#Warner brothers has fucked up
silveragelovechild · 1 year
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Warner and James Gunn have no idea how much they have fucked up.
We’re talking Elon-Musk-Buys-Twitter levels of fucked up.
I had been looking forward to the Flash movie, but now, what’s the point?
I give up on Warner’s DC movies.
Warner and James Gunn deserve whatever fan backlash they’ve created.
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eph-em-era · 8 months
well all i can say about HBO's anti-union message in that bts video is that AS A KIWI ACTOR/STAGE/SCREEN INDUSTRY WORKER who isn't being strongarmed by a corporation into saying shit that they agree with
the hobbit laws suck. peter jackson is universally despised. what that man did with warner brothers and the national government to make our laws worse for workers so he could film his bad films here in the late 00s is akin to several crimes.
we WANT union protection! we WANT to be able to strike! i'm a member on the Equity NZ (union akin to SAG-AFTRA) committee for Wellington and the amount of work that's going on behind the scenes at the moment to claw back worker protections from our fucked up local laws is immense.
most of us aren't allowed to strike. most people working at wētā (the big screen production house), as well as on most screen/stage jobs are employed as contractors, so they're taxed exorbitantly, have no sick leave, have no holidays, have minimal protection from harassment or being taken advantage of.
long hours? being burned out? that's the kiwi way of living in the screen/stage industry and it SHOULD NOT be celebrated.
The Screen Industry Workers Act of 2022 has fixed some of that but there's still so much to go. yknow how SAG-AFTRA is fighting over residuals? here, we don't even know her.
i know all this personally and intimately.
i was taxed 39% on my contractor income last year.
only now that i'm a salaried worker can i afford to get my teeth fixed.
i had to get a legal action from a lawyer from ANOTHER UNION to get paid for one of my contracts in 2021 because the production team didn't like how i spoke up about their lax health and safety rules (this was a contract I was nominated for one of the most prestigious awards in the country for my work on, fyi)
sexual harassment is rife. what support is there? basically none. we hope it comes out in the media, or it doesn't change and there's nothing we can do cause we'll get sued into oblivion.
ive worked multiple 12+ hour days with only a tiny break in the middle or none at all. friends of mine have done 10-16 hour night shoots.
i've burned myself out multiple times in five years of professional practise cause that's the expected thing. that's what you do. if you're not working at 150% the entire time then you're a bad arts industry employee.
in conclusion, fuck off with your anti-union message, fuck you for utilising our weak-ass laws and HBO i'm in your walls
if you're in the US, support the Entertainment Community Fund! if you're a screen/stage worker in NZ, join Equity!
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billiewena · 7 months
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THREE YEARS SINCE NOV 5TH, 2020 as summed up by Supernatural (sequel to this and this)
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image ID & context below:
[image ID: screenshots of Supernatural paired with screenshots of various tweets, news headlines and Tumblr posts.
A screenshot of Ed and Harry in SPN 3x13 Ghostfacers saying "You gotta be gay for that poor dead intern" with a screenshot of Misha Collins at the SPNNJ 2023 convention saying "I got a call from Warner Bros and they were like hey uh...is there any world you just let it go?" This is in reference to an incident in 2022 where Misha accidentally made headlines after a comment that seemed to be referring to his sexuality. His comments at this year's panel imply that the studio in fact did not want him to retract the comment and make the apology that he posted, but to instead just roll with it.
A screenshot of Bobby saying "Time travel?" and Dean saying "Yeah" in SPN 6x18 with a headline that says "Jensen Ackles' Explains The Winchester's Multiverse Twist & Supernatural Connection." This is about the series finale of Jensen's Supernatural spinoff "The Winchesters", in which it is revealed Dean and the Impala somehow traveled the multiverse to the alternate timeline the show takes place in.
A screenshot of Dean in SPN 15x08 saying "He's back, and he's out of control" with a screenshot of Misha Collin's first Tumblr post in seven years, a video with him and his brother being a public nuisance on public transportation. Also included are screenshots of various Tumblr users reacting with tags from various tumblr users. becauseofthebowties: "mishacollinsofficial tumblr account back from the dead???" myboobsarentsentientbeings: "this is the first thing he posts? after nearly 7 years???" casismybestfriend: "RED FUCKING ALERT MISHA IS BACK ON TUMBLR" cannabiscasgate: "who the fuck gave you back your password"
A screenshot of two news anchors in SPN 14x20, with one (named Jack) telling his co-host "I love you" and her replying "Jack?" with screenshots of the Destiel/Supernatural Confession meme trending multiple times this year with other current events topics like Russia, Titanic, etc. There is also a screenshot of a post by saintedcastiel that says "I cannot believe that since we started using the destiel meme as a breaking news alert that there hasn't been ONE destiel news anchor AU fic where they're co-anchors on the morning news. cas confessed on accident while they're on air and dean doesn't know how to respond so he just reads the next thing on the teleprompter."
A screenshot of Dean in SPN 5x14 as Cupid says "I-I was just following orders" with a screenshot of an anonymous Tumblr ask to user luxshine. The ask says "Hey! I was wondering if you have any updates on the LATAM dub situation and if you were/will able to contact the dub director". luxshine says "Hi! Well I could get the translator (you know, our dear rogue translator) and he told me that while he doesn't remember it completely (because he translates a lot of series) if Dean said "And I you" it's because the script he got said "And" I you" and the video he saw said "And I you" because he doesn't add stuff." This is in reference to a change in Spanish LATAM dub of Castiel's confession SPN 15x18, which added a line where Dean reciprocates, which was previously suspected to be a change added by the LATAM dubbing director or translator
A screenshot of a detective from SPN 8x08 saying, "[Chuckles] Whatever you say Scully" with a screenshot of the tumble blr blog ao3topshipsbracket's poll "AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - Round 2 Side 1" with Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files) vs. Castiel/Dean Winchester (Supernatural.) In the final results from 51,514 votes, Mulder/Scully won by 53% and Castiel/Dean won by 47%. In early 2023, Tumblr added a polls feature which has led to numerous content, debates, and bracket polls similar to this.
A screenshot from SPN 11x15 where Dean says "No money, no glory" with a headline that says "Supernatural creator Eric Kripke gets 'zero' residuals from Netflix"
A screenshot of Dean rising from his grave in SPN 4x01 with a screenshot of a post from the official CW Supernatural Instagram with a clip from the pilot episode and the caption "And the story continues..." and a comment from a user that says "THE STORY CONTINUES?? WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL US?? I HAVE ANXIETY YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME." For context, no one is sure if the post was supposed to reference new content from Supernatural or not but it has led to speculation.
A screenshot of SPN 8x01, with the onscreen lyric "Another year has passed me by."
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kittenscookie · 7 months
Okay I've been thinking about Owl House a lot lately and...Guys I'm just so damn angry. Because I rewatched the first episode of the finale and realized something. That first episode is a season finale—That whole episode is one season's worth of content crammed into a single episode. That's at LEAST 12 episodes in 60 minutes—five minutes for each damn episode. But remember the first season of toh was nineteen, the second was twenty-one. If we assume the team would have continued with around that many episodes the average is around twenty. Twenty fucking episodes is sixty minutes—THREE MINUTES AN EPISODE.
This then led me to thinking about my other cancelled show with LGBTQ+ representation—Steven Universe. It's basically the same shit, except somehow fucking worst. The diamond arc should have been it's own fucking season, curing the corrupted gems and them having to get reintroduced to gem/human society should have been a damn season too! The two year time skip makes sense when you really think about it—that's the least amount of time it would have taken to get all that shit done in universe! A year to get the gems readjusted, a year to dismantle the diamond empire—plus episodes filling in gaps/unanswered questions. No wonder Rebecca fought so damn hard for SU Future and the movie! It was a desperate attempt to give herself and the fans some kind of closure! And don't forget! Steven universe seasons were LONG—the median amount of episodes was twenty-four.
This shit wasn't bad writing, it was rushed writing. Desperate attempts to cram what should have been at LEAST two seasons into a few short episodes. Can you imagine this? Sitting with your coworkers and trying to figure out how to make at least forty episodes only 3–6? What can be kept and what has to be left to the imagination? Think of what we fucking lost at those tables—Spinel could have been teased and had a better build up, we could have gotten a Wittebane Brothers flashback, we could have explored the characters in both shows trauma. I'm not just mad—I'm livid and not even for us. For Dana Terrace, for Rebecca Sugar. To have something you created thrown away without a care. I'd be in fucking tears.
Fuck Disney, fuck Warner Brothers.
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toastedsmoreo · 2 years
It’s honestly kind of shocking just HOW badly HBO Max fucked up. They have a ton of content, old and new, that is genuinely great, and from what I know a lot of their digital-only releases have been pretty popular. ESPECIALLY the animated stuff. Literally the only, ONLY things they could’ve done to mess up were A) cancel the new original stuff everyone was excited about, and B) just give up on the platform. And they did both, back to back, just because of one (1) CEO change and the decision to merge with Discovery. Which, btw, has a significantly less popular user base than HBO Max. Like, Disney owns both Disney Plus and Hulu, evil as that is, but they haven’t merged them for a reason: they have two entirely different user bases. And they wouldn’t dare get rid of one or the other, especially the more popular one. Why the HELL would anyone in their right mind get rid of their wildly popular streaming service and transfer it over to another one that most people have never even heard of???? Oh yeah, because girls are too dumb to like animation or scripted content (which hasn’t been true in the history of forever), so if we’re going to go to Discovery, we gotta get rid of all the popular, scripted shows. Plus the female lead superhero movie that could’ve printed money, just to be safe. And a bunch of animated content that isn’t even targeted towards girls. I think doing nothing at all for a year straight would have been better than literally every decision Warner Brothers has made this past month…
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monarchisms · 9 months
so for those who missed it, geoff talked a bit more about achievement hunter coming to an end on a f**kface break show on september 18th. some of it was stuff we've already learned from the announcement video/thread from AH themselves, but some additional information was mentioned exclusively on the f**kface stream. with rooster teeth being so great (sarcasm) at relaying info to their audience, i had to rely on a fan recording of the stream from twitter to get more context sooner, since the official recording won't be available until the 22nd at the earliest.
i'll put a full transcript of all the clips of the twitter thread under the cut, but if you want a tl;dr:
geoff's known about AH coming to an end for about 6 months (since march 2023), and that the decision to end it wasn't made lightly
he compares AH ending to when he went to quit red vs blue 15 years ago to co-create AH, somewhere between seasons 5-7, and how he continued to work on rvb until he couldn't anymore
also talks about how everyone at the company at the time (like burnie, gus, matt, and jason) were really supportive towards him, and how that led to AH lasting 15 years
he hopes that michael, trevor, alfredo, and joe get the same support he got from the audience when he made AH, and then eventually f**kface. also reassures the audience that all the content on the AH channel will stay as it is
heavily emphasizes that this decision wasn't made by the higher ups at rt or warner brothers, and wanted to nip that in the bud before the rumor went too far. notes that AH didn't fail, it just ended
talks about how there will be a couple more weeks of new achievement hunter content before they close up shop. some of the content includes the members paying an homage to past series and people at AH. it will eventually culminate into a final video that geoff's in where he gets "fucking verbose" about his feelings in relation to everything
gives a shoutout to matt, jeremy, and ray in regards to their streams on twitch, and finally ends his speech by saying that the audience should respect that the past + current AH members are continuing to do the things they love doing while being entertaining, just in their own unique ways
the full transcript:
Geoff: "The Achievement Hunter brand is coming to a close. We have decided to sunset it and to end it. And I've seen a lot of- for a very good reason- and that announcement came in tandem with another announcement, a very exciting announcement about a new brand called Dogbark. And I've seen a lot of excitement, a lot of appreciation from people, a lot of people supporting Michael and those guys [referring to Trevor, Joe, and Alfredo] going off into doing their own thing.
I've seen a lot of fear and uncertainty. I totally get and understand that; you guys are hearing this for the first time. Um, I've known about this for about six months. You know, this has been in some form of discussion or preparation for a while now. This wasn't a decision that was made lightly, uhh... but I think it's the right decision, and I hope that you'll understand and support that, and here's why:
15 years ago, I went to Burnie and Matt and Gus, and I said 'Hey, I'm losing my mind making Red vs Blue.' It was season 5 or 6, and I- I think it was 6 or 7, actually- and I was just so creatively drained and stifled. And I had such a wonderful time making Red vs Blue, but I had made it until I couldn't make it anymore. And I had this idea, and I was very passionate about this idea of this thing I wanted to try. And Burnie and Gus and Matt were so kind and supportive to give me the creative runway to launch and test Achievement Hunter out at a time when everybody- friends- everybody was telling me 'What are you doing, quitting making Red vs Blue? It's a huge hit! You're like, the #2 guy on it. You're a big part of this! Why would you leave that to do this unproven, untested thing?' And I had to! I had to follow my dream, I had to follow my passion. And like I said, Burnie and Matt and Gus and everybody else, Jason, everybody involved in Rooster Teeth at the time, were so fucking supportive and so wonderful to me in that period that 15 years later, we've had 15 years of Achievement Hunter.
We wouldn't be here on this set right now in front of all this Zimmer stuff, in front of fucking dumb pictures of Gavin and Garbage Pail Kids and Barbie and- fucking new Dallas poster, by the way. Uh, all of this has existed because they allowed me to take a chance and supported me taking that chance. And uh- I would be some kind of fucking hypocrite if I didn't provide the same level of support and genuine enthusiasm to Michael and Alfredo and Joe and Trevor as they embark on the same journey I went on 15 years ago! And this is a very- I don't want to speak for them. They didn't make this decision lightly, I guarantee you, and they will explain it in their own voice over the next few weeks as we say goodbye to Achievement Hunter and say hello to Dogbark. [actual dog barks in the background] We worked on that ahead of time.
Uhh... and so I would only ask that you give them the same level of support that the audience gave me when I tried out Achievement Hunter, this untested, unproven thing, and the same level of support you all gave us when we decided that we're going to make F**kface, an audio-only podcast recorded remotely, which is something that I never in a million years wanted to do or thought was a good idea until we did it, and found out it was simply too good, found out that it worked and it ended up becoming, I think, hopefully the best thing I've participated in. I really ju- I really just want to drive that point home. Joe and Trevor and Michael and Alfredo have spent years and years and years making content that they believe in to support and entertain you. And that's all they want to do with this new production.
Everything comes to an end. It's okay for things to end. I know it's scary and it's sad, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen, and that doesn't mean it's going away. We have 15 years of Achievement Hunter content online that you can still watch and enjoy. Hundreds of thousands of hours of content, hundreds upon hundreds of episodes of Minecraft and GTA that are still there for you to go and watch. I mean, hell, I think Emily and I are a great example of that. We've been watching a show that came out in 1978 called Dallas. It ran from 1978 to 1992, and that was 40 fucking years ago. And yet here we are enjoying it, just as if it came out yesterday. Justice for Sue Ellen, I think we can all agree, justice for Sue Ellen. So I would just say that I hope that you'll be excited about this new journey in their careers and this new opportunity for Rooster Teeth. It's sad to say goodbye to a thing, but it's not disappearing. It's still there. You can still go watch all those videos. You can still go enjoy- enjoy all that content, but you can also support them in what they're doing.
And one other little inaccuracy, or not even inaccuracy, but one thing I want to touch on- and then I'll get to breaking cards and being an idiot- is a thing that kind of bugs me, is that- I'm sure you've heard this phrase or some variation of this phrase before where it's uh, said that a lie can travel halfway across the world, while the truth is still putting its pants on, and-"
Emily: "That's kinda deep! I've never heard that before." Geoff: "You've never heard that before?" Emily: "No!"
Geoff: "Yeah, and I've seen a lot of supposition and people saying things that just aren't true. And I want to stop that right now before they travel halfway across the world. Because there is no truth to the idea that like- anytime we make a change that's controversial or a bit scary or different or new or unexpected, there's this idea that there's uh, some dude in a suit from Warner Brothers or Rooster Teeth standing just off-camera, sternly going, 'Make this decision. Follow this algorithm. We're chasing a demographic.' None of that is true. Rooster Teeth would be very happy if they continued making Achievement Hunter forever, but they weren't happy making Achievement Hunter, and they wanted to try a new thing.
They wanted to do what I did 15 years ago! They wanted to do what Ray did when he left Achievement Hunter, right? They wanted to bet on themselves and make their production. I love the work they put into- to mine, and I did my best to make it ours. But at the end of the day, I left Achievement Hunter five years ago! Uh, it would be really foolhardy and stupid and- and dickhead-ish of me to have a problem with them doing the same thing, uh, but it's also them. This is a decision that they made, that they wanted to make. It didn't come from anybody at Rooster Teeth or Warner Brothers. There was no, I don't know, this marketing department you always hear about that's telling them to make these decisions and- 'Chase the Gen Z crowd and come up- This is the name we've workshopped.' None of that's true! They came up with the name. They came up with the logo, they came up with the design, the color palette, the trailer, the content that's going to be released in a couple of weeks, that's all them! That's what they wanna do.
That is them following the same passion that I followed 15 years ago and the same passion that I followed when I created Let's Play, and the same passion that I that I followed when I created F**kface. And hopefully the same passion, the same passion that I created this with, and hopefully the same passion that I'll create the next and the next and the next thing with, and hopefully the same passion that they get to do, uh, as they continue their career. So all I'm asking for is give the new thing a chance, support it. It's a brave thing to do to walk out of the safety of Achievement Hunter into a new thing.
And also, uh, I've seen a lot of doomers that are saying like 'Ah, I called it ten years ago! I knew it was gonna fail!' It didn't fail. It ended. It was 15 fucking awesome years. And I'm going to stop talking now because I'm just going to get rambly. But I will say: There's a couple of weeks left of Achievement Hunter content coming out where they pay homage, if you will, to a lot of the videos and the shows from the past,, and the people from the past, and they have a lot of sweet things that they're going to do. And it'll culminate at the end with one last video that I am in where I get fucking verbose about my feelings about all of it. So if you want to hear more about my feelings of the 15 years of Achievement Hunter, I ask that you tune in to that last Achievement Hunter video. But I also ask that you tune into every video between now and then, because they're going to be saying goodbye to Achievement Hunter with a lot of love and respect and humor. And uh, I think that's what it deserves. And I hope that we all get to share in that together, and then, and then subscribe to Dogbark and give it a shot. [dog barks again] Thank you.
And uh, remember that all of these people that you've loved that have come and gone are still making content right now. Jack and BK, I think Jack's on vacation, but Jack and BK are over there in Inside Gaming, making content, playing video games 3, 4 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week, playing Minecraft, playing all those old games that you loved to see us play. And Michael is making Face Jam every week. And Michael and Trevor and Alfredo and Joe are going to be making Dogbark every fucking day. And Gavin and I, we're making F**kface every day. And I'm making ANMA and I'm making So... Alright, and Ky has helped producing it all uh, behind the scenes.
Matt and Jeremy and Ray, they're streaming every fucking day of their lives, I believe. I think Jeremy's on, like, 18 days in a row right now, or something? [referring to Jeremy's uncapped subathon]. So all the people that you loved to support and who uh, entertained you throughout the years, they're still doing the thing that they love. They're just doing it in the way that they wanna do it, in the way that makes sense to them. And I just hope that you will be... respectful of that, and give them an opportunity to entertain you uh, in much the same way they entertained you last year and the year before and 5 years ago and 10 years ago. They just want to get up every day and make the best content they can make, and they're not- they're not making these decisions for any other reason than this is where their creative interests are leading them. And much like you gave me a chance 15 years ago, let's all give them a chance today. [dog barks again] That's it. I'm done. Let's open up some fucking cards."
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lenawritesfandom · 1 month
Silver Springs {Adam x f reader}
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fandom: hazbin hotel shipping: adam x female reader warnings: swearing, suggestive scenes, cheating, minors dni summary: you're part of the band and adam breaks your heart word count: 596 a/n: this song and scenario has been stuck in my head forever now. i know this is short but i hope you enjoy nonetheless.
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{You could be my silver spring Blue-green colors flashin' I would be your only dream Your shinin' autumn ocean crashin' Don't say that she's pretty And did you say that she loved you? Baby, I don't want to know} You were a back up singer in Adam's band. You've been told that you were only there because Adam wanted to fuck you and that was it. Which was why for the longest time you tried to ignore his advances but he was quite persuasive. The man was funny, he knew how to make you laugh, cry, and bring you out of your shell. At first you'd only spend time with him during band practice or the moments the band would just party and hang out. He eventually got you to agree to go out on a real date with him. Everything seemed to be going good and you finally started to become vulnerable with him.
{So I'll begin not to love you Turn around, see me runnin' I'll say I loved you years ago Tell myself you never loved me, no Don't say that she's pretty And did you say that she loved you? Baby, I don't want to know Oh no And can you tell me was it worth it? Baby, I don't want to know} You and Adam moved in with each other after 6 months of dating. You figured it could be fun, and a great way to grow your relationship stronger, right? Everything was perfect. His kisses against your lips or the crook of your neck. The way his hand slid down your body and the way he had a trick with his fingers and tongue that brought you to the sense of Euphoria as you cried out his name. {Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me I know I could have loved you But you would not let me Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me I know I could've loved you, but you would not let me I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you Give me just a chance You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you}
One day you go out with one of your friends. A fellow winner just as you. You told him you'd be out all day and you were going to. You and your friend spent all morning walking around shops. You saw a cool leather jacket you thought Adam would have enjoyed wearing during a concert but you realized you forgot your wallet at home. "I will be back, I'm just going to run home and grab my wallet." Your friend offered to pay for it and you just pay her back but you told her you'd rather use your own money. So, you left and would later wonder if you'd rather have just paid her back. Stay in ignorance bliss with Adam. When you returned home you heard two voices moaning from down the hall. Your heart dropped. No, he wouldn't... You opened the door and saw your rose colored glasses shatter into a million pieces. You were just another one of Adam's playthings. He promised you that you weren't but here lies the truth. If he loved you, he wouldn't have cheated. {Was I such a fool? I'll follow you down til' the sound of my voice will haunt you Give me just a chance You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me I know I could've loved you, but you would not let me I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice} So you left him and the band. Your heart couldn't take being around him. All you pictured was the way he touched that woman the same way he used to touch you. Adam would send roses and try to corner you so you could listen to his pathetic excuses. Every single time it hurt turning him away. He stopped sending you roses, and reaching out. That made the pain of confrontation easier but caused another. The relationship was over. Whenever you both saw each other whether that be through mutual friends or in public you saw the discomfort on his face that you could tell that your presence haunted him because he really did love you. Good.... Because you loved him too...
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wordswithimages · 2 years
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I don't even know how to begin to explain my fascination with this imgflip user. alteregobro has for the last few months uploaded dozens of these images ranging from IP karaoke to romance scenes to vaguely interconnected comic pages that match up in theme or story except for relationships. Almost every image focuses around characters belonging to Universal Studios, Cartoon Network, Warner Brothers, Dreamworks, the franchises Spyro, Sonic, Pokemon, Garfield, and Minecraft.
The most common characters to appear are Scooby Doo and Detective Pikachu, who are friends and possibly detective coworkers.
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For some Scooby almost never says anything in these interactions but he talks to everyone else without a problem. No idea what the power dynamic is there.
The most commonly touched upon themes are:
corporate mergers Comparing different versions of character's models What if a fictional character sang a famous song Celebrities in South Park Style Very poor remakes of video game and movie posters Posters for movies and videogames that dont exist Upvote Begging Friendship Watching TV
And more recently, Cloning
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I have no idea whats going into all these, if these are being posted somewhere else or what the op could possible have to do with them.
There are literally hundreds of these
I think this whole thing fucking rules.
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campyvillain · 2 years
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putting aside the obvious misogyny in this warner brothers “assessment” of their 2 streaming platforms and the fact that no one on this earth has a subscription to the discovery channel streaming service what the hell is “appointment viewing”. that’s not a real term you just made that up. nobody is calling with their doctor to see if it’s ok to watch hbo max. what the fuck is a “genredom”. you cant just make up words and expect people to go Oh Ok cool. thanks
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
📖"Merry & Bright"
Part 3 - Family Fun Night
Merry & Bright Masterlist
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Rated: Teen
Pairing: Bucky x Steve
Tags: a/b/o, omega Bucky, alpha Steve, kid fic, Karens
Summary: Bucky and Steve go to their daughters' school play.
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(If your name is Karen, I'm sorry and sending warm hugs)
Bucky’s been able to ignore the encroaching Holiday season for longer than usual this year. 
Between the warm-ish fall weather and his continuing therapy appointments, the ceaseless calls from his publisher and that guy from Warner Brothers, and the move and the overwhelming demands of a newborn, it’s just hard to believe that it could already be Thanksgiving next week.
Steve’s next text coming through just about drives a bulldozer through that delusion:
Steve: Hey, I’m at the store right now. You want me to pick anything up for this ‘Friendsgiving’-extravaganza? I know Jarvis said he’s got it handled, but I feel like we should have backups for the girls? Just in case Tony’s picked out some sort of weird, avant garde menu? Becs really has her heart set on pumpkin pie. And Sarah, well …
Bucky: You could ask Pepper. I think we’re safe as long as there’s mac ‘n’ cheese and rolls. Anyway we’ve got over a week to sort it out.
Steve: … Babe, today’s Tuesday. We’ve got two days. 
Bucky immediately checks his phone calendar, and sure enough, Thanksgiving is this week, not next. Fuck. 
“Ohshit,” he breathes, eyes bugging out of his head as he realizes that this means tonight is the school play, not next Tuesday. “Fuck. Shit!” In his hands, his phone chimes.
Steve: So, pie?
Bucky texts back a harried ‘yes’, thinking that he’s got to get his butt back to the tower immediately. He very suddenly has only about nine hours before his children need to be fitted with their (as of yet not even near-to-finished) homemade costumes. Becca’s paper mache drumstick still needs spray painted, and Sarah’s supposed to be a scoop of mashed potatoes that Bucky still needs to find something to act as the pat of butter on top.
“Jarvis, help.” Bucky says as he hoofs it back in the direction of the tower. 
 Jarvis’ voice emanates from his phone: “Mr. Rogers. How can I be of assistance?”
Bucky rattles off the craft supplies they’re going to need. “And if you know anyone on Stark’s payroll who’s good with a needle and thread, that wouldn’t hurt either.”
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It seems like only yesterday they were dressed up as Buzz and Woody, letting Bo Peep and a very bossy Jessie drag them around from house to house. They’d trick-or-treated in the Cobble Hill neighborhood where they technically don’t live yet but will soon, once the house is finished being refurbished. Bucky had carried Gabe strapped to his front as one of the Little Green Men alien squeaker toy thingies, and Steve had pulled a wagon along for when one or both of the girls inevitably became too tuckered out to—
Anyhow, point is: it feels like they were trick‘or’treating all of two seconds ago.
And now Thanksgiving is in two days? What the everloving fuck?
Bucky spends a very brief amount of time that afternoon being irrationally mad at his husband, as if it’s Steve’s fault that his pregnancy brain has apparently extended into the postpartum period and allowed him to lose track of time. He grumps privately that Steve should’ve somehow magically known that he was mentally operating in the wrong week, and should have thus alerted him that the holiday was imminent! Stupid Steve. What the hell is the alpha good for, anyway?
Later that evening of course, he realizes how ridiculous that is. He comes to terms with the fact that he’s actually upset with himself—partly because of the mad scramble he’s left with to get ready for Coulton-Chestor Preparatory Academy’s family fun night, but even moreso because of the 5k he now has to face up to in less than forty-eight hours. (What real, qualitative difference one more week of jogging in the park was really going to make, Bucky can’t say, but he’d been counting on it to help him work his confidence up about the whole ordeal.)
It’s not like he wouldn’t back out of it if he could, but he absolutely cannot back out. This is the first ever Brooklyn Bridge American Heroes Turkey Trot, co-sponsored by Stark Industries and Barnes Prosthetics (yes, Bucky is the genius who thought it’d be fine and dandy to plan a 5k less than half a year after giving birth). Together, he and Tony have started a foundation for veterans and civilian victims of the regime years, to help provide them access to the high quality, bio-integrative prosthetics that Bucky’s company makes.
Since it’s not exactly cheap to weld a robot arm onto somebody, Bucky and Tony have partnered with Wounded Warrior Project for this charity run; done to raise funds for vets who don’t happen to have a spare ninety grand lying around to fund their surgeries. The limbs themselves are, of course, all provided free of charge by Barnes Prosthetics, and the overall costs are at least somewhat ameliorated by various amenities provided by Stark.
As the visible face of the charity, Bucky’s got no choice: he needs to show up, show off, and show support. He’s expected to be there to make nice with all the other amputees who’ll be running, and to show off how happy and perfect his life is now that he’s got the Asset IV prototype cybernetic implant attached to his body. It is a bitchin’ arm, and Bucky is excited to get to hand one of those gigantic cardboard checks over to the Wounded Warrior guys, but he really, really wishes he’d thought to postpone the Foundation’s first run until next Thanksgiving. 
At least he’ll have Steve there with him, he thinks. His Alpha has promised not to outpace him to any embarrassing degree, Darcy is fine with keeping Gabe until they get back, and Tony has even arranged to have the girls set up for the Macy’s parade with a disgustingly VIP viewing situation on Central Park West. But aside from those few hours on Thanksgiving morning, Bucky’s daughters will remain under his purview for the holidays this year. 
And the hubbub begins with Family Fun Night that evening. 
Bucky alone has to deal with Sarah’s anxiety problems leading up to the curtain call for this stupid fucking school play. “Hold still, Honey,” he begs, speaking past the safety pin he’s got held between his lips as he kneels there and uses both of his hands to try and do a last minute costume fix. “Sarah I said hold still.”
“Fix it daddy, fix it!” 
He’s crouched next to his youngest daughter in the school’s hallway, trying to better secure the pat of “butter” (a folded yellow tea towel) to the top of her not-so-great mashed potato costume. Steve is off somewhere with the drumstick, helping her to not be scared about walking out on stage. “Baby, please. I can’t fix it if you keep moving around,” Bucky growls, but his frustrated tone only makes Sarah get more hysterical about her role in the play being messed up by a floppy tea towel. She starts to cry about how she doesn’t want to do this anymore. 
“Sarah Winnifred, I swear to God, if you don’t hold still, you’re gonna have a new hole poked in your head!”
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He and Steve sit proudly in the fourth row back and watch the play that their children’s overpriced prep school is putting on before it lets out for Thanksgiving break.
At the end of the final song, when all of the students are lined up on the stage like a demented paper-mache buffet of human-sized food items, bowing hand in hand, Steve and Bucky rise with all the other parents for a standing ovation, humongous smiles plastered on their faces. Steve tries to do a finger whistle with middling success, then he leans over to Bucky’s ear and cheerfully whispers, “That was so dumb!”
Bucky laughs, still clapping and beaming with absolute pride for his daughters. “Yeah it was friggin’ awful!” 
The curtain falls, and he and Steve exit the auditorium to go backstage and congratulate the girls. A very excited drumstick and mashed potatoes run up and start talking over each other to tell their fathers all about the play that they just performed. “Papa! Daddy! Did you see me?! Did you see my song?!!” 
“What about meee?!”
“Sure did, Becs. You were really good!” 
“The best turkey drumstick ever.”
For being such excellent thespians and to celebrate their acting debut, they present the girls with two foil-wrapped tulips that they bought out in the lobby. Becca especially, seems very proud of her flower, twirling in her drumstick costume and holding it to her nose again and again. Bucky’s smile wavers with emotion as he gets that warm, shot-of-whiskey feeling once again, and he remembers that Life is Good. He catches Steve’s eye from over top of the mashed potatoes, and they share one of those silent “I Love You” moments. Steve shoots him a wink.
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It being family fun night, Darcy appears as planned and ushers the girls away to go change back into regular clothes before they head over to the kids’ party in the gymnasium. Meanwhile, Steve and Bucky go to the reception that’s been put together for the parents. Bucky isn’t super keen on attending, but he promised the girls that they could play games with the other kids for at least an hour, so he and Steve make an admirable attempt to mingle amongst the other parents.
Coulton-Chestor Preparatory Academy is an exclusive elementary school on the Upper East Side. Due to its sheer proximity to Stark Tower, and since bussing the girls all the way to Brooklyn for an entire year would’ve been too much of a hassle, Steve and Bucky chose to enroll them there. It’s only temporary, until the renovations on the Cobble Hill house are complete and they’re able to move back to Brooklyn. Bucky is looking forward to being able to walk his children the two picturesque blocks between their house and the neighborhood school each day.
But until then, it’s the more snobbish parents and overzealous PTA moms of Coulton-Chestor that he has to navigate at functions such as tonight’s. Bucky’s been taking some time off work ever since things got very pregnant-and-miserable in about month eight, but he still considers himself a working father, and as such there is an awkward disconnect between him and the more … involved stay-at-home parents who surround him at the reception.
At least there are hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, which give him something to do with his hands. Steve starts chatting with a few of the parents who are running the silent auction, and Bucky avoids getting drawn into bidding on overpriced theater tickets by heading over to the refreshments table. He’s just finished loading up on a bunch of mini quiches and cocktail weenies, when the one person he’d hoped to fully avoid at this function makes her attack. Bucky turns around with his little plate of foot and startles as he’s suddenly faced with a familiar, blonde-haired woman. 
“James!” She’s got a tea-length dress, an overly-whitened smile, and a ponytail that’s been curled to within an inch of its life. It’s Karen.
(No, her name is literally Karen.)
And in Bucky’s limited experience with her, she has an uncanny ability to make every social interaction the exact opposite of what Bucky would like it to be. It’s just a gift some people have.
She swoops in with two other omega parents by her sides, introducing them as “Jill” and “Nate.” Bucky plasters on a smile to match hers while she air kisses his cheeks in that way that rich people who think they’re cultured always do.
“You made it,” she coos, acting pleased to see him. In all fairness, she might be. Bucky’s never point blank told the woman that he finds her insufferable, and she always seems to make a beeline for the more well-to-do parents. Ever since she found out that Bucky and Steve not only rub shoulders with Tony Stark, but are actually living with him, she’s been eager to make Bucky one of her besties. “It’s been too long. How are you, darling?”
“Oh, you know,” Bucky says, gesturing with his plate of cocktail weenies. “Hanging in there.”
“And how is that gorgeous new baby of yours doing?” she asks, nudging Jill to announce, “James is married to Commander Rogers. They have three children.”
Jill and Nate make a polite fuss over that, while Bucky tries to act gracious and think of a way to correct Karen that “Commander” isn’t Steve’s title, and if he ever hears her referring to him as such, he’ll be offended. “How is your family doing?” Bucky asks, more to get the topic off himself rather than due to any real interest. 
Like most of the Coulton-Chestor moms, Karen is married to a well-to-do Alpha, has precisely one child, and spends her time trying to climb as high in Manhattan “Mommy” society as possible. Having a living child at all is automatically a foot up in terms of social standing, Bucky’s learned, and the moms of Park Avenue lord their accomplishments higher than most. Most times Bucky’s met her, Karen’s been wearing diamond solitaires with designer workout clothes and brandishing her own fertility like a damn merit badge. 
Karen brags about her son for a few minutes, and when it seems like everyone in their small group is necessitated to take a turn with regards to their own offspring, Bucky throws some random fact out about how the girls have been doing. Jill and Nate start gushing over Bucky’s grand accomplishment of having three kids, which is practically unheard of. 
“You must be so proud. How lucky to have three healthy children!”
“What were yours in the play?” Jill asks, and she seems friendly enough so Bucky makes an effort to tell her about how he’s responsible for the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes. She giggles and nods and says her son was one of the pumpkins.
“Oh, ha, yeah. They had quite the little dance routine, didn’t they?” 
Bucky’s smile turns annoyed when Karen feels the need to point out, “Yes! And your little Rebecca kept up alright, didn’t she? She seemed able to follow along with the other kids quite well!”
“Yes,” Bucky says peevishly. “She’s very talented.” 
“Isn’t it wonderful here? I just love how inclusive Coulton-Chestor is,” Karen simpers. She turns to the other moms and starts telling them about how Becca is in her son’s “regular” class, and how she’s always so sweet, and so helpful to the other students. She talks about Becca like she’s a little mascot, or a class pet, and it rankles Bucky’s nerve to no end.
Since the fertility crisis began, there’s been more stigma placed on children with any sorts of disabilities, and Bucky’s had to deal with a lot of thinly-veiled prejudice due to his daughter’s special needs ever since he started advocating to get her into the same high-quality school programs as Sarah. The public school system still hasn’t recovered, and with limited slots available in all childcare-related fields these days, people are more ruthlessly competitive for their children than ever before. 
“Yes, we like it here,” Bucky agrees. “Though we’ll be switching to a different school next year, when we move to the new house over in Brooklyn.”
“You’re not leaving The Tower?” Karen gasps, as if that’s the most horrible, ludicrous decision. Given that she makes it sound like Bucky and his family are choosing to move out of friggin’ Buckingham Palace, Nate and Jill predictably get curious and ask:
“The ‘Tower’?”
“Stark Tower,” Karen chirps, excited to tell the other two omegas, “James and his husband live there.”
 Nate’s eyebrows go up. “They live there. In the tower?”
“Oh yes! Didn’t you know? Why, they’re friends with the Starks.”
“Really? Oh, I’ve heard such good things about that Pepper Potts,” Jill gushes. “Seems like a lovely woman. How do you know her?”
Bucky smiles, pained. “Actually I knew Tony first. We work together.”
“You work?” Nate sneers. Bucky ignores him. 
“Yeah, I met Tony back during the, ah … well, during the regime years.”
“Gilead? Oh. Huh.”
(“Wonder what the Starks were doing, back then? Were they married then?”
“You never do hear what celebrities got up to during all that, do you?”
“No, you never do.”)
Bucky hums, not intending to get into a conversation about it, but Karen forces his hand by volunteering, “Wasn’t that all in your book though, James?” 
Karen enthusiastically tells the others, “He was one of those resistance fighters, can you believe it? That’s how he lost his arm.” (Everybody’s eyes not-so-surreptitiously fly to where Bucky’s left hand is sticking out of his sweater, holding onto the plate of hors d'oeuvres.) “And he was a vessel. His husband was one of the commanders down in Washington. That’s where they met!”
“Steve wasn’t a real commander …” Bucky hedges.
“Oh he wrote a whole book about it! You really must read it.” Karen rattles off the title and both Nate and Jill make sounds of recognition. 
“Ooh. You know, I’ve heard of that book.”
“Great,” Bucky mutters. He has to smile along politely and answer them as they start asking him fascinated questions, with Karen supplying details every time he tries to demure and change the topic to something less sensational. 
“He’s just being modest!” she simpers, laying her hand on Bucky’s arm in an overly familiar way. “James, tell them about how you were on the View.”
Bucky reluctantly does, and Jill and Nate nod along, enthused to hear about how he’s been on television and met the hosts of the show. “It really wasn’t all that exciting,” Bucky insists. “I wasn’t the main guest. They had, you know, real celebrities that went after me. Reese Witherspoon and stuff.”
“You met Reese Witherspoon?”
“No, no. I didn’t. I was only there for like, two minutes. It wasn’t even important.”
“Oh I don’t know,” Karen prods smugly. “A little birdy told me that Netflix was trying to buy up the film rights to your book.”
Bucky doesn’t even care, he openly shoots her a withering glare this time. “I can assure you that’s not true.” (It’s HBO, and it isn’t Bucky’s fault if she doesn’t have her details right.) 
Karen continues to gab to the other two parents about it anyway, insisting that some omega heartthrob actor whom Bucky has never heard of would be the ideal casting choice to portray him in the film version of his book. “And Chris Hemsworth. Oh! Wouldn’t he just be perfect to play your Steve?”
“Nobody’s making a movie out of it!” Bucky snaps, fed up with her incessant gossiping. “It’s not happening.” He looks around awkwardly at the end of his outburst, aware of Nate and Jill’s surprised expressions. “Um, I just mean: the studios were shopping around,” he mutters. “But I said no.” 
Of course this is very disappointing to Karen, and she tries to tell Bucky what a mistake that is, talking about how interested everybody would be in the subject matter. “I just saw an episode of the Dr. Phil show where they were talking about it,” she says. “They had wives and some of those vessels on. Even a commander.”
Bucky hums dispassionately. “Sounds like trash tv to me.” He’ll be damned if he lets Karen know he was asked onto that program as well. “Just people trying to make a spectacle out of it.”
Karen titters awkwardly and agrees, but Bucky can tell that she’s annoyed at him for shutting her gossip down. “Well, it’s all very controversial, of course,” she excuses. “And a commitment like that would just be so much more on your plate.”
Bucky nods, glad that she’s dropping it. “Yeah. Exactly.”
“After all, you’re already a working mother,” she says, saying ‘working’ all hurriedly and quietly, as if it’s something not to be mentioned. “I’m sure you just want to focus on your family, now. With the new baby and all.” 
“Congratulations,” Jill gushes. “Did you have a boy or a girl?”
“A boy. Gabe. He just turned four months old last week.”
“Oh, how wonderful.”
“Another omega for your family?”
“No, Karen,” Bucky says, annoyance audible in his voice. “We haven’t had him tested. We’re just going to wait and find out the old fashioned way.”
“Oh. I see.”
They all seem taken aback, because it’s very rare for a newborn not to be tested for designation these days. Much to Bucky’s chagrin, gender roles only seem to be becoming more emphasized than ever. Jill chuckles awkwardly and tries to lighten the mood. “Well, that’s so progressive of you. Dan had our little Archie in an alpha playgroup by the time he could crawl, I swear.”
They all titter over that, and Bucky tries to scan the room for any sight of Steve without being too obvious in what he’s doing. He spots him over by the punch bowl. “Um, I’m sorry,” he excuses. “I think I see my husband calling me.” He starts to make his escape, but Karen grabs him just as he’s turning.
“Oh, James, wait! We wanted to ask if you’d help us plan the Winter Gala.”
“Oh, I uh.”
“We’re going to have the children do a nativity scene. And I was thinking a candlelight service. Wouldn’t that just be picturesque?”
Bucky makes a face. “Sorry, Karen. My family isn’t very religious.”
“Oh, no but it’ll be interdenominational!” she insists with a big grin. “You celebrate Christmas, of course!”
“... No?” 
“Not really,” Bucky grunts. “I mean, we do a tree and a menorah and all that, but ..."
“Menorah?” she says, and the way she squinches her eyes sets Bucky’s nerves on edge. “You’re not Jewish?”
Bucky pulls his arm back to himself. “Culturally, yes. Steve’s family is Catholic, mine’s Jewish. But we’ve decided that organized religion isn’t what’s right for our family.”
“Oh! But you can still come to the church service!” Karen says brightly. “It’ll be—”
“We’re not religious,” Bucky blurts out, sick of stepping around the issue and having lost his patience. He’s tired of politely fielding other people’s invitations for him and his husband and children to come and check out ‘this congregation’ or that, and figures he’ll just squash any chance there might be of him actually getting roped into planning holiday festivities with the Coulton-Chestor evangelical set. “We’re pretty much raising the girls Atheist,” he tells Karen, watching as her smile flickers like a bulb hanging on by its very last filament. He feels a degree of nasty satisfaction at having perturbed her. 
Disturbingly, the Christian Right has continued to grow in popularity—culturally, if not politically—these past few years, and Bucky has very little tolerance for it (he tried to show tolerance before the regime, and look how that ended up). He knows his family is in the minority, and it’s very apparent how this information makes the friendly light in even Nate and Jill’s eyes dim somewhat.
“I’m sure you’ll plan something great, though,” he excuses brightly, turning around to go and find Steve and see if it isn’t too early to make their escape. “It was nice catching up!”
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This has been a fill for:
Card: SB3088 || stark-contrast
Square D3: Slice of Life
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square I5: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Card: sarahyellow / sarah-writes-stucky
Square C4: alpha/omega relationship
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Hello! I read TPOFATGIF for the first time this week after binge reading your lore posts, and I have a lore question. I get that the home of the main case is a Japan/America amalgamation similar to that of Big Hero 6, but is there any lore reason as to why its like that? Were Japan and America separate places in this world and then fused later or has it always been like this?
I wrote them in a place that is both Japan and California at the same time because of the Animaniacs.
For some additional context, for me, my first exposure to Yugioh was the infamous 4Kids Dub on Kids!WB whch was... weird, to say the least.
YuGiOh was one of the first anime-anime they showed on that network, after Pokemon, and the first cartoon series I recall that had a specific airdate order- everything before then had been episodic in the sense that it didn't really matter what order the season's episodes were shown in- it didn't matter who Batman fought last week, this week he was on another case. Pokemon did reference previous episodes, but was so full of random filler and side-adventures that it didn't really matter when WB showed the first season out of order. One staruday Ash just had a Charmander now and we just rolled with that.
But Yugioh started off with "Previously On Yugioh" flashbacks that really only made sense if you'd seen the previous episode, and as calvinball as the games were, they did have like. A Turn Order that you had to follow consistently, and it was the first time my 5th-grade self had ever seen a show with a sesonal plot and I was BUCKWILD about it.
At the same time, this was still a very Transitional period for KidsWB, going from a lot of cartoons that were produced in-house to a lot of cartoons produced in independent studios or in Japan. One of the most famous In-House cartoons, that was still (barely) running in 2000 when YGO hit, was the cartoon that built the KidsWB Brand: Animaniacs. The Animaniacs, for those of you that were only born this millenium, were a trio of... creatures. The Warner Brothers, Yakko Warner and Wakko Warner, and their sister, Dot who would escape from the water tower where they were lcked up last week, to cause mayhem and make remarkably sharp and adult satirical jokes about current events, until they were caught and locked back up until next week. It was directed by steven speilberg and it was fucking wild.
But a peculiar precept of the Animaniacs universe was that they explicitly, in the canon of their show, lived in the water tower on the Real Life Warner Movie Studios Lot, in Real Life Burbank, CA. The backgrounds were frequently traced photographs of the IRL Studio and surrounding hollywood landmarks. In addition to the show, the Studio also made "Bumps" or micro-episdodes that were like, 30 seconds long, for when the commericals didn't quite fill out the whole half hour. In those, the Animaniacs made jokes like they were actors employed by the studio, playing the role of the Animaniacs, and would complain about the on-site parking or the latest contracts, a meta-joke that goes clean back to the Looney Tunes in the 1950's and probably farther. Bugs and Daffy were there too, threatening to go on strike, but the Animaniacs combined that meta joke with their canon of living on-site to like. Complain about traffic on specific roads in Brubank.
...and then when KidsWB started accepting cartoons from other studios, they KEPT doing those Meta Bumps. Batman and Daffy comisserated about the difficultly of keeping thier black suits black over a cup of coffee. Omi of Xaolin Showdown and Riccochet of Lucha Libre compared the relative amount of workman's comp they were owed for thier stunts behind one of the sets. When Yugioh joined the network, it's characters were also added to the bumps.
One particular bump stood out to me, and unfortunately I haven't ever found a recording of it, but characters were complaining about commute times to work. The Animaniacs kicked off with not understanding how everyone was late to shooting, Come on guys, we're PROFESSIONALS. Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures told them off- they lived on site, he had to commute all the way from San Francisco's Chinatown! That's nothing, groans Batman, Do you have any idea how much he spends in Batfuel for the Batjet commuting in from Gotham. Chinatown? laughs Omi, try commuting from actual China! Yugi walks in and asks what's going on, and someone asks him how long it takes him to get to work.
"Oh, I just walk over after school." Yugi says, and there is a cut to the expanded scenery with Warner Brothers Studio on one side of the street, and Domino High School on the other side of the street. "It's a good thing school is so close." he adds. "I have to spend like four hours in special FX and makeup to get my hair to do this! If I had to commute, we'd never have time to shoot!"
... And that joke-within-a-joke Micro-universe, that takes place in twelve different cartoon shows and IRL Burbank California, just an hour south of where my grandparents lived, that peculiar metaverse where my childhood nostalgia lives, is the universe where TPOFATGIF takes place. It's in IRL late 90's/early 00's California, because I lived in California in the late 90's and early 00's and that's the context I first experienced YGO in. It's in the IRL parts of Tokyo that Takahashi-sensei put into his Magnum opus. It's in a universe that contain's both Gotham City and Uncle's Antiques. It's Big Hero Six's San Fransokyo, and Ace Attorney's Japanifornia.
But that wasn't actually the question you asked.
Please consider: Tea and Bakura were both born on "Leap Days"- days when the calendar can't be reliably measured, where day repeat or blend together. Mako's dad is lost in the South Pacific Triange, a mysterious place where you can sail east all day and end up west of where you started. Tristan's dad has a job that is basically being a supplier to D&D Adventuerers.
But as far as everyone knows, it's always been like this. Sometimes there are extra days, or wormholes, or monsters. Reality is just like that, as far as anyone can remember.
Not everyone remembers, do they? Mahad knows his king by his face but not how he came to be the Dark Magician, just that he is. Neither Shadi knew where the Millenium Puzzle was until very recently, which seems a odd for the Guardian(s) of the Millenium items. The Spirit of the Ring has memories upon memories upon memories, but neither he nor Yami can even remember their names. in fact, nobody theoretically old enough to remember what happened 5,000 years ago actually remembers.
I wonder what that's all about? :)
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fandomflotilla · 1 year
Admin, to the RWBY fandom: You Merely Adopted the Jessica Cruz.
Admin: I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t see a character with anxiety until I was a man.
AKA I want it on fucking RECORD that I loved Jessica Cruz WAY before the crossover movie even graced the lips of some coked up Warner Brothers Executives. I have literally a whole other sideblog for my comics hyperfixation and that has Cruz ALL over it!
…as for the movie, tbh I think they handled her anxiety pretty well? It’s a big part of her character and I think Jaune was a good choice to bring it out from her, as he’s already gone through that kind of trauma before so he’d understand that helpless feeling.
…I mean Jessica has too but Anxiety isn’t a fucking pair of shoes you throw away, that shit is always there, and even if you put in the work to be a functional human being you can always have bad days that take you back to dark places and it’s nice to have a friend by your side who understands.
Also with regards to “adopting” her, RWBY fandom I’m begging you to plz adopt Jessica, DC has NOT always been kind to her and her poor fans need some serotonin in these trying times. 🥺
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cf56 · 1 year
Ripping them a new one
What. The. HELL?! I can't even begin to describe the depth of my anger and sorrow right now.
The following profanity-laced rant represents only a fraction of my true feelings on this.
If you don't know what I'm referring to, I'm talking about the line to start episode 8, where Yakko and Dot say, in front of him, that Wakko is the worst sibling and they don't need him. Well, I thought it'd only be a line, but it turns out they did it MULTIPLE TIMES!!!
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And then the stupid fucking cop out that feels like it's mocking us for giving a shit.
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I was spoiled on this line over a month ago because someone talked about the storyboard leaks in the Animaniacs tag. Reading about it almost killed my fandom. Right there, instantly, my love for Animaniacs came this close to dying. It took me weeks before I felt anywhere close to where I was before in regards to loving this show. Why? Because the main and only reason I remain so attached to Animaniacs is the Warner Siblings' love for each other. What's the point in angst if there was never any love to test? What's the point in fluff if that love is hollow and empty, if it never really existed at all? Now, I'm glad I was spoiled and had time to recover. If I saw this bullshit raw, in the show for the first time, there's no telling what it would have done to me. I might have just stopped watching.
I don't care about Yakko's flimsy cop out. This is not what you say to someone you love. This is not something you say about someone you love, even if they didn't happen to be sitting right there. You realize what these words mean? They think they'd be better off without Wakko. THEIR BELOVED BROTHER. It's not so much that they joked about him dying and coming back. I can excuse that as sibling jabs, even if I would still hate it. It's that Yakko said he's always thought that their act would work better as just him and Dot. No, you didn't always think that. You BETTER not have always thought that.
Wakko has suffered emotional abuse before. He's been paraded around as the least popular sibling, as smelly and uncultured, as a gluttonous pig. Through all of that, what did he always have? His siblings, boosting him up, protecting him from the noise. Now the noise is coming from inside his family. That's unacceptable. There was one instance in the original that came close to this. When Yakko tried to sell Wakko in their Jack and the Beanstalk parody, because he gets less fan mail than Dot. That was still miles better than this. For one, it wasn't in their base reality. It was in a parody that would clearly be non-canonical. Second, Yakko didn't go out of his way to verbally abuse his little brother and try to make him feel less valued as a member of the group. It was just a hard necessity, as callous as it might have been.
Yakko would never say something like this. The thought would never even come close to crossing his mind. Dot would never agree to a statement like that. If she heard Yakko say it, she'd wonder what alien came in and replaced her older brother. Least of all would they say it right in front of Wakko, as if they're deliberately trying to hurt him.
It baffles me. It truly baffles me. Was this the writer's first day on the job? How do you go three fucking seasons and not know the first thing about the characters you're writing? The way Yakko and Dot are portrayed here is ten times more out of character than they've ever been written in any fanfic ever posted. Worse, this had to go through producers, storyboarders, animators, the showrunner, and they all looked at this and thought it was okay. I can't truly blame the voice actors, because they're under contract and have to do their jobs, but they should have known their characters well enough to know they would never say these lines. That they shouldn't say these lines.
I truly can't wrap my head around it. Where does this come from? What could possess anyone to think this is a good idea, even an acceptable idea, for even a single millisecond? Does it come from the Family Guy writing culture, where absolutely nothing is sincere, even relationships between friends and family? Do they just not know how to write sarcastic characters that also truly love their closest family members?
They had the audacity to claim they were listening to fan feedback for this season. Tell me, look at all the most popular fan compilations on YouTube about the reboot. Are they filled with moments of the siblings being cold and callous to each other, or are they filled with the opposite? How blind do you have to be to misunderstand the soul of your show and your fanbase so fucking badly? It almost feels malicious. Like someone on the writing staff had a bad experience with their own siblings and made it their personal mission to destroy and pervert the bond between the closest set of siblings on TV. I thought they were starting to get it right with season 2. Season 3, they had to look at what all the fans were saying and realize that they could go even further, right? Give us all the sibling fluff we could ever need? Instead they went the opposite direction. It's becoming clear to me that "listening to fan feedback" really meant listening to "Pinky and the Brain fan feedback." I don't mean to drive a wedge between certain parts of the fandom, but that's just how it seems to be. It's absolutely not the fault of any of the fans who talked about the show.
People will tell me to just forget about it, to consider it non-canon or as something the Warners had to do as part of the script. I literally cannot. Have you ever wondered why all my headcanons are so close to canon? I have freaking OCD. I need everything to be in order, I need there to be a way to make sense of everything together. I can't just ignore certain parts of the show and pretend like they never happened.
I can't even make angst out of this. I can't explain it away in a fanfic or with theorizing. This is the only thing in Animaniacs I can say that about. That's how unforgivably bad it is. It just goes so completely against everything about the characters of the Warners and the spirit of the show that it might as well be foreign to it.
This will affect me for a long time. Some might look at this rant and think I care too much. Yes, I care too fucking much. Look at my blog, for God's sake. Being aware of that doesn't change how I feel. Normally, I try to be courteous. I try to give the reboot the benefit of the doubt, because I truly do value many of the things it's added to Animaniacs. In this case, I don't care. Fuck whoever wrote these lines. Fuck every single person who saw them along the way and gave them their approval. Congratulations on a job well done. This hurts my heart and it will continue to do so for years to come, if not my entire life. I am devastated.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
I Found A Small Archive of Super Old Interviews With Milo And Here's Another Incredible One
May 10, 2002
Milo Ventimiglia is burning in the minds of teen girls everywhere due to his role as Jess on the surprise hit series, "Gilmore Girls". What may be a surprise to his fans however, is that he has quite the knack for using the 'love them or hate them' four-letter words, something that I am personally a big fuckin' fan of. (Ok, so that's using six letters, but you get my point!)
Don't let my swearing take away from Milo the actor though, because he is the real deal. So much so that Warner Brothers paid him to NOT work for a whole year. Does that sound a little confusing? Well, it did to us as well, so we went ahead and had Milo give us the lowdown.
JB: How are you?
MV: Ugh. I'm fuckin' wrecked! We had a wrap party last night. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do anything? But I bowled like a crazy muther.
JB: (Laughter) So it was a long night?
MV: Yeah it was a long night! (Laughter)
JB: And nothing hurts more than an early morning interview.
MV: Actually this isn't too early. I got back last night and saw that I had the interview in the morning. I woke up like half an hour ago and my publicist said the interview was pushed back by an hour. I was just like, "Great" and I really didn't have any idea what was going on. I got up and I checked the fax and saw the interview was bumped, so I went back to bed.
JB: I admire your perseverance.
MV: (Laughter) Thanks, man.
JB: So shooting is done for the year!
MV: Yeah. We wrapped up last Friday. I have a nice three and a half months off. I feel like I'm back in school. I felt like saying, "Have a bitching summer and see you next Fall!"
JB: "Please sign my yearbook." (Laughter)
MV: I swear to God that's what it feels like. It's crazy.
JB: Anything planned for the hiatus?
MV: So far I have no work lined up, but I'd really love to continue working. As of right now though, nothing.
JB: Enjoy the time off!
MV: Yeah! I'm sure I'll find something to do. Some kind of trouble to get into. I just bought a house, so I'm remodeling that. I'm doing a lot of handy work around that place.
JB: Some exciting summer Home Depot trips are in your future.
MV: Oh man! There is a 24-hour Home Depot right near my house.
JB: There are 24-hour Home Depots? That's crazy!
MV: Yeah! So at three in the morning I'll be banging away and turning on my circular saw? Just going for it.
JB: Tell me about your WB holding deal? What exactly did that consist of? Is it that you couldn't go and work for another network?
MV: Basically? yeah! They said, "Here's a lot of money and don't work for anybody else. We don't have anything for you, so you're going to be sitting for awhile." That was an interesting thing.
JB: Was it hard convincing family members that it actually happened? I'd imagine it was difficult to describe to people that you were getting paid to not work?
MV: Not with my family members because they run my books for me, so they saw the checks. Convincing my friends was another a thing. They'd be like, "What are you doing today?" "Well, I think I'm going to go to the beach." They'd be like, "Dude, you said that like two months ago?what are you really doing today?" "I think I'm going to go to the beach." (Laughter) And then the next day I'd be like, "I think I'm going to go to Europe." I was just out of my head bored. Warner Brothers didn't have anything for me to do, so I had to go to do something. The first month or two of being in the deal was fine?I was just hanging out around in LA, going to my parent's house in Orange County or catching up with old friends. Six months into things I was like, "Fuck this shit?I've got to go do something!"
JB: So it lasted for quite some time?
MV: Oh man, it was like a year. They wanted to hold me for almost like two years, but my management team said no.
JB: Could you at least do film?
MV: Yeah. I could do film. In the course of the contract, I did book a film and they did release me to do a guest spot on CSI. They also let me do a commercial or two. There were opportunities but they were getting ready to put me in a show. The holding deal kind of had nothing to do with "Gilmore Girls".
Pilot season came around and I was only reading for the studio's pilots because the contract was with the studio and not the network. I was reading for other pilots and nothing was clicking. I read for "Smallville" and all of these different pilots and for one reason or another I just wasn't getting them. The producers were like, "He's great, but we're not interested." I read for a pilot that was outside of my contract and the producers were really excited about me and Warner Brothers was going to let me out of the contract. At the last minute they said "no" and sent me in for this one pilot and then I tested for it. Next thing I know I was in a meeting with the casting directors for "Gilmore Girls" and the part was a guest spot with the possibility of returning. It wasn't as a series regular or anything. They brought me back to the producers the day of my studio test and that night they called and said, "Hey, we want you to be a series regular." That kind of threw an interesting twist on the contract because it was geared towards putting me in a new show, not an existing show.
JB: Prior to that or even now, do you get yourself worked up about pilot season?
MV: I think this is the first season that I really didn't think about it. I didn't have to audition because I was on a show and I knew we were coming back. I had a contract so now I could focus on my work. I've talked to some of my friends who are actors and they are going crazy and here I am at the craft service table. It was nice to not have to worry about that. Pilots are stressful as it is because you don't know if they'll get picked up. There are some like "Smallville" where they are filming the pilot, knowing that they were picked up for 22 episodes. I'm sure it makes you feel a little more comfortable.
JB: Have you found yourself getting noticed more?
MV: Occasionally. I'm still a nobody, which I enjoy because I can just go about my business. Time to time I'll get somebody who says, "Are you that guy on Gilmore Girls?" They freak out for a second. I was out to dinner with some friends the other night and some girl walked up to me. She was probably about 15 or something. We were finished eating and I was sitting back. The girl walks up and asks, "Excuse me?are you from Gilmore Girls?" I say yes and she asks if her sister can have my autograph. I say, "Yeah that's cool, but where is your sister?" "She's over there but she's a little embarrassed." I said, "Do you want me to go meet her?" I got up and went to meet her. You can tell the people that are genuinely excited about meeting someone who's on TV and I try to relate to them as, "I'm just a person and I'm not larger than life!" It's fun for them though and in a way it's kind of fun for me.
JB: Since jumping in "Gilmore Girls", you've appeared in your share of teen oriented magazines. Have you been the subject of jokes because of it?
MV: Oh my God! Yeah! Oh yeah! One of my oldest friends used to rip on me when we were in college. He's always known that I wanted to be an actor and when we got to the age where we understood the publicity end of it, he would give me crap about Tiger Beat and Teen Beat. I'd be like, "I just want to act and I'm not going to go that whole route." Now my mom was in a grocery store and pulled up a Tiger Beat and my picture was in it. I was like, "You've got to be fuckin' kidding me!" Then I popped up in Teen Beat and others. It's crazy. Hopefully other things will come up. I did a thing for Seventeen that comes out this month and just some other random stuff.
JB: They ask those weird, "What's your favorite color?" kind of questions.
MV: Oh my God. Nothing against the magazines because they definitely have their purposes, but I don't want to answer questions like "Do you have a girlfriend" and "What is your favorite color". Answering more adult questions is more intriguing and that's the vibe I'd like to give off.
MV: My favorite color is black by the way!
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ltleflrt · 11 months
Can I ask unironically why we should buy crabs when all staff wants to do is be the next Twitter/Threads/facebook/shitty reddit?
Why is this different from the last Stop-being-a-community-and-buy-our-stuff scare from every website/community that went down before it? Especially since staff never listens?
Why won't this backfire like the sites before?
Unironically: because they only want to be the next Twitter/Threads/Facebook/Reddit because being the old Tumblr has put them into massive debt.
Most of the staff actually seems to want to do the things we ask them for. But WE are not doing much to contribute to their paychecks, hence they need to turn to other sources of potential income. They need to lure in the Twitter/Threads/Facebook/Reddit crew, because those people are not stubborn fucking assholes like we are, and might actually decide to pay for the features THEY like. If staff caters to them, and they're willing to pay for the attention, why the fuck do you think staff would care about us anymore?
Like, seriously....I totally understand the Fuck The Man attitude toward big rich companies who steal from their employees to make the the zeros in their bank accounts go brrrrrr... but Tumblr is NOT THAT. Tumblr is poor. Tumblr is an underdog like us. Stop treating them like the Amazon and Warner Brothers.
If you want Tumblr to pay more attention to existing users, then the existing users need to SHOW THE FUCK UP and SUPPORT THE SITE.
Tumblr does do a lot for us if we ask them properly. But most people just @staff rather than going to the proper channels. Go the the @changes blog to see what they're working on. Go to the @wip blog and send them asks.
But most of all...make yourself worth their time. Buy some fucking crabs once in a while.
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nora2noz · 7 months
Shatter me trilogy (shatter me, unite me, ignite me)
I didn't really like Adam in the first book but i think that was mostly bcs i knew Juliette would end up with Aaron. I hated how he just felt so weird and i know for sure that Juliette only fell for him because he could touch her without her killing him, and because he had a tattoo of a bird which was just super cringe. But he was such a red flag in the second book refusing to let her break up with him, not only that people says "at least he was a good brother to James" yes he was but he still said that he was happier thinking Juliette was dead.
People who prefer Adam over Warner are total LOSERS because how could you not prefer a MAN who wants to remove scars believing you were scared because of them, who saves you knowing you were going to chose another man over him, let's you see him at his worst, and believes you could do anything you wanted. In Adam's novella he keeps worrying over "his girl" because apparently Juliette is so weak, and fragile. He thinks so little of her throughout the whole novella even though she could kill the whole sector 45 if she wanted to, even more cringe is when Kenji said "let's go get OUR girl" and Adam responds with "MY girl" claiming her after she has told him on multiple occasions that she does not want to be with him anymore, and it isn't even that its that she was absolutely TERRIFIED of hurting him in any possible ways and he just doesn't even care that him not respecting that is just gonna fuck her mentally.
But something that just made me realize even more that she needed warner was how she kept going back to counting things with Adam which she used to do in the asylum, but when she was with warner she didn't count anything (that i remember) and Warner always respected her, (even when he could sense that she wanted him (romantically) and never got into an argument about that (juliette needing time or not wanting to "yk" with him).
Absolutely hated Adam's audacity to keep putting a claim on her, assuming things, and always finding a way to absolutely gaslight Juliette.
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