#and honestly that’s a really cool thing to do but being a senior who had the grades to pass that class without doing the presentation
red-hot-kick · 5 months
Theory: Ryuji was popular, before.
I'm not entirely sure if anyone has really talked about this but I maintain my interpretation that, in the canon of Persona 5, Ryuji used to be very (or at least moderately) popular prior to the events of the story.
This is something I've gotten into before when talking to friends who like the game and the character, but I haven't really considered writing it down until now. The main argument I have is based on three things:
Things Ryuji alluded to in canon (but no one believed him on)
The deliberate choice of making him a track athlete
Typecasting for voice actors
1: "There were girls all over me!"
I don't really have the time to go on a deep dive through all the instances in which he hints at his reputation before the Kamoshida incident, but I think the most clear-cut representation of this was during the scene where he and Ann spend the day with Futaba during her post-palace social rehabilitation:
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So here's the thing...I don't think he's lying about this. Nobody in the room would be that impressed to find out whether Ryuji was popular since they are already friends (or in Mona's case, he really just doesn't care), so it wouldn't make sense for him to lie.
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Regarding everyone's reactions though, here's my impression: Ann was simply not aware of what was going on with the track team, being predominantly focused on dealing with rumors, her friendship with Shiho, and her modeling career (and eventually Kamoshida's advances once he started doing that shit) and she mentions a few times that she and Ryuji weren't actually close before joining the PT; they were just in the same class in middle school. Futaba hasn't interacted with anyone her age in years and isn't the most reliable source when it comes to what people generally find attractive; just because she doesn't have any interest in Ryuji doesn't mean that nobody her age would. And Morgana is a cat that brags constantly about how cool he is, so he shouldn't be throwing rocks.
There are many other times in the game when you get little glimpses of his social savvy, and from my understanding of Royal (I'm an OG vanilla P5 player and haven't done 3rd-semester yet, so don't kill me) when the track team returns to "how it was", he is getting along extremely well with everyone. Not only was he the team's ace: this kid was also expected to become the captain by his senior year (as briefly mentioned when he bumps into his former senpai at the gym, iirc). That's huge! If his team held him in such high regard, then the general student body of Shujin surely had a similar opinion. This brings me to my next point:
2: Girls like boys that run fast(???)
This is honestly something that baffles me. It's also really difficult for me to substantiate; any source material on this is obviously in Japanese and if I could find any of it, I sure as hell can't read it. The only English-language source I know of I cannot find anymore; I think it was an old Tofugu article? However. If you've watched any romance anime set in a high school during the last 20 years, you might have seen this trope at some point: the school sports festival is happening, and the relay race is kind of a huge deal (it's the final event! a make-or-break moment for the class!). The boy thinks to himself "If I win this race, I'll be able to win her heart/ask her out/etc." Low-stakes drama ensues. Maybe a confession happens.
This is (from what I've been told) based on a long-standing trend of girls and women self-reporting in surveys about how, oftentimes, their crushes in junior or senior high school were simply "the boy who ran the fastest in the races". I have no idea what this means in a broader cultural context. It makes no goddamn sense to me at all. Do not cite me on this. But I think it's worth keeping in mind, even if it's almost entirely speculative (and possibly outdated) information. And even if it's just based on rumors, don't you think it's pretty in-character for Ryuji to go for a track scholarship—despite being adept at other sports like baseball and football/soccer, as mentioned in P5 and P5D—because he was aware of the potential of being more popular with girls? Of course, his priority would be getting the scholarship and paying his way through school to lighten his mother's burden, but hey, getting a girlfriend on the way up wouldn't be half bad!
I think this could also inform us as to why Kamoshida (as a predator who wanted attention from high school girls) felt so threatened by the track team in particular, and why he felt a need to specifically knock Ryuji down a peg and sought out a weakness to do so (as opposed to targeting any of the probably just-as-popular boys on the many other athletic teams and clubs in the school). Just some food for thought on this one! Also, if anyone can find a source or has any insight on the relay race thing, please share. I am so confused about it.
3: Typecasting
So this is something that you really only notice if you are very into keeping up with seiyuu in Japan. I am not one of those people. But I do have some favorite voice actors! One of these being Mamoru Miyano.
So I freakin' love this dude. He's voiced a lot of my favorite characters, sings incredibly well, and has an unreal sense of comedy. He's stated in interviews that his acting inspiration is Jim Carrey, and let me tell you: it shows. He is also quite consistently typecast into certain roles, predominantly as princely pretty-boy types, Coolguys, or complete fucking nutcases. Sometimes all three at the same time (shoutout to my boy Ling FMA!)
ATLUS definitely cast him for P5 because of his comedic chops. But I think they also cast him because having him voice someone like Ryuji is a great way to subvert expectations for the player. I think it's supposed to give you whiplash—"what do you mean the voice of LIGHT FUCKING YAGAMI is coming out of this guy's mouth?" "why does the delinquent character sound like king of the host club Tamaki Suou?" "isn't that Rin Matsuoka's voice?" etc. etc. etc.
(here's a quick list, just to really get the idea across. maybe you recognize a few.)
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This is obviously a non-comprehensive list, but something that a lot of the characters he's voiced over the years have in common is that they were considered cool, handsome, or popular. Not just for fans, but within the canon of their stories! So...what does that mean? What does that say about how we should see Ryuji?
I think players are supposed to expect that he will fall into one of those categories too, and then be surprised to find that it's not the case—that he's been isolated and made bitter and resigned by what happened to him the year before.
Speaking of his tone, I think it's very telling that Ryuji actually forgets to keep up the delinquent act a lot in the original JP audio, which unfortunately doesn't really carry over in the ENG translation. The delivery of his JP lines sounds a bit more subdued in comparison too—yeah he's got a lot of energy and is very hotheaded, but when he gets to talking about serious shit, he sounds a lot more regretful and melancholy as opposed to the EN delivery which depicts him as more resentful and outwardly angry. I think before Shit Went Down, he probably had the Coolguy vibe. Still a bit of a rowdy idiot and a showoff, but I think he probably came across to most people as a very friendly, sincere, and popular guy.
So yeah, the girls probably were all over him, at least for a short while.
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
I’m kind of in a similar situation to your college indecisiveness post bc I want to shift but never have the time cuz all this studying. I’m really hating life rn. I’ve tried shifting a few times and managed to detach my awareness from this reality for a few minutes at a time, so i know what works for me, but I never have time to do it. I feel kind of drained that I could be achieving so much but I’m stuck not even having the time cuz I’m not smart enough to get done with all this HW fast enough
TLDR how do I be cool like you and too smart for school to be a big concern? Do I just say f**k it and do a shifting attempt when I’m supposed to be studying?
This was such a sweet ask 😭😭💖 I'm overwhelmed by the sweetness of your words, and I assure you, I'm far from being as cool as you think. In fact, I found myself facing the very same dilemma in the past! Now, I'm not sure if you're looking for some wisdom from Loa or valuable studying tips, so ill share a little bit of both? Also college-related questions/asks have been pouring in lately, so I've decided to address them all right here. I should probably just make it a post but I’ll use this ask as a reference.
Pre law perspective:
So my senior year, was when I really started my journey. It was during this time that I learned about shifting and manifesting (kind of law of attraction) so I naturally attempted everyday and had my focus to that. However, I basically spiraled into burnout and indifference towards school. Tbh It's still a mystery to me how I managed to do fine in school when I basically stopped attending classes mentally and barely did my work.
I've always had ADHD, anxiety, and procrastination issues throughout my high school years, But senior year took it to a whole new level. The boredom and disconnection from my studies were unbearable. I went through the motions, completing my homework, but for classes I didn't enjoy, I mindlessly attended without caring or understanding the material. It was a year filled with academic mediocrity, and certain subjects like AP Calculus and AP Biology, which I didn't even need for my future plans, were absolute torture.
And at the time I didn’t even fully understand what shifting was, But I clung to the notion that school no longer mattered in the grand scheme of things. Looking back, I realize it was a detrimental mentality to have for my well being. If there's one piece of advice I can offer, it's this - find a balance. Avoid burning yourself out completely, but don't neglect your mental well-being either. You are still here, whether you're shifting or not, whether you’re god or not, and whether you're actively manifesting or not. Diving deeper into a negative mental well will not benefit you in any way. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.
As my burnout intensified, I reached a point where I no longer wanted to be alive in this boring ass reality. It became so severe that I almost didn't apply to college. My entire focus was consumed by shifting, and I simply didn't care about anything else. It was my friends who came to my rescue, pushing me to apply and offering unwavering support. Without their guidance and nurturing, I honestly don't know where I would be today.
Eventually, I grew tired of being tired. I began diving into my subliminal journey, creating playlists that combined affirmations for school,success, and luck. I learned the importance of dividing my time wisely. During the second semester, I continued this approach, focusing on school-related practices during the day and dedicating my evenings to shifting attempts.
Affirmations and scripting became the root of my routine too. Miraculously, my grades improved, even when I skipped classes for an entire month or neglected to read the lectures.
I was able to graduate high school with honors, which in itself proves that success or whatever isn’t even just about being naturally "good at school." I worked smarter, not harder and knowing about manifesting really helped with that!
So I really advice you to find a balance in your journey. Don't pour all your energy into just school or just manifesting. Embrace the plethora of easy methods available - scripting, subliminals, binaural beats - and integrate them into your study routine. Make it work in your favor. Treat shifting like a cherished hobby, something that complements your academic pursuits rather than overshadowing them.
Also, set realistic standards for yourself. In high school, I used to obsess over achieving straight A's, disregarding any grade below perfection. Looking back, I realize how misplaced my priorities were. As long as you maintain a mix of A's, B's, and even a few C's, you'll be absolutely fine. Set a goal of achieving a GPA of 3.0 or whatever scale your institution uses, and celebrate every success along the way.
Loa perspective
Ok, now let's talk about the power of the Law of Assumption!
Now that I'm in a place where I give only about 20% of my time and effort to school and still do very well, I can help and reflect on my journey properly. Back in high school, like said I struggled with anxiety and ADHD, and I thought these challenges would hold me back.
Test-taking, deadlines, remembering information it all seemed overwhelming. But you know what helped me? Subliminals.
Listening to subliminals for intelligence and confidence made a significant difference in my life. They boosted my abilities and gave me the belief that I could excel academically. And that belief was everything.
As you probably know the Law of Assumption states that whatever we expect and assume to be true will become our reality. So, I decided to apply this principle to my studies. I assumed that I was capable of achieving great grades with ease. I assumed that school life would be manageable, and I would continuously improve my skills throughout the semester. I always visualized seeing As, revised my past grades, teacher giving me the grade I know I deserve no matter what.
And guess what? It worked! My mindset shifted towards greater productivity, and I started using my time more efficiently. As a result, my grades improved, and I had more time to focus on the things I genuinely enjoyed. It was a game-changer, and it accounted for about 70% of my success. Just imagine that - simply switching my mindset and accepting the positive results from my previous subliminal experiences.
I understand that college can be more stressful and demanding than high school. But it's still the same principle at play. You don't have to drastically change your study habits if you don't want to. Instead, use general resources during the day to aid your studying. And while you're at it, listen to subliminals that align with your goals. Instead of imagining and affirming to yourself that you're a failure and worrying about all the things that could go wrong, shift your focus. Imagine the grade you want, affirm and visualize that no matter what happens on your test, you'll still pass the class with flying colors. Remember, it's just one test, one assignment, and there are so many more opportunities ahead.
General school tips
* Stop checking your grades every day. Seriously, it's only stressing you out. Grades can fluctuate randomly, especially in college (and honestly, even in high school). Instead of obsessing over the numbers, focus on staying on top of your assignments. Keep up with your work, put in your best effort, and trust that alone will reflect in your grades.
* Say no to all-nighters. Trust me, reading the same material for 12 hours straight won't magically make you understand it. If something isn't clicking, it's probably an internal issue. There's no need to spend an entire night alone trying to grasp a single concept. Look for alternative resources like recap lessons on YouTube or seek help from a tutor or classmate. Remember, it's okay to acknowledge what doesn't come naturally to you and instead focus on your strengths.
* Realistically, doing your homework and attending class means you're probably not failing. Even if you're not getting the grade you want, it doesn't mean you're headed for failure. Those big tests that carry a significant weight in your grade may impact your GPA, but they don't define the trajectory of your life. Take a moment to reflect on all the times you thought a single grade would ruin everything, yet here you are, still alive and thriving. You've been through challenges before, and you're stronger than you think. Breathe, remind yourself that you're not alone in these thoughts and stresses, and keep pushing forward.
* Make friends and join class group chats. Trust me, these connections are gold. Joining group chats on platforms like GroupMe or Snapchat allows you to ask questions, collaborate on study guides, and realize that you're not alone in this journey. Even if they're not your closest friends, having a support system within your classes can make all the difference.
* Use EFT tapping for anxiety, especially before tests. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is not only useful for Law purposes, but it can also work wonders for managing anxiety. Check out my pinned guide on how to use EFT tapping. It has personally helped me immensely, and I hope it does the same for you.
* Work smarter, not harder. The truth is, those who seem to breeze through school while partying every night still manage to graduate and pass just like everyone else. The key is finding shortcuts, utilizing the vast resources available on the internet, and working smarter, not harder. Embrace technology, explore online study tools, and leverage the power of the internet as your greatest friend in this journey.
Here are some free recourses:
Math and Science
1. MathMagic Lite: This app lets you write any mathematical expressions and various scientific symbols easily
2. Equatio: A powerful equation editor that makes it easy to create digital, accessible maths
3. Microsoft Mathematics: Can be used to write mathematical expressions, solve equations, and plot graphs
4. Desmos Scientific Calculator & Graphing Calculator: Utility apps for students and teachers for calculations and graph plotting
5. WolframAlpha: A computational search engine that can solve a wide variety of problems, especially useful for math and science
Article/Video Summarization
6. Smmry: A website that summarizes articles for you
7. TLDR This: A browser extension for quick article summarization
8. Inshorts: An app providing news in 60 words or less
9. Listenable: Converts articles into short audio files
10. Evernote: A note-taking app where you can jot down thoughts, save things you find online, and even scan physical documents with your phone's camera
11. Microsoft OneNote: Allows for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration
12. Notion: An all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate, and get organized
Concept Explanation
13. Khan Academy: Offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom
14. Coursera: Provides universal access to the world’s best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses online
15. Complexly: A YouTube channel that produces a variety of educational content, including the series Crash Course which covers many different subjects in depth
16. citation machine: you never have to make source citations by yourself. This gives your both in test and citations for your essays and research.
Lastly I’m gonna put all the free resources most colleges offer for free!
Academic Resources
* Online Study Platforms: Websites such as Khan Academy, Coursera, and edX offer free or low-cost courses on a variety of subjects that can supplement your coursework.
* Academic Advising Centers: Most colleges have an academic advising center where students can get guidance on course selection, degree requirements, and academic planning.
* Writing Centers: Writing centers provide assistance with writing assignments, including proofreading, editing, and helping with citations.
* Library Research Databases: Your college library likely subscribes to a number of research databases (like JSTOR, EBSCO, and ProQuest) that can provide access to academic journals, books, and other resources.
2. Career Resources
* Career Centers: These centers offer career counseling, resume reviews, interview preparation, and job search assistance.
* Internship and Co-op Programs: Many colleges have programs that help students find internships or co-op positions in their field of interest.
* LinkedIn Learning: This platform offers courses on a variety of career-related topics, including networking, resume writing, and job interviewing.
3. Mental Health and Wellness Resources
* Counseling Centers: Most colleges offer free or low-cost mental health services to students, including individual therapy, group sessions, and workshops.
* Fitness Centers: Regular exercise is important for both physical and mental health. Most colleges have fitness centers that offer a variety of workout options.
* Mindfulness and Meditation Apps: Apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided meditations that can help reduce stress and improve mental health.
4. Financial Aid Resources
* Financial Aid Office: Your college's financial aid office can provide information on scholarships, grants, work-study opportunities, and student loans.
* FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the key to accessing federal financial aid, including grants, work-https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/712878654521262080/everything-eft-tapping?source=share funds, and loans.
* Scholarship Search Engines: Websites like Fastweb and Scholarships.com can help you find scholarships that you may be eligible for.
Other questions I got
Q: How did you manifest graduating early?
A: Graduating early was always a desire deep within me. I didn't realize it was on track to manifest until I had a meeting with my advisor. Interestingly, when I found out it was happening, I wasn't as ecstatic as I thought I would be. It made me realize that desires can change as we grow and evolve. So, if something you once desired doesn't bring you the same joy anymore, it's perfectly okay. Life is all about evolving and embracing new desires.
Q: What affirmations do you use?
A: Since I had a multitude of desires in various aspects of my life, I found it tiring to have a separate affirmation for each one. So, I opted for general affirmations that encompassed all areas of my life. For example, I would affirm statements like "I am the luckiest person alive," "Everything works out my way," and "I always get my desires." These affirmations can be applied to all aspects of life, including school. The key is to find affirmations that resonate with you and create a positive mindset.
Q: How do you manage the law/shifting and school?
A: As I mentioned earlier, integration is the key! You don't have to view manifestation or shifting as something separate from your school life. Instead, incorporate these practices seamlessly into your daily routine. The goal is to make it a part of your lifestyle without feeling like it's an extra burden or sacrifice. For example, if a certain method, like wbtb lucid dreaming, is disrupting your sleep schedule, consider switching to other methods like subliminals or reality checks. You can still set intentions before going to bed, which will be effective without compromising your sleep. Find what works best for you and strike a balance between school, manifestation, and your mental health
Q: What to do if affirmations don’t work:
A:maybe you don’t think with words. I’m more of a visual person and will always believe and like images more than words. I would just imagine my grades always being an A. No matter what, no matter if I failed a test or forgot to submit a homework even if I failed everything I still got an A! If you don’t like to visualize then change your wording to how you naturally speak. Maybe you don’t even like affirmations, it’s really different for everyone.
Q:I don’t want to go to this college but I still have to apply, is that affecting living in the end:
A: nope I don’t think taking action or not taking action affects anything If you’re living in the end. Just because you apply doesn’t mean you’ll get in simply because you took the action. Do what you have to do it doesn’t matter if you’re living your 3D life but know imagination is your true reality. If you’re a billionaire and sleep in a homeless shelter that doesn’t take away from the fact you’re a billionaire. Who knows why you’re at a homeless shelter and who knows why you’re applying for college. It doesn’t dictate anything.
Q:I needed to get into the void before college but now I’m here without my dream life and I hate it. What do I do:
A: well it’s happened so take a deep breath. You can still master the void, in fact you already have you’re just being silly and want a funny humbling story. There is no better time than now to be delulu. When you’re trying to escape something and it passes accept it and make it your bitch tbh. honestly keeping busy definitely helped me in my journey anyways, but I did provide tips above so you have free time because you shouldn’t just be immersed in school. For example when I was poor, it was because I needed a humbling back story because no one likes people born into wealth. I’m assuming you still want to be in college, and yea, it’s just cool to have started from the bottom before you become that It girl. That’s your choice and your truth but now you’re done with being humble so go tap into the void.
Q: what’s your perspective on manifesting a perfect life. like nothing bad ever happens but also having a good life with just minor challenges (nothing too big) and I don’t wanna normalize suffering bc who wants to suffer?
A: ok this had a school ask but that was just the gist of it. anyways not that my opinion matters first and foremost. But I think that’s great. Who wants to suffer… exactly. You know I like being human, but I did not like my human experience before Loa. I do like challenges, I like growth, I like not being perfect, and I like being happy and getting what I want too! you can still have all those human aspects and manifest everything you desire. Mary Sues do don’t exist because humanity exists. Don’t worry about it. Your life won’t feel stagnant or unreal or something, I promise
Ok sorry this came out longer than I expected but I had a lot to say. I hope that answers all the asks I’ve been getting ! You all got this, college, your manifesting journey, your anxiety, all of it. All of your dreams & desires are within your reach (right in front of you !!!) so go for it and still live your best life <3!
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theladybarnes · 6 months
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▸ summary: Steve Harrington had hoped that he managed to fix his life after the events of last year. But he’s quick to learn that enemies aren’t always just regular school bullies. But also the troubling thoughts in ones head. Can he maintain his cool and help keep everyone safe? ▸ word count: 42.5k          ▸ warnings: angst, violence, semi-fluff, slight canon divergence, self hating, self pitying, smut and a dumb blonde bully
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After the events of last year, Steve Harrington really thought he was on the right track to getting his life back to normal. He’s got his girl, it’s Senior year, and there’s no more creatures coming out from the walls of the Byers house. So why couldn’t he shake off the feeling that trouble was on its way?
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The halls of Hawkins High School had been bustling with excitement the few days before Halloween. 
 With whispered plans of dates, hangouts, and even trick or treating. It was like everyone had an idea of what they wanted to do this year and Steve was slowly falling into the same emotions as the others. Especially when there was word of parties beginning to form. One of them in particular called out to Steve immediately.
 How could it not? He heard about it from the source themselves.
 “I don’t know. This party is slowly turning into a disaster.”
 “We’re literally so close to finishing up plans.”
 “But this is pretty last minute..”
 “So that just means we do things until we’re at our very last minute!” 
 Steve couldn’t help but stare over at you from his locker. Unable to tear his eyes away from the minute you excitedly came over to talk about some plans you two had talked about the night before. Apparently there was a party in the works. But Tina appeared to be more uneasy about the idea. You on the other hand leaned casually against her locker, an amused smirk on your face as she went on her ramblings. 
 You easily list out everything you guys needed to do left as if it were a simple grocery list. Making Steve wonder if there was anything you couldn’t do. How could you just appear to be so normal? Like nothing bad hasn’t happened to you? Wasn’t it only about a year ago that the two of you had been fighting for your lives against a faceless monster? How did you move on so quickly? 
 There were some nights where Steve would wake up with nightmares, unable to sleep due to the sounds of that monster playing in his mind. His eyes found your face again. 
 The smile on your face, though as dazzling as ever, was almost genuine. Steve had learned not too long ago that you were one to keep a pretty good poker face. No matter what was thrown at you, there would be hardly a sign of its effects on your face. Making each and every interaction have to be analyzed thoroughly. Not that he had that many to go based off of.
 Since the fight, all you’ve ever allowed him was a minute or two of your time. Mostly just to tell him to leave you alone or insult him. Things he could take in stride, honestly. He knows he messed up with you. Hell, he’s messed up with everyone. But you were the only one who kept up your grudge. Not yet able to forgive him. He hoped to fix that this year but so far he was failing.
 The sound of Tina’s laugh brought back his focus. You must have said something to make the other girl laugh. Her smile widened as she tried to control herself. You on the other hand, have your smile wide, but not reaching your eyes. The starry eyes he had been so entranced by the previous year had gone away too. He was beginning to think he might have jumped to assumptions too quickly about your well being. 
 “All right, So I’m covering snacks and you’re covering up the beer situation. All we need left is music.” Tina sighed, leaning against her locker. “Which will probably be the hardest. I don’t even know who has good music taste around here that’ll last a whole party.” She already looked a little defeated, but your composure remained relaxed. 
 Did anything ever make you crack?
 “Music is easy!” you clapped. “I talked to Kelly Lopez in Chem, and she told me there was this rad party from last year that had a guy. He’s in your grade I think.” You scratched at your head before snapping your fingers. “McCorklin?..Yeah, Danny McCorklin.”
 “Do you mean David McCorkle?” Steve asked out loud. Not realizing he’s just shown he was listening in on the two of you. 
 Instantly the two of you girls snapped your heads in his direction. You had a small shock on your face before you realized just who happened to butt in the conversation. It’s only a second for your face to sour up at him. “Wow, eavesdrop much?”
 Tina snorted a bit at that, amused easily by your attack before nudging at your shoulder. “He’s right though. It is David.”
 Steve cleared his throat, giving a small shrug as he took a step towards you guys. “Sorry, Trouble. Just heard you butchering the poor kid’s name.” he teased, wanting to ease you up. But you only narrowed your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest when Tina burst into a fit of giggles. 
 “Whatever.” you scoffed, turning your attention back to your friend. “Please ignore the giant wall of hair.” Tina raised a brow at Steve before she turned back to face you. “Kelly said that David has played at other people’s houses before. All you’d need to do is talk to him. See if he’s interested in coming and maybe bring his music.”
 Steve couldn’t help himself and step closer again, holding his hand up defensively at you. “What Kelly has failed to mention to sweet Trouble here, is that David hates being asked last minute to people’s parties. He’s got super strict parents and they totally rag on him for going out late.” 
 Moving to rest his elbow on your shoulder, he pointed down the hall. “He does, however, have a little sister named Margot. She’s a perky little Sophomore itching to hang out with his friends. Invite her and he’ll be forced to watch out for her.”
 The two of you glanced in the direction to where a mousy brunette girl was at her locker, packing away her books.
 “Harrington, you’re a genius.” Tina clapped, before ditching the two of you to quickly dash after the younger girl. It was only one second into the conversation that the girl’s face lit up.
 You slowly brought your hand up and shoved Steve’s elbow off your shoulder. “Are you serious?” you hissed. turning to glare up at him. He couldn’t help but think you looked pretty despite the anger towards him. 
 “What?” he asked, unsure why his helpful advice was calling for this reaction. “It was a sure way to get him to play! I-I was just trying to help.”
 You laughed sarcastically, shaking your head at Steve that he’s worried just what kind of mess he got into opening his mouth again. “As per usual, your help does nothing to actually do things in my favor, your highness.” 
 He pursed his lips, wanting to point out that there is at least one time where he did help out and things turned out good. But now wasn’t really the right time for that. “Wanna drop me a hint?” he asked hesitantly. 
 Sighing, you wiped a hand over your forehead before answering him. “I already went out of my way to ask David myself this morning when I got to school.”
 “If you already asked him then why did you–”
 You held up a hand and pointed over to Tina down the hall. “I wanted Tina to ask him because David confessed to me that he’s had a crush on her since last year and would love to play at her house. But, he was hoping if I could help get her to talk to him since he’s a little shy.”
 Steve gasped softly, not realizing how much he actually made things worse in his small effort of helping you out. 
 “Shit. I’m sor–”
 “Save it, Harrington.” you cut him off. “It’s not like you even knew anyway.” 
 For a second he thought you might be showing a bit of kindness. But from the way your frown slowly turned into a smirk, he knew there was something else on the end of your tongue.
 “I mean, how could you know? The world only revolves around you, right?”
 He sighed defeatedly knowing that this was usually the part where things got cut short. And just like before, you give him the similar look you only wore when you tried to distance yourself again. 
 “Hey, look, Trouble..”
 “It’s a costume party.” you interrupted, “So if you wanted to work on getting an outfit together, you should start on it, Bozo. Before the red noses are sold out.” 
 He stayed quiet watching now as you finally took your leave towards where Tina had gone. “Bozo..” he repeated before realizing what your suggestion meant. “Clown.” he mumbled to himself, turning towards the opposite direction. He was going to make his way over to find Nancy when he suddenly realized. 
 Did you just invite him to the party?
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 Steve had been working really hard that week. Not only did he make up a costume idea last minute with Nancy (Whom he had to convince to go to the party). But since he was a Senior, he had extra work he needed to sort through. Like college applications. The particular essay he spent the night on before, was proving to be the hardest thing so far. 
 It’s not good. He knows it. Just from reading it himself, he knows there's something off with. 
 It has him nearly distracted all morning. Even when picking up Nancy for school, he was half paying attention to whatever show she heard about. Driving to school purely on memory. Maybe he should ask if he could spend an extra hour in study hall toda—
 “Steve, watch out!”
 His foot instinctively pressed down on the break, making the car jerk for a moment in time to see the front end of a bike almost coming down to collide with him. Hitting the horn, he watched as the rider braked just in time and nearly fell off their bike to avoid the collision. 
 The rider turned their head to the car, making the two of them gasp at the sight of you. 
 “Whoa, didn’t see you coming there, Trouble.” Steve said calmly, despite the racing of his heart. He poked his head out of the window to look you over. 
 “I’m not surprised.” you scowled at him, fixing your footing. “Probably had all that hair on your face.” He feels deflated by your response. You won’t even give him eye contact. “Next time check your mirrors for others and not just for your face.”
 “That’s not what happened.” he tried, feeling his stomach turn a bit. You lean down a bit and peek inside the car to cast a glance over at Nancy.
 “Nevermind, I can see you were distracted by something else.”
 “Wait!” He called, wanting to explain that again your hate shouldn’t be on Nancy. Not when it was his fault. But you’re already riding off, heading towards the front of the school. A car beeped their horn behind him, reminding him to move on. 
 He quickly turned the car towards the parking lot, casually glancing at Nancy. Her attention was over her shoulder, looking onto where you rode over to Jonathan. It added onto the already building guilt in his stomach. Nancy was still dealing with the repercussions of dating him. 
 “Sorry.” he mumbled softly, trying to ignore his girlfriend’s sad gaze.
 “It’s okay, I get it.” she replied softly. Her hand reached out for his arm momentarily, giving it a light squeeze before her attention drifted down to the folder between them. He had just parked the car when he noticed her slowly pulling his admissions essay out. 
 “Fair warning, it’s shit.” he chuckled a bit, trying not to sound too bitter about the truth.
 “Hey, don’t say that!” Nancy chided lightly, giving Steve a small smile. “I’m sure it’s great. Can I read it?”
 He can tell by the smile on her face that Nancy’s trying her hardest to shift the mood. Especially when she’s sad enough with the anniversary of Barb coming up, so Steve smiled back. Nodding his head for her to go ahead and take a look at the paper. But it’s not long until he can see the furrow in her brow begin to form. Not even Nancy’s hopeful attitude can change the reception his paper was going to receive.
 He kept his gaze out towards the parking lot, trying his best not to let it get to him. But he can’t stop the words from coming out. And it’s like a vicious little monster building up inside his chest. All the things his Dad liked to yell at him for were starting to sound more right than he had hoped.
 Nancy does her best to try and help. Even going as far to pull out a pen and correct certain points in his paper that she was not following. But even if she handed him the whole essay full of attempts of her reorganizing, he knows that it won’t be enough. 
 He wanted to get some help from Nancy. At least with some sort of help from her, he might be able to put something together. But she’s quick to remind him about meeting with Barb’s parents for dinner that night. Something he shamefully hated doing. Not because the Hollands weren’t nice people, but because they were a horrible reminder of that night. No matter what he could do for the couple, whether it be to drop by for a hello, or attend one of their long dinners. There was nothing he nor Nancy could do to bring her back or explain what had truly happened to Barb. 
 So why couldn’t Nancy accept that instead of continuing this painful reminder with these dinners? How could she continue to endure their painful conversations of searching knowing that there was nothing either one of them could do to find her? She caught on quickly to Steve’s feelings and pushed for him to stay home to work on the essay. Insisting that it was okay. But there’s a sadness in her voice that chews at Steve and it’s enough that he’ll push down any other opinion in mind.
 “No, no, no. What’s the point?” he asked, crumbling up his only copy. A foolish thing to do. Especially in front of his already stressed girlfriend. But he can’t help it. He feels trapped in a path that’s not meant for him. But how can he get out of it when all his efforts seemed so..hopeless? Maybe he’d have to take up the offers his Dad always gave him. Follow his footsteps..
 “Hey, calm down.” Nancy frowned, looking taken back.
 “I’m calm. I’m calm.” he said, lying a little bit. “I’m just being honest. You know, I mean..I’ll end up working for my dad anyway.” he admitted, feeling the words sound heavy despite the truth behind them.
 “That’s not true.”
 “I don’t know, Nance.” He said, trying to convince himself what he’s relaying to her. “Is that such a bad thing? There’s insurance and benefits and all that adult stuff.”
 Her brows raised up when she looked away from him. He’s worried for a second she might be upset with everything, but he wants this scenario to sound more enticing. To sound like something she’ll be interested in the future. Their future..
 “If I took it, you know, I could be around for your Senior year.” he added, trying to lighten up the mood again. She looked over at him incredulously, like he shouldn’t even say something like that. But he wanted her to know it was serious to him. To watch out for her, make sure she was okay without him in the halls. 
 She didn’t have Barb around anymore and could use someone who understood everything she’s been through. 
 “Steve..” she started, but he couldn’t help but interject. 
 “Just to look after you a little bit. Make sure you don’t forget about this pretty face.” 
 She’s chuckling. That’s good. Hopefully amused now by what he was saying. But while he’s happy to see her crack a smile, he can’t stop from wanting her to understand that underneath the goofiness in his words, there’s a real truth in there. 
 “Nance, I’m serious.”
 She glanced back with a look he couldn’t quite place. Was it acceptance? Happiness? Or overwhelmed by everything he just threw onto her. Without thinking, he leaned to press a gentle kiss to her lips. Hoping that he’s able to put in a little emotion into that for her.
 Her face was shy when he pulled back. Something he was always curious about whenever they kissed these days. She wasn’t usually one for PDA but Steve felt such a heaviness in his heart for her, he had to find ways to pour it out.
 “I love you.” he reminded her, needing her to hear it at this moment.
 Her lips curved into a small but genuine smile. “I love you, too.”
 A loud car engine revved loudly outside the car. Cutting into the conversation and causing the two of them to break eye contact in order to peer out the windows. Opening up the door, Steve and Nancy both climbed out of their seats to find where the source of the noise pollution was. Racing into the parking lot was a pretty cool looking blue Camaro. A car that Steve would usually find nice if it weren’t for the screeching from its driver.
 In the back of the car was a noticeable blue and yellow California license plate. Very odd.
 The first person Steve saw come out of the car was a fiery redhead skating her way towards the middle school. A scowl etched on her pale face. Whatever was going on with her was pretty rough if that’s how she looked starting her mornings. 
 Not long after, a boy that looked around his age closed the door to his car out with a similar look to the girl’s on his face. Seemed like the car ride wasn’t fun for either rider. It’s not until Steve notices that he’s putting out a cigarette that he realized this kid was new.
 “Who is that?” Nancy asked aloud, watching as he made his way over towards the entrance of the school. All around him students began to gawk and stare as the boy strode confidently past everyone. It’s not until he neared the doors to the school that he stopped suddenly. His gaze stayed focused on you while you spoke animatedly to Jonathan. He watched curiously, head titling a bit as he slowly began to walk again.
 Why the hell was he watching you like that? Steve thought to himself. It was totally weird. But before he could voice that concern out, the boy suddenly yelled out to you.
 Wait, how the hell does he know your name?
 Before Steve could register anything else, he watched as this boy approached you, wrapping his arms around you and pressed you closely to his front. The look in your eyes is a mixture of shock and..fear. 
 But that couldn’t be right. You weren’t afraid of anyone. 
 The blonde slowly pinched at your chin, tilting your gaze up towards him before he swooped in and pressed his lips roughly against yours. 
 A fire flushed over Steve’s face. A feeling he hasn’t felt in quite a while. Who the hell was this guy and why did he just kiss you like that in front of the whole school? From his spot he could see as you struggled against the guy’s hold, pulling back from the kiss with a frown on your face. 
 “She’s upset.” Nancy gasped softly. He squeezed against the side of his car door, unsure if he should make a move over or not. 
 Your eyes glance around you at the sudden audience you probably weren’t expecting. Soon enough landing on where the two of them stood. Your eyes widen at that and you’re quickly pushing out of the boy’s grip. Jonathan thankfully seemed to catch onto your discomfort and quickly stepped in as a barrier. 
 Before the new guy could do anything else, you pulled Jonathan close and turned to enter inside the school. Almost like you were running away.
 “Okay, that was seriously weird. Who is that?” Nancy said, turning to look at Steve. He quickly covered up the shock on his face. He doesn’t know why he’s so suddenly upset by it, but doesn’t want Nancy to see it. But really, from the look on her face, he thought she might be on the same boat as he is.
 “I don’t know..but I’m gonna find out.”
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  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be until the next day that Steve managed to find you by your locker. 
 The entire day before had been an ultimate failure and the only thing he managed to do right at the end of it was entertain the Hollands during dinner while Nancy wandered off in their house. After hearing the news of their plans to sell their home in hopes of using the money to increase their efforts in finding their daughter, Nancy had become distant and upset. Making the car ride home somewhat painful as Steve tried to cheer her up.
 But it’s a new day and he’s hoping that the Halloween spirit will perk everyone up again. Who doesn’t love Halloween?
 Turning down the hall to your locker, he noticed that you’re practically covering your whole upper body with how deep you were inside. Making sure to conceal most of yourself from anyone passing by. 
 “Who are we hiding from today?” 
 There’s a stiffness in your body when you hear his voice. Making Steve hope that he didn’t just scare you while trying to check up on you. “I’m not hiding.” You muttered, still deep within the metal locker. “I’m looking for something.”  
 He found it amusing that you were attempting to lie about it when it was clear to him and anyone passing by really, just how badly you were trying to hide yourself. The teasing words couldn’t help but slip out as he playfully tapped against the metal door. “And that requires you to practically climb inside?” 
 “What do you want, Harrington?” you asked after finally coming out with a book in your hands. There’s a small glare on your face that had him running his hand through his hair nervously.
 Honestly, there wasn’t a good answer in his mind. How could he explain to you that something in his gut twisted at whatever he saw yesterday? But in a completely normal way because he cares about you like a friend. 
 And not for some other reason. 
 The only thing his mind could comprehend was one thing. And that was he did not like that look of fear he had seen on your face. “I just wanted to see if you’re okay.”
 “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” 
 “Well to start, that random new guy just walked right up to you and kissed you in front of everyone.”
 “He’s not random. I know him.” You shrugged nonchalantly. Like you didn’t practically peel yourself off from the guy’s grip. Even Nancy from right beside him could tell you were upset. So it wasn’t like Steve had gone crazy. Gently, he reached out and pulled you over to rest against the locker door. 
 “Who is he?”
 “It’s Billy. Okay? Can I go now?” you huffed, obviously wanting to end the conversation. But that didn’t phase the boy at all, what was psyching him out was the fact that your eyes were continuously checking over his shoulder. Like you were waiting for a sneak attack.
 “Am I supposed to know who that is?” he pressed, needing more info.
 “Billy is..my ex from back home.”
 “The same ex from your story? That ex?” he asked, still perplexed. So many thoughts ran through Steve’s mind at that moment. How the hell did your ex from California make his way here in Hawkins? Did that mean you were going to get back together? Was that even what you wanted? Something about that very idea seemed to hurt his chest again.
 “Yes, Steve.” you sighed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I should be heading to class.”
 The tiredness in your voice was blaring red alert. It wasn’t unusual for you to cut the talk short, but he can’t help but think back to the look of fear he had seen on your face. He had to push his luck press a little bit more. “Are you okay? Do you want me to get this guy off your back?” He reached out towards you. Suddenly needing to just..physically feel if you’re okay. Only the tip of his fingers had barely brushed over your soft skin before you pulled your arm away from him. As if he had some sort of disease.
 “Stand down, your highness. I don’t need you to come to my aid.”
 “Then why do you keep checking over my shoulder every few seconds?” he asked, hoping to stump your usual stubbornness. With anyone else Steve might be done with it and move on. But there’s always been something about you that had Steve making a fool of himself.  Like right now, with his horrible timing..
 “Since when should you of all people be concerned of my well being?” 
 “I’m just trying to help..”
 “Yeah? Because the last time you listened to my problems, that didn’t blow up in my face?”
 And there it was. 
 The usual fact that helped give you the winning words to finally end the conversation. He knew better than to press on after that. It would only make things worse. 
 What he didn’t know was how much he might have pressed a little too much today. Making you turn quickly from your exit to point a finger at him. “And stop talking to me like we’re friends. I don’t want people to get the wrong impression.” 
 He could only watch as you turned back in the direction from before, making your dash down the school hallway. Sighing, he tore himself away from your locker, giving one last glance at your backside before he left to join Nancy at study hall. Hopeful for the time alone with his girlfriend to help lighten his mood.
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  The day doesn’t go on any better for Steve. After talking with Nancy in study hall, he’s sure that whatever is going on with her is deeper than he thought. 
 The very idea of spilling the truth to the Hollands terrified him. Not only for his sake but..everyone’s. Just how many of your guys’ lives would be turned for the worse from spilling one bit of the truth? He wished he could change things. Help give the couple some sort of relief. But not at the chance of hurting his family, or anyone else trapped in this. 
 It was too big a risk. How could someone as smart as Nancy not understand that? Why was she only seeing things with such a small perspective?
 He wanted to be like you. To move on so carefully and effortlessly that you’re going as far to help make a party for everyone to enjoy. And more than anything, he wished he could talk to you about it. Jonathan, while okay with him, was not a close friend. Nancy was going through her own mix of problems. But you? You were there too. But he’s unfortunately burned that bridge. He can’t talk to the only other person who would understand and maybe even help.
 “Your costume came out great.” Nancy muttered as she slid out of the car. 
 The trip to Tina’s had been a lot shorter than Steve had hoped. He wanted to try and check up on Nancy just once more in hopes to pick up her mood again. But when he had rolled up to her house, she had been already waiting outside at the end of her driveway. The same somber look on her face.
 “Thanks.” he said shyly, not quite expecting a nice remark after that afternoon. “You look beautiful as always. I think you matched your look best.” he noted, reaching out to pinch lightly at the hem of her sweater. She returned him with another muttered reply before looking towards the house. Somewhat distant from the conversation.
 That’s what it’s been like all day since the library and something in the pit of Steve’s stomach told him he should dive into that. Try to find out what he can do to fix it. But with Nancy’s offstandish reaction to his attempts of cheering her up, he’s a little bit lost at what to do. 
 The sound of Mötley Crüe blasting gave a comforting white noise to the lack of conversation between the two as they walked up towards the doors. One step inside and Steve felt a little relieved to see a normal party. Maybe this is what they needed. Just one night of doing nothing but stupid teenager stuff, right?
 He’d barely been in the doorway for a minute before he heard a familiar voice.
 “Got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington.” Taunted Tommy. His former best friend. It’s been almost a whole year since Steve cut ties with the boy. While he was happy to no longer have to deal with Tommy Hagan or his crap. It didn’t stop him from feeling odd at how fast he switched from friend to foe. 
 “Yeah, that’s right. Eat it Harrington!” yelled Cody Conners from Basketball. Another friend he lost when dropping his former crew. 
 Between the two of them was Billy Hargrove. A name he had learned to hate within the school day. Aside from his connection to you, something about this guy brought a bad taste to Steve’s mouth. Even now, the unsavory sight of Billy drenched in what smelled like beer was unsettling as he stared off at Steve silently. 
 Nancy casually moved past the boys, ignoring the building tension between them as she made her way over to the kitchen. Leaving Steve alone to think of a clever way to get these guys off his back. But just as the thought came to mind, the front door behind him opened up roughly against him.
 “Oh God.” said a familiar voice. 
 Wedging their way through the front door and between both boys was you. He tore his gaze away from Billy’s deathly stare to take a look at what you were wearing. It was a self made devil costume. All red with a plastic pair of devil horns adorned on the top of your head. Steve couldn’t help himself as he stared wide eyed at the sight of you.
 It was probably the hottest thing anyone at this party could ever put together. The rim of your eyes were covered in dark kohl makeup, making your naturally cool stare look even more intimidating. Your usual free hair was slicked back against your head, almost like those models from the ads on tv. Then there were your lips. Sinfully covered in a red so captivating that Steve began to wonder if he had a thing for a color. 
 “Nice costume,” he said simply. The complete opposite of his thoughts. “Red suits you.”
 “It’s not a costume if she really is the devil.” Tommy sniggered. Most likely trying to gain approval from the latest ass he’s been kissing. But from the stoic glare on Billy’s face, it looked like he wasn’t amused with Tommy’s lame attempt to get under your skin.
 “I love when she’s dressed up hot and horny.” Billy smirked, looking over at you. There was a hunger to his eyes that had Steve feeling his chest tighten. This guy surely didn’t think he could just talk to you like that, right? He sucked in a sharp breath, ready to tell this guy off when you slowly stepped in between.
 “I’m still nauseous from your pick up lines from today, Billy. Maybe take another lap around the room before you try to come at me again.” The three boys almost looked shocked by your reaction. Probably not having seen that coming. “Or drop dead, either one!”
 With a quick pat to Billy’s glossy chest, you jet off into the party with a little bounce to your step. 
 Steve can’t help but smile at your tenacity. Admiring how you managed to return back to keeping anything thrown at you off your back. There’s a moment when you glanced over your shoulder, briefly making eye contact with Steve. 
 On your face was a small playful smile.
 He really hopes you have a good time tonight.
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  “What is wrong with her?”
 Steve had been wiping off a bit of sweat from his forehead when he heard the sounds of one of the girls behind him. He turned around quickly, catching as Nancy yet again was over at the punch bowl. Something she had been doing all night long. 
 For some reason, Nancy was more upset than she let on. Her earlier jab at pretending to be stupid teenagers had stung a bit. But after she had a couple of drinks, he figured she had loosened up to the idea. Especially when they were dancing for so long after that. There was a moment when he caught you staring at the two of them curiously, making him nervous as to what caught your attention. But then you went on with your night and things seemed normal again.
 But now..now things have turned different. Nancy kept returning back to his side with a new cup every time he looked away. Steve was wondering just how much she’s actually had. She wasn’t a light weight, but she was definitely throwing back some harder stuff. Chasing after her, he quickly tried to put an end to her drinking. 
 The two of them look like a couple of kids fighting over a tv remote at the moment. Steve is trying his hardest to keep this drink out of her hands. But Nancy is already so drunk and so upset that he’s worried what will actually happen if he takes it away. But better to have her mad that get sick. 
 “Nance, put it down.” he argued, trying to keep the liquid from sloshing around.
 “Steve, stop!”
 “Stop. STOP.” 
 His fingers slipped around her slick hands and suddenly the cup flew back against her shirt. Spreading the dark red liquid across her bright white shirt. Everyone around them gasped as they took in the sight.
 “What the hell?” Nancy asked softly, giving Steve a glare before she swiftly left the living room. Heading upstairs towards the bathrooms. He’s not far after her, needing to help fix whatever the problem was there and now.
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His hands covered up his face as he sat in the driver’s seat of his car. Trying to keep control of his overwhelming emotions. But every time he thought he gained back his breath, Nancy’s words echoed in his mind. Every word felt like a slap to his face. And he can’t help but hit his hand at the steering wheel in frustration.
 “You’re pretending like everything's okay.” 
 “You know, like we didn’t kill Barb.”
 “Like, we’re in love and we’re partying.”
 “This is bullshit.”
 “You’re bullshit.”
 He slapped once more before feeling a harsh pain go up the side of his arm. “Shit.” he hissed, looking at the palm of his hand. It was harsh and red, but for some reason not as painful as the beat in his chest.
 How could Nancy think that way? How could she say they were just pretending to be in love?..Didn’t she feel it with him? Didn’t she love him? How could she say it all this time and not even mean it?
 “You’re bullshit.” 
 The tears pricked the corner of his eyes and he quickly wiped them off. Not needing anyone at this party to get the chance to see him in such a pathetic state. He’s beyond upset, and he knows better than to go back in there. But at the same time, he realized he just left a drunken Nancy at the party alone.
 As if things weren’t bad enough, before he could even think about stepping out of his car to go back, he’s seeing the last thing he needed to see right now.
 Nancy, who didn’t look good at all, was holding onto Jonathan Byers. Someone he didn’t even know would be caught dead at a party like this. The boy was looking down at Nancy with such concern as he led her down the driveway. Talking gentle care with her as he walked the two of them over to his beat up car. 
 A part of Steve wanted to be upset with Jonathan. Because again, this was beginning to feel like last year. Only it would turn out that Steve was still the bad guy in this situation. Having been the one who left his girlfriend. Of course it would be easy for a good guy like Jonathan to step in and be the good hero. 
 So he sat pathetically in his car, letting the girl he loves be taken home by someone else who wasn’t bullshit. 
 He wondered for a moment if things would turn out differently had he just done what Nancy wanted to do. Let the Hollands in on the secret and possibly hurt the lives of those involved in this upside down mess. But even with all that, would all he thought was good in his life still be pretend?
 Steve quickly started up his car. Trying to ignore the ache in his chest so that he could go home and try to sleep away some of the hurt. He glanced over at the road, noting how some kids were beginning to walk away from the party and down the street. Possibly walking off the alcohol they’ve consumed. But it isn’t until he noticed a familiar red figure that he found himself pulling along the road side. 
 “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for a girl like you to be walking around this late at night?”
 The sound of his stern voice caught you off guard. Making you stop walking for a moment. But you don’t reply. Instead, you keep walking, as if you didn’t hear him at all. He quickly shook his head and pressed down on the gas lightly to keep the car moving to follow after you. One glance at your feet and he can’t help but wince at the height of your heels.
 “Come on, Trouble. We both know walking in those kinda shoes can’t be comfortable.”
 Again you kept your gaze forward. Stubborn enough to possibly ignore the pain if it meant to keep up your usual avoidance. He glanced down the roadway knowing the familiar hills you’d been coming up to eventually.
 “It’s only gonna get more muddy from here, might ruin them.”
 That seemed to do it for you, making you quickly turn around and head over to the car. With a tug to the door, you entered his car. Hitting Steve with a small waft of whatever strong perfume you had been wearing tonight. When you slammed the door closed, you reached over for the seat belt. Struggling a bit as you attempted to lock yourself in.
 “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. He peeked closer at your hands watching as it fumbled once more. “Henderson, are you drunk?”
 “No.” you drawled out. “I’m A-OK.” 
 He let out a heavy sigh. Wondering how everyone around him managed to get this drunk. One more glance to you and he noticed just how much goosebumps had risen up on your arms. So, he set the car in park and quickly shed off his jacket. It brought a small shiver up his spine to lose such warmth so fast, but he brushed it off to hand the jacket over to you. “Put it on before you freeze to death.”
 “So bossy!” you whined.
 “It’s for your benefit, Trouble. Just do it.”
 He watched as you pulled the fabric over you like a blanket. Bringing it up to your neck before you glanced over at him. “Happy?” you asked sarcastically.
 “Ecstatic,” he grumbled. Hating how you were upset with him for making sure you were okay. “Now, can I please take you home?”
 “Off we go Jeeves!” you yelled and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Your drunken state sure did like to try and annoy him. Or maybe it was his already bad mood ruining your playfulness. Right now he couldn’t tell. He instead focused on the road he drove the way over to your house.
 “You look like you’ve been crying.”
 He scoffed softly. No way could you have noticed that. 
 “Have not.”
 “Have too. Your eyes are red.”
 “They’re irritated. I have allergies.”
 “To what, your tears?”
 He stayed quiet. Unsure how to get around your cleverness. Even while drunk your keen observation skills were doing wonders against his distressed state. And though he wanted to keep quiet and avoid slipping out any of his current feelings, he can’t do that if it meant ignoring you. “How was your night?” he asked, in a poor attempt to change the subject.
 “It was shit. Boys suck.”
 “Hmm, girls suck too.” he said quickly. Unable to fully filter out his bitter mood. “Happy Halloween, eh?” While he’s disappointed that you didn’t have any sort of good night yourself, he’s somewhat relieved that he’s not alone in this
 There was another beat of silence that fell between the two of you, and he was slightly worried he might have made you upset when you suddenly spoke up again.“You know, this party was supposed to be different.” you sighed.
 “Was it?”
 “Yeah, it was kind of supposed to make up for last fall.”
 Last fall had been around the time you came to live here. It was also the time he met you and somehow ruined all his chances at any sort of friendship because of his mistake. More bullshit, he figured. 
 “I mean, let’s be real. I didn’t come to move here and deal with school drama and monsters. And since we got rid of that, I figured that someone as smart as me could work my way around the school bit.”
 Your house approached faster than he thought. Making him hate how fast he arrived in your driveway. This was the first in so long that the two of you were actually talking. And he selfishly didn’t want to end it soon even if he wanted just to go home not too long ago.
 “And how’s that going?” He asked, turning off the car engine. He’s hopeful that you’ll go on in your running thoughts.
 “Very crappy.” you chuckled. The sheer honesty even made him laugh a little. “I don’t know but I feel like things aren’t ever going to be normal for me again. I mean, whatever happened to being just a stupid teenager? When did all this other mess like a love life come in to make it harder?”
 “It’s all bullshit.” he said softly. “All of it.”
 You snorted at his words, not understanding the sting that lingered behind them. “Glad to know we’re all bullshitters.” 
 Suddenly you’re leaning into him, reaching out gently to wipe off some of the remnants of his shame from the side of his face. It was so sweet and caring. Making Steve shudder from the affectionate touch. Something about it coming from you had his heart racing. He pulled his hand up from his lap to place over yours. Noting the softness of your hands.
 “Thanks for the ride, Steve.” you whispered softly. As fast as he could blink, you were leaning in again to press a kiss to his cheek. Leaving such a fire to his skin, he was sure you’d notice how red he was in the face. But you don’t mention it. “I hope your allergies let up soon.” 
 He dropped his hand from yours, watching as you exited the car. Only fumbling a few times over yourself before you managed to get out. The cool air from outside didn’t even bother him as he watched you pull the jacket off from you. Unknowingly distracting him getting out a goodbye. It’s when you were about to close the door that he called out for your name. Feeling an overwhelming urge to help make your night better in some kind of way. 
 “I’m sorry about last year,” he said suddenly. “I can’t say it enough, but I really do regret hurting you and all.”
 You looked only a little taken back, nodding your head slowly with a small sad smile. He sighed to himself, allowing you to finally close the door so that he could pull out of the driveway. He waved off at you before turning his car and going, looking back now and then at your figure receding. 
 It was weird for Steve. He hasn’t ever really felt so torn up in his emotions in a while. Feeling the need to sink into his sadness one second, and then needing to make sure you didn’t fall into yours the other. Last Halloween he spent wasted with Tommy, watching as Carol and some girl he had hooked up with played ding dong ditch at Mr. Clark’s house. 
 But that was last year, and now he was heading home with a broken heart and confused feelings.
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Surprisingly Steve was up earlier than he had expected to be that morning. 
 The night before still haunted him despite sobering up enough before bed. And even after he was tucked in and done thinking about Nancy, he couldn’t stop himself from going back to you. Like a horrible pendulum, he was stuck either thinking about Nancy’s words or yours. 
 It was throwing him in such a wack that he hadn’t noticed how much he had gone his day stuck in autopilot. Getting his breakfast silently, driving his car to school, and heading to class. No one seemed to pay him any mind. That is until he was stopped at his locker. 
 “Steve!” called out a friendly voice. 
 He didn’t peek up from the inside of the metal box, aimlessly putting books in different places as he ignored whoever was calling out to him. But instead of taking the hint, the person ended up coming closer. 
 “Hello? Earth to Harrington?”
 Slamming his locker closed, he watched as Tina and her friend Vicki jumped in place before they rubbed at their temples. Not expecting that sort of noisy response. He shot the two of them with a tight lipped smile. “What’s up?” he asked half heartedly. 
 “Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night?” Tina asked, gaining some sort of composer.
 “Yeah,” Steve said sarcastically. “Had a real blast.”
 He only gave them a quick nod before he turned on his heels to head off to class. Leaving the other two girls to stagger as they followed after him. “I noticed that you didn’t leave with Nancy.” Tina said, catching up to walk along his side. “It looked like she left with Jonathan Byers.”
 “Are you telling me or asking me?” Steve muttered, trying to pick up his speed down the hall.
 “I’m telling you.” she clarified a second after. “What I’m asking you is if you really left the party to take poor little Henderson home?”
 He couldn’t help but think back to what the girl was telling him. Just how many people noticed what went down last night? How many today were talking about the fact that Nancy went home with someone else. He didn’t even call to see if she made it home..what would they think now that they didn’t even show up to school together?
 “Hello?” Vicki called out this time. 
 “Steve,” Tina started more sternly. “Look, we get that you might be a little fuzzy on the details considering the punch everyone drank last night..��� Vicki and her shared a humorous laugh together before glancing back at the boy. “My only concern is if you hooked up with my friend or not.”
 “I mean, it’d be expected considering Wheeler probably hooked up with Byers. But still be pretty grimey of you.” added Vicki, causing Steve’s mind to go in a funky haze again.
 He didn’t spare a glance at them, merely shrugging his shoulders before he pushed past the two. Trying to do anything but think of the idea of Nancy and Jonathan hooking up. 
 “You’re bullshit.”
 “You’re bullshit.”
 “You’re bullshit.”
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 The shrill sounds of Coach Troy’s whistle did not help with the building headache in Steve’s mind. While he had hoped that a good game of basketball in gym class would brighten up his mood, he couldn’t stop the cloudiness from raining on his mind..and performance. 
 “COME ON, HARRINGTON.” Drew Nelson, his teammate for the day, was on his ass for some reason, making Steve even more irritable.
 Billy, who of course had to be in his gym class, was playing flawlessly. As if he lived and breathed basketball. For someone who had reeked of beer the way he did the night before, Steve would have thought he’d be somewhere with his head in the trash. But here he was, shirtless, and looking at Steve as if he were his next target.
 At one point the game turned into a bit of a one on one, making Steve’s nerves on edge as he carefully dribbled the ball. There’s a second where he tried to go past Billy that ended with the two colliding against each other. Both not budging from their spot.
 “Harrington, right?” Billy said, acknowledging Steve for the first time since he came. “I heard you used to run this school. That true?” The question was rhetorical. Something to get under Steve’s skin. Whether it be for the game or Billy’s own satisfaction, Steve did not know. “King Steve, they used to call you, huh?..Then you turned bitch.”
 “Hey, maybe you should just shut up and just play the game.” Steve said, not wanting to even talk to this guy. But his offhanded reply only seemed to make Billy more amused, using his footing to trip Steve over so that he could steal the ball. 
 Steve scrambled getting up, watching as Billy effortlessly shot a dunk into the next, causing his teammates to erupt into happy cheers. He had been pushing back the hair away from his eyes when he heard the sound of Coach Troy’s whistle. 
 “Hey! Girls are out on the field today!”
 Before he could turn and find out who the man was yelling at, the sound of another voice suddenly came up from behind him.
 “What the hell is your problem, Harrington?” 
 His back was shoved harshly. Causing him to trip forward a bit before he was able to catch his footing. Wiping a hand over his sweaty face, he turned around and realized that the person who nearly pushed him over was you. His eyes widened at the sight of your blazing anger as you took a step forward. 
 “The hell is wrong with you?! Don’t you see I’m in the middle of a game?” 
 He caught eyes with one of the kids and opened his hands out for the ball. What kind of warpath were you on that you’d come into a class that wasn’t yours just to yell at him? He waved the ball in your face, hoping to snap you out of your daze but that only seemed to aggravate you further. Making you reach out and snatch the ball from his hands. 
 “I don’t care about the dumb game. I want to know why you’re not stopping people from assuming that we did anything but drive home yesterday!”
 “Wait, what?” he scoffed. Trying to think about what you were saying. The only person that asked him about it was your friend. Why the hell would you care about something trivial as a rumor? “I didn’t think I had to.”
 “You didn’t think that people were going to assume that you and I leaving a party early wouldn’t come off as something else?”
 “No! Why the hell would anyone assume that?” You hated him, everyone knew that.
 “They assume shit like that when you keep your mouth shut instead of clearing the air, genius!”
 He tried to think over his answer with Tina today. Wondering how his mouth got him in trouble yet again, but it would seem his lack of speaking had done worse than he thought. From the side he could see a curious Billy step towards the two of you. 
 “What’s the problem, babydoll?” he cooed at you, trying to either get on your good side or at least appear like it. Either way, Steve couldn’t help but frown at it. 
 “Not now, Billy.” you said not even giving him a glance. Missing out on the frustration that easily slipped over his usual mocking exterior. You took a step closer, trying to get his attention and Steve suddenly became aware of just how many of his peers were suddenly watching this drama unfold right now. 
 “Can we do this, maybe not in the middle of class?”
 “I would, except over at my class, I’m being told lies about myself!”
 You’ve pushed enough that he found himself pressed against the gym wall. Making him lower his gaze from the other students that are probably thinking how pathetic he must look. At any other time this would most likely make him want to take out his frustrations. Ask why the hell everyone seemed to be on his ass today.
 “Steve, people are gonna think I helped you cheat on Nancy..”
 “You didn’t!” he said quickly, snapping his gaze back at you. The thoughts from before quickly faded away the second he finally saw your hurt look. “I would never and you wouldn’t either.” 
 He can’t stand the idea of his dumb mouth making things worse for you again. Without thinking he began to reach out for you, wanting to reassure you. But with the rumor that was currently bothering you, it would be best to give some space. So he dropped his hands to his sides, watching as you took a step back too. 
 “Make sure they know that then.” you warned softly. 
 Turning around, you make for your exit. Only being stopped by Billy who leaned in to angrily ask you a whispered question. It must have really got under your skin because the next thing he saw was you pulling back from his grip and pointing a finger at the man. “Stop fucking my friends!”
 He blew out a huff of air, removing himself from the wall and back towards the court. Ready to just get on with the rest of class before he and the other boys witnessed you shoved the basketball to hit Drew against the groin. 
 “Take five, boys.” Coach Troy called out as some of the boys gathered around the groaning boy. 
 He picked his head up in time to catch Nancy near the gym entrance. It would look like interruptions weren’t done just yet.
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  “What happened before I came in?” Nancy asked as she led the two of them towards the back of the gym. 
 “Trouble happened.” he shrugged. Not really sure how to even talk to Nancy casually. But the more she looked up at him with a questionable look, the more he felt himself grow frustrated. “What are you doing here?” he asked finally. 
 “What do you think?” she asked, growing upset. “Where were you this morning? I missed first period.”
 That’s what she was upset about? First period?
 The bitterness hit over his tongue and he couldn’t help the sarcasm as it came out. “I figured Jonathan would take you.”
 “Wha..What are you talking about?” she asked, as if he pulled that answer out of nowhere. He can’t help but scoff in return. Unable to push back the venom that was building up inside of him.
 “Jesus, you really can’t handle your alcohol.” He started. “You remember going to Tina’s party last night, right?”
 “And then what?”
 “I remember dancing, and spilling some punch. You got mad at me because I was drunk..and then you took me home.”
 He scoffed again. Shocked that not only could she not remember anything correctly from that night. But turn it around so that it was just his fault. “No, see, that’s where your mind gets a little bit fuzzy.” He wrapped the towel around the back of his neck, trying to approach this without blowing up. “That was your other boyfriend. That was..that was Jonathan.”
 “I don’t understand..”
 “It’s pretty simple, Nancy. You were just telling it like it is.” he muttered. Feeling her words begin to echo in his mind again.
 “Uh..apparently, uh, we killed Barb and I don’t care, ‘cause I’m bullshit, and our whole..our whole relationship is bullshit, and..I mean, pretty much everything is just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.” he finished. Finding it worst to list it all out for her. But there was no going back now. “Oh, yeah! Also, you don’t love me.”
 “I was drunk, Steve! I don’t remember any of that.” Nancy exclaimed, looking wide up at Steve. There was a bit of a panic in the tone of her voice. Giving Steve a small bit of..hope. But still, it all hurt too much for Steve to just ignore easily.
 “So that makes everything that you said..it’s what? Just bullshit, too?”
 “Well, then tell me.” he pleaded, feeling his chest only begin to ache again.
 “Tell you what?”
 “You love me.” 
 Nancy could only stare up at shock. Almost like he asked her an unthinkable question. “..Really?” she gaped.
 The doors to the gym burst open. Causing a pause in their conversation as Drew came through the walkway. “Harrington!” he yelled, waving his arms up. “Dude, we need you, man. That douchebag’s killing us. Let’s go!” 
 “All right!” he called out, irritated by the interruption. 
 But Steve ignored him, only looking down at Nancy as he painfully waited for her to give the answer that he could easily say right here and right now if she asked. Even when she mustered up the courage to look back at him, he could only see that despite being in front of him. She was so far away from his reach. 
 Say it. Please. Just say it.
  He took a step away, taking the last bit of dignity that he had left to go back inside. This conversation wasn’t leading anywhere and he really needed to be alone right now. But not without leaving her with some parting words. 
 “I think that you’re bullshit.”
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  Steve pretty much bailed out on school after those confrontations. His mind nor his heart could handle the idea of dealing with the rest of the school day. Instead of dealing with anyone else who had something to say, he managed to fool the school nurse enough to send him home early. Allowing him to stay locked up in his room, blasting music loud enough to drown out the thoughts that ran through his head.
 But the next day isn’t any better. 
 With every hall he walked down, he managed to catch the eyes of every student. And not in the way that he used to. With some, it was sympathy. Probably hearing worse things than the day before. He decided he’d try and ignore them. Moving on with the day so that he could simply get on with this horrible week.
 Unfortunately, despite ignoring the other students. He couldn’t ignore his stupid gym class. Meaning he’d have to deal with Billy once again.
 And boy did that class prove to be worthless. Instead of getting back in his groove. He only seemed to falter again. Failing to knock Billy down a peg. It was such a shit show that Billy even mocked him further by ending the game with some parting advice. Which was a whole different type of mind game that Steve couldn’t comprehend. 
 Things only turned more confusing when Steve hit the showers. He was just about finishing up when Billy and Tommy slithered into the showers. An amused smirk tugged at Billy’s lips as he casually washed up beside Steve. Like they were friends.
 “Don’t sweat it, Harrington.” he spoke suddenly. “Today’s just not your day, man.” 
 “Yeah. Not your week.” Tommy added with a familiar taunting chuckle. “You and the princess break up for one day, and she’s already running off with the freak’s brother.”
 Steve stayed quiet. Unsure if what he heard was right. Nancy ran off with Jonathan? Just like that?
 “Oh, shit. You don’t know.” Tommy grinned. “Jonathan and the princess skipped yesterday. Still haven’t shown. But that must just be a coincidence, right?”
 He pulled away from the shower, his annoying familiar cackle following after him as he left to go off and change. 
 “Don’t take it too hard, man.” Billy said calmly. “A pretty boy like you has got nothing to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea.” He made it a point to reach out and shut the water off, cutting off the stream from rinsing off the shampoo from his hair. Making it so that his words were clear enough to hear.
 “Am I right?” he asked, giving his shoulder a clap. He turned to walk away from the stalls, staring ahead as he left with parting words. 
 “I’ll be sure to leave you some.”
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  “Did you hear about Nancy and that Byers kid? I heard they’ve run off to get married because they’ve been secretly in love or something.”
 “No, I heard she ran off with Jonathan Byers because she found out that Henderson girl got her nails into Harrington. They’re like totally an item now.”
 “No way is she dating Steve! She’s dating Billy Hargrove. That new kid. They kissed the other day didn’t they?”
 “Oh right! That makes better sense. New hot girl, new hot guy. Of course they’d end up together.” 
 Steve bolted past the trio of girls blocking the doorway into the cafeteria. Words like that have been spreading around all day and if he had to listen to another group of people talking about him and the people he knew, he’d go insane.
 In the center of all the chaos he found you, at a lunch table alone. An odd sight really considering you haven’t been left alone since you moved here. But from where he stood he could tell that you kept up your regular composer. He quickly rushed over, pulling out a chair to sit across from you. 
 “We need to talk.”
 “Don’t really see what we have to talk about.” you mused, keeping your gaze down at the magazine before you. While he’s usually impressed by your tact, he’s somewhat bothered that today of all days you’re not at least a little bit worried.
 “Would the fact that everyone keeps talking about us not be good enough reason?” 
 “Nope.” You said, still the same tone. Only now you were frowning down at whatever you were reading.. “Damn, I got Tom Cruise. I wanted Michael J. Fox.”
 Growing frustrated, he reached out and took the magazine away from your line of sight. 
 “Give that back, Steve! I have to find out if Tom Cruise likes what I do!” 
 He couldn’t help but throw you a look before he placed it down on the chair beside him. “You can figure all that out later. We gotta get these rumors under control.” If he doesn’t get at least some sort of help, he’s not sure what he’ll do by the end of the day.
 “Us sitting together is just gonna make things worse.” you pointed out, stabbing at your food. 
 “That’s what I’m talking about! We should be able to do things like sit next to each other without it meaning anything.” It’s never been a problem all this time but just one damn party and it’s like life is turning upside down. 
 “Well, get Nancy to help clear some of the air. She’s a part of this as much as we are.” 
 He couldn’t control the mixed emotions on his face. Reaching out quickly to snatch a piece of your pizza to stuff in his mouth. If he got to talking about it right now, he’s worried just what might spill out.  “We can’t go to Nancy right now.” he chewed harshly. 
 “Well no, I know she’s not here today. But tomorrow..”
 “No, we can’t go to Nancy right now because..she and I are fighting.” 
 “Okay, so make up with her.”
 “It’s not that easy, trouble.” he sighed, wishing it could be just that. 
 “Well why the hell not? You guys are practically making out in the hallway these days. Just bring her flowers and make up already.” There’s somewhat of a tone in your words that made Steve a little curious. 
 Was that jealousy? Could you possibly—
 No. Nope. He’s not gonna go down that rabbit hole again. Despite his troubling thoughts and the conversation turning slightly annoying, he tried his best to calm down and explain it better. 
 “I can’t just make up with her because she thinks we killed Barb.” 
 Your eyes widened a bit and you quickly pushed away your tray, leaning in closer towards him to conceal the conversation better. “What the hell do you mean? Is this why you were crying the other night?!”
 “I was not crying…but yes. Among other things.” he sighed defeatedly. 
 “Like what?”
 It’s hard to dive into everything, but considering you’re one of the few people that he can trust. He figured it wouldn’t be so bad to clue you in on a few important key points. 
 “..and apparently, we were never in love, I’m bullshit, and now she’s run off with Jonathan out of town.”
 “Shit.” You said, leaning back against your seat. The two of you have a bit of a stare off and he’s wondering what might come out from you next. Would you mock him? Tell him it was deserved? Did he just make a mistake on opening up about this? 
 He’s given you every reason to hate him still. Treat him like all the other assholes in this school. But a small part of him was scared to hear those kinds of words from you again. Fearing that it might just hurt a little bit more than the last time. 
 But you don’t do that. Instead, you’re reaching over to place your hand on top of his. “I’m sorry,” you said softly. The tips of his fingers twitched under the softness of your warm hands. “It’s not your fault..I hope you know that.”
 His eyes didn’t know where to look. The sincerity in your eyes or the way your hand is slowly inching to be inside his. Turning his palm over, he watched in silent awe as you slipped your fingers between his. It felt nice. He couldn’t help but give it a light squeeze as he muttered a shy response. “Thanks.”
 It’s a beat of a second that the two of you are just sitting there. Subtly holding hands over the table, where anyone could see and make things worse for the current rumors you shared. But Steve didn’t seem to care. Because for once, it felt like someone actually gave a shit about how he felt. 
 “I know I’m probably the last person you think would suggest this. But maybe we can find a way to figure out where Nancy and Jonathan are. Help figure out what mess they’ve gotten into-”
 “You know Harrington. When I mentioned leaving behind some girls for you, I wouldn’t have expected you to go after my girl of all people.” He watched as Billy pulled a chair out beside you, screeching the metal against the floor before he plopped down. He shot a white toothy smile over at Steve briefly before he glanced back at you. Draping his arm over your shoulder in an attempt to hug you close.  
 He’s so distracted by the look of hatred on your face, that he didn’t even realize he had dropped your hand in the process.
 “Okay, first off. I am not your girl. Second, what the hell are you on about, Billy?” 
 “Lover boy here is obviously having some relationship problems as we’ve discussed.”
 Steve’s eyes glanced over to you questionably. Wondering just when the two of you had talked enough to have him be the main topic of discussion. Didn’t you hate Billy that you were trying to avoid him at any chance?
 “I thought I gave him some humbling advice but he clearly ran off with it.” 
 “God, do you ever stop talking?” Steve muttered in disbelief. Unsure where the hell this guy pulled all this crap out of. 
 “No, he lacks the capacity to have any sort of tact.” you responded, sounding just as tired as Steve felt. 
 “Others would say I’m just brutally honest.” Billy shrugged. The two of you could only scoff at that. Still taken back by this asshole. 
 He watched as you scooted your chair away, trying not to be as close to Billy. “What asinine advice did you give Steve?”
 “Easy, I told him there was plenty of girls–”
 “Not the word I remember hearing.” he said, watching as the small interruption managed to get under Billy’s skin a bit. 
 “That he should move on and find some other bitch to help him forget Wheeler.” His poor choice of words earned him a look of disgust from you. Making Steve feel a little bit smug that of all the people Billy managed to get under his thumb, you didn’t seem to be one of them.  “And like I mentioned before, I didn’t think he’d do that with you of all people.”
 He glanced over at Steve with his last words, raising his brow just a smidge enough that Steve can’t help but feel something bubble up in his chest. “Who she talks to is none of your business.” There’s a slightly shocked look on both of your faces. But he ignored that to keep telling off Billy. “From what she’s told me, she dumped you last year, leaving you a mess back in California.” 
 “Oh is that what she said?” Billy chuckled, leaning in towards the table. Something waved over Steve’s body. He’s never felt so confrontational with a person before. And he’s not sure if it’s because Billy is that big of an asshole or if it’s because he’s an asshole who thinks he owns you. “What else do you suddenly know about her?”
 “I know she’s obviously grossed out by you and yet all you’ve done since you’ve gotten here is invade her space, man. It’s like you aren’t getting the hint.” Steve countered, mimicking Billy as he leaned in closer. 
 “Really! You of all people are able to grasp hints all of a sudden!”
 “Believe me, I’m not the only one seeing the signs. She’s practically crawling away from you every time you’re by her.” The anger was building up and he knew he should shut up. But this angry little monster that’s been on his shoulders this week is growing bigger with every reply back from Billy. 
 “And just how many times are you watching whenever I talk with her? She’s my girlfriend!”
 “She’s not!”
 “ENOUGH!” you yelled suddenly as you pushed out of your chair. All around students paused in their lunch to stare over at the sudden eruption from the table. From the glare on your face, Steve knew was in trouble. “I’ve about had it with you two!”
 Scratch that, he’s in deep shit.
 “For the last and final time, Billy. I am NOT your girlfriend. You’re an egotistical man-whore who needs a god damn reality check! Leave me the hell alone!” Steve glanced over to the blonde, noting that he was not only taken back by your outburst but also a little bit..afraid? Did he too face your wrath back at home?
 He nearly jumped in his seat when your fiery eyes turned to look at him next. But unlike Billy, he’s used to this fire by now, and he’s more than ready to accept what you throw at him. But the longer you look at him, the more he could tell there was something you were holding back on.
“We’re not friends.” you said, making his chest hurt just a little bit at the reminder. “I don’t need you to defend me and I definitely don’t need you to speak for me.”
 “Shows over, assholes!” you yelled over to the gawking student body. They’re quick to avert their gazes after that, probably having seen enough of what your target practice can do. 
 Both the boys sat there, silent as you gathered up your things and pushed in your chair. It wasn’t until Steve held up the magazine for you that he saw you pause. If only for a second before you grabbed it.
 “Nice one, Harrington!” Billy jeered with a slap to the table. He quickly got up from his chair and made his way towards another table before Steve could get the chance to say anything back. All he could do was sit back and watch as you made your way out of the cafeteria.
 There was still the problem he had in his hands and he only hoped that the rest of the school day would cool you off enough so that he could convince you to help him again.
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  Steve felt almost eerily like how he did Halloween night. Hands gripped tightly to the steering wheel as he watched you and Billy from the parking lot. He had hoped that he’d be able to offer you a ride with an apology and that would be good enough to get you to help him with Nancy. But all he could focus on right now was the sight of Billy cupping at your jaw, leaning closer to your lips. There was an off look to your face, but your eyes slipped close, like you’re waiting for a kiss. 
 For a moment Billy turned his head, obstructing Steve’s view before he suddenly let you go. For some reason Steve couldn’t help but press on the gas pedal, feeling the need to drive the hell out of the school, out of town, anywhere that wasn’t here.
 The two of you turned your gazes towards his direction and he can’t help but scoff at the sight of shock on your face. Without another thought, he put the car in drive and set off to head off the parking lot. Ready just to end the stupid day.
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  “And you’re sure this will help me out?”
 Mr. Chen, the town’s florist, looked over at Steve questionably. The boy had come in just a half hour ago, asking for help on getting flowers to help mend things up with Nancy. Using the partial advice you had given him at lunch the day before. 
 Immediately the man stalked over and offered Steve a variety of choices. Lilies, orchids, tulips, and so many that Steve couldn’t decide on. It wasn’t until he told the man that all he had was ten bucks that the man stalked off to the backroom and came out with a small bouquet of roses. 
 “I’ve been in this town longer than you’ve been alive, boy. Give her these. Suck it up and say you’re sorry.”
 With that he waved off Steve, wishing him luck before escorting him out of his shop. On the drive there he thought long and hard what he could say. For sure he knew he felt bad about just leaving her at the party. And maybe for calling her bullshit. But it wasn’t as if he pulled those out of nowhere. 
 He arrived sooner to the Wheeler house than he had hoped. Unsure of what to do still as he climbed out of his car. Holding tightly to the roses as he attempted to practice what he’d say when Nancy came to the door. 
 “Listen..I’ve been thinking. I love you. I’m sorry.” He sighed. The words tasted bitter on his tongue. “I’m sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?” he thought out loud. 
 He’s about to make his way down the long driveway when he suddenly heard the voice of someone else.
 Dustin, your cousin and Mike’s friend, cut across the lawn as he approached him. “Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?” 
 “No.” Steve responded, confused.
 “Good.” Without another word, he quickly snatched the flowers from his hand and made his way back up the driveway. Leaving Steve to scramble after him.
 “Hey. What the hell? HEY.”
 “Nancy isn’t home.” he clarified quickly. 
 “Where is she?” he asked, confusion only growing more. If she wasn’t at school yesterday and not at her house today. Then where the hell was she?
 “Doesn’t matter. We have bigger problems than your love life.”
 Great, so this kid all of a sudden can easily read just how much trouble Steve was going through right now. 
 “Do you still have that bat?”
 Wait, he can’t mean.. “Bat? What bat?” Steve asked, cautiously. 
 “The one with the nails.”
 “I’ll explain it on the way.”
 Steve couldn’t help but run back towards his car. Oddly enough, your cousin acted very similarly in terms of bossing him around. But like with you, Steve couldn’t help but listen to his gut and follow what was being asked of him. At least for now.
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  “Damn it.” Cursed Dustin. 
 Steve, who had been making the drive over to your house after getting the bat from his house, couldn’t help but glance over at the kid again. The ‘explanation’ that was promised to him was a quick short plea for Steve to help get rid of something that he had managed to trap in his basement. When asked what, Dustin said again that he’d explain when they got to the house.
 “What’s up?” he asked finally. 
 “It’s dark. The stupid sun went down.” muttered the boy miserably. He ducked his head a bit to scan out the window again. Steve couldn’t help but chuckle a bit about it. 
 “You scared of the dark or something?” he teased. Dustin turned his head quickly to scowl over at Steve before he quickly shook his. 
 “In case you didn’t remember, the task I need your helping hand in, is to go inside the house’s storm cellar. Meaning shitty lighting, genius.”
 Though Steve should be offended by the tone used by Dustin, he oddly found it a little entertaining. Wondering how a kid could sound so much like an adult. “Don’t sweat it,” Steve shrugged. “Just give me a good flashlight and I’ll take out this wild raccoon.”
 “Uh it’s definitely not a raccoon.”
 “Think more scales.” Dustin chuckled, seemingly amused by Steve’s guesses. 
 “A lizard?”
 “No, not a liza- Are you kidding me?”
 Steve’s eyes followed towards the direction Dustin had turned to, watching as a cyclist had emerged onto the road. He was about to ask what the big deal was until he noticed the familiar backside. 
 “Always with impeccable timing.” Dustin grumbled as he pressed down on the window. He quickly stuck his head out and began to yell out your name. For a second your bike wavered before you began to pull to the side. Your face turned towards the direction of the car and Steve slowly approached, setting down the brake once he had gotten close enough. 
 The boy climbed out of the car, hanging at the side of the door as he called out to you once more. For a moment you looked over, confused clear on your face before you eyed over at the car. That’s when it seemed to hit you. Making you storm closer towards the door with your bike in hand.  
“What the hell are you doing with Steve Harrington?” you asked, in complete disbelief. Taking that as his signal, Steve moved to get out of his car. Leaning onto the roof slightly as he took in the sight of you. Not only were you visibly confused, but from the way your brows were furrowed, he figured it wouldn’t be long for you to get angry. 
 “Could have ran you off the road there, Trouble.” he sighed, unable to fight his curiosity. “Why the hell are you biking out so late anyway?”
 “She was probably looking for her boyfriend.” Dustin answered with the same annoyed tone he had before. “Complained all last night about how he wouldn’t return her calls and went as far to look for him today. Which, by the way, thanks for getting back to me.”
 “Boyfriend?!” said the two of you. 
 Steve couldn’t believe it. Not only were you kissing Billy but now he’s back to being your boyfriend? The questions began to quickly burst from inside of Steve as he turned to look at Dustin. The only honest person he’s spoken to in days it’d seem. 
 “She’s been trying to call Hargrove?”
 “Hargrove? Who the hell is that? I meant Jonathan.”
 “BYERS?” Steve yelled, looking back at you momentarily. How the hell could Jonathan be off with Nancy but be also dating you? When the hell did that even happen? How the hell did that even happen? “Since when is she dating Jonathan Byers?!”
 “I don’t know, probably Christmas?”
 “Excuse me.” you said in between the two of them.
 How could you be dating Jonathan since last year and Steve not even see? The two of you hung out a lot. But there was never any hand holding. No kissing. You were just kissing Billy! “Christmas?! What about Billy?”
 “I seriously have no idea who that is.”
 “The guy that kissed her at school. Her ex.”
 “A guy kissed her at school?!”
 “Guys..” he heard you sigh. But by now Steve’s questions were pouring out in a flood and he wasn’t able to keep up with Dustin’s simple answers. As far as the kid knew, the two of you were a hot item for almost a year. 
 The anger in your voice put a shiver down Steve’s back. How the hell was he about to be reamed by you for a second day in a row?
 “I am not or will not ever date Jonathan Byers. He is my friend, and nothing else.” Your eyes found him next and he forced himself to hold his gaze with you when you pointed over at him. “I am also NOT dating Billy.”
 “Yeah?” he asked as he ran his now sweaty hand through his hair. “So what was that I saw at school yesterday? First you tell us off in front of everyone at lunch and next thing I see after school is you two about to kiss.”
 He can’t control the bitterness in his words. Whatever happened, whatever he saw? He didn’t like it. But the moment his accusations came out was unfortunately the moment he realized he had messed up. And the words that followed next didn’t help. 
 “Yeah, well, Billy likes to take whatever he wants. Regardless if the other person is willing.” you shrugged simply, despite your eyes saying something else. “It’s not like it’s any of your business anyway, right?”
 Take whatever he wanted? Has he done this to you before?
 Steve felt a sudden burst of shame wash over him. He quickly tried to remember how things looked the other day. It was like what he had told Billy at lunch. 
 “..all you’ve done since you’ve gotten here is invade her space, man. It’s like you aren’t getting the hint.”
 Maybe he didn’t get the hint after all.
 Dustin cleared his throat, bringing himself back into the conversation and the focus back on what he needed help with. “Look, there’s not a lot of time. But you need to get in the car.”
 “Why? I can just bike home.” 
 The boy ignored you momentarily, grabbing at the handlebars of your bike before he called for Steve to follow him to the trunk. He quickly joined him at the back, popping up the trunk door as he helped place the bike in the leftover space. From the side he could see as your eyes found the weapon. 
 “Dustin..” you groaned. “What the hell is going on?”
 Dustin looked nervous as he picked at his zipper before he glanced over at Steve. Silently shooting him pleading looks. But Steve ignored him momentarily, grunting a bit as he struggled to get the bike in the back. “No clue.” he honestly said to you. 
 The smaller boy stalked over to the backside, extending his hand for you to step. “Get in, I’ll explain on the way home.”
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  He couldn’t help but check his mirror to catch a glimpse of you. It’s only been about a minute since the three of you got back inside his car and he’s suddenly racked with so many emotions. Not only were you still upset from lunch, but apparently the whole Billy encounter was something that was forced on you.
 And all he did was accuse you of something else. Like an asshole. 
 “What’s with the flowers?” you asked from the back, looking down at the seat next to you. 
 “Ah, just something Steve was trying to give Nancy.” Dustin said offhandedly. “She wasn’t even home.”
 He peeked again at his rear view mirror. Watching as you pulled a single rose from the bouquet. You took a quick sniff and gave the flower a small smile. While he stared off at the road again, he couldn’t help but wonder; have you ever been given flowers? 
 “All right, punk.” you sighed to Dustin. “Spill.”
 Dustin pursed his lips a bit before he began to dive into the details. If Steve hadn’t gone through what he did last year, he would have thought Dustin’s story was just one of an imaginative kid. But knowing Hawkins, and his luck this week, it was all probably true. 
 The more he seemed to go on, the more you grew even more irritated. If possible. Eventually there’s some back and forth about a cat and suddenly Steve had to stop the two of you from fighting. Or more so stop you from fighting. 
 Steve couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at the relationship you two shared. You weren’t siblings, nor even related by blood. But there was already such a bond between the two of you. Something he was sure you guys weren’t even aware of. 
 Dustin for some reason, acted as if you frustrated him, but at the same time would volunteer Steve to go down the cellar alone where the two of you could keep safe upstairs. And while you seemed to want to kill him a moment ago, you were fiercely tugging him close to your side. 
 He’s never had anyone like that in his life. And he wondered for a moment, what that would be like for once. 
 It’s hours later and the three of you are trudging back. All tired from not only trying to figure out where the tunnel that Dart, as Dustin named it, had escaped. But also the overall emotions from the day. 
 The two of you stepped before Steve, leaving him a bit hesitant at the doorway before Dustin turned to look back at him curiously. “Well c’mon.” he yawned, returning back at the door. “We gotta make up plans.” 
 Taking that as his welcome in, Steve stepped through the threshold. Taking in the house that he’s come to twice now, but never having seen inside. 
 There’s a couple pictures around the place. Mostly of Dustin and his mother. But there are a few that Steve couldn’t help walk over to. It was one of Dustin, looking even more younger than Steve thought possible, and of a plain looking girl. He was about to set it down until he looked back once more. The smile on her face..it was you.
 “Hmm, back when she was too small to have all that attitude.” Dustin muttered as came to Steve after locking up. “Back when she was cooler.” 
 Steve glanced between the photo and the sight of you reading a note over at the dining room table. He wondered what it must have been like knowing you then. 
 “Aunt Claudia must still be out.” you yawned, missing out on Steve’s gawking as you shed off your jacket. “We’ll have a good hour or two to plan things out.” 
 Immediately it’s back to work and the three of you moved into the living room to quickly think out ways you could check the area. But after thinking it over, drawing Dart back to a secluded spot might be the better idea than attempting to scour the whole woods that surrounded the area. 
 It was a little bit later that you had gone off to the kitchen to check out supplies. Steve took it upon himself to read over a magazine that had been left on the table. It was the one he took from you the other day. Flipping through the pages, he found the stupid quiz you had been focused on.
 Reading over the results, he couldn’t help but scoff to himself at how vague everything seemed. How any girl could fall for this type of thing was beyond him. 
 “I’m gonna need your help.” you sighed from the kitchen. Steve snapped his head up, following to where you were looking to notice that Dustin behind him had nodded off while he wasn’t looking. 
 “Shit, I thought he was strangely quiet.” 
 “Yeah, it’s the only time we’ll ever get this kinda silence.” you said at a glance to your watch. “He must have been tired from getting Dart out of the house.” 
 Setting the magazine down, Steve quickly got up from the floor. Moving to help get the poor kid somewhere he could rest without breaking his neck. There had been so many times growing up Steve had found himself waking up in the middle of the night, having knocked out on the couch while waiting for his Dad to get home. The stiffness lingered on for days sometimes. 
 Dustin deliriously called out for you, unaware that his house guest was still here. So Steve gently shushed him, moving him down the hall where you pointed over to. The inside of Dustin’s room seemed typical for the type of boy he was. Walls covered with movies and comics that the boy liked. It was nice to see a personality outside of the smart quips he usually gave to Steve.
 “Goodnight, buddy.” he said softly before he allowed the kid to fall onto the bed. You carefully threw his blanket over him before following out after Steve. For some reason, being left alone with you at the moment felt almost nerve wrecking.
 “I guess it’s getting pretty late.” Steve said tired, glancing at his watch to note the time. “I could drive home and come back in a couple of hours.”
 “Well, we got a ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Probably need to head to the market early for all the supplies.” You said, eyes carefully watching him. He nodded his head in agreement. It would be better to get a head start as early as possible. And while he dreaded the idea, he figured there was at least another option for him to get some rest.
 “I guess I can sleep in the car.”
 “Or,” you drawled out. “You can just spend the night here.” 
 Wait what did you just say?
 “Here?” He stuttered a bit. Still in complete disbelief that you’d even suggest that. “I can’t spend the night here..”
 “Why not?” There was such an amusement to your tone. As if you hadn’t just been giving him nothing but the cold shoulder today. Waving your hand, you urged him to follow after you to the door just a little past Dustin’s. It’s your room. Steve’s not even sure he could even grasp the idea of coming in there. Opening the door, you looked back at him, continuing to wave for him to come forward. “It’s literally just to sleep for a couple of hours before we start everything.”
 While there’s an honest reassurance in your voice, he’s still not sure he could wrap his head around all this. “Yeah,” He said, taking one step inside. “But I’m a guy and I can’t just stay over.”
 You gave him a little look before he entered further, taking in the sight of your room. It’s colorful, and completely what he expected from your personality. All around were different magazines, books, and something that looked like a journal. There’s a strong scent of your perfume and he wondered if you might find it creepy if he asked what it was. He chose distraction instead and busied himself by looking over at your jewelry collection. 
 “You mean to tell me you haven’t spent the night over at a girl’s house?” You asked with a smirk on your face. Heat flushed over Steve’s face because honestly, no, he hasn’t. The real honest answer would be that girls mostly spent the night at his place. Where he could be in charge of who stayed and left him. But a part of him isn’t really ready to dive into that. “It’s not like a sleepover, Steve. You’re just sleeping over.” 
 “God, you’re still trouble.” he said, saying his thoughts out loud. It was like you were looking to make him break down at this point. 
 You disappeared into the closet for a moment, giving Steve the chance to peek over at your bedside table. There was a photo of you along with a trio of girls. All dressed up and grinning ear to ear in the photo. While all your friends held a certain beauty to them, you stood out the most. Posing in such a way that held confidence. If he looked close enough, he could almost see that sparkle that used to be in your eyes. 
 “All right, I don’t really have a sleeping bag so unless you want to break your back on the floor, we’re gonna have to share the bed.” 
 His eyes widened. Did you really just suggest what he thinks you did? 
 “The bed? Like you and me? On there?” he glanced over at the bed. It roughly had to be a full size. Possibly Queen if he wished hard enough. How the hell were you guys gonna be able to split that without it being weird. 
 But you’re so calm. As if you offer this for anyone that has to spend the night. 
 “We can use my other pillow as a wall between us. It’ll be like when you took naps in Kindergarten.” 
 “Yeah, well I could never really nap then anyway.” He muttered, feeling a little bit defeated in trying to reason with you here. “Isn’t this weird though? You hate me.”  
 “I hated Billy and did worse with him in the sheets.”
 The idea of Billy and you in bed brought a sourness to his face. For some reason. But regardless of what his mind was screaming at him to do. He still shed off his jacket and pushed off his shoes. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” he mumbled under his breath before he glanced at you again. “So I usually like sleeping by the window..”
 “Just get in, your highness.”
 Not wanting to be told twice, he quickly climbed into the bed. Admiring just for a second its softness before he moved the farthest he could go. You had taken off your own jacket, hanging it just on the bedside chair before chucking over the spare blanket you had brought out. It smelled like freshly washed linens and he sincerely hoped that would mask the overwhelming smell of your perfume that currently drove him crazy. 
 It only got worse when you climbed in yourself, adjusting the pillow in between the two of you before you settled into a comfortable sleeping position. But sleep felt like the farthest thing on Steve’s mind right now. All he could focus on was the fact that he was with you, in your bed, in the middle of night. 
 And all you two were gonna do was sleep. 
 He should stop. Just sleep and forget about this awkward night so that tomorrow you guys could find this baby demogorgon and deal with it quickly. 
 But every time Steve attempted to close his eyes, he couldn’t help but think back to how you had looked at him earlier in the night. 
 “Yeah, well, Billy likes to take whatever he wants. Regardless if the other person is willing.”
 How could he have just so easily thought so badly of you? Why did his stupid anger about the fight with Nancy have to come out and attack you of all people? The guilt had started to build up, and while he wished he could push it down to focus on everything else, he couldn’t. 
 Lifting his head up, he checked over the pillow in hopes that you were still awake too. 
 To his surprise, you were already looking over at him curiously. He took that as a sign to go forward with his thoughts. “I’m sorry about before.” he said softly, the small bit of light from outside shined brightly enough that he was able to see it cast over the bit of face that peeked up from your blanket. It was slightly distracting. “I sort of accused you of doing something with Billy..I should have known it was just him being a dick..”
 For a moment, he had become worried about your silence. But you slowly turned on your side, facing him better. There’s a questionable look on your face, but Steve held his breath to hear you out. “It’s alright.” you said eventually. “He kind of makes everyone angry when they talk about him.”
 “Which is what’s so confusing.” He said, thinking it over. It was annoying to think you put up with the man’s dramatics for so long.
 “What do you mean?”
 It was his turn to curl on his side now, needing to face you better. Using his elbow to lift himself up a bit so that he could peer down at you. For some reason, the subject has you looking so..small. His mind fought between reaching out to comfort you, and getting answers to the questions that’s racked his head this whole week.
 “How the hell could a girl like you date that asshole?” 
 He feared he might have stepped too far. Making you uncharacteristically quiet before you shrugged up at him. “Because I was an asshole.”
 “What?” he asked in disbelief. “You’re not an asshole.”
 “No, but if I remember clearly, you did think I was a bitch once.” 
 His jaw slacked a bit and he attempted to stutter out an apology. That dreadful day where he had messed up in more ways than one brought out so many things he wished you both could forget. You’re already shaking your head, stopping him from speaking up.
 “I can admit it. I don’t think I was a good person until the accident.” 
 There was almost a sad, distant look in your eyes when you looked down at your hands. Making Steve grip hard at the blanket over him to stop himself reaching out. Seeing you in any way sad hurt his chest. But this moment felt different. 
 He shouldn’t feel different.
 “I used to be such a bitch..worse than anything you’ve seen so far. And the sad part is I don’t even know why.” You said with a laugh forced in. “It’s not like I needed to be. My parents weren’t negligent or mean. But when I was with Billy, I felt like I was a part of a role. That I was someone special because I was dating the most wanted guy at school. None of my friends even cared about things like that. So why did I?”
 You mistook his silence for something else and quickly closed up again. A panic coursed through Steve.
 “Mistakes happen and I’m over sharing.” you finished with a pull to your blanket. A large part of it covered your face a bit. “We should probably go to sleep.”
 “I was wrong.” Steve said, finally breaking his silence. “You were never a bitch. If anything, I was the asshole.” His mind raced back to last year. And how different you made his life. Which, he of course, ruined that. Going so badly that he made you think he actually thought the worst of you. A painful regret that he still felt haunted by. “I think you’re actually the coolest person to ever step foot in Hawkins. And if my big dumb mouth made you think otherwise for even a second I’m sorry.”
 When you don’t fight against his words, he used the small bit of courage he had left tonight to continue.
 “I’m not the best with words. I think you out of everyone would know that. But I just want you to know that I’m sorry. For all that shit. And if tomorrow is the only time we hang out again after everything, then I understand.” 
 Looking back at you only made his chest tighten. The sight of your teary eyes putting his emotions in the ringer. How could he make things right with you? His weak words can only go so far and he’s sure that a smart girl like you wouldn’t care. You shouldn’t. But Steve is a little selfish and he’ll use the moment to his advantage. Like right now, when he reached his hand out to cup the side of your face. The pad of his thumb rubbed off a fallen tear from your soft cheek. “Those damn allergies, right?” 
 There was such a pleading to his name when you spoke. Making his chest ache again in a way that he hasn’t felt in a while. But he can’t focus on that right now. Neither of you can. 
 He quickly shook his head. You didn’t need to dive into his words and he couldn’t fall towards yours. Not when you were both clearly upset about things neither of you could control. “Goodnight, Trouble.” he urged, gently pushing you to lie down.
 He watched in silence as you turned over, giving him your back. A part of him wished he had let you continue talking. See what just might come out. But another, more silent winning part didn’t. Not when he was unsure what you might bring up. All that’s left is to force himself to sleep. Thinking only for a moment about the way you said his name. 
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It wasn’t the right time to get up when Steve stirred awake. It was the sudden temperature that surrounded his face. How was it that his pillows were so warm today? And when did his Mom change the fabric softener to something so incredibly sweet? Like fruity but..with a hint of something that made Steve take a deep breath. Just when he was about to fall back into sleep, he felt the pillow in his arms expand. No, not expand..breathe. 
 Wait pillows don’t breathe. 
 Steve’s eyes instantly snapped open. Giving full sight of the compromising position you were both in.
 Somehow, during the few hours of the night, the barrier that you had meticulously put had been pushed off. Allowing the sleeping Steve to slither his way in and grab hold of your body. The sides of his face were not warmed up by his pillows, but by the crook of your neck. Making him realize why he was so engulfed in such a sweet scent. 
 His arm was wrapped around you. Tugged close enough so that your back was pressed to the front of his chest. Warming his body from the earlier hour’s cold air. 
 How the hell could he let this happen? Why would his sleeping hands just wander off and do something like this? And more importantly, why the hell did you smell so good?
 He peered back from your neck. Careful not to wake you up in the process. 
 With the low light coming in through the crack in the curtain, Steve was able to get a pretty good look at your face. It was strange to see your usual stoic face look so..calm. There’s a certain peaceful look to your face. Or maybe it is just your usual look and he’s missed out on seeing it considering most days you frowned at him. 
 But it’s nice.
 There’s so many nice things about you and he hates that it’s only in a moment that’s as wrong as this that he’s able to soak it in. 
 He shouldn’t stay like this. He should remove himself from around you and turn around. He’s in love with Nancy for Christ’s sake. And yet, he’s unable to remove his gaze from the soft features of your face. From the way your lips pout each time you blow out a bit of air, the way your cheek is rounded from pressing against the pillow, and especially the way your hands were placed above his. Like you were reaching out for him..
 This is sick. You hate his guts. 
 He shouldn’t be over analyzing the way you cuddled unconsciously and instead focus on getting himself back to sleep. It wasn’t right to you, Nancy, and even himself. Because whatever this was..it was definitely messing with his mind. 
 Gently, he slipped his hands off from the expanse of your waist. Letting your hands slip down over yourself again. Using the small inch room he had, he bent down to pick up the blanket and carefully pulled it over your body. Earning a content hum to come from you once you gained back a bit of warmth that his body had been currently providing.
 With his arms free, he squinted over at his watch. Thankful that it was still early within the night that he could get a couple more hours of sleep. If he was able to at this point.
 Adjusting himself, he ignored the things in his mind to try and find a comfortable position on his back. Trying to focus on the sleep he’d seriously need and not the way he felt cold since letting you go. He peeked down once more to look at your sleeping form. You were still asleep, body covered up perfectly without any part of him over you. 
 He kept his gaze on you, allowing himself the sight of watching you until his eyes had begun to grow heavy again. Tomorrow would probably be the last day you’d want anything to do with him, he reminded himself. So for these few seconds, he’d enjoy your close company quietly. 
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 “Dude, you know you’re drooling right?”
 Steve let out a loud snort as he shot up from the bed. Scrambling to cover up his body with the blanket that had been thrown over him. “Huh? What?” he gaped. Blinking hard to his surroundings. He thought you would be beside him for the early wake up call, but he found instead a sleepy looking Dustin who stood just beside your bed. 
 “Did she really let you crash here?” he chuckled a bit while rubbing his eyes. “I bet the couch wasn’t comfortable for her.”
 For a moment Steve was about to correct the poor kid, but decided against it when he remembered that this whole time he thought you were dating Jonathan. Climbing out of the bed, he stretched his tired body and looked around the room. It looked a little too bright for the time they were supposed to start working.
 Turning his wrist over, he looked at the time and frowned a bit at how late it was. “Shit, we’re behind on things.” Steve muttered before he looked at Dustin. The boy looked over at his wrist before turning to exit the room. Following him, Steve stepped in just in time to catch the sight of you cutting up various cold cuts of meats at the counter. 
 “Why the hell didn’t you wake us up?” Dustin called out to you.
 The sudden question caused you to jump a bit. Nearly dropping the knife before you glanced in their direction. Steve noticed that you were definitely more freshened up than the two of them who were still in clothes from the day before. 
 “You guys were pretty beat up yesterday. And since I’m an early riser, I figured I’d get most of the petty work done.” you replied as you kept your focus back on cutting the red chunky pieces. 
 Dustin moved to your side looking down at your work before he glanced back at you. Confusion clear on his face. “Did you just say you’re an early riser? Seriously? You?”
 “I get up early.”
 “You get up with minutes to spare most days!”
 Steve walked up behind you, peering over at your work. The sight of the meat so early in the morning turned his stomach a bit. Making him extremely thankful that you took the task of cutting it up for the two of them while they were sleeping. He was curious about just how early you actually got up to get so much done. Not to mention how you did it without them knowing. 
 “How’d you even get all this stuff anyway?” He yawned over from the counter. You reached into your back pocket and fished out a pair of car keys. Wait a second.. 
 “Really? You took my car?”
 “She drove like a beauty.”
 He rolled his eyes, stuffing the keys back in his pocket. While he’s sure that you didn’t crash his car, he’s a little bit annoyed that you got his car without him even knowing. “She better still drive that way when we go out today.” 
 “Don’t get so worked up, your highness. Excuse me for wanting to give the two of you an extra hour of sleep.”
 “Hell, I’m thankful for it.” Dustin cut in thankfully. “Oh sweet, pop-tarts.”
 There’s something different about you today. Something that had you on edge more than usual and Steve couldn’t figure out why. Did you regret opening up to him last night? Had he pushed you too far in an attempt to get his answers? He thought about how it felt to see you so calm this morning and how it’s slowly fading back to being annoyed with him.
 “So you think we’re ready to go? Or can I have a shower first?” Dustin interrupted again, making you turn around and frown at him.  
 “Don’t be gross,” you said to him.  A bit of distaste in your voice. “But to answer you, I’m actually done. So we can head out now if you’re ready to go.” 
 “Sweet, Let’s get going.”
 “Ugh, if you’re not gonna be able to shower you should at least brush your teeth.” You groaned as you picked up Dustin’s trash. “I don’t wanna have to deal with your rank breath all day.” 
 Dustin looked over at Steve with a shocked look. “Do you hear the way she talks to me? Loving family, huh?” He said, trying to seek out a possible reassurance from him. But all Steve could do was give him a small smile and shrug. Unsure if he wanted to get in the middle of the two.
 “Just hurry up, dude.”
 The boy waved the two teens off before he stalked off down the hall. Leaving the two of you alone. Something Steve didn’t know he was secretly fearing until now. How were the two of you supposed to talk after everything? Were you going to close off again? What if you didn’t and he said the wrong thing today?
 Last night had worked out in his favor. But lord knows that Steve wasn’t the best at keeping his cool around you. It was like he was meant to be the most uncool person you’d ever interact with. Which was definitely not okay in Steve’s book. He wasn’t that guy. He was the guy that had girls swooning and falling for him. But that wasn’t what he wanted for you. 
 Had he really gone all these years without figuring out how to be just friends with a girl? Carol was his friend for a long time. But she was also there because of Tommy..
 “So about last night..” you started. Making Steve panic at how was going to go about things. 
 “Do you have any water?” he said quickly, needing a brief subject change.
 “The glasses are in there.” you replied confused. Giving him the chance to turn around and gather his emotions as he tried to focus on anything other than your curious face. But it’s not a long enough pause to get his words together because you’re speaking up again seconds later.
 “So..last night.” you chuckled. “Sorry for dropping so much emotional baggage on you.” From the corner of his eyes he could see as you struggled with getting the words out. Maybe you were embarrassed by it all and regret sharing in the first place. Great, now he was worried he made you feel bad about speaking at all. “I-I know I’m not the easiest person to talk to when pissed off. And I’ve been such a bitch lately—“
 “You haven’t.” He interrupted quickly. Not wanting you to think even for a second that you were a bitch. Especially when you’ve been dealing with your asshole ex on top of everything else. “And last night can be just last night if you want it to be.” he added, hoping it’d bring you a bit of ease.
 “What?” you asked, confusion back on your face. 
 “I mean, you were obviously upset about Billy and I was there for you to vent it out to. And like I said later on, it doesn’t have to be more than just hanging out today fighting a cat eating monster.”
 He’s attempting to keep cool about this. Not wanting to sound too eager or too offish in case it made you upset. Maybe girls like you need neutrality to keep your emotions together. It was hard to figure out sometimes. 
 “..Okay?” you said slowly. “Sounds good then..”
 While your answer wasn’t as pleased as he had hoped. He was glad it wasn’t making things worse as well. Remembering his cup before him, he quickly downed the liquid. Setting it down in the sink before he glanced back at you. 
 “Uh here,” you spoke up again, reaching for something in the grocery bag. He took a small step towards you and stared down at the new toothbrush in your hand. “Thought you might want this since you can’t exactly head home right away.”
 The gesture was so nice and very much the opposite sort of thing you’d do towards him as of late. It’s throwing off Steve more than he’d like to admit but he managed to keep up his calm demeanor when he reached out to take it from you. “Thanks,” he muttered, trying to ignore the warmth he felt from the heat of your skin. “I’ll just uh, go get to it.”
 Without another glance back, he rushed out of the kitchen. Needing to distance himself from you and your kind gestures. If last night wasn’t already messing with him, then today was definitely going to make things worse.
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 “And uhh what about her?” 
 Steve felt stumped with Dustin’s question. All morning the two of them had been going back and forth. Talking about just about everything. Meanwhile, you had been in front of them, leading the long walk to where the junkyard was. It had been quiet between the two of you since this morning. And Steve felt a twist in his stomach at the idea of possibly having made things worse for you.
 But now his thoughts were plagued with a new thought. 
 What kind of girl were you?
 For so long he thought he had it down with girls. Flirt with them, make them laugh, then see how they’d react and go from there. But that was all shot out the window when you came into town. You weren’t a girl who needed a man with confidence, and you definitely weren’t into someone who’d go for the slow approach. There was such a mystery to you and so many times did Steve find himself craving to figure out what it was.
 “..I’m still trying to figure that out.” he replied honestly. 
 From where the two boys stood he could see that you were tensed up a bit. Did you listen in on their conversation? Did you want to hear his answer too?
 “But this girl’s special, too, you know. It’s just like, something about her.”
 “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.” 
 “You’re not falling in love with this girl, are you?”
 “Uh no, NO.”
 “Okay, good. Don’t!”
 “I won’t.”
 “She’s only gonna break your heart, and you’re way too young for that shit.”
 A quietness fell in their conversation and Steve winced a bit at how dejected the kid looked. He was obviously not given this type of advice on the regular. And he doubts you and Dustin had this kind of heart to heart about love lives. Especially considering that you two fought like babies.
 The kid had the personality, he just needed to know how to use his confidence correctly. 
 “Fabergé.” he muttered.
 Pointing up to his hair, Steve kept walking as he revealed one of his most hidden secrets. “It’s Fabergé Organics. Use the shampoo and conditioner, and when your hair’s damp..it’s not wet, okay? When it’s damp..”
 “Okay, damp..”
 “You do four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett spray.”
 “..Farrah Fawcett spray?”
 “Yeah, Farrah Fawcett.” he said slowly. “You tell anyone I just told you that and your ass is grass.” he pointed a meaty gloved finger at the boy, trying not to feel the slight embarrassment from Dustin’s teasing tone. “You’re dead, Henderson. Do you understand?”
 “Yup,” Dustin replied calmly.
 Sighing, Steve nodded his head, hopeful that he could trust the kid with something like this
 “Move your ass, your highness.” you called out from down the track line. Steve couldn’t help but glance over at you slightly annoyed. The two of you really knew how to get under his skin. But oddly enough, it wasn’t something he could find himself really hating. 
 “Farrah Fawcett, really?”
 “I mean, she’s hot.”
 Their conversation goes back to normal after the life lesson. And Steve’s pleased to see that you’ve decided to walk beside them now. Not really talking, but seemingly wanting to be by them. There’s a moment when Dustin is rambling on about some movie that he thinks Steve should watch, making Steve realize how comfortable he felt. Right there, talking to Dustin about movies and you nearby. 
 For two people that were obviously smarter than him. You both made Steve feel so effortlessly comfortable. There were occasional moments where the two of you would correct him or things like that, which was annoying, but it was never something mean. It was comforting enough that Steve felt he could talk freely. Especially with Dustin who seemed to hang on his every word. 
 How could someone who was as smart as Dustin was, be so excited to hear what Steve had to say?
 He had been so trapped in his thoughts and keeping up with the conversation that Steve never noticed how long you had been watching him. Only noting that there was a curious look in your eyes. So, he shot you a small smile, hoping to ease your curiosity. 
 And to his surprise, you smiled back.
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  “You say that like you’ve shared the same experience.” 
“Maybe I have. But I think I’m not the only one.” 
 God is he fucked.
 How did he start off the morning, trying to make things neutral between the two of you, only to open his big dumb mouth and say something that felt like it was something else? You were too smart to not be able to read into the words he was saying.
 Hell, if anything else, that kiss last year was enough to show that Steve did feel something for you. But that was in the past. He loved Nancy. Whatever was said today was only about last year. Right? So why the hell did he feel like he just put his foot in his mouth?
 “What are you doing?”
 Steve jumped a bit at the sound of Max’s voice. Not even noticing that the girl had come up to his side. “Nothing.” he coughed, gripping onto the sheet of metal he had been looking for. You were going to cover up the side of the bus with a lining of metal and would definitely need more than what the two other boys brought you.
 “Why are you staring at her like that?” Max asked next, raising a brow at Steve.
 “I’m not staring at her, I was..lost in thought.” 
 The girl snorted a bit, following where Steve’s eyeline went. And unfortunately, it landed on you. “So your thoughts had to do with my friend over there? Pretty creepy.” she mused softly, turning to gather up another piece of metal. 
 “It’s not like that. I wasn’t–”
 “It’s not like what?”
 “I wasn’t looking at her in thought.” he stuttered, looking down at the young girl with a frown. It was a bit weird how easily this girl got under his skin. “I was in thought and happened to be looking in the direction that she’s standing.” 
 He looked down at Max and noticed that the amusement on her face had turned into full blown smugness. “Okay.” she drawled out, passing him another piece of metal. “If you say so.” Without another word to him, she passed him another sheet of metal, clapped her hands of any dirt and made a beeline down the hill towards you.
 Could this day get any weirder?
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  The night eventually creeped its way in, meaning that not only were they to wait out for their plan to work, but they had to wait in the small capacity of the bus. 
 He glanced over the junkyard, taking one last look at the calm before the chaos that was sure to come. He wondered what the others were doing and if they were okay. Were the other last two kids with their siblings? Were they safe at the lab? Was Nancy okay? Did she check in at his house wondering where he was?
 The worst started to come into mind. What if something happened to her and she couldn’t call for help? Then he thought of something even worse than that; what if she didn’t want to call for help?
 Needing to distract himself from that, he finished setting up the gas line to the bus entrance when he closed up the doors. In the corner, he noticed right away that you were sorting through the various bits of trash inside. A worried look on your face. 
 His hand reached out to you. Stopping you from getting any more anxious in front of the kids. 
 “What’s wrong?” 
 “What if..what if this isn’t enough?” Your voice is soft, heavy with worry and vulnerability. A side of you that he only saw the night before and the day you spilled your secret to him. “They’re kids, Steve. What if something really bad comes?”
 “Then we take care of it like last time.”
 “Like last time?! Steve, the four of us could hardly get that thing down. I stabbed it and it barely broke through the skin! Nancy had a gun!”
 The tone of your panic is too loud for his taste and he quickly hushed you over. Needing you to keep cool with him. “Lower your voice!” he hissed, shushing you momentarily before showing you towards the doors. “Look, the plan is foolproof. Okay? These guys..won’t even have to leave the bus.” 
 There was a time once where you were able to get some sort of comfort from him. Back when he had your trust. He’d give anything just to have a normal conversation with you, but he’ll take on trying to calm you down instead. 
 “I’m sorry..I’m just nervous since it’s just us.”
 It’s odd for him to feel slightly comforted at the fact that you see the two of you as a team. But you’re right, it is just the two of you and he knows what you guys are capable of.
 “C’mon, trouble. With my bat and your–” Oh god this crow bar is shit. “With my bat, we have nothing to worry about.”
 That answer didn’t really seem to comfort you fully and you’re slowly looking over him with a worrisome expression. 
 “What about if your bat isn’t enough? You could get hurt.”
 “Oh,” he breathed. Surprised that he was able to say anything after that. It sounded like you were actually concerned about him. But that couldn’t be it. Could it? There was something about the way you keep looking at him today that has him feeling..everything that he shouldn’t. He’s not sure how he can keep acting normal about you and your pondering faces.“Don’t worry about me. Nothing’s gotten me yet.”
 That settled you for a short while. Giving the two of you a chance to sit back and rest with the others for Dart to come and fall for the trap. Max was beside you, murmuring small conversations to you now and then. All while Dustin paced back and forth.
 Like him, the kid was seemingly going through the same kind of mix of emotions. Mainly, with girls. Max was the one he had been referring to earlier in the day, and he could see why Dustin might be interested in a girl like that. 
 Fiery personality, witty quips, and smart. It was words he’d easily use to describe you. But there was one big difference in all this. Dustin wanted to impress Max to date her. And Steve, well, he wanted to date– No, wait he didn’t want to date. He wanted to be friends with you. 
 That’s all. 
 “..Shit. Don’t be an idiot. Okay? It wasn’t a bear. Why are you even here if you don’t believe us?..Just go home.” 
 Steve’s attention snapped over to Dustin as he gave a harsh reply to Max. There was definitely some effort from the boy in terms of not caring. But he wasn’t sure he should have added the insult. And from Max’s reaction, she didn’t seem too pleased with it either. Ditching the three of you in favor of joining Lucas on the roof. 
 It wasn’t the best move for Dustin, but Steve thought it was good enough for a first try around. “That’s good. Just show her you don’t care.” he encouraged.
 “I don’t.”
 Steve was pleased. Knowing that with proper instruction and encouragement, Dustin could easily change his life from heartache to heartthrob.
 “You both are seriously idiots.” you said, coming into the conversation finally. Steve watched over carefully, seeing as your stunned look from before changed to annoyance. “How you’ve gotten any date is beyond me.”
 “What are you talking about?” Steve scoffed, a little insulted by your dislike. He’s capable of getting tons of girls. Especially with his methods. “The kid did great.” he insisted a second later.
 “Really?” you huffed. “Calling Max an idiot and making her feel bad. That’s great to you?”
 “They’re kids. They’re used to jabbing. The girl’s tough. She’ll probably get over it by the time she comes back down.” he replied quickly. 
 “And what if she’s not? Your shitty advice could have led her away.”
 Steve nearly gasped at your words. His advice, although a bit extreme, was solid. Glancing over at Dustin, he raised a brow, hopeful for the kid to come into his defense. But all the boy could do was stare between the two of them.  
 “Look, my methods have worked before. So I don’t know what you’re freaking out about.” he said simply. “Just let the dude work it out for himself and see what happens.”
 You huff about wanting to check on his past girlfriends while moving to kneel at the seat next to him. Without really thinking he couldn’t help but stare over at you. Going over all the ideas that he did to his past girlfriends and rethinking things over. 
 “Tell me, Trouble. What do you suggest then?” He asked, needing to see what gained your approval. As far as he knows Billy was your longest relationship and Steve didn’t think Billy of all people even knew how to court a girl. 
 “What do you mean?” You said back, not giving him your full attention yet. 
 “You think you have this all figured out. How would you have told him to do it?”
 You took a deep breath and adjusted around in the seat until you were beside him. Letting Steve have the chance to feel the brush of your arm on his. It’s annoying how much that stayed on his mind while you replied to him. 
 “Simple. I’d suggest he’d go about this the normal way.”
 “Which is?” 
 There was a beat of silence after that and Steve quickly fiddled with the lighter in his hands, hoping he could distract himself from overthinking. 
 “Girls just want it simple. They want someone who’s honest, loyal, and nice. They’re not gonna want a guy who’s gonna play mind games with them.”
 The very mention of mind games has Steve frowning slightly. He’s been in the biggest mind game of his life with Nancy for the past two days and you’re sitting here trying to tell him it’s the other way around. 
“Girls constantly play mind games,” he said quickly. “You guys perfected it.”
 That doesn’t stump you at all. You raise a brow, looking at him with a tired look. “Maybe the immature ones. But really, most girls are like Max, who expect people to be real. And if your past girlfriends aren’t like that, then you’re in the wrong dating pool.”
 What the hell is she on about? He thought, falling into a mess of questions in his mind. There were many past relationships that came into mind, but one outstanding question could not stop echoing in his mind.
 “And what about you?”
 “What about me?” 
 Licking his lips, he looked over at you carefully. “Are you like Max? Looking for honesty?”
 Right away he can tell you’re a little taken back to have it turned on you. Which he’s slightly proud of himself for. But there’s a small part of him worried about hearing what kind of answer you might have for him. 
 “I’m not looking for any guy at the moment..”
 “But what if you were? What kind of guy?”
 “..I just want someone who actually likes me for once.” 
 In just ten simple words, he feels like his world has turned upside down. How could you feel like there hasn’t been anyone out there who’s truly liked you ever? He wants to believe that it’s impossible for that to be true. But there’s no time left for him to think it over. Because Dart has suddenly arrived into the junkyard and all their focus has to go in keeping to the plan. 
 But it’s hard, and he finds that he’s distracted with how aware he is suddenly of you and all the kids being here with just his bat as the only weapon. With just Dart, it shouldn’t be so bad, but there’s no telling if everything was going to go correctly. 
 Beside him, he can hear the sound of your shaking breath. Reaching a hand out, he hoped that with him near you’d have some small sense of comfort to what was going on. 
 Up on the roof, Lucas called out to where Dart was. And thankfully it’s on the right path towards the center pile of meat that you guys poured out. Only for a moment can Steve feel the knot in his back loosen. But that’s all thought too soon and the sight of the monster sniffing around the meat instead of eating it, has Steve glaring out the window. 
 “He’s not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?” he asked frustratedly. 
 “It’s like he’s waiting for something.” you said under your breath. 
 “Maybe he’s not hungry?” Dustin said, trying to be hopeful. But something about Dart being hungry clicked in Steve’s mind. If this thing was growing, it was bound to start hunting. And like all those terrible animal documentaries he saw in Science class, they were bound to want their food fresh.
 “Maybe he’s sick of cow.” Steve said suddenly, getting an idea.
 “Sick of cow?” He heard you scoff. But he was too busy trying to think of how he’d run out this play to dive into explaining everything. All he did was squeeze at your soft hand once more before letting go. 
 “Steve?” you said in the smallest voice. 
 He shuddered a bit. Not quite prepared for the worry in your tone.  Dustin was next to turn back and look at you, face mirroring yours perfectly. 
 “Steve, what are you doing?” he asked when he had made his way over to the door. It caused him to stop in place and turn around, holding up the lighter. 
 Just get ready.” he ordered before tossing it to the younger boy. His eyes met yours only for a second before he tore himself away. Afraid you might actually talk him out of this crazy idea. 
 The moment he stepped out the bus, he felt that this is where shit was going to go wrong. It was too quiet and too tense for just the small creature he’d be taking on. But even with the hair on the back of his neck rising, and the thought of everyone on the bus watching him, he still stepped forward. 
 It’s a second or two of calling out to Dart. Grip on the bat tight and ready to swing away at the beast. That’s when shit finally hits the fan and suddenly Lucas is screaming at him from the bus. From the sides, more creatures that looked like Dart started to appear. 
 He was being surrounded. He was going to die by ambush. 
 Just when he was sending out a prayer you’d get the kids to look away, he heard the sound of a heavy breath behind him. Glancing over, he’s nearly sent into a heart attack at the sight of you and that stupid, rusty, crowbar. 
 “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” he shouted. Upset and worried at seeing you try to take on some of the creatures. He needed you back in the bus where he would know you were safe with the kids. Not here trying to get yourself killed. 
 “I’ve got your back, just get your ass back over to the bus!” you shouted back, not looking at the worry you’ve suddenly filled Steve with. From behind, he could hear the screech of the bus doors open as Dustin called out to the two of you.
 “Guys! Abort! Abort!”
 That triggered off the dogs and it’s a vicious fight to get the two of you back over to the bus. 
 All around Steve felt the knot in his stomach grow bigger. With every swing to a creature, his eyes glanced to the bus. You weren’t keeping up with him in order to protect him. Failing to keep watch of yourself. 
 Rushing to your side, he watched as you used the sharp end of the crowbar to jab the face of one of the dogs. Causing the creature to recoil in pain and give Steve the chance to grab hold of you. 
 “Are you out of your mind?” he growled. 
 “I couldn’t just leave you alone!”
 The two of you heed the warning from Dustin and dash the rest of the way in. Steve only had a second past the threshold of the bus doors before the demodogs attacked the bus.
 “They’re gonna break through!” you yelled. 
 He reached past you to grab onto one of the metal paneling, using it as an extra barrier to the bus doors. But before he could secure it better, the bus is hit hard by one of the creatures, forcing it to dip on itself and make everyone lose their footing.
 You fall down to the door, hitting against the metal roughly. Steve’s worried you might have hit your head when suddenly a claw punched through the metal, swiping at your arm. The kids let out a panicked cry and you let out a yelp at the attack. 
 After that he sees red. 
 Slamming his bat down on any creature that broke its claw through. Amid his swinging, the sounds of Max’s scream caught the attention of the two of you. Quickly, you reached over to place down another sheet of metal. Holding it back safely enough before you looked over at him. 
 “Go help them! I’m fine!” you insisted. 
 A part of him didn’t like the slight panic on your tone, but went ahead to the kids anyway. 
 “Out of the way! Out of the way!” he ordered. “You want some? Come get this!”
 The creature let out a snarl to him, making it look like he was about to dive in when it suddenly was cut off. All around the roof was cleared off of the demodogs as if they were being forced into a retreat. 
 The group slowly scrambled back together. Making their way over to the bus doors. 
 Steve is the first one to make the move to step outside. Looking around the place for any sort of sneak attack that could happen. He can hear the murmured reactions of all the kids. But Steve knew by the look of things that things weren’t as they seemed.
 “Steve scared ‘em off?”
 “No. No way. They’re going somewhere.” Where though, was the question in mind. 
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  It’s later on in the night and Steve can’t stop this knot that’s formed in his stomach. The group has long gone left the junkyard and down the hilltop. With the demodogs surely on their way to the lab, there was no telling what danger they’d be approaching. 
 Sure the coats sitting up in the lab probably had some high level security personnel. But were they strong enough? 
 There’s also the fact that you keep lagging behind in the group. Keeping yourself distant. He couldn’t help but frown over at you. Were you quiet because he had failed to keep you out of harm? Were you upset for him being mad that you came out of the bus to help when he didn’t need it?
 Dustin is calling out to you. Yelling your name slightly worriedly but you quickly shush him. Pulling him to your side. Leaning in close to keep whatever conversation between the two of you a secret. 
 Eventually he’s pulling away from you, a frown on his face as he nodded his head. You urge him off and finally notice that Steve has been watching you. But instead of approaching you about it, he left you off to yourself, leading the kids out of the treelines. 
 That’s when the group ran into Nancy..with Jonathan. 
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  Steve kept his gaze forward. Fixating on the flashlight on his hands and not at the fact that once the lights in the lab came back on Nancy and Jonathan took off in his car. Leaving Steve and the rest of you behind. 
 Was everything that’s been rumored these past few days true?
 Was Nancy with Jonathan now? Did she like him? Did she love– No, he wouldn’t think about that. He couldn’t. He should focus on something else. There was always later for answers. Nancy and Jonathan both had brothers that could be up in that lab. It made sense they’d go off together. 
 Even if it meant he couldn’t be there to protect her. 
 The scuffing of shoes perked in his ears and he noticed that you’re still pacing before. Worried eyes glancing back to the lab before turning to go back to walking. It’s weird. Tonight he’s seen more sides of you than ever. The worried, the insecure, the unsure. It’s all nice as much as it’s worrisome to himself. He wants to help you but is not quite sure if you’d take the help right now. So he’d settle for distracting you. 
 “I’ve never seen you this nervous before.” he pointed out calmly, staying still in place with the flashlight in hand. 
 “Who says I’m nervous?” 
 It’s amusing to see that you’re so stubborn at trying to keep your presence as calm and collective when clearly you are not. 
 “Well, the hole in the ground your feet are making is a start.” he shrugged, trying to keep things light. “There’s also the fact that you’ve been frowning since they took off.”
 You let out a huff, seeming to think it over with a nod before you walked over to lean against the glass of the security box. The smile is forced, but more so in a playful way.
 “There.” you said. “No more pacing and no more frowning. Better?”
 He can’t help but chuckle at that, glad to see that you’re taking the playing along. The smile on your face grew wider and he felt for the first time in the night that he’s feeling a little bit of the knot in his stomach loosen up.
 “Much better.” 
 It’s a little bit chaotic after the brief interaction with you, and the rest of you are surprised to find the Chief coming in with a van after the car that had Jonathan and Nancy zoomed by.
 The group quickly climbed inside the van. Piling into until Steve let the Chief know he could drive off. Leaving behind the sounds of the creatures loud screams.
  It’s another year of Steve finding himself inside the Byers home. As if the night wasn’t hard enough with the demodogs, now Steve’s vision is attacked with the sight of you and Nancy at Jonathan’s side. 
 He’s jealous. He can admit to that.
 Not only does Jonathan have you by his side comforting him. But Nancy too. The two of you haven’t left his side since the group entered inside the house. Not that he can say anything otherwise. Will was definitely not well, and it made sense that all of you close to him were worried. 
 But the sight of it all had his..allergies acting up again. 
 “When did you get hurt?” 
 “She’s hurt?”
 Steve was immediately pulled out of wallowing away in his self pity when he heard the sound of everyone’s sudden concern. How could he have forgotten that you were injured before. There was a scratch and blood that he saw, but after Dustin tended to it, he figured it must have been a minor cut. 
 You seemed to be stumbling into trying to ease the injury. Playing off the whole story like it was some sitcom when in reality, the demodogs had nearly gotten you. He wonders if anyone else is able to catch on to how uncomfortable you are to have this kind of attention on you. 
 “I can, uh, help her.” he blurted out without thinking.
 The three of you are taken back by his offer. Probably not expecting him to intervene with any kind of help considering that the four of you didn’t have the best relationship with each other. Jonathan raised a brow at Steve. Possibly trying to get a read on him before his gaze turned to you. All you did was shrugged in confusion.
 “You okay with that?” he asked softly. 
 Steve can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed at the fact that his effort to be helpful in this situation is taken with such heavy caution. Yes, the three of you would have reason the year before to have a lack of trust towards him. But he thinks he’s proven enough for you guys to know he’s serious with things now. Thankfully you don’t let the awkwardness linger much further. 
 “Uh yeah,” you said pointing down the hall with your thumb. “Still got that kit in the bathroom?”
 “Yeah, there should be stuff there you can use.”
 You nod for Steve to follow you and he’s happy to have some space away from the two other teens and instead go back to the comfort of your company. While he’s had problems with getting you to forgive him, it was at least the most honest. Something he couldn’t have exactly with Nancy at the moment. 
 In the bathroom, you’re leaning against the sink. Allowing Steve to be in a closer proximity to your wound. “Let me know if I hurt you.” he mumbled as he carefully started to undo the knot. There’s unfortunately very little light in the bathroom and he found himself leaning in closer than he planned. Almost feeling the heat of your body through the layers of clothing.
 “Okay, I got this undone but I need to help clean it properly. You gotta get rid of the jacket.” For some reason that pulled an adorable pout on your face and he had to hide his amusement as he dropped the dingy bloody thing into the trash can.
 The cut itself is practically healed with how long it’s been kept with a bandage. But he can see why it was bleeding so bad in the first place. The lines were pretty gnarly, and he’s surprised that you’ve gone so long without taking anything for the pain you must have. Running some clean water, he rubbed gently at the back of your arm, making sure to give a comforting touch to compete with the tugging he was about to give to your wound.
 A pang of guilt hit him as he dabbed over the red skin. This shouldn’t have happened to you. All you wanted to do was protect the kids and because he didn’t make sure it was as safe as you wanted, you ended up hurt. You’d have a whole new reason to hate him tomorrow. If you wanted to, that is. At this point, your mood towards him has been pretty back and forth. 
 “Be honest,” you said softly, gaining his attention. “Is it bad? Will I have to wear sweaters for the rest of my life?”
 The light hearted attempt at conversation has him laughing a bit. Even when you were unaware of the troubles in his mind, you somehow managed to get him out of it. Moving your arm up, he showed you the now cleaned cuts. There’s a small realization to your eyes and he’s happy to see you’re taking this in a better way than he would have. 
 “It’s so bad.” you said, sarcastically slapping a palm over your face. The dramatics are kind of amusing to him. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that the two of you were getting along. So with that small hope, he volleyed off your joke.
 “It’s disgusting.” he snorted. “They’ll have to chop it off for sure.”
 The laugh you let out is sort of melodious to his ears. Not because it was pretty, it was pretty cackley. But because it’s so genuine. It has him feeling almost giddy inside at the idea of making you feel better enough that you’re laughing with him and not at him. He couldn’t help but join in a bit while he attempted to finish up his patch work. 
 From the corner of his eye he can tell you’re watching him closely. Will this be when you remember that you still hate him? Can he handle going back to that kind of animosity again? But before he can try and think of a way to continue the good mood between you two, you’re reaching a hand up to brush against his brows. Affectionately trying to ease the frown on his face. 
 He let his eyes slip close. Trying to bask in the moment of being comforted by you and just forget for one second that he’s fixing up your arm in the Byers’ bathroom. The pad of your fingers is soft and he’s wondering how it’d feel to be really comforted by someone like you. 
 Not that he’d deserve it..or should want it. 
 Reaching up, he pulled at your arm to move your hand to rest against his. Keeping you from making him impulsively reach out for more of your touch. You must think he’s upset because the next thing he knew, you were apologizing. 
 “I’m sorry,” you said quickly. “About what happened back there. I know it was stupid of me and you’re probably mad about it.”
 For a moment he couldn’t say anything but look at you. How could you think he was upset at you? Sure, it was terrifying to see you out in that junkyard. But the main focus was just getting you inside. He wanted you safe. All he wanted was for you to feel safe..
 You reached out to weave your fingers with his. Causing a fire to form in his hands. Why were you always so warm? It was almost like his body was hyper aware of the new touch. He couldn’t help but flash back to this morning where he found himself tangled with you. 
 “You were just trying to keep us safe..but something about you out there alone. It didn’t sit right with me.”
 “I would have been fine.” he replied softly, giving you a look. You should know by now that he’d always find a way around things. But why were you so suddenly concerned over him? You shouldn’t be. And yet, his reply has you ducking her head down shyly. Like he pointed out something he wasn’t supposed to be aware about. 
 “Maybe I didn’t want to take that chance.”
 The two of you shuffled a bit, trying to ease around each other without pulling away. In fact, he’s managed to wedge himself close enough that you’re standing before him now. 
 Why couldn’t you take that chance? Why’d you risk getting yourself hurt to just make sure that he didn’t? It didn't make any sense. You still hated him, right?
 “..You wouldn’t have felt that way two days ago.” he pointed out.
 There’s a quick pause before you nod your head in agreement. So if you were aware of those previous feelings and know that what was being said right now completely contradicted all that. Then why say anything like this? What were you truly feeling?
 And why couldn’t he just ask you that?
  “Feelings change.”
 Something tugged at his chest and he impulsively couldn’t stop the words from falling past his lips. The curiosity getting the best out of him apparently. “Yeah? Just like that?” he asked, reaching out to cradle at your neck.
 He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be needing this as much as he does right now. But something about the way you’re looking at him tonight as him rethinking all his words today. Wondering just what and when did things change for you. And if it were changing for him too.
 “It can happen for someone as quick as a day.” you said, repeating his very words to him. 
 He’s torn between diving into the depth of what your words mean, and taking action to what he thinks they mean. For just this moment, nothing past this small bathroom seemed to matter. In his head, he’s aware that not only do not hate him, but that your feelings have changed entirely. 
 And with the way you’re looking at his lips, he has an idea of what you might mean. 
 All he’d have to do is kiss you now. Give into the curiosity that you both have and settle once and for all if the feelings between you have really changed. 
 Just kiss her. 
 Kiss her now.
 Forget about everything and–
 The sudden voices from Dustin and his friends cut through the moment. Making both of you jump away from each other and give some space between the two of you. The interruption from your cousin might have ruined the moment, but it gave Steve a second to realize what he almost did. 
 How could he have so easily swayed to wanting to kiss you after being torn up about seeing Nancy with Jonathan moments ago? This was sick. He was sick! It shouldn't be so easy to think about kissing you when just a day ago he was begging for Nancy to tell him that she loves him. 
 This wasn’t fair to you. This wasn’t fair to Nancy. And it definitely wasn’t fair to himself.
 “Thanks for the patch up.” you said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. The action caught him off guard and he found that he was too stunned to get a reply out to you before you left without another word. 
 Now Steve was left to his rambling thoughts, and the feeling of your warm lips still over his skin.
  Things don’t get any clearer after that. Eventually the kids put together some sort of idea of just what everyone could be dealing with. It wasn’t just the demodogs, but something bigger, something smarter. 
 Dustin had brought out a book from Will’s room. Something from their D&D games that Steve honestly had no idea what that stood for. But as Dustin turned the pages to the book, he pointed out the main culprit for who they thought was in charge. 
 The mind flayer. 
 Apparently a monster so grand and powerful that he might just be able to take over Hawkins in a Nazi like way with the help of the demodogs and whatever possession he had with Will. So basically the end of the world.
 Or a regular weekend in Hawkins, he figured. 
 The topic of an upcoming attack has the entire kitchen filled with a tension that Steve thinks is almost unbearable. He glanced over towards Jonathan and Nancy. Noting their more composed positions on the matter. Nancy is more than ready to fight, asking questions in her mind. That’s when the Chief seemingly took in a more sarcastic interest.
 “Great, so how do you kill this thing? Shoot it with fireballs or something?”
 “No. No, no fire–no fireballs.” Dustin chuckled, unaware of the adult’s disinterest. “Uh, you summon an undead army, uh, because..because zombies, you know, they don’t have brains. And the mind flayer, it..it likes brains.”
 The Chief gave the kid a look that was a mixture of being completely done and angry.
 “It’s just a game.” Dustin added quickly. “It’s a game..”
 “What the hell are we doing here?” Hopper cried out tiredly. Steve rolled his eyes, not wanting to add any fuel to the fire. But apparently you did since you took a step forward, eyes glaring over at the older man. 
 “I don’t know about you, Hopper. But some of us have been trying to figure out how to fight against these things all damn day! We even set up a base to lure it in!” Everyone stared in shock. 
Not any one of those kids there thought about ever talking back to the Chief of police that way. Let alone tell the guy off. Of course you’d be the one to be so bluntly truthful to your thoughts. “I think things might be a little bit more helpful if you weren’t so damn sarcastic with these kids!”
 If Hopper’s glare scared you in the slightest, you didn’t dare show it. Steve couldn’t help but admire your gumption. Albeit reckless considering who you were speaking with but still pretty damn cool. And hot.
 “You don’t know what the hell we just went through, kid. What we had to do. So quit acting like you do!”
 “I think I’ve got a pretty damn good idea!” you laughed, pointing to the cut on your arm. “But at least I know better than to waste everyone’s time by being a sarcastic assho-”
 Steve couldn’t help himself and reached around to cover your mouth. Just because he was able to take your sharp words with pride, didn’t mean everyone else could. Especially the very irritable man with the access to handcuffs.
 “You do realize he’s still Chief of Police, right?” he muttered low. 
 ““He could be the goddamn President for all I care! That doesn’t give him a right to mock the only people around here trying to help!”
 After that spark of anger, it seemed to set off the other kids. Making each one of them spew out their concerns and ideas to a very tired Hopper. Steve thinks the worst is gonna happen with no help, no plans, and no weapons. But that went away when Joyce Byers emerged from her room finally. 
 There’s a painful desperation in her voice as she told Hopper about wanting to kill whatever was inside Will. And it looked like the Chief was going to shut her down until Mike spoke up. Leading the group to observe a sleeping Will closely. 
 “If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it’s Will. He’s connected to it. He’ll know its weakness.”
  “I thought we couldn’t trust him anymore.” Max pointed out. “That he’s a spy for the mind flayer now.”
  “Yeah, but he can’t spy if he doesn’t know where he is.”
  After that, a plan is quickly thought up. 
 Everyone is forced into different tasks, pairing off groups of three and two to gather up supplies and set up the shed in the back. Steve found himself doing the latter with Nancy. Something he was hesitant about. Especially when he found out you’d be coming in with the supplies. 
 Today had already been pretty confusing. But working closely with the two of you seemed to make him nervous, honestly. Nancy was helping close by, picking up the nails and such to hand over to Steve. 
 He couldn’t help but find it funny that he was now doing the same thing you had done earlier to the bus. Making him smile a bit at the memory until Nancy spoke up. 
 “What you did, um, helping the kids. That was..really cool.”
 “Yeah.” Steve replied coolly, trying not to read too much into her words at the moment. “Those little shits are real trouble, you know?”
 “Believe me, I know.” she chuckled.
 It’s a nice calming moment and he’s thankful that’s the main start of their conversation. Unfortunately, he might be the only one who was thinking that. Because the next thing he heard was the sound of your voice entering the room.
 For some reason, you’re upset. More upset than he’d ever thought you’d be. And for once the main focus of your anger isn’t necessarily him. But to Nancy. 
 Too quickly are the vicious words coming out of your mouth. He’s sad to say he’s stumbling over easing up the situation. It isn’t until he attempted to reach out for your hand, and get you to calm down that he realized he might join Nancy in your verbal assault. 
 “God,” you said, getting out of his grip. “You two really are something else.”
 The judgment in your words didn’t feel good, and he’s mildly aware that while their conversation was innocent. The situation between them is far from being settled any time soon. But that shouldn’t be any of your concern. So why were you so angry, and why did that bother him so much?
 “Continue to enjoy the bullshit, Steve.”
 The words hit him harder than he expected. And he finds himself momentarily transported back to how he felt that night at the party. A phantom like pain going right to his hand as if he just hit it on the steering wheel.
 “Steve..” Nancy said softly. But all he did was hold up his hand, not quite done with you just yet. 
 “I’m sorry.” he said leaving her side. With a few strides he arrived at your side and grabbed onto your arm before you could step into the house. “Do you want to tell me what the hell that was about?” he asked you, eyes worriedly looking down at you.
 “Let me go!” you whined, going as far to slap at his hand. It’s childlike and very much the opposite of the fiery girl he saw just moments ago. Instead of listening, he moved to grabbing you by the shoulders. Keeping you standing before him so he could get some answers.
 “Relax.” he insisted. “Why are you so upset?” 
 “Because, Steve! What she did to you wasn’t okay and you’re just talking with her casually? Like nothing happened?”
 He couldn’t understand where you got that idea from. If anything they were more awkward with each other than before. “She was just thanking me for helping with the kids. We’ve barely spoken all night.” he reasoned, trying to put together where they seemed to go back to things normally. 
 “She’s barely given you the time of day since that party! And up until tonight, she didn’t even bother to know where you were and if you were okay.”
 The reality of his worries coming into light hurt a lot coming from you than if he heard it from Nancy herself. You were the most blunt and truthful person that he knew right now. And it wasn’t like you gained any benefit by hurting his feelings at this moment. 
 That still didn’t stop the pain hitting over him.
 “Look, I’m sorry.” you sighed, sounding genuinely apologetic. “I know that..I’m being harsh. I don’t mean to make things worse. But I just don’t want—can’t see you get hurt again.”
 He breathed heavily through his nose. As if he could blow out the ache from his lungs. But despite your honesty and apologies. There’s still something he’s desperate to know. 
 Why the hell did this matter to you so much?
 “I don’t see why you even care. I don’t. It’s over with..”
 “Because, Steve.” You said, moving in closer towards him. “Believe it or not but someone actually gives a shit about you for once.”
 There’s a pain in your voice that’s oddly matching his. Where were these feelings coming from? You shouldn’t feel this way about him at all. This was not your problem to deal with. The only thing you should be worried about is making sure you and the rest are safe. Not his feelings..they didn’t matter. Right?
 Closing up the last bit of distance, he stepped closer to you, looking down at you worriedly. 
 “You shouldn’t care,” he sighed. “We’re not friends..you’ve told me that so many times.”
 There was something about the way you were looking up at him that was drawing him in closer. Was it the heat from your body? The softness in your words? Or was it just you?
 “I know.” you sighed back to him. Looking just as torn up as he felt. 
 Without saying anything else you reached out to him, placing a hand down on his chest. The close contact has his heart beating erratically. Enough so that he’s sure you can feel it. He leaned his head down, getting closer to yours until finally; your lips met. 
 It was safe to say that his entire body is ignited once the two of you start to kiss. Like the last time you two shared a kiss, he can feel the entire world disappear. His senses are all heightened just to focus on you. The softness of your cheek in his hand, the sweet smell of your perfume, the sound of your breath against his, and the taste of your lips with remnants of some sweet lip gloss you had been wearing. 
 This was all a sensory overload for Steve but he doesn’t dare let go of it just yet. A secret part of him must have been yearning for this all day because he found himself pulling you in tighter. Making sure you felt him in the same way he could feel you. 
  Unfortunately, you’re the first to pull back and he has to stop himself from chasing after your lips. But with some air finally getting to his brain, he has the chance to remember that the two of you weren’t kissing at the privacy of your front door step. No, you were in the Byers backyard, preparing to save Will. 
 Your eyes don’t meet Steve’s and he can’t help but reach out to get you to look at him. Raising only a questioning brow at you as he waited for your answer to what just happened right now. 
 “We’re not friends.” you repeated. “But maybe because I want to be more than that..”
 And with that, you backed away from Steve. Turning around quickly to enter inside the house without so much as a glance back to the chaos you’ve left in Steve’s mind. 
 How long have you felt that way? What did he do to change your mind? And most importantly, what can he do to get you to kiss him like that again?
 As much as he’d like to stand there for hours going over that whole conversation, there was still work to do. So he turned on his heel and entered the shed again. Nancy, who was folding up the tarp slowly, did not meet his eyes. 
 A pang of guilt hit him when he realized that she possibly witnessed the whole thing.
 “Nancy?” he called out softly. Her gaze snapped up to him, but instead of a look of heartbreak like he expected, he was met with her curious gaze. “About what just happened. I uh–”
 “Hey, you guys are slowing down.” Mike huffed as he came into the shed. “You need to pick up the pace.”
 He stole a glance at Nancy, watching as she nodded her head to Mike before handing the tarp over to the kid and making her exit. The inevitable conversation would just have to happen at a later time. 
  Despite the drama and setting up everything. The two of you managed to avoid Steve. Leaving him to figure out nothing but how to make sure the shed was perfectly wrapped up. Something he didn’t have too much of a problem with considering it was probably the more important matter to take care of.
 But eventually the rest of you are forced back inside the Byers house while Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan and Mike are attempting to get Will to snap back. 
 Steve decided to keep himself busy with the bat. Using old methods of stretching back from when he was on the baseball team. But like usual lately, he can’t help but turn his attention on you. 
 Especially now that he’s seeing you on your softer side as you quietly spoke with Dustin. Letting him know what you really think of him and his actions today. It’s not like he needed the boost, the kid probably knows he’s doing the right thing. But something about Dustin’s reaction to you telling him brought out a shyness he didn’t think the kid would have. 
 “We’re Hendersons. No one gets to mess with us.”
  “Hell yeah,” Dustin said back to you. “No one.” 
 There was a sense of unity between the two of you. Even if you both have tried to kill each other the day before, and bickered on the path to the junkyard, there was still something strong that Steve longed for. 
 He must have been staring too long because before he can look away, you’re meeting his eyes. And for some reason he can’t help but smile. But that quickly dropped the second the lights in the house began to flicker. 
 The group of you rushed over towards the windows, observing the shed quietly as you waited to see if anything had changed since you guys last checked. Something in the pit of Steve’s stomach began to turn at the lights. All he could remember was the year in this very house when the flickering lights meant the monster would be emerging in the house. But considering how calm you and Nancy are, he holds back from speaking about that. 
 Eventually the flickering stopped and the members from the shed came back to the house. Hopper quickly came to the conclusion that while cannot speak for himself, he’s using morse code as a method to communicate. 
 The groups separated again after that. The kids left inside surrounding the table while they teamed up to decipher it.  up with some theory about Will speaking through morse code. Steve hoped that one of his friends here would be able to decipher it. 
 The message ends up coming quicker than they thought and soon enough everyone is around the paper, reading the message aloud. 
 The phone sprung to life, screaming out its bell and setting the group into a small panic. Dustin and Nancy both fight with the phone before it’s ultimately smashed down into the kitchen floor. For a second all of you are quiet, almost afraid to make another noise before Max spoke up. 
 “Do you think he heard that?”
 Steve wanted to think about it as positively as he could. “It’s just a phone,” he pointed out. “It could be anywhere. Right?”
 A loud screech echoed in the distance. Giving Steve the absolute worst answer he could have gotten.
 It’s a bit chaotic after that and the others are all scrambling together in the house. The kids rounded up together in the back of the room while the adults worked to make a barrier with the teens. He’s about to enter the living room when he noticed you dashing down the hall. 
 “Hey, come on, we need you out here.” Steve said entering inside. There’s a look on your face that reminded him of being back on the bus. You’re struggling to find a weapon and he’s sure you’re preparing to fight even with your bad arm. 
 “I-I can’t. I don’t have anything to fight with.” you said quickly. “Why the hell did Jonathan take up photography? I need a weapon not a goddamn film strip!”
 He reached out for your hand, feeling the warmth from your fingertips spread over him as he led you towards the living room. “Just watch the kids, I got you.” he urged, hoping that this time you’ll believe him and won’t get hurt. 
 He turned to face the windows and doorway when you tugged down at the sleeve of his jacket.
 “Be careful.” you warned. 
 The same warmth he felt moments before bloomed over his chest. Even without physical touch, it felt like you were protecting him with your words alone and he had to hold back the pleasing smile that the feeling brought. He chose to nod instead. 
 “Where are they?” called out Max.
 All around the house began to make various thuds and creaks. Making the group turn slightly panicked at which direction the assault would be coming from.
 “What are they doing?” Nancy asked from beside him. 
 “They’re scaling the house for another ambush.” He heard you reply. 
 He really hoped that you were wrong and that there’d be possibly just one of those dogs outside. Otherwise they were gonna need a lot more bullets to take some of these guys down. 
 The noises around the house are getting louder and all over the place. No one could pinpoint which direction it was coming from. But just as Steve was ready for the worst, the creature outside let out a loud whimper. 
 “What the hell was that?” you hissed behind him. 
 The answer was a demodog as it was launched into the front window of the house. All of you screamed and fell back towards the wall. Keeping a distance from the creature’s body. It laid there motionless but the sight of it was enough to keep everyone tensed up.
 Hopper was the first one to take small steps before it. 
 “Holy shit.” Dustin muttered.
 “Is it dead?” Max asked next. 
 Hopper gave the creature a tap with his foot, keeping the shotgun on him. It was definitely dead, but if not by anyone in the room, then how the hell did it die?
 The front door of the house creaked, setting everyone back on edge as they readied their weapons. But what came in next confused Steve. Because instead of another monster like he figured, in walked a small little girl with a bloody nose. 
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 “So, she’s from the upside down?” Steve asked again.
 Nancy, who had led him to the backyard gave him another weird look. “I told you before. She’s not from there. She just knows how to access it.”
 Steve frowned down at the pile of things before him.
 Immediately after the little girl or El as you introduced her as, came into the room, things seemed to shift into a more hopeful light. There was a way to close up whatever connection the mind flayer had on Will and that relied on the strange girl that seemed to bring out emotions from all of you except Steve and Max. 
 “And she was here last year?”
 “Where the hell was she when we were fighting that thing in the house last time?” he frowned, tossing a box of hangers behind him. 
 “She was at the school with the other kids..kinda saved them from the demogorgon before sending it back to the upside down.” 
 It’s hard for Steve to wrap his mind around, but he appreciated the brief story anyway. 
 Glancing over at Nancy, he can’t help but note that the frown was back on her face. She’s been off with him again, just like the past month. But there wasn’t any excuse about Barb, nor was it anything that Steve had done. He can tell by now. She’s worried. And while he wished it was because of what she might have seen or heard before. He knows that her concern at the moment was not about him. 
 And while that hurt Steve deep down, he still cared about Nancy. Hell, he’s pretty sure he still loves her. But if keeping her here was going to hurt her like this, then he’d suck up whatever emotions he had and help her out.
 “You should go with him.” Steve said before he could change his mind. 
 “What?” she asked, slightly taken back.
 “With Jonathan.”
 “No,” she scoffed. “I’m not just gonna leave Mike.” 
 Steve looked up at her, wondering if your words might have hit her more than you thought. Or if this was another worry that she might have had on her mind. Either way, Steve knew that she’d never leave if he didn’t reassure her. 
 “No one’s leaving anyone.” 
 Getting up, he carefully helped pull away some of the storage items to help Nancy look for the heaters they were asked to retrieve. 
 “I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but turns out I’m actually a pretty damn good babysitter.” he said picking up the item they needed. Though his words were said clear and confidently, Steve found that he almost feared meeting her gaze.
 Nancy was the girl he wanted for so long now. And while he’s used to being a winner, he can tell that this time he’d have to admit defeat fully. He wasn’t the boyfriend she wanted or deserved..and he’d have to deal with that. 
 Even if it meant feeling this shitty.
 “Steve..” Her words sounded almost genuinely concerned. Like she wanted to try and fix things. But like their relationship; their time was up. 
 “It’s okay, Nance.” he said looking at her. “It’s okay.”
 Not being able to keep hold of eye contact anymore, he turned away. Making his way towards the pile again. Just when he had hoped that Nancy would go inside and give him a final moment to mourn their relationship, she took a step over and placed her hand on his arm.
 Her grip is cold. Whether it be from weather or because of how it felt to be beside her now. 
 “I’m–..” The words couldn’t seem to form in her mouth and Steve felt like dying at the idea that he wasn’t going to get the closure he wanted. But her struggle to say anything was starting to become worse than the silence so he gently removed her hand from his side with a pat to the back of her hand. 
 “It’s okay..for you too.” she said after a minute. He stayed quiet. Unsure of how to react to what she was implying. But he nodded his head anyway. 
 The two worked quietly after that, only wishing each other luck once they made it back to the front door of the house. He caught you and Jonathan heatedly talking at the back of his car. A disgruntled look on your face before you noticed him at the doorway.
 He wondered if it really was okay for him too. 
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  “Science needs this.” Dustin clapped as he led Steve over to the kitchen. 
 The group had been split apart, by your demands, to help clean up the Byers house. Dustin had only taken one second to call out Steve as his partner when you asked for the disposal of the demodog. 
 Steve carried the monster to the fridge, watching as the younger boy cleared out its contents onto the floor. Sort of counteracting against the cleaning up you wanted them to do. With the final bit of food on the floor he turned around to finally face Steve. 
 “All right,” he said. “It should fit now.”
 “Is this really necessary?” Steve asked, feeling the monster's dead weight start to cramp up his arms a bit. 
 You were quick to rush over once you finally noticed the state of the kitchen. You held up your hands, stopping Steve from coming forward. “I told you two ten minutes ago to get rid of that thing in the backyard and you think to put it in the goddamn fridge? Look at this mess!”
 “It wasn’t my idea.” Steve tried to explain to you. “The kid wouldn’t let me leave the house.”
 “Hold on!” Dustin squeaked, while he shoved you away from the path. “Yes, this is necessary. This is a ground-breaking scientific discovery. We can’t just bury it like some common mammal, okay? It’s not a dog.”
 “But you literally call them demo-dogs!” you cried. Sensing another one of your guys’ regular back and forth arguments, Steve decided to just give in to what Dustin wanted as he stepped forward with the creature. 
 “All right, all right, all right.” He said quickly. Trying not to gag at the sight of the congealed drool that started to seep out from the creature’s mouth. “He’s gonna be the one to explain this to Mrs. Byers then.”
 There’s a struggle between the both of them trying to get the creature in the fridge and several moments Steve’s sure he’s gotten drool over him somewhere. But eventually it’s sealed in the fridge and Steve couldn’t help as he gave Dustin a small affectionate head rub before he turned back to glance at the mess.
 That’s when he caught sight of you quietly observing the two of them.
 “What are you smiling at?” He asked curiously.
 “What?” you laughed. Almost unaware that you had been caught in the act. You covered up a part of the smile with your hand. “Nothing.”
 He took a step closer, looking down at you carefully. “Nothing? You mean you weren’t amused watching the two of us struggle?” 
 “I wasn’t.” you said, still attempting to keep up this act of coyness. 
 He finds it odd how easily he could feel comfortable around you again. Not only did he just sort of break up with Nancy officially, but the two of you just shared a kiss not even two hours ago. Making this whole interaction be even more confusing. 
 Still, like a moth to a flame, he was being drawn in by you. 
 “Why do I feel like you’re lying?” he hummed, watching as you angled your head up towards him. It reminded him of how close you were to him outside and how much he’d like to feel that kiss again. Instinctively his hand reached out to cup at your face again. But just before he could feel the softness of your skin again, Dustin called out to him. Making the two of you step away from each other. 
 When he moved to wash his hands, he couldn’t help but turn back to watch you make a quiet leave. It wasn’t long into his hand washing that he heard the starting sounds of the kids arguing. Making him quickly clean off so that he could shut things down. 
 “Mike, would you just stop already?”
 “You weren’t in there, okay, Lucas? That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.”
 “Demo-dogs!” Dustin called out from the kitchen.
 “The chief will take care of her.” Lucas tried, ignoring Dustin’s interruption.
 “Like she needs protection.” Max muttered. 
 “Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it. All right?” Steve chimed in, drying his hands in a dish towel. Mike merely looked at him with a frown on his face, something Steve was used to from being around the Wheelers for the past year. 
 “Okay, first of all, this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second, we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”
 “Ri-, wel-, SO my point is..” 
 All eyes turned to focus on Steve and he found himself stammering to get to the original point he wanted to make. “Right, yeah, we’re on the bench, so, uh, there’s nothing we can do.” He thinks he’s managed to stump the kids enough. But he’s unfortunately working with a group of gifted kids who feed off crazy ideas to each other and soon enough they’re forming up a plan on their own. 
 Mike took the lead in ignoring Steve’s interjections and led the others around the house, showing the maps that had been drawn out by Will apparently as he explained the aspects of destroying the main hub. A plan that might have been useful if it didn’t involve the demodogs coming after them and their lack of arsenal and adults to help. 
 Down the hall he can see you observing them carefully. Making Steve wish you’d speak up and help round up these kids. But you’re listening to every word carefully, it would seem. But Steve wasn’t the only one who caught on to your quietness. 
 “You’re being uncharacteristically quiet.” Dustin said to you. “Do you think we should help El?”
 “Of course she does. That’s the only reason she hasn’t said anything, right?” Mike insisted. Steve glanced over at the boy’s expecting face and couldn’t help but mirror it to you. Surely, you of all people wouldn’t want to do something crazy like this. Especially not after everything that happened at the junkyard. 
“Way to put the focus on me, Dustin.” you muttered softly. 
 “Come on, trouble. I know you don’t want to face those monsters again.” Steve said, knowing you’d have a hard time telling these kids no. 
 “He’s right.” you sighed to everyone. “I don’t want to see those monsters again. I’m sort of worried that other parts of me will get scratched up if I do.”
 Steve felt a little bit of relief at your words. Finally someone that would listen to him tonight. But too soon is he adding his small victory, because as you got up for your spot on the wall, he noticed a look of determination on your face. 
 “But I really don’t want El to have to face those things by herself. She saved our asses last year and again tonight. The least we could do is help give her some relief.”
 You tried to get a look at him but Steve waved you off. Fed up with everyone in the house suddenly deciding to play the hero when all they were supposed to do was stay here and be safe. “This is not happening.” 
 “No, no, no, no, no.” He cut in, not caring how much it’d upset everyone else. If someone needed to be in charge, he’d take that role. Especially considering his babysitting partner was suddenly turning sides. “No buts. I promised I’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. We’re staying here. On the bench. And we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?”
 “This isn’t a stupid sports game!”
 “I said, does everybody understand that?” Steve repeated, pointing over at Mike especially before looking at all the kids, and even you. “I need a yes.”
 The familiar sound of a car’s engine revving cut into the conversation. There’s instantly a reaction from you and Max before the two of you bolted over to the front window. Peeking out through the curtains. 
 “It’s my brother.” Max said, sounding a little afraid. “H-he can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.”
 Brother? Who the hell was her brother and why did he scare the one kid with the biggest attitude here? Taking a step, he peeked out from above your head to see that it’s Billy’s car. And suddenly, the image of Max storming away from his car on their first day here came into mind. 
 “I won’t let him.” he heard you reassure her. 
So this asshole was not only someone who bothered you, but Max too? Before Steve could even think about what he wanted to do, he was already making his way out the house. Closing up the front door softly as he looked down the driveway. 
 Billy slowly emerged from his car. A puff of smoke came out with him as he looked over to the house. An amused look on his face. “Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?”
 “Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants.” 
 Despite the anger and annoyance he had towards Billy, there wouldn’t be any good in fighting with the guy right now. Not with how many kids were in the house. He knew to keep calm and approach this as casually as he could.  
 “What are you doing here, amigo?” Billy said as he strode over. 
 “I could ask you the same thing..amigo.”
 Billy looked over at him innocently. Lit cigarette hanging loosely at the edge of his lips. “Looking for my stepsister.” he said simply. “A little birdie told me she was here.”
 “Huh, that’s weird.” Steve replied nonchalantly. “I don’t know her.” he lied. 
 It was probably better off playing that Max wasn’t here at all rather than trying to place her at someplace else. But with Billy, Steve wasn’t sure how easily this guy could be tricked.
 “Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch?”
 A small flush of anger went over him at Billy’s words. Max, while a bit heavy on her sarcasm and attitude, was just a kid. Why the hell did he have to talk about her like this to someone he didn’t even know? Even when you or Nancy complained about the other kids, it was never with such genuine dislike. 
 Speaking of you, it would appear you decided to throw yourself into the mix of things. 
 “Bit of a bitch? Must be talking about me.” you said easily coming into view. Though Steve did not want you anywhere near Billy, he still took a step back when he felt you push your way between them. 
 Billy’s interest grew even more when he realized it was you before him. “Babydoll, what the hell are you doing here?”
 “Well, in case you can’t tell, this is my friend’s house. I’m hanging out with him.”
 Billy’s eyes flickered over to Steve briefly. “And Harrington?”
“And Steve.”
 “I’m surprised. I figured after our little show the other day, he’d learn to back off.” The memory of Billy pushing into your personal space came into mind. Bringing back a tense anger when he remembered it wasn’t wanted from your end at all. 
 “Your little show didn’t mean shit to me.” Steve said coolly, not wanting to give Billy the satisfaction. 
 “Look, Steve’s here because he’s finally caught up with his girlfriend.” You waved off, trying to sound like the night was another typical weekend. But that only made Steve more anxious with where you were leading the conversation to. “So what are you doing here? I’m sure you didn’t come to hang out with everyone.”
 “I’m here because Max decided to run away again. Neil sent me to drag her in.” 
 There wasn’t much need for a clue as to who this Neil guy was, it was presumably their Father. But that didn’t mean Steve didn’t catch your subtle reaction to it before your composure came back up. 
 “Max ran away again? She’s getting better.” 
 Jesus, Max. Again? What kinda running streak do you have? He thought. 
 “Yeah, and because of that bitch, my plans for tonight are tanked.” he huffed. “So, have you seen her?”
 From the corner of his eye, Steve easily saw how the way Billy talked about Max was upsetting you too. And while you were able to keep up a front to Billy, he could see the slight tick it brought in your jaw. Why were you even bothering with this guy?
 “I haven’t.” you shrugged, glancing over at him. “But,” you continued, looking back to the other boy. “I can help you find her if you’re up for it.”
 “Really?” Billy asked, a little surprised. “Suddenly you’re up for spending the night helping me?”
 For some reason, you attempted to sway Billy into believing your words with a little trick of seduction. Something Steve would think was hot any other time if it weren’t to the biggest asshole in town. Billy seemed to easily fall for it as he licked over his lips slowly. 
 “That’s exactly what I’m up for.” you smiled, blowing out some smoke.  “Besides, Max will be more willing to go home if I’m helping you find her. We can catch up along the way.”
 “Let’s go then.”
Suddenly Billy is pulling you away from Steve’s side and everything from this past week came into Steve’s mind. 
 "..Billy. I am NOT your girlfriend. You’re an egotistical man-whore who needs a god damn reality check! Leave me the hell alone!" “..Yeah, well, Billy likes to take whatever he wants. Regardless if the other person is willing.”
"..when I was with Billy, I felt like I was a part of a role. That I was someone special because I was dating the most wanted guy at school. None of my friends even cared about things like that. So why did I?”
“..I just want someone who actually likes me for once.”
 Without another wasted second hesitating, Steve reached out for your hand. Stopping you from following after Billy. Quickly, he pulled you out from the other boy’s grip and brought you close enough so that he could stand in front of you. Blocking you from Billy. 
 “What the hell is going on, Henderson? Are we leaving or what?” Billy asked. Though his tone wasn’t angry, there was a glint in Billy’s eyes that let Steve know he had struck some sort of nerve. 
 “You don’t need to go with him. You can stay here.” he said back to you. 
 He can’t fully see your reaction, but there’s the small warmth of your hand on his back that meant you were still with him. “Steve, come on, I can get him out here.” In a way Steve knew you were right. Hell, it’d probably make so many things easier for him if it meant getting this asshole out of here. 
 But he wasn’t going to let you endure the night of Billy and his unhinged antics just because he couldn’t get the hint. “And let you deal with him again? D’ya think I’m gonna be able to stomach that, huh?” he asked worriedly. “The second you leave with him, I’m gonna go crazy. I can’t let you put yourself through anything with him.”
 He doesn’t have time to focus on the stunned look on your face. Billy is already clearing his throat to get the attention back onto him. 
 “I’m not gonna play into whatever weird shit this is. So have you seen the bitch or what, Harrington?”
 “Look, it doesn’t ring a bell for me and trouble here hasn’t seen her either. Sorry, buddy.”
 Something clicked with Billy suddenly, making him wave his hand up in the air angrily. The hand on his back moved to his arm and Steve felt as you held onto him nervously now. 
 “You know,” he sighed.  “I don’t know, this..this whole situation, Harrington, I don’t know.” He looked behind Steve to where you were briefly. “It’s giving me the heebie-jeebies.”
Something was definitely up and Steve could feel the tension between the three of you rise up. Making the hair on his arms stand up. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Steve asked calmly. 
 Billy got close enough to the two of you that he felt his body angle away from the boy, only to still have his face close enough that he’s able to smell the heavy cologne that Billy bathed himself in. 
 “My thirteen-year old sister goes missing all day, you won’t let little babydoll here come with me, and then, I find them here with you, in a stranger’s house. And you lie to me about it.”
 Steve tried to laugh off his accusation, hoping to sound as casual about this whole thing that Billy would get bored. “Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what?” Steve scoffed, fighting to keep the calmness in his voice as well as keep up a strong enough front that wouldn’t let Billy think he was afraid of him. “I don’t know what you don’t understand about what I just said. She’s not here.”
 “Then who is that?” he asked, pointing to the house.
 A glance over to the windows of the house and Steve winced at the sight of the kids lamely ducking away from the gaze of Billy from the driveway. Son of a bitch..
 “Shit.” you hissed. 
  “Listen,” Steve started, trying to think of a way he could ease up the situation. But before he could finish his sentence was sent flying back with a single shove from Billy. You thankfully don't stick around and quickly made a run towards the house to the kids. Hopefully getting them the hell out of there. 
 “I told you to plant your feet.” Billy reminded Steve before he shoved down hard on Steve’s chest with the bottom of his foot. 
 Though the air isn’t completely knocked out of his lungs, Steve still felt the impact send a pain over his body. Making it hard for him to gain back his breath and get off the floor. It’s not until the sound of all of you screaming inside the house that Steve shook off the pain to dash in. 
 He rushed in to find Dustin and Mike attempting to keep you up. There was  a bit of blood coming from the side of your head and Steve couldn't help himself as he reached out to cup at your cheek. Noting how hurt you look. It has him seeing red. “Hold onto her, guys.” he said quickly before striding into the kitchen.
 Billy has gone as far as to hold up Lucas against one of the china cabinets. Tussling the kid against the wood as he muttered threats over to him. The boy doesn’t allow this to happen long enough as he yelled for Billy to get off of him before kneeing him in the groin. 
 The blonde staggered back, hands on his knees as he quickly gained back his composure. “So dead, Sinclair! You’re dead!”
 Reaching out, Steve grabbed Billy by the arm, pushing him back before he wound up his fist. 
 “No, you are.” And with that, the inevitable fight began. 
 All around were different voices reacting to the two of them. While Steve tried to focus on keeping up his guard to Billy, the sight of the boy’s bloody mouth spewing out in laughter threw him off a bit.  
 “Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh?” he yelled out. “I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about.”
 “Get out.” He ordered, not falling for Billy’s taunting antics. But all that did was trigger Billy to begin his own assault of punches. But Steve’s still quick, and he managed to dodge them while he returned the hit. 
 Still, every hit is met with a bloody grin, or laugh. And though Steve had him pressed against the kitchen sink it’s Billy who would have the upper hand once he reached over to smash a plate against the side of his head. 
 The sting of the glass breaking against his skull is bad. And he can’t get his vision to focus on the room, giving Billy the chance to send him flying back against the built in bookcase. Around him the kids are scrambling around, trying to keep you and themselves away from the fight. 
 He’s backed up into the living room. Struggling to keep his eyes open as much as pick himself up. Billy easily grabbed hold of his arms, pulling him close enough that he could give Steve one more annoying quip. “No one tells me what to do.” 
 With a punch to his stomach, Steve was sent flying back to the floor. Scooting across the papers until he’s curled up on his side. In the midst of it all he can hear you yell out for Billy to leave him alone. 
 “I’m gonna beat the shit out of your little boyfriend!” he yelled back at you. “See if you still like him then!”
 And as if he promised then and there, Billy proceeded to beat the shit out of Steve. Throwing punch after punch until Steve couldn’t keep up anymore. The darkness faded in and all he could hear was the sound of you and the kids yelling out for Billy to stop. 
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 “Steve?” said a familiar soft voice.
 “Is he up yet or not?” asked another voice. He knew that one too. The feeling of lips pressed gently against his suddenly woke him up. 
 Sitting up, Steve was met with the sight of you at his side. You’re in your devil costume from the other night, and you’re smiling down at him. “There he is.” you cooed, leaning in to brush his hair away from his face. “He’s awake now.”
 Nancy popped over your shoulder, looking down at Steve curiously before she too smiled. “I thought he’d never get up.” Glancing over, Steve noticed she was in her stained costume from the other night. 
 “Give him a break, he probably has a concussion right now.” you chided, moving to rest your hand lightly on his chest. “Guy took a hit for me.”
 “Did he deserve it this time?” Nancy asked as she stepped away from the bed. “Can’t say he hasn’t before.”
 “No!” You said throwing a frown over at the girl before peering your gaze below again. “You did great, your highness. Real heroic shit.” 
 “He lost.” chuckled Nancy. “Heroes don’t lose.”
 “Well that’s because Billy cheated.”
 “With what a brick?”
 “No, kitchen plate actually.”
 Nancy tutted at that before moving to sit at Steve’s other side. Finally the boy had the chance to realize that he was in fact dreaming suddenly. “What’s going on?” he coughed out, struggling to clear up his throat.
 “Nothing’s going on.” you answered him. “We were just waiting for you to wake up so you could pick which one of us you like.” 
 “Yeah, we were actually curious about your answer.” Nancy smirked curling her legs to shuffle closer to his side. “I’ve been thinking about it and I think if you wait until the mess with the demogorgons is done, you might be able to fight for me.”
 “And I’ve been thinking that after spending the day with me you might be able to get me. Especially with how hot you looked sticking up for the kids and all that.” you said kneeling beside him. 
 “That does sound kinda hot.” Nancy chimed in. “Do you remember how he looked fighting that demogorgon in Jonathan’s house?”
 “Yes!” you gasped. “When he did that little bat swing? So hot!” 
 The two of you start to giggle playfully and Steve can’t help but feel confused. Sitting up now so that he could look between the two of you. “Have I gone crazy? We’re supposed to be getting rid of the mind flayer.”
 “We are.” Nancy nodded.
 “And you and I are supposed to keep the kids safe..we’re fighting Billy right now!”
 “Well, some of us are fighting Billy. You’re actually out cold.” you pouted, reaching over to pinch at his cheek. “Quite unfortunate, they could really use your help right now.” 
 “Then we have to go!” Steve urged, pushing the two of you out of the bed. You both moved to stand in the middle of his room, looking at him oddly while he struggled to stand up. “What are you two just standing there for, we need to leave!” he urged. 
 “We already told you Steve. We’re only here because we wanna know which one of us you’re picking.” Nancy reminded him. 
 “Yeah, we deserve to know.” you nodded. Steve shook his head, wondering just what the hell was going on in his head to have you two acting like this. 
 “That’s not important right now,” he said simply. “The kids need me.”
 “And what about us?” Nancy pouted, stepping forward to cup at his cheek. “Don’t you think we need you too? Don’t you want me Steve? Don’t you love me Steve?”
 Steve felt his jaw slacked at the sight of his mind’s version of Nancy begging for him. It’s been so long since he’s ever heard that kind of sincerity from her and it’s pathetic that the only time he’d get it was right now. 
 “What about me?” you cut in, moving to snake your hands around his neck. “I see you when no one else does.” you said softly. “I make you feel every emotion..not just heartbreak.”
 Nancy frowned over at you, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ve only broken his heart once. Wasn’t it you who humiliated him in front of the school?”
 “Just our lunch period.”
 “Don’t forget gym class.”
 Shaking his head, Steve pulled your arms off him. Looking over at the two of you with a glare. “This isn’t the time for any of that. Dustin and the others..they need me. You need me.” A small frown flickered over your face at that before you suddenly looked over at him carefully. 
 “He sure is whiney isn’t he?” you spat, recoiling away from his side. Nancy slowly turned the same, shaking her head disappointedly at Steve as she did the same.
 “He is. That’s probably why I’ve moved on from him. Jonathan is totally more put together.” 
 “Isn’t he? He’s just the best friend a girl can have.” you grinned, not even noticing that Steve’s face crumbled. “We should go and hang out with him! He’ll at least be better than this bozo.”
 Nancy linked her arms with yours, giving you a wink before she led the two of you towards the bedroom door, pushing Steve aside so that you guys could leave. Steve sputtered out, unsure what kind of bizarre nightmare he fell into. Following you guys out, he called out to the both of you. Calling each name.
 It was only you who looked back, giving him a small smile before fading out into the darkness of the night. Steve tried to follow but no matter how hard he tried to move, tried to call out, he was met with nothing. 
 Nothing until he felt a sudden cold press to his forehead. 
 The walls of the room began to melt and the pain in his face began to grow stronger. An almost blinding pain burst over his nose, eyes, and head. He found himself crumpling backwards into a sitting position and the space around him getting smaller and smaller.
 His eyes blinked hard and he found that he was having a harder time getting them open. But when he did, he found himself looking at a distorted face. It looked familiar. “Nancy?” he asked, not sure if it was the actual girl or his dream again. 
 His vision focused and he’s suddenly looking at a disturbed Mike. His hand reached up to brush away some of the crust that’s blurring his vision but is quickly stopped by another hand.. 
 “No, don’t touch it.” said the voice gently.
 Turning to his right, he noticed Dustin as the mysterious other hand. “Hey buddy,” he said, shushing him. “ It’s okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. You’re okay.”
 He’s reminded of his dream and being woken up by the other pair of Wheeler and Henderson duo and can’t help but wince away from the kid. Groaning a bit, he tried not to focus on the pain in his face and attempted to get up from his cramped seat. 
 “Dustin, you better calm him down.” He heard you warn from somewhere before him. The sound of a loud engine began to perk up in his ears and peeked his eyes open again to see Lucas sitting in your lap, reading a map in his hands with a flashlight. 
 “Okay, you’re gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai.” Lucas instructed to his left. Glancing in that direction, he found Max sitting in what looked like a driver’s seat..but that couldn’t be right. 
 “What’s going on?” Steve called out as his body began to fill up with panic. Max looked over her shoulder, meeting Steve’s eyes with wide worried ones of her own. 
 “Eyes on the road, Red.” you instructed Max. Why the hell were you instructing the girl to do anything was beyond Steve, but he couldn’t even see your face properly. Let alone figure out why you weren’t driving. 
 You’re. Not. Driving. He thought. 
 “Oh my God!” Steve cried out squirming out from his spot. He had to put a stop to this. He had to get out of this damn car. NOW.
 “Just relax.” Dustin tried. “She’s driven before.”
 “Yeah, in a parking lot with your cousin!” Mike added, sounding annoyed.
 “That counts!” Dustin countered before looking back to Steve. “They were gonna leave you behind.”
 “Oh, my God.”
 “I promised that you’d be cool, okay?”
 The speed picked up in the car and Steve felt the entire thing move at a speed that’s dangerously too high .“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s going on?!” he called out, ignoring Dustin. But the girl in front ignored Steve’s plea and suddenly pressed down on the gas even harder.
 “SHIT MAX, SLOW DOWN!” you gasped, confirming Steve’s worry. 
  “Oh, my GOD. No! Whoa! Stop the car. Slow down.” He thought he might get sick but he’s not even sure he’ll even have the chance to vomit with how fast everything was moving.
“I told you he’d freak out!” Mike yelled out to the others.
 “Everybody shut up! I’m trying to focus!” Max said to the others, sounding just as scared as Steve felt right now. Lucas beside her started to squeak, pointing over to the map. 
 “Oh, wait, that’s Mount Sinai! Make a left!”
 The car roughly turned left, crashing into a mailbox of some house. The entire group in the car screamed out in a panic. Steve reached out for Dustin, holding onto the boy’s body while the car continued to turn roughly towards its destination. 
 Just what the hell did he wake up to?
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By some miracle the car arrived safely to the field they had been discussing before. And while Steve was upset at the fact that they were even there in the first place, he was more than happy for the car to come to its abrupt stop. 
 One by one the rest of you piled out. Steve was barely able to hold onto the car door as the others moved to grab items from the trunk of the car. His head was still in so much pain, but thankfully he found that his vision was coming back to normal finally. 
 Just in time to watch as the kids continued on with their plans without him. 
 “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” he called out to Mike. Watching as he moved to the front of the car. “What are you deaf?! HELLO?”
 Next was Max, ignoring Steve as she followed to where Mike was squatting. “We are NOT going down there right now. I made myself clear!” There’s more silence and he’s painfully aware of how much he’s losing this battle right now.  “Hey, there’s no CHANCE we’re going to that hole, all right?”
 Lucas didn’t even give him the pleasure of walking past him as he went the farthest path to the others and avoided Steve completely. Having enough, he rushed over to where you two were and snatched the materials out of Dustin’s hands. 
“Steve!” Dustin yelled. “You’re upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance.”
 Beside him you’re sympathetically laying a hand on his shoulder. Nodding your head in agreement before you shot Steve a small shrug. 
 “Now, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe.” he said, reaching down for his bat and backpack “So, keep us safe.”
 Steve shook his head and looked down at the items before him. Wondering just how the hell this night was turning from helping get rid of a pest in Dustin’s shed to helping keep some girl with powers safe from the demodogs.
 Glancing towards you, he raised a brow, wondering what your speech would be like. But all you do is look at him with your worried eyes and quietly plead with him. “Please?” you asked softly. 
 A warmth spread into his chest and he begrudgingly reached out for the materials. Sighing in defeat. That brought out a pleased grin on Dustin’s face and he walked off, mask ready as he joined the other three waiting by the front of the car. 
 You stayed behind. He wasn’t sure what you’d do next, but when you reached out to cup at his sore cheek, he was more than happy to accept the kind touch. Placing his hand on yours to bask in the softness. That is, until he noticed the bruise on your eye.
 “Your eye..” He gasped. It was dark and swollen. When the hell did Billy get his hands on you and how the hell can he kill him for leaving a mark on you?
 “It’ll heal.” 
  “I’m so sorry. I never wanted you to get hurt. I-”
 The words were cut off when you leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. Bringing his mind back to the comforts of how he felt in the backyard again.  “It’s okay. Let’s go tough guy.” you reassured him before walking away. 
 He doesn’t think he’ll ever react normally to that. 
 Eventually they explained well enough just what they were going to do next, and while he wished he could convince everyone to leave. He knows that’s useless. He’s in on this shit as much as you guys now.
 But now he’s managed to at least fight his way to leading the group and making sure they get to the hub safely and quickly as possible. Hopefully with no run-ins with any monsters or crazy brothers.
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The stench of gasoline is heavy on Steve’s nose. Even with the heavy handkerchief around his face, he’s still struggling to breath in any clear air. But with the amount of upside down seeping in through the tunnels, he’d risk the dangers of smelling in so much gas than to breath whatever vapors were in this place. 
 “Alright, you guys ready?” Steve asked when he came over to your side. The spot had a perfect view of the hub. Reaching inside his pocket, he pulled out the lighter he had been carrying around today. 
 “Light her up.” Dustin ordered behind him. 
 He hesitantly looked around for just one moment. This whole place is about to light up and he’s sure that something bad will follow it next.  “I’m in such deep shit.” 
 With that, he leaned back his arm and threw the lighter into the dark depths of the hub. Instantly, the ground caught fire and the place began to light up all around them. There was a startling screeching noise that began to cry out as the hive mind reacted to the sudden attack. 
 “Uh, guys? The fire is getting pretty big!” you warned, getting up from the floor. Everyone else followed quickly after that, trying to get out of the place now that the smoke was beginning to catch up. 
 Steve continued to take the lead in getting everyone else out, barking out directions on which way to go. He thought that they were having a pretty good pace when you’re suddenly screaming out his name. It nearly tripped him up but he turned around and dashed over towards you before realizing it was Mike you were screaming his name for. 
 Smashing at the vine that had tangled itself around Mike’s leg, he kept up with his attack until the rest of you were able to pull him up from the floor. That’s when he heard the growling. 
 Behind Dustin was a single lone demodog. Sneaking its way towards the group. From the side, he could tell how tense you had become. Calling out to your cousin and trying to reach out for him. But Dustin simply pushed you away, insisting that it was Dart. 
 How he could tell was beyond Steve, but if you kept up with your nervous calling, you’d definitely anger the thing a lot more than Dustin’s sweet talk would. 
 “Dustin..” you tried, attempting to step forward. Steve quickly wrapped a hand around your good arm, keeping you in place. 
 “If you go after him, it’ll react.” he whispered to you, trying to warn you of the severity. But even with the warning and Dustin’s words, the beast still flared open its mouth to the boy. Making Steve’s heart drop. He thinks the kid is crazy for trying to reason with the creature, but he’s not about to mess up the chance of it working by letting any of you big mouths ruin it. 
 “He’s insane!” Lucas whispered.
 “Don’t.” Mike warned, trying to shush the others as well.
 “Shut up!” Steve hissed. “And stop pinching me!” he said to you, moving his hand up higher from your sharp attack. But you only squirmed even more.
 “He’s literally giving the damn thing food!”
 It’s eventually food that finally won them the safe passage. Dustin pulled the candy out from his own bag as he offered the sweets to the creature. Once he noticed that the demodog was fully distracted, he signaled for the others to go ahead. 
 “Eat up, buddy. Come on. Come on.”
 One by one the rest of you move past the two. Steve didn’t even give you the chance to plead with him as he practically dragged you away. From the distance, he watched as Dustin rose up from the ground, giving one last glance to his friend before leaving. 
 “Goodbye, buddy.”
 While Steve wished he could comfort his friend, the sounds of more demodogs in the distance was enough for him to push back feelings. 
 “They’re coming.” Mike called out, shining a light towards the tunnels. “RUN! RUN!”
 Sounds of snarls and roars were surrounding the walls of the tunnels. With every step on the unleveled ground, Steve thought that this was when all would fail. But he couldn’t give up, not when he had the kids so close to their freedom. 
 “Over here!” he yelled, when he saw the loose bit of rope dangling from the top of the roof. 
 He yelled for the others to hurry, waving them down to meet at his side. When you were close enough, he grabbed onto your body, lifting you up from the ground high enough that you could latch onto the rope. When he saw that you were sturdy enough to climb up, he reached out for the next person. 
 You were quick to help out on the other side, reaching for each kid’s arm and pulling them up with a small grunt. It isn’t until he’s about to reach over for Dustin and send him up to you that he heard something in the distance. 
 “Come on, guys! Climb up!” you yelled from above. 
 But the sounds of heavy footsteps coming closer, made him think they might just be too late. All of you called out to the two of them, reaching your hands out towards them while Steve got into a defensive position. 
 “Oh shit.” Steve hissed, pushing Dustin to get behind him.  There was no telling how many he’d actually be able to fight off. He didn’t want to think about that. All he wanted to do was focus on making every hit count. 
 Around the corner, a herd of demodogs finally made their appearance. Charging over towards the two at such a speed that would surely knock them down. And when Steve was just about to swing, they suddenly ran right past them. 
 The creature simply avoided their roadblock and dashed around them. Going roughly towards some source while pushing Steve closer to Dustin. The boy stumbled a bit into his arms and he simply held onto him as the rest of the herd went by. 
 Steve’s so lost in the confusion of not having to fight that he jumped at the sudden urgency in your voice. 
 Quickly, he helped lift Dustin up to the rope. Waiting until he was safely pulled in by you before making the climb himself. With every tug, he felt like his lungs were on fire, but eventually he’s on the ground again and the cold crisp air is burning through his nose. 
 Suddenly, he’s engulfed in a tight hug from you. Making him sway a bit before he’s able to balance himself. Your arms are around his neck and he can feel the warmth of your breath against his ear. 
 “You were going to fight them.” you said to him. “You stupid, stupid, stupid, idiot. You were gonna take them all on.”
 Your words threw him off for a moment, making him worried he might have made you that upset again. But from the way you kept your arms around him, he understood that they were from a different place now. 
 He basked in the moment, allowing himself the small pleasure of soaking your comfort in before he spoke up finally. “Yeah, I know,” he chuckled. “I had to.”
From the corner of his eyes, he can see Mike awkwardly cut the moment short with a cough, Giving him a weird look that had Steve breaking up the moment. Together, the rest of you made it over to the car. Just in time to catch as the lights began to change. 
 Everyone watched in awe as it turned from blinking to a steady beam. Eventually turning brighter and brighter until all of you had to cover your eyes. But just as fast as it began to shine, it suddenly died down. Going back to its regular glow. 
  “What was that?” Max asked
  “It was Eleven.” Mike replied to her. “She did it.”
 “Come on.” Steve said quickly. “The others are probably wondering where the hell we are.” he said, pointing to the car with his thumb. “Let’s get going.”
 The tired kids groaned out to him but you for once nodded along to his plea. “You heard your Mother, kids.” Without looking back, you led all the kids towards the car, making Steve happy to be heading away from danger. It wasn’t until he was about to open the car door that he realized your joke.
 “Hey! Why the hell am I the Mom?” he frowned over at you. 
 “Because you nag at us like a Mother.” Max chuckled as she climbed in to sit on your lap. Steve grumbled to himself, mimicking Max’s ridiculous reply as he got into the driver’s seat. 
 “I’m the man.” he mumbled, turning on the engine to the car. From the seat over, he could hear the sound of your giggling, making him only slightly less annoyed. 
 “Whatever you say, your highness. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
 Finally a plan he could agree on.
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 Steve couldn’t help but contemplate what would happen the next day as he drove over towards Max’s house. 
 The group had come together to form up ideas and alibis for tonight after everyone returned to the Byers’ house. And while Steve was ready to pass out for the rest of the month, he still had one more task for the night. Taking you home.
 But even with that simple thing left to do. He couldn’t help but worry about what was going to happen next. 
 Things with you were definitely different now. There was no way he could go back to having you hate him again, and he’s sure after all the conversations, the kiss, and even the fight, that you felt the same way. 
 The light turned red again as he approached the intersection. Giving him another minute of lagging behind you to think about what he wanted to say. 
 But what did he want? Not even in his dreams could he figure out what it was that he truly wanted. 
 Up until tonight, Nancy was the girl of his dreams. The girl he loved. But how could he be in love with someone who felt like they were pretending to be in love? How could he hold onto a dream of a relationship that was so easily forgotten in a quest to find out answers for her friend?
 How could she look at Jonathan the way she did and not even spare a glance to Steve?
 And on top of that turmoil of thoughts towards Nancy. He couldn't help but feel guilty that in all his mess, you were still there. Waiting for someone to finally like you for you once, and all Steve could give you were the broken pieces of his heart. 
 Down the line of the road, he could make out the muffled sounds of you arguing with the person in front of you. Not even waiting, Steve pressed down on the car horn, putting a stop to that interaction before he made an exit from the car. 
 Billy stepped back when Steve approached you, making sure you were behind him again in case the jerk tried to do anything again. “God, you just won’t quit.” he scoffed, unable to comprehend where Billy got the nerve from. 
 For a moment, it looked like Billy was going to react to his words. But he didn’t. Instead, he backed off, holding his hands up as he stepped away from you two. 
 “Have fun with my leftovers, Harrington.” he said, moving towards his house, only looking back one more time to glance at you. “Remember what I said, babydoll. Remember.”
 While Steve is curious as to what the hell that was all about, he ignored the inquiry in order to check on you. Noting the look of distress still evident on your face. “Are you okay?” he asked softly, pulling you into his arms in hopes of warming you up. 
 He wanted to think you’d speak up and snap back to your usual self. But even you need a moment to gain back your strength it would seem. 
“Can we just leave? I want to go home.” you whimpered.. “I just want to go home.”
 The sadness in your voice tugged heavy on Steve’s heart and he quickly leaned in towards you. “Yeah, honey.” he sighed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s get you home.”
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  The drive over to your house is quiet. 
 There wasn’t much Steve could say to change how you felt at the moment. And he understood it was coming from having to deal with Billy again so soon after everything. This whole night, actually, this whole week, Billy has done nothing but make your life hell. And the one time Steve could have protected you from it, he failed.
 The guilt felt overwhelming. He wasn’t sure just what he could say to make it up to yo–
 “I’m sorry,” you blurted out suddenly. “I feel like I’ve been the reason you’ve been getting hurt all day.”
 He can’t help but be a little bit amused by your words. Not even sure how the universe would have it that you felt the same way. “It’s funny, I was gonna say the same thing.”
 “Steve, all you’ve done tonight is stick up for me. For all of us..you’re the only reason why everyone is safe.”
 Safe. He thought. How could you think he kept any of you safe when you got hurt? Have you even seen your eye yet?  “If I had fought better..”
 “He hit you with a glass plate. I don’t think that’s necessarily skill.”
 “If I had fought better,” he repeated. “You wouldn’t have had to come in and help me.” He reached out to cup at the side of your face. Hating the sight of his failure shown on your pretty face. “This shouldn’t have happened to you.”
 “Then put the blame on the asshole that did it. Not yourself.”
 There was something about the way you wouldn’t let Steve feel so low about what happened tonight that had him feeling something. How could you care to make him feel better? Even earlier in the night, when you got mad at Nancy. It was for his sake then too. He didn’t deserve them and he definitely didn’t deserve it now. Right? 
 So why didn’t he push that notion onto you. Why was he allowing this selfish part of him to bask in the way you were trying to cheer him up? His eyes slipped close as he let out a small tired chuckle. “You aren’t going to let me win this are you?”
 “Nope.”you smiled. “And you better get used to it for the future. Because I’m pretty good at always being right.”
 “Future?” He asked, surprised he’d even get tomorrow with you. “So there’s a future between the two of us?”
 “Do you.. maybe like the sound of that?” 
 How the hell could he not? A future with you, any kind, was worth getting beat up for. But there was still something he needed to know more of. Something that’s been on the back of his mind since it’s happened.  “That depends.” He said finally. 
  “On what?” 
  “If your feelings have changed since we kissed.”
 You turned shy at the question. As if you weren’t prepared at all for Steve to bring that up. He should see that as a different kind of sign, but he ignored it. He didn’t want to listen to the logic in his head. He wanted to pull you in closer and enjoy the moment with you.
 “I haven’t stopped thinking about that kiss.” He admitted. 
 “I just forced myself on you. It wasn’t right to kiss you like that.” You said honestly. “But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it was on the back of my mind.”
He couldn't of any other moment where he wanted someone to kiss him this badly. All he knew was at this moment, he'd give anything to feel your lips against his his again. If you'd allow him to. "Then how should you have kissed me?” he asked carefully.
You looked back at him and he found that he’s focused so intently on you that nothing else seemed to matter. Nothing but the sound of your breathing and the beat of his heart. Slowly, you reached your hands up from your lap to crawl on the front of his chest. 
 “I would have given you time to notice what I’m doing by moving my hands here.”
 The tip of your nails scratched at the nape of his neck, making Steve’s body flush in an instant heat. “And then?” he shuddered, needing more. 
 “I would have leaned in close,” you said, angling your head to his. The tip of his nose brushed against yours and your lips hovered just beside his. “Like this.” 
 “And t-then?”
“I’d ask you to kiss me.”
 This is the part where he should stop. Where he should let you go and remind himself that there’s another whole mess of emotions that he has to deal with beside the horny one that was starting to stir up inside him. But the longer he looked into your eyes, the more he realized that he didn’t want to think about what he should do and instead chose what he wanted to do. 
 “So ask it.” He insisted, “Ask me now.”
  “Kiss me?” 
 That was all he needed to hear before he took his chance to crash his lips onto yours. The pain and soreness of his face was ignored easily when he tasted the subtle taste of you on your lips. Bringing back to multiple memories. The kiss on your doorstep, the kiss from tonight, even the kiss to his cheek. 
 One simple touch to you has him addicted and he found that he needed all you now or else he thinks he might explode. The desire that’s been building up between the two of you for the past day was far too much to handle and he’s selfishly taking the chance to give you all of him. Even if all of him was just a shell of a man you once knew.
 Things heat up quickly and the two of you are together on his seat. He can take in the sight of your beauty even better. 
 Lips changing kisses from simple peck into heavy panting open mouth kisses that have the air leaving Steve’s brain. 
 He never planned for things to get this far. Hell, he never dreamed that he’d ever get this far with you. But eventually you’re allowing him to touch your body. Explore the places that he’s never known he needed to touch until right now. 
 But you want him to. You need him.  With the way your breath had gotten heavier and the frantic way you pushed his hand into your pants, he can feel how you need him. And he’s more than happy to give in to you. Using the pad of his thumb to swirl over the sensitive bud of your pussy until you’re crying out in pleasure. 
 You fall over him as you curl into your orgasm. He can’t help but find it all too beautiful. The soft moans coming from you as you come down your high. “You make the prettiest sounds.” he commented absentmindedly. 
 Taking the chance to calm down, you reached between the two of you to take him in your hands. Giving his aching cock the attention it’s been dying for since you sprung it free from the confines of his jeans. 
 Instantly he’s moaning at your touch. Either he’s too sensitive right now, or something about your touch has him getting closer to his orgasm that he wanted. That and the musky scent of your pussy is driving him crazy. He wished for a better place to fully taste you, but there wasn’t time for that right now. Because he had only one plan next. To feel every part of you.
 So with your help he slowly eased the head of his cock into your pussy. Just like your touch, your pussy wrapped around him in such a way he’s taken back to how it felt like to first kiss you. How was everything about you this intense? How was he supposed to wake up tomorrow without this feeling again?
 Leaning up, he pressed kisses against your neck, watching as the light affection helped you as you adjusted to the size of him inside you. “You’re so tight.” he gritted, using his hands to grip at your hips so that he could fully push inside you. “God, you’re so tight.”
 There’s a beat of silence, and he waited until you were calm again before he reached out to you. “Are you still with me?” he asked softly, not quite ready to hear if you suddenly changed your mind. But you look back at him, smile on your face as you nod your head.
 “I’m with you.”
 That’s all he needed to hear before he was back to kissing you. Distracting you with the taste of his lips while began to thrust up into you. It hasn’t been long since he’s last had sex. But it’s been long since he’s felt this new and electric. The feeling of your body wrapped closely to his, the hot breaths from your mouth fanning his skin, and the moans falling past your lips. All so new and exhilarating to Steve. 
 He doesn’t think he’ll ever get it like this again. 
 “Fuck, Baby. You’re taking me so good. So damn good.” he groaned, needing to praise you. “Taking all of me.”
 Your hips rolled to the praise. As if you needed the encouragement to drive even harder towards your orgasm. The sensation shivered over Steve and he thrusted harder towards you, hearing the sounds of your slick slapping against his cock with every thrust met to your pussy. 
 “Fuck, Steve. I’m so close.” you whimpered.
 “Me too, honey. Fuck, keep doing that.”
 Your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you and giving him just the right angle to hit up into your core that he could feel just about all of you. He has to bite down your shoulder to keep himself from letting go just yet. Not when he can feel you’re close. 
 Using his thumb, he began to rub at your clit again. Feeling the way it made your body tightened on top of him. The walls of your pussy gripped tightly against Steve’s cock. Making each and every thrust tug just the right way on him. You let out a loud moan, throwing your head back in pleasure as you finally let go around him. 
 Steve wasn’t long to follow after you, feeling the way his cock shot out his cum into your body. Each thrust after was chasing the remnants of his orgasm and he chanted out your name. Almost like a thank you prayer while he started to come down from his high. 
 The car’s movements came to a stop and Steve carefully reached between you to pull himself out so that you could rest easily on top of him. The sight of you cuddling into his chest does something to him and he finds he’s soothing you down. Making sure your body relaxes against him from the small workout. 
 “You’re bullshit.” said a voice in his head. 
 He tried to ignore the voice in his head. Squeezing his eyes shut to focus on your content hums. But again the voice spoke up. Almost yelling at him.
 Like cold water to the face, Steve slowly began to realize what he had done. 
 How the hell could he do this to you? He was just aching and pinning for Nancy this whole week and all of a sudden he’s sleeping with you? As if you were some rebound that was supposed to cheer him up? 
 Yes, the signs were there from you. He knows you wanted this too but did you deserve this? To be the girl he gave himself too all because Nancy didn’t pick him? Did he even want that? Why would he push for you to ask him to kiss you? He shouldn’t be kissing anyone let alone fucking them in their driveway.
 Fuck, you were just talking about a future of a sort with him. Would you want anything with him now that you realized he had slept with you while still in love with someone else?
 “I can’t believe we just did that..” you said softly, shyly looking up at him.
 God he’s in such deep shit. 
 “Steve? Are you oka-”
 “We shouldn’t have done this,” he interrupted, not able to hear your concern for him anymore. 
Carefully, he sat up in his seat. Pushing you back a bit so that you were able to sit up on your own. “I shouldn’t have done this..especially to you.” he clarified.
 “I don’t..I don’t understand..you didn’t want this?” 
 The pain in your voice has his heart breaking even more tonight. There was nothing he could do to fix this. He literally felt like everything around him was falling apart but he couldn’t stop it. He can’t change it. 
 You quickly remove yourself from sitting on his lap. Getting back in your seat to get dressed again. Steve pushed himself back into his jeans. Disgusted with the sight of his pleasure still coated on the front of his pants while he buttoned up. 
 “I’m sorry. I’m just..I’m not good right now.”
 “So you just use me-”
 “I’m not using you. Please,” he pleaded, fearing that he’s done the worst again. The look on your face is the worst thing he’s seen in days. It’s completely wrecked. Heart broken. Worse than anything he’s seen and it’s all because he’s just fucked up beyond repair.  “God, this is so messed up. I promise..just..” Reaching for your hand, he tried to give you a reassuring squeeze. Feeling like he was only giving you a panicked grip before he let go to hold onto the wheel. “Tonight was a lot..I just..need to get home and..think.”
 He’s waiting for you to yell at him. Tear him to shreds for having done such an awful thing just now. But you don’t. Instead of sounding like the fierce girl from before, you’re croaking out your words. Hitting him in the heart in a completely different way.
 “Have fun with your thinking.” you said, grabbing your jacket and dashing out of his car. He can’t look up from the wheel. All he can think about is the fact that he’s probably messed up something really good. 
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 It’s a crazy few days after that night. 
 Steve attempted to fix things. The first thing he did was fix what he could with Nancy. Giving her gifts back and wishing her luck with things. The girl returned the sentiments, but also invited him to be a part of the service for Barb. With things finally coming into light about the lab, the Hollands were actually able to put their daughter to rest. 
 Something Steve was ready to do as well. 
The funeral was on too bright of a day, he thought. Too bright for the Hollands and Nancy to say goodbye to someone they loved dearly. And while Steve knew the focus shouldn’t be on him right now, he couldn’t help but feel his guilt finally hit him. 
 I’m sorry. He thought. Looking over at Barb’s casket. I’m sorry for everything.
 He’s surprised to feel it’s your hand wrapping around his that day. Neither one of you says anything to each other. You don’t need to today. Not when the only thing you guys needed to do was be there for each other.
 But when it was over, you quickly pulled away from his side. Leaving Steve to watch as you joined after your friends. There’d be another day to try and fix things with you. Today, he’d leave you be.
 The days continued on and he found that he was unable to face you just yet. An apology sat on the tip of his tongue. But every attempted phone call ended with Steve feeling sick. He couldn’t get the sight of your sad face from his mind. 
 There was a moment when he thought he’d never get his chance to fix things. But it would turn out that one phone call with Dustin asking for a ride to the snowball dance that would present Steve with one window of opportunity. 
 After a hopeful pep talk with Dustin, Steve watched as his new friend entered the middle school doors. Looking around nervously before entering the gymnasium. In the back Steve caught a glimpse of Nancy inside. Her curls piled up on the top of her head, and her smile bright as she handed the younger grades cups of punch. 
 The sight of the girl still stung to his chest, but he found that it was no longer drowning as it was before. Another sign of what he had to do. 
 Driving past the row of cars by the gym, Steve drove over towards the parking lot. Ready to camp out for the rest of the dance when he noticed a familiar figure emerging from their car. 
 Of course it’s you. And you’re dressed up in the coat he figured you threw away last Christmas. It’s a big enough sign for Steve to attempt what he wanted to do. So, without waiting any longer, he got out of his car. Tugging his jacket on before he moved to stand by your side.
 “You look a little underdressed for the dance.” He said as casually as he could. 
 “I’m afraid I’m just the driver tonight. No chaperoning for me.”
 He watched as you made some room on the front of the car, giving him just enough space to climb on with you. The heat of your body is strong, and he found that he’s inched as close as he can to feel it better. It was now or never with you. So he carefully took a slow breath and spoke up.  
 “I tried calling..” he said carefully “And I mean, really tried.” You looked over at him and he kept his gaze forward so as to not lose his train of thought. “I had the phone in my hand, ready to dial. But every time I thought to call, I just couldn’t help but remember the look on your face.”
 “If you wanted to call to remind me how you feel, I’m glad you didn’t.” you scoffed. He could practically hear as you built the walls around yourself.
 “Don’t do that.” Steve sighed. “Don’t shut me out just yet. I’m sorry. I just- I just wanna explain myself better than how I did.”
 “I get the picture pretty clear, Steve. You regret sleeping with me and don’t want to do anything with me because you still love Nancy.” You’re quickly climbing off the car. Shutting down everything that might hurt your feelings. “I won’t tell anyone about us.” 
 He hated how badly he was already making this. Groaning into his hands, he quickly followed you off the car and moved so that he could stand before you. “That’s the thing. I don’t regret it. None of it. Not the sex, not the kiss, not the day, not even the night before. I wanted all of that.” He still does. But he knows better now. He knows it’s not worth messing things up with you again. “My only regret is that I didn’t give us a good time to recover from the other shit we just went through. Well, that and also hurting you again.”
 You’re frowning at him in confusion. But he’s happy to see you’re still hearing him out. 
 “But you said we shouldn’t have..that you shouldn’t have done it..how am I supposed to take that?”
 “Take it as me being a big idiot?” he said honestly, moving his hand around so that he could cup at your warm cheek.“I’m so sorry, Trouble. I hurt you again and I can’t beat myself enough for that.” He kept his gaze on you, hoping that you’d hear his truth and understand him, “And I know you should hate me, but I’m selfish with you and can’t let you go again. I’m just-..I’m just a guy who doesn’t know what girl would truly like him, let alone a girl like you.”
 “But I do like you..”
 He let out the breath he had been holding in. You still like him. Even after everything that’s happened. “I know,” he said sadly. The pad of his thumb brushed against your cheek and he watched in silent awe as you rubbed into his palm. “I like you too. But maybe we don’t really know. Maybe we both need some time before we figure out all that?” 
 “Time?” you asked softly.
Sensing that your worries must be getting the best of you right now, he leaned down to press a reassuring kiss to your forehead.  “I can hear you overthinking. I just want you to have time to figure out if what you feel is real, or just the heat of the moment.” 
 The music from the snowball dance began to come out from the gym doors, giving you two a bit of background noise while you figured things out. 
 “Do you need time?” 
 If he was being honest with himself, he’d say how he doesn’t need a second to be with you. But knowing that there were still going to be moments like tonight where he’d look at Nancy and feel some sort of pain, he’d have to change up his needs.
 “No. But I probably should take some time too.”
 Moving both your arms and his, he changed up the position so that the two of you were slowly swaying to the beat of the music. You took the chance to rest your head against Steve’s chest. Making him relax as you comfortably rested against him. 
 “So what happens now?” he heard you whisper. 
 This was it. This was his one chance to finally do right by you and give you the one thing you deserved right now.  “Friends,” he finally decided.  “I’d like us to be friends finally. If you can forgive me and my shitty timing.”
 He didn’t rush you as you contemplated what you wanted to do. Anything decision you’d make and he’d respect it. Even if it meant going against everything he was trying to do. He’d give you whatever it was you needed. 
 It was finally once the song ended that you pulled yourself back to look up at him. The warmth in your eyes is there and he’s pleasantly happy to see that familiar sparkle once more. It has his heart racing again and he can’t help but smile down at you. 
 “Okay, let’s try friends.”
 Something inside Steve took control and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and sealing the deal with a kiss to your lips. It’s like being back to a place of comfort and he’s happy to feel as you carefully pressed back against him. 
 “Sorry.” he muttered, slightly embarrassed with you once the two of you realized what happened. 
 “Let’s just keep dancing.” you suggested. Not even realizing the double meaning behind the word. But like before, he’d leave you be. Knowing that it was going to be something you two would come across later on in time. 
  “Yeah,” Steve agreed, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “Just keep dancing..”
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The sounds of A-Ha’s Take On Me slowly echoed out from the gym doors. The snowball’s DJ had been keeping all the music upbeat and lively the whole night. And you and Steve took the chance to enjoy the free sound while you both entertained yourselves. 
 “Take on me”
 “(Take on me)”
 “Take me on”
 “(Take on me)”
 “I'll be gone. In a day or two!” 
 Steve couldn’t help but pull back to look over at you. Eyes wide as he noticed the slightly pitchy ending to your note. “Trouble, are you tone deaf?” He laughed, still swaying you. 
 You let out a dramatic gasp. “I am not!” you giggled. “It’s just a really high note!”
 “Oh man, you can do everything but sing.” He lied, knowing you could do and be anything you wanted. “Wait until I tell Dustin.” 
 You point a finger over at him. Trying to look intimidating but really you look just cute in Steve’s eyes. “You better not. Or else I’ll mess up that pretty face of yours.” 
 “So you think it’s a pretty face?” 
 “..You’re terrible.”
 “You think I’m pretty!” he sang, watching as you attempted to pull away from his arms. But he quickly changed it to wrapping around you so that you were pressed against his front. “Tell me what’s my prettiest feature. My hair? It’s my hair right?”
 “I’m not even diving into that.” you laughed while shaking your head.
 “My lips?”
 “You wish.”
 “You’ll never get an answer from me..”
 “Oh come on,” he laughed. “Just throw me a bone here.” 
 There’s a second where you seem to go quietly to your thoughts, and Steve’s worried he might have pushed the joke too far, but you slowly reach a hand up to cup at his cheek. The pad of your thumb grazing gently at his jawline while your eyes glanced up to his. 
 “Your eyes..” you whispered. “I think you have very pretty eyes..”
 He didn’t expect for your answer to make him feel so shaken up but he found that he’s shuddering from your truth anyway. “T-thanks.” he muttered, stumbling to come back to being confident like he was moments ago.
 “This is the part where you tell me I have pretty eyes too.” you smirked, making him let out a breathy laugh. Only you would manage to make the conversation light again. 
 “You’re pretty,” he said easily. Beautiful would be a better word, but friends, albeit new ones, don’t talk that way. “Prettiest girl in town.”
 “Oh, I forgot you lay it on thick, Harrington.” you laughed as you looked away from him. Something on your face reminded him back when you two first met and he flirted with you. It wasn’t easy to make you flustered and yet that’s how you were right now.
 He’s about to speak up when the sounds of footsteps cut in.
 “What the hell are you guys doing?”
 Looking behind him, the two of you saw Max, Dustin, and Lucas all stood before your Aunt’s car. The girl had a knowing smirk on her lips while the two boys had slight frowns on their faces. “Dustin,” he coughed, letting you go slowly. “Why aren’t you guys inside?”
 “Why?” snorted the shorter boy. “How about because the dance is over? We thought you guys would come in and get us ten minutes ago. Why the hell were you two dancing with no music on?”
 How long has it been since the music stopped? He didn’t notice. Not when he was talking with you. 
 “We were goofing around.” you explained easily, giving Steve a pat on the arm. “Plus, we never said we’d grab you kids. We’re off babysitting duty tonight, dork.”
 “Such a loving cousin.” Dustin groaned, pushing past everyone to go over towards the passenger door. “But whatever. Do you think we can give Lucas a ride home?”
 “Whoa, hey, I thought you were riding with me?” Steve frowned looking over the three of them. 
 “Well if she’s still around, might as well take me home, right?” Dustin shrugged before nodding over at you. “Well? Can we?”
 You frowned at your cousin before glancing back at Steve. “Mind taking Max for me?” There’s a small pout in your request and he found it a little hard not to be distracted. Even if three other pairs of eyes were watching him intently. 
 “Yeah,” he said eventually. “I can take her.” Looking over at the girl beside him, he nodded towards his car. “Maybe I’ll give her a better driving lesson than you.”
 The other kids frowned at that while you let out another laugh. Very amused by his words. “You’re still terrible.” you chuckled, making your way over to the driver’s seat. “But thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow? Make it up to you with a milkshake?”
 “You got a deal, Trouble.” he winked. 
 You waved goodbye to him, staring at him for a moment longer before getting into your car. The other two boys called out a goodbye to Max before waving over at Steve. Dustin said he’d tell Steve all about what happened when he gets the chance. 
 Alongside Max, Steve watched as your car roared to life, filling the air up with the sound of your engine and soft pattering of music you had been playing. He kept his gaze over at you until the car was driving down the road towards the front of the school. 
 Max gently elbowed his side, giving him a knowing look.  
 “You’ve got it bad, don’t you?” she asked, smugness heavy in her tone. But Steve was too happy, too content, with how the night went to be embarrassed by her teasing. And considering everything that’s happened, he didn’t hesitate to give her a reply while he opened up the car door for her.
 “You have no idea.”
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A/N: If you’ve made this far, god bless you!! this took about 4 months to finally put together. I’ve been working on it since July and have been going back and forth on it.  I’m very to be finished with it and hope you guys enjoy the inside of my poor Steve’s mind. I’m not really sure how much canon Steve would think this way, but I hope I tuned in to a little of what he might sound like. Thank you guys so much for the support. As always, I appreciate every like and comment!
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klbwriting · 2 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 3: This Fierce Vein
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Jason is Hamlet...and he's terrible. Extra practice leads to new discoveries
There is no following her in this fierce vein
Things Jason had expected when he auditioned for Bludhaven Prep’s theater production of Hamlet: 1. A sophomore would be Hamlet, his audition was amazing even if he had tripped getting onto the stage, 2. Chelsea would be Ophelia and that poor sophomore would have to pretend to love her, and 3. He would coast by in the background without anyone noticing him. What he did not expect was to roll up to rehearsal Monday morning only for the cast list to say Jason Todd…Hamlet. Apparently, he had been good and now everyone in the group wanted to know who he was. He groaned, already feeling the eyes of the freshmen on him, trying to calculate what they could say to him to make him think they were cool enough to be friends. Theater wasn’t a huge deal at this school, but it was big enough that the leads were popular, and Jason had no interest. He went to the director, trying to talk them out of casting him but they held firm.
“Mr. Todd, you were a natural, excellent. I really think you could do this professionally and I don’t say that to many people,” the director said, setting a mark on the floor before looking at him. “I know it feels like a lot of pressure, but you were made to be Hamlet.” O great, he was meant to play a madman who dies, well guess he did die once, at least that he knew he was actually good at. He sighed and just nodded, going and waiting for rehearsal to start.
By the time practice was over he was pretty sure they were reconsidering his casting. He had been terrible, missing cues, flubbing lines that he knew by heart, not focusing. He felt the restlessness he had felt ever since the pit flowing through him. He didn’t want to be there, he wanted to be out, hitting something, getting this energy out in the most violent way possible. The other seniors were packing up, asking him if he wanted to go out, maybe run lines with them.
“No, after Friday I honestly don’t want to hang out with you guys ever again,” he said honestly, voice having an edge that clearly frightened them.
“Don’t have to be such a dick. We were just getting payback,” Jackson said. Jason looked over at him, eyes blazing green, and growled at him. The three of them scampered off and Jason collapsed into one of the theater seats, frustrated. He needed to rant about this. Maybe Dick could get him out of being Hamlet, use his money to drop Jason down to something else.
“Nope, sorry kid, I think you should do this play and be Hamlet,” Dick said over dinner that night. Jason sighed.
“Why? I was terrible today, I don’t think I’m cut out for being an actor,” he mumbled, pushing a meatball around his plate. He had been so annoyed about play practice that he had overdone the meatballs, they were dry, just another fuck up on this perfectly fucked up day.
“O come off it Jason, you spent six years acting,” Dick said. Jason looked at him confused. “You were Robin from ages 10-16, so in that time you were either pretending to be Robin or pretending to be Jason Todd, you’re an actor.” Jason frowned.
“Who was I pretending to be?” he whispered. Dick looked at him, eyes softening. That was the question anyone associated with Batman would ask, what was real? The person or the mask? “Who are you pretending to be? Dick or Nightwing?”
“I’m not always sure,” Dick admitted, clearing his plate. “Maybe being in this play, trying to act, will help you see who you were before you died.”
Rehearsal was pushed from Tuesday to Wednesday that week but it didn’t help. Jason was still a mess, trying so hard to get it right. He kept hearing Bruce’s voice in the back of his head. ‘You’re not listening Jason’, ‘Dick could have done this on the first try’, ‘You can do better’. When rehearsal was over the director pulled him aside.
“I can see that you’re distracted,” she said. Jason wanted to lie but he just nodded. “Is there something going on at home? I know that you live with your older brother.” Jason didn’t know why but this woman reminded him of his mother. He barely remembered her, but he did remember that when she wasn’t strung out her eyes were soft, care would radiate from her when she was sober. This teacher had the same kind eyes, the same warmth her. It made him loosen his normally tight lips.
“No, nothing like that, he’s great. Just ya know, wasn’t always a good family life. I let down my dad a lot before I…moved,” he said, stopping himself before saying ‘died’. The director nodded, understanding.
“My mother was overbearing when I was young, always thought I was a disappointment,” she said, leaning on the stage next to where he sat. “I would hear her voice in my head, just disparaging me every time I did anything. A big test, performance, dance recital, always her telling me I would screw up.”
“Does it ever stop?” he asked. She looked at him, eyes full of sympathy and he nodded. “Does it get quieter?” She nodded.
“Once you really give yourself over to what you’re doing the volume goes down. Instead of thinking about your father when you’re acting, try thinking about Hamlet, what he is feeling. He didn’t have your father, imagine what his father was like. Use that to fuel your performance,” she said. Jason nodded. “I will see you Friday at rehearsal.” She packed up and left him alone. Jason looked at the stage.
“Might as well run through it myself,” he mumbled, standing and going to his first mark. He was midway through the first act when he heard something towards stage right. He walked over, feet making no noise, as he moved through the sets stored in the wings. He came up the prop room and saw YN. She was grabbing the swords they were using and took them out of the room. He stayed behind set pieces watching as she hid the swords, one behind an old radiator, one in a light rigging that had been lowered for repair, just random places. It was the kind of prank that was actually funny. He let out a chuckle, coming out from behind the bridge piece. She froze at the noise, turning and facing him.
“Hello, didn’t know anyone was still here,” she said, setting down the last sword, setting a prop blanket on top of it on the floor. “Well, going to turn me in? I’m sure some teacher is still around. You could really fuck with my chances in the Shakespeare competition.” She crossed her arms, staring him down. A lot of bad people had tried to stare Jason down before, Bane, Poinson Ivy, Two Face….Joker. He hadn’t looked away from any of them, he wasn’t the guilty one, they were, and he would win, but he looked away from YN. This time he did feel guilty. He hadn’t been the perpetrator of that horrid prank at the open mic night, but she didn’t know that. He was there with the people who did it and Jason understand the term ‘guilty by association’.
“I’m not going to tell on you, I’m not a snitch, and I can’t wait to see Jackson whine about his missing sword on Friday,” he said. “But you should probably be more careful, sneaking around here is reckless.” He almost gagged on the word. Since when did he sound like Bruce?
“Me? Reckless? I’m sorry little rich boy, you were just slumming it in Crime Alley, who is reckless?” she demanded. Jason stared at her. “And what were you doing there anyway? Come to laugh at us poor kids? Did those asshole friends of yours send you to find something on me? The new guy gets to do the dirty work and ruin my life?”
“Woah, listen, I don’t give a shit about your life, I was there for….reasons,” he said, not sure how to say ‘I needed to hit people because coming back from the dead had side effects’ without sounding insane.
“Either way, you can’t tell anyone where I’m from, if word got around that I was just some degenerate from Crime Alley…people are mean,” she said, feeling so lame for that. Jason nodded. He understood. If you were from Crime Alley you were a delinquent, you were scum and you could never fix that. It was a label that was hard to wash off. Jason only got out because Bruce made sure of it, money was the only thing to really mover you out of that slum.
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said. “I grew up there too.” He knew that was a bridge too far by the look on her face.
“Ya sure, you don’t need to try to relate to me rich boy,” she said. “Now I’m getting out of here, hopefully I never see you again.” She gave him the middle finger and left through the side stage door. Jason smiled after her, feeling his heart flutter a little. O shit.
Curiosity was driving Jason as he slid down the alley behind Big Belly Burger, red mask on his face. He had seen her working already, walking by the front window casually, hood up, mask on, so she wouldn’t know it was him. He could be anybody, there were plenty of vigilante pretenders in the area, he blended in. He waited until she was finished and followed her down the street. She didn’t live far from her work and Jason snuck into a familiar alley when she went into the apartment building. The same building, he grew up in. He looked around the alley, remembering finding the Batmobile right where he was standing. He still didn’t know how he went from seeing the infamous vehicle to thinking ‘I should get those rims’, but stealing those tires had changed his life and those memories were bittersweet now. He shook them away as he jumped, grabbing the fire escape ladder and hulled himself up.
She lived on the fourth floor he found. He could see through the thin curtains into her living room. She went in, taking off the apron she wore for work and hung it by the door. There was a frozen dinner on the counter, so she grabbed it and threw it in the microwave before approaching the couch where he noticed a thin woman was laying on it.
“Hey mom, how are you?” she asked, kneeling by the woman and gently touching her head. Her mother took her hand and kissed it.
“I’m feeling fine Lady Macbeth,” she said. YN smiled at her. “How was play practice?”
“I didn’t have practice tonight, I went to mess with the Bludhaven Prep stuff,” she said. The woman coughed a little and he could see concern cross YN’s face. Her mother was sick, very sick from the sound of that cough. His heart ached. He could remember that sound, his mother had coughed like that the night she OD’d. It was fused into his brain.
“You didn’t get in trouble, did you? Is that why you’re late?” her mom asked.
“No, one of the guys, that guy from the open mic? He was there, but I don’t think he’s going to say anything. They’re all jerks, but he’s the least jerky I think,” she said. Well, at least she didn’t completely hate him. “And then I had work tonight remember? Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday I work, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning I have practice?”
“O, right of course,” her mother answered. YN turned off the TV. “I was watching that…”
“You need to be in bed now, come on,” she said. She slid an arm under her mother and helped her stand before leaving the room. Jason sat on the fire escape for another minute before deciding he had invaded her privacy enough. He needed to get home anyway, Dick would be pissed if he came back and Jason was gone. He trudged home, now even angrier at the other seniors for their pranks. He was going to make it up to YN, he promised that.
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sully kids modern!au headcanons
he/him pronouns
bi with a preference for men
loves listening to hozier and prolly dua lipa
eat your young is his song rn
runs track, but has done archery since he was younger with Neytiri
also did rock climbing for a bit
a rock climbing god
def has good grades, like a’s and b’s
super good at English and history
reads for fun and sometimes plays video games with Lo’ak
hates shooting games tho
will not play stuff like COD
for sure had braces and as soon as he got them off, all the girls started flirting with him
he lets them down easy
genuinely enjoys looking after Tûk
Tsireya is absolutely his best friend and they do face masks and listen to kpop together
a pretty good cook, but is better at making simple stuff from babysitting Tûk
got a septum piercing during senior year but doesn’t wear it at home bc Jake would be mad
Neytiri knows
she thinks it’s sick
Jake wants him to join ROTC but it’s the one thing he won’t do
is the only kid who consistently calls Jake sir
kind of looks up to Spider bc Spider is a year ahead of him in school
started dating Ao’nung junior year
she/they pronouns
pansexual(?) or unlabeled
kind of likes kpop bc of Tsireya, but like religiously listens to Sza and Mitski
doesn’t play any sports, but takes some art classes
she draws on her biology notes
takes botanical drawing classes
super good at science, particularly biology
good grades, mostly a’s and b’s
reads sometimes but prefers to hang out on her phone while Neteyam reads
is always in her sibling’s rooms
Lo’ak is always yelling at her to get out of his room
has, like, a million plants, but not a single one of them is dying
kind of a loner at school, but just hangs out with Spider and sometimes her siblings and Tsireya
Tûk used to drive her crazy, but now Kiri gets that Tûk just looks up to her
goes to visit her mom every weekend
has pierced ears but never really wears earrings
she wants a nose piercing so badly that she is considering doing it herself
she says she hates that Lo’ak sometimes calls her his twin
she secretly likes it
it makes her feel included
like she’s not adopted
is extremely aware of the fact that Rotxo likes her but refuses to make the first move
they start dating in junior year
he/him pronouns (or maybe he/they)
i feel like he might try out they/them pronouns at one point
bi with preference for women
in my bi Lo’ak era
used to do archery with Neteyam and Neytiri but kind of hated it so he stopped going
started playing basketball in middle school and is like, super good
Jake is always at his games embarrassing him by yelling at the ref
honestly pretty good at school
he just doesn’t like it that much so he doesn’t want to try
for some reason, i see him being really good at math
has mostly b’s because he has to maintain a good average to play sports
plays video games a lot but will always switch from first person shooters to something else if Neteyam wants to play
hangs out with Neteyam all the time bc Neteyam is his role model
he will never admit that Neteyam is his role model
(Neteyam knows. Lo’ak did a project in sixth grade on role models and wrote his whole essay about his older brother. Neteyam found it and keeps it in his desk.)
wants to be like Jake and gets frustrated when Jake can’t see that
they fight a lot, but when Lo’ak gets older they have a heart to heart and their relationship gets better
absolutely adores Tûk
pretends he doesn’t
100% listens to rap music in public but secretly loves kpop, particularly twice
him and Tsireya started dating their freshman year
is always showing up to school with his nails painted bc Tsireya insisted on doing them
wears mascara bc he likes having long eyelashes
Kiri pierced his ears in their bathroom in junior year
she’s eight so she hasn’t really thought about sexuality related stuff yet
loves her family!
always wants to hang out with Jake and Neytiri bc she thinks the adults are cool
they spoil her to no end
when the parents aren’t around, she bothers Neteyam
loves to tease Kiri about Rotxo
enjoys showing up right when Lo’ak and Tsireya are about to kiss and asks them inane questions
Tsireya thinks it’s cute
Lo’ak yells at her to go away
does swim classes on Saturday mornings and Ao’nung is her swim teacher
that’s actually how Neteyam and Ao’nung formally met
Tûk was instrumental in getting them together
also plays soccer after school three days a week
good at school, but prefers going on field trips bc she likes learning by doing stuff
begs Jake to chaperone her field trips
she is the reason that Jake and Neytiri accept Spider bc she bothered them for days to let him move in with them
genuinely the sweetest most adorable child
has an iPad and enjoys playing subway surfers and those toca boca games
she makes Lo’ak play with her bc she knows he enjoys video games and thinks that it’s a way to get him to hang out with her
(at first Lo’ak didn’t know that that was why she was doing it, but Neteyam told him and now he pretends to complain but loves the toca boca hairstyling game. he downloaded it on his phone.)
has an easy bake oven and ‘cooks’ for Jake
he pretends to eat it but feeds it to the dog
(the dog usually vomits later.)
he/him pronouns
straight, but absolutely a very supportive ally
raised by Norm bc his mom and Norm were friends when they were younger
the sullys and Norm were neighbors for Spider’s whole life so he spent a lot of time over there
at first, Jake and Neytiri didn’t like him, but eventually warmed up to him
this was bc of the kids
moved in with the Sullys when he was 14 bc Norm was moving
pretty good grades, mostly has b’s
does rock climbing and is super good at it
used to go to the climbing gym with Neteyam but now goes by himself
when his dad retired from the military, Quaritch wanted Spider to move in with him
Spider compromised and visits Quaritch every other weekend instead
tries to balance the oldest sibling responsibilities with Neteyam
genuinely cares for the sully kids so much
lets Lo’ak vent to him about Jake
Kiri is always ranting to him about her crystals and plants and stuff and he just loves listening to her
he is a super good listener in general
takes Tûk to soccer bc she practices at an indoor field and it’s at the same place as the climbing gym
plays video games with Lo’ak all the time
was homeschooled until high school
bc of that he’s pretty good at science and technology stuff bc that’s what Norm and Max know the most about
sucks at English and history and gets tutored by Neteyam
so caring and genuine
all he wants in life is to be the best big brother and be accepted into the family
the day that he goes off to college, Neytiri hugs him and tells him that she is thankful he is her son
he cries so hard
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idlerin · 1 year
nonsense — 12. i despise you
five years ago still,,
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“quit whispering in my ear, people are starting to stare,” you whisper to oikawa who was sitting next to you, arm lazily placed around the back of your chair. maybe they weren’t just staring at the both of you because of the whispering. you were already standing out being the only one in black in the midst of the white aoba johsai uniform.
“hm?” he hummed directly in your ear, which made you shiver involuntarily, you only hoped he didn’t notice, but of course he did. you see the teasing smile he held, something you were oh so familiar to.
the both of you were currently in his school, because that’s where the joint assembly was held, you had the choice to come here by classroom assignments or by club, you chose to come by club because then there would be less people crammed in the bus.
“i despise you,” you say to him when he starts playing with your hair. the amount of staring got worse. he was popular! did he forget about that? it’s like you could feel the harsh glares of the jealous girls wishing they could be in your position. they could take it! gladly!
but then you don’t really mean that, do you? shut up mind!
“okay, [name]-chan,” he says, eyes at the front as if he was listening to whatever the speaker was saying, honestly, you weren’t too, maybe you’ll ask your classmates tomorrow or something.
you’ve known of oikawa tooru since junior high, he was already popular since then (has this man ever lived when he wasn’t popular?). he was that cool and attractive senior everyone had a crush on, even you were enraptured, he was just so charming, but then you quickly realized that most of his smiles were fake the day you confessed to him, sorta.
it was the last day before his batch's graduation, he was surrounded by people like usual while you were anxiously carrying out a gift (it was milk bread, since you learned from a senior that it was his favorite food) to confess to him with. you tried to find a moment where you could be alone with him, it was difficult, since people kept approaching him left and right and you weren’t about to just walk over and hand him a gift, how embarrassing that would be, you didn’t even think he knew who you were.
but eventually, he was left alone, and you were there from afar watching how his cheery smile fell from his face and what’s left was a tired expression. you were taken aback since you never saw your senior look so gloomy. you hesitantly stepped closer, not saying a word and handing him a gift.
he looked up at you at first, confused, then you watched his mask slip on again as he gave you a smile, “oh? what’s this?” he took the gift gratefully as you froze in his presence.
“i-i’m your number one supporter,” you bowed, face heating up because you stuttered. a lot of people have probably said that to him.
“you’re… [name], right?” the way he spoke your name made your heart beat obnoxiously faster. he knew your name! oh my god he knew your name! how did he know your name? “you’re from the journalism club, i see you around our games documenting it, thank you for the praises for our club!”
“you’re welcome,” was the only thing you could say as you stood up straight again. “i’ve also seen some of the shows you’ve been in so far, i think you’re really talented,” your face was impossibly redder. “t-that’s all, thank you, goodbye,” you say and run away, you hear him call out another thanks but you didn’t have the courage to look back.
you thought that was the last you’ll see of him, since you didn’t end up in the same highschool anyways, and your tiny little crush on him had faded. that was until you showed up at the house of the little boy named takeru you were supposed to be tutoring and jumped when you saw his figure sprawled on the couch. you continued tutoring takeru peacefully and ignored oikawa tooru. the last time you saw him was embarrassing, you think he’s forgotten about you already, you hoped he has.
but when you were on your way to leave he waved a complacent goodbye, “have a safe walk back home, [name]!”
and all of that lead you here to this moment, the assembly had ended and you were being dragged around by oikawa tooru to his classroom because he forgot something in there and decided you should come with him. now you were sitting on one of the classroom chairs— it was a really nice desk, why couldn’t karasuno get a clean not-carved by students' desk.
you watched as oikawa pokes his hand inside his desk among the countless school supplies he left there.
“what are you trying to find?” you ask, head laying on the desk.
“my pen! the one you gave me,” he said, “here it is,” he says triumphantly, showing you the pen with a crow design on it, yes you gave the captain of aoba johsai karasuno merch, what about it?
oikawa leans back on his chair, stretching, “god, i’m tired.”
“has your schedule been packed this week too?” you ask, face scrunched up, you were worried of course, for the past year, you’ve been exposed to oikawa’s rather hectic life, you try to remind him all the time to watch his health.
“yeah, glad i have the weekend off though,” he sighs, he then stood up from where he sat, walking in front of you, blocking your view of the board, “do you want to go eat out?”
you pause, looking up at him, “are you asking me out?” your face heated up at the thought, you just blurted that out without thinking, you were just supposed to ask that in your head.
oikawa notices again, of course he does, he notices everything. he leaned down a little, a hand on the back of your chair, the other on the desk, "[name]-chan, it seems like you're starting to fall for me," he smirks, he was teasing you like usual.
you try to give him a deadpan face as you curl your hand around his tie, tugging him down close to your face, you felt his breath hitch, now he knows how it feels, "and what if I am?” you say boldly. inside you were a complete mess, because why were you confessing, why were you confessing.
alone in this big classroom with just him and you, the warm hues of the sun filtering from the glass windows, from this angle, oikawa’s face was just so close, you realize you were still holding onto his tie so you let go of it abruptly.
you watch as oikawa gulps, “i like you too, [name],” he says it softly. it wasn’t teasing anymore, and now the two of you were incredibly red.
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masterlist — previous | next
✦ fun facts !
[name] meets the other boys shortly after this
oikawa and [name] dated for a year and a half!
[name] is a tsundere, if it isn’t obvious enough lol
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nonsense ! an oikawa tooru social media au
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
a/n — god i love writing fluff
taglist is open ! + @kawaii-angelanne @ceneridiankaa @kittycasie @rukia-uchiha-98 @polish-cereal @kellesvt @rockleeisbaeeee @kashxyou @imsoluvly @jjulliette @tooruchiiscribs @littlefreakjulia @gomjohs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @mellowknightcolorfarm @konzumeken @migosple @kuroogguk @sangwooooo @katsu-shi @wolffmaiden @rijhi @2baddies-1porsche @yeehawcity @aishkaaa @crueldinasty @rintarousprincess @yyuiz @epeec28 @llamakenma @penguinlovestowrite
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strbymacaroon · 1 year
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Spider-Man Eren! x Reader
An alternate universe where Attack on Titan and the Marvel Universe collide! Where the Spider-Man universes collide!
Where the new spider is the one and only nerdy, Eren Yeager. Who happens to have a world stopping crush on you.
Attack on Titan Marvel crossover, Spider-man and Eren Yeager crossover. Multiple parts.
Word count:
22.7k Words.
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『 VOLUME ONE: ORIGINS 』: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
Eren Yeager. 
Your average senior college boy. 
Charming, attractive, rich, and popular. A different lady at his luxury apartment every weekend. Star quarterback for the college football team. You know, the average. 
Eren was living the life. Peaking, even. The it-boy if you will. 
Okay, enough lying. 
Eren was absolutely none of that. Like, not even in his goddamn dreams. Was it sad, it could be. But, he didn’t let it bother him. He was pretty content with his best friend Armin and Harry. Along with his stunning camera. A beautiful 18th birthday present. 
Yet, that had absolutely nothing to do with the situation he was currently in. 
Currently, Eren was trying to silently exit the situation started by the person in front of him. Ignoring the phones out recording him and Jean. Of course, out of all the days Jean wanted to bother Eren, it was on the day he had a very, very important interview. 
A rude mantra of curses left Jean’s mouth as he placed a hand on Eren’s chest. Shoving him back with every step he took in the man’s direction. 
Yelling things at him like, Stupid cunt or Nerd. Eren didn’t even know people other than himself and Armin used the word nerd, unironically. Looks like he owed Armin ten bucks. Then another twenty to Harry. 
Honestly, Eren couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that Harry and Jean were brothers. He could never wrap his head around the fact that one of his closest friends was brothers with his tormentor. He can’t even fathom how the two are related! 
They’re polar opposites. Actually, this was somewhat debatable, they’re pretty similar in the looks department. But, when it came to interactions with Eren… Harry was one of the few people that actually liked Eren. Enough to deal with him and be his best friend. That’s why they’re so close now. Purely because they’ve known each other since high school.
In all honesty, Eren was just trying to distract himself right now. He really, really didn’t want to fight Jean. He didn’t know how to fight for his life. Let alone a boy who was the star quarterback of the school's football team. He didn’t even know people actually fought until he saw one in the middle of the subway train. Over a sandwich of all things. 
It was very clear, Jean was the worst person in Eren’s perspective. A person who thought with their dick rather than their head. 
Jean was even worse when he was with his best friend Flash. 
Jean has a full scholarship, because of football. He was honestly nothing without it. No smarts or distinct personality, nothing that makes a person unique. He was someone who was destined to be in the NFL, an athlete ready to go pro. 
Someone everyone was dying to be friends. Not because he was a cool person, because he was going to be famous. It was a given with his looks, and skill on the field. People just wanted to boast about being friends with a pro when they were in college. Something to talk about when they were all grown up. A story for friends, or maybe kids of their own. 
But, Jean is the type of person who would kindly– no, disrespectfully, ask you to fuck off. Because, that’s just who Jean was. 
And, of course, like always, a certain someone was here to witness it all. Someone Eren really didn’t want to see get his ass beat. 
Which wasn’t out of the norm. Well, it kind of was… He’s never been in a fight with Jean, just kind of expected it to happen at some point. So, there was that. Yet, he couldn’t help but think– What did I do to deserve this? 
Which was absolutely nothing, Eren had been nothing but kind to Jean back in their youth. So much as kissed his finger when the two of them made a pinkie promise back in freshman year of high school. But no, Jean was just a huge dick and loved to flaunt it. 
You know, how every boy with a small dick is. 
Still, this was a situation he didn’t want to be in. Let alone, really know how he got in. 
So. Let’s start from the beginning, maybe that’ll help: 
Eren was your typical guy. 
Poor college student. Although, that's always been the case for Eren. He’s always had to deal with poverty. He wasn’t homeless, but he knew from a young age he had to do something to help pay the bills. 
If he wanted to eat something sweet, or treat himself to something unhealthy, he’d probably have to babysit the kids from the nice neighborhood across the town for a few hours. Technically an hour, but he always liked bringing something for his Dad. 
It didn’t bother him too much. Eren still feels like he had a great childhood. Sure, he had to worry about the random loud ‘bangs!’ in the middle of the night. Or, the odd noises coming from a dark alley when walking home. Maybe even the intense stares he got when he brought his backpack with him to the convenient store a few blocks down. 
But, other than that it was pretty great!
He was a smart, nerdy, and an awkward boy. Honesty, the typical nerdy boy. Yet, he didn’t necessarily have the completion of one. Being staggering in height, –Although, no one could tell by the way he hunched his shoulders– piercing green eyes, and the body of any girl's dream. Although, it was always covered by his baggy clothing. Something he bought from the local thrift shop or Goodwill. 
Luckily, growing up in an environment like that– he learned how to adapt, and dress himself with the money and clothing he had. Although, he didn’t really try to. He just stuck to his normal bummy outfits. It was easier this way. And, so, so, so comfy. 
Yet, Eren didn’t like to consider himself a nerd. 
Did he like anime, yes.
He did love Star Wars, yes. 
He did build the DeathStar with his best friend, yes. 
He did have a huge gaming setup in his room, yes. 
Did he have the grades and smarts, yes. 
Did he love science, yes.
Did he not know how to communicate with women, yes. 
Did he–okay, you get the point.
But a nerd?! Psh, yeah. Wrong guy. 
Eren didn’t consider himself such. He didn’t spend hours upon hours watching porn or hentai. Let alone anime for too long. He’s watched superhero movies for far longer.
Although, Eren did sometimes wonder if he was in an anime, what it’d be like. He always imagined a cheesy Slice of life anime, where a bunch of girls were fighting for his attention. You know, the average romance anime. Nothing too special. Yet, like every other anime– he was as dense as a rock, and always ended up picking the worst option. The tsundere girl who got on everyone’s nerves. 
You know, the usual horny boy fantasy. 
Eren wore normal things, at least that’s what Eren likes to think. Converse, jeans, random graphic tees, and denim jackets. His glasses held together in the middle with some clear tape. Which had whitened due to the amount applied. Being a broke college student wasn’t always the best thing out there. And finally, his hair. Which was always tied in a man bun with his pink hair tie. 
It was actually what he was wearing today. Who would’ve thought?
Eren could dress better, sure. But, sometimes it was hard. He didn’t have enough ‘nice’ clothing to wear throughout the week. So, you could only really catch him looking good once a week. If he felt like it. So, he never really stuck out. 
Although, Eren was tall, so there was that. It was something he was quite proud of. Hell, he would randomly call his Dad, explaining how thankful he was for his awesome genes. Anyways, no more appearance talk, it’ll go to his head. 
Eren wanted to work at Stark Industries. An establishment where intelligent people –such as himself– would be given jobs that would help with The Avengers. 
It was also owned by the one and only Tony Stark. Sometimes Levi Ackerman when he felt like it. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, as Levi and Tony like to say. Which were also the guys in the iron suits. Surrounded by hightech weapons, and technology. Once helping allied forces in World War ll. 
Which happened to be taking interns at the new building within New York. It was specifically made for students within NYU. And Eren was getting an interview there. 
This was the thing Eren dreamed about doing at some point in his life. 
It was an opportunity to get a jump start into a career within science and technology. Maybe, even get a good paying job as a student. Which could snow-ball into a full time career within Stark Industries. 
Which was amazing since his major revolved around that. 
And maybe, he could even see Levi Ackerman or Tony Stark in action. Not on video, not in the news, and definitely not late at night when he should be studying. So, that was the very, very important interview he had today. Eren wasn’t going to miss it for the world. No matter what.
Back to why Eren thinks he’s going to get his ass beat.
The only thing that comes to mind, which wasn’t even that bad. Was probably his obsession with his camera. Which stemmed from the obsession he had with his phone. Well, it wasn’t his phone he was obsessed with, it was what he was doing on his phone. 
Eren was usually nose deep into his phone, and always typing something out. Writing down something more specifically. I mean, he just likes writing things down. It wasn’t obsessive, –maybe it was– but, it was enough to send concerned looks from his fellow peers. It wasn’t often. Just happened enough times to make him aware of it. 
So, maybe two or three times. Maybe even four, he can’t really recall. So, not too often. 
It started back in elementary. It was cute, just little notes on small pieces of paper to remind him of what he had to do later. Wash the dishes, wash the car, walk the dog –you know– normal things. The stuff you’d show your mom and get a head pat for. A little praise of, ‘You’re being so productive!’ And, a little treat if she was in the mood. 
Cute and simple things, really. 
Then, it became slightly different when he hit middle school. Once he got a cheap and practical cellphone. One that was able to take poor quality pictures and write small entries on the notes app. Eren soon started to ‘snap!’ photos of things. Then, write his notes under them. Which wasn’t weird either! It was actually really tame, and kinda’ of healthy. From what his father told him at least. 
A picture of his dog, a note below it saying–
-walk the dog. (Extra soft and fluffy today.) 
Or maybe, 
A picture of his best friends Armin and Harry
-call Armin at 6:30, (Changed his glasses to a different color.)
See, nothing weird!
Eren didn’t do it for every note. Just ones he felt like needed one. Ones that stood out to him, or he just wanted to capture the moment and write what was going through his head. It helped with a lot of stuff that happened when he was small. He just liked capturing the moment. Just like everyone else. Eren just had a slightly different way of doing it. It wasn’t anything bad either. It was just something cute and sweet. Like capturing the moment in his head. 
Then, high school happened. The sudden development of high tech suits, technology, and weapons happened. Along with many, many lawsuits against The Avengers. 
Suddenly, just like everyone else. He had a reason to be on his phone. Watching videos, and reading blogs about the hero made him a big fanboy. In fact, it shaped what he wanted to do for his future. Made him love Stark Industries. 
Which only worsened when his Father gifted him a nice camera for his birthday. Along with an expensive laptop to match. Which was a birthday and graduation gift. Then suddenly, Eren was taking pictures of everything. 
And I mean everything. 
‘Snapping!’ photos, and adding a mental note to each one of them. Excited to go home and upload them to his expensive laptop, ready to write the note out on paper. Or screen per say. Then, with pictures he really liked, he’d print them out and post them in his bulletin board. Connecting them to other photos that were similar. 
Eren’s room was decorated in beautiful photos. Some pictures of people with their loved ones, laughing away about something he had no clue about. Others of plants or scenery, showing the beautiful limelight of the world. The images TV’s played when you're not watching a movie or show, it was just displaying photos because it was on. 
It was wonderful. A cute hobby really. 
Until, it kind of wasn’t…
Suddenly, he was taking pictures of people he knew, or teachers. Adding notes that relate to education and his personal opinions about the person. Like how they looked that day, what they were wearing, how much it cost, things like that. Commenting on the brand of clothing they were wearing. What type of material and color. Where he could find something similar and the price listed next to it. 
Which he knew he could and would never buy, but he just liked writing it down.
At this point all his pictures held notes below them. All of them. That was in high school. He was now in college and still dealing with this… habit. 
So, that’s what he did today. Just like every other day. ‘Snapped!’ a photo of the most beautiful thing in the world. Like, he usually does! Making sure to take a moment to adjust the lenses, making the lighting shine down perfectly, and get the right angle. 
Of course, he was being discreet. He usually didn’t like the idea of taking pictures in public. Unless, it was authorized by a school event, where he was assigned to take pictures for the school. Other than that, Eren always made sure to be discreet when taking photos. He didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable after all. And, that's what he was doing now. Once the photos were taken, he brought the camera's screen to his face. Squinting his eyes and trying to view the photos. Which was a little difficult due to the strong rays of the sun. 
Despite that, he adjusted his thick framed glasses and clicked through the new collection of photos. Smiling as he tilted his head, satisfied with the new group of colorful images. A small blush on his cheeks while he adored each picture. 
Now, what was in this beautiful new collection of photos? 
Well, it was you. 
You had worn something particularly cute today. A black skirt, black stocking that covered your legs from the cold weather of New York. A white tight fitting long sleeve turtleneck, which sort of looked knitted from a distance, and a light brown luxurious double breasted overcoat. Your boots reached just above your knees, heels to give you some needed height, –he didn't mind you being short nonetheless– and black gloves that covered your hands. 
You had a gold necklace wrapped around your covered neck. Sporting a single letter representing the initial of your first name. Hoop earring to match, and a black scarf to add to your already defined look. Light make-up and clear– maybe, tinted pink lip gloss. Holding a pencil between your index, and middle finger. A pair of sunglasses pushing your curled hair out of your face. 
You looked good today. 
Well, to be fair. You always looked good. Maybe that's why everybody knows you. Well, that wasn’t the only reason why. 
Not only did you have an amazing fashion sense, but you were the sweet, kind, and helpful person that everyone liked speaking to. You also sported a really pretty face, which only helped with your bubbling popularity and personality. 
Now you, unlike him– were the ’it’ boy. Or rather, ‘it’ girl so be it. 
You were part of clubs and activities. You were appreciative, and participated in almost everything. You helped organize a lot of school events too. 
Although, Eren’s heard mixed reviews about the people you organized with. Someone saying you would never reply to messages, calls, or in person meetings. Always with a string of excuses, often related to– Art. 
Nevertheless, everyone wanted to be friends with you. But, unlike the typical popular girl– you loved making them. Loved talking to people and hearing what they had to say. Gaining names, upon names, of people that you had to remember. 
Eren doesn't know how you do it. He knows he’d never be able to do it. 
Don’t get it wrong! You were a good person! What felt like the only good in the world. Always trying to help, and willing to see other people's perspectives, and assisting them off that. With a happy and sincere smile on your face. 
You switched your legs, crossing the right one over the left, then vice versa. Resting your chin on the palm of your hand and leaning to the group of people sitting around the table. Another group of known students. That being the infamous Connie, Sasha, Annie, Hitch, and her boyfriend Marlowe.
Along with another person who wasn’t currently at the table. Someone, Eren absolutely hated. Take a wild guess who. All those people being known around the campus for different reasons, whether that being good or bad. They all loved your attention and friendship, just like everyone else. Dying to know what you had to say or do. 
A kind smile on your lips as the person who spoke had your whole attention. An airy laugh leaving your shiny plump lips when they said something that particularly tickled you. 
Only, there were two, small problems. 
You, the beautiful Y/n L/n, didn’t know Eren Yeager. 
Like.. at all. 
Which– he didn’t even blame you for. 
Eren always chooses to be alone, and not be too sociable. It’s not like he really needed to be everyone's friend. He had Armin, Harry and.. Okay, he only had Armin and Harry. Sometimes that Mikasa girl, when she wanted to talk to him. But, that was only when she wanted notes for a lecture she missed, or a pencil. He could point her out in the lecture room, and… Okay, so, maybe not Mikasa. 
However, Eren was pretty content with the friends he had. 
Okay, it would be nice to have more friends, but that was proving to be extremely difficult when Jean absolutely hated Eren’s guts. And, with Jean being an absolutely power hungry person who everyone desperately wanted validation from, it was kind of hard to do that. People just followed what Jean thought, coping with his actions and emotions. 
Sure, Eren didn’t have to deal with bullying from others as bad as Jean’s. But, sometimes just standing by and talking shit –or recording in this instance– didn’t make them or the situation any better. 
That’s why Eren liked you. You never let Jean influence your opinions. That’s why you were so close to many of the people Jean hated. Like Floch or Marco, actually best friends with the both of them. You genuinely didn’t care what Jean –let alone anyone– thought.
The problem with you and Eren were your social dynamics. You were known, like known. Everyone knew you and loved you. He couldn’t put it into words, so… imagine Regina George, –if she wasn’t fake, and ‘such a good– slut!’ as Cady liked to say– that was you. 
Actually, maybe– just maybe, you had one flaw. Which Eren didn’t even think was a flaw.
You were an absolute Air-head. 
But, you were an Air-head who wanted to help people! Which were the best type of Air-heads. 
So, maybe not Regina George. Karen Smith suited you better. A cute bimbo. An idiot with a cute smile. But, Eren didn’t think you were a complete idiot. 
And, Eren was– well, he was Eren. No–one to be honest. Except for the average football bully’s punching bag. The weird guy in the back of his class engrossed on what was on his computer. His classmates too scared to check what he was doing– or… watching per say. 
With a black hoodie and matching face mask not helping his case. 
Then, there was problem number two. 
Circling back Jean. 
Jean’s hand came to the top of your back, resting his phone on the table as you looked up at him. Smiling and saying something he couldn’t hear. –He was like 30 feet away from you– Jean smiled at you, putting his thumb on your lip and whipping something away. Grabbing a strand of your hair, and pushing it behind your ear. 
You just giggled, putting a hand on his chest, and shoving him away playfully. 
If anything, that should be Eren pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. Seeing your adorable smile as he smiled back at you. His cheeks dusted with pink from being so close to you. Maybe, you’d even agree to a quick photo shoot in the park. 
You got up, grabbing your bag and waving a kind hand at the people at the table. With everyone returning it back to you. Grabbing your headphones, and placing them into your ears, picking out some music to listen to. Then, turning to Jean and walking with him. Your right hand on your bag and the other one within his. Skipping every now and then to make him speed up his pace. Eager to get to your destination. 
Eren was pretty sure you were dating the one, and only –jackass– Jean Kirestein. Eren honestly didn’t know why. Despite being with Jean, Eren just couldn’t help himself. You were just too cute. 
Eren bit his lip and watched the way you gracefully walked, the wind blowing your hair perfectly and– Eren did what was second nature to him. Almost like walking or breathing. He brought his camera up to his eyes, and adjusted the lenses again. Seeming to forget he was in public. Trying to get the best angle before snapping a few photos of you walking. 
Sighing blissfully, and bringing it down from his eye. Looking down adoringly and sliding through the photos. His blush deepened with each one. He was so utterly infatuated with you. You were such an idol in his eyes, a beautiful piece of art.
Adjusting his glasses he raised the camera again, aiming it at you only to be startled by Jean’s face completely covering yours. Staring directly at the camera and more importantly Eren Yeager. He flinched, letting out a quick, ‘Oh shit,’ as his hand quickly shut the camera's flap, letting go of it and letting it hang around his neck. 
“Were you taking photos of Y/n, creep?” 
You stood a few feet behind him, eyebrows crossed and head tilted slightly. Your headphones tucked away in your pocket. Your hands held behind your back while your left foot was pivoted behind the right one. Lips in a small pout as you tried to figure out what was happening. Your eyes moving from Eren to Jean, curiously examining the situation. 
Oh shit, was Eren’s first thought. Followed by, Holy shit she caught me taking a photo of her. 
Jean laughed, loud and obnoxious. “Holy shit, Yeager–creep was taking photos of Y/n.” He scoffed, an amused smile on his lips as he tilted his head. Showing off a proud smile, sharp canines shining at him. “Is that why you always carry your camera around? I always knew you were a pervert, but didn’t think you had the balls to actually take photos of a girl.” 
Eren shook his head, slowly taking a step back. Only to be followed by Jean with two steps closer. “What? Were you going to jack off to them?” Jean was getting off on this, he loved to taunt Eren. He shoved Eren backwards. “Huh?”
“It’s not like that Jean–”
You let out a soft, “Jean?..” trying to pull him away from the boy he was pestering. You weren’t necessarily a fan of watching Jean bother people. Random innocent people at that. People doing what they love, and minding their own business. 
Jean looked at you scoffing, “After taking pictures of you?” He said, a hand on his hip. “Please, this is why people walk all over you, Y/n. You need to stand up for yourself.” He turned back to Yeager, glaring at him. 
“Back to this piece of shit.” 
So, that's how Eren got here. 
Awkwardly smiling as he took another step back. Jean just cocked an eyebrow, glaring at him. Feeling a tiny hand on his back, making him freeze on the spot. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to touch him right now. Not in the middle of bothering Yeager. 
You tilted your head, peering from behind Jean and looking directly at Eren. Eyebrows furrowed as you spoke, “Yeager?..” You slowly asked, wondering why that name sounded so familiar. You bit your bottom lip, “..Yeager?..” you whispered. Trying to understand what about that rang a bell. 
Before, your eyes widened, taking in a huge gasp. A big smile on your face as you poked Jean, turning his attention to you. Watching as you slowly walked in front of Eren, and looking up at him. Eyes wide with astonishment, and excitement. Eren could feel his face burning, your body was so close to his. Your sweet perfume, and small body inches from his. Eren could feel his heart beating out of his chest. His mouth opening, and closing like a fish out of water. 
Eren was trying to talk to you. But, he just couldn’t. He couldn't say anything.
You smiled at him, “You mean that one guy who takes all the cute photos of the school?” You were now directly in front of him. Standing on your tippy toes and getting closer to his face. Causing his breathing to completely seize. “You know, with his little– uhm?..” Your eyebrows furrowed together, trying to recall the word. 
“Camera?” Jean said, taking a step back. Finding it odd how intrigued you were by Eren. 
You smiled, nodding your head quickly. “Yeah, that!” You said, “That person is him?” You said point a finger at Eren. You were so cheerful and happy, it was almost… blinding. 
Eren blinked a few times at you, trying to breathe again. However, when he did, all he could smell was you. Your shampoo mixed with your sweet perfume. Maybe, some lotion on your neck. He thickly swallowed, his mind blanking and slowing down. 
Eren felt dizzy, like he was going to pass out. Holy shit, was he going to pass out?! His eyes were trained on you. Holy shit she’s right in front of me. Eren just ended up slowly nodding his head. It wasn’t even a strong nod, it was a pathetic weak one. 
You squealed, jumping up and down and turning to Jean. You honestly loved his work. His photos were always so stunning! You absolutely adored the way he could capture the essence of the moment. Which happened to include a lot of events organized by you. He somehow always made them look absolutely stunning. It just really helped getting some publicity when you didn’t know how to. 
It didn’t matter what the event was, it just always looked amazing. Honestly, Eren was really cool for that! That’s why you had his name memorized by heart, just in case you ever ran into someone with that same name attending your university. Well, his last name at least.
But, you were pretty sure you knew him. Somehow. Or, somewhere.
You turned to Jean, smiling at him like an idiot. “Jean, he was obviously taking pictures of the school!” You said, pointing to the scenery in the background. With a ‘duh!’ tone of voice. “I mean, this place is literally gorgeous.” You turned to Eren, grabbing his camera and ducking under the camera strap, and pointing it at Jean. Unknowingly pressing your back to Eren’s front. 
Caught in the middle of the camera strap in between both of your heads. You continued, “He probably needs to point it in our direction, or something.” You squinted at the camera, “Like what camera people do.” 
“Photographers.” Jean said, “They’re called photographers.” He said again, slightly annoyed. God, you could really be an idiot sometimes. Jean thought, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
You nodded, “Yeah, those people!” You pointed at him playfully, smiling. You didn’t notice that you were practically pressed against Eren. Just ducked your head, leaving the confined space, and placing the camera back in Eren’s hands. Saying a soft– “Thank you!” While giving a final smile of blissfulness, causing his heart to absolutely melt. 
You looked back at Jean. Raising your shoulders and smiling. “If we’re lucky, we might even land in one of the school pictures!” 
You’re way too optimistic, and naive to really see what was happening but, Eren wasn’t complaining. If anything it was really in brand to who you were. You literally just made the perfect lie for him. One he was definitely going to piggyback off of, if he could find the courage to speak. 
And, now Jean didn’t have to fight him so– win win!
Jean slowly looked at you, then to Yeager. Jean wasn’t convinced, in fact, he was quite literally the opposite of convinced. Maybe, he just wanted a reason to bother Yeager. So, he said the next best thing. “Alright.” He slowly said, “Can we see them?” 
Eren was still trying to collect himself from the close contact he just had with you. Yet, he didn’t even need to, you were already speaking for him. 
You quickly shook your head at Jean. “No Jean!” Your voice was so cute and sweet. “That'll ruin the surprise, Babe!” You said, hands helping express your statement. You were always very animated. You turned your head to Eren, smiling at him and winking. “Right, Eren?” You put a thumbs up. Waiting for him to give one in return, it took him a second but it slowly –and weakly– happened. 
You nodded, turning back to Jean and grabbing his hand, pulling him away. Hushing him as you said, “C’on, I’ve been wanting to try this adorable candy place! Just forget about it!” You were so lucky Jean liked you. Because sometimes, you honestly just got on his nerves. He liked the version of you when the two of you were alone. 
In the end, Jean just scoffed and turned away, glaring at Yeager. You just pulled him forward. Distracting him away from the tall boy. You slowly turned to Eren, smiling and sticking out your tongue playfully. Scrunching your nose and waving ‘good-bye!’ Before, continuing the walk you were having with Jean.
Eren stood there for a minute, before finally feeling his knees cave. Making him drop down to the ground and sit on the green grass. His bulky camera pulled against his neck from the sudden movement. His heart pounding in his chest as he felt his ears, cheeks, his whole goddamn face burned up. 
His eyes were glossy and wide. A goofy smile on his clear face. 
God, he was so in-love with you. 
Maybe, he didn’t say a word. Maybe, he didn’t even breathe, but that didn’t matter. What did was– he finally got to be near you. Eren finally got to see you up close, rather than the picture he took. Yeah, he was infatuated with you– yet hadn’t uttered a word near your presence. Despite knowing you for years.
He even got to see you up close. He got to see what he admired from afar a few inches from his face. And, he was so happy with that. It was enough, he was happy with this interaction alone. Eren could die right now, happy and content. 
Even if… he didn’t say anything. 
Because, that was enough, you were more than enough. Despite this, a part of him does wish he just could speak around you. Even if that was just a few words. How? Eren has no clue. Maybe, if he had an alter ego. One that covered him head to toe with something to hide his identity. A cooler, and more confident version of himself so that he could just talk to you. 
Something utterly unrealistic. Something like that would be nice. Really fucking nice.
But god, he was so done for. 
Because, Eren learned one very important detail about himself. 
Despite how much Eren absolutely adored you. He could not, –for the life of him– utter a word around you without feeling like he was going to explode. How the hell was he supposed to start talking to you if he couldn't do the fundamentals of talking?!
God. He just wished he could. Eren really does. 
          Location: Eren’s Cheap, Raggedy, Apartment…
Eren was wearing the best things in his closet. 
A nice dress shirt which he bought at Ross, and a black tie he borrowed from Armin. Along with some semi-formal black pants. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find nice shoes –in his size– in enough time for the interview. So, he just had his black converses. Luckily, he stopped into a store the day before. Finding a black trench coat for him to ‘borrow.’  
Eren’s hair was somewhat tied back, the majority of his hair out and complementing his face. And, a part of him hopes that Stark Industries gives their employees a uniform to wear for work. If not, he was seriously going to be struggling with looking presentable in a place like that.
I should take a picture. Eren shook his head. Not now. 
Eren was staring at himself in the mirror, and smiling lightly. Still feeling you near him. Still able to see the innocent smile on your lips. His camera in his hands as he scrolled through the new collection of images. Smiling like an idiot, and leaning on the restroom counter. His foot placed on the cabinets below it. 
Maybe, just maybe– Eren was a little stalker-ish. Just a little. But, he didn’t have any bad intentions. He just liked to capture beautiful things in his photos. Which was perfect considering you fell into that category. Perfectly.
Honestly, the interaction between you two was just the thing he needed before an important interview. Something to get his heart pumping, and his nerves ready for the unexpected questions he was going to be asked. Eren placed his camera down on the counter. Shutting the flap and sighing. Looking at himself again. Adjusting the thick-framed glasses he had. The clear tape holding them in the middle almost taunting him. 
He really needed to buy a new pair.
Eren adjusted his hair one more time, making sure it was slicked back, and walked out of his small restroom. Ignoring the creaky boards with every step he took. Again, living in New York as a college student was hard. Eren was lucky enough to have a decent scholarship that covered a lot of his expenses. 
Did it cover everything? No. Yeah, absolutely not.
But, it was took care of enough.
And sure, maybe he had to deal with his neighbor’s loud arguments at the ass crack of dawn. And maybe, he had to buy an extra lock for his door, because he didn’t truly trust the locking system already there. Or the weird stained window curtains that barely covered the outside from inside. He didn’t care, it was cheap. Eren didn’t have the money to be picky, let alone sad about not having money. 
Despite this, he always knew how to make his apartment look presentable. It was decorated in his artwork, pictures he took when walking around the streets of New York. Having some furniture and decorative items to make it look more presentable. –You should’ve seen how it looked when he first got here– Now Eren could confidently say this was his home. A good representation of himself as well. 
He shook his head, adjusting a photo on his wall, and glancing at his skateboard. Eren quickly grabbed it. Tucking it under his arm, and looking for the keys to his house. Soon finding them, and leaving his small apartment. Making sure to lock the door and pull it a certain way so the door is fully locked. Which was something he had to learn the hard way. 
Then, he was off. 
Walking through the plain hall, decorated with the peeling light green paint that had been there for god knows how long. Weird stains of dirt or blood… giving it some decoration. Eren grabbed some of his wired headphones, looping it through his shirt and up to his ears. Connecting it to his phone and scrolling through his music list. Trying to find something he was fond of. 
He ended up choosing the song, ‘Gone, Gone, Gone.’ A song he’d grown quite fond of. Only, to be stopped by his phone ringing. He awkwardly searched his pockets, his free hand going to his back then front pockets. Finding where it was located. Of course with his heavy skateboard in his left hand. After some time, Eren just placed it on the wall, deciding that would be more practical. Then grabbing his phone, looking at the caller ID. 
He smiled then, slid his finger on the screen of his phone, and answered the call. 
Eren flinched at the loud tone of his best friend. Pulling the headphones away from his ear, and waiting for Armin to stop shouting. He could hear him shouting even without his headphones on. He wasn't even listening. Just waiting for his friend to calm down. Grabbing his skateboard and continuing his venture to Stark Industries. 
Soon, it bubbled down to silence. Making Eren lower the volume and return the headphones to his ears. He took a deep breath, and wearily asked– “Okay, are you calm?” 
There was a moment of silence. Followed by an indefinite, “Yes.” 
Eren huffed out a laugh, nodding his head and stuffing his phone back into his pocket. Grabbing the mic of the white headphones and raising it to his mouth. “Okay, that’s good.. What happened?” 
Armin took in a deep breath, taking a moment to collect himself. “You know how I said I was going to get interviewed a few people before you?” He paused then spoke again, “And, how I could help scout the area out for you?”
Eren pushed the apartment complex doors open, entering the streets of New York. Pushing the hair that got into his eyes behind his ears. Walking by the groups of people getting to where they needed to be. “Yeah? I remember.” He softly said, “I mean, I was kidding.. but, sure. Yeah.”  
Armin scoffed, finding it rediculous Eren would joke about something that involved Stark Industries. “Okay, well.” Armin sang, leaning on a wall and peering from the side. “Mr. Ackerman is here.” He quickly informed, “So is Tony Stark.” He held his breath for a second before speaking again. “And, they're now interviewing the students.” 
Eren froze in his spot. Blinking mindlessly. 
Levi Ackerman was going to be interviewing me. Tony Stark was going to be interviewing me. His heart was pounding, his hands shaking. A sudden boost of adrenaline. 
Armin flinched, hearing the call end abruptly. His eyebrows knitted together, saying a soft— ‘Hello?’ Before finally checking the screen, and seeing that Eren ended the call. He let out a small laugh, dropping his phone by his side. A charming smile on his lips as he looked at the ceiling. Letting out a small, “Huh.” of acknowledgement. 
This wasn’t going to be good. 
Sure, Armin told Eren what wanted to. Partially. Yet, he’s pretty sure he should’ve started the conversation differently. Maybe, said something along the lines of– ‘Not only that, but–’ to keep his best friend on the line for a bit longer. 
So, he was a little guilty. And, what could possibly invoke this feeling in Armin you ask? Well… Tony Stark and his brother Levi Ackerman were going to be the interviewers. Armin knew Eren was going to freak. Maybe even die by such people colliding within the same time period, and goddamn room. But luckily, he already warned Eren about that. 
But, that’s not worrying him. Something else was making him worry.
What? You may ask?
Well, the third person that was going to be interviewing him alongside Levi and Tony was…
          Location: Outside of Stark Industries…
Eren was out of breath, lifting his skateboard off the ground and grabbing it with his free hand. Taking a moment to catch his breath, and stare at the huge building in-front of him. 
This was it. He was here. 
About to get interviewed at Stark Industries by the one and only Levi Ackerman himself. Aka, Ironman.
Eren felt like he was going to faint, maybe even throw up. Possibly scream with excitement. Something was about to leave his mouth, and he honestly couldn’t tell what it was going to be. Good or bad. 
Eren thickly swallowed, looking directly in-front of him and staring at the doors leading into the building. Okay, maybe the nerves were coming back.
Eren thickly swallowed, shaking his head and walking inside. The automatic doors opened almost instantly. Fresh and cool air hitting his body. Which wasn’t too pleasant considering how cold it was. Yet, he didn’t mind for two long. His breath was stolen by the establishment in front of him. All the technology, and innovations within. 
A digital display of Levi Ackerman and Tony Stark placed back to back in the middle of the large room. Showing off their Iron suits, and displaying some of the mechanics and offensive moves. 
A limited number of people were actually walking around, but the ones who were seemed to have purpose. A reason, and their confidence shined through. If not, they were sitting down in conversation with someone else. 
The place was so futuristic. It almost looked fake. Things you’d see in movies, and only movies. Elevators and staircases, a lot of staircases. People wearing things he didn’t even know existed. Let alone want to know the price of. Eren was astonished. He’s never seen so many pieces of technology and plants in one room. 
Jesus! Are any of these real?!
Both his hands went to his neck, trying to grab his camera and capture the moment. Thoughts bubbling into his head to write down. Information entering then leaving, because of how much he was taking in. 
Shit, my phone. Where’s my– 
“Excuse me?” 
He stopped frantically checking his pockets. Turning his head to the side, eyes meeting the women who called out to him. She was a sweet looking girl with red hair and kind eyes. “Can I help you?” She had a casual outfit, more casual than the other people within the building. Which made her stand out. 
Did I stand out?
Eren cleared his throat, standing up straight and walking towards her desk. Slightly tripping over his feet as he inched closer. He looked down, trying to see what he tripped over. Only to see his now scuffed shoe. 
He tripped over nothing. God, I look so bad right now. 
Eren gave an awkward chuckle, looking forward and leaning on the counter. “Yeah, uhm. I’m headed for the Ackerman interviews.” He sheepishly said. 
She looked to the side, like she was thinking. Only for her eyes widened with excitement, “Oh! You’re one of the students!” She said cheerfully. Turning away from her computer, and giving Eren her full attention. “Great! Your interviews are taking place on the sixth floor.”
Pepper, as her name tag said– turned over her shoulder. Pointing at an elevator, “Sixth floor, and the door all the way down. Room number seventy two.” She looked back at the computer, typing something. “I’ll tell Levi and Tony that another one of his interviews are here.” 
Eren bit his lip. “Wait, how many interviews is he doing today?” He tilted his head slightly. 
Pepper tapped her foot a few times, clicking something on her computer and scrolling. “Uhmm..” she drawed out. “Around three to four hundred.” 
Eren could feel his heart drop. He was going to need to stand out from four hundred other students. Students who also passed the most difficult micro-technology, and fringe-science test given to even get an interview, ever?! 
Eren just forced a smile, which didn't look too pretty. He huffed, nodding his head. “Alright then.” 
Pepper looked at him for a second. A smile on her lips, “I promise you– it’s really nothing to worry about.” She leaned on the palm of her hand. “It’s just you’re competing with other extremely intelligent students your age that share very similar characteristics.” She shrugged, “But, you’re special in your own type of way, I’m sure!”
Eren felt his eye twitch, another forced smile and laugh. As he seethed, “Thank you, Pepper.” Looking at her name tag again.
Her eyebrows itched together for a moment. Clearly showing her confusion, before she scoffed. Looking down at her name tag for a moment then back to Eren. Choking out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh, please.” She said, “Call me Petra, only Levi and Tony call me that.” 
Along with Pepper herself. 
Both of them usually got mixed up at the establishment. It just turned into an inside joke between the four of them. Levi, Tony, and Pepper. Enough to the point where Tony would purposely switch their name tags. 
Eren nodded again, ignoring the anxiety put in him. Grabbing his skateboard, and resting it under his arm, holding into his backpack strap for comfort. Walking towards the elevator. 
His phone vibrated, a small ‘ding!’ ringing through the small room of the elevator. 
I should mute that. Woah, this is a nice elevator. I could probably get a cool ground shot if I– Not today, Yeager.
He shook his head, grabbing his phone and looking at the notification. Seeing it was from his best friend Harry. Definitely what he needed to distract himself, considering how nervous he was getting. 
Harry Osborn
Tell me how your interview goes
Since your such a FREAK for things like this
That's the plan
Eren silenced his phone, slipping it back into his pocket and sighing. Leaning on the clear wall behind him, because of course the elevator was made of glass. Allowing Eren to observe the establishment as the elevator went up. This felt so surreal. There was no way this was really happening. 
The door opened, revealing the huge floor. It was mostly marble, and windows. Considering it was just a massive hall leading people to different rooms and secured areas. Only granting access to those who held key cards of their identification. 
Maybe, that would be Eren one day. 
Eren shook his nerves out, smiling and walking forward. Reaching the waiting lobby. Or, what Eren thinks is the waiting lobby. It was quite, more fake —or real— plants decorating the room. Some chairs and pieces of technology displaying something to entertain the guest. 
What surprised Eren was the other receptionist sitting in the corner of the room. He just slowly walked to her, being extra aware of the floor to not trip over nothing this time. There were a bunch of other students in this room. 
The woman behind the counter had a somewhat similar complexion to the girl downstairs. The only thing being really different was their outfits. Her outfit being more mature, and fitted. Like she did work here. A formal working coat, and her hair straightened. Nice light makeup, and a name tag. Eren couldn’t help but notice her name tag. He laughed, seeing it read, ‘Petra.’ 
“You must be Pepper.” He said, a small smile on his lips. 
Pepper laughed with him, hand covering her mouth as she nodded, “Yes, I’m Pepper.” She got up from her chair, reached to the end of her desk and grabbed a few papers. “I’m guessing you met Petra.” She grabbed a pen, placing the two things on the counter. Ready for Eren to grab. 
Eren put a hand on his neck, “Yeah, I kinda inferred your name tags were switched.” 
Pepper smiled, nodding her head. Sitting back in her chair, and rolling back to her computer. Grabbing her mouse and clicking something. Saying a small, “Smart,” as she typed in a few things. “Actually, believe it or not. You’re the only person today who’s made that connection.” Pepper clicked on the interview times, causing a scroll of names to pop up. “Which is weird considering how many mini-geniuses we have in this room.” 
Pepper bit her lip, her eyebrows knitting together. Saying a small, “Guess that makes you special.” She took a moment to really look at her screen, before opening her mouth again, about to ask Eren a question.
“Eren Yeager.” He quickly said. 
Pepper blinked at him for a second, before smiling. Nodding her head and looking back at the computer. Clicking onto the name ‘Eren Yeager.’ Pepper, winked at him. “Thank you, just the thing I was about to ask you.” She pointed at the papers again. “Just fill this out, and once your name is called..” she looked at him. Smiling excitedly, “It's show time!” 
Eren nodded, looking at the papers and grabbing them. Then, looking around the room, trying to find a place to sit down. Which was a little hard due to the scary vibe everyone was giving. 
Which, he couldn’t even blame them. Everyone in this room was competing for the single space. 
Eren settled with the seat next to a.. fake.. real?… plant. Far enough to get some personal space, yet close enough to the interviewing room. Which was currently closed. Eren placed his backpack and skateboard to the side. Grabbing the pen and filling out the form. Seeing it was an equation on nanotechnology, along with some other form of physics. A combination of the two and some other things along those lines. 
God, not another test. Jesus Tony, you’re killing me. 
“Yes, I promise to be back before the next interview.” 
A sweet, and really familiar voice spoke. A girl? No shit it’s a girl Eren. 
“Yes, I know, I know.” 
Eren looked up, feeling his heart stop. Cheeks are heating up with a red color. Holy shit. Holy shit. 
You closed the door silently, shaking your head and giggling lightly. Catching the attention of everyone in the room. I mean, who wouldn’t want to look at you?
You took off your coat, placing it on a plant. Okay, yeah, they’re all fake. Then grabbing your name tag and pressing it on the door next to the one you just exited. Taking a moment to look over your shoulder and peer at the students. Wanting to know the other people you would be interviewing with the Stark brothers. 
When your eyes locked with Eren’s. Your body froze, hand horror-struck on the doorknob as your eyes widened for a second, which— Eren could confirm, wasn’t excitement. 
You quickly changed your expression, smiling and scrunching your nose. Thickly swallowing, and waving goodbye. Walking into the room and closing the door behind you. Tense from seeing a person you were familiar with. Sure, you were happy to see a familiar face. Even if you didn’t really remember his name, it was always good to see someone you were familiar with. 
Just not in this situation. Not when you were at Stark Industries. Something you desperately wanted to keep separate from your college life. You could feel yourself cringe. 
You softly sighed, looking at the ground. “Crap.” 
Eren’s face was burning. Ears tinted red and his heart beating out of his chest. Why the hell is Y/n here?! He could feel his throat drying up, he needed water– air, Wait shit! Am I even breathing right now?! He quickly inhaled, seeing he was indeed holding his breath. Eren closed his eyes, before getting up and placing the papers down on his seat. Leaving it behind to try and get some –needed– air. 
Eren left the waiting room. Pushing the doors open and stumbling forward. Making sure not to trip and then walking around the sixth floor. Exploring the area as his heart slowly returned to normal. Which wasn’t helping considering how nervous he was to see you, and you being here. 
Eren sighed, leaning on a wall not too far from the waiting room. A locked door right next to him, another room where an ID card was needed to enter. Eren just needed to turn the corner to walk back to the waiting room. Something he didn’t know if he wanted to do just yet. 
Eren did have one more problem to solve from the test Pepper had given him. So, he really should go bac–
“No, Jean.” Your voice rang out, “I already told you I can’t go to your game today, I’m already doing a–“ you paused, scrunching your nose. Taking a moment to think, looking at your surroundings and sighing. “An art thingy.” You said, slowly looking at the ground. The black heels that Jean bought for you, clicking against the marble ground. 
Eren pressed himself behind a corner, staying there to collect himself. Holding his breath like you could hear him. Debating on whether or not he should walk past you, or just go around. I’m just going to walk around. But, before he could leave, Jean's voice replied to you. Catching his attention. 
“C’on, you’re always doing some shitty art thing.” He said, his tone obviously annoyed. “Your art, Y/n, isn’t going to get you anywhere.” He insulted. 
You furrowed your eyebrows together, softly sighing. Closing your eyes, and dropping your head. Eren couldn’t see you, but he could feel your emotions. 
He was an empath like that. 
“But. I can.” Jean continued.
You opened your eyes glossy. Your nose a darker hue as you sniffed, awkwardly laughing as you spoke. “Jean, you know I’m–“ you sniffed again, sighing this time and giving up on explaining what Jean already knows. “I– I’ve gotta’ go.” 
Jean said something, but you ended the call. Leaning on the wall and softly groaning. Looking at the ceiling and biting your bottom lip. Blinking rapidly as you tried not to let tears fall. 
Eren was at the opposite side of the corner, feeling a part of him hurt.
If only I could say something. 
If only I could say something.
The same thought traveling through both your heads. Desperate and calling. Both similar goals with different routes and outcomes at the end of them. 
You sighed, pushing yourself off the wall and walking away. Going towards the waiting room. Wiping your eyes lightly with your sleeve. 
Wait, you were walking towards him. Shit! Shit!
A panic shooting through his body as he looked around. Watching as people passed him and shooting them a panicked look. Almost as if they knew what was happening and we’re going to somehow help him. 
Now, what Eren did next– he isn’t very proud of… Eren done worse, sure. But still, it was definitely something he doesn't like to admit, or even think about really. In fact, every time he recalls this memory, he always tries to force a different way these set of events happened. 
Eren grabbed the ID of the worker walking past him. Pressing it on the screen lock, and entering the locked door right next to him. Quickly shutting the door as quietly as possible. Holding his breath, with his back pressed to the door as you passed by. Heels clicking with every step you took. Which made the situation way more dramatic than it actually was. 
You stopped for a moment, staring at the door and raising an eyebrow. Looking at the person who just passed by. Noticing a few odd things about them. Something’s not right. 
You put your hand on the doorknob, before shaking your head, and pulling away. You needed a break. You just needed sleep. You just turned on your heels, waving ‘hello’ to whoever passed you, and continuing back to a different room. 
You didn’t feel like going back to the conference room, just yet. The interviews with the Stark brothers could wait. 
The people applying for this job were intelligent. A very simple way to put it. And, intelligent as in– Why the hell are you in college, and not working for NASA. Just some smart place like that. 
One thing that all these people had in common was– the lack of friends. It was to the point where all of them were closed off, it looked like a lot of them haven’t spoken to someone in awhile. It just didn’t sit right with you. 
That's why you made sure to be very engaged with everyone. Nodding your head and smiling when they brought up something familiar. Grabbing their hands and giving them your full attention. You know some people want to be heard, so you always make sure to give people that feeling that they were. 
Eren sighed a breath of relief once he couldn’t hear you anymore. Closing his eyes and shaking his head. Feeling his hands shake. God, I’m so pathetic when she’s near me. Eren pushed himself off the door, looking around. 
Wait, why is she here?! That thought didn’t last. What did, was the next one. Wait, where the hell am I?
Eren looked around the room. Noticing all the chemicals and computers were in this room. Along with glass beakers and paper filled binders. Okay, I definitely shouldn’t be here. 
Eren turned back to the door, ready to press the ID card to the sensor when he heard some talk. Like, right outside the door. Well, he could always wait for them to pass by. It's not like– The lock turned green. Unlocking the door for them. 
Oh shit. 
Eren looked around the room, finding no place to hide. God, this is bad. Eren just groaned, finding another door and thinking– good enough. Before he pressed the key-card to the screen, and shoved himself inside. Shutting the door the exact same time the other door opened. 
He thickly swallowed, closing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. Back pressed to the door as he tried to listen. Seeing if he got caught, or if the people heard something. 
“You think John’s coming?” The mystery person asked. Sounded like a male, maybe an older gentleman. 
“No, I just told him I’m grabbing my laptop. Told him to just wait for us.” A female voice responded, she sounded around the same age. 
“Where is your laptop?” He asked. 
She moved some papers, “In this room..” she said. Grabbing some beakers and moving it to the side. Causing the glass to loudly ‘clink!’ against each other. “Ah!— found it.”
Eren sighed, relaxing against the door. Hearing the couple make some small talk, and thankfully it seemed like they were going to leave soon. Which meant, he wouldn’t have to panic for too long. Actually, maybe he should. What was this room?
Eren was in a dark room. That was a lie, it was illuminated by the blue light on racks. Racks of what? You may ask. Well, even Eren didn’t know. From this distance, it sort of looked like racks of– Cotton?.. Strings of cotton, maybe?
He squinted his eyes, seeing some black dots on them. Moving neon dots. 
Wait, what is that?
Eren pushed himself off the door, and walked forward, squinting his eyes and pressing his glasses to his face. Trying to see what the hell was in front of him. Unfortunately, the 5 racks were moving in a circle. Making it even harder to see what it was. 
He walked along with him, staring at the small neon dots. His nose a few inches away from one of them, only to stop dead in his tracks. His stomach dropped. 
“Spiders.” He whispered, eyes widening. His body tensed. Eren took a step back, his mind blanking in fear. “Spiders.” Another step, “Spiders.” He said, absolutely awed. 
For the worst reason.
Now, the one thing Eren was terrified of. Even more than you, –despite you being his favorite thing in the entire world– was spiders. 
He genuinely could not stand them. At all. 
Eren didn’t hate them. No, in fact, he wished he did. Eren was just deathly afraid of them. That’s why he couldn’t stand them. The long legs, bunch of eyes, and fast speed. The shits can climb walls, and have weird super strength?! Are you kidding me?! God really fucked the world over when creating those little devils. 
Eren can’t express how terrified he was of them. Couldn’t look at them, scared. Couldn’t kill them, scared. Once moved out of a house because he saw a tarantula, scared. Which, who wouldn’t?
That’s how scared I am of them. Fuck the little scary devils. 
He bit the inside of his cheek. Taking a bunch of steps back. Bumping into the wall and falling on his ass. His glasses fell to the floor, shattering one of the lenses. Which he couldn’t care about right now. He just needed to get the fuck out of this room. Like, right now. Maybe even kill himself if he couldn’t leave. 
Almost instantly, his skin was crawling. Were the devils on me?! He swatted at his skin, trying to remove the feeling. Despite nothing being on him. A common thing once he sees the horrible creatures. Even if they were feet away from him.
He looked back at the door he entered, forcing himself up and rushing outside. At this point, he didn’t care if the people were still there, he just needed out. Unfortunately, during that crazy flight-or-fight reaction, he ended up running through the cobwebs. 
Oh my god. I'm killing myself. 
Eren forced himself through the door, shutting it behind him and grabbing the cobwebs in his face. Peeling it down and muttering, “Gross.” Then tossing it to the floor. Shaking his hands as the cobwebs still clung to his fingers. Strings of stickiness dangling from his fingers. 
Eren shuttered as he removed the rest. Watching the webs slowly peel away from his skin and clothing with every movement. It felt like they were still on him. I mean, they still were. Strings or cotton decorating the floor and his hands. 
This was disgusting. 
Eren finished removing them. Shaking his head for the last time, and walking to the door he entered. Pressing his ear to it, trying to hear if anyone was near before existing. Then closing the door and dropping the key card on the floor before discreetly walking back to the waiting room. Pushing the doors open and walking back to his seat. Ignoring the looks from the other people in the room. Along with Pepper’s. Just staring at his seat like he wasn’t gone for half an hour. 
He needed to finish one more problem before–
“Eren Yeager?” You smiled at him, putting the clipboard under your arm. “It’s now your turn.” 
Eren put his hands to his face, shutting his eyes and taking in a deep breath. God just really hates me, doesn’t he? Eren grabbed his things, awkwardly shoving them all together and making his way to the door. 
What’s this weird sensation.. What’s on my hand?-
A spider. 
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Seeing as he froze in his spot. Staring directly at his hand. Almost like he was entrenched by it. You took a step in his direction, trying to look at what he was staring at. “Uhm, are you.. Okay?..” You softly asked, tilting your head at him. Looking at what used to be his glass covered eyes. 
Then, it bit him. 
Eren let out a pathetic and weak laugh, I’m going to pass out. 
Eren wasn’t even joking. He was literally going to pass out. His head felt heavy, and his eyesight slowly turned into static. Oh my god, I’m going to pass out. He staggered forward, blinking rapidly. His ears ringing and block out the noise in the room. His head is leaning forward from the impossible heavyweight of his head. 
Your voice rang through his head. Causing his eyes to instantly go to your frame. Before he could even register it, his body was leaning on your small one. Easily holding up his weight. You looked at him, readjusting your hands to better support him. Your nose is almost touching his. 
Your cherry lip gloss overcoming his senses, sweet perfume and innocent eyes. Curious and filled with worry as you looked at him. You hand lifted to cup his cheek. Eyes wide and on him, and only him. “Oh my gosh! You’re– You’re burning!” Despite the situation, your voice was still cute and innocent. Filled with desperation. 
You hand pressed against his chest, the other one on his face. Making him look directly at you. God, you were so close he could feel your body against his. Your chest pressed against his chest. Making his skin deepen in color. 
In that second, Eren gained all the energy he needed. His face flushed, as he pushed himself away from you, everything that he was holding falling to the floor. Due to it being a momentary strength, he lost it almost immediately. Falling to the floor. 
Your eyes widened, going on your knees with him. “Levi! Tony!” You hurriedly shouted, “Get some help!” You looked at him, your eyes glossy brimming with hot tears. Eren couldn’t help but think, You were always very sensitive, and so caring when it came to people. You grabbed his face again, placing the back of your hand on the top of his head. Feeling his temperature, again, you repeat yourself. “Oh Honey, you're absolutely burning.” 
“What’s happening?” Levi spoke, his sharp gaze landing on Eren. His brother, Tony, followed behind him, lifting the glasses he was wearing to the crown of his head. They were probably reading glasses.
Of course, this had to be Eren’s first interaction with the brothers that owned this very building. Just great. His literal heroes were watching as he burned up on the floor. With his crush trying her best to comfort him. 
You turned to him, “I– I don’t know! He just fell on me, then–”
“Passed out on the floor, right.” Tony said, he closed his eyes for a second “Get up. Y/n, help him to the– the..” He snapped his fingers a few times, trying to think of the word. 
Pepper smiled, shouting, “Health-room!” from her desk. 
Tony pointed at her, “Ah, yes. Health room.” He forced a quick smile at her, “Thanks, Pepper.” Tony looked back at you, “Take him there for me, yeah?” 
You nodded, looking back at Eren and cupping his face. “Oh Love, where are your glasses? Aren't you blind without them?” You tilted your head. 
You weren't wrong, but Eren knows that's not how that works. Like, at all. Sure, he had thick lenses, but– he wasn’t blind. Yet, Eren didn’t have the energy to correct you. To be fair, he never had the energy or the balls to correct you. 
You wrapped his arm over your shoulder, picking him up –with surprising ease– and leading him to the health room. Making sure to say soft praise for each step he took. If Eren was more aware of the situation he would’ve been freaking out. Your small hand on his body, forcing weak steps out of him. Then, praising him with sweet words. 
Levi looked at all the stuff on the ground, letting out a small scoff. “I just had this floor cleaned yesterday.” He softly said, making Tony look at the mess with him. 
Tony let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, well…” He grabbed Eren’s backpack, tossing it on a chair, and looked at his skateboard. “God, did he come here on this?” He shook his head, leaning down to grab the skateboard only to stop. Looking at the small thing near it. 
“Levi.” Tony’s voice was stiff, like he forced it out of him. Closing his eyes and sighing heavily. Levi looked at Tony, glancing at what he was looking at. Then, he kneeled near the ground. Almost instantly, Levi was groaning alongside Tony, looking away and rubbing his temples. “Don’t tell me that spider came from the kid.” A rhetorical question, one that Levi wanted to roll his eyes at. 
Tony reached inside his pocket, pulling out a tissue. Grabbing the spider and bringing it closer to his face. Looking at it, almost sighing with annoyance. “And, it’s one of ours.” Tony grabbed the skateboard, putting it along with his backpack and papers. 
“Send someone to go check–”
“On it!” Pepper shouted, a smile on her lips as she pushed herself from her desk and walked out the door. Grabbing some of the staff and walking toward the ‘situation’ room. 
Tony shook his head with amusement. Looking back at Levi saying, “This is why I love her.” Before getting up and handing the tissue to Levi. Letting his glasses drop over his eyes, turning over on his heel and walking into the room. 
“Tell Pepper to cancel the rest of the interviews, we have our guy.” 
Levi’s eyebrows furrowed together, not convinced by what his brother was telling him. They’ve done at-least a hundred interviews, and now he’s choosing to be lenient when picking someone? After regarding a student because he didn’t like how they sat? Yeah, Levi wasn’t convinced. “And, what if he’s not what we want?” He expressed, his hands crossed over his chest. 
Tony laughed, shaking his head once. Raising his eyebrows and turning to Levi. Straightening his posture and saying, “Well, we’re going to make him what we want.” He said cooly, pushing open the door he exited and walking into the room. “No matter how far from it he is.” 
Levi rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue and followed Tony. “You just don’t want to deal with a lawsuit.” Shutting the door behind the both of them. 
Tony nodded his head nonchalantly, “That too.” 
          Location: Stark Industries Infirmary…
Eren’s eyes adjusted to the light, a soft groan leaving his lips. He was laying down on a scratchy surface, which felt slightly cushioned. Was it a bed? A really uncomfortable one? For some reason, Eren could also hear people talking– was that a beeping noise? Eren let out a soft groan, stirring in the uncomfortable bed. 
Wait, where am I? 
Eren quickly sat up, hearing the beeping noise get louder, only to see it was a heart monitor. It took him a moment to process, confused about the situation. When it hit him like a truck. 
Oh. That’s right. He's still at Stark Industries. He passed out, if he can recall correctly. He raised a hand to his temple, rubbing it. His head was pounding, something that only worsened his weakened state. He was thirsty, tired, and mostly embarrassed. Eren didn’t even want to think about what happened. If anything, he couldn’t even think.
But he shamefully couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
How Eren practically fell on you. He probably looked so stupid. Eren tried to ignore that thought, he was way too exhausted to think about that. He thickly swallowed, lifting his head and looking in front of him. 
Yet, for once in his life— he really, really, didn’t want to see the person in front of him. Not like this. 
You were sitting across from him on a plastic chair, typing away on your phone. Your lips pressed together, and eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Right leg crossed over the left one as it bounced. Your eyes went up, looking directly at Eren. Feeling a pair of eyes on your frame. 
You smiled at him apologetically, getting off the chair and placing your phone down on it. Looking at him with concern. You bit your bottom lip, awkwardly resting your hand on top of your heart. Somehow pressing your chest together perfectly. Eren would have appreciated the view if he was more awake. And, if he had his glasses. “Are you feeling any better?” You softly asked. Tilting your head at him innocently. 
Eren sighed, leaning his head back and nodding. His hands gripping into the white sheets that covered him. Lips pressed together tightly in a straight line. He really didn’t want to talk to you looking like this. 
You got closer, standing in-front of him. You were about to speak when Eren beat you to it.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, eyes trained on you. It’s been forever since the last time he actually spoke to you. This was probably the worst thing he could’ve started with, but this question was killing him. Why were you here?
Your eyes widened, surprised by his question. Surprised he even said something. Since Eren had a habit of staying quiet when you were near. You thickly swallowed, “Why are you here?” You asked, smiling at him. “Are you gonna’ be one of those white lab coat people?” 
You pointed at him, nodding your head in agreement. “Yes, scientists.” You said, turning away from him. 
“Why are you here, Y/n?” 
You giggled, “I’m just like a receptionist. I write things down.” You softly said, waking to your seat. “My Dad works with Stark, and managed to help me get a job here.” You grabbed your phone from the chair and turned to him. Your face burning with embarrassment, “I don’t even know what a receptionist does, pretty stupid, huh?”
You weren’t looking at him. 
Which was good, you would’ve seen the absolute confused face Eren had. He didn’t even want to ask more questions. Because he knew he wouldn’t like the answer. Eren didn’t want to know how an air-head like you got a job like this. 
An adorable air-head. Although, a part of him was slightly salty with the amount of connections you had.
You grabbed your bag, “Anyways!” You said gleefully, “I think you're big enough to handle the rest of the way home.” You walked to the door. Leaning on it. “Or, do you need me to walk you?” 
Eren shook his head, trying to release the hold he had on the white sheets. Only to find them.. stuck to his hands?.. 
You took a step backwards, looking at Eren. “Alright then, c’ya!” You pivoted on your heel. Eren just watched the way your skirt twirled with you, flipping up and flashing him your panties. Eren looked away, his ears red. 
He didn’t need his glasses to tell what just happened. 
Once you were gone he looked back at his hands. Eyebrows furrowed as he tried to pull the sheet away from his hands. Feeling himself grow antsy, and panicked. Why couldn’t he?– Let go!
Eren sighed, relaxing his shoulders. Closing his eyes and just thinking. Which was probably the worst possible thing to do given his situation, but it’s all he could do. He hated being alone in his thoughts. Eren finally felt his hands pull away. It allowed him to look at the sheets, then his hands. He slowly breathed out, “Oh-kay.” Eren leaned back in the bed. Looking at the ceiling, processing what happened. 
“That’s– new.” 
          Location: Your Comfy, Comfy, Apartment…
It was night when you finally made it home. And, it was time for your daily facetime. You placed your phone on your restroom counter, washing your face with makeup remover. “Okay, look.” You said, grabbing a towel and patting your face. “Harry’s a cute boy, tall, nice, and awkward. So is his brother Jean, I know that.”
You propped your phone up. Looking at your best friend Gwen. “And, I mean, really nice.” You had a small blush in your cheeks. “But, he’s like–“ you tried finding the words. “Weird? Different?.. I don’t know, it just feels like he’s forcing himself around me.” Or, it feels like he shouldn’t be around me. 
Gwen nodded, “Weird as in, he hates you? Or weird as in he likes you?” She said, raising an eyebrow. “When people like someone, they tend to be awkward or rude to that person.”
You paused, looking at your reflection and blinking innocently. “Likes me?” You said, feeling butterflies swirl in your stomach. Your friend laughed, making your face heat up again. “Gwen, I’m being serious here.” You softly wined. 
“No, no. I’m sorry, s’just you’re really cute.” She shook her head, “I get why it can be confusing, usually guys don’t act like that when they like someone.” She said, “I can’t remember the last time someone was awkward around me, because they liked me. I’m almost jealous.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Anyways, please continue..”
You sighed, kneeling to the floor. Looking directly at your phone, “He’s… I don’t know.” You tilted your head to the side, resting it on the counter. “I don’t even know what to say about him. There’s nothing about him that would make me feel like this. It’s just… it’s uncomfortable.” You whispered that last part. 
Maybe, this is why you’ve never been in a relationship. 
You sighed, getting up and grabbing some face cream. “It’s weird, I just feel like he… he’s hiding something. Or, is trying to hide that emotions are changing. I just— I don’t know…” You felt your chest tighten, “That type of weird.” 
“I don’t think I follow you.” Gwen shrugged, “Nevermind that. But, Y/n, I don’t know if you know this, but– you two work at enemy corporations.” She said in an obvious tone.
You let out a small, “Oh yeah.” Making her loudly laugh, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. 
She shook her head, continuing. “He’s literally the son of the CEO of Oscorp Industries.” She laughed, “While you’re working at Stark Industries. It’s a given that he’s going to start acting different since he recently started to work there.” Gwen noticed how you got uncomfortable. You didn’t like speaking about your work. She didn’t like saying it but, she guessed it was because you felt guilty about how you got it. She heard a few rumors.
Gwen didn’t believe them. 
“So, he’s acting weird?” Gwen said, changing the subject back to what you were more comfortable with. “Is this a one time thing? Or, something that’s been constantly happening?” Gwen laid down on her bed, and propped the phone on her desk. 
You sighed, taking a moment to respond. “I don’t know, he just– it's been happening for a few days.” You pouted, “He was always distant from me, so I didn’t really know him until recently. And, when I first met him he seemed fine. Then– then this started happening.” You sighed, leaning on the wall. 
Gwen raised an eyebrow. “Seemed?” 
You sighed, grabbing your phone and walking into your bedroom. Your bedroom mostly dealt with whites and pinks, a good representation of who you were. A cute girl who was kind and soft. Your bedroom was decorated in drawings and paintings. Maybe some pictures you printed out of friends and family. 
The ground was dark hardwood, covered by a fluffy, big, and pink carpet. Your bed was decorated with a white sheet, a small cream blanket over top. Fluffy white pillows on top, and tossed around. It was almost like Eren’s, just way more organized and girly. And, you know, instead of pictures it was your artwork. 
You placed your phone on your desk, and searched for your computer. “Yeah, seemed,” you quickly remarked. You found it in the middle of your sheets. “And, now he’s just acting like everyone else.” You looked to the side, slightly saddened by it. 
You nodded, opening your computer and shutting the windows that were open. You were doing homework. Then, opening a website. 
“The same as in?…“
“Same as in..” you sighed, trying to think of the words. “It feels like he doesn't see me as a real person anymore.” You pouted lightly, “I'm sure he sees me as this perfect, pretty girl.” You sighed, “When I’m really just a normal boring girl.” If only he knew who you really were.
“Do you like him?” Gwen asked, watching the way you hesitantly shook your head. She bit the inside of her cheek, “I mean, is that necessarily a bad thing?” She said, “I mean, I would want the guy I like to see me like that.” 
You wanted to send a jab at her so, you quickly said, “Just say Peter Parker.” You said, sending an adorable glare at her. You could never look mean. 
Gwen suppressed a laugh, shaking her head. “Y/n, you know me and Peter aren’t anything.” She said playfully. “I’m just saying, I wouldn’t mind that.” 
“Gwen.” You said, slightly whining. “You and Peter are destined to be together. Don’t you think I don’t hear the way you talk about him.” You said, accusingly. A finger up and pointing. “It seems Peter really likes you.” You looked down at your hands for a second. “The real you.” You turned your head to the side slightly, sighing. “The worst part is, the two of you have only been talking. I don’t know how the two of you aren’t in a relationship yet.” 
You stood up, grabbing a picture above your desk. Taking it down from the bulletin and looking at it adoring. It was a picture you drew of Gwen and Peter. “You guys have been talking for a few months, I honestly don’t know why the two of you aren't dating yet.” 
Gwen quickly responded with, “It’s complicated.” She took a moment, collecting herself and sighing, biting her bottom lip. “And, like I said. Peter and I aren’t anything.” She pointed a finger back at you, “But, back to what you were saying. No one in the world is going to know the real you. Only you can.” Gwen said. “Even then, you don’t entirely know that either, we’re still figuring out what we are. Who we want to be, things like that.” Gwen smiled at you, “You can only get comfortable with someone. Comfortable enough to act more like yourself.” 
You sighed, “I guess.” You looked to the side for a moment, trying to recall something. “Wait, didn’t you date Harry for a little?” 
Gwen’s eyebrows furrowed, “What? No?!” She shivered, “I mean, he liked me and we were talking. But, that ended forever ago. Like I said, I’m pretty sure he’s into you.” 
You blinked a few times, “Oh.” 
She laughed, leaning on the palm of her hand. “Uhg, Y/n.” Gwen groaned playfully, “You’re such an idiot.” 
You sent her a glare, making her raise her hands up. Still, a playful smile on her lips. 
“Sorry, is bimbo the better term here?” She rested on her hand, ignoring the rude glare you were giving her. “You were the one who started it by calling yourself that.” 
You groaned, typing something on your computer, “I didn’t even know what that meant.” 
Gwen giggled, “Then, I think that makes it even more ironic.” She smiled, “Definitely not one of your proudest moments.”
You just muttered a small, “Be quiet.” The call went silent for a moment before you spoke. “A boy passed out on me.” 
You giggle softly, nodding your head. “Yeah, It was a surprise but, I didn’t really mind.” You pouted, “Well, I did but– I could’ve been worse. He could’ve thrown up on me, he literally turned white.” You looked to the side smiling, “And, he was kinda’ cute.” You whispered that last part, your cheeks burning. 
“Y/n?” Gwen said playfully, surprised. “That’s a first? I can’t remember the last time you’ve called a guy cute.” She tapped her lip, “If I recall correctly, I think it was high school guy.”
You shook your head, clicking onto a picture on your computer and grabbing your thick sketchbook. Flipping it to a blank page, and grabbing a pen, clicking the button a few times. “Shut up, Gwen. He was just– awkward..” You laughed, scrunching your nose cutely. “And, the good type of awkward.” 
“Oh, you’re so in love.” 
“Oh my god, Gwen.” You whined, “This is why I don’t tell you anything revolving guys, you always assume I’m in love with them.” You crossed your arms over your chest, “I could tell you they killed my parents, and you would still think it’s some weird enemies to lovers situation.” 
“Hey, to be fair, I never bothered you about Harry!” 
You glared at her.
Gwen laughed, nodding her head. “Yeah, whatever you love me.” She tilted her head, wondering what you were doing. “And, what are you doing now?” 
“Some artsy thingy.” You sighed, leaning into your palm. “I love drawing.” 
“I know.” She had a smile, watching you relax into yourself. Lip jutted out in a pout as you tried to think of something to draw. Then, you were drawing on the blank paper. Ignoring Gwen. 
She just laughed, shaking her head. She always envied how you could lose yourself into your art. Block out the entire world with every stroke of the pencil. She smiled, saying a small. “I love you,” before ending the call. Knowing full well you didn’t even hear it.  
You sighed, hearing the phone end. Putting your pencil down, and leaning back in your chair. Grabbing your computer and finishing what you were typing from before. Clicking onto the Email Mr. Stark sent you. Which wasn’t common, since he insisted on calling or texting you. Eyebrows met together as you stared at what was in front of you. 
You were actually going to have to do something different at work. You signed, placing your head on the desk and closing your eyes. You were going to be a tour guide. For someone that shouldn’t even know you work for Stark Industries.  
“God, I’m so screwed.” 
         Location: Eren’s Comfy, Raggedy, Apartement…
Eren loudly sighed, getting his keys and squinting at the door lock. Trying his best to see the keyhole, as he inserted the key into his lock. God, he really needed his glasses. Then, forcing his door a certain way to unlock it. Prying the door open. Internally cringing at the loud rumble of the door scraping against the floor.
Eren walked inside his creaky house, and shut the door behind him. Some of the pictures he strung up fluttering due to the movement, then locking the door, placing the keys on the counter. Hearing them clang against the ground, of course they fell to the floor. He really needed his glasses. The worst part being, he probably couldn’t even afford another pair. Not for a while at least. 
He could try calling his Dad, but…
Eren bit the inside of his cheek, shaking his head. How am I supposed to take notes? He tried not to think about it right now. He just really needed a nap. Maybe, an eternal one. 
“Where have you been?” A voice rang out, “Your interview should’ve ended six hours ago.” 
Eren softly groaned, shaking his head and looking down at the floor in defeat. “You’re right, it should’ve.” He looked at his unwanted guest, smiling, “I’m pretty sure I didn’t get the job.” He let out a small chuckle, leaning on the counter. Hell, he didn’t even get a chance to do the interview.
Eren looked at the door, then to his friend. Feeling his eyebrows mush together for a second, displaying his confusion, “Wait, how’d you even get in?” He pointed at the door, then his guest. “Wait, Harry.. Did you steal my spare key?” Eren let out a sarcastic laugh, putting a hand to his temple. Trying to recall the last time he tried looking for it, then saying to himself, “So I didn’t lose it.”
Harry shook his head, pressing his lips together. “Actually you did, I just happen to be the one who found it.” he flashed a charming smile, winking at Eren. “Pretty convenient, right?” 
Eren rolled his eyes, knowing that Harry probably found it around his apartment and decided to take it. Like what he did with his camera, and sometimes computer. He’d always return it yet, the damage was done. The porn was already found. Not a fun thing to come home to when you know you didn’t exit out of the tabs.
Eren sighed and reached up, opening his cabinet and grabbing something to drink with. Picking out a pink color changing cup, an item he got for free when buying an icy. Turning his head to his unwanted guest and saying, in the most strained way possible, “Thirsty?” 
Harry squinted his eyes at him, crossing his arms over his chest and quickly saying, “Eren, stop deflecting.” He stood up from the couch, “Just, tell me what happened.” He didn’t mean it to be hostile, it just came out the way. Harry felt he couldn’t correct his tone, so he just dealt with the small guilt in his stomach. 
Eren leaned down, resting his hips against the counter. Trying to stabilize himself. “I–“ he sighed, leaning his head back. “I didn’t get the job, Harry.” Eren put the cup down on the counter, trying to breathe. “I didn’t get the job.” Eren said it again, knowing he was just trying to process the sentence in his head. 
I didn’t get my dream job. 
Eren cut him off, “Harry, I had such a shitty day today.” Eren laughed, looking at Harry. “This day is my thirteenth goddamn reason.” He shook his head, “Like, if I randomly die. It’s because I killed myself.” He shook his head, reaching for his fridge. Grabbing some cold water he stored earlier that day. 
Harry laughed, but quickly covered it with a cough when Eren glared at him. “Hey man, if it ever comes down to that. I’ll jump off the cliff with you.” He obnoxiously sighed, “My fathers been up my ass–” He paused for a second, like he was thinking of something. Soon enough Harry’s eyes lit up, “Wait, you didn’t get the job, right?” He said with a smile.
Eren squinted his eyes at him, putting his water back in the fridge. “Way to rub salt in an open wound.” Eren suppressed a laugh, “Yeah, I didn’t get the job.” 
Harry smiled, “That's good!” Eren quickly sent him a look over the small fridge door, making Harry instantly realize what he did. “No, not good.” He quickly corrected, “I mean, good for you– me.” Harry pressed his lips together, deeply inhaling and exhaling. 
“Take your time, Love.” Eren said coolly. Waving his drink in the air. 
“Shut the fuck up, Eren. I’m trying to help you here.” Harry suppressed a laugh and smile, trying to stay composed and ‘mad’ at Eren. “Since, I am working at Oscorp. I could –I don’t know– get you an interview for a position of some kind?..” Harry sighed, leaning into himself. “I know it probably won’t be something like Stark Industries, but–” 
“No thanks.” Eren said, a smile on his lips as he looked at the drink in his hands. “As much as I appreciate it, Harry, I prefer to work for what I earn. Makes the reward way more satisfying.” Eren felt his eyebrows meet together, his head suddenly booming with pain. Worse than before. “But, thank you Harry. I sincerely appreciate it.” 
Harry smiled, shrugging his shoulders. “Of course.” 
Eren pulled the cup to his lips, drinking the cold liquid. Feeling his headache soften for a second then quickly return. God, this is hell. Eren sighed into the cup, placing it down and deeply inhaling. Trying to relax. “How’s you and Gwen going?” 
Harry sent him a look, “How’s you and Y/n going?” 
Eren raised his eyebrows, quickly inhaling through his teeth. Grimacing. “You wanna’ go first?” He laughed, pushing himself off the counter. Walking towards the living room and looking at some of his pictures. Reminiscing about when he took them.
Harry sighed, “Things just happen and people fall…” He closed his eyes, “..people fall for other people.” 
“She likes someone else now?” Eren said, a smile on his lip. He tried to suppress it. Trying his best not to display his amusement. Something Harry picked up on immediately. 
“No, she doesn’t.” He quickly defended, “Well, I– I just don’t know.” Harry sighed, leaning his shoulder on the wall. Looking at the picture Eren was. “It feels like she’s talking to someone else, or just likes someone else altogether.” He kept his eyes on the pictures in front of him. 
Eren looked at him, “I don’t think so. Gwen seemed really set on you the last time I spoke with her.” He smiled, “So, you could just be over thinking it.” 
“No, I’m not.” He waved his hand, “Besides, I’m talking to another girl now.” Harry took in a deep breath, before releasing it. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Gwen’s talking to–” Harry shook his head, “Yeah, but– enough about me.” He said, a smile on his lips. “What’s happening between you and Y/n?”
Eren sucked in air through his teeth, “Honestly, I think I’m going to bed. My head’s killing me.” 
“We can talk about this tomorrow, or in class–” he said, twirling around slowly. 
He stopped moving, smiling at Harry. “When we’re going out to eat and–”
“Eren, what happened?” He said, smiling at him. “You always want to talk about Y/n. So, tell me. What happened?” Harry had a sympathetic look.
Eren took a deep breath, smiling and pulling away from the wall. Grabbing the picture he was looking at. Then laughing, accepting the situation he was in. “If I had any chance with her, I threw it down the drain.” He shook his head, laughing sarcastically. “Dude I– I ripped it up, and threw it in her face.” He smiled again, looking at the ground and sighing. He fell on top of you, there’s no coming back from that. So embarrassing. 
Harry scrunched his nose, nodding his head. Looking at his friend's face, “Dude, where’d your glasses go?”
Eren gave him a look that can only be described as, ‘really?’ before speaking, “Now you notice?” He just put his hands into his pockets, walking to the couch and sitting down. Letting his legs spread, and leaning his head back, trying to get comfortable. “It’s a long ass story.” 
Harry shook his head, walking to the couch and sitting next to him. Trying to think of something that would help his friend's mood. “Eren, I know you already said no, but me and Armin are going out to a comic con..” He slowly said, “Do you want to come? Help you get your mind off things?” 
Eren smiled, bringing his head forward and looking at Harry. “I think I’m going to rest.” He laughed, feeling his head throb. “I wasn’t lying when I said my head was killing me.”
Harry nodded, pushing himself off the seat and standing up. Looking at the pictures of you, and then Eren. Feeling himself close his eyes, then sigh. “Alright, I’ll talk to you later?” 
Eren smiled, nodded his head and reached his fist out. Waiting for Harry to hit it. It took him a second, but once it was done he was out of the house. The door creaking shut behind him. 
Eren let his head drop. Closing his eyes, and sighing. Feeling his eyes pearl with tears. Looking up at one of the pictures of you. 
Eren pulled up his phone. Trying to distract himself with YouTube, or some weird video from Instagram that his friend tagged him in. He practically groaned looking through his feed. They were decorated in videos of Jean taunting him. Showing how you needed to get involved. How you, a tiny girl, needed to step into an altercation between two men well over six feet. 
Eren could feel his cheeks burn in embarrassment. Yeah, you definitely didn’t like him now. Eren turned off his phone, placing it face down on the couch. He wished he could just… talk to you. Like a normal person. Like when you two spoke in the beginning of freshman year of college. When Eren wasn’t so– so.. Bleh! 
Actually, he’s pretty sure that was the year Jean’s taunting began. No wait, it was freshman year of high school. How could he forget the years of torment? Freshman year of college is when things got worse.  
Believe it or not, the three of you went to the same high school. But, you were always reading in the library. While Eren was pressed against a locker, getting taunted by Flash and Jean. The two of you lived in different worlds, so Eren had to admire you from afar. 
Which he did enjoy! In fact, you looked unrecognizable from what you did back in high school. Maybe, that’s why Eren didn’t recognize you right away. But, after hearing your voice and kind words, he immediately knew it was you. 
However, Eren misses that version of you. Purely, because it was easier for him to talk to you. Was it selfish? Maybe. But, it was true. 
It started when he was taking a small tour. Walking on this huge, and new campus. 
Thick framed glasses, and a black face mask over his face. A gray hoodie, and black sweatpants covering his body. His hoodie over his head as he looked around. His camera in hand and snapping photos of buildings, scenery, people, and small animals. The natural essence of the school. 
From afar Eren looked kinda’ scary. He assumed that’s why students did their best to keep their eyes to the floor when they passed him. Some even crossed the street to avoid him. He didn’t mind though, Eren was busy doing own thing. 
Eren was adding photos for the school’s freshman collage. Something that people would look at and admire for a few seconds, then return back to their day. Maybe even stare a little longer. Wondering if they were in the background of any photo. Only to walk away when they weren’t. 
Eren didn’t care. He just liked taking photos as a hobby. It was his passion after all. 
Then, he saw you. A girl he had adored since the fourth grade from afar. Someone who kissed his bandaid covered scrap. Someone who drew him flowers when he was down. You were like an angel from above. But, this was how you treated everyone. 
You were walking alone, phone in hand and pressed against your ear as you spoke to someone. Wearing the most fashionable clothing on the market, walking in heels he didn’t even know were possible to shimmy in. Yet, there you were. Strutting like a model. 
A skirt which would become your thing as time went on. A plain white T-shirt, and plain zip-up jacket. Some simple silver jewelry and black gloves. Another article of clothing that seemed to be your thing. You were about to walk past him, before you flashed him a soft smile. Stopping and pointing at his camera, titling your head in curiosity. 
Eren blinked at you, confused. 
One, Eren literally looked like he stole things for a living as of right now. Two, why were you pointing at him?
You noticed, and quickly said, “Let me call you back, Honey.” Ending the call, and putting your phone in your purse, smiling at him. “Your thingy,” you said, pointing at his camera. “Are you one of those people who take cool snapshots?” You innocently asked, pressing a few strands of hair behind your ear. Tilting your head at him. 
Eren let out a small laugh, trying to recall the last time he spoke to you. High school graduation, maybe?.. “My camera.” He said, pointing at it. “And no, I’m not a photographer.” Eren gripped his camera a little tighter. “It’s just a hobby.” He added.
“That’s so cute!” You smiled at him, “Can I see some of your photos?” You asked, hands coming up to pretend you were holding a camera. Taking a few pictures of your own, as you took a step closer, looking back at his hands. 
He didn’t say anything, just stared at you. Confused on why such a –stupidly– cute girl was talking to him. Most importantly, why you, of all people, were talking to him. And, of all the things in the world, his pictures. His embarrassing hobby. 
It took you a moment, maybe a bit longer than it should’ve to realize how invasive your question was. “Wait!” You raised both your hands in the air. Expressing your distress, “That sounds really weird, I mean–“ you cleared your throat. A black gloved hand over your mouth as you did so. A small embarrassed laugh while you scratched your cheek. “When I was younger,” you started, “I always wanted to try and be the thing you said–“ 
“A photographer?” Eren asked, raising an eyebrow. “They’re called photographers, Love.” Where the hell did Eren get the confidence to say that?
You felt your heart flutter at the nickname, a feeling you haven’t felt in awhile. Before smiling and nodding your head. “Yeah, a photographer!” You sighed, rolling your eyes. “I always forget what they’re called…” You whispered that last part. “It’s like a dead dream at this point, but I’m still awed by the profession.” You had an awkward smile. Your index fingers fiddling together. 
You placed both of your hands behind your back. Your head tilted up to look directly at Eren. “And, it’s such a beautiful day.. It would be horrible not to take some pictures of the scenery.” You pointed at his camera. 
Eren nodded, “So, you want me to show you my photos?” He looked around, then back at you. “And, take some pictures with you?” 
You had wide eyes, a beaming smile as you nodded. “Yes, exactly.” You clasped your hands behind your back.  
Oh my god, this is literally the cutest girl ever. Was his first thought. The second was, Oh my god. There literally isn’t a single thought behind those adorable eyes. 
Eren looked to the side, his hand coming to the back of his neck. Thinking about it. I haven’t taken any bad photos, I think. Eren nodded, still unsure before answering. “Uhm, sure?” He took the strap off his neck, lowering the camera to your eyesight. Clicking on his collection and recents folder. You got closer to him, pressing your shoulder to his arm. 
Eren could smell you. Vanilla, and something sweet— almost fruity. He forced a smile, trying to hide the slow blush on his ears. He flipped the screen to your face, “These are some I took today.” 
Your eyes were fixated on the images in front of you. Wide and astonished by the images he was showing. You looked at him, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Woah! You did this?!” 
I mean, it is my camera. Despite that thought circling his head. It sounded like you were in disbelief. Smiling as you looked back at Eren with an adoring smile on your face. 
“You’re so talented.” You quietly whispered.
Eren could feel the tension in his face relax. His lips parting ever so slightly, his heavy heart lifting with admiration. It felt like someone somehow threw him in his elementary body, making him relive his first interaction with you. His cheeks burning with embarrassment as you softly kissed his palm. Explaining that; It heals faster with love!
This was you. Y/n standing directly in front of him. He almost didn’t recognize you. 
Eren shook his head, and straightened his posture again. He had a kind smile, nodding at you. “T-Thanks.” He could feel his mouth slowly turning into mush. Unable to speak properly with every word. 
You felt your body freeze for a moment, staring at the kind giant in front of you. Your hands holding onto each other behind your back as you smiled at him, nodding your head. 
Suddenly, it felt like Eren watching you– change?.. Only for a second.
“Don’t thank me for telling the truth.” You softly said, turning your face away. You reached your hand out, still turned away from him. “I’m Y/n.” You softly said, “L/n.” You added. 
I know that, Eren thought. “Well, I’m–“ 
Your phone rang, causing him to stop talking. You gave him an embarrassed, and apologetic look. Grabbing it, and looking at the username. You bit your bottom lip, shoving it back in your bag and ignoring it. “My bad,” you softly said, but you quickly cleared your throat. Pointing at his camera, “Uhm, if you don’t mind.” You slowly said, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Could you take some fancy photos of me.” You looked to the side, then back to him. 
Eren hesitated, blinking at you. 
You flinched, “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to! I mean, I just thought it could be fun or–“
“Yeah,” Eren quickly said, his camera close to his face, and clicking through the storage. “I have more than enough room, and time to kill.” He looked back up, smiling at you. “It seems like a fun way to burn time.” 
You smiled, nodding your head. “Yay! I get to–” you slowly trailed off, not knowing the word. 
Eren laughed, “Model, you get to model, Love.”
You giggled, nodding your head. Walking closer to him and asking, “Alright, now.” You said, leaning to the side and looking around. Trying to find a place for pictures. 
“How about there?” Eren said, pointing to an open field. A beautiful flower tree in the middle. “It’s shady, and a pretty location.” He slowly walked towards it, checking behind him to see if you were following. 
You were nodding your head in approval. Trying to speed up due to how fast he walked. Probably because of how tall he was. “Hey, what are you studying?” You asked, standing in front of the tree, and looking up. Seeing the pretty flowers on display. 
Eren brought his camera to his face, trying to fix the lenses. Clicking a few buttons with his thumb. “I’m majoring in Biophysics.” He said, smiling once he got the lenses where he wanted. 
You leaned on the tree looking at him. “What’s that about?” You held your purse between your legs, swinging it back and forth slightly. 
Eren furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think of a way to explain it. “It’s science, and physics.” He said, raising the camera up, and pointing it at you. Adjusting the way he was standing to try and get a better angle, “Uhm, could you try to pose?” 
You nodded, leaned back into the tree and placing your hand into your hair. Grabbing a strand, and looking to the side, trying to pose. 
Eren suppressed a laugh, clicking the button and capturing a few photos. 
“So, what is physics?” You innocently asked. 
Eren lowered his camera for a second, his eyebrows together. “Wait? You attend this school, right?” 
You blinked, lowering your hand and nodding your head. Slightly confused, “Uh, yeah?..” 
Eren slowly nodded his head, “Don’t you need like a 3.7 gpa to attend?” 
You blinked at him, shrugging. Muttering out a small, “Maybe? I don’t know?” You removed your jacket, placing it on the floor and sitting on it. “My Dad helped me get into this school.” You reached for the hair-tie in your hair and removed it. Letting your hair fall around your head, perfectly framing your face. 
Eren paused, feeling his face heat up. His heart beating, you definitely didn’t look like that before. He couldn’t even recall if you wore fitted shirts in high school. He blinked a few times, raising the camera to his face and saying, “You’re pretty.” 
You blinked at him. Feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach. Opening your mouth to speak, but finding your throat dry. You just forced a sentence out, “Uhm, you too.” You thoughtlessly said. You could feel your mind mentally slap yourself. You too? You wanted to jump off a building from your stupid mouth.
Eren blushed, hiding his face. Nodding his head and whispering, “Thanks.” Trying his best to ignore the feeling building in his chest. 
You just nodded, looking away. Making it look like it was part of your pose. You continued from where you left off. “My Dad has a few connections to the school, so I didn’t need to do much to get in.” You posed your legs, placing your hands on them, and leaned forward. Taking a moment to look at Eren. 
Once you did you smiled at him. Trying to get a good photo. 
Eren nodded again, snapping the photos and then lowering his camera. Then, checking the two different images. Trying to see which one was better. 
You stood up from the ground, wiping the dirt from your legs and ass, before standing close to him. You didn’t notice how good he smelled. You leaned on his arm, your chest pressed against him, as you looked at the photos. Trying to see which of the two poses you liked best. You sighed, pouting and looking up at him. “I don’t really like them.” 
Eren flinched, surprised by your bluntness. “I’m sorry, I probably should’ve–“ 
“No, no!” You quickly cut him off, “I just don’t like the way I look in them.” You softly said, “But, the actual photo is beautiful.” You grabbed his arm, leaning closer to the camera. “The scenery, flowers, and lighting.” You smiled, “I just feel like I’m out of place.” 
“You’re not.” Eren said, suddenly losing his capability to speak. “I think you fit perfectly. In fact, I think you look so perfect, the world looks out of place when you smile.” He was looking at you now, his face red. 
You looked up at him, eyes wide. Looking to the side then to his green eyes. “I think you’d fit…” you found the words stuck in your throat, so you switched them with something else. “..really well, too.” 
You don’t know what was more embarrassing. The nonsense you just said. Or, the way you didn’t know what to say. Actually, it was both. “You should let me take some pictures!” You said, way louder than you intended. You suppress a face, trying not to obviously cringe. “Of you.” You added. 
You couldn’t even see what he looked like with his mask, and from his silence it couldn’t be good. Right? Goodness, why would I say that? You thought. 
Eren had the same thought but in a different font. It was something more like, I look like shit, but I appreciate the thought. 
You pressed your lips together. Feeling your face heat up as he just looked at you. Suddenly, you felt really embarrassed. Shutting your eyes, and trying to keep calm. 
“Uhm, sure.” Eren looked at the camera. 
You were surprised he said yes. You perked, a huge smile on your face as you jumped. “Oh my gosh! Really? I was just messin’ around, but!..” You stopped talking, just letting out an excited noise. Making Eren smile with you. 
His heart melted at the way you eagerly explained what type of pose you wanted him to do. Eren just nodded, removing the camera strap from his next and placing it in your small hands. Trying to follow what you just told him. Eren’s heart was beating as quickly as possible as he did so. Butterflies swarming his stomach. 
Eren awkwardly leaned on the tree, while you placed the camera strap around your neck. Holding it as you tried figuring out how to use it. Eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, just observing the delicate item. Trying not to touch anything in fear of breaking it. 
You just ended up pointing it at him, and gesturing at the button on top. Looking at Eren and asking, “This is the button I press, right?” 
Eren smiled, nodding his head. Letting his right leg go in front of the left, and putting his hand on his lower hip. Letting it dip under the hoodie he was wearing. His head tilted to the side, and slightly pointed down. Looking at you through his glasses. 
You blinked a few times, feeling your face heat up as you pointed the camera at him. Wanting to give him a small warning before you took the photo. So, you said, “Smile.” And snapped one singular photo. You paused for a moment, letting your words sleep into your head. Smile?… He’s wearing a mask, Y/n. You thought to yourself. 
Eren snorted, trying not to laugh as he looked away. Unfortunately, he was failing miserably. Making your face worsen. It felt like it was on fire. 
You pouted, lowering the camera and pointing at his face. “Actually take off you face thingy–“ 
“Mask.” He said through laughs, making you playfully giggle. 
“Take off your mask, so I can actually take a picture of you.” You paused for a second, “Actually, take your hoodie off too!” You said, pointing a finger at him. “We’re modeling, you can’t model with things covering your face.” 
Eren shook his head, letting out a small, “Fine,” and lowering his mask. Removing his hoodie to reveal his long, and slightly messy hair to you. 
You could feel yourself blink, captivated by the man in front of you. Who happened to be very attractive. Strong jaw, stunning emerald eyes, and long shiny hair. Strong shoulders and a kind face, one that made you melt in your spot. 
He was so pretty. 
“I love your hair.” You mindlessly muttered. You could feel your hand twitch at your side, wanting to caress his face. Maybe, move a strand in front of his eyes. 
Eren gave you a goofy yet faltered smile, saying a small, “Thanks?” You watched as he pushed a strand of hair. Only for it to fall back into place. 
You giggled, dropping the camera to let it hang from your neck and getting close to him. “Wait! No, I have an idea.” You raised your hand, motioning to yourself. Silently telling him to get closer. He did, standing in front of you. You pouted, doing the same motion from before, and making him lean down to your height. 
You smiled, leaning forward and grabbing all his hair. Bringing it to the back of his head, and trying to fix it up for him. Biting your lip in concentration as you used your left hand to grab the pink hair tie around your wrist and tying his hair up. The specific pink hair tie you were just previously using. 
You, while doing this, didn’t know what you were putting Eren through. While you oh so kindly were putting his hair up, you were also forcing his face directly in the beautiful sight of your boobs. Practically smothering him. 
His whole face was red when you were done. Pulling back and grabbing a few of his baby hairs to frame his face. Smiling once you finished. Still oblivious to what just happened. You raised your two hands, making your index and thumb form a box. Closing one of your eyes, and raising it to him. Making the border come around his face.  
“Okay, perfect!” You exclaimed, walking backwards and smiling. Bringing the camera to your face and pointing it at Eren. “Pose, Love!” You shouted, waiting for him to follow the command. 
Eren blinked a few times, hoping he still wasn’t blushing and going back to the tree. Posing like before. He found himself even more embarrassed than before. In fact, it felt like he was posing even more awkwardly, than before. 
You smiled, snapping a few photos and giggling. Saying softly, “You should be a model,” as you lowered the camera. “Okay, different pose!” You pointed at him dramatically, “Go!” 
Eren felt his eyebrows mush together, any thoughts in his head blanking. As he clumsily moved his hands in front of his body. Trying to make a pose with that. 
You giggled at his graceless movements, but waited for him to settle on something he was comfortable with. He looked up, trying to gain your approval for the pose he was doing. You nodded your head, giving him a thumbs up as you crinkled your nose cutely. Bring the camera to your face and adjust the way you stood, before your gloved finger clicked on the button. The camera shuttered as it captured the image in front of it. “Now…” You said thoughtfully, “Fake– like?.. A laugh! Fake a laugh.” 
Eren’s eyebrows came together quickly, before he chuckled. Trying to fake a laugh. You shook your head disapprovingly, “No, like– laugh, laugh.” You forced a big smile, then obviously faked a laugh. 
Eren scoffed playfully, obviously faking a laugh like you did. 
You quickly raised the camera up and captured the sight. You couldn’t help but grow warm at the smile that spread across his face. You nodded, lowering the device and bringing it to your eyes. Trying to glance at the photos. 
Eren walked up to you, trying to see the photos. He just decided he’d glance at them once you handed him the camera. It’d be too much of a hassle to crane his neck to look at them. 
You raised your gloved hand, trying to block the sun from the screen so it wouldn’t produce such a glare. You laughed, “Oh my gosh! You look so cute!” You looked at him, jumping up slightly. Hands clapping together. 
Eren forced a smile back, feeling his ears heat up again. He didn’t like how often he was starting to blush. “Thanks.” He voiced, lifting his hand to the back of his neck. 
You looked at him, feeling your face heat up. Seeing the way his ear and face was dusted in a light pink. You just simply nodded. Playing with the cotton of your gloves. “Yeah, whatever.” You whispered. You bit your bottom lip. Wanting to suppress the words bubbling in your throat. “Uhm,” you sheepishly said, pulling both of your gloved hands behind your back. Clasping them together in an act to comfort yourself.Trying to hide the way they were shaking. “I– Would you want to go on a–“
“Y/n!” You flinched at your name. Caught off guard by the loud noise, before turning and seeing Jean not too far away from you. You immediately pulled your hands in front of you, waving in the most obnoxious way and shouting “Hi, Jean!” In a happy light voice.
Eren noticed how immediately you changed back to the person that first approached him. You probably just got embarrassed. It happens to the best of us. And, it was kind of cute. You could be the most intelligent person in the world, and still freak out about a cute girl. He would know.
Wait, does that mean you found him.. cute?..
You looked back at the Eren, conflicted for a moment. “Let me get your number, so we can ta–“
You were cut off by an arm wrapped around your neck. “Y/n, we’ve been looking for you.” 
You turned to Jean, blinking at him innocently. “But, I was gone for like a second.” You playfully mumbled, poking Jean’s cheek. 
Jean’s eyes went to Eren, tilting his head at him. Looking at you and asking with a kind smile, “Who’s this?” Eren didn’t miss how Jean’s energy practically matched yours. Up-beat and inviting. 
Where the hell was the guy who tormented him back in high school. And, how the hell did an Angel like you, know a devil like Jean?
You looked back at Eren, your skin heating up slightly. “Uhm,” You pressed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Just some boy I was talking to...” Jean didn’t miss the way your hands fiddled together when you said that. 
Jean’s eyebrows raised, looking at him again. Biting the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t recall the last time you’ve spoken to someone, and not introduced them to him. 
What was so special about this guy?
Jean hid his scowl, finding himself growing… jealous. Why were you getting so flustered over this piece of shit? You never reacted like this around him. What was so special about the gross nerd in front of you two? 
“Y/n, pretty sure Sasha was calling you.” He said, smiling at you kindly. “You should probably go tell her you’re okay, she’s by the fountain.” That was a lie, he had no fucking clue where Sahsa was. 
You parted your lips, looking to the side and thinking. You didn’t hear your phone ringing. You ended up just nodding your head. You turned back to the tall boy, “Here.” You softly said, removing the camera from your neck, and handing it back to him. Smiling and wrinkling your nose for a second. “C’ya!” You turned on your heel, and waved goodbye. 
Quickly telling Jean you were going to look for Sasha, before walking to the fountain. A place you couldn’t seem to remember for the life of you. Did this school even have a fountain? You grabbed your phone checking your notifications, seeing that you didn’t have any missed calls. You let out a small, “Hm.” While continuing your way to the fountain. You mind still on the boy who took your picture. 
You could feel yourself pout. I didn’t get his name. 
Jean glanced over his shoulder, watching as you walked away. Almost bumping into a trash can. Bless your heart. But god, you were something else.
Eren continued looking at you, a smile on his face. Maybe, he liked you a little more than he liked to admit. With how kind, and almost airheaded you were. He strangely found it cute. Your name echoed through his head. 
It felt like he was back in elementary. 
Eren was sure everyone would know your name before the semester ended. You just had that aura. That magnetic pull that people liked. 
Jean‘s eyes darkened as he looked at Eren. “What’s your name?” 
Eren’s eyes went to Jean, “Don’t pull that shit on me, you know my name. Eren Yeager.” He said. Putting the camera strap around his neck, and bringing the screen to his face. Trying to look at the photos you took. A part of him was excited to see them. Even if they didn’t look the best. 
Jean watched, scowling slightly. He thought back to you. Seeing the way you placed both hands behind your back, looking up at Eren and smiling sweetly. You didn’t do that with him. So, he just forced the words out. “She likes you,” Jean’s eyes landed on Eren. Searching for a reaction, “It’s obvious.” 
Eren thickly swallowed, shaking his head. Finding his heart speeding up at the idea of you being interested in him. “I– I really doubt it.” 
Jean laughed, shaking his head. “God, you’re almost as bad as her. She does, believe me.” He sighed, putting a hand behind his neck, “Which sucks when she’s my girlfriend.” 
Eren grimaced, even if he hated Jean. He wasn’t a home wrecker. Eren took a step back and immediately spouting, “Sorry, I’ll make sure to–“
Jean scoffed, licking his teeth and harshly stating, “Don’t make sure to. You will.” Jean said, taking a step in his direction. “Or, I’ll make your pathetic lonely life, hell.” 
Eren flinched, caught off guard by the male hostility. Seeing that his whole personality changed while you were gone. 
Jean gave a charming smile, turning on his heel and walking to the fountain. He slowed down, leaning his head back and peering over his shoulder, dimples taunting Eren. As he gave a taunting wave, “C’ya.”
Eren blinked in shock. Watching the dirty blonde male walk after you. Placing a hand on your lower back and laughing at something you said. Passing a hostile glance in Eren’s direction before looking back at you. Disappearing behind a building. 
Eren sighed, looking back at his camera and pressing his lips together. Feeling his eyes close for a moment. A heaviness in his chest. He pressed a button on his camera, glancing at the pictures you took. Walking to a bench and sitting down on it. His left hand going up and blocking the sun from the screen like you once did. Trying to glance at the new collection of photos. 
Eren scoffed at the bad pictures. Some of the images weren’t even focused on him, or were just awkwardly blurry. They were so bad. Eren laughed, looking at the sky and shaking his head. 
So, why was he smiling? Why was Eren still flipping through the camera's photos? Smiling fondly while his face was beat red. Feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach as he looked through the photos of you. 
He felt his finger pause on a photo of him. 
When he was fake laughing. When you told him to fake laugh. Now, this was a good photo. The camera was focused on him, the background slightly blurred. A hand over his mouth as he laughed, the corner of his eyes crinkled. His ears and nose were tinted in red. His cheeks are a similar color, displaying his blush quite proudly. 
He actually– really liked the photo. 
He smiled, shutting the flap on his camera. 
Actually, Eren had really, really, liked you. 
A girl he knew since 4th grade. 
A girl he never even thought he could talk to. Until now.
Eren glanced at the ceiling, the sky of the sunny day turning into his apartment’s shelf. A shiny necklace hanging off the edge. Actually, it was just a cheap beaded one. He laughed briefly, closing his eyes and sighing. Trying to relax.
Eren felt something… odd?.. 
Like, his brain was tingling? Maybe, vibrating softly? It was uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. Jesus Christ what the hell was happening? It felt like he had his eyes open, like he was aware of everything in the room. He felt his hand raise, stopping right in front of his face and catching something. 
Eren slowly opened his eyes, peering at his fisted hand. Seeing he caught an award in his hand. The award was on the edge of the shelf. Wrapped around the shiny beaded necklace. “I caught it?..” he muttered, “With my eyes closed.” He laughed briefly, placing the award on the couch. Looking at it, then back to the shelf above his couch. 
“Okay, this is fucking weird.” He whispered, standing up and turning to the couch. Running his hand through his hair. When suddenly, the sensation returned. Unfortunately, this time it wasn’t to the top of his head. It was the left.
His window. 
“Okay,” he softly said, “is the window going to fall or?..” he would’ve laughed at himself, but it felt like this was a serious situation. Eren really didn’t know if his window was going to fall or something. 
He flinched when he heard a knock. On the window?.. Eren slowly walked towards it, pulling back the thin cheap curtain and looking outside. He could feel his heart stop when he saw who it was. 
Tony fucking Stark. 
Eren clumsily pulled open the window, holding it up while he freaked out. His thoughts scrambled while his mouth went dry. Question upon question filling his head. “I– what are you?— Why are you here?!–“ was the only thing that came out. 
“Clam down, kid. Promise this will go by quickly.” Tony said, raising his hand and trying to calm him down. In his ion suit, flying in the middle of a run down apartment, speaking to a random college student. God, this was so weird. 
“What will..” Eren felt his head blank. Holy fuck, Tony Stark is at my apartment. “Go by quick?..” he slowly said, using his whole willpower to muster the words.
Stark tilted his head, and looked inside the small apartment. Pointing at it and saying nonchalantly, “Can I come in?” 
Eren just nodded, sliding his body to the side and holding up the window. Allowing the ironed man to enter his living room. Tony nodded his head and entered the room, placing his feet to the floor and clicking his chest. His iron suit reversing. 
Eren watched diligently, whispering– “Nanotechnology.” 
Tony turned his head, letting out a small, “Hm?” Before nodding his head, “Oh yeah, good eye kid.” He hovered his hand over his chest, “I wanted to upgrade, had some friends in Wakanda help me make it.” He looked around the room, looking at the photos. “But, uh..” 
When suddenly his eyes landed on a picture of you. 
“Oh, you know L/n?” He laughed, walking to the picture and holding it. “Interesting girl that one is, right?” He turned his head up, looking at the rest of the photos of you. Suddenly rethinking his words He knew kids took photos of things they liked, but this was excessive. “Or?.. should I be asking if she knows you?..” 
Tony felt his eyebrows furrow, maybe this isn’t a good idea..
“She knows me..” Eren slowly admitted, cheeks burning in embarrassment. “Just.. not as well as I know her.” 
Tony would’ve laughed, but found himself forcing a smile and nodding. “Uh-huh. Right.” He confirmed. “Anyways, I’m not here for your weird obsession with my right hand man. I’m here for you.” He reached into his pocket, grabbing something. 
Eren watched Tony’s hand reach into his pocket and pull out his glasses. His eyes widened, reaching out for the thick lenses. “My glasses..” he slowly said, taking them into his hands and looking at them. The lenses cracked. He cringed. That was going to be a major financial drain. Which he really didn’t have the money for. 
Eren nodded and raised them to his eyes, seeing as his vision worsened under them. He squinted his eyes, surprised. Before removing them and looking around. Seeing as his vision was… perfect without them. 
Wait, when did that happen? He was literally struggling to open his door not too long ago…
“But, I’m guessing you don’t need them anymore.” Tony tilted his head, and raised his eyebrows. “Right?” 
Eren slowly nodded his head. “Right.” He slowly confirmed, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Utterly confused by why Tony Stark was in his living room. And how the hell his vision was somehow perfect. 
Tony didn’t let Eren comment further, just sat down on his couch. “So, they’re yours?” Eren nodded, confirming. “Good.” Tony then glared at him, “So, you want to tell me why they were in a restricted area?” He tilted his head, “Hm?” 
Eren felt his mouth go dry, his mind blanking. For like the millionth time today. Trying to desperately recall the events that took place at Stark Industries. “I– uhm.” Tony nodded, staring at Eren with his hand supporting his head. Not saying anything, and waiting for Eren to give his response. Eren closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and speaking. “I was hiding from someone.” He admitted.
Tony nodded his head, not saying anything so Eren would continue. A trick he learned from Levi not too long ago. Eren continued, “And someone that worked there was passing by, so I grabbed their..” He looked to the side sheepishly. “Then, I went inside.” 
“And, was that it? Or?..” 
“Some people were entering the room, and I went into what I thought was a closet or something, then I was met with racks of…” he shuttered. “..Spiders.” Eren raised his hand up, showing Tony the bit mark. “Then, I got bit by one and –you know– passed out.” He laughed, but it soon turned into a grimace. 
Jesus Christ he passed out on you.
Eren walked to the couch, taking a seat and sighing. “Then, my hands got stuck to the bedding and I had this weird.. awareness?” He raised his hand, gesturing to his head. “My head got all tingling like some weird–“ 
“Spider-sense.” Tony sighed, closing his eyes for a second. “It’s called Spider-sense.” He opened his eyes, looking back at Eren’s hand. “The spider that you got bitten by wasn't a regular one.”
Eren shuttered again. “Oh my god, don’t even remind me.” He closed his eyes, trying not to think of the small parasite running over his body. “I’m sorry, I just hate spiders. Can’t stand them.”
Tony stifled a laugh, finding the irony in his statement. The next Spider-man hates spiders. “Eren,” he started calmly, not wanting to freak him out. “That was a radioactive spider.” 
Eren’s eyes shot open. His heart pumping quickly, mind racing as he rushed his words out. Almost choking on them. “Am– Am I going to die?!”
Tony shook his head, suppressing his smile. He didn’t want to embarrass the kid. “No, you’re not going to die.” He reassured. But, he still wasn’t completely sure. He was hoping for the best of this situation, a hero. 
Eren laughed, slowly nodding his head. Trying to ease his tension. “No– no, you know what. Let's forget about it.” Eren waved his hand dismissively. “I’m– I’m sorry, but..” He smiled, “Why are you here?..” He said, trying to desperately change the subject.
Tony loudly laughed, “Oh yeah, forgot.” He smiled, extending his hands slightly. A blue projection emerged from his hand. Displaying a few words. “You got the job!” He smiled, “Yay.” 
Eren blinked. Eyes moving from the small projection and to Tony’s face. 
Tony raised his hand dismissively, removing the projection and shaking his head. “Jesus, kid. You got the job, you’re going to be the new intern.” Tony placed his hand on his hip. “I can’t remember the last time we actually had an intern, actually, I think it was with Bambi.“ He shook his head, waving his hand. “Anyways, you got the job. We’ll have you moved in by like..” his eyes drifted to the side, thinking. “By tomorrow, that works, right? Of course it does.” Tony pushed himself off the couch, rolling out his shoulder. He clicked his chest again, his suit gliding over his skin. It was fascinating to see. Eren wished he had one of his own. 
Eren shook his head, Tony’s finally processing. “I got the job.” He was saying it more to himself than anyone. He turned, placing his hands to his head. “I got the job!” He laughed, leaning on his wall. Smiling brightly as he looked at Tony. “I got the job!” He felt his smile loosen, his eyebrows mushing together. “Why did I get the job?” 
Tony laughed. His mask settling over his face, “Circumstance.” His voice changed due to his mask. Something that was found to be iconic by the public. He walked to the window, “I’ll have my man Happy contact you tomorrow.” 
Eren’s eyebrows came together. “Tomorrow? I have class– Why are you contacting me tomorrow?” 
Tony laughed, “We’re moving you.” He said in an obvious tone. “I can’t have my workers working in–“ He paused, his head moving around the room slightly. “Something not approved by me.” He opened the window, “See you at work kid.” He was about to fly away when he snapped his fingers. “Oh! Also..” he paused, thinking for a second, “You’re, superhuman now! You got powers.” He put a thumbs up and winked. 
And like that, he was gone. 
Eren blinked, “What.” 
Chapter 2: Relieved Tension.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
I think it's interesting that a lot of the critiques about Ted Lasso s3 are very repetitive (so very repetitive) statements about the show being overstuffed with "unrelated" narratives. I agree that it's an absolutely stuffed season, but I'm cool with it because all the arcs feel deeply related to me and I'm honestly having so much fun with it.
S1 was basically perfect. (I mean, nothing is perfect, but s1 gets close.) Each episode was a tightly-edited morsel that felt like something new and wondrous. It had to be an amazing first impression, otherwise it wouldn't have gone anywhere. Then s2 was about isolation and bad choices and the hauntings of past pain rising up, crossing the distance of an ocean or the distance of thirty years to hurt you again, and it was good but deeply imperfect. At times, some of the pain even felt rushed, while some of the episodes dragged, and I say that as a person who enjoyed s2 more than many!
S3 feels like my senior year of college (which, holy fuck, was 15 years ago).
My senior year was very fun and very sad. I ate so much pizza! I went to so many dance parties! I sometimes drank too much and I sometimes thought about adulthood and health and who I wanted to be in the world and stayed sober(er) to care for people having a harder time than I was. I took too many classes and worked really hard. I started a relationship that would overstay its welcome in my life because I didn't know how to be true to myself yet. In other ways, I was true to myself. I wrote the story of what was happening over and over and over.
TL s3 has this meta-awareness of coming to an end, of questioning WHERE Ted should be at the end of the story, and not only Ted, but everyone. All those people who got stranded in their own stories in s2 are finding their way again, and maybe it is messy and self-indulgent and taking a little too long, but tbh if I got the opportunity to tell a story this way I'm pretty sure I'd end up doing the same thing. There's a reason the exact halfway point of the season saw the majority of the cast reconnecting on a bus after spending wildly variant nights.
S1 was perfection and s2 was often great and often YIKES and s3 is like a long, magical night in which you're aware (self-indulgently aware, yes, but there are worse things to be) of the journey ahead but perfectly suspended in the moment.
Ted Lasso, U R 2 Good 2 B 4Gotten!
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bleach-boyz · 8 months
Chapter 2: Routine
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After that party, you weren’t exactly holding out a huge amount of hope that you’d be asked to hang out again anytime soon, but just two days later, Dico was ringing your doorbell. 
"Hey dude! Is there any way you’d be able to drive me, Bam, and Raab down to the skate park? I’d drive, but my carburetor is busted." 
You look past Dico to see his two friends arguing with each other in your yard. 
"You know my friends liked hanging with you the other night; don’t tell him I told you this, but I think Raab thinks you’re cute." Dico continues and chuckles to himself. 
You blush in embarrassment and agree to drive them, going to put your shoes on and grab your wallet and keys. When you join Dico outside, Bam and Raab stop arguing, and Raab smiles at you. 
"Thanks for driving us, man." Raab says, and you can see Bam trying to hold back laughter. 
"No problem. You’re going to have to direct me though; I don’t know where we’re going." You say while unlocking the car and climbing in the driver's seat. 
"I better sit shot gun then." Bam says before hitting Raab in the balls and running to the front seat. Raab doubles over in pain, and after a minute, he slowly walks over and gets in the car.
"Not cool, man."
On the ride over, Bam goes through the CDs that you keep in your glove box. 
"Those are my dad's; it’s mostly just oldies... this was his old car." You say, not wanting Bam to make any judgments about you. Those CDs are a far cry from the type of music that was being played at the party. 
When you arrive at the skate park, you can already see a group of people that you recognize standing together in the parking lot. You quietly follow the boys over to the group and calm your nerves by trying to believe that what Dico said earlier about his friends thinking you were cool was the truth. A few of them acknowledge that they recognize you, which helps. 
Soon, those who do skate go off to do their thing while you hang back with those who don't at some picnic tables nearby. The blonde guy, Ryan, who you talked to a bit at the party, sits down next to you and offers you a cigarette. 
"So tell me, do you remember my name?" He asks as you take the offered cigarette, and he lights it for you. You smile. 
"Ryan, right?" You ask, and he nods while lighting his own cigarette. 
"You don’t skate?" He asks you, and you shake your head. 
"My older brother used to skate, but he’s like six years older than me and never wanted me around when he was with his friends. So I just never really learned." You explain, "What about you?" 
"Oh, nah, I’m as uncoordinated as they come. I’m just around to hang and record shit, and cause, well, I guess I have nothing better to do." 
The rest of the summer went by quickly, with you being adopted into this misfit friend group and falling into their routine. Every few days, Dico would ring your doorbell or call your house and ask if you wanted to meet the others either at the skate park or someone else’s house. You’d spend hours talking and goofing around, and you'd sometimes smoke and drink. You’d go to parties and music gigs and record the boys doing skate tricks and pranks. By the time senior year rolled around, you could honestly say that you had never felt more comfortable and happy with a group of friends. 
You immediately felt checked out of school when the year started, doing the bare minimum to pass, though you found that you could still manage getting B’s and C’s. You had a vague plan to attend West Chester University the next year, which you knew wouldn’t be hard to get into, so getting mediocre grades wasn’t a concern. Mostly, you’d just look forward to the end of the school day, when you and oftentimes Jess (Bam’s brother and the tall, ginger guy from the band) would drive to meet the rest of the guys. Bam himself had dropped out the year before, so he’d usually have already gathered all the graduated boys somewhere by the time school was out. 
You started meeting at Bam and Jess’s home more often and had a friendly rapport with their parents. Ape, their mom, especially liked you because she felt you were more responsible and well-mannered than everyone else, which wasn’t untrue. You’d help her wash dishes or carry in groceries whenever you had the chance. 
Your parents didn’t seem to be particularly concerned with you spending time with random boys they had never met. You had told them early on that they were all "friends of Dico," which seemed to be enough for them to think it was all fine. They both worked late anyway, and they just seemed to be glad that you were getting out of the house more often than years prior. 
The months went by, and although on paper your life might have seemed monotonous, you were actually having more fun than you could ever remember. Your friendships with each of the boys were individually deepening, and you knew you were no longer just Dico’s neighbor. You were a part of the group. 
There was a party on New Year's Eve going into 1996, and when the clock hit midnight, Raab tried to kiss you. Dico had been right all those months ago when he said that he thought Raab had a crush on you. You’d mainly ignored it up to that point, seeing Raab more as a little brother figure than anything else. Before that night, he had never tried anything on you, and when he went in for the kiss, you had to awkwardly decline and explain to him that you were interested in someone else. 
You’d developed a bit of a crush on Jess due to you two spending so much alone time in your car or at each other's houses. Unfortunately, he had a girlfriend, and you weren’t the type to interfere in something like that, so you just quietly pined for him. 
Raab seemed to get over your rejection almost immediately, and within the next couple months, you were completely over Jess too. You weren’t the type to feel depressed over being single, and you decided it was probably for the best anyway that you didn’t date within the friend group. 
Bam’s skateboard career had been gradually taking off more and more, which brought more attention to your friend group from people around town. It felt kind of weird to be looked at by random people just for being associated with Bam, but you could largely ignore it at this point. Bam and a few of the others tried to teach you how to skate in the spring, and you got the hang of just riding around pretty quickly but never really dedicated yourself to learning tricks. Most of the time, you just prefer to watch and record. 
After you graduated high school, your uncle hooked you up with a job at the record store that his friend owned. The boys would come visit you often and use your discount. You were going to start at West Chester University in the fall, and you wanted to work as much as possible to afford an apartment so you wouldn’t have to live in the dorms. Dico made a joke one night about being roommates with you, and you expressed to him that you actually didn’t think it would be a bad idea. 
"It would be cheaper…" you said. 
"Yeah, and it’s getting kinda embarrassing to tell people I still live with my parents." 
So you two moved into a shitty apartment close by the university in August and decided to have a housewarming party a week in, despite having barely any furniture. 
"Nice place." Ryan says as he, Raab, and a few other acquaintances walk in. 
"No need to lie." You joke as you guide them to the living room, where Dico is trying to set up his stereo. 
"Where the hell is everyone?" Raab asks, and right on cue, Bam, Jess, and a large crowd of people barge in. Bam throws his skateboard down and skates into the living room, running straight into Ryan and causing them both to fall over. 
"What the hell?" Ryan groans, and suddenly the sound of loud metal music fills the space from Dico’s stereo. 
"Let’s party." Dico yells as he starts trying to mosh into this dude, Rake, who is taken by surprise. You decide to leave the room before you get sucked into whatever is about to happen. 
You head to the kitchen to grab a beer and see that Ryan has followed you. You hand him one, and he holds it to his head, which he must have hit when Bam slammed into him. 
"You alright?" You ask, but can’t help but smirk at the pained look on Ryan’s face. 
"Don’t make fun of me." He says, and you throw your hands up in defense. 
"I’m not!" 
"Hey, who are those guys?" Ryan points to two guys who look to be in their late 20s walking through the front door. 
"Oh, those are our downstairs neighbors. I figured we should invite them to avoid noise complaints." You say, though you don't want to admit that it was also because you find one of them cute. 
"Great, like we need more dudes here." Ryan complains, and you chuckle and give him a pat on the shoulder. 
"Don't worry, some of my girl friends from work should be showing up soon." You say and leave to go talk to your neighbors. 
After lots of conversations, drinks, and cigarettes, you go into your room to make sure no one is hooking up or messing with your shit in there. You open the door to see Bam, Ryan, and Raab standing around talking. 
"I’m telling you, no girl is gonna want to fuck you while you’re wearing those dumbass cargo shorts—you look twelve." Bam says to Raab and then notices you in the doorway. "Am I right?" he asks you.
"I'm not getting involved in this." 
"Whatever, it’s not like you’re getting laid either." Bam says, and you roll your eyes. 
"What are you all doing in my room anyway?" You ask. 
"I was just moving my shit out of the living room." Bam explains and points at his skateboard and jacket on the floor. 
"And I was just following Bam." Raab adds. 
You look at Ryan, who has moved to lounge on your bed. "What about you?"  
"I don’t know." 
"Well, can you guys get out?" You ask. 
"Why? It’s not like you’ll be using your bed." Bam jokes, and you just sigh frustratedly and leave. 
Bam wasn’t exactly wrong about you not getting any action, and you didn’t want to admit that it was making you insecure. The guys talked about sex a lot, like all teenage boys do, and you have unfortunately been the victim of many jokes ever since they found out you were a virgin. Although the comments Bam made were just him being a dick for fun, you found that they were bothering you more than usual tonight. 
After taking another shot in the kitchen, your eyes land on the downstairs neighbor who you’d been talking to earlier that night. He's cute, and usually you’d be too timid to approach in a forthright way, but the alcohol mixed with the frustration you feel propels you to approach the guy. 
You go up to him and put your hand on his shoulder. "You think I could get a tour of your apartment?" you ask confidently, and his eyes widen. 
"If now’s a good time," You tilt your head, and he nods. 
"Yeah, let’s go." 
And well, you sleep with him. Just like that. It was fine—not life-changing or anything—not that you were expecting it to be. You were glad you did it, but when you wake up in his room at 8 a.m., you want nothing more than your own bed. 
You get up quietly and debate leaving a note, but don't. If he needed to contact you, you’d be upstairs. 
After getting dressed, you leave the apartment and go up to yours. You don't have your keys, but luckily, the door was left unlocked. When you go inside, you let out a huge sigh at the mess of cups and mysterious stains on your carpet. The coffee table that you and Dico had gotten just two days ago was broken down the middle, and in your heart, you know Bam was responsible. 
You open the door to your room and, surprisingly, see Ryan and Raab sleeping on your bed. Their legs are intertwined, and you decide to take a photo with your camera to tease them later. After taking the photo, you pick up a towel off the floor and hit them both with it a few times until they wake up. 
"Dude, stop." Raab says and rubs the spot where you hit him. 
"Why are you two in my bed?" You ask, and Ryan wipes his eyes. 
"Too drunk, needed to crash... where were you anyway?" Ryan questions, and Raab giggles. 
"I think he means to ask, who were you with?" Raab says, and Ryan raises his eyebrows. 
"It doesn’t matter." You say, and Raab scoffs. 
"I was giving you the chance to be honest; I saw you leave with that dude. Dico said he lives downstairs." 
You push Raab so that he half falls out of the bed. 
"Please guys, I need to sleep." You plead as Raab stands up. 
"So do we; I’ll just take the floor." Raab says and grabs one of the pillows from the bed. You’re about to argue with him, but your headache is killing you, and all you want to do is lay down. So you sigh and take your shoes and socks off before climbing in bed with Ryan. 
You fall asleep almost immediately, and when you wake up, it’s around 3 p.m. and the boys are gone. You sit up and see that there’s a note sitting on your bedside table. 
Thanks for all the support for my first chapter! I’d originally intended to do like 2 chapters of set up and immediately jump to Viva La Bam era for the rest of the story but I’m having too much fun developing this character and writing about these earlier interactions. I’ll prob start moving faster starting next chapter though. Hopefully it’s not moving too slow for you guys! It’s still going to be a Ryan x OC story I promise. Hopefully I’ll get the next chapter out within the next few days.
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valyrfia · 27 days
hellooo deviating from the usual a little bit here, sorry, but would it be okay w you to share a little about your academic career and yk all that because im applying for a STEM degree too so any insight would be really cool!! thank youuuu <3
Hi anon! Sure thing! I'm a little flattered honestly.
I'm currently working towards my PhD in physics (hence my obsession with data haha) so I can really only give advice in that field. In terms of my journey, in school I pretty gifted academically, 99th percentile and all that bullshit and it came to applying for unis/degrees and I had an option between doing a History & English or a physics degree. In school I definitely enjoyed the humanities more, but I've never regretted my decision to go with STEM, physics especially, because it teaches you a certain way to think. In my undergraduate degree I was trained to look at a situation, evaluate the context of it, try and collect data that is unbiased as possible, and draw conclusions, and that's a set of invaluable transferable skills that can be applied to a multitude of fields.
To someone who's just starting out in STEM now my advice would be: network, network, network. My partner and I are both doing PhDs that we got not through applying but through networking. Everyone is as smart as everyone else in STEM. Everyone was an honours kid, everyone did the "smart people" extracurriculars, so STEM, especially academia, runs on who you know. Networking these days can be as simple as asking someone slightly senior than you to grab coffee, as agreeing to go bouldering (for example) with a group of people in the same field as you. Be confident in your skills and abilities, (but beware that arrogance won't get you very far in the being liked game, especially if you're anything other than a white cis man). Don't let your studies get in the way of you being an interesting person! For example, I met a colleague from another university a couple of weeks ago and she and I bantered over our F1 teams, with her defending McLaren and me ride or die-ing for Ferrari, and I've since been roped into her mailing list and am collaborating with her on a grant application, things I'm SURE would not have happened if F1 wasn't an interesting hobby of mine that I can and will take every chance to yap about.
As a final aside, don't let yourself get too discouraged. STEM is NOT for the faint of heart and definitely not the place to go if you want to keep feeling smart. The first two years of any STEM degree are designed to break people in a specific way so that they let go of their ego, yes it is part of the process and YES everyone is struggling just as much as you (that's actually want they want you to figure out!), so that then they can enter the world of research with as little ego as possible (this works to varying degrees of success). But honestly, STEM is so rewarding. To have this really in depth knowledge of how part of our world works is fascinating. Your friends who work in non-STEM fields will understand absolutely none of it, and you'll get to a point where even the effort of trying to explain it to other fields of STEM is too monumental (for example, I understand enough about basic aero in order to get to grips with F1 cars, but a friend of mine is doing aero research and he spent about ten minutes the other month trying to explain push/pull bars in F1 cars to a group of PhD students comprising of: theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, plasma physicist, a quantum physicist, and mechanical engineer before the poor guy almost gave up and had a nervous breakdown because none of us were getting it). I think part of the beauty of STEM is realising how little you know, and how much of it there is for us to still work out.
You got this! You're at the beginning of a beautiful journey and I KNOW it'll turn out brilliant <3.
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kamiversee · 1 month
KAMI! I have another idea, hear me out, hear me out 🙌🏾
A story similar to TFL yet different- let me explain.
Ahem. So the reader collage years have been pretty boring, no partying, no hooking up, no going out with friends (not that they have many anyway) - just focused on their studies. And They don't attempt to speak to boys because one, they didn't find themselves very appealing and didn't have the confidence, and two- they haven't been with anyone since their first boyfriend (who ended up leaving their hearts torn to shreds) and they found it hard to move on. But it was their last year of college and they were reflecting back on their college years and realized how boring the past year actually has been. So with a sudden surge idea, they made a bucket list to do all of the things they never did before; going to parties, drinking, being on hot girl business.
Including another list that included men throughout their classes that caught their eye- and they planned to sleep with all of them before graduating.
But what happens when old flames become lit again? (Aka the ex for drama)
With jjk men ofc😍
This is a rlly cool plot but I think bc of the similarities to TFL, I’d probably do this kinda thing with only two of the jjk men?
Honestly first thing tht came to mind with this plot is like pervy!geto as the guy she has an eye on & then her ex is like dilf!toji, who really took advantage of her bc of the age gap they had?
Senior year the reader goes to the party with the intent of “coincidentally” running into Geto & one thing leads to another, she ends up playing spin the bottle with him & they get involved from there.
Things are good up until her ex boyfriend, Toji, pops into the picture again but for obvious reasons such as him being toxic, she wants to avoid him & then Geto dislikes Toji because of the things he’s heard abt him & how he ends up treating the reader :)
SO YEAH, I love the plot, its just too similar to tfl for me to feel comfortable writing (yes ik its different ofc but a lot of scenes would mirror one another ngl) 🤷‍♀️ lmk what u think of what I came up with tho & maybe I’ll write tht🕺
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paramorearchived · 22 days
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June 23, 2013
what's cooler than being cool?
..... being yourself. That's what.
I was just thinking the other day... Looking at random blogs, fashion sites, online zines... and I got sad. Mostly because I feel like a lot of the different subcultures that exist today, exist because at some point there was someone who felt like they didn't fit in. (Stay with me.)They had a movement of their own to live for. So they did and maybe at some later point, it caught on or somebody else felt like they could fight for those same things. Maybe it wasn't even a "fight", maybe it was just a way of living. Marching to the beat of their own drum. My Granny always told my sisters and I from a very young age... "You girls just march to a different beat". I didn't really get it back then and honestly, I'm glad I didn't because when I was that young I didn't see the point in pointing out people's differences. It was just a way of living. Still is, I suppose. Or at least, I hope.
I do get it though and I see it in other people now... mostly young people. My sisters, for sure. But in a lot of our fans, as well. Again, mostly in the younger ones. Cause when we're just young enough, we're not yet jaded or bothered by what's "cool". We're not quite as worried about fitting into some of society's little cliques or sub-genres of human beings. So, we just do whatever comes naturally to us. Funny how there's an entire part of our culture completely obsessed with youth and beauty - yet we forget the most essential ingredient to youthfulness is that clean slate, non-judgemental, wide-eyed curiosity. You can't be sold any of that.
Anyway, I got sad because within these subcultures and an entirely new breed of "too-cool kids"... there are likely some people who, at some point, didn't fit in, weren't "normal", and probably needed somewhere to go to feel like they could fully express themselves. I see it everywhere. These are the nerds from junior high that got bullied everyday but then ended up in a band and now they've turned their old loser status into a trophy of pretentiousness to beat everyone over the head with. The guys and girls who wouldn't be caught dead in a regular old mall where they once probably got made fun of for what they were wearing... but are now wearing unique and fun brands like UNIF or Lazy Oaf (which, to be extra clear, I love) and calling everyone else "basic". I'm just saying, why doesn't the cycle end with the people who should've learned their lesson? Why aren't the once regarded weirdos and freaks raising up a new generation of people who are more self-assured in their individuality? Why does it seem like some of the strange ones found their bit of success and now look down on anyone else who doesn't look, think, or have the way they do? It's like seniors who constantly give sophomores a hard time as if they weren't just sophomores themselves like 3 years ago. I was not the most popular person in school. And even when I did have friends I still felt a bit like a weirdo. I'm not threatened by that... It's something that I hope to encourage other people with. That's a huge part of the message behind Paramore. To lift up the people who feel ashamed that they're different. To tell them that that's probably the coolest part about them.
At this very moment, at 24 years old, sitting here in sweats and looking/feeling utterly disastrous (hey, i got my rights)... I have to say, I'm really proud that as a kid I never felt like I fit in with the popular crowd. And as an adult, I don't feel like I fit in with the self-righteously uncool crowd either. Honestly, it's nice to be on a real quest to just be me everyday. No matter what. It doesn't matter if I'm in Silverlake, CA - land of the upturned noses - or back home in Nashville. Doesn't matter if we're on a red carpet. I guess I just couldn't care less. I'm not saying it's always easy but it's always worth it to stay true to you.
If anything, this could be a Back To The Future type of warning, to anybody who cares enough about this post, that high school ends but it never actually ends. There will still be people around who try to point at you and laugh. Who think you're not on some tip like they are. Who feel like their job, their shoes, their money, their boyfriend or girlfriend, their lifestyle ... is on some level that you haven't even ever heard of. The truth is that no one else could live your life. Nobody else - man or woman - could wake up and put on your shoes in the morning. Nobody else could pull it off. So own that. Cool is a lie. Cool doesn't matter and it never did. Merely perception.
In conclusion, you are your own torch carrier. Don't let anybody steal your light. Wear what you want. Think how you want. Challenge normal. And yes, even challenge what's "cool".
In total conclusion... We're really excited to be posting the video for "Anklebiters" in a couple of days. This is not an official single release, this is just a video we wanted to have done because of what the song has come to mean for our band. Thanks to all the people who came up on stage with us over the last tour and a half and sang it with us. This song is our way of contributing to the art of self-love and self-acceptance, no matter the odds.
We love you guys and we love you most when you're being yourself.
xxxxx h
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chrysanthemumgames · 10 months
Hello wonderful amazing author!
There are two parts to this ask. Part one is a thank you! Honestly - your game has been a literal life saver for me recently. I’ve had a few really awful things happen, and Fields of Asphodel has given me something focus on and daydream about! You and your game and blog give of such wonderful, loving, and genuinely caring calming vibes, and it’s just so nice. I remember as ask once saying that your blog name kept coming up in their head as Chrys and the mum - and honestly you give me such a feeling of mum energy. (Which is a huge compliment! My mum is my best friend in the world.)
Second part is: do you have any snippets of how the RO’s (particularly Hades) would take care/help an MC who is sick? I’ve just caught Covid on top of…being severely malnourished - so if you have time I would love to live vicariously through Persephone!
No pressure at all though!!
And I hope you’re enjoying New Zealand - wonderful to have one of my fave writers in the same Timezone!!
Hey anon!
First of all, thank you so much! I'm really sorry to hear you've been going through all that, and I'm so glad to hear Asphodel has helped in some way.
I'm not totally sure what to make of having mum vibes, but since I'm practically a senior citizen on Tumblr, I'll take it. :)
I do apologise for not being able to answer your prompt; honestly that's the reason I went so long before answering your message at all; I was trying to get up the steam to do so. But at the moment I'm a bit burnt out, and just trying to keep up with writing the game, so I hope you'll forgive me. I really hope you're feeling better.
Technically I'm on the east coast of Australia, but I have to admit New Zealand would be cool.
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lamnwar · 2 years
omgomg i literally have had knb brainrot for like a month and i cant get this scene out of my head. so yn accidentally went into the boys sauna and kiyoshi and hyuga were there. they were curious but then yn started playing w herself, and when they were abt to call her out, she m0aned their names and boom smut😮‍💨 or honestly any duo that you feel comfortable with!! and like a short fic form would be good plss🥺
First I wanna preface by saying I saw a request like that done by @ferg0s (loved it btw <3) so if there is similar stuff, it's unintentional 😗
Also bold of you to assume that I would EVER refuse to write a threesome with Daddy Hyuga and the loml Kiyoshi 😩 writing this >>> like it's legit longer than expected because I got that carried away lmao thanks for the request honey 💕
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Up to Expectations // Hyuga Junpei x Fem!Reader x Kiyoshi Teppei
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MDNI 18+
Context: it isn't really your fault that you've got into the men's bath, and it isn't really your fault that you've got caught by two of your teammates in a compromising position. All characters are aged up (early 20s).
Warnings: wheeeew it is basical smut with a plot so hmm yeah 😩 female masturbation, ig voyeurism in some ways?, threesome, oral sex (f! and m! receiving), reader swallows oops, vaginal sex (unprotected), creampie, reader being called "pretty" by Hyuga and Kiyoshi and "honey" once by Kiyoshi, reader calls Hyuga "captain" I had to, Kiyoshi being a tease because yes, slight praise kink too- that's probably the nastiest thing I ever wrote lmao 🧎🏾‍♀️
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You may not be the one on the court, or the one coming up with strategies for all the different games, but boy is it tiring to be the manager of one of the best basketball teams in the country. You are required to keep up with everything – from gathering data on the players and adversaries to making sure that their new uniforms are getting delivered in time. So obviously, when your team just went through all the final phases of the championship within the short span of 2 weeks, you are exhausted, to say the least. But your boys and your coach? They’re barely alive right now. As a last effort as a manager, you’ve decided to book a trip to the hot springs, figuring out that it can only do you good to soak in hot water for a couple of hours, letting out all tensions.
What you haven’t figured out, although you’re generally rather sharp, is that the hot springs can also create some tension. To be fair, the actual situation you are in is rather unpredictable. In appearance, everything seemed normal. Two baths, one for the men, one for the women, separated by a bamboo wall. Except that the bamboo wall isn’t a separation between the men and women section, but rather a separation between the two baths of the men section. And to make thing worse, the wall has a hole in it, merely hidden by an excuse of a bush. You’ve come to take notice of it when you’ve simply looked on your left, and faced the naked butt of one of the players; and right after, you’ve seen these familiar faces, who thankfully haven’t seen you.
“Well, if that ain’t my lucky day” you sigh to yourself.
Unless you move, they might not realize that you’re here, so all you have to do is stay in place. The issue is, they clearly aren’t planning on hiding anything – why would they, they’re amongst themselves. See, the thing is you are used to see them walking around half naked in the locker room. But butt ass naked? Never. At first, you keep your cool, really thinking that you can stay hidden before they leave and you won’t feel tempted to sneak a peek.
Then comes a time though, where you really can’t help but look. Especially when the senior players you’ve known for years are the last people left in the men’s bath. You can’t lie to yourself, knowing them for so long, there are a couple of occurrences when they’ve occupied some of your bedtime fantasies. And now that you get a glimpse of what they truly have, you can’t help but remembering these fantasies. They’re up to your expectations, beautiful bodies that they carry with such confidence – and you would to, if you had what they have. The few sighs that you’ve caught of their satisfied faces, wet bodies, and the outline of their spread legs underwater are intoxicating. All your thoughts are occupied by these images that you’ve caught in the sickest way. The warmth between your legs isn’t caused by the hot water, and it becomes harder to resist the urge to slip your hand between your legs and play with yourself.
It really can’t be help, you think to yourself when your fingers graze your labia, teasing yourself, while your other hand cups your breast.
As long as you don’t get caught, you aren’t doing anything wrong, you repeat to yourself while you’re circling your clitoris.
It’s they’re fault, for being so hot, you assure yourself when muffled gasps come out of your mouth and you whisper to yourself the namesl of your players.
“Are you having fun there?”
Kiyoshi Teppei. Certainly the senior player you’ve fantasized about the most. Hidden behind his looks of gentle giant, he hides the body of an Adonis, and when you see his sheer strength on the court, you can’t help but imagine how easily he can wreck you. Hearing his voice this time, however, might be the most frightening thing ever. You slowly turn your head towards the hole in the bamboo wall, meeting his gentle eyes. They lay directly on you, and you are too stunned to move.
“Who are you talking to, Kiyoshi?”
Hyuga Junpei, your team captain, and the guy who makes you weak every time he talks to you. His naturally commanding voice is what gets you every time; something about his words sounding like commands almost had you reply with a “yes daddy” once. You see his face peeking through the hole next to the brunette, a surprised “oh” coming out his lips. Your head’s empty, but you still try to make up an excuse to why you are here.
“I... I got into the wrong section and I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed and I figured-“
“As long as no one catches you, you’re fine” you are interrupted by Kiyoshi. “But you haven’t answered me yet, are you having fun?”
You are not sure what to respond, and you don’t have time to either as Hyuga answers in your place.
“Don’t be stupid Kiyoshi, she definitely is” he points at your hand placement and you quickly realize that your hand is still between your legs, and they’re is no way in which you can lie yourself out of this situation.
“Did we do that to you, pretty? Have you been peeping at us all this time and got all hot and bothered?”
Kiyoshi’s voice is as soft as usual, but his words still sound mean. You aren’t stupid, you know that he is teasing you and you cannot excuse the embarrassment you’ve brought to yourself, so you figure you should lift your hand from its place between your folds.
“Keep them here” Hyuga’s voice resonates.
You immediately obey, part of you wondering why so – is it because you feel like you have no right to stop your filthy activity now that you’ve got caught, or is it because you are somehow turned on by the words of your captain?
“Go on, show us what you were doing while thinking about us.”
You gulp, hesitatingly spreading your legs wider as the clear water let them see the shape of your cunt, while your delicate fingers tease your lips slowly, uncovering your throbbing clit.
“Aw, I’ve always known you love us that much” Kiyoshi laughs softly. “Have you been fantasizing about one of us or...?”
“The two of you” you reply shyly.
Hyuga raises his eyebrow at your answer, intrigued yet rather interested by it.
“And would you like us to do the things you’ve imagined to you?” he asks.
Instead of words, a needy whimper escapes your lips. You are ashamed, but on the moment, it can’t be help. Despite the embarrassment of being caught, you are given the opportunity to bring to life what you’ve always wanted and all things considered, you’d be a fool to refuse such opportunity.
“Don’t move, we’re coming to you.”
And effectively, you don’t move at all, partly because you can’t believe that what is happening is real, partly because you cannot go against Hyuga’s words no matter what. The seconds it takes for them to join you seem like eternity, but when their giant frames appear in your sight, you are left speechless. Seeing their naked glistening bodies in front of you, your fingers reprise their previous activity between your legs almost by reflex. What else can you do, anyways, seeing two hot guys like that standing in front of you, flaunting their gorgeous dicks, all for you?
“Look at her, Kiyoshi, she really can’t help herself” a sigh escapes Hyuga’s lips as he enters the water.
“Come on, let’s make this a group activity.”
You watch the tall brunette with much envy, practically begging him with your puppy eyes to touch you. It’s almost as he reads your mind the moment he comes closer, the nicest smile on his face – although his actions are far from nice. The force with which he pushes your hand away from your pussy and sit your body on the edge of the bath is not comparable to anything you’ve imagined in your dirtiest dreams. What is up to your expectations, however, is how much you love him manhandling you. You are at the mercy of these big hands, when he spread your legs and stand back, nudging his teammate in his ribs.
“Hey, Hyuga, doesn’t she look delicious?”
“She sure does. Who’s getting a taste first?”
They both shrug at each other, seemingly incapable of deciding who gets to touch you, eat you out first. This situation is torture – if it was up to you, you’d have both of their heads between your legs.
“I’ll have both of you in whatever way you want” you let out when they turn to you, expecting you to decide who gets you first.
They both look at each other, smiling.
“Is that so?”
You nod eagerly, and their grins widen. You look at them, impatiently waiting for anyone, just one of them, to lay any part of their body against you. Your legs are shaking, the hands you’ve set at your side struggling not to snake back to your cunt and appease that painful knot in your lower stomach.
“Then, who do you want first?”
This question is the worst thing to you. Between the one you want to absolutely rail you, and the one that could get you on your knees without even asking, it’s impossible to choose. But you have to admit, you are wary of Kiyoshi’s nice and soft tone. Despite him keeping up his façade of gentle giant, there is a flame slightly twisted in his eyes. On the other hand, Hyuga is straight forward, clearly showing his intention of making you his little puppet. It is sick and twisted, on both sides, but as the one who’s been touching yourself while peeping at them, who are you to judge?
You sigh, thinking that you might just be overthinking it. In both cases, you’ll get the chance to get fucked by two of the most attractive guys you know – and that you’ll ever know. For the first time of the night, you take things into your own hands, pulling Hyuga closer into a hungry kiss. He isn’t slow to kiss you back, hand holding your face by the neck, while the other trails down your body to find its place against your throbbing clitoris. You moan in his mouth when he starts drawing circles around it, without needing to get you wet as you’ve already taking care of that yourself. He pulls away from the kiss, letting you gasp for air.
It doesn’t take long before you feel his tongue replace his fingers, finding yourself in total bliss as you grab his head, messing with his soft black hair. Your eyes move to meet Kiyoshi’s, who appears to have taken a few steps back, now sitting in front of you and admiring the spectacle. He looks directly at you, this same eerily nice smile on his lips. You feel shy, knowing that he gets to see these lewd looks your face will your captain eats you out; however, you can’t help it. Hyuga doesn’t only lead on the court, he also does so between your legs. He does just the right thing to turn you into a whimpering mess.
He looks up at you, hearing you moan this word by accident. You can’t tell if he likes it or not at first, but he is quick to work his tongue against your clit, and you immediately realize that he surely goes off to you calling him by his official title.
“Should I make our pretty manager cum, Kiyoshi?” he asks getting up from your cunt just as you’re about to reach the heights of your pleasure.
You furrow your brows, shooting a pleading look to the giant man in front of you, and he laughs. Softly, yet in a way that makes you ache.
“You let her cum if I get to fuck her right after” he replies.
You take turn staring at the two men. It seems that you’ve become nothing but a body at their mercy – not that you would complain, because it arouses you even more. Well, at the end of the day, you did give them free range.
“Is that what she wants? What do you say, pretty?”
You eagerly nod, not caring about the arrangements, as long as you get something from both of them. They both let out a chuckle, Hyuga (for once) adorning a kind look on his face.
“Adorably needy.”
You whimper, feeling his tongue returning in between your folds as he reprises his previous activity. It doesn’t take long for you to go back to your high, reaching your orgasm within minutes. You hold to the shooting guard’s hair, almost suffocating him between your thighs as pleasure washes over you. You’re not even back to Earth that you feel strong arms lifting you, eyes still in daze when they face Kiyoshi’s gentle iris as he carries you the other side of the bath. He sits down on a bench, you on his lap, smile on his face.
“Do you want my cock, honey?” he asks as he tugs a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You whimper as a response, which makes him laugh. You swear you’ve never been with someone that smiles and laughs so much in such situation; and while it may seem nice, in his case, it clearly hides something else. Your personal theory is that this exaggerated amount of niceness hides a complete freak – which you wouldn’t mind, but you grow impatient to know if you are right or not. But before you can get to see for yourself, your thoughts stop on the man that has previously pleasured you, realizing that you haven’t given back. You turn your head, looking for Hyuga, finally seeing him coming your way, dick painfully erected.
“Can I do something about him?” you point out.
The concerned lifts his head towards you, definitely interested by the idea of you bringing him to his release instead of having to take care of it himself.
“Whatever you want” he says, coming closer to you.
You stare at his dick, almost salivating. It looks prettier than you’ve expected, and incredibly delicious. With stars in your eyes, you take it in your hand and lead to tip to your lips. You take a taste of him, shyly, yet barely hiding your hunger. Soon enough, your hand and mouth work him out, soft grunts coming out of his lips.
“Fuck, you’re too good at this” he sighs.
His words of praise make you grind against Kiyoshi, making the brunette’s breath hitch in his throat. The more you go, the more you drive the two men crazy, and you can feel Kiyoshi’s cock growing bigger against you. You look down at it for a second, eyes widening at its size. You shouldn’t be so surprised, he’s a big boy so it’s in proportion with the rest of his body; yet, you can tell if knowing that you are going to take it soon excites you or makes you nervous.
You shake these thoughts away, deciding to focus on what you are doing. By the way your captain’s hips thrust in your mouth, you can predict his release and you stop, looking at him.
“Would you like to cum in my mouth, captain?”
“Shit, yeah” he grunts when you take him back into your mouth.
A few more strokes and licks and you can feel the warm feeling in your mouth, his semen sliding down your throat when you swallow. You let him go, swiping your swollen lips and looking up at him like you’re waiting for his feedback. His dazed out eyes are enough to convince you that you’ve done a great job, and it only helps that he gently caress the top of your head, making you smile.
“You’re doing amazing” Kiyoshi praises you “should I reward you by letting you ride me?”
“Please” you beg giving him doe eyes.
He doesn’t wait, positioning you above his cock and letting you take him in slowly. The stretch is a lot, but the more you take, the more you want. You eventually sit there, with as much as him possible in you. And when you are ready, you move, the slow thrusts building your arousal. Your pace takes on, you are too lost in your own pleasure to realize that Kiyoshi’s hips have found a will of their own and before you know it, you are completely at his mercy. Your eyes shut open under his powerful thrusts, wailing at how good it feels – though it came as a surprise. He smiles, tightening his grip on you.
“You can take it, pretty, you are being so good to me” he says, leaving kisses all over your face.
You are unable to respond with words, going completely stupid for his dick. The images of your fantasies blend with the current moment, realizing that you are, effectively, getting railed by Kiyoshi.
You feel your orgasm approaching when his big fingers start to tease your clitoris. You hold to him for dear life, trying to keep your eyes open so you can take in the sight of his pleasured face, but your eyes shut close as soon as the knot in your lower stomach unravels. You cry, chest pushed against his, incapable of feeling anything else but your high.
“Oh pretty, you’re going to make me cum” you hear Kiyoshi grunt as you regain your senses.
His continuous thrusts in your clenching cunt might be driving him crazy, given how more animalistic his movements are. You let it go at it, feeling overworked, yet needing him to cum just for you.
“Do you wanna fill me up?” you ask, voice weak.
You hear Hyuga chuckle next to you.
“Isn’t our little manager the perfect girl” he comments, getting hard again at the sight of his friend fucking you senseless.
It only takes a few more seconds before you feel Kiyoshi release inside of you, coating your walls in his precious liquid. He stays inside you, panting. You watch, a faint smile on your lips. You can’t help it, everything about this situation is euphoric. You’d never thought that you’d bring your nastiest fantasies to life, yet here you are – filled with both Hyuga’s and Kiyoshi’s cum, a symbol of how you’ve become theirs.
“Do you wanna rest now, pretty? You’ve been so good for us” asks Kiyoshi.
This time, his softness doesn’t come as deceiving. He seems to genuinely care about you, which makes your heart melt a little. You ponder, part of you exhausted, part of you addicted to these two men. You look at Hyuga, his growing erection almost asking to be taking cared of, and taking this piece of information in consideration, you hesitate even more.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll take care of it” he reassures you as if he’s read your mind.
“Are you sure?”
He laughs softly, coming closer to leave a chaste kiss on your lips.
“I’ll have other occasions to fill you up, won’t I?”
You nod, head resting on Kiyoshi’s shoulder.
“Now that we’ve got a taste of you pretty girl, we’re not letting you go.”
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munsonssub · 2 years
Lets take a ride. Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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A/N; literally wrote this in three hours so if it sucks im sorry, not proof read also. ALSO no one can tell me eddie wouldnt ride a motorcycle bc if you think he wouldnt youre wrong also please let me know what you think. I’m not used to posting my writing so I need feedback
Summary: you’ve had enough, being a triple senior, losing your dad, and your mom blaming you for anything, you need an escape, luckily eddie can do that for you.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, mentions of a slight panic attack, sexual innuendoes (MINORS GO AWAY) 
word count: 2368. (whoops)
It was a normal day, sorta, you had a rough morning, like usual, no big surprise. Your mom had been meaner than usual, which is fair, you ran out another one of her boyfriends with your attitude, or at least that’s what she yelled at you this morning before you left for school.
What ever doesn’t matter anymore, you thought to yourself as you pushed the door open at Hawkins high. Maybe this year, your third senior year at Hawkins you’d finally graduate. You weren’t alone in your third year though, one other, who you were almost too much like, was there also. Eddie Munson, the metal head cult leader, freak as many of your peers called him, was also on his third year. Which didn’t surprise you.
Honestly you wish you had the same excuses as him, smoking pot, not really giving a fuck, just enjoying existing. But instead, you had a dead dad and a bad attitude and an alarming number of fights with teachers that landed you here.
Surprisingly you hadn’t been handed the title of a freak yet, loser, yes. But freak? Nope. You liked metal music and dressed more punk than your peers would like, but you kept to yourself, which also left you with the name bitch. Not wanting to entertain conversations with anyone you felt alone, but that’s okay, that’s how you wanted to be. But today, God today, you wish you had someone, anyone really that you could talk to.
The day went by slow, the need and urge for something more eating at you, not letting its ugly head hide. Maybe just maybe you could find something to give you the rush you need.
Maybe I could jump into the river, or play chicken on the highway. You thought. Just as you exit the building you hear the roar of a motorcycle to your left, glancing over you see him, Eddie Munson in all is dumb, cute long-haired glory, wearing a Dio shirt, ripped jeans, his trusty leather jacket and combat boots. He’s standing over a Yamaha Virago, showwing it off to his friends. You can hear parts of their conversations.
“So, this is what you’ve been doing with your cut from the hide out gigs?” one of them asks as Eddie nods and then starts on a spiel about how long it took and what year the bike was. 1984, dude its so cool, only took like fours months to save for with both gigs.
That, that’s what you need, some adrenaline from a risky bike ride. You thought, mustering up the courage you walk over, pocketing your car keys you had already grabbed out.
“Hey Munson!” you shout as you get closer, his friends turning to look at you as Eddies eyes widen.
“L/N, to what do I owe the pleasure of you finally talking to me after all these years?” Eddie smirked. Looking you up and down, checking out your black jeans, the chains hanging and the Metallica shirt you had just gotten.
“Was wondering if you’d be up for having a backpack for a cruise? Like the bike by the way, my dad had a Yamaha too.” You cringe, not meaning to bring up your father. Eddie eyes you for a second before nodding.
“Right now, sweetheart?” he pats the handle bar and smiles at you.
“Uh,” you freeze, you weren’t actually expecting him to say yes. “How about later, before sunset? if you’re free. I have my car here and if it isn’t home by four my mother will lose her mind.” You level with him.
“Sure, thing sweetheart, wanna meet me at the arcade for seven thirty? Also make sure you wear your boots and leather jacket, can’t have you getting hurt if we go sideways.” He straightened out and walks towards you, his hand out ready for you to shake, you take it and try not to shiver at the feeling of his hand in yours.
“Sir yes sir, ill bring my helmet too. Seven thirty. See you then Munson.” You let his hand go and wave bye as you walk away, trying to calm the sudden rush of breath.
You get home, thankfully your mom isn’t there. Three and a half hours to kill, you could do that easily, considering it would take you a half hour to walk to the arcade anyways. You go up to your room, putting in the new Dio album on and laying out your home work.
Two hours pass easily, you’re done the work you needed to get done, ate some dinner and now you’re looking for your helmet, your dad bought it for you just before he died. Telling you he was gonna teach you to ride his bike so you could take it when he fell sick. Annoyingly though you mother sold it for money that she owed one of her ‘friends’.You’d gotten over it quickly, knowing she would’ve sold it anyways before you could get your hands on it. Finally locating the black helmet, you smiled to yourself, mentally highfiving yourself as you stood and walked out of the garage.
6:45. The clock read as you walked past, quickly setting down your helmet you ran upstairs to grab your jacket and boots. Writing out a note for your mom that you left tacked to the fridge before you pulled on your boots and jacket and grabbed your helmet, locking the door you started your trek to the arcade.
The walk went by easily enough, your nerves hitting you just as you round the corner to the arcade and see Eddie standing by his bike, a lit cigarette in his mouth as he talked to kids you recognized from his DND club. Shaking your arms, you let out a shaky breath and gather the courage to finish the walk to him.
“Munson.” You nod your head as you get closer, a slight smile on your lips even though you feel like puking. He quickly says goodbye to the kids and turns towards you.
“L/N! you came! Hope you’re ready for the ride of your life sweetheart,” He winked at you. You lightly scoff and put your helmet on. Eddie does the same before straddling the bike and kicking up the stand. “c’mon sweet thing.” He gives you a gentle smile, seeming to notice your nerves.
“Better treasure this Munson, it’s the only time you’ll be in between my thighs.” You say as you get on behind him.
“Oh honey, I wouldn’t say that just yet.” He winks at you as you put your arms around him and he starts the bike.
You ride around town for thirty minutes before he stops at a stop sign, leaning back, which causes you to sit up a bit. He pus his hands on your thighs, patting a beat to a song that must be stuck in his head.
“What do you say to leaving town? I know a place.” He yells over the engine noise from the bike.
“If you think you’re taking me to skull rock you are sorely mistaken. Not making out with you there.” You reply.
“Sweet thing, I don’t have to take you to skull rock to get you to make out with me,” He smirks. “that’s not a no. you ready for some speed?” he pats your thigh again before you nodded against his back. He leaned down and you followed. Keeping your hold around his waist as he took a turn out of town.
You slowly gained speed as you drove out of town, towards the unknown location. You yelled for him to go faster once you hit the open road hoping he heard you. The only indication he did was the bike getting louder as you took off, squeezing him you lifted off of him a bit to watch the sunset and the scenery passing you by. You don’t know where you’re going but honestly you don’t care. He could murder you for all you care right now. Would make this shit easier you think as you hit a clearing with no trees.
Suddenly its too much, your emotions suddenly hitting their peak, all the dread and depression you’ve been holding in, falling out, you could feel tear start to come down your face, a sob escaping your mouth as you clutch tighter to Eddie. The speed and noise suddenly setting off all your alarms.
You can feel him shift down and start to slow down, pulling off onto a look out, you don’t even know when you went up the glorified hill, which locals would call a mountain, but you could see all of Hawkins. Signalling it was good for you to get off Eddie pat your hands the were clutching to him. You quickly let go before putting you hands on his shoulders and pulling yourself off the bike. The first thing you did when you got off was rip your helmet off and throw it at the ground before covering your face with your hands and screaming.
You could hear Eddie get off the bike and turn it off before the soft sound of boots crunching gravel hit. Your hands were still on your face when you felt him hug you, one arm around your waist and the other coming up to the back of your head. He held you for a moment while another sob wracked your body, you took your hands off your face before slipping them around him and shoving yourself into his chest more.
“Hey, sweet thing shh you’re okay, hey can you take a deep breath for me? Just one? C’mon sweets.” Eddie cooed into your hair, his hand rubbing the back of your head.
You feel yourself nodding before slightly pushing off of him, looking up at him, catching his eyes that are full of concern.
“Copy me Y/N c’mon,” he takes a deep breath that you copy, you panicked breathing calming as you keep breathing with him. “There yah go sweets, nice and calm for me huh? Good girl.”
Your breath hitches with him saying that, a blush hitting your cheeks.
“Fuck I am so sorry, I don’t know what happened, I was fine then fuck man. This is embarrassing.” You shake your head pushing yourself away from him and sitting on the ground at the edge of the look out.
“Why would it be embarrassing?” he asks you, coming to sit beside you, knees bent and his arms resting on them.
“Because fuck I don’t know?! You’re so fucking cool and metal and you probably think I’m a fucking poser siting over here crying over nothing important like a goddamn drama queen.” You glower, laying flat on you back to look at the now night sky. Not noticing is face heating up with your compliments
“Drama queen? Lil bit. Poser? Fucking never, actually wanna know something funny?” he lays down beside you, on his side and resting his head in his hand.
“Sure Munson, humour me for ruining the cruise.” You say as you turn your head to now look at him.
“I have wanted to talk to you for months, no scratch that, years, but I was always scared,” you accidentally cut him off with a laugh. He jokingly glares at you before pushing your arm. “Yeah, yeah laugh, but honestly Y/N, I’ve been so scared to talk to you because you have this sick aura about you, you don’t give a shit, about what anyone says, and I know I don’t either but honestly I kinda do, why do you think I do shit just to get reactions.” He pauses and you readjust, copying his position.
“But you god you, you fucking intimidate me, I felt like I was gonna die when you walked up to me earlier, then you asked to go for ride and I swear I thought I had died and gone to heaven.” He looks into your eyes finally as you smile at him.
“Can I level with you?” you asked honestly.
“Always sweet thing.”
“I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while too, just walk up and strike up a conversation with you about bands or anything really, but I always chickened out because I have a lot of baggage and didn’t wanna scare you off.”
“Oh, sweet thing, nothing you could do could scare me off.” He smirks, a sweet smile starting to grow on his lips. You felt your heart jump into your throat and a blush start on your cheeks. With out thinking much you leaned forward, smashing your lips against his.
It takes a minute for him to start kissing you back but when he does the kisses intensity is dialed to eleven, you hand finds his face as he pushes your shoulder back with his and is climbing on top of you, slotting himself between your thighs.
“Told you id get between your thighs again.” He smirks as he breaks the kiss, a scoff leaves your throat before you are pulling him back down again.
Things started to escalate quickly, a moan leaving your lips and he pushed his hips against yours. Your hands pushing the bandana he had on off his head so you could grab his hair as he let out a hiss at you pulling it, you didn’t want to stop, honestly, you’d let him do anything he wants to you if he asked. But you knew you had to, it was already probably past your curfew and you already knew you be in shit when you got home, so reluctantly you disconnected your lips. Only to have him immediately start kissing down your neck, making you moan.
“Eds, eds, baby we gotta stop, you gotta take me home.” You sigh as he groans against your neck.
“You sure sweet thing? Could take you back to my place.” He smirks lifting himself off you.
“Tempting, but my moms already gonna have my head because I’m out so late.” You pat his chest as e helps you off the ground.
“Okay L/N, but we are continuing this tomorrow after school.” He smiles and he grabs your helmet and puts it on for you.
“Gladly Munson.”
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leclerced · 4 months
do you ever feel like you just know you’re falling behind? like you know your friends are gonna achieve great and amazing things and you’re always gonna be two steps behind them, or you’re never gonna be better than them. because i’m sick and tired of being second best and always being compared especially to my friend who’s younger than me. being younger than me makes it feel all the worse
yeah. you just gotta remember that life is different for everyone, the best moment of someone else’s life is happening when you’re having your worst and vice versa. your friends are having moments that you’re missing out on right now, but you’ll experience them eventually.
and the people who compare you to others and make you feel less than, don’t deserve your time or energy. you know your friends will achieve great things because you believe in them and you have unwavering confidence that they’re going places in life. you need to have that confidence in yourself!!
i skipped college n went straight to working n my fam neverrr lets me forget it nd im like … so are you paying for it orr?? cause i cant afford that shit. meanwhile all of my friends graduated n went to school. i get sad ab it sometimes bc thats what i always wanted and it wasn’t really possible for me but thats not smth i can change. im ok w my life, i really do like my job. it’s cool, and i sometimes make merch for celebs humble brag. if you had asked me five years ago, what i thought i’d be doing today, i’d say i would be in my senior year of college getting ready to graduate, but clearly that didn’t happen. and i want to go eventually but its not in the cards rn. im not gonna stress ab things that are out of my control tbh and i know thats hard not to do but you honestly just have to remind yourself that you just lead different lives.
you got dealt a different hand than your friend, just means you have to learn to play the cards you have, y’know? enjoy the good parts of your life and don’t compare it to other’s because no matter who you are, you can always find someone who has a ‘better life’ than you do
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