#and I based his dark hair/skin and species off of that
astrolavas · 10 months
Ok ok, but now is turn for the grimwalker HCs!! Give us the creature👀
!!!!! BET
once a grimwalker is "formed" they simply turn mostly organic, just like how palismen are live animals instead of wood (when activated). so even though the ingredients are still THERE technically, they appear as just like... normal stuff, so grimwalkers are mostly biologically the species that their ortet was, almost indistinguishable (hair is hair, skin is skin, there's blood flow despite there not initially being a heart, the galdorstone is there but it functions very similarly to a heart, etc etc) and yet sometimes the original ingredients' features somehow still "show up" in unique-to-grimwalkers ways. ㅤ
i imagine grimwalkers used to be like a more popular/frequent occurence in ancient demon realm. the process of creating a grimwalker was like a sacred magic ritual, only allowed in special cases (like maybe if a witch lost a child early and wasn't able to have another one, sth of the sort) so it was still very rare even back then and would have to be approved of by most of the community. however, then the tradition died off as ingredients started becoming more scarce, and most of knowledge about it was eventually lost to time. nowadays, grimwalkers are considered to be an extinct species as well as an urban legend/myth by boiling isles habitants, like a "supposedly extinct but there's no certainty if they ever even actually existed" situation (without taking hunter and his possibly-openly-a-grimwalker-in-the-future thing into account just yet). the books we saw hunter read in labyrinth runners have some right information but also lots of misinformation in them, since they're far removed from the direct source, based on only tidbits of actual info, and have been written by witches/demons, with no grimwalkers consulted (obviously); lots of it is speculation, and lots of it is wrong. (i imagine the only actual, entirely truthful info is in those scrolls and books we saw in belos' grimwalker lab, but even that isn't fully complete; and belos wouldn't have wanted to share it with the public anyway, for obvious reasons) additionally, i feel like grimwalkers have a sort of cryptid-like reputation in the boiling isles' pop culture. there are stories made up about them. there are teens making pink-eyed grimwalker ocs on the demon realm equivalent of deviantart and making up things like "grimwalkers can shoot lasers out of their eyes" or "they can raise the dead with their thoughts" LMAO. hunter gets a headache when he discovers all that. ㅤ
grimwalkers are semi-immune to boiling water. the selkidomus scales give them a lot of immunity so boiling water is not actually lethal to them but still, being exposed to boiling rain for a long while or full-on diving into the boiling sea may hurt a bit and prolonged contact with boiling water may leave them with blisters/burns. ㅤ
when grimwalkers' skin is wet for a long time, it gets somewhat scaley ??? scales-resembling texture ?? instead of just being pruney/wrinkled. when dry, their fingertips have a sort of wood-rings-y look. ㅤ
grimwalkers' hair naturally grows incredibly fast, but especially when they spend lots of time in the sun. plant magic may also affect its growth positively. ㅤ
grimwalkers' eyes are reflective and can glow/shine in the dark. ㅤ
when it comes to human-based grimwalkers (the golden guards), sometimes their ears would turn out rounder and human-looking, sometimes they'd look pointier but still not fully witch-like. belos preferred them to be round cuz obviously he preferred "caleb" to be human-looking, but with time he started modifying some grimwalkers' naturally round ears to be pointier just so that they could blend in easier and so they'd believe that they're witches too. he'd "mold" their ears during early creation or sometimes modify/cut them after, like he did his. (hunter's ears are naturally pointy and generally look like a witch's ears but, upon closer inspection, the details of his ears differ from a normal witch's ears juuuust slightly) (ears of the grimwalker that we saw in ftf were fully round because belos was counting on this one to be the golden guard post-day of unity, seemingly brought up as human and in the human realm) ㅤ
just like stonesleepers, grimwalkers often have a slightly sensitive spot behind their ears. ㅤㅤㅤ
palismen can somewhat sense that grimwalkers are also made of palistrom wood so they naturally cling to them more (big win for mr palisman enthusiast/carver hunter owlhouse!) ㅤㅤ
again, when it comes to specifically caleb-based/the golden guard grimwalkers, i can imagine that belos' first attempts were....... FAR from perfect. since i imagine he got all the information from different incomplete ancient scrolls, there were many things he had to come up with and re-discover himself. the very first grimwalkers he made probably didn't even survive for longer than a few minutes/hours. and when they did survive, i feel like the ingredients used were much more distinguishable at first too, not fully transformed into their organic counterparts; like for example some grimwalkers had more selkidomus-like or stonesleeper-like features, or were visibly wooden in some places, etc etc. i feel like belos didn't succeed in making a fully functional, stable and human/witch-looking grimwalker until he met the collector, and then did so thanks to their help. ㅤ
grimwalkers are already "harvestable" at early infancy and that's when you're "supposed" to unbury them, but they can technically emerge at any age (they just have to stay underground and age for the amount of time). i feel like there were also times when belos tried to speed up the process and age his grimwalkers up faster so that they'd be of use to him quicker, but that would also often result in the grimwalkers being unstable; so not really a good idea. (i envision that hunter was probably one of the youngest- if not the youngest- grimwalker belos had ever made, and that's also why he had high hopes for him lasting longer than the others; because he manipulated him since early childhood, starting in his most pivotal developmental years) ㅤ
i like to believe that the reason why flapjack was able to save hunter in thanks to them was because hunter's a grimwalker. if hunter had been a normal witch or a human, i don't think flapjack could do anything to help. (something abt the thing that hunter was ashamed of and hated abt himself ending up being the exact thing that makes saving him possible... you know?) ㅤ
for specifically caleb-based grimwalkers, i imagine that since they're mostly human in biology, they might also have issues with eating some particular demon realm food. not as much as luz of course, since they're not completely human + after years of living in the demon realm and basically eating ONLY demon realm food i can imagine your stomach would get mostly used to it, acclimated and all, but it probably still could result in some problems and discomfort. ㅤ
because of their stonesleeper lungs, grimwalkers are usually pretty still and motionless sleepers. they breathe very slowly when sleeping. ㅤ
you can't make a grimwalker out of a grimwalker. you can try, but the magic simply won't work correctly.
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zapreportsblog · 7 months
Yandere poly volturi kings and female elf reader.
❝hidden away from preying eyes❞
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✭ pairing : yandere demetri volturi x reader x yandere felix volturi
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : demetri and felix have long since come across their mates and turns out they shared one, she was different from others, an elf her species were called, she was theirs, all theirs and they’d be damned if anyone came about her. No, that simply wouldn’t do at all. She didn’t need to be exposed to the brutality of the vampire world and that’ll be sure she’s kept a secret, their little secret
✭ authors note : thank you for the request but as posted on my last twilight fic I’ll be writing for other fandoms mostly instead of twilight, I’m not limited to just writing twilight seeing as how I write for various fandoms :)
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The grand halls of the Volturi castle echoed with whispers of ancient power and authority as Demetri and Felix strode through them. Today was a rare day; they had been excused from their duties serving the kings. An off day. The prospect of freedom beckoned to them like a siren's call, and they intended to make the most of it.
As they exited the castle, the brilliant Italian sunlight warmed their skin. Demetri, ever the expert hunter with his tracking abilities, had something special in mind for their day of respite. "What ever shall we do now felix," he said, a mischievous glint in his dark eyes. "After all it is our off day."
Felix raised an intrigued eyebrow. "Our off day you say? Hmm, I take it you already know what I’m thinking.”
With Demetri's keen senses guiding them, they ventured beyond the city's edge and into the dense Italian forest. They followed the winding paths until they reached an unassuming spot near the base of a craggy hill.
"Ah, but of course I do," Demetri announced, his eyes narrowing as he focused. "Do you think the little ones hatched.”
Felix watched in fascination as Demetri's hand moved gracefully, tracing invisible lines in the air. Slowly, as if an invisible cloak were lifted, an entrance revealed itself. An underground cave system beckoned them.
They jumped down gracefully, landing with the ease of supernatural beings. "Anyone here?" Felix called out into the dimly lit cavern.
The echo of their voices faded, and there was a moment of silence. Then, as if materializing from thin air, a house appeared before them. It had been hidden by some form of illusion, but it was now fully exposed.
The door swung open, and a breathtaking elf woman emerged. (Y/N) was her name, and she was their mate. Her long, silvery hair cascaded like a waterfall down her back, and her ethereal beauty left Demetri and Felix momentarily breathless.
"I've missed you, my loves," she said, her voice like a melodious song. With grace and swiftness, she ran into their arms. One by one, she planted a passionate kiss on each of their lips.
Felix grinned, his golden eyes filled with affection. "We've missed you too, little fairy.”
And then came the chorus of little voices. From the house behind (Y/N), a group of hybrid vampire and elf children came running. Their laughter filled the cavern as they called out in excitement.
"Daddy! Papa!" they cried, their tiny arms outstretched.
Demetri and Felix knelt to embrace their children, their hearts overflowing with love. It was moments like these that made their relentless service to the Volturi worthwhile. Here, in this hidden sanctuary, they found the love and family they had always yearned for.
“It seems the little ones did indeed hatch.” Demetri smiled in pure amusement.
Now inside the house, Demetri and Felix sat on the ground, surrounded by their exuberant little ones, their hearts filled with joy and contentment. As they shared affectionate moments with their children, Demetri couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a nagging curiosity.
"(Y/N)," he began hesitantly, "can I ask... when were they... born?"
(Y/N) smiled warmly, her eyes filled with maternal pride as she gazed at their offspring. "Just last spring, my love."
Demetri's brow furrowed, and he grimaced inwardly. They had missed the birth of their children, and it weighed heavily on him. He exchanged a quick glance with Felix, who shared his remorse.
"We are sorry, our love," Felix spoke up, his voice tinged with regret. "Our duties... they keep us occupied."
(Y/N) placed a gentle hand on Felix's shoulder, her touch reassuring. "I understand," she said, her voice filled with understanding and love. "You two are protecting our family from that dangerous world up there."
Her words brought solace to Demetri and Felix, a reminder that their sacrifices were not in vain. They had chosen to continue to serve the Volturi to safeguard their loved ones from the perilous existence of the vampire world. But in this hidden sanctuary, beneath the earth's surface, they had found a haven of love and acceptance.
Demetri leaned in to kiss (Y/N), his gratitude and affection evident in the tender gesture. Felix wrapped his arms around both of them, drawing them closer into an embrace that spoke of their unbreakable bond.
As they held each other and reveled in the laughter of their children, the world above, with all its dangers and complexities, faded into the background. Here, in the arms of their mate and the embrace of their little ones, Demetri and Felix found the greatest treasure of all: a family born of love, acceptance, and unity.
Demetri and Felix reveled in the simple joys of parenthood as they took turns playing with their little ones in the underground sanctuary. The children's laughter echoed through the cavern as they engaged in various activities, from playing games to exploring the hidden corners of their unique home.
While one of them spent time with the children, the other shared passionate moments with (Y/N) in their bedroom. Their love for each other burned just as brightly as it did when they first met, and these stolen moments of intimacy were a reminder of the deep connection they shared.
As the day unfolded, Demetri and Felix switched roles, each taking their turn to bond with their mate and tend to the children. It was a seamless rhythm of love and care that filled their hearts with contentment.
By the time dinner approached, the children's excitement was palpable. They gathered around the makeshift dining area, their eager faces lit with anticipation.
Felix and Demetri joined them, taking their seats as (Y/N) served a simple meal. The children couldn't contain their enthusiasm, and their voices bubbled over as they began sharing their adventures.
"I found a rock!" one of the youngest ones exclaimed, proudly displaying a shiny stone.
Another chimed in, "Mommy's helping me grow a garden!" Her eyes sparkled with pride as she described the tiny sprouts that had emerged.
Demetri and Felix listened with rapt attention, their hearts swelling with pride as they celebrated each child's discoveries and accomplishments. It was a far cry from the world of the Volturi, where power and dominance ruled. Here, in this hidden sanctuary, their family thrived on love, support, and the simple joys of life.
The children's stories and laughter filled the underground cavern, a reminder that they were building a future together, one filled with love, acceptance, and the promise of endless adventures in their hidden world.
Demetri and Felix lovingly tucked each of their little ones into their shared nest, ensuring they were comfortable and secure beneath the warm covers. The children's eyes were heavy with sleep, and they clutched their favorite toys as they settled in.
"We'll be back as soon as we can, my loves," Demetri whispered to them, his voice gentle and reassuring.
Felix leaned down to place a tender kiss on each child's forehead. "Sleep well, little peanuts."
As they turned to leave the nest, (Y/N) watched them with a soft smile. However, there was a hint of concern in her eyes. "You shouldn't lie to them," she said softly.
Demetri turned back to her, his expression conflicted. "Let's not fight, my love," he urged, hoping to avoid discord.
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze filled with understanding. "I don't wish to fight either, but they are growing older. Soon, they will question where their papa and daddy are and why they can't see them as often. I understand you are protecting us, but they need their fathers."
Felix, sensing the tension in the room, approached (Y/N) and kissed her gently on the lips. "We will find a solution for this," he promised.
As they left the nest and made their way through the underground sanctuary, dark and possessive thoughts began to swirl in their minds. They were fiercely protective over (Y/N) and their offspring. The idea of being separated from them or putting their family in harm's way was unthinkable.
Demetri's eyes gleamed with a possessive intensity, and Felix's grip on his mate's hand tightened. In the depths of their hearts, they were willing to do whatever it took to ensure the safety and happiness of their beloved mate and precious children, even if it meant taking extreme measures.
As they ventured deeper into the cave towards the exit, the darkness of their thoughts matched the shadowy world they inhabited, where love and protection bordered on obsession, and where the boundaries between right and wrong blurred in the name of family.
After a particularly harrowing mission, Felix and Demetri returned to their hidden sanctuary beneath the earth, their minds heavy with the weight of their deeds. But the protectiveness they felt for their mate and offspring had only grown stronger, and they were determined to provide a safer and more comfortable life for their family.
Not far from their underground haven, they stumbled upon an isolated house nestled among the trees. The owners, oblivious to their impending doom, never saw it coming. In a swift and efficient manner, Felix and Demetri eliminated any threats, securing the property for their own purposes.
With grim determination, they began the arduous task of transforming the house into a hidden treehouse. It was a labor of love and protection, and over the course of three weeks, they worked tirelessly. They constructed a series of long, winding stairs that spiraled up the massive tree trunk, leading to a network of cabins on different levels.
As they labored side by side, their thoughts often turned to their mate and offspring. "Do you think they'll like it here?" Felix asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Demetri paused, wiping sweat from his brow. He gazed around at the hidden treehouse they were building, a sanctuary far removed from the dangers of the vampire world above. "They'll love it," he affirmed, his eyes filled with determination.
They envisioned their family laughing and playing in the treehouse, the children exploring the different levels and cabins, their mate feeling safe and protected in this hidden haven. It was a labor of love and a testament to the depths of their devotion.
With the final touches in place, they stood back to admire their creation. The treehouse blended seamlessly with the surrounding forest, hidden from prying eyes. It was a symbol of their commitment to their family's well-being, a refuge from the chaos and darkness of the world above.
As they left the completed treehouse, Demetri and Felix were filled with a sense of satisfaction and hope. They were willing to go to any lengths to ensure the happiness and security of their loved ones. This hidden treehouse, nestled high among the branches, was a testament to their unwavering love and their determination to provide a better life for their mate and offspring.
With their hidden treehouse complete and the sun casting long shadows through the forest, Demetri and Felix ventured back to the underground sanctuary to fetch (Y/N) and the children. Their hearts swelled with anticipation as they imagined their loved ones discovering their new home.
As they approached their family, (Y/N) turned toward them, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What's going on? What's the surprise?"
Felix exchanged a knowing look with Demetri, and together they led their mate and the children on a winding path from out the cave, through the dense woods. The children's eyes sparkled with excitement as they ventured deeper into the forest, this was their first time outside of the cave.
Finally, they reached the base of the towering tree where the hidden treehouse awaited, its long staircase winding its way up the trunk. The children gasped in awe at the sight before them.
"(Y/N)," Demetri began, his voice filled with warmth, "we wanted to give you and the children a place closer to us.”
(Y/N) looked up at the treehouse, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's incredible," she breathed, taking in the sprawling structure.
As they ascended the stairs to their new home, the children's laughter echoed through the trees. They ran from cabin to cabin, exploring the hidden passages and rooms with boundless enthusiasm.
Demetri and Felix watched with contented smiles as their offspring reveled in their new surroundings. "My loves," (y/n) began, "does this mean we'll see you two more often?
Felix nodded and demetri followed. Demetri’s eyes filled with love and reassurance. "Yes, only we know of this place. It's our secret haven, away from the rest of the world."
Tears of gratitude welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she embraced them both. It was a promise of togetherness, a sanctuary where they could nurture their love and protect their family. As the sun set behind the trees, casting a warm golden glow over the hidden treehouse, Demetri, Felix, and their beloved mate and children stood together, united in their secret world, ready to embrace the future with love and unwavering devotion.
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commander-krios · 6 months
Pressing tiny kisses against your lover's shoulder while they're bent over a desk, trying to focus even though your touch is distracting them.—For whoever speaks up
Here it is! Something sweet written for post-game Aly/Gale. I posted it on AO3 as well if anyone prefers to read it there.
Tell Me About the Stars
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A glow was coming from the study where Gale liked to sit reading, for hours sometimes after his lessons with Arabella and Yenna were finished. Usually he’d get lost in some experiment, some new piece of history that would leave him riveted to the book, turning page after page until he absorbed every word he could until his eyes crossed. Tonight seemed like another one of those nights.
A light knock on the door didn’t even disturb him, bent as he was over the desk, texts and scrolls scattered in an ‘organized mess’ as he liked to call it. Alyril’fryn entered quietly, propping the door open slightly to keep it from slamming behind her. Then she carried a bowl to where he stood, not even noticing her presence until she set the food beside his work.
“Ah, there you are!” He exclaimed, dark eyes dancing in the light of the candles. With a smile, Gale glanced down at the food, steaming in the wooden bowl. The spot between his eyebrows furrowed adorably. “What’s this?”
“Jaheira dropped some stew off earlier.” Alyril wrapped her arms around him, settling her hands against his chest. She pressed her lips against his shoulder, lingering against the warm fabric of his robes, enjoying the solid feeling of his body against hers. He tsked low in his throat, a sound that she knew all too well. “It’s delicious and you need to eat something. Don’t make me call her back-”
A gentle chuckle followed the unspoken threat.
“Is it that late already?” He asked, gaze on the window where the sun had long descended below the horizon. Now the sky was an inky black, white pinpricks sparkling in the dark. “I apologize for missing dinner. Again.”
“No apologies necessary.” Alyril stood on her tiptoes to press a kiss at the base of his neck, lingering briefly at the warmth of his skin. “What are you working on tonight?”
“Do you remember the myconids we met in the Underdark during our daring adventures? Well… their ethical and moral standing against violence are so interesting, considering their lives in the Underdark. To be around so many violent species and to abhor it so vehemently, I would love to return one day to speak to them in length.” 
As he rambled, Aly’s mouth trailed along the curve of his neck, hot kisses against his skin as if he was oblivious to her. She would love him to the end of her days and there was something so sweet about his passion for learning, for understanding the weave and the world around him. It was infectious most days, but tonight, Aly basked in the sound of his voice, her mind on other matters entirely.
It was long before Gale paused to glance over his shoulder, raising a curious eyebrow at her. “What are you doing?”
Alyril pressed her face into his shoulder, trying to hide the smile that curled her lips. “Oh, me? Nothing.”
Her hands ran along his chest, the elaborate embroidered robes smooth against her fingers, and she sighed softly, when he covered her hands with his own, squeezing her affectionately.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Turning in her embrace, Gale cupped her face in his hands, thumb brushing gently against her cheek, his smile still making her heart flutter wildly in her chest after all of this time. “I’ll make it up to you. Tell me what you want. I’d steal the stars from the sky for you.”
Alyril stared up at him, mesmerized by the flecks of dark gold in his brown eyes and the way the light of the candles highlighted some of the lighter tones in his hair. She reached a hand up to run her fingers through the strands, like silk across her skin. “I only need you.”
With a sigh, Gale leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead. “And I’m forever grateful for it. I know I’ve been scarce a lot this week.” His hands lingered on her face, his touch gentle, and Alyril felt safe and at peace. 
“Your work is important.”
“You are what’s important.” His hands trailed across her cheeks, brushing against the curve of her neck before settling firmly on her shoulders. “So now that I’ve pulled my head out of my back-end, what shall we do?”
Alyril fought a grin, but failed when she noticed the intensely tender way he watched her. With Gale, she never felt afraid or unsafe. Never felt anything except peace. There weren’t many times in her two hundred years of life that she could say that.
“You said something about the stars?”
He chuckled quietly, mouth against her hair. “You’d truly want me to tear them from the sky? I’m not sure if I’m capable of such a feat.”
“I want you to tell me about them.” She met his gaze, studying how his eyes creased at the sides, how he watched her with nothing but adoration and devotion. “I spent a lot of my childhood in the Underdark. I didn’t know they existed for a long time.”
He brushed a strand of silver hair over her ear, touch lingering against her neck. “Is this your way of getting me to lecture you to sleep?”
“I won’t deny that I enjoy the sound of your voice. Almost as much as you do, in fact.” She teased, earning an affectionate smile in return. 
“You’re amusing. And adorable.” Gale glanced at the bowl steaming beside his never ending work and she knew he was contemplating how to rid himself of the food. Without actually eating it. Shaking his head, he turned those eyes on her, pinning her beneath his stare. “And my favorite distraction.”
His arms encircled her waist, pulling her flush against his body, warming every part of her that touched him. He bent closer to brush a kiss against her lips, a taste of what more awaited her if she wanted it. Perhaps another night, when he wasn’t as exhausted. For tonight, she wanted him close and that was enough.
Taking his hand, she led him to the sofa that faced the large veranda windows, the view of the sea stretching to the horizon. Alyril curled against him once they settled in, resting her head on his chest, eyes focused on him instead, more beautiful than any landscape. There was grey in his beard now, grown a little thicker now, giving him more of that distinguished appearance he craved. His hair was longer as well, usually pulled out of his face during the daily lessons he gave to the girls, but now it hung loosely around his shoulders. She preferred him in this state: relaxed, content, fulfilled.
Gale tilted his head and smiled at her, his fingers stroking against her hair. With a happy sigh, she leaned into him, relaxing against the soft planes of his body, warm and more loved than she’d ever been.
“Let me tell you about the stars.”
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freehounyaoi · 2 months
HALF LIFE VRAI (+gorgeous & og gordon) HEADCANONS IF YOU EVEN CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
during. the end, he had 2 extra eyes, one above his left eye one below his right eye, now he has scars where they laid, they’re faint but he. is autistic im sorry he’s too me to not be he had a tail during the end too faint freckles ^_^ he REALLY likes red meat he likes blue flavor, not blueberries, not blue raspberry, blue stubble YAYY specifically in end, benreys feet to knees and hands to elbows fade into rlly dark blue/black looks like he’s dying of illness but like. has never been sick disassociates very often very touch very very touchy polyamorous, exes with forzen & is now crushing on both Tommy & gordon orphaned, kinda lived on his own since he isn’t human, picked his own name doesn’t actually have brothers, he’s a loser breaths through his mouth esp when he’s comfortable weird but like imagine he’s cuddled up to someone and he just yeah
fat, idc i’m right
gender-fluid, transmasc & gay ^_^ old man yaoi with bubby YAYYY
cool little funky punching enhancement thingies
big ol’ doe brown eyes
brunette hair before he started graying
after the resonance cascade he retired, they deserve it
has nightmares over clones. a lot, a big lot
autistic, everyone knows the science team kinda is autistic,
going off the autistic thing, one of his vocal stims is hello gordon
loves talking, loves it so much, he loves just talking to people she likes
has a high score on punch out & that one punching game where you punch the punching bag to get evaluated on
the reason is divorced because he realized he was gay
hawaiian shirts FTW!!
(most of these are somewhat canon, holly (his va) headcanons him as transmasc, short and stocky, and 5’4!)
Intersex & bisexual (idc if gir hcs him as straight it’s my world now/pf)
if he didn’t live with Coomer after the resonance cascade, he’d probably just be a basement dweller and just sit in the corner and cry
Bionic legs :3
canonically test tube baby, he’s probably really freaked the fuck out over it & has had genuine panic attacks over being artificially made, only in front of coomer
literally always has epi-pens for coomer
naturally(?) ginger idk what you wanna consider it, he’s canonically like 6 but in my head he’s like 67, he’s been locked in black mesa for 67 years
blue eyes
has a leather jacket with a tiger on it he will wear just to do so
has made the science team watch scrubs.. twice
picks at skin as a stress tick
has tourettes
near blind
when he got his bionic heart he died so he will sometimes just be like “hey guys i’ve died before”
being put back in the tube after betraying gordon was one of the worst things he’s been through, it was terrifying
also fat
joshua exists but he was an accidental pregnancy (gordon seahorse father yayy)
ftm based off last hc, that’s just canon cuz i said so
joshua is like, 9 in my head so gordon had him at like 18
has a crush on benrey (canon but yk)
mexican and african
curly ass hair, takes really good care of it, always smells nice
blind in left eye, 25% prescription in right eye
feels guilty as fuck even when everyone would joke about him being the cause of the RC
also autistic
wayne did not dk him justice when he lost his hand, he was screaming so gutturally loud it was painful, he strained his voice so bad, the pain was so excruciatingly terrible
tommy genuinely was the only one he could trust after benrey & bubby turned their backs on him, and that sucked because his feelings for benrey before that point were getting to him
only was adamant about not being friends with benrey at the end because of the betrayal, he wanted to hate benrey
tommy is like his. comfort friend, he doesn’t have to worry about him.. he does but he always feels comfy around him
Tommy cool man
Autistic, ADHD, PTSD and OCD
G man species, half human
strawberry enthusiasts:3 (me too)
every flavor tic tac enthusiast, always give the science team tic tacs like all the time
not very good at games enjoys playing them though
very touchy for multiple reasons
Sunkist service dog for multiple things as well, helps with panic attacks, PTSD symptoms, anxiety attacks etc
Tommy doesn’t know how Sunkist was trained to do all this, he made her sk he just kinda accepts it for how she is, and loves her
compression hugs, likes being laid on top of, it’s comforting
looks scrawny but can like. genuinely pick up all the science team & benrey with ease
started collecting propeller hats after the RC
the reason he can read sweet voice is cuz g-man species
thinking about getting a cat, maine coon or norwegian forest cat, he likes big ass animals
Sunkist is LARGE like large as fuck for a golden Tommy made sure she was huge
milk enjoyer :3 drinks it with most of his meals
wears readers
ANGEL KISSES!! (moles or beauty marks whatever you wanna call them)
tooth gap :3
walks on tiptoes
cuts his hair into a fringe, lets it grow out to shoulder length, then cuts it fringe, never ending cycle
beauty marks man
freckles too
nobody fucking knows his trauma
doesn’t understand why he can understand cicero?? he just.. can??
learned ASL as a kid
clearly has some form of mommy issues he will not touch on
wears solid colors, he doesn’t wear shirts with decals, or anything, a. he doesn’t like them. b. for ASL purpose, it’s recommended to wear light/dark clothes (light in his case) depending on your skin tone to MAKE it easier to read sign, usually in light pink
prefers skirts cuz.. they’re comfy, usually knee & ankle length.. sometimes he will wear mini skirts……. cuz he’s gross
actually hates head crabs.
would be a nudist if it was sociably acceptable
actually really enjoys video games! he doesn’t talk about it, he’s good at them too
he’s a dog person, he wants a saint bernard
freeman YAYY
beauty marks
patchy beard
dark hazel eyes
starting to grey, short pony tail
has scars from his HEV suit
actually lost his hearing DUE to the RC, his mother was deaf so that’s why he knows ASL, it completely shot out his hearing
has always dressed nice
cat person
Alyx is like his daughter to him
i can’t decide if he’s trans or not
same situation with gorgeous, he wears solid colors for ASL purpose
him and cicero have yet to find a way to communicate
when he found out alyx learned ASL for her boyfriend (this is canon, was planned for episode 3) he was over the moon
enjoys IASIP (it’s always sunny in philadelphia)
scary when he’s pissed off
G-Manual samual
major RBF
moles kuz hes kawaii
wears readers
hes autistic
going on with him being autistic, the fabric his suits are a comfort fabric to him
enjoys sitcoms
drinks his coffee straight black
he is trans masc to me
praises his employers like god tbh
if he were to drink, which he doesnt, his go to drink would be rum on ice
some form of alien, not from xen though, no one knows where hes from
some type of holy creature??? he cant die?? hes weird
you'll never see it but he doesnt bleed red, his blood is black
enjoys fishing
goes to bed at 11pm, wakes up at 4am hes weird
hes also the best father ever???
songs that remind me of science team members + benrey the 6th
Benrey the 6th
I Will - Mitski
Kiss Me, Son Of God - They Might Be Giants
I’m Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
Mad World - Tears for Fears
We Will Commit Wolf Murder - Of Montreal
Gallery Piece - Of Montreal
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
The Party's Crashing Us - Of Montreal
Tommy Coolman
Living Island - POGO
Fireflies - Owlcity
Teenage Dirtbag - Weetus
rises the moon - liana flores
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
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Meta time!!!!
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No, I didn’t forget he had a cape until I was almost finished, I knew the entire time I swear. (I definitely forgot.)
Once again, this man takes up too much canvas space for me to put his scar map in the same one as his full ref, so he needs a separate image as well.
All his information and hex codes are under the cut, as usual!
I still can’t draw abs. And I’m sorry this took kinda long, I got distracted… the Taboo rewrite & the planning for the fic itself has a vice grip on my soul.
Full name: Ione Argon
Aliases: Meta Knight, ‘Nene’ (don’t call him that unless you’re his friend)
Species: Earthling Dragon (Fire/Ground) x Dream-Dark-Matter Astral Hybrid
Planet of Origination: Popstar
Age: 231
Height: 6’10”
Gender: Intersex; identifies as non-binary
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Multi-spec lesbian, asexual
S/O: Galacta Iriam (fiancée) (and Ophanim/Morpho EX (girlfriend), in the future)
Family: Hano Agron (biological mother), Ekia Argon (older sister), Vaga Argon (older sister), Sirv Argon (younger brother), Kirby Argon (adopted son) (as well as Athena Iriam (daughter), in the future)
The famous Meta Knight of the Galaxy Soldier Army, well-known for his title and sacred blade, Galaxia.
Engaged to Galacta Iriam — currently has no biological children with him, but adopted 14-year-old Kirby as their son when he was aged 6.
Works as a Knight under Dreamland’s King Dedede, and is head of Castle Dedede’s Royal Guard.
Quiet and seemingly apathetic, though kind-hearted and meaning nothing but well, he finds general difficulty in befriending others due to his somewhat off-putting demeanour. He is very kind, though, just ultimately socially awkward and nervous as an individual.
He joined the GSA the second he turned 19, believing himself to be responsible for the safety of the Galaxy due to his Astral heritage, as well as to get as far away from his mother as possible. He worked with them for the majority of his life since he joined, until an attack by Nightmare wiped out nearly all the GSA’s forces and scattered those that remained. He’s worked for King Dedede as his Knight for about 30 years, and finds genuine enjoyment in his current job.
His weapon of choice is the sacred Master Sword, a sentient enchanted blade named Galaxia. He also uses his natural Fire magic, and on rare occasion, Dream Magic, when necessary. Very well-trained in swordplay, and certainly no easy opponent.
Hex codes
4F3224 — Scars
311A0F — Skin
101010 — Socks / Gloves
120E1C — Fuzz fade / Cape back
1D1D47 — Hair / Fuzz base
E0BEFF — Inner ears / Wing webbing
FCC66F — Iris 1
FFFFFF — Wing talons
BFBFBF — Ring / Thigh guards (or whatever they’re called) / Arm guards
18122B — Chestplate & Pauldrons 1
2C2240 — Battle shirt (?)
32353E — Pants
6B5B86 — Straps
CCCFFD — ‘M’ symbol
472A77 — Sabatons
E4C69A — Chestplate & Pauldrons 2
000000 — Inner cape (plus multicoloured Nebulae)
1A1A1B — Shirt
343434 — Face mask / Dress pants
D2CDC4 — Iris 2
FFFBF4 — Eye whites
08003D — Base / Fade 1 (using Nebula brush)
00113D — Fade 2 (using Nebula brush)
0046FF — ‘Star’ patterning (using Glimmer brush on Hard Light, with base & fade colours overlaid on top using a clipping-mask Colour layer)
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One Piece Space AU
In this AU, the Grand Line is now the Grand Line Galaxy. A particularly diverse and dangerous galaxy that draws in all kinds of adventurers. There are also tons of valuable resources here that catch the attention of the Enforcers. Enforcers are this AU’s version of marines. They claim to exist to maintain peace and order.
The Grand Line Galaxy is known for having streams flowing through it that can be used for traveling. These streams are made up of a clear liquid that resembles water but has a far lower freezing temperature and is also extremely toxic to anything that didn’t evolve to inhabit it.
There are two types of spaceships here. One is the more typical version that we see in sci-fi movies, the other is the kind of boat inspired spaceships like in the Treasure Planet movie.
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The boat spaceships are considered ideal in the Grand Line because they can be used to sail on the stream, thus only needing fuel when they leave the stream to dock at a station or planet. This is not only much faster than the average spaceship, but is much more fuel efficient since it can just ride the current. The current is extremely fast, you do not want to fall off.
There are no devil fruits in this AU, just weird alien powers.
Fishman are pretty similar to how they usually are in this AU. They evolved in the Grand Line Stream so they can enter it freely. Biggest differences are that they’re larger and have more alien features.
Humans do exist in the space AU, but aren’t very common to see. Aliens have been snatching up humans for experiments/labor/pleasure for a long time, so it’s not unheard of to see them about. Some humans have been able to escape what they were sold into and have established human colonies.
The calm belt is made up of vapor from the streams and consists of dense storm-like clouds that cover the entire galaxy. Absolutely no technology functions while in the calm belt, only entirely hand operated mechanisms will be able to work. There are many large deep space creatures occupying the calm belt that will rip apart anything/anyone that is unfortunate enough to drift into it. The only “safe” entrance to the Grand Line Galaxy is where the streams first begin. If you’re in a regular spaceship, it’s pretty easy to slip in through the opening. If you’re in the boat spaceship and have to enter the stream, it’s much more tedious. Due to how fast the current is, one wrong move while entering it can easily slip over the ship and tear it to shreds.
The Straw Hats
Unfortunately as a writer, I cannot name things for the life of me. None of the alien species here are going to be named, but feel free to assign names to them if you feel like it. I am also going to be including Brook and Jinbei here even though I haven’t gotten to them yet. My interpretation are based entirely off spoilers I’ve seen and cold reading, I will probably come back later to tweak these after I get to them.
EDIT: Big thank you to @emtynessinmyworld for coming up with all the names for the alien species!
Both the Going Merry and the Thousand Sunny are the Treasure Planet style ships.
Luffy - Anaxdunamis
His species is known for its above average durability and strength. They can shrug off devastating blows like it's nothing and bounce back from it due their bodies being somewhat stretchy. If you pressed down on their skin, it would be tough, but have a little bit of give to it (like squeezing an eraser). Skin colors vary from orange, to pink, to red depending on the individual. Hair is very coarse and dark, it feels like a scrub brush. Their eyes are very dark, the pupils and irises are both pitch black and indistinguishable from each other (eyes do have whites). Carnivorous and have sharp teeth. Has four fingers on each hand. Relatively similar to humans in appearance in terms of anatomy. This species is considered ideal for being an Enforcer. 
Luffy himself has a light pink skin color (looks like a bad sunburn). Despite being carnivorous, he eats all kinds of food regardless. Luffy’s abilities far surpass the average member of his species. His body has more give and can stretch far beyond what it should be able to do. Possible hybrid but no one has been able to confirm it or come up with what the other species would be.
Zoro - Dynamikopis
A very bulky bipedal mammalian species with quills all over their bodies and slight snouts. Densest on the back, but are present along the arms too. No hair, just quills pointed back on head. Skin is tan (like pre time skip Zoro). Omnivorous, mostly eats meat but can also eat other things. His species hibernates for a few months out of the year due to their home planet having extremely harsh winters. Has three fingers on each hand with claws. Eyes have vertical pupils and are various shades of green or brown (like alligator eyes).
Zoro’s quills are a deep forest green color, and his eyes are a light brown. While Zoro doesn’t do the whole hibernation thing done on his home planet, he naps a lot to make up for it. His body is designed to store fat so he’s prone to having a bit of a dad bod. 
Nami was abducted along with many other humans as an infant. The ship she was on was intercepted by pirates. The battle was brutal and ended with both ships being destroyed. A passing Enforcer ship came by, and when Bellemere (also human) found only two intact stasis pods left with Nami and Nojiko in them, she took off with them back to her home colony because she knew other Enforcers might try and sell them off.
Usopp - Savrasynkalypsis
Reptilian based species. Have a horn right above the nose, males typically have longer horns for display purposes. No hair, just some crests that point downwards around the head. Experts in camouflage, skin can change color to blend in with anything. The base skin color varies a lot depending on the environment the individual grew up in. Like most lizards, they have tails that can be dropped, but they do grow back. Primarily insectivores but occasionally eat plant based foods. Eyes are like that of a gecko including not having eyelids. Hands and feet have five digits on each and resemble chameleon feet.
Usopp’s horn is considered excessively long even by his species’ standards. Always wears a rag on his head and goggles to help protect his eyes. Despite his species not having finger pads to help climb smooth surfaces, he could climb a greased pole if he was scared enough. Drops his tail a lot, it’s usually a nub.
Sanji - Taornis
An avian inspired species. Not completely covered in feathers, flesh is exposed on the hands and feet. There are display feathers at the base of the neck that flare up for mating purposes (like peacocks). Tons of variety in colors for each individual, no two look identical to each other. They can fly but only for short distances. No hair, but there are longer feathers on their head that resemble hair. Feet are flat, not like birds of prey or anything. Omnivores, are capable of eating all types of food. They eat food raw. Have beaks. 
Sanji’s feathers are primarily blue with yellow and black highlights, beak is black. The display feathers on his neck have pink heart shapes on them. They flare up a lot. The longer feathers on his head are yellow and go down to his chin. These feathers typically stick up so this looks strange to others. Preens a lot, both with himself and any woman that will let him. His love for cooking is considered extremely odd by the rest of his species since they only eat raw food.
Chopper - Proteustarando
His species is known for consisting of the best shapeshifters in the universe. Their base forms resemble species of the cervidae family. The planet they’re from is bitterly cold, so they have thick, shaggy fur. Fur can be white, cream, light brown, or dark brown. All members have antlers regardless of gender. The antlers are very ornate and curly. Herbivores, but can eat other foods when they’re shapeshifting. 
Chopper is an outcast because while he can shapeshift to an extent, the transformations all still strongly resemble his base form. Fur is light brown with a cream colored tuft around his throat. The antlers are still pretty short due to how young he is.
Robin - Makrovotiarachne
A species once known for their immaculate record keeping that is extremely long lived. Members of this species have six arms and four eyes. The eyes are on the face where you would expect them to be, with one pair directly under the other. Their “hair” consists of very fine tendrils that resemble jellyfish tentacles. They assist with storing memory and controlling their multitude of limbs. If you were to run your hand through the “hair” it would feel like running your hand over a TV that was just turned off. Skin is various shades of blue and purple. Five fingers on each hand. The species is officially labeled as extinct after Enforcers annihilated them hundreds of years ago.
Robin is the last of her kind. There was a small colony hiding on an inhospitable planet, but after Enforcers caught wind of them being there, they were all killed with the exception of Robin who managed to slip away via evacuation pod as a child. All she wants is to find the old records and spread their knowledge to out whatever it is that the Enforcers wanted to hide. Her skin is a light purple (lilac) and has blue eyes. Her tendrils are a dark midnight blue.
A cyborg, originally human.
He remembers very little about Earth due to being abducted at a young age (5), but does have some memories of it. Definitely romanticizes it a little. His stasis pod was dropped accidentally and eventually drifted and crashed on Water 7. After the train incident, his body needed to be entirely replaced with robotic parts, nothing but his brain still remains from the original body. His appearance is much more visibly robotic compared to his One Piece design, but is still very similar in terms of anatomy.
Human infected with a parasite.
Brook was a member of a fairly well established human colony made up of people who were able to escape whatever they escaped from. He was already an adult when he was abducted and worked as a music teacher. Before he could be sold off, a group of human vigilantes took over the ship and freed everyone on board. Brook would ultimately go on to join this crew of vigilantes. During a patrol, they were sucked into a black hole and left in a destitute corner of the Grand Line Galaxy. The ship was unable to work after the black hole encounter, so all the members began dying off as resources got lower. Brook happened to be the last one still alive when a parasite slipped on board and found him. The parasite infects its host by latching onto the soul and feeding off it. It won’t affect your behavior or memories, only forces you to stay alive. Once you’re infected, you become virtually immortal. Brook wanted to join his crewmates, so he tried to starve it out, not knowing that it fed off his soul and not his body. Since the parasite only needs the soul to thrive, it is willing to let the body rot away if the host doesn’t maintain it. Over time, Brook became nothing but bones, but there are some dark tendrils from the parasite visible along his body. Still has his hair somehow.
Still a fishman, not much really changed. He’s a bit bigger and has eight eyes instead of two.
This AU is going to be a lengthy multichapter series because I’ve put too much thought into this for it to only be a oneshot.
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sleepingsun501 · 2 months
Shared Experiences
(Part 1, Part 2 tbd)
Pairing: OFC Sellé x Fives x OMC Aergad
Summary: Fives takes the chance at a threesome and being shared.
Rating: Explicit 18+ (Minors DNI)
Warnings: Threesome F/M/M, smut, bisexuality, hand-job, established open relationship between OCs, dirty talk, praise.
Word Count: 3.2k
Ao3 link
A/N: MINORS GET OUT OF HERE!! Hello everybody, it's been a while since I wrote much of anything. Been working way too much for my own good with not enough time to be creative. This has been sitting in my wips forever, and there will be a Part 2 eventually. For now, I hope you enjoy Fives being the bi king he is!!
Shared Experiences
Fives was no stranger to what went on behind closed doors in the storage closets and refreshers of 79’s. More often than not, he was the one who would run off to a vacant space with a willing partner in tow, but tonight, he had been pulled into the darkness of a hallway by a gorgeous, feisty Twi’lek woman.
“Fucking hell, Sellé,” he moaned, gripping the plush of her hips as she nipped at his neck. With her bright reddish-orange skin under the singular overhead light, she was nearly luminous in the dim hall, but her gold eyes were dark with want.
Sellé trailed her lips across Fives’ neck and jaw as she pressed a hand against his codpiece, holding his back to the wall. Even beneath the plastoid, she could tell he was getting harder as he rutted into her palm and grinned down at her.
“Take me right here, soldier,” she whispered against his sweaty skin. “I don’t want to wait anymore. Watching you all night has been torture.”
Fives shifted down to scoop her up, his hands full of her perfect ass as he pushed her little black skirt up her hips. In just a few steps, he was pressing her against the back wall, trapping her in a cage of blue and white armor. 
She gasped as he pressed a thigh between her legs. The plastoid ridge put the most exquisite pressure on her sensitive folds and clit as he traced his tongue over the black ring piercing in the center of her bottom lip, begging for entrance. 
Before he could draw a breath, Sellé invaded first, licking into his mouth and capturing his lower lip in her sharp teeth to pull him closer. He let out a sultry growl at the slight pain, but ground his hardening cock against her belly, wishing she had unclipped his codpiece first.
“Come on, Fives…” she begged with a needy gasp, gyrating her hips as his armor rubbed against her rapidly dampening core.
He pulled a glove off, chuckling and nibbling at her ear cone playfully as he worked her black lace panties aside. His goatee scratched against the hot skin of her neck as he prodded her entrance, and the drag of her nails in his hair sent a shiver rocketing from the crown of his head to the base of his spine. Every little sound she made went straight to his cock, and he was eager to feel more of her wet heat on his fingers.
He explored her folds expertly as she hooked her leg around his hip, pulling him closer and proving her impatience. Fives had no problem fucking her right there if that was what she desired, but her breathy whimpers suddenly turned to a fit of giggles, causing him to pause.
“What’s so funny, baby? Did that tickle or something?” he asked, confused and pulling back to study her. He was no expert on Twi’lek anatomy, but he had never had much trouble pleasing a woman of any species before.
Sellé bit her kiss-swollen bottom lip, looking suddenly adorably shy and trying to hide her smirk as her seductive gaze flicked past him. “No, but… we seem to have caught my boyfriend’s attention.”
Fives’ eyes nearly bugged out of his skull, and his stomach felt as if it had dropped to the floor.
“Your what?!” he exclaimed, quickly setting her firmly on her feet and whirling around. Although he had never been truly picky about his partners, Fives was no homewrecker and detested the idea of cheating. “You didn’t tell me you were here with someone!”
From the lights pulsing brightly just beyond the entrance to the hallway, he could make out the shadow of a tall figure leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed.
The seconds seemed to drag by as the figure lazily pushed off the wall and drew closer with long, slow strides. He could tell it was not another clone from the way the man moved, but Fives felt the panic start to rise in his chest when he noticed a crown of small, spiked vestigial horns encircling the man’s head.
Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit. He’s a Zabrak.
Fives had two options: either he was going to have to very convincingly talk his way out of this predicament, or fight his way out. Even with his venerable skills as an ARC trooper, the last thing he wanted at the moment was a scrap with an angry man of a species known for their natural brute strength.
“Don’t stop just for me,” the man suddenly said with a low chuckle. “I like to watch her have fun.”
Fives’ wary eyes flicked between the two of them as the man stepped into the dim light. He was a bit taller than Fives, leaner with a gentle grace about him, and looked as though he had no intention of picking a fight. As if to prove it, the Zabrak smirked at them as he affectionately brushed Sellé’s high cheekbone with his knuckle.
“Oh, please,” she huffed, rolling her eyes and distractedly playing with the end of one of her lekku. “You like to do a lot more than that.”
“Wait a minute,” Fives said, holding up his hands and looking between the couple again. He needed more information. “You’re both okay with this?”
“Relax, Fives, Aergad isn’t going to hurt you,” she said reassuringly, placing a hand on his vambrace and nuzzling up to him. “I like being shared, too, you know. Would you be interested in something like that?”
Fives gave Aergad an inquisitive look, his forehead wrinkling in surprise, and the Zabrak nodded suggestively. 
The prospect of sharing a female partner, with someone other than Jesse for a change, had piqued Fives’ interest intensely. Although he was not entirely sure of the dynamic that existed between Sellé and Aergad, he was not about to pass up an opportunity to have a woman screaming with pleasure if she wanted him. Taking a quick, steadying breath, he made up his mind.
“I-I… uh… I wasn’t expecting this,” Fives’ stammered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as an involuntary grin spread across his face, “but y-yeah, I’m game.”
Nearly giddy with excitement, Sellé stretched up on her tiptoes to kiss Fives’ scruffy cheek and began pulling him back out of the hallway. Aergad wore a cocky smile as he clapped him on the shoulder good-naturedly as he passed, following on their heels.
The crammed cab ride to their apartment was thankfully short. If it had been any longer, Fives would have pushed up Sellé’s tight skirt again and had her cockwarm him because she would not quit wiggling in his lap. The warm, sugary vanilla scent of her skin was intoxicating, and he particularly enjoyed the way she would dig her nails into his neck every time he gave her ass a squeeze.
“Easy, Sel,” Aergad said, playfully admonishing her. “I doubt he wants to cum in his armor.”
“He’s right, sweetness. I’d prefer to cum in you,” Fives muttered, kissing the little black, diamond-patterned tattoo resting at the base of her throat. As she ground her hips down into his lap again and giggled her approval, he hazarded a glance back at Aergad, realizing they had not yet discussed any ground rules. “That okay with you?”
Aergad’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he gave Fives a sexy wink while he unabashedly readjusted himself in his pants, watching Sellé squirm with delight.
“If I’m okay with it, he’s okay with it, handsome. It’s safe for you to cum in me all you want. Let’s talk more about this inside, though. We’re here,” she said, scooting off Fives’ lap and out of the cab.
As he followed them into the turbolift to their upscale apartment, Fives found it a bit odd that Aergad was so willing to let his girlfriend so lewdly seduce and fondle another man right in front of him—a complete stranger, no less. However, he conceded that unless they had anything other than a healthy open relationship, he would have been grappling on the sticky floor of 79’s.
Sellé practically dragged them both down the hall and shoved them inside the apartment when they got to their floor, and promptly asked Fives to help unlace the back of her corseted top. With such an edgy beauty proudly shedding her clothing for him, it was extremely difficult for Fives to take his eyes off of her.
She let the corset fall to the floor, revealing more diamond-patterned tattoos flowing along the curves of her back, and shivered as Fives traced them with gentle caresses of his fingertips. He pulled her close as his hands wrapped around her waist with her tattoos, kissing her neck and giving her waist an affectionate squeeze.
“Get that armor off, soldier,” she sighed as his hands came up to cup her full breasts. “I’ll be right back.”
Fives released her and watched hungrily as she scurried off down a hallway. But out of the corner of his vision, he could not help but notice the way Aergad’s violet eyes were drinking him in with a look of barely-contained lust. 
He could not deny just how attractive the Zabrak was as he recognized that look, and it made his half-hard cock twitch as he began placing his armor in a neat pile next to the discarded corset.
Aergad’s angular face was covered in smooth, light tan skin marked with sweeping, symmetrical linework tattoos of a darker shade, and his striking eyes were stoking that ember into a flame in Fives’ gut. The tight fit of his clothes also left little of his lean physique to the imagination, and if he said the word, Fives would have been on his knees in a second.
After finally plucking up the courage and stripping down to nothing but his briefs, Fives turned to face his admirer and asked, “Like what you see?”
Aergad gracefully pushed off the table he had been resting on and slowly circled him, trailing his fingers across Fives’ burning skin. Fives felt his cheeks darken, and he shuddered pleasantly at the taller man’s light touch.
“I think you’re absolutely gorgeous,” he mumbled, his hands settling on either side of Fives’ neck as they came face to face. “I’d love to fuck you.”
Fives blinked in surprise and swallowed nervously. “Oh, I thought you might want me to do that,” he chuckled bashfully, briefly locking eyes with him before averting his gaze again.
Shrugging, Aergad caressed Fives’ pulse points gently. “Either way works for me. Sel’s only into males, but I like to keep options very open.”
He did not quite know what Aergad had meant by that, but he had a good feeling he would soon find out—a prospect that thrilled him more than he expected. He was suddenly overcome with the need to kiss the beautiful man in front of him, but instead settled for resting his hands against Aergad’s trim waist. 
The rush of nerves must have made Fives’ heartbeat quicken because Aergad quickly shifted his hands to Fives’ chest to steady him. 
“Hey, now,” he said soothingly, “it’s okay if you don’t want me. You get to decide, since you’re our guest. If you only want Sellé tonight, that’s fine. I’m… I’m sorry if I’ve come on too strong.”
“No! No, you didn’t. I-it’s fine, really. I just…” Fives found himself gripping one of the man’s slender, but sturdy wrists, soaking in the warmth of his palms and searching for the right words. “I’ve been with men before, but I’ve only been a top. You’re the first who’s ever said he wanted to fuck me.”
“We can share you, too, you know,” Sellé said quietly, reentering the room. Her slender arms encircled Fives’ waist, and she pressed her lips into his shoulder blade. “There’s no pressure at all. If you want to stop now, if you need some time, it’s all right. Whatever you want, Fives, you can have it.”
“I… uh… I’m not sure,” Fives replied, reaching down and holding onto one of her arms as well. “Never been given so many choices before… with anything.”
Being sandwiched between them was starting to become overwhelming in the best way possible. He was already so hard from the knowledge of both of them wanting him, and the warmth and feel of their bodies were keeping him grounded as his curiosity burned hot for the first time in a long time.
“Aergad?” Fives finally asked, swallowing nervously. “Kiss me?”
Aergad smiled brightly for a brief second before cupping Fives’ face in his hands and bringing their lips together. 
Something deep and primal sparked in Fives’ brain as Aergad’s lips slotted with his own. He breathed in sharply and leaned into the kiss, but he let Aergad control it. The Zabrak’s lips were thin, but both tender and firm at the same time as they moved against his. Though it only lasted a few seconds, Fives could feel the desire rocketing through him. He could barely hold back the urge to chase him when Aergad pulled away.
“I think I’d like it if you shared me,” Fives confessed, left breathless and dizzy from the kiss.
With a pleased smile, Sellé came around to his front and took his hands, guiding him to their bedroom.
Fives had barely noticed before, but the whole apartment was incredibly spacious and finely decorated, and the bedroom was no exception. Later he would wonder what they did to afford such a place, but he kept his eyes mostly on Sellé, loving the way her bare, luscious body jiggled slightly with every step. 
However, the oversized bed draped in nothing but plush white blankets and pillows was difficult to ignore. As she sat him down on the bed and crawled behind him, Fives was certain he had never felt a softer bed in his life.
“Wh-what should I be doing?” Fives asked uncertainly.
Aergad quickly stripped off his vest, revealing his athletically lithe torso and even more sweeping tattoos. He came to kneel between Fives’ parted knees, resting reassuring hands on his thighs. “Tell you what, since you’re new at this, we’re going to take this very slowly. Have you ever used toys on yourself before?”
His voice was like rich velvet, and Fives once again felt the excitement bubble in his stomach at the sight of the bulge visible through Aergad’s pants. “Yeah. A plug… just a few times, but nothing fancy.”
“Perfect, I have a few I can use on you first to warm you up. That okay?”
Fives nodded, struggling to control the arousal coursing through him from his core to the tips of his fingers and toes.
“Go get comfortable with Sel first,” Aergad murmured, stroking Fives’ cheek. “I’ll get everything prepped.”
As he strode off into another room, Sellé pulled Fives further onto the heavenly bed. She waited for him to settle into the cloudy pillows before straddling him and grinding delicately over his still-clothed cock, smiling at his contented groan.
“Fuck, you’re kriffing hot,” Fives hissed, eagerly running his hands up her body and bucking into her gently. It was also the first time he noticed the barbell piercings in each of her nipples, and he gently thumbed one to tease her, delighting in her little moan. “I still wanna cum in you before the night’s over.”
Sellé giggled, kissing the tip of his nose and leaning into his touches on her breasts. “That can be arranged. But first, some ground rules. In this room, we use the color system, and ‘red’ and ‘no’ mean we stop immediately. I may look kinky, but I’m not into anything non-consensual. Neither is Aergad. Do you understand?”
Fives nodded seriously. “Yes, I do.” Just from her tone, he could tell he was in experienced hands in a very safe space. Nothing would happen without him wanting it to, and it helped him relax further.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, either. This is going to be new for you, and Aergad and I have done this before, so if we see you slipping, we’ll stop and check in. Understand?”
“Yes,” Fives replied again. Her gold eyes were just as fierce as they were affectionate, and he felt himself wanting to melt beneath her from the fire coursing through his veins. If it had just been the two of them, he imagined he would have already made her cum on his tongue, and that desire to do just that quickly cemented itself in his mind.
A heartbeat later, Aergad reentered holding a small container full of various toys, lube, gloves, and bio-sheaths.
“All set?” he asked, kneeling beside them and lovingly petting down the full length of Sellé’s lek to make her shudder pleasantly.
As both Sellé and Fives replied affirmatively, Sellé shifted further up onto Fives’ abdomen, covering his hands with hers as they continued playing with her breasts and piercings. She began grinding her aching clit against the curls disappearing into his waistband, searching for the delicious friction between them.
Sliding up against Fives’ side, Aergad began slowly pressing a hand up his muscular thigh and teasing the edge of his briefs, pulling them down just enough to reveal the swollen tip of Fives’ already weeping cock.
“I’ll use my hands first, then we’ll work up to toys,” Aergad whispered against Fives’ shoulder, kissing his bronzed skin as tenderly as his words. “I promise I’ll be slow.”
Fives nodded fervently in agreement and gripped Sellé more firmly above him. “Need one of you to touch me. Please… touch me,” he gasped, barely able to believe how desperately he desired them both.
Fives thrust involuntarily into Aergad’s hand as the Zabrak pulled his underwear out of the way and grasped his cock, and his moan sounded wanton to his own ears. The callouses on his palm were a bit rough, but it was nothing compared to the relief of the pressure and warmth. As he looked at the man beside him, he was once again captivated by his violet eyes.
“You have a beautiful cock, Fives,” Aergad praised, his mouth watering at the sight of it. He released him to thoroughly lick his palm and adjust his grip before stroking him even more firmly. “So thick and hard. Look at him, Sel.”
Sellé twisted around and grasped Fives’ length behind her, joining her grip with Aergad’s. “Oh, he’s gorgeous,” she praised, deliberately pressing hard against the prominent, pulsing vein running up the underside. “Can’t wait to have you inside me and stretching me out, soldier.”
“F-feels good… so good,” Fives groaned, his every nerve tingling with need at their words. “Want… I-I want…”
“It’s okay, don’t be shy,” she said softly, slowing her movements to lean forward again and take Fives’ face in her delicate hands. “Tell us what you want.”
Fives could hear his heart hammering in his ears, but he gripped her thighs and pulled her up with surprising strength. “I want you to sit on my face,” he growled, once again finding his confidence and dying to taste her.
As soon as she shifted up onto her knees and straddled his head, Fives pulled her down and began devouring her like a man starved. He felt his cock twitch hard in Aergad’s grasp as Sellé let out the sweetest gasp of pleasure, and he knew he was in for the night of his life.
Part 2
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slimubunu · 8 months
Day Off, Arm Day [Oberon x Reader]
Word Count: 461
Warning(s): None
Author Note: I will be quite clear; I would love Oberon with multiple arms. This exists out of sheer degeneracy. Also moving stuff from my Ao3 to here!
     It was a busy day at Chaldea but you would like nothing more than to hole yourself up in your own room and relax. Fortunately, everyone seemed to allow that- except for one.
     "Oi, (Y/N). Heard you had a day off so I'm joining in!" The moth prince enters the dark chambers that is considered your bedroom. You see, when you meant hole yourself up, you really did mean you were going to stay in as much as possible. One might even mistaken such NEET behavior is equivalent to Ganesha or Osakabehime. The lights were off, you had your blankets and pillows piled up in the bed like a little tent with your laptop inside providing a faint light. There was no way of knowing his presence since you had your headphones on. Either way, it wasn't going to stop Vortigern from being an invasive species. Out of the corner of your eye, you see one.. two... wait- three? FOUR!?!? All these extra hands slowly crawling in until revealing a mildly disheveled Oberon wearing a black hoodie and sweats. "H-HEY!? Wait- when- am I dreaming again?" You couldn't truly wrap your head around it but now you're sharing your little tent space with the one of few servants capable of wiping your home if they ever desired to do so. He pinches your cheek with one hand before his other ones slowly position you two better- next thing you know you're sitting in-between his legs while he lays his head on your shoulder as you two watched your laptop.
     The silence was comforting but the one thing that ate you away in your thoughts was... were all servants capable of this?... I mean, spirit origin is based off of interpretation as well as determination for a few servants like Beserker Jack the Ripper but- "Hey, (Y/N), you're thinking again." Oberon flicks your forehead. "Ow- sorry! Sorry. I was just wondering how.. how you have all this?" Your hand trails one of his arms wrapped around you before settling above his hand. "What, limbs? All servants have limbs." He states so matter-in-fact. "Ooh you know what I mean. How could you- uURK!!- " Oberon squeezes you within his embrace, expunging any air you had in your lungs. He nuzzles into your neck, making the sensation ticklish as his hair flurries against your skin before his grip on you relaxes once more. "Mmm... I guess I'll grant you an answer.... I just can." That answers nothing- you thought. Either way, you ultimately dropped the subject.
     During that time, occasionally he'd leave and come back with snacks and packed meals from the cafeteria, effortlessly making your room look more and more a mess as you both dwindle the hours away together.
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unityrain24 · 5 months
❅MCU Jotun Headcanons❅ 
in honor of @jotun-design-party by magpiemurder. I had been looking forward to this contest for several months, but i have not been able to do anything for it and i doubt i will magically be able to do something and submit it by the time the deadline roles around (which is in like less than a week). This makes me sad, especially since i was something i was actually looking forward to participating in (and for such a long time) :(.
but anyways. headcanons instead, i suppose:
(also these are not very organized so have fun with that)
while jotuns do have extremly low body temperatures, the "frost-bite" affect you see them inflict in Thor 2011 is not because of that. Instead, it is due to a residue on their skin (like poison dart frogs).
Unlike poison dart frogs, however, the residue doesn't just stay on their skin 24/7. Rather, it secretes out of their pores
When jotuns are young, it secretes automatically when they feel scared/threatened (or exhibit other strong emotions), but as they get older they learn how to control it and can do it on command (and also keep it from happening). (<- my reasoning for why loki's cloths froze and chipped away the first time but not the second)(sort of)
the blocky/chunky/heavy type architecture you see is because it is sturdy and can survive blizzards/other harsh elements
based off of what odin said in his monologue, jotunheim is "cold dark and barren," so the next few sort of are in line with that, but who know if he was actually telling the truth lol 
not a lot of biodiversity (and FAR less plants than animals) :/ (i actually think it'd be cool to have a frozen planet teeming with life, but again, prev reason...)
since it's hard for plants to grow in such cold/dark places (lack of sun, dirt/nurtients, nutrient flow, liquid water, etc), the only "normal" plants you see are in the north pole (which is warmer, and is sort of a tundra type biome)(most plants typically aren't even there year-round). Everywhere else, plants have to find other ways to survive. Since photosynthesis isn't really a viable option (though there are a rare few that do!), most plants either perform chemosynthesis (x) or are parasitic (x). This also means that lots of plants are a ghostly white, rather than green (no chlorophyll).
licehen is less common than here, but can be found on occasion (and can be eaten)
mushrooms are relatively common, however (and unlike our mushrooms, can survive alright in the cold)
There isn't really any liquid water (and what little is seasonal), yet there are still life in the frozen water. There is a species of fish that produces so much warmth that the ice around them melts, and they swim through their self-made streams (that freeze back up once they've left). These fish eat snow/ice algae and ice worms (the algae and worms are actually real things in real life btw) (x) (x)
I thought it was interesting in the film how it's such a cold planet but nothing seemed to have fur, just skin... perhaps there are furred creatures, though, and they simply live in other regions. Id say the south pole, maybe the north pole, and and/or an isolated bit of land ("continent") on the opposite side of the planet. Long wooly fur. Horns. These creatures evolved to be warm on the cold, and the creatures we saw in the film simply evolved to not need to be warm at all.
the clothing you see the jotnar wear in the Thor 2011 is not their usual wear, it is their wartime/battle clothing.
This is because even though they are no longer literally warring, odin's treaty (aka sentence to slow genocide) was a "war against their people." As such, the majority of the jotnar choose to wear the wartime clothing until they all die out (as sort of a statement against odin/asgard's colonialism/imperialism)
(also probably "honor" or other culture type situation)
War clothing components:
Shaved Head: The jotnar typically grow their hair out long in times of peace, but shave it when times of war arise. In some regions, it is only those that go to battle that shave it, but in other regions all people shave it
Loincloth: made from Frost Beast leather. While frost beast hide is blue, the process to turn it into leather gives it a green tone (and is also becomes more rubbery than our leather). The sewing pattern of the loincloth itself typically is what gives it creative design, rather than having added embroidery/beading/embossing/etc.
Misc Decorations:
small decorative pieces are stuck directly to the skin via freezing water or using sticky sap-like substances. The most common places for these decorations are the head, upper chest, and shoulders. These pieces serve no protective functions, save the ones that are used to cover the nipples of jotuns with breasts (just around the nipple and areola, not the full breast).
small bracers, pauldrons, and greaves are sometimes worn.
Never shoes, pants/bottoms, shirts/tops.
Clothing should be NON besides the loincloth, and armour should be minimal and mainly decorative.
Decorative pieces are typically also made of frost beast leather. Metal is not usually used on jotunheim, because it is far to cold to melt anything (and to actually start a fire that hot would cause massive environmental damage). The only metal typically used it mercury, because it has such a low melting point (-38.829° C/-37.892° F). Interestingly, leather and mercury (and ice) are the only materials used in war clothing, not bone, even though bone is used in non-wartime clothing.
Overall Scarcity of clothing: While the jotnar don't typically get cold, they do want protection from cutting winds, ice, and snow (blizzards are strong enough that the snow can cause cuts/"burns"). As such, having such scarcity of clothing is a statement of strength/bravery and used to deter the enemy. 
regular cloths cover more (to protect from the elements, not provide warmth). Leather, metal, fur, and fabric woven from wool are used. Bone and metal are also used. Typical colours would be the familiar green, dusty purple, grey/brown/black/white (fur colours), and some blue
piercings and gauging are popular, even though not always practical. Most popular places to pierce/gauge are the ears and nose.
Hair texture in the region where we visited in thor 2011 is typically smooth and silky (like lokis), but other hair textures (curly, coily) exist in different areas. All hair is typically raven-black, unless the jotun is albino (in which case, it would be white)
Unsure of:
i feel like jotuns would be carnivores, but at the same time i feel like loki would enjoy more vegetarian/pescatarian food options, so idk what to think :|
I feel like the casket of ancient winters would be taken straight from the core of the planet, and is super condensed ice and seiðr, and that's why taking it away ruined the planet
(but then that poses other questions, like why would they mine something and keep it as an artifact? were there warring tribes and they wanted to get ahead? did some foreign colonial/imperial power mine it and for their own gain and the jotuns only got it back later?)
also the other possibility is that the casket has to do with something of the passing of ancestors/powerful jotuns of the past and their seiðr or souls or smth is in it (and that would give more power to the "casket" part)
i actually i can think of a lot of things... but those are my main two for the casket
wait why are my indented bullet points not working anymore what!!! this was more neat-looking i swear
jotun breast milk does not have lactose. i will not elaborate.
ok those are all i can think of right now
(bonus loki-specific one: the reason he is so small was because his mom got stuck by lightning when she was pregnant)
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yukipri · 2 years
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Shriek Hawk Wing Muscles Take Flight, Brothers All - A Winged!Clones AU
Text version of what's on the images + additional comments beneath the cut!
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art including the rest of this AU through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
Text on the images:
1) Human Clone Body (non AU)
Here we have Cody as an example of a human clone to establish our baseline.
We'll be using him to see how winged clones, or "Shriek Hawks," have different physiology.
(Thank you for your assistance, Cody!)
2) Human Clone + Wings
This is how Cody would look if we just tacked wings onto him, perhaps how we'd expect him to look.
But his torso only shows the muscles that a standard human would have, so this doesn't really work.
Let's take a closer look.
3) Featherless Wing: Approximate Wing Muscles
Rough base musculature of the wing under the feathers (Cody's arm has been removed for better visibility).
The base of wings are both thicker and longer than legs.
(Cursed image, I'm so sorry Cody.)
4) Wing Muscles on Chest
An example of roughly where wing muscles may extend.
*DISCLAIMER: These images are for artistic exploration only. The artist is fully aware this would not work either, and is prioritizing "what looks cool and hot" over "how to make this dude actually look like he could fly."
5) Shriek Hawk Torso Muscles
As a result of the massive wings on their backs, Shriek Hawks must therefore necessarily have extra muscles on their chests. Here, the wing muscles go under his chest muscles for his arms, creating an extra ridge along his ribs. His chest muscles are pushed outwards due to the extra layer of muscles underneath.
In some ways, Shriek Hawks are closer in physiology to other 6-limbed species like Besalisks than humans.
(You can have your arm back.)
(Also this super doesn't work but we're ignoring that.)
6) Human vs Shriek Hawk
Torso Comparison
7) Wing Feathers Extended Onto the Torso
In addition to their wing muscles, Shriek Hawks also have feathers that extend from their wings, onto their backs, and across their torsos.
These feathers serve dual purposes:
1) The "living beskar" properties of the feathers help provide additional protection on their bodies.
2) Shriek Hawks were hunted to near extinction for their valuable wings. The living beskar feathers wrapping onto their torsos makes it almost impossible to remove a Shriek Hawk's wings without first killing them, as like metal beskar, living beskar cannot be cut while Shriek Hawks are alive. Because killing a  Shriek Hawk will cause their feathers to automatically lose the properties that make them valuable in the first place, this discouraged hunters from going after them.
*Some Shriek Hawks, like Jango Fett, are from a sub-species that lose beskar qualities in their feathers even when alive if their feathers are taken without consent. However, knowledge of this quirk of their feathers is limited, and after the start of the Clone Wars, many hunters tried and failed to cut the wings off from living clones.
**Not in the image, but: these feathers are extensions of the wing feathers, and are therefore different from "body feathers" that take the place of human body hair. These feathers will therefore reflect the diverse colors and patterns present in their wings.
Additional Notes:
The feathers on Cody's torso are a bit difficult to see, because the colors of his feathers are close to his skin tone when not hit by light. Many other clones have far more visible feathers, like Waxer (cream) or Rex (dark blue).
If you look at bird physiology, most flying birds have rib cages that are very deep front-back (vs humans who have more horizontally wide rib cages). This is kind of needed in order to support their massive chest muscles for their wings. If I actually wanted to make it look like the Shriek Hawks could fly, I would change their rib cage shape (and probably make their arms tiny like T-Rex arms, and make their legs skinny and light like crane legs, and make their torsos and spines shorter, etc), but this would really start veering away from "humanoid," so I didn't.
Likewise, the "layered muscles" thing wouldn't work at all, they'd get in the way of each other! Really, they should have a whole additional chest for their wings. But that would kinda make them start looking like insects, and again my priority is "keep them looking hot" and less super realistic muscles, so eh. Please ignore. In the SW universe, species like Toydarians can fly too and they definitely don’t make anatomical sense, so whatever ahahahah.
After drawing the cursed plucked Cody wing, I also thought a lot about how terribly unbalanced they would be. The key that made me really think about it is to think of wings like a pair of legs stuck to your back, except they're even bigger, longer, and more muscular than your actual legs. That would not only be heavy as fuck, they'd probably constantly have back pain and be falling over backwards unless they're constantly leaning forward. Their bodies can't be too light or their wings will tip them backwards, but at the same time, their bodies can't be too heavy either or they won't be able to fly. Again this is another one of those things where we just smile and nod and move along :)
Another thing I thought about while drawing this is if they're really more bird-like than mammal-like, they really shouldn't have nipples or belly buttons, assuming they come from eggs. But I suppose the fact that I want to draw nips and buttons states that they're closer to human in that regard, which is fine, because they have interbred with humans, so it would make more sense for near-mammal to be more compatible with humans. This is the SW universe, and I expect creature categories to be more diverse than what we have on Earth anyway.
I also wanted to make another comment about the wing feathers extending onto their torsos. The non-wing "hair-like" body feathers do provide some protection, but not as much as these flatter more "feather-like" feathers that actually completely cover and hide their skin. So then you may ask, wouldn't it be better, from an evolutionary standpoint, if their bodies were also covered in feathers?
And the answer is yes, absolutely! The ancestors of our clones were once very much entirely covered in colorful feathers like that on their wings. However, going back to the history of Shriek Hawks, they're native to Mandalore and were hunted by humans. In order to survive, many of them joined the Mandalorians, thus interbreeding with humans and other non-Shriek Hawk species. Jango's ancestors also bred with Mandalorians. This is significant because it means that the Shriek Hawks relevant to this AU co-evolved with Mandalorians who, surprise surprise! wear beskar armor. Having both living beskar + beskar armor is redundant, and Shriek Hawks began to lose their heavier plumage in the areas where they would wear armor, aka their "human" parts. The only really exposed parts would have been their wings, and again, enough feathers on their backs/around their bodies to prevent hunters from attempting to hack off their wings at the root. So in many ways, how "human" our boys look is a direct result of their Mandalorian ancestry, and I think that's neat!
Kinda relatedly, you'd think that growing out hair (feathers) and facial hair (feathers) would be more protective, and sure, it would, but again the boys' buckets are already stuffed with feathers and I guess feathers rubbing on feathers is kind of uncomfortable. Usually, in combat situations they're fully armored, so it's fine (Looking at u, bald as an egg Waxer).
Also wanted to mention that I deeply contemplated just drawing Cody without undies, because I mean, again he has pubic feathers that cover his dick and all. But I wimped out LMAO!
For full context, please check out the AO3 Compilation for this AU, which not only has the images, but the fics as well!
Thanks for reading!
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cxyotl · 2 years
Layne what is your favorite c!Schlatt design
im using this to talk about my c!schlatt design…
i love white ram c!schlatt, especially bc thats his canon coloring during smplive when he has that rammie skin. however, i think that his hair color and ear/tail colors should match so i usually draw him as a brown ram. i think of it almost like an arctic fox i guess??
anyway, on the topic of species, c!schlatt is NOT a domestic species in my designs.
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the big horn sheep was prevalent where i grew up in the mountains of arizona, and since theyre a common north american species i often think of them first when thinking of c!schlatt. also note the white patches and brown pelt. this is the primary species i base him off.
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i believe rammie is based off these fine fellows! the dall sheep! they are round and wonderful creatures with thick coats. their white coloring and horn shapes/colors are most similar to rammie’s.
so really, i guess i’d say i make him a big horn/dall mix in my designs. another aspect of these sheep that i add (that isnt always seen) is the age rings! big horns have a dark ring on their horns that appears every four years. thats how hunters decide if a ram is mature or not. the more rings, the older the sheep.
another factor i add is the cane! i love c!schlatt designs where he has a cane, both to show his disability in a physical design sense and because canes are bad fucking ass. most folks with MD use wheelchairs but i get the sense that cschlatt is (unfortunately) too proud for what is good for him.
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yeowangies · 1 year
Close Encounter
PAIRING: Raditz/Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Explicit sexual content, little plot, attempt at humor. WORDCOUNT: 5370
That was not a meteor. You were too close to see it wasn’t. You’ve never seen one during the day, so there was a chance you were wrong. But what you saw was clearly some kind of ship. An extraterrestrial ship.
This is how DBZ should have started
This is supposed to be ridiculous and silly and even a little dumb (though the smut part should be sexy), not really meant to be taken seriously, so if you laugh that's alright. It's my attempt at humor.Also, this might be a good idea for a low budget porn film too if you think about it.
*I know that's not how the armor Raditz wears works, but I didn't want him to take it off, let's be honest that's part of what make the Saiyans hot. So I just made it a two piece armor.
I got some inspiration from some of FunSexyDB's comics.
Raditz would technically die after this, and I felt bad thinking about it so. I might write another chapter for this. I most likely will. But since I haven't started it yet, I'll just mark this as complete for now.
That was not a meteor. You were too close to see it wasn’t. You’ve never seen one during the day, so there was a chance you were wrong. But what you saw was clearly some kind of ship. An extraterrestrial ship.
Any encounter with an advanced species or civilization had ended poorly for the least developed one, at least that was the case in human history. And if space travel was a thing for this visitor’s species, then the Earth was done for.
You gulped. Well, if this was the end of humanity or something, you wanted to see it with your own eyes. Hopefully you were just making stuff up in your head, and this wasn’t the end of the world.
Walking through the open field and following the trail of smoke the mysterious falling object left, you finally found the crater it created when it reached ground. You couldn’t help but gape at the size of the cavity. You approached the edge slowly, settling your eyes on what was now obviously a spaceship, though not a big one, and you thought it was weird that it looked like a giant baseball.
You crouched down near the edge, staring at the ship with caution, too nervous to get closer to the craft. What kind of alien would step out of it? What would they look like? Your only references were the aliens in the movies, and you never bothered much to create your own illusion about it, so you were expecting a thin green body with a big round head and black eyes, too huge for its face. The idea of that species being human-eaters occurred to you, and you flinched instantly, but you discarded it quickly, trying not to shit your pants when you haven’t even seen anyone or anything come out of that ship yet.
Needless to say, you were stunned when the door of the spaceship opened, and a man stepped out of it. He looked human. Way too human. And a handsome one, nonetheless. 
You flushed at your own thoughts. You weren’t sure anymore if this person was an alien or a human. Maybe there was some experiment going on nearby, by a scientific or military base. A tall, sturdy man was not what you were expecting at all. What was odd was his long dark hair, and his attire, some kind of armor that showed too much skin, which only made you blush harder at the sight of such strong thighs. 
You yelped when he suddenly leaped in the air and landed outside the crater, just a few feet away from you. 
Well, he wasn’t human, alright.
He seemed to not have noticed you were near him at all, though you figured he must have known by the surprised noise you let out when he jumped. He looked around, muttering something to himself. 
You froze when he turned to you. You pursed your lips, trying to be as quiet and still as you could until you figure him out. He approached you slowly as he tapped a device he had on the side of his head.
“A power level of only 5?” 
His words didn’t seem directed at you, though his tone was scornful. His voice was deep, and it made your stomach somersault involuntarily. 
He stood directly in front of you, staring down at you with a contemptuous smirk. From where you were cowering, he looked massive. Even if you were to stand up at full height, he would still tower over you by a lot more. 
That was certainly the wrong time to be aroused by a man who not only looked like he was going to eat you, but also strong enough to easily snap you in half; though the thought only made your insides stir more. You facepalmed yourself mentally, embarrassed.
I could die yet here I am, drooling about an ALIEN man. 
Still, you didn’t dare to move an inch but you managed, in a very tiny voice, to at least ask the only question on your mind.
“Are you here to destroy this planet?”
“Not currently,” He scorned, not taking his eyes off you. “But we are considering it.”
He chuckled, but didn’t reply. You heard a voice coming from the device he was wearing but you couldn’t catch any word. 
“Hold on,” He replied to whoever was talking to him through the gadget, “I just found something tasty.”
You stared at him with eyes like plates. 
“You- you are not really gonna eat me, are you?”
You slowly backed away, but you ended up falling backwards on your butt. 
“Is that what Earthlings are into? Being eaten?” He was clearly teasing you, a wide grin on his face, but you still felt a shiver going up your spine.
“What?! N-no!”
When he laughed mockingly, you scowled at him. Whether or not he was going to eat you or kill you, you didn’t like that he was making fun of you like that, as if you were beneath him.
“What are you doing here? What do you plan to do?” You practically yelled at him. 
“Why should I tell you?” 
He took a couple more steps until he was looming over you. You could see every muscle tense in his body, and you gulped, feeling both afraid and turned on. It was wrong to feel like that at such a moment, but he was handsome and big. 
An idea occurred to you. Maybe that side of you that liked these kinds of men could help you. He may not be human, but if he was a man, you could try to entice him. For the benefit of the Earth, of course.
“Because if you promise to not attack this planet, then maybe I can help you.”
“And how would you do that?” He sneered.
“I can… do something for you.” It was his turn to scowl at you, clearly confused at what you were offering him. “I mean, you are cute, and you just said I was tasty, so…”
He seemed taken aback by your implication, but did not move an inch.
“Unless you literally want to eat me…” You quickly clarified, trying not to let your fear show on your face.
“Are all human females this crude?” He asked, and by the tone in his voice, you could swear he seemed a bit abashed by your insinuation. “Are you really offering yourself to me, woman?”
“I don’t offer myself to just anyone!” You replied, assertive. “And I’m doing this for the Earth!” 
“Of course you are,” He snorted, amused. “You’re quite feisty, aren’t you?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but the device was making noises again, and very loud ones. Whoever was talking on the other side seemed to be yelling, and the man in front of you furrowed his brows. 
“I will only delay my stay for a short while. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” He responded, annoyed.
He took off his gadget and discarded it on the floor. Angry voices were still coming out from the speaker, but he didn’t pay them any attention.
“Very well, I won’t say no to something this tempting.” 
This time his words were directed at you with a wide smirk. 
You froze. Were you really going to do this in the middle of an open field with a literal (very handsome and intimidating) alien?
Apparently yes. And you couldn’t contain the excitement bubbling up inside you.
You gasped when you saw the furry belt around his waist stir and move, realizing that, in fact, it was not a belt. 
“Y-you have a tail!”
The appendage moved closer to you and slid up and down your leg, making you flinch as he chuckled at your reaction. The situation was getting weirder and weirder, but you wouldn’t relent. You didn’t want to relent. 
The only thing that might make you back out was hidden underneath that armor. And you hoped to God that he was somewhat human underneath his attire, or else you wouldn’t know how to get out of that one.
You sat up and got on your knees in front of him, locking your eyes into his, showing how willing you were. His tail slowly moved towards your face, surprisingly caressing the skin on your cheek. You quivered and looked at it curiously, still not used to something like that touching you, but you turned your attention back to him. 
He may not even care, but you still gave him your name before asking for his.
You thought it was funny how it sounded like ‘radish’ but you didn’t comment on it. 
“Can I see you now?” You asked, poking the lower portion of his armor. 
“Aren’t you eager?” He said, pulling down and removing the lower part of his protection.*
“Well, I’m… hoping you don’t look like a squid in there.” You choose to reply sincerely.
Raditz laughed genuinely, and you were startled that it didn’t scare you. Quite the contrary, you felt your stomach flutter, and your face heated up a little subsequently. 
Warm expectation bloomed inside you when he pulled down his trunks, exposing himself to you. He snickered when you gaped at him. Raditz was a large man, and his cock was commensurable to his body. Still, you couldn’t hide your shock. Would that actually fit inside you? Or in your mouth?
Not only did it look human, but it was also incredibly enticing. 
“I assume this is what you were expecting.” He said, smiling smugly.
The gleam in your eyes when you looked back up at him was your answer. 
He was half hard, and you carefully slid your fingers up his thighs, aiming for the prize. He wasn’t as patient, and he took his dick in his hand, pumping it a few times until it stood at full size. It was hot when you finally wrapped your hand around his cock, stroking it softly. Raditz groaned, but he didn’t take his eyes off you. 
You looked him in the eye when you darted your tongue to lick at the underside all the way up to the tip. He cursed under his breath, not breaking eye contact when you lapped at the head. You ran your tongue up and down again, placing open mouth kisses along the way, and you could tell he was already having a hard time keeping his eyes open, struggling to give in and just feel the pleasure you were giving him. 
When you finally wrapped your lips around his cock, Raditz threw his head back, grunting loudly. One of his hands rested on your head, threading through your hair, but he didn’t push you, which you appreciated. You stroked the rest of his dick that wasn’t in your mouth, gently sucking at the head. 
“Are you teasing me, woman?” He asked, with a light breathy chuckle. 
Raditz was obviously enjoying the slow build up, and you were glad he valued your expertise. You flattened your tongue on the slit as thank you, and he groaned in response. 
You didn’t actually want to do this fast; you wanted to enjoy yourself as much as you could as well. It was a weird situation to be in, but it was strangely exciting. His face was manly and attractive, and at that moment, contorted in pure lust. You felt proud you could make him feel that way, and it added to your own arousal, already feeling your panties and shorts sticking to your skin. 
Encouraged by the reaction you were earning from him, you tried to take more of him in, steadily sliding your lips up and down his cock. You pulled back a few times to lick at the tip, trying to relax your throat before taking him in again. His hips bucked slightly into your mouth as you fit him more and more inside, and when the head grazed the back of your throat, Raditz growled, low and deep. 
His grip on your head tightened, and while he didn’t push you down onto his dick, you knew he wanted to. You pulled off him almost all the way out, and quickly swallowed him once more, fully relaxing your throat. You flattened your tongue on the underside and moaned purposely around him. He must have felt the vibration of your voice because the groan he let out was so deep, it was music to your ears.
“Fuck, you sure know what you are doing…” His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were completely unfocused. 
You hummed, bobbing your head up and down, and his hips snapped once more. 
By the way his cock was starting to twitch and how loud his groans were getting, you knew Raditz was going to come soon. His hips kept moving, and you kept your hand at the base to keep him from pushing in too roughly, and you hollowed your cheeks, sucking hard. He grunted, spilling curses with every single one of your moves. 
You bobbed your head, moving up and down his cock, until he suddenly shoved almost all the way inside, hitting the back of your throat. Raditz came with a guttural growl, his dick pulsing inside your mouth, and you tried hard not to choke, swallowing down as much as you could. His hips moved slowly, riding out his orgasm, and you dug your nails into his thighs, struggling to breathe, until he finally pulled out, a couple of cum drops falling from your lips onto the ground and your shirt.
His hand didn’t leave your head, trailing down and softly stroking your cheek as you tried to catch your breath. You were surprised he wiped away the few tears welling up your eyes. While he didn’t seem like a gentle man, some of his actions certainly were. 
“I’ll give you credit where credit is due.” Raditz looked lost, yet his eyes were even darker than before. “That mouth of yours is sure worth more than this planet.”
You looked at him quizzically for a second, as he kneeled down in front of you.
Oh, right. You were doing this for the Earth. 
“Does that mean you are gonna spare us?” You cleared your throat, and he ran his thumb over your chin, wiping away the remains of his load on your face.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Raditz leered at you, his eyes traveling down your body slowly, taking you in. “I still have to taste you.”
With a finger against your forehead, you were suddenly pushed on your back to the ground. You cried out, surprised that he had taken you down with only a finger. You shrieked again when he suddenly pulled your shorts and underwear down in one move. 
“Why are you yelling?” Raditz asked with a sneer, throwing your clothes behind him haphazardly. “Is this not part of the deal?”
“N-no, I was just surprised-” You gasped when he suddenly opened your legs, staring directly at your exposed sex, and you felt your face heat up abnormally under his gaze. 
You were obviously turned on, you must have been wet, you knew you were. But you didn’t want him to look at you in broad daylight, completely exposed. Though you seriously doubt he cared whether or not you were fully shaved or if your thighs were a little chubby, you were still self conscious. 
The look in his eyes confirmed that he didn’t give a shit about whatever insecurity you had about your body. He looked hungry, and you wondered briefly if he wasn’t going to literally devour you. 
“You are not… going to actually eat me, are you?” You asked, staring at him with a slightly worried expression.
“Of course not,” He snorted, his eyes settling on yours for a moment. “If I wanted that, I would have already done it.”
“That does not sound reassuring at all…”
You yelped when he suddenly bit down on your thigh, not hard to pierce the skin, but enough to make your body jolt. You gasped once more when he licked and sucked on that spot, surely leaving a bruise there. There was a tingle growing between your thighs as Raditz raised your leg, licking and nibbling at your bare skin. He took his time exploring both of your limbs, kissing, nipping and sucking various places he could reach, and you couldn’t help the moans spilling from your lips the closer he got to your entrance.
You were certainly not expecting this kind of foreplay. Especially not from a handsome alien who seemed to be there to wipe out humanity or something.
When he settled on a particular spot on your thigh, near your core, you whimpered pitifully. There was going to be bruises all over your legs and Raditz had taken his sweet time marking you, and yet he still hadn’t reached your most sensitive part. He chuckled darkly at the sounds you were making, apparently taking pity on you. 
“You’re driving me crazy,” He said, pulling away. “You must taste good if you smell this tempting.”
His words confused you, but you didn’t have time to dwell on them. He sat up, and you thought he was going to ease his cock inside you. Your breath got caught in your throat when he suddenly lifted your hips, bringing them up towards his face and bending you over with your legs up in the air, your upper back pressed on the ground. You couldn’t flush more even if you tried, your core was practically in his face as he wrapped his arms around your hips to keep you in place. You felt completely vulnerable, and you covered your face with your hands, almost ashamed at how aroused you felt by basically being at the mercy of such a man. 
“Are you really blushing, girl?” He snickered, his eyes looking at you from between your thighs. “Weren’t you begging for this?”
“I wasn’t begging!” You cried out when his breath ghosted over your lower lips, making you flinch. “Please stop playing with me…”
You wailed when his tongue traced your folds, slowly all the way up to your clit. 
“I thought you weren’t begging.” He mocked you, before licking inside you once more.
You whined weakly, too lost in the sensation of his mouth against you to even pay attention to what he just said. His tail wrapped around your waist, and you gasped when it squeezed you, finding the gesture reassuring. 
Raditz practically buried his face in between your legs as he devoured you. He messily dragged his tongue everywhere he could reach, not leaving any trace of your entrance untouched. He was gauging your reaction, paying attention to every sound coming from your lips and every move of your body. While every place he touched felt incredible, when his tongue flicked over your clit, you moaned louder and your legs twitched in response. He hummed, smiling against your skin, now focusing on lapping at your clit thoroughly. 
It was an uncomfortable position to be in; you placed your hands on his thighs, gripping onto him tightly, trying to find something to anchor yourself with as he dived into you. Your hips bucked as a reflex from the stimulation, but his arms around you kept them in place. Your legs flailed and twitched every time his warm tongue flattened on your clit, but you wished you could actually wrap them around his head to squeeze him. You were completely at his mercy, bent over and utterly devoured, all you could do was moan, your vision turning blurry around the edges. 
When Raditz suddenly eased two fingers inside you, you whimpered, feeling as if your entire body was on fire.
“Oh, God!” You moaned loudly when he pumped his fingers, feeling warmth in your belly growing tighter and tighter with each passing second.
He chuckled darkly against your skin, continuing to lick at your clit with precise pressure, his fingers curling inside you, touching where you needed him to. You couldn’t control your legs from jolting wildly, as your mind began to go blank.
You felt suddenly empty when Raditz removed his fingers and pulled his mouth away from you, making you whimper as the heat inside you slowly decreased. You were in a haze, breathing heavily, too overwhelmed to ask him why he stopped before you could reach your end. Trying to focus your eyes, you looked at him as he eased your hips back down, feeling the muscles of your back relax as you touched the ground.
“You taste so much better than I imagined,” Raditz wiped away the wetness from his face with the back of his hand, and he spread your legs open to settle in between them. 
His eyes were intense, blown by desire, as he looked into yours. You felt small in a delightful way; if he wanted to swallow you whole, you would let him gladly.
He leaned in and kissed you hungrily, tongue intertwining with yours immediately. You wrapped your arms around his neck, the cool material of his armor creating goosebumps all over your skin. His hair was surprisingly soft when you pet him, and you swore you heard him make a sound similar to a purr against your lips. 
You threw your head back, gasping and breaking the kiss when you felt his cock pushing into your entrance. Raditz grunted, burying his face into your neck, obviously feeling how tight you were around him. You clung onto him until he was fully sheathed by your warmth. It was a delicious stretch, with a tinge of pain that set your nerves ablaze. 
“Fuck, you’re tight…” He whispered against your ear, grazing his teeth on your earlobe. 
He pulled all the way out before slamming hard into you. You screamed, feeling him all the way inside you. You didn’t get a second to catch your breath as Raditz set up a harsh pace, thrusting into you roughly. 
Closing your eyes tightly, the dull ache of the stretch of his cock inside you began to fade with every snap of his hips against yours, until there was nothing but pleasure. Your gasps soon turned into moans, long and loud as he kept sliding into you deliciously hard. 
With his size and the rhythm of his thrusts, it was impossible for his dick not to stroke that sensitive spot inside you. The noises spilling from your lips got louder, your legs instantly wrapping around his waist to keep him as close as possible. Raditz groaned against your ear, nipping at the skin of your neck. 
“Feeling good?” The tone in his voice was meant to be teasing, but you knew he was too lost in the sensation of his cock wrapped around your wet warmth to truly mock you. 
You still nodded desperately, afraid he would stop like he did earlier. 
“I love it! Don’t stop!” You begged him, your grip around his shoulder tightening. 
Raditz groaned, pushing inside you almost violently, making you cry out. 
The world shrunk as Raditz kept ramming inside you, his dick opening you up with every move. You had quickly forgotten you were in an open field. Animals roamed those lands, and even people passed by every once in a while. You had no doubt anyone could see you or even hear you with how blaring your screams were, and even more so, the sound of skin slapping against skin was loud enough to catch anyone’s attention. 
But you didn’t give a shit at that moment, too busy feeling pleasure building back its intensity inside you with every slide of his thick cock into your core. 
You gasped, surprised, when he pulled out suddenly. Raditz turned you over in the blink of an eye, and you were face down on the ground as he lifted your hips up, gripping your flesh tightly as he plugged inside you swiftly. You wailed, his dick seemingly sliding more deeply into you from that position, reaching new places that made you see stars. 
The wind was knocked out of you and your whole body trembled when you felt one of his hands sneak around you to rub at your clit.
“You enjoyed being touched here?” He growled, thrusting into you in sync with the strokes of his fingers.
A stuttered moan was your answer.
You weren’t used to it being so rough. You weren’t sure if any human could actually be so rough. That must have been why it felt the way it did, so brutal yet so good, it was addictive. You didn’t want him to stop, you wanted to feel his cock pulse inside you when he came. 
Raditz grabbed your hips hard, most likely leaving marks on your skin, as he kept ramming into you at an almost violent pace. Your face was in the dirt, scraping against the grass, and your knees were starting to ache from being pounded so roughly from behind, but the pleasure was so good, so thrilling, it only added to your current state. 
You felt his tail take the place of his fingers, caressing your clit instead, and you dragged out a long moan. He was relentless as kept thrusting into you, but you noticed his hips faltering. He was getting close, but so were you. In fact, you weren’t sure you could put it off any longer. It was an incredible fuck, you didn’t want it to end just yet. 
You dug your hands into the ground, like trying to get a hold of something while his hips kept snapping against your ass, faster and harder. His tail increased the speed of its strokes on your clit, and you soon felt on the edge, ready to tip over.
“Oh God, fuck, fuck, please-!”
The words coming out of your mouth soon turned into indecipherable sounds when your orgasm washed over you. It was so intense, like electricity passing through your veins, as your whole body shivered and your toes curled. 
His rhythm faltered, Raditz feeling how you clenched around his cock when you came, and he groaned, holding onto you tighter, chasing his own climax. The way he kept slamming into you only prolonged your release, your walls still clamping around him, and you started whimpering.
With a growl, and his tail wrapping tightly around your waist, Raditz came inside you. He thrust into you hard, his dick throbbing and filling you up. His hips jerked forward a couple of times, riding out his orgasm, and your body quivered underneath him. 
You were both panting hard as you slowly came down from your high. He didn’t pull out immediately, and his body shifted behind you, his hands letting go of your hips. One of them sneaked around your neck, pulling you back from the ground to press you against his chest, and you gasped, still feeling his cock inside you.
“Fuck, girl, you did it, you have me hooked.” Raditz murmured into the skin of your cheek, voice hoarse. 
He turned your head to kiss you, sloppy and messy, and you tried to kiss him back, but you were still too far gone to properly do it. He broke the kiss but lingered on your lips, looking at you like he was still hungry for more.
“I want to have you more,” He said, running the back of his hand over your cheek. You were amazed; he was getting the dirt off your face. “Once I’m done with my mission, I’ll come find you.”
You blinked a couple of times, still in a haze. Was he actually saying those words?
Raditz pulled away then, and you hissed when he slipped out of you. You yelped when his hands squeezed your ass, before he stood up, rearranging his clothes and putting his armor back in place. You turned to lay on your side, still a little weary to get up, and you watched him curse under his breath as he grabbed the device he had discarded earlier. Voices were still coming from it, and he grimaced when he put it on his ear.
“Shut up, I’m going now!” He exclaimed to whoever was talking to him on the other side of the line. He gave you one last look before turning around.
You sat up, trying not to get yourself dirtier than you already were, and gasped when you saw him suddenly launch into the air and fly away. You stared blankly at the spot that was Raditz until you couldn’t see him anymore. 
He had actually flown into the sky. You weren’t exactly sure if you were dreaming or not. Everything was too crazy, even the sex had been crazy. Albeit crazy good, but still unbelievable. 
You gathered your clothes, putting them back on rapidly, trying to somehow shake the dust and dirt off of it, though you knew you would need to wash them and take a shower yourself. You looked for your phone that had fallen out of your pocket, quickly dialing a number on it. 
“Bulma, pick up!” You exclaimed, turning around and walking fast from where you came from. “You will shit your pants when I tell you what just happened!”
“That son of a bitch! He actually fucked an Earthling woman!” Nappa exclaimed, frustrated. 
Vegeta grunted, annoyed that a man could be so weak. No wonder he was a second class soldier. He didn’t use the right head. 
“And she sounded really spunky too!” Nappa went on. 
Vegeta didn’t even turn to look at him, going to sit on a fallen branch, on the planet they just purged. 
“Get a hold of yourself!” He yelled at his underling. “Raditz was an idiot for being so easily swayed by a female.”
“I know. But she did sound fun. You heard the noises she made.”
Vegeta growled. Of course he heard. He hadn't meant to but it was impossible not to when the noises coming from the scouters were so damn loud. He didn’t want to think that a woman would so easily offer herself like that, with such a vulgar display. What kind of disgusting people even inhabited that planet?
He shifted, readjusting his position to hide his erection. 
“Maybe we should go visit that place,” Nappa tried again. He did not try to hide his fascination over that encounter with an apparently hedonistic race. “There must be a reason why Kakarot decided to stay there all this time after all.”
“Are you insinuating we mate with those lowlifes?” Vegeta snarled. 
Nappa snorted and smirked.
“Not mate, but have fun. We can always purge that planet afterwards.”
‘Have fun’. How crude. At least Vegeta knew how to control such basic urges. 
“We’ll wait until Raditz finds his idiot brother.”
“Very well.” Nappa paused for a moment before speaking again. “Some of the inhabitants of that planet, the humans, are similar to our race in anatomy.”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow, waiting for his subordinate to continue.
“We could attempt to reproduce and bring the Saiyan race back to its glory.”
“You’re overstepping,” Vegeta grunted, angry that Nappa would propose such a repulsive idea. “Our blood will lose its honor if we mix it with an inferior species. Our power might even weaken. The offspring could have a ridiculous appearance, pink or even blue hair for all we know, it would be a disgrace.”
“Maybe you’re right. I would still like to stop off there.” Nappa smirked, licking his lips. “Raditz gave in easily, but there must be a reason for it.”
“He’s a fucking idiot.”
“Not all alien women look remotely close to us. Most of them are hideous. If he gave in, she must have been really attractive.”
Vegeta groaned, infuriated that the few Saiyans left were so stupid and lecherous, they would lose themselves so quickly into whatever pussy crossed their path. He ignored his own hard-on; if he got aroused it was simply a biological reaction. He would never succumb like that.
He did not comment anything else regarding the matter, and focused on Raditz, who seemed to have found his brother from what they could hear from the scouter. 
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quillomens · 7 months
Book Omens Week Day 1: Character Design
Can be read here on Ao3. My week's work is named "6000 Years of (Something?)"
Summary: Corporations were more a business asset than a personal thing, in the beginning.
The first time Aziraphale saw his eventual husband, the demon was a snake.
Aziraphale was standing on the wall of the Garden, contemplating the meaning of right and wrong as applied to the allocation of ethereal weapons when a large black snake slithered up beside him and commented, “Well, that went down like a lead balloon.”
(This is not precisely what he said, of course.  They were speaking in Enochian, which is not the most adaptable language in the world – think French but times 1000 – and lead balloons didn’t exist.  Translating from the ethereal language is tricky at best.  Please allow for artistic liberties.)
Aziraphale was understandably distracted, but it is impossible not to form first impressions in certain circumstances.  Personally meeting the snake whose temptations had changed the entire course of human history qualifies.
The demon was black from snoot to tail, with scales that shone with a rainbow of color in the sun.  His (Her?  Aziraphale was unclear enough on human sexes without taking demons or snakes into account.  Angels were sexless – did Falling stick demons with one or the other organ set?  How would he know?) the snake’s were bright and intelligent, the voice cautiously friendly.  A handsome snake, despite all the color they’d just caused.
The chatted for a bit, not yet under the pressure to battle that would develop over the next centuries.  At the end of the conversation, as the rain fell, Crawly slithered awkwardly away (the poor thing had legs just a couple of hours ago, after all – quite unfortunate for the species as a whole, it’s not as if Crawly was the genuine terrestrial article) and Aziraphale went to give the Eastern wall a check-over.  He assumed, logically enough, that he wouldn’t see the demon again.  After all, he belonged in Eden, and Crawly had been slithering off into the World.
The second time they met, they discorporated each other. 
It was an understandable if regrettable mistake.  They both looked drastically different from that day on the wall, and tensions had been on the rise between their respective home offices from the moment more demons slinked up in Crawly’s wake.  After all, Aziraphale expected Crowley to be a snake, and Crowley expected the off-the-line generi-angel he’d met a few decades prior.
The Principalities were among the first to receive earthly corporations, and they were basic at best. Clearly based on the appearance of Adam, they lacked a certain sense of fine detail.  Crowley would describe it (and did, to Aziraphale’s later frustration) as a “generic Ken doll with wings.”  Even his hair – dark like Adam and Eve’s, shorn short – had a too-even plastic look. 
But now his eyes were dark blue, his hair and skin a shade lighted to fit the move into northern Africa.  The sculpted perfection of his first body looked much more realistic – softer, more human.
But all Crowley say at first were the wings (angels fluttering them around in full sight was all the rage at the time) and immediately panicked (smiting on sight was also all the rage, and Crowley had just dug his way back to the surface after his last smiting).  So he panicked.  Ot, when filling out the paperwork later, “calmly booked it.”
Only the angel reached out and grabbed his elbow, and Crowley jerked, hissed, and only realized they were on an unfortunately high cliff (“I was watching the sunset,” Aziraphale defended himself primly millennia later.  “I am not responsible for you overreaction!”) when he teetered, the angel tottered, and they plunged to the forest below.
(“If you'd just let go-”
“Don’t try to pin this one on me, my boy!”)
It was only as the occult spirit of a black snake rose from the unfortunate body that a rolling celestial voice asked, “Crawly?”
“I’ve changed it to Crowley, actually,” the snake hissed as the recognized the shining scepter of a Principality.
“Oh,” the thunder said politely, “my apo-”
And then, they popped out of mortal existence and back to their home offices.
“Shhhhhoot,” Crowley muttered, and set off to begin the requisite paperwork for body number 4. 
They quickly learned to recognize each other by aura over the years.  The more often they met, the less importance physical appearance became.  It was too variable, based on time, place, and the look of local humans.  Besides, corporations were on loan, more or less, from Heaven and Hell - more corporate car than personal transportation.
There were Crowley’s eyes, of course, but the scaled yellow and black of his Core was easier to identify at any sort of distance.  And Aziraphale’s “smug angelic sparkle” (Crowley’s chosen wording) was certainly easier to spot than the occasion-specific corporations heaven assigned after his must rarer decorporations. 
It was the Arrangement that changed things.
They met up in England, where Aziraphale had been puttering around copying Old English texts with unwelcome Christian additions (the second half under orders from heaven).  Crowley came across from Spain, dark hair and warm tan, slender and lanky for sneaking snakily in the shadows.  Aziraphale was a smidge taller, broader in the shoulders and just starting to soften in the middle from the war-ready bodies he was always assigned.
The Arrangement was primarily a form of friendly laziness, born of the shared realization that their home offices were using them – and their precious time – to maintain some ethereal/occult balance on Earth.  But there were side effects – the sort which led to unaccustomed safety.
As they spent more time together, both heaven and hell formed the mistaken impression that they had become proper adversaries.  After all, why else would an angel and a demon spend so much time in relative proximity?  Certainly not to bicker and try out local wines and delicacies!  As such, they were considered each other’s problem, and other agents generally left them alone.  Swapping off jobs allowed them to do less work, but also created a point of content in case something went wrong.  (Being accused of witchcraft was a fairly common occurrence for both of them; within a decade of the Arrangement they both had the necessary religious raiment and/or angelic costuming to save the other from the edge of a blade or the crackle of flames). 
Aziraphale had a tendency to set down roots every once in a while, settling in for a few decades to read and hoard.  This gave Crowley an unofficial base of operations as well, which avoided the weather-related events that sometimes led to discorporation.  Sometimes he forgot to pay attention to things like hypothermia or dehydration.  But Aziraphale was all about snacks and drinks and warm blankets, so Crowley found himself inhabiting for the same body for close on 1000 years. 
So by the time Armageddon was on the rise, they had come to know each other not only by aura, but by face.  Crowley knew the dark blue eyes, the softness purposefully maintained over the angelic muscles underneath – the curve of his cheek, the hint of a second chin, the bitchy twitch of his lips, the impeccable hands. The angel’s hair curled around his ears, dark blond or pale brown, carefully nondescript, and he wore glasses he didn’t need because he liked the aesthetic, though he was too stubborn to admit it.  Crowley despaired over his light colored button ups and collection of sweater vests and bowties.  Why he’d decided to just stop in the 50s and stay there was a mystery even to Aziraphale’s closes frienemy.  Aziraphale’s appearance was about softness, approachability, all wrapped up in outfits more suited for four decades prior.
And Aziraphale felt Crowley walking in the shop, of course – the shop was fond of Crowley and refused to shut him out – but it was the sight of dark hair in the latest style, watchful eyes, sharp features, just handsome enough to tempt, but not to be too memorable.  His movements, clothes, hair, sunglasses, all of it was designed to make him dashing, cool, human.  Seeing it always made the angel smile, quite despite himself.
They were comfortable, their corporations.  Recognizable as the odd pair who met in the park or at the Ritz.  Homey.  Home.  Specialized and settled as surely as the bookshop.
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rainesol · 3 months
How I write Naga characters! (LONG post)
I need somewhere to lay out Ksho’s anatomy and fit it into the lore, so here’s how I personally write half-snake characters. This version is to fit into the TWST lore, but it can work anywhere. I’m not at all an expert, but I am an animal sciences/zoology student, so I hope this is at least interesting o7 Feel free to use these headcanons lol
As a disclaimer, I am writing this about a character based on an Indian rock python, but I’ll leave little notes here and there on how this would work in general. Etymology wise, I will be referring to the character as a Naga, as the character I am writing for is South Asian. The name Lamia could be used for Greek or North African characters :D I will be referring to the ‘human half’ as the anterior body, and the ‘snake half’ as the posterior body, as my character is obviously not a human OR a snake.
To start with, I don’t consider Naga characters to be beastmen, and instead belong to their own classification that includes centaurs, cervitaurs and any reptilian or mammalian ‘merfolk’. They are a convergent species to snake beastmen and humans as a whole and have no real relation. I’ll be starting from the head and working down to the tail.
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Ksho only has hair on his head, eyebrows and eyelashes, as is typical for his species. This is implied to have evolved from something similar to feathers, as he uses the serpentine idiom ‘Do feathers still grow from your skull?’ However, it is fine to not explain this. After all, if a platypus can lay eggs, a fictional reptile can grow hair. He can’t grow any other kind of body hair. His pupils are vertically slit. This DOES NOT mean he is venomous!!!! This means he is better suited for dark environments. He doesn’t have visible heat pits, but is written to ‘see’ heat in a way similar to a human seeing heatwaves off of a hot car, by his own description. This is left mostly unexplained 🥲 He has pointed ears with scales on the back, and he has a forked tongue and a vomeronasal organ.
Dentition wise, he has long thin teeth. These teeth curve back into the mouth, and get longer the further in they are. He cannot chew. The back teeth move forward and back as he opens his mouth to make room. His ‘dimples’ are actually the points where the skin on his cheeks can stretch back to. Like snakes, he can’t actually unhinge his jaw. The two halves are not fused, and merely stretch out. His anterior rib cage, collarbone and pelvis also all stretch very far, which he demonstrates in book 3 by pulling his ribs out, much to everyone’s disgust.
Snake teeth are shaped like this to guide food back and to hold prey still, but the addition of opposable thumbs is vastly more helpful. I imagine that the other ‘sharp’ teeth, such as the leech twins can chew to a certain extent, but will typically just swallow manageable bites, like an eel would.
The anterior body is mostly oesophagus, but it also contains the anterior heart and the first lung, similar in size to one that a human would have, the heart slightly larger. They provide oxygen and blood flow to the brain, arms and extremities. They have no nipples or breast tissue! They are reptiles, eat solid food from birth, and hatch with all their teeth. There is never a reason for them to drink milk. There’s also no visible navel, the area covered by belly scales in a pattern similar to stomach hair to make the transition easier. (The area where the yolk connects is further down) The scales wrap around the hips, and can range from only going slightly up the anterior body, to all the way over the shoulders.
Snakes shed all at once. Naga bodies will shed the posterior scales all at once, and the scaleless skin will shed similar to peeling off dried glue 😬
Moving on to the posterior body, the majority ‘leg’ portion of the body and some of the body on the ground is stomach. He also has a posterior lung and heart, which is much larger. He can hold his breath for around thirty minutes without issue. The liver is a little further down, leading up to the gallbladder and small intestine. Then it’ll lead up to the kidneys, reproductive system and the rest of the digestive system. (I’m sure nobody wants me to go on and on about snake anatomy lol)
Like snakes, they are cold blooded, and are susceptible to different illnesses due to this. Their movement is quite reliant on the CNS, meaning sudden movements can lead to injuries, as they could lunge on instinct. They’re very androgynous as a whole, though the females are typically bigger. Constrictors don’t focus on removing the ability to breathe and actually are strong enough to constrict blood flow to the heart. However, with an intelligent species capable of hunting with tools, this isn’t necessary. That sensitivity to vibrations is still very handy though.
Pythons move by pulling themselves straight forwards by ‘walking’ with their ribs. I divert from this, as I imagine Kshoshurankha moving in the swaying side-to-side way. It just better matches his personality, and works better with the humanoid part imo. He moves forward straight when ‘dragging his feet’ or tired
The posterior body ends with the vent, and like snakes, Naga also have spurs residual from evolution. (They’re little protrusions on snakes that are the residual legs from evolution on either side of the cloaca.) After that, the ACTUAL tail begins. Most pythons tails are able to hang on and hold its whole body weight. The fact that the organs go through the whole body gives me the belief that they would not be able to take human potions like the merfolk would, as it would be too big a change and send them into shock. (I imagine the leech twins are around 10-15ish feet, the majority of which being tail, and the most vital organ systems ending at the mid ‘thigh’ area)
This isn’t at all gospel for Kshoshurankha’s lore and was mostly written due to my special interest in anatomy and zoology. I’m 100% open to any questions! (or suggestions) I’ll probably make a second post adding on to the life stages and other random trivia anyways \o/
Kshoshurankha (the character I reference multiple times) is 17 and in high school. Any asks about him that are genuinely disturbing, gory or in anyway unsavoury are not welcome.
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silvermistanimelover · 10 months
Hi I can tell you aren’t super active here so no worries, take your time, but do you have a description for Yatir? I’d love to draw him but I haven’t shown my face in the LU server since literally like, this time last year, so I’m a little nervous. I’ve been reading ‘A Hero’s Spirit’ since the early days (and have reread it more than a few times in the space between updates) and he’s so cool, my favourite little guy.
I also really hope you’re the right guy but how many other silvermistanimelovers can there be lol
Ah! yes, I'd love it if you drew Yatir! :D Fun fact, his basic appearance is based off a character named Galliard from a manwha called Second Life Ranker.
Anyways, here's Yatir's description.
Name: Yatir
Species: Sheikah
Appearance: Somewhat tan skin, about matching with Wild (maybe a little darker), with bright blue eyes. They're icy in coloration, one of his most striking features. He has white hair that's just a bit shorter than Wild's (though roughly the same length), usually kept tied back in a bun or a high ponytail depending on the situation.
General of the Hyrulian Royal Forces Uniform (Yatir): "He was still in his own royal guard uniform—a white shirt with royal blue accents and aged golden chains that hung from his breast pocket. His small cloak bore the symbol of the Hyrulean Royal Guard—the Sword that Seals the Darkness overtop the Sheikah Eye. From his left ear hung a little golden Triforce with a Sheikah Blue gem in the middle—something that was uniquely Yatir’s and showed his position as the Captain of the Royal Guard. " –A Hero's Spirit: Echoes in Time
Normal Clothes/Travel Clothes: Blue outfit that looks like a cross between Link's Champion's Tunic outfit (obviously with more sheikah-like designs on the tunic than the sword) and the more traditional Sheikah armor set. It has accents of a very light blue (so light it almost looks white), and aged gold (for these specific colors, check the flag). Dark blue, off-white blue and aged gold are the colors of the kingdom. Note that Yatir still wears the golden Triforce earring from his Official Uniform.
◊ Extra info: His tunic is the same shade as the Champions' fabrics. In an 'off-screen' moment in the story, Arcadius gave Yatir a Champion's Tunic of his own (with permission of the other Champions). Since the Sheikah themselves never had an official Champion, Arc has designated Yatir. Though it's not 'official' as the meaning of Champion has changed, the sentiment is still there. Yatir adores his tunic, and is proud to be considered an honorary Champion.
Weapons: Twin short-swords (of the Sheikah Weapon variety. The glowy-blue ones). They were made by Robbie specifically for Yatir.
I hope this is enough info! :) I'd love to see whatever you create!
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mojo-chojo · 2 years
After learning that harpy eagles live in the tropical forests of South America and have big cats and humans as natural predators, I got thinking: how did harpy Grian get stuck somewhere with a snowy winter? (To tie in with the idea that Blue Soul presented a while ago) Only to remember that humans often capture animals to put them in zoos or exhibits. Now, I know that kidnappings are unoriginal and very cliché, but hear me out
Grian got injured while hunting, humans found him and handed him over to an organization for his rehabilitation but he would be kept in containment because he’s ✨special✨. Heck, maybe his wings got clipped to make the plane trip easier. After landing in North America, he pulled some stunt to escaped into the forest, and travelled despite the cold to get away. He ended up finding whatever vampire Mumbo calls a home after almost two days of travel[2nd day was hard due to drops in temperature+the snowing] but no one answered when he knocked. At that point, he didn’t have much energy left and the cold was getting to him so he sat against the door and waited. For what? Who knows, death, family, someone to open that dang door, he didn’t even realize that he had fallen asleep until he woke up inside a dark house in front of a fire, laying on a sofa with a blanket covering him. Some guy was sitting near, seemingly absorbed in a book but he kept having to push out of the way a stubborn strand of his dark long hair. “Nice moustache” the avian stated, nearly making the poor vampire jump out of his skin. [I am sorry this is so long, love your work and can’t wait to see more! Have a great day]
my spicy chicken au harpies and birds of a feather au harpies are based off the mythological harpies and not the bird species one but thank you for animal facts! they're always interesting to listen to
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