ruskandruskin · 3 months
🪔 desi me rolling 101
7th mei social science se social distance tha.
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sundaynightlive · 11 months
in seventh grade I was in a middleschool production of ‘Pirates of Penzance’ and when I posted about it on Instagram the caption I put was—
“They ask me if I do this every day, I say orphan.”
And I need someone, ONE PERSON, to appreciate that please god.
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natandwandaseries · 10 months
In 7th grade for Halloween we had to write a short horror story.
In mine, a local butcher was a serial killer and used his meat grinder to kill people and mixed his victims in with the ground beef he sold. And he was the most popular butcher in town.
Like what are kids on that they come up with that kind of stuff
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justsken · 10 months
Hi my name is Just Ken and I have short blonde hair that reaches my neck and barbie blue eyes like the distant ocean and a lot of people tell me I look like Chloe Dollpink (AN: if u don't know who they are get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Ken Jennings but I wish I was because they're a major fucking hottie. I have pale skin. I'm also a Ken, and I date Barbie in Barbieland where I'm in the seventh grade (I'm 29). I'm a prep (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly blue. I love Pac Sun and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a A blue button down and Swim trunks, Cool sunglasses and Flip flops. I was wearing Black eyeliner drawn like a tear. I was walking outside the beach. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of goths stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them. "Hey Just Ken!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Chuckles Gunbash!
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i think we were both thinking of different translators JKNDFVKJDNFBD
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The three worst grades middle school and below:
Fucking 5th graders. Don't get me started. They're cringy judgemental assholes. Worst year of my life.
Seventh graders are evil. Literally insecure pieces of shit. Not as bad as fifth graders but they're trying really hard to be the worst.
Third graders are stuck up assholes. Literally hate them.
If you're in these grades i hope you are not like the majority
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sadgirlbadpoems · 6 months
I know I'm going to have a bad day when I look into the mirror and see the girl I was I seventh grade.
I wish that girl loved herself as much as I love her, she reminds me of you in that way.
She always blames herself for my problems, just like my mother.
She'll never ask for help, my sister follows in her footsteps. Diminishing her worth every time someone else lifts her load.
I never liked being the girl I was in seventh grade, but I think I needed to be her.
To learn to hold the women in my life a little more gently, after all our mothers were all once girls.
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sorry-imma-scorpio · 1 year
Happy pi day! (at the end of the day, so punctual)
I am currently watching Bojack Horseman, season 5 episode 6 is definitely an interesting one so far. While I’m watching this, I’m applying for scholarships and getting rejected from colleges (RIP UChicago, you were a real one). OH! I’ve had some job interviews with a few businesses around my area, and I have enjoyed every one of them. They truly have been so nice.
In class we had to write about something real that happened to us at any point. Something personal.
Here’s mine:
Seventh grade. I was but a wee lass just trying to make my way through the uncomfortable center year of middle school. You could say I had friends, but I don’t know if that category completely suits their… characteristics. 13-year-old girls are heathens, brutes, and terrors. They can’t be trusted to do anything, let alone actually be good people.
So, here I was. Trying to live my life, being horrendously annoying (as the average junior high student is) and learning what I was passionate about—and at the time, it was punk rock, “emo” things. Picture this, little chunk of a middle schooler in Old Navy jeans, a Hot Topic My Chemical Romance shirt, and black Converse. A classic “emo” kid. However, all but one friend was not in this genre of these interests. The rest were all cheerleaders, theater kids, and our main connector was choir… and two of them were in band. 
School choir was interesting, to say the least. You either did elective courses with all the teachers in your “team”, and move around throughout the quarters, or be a performing arts kid—band, choir, orchestra. I joined choir to get out of being with the rest of my class for an hour a day and I enjoyed it. My first choir teacher in middle school, I adored this woman, she worked with us on being better singers and better people.
 It wasn’t until she left, and we had a new choir teacher for the next two years, that shit hit the fan. She outright performed favoritism with a small section of the sopranos, and the boys in the class (weird, I know). I was not in this group, but I was their friend, so while I didn’t get special treatment, my first year with this new teacher wasn’t total hell. That lasted for a short period of time.
 The favorites of the class soon became an even tighter friend group than ours was initially, and like a fool, I thought I could be involved. Turns out, they all did theater together as well. So while I was trying out for basketball, facing a lot of personal issues, they were bonding closer than ever...
That’s what I have for it so far. It’s due on the 17th which is when I get another college decision coming out. 
I’m feeling excited for life. Kind of. Nervous? Very much.
Have a blessed day!
You are loved,
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So I had this idea for a book series in 7th grade and I left it for a few years, but I wrote down who the characters were and what places there were as well as starting the first book
I’m rewriting it for NaNoWriMo, and my fucking pompous ass sevenths grade self decided Not to write down who the characters were as people or any of the goddamn plot, so I’m basically working on vibes and vibes alone. Wtf seventh grade me???!?!?!!!?
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cryptic-paw · 2 days
Young Alice Part 1 | The Picture
Become Part of The Pack on the official Cryptic Paw website, YouTube, and Patreon!
Young Alice hated boy bands in 7th grade. This is how she was rewarded.
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strawberri-syrup · 6 days
i used to get songs stuck in my head so bad that i refused to listen to any music for a year
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Ok, who’s ready for me to spill some ✨tea✨
Setting up the story. I work at a Lutheran school, as an afterschool care teacher. I’ve got these 2 students, for the sake of the story, we will call them Bree and Alex (not their real names).
Bree is an older seventh grader. She starts drama. Last year she tried to sell ibeprofin and her adhd meds to other kids. She claims to have had $ex multiple times.
Alex is a young fifth grader. Three years younger than Bree. He’s a bit immature, but what 5th grade boy isn’t? He is also a person of color (this is important to the story.
So, this year, Bree and Alex start dating. First week, Bree is all like “oh he’s so sweet we’re so in love”. Week two, Bree has a second bf and a gf and none of her three partners know about the other two. Week three, and this is a DIRECT QUOTE, she comes up to me “I’m breaking up with Alex, he’s too immature and needs to grow up.” Keep in mind, THREE YEAR AGE GAP HERE
so she goes, and breaks up with him. And then she TEACHES THE SECOND GRADERS TO CALL HIM THE N-WORD. They don’t know what it means. She *obviously* gets in trouble once we figure out she taught them to do it.
Fast forward two days, it’s a Wednesday. Alex is trash talking Bree to his friends, saying she’s ugly and he shouldn’t have dated her(which, typical 5th grade behavior) . Bree overhears. So she decides to tell Alex to GO BACK TO AFRICA.
I cannot make this sh!t up I swear.
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99legcentipede · 2 months
shoutout to all the people who entered 6th grade in 2020!!! i cant imagine how strange your life must be!!!!
people talk about "7th grade was the worst year of my life" imagine that, but at the same time you have to pretend to find super idol funny
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theobviousparadox · 3 months
Review: Kyra Just for Today by Sara Zarr
Kyra Just for TodaySara ZarrBalzer + BrayPublished March 5, 2024 Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads About Kyra Just for Today From award-winning author Sara Zarr comes a gorgeously crafted and deeply personal story about a young girl, her alcoholic mother, and the hope that ties them together. Krya has always felt like she’s a bit too much. Too tall. Too loud. Too earnest. But she’s okay with that,…
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mareaneng · 4 months
My roman empire is during my seventh grade girlscouts, the teacher said to name our teams after flowers, and I named my team dandelion.
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Back in middle school (seventh grade, to be specific) there was a rumor that my science teacher and the upperclassman math teacher were dating.
My friend and I hung out with the science teacher during lunch because she was cool. One day, she asked us to deliver something to a certain room.
As we walked, we examined it. It was a letter, unsealed. We gave each other the look and opened it. It was a handwritten card with a hand-drawn Ferris Wheel on the front.
I can't begin to describe how wonderful our time was together at Coachella..."
We shut the card, frantically put it back in the envelope, and delivered it to none other than the math teacher.
We must have been pretty obvious because once we returned, our science teacher pulled us aside and said "You read it, didn't you?". She told us we couldn't tell anyone because it could cost them their jobs. We were down to secrecy.
Flash forward to today, nearly 8 years later, I see the two of them at the grocery store. The memory comes flooding back and I realize,
Holy shit...
They made it
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josephsafespace · 9 months
Confessional: the only reason I made friends with Andre Sitkowski in Year 7 is because I was weird in Year 7. If I could go back to Year 7 I would definitely not make friends with him.
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