#Spade Care
windlassrivervalley · 1 month
Senior Living Housing in Dehradun: A Vision of Comfort, Care, and Community by Pranav Rastogi
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The aging population is a global phenomenon, and India is no exception. With increasing life expectancy, the demand for senior living housing is surging. Traditional family structures are shifting, and seniors often lack the support systems they need. This is where senior living communities step in, offering a supportive environment that promotes independence while providing essential care and assistance.
The Growing Need for Senior Living Housing
With advancements in healthcare and improvements in living standards, people are living longer lives than ever before. As a result, the elderly population is growing, and so is the need for senior living housing. Traditional family structures are also evolving, with nuclear families becoming more common, leaving seniors without adequate support systems. Senior living housing provides a solution by offering a supportive environment where seniors can maintain their independence while receiving the care and assistance they need.
Pranav Rastogi’s Vision: Windlass River Valley — A Community for Seniors
Pranav Rastogi, recognizing the growing demand for senior living housing, envisioned Windlass River Valley as a place where seniors could live comfortably and securely. His vision was to create a community that not only provided high-quality housing but also fostered a sense of belonging and purpose among its residents. With a focus on holistic wellness and personalized care, Windlass River Valley aims to enhance the quality of life for seniors and promote active and healthy aging.
Uttarakhand: The Perfect Setting for Senior Living
Uttarakhand, known as the “Land of Gods” for its breathtaking natural beauty, offers a serene and peaceful environment that is conducive to senior living. The state’s pleasant climate, with mild summers and cool winters, provides a comfortable living environment year-round. Additionally, Uttarakhand boasts excellent healthcare facilities, with state-of-the-art hospitals and medical centers equipped to handle the healthcare needs of seniors.
The Allure of Tranquility: Dehradun’s Serene Surroundings
One of the key attractions of senior living in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, is its tranquil surroundings. Nestled amidst the foothills of the Himalayas, Dehradun offers stunning views of snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys, and meandering rivers. The pristine natural beauty of the region provides a serene and rejuvenating environment where seniors can relax and unwind.
Building a Supportive Community: Fostering Connection and Well-being
Windlass River Valley fosters a strong sense of community among its residents, providing opportunities for social interaction, engagement, and companionship. From community events and recreational activities to shared dining spaces and common areas, residents have ample opportunities to connect with their peers and forge meaningful relationships. This sense of belonging and camaraderie enhances the overall quality of life for seniors and promotes mental and emotional well-being.
Personalized Care: Tailored Support for Every Resident
At Windlass River Valley, personalized care is at the heart of everything we do. Our team of dedicated caregivers is committed to providing individualized care tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each resident. Whether it’s assistance with daily activities, medication management, or specialized healthcare services, residents can rest assured knowing that their needs are being met with compassion and professionalism.
Uttarakhand: An Ideal Choice for Senior Living
With its picturesque landscapes, favorable climate, and excellent healthcare facilities, Uttarakhand emerges as the ideal spot for senior living housing. Pranav Rastogi’s vision for Windlass River Valley reflects a commitment to providing seniors with a nurturing and supportive environment where they can thrive and enjoy a fulfilling retirement. As the demand for senior living housing continues to grow, places like Windlass River Valley offer a beacon of hope for seniors seeking comfort, security, and companionship in their later years.
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samikshaworld · 26 days
Innovation in Residential Development: A Conversation with CEO Pranav Rastogi
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In the dynamic world of real estate, innovation is the driving force behind the evolution of residential development. Today, we sit down with Pranav Rastogi, the visionary CEO of a prominent real estate development company, to delve into the realm of innovation in residential development. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a passion
In the dynamic world of real estate, innovation is the driving force behind the evolution of residential development. Today, we sit down with Pranav Rastogi, the visionary CEO of a prominent real estate development company, to delve into the realm of innovation in residential development. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a passion for creating sustainable and livable communities, Pranav Rastogi offers valuable insights into the latest innovations reshaping the landscape of residential development.
Pranav Rastogi is a seasoned entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in the real estate industry. With a background in engineering and a deep-seated commitment to excellence, he has spearheaded numerous groundbreaking projects that have set new standards for innovation in residential development. Through our conversation, we explore the various facets of innovation in residential development and the role it plays in shaping the future of urban living.
Smart Technologies: Transforming the Home Experience
One of the most prominent trends in residential development is the integration of smart technologies into homes. Pranav Rastogi emphasizes the transformative impact of smart technologies, stating, “Smart homes are no longer just a luxury – they are becoming increasingly essential in today’s digital age.” From automated lighting and climate control systems to voice-activated assistants and security cameras, smart technologies are revolutionizing the way we interact with our homes. By offering enhanced convenience, comfort, and security, these technologies are reshaping the home experience and setting new standards for modern living.
Sustainability: Building for the Future
Innovation in residential development also extends to sustainability, with a growing emphasis on eco-friendly practices and materials. Pranav Rastogi underscores the importance of sustainability in creating resilient and environmentally conscious communities. “Sustainability is not just a buzzword – it’s a fundamental principle that guides our approach to development,” he explains. Through the use of energy-efficient designs, sustainable building materials, and renewable energy sources, developers are reducing the environmental impact of residential projects and creating healthier, more sustainable communities for future generations.
Design Innovation: Creating Inspiring Spaces
Another key aspect of innovation in residential development is design. Pranav Rastogi emphasizes the importance of creating inspiring and functional spaces that enhance the quality of life for residents. “Design plays a crucial role in shaping the way we experience our homes and communities,” he states. “By incorporating innovative design elements, such as open floor plans, natural light, and green spaces, we can create environments that promote well-being and foster a sense of connection.” From modern architectural designs to thoughtfully curated amenities, design innovation is redefining the concept of urban living and elevating the residential experience for residents.
Modular Construction: Streamlining the Building Process
One of the most exciting developments in residential development is the adoption of modular construction techniques. Pranav Rastogi highlights the numerous benefits of modular construction, including reduced construction time, cost savings, and improved quality control. “Modular construction offers a more efficient and sustainable alternative to traditional building methods,” he explains. “By prefabricating building components off-site and assembling them on-site, we can accelerate the construction process and deliver projects more efficiently.” With its potential to revolutionize the building industry, modular construction is paving the way for faster, more sustainable, and cost-effective residential development.
Future Trends: Looking Ahead
As we look to the future of residential development, Pranav Rastogi sees endless possibilities for innovation. “The pace of technological advancement is accelerating, and with it, the potential for innovation in residential development,” he says. “From the integration of artificial intelligence and virtual reality to the development of sustainable smart cities, the future of residential development is incredibly exciting.” By staying at the forefront of emerging trends and embracing innovative approaches to development, developers like Pranav Rastogi are shaping the future of urban living and creating communities that are smarter, more sustainable, and more connected than ever before.
In conclusion, innovation is the driving force behind the evolution of residential development, reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with our environments. Through the integration of smart technologies, sustainability practices, design innovation, and modular construction, developers like Pranav Rastogi are redefining the concept of urban living and creating communities that are both innovative and inspiring. As we look to the future, the possibilities for innovation in residential development are limitless, promising a more sustainable, connected, and vibrant urban landscape for generations to come.
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pestorik · 2 months
twst cats sketchdump
when im too lazy to draw humans, expect cats
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lobster-lover · 2 months
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im only posting doodles on here and nothing else ever this is my house
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ramshacklerumble · 4 months
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honestly one of the biggest questions i had in regards to vice housewarden deuce was: so is the hat a vice thing or a trey thing?
and once again consulting my lil circle of friends, i landed on it actually being a cater thing. trey’s whole thing is that he doesn’t like to stand out or be noticed so i thought it was funny that he just walked around with a hat when no one else did. the thought was cater was who suggested trey wore a hat so people could tell he’s was vice, trey objected, but in the very few bets trey has ever lost against cater he winds up wearing the hat.
deuce continues the legacy, believing the hat was just part of the uniform. he doesn’t realize this isn’t the case until the seniors drop back around when the sdc is back and trey has to break it to him. at that point tho, it’s already become a thing, and deuce continues to wear the hat.
that aside, the way deuce became vice was pretty simple. ace asked him to. in regular ace fashion though, he went: well, who ELSE was i gonna ask? it’s not like i gotta lotta options.
but we all know that even if he did, deuce would’ve been his choice anyway.
i mentioned in the tags of the previous post that deuce is constantly on ace’s ass over his housewarden duties— but unlike ruggie and jamil who ran around doing everything for their housewardens— deuce simply enforces. deuce holds him accountable. and this is generally what deuce does in the grand scheme of the dorm as well.
when ace gives an order, deuce ensures this is carried out and he’s rather good at it. it’s something i wanna explore more during his sophomore year as by the time he’s a junior i feel deuce is far more at peace with who he is and how he uses his past experiences, but because deuce is far more empathetic and willing to be more open with others, dorm members find themselves listening to deuce more than they do ace. (i have a trio of triplet ocs who only exclusively listen to deuce, even when riddle was still around, and it’s because deuce had come to accept his hotbloodedness and learned how to use it to connect with others.)
deuce is aware he doesn’t have the sharp wit ace does or the commanding presence riddle did, but his interpersonal skills are leagues beyond.
he’s more at ease with letting his more passionate side come out when he needs to put his foot down and he’s a fantastic motivator. while he might be second in command, i like the idea of junior year really honing his leadership skills that he eventually takes with him when he sets his sights on the arcane response unit. you can pry high ranking a.r.u officer!deuce from my cold dead hands :)
gently tagging @mundaneasphyxia since you asked so nicely lel this wasn’t going to be a subject i dwelled much on as it’s kinda just part of hashing out timelines for my ships and stuff but like hey if anyone else wants to ask bout anything they’re curious about regarding this go right ahead i guess
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demonichikikomori · 3 months
I Don't Care!: Heartslabyul
Savanaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomfiore - Ignihyde - Diasomnia
Romantic Jealousy: Based on real or imagined threats to a romantic relationship. There could be a history of infidelity or flirtations; however, this could also be solely based on insecurities. Sexual/Suspicious Jealousy: Based on fears that a partner may have cheated or be engaged in inappropriate communication.
Does he get jealous?
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle Rosehearts likes to see himself as the least insecure person on the planet. But that changes when he sees Silver getting chummy with you...
The activities for the Equestrian Club had ended for the day and Riddle Rosehearts had made plans to spend the day with you on Sage Island. Just the two of you. He wanted to go visit a new bookstore that opened and get something to eat at a nearby café. The invitation was his indirect way of requesting a date with you. You had shown up ten minutes before the Equestrian Club's activities had ended for the day. Riddle didn't mind, but he also didn't like the idea of you waiting on him! With a quick wave exchanged between the two of you, he and the others began to return the horses to the stables.
Riddle was one of the last to finish up along with Sebek. He was chatting excitedly under his breath with Vorpal about how he hoped your date would go. Until he heard you giggle. His head snapped in the direction of the sound, a curious expression graced his features.
He poked his head out of the stable, cautious of making sure he wasn't seen as his curiosity morphed into something more... Intense. Something he couldn't label; but he did not like it. You were leaning against the wooden fence, a sweet smile on your face as Silver stood beside you. The two of you were talking, it was innocent but something about the sight bothered Riddle.
Was it that Silver was taller than Riddle? The way he looked down at you with longing eyes? Was it how he subtly moved closer and closer until his shoulder just barely grazed yours as he effortlessly got you to snicker at whatever it was he said? Was it his natural princely aura? The way his arms flexed when he crossed them over his chest?
The sight in front of Riddle left him feeling as though he could remove Silver's head from his body. Easily. He ground his teeth together when Silver leaned in close. Too close. The student pulled something out of your hair with a delicate grin that left Riddle's heart sinking into his gut. He and Silver got along fine. There were no ill intentions, Riddle knew that.
So why did he wish for Silver to be struck by lightning? Riddle was frozen in place until Sebek left the stables in a hurry, snapping at Silver to move his feet so they could return to 'Lord Malleus'. Silver diverted his attention away from you, offering you a wave goodbye as Riddle casually followed suit.
Sebek greeted you with his usual loud voice and the pair took off. Riddle now stood in front of you with his head spinning with a newfound worry. This is what Cater would explain as jealousy. But he's not jealous. He had no reason to be. Silver was probably dozing off and that's why he leaned against you. The student was just waiting on Sebek. You just happened to be there to chat with. It was nothing.
When you called Riddle's name, his eyes met yours. That icy shade of grey appeared clouded as he cleared his throat. His posture straightened as he nodded towards you with a weak smile. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting... I assume Silver kept you company? What did the two of you talk about?" Riddle isn't jealous. He doesn't care about things like that.
The two of you are dating. Everyone on campus knows that.
Trey Clover
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Trey Clover isn't exactly the 'jealous' type. But he starts to re-think that when Che'nya starts to hit on you.
(tw blood)
Trey's eyes flickered between your smiling face and Che'nya's wide toothy grin. You had come over to assist him in baking an assortment of tarts for an UnBirthday Party, and apparently had met a familiar face on your way into Heartslabyul. Trey and Che'nya are friends and have been friends for a long time. And remained friends despite going to different schools; but this was different.
Something about seeing Che'nya getting so close to you was starting to piss Trey off.
He was silent as Che'nya hovered around you with his ear grating laugh. His fingers would linger against your clothes as the two of you talked with Trey idly listening and offering minimal input. He slid another dozen tarts into the oven to bake and removed the last set of twelve to allow them to cool.
Then, Che'nya got you to play a game with him. He slipped off your striped tie and wrapped it around your eyes as a blindfold. Trey glanced over with a frown and before he could speak, Che'nya waved a dismissive hand at him. "It's just a game. It's fine." He assured with that same toothy grin Trey was beginning to get sick of.
The beastman used a spoon to feed you different things, getting you to guess what the item was. Strawberries, walnuts, blueberries, and chocolate. All sorts of different things would be placed on the spoon for you to guess. It was harmless and you were clearly having fun. Trey thought that maybe he was overreacting. This wasn't that big of a deal. He had mentioned in passing that the two of you were dating to Che'nya. And everyone in NRC knew.
Che'nya wanted to get close to you because he was a friend to Trey, and he was naturally a very touchy and outgoing person. It's not that serious. Trey let out an exhale as he picked up a can of evaporated milk for one of the tart fillings. He glanced back over to see Che'nya looking at you with longing eyes, and the spoon he used to feed you was now hanging between his lips.
The can burst in his palm.
The sudden sound left Che'nya startled with a loud squeak of shock. The beastman turned invisible, leaving the spoon hanging in the air until he dropped it. You lifted the tie-blindfold with wide eyes before rushing over to check on Trey who dropped the can and looked at his palm. The metal had sliced open his hand, leaving it bleeding and mixing with the thick cream. He didn't even hear your worried voice as you tugged on his arm to pull him towards the sink to rinse off the wound. "Sorry... I'm not sure what came over me." He chuckled under his breath as you continued to fuss over him.
Your voice traveled in one ear and out the other as he started to frown. He didn't usually care about stuff like this. Or at least he thought he didn't care.
Cater Diamond
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Cater knows he's a jealous person. Not that you would need to know that... But those emotions start spilling out when you have a tooth rotting encounter with Kalim...
Cater pretended to scroll through his phone, his eyes flicking up to look at Kalim with an annoyed side eye. The younger student was excitedly telling you about a mini concert the Light Music Club would be having at an underground club on the island. Something Cater has already told you about previously. 
“It’s gonna be so fun! And everyone is gonna be there. Even some of the RSA kids! The cool ones of course.” He promised with a wide smile, he sat backwards in his chair, his knee would sometimes bump against yours when he would kick his legs out with excitement. He would quickly apologize before going back to talking. Lilia was glancing between the group while sucking away at a box of tomato juice. 
“You can sit backstage with us too! I’ll show you all of the cool stuff.” Kalim offered to you with a gentle wave of his hand. He began to show you different hang out spots near the club, things to do and stuff to see. It was starting to feel almost like Kalim was inviting you on a pseudo date. But that couldn’t be the case. Cater didn’t think Kalim was smart enough to pull something like that off. 
Cater hummed thoughtfully before scooting closer to you with a lazy smile on his face. “We already have plans after the concert. Sorry Kalim.” Cater explained as he opened his camera up to take a quick selfie with you. “You did?! Sorry! I didn’t mean to change anything.” He smiled sheepishly as you posed in the photo before turning to Kalim, assuring him that it was fine. You had no idea Cater had made plans for after the concert.
Seeing Kalim going back to smiling and laughing with you made Cater frown. He slid an arm around your waist as he started to decorate the edges of your picture with stickers and colorful emojis. He began to pull you closer and closer subconsciously until you were seated on his thigh with a soft gasp of surprise leaving your lips. Lilia stood with his emptied tomato juice, turning to Kalim with a smile. “Oh, I’m out of juice! Kalim,” He shook the empty box in his pale hand. “Why don’t you walk with me? I’m not a fan of going alone.” He let out a dramatic sigh, appearing forlorn as Kalim jumped out of his seat. “Oh! I’ll go with you! Don’t worry.” He beamed and headed to the door with Lilia. “We’ll be right back guys!” Kalim waved to the both of you, and you waved back before turning to face Cater.
He was pouting as he surrounded the image in orange and red hearts. You asked him what was wrong and he shook his head. “Nothing, I’m a little tired, that's all.” He tried to feign a smile but it fell quickly when he went to post the photo on MagiCam. He doesn’t care. It’s not that serious. When you leaned over and kissed his cheek he felt his heart skip in his chest. Yeah, he has no reason to be jealous.
Ace Trappola
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Ace doesn't believe he's jealous. In fact, it's beneath him. Well, he thought that until Malleus started hanging around...
Ace narrowed his eyes at Malleus as he sat on the other side of you during lunch. Malleus who was never seen gracing this part of the school, yet here he was showing you how he could make flowers out of nothing but magic. 
His eyebrow twitched when Malleus would lean down to hand them to you. Some of them would explode into glitter, some would fade away into colorful petals, and one turned into a mini swarm of butterflies. Ace could do a magic trick like that too. If you asked him to show you he would with no problem. 
Ace straightened out and looked at Malleus. His stupid horns, his stupid handsome face, the way his half lidded eyes looked at you as though no one else were around. It was infuriating. Ace’s jaw was starting to clench and he suddenly met eyes with the prince of Briar Valley. Lime green and cherry red locked together with challenging stares. “That’s an easy trick. Anyone can do that.” Ace huffed and broke away from the prince, looking at you with a smirk. “I can show you something super cool. You wanna see?” He asked you, and watched your eyes light up as you gave him a nod.
Malleus watched as Ace rubbed his hands together with a wide and proud smile. When he pulled them away, a massive and colorful bouquet appeared wrapped in a bright red paper. It was full of all of your favorite flowers and even some he had never seen before. Malleus frowned from the other side of you, crossing his arms over his chest.
Ace handed you the flowers and returned his gaze to the Fae. “There’s no trick you can do that I can’t.” Ace challenged the prince, not understanding the weight his words would actually hold. He wasn’t jealous. Especially not with someone like lizard breath. Malleus frowned with his arms crossed over his chest. “I apologize Trappola. Are you offended?” His question was genuine, but to Ace it was an insult. “I wouldn’t be offended by some lame party trick.” This made Malleus’ eyebrow twitch. “So, if I preformed something more grand for the Child of Man… How would you feel?” He asked with a small flick of his wrist. In his hand was a little dancing doll that looked like you. It was starting to annoy Ace. “Don’t you have a statue to talk to?” You looked to Ace, telling him not to be rude as the two of them locked eyes with anger. 
Ace wasn’t jealous. He would never be jealous. At least, he would never admit it. 
Deuce Spade
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Deuce trusted you with his entire being! He had no reason to be jealous or possessive. But feelings change... Especially after seeing you and Jack become so close.
Deuce apologized profusely when he told you he had to go to a mandatory track practice after classes ended for the day. You let him know over and over that you didn’t mind going with him and waiting for practice to end. 
He walked onto the track with you beside him, smiling and talking until he heard you gasp. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to get that close.” Jack apologized as he appeared on the other side of you. Deuce was scowling and before he could speak, you explained that you felt something soft brush against your back. Jack has a large tail, but surely he knows that. Deuce looked away with a smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make a face.” He laughed away his worry as the three of you talked and both Deuce and Jack made their way to begin practice. Deuce was watching you the whole time, his eyes never leaving you after that moment. Jack seemed to be doing the same. It could be his imagination, but during stretches, during their dashes, and during their breaks, Jack’s eyes seemed to be watching you before he would break his attention elsewhere. It was starting to get dark and it was now the final break of the night before the last round of practice would resume. Deuce made his way over to you before stopping at his gym bag to pull out his track jacket to let you wear. He saw Jack standing in front of you as you stayed seated on the bench. The two of you talking and laughing. 
Seeing Jack’s tail wagging as you smiled up at him… Deuce wasn’t sure why he felt so angry. You were allowed to have friends. You were allowed to talk to other guys that weren’t him. He doesn’t care that much. 
So why did he entertain the idea of punching Jack in the face?
The beastman waved goodbye and walked off leaving you alone on the bench. There would be another hour of practice. Deuce awkwardly approached you with his jacket hanging from his hand. His arm extended as he held it out to you. “I thought you might be cold.” He commented with a small shrug and you accepted gratefully. He watched with a soft sigh as you stood and slipped it on, looking at it with a grin. He zipped his track jacket up to your chin with a weak smile. 
Maybe he is a little jealous. But he shouldn’t care about that kind of stuff. He loves you and you love him.
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kenchann · 1 year
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a kiss and a hug for the homies
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tapefish · 1 year
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dont worry about me, got all the luck I need
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my-cursed-brain · 2 months
Songs that I associate with twst characters:
- Riddle: Top of My School by Katherine Lynn-Rose
- Ace: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
- Deuce: Punk Tactics by Joey Valence and Brae
- Cater: Ladies Night by 11 Acorn Lane
- Trey: So sorry but I don't have a song for him :(
- Ruggie: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
- Jack: I don't have a song for him either :(
- Azul: Sibyl by wotaku (There's an amazing animatic for this on YouTube and you should absolutely watch it. Yes it's for Twst.)
- Floyd: The Trouble by Club Danger
- Jade: Puppet Boy by DEVO
- Kalim: On Top Of The World by Imagine Dragons
- Jamil: Trust in Me from The Jungle Book
- Vil: All That Glitters by Earl
- Rook: Love Me Dead by Ludo (listen nothing I put here will sound sane so just don't think too hard about it.)
- Epel: Mama's Broken Heart by Miranda Lambert
- Idia: Game Over by Falling In Reverse
- Ortho: iRobot by Jon Bellion (I have so many songs that fit Ortho but this one makes me the most emotional.)
- Malleus: Tie between two songs. Epoch by Savlonic (remixed by The Living Tombstone) and Wish That You Were Here by Florence + The Machine
- Lilia: Baby Mine from Dumbo
- Silver: Once Upon a December from Anastasia
- Sebek: Warriors by Imagine Dragons
- Chenya: Cheshire Kitten by S. J. Tucker
- Crewel: Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! by ABBA (Idk why but he has ABBA vibes to me.)
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allknowingaxolotl · 3 months
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Heartslabyul in their og’s outfits but you can tell where I got lazy
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monarchofwings · 1 year
I feel like the fandom treats Adeuyuu funnily like they handle yuu and deuce with such care but would feed ace to pack of wild hyenas (affectionately).
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qos4blk · 1 year
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ryanbmarie · 6 days
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new bag 🩷
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blind0raven · 3 months
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Awwww Deuce wants to help, let him help Trey!
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Let the baby help!!!
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Yay!!! Don't worry Trey everything will be ok!!!
(Spoilers No No it was not)
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Sooo context...
Deuce tsum tried to get something from the top shelf, failed aaaaaand is trying to hang for its life...
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Well... at least the lil on landed safely, that's good
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.... uh oh
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Trey senses strike again
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The fault lies on those who stood around and did not try to save lil Deuce tsum
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gyroshrike · 4 months
Only Homestucks are going to understand this, but the dynamic I like for Alastor and Lucifer is if moirail was a black quadrant.
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noornight · 8 months
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Grim is tasked with taking care of them and this is the only way they'll listen
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