#advancements in public transit
qwanderer · 2 months
*waves my hand over my phone* oh fiery fox of divination, what can you see of my bus? Does it approach?
Firefox: your bus is twelve minutes late
Well damn. Anyway *sends this missive of complaint across the tumblrscape*
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grapeviiine · 2 years
seizures are truly out here ruining my life
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dirt-mccracken · 2 years
Being an adult and setting boundaries is so hard and even may cost friends but it's worth it
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greenthestral · 10 months
The Power of Progress: Achieving Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
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Energy is the lifeblood of our modern society, driving economic growth, technological advancements, and improving the quality of life for people around the world. However, with the increasing demand for energy, it has become crucial to ensure its affordability and cleanliness. In recognition of this need, the United Nations set forth Goal 7 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. In this article, we will delve into the significance of Goal 7 and explore the transformative power of affordable and clean energy.
The Urgency for Affordable and Clean Energy
Access to affordable and clean energy is not only a matter of convenience but a fundamental requirement for achieving sustainable development. As the global population continues to grow and economies expand, the demand for energy is increasing at an unprecedented rate. However, relying heavily on traditional sources of energy, such as fossil fuels, poses significant challenges for our planet and its inhabitants.
Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, have been the primary sources of energy for many years. While they have fueled industrialization, economic growth, and technological advancements, their negative impact on the environment cannot be ignored. The extraction, production, and consumption of fossil fuels contribute to air and water pollution, deforestation, and the emission of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). These greenhouse gas emissions are the leading cause of climate change, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, weather patterns, and human health.
The urgency to transition towards renewable and sustainable sources of energy lies in the need to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that global warming must be limited to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels to avoid catastrophic impacts. Achieving this goal requires a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which can be achieved by shifting away from fossil fuels and embracing cleaner alternatives.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass, offer a promising solution to the challenges of affordability, sustainability, and environmental impact. Unlike fossil fuels, these sources are naturally replenished and emit little to no greenhouse gases during operation. Investing in renewable energy infrastructure and technologies not only reduces our carbon footprint but also enhances energy security, as these sources are virtually inexhaustible.
One of the key advantages of renewable energy is its potential to provide affordable electricity and reduce energy costs in the long run. While the upfront costs of installing renewable energy systems can be higher than traditional fossil fuel-based systems, the operational costs are significantly lower. Solar and wind power, for example, have experienced significant cost reductions over the years, making them increasingly competitive with fossil fuels. As technology advances and economies of scale come into play, the cost of renewable energy is expected to continue declining, making it more accessible to a wider population.
Furthermore, the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies have the potential to create new industries, generate employment opportunities, and stimulate economic growth. The renewable energy sector has already witnessed substantial job creation, with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimating that renewable energy employed around 11.5 million people globally in 2019. Investing in clean energy not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also fosters innovation, drives technological advancements, and positions countries at the forefront of the global clean energy transition.
Transitioning to affordable and clean energy is not without its challenges. The current energy infrastructure heavily relies on fossil fuels, and the transition to renewable energy requires substantial investments in renewable energy generation, transmission, and storage systems. Additionally, there are technical and logistical challenges associated with integrating intermittent renewable energy sources into the existing grid infrastructure. However, these challenges can be overcome through comprehensive planning, collaboration between public and private sectors, and supportive policies and regulations.
Governments play a crucial role in facilitating the transition to affordable and clean energy. They can provide financial incentives, subsidies, and tax breaks to encourage investment in renewable energy projects. Policy frameworks that prioritize renewable energy, set renewable energy targets, and establish favorable regulations can create an enabling environment for the growth of the clean energy sector. International cooperation and knowledge-sharing platforms also play a significant role in accelerating the adoption of renewable energy technologies, particularly in developing countries where access to energy is still a challenge.
Access to affordable and clean energy is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development. The urgency lies in transitioning away from fossil fuels and embracing renewable and sustainable sources of energy to mitigate climate change, ensure energy security, and make energy affordable for all. The benefits of this transition extend beyond environmental preservation and include job creation, economic growth, and enhanced resilience. By investing in renewable energy technologies, promoting energy efficiency, and fostering international collaboration, we can pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous future.
Enhancing Energy Efficiency
Improving energy efficiency is a critical aspect of achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy. Energy efficiency refers to the ability to accomplish the same tasks or achieve the same outcomes while using less energy. By adopting energy-efficient technologies, industries, businesses, and households can significantly reduce their energy consumption, leading to multiple benefits such as cost savings and decreased environmental impact.
One of the primary advantages of energy efficiency is its potential to save money. When energy-efficient technologies and practices are implemented, the overall energy consumption decreases, resulting in lower energy bills. For households, this means reduced electricity and heating costs, which can have a positive impact on their monthly budgets. Similarly, businesses and industries can experience substantial cost savings by optimizing their energy use, which can be redirected towards other aspects of their operations or invested in further energy efficiency measures.
Furthermore, energy efficiency plays a crucial role in promoting a sustainable future. By reducing energy consumption, we can alleviate the strain on energy resources and decrease the demand for energy production. This, in turn, reduces the need for the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, thereby mitigating environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency serves as a crucial tool in combating climate change, as it directly contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global warming.
Investing in energy-efficient appliances, infrastructure, and practices is a key strategy for promoting energy efficiency. Energy-efficient appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and lighting fixtures, are designed to use less energy while providing the same level of performance. These appliances often carry energy efficiency labels or certifications that help consumers make informed choices when purchasing new products. By opting for energy-efficient appliances, households can significantly reduce their energy consumption without compromising on functionality or comfort.
In addition to appliances, improving the energy efficiency of buildings and infrastructure is essential. This can be achieved through measures such as insulation, efficient windows, and the use of smart technologies that optimize heating, cooling, and lighting systems. Energy-efficient buildings not only save energy but also enhance occupants' comfort, improve indoor air quality, and contribute to a healthier living and working environment.
Energy efficiency practices extend beyond individual households and buildings to industries and businesses. Adopting energy management systems, conducting energy audits, and implementing energy-saving measures can lead to substantial energy savings for industries. These practices can include optimizing production processes, implementing energy-efficient equipment and technologies, and promoting employee awareness and engagement in energy-saving behaviors. Businesses can also benefit from energy efficiency by reducing operating costs and enhancing their reputation as environmentally responsible entities.
Governments also play a vital role in promoting energy efficiency. They can establish energy efficiency standards and regulations for appliances, vehicles, and buildings, ensuring that energy-efficient options are available in the market. Incentives and subsidies can be provided to encourage businesses and households to invest in energy-efficient technologies. Governments can also promote public awareness campaigns and provide educational resources to inform individuals and organizations about the benefits of energy efficiency and how to implement energy-saving practices.
In conclusion, improving energy efficiency is a crucial component of achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy. By adopting energy-efficient technologies, industries, businesses, and households can reduce their energy consumption, resulting in cost savings and decreased environmental impact. Investing in energy-efficient appliances, infrastructure, and practices not only saves money but also contributes to a sustainable future by reducing the demand for energy production and mitigating climate change. Governments, businesses, and individuals must collaborate to prioritize and implement energy efficiency measures, fostering a more sustainable and energy-efficient society.
Embracing Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable energy sources have emerged as a promising solution to address both energy affordability and environmental concerns. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass offer clean and sustainable alternatives for powering our homes, businesses, and industries. These sources have the potential to provide affordable energy while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels.
Solar energy is perhaps one of the most well-known and widely utilized renewable energy sources. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, making it a viable option for generating electricity in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. With advancements in solar technology and decreasing costs, solar power has become increasingly affordable and accessible. Governments and private sectors worldwide are investing in solar energy infrastructure, including large-scale solar farms and rooftop solar installations, to harness the power of the sun and meet energy demands sustainably.
Another renewable energy source gaining significant traction is wind energy. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. Wind farms, consisting of multiple turbines, are set up in areas with consistent and strong wind patterns. Wind power has seen remarkable growth in recent years, with larger and more efficient turbines being developed. Offshore wind farms, situated in coastal areas, are also being established to take advantage of strong offshore winds. Wind energy has proven to be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Hydropower harnesses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. Dams and hydropower plants are built to capture the energy of rivers and convert it into electrical power. Hydropower is a mature and well-established renewable energy source, providing a significant portion of the global electricity supply. It offers a reliable and predictable source of energy, with large-scale hydropower plants capable of generating substantial amounts of electricity. However, there are also smaller-scale hydropower installations, such as run-of-the-river systems and micro-hydropower systems, that can be utilized in remote areas or for local power generation.
Geothermal energy utilizes the heat generated from within the Earth's crust. Geothermal power plants tap into geothermal reservoirs and convert the heat into electricity. This renewable energy source is highly reliable and available 24/7, making it suitable for baseload power generation. Geothermal energy has been utilized in regions with geologically active features such as geysers, hot springs, and volcanic areas. However, advancements in geothermal technology are expanding its potential for wider adoption in various locations worldwide.
Biomass energy involves the use of organic matter, such as wood, agricultural waste, and dedicated energy crops, to generate heat or electricity. Biomass can be burned directly or converted into biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, for transportation and industrial purposes. Biomass energy is considered renewable because the organic matter used for energy production can be replenished through sustainable forestry practices and the cultivation of energy crops. Biomass has the advantage of being a readily available energy source and can provide a reliable energy supply, particularly in rural areas where agricultural and forestry activities are prevalent.
Governments and private sectors worldwide are increasingly recognizing the importance of renewable energy and are investing in the development and deployment of renewable energy infrastructure. Through supportive policies, incentives, and regulatory frameworks, governments are promoting the adoption of renewable energy technologies. They are setting renewable energy targets and implementing feed-in tariffs or power purchase agreements to encourage investment in renewable energy projects. Private sectors are also taking significant steps towards transitioning to renewable energy, with corporations investing in renewable energy projects and setting their own sustainability goals.
The investment in renewable energy infrastructure not only facilitates the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future but also fosters innovation and creates job opportunities. Renewable energy technologies continue to advance, with ongoing research and development efforts focused on improving efficiency, storage capabilities, and grid integration. The growth of the renewable energy sector has already led to the creation of numerous jobs in manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance of renewable energy systems. This sector has the potential to drive economic growth, particularly in regions with abundant renewable resources.
Renewable energy sources offer a promising solution to the dual challenges of energy affordability and environmental concerns. Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy have demonstrated their potential to provide affordable and clean energy while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The global shift towards renewable energy is being facilitated by government support, private sector investments, and advancements in technology. By embracing renewable energy sources and fostering the development of renewable energy infrastructure, we can pave the way towards a cleaner, more sustainable, and affordable energy future.
Energy Access for All
Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy also highlights the significance of ensuring energy access for all, including those in remote or underserved areas. It is estimated that approximately 770 million people worldwide still lack access to electricity, which severely hampers their social and economic development. Addressing this issue requires innovative solutions and initiatives that bring reliable and affordable energy to these communities.
Off-grid renewable energy solutions play a crucial role in extending energy access to remote areas. These solutions typically involve the use of decentralized renewable energy systems that are not connected to the centralized grid infrastructure. Off-grid systems, such as solar home systems and small-scale wind turbines, provide electricity for lighting, charging electronic devices, and powering small appliances. These technologies are particularly effective in areas where extending the centralized grid infrastructure is challenging or economically unviable.
Microgrids are another effective approach to bridging the energy access gap. Microgrids are localized energy distribution systems that can operate independently or in conjunction with the main grid. They typically consist of distributed renewable energy generation sources, energy storage, and intelligent control systems. Microgrids are well-suited for providing electricity to communities in remote areas that are not connected to the main grid. They offer a reliable and sustainable energy supply, allowing these communities to access basic services such as lighting, refrigeration, and communication.
Decentralized energy systems are also gaining momentum in addressing energy access challenges. These systems involve the deployment of renewable energy technologies at a local level, such as community-based solar or wind projects. Decentralized energy systems empower communities by giving them control over their energy production and consumption. They promote energy self-sufficiency and resilience, reducing their dependence on centralized power sources and fostering local economic development.
The impact of extending energy access to underserved communities goes beyond simply providing electricity. It has transformative effects on various aspects of their lives. Access to reliable and affordable energy enables communities to engage in productive activities, such as small-scale businesses and income-generating ventures. It opens up opportunities for education, as students can study in well-lit environments and access digital resources. Energy access also enhances healthcare services, allowing clinics and hospitals to operate efficiently with reliable power for medical equipment and refrigeration of vaccines and medicines. Moreover, it improves the overall quality of life, as households can have access to clean and efficient cooking technologies, reducing indoor air pollution and associated health risks.
Initiatives aimed at bridging the energy access gap require collaboration between governments, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. Governments play a crucial role in developing supportive policies and regulatory frameworks that facilitate the deployment of off-grid and decentralized energy systems. They can provide financial incentives, subsidies, and technical assistance to promote the adoption of clean energy solutions in underserved areas. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in implementing on-the-ground projects, raising awareness, and mobilizing resources to support energy access initiatives. The private sector, including renewable energy companies, can contribute by investing in and scaling up the deployment of off-grid and decentralized energy solutions.
Achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy requires not only transitioning to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency but also ensuring energy access for all. Initiatives such as off-grid renewable energy solutions, microgrids, and decentralized energy systems are instrumental in bringing reliable and affordable energy to underserved communities, particularly in remote areas. Bridging the energy access gap empowers these communities, enabling them to thrive by accessing basic services, engaging in productive activities, and improving their overall quality of life. It is through inclusive and sustainable energy access that we can work towards a more equitable and prosperous future for all.
Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Energy
Achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy requires collaborative efforts from governments, businesses, and communities. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as effective mechanisms for mobilizing resources, expertise, and innovation towards sustainable energy projects. These partnerships bring together the strengths and capabilities of both sectors, facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive energy system.
Governments have a crucial role to play in creating an enabling environment for PPPs to flourish. They can establish supportive policies, incentives, and regulatory frameworks that encourage private sector investment in renewable energy infrastructure. This includes mechanisms such as feed-in tariffs, tax incentives, and streamlined permitting processes for renewable energy projects. By providing a stable and predictable policy framework, governments can mitigate risks and attract private investment.
Furthermore, governments can leverage their procurement power to drive sustainable energy practices. By incorporating sustainability criteria into public procurement processes, governments can create demand for renewable energy technologies and products. This, in turn, stimulates market growth and encourages private sector participation in sustainable energy projects.
The private sector, on the other hand, brings innovation, technical expertise, and financial resources to the table. Businesses can contribute to PPPs through research and development efforts aimed at advancing renewable energy technologies. This includes improving the efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy systems. By investing in research and development, businesses can drive innovation and contribute to the continuous improvement of clean energy technologies.
In addition, the private sector plays a crucial role in financing sustainable energy projects. Through investments in renewable energy infrastructure, businesses can help fund the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. This includes financing options such as project financing, venture capital, and impact investing. By providing financial resources, the private sector can help overcome the upfront costs associated with renewable energy projects, making them more accessible and affordable.
Implementation is another area where PPPs excel. Through collaborative efforts, governments and businesses can work together to implement sustainable energy projects. This includes the construction and operation of renewable energy power plants, the development of energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure, and the deployment of off-grid and decentralized energy systems. The private sector brings project management expertise, technical knowledge, and operational capabilities to ensure the successful execution of these projects.
PPPs also play a significant role in capacity building and knowledge transfer. By partnering with governments, businesses can share their expertise and technical know-how to support the development of local skills and capabilities. This includes training programs, knowledge sharing initiatives, and technology transfer. By building local capacity, PPPs contribute to the long-term sustainability and resilience of energy projects.
Furthermore, PPPs can foster social engagement and community participation. By involving local communities in the decision-making process and project implementation, PPPs can ensure that energy projects address the specific needs and priorities of the communities they serve. This participatory approach promotes social acceptance, enhances local ownership, and maximizes the positive social and economic impacts of sustainable energy projects.
Achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy requires collaborative efforts between governments, businesses, and communities. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a crucial role in mobilizing resources, expertise, and innovation towards sustainable energy projects. Governments can create supportive policies and incentives to attract private sector investment, while businesses can contribute through research and development, financing, and project implementation. By joining forces, PPPs can accelerate the transition towards affordable and clean energy, paving the way for a more sustainable future. Together, governments, businesses, and communities can build a resilient and inclusive energy system that benefits society and the planet.
Overcoming Challenges and Barriers
While the transition to affordable and clean energy is promising, there are several challenges and barriers that must be addressed to achieve widespread adoption and implementation. These challenges include the upfront costs of renewable energy infrastructure, technological limitations, and the need for extensive grid integration.
One of the primary challenges is the upfront costs associated with renewable energy infrastructure. While the costs of renewable energy technologies have been steadily declining over the years, they still require significant initial investments. This can pose a barrier, particularly for developing countries and communities with limited financial resources. To overcome this challenge, governments, businesses, and financial institutions need to work together to develop innovative financing mechanisms. Subsidies, grants, and low-interest loans can help make renewable energy projects more financially viable, incentivizing investment and promoting widespread adoption.
Technological limitations are another hurdle in the transition to affordable and clean energy. While renewable energy technologies have made significant advancements, there are still areas that require further research and development. For example, energy storage technologies are crucial for overcoming the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Advancements in energy storage, such as batteries and other innovative storage solutions, are needed to ensure reliable and continuous power supply. Governments and research institutions must invest in research and development efforts to improve the efficiency, durability, and cost-effectiveness of these technologies.
Integration of renewable energy sources into existing energy systems is another significant challenge. The variability and intermittency of renewable energy sources require careful planning and coordination to ensure a stable and reliable energy supply. This involves extensive grid integration and the development of smart grid technologies. Smart grids can enable better management of energy supply and demand, facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources, and enable more efficient distribution of electricity. Governments and energy authorities need to invest in upgrading and modernizing existing grid infrastructure to accommodate renewable energy sources and ensure smooth integration into the energy system.
In addition to these challenges, policy and regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in driving the transition to affordable and clean energy. Governments need to establish clear and supportive policies that provide long-term stability and predictability for renewable energy investments. This includes setting renewable energy targets, implementing feed-in tariffs, and establishing renewable portfolio standards. Additionally, streamlining permitting processes and reducing bureaucratic barriers can help accelerate the deployment of renewable energy projects.
Education and awareness are also essential in overcoming barriers to the transition. Public perception, understanding, and acceptance of renewable energy technologies can significantly impact their adoption. Governments, businesses, and organizations should invest in public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to promote the benefits of clean energy and address misconceptions or concerns.
Furthermore, international collaboration and knowledge sharing are vital in overcoming challenges and barriers to the transition. Countries and organizations can learn from each other's experiences, best practices, and technological advancements. Platforms for collaboration, such as international conferences, research partnerships, and knowledge-sharing networks, can facilitate the exchange of information and expertise.
In conclusion, while the transition to affordable and clean energy holds great promise, there are several challenges and barriers that need to be addressed. The upfront costs of renewable energy infrastructure, technological limitations, and the integration of renewable energy into existing energy systems are key hurdles. Governments, businesses, and research institutions must invest in research and development to drive down costs, improve efficiency, and enhance grid integration. Additionally, financial mechanisms such as subsidies, grants, and innovative financing models can help make renewable energy projects more financially viable. By overcoming these challenges, we can accelerate the adoption of affordable and clean energy, paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future.
Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy is not just an aspiration; it is a necessity for the sustainable development of our planet. By embracing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy sources, ensuring energy access for all, fostering public-private partnerships, and overcoming challenges, we can unlock the transformative power of affordable and clean energy. The benefits go beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change; they extend to improved public health, economic growth, job creation, and enhanced resilience against energy price fluctuations. Let us collectively work towards a future where energy is affordable, clean, and accessible to all, leaving a positive and lasting impact on generations to come.
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vaspider · 5 months
An important definition of terms:
As far as I'm concerned, an assimilationist is someone who believes that queer people must assimilate in order to advance the cause of queer rights. An assimilationist creates a dress code for marches like the Mattachine Society did, fights against queer self-expression at Pride because "it holds back the movement," and believes that the only way for us to move forward is for all queers to live as cishet people do, but with little rainbow flags taped on.
An assimilationist is not "someone who wants the functions and institutions of cishet society to be available to queer people." It's someone who believes the only way to live is assimilated into cishet society, and anything else "holds us back." It's someone who wants Sylvia and Marsha to march at the back, and who prizes cishet aesthetic over practical liberation.
A liberationist is someone who believes that queer liberation is not contingent upon public performance of identity.
Let me repeat that, so we're absolutely clear: a liberationist believes that queer liberation is not contingent upon public performance of identity. ANY IDENTITY.
That means a sufficiently cishet identity and a sufficiently "respectable" identity, but it also means a sufficiently radical identity. If you actually believe in queer liberation, you don't just believe in liberation for people who look, act, and believe like you. You believe in liberation for people who genuinely want to get married, have babies by IVF and live in the suburbs as well as for people who want to live childfree on an anarchist trans commune/Llama farm.
I hear people use the term "Assimilationist" and "Assimilationist Victories" to dismiss as meaningless those victories that are insufficiently radical for their tastes, and that to me is only proof that those people are not actually liberationists in any meaningful way. In liberation, there must be room for people who actually do just want to get married and live quiet, content lives going to their kid's baseball games.
The difference between Assimilationist thought and Liberationist thought cannot be simply replacing "we need to blend in" with "we need to stick out." It cannot simply replace "we must be integrated into cishet society" with "we cannot ever integrate into cishet society and anything which permits us to do that if we so choose is insufficiently liberationist." That's the organizational equivalent of yelling YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD, and I'm fucking over it, y'all.
My liberation doesn't have to be your liberation. Your liberation doesn't have to look like mine. What matters is that we are helping each other up the mountain and making long-term plans to get to where we can, and that we recognize that every choice we make is going to leave someone behind, and we account for that and plan for that so we don't leave them behind forever.
We cannot regard gay marriage or gays in the military or instituting a nationwide right to transition or any of our future goals as an endpoint. They are only goals part of the way up the mountain.
We don't get to the top until we are all free to live as we choose without government or societal interference or sanction, and without having to perform an identity for those rights and respect. The freedom to be ourselves must include the right to "blue hair and pronouns" but it also must include the right to "your kid's school plays and a duplex in a suburb." The latter is not an assimilationist lifestyle unless you try to enforce it on everyone.
I'm so, so tired of people acting like they're radical thinkers for poo-pooing the civil rights advances that the community has achieved through literally decades of work as "assimilationist victories." That's not clever, cute, or correct. Every. Single. One. Of those victories is written in tears and sweat and blood. Every single one is wrapped in the funeral shrouds of people who died fighting for it. Every single one was achieved not by assimilationists alone, but neither by people who think the only true victories are the ones sufficiently pure in their leftist credentials.
It is extremely possible and indeed likely that if you judge queers by their aesthetic, you will miss partnering with some of the most radical people and shackle your movement to people who cloak regressive politics in radical language. I've heard some truly noxious words come out of mouths framed by snakebites, and I've known extremely radical thinkers who look like your grandma. And I gotta tell you, in those local elections which keep school boards free from Moms For Liberty? The latter are useful people for liberationists to know and have in our camp, those people who think like liberationists but look like your grandma or your auntie.
Enforcement of aesthetic as a condition of liberation is assimilationist thought. It doesn't matter if the assimilation is to pink hair and tattoos or polo shirts and khakis - enforcement of aesthetic and philosophy as a condition of liberation is assimilationist thought. It's just replacing one kind of demanded conformity with another, and when we say "none of us are free until all of us are free," that also means free to be fucking boring if we want to, full stop.
We talk a lot about how much work goes into being disabled, how much work we have to put into making appointments, and fighting bureaucracy, but this is also true of queer life. Freedom comes with ease, with being easily able to update paperwork, with being easily able to find employment and housing, with being easily able to create the family structures we want to live in. When all of us can wake up in the morning assured of security in our beds, food in our bellies, meds in our med trays as needed, and a day ahead of us filled with chosen purpose and chosen meaning, which ends with us back in the bed of our choice at the end of the day, fulfilled in purpose and secure in our homes and chosen families, then we are free, and not before.
You may notice a seeming contradiction in this, in that my liberationist philosophy has room in it for the very people who are currently annoying the fuck out of me by demanding allegiance to a leftist aesthetic over practical liberation (that is, a movement based in harm reduction and long-term strategy over adherence to leftist purity of thought).
This is not a contradiction.
It is not a bug. It is a feature. My liberationist ideals mean that people have to have the right to be wrong without their liberty hinging on being right, that's all. :)
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zinniajones · 11 months
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Text of thread at https://kolektiva.social/@zinnia/110418489814171631:
Yes - this is what is happening in Florida due to SB 254, which was signed into law on Tuesday 5/17/2023, taking immediate effect. This immediately cut off 80%+ of adult trans people in Florida from having their HRT refilled, because SB 254 uniquely prohibits only nurse practitioners from prescribing only gender-affirming medications.
This has already been in effect for 7 days now.
Trans adults in Florida have already been cut off from their HRT refills for a week now, including those of us who have been stable on these medications for years or decades.
This is VERY different from the general situation of trans youth care bans in 19 states, many still working their way through the courts.
This has *already* happened, to *all* of us: all trans adults in the third most populous state in the US.
The number of trans adults on HRT massively exceeds the sliver of the population that are under 18 and are prescribed puberty blockers or hormone therapy.
These laws, advanced under the pretext of 'protecting children', are now directly impacting a far larger group of people who are not children and are not subject to those pretextual concerns.
Other arguments about withholding public Medicaid funding for transition treatment also do not apply here: SB 254 does not even allow receiving this care through private insurance or paying cash out of pocket. The care isn't simply not covered - the care itself cannot be provided regardless.
What is happening in Florida requires special attention above the situation of trans youth care bans nationally. This is having a vastly larger impact quantifiably.
It will have worse impacts qualitatively as well: adults are responsible for taking care of and protecting trans kids and making sure they do not hurt themselves.
Whereas as a trans adult, we have no one standing guard at the brink but our own self and the void to which we are accountable.
These are the facts as they stand right now. These are the facts as they have stood for a WEEK and NO ONE nationally is putting any attention on this because there are 19 trans youth care bans all across the country going on, along with everything else targeting trans people and the LGBT community broadly.
This is a specific harm that is happening now and has been happening for 168 hours.
It is not a hypothetical issue to raise awareness of, as if it were at the stage of some proposal that needs to be fought back. This has already happened and is happening right now. Active harm is happening until this law is rolled back.
For all of Florida's history since the inception of the applicable regulatory and licensing bodies, nurse practitioners have been allowed to prescribe hormone therapy, testosterone blockers and other relevant gender-affirming medications.
That has been the case since I moved here in 2011. There was no reason why this wouldn't be the case. It's also the case in every other state.
This new law is a carveout of prescriptions when used for one purpose, gender-affirming care, from nurse practitioners specifically, in a way that has never been done before. It affects all ages.
It has immediately obstructed access to HRT prescription refills for more than 80% of TRANS ADULTS in Florida.
It has also prohibited first appointments for HRT via telehealth with in-state or out-of-state MDs or DOs - first appointments must be in person. This will require expensive and time-consuming travel that is beyond most trans people's means: driving to Georgia from Florida can take 8 hours.
This was an intentional targeting of almost all trans adults in Florida, and the means by which we have received our generic, FDA-approved medications for years. And it included closing every possible door that would let us find another way to keep taking the medications we have taken for...
Well, for me it was 3,891 days when the clock stopped
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batboyblog · 1 month
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #10
March 15-22 2024
The EPA announced new emission standards with the goal of having more than half of new cars and light trucks sold in the US be low/zero emission by 2032. One of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history, it'll eliminate 7 billion tons of CO2 emissions over the next 30 years. It's part of President Biden's goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 on the road to eliminating them totally by 2050.
President Biden canceled nearly 6 Billion dollars in student loan debt. 78,000 borrowers who work in public sector jobs, teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters etc will have their debt totally forgiven. An additional 380,000 public service workers will be informed that they qualify to have their loans forgiven over the next 2 years. The Biden Administration has now forgiven $143.6 Billion in student loan debt for 4 million Americans since the Supreme Court struck down the original student loan forgiveness plan last year.
Under Pressure from the administration and Democrats in Congress Drugmaker AstraZeneca caps the price of its inhalers at $35. AstraZeneca joins rival Boehringer Ingelheim in capping the price of inhalers at $35, the price the Biden Admin capped the price of insulin for seniors. The move comes as the Federal Trade Commission challenges AstraZeneca’s patents, and Senator Bernie Sanders in his role as Democratic chair of the Senate Health Committee investigates drug pricing.
The Department of Justice sued Apple for being an illegal monopoly in smartphones. The DoJ is joined by 16 state attorneys general. The DoJ accuses Apple of illegally stifling competition with how its apps work and seeking to undermining technologies that compete with its own apps.
The EPA passed a rule banning the final type of asbestos still used in the United States. The banning of chrysotile asbestos (known as white asbestos) marks the first time since 1989 the EPA taken action on asbestos, when it passed a partial ban. 40,000 deaths a year in the US are linked to asbestos
President Biden announced $8.5 billion to help build advanced computer chips in America. Currently America only manufactures 10% of the world's chips and none of the most advanced next generation of chips. The deal with Intel will open 4 factories across 4 states (Arizona, Ohio, New Mexico, and Oregon) and create 30,000 new jobs. The Administration hopes that by 2030 America will make 20% of the world's leading-edge chips.
President Biden signed an Executive Order prioritizing research into women's health. The order will direct $200 million into women's health across the government including comprehensive studies of menopause health by the Department of Defense and new outreach by the Indian Health Service to better meet the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native Women. This comes on top of $100 million secured by First Lady Jill Biden from ARPA-H.
Democratic Senators Bob Casey, Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown, and Jacky Rosen (all up for re-election) along with Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Sheldon Whitehouse, introduced the "Shrinkflation Prevention Act" The Bill seeks to stop the practice of companies charging the same amount for products that have been subtly shrunk so consumers pay more for less.
The Department of Transportation will invest $45 million in projects that improve Bicyclist and Pedestrian Connectivity and Safety
The EPA will spend $77 Million to put 180 electric school buses onto the streets of New York City This is part of New York's goal to transition its whole school bus fleet to electric by 2035.
The Senate confirmed President Biden's nomination of Nicole Berner to the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Berner has served as the general counsel for America's largest union, SEIU, since 2017 and worked in their legal department since 2006. On behalf of SEIU she's worked on cases supporting the Affordable Care Act, DACA, and against the Defense of Marriage act and was part of the Fight for 15. Before working at SEIU she was a staff attorney at Planned Parenthood. Berner's name was listed by the liberal group Demand Justice as someone they'd like to see on the Supreme Court. Berner becomes one of just 5 LGBT federal appeals court judges, 3 appointed by Biden. The Senate also confirmed Edward Kiel and Eumi Lee to be district judges in New Jersey and Northern California respectively, bring the number of federal judges appointed by Biden to 188.
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
Feb 13th Mars Ingress into Aquarius, joining the Sun, Mercury, and conjunct Pluto, brings a surge of energy and assertiveness to each rising sign's Aquarius house. It's a time for bold and decisive action, as individuals are encouraged to assert their independence, challenge conventional norms, and pursue their goals with passion and determination. By embracing the transformative energy of Mars and Pluto, individuals can break free from old patterns, assert their autonomy, and create positive change in their lives.
Aries Rising (Aquarius in the 11th House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Aries rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 11th house of friendships, communities, and aspirations. This transit encourages them to assert their individuality within group dynamics and pursue their goals with passion and determination. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for personal freedom and transformation within their social circles. They may feel compelled to take bold and unconventional actions to assert their rights and stand up for their beliefs. It's a time for Aries rising individuals to channel their energy into causes that align with their values and advocate for change within their communities.
Taurus Rising (Aquarius in the 10th House): For Taurus rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 10th house of career, public image, and authority. This transit prompts them to assert their independence and pursue their professional goals with vigor. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for power and control in their career endeavors. They may feel compelled to challenge traditional structures and authority figures in pursuit of their ambitions. It's a time for Taurus rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to advance their career goals and assert their autonomy in the workplace.
Gemini Rising (Aquarius in the 9th House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Gemini rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 9th house of higher education, philosophy, and travel. This transit encourages them to pursue their intellectual and spiritual interests with passion and determination. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for knowledge and understanding, prompting them to delve deep into philosophical and metaphysical concepts. They may feel compelled to challenge existing belief systems and explore unconventional ideas and perspectives. It's a time for Gemini rising individuals to embrace their curiosity and expand their horizons through learning and exploration.
Cancer Rising (Aquarius in the 8th House): Mars entering Aquarius energizes the 8th house of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources for Cancer rising individuals. This transit prompts them to assert their autonomy in their intimate relationships and financial matters. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for power and control in their emotional and financial dealings. They may feel compelled to confront deep-seated fears and insecurities in order to achieve personal transformation and empowerment. It's a time for Cancer rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to reclaim their power and assert their boundaries in their most intimate connections.
Leo Rising (Aquarius in the 7th House): For Leo rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 7th house of partnerships and relationships. This transit prompts them to assert their individuality within their closest relationships and collaborations. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for authenticity and equality in their partnerships. They may feel compelled to confront power dynamics and assert their needs and boundaries with courage and determination. It's a time for Leo rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to create balanced and mutually fulfilling relationships based on respect and reciprocity.
Virgo Rising (Aquarius in the 6th House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Virgo rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 6th house of health, routine, and work. This transit encourages them to assert their autonomy in their daily habits and work environment. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for efficiency and effectiveness in their tasks and responsibilities. They may feel compelled to challenge traditional approaches to work and health in pursuit of greater freedom and innovation. It's a time for Virgo rising individuals to take bold and decisive action to improve their well-being and productivity through proactive and unconventional means.
Libra Rising (Aquarius in the 5th House): Mars entering Aquarius energizes the 5th house of creativity, self-expression, and romance for Libra rising individuals. This transit prompts them to assert their individuality in their creative pursuits and romantic endeavors. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their passion and drive for self-expression and authenticity. They may feel compelled to take bold and unconventional creative risks and pursue romantic connections that align with their true desires. It's a time for Libra rising individuals to embrace their creativity and passion with confidence and courage, unapologetically expressing themselves and pursuing their heart's desires.
Scorpio Rising (Aquarius in the 4th House): For Scorpio rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 4th house of home, family, and emotional foundations. This transit prompts them to assert their independence and autonomy within their domestic sphere. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for control and transformation in their home and family life. They may feel compelled to confront deep-seated emotional issues and make bold changes to create a more empowering and authentic living environment. It's a time for Scorpio rising individuals to take decisive action to reclaim their emotional security and create a home that reflects their true sense of self.
Sagittarius Rising (Aquarius in the 3rd House): With Mars entering Aquarius, Sagittarius rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 3rd house of communication, learning, and local community. This transit encourages them to assert their individuality in their interactions and intellectual pursuits. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for knowledge and understanding, prompting them to challenge conventional wisdom and explore new ideas and perspectives. They may feel compelled to speak out against injustice and advocate for change within their local community. It's a time for Sagittarius rising individuals to embrace their curiosity and passion for learning, engaging in meaningful conversations and taking bold action to create positive change.
Capricorn Rising (Aquarius in the 2nd House): Mars entering Aquarius energizes the 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth for Capricorn rising individuals. This transit prompts them to assert their independence and assertiveness in matters related to money and possessions. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for financial security and empowerment, prompting them to take bold and decisive action to achieve their financial goals. They may feel compelled to challenge traditional values and beliefs about money and embrace a more innovative and progressive approach to wealth accumulation. It's a time for Capricorn rising individuals to take control of their financial destiny and assert their true worth with confidence and courage.
Aquarius Rising (Aquarius in the 1st House): With Mars entering their own sign of Aquarius, Aquarius rising individuals will feel a surge of energy in their 1st house of self-expression, identity, and appearance. This transit empowers them to assert their individuality and independence with confidence and courage. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their drive for personal transformation and empowerment, prompting them to take bold and decisive action to redefine themselves and assert their true identity. They may feel compelled to challenge societal norms and expectations and embrace their unique quirks and eccentricities. It's a time for Aquarius rising individuals to embrace their authenticity and assert their right to be themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.
Pisces Rising (Aquarius in the 12th House): For Pisces rising individuals, Mars entering Aquarius energizes their 12th house of spirituality, subconscious, and hidden strengths. This transit prompts them to assert their inner strength and resilience as they confront deep-seated fears and insecurities. The conjunction of Mars with Pluto intensifies their desire for personal transformation and spiritual growth, prompting them to confront their shadow self and embrace their hidden potentials. They may feel compelled to delve deep into their subconscious mind through meditation, introspection, and spiritual practices. It's a time for Pisces rising individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and embrace their true power with courage and conviction.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoiree or yt @sensualnoiree
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astrosky33 · 9 months
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Hello! I’m Skylar if you’re new to my page and I got my diploma in astrology from Kepler College (the #1 best astrology school in the world)
I’ve been studying astrology for over a decade now as well and these are the books I recommend
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The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanna Woolfolk
Goes over all the basic information for beginners and has interpretations written in as well. In the beginning of the book it focuses a lot on Sun Signs but gives more insight on other placements later in the book don’t worry
Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller
Another great book for beginners. I like the interpretations
The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest
Written by a very renowned astrologer. He goes over signs, aspects, etc and breaks them all down really well
You were born for this by Chani Nicholas
I love how this book goes over how to use astrology in your daily life and isn’t just cookie cutter definitions of placements like many other books. It’s also interactive and you can write in some pages which is always fun. It’s one of my favorite books for beginners
Aspects in astrology by Sue Tompkins
This is a great book for people curious about what each aspect means and how they can manifest into your life
Predictive Astrology by Michele Adler
This book is definitely worth the price. It gives lots of information on techniques you can use to make predictions in astrology. It’s based on Western Astrology
The Art of Predictive Astrology by Carol Rushmam
Another great predictive astro book that talks about how to make predictions based on transits in your chart
Medical Astrology by Judith Hill
This is a great book with information on body part astrology and medical information. Although I do want to note when reading this do not be afraid if you share one of the transits that the public figures mentioned had during their health issues arising as astrology is a polarity. Meaning you can take on positive traits rather than the challenging ones often
Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George
Goes over all the major asteroids in astrology. This can help you a lot if you’re interested in learning basic information on asteroids
Planets in Composite by Robert Hand
There are not many books out there on Composite compatibility so out of all of them this is my favorite even though it’s very basic it’s still a good read if you’re learning about Composite charts
The Psychology of Astrocartography by Jim Lewis
This is the best book about astrocartography I’ve found so far and very informative. The only bad thing I have to say about this book is that the print is really small. It’s amazing other than that though
Mastering Traditional Astrology by Mychal A. Brian
If you’re more interested in old age astrology then this is an amazing read. You can purchase it on Amazon
Astrology of the Tree by David Frawley
This is great for beginners in vedic astrology and goes over all the basics. Really anything by David Frolly is great if you want to learn about vedic
The Nakshatras; the Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology by Dennis Harness
It’s a short read and goes over all the meanings of all the nakshatras
Light on Relationships by Hart De
A very comprehensive read that goes over synastry in Indian astrology. It gives lots of interesting techniques that can give insight on future marriages as well
Mayan Calender Astrology by Kenneth Johnson
This is extremely hard to comprehend so don’t purchase if you’re new to astrology. Even I had to read it a few times to fully get it. It discusses the astrology that the egyptians wrote in their hieroglyphics
☆ BOOKS I STUDIED FOR MY DIPLOMA ☆ [these aren’t all of them just some of my faves]
Sky and Psyche; the relationship between cosmos and consciousness by Nicholas Campion and Patrick Curry
This is an extremely underrated book and one of my favorites by far. This book goes over not just meanings of the planets, houses, synastry aspects, etc but also why the planets manifest in certain ways
The planetarization of consciousness by Dane Rudhyar
This one isn’t a basic overview like the other books I’ve mentioned it’s more psychological type astrology which I found really interesting
History of western astrology volume 1 & 2 by Nicholas Campion
This goes over how astrology has been used throughout history and why it was used in the past
Moonology by Yasmin Boland
This is a manifestation astrology book. It gives an amazing story about the authors life before using astrology and manifestation and how it impacted them. Great for learning how to manifest using the moon cycles and astrology
The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau and Laura Lau
My favorite Chinese astrology book. There isn’t many good ones out there
Birth Time Rectification by Paul Manley
There are some things I would’ve added to this book that weren’t mentioned but other than that it’s pretty good in helping find the right birth times using vedic astrology
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feminist-space · 2 years
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"Yes, you read that right: Chicago is spending $33 million to build fake housing and commercial buildings in an overpoliced community that could really use their actual, real-life equivalents. No Cop Academy organizer Destiny Ball laid it out plainly to Block Club Chicago: “To find out that they’re building a scenario village when there are thousands of people, homeless, with nowhere to go … it’s sickening.”
Architecture sometimes lays bare the contradictions in urban life, but rarely does it do so this explicitly, if not mockingly. A first phase of the training campus is nearly done, and the “tactical village” will begin construction this summer. The campus, which rises on the site of a former rail yard, will replace seven facilities currently in use. The second phase will be built by a joint venture of Berglund and Brown & Momen. The City’s website lists the design architect as DLR Group. The company recently published a blog post in which Andrew Cupples defended its work on juvenile justice systems, claiming that DLR remains “undeterred in the belief that design excellence contributes to better outcomes for youth who enter the justice system.”
“Justice system,” to this critic, reads as a remarkable euphemism for a place to detain children. Incredibly, the City lists the project as part of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s INVEST South/West platform which seeks to direct about $1.4 billion in funding to previously underdeveloped neighborhoods.
The City neglects its citizens—especially its Black and Brown ones—before policing them with militarized tactics. This is, after all, the police force that was found to be using “black site” tactics—essentially kidnapping and torturing civilians at Homan Square, a property it owned on the West Side—until an exposé in The Guardian in 2015 spelled its demise. This is the police force whose officers shot 13-year-old Adam Toledo to death in 2021 and paralyzed another unidentified 13-year-old boy just a few weeks ago. These are the law enforcement officers who have made arrests in only 6 percent of rape cases. Per Alex Vitale’s book The End of Policing, this is the police department that arrested 8,000 Black schoolchildren, more than half of whom were under 15, in 2013–14 alone.
Chicago suppresses funding for housing, schools, environmental remediation, public health, and transit, but it generously funds cops. This is not only ineffective, given the statistics and reality of police brutality, but immoral.
Any architect who participates in realizing the carceral program of police surveillance and terror is complicit. Architects often characterize their work as impartial, but the reality is that the form of the built environment is regularly weaponized by those in power. Architects are moral actors who have the agency—individually, but especially collectively—to see a project like this and decline to participate.
At times, activism comes in the form of saying yes to certain advances, but in this case it more powerfully comes in saying no. This denial of service can come in the form of whistleblowing to journalists, organizing political resistance among your peers, or finding a new job. After George Floyd’s murder in 2020, when Michael Ford (the hip-hop architect) learned that his then employer SmithGroup was to work on civic buildings with holding facilities, he left. In the fall of 2020, AIA New York attempted to discourage members from working on spaces of incarceration. The work of Colloqate explicitly demands the end of architects working on behalf of police and provides alternative solutions for reallocating police funds toward endeavors rooted in community building and racial justice.
Architecture exists at the all-important nexus where political ambition is given form. Resistance to terrible carceral projects from architectural firms matters—if no one draws the plans, the efforts stall. Sure, someone else can do it, but the broad systemic woes of capitalism don’t excuse us—mere individuals—from living ethical lives. It is unethical to work on a project that will be used to oppress and terrify Chicagoans, just as it is a project of criticism to be explicit about architecture’s role in surveillance, police expansion, and, by extension, urban policies that govern by force, not by support. So, to the leaders of architecture offices who are currently overseeing construction documents for a fake strip club in western Chicago, I see you. The architecture world sees you. You can and should do better than this."
-Kate Wagner is an architecture critic and a journalist.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
"I’ve heard many Black men (both trans and cis) share that they’re privy to a similar dynamic, with white women invading their physical space at work and at social events, rubbing up on their biceps, commenting on their attractiveness, and making sexual come-ons. White women seem to presume that because they are in a social category marked as higher-status and prized, it cannot be possible for a Black man not to want their advances. Think of how eagerly Lena Dunham expected sexual attention from Odell Beckham Junior, and how publicly she rebelled when she did not get it. Several trans men of color told me that after they transitioned, cis women began projecting inherent sexuality and aggression onto their bodies without their consent. “As soon as I started showing up to parties looking more masc, women started treating me like a living sex toy or a way for them to experiment,” said one. “I actually became less safe in public on testosterone, because now white women interpret anything I do as even more threatening,” another told me. One trans guy shared that after he became visibly trans, lots of cis female acquaintances began inviting him on one-on-one hangouts, where they’d get really cuddly and ask to take selfies with him. These women hadn’t ever been interested in getting close with him before. He says it felt dirty. Almost every time, the woman doing the tokenizing and objectification was white."
— from I Don’t Feel Safe Around Cis Women by Devon Price
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niqhtlord01 · 4 months
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Humans are weird: Never put a human in a zoo
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)    
The sudden extinction of the Dre people was as sudden as it was unexpected to the galactic community. They were one of the oldest and most technologically advanced races in the universe. Heavily isolationist by nature, coupled with their inherent self-sense of superiority they viewed much of the other space faring species as little more than savages by comparison as none of them presented a credible challenge their rule. Yet within a month they had lost nearly 99% of their population across multiple worlds.
The worst hit was their homeworld of Belnuck situated at the heart of their empire which became an empty husk of a world seemingly overnight. Ancient and powerful cities of technological wonder now were little more than ghost towns to be picked clean by scavengers.
There were no signs of civil strife or unrest, no exterior threat from military forces, not even a record of natural disaster on their homeworld. Nothing was found that could give a clue as to what could have erased such a prominent power as the Dre, and so it was written off as a deadly unsolved mystery and the galactic community went on.
At least, that was what the public report stated.
It wasn’t until a group of Kreen scavengers came upon a set of personal journals that the shroud of uncertainty was lifted. Only to be then shortly locked away and sealed under the highest security restrictions to ensure the truth never saw the light of day.
These are those journal entries: ------------------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-757931 Head curator Migu
The benefactors are requesting we add new exhibits to the zoo again.
I thought they would have been content with the Draxic specimens we captured last month but it seems the general public no longer find giant lizards fascinating to observe. One of them suggested we allow the Draxic to mingle with other exhibits for inter species interactions for potential science research; but I could tell right away that what they really wanted from this was to have guests pay to see those lizard savages rip apart our other attractions like a Frong in a Skitch field.
I wish they could at least try to hide their greediness behind some semblance of rationality. At least then it would be easier to stomach.
I’ve scheduled a discussion with our head capture specialists to go out and find new attractions for the people later today. I don’t have much hope they can find anything as fascinating to revive interest but one never knows. End Log Entry. ---------------------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-757935 Head curator Migu
Capture team theta appears to have acquired something of value.
The specimens were caught will transitioning into real space at the edge of a system and were removed from their vessel shortly after.
Their technology was primitive in nature, but from the recordings the capture team sent back their esthetic design choices appear to be unique for such a low species. Accessing their data banks was a trivial matter and provided a wealth of history to them.
They appear to call themselves “Humons”, and have only recently begun intergalactic travel.
From the data we have gathered these humons are a highly warlike society repeating cycles of great conflict to great resurgence throughout their history. During war time they have fought with everything from sharpened wood stakes to low grade thermo nuclear devices.
While lacking the physical exciting traits like armored skin or shape shifting qualities, I believe their nature as a self-destructive race will make them a comedic addition to the zoo.
Theta team is on their way back now with them and I’ve already given instructions to create the new paddock for them in the east wing. With any luck the benefactors will find them as amusing as I do and calm down. End Log Entry. ------------------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-757940 Head curator Migu It could not have gone any better. The public loves the new attractions and the benefactors love the increase in profits. Theta team captured roughly a dozen of these humons and when coupled with their historical data we were able to depict several invigorating habitats. We injected them with the standard nano machines to provide feedback on each of them for both the caretakers and the guests. I do have some concerns about handing the medical needs of these humons as none of our handlers know how to treat them, but I have tasked them with dissecting the gathered data for any relevant medical information. They seem very energetic and many of them have not stopped trying to escape their exhibit since they woke up. A few of them have already begun crafting crude weapons to defend themselves while forming mini factions. The largest group has created a primitive wooden fortress by sharpening sticks and creating walls with them. The smaller group has kept their distance from the larger groups while the remaining few have decided to remain in isolation from both groups. Guests love it when they start banging on the windows and try to talk with them. The children in particular I overheard already picking out their favorites and rooting for them to survive should they begin fighting. We’ve not had this kind of engagement since we brought in Bengols with their psionic abilities. ------------------------------
Personal Journal Entry J-758021 Head curator Migu
It’s been several cycles since my last entry and we’ve had a few snags. Our lack of medical knowledge regarding our latest exhibits has proven costly. Despite our best efforts to decrypt the remaining data from their ships it appears medical information was damaged beyond recovery during the capture process. This has left us unable to properly care for them during medical emergencies; which have happened far sooner than expected.
After several days of captivity several of the humons began showing signs of rapidly deteriorating mental stability. They’ve displayed signs of paranoia, societal breakdown, and an increase in aggression levels to the point they murdered other humons in the enclosure.
We’ve never had this problem before with our other exhibits, at least within such a short timeframe, and now the benefactors are calling for my head. They are upset that their most prized money generators are murdering each other risking their profit margin.
I’ve suggested applying mild sedatives to calm them but was denied. They insist that curbing their more primitive tendencies would cause customers to lose interest in them.
The suggestion of capturing more of these humons was strongly advocated for but it was my turn to deny that request. Deploying a capture team was an expensive endeavor and if the humons continued killing each other the costs would overturn any increase in profits.
I’m putting together alternatives now for my next meeting with them. Hopefully something will come along and save our hides. ---------------------------------
Personal Journal Entry J-758043 Head curator Migu
The problem for the time being has resolved itself via an unexpected avenue.
One of the capture humons was seen treating the few remaining humans; providing basic medical treatment and care.
Ordinarily we would have written off such behavior but because of our current medical situation we decided to bend regulations and reach out to the subject directly.
A translator unit was acquired and we were able to speak directly with the humon. It took several minutes to calibrate, thankfully much of their speech was unrecognizable. They would not stop trying to speak with us while it was being adjusted and went on and on about wanting to be set free and demanding answers. Honestly you think these humons would be grateful that we are lowering ourselves to speak with them.
When they finally calmed down we explained the situation to them. In exchange for their cooperation they would be given special privileges to treats and comforts for the duration of their stay. They wanted to be let out and freed from the exhibit but I quickly shut that down as a non-starter.
It eventually dawned on them that this was going to be their new existence for the remainder of their life and could live in comfort or watch as their friends died one by one; and they accepted the offer. -------------------------
Personal Journal Entry J-758117 Head curator Migu
While unusual the negotiating tactic with the humon has resolved the issue for us and the benefactors are happy once more.
With the medical humons help they were able to stabilize the injured humons while also negotiate a form of agreement between the humon factions in the exhibit. They could still maim and injure each other while guests were present but would not kill and then would be treated afterwards before the next day’s opening.
Interestingly enough the medical humon has proved very useful. They’ve been able to communicate with the rest of the humons and get them to fall in line. What’s more they’ve been minimalistic in requests with the biggest being to be taught some of the basics of our medical equipment so he can use it himself.
Ordinarily we don’t allow this but it would have freed up some of the medical wing so we allowed it with extensive supervision.
I must admit I am rather proud of myself for resolving the situation, and with such little expenditure. Things now are running smoothly once more and the profits are seeing ever increasing margins. Maybe now the benefactors will get off my back. Though honestly I think it’ll only last one or two months before the humons are worn out and they want something new.
---------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-758135 Head curator Migu
Oh gods it burns!
Everyone at the zoo is screaming and clawing their own skin!
Gods damnit make it stop! MaKE IT Stop!!!!!!!!!!!
Emergency Transmission January 2873 Chief Medical Officer Maxwill Clemons
This is Chief Medical officer Maxwill Clemons of the ship “Hades Rest” calling out to any terran ships requesting immediate rescue.
I am not sure what planet or system we’re in, but hone in on this signal and you will find us. I will be repeating this message every hour on the hour for as long as this place has power.
I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been in this god forsaken hellhole. The automated day/night cycles have made my attempts at record keeping near impossible.
Maybe a month? Two? I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.
We were kidnapped from our ship after exiting a jump and woke up to find ourselves in some sort of alien zoo. The aliens refused to speak to us at first, instead watching us from windows and laughing at us while we struggled to find out what was going on.
They’re all dead now. The aliens that is.
I never knew what they called themselves and I don’t really care.
They treated my friends like animals, so I took their precious tech and turned it on them. Made the nano machines they injected us with register the alien DNA as a deadly virus in need of immediate eradication.
First one I got was the one who was so smug about our capture and display. They changed their tune after I spat in their eye and their face started melting as the nano tech spread. Two others came in after the screaming started and they got infected as well before fleeing the room.
I stood up and went to my comrades “habitat’ and let them out as every alien around us began screaming and melting away. That was at least three days ago now and I haven’t seen one of them yet. Their whole planet now is like one massive ghost town.
We’ve enough provisions to last us and the other freed captives for some time, but please do hurry. I want off this fraking shit hole as soon as possible. --------------- Message repeats:
Emergency Transmission January 2873 Chief Medical Officer Maxwill Clemons
This is Chief Medical officer Maxwill Clemons of the ship “Hades Rest” calling out to any terran ships requesting immediate rescue. ------
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luciddownloading · 4 months
A Different Look at Pluto in Aquarius💡💡
So, we are only one week away from Pluto entering Aquarius again on January 20. It was briefly in this sign last spring/summer. On September 1, 2024, it will retrograde back into Capricorn for a final time and will remain there for two months (just in time for the US presidential election; the Universe has got jokes, doesn't it lol?) before moving back into Aquarius on November 19, where it'll remain until 2044; a whopping 20 years.
So, what do we have to look forward to (or dread) during Pluto in Aquarius?
Well, something I have noticed recently is that there is always an equal and opposite reaction to the sign Pluto is in. You can see that in it's opposing sign.
It's not commonly stated but the cultural mood is often heavily influenced by the opposite sign that Pluto is transiting.
Think of the very capitalistic era of the 80's and early/mid 90's when Pluto was transiting Scorpio. It's opposite sign, Taurus, had a lot to do with this. The money-obsessed mood of the culture and people's need for more, more. Taurus rules aesthetics and visual media took off with the rise of MTV and the music video.
During Pluto in Sagittarius, communication (which Gemini, Sagittarius' opposite, rules) made huge advances with the popularity of the cell phone as well as the evolution of the Internet. And the media - pertaining to celeb gossip and pop culture, more Gemini energy - was more overwhelming than ever.
So, what has happened during Pluto in Capricorn? For the past 16 years, there has been a lot of Cancer energy in the air:
*A culture that has placed a priority on being more sensitive and sympathetic, whether it's toward mental health issues, those who are less privileged or public figures
*A reaction to that increase in sensitivity in which people who want things to be like the "old days" complain that society has become too "soft"
*Celebrities being less about being glamorous or larger-than-life and more about being accessible and "just like you". Social media showing the messiness or everyday normalcy behind many celebs' public image
*An obsession with nostalgia as well as the incessant amount of reboots/remakes/live-action films from Millennials' childhood or adolescence
*A desire for wholesome, "good" public figures and caring a lot whether famous people are actually nice or good people
*A spotlight on the feminine principle, whether that's climate change, women speaking out for Me Too, or the downsides of hustle culture
Therefore, during Pluto in Aquarius, we can expect Leo themes and principles to take precedence. Some of my predictions are:
*An emphasis on individuality over what others are doing
Social media will phase out a few years into the transit, which will redirect people to doing what feels right for them, instead of what everyone else is doing. The days of everyone having the same look, the same aesthetic, will be long gone. Social media has put on emphasis on being a follower and it will become cooler to be a leader
Also, the days of worrying about what Twitter/X has to say? Over. Social pressure like that will no longer work, including with famous people. You're going to see a lot more people happily doing and saying what they want, free self-expression no matter what the Internet thinks
*There will be more emphasis on being "in the moment"; living your life and not documenting it constantly
With the death of social media, there will also be the death of making everything, every moment, into a post. The sea of phones you see at concerts, the constant pics and videos taken at parties, will become outdated.
Speaking of which, I think people will be living on their phones a lot less in general. Pluto always causes a major crisis and I think something about the Internet will be impacted. We will have less access to it or less of a desire to be on it
*The entertainment industry will actually become creative again, with stories told from the heart
After an era of mechanical cash grabs, we are going to start seeing the film industry get a lot more creative. There will be a slew of new screenwriters and filmmakers who lead this movement. Film will feel a lot more fresh and exciting. IP's and franchises based on adapted or previous material will become a lot less popular. You know the superhero fatigue setting in? Marvel was the juggernaut of the industry at Pluto in Cap's peak but that genre is falling off and will continue to do so. (In fact, I think that it will take a writer/director creating an entirely new superhero for a new hit film to reinvigorate it)
*Celebrities will only be really famous and popular for having talent and charisma. Influencers, the YouTuber community, and such will be hit hard
The public is going to want their stars to be Stars again. TikTokers and social media influencers just aren't going to cut it anymore, even with the very young demographic. They will still have their little niche but will ultimately be irrelevant and not talked about as much. Fame is going to depend on amazing talent and distinct star power
*In general, celebrity culture will have a renewal, with glamour and pure entertainment being a major demand
Relatability/accessibility will be out of style. Celebrities will be bigger-than-life again (like how they felt in the 90's and early/mid 00's) and it will be more important to be exciting, fun and aspirational than to be accessible. The concept of the "movie star", certain actors with big personalities making movies successful solely because of their name, will be revived, in many ways. But, with an Aquarius twist: some actors who aren't white or straight having this power, as well as having a more authentic and less PR/calculated image, which will gain them more support from a lot of people
Yeah, for anyone hoping this era will be the "death of celebrity culture", that ain't happening. Not only because of this influence but because celebrity culture has been around since ancient times and never will die because it's actually something society subconsciously depends on. But that's a post for another time
I would actually say that celebrity culture has already died, in a sense. People don't care about award shows and such like they used to. But, with Leo ruling the spotlight and fame, that's all going to do a 180 and I think it will be a big focus
Major events will, of course, be occurring in regards to Aquarius things. I think that shit is going to hit the fan in terms of AI (it's only a matter of when, not if) and I can also see astrology gaining much more mainstream acceptance, even some scientific support
Also, expect public figures who have placements in either Leo or Aquarius to lead the way in terms of these changes
Whatever happens, it'll surely be quite a ride! 🔮🔮⚡⚡
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novlr · 4 months
Hello. Not sure if this was asked yet, but do you have any advice on how to write enemies to friends, then friends to lovers, considering there was romantic tension between them before when they were enemies? Thank you very much in advance!
The enemies to lovers trope is a beloved narrative device, especially in the romance genre. As a creative writer looking to explore this trope, there are key elements and techniques to consider in order to craft a believable and engaging story. Here’s how you can turn animosity into affection and keep your readers hooked.
Understanding the trope
Before diving into writing, it’s important to understand what makes the ‘enemies to lovers’ trope so interesting. It’s a classic plot device where two characters start with a contentious relationship and, through various plot developments, end up falling in love. This trope thrives on tension and the gradual breakdown of barriers, creating a rollercoaster of emotions for both the characters and the readers.
What are the key components?
Conflict: The bedrock of this trope is the initial conflict between the characters. It can be rooted in a misunderstanding, ideological differences, or a rivalry.
Chemistry: Despite the conflict, there needs to be an underlying chemistry that hints at the potential for romance.
Character development: The evolution of the characters’ relationship must be believable. Their growth, both individually and together, is crucial to the plot.
Pacing: The shift from enemies to lovers should be gradual and well-paced, avoiding any rush that could undermine the build-up of their relationship.
Build authentic tension
When writing ‘enemies to lovers,’ the tension must feel authentic. Readers can easily spot forced conflict or chemistry, so it’s vital to create situations and dialogues that naturally showcase the friction between your characters.
Create obstacles: Design situations that challenge the characters and force them to interact in high-stakes scenarios.
Dialogue: Use snappy, charged dialogue to convey their conflict while also revealing their begrudging respect or fascination for each other.
Inner conflict: Develop the characters’ inner conflicts to add depth to their external quarrels and eventual reconciliation.
Have a strong turning point
The transition from enemies to lovers should feel earned. It often involves a pivotal moment where the characters’ perspectives shift, allowing them to see each other in a new light, becoming friends
Shared experiences: Design scenarios where the characters have to rely on each other, creating a sense of camaraderie.
Vulnerability: Allow the characters to show vulnerability to each other, which can be a powerful catalyst for changing emotions.
Moments of understanding: highlight moments of empathy and insight into each other’s motivations and vulnerabilities.
Foster the romance
Once the groundwork for the characters’ relationship shift has been set, you can focus on fostering the romantic connection.
Mutual respect: As the characters overcome obstacles, their respect for one another should grow, forming the basis for their romantic feelings.
Intimacy: Create instances where the characters share intimate moments or thoughts, further deepening their bond.
New Conflicts: Introduce new conflicts that can only be solved together, cementing their status as a team.
The payoff
The ultimate goal in the ‘enemies to lovers’ trope is to deliver a satisfying payoff that feels both surprising and inevitable. Here are ways to ensure the romance culminates in a fulfilling resolution:
Growth and sacrifice: Show how the characters have grown since the beginning of the story and the sacrifices they are willing to make for each other.
Full circle: Bring their relationship full circle by referencing elements of their initial conflict, now resolved through love and understanding.
Public acknowledgment: Include a scene where the characters acknowledge their feelings for each other in a significant way, often in public or in front of previously opposing forces.
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sreegs · 8 months
do you think the 2019 tumblr acquisition was made on a more optimistic note? In terms of how they thought the site could have been made profitable or at least self-sustaining.
yeah it felt good at the time because tumblr was owned by Verizon. switching hands to a company that was at least aligned with what tumblr does (blogging) and a private company made it feel like Tumblr had a chance to refocus and reprioritize, but Automattic was not a good fit for Tumblr culture
because tumblr was mostly nyc based and had things like, observed public holidays, and an office (this was pre-pandemic). there was this transitional period where tumblr was treated with some exceptions while they adjusted to the Automattic way of things. this strengthened the divide as seasoned Automattic employees saw us as getting special treatment like sub-competitive wages (as compared to absolutely not competitive wages) and a day off during national holidays.
this transitional policy was loosely documented and adhered to, and was unceremoniously ended by a decree from the top that Tumblr no longer has holidays off. i'm not going to say which national holiday triggered this change of heart but, lol, it's a doozy
additionally there were only a handful of automattic people who understood what tumblr was, and much less who understood the vibe of Tumblr's userbase. i know there were at least a few people who thought Tumblr was an analog of wordpress and didnt even know the dashboard existed
Tumblr employees started leaving en masse because their benefits and compensation were cut. Mullenwig's seagull style of management and the general disconnect between Automattic and Tumblr culture accelerated the exodus. I remember reading on Automattic's anonymous employee-only message board (yeah.) employees expressing their happiness that the "lazy overpaid Verizon acqui-hires" (the Tumblr staff, who had lower salaries than other tech companies and never identified as Verizon or Yahoo or anything except Tumblr) were being shed like dead weight and soon it will be Automattic in charge of everything
Also, side note: Automattic is weirdly anti-profanity as an unofficial workplace policy ordained from the CEO. How's that gonna fit with Tumblr?
So the initial feelings of freedom from Verizon and opportunity to work on things that might turn Tumblr around were dampened under the wet blanket of pay cuts, benefit cuts, cuts to time off (Automattic has "unlimited" vacation, lol), bad management, and an unwelcoming attitude from naysayers
The remaining old pre-2019 staff are very, very few in number. It's mostly Automattic's show now, and you can see how that's working out for them. i was once hopeful it would work out for Tumblr but that hope has long waned. it would not surprise me if the biggest advances toward profitability have been due to employees leaving Tumblr and not being replaced
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queeranarchism · 6 months
Do Gender Assessments Prevent Regret in Transgender Healthcare? A Narrative Review
Florence Ashley, Neeki Parsa, til kus, Kinnon R. MacKinnon
Ashley, F., Parsa, N., kus, t., & MacKinnon, K. R. (2023). Do gender assessments prevent regret in transgender healthcare? A narrative review.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000672
Gender assessments are traditionally required before accessing gender-affirming interventions such as hormone therapy and transition-related surgeries. Gender assessments are presented as a way of preventing regret experienced by some people who reidentify with the gender they were assigned at birth after medically transitioning. This article reviews the theoretical and empirical foundations of commonly used methods and predictors for assessing trans patients’ gender identity and/or dysphoria as a condition of eligibility for gender-affirming interventions. We find that the DSM-5 diagnosis, taking gender history, standardized questionnaires, and regret correlates rely on stereotyping, arbitrary, and unproven considerations and, as a result, do not offer reliable ways of predicting future regret over-and-above self-reported gender identity and embodiment goals. This finding is corroborated by empirical data suggesting that individuals who circumvent gender assessments or pursue care under an informed consent model do not present heightened rates of regret. The article concludes that there is no evidence that gender assessments can reliably predict or prevent regret better than self-reported gender identity and embodiment goals. This conclusion provides additional support for informed consent models of care, which deemphasize gender assessments in favor of supporting patient decision making.
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