#The Nokk Test
Love can see beyond
Part II Frozen canon-divergence post F2 / Moana (2016) crossover fanfiction Pairing: Kristanna Rated M for angst/hurt/comfort (see tags on AO3)
Thanks to my two absolute amazing beta-readers, @hiptoff and @reconciledviolence729!
After their visit to the Southern Isles, King Kristoff and Queen Anna have returned to Arendelle. A new quest will test their faith and courage as they face an unexpected fate….
Chapter 17/42
Now they all stood to say goodbye and watched their sister ride off on Nokk towards home. Sven and Fiona grunted piteously, while Olaf waved until the ice horse disappeared behind the cliffs.
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The Saga of Aren
I absolutely love Arendelle History, so when I read Forest of Shadows and learned about the Saga of Aren, I was so excited. The only thing that disappointed me was that we didn’t get the entire thing. So, being the obsessive overachiever that I am, I wrote my own idea of the rest of it. I worked super hard on this for like a month and a half, and I am so proud of how it turned out! I had never really written any poetry before, but I had more fun with it than I expected, and have even written a little more since (not Frozen related, sorry). I might post an in depth analysis later, but for now I’ll just say that I wrote this to be intentionally vague, and to represent Anna and Elsa’s story as well as Aren’s.
The parts in italics and quotes are from FoS, so were written by Kamila Benko. I wrote the rest. (With a few exceptions that are quotes from something else, noted at the end)
The Saga of Aren
By: Kamila Benko & SecretsOfTheStoryMakers
“A long time ago in a time before time, a great darkness swept over the land”
A dark fright came, the people fought, but could not make their stand
They fled their shores and took to the seas, their homeland all but lost
To Dark and Cold and Past and Fear, the silence and the frost
As ages passed and people still were trapped upon their ships
The storm roared on, there was no end to the sun’s total eclipse
They begged the earth, the wind, the flame, the oceans heard their cries
And from their unknown, watery depths a spirit did arise
The water spirit too, had felt the chill of endless night
It told the people, for a price, it could help bring back the light
The people were so fearful, urgently they did agree
In return they promised someday that the spirits would be free
As the earth’s ancient spirits have foretold, there will come a fearful age
All that live upon the earth will be trapped within dark’s cage
The sky will be shadow, fade away, as the spirits lose their song
The world needs a leader and protector, someone to right this wrong
To scale fear’s greatest precipice, as the mountain’s facade comes crashing
To face the fear with light’s greatest strength, upon past and present’s clashing
It comes on the world’s great eve of change, as the north wind’s song is turning
Beware what you may think you know, for “the past has a way of returning.*”
The mythic Nokk came to the end of the spirits’ prophecy
It bowed its head and flashed its eyes, returning to the sea
The people knew it spoke the truth, the world would be free again
They only needed a bridge, a bond, to let the light back in
They needed someone fearless, with love enough to light the dark
Only one of their number was brave enough to bear the spirits’ mark
“Young as the morning, as fierce as a twig, Aren stepped out onto the land”
He’d made his choice, to protect his people, against the dark he’d stand
And so Aren set off, alone as the sun, armed only with his love
His plan was simple; persuade the moon to make peace with the sun above
Night’s dark creatures of memories corrupted, tried to stop him on his quest
But Aren persevered, held on to love, despite fear’s every test
He scaled the greatest, northern mountain, and when he reached the top,
He called to the moon, showed her their pain, told her this night needed to stop
The moon felt remorseful, her tears fell to earth as she realized what she’d done
She crossed the sky, returning home, to find her sister sun
The moon and sun were reunited, together at long last
The sisters agreed they’d rule together, “the past was in the past**”
Their strengths combined would bring peace to the world, as the spirits had foretold
With a “yellow diamond, bright as an eye”, they made Aren a blade of gold
“Revolving moon and spinning sun forged a crescent blade
From light and dark within the heart, the burnished sword was made.
He raised it high above his head and smote the edge of land”
The curve of his blade struck the earth and carved the kingdom’s span
As he cracked the ancient, unbroken rock, Revolute began to glow
The earth’s core tremored, shaking, shifting, disrupting the water’s flow
“The sea rushed in as hidden power flowed from the gleaming sword
And shaped the rock and forest crown of the first majestic fjord!”
The people rejoiced as they came to the land and deemed it “Arendelle”
At last they’d returned, to summer’s embrace, where they’d forever dwell
“As revolving moon and spinning sun, once forged a crescent blade,***”
Forever may true love endure, “may the flags of Arendelle ever wave”
*This is a quote, but it is not stated to be in the Saga. It is the tagline of Forest of Shadows.
**This is a quote from Frozen (Let it Go to be specific), but it is not stated to be in the Saga.
***I slightly adjusted this line from what is said in the book. The direct quote is: “Revolving moon and spinning sun, forged a crescent blade.” Normally, I wouldn’t adjust the line that was directly stated, but this was only said once, by Anna, who also said “something something something something” for the first part of the next line. I’m just assuming that maybe she made a mistake with the first part she said too, since the line that she actually said is definitely in the Saga elsewhere.
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rizardofether · 3 months
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Finished Nokke's look. For now anyway. For context I had a dream about an asura character where I could see certain details of the design so clearly I could pinpoint which options in the game they were. Alas in the dream he was wearing the trickster vest but I do not have that unlocked on my EU account so had to go with something else instead.
But here he is! Alchemist potion maker who makes suspicious potions and tries to get people to test them for him, rather unsuccessfully as you might guess.
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servrz · 1 month
other than all that though, i definitely have some thoughts on the state of the game as a whole
first of all, nokk needs some kinda lifeline. her ability is a shell of what it used to be. her gun has been nerfed to shit (one of the things that bugs me most about it-- it's an smg. with less damage and a lower fire rate than the FUCKING R4C. yet it STILL has more recoil). frag grenades don't carry the same weight they used to. she needs something soon if she wants a place in the meta, because she's a bottom 3 op in the game rn imo (i think only sens and blackbeard are worse than her atm. in fact, i think an argument could be made that blackbeard is BETTER than nokk right now). i think another gun might be a good option if they don't want to buff the fmg (the c8-sfw seems like a popular community suggestion), but bringing her ability back to its old state is the number one most important thing we need to see
secondly, defender power creep. ill be the first to admit, i think theyve handled this pretty well so far. tubarao was reigned in a bit and azami got her kibas nerfed. i also think that EVERY attacker gun that isn't a shotgun receiving acog may have been a bit overboard, but it has addressed this issue in a way (i think they should balance the acogs like they used to). however, there's still a lot of work to be done on two ops in particular, and i think we all know who i'm gonna call out-- changes need to come to solis (as much as i hate to admit it) and DEFINITELY fenrir. they already addressed that solis is going to be adjusted over the course of the next couple of seasons, but i dont recall hearing anything about fenrir. taking one of his mine activations away could be something to tool around with, but i've always had a particular image in mind: first, a short delay period before the gas kicks in might be a good idea. right now, the toxin activates pretty much instantaneously when the mine is triggered, and adding a delay would make it easier for attackers to escape it before its effects are felt. second, i think that they should make the period in which the gas wears off dependent on how long an attacker is exposed to the gas. in other words, it wears off quicker if you haven't been in it for long, and gradually takes longer to wear off as you stay in the gas for longer. i'm no developer, but i think fenrir needs some adjustment and this could be something to test
for my third point, i mentioned it in the last paragraph. i don't think that just throwing an acog on every single attacker rifle/smg/dmr is a great call. here's what i'm afraid of-- when a gun is seen as overpowered, ubi has a habit of just nerfing it into the ground. they used to be nerfed by taking scopes away, but now that scopes are out of the picture, they're nerfed by reducing its damage or, most commonly, INCREASING ITS RECOIL. so, let's take the r4-c for example. it was in a good spot prior to this season, when it only had a 1x scope. if you wanted magnification, the g36c was the alternative that traded off damage and fire rate for that scope. now, they both have an acog, so the magnification trade-off no longer exists. the r4-c is the clear-cut choice. but i don't want to see a gun like the r4-c get its recoil nerfed if the acog makes it an "overpowered weapon" and makes the g36c inferior. the most sensible solution in my mind would be to just TAKE THE ACOG AWAY AGAIN. ash still would have magnification in the form of the g36c. creating that trade-off again would help make the g36c a viable option, and prevent the r4-c from getting an unnecessary recoil nerf because its 2.5x scope makes it "overpowered." you could apply this same logic (albeit maybe to a lesser degree) to iana, or nomad, or basically anybody with two assault rifles that have acog now. i just don't think an acog on EVERY. SINGLE. ATTACKER RIFLE. is a good idea. because looking at ubisoft's weapon balancing track record, i think they will resort to nerfing recoil and damage on guns that would be perfectly balanced if they just simply took the scope away.
my fourth thought is bring back the year pass. whatever they're cooking in place of it is bad. i don't like it and it will taste like shit. whether they're just removing it altogether or making a subscription service or whatever the fuck, i don't want it. and i don't think most people are gonna want it either. the year pass was super convenient and rather popular for people that will play the game over the course of the whole year. bring it back to us
my fifth and penultimate point is, please ubisoft for the love of god, DELIVER ON YOUR CONTENT THIS YEAR. this game was dying and, thanks to some bald-headed lunatic on twitch, it has a second shot at life here (you are LUCKY he chose this game as his big thing). i try not to be critical, but i've always believed in brutal honesty and i'm just gonna be flat out. you have consistently fucked up a lot of things in terms of gameplay, balance, and overall quality of life. just about every change or feature implemented was either half-baked, changed significantly so that it isn't even close to what was promised, delayed over and over again, or simply stupid and ill-advised. i still love you guys and still love this game, but a lot needs to be improved goin forward. based on the roadmap for year 9, it seems like you guys are committed to quality of life changes and overall balancing. i like what's laid out here, but it needs to be implemented well. if you want siege, which is likely your biggest and most consistent cash cow, to keep this kind of popularity it's seeing now, it needs a decent amount of content. additions and changes need to be well thought out. they need to be done properly and not released in a half-assed state. and finally, please just listen to the community. i know it can be hard with the millions of different opinions and ideas that everyone has, and how every single person thinks that they're a fucking developer (something even i'm guilty of from time to time). and some of these people trying to yell into the void to get their ideas heard (i.e. me) are just flat-out dumbasses and have no idea what they're talking about (i.e. not me, i don’t think). but i feel like a lot of changes over the past couple of years weren't warranted, and when the community pushed back, the changes were rarely altered and just went through as they were (the changes to frag grenades being one particular instance that i saw a lot of resistance on). i know you can't just listen to a community and do as they say, and i know you can't please everyone. but i do think that overall we could be heard a little bit more. i believe that how you handle community feedback has improved, but there’s still plenty of room for it to get better. and i say all of this with as much love as i can possibly say it with
and finally, this is my seasonal plea to give ash her stuns back. that is all
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namidanoondowa · 4 years
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Frozen 2 - Deleted scene: "The Nokk Test"
The water spirit in Frozen II is a water horse called a Nokk. Originally, the filmmakers intended for the Nokk to read people's honesty; if you had truth in your heart, the Nokk would let you ride it; if not, it would try to drown you. In this scene, Kristoff, who's hiding his romantic feelings from Anna, struggles to say what he feels as the Nokk continually submerges him in water. It's funny and just dark enough. 
This reminds me Honest woodcutter
Also known as the golden axe and the silver axe, it is a story in Aesop's fable, which tells that one must be honest even at the cost of one's own interests.
Story outline The Greek version of the story tells of a woodcutter who accidentally dropped his axe into a river and, because this was his only means of livelihood, sat down and wept. Taking pity on him, the god Hermes (also known as Mercury) dived into the water and returned with a golden axe. "Was this what you had lost?", Hermes asked, but the woodcutter said it was not, and returned the same answer when a silver axe was brought to the surface. Only when his own tool is produced does he claim it. Impressed by his honesty, the god allows him to keep all three
Hearing of the man's good fortune, an envious neighbor threw his own axe into the river and wailed for its return. When Hermes appeared and offered him a golden axe, the man greedily claimed it but was denied both that and the return of his own axe.
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Though the tale's moral is that 'Honesty is the best policy' But it also has another moral: "there is not always a golden axe in the river", which means "opportunities are not for everyone". This comes from the fact that the neighbors ignored the importance of honesty without knowing the whole picture of things, so they had a wrong imagination of the river.
My important is here My important is here My important is here It's important to talk about it three time
So... If I throw the frozen II into the river Can I get the full version of the added the deleted scene segments?
Disney can make a frozen II director's cut? Can Disney fulfill the little wishes of its fans If you reading the article Haven't you ever imagined this?
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lovewillthaw-j · 3 years
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Elsa powers appreciation (part 1 of 3) - Creating things from ice/snow
Happy 7th Anniversary, Frozen (1)! 
I’ve wanted to do this post for a long time. This post is entirely original, I have not read posts like this or browsed the Frozen wiki (I am assuming there’s an entry there on Elsa’s powers)
I’ve written down every single occurrence of Elsa’s powers in the 2 movies and 2 shorts and analyzed that long list in order to create this post. I won’t bore you with that list unless you want to see it.
I believe that we can categorize Elsa’s powers into 3 main groups: 1. Creating things from ice/snow; 2. Freezing (and the opposite, melting) and 3. Movement/kinetic energy (and the opposite, not moving in situations where movement is expected) I will post 3 separate posts so as to keep each post to a readable length.
Creating things from ice/snow
- with 2 exceptions, the first being light (as in, glowing, bright light). The second is her dresses which start as ice, but become cloth permanently. Let’s get started!
1. Small objects
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From L to R: small snowball, ice bowtie for Olaf, ice table, snow teddy bear
2. Small but very intricate objects
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The first 3 are cake toppers from Frozen Fever for Anna’s birthday. Notably, Elsa makes each of them in milliseconds, she is that fast! Note the beautiful detail. I have always wanted to own a figurine of #2. In the rightmost pic, is the ice sextant that she made for the little girl. Some in the fandom believe that this is a fully functional sextant with moving parts, signifying that our Queen has mechanical knowledge of the workings and tiny parts of a nautical sextant! I believe so!
3. HUGE structures
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1st row: the beautiful ice staircase that she makes. She was testing out her powers for the first time to make something so big and beautiful, and the staircase starts as snow and as she steps on it, re-forms into beautiful chiseled ice. Amazingly she does this as she is running, her powers are just so fast! Next to the stairs are 2 images of the ice castle, which needs no explanation - it is HUGE, has multiple stories, inner chandeliers and fountains, stairs, doors etc
2nd row: the ice “ramp” she makes to try to run over the crashing waves of the Dark Sea. Next to it: the humongous ice wall she (and Nokk) made to stop the tsunami tidal wave from destroying the castle. This could arguably be larger than the ice castle? Again, the speed with which she creates the “ramp” and the wall is breathtaking. She also demonstrates that she can dissolve and remove what she has created when she does that to the ice wall.
4. Light
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Elsa’s magic is always accompanied by bright light, but sometimes her icy creations stay lit up. On the leftmost, is the icy trail she left as the royal family galloped to the Trolls. This trail led to Kristoff finding the trolls! Fate. 
Secondly, we have the trail “markings” that she made to guide everybody back home after finding Olaf in OFA. In OFA we also have the giant ice Christmas tree, which glows from its own core. This tree also sends a burst of light into the surrounding trees and they glow with tiny crystals of light, which some have said is a foreshadowing of Frozen 2′s ice crystals. 
In the last screencap, we have the scene in the forest where the girls discover and acknowledge their Northuldran roots. (Director Chris Buck said that the glowing light comes from Elsa in the ITU documentary - I used to think it was Gale but if Buck said it, it’s canon)
5. Living creations
One of Elsa’s most amazing, if not THE most amazing of her powers, is her ability to create sentient life! Think about it! Arendelle has no need for an army since she can make an army of Marshmallows! On a more thought provoking note, since she brought Olaf back to life because “water has memory”, can she create facsimiles of humans based on the same principle? Can she make copies of herself to do menial tasks?
a. Olaf
I have no screencaps for Olaf, because, who needs them? Haha. What can Olaf do? Let’s see - he has a personality, a sense of humour, intelligence, a soul, musical ability, the ability to separate and control his parts independently and re-form his parts together, his wooden arms can move (how does THAT work?) and he has a “digestive” system of sorts! Olaf can also make his ice glow slightly (he does this in his recap of F1 when acting out the part about Anna freezing to death) and he can breathe out an icy breath (in the same scene).
b. Marshmallow
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As an entity independent from Elsa, I’m amazed that Marshmallow can control his own form, in a “Hulk”-like way. When he is angered or threatened, he is able to grow 1) spikes from his knees (compare 1st and 2nd screencaps) and 2) sharp teeth and spikes from his back! The last screencap shows that he can retract the teeth and spikes at will too! 
I didn’t have a screencap for it, but he can also roar a powerful icy breath (which he does at Kristoff and Anna)
c. Snowgies
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The snowgies are amazingly able to work as a team. Look on the left - they have formed a “dome” and a number of them have “shot” themselves outwards like fireworks. And before this, they had been teaming up to oppose Kristoff and try to steal the cake. On the right, they are amazingly able to SPELL. Think about it! Even Olaf can’t spell at this point and these snowgies are like 5 seconds old!
6. Dress transformations
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If we break it down, during Let It Go, Elsa is able to transform existing cloth (her coronation gown) into a different color and fabric entirely. Next, she forms a cape out of ice - but as I alluded to earlier, the icy cape turns into cloth. This is pretty mind boggling. We’re still not done with the cape - she makes snowflakes fly onto the cape and become incorporated into the cape. 
In Frozen Fever - Elsa transforms her blue gown into a green gown. She then does something PRETTY amazing - she takes Stargazer lilies from the vase and incorporates them into her cape! She has just turned an organic flower into fabric! (Some have wondered if she could do this to her enemies!! Turn them into “paintings”!!) 
For Anna’s dress - she changes the color of the sunflowers on Anna’s skirt and bolero from a dull yellow to a bright golden. She also causes 1 sunflower from the vase to fly and attach itself to Anna’s donut hair. (Elsa herself has affixed 1 lily to the right side of her hair) Note also that she is exhibiting her “kinetic” powers (telekinesis) here by making the flowers fly.
I’m not counting the Ahtohallan dress transformation here as I think that one is purely Ahtohallan magic.
7. Extracting memories from water
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This power was introduced in Frozen 2 and some believe it is the 5th spirit’s power. From left to right: memories from Gale’s tornado that move and emit sound; stationary ice statues, also extracted from Gale’s tornado; the horrifying image of the parents at the point of their death - extracted from water in the ship and lastly, an enormous number of memories from Ahtohallan, which move and talk.
8. Special mention - the horse “bridle” and “reins” she uses to tame the Nokk
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I have separated this from the rest because I find it amazing. Prior to this, she has never made something out of ice that is so flexible and strong. The bridle magically affixes itself to the Nokk despite his thrashing about; the reins are flexible and yet strong enough to bear her whole weight. (Arguably - she is also using some of her kinetic powers here to move her body - wait for post #3) 
I like to think that she’s almost like Peter Parker AKA Spider-man! She can shoot out flexible, sticky “string” and can swing from it!
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catlordewrites · 3 years
Where the Roses Grow - Chapter Six
The compound on Arvala-7 didn’t house one bounty, but two. Elsi Nokk is an enslaved nanny with more than a few tricks up her sleeve. She’ll do anything to protect her charge, even if it means standing against - and then with - a certain Mandalorian. Rated M.
@kyjoraven @killtherandomness @nova646​
This story can also be found on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net
Masterlist - First Chapter - Previous Chapter - This Chapter
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Chapter Six
Elsi wasn’t entirely sure if she was conscious or not. 
It certainly didn’t feel like she was asleep, but she definitely wasn’t awake either. She could still feel her injuries; her spine, her head, and everything else - they hurt - but from far away, like remembering the pain of a childhood injury. 
Then, all at once, she was absolutely awake.
Reality grabbed her in a burst of steam and light. Her legs weren’t prepared for the rest of her weight, so she crumpled straight to the ground - or at least she figured that it ought to be the ground, because she had absolutely no sense of up or down. 
A soft noise, a panicked half-gasp half-cry burst from her unbidden as she fought to regain her bearings. It was hard though, because she really couldn’t see much of anything. Her vision was fogged over like window panes on a cold morning. She tried squinting through it, but it didn’t help. 
Her heart was pounding wildly, but she swallowed down her panic, recalling what she knew about Carbonite and the accompanying sickness. Her sight would clear soon. She just had to be patient.
But patience wasn't exactly something she could afford. The heavy binders that were being snapped around her wrists were evidence enough of that. 
Elsi stopped struggling when a pair of strong hands gripped her shoulders and shifted her bodily out of the carbonite harness. She slumped against the wall, resting her head against the cool metal of the Razor Crest’s hull and closing her eyes. Through the metal, she could still feel the hum of the engines - still in flight, then. But not for long, according to the subtle jolts and rumbles that made her stomach twist. Flying through a planet’s atmosphere was never as smooth as the emptiness of space. 
Tiny hands clutched at the hem of her dress. Elsi opened her eyes to see the muddled green and brown shape of the child standing by her legs. He cooed. Concerned.
No matter the situation, Elsi always had a smile for him. With shaky hands, she picked him up and brought him to her chest - albeit awkwardly, on account of the cuffs. His fuzzy little head bumped against her chin. He hid his face against her neck, purring to let her know that he was alright. 
Elsi sighed and held him close, savoring these precious few minutes she had left with him. 
The baby chirped happily, oblivious to - or perhaps uncomprehending - her despair.
By the time the Mandalorian came for them in the hold, Elsi’s vision had returned. She was peeved to see that the bounty hunter seemed none the worse for wear. Where she was bruised and trembling, he stood steady. But then again, only he knew just how much damage the armor hid.
“It’s time to go.”
The baby laughed when the Mandalorian plucked him out of her arms and placed him back in his bassinet. The hunter then took Elsi by the elbow and pulled her to her feet. Although she had no choice in the matter, he was careful not to hurt her, holding her steady while she reacquainted herself with her balance and not urging her forward until he was sure she wasn’t going to pitch back over. 
The hatch opened to reveal a planet of volcanic rock and black sand. The shipyard where the Crest had landed was just beyond the gates of a rough looking town of stone. The other ships in the shipyard were much like the Mandalorian’s - tough, but broken and cobbled back together so many times that they looked as if a well-aimed kick would knock them down. 
The Mandalorian nudged her onto the ramp, keeping a firm hold on her upper arm.
“You don’t want to do this,” Elsi urged. It was the closest she would ever come to pleading. “They’ve wanted him for a long time. His life means nothing to them. They’ll kill him if it suits them.”
The black visor stayed fixed on the town ahead. She didn’t think it was because he didn’t sympathize with her - if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have insisted on the removal of her collar - but she also knew that sympathy wasn’t enough. The Outer Rim was hard and unforgiving, and so were the people who lived there. Elsi was a survivor, and it had driven her to try and take the Mandalorian’s life. The Mandalorian was another survivor, and it was driving him to turn them in. 
She tripped on the rough ground, her weakened body overbalanced and she nearly collapsed. The Mandalorian paused, arm snaking around her waist to prevent her from hitting the ground. 
Elsi went for the knife in his boot. The vibroblade slashed upwards, biting viciously into the Mandalorian’s side. In a perfect world, it would’ve been a clean stab, and the bounty hunter would’ve bled out fairly quickly, but the awkwardness of the binders caused the angle to be bad, so it only left behind a shallow gash. 
With a grunt of pain, the Mandalorian shoved her away before she could inflict more damage. Elsi hit the ground hard. The Mandalorian was quick to wrest the knife from her hands. 
Elsi gasped when he grabbed her by her bound wrists and dragged her back to her feet. By now, there was no doubt that whatever sympathy he’d harbored for her was gone; and Elsi was done pretending to ask for it. 
When he tried to urge her forward once more, she fought. She threw her weight backwards, trying to catch him off balance; she tried to bite the arm that held her, with moderate success. By the time they made it to the gate, Elsi had dragged what should’ve taken maybe two minutes into almost ten, and she really and truly was on what she thought might be her last legs.
She was exhausted. The side of her face that had been smashed by the Mandalorian’s helmet was swelling, and thus throbbing and hot. The back of her head felt even worse. Not to mention the mild carbonite sickness that swirled in her stomach, unhelped by the fact that she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had anything to eat or drink. Still, she fought on.
The Mandalorian managed to keep his composure, sticking with the tactic of impassively tugging her forward while she struggled, but Elsi could feel his patience wearing thin. She wouldn’t have been surprised if he just went ahead and shot her to save himself the trouble. Hell, she wouldn’t have blamed him. But he didn’t. He didn’t draw his blaster. He didn’t try to hurt her - quite the opposite, in fact. 
When she stumbled, he caught her every time. 
The baby watched all this with wide eyed bemusement, ears flapping in the wind, not knowing what to make of it all.
In town, she continued to struggle, making the Mandalorian battle for every step. It was pointless, she knew. Even if she managed to slip him, she wouldn’t be able to get the baby, too. And if somehow she did, he’d catch up with them before they made it off world, but she’d be damned if she was going to make it easy.
Finally, Elsi found the end of the hunter’s patience.
“Stop it!“ the Mandalorian snarled. The hand that was curled around her upper arm tightened like a steel band and jerked her roughly to the side. 
A soft grunt escaped her as her back collided with one of the stone walls. The Mandalorian’s free hand pressed firmly against her sternum, holding her in place. He towered over her, menacing, crowding, cornering. A wall of beskar hiding her from the rest of the town - from the baby.
She could hear the child twittering nervously from somewhere over the Mandalorian’s shoulder. 
Elsi tried to break his grip by ducking sideways. The hand on her sternum relocated to the base of her throat.
“Will you just - ”
The other people passing through the narrow street gave the pair a wide berth. The slave didn’t bother calling out to them for help. She knew how it worked. If anyone cared about a battered woman getting manhandled, they weren’t about to challenge a Mandalorian on her behalf. 
Instead she scrabbled angrily at the hand that was putting just a bit too much pressure on her neck and fought to twist out of his hold on her arm. 
“Hey!” The Mandalorian gave her a rough shake to remind her that he could make her stop struggling if he wanted. When her gaze finally snapped up to meet his visor, he continued.
“You keep this up in there, they’ll kill you,” he warned, modulated voice lowering so that only she could hear. “They’ll off you as soon as you're more trouble than you’re worth. You cooperate, you’ve got a shot at walking away.”
Elsi curled her lip in disdain, eyes flashing.
“Your concern is touching,” she sneered. “They’re going to kill me either way. I’m a slave. My life is nothing. What are they going to do with the baby?”
He might’ve opened his mouth to respond, but whatever explanation or retort he might’ve had was cut off with a pained groan. Something gripped at his back, rippling unnaturally up his spine from hip to neck, and dragged him backwards.
The Mandalorian staggered back a few steps, struggling to whirl around to face his attacker. When he managed it, he found the space behind him empty, save for a floating pram. The pram’s inhabitant was reaching towards them with a chubby, three-fingered hand, large eyes narrowed in concentration.
The Mandalorian gasped as the invisible hand tightened its grip, testing the hold. As his spine creaked, both adults were suddenly hyper-aware that the child could snap his back like a twig, vertebrae by vertebrae.“Hey! Don’t - ”
The baby had taken to the Mandalorian quickly, but now the tiny green creature didn’t seem so sure. He released his hold upon hearing the fear in the Mandalorian’s tone, but then turned his expectant gaze towards his surrogate mother. The child’s ears were flattened against his shoulders when he reached in her direction with a frightened squeak. 
Elsi, now free from their captor’s grasp, made a beeline for the baby. She smoothed the fuzz on his head and pressed a kiss to his wrinkled brow. The baby patted her cheek in reciprocation and responded to her reassuring murmurs with soft chirps. 
Guilt washed over her like a wave. It wasn’t the first time the child had used his abilities to protect her, and every instance signified a failure on her part. She was supposed to protect him, not the other way around. Even when she couldn’t, it was up to her to make him feel safe and secure. What had she been thinking, flailing around like that? Doing so had done nothing to change their situation, and now the baby knew that they were in trouble. 
She didn’t want him to be afraid. Didn’t want him to worry. That was her job.
The nanny nuzzled the top of his little head and breathed deeply, relishing in his familiar earthy smell combined with the stiff soap from his last bath. She let it wash over her senses. Drawing strength from it and committing it to memory. They would be saying goodbye soon, if they weren’t already saying it now. Probably for good. No matter which of them died or which survived, she didn’t want him to remember her by her fear.
Her dignity - especially in the eyes of the child - was all she had left.
So when the Mandalorian, seemingly unshaken by the baby’s actions, prodded her in the back to get her moving, she did so with her head held high.
She didn’t beg or plead when they arrived at the thick steel door sequestered away in an alley - the Mandalorian had made it clear that this delivery was non-negotiable, and she wasn’t in the habit of repeating an action if it wasn’t sensible. She didn’t flinch when the sensor shot out from the wall. Didn’t cower when the shabby stormtroopers crowded around the trio and herded them into the dark corridor beyond. 
The corridor was hot. Oppressive. The air stale. Heavy boots clunked on the dirty floor, stirring up dust that tickled Elsi’s nose and threatened to make her sneeze.
The baby squeaked for her, dark eyes wide and nervous. She leaned forward slightly to catch his attention and offered him a soft smile - which he returned.
The trooper behind her jabbed his blaster none-too-gently into her back, causing her to stumble a step. 
“Take it easy,” the Mandalorian warned, voice low and imposing in the stifling air.
“You take it easy,” the Stormtrooper snapped in reply.
They were led to a brighter, but equally dingy room that looked to be a repurposed warehouse. An old man hunched at a desk, ignorant to the smell of mildew and rust. The man’s face sagged with age, sullying what probably had once been proud, angular features. The only hair he had left was stiff and white, plastered to the sides of his head, leaving the top wrinkled and bald. He first surveyed the entourage with the disdain born of false superiority until his sharp, beady eyes picked out the green baby floating at the Stormtrooper’s hip. Despite his advanced years, the old man immediately stood and hurried over to the pram, waving a blinking tracking fob around in front of the bewildered child.
“Yes. Yes. Yes,” the man muttered to himself with an excitement that - based on the curious tilt of a nearby stormtrooper’s helmet - Elsi assumed was uncharacteristic of him. 
Elsi came to stand beside the cradle, flanked by the Mandalorian - something she was momentarily grateful for. She resisted the urge to fiddle with her cuffs as another man - younger than the first, with tinted glasses and dark, decently groomed facial fair - crossed the room to hover by the old man’s shoulder.
The baby whined when the younger man scanned him, squinting when the bright red light shined directly in his eyes. Neither man took notice of his discomfort.
“Very healthy,” the younger man commented, voice soft with fascination. 
Elsi’s insides shivered when the old man fixed her with his cold, watery gaze.
“Its caretaker is to be commended, then.” Although the words themselves were not unkind, they made her skin crawl. The old man’s presence alone invoked a visceral emotion, the same she might feel seeing a snake in the grass. “I imagine it has not been easy… caring for a child in these trying times. And even more trying circumstances.”
She fixed the Imp with her best pleasantly-blank gaze, and said nothing.
Thankfully, the man’s attention turned to the Mandalorian. “Your reputation was not unwarranted.”
“How many fobs did you give out?” The Mandalorian’s voice was as soft as ever, but the irritation in it was anything but.
The tension in the room thickened. The baby whined.
A sneer twisted the old man’s thin lips. “This asset was of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure its delivery. But to the winner…” 
The old man paced back to his desk. He reached around the back and extracted a large white, cylindrical case. It was set on the desk with an impressive clunk, showcasing the weight of its contents. 
“... go the spoils.”
The Mandalorian’s head ticked minutely to the side, betraying his anticipation. The press of a few buttons and a twist of the handle caused the case to beep and hiss, and the sides fell away to reveal bars of metal, neatly arranged in dual stacks that gleamed brightly in the murky light. 
The bounty hunter left her side with slow, measured steps, leaving Elsi with the baby, a Stormtrooper, and the scientist that was still hovering over the bassinet. He picked up two of the bars carefully and examined them with a sort of reverence that didn’t seem entirely justified for any currency.
Elsi made the connection. Beskar. No wonder the Mandalorian had been so bent on the exchange. She didn’t know much about Mandalorians, but she wasn’t oblivious to the importance of Beskar. Even without taking the cultural value of the steel into consideration, it was a massive amount of credits. A small fortune, at the least.
I was right, Elsi mused. The payment in its entirety was clearly for the baby. Her value had been bartered and exchanged before her eyes a number of times, and she doubted it was equitable to a single bar.
“Such a large bounty for such a small package,” the old man confirmed. 
The scientist wrapped his hand around the edge of the baby’s bassinet and urged it into motion. Elsi tensed, ready to follow, but was halted by a threatening prod from the Stormtrooper to her left. The Mandalorian turned his head and watched the baby as he was carted through a side door leading deeper into the facility. The child was looking anxiously over the edge of its crib, to Elsi. 
She hated that she had no way to reassure him. 
When the scientist and baby were safely out of sight, the old man flicked his fingers toward the Stormtrooper. The trooper nodded and took Elsi’s arm in an iron grip. He shoved her forward and she had no choice but to comply as she was steered towards another door, one different to the one the baby had disappeared through.
The Mandalorian’s visor glinted in the artificial light. Fixed on her, now. She didn’t try to find the meaning behind the set of his shoulders and tilt of his head, though she passively registered that it might be regret. As far as she was concerned, he was no longer a part of the equation. So whatever amount of guilt he was or wasn’t feeling was of no consequence to her. Guilt might be a bit much to expect. Maybe he was just thinking about how good it felt to fuck her and disappointed that he wouldn’t get to do it again.
The thought didn’t amuse her.
Not that her opinions mattered, anyway. She was ushered out of the room and into a slightly better lit hall. The door slid closed behind her, heralding the end of her brief, almost-freedom.
Not that she had expected anything else.
~0~0~0~ .
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The truth didn’t freeze Elsa, the spirits did.
I think everything that happened in the forest happened exactly how it was supposed to, and I think that Anna was always going to have to be alone to pass her test.
I’ve posited before that the true fifth spirit was not Elsa herself, but the bridge she and Anna made together. Elsa’s powers were a necessary component to the plan, but it was never meant to be only her who would save the forest and right the wrongs of the past.
Three things happened in the forest regarding the truth:
It was found.
It was accepted.
It was set right.
Elsa found the truth. Both of them accepted it. And Anna set it right. I think that Elsa was frozen solid in Ahtohallan as the only way to contain her while Anna’s own merit was tested.
Consider: Gale taking Olaf’s essence and tucking it away behind the waterfall for safekeeping. She knew that if Anna succeeded, he would be brought back.
Bruni watched the events unfolding as he knew they must, and he curled up to wait. If Elsa had been truly lost, he would have left entirely. There was nothing more for Elsa to do; the next part was all on Anna.
The Nokk stayed near Elsa.
The Earth Giants were for Anna.
Olaf couldn’t be allowed to go with Anna. Even Kristoff – who knows the woods and likely could have found her under normal circumstances – was kept away until he was needed to get Anna to her goal. Elsa has little issue doing things alone. But Anna’s test wasn’t just the using the earth giants to break the dam. It was righting the wrong of the past with absolutely no reward in sight.
“How to rise from the floor/when it’s not you I’m rising for?”
The spirits left her with no reason at all to keep going. They removed every external motivation she had, and then they waited.
No wonder her test was engineered around the earth giants. She had nothing but her own inner strength to rely on, a quality that echoes the durability of sureness of stone.
When the dam began to fall, the giants immediately stopped throwing rocks.
Elsa was released – the Nokk roused her and they sprinted for Arendelle. You see, the spirits didn’t all decide right then that Arendelle should be allowed to stay. That was always going to be the reward for their actions in the face of what they stood to lose. The spirits only ever wanted true repentance and balance, not revenge.
So while I love the idea of Elsa freezing as a result of the power of the truth that was too dangerous to bear, It doesn’t really hold up for me outside of symbolism. If she died because the truth was too much for her, then that knowledge should have paralyzed Anna too. The truth only motivated Anna to do what was right. It was being stripped of external support that nearly did her in.
As was intended, Gale brought the ice memory from Elsa’s outstretched hand to Anna. Her role at this point was to pass the truth, once obtained and accepted, to Anna so that she could in turn accept and correct it. Anna didn’t just finish what Elsa died before she could do, she was intended to have her own test as part of the fifth spirit bridge the entire time. And Elsa, along with anything of hers that could have kept Anna going, had to be held in stasis. Anna could not know that there was hope because there was no way to pass this test for any self gain
Elsa was given to Iduna and Agnarr so that she could one day be the one to obtain the truth – and she needed ice powers (water and wind combined) for that. Anna was given because she would be the one to right the wrong that truth revealed – and she needed a rock solid sense of duty and a fiery spirit to pass her test.
All four spirits are present in those two sisters, and the bridge they create is in itself the fifth spirit.
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r6shippingdelivery · 3 years
headcannons for hobbies? Like what they do on their off time?
Hi nonnie! I actually did a Hobbies HC for “all” ops a long time ago. But seeing that was before the expanded bios, and it only reached up to Gridlock and Mozzie, I’d say it’s time for an updated version, don’t you say? 
Some of the answers are unchanged from the old post, because I already nailed it or the new info didn’t disprove my ideas. But I had to revise a lot of the answers I gave the first time around! In order to find their hobbies and/or get a glimpse of their lives beyond Rainbow and what they might like, I read all the bios, and looked up concept art, and elites, and past battlepass content, etc. And when none of that was enough, I just went with my gut instinct 😂 Thank you to @grain-crain-drain, @dagoth-menthol & @todragonsart for bouncing ideas with me when I was stuck! 💕
Hobbies Headcanons for ALL ops (up to Neon Dawn)
- Ash: According to her savta, shooting things is not a hobby, but Ash disagrees. And since according to her expanded bio she knows Hebrew, Arabic, English, French and Greek, I’m willing to bet she enjoys learning languages as well. - Thermite: He grew up on a ranch and loves riding. He’s also taken an interest in improving gadgets it seems, so my old proposal that he dabbles in forging/smithing stuff seems plausible. And based on this concept art, demolition derbies attending and maybe even competing himself too? - Pulse: He’s interested in a variety of topics and goes through phases of intense, nearly obsessive focus, until something else captures his attention. He still has a lingering fondness for building muscle cars, since it was something he used to do with his father. And like Thermite and Hibana, it seems he might enjoy demolition derbies. - Castle: He’s a language nerd, studying/reading/practicing new languages is his hobby for sure. Since the expanded bio says he rescues abused dogs, I don’t think it would be far fetched he volunteered at animal shelters too.
- Thatcher: Aside from repairing his boat, The Iron Maggie, he also enjoys fishing. He used to do that with his dad & brothers, and tried to take the rest of the SAS fishing as a bonding experience. It didn’t go very well - Sledge: He plays rugby, and has an inexplicable fondness of trying the wildest ideas that tend to end with something broken, be it one of his bones or a structure or wall (just read his extended psychological profile and you’ll see, lmao) - Smoke: Boxing, it helps him focus all his chaotic energy. And chemistry in general, it’s not just a hobby but a passion of his. - Mute: he enjoys tinkering with stuff, taking it apart and then putting it back together in a different way, just to see if he can improve it or make it work in his own way. Flying drones plays perfectly into that, with the added bonus of being able to do the flying part just for fun too.
- Montagne: His main passion is working with people, teaching and mentoring others, and therefore when he’s not on duty, his main passtime still is mingling with people and getting to know them. I could see him making overtures with Castle, interested in the American and fascinated by his knowledge of various languages, an area Monty feels insecure about due to only knowing French and English.  - Twitch: Engineering, robotics and developing an empathic AI is her life.Twitch is a workaholic passionate about those topics. She also greatly enjoys traveling and, according to her expanded bio, people watching.  - Doc: He surely had some hobby at one point, but he can’t remember it, or the last time he had free time for it. Doc is also a workaholic, although one that loves to complain about it.  - Rook: Apparently he’s passionate about cycling, auto racing, and rock concerts. Mainly cycling though, since he dropped out of university to cycle around France.
- Tachanka: He collects and repairs old weapons. Mostly soviet, but he has some interesting pieces from other countries too. And he dances surprisingly well.  - Kapkan: Aside from a certain interest in psychology, his main hobby is hunting, of course. But he also whittles and carves wooden figurines.  - Glaz: Quite obviously, painting. He’s an artist, and quite a good one. He also likes playing cards, especially poker. - Fuze: He builds new weapon prototypes for fun. And tests them, if he can convince Six of it. He also likes to bake from time to time, a skill he learnt thanks to his grandma - and because he has a sweet tooth.
- Jäger: Planes. Model planes, repairing old WWI & II planes, you name it. And watching copious amounts of documentaries.  - Bandit: His bike is his main hobby, both taking care of it and riding it. He also likes playing pool; and, if pranking people counts as a hobby, that’s his oldest one, dating from when he was a kid. - Blitz: He was and still is an athlete at heart, and Blitz loves running. - IQ: In order to disconnect from engineering pursuits, she indulges in rock climbing, spelunking, and writing science fiction stories.
- Buck: He crafts mechanical puzzles, and enjoys all kinds of physical activity that can take place outdoors. - Frost: She just loves being surrounded by nature, and often goes mountain climbing or diving.
- Valkyrie: Swimming and diving, of course! She wanted to be a professional swimmer, but now it’s just a hobby. And apparently she enrolled for a helicopter pilot license, and language classes. - Blackbeard: According to the expanded bios, he likes sailing and even participated in a championship. And since he climbed Mount Everest, it’s safe to say he also likes mountain climbing.
- Capitao: He loves football, playing or watching it, doesn’t matter, he’s all for it. - Caveira: Spends a lot of time practicing Jiu Jitsu, in the gym and also on unofficial tournaments.
- Hibana: For her it’s traditional Japanese archery (Kyūdō). And probably demolition derbies too accounting that concept art from before with Thermite and Pulse. - Echo: According to the expanded bio, he has few interests outside work, but I always imagined he’d be into gaming and e-sports. Hacking too, and that’s a direct influence from Dokkaebi.
- Jackal: He plays the acoustic guitar/spanish guitar, and sings too. And now we also know he volunteers with at-risk youth. - Mira: Fixing cars is second nature to her, and thanks to her expanded bio we know she also does metal sculptures that incorporate used mechanical parts.
- Ying: Extreme driving, which can sometimes trigger her PTSD, and traveling. Especially exploring cities by randomly jumping in public transport and just going anywhere. - Lesion: He is also one to volunteer in underprivileged areas (like Junk Bay, where he grew up), and clearing mines and other unexploded devices. I also imagine him with a certain gusto for playing blackjack.
- Zofia: If obsessing about her father’s supposed suicide and the oddities surrounding it, and desperately trying to reconnect with her sister count as hobbies, sure, she has those. - Ela: She’s also an artist, one with a very particular vision that some have called narcissistic. Apparently she also does some “freelance” volunteer work, roaming the streets at night and offering help/comfort, or a willing ear to the people she meets.
- Vigil: He likes to take walks around the forest, just aimless exploring and marvelling at nature and any animals he might come across. Often listens to relaxing music while doing so, and he might pick a pretty rock here and there to bring home. - Dokkaebi: Hacking is her hobby, of course. She also has several social media profiles and is an active member in a couple of hacking forums. As per a previous battlepass, I believe she enjoys mountain trekking too. And dancing to electro beat, due to her elite.
- Lion: His rebel years left him with an appreciation for rock music and a dream to be in a group. Lion still plays the electric guitar, when he’s not off volunteering at the local church. - Finka: Pushed by her parents from a young age to try different sports, just like her siblings, she eventually discovered a strong love for fencing and ice-skating.
- Maestro: Cooking, and boxing, an interest he shares with Smoke. But mostly cooking. - Alibi: She’s also a marksman, engages Ash in friendly shooting competitions.
- Clash: She’s very involved in different activist causes, mostly surrounding racial issues and inequality. - Maverick: Photography, mostly nature or candid shots of his fellow operators. I also think he likes horses and riding. And Buzkashi of course, but he hasn’t played since he left Kabul.
- Kaid: Playing chess, he’s a good strategist and it shows. And  while dozing off with a cat on his lap is not a hobby, he also loves that. - Nomad: Traveling to all sorts of remote locations, she’s an explorer with a thirst to prove herself. She also keeps a travel journal, which includes maps and some drawings of the places she’s seen.
- Mozzie: Dirt biking, of course. The more dangerous the jumps and stunts are, the more he likes it. He knows his limits and works to surpass them. - Gridlock: Robotics. She still wants to compete again in robot championships, just like she and Mozzie did so many years ago. She would consider that fixing cars and vehicles has become more part of her job than a hobby, but still loves it too.
Phantom Sight
- Nokk: Fencing, as evidenced by some of her concept art, she participated in fencing tournaments. - Warden: He knows appearances are important, and he cultivated a very specific image, so he likes to take care of that, be it by buying luxury or antique cars, or designer suits, etc.
Ember Rise
- Amaru: Archeology and exploring the Amazon jungle is her passion. It used to be her whole life and job, but since she joined Rainbow, she’s been busy with training and missions, yet she never lost her love for adventure, history and protecting her country’s cultural artifacts. - Goyo: He’s a really good chess player, and enjoys other games where he either has to think, or his usual poker face and calm demeanor can throw his opponents off.
Shifting Tides
- Kali: When she’s not writing reports about her underlings progress, or making lists about who should be ascended/rewarded, who needs to be punished or chastised, etc, she’ll be doing yoga, since it helps her focus. Or hardcore pilates when she needs to burn away some frustration first. - Wamai: Diving and being underwater in general, be it on his special immersion tanks or on the actual sea, it doesn’t matter. He finds it calming (and he’s addicted to the anoxia sensation)
Void Edge
- Iana: Space exploration fascinates her, and she’s always trying to learn everything she can about the cosmos, watching documentaries and conducting her own in-depth research. - Oryx: Wrestling helps him hone his physical prowess, and it’s also a measured outlet for his deep seated rage. He also greatly enjoys reading poetry.
Steel Wave
- Melusi: She’s committed to the conservation cause, which stems from both her love of wildlife and nature, and her protective instincts. She likes to explore too, although she’s not driven by a will to prove herself or reach certain goals, but simply for the joy of seeing natural spaces. - Ace: Social Media. He’s obsessed with his public image and popularity. While he travels quite a bit, it seems he does it more to share new and exciting selfies on Instagram than for the pleasure of visiting new places.
Shadow Legacy
- Zero: He knits and crochets, it’s an engaging hobby that helps him clear his mind, plus he enjoys making stuff too. Not many people know about this side of him though. 
Neon Dawn
- Aruni: She and Hero, her giant pouched rat, volunteer on landmine detection and removal efforts. She also likes to travel extensively, and has done so in the company of Twitch and Nomad.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Guardian of Creatures; AU! Queen x oc female x reader Chap. 14
*Author’s note*
Well it has been awhile since I did an update with this series but I finally took some time and finally came around to do this chapter.  Now idk when I’ll do the next chapter but I hope it’ll be soon. I really don’t wanna give up on this series and I hope you all haven’t given up either. I know the Queen/BoRhap fandom’s been almost silent lately but I hope we stand strong.
Warnings: swearing, torture, abuse, animal (in this case magical creature) cruelty/abuse
Chapter 14,
Kidnapped, tortured and broken
All you saw was pure darkness.  All you could hear was the sound of your heavy breathing and you thought you could also hear the shrill of a woman’s voice.  Suddenly your vision came back to you however you found out that you were forced down on your knees with your arms behind your back.
“So this is the so called human savior that my foolish nephew Crowley found eh?” you looked up and saw the familiar crazed curly hair of John’s mother Bellatrix Deacon.  Seeing her up close and personal was like you were looking at a rapid animal.
Her pupils were so dilated you could barely see the brown color in them, hell if you didn’t know any better you’d say she could pass off having black eyes.
“Indeed it is.” The shadow wizard wearing glasses and had sleeked back black hair and piercing cold light blue eyes said.  She scoffed. “Filthy muggles. Thinking they can learn our ways of magic! The world would be better off without ‘em!”
“Madam has such a sharp sense. Clever in every sense…..” a large fat, bald male said.
“Shut up Gollum!” she snapped at the creature.  Gollum, oh yeah you remember reading about them in the Magical creatures book.  They’re basically slaves to Wizards but never mistake them for weak.  They may look fat and slow but they are able to lift things 50x their own weight, and can snap a person’s spine in half if they are ordered to do so by their master.  The Gollum submitted and whimpered fearfully at Bellatrix’s fury. “Did you find the others?”
The man snapped his fingers and soon more shadow wizards came in, coming beside them were cocoon-like shadows.  One large one stood beside you and the other looked smaller, soon enough the smaller one revealed itself to be Roger and the taller one was Thor. From Thor there was Brian and Seraffel. And from Roger there was John and Ardeth.
“Hello sweetie, you miss me?” Bellatrix said to John.
“I could say a lot of things about you and not one of them would be anything in the ties of family feeling.” She did a slight tick.
“Is that any way to speak to your mother!?”
“I think we have very different definitions of being a ‘mother’.” Her right eye twitched then she slapped John across the face, the slap actually echoing throughout the entire room.
“DAD!!” Thor and Seraffel cried out.
“You psychotic bitch! Touch him again and I’ll freeze your ass so thick that not even a blue flamed dragon will be able to thaw you!” Seraffel growled threateningly.  Bellatrix then turned to Seraffel and even gave him a slap across the face.
“You do that and you and your brother will be locked somewhere where not even the crows can land their droppings on you.” She hissed into his face.  “What of that snake beast that’s always with them?” she said as she stood back up and paced in front of you all.
“We’re taking care of him. In fact I gave him a special little concoction of my own design. He’ll be out of commission for a while.”
“Excellent. And what of little Serafina? Your brothers having their way with her?” she cackled softly with a sickening grin.
Jesus this woman….if you could just move your arms you’d sure would like to wipe that grin off her face.  How dare she speak of Serafina like that!
“She was not with us when you sent these mages to collect us.” Ardeth spoke.  Bellatrix cackled and she said.
“As if I would ever believe that, Arabic dog!” She leaned down towards Ardeth.  She stood back up and walked towards the shadow wizard wearing the glasses and continued, “Now come on enough games where is she? That little wench has been clingy to my poor excuse of a son ever since they could walk. Wherever he goes, she’s sure to follow. Like a good little puppy.”
“I’m—afraid he’s not lying.” She turned to the man.  Her facial expression in a stoic gawk.  Her eyes wide as she let out a whisper.
“She wasn’t there?” the man shook his head. Bellatrix then began to frantically pace around the nearby fireplace which was roaring with a huge fire.  
Then in a flash she raised her wand and fired a green fire blast at the fireplace which made the fire explode behind her, her hair fanning out like a deranged demon.  With a flick of her wrist with her wand, a whip came out and attacked the shadow wizard standing behind John.
“How dare you—” a female shadow witch proclaimed but she was silenced when the whip wrapped around her throat.  She was the flung out the window before Bellatrix attacked another male shadow wizard that stood behind you.  She forced him across the room, hitting the wall.
“GO! FIND HER! FIND HER YOU MONGRELS!!!!!” she roared out in pure anger.  Not even wanting to test her again, the shadow wizards disappeared all except their leader. “Corvus! Put the creatures in their cages! I want to have a little conversation with my sonny boy. Mummy to son!” She said as she went up to John and actually pulled him free from his shadow binds, pulling him right up to her face.
You as well as the others were soon being forced to walk out of the room and towards what you would assume would be the dungeons.
“Dad! No dad!” the boys called out.
“John!” you called out.
“I’ll be okay you three. I’ll be okay.” Was the last thing you heard him say to you before the last thing you saw was his mother smirking maliciously at her own son.
You were then pushed into a cage and heard it lock behind you before the shadow wizard known as Corvus walked away after sending the others into their own cages.  Already you could hear Thor and Seraffel trying to bust down their cages.
“It’s no use boys.” Brian said.
“What you’re giving up already Uncle Brian! You know who our dad’s with we can’t just leave him alone with her!” Seraffel said.
“I understand your concern for your father ice dragon. But these are not ordinary cells. These have been engraved with ancient ruins. Which means we can’t use our powers and no amount of strength can break these bars.” Ardeth explained.
“So-so we’re just gonna stay locked away down here!?” Thor asked is disbelief.  You wanted to agree with them but upon closer inspection you saw that what Ardeth had said was true.  Ruins aligned the bars; they were small and faint but you could somehow see them carved into the iron.
You sat down with your knees to your chest and thought about John and prayed to God that he’d survive whatever torture his mother was about to do to him.  You also prayed that wherever Serafina was, she’d hear him and come save him as well as the rest of you.
*3rd Person POV*
John collapsed to the ground.  His whole body trembling after being hit repeatedly and mercilessly with the Crucio curse.  He was then spun onto his back while his mother hovered over him with the very same knife she’d use on him as a child.  He once again felt like that frightened child as she held that knife right up against his cheek, allowing him to feel the hauntingly familiar steel blade.
“That wench of yours has never once left your side and now she just pops off to Merlin knows where! You will tell me where you sent that FILTHY HALFBLOOD WENCH!!” she first started off in an icy whisper before finally screaming in his face.
“Don’t know……she went……I swear! I don’t know where she is!” John pleaded with his mother.
“Oh I don’t believe you.” Without hesitating, she held down her son’s head with her left hand and with the right, she began to carve out a word under John’s forearm.  Echoing throughout the entire mansion, John’s agonizing screams pierced the air.  Mixed in with his mother’s sadistic cackling it was like being in an insane asylum.
Below in the dungeons, everyone could hear the agonizing screams of John and Bellatrix’s insane cackling and demanding screams. Thor and Seraffel shook in pure anger before they decided to hit their cages as hard as they could with their bodies. Slamming against the iron bars trying to break free (even though it was pointless).
*2nd Person POV*
Hearing John’s screams just made your heart stop and your stomach drop.  There was nothing you could do.  It was almost too painful for you to listen to John’s screams anymore, so you closed your eyes and covered your ears but you could still hear his agonizing screams.
Goddamnit Serafina where are you!? Can’t you hear your husband’s pain? You guys are already connected so you should feel it right!?
Footsteps soon came down the corridor, through whatever light could be seen from the moonbeams that shined in the dungeons, you saw that it was the Deacon’s Gollum as well as the glasses wearing Shadow Mage known as Corvus.
“The dragons, the elf and the Nokk. You four are to come with us.”
“Oh yeah? And where’s that?” asked Roger.
“Let’s just say your presence is needed—elsewhere.”
“And just what do you mean by elsewhere?” Seraffel demanded.
“That is none of your concern dragon. Just know that if you refuse to cooperate,” that’s when you felt something beginning to squeeze your heart.  Your throat clumped up and you could literally hear your heart beat ringing in your ears, “The muggle will die.”
“You sick bastards let them go!” Seraffel shouted.
“They’ve got nothing to do with this!” Thor tried to reason.
“Oh you’re right. They do have nothing to do with this, after all—they’re nothing to us. Just another, worthless, pathetic muggle born.” Corvus’ eyes turned to you.
From what you could see, his blue eyes were nothing but ice cold as the pain in your chest continued to grow and grow.  Your heart racing even faster, pleading for air. You tried to speak but it was as if your voice was silenced permanently.
“Alright we’ll comply!” Brian shouted.  Corvus turned to Brian’s cell. “We’ll comply with you. Just don’t hurt them.” Corvus’ lips turned up into a slight grin and just as suddenly the pain was in your chest, it was released and you let out a loud, desperate inhale of air.
You began coughing and felt something warm land on your lips, you raise your fingers to see just what it was only to see the familiar thick red substance of blood staining your fingertips.
“(Y/n), you alright?” Roger spoke to you worriedly.
“I’m—I’m okay.” Soon you heard the cell doors open and out came Thor, Seraffel, Brian and Roger.  The Gollum tied up Brian’s hands with rope while Thor, Seraffel and Roger were given chains around their necks.  Soon the four of them were led out like dogs on a leash until they disappeared up the stairs.
“Ardeth?” you call out.
“I’m here.”
“Do—do you think…..we’re gonna get out of this alive?” he was silent for a long moment.
“To be honest, I do not know. But we cannot allow them to break us, Shadow mages pride themselves in their arrogance. And harming others is what gives them that ego boost.”
“But what about Brian and the others?”
“I wouldn’t worry about them. All of them are clever and strong. They won’t break as easy as the Shadow mages think they will.”  You hope he was right.
*Roger’s POV*
We were lead outside the manor and saw a bunch of other Shadow Mages outside, however unlike the ones that captured us, these guys had a jaguar brands on their arms.
“As promised, four new toys to try out.” Corvus stated.  A female Shadow mage with silver hair and piercing honey-like eyes came up to Thor and lifted his chin up.
“The dragons and the Nokken will be most useful. The elf, maybe not so much.”
“As I’m sure you’re aware of Celina, Elves are notorious for their healing abilities. Perhaps he can be used to heal some of your clan members.” Celina smirked before releasing Thor’s chin and she said to Johnathan.
“Alright Corvus, you’ve got a deal.” She gestured one of her boys to come forward and he handed Johnathan a sack of sorts.  Johnathan opened it to reveal about 200 pounds. These sick, twisted Mages, they’re selling us like cattle!
“Pleasure doing business with you Felidae.” Johnathan said with a smirk before he and the Gollum walked back towards the manor. Soon each of us were pulled by our binds and forced to walk with these mages now.
My nephews and I were the ones who tried to break free from our bonds.  Chaining us up like we were no more than human dogs to them, I especially hated the feeling of being bounded by something.  Minus Serafina’s magic, having being bound by something whether it’s magic or chains it’s like—being molested by an unknown force that keeps a tight hold to you and will never let go.
For days we trudged on the open country side of jolly ol England.  I don’t know whether they were trying to break us this way or just tire us out, either way it was a foolish way.  Once I trekked the entire land that would soon become both North and South America twice without rest.  Brian’s kind, they can last several days without rest since Elves have a slower metabolism, basically they’re super human and don’t break that easy if they don’t get food or water for a few days.
And of course with Thor and Seraffel being dragons, they’ll last since Ardeth’s people supplied with a dragon sized meal for them.  But I knew their bonds must have bothered them as much as it did me.  For the Mages also decided to bind them by their backs, preventing them from spreading their wings once in a while.
You know how you’ll see birds shake themselves out by flapping their wings, well that keeps blood circulating through their wings and keeps them healthy.  When dragons are in their human form, they have to every once in a while spread their wings out for the same reason, cause if they don’t it causes them serious back pains and can even paralyze their wings if bounded long enough.
By day 5, I could already see from the lads that their backs were starting to ache them as they would shift their shoulder blades, roll their shoulders, anything to try and ease the aching muscles in their back.
It even got to the point where Thor was so uncomfortable, he actually created a thunderstorm right over us.  Not any rain but there were definitely some thunder and purple lightning flashing the sky.
“Oi Storm dragon! Yah might wanna cease this yammerin in the sky yah?!” one of the Shadow mages spoke with an Irish accent.
“He would if you would allow us to stretch our wings out you damn eejit.” Seraffel defended his little brother.  The Irish shadow mage turned around and was about to punch Seraffel across the face when he was forced to stop mid-walk by none other than Celina.
“My husband paid good money for these beasts. If any of them are harmed, it’ll be your head Seanie do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” She freed him which made him drop to the ground.
“Keep moving, I promised him we’d be back in 6 days with his prizes.” She ordered the rest of the shadow mages.  They obeyed her with a ‘yes ma’am’ and forced us to continue walking.
The next morning I smelt something in the air.  It smelt like—brimstone? And…..horse manure? As we came over a hill that’s when we saw it.
A fortress like structure with walls well over Thor’s dragon height, steal iron and it even had runes on them.  What do I mean by runes, well I mean magical ruin, symbols that date back to the Anglo-Saxon era of man.  Serafina told me that only the witch or wizard that cast them can use their magic.  So even if you are the most powerful creature on earth, if you’re trapped within a rune binding, you’re basically a sitting duck.
We got closer and closer to the fortress, meeting some other Shadow mages with the same Jaguar symbol branding on their arms, and even the fortress walls bared the Jaguar shadow symbol on a flag.  
One shadow mage took control over Brian’s body using his shadow sorcery, 10 men came up to handle Thor and Seraffel (five shadow mages each took care of them) while 4 handled me.
I shifted into my white horse form trying to give me some more weight for them to try and drag them down but they held my chains firm.
“Open the gates!” Celina called out and when they did, we were greeted with an awful sight.
Obviously this place was bigger than it looked.  A fight ring on one side of the fortress, a corral on the other, and a stable that went all the way around the entire fortress. Dragons from fire drakes, to the peaceful Asian water dragons were kept in cages, being whipped or forced to submit to the Shadow wizards that stood at their cages.
Elves in chains forced to be slaves as they walked back and forth making weapons or potions to probably benefit Grindelwald’s followers and maybe even harm us magical creatures.   I turned around and watched as the gates were sealed shut and lit up with the runes, locking the doors permanently.
“Separate them!” the Irish mage Seanie said and soon the boys were taken towards the East end of the fortress while Brian was forcefully escorted to the upper levels of the fortress to be put to work.  Meanwhile I was forced to walk straight ahead, and that’s when my heart dropped.
As we walked along further into the fortress, I could hear the sound of thunderous footsteps.  But they didn’t come from any dragon or giant, not these steps I knew all too well.
That was the sound of a Nokken army.
And that’s when I saw them.  All of my brothers being ridden on like actual horses, all of them walking as a single unit, looking down and obeying these Shadow mages commands. My younger brothers were now slaves to these brutes.
All of them—broken.
I let out a frantic, desperate neigh as I called out to them hoping they would recognize me.  That’s when a tall, skinny black stallion looked up and nickered surprisingly.  Tommy, my youngest brother in the pod.  Back before I left the pod to join Fred and his cause, he and his twin brother Nikki were just colts.
But now he was practically a juvenile standard of Nokken. Black stallion (contrary to popular belief, we have to earn our white coats with age and experience. We’re first born as black stallions, then slowly become brown before finally we turn white).
That’s when I saw that bumping behind him was none other than his twin brother Nikki.  No just how many of my younger brothers do they have here? What did these shadow wizards’ need us for? The Shadow Mage riding on top of Tommy gave him a whip to his behind to get him back in position.
I pleaded one more time to my brothers but this time none of them even looked up at me.  They just kept marching, and marching, and marching.
Rage boiled up inside me till I just lashed out and tried to make a break for it.  The shadow mages that held onto me, tried to pull me back but I was a true fighter, I wasn’t gonna obey them.  I bucked, kicked, reared, stomped, anything I could to intimidate them.
That’s when a Bombarda spell came down just barely a foot in front of me stopping me in my tracks.  Before me was (who to me) looked like the Shadow mage in charge.
He had sleeked back dark brown hair, piercing cold blue eyes much like Johnathan Corvus did, he wore a fancy black dress suit and tight leather gloves on his hand.  Around his neck was a silver broach with (you guessed it) the Jaguar family crest.  I huffed at this wizard as I bared my teeth at him, flicking my tail angrily telling him I meant business.
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“What seems to be the problem cousins?” he spoke in a pure, rich British tone.
“We got us a wild one this time Malcolm.” Said one of the shadow mages that held me.
“Deacon and Black’s pet Nokk cousin.” A Scottish shadow mage spoke up.
“Really?” Malcolm piped in arrogantly.  He walked up towards me, took out his wand and lifted my chin with it.  “We’ve broken many stubborn Nokkens in our life time. This one will be no different.” How dare he……
I then took his wand between my teeth and snapped it in half before spitting it down to his feet.  For someone who takes their shadow abilities based off the animal of humans, he definitely wasn’t no jaguar.  Malcolm smirked at me, picked up his wand and snapped it till it was completely in two before carelessly tossing it aside.
I stomped my front right foot as a challenge for him but he looked at me as if I were nothing but a worthless dog, all bark and no bite.
“Conduct him like the rest of his brothers.”
“Yes cousin.” Just looking into this guy’s eyes alone I was thinking—sea snake.  I huffed and snarled at him, keeping my eyes on him till he left me alone with his cousins.
I was dragged towards some sort of preparation stable. They placed me between these two iron-plated gate and wrapped my chains around the poles of them.
“Alright Graham, he’s all yours.” Said another Irish shadow mage.  I reared my head downwards giving him a snarl as he jumped back trying to dodge my teeth. “Be careful though, he’s a wily one.” A deep chuckle came out from a blacksmith shop nearby.
A pudgy, fat old wizard soon came out wiping his hands of the grease and grime.  Thinning white hair and a little tache above his upper lip and he spoke with a thick Irish accent.
“See ‘ow wily he is once I’m through with ‘em.” He took out a pair of scissors.  Oh fuck no! he came right up to my mane and was about to cut a chunk of it off, but I quickly turned and bit him in the hand.  He jumped back grabbing his hand and checked it out.  I huffed and gave him my best stick eye.
No one but Serafina Deacon-Black touches this mane.
“A fighter eh?” next thing I know, my head was forced down into a bagged muzzle and I could only watch as each strand of white horse hair fell down onto the ground.  The fat bastard chuckled as he continued to cut my mane but then another idea came into mine.
They may have pinned my neck and head, but these mages sure as hell didn’t take my whole body into consideration.  So I simply just leaned a bit to the left, pinning his hand against my body and the iron cage.  The fat mage cried in pain as he tried to free his hand and fell to the ground in the process.
Once he was free, I nickered out a laugh through the bag as I looked him in the eye.  He gave me his best glare as he muttered.
*3rd Person POV*
After completing their marching exercise, two of Roger’s brothers that he had seen Nikki and Tommy took notice of their older brother’s games with the old fat bastard (as all the Nokks referred to Graham).  Nikki nickered curiously as Tommy turned and followed his older twin’s gaze.
Due to that little stunt, the shadow mages now used a spell to paralyze Roger’s whole body so that Graham could continue his work.  Now taking a small knife, he picked up Roger’s front right hoof and began cleaning out all the gunk, dirt, coral, anything that could be trapped underneath his hooves.
Now he wouldn’t know at the time, but he managed to move that leg out of Graham’s grasp and quite literally, kick him in the ass. Leaving a well deserved hoofprint on the old geezer’s trousers.  Roger laughed again through his sack-like muzzle.  From their spot, Nikki grinned while Tommy whinnied out a laugh, remembering just how much Roger loved to toy with wizards, especially the male ones.
A shadow witch came and bound Roger’s leg that kicked Graham with a chain this time.
“I told yah, good ol iron will always do the thing instead of relying on magic too much!”
“And I told you yah old geezer, we don’t know how his leg got free! No one is ever able to break our shadow paralyzing spell.” The younger witch snapped at him before leaving.  As Graham went back to work, this time hammering a new horse shoe onto Roger’s hoof.  Roger nickered softly and soon felt his back foot raise up ready to kick Graham right in the face.
“Graham watch it!” another witch called out to him but it was too late.  The second he looked up, Roger’s back leg socked him in the eye sending him onto his back.  Nikki and Tommy both let out whinnies of laughter at their older brother’s games which soon caught the attention of the other Nokks as well, including Roger’s twin brother Vince.
Graham grunted and rubbed his head before glaring back at Roger who glared at him.  This was the last straw for Graham, playtime was over.
He had all of Roger’s legs triple chained up to ensure that he couldn’t escape this time.  In his shop, Graham was pumping up the brand of the Felidae family and was going to brand Roger with that very mark on his side.
“Yah bloody wanker this ‘ill teach yah to mess with me.” He muttered.  Nikki cringed out a worried nicker while Tommy lowered his head bending his ears back so that he wouldn’t hear the painful roars to come.  
In Vince’s stable he lowered his head, many Nokks, including him have broken once they’ve been branded.  Being water creatures, any source of heat is painful for them if it gets on their skin, and this guy brands this in blue dragon fire which makes it twice as painful and more torturous than any Nokken could ever take.
Graham came onto Roger’s right side, holding the flamed poker with the brand at the end, chuckling arrogantly.  But Roger wasn’t going to go down without a fight.  He wriggled and wormed his head around until finally he got free of his muzzle, his head hovering straight over Graham’s entire body.
He let out a gasp while Roger smirked at him before giving him a well-earned, hard, painful headbutt, knocking Graham out cold.
“Graham, you alright mate?” asked a shadow mage as Roger snorted at him, claiming his victory.  Nikki, Tommy and Vince all whinnied out laughter at their brother’s play.
“This Nokken is unlike any of the others. He’s even managed to slip pass our spells.” Said one witch.  “How is this possible?”
“I don’t know.” Said another female witch as they both stared at Roger, who raised his head up high, glaring at anyone who dared try to brand him next.
“Elizabeth, Robyn, you two rally your brothers and—tell them to take this Nokk to the stables.” Said a male shadow wizard.
“Not the stables James.” Malcolm’s voice soon spoke up. The three of them turned to face the head of the Felidae shadow clan.
“Malcolm?” James asked.
“The corral. It’s time we broke this beast.” Malcolm’s final command was.  And whatever the head of the house says, the others must obey.
*Roger’s POV*
The corral huh? Break me? Heh, good luck with that.  I was taken to the corral and as if I were a normal horse, they saddled me up and forcefully tried to pry my mouth open so that I was forced to feel the touch of their shadow reins.
Let me tell you it felt and tasted revolting.  Try to imagine a thick stripped down rag being gagged between your teeth that felt as hard as steel itself.  I gave them a fight but one of them just had to cheat and give me a good, hard shock to force my mouth open.
I reared and shook my head as I felt the first shadow mage get on top of my back.  All right, you Mages think you can break me? Well come on then, let’s ride!
The second that gate opened, I bucked madly which shook the young male wizard on top of my back like a ragdoll.  I made an erupt stop and he slammed right into the back of my neck making him disoriented.  I quickly spun around before giving him one final buck, sending him flying into the air and landing right on his stomach in the dirt.
I gave him an arrogant huff before turning to Malcolm who only gave me a glare.  Next in line.
The next rider was a slightly older male shadow mage sporting both a tache and beard.  Arrogantly he thought he could last longer than the other guy, yeah right.  I took him out quicker than the last one, sending him right on his arse.
Of course as I walked away he shouted a profanity at me. Calling me a ‘lousy piece of horse shit’.  And like hell I was just gonna take that lying down, I charged head on at him to which he ran for his life.  Barely making it out of the corral before I gave him a quick bite to his arse.  From the nearby stables, I could hear some of my brothers laughing out, I turned to see it was none other than my brothers Tommy, Vince and Nikki.
I nickered to them thanking them before trotting back, my tail flicking with pride and my head held high.  Once I got back to my so called ‘kennel’ I snorted out at the witch who stood in front of it, making her reel back in disgust as I got back into place, nickering arrogantly.  Next!
“This one will break ‘em.” A Welsh witch spoke as a big Scots shadow mage came at me with a horsewhip in hand.  Please like he’ll be any different.  I threw that big lug off of me under just one second.  All it took was one good leap and he went soaring through the air, even knocked another wizard who was sitting on top of the corral fence.
Even some of the witches tried to ride me but just because they were girls didn’t mean I gave it to them any easier.  In fact I made sure to buck those bitches off of my back even harder, because like I’ve said before.
The only witch who I allow on this stallion’s back is Serafina Deacon-Black.
Now to really show these bastards I meant business.  I charged at one end of the fence baring my teeth and stomping my hooves aggressively.  I then charged towards another section of the gate, scaring the shadow mages there, even knocking some of them into a trough.  Finally my eyes turned to Malcolm, I charged head on right towards him.  
The mages around him backed up but he stood firm with his hands behind his back and his eyes narrowed with hate as I growled right in his face, my breath even making parts of his short hair flow freely from its sleeked back form.
I stood face to face with Malcolm panting heavily.  My eyes piercing red at this point, my blood boiling and my heart racing.  You have proof yet you cocky little shit?  I don’t go down without a fight.
“Celina!” Malcolm called out.
“Yes Malcolm?” the woman who brought us here stood by Malcolm’s side.
“Take this Nokken down to the boiler dungeon. No food or water. 2 weeks.”
“With pleasure my darling. Plus with a little more fire power from those fire drake’s we got, the boiler room will be extra hot for this one to—cool down.” She said with a sadistic smirk.
Next thing I know I was trapped within a cell and all I could feel was hot air surrounding me.  It was also strange that I could feel that my legs weren’t chained up at all, nor was my snout or neck.  But still it was scorching hot in here.
I laid down in my cage, smacking my lips already starting to feel my mouth growing dry.  I huffed and nickered softly.
Damnit Serafina where are you? And Freddie, what happened to him? Was he here with us or was he still at the manor with John, (Y/n) and Ardeth? And just what the hell was this place exactly? Why would the Shadow mages want all of us creatures for?
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antoineharrakblog · 4 years
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A test outfit for Elsa's nightgown.... Her movements are the same as the one in the short OLAF'S FROZEN ADVENTURE... "when we're Together" ❄️😉❤️
Credit to the animator Erik Eulen on instagram for this! ❤️
This is a little Behind the scenes of Elsa’s fight with Nokk... ❄️🐎🌊
Credit to the animator Jennifer Hager on instagram for this! ❤️
ENJOY! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❄️❄️❄️🍁🍁🍁😘😘😘
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hafanforever · 4 years
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Kindred Spirits
While in the Enchanted Forest, Elsa squares off against three of the four elemental spirits. The first spirit appears when she is with her family. The second spirit appears when the five characters are in the presence of the Arendellian soldiers and the Northuldra people. Then the third spirit appears to Elsa alone.
It is my theory that the Wind, Fire, and Water Spirits, those being Gale, Bruni, and the Nokk, respectively, appear because they detect Elsa’s powers. They sense the presence of her magic, which makes them suspect she may be a spirit like them. Their “attacks” are actually tests in which they challenge Elsa to see if she IS truly the fifth spirit, and thus one of them, or if she is a fraud.
During her encounters with these spirits, Elsa must pass their tests, one at a time, to prove herself worthy of joining them.
These tests begin when Gale appears as a tornado. She aggressively sweeps up the whole group and swirls them around, but then she lets the others go while Elsa remains in her grasp. This clearly indicates that Gale realizes that Elsa is the ONLY magical being of the five. Elsa successfully stops Gale’s twister by shooting out ice, which leads to the creation of the ice sculptures. Afterwards, Gale reappears as a swirl of leaves (her usual form), and becomes very playful and curious.
After Elsa and her family meet the Northuldra and soldiers, Bruni appears when he starts a fire in one tree, then he jumps around more trees and runs to several other spots, setting much of the forest ablaze. Elsa emits ice from her hands to put out the fires, but she barely extinguishes them before more emerge. When she finally corners Bruni and discovers that he’s just a tiny salamander, Elsa calmly approaches him, then dodges a spew of fire and puts it out after he hisses and spits it at her. Upon seeing what she does to the aforementioned fire, Bruni’s aggression turns to curiosity, and he cocks his head as he looks at Elsa, who does the same gesture. He then cautiously approaches Elsa, and she gently extends her hand, gesturing that she means no harm. After Bruni climbs into her hands and happily settles down, Elsa creates some snowflakes, which he eagerly gobbles up.
When Elsa begins crossing the Dark Sea to go to Ahtohallan, she faces her deadliest spiritual challenge yet when she encounters the Nokk, a water entity shaped like a horse and the guardian of said sea. This test proves to be more difficult for Elsa, not only because she struggles to swim through the choppy water and its huge waves, but also because the Nokk acts more aggressive than the other two spirits did. It repeatedly chases after Elsa and tries to drown her, but she uses her powers to steadily fight back at each of its attempts. After creating reins to hold on to and ride the Nokk, it continues to resist and bucks several times to try and throw her off. But Elsa valiantly keeps her grasp, refusing to be thrown off, and the Nokk finally settles down. Afterwards, it carries her to Ahtohallan, then disappears into the water after she disembarks. Before they part, Elsa and the Nokk bow to each other, displaying a newfound respect that has formed between them.
When Elsa freezes in Ahtohallan after discovering the truth about her grandfather’s crimes, Anna receives the last-minute message from Elsa about the latter’s discovery, and concludes that the dam must be broken in order to free the forest. By this time, the Earth Giants are still the only spirit(s) left to be confronted. With Elsa dead, and Olaf gone due to the loss of Elsa’s magic, Anna alone takes it upon herself to face the Giants. She does this by provoking them into following her to the dam and throwing boulders to break it. Upon being awoken, the Giants react aggressively towards Anna by trying to stomp on her and throwing their boulders as they chase her. But Anna succeeds in luring them to the dam and getting them to destroy it. Once the structure has fallen, Elsa is revived, saves Arendelle, and returns to the forest. With the dam obliterated, the Giants are tame once again.
Now Elsa facing off, or rather, not facing off, against the Giants earlier in the film, as opposed to the other spirits, is a different story. Like Gale and Bruni before, and then the Nokk later, the Giants sensed Elsa’s presence when she was at the Northuldra camp, which is why they appeared there. They were attracted to her magic, which made them think that she may have been one of them. However, while Elsa briefly thinks she can settle them like she did with Gale and Bruni, Anna convinces her that it wouldn’t be smart to confront them now. Realizing that she would put everyone at risk if she stayed since the Giants would likely return and persistently search for her at the camp until they finally found her there, Elsa decides to leave immediately and continue going north.
Unlike the other spirits, I think if Elsa tried to confront the Giants, it would have been harder for her to settle them unlike the others, mainly because there are several Giants and they are all enormous in size. @mike5579-t3a​ mentioned to me that Elsa confronting 40+ foot tall, heavy Earth Giants along with a group that consisted of the Northuldra, Mattias, the four remaining soldiers, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven would be a lose-lose or win-lose situation. Though Bruni’s fires were dangerous, they were quickly and easily extinguished, without having done significant damage to the forest, once Elsa calmed him down. However, the Giants’ size make them a bigger danger to everyone else, mainly because they and their boulders are capable of doing lots of unrepairable damage to the forest, most especially when they are in angry, aggressive states.
When it comes to other reasons why the Giants had to be confronted last, I think their monstrous size wasn’t the only problem. Keep in mind that in real life, earth is usually regarded as the most physical element in nature since it represents hard, solid objects like rock and stone. For that reason, I think the physical presence of the dam, a firm, stone structure, affected the Giants the most. By this, I mean that it made them the most aggressive of all four spirits because they are made of rock themselves. As long as the dam stood, the Giants could not be easily, if at all, pacified like the Wind, Fire, and Water Spirits. But once the dam was gone, the Giants returned to their original, peaceful state.
By the end of Frozen II, the Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth Spirits have not just reconciled with the Northuldra and Arendellians; they have resumed living in harmony with each other, the Northuldra, and now live alongside Elsa, the fifth spirit, in the Enchanted Forest.
Interestingly enough, earlier in the film, when the ice crystals appear after Elsa finishes singing “Into the Unknown”, she identifies them in the order of air, fire, water, and earth. This turns out to be a subtle foreshadowing of the same sequential order of the spirits that Elsa and Anna face on their adventure.
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yumeka36 · 4 years
Thoughts on “Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2″
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I binged all six episodes of the Frozen 2 making-of documentary series on Disney+ and wanted to share my thoughts:
- Probably my favorite scene is when the cast got to hear the orchestration of “Into the Unknown” for the first time. I loved how we got to hear the emphasizing of each instrument. Also sweet seeing how emotional Jen and Idina got when they heard it.
- I adored every scene that showed the voice actors recording their lines and singing. It’s nice to hear slightly different versions of all the songs. I especially loved the wholesomeness of the cast recording their respective lines for “Some Things Never Change,” and Kristen Bell’s touching recording of “The Next Right Thing.”
- Very interesting to know how much struggle they had with the concept of “Show Yourself.” I liked hearing the variations of the lyrics that Kristen came up with before settling on the song we have today. The fact that they spent so much time trying to get this song number right despite pressing deadlines shows how important they knew it would be for Elsa’s character.
- It was so, so interesting to see all the different facets of the animation process: the rigging, the effects, the sound directing, the lighting, the story boarding, the daily meetings, etc., Even if you’re not a Frozen fan, if you have any interest in the animation process, this documentary is a great watch.
- “See the Sky” was a nice song that gave a bit more character to the otherwise forgettable new characters like Matthias and the Northuldra, but it didn’t click at the test screenings unfortunately. Would have been nice to have had it as a deleted scene or on the deluxe soundtrack.
- Some people were disappointed that the deleted scenes like The Secret Room and Get This Right weren’t discussed at all in the documentary, but the reason for that is because it only covers the last year of the movie’s production. The deleted scenes included on the blu-ray release were probably scrapped earlier in production.
- I’ve always had trouble believing the leaks from a year ago that a supposed “original” ending for Frozen 2 was to have Elsa never get revived. As I discussed in a previous post, it just doesn’t add up. Now that I’ve seen the documentary, I'm even less convinced that this so-called original ending was even a thing because, in episode 4 when they’re about to show the test screening to the family audience, we see them working on footage of the actual ending we got of Elsa riding Nokk back to Arendelle and the Frohana hug. So if this “darker” ending did exist, it must have been even before this test screening when they barely had the story together, so I’d hardly call it a confirmed ending that was ever taken seriously. Of course, they could have purposely rearranged the footage to make it look that way, but I don’t think so. Everything else seemed pretty linear as they followed the crew in the final months of production, so no evidence that these scenes were out of place. At the most, whoever leaked that supposed ending probably saw an incomplete version of the movie before the ending was settled on (the documentary shows that they have screenings throughout production) and it got passed around through the grape vine and got interpreted as a spoiler of an actual original ending.
- I was really hoping I’d appear in episode 5 when they covered D23 Expo. They were filming people getting Jen, Chris, and Peter’s autographs, which was an event I participated in. When I met them, I showed them my backpack full of Frozen pins and Chris even took a picture of it! I thought that would be something interesting they’d want to include in the documentary. They showed some cosplayers, some people attending the expo from other countries, and a few other lucky random fans getting the autographs, but not me. Oh well.
- I was in the audience for the exclusive premiere of Frozen 2 clips at D23 Expo, so it was really cool seeing what the cast was doing behind the curtains at that time. Watching the voice actors perform “Some Things Never Change” live at that event was one of my expo highlights so it was so nice to see parts of it again.
- Loved the scenes showing how Elsa’s new dress came about. And of course, leading up to the orchestration of “Show Yourself.” Gave me the chills!
- So many emotions at the wrap party when they were about to show the complete movie to the full filmmaking team and their families (Peter’s reaction especially).
- I’ve read some complaints about the fact that they had to make changes to the film based on the children’s feedback from the family test screening - that this somehow made the movie worse off. But it makes sense that they’d have to balance it between appealing to kids and adults. That’s what makes Disney movies so successful. Getting feedback that kids got confused or bored and then changing things up is necessary for a family movie, it’s nothing to fault them for. They had to make it so that both kids and adults could follow the story - they had to find a compromise between what they want (as adults) and what a large portion of their audience (kids) will enjoy. Some things were a bit confusing for the little ones, so they had to simplify. Nothing wrong with that since the success of every great Disney animated film rides on their appeal to the widest variety of audiences.
- Of course, it would have been awesome to see even more behind-the-scenes stuff. Like, from even earlier in the movie’s development, or know what was going on the few meetings they didn’t allow the documentary filming to take place. But honestly, I’m just grateful we got this. This is very unprecedented behind-the-scenes content from Disney that we didn’t have to get, but we did, and I’m happy about that!
- And wow, I have even more respect for Jen Lee and the team now that I’ve seen in detail the amount of work and stress they went through to deliver this movie. Sure, it’s not perfect, but making a perfect, or even just a great movie, when you have to coordinate so many different facets and get hundreds of people on the same page under such immense pressure is nearly impossible. With all those hurdles they had, I think they ended up doing a dang good job.
- Now I’m also a bit more sympathetic when they shy away from talking about Frozen 3, lol. But what’s interesting is that I attended a live Q&A session the other day with some of the Frozen filmmakers/animators, and they once again had to answer a question about Frozen 3. Rather than say, “ask me in a year” like Chris and Jen have been saying, Chris said “ask me in six months” (since it’s been six months since Frozen 2′s release). The fact that he’s keeping true to his original time of “a year” is interesting, lol. Time to count down the months!
Also, for those of you following my Frozen 2 writing project, I’m almost done. Just a little more edits, proofreading, and cleanup and it’ll be good to go! Look for the complete version within the next few days!
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aboutfrozen2 · 4 years
Guides and Guardians
It has been mentioned before that the Nokk may be serving as the guardian to the glacier. Elsa passed the test and gained access to Ahtohallan—her parents did not.
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But what of Gale and Bruni? The land-based elemental spirits were happy to guide the sisters to the Nokk and what would have been their deaths if Elsa hadn’t been what they thought she was. We don’t know what the earth giants were going to do, but if Bruni and Gale can hear Ahtohallan’s call we can assume that they could, as well—were they intending to escort her to Ahtohallan if she could pass their test?
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Are they all guardians to Ahtohallan?
Is that why Gale and Bruni attacked Elsa? They wanted to test her strength first themselves, before sending her off to be potentially killed by the Nokk?
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Were there other people before Elsa whom they’d tested and bested, and thus refused to guide to Ahtohallan? Were there other people that had managed to beat the land spirits like Elsa did? Had the spirits guided them north only for them to fail the Nokk’s final test?
It would explain why Elsa’s death didn’t seem to surprise them—to borrow from a movie about a different Norse legend, “Another Day, Another Doug”.
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tare-chan · 4 years
Iduna, Elsa, Anna, and the 4 spirits
After several days of contemplating the story line of Frozen 2, I think I finally get the whole story. Well… this is still categorize as theory though, but as always, I will share my thoughts here.
I think Iduna and Gale’s roles are very important as the base story for Frozen 2
And I’m amazed how the animators managed to portrayed the spirits as ‘human’ as possible, with their distinctive recognizable traits. 
Spoiler… spoiler….
Iduna, as a Northruldan, seems have a very close relationship with Gale, the wind spirits. (Gale seems like the kinder, easy going and friendlier spirits, who also very agile, and loves to play). We can see how they played around in the past sequences. Gale even help Iduna saves a boy, who actually was the “enemy”, and pushed them to safety, out of the forest border (I think the ‘ah-ah-ah’ calling voice is how Iduna ‘talks’ to Gale). I believe, even tough Gale was also trapped inside the forest, being “a” wind, he (I assume the spirits are all a “he” for my convenient writing purposes, btw) able to check on Iduna from time to time. Thus he can sense that Iduna has 2 daughters, one of whom, possessed the special “keys”, to lift the curse, as a gift for the good Iduna has done in the past. Gale didn’t exactly know which of the two daughters has the power tough.
Now the movie itself didn’t show how Iduna and Agnarr met, but from the trailer, we did see that Gale seems also playing with Agnarr. I presume, from that brief interaction, Iduna could tell that Agnarr was different from his Father (more on the curious side, rather than on the fear side, when interact with magic), and Gale agreed with her. Now, for the sake of drama, what if Iduna was the daughter of the Northuldran leader that was killed by Agnarr’s father? This will emphasize Iduna’s good deed even more, IMO. I wished the movie would showed us a little more of Iduna and Agnarr encounter. Anyway, from those tiny tidbits we get from the movie, I could assume that Agnarr didn’t remember who his saviour was. And Iduna choose to keep silent and prefer to build their relationship the ‘slow burn’ way. And of course (for the sake of the story) at the end, Agnarr choose Iduna to be his queen. 
That until the first Frozen incident, that make Elsa need to be isolated. As the mother, Iduna have always known that Elsa is special. And obviously it really pained her to see her eldest daughter “suffer” because of her power, instead of embracing it. But even though she’s a Northuldran, it didn’t make her understand what the spirit’s good deed right away. I even think that Iduna actually forgot and never thought of it. Until the night her husband decide to tell a story about an Enchanted Forest, and she was asked to sing an old lullaby, that the “eureka” come to her mind, The brief scene of memories at Athohallan, where Iduna finally want to confess something to Agnarr, which he reply with ‘I’m listening’, make me believe that it was Iduna’s idea for them to travel North, to find Athohallan, in order to understand Elsa’s power and what purpose it held, so that Elsa will not suffer anymore. Because I believe, deep down in her heart, Iduna knows that whatever power Elsa has, is for great and good purpose. And of course, as every mother in this world, she only want the best for the daughter, and if to understand the purpose of Elsa’s power she have to travel North and face danger itself, she will do it. As good husband, of course Agnarr won’t let his wife travel alone, and went with her.
Unfortunately, the Nokk didn’t feels them worthy to step foot at the Athohallan, and drowned them. (I see Nokk as the more powerful, strict, by the book, will perfectly do his job, as the guardian of Athohallan. Thus only they who managed to survive his brutal test are allowed to step foot at Athohallan). But, being the place for spirits, Iduna’s spirit managed to get there in a way. And she finally understand what Elsa’s power is needed. Then her spirit wait, and in one way, start to send ‘voice signal’ to call Elsa to go to Athohallan. 
The message was never delivered though, as Athohallan was a mystical place. That is until, Elsa unleashed her power in large scale (the eternal winter, the “Let it go” sequence). Such enormous power can be sensed by the spirits. And Gale might be the one to take action. After all, I presume he can sense Iduna’s call (the very same, very familiar ‘ah-ah-ah’ call). And starting from the end of Frozen 1, in 3 years time, he keep pushing the call towards Arendelle, hoping it was heard by whomever the message was sent for. Somehow, I feel Gale did this behind other spirit’s back (particularly Nokk, whom I see as the “leader” and the most “strict” of them all). 
Thus he always checks from time to time, whether someone answered Iduna’s call. Somehow he can senses Iduna’s daughter. And because Anna is portrayed to inherited more of Iduna’s trait, I think Gale assume Anna would be the one who answered the call. There’s a scene where a wind carries a maple leave tickles Anna’s shoulder, when she was walking towards Olaf. And then the wind also whirled around Olaf. I think, it’s Gale sensing the two daughters of Iduna. (With Olaf carrying Elsa’s ‘magic’ sense), And that he is expecting someone to react to the call.
And then, one night, finally Elsa answered the call, and activated the rune crystals (Into The Unknown sequence). This summoning of the runes outside of the enchanted forest, enraged the spirits, and they intent to find whomever responsible for conjuring the runes, outside of the forest, without full knowledge of how to respect/use the power of the runes. On the other hand, Gale sense this as the sign he was waiting for. And being the spirit himself, he actually knows what need to be done to repair the past mistakes (destroying of the dam), and what will be the consequences (destruction of Arendelle). Considering his friendship with Iduna, and that those people lived in Arendelle were her beloved subjects, he took action. Unlike other spirits who immediately retract their powers, Gale pushed all living being outside of Arendelle (we clearly see him pushing Sven out of his stall), towards the higher ground. 
Somehow, I think the one Elsa sensed as good (”Whoever calling me was good. My magic can sense it”) was Gale that has been delivering Iduna’s call. Elsa’s magic could sense Gale, because it came from the same source. Much grander, and different kind than Grand Pabbie’s, which make him didn’t managed to decipher the signs, even from Frozen 1, despite his good intention. But Pabbie’s managed to understand how grand the scale is, which leads him to warn Anna.
Then the main cast embark to their journey, and arrive at the forest’s border. The barrier open upon Elsa’s touch, under the spirits’ command. I guess, the spirits’ want to know who dare to conjure the runes, at the same time curious as why the person outside of the forest managed to do so, at the same time they want to test whether the person worthy of such power. Because, they must already know about the ‘bridge’/ the fifth element, that was needed to repair the past.
The first spirit to greet the group is of course, Gale, who’s very excited to finally able to ‘meet’ Iduna’s daughters. He even pushed the group to walk faster, cause he can’t wait any longer to greet them. Upon viewing that there’re actually 5 of them, he’s confused to decide which one of them possess the ‘key’. We can see how curious he is, as he often come and go near the group. Gale is not alone at this time. Bruni is also shown to be very curious at this outsider who step foot in their forest (and of course the Northruldan also sneaking around them). For a moment, these spirits move around Olaf, cause he’s the one ‘radiating’ magical sense for being an animated snowman. (Yes, including Nokk. As stoic as he is, he can’t stop his curiosity to see who are these people. But when he was met face to face with Olaf, he’s so surprised that he neigh and fled XD)
At certain point, Gale became impatient,and decided to swoop them up in a tornado, making this his ‘trial’, to see who actually hold the special ‘key’. I can see that Gale meant no harm when swooping the group up. The branch that nearly hit Anna wasn’t meant to hurt her. And lucky for him, at this time Elsa’s react to protect her sister, and thus confirming that she’s the one Gale’s been searching for. Thus he ‘spat’ the other party, and start the real “trial” to see how strong Elsa is. While at the same time, he’s trying to give as many message as possible to Elsa, which leads to the making of ice statues. Gale redeem Elsa’s worthy immediately of course. She’s Iduna’s daughter after all :) We can see his friendly trait right after the ‘trial’ has finished. He prank Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf, did an extra prank for Anna (whom he see really looks like Iduna), and did tiny prank to Elsa (cause he respect her). 
During this time, Bruni was watching from the side. Then the gang encounter the Northruldan, and explain to them.  He watched all the scene before him as quiet as possible. But then, Yelena said ‘We only will accept what the nature choose’. This clearly surprised him. (It’s kinda like “when you’re dozing off in class then suddenly the teacher point of you” kind of surprise) Thus his power blow out of control. Bruni panicking. And it cause the flame to grow even larger. I see Bruni as the ‘youngest’ of the spirit, and thus has less control of the flames, even more so when his emotion are not in control. Kinda like Elsa was in frozen 1. 
Elsa senses this in away, and even though perhaps she thought this is the trial of the flame (which I think Bruni will said so if asked, so that he doesn’t look like he didn’t have full control of the flame), she accept the challenge, and put down the flames and even run after Bruni until he was trapped and has nowhere to go. But then, Bruni see that Elsa meant no harm, and in certain way, understand his current position (often misunderstood). And even further, Elsa’s the only one who could hold him (and her hand felt nice and cold). He befriend Elsa immediately. And so are the Northruldan.
During the camp, at night, we see how the Earth Giant came to the camp. From the conversation, this event is unusual. That’s because the Giant also sense Elsa’s power, and curious to see what cause the disturbances in the soil of Enchanted Forest. Somehow, I see the Giants as the slower type of spirit (slow in movement, and slow in deduction ability, just like the trait of earth). He’s slow in sensing Elsa’s power entering the forest, and slow in reacting to it, and couldn’t care less when at the end he didn’t managed to find the source, that they went off just like that. 
The sisters saw this from different perspective, and decided that to not endangered the Northruldans, they decide to continue their journey right away. Lead by Bruni and Gale. Gale then showed the sister, the wreck of their parent’s ship. And by Elsa’s power, they finally know what happened to their parents, albeit a very horrifying truth that is. This leads Elsa to go and challenged Nokk by herself, and pushed Anna to ‘safety’. 
The Nokk trial is, IMO, the most difficult and brutal trial Elsa have to conquer. Afterall, he’s a perfectionist, and very confident in his prowess, that he even ‘look down’ towards Elsa.
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Never before we saw a ‘princess’ being drowned, thrown, splashed by giant waves, and dragged around under the sea, like Elsa before. And I love how badass Elsa was portrayed in this scene. (Apparently this scene already thought from the very beginning by the story creator, and what shaped the whole movie story. Amazing!). And when Elsa managed to tame the Nokk, is the moment that Nokk acknowledge her power, and thus pledge his loyalty to serve Elsa in fulfilling her destiny, and keeps her safe. After the trial, Nokk accompanies Elsa and help her reach the Athohallan, bow, and wait for her. (Horse is a very loyal animal after all). When Elsa’s thawed and thrown to the sea, he immediately took action and took Elsa to safety. This picture really shows Nokk loyalty towards Elsa (he deliberately keep Elsa’s face above water, so she wouldn’t get drown. But unfortunatelly this concept art didn’t make it to the movie). And then Nokk gives all his power to take Elsa to Arendelle as fast as he can, so that Elsa could stop the tidal wave. This Nokk development is my favorite :D 
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Meanwhile, Anna’s encounter with the Giants make her the ‘conqueror’ of the earth element. After standing up from her grief (which is my favorite Anna moment in the whole movie, that make me really proud of her), she took action by ‘manipulating’ the Giants to fulfill her goal. Now the Giant’s reaction is interesting to see. At first noticing Anna, his reaction was like “oh, so this is the one disturbing the peace! Get out! Get out!!”. Thus the Giants chase Anna (and Kristoff and Sven) around, throwing boulders. They even target Anna when she was standing at the dam. But noticed that the moment they understand what Anna make them do, and see that they nearly put Anna’s life in danger, they stop. Being one of the spirit, they must’ve known that the dam need to be destroyed, to restore peace and fixed the past. They really stop mid-throwing. And the look at their faces, it’s like “Oh…. ooohh… so that’s what you’re trying to do…. Oops… didn’t meant to hurt you”. (Like I said, they’re slow ^^;). And by the end of the movie, when Anna reunited with Elsa, we saw the giant standing there with his ‘guilty’ face, bowing towards the sisters, as if saying “Sorry……” (Awww…..)   
I love how subtle the connection between Iduna’s past, the sisters bond, Elsa’s power, and the characterization of the nature’s spirits being portrayed in this Frozen 2. Even tough I need more time to contemplate this connections (and certainly the younger kids wouldn’t be able to grasp yet), which make Frozen 2 “harder to chew”, this make me love the movie even more. I think I’ll watch it again in the cinema XD.
anyway, if you managed to come to this end, Thank you for reading my super hella long theory. Sorry for grammar mistakes. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say, and hope to hear more from you and all Frozen fans out there :)
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ice-bjorn · 4 years
The Wounds We Share
Based off a speculative post I made a little while back: x
Upheaval, it seemed, was becoming a natural state in Arendelle.
As with the Great Thaw three years previous, it took a few weeks for things in the kingdom to settle once more- though this time there were no princes bent on regicide to deal with, or foreign dignitaries to pacify (or sever ties with). There was however, much in the way of paperwork and scheduling and announcements that needed to be made- while one queen stepped back for the moment, and another stepped forward to lead in her place.
And, just as it was with the winter storm that swept through the middle of summer on the queen’s coronation, the citizens quickly took to naming this narrowly avoided supernatural catastrophe. Elsa overheard everything from: ‘The Great Flood that Wasn’t’ to ‘The Breaking of The Dam’ and even- ‘That Time The Queen Unwittingly Set Off Another Magical Event’.
The last one made her cringe, but she certainly couldn’t deny it was true. Frankly it was a miracle that Arendelle was as populated as it was, considering the amount of otherworldly disturbances that had occurred in such a short time.
At least no one could say it was boring to live in their little kingdom.
However, unlike the aftermath of the Great Thaw, Elsa found a thread of her attention diverted elsewhere. Before, when she could focus all of herself on Anna and their reunion after so many agonizing years apart, now there was something else needling her thoughts, beckoning her scrutiny.
As preparations were hastily being made for Anna to assume her role as reigning queen, Elsa found herself ducking out in spare moments, summoning the Nokk to ride out across the waves, cherishing peaceful moments in the bracingly crisp sea-salt air. Sometimes, without realizing it, Elsa discovered that she (or perhaps the Nokk) had steered them towards the lonely glacier- that cold, austere beacon in the Dark Sea.
She came to understand that the spirits, and by extension Ahtohallan (though the will of the glacier was still difficult to parse), desired that Elsa should spend more time in the North, learning and communing with the unique forces that inhabited the land. Land that was strange, yet felt as though it ought to be familiar, as part of their mother’s heritage.
Anna was…hesitant at first, when Elsa mentioned spending more time away from Arendelle, away from her. Elsa herself had misgivings, after all- was there really a need for her to live in the North when she was already a short (water horse) ride away? Surely the spirits didn’t need her to function- they seemed perfectly capable and self sufficient without her interference. But, Elsa reasoned- this was also the chance to experience something different, to learn new things, and- if nothing else, she had a voracious appetite for knowledge. It was an opportunity to meet new people and experience their mother’s birthplace.
It was an opportunity, Elsa told herself, not a vocation which required her permanent relocation; ultimately her will was her own, spirits or no.
So, as they neared the third week after the events at the dam, Elsa began spending a day or two at a time in the North. Yelena was gracious enough to offer her a place in their camp among the Northuldra- somewhere to rest her head after days spent wandering the great expanse.
The primary focus of her curiosity and thirst for insight was Ahtohallan. What exactly were the limits of that primordial place, and what would it be willing to show her? Was there anything she could not ask of it?
She began by testing the glacier with requests for simple memories- Anna’s first birthday, the last Christmas they’d had all together, their mother reading them a bedtime story. Little things that were happy, if bittersweet; nothing that would sting too sharply to revisit.
When all these things were provided for her, Elsa moved on to more recent events. There was one in particular that had been lurking in the back of her mind- one that, if she were being honest with herself, should really be a conversation with another participant, not part of some voyeuristic exercise. Elsa knew that she and Anna still had things to talk about, heavy, important things, but in all the recent commotion, there hadn’t seemed an appropriate moment to broach everything that needed saying.
It wasn’t that they weren’t going to talk- of course they would. But, in the mean time…
Surely she could spare Anna the burden of recounting everything, she thought, crowding out the sliver of guilt that told her she wasn’t being as altruistic as she’d like to make herself believe. She let curiosity drown out the small voice that said maybe she shouldn’t ask to see this, that maybe, it wasn’t so harmless a request.
Elsa stood in the center of the ancient crystalline cavern and let her eyes drift closed, conjuring her question- and the desire for answers in her mind. She pictured the last glimpse of light before her world went dark, her last thought -Anna- before there were no more. And then after, when she’d regained consciousness for a moment during the fall- hitting the water below and knocking all the breath from her body- darkness eclipsing her vision once more as the sea claimed her.
Elsa shook her head, pulling back from that moment, focusing on the void between.
What had happened while she was frozen?
With the command firmly in her mind, her eyes flashed open.
“Show me,” she called out.
Slowly particles of snow and magic rose from the floor, swirling in a vortex of powder, higher and higher in an enormous cloud - until with a burst it dissipated, and shapes of sculpted snow gradually revealed themselves. Elsa stepped closer, cautiously skirting the edge of the scene until she was face to face with-
“Anna,” she breathed.
Suddenly, the recreation of Olaf began to speak- both figures coming slowly to life, gaining momentum as Elsa observed them.
“I see a way out,” he said, pointing up into the distance.
Elsa watched the bleached image of her sister and Olaf wander through outcroppings of rock, following behind as they rounded a corner- catching herself as she nearly bumped into the snowman.
She listened as they spoke to one another- speculating about Elsa and how she was fairing on her journey- and her heart began to sink in overwhelming dread.
“Anna, I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to do this next part on your own, okay?”
Elsa pressed a trembling hand hard over her mouth, stifling a choked gasp as her eyes stung with sudden tears.
She knew of course that Olaf had disintegrated once she’d been completely frozen- she’d felt what was left of him and the lingering essence of her magic after she had thawed. But this...
Watching as he flaked away piece by piece in front of Anna.
Oh Olaf.
Elsa’s vision blurred as Anna gathered their snowman into her arms, tears spilling silently as her sister whispered, “I love you.”
She sobbed and her legs buckled; Elsa sank to her knees, joining the ghost of Anna on the floor as she grasped the ordinary pieces that were left of Olaf, putting them carefully into her satchel with shaking hands and breathless tears.
She followed Anna as she curled against the rocky wall, hugging the bag to her chest desperately as she wept. Elsa sat, tucking her legs under her, mirroring the grief that stained the snowy cheeks of her sister’s image. She leaned against the wall of hard packed snow, reaching out an unsteady hand, unable to resist offering comfort -even to a memory long past. Elsa brushed the back of her fingers across a cold cheek- though the face before her did not register the touch, she couldn’t stop herself trying.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
She stayed there with Anna, for what could have been hours, yet felt like a single endless moment of sorrow, in which she struggled to breathe around the weight of her heart, heavy as a stone in her chest.
When Anna at last began to stumble to her feet, Elsa exhaled raggedly, expelling a sliver of the pressure from around her ribs.
“Enough,” she commanded with a wave of her hand, her voice thick and rough. The image of Anna flurried away, leaving Elsa alone in the cavern once more.
She pushed herself up on shaking legs, weighed down by her sister’s grief. Wiping a hand under her eyes, she cleared the last of the dampness from her face, sagging against the wall behind her. Elsa shut her eyes, gathering herself with a few deep, steadying breaths. She pursed her lips and whistled, calling on the bond she had with the water spirit, summoning the Nokk from the depths of the Dark Sea.
After a moment an echoing whinny sounded from the tunnels beyond, and the guardian trotted out to her. The spirit bent its watery head, nudging Elsa’s face gently. She lifted a hand to the Nokk’s muzzle, stroking a hand along its cheek, letting her magic frost the great horse over.
The Nokk nickered softly at her and Elsa smiled. “Thank you my friend,” she looked up into opaque, glowing eyes.
“Take me home.”
“Anna?” Elsa called softly through the door, just barely rapping her knuckles against the wood.
After a moment of silence she eased the door open, slipping inside and shutting it soundlessly behind her.
She turned as Anna propped herself up groggily, rubbing at an eye with her fist. Her sister reached over and adjusted the oil lamp on the bedside table; the small flame climbed higher, illuminating tousled hair and a confused smile as she squinted at Elsa.
Elsa blinked; the stark contrast between her very real, vibrant sister before her- and the snowy vision she had just spent the better part of the night with jarring her off center. She was suddenly very aware of the fact that she’d been crying for hours and had now barged in on Anna after racing across the sea in the dead of night.
She plucked at her fingers, wringing her hands.
“I...um, I’m sorry I know it’s late- early- I just... I -missed you,” she finished clumsily, uncharacteristically tongue tied. She couldn’t just blindside Anna with what she had seen in Ahtohallan after waking her like this.
Anna stared back at her owlishly and Elsa floundered, at a loss.
“Sorry, I should go- you should sleep, I’ll come back-“ Elsa motioned behind her at the door, already backing up and feeling quite embarrassed.
“Elsa,” Anna interrupted her, shaking off some of her groggy haze and throwing back the covers. “Get in here.”
Elsa smiled, relieved and grateful to have been spared her awkward exit. She made her way to the bed, slipping under the covers and curling into her sister’s sleepy warmth, leaning her head on Anna’s shoulder. Anna grabbed her hand, interweaving their fingers. She stifled a yawn, only just.
“You know you can see me whenever you want Elsa, you don’t need an invitation.”
“I know- I’m just, sorry about the time, I wasn’t thinking.”
Anna wiggled herself deeper into the bed, sinking back against her pillow. “S’okay. As long as you don’t mind if I happen to doze off for a bit?”
Elsa breathed a laugh into her sister’s shoulder. “Go ahead.”
She found herself selfishly relieved to have a few peaceful moments by Anna’s side, their inevitable conversation put off just a little bit longer.
Elsa felt Anna drift off- her head falling against hers with a quiet snore. She smiled to herself, brushing a thumb over Anna’s knuckles.
After another hour or so Anna began to fidget beside her, inhaling deeply as she stretched herself awake.
“Hey sleeping beauty.”
Anna wiped the sleep from her eyes and grinned at Elsa. “Hey.”
Her voice was still charmingly rough from slumber. Elsa straightened a few wayward copper locks- the ones that always seemed to escape wildly while Anna slept- and swept her fingers through her bangs.
Anna pushed herself up, fluffing the pillows behind her for support before leaning back with a yawn. She let herself fall slightly into Elsa’s shoulder, giving their clasped hands a little double squeeze.
They sat there in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s presence in the predawn gloom, cozy in the heat and diffused light from the crackling fire.
Anna cleared her throat quietly.
“You know,” she fussed with Elsa’s fingers, doing her best to sound casual, “you don’t have to stay there in the North, you can come back, if you want to. You will always be a queen in Arendelle.”
“I know,” Elsa brought her free hand up to lift Anna’s chin. “But first... first I want Arendelle- and the world, to see how incredible you are as queen. I want them all to see how well you lead, how brightly you shine,” she slid her fingers along the top of Anna’s cheekbone, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “The way I do.”
Anna blushed and ducked her chin, pleased.
Elsa cocked her head, catching her sister’s eye, “It’s not forever.”
Anna looked back at her, nodding silently after a moment.
“Besides, there are still some things I have to learn from the spirits, and Ahtohallan. I’d like to spend some time with the Northuldra- learn more about them and mother’s family. You could join me sometime?” she offered.
“I’d like that.”
Anna rested her head on Elsa’s shoulder with a sigh.
Elsa focused her attention on their hands, brushing her thumb over Anna’s knuckles anxiously, knowing she needed to start the conversation she was really here for.
“You know... no matter where I am- where we are- Olaf was right… my love will always remain with you.”
Anna went ridged beside her. There was a moment of unbearable stillness, then-
“Elsa... how do you... know about that?”
She swallowed.
“I was… in Ahtohallan, and I thought I would ask it to show me a memory. I’ve been practicing, trying to understand the limits of that place and how it all works. There’s been a gap in my memory- everything that happened when you were saving Arendelle, saving me. I…I asked to see it.”
“…why didn’t you just ask me?”
Her brow drew inward, more guilt creeping in, hearing the hurt in Anna’s voice.
“There’s been so much going on and I was going to ask you- going to talk about this- but I didn’t think…,” she trailed off. Elsa wasn’t sure what she would’ve done if she'd known exactly how painful, how devastating it would be before she had asked for the memory. Would she have come straight to Anna- or would she have forced herself to watch anyway? Either way- that little voice in the back of her mind reproached her- she should’ve known better, and she should have given Anna the chance to tell her. “I didn’t think, I’m sorry.”
They sat, tense beside each other in the pregnant silence, avoidant gazes fixed on the bedspread.
“Elsa... you didn’t even, you didn’t even say goodbye. You promised me,” Anna gripped her hand, a little too hard, though Elsa didn’t protest. “And then you sent us away. Even Olaf...Olaf was angry Elsa.”
Elsa sat upright, turning back to look at her.
“Olaf? He was...angry?” she asked in a small voice.
Anna pressed her lips together, clenching her teeth against the memory of that moment.
“Yes. So was I,” she said, her eyes trained on her lap.
Elsa hung her head.
“Anna I’m so sorry,” she whispered thickly. Elsa swallowed, looking out the window, unable to meet her eyes.
She licked her lips.
“Mother and father,” she trailed off, brow furrowing deeply. “They died because of me. I don’t mean-“ she raised a hand before Anna could interrupt her, “that it was my... fault.”
It almost sounded convincing, though Anna knew it would be a long time yet before Elsa believed in her heart of hearts that it wasn’t.
“But they did leave to find answers about my powers, why I am the way I am. They couldn’t cross the dark sea; they... didn’t have magic.
I know how strong you are, how brave and determined, and resilient, but...I don’t think the spirits would have let anyone else near Ahtohallan. It was difficult enough for me, even with my powers...,” Elsa’s gaze grew distant, remembering the way the Nokk had tossed her through the dark sea, wrenching her around brutally like a rag doll, nearly drowning her.
She thought of Anna in her place- the water spirit pushing her into the deep... trapped at the bottom of the dark ocean under its hooves, no magic she could call upon to save her. Elsa’s heart spasmed painfully and she shook her head, clearing the ghastly image away.
“To let you walk by my side into that, when we had just seen mama and papa’s last moments in that awful sea, I just couldn’t,” Elsa’s eyes spilled over with tears. “You have every right to be angry with me, for as long as you want, but I couldn’t lose you a third time because of me, because of my magic.”
Elsa stared down at their hands while her sister remained silent. Anna’s fingers shifted, flexing, and for a terrifying moment Elsa thought she might let go, but she only readjusted her grip and took a deep breath.
“Whether it was right in the end or not, you took that choice from us Elsa. I know... I know that’s how you’ve always done things- you push me away to protect me. It’s second nature, I get that. But you don’t know how it feels being on the other side of it. Having the person you love most push you away,” Anna paused, swallowing roughly. “And then running, by herself, straight into the danger that killed our parents.”
Her jaw worked as she fought her rising emotions.
“And then Olaf was gone, you were gone... I was all alone,” her voice broke. She looked at Elsa as her eyes welled. The word unspoken hung in the silence between them like a hammer waiting to fall:
Elsa bowed low over their clasped hands, her body curling as if from a physical blow. Silver blonde hair fell in a curtain around her, like a shroud; her forehead pressed into the back of Anna’s hand.
Anna felt her sister’s tears against her skin, anointing their hands with her remorse. Each drop that fell another sharp nick that cut at her heart. Slender, pale shoulders began to shake; Anna held Elsa’s hand tight, fighting the desperate urge to pull her into her arms.
They shared the same pain. They would always share the same pain. But as much as it killed her to see Elsa suffer, knowing how prone her sister was to self recrimination, she needed her to see the damage her choice had wrought.
That her actions had opened Anna up to the darkness she had never before felt so viscerally. That even for the briefest of moments her life had stretched out interminably before her without Elsa in it. That she had been forced to imagine somehow going on with her heart missing.
Now they both knew and would carry their matching wounds, and eventually, scars. The intimate knowledge of loss shadowing their hearts, dormant but always lurking, like the sudden flair of an old injury long healed.
“I didn’t even know what had happened to you. All I knew was you were out there alone somewhere, and you were- that you had-”
Anna stuttered as the grief finally overwhelmed her, heavy and unstoppable, searing her throat as she tried in vain to hold it back.
“Elsa I thought you were dead,” she sobbed, crumpling under its weight now that it was spoken.
Elsa surged forward, wrapping her arms around Anna, drawing her tightly against her. They sunk back into the bed, Anna’s face pressed to the crook of her sister’s neck, clawing at Elsa’s back for purchase like a drowning woman grappling a life preserver.
She felt the void creep near again- that life without Elsa in it- the poisonous fear reaching infectious tendrils out to wrap around her heart. Anna crushed her closer, as if she might fuse them together, Elsa’s physical presence and their connection warding off the awful future that could have been but wasn’t, yet loomed over Anna for all that it had been briefly real.
She wept soundlessly, drawing breath in great shuddering gasps. Elsa hung on, her own tears slipping down silently into Anna’s hair.
They held each other as the anguish slowly subsided, battered hearts wrung through with exhaustion; sharing the same breath, existing in the stillness after the storm.
Elsa rested her chin atop Anna’s head, skating her nails lightly across her shoulder.
“What happened when I was... gone…,” she started quietly, breaking the heavy silence. Anna’s hands fisted in the fabric at the small of her back.
“I know what it felt like, that day. I know what you felt when you...on the fjord...”
“What do you mean?” Anna mumbled into her shoulder. Her eyes felt raw and puffy, her head full of wool. She was so tired.
“You were right, about Ahtohallan; I went too far. Mother wasn’t quite right though- I didn’t drown, I... froze.”
“Wait, what?” Anna murmured, pulling back to look at her sister incredulously. “You...but how?”
“I’m not sure. I suppose... because Ahtohallan is the source of my magic?” Elsa shrugged, shaking her head. “I don’t know. Unfortunately getting answers there isn’t always a straight forward experience,” Elsa’s gaze grew distant as the memory flashed through her body. “But now I know what’s it’s like to feel... cold.”
Elsa’s voice was haunted; Anna rubbed her hands up and down her sister’s back, as if she could chase away the memory of that terminal chill. How awful, Anna thought, for Elsa to be on the receiving end of her magic, to have it turned against her that way. She knew how dark and empty it was, how painfully the ice burned.
“I’m sorry you had to experience that.”
Elsa looked at her, gaze sorrowful and piercing with regret, and Anna knew she wasn’t thinking about her own death.
I’m sorry you experienced that, because of me.
Anna shook her head, dismissing her sister’s long absolved guilt. It wasn’t necessary to revisit that, certainly not now.
“Just... don’t you dare say we’re even now,” Anna sniffled, her voice wobbling.
Elsa shook her head and held Anna closer.
The sun had finally begun its morning ascent, and Anna’s now over sensitive eyes squinted against the light filtering in. Elsa extricated herself and slipped off the bed, crossing to the window to shut the curtains.
Anna pushed herself up sluggishly, swinging her legs over the bed, watching her.
Elsa turned, a hand still gripping the curtain. She observed Anna silently.
Stepping back towards the bed, the full, translucent panels of her dress fluttered around her as she knelt at Anna’s feet. Elsa took Anna’s hands in hers, contemplating them for a moment before she spoke.
“I have been an irresponsible steward of the love you’ve given me.”
She brushed her thumbs back and forth over Anna’s knuckles.
“I thought that because I have powers I could put myself in harms way to keep you safe. That as long as you lived, it didn’t matter what happened to me... you’ve always mattered more to me than my own life Anna,” she squeezed her sister’s hands when they twitched. “It’s true. I don’t think that will ever change,” she smiled ruefully.
“But, living that way, making the choices I have- that’s only ever hurt us both. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, or that I still won’t make mistakes but... I realize now; that has to change.”
Elsa looked up at Anna. “I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through in my ignorance,” she whispered.
Anna drew in a shuddering breath, tugging at Elsa’s hands until she was on her feet. Wrapping arms around her waist, she leaned her cheek against Elsa’s breast, sighing at the steady thump beneath her ear. A moment later she felt a cool hand on the back of her neck and another softly combing through her hair.
“Well, you know,” she said weakly, “I’m not exactly perfect either.”
“I’m not so sure,” Elsa murmured, placing a kiss to the crown of her head.
Anna snorted quietly, shaking her head against her sister’s chest. She gave Elsa’s waist a squeeze.
“I love you.”
Elsa brushed her thumb softly over Anna’s cheek.
“I love you too.”
She gently guided Anna’s face back so she could look at her. “But as much as I love you, I think now I desperately need sleep. What do you think?”
“Oh god, yes please.”
Elsa chuckled.
While Anna settled back beneath the covers, she placed another log on the fire, now blazing warmly in the hearth near the bed. Winter was upon them, and while the natural cold still did not affect her, Elsa was now more acutely aware than ever of the little ways the weather could impact those around her.
She slipped into bed, opening her arms as Anna sought her out, curling against her.
Anna mumbled something affirmative into her shoulder.
“Warm enough?”
Again, she received a muffled hum.
Elsa fought a smile, and before she could resist, she lowered the temperature of her feet, nudging them against Anna’s bare ankles.
Anna yelped, kicking her feet away, tangling her legs in the sheets as she tried to avoid suddenly icy skin. Elsa bit her lip, trying not to laugh as she banished the cold and her body regained its natural heat. Anna tapped her foot against her sister’s skittishly, making sure they weren’t freezing. She eyed her suspiciously before scootching back in with a huff. Elsa grinned sheepishly.
“Just making sure you were paying attention.”
Anna gave her a sleepy glare, spoiling the effect with an adorable pout.
“Don’t get cheeky, I’ll order you to the stocks.”
“We don’t have stocks Anna.”
“Well then I’ll have some made,” she grumbled, burrowing her face into Elsa’s clavicle. “I’m the queen, I can do what I want.”
Elsa dropped a kiss to the top of Anna’s head. “Of course, your majesty.”
“That’s more like it,” Anna smirked, snuggling into Elsa’s warmth. “Now as your queen I command you to stop stalling and go back to sleep.”
She felt Elsa’s quiet laughter, her ribs shaking beneath Anna’s arms.
“Careful you don’t let all that power go to your head. You might have an uprising on your hands, ordering people about like that.”
“Hah! I happen to know powerful magic people who would crush any uprising should the need arise.”
Elsa propped herself up on her elbow, observing her sister- eyes closed with haughty expression on her face.
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm. It is so.”
Elsa smirked and raised an eyebrow. “And what if I choose not to help you oppress the poor people of Arendelle?”
“Who says I meant you? Maybe I was talking about the trolls.”
After a beat of silence she cracked an eye open to look at Elsa.  
“Don’t make me use this,” Elsa held up her pinky threateningly. Anna went cross eyed as the digit inched closer to her nose, then batted it away with a giggle.
“Stop that. Seriously, we should rest- there’s still a full day waiting, as you well know.”
Elsa hummed thoughtfully. “True. But I also know that a queen has the ability to rearrange her schedule- within reason,” she added, seeing the mischievous look on Anna’s face. “I may have already let Kai know you’d probably have a late start and to shift anything pressing to this afternoon- or tomorrow if at all possible. I’ll help you with any paperwork you need to make up,” Elsa paused, grimacing a little. “Sorry, I hope that was alright- I should have asked.”
Anna beamed and squeezed her tight, until Elsa let out a soft wheeze.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best?”
Elsa looked down at her fondly, tracing the line of Anna’s nose with a finger.
“I’ve had an excellent teacher.”
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