#and i get really annoyed when i have to. which is rare but still. everywhere should just take cash
hooved · 11 months
i thought it was so weird how many wallets i've seen being sold with no dollar compartment or whatever and i only just now realized. are ppl just not expected to carry cash anymore ??
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seiwas · 8 months
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₊˚⊹。this feeling inside of me— | gojo satoru
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wc: 1.5k
summary: you make gojo realize that this twisty-pop!-y feeling in his stomach might just be jealousy. 
contains: written with f!reader in mind but no pronouns are used, mild jealousy, mentions of some of the students, lots of stifled laughs and held back grins!, mostly fluff really, gojo just doesn’t understand what he’s feeling! 
a/n: split this into two parts: the first half (this one), lighter and more central to reader’s perspective, while the second half (the next part), darker, and more central to gojo’s perspective. best read after ‘so this is what it means to be in love’ because there are some references made! 
collection masterlist: conversations on love 03. so this is what it means to be in love + (extended scene) too good to be mine <-you are here -> 3.5b. —will i ever bring you peace?
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Gojo’s been… hovering lately.
He hangs around you a lot more than usual, following your footsteps around your apartment as if he didn’t just spend the night and stay in bed with you all morning. 
You’d think that’d stop at work, but nope. 
For someone who hates sitting still, Gojo’s spending an awful lot of time doing nothing while watching you rifle through folders and documents you’re meant to type away. He sits by the chair in front of his desk, feet propped up and fingers tapping on the wooden surface enough to push you just to the point of going a little crazy. 
You could have sworn you’ve read this line already. 
This paragraph feels entirely too familiar at this point. 
“Satoru,” you sigh, smile half-annoyed-half-guilty as you switch your attention to the man in front of you, “do you have extra work to finish today?” 
You’re trying to ask kindly, after all, Gojo rarely chooses to sit by the paperwork he’s been assigned to do (even though he doesn’t really do any of it because it’s mostly left to you). 
He stops tapping, moving to rest his cheek on one hand as he flashes you a grin so lovesick you think it’s infectious—the corners of your lips are curling up too. 
“Just working on spending more time with you.” 
Of course he says something like this; the most powerful man in jujutsu society transformed into the ever-charming sweet-talker that being your lover brings. 
You roll your eyes, shaking your head as you chuckle—the look on your face a reflection of his. As annoyed as you are that he’s distracting you, you’re endeared. 
“You didn’t have to come with me, you know.” 
Today is his day-off after all. 
He hums, eyes set on you with cerulean sincerity, “It’s boring without you, though.” 
Strands of white fall to kiss his eyelashes and you reach forward to brush them off—his hair is getting longer now, you note. No doubt he’s going to ask you to accompany him for a haircut soon. 
His nose scrunches under the space your fingers hover over and you draw them back, “Clingy.”
—which he’s always been, but even moreso lately. You don’t know where all of it is coming from, how it’s even possible for him to be clingier than normal, but the past weeks have definitely shown you that he is more than capable. 
Gojo loves grocery runs, but only when he’s able to wander around the breakfast and candy section while you go through the long list of essentials and ingredients that need stocking up on. 
Not last week though. 
Instead of beelining straight towards his usual spot, he stayed right where you were, pushing the cart whenever you needed him to and reaching up on the top shelf for things you’d normally have to ask some other kind sir to get to. He stays close to you, body draping over yours as you line up for the checkout queue—long limbs, long torso, long everything engulfing you.
It’s endearing, and cute, and oh so Satoru, but the days after that find him following you everywhere—picking you up after pottery with Megumi (as if you can’t make it back home alone), insisting on doing a taste test on cooking lessons with Inumaki, and even joining you on that afternoon yoga class you reserved for (initially) just you and Yuuji. 
You wonder what’s causing this, why he’s acting this way lately.
“Well, I have to be or else Yuuji might really steal you away from me.” he jokes, elbows propped on the table as he rests his chin on clasped hands. 
You know that he isn’t actually threatened by Yuuji—just that he wants more attention from you, some that you give to the pink-haired boy too eagerly and so easily. 
Still, it’s weird whatever he’s feeling right now, a bundle of unrest bubbling in his stomach these days. He isn’t familiar with it, doesn’t really know what to call it, just that he knows when it hits—like knots waiting to pop at any minute.  
You stand up from your seat to make your way to him, glancing at the clock across the room; you suppose there’s no point trying to squeeze in any more work for the last 20 minutes before you’re set to clock out. 
Gojo pats his thigh, as if beckoning you to sit; he manspreads like crazy but you think it makes sense for moments when he wants to hold you like this. 
Once you position yourself on his lap, he snakes an arm around your waist as you sling yours around the back of his neck, landing a soft peck at the tip of his nose. The hand resting on your hip rubs gently. 
“Is that comment still bothering you?” you ask, scratching the short buzzed hair of his undercut. 
You catch his eyes then, sky blue with a troubled sea.
Now that he thinks about it, it probably did start with the videos. 
Gojo Satoru is a man of many accolades: the strongest, a lone child prodigy, the best teacher (self-proclaimed); at some point he was also the world’s saving grace, and you’d think after that he’d decide to lay low for a bit, have a change of pace—but no.
The man you love has also, apparently, become a social media heartthrob after garnering attention for vlogging your dates. For the memories, he had said, but of course, it’s never just that when he’s as pretty–if not prettier–than the models you see on magazines and billboard posters. The video goes viral and suddenly you’re made very aware of just how coveted he is across all generations. 
He feels the first pop! in his stomach when he finds the comment under a 10-minute video of your day out in the park. He blacked out, he’s sure, but some loser said something about how you were so hot and completely out of his league.
As if he doesn’t know that already, but it’s how confident user ManInATux69 typed that you should just leave Gojo and be with him instead. That one stung a bit; maybe even got to his head, and it’s ridiculous because it really is just some faceless person on the internet. 
But maybe that’s really how this feeling started. 
“Of course not,” he pouts, eyes avoiding yours as he looks to the side, brows furrowed.
You stifle a giggle as you wait, biting the insides of your cheek as you stare at him. A mental countdown until—
“Maybe a bit.” he mumbles after a few blinks, pout deepening as he turns to you. He always comes around to tell you the truth, without fail. 
It’s endearing, and cute, and oh so Satoru. Your Satoru.
“You wanna tell me how you’re feeling exactly?” 
If there’s one word Gojo will use to describe you, it will always be lovely. You have always been so gentle, so kind, never pushing, always asking lightly. 
You’ve sat through all his non-answers, so he thinks it’s just right, fair, that he gladly offers up his heart to you, now nestled into the palm of your hands as he lays all these feelings down, bare, intended just for you. 
He takes your free hand and places it right at his center, the space between his chest and abdomen. It’s warm as his hand dwarfs yours, forming it into a fist and twisting it into his skin. 
“Feels like a knot first,” he begins, before jerking your hand slightly as if to emulate a pop!, “then it pops.” 
And you think, that for all he sees and knows, it’s ironic that he can describe a feeling so vividly yet not know what it’s called—what it could possibly mean or be. 
“Do you think you’re jealous, Satoru?” you ask, smiling, fighting back a giggle (again), tone teasing. 
Hm, he thinks, is that what this is? 
He stares at you, lips parted slightly as you watch it register to him slowly. 
“Would explain why you’ve been hovering,” you chuckle, stroking small circles with your thumb. 
“I have not been hovering.” he snaps out of it, almost offended. 
You give him a look, eyebrow raised and mouth set in a smirk as if to say: really?
He relents, taking your hand to interlace your fingers with his, “Maybe a little.” 
Kisses are dotted along your knuckles, his eyes closed as if to ground him. You’ve known Gojo for so long that you can tell when he’s still figuring out how to say whatever it is he wants to—and your heart warms at the fact that this side to him is one he only entrusts to you. 
“There’s no competition, you know,” you whisper, the sky opening back to you, “I love you.” 
Your words are weighted, meant for him to hold and keep in the parts of him that doubt what he means to you. And it might sound a bit silly, to be this affected over a comment from some nobody, but you don’t want to leave any room for uncertainty—for your inaction to once again feed into his insecurity. 
He hums, soft vibrations flowing through his lips still pressed against your hand. Red is starting to bloom across his cheeks to his nose, and he mumbles, “Just want to be sure I’m good to you.”
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a/n: the first and second part wouldn’t have fit in tone if i put them in one fic, so i split them! the second part will be a bit darker, more serious, but will discuss more of where the feelings stem from in the first place! 
thank you notes: to niku @stellamancer for listening to me and being there when i seriously needed it writing this!! & to dilly and somi my bbgirls!! @crysugu @soumies for always cheering me on, especially during the slump!! 
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
wife Abby headcanons xoxo
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-You met at a bar when your friend cancelled on you last minute, she offered to buy you a drink and you chatted at the bar until she invited you back to hers, this was back when you were 22 and she was 25 so her flat was more modest but still well decorated and clean. You both shared a bottle of wine and sat and spoke more for hours until you were both so drunk you started doing karaoke together by watching youtube videos on her TV, she invited you out to an actual karaoke bar as your second date and she only fell even more in love with you the more she saw you.
-I think she would work in corporate like a lawyer or investment banker or something so I think she would try and work from home as much as they would let her.
-She looks so funny when she works from home too because she wears work clothes on her top half for her zoom calls but then she would be wearing pj bottoms and her slippers on her bottom half.
-Such a victim of Apple's marketing, always insists she needs the newest phone or whatever they had brought out, she has the watch, the phone, an ipad, an imac, macbook pro, airpod pros and airpod max's. Literally everything they sell because she's actually a tech geek at heart.
"I totally need it."
"Give me one reason you need an iPad Abigail."
"...I don't know, it's just cool."
You roll your eyes at her but chuckle at her insistence as you press a small kiss to her pouty lips. She smiles at you and looks like a child on Christmas day as she orders her new toy.
-She would so wear the airpod max's while working out and i think she'd always have one of those gallon water bottles that she'd take everywhere with her.
"Babe please just let me buy you one, trust me it will make you drink so much more water."
"No it won't, do not waste your money seriously." She'd huff at your stubbornness and go and buy you one anyway.
-I think she would workout at night or during the day if she can fit it in which rarely happens because she enjoys her mornings with you where you guys cuddle and chat and have breakfast together before she goes to work or gets started in the home office
-Does majority of the cooking because she really enjoys it and is also a chef, like she whips up three course meals so regularly like its nothing.
-You try and make dinner together on the weekends which equates to her micromanaging you until she gets too stressed watching you mess up and does it herself while you sit on the counter entertaining her.
-She always goes to sleep as big spoon and always wakes up as little spoon, every night, without failure. Also loves to lay on your stomach with her arms around your waist, one of her fav cuddling positions.
-She's the kind of person to ignore and persevere through a cold until she literally passes out and will get mad at you when you have to force her to rest but once she's comfy and has accepted she's ill she's such a baby.
-She would be so good with kids and they would all love her too like when you would go to family gatherings together all the kids would always be glued to her pulling her every which way
-loves dogs and cats and wants two of each
-loves home date nights where you cook together and watch films or play games whether its board, video or card games. Once you bought a fake police file and tried to figure out who the murderer was, it ended in a huge argument because you couldn't agree on who it was, you were so annoyed you made her sleep on the sofa but in the middle of night she sauntered back into your room and climbs into bed cuddling into you.
"Sorry babe, you were right." She kisses your forehead and you smile as you both go to sleep happily, Abby had managed to find the answer online but she didn't tell you that you were in fact wrong, she would rather be in bed cuddling you than prove she was right.
-I think she would want 3 kids, preferably boy, girl, boy or vice versa but she would be happy with any kids.
-If/when kids come along she starts working from home primarily and you watch them grow together.
-She would eventually want to move away from the city where she lived for an easy commute to work to a beautiful house in the country with large fields behind a huge back garden where the dogs and cats, and ducks all play with the kids.
-She would love reading crime thriller books but she also has a guilty pleasure for romance and sometimes she'll sit in bed with you and read you parts of the books. Can imagine older Abby refusing to get reading glasses because that makes her officially old but she’s literally holding the book as far as it will go and squinting so hard and she still can’t read it, you eventually give in and read it to her which only motivates her to not get glasses more because this was a way better option.
-Loves Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, all those kind of shows but if you put on a drama she'll grumble and then be hooked.
"Oh my god, oh my god, are you fucking kidding me? Noooooooo." Abby yells at the screen as she watches the season 1 finale of vampire diaries with you, you had started rewatching it as it was nostalgic and she made fun of you so much until you forced her to watch the episode you were watching.
Like I could so see her watching greys anatomy and sobbing when there's a major character death
-Goes to get mani pedis with you and she'll always get her nails painted to match the colour of yours even when you'd pick super bright to mess with her she'd get it without batting an eye.
-Of course she gets along super well with all your friends and family, sometimes you think they love her more than you 😀
okay that's all I got for now but I will probs do way more once the series is finished :))
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| Shut up for me, love, | (part 2)
Part 1 (finding out you're pregnant w/Megumi)
Toji Fushiguro x Wife!Reader
Toji can't help but love you and your baby bump!
Word Count: 1.6k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, Toji has a job, slightly suggestive, lots of pregnancy (mentions symptoms)
A/n: This has generated so many pregnancy fic ideas...
Your husband, Toji, had been a great help through the first trimester of your pregnancy. He was always giving you massages, bringing you water and snacks, and spending lots of quality time with you, among other things, and you were very grateful for it all. 
Many changes were going on throughout your pregnancy, as to be expected now in your second trimester. While the morning sickness was now gone, there was a number of new troubles you could note. Most importantly, the bump. 
For the most part it was a blessing, even when it caused a number of effects, such as walking differently and feeling a rather strange weight on your hips, something you hadn’t dealt with beforehand. It was proof of a growing baby, and both you and Toji couldn’t be more happy about it. Instead, the effects it had on your husband were the real concerns. 
When you were starting to show, your husband couldn’t stop taking pictures of you. It was quite out of the ordinary for Toji, who rarely ever customized anything on his phone or computer, when he finally took it upon himself to learn such things, pasting your image everywhere he could. His new favorite pastime during breaks at work was scrolling through his pictures of you (some of which were taken in the last 5 hours), saving them in a special folder and smiling to himself. 
Your pregnancy in general made him clingy. Along with the pictures, he cut his hours at work and stayed home to assist you, which was appreciated but put a hindrance in your housework. Toji would stand around watching you do everything from unloading the dishwasher to changing the sheets on the bed, leaning against the wall as he tried to lock eyes much to your dismay. 
Fully confident in your ability to do such things, he still found himself keeping a much closer eye on you, only comforted when he was in the same house and could hear, if not see, you. Toji had already began to realize this himself, that it wasn’t an increase in safety concern that caused his behavior. While he always wanted to have eyes on you, to make sure you were out of harm’s way regardless of your pregnancy, there was something he missed so much when he was away from you. 
Watching you cover your swollen tummy with a nightgown, one he picked out specially for you on a shopping trip. It sinched in high, right above the bump that was evident and growing larger each day. Seeing the light apprehension you had when bending down to pick things up, and hearing the compliments your friends gave you whenever they saw you, asking how the baby was coming along. Little things were a constant, and appreciated reminder for him that the two of you were building your family together. Something he loved more than anything. 
Because of this, your husband stopped doing his regular outings all together. Usually he would go out to watch sports and drink with his friends at least once a week or so. Him being gone gave you more time without him interrupting your chores, and he was careful with you in mind. But this new Toji, that was a soon-to-be father, figured he could just watch the game on the TV and didn’t need to go out anymore despite your protests.
“It would save us money, we should be saving up for the nursery,” Toji argued, sitting down on the couch. “I know, honey, but…,” you tried to explain to him, just how annoying he had been. Staring at you all the time, offering you a hand for every minuscule task the moment you had any difficulty with it. Reaching up ahead of you to the top cabinet and grabbing the bowl you were trying to get, when there was a stepping stool right next to you. 
It made you embarrassed, really. His eyes always so sharp, the way he looked at you every time you mistakenly fell into his trap, breaking your three minute personal best at ignoring him properly. Your cheeks heated up each time, scoffing a little as you turned back to the dirty dishes in the sink. It was truly bothersome (in some ways more than others). 
And so, it led to his great discovery of at-home sports streaming. Toji was sprawled out on the loveseat everyday, after he got home from work. Carefully using up his extra home hours, after you persistently told him to give you some space. 
While Toji enjoyed his free time, you, on the other hand, were doing laundry. The warmth of a fresh dry load, coupled with the absence of breathing down your neck, allowed you to relax for a brief moment. You piled all the clothes into a large basket, making your way down the hallway to the living room, where you usually folded it. 
Except… Toji was there. You turned around, hearing the voice of a dull commentator surely explaining something interesting, though what it was you didn’t know. Your house didn’t have too many rooms, and usually the bedroom or even the laundry room would work just fine for folding… if you could bend down well enough. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, your feet barely touched the floor from how high up it was. Bending down over the bump was impossible to do comfortably, and the task could only be done at all if you leaned down to the side and awkwardly grabbed at the basket below while maintaining your balance. 
After a few more attempts, you figured out that there wasn’t enough room on the floor and sitting like that wasn’t very comfortable for long periods of time either. You were reminded why the living room had been your favorite for doing this task, the couch was low enough and comfortable to sit on, with space for folded clothes on the side. 
Holding the basket with two hands, you stood in the hallway watching around the corner to observe your husband’s movements. Toji was lounging comfortably, with one arm laid across the top of the couch. His legs were spread wide, covering most of the seating area. If the game was almost over, there would be no reason to ask him to move… or so you thought. 
The two of you were in reverse positions, your eyes almost trying to lock with his as you admired them from afar, your original mission forgotten as he stared intently at the screen and rubbed the tiredness from his face. Now unlike you, he found your gaze to be rather relaxing, enjoying it before you would inevitably make your move. His chuckle didn’t come from the commercial on the screen, but from you, who was still standing there after 10 minutes, greatly struggling to hold the basket which was feeling extremely heavy. 
Setting it down would make a noise, so you finally decided to give up on finding some kind of good time to interject. “Is the game almost over?” You asked meekly, setting the basket down in the middle of the floor. “10 minutes, about,” he replied, still staring at the screen. You huffed under your breath, unsure of what to say. To that, Toji smirked to himself. He knew exactly what you wanted, and was very much prepared to give it to you… but why not have some fun with it?
“Need a little help?” He asked while you walked a bit closer in curiosity. “My wife doesn’t know what she wants, it’s my duty to give her some guidance…” he finally tilted his head towards you, though he had been ignoring the screen since you arrived. “C’mere… lil’ closer…” he motioned at you, as you looked at him confused. 
It only took him a second to stand up and move behind you, throwing his arms underneath your legs and back, carrying you to the couch with him. He settled you down between his legs, his body back how it was before like nothing had even happened. 
“It’s more comfortable with that bump, hmm?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “I still have to have room to do the laundry, Toji…” he chuckled, moving his legs closer together so you could feel them squishing your thighs. “That better?” you turned your head to blushing smile on your face. 
Toji grabbed the remote while you dragged the basket closer with your foot, still trapped between him. “But there’s only 10 minutes,” you watched as he changed the channel to a show you liked. “I’m gonna lose anyway, what does it matter,” he muttered. “I thought you said you stopped doing that!” you scoffed, looking back at your husband who rolled his eyes. “It’s five bucks, a work thing people are doing,” you shook your head in disapproval. 
As you relaxed into his lap, you got to folding. Part of the enjoyment you felt was due to your husband, softly rubbing your back and occasionally playing with your hair as you got to work. “I’m surprised you didn’t try to kiss me,” you frowned facing the TV, though Toji could still sense your disappointment. “That’s your reward for getting this done - I’m gettin’ pretty hungry…” he continued his massage, but wrapped his arms around your waist to hold your belly. You would make dinner after you finished.
“It feels good Toji, thank you,” you sunk back enjoying the feeling. “You deserve it, you’re doin’ so good, my wife,” a blush crept onto your face again from his words. “Was gonna ask you for a date night sometime anyway,” he mentioned, “and there’s no time like the present.” Toji gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “So just stay nice… and… still…” he smirked. “Once you’re done, we have the whole night ahead of us.”
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yandereforme · 1 year
TW mental health issues, neglect, depression, attempted assault, light yandereness, generally a lot of angst
I read a lot of neglected reader, with the wayne family, and how they become Yandere for you after an incident, varying between posts. This is my take on it.
You arrived at Wayne Manor about a month after Damien did. Your mother had just died, and even though you knew your father and his existed, you had never met them. (Insert neglect)
The thing is, you really tried to get to know them in the beginning. Even though you were grieving, and you’re so sad and afraid, you still tried to get to know them. You baked with Alfred when you could and tried to strike up conversations at the dinner table, or whenever you saw them in the halls. However, after a few months of trying, and not getting any response back, you started giving up.
You started having days where you wouldn’t even leave your room. You would just stay in there laying on your bed. Afterward, you always noticed they never noticed you were gone, which only made things worse. You really missed your mother, and nothing seemed OK anymore. 
The thing that broke you was about two months after you arrived, it was your birthday, and no one noticed. No one said anything to you and no one seems to care. You decided at that point you were just done. You’re done trying to be a part of a family that didn’t want you. You stayed by yourself and pretended you were fine with that.
When you started school, you stayed to yourself. You interact with many people and generally most people forgot you existed. Damian didn’t even see you often, and he forgot about you sometimes too. Until one day, when a classmate of yours grabbed you in front of him, trying to force you to go with him. Damien grew angry. 
He fought the guy off, and the three of you were taken to the principals office and the boys were given detention. However, later, when you got home, he asked you why you didn’t fight back against the guy. You looked him in the eyes, a blank expression on your face, and he realized that he never really seen you smile since that first month.
“Why do you care?”
That was the only response you gave him before going to bed, but it was something he focused intently on. He analyzed your actions since arriving for days, and though he wouldn’t admit it, he became fond of you. He started walking you to your classes, memorizing your schedule, placing trackers on you and bring food up to you on the nights where you didn’t go to dinner. He obsesses over you, and wants you to smile again, like you did in the beginning with him. He hates when those plebeians you go to school with talk to you, and when his idiotic brothers pull him away from you. Didn’t they see you needed a protector?
You didn’t understand why you suddenly had a shadow everywhere you went. Ever since that boy tried to hurt you, Damian was following you everywhere, and was weirdly attentive. He was giving you snacks when you wouldn’t eat whole meals, though you didn’t know how he knew what you liked. Whenever your classmates tried to talk to you(which was rare) Damian would glare them into submission.
Despite how weirded out you were, you wouldn’t deny that a small part of you liked the attention. This was the attention you had so desperately craved when you first arrived. The depressive haze lifted slightly as Damian stayed, and you found yourself less and less annoyed by him following you.
If you guys like this, I will make more parts about the rest of the brothers. Request which brothers you want to hear from next in the comments (Bruce is going to be last). 
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nephilimbrute · 3 months
ur agents in particular FASCINATE me so so much i love your interpretations of them. could u tell us more about them and their stories? particularly 8, theyre so interesting!!! why do they hate marina? what happened between them and 3? what’s their relationship like with 4? anything you wanna say abt them, i’d love the infodump
a few days ago i wrote a thing that like. detailed stuff about major events with 8. i'll paste them here
agent 8 during the entire course of Octo Expansion was extremely shaken up. they couldn't think straight at all, leaving them vulnerable. sanitized cap3 wasn't much different too, she still had some control over herself and she never wanted to fight 8, making the battle between them long and confusing. eventually 8 gave up and walked up to her, ripping the sanitized goop right off her head (which, to cap3, felt like shoving a screwdriver into her eye)
during the inner agent 3 fight, was unconscious, so this was more like a a made-up battle. this 3 (dubbed enigma3) was formed out of cap3's repressed traits of herself and how 8 sees her, rather than being the 3 that 8 saw fight octavio. she's quiet, cold, confusing, and only wants to play mind games with 8. she never really left 8's conscience, but only appears when agent 8 is deathly worried about cap3
after the events of Octo Expansion, 8 absolutely adored marina. they were still a little shy though, so when marina wanted to talk to them they would kind of freak out. marina didn't mind though, and they were able to get to know each other somewhat, with 8 adapting some of marina's traits and behaviors. 8 had nowhere else to go other than sleeping behind crusty sean's food truck and park benches, so pearl let them stay with him and marina for 2 months. after those two months, pearl got in touch with agent 4 via marie (making him fawn all over meeting off the hook) and asked 4 if he could let 8 stay over (since pearl felt like they were watching him in his sleep) and fortunately, 4 said yes
after 8's mind finally clears up they start to question what's wrong with them and feel the weight of overthinking, which sends them spiraling down for the years to come (presumably the effects of tartar messing with their brain). 8 relentlessly questions cap3, rarely leaving her alone, and in turn it affects their relationship with cap3 in a negative way. when asked why they're so curious, 8 goes silent and refuses to answer
(small bit about cap3) cap3 feels like she's at fault for how 8 turned out since they started breaking after OE. she tries to make it up for them but she thinks she's only ruining them. her expectations for herself are set higher and higher, yet nothing she does is good enough. she won't give herself a break, beating herself up over every little detail and being highly critical to the point where she's stuck in a loop of self-destruction and loathing
8 slowly loses their trust in things and those they love, becoming scared and paranoid. it wasn't until side order that this was more prevalent.
in side order (AU), 8 has lost most of their memories, and the moments with the other agents and idols still remain but just barely. 8 is afraid of marina and has a deep dislike for her, but this was due to them not thinking for themself, instead listening to their gut. their brain fog is back more than ever, and whenever they try to walk for prolonged amounts of time they end up stumbling to their knees.
they can no longer tell the difference between reality and fiction. it's all a blur to them. they can feel marina's eyes everywhere. they can barely remember if who or what meant something, anything, to them. though having a deep dislike for marina, they want to be held by her. to be loved like a child. they never ask her of anything, instead just letting it burn into their brain until it breaks them completely. they want attention but they fear they'll be seen as needy and annoying. they want to apologize for everything and be forgiven. 8 doesn't know who is who, they've been copied so much they're just deemed a blank slate to be imprinted on. they watch everything disappear from their hands, unable to do anything about it. from being excited about what's to come in the near future, to being scared about losing the present and wanting to go back to the past
and then here's another little bit about 8 in side order: represents a crumbling mental state, begging for reassurance, desperately trying to hold on to fleeting memories. their trust is lost in everything but they want it all to return to normal, struggling to accept the fact that it never will
then about marina: represents a mother figure somewhat, but even she still fails to live up to that role fully. she distances herself from 8 who is always going after her just to be comforted, yet she denies it for them. she has the same goals as 8, clinging on to the present and never embracing change, but doing so only harms her and others and this behavior continues on and on
+ marina doesn't want to interact with 8 because she sees her younger self in them, she refuses to go back to that era of her life and 8 keeps promising her they'll be what she wanted to be. anything for them to be accepted, to be held in loving arms again. the lack of communication between them makes their relationship even more strained. but clearly marina still cares about 8, they were the only one to be let out of her mind control. she wanted to check on them and make sure they're okay, but what she got in return was someone that hated her
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^^ their relationship is basically like this. constantly wanting to communicate with the other but being pushed away, they never fill each other's voids
onto agent 4 and 8... they have a relatively healthy relationship. 4 is 8 (and cap3)'s shoulder to cry on, he always tries his best to help them with whatever. since him and 8 both like off the hook, they'd talk about them non stop. 8 likes to give 4 details about how oth are off-stage since 8 frequently hangs out with them and stuff
4 appears as parallel canon in side order, but instead of other copies of himself, the other robots resemble agent 8 and cap3. they all circle 8 and mock them for forgetting everything about themself and their significant others, much like inner agent 3
nd i don't think i got anything else to say about those 3......that's all^_^ i'm soooo normal i'm normal
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bibibbon · 5 months
What fails in MHA: gags/jokes
As well all know gags and jokes are everywhere in shonen but they are rarely done well in my opinion especially in MHA. There isn't a problem with having a bit of comedy in your manga but when the gag or joke either harms the characters development or just is offensive it tends to just fall flat at best and ruin the story at worst.
There are many common and multiple gags hori uses which I HATE:
Izuku/the midoriya family are crybabies. This is one that was VERY PRESENT during the earlier seasons which in my opinion ruined the show and many peoples view of izuku as a character. It makes sense why izuku would cry more then a regular shonen type of MC considering that he is supposed to be a "normal" teenager and he shows some very clear signs of anxiety. I understand when people get annoyed at how much he cries especially because it's very over exaggerated a lot of the time and just depicts him crying a waterfall when you could of just shown him tearing up. It's a bit more excusable for inko but it really doesn't shine a good look on her especially knowing that she is quite emotionally dependent on her son .
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Katsuki being mean towards literally anyone and anything. We know that bakugo is a character who is going through a redemption arc to change and become a better person so we shouldn't see him be so aggressive and angry if he is trying to change especially if it's a joke. A gag like that really ruins his development and to me its the reason why I don't think he really changed his attitude or way of thinking towards izuku as much as people like to believe he has ( CANON BAKUGO AND FANON BAKUGO AREN'T THE SAME )
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Perverted characters like mineta or sir nighteye .Yes, this is definitely targeted towards mineta and night eye because Iam still very disgusted by the scene of bubble girl and night eye and mineta just gives me the absolute CREEPS. honestly, idk what it is with hori and giving us these type of stuff it's honestly disturbing and disgusting I don't think I would mind if it were done to criticise or lambast something about hero societies pedophilic undertones and the way it loves to sexualise female characters but it's just there as a horrible gag.
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Dumbing down denki and making him seem stupid. This is more of making UA look bad because Denki could of been seriously hurt in the usj because of the whole dumbing him down gag and while it isn't the worst gag in the show it kinda falls flat in my opinion and just makes ua look bad. It's also double standards in my opinion because he would be useless in battle if he were to overuse his quirk just like izuku.
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The interview scene with mount lady. I don't understand why izuku was ridiculed for his lack of control when it came to blackwhip and it doesn't help that some of the characters where DEFINITELY ACTING OUT OF CHARACTER when they all had the same reaction.
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There are some 50/50 gags that still failed due to horikoshi not letting them go or not handling them well.
Izuku's everlasting fanboyism of heroes especially all might. Look this one isn't that bad but like I just don't like the fact that he never grew out of it. I personally like to think that izuku was a big all might fanboy is because he saw all might as the only person who actually believed in him and gave him words of encouragement even if it was through a screen and even if those words where directed towards anyone not only him. As the story progresses izuku should grow to realise that all might is a flawed individual who has cared for him but harmed him at the same time.
Horikoshis perception of izuku being "too intense". This could of easily been incorporated into Izuku's character as an actual character trait that could be used as a gag from time to time. For example we see izuku over think everything or hyper analyse so many small things like fuyumi's cooking. There are moments where izuku seems to come off as weird to other characters and I feel like that shouldn't happen or it should be handled in a better way. I mean how is it that someone doing something so simple as looking at a video intensely will freak/weird you out compared to someone who has a weird quirk or a passerby doing something weird
However, hori does have some good gags/ jokes in my opinion, yes they are rare but they do indeed exist like:
Kirishima's manliness. A lot of the time this actually promotes positive masculinity which is something that is definitely needed and it also helps develop kiris character a whole lot more
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This one interaction between jiro and tokoyami. I really liked it, it didn't come out as sexual which is something I really enjoyed and you can clearly tell it's just two classmates vibing and trying not to die
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Tokoyami and his whole darkness persona. Idk I guess this is me but I like it, it adds a lot to tokoyami while also not being overused .
This one Iam 50/50 with and it's yuuga and his whole I like cheese and I can't stop twinkling persona. I think it adds more depth to his character and foreshadows his role as the traitor to a certain extent but I also find it a bit stereotypical considering the fact that he is french and yuuga will just end up speaking in basic french words and then Japanese
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Hawks favourite food ironically being chicken wings. It's simple but it also makes us closer to hawks and can make him a bit more relatable to people
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Izuku, iida and shotos hand crusher joke. That has to be my favourite joke in the series it literally didn't end up mocking anyone and cemented one of the best MHA trios
Overall, hori sucks at making truly enjoyable gags and has a lot that harm characters developments especially surrounding his MC Izuku but he can sometimes actually provide enjoyable ones.
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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masked au!!!! ok so i may actually turn this into a fic and a few comics because im a lil obsessed with it :DDD
heres some sketches of my Emmet design for it!
explaination in the readmore!!
So!! Basically, after Ingos disappearance, Emmet started to hate his reflection cus it reminded him of ingo, so he took to wearing a mask. Over time, that mask became a sort of comfort item for him so now he rarely ever takes it off, and can become very distressed when not wearing it.
Eventually, Emmet gets sent to hisui cus he fought god and arceus was like "This guy is so silly i'll send him to hisui too :)"
So then he falls from the sky in the middle of nowhere
he has no pokemon, no materials, but he still has his mask
after wandering for a very long time he straight up passes out from exhaustion, and later wakes up in a dark cave
turns out, a crap ton of previously undiscovered hisui joltiks and galvantula found him, and because of being shot out of a portal and weird magic, he is absolutely full of weird energy, so the bugs took a liking to him and brought him back to their cave :]
Hisui joltiks/galvantula are fire and ground types! joltiks are like little blocks of coal with legs and leave charcoal EVERYWHERE
Anyway, guess what is relatively close to this hidden cave full of spiders? haha yeah its the diamond clan
So basically, Emmet is just chilling with his new spider besties, recovering from almost dying, and some diamond clan discover the cave!! and they see Emmet and they're like "ah yes this guy is this massive spider’s warden. definitely" and Emmet just goes with it cus why not? they're the first people he sees so he wants to get on their good side
so stuff happens and Emmet is now kinda an "unofficial" member of the diamond clan. he gets a diamond tunic cus hes kinda another diamond warden, but also he kinda just chills in his cave most of the time and will only leave if he absolutely has to. he's still searching for Ingo, but everything is just wayyyyy to much so he's gonna hang out with his spiders
The whole “being sent to an ancient time” thing and just being so very mentally ill caused Emmet to become very reluctant to speak, so communication was a bit difficult since no one in the diamond clan knew modern sign language. There was also a language barrier, but Emmet is a quick learner and manage to learn the language pretty fast :D he mostly communicates in writing since there's still no sign language option
When first meeting people, they asked Emmet to take off his mask, which kinda made a bad first impression on him so he doesn't really like being around people now :/ but his annoyance with everyone around him kind of accidentally made him befriend melli, cus their both petty lil shits that don't like people much
Melli comes over to his cave and they shit talk people together, and Melli is actually one of the first people Emmet become comfortable talking to verbally because of this! they both think the other is annoying but they bond over it :]
literally this is the strangest relationship to ever come out of one of my aus. these two have never interacted ever. Why did I decide Melli was the one that Emmet should interact with?
these twinks are hanging out in a spider infested cave gossiping about people
Also!! Hisui joltiks absorb thermal energy instead of static energy, so Emmet is often very cold to the touch cus his bugs are stealing his body heat. This also makes him very tired a lot so you can often find him passed out in a pile of soot.
pls ask me questions about my au I want to talk about it so much
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kywaslost · 9 months
Can I make a request for sebastian? He's upset because Ciel told him to keep his cats in the garden, and he's talking about it with S/O. In the middle of the conversation, S/O turns into a cat. She used to be a snake demon, but she changed and is now a cat demon because her mate loves cats. Probably a tuxedo cat because they remind me of Sebastian.
Cat-Astrophic Moment - Sebastian Michaelis
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A/N: Thank you for your patience <3
Sebastian isn’t really known for going off about his master
Sure, there are things Ciel does that annoys the ever living hell out of the demon, but he did make the contract and has gotten used to his master’s behavior
But there are rare times when Sebastian just casually mentions something Ciel did to put him in a bad mood and then he’s started off on a tangent
This was one of those rare occasions
You were aware that Sebastian liked to try and keep cats hidden in the manor, his bedroom in particular. You didn’t mind them, often enjoying playing and interacting with the several felines.
The one downside is that Sebastian now has cat hair absolutely everywhere. He tries his best to keep himself clean, and he does really well for the most part, but of course he’s going to miss a hair here and there
Which unfortunately can still cause Ciel’s allergies to flare up, alerting him that Sebastian was keeping cats inside the manor
So the boy orders Sebastian to keep the cats outside in the garden
And because of their contract, Sebastian obeys
He’s relaying all of this to you as he changes into casual clothes before bed, and you’re seated at the edge of the mattress, listening to him intently
He’s turning around, still grumbling aimlessly about this situation as he approaches you
What he doesn’t expect, however, is for you to disappear in front of his very eyes, a tuxedo cat sat in your spot
Sebastian literally freezes, and you can see the beginnings of a smile take over his face
He sits beside you, then gently rubs your head, running his thumb across the space between your ears
“You are no longer a snake demon, I presume?” He grins as you climb into his lap, still in cat form
You let him pet you a second longer before transforming back into a human, now sat in his lap
You kiss your lover, then say, “Why would I be, when I can become the one thing you love most?”
Now that he knows that you can turn into a cat, Sebastian will let you rest on his shoulders, as a cat of course, while he does his chores
And Ciel can’t get rid of you because you’re one of his servants
So you’re like a free pass for Sebastian to have a cat in the manor :)
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pearldog30 · 1 year
How the guys would react to you waking up starting your period.
soap, ghost, Alejandro, Rudy, Alex. Alex doesn't get enough attention
All right y'all y'all know what time it is. HC TIME FOR ALL THE BOYS! okay I know I said I was going to do soap next but... (I may have or may have not woke up and had a heart attack cuz I thought I started my period and this idea came to my head so here you go) Also I don't know/forgot if someone has already done this but if you have please send me the headcanon so I can look at it 👀
Other works 👉Master list
this one's going to be 18+
Warnings| period cramps, blood, mood swings, mentions sex period/Sex
Let's be honest here, real quick they all know what a period is. they've worked with women/probably have women in their family. (although some of them don't know the ins and outs of it I will give them that)
Ghost 👻
Now as we know this man has never been in a relationship before, that is until you came along. now Simon understood the gist of a period because he works with some other females, and they would sometimes complain to him. (he would get very much annoyed about it btw) this poor man did not understand the true side effects, and how bad it really gets until he got with you. he never got annoyed at his female work associates again
The first time it happened of course! It had to be in the very beginning of y'all's relationship, and on one of the very rare nights Simon would let you sleep over at his place. you get abruptly woken up from who none other than your big boy Simon and before you know it Simon's budging you to get off the bed. so he can clean the sheets, and make sure it doesn't stain his bed. (did I forget to mention you have no idea what's going on, he just kind of dragged you out of bed. and you didn't realize until after you felt blood running down your leg.) and that's when Simon just so happened to notice as well. and get a shower ready for you since you're still very much dazed with sleep, you just kind of follow him into the bathroom no words have been exchanged but you did feel absolutely terrible, and you figured he was pissed off, and annoyed, at you with how he woke you up. but little did you know while you were in the shower, he was actually making you a nice hot cup of tea and getting his bed all comfy for you again.
As you got back in bed, you felt one of your terrible period cramps hit you, you couldn't help but just grunt in pain at the unexpected cramp you were just hit with. and Simon being Simon that has to follow you everywhere noticed it, and got real concerned. (and this day was the day, he realized how bad cramps can get and how fuckin Moody you can be!) he reached his hand out to make sure you are okay, but you just slapped it away. and him being the smart ass he is (which I 1,000% see him saying this) "would you like me to stop by the store get you some chocolate, i don't know what y'all women need." (you know that meme were Simon is just looking at soap while they were in the car in Las almas yeah that's the looked he got when he said that)
let's just say he never gave you a smart-ass comment again, while you're on your period.(but fr though he is a good BF/husband/fiance during that time of the month it just takes him some time to realize what you need/how yours can be)
Soap 🧼
Soapy boy you're next not going to lie this mf has no clue at all at what you need/what you want he's so lost (unlike Simon that knew a tiny bit. soap only knew the blood part, he didn't even know cramps or any of that stuff came with it.)
This was one of the times soap was actually fully home, to be with you for a little while. (because he fucked up his leg, while deployed trying to prove he could win a bet against Alejandro.) since today was the weekend you were off work, so you decided to sleep in with your lover, and enjoy the time you had. As you were sleeping surprisingly soap had woken up before you with a little bit of a problem "cough" "cough" "horny boy" "cough" so of course he decided to gently wake you up with nothing, but SOME GOOD OLD MORNING FASHION SEX. as he scooted closer to you he couldn't help but feel a wet spot on the back of your butt, and on the bed, he looked down to see what it was and. (Low key freaked out not expecting it at all) as he very much rudely and frantically woke you up "what Johnny" you say very pissed off with how you were woken up. "hen there's blood on the bed" he says getting up completely forgetting he fucked up his leg and fell to the floor.
You couldn't help but just stand there and laugh your ass off at him, low-key karma for rudely waking you up once you got your breath back, you realized how bad it really was. so you ran to the shower. (we've all done that at least once) leaving Johnny there to clean up the mess, with his messed up leg of course. as he very much struggled getting up, and getting the sheets off the bed, he still was sadly very horny.
as you step out of the bathroom, into y'all shared room so you can grab some clothes. you see him, eagerly waiting on the edge of the bed for you. WHEN I TELL YOU THE WAY THIS BOY'S EYES LIT UP WHEN HE SAW YOU IN THAT TOWEL. "Hen come here darling" he says in aroused tone, grabbing at you to come closer to him. so you decide to let him pull you closer to himself, and before he could put his lips on you. "no" you say booping at his nose then walking away.
our poor soap was very sad, and horny, for the rest of the day. (he definitely is not the best at dealing with this kind of stuff. but he won't let it get in the way of smexy time that's for damn sure.)
Alejandro 🔥
This poor bastard that's all I got to say. low key has PTSD from when he was with Valeria and she had hers. (And nobody knows why and he won't talk about it either)
A lot like soap He surprisingly was up before you, so he was just laying there with you enjoying the moment. as he scooted closer to you though he couldn't help but feel a wet spot on the bed sheets, so he looked hoping one of his worst nightmare wasn't true but sadly it was as he sat there, contemplating how he was going to wake you up. and then you opened your lids looking at him smiling, happy, your lover was there with you. not realizing the blood on the bed. as he looked into your eyes nervously "what's wrong sweetheart" you say in a sleepish, yet concerned tone. "mi amor you started your time of the month" he says nervously.
"oh" is all you say, before you quickly get up to run to the bathroom. so you don't make an even bigger mess. but (in old period fashion) you were hit with probably one of the worst cramps in your life. kneeling to the floor aside your nightstand, arms clutched around your stomach, tears dripping down, from your watery eyes. as you're sitting on the floor in pain you suddenly feel a warmth sitting next to you, it's none other than your lover Alejandro. he has his hands hovering over you scared to touch you. as if he touched you you could break into a million pieces "mi amor tell me what you need I'm right here" he says panic, and nervousness, fills his voice. he's never seen you this bad before, realizing he's there you put your hand on his shoulder, to steady yourself. and you just sit there in silence, for while trying to calm yourself, so it doesn't get worse. "Alejandro could you help me to the shower" you say once the cramp has calmed down a little bit.
And before you could even move he picked you up in the most gentlest, yet Swift and loving, way he could. as he turns on the shower nice, and hot for you, he also helps you undress, as he undresses himself as well. you give him a confused look, and he notices. "mi amor do you really think after that I'm going to let you be in here by yourself and not keep my eye on you" he says in a Stern yet gentle voice. and you weren't going to fight him on it, you did not feel well enough. As you got in the shower he did not let you lift one finger, he did everything. (low-key you guys both enjoyed that)
He's even more attentive, and notices everything, and also extremely nervous, during that time of the month. (just give this poor man tons of love and reassurance so he knows he's doing good)
Rudy my sweet boy, that I love and cherish. now as I said before he's been in a few relationships, so he knows his way around period. (I see him and Alex being the best knowledgeable on periods and knows how to treat you)
Now this was one of the times you were home alone, and he was on a rough mission. You both didn't know that he was actually being sent home a lot earlier then expected. so when he got home orange, and purple, filled the morning sky. as he walked in through the door shuffling his boots off by the door. walking quietly, through the home not wanting to wake you. he entered y'all's master bedroom, as he quietly opened the door. he saw you peacefully resting which just made him relax his entire body, at the site. it was one of those moments where he was just grateful to see you so relaxed.
as he slowly approached you, not wanting to wake you. he slowly lifted the sheets on your side of the bed, so he could just lay on top of you, and be grateful he was in your arms again. when he noticed the blood stain bed sheets, he can't help but sign at himself, at the inconvenience. yes he knew you couldn't help it, but he was tired all he wanted to do was sleep. so he's softly nudged you awake, not wanting to alarm you. "mi amor wake up" he said that a few more times, before you fully opened your eyes and realized it was him, and not a dream. you quickly wrap your arms around his neck, happy that he was home. and that it was not a dream. but the happy moment was soon gone, when he pointed down to the bed sheets. "God damn it" was all you could say upset, that you couldn't just soak it in the moment, and lay in bed with your love. "mi amor it's okay love come on" he gently lifted you out of bed, not wanting you to get cramps. and into the bathroom y'all went. as he started the shower, he told you he'd be right back. all you could hear was him wrestling around the sheets, pulling them off into the wash, and then putting on new ones.
And before you know it. he was joining you in the shower, helping you wash off, and enjoying the little time he gets to have with you. even if a little blood got in the way. it may or may have not ended in gentle but yet spicy shower sex that's one for you to decide either way he was just happy to be home, with you and gets to see you naked in the shower.
(he honestly is the best man, to have. anything you want let alone on your period, he's there, and is surprisingly not scared of your mood swings.)
Alex 🦿
Alex our sweet laid back, country boy (as I said him and Rudy are like the best you could have he also gives me major he grew up with sister vibes so)
One of the very rare times this happens, just so happened to be when you and Alex got the very rare privilege, to go on vacation together. since he was always gone working, he wanted to surprise, and spoil you, for being such an amazing partner to him. and being so patient, and always being there when he comes back from deployments. and so he decided to surprise you with a beautiful little home, on a private beach for the weekend that his aunt owned.
As you were asleep in the surprisingly comfy bed, of the vacation house you were staying in. Alex decided to get up early to surprise you with breakfast in bed. As Alex was finishing up breakfast he's decided to wake you, so you could probably enjoy your breakfast, and this vacation. walking into y'all's shared lightly decor bedroom, gently shaking your uncovered shoulder. you lightly open your eyes to be greeted with Alex's light blue ones. "hi baby" he starts off with but, before he could finish you interrupt him. "is that biscuits and gravy cooking" you saying in a sleepish tone, chuckling to himself. " yes ma'am it is I figured I'd make you some. now get your pretty little ass up and come enjoy this with me." you do as you're told moving the blankets, to reveal your half naked body evidence from. (the very spicy time y'all had the night before) as you stand up, you couldn't help but feel wetness down your legs. and what do you know it your period decided to say hello.
Moving quickly to the bathroom to clean up. Alex walks in wondering what's taking forever "where are you foods done" he says while turning the corner, into the bathroom, his eyes meet with you're naked body. "started my goddamn period I'll be there in a minute" you say quickly before jumping in the shower. As you turn around looking through the glass shower wall, seeing your beloved Alex sitting on the floor, with a plate of his own food watching you patiently waiting. "what the hell are you doing Alex" you say slightly concerned "I just figured you could use some company I know how clingy you get during this time of this month" he says while stuffing his face full of food.
Alex would be so nonchalant about it it's not even funny. (sorry this one was kind of short)
Anyways I hope you all enjoy this, as usual. Reading back on this I'm realizing how much it sucks but I hope one of y'all enjoys it. I thought it was funny in the moment I was writing it. Anyways Wherever you are in the world I hope you're having a good day/night 🖤 reblogs and comments are always appreciated.
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Frank Castle X Reader: Dead man walking
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Warnings; Fluff, blood, stitching up, mentions of pain, description of wounds, mentions of sexual behaviour(nothing graphic), kissing, angst.
Summary: You knew Frank was alive but you rarely had contact then one day he shows up at your doorstep covered in blood.
Frank Castle was a dead man. The papers had stamped that headline on every front page they could find. For the second time in his life Frank had been declared as deceased and for the second time it was a lie. Frank had trusted few with his secret and you were honored he trusted you enough to know the truth.
That being said things seemed to get more and more complicated the longer time went on. You knew it was for the best but the lack of contact with Frank was making you crazy. You’d never really figured out where the two of you stood, your relationship having been a bit on the complicated side. And now it was practically nonexistent. 
Everywhere you went you searched for Frank's frame, the feeling that he was watching from the shadows constantly in your mind. You didn’t have contacts like Karen so it wouldn’t make sense for Frank to reach out to you all the time. Still you’d be lying if you didn’t expect it to be him on the other end of the phone every time you got a call. To your dismay it never was. The days turned into weeks and then the weeks turned into months. You stopped picking up the phone so eagerly and you quit glancing behind you whenever you went out. Frank was a dead man and that’s exactly what he was acting like. You’d almost given up on waiting for Frank to show up when you got the call. 
You were eating in one of the many dinners scattered around the city when the phone started ringing. You barely flinched, taking another sip of your coffee as you scanned over the day's newspaper. It was only when you heard a whistle that you raised your head. You looked over to where the noise had come from. A young man was holding the dinner's phone in his hand as he waved in your direction. You glanced behind you searching for who he was gesturing to before you realized you were the only one sitting in this portion of the place. You got up from your booth, eyebrows knitting as you made your way towards the phone. You thanked the boy as you grabbed onto the phone, leaning against the wall before you pressed the device to your ear.
You almost let go of the phone at the sound of his voice. Gruff and deep the way you remember it to be. 
“No. No names. It’s not safe.”
“I have a cell phone, you know.”
“Easier to hack. Couldn’t risk it. This way is less dangerous.”
You leaned your head against the wall, fingers wrapping around the phone wire as you sighed.
“What do you need?”
You couldn’t help but sound a bit annoyed. Months without contact and then out of nowhere he calls. That could only mean one thing. Frank Castle needed your help with something.
“Meet me at our spot tonight. Once it’s dark.”
To someone outside it would seem like a rather vague way of marking a meeting place but you knew exactly what he meant. 
“Alright. Hey-”
Before you could even finish the line went dead.
“Fucking asshole hung up on me!”
You jammed the phone into the receiver before going to your booth, picking up your things and storming out of the dinner.
When the time came you went to Frank's requested meeting place. You sat at one of the benches taking in the nature around you as you waited. You’d always loved this park. Ever since you were a kid you remembered dragging your family out every weekend for a picnic. You’d told Frank about it on the day he’d told you about his family and from that day on it became your spot. Which was funny because you’d never actually been here together.
“I see why you like it here.”
You opened your eyes, turning around from your spot so that you could look at Frank. He was wearing all black his once clean shaven face covered by a rather impressive beard. You got up, making your way to him slowly. He watched you get closer to him and stop about a foot from where he stood. You were giving him a choice. He could come to you or he could keep his distance. For safety reasons it would be best to stay away from you but it’d been so long and there was no way he was going to give up the chance to touch you. So against his better judgment Frank pushed off from the tree he’d been leaning on and closed the distance between the two of you. You tilted your head up to look at Franks face your eyes meeting his as you searched for some sort of restraint. You expected Frank to be looking around you for any sign of trouble but to your surprise his attention was only on you. 
Frank gave you a small smile, his teeth poking through the mess of hair that covered his face. You couldn’t help but smile back at him, the joy of seeing him again getting to you. Slowly you smile turning into a slight frown, your lips quivering lightly as you continue to look up at Frank. God you’d missed him. Frank's brows knitted at the sight of your glassy eyes, his hand moving out of his pockets so that he could pull you into his embrace. You wrapped your arms around his waist, nuzzling your head into his chest as he held you.  
“I’m sorry. Sorry for taking so long, I just had to be sure you’d be safe.”
Frank gave your head a kiss, his arms tightening around you a bit more.
“I missed you, darling.”
You removed your head from Frank's chest, lifting your chin so you could see him.
“Missed you too Frankie.”
He had always hated when people called him that but for some reason when it came from you he didn’t seem to mind. You spent a while in each other's arms before you pulled away from Frank taking his hand into your own.
“So what can I help you with?”
Frank frowned at your question, a twinge of guilt making his way into his chest. Hell, it’d been so long since he reached out that you’d forgotten how importante you were to him. He cursed himself for making you feel like you were a means to an end. Frank placed his hand against your cheek tucking in a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Don’t need help with anything. Just needed to see you. Needed to see my girl.”
You smiled at his words grinning from ear to ear and Frank swore he’d never get tired of the sight. You looked around trying to make sure no one was around before you leaned up and kissed Frank's lips. He groaned against your mouth, his hands going to your waist. You pulled away leaning your forehead against his before whispering.
“It’s cold out here. Let’s go to my apartment.”
“I can’t do that doll. It’s not safe.”
You looked at Frank, your face showing resolve.
“Screw that! I haven't seen you in months, you really think I'm gonna let you leave now?”
Frank took in your expression he’d learned the hard way that trying to talk you out of something was useless. He let out a sigh, turning to look at his surroundings before looking at you again.
“You got your keys?”
That night Frank spent his time buried between your legs pulling all kinds of beautiful noises from your mouth. The next morning when you woke up the spot next to yours on the bed was empty except for a small note scribbled in familiar handwriting. 
“Thanks for last night,doll. Keep an eye on your window i’ll be in touch soon”
You smiled at the words leaning back into the bed and falling asleep once again.
Frank kept his promise. He’d leave little notes on your windowsill every so often and every once in a while the two of you would meet up at your spot. Some nights you’d convince Frank to come back to the apartment other times he’d conjure up all his will to say no to you. It was a weird dynamic but it worked and it was better than it was before. Frank never told you exactly what he was doing but he’d warn you when he would have to disappear for a while. His intention was to keep you from worrying but every time you received the red piece of paper on your window your heart ached a bit. You knew he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He was the toughest person you knew but you couldn’t help but worry. 
One random night you found yourself unable to fall asleep so you decided you’d try to watch some tv to distract yourself. You were just about to relax when someone knocked at your door. Your eyes flitted to the clock, reading the time. It was late. Too late for visitors. You made your way to your bookshelf pulling a decoy book and finding the gun Frank had given you when you first met. Slowly you moved to the door, wrapping your hand on the handle before peeking at the peephole. The gun you’d been holding fell to the ground once you realized what you were looking at. Your hands fumbled against the locks trying desperately to open the door. The second you managed to open the door Frank stumbled onto you, his feet almost giving out beneath him. Your eyes widened as you saw his blood soak into your nightgown. You pulled the man inside, placing him against the wall before rushing to lock the door. Frank leaned against the wall, his bloody hand latching onto your kitchen counter for support.
“What the hell happened Frank?”
“Ah shit.”
You placed Frank's arm around your shoulders half dragging him over to the living room. You were about to place him on your coach when he groaned.
“No. The floor. Can’t leave too much evidence.”
“Should have thought about that before showing up covered in blood at my front door!”
“You’re the only one I can trust.”
You did as Frank asked, placing him on the floor before rushing to grab the first aid kit you had in the bathroom. You made it back to him as fast as you could, wasting no time to get to work. With a pair of scissors you cut open his shirt revealing a nasty gash on his abdomen. You groaned at the sight.
“Frank, that looks bad.”
“Ugh, I've had worse.”
You knew that was true but the other times Frank had had someone who knew about patching people up and right now you were his best shot. Which wasn’t saying much. YOu rummaged through the contents of the first aid kit searching for a needle and some string. You got up and went to the kitchen grabbing a towel and a bottle of scotch. You pressed the towel against Frank's wound grimacing as he let out a pained grunt.
“It’s alright. You’re doing great.”
You uncapped the bottle of scotch, taking a swing before handing it to Frank. He took the bottle looking up at you in question. 
“I’m guessing this is gonna hurt a lot, you know, alcohol numbs inside pain. So drink up.”
Frank gave you a faint smile, placing the bottle against his lips and taking a couple of swings.
“Okay i need you to stay as still as you can.”
“You got it Doc.”
You cleaned up Frank's wound with alcohol, your heart aching as he groaned in pain.
“I know baby, I know I'm sorry.”
You placed your hand on Frank's forehead, leaning down to give him a kiss in an attempt to distract him from the pain. Once he stopped flinching in pain you got to work stitching him up. Frank hated the feelings of needles going into his skin. Unfortunately for him it was something he’d had to become used to in his line of work. He’d been hurt before. Hell he’d taken a bullet to the fucking head. Yet somehow the moment Frank felt you tug at the string to finish stitching him up he was gone. The last thing Frank heard before he fainted was the sound of you calling out his name.
Frank's eyes fluttered open, his vision slowly adjusting to the light. The sun was out. Frank's eyes started making out what was in front of him. He was staring at the ceiling. Your bedroom ceiling to be more exact. Frank groaned as he tried to turn his head the memories of last night flooding back into his mind. He remembered stumbling into your apartment building and making his way to your door. He could almost see the look of horror on your face when you’d brought him inside your apartment. He leaned his head down to look at his abdomen instead of finding a gushing cut he was greeted by a wad of gauze. He ran his finger over the wound remembering the way your hands shook against his skin as you stitched him up. He should have never brought you into his shit. He should have let you think he was dead. It would have been better that way. All he ever seemed to do was drag you into trouble. And the worst part is that you just took it. Never complained and nothing. Frank pushed himself up, throwing his legs over your bed so that his feet could reach the ground. His gaze found its way to the mirror from your vanity eyes struggling to take in what he looked like. His eye was purple and his nose looked like it would break if he touched it.
“You look like shit.”
Frank's eyes snapped to your bedroom door, finding you leaning against the frame with two mugs in your hand. You made your way to Frank, taking a seat next to him in your bed before handing him one of the mugs.
“Thank you.”
You nodded at him, taking a sip of your coffee before turning to look to your side. Frank watched you from the mirror, his shoulders sagging as he realized you were trying not to cry. He placed his mug down on your night stand, his hands moving to grab your own mug from you and put it next to his. You allowed him to take your mug but refused to turn towards him, the idea of looking at him too overwhelming. You couldn’t help it. Every time you got a glimpse of his face flashes from last night made their way into your head and none of them were pleasant. Frank placed his hands around your waist dragging you closer to him with a bit of effort due to the wound on his side. He placed his head against your shoulder moving his lips against your skin as he gave your shoulder small kisses. The tears streamed down your face silently as Frank caressed your body. He knew you needed some time but he wanted to show you that he was okay. He was here. All thanks to you. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
You moved your hand to wrap around the back of Frank's head, your fingers toying with the small amount of hair that he’d left after his haircut. You turned your body so you could face him, your eyes closing as you leaned your forehead against Franks. He nudged your face with his nose leaning down to kiss the fresh tears on your cheeks. You let out a small sigh, your hands going to either side of Frank's face.
“I thought I was gonna lose you.”
“I’m right here.”
Frank pulled your hand off his cheek moving it to be flat against his chest, right where his heart was. You felt his heart beat against your hand, a breath of relief entering your body at the feeling.
“I’m here baby. I’m alive. I’m with you.”
You opened your eyes looking at Frank. He gave you a pained smile which you returned with your own tired one. Frank pulled your lips to his giving you a loving kiss before pulling you into his arms
“Frank your hurt-”
“It’s alright. Just relax.”
You leaned against Frank's chest feeling him breath in and out. Frank moved his hand to your hair playing with some loose strands. Silence took over the room and all you could hear was Frank's steady breaths against your ear. You’d been wanting to tell him something for a while and seeing that you almost lost him yesterday you decided you were done waiting. 
“What is it baby?”
“I love you.”
You felt Frank's breath hitch against your back. Frank threw his head up, tears forming in his eyes at your words. It’s been a while since he’d been loved. He'd forgotten how it felt to hear those words. He leaned his head back against yours, his arms tightening against your body.
“I love you too baby. So fucking much.”
You let out a relieved sob at his words, turning to give him a kiss.
To some Frank Castle was a dead man. To others he was a dead man walking. But to you he was the man you loved. The man that made you believe that there was some good left in the world. And to him you were a reason to stay alive.
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fatuismooches · 5 months
So, we all know that she has her robot that carries her around, I hc that she doesn't like walking that much and the robot carries her pretty much everywhere. And with you being her lover, naturally, she wants you to be with her pretty much everywhere. The robot ends up carrying her in one hand and you in the other.
Now imagine if the robot broke down on a day she had harbinger meeting to attend to... She didn't want to go, 'cause it meant walking all the way from her lab to the palace.
You try to convince her that those things are really important. She agrees that they are, but isn't her well being more important to you? ☝️😠
She just really didn't want to walk there, but you knew it would be more trouble than it's worth if she didn't show up, so you make a suggestion... Something you wouldn't do if she was anybody else.
You carry her on your shoulders, all the way from her lab to the palace. You were hesitant to make this suggestion, but it became clear to you that she wouldn't leave any other way.
Thankfully she wasn't too heavy, but the path to the palace wasn't really a short one. You thought you could finally have a break when you reached the door to the room where the meeting took place.
Then you heard the soft voice of your lover asking you why did you stop. 🙂
Turns out, the meetings can take a while and there's nowhere to sit during it. She can't stand for that long. 😞 Like fym, and I can with you on my shoulders?
Yeah, guess we'll find out since you did have to do it otherwise the whole trip would be for nothing.
Oh, and don't worry, she already informed the Jester that you're coming with her so you can't use "I can't attend the meeting since I'm not a harbinger" as an excuse. 🥰
Thankfully no one really commented on it. Childe was about to, but was silenced by the intense glare of the Marionette which was deadlier than usual. And you did get a dirty look from Scaramouche.
After the long meeting, your legs were slowly giving out. Thankfully, Sandrone noticed and was like "we can sit down for a while if you're tied" and you're like, "we?".
Yeah, you're replacing her robot for today, so she just has to sit on you. She finds out that sitting on your lap and feeling your warmth was actually quite comfortable. She wonders why you two haven't done this before.
After all of that she finally fixes the robot and you thought you were done.
NOPE! Now she constantly insist on sitting in your lap while she works, even after the robot is fixed.
But she has ran into one small issue. She likes the comfort of sitting in her lap, but the robot can move her where she needs to be when she's sitting in it's hand which makes her more productive.
But no worries, your smart lover has figured out a perfect solution. You sit on the robots hand while she sits in your lap. As goofy as it looks, it's both comfortable and productive, and it makes her happy.
[P.S. Can I be the 🦀 anon please?]
UGH YES I LOVE YOU 🦀 ANON... It is very rare that Sandrone is not seen either on her robot or on a regular chair... she doesn't even need to fight herself because the robot can for her... why would one get up if they have no reason to? Now you have no problem with walking places but your lover is rather insistent on having you be carried with her. It's rather fun! The robot holds its hands close to each other so you two are practically brushing shoulders! Very easy to hold hands. (Only in private of course.)
Although it's rare for her heavily invested in robots to malfunction, it can still happen on occasion but it's not a problem since she's very intelligent and efficient. However, this time she did not have the time because the meeting was far too close. She's annoyed but on the bright side, she doesn't need to deal with the irritating voices of her co-workers (Childe especially) but you aren't interested in seeing the Jester in the lab again for a "friendly reminder".
When you offer to carry her all the way there, Sandrone genuinely laughs at the suggestion (you always come up with the most entertaining ideas) but nope, you're dead serious. You will get your wife there, even if it means you need to cross bridges and endure the biting Snezhnayan cold! Even if your legs and shoulders collapse! (The thing you do for her... at least she's rather petite. Your wife said although you weren't as comfortable as her robot, she appreciated your warmth.)
Ahhh it would be so funny depending on how tall you are... If you're tall she would be well above most of the other Harbingers, literally looking down on them... even if you're short (like me 💔) it would still look really funny mwebfwew all while Sandrone has a straight face and you're dying. (You know, even though Sandrone thinks she's winning by hogging your lap, you can still take revenge by squishing her to death!! You may have gotten a death glare from her but it's okay!!)
Ouuuhh,, i can just imagine,, your arms snuggly wrapped around her waist as the robot moves the two of you up and around all the time... it would be so fun even though you're really doing nothing but watching her work,,,
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cosmocup1d · 6 months
Hi, can I get a hot and ready? Wdym that's not an order? What about a whopper?
You know what, I'll actually take Belphegor realizing he fell in love with you mid-cuddle sesh. And like homeboy doesn't know what to do with himself so he goes to his brothers for advice but ends up accidentally confessing anyway. Fem reader preferably, but it doesn't really matter💜🤌
Ship : Belphegor x Fem! Reader
Order : Whopper
Warning : Cussing, Belphie being a little shit but you still love him
Note : I LOVE your 'kin of the demon prince' series also sorry if this is like SUPERRRRRRR late
Order up!~
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It was surprisingly a quiet day at the house of lamentation which was rare but Belphie took the chance to nap basically everywhere he desired and of course making you his personal pillow
The two were up in the attic cuddling like one of you is going to disappear Belphie lazily open his eyes he look down seeing you he took his arm which was wrapped around your waist and now cupping your cheek, Fuck you remind an angel sometimes
What the hell?
It happened again!
Belphie was breathing heavily and his heart was pounding what the hell was happening to him? Did he touch a cursed book or artifact? Or did you curse him? Many questions flooded in his head wondering why the hell was he feeling this
He sighed not wanting to deal with this it would probably wear off soon he thought he closed his eyes and went back to sleep again
What if it never wears off?
He snaps open his eyes at this thought he looks down at you suddenly his cheeks felt hot, his palms sweaty, and his heart beating loudly what the hell was happening to him
He grunts when he stands up not really wanting to get up but the feeling left him no choice he grabs his shoes and pillow opening the door of the attic before looking at you and closing it
He went down the spiral stairs of the attic and heading to his brothers room, the first stop was Lucifer he knocked at the door which he didn't normally do he heard a muffled 'come in' and open the door
Lucifer looks up from his paper work expecting beel considering he's probably the only brother who knocks but no he's met with Belphie instead which kinda unnerved him "Belphie? What are you doing here?" Lucifer said glaring at his brother not knowing if this was a prank or not but he's giving Belphie a chance
"There's this thing" he mumbled before sitting down at one of the couches "What thing...?" Lucifer said raising his eyebrow confused "You know... When your face feels hot, your hands are sweaty, and your heart beating faster..." He said
Lucifer looks at him with a raised eyebrow before grinning and continuing to read and sign documents "Never thought you'd be the first belpie" Lucifer Snickers making belpie twitch his right eye before sighing "You know what? Nevermind I'll ask someone else.." Belpie tsked out before walking out the door
Mammon was sneaking around the house looking for something he could sell 'I meannnnn Lucifer wouldn't mind his this stupid base goes missi-' "Mammon" A voice said behind him making him jump back "WHAT THE FUCK" Mammon screech out breathing heavily as he saw his little brother behind him
"You scared the shit out of me!?" Mammon complained while putting a hand over his chest "I need to ask you something" Belpie grumbles completely ignoring that he scared his brother "Tsk... Fine! What is it!?" Mammon huffed out putting his hands on his hips
"I have this problem" Belphie mumbles as mammon nods "Like my hands get sweaty, my heart starts racing, and my face feels hot..." Belpie said
Mammon snorted before laughing out loud "What's so funny!?" Belphie screech out "AHAHHA UNHOLY SHIT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT" Mammon laugh out with tears on his eyes "You know what screw you!" Belpie storms off leaving a laughing mammon
"Stupid mammon" Belphie tsked out as he walked towards Levi's door and knocking "Who is I?" A muffled voice clearly annoyed "It's me" Belphie said before yawning "Password?" The voice replied "The password is 'If you don't let me in I'm gonna shove my foot up your ass'" Belpie crossed his arms "DUDE CHILL! Just come on in" the voice said as Belphie opens Levi's door
"I'm in the middle of a game what do you want?" Levi asked in an annoyed tone "I have this thing where my face gets hot, my hands get sweaty, and my heart goes crazy" Belphie replied making Levi jaw drop
"Oi, Levi" Belphie walks towards his brother poking his cheek but not moving he continues to do the same thing before huffing and walking out of the room "What the fuck is up with them" Belphie mumbles
"Oh Belphie surprise to see you awake" Satan said making Belphie flinch a bit before turning around "Oh, it's just you" Belphie huffed making Satan rolls his eyes and walking away "Wait! I have a question" Belphie grabs Satan's wrist "What is it then?" Satan turns to Belphie "Why does my heart feel funny, my face gets red, and my hands sweaty" He asked Hoping for an answer but nope Satan just walks away grinning
"Fine! I don't need your help any way!" Belpie huffed at the blonde before storming off again 'Wait.. maybe asmo can help me with this...' he thought as he makes his way to asmo bedroom
Belphie was about to knock but stops his self 'You know what? Fuck it's he thought before walking inside the room making asmo jump "Belphie!?" Asmo screech out "How many time do I have to tell you-" asmo was cut of by Belphie "My heart feels crazy, my hands are sweaty, and my face gets hot what is going on with me?" He said making asmo look at him with surprise
"Awwww, that's so cute!~~" Asmo squeal out while hugging his brother "Wait! What's wrong with me damn it!?" Belphie snaps "You're inlove~" asmo said in a teasing tone "What!?" Belphie eye's widen at that though "Fuck this I'm going to beel" Belphie said before running off to the kitchen "Wait! I need to plan your dates!"asmo said behind him making belpie blush abit
Belphie was breathing heavily as he arrived at the kitchen "Woah Belphie are you okay?" Beel ask his twin making Belphie nod "I have a question" Belphie said making beel look at his with curious eyes
"Anyways everytime I'm around MC they're driving me mad" Belphie huffed "They make my heart race, they make my face get hot and sweaty damn it!" Belphie slams his hand at the counter "Uh Belphie?" Beel looks at him nervously "What?" Belphie grumbles "Behind you" beel said making him freeze
Belphie slowly turns around seeing you with wide eye and shock "You... You like me?" You asked in a meek tone "W-well I mean like yeah? M-maybe?" Belphie was now getting nervous 'shit that one so fucking pathetic' he thought to him self "Aww~ cute and nervous like that" You giggle out as you walk towards him and hugging him making him blush
"You~ you couldn't have told me you liked me" You teased Making belpie look away "Shut up" Belphie grumbles making you giggle again with him sighing and kissing your forehead "Let's go back napping m'kay?" He asked rubbing his eyes making you nod and guiding him to the bedroom
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Thank you for ordering!~ Come again!~
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numberonecameraman · 3 months
📢 Champions
When the Pokémon World Tournament happened a while ago, I was assigned to follow the contestants to get footage of them for the media. Never in my life have I met so many stuck-up, inconsiderate, and selfish people. I could talk about most of them for hours, so I’ll try to be brief.
Red was fine. He was extremely quiet, to the point he only said five words to me in almost a week of shadowing him. “Cool hat. I like it.” He also didn’t do much. He spent most of his days in the green room staring absentmindedly at a wall or playing with his Pokémon. Fine on paper, but the higher ups hated my footage since it wouldn’t make “good TV”. Not necessarily his fault but I associate the memory with him.
Blue… Imagine the most annoying teenager you’ve ever met times 10. I’m sure Blue could be a fine person in a vacuum, but since he was an “esteemed guest” at the PWT, he could essentially do whatever he wanted. I’ve never seen anyone eat as much as he did. He also loved being on camera. Every other second he would be pulling a stupid pose or asking me to record him during a practice battle. Just a pain to be around, overall.
Lance. The first words he said to me were, “Are you a fan of the Dragon Type?” That’s all he talked about to everyone and anyone he met for five days. Every second I spent with him was agony. The best part was when he challenged me to a battle right before he left and Laguna sweeped his team with Ice Beam, including his ““invincible”” Dragonite. Needless to say, he didn’t do as much bragging after that.
Steven is Lance with an off button. He loves rocks, he’s practically obsessed with them. The day we met he showed me his entire collection, which I have to admit was pretty cool. But after that, he rarely brought it up! He mostly kept to himself after that and even tried to have normal conversations with me. He also lives like a minimalist. He brought two bags to the event, one of which was entirely filled of duplicates of his standard suit. How he can afford those, I have no idea.
Wallace acted as though everywhere he went was the Nimbasa Music Theatre. Everything had to be a performance. Whether it was ordering food, talking to people, or signing autographs, every action was done with a dramatic flair. He also never stayed still for more than a few minutes. His catchphrase was, “You there [Me]! Let’s go someplace fun!”, even if it was 40 feet down the road. In his defense, a couple of them were pretty fun like the Marine Tube.
Cynthia and I seemed to share a “Let’s get this over with” attitude so we hit it off pretty well. However, despite getting along with her, I essentially became her answering machine. She would never make a decision without my input and it got old really fast. Her “body guard” Garchomp also took some getting used to. She’s a massive softie, but I think I still have rashes from her impromptu “hugs”.
I have mixed feelings on Alder. On one hand, he shot my dream of being Pokémon League Champion into the void. On the other hand, he seemed like a good person. He cared about my feelings and offered to talk with me about the Champion thing. Though that was more of a curse than a blessing. He loves to talk. A simple conversation about the weather can last up to 30 minutes. His jokes are terrible too. I want to like him, but never will.
Iris seemed like a repeat of the Blue situation at first. She was loud, bratty, and really irritating. But, as time went on, she calmed down and was genuinely fun to be around. She was incredibly mature but wasn’t afraid to be herself. Her team was awesome to see in battle too. If it weren’t for the horrendous first impression, she’d be my favorite Champion. Maybe I have a soft spot for kids.
That’s all the Champions I’ve met. I know there are others, but I can’t speak on them. From what I’ve seen, Diantha seems like a snob, the Alola League Champion is a boxer so I don’t know what to expect, Leon’s probably really stuck up, and I assume Geeta acts like my boss, which means I hate her by proxy.
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kyberblade · 2 years
Back To You (Din x Reader) - Part 3
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A/N: I had planned on getting all the way to Mos Pelgo, but we didn’t. We’re exploring feelings, and getting some back story between these two. I hope you enjoy it!
(This takes place right where the other one left off and goes right to the first part of episode 2x1/9, The Marshal.)
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, and Din is once again a warning in and of himself in this one.
Word count: 5,017
As always, thanks to @grippingbeskar for encouraging me, looking over this for me, and being the one to introduce me to Din fanfiction in the first place, getting me hooked. You are fantastic and I always love our chats.
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You’d heard of Tatooine, but never been there.
Working in a cantina on a planet that was an intergalactic hub let you see all kinds of people, with vast experiences and knowledge to pass along. True, a lot of it seemed like tall tales spun by drunken lips, which admittedly a large portion of it was, but you still learned a thing or two between glasses of spotchka and embellishments.
If you ever had any questions, you asked Din. He had been almost everywhere, as far as you could tell, and though he always ordered a drink, he never drank it, slipping it instead across the bar to you when no one was looking.
At first you blamed the helmet, and you told him as much. To which he shrugged and responded that he just wanted to keep his wits about him, in case anyone tried anything. You’d always assumed he meant a drunken brawl, or if a patron got too handsy, but after the last few days, you were beginning to understand a little better.
Din would keep you company at the bar, holding it up with all that beskar. He rarely ever sat, but then again, neither did you, as you worked behind the counter. He never really talked about his work, but he talked about where he had been, what he had seen, and it fascinated you. He basically got paid to travel and see the galaxy, and a small part of you envied him for that.
He brought you trinkets after the first few visits, just small little things he thought you’d like, and he nailed it every time. Anyone who came to your apartment would have thought you were extremely well traveled, with this and that from the Outer Rim, and these from Naboo, oh, and that one thing from Corellia.
You smiled fondly as you thought back on all the moments, sitting in the copilot seat to Din’s left in the cockpit of the Razor Crest. Despite Tatooine’s not so great reputation, you weren’t worried at all, because you knew you were going with someone who knew what they were doing. If it had been anyone else, you had no doubt, you’d be out of your mind with anxiety.
The kid sat in the chair to your right, warbling on about something he wanted desperately, hand reaching out and you felt a surge before a small metal ball on top of one of the levers began to unscrew. You watched in silence, eyes wide, biting your lip to not start laughing.
Suddenly the ball flew into his grip with a cry of triumph, making Din jump slightly in surprise, and mutter a curse under his breath.
Turning to glare at the kid, he glanced over to you before starting to turn back, doing a double take. His visor leveled on you, you couldn’t help the smile anymore.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, voice almost annoyed, but the sigh that followed showed he was resigned to the situation.
“Nothing. I’m just thinking about how I never left Coruscant, and now in a matter of just a few days, I’ve already been to several new planets. I’m happy.”
“I don’t know that I’ve ever known someone to be happy to see Tatooine,” he muttered dryly, making you chuckle.
“I’m happy to see anywhere. I’ve lived vicariously through you for years, now I get to put my feet on the ground somewhere instead of just pretending.”
“Well, just stay close to me. So long as you do that, you should have nothing to worry about.” He began to spin back to the front, pausing and turning his head back to face you when you spoke again.
“I’m not worried. As long as you’re here, I’m not worried.”
He stared at you in silence for a long moment. Nothing changed in his posture, not the tilt of a helmet, the twitch of a finger, nothing. And you found yourself wishing for the first time you could just see his face. Was he smiling? Staring? Did you have something on your face?
Finally the moment passed, and he turned back to fully face the front, reaching out to flick a switch as you saw the planet looming through the viewport.
You dropped the last few feet of the ladder, landing firmly in the hull. Turning, you almost ran into Din, causing you to stumble back a little bit. He reached out a hand to stabilize you, and you looked at it briefly as it sat on your shoulder. You were so used to him being across a barrier from you that all of this contact stirred up something new in you. It was a feeling you couldn’t quite place, but you knew you wanted more of it.
Glancing down as you cleared your throat, you saw the kid in his satchel, babbling away excitedly. “Well, someone looks happy to see Tatooine,” you said, poking fun at what Din had said earlier.
He let out a soft snort of laughter. “He’s just happy to see a friend.”
The ramp began to lower, and you turned to brace against the wall of heat that rushed in to fill the space.
“I could have done without that,” you muttered, pushing your sleeves up to your elbows.
Din leaned in close to your ear, a snarky voice popping through the modulator. “Welcome to Mos Eisley.”
Following a few paces behind him, you turned from glaring at the back of his helmet to taking in the hanger, seeing a lot of beige, brightness, and parts everywhere. A shorter woman with curls that stuck out in a way that almost made her look crazy but also somehow made her endearing was calling out to some small little pit droids to leave the ship alone.
“You know he doesn’t like droids.”
You raised your eyebrow at him. This was new info.
“May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once over.”
You let out a snort of laughter, hanging your head to examine the ramp when he turned his visor slowly to glare at you, tilted just to the side. You scuffed your shoe just to have something to do.
The tiny woman saved you, drawing his attention back with, “I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos E- Oh! Thank the Force!” She let out a cry of glee when Din turned to let her see the satchel, the kid giggling at the sight of his friend as she reached for him. Din helped her get him out of the bag, stepping back to your side where you stood at the base of the ramp looking on with a smile. “Come here, you little womp rat!”
Looking back up at the Mandalorian with a grin you decided you could trust, she turned her gaze onto you, her eyes sparkling playfully, and you were reminded of the child in her arms. No wonder they got along so well. “And who might this be?”
“This is my…. Friend, from Coruscant,” Din said, introducing you.
The woman offered her hand, which you took and shook firmly, returning her smile. “Your friend, eh?”
You chuckled. “Yes, he actually does have one.”
Din cleared his throat, gesturing to you as he went on. “There was an…. Incident, and we had to get her off planet for now.”
You looked up to the side of his helmet, noticing how he wouldn’t look at you, and smirked. Incident. He must really like that word.
“Well, any friend of Mando’s is a friend of mine. Name’s Peli. Ever need anything, just ask.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I’ve been tasked with returning him to his kind-”
“I meant her, she could ask. You, we need conditions for.”
Din groaned and spoke on a sigh. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You walked around the hanger while they continued to discuss business, looking at maps and going over details. Hands held behind your back you ambled aimlessly, looking at the various tables and other surfaces covered in various parts for all sorts of things, from household stuff to large ship parts.
You didn’t really know what most of it did, but you knew a thing or two from a mechanic who came into the bar once a week and after a drink or several began to grumble about his customers, complaining about their lack of knowledge. You’d roll your eyes as you turned away to refill his cup, but some of what he said had sunk in, locked away for when necessary.
A hand on your forearm startled you, making you spin around and step back slightly from the source.
“Sorry,” Din said quietly. “We’re going to have to leave the ship here and go by speeder to Mos Pelgo. I assume you don’t know how to drive one?”
You tilted your head back, looking down your nose at him. “That’s presumptuous of you. I grew up on Coruscant. You have to have transport most anywhere.”
“So no?” Din asked after a moment.
“No,” you mumbled, looking over to the droids working on his ship.
“Then I’ll teach you.”
“What?” Your eyes snapped up to his visor, lips a tight line.
He shrugged. “It’s easy. There’s plenty of room, just sit in front of me, I’ll do the shifting and driving for a while, then when we’re out in the desert, away from people and things you can hit, you can try it.”
“Oh, how kind of you to offer,” you said sarcastically, earning a chuckle. “You know, if this goes poorly, and we’re way out there, there’s no one to hear you scream.”
“Is that a threat?” He said playfully, visor tilting to the side as his hands went to rest on his belt.
“You’ll find out,” you drawled, walking towards the speeder.
Climbing onto the bike, you instantly were smooshed forward when he climbed in behind you. You slowly looked over your shoulder at him, eyes narrowed. “Plenty of room, huh?”
“Yeah, for me.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to face forward, trying to ignore the buzzing sensation from his laugh at your back, the sound leaving his chest and bouncing around what felt like your bones. You blamed it on the beskar, some weird resonance, frequency, or something. But you couldn’t fight the smile it brought to your face, or the shiver that ran down your spine when he leaned forward beside your ear and said just above a whisper, “Hold on.”
He drove the first third of the way, and while you really tried, you didn’t pay much attention.
Peli had tossed a pair of goggles to you right before Din sped off, and you had scrambled to get them on before he hit the accelerator. You’d felt him tense up behind you as he adjusted a few controls, and as soon as the goggles were situated, he relaxed and almost molded around you before the world started flying by in streaks of color. It was almost like hyperspace, but brighter, warmer, and little flecks of sand pelted your skin occasionally. Sounds whizzed by you before you could focus on them, mixing into a ruckus underscore to the roaring of the speeder engine.
The further away from town you got, the cleaner the air smelled, and you found yourself taking deep, long breaths, relishing in the feeling you could never achieve back home. Every deep breath pressed your back more firmly into his chest, and you expected some remark from him, but you received none. If anything, he shifted backwards a little bit before pulling you back to rest against his chest again, giving you just an inch or so more breathing room.
After the first stint, he had you put your hands in the proper places on the handles, just to get the feel, and gently placed his over yours to help press the proper buttons and turn the proper gears. You tried to absorb it, you really did, but between the fresh air, the never ending fields of just sand and space instead of congestion and traffic, not to mention his hands over yours stirring up a new sensation you couldn’t put a name to, your mind wasn’t wanting to focus. Well, it was, but not on learning how to drive a speeder.
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the kid in his satchel on the back, his head poking out, ears flapping in the wind and a broad smile on his face.
Glancing to Din, you almost had to look away, the suns glinting off his armor making you squint.
Reaching up one hand, he put a finger on the side of your chin and pushed gently, turning you back to face forward. “Rule number one, always watch where you are going.”
Your eyes darted down to watch his hand come back to cover yours on the handle once again. I’m watching.
The suns were setting as you pulled the speeder into a sweeping stop, the child squealing with delight along the long curve, giggling once the movement came to a jerking halt.
You ginned, looking back at Din to see his shoulders rise and fall as he let out a heavy sigh. “It’s a start,” he said finally. He looked back at the kid who had started babbling about something, and you took the moment to just look at him. The twin suns cast brilliant colors on his beskar, his armor reflecting them back with as much luster as it could offer. Light purples, pinks, oranges, and even a little red fading into the deep blue night sky above, sparkling with stars as they began to appear. He was a mirror of his surroundings, and it was no wonder to you that he was so good at what he did, sneaking into places unseen like a shadow.
“You’re alive, aren’t you?” You teased, watching as he turned back to face you again.
“That’s true,” he said thoughtfully, making you snicker.
“The kid is hungry,” he went on to say, his hands leaving yours where they had lingered on the handle bars, before they landed on your hips briefly, and he swung one leg over, jumping off the speeder fully.
You instantly missed his warmth, his calming presence at your back, and leaned forward slightly, away from the cool night air licking at your now exposed back.
“We can make camp here. I’ll get a fire started, then we can eat. After that….” he let out a heavy breath as he hefted a large bag of supplies off the speeder, setting it on the ground before he turned back to face you. “After that, I’m teaching you how to shoot.”
“Now, just aim…. Like this….” Din spoke calmly, demonstrating slowly before pulling the trigger, a bolt of light leaving the blaster and sending the empty ration pack from dinner flying off the large rock. You weren’t sure of the distance, but you were sure it didn’t matter to him, he’d hit it regardless. “There. Now you try.”
“I don’t know about this,” you mumbled, shaking your head, looking down to your feet as you walked to where Din was. Bringing your gaze up, you narrowed your eyebrows, looking over at the kid where he stood atop another large rock just to your side. Darting your eyes to the target then back to him, you raised your eyebrows in question, and he tilted his head to express his own. Subtly nodding your head that way for emphasis, the kid looked down range at the targets, then back to you, eyes squinting playfully. You smirked.
Taking aim, you took in a deep breath, letting it out as you quietly said, “Just aim…. And….” Pulling the trigger, you missed the pack splendidly, sand shooting up way past the target where the bolt landed, and Din sighed, stopping short when the pack suddenly flew up and over out of nowhere.
Cocking his head to the side as he stared down range, you turned wide eyes to the kid, slowly shaking your head no to his squeaked ‘eh?’.
“You used the kid?” His voice was incredulous, even through the modulator, his head turning your way in disbelief.
You shrugged. “He helped me out at the fight yesterday, helped me listen in for a little bit. We’re basically partners now….”
“Partners in crime,” Din said sarcastically, hands going to his hips. “Do it again,” he gestured you forward, leaning around you to look pointedly at the kid. “Alone this time.”
“What good is a wizard baby if you can’t….” You could feel the tilt he leveled on you. “Fine, fine. I’m only joking, anyway.” You held up the blaster to aim before muttering, “Kind of.” Closing one eye, you aimed, and pulled, watching the bolt whiz right by a packet, close enough it wiggled. “Ah-ha!” You cried in triumph, turning to look at Din. “I did that while you were looking at me like that.” You nodded toward his still tilted helmet. “I think that’s practically the same as a bullseye.”
“Think again,” he muttered. “Try it one more time, then we’ll take a break.”
Determined, you took aim again, firing, only to miss spectacularly, and hit a rock several feet away from the target.
“We’ll figure it out,” he said, hand rubbing the forehead of his helmet in exasperation, “but let’s stop and think for a minute.” Walking over to the kid, his armor jingling with each step, he scooped him up in his arms, setting him down once he was closer to the fire, before he sat down himself.
Lowering yourself next to him, a few inches between you, you crossed your legs, leaning back on your palms as you stared at the fire.
“How did you train your abilities if the temple burned down?”
You turned your head to look at him, his question catching you off guard. He stayed staring straight ahead at the fire, one leg bent, his elbow resting on it comfortably. The flames reflected in his armor as they danced lazily.
Looking back to the fire, you took a deep breath before answering. “It’s like a muscle. You have to use it to grow, to get stronger. Once I knew what it was, we had to keep quiet because the Empire wanted all Force sensitive people, I’m not sure for what, but I didn’t want to find out.” You saw Din turn his visor your way in your peripherals. “It started with just reading everything I could get my hands on. The temple used to be there and Coruscant has a black market like you wouldn’t believe, so that wasn’t too hard. It’s mindfulness, really.”
You brought your knee up to rest your arm on, mirroring his position as you continued to stare at the fire. “Then, since I was on my own with it, just…. Using it. Small things. Amusing things. Helpful things.”
“Like what?” He seemed genuinely interested, not just moving the conversation along.
“Amusing like…. Tripping the kid who bullied me in school. Helpful like…. Lifting all the chopped vegetables into the pot while I’m doing something else at the same time. Stuff like that. Little things.”
Putting the palm of your hand not resting on your leg flat on the sand, you looked down at it, focusing. You felt the vibrations under the sand of creatures moving deep below the surface. The push and pull of gravity humming along your fingers. The slow rotation of the planet buzzing all around. And with a small smile, you channeled that all into one thing, making grains of sand slowly rise all around the three of you. They sparkled like stars in the firelight, the glow catching them just so.
The kid cooed, and Din took a sharp breath in, his arm jerking back from his knee, his leg slowly lowering to the ground as his head tilted back to look around at the particles.
Sending a swirl the kid’s way, you sent the sand around him circling, spiraling like a galaxy, making him giggle and squint his eyes as he pulled his arms tight like it tickled. Pulling the grains away from him, they assembled together into a mirror image of his face, hovering in front of him. He reached out to touch them with a squeal, and as soon as one claw poked the collection, they shot apart again, moving in a line to swirl around Din’s helmet in a spiral before you let them all fall back to the ground silently.
His helmet turned to face you, and you wanted to think you could read disbelief in his body language. It was almost just shock. But you just smiled while he processed and said, “Stuff like that.”
When silence hung between you for too long, you decided to ask something you had wondered for a while.
“Din, can I ask you a question? It’s going to seem so random, but I have wondered for a long time, and-”
“What is it?” His voice was quiet, kind.
“Why did you even first come into the cantina?”
“What do you mean?” He hesitated a little bit before asking.
“I mean, you never drink anything you buy. At first I blamed your helmet, then you said you wanted to ‘keep your wits about you’, but regardless, why did you even come into a cantina in the first place?”
You stared at the fire with wide eyes, lips drawn in a tight line. You hadn’t meant to ramble, it just came out. You were about to change the subject, tell him to forget it, when he answered plainly.
“I had a meeting.”
“Oh.” You don’t know what you were expecting. It was a perfectly valid answer. Maybe it was just the simplicity of it that caught you off guard, how something so simple had set off a chance meeting of a Mandalorian you’d come to call your friend.
“A contact who knew about a bounty wanted to meet there. They ended up never showing up.” He grunted a bit in frustration. “I ordered the drink for them to try and get on their good side. When it wasn’t going to get drunk, I slid it over to you. I didn’t want to waste it. I was about to leave, but then you said something….” He tilted his head to the side just slightly, as if searching the campsite before him for the answer. “I can’t even remember now, it was so long ago, I just remember you smiled at me, and it was the first time in a while anyone had done anything like that towards me. And I liked it.” He turned his head to look at you, and you could feel the weight of his gaze even through the visor. Once again you hoped you were meeting his eyes with your own, but after a few seconds they dropped back to the fire, unable to hold his stare.
It was the most words you think he had ever said at one time.
“So I stayed.” He turned back to look at the fire like you were, adjusting in his seat so subtly, you almost didn’t notice when he stilled again and was several inches closer to you, leaving only a sliver of space between you. “And I came back.”
“And you came back,” you whispered, feeling a smile tug up your lips. You leaned over and bumped your shoulder into his gently, righting yourself, but staying up against him instead of returning the small space left.
“And the drink, that was just…. Yeah, that was the helmet.” You both laughed softly. “So I would just give it back to you.”
“I figured as much,” you smirked. “Well, I hope one day we’re able to share a drink together. I refuse to let a helmet stand in the way of you getting to enjoy life. So we need to figure something out.” You placed a hand on his forearm, giving it a pat before returning it to your lap.
“We’ll see, cyar'ika,” he said with a chuckle, gently shaking his head. Standing up, he held out his hand for you. “Come on. I want to try something.”
Taking his hand, you stood up, following close behind him.
“I want you to focus like when you did the thing with the sand when you shoot.”
“I don’t know, it takes a lot of concentration, and I haven’t been keeping up with it lately. It can be very draining, as I’m sure you’ve seen with the kid.”
“Just try. For me?” His voice was quiet, and you knew why. He wanted you to be safe. This was his way of helping that process along. “Here, I’ve got you. If it’s too much, I’m right here.” He walked the few steps to stand behind you, chest against your back like before on the speeder. “I’ll catch you.”
Swallowing roughly, you nodded, lifting your arms to aim, stilling when his hands came to rest on your shoulders. “Relax,” he spoke softly by your ear. “You’re too tense, it’ll skew the shot.” His gloved hands slowly slid down your arms, coming to rest around your hands, mirroring your stance exactly. “Breathe.”
“Okay, you try learning to shoot, use the Force, and have your personal space invaded all at the same time and you breathe,” you snarked quietly.
His hands pulled away from you slightly. “Okay. Sorry. I’ll step back.”
“No, no,” you immediately stopped him, stammering, “that’s not what I said.” You licked your lips, adjusting your feet a bit into a stronger stance. “I’m just…. I’m trying.”
His hands came back and you not only heard his low chuckle, but felt it buzzing out of his chest and into you.
The warmth of his embrace helped you focus. He wrapped around you like a blanket, shielding you from everything else. His hands held onto yours just tightly enough to know he was there, and just lightly enough to be maddeningly not enough. You felt the Force flowing through the sand, up through him, and into you. Glancing to the side you saw the child once again up on his rock, watching, his eyes sparkling with mischief, making your lips tilt up in a smirk. Looking back at the targets you relaxed your shoulders down, letting out the tension on a sigh.
The coolness of his beskar was a stark contrast to the rest of him, the rigidity pressing into your spine as everything else molded to you like it was made to.
“Keep both eyes open, and when you’re ready, just pull the trigger.”
His voice was low and steady at your back, calming even. Each word created a vibration that betrayed the processed sound of the modulator, and seemed to bounce around inside you like an echo. It made you feel grounded, safe…. It was the same feeling you got whenever he walked back into your cantina. Or when you’d sit with a cup of tea and stare at the painting he gave you. It felt a lot like coming home.
Aiming at the farthest empty ration pack, you took a deep breath in, let it out, stared down the packet and-
It flew into the air, spinning end over end before landing on the sand with a plop.
You smiled the biggest smile you think you’ve ever had on your face, Din let out a laugh in triumph, and the kid squeaked happily from atop his rock as he looked on.
You turned your head to look at him over your shoulder, voice quiet, but excited. “I did it.”
“I knew you could.” His tone was proud and sounded like he was smiling, too.
You stared at him for a minute, grin turning mischievous. “One more time?”
He laughed softly, gently shaking his head at you playfully as he held you close once again, his visor turned not down the range at the target, but looking at you.
Hitting another packet straight on, you looked up at him again and smiled, finding him already looking down at you. His thumbs began to trace your knuckles, almost absentmindedly, and you wanted to lean into the feeling.
But suddenly everything started to spin, and you just couldn’t keep your eyes open. You felt the world dropping out from underneath you before it was stopped by two strong arms, Din’s hands leaving yours and bringing one arm behind your shoulders, the other catching you under your knees. Walking carefully back, you felt the slight sway of his steps as he went back by the fire, the warmth spreading over your skin the closer you got. Your head rested on his shoulder, and you felt yourself burrowing closer into his neck, the soft material of his shirt much more comfortable than the pauldron under your cheek.
Opening your eyes as much as you could, you saw the front of his throat and the fire in front of you both as he settled down against one of the rocks, leaning back against it with a muffled groan as he got comfortable. “Thank you,” you muttered, adjusting in his hold so that your nose was pressed into his neck.
“Sleep, mesh’la,” he said in a deep, quiet voice.
A blanket was being placed on you where you curled into his lap, and soon you felt the kid inching his way up your leg using the material as leverage. A contented sigh left the little one as he curled into a ball on your lap, and you felt sleep coming faster and faster. Din sighed before relaxing back against the rock, his grip adjusting on you and holding you close. He turned his visor to face you, and the cold feel of beskar against your forehead helped you take the last few steps to rest, the last thing you register was his quiet voice once again as he leaned his head back against the rock. “Sleep.”
Tags: @ren-ni​, @hoodedbirdie,​ @rennalouise,​ @kurlyfrasier,​ @what-the-heckin-heck,​ @deceiverofgodss, @littleshadow17, @nghtwngs,​ @djarinmuse, @queenmalhinewahine,​ @lam-ila,​ @jesseeka,​ @come-hell-or-eldren-fire​​ What’s this?
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hoshi-y · 2 years
HIII!! I always wanted to make this request but I didn’t know if they watched or read the manga so hear me out…how about Mitsuba, Kou, Hanako, and Akane (Hopefully that’s not too much-) with a s/o that is like Princess Syalis? ^^ (I can honestly see the apparitions being scared of them and the Mokkes help them steal stuff idk why I can strangely see it)
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Follow My Orders
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Aoi Akane, Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, Hanako-kun
TW : None
A/N : Aww this is so cute, I even imagine the mokkes help us escape cleaning too
I hope you enjoy 💗
I'm gonna use their old banners for awhile, I am unmotivated to make them rn
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You're a handful..
He didn't have any problems with you when you joined the school
You were very quiet and kept to yourself
And... you were mostly asleep...
Not like he wanted to talk to you
Nah, He thinks your sleeping face and cute snoring captured his heart
it clenched him
So he would sometimes wait for you to wake up
which you don't...
You were only awake when he was doing something or he had stacks of work to do
and it frustrated him
But he liked you so
He followed this pattern of yours and quickly finished all his work so he could talk to you
And for the first time, he actually caught you awake
He cleared his throat to get your attention as you were sewing little clothes for the Mokke which he found absolutely adorable
You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked up at him, Akane froze at how pretty your eyes were, given that you would sleep most of the time he rarely saw how your eyes looked like
Its like he took a screenshot in real life, the image of your face burned into his brain
Neither of you said anything first, you just kind of stared at him as he stared back at you, when you were about to go back to what you were working on he spoke up
"Ah my apologies, what are you still doing here, It's after-school already" Akane didn't want her to go, but it was per school regulation, all students who don't have a club were to go home immediately.
"Can't I stay a little longer?" Your pouting face and sleepy voice shot an arrow right thru Akane's heart as he fell on his knees and bowed his head
"STAY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT MY GODDESS!" You smiled as you pat his head which made him explode and run off somewhere probably to grab something to proclaim his love already
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O-oi! You're supposed to be my prisoner!!
You just wanted some good sleep
like everywhere you go, someone or something just has to ruin it
and right now it was happening something ruined it
or someone?... they look alien..
You went from asking Yashiro and Kou where to sleep
But ended up being sucked inside the mirror
the last thing you heard and saw was a very panicked Yashiro and Kou
And a very scared Hanako
And now you're here, in a.. what did they call it a boundary?
"Hey! Were you even listening to a word I said?" Ah they were speaking? Actually.. you couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl with very boyish clothes.. Though their hair was pink so maybe—
"So you weren't listening, Good these hands dragged in a sleepyhead you even slept on the wya here!" The pink haired... person said in frustration, you cleared your throat to get their attention which it did "I have a question.. Are you a girl or a boy?"
He calmed down and introduced himself
He said his name was Mitsuba, and he was lost here
well thats all you heard cause you were really really sleepy at the moment
One thing led to another, Hanakos doppelganger showed up
And he put you to sleep
and you were very happy
While you were napping, you heard commotion around you and the ground shaking, It annoyed you so you opened your eyes to see Mitsuba infront of you blocking rocks from falling on you
"Ow ow... Are you alright?.." He asked
"Why did you wake me up..."
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Stealing isn't good..
Kou has always been really helpful and fun to be with!
So you decided to use up ypur saved up energy to make him something, like cookies
Chocolate chip cookoes with a marshmallow on top mhm
But the only problem was
you didn't have ingredients
but you heard the other section was gonna use the home economics room to make goods so you can just 'borrow' right?
But you couldn't do it all by yourself so you bargained with the mokkes with a bag of candy to get the things you needed
Halfway of getting the ingredients Kou caught you with your schemes
You hung your head low and also the mokke, Kou was walking around the halfway when a group of mokkes you sent out to find flour bumped into him making the mokkes freak out cause what they were carrying was a surprise for him, what happened? well the flour flew and landed on his head
and teared open
Kou sighed as he threw the wipes into the trash bin "Stealing isn't okay [F/N], and asking the Mokkes to steal for you aswell isn't great" He slightly lectured you
"I'm sorry.. You were just really fun to be with that's why I borrowed all these stuff to make you cookies.."
Kou sighed as he smiled, he can't stay mad at you "If ya wanted to make cookies you should've called me, you suck at baking"
That comment hit you straight in the chest as you pouted "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.."
Well, If you did successfully gather all the ingredients, the Home Economics room would be in ruins, so glad you didn't
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D-don't word it out like that..
A scene of a very flushed hanako hiding his face with his hat, and you standing clueless and confused
What happened here exactly?
Well, your back was aching that's what was happening
No one here had very strong looking hands
except for a certain toilet boy
He had long, slender, and strong looking hands
perfect to help with your aching back
But you couldn't ask him yo massage you it was embarrassing!
Like him massaging you wasn't embarrassing enough...
You peaked inside the bathroom to spot your victim playing cards on the windowsill, Hanako felt your presence and turned his head to see you
"My~ What brings you here so early hm? Couldn't wait to see me?~" Hanako flpated over to you as you eyed his hands, He followed your gaze and looked at his hands "Why whats wrong? Do you want to hold them? Oh my [F/N] you are very bol—"
"I need you to touch me."
He choked back as he swatted his hands with a big blush on his face "W-W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?" Hanako trembled, if he tried to touch you he'd get a beating from his assistant
He's here thinking that what you meant was a rather.. Sexual request, and your out here looking for something to massage you.
You took a step forward, He took a step back.
Forward, back forward back forward, until Hanako hit his bacm on the wall and you stood infront of him "Just touch me here—"
"I-I MAY BE A P-P-PERVERT BUT THAT'S A NO" He formed his arms into an 'x' as you stood their your face slowly turning into a sad one, He freaked out as he thought about it and agreed
"F-fine.. um... w-where do you want me to t-touch.. you..." His voice getting quieter and quieter
You pointed at the book you were holding as he deadpanned "Here, it aches in this area." Hanako covered his face trying to get the dirty thoughts out of his head, god you were just asking for a massage
Hanako sat you down and started massaging your back still blushing "If you wanted a massage you could've said so... I got the wrong Idea.." He mumbled the last part
You leaned onto his chest as he looked down you fell asleep, He sighed as he patted your head "What am I gonna do with you, [F/N]?" Hanako smiles at your sleeping face turn into a smile
Not only were you sleeping peacefully as your aching back was fixed, you found yourself a new pillow.
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