#adopt our crew team
05/01/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Samba; Con; Rachel House; Gizmo Darby; Nathan; Vico; Leslie; Watch Party Reminders: Palm Royale tomorrow; Adopt Our Crew Breakdown of GLAAD Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
It's the last week to order this limited edition Crew For Life T-Shirt! All proceeds go to benefiting "EVERY MOTHER COUNTS". Order your Crew For Life shirt here!
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Img Src: Samba Schutte's IG
= Con O'Neill =
Our dear Con O'Neill is encouraging everyone to get out and vote! #VoteTheFuckersOut
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Img Src: Con O'Neill's IG
= Nathan Foad =
Quick peak of Nathan on his IG again <3
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Img Src: Nathan Foad's IG
= Rachel House =
There's a new article out featuring Rachel House and her first time directing!
Rachel House on first-time directing and the power of mounga
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Img Src: @temaungafilm Instagram
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico's posted a few updates, the first link relates to recent events. Check it out below.
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Img Src: Vico Ortiz IG
In addition, there's a new episode of Date My Abuelita First Podcast! Date My Abuelita, First! Podcast Links
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Img Src: Vico Ortiz IG
= Leslie Jones =
Reminder! Leslie is hosting "Netflix Is a Joke" Fest at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, CA! Want more info? Visit NetflixIsAJokeFest
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= Gizmo Darby =
Samba must be out visiting the Darby Family because here's Gizmo taking residence in Samba's lap.
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Img Src: Samba Schutte's IG
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Palm Royale =
Palm Royale WP May 2 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @/dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST!
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= Wrecked Season 1 =
Another week of Wrecked Season 1 is on the docket! Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
Days: Apr 29 - May 3
Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 11:30 pm BST
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
You may have heard that GLAAD released their "Where We Are on TV" report. Well our fantastic crewmates over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to do a thread on twitter breaking down the various aspects. @adoptourcrew's Twitter Thread Here. If you have access to twitter, please head over there and give their post some love. Thank you friends for putting this all together!
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Full GLAAD Report
TV Line Article
The Wrap Article
Hollywood Reporter Article
Gay Times Article
= Fan Spotlight =
= Cast Cards =
Tonight we have the priest that officiated Stede and Mary's wedding, Benton Jennings! Thank you @melvisik for making sure he made it in with the rest of the cast!
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= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Ooo @patchworkpiratebear has done it again! This one looks so cool! I can't wait to color this one myself! Thanks hon!
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@patchworkpiratebear's Tumblr
= Pixel Art =
Our awesome @blueberreads started MerMay off strong with the SaveOFMD MerMay prompt of Spanish Jackie'z!
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Source: @blueberreads Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I know that there's a lot going on right now in the world and it's especially tense for those of you who are in Uni or in cities with Universities. This is a really tough time for you, and I want you to know we're thinking about you.
If you need to vent, or you need help getting access to something, please be sure to reach out to your crew. We care a lot about you, and we know these are scary times. Make sure to stay safe if you can, and if you're in a position to be out in harms way, make sure you've got emergency supplies and support in case things get hairy. There's a link above in the Vico section specifically regarding if things get really hairy where you can go for help (or how you can help those who need it).
You all are so very brave. Seriously, whether you're on the ground, or supporting financially, or bringing supplies, or just spreading the word online and keeping eyes and cameras on things to keep the situations honest, or even just staying put where it's safe and taking some self-care time-- you're doing everything you can.
Sometimes it feels like what we do doesn't make an impact. Sometimes it feels like these tiny ripples won't go anywhere. You're making the ripples, and those inspire others to make ripples as well.
You're making a difference no matter how big or how small, don't forget that lovelies. Please stay safe wherever you are, were thinking of you.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Today's theme is "Zoom zoom zoom!"
Gifs courtesy of the fantastic @kiwistede and darling @meluli <3
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
My Hero Academia AU: Ambush Simulation
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Aight, storytime:
So awhile back, I was thinking about Episodes 4 & 5 of the anime Soul Eater where the gang is tasked with capturing two villains, the zombie Sid and the guy who resurrected him, Professor Stein.  (There’s also the added stakes that if they fail in this task, they’ll be expelled from school.)  After a somewhat harrowing fight, defeating Sid and losing to Stein, the plot twist is this was never a real fight, Stein and Sid were not villains, and this whole thing was just a test that was orchestrated and sanctioned by the school and definitely skewed more toward hazing than actual education.
And I thought, what if that’s all the Vanguard Action Squad was during the Summer Camp Arc?  Just a test orchestrated by UA that skewed more toward hazing than actual education. (Note:  These are the traditional LoV members, so Muscular, Mustard, and Moonfish are not part of this line-up.) At the very least, that would probably be the meanest ruse Aizawa has pulled. And you can't tell me Principal Nezu wouldn't have been all in for this plan.
"It happened once at the USJ. Despite our precautions, it could happen again. Let's teach them how to prepare...by scaring the absolute shit out of them."
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"Ambush Simulation" is playing off my earlier AU comic with Shigaraki being the adopted nephew of All Might and leading a pretty normal life.  The rest of the squad is more or less in the same boat. For context, Touya’s canon divergence is he returned home after the three-year comatose and actually stayed there, but since nothing about that household environment really changed, he’s still an unhinged mess, but that is a whole other kettle of fish best saved for another comic. (Clearly getting a kick out of the prospect of scaring a bunch of kids, including his brother, half to death, though.)  Toga’s home life is rocky at best after ‘the incident,’ but she’s no longer a runaway teen.  Everybody else just kinda fell in with each other.
Their role as a vigilante team was inspired by the series Durarara!, specifically Kadota and his crew for anyone who's familiar. I genuinely forgot the Vigilantes spinoff existed...sigh, it's been awhile and I only recently got back in this fandom. The Vanguard is pretty much living by a 'you're only in trouble if you get caught,' philosophy. (And the nepotism has probably saved all their asses a few times because it doesn't look good for the No. 2 Hero if his eldest son is busted for vigilantism.)
Anyway, there's a few other details that I can't fit in this post, so head over here if you want to read more behind the scenes of making this thing.
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natailiatulls07 · 15 days
I have to say, your Charles fics where he is/acts like a father are my favorite (the marguerite series and now the recent one) i'd love to keep seeing more ❤
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Jules Bianchi x Daughter!reader
Charles Leclerc x little sister!reader
Summary - It's his home race, his family are there and his win; All through Marguerites eyes
Warning - Mention of Herve Leclerc's death, mention of alcohol
A/n - I'm back oops! Sorry I haven't posted in a month, to cut a long story short alot of shit happened in my life and I took an unexpected break lol. Also @nikfigueiredo thank you babes <333
(The blue bold text is Sky f1 commentary)
The atmosphere in Ferrari hospitality was tense. Well everywhere was tense but espercially in Ferrari. Charles Leclerc was leading the Monaco Grand Prix, leading his home race.
Somewhere special to him and his loved one. He grew up on these streets and to win is something he and his late had grown up dreaming.
"There's his family watching on; Alexandra is partner, Pascale is mother and of course his adopted little sister Y/n, who is the daughter of the late Jules Bianchi."
I could feel the Sky camera panning towards me and the rest of the family but I was too stressed. Alexandra was stood beside me and I didn't need to look away from the large screen to know that she was fiddling nervously with her bracelets, much like how I was fidgeting with long strands of my hair.
I watched as the laps ticked closer to 78, one by one slowly. It was really an out of body experience. Part of me knew there was people around but I couldn't care less for them, keeping focused on Charlie.
"And for the first time in 93 years, this favoured race is won by one of their own. Charles Leclerc wins the Monaco Grand Prix to achieve his dream; Victory in his home race!"
Only then did I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Once again the Sky camera is focused on me and Alexandra, but we don't care.
A soft touch shocks me out of my awe and whipping my head around, I see Alexandra looking at me with a excited smile.
"He did! Oh Marguerite, he did!" Her voice is surprisingly smoothing compared to the rest of hospitality. I just echo that same smile before wrapping my arms around her neck as I let out a shaky breath.
Behind Alexandra stand Pascale who captures my eyes, she has small tears on the edge of her water line. It wasn't hard to understand why she had tears in her eyes. I remember the day that we were told Herve Leclerc passed away, of course I was young but I could vividly remember it.
Pulling away from the hug, I feel a sudden surge of energy and excitement. In completely contrast to during the race, I start bouncing on my feet and laughing eagerly.
Turning to random people on our way out of the Ferrari hospitality. "Charlie won the race! His home race!" In return I would get sweet smile and laughs of joy.
"We can see Y/n Bianchi once again, I think she definitely rivaling Charles Leclerc in excitement right now. Not that long ago, we saw her excitedly talking to Jenson which was a funny thing to watch!"
We make it down to the track in time for the podium. Most of our trip down to the track was spent with Pascale and/or Alexandra pulling me away from restlessly talking to people about his win.
I look up at the podium, I watch as Carlos, Oscar and then Charles all make their ways to their respective steps. We watch as they are handed their trophies and as Prince Albert gives Charlie multiple thrilled hugs.
During the Monegasque national athems, I notice how his eyes floats down to us. Instantly the smiles on both mine and his face widens, finally feeling joy together. After the first athem, I join the Ferrari crew and staff in happily singing the Italian national athems.
"You know we need to get Y/n on to do something with the Sky f1 team because she seems like a sweet young lady and we know that fans her age love her!"
Whilst waiting for the team debriefing to finish; Me, Alexandra, Pascale, Arthur, Lorenzo and his girlfriend, Charlotte, were all given the now empty Ferrari hospitality to relax.
"Can you believe?! Oh I'm so happy for him!" Unlike everyone, I couldn't hold in my excitement and I was frantically bouncing in my spot between Charlotte and Alexandra. It didn't help that I was running on close to no sleep and some random energy drink.
Everyone just laughed shaking their heads softly. "Oh my god! We need to celebrate! Maybe even my first ever drink!?" I look over towards Pascale, she was practically like a grandmother to me.
She just laughs, giving me a knowning look before replying to me. "That's up to Charlie, don't ask me..."
"Up to me? What's up to me?" His voice comes out of no where, we all quickly turn to face the entrance and there he was stood still in racing suit.
I don't wait a second before rushing over to him and jumping into a hug, something we haven't done in a few years. "You did it! You did it!" I can feel the rumble of his laughter as his arms tighten around me. "I'm so proud of you!" I whisper gently.
Unknown to me, everyone in the room is tearing up. All so proud of Charlie but just in awe of the sweet moment between him and the most loving teenage ever.
"Also can I have my first drink tonight whilst we celebrate? Please!" With a pout on my face, I look up to his face but as soon as he shakes his head with a smirk, my pout turns into a frown and everyone around us just laughs knowingly.
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Imagine being a new member of the Red Hair pirates eleven years before the main plot
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Benn: This is Hongo, the ship's doctor
Hongo: And who is this ravishing creature?
Benn: down boy, this is the rookie that Shanks dragged home.
Hongo: Oh you poor thing.
You: Shanks picked me for my combat abilities
Hongo: you must be strong then.
You: admittedly my strength is nowhere near the boss's level, but I can go toe to toe with a rear admiral in a fight.
Hongo: I see
Uta: don't sell yourself short, I watched you spar with papa, and he was getting winded. *Makes those grabbie hands that signal she wants you to pick her up*
You: thank you, and who are you if I might ask. *Picks her up*
Shanks: that is Uta, my adorable daughter.
Uta: I'm papa's favorite, and don't you forget it, I'm also the ship's musician.
You: really, what instrument do you play?
Uta: *gestures to her throat* my voice box, I'm a singer.
You: I eagerly await your next performance then.
Uta: wait no longer, places everyone! *Claps her hands*
Hongo, Yassop, and Lucky Roux: *scamper around to clear a spot and set up a stage for her*
You: (ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ) ???
Benn: *scoops Uta out of your arms and carries her to the stage*
Uta: (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ a song for the newbie *starts to sing*
Yassop: *puts a chair under you and gently pushes you into it*
Shanks: *moves his chair next to yours and leans in* isn't she so cute?
You: yes, she has such a beautiful voice. Do you and your men usually allow yourselves to be controlled by the whims of a child?
Benn: ... Yes, but only because we want to
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After the song
Uta: *chilling in your lap* what'd you think?
You: you're an exceptionally talented singer, you must put a lot of work into it.
Uta: of course, practice makes perfect.
You: and you seem to have everyone here wrapped around your little finger. They must love you very much.
Uta: yes... I think they feel guilty, since my parents are dead.
Shanks: it's not that
Yassop: at least not entirely
You: I figured you were adopted.
Uta: what do you mean?
Shanks: how could you tell?
You: because she's talented,
The crew: (⁠(⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)⁠) ....
You: *quickly adds* at something besides fighting and debauchery.
The crew: *laughs*
Shanks: wow, already making cheap shots at your captain on your first day aboard. It's true, she's talented, she gets it from her mother. We do our best to make sure she's provided for, but there are still some areas we are lacking in.
Uta: yeah, like shopping
Benn: we take you shopping, literally every time we make port.
Uta: Yeah! But it is always to sleazy back alley joints where everything is second hand and not the designer shops that have cute new clothes. All because of papa's ugly mug has a bounty on it. Plus none of you have any sense of style, and can give me useful feedback on my outfits.
Shanks: well that's true, hey! You shouldn't call people, especially your poor father, ugly!
Benn: I have always wanted to take her to those shops too, our little girl would look so cute in those nice clothes.
You: I can take you, I don't have a bounty, and I know a little about fashion.
Uta: *looks over your outfit* your fashion sense, outwardly, appears to be less offensive to the eyes than papa's.
You: uh, thank you.
Shanks: Offensive? What about my outfit is offensive?
Uta: your shirt is wrinkly and stained, and your pants!... Don't even get me started on your pants.
Benn: allow me, they look like you made them out of someone's grandmother's couch.
Shanks: alright, thank you I get it.
You: *grumbles* Sandals are a little worse for wear as well.
Uta: *giggles*
Shanks: y'all are teaming up on me
Benn: yeah guys, he's only got one arm, it's downright unsporting.
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List of Up-and-coming works
Support me on Kofi and Patreon
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auroramoon-draws16 · 5 months
My friend convinced me to get into Star Wars
Send help
(Warning: SPOILERS and I’m not THAT into it, so correct where you see fit)
Assassin’s Creed x Star Wars
But the Brotherhood is an ancient af group, as old or older than the og Jedi order, they’re so secretive and mysterious that not even the modern order are sure they exist. Kind of like a spooky myth?
The Force be like: “Brotherhood? What Brotherhood? I didn’t help make any Brotherhood!” We love a bad gaslighting bitch 💜
I think they’d be force users who pretty much do as their original universe do: “We work in the Dark to serve the Light.” All the tenants included.
Their sabers are small af and more blade-like, sort of like the darkblade, but crystal clear and emits very little light, they barely make any noise too. (Phantom Sabers? Maybe? That sounds cool, right?) The Assassins got the white hoods and shit too. Omfg they can finally do the Leap of Faith wherever they want! Fuck gravity! We have the fucking force!
As for Eagle Vision, I think you could pass it off as a force ability. Being able to sense feelings and danger is a thing already, so being able to do a large sweep and tag friend/foe would be a step above that. Also treasures. Like the grabby lil dragons our Assassin babies are. They need to be able to fund shenanigans on the fly, and not all of them have time to grab some from their reserves!
As for their role in the main Star Wars story, we got options:
Shoving Desmond into this shit because I can~
Desmond and his Team™️ investigate the Clone Wars shit, because the Brotherhood has always been against oppression and have been systematically wiping out slavery from several parts of the galaxy for a while now, so they would automatically get suspicious. (Clones? Meant for fighting?? For an entire republic??? With no rights of their own???? Idk man, that sounds sus. Oh and the Jedi don’t have a choice because there’s a whole ass war and it would be against their code not to do anything about it? And there’s an order to kill literally all of them at a moment’s notice? Alright, guess we’ll fix this ourselves!)
Des and the crew find the chips and save the Jedi from mass genocide. Maybe killing Palpatine, because fuck that guy.
Would they need to reveal the Brotherhood’s existence to have that happen? Probably not, but it could happen. Boy, wouldn’t that be interesting?
Also, clone shenanigans, because I love them sm
Especially Bad Batch and Domino Squad
And Rex and Cody
My poor babies
But: if the Brotherhood was weakened like in their og universe and they couldn’t investigate (lets say they were compromised by the Sith for a while before the clone wars)
+ Des was born a bit later
Time to aid the rebellion and face destiny!
(If you REALLY want to throw Des into bullshit, like I know you do: Time travel fix it fic with Luke, Leia, Han, and Desmond!)
(You may also include Mandalorian fun, because I also love the Mandos, my other babies <3 Mandalorian culture goes hard and the fics that include them have kidnapped surprise adopted me)
Y’all have fun, I’m tired ^_^💜
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pines-pokemon-center · 2 months
Welcome to the official Tumblr blog for the Pines Rehabilitation and Sanctuary Pokemon Center!
The Pines R&S Pokemon Center is named after Scott Pine, who turned a run-down and nearly forgotten Pokemon Center at the outer edge of Unova into what it is today! Our goal is to rehabilitate and either release or adopt out Pokemon. Over the years our team has helped hundreds upon hundreds of Pokemon from.
We encourage you to stop by the center if you find yourself in Unova! We take donations, love volunteers, and will aid you in finding a new Pokemon that's right for you if you're looking to adopt!
We hope to see you there!
Hello! It's me, the mun!
This is a Pokemon IRL blog! It's also a spin off of @the-mew-crew Another mew blog you can check out is @ask-duchess You can find me over at @vanilla-waffles
On this blog if you send in an in-character ask to Mike, he can help you pick a Pokemon to adopt! This also is basically me designing a Pokemon for you. If you ask for help adopting, please comment or reblog the post saying if you're interested in the Pokemon I've made so I can know whether or not that Pokemon is up for grabs in the future or if it's going to be adopted by you! If you are interested in the Pokemon, in order to officially "adopt" it, all you have to do is share a "photo" of your Pokemon in their new forever home on your own blog and tag this one in it! Please do not attempt to adopt a Pokemon I presented in response to an ask if you did not send said ask.
([Read the posts in order here!])
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- HELLO IM THAT PREVIOUS ANONYMOUS USER-- IM JUMPING IN MY SEAT THAT YOU REPLIED TO MY REQUEST! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️. SO FOR THAT, ANOTHER HEADCANNON (I'm sorry if your getting tired from these request.) But what would be the Revolutionary Army, Strawhat Pirates, and Whitebeard Pirates reaction to the ASL trio's relationship with Sanji? (What would their reactions be during the WCI Arc?👀 I feel like they would be very overprotective of Sanji after WCI
Welcome back! Pick a name! I'm bad at naming things! I will respond to anything so yeah, no worries. Also OPLA really sold Zeff x Garp to a lot of people so like. I get it. I'm answering another ask RN about RSL+ASL but it's long so I'll grab this one first.
As for everyone's reactions to ASL all dating Sanji: Dragon has to come to terms that two of his sons are dating a cook on one of his son's pirate crew. He sighs so heavily about this and Garp laughs at him and explains that Sanji is Zeff's adopted kid and that makes Dragon sigh again, more heavy and drawn out and exasperated.
The Whitebeard fleet hears about it in stages, first has gotta be Marco and Teach who are laughing their asses off that Ace has to share his boyfriend with his two little brothers. Then Thatch laughs his ass off. White Beard is confused because he finds out this has been going on since childhood, which makes it make more sense but he finds out that it's Redleg's kid and Redleg let three people date his kid. That part makes no sense to him. The fact they're siblings makes it back to zero understanding. He and Ace talk about it once and that's it.
The Strawhat's find out in stages. Vivi and Chopper and the East Blue crew all know Sanji and Luffy are dating but then when Ace shows up and he hauls Sanji off and yelling at Luffy it's his turn with their boyfriend there are shocked gasps and sputtering and confused yells from everyone but Luffy who just goes 'Okay! Have fun!' and goes back to whatever he was doing. Robin, Franky, and Brook find out between Thriller Bark and Sabaody. They knew about Luffy, it's hard not to, but they hear about Ace from the other members. No one has told them about Sabo. Sanji thinks he at least has that.
Then like Marineford happens and Ace lives because of course. Fuck him dying. Sabo still has his memory but has been in the revolutionary army since like sixteen or seventeen and has his memory so he was probably there. When they ask Luffy where his crew is Luffy is crying and says he doesn't know because Kuma.
Ace joins the crew after the TS and he and Luffy are really excited to see Jimbei again and then he is introduced as Luffy and Ace's boyfriend which makes Sanji sigh and introduce himself as the cook. Dressrosa happens and Ace is happy to see Sabo who asks where Sanji is and Ace is like 'one of the other teams' and Sabo nods. When Law and everyone is resting in the cabin Sabo whines that Luffy is sleeping and Sanji isn't there and Ace excitedly tells him about Sanji firing on Big Mom. Law asks why Sabo cares that Sanji's not there and Ace and Sabo go 'he's our boyfriend, and Luffy's boyfriend.' which throws the cabin into chaos.
Meanwhile Sanji is telling Judge this isn't going to go how he thinks it'll go and when Reiju asks why as she puts the cuffs on Sanji tells them who his boyfriends are. All three of them. Everyone is staring at him. THe Vinsmokes don't care and when the rescue team, Ace, and Sabo come get him? It's a long and arduous explanation and escape. Sabo is of course and understandably weary to leave but does after a lot of reassurances and kisses and the number to the denden mushi on the Sunny. Ace never leaves Sanji's side during Wano unless Luffy is there or they're with the crew. It's very stressful for Sanji.
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thepariahcontinuum · 8 months
Other RWBY x Parahumans Crossover thoughts:
On the one hand: Yang and Ruby pretty much adopting Taylor into the "Our Mum is dead and our Dad struggled to keep it together after she died" crew.
On the the other hand: Yang and Imp bonding over terrible jokes and being the "Our Mum is useless" crew.
On the other other hand, please do not question my anatomy: Just throw Regent into the midst of Team RWBY and watch him go from understanding Weiss and Blake on some level (Ran away from home/abuser club) to just being utterly unable to function after seeing Yang and Ruby and realising that's what actual families' and siblings are supposed to be like.
On yet another hand, because they come in pairs.....And forgive me for pointing it out: Jaune and Taylor bonding over being stuffed in lockers.
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05/11-12/2024 Weekend Recap Pt 1
TLDR; Basingstoke Comic Con; Rhys, Con; Vico; Kristian; AdoptOurCrew Coverage; Days 1-3; We're Wolves News; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey Lovelies, this weekend became huge in terms of content because of Basingstoke, so I'm gonna do these in parts to try and fit everything in. Extremely long post is long.
== Basingstoke Comic Con - Rhys/Vico/Con/Kristian ==
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Sources: Vico's Instagram / Stories / Con's Instagram / Basingstoke Comic Con Instagram
= More Rhysie at his Panel on Day 3 =
Our crewmate Nikki (@bookknobsandbroomsticks) was kind enough to allow me to share their photos of Rhys here! Thank you hon!
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Source: @bookknobsandbroomsticks Instagram
= More Pics from all 3 panels =
Another of our absolutely amazing crewmates @cosmosart-s was kind enough to share their pics as well!
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Source: _cosmosaarts_ on twitter
== Merstede Getting out of the Pool ==
One of the questions at the con as you can see was about how Rhys got out of the pool.
Source: @MattRooksTaylor on Twitter
== AdoptOurCrew Coverage of Bazingstoke ==
Our friends over at AdoptOurCrew Team was kind enough to transcribe several questions and answers from the cast on all three days of the con! If you have access to Twitter, they have lots and lots of videos and content, please visit it here. I tried to screenshot the written transcriptions best I could below-- but if you have access to twitter, please go interact with their twitter!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter Some more pictures from the first panel from ourvery kind and generous @cosmosart-s! Thank you so much dearie for sharing these with us!
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Source: Cosmosa Arts Instagram
== Second OFMD Panel ==
This panel featured Vico, Con, Cooper, Kristian, and Rhys! Thank you again to AdoptOurCrew for the highlights! AdoptOurCrew's Twitter Thread
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Img Src: Basingstoke Comic Con Instagram
== Third OFMD Panel ==
The last panel was with our dear captain. Once again, thank you to Adopt Our Crew for providing coverage! Technically pictures and videos were allowed, but as you can imagine, we're pirates. What else were they expecting? Running out of image space, some great shots were taken by @ofmd-ann. You can see them here. If you'd like to see the video in the screenshots below you can visit Cree's Twitter (Sorry, only one vid per post and so I need to grab permission first before posting here so I'll see if I can reach out to Cree about sharing it on Tumblr).
Screenshots below: Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== We're Wolves News ==
So after the panel and Rhys mentioning he wanted to see We're Wolves made, @ Starqueenie4eva on twitter decided to tweet Jemaine, and well, he responded. He didn't say "no" he said it "has been delayed" 👀
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Source: Jemaine Clement's Twitter
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I was gonna put these at the end like normal in Part 2 but I couldnt find them again because tumblr search sucks! So here we are.
Gifs courtesy of the fabulous @neverswungonswingingstars and @wastingyourgum!
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Propaganda for the lovely lady Tannufia!
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Tannufia tis Candin is a woman of Silen Fah - the other world that our heroes get "Narnia-ed" into. Her race, the Jelturen, are known for having any color imaginable on their heads, but she has been blessed with the unique trait of having all the colors at once, naturally. (And her name literally translates to "rainbow" because of this.) She is the younger daughter of a couple of unicorn hunters (not nearly as violent as it sounds), and so spent her childhood for the most part in the deep forest, living in a tent with her parents and her older sister, Vixie. She consequently has a lot of survival skills, and knowledge about the flora and fauna of her land - and, on more than one occasion, has even had the rare opportunity to see a cloud of fairies. (Or "ien" as they are called here.)
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(Left-to-right: Vixie, Trajeda, and Tannufia)
When Tannufia was a young woman, the first known case of a human arrival occurred, and she met her future husband, Ryan. Ryan was a cowboy from the 1800s (time travel yayyy), rough around the edges, but very gentlemanly, and in spite of a language barrier, it didn't take much time for her to fall head over heels. She now lives as a happily married stay-at-home-wife... and mother, to their little daughter Trajeda (and Madeline, another human whom Ryan adopted). She spends most of her time tending to the girls, weeding the garden, looking for eggs, and cooking up wonderful meals for her family. Well, them, and the frequent and numerous guests that come to their home. When a new crew of humans show up at the beginning of Book One, she and Ryan take them in while they're getting their bearings in this new world. Ryan learned to speak her language, Flunibu, but he's also taught her a bit of English and she puts this to good use then! It's a little broken and she has a very thick southern accent (like Ryan), making her way of speaking the most unique out of the whole cast, probably - at least when she's using English. She may not be the main character, but she is a vital part of their team and gives them a peaceful place to regroup after their adventures.
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Alternate Time Period drawing, putting them on Earth in the 1950s
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Interacting with forest creatures is still a favorite pastime of hers!
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I love her. If you could spare a vote for Rainbow Mom, I would be much obliged! :)
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championofapollo · 28 days
hi hi hi!!! what ocs do you have? is there a post in ur blog i can look at for info? which is ur favourite?
Hiiiii. I need to update my master post, so- not exactly to the first one- But I’ve got a whole lot and they just swim around my head!
How can one pick a favourite oc tho… *squint* tough call between Liz n Jay are both such fun n chaotic beanssss
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Jay has about a million names. I’m in the mood for Captain Jay Owens, so let’s go with that! Psychological experiment(long story), Air Force captain (dishonorably discharged), present day mercenary. She and a team of thieves travel the world, doing miscellaneous jobs and monitoring another team they used to work with. Despite her flying skills, she’s our sassy pickpocket. ‘Prefers her lifts to be a little cocky, like in the middle of crowded rooms when there are multiple sets of eyes on her.
The other team they keep in check is probably their biggest competitor (not that anyone in the crew would openly admit it).
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Elizabeth Kore. My little witch. Shapeshifter adopted by the headmistress of an academy and taught to control her abilities. Before the help things got- explosive-
Her story is set in a Steampunk 1700s, before the Revolution. Amidst the chaos and threat of war, a nobleman tries to take over the town she’s living in. Before everything went south, she had made a deal with him in order to get protection in the slums (tiny bean in a shady part of town, not good), but noooow she has to find a way out of it. He’s not happy, her friends aren’t happy. Everyone is scrambling to get things resolved.
One of my few OCs who can’t pick a lock nor a pocket?? XD
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gxdsfavgal · 1 year
Puppy Adoption
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Pairing: Drew Starkey x Partner!Reader
Warnings: FLUFFFYYYYY little BLURB, I just wrote this very rushed because I thought it was cute lol
A/N: based on this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRny1sHd/
I am a binge watcher. I love watching celebrity interviews even though I am surrounded by it in my personal life. But I have my own little favorites. It is something I look forward to every time I open YouTube. I hope to see a new upload of Buzzfeeds Puppy Interview.
I obsessed over the Chris Evans one, and even the Tom Holland one. After finding out that Drew was going to be in one for OBX, I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I begged for him to let me watch in the behind the scenes, and luckily it didn't take much begging.
So now here we are, the puppies in the crates as the cast talks to the producers on what they are doing and what type of questions are going to be asked.
I was in awe by all the tiny noses poking out through the grates of the cages, the little barks and howls. I am a dog person through and through.
Cats? Birds? Fishes? Never.
Before they filmed, the adoption manager and I had a conversation. We talked about how they are a non-profit organization and how they always have dogs of all ages to be fostered or adopted.
I was fortunate enough to snap a few pics for my Instagram story.
I didn't have pets growing up, but I kept a promise to myself that I would someday be a parent to a dog. I didn't care the breed, I just wanted to have a dog to love.
Drew on the other hand grew up around dogs, his family and his friends. He knows everything about them. He's always told me that we need to get a dog someday.
He promised me that we would get a puppy together on our second date, and I've held that promise to him.
I sat comfortably and excited in a chair behind the crew members of the Buzzfeed production team. The lights of the studio flashed "Filming In Progress", and everyone became silent.
Drew and the rest of the cast just finished up the Buzzfeed puppy interview. I was just in the behind the scenes trying to get some content for Drew's instagram.
"I literally cannot move" Drew whispered out as the film crew started wrapping up.
The puppy in his arms fully asleep, its head lolled back with little snores.
The OBX group was all in awe over Drew and the puppy.
"Come here." Drew asked of me, using his head to nod.
I walked past the camera and sat down on the floor next to Drew and Maddy, the other puppies coming to sniff me. I put out my hand so the pups can smell me, but also so I can lure one to hold.
"They are up for adoption right?" I asked the lady on the side who brought all of the dogs to the interview.
"Yep! Every single one of them." she smiled.
"Oh my god! I want all of them." I whispered as I held up the puppy I was holding.
"Same, I do need a travel buddy" Madelyn giggled as her chin was getting licked.
"Drew, it seems like that one is basically yours." I nodded my head towards the one in his arms.
"I wish I could make him ours." Drew petted the German Shepards head.
"Why not? We've been talking about getting a dog for months."
"I don't know, you think we should?" he asked me with a smile on his face, ready to commit to being a dog dad.
"I think you guys should do it." the lady spoke, trying to convince us to adopt.
"Wow, she's got great marketing skills." Bails said with a giggle as Austin laughed with.
"Ehh I don't know." Drew tilted his head back and forth.
"I think we should." I rested my head on Drew's shoulder, looking at the still sleeping puppy in his arms. "I think he adopted you actually."
"Do it! Do it!" the cast cheered as they made the dogs in their arms do little dances.
Drew and I's heads turned to each other, our eyes making immediate contact. We were both trying to decipher what the other one was saying.
We a little smile on his face and mine, we both did a little nod.
"We'll take him." I told the lady as I lightly booped the sleeping puppy nose.
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absolutebl · 2 years
You're in filmmaking and working on your big dream BL production, your writer is one of the best, you got decent budget, interested sponsors, a great director, a professional crew. Now, you gotta cast your actors, the mains and maybe a sidedish. Who would you chose and why? Which criteria would you apply for example age, appearance, acting style, experience, ability to create chemistry, on-screen charisma, name recognizability? Which actors would you pair and why? Make it country specific.
If I could have any BL in the world. What would I pick? 
I kinda already did this here: 
TOP 10 BL PAIRS + What They Should Play Next - I chose SamYu for the gay Descendants of the Sun, but you threw the door wide open on this one so I am pushing it. (I also did Crazy BL Actor Pairing I'd Love to See ) 
I hold by those picks but I’ll reboot the game a little. 
Now, you gotta cast your actors, the mains and maybe a sidedish. Who would you chose and why?
(SamYu - We Best Love) in a Taiwanese production of Hospital Playlist. 
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So Hospital Playlist is a true ensemble piece with 5 leads, but the anchor relationship would be these two. In case you were in any possible doubt as to my ultimate bias.
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(L-R: prudish pediatrician, arrogant heart surgeon, comedic general surgeon, neurotic OBGYN, warm & brilliant neurosurgeon) 
Hospital Playlist is not just one of my favorite Kdramas, it’s one of my favorite dramas of all time. I love a medical drama, it has multiple solid romances all ending happily, it’s about older characters, there are complex stories and GREAT side characters, food is vitally important, and it’s ultimately extremely comforting. It’s sadly het, tho. 
So I want Taiwan to do the queer version. And I want it to get the proper treatment the way Taiwan sometimes does with their het stuff, like full on 20-30 episodes. 
Hospital Playlist only it’s 5 queer surgeons, paired as follows: 
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Sam plays the funny single dad general surgeon (his husband left him alone with their adopted son, yadda yadda) 
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Yu is the kind hearted brilliant neuroscientist. I’d like to see him play a warm nerdy character for a change. 
(Spoiler, these two characters are already besties who once moot-pined and eventually end up together.) 
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Lin Yu (OuWen from Love is Science) plays is the arrogant heart surgeon. Of COURSE HE DOES. Slayed by the military boy in the end, of course. Honestly we can pair him with Anderson Cheng again as Sam’s younger brother, but I’m not married to that pairing. 
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The OBGYN has to be our neurotic chaos bi character (that comedy writes itself) and I would cast Bruce He in the role. Because, he has dimples and I love him in everything and I am shallow af. He can have all the crazy exes up the wazoo. That’d be fun. I don not care who he ends up with. 
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I’d turn the rich prude pediatrician character into a lesbian who I want played by Aviis Zhong, because she hasn’t played enough lesbians yet. Never enough lesbians. 
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I want her slow pining desperate younger love interest (AGE GAP!) to be played by Tannie Huang (DNA Says Love You bestie). I think they would kill it. 
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I want the older administrator of the hospital adopted lesbian mom of the group to be Tammy Darshana Lai (Encore Martha). And I want her to be having her own life, quandaries and relationships. 
Which criteria would you apply for example age:
I’d like it to be older characters in general. I love a high school drama but I’d like something more relatable to me, and more meaty for the actors to sink into, where being queer is there, and important, but there’s other life shit going on (ex spouses, children, career hiccoughs, side interests and hobbies). 
Clearly I’m picking all over the place on actual actor ages, but the main characters would all be in their late 30s at least. The support cast of residents and students and patients so forth would be many other ages. 
I’d like the Love is Science? team to direct (Tsai Mi Chieh & Chang Chin Jung). 
Appearance, acting style, experience, ability to create chemistry, on-screen charisma, name recognizability? 
I want mostly pretty because, as already mentioned, I shallow af. But I also want broad queer rep and diversity. So trans characters, butch, femme, various creeds and colors, all of them - in complex, capable professional doctor roles and positions of power. I want it to look like the Philippines vomited queer rep on this hospital. 
It’s my fantasy medical drama, I’ll queer it up if I wanna. 
I think Taiwan in general has a realistic, highly physical, slightly comedic acting style that would suit Hospital Playlist very well. (Probubly better than Korea’s style did, quite frankly.)
All the actors I chose (but Yu) are experienced and established. I think Avis and Bruce are big enough names for major draw. And SamYu as a pair are a big enough deal to pull the BL audience in spades. A show like this could take off international well and easily. Authentic queer rep is one of Taiwan’s strengths and this kind of show could showcase that for truly broad appeal, like Asia’s version of Queer as Folk, only a million times BETTER. 
Did I sell you on it?
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blackacre13 · 11 months
Can you do another part to the rival gang au
Part three is here:
Here’s part four!
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“It was a conversation,” Debbie protested.
“Please,” Tammy rolled her eyes. “It was practically a parlay over pancakes. You’re not a pirate, Debbie. You two can sit down for a cup of coffee and strike a compromise. Someone takes uptown, someone takes downtown. Whatever. There’s a way to work it out.”
“We’ve already worked it out,” Debbie shook her head. “The best woman wins. One job. One goal. Whoever gets it, gets New York. Whoever fails, gets the hell out. Maybe after the consolation of some…more lustful activities.”
“God, something tells me that you two are just absolutely meant for each other.”
“Yeah,” Debbie snorted. “What? Enemies to lovers? I have one mistress and one mistress alone, New York City.”
“Does she know you’re here?”
“Does she know you’re here?”
“Absolutely not.”
The two women attempted a subtle look around the room before their eyes landed back on each other as they shared a laugh.
“Go ‘head,” Nine grinned, nodding at the booth. “Have a seat. I already got us some waters but didn’t wanna guess on the drink.”
“Thanks,” Tammy smiled, sliding into the diner booth.
“So we both agree this is bullshit, right?”
“Absolutely,” Tammy sighed, running her finger up and down the glass, tracing the condensation. “But that’s Debbie. What she says goes and if she’s decided to have some sort of ridiculous rumble, then who am I go go against that?”
“Her right hand,” Nine smirked. “And a beautiful one at that.”
Tammy’s cheeks flushed at the compliment, suddenly finding the sticker paper holding her utensils together fascinating and Nine’s eye contact all too powerful.
“You only say that because you’re Lou’s.”
“Well to be fair, pops is a lefty. So I guess I’m her left hand man,” Nine chuckled.
“Pops?” Tammy laughed.
“You can blame Con for that one. She started it and it just stuck. Pops loves it. But that’s what gave me the idea. Why would
We try to chase each other out of the city when we could help each other cover more ground?”
“You want us to pair up?” Tammy nodded. “That’s along the lines of what I was trying to convince Debbie about.”
“Look,” Nine sighed. “Lou will never admit it, but she hates being in charge. Don’t get me wrong. She’s damn good at it. But she didn’t even want this. She just wanted out of a bad situation where she wasn’t calling the shots so she started her own thing. She’s solid. Constance is mad good. And I’m the best at what I do. But we been lookin to expand anyway.”
“You’re not adopting us,” Tammy exhaled. “Deb will never go for it. She’s never gonna work for someone else. Thought she was going to murder her own brother when she worked for him. She thrives like this. She just wants her city back.”
“Not saying join our crew. I’m sayin, let’s have a merger. We don’t have a fence, and I hear things about you. And Amita? Shit it would be wild to have someone in the jewel world. We never been able to do anything like that. And in return, you need surveillance. You need people who ride bikes. Fresh blood who can blend different than you can.”
“And Debbie would be in charge?” Tammy frowned. “I’m sure she’d be fine with that but I don’t know how Lou is going to feel with her team usurping her throne behind her back and bringing in a new boss for her. She may not like being in charge, but she doesn’t sound like a follower.”
“That’s what I’m sayin’,” Nine grinned, smacking the table in a way that made Tammy jump. “Sorry. Got excited. Pops doesn’t want the spotlight. She just fell into it. She’s like—I don’t know. A wing man. Someone to bounce ideas off. Just as in charge but not the face. Like criminal chief of staff.”
“Well, Deb’s No chief of staff. She’s President all the way.”
“And that’s why this is perfect. We take our crews and we marry ‘em. Lou and Debbie at the top of the food chain. Take two greats and unite them. One team. One partnership. They do things fifty-fifty.”
“Fifty-fifty,” Tammy nodded. “For real? Lou won’t push for a bigger cut?”
“Fifty-fifty. Promise.”
“I’ll see if she goes for it,” Tammy muttered. “But she’s not gonna like that it’s not her idea.”
“Same with Lou. That’s why we gotta do it secretly.”
“Secretly?” Tammy quirked an eyebrow.
“‘Course,” Nine grinned. “We gotta parent trap ‘em.”
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episodeoftv · 5 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 2 of 4
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propaganda is under the cut (424 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Doctor Who - 12.10 The Timeless Children
In the epic and emotional season finale, the Cybermen are on the march. As the last remaining humans are ruthlessly hunted down, Graham, Ryan and Yaz face a terrifying fight to survive. Civilisations fall. Others rise anew. Lies are exposed, truths are revealed, battles are fought, and for the Doctor - trapped and alone - nothing will ever be the same again.
this finale is shit!! absolute ass! nothing happens in it for it to justify having such a cool name. the master captures the doctor, shows her a slideshow that amounts to ‘‘you’re adopted!! :)" doctor breaks out of her matrix prison thing by overloading it with memories when the matrix is The Supercomputer and it’s used to hold all memories of all time lords ever? you know, the species whove been doing their thing for a billion years and live up to 10,000 years? the doctors new memories should either already be there or make nary a dent in it. the doctor’s like ‘‘why would they do that! why would they lie?’’ girl they have been lying to you since forever. they killed you once. theyve tried to kill you so many times. they turned you into a fucked up anti time monster that one time. one of the doctors past past selves even told her it doesnt really matter!! what was even the point
Our Flag Means Death - 2.08 Mermen
cw: vomit
Stede, Zheng, Spanish Jackie and the rest of the Revenge crew team up to take down a nefarious common enemy threatening the world of piracy.
1) paced like a runaway train, worst actor kiss i've seen in all my years, weird resolutions for two newly-introduced characters who started with lots of potential but ended up with no narrative payoff. (spoilers) removed a really strong actor/character from an overwhelmingly mediocre cast and caused a giant rift in the fandom with some (falsely) claiming that the major character death was bury-your-gays, homophobic, ableist, etc. and that they were done with the show (we'll see about that), and others claiming it made perfect sense to kill off this character because he was "ready to die"
2) Season 1 was so promising, and set up so much! Season 2 SEEMED like it was gonna fulfill some of that promise... That is, of course, until they squandered all of those loose plot threads, character moments, potential arcs, etc. in a half-assed episode that was basically all filler and ended with one of the most unsatisfying, pointless, and unemotional deaths of TV that gave us all 'Dean with the rusty nail' flashbacks. Even the *seagull* got a better death. Not even the canon ship felt satisfying!! Their kiss and ending was extremely rushed and they didn't actually go anywhere from the end of S1.
3) Least of all it was all very rushed. More importantly Izzy was absolutely fucked and his death didn’t make sense with the writing of the rest of the series. Ed en Stede’s character development throughout the season got thrown away for some ”happy” ending which would’ve been better if they just stayed with the crew.
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Expanded Shatterverse
In One More Hero, after OMT!Tails had recovered from the crash-landing in Boscage Maze (Dimension PR-GRO-2023), he and Nine were walking through the expanded jungle.
Nine: You know, Boscage Maze wasn't always like it is today.
OMT!Tails: It got expanded?
Nine: A lot of the Shatterspaces have, Tails. Funnily enough, me and Thorn are really the only two that actually remember what transpired in the past, and yet no-one else does.
OMT!Tails: Oh? How so?
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(Logmill Marshland sprites by DanielMania123)
Nine: Well, after Sonic and Shadow were forced to leave to protect our realm, it made the Shatterverse expand beyond what I knew before. It even caused Shatterverse counterparts of them both to come into existence, alongside three sets of people I never knew prior. Over in New Yolk, for instance, Sonic's counterpart is Enforcer Sonic, who was said to have traded his freedom for the safety of the critters in the city before we kicked the Chaos Council out, Shadow's is Prism, but made by me from abandoned blueprints the Council left, and there are three more named Crème Brûlée, Nitroxide and Lodestar Nova.
Nine passed Tails a sheet listing all the major ones between dimensions. (Sonic and Shadow ones (alongside the Temperature Split bunch) are owned by @son1c)
New Yolk City: - Myself (Tails) - Renegade Knuckles - Rebel Rouge - Rusty Rose - Denizen 1998 (Big) - Enforcer Sonic - Prism (Shadow) - Crème Brûlée (Cream) - Nitroxide (???) - Lodestar Nova (???) - The Chaos Council (Eggman) Boscage Maze: - Thorn Rose Scavengers - Prim (Rouge) - Gnarly (Knuckles) - Hangry (Big) - Mangey (Tails) - Halcyon (Shadow) Newer Residents - Windthrow (Sonic) - Shroomik (Eggman) - Hoodie and Topian (Cream and Cheese) - Wildcard Nitro (Is that second word the name of the yellow hedgehog? Odd...) - Hostas (???) No Place: - Knuckles the Dread Dread's Crew - Sails (Tails) - Black Rose - Batten (Rouge) - Catfish (Big) Neutrals and Other Crews - Gale (Sonic) - Bermuda (Shadow) - Sailor Cream and Seadog (Cream and Cheese) - Skipper Nitro - Rogue Nova - Captain Robotskis (Eggman) Temperature Split: Freeze Team (Deepfreeze Domain) - Alabaster (Rouge and a Pink Wisp) - Hatchet (Tails and two Yellow Wisps) - Rocketeer (Nitro and an Orange Wisp) Burn Team (Heatwave Hearth) - Roundgear (Eggman and a Cyan Wisp) - Blister (Knuckles and a Black Wisp) - Ardent Rose (Amy and a Blue Wisp) - Aquatic (Big and a Green Wisp) - Constellation (Nova and an Indigo Wisp) Neutrals - Syzygy (Sonic) - Callisto (Shadow) - Star and Power (Cream and Cheese, a Heart Wisp)
(What the four Nitro Shatterverse counterparts look like, in the order mentioned in that list:)
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OMT!Tails: A whole book about them? Hmm... Let's see...
OMT!Tails had a flick through, finding it pretty interesting.
Nine: Some of their stories are quite interesting and shaped who they are today. Lodestar saved Nitroxide from being turned entirely robot, Shroomik is one of the few humans here in Boscage and has been helping out on terra-firma, Gale's been one of THE strongest versions of Sonic I've seen, and Callisto's essentially a Shadow-Wisp fusion that's a friend to all Wisps.
One of the points in the book caught OMT!Tails's attention.
OMT!Tails: Wait, Star lost her mother?
Nine: Yeah, I'm afraid so... Thankfully, Syzygy took her in with some other younger companions away from Temperature Split's main planet, in hopes of trying to end the Wisp Races for good.
OMT!Tails: Honestly? I can relate to Star's pain.
Nine: You... You can?
OMT!Tails nodded.
OMT!Tails: Before we met back at New Yolk, a monster known as OMT attacked my world, and... left some nasty scars on me... Vanilla, my Cream's mom, never came back from that, so I had since adopted Cream as my little sister. It's been a year since then, and I still haven't been able to move on...
Nine: Hey, Tails. You're a strong guy, I know you are. I mean, come on! You made it out of that crash-landing practically in one piece AND fought off "Agen" or whatever his name was, so that deserves credit!
OMT!Tails: Heh, thanks, Nine.
Nine: But, you know... For both of us, I guess it just isn't the same without the Sonics we knew...
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OMT!Tails: Hey, Nine? I know I'm not the best with advice, but I know neither of our Sonics would want us dwelling on the past and what happened before. He always told me that if I want to do something, that I do it right away and when I can.
Nine: Heh, I get what you mean, buddy. Even then, it's a shame the grown-up Sonic couldn't be here to hear this.
OMT!Tails: And he wasn't even the best mentor, either... When do I know if I'm ready?
Nine: You're not meant to by normal means, Tails. The way you know you're ready is if you're willing to take that first step.
OMT!Tails: "Take that first step"... Honestly, I never heard that advice before, but it can work! Thanks, Nine.
Nine: You're welcome.
Nine noticed a small canister Tails had.
Nine: What's that you got there?
OMT!Tails: Oh, this? They're the remaining particles from OMT.
Nine: Once we get back, I'm gonna put some study into them. I might have something to invent that can give you a helping hand back home.
OMT!Tails: Awesome! Well, here you go.
He passed the canister to Nine.
Nine: Well, we should go get you some practice around here.
OMT!Tails: Ah, yeah! Thorn said she'd be setting up some targets around the jungle for me to work with, right?
Nine: Mhm.
OMT!Tails: Then let's do it to it!
He raced off, ready for his target practice, as Nine followed.
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