#Pilot Princess Frown
borkzees · 6 months
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Pilot Princess Frown
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lousypotatoes · 2 months
What A Glorious Feeling
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This chapter takes place after the pilot but before the first episode of the series.
Reader is a falcon demon, doesn't have a beak, wings drape over her kinda like Valentino's (i want him dead), reader has gray skin, usually wears a black tube top, black and white pinstripe pants, black boots, and has a daisy in her hair. Reader has the eyes and ears of a falcon and is also slightly cannibalistic.  Reader can summon any weapons at will and can move things with her mind, whenever she does this, her eyes glow red. Like Alastor, reader can also summon anything at will. If you had something else in mind for how the reader looks, you are more than welcome to imagine something different. 
I know Alastor is canonically aroace, but obviously, in this story he is not. Also, in this book, nobody knows the Radio Demon's name unless he decides to tell them. Sorry I should of said this earlier.
Song Recommendation:
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Present day...
"Ah Dustin," Y/N said, walking over to the man, who was cowering in the corner. "You broke our deal. You know what happens to people who don't keep their word with me, don't you?"
"Please," he begged. "Give me one more month I promise-"
"You said the exact same thing six months ago," she spat angrily, her wings unfolding. 
"I swear-thi-this is the last time," he stuttered. "I just need-"
She summoned red chains, that latched onto Dustin's neck. Tugging the chains over to him, she grabbed his face, digging her claws into his cheeks. He let out a yelp of pain. 
"The deal was that if I killed your pathetic wife, I'd get your soul, and you would get me what I needed from that idiot overlord who thinks he's the shit, just because he's a pimp!" Y/N snarled, digging her claws in harder, drawing blood. "I have been more then generous towards you, and this is how you repay me?"
"I'm trying!" he cried out, tears running down his face. "Please just don't kill me!"
She had a small frown on her face. "I should rip you apart limb by limb," she said, calmly but in a deadly voice. "But I'm not goin' to do that," She removed the chains from his neck and put him down. 
"Thank you so much Assassin," Dustin said, wiping the blood off his cheeks. "I swear I will-"
He never finished his sentence. As fast as lighting, she summoned an axe and chopped his head clean off. 
"Instead, I'll make this is as quick and painless for you," she giggled, licking off the blood from the axe. "I'll have to thank Carmilla for the angelic steel at the next overlord meeting."
Using the axe, Y/N chopped up his limbs and stuffed them in a trash bag she had brought with her. 
"Cannibal town here I come," she smiled once she was done.
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"Knock, knock," she said, knocking at the parlor door. 
"Y/N!" Rosie exclaimed upon seeing you. "What are you doing here so soon?" 
"I brought you a little somethin' to snack on," Y/N said, holding up the trash bag. 
"Oh you spoil me so much, my dear," Rosie said, licking her lips. 
"Anything for my closest friend," Y/N said, handing her the trash bag. 
"This is the fifth one this month," Rosie said, opening up the bag. "Sinners know better than to break a deal with you."
"They'll never learn, Rosie," she giggled as she took a seat on the couch. "Did you see the news the other day?"
"The Princess sure does have her hopes up for this hotel," Rosie answered, pouring herself a cup of tea. "Tea, Y/N?"
"No thank you," Y/N answered. "Do you think anyone would actually check in to that hotel?" 
"Who knows at this point," Rosie said, sipping her tea. "But judging by how people reacted, I don't think it's going to work out," 
"Shame," Y/N said. "It's a good idea, if it's actually possible."
"Say Y/N," she said, setting her cup down. "A friend of mine just recently got back into town. He's staying at this hotel," 
"Oh yeah?" Y/N asked curiously. "Who is it?"
"The Radio Demon," she said simply. 
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "He's been gone for seven years," she said. "Why on Earth would he return now? And why would he be stayin' at the Princess's hotel?"
"Satan knows," Rosie replied. "Y'know, you and him would really hit it off."
Y/N's eyebrow rose up. "Sorry my darlin'," she said, lightly chuckling. "The Radio Demon is most certainly not my type."
"You don't even know him," Rosie said, a slight frown on her face. 
"I don't need too," Y/N said curtly. "From what I know, he seems like a self-absorbed prick."
"Oh c'mon," Rosie nudged you. "The both of you have so much in common! You both like whiskey, you both like jazz, you both like killing people-"
"Why all of a sudden are you tryin' to play matchmaker?" Y/N interrupted. "And why The Radio Demon out of people?"
"Because you need to get out there!" Rosie said, smoothing out her dress. "Ever since I've known you, one of the main things you talk about is how in love you were when you were alive. What was his name again?" 
"His name was Alastor," she said, her heart hurting. "I've searched all of Hell Rosie. Either he's up in Heaven, or the Exorcists got to him."
"That's why I want you to meet him," Rosie said, patting Y/N's shoulder. "Please? Do it for little ol' me?" 
"I suppose so," she sighed. "I was already thinkin' about checkin' out the hotel anyway."
"Marvelous!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together "I promise, you won't regret it!"
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Landing in front of the hotel, she knocked at the door, feeling nervous, her wings fluttered behind her. 
"I'm coming!" chirped a feminine voice from behind the door. 
Fiddling with the hem of her top, Y/N waited until the person opened up the door. 
 The princess herself opened the door. "Hello! And welcome to the Hazbin Hot-"
Upon seeing your face in the doorway, she immediately slammed the door shut. 
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"Vaggie!" Charlie cried out. 
"What is it?" Vaggie asked, coming down the staircase. 
"The Assassin is at the door," Charlie panicked, pointing at the door. "What do we do?" 
"Really? Another fucking overlord?" Vaggie angrily said, walking over to the door. "I'll handle this."
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The door opened up a second time. Instead of the princess, a girl with a large X over her eye appeared in the doorway. 
"What the hell do you want?" she asked suspiciously. 
"There's no need to be so hostile," Y/N said, putting up her hands. "I'm here to simply offer up my services."
"We don't need you to kill anyone,"
"Not those kinds of services," she laughed. "I want to help with your hotel."
"Thanks, but we already have an overlord helping us," Vaggie said, eyeing her up and down. 
"The Radio Demon, yes I know," she said, crossing her arms. "I still want to help,"
As Vaggie was about to close the door, Charlie popped up beside her. 
"Wait Vaggie, we could use her help," she said, smiling. "With two overlords helping us, we can get a lot more done!" 
"You have a point," Vaggie grumbled. "But I'm keeping my eye on you," 
Charlie beckoned you to come in. "Thank you, Princess Morningstar," Y/N said, stepping inside.
"Oh please, just call me Charlie," she waved off. "This is Vaggie," she gestured to the girl with the X.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both,"
"Thank you!" Charlie gushed. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel-er-"
"Y/N," she said. "My name is Y/N."
"Right! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel Y/N! Would you like a tour?"
"Of course,"
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"Why does the bar look like that?" Y/N asked after the tour was over. 
"Someone blew it up a few days ago," Charlie said simply. "Our facility manager fixed it up so it's nothing to worry about!" 
"Oh-uh-" Y/N didn't know was to say. "I'm glad it's all fixed."
"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "I have to introduce you to everyone! C'mon!" Charlie grabbed her arm and dragged her away. 
"This is Nifty, our maid," she said gesturing to the small demon, cleaning the floor. "Nifty, this is Y/N, she'll be staying with us 
Nifty turned around and her eye widened and she smiled in a scary way. 
"Ooooo! I've never seen a bad girl before!" she said menacingly as she crawled up on you. "Do you want to punish some bad boys with me?"
"Just give me the time and place, sweetie," Y/N said, putting Nifty down. Nifty quicky ran off.
"She's mostly harmless," Charlie said nervously. "Just don't let her bite you."
"I'll keep that in mind," she laughed. 
"This is Husk, our bartender," she said gleefully. 
Husk was drinking from a bottle, he nodded at Y/N but didn't say anything. 
"It's nice to meet you, Husk," she said politely. 
Husk recognized her at second glance, almost spitting out his booze, he decided not to say anything about it, though. 
"Oooooo heya Y/N~" said a voice. 
Y/N turned around and grinned. "It's nice to see you again Angel Dust,"
"Ohhh it's nice to see you too baby~" he said seductively. 
"Oh that's wonderful!" Charlie exclaimed, her eyes sparkilng. "You two know each other!"
"Yeah, we met at a party a while back," Y/N explained. "He kept wantin' to look at a sword that I had just got."
"Y'know babycakes," Angel said, walking over to her. "I could show you my sword, if you want~"
"Another time, Angel," Y/N laughed, Charlie laughed awkwardly with her. 
"Well, I think that's it!" Charlie said, clapping her hands together. "I'll show you to your room and if there's anything you need, just-"
"Oh, we have a new guest?  Heavens, why didn't anyone tell me?" said a staticky voice. 
Y/N turned and saw the infamous Radio Demon standing right behind her. Upon closer inspection, there was a look in his eyes that seemed familiar. 
Too familiar. 
Y/N had loved looking into those eyes, it had brought comfort to her. 
"Oh my gosh! How could I forget!" Charlie said. "Y/N is going to be helping us around the hotel just like you!" 
At the mention of her name, something pulled at Alastor's heartstrings. 
"Well, we need all the help we can get, that's for certain," Alastor laughed.
That laugh, Y/N had imagined it every single day when she arrived in Hell.
"Y/N, this is our facility mana-"
Her voice, it sounded like an angel. Alastor remembered the first time he heard it. Everything clicked into place for the both of them.
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Sorry if all the characters are a little ooc. I need to rewatch the show lmao. 
stay safe out there you little rascals <33
xoxo, Izzy
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megalony · 1 month
My Priority
This is my newest Tommy Kinard imagine, requested by anon. I hope you all like it, thank you so much for the flood of requests recently I'm trying to work my way through them. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: When Tommy and (Y/n) head out on a date, he has a surprise in store. But plans change when (Y/n) has a seizure in the middle of the restaurant.
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"Are you sure you're okay?" Tommy glided his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back as he tilted his head down to look at her.
The way (Y/n) leaned her head back against his chest and smiled up at him made his heart pulse on an extra few beats. And he found himself smiling when her arm secured around his torso so she could lean into him even more as if she wanted to merge them into one being.
"Just a headache." (Y/n) smiled up at him and gave his hip a squeeze to reassure him. Despite his smile, she could see the worry hiding behind his eyes.
They both knew she had been a bit quiet tonight and she was walking as if she was in a trance or going on autopilot.
She burrowed herself closer to Tommy as they followed the waitress up the steps towards a table near the back of the restaurant. (Y/n) almost frowned when she had to untangle herself from Tommy to sit down and she felt his hand glide up the back of her dress and over her shoulder before he sat down opposite her.
(Y/n) felt a bit better when she sat down. There was a fog rolling in behind her eyes and when she got these kind of headaches, she sometimes went quiet or started daydreaming and drifting without meaning to.
But she didn't want to drift tonight. Not on date night.
"Can I get you any drinks?"
"A beer please."
"And a spritzer please," It wasn't (Y/n)'s typical drink, but she thought a mixed, watered down drink might be better suited to her tonight.
She didn't drink a lot due to her epilepsy meds which were high dosage but (Y/n) liked to have a drink when they went out somewhere or went on a date like this. And one drink was usually her limit, especially when she had a headache. Drinking anymore than that might make her drowsy or feel a bit uneasy and she didn't want that.
And (Y/n) knew Tommy wasn't one for drinking, not like he used to a couple of years ago. But going out together like this meant they both usually had a drink, and they had got a cab tonight so Tommy could drink. (Y/n) wasn't allowed to take driving lessons due to being epileptic.
It was why both her older siblings liked to call her a 'passenger princess.'
Everyone chauffered (Y/n) about to work or appointments. Maddie and Evan sometimes teased her for it, but they never made her feel bad about it. But when (Y/n) got together with Tommy, he seemed to only see the good in everything.
He liked the fact that (Y/n) couldn't drive. He loved to drive her wherever she needed to go. It made him feel needed and useful and he loved driving and flying, obviously, with his job role. So (Y/n) didn't feel so bad that she couldn't drive, not when she had her personal pilot around.
"So, what made you choose this place?" (Y/n) nudged her bag under the table near her feet and propped her elbows up on the table.
Date night had been all Tommy's idea and as much as (Y/n) loved the fact he had sprung this on her this morning, that usually meant there was a reason why. Tommy didn't do dates out of the blue like this and (Y/n) couldn't remember the last time they had been to this restaurant. It had been a long time since they'd come here.
"Well, I know you like this place, and this is where we had our first date."
Tommy dragged his eyes across the red leather menu on the table, but he looked up suddenly when he felt (Y/n)'s fingertips ghost across the back of his hand.
A soft, melting smile spread across his lips and he leaned his left forearm down on the table while he turned his right hand over and let (Y/n) entwine their fingers together. He brushed his thumb up and down the side of her hand while he felt (Y/n) drag her fingers over the back of his hand, something she did a lot to calm down and occupy herself.
He muttered a quiet "Thank you," when the drinks were placed down next to them and spun the menu round so (Y/n) could read it. Their hands stayed tangled together on the table and Tommy leaned back against the leather seat.
He loved how (Y/n) swayed their hands from side to side without even realising what she was doing. And he loved the way she drummed her other fingers against the table, tapping out the same beat as the music playing softly through the speakers.
But he didn't like the dazed look in her eyes. He could tell already that she was looking at the menu, but she wasn't taking any of it in. It was why she was taking so long in deciding, she couldn't focus properly to read the selections.
Tommy gave a small tug on her hand to gain her attention and tilted his head to the side. "Wanna share something? Pizza, maybe?"
(Y/n) nodded and placed the menu on the next table so she didn't have to focus and pretend to read it anymore.
She took a few sips of her drink and stayed leaning forward against the table so she could be as close to Tommy as she could get. Their entwined hands weren't enough. She wanted to be closer. But it wasn't easy if they sat next to each other when the tables were so close together and there were other couples beside them. And if they got too cosy, people might start to stare.
"Maddie said you've got Buck to join the basketball game this week, you know what you're signing up for there, right?"
(Y/n) pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and blinked a few times to clear her vision and focus on her partner.
She had been surprised when Maddie said Evan was finally joining in the basketball game the first responders held every Thursday. He wasn't one for social games like that outside of work, especially when he didn't know all the people that were playing.
But Tommy had finally convinced Evan to join in, after weeks of asking him and saying it would be good to get him out and social away from work.
"Come on, he's not that bad at it… is he?" From what Tommy knew of (Y/n)'s brother, he was very sporty. Surely he couldn't be too bad at playing basketball.
"Oh no, he's good, but if he doesn't win he's gonna sulk."
"You could come along too, you know." He gave a small tug on (Y/n)'s hand just to see the way she looked up at him through her lashes. When she looked at him like that, Tommy would do anything for her. She could ask him to commit a crime and he would, no questions asked. That was how smitten he was with her.
That was why there was an engagement ring burning a hole in his pocket.
"No thank you. The last time I played, someone tackled me and I went down with such a thud I passed out… I woke up in an ambulance." (Y/n) shivered at the thought. "I'm not doing that again."
(Y/n) didn't play sports. The most she would do was go swimming once in a blue moon and even then, she had to have Tommy with her in case she had a seizure. But when she tried playing basketball for fun, someone knocked into her with so much force (Y/n) bashed her head against the ground and went out cold. They weren't sure whether she had a seizure or not, but she woke up in an ambulance and spend the afternoon in the emergency room.
Seeing her partner hot and bothered on the court wasn't enticing enough to get (Y/n) to play or tag along and be referee. Not when there was a chance someone could still hit her with the ball and knock her out or bring on a seizure.
Tommy could barely feel his right hand after a while of sitting there with their hands entwined, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
He could still feel the table thrumming with the beat (Y/n) was tapping out and it made him smile around the rim of his beer glass.
Part of him wanted to ask her now. He wanted to jump right in and quietly ask the question he had been thinking about for weeks now. He wanted to slide the box across the table and ask her if she'd marry him. No big gesture, no announcement or attention from anyone- because he knew (Y/n) would hate that, and Tommy wasn't a fan of attention either.
He wanted to tell her that before they met, Tommy never saw himself settling down with anyone. He didn't think his life would go that way.
His past relationships were fleeting and full of trouble. People seemed to love the idea of being with a firefighter or a pilot until they realised the long hours, the odd shifts and the danger that came with the job. And Tommy always threw himself into his job, it was what he lived for.
Not anymore.
Meeting (Y/n) changed all of that.
She changed the direction he thought his life was taking. She made him complete, made him feel ready to settle down and be with someone, even if she was a bit younger than him. (Y/n) understood the job; her friends and family were in the same line of work so it wasn't a bother or a surprise if he changed shifts or if he was away a lot or if he had to be in daring situations at work.
Tommy loved her with every fibre of his body and he couldn't see himself ever being apart from her.
"Do you want another drink?"
He pushed his empty glass to one side and nodded towards (Y/n)'s wine glass that was near enough empty now. He knew she might not want another glass of wine, but he would go and order her whatever drink she wanted.
"Babe?" A tender smile formed on Tommy's face and he leaned his head to one side and gave her hand a squeeze.
But his smile started to fade when he realised (Y/n)'s pupils were blown wide, they took up almost the entirety of her iris. And he noticed her lips were parted just a little, but she wasn't speaking or moving. Her fingers had tensed up against his and her body had froze as if someone had pressed pause on her but no one else in the restraurant.
She was having an absent seizure.
Tommy straightened his back and squared his shoulders while he shuffled to the edge of his seat to be closer to the table. He began gliding his thumb up and down the back of her hand and moved their empty glasses onto the vacant table to his left, just in case she knocked them when she came back around.
His left hand reached across the table and he started to glide his fingers up and down her arm that was covered in goosebumps. He smiled as he watched his fingers glide up and down her skin, looking between her arm and her eyes to see when she would come back around.
It had been a few weeks since Tommy had seen (Y/n) have an absent seizure. This had to be the reason why she was having headaches this afternoon.
After about twenty seconds, Tommy breathed a quiet sigh when (Y/n) swallowed and slowly tilted her head back. he was glad her head hadn't dropped forward. He hated those seizures because it looked just like her neck had broken.
"Okay? You weren't out for long, less than a minute." He lifted her hand up and kissed the back of her hand before he pushed up off the table that had been cutting into his abdomen.
"Sorry," (Y/n) tried to stop her hand from shaking when she reached up to rub the corner of her eye and across her temple that was throbbing.
"Don't be. Do you feel okay?"
(Y/n) knew what that meant. She knew the silent question hiding in those words. 'Do you want to go home?' Was what Tommy was silently asking. They both knew if she didn't feel good, he would whisk her back home and they would finish date night off at home in comfort and privacy rather than stay here.
But she wanted to stay. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay here and have a meal and spend time with Bobby somewhere other than home or at the Harbour or down at the 118 station. This was different, this was just the two of them and (Y/n) didn't want to spoil this or go home yet.
"I'm okay."
The shaking didn't last long and after they got another drink and placed their order, (Y/n) felt like her system was settling back down again. That was probably why she had the headaches this afternoon, they had been a sign that she needed a small seizure to even out her system again. It had been building up all day.
She leaned back in her seat and stretched her legs out beneath the table until her feet bumped against Tommy's legs and she watched him raise a brow.
Her lips curved at the corners and she dragged her foot up and down his leg, hitching higher when she slouched her shoulders back against the chair. Her fingers went back to drumming against the table but when she nudged her foot against Tommy's thigh, she took a sharp breath. He tensed his thighs and pressed his knees together, trapping her foot where it was as he arched a brow and grinned.
"What're you doing?"
He hummed and nodded, pretending to believe her while he had a drink and scrutinised her for a few moments.
Maybe this was the moment. Tommy glanced down at the table for a few seconds while he moved his legs and let (Y/n) drop her feet back down to the floor and sit up properly again.
Maybe this was the moment he had been waiting for. Now, while she smiled at him in that way that sent his stomach jumping up into his throat and had his heart working on overdrive. Now, just to see her smile and pray he would get the answer he was hoping for.
He took another sip of his beer, giving himself a little courage as he tried to work out how to approach this and what the right words were.
"I wanted to ask you something…" Tommy rolled his lips together and lifted his eyes from the table to look across at (Y/n). But when their eyes locked, he felt his heartstrings snap and drop his heartbeat down to the pit of his stomach.
Why was she looking at him like that? Why was her lower lip trembling and pulling down at the corners? Why were her eyes watering? He hadn't even said anything yet or approached what he wanted to talk about and it wasn't anything bad. He was getting a bad reaction before he'd even started.
"Baby what's wrong?" Sitting forward, he stretched his hand out and gently held her wrist, but he sucked in a deep breath when he realised she was shaking.
"I can feel another one." Her voice was so quiet that Tommy almost didn't hear her.
And for a moment, he sat, dumbfounded as he tried to work out what she was referring to. But then it hit him. She could sense another seizure coming. (Y/n) didn't always get warning signals when one was going to happen and she couldn't always tell if it would be an absent seizure of a full clonic, spasming one. But there were times when she knew something was building up and clearly, one of those times was right now.
By the way she was pulling her shoulders in and how she grabbed Tommy's hand, he figured this had to be a bigger seizure oncoming. She wouldn't be this upset or worried if it was just another absent one she could sit through without anyone noticing.
"Okay, it's alright, let's get you sat down."
Tommy's calm get gritty voice sent shivers running up and down (Y/n)'s spine. Her wide eyes watched him as he stood up from the table and moved to stand beside her.
The panic was evident in her eyes as she clutched his wrist in both hands, her full focus set on him.
"Here?" He wanted her to sit down on the floor in front of everyone here? He was going to sit with her and do this here? (Y/n) didn't want people to gawp at her. She'd had enough of that in school and college with people glaring and watching, laughing and panicking whenever she had a seizure.
Some people saw it as a spectacle and others thought it was entertaining. When someone had laughed at her during a seizure in school, Evan had broken their nose and got himself suspended for a week.
"Sweetheart I don't know if we've got time to take you home. If people stare I'll deal with them, okay? You're my priority."
Tommy wasn't driving tonight, they'd gotten a cab down here and he wasn't sure if he had the time to call an Uber, get her out of here and get back home before she seized. He always pulled over if he was driving and (Y/n) was going to have a seizure, he didn't want her to have one in the car. And he couldn't have her seizing in the back of a stranger's taxi.
Here in the restaurant was much safer than out on the street.
Everyone would just have to deal with it. This was a medical emergency they couldn't control and if anyone said anything, Tommy would deal with them.
He knew (Y/n) didn't like people watching her and if he saw anyone gawping or making comments he would be sure to say something. But (Y/n) was his priority and if she was going to have a seizure, he needed to get her safe.
She couldn't be sat at the table. She would be at risk of bashing the table or falling off her chair or colliding with something and breaking glasses. Being on the ground was always (Y/n)'s first instinct, it was where she was safest so she didn't choke or lash out and break any bones or gain a concussion or an injury.
"Let's sit you down."
Tommy held his hands out and gently pulled (Y/n) up to her feet but he could see she was starting to tremble and her limbs were going to lock up at any moment.
He curved an arm around her waist and tucked her back up into his chest with his hand firmly in the middle of her chest to hold her steady. And he reached his other hand out and gave her chair a shove so it was out of the way. Here would have to do. In the small circle between the other tables set out in the back of the restaurant.
Eyes were already looking their way because they weren't walking or moving, they looked like they were about to break out into a dance routine.
"Here we go," He murmured softly against the shell of (Y/n)'s ear, keeping one arm around her waist while his other hand held her arm. He slowly tugged her with him as he went down on his knees on the carpet and eased (Y/n) down with him.
(Y/n) could feel tears burning down her face and she snapped her eyes closed so she didn't have to see anyone looking their way, wondering what they were doing. Her right hand reached beside her and she deadlocked her fingers around Tommy's wrist, holding as tightly as she could as she leaned back into his chest.
This was how they started. It was up to Tommy to decide whether she stayed leaning against him or whether to lay her on the floor if her spasms got worse.
"Excuse me… is everything okay?"
Tommy took a deep breath and tensed his chest and shoulders when it started. (Y/n)'s head tilted back against his shoulder with her neck pushing out and her arms pinned into her chest with one hand still clenched around Tommy's wrist.
Once (Y/n) was into a strange rhythm of trembling and thrashing back and forth into Tommy's chest, he finally lifted his gaze. His head stayed tilted down with his lips as close to (Y/n)'s head as he could manage without touching her so they didn't hurt one another. But his eyes looked up through his lashes to the young waitress who was now clutching her notepad to her chest, unsure what to do or where to stand.
"My partner's epileptic and she's having a seizure. This is normal and I've got it under control."
Tommy bit down on his lip when (Y/n) suddenly yanked on his wrist. His left arm was now pinned against her chest and when he looked over her shoulder, he realised both her arms were bashing down into her chest. She was going to give herself bruises.
He tried his best to be careful and worm his arms beneath hers. He tensed both arms like a barricade so (Y/n)'s arms thrashed into his biceps, creating a barrier to prevent her from hurting her chest.
Most of the chatter in the restaurant had come to a halt. All eyes were upon them. All chairs were turned in their direction. Meals were left untouched as everyone tried to see what was happening and watch the scene play out as if it was a live performance for them.
He was relieved there was a clock on the wall. He could time the seizure much easier with that clock there rather than struggling to look at his watch or move to dig out his phone.
He thought for a brief, hopeful second that the seizure was starting to taper off. When her arms slowed down in their attack and her shoulders settled down from hitting his collar bone and her legs tensed but didn't lift from the floor, Tommy thought that might be it over.
It was a vain thought.
Every muscle in (Y/n)'s legs pulled taut and tense and her feet bent out straight like a ballerina. Tommy could feel her spine clicking into place against him when she went rigid, seemingly doing the plank position against him before everything started to spasm again.
Her hands bent back towards her wrists, her elbows pinned into Tommy's waist and it was her upper body that started to thrash out more. Her legs stayed straight but shook side to side while her chest and waist violently shifted back and forth so much that Tommy knew he was going to be bruised come morning.
A grumbling, irritated sigh hissed through his teeth and he turned his head to the right, glaring holes through the waiter that was now kneeling near him.
"Would you like us to help move her?"
"Where do you think I'm going to move her in this state?" The response was snappy and a fire burned deep within Tommy's dark eyes.
What did they think he was going to do, suddenly pick (Y/n) up and carry her out of here like this? Did they know nothing at all? Tommy could move her onto the floor and lay her down. He could hold her neck or her hands and he could stop her from choking or hurting herself, but those were preventative measures.
He couldn't move her out of here when she was safe here on the floor. Only if the building was on fire or (Y/n) was at dire risk would Tommy try and move her.
"We could lay her down or we-"
"Nobody touches her!" The young man retreated when Tommy rose his voice. "I'm a first responder, I'm trained for this situation so step back."
Tommy had been with (Y/n) for four years. He had seen her have all manner of seizures in all sorts of places. He'd been there when she had them in the car, at the shopping centre, at a family gathering. While she was in the shower, while they were in bed. While they were in compromising positions. He'd seen it all and he knew what he was doing.
Nobody needed to hustle in and try to take over or act like they knew best. (Y/n) was Tommy's girl and he was looking after her. She wouldn't be comfortable with strangers trying to move her or assess and help her, she wanted Tommy and he wasn't going anywhere.
Three and a half minutes.
Tommy's heart hammered away in his chest as his eyes focused down on (Y/n). This was getting strenuous and worrying. It should be stopping by now; if it didn't stop soon he was going to have to call for an ambulance.
The noises in the restaurant faded to nothing as Tommy focused on the girl in his arms. He didn't bother to listen or watch as the few couples at the nearby tables started to move and give them some space.
He didn't care that other people were turning their backs to give privacy and stop staring. Or how others were getting up to take a peek at what was going on. He didn't bother to thank the parents who told their children to stop staring and being disrespectful and finish their meals. He couldn't deal with anyone here except for the girl in his arms.
When a strangled, gurgling sound froffed at the back of (Y/n)'s throat, Tommy tried to move his arms.
His right arm stayed in front of her chest like a barrier while he tore his left arm free and moved his hand to cradle her jaw and take a look at her throat and mouth.
"No… oh shit." He growled to himself when he saw a trickle of blood run past (Y/n)'s teeth and dribble down her lower lip.
She was biting her tongue.
She was seizing for over four minutes straight with no sign of stopping.
Tommy didn't have any of (Y/n)'s emergency seizure meds with him and he knew (Y/n) didn't have them in her bag. She hadn't used them in so long that she didn't carry them around with her. It was useless to take them when strangers couldn't administer them and only her family or Tommy were trained to get the meds safely under her tongue to stop a seizure.
He looked up at the waitress who was standing in the corner, hands clasped together in front of her. Waiting on standby in case anyone needed her, although she looked like she would rather be anywhere else right now.
"Call an ambulance please. Epileptic female in a seizure for over four minutes, and she's now biting her tongue."
His arms moved back around (Y/n)'s middle and he looked down at her, but when a river of blood suddenly started to slither down her lips and pour across her chin, he went rigid.
"No, baby no."
Tommy slid his left hand around to cup the side of her neck and kept his right arm around her waist. He pushed up off his knees and leaned forward, carefully but swiftly lying (Y/n) down on her side on the carpet. He kept her balanced on her right side with his knees pressed into her back so she didn't roll onto her back.
And he leaned over her, pushing his chest down on her arm while his hands moved to hold her chin.
His thumb hooked between her lips and he pulled her lower lip down to try and peer into her mouth.
One hand slid down to press down against her throat and up into the skin beneath her jaw. She was still breathing. She wasn't choking on her tongue and at least with her tongue chomped between her teeth, she wasn't going to choke on it anytime soon.
He kept his hand over her neck and focused on counting her breathing. He couldn't have her choking on the blood. He made sure her head was tilted down and when (Y/n)'s head tried to bend back, he cupped the base of her head and pushed.
"You're not choking on my watch." A battle started between them with their measures of force pushing against each other, but Tommy eventually won her over. He kept her head pushed forward so the blood continued to froff past her lips and pool onto the carpet.
He was going to have to give Evan a call and tell him what was happening. He would have to explain that he didn't get the chance to propose tonight. He needed to tell Evan he might have to come down to the hospital because Tommy had a feeling he and (Y/n) were going to be there overnight.
"Baby, what're you trying to do to me, hm?"
"Can we come in?"
Tommy tilted his head to the left and glanced over at the door, feeling his expression soften when his eyes locked on two familiar people slowly walking into the room. "Yeah, yeah come in."
A tender smile pulled at Maddie's lips as she walked inside with Evan following close behind her, one hand on her shoulder.
Her eyes briefly locked on her little sister and she could feel something snapping in her chest when she looked at (Y/n). Laid asleep in the emergency room cubicle. She had on a lovely blue dress that was obscured by monitoring stickers and grey wires wedged beneath her dress and stuck to her chest.
(Y/n)'s head was tilted to one side with an oxygen mask strapped over her mouth and nose. And when Maddie squinted, she realised there was a tongue clamp pressed down in (Y/n)'s mouth so she didn't choke.
When she looked closer, Maddie grimaced as she realised she could see blood in the corner of (Y/n)'s mouth. And her chin and lips were slightly discoloured and had faint streaks of light crimson and burnt orange. She must have had a bad episode to bite down on her tongue like that and bleed that much. Maddie could see spots of blood on (Y/n)'s dress too when she looked closely.
Tommy was sat in the chair on the right, his hair askew, shoulders hunched forward and his hands clasped between his knees. And he had (Y/n)'s heels on the floor by his feet.
"How's she doing?" Evan reached over and patted Tommy's shoulder in greeting before he moved to sit down on the chair on (Y/n)'s other side.
Both he and Maddie had brought (Y/n) down to the hospital often enough over the years. Evan was closer to (Y/n) in age than Maddie, they had both been in school and college with just a few years separating them. So whenever (Y/n) had an episode at school, Evan looked after her and went with her to the hospital if necessary.
"They gave her diazepam on the way here, knocked her right out. Over five minutes straight though."
Leaning back in his chair, Tommy dragged his fingers through his already ruffled hair and swiped his hands up and down his jeans. He still had a few specks of blood on his hands that he couldn't get off.
He reached his hand out and gave Maddie's arm a squeeze when she leaned down to give him a hug.
"I take it you didn't pop the question, then?" Evan reached out for (Y/n)'s hand and gave it a squeeze when he realised she was turning her head from side to side.
"Nope, didn't get chance."
Tommy stood up from his seat and offered it to Maddie while he stretched his hands up above his head and clicked his spine into place. He had been sat down for long enough, he needed to move about for a while.
The ring had been burning a hole in his pocket since the moment they left the house tonight and now more than ever, it was all he kept going back to. He would of asked her by now if the night hadn't taken a different turn. He had told Maddie and Evan what he planned to do, making sure they were both happy and in agreement before he asked (Y/n). Now he was going to have to wait a while longer.
He leaned down, carding his fingers softly through (Y/n)'s hair while he pressed his lips against her temple when she continued to stirr. She had been moving and murmuring for the last twenty minutes and it seemed she was finally going to wake up now.
The doctors didn't want to move her up onto a ward or take her for any scans until she was lucid and they could talk to her. They wanted (Y/n) to wake up so they could assess her and see how she was so they knew what course of action to take. But everyone was in agreement that she wasn't going home tonight.
A soft, quiet mewl passed (Y/n)'s lips and her hand twitched and squeezed around Evan's hand.
"Hey… there we go, you're back." Evan squeezed her hand and sat forward on the edge of his seat when (Y/n)'s eyes slowly fluttered open.
Her head twisted from left to right but when her blurry, unfocused eyes locked on Evan, confusion pooled in them. Why was her brother here? Where was she? What were they doing? She hadn't been with Evan before she fell asleep… had she?
Something akin to a tired, muffled scream vibrated past her lips and her eyes scrunched closed when she realised what was making her feel uncomfortable. Something was pressing down on her tongue which was throbbing and the taste of iron flooded her mouth, telling her something was bleeding.
It was too much effort to try and tear her hand away from her brother's grip but she could barely move her left hand near her face.
When she flapped her hand down on the mask and tried to scream again, Tommy leaned over her. He carefully removed the oxygen mask before his hands cupped her face and he hovered over her so she could see who it was and know he wasn't about to hurt her.
"Shh, stay still for me sweetheart."
He was as careful as he could be when he pulled her jaw down and carefully removed the guard pressing down on her tongue. He couldn't help but wince when he peered into her mouth. He could see the puncture marks in her tongue which had swollen up and looked like a mould with her teeth imprints chomped into it.
Tears pooled in (Y/n)'s eyes and she managed to lock her trembling fingers around Tommy's wrist and give a sharp tug. Her shaking subsided for a few moments when he kissed her temple and dragged his fingertips along her jaw.
"You're okay-"
"Wh- where…" She couldn't speak. Her throat was raw. Her tongue felt like it had tripled in size and was pulsing like someone had sliced right through it.
Her eyes snapped closed when trying to look at her family became too blurry and the lights were too bright. She shuddered, coiling in on herself but a whimper bubbled past her lips. Her arms ached like she had been swimming in the sea without a break. Her chest had seized up and each breath hurt like she had been used as a punching bag.
Where were they? What were they doing? Why did everything hurt?
Maddie bit down on her cheek and dragged her nails up and down her thighs when her little sister started to cry. She was frightened. She was confused and she didn't understand what was happening or where they were or why.
She continued to cry even as Tommy cupped her jaw and smothered his lips against her temple. But whatever Tommy tried to say fell upon deaf ears when (Y/n)'s head pressed back into the pillow and her chest lifted off the bed.
Her elbows pinned down into the bed and Tommy coiled back with a hiss when her nose bashed into the base of his chin.
"Not again," He murmured defeatedly before he leaned over the back of the bed and hit the emergency button. She had only just come around and now she was straight back into another seizure. This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't how the night was meant to go.
"Here, quick." Maddie grabbed the tongue guard Tommy had only just taken off (Y/n) and held it back out to him. They couldn't have her biting her tongue again which was more likely now that her tongue was swollen.
She watched with a grimace as Tommy expertly got the clamp back down over (Y/n)'s tongue despite how tense and locked her jaw became.
Moving his hands, Tommy cupped the back of (Y/n)'s neck while Maddie swiped the pillow and tossed it on the floor.
He slid his other hand down beneath (Y/n)'s dress to cup the back of her thigh and with little effort, he rolled (Y/n) onto her right side so she was facing Evan. His hand began to glide up and down (Y/n)'s thigh while he held the base of her head and neck to make sure she stayed on her side and didn't choke.
He didn't want to move back.
Even when he felt Maddie's hands on his biceps and she quietly whispered for him to step back, Tommy didn't want to. He wanted to stay right here, holding (Y/n) and making sure she wasn't choking and that she was still breathing properly. It was his job. He was her partner. He was the one who was supposed to be looking after her.
But he begrudgingly let Maddie pull him back a few steps so the nurses could take over. His eyes stayed locked on (Y/n). The way her head tilted back until her neck looked like it was about to break. How her legs stayed as straight as planks but thrashed back and forth like she was playing football on triple speed.
How her right hand curled and dug oddly around Evan's hand that she was clenching and wouldn't let go. How her brother sat dutifully beside her and leaned his arm forward, letting her bruise and potentially fracture his hand because it was easier and safer than trying to pull away from her.
This wasn't how the night was supposed to go.
"There's my girl… how do you feel?" Tommy pushed up from the chair and moved to perch down on the side of the bed instead. He leaned over and rested his hand on (Y/n)'s thigh, smiling softly when she curled her hand around his right handand pulled it close.
He could see the wheels turning in her mind, pondering what her answer should be.
But something quizzical passed across his lips when (Y/n) suddenly looked down at herself before she looked back up at Tommy.
"Tired… why…?" (Y/n) moved her left hand and pulled at the collar of the hospital gown she was wearing. She didn't remember getting changed. Why wasn't she in her dress? Why was she now wearing this rubbish?
"You needed to wear that for an MRI and to get on the ward. I dressed you." Tommy's voice was quiet and tender but he could see the relief washing across her face.
She had to wear a gown and have no piercings or jewellery on to go for the MRI and (Y/n) had been sedated after her second seizure in the emergency room. Tommy knew despite being unconscious, (Y/n) would hate the thought of anyone else trying to change or dress her. He knew it wasn't a nice thought or situation to be in. So he had undressed and changed her.
"What happened?" (Y/n)'s voice was sheepish and quiet and she focused her attention on their entwined hands that she pulled onto her lap to mess with.
She remembered going out on date night. She remembered having drinks and hearing music and looking at Tommy, but then things blurred. She couldn't remember getting to the hospital. Flashes of her siblings crossed her mind and she could hear Evan's voice telling her she would be okay and something about letting go of his hand. And she could feel Tommy's fingertips on her arms and her neck and his soft voice lulling her to sleep. But that was it.
Everything was jumbled.
"You had a bad episode in the restaurant, sweetheart. We had to get an ambulance for you… we've been here most of the night. Maddie and Buck have just gone to get coffee."
A broken smile crooked on (Y/n)'s lips and she kept her eyes focused on Tommy's hand that she began tracing with the pad of her finger. She pulled his hand closer to her chest as she began to fidget.
"I'm sorry, I guess I- I ruined date night."
(Y/n) had never had an episode on a date before. She'd had seizures before they went out and she'd had one in the car ride home before, but never right in the middle of things like that. It was pot luck that her body decided last night was the perfect time to flare up with a big enough seizure to send her to hospital and panic all of her family.
"Baby, you didn't ruin anything. It's not something you can control and as long as you're okay, I don't think it matters."
Tommy didn't want her to apologise for something she couldn't help. It was like apologising for the weather. (Y/n) hadn't done this on purpose or done anything that would have brought this on. It was just one of those things. And all Tommy cared about was whether she was okay or not. (Y/n) was always going to be his priority.
When he leaned over and stole a kiss from her lips, (Y/n) finally let go of his hand so she could cup his jaw. Her thumb caressed his sharp jawline and when he pulled back, she leaned her temple against his and nudged their noses together.
"Didn't… didn't you want to tell me something, on our date?"
(Y/n) continued to stroke her thumb along his jaw while Tommy inched higher up the bed so he was sat beside her hip rather than near her knees. His hand glided up her leg and moved to hold her waist and she watched the way his lips twitched into a fond smile.
She thought he had been about to say something last night at dinner, before everything started to blurr and turn into a messy watercolour painting.
"Oh, well… I wanted to ask you something."
"What was it?" Her voice was soft and she watched intently as Tommy leaned back and straightened up. Her hand fell from his jaw and moved back to graze up and down his thigh.
She watched intently with a quirky smile as he leaned back and fumbled in his pocket for something. Had he brought something out to their date? She didn't notice anything in his pocket earlier, although (Y/n) couldn't be sure now the night was jumbled up in her mind.
"How'd you feel about changing your name?" He removed the dark blue box from his pocket, cupping the back of her hand so he could place the box delicately in her palm.
The confusion was clear in (Y/n)'s eyes along with the dazed smile on her lips as she wondered what on Earth he was talking about. Her mind wasn't fully pieced back together yet and she wasn't in the best mindset to be working out riddles.
But when she opened the soft, fluffy velvet box and stared down at the ring, she couldn't breathe.
Her eyes snapped up to lock on Tommy's dark eyes and she studied the slight quirk in his smile and the soft crinkle in his nose. There was a bashful look in his eyes and a blush was creeping up the side of his neck and along his cheeks.
He was really asking her. He was really proposing to her.
"I think Kinard has a ring to it."
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saintslewis · 4 months
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pairing: f1 grid (not all) x black fem driver!reader
summary: in which reader takes the f1 pilots to experience her culture and the beautiful country that is South Africa.
warnings: south african slang, cussing, social media environment, mentions of food, borderline chaotic
saint’s team radio 🎀: you have no idea how excited i was to write this. i love my country so so much and to be able to share it with all of you is a blessing. thank you @exotic-iris13 for requesting this! side note, December is in summer so i hope i don’t confuse you! enjoy!
please like, comment and reblog! (i’m watching you)
fc: @/mbbaarrhliii on ig!
tags: @non-stop-imagines @perfecttrashface @mauvecherie-writes @purplelewlew @arshiyuh @yeea-nah @alika-4466 @louvrepool @sheluvsf1
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imessage: THE OFFICE 🏎️
y/n: i just got my braids done losers
charlie w a ferrari: but the season’s over, we won’t see it :(
carlito: plus didn’t you already have them done last month?
landinhoooo: no guys december braids usually mean a vacation, so where are you going? 🤨
y/n: firstly, you know wayyyy too much about the braids thing 😭
honey badger: that was oddly specific i have to say, lan
yukibae: yeah that was weird
landinhoooo: wtv 🙄 where are you going, y/n!
y/n: my mother is requesting the presence of all of you so you’re all coming back home with me 🤭
carlito: mi vida, wouldn’t that be too soon? winter break just started
kika’s bf: also how would it work? accommodation, transport, all those things
y/n: are you saying no to an african mother?
lew <3: guys say yes, she’ll show up to your house and force you
alexander!: not to mention it’s summer that side (she kidnapped one of my cats, say yes)
princess george: okay, let’s say we all go. what is going to happen?
y/n: i’m just saying, you haven’t lived if you haven’t never experienced a South African summer
mad max: I don’t know, y/n. just please don’t guilt trip us
mickey schumi: i can already feel her frown from here
y/n: i was going to pay for everything but since none of you want to go, i’m saving money 🤭
landinho: wait
kika’s bf: wait hold on
charlie w a ferrari: why didn’t you say so in the first place?!
honey badger: now that you’ll be our sugar mommy, ofc we’ll all be there
princess george: that clears out so much
y/n: you guys are a bunch of IDIOTS
alexander!: there has to be a catch???
carlito: we’ll even dance to that one music playlist of yours
y/n: all of you have to wear my merch next season and you’ll let me win two races back to back
mad max: now y/n-
y/n: uh oh! looks like max is paying for everything!
charlie w a ferrari: JUST SAY YES
mad max: okay, you’ll win two races and i’ll slow down
princess george: i just did some quick research and y/n, you’re seen as a national treasure??? and lewis is considered Nelson Mandela’s grandchild??
y/n: well, yes! don’t question my country, okay? 🫶🏽
yukibae: yes ma’am 🫡
oscahhh: i went for a run, what did i miss??
landinho: we’re going on a trip and y/n is paying 😝
honey badger: except max, he’s paying for his own things
mad max: i’m not??
y/n: three races and i’ll get you a new console
kika’s bf: CAN I HAVE ONE??
landinho: NOOO I NEED ONE, PLS Y/N
y/n: we all earn millions every race??? get it yourself????
kika’s bf: i’m going to tell kika you’re bullying me
y/n: she’s coming on the trip too along with all the other wags 🤭
yukibae: and where’s YOUR wag, y/n? 🤨
y/n: yuki shhh pls i’ll literally buy you an island
charlie w a ferrari: NUH UH YUKI TELL US
landinho: yuki what do you know
princess george: whoever isn’t y/n’s wag, say so RN
everyone: NOT ME
lew <3: damn
landinho: I KNEW ITTTTTT
alexander!: I HAVE TO GO TELL LILY
oscahhh: have you guys never seen them interact in the media pen? it’s like they’ve been married for 27 years
logang: and how do YOU know that
oscahhh: mate, you told me
y/n: 🙄
y/n: go pack for this trip before i shave your eyebrows 🫶🏽
y/n’s instagram story
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seen by kehlani, ferrari and 34,282,722 others
“There’s no way you got cars for all of us.” George and everyone else really couldn’t believe that the lengths you went through to make this trip as perfect as you could. “Not to mention booking out the Four Seasons!” Carmen interjected, walking next to her boyfriend.
You watched as everyone filed into the Mercedes vans waiting for them on the airport runway where the large jet had landed. You couldn’t believe you got everyone to come to South Africa in the first place but guilt tripping them had worked a charm, complaining that you don’t have a home race and that your mom would be pissed.
Very easy to fool these guys.
The skies of Johannesburg weren’t all too clear but you could tell that it was summer. Deciding to rather catch up with everyone at the hotel a bit later, you used a private exit to the airport so that you could visit your mom and sister before anything else. Plus you knew a big deal would’ve been made if you had announced that you were coming home so posting will do for now.
“Bathong, where are your friends? I thought you’d all come here.” Your mother said whilst setting up the extremely long table in her backyard so you were sat on a pool chair just watching her.
bathong - more of an expression of confusion or shock
“It was going to look suspicious if i came here with all these people with the same vans following each other.” You replied. “I booked the Four Seasons, it should be big enough for all of us.”
“Oh okay, that’s fancy. So where’s your boyfriend?” Your mom asked with a grin on her face that earned a head shake from you.
“Ukuphi uLerai?” Where’s Lerai? (younger sister)
“Usaseskholeni. Unfuna ukuyomlanda?” Your mom replied. She’s still at school. Do you want to go fetch her?
“Yeah, i want to surprise her. So let me go and I’ll see you later when I drop her off.” You stood up, saying goodbyes to her as your mom went about what she doing.
Hopping in one of your various cars that you kept in your mother’s garages, you quickly texted your boyfriend when an idea popped in your head.
y/n: do you want to cause a bit of chaos
lew <3: sigh
lew <3: what kind?
y/n: i’ll pick you up rn and we’re going to pick my sister up from school 😝
lew <3: should i be scared?
y/n: slightly, see you in a few 😚
To say you caused a bit of chaos would be an understatement. You hadn’t realised that your sister’s school was huge and this whole time, you forgot what you and your boyfriend did for a living. Picture this: a Lamborghini Urus parked outside where many high school kids are obsessed with it, you and Lewis stepping out to call your little sister, kids recognise you two, you apologise to your sister with ice cream.
You end the day off with lounging in the room with your boyfriend, laughing at the reactions of your fans to the news of you being in the country. You had planned this whole visit out, wanting everyone to get their rentals tomorrow morning then taking them everywhere.
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liked by pierregasly, bellahadid and 937,728 others
yourusername home 🇿🇦
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user there’s no fucking way, YOU’RE BACK??
yourusername and i’m with my FRIENDS 🤭
youryoungersister a facetime would be nice next time 🧍🏽‍♀️
yourusername well, no!
landonorris y/n, what is a kota?
yourusername if you’re up for it, we can get some today
georgerussell okay but what IS it
yourusername DON’T WORRY
georgerussell I’M WORRIED
carlossainz55 you didn’t say it was going to be this hot
charles_leclerc she warned us mate 😭
danielricciardo btw max is still hanging out with that cat he found at breakfast
lilymhe i’m obsessed with this place, i never want to leave
francisca.cgomes you’re still in the hotel room 🫤
alexandrasaintmleux i just googled gold reef city, CAN WE GOOO PLS
alex_albon WHATS THAT
loganseargent IT’S AN AMUSEMENT PARK
user i just drove in the four seasons driveway, guys there are so many cars lined up for them 😭
user she comes to the country when i decide to LEAVE??
dbngogo stfu you’re back? 🥹 come to Konka 🫵🏽
landonorris WHAT’S THAT
dbngogo it’s a nightclub 🤭
yourusername ofc bae
lewishamilton there’s a flower bouquet that says Mandela’s grandchild for me 🧍‍♂️
user oh fuck he knows the joke
georgerussell told you
f1 y/n bring back our drivers 😣
yourusername bring back kyalami then we’ll talk
user oop-
south western township
Not wanting to waste any time, Y/n scooped up her friends to visit her hometown, where she grew up and dreamed of this very moment.
The convoy of extremely expensive cars that sped through the route to Soweto had caught the attention of many people, including the news that announced your arrival.
Briefing the boys (and the girls) on their menu choices of your favourite foods, they all equally decided that they’ll start training when they get back home. With the food place being right across a park with a large parking lot, it was convenient for you.
Being the host for this whole trip, you went ahead and ordered for everyone, speaking through the hole in the wall to specify orders and paying a hefty price including drinks. You watched as all your friends climbed out of their respective cars, leaning and sitting on the hoods of the cars as they all bonded. The vibrant atmosphere of your home country made everything feel like summertime.
Getting help carrying all that food to the group, everyone took their orders and observed them. “So, amagwinya are fat cakes, they’re very filling. A Kota is a uncut loaf of bread with stuff inside like hot chips, sausages and other things that you can specify for your Kota.” You explained, everyone immediately digging in and their faces said it all.
“And for you, Lew, you can have the fat cakes and the hot chips. I have to say, you’ll be full for the entire day.” You turned to your boyfriend who gave you a kiss before trying the food.
Later that day, dinner at your mother’s was a success, everyone finishing their plates and sharing different stories under the Johannesburg stars.
The next day was filled with fun activities, hitting up the amusement park Gold Reef City then late night karting, the friendship between everyone was growing as smiles never left their faces.
a week later
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liked by patooward, mclaren and 3,728,912 others
yourusername south africa my baby, it’s been amazing 🇿🇦
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landonorris take me back (we’re checking out of Four Seasons)
danielricciardo and what about your gf that you met? 🤨
landonorris she’s coming to the next race 🫡
maxverstappen33 three wins and that’s it
yourusername do you want me to tell on you to my mom?
maxverstappen33 no 😨
charles_leclerc i need another kota
alexandrasaintmleux we’re actually shaking for one right now
yourusername askies 🤣 sorry
loganseargent never thought i’d ever be an avid lover of amapiano
user what multiverse are we in that Logan, the most american person to ever exist, is saying this
user it’s the South Africa effect baby 😝🇿🇦
lewishamilton can we come here every winter break?
carlossainz55 can we please? all my joy is at Gold Reef City
alex_albon i just want her mother’s cooking again, changed my life
f1 y/n, what did you do to our drivers
yourusername if you add kyalami to the calendar, you’ll know 😚
lilymhe someone gave me a painting of you and i will be hanging it in my home
francisca.cgomes to complete the shrine
landonorris to our Sugar Mother Y/n
yukitsunoda i got all the recipes, i’m ready
yourusername we need 20 kotas stat! 🫵🏽
oscarpiastri even your money looks so cool 😭
user if this is not the greatest representation of our country, i don’t know what it is
mercedesamgf1 can we join next time? 😔
yourusername no
yourusername I LOVE YOUUUU
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saint’s notes: ahhhhhh hope y’all enjoyed! mwah 😝 i tried but it feels sorta rushed?? idk, let me know
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daimyosprincess · 2 months
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—PAIRING: Boba Fett x F!Reader
—SUMMARY: When you’re a little nervous about your first time, Boba helps you get in the right headspace.
—RATING: Explicit, 18+ only — MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
—TAGS & WARNINGS: second person narration, no use of y/n, explicit sexual content, daimyo!Boba, virgin reader, implied age gap relationship between an older man and younger woman (reader is an adult), reader described as having hair, reader discovers a bit of her inner brat, some heartfelt feelings for good measure, lots of pet names per usual, Daddy kink strikes again (but only at the end)
Please let me know if I missed anything!
—AUTHOR'S NOTES: I don't usually write first times but bestie @baufraus inspired me to write about a certain princess getting shy and Boba's response. Daimyo Boba is so patient and daddy I can't imagine a better person to show you the ropes 😌
Divider by @saradika
Read on AO3 — Masterlist — Taglist
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You’d wanted this. You’d wanted this for so fucking long. Dreamed and wished for it.
So why can’t you just open the door and go out there?
Blinking against the clean light of the ‘fresher, you frown in the mirror. It’s not like you’re some blushing virgin who just discovered the place between her legs; you’d read and even watched plenty of things that had given you a chance to start learning what made you shake and moan. And although you’ve never done most of those things you fantasized about—much less had your first real kiss—you aren’t clueless about sex. You’re just a virgin, and Boba is just a man.
A man who dotes on you, protects you, and makes you laugh. The man you’ve fallen in love with. He’s been your whole life for the past seven months, ever since your uncle included you in his tribute to the new daimyo. 
Your reflection sours at the memory of your despot relation. After you’d come of age, he got rid of you the second the chance presented itself, content to leave you at the mercy of the galaxy’s most feared bounty hunter. But Boba had been nothing like the stories the servants had whispered when they heard the news, nor had he been anything like your tyrant uncle.
No, he had been kind to you. Rough around the edges, but kind. You’d even begged him not to send you back to your planet when he informed your pilot that he didn’t keep slaves or girls in his palace. Even back then, sacred and naive, you’d felt you were in the presence of a true ruler, a man who gave his word and kept it. He swore he would never hurt you, never pressure you, or let any harm befall you and you believed him. 
You still do.
So why are your feet frozen in place and the thought of going to him suddenly impossible? You’re a modest person by nature but this shock of shyness is more than you’re accustomed to, especially since you’d taken to sitting in Boba’s lap on the throne and wading in the garden pools in light dresses while he smiled at your joy. 
Would you be enough? Would he find your inexperience a burden? 
He said he wouldn’t, that he was honored to be the one you trusted with your tender love. But that was before you couldn’t imagine showing your face or looking him in the eye. 
“Sweetheart? Everything okay?” his deep voice calls from behind the ‘fresher door. A hint of worry tinges his tone. “It’s not too late to change your mind, little one. I won’t be upset. This is all about you and your comfort.”
You don’t want to change your mind. You want to experience every sweet, sinful thing he has to offer. You want to learn and taste your combined pleasures. 
So why can’t you move?
Tears threaten to well in your eyes. “Boba?” your voice cracks. Tears do form now, hovering in your lashes in hot frustration.
His voice is just on the other side of the door now, thick with concern. “You want me to come in?”
“Yes,” you sniffle, dropping your face into your hands in stinging embarrassment when you hear the door slide open. Just this morning you’d been giggling and teasing, whispering in his ear on the throne how you couldn’t wait to become his—now you’re a tearful mess. Even if he doesn’t say as much, it’s surely pathetic to him. Why would a king waste his time with a sheltered princess when there are beautiful men and women whose hands and mouths already know the paths to pleasure?
His unarmored chest presses against your back and you instantly ease back into the circle of his arms, your safe and sacred space. Boba gently turns you inwards so your head can bury into his neck. You curl your fingers into the soft weave of his undershirt.
When you try to speak he shushes you with a small sound and a kiss to the top of your head. He rubs the small of your back until the tension drops from your shoulders and you slump your weight onto his.
“That’s it,” he murmurs into your hair. “Relax, babygirl.” A few heartbeats pass before his hand tilts your chin up from his shoulder. “How about we just curl up tonight? Watch one of your holos?”
A thread of urgent fire lights down your spine. “No!” Boba’s brows shoot up and you wince at your echo bouncing off the walls. “I mean, no. I want to… tonight, with you. I just…” Heat blooms in your cheeks, your previous shyness taking over once more. 
You try to return your face to your hands but Boba catches your wrists in a loose hold at your sides. His warm eyes flicker with first a thought, then a decision.
Bona leans slowly into your space, drawing out the small movement to allow you to pull away. When you remain in place, sweet and curious, he presses his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. The feel of him surrounding you, his warm smell, the feel of his strength just below his skin acts like a drug, overwhelming your senses and unfurling your desire like the first soft blooms of spring. He tends to you, encouraging your blossoming by leading your arms over his shoulders and dragging his tongue along the smooth seam of your lips.
His breathing deepens as you slide your palms over his wide shoulders, up his neck to pull him further into you. The heavy sound drips down your body in a sweet trail to your dampening core, the pant of his breath tickling your eyelashes and hairline. You had imagined what a kiss, a real kiss, would be like a thousand times. How your lover’s mouth might feel moving on yours, how your hands might roam and grab, the crushed feel of fabric and limbs seeking skin. 
Yet kissing Boba is nothing like that.
Just as dreams are mere imitations of true sensation, kissing Boba Fett is nothing like you imagined—it’s so much more. Swirls of color that materialize into touch, sounds that brush against hot skin, and the humbling reminder that you are all too human and so is he. It’s mortal and frightening and perfect. You want to open up your chest and let him in, let him taste every part of you so you can exist within someone else. 
Isn’t that what people crave? What they die for?
The scraped restraint in the daimyo’s voice flickers in your belly. You wanted this, dreamed and wished for it. If you pull away now, you’ll lose it to the stifling swell of bashfulness dammed behind your kiss. You chase his retreating lips until he stalls you with a large hand on your jaw. “Easy, little one,” he soothes with a brush of his thumb over your cheek. “There’s no need to rush.”
“But I-”
“Want it?” He flashes you a white-toothed grin that has butterflies flittering through your insides. You can’t hide your face like this, so you scrunch up your toes and dig your nails into his shirt. He chuckles and kisses the tip of your nose. “Don’t even think about hiding those pretty eyes,” he gives a quick squeeze to your jaw, “keep them on me.”
Oh, the irony of having a staring problem and suddenly being unable to look at the handsome man in your arms. 
Dragging your eyes up his face, you take in every dip and crease of his bronze features, remembering how the bow of his lips and how the texture of his scars felt against your soft skin. The same skin that now feels too hot and tight. When you eventually light on his eyes, they crinkle up in another bright smile. It almost makes you squint. “They were on you,” you mumble into his silence.
“What was that?” The firm way Boba’s other hand snakes around your waist has you swallowing back the sass you were about to give him.
Where is that coming from?
“I-I said they were on you.”
Something dark shifts in his gaze. Something that makes you clench on your emptiness. He considers you for a couple more seconds, his head cocking to one side like the many times you’d seen him on the throne with his subjects. Deciding. 
When you start to squirm under his gaze, his lips quirk into a pleased expression. “You never cease to surprise me, little one.” Seeing your confused look, he continues. “You’ve got some brat in you... I like it. You stopped being so self-conscious when you ran that smart mouth.”
You suppose you had. Although you aren’t usually one to push back or act out—it was quickly punished in your uncle’s house—it did feel good to let the scrap of sass slip. Made you feel a tiny bit more powerful, more evenly matched with Boba’s strength and confidence. You test your next words on your tongue before you fire them. 
“Then show me how much you like it?” you try.
Boba’s smile turns sharp, more hungry. “One kriffing kiss and she’s already getting greedy.” 
You gasp when you feel the grind of his hardening bulge on your hip. He shifts you against him so he’s pressed against your center, rocking his hips to give you some friction. This time your eyes flutter shut in pleasure, the warm stretch of soaked fabric between your thighs catching on your clit with delicious effect.
“Not so shy now, are you, babygirl?” Boba hums low in your ear, gently sinking his teeth into your pulse point. “Just needed a little help from, Daddy, huh?” 
A white-hot streak of embarrassment scores through your chest, charring your fledgling sense of bravery. Your pulse throbs in your pussy. Now you have a very different reason to be shy: you’d never told him those secret desires you came to in your bed but he knew them all the same. 
“Shit, sweetheart,” he moans into your love-bitten flesh when you involuntarily buck against him. “Knew you liked me but are you really that desperate for an old man?”
“D-don’t be mean-”
You cry out when his hand presses between your bodies to cup your sex.
“Mmm I think you like it when I’m mean.” He grinds his palm against your clit and your knees buckle at the dizzying sparks of pleasure. “I also think your little cunt is dripping wet because you want to call me Daddy.”
The choked sound you make doesn’t hide the way your body reacts to his words. You shove your face into his shirt. “I never said that,” you grumble into the fabric. But you dreamed about it, worked yourself up and touched yourself to the thought of it.
Boba retracts his hand and you almost cry from the loss. You don’t need to see his face to know he’s smirking and smug at your desperation, his teasing dominance playing on every one of your desires. Everything that burns you up only seems to fuel him more.
“No, please-”
“Aw, baby, you want it bad, don’t you?” His hand comes back up to your face and you can smell your arousal on his fingers. He tips back your chin, his thumb pressing against your trembling lips. His eyes sweep over you, taking in the way you’re as downy and vulnerable as fawn before a wolf, and they soften. 
Boba strokes your bottom lip gently, a small smile turning up his mouth. The crackle of electricity in the air dulls to a pleasant thrum. “You really are beautiful,” he breathes, his voice awed. Sensing your growing need, he presses his thumb into your mouth, his cock twitching against your stomach when you suck it happily. 
“It really isn’t too late if you want to wait,” he reminds you. He chuckles when you shake your head rapidly back and forth, this calloused thumb sliding across your tongue. Smiling, he removes his hand and rests his lips on your forehead. “It’s an honor, you know. To be the one you trust with this.”
As if it could have ever been someone else. Even before you came to Tatooine, it was never going to be anyone but Boba. You’d never had the desire to share your intimacy with another person until him.
“It was always you,” you whisper. It’s not a secret, but it is something precious. 
Boba buries his face into your hair, pressing you so tight to him you could melt into one. “I… I love you.”
Those three words hold a tender softness you know does not come easy to his surface. It fills you with a sweet kind of strength. 
Loosening your hold on his neck, you draw back far enough to take in his beautiful face. “I love you, Boba. I want this. Want you.” He radiates pure joy at your confirmation, as bright and golden as the twin suns above. Leaning in, you hover your lips just over his ear. “Now, Daddy please-”
You don’t even have time to squeal before he tosses you over his shoulder for the bedroom.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Melt the ice | Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
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Pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x fem!Mitchell!reader (Penny and Mav's daughter. use of y/n and she has a nickname: Ice Queen)
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: flirting, teasing, allusions to smut but nothing happens, use of pet names (pretty girl, princess), just Nat proving that she knows how to flirt better than anyone, and... implied rank kink
A/N: Listen I just... I just saw this gif and went feral, okay? that's it. enjoy this!
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People called her Ice Queen. 
For Nat, she was just Penny's older daughter. 
Who also happened to be her boss's daughter. Mav, contrary to popular belief, wasn't a giant ogre who pushed every single possible suitor away from her. He knew that his daughter was capable of defending herself. She didn't need him to rescue her. 
Not that she needed to be rescued. 
Y/n worked as a waitress at the Hard Deck, and she was good at it. Always with a smile, she worked the night away, walking around the bar like it was her world and the rest of the mortals in there were just living in it. She had a routine: she worked her shift, and once it was over, she always sat on the same table, nursing a cold beer, while checking her phone and answering texts here and there. 
Having a routine meant that everyone and their mother knew where to find her. Nat had seen lots of aviators trying to flirt with her, and also watched them walk away after a crash and burn. She didn't seem to be interested in aviators. 
Or men, in general. 
But that was only Natasha's theory. 
There were only two aviators that hadn't tried their luck yet. 
Hangman and Phoenix. 
Hangman was a bit scared of the consequences if he ended up having a thing with Mav's daughter. He didn't want to be the object of Mav's wrath. 
Phoenix didn't know if y/n was into girls, and she didn't want to put her in an uncomfortable position. But the more she watched her, the more she knew that she needed to try her luck. At least once, before she regretted it. 
And tonight was the night. 
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"Y/n," Hangman says while sitting next to you, his voice making you lift your eyes from your phone. "You look beautiful tonight."
"I'm wearing a white shirt and jeans, I've been working all afternoon, I'm sweaty as fuck, and I reek of alcohol from that drink I spilled earlier." You rant, dropping the phone on the table. "How does any of that make me look beautiful?" 
"It's your natural beauty, sweetheart," Jake smirks, winking at you. 
You lean over the table, getting close to him. Jake's eyes widen a bit in surprise, as if the abrupt proximity wasn't something he was expecting. "Hangman, hell will freeze before I get involved with someone like you." 
Jake sighs, scratching his eyebrow, and presses his lips into a thin line. "Message received loud and clear. Sorry to disturb you." 
You chuckle to yourself, watching him walk away with his pride hurt, and his head low. 
"Nothing?" Bob questions the pilot when he gets to the "Dagger table," as they call it. 
"Crash and burn, buddies. That girl is an Ice Queen." 
Natasha watches you, wondering how a nice girl like you doesn't get involved with any of these pilots. Well, he understands how you turned down guys like Jake. But you turned down Bob. Bob. The nicest guy to ever walk this earth. Maybe you're not into guys after all. But he has heard Mav and Penny talk about your ex and how much of a dick he was... Things aren't adding up. 
But one thing is clear. Natasha Trace is not going to leave the Hard Deck tonight before trying her luck with you. She’s been waiting and waiting for you to show a sign that maybe you’re into girls, too. But she can’t wait anymore. Not even a second. And if you don’t give her the answer she’s looking for, she’s going to have to find out herself.
Grabbing Mickey’s tequila shot, Natasha chugs it down in a second and gets up from her tool. 
"Woah, what was that for?" Mickey laughs, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Liquid courage." 
Bob frowns, and then he understands what she's meaning. "Oh my god, finally! Go get her." 
Nat grabs her beer, eyeing you up and down before looking at the other Daggers. "Be right back, guys. I'm gonna melt the ice." 
Jake and Rooster look at each other while Nat approaches the young Mitchell. "Fifty bucks says she doesn't get her." 
Rooster smirks, and nods. "She will get her. Just wait." 
"Do you know something we don't, Rooster?" Payback inquires, sitting on the stool that was previously occupied by Nat. 
"Natasha is smooth, guys. She's gonna make her swoon." 
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"Hey, y/n," Nat says while sitting down. You look at her, smiling. 
"Hi, Nat. What brings you to my lonely and cold table?" You joke, sliding your phone into your pants. 
You chuckle, sighing. "I hear what you all call me. Ice Queen." 
Nat shakes her head, rolling her eyes. “That’s what happens to a girl when she has a bit of criteria.” 
“Do you think I’m an Ice Queen, Natasha?” You ask her, twisting the beer in your hands. 
“Nah. You’re just surrounded by idiots,” she says before changing the topic. “Hey, do you want to go shopping with me this weekend? I’m tired of always hanging out with the guys.” 
You grin, delighted by the idea of going out with her. She’s really fun, and you haven’t had the occasion to meet her. “Yeah, sure! I don’t hang out with many girls around here either.” 
“Yeah, there’s not a lot. And most of them are either married or have kids, so they don’t have that much free time.” She stops talking when she watches you yawn, covering your mouth. “I’m sorry, am I boring you?” 
You shake your hand quickly, feeling bad. “No! No, of course not. It’s been a long day, and I’m tired, that’s all.” 
“Oh, right,” Nat smirks, leaning back on her chair and uncrossing her legs, making herself bigger. “It must be tiring to be as pretty as you are.” 
And right then and there, the Ice Queen herself melts down like a popsicle in mid July. “Oh dear, I’m not that pretty.” 
“Believe me. You’re breathtaking.” 
You press a hand to your cheek, afraid that she might notice how warm they feel. “Woah, Nat. Did you have too much to drink?” 
She shakes her head, licking her lips slowly, her eyes never darting from your own. “No, I just like to see you all shy and cute.”
Suddenly, you feel hot. Too hot. And not only that, but the way she’s looking at you makes you feel like you're the hottest person on this planet, rivaling one of those Victoria Secret angels. And maybe that’s why you decide to follow her little game. “You got me all shy and cute; what are you going to do about it?” 
She leans over the table, her fingertips brushing with yours, softly, tantalizingly, sending shivers straight down to your core. “I have a few ideas... but none of them I can put into practice here.” 
You swallow, feeling your breathing accelerate every time her fingertips touch your skin. It burns in the most delicious of ways, and you find yourself thinking how those strong hands might feel in other places. 
You mimic her movements, leaning over the table and being so close to her that you don’t need to raise your voice above a whisper for her to hear you. “W-why not?” 
The space between you two is so small that when she speaks, her nose touches yours. “I don’t think Penny would let me enter her bar again if she saw me finger-fucking her precious little girl.” 
The wanton moan you let out goes unnoticed by everyone thanks to the loud music and the talking of the other customers. “N-nat…” 
“Want me to get you out of here, pretty girl?” She offers, wanting your full consent before she takes you to her home. 
“Yes, Lieutenant.” You nod quickly, and Nat has to stop for a second before speaking again. 
“Call me that again, and I’ll give you anything you want.” She mumbles, getting a few dollars from her pocket and leaving them on the table. 
“I only want you, Lieutenant. I’ve been waiting for you all this time.” You confess, and you find in the way Nat smiles at you the promise of a night to remember. 
“Oh, princess… The things I’m gonna do with you.” She grabs your hand, leading you out of the bar, ignoring the loud cheers of her friends, Hangman's annoyed expression while he pays Rooster, and how Maverick and Penny look at you, winking. 
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redrobin-detective · 8 months
the things we lost to the ice
It didn't quite sink in until Gunter put on the crown and became an Ice... something that it was all over. He was back as himself, with his body and brain and awkward personality, permanently. It didn't feel like last time, like each breath was bringing him closer to his last. Simon was also somehow back in his old favorite suit, with its worn elbows and his glasses clean and unbroken. He even couldn't feel the crown whispering in the back of his mind anymore. It was as GOLB had taken him back to just moments before he'd worn the crown for the first time, intending to tease Betty.
Oh Betty.
"Hey so uh, who are you?" Simon looked up from the rock Marcy had set him on to see Flame Princess staring at him curiously. Right she was... literally made of fire. He knew that, Simon blinked. Wait he did actually, his brain retained lots of facts about Ooo and it's people. It was his or, well, Ice King's personal experiences that felt fuzzy. "Because you came out of the GOLB thing together with Finn but I've never seen you before. Marceline seemed to know you though." She tilted her head and frowned, "Finn told me he was the last human, was that another lie?"
"Get away from him!" He heard Marcy screech as she rocketed over from where she'd been talking to Bubblegum and some other candy people. Her arm wrapped protectively around him, her sharp nails digging into his clothes and her batlike face pressed against his own. Her skin was cold like death. He hated how he tensed with instinctual fear at having a predator so close. This was his Marcy, his precious little girl. She was different than he remembered but she loved him, she wouldn't hurt him. He clenched his fists so they didn't shake.
"Hey Marcy! Don't worry, F.P. is cool!" Finn shouted, galloping over with a big grin on his face. "Oh man, so much just happened but Simon are you back-back, like for realsies? That is so math!" Finn hug tackled him and Marcy.
"Still waiting on an explanation," Flame Princess grumbled.
"So she actually got you free, how joyous," Magic Man -no, Normal Man- said with a small smile but his eyes were sharp. "I suppose the power of GOLB is the only thing strong enough to undo elemental wish magic. Congratulations, Ice King, welcome back to reality."
"Wait Ice King?" Flame Princess gaped and Simon realized that -with the major world ending threat neutralized - they were now the center of attention. It's only just occurring to him that his window to divorce himself completely from Ice King and pretend he was someone else was about to close forever. Just like the chance to hold Betty in his arms again.
"Yea!" Finn explained, wrenching around to address Flame Princess and gagging Simon by putting him in a headlock. "It's a long story -seriously long, he's like over a thousand years old or something- but Simon put on the crown only he didn't know it was hecka cursed. It possessed him and piloted his body like a meat puppet, turning him into Ice King and made him act all Banaynay."
"It took him a while for him to become Ice King though," Marcy said, shifting Simon slightly out of Finn's grip so she was hugging him from behind with her chin propped on his head. "He rescued me when I little before I was bit by the Vampire King. Simon took care of me after the world ended, he even showed me the basics of playing guitar." She nuzzled him and gave him a gentle squeeze, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."
"I missed you too, Sweet Girl," he murmured back. He'd been here the whole time but at the same time, been very far away. There's hazy memories of this older Marceline, her songs echoing somewhere in his head. Mostly he remembers her frowning over whatever crazy thing Ice King had been doing at the time.
"Whoa, you taught Marcy! I had no idea you were so musical," Finn shouted before looking thoughtful. "Well I guess IK used to play on his drums or his keyboard a lot now that I think about it." He smiled, a goofy teenage smile despite the missing teeth and scars from numerous adventures. "I guess you weren't totally gone."
"It doesn't justify the constant harassment and kidnapping of innocent Princesses," Bubblegum said primly.
"Bonnibel," Marcy growled.
"But I'm willing to forgive past grievances so long as it doesn't happen again. You are, after all, practically a new man." Bubblegum noted. "I presume it was born out of subconscious desire to find Betty again, the crown fixating on that desperation for love. Of course, Betty is gone now so it's all rather a moot point, isn't it?"
"Bonnie, seriously, now is not the time," Marcy warned. The fresh reminder of Betty's sacrifice, the permanence of it hit him again. Insanity had overwhelmed his depression and loneliness and loss of identity, redirected it. Now nothing could distract him from that sucking chest wound of loss threatening to consume him.
"Uhhh hey Simon!" Finn interrupted with a manic smile. "Can't wait to learn all about human stuff from you! I bet you can even teach the Islanders a thing or two, pretty sure they've forgotten what it's like to be human. But you know all sorts of humany stuff I bet. It's gonna be awesome learning where I come from." Good lord, was someone going to love and support this beautiful child or was it up to him again?
Finn reached out with his remaining hand and grabbed one of Simon's own, lacing them together. Simon jolted and looked at their conjoined hands before spreading their palms and fingers together. His pinky finger only met empty air.
"Oh my god Finn, have you only ever had four fingers?" He balked. Ice King's memories weren't that reliable, he couldn't actually recall.
"Don't you mean glob and uh yeah, that's the normal amount I think," Finn shrugged, squinting at Simon's pinky. "What do you need that extra one for anyhow? Does it have special powers or something?"
"Yeah, I always thought that was weird," Jake said from somewhere behind Finn. "Marcy has an extra one too, figured it was just how things were before the Mushroom War."
"It was actually a nuclear holocaust that wiped out pretty much all life on earth and mutated the rest beyond recognition but sure," Simon said with a hysterical edge in his voice as the weight of his situation pressed down on him.
He was a thousand years removed from the world he knew, a world that now only existed as ruins or twisted, funhouse mirror replicas. Simon was totally alone, the only person who remembered the way things were before. Marcy was here but she'd made the journey through time naturally, she'd adapted and likely forgotten. He no longer had magic and, without it, he wouldn't be allowed into Wizard City. The Ice Kingdom was now Gunter's and the humans of the future have changed in ways he could hardly recognize.
Sometimes the past is a different country, sometimes it's a black hole taking everything down with it.
"Hey dude, you've probably gotta use the bathroom like super bad," Jake said as he broke through the crowd. He gently manhandled Simon away from the well meaning arms of people who were both dear loved ones and strangers all at once. "You haven't whizzed as yourself in like a million years, we better find a place to get your man biz done."
"Wait but-" Marcy said reaching out but Bubblegum grabbed her hand and pulled her away. The rest of the onlookers slowly backed off, going back to the post fight cleanup. As Jake led him away, he made brief eye contact with Normal Man who'd once been a magical god and was now just a man. Simon would probably have out and out collapsed if Jake wasn't steadying him.
"Look, we're just gonna walk away and when we round this corner where no one can see, I'll leave you alone to do whatever you need to do." Jake soothed. "I can hold off Marcy and Finn for maybe 10 minutes, 12 tops. You focus on your breathing and if you gotta hurl, just do it, holding it in jacks you all up." He lowered Simon to the ground once they were out of sight. Simon immediately went into the fetal position.
"You're good at this," Simon noted even as the stress and panic and misery washed over him. He pushed his glasses up into his hair and buried his face in his knees. Jake rubbed his shoulders, it felt good, grounding.
"I've talked Finn through a lot of these episodes before, the kid's been through a lot. You have that in common. You and Finn might have some different physical traits but you're both human. You just had a lot of junk thrown at you so you don't need to figure it all out now. That's what the rest of your life is for. I'll keep the worry squad off your back as long as I can. Take it easy, Simon but, either way, you gotta take it."
Jake went back to the crowd leaving only his wisdom. He was right, no matter how miserable or overjoyed he was over the circumstances, this is the way the dice fell. He had no choice but to take it, to use Betty's sacrifice on his behalf to do whatever he wanted with his remaining time. And he was mortal now, time affected him once more so he had to learn quick.
He had no idea what he would do or even who this new Simon Petrikov, PhD student and aspiring antiquarian was. Just being able to think coherently and regulate his words and actions was a strange miracle he hadn't fully digested yet. Things would be okay, he would be happy once more but, for now, he thought it was okay to sit here in the dirt and cry for everything he'd lost to the ice.
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softpascalito · 8 months
Pedro Pascal Kinktober Day Six
Frottage - Frankie Morales/F!Reader
Summary: After a flying lesson, you find yourself drawn to the man in the pilot seat. Luckily for you, Frankie knows exactly what you need.
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Relationships: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
WC: 1500
Tags/Warnings: Smut, Explicit Content, Established Relationship, Dirty Talk, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Bad Jokes
notes: hello babes! todays piece is dedicated to the wonderful (and quite frankie obsessed) people of tds. they are the most supportive peeps who will patiently listen to all my horny thoughts and fic ideas so im sending them some extra love and hope they enjoy today especially.
“That wasn't so bad,” The man next to you mumbles as he reaches for the controls, flipping a few switches as he stops the engines of the small plane. His hands expertly wander between the many controls, a similar expertise to the one he has shown when his hands wander over your body instead.
Your heart, beating faster from the thrill of the landing, slowly calms down as you unbuckle yourself from your co-pilot seat and push the steering device back.
You turn your head to the side, glancing over at Frankie, who is still busy turning everything off. The top buttons of his shirt are undone, allowing his bronze chest to peek out. He takes off his aviators, shoving them onto the opening of the shirt, where they dangle for a split moment before settling against his chest. His favorite cap is still on his head, sitting below the headset that is only resting on one ear, allowing him to hear you as well as possible radio chatter.
His eyes fly over to you and suddenly you feel caught, blushing slightly as he smirks knowingly. You take your own headset off, now turning your entire body towards him and your foot sneaks into his lap. He reaches out without hesitance, taking your ankle and pulling it onto his leg. His rough hands soothingly stroke over the soft skin peeking out.
“You enjoy your lesson, baby?” He asks softly and you nod truthfully.
“I did. Even though I didn't expect this when you said you wanted to teach me something new .”
Frankie frowns a little at that:” What did you think?”
Your blush deepens in response to the question and he raises a brow as he realizes what you're implying. ”You thought I wanted to teach you something dirty?”
A small shrug is all you can muster but you notice how his hand squeezes your ankle a little tighter as he speaks and you have a feeling that he's open to the idea of teaching you in more than the flying department. You realize he's waiting for a response and you mumble:” No?” Your features carry a small pout as you tell the quite obvious lie but you can't bring yourself to care.
Frankie just chuckles as he watches you, ”I don't think I need to teach you any of that.” His voice drops slightly, ”You didnt seem to be so inexperienced when you let me fuck your throat last week.”
You almost choke on your own salvia the way you had choked on his cock a few days earlier with the way he talks so nonchalantly about it. It gets to you, you know that much, and you squirm in your seat a little.
His hand wanders up your leg and you gaze at him, longing for the man to finally touch you properly. You decide to follow your own instincts, getting up and moving over to him.
Frankie keeps his hand on your body, letting it settle onto your waist as you tower above him.
You press yourself against him and reach for the headset, sliding it off him along with his cap to find his dark, messy hair below. It's a little damp from the heat and sweat and you bury your nose in it, taking in his scent.
Frankie hums softly below you, the vibrations carrying on to your lips, ”What do you need, princess?” He mumbles as his hand slides over the fabric of your clothes and he gently cups your ass.
“Need you.” You mumble back, not caring how desperate you sound at this point.
His throat vibrates with a low chuckle and he can feel his own blood rushing downwards at the thoughts that are slowly taking up his mind.
He pulls you down into his lap and you willingly spread your legs, feeling his hardness below you, the khaki pants doing nothing to hide the growing bulge between his own legs. 
The seatbelt is still strapping him into the seat and you reach down to undo it when he shakes his head, tutting softly.
“C'mere.” Frankie plants his foot firmly on the floor of the plane and moves you so that you're on his leg and you whimper at the small friction the shift provides, your core already throbbing with need.
He has both hands on your waist, holding you steady as he leans forward to kiss you. Your lips crash together and just from that, he can feel how needy you are.
You aggressively push your tongue against his lips until he opens up and you enter his mouth, licking into it, mixing your salvia and using your teeth to pull on his lower lip until you both are out of breath.
Frankie matches your eagerness and as your tongues swirl around each other, you gently start moving your hips. His grip on you tightens and he starts moving you back and forth in your own rhythm, adding to the friction between your legs. The seam of your jeans perfectly aligns with your clit, agonizingly slowly rubbing the spot that is usually occupied by Frankie's hand or mouth.
You gasp as you realize what he's doing, ”Frankie-”
He shushes you, his tongue darting out to lick your cheek. ”Come on, baby, get yourself off on my knee, hm?” He mutters under his breath, ”I know you need it bad.”
He's right. He's right and you hate him for it but you're too eager to argue so you let go of the shame as you start riding his leg in earnest, your clit tingling with the sensation despite the layers of fabric between you.
You whine softly as Frankie too doubles his efforts and his lips move lower, sucking on your neck and you know there'll be evidence of this in the morning. Frankie is always the cause of little marks that he leaves all over your body, for you to find when you glance in the small mirror cabinet in your bathroom. Frankie is also the reason said mirror cabinet holds several types of long-lasting coversticks, an investment you had to start making in order to be able to wear anything other than turtlenecks. 
The feeling of your panties being caught between your slit, adding to the intensity of the friction combined with Frankie still moving you, sucking on your neck- It's already all too much and too soon you feel the familiar heat starting to pool in your stomach, gasping slightly at the sudden sensation, ”Frankie-”
You whisper his name again and he smirks against your skin, a thin layer of sweat covering both of you. ”That's it, princess. Make yourself come in your pants.”
Moving faster, another whine escapes you and then you do as he requested, coming undone fully dressed on top of his khaki pants, that have become uncomfortably tight for him at this point. Watching you lose yourself on him like that, without even being touched, does more to Frankie than he would have thought. He likes it.
You whimper his name as you collapse against him, eyes screwing shut while you ride out your orgasm. When your chest falls against his, you instantly feel two strong arms wrapping around you, holding you up as your body goes limp and he whispers into your ear.
“That's my good girl.” He praises and you shiver a bit, squirming slightly and feeling that your panties are completely soaked with your own juices.
It's not until you've finally caught your breath, his palm rubbing soothing circles into your back as you come down from your high, that you realize he must be eager too and your hand sneaks down between your bodies, wandering past the fabric of his slightly open shirt towards his belt. The motion makes Frankie tense up slightly, ”What are you trying to do, baby?” He whispers under his breath and you can't stop a smirk from creeping onto your face.
“Taking care of you?” You mumble back and his eyes travel from your face to the angry, red hickeys on your neck that he had left there mere minutes before. He seems caught on them for a moment, mesmerized by the spots that mark you as his, for everyone to see. 
Then your words fully reach him and as they register in his head, he slowly raises a brow, ”Here? Now?”
“Well, it is called a cockpit for a reason.” You reply with a smirk and with that, your hand is on his belt.
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Mommy's proud of you
Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
A/n: just some little reader fluff, I've read somewhere that people would like to read more of that, so I thought I'd give it a go :) this is my first time writing a little reader so let me know your thoughts!
Warnings: little!reader, softmommy!Wanda, age regression, lactation kink, just fluff
Summary: where mommy takes care of her little girl after a long day
It had been a really long and exhausting day for you. Both professors and other students were giving you a hard time about several things, only adding more and more to your anxiety.
And you tried, you tried your hardest not to let them get to you. But when one student had commented on your relationship with Wanda, who is a few years older then you, you broke down.
So, at around 6.30, you came home in your shared appartment, tears streaming down your face. As you entered the livingroom, you saw Wanda on the couch with a book in her hands, waiting for you.
"Hi, my love! How was- y/n?"
You could only let out a sob and before you knew it you were in Wanda's arms. You only realised you've been crying when you heard Wanda gently shushing you.
"Shh, it's okay, love. Let it all out."
"M-mommy, I-"
That's all you could let out without sobbing again.
"Mommy's here, baby. Let mommy clean you up, okay?"
You nodded at that, reaching for Wanda's hand and holding it with both hands, terrified of leaving Wanda's side for only one second.
As Wanda was getting the bath ready for you, making sure to fill it with your favorite duckies and putting princess bubbles in it, you were sitting next to her, holding your teddy bear close to you with one hand, and sucking your thumb with the other. Wanda turned around, eyes filled with love as she started undressing you.
"You're way too little to do that yourself, mommy will do it for you."
You nodded at that, putting mr. Snuggles safely next to the bathtub, and Wanda started undressing you. Pressing little kisses on every piece of exposed skin, she took her time.
After a little while, Wanda got you all naked standing before her. She gave you one of your precious duckies as she gently guided you into the bath.
"Mommy! More duckies, please!"
Wanda smiled at that, adding even more duckies into the bath. As she started washing your hair, caressing your scalp softly, you played happily with all the duckies that filled the bath.
After Wanda finished washing your hair, she moved over to sit next to the bathtub, resting her elbows on the edge as she sat on her knees.
"Mommy look! Duckies doing kissies!"
As you said that, you made the movement with your hands as if two of the duckies were kissing.
"Look, baby! Here comes the plane duckie!"
Wanda went to grab the 'pilot dressed duck' and she made the sound of a plane, moving it as if it was moving towards you. You laughed happily at that, clapping your hands.
"Yes, yes!"
Wanda went to look at her watch. You probably haven't eaten anything since she made you breakfast this morning, so she went ti get you out of the bath.
As you realised you had to leave your beloved duckies, however, your lip started to tremble.
"Oh, baby, i know leaving the duckies is sad. But if you're a really good girl for mommy, you can have my special milkies tonight!"
That changed things for you, and you immediately went to get out of the tub, wanting your mommy's yummy treat.
After Wanda got you dressed comfortably, braiding your hair in two cute little braids and changed you into your Minnie Mouse pajamas, she had you sit at the dinner table with her, a plate of broccoli in front of you. As she moved a spoonful towards your mouth, you turned your head, frowning.
"Yucky! No broccoli!"
Wanda sighed. She knew you weren't a big fan of greens, but you needed your vitamins one way or another.
"How about this, baby. You eat all your greens for me, and we can have chocolate cake for dessert!"
You nodded quickly at that, your love of chocolate cake easily winning over your hatred for broccoli.
"That's my good girl! Mommy's so proud of you!"
And before you knew it, all your veggies were gone, and your mommy was feeding you your precious chocolate cake. Even though your little bib that said 'mommy's good girl' was covered in broccoli and chocolate stains, Wanda was so proud of you for having eaten your whole meal.
After Wanda was done cleaning up, you said on the couch, waiting patiently for your mommy to join you. As Wanda joined you on the couch, you went to sit eagerly next to her.
"Milkies please, mommy?"
Wanda smiled softly and settled you on her lap. As soon as she got one of her breasts out, you went to eagerly suck on her nipple. In your hurry, you accidentely scraped your teeth on it.
"Ah, ah! Easy, baby."
You nodded at that, already feeling a little sleepy as you sucked and nommed on her nipple, the sweet treat delicious as ever. With mr. Snuggled in your arms, Wanda's hand playing with your hair and your mommy's sweet treat being given to you, you happily close your eyes, your horrible day long forgotten.
Wanda looked at you and gave you a soft smile. She turned on the tv and mindlessly played with your hair, silently promising you that one day she'll make all the people who were the reason of your anxiety pay.
Let me know if you want to be added to the Wanda taglist! If you have any requests, send them! Reblogs are much appreciated :)
Taglist: @wandanats-goodgirl @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @goodesoup @wandsmxmff @jemilyswhor3 @red1culous @inluvwithfictionalwomen
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Han turns the corner searching for Leia and spots one of the rebel pilots flirting with her. He starts to feel jealous but pushes it down, thinking it's silly since they aren't together. He approaches them and clears his throat, "hey, princess, got those supply forms you've been hounding me for"
“Well it’s about time Flyboy.” Leia sasses. “Thank you.” She says more seriously, taking the paperwork.
“How’s Chewie?” She asks leaning against the table.
The pilot frowns and crosses his arms. Levelling a glare at Han.
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jksprincess10 · 6 months
Are we out of the woods 3. Camping
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Summary : Your father is a dangerous man who has a lot of enemies. One day, you’re taken from your home by force to go to a safe cabin in the woods to be protected from an unknown danger by three of his men: Ironhead, Pope and Catfish. You’re not really a nature enjoyer, but in your boredom, you discover a new love for nature. You also get to know the men working for your dad and interest sparks between you and the mysterious and silent Francisco.
CW: canon-like violence, explicit smut, reader is kind of a princess at first, talks of divorce, drugs & alcohol, talks of addiction, slight age gap (reader in her mid 20s, frankie in his late 30s), jealousy, tension, frankie is a mess.
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The cabin slowly gets suffocating. The lack of news from your dad just tells you that you’ll be here for a while. You can’t believe you have to ask to go outside, but you bite the bullet, and you do.
The air is fresh on your face and you already feel better. Except that there’s Frankie, Santi and Will. Always there. Always following.
“You know, dad wouldn’t have put me somewhere where I risk anything. Do you guys really have to follow me everywhere? Especially the three of you. Feels a bit overkill.” You say as you keep walking, appreciating the cracking sounds of the leaves under your boots-clad feet.
“Can’t we appreciate the nature too?” Santiago asks with a teasing smirk.
You shrug.
“And we wanted to show you a few tips and tricks to survive in the wild.” Will justifies.
“Why not.”
And they spend the next hour doing just that; showing you how to start a fire with little, how to filter water, how to hunt. Granted, you’re very bad at it - especially the latter ; you can’t even catch a squirrel. And the boys are having a field trip laughing at you.
“Bet you wouldn’t even survive a night out in a tent.” Frankie laughs with the boys, his body folded in half.
“Yeah, you think so, Fish?” You respond abruptly, cheeks heating up with shame and anger. “Then, I’m sleeping in a tent tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” He’s serious now, his dark brown irises fixated on you with a challenge. “Then I’m staying in a tent with you to make sure you don’t cheat.” He extends his hand to you, and you take it, feeling his rough palm in yours. You try to grip it as hard as you can.
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So, there you are, after that stupid idea, trying to make yourself useful as Frankie builds the tent. The moon is already high in the sky and your chosen plot of land is lit with oil lamps. The last mosquitoes of the season were attracted to the light, and you were thankful it distracted them from eating you through your thick clothes.
You try to get a fire started and it takes about 100 tries until you see sparks coming out. You do your best to keep the fire going, and your face is lit by flames when Frankie is done putting the tent together.
“See? I’m not so terrible.” You say proudly.
“Yeah, if we forget that it took forever.”
Frankie sits beside you, and you look at him from the side, admiring the glimmer of the flame through his beautiful dark eyes.
“So, you’ve never been camping?”
“Nope. I like my comfort.”
“I could have guessed.” Frankie smirks.
You close your fist and hit his shoulder, but your punch is mostly absorbed by his thick black coat. The man simply laughs, and it’s so luminous that you don’t ever want to see him frown.
“What did you do before working for my dad?”  You ask, your eyes stuck to the flames.
“Military. Served for a few years. That’s where I met the boys. I was a pilot.”
“The rest isn’t really fun.” He sighs. “What would you do for work if you didn’t have your dad around?”
“I always wanted to write. I write, yeah… But my dad doesn’t really want me to put my name out there. Guessing it has to do with his business.” You make quotation marks with your fingers to accentuate the last word.
“Your father is a good man. He cares about you.” Frankie gets lost in his thoughts for a few seconds, wondering if he was a good man himself. “What kind of stories do you write?”
Your cheeks heat up. You’d rather not talk about your silly smutty romance novels. “You probably can’t read. So, why would you want to know?”
“You’re right, I’m not the greatest reader.” Frankie chuckles.
“You said you were a dad.” You affirm to change the subject. “How old are you?”
“Closer to 40 than 30.” He responds mysteriously.
So, you were maybe… 10 years younger than him.
“Thought you were 50 because of your musical taste.”
He rolls his eyes. “C’mon, let’s snuff the fire and go to sleep. I’m tired.” He extinguishes the fire and crawls into the tent first. You look away from the shape of his ass accentuated by skinny jeans that belonged to the 2010s. You follow suit and zip the tent behind you. The space is small and two sleeping bags barely fit. At least you won’t be cold… You unzip your coat and set it aside before you lay in the sleeping bag. Frankie does the same. His eyes are fixated on the tent’s roof, like he can see the shape of the moon beyond the canvas.
“Do you have a daughter or a son?”
Frankie sighs, like the question physically pains him. “A little girl. Isabella. I can’t see her though.” The only proof of her existence is a small photo in his wallet.
“Do you always ask so many goddamn questions?” He sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is extinguished like the fire. You close your eyes and try to go to sleep. You have to mentally block all the outside noise and remind yourself that you’re safe.  Your body is warm in the cocoon of your sleeping bag, and you snore lightly.
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Frankie can’t sleep. Of course, you asked about his daughter. He had to remind himself that he didn’t owe you an explanation or a glimpse of his life. But fuck, did he want to let you in. He turns to the side and look at your blissful face, he even laughs quietly at the small snores coming out of your mouth. Part of him wants to hold you; the part of him that still longed for human warmth and some kind of affection. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes.
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You wake up to the first rays of the sun poking through the fabric of the tent, eager to go back to your comfortable bed after winning that bet. When you try to move to wake Frankie up, you realize you’re stuck. Strong arms were circling your waist, and you could feel the man’s warm breath on the back of your neck. You move slightly, even though you want to stay there. But Frankie kept pushing you away every time you tried to get closer to him, so surely, he didn’t really want to cuddle.
You escape his strong grasp and turn around to shake him.
“Frankie, come on, I won. Let’s go back inside.”
His eyes flutter open, and he groans at the sudden light of the day. He pulls the sleeping bag over his face.
“Great. Let me sleep.” He grumbles.
“Fine, let’s agree on a prize later.”
You crawl out of the tent, even though you want to stay in the cozy warmth of the tent.
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kalak · 1 year
Luke/mara fic rec list
These are some of the best mara/luke fics I've read - feel free to add more in rb/comments!
Repair by BananasAreForParties - Graphic Depictions of violence, fluff and angst, whump. 20k complete. Mara Jade came to Aran to trade. She acquires nutcakes, Imperials, and one Luke Skywalker, condition: damaged. Hurt/Comfort fic.
Reccer's note: Their awkward but geniune flirting in this is so cute
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, You Aren’t Even Stuck In Your Tower by PrinceJakeFireCake - fluff, secret identity, 6k complete. Mara Jade, an ex-spy for the dragon, Emperor Palpatine, now a knight of Princess Leia Organa, is on a mission to rescue the princess’ twin brother from the tower he was locked in.
Someone had to write Luke as Rapunzel and I am someone
Limpet AU series by frodogenic - humor, family fluff, 89k complete. Newly returned from the Unknown Regions with Darth Vader, Admiral Piett doesn't expect much of a welcome from the New Republic. And not in a million lifetimes would he have predicted that their very first guest would be Luke Skywalker. After all, Skywalker and Vader are still mortal enemies...right?
Reccer's Note: this series is so good, like, insanely good. I keep rereading it.
Take My Breath Away by atamascolily - hanahaki disease, 1k complete. Luke collapses during a sparring session, coughing up blood--and flowers? A concerned Mara drags him to Cilghal for medical treatment, but the answers aren't what either of them expected.
Catch and Release by frangipani - rated E, sexual experimentation, 10k complete. So let me get this straight," Mara says."You decided that to entertain yourself while I'm offplanet you're going to get licensed to pilot a Mon Cal cruiser?"
He frowns. "You say it like it’s ridiculous.”
"Those ships aren't even made for human pilo--" She narrows her eyes. "Oh no, it's the challenge thing, isn’t it?"
Or the one where Luke and Mara try to bang while keeping Luke's pulse within a specific range. Absolutely 0 science knowledge went into this. Consider yourself warned.
Who Needs a Cover Anyway? by JediDryad - misunderstandings, jealousy, 1k complete. Against his better judgment, Luke agrees to act as "Jedi Ambassador" on a mission with Mara and Lando. Will he be able to keep his feelings to himself or will observing their relationship be too much?
Miscommunications by JediDryad - misunderstandings, 849 words complete. Luke sends Mara a nervous rambling message inviting her for a visit. What she receives is something quite different.
Family Planning for the Force-Sensitive by beautifultoastdream - domestic, fluff, 13k complete. Two years after Exar Kun is defeated, Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker are married. Mara is uneasily settling into life as a Jedi trainee and as the New Republic's representative to the Smugglers' Alliance. But when Karrde's vornskrs have a strange reaction to her during a routine meeting, Mara learns that something else is about to happen ... And it scares her more than C'baoth.
Slight AU from Star Wars Legends, fluff and angst.
The Trouble with Bootie Comms by frangipani - 3k complete. "I have an issue with my apartment right now," Luke said. Mara was pretty sure why.
Luminous Creatures by celinamarniss - daemons, action/adventure, enemies to friends to lovers, 30k complete. Mara has never been prouder when Asyr settles early. He shifts into the form of a night felinx when Mara is thirteen, a whole year early. It’s a good body for stealth, her trainers tell her, and praise them for it.
Luke is the last of his friends to have his dæmon settle. Speculation drifts through his childhood. What sort of animal do you think your dæmon will choose? asked by adults with indulgent smiles and between children as their dæmons flit from form to from in impromptu races across the desert sand.
Strange Bedfellows series by celinamarniss - action/adventure, humor, light angst, 37k complete.
Reccer's Note: this series has a very domestic couple feel to it and I love that.
Under the cover of Darkness by randomlyimagine - time travel, fix-it, 57k complete...ish. (there's a sequel that is tbc.) Being pulled back through in time, getting to see the Old Jedi Order, Ben, even Anakin Skywalker, before he Fell…it was an opportunity Luke had never dreamed he’d have.
If only he and Mara hadn’t been pulled back in the middle of a mission where they were undercover as Sith.
slipping into the ground or into your arms by BananasAreForParties - rated E. Fluff and angst, mutual pining, implied/referenced child abuse, 41k complete. More than colleagues. Less than friends. Better than acquaintances. They remain in balance. The Command, the dark whisper, slumbers and Mara has no desire to poke a sleeping rancor. To dance with Skywalker. . .could it ever be worth the risk?
Mara and Luke succumb to the gradual formation of their Force bond through an activity far more pleasing than fighting for their lives.
the history books forgot about us by celinamarniss - happy AU, 2k complete. Jedi apprentice Asha is sent on a quest to find the legendary Luke Skywalker. She thought he was a myth!
better tell 'em while they're here by philthestone - 4k complete. Jacen discovers a Fish in the new fountain just outside of the Old Palace's reception hall, which obviously means that the Imps are planning to take over the galaxy. Jaina thinks that everything would be alright if only Nik could remember where he put his pants.
And of course, Uncle Luke's getting married today.
(AU for the EU)
Reccer's note: recommend reading the whole series. This fic has such a human warm fuzziness to it.
Boundaries series by frangipani - rated E, smut, 106k complete. A year after the events of the Last Command, Mara is still in Coruscant attempting to fulfill her Smuggler's Alliance duties while continuing her Jedi training. Former Emperor's Hand, turned smuggler, government liaison, and Jedi apprentice...she's long known that the only way things work in the new life she's made for herself is through clearly delineated boundaries.
It's really too bad Luke Skywalker unwittingly keeps taking them apart.
The Son of Suns trilogy by blank101 (link to each installment: Into the Storm, in shadows and darkness, at the Brink of the dawn and the darkness) - graphic depictions of torture, psychological torture, sith!Luke. 721k complete. Darth Vader captures the passengers of the Millennium Falcon after their attempted escape at Cloud City, sure that Luke will convert to his cause and aid him in overthrowing the Emperor. When his plan is rebuffed he falls back on more desperate measures and hands his son over to Palpatine, who begins to systematically take apart Luke’s life to create a new Sith, turning him against his allies, his father and his beliefs with devastating consequences for both the Empire and the Alliance, as events cascade beyond anyone's control.
This is a completed trilogy, featuring Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Mara Jade, Mon Mothma, and Crix Madine.
Reccer's note: I really love this one - both for the sith!Luke portrayal, and the conflicts luke and Mara go through.
Drive You Mild by obaona - sith!Luke, drama/romance, 70k complete. How do two powerful, individualistic people who were formerly enemies unite? Emperor Luke Skywalker, meet Jedi Knight Mara Jade.
Misc - archive sites/author recommendations
Mara and luke archives
LiveJournal community
Jedimordsith, frangipani, JediDryad, celinamarniss, BananasAreForParties, and evilmouse are all great writers and you should check them out!
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flowerpotmage · 1 year
Summary: Steve, Natasha, and yourself take a trip to visit Bucky Barnes after his treatment in Wakanda.
Pair: Bucky Barnes x gn!Reader
Notes: Post CA:CW, pre Black Panther, aaall fluff, implied pre-established relationship.
Word Count: 964
Read this chapter on Ao3 here. If you like my work, please consider leaving kudos there as well! You do not need an account to do so.
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You fidget anxiously in your seat on the quinjet, worrying your nail between your teeth while trying not to actually bite or tear it. It had taken a lot of effort to quit the habit of biting the whites of your nails off, and despite the roiling tight ball of anxiety in the pit of your stomach and the nail between your teeth, you don’t intend to fully break your streak now.
“You should really take your finger out of your mouth,” Natasha says from her pilot seat next to you. “You’re worse than Rogers.”
Immediately you pull your hand away from your face and tuck it into the crook of your arm, crossing both across your ribs. “I am not.”
She smiles wryly, pink lips pursed closed despite the crinkling at the corners of her eyes. “Uh-huh.” She rolls her head to look over her shoulder behind the two of you, to where Steve paces the few steps in the body of the quinjet.
You turn in your seat to look back at him as well, to find him looking quite similar to how you feel. His brow is slightly creased in a nervous frown, an arm crossed over his torso while the elbow of the other rests on it, fingers fidgeting with his bottom lip and his chin. You turn and look at Natasha, who’s watching you with a quirk of one of her perfect eyebrows.
“Oh, shut up.” You glare with no real venom behind it, and when she raises her hands in mock surrender you both chuckle.
“I’d be nervous too,” she broaches the subject again after some time of silence, Steve no longer pacing behind you having finally decided to reoccupy his seat.
You look at her, your silence encouraging her to continue.
“Whatever you two had going on before we found him… He’ll be a little different.” She looks at you. “Steve’s freaking out for the same reason. He’ll be different from either Barnes you knew,” she pauses, nodding her head to the side in the approximation of a shrug, “ But, probably more recognizable to you than to him.”
Natasha lets the silence sit now, the only sound while you approach Wakanda is the near silent hum of the engine.
Members of the Dora Milaje greet the three of you when you touch down, escorting you along with Princess Shuri into the Citadel building.
“Sergeant Barnes is waiting for us inside,” Shuri says. “It’ll be good to have visitors from home.” She meets your eyes with a playfully pointed look and raised brow after giving the same to Steve and Natasha.
Your heart pounds in your chest as your little group moves through the halls, coming at last to a smaller private social room. There are couches with colorful patterned pillows, large canvases painted with traditional patterns and vivid colors hang on the walls. There is a glass coffee table with a bowl of fruits, and what looks like a potential drink cart with more food off to the side.
You see none of this though, your eyes focused solely on the man that stands up from an exceptionally modern, round-edged couch. His hair is still long - maybe even longer than last time you saw him, and it's half tied up, which you’ve never seen before. It leaves his face open, blue eyes bright under boyish brows.
Bucky’s half-smiling mouth starts to open, but he doesn't manage to get anything out before your body is moving of its own accord across the room and you've practically thrown yourself at him, arms wrapping around him so hard that you hear the soft puff of air as it leaves his lungs. He stumbles back, arm lifting to wrap around your shoulders.
“Hey,” he says, a nervous smile in his voice.
You pull your head back, clearing your throat as you step back and start to release him from your arms. “Sorry. Hi.”
He starts to open his mouth to say something else when he sees Steve and Natasha standing by the door, smiling at the two of you. Your face warms when you remember their presence, glad you’d only hugged the man next to you as you step aside so he can properly greet the others.
Shuri stays for a while to talk with the four of you about Bucky’s deprogramming - it's a heavy topic for a reunion, but unavoidable - and then leaves you in the care of two of the Dora Milaje who wait outside the room to grant you privacy.
“It’s been good here,” Bucky says, single arm resting on the back of the couch. “They made a new arm for me, but I don’t really need it right now, since I’m just by myself with goats most of the time.”
“Bucky Barnes tending goats,” Steve chuckles. “If only the dames back in the day could see that.”
“Yeah, laugh it up,” Bucky grins. “They’re better company, and only half as stubborn as you’ve ever been.”
When you laugh and look at Natasha you find her eyes on you, her own laugh fading into a knowing smile as her eyes flick from you to Bucky and back.
It isn't until later when you're all leaving the room to go to bed that you get a quiet moment with Bucky alone, lingering behind with him as Steve and Natasha step out to talk to the two Dora Milaje outside.
“It's really great to see you,” you say quietly to him.
He smiles. “I’m glad you came.” The way he says it makes it sound like it was unsure if you would.
“Of course I did,” you say, stepping closer.
He swallows, eyes flicking between your own. “Still?”
You nod, taking his hand and kissing it. His breath hitches. “Still.”
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letitias-wife · 1 year
「Save Me」
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Chapter 1: Taking You Home
Shuri x Reader
Warnings: Language (kinda), drunk driving (sorta)
A/n: I originally posted this on AO3 and reposted it onto Wattpad and thought I’d post it here to reach another audience.
Summary: Y/n and Shuri broke up 2 years ago after a huge fight but now that the princess has lost everyone, she has to turn to her for support before she does something reckless.
I flopped back onto my twin-size bed, tears soaking my pillow. He was gone. T'Challa was really gone. 
"I can't imagine how Nakia and Shuri must be feeling." The moment her name left my lips, my phone rang. I finally look at the caller ID >Princess
I just lay there eyeing the name. She's not really calling me...I'm dreaming.
>Hey, Y/n...I uh- I'm sure you've heard the news about-I could hear Shuri swallow over the phone >About my brother's passing.
>I have...how are you?
>Y/n.Shuri's cry got louder as she called out for me >I need you
>I can't do this- I need you here.
>Shuri.My stomach churned >I'm not sure if I can help you. I've got school and work-
>Please!She shrieked, >My-My mother is ill, My brother is gone. I have no one.
I sat up from my bed and pulled a suitcase from under my bed, >Okay, just-...just send a Talon to the roof tonight, and I'll come to you.
Shuri's sniffles and gasps suddenly became silent, >I'm sort of already here.
>WHAT?I laughed through my tears. I shoved a few changes of clothes in my bag, >You should've texted me, Princess.
I can hear her smile on the other side of the line. I swing my suitcase over my back and snuck out of the window, and scaled my apartment til I reached the sealed-off roof. I looked to the sky, >Where are you?
I felt slim hands wrap around my waist, "Behind you."
I gasped as she pulled me closer to her, resting her chin on my head. I wanted to push her away because the sudden affection after our last fight felt weird. We agreed to take a break. To just be friends. But I couldn't move; I wanted to be held. The last two years without her touch were the loneliest I'd felt in forever. 
Shuri turned me around and felt her way up to my neck, "Y/n."
Her eyes were glossy, not just from crying. Was she high? Her skin smelt like alcohol. "You're drunk."
Shuri softly pressed her lips on my neck, "Just a little. I just need to relax."
"You can relax without this, without me. Remember?" I gently put her arms back to her side and sat down my suitcase, "Did you only come here because you're drunk?"
"I'm not- that drunk. I was able to fly here." The intoxicated princess leaned back and pointed to the jet waiting silently above us
"You could fly the Talon with your eyes closed." I gently slapped her cheek. She laughed at my barely feelable slap and grabbed my hand, "Now Y/n, you know you can't go around slapping royalty like that."
Shuri pushed me backward into the door to the roof that'd been locked and sunk her teeth into my neck. I let out a small whimper and brought her closer to me, "Shuri."
"Yes?" She lifted me up and wrapped my legs around her waist. "You must've missed me if-"
"Put me down." I held back a moan while I mustered up the courage to speak to her firmly, "This isn't right. You're grieving, and you're drunk. We can't do this."
Shuri set me down and sighed, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Let's just get you home and we'll pretend this didn't happen." I picked up my suitcase while Shuri lowered the Talon. I helped Shuri inside and sat in the pilot's seat, "Just relax I'll get us home."
Shuri sprawled out on the floor and gave me a sad thumbs up.
I should've just stayed in my apartment. Now look at me. Taking my drunk, depressed ex-girlfriend to another country.
I look back at the Wakandan. She was curled up on the glass floor of the jet asleep. I couldn't help but frown at the sad sight of my friend. Shuri's been through so much, she lost her father and brother. Her mother's suffering and I'm sure Shuri's been burying herself in her work so she doesn't have time to think about it. 
"She needs you Y/n." I mumble to myself.
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Lean On Me
Leia Organa x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 18 Prompt: "We can't do this on our own."
Summary: Leia's feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of taking on the Empire, but her SO is there to remind her that none of them are in it alone.
Word Count: 1,181
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"I need a minute."
Blearily, I raised my head from my work, blinking in confusion as my girlfriend marched out of the room. Her voice had shaken me out of my haze of combing through paperwork, and now I could see her shoulders up by her ears as she walked away.
I glanced around, but no one else in the room seemed particularly worried. They probably assumed the smart, courageous Princess Leia Organa just needed to grab a report she'd remembered that might be helpful, or some more caf, or even a bathroom break.
I, however, knew her better than that. Leia had been my best friend for years, and we'd been dating for a while now, too. I knew the subtle changes in her tone, the unusual tension in her shoulders, all amounted to something definitely, definitely wrong.
I stood from my own desk in the small headquarters of the Rebellion, trying not to draw too much attention to myself. We were all exhausted, especially after being forced to do damage control on a few bad breaks we'd gotten in a row, so no one gave me a second look as I left.
I followed Leia down the familiar hallways, coming around a corner just in time to see her duck into her quarters. I frowned and picked up my pace a bit.
I stopped outside Leia's door, knocking quickly and speaking at the same time.
"Leia? It's me. Can I come in?"
I waited, holding my breath when I only got silence in response. Then, a moment later, I heard the door unlock from the other side. I didn't hesitate to push it open.
Leia had her back to me, and was already returning to sit on the end of the bed, her shoulder leaning against the wall. I quickly shut the door behind me, since I knew she wouldn't want anyone to see her like this, least of all members of the Rebellion.
"What's wrong?" I asked, crossing the room carefully to sit beside her on the bed. She wouldn't look at me, just stared ahead with her arms crossed over her chest and her jaw clenched tight. Leia hated to cry, but I could tell she was holding back tears.
I didn't push her, just waited patiently, resting my shoulder gently against hers. I knew she'd tell me in her own time, and until then, I resolved to be completely and totally here for her.
"We lost six of our best pilots last week," she finally said, her voice hoarse and gravelly. She didn't break her blank stare at the wall. "A few days after that, operating on bad intel, we lost two spies undercover in the ranks of the Empire. Yesterday, an agent went into town on a supply run and went back to his base without realizing the Empire had picked up his trail. He led them right to the doorstep, and we lost the entire base."
I pursed my lips together, trying to fight my own negative reaction to her summary as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I knew we'd caught some bad breaks lately, but having it all laid out like that emphasized just how bad our last week had been.
"Everything we've accomplished, every bit of progress we've made, is at risk of coming crumbling down around us," she continued. "And I'm failing everyone. I haven't been able to stop it and I haven't been able to fix it. No matter what I do, we keep losing ground. I- I don't know how I'm going to make this Rebellion succeed."
I sighed, pulling Leia a little tighter to me. From the tone of her voice, I knew that last part was what really bothered her. That she'd failed, that she hadn't been able to wave a magic wand and fix things. She always put too much on herself.
"In the wise words of someone I love very much, Rebellions are built on hope. If you let that hope die out, Leia, that's the only way to make sure the Empire wins."
Leia shook her head, and I could tell she was about to protest, but I continued speaking before she could.
"Besides, babe, it's not all on you. One person cannot succeed against something like the Empire, not alone. But when we lean on each other, work together, put our faith in each other? That's when real change happens. And the Empire can try to shake that faith as much as they want, but as long as we keep believing and inspiring people to fight back, then they have no chance. Not really."
"I want to believe you," she said, her voice still a little hollower than I'd ever heard it before. "But I feel so useless."
"Leia. We can't do this on our own." Any of the softness was gone from my voice, and I turned to face Leia, holding her shoulders so she had to face me too. "If you keep putting the entire galaxy on your back and yours alone, you will be crushed under its weight. This last week has sucked, but just like the victories, we will shoulder the failures together and come out stronger on the other side. It will not be easy, and the road will not be short, but we will stand shoulder to shoulder and get this done."
Leia stared at me for a long, long moment. The spark of fire that I normally saw in her eyes had dimmed, but I made sure she could see it in mine. Leaning on each other meant staying strong when one of us was weak, and vice versa, so I did. I did not take my eyes away once, willing the fire and determination she'd first instilled in me to be rekindled in her.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Leia's head dipped in a small nod. The fire still wasn't burning anywhere near as bright as it normally did, but it had been replaced with a steely determination mirrored in the set of her jaw. She held my eyes for another few moments, then leaned forward quickly and kissed me, hard.
I kissed her back, my heart soaring, but she pulled away almost as soon as she'd leaned in. She gave me a small smile, the mischievous glimmer of a plan staring back at me, and I knew my Leia was back.
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm... I'm happy I have you to go through this with."
"Right back at you, babe."
She squeezed my hand and then stood, pulling me to my feet with her. She grinned, tugging me along with her towards the door to her room.
"Come on. Let's get out there and find a way to clean up this mess."
I slung an arm around her shoulders as we stepped into the hall, and then went back to the main workspace of the base side by side. Whatever else came our way, we would handle it. Together.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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ave09 · 11 months
Ooh may I please request a cute romance fic of Han Solo falling in love with and marrying fem!Reader (princess of her planet) who is really sweet and patient and kind yet has anxiety so Han becomes a better person through loving her and helping her (I just want aaaaaaall the cuteness)?
yessss i love this!!
han solo x princess!reader
note: the things this gif does to me.
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“it’s a pleasure to meet you, captain solo, i’ve heard much about you.” 
“good things i hope,” han replied with a short laugh, “and please, han is fine.” you smiled, pleased with the man standing before you.
he was far different from what you imagined.
when leia organa was contacted by your advisor in search of protection, this was the last person you believed she’d send. 
despite the empire being gone, you, who had been crowned the princess of mogrouria, had fallen victim to many assassination attempts. these enemies believed you to be a weak ruler, which you were the complete opposite. but you understood why.
you were young, new to the throne, people constantly underestimated you.
which is why your advisor reached out to leia. she was a strong leader, similar to you, and considering she’d led the rebels who’d destroyed the empire, surely she knew someone who could be worthy of protecting you.
which is why you were surprised when han solo arrived in the legendary millennium falcon. many had heard of the general who’d helped the rebellion, but you’d known of him before that.
who else could make the kessel run in twelve parsecs?
“well, han, welcome to mogrouria, would you care to walk with me?” you asked. the man nodded, turning to his wookie friend who’d accompanied him, “stay with the ship, alright?” the wookie growler softly in response. 
you took the pilot to the large gardens, where you could talk somewhat privately. “so, i’m sure you know why you’re here.” han nodded, “my mission is to protect you, princess.” 
“i’m very grateful you are here. the assassination attempts are getting worse and worse.” you said calmly, but the man took notice of your slightly shaking hands and the way you were picking at your fingernails. 
he decided to press a little bit, “if you don’t mind my asking, what sort of attempts?” 
you bit your lip nervously, “um. it ranges from a lot of things. it all started with an attack at my coronation ball. one of the servants was hired by someone still loyal to the empire, pulled out a blaster, taking two casualties… and they just worsened from there..” you stopped walking, sighing deeply. 
“so many lives have been lost, han. i just want the suffering to stop.” 
the man dared to reach forward, placing a comforting hand upon your shoulder, “i’ll do everything i can, princess. you and your kingdom will remain safe.” 
he sounded sincere. and if leia trusted him with you and the safety of the kingdom, then so did you. 
— — — —
since the day you were born, your entire life had been planned out for you. the only wrench thrown into the life plan was the passing of your father, which had driven your mother to absolute insanity, leaving you to take the up the throne three years ahead of schedule. 
but one thing you absolutely didn’t plan on was falling for the man who was sent to protect you. 
han solo was unlike anyone you’d ever met before. he was charming, charismatic, stubborn beyond compare. but you’d also seen the kinder side of the man, something he seemed to rarely show. 
but he showed you. constantly throughout his actions. and that was enough to make your heart yearn for him.
if only you knew how hard he was falling for you. 
“so princess, what’s the plan for the day?” han asked as he strolled into the dining hall. you reached for your mug filled with caf, lifting it to your lips, sipping the drink before speaking, “well, i have to give my speech today.” you said as han slid into the seat beside you. 
“fun. can i hear it?” 
you shook your head, “absolutely not!” the man frowned slightly, “and why not?” 
“because i said so.” you replied. “i suppose i must listen to the princess.” he said, reaching for a biscuit, “are you nervous?” he asked softly, seeming genuinely concerned. you shifted slightly in your seat, your hands falling into your lap as you began to pick at the fingernails of your trembling hands. 
“a little bit.” you answered honestly. this was the first time since your coronation that you’d actually be stepping out amongst your people. and you had to fight to be allowed to make this speech, your advisor had explained that this could be fairly dangerous, but you needed to be out there.
your people were becoming restless, they wanted justice for all those who’s lives had been lost. 
han glanced at her, catching sight of your shaking hands. slowly, he reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze, “you’re gonna be great out there, princess.” he said softly, to which you smiled. 
you then took this moment to tell him something that you’d been wanting to for a while now. 
“han, i want you to stand beside me.” he stared for a moment, blinking slowly, “you what?” 
“i want you and chewie to stand beside me today.” 
“is that because we’re your protection? or..” you shook your head, “not only that.” han arched his brows, “oh really? well sweetheart, don’t leave me in suspense.” he said, leaning back slightly in his chair, his hand not leaving yours.
you bit your lip nervously before clearing your throat, “you both mean so very much to me, i’d feel very comfortable with you up there by my side.” 
the corner of han’s lips quirked lightly into a smile, “aw, you’re makin’ me blush.” you let out a laugh, “so will you?” 
he nodded, “i’d be honored.” 
— — — —
your nerves were off the charts. never had you been so nervous in your entire life. 
but you were a princess now, not that shy little girl. you had a job to do. as you approached the podium, you could hear mumbling amongst the crowd. 
they didn’t seem happy.
you reached the podium, exhaling deeply. “greetings my subjects. i have come to you today to discuss the matter of these attacks-“
“oh to hell with you!”
you were taken aback by the outburst. you hadn’t even made it past the opening and yet people were already angry.
“you are up there parading around in your palace while we are out here dying!” you bit your lip nervously, glancing over at han who stood a foot or so away. he gave you a reassuring nod. so you tried to continue. 
“i understand your frustrations, i do. but i am here today to tell you-“
“we don’t wanna hear it! you’re a shitty princess! were we under queen charlotte, we’d never have to deal with this!”
“people are dying! our people, and you do nothing!”
“when will justice be served?!”
“our children are dead and yet you dine in your  palace!” 
it was all becoming far too much. your heart was pounding rapidly, your chest tight. you feel as though you couldn’t breath. 
so you ran. as far away as possible.
gasps echoed through the crowd but you did not stop. 
han immediately broke into a sprint, rushing after you. “princess!” he didn’t know where you were now. “princess!” he shouted again. 
he turned the corner, and then he found you curled into a ball, head buried into your hands. he dropped to his knees, “hey, hey, what’s going on?”
“i-i can’t breathe.” you muttered, voice strained. han didn’t really know what to do now. “uh.. okay.. okay..”
“i think i’m having a panic attack.” you whispered. ah, this made sense. you’d been nervous, and this whole ordeal obviously has shaken you. 
“oh-okay. uh. just-“ han was never good at comforting anyone, nonetheless helping someone through a panic attack.
“what.. what can i do? how can i help?” he questioned, his voice soft. you glanced up at him, eyes bleary with tears, “hold me.” is all you said. 
and he did. he inched closer to you, carefully wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. he took a large hand and ran it down your back soothingly. “breath in ‘n out..” he didn’t know if this was even helping you, but he was trying. 
the two of you stayed that way for a long time. and slowly but surely, you began to feel a little bit better. your heart rate slowed, your breathing returned to normal.
you sniffled, glancing up at the man with bloodshot eyes, “don’t leave me, han. please-“ your voice cracked slightly, “please don’t leave me.” you begged.
han smiled softly, leaning in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, “i’m not going anywhere princess.” 
— — — —
you stood on the balcony of your chambers, overlooking your kingdom that was in shambles. how had things come to this? 
there was a loud knock that echoed throughout the room. “door’s open!” you called. 
the door was pushed open to reveal han. you smiled at the sight. “hello captain.” “hey princess.” he greeted, walking towards you, his hazel eyes peering over the edge of the balcony. “this is one hell of a view ya got here.” you nodded, “yeah, it’s nice.” you glanced up at him, “what are you doing here han?” 
“i wanted to see you. see how you’re doing.” your smile grew a little larger, “i’m alright, han.” the man took a step closer to you, “y’know, none of what those people said was true. you’re doing an amazing job.” you averted his gaze, “but they’re right. i could be doing more. and i’m trying, i really am-“
“sweetheart,” he placed his large hand over yours, “you’re doing great. okay? who gives a shit what other people say? you are doing great, you understand? your leadership could be compared to that of leia organa, you are a phenomenal princess, and i am happy to serve you.” 
your eyes glossed over with tears, and before you could even stop yourself, “i love you.”
han furrowed his brows, hazel eyes wide, “huh?” 
you wished to take it back, but at the same time, you didn’t. and yet, you found yourself saying it again, “i love you, han solo.” you watched nervously as the man’s lips quirked into a smile. “yeah?” 
you nodded, biting your lip, “yeah.” 
he took another step towards you, “funny..” he began, leaning down slightly, “i love you too, princess.” he dipped his head, smashing his lips against yours. it caught you by surprise but you responded with a deeper passionate kiss. there were fireworks, everything anyone had ever said about kissing the love of your life was true. 
after a moment, you pulled away, taking a moment to admire the man before you, who had a grin on his lips. “never thought i’d fall for a princess.” 
“and i never thought i’d fall for a scoundrel.”
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