know your name, so-"
"Percy" He answers, "So, like, you can make people sleep on command?"
"Mhm," You hum, "What? You need some sleep?"
Percy awkwardly rubs the nape of his neck with a sideways smile. "Uh, yeah. Kinda, yeah"
You softly smile, walking down to him. "You're lucky I'm not forcing you to sleep right here, Percy. Lead the way home"
He spins on his heels, leading you toward the Poseidon cabin, which he ran and was the only resident of. He welcomes you in, apologizing for the mess of empty water bottles across the floor.
"Gods, how much water do you drink?" You ask him, picking a few up to throw them away. You were not navigating through that whole maze at a time like this.
"Uh, a lot," He answers, not really giving a definite explanation. "Sorry for this, by the way. I just haven't been able to sleep recently-"
"It's fine." You shrug, tossing the empty bottles into the bin. "What I'm here for, right?" You smile, re-tying the drawstrings on your pajama pants. "You can like, lay down, unless you're planning to sleep on the floor"
He nods, climbing into his bed. Halfway through the motion, you wave your fingers, and into slumber, he falls. His blanket is halfway draped over him, his arm hanging over the side of the bed.
"Night-night, Percy"
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"Hey, Percy"
"You couldn't have at least let me get covered?"
"I'd quiet down, Percy"
"You-" He groans, "You know what I meant"
"You wanted to sleep, no?"
"I meant you probably could've waited for me to actually get in my bed before spelling me to sleep with your fantasy fairy powers," He clarifies.
You shrug, leaning against the fence outside your cabin. "You got what you wanted, Jackson"
His eyebrows quickly furrow, "I never told you my last name"
"It's almost like you're a camp hero, dude" You playfully roll your eyes. "How'd you sleep?"
Percy opened his mouth to speak but was quickly stopped, realizing that you had the advantage here and he'd already lost.
"Good" He admits.
"Just good?"
"Great, actually"
"Will you be recommending my services to other people? On a scale of one to ten, how likely is that?" You ask, mocking some trivia at the end of an online therapy session.
"Oh, definitely an eleven. I'll get you more money and clients, don't worry."
"Yeah, sure, buddy"
"I'm testing the waters to see how much I can annoy you"
Percy sighs with a laugh choking him, "I like you Y/n"
"Yeah, you're cool, Jackson"
"Okay, that's just kinda creepy."
"Okay, that's too far but not buddy?"
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myhaikyuuacademia · 1 month
Totally Fake | Ant Vaughn x reader (Heartbreak High) ||
This is officially a series haha, trying to make it slowburn-ish but let's see if i can hold myself back
Fake dating, fem!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Thankfully you had managed to get Ant’s number by Friday, not so thankfully you spent all day chatting with him about stupid, irrelevant stuff and Not about what your gameplan was going to be. And if, IF, you were actually going to the party later this evening, he’d probably be too wasted to talk about it anyway.  Which means SLUTS was the last chance you had with him still sober and not hungover. Except you had no idea how to go about it, especially without drawing the attention of your friends who had been watching you like hawks all week. You were the first one in the classroom, anxiously ripping your notebook paper into tiny shreds while thinking about all the logistics. You didn’t get very far when you sensed someone sitting down next to you. “What did the poor paper do to deserve that?” Ant asked amusedly. “Wrong place, wrong time.” You grimaced and shrugged, immediately stopping and throwing all the paper shreds into your pencil case. “Oh no, don’t stop because of me, I’m sure it deserved it.” He joked before settling in his seat. “You don’t wanna sit next to your friends?” You asked, with a nod to the table they usually sat at. “Nah, I’d rather sit with my girlfriend.” He said casually. You didn’t feel very casual as you choked on your spit. God how embarrassing. It took you a minute to calm down, Ant worriedly asking if you were okay, and offering you some of his water, which you declined with a hand gesture as you were starting to calm down.  “Sorry, sorry, I’m fine.” You coughed out. “Actually, that’s what I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” He looked at you, almost disappointed, “You’re backing out?” He assumed. “What? No!” You hurried to say. “I wanted to talk about lining up our stories and everything, ground rules and stuff, you know?” Relief flooded his face, “Ah, okay gotcha!” He seemed much happier. The class was slowly filling up and you were dreading the moment your friends would enter. “Well I already told pretty much everyone that you’re my girlfriend.” He added, catching you completely offguard as you watched the doorway waiting for the inevitable arrival of your friends. “Oh.” Surprised you turned your head to look at him. “Okay.” You added after a second. “What about your mom?”
“Nah, not her yet. But like, Spider and Dusty.” He clarified. Your face felt warm. “Did you tell them it was fake too?” You leaned in closer to whisper it, now that the class was almost full. “No.” He grinned at you conspiringly. You grinned back at him, his answer, and the way he looked at you, making your whole body tingle. “Oh. My. God.” Darrens dramatic voice came from opposite the table. “You two totally ARE together.” Amerie beside them looked satisfied with herself, while Quinni stimmed excitedly, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. They sat down at your table while Ant put an arm around your shoulder, “Yeah, so what?” He asked. Your face was burning, as was the parts where his arm touched you. Darrens mouth wide agape, while Quinni looked just as excited as before. “Oh my god, y/n, that’s so cute!! Congrats!” She said, happily, but after a second she looked a little less happy and a little more confused. Disappointed, even. “But why didn’t you tell us?” She asked. “Thrill of a secret relationship I bet.” Amerie added, feeling much cooler than she actually was. “But really, him?” Darren pointed at Ant. Wow rude. Your brows furrowed and you leaned into the boy next to you a little more without noticing. “What do you mean? You don’t think he's cute?” Trying to paddle back Darren stuttered out something a long the lines of, “No, that’s not what I mean, I just, I didn’t think he was your type is all.” “well, to be fair, we never knew what her type was.” Quinni added. “She never told us who she was crushing on, or what she liked in a guy, or girl.” You nodded, she was telling the truth, you usually kept things like that to yourself. “Well, I for one, am happy for you two, though I totally didn’t get any vibes when I was asking for a slap band earlier this week.” Amerie said, crossing her arms. She sounded accusing, like she was about to interrogate the two of you, when thankfully Miss Obah asked everyone to pay attention and started class. Ant didn’t take his arm off your shoulder the whole time.
When he finally did, after class ended, you couldn’t suppress your pout. Logically, you understood it was so both of you could pack your things, but this whole thing didn’t feel very logical, no matter how hard you tried. So instead, once both of you had finished, you grabbed his hand and threaded your fingers with his. Still slightly pouting. He looked down at you and laughed, “What now?” “I think she’s upset you took your arm off of her.” Darren, eagle-eyed gossip lover they are, supplied. “Oh, really?” Ant seemed surprised and looked at you for confirmation. “Yeah, kinda.” You mumbled embarrassed, avoiding his gaze. He chuckled before leaning in close and whispering in your ear. “I’ll touch you all you want at the party later.” Your face was beet red. “Ant!” You whisper shouted, scandalized and wide-eyed. He just tugged you along with him, towards the school exit. “They’re so cute together.” You overheard Quinni say to Amerie and Darren behind you. “Something’s fishy.” Both of them replied in unison. You ignored it, keeping going with Ant. “What now?” You asked once outside the school gate, still holding his hand. Refusing to be the one to let go, actually. “Well, I have some time before the party starts, which, you totally are going to right?” He asked in such a way that you felt a no would break his heart, so you just nodded. How come you are immune to peer-pressure when it was your friends but not when it was the guy you’ve been fake-dating for less than a week. “Great! Well, wanna hang out until then?” You smiled. “Sure!! Oh, we can talk about the logistics of it all, like when did we even start dating and what church do I go to? Or is that even something that’s important to your mother?” You dragged him along, totally rambling at this point about all the different things you had to decide on for the story to be foolproof. When you turned to look at him, waiting for him to say something, you noticed the way he was smiling at you. “Oh, what? Am I overthinking?” You questioned out loud. “No, no, it’s fine. I just don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk that much.” He still looked at you in a way you had trouble deciphering. “Oh. Well, I guess I don’t talk a lot. Usually. But also we haven’t really spoken before this week so…” You trailed off. “Hmmh, yeah, but we’ve been in the same year for a while now.” He said, before turning back to look at the way ahead. “You usually only talk when spoken to.” Oh. He had noticed that? He had noticed you? Before you ever talked to him? “Oh, um. I guess that’s right.” You squeezed his hand subconsciously. “I like hearing you talk.” He squeezed your hand back. “Plus, you’re so smart, I wouldn’t have thought about half of the things you mentioned. Maybe we should write it all down.” You nodded. “Yeah, good idea.”
“Woah, your room is awesome.”  Ant was currently walking through your room looking at all the little trinkets that were… everywhere frankly. Picking them up and putting them down again. “Haha, thanks.” You sat on the edge of your bed, not knowing what to do with yourself as you watched him. “Woah, you like Marvel?” He seemed genuinely surprised. “Uh yeah, I love it.” You laughed. He put the action figure down and turned around, very serious all of a sudden. “This calls for a movie night.” He explained. You grinned. “Sure, I’m always up for a movie.. But let’s talk business first.” You scooched to the side and patted the spot next to you. He groaned dramatically and walked over before sitting down. “Why does this feel like homework all of a sudden.” Your face scrunched up at that. “Sorry. But this is just so our story doesn’t fall apart.” He turned to look at you, head hanging to the side. “You really think it’s necessary?” “Well. Yeah.” You reply. “What if your mom asks us how we met, our what our first date was, and we say different things. Better to be prepared.” He pouts playfully, “Well, fine I guess.” In the end you agree on simple things, you met at school, duh, and worked a project together, after which you became friends, before Ant asked you on a date to the diner, and then a second date to the movies, before asking you to be his girlfriend. Easy enough. He said it was okay not to go to church as long as you were still acting Christian enough in front of his mom. Whatever that means. The reason he was only introducing you now was because you could disprove what was written on the map. You were scared of meeting his parents, so it had taken you a while to gather the courage, and he wanted to be sure before bringing a girlfriend home. Easy. Plausible. Good story. Boring, but believable. In the end you wrote it all down, twice, one copy for you and one for him, just in case you needed it. “Can we finally watch a movie?” He whined as you gave him his paper. “I don’t know, the party is soon, and I don’t know about you, but I definitely have to get ready. You think we can manage to squeeze a movie in?” He nodded, completely convinced. “How long can it take to get ready.” Not believing this was an issue. “Oh buddy…If only you knew.” You patted his shoulder before getting your remote and turning on the tv. It was difficult, at first, to concentrate on the movie, when he was so close and warm, shoulder against shoulder, and legs touching. Your body felt on fire. After a while he wrapped his arm around you too, pulling you ever so slightly closer, if that was even possible.
“Oh! I love this part.” He pointed towards the screen with the hand not resting on your hip. “What? No way, that’s my favorite part.” You looked up at him excitedly. “No way!” He turned to look at you too. You nodded emphatically. “You’re so cool.” He gave you a squeeze. He turned back towards the screen, and you did too, after staring at him for a little while longer. In the end, he ended up staying, watching you get ready, since there was no time for him to go home before Dusty’s band performed. “Whoa, wait, what is that?” You were about to put on your fake lashes, putting glue on the strip when Ant’s head popped up next to you, dangerously close to poking your lash with his finger. “My fake lashes.” You explained. “Your lashes are fake?” He turned to you, staring intensely into your eyes, inspecting your lashes. “No, well yes, sometimes. I have real lashes. The one you’re looking at right now.” You laughed. “But sometimes I put on fake lashes, which looks kinda-“ You  leaned towards the mirror to put your lashes on. “like this.” You said, leaning back to show him. “Oh my god that’s crazy.” He breathed out, totally stunned, which made you laugh even harder. After that he stayed next to you, watching you apply your makeup closely. “Hmmm..” You pursed your lips as you put the last thing in place. “I think that’s it.” You concluded.  Before you could even turn to the side to face him, his voice piped up as he asked: “Can you put some on me?” The request came unexpectedly, but you happily obliged. You opted for some chrome glimmery dark blue green ish, you didn’t really know how to describe it, glitter shadow to put on top of his eyelids. Dabbing it in softly, he leaned in closely and you could feel his breath on your skin. “Okay, try opening your eyes.” You requested softly, holding his chin in your hand and looking at him intensely, assessing your work. He opened his eyes hesitantly. Chewing on your lip you came to the conclusion that this look needed some black liner, so you added a line underneath his eyes on his waterline, dragging it out into a straight “wing”. A difficult job, with this being a sensitive area and Ant not used to having stuff put this close to his eyes. He kept squirming and blinking, but eventually you got the job done to your satisfaction. “This looks sick.” You say as you remove your hands from his face and lean back. Giving him time to admire himself in your mirror, you put away your brushes and powders and liners. “You want to do something to your hair too?” He turned to look at you at that. “Kinda.” You look on your phone to check the time, before grimacing. “Sorry, I don’t think we have time. Actually we really need to go if we wanna make it in time.” You stand up and hold your hand out to him, pulling him up from where he was sitting. Your friends were definitely going to give you shit about barely reaching out to them later.
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solarmorrigan · 4 months
Hands Where I Can See Them, part 7
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Ao3
[Warning for references to sexual situations towards the end, but there is nothing explicit]
“So now do I get to know where we’re going?”
“What part of ‘it’s a surprise’ are you having trouble grasping?”
“The part where we’re driving around in the suburbs in your van on a Saturday night,” Steve shoots a pointed look at Eddie, not without amusement. “I feel like we’re going to end up at some high school party drinking rocket fuel out of Solo cups while you deal out of one of the back bedrooms.”
“Shit, yeah, let’s relive those glory days,” Eddie says drily, then smacks the steering wheel with one palm in emphasis. “No! I am taking you somewhere much better. And we’re almost there, so stop trying to interrogate me. We both know I crack like an egg under pressure.”
Steve holds both his hands up in front of him, brows raised, the very picture of innocence, as though he hasn’t been trying to pump Eddie for information since he picked him up at his house some fifteen minutes ago.
And Eddie really does want it to be a surprise – he thinks he did pretty well, planning this whole thing out. The effort, at first, had simply been placed on coming up with something he’d thought Steve would like—something surprising and romantic and thoughtful—but the further he’d gotten into it, the more he’d found himself enjoying it, too. He’s never actually been on a proper date, much less planned one, and finding all the little touches that would make this one perfect has actually been fun. Eddie’s looking forward to it.
He only hopes his work will pay off.
He navigates the van around one more turn, past a few more unremarkable cookie cutter houses, and pulls to a stop in front of the barrier rail of a dead-end street, entirely ignoring the raised-eyebrow look of intense curiosity that Steve is sending his way.
The thing about Midwestern suburbia is that it sprawls. There are rambling neighborhoods upon rambling neighborhoods, all with kitschy names like “Maple Ridge” and “Eagle Pointe,” and the city planners seem to forget half of what they’ve built as soon as it’s up. Apart from making things confusing to navigate (Oakview Street runs through three different residential areas, for instance, stopping and picking up again at different points throughout town), it’s created isolated pockets of parks and playgrounds, set aside behind back streets and largely unknown to anyone more than a block away – unless they happen to be restless explorers, like Eddie.
“So… are we gonna hang out here tonight?” Steve asks, glancing around at the neighborhood falling into the darkness of the rapidly encroaching dusk.
“Yes, Steve, we’re gonna have a picnic in my van on the back end of Washington Drive,” Eddie drawls.
“You’re the one who wouldn’t tell me where we were going.” Steve shrugs, smirking over at Eddie. “I figured maybe you were embarrassed.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and pushes his door open. “C’mon, Harrington, we’re almost there.”
“That’s what you said last time,” Steve says, though he obediently gets out of the van and rounds to the back, where Eddie is digging for his supplies.
“Well, now it’s an even smaller almost,” Eddie says.
He pulls his backpack from the back of the van, followed by an insulated bag he’d bummed off of Oliver and the tiny cooler that Wayne takes with him when he goes fishing, draping it all over himself like an awkward sort of packmule and waving Steve off when he tries—twice—to reach for one of the bags to help.
“Okay, fine,” Steve finally says, shaking his head. “Lead the way, Mr. Park Ranger.”
“Thank you,” Eddie sniffs, gesturing for Steve to follow him off the street and onto a narrow dirt path that cuts through the thin strip of woods in front of them.
It’s barely a minute’s walk before the path spits them out into a tiny clearing housing a minuscule park. Eddie disregards the neglected jungle gym and the decrepit grill and zeroes in on the reason he’d brought them out here: the gazebo.
“So I’m gonna need just a little more faith from you,” he tells Steve, “and you need to turn around for about a minute.”
The expression on Steve’s face is a familiar one, recognizable even in the fading light as “deciding whether or not to make the bitchy comment,” but finally he simply shrugs and turns around.
“Sure, why not,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eddie shakes his head, biting down on a smile as he bounds up the two steps into the little gazebo and sets his load down. The thing is in surprisingly good condition, all told; the structure is solid, the picnic table inside is relatively clean, and there is a minimal number of dicks and swearwords graffitied around the inside (barely noticeable in the dark, even!). Glancing back to make sure Steve is still facing away, Eddie makes quick work of unpacking his bags.
The candles come out first, a whole slew of the inexpensive white ones that come in jars, picked up from the dollar store, and he dots them around the gazebo railings and across the picnic table, lighting them with the cigarette lighter from his pocket until the space is warm and glowing. The insulated bag is next, providing two foil-wrapped plates of spaghetti that is—thank you, Oliver—still warm. Last is the cooler, which provides two beers. He’s just pulling napkins and forks from his backpack when he hears Steve calling out from where he’s left him standing.
“I’m pretty sure it’s been more than a minute.”
“You’re so impatient,” Eddie shoots back, taking the steps at a leap and jogging back across the grass to Steve. “But I’m done, anyway, so you can turn around.”
Steve does so, his focus going first to Eddie, before his attention is caught by the glow of the gazebo behind him. Eddie can see his eyes go wide in the candlelight, startled first, and then pleased, accompanied by a slow-growing smile.
“Eddie, this is…” he leaves off with a tiny laugh, like he doesn’t quite have a word for it, but whatever he thinks it is, it’s good.
Eddie shrugs. “I know we can’t exactly go out to a restaurant and have a real date, but I promised you candlelight,” he says. “I’m afraid the violinist was booked, though.”
Shaking his head, Steve lets out another little laugh, and then takes a step towards the gazebo and glances back at Eddie.
“C’mon, yeah, let’s eat. Can’t have everything getting cold!” Eddie gestures Steve up the steps and waves his arm grandly towards one of the plates. “I’d pull your chair out for you, but it appears to be attached to the table.”
“I think I’ll manage,” Steve says, swinging one leg over the bench, then the other, and settling himself down. He waits for Eddie to follow suit before picking up his fork and then – just staring down at his plate for a moment. “Is this…” he starts uncertainly.
“It’s the spaghetti sauce you showed me how to make,” Eddie fills in. “Since you were convinced I’d perish trying to subsist on frozen pizza if you weren’t there to force meals on me.”
Eddie hadn’t done much cooking prior to befriending Steve; he could boil water and scramble an egg, but his ability and interest had mostly ended there. Then Steve had come along, earnestly (and transparently) bringing “leftovers” to the trailer to share with Eddie and Wayne, before he progressively took over their kitchen. Absolutely no one had had any complaints about this arrangement, though Steve had insisted on teaching Eddie how to make a few basic staples for himself – among which had been spaghetti sauce.
For a long moment, Steve says nothing, continuing to stare at his plate, brows furrowed.
“…and I haven’t,” Eddie says, trying to break the silence. “Perished, that is. In your absence. Obviously. Not that– not that I think you were really worrying about that, I just mean I’ve been making some of the stuff you showed me. Is all.”
“I’m just… kind of surprised you remembered, I guess,” Steve says, glancing up at Eddie, expression unreadable in the flickering light around them. “I wasn’t sure if you were actually interested or if you were just humoring me, when I showed you all that stuff.”
“I still have all the recipes you have me,” Eddie says – and he does: a small stack of notecards that Steve had stolen from Robin and covered in his surprisingly neat handwriting, detailing things like when to add butter to this and how much garlic to add to that, which has a permanent home in a drawer in Eddie’s kitchen.
“Oh,” Steve says, and nothing more.
“But don’t leave me in suspense, tell me how I did,” Eddie insists, attempting to push past the awkwardness he’d brought upon them while simultaneously shoving his mouth full of pasta in order to keep from pulling out any new touchy topics.
Steve twirls up a forkful of spaghetti and brings it to his mouth, spending a long moment chewing thoughtfully.
“Well?” Eddie asks.
Steve nods and swallows. “I mean, I’ve had better,” he says with a shrug, and Eddie experiences a moment of genuine distress before he spots the smirk tugging at Steve’s lips.
Eddie kicks at him under the table and Steve laughs, and Eddie can’t help but join him.
“Don’t be shy, baby, tell me how you really feel,” Eddie drawls, and Steve snickers again.
“Trust me, I will,” he says. But then: “It’s good, Eddie. You did good.”
Knocked off balance by the casual sincerity, Eddie goes quiet, and they eat for a few minutes in silence.
“So,” Eddie finally says, “I’m sure this is a great shock to you, but I’ve never actually done this before.”
Steve glances up at him. “Eaten spaghetti in a gazebo?” he asks, so dry that even Eddie’s not quite sure if he’s being sarcastic.
“The dating thing,” Eddie clarifies, instead of trying to figure it out. “What exactly are you supposed to do on a first date?”
Something about Steve’s expression goes off again – that same, weird, false look he’d had the other day that Eddie hadn’t been able to ferret out the source of. He’s about to ask what’s wrong when Steve shrugs, taking a quick pull from his beer.
“I guess it’s usually the getting-to-know-you stuff. Favorite movie, what kind of music you listen to, hobbies – that sort of thing,” he says.
“Huh.” Eddie screws his mouth to the side, thinking it over. “Seems… kinda boring. But, if you insist!” He leans forward on the table, resting his chin in his hands and batting his eyelashes at Steve. “So, tell me about yourself, handsome.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “It’s not like that’s what you have to do. I’m pretty sure dates are just supposed to be… you know, being with someone you like. Putting aside time just to do something with them,” he says. “Doesn’t matter what it is, you have a good time because you’re doing it together.”
“Oh,” Eddie says quietly, his humor fading beneath a bright flare of fondness. “That– that sounds better, yeah.”
“I think so, too,” Steve says, smiling across the table at Eddie.
“Well, then.” Eddie takes a chance and slowly slides his hand forwards until it’s resting over Steve’s on top of the table, inwardly doing a little dance when Steve remains relaxed beneath his touch. “Under those parameters, do you think we’re having a successful first date?”
And that’s when Steve pulls back, drawing his hand from beneath Eddie’s and averting his gaze, shrugging shoulders that have gone tense. “Sure, yeah.” He glances back up and offers a smile that’s trying very hard to be sincere but is underscored by something Eddie still can’t put his finger on. “Seriously, this is really nice, Eddie.”
“What am I saying?” Eddie asks.
“What?” Steve’s brows draw together in confusion.
“I keep saying something that’s upsetting you and I can’t– like, I can’t figure out what it is,” Eddie admits. “But I don’t want to keep doing it.”
“I’m not upset,” Steve says, bristling slightly under the skeptical look Eddie sends him. “I’m not. I’m– it’s stupid, alright? I’m fine.”
“It’s not stupid,” Eddie says, and Steve scoffs.
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“Well then tell me.”
Frowning, Steve looks back down at his plate, pushing the last few strands of spaghetti around with his fork. “It’s – seriously, it’s dumb. Like, I know that, alright? It’s just that you keep calling this our first date and I guess… I thought of something else as our first date. That’s all.”
Oh, fuck.
Eddie is an idiot. Fuck.
Of course Steve thinks of something else as their first date. He’d thought they were dating, so of course he’d thought of their outings as dates. Dinners, the movies, aimless walks around town – time set aside to be with someone you like, to just do something together. And here Eddie is again, shoving how little he’d thought of those times in Steve’s face.
“Shit, Steve, I’m sorry,” Eddie says quickly, and Steve shakes his head.
“It’s fine, I told you, I know it’s ridiculous–”
“It’s not.”
“–and I don’t have to get all hung up over it. It wasn’t even a date if we didn’t both think of it that way, right? So we can just look at this as– like, take two.”
Eddie purses his lips. “Even if we didn’t both think of it as a date, it was important to you.”
Steve shrugs and then, steady and deliberate, puts his hand over Eddie’s, curling his fingers around Eddie’s palm. “Well, tonight can be important to both of us,” he says, offering Eddie a small smile. “And I don’t want to ruin it. I really am having a good time.”
The only reason Eddie can imagine that he would be even remotely this lucky is if the universe is trying to make up for the debacle that was last spring (but then again, seen in the reverse, he can’t imagine why the universe would be inflicting him on Steve; he’ll have to keep thinking on that one). And on the one hand, he’s determined not to waste this opportunity – neither Steve’s good will nor his second chance. But on the other hand–
He can’t not ask.
Shifting his hand a little so he can wrap his fingers around Steve’s, Eddie takes a breath and bites the bullet. “Okay, but what… were you thinking of as our first date?”
For a long minute, Steve says nothing, and Eddie tries not to panic, tries not to assume that he’s just ruined everything by admitting he doesn’t even know which instance Steve is talking about, and mostly fails. But then Steve takes a breath and shakes his head.
“It’s… kinda stu–”
“Don’t say it,” Eddie cuts in sharply, warning, before he can stop himself. “I’m sure it’s not. Tell me about it.”
Steve shoots Eddie a chagrined kind of smile before turning his eyes to the surface of the table. “It was at the diner,” he says, and Eddie only just holds himself back from asking which time, because they’ve gone to the tiny diner off the side of the road near Forest Hills together more times than he can count; it’s within walking distance of Eddie’s place, and it tends to be their go-to when they want to go out but have no particular destination in mind. “It was that first night. The first time we kissed.”
It hits Eddie like a jab to the sternum that Steve chooses to phrase it that way: the first time they kissed. Because if Eddie remembers one thing for certain, it’s that the first night they kissed had also been the first night they’d had sex – and yet it’s the kiss that Steve focuses on. It’s the kiss that had been important to him.
“I guess there wasn’t anything that special about that night. Nothing different. We just had fun,” Steve says quietly. “Pretty sure we drove everyone else crazy fighting over the jukebox, especially since most of the songs in there suck, anyway, and you were telling me about what happened during your last game and you tried to draw it on a napkin with ketchup and a toothpick, which… did not turn out well, and you kept stealing fries off my plate–”
“Because you kept dipping them in your milkshake and I was telling you that it was gross!” Eddie remembers.
“Of course, that part stands out to you,” Steve grouses, though there’s a bit of a smile tugging at one corner of his mouth.
“Hey, you made a believer out of me. Fries and vanilla shake, I have to admit it’s good,” Eddie says, and Steve’s smile grows a little more.
“But, yeah, like I said, it wasn’t… special, I guess, I just remember thinking that I wanted to do that with you all the time. I wanted to do everything with you all the time, whatever it was,” Steve says. “And then when we were back in your room, sitting on your bed, you were looking at me like– I thought you wanted to–”
“I did,” Eddie says quickly. “I wanted to kiss you. I wanted you to kiss me. I don’t know, I was – kinda turned around about it, but I knew I was glad that you did it first, because I was too chickenshit to ever do it myself.”
Eddie remembers this part clearly; something had seemed different about Steve when they’d gotten back from the diner. There had been something softer and lighter about him that had made Eddie want to reach out and touch – an urge he wasn’t unfamiliar with. He is, after all, queer as hell, and—though he feels like an ass for phrasing it this way, now—Steve is really hot. Of course he’d had thoughts about Steve before; he just tended to ignore them, because they were friends, and the thought that anything more could happen between them seemed outlandish.
But then Steve had leaned in and kissed him.
The first one had been close-mouthed and soft, almost tentative, sweet, but ensuing kisses had been deeper, more wanton, and before Eddie had quite registered the shift, Steve was in his lap and his tongue was practically down Steve’s throat and he’d thought – well, maybe there could be a little more between them. Maybe things didn’t have to change all that much.
He'd rolled with it, and then he’d rolled them over, and then he’d helped Steve get rid of his shirt and he’d ditched his own, and then he’d begun the process of learning how to wring as many sweet, pleasured noises as possible out of Steve.
Now, back at the picnic table in the fluttering light of nearly a dozen cheap candles, Steve is looking at Eddie oddly, like he’s not quite sure what to make of him.
“Well… since I had kind of been looking at that night as when we, uh– got together, I just – yeah, made sense to me. First date.” Steve shrugs.
A frown pulls across Eddie’s face, and he fights to keep it at bay, so he doesn’t give Steve the wrong impression – he’s not upset with Steve, he’s just upset. He’s upset that he can’t look at that night the same way Steve had – that he hadn’t experienced it the same way. He wishes he had; that he’d let himself consider what it might be like not if he and Steve could be friends and have sex, but if he and Steve could be more than that.
He squeezes Steve’s fingers, still wrapped in his own, and catches Steve’s eye when he looks up. “You know… I mean, I know that not all of the time we spent together has the same significance for me that it did for you, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t important to me,” Eddie says, and maybe it’s all he can say for himself, but at least it’s true. “I love spending time with you. Even when I’m complaining, I’m doing it with joy.”
Steve cocks an eyebrow at him. “With joy?”
“Yep. Entirely joyful complaining,” Eddie says seriously.
“Well, you do like complaining.” Steve smirks.
“I sure the fuck do. It’s what makes us such a good pair,” Eddie replies, and Steve laughs.
They talk for a while longer after that, lighter and easier than before, but eventually it gets too chilly to reasonably keep sitting around. They’d been blessed with unusually mild weather that night, but late October is still late October, and the temperature has dropped since the sun’s gone down.
They work together to blow out all the candles before they end up dropping them in a nearby garbage can once they realize that the wax is still liquid and Eddie can’t put them back in his bag (“Okay, I thought of almost everything,” Eddie insists as he produces a flashlight to light their way back to the van). Eddie turns up the heat before pulling back out into the road, and they take the drive back to Steve’s house in contented silence.
Eddie parks and turns the van off once they’re in the driveway, and Steve watches with curiosity as Eddie gets out with him, but says nothing as they walk up to the front door together.
“Well,” Eddie says once they reach the porch, “I had a great time tonight. D’you think I can see you again?”
Steve blinks at him, doing almost a doubletake as he looks from Eddie to his door and then back again.
“Do you– You don’t want to come in?” Steve asks, a little bewildered.
“Oh, no, I very much do,” Eddie assures him. “But this is take two, right? And I said I was gonna do it right, and that means no sex until the third date. At least I’m pretty sure that’s the rule.”
Steve laughs, but quickly quiets when all Eddie does is smile at him. “You’re serious,” he says, a bit flat with disbelief.
“Completely.” Eddie nods. “I’m romancing you, remember?”
There’s another moment of quiet stillness from Steve before a slow, delighted grin begins to grow on his face. “Well, in that case…” he says, “I had a great time, too.” He leans in and pecks a quick kiss to Eddie’s lips, short and almost shy. “Call me.”
And then he’s gone, the front door closing behind him before Eddie can even register what’s happened.
Eddie barely even remembers getting back into the van, but if he had to guess, he’d say he probably floated there.
It should be ridiculous – he’s had Steve’s mouth on pretty much every part of him, he’s had Steve on top of him and underneath him and crying out his name and begging him for more, he’s had Steve naked and sated and curled around him, and yet it’s one short kiss that nearly short-circuits him.
It should be ridiculous, but Eddie thinks it might actually be the best thing in the world.
Part 8
Tag List (Currently full! Drop me a line if you want off the ride): @bushbees @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @gleek4twd @hellfireone @westifer-dead @anne-bennett-cosplayer @starman-jpg @mugloversonly @swimmingbirdrunningrock @alycatavatar @y4r3luv @rhapsodyinalto @vinteraltus @lilpomelito @tillystealeaves @noctxrn-e @pearynice @giverobinagfbrigade @novacorpsrecruit @hotluncheddie @strangersteddierthings @alongcomesaspider @theheadlessphilosopher @jettestar @rajumat @garden-of-gay @jamieweasley13 @dam28lh @oldwitcheshat @lololol-1234 @perfectlysensiblenonsense @salty-h0e @r0binscript @mavernanche @back2beesness @a-lovely-craziness @paintsplatteredandimperfect @redbullgivescaswings @emmabubbles @heartstarstar-blog @thesuninyaface @thatonebisexualman @fruitandbubbles @erinharvelle @m-owo-n @theystoodandplayedwithsilence @surroundedbyconfusion @luthienstormblessed @3ldr1tchang3l @pansexuality-activated
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lipglossanon · 11 months
⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹
stepbro!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader (beach one shot)
this went in a weird direction but instead of scrapping it, I’m posting so 🤷‍♀️ enjoy lmao lots of smut 👌
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, protective Leon, perv Leon, kissing, dirty talk, nipple play, teasing, grinding, public sexual situations lol, car sex, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread
Title from Someday by Sugar Ray ☀️
⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹
This place is warm without a care
We'll take a swim in the deep blue sea
I go to leave and you reach for me
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
"Quit pushing!"
"But you're in my space!"
"If you guys don't behave, I will turn this car around!"
The squabbling in the back seat cut short as Leon glares you. 
He leans over and flicks your arm when you’re not looking; you hiss at the sting, smacking him on the forearm in retaliation. 
"Leon," his dad warningly calls out from the driver’s seat, looking at him through the rear view mirror. 
"What?" he glares at you still, rubbing the smarting skin, "she literally started it, I was just paying her back.”
"Yeah, but you know better," his dad sighs before moving his attention to you, “please let’s all just get along and enjoy our day.”
You smile, “Of course,” turning your attention to Leon you bat your eyelashes, “I am so sorry, big brother.” 
"Whatever," he rolls his eyes, flipping you off once his dad turns back to the road.
Your mom claps her hands, “Look alive kids, we’re here!”
"Finally," Leon breaths out, opening the passenger door and slipping out once his dad parks the car. 
Everyone piles out of the vehicle and makes their way to the back hatch. Your stepdad opens it and pulls out the coolers holding food and drinks.
"Here make yourself useful,” Leon sneers as he shoves a tote full of towels and sunblock into your arms. 
Your mom pats you on the back, “I got the beach umbrella so we’ll go find a spot!”
You stick your tongue out at Leon and turn along with your mom to walk along the boardwalk to the sandy beach below. It doesn’t take long to find a decent spot, staking down the umbrella and tossing the beach blanket down onto the sand. Leon sets down the coolers near the side while his dad hands out the beach chairs to be setup. 
Once everything is in order, you sit back on your haunches with a sigh. Rooting around through your own bag, you grab a few things and stand up. 
“I’m heading over to the changing rooms,” you jerk your thumb behind you, to the wooden building, “shouldn’t take long.”
Your mom nods, “Okay, make sure to lock the door. Actually Leon, walk with her. You never know these days.”
You roll your eyes and walk backwards, “I’m totally fine mom, you can see the building from here.”
Leon’s dad nods at him, “Just maybe walk over that way with her and if it seems fine just mosey on back.”
Leon smirks at you, “You heard’em, little sis.”
He gets up from the blanket and walks over to you; spinning you around, he gives you a gentle push to walk forward.
“I don’t need the help,” you snip at him, elbowing his side so there’s more space between you.  
“Hey I’m just following orders. Besides,” he leans more into your space with a leer, “maybe I just wanted to see what kinda bathing suit you picked out.”
You roll your eyes, tamping down the heat that washes over you from his words. 
“Whatever, perv,” you climb the wooden steps and find an empty room. 
Hesitating, you look back at Leon before stepping inside, “Are you going to be out here?”
His arms are crossed as he leans against the banister, a deadpan expression in his face.
“Unless you want me in there with you, yeah I’ll be out here.”
Nodding, you completely step into the changing room and shut the door. It’s pretty nondescript but just something about it is giving you the ick. A low noise comes from behind the wall, probably just from someone changing in the next room. 
You tug your shirt off, already wearing a bathing top underneath— you just wanted to swap it for the more colorful one you brought along. A weird sound next door has you jumping in place. 
“Yeah?” you can hear his muffled voice on the other side of the door. 
Another raspy noise comes from the other side of the wall giving you goosebumps. You swing your door open and gesture him inside. His mouth opens, probably about to make fun of you, when the look on your face cuts him short. 
He enters the changing room with you, keeping quiet as you hold your finger up to your lips. The strange noise happens again but louder, making you press into Leon’s side, hands gripping onto his thin tee shirt until your knuckles blanch. 
You both stand still, ears cocked and listening as that weird noise happens again. Leon reaches out and raps his hand hard on the wall. The noise stops and you both hear something scurry away from the wall. 
“Don’t change in here. We can go to the car,” Leon whispers to you, eyes serious, “definitely gonna report this to whoever’s on duty. Fucking creep.”
“Leon,” you whisper back, relief making tears prick your lash line, “thank you.”
“Hey, of course,” he murmurs softly, warm palms coming up to cup your jaw, “you’re okay. I won’t let anything happen to you, promise.”
You nod in his hold, pressing into his body even further. Your hands come up to wind in his hair and pull him down. He takes the hint and presses your lips together, kissing you softly. 
Leon pushes until your back is flat against the wall, never breaking his kiss. 
“You’re my girl,” he growls as he kisses a hot trail to your ear, tongue dipping inside, “no one gets to see you but me.”
“Leon,” you whimper, tugging on his hair as he nips at your neck before kissing down to your clavicle.
“Wish I could do more right now,” he murmurs into your skin, dragging his mouth down to the swell of your breasts in your bathing suit top, “just gonna get a little taste and we’ll head back, okay?”
Nodding, you have no idea what you’re agreeing to, when Leon noses the fabric covering one of your breasts over until he can suck your nipple easily into his hot mouth. 
“Just a taste, princess,” he whispers, moving over to the other hard bud and suckling.
He keeps you pressed to the wall as he lathes and sucks on your nipples until they’re hard and swollen. Your bathing suit bottoms are soaked with slick when he finally pulls back, eyes dark and heated. 
He slips his fingers under your top and pulls it upright, letting go with a snap. You cry out from the sting on your puffy nipples as your top now covers them. 
“C’mon, we need to head back before they come looking.”
He grins at you, teeth gleaming, “What is it? Is my little sis feeling needy?”
You nod your head, “Please, big brother, I’m so wet.”
His fingers dip beneath the band of your shorts and bottoms to glide across your slippery clit. You cry out and bury your face in his chest. 
“Oh? She is,” he coos, “she needs me so bad huh, princess?”
He dips his head lower, whispering filth in your ear and making you rock against his fingers as they circle your pudgy clit. 
“Mmm I’d love to get on my knees and kiss your pretty pussy all over,” he licks the shell of your ear, “she loves getting kissed by big brother, always so fucking wet after I makeout with your cunt, isn’t that right?”
“Uh huh,” you whine, “feels good. Big brother makes my pussy so wet.”
“Fuck,” he grits out, fingers circling and pinching your clit over and over, “when we get home, I’m pushing you down and railing your little princess pussy, got that? I’m gonna use you all fucking night, so you’ll just have to keep that hole wet and ready for me. Can you do that for big brother, huh?“
“Yes, yes, please, want that,” you slur, thighs tensing as your orgasm winds tighter in your belly, “want big brother to fill me up.”
“Don’t worry, I will,” he laughs meanly, “you can only get off if I’m creaming in this tight cunt anyways.”
You whine and hump down into his fingers, “Love it, love getting your creampies.”
“God damn, princess,” his fingers slide across your clit roughly, “cum for me, get my fingers soaking wet.”
“Oh, Leon, I’m—“
You shudder in his arms, muffling your moans in his shirt as you shake apart on his fingers. Riding out the soft tremors, Leon finally slips his hand away and laps up the clear slick webbing across his fingers. 
“So fucking juicy,” he growls, free hand coming up to twist one of your nipples making you whine, “can’t wait til we get home.” 
He kisses you one last time before opening the door, letting you leave first. You both look around but luckily the whole area is deserted. He gives you a little push toward the stairs. 
“Go catch up with them, I’m gonna look around for whoever’s in charge and file that report.”
You watch Leon’s broad back as he walks around the corner and warmth flutters in your chest as you make your way back over to your mom and stepdad. 
“Finally, thought you two got lost,” your mom smiles, patting the blanket, “let me put sunblock on your back and shoulders and you can skedaddle.”
Your stepdad looks over at you and then glances around, “Where’d Leon get off to?”
“He said he’d be back, needed to do something.”
He nods and goes back to his book. Your mom finishes up with the sunblock and puts it back in her bag. 
“Make sure to drink plenty of water.”
“I know, mom,” you roll your eyes good naturedly, “I’m gonna go wade for a bit, see if I can find any cool shells.”
“Have fun,” she plops her big sun hat on her head and lays out on the blanket. 
You wander down the beach until your toes meet the small waves kissing the shore. Wading out into the warm water, you take in all the people. It’s really nice and peaceful even with all the racket; easy to let it fade into the background with the sound of the ocean echoing in your ears. 
“You wanna build a sand castle?”
Leon’s voice behind you makes you jump, quickly turning to face him.
“You serious?” you squint at him, still feeling out of depth with the whole fiasco earlier. 
“Yeah, let’s go build one,” his eyes are something else with the ocean reflecting off the already prismatic blue, “I know where the good sand is.”
You smile, reaching your hand out to see if he’ll take it. Surprisingly, he does. He leads you back away from the water but not too far in order to reach the ‘better sand’. 
"This is a lot of fun," you murmur, brushing shoulders with Leon as you try to dig out a moat.
"Yeah even if you’re complete shit at it,” he smirks, side eyeing you. 
"Hey," you push his shoulder, leaving a damp hand print on his shirt, "I’ve made like three sandcastles in my life, so lay off.”
"Doesn’t matter,” Leon shrugs then laughs, “I'm going to absolutely destroy this when we're done.”
You frown, "But why?"
“It’ll just wash out with the tide otherwise.”
You roll your eyes, “Such a dork. Think I might go for a swim since it’s gotten hotter just sitting here.”
"I'll go with you," he stands up and slips his shirt off making your mouth feel dry, "don’t want you to drown while my back is turned”
You mock salute him while trying not to stare at his chest, "Aye, aye, captain."
Leon ruffles your hair, "Last one in the water is a rotten egg."
He takes off running with you right behind him. 
“You’re such a cheater! You didn’t even countdown!”
"Snooze ya lose, princess,” he laughs, splashing into the ocean before whirling on you and grabbing you around you waist. 
“Hold your breath,” he murmurs hotly in your ear before he’s pulling you under with him. 
You’re not under long and Leon brings you both back up to the surface with you holding onto his biceps for dear life. 
“You’re such a jerk!” you yell, salt water running into your eyes making them sting, “I’m going to murder you!”
“Like to see you try,” he laughs loudly, faking like he’s going to dunk you before yanking you back to his chest. 
Your hands wrap around his neck while your legs wrap around his waist, squeaking as he fakes dipping you both under again. 
“You’re so mean,” you pout as he wraps his hands around your hips. 
“What else is new, princess,” he laughs, shaking the water from his hair. 
He eases out a little further, holding you in his arms as he treads water. 
“Can’t wait to get home,” he murmurs, kissing your neck. 
“Leon,” you whine, “anyone can see us.”
“Yeah? We’re too far off for them to know what’s happening. Just kiss me, little sis.”
You sigh as he places more soft kisses on your neck.
“You got me?”
Giving him a puzzled look, you nod, “Yeah…”
He slowly lets go of your hips and once you stay buoyant, he grins. 
“Since the waters up to our shoulders,” he smirks, hands coming up to grope and squeeze your breasts, “I’m gonna have some fun.”
“No, don’t,” you squirm, but don’t let go; letting him touch you like this is exciting. 
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re lying.”
He pulls the cups of your bathing top down exposing your breasts to his greedy hands. Pulling and tugging on your nipples has you rocking into him with a moan. 
“Leon,” you keen, head laying against his shoulder, “we’re gonna get caught.”
“Fuck,” he groans, pinching your nipples extra hard, “I’d love that, love to see someone know that you’re getting off on big brother playing with your sexy tits.”
You whimper and press your chest harder into his hands, “Gonna get in trouble.”
“No we won’t,” he chuckles, letting his fingers tease across the swell of your breasts and circle your hard buds, “‘long as you can sit pretty and take it, I’ll play with these cute fucking tits the rest of the day.”
That visual alone makes you rut against his chubbed cock with a moan. 
“Like that?” he laughs and pinches your nipples too hard making you squeal.  
“Think you can cum like this? Rubbing that hot pussy all on me while I suck on your nipples?” his voice rumbles in your ear
“Uh huh,” you shudder nails digging into his back.
“So hot,” he turns his back to the beach and shifts you up higher so can dip his head and latch onto a swollen bud.
You lose track of time, letting Leon suckle and bite at your nipples til they’re puffy and sore as you rub off on him, cumming twice before he even pulls away. 
“Probably need to go back in,” his voice is hoarse while his eyes are nearly dilated black, “been out here for awhile.”
Your brain is total slush at this point and you agree wholeheartedly. 
“Thirsty,” you mutter into his neck as he fixes your top.
“There’s water in the cooler,” he double checks to make sure you’re both presentable before wading back to the beach.
Once the water’s waist high you drop your legs and walk next to him, pushing your shaking muscles to keep you up. Once you get back to the blanket, your mom is reading and your step dad’s conked out with sunglasses on his face. 
You smile and flop down next to Leon who hands you a cold water. 
“Thank you,” you keep your voice low.
He shrugs and cracks open his water and drinks it in like two seconds. 
“You kids about ready to go?” 
Your mom’s voice sounds sleepy. 
“Seems like you two are,” you tease making her laugh and she taps your stepdad’s arm. 
He jostles awake with a snort making you giggle as Leon grins. 
“We’re ready to go honey,” your mom kisses his cheek. 
“Of course,” he stretches and yawns, “Leon you feel like loading up?”
“Can do,” he stands up and starts bundling things in his arms. 
You stand and start collecting the little things he doesn’t have the hands for; you both walk over to your mom’s SUV and Leon sets his stuff down and grabs your armload. 
“Go grab them and the blanket and we should be set.”
“You don’t want—“
“I got it,” he pushes you with a shit eating grin on his face, “trust me.”
You squint at him suspiciously but listen and go grab your parents and the folded up beach blanket. 
When you get back, you see Leon somehow finagled the beach stuff in such a way that you end up sitting in his lap on the drive home cause there just isn’t enough room otherwise. 
His dad pokes fun at him, “Must’ve gotten too much sun eh son?”
Leon rolls his eyes as he tugs you onto his lap in the third row seating, “Like I haven’t heard that before.”
Your mom laughs, “Well just make sure to be safe back there.”
“Will do,” you and Leon chime in at the same time making her laugh again. 
As soon as your stepdad leaves the parking lot, Leon’s hands are under your shirt plucking and tweaking your overstimulated nipples. You twist in his lap, placing your legs on either side of his seat, facing him to eagerly makeout. It’s not long before you’re grinding against his bulge. 
He fishes his dick out, grabbing your hand and guiding you to jerk him off. 
“That’s it,” he whispers, “stroke it. Fuck wish I was in your mouth.”
“Me too,” you kiss him sloppily as he pinches your nipples hard. 
“Y’wanna suck big brother off? Mmm but our parents would hear it wouldn’t they? That tight throat choking on me.”
“Mmhmm, I’d gag so much,” your hand eagerly strokes his dick, “you’re just too big for my mouth.” 
“But not for that pussy”, he growls, moving one hand from your nipples to slide under the leg of your shorts and swim bottoms to tease along your slit.   
You have to kiss him to stop the moan from giving you both away. 
Once he pulls back, Leon smirks at you, “Gotta keep quiet or they’ll find out what a slut you are.”
You pout, “Just feels so good.” 
“Let me stick it in,” he whispers in your ear, “just let me slip the tip in, ‘m so hard it hurts, princess.” 
“Just the tip,” you agree, slipping your shorts and bottoms off. 
He pulls the foreskin back on his fat tip to spank against your clit making you bite your lip hard. Pressing into your soaked cunt, the head stretches you open making you sigh.  
“Don’t you want the rest?” he coos sarcastically.  
“You said just the tip,” you mumble against his mouth. 
Leon listens for about half a minute before he grabs your hips and forces you to sink down. Force is a strong word as you easily go along with it. 
“So bad, taking me all the way into this tiny pussy,” he teases, mouth pressed against your ear, “making me stretch you out on my cock like you just can’t help it, princess.”
You rock down on him muffling your sounds by pressing your face into his chest. Your body is ramped up and ready for another orgasm easily, the coil of arousal tight in your belly already. 
“Mmm, sucking me in,” he hisses, hands digging into the meat of your hips hard, “been fucking edged all day, so this is gonna be messy, princess. Cute pussy’s bout to be filled to the brim.”
You lift your head and let your hazy eyes meet his making him curse under his breath. 
“You’re cockdrunk,” he laughs meanly, “gonna make me cum cause a’your needy fucking face.”
He grinds up harshly into your fluttering walls as his thumb swipes over your hot, swollen clit. 
“Want it, big brother,” you whimper, eyes teary as your orgasm begins to reach its peak, “please, want you to cum inside me.”
“You’re getting a nice load princess don’t worry,” his grip on your hip keeps you in place as he ruts into your pussy and circles your clit with his thumb, “squeeze me, squeeze down on my cock and I’ll give you want you want.”
You kiss him messily, tongue licking into his smirking mouth as your climax shakes your body to pieces. You feel as your pussy tightens down on his cock so hard it must hurt but Leon likes it if his groan’s anything to go by. Your fluttering walls milk his cock as he ruts up one last time and spills inside your clenching pussy. 
You pull away from his mouth, both of you panting against each others lips, just sharing the same space as you cum together.  His cock kicks and throbs as sticky jizz fills your cunt, hot rope after rope of cum shooting from his fat tip. 
Your pussy pulses and clamps rhythmically, aftershocks making your thighs shake as your hands grip onto the upholstery of the seat. 
“Hope you’re not too tired,” he grins, “told you I’m gonna rail you when we get home and I still mean it.”
You rock down on him with a mewl, “Can’t wait, big brother.”
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ladykailitha · 5 months
The Magic of Christmas Part 4/8
Hello! How are you guys enjoying so far?
In this Steve realizes his feelings, Dustin and Robin decide Steve needs to live forever, and Steve gets roped into something he swore he'd never do.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
August was fucking miserable. Like the worst month of the year. After February. And January. And September...
That’s besides the point. The point was that AC had kicked the bucket in the middle of the biggest heatwave.
He was going to cry. The wizard piece turned out really well. Steve had loved all the little details that he had put in it.
But the rogue was giving him trouble. It was horrific. Because rogues were silent and mysterious, but the way Steve talked about Will, he was quiet kid, a bitchy teen, and a wild adult. Trying to figure his place in the world he kinda went punk. Dyed his hair bright green. Piercings and tattoos. Ripped clothes and combat boots.
Eddie slowly sat up. Well that’s a thought. He blinked for a moment. That could actually work.
Suddenly his phone rang. He frowned at the device. No one called anymore. It was all texts and DMs and Face Time. The name that came up because there was one, another surprising thing, was Steve.
He dived for the phone and managed to answer it before it went to voicemail.
“‘Ello?” he breathed.
“Hi, Eds,” Steve greeted cheerfully.
The things that little nickname did to the butterflies in his stomach.
“Hey, Stevie!” he said back. “What can I do you for?”
“That article Nancy did is making some serious headway,” Steve explained. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet me for lunch to go over the details.”
Eddie laughed. “I was about to text you, darlin’. I have an idea for the rogue I wanted to float by you. So where to, my liege?”
“Monte Cruz, the Mexican place on 7th?” Steve asked.
It was a bit pricey, but it had the best fajitas Eddie had ever had. “Sure thing. 1pm okay?”
“Let me check,” Steve replied.
Eddie could hear him call Robin and while he couldn’t hear her response, Steve’s warm ‘thank you’ meant he was free.
“That’s perfect,” Steve said. “I’ll see you then.”
They hung up and Eddie laid on the floor staring up at the ceiling, holding his phone over his chest.
He got up and dashed to the bathroom to shower. He felt like he was covered in slime.
Steve was waiting for him on the terrace, a nice cool breeze rustling his hair. And Eddie couldn’t help but fall a little bit more.
Eddie waved and was far too pleased to get Steve’s little finger wave in return.
He sat down and grinned at Steve. “How is it cooler outside then in my loft?”
“Heat rises?” Steve suggested. cocking his head to the side.
Eddie laughed. “Well it’s the only thing that rising at this point. It’s so fucking hot.”
“I thought you’re loft had air conditioning,” Steve said with a frown.
“Apparently we worked it to extinction,” Eddie said mournfully.
Steve pulled out his phone. “Are you renting or paying a mortgage? I don’t remember what all we’re paying for.”
“Sadly, we own it,” Eddie said with a heavy sigh. “Otherwise I would have harassed a landlord to get it fixed.”
Steve hummed. “All right, I’ve messaged Robin. She’ll call around and get a technician come over tomorrow. It’ll go on my card if can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced.”
Eddie leaned back in his chair. “You don’t have to do that, man.”
Steve smiled at him. “Will the excess heat hurt your paintings?”
Eddie opened and closed his mouth a couple times before he threw his arms in the air. “Yes! Of course it will.”
“Then it’s a business expense and I’ll cover it.”
“I hate you,” Eddie said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You really, really don’t,” Steve murmured. “Now show me your idea for Will’s rogue.”
Eddie pulled out his drawing pad and flipped to the right page. He slid it over to Steve for him to see.
“Oh Eds,” Steve breathed. “It’s beautiful. He’ll love it.”
Eddie tried not to preen, but he couldn’t help it. “So I can go ahead and start painting?”
“Absolutely,” he replied. “Though maybe wait until after your cooler is fixed.”
Eddie threw his head back laughed. “I think you’re probably right.” He gently took the pad from Steve’s grip. “So what’s going on with the charity?”
Steve lit up. He started explaining about all the people interested opening would basically be franchises but that Eddie would still have full control of each branch.
“This is amazing, Stevie,” Eddie breathed. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“I’m happy to help,” Steve said with a grin. “It means that I get drive Dustin absolutely nuts with this whole charity thing. He’s been begging me forever to meet you.”
“I mean, you can invite him to one of our reeducation of Steve Harrington movie nights,” Eddie said, shoving his hair in his face bashfully. “If you wanted to.”
Steve smiled fondly. “That’s sweet of you. But I was thinking something that would absolutely flip their collective shit even more than a movie night. A Halloween one-shot.”
Eddie’s lips formed an O. His eyes sparkled and he grinned. “I know just the thing. It’s something my friends and I used to do in high school. You have these little half–not even half character sheets that have just the most basic of stats. The point is to die in the most epic way possible. There are rewards for stupidest death, most epic death, TPK. It’s lots of fun.”
“That sounds amazing!” Steve said. “Would you be willing to do it?”
Eddie leaned forward on the table. “On one condition.”
“You join us,” he said with a grin. “You read the stats, you roll the dice, you die like a bitch, just like everyone else. You’d be on equal footing with the rest of the Party.”
“Can I think about it?” Steve asked shyly, ducking his head.
“Sure thing, big boy,” Eddie replied. “But let’s order lunch. I’m starving!”
Steve laughed. “Of course.”
Robin poked her head into his office and held up a leather folio. “Do you want to tell me what the hell this is?”
“Sorry,” Steve said, “I’m not Spider-man. I don’t have x-ray vision.”
“That’s Superman,” Robin replied with a huff, “and you’re dodging the question. You know full well what I’m talking about.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I really, really don’t. I haven’t done any even remotely outrageous in months.”
She walked up to his desk and slammed the folio on the desk. “Steven Kevin Harrington...”
“Not my middle name,” he sneered. “You know what it is. You have seen my birth certificate way more times than I have.”
Robin laughed. “But it’s so lame, so I make up ones that sound better.”
“Whatever, Robs,” he said with a huff of his own. “What has got you so twisted this time?”
She opened the folio and turned it around to face him. “You booked the Newfield for New Year’s eve.”
Steve smiled widely at her. “I told you I was going to. It’s hardly my fault you were making goo-goo eyes at Eddie’s agent at the time.”
Robin gasped. “I was not!” He raised a single eyebrow and she folded. “Yeah, all right, maybe.”
Steve sat up in his chair and scooted closer to her. “Look, before you start throwing accusations around about feelings and thinking with my dick, it’s for the charity. You know, the one we’re working on right now.”
Robin glared at him. “So it has nothing to do with him making goo-goo eyes at you?”
“He’s not!” he protested. “There’s no way. He can have anyone he wants, he’s not going to go for a stuffed shirt like me.”
Robin raised both her eyebrows. “You can’t actually believe that.”
“You saw his most recent video right?” Steve snapped. “The one where he ranted about how greedy businessmen destroying the environment?”
“Uh...” she said, “you mean the one where he especially called out billionaire businessmen and how smaller companies can change the face of the industry and then went on to list ten things that CEOs can do to change the world and all of them were things you did with Starcourt Ltd. That one?”
Steve blushed. “I guess I didn’t realize.”
“Look,” Robin said sitting down in one of the chairs, “I was wrong about a lot of things when you first hired Eddie for this job. About him, about you and your motives. So I get why you can’t take my advice on this, but he likes you. And more than just a friend.”
He ducked his head as the blush spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears down the column of the throat. “Don’t go there, please.”
Robin held her hands up in surrender. “I won’t if you don’t want me to. All I’m saying is that if you think you’re falling for him, too…just know he probably feels the same.”
Steve licked his lips. “Yeah, okay.” Then he suddenly buried his head in his hands. “Fuck, I have to make a phone call.”
She raised an eyebrow.
He lifted his head and sighed heavily. “Looks like I’m going to be playing D&D after all.”
She laughed and laughed as Steve buried his head again.
The kids were never going to let him live this down.
“You’re sending my off for my last year as undergrad,” Dustin whined, “and you’re making me come back for fall break? Why?”
Steve was getting tired of this question. The only people who knew about Eddie DMing for them was Steve, Robin, and Eddie. And probably Chrissy. Oh and Claudia Henderson, Dustin’s mom. Which meant that all the other moms knew too.
All right, the conspiracy was bigger than Steve thought.
“Because it is your last year,” he said with a sigh. “You’ll be heading off to MIT next year and it’ll be harder for you to come home for the holidays.”
Dustin deflated. “Yeah, okay. So everyone will be home for Halloween?”
Steve brightened up. “Yep! I’m throwing a costume party with pizza and if you guys aren’t shitheads about it, I might even front for a wet bar.”
Dustin frowned. “What the fuck is a wet bar?”
Robin who had just come home, smacked him on the back of his head, knocking off his hat. “It means there will be booze, doofus.”
Dustin who had been about to yell at her for knocking off his hat, turned to Steve instead. “Seriously?”
“Yup! I’ve okay’ed it with all the parental units,” he said, “and I keep an eye on your intake to make sure you don’t get sick, they’re fine with it.”
Dustin launched himself at him and hugged him tight. “You’re the best, Steve!”
“There won’t be beer,” Steve warned. “It’s not the best drink to get started drinking on and bottles tend to hide how much you’ve been drinking.”
“Are they going to be spooky themed drinks?” Dustin asked.
Steve laughed. “Hell yeah, they are.” He ruffled Dustin’s hair. “Now go finish packing. I’m not going to let your mom do it for you this year. You’re an adult. Act like it.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “God, you’re more mom like then my actual mom.”
Steve laughed. “If I got insulted every time one of you called me mom, I would’ve died of a heart attack years ago.”
Dustin hit him on the arm. “No talks of dying. You aren’t allowed. You have to live forever.”
Robin laughed. “Sure, just got to find that elixir of life somewhere.”
“Or the fountain of youth,” Dustin helpfully supplied.
“You could always invent something,” Steve suggested.
Dustin’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea!” He dashed off excitedly.
“Pack first!”
Robin laughed.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @carlprocastinator1000 @mogami13 @samsoble
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Right - so we all know and love, ‘can you teach me how to shotgun?’ Steve and Eddie makeout scenes.
But may I suggest, ‘there’s a heatwave in Hawkins so we should freeze-kiss each other’ Steve and Eddie makeout scenes.
Like it’s so damn hot in Hawkins, even the air conditioning unit in Steve Harrington’s rich, suburban home isn’t working.
Steve and Eddie planned to hang out all day. Swimming in the pool or watching reruns of whatever is on tv that afternoon…
But the scorching heat is making it impossible to do anything besides laying flat on the floor.
As the day goes on, Eddie gets badly burnt and Steve tries to cheer him up.
“The redness just makes your tattoos look way more badass.” He tells him, while grabbing extra ice packets out of the cooler.
“This is hopeless, Harrington.” Eddie takes the ice, setting it over the burn on his thigh.
“What’s hopeless?”
“Savoring the chill hangout we were supposed to have today. It’s fucking brutal out there.”
But Steve doesn’t want to stop hanging out with Eddie. His hair is sticking to the back of his neck and his clothes are a pound heavier from how drenched he is.
So yeah, he feels gross as hell. But he wants Eddie to stay so they can be cranky and miserable together.
Eddie downs another water bottle, let’s it crackle into his fist.
“I hate summer.” He grumbles tossing the empty bottle aimlessly.
“You hate all of summer, just because of one heatwave?” Steve teases.
Eddie rolls onto his stomach and scoffs. “Yeah - because practically every day has been hot and sticky and gross.”
“Yeah well…” Steve shrugs. “That’s how this season typically goes.”
“It just sucks because I had plans.”
“Yeah.” Eddie gets up, inspects their drink supply. “And they were good too - you would’ve loved them.”
“How do you know that I - personally - would’ve loved these mysterious plans?”
Eddie hides a smile through tucked lips. “Cause they heavily involved you. And I know just how self-absorbed you can be.”
“I do love shit that involves me.” Steve can’t deny it even a little. Loves to be the center-sun of everyone else’s solar system.
Hates the actual sun right now though.
“Out with it, Munson.” He kicks at Eddie’s bare foot with his own. Because socks of any kind during this weather would’ve be outrageous.
Eddie walks back over, tossing his hair into a messy ponytail.
“I was finally gonna put my moves on you.”
“Put your moves on me? Who are you - John Travolta?”
“Would you be into that?” Eddie snaps back with a grin.
Steve attempts to swat away how flustered that just made him. Stampers his words a bit before recovering. “So what was your move gonna be?”
Eddie tilts his head to the side. “I was gonna ask if you wanted me to teach you how to shotgun smoke to each other.”
Oh shit. Steve already knows how to do that - he learned after homecoming freshman year.
But he totally would’ve played dumb so that he’d have an excuse to kiss Eddie.
“However, there’s no way in hell I’m smoking a joint right now - it’s way too hot for that shit.” Eddie determines, sorta saddened by that fact.
Steve glances at the ice pack on Eddie’s thigh (okay, he was looking at Eddie’s thigh and the ice pack just happened to be there - but whatever).
He gets an idea.
“I have a game to help us cool off maybe.”
“Oh yeah?” Eddie looks mildly interested again. “Spill it, Harrington.”
Steve sits next to the cooler, motioning for Eddie to join him. “It’s called freeze-kiss.”
Eddie blinks hard. “What are the rules?”
Steve takes in a breath, letting it out as he explains:
“You set a timer. Put a piece of ice in your mouth and pass it back-and-forth to the other person’s mouth until melts. Then you check the timer to see how long it lasted.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, tries to cover the goofy smile on his face with his hand. “That sounds a lot like a make-out game.”
“Oh, and shotgunning isn’t a make-out game?”
“You got me there.” Eddie admits. He picks up a piece of ice from the cooler, placing it between his teeth. “Are we’re doing this or what?”
Steve sets the timer on his watch and leans in.
“We’re definitely doing this.”
Eddie closes his mouth around the ice and bends lower to meet Steve in the middle.
At first, Eddie let’s it be just that. A kiss.
No ice. No game. Just their lips that are damp from sweat and the lingering bits of water off the ice.
But after they explore what the just-kiss feels like, Eddie opens his mouth and dips Steve’s chin to pass the ice at a better angle.
The coolness of the ice is mixing with the warmth of Eddie’s tongue. Steve can’t compute which temperature feels better anymore. Just needs more of both sensations.
Steve takes the ice fully, closing his mouth around it and chasing Eddie’s lips back over his own. The kiss is extra wet now from how melty it’s all getting from this heat.
The summer heat, sure. But right now, it’s mostly their heat.
Eddie tugs at Steve’s shirt, impatient to get him closer - even if they’re both sweaty messes. Steve opens his mouth just slightly, yet Eddie’s tongue is already pushing it further. Greedy to take the ice back with no help.
And because Steve is a brat, he closes his mouth over the ice. Refusing to let Eddie take it.
“No fair.” Eddie whines, mouth hovering over Steve’s. Coaxing him to open back up with small little pecks at the corners of his mouth.
Steve holds Eddie by the neck, keeping him still to share the piece again. Eddie opens, taking it quickly, but keeping his tongue over Steve’s longer than the transfer really needed.
There’s not much left to the ice, it’s just a thin layer now being swapped around by tongues and lips and spit. The brief chill moving with it - each of them fighting to feel that polarizing mix of hot and cold back in their mouth.
The ice is long gone by now, but they’re still kissing the same way - as if it were still there. Open mouths and swirling tongues. Nothing has changed except for the point of the kiss in the first.
Now it’s just kissing to kiss.
Steve never even stopped the timer on his watch.
So even though their excuse to kiss has melted away, this moment together is very much frozen in time.
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thatlovinfeelin · 8 months
He Don't Like The Lights | Bradley Bradshaw Actor AU|
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Waiting tables wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t your favorite job either. Not that you hated it, because you didn’t. For the most part you liked your coworkers, your roommate Celeste being one of them. Your bosses weren’t horrible, and the pay was alright. You were able to pay your bills and stash some extra cash away for savings. Soon, or at least you hoped it would be soon, you would be able to move out of the somewhat shitty place with Celeste and get a better apartment. Maybe even leave Virginia altogether. 
“Hey, I need you to take table five.” 
“But it’s not in my section tonight,” You argue with your manager. 
“Just take it, okay? It's a single and you’re better with singles than Celeste,” He replied, shooing you away with his hands. 
You let out a dramatic sigh, rolling your eyes as you grabbed your waitress book and headed towards the single guy sitting at the table. You never sized up tables before you started serving them, never tried to write people off before they had a chance to show their colors. 
But you could tell that this guy was hot just by the way he was sitting with a baseball cap tugged low. He at least knew how to wear a damned hat unlike some of the guys who came in with it halfway on their heads. 
“Hi, welcome in, can I get you started with anything to drink?” You asked cheerfully as you stopped in front of him. 
The bar was relatively empty, which came as a surprise since it was a weekend and the weather was fairly nice. Maybe everyone was still out at the beach and would be in before dinner ended. Maybe you would get lucky and end up having a good tip night to make up for the shitfest that was last night. 
“Uh, just a Bud on draft if you have it.”
“Bud lite?” You question. 
“No, Buswieser, the real shit,” There’s a hint of a laugh in his voice. 
“I’ve got it in a bottle, is that okay?”
“Yeah that works,” He replies, tipping his head back to look up at you. 
It takes you a second to register who’s actually looking at you. You’ve seen those dark hazel eyes on screen plenty of times, because Cele is obsessed with his movies. However, what really takes you back is how normal he looks in an old beat up t-shirt and shorts. He doesn’t look like the glamourous actor that you’ve seen.
“I’m sorry- are you,” You stop and lick your lips. 
You aren’t nervous, because you aren’t obsessed with him. His movies are okay, and you have to admit he is more attractive in person than he is on screen. But you’ve never been one to fall face first over someone who’s in the industry, not that you’ve ever had the chance to before. 
“Are you Bradley Bradshaw?” The question comes out as a whisper as you lean down, trying to be as quiet as you can. 
He pales for a moment, waiting to see if you’re going to fully freak out on him before smiling sheepishly, “Caught that easily, huh?”
“You’re lucky it’s just me and not the other girl over there,” You inform him, “She’d be on the floor, and I know that because I live with her and share a TV with her. But since it’s just me,” you smile at him before backing away a step, “A bottle of Bud coming right up.”
He smiles and relaxes into his seat before looking back down at his phone on the table. You can’t help but smile as you make your way towards the bar and the POS system to start his ticket. 
Bradley Bradshaw is eating in the bar and no one but you knows. He just happened to be lucky enough that Celeste had the one big table and was therefore too busy to take him, even though it was her section. 
“Thanks for taking that table,” She sounds out of breath as she sets a drink tray down next to you, “I’m swamped with those fuckers over there. Tourists on vacation who want everything at that very moment. Including three Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris for the kids. I want to shoot myself.”
You smile to yourself as you make your way around to the beer cooler to grab a nice cold bottle of Bud, “Oh don’t worry about it. He shouldn’t cause any trouble anyway.”
If only she knew. 
“Here you go,” You say, sitting the open bottle down on his table, “Do you need a minute to look over the menu? Or do you have any questions?”
“What do you recommend?” He asked you, looking back up. 
“Pulled Pork Mac’n’cheese, easy,” You replied almost instantly, “Hands down my favorite dish here, after our Crab Dip appetizer, but I also eat that for a full meal.”
He smiles up at you and closes the menu before handing it back to you, “I’ll try that Pork Mac then.”
“Sounds good, I’ll get that right in!” You smile triumphantly before backing away once again, “Holler if you need anything, okay? I’ll be back to check on you before the food comes out.”
Back at the bar, Celeste is finally able to stop for a minute and catch her breath. She looks miserable and it makes you want to laugh a little. Her night would be very different if she just took Table Five instead. 
She’s hunched over her phone reading an article, which normally you would call her out on being on her phone but tonight you can’t be bothered. It’s slow enough and her phone is hidden anyway. 
“Hey, Bradshaw is up for a bunch of awards,” She grins, “He so deserves them. You remember how great he was in that war movie, right! That’s what’s being nominated.”
“Hmm?” You question before your brain seems to catch up with you, “Oh, yeah. No, he was great in that movie. Whole cast was, honestly.”
“Exactly! I hope they sweep at the Oscars, they all deserve it so much.”
You have to hide your smile as you type away on the POS to put in the order. In the back, you can hear your kitchen jamming out to some sort of heavy metal meets classic rock mix which isn’t all that unusual for them. There are some days you’ve come to work and they’ve been listening to Disney music. At this point you can’t even try to say that you understand what their playlists consist of. 
It takes ten minutes before you’re walking back over to the table with another beer in hand. You noticed he was starting to run low and you know better than to let a drink ever go empty. That was one of the first things you learned when you became a waitress. 
“Brought you another one,” You announce, setting it down. 
“Thanks, appreciate it,” He replies, “And uh, thanks for not freaking out on me. Would’ve been a bitch if I got swarmed in here.”
“No worries, I’m not a rabid fan or anything,” You laugh, “But I am curious as to why you’re here of all places. I thought you lived in LA?”
“I do,” He nods, “But this was home long before LA was. I was born here in Virginia, I like to come back and visit family from time to time.”
“Oh,” You’re taken back by his honesty. He could’ve easily told you that it was none of your business, which is what you expected, “That’s really nice actually.”
Celeste calls you, saying the kitchen wants you. Reluctantly you force yourself away from the table and towards the set of double swinging doors in the middle of the bar. Something about Bradley Bradshaw is drawing you in and you aren’t sure if you want to resist it or not. Surely he wouldn’t remember your name in a few hours. He’d forget about the server from Virginia the second he got on a flight back to LA and the way of the world would take back over. 
“Here’s that pork mac,” Chef told you, nudging the dish in the window, “Get it out of my sight.”
“Sir yes sir,” You reply, grabbing the hot dish, “Thank you!”
“Yeah yeah, fuck off,” He grumbled, which only made you smile. 
You made your way back towards Bradley’s table with a smile. You could see why Celeste was so enamored with him. There was just something about him that made you want to sit down and hang on his every word. Plus, he was hot as hell. He still had the mustache from his previous role, and was trying to hide behind his ball cap. He looked normal, almost.
You wondered how other people here saw him? Were they even paying attention to the bonafide star that was hiding out in the corner? Celeste would piss herself if she knew he was here, hell, you might even piss yourself if he smiled at you again. The thought made you a little weak in the knees. 
“Your pork mac,” You said, sitting it down on the table in front of him, “Be careful, it’s actually pretty hot.”
“Mmm, looks fantastic,” He nearly groaned, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, you don’t even know if you’ll like it!” You laughed, “But I hope you enjoy, and let me know if I can get you anything else.”
You hop away from him again, taking a deep breath as you go. Maybe the night wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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vanfleeter · 8 months
Letting Her Go // JTK
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Characters: Jake x Fem!reader Warnings: As always, 18+ so minors, please DNI! Angst. Heart break. Drinking. Swearing. Smut. Kissing. Sex. Penetrative sex (p in v). Unprotected sex.
Summary: Jake makes the mistake of letting you go. You come back to collect your things and having the closure you both don't want but need to do.
Hearing the front door open and close, you perk up on the couch and see Jake fly past the threshold of the living room and to the kitchen where you hear him rummaging through the fridge. Pushing off the couch, you go into the kitchen to find him filling a cooler with beer and ice.
“You’re going back out?” You ask as you lean against the doorframe of the kitchen.
“Uh.. Yeah..” He bustles around the area as he gathers more cold items and puts them inside the cooler. “Josh is inviting people over for a bonfire, super small.”
“Oh, okay. Should I-”
“I’m sorry babe, it’s only for work.” He says as he approaches you and kisses your cheek.
“I promise I won’t be out late,” He says as he goes back to the cooler and pulls it off the counter. “I love you.” He gives you another kiss before disappearing out of the kitchen.
“I love you…” The door shuts as you speak and your shoulders slump. “..too..”
Huffing and looking around the kitchen, you go over to the stove and turn off the burner and move the pan to the side. You pull the lid from the pan, allowing the steam to flow up into the air. You cooked one of his favorites, one you texted him about and he responded with his excitement. Seems like you’ve been placed on the back burner… Again.
It had been a few hours since Jake had left for the bonfire. You had cleaned a little, showered, and now relaxing in the living room with a movie playing in the background. It wasn’t until you were scrolling through instagram when you saw Sam’s partner post a video on her story. You sit at the sight of Josh’s backyard. She was filming a video of everyone gathered around the fire pit. She’s there? But Jake said it was only for work. So why was she there?
It only got worse when you saw Danny’s and Josh’s partners gathered around the fire.
You begin to wonder why he lied to you? And also what bullshit lie he told his brothers when you didn’t come with him?
Locking your phone, you toss it to the other side of the couch before leaning forward on your knees.
Thoughts raced through your head, anger and hurt surged through your veins. You didn’t realize you had been sitting there for as long as you have until you heard the front door open. You didn’t want him to see you like this, so you quickly made your way to the bathroom and shut the door.
A knock comes on the door a few minutes later. “Babe?”
“I’m heading to bed, are you coming up?”
“Uh yeah.. Just uh.. Give me a few minutes.”
You listen to his footsteps as he makes his way towards the stairs and climbs them to the second floor. Coming out of the bathroom, composed and calm, you make your way upstairs to the bedroom. He’s already in the bed by the time you get up there. Light snores fill the silence.
Grabbing your phone again, you open a new thread with Josh.
‘Are you awake?’
Josh: Hey! Yeah, I’m still awake. Too much energy. We missed you tonight at the bonfire! Are you feeling better?
So he told them I was sick?
‘Oh uh, yeah yeah I’m feeling better.. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it..’
I wasn’t allowed to come.
Josh: Oh no! Don’t worry about it! Will I see you this weekend?
This weekend? What’s this weekend?
‘I’m not sure, actually. I made plans with my sister.’
Josh: Oh bummer! I thought Jake told you a couple weeks ago, he said he would! But hey not a big deal! We’ll have to plan for something soon to get together, I miss hanging out with you!
‘Of course! Goodnight Josh.’
Josh: Goodnight!
Putting your phone down, you glance over at Jake. Why is he keeping you from everything? Not including you anymore? What happened? Did you do something that you aren’t aware of? Does he not love you anymore or want to be with you? Oh god.. What if this is his way of trying to break up with you without actually having to do it? Maybe if he keeps freezing you out then you’ll leave?
The anxiety rittles your body and you find yourself not able to sleep.
You had woken up the next morning before Jake so you took the opportunity to ask your sister to meet you for breakfast. Coming home though afterwards, you find Jake in the kitchen and drinking coffee. He glances up at you and lowers the mug to the counter.
“I woke up and you were gone,” He says as you hang your keys on the hook. “Where were you?”
“Went out to breakfast with my sister,” You say. “I brought you this back though.” You were nice enough to grab him his favorite bagel and a muffin, both of which were still warm when you got back to the house.
“I already ate..” He mumbles.
“Oh… Okay..”
He stands from the island stool and cleans out his mug before placing it in the dishwasher. “I’ll be gone this weekend,” He says. “Still hanging out with your sister?”
“Yeah uh, about that. I was hoping maybe I could come with you?”
“Babe, it’s just us guys..” He says as he turns to face you.
“Oh.. Well, the only reason why I asked was because Josh thought I’d be coming too..”
“You talked to Josh?” You nod your head. “When did you talk to Josh?”
“Last night.” You say as you fold your arms over your chest. “Which is interesting, because he also told me that they missed me last night because I was sick.. Care to explain?”
Jake lowers his head and fidgets with the hem of his shirt. “I didn’t know they were bringing their partners,” He says. “If I had known, I would have brought you with me.. So instead of seeming like an asshole for not bringing you along, I told them you were sick..”
“You could have called..” You mumble. “I would’ve come over.. And this weekend? Is it really just the guys?” You ask. “Or do you just not want me to go?”
“Babe..” He sighs.
“Don’t babe me, Jake,” You say. “And don’t lie to me either. What the fuck is going on? I’ve been so confused and hurt for the last few months because it always seemed like I wasn’t invited to things anymore but in reality you just don’t want me there.”
Your eyes begin to fill with tears and you shake your head.
“If this is your way of trying to get rid of me–it’s fucking cruel, Jake.. Just fucking tell me if you don’t want me to be with me anymore. Tell me you don’t love me so I can just leave. Fuck.. I’m tired of being left out of things, I’m tired of sitting at home wondering what the fuck I did to be treated like this.”
A tear slips down your cheek and you quickly wipe away. He hadn’t spoken a word. He just stands there twisting his shirt.
“Fucking say something!” You shout, slamming your hand on the counter top.
He lifts his head, revealing tears in his eyes. Your shoulders drop and you step back from the island.
“It’s not been easy..” He says. “I love you, I really fucking do–but..”
“But what?”
“I think we need some time..”
“Some.. Some time?” You say. “What did I do?”
He violently shakes his head. “You didn’t do anything, I just.. I just need some time to figure out what it is that I want.”
“And I’m not what you want, am I?”
“I’m sorry..”
You straighten up and turn on your heels without another word and calmly make your way up the stairs to the bedroom. Grabbing a bag, you begin to fill it with some of your things. Feeling him in the room, you pause and glance over your shoulder.
“You don’t have to leave..” He says.
You toss a shirt into the bag and zip it up before going into the bathroom and grabbing your toothbrush and essentials. You come back out to find him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head buried  in his hands.
Grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder, you pull out your keys and take the house off of the metal ring and hold it out to him. He looks up at you, his eyes growing red and his chin quivering.
“Don’t do that, Jake..” You shove the key into his hand. “Don’t sit there and cry. This is on you.” Turning on your heel, you start for the door before stopping and turning back to face him. “You can change this, you know.. But I am warning you. Once I step out the front door, I'm not coming back.”
When he doesn’t say anything or give you any kind of acknowledgment, you nod your head and turn to leave. Your hand rests on the door handle of the front door, hesitant to even want to leave. But he’s made it clear to you, with little to no words.
Yanking the door open, you step outside and take one last look in hopes that he’d be coming down the stairs after you. But he isn’t. There’s only silence. Pulling the door closed, you make it to your car before the tears finally hit and roll down your cheeks like a waterfall. It wasn’t until you were driving away did you see him appear outside.
He stood on the front porch, his hands at his sides balled into fists. Part of you wanted to turn the car around and go back but the other part of you, the dominant part, kept your foot on the gas pedal moving your car further and further away until he was no longer in your line of sight.
–Two Months Later-
He drops an empty bottle of beer into the trash can before retrieving another one from the fridge. There wasn’t a day he had ever left the house. Not since the day you left. The day he let you walk away without a fight.
He knew he made a mistake. The moment he heard your car start up, he knew.
Most people go through a midlife crisis when they’re older. Significantly older than he is now. You could’ve worked things out. He could’ve made that decision but he’s the undecisive one. And making a decision so drastic that affects his whole life and his future, he can’t do it. He shuts down, he removes himself from the situation. Or in this case, his relationship.
He hasn’t heard from you, nor did he ever expect to. You don’t answer his phone calls or even respond to texts. It wasn’t until one day that he got a response to one of his text messages but it wasn’t you. It was someone else, explaining to him that he had the wrong number.
Wrong number?
You changed your number?
No one had your new number. Not even Josh.
He wasn’t happy with Jake. He lost one of his best friends. They had a heated argument and didn’t speak for a couple weeks but eventually Josh being Josh couldn’t stand being angry anymore and they made up.
Popping the lid off of the bottle, he chugs down half of it before setting it down on the counter and pulling out his phone. He starts to dial your number only to remember that it won’t be you on the other end. He drops it back on the counter and finds himself slowly sinking to the floor where he’s ended up multiple times.
He hadn’t realized he had fallen asleep until he was shaken awake by Josh. Worry paints his face as he stares at Jake from above him, his hands holding both of his shoulders.
“Oh thank god..” He breathes in relief as he pulls Jake up into a sitting position.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was worried about you.” He says. “You missed a band meeting that was scheduled for today.. No one could get a hold of you. And I come here only to find you passed out.”
“I fell asleep..”
Josh waves the beer bottle in front of Jake’s face. “Fell asleep.. My ass. Come on.. Get up.” He says as he pulls Jake up to his feet. He dumps the beer into the sink before directing Jake to the stairs and pulling him to his room. He sits him down on the bed and moves to his closet to get him fresh clothes.
“Why are you changing me?” Jake says as Josh tosses a shirt and a clean pair of jeans at him.
“Because why?” Jake grumbles.
Josh takes a deep breath. “I ran into her today…” Josh exhales.
Jake straightens up, his eyebrows furrowing as he stares at his brother. “You saw her?”
Josh nods his head. “She mentioned needing to come back here—to get her things..”
“Why did she wait so long?”
“I don’t know, Jake..” Josh sighs. “Maybe she never came back after you let her leave like that..”
Jake huffs and shakes his head. “I thought we moved on from that..”
Josh runs a hand through his hair. “We did… I’m sorry…” He drops his hands to his sides. “But you need to get dressed, make yourself look not so…you know..” He starts to go for the bedroom door before stopping and turning around. “And trim your facial hair. You look like you’ve been wandering the desert.”
Walking up the driveway towards the front door, your heart pounds in your chest. It’s been two months since you’ve left here–refusing to come back to get your things, unable to see him. You clench your fists at your sides to control their shaking as you lift your hand to knock on the door.
It took a few minutes before the door was being pulled open. Standing there dressed neatly with sunglasses resting over his eyes is Jake. You notice his facial hair has grown out more than it was before, connecting completely around his mouth and covering his chin.
“Hi..” You breathe out, giving him a slight nod of your head.
He returns the nod and steps aside to let you inside. “I uh, boxed up everything that I could find.” He says, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck. “Although you’re welcome to look around to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”
“Uh.. Thank you.” You say as you pick up a box. “I guess I’ll just take this out to the car.”
He offers to help you, carrying each box out to your car. When the last box is brought out, you reach up to close the trunk door. He stands idly by in the driveway with his hands stuffed into the pocket of his jeans. He rocks gently back and forth.
“Umm… Well, if you happen to find my sweater–let me know..” You say, giving him a light giggle. “You know that it’s my favorite.”
A smile tugs at his lips and he nods his head. “I know it is.. But if you have time, you can go look.”
“It’s late,” You say, shaking your head. “I’m already taking up too much of your time.”
Jake shakes his head. “It’s okay, really..” He says. “It won’t take too long.”
“Oh uh.. If you’re sure..” You stammer.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He says with a slight nod of his head.
He leads you back into the house and upstairs to the bedroom. You pause in the doorway as he keeps walking towards the laundry basket in the corner of the room. You realize you hadn’t moved or acknowledged him walking back over to you until you hear him speaking.
“It’s kind of wrinkled,” He awkwardly chuckles. “Sorry about that..”
You lift your head to look up at him as you slowly take the sweater from his hand. You couldn’t stop yourself before you’re bringing your lips to his and kissing him. You can feel his surprise as his body tenses but eventually he relaxes and his arms find solace wrapping around your body and pulling you closer.
You wanted this. Just one last time. Even though you know that you’ll be breaking his heart in the end, you need him just this once. Closure. A weird way to find closure after breaking up.
You feel his hands trail down your waist and cup your thighs before he lifts you up and rests you on his waist. He carries you to the bed, your kissing not once broken even as he lays you down on the bed. You do eventually pull away to catch your breath.
You had removed his sunglasses, revealing his worn and tired eyes. You softly run your hand down the side of his face. He nuzzles into the palm of your hand as his eyes close shut.
You know that he knows that you won’t be staying after this. That you will still be leaving. But for right now, he has you and and for right now he can show how much he loves you and how much he regrets the decisions he’s made.
He presses his hips into yours, allowing you to know just how much he wants you.
Barely any words are spoken as the two of you become naked in front of each other. His eyes wander all over your body. Mesmerized. Stunned. Amazed. You name it, he was that and more.
Entangling himself with your body, he pushes himself inside of you. He gives languid strokes as he pushes his hips into you and buries his face into the crook of your neck and kisses your jaw. His hand travels down your waist and grips your hip as he starts to pound into you. Your moans fill his ears as he pushes you closer to the edge.
You grip him tightly, nails digging to his back as he fills you and stretches you with every thrust. Your vision begins to blur as tears fill your eyes. All of your emotions hitting you all at once. Your heart breaks as you feel him pouring out his love. You hug tighter as a tear escapes from the corner of your eye and slips down the side of your face.
But all of that is overridden by our orgasm as it rips through your body. You can hear him speaking to you as he fucks you through it. Praising you, loving you. Seconds later he’s spilling inside of you and filling you up.
Coming down from your highs, his body relaxes on top of you and he rests his head on your shoulder. Neither of you makes an effort to move but eventually he pulls out of you and lays on his back beside you.
You start to make a move to leave but he grabs hold of your elbow. You look over your shoulder and his eyes alone are begging you to stay. You know you shouldn’t. You know you should leave, but that small part of you is begging for one night. You give a light nod of your head and crawl back into the bed. He holds you close as you curl into his front side. His fingers graze your spin lazily. Soon the both of you are falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Waking up the next morning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he feels the cold bed beside him as he rolls over onto his stomach. Sitting up in the bed he finds you gone. Everything is gone except for your sweater that still lies on the end of the bed. He climbs from the bed and pulls on a pair of sweats and retrieves your sweater before leaving the room.
His worst nightmare comes true as he finds the house completely void of you. Pulling the front door open, he looks outside to the driveway but your car is gone. It’s as if you were never there, but you had been. He can still feel your touch lingering on his skin and with each memory that comes to his mind, his heart breaks a little more.
Slowly closing the door, he holds your sweater to his chest as he leans against the door. You’re gone. For good. He knows now that there is no coming back to once was or ever will be. He made the mistake of letting you go but now he has to live with it. Forever letting the one get away.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
Broken Without You
Summary: After witnessing the death of your best friend Henry and his little brother, you're close to giving up and ending it all. Until Joel asks you to join him and Ellie on their journey across the country and gives you a reason to keep fighting.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: language, blood, mentions of past suicide attempt,
Previous Chapter
Chapter 13-
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The three of you continued your trek through Salt Lake City, heading in what you hoped was the direction of the hospital.
You took a small sip of the remaining water in the canteen, not wanting to drink the last of it because you weren't sure when you'd find more.
"So, are you two like dating now or what?" Ellie questioned bluntly.
You nearly choked on the water and started to cough, not expecting that question to come flying out of nowhere.
"What?" Joel asked, clearly not prepared for that question either.
"You and Y/N. Are you together? I saw you guys kiss by the campfire the other night, so, are you dating? Wait, is it like a friends with benefits kinda situation because if it is, warn me prior so I can set up my sleeping bag away from-"
"Okay, that's enough." Joel said, waving his hand at her and cutting her off. "It ain't none of your business."
"Oh, come on. Your love life is like the only interesting thing happening. Tell meeee." She whined, looking between the two of you while the three of you continued walking down the street.
"We, uh, we actually haven't talked about it." You admitted, glancing over at Joel hoping that was okay to say because it was the truth.
The two of you have kissed twice now, but you've never talked about it. When you first met, you guys pretty much hated each other, but now... well, you had no idea where the two of you stood. Joel had gone from glaring and barely talking to you, to kissing you and calling you baby, so that meant something, right?
"Oh, shit. So did I just make this like super awkward right now?" Ellie asked, clearly finding this whole situation just hilarious. "Okay, I can help."
"Please don't." Joel muttered.
Ellie rolled her eyes, "do you like Y/N?"
Joel glanced over at you with an unreadable expression, his jaw clenched before he looked away. He didn't say anything for a while as if contemplating whether to just ignore the question all together and although you didn't really want to discuss this in front of Ellie, you wanted to know his answer.
"Joel, come on. Do you like her? Yes or no?" She prompted when he didn't say anything.
Joel sighed, "yes."
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at his words, and you had to stop yourself from smiling like a stupid schoolgirl who just found out that her crush liked her back.
"Good. Y/N, do you like Joel?" Ellie asked, looking over at you.
You met Ellies gaze before glancing past her to Joel who kept his head straight focusing on where he was walking, but he was fiddling with his watch on his wrist almost anxiously, like he was afraid of your answer.
"Yeah, I like him."
Joels head snapped over in your direction, those beautiful brown eyes meeting yours and you gave him a small smile.
"Okay. So, you both like each other. Simple. You should date."
"Ellie-" Joel sighed, looking over at her.
"What? It's simple fucking math, man. I mean, no offence, but she is totally out of your league. She's a freaking badass, not that you aren't or anything, but, uh, she's cooler."
You grinned, "hear that, Joel? I'm cooler."
He snorted softly and glanced over at you with a warm look in his eye before he slowed his pace down so Ellie was walking in front and he held his hand out towards you.
He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. This was his way of silently asking without Ellie getting in your face about it and you smiled, taking his hand with yours.
Joels lips twitched up into a small smile as he laced his fingers with yours and the two of you walked hand in hand through the city, following behind Ellie. She glanced over her shoulder at the two of you, and you waited for her sarcastic comments or jokes, but she just smiled before turning back and continuing to walk.
After a few blocks, you reached what looked like to be an old abandoned medical camp set up. The tents were all dirty and ripped, but there were still hospital gurneys and rusty medical equipment sitting on old tables inside.
"Hey, Y/N, was this a FEDRA thing?" Ellie asked, motioning towards everything.
"Nope, the army I think." You answered, glancing over at Joel for confirmation.
He nodded, "they put these places up all around the first few days after the outbreak. Emergency medical camps. Obviously didn't last. They had me in one just like this."
"With Sarah?" Ellie asked, looking over at him.
You had never heard Joel talk about Sarah with Ellie. Ever. Actually, you had never heard Joel talk about his daughter much at all. You only found out recently about her, and since then he hadn't spoken about her and you never asked questions, knowing he didn't like talking about her.
"No, she was gone already." He answered, not seeming angry that Ellie had asked as the three of you continued to walk through the camp.
"Oh." Ellie replied sadly. "So what was wrong with you?" She asked a moment later, looking back up at him.
"It was for this." He answered, motioning towards the pink scar above his temple.
Oh, shit.
You knew what that scar was from. He had told you, and you weren't sure if he was going to tell Ellie too. You remained silent, not wanting to get in the middle of this conversation.
"Ah, the guy who shot and missed. I figured that would've happened later."
"No. Second day." Joel answered, slowing his pace before coming to a stop and you paused beside him.
"Well, I've gotta hand it to the Army people. They were way better at stitching you up then Y/N was, no offence." Ellie responded, still walking, not realising that you guys had stopped.
"It was me."
Ellie glanced over her shoulder and frowned in confusion. Joel took a deep breath from beside you, working up the courage to say it and you squeezed his hand gently in reassurance.
"I was the guy who shot and missed."
To her credit, Ellie kept her expression pretty calm, but you could tell that those words really hit her hard and shocked her.
Joel pulled you over to one of the cement barricades and sat down against it and you did the same, holding his hand in your lap and placing your other hand over the top of it. Ellie slowly walked over and sat the other side of Joel, looking at him with wide patient eyes, waiting for him to elaborate.
"There's no story." He quickly said, glancing over at her before looking down at the ground. "Sarah died... and I couldn't see the point anymore. Simple as that. And I wasn't scared either. I was ready. I couldn't have been more ready."
You brushed your thumb over the back of his hand soothingly. He had told you all of this already, but you could still feel tears beginning to burn in the back of your eyes as he spoke because everything he was saying, it was how you felt after Henry and Sam died.
"When I... when I... went to pull the trigger, I-I flinched. Still don't know why. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you all this-"
"I know why you're telling me all this." Ellie said, cutting him off.
Joel nodded, "yeah, I reckon you do."
"So time heals all wounds I guess."
"It wasn't time that did it." He admitted, his voice wavering slightly as he looked over at Ellie.
A look of realisation washed over her wide eyes that were almost glistening with tears. She held them back though which was better than what you were doing because you could feel a silent tear already trickling down the side of your face.
"Well, I'm glad that... that didn't work out." She eventually responded, her voice a little rougher than usual as she looked up at the scar on his head.
"Me too." Joel nodded, wiping his eyes with his free hand.
Nobody said anything for a few seconds and Joel glanced over at you, noticing the tear stain on your cheek and his eyes softened.
"It's okay, baby." He whispered, letting go of your hand before he gently brushed your tear away with his thumb.
"We, uh, we should probably get going." Ellie said hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt the two of you.
You nodded, resting your hand over Joels on your cheek before you stood up, his hand falling down and the three of you slipped back into sync as you walked through the abandoned camp.
"You know what I'm in the mood for?" Joel suddenly asked not even a minute later. "Shitty puns."
You rolled your eyes, "you're going to regret saying that."
"Oh-ho-ho." Ellie grinned, whipping the stupid pun filled book from her backpack and opening it. "'People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow.' Too soon?"
"No, it's topical." Joel answered causing you and Ellie to laugh.
"Oh, I love this one! 'Moon rocks taste better than Earth rocks. Why?" She asked, looking between the two of you with a giant grin. "'Cause they're meteor."
"Oh, that's terrible." You responded, unable to hide your laughter.
"Fuck you. That was actually good."
"That's a zero outta 10." Joel added, backing you up causing Ellie to roll her eyes.
"Alright, alright. 'What did the green grape say to the purple grape? Breathe, you idiot.'"
Joel smirked, "that's a three outta 10."
"Seven, minimum." She argued.
"That is so not worth a seven." You teased causing her to look at you in offence.
"I'll give it a five. Five outta 10." Joel compromised.
You opened your mouth to argue, but then heard something clink on the ground behind you and you spun around to find some kind of explosive rolling towards you.
"Get down!" You shouted, but Joel was already moving, having seen it too before he threw himself over you and Ellie, using his body to shield you both just as it exploded.
The force of the explosion threw you all to the ground. In the back of your mind, you acknowledged that the explosive had only been a stun grenade and nothing lethal, but that little piece of information was useless right now as you laid on the ground quite literally stunned and ears ringing loudly.
You blinked, trying to get your head straight as you glanced around to find Joel lying on the ground next to you, not fairing much better.
"Joel! Y/N!" Ellie's distorted voice called out through the ringing in your ears.
You quickly looked to your left just as a man in military gear picked her up.
"Ellie!" Joel shouted desperately from beside you.
You jumped onto shaky feet and reached for the rifle over your shoulder, but then something hard slammed into the side of your head, and the last thing you heard was Joel screaming your name before everything turned black.
"You are the one person I never wanted to be in debt to. But I owe you. We all do."
That was the first thing you registered when you started to wake up. The second being what felt like a jackhammer drilling into your skull.
Why did your head hurt so badly?
"Just take me to her." A different voice said.
A voice you knew.
Slowly, you blinked your eyes open and squinted at how ridiculously bright the roof was as you looked around and realised you were laying in a hospital bed. Wait, what the fuck? Where were you?
You glanced to your left and found Joel sitting on the edge of another bed that was beside yours, but he had his back facing you and was staring at a woman and a man with a rifle in the doorway.
Who the hell were they?
You quickly jump to your feet in panic but fell back down against the edge of the bed when your head suddenly spun rapidly and you hissed in pain, grabbing it.
"Whoa, whoa, easy. It's okay. You're okay." Joel hurriedly reassured, leaning over his bed and grabbing your knee gently as he stared up at your forehead where you could feel a bandage was wrapped. "Marlene said you have a grade 3 concussion, just take it easy."
Grade 3? Was that bad? Wait, who the fuck was Marlene?
"What happened? Who are you?" You asked, your voice hoarse.
"Fireflies. My name is Marlene. Do you remember what happened?" She asked calmly, but you just shook your head which turned out to be a bad idea because it only made the pain worse causing you to wince.
Joel stood up and walked around his bed until he was standing in front of you, his worried eyes searching yours. "What do you last remember?"
"Giraffes... and, uh, you told Ellie about the scar, I think? Shit, I don't know, it's a blur." You admitted, which only made him look more worried.
"That's okay. Memory loss like that is common with this kind of severe concussion." Marlene explained.
"You told me she would be fine." Joel hissed, glaring at her.
"I said, she should be fine. She already had pretty bad head trauma before my guy hit her. I apologise for that, they didn't know who you guys were." Marlene explained, looking over at you. "Nausea, headaches, vomiting, fatigue are all common symptoms of concussion. You'll be sensitive to light and sound and these symptoms may last a few weeks."
You were barely listening to her talk, still trying to process the words 'Fireflies. My name is Marlene,' before realisation washed over you. This was the same Marlene that told Joel to take Ellie back in Boston. This was her. Holy shit, wait, where was Ellie?
"I... I don't care about the symptoms or whatever you were saying. I'll be fine." You dismissed causing Joel to glare at you, clearly thinking otherwise. "Where's Ellie?"
That caught Joel's attention too and he quickly looked back over at Marlene, awaiting an answer.
"She's being prepped for surgery."
"What-what surgery?" You asked because although you had a concussion, you were pretty sure she was never meant to have a fucking surgery.
"Our doctor... he thinks that the Cordyceps in Ellie has grown with her since birth-"
"Why is she in surgery?" Joel questioned, cutting her off.
"It produces a kind of chemical messenger." Marlene continued to say, ignoring him. "It makes normal Cordyceps think that she's Cordyceps. It's why she's immune. He's gonna remove it from her, multiply the cells in a lab, produce those chemical messengers... and then we can give it to everyone. He thinks it could be a cure, Joel. A cure."
That was way too many words to process right now. You weren't even going to try and understand all of that.
"Cordyceps grows inside the brain." Joel suddenly said, frowning at the woman across the room.
Marlene nodded, "it does."
Wait. Wait. Did that mean... no. Hell, no. That was not fucking happening.
"Find someone else." Joel instructed, but Marlene shook her head.
"There is no one else. We didn't tell her, we didn't cause her any fear, there won't be any pain."
"No. No, you take me to her." Joel demanded, walking over to her. "You take me to her right now!"
The man with the rifle and combat vest stepped forward and slammed the butt of the gun into Joels stomach sending him down onto his hands and knees with a pained grunt.
"No!" You yelled, rushing forward and putting yourself between the soldier and Joels body.
The room spun around you for a moment, but you managed to blink your dizziness away to find Marlene holding her hand out, silently telling her soldier to stand down.
You glared at the man, your hands clenched into fists by your side before you glanced down at Joel who was still on his hands and knees, breathing heavily after getting the wind knocked out of him.
"Please... you don't understand." Joel whispered, lifting his head and looking up at Marlene.
Another soldier had appeared behind her in the doorway hearing all the commotion, an assault rifle in his hands which you would very much like to be in your hands right now.
"I do. I was there when she was born, Joel. I promised her mother that I would save her child. I promised. So I do understand. I'm the only one who understands. I'm sorry. I have no other choice."
Joel glared up at her, "I do."
Marlene stared down at Joel for a moment before looking over at you briefly and you held her gaze, despite how badly your head was hurting.
"Walk them out to the highway, leave them there with their packs. Give him this." She said, pulling out Ellies switch blade from her pocket and handing it to the soldier on her right. "Either of them try anything... shoot them."
You quickly glanced over at Joel, not knowing what to do, but he didn't try to argue with her any further. Instead, he allowed the soldier who hit him to haul him to his feet, the other grabbing your arm and they pulled you out the hospital room.
The two of you walked in silence as the Fireflies marched behind you, leading you down the corridor and into the stairwell. Joel wouldn't just give up. He wouldn't let the Fireflies kill Ellie just because they think they might make a cure. No way. But you had no idea what Joel was planning to do or when he was going to do it.
You slowly descended down the spiral staircase, Joel beside you and walking slower than he normally would and you knew that was for your sake. You glanced over at him again for what felt like the millionth time and this time Joel tilted his head towards you and gave you a small nod.
That nod meant it was time. Time to do what exactly? Fuck knows.
You grabbed the railing beside you and came to a stop on the platform of the staircase before grabbing your head and exaggerating the pain you were in.
"The fuck are you doing? Keep walking." One of the soldiers ordered.
"I need a minute. My head..."
Joel turned to face you, his expression a little hesitant like he wasn't sure if this was real or if you were faking it before the soldier behind you stepped forward and pushed your back.
"I said keep walk-"
Joel suddenly slammed his elbow back, knocking the guy clean in the jaw and sending him flying back into the wall before Joel grabbed his rifle and shot the other soldier before he could make a move.
You rushed up the few stairs separating you and the dead soldier and quickly picked up his assault rifle and turned around, about to finish off the other soldier before Joel shot him in the leg and he dropped to the ground with a pained scream.
"Where is she?" Joel questioned, gun aimed at his head.
"Fuck you."
"I don't have time for this." Joel responded, pulling the trigger and killing him before he looked over at you worriedly.
"I'll be fine. Let's go get her." You said and that was all the confirmation he needed before he leant down and pulled out Ellies switch blade from the man's pocket and picked up the backpack that he had been carrying.
"Shots fired. Shots fired!" A voice shouted through their radios.
You ignored the radio and instead pulled out the handgun that was strapped to the soldier’s thigh. You tucked it into the back of your waistband before opening the two spare magazine pouches on his vest and grabbing the magazines, shoving them into the pockets of your jacket.
Joel glanced back at you, making sure you were still okay before the two of you marched back up the stairs in sync with your guns raised.
Next Chapter
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A/N- I'm back! My trip was amazing, but I'm now dreading going back to work next week.
Anyway, thank you all for your patience and I hope you enjoyed this new chapter ❤️
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sil-te-plait-tue-moi · 5 months
You're killin' me!
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Quick summary: Phantom and Maverick have had their fair share of head-butting – competition, ego and feelings don't mix well, apparently. Finally, however, they seem to reach a peace after a day on the beach.
Word count: 3K (getting into writing these shorter fits woo!)
Warnings: Kind of angsty but also you make out so like is it really that bad; allusions to smut; lots of swear words; yeah, not much for this, it's pretty PG.
A/N: YAYYY, I'm back, sort of but also not really but also ENJOY THIS FIC. Yes, technically it is an extract from an unfinished chapter of the mav x reader Wattpad story I'm halfway through writing (yes, I have a wattpad, it's called nonoitsnina), and maybe (BIIIIG emphasis on MAYBE) I will do a second part where y'all actually fuck and stuff but for now just take this. If anyone's still slinking around the Top Gun stuff, that is. Also, Bee is your RIO here. Just to preface. And Phantom (YOUR CALL-SIGN) shortens to Tommy or Tom from time to time but like if you read the Wattpad book (YES I KNOW I SOUND LIKE A SCARY 14 YEAR OLD) it makes more sense. OKAY ENJOY COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED HAVE A LOVELY JUBBLY DAY
Stupid smiles plastered bright across their faces, Bee and Goose are already dashing down the road, speed-walking like a couple of suburban mothers, one swathed in a beach towel and picnic blanket, the other lopsided with a half-empty cooler grasped in one hand. 
I watch them go, brow furrowed, over my shoulder, slightly disconcerted. 
“I guess they—” Mav pauses, then huffs, equally as confused, “—really wanted those ice-creams.”
Sure. That’s why they keep glancing back at us and giggling like idiots: ice-creams. 
Maverick and I are strolling along the boardwalk back home – despite washing my feet at the tap, there’s still sand between my toes that tickles my skin with every step, but I could care less. He’d asked if I wanted us to take the bus—but I’d said no. Call me a loon (Bee certainly would), but, even after a full day of work—or play—nothing beats sitting outside in the quiet. Except sleep, I guess. But, when I can keep my eyes open, looking out a good view—and, boy, is this watercolour sunset some view—is perfect. After growing up in a city full of dust and cracks, I’ve embraced it: I’m gonna be one of those old ladies in a rocking chair on her porch, day and night, night and day.
Having just finished my own crêpe, I eat Maverick’s. When I ask him if he’s bothered by it, he tells me he’d bought them both for me in the first place. 
Sweet. Y’know, I really thought I was a good judge of character. I had to be, to be fair, growing up, pursuing this career – you must always assume the worst until proven otherwise. That’s the safe way, and it’s served me well. Until it had me screaming and yelling at everyone. That’s not—right. It makes me absolutely nauseous. 
So, all of these estimated traits, good and bad, have either been tossed or been filtered out.
It boils down to Maverick and his easy grin. He walks along the edge of the sidewalk, just looking at me with that goddamn easy grin. I’ve half a mind to slap him, just to give me a break from his attention. It makes me horribly self-conscious, forces a little thrill on me, like when you’re at the apex of a rollercoaster, just about to tip over. It feels like that, but it also feels like light streaming through a half-blinded window, so the warmth just collects there on the sill so that, when you touch it, you wish you could roll under it like a blanket. Of course, that warmth accumulates. I’m sweating. Like—a—pig. 
Jesus, I want to scream into my hands with how good he looks. His dark hair is still slightly damp with seawater, stiff in some places and criminally soft in others. Every now and then, he’ll pull at the white button-up that sticks just a little to his chest, to the contours of his stomach, and fan the skin there. Jesus Christ. My hands are basically twitching to touch him there, to feel the heat of him beneath my palm, solid and beating gently with his heartbeat. I clasp my fingers very tightly around my fork, my crêpe slip, concentrating it all into one point. 
I can’t tell if feeling like this is the best or the worst. Jesus, imagine if the other guys knew. They’d never shut up about it. Christ, they’d never take me seriously again. I don’t want to be the “girlfriend” – I want to be a formidable pilot. So many people just don’t think those two things can ever coexist. 
Not that I want to be a girlfriend. I couldn’t say that word out loud without feeling wrong. I’m a lot of things, but I don’t know if I could be that. 
A bike passes with an urgent ring of its bell, and Maverick twists his body in towards mine, hand hovering over my back, to push me out of the way from it. 
I go blank, scrambling to remember where we were in the conversation, mouth dry.
“So, you’re telling me,” I begin, grinning, “going into Return of the Jedi, you hoped that Luke and Leia would end up together?”
Mav sighs and rolls his eyes, tearing off a little of what remains of the crêpe. ‘Well, at the time, I didn’t know they we’re fuckin’ siblings—”
“Maverick, that is incest.”
“Come on!” he laughs, and it’s the best sound in the world. “Goose thought so, too! Luke’s the main guy, so, like, it’s not not logical to think he’d get the main girl, right—?”
“But it’s Han Solo!” I exclaim, throwing my head back with a snort. He smiles down at me, eyes warm, in a way that I’m probably misinterpreting and will replay over and over in my head when I’m trying to sleep in bed tonight. “I thought you’d be a Han Solo kind of guy.”
“What, I remind you of him?” He tosses his head back and smoulders. I fake a gag.
“Well, he’s just—he’s just—” I trail off into laughter. “He’s really—I can’t explain it! If you ask any girl, she’ll know what I mean. Han Solo is so—” I giggle again, remembering how stunned and attracted to him I was when I first watched A New Hope in the theatre. “He’s just a lot of things.”
“Oh, yeah?—like what?”
Gosh, I can feel myself burning up – does he have to lower his voice like that? Does he have to try and catch my eye? God, it’s almost easier to hate him, to be honest – at least then I wouldn’t be acting like such a puddle.
“Like, charming and daring and, um—and clever, and—I don’t know. It’s just the way he speaks or something.”
He hums, hands in his pockets, his dad’s jacket draped over his forearm – I don’t think I’ve seen him go anywhere without that leather jacket. “And you like those things?” he pushes.
I bark out a laugh. “C’mon, Maverick, everyone like those things.” True enough – I could be blind and still fall in love with Han Solo and his smooth-talking. “And why Luke? Even if they weren’t siblings, why him? He had zero chemistry with—”
“Because he’s the chosen one!”
“—yeah, well, he—”
“He’s cool! Luke is objectively cool. He’s a pilot, he’s a Jedi, he’s a leader, he’s—”
“What-ever!” I exclaim, scrunching up my nose at him, and we giggle into quiet. “I’m not saying I didn’t like him as a character – I think he’s an amazing character. I just wouldn’t fuck ‘im.” I cackle at the absurdity of it all.
We continue walking.
Maybe all of this will fade in a couple hours. Maybe it’s the magic of Top Gun, this beach, this dusk that settles in fast around us, the lights that illuminate the darkening boardwalk. It’ll all be over in a couple more weeks, anyway. Bee ‘n’ I’ll go back to the carrier and be on with things, and Maverick will do whatever it is that he does. I know Goose says we should make plans to meet after school’s out, but who really has the time to spare? So, thank God Mav didn’t ride in on his motorcycle, ‘cause, if he’d insisted I hop on and wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder and la-la-la, I’d be in great danger of sleeping with him.
“D’you wanna head straight back?”
I look up at him. “Hmm?”
Jesus, he needs to tone down his looks or something – it’s disarming, a hazard, really. Those green eyes are givin’ me some mean butterflies, alright. Nowadays, I’ll see him fresh out of the sky, hair spiky and dishevelled with sweat – he doesn’t wear helmet hair as well as others, that’s for certain – and I’ll have to bury my face in my locker. I’ll see him absentmindedly chewing on his dog-tags, and it’ll have me air-headed for the rest of a lecture. I can’t classify it as a distraction, but it’s—certainly not intended. My head isn’t screwed on so tight, and I can’t keep tipping up in the cockpit – I know my ambition to win and these thoughts about Maverick have no correlation, but, good God, maybe if I could just focus more in classes—
“There’s—” he starts, then swallows. “We could go to the pier. Not really a view anymore, but we could see some lights. Boats, maybe.”
“Yeah,” I reply, excitement jolting through my body.
“Yeah?” I nod. He smiles. “Okay.”
When he asks me if I’m cold, he readjusts his jacket on his arm, like he’s already made his mind up to lend it to me. Of course, I shake my head – I’d probably end up stinking up the damn thing with how much I seem to be sweatin’.
We take our time to the end of the pier. When we reach the railing, we step up onto the bar and lean out to look down at the softly lapping water.
I turn to look at him, and the stutter of his words stops abruptly, his eyes wide. He looks at me dumbly, like I’m one of the seven fuckin’ wonders. Now, I’ve seen Maverick drunk, stupid, and downright embarrassing himself—just think of the time she lost that fuckin’ lovin’ feeling—but, even when he doesn’t know something, he always keeps face. He always has something to say. Now?—now, here, he looks hopeless.
“I what, Mitchell?” I grin, shoving my hair behind my ear in light of the strong breeze that suddenly billows in from across the sea. “Watching the ships, right?” There they are: little dots on the horizon.
He flushes, snapping his attention away. “Right.”
I know what’s coming – I pick up on all of it: the fidgeting of his hands, the downcast dart of his eyes, the way he bites down on the inside of his cheek. Though it kinda perks me up to begin with, I just end up wilting again at the reminder of a certain instructor who I am evidently not.
Still, it’s nice to hear him say: “It’s just—” I tilt my head towards him, “—I think you’ve got great eyes. Great everything really. I dunno. I think—you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
I snort. “That 4% really got to you, hey, Mav?”
He doesn’t laugh, just pauses, takes a second to think about what he’s going to say. “I—don’t know—how to say it.”
My heart drops—in the bad way. “What?"
“That I think about you—a lot.”
Oh, Christ. I let out a deep sigh, and, immediately, his face drops like a stone. “Oh, don’t do that, Maverick.”
“Do what?” he protests through a weak smile.
I recoil just a little bit: he’s a flirt, yes, but I didn’t take him for a dirtbag. “Do what?” my ass. He knows what. Blonde-hair-and-bright-eyes, who’s what. Think of how smart she is, how accomplished she is, how beautiful she is, how level and respected she is – all of these things and a man can still write Charlie of as not that big a deal? That’s fuckin’ low.
“You’re being mean,” I tell him firmly, trying to force down the disgust that pushes under my tongue and the embarrassment that burns over my cheeks.
Maybe Carole and Goose really weren’t exaggerating. Maybe he has got eight women all lined up for him, just waiting for him to call.
His hand makes to touch my shoulder but doesn’t end up making contact – it just hovers, unsure. Either way, I wasn’t going to let it happen. Either way, I find myself scurrying back, away.
Mav has the audacity to look confused. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to—”
“So, what?” I snap, hopping down from the railing and scowling unabashedly at him once more. “I’m one of those girls you string along?”
He laughs – only, it’s not cute anymore; it’s fucking annoying. “No—!”
The wind blows strongly, warm, still, but with the promise of a storm. I have to raise my voice in order to get myself across, I tell myself: “What?—you wanna challenge yourself, or something? Me and Charlie—?”
This?—this seems to piss him off. Mav’s expression crumples into indigence as he protests strongly again, “No—!"
“Phantom,” he presses desperately, eyes pleading for me to listen – I’ve seen that expression on him before; every time I’ve ignored it, I’ve ended up regretting it, yelling myself silly over a misunderstanding. So, I pause. I listen. The urgent haze fades away within the span of three deep breaths.
“I wanted Charlie’s advice on how to speak to you. I was nervous—am nervous—and I don’t want to say the wrong thing. She’s very—to-the-point. And Goose and Bee fluff like their lives depend on it.”
Nice one. Nice going, Tommy: do what you do best and throw a fuckin’ rage, why don’t you?
“I thought you didn’t like me—” I say to him dumbly, “—after what I said to you.”
We don’t talk about that argument in the locker rom. We don’t talk about the one after volleyball either, or the one in the air. It’s no excuse – that Viper is breathing down my neck, that I know Skipper expects highly of me – to act like a dick to all the competitors that block my way to that damn trophy. I need to climb this hill.
And here Maverick is, thinking about me—a lot.
“Your opinion matters to me more than you’d think,” he admits with a snarky, little snort. “You’re—” he trails off; the gale dies down. “You’re just—I don’t know how to put it. I’m—not great at the serious-talking stuff.”
“Embarrassed?” I tease. God, I know I am.
He grins. “A little bit.”
We make our way back to the dorms, talking. He tells me he’s liked me ever since this one lecture at the beginning of Top Gun—after the induction, after the bar, after the first exercise—when he’d said something dumb in response to Charlie’s criticism. According to him: “You turned back and looked at me and—and you just smiled. God, I dunno – I just couldn’t look away from you. Even—even after you, y’know, y’turned back around, I—I was just staring at the back of your head, hoping you’d do it again. That you’d look at me again, smile at me again.”
I don’t even remember that day.
He walks me to the door of my dorm, where the windows are all dark and the blinds all flat shut.
No way to make it up to him. No time, either. Should’ve kissed him right then and there at the bar that first night when he came over to the jukebox. Bee saw it in my face – I know that now. I should’ve let him win that bet with himself.
I might be about to do him that favour now, I guess. All flushed, all pretty, all nervous—he gets nervous?—Maverick is so close to me that the heat of his body radiates onto mine, far too dangerous for my liking. This is not what I intended. This is so far off my plan of how this program was gonna go.
But his nose is brushing mine, and his hands are so warm and gentle as they press over my arms.
I nod softly. “Yeah.”
The kiss, when it comes, is this soft, tentative sink into a brittle release. The gentle press of his nose into my warm cheek elicits a quiet sigh from the both of us – the break from silence must render me into this here embarrassing mess, melting like the ice-cream we shared earlier in the hot sun, because Mav gets that shit-eating grin on his face like he’s watching me lose to him at volleyball all over again. Whatever – he’s the one that probably had to take a cold shower over how I looked.
I cup my hand over the back of his neck, drawing him closer still to me.
Maverick kisses like he’s paying attention to every single detail of it – his eyes are slanted just slightly open, watching my face, and one of his hands rests kindly over my neck, his fingers pressing just a little into the pulse point which I’m sure is racing like a damn horse by now.  
Of course, he’s beautiful at this. Just my fuckin’ luck. Technically, yes, it is prohibited to have sexual relations on work premises. Even a man and a woman behind a locked door is assumed to be inappropriate – I’ve heard that one too many a time by the air boss back on the carrier. I’m far from a goody-two-shoes, but rules are rules for a reason. So, of course, it’s just my luck that I meet an unfairly handsome pilot with pretty eyes and entirely too destabilising a kiss. He trails his nose down along my jaw before burying it there in my neck; I hold him tight to me, fingers curling around the thick muscle of his shoulders.
When we kiss again, it’s different: searing, crushing, slow, breathless. The chorus of crickets and cicadas and other night-things is drowned out by the roaring of blood in my ears and the soft noise that slips past Mav’s lips as he pauses for breath, to pant hotly over my cheek.
“You’re gonna have to help me out here, stud,” I mumble helplessly against him, to which he nods fiercely, reaching out blind for the door-knob and guiding me stumbling into my room.
Bee isn’t here – upon the side table, there’s a little, folded note that reads in chicken-scratch handwriting: Staying with Goose for the night. Have fun!
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icyfox17 · 26 days
The demons got to me... Anyways here's the first snipp of a 911 x Psych crossover lmfao
"A psychic detective?" Eddie's unconvinced voice rings out in the station's kitchen. "Yeah!" Buck replies, chipper as ever as he puts together a PBJ sandwich. "The amount of cases he's solved is crazy. And—! He even uncovered a dinosaur skeleton. I've been meaning to drive to Santa Barbara to see it. Maybe I'll take Christopher—” "A psychic detective," Eddie repeats, having barely processed anything else Buck had said. He chuckles. “You can't—you can't seriously think this is real.” “Eddie, he's been working with the SBPD for years. Don't you think if he was a fake they would've found out by now?” Buck asks, and his voice sounds so genuine Eddie kind of wants to cry. “Buck. Buck. Magic isn't real. There is no way that he's actually psychic. It's a publicity stunt! Makes the SBPD stand out or something.” “Just you wait and see Eds. Once you meet him, you'll have to believe it.” Buck says, pointing at Eddie with the most obnoxious grin on his face. Eddie can't help but feel fond at the sight of it. Sure Buck’s an idiot, but at least he's a cute one. Eddie gives up on having this argument with him. No matter what Buck says, he won't be convinced. They couldn't convince him with the jinxes (although some small part of him is still slightly freaked out about that) and they won't convince him with this psychic detective, not even if he's the most sophisticated all-knowing person ever. ~*~ “Gus, how many burritos do you think I can fit in my mouth? My money's on six, but maybe if I shove them in horizontally…” He reaches over to grab the cooler from beside Gus in the back seat, but Jules slaps his hand away. “Shawn, seriously? Those burritos are for everyone.” Shawn huffs, crossing his arms with a pout. “Yeah well, we've been in this car for hours, and I'm starving to death.” “It's been an hour Shawn,” Gus’ voice pops up from the backseat and Shawn shoots him a betrayed look. “Whose side are you on?!” Gus tilts his head. “The side that makes sure that I still have some burritos for myself.” He then opens up the same cooler that Shawn was just trying to reach into, and pulls out a perfectly tinfoil wrapped burrito that he delicately peels away. His eyes are alight with glee as he unhinges his jaw and prepares to take the biggest bite known to man, when Shawn twists around in his seat and grips Gus’ arm, pulling it and the burrito away from his mouth. “That burrito is mine sucker!” Shawn calls out, trying to take the burrito for himself. “Oh no you don't, Shawn!!” The two of them struggle back and forth, causing the car to shake slightly, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that Gus is a backstabber and Shawn needs his burrito! “Guys!” Jules’ voice calls out sharp, and the two of them freeze—Gus’ left hand smushed into Shawn's face, and Shawn’s free hand gripping Gus’ throat in a chokehold, their other hands wrapped tightly around the burrito in a tug of war. She outstretches her right hand, keeping her left hand on the wheel, and makes a grabbing motion. The two of them dejectedly give the burrito into her palm and she huffs, smiling. “Thank you. We have one more hour to go. You can both eat one burrito, okay? The rest are for when we get there.” She then takes a satisfied chomp of the burrito in her hand.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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