#aged up Peter Parker
sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
Spiderverse/MCU Masterlist
(every single one is explicit so I'm only adding additional archive warnings)
Separation Anxiety (SpideyVenomBrock) He can't do it on command (Petercest-1/2/3) Deja Vu (Parksborn, Peter 2/Peter 3) Angst The New Kid (Parksborn) Graphic depictions of violence Mirror Images Part 1 (Petercest-1/2/3) Mirror Images Part 2 (Peter 2/Peter 3) Mirror Images Part 3 (SpideyDevil & Petercest- 1/2/3/DareDevil) Cat got your tongue? (SpiderCat, Felicia/Peter/MJ established) For your entertainment (Starker, Parksborn) I'm a bad guy (Starker- Tony/Peter) Onyx Vinyl (Starker, Parksborn) Tony Stark: Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Daddy (Starker) Underage Peter Parker: Student, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Daddy's boy (Starker) Underage Pandora's Box (Starker) If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint (Parksborn)
🦹🏾‍♂Marvel Cinematic Universe🦹‍♀️
Love born from temperance and trust (Gammafrost, Bruce x Loki) Rape/non con, GDofViolence Help me (Stony, Science Bros) DubCon It was an accident! (Stony) Lend a hand, would ya? (Stony) Merry Christmas my sun (Thorki) There's no place I could be, but here in your arms (Thor/Bruce) Restrain me (Stony) Waltz of the stars (Science bros-TonyxBruce) The heat of the moment (Tony/Bruce) Rape/non con, GDofViolence, underage Home alone; a slice of american pi in bed (Steve/Bruce) Yoga kiss; Green tea american pi (Steve/Bruce) Skinny vanilla dip pi, with a cherry on top (Steve/Bruce) Rape/non con The breaking in of Bruce Banner (Steve/Bruce) Rape/non con
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I need more au’s of Peter Parker starting as one of the first vigilantes at a really young age (like 10) and somehow being able to keep his age a secret, like I want him to have become known, even if not too well known so that people can’t see him too well and notice how young he is but they know he’s there and patrolling, before Iron Man and the others pick up the hero business
Just so every time they try to tell him how to do something, he’ll be like “excuse me?? I’ve been doing this longer than you” and have everyone convinced that he’s older than them, and the whole time he’s like, max 26 years old
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foolsocracy · 25 days
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can u two act like you like each other
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prentissology · 1 year
lol, there is something so incredibly haunting about the way peter is bathed in the colors of spider man during his death. the way you can clearly see the hues of red and blue amongst the background - which looks more like gwen's spider suit than anything else.
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also him being painted as “spider man” during his death is him being gwen's gwen stacy. in every other universe, spider man is unable to save gwen stacy from falling to her death; or from her death. but in gwen's universe - she's spider (wo)man, she's the peter parker who had to watch her gwen fall.
but also, something that isn’t in theme with gwen stacy and spider man is that spider man is always unable to save gwen stacy, that does not mean he is directly responsible for her death. he did not kill gwen stacy. he's never able to catch her, but he is not who kills her. but for peter's death, gwen had fought him, she had injured her best friend and she was inadvertently responsible for the piece of rubble that fell on the lizard. she killed peter parker. she was unable to save him because she was what he died to, gwen stacy falls to her death looking at what was supposed to be her savior, peter parker dies looking at his murderer.
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anyways psa somebody give gwen a hug, and maybe more fanfic love from the fandom.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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miguel o'hara voted most Just Some Guy Having The Worst Day Of His Life Every Single Day (But Literally He Just Lives Like This So It Cancels Out Anyways) of all time ever
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beaulesbian · 10 months
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spicypepperjack · 6 months
Setting: Years after BTSV, Hobie, Peter, and Gwen are on a night patrol with Gwen as the team lead
Hobie: Come on, Gwendy. The math thing isn't the problem. This night shift is keeping you and Miles apart. You two just need to bone.
Peter: *whimpers*
Gwen: What did you say?
Peter (whispering): Don't say that again.
Hobie: I said you two need to bone.
Gwen: ...How dare you, Hobie Brown! I am your superior officer!
*5 mins later*
Gwen: BONE!
*10 mins later*
Gwen: What happens in my bedroom is none of your business!
*21 mins later*
Gwen: BONE??!!
*40 mins later*
Gwen: Don't ever speak to me like that again. *swings away*
Peter: Why did you do that?
Hobie: She was pent up. Now, she knows. Problem solved.
A day later...
Peter: So, Gwen, I talked to a math professor about-
Gwen: No need, Peter. It's all good!
Peter: So your fight with Miles is over?
Gwen: Yep.
Peter: Because you understand the math-
Gwen: Nope!
Hobie: Because you guys-
Gwen: Yep! *walks away*
Hobie: Knew it!... See what happened is that your kids had sex-
Peter: Okay, Hobie!
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
I think it’s be funny to have a Spider-Man that is genuinely just a kid, not like a teenager or a kid who understands the gravity of his abilities but a kid who does heroics simply because that’s cool to a kid.
The gimmick is that the villains think it’s a gimmick and Spider-Man(?) fucks with them by acting like a kid to make ‘em feel bad or embarrass them only for them to realize he’s a literal child due to a forced team up where they like offer him a brewski afterwards and he’s legitimately like “Mr I am 9 years old, I just do this cause my aunt can’t take me to the park every afternoon.” And they grill him on adult things and he sits there just blanking cause he’s fucking 9.
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majiinatc · 7 months
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peterhobie friendship is one of my favorite spidey friendships in comics and i really love how much they care for each other. how different yet very similar they are to one another. the narrative foils.
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peterparkeeperer · 1 year
realisations (and what they bring) peter parker x gn!reader
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“You’re late,”
Peter jumps in your peripheral vision as he enters the room. “Yeah, sorry” he says with a sort of nonchalance that’s completely within your scene to get on your nerves. Only, you’ve had time to think, and you can see even in his eyes now that there’s not really that ‘excited fear’ there, like there usually appears for submissives that are bound to be punished. You sigh.
You stand up to stand a few feet infront of him, he eyes you in surprise.
“You know what I think, Peter?”
“I think you just really want to be spanked.”
Everything stills. His whole face turns red. You fight down a grin at this great accomplished finding.
“I, I, why would you assume that?”
“Because we’ve got this submissive and dominant thing going on, and you’re a brat, I’ve know that from the start. But,” you take slow steps to reach him, “no matter how many edgings,” he steps back, “how many times I call you a ‘bad boy’ and you apologise, it’s never really enough, is it?”
His back hits the wall, and his face is red, and his body language is curled in but in his eyes. His lovely brown eyes, there’s a screaming of ‘finally’, of approval and some sort of desperate craving that has his pupil almost engulfing his entire eyes.
Your hand rests on the wall above his shoulder. You lean in.
“I think you just really want me to bend you over, put you in my lap, and spank you until you learn how to behave,”
He groans, guttural, and within a second later his eyes shoot down on himself with a terror that surprises you. You look down, and with a huge amount of glee that makes Peter eyes widen, in, finally, that excitement fear, you realise he came in his pants.
This is going to be so much fun.
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bonebrokebuddy · 1 year
I am shocked and appalled that there isn’t more comic flash & comic spider man fic crossovers.
Like? Barry and Peter would get along so well?? And no one has taken advantage of this??
I need a fic pronto of them meeting at a biochem conference, a villain attacking, leading to Barry catching Peter changing into his Spider-Man suit in the bathroom in a classic silver age crossover “the heroes immediately figure out eachother’s identity” type fashion. They team up and take down the villain together and promise to keep in touch.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
Sinful Sunday Post
Were you guys as surprised as me smut got posted last night?
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Straight up I thought I was gonna have to tear your hearts open with some angst, but I'm happy with how everything played out =]
if you wanna get in on some Peter 1/2/3 smut, you can find it here!
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foolsocracy · 11 months
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(almost) grew up together
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
UPDATED Age Chart For ATSV Main Spiders!!!(original)
If anything is underlined it means I made a post explaining why I think that characters age is what I listed below, so feel free to click!
Mayday at oldest is 7mo.
Peni Parker is most likely 12/14
Miles Morales is 15
Margo Kess is most likely 15/16
Gwen Stacy is 16/17(15mo. Older than miles)
Pavitr Prabhakar is most likely 16/17
Hobie Brown is most likely 18/20
SpiderNoir is most likely 18/20
Ben Reilly is most likely 24/26
RI-Peter is 26(dead people don’t age)
Jessica Drew is most likely 26/28 looking(ignoring the fact her body would actually be 80-90 depending on universe)
Miguel O’Hara is most likely 32/35
Peter B. Parker is 39
SpiderHam is like 54 “2 days?! Hahaha, I’ve been spider-ham 30 fucking years.”
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unwantedarc · 8 months
If you fuckers can’t write good Spideypool fanfics I might have to do it myself.
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justapurrcat · 2 years
Things That Look Like Nothing | p.b.p.
Pairing: college!Peter Parker x fem!reader
Synopsys: As if getting caught up into the cliché trap of falling in love with your best friend and having to watch as he falls for someone else wasn’t enough, the universe has decided to take a step further in punishing you, turning your existence in a not-so-figurative life or death situation. Your closest confident is now the reason behind your pain, your anchor the very thing that’s dragging you down...
Word Count: 5.960k
Warnings: English not being my first language, angst, hanahaki disease, so unrequited love and blood, a bit of fluff, a hint of smut... the usual you should expect from me I guess~
Peter Parker Masterlist
General Masterlist
A/n: ... after the absolute filthiness of my last vampire!Tom blurb, I needed something to cleanse my soul, so here is an angsty Peter fic with my attempt at Hanahaki!au (aka watch me writing anything but Unscripted because I emotionally scarred myself with it well done Lia well done)~ hope you enjoy it 💜
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You blinked repeatedly, as if you couldn’t believe your own eyes.
The sight of your best friend perched on the windowsill of your college dorm, without his suit, taking the foolish risk of being seen and discovered, was something you were convinced you would never get to see again.
Peter waved awkwardly, his big puppy eyes betraying a certain insecurity, something he was certain he’d never get to experience when talking to you. You were his safe harbour, the person whose presence he felt comfortable enough with to let all his masks dissolve.
He could let go of Spider-Man, of the orphan, of the young man who carried so much onto his shoulders, of the brave, cheerful façade he sometimes forced himself to put on not to worry his aunt and friends… until all that was left was Peter Parker sound asleep in your arms.
Now though, that same Peter Parker was scared. Scared that you would turn your back to him just like you had stopped talking to him all at once, through a dry text on how you needed to spend some time alone, isolated from everything and everyone.
He had jokingly pointed out that it would’ve been kinda hard while bouncing between classes and your part-time job. No answer had come from you.
So, after an entire week of complete radio silence from your part, Peter had decided to take matters into his own hands.
“Mind if I come in?”, he finally found the courage to ask.
You knew you should’ve told him to go away, that now that he was trying to get a girlfriend, sneaking into your room at night wasn’t exactly the best way to proceed about it, but your stupid body unconsciously betrayed you, stepping aside and nodding like you had done so many times before, effectively inviting him inside.
Force of habit, you told yourself, and you were also doing it to protect his secret identity. Wallowing in that stupid lie was way more reassuring and less scary than admitting that Peter’s absence affected you as if a vital organ had been brutally ripped away from under your flesh.
Not that you really needed to admit that, to be honest, considering that you were not so metaphorically dying because of unrequited love… but still, it was one last stubborn fight to preserve what little was left of your dignity.
“W-what are you doing here?”, you babbled, unable to keep your hands from fidgeting and already starting to feel a strange movement in your chest, the threatening, delicate caress of a soft petal unfolding in your left lung. Right next to your heart, how pathetically cliché.
“Just checking on my best friend.” Peter deadpanned, allowing his gaze to wander around your room, looking for any sign that could tell him what was going on with you. But it all looked the same and his spider sense kept buzzing in the back of his mind without any alteration, a white noise he had reluctantly gotten used to it when it came to you.
“Who’s been avoiding me for some reason”, he added when his eyes landed on the picture frame lying face down on your desk.
“I haven’t”, you objected weakly, caught in your lie like a deer in headlights.
His lips pressed into a hard line, in a frown that tasted likr both anger and pain, and he took a step closer, picking the frame up to examine it. He didn’t really need any other clue, but your bright, smiley childish faces staring back at him felt like a stab through his heart.
It was the first pic the two of you had taken together, something you had always described as your most prized possession. And now you didn’t want to see it, just like you didn’t want to see him.
“You have”, Peter insisted, starting to feel tears burning in his throat. He clenched his jaw, trying to hold them back and – before he could break it – put the pic back in its place.
“Fine, I can’t stand you. Happy now?”, you scoffed, hoping this coldness could pacify the sensation in your chest. In a desperate attempt to save yourself that wouldn’t involve a surgery and a definitive memory loss. You wanted to trick the invisible monster, so that it would eventually lead your heart to believe that there was not an ounce of love left in you that could be given to your best friend.
Better to keep him in your life shielded behind a veil of denial and poorly fabricated indifference, than to lose him to darkness forever.
Of course, it didn’t work in the slightest: you simply couldn’t lie to yourself. And that love was no longer yours to give: it belonged to Peter and Peter alone, whether he wanted it or not.
Clearly not amused by your joke, Peter turned around, actually taking you in for the first time after so many days. And it felt like a punch in his gut.
You shrunk under his incandescent gaze, crossing your arms over your chest. “What?”, you spat defensively.
“You look…”, he trailed off, at complete loss for words.
“Like shit, you can say it.”
And felt like it, too. Isolating yourself and being away from him had turned out to be useless because, even while basically having entered your Rapunzel era, Peter was still all you could think about.
Even now that he was standing in the middle of your tiny bedroom, physically within reach yet miles away from you, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe his presence there was wrong, that that wasn’t where he was supposed to be.
Which didn’t exactly help with the whole Hanahaki situation going on.
“… annihilated.”
“That’s a big word, did MJ teach you that?”, you sneered, trying to move past him to go and sit on your bed. Your legs were starting to feel like jelly, you couldn’t collapse right in front of him or you wouldn’t have heard the end of it.
“Don’t change the subject”, Peter hissed, grabbing your elbow, not harshly enough to hurt you, but firmly enough to stop you and keep you in place. “You’re sick.”
You froze, the sudden proximity and contact spreading fire under your skin and at the same time constricting your lungs. “It’s nothing”, you forced out as naturally as you could.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me”, he pointed out, an unusual and new scent of flowers coming from your body not going unnoticed by him. He couldn’t explain it to himself: it wasn’t bad, but it didn't smell like any of the perfumes you would use on a daily basis… and yet, it was so… you.
“You’d be surprised how many things can look like nothing”, you instinctively retorted, pulling your arm from his grip, and you had to bite your tongue not to add a couple more words that you were aware would’ve ruined everything beyond repair.
To you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”, Peter inquired, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Dunno”, you shrugged, dismissing the whole thing. “It sounded like a cool thing to say.”
“y/n…”, he sighed tiredly, trying to resonate with you. “What is going on?”
No response came from you and he gulped when he heard your heartbeat slow down almost imperceptibly. Almost, because Peter had made that rhythm his own, and he had come to know it like the back of his hand. He had regulated his life onto it, his peace nestled in those brief little fragments of seconds inside your ribcage.
“I missed you…”, he confessed. “I miss my y/n.” And he missed the way your heart spoke to him, that sweet, comforting sound that never failed to let him know that everything was okay. But now it spoke a foreign language, so alien that he couldn’t even try to learn it, let alone comprehend it.
“I missed you, too”, you admitted in a thin voice.
“Then why are you avoiding me? What happened?”
“Nothing, Peter”, you repeated softly, with a light shake of your head, letting your lips indulge on the beloved syllables of his name. “I promise it’s nothing.”
“Stop lying to me!”, Peter yelled, the unexpected change in his tone making you jump in surprise. Not in fear. Never in fear.
He immediately regretted raising his voice – and especially raising it at you – but he was mad, worried, and hurt, and your lack of answer did nothing to ease his feelings. If anything, it drove him even madder.
What he had told you was the truth: he did miss you. He missed you like air, he understood he had done something wrong, and he wanted to make it better, he wanted you to feel better… but you weren’t giving him the chance to do that – whatever that was.
For fuck’s sake, he would’ve given you a litre of his own blood, had you told him it was the solution you needed, but you were denying yourself to be helped… and he couldn’t have it that way. He wouldn’t.
“I’m sorry”, he added quickly, reaching out for your hands and taking them in his. He winced at how cold they were.
You let him do that, not putting up any resistance when he took another step in your direction. You just wanted him to hold you tight and never let go of you, was it too much to ask?
Apparently it was, because your name wasn’t MJ Watson.
“It’s okay”, you breathed out, and your voice was so thin that, hadn’t it been for his enhanced hearing, your best friend wouldn’t have heard it.
God every part of you was beginning to hurt so much from his proximity… but it was so nice to have him that close and touching you so tenderly… you would’ve gladly prolonged that pain for eternity. You would’ve died for it.
You realised how stupid you had been to avoid him, all the time you could’ve spent next to him was now lost forever and it was a blasphemy of the worst kind.
Peter placed your palms onto his chest and kept them there in hope his super-human warmth would bring you any comfort, then let go of them and cupped your cheeks, gently tilting your face up so that you would look at him.
He saw your eyes glistening with tears, and it tore him apart to notice how similar they looked to when they were filled with joy. It dawned upon him now, how sad your happiness truly was, like something obscure wouldn’t allow you to experience anything good ever again.
He couldn’t exactly pinpoint when, but the light in your smile had gradually begun to fade, consumed by a slow, but inexorable melancholy that was weakening not only your soul, but your body as well.
“You’re… you’re…”, Peter stuttered, then went quiet, his voice failing him. He couldn’t bring himself to vocalise them, but the words loomed above your heads like a menacing dark fog. What he wanted to say was cruelly obvious and the fact that you didn’t deny it did nothing but prove his theory right.
It wasn’t a simple illness… you were dying.
The ground crumbled under his feet, the air turning to dust in his lungs. How could you have hidden that from him? How could he have been so blind not to see it?
“No, it can’t be.”
Your figure became blurred in his eyes, getting reduced to a splash of colours that barely resembled you on the other side of a thick barrier of tears. But he was too scared to wipe them away, filled with the horrible suspicion that you would vanish from his sight if he only dared to try.
“L-let me help you”, he begged with a broken voice. “Please, y/n, let me help you.”
You shook your head, taking a deep breath despite the piercing pain spreading in your torso. “There’s nothing you can do.”
Frustration bubbled up in his stomach at those words, a mess of emotions clashing in his mind and heart. No, he refused to believe it. “Don’t say it.”
“It’s true.”
“Shut up”, Peter hissed, clenching his jaw. How could you be so stubbornly calm and almost resigned about it?
He was your best friend, you were one of the most important people in his life, he cared about you more than he cared about anyone else, more that he cared about himself, he couldn’t imagine his existence without you… there was no way in the World he couldn’t do anything to help you.
“Peter, there’s no point–”
“I said shut up.”
Like there was some kind of specific correlation between what he was doing and showing you that he could do something to help you, Peter yanked you forward, crashing his lips onto yours as your chests collided with an audible thud.
He kissed you with the ferocious passion of a desperate man, his arms wrapping themselves around you like ivy, caging you in a suffocating, yet freeing embrace, his hands exploring the mysteries of a body he had criminally taken for granted for too long.
Your incredulity didn’t have a long life, the pain long forgotten as your fingers got lost in his hair, wearing the soft locks like the most precious jewellery. You kissed him back as if you were engaging in the fight of your life, effortlessly following his lead like you had been created to do just that in your existence.
Never breaking the contact, Peter hastily backed you up towards your small bed and unceremoniously pushed you down onto the mattress, wasting no time in covering your body with his and getting between your thighs, immediately starting to grind his core against yours.
Just as eagerly, you wrapped your legs around his hips and gripped his shoulders pulling him in and breathlessly whimpering his name as soon as your hungry mouths parted, like that could’ve drawn him even closer.
You had dreamed of this moment for so long, you weren’t going to complain, no matter how unexpected all of it was.
“That’s…” Peter threw his head back, licking his lips, still savouring your taste, an obscenely blissed out expression on his face as his grunts mixed with your soft moans. “That’s the only thing I wanna hear from you.”
The sight was nothing short of divine. Almost as divine as the feeling of knowing that, hadn’t it been for the layers of clothing separating your bodies, he would’ve been making you his, ruining you for anyone else… after all, he had already done that to your heart.
You gasped when, without warning, he grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled, tearing it down the middle, his eyes going round and shining bright when your bare breasts came into view.
“Beautiful…”, he purred in contemplation, letting his thumb circle one of your nipples. The whine that simple touch elicited from you emboldened him and, with a devilish grin, he attached his mouth to your skin.
“Peter!”, you yelped, a hand tangling itself through his soft messy curls and the other one fisting his shirt and yanking the fabric. You needed the damn thing off, you wanted to touch him. Feel him.
“Shh”, he cooed, kissing your sternum as a particularly sharp thrust dragged another moan out of your lips. “I got you, petal”
It was just a word, yet it was all it took you to remember how things really were, to understand what was truly going on in that precise moment.
And what was going on was that your best friend – whom you loved more than words could convey – was trying to fuck you and that you were letting him. And what was worse, was that he probably – no, he definitely – just wanted to practice, so that he could be ready for when he would do those things with his true love. MJ.
That was all you had become to him, you painfully realised. What remained of his best friend, was now nothing more than a chance to test himself and his abilities.
Your fingers wrapped themselves around his wrist, barely encircling it, and the original intention was to remove his hand from you, but you only ended up keeping it there, even arching your back to give him better access to your body.
It was so fucking wrong it almost became right. Almost.
He didn’t hear you, too absorbed by how amazingly right you felt in his arms, on his lips, against him…
Peter discovered that the more he took from you, the more he wanted to give you. He discovered that he needed to be inside of you, that he longed to have you under him, praising how good he was making you feel, telling him how much you cared about him, repeating his name until it would no longer make sense to his ears.
That night, Peter discovered that he wanted to make love to you. Not MJ, you. His y/nn.
No, he didn’t just want to make love to you.
He wanted to hold your hand, tickle you so much you would cry-laugh, then kiss those tears away as his lips traced every inch of your face. He wanted to fall asleep with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair as you read for him, he wanted to wake up next to you, whisper cute silly compliments in your ear, he wanted to make you smile and pinch your cheeks.
He wanted to yell to the whole World how lucky he was to have you by his side. And that would’ve meant murmuring in your ear while you were cuddled up against each other, because he wanted you to be his World.
Peter Benjamin Parker discovered that he was in love with you.
“I SAID STOP!”, you screamed with what little remained of your breath, the strangled shattered sound that left your throat dragging him out of that inexplicable delight and turning his blood to ice.
He had heard you this time.
Panic washed over him, the suspect that he might have made you uncomfortable, or worse, hurt you, slithering up his spine and sinking its fangs into the back of his neck, poisoning the ecstasy that had descended upon him. “y/n, what–”
He didn’t get to finish the sentence because you shoved him off of you – more like, he let you – and turned to your side, hunching over yourself as you coughed uncontrollably, blood and petals spilling between the fingers covering your mouth.
Peter smelled it before he saw it, but there was something unusual about it, a note to that scent that shouldn’t have been there.
It made no sense, but you were coughing hyacinths.
The dreadful discovery, and all that followed in its wake, hit him like a fucking high-speed train.
What had he done?
When he touched your shoulder, you tried to get away from that bed, from him, and you didn’t know if that was helping you or just hurting you more. It was all pointless, tough, because as soon as your feet touched the floor, you fell like a marionette that’d just got its strings cut off.
Peter rushed crawled off the bed in a hurry, not giving a damn about his hands touching the bloody sheets, and took you in his arms as he sat on the floor, scorching tears once again clouding his eyes, terror and guilt doing the same to his brain, the spider sense going off like crazy.
You were dying. And now it was because he was killing you.
Red and purple were filling his vision. They were painting your mouth, your throat, your chest, and now his own clothes. But he couldn’t let go of you. He couldn’t let go of his love.
“Y-your shirt…”, you shivered, coughing more blood and petals “I’m sorr–”
“No, love, no”, Peter shushed you, caressing your face in hope that could bring you some relief. He began to stand up, but you winced at the slightest movement, so he was forced to stop and resume his previous position, cradling you like he was afraid to break you. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, you’re gonna be okay, you hear me? Y-you’re gonna be okay because we have to go on a date.”
He was rambling now, imprisoned in a merciless fight against time, death and all sorts of regrets he never thought he would get up until that moment.
He regretted every single time he looked at you without seeing you and every single time he did see you, but decided not to.
“We have to, get it? A-and we have to because I have to kiss you, because I have to spend the entire time telling you how much I love you, okay? Did you hear that? I love you, I love you, I love you…”
You pressed the side of your face against his chest, trying to focus on the beating of his heart so that it would block everything out. Everything that wasn’t the two of you in that moment.
If that was going to be your end, you wanted it to be with Peter.
“I love you, too”, you exhaled, as all your strength slowly started to abandon you. So that was it, then. Only a few instants of love for a life spent wishing it from afar. But that love came from Peter, your Peter, and that made it worth it.
You looked up and a pained smile appeared on your lips as Peter cupped your cheek. You reached out to push his hair out of his face, only sparing the rebel lock you adored so much.
Peter sniffed, crying uncontrollably, the tiny little drops falling onto your skin, mixing with your own.
“I’d love to go on that date.”
“W-we will…”
You were about to nod when your body stiffened all at once, then went inert in his arms, your hand falling limp by your side as you fell into the dark.
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Waking up felt like a fist colliding with your chest, forcing air back into your lungs as a striking white light blinded you. Out of pure instinct, you threw an arm over your eyes to protect them.
“Oh, you’re awake”, someone stated, causing you to look to your left and raise your arm, focusing on the silhouette of a female figure. A doctor was standing next to your bed, hands tucked in the pockets of her immaculate coat and an indecipherable expression on her face. “How are you feeling?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but then you realised what you were about to say. Good. You were feeling good.
More puzzled than ever, you pushed yourself up on your elbows until you were in a sitting position, the fatigue and ache you were expecting to feel while doing so, were nowhere to be found in that hospital room.
You pressed a hand against your sternum and felt nothing but a regular, perfectly healthy pulse. “W-what happened?”, you wondered, looking back at the doctor, who was still observing you in silence.
“Hanahaki disease”, the woman explained, not that you really needed to know. “And in a pretty advanced stage, too, judging by the quantity of blood and fully grown flowers”, she added. “But don’t worry: you’re good now, everything’s okay.”
Judging from her face, maybe she was expecting some sort of reaction, but you just stared at her in complete silence, pure confusion written all over your features.
“Spider-Man found you and brought you here.”
Your jaw dropped, your eyebrows shooting up to your hairline and your confusion transitioning to disbelief. “He has… are you serious?”
So that meant everything that happened wasn’t just a dream…
The doctor nodded, looking a bit perplexed by your question. That didn’t last long, though. “You must’ve scared the life out of him”, she went on, smiling to herself as she got lost in the memory of meeting a superhero. Not the most professional behaviour to adopt with a patient who had just dodged death lying right there… but you couldn’t really blame her, after all.
“I’ve spent like half an hour reassuring him that you were fine”, she recalled, tucking her hair behind her ear, and you had to fight the urge to roll your eyes.
But as it usually happened, your little brain needed to be triggered by words and that was exactly how things went, making you come to the realisation that all that talk about Peter bringing you to the hospital had taken your attention away from a quite important topic.
In all fairness, you weren’t always this slow – your constant anxiety and overthinking wouldn’t allow it –, but you had nearly died: you figured you could cut yourself some slack for needing a bit more time to put two and two together.
At first the doctor had told you that you were good, now that you were fine. Subtle variations to communicate the same message.
“But to be honest, I understand where he came from: you were covered in blood… one of the interns actually fainted as soon as he saw you. We all thought there was nothing that could be done to–”
“Wait, what did you just say?”, you interrupted her, and that startled her a little. Maybe you were coming off as rude, too, but you didn’t really have time to worry about that.
“That you made an intern faint?”, she repeated, arching an eyebrow. “It was his first round, poor guy–”
“No, the ‘me being fine’ part”, you specified, cutting her off again. It was urgent, manners could wait. “What do you mean?”
“You healed”, the doctor said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. “You’re safe now.”
You were not quite sure why she would feel the need to repeat it, and the suspect that she probably thought your confusion was nothing but mere dumbness did cross your mind, but you chose not to question it.
“In fact, you were already safe when you got here. All we had to do was remove the last flowers you couldn’t spit out when you fainted.”
Your jaw dropped dramatically, your eyes nearly popping out of their sockets, the loudest “What?” blocked in your throat, between your vocal cords, without a chance of getting out.
When it became clear that you wouldn’t be able to emit another sound, your gaze fell into your lap, focusing entirely on your folded hands, on the skin you had relentlessly tormented during those last three months and a half. It was a habit you had made yours really quickly, the cuts and scratches on your fingers requiring the excuse of a new cooking course to cover their origin.
Peter had been the hardest to convince, and part of you wanted to believe that it was because of some sort of special connection the two of you shared, a bond that made it impossible for one to lie to the other, or some hopelessly romantic shit like that.
And as you stared at what you had done to yourself in the name of your unrequited love for him you couldn’t force things to make sense for the life of you.
The previous doctor you had talked to had been clear about it, stating that you had only two options to save yourself: an extremely dangerous surgery with very little chance of success, or doing your best to fall out of love with Peter.
But you still remembered Peter. You still loved him… and yet somehow you were no longer ill. So how…
“I feel like I gave you too much information altogether…”, the doctor commented, giving you a weird look you didn’t even notice. “I’m gonna leave you now, so you can rest a bit more, okay? You’re still weak.”
With that, she left the room, without bothering to wait for an answer that wasn’t going to come anyway.
You didn’t move a muscle, staring into the void with your head hung low, the terrifying, sublime sensation of something both worse and better than despair weighting on your shoulders. It was the faintest spark of hope, and you would’ve gladly let it flare up and burn you to the ground.
A little noise dragged you out of your thoughts, and it took you nothing to recognize it: it was the sound of scratching on glass, and that could only mean one thing.
You turned towards the window, finding Spider-Man cautiously peaking his head in. “Peter?”, you exhaled, releasing a breath you had no idea you were holding.
“Uhm… hey…” You could perceive the insecurity in his voice, and even with his face being completely covered, you just knew that a soft baby pink was dusting his cheeks and ears. “I know it’s past visit-time, but… mind if I come in?”
For a few seconds, seeing him there, hearing him asking you that brought you back to your room, with flowers growing in your lungs, a shirt he hadn’t torn, lips he hadn’t claimed and a body he hadn’t touched nor tried to make his. A love he hadn’t poured on you.
Peter carefully stepped inside the room, shutting the window behind him and taking off his mask – him being so comfortable doing it had to have something to do with Karen hacking the security cameras, you were more than positive about that.
“H-hey”, he waved nervously, taking a look around, the thought of you having to stay there on your own making him uncomfortable. Yes, he knew you were no longer in danger, but how could they leave you alone like that after what just happened?
“Uhm…” He scratched the nape of his neck, chewing on his lips. “I wanted to bring you flowers”, he finally managed to say something coherent, immediately cursing himself for it. “B-but then I thought… you know…”
“It’s okay.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes”, you confirmed, patting the mattress and scooting over a bit in a silent invitation. “They say I’m good now.”
“And what do you say?”, Peter insisted, sitting right next to you, maybe closer than needed. “Are you feeling good?”
You nodded, letting him take your hands in his, your past lies blatantly clear in every small wound his eyes were able to find. Guilt washed over him as he gently brushed his fingertips over them, wishing he could kiss the pain away, wishing that you would let him.
“I should’ve known”, he muttered.
“I’m a better liar than you think”, you joked, lightly bumping your forehead against his, causing him to let out a bitter chuckle. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You’re sorry?”, Peter echoed you in shock, barely dropping your hands. “You are apologising to me?”
“… for scaring you”, you repeated quietly, hanging your head low. “And lying to you.”
“You’re…” Frustrated and at loss for words, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Come here, you idiot” , he said then, opening his arms in resignation.
The simple gesture felt like a miraculous ointment on your soul and you let yourself fall into his tight embrace, nostalgia washing over you like a tsunami. Hiding your face into the crook of his neck, you inhaled the fresh scent of his soap, discovering that even the coarse material of his suit rubbing onto your cheek and irritating your skin was something that you had deeply missed.
“You’re incredible, I swear”, Peter broke the silence, caressing your back in an improvised massage. “You’re lucky that I’m in love with you, or I would swing out of this room right after a sentence like that.”
You tensed up and he perceived that, but he didn’t let go of you.
“I don’t love MJ.”
“What?”, you hummed, keeping your face buried in his chest. It seemed so real, but you weren’t sure you could actually believe it. It would mean having to be vulnerable, coming out of your emotional trenches end exposing yourself to the wonderfully frightening possibility of being worthy of love.
Of Peter Parker’s love.
“I do not love her. I thought I did. I don’t.” He was speaking about it so calmly, like she truly represented nothing but a simple friend in his eyes.
It sounded to good to be true.
“Peter, you’re just saying this because–”
“Oh no, don’t you dare”, Peter stopped you with the most adorable pout. This time, it was him who squeezed your shoulders and pushed you back just enough to look into your eyes, forcing you to listen to him.
“I love you”, he declared firmly, leaving no space for misinterpretation.
Part of you wanted to look away in shame, but you didn’t. Appealing to all your courage, you held his golden-brown gaze, the mesmerizing warmth hitting you like it was the first time. Could you accept that light in your life?
“I've been an idiot not to realise it sooner”, Peter reprimanded his stupid past self. “And I know I showed it in a terrible way – probably the worst way possible –, a-and I hate that I almost had to lose you to understand it, but, I love you. I’m in love with you. You and only you, y/n.”
His eyebrows knit together, determination dripping from his tone. “And I don’t care what you say, I’m gonna repeat it to exhaustion if that’s what it takes to get it in that head of yours.”
He chocked on his own breath, his heart skipping a beat at the thought of you considering him an asshole. “Wait, no, I do care about what you have to say”, he tried to clarify. “Please do tell me what you have to say, that was just me being dramatic, please don’t think I don’t care, because I do, I care so much–”
“Peter.” You calling his name, combined with your fingertips touching his lips, effectively silenced him, and the poor guy stared back at you like a lost puppy, waiting for your verdict.
His hands descended onto your waist, toying with the hem of your shirt. You melted into his touch, dragging the pads your fingers along his chapped bottom lip. He mindlessly kissed them, making warmth spread along your cheeks and ears.
“… if it’s not you saying that you love me, I don’t wanna hear it.”
It took Peter a while to fully process what you just told him, the rejection he was expecting only worsening his discomfort, but when he did… oh Lord, his smile would’ve put the sun to shame.
There was nothing more beautiful in the whole universe than Peter’s joy, a mesmerizing spectacle you were incredibly grateful to be witnessing. It was like welcoming an entire sunrise in your being, a thousand little sparks blooming inside of your chest. What was once filled with deadly petals carrying your sorrow, was now blessed with the light of his love.
And there was no need to accept that light: it was already filling your heart and you had no intention of letting it go.
“Not even if it’s me saying how much I love you?”, he teased you, his breath tickling your fingertips, the hypnotizing movement of his mouth when those three last words left it a sight that would forever be engraved in your memory.
You pretended to ponder it. “I guess we can make an exception.”
Usually, words tended to lose their meaning when pronounced one too many times. But that didn’t happen to Peter Parker.
Because there could never be one too many times when the topic was his love for you.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading this! Let me know what you think, if you feel like it, I’d love to hear your thoughts 💜
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