#and his playlist is perfect
animelover20 · 2 months
A small doffy fucker idea + the fucker himself cause I'm bored and want to share.
Small warnings: spoilers for dressrosa(bit of the fuckers past is mentioned but not a lot) either than that it's just some random ideas about some songs and my thoughts.
You guys know what I really want to do.
Get good at animation so I can show you guys all the crazy shit that goes through my head when I listen to my doffy playlist or sleep token/bad omens in general.
That shit is amazing and I wish I could just rip the images out of my head and slap them into an animation.
Take me back to eden is so good to imagine too especially for doffy because mother fucker was literally taken out of the one piece equivalent to Eden. And I immediately thought of doffy when hearing the song for the first time because holy shit it fits well.
You know while we're on the topic of that I might as well mention the playlist I have of him. Cause part of me wants someone to ask why I have certain songs in my doffy playlist ESPECIALLY any sleep token just so I can ramble about my thoughts. And I want to ramble about something like that because it just seems fun to share my ideas and why that song and it's entirety relates to him.
I should really make a post about that but oh well I'll just wait till someone asks. On that note if you ever want to send me an ask regarding my playlist please feel free,as long as your respectful I don't mind and I really like talking about it but never find an opportunity too.
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puppyeared · 1 month
vincent voice claim!! hes auggie and anton's son ^_^
VA: Catbug from Bravest Warriors, voiced by Sam Lavagnino
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the-fae-tricked-me · 8 months
My perfect man? Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect. Will I elaborate? No. If you know, you know, and if you know, you will understand completely. I rest my case
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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my favorite cringefail son ⚡✨
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pinimi · 10 months
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me who already put everyday on my ineffable husbands playlist but has to remove it again because it turned out to be ineffable bureaucracy theme
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aq2003 · 2 months
here is my 10th doctor playlist! give it a listen if u want :]
the songs are ordered (vaguely) chronologically and by series, the sections are as follows:
rose: song for ten -> everything changes in time
martha: my angel put the devil in me -> against the kitchen floor
the master: this is gallifrey: our childhood, our home -> green jewels
donna: a noble girl about town -> the frost
post-journey's end: song for ten (reprise) -> cicada days
time lord victorious: your eyes, will i ever -> take me as i am
the end of time: time and i -> flight of the crows
60th specials: wave after wave -> inertia
some personal favorites on this playlist:
i'm born to run by american authors
space girl by frances forever
day & night by billie piper
walk backwards by maude latour
astronomy by conan gray
everything changes in time by madds buckley
have you met miss jones? by frank sinatra
marsha, thankk you for the dialectics, but i need you to leave by will wood
the fall by half-alive
twenty twelve by matt maeson
canary in a coal mine by the crane wives
against the kitchen floor by will wood
at my back by madds buckley
the mountain song by tophouse
move me by half-alive
h.s by tom cardy
pompeii by bastille
the frost by mitski
scrawny by wallows
cicada days by will wood
time and i by jukebox the ghost
flight of the crows by jhariah
wave after wave by sleeping at last
inertia by ajr
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rathologic · 4 months
I've always found Alexander Saburov interesting, especially P1 Rubin's take on him where he tells how Alexander in incognito saved people from burning house and went unrecognized for the deed (nor flaunted it). Wonderful and easy to miss characterization.
YES saburov's fucked up sense of performing duty by putting himself at risk... my favorite... have had thoughts brewing in response to this that aren't quite cooked enough yet but it's very much a gendered standard that he holds himself to IMO, of idealized masculinity as a responsibility. as an active role and as the way things must be done. making the choices that he thinks need to be made regardless of how bad they are for him. pairing beautifully with katerina's self-destructive attempts to conform to the extremely feminine-gendered role of mistress, pairing wonderfully with the two of them's catastrophic attempt to conform to the heteropatriarchal nuclear family archetype by adopting the changeling :^) and especially how this is a function of how saburov relates to his Job, a role that's been passed down in his family and Actually Is critical to the function of the Town, inescapably so as long as the system of rulers exists
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harbingersecho · 8 months
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ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you
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putting one more Cinderglass drabble request in your askbox (i am so sorry for the spam but i’ve been thinking about them nonstop aghfsk). again, feel free to ignore this!
i‘d love to see Sarah help Lex work through a panic attack or a traumatic flashback! maybe either so that he doesn’t have to drown himself in alcohol about it or she’s helping and calming him down while he’s drunk
Wildefire Masterlist
cw: alcoholism, emeto, hallucinations, withdrawals
He'd been sober for thirty seven hours.
Not long at all, really, but it was something, and he was trying, and it was fine.
Well, it was fine for thirty seven hours.
Outright quitting was the only thing Lex dared to do. Trying to just cut back wouldn't work, because what was cutting back? He didn't keep track of how much he drank anymore, he just drank until he felt like it was enough. Even just trying to regulate himself to one a day seemed risky business. Would he be able to stop, once he started?
He didn't want to find out.
Lex didn't tell Sarah, didn't want her saying it was a bad idea or insisting on staying with him. It was a rough ride ahead, and he didn't want to somehow hurt her in the throes of his panic or sickness. He... He didn't want her to see him like that.
So he locked himself in his room, told her not to bother him this week, that he'd be busy. The safehouse was old and decrepit but huge, and his room had a small bathroom attached, something he was doubly grateful for now.
He stocked his room with water bottles. It was impossible not to think of Sarah whenever he looked at their plastic cases now, Sarah staying up until early daylight, because she was worried. That was good. He could use his guilt there as a reminder; a reason to hold out.
He sipped at them and stared at the wall, every light in the room on, the old radio Sarah had gotten for him positioned at the foot of his bed. She'd given him a battered CD case with it, packed full of a few dozen discs. A Guns n Roses album was currently in, playing just loud enough to pull his thoughts.
She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories
By now, Lex was pretty good at doing nothing, letting himself sink into the thankfulness that nothing was being done to him. Even a year after the Tower and weeks free of Uriah, the talent hadn't faded. Day one turned into night, and he didn't dare fall asleep. Just swapped one CD for another and let his mind cling to the lyrics.
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
It was around hour twenty two that the headache started, and it only got worse from there. Not long after that, Lex was clinging to the toilet bowl, heaving up the half-dozen water bottles he'd drank throughout the day, his head swimming, the pit in his stomach insisting couldn't he just do this later? Would it hurt to have one drink, to get rid of this shitty feeling?
No. All or nothing.
He moved the radio to the bed, putting his ear to the speaker, trying to drown out everything else. The album came to an end, and he replaced it with another, as quick as he could without scratching the disc with his stupid metal fingers.
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes
Fuck. He just needed to hold out, just for a few days, and this would be over. A little self control, and maybe he could call himself worthy of the people here. Not a loose end. Not an ex-enemy or a liability. Something better.
Lex wrapped the sheets around himself, held the pillow over his head to try and ease the pounding in his skull with the pressure. It didn't help. He almost fell asleep, but the nausea pulled at his stomach and his skin was crawling and too hot, and then he was throwing off the blankets; stripping down to his boxers in an effort to ease the heat.
Exhausted but unable to find sleep, he sat with his back against the cool wall and sipped water, trying to find the lyrics again and hold them.
I don't really want to stop the show
But I thought you might like to know
That the singer's gonna sing a song
And he wants you all to sing along
It didn't help, it wasn't enough. His own body was fighting him, roiling nausea and sickness insisting all he needed was one drink and it could all go away, it could all be okay (fray, gray, stay).
The radio hummed as the CD came to an end, a few seconds passing before the album began again.
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
At long last, his own exhaustion was catching up to him, and he dragged himself back onto the bed, the heavy feeling in his chest spreading to his eyes and mind, as the music faded to a buzz and sleep overcame him.
He woke in the Tower.
It was impossible, he knew it was, but the fear seized him all the same, the crushing weight of walls he couldn't escape, the knowledge that this time, there would be no one to free him; this time he was here for good.
And the floor was wrong and Lex knew there was never music, but he fucking knew where he was.
He sat up, wincing at the sharp pain that rang through his skull at the movement, forcing down rising nausea. No one here cared if he was sick, if he was hurt, they'd hurt him more anyway, they'd do what it took to keep him down, keep him in line. He wrapped his arms
(Arms? It's wrong, stop, you aren't---)
around himself, squeezing his torso with a pressure that wasn't comforting. He felt shaky, blurred, weak. Had they drugged him?
(just one drink and this all goes away)
He tried to reach for the techniques he'd used to get through the days, tried to remember the things he'd done to stay sane, to stay alive, but any useful memory fell through his hands like sand, leaving nothing but the shadows, the nightmares (snares, glares, spares).
He knew what happened here, in his cell (hell). He knew what was waiting to spring on him at any moment, what would surely come for him if he let his guard down (drown), if he fell asleep, if he---
"Morning, scum."
Lex froze as the door swung open. Morning? But it was so dark, but it was always dark, the light never hits you here, and when it does there are worse things waiting---
"I knew you'd come crawling back. This is where you belong, it's home."
He could hear the voice clear as day, but couldn't see its owner. It didn't sound like Wade. It almost sounded like...
"Alexei. Did you really think you could hide from me?"
Uriah Fox stood over the bed, a smug smile plastered on his face.
"No," Lex choked out. "Y-you can't--"
"You always knew it would end this way."
(Fray, pray, stray)
He climbed onto the bed, straddling Lex, easily pinning him despite being so much smaller, despite Lex being so much stronger, and he couldn't move, he couldn't breathe---
The pressure in his chest faded, and he gasped for air, squinting into the dim light, unable to make out anything. A hand fell onto his shoulder, giving it a light shake, and he flinched back.
Sarah? He forced himself to breathe deeply, ease his eyes open. Her silhouette was blurry above him, and it was only then that he realized he was crying.
He brushed the tears away hastily with the back of his hand. "You... You should go," he managed to say.
She sighed. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I just... I heard you... screaming. Not loud or anything, but..." She tapped her earlobe. "Can't get much past these."
He swallowed, trying to push himself into a seated position, but his shoulders shook, his stomach twisting, and he fell back onto the pillow.
"Lex..." She bit her lip. "You could've told me. You know you don't have to do this alone."
He almost laughed out loud at that. What other way was there? It was his body, his choices, his mistakes. He'd drowned himself for too long, hoping it could save him, knowing it never would. He was reaping his rewards. No one else should have to deal with the mess that was him.
"I'm not your problem," he murmured, letting his eyes close again. What could she do, besides be there to fill the silence when music wasn't enough? Besides grounding him and telling him it wasn't real, he wasn't there?
"You're not a problem, Lex," she said, her voice serious. Tired. How late was it? Even trying to be fucking better, he was still screwing up her life.
"I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?" She kicked at an empty water bottle. "Is this the best way? I'm glad you're trying, I am, but don't you think it'll be easier on you if you come downstairs and hang out?"
He didn't want any of them to see him like this. "What good would that do?"
"Distract you, for one. For another, it'll be easier to remember meals. When's the last time you've eaten something?"
He sank further onto the bed, his gut twisting again at the thought of food. "I don't know."
"And have you been drinking anything besides water?"
"No, that's--that's the whole point, I'm not---"
"That's not what I meant. Electrolytes? A protein shake, maybe?"
"No," he answered after a moment.
She dropped her eyes, a grimace tugging at her mouth though she seemed to be trying to hold it back.
"Do you not think I can do this?"
"I think you're punishing yourself," Sarah said. "And I think you should stop."
Was he? His head spun almost too much to think about it. This wasn't self-inflicted punishment, it was cause and effect. It was something he had to get through if he ever wanted to move past the Tower.
"It'll be over soon," he muttered, and he hoped he was right.
She dipped her head, pressing her lips together tightly, and pushed off of the bed, moving to sit cross-legged on the floor.
"Look, I don't wanna push your boundaries, but I can't leave you like this. It's not safe."
"It'll get worse from here."
"Which is why I'm staying." She gave him a stern look. "If you want to be alone, I'll leave, but I'll be right outside your door."
Lex clenched his jaw. "I'll be fine."
"You're detoxing. You're already feverish. What if you start seizing up?"
"Then I've already dug my own grave."
"Lex." Her expression darkened. "You can't keep doing this."
"This is the only time--"
"Not this. Self-destructing. You..." She did grimace then, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You keep hurting yourself, and I can't keep watching."
He pressed his cheek further into the pillow, knees drawing to his chest. "Then why do you?" he said. "Why haven't you thrown me out yet?"
The words came out too angry. Accusatory. His own fault. Any filter he had was lessened by the pain in his head and the nausea and the fucking exhaustion. He didn't want her to throw him out, he... he needed her. Not in some bullshit emotional way, but as a reminder that there were still good things. Things worth fighting for, worth living for.
"I'd never throw you out," Sarah said, her expression turning to something that bordered playful. "I like you too much for that, you know. I just..." She exhaled through her nose, pushed soft dark hair over her shoulder. "I want you to try, okay? Can you agree to try to do what's best for yourself? To stop taking the harder path just because?"
Could he? Even if he wanted to? The harder path was what he was used to. Less traveled, less trapped. Suffering for a goal was a habit. Muscle memory.
Would the path to freedom be as clear if there was no pain to pave it?
Still, something in her voice pulled Lex to nod against the pillow. "I'll try."
Her smile shifted to something more genuine. "That's all I'm asking." She began to push herself up. "I'll, uh... I'll be in the hall then. You are eating breakfast in the morning, mister."
"You... You don't have to do that," he started.
"Do what? Bring you food? Or stand guard? I already said I'm not leaving you alone--"
"You don't have to stay in the hall." Lex swallowed (followed), and it took him a second to form the words. "You can stay here. If you... If you want to."
Her expression softened. "Yeah. I do."
She found a spare pillow and blanket in the room's closet and began to settle down on the floor beside him, picking out a new CD to start the music playing again.
While we're on the subject, could we change the subject now
"I'm here if you need me."
"I know." I need you.
It was a paradox. The easier path to recovery, to a clear head, to control being the more difficult one. Because it was untravelled. Because he almost felt he didn't deserve it, that he should bear the punishment for his own vices.
But even if the path was unchartered, he had a guide. For once, he didn't have to walk it alone.
oh, and we carried it all so well
Tag List:
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing , @bloodinkandashes , @fleur-alise , @whumpy-daydreams , @whumpwillow , @honeycollectswhump , @snakebites-and-ink
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coldshrugs · 8 months
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look into your heart, pretty baby is it aching with some nameless need?
@ryuichifoxe has done it again: io and estinien mush round 2!!!
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mel-loly · 8 months
-The Zombie Song! <3
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lil-shiro · 10 months
What’s his playlist like? What’s he listening to all the time in those AirPods? Drop the Spotify Lance
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squiirby · 1 year
for my own mental health i ignore the fact that spotify sends a notification to the music artists when you add their song to a playlist, so as far as i'm concerned that's not a real thing and will never affect me. and for larger artists this is probably true. but unfortunately i must sleep at night knowing that somewhere out there is a semi-underground up and coming music artist who certainly knows that i associate their probably personal original song with invader zim (2001). should i send them an apology letter? bake them a "sorry i blorboified your song about your traumas" cake? wait... hang on let me do that really quick
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forevercloudnine · 9 months
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on again and off again and on again and
batcat break up and/or hook up playlist (Spotify || Youtube)
Too Close Sir Chloe // Lost Kitten Metric // Blah Blah Blah The Oozes // Wet Dazey and the Scouts // get him back! Olivia Rodrigo // Rehab People Planet // Margarita Spin Doctors // Paris Kate Nash // Denial Thing Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra (Spotify Alt: Gives You Hell All-American Rejects) // I Really F**cked It Up GIRLI // Good in Bed Dua Lipa
#batcat#bruce wayne#selina kyle#catwoman#gotham war#kind of. this playlist has been in progress for several years but gotham war was what finally compelled me to finish it#it's been sitting in my in-progress private playlist folder as 'epic divorce hours' since 2021#okay so this goes selina pov -> bruce pov -> selina pov etc until the very last song#'too close' is selina being tired of the fragile rich boy telling her what to do like he doesn't have his own problems#'lost kitten' is bruce classism hours plus like. lost kitten catwoman do you need me to debase myself by explaining this#'blah blah blah' is literally an anti-tory hate anthem#which i think is funny as a selina breaking up with law-and-order-billionaire bruce wayne moment. but also his eyes are blue 💙#'wet' is bruce left-at-the-altar self pity hour with a cameo from his eternal death wish#'get him back!' fits the 'i love you but fuck off' thesis of the playlist but also 'when he said something wrong he'd just fly me to france#is just such a funny line for selina. to me#'rehab' is bruce hypocritically wanting selina to fix herself and get her act together and then giving up on her#margarita is the divorce song of all time so i had no choice in adding it. and it did have to be selina's because bruce is not a drinker#but 'take the salt from my wounds and put it in my margarita' is also in general selina attitude rather than a bruce one#'paris' is bruce bemoaning that selina never listens to him re: too close from the beginning#'denial thing' is SUCH a perfect selina yelling at bruce song it kills me that it's not on spotify. whatever#'gives you hell' is an adequate replacement for the spotify version because bruce IS still working at a 9[pm] to 5[am] pace#and it does taste bad. and also his shiny car did not get him far#'i really f**cked it up' (asterisks are in the actual song title unfortunately) is bruce's anger issues guilt complex etc#and then 'good in bed' is for both of them because it's them hooking up after an argument. boom playlist over#playlist#<- remembering my tag organization system at the very end of a wall of text that is way too long for how short this playlist is
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We don't deserve him. He's the literal best!
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