#and reused them in several rooms
blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
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Resident Evil Code Veronica X – Paintings Part 5
Note: All the paintings in Code Veronica are unique. The only ones you can find twice are the paintings in Alfred and Alexia’s rooms, respectively, on Rockfort Island and in the Antarctica base. Though, these rooms are supposed to be copies of each other.
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minty364 · 1 month
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 4
The living room and kitchen were deserted, neither Danny nor Jazz expected anyone as it was normal for their parents to essentially live in the basement only coming up for meals once or twice a month to ‘eat as a family’, these would consist mostly of fast food as no one trusted anything cooked in their kitchen.
They shared a glance as they opened the basement door and headed down. The dimly lit basement held the giant hole in the wall, the so-called portal, a massive metal spectacle with wires and interconnected circuitry met together to create an unholy abomination of science. Or at least that’s what Jazz called it once when they were in her room venting about the situation. 
“JAZZ!! DANNY!!” their overzealous father yelled as he bounded over.
Their mom walked over too, seeming to be happy for their return, “your father and I could barely contain our excitement all day!! Go on put on your hazmat suits.” their mom gestured over to the lockers that held the suits. Both of their parents' lockers tended to be quite empty since they practically lived in them, to the point where they had several copies of the same suits that they’d wash and reuse. Danny and Jazz only had the ones, Jazz had a nice dark violet color with black gloves and boots. Danny had black gloves and boots too but his was white to make it look like he was an astronaut, something that he had mixed feelings on. Both of these used to have a giant picture of Jack’s head on it but it was quickly removed by both siblings. 
They quickly put the suits on over their uniforms and joined their parents behind some glass near the portal. It wasn’t closed off or anything and Danny didn’t think it would be able to prevent something like an explosion from charing all of them but it’s hard to have faith in parents who've missed so much because of the stupid portal, or at least that’s how Danny felt. 
Jazz and Danny huddled together behind their parents as their mom did some final checks on a clipboard, “alrighty we should be all good, Hun you ready to throw the switch?” their mom asked their dad. “As ready as I’ll ever be!” Jack yelled as he threw down the switch.
A few sparks erupted from the portal but other than that nothing happened. 
Their dad, frustrated at this angrily tried turning it off and on again but nothing but another smaller spark and then truly nothing. 
Another low frustrated growl left their dad as he and mom walked back up the steps, “alright I’m taking a break.” Jack said, almost defeated, sounding, “I’m sorry but I really thought we had it this time.”
“Oh come on, Jack, let’s go out, I’m sure the kids were probably going over to the Wayne’s again anyways. Let’s go out and have a fun night then sleep on it.” their mom said, patting dad on the shoulder. They shared a fond look and then went upstairs probably to get ready. 
Danny and Jazz stood at the bottom of the stairs and shared a look.
“They gave up too fast again…” Jazz noted.
“I guess, what do we do now?” Danny asked.
“I’m still a little curious about the portal but I don’t want to keep Damian, Tim or Alfred waiting,” Jazz said with a hand on her cheek.
“We could invite them in, I know we haven’t before but maybe Tim would know how to get it working, he is pretty good with technology.” Danny reasoned. Neither of them really wanted to involve the Wayne’s in their family’s shenanigans but at this point they were all friends and Damian and Tim were bound to find out how weird their family was at some point anyways.
Jazz stood there seeming to think things over before she nodded, “alright I trust your judgment but we’ll have to be careful okay?” 
Danny smiled at her, “of course, what’s the worst that could happen?” 
This is what led to the four of them standing at the bottom of the stairs. Their parents had left about an hour ago. Danny and Jazz were still in their suits with Tim without one and made to sit with Jazz behind the glass and Damian and Danny planning to explore the actual tube.
“I don’t want to chance you getting hurt,” he said to her as he made her stand next to Tim.
Damian and Danny shared a look and nodded before heading into the tube. 
They looked around for a while but didn’t see much besides the interconnected wires on the floor of the lab. Damian took the right side while Danny took the left. They worked their way up and down the tube. Damian was a little ahead of Danny on their way out. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.
When they were almost out Danny lost his footing, his hand flying out in front of him. A soft click was heard and time seemed to crawl to a stand still.
Danny couldn’t stand the thought of his friend getting hurt because of him and he felt a rush of adrenaline. He ran as he felt a swirl of energy and electricity surround his body. 
“DANNY!! DAMIAN!!” he heard both Tim and Jazz shout as he reached Damian who was at the mouth of the portal.
A quick shove was all it took to get Damian, who had turned towards him at the sound of the shout, out of the portal. 
“DANIEL!!” he heard Damian shout as the portal activated on top of him, surrounding his body with swirling green.
Blinding pain shot through Danny, feeling as if he was being torn apart and put back together again and again.
He figured he was dying but at least he could protect those he cared about. He was able to shove Damian out of the portal in time, and Tim and Jazz were safely behind the blast glass.
He wouldn’t ever be able to fly among the stars as an astronaut but he was able to protect. His family and friends were safe and that’s all that mattered. 
He could allow himself to succumb to the darkness as the electricity and pain consumed him whole.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 7 months
The Prince and the Pauper
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.6k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You've been invited to Asgard's annual ball that's for everyone regardless of social and financial class. An anonymous admirer gives you a dress to go in, and you can't believe who sent it.
Squares Filled: loki in a black suit (2021) for @lokibingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Your tiny little flower shop doesn’t take up much room on the strip where there are much higher stores, but you welcome anyone who comes into your shop. You grow and sell the best flowers for Asgardians looking to liven up their homes. Every day there is a new selection for people to choose from. Whatever you don’t sell either gets reused for the next day (depending on the state they’re in) or they get bundled up and left on people’s doorsteps as a sort of nice surprise.
You’re putting flowers into the display next to the counter when the little bell above the door rings. You turn to greet the customer but freeze when you see one of the Princes there instead.
Loki has always been your favorite Asgardian Prince for several reasons: He’s quiet, doesn’t like the spotlight as Thor does, keeps to himself, and is very elusive. Ever since you could remember, all you ever wanted was to know the man known only as Loki. He rarely comes out of the tower since he loves to stay held up in his library, so it’s a treat to see him inside your shop.
“Prince Loki, to what do I owe this visit?”
Loki looks at you and stops in his tracks. He has an unreadable expression on his face that you quite can’t place. Time seems to slow down the longer he stares at you until he breaks eye contact to look around your shop.
“I’m looking to buy some flowers.”
“Well, you came to the right place. Any specific kind?”
“What do you have?”
“Stay right there.”
You walk around the store and gather flowers from different bouquets to form one bright and beautiful one. You tie the stems with a wooden-like string and encase it in a plastic covering. Loki meets you at the counter and takes out his wallet to pay but you shake your head at him.
“It’s on the house.”
“I insist.”
He takes out more than what’s needed to cover the charge and grabs the bouquet from you. He gives you a half-smile and leaves your shop. It’s a short interaction that leaves you wanting more. A lot of people come into your shop but never a Prince. Asgard hasn’t seen Thor in a while so Loki is the only one in the spotlight right now. The fact that he stopped at your shop must mean something, right?
The next time you see him is a couple of days later. You’ve just opened for the day and you’re bringing out the displays you keep outside your shop to make it look more inviting. There is a basket of flowers at your feet that you’re putting into the displays when you take a second to admire the crowd forming in the market.
You grab another handful of flowers to put into the display when you hear commotion come from one end of the Market. Loki is walking with two women plastered to his side as he browses the different shops, and you make eye contact with him again. This time, he walks right past you without a second glance. You brush it off as him not being rude to his lady friends and finish the displays. You walk back inside the shop and start watering the flowers that are still planted.
Five minutes into the task, the door opens and Loki walks in without his company.
“Prince Loki, I didn’t expect you to come in today.”
“Yes, I’m looking for some roses.”
“You’ve come to the right place. I just got some new ones in.” You direct him over to the rose section and help him pick the best ones. You take him to the counter to ring him up. “I bet the ladies would love them.”
Loki pays generously again and grabs the bouquet.
“Not this one.” He takes a single rose out of the bunch and hands it over to you. “This one is for you.”
He’s out of the store before you can properly thank him. This man is so mysterious and charming that it makes your head spin.
The third time you see him is when you’re scheduled to bring flowers to the castle. They’ve ordered a bunch of them for an annual ball they’re having. They bought so much that they nearly cleaned you out. Still, you accepted their massive tip and walked the two carts of flowers to the castle. You have three more trips to make but you don’t mind the exercise.
The guards at the front gate allow you inside when you show them the receipt that the Queen had purchased from your shop. They escort you to the front doors where  Queen Frigga is waiting for you.
“There you are. Welcome in.”
“Thank you, your majesty.”
“Please, call me Frigga.” She escorts you to the grand ballroom where they are setting up. “Just leave them over by the table and I’ll have someone come grab them.”
You walk over to the table and begin unloading the many flowers in your carts.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” You look to the right to see Loki in his glorious green and golden suit. “Let me help.”
“Thank you.” You and Loki place the flowers on the table in comfortable silence. “The castle is amazing. I’ve never been inside before.”
“It’s nothing special,” he shrugs. “I like your shop better. Are you going to the ball?”
“Who else is going to watch over the shop?”
“Everyone will be there.”
“Even if I wanted to go, I have nothing to wear.” You finish unloading both carts and give Loki a nice smile. “I’ll be back. I have three more trips to make.”
The fourth time you see him is the day of the ball. You still don’t have anything to wear but you’re not going to go anyway. You’re working like normal filling orders to be shipped out when someone walks into your shop with a box and a letter in his hand. He’s a guard from the castle that’s going around and inviting everyone per the Queen’s request.
“That’s me.”
“This is for you. Have a good day.”
He bows and leaves your shop. You take a break from filling orders to address the gift you’ve got. The first thing you open is the letter which is a formal invitation to the ball the royal family is hosting. They are inviting everyone regardless of class so that everyone has a chance to participate. If you’re invited you’re obligated to go, but what will you wear? You set the invitation down and open the box to see a gorgeous dress inside. With the very expensive-looking dress is jewelry that compliments it. There is a single card inside with your name on it so you know it’s for you.
Who the hell sent this to you? How can you refuse to go to the ball now? You have to give this dress the night it deserves. You close up the shop early to get ready for the ball. There are already so many people inside the grand ballroom, and Loki looks on with a bored expression on his face. He’s slouched in his seat where the thrones are and Frigga looks over with a disapproving look.
“Sit up straight, Loki,” she says. “This is more than just a ball, you know.”
“I don’t need a wife, Mother. I can handle things on my own.”
“Thor is out doing business in the Nine Realms which means you’re taking the responsibility of keeping the peace here. You need a wife.”
Loki rolls his eyes but does as his mother says. He watches as people from all over Asgard filter in wearing what they can afford. He is this close to leaving when he notices you walk in. He straightens up, smooths down his black suit, and brushes his hair back to make himself more presentable. The royal purple dress puffs out a bit but goes down to your feet. The silver jewelry you were given stands out against the dark purple color.
You feel so out of place being here wearing something you could never afford. Whoever sent it to you is in here somewhere. Why give you a dress and not show up to see how you look in it?
“Care to dance?”
You turn to see a man you’ve noticed a few times in the market. He owns a honeybee stand where he sells homemade honey.
“Sure,” you smile and offer your hand.
He brings you to the dancefloor where there are other couples already slow dancing.
“You look beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself,” you half-joke.
He twirls you so that you’re facing the throne, and you lock eyes with Loki once again. This time, he looks pissed. You’re not sure why since you don’t really know him. The man you’re dancing with slides his hands a little low on your back and pulls you close. Your view of Loki disappears but when you turn, you don’t see him sitting there anymore.
The man twirls you outward and right into the arms of another man. You crash into Loki who catches you so you don’t fall. You’re so close to him, his face is only but a whisper away. He holds you close and sways along to the music with you, ignoring the stares he’s getting from others. He is the Prince, after all.
“I see you got the dress I sent you,” he smirks.
“That was you?” you gasp. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“So are you.”
It doesn’t matter if you’re a flower shop owner and he’s the royal Prince. All that matters is you two dancing all night long.
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Flowers you gave to Gods have withered away? no problemo, reuse them!
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Hello guys! I believe I made a post before in which I talked about my habit of picking up flowers for Lady Aphrodite, Lord Hermes, and Lady Athena whenever I come back home. However, since they do not have dirt in which to expand their roots and absorb water, they wither away very soon. Generally, I would advise you to not leave expired food or dried-up flowers on your deity's altar. But there comes the question
,, Jelly, what do I do with them afterward?"
Well, fear not, because I've got just the solution as your fellow devotee and flower enjoyer!
1. Make homemade Potpourri!
A potpourri is basically a jar full of flowers, fruits, spices, etc. Which you leave in your room for its scent. Once your flowers get all dry, you can make one of these and place them in your room as to fill it with scents that remind you of your deities! and it is also a way more natural alternative to room freshener. I personally follow this recipe:
– Spread your flower heads and petals on a baking sheet. – Dry your flowers in an oven at 93° Celsius (200° Fahrenheit), which may take up to two hours. – Place dried flowers in an airtight container with a lid and add two or three drops of essential oils for your ideal scent. Rose, lemon, lavender, and cinnamon are among the most common fragrances for the home. – Store for six to eight weeks to allow the flowers to absorb the essential oils.
PS: Can also be a good freshener for your altar!
2. Homemade dried flower body scrub!
I actually only found out abut this today. But, apparently, if you mix up dried flower petals with Epsom salt, sea salt, baking soda, and essential oils you can basically create a scrub! I dunno if I would recommend it to people with sensitive skin tho...
3.Scented room spray
Mix together essential oils, alcohol, and dried flowers, and BOOM natural room spray! poof a little on your altar every morning!
4. If they are roses, make rosaries out of them!
Even though rosaries can be found a lot in Catholicism, many other religions use them. Buddhists, Muslims, and so much more! and, they actually used to be made out of actual roses. @jekraftbooks has a very good tutorial on TikTok about this, but basically, you need to:
1.Take your dried roses and throw them in a blender
2.Cook them down for several days at a low temperature. Only simmering, never boil.
3.When it begins to form like a clay ball, it is ready to go! Get a cheese cloth and squeeze all the water you can out of the clay. (Keep it for later)
4.Roll them into balls. Put a needle through them to make the hole, then leave them on cardboard for a few days to dry.
5. Once they dry, they will be rough, but we need them to have a smooth texture. Use the water from step 3, then rub some oil on them to give them some shine and protection from water ✨
6.Your beads are done! congrats! make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, any type of jewelry you wish for with them! You can also dedicate them to a deity as devotional jewelry or use them for prayer. Let your creativity go wild!!
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thejujvtsupost · 2 months
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Filming A Sex Scene
Actor!Gojo has to film his first ever sex scene and he’s nervous, good thing his girlfriend is there to encourage him.
Notes: F!reader, established relationship, fluff, healthy communication, anxiety, and humor. So unedited.
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Up until now all Satoru’s done is action films and a couple of comedies, romance films weren’t his style.
So other than a few awkward on screen kisses, he’s never had to do anything intimate.
But this movie was a huge deal with hundreds of people running around in the studio, and even though he had modesty garments on, he still felt naked.
“You pinky promise you won’t be jealous or upset about it? Maybe they can get my body double…” Satoru was slumped against you, arms hugging your middle while you stood between his legs.
“Baby this is your job. There’s nothing sexy about doing these scenes, they’re going to be directing you the entire time. But if you feel uncomfortable, then you shouldn’t do it. You have my full support.”
“Will you stay and watch?”
“Do you want me to?”
He nodded against your abdomen, “I’m the only one in the main cast that hasn’t done a sex scene so I wanna do it but I don’t want to do it alone.”
You hum and kiss his head, “Technically you’re not alone, but I understand. I’ll be right off to the side holding your robe, okay?”
“Hey I’m serious, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to do this. Your contract says you don’t have to do the intimate scene if you don’t want to. Plenty of actors never need to and it won’t change your skill. If anything, saying no increases your integrity because you’re putting down a boundary.”
“Can you see if Shoko’s out there? I think I should talk about it with her.” He knew Shoko, the assistant director, would have his back. They’ve worked on several projects together, one of them including the current director: Kento Nanami.
“Of course, I’ll flag her down.” You kiss his forehead and leave but you’re met face to face with shoko when you open the door to his dressing room, “Hey Toru, speak of the devil. I was just about to see if you were around, Shoko.”
Her brows furrowed slightly, Gojo rarely needed anything, a big perk of working with him. “Is everything alright, Gojo?”
“I don’t think I want to have fake sex with Yuki on camera anymore.”
You facepalm and sigh, “There’s so many other ways to word it and you went with that?”
“Okay no big deal, we’ll get your double ready but we’ll need your voice for the scene. Sound okay?”
“It’s that easy?”
“Well yeah, your double’s already on set from the jump scene earlier this morning. You can get dressed, we don’t reuse the garments so just toss them. Heads up though, Kento will probably want you to come in a little early on Friday to record the sound bites for the sex scene.”
A heavy breath left Gojo’s body in relief, “No one’s mad or anything?”
Shoko laughed at him a little, “No, no one’s mad. For this sort of thing it honestly doesn’t matter if it’s you or the double physically. Kento doesn’t mind either way, plus your contract has that stipulation for this exact reason.”
“Oh, then I can go home?”
Shoko confirmed and left with a wave of her hand to make arrangements. “You handled that well, baby. I’m proud of you for communicating your needs.”
Gojo’s cheeks went pink, “I don’t understand how people do it, I feel like it’s too much exposure.”
“Everyone just has a different comfort level, nothing wrong with that.”
“I guess so. Just freaks me out.” He stood up and pecked your lips before dropping his robe, “You’re the only one I want to see me naked anyway.”
“Oh my god just go get dressed so we can get dinner!” You shook your head and hung up his robe in a rare moment of silence.
The quiet didn’t last long, though, because Satoru yelled from the connected bathroom: “You know you love me!”
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Camp Camp Commentary Notes - Season 1, Episode 1: Escape from Camp Campbell
This is the first in a series of posts detailing the various nuggets of behind-the-scenes info found in the commentaries of the Camp Camp Seasons 1 and 2 Blu-Ray. I aim to cover both the writer commentary and cast & crew commentary of every episode in the set (except the holiday specials because they don't have commentaries GRRRR)
Writer’s Commentary
Writers went back to touch up this episode after completing the initial 10 episodes, before going on to the bonus 2 episodes that were greenlit following the positive reception
This episode went through about 12-14 drafts before it was finalized
Pilots are very hard because they both need to be very good and hook the audience so they will want to watch more, you have to juggle introducing all the necessary characters and telling a single solid story
Doubly so since this was the crew’s first shot at writing for an episodic series, all their other efforts had been story-driven up to that point
Irony in that the title of the first episode is about wanting to leave the camp (or show) entirely
Max and David’s dynamic is perfectly set up within 8 lines of dialogue
In older versions of the pilot, Mr. Campbell never showed up in person, only in the introductory video that was later repurposed into promotional material
Most of what was taken out of the pilot ended up being reused in some way, including the intro and the teaser trailer
One of the primary goals was to establish early on that this is not a kids show, like some people who saw the early promo material thought it was
This is why Max swears less than 40 seconds in, and why the rabbit gets swooped up by Timothy earlier (although I’d argue you could make that joke in a more family-friendly show)
First RT series produced in more of a writer’s room style akin to The Simpsons
The writers would come up with episode ideas, divy up who’d want what story, they’d write a first draft, come back to it, workshop the script several times, rinse and repeat until it devolved into Miles and Jordan doing final punch-ups and trimming
This pipeline allowed for lots of easter eggs and background details to be slipped in
Then they effectively do a table-read of the script which allows them to add more
Starting in Season 2, they started recording writer’s room conversations, so if something funny came up and they wanted to add it, they wouldn’t just have to go off of memory
Putting all the campers in the activities field doing their activities seemed like a good way to establish all of their respective camps.
Challenger II is Miles’ favorite visual gag (as of 2018, at least)
Working with Lee Eddy and Travis Willingham was great, Lee especially since they had previously worked with her for Red V.S. Blue
Travis was the first person who recorded for the show, as part of the aforementioned introductory video, and he was great at riffing and ad-lib
What exactly Camp Campbell was was foggy initially (whether or not it advertised that it was a camp of all camps), and the initial pilot didn’t explain it very well because they had built an internal understanding of what it was and didn’t do a very good job conveying it to the audience.
Mr. Campbell really likes the Quartermaster
Looking back on the first episodes is very interesting, especially when you have been working on the show for years at that point, for example, Max’s bond with Nikki hasn’t been established yet, so he has to ask why she’d help him.
Not enough time for the full theme song (hence why no intro), so they thought having Gwen interrupt it was funny
The scene where Max, Neil, and Nikki are running was seemingly the origin of Neil’s raptor arms (oh, excuse me, T-rex arms)
Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy was used as a reference for things like this because the Eds each had distinct walk cycles befitting their personality
First Day buttons were included so the campers would have a means to get away from the counselors
The music sting as the bus is driving away is a nod to the Back to the Future theme
Cast and Crew Commentary
Michael jokes about a sequel or prequel called “Max Max/Maximum Max”
The scream Miles did when David gets hit by the bus gets used quite a bit
The more Max’s parents push him away, the more he tries to cling to him, according to Maggie
Episode was supposedly recorded March 2016, ironically one of the last ones recorded
Recording for the series started November of 2015
Handheld camera movements in the mess hall scene were added by animator Gil Calceta
Lee Eddy was the only person who auditioned for Gwen, the crew saw it as perfect casting
Laserdisc player is not big enough for laserdisc
Campbell’s lazy wear (for lack of a better term) was only made for the one shot, though it would later comeback in Season 4
Michael initially auditioned for Camp Camp not really knowing what it was, and his script was just some typical Max phrases
Older episodes, Max was pitched up because Michael hadn’t quite perfected the voice yet
There was no helicopter assest created, it’s off screen and only implied by Campbell being pulled up by the ladder
The scene of Nikki throwing the button took 3 days to animate
The line “Go to bitch, jail” in the Camp Camp Rap Rap was an ad-lib/outtake
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glade-constellation · 6 months
“We’re going to literally spell out why the bad guy is bad, and how to help them, but do nothing about it because they are Bad Guy™️ and bad guys can’t change.”
The current running theme for every single fucking villain in TSAMS. A running theme I viscerally hate with my entire being. I think KC was the only one to escape this, but even then they just killed him off later.
For a show that seems to want to handle sensitive and heavy topics, they sure as hell never handle them well. Listen, if a majority of your audience is young teens, you need to be careful with the story you tell and what might be taken from it. TSAMS is teaching its audience that bad people will never change.
That’s just not true. At all.
Often people who act out do so because of past trauma. Trauma can be healed with time and therapy. Yes, it’s difficult, especially when the person says they don’t want to heal. But you can do it. Did you know that rejecting help can be a subconscious survival tactic? It doesn’t instantly mean that the person wants to be bad, or wants to stay bad. They are simply living in survival mode, and their brain thinks the way they currently act is the only way to survive.
Just because Bloodmoon says they can’t be helped doesn’t mean it’s true. And it definitely doesn’t mean they immediately deserve death. Yes, they have done terrible things, but nearly everything they’ve done has been ordered of them by another person. That, or their coding. The coding may be a harder thing to fix, but listen. Look at your current cast. You can’t tell me Moon and Solar couldn’t work together to fix it. Or Earth couldn’t help them with therapy and they’d eventually turn to killing just animals. There are so many ways Bloodmoon could be helped, but no. Just no. They don’t want to be helped, so we won’t go out of our way to try.
It’s just so unbelievably frustrating that several fans have pointed this out and the show doesn’t seem to care. Bloodmoon has room to be redeemed, even now, but the show doesn’t want that. They seem to be stuck on this idea the Bloodmoon can’t be redeemed.
And it’s not like this is a new theme they’re trying to tell for the story. No, this has been around since Eclipse. Yes, Sun and Moon did try to help Eclipse in the beginning, but help is a strong word. It was more like they tried to bargain with him. No one actually tried to help. And the moment the bargaining didn’t work, they just dubbed him the villain and turned against him. In the end, Eclipse tried to help. It was pretty terribly done, yeah. But he was trying. He even gave up his one piece of power and told Moon he could send him anywhere in the multiverse. But no, the only way out was through death. I get that Eclipse did a lot of terrible things. I get that a large majority of the cast had their own trauma because of Eclipse. But he could have been helped. We have seen moments where he wanted help, but would immediately turn back to his survival tactics. Eclipse was bad, but he didn’t have to die.
Anyways, they already taught the “villains always bad” story with Eclipse. They don’t need to retell it with Bloodmoon. That’s just reusing old parts of the story.
The only reason I don’t bring Ruin up is because Ruin was different from all the others. There wasn’t anything that made him a villain besides the fact that he was a virus. There was no “sad backstory”. He just was evil. That is how you write a villain you want your audience to love but still want to kill off in the end. Ruin was fun to watch, and a great villain, and I wasn’t mad when they got rid of the virus. I was attached but not at the emotional level as I am with Eclipse, KC, and Bloodmoon. He had no backstory to make me want him to live. I love a villain that is enjoyable to watch but don’t mind when they’re gone. That is how you write a good villain you don’t want people to riot about afterwards.
This has just turned into me ranting about storytelling and character analysis, but honestly. TSAMS. Do better. A good portion of your fan base is screaming for a Bloodmoon redemption. Why are you pushing so hard for people to hate them? You’ve already told the plot line you’re currently trying to sell. What is the point of just upsetting your fans?
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year
Bottom's Up
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Summary: You assess the soldier after he comes back to the facility after a mission *SMUT*
warnings: blood, smut, roughness
Word Count: 1.6K
The sound of someone approaching you caused you to glance up from where you stood in the corridor after assessing a soldier. You let out a small huff of breath as you heard the footsteps approaching you. A smile twitched on the corners of your lips as you recognized your favorite asset coming towards you; James Barnes.
“Y/N,” he greeted with a scowl on his face as Brock Rumlow left our presence.
“How’d the mission go, soldat?” you asked as he circled around you to open the door of the medical ward behind you.
“Damn target got away before I could get ‘im.” He answered with a groan as he stepped inside the observation room and tore his combat vest away from his sore and beaten body.
You strolled over to him after entering the room and closing the door behind you. You directed him over to the medical bench before sitting down in the rolling chair in front of him. You deftly helped him out of his gear until he was clad in a white shirt and cargo pants.
Once he was free from the constricting material, you strolled over to the counter where all the medical supplies rested on display for treatments. This was a procedure, something you’d been assigned to do since you were a little girl in the facility. You’d been assigned to check the soldiers for any wounds after they’d returned after a mission.
Several of them had remained on good terms with you, others sent chills down your spine whenever they had so much as glanced your way. But James had always been a favorite of yours.
Despite his terrifying glare, he was a sweetheart at the core. You’d assumed it was his personality from before your captors had captured him during the war. You loved hearing his voice whenever he spoke about  his mission with you. Of course, it was only ever him speaking mostly to himself. But you’d always listened to his babbles.
A few times, as he whispered to himself, you could have sworn you’d heard him speaking about his life before he was captured. But you never asked him about it. You never wanted to risk angering him. As gentle as he was around you, he still terrified you because you knew what he was capable of.
You knew you had some sort of feeling for him. But he’d never return them. For you, whenever he touched you, even the slightest of caresses would set ablaze to your skin. He was only required to use you as a release, whether that be sexual or not. And of course, you always allowed it to happen.
Why wouldn’t you? If you refused anything from him or anyone else, you’d be  sent straight to the gas chambers. You’d seen it happen to a few other medical nurses around here. It saddened you and frightened you enough to never reuse anything instructed of you.
There were plenty of instances where the man in front of you had returned to you, barely breathing. There were times where he was hardly recognizable. It always left you feeling relieved whenever he’d come stumbling through your door demanding you fix him up.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You heard his voice and shook your head to shake away the long train of thoughts you had been thinking about as his voice came to your ear. You hadn’t noticed he had leaned over in the chair and his breath was now brushing against your ear lobe.
“Stop thinking and c’mere.”
You glanced at the door to make sure it had indeed locked behind the pair of you before you leaned over from where you sat in the chair and kissed him hard on the mouth. His calloused and scarred hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you out of the chair before settling you on his lap.
You whined lowly as you felt his cock twitch against your clothed thigh, all thoughts from earlier gone from your mind.
“Y’know,” he mumbled against your lips as he tilted his head back slightly, “while I was on this mission, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He leaned down and started nipping at the skin of your throat.
“I’m not done assessing you,” you mumbled as his lips trailed back up your throat to peck at your lips again.
He chuckled lightly before pulling back again. “You can assess me later, doc. For now, you’re all I want, all I need.” Before you had the chance to protest, his mouth was on your neck again, his metallic arm sliding beneath the material of your uniform pants and under your panties. “Miss me, huh?” He teased after he felt how wet your core had become against his digits sliding through your slick folds.
You nodded as a moan fell past your lips. He took his hand away from you causing you to whimper at the loss of contact until he tucked a finger under your chin and forced you to look into his blue irises. He took one of his sticky fingers and placed it in his mouth, sucking and licking your juices from his skin, moaning pleasantly as he did so.
After releasing his finger from between his swollen lips, he traced the other along your bottom lip, causing your tongue to dart out and lick the remaining juices away. His free hand cradled the back of your head just before he removed his finger from your mouth and pressed our lips together again, this time he devoured you, a low growl sounding from his lips.
He impatiently pulled away from you, roughly pulling at the hem of your shirt. “Fuck, I’ve missed you too much today.” He groaned as he tore away your bra before his mouth latched onto a peak, his cold metal arm massaging the other.
You closed your eyes as you started to grind against his hardening cock. You ached for him to be inside you and you hated to admit it out loud. You felt your fingernails dig into his shoulders as his mouth left your breast. He gripped your ass, only to flip you around so you were laid out on the bench he was previously sitting on. The cold metal sent a shiver down your spine and he grinned widely down at you.
He leaned next to him and expertly unraveled his belt from his pants before grabbing both of your wrists and binding them together with the material.
“No touching today?” you playfully asked as your eyes met again.
“Not yet.” He answered as he pulled down your pants and panties, tossing them on the floor.
Your back arched away from the bench as you felt his cold finger circle your entrance.
“I shouldn’t give you any pleasure, you know?” He teased as his finger lunged inside, pumping deliciously as you tried to cease the moans that fell from away from your lips. “It should be all about my dick in your mouth, you cunt.”
You whined as he started to pump at himself through his boxers. You bit down on your lip as you watched his cock harden with every stroke of his hand, light moans falling from his kiss swollen lips.. Once he released his length, he gripped your hips tightly to pull your body towards him. Grabbing your right calf and placing it against his hips, he tossed your left over his shoulder. He turned his head and teasingly nibbled at your ankle before returning his gaze towards you again, a look of pure devilishness plastered on his face.
He reached a finger to your clit again, drawing slow circles against it. Your head fell back in a moan when you felt the head of his cock graze your wet entrance. “James, please.”
He moaned lightly in response as he pushed himself inside you, your walls clenching tightly around his shaft. He thrusted himself deeper until he was completely sheathed inside your walls, his groans getting slightly louder before he nearly pulled out all the way. He leaned down to brush his lips against your own before leaning away and biting into your shoulder hard while his hips snapped into your own to start a rough pace the pair of you craved for.
Your fingers found their way through his sweaty, bloody mop of hair while he plowed into your cunt, tugging and pulling as his hips moved faster.
“James,” you moaned out as you felt your stomach begin to tighten in a knot.
He smiled down at you knowingly before he slowed down to an agonizingly slow pace. “Not yet, Y/N,” he leaned over and took your wrists out of the restraints and lifted your form into the air while we were still connected. He proceeded to wrap your thighs around his waist before pressing you into the concrete wall behind the metallica bed, reaching a spot deeper inside yourself that prompted a desperate noise to come from your throat. He pounded into you mercilessly until tears prickled in the back of your eyes, your throat going raw from the moans of pleasure.
You called out his name as you felt your impending release.
��Come for me, doll. All over my cock. I’m right behind you,” he choked out while his hips began to stutter. Without warning, the knot in your stomach snapped. Pleasure consumed your entire being while your walls clenched. His knees buckled underneath him, his breath coming in quick pitches while you finally came. Your orgasm coaxes his own out of him. He released deep inside you with a dark moan of your name, working both of us through our highs with uneven thrusts
He helped you onto your feet before a hefty knock sounded on the door. “Y/N, you’re needed in Ward Seven, pronto.”
“Yes,sir.” You sighed heavily as you looked at James. He was covered in sweat and dry blood before he settled back on the bench in a sitting position to gather his clothes.
“You seem to be in perfect health, Soldat,” you sighed out before he walked into the conjoining bathroom to get changed.
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
A Court of Sins and Nightmares
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Chapter one
Eris Vanserra x OC! Alessia Mors
A/N: Hii omg. I was so excited to make this happen outside of my brain. I've literally been dreaming of this series for a while. And I feel quite good about how this first chapter turned out. A huge thanks to @sarawritestories and @milswrites for the feedback and support !💕 😊
Summary: Alessia Mors is expected to marry Eris Vanserra to concretize his alliance with the Night Court.
Word count: 1,205k
Warnings: Some harsh language, I think. Nothing more for now...
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“Either you accept this engagement, or I’ll send you to the Bog of Oorid to meet your sweet mother!” Thanatos roars in anger from the other side of the door. “I’ll gratefully accept, then! That already sounds like a much sweeter proposition than marrying the devil!”  I was certainly not going to let my grip off that door. Nor would the mass of fog. Or so you thought. As soon as Keir’s voice boomed, the murk quickly hid under my bed, and I fell to my ass as father yanked the door open. “Can’t even handle your own daughter now, Thanatos?” 
I wiggle and squirm under my father’s grip as he restrains my hands and knees with heavy golden chains. Keir was staring at the scene happening right before him, lazily leaning against my door frame. I was most certainly looking like some hissing cat right now, all claws and teeth out.  “Let’s just hope Eris can discipline her, Keir. Unlike his failed attempt with your daughter.” Gross. Utterly and completely gross. I may not hold snobby Morrigan in my heart, but nailing a woman's womb was wrong. I couldn’t figure out which of the four males I hated more at the moment… Keir for his mistake and mistreatment of Morrigan? Thanatos repeating the same mistakes with me? Beron for raising shitty and cruel sons? Or Eris for his lack of balls to confront his father? 
Before I can even mentally elaborate on this theory, Keir lifts my chin and forces my mouth open to pour from a tiny vial a silver liquid down my throat, pinching my nose roughly to make sure I have no way but to swallow the substance to keep breathing. “There, this should at least sweeten her up for the duration of that quick business talk with Eris.” Keir taunted, a shit-eating grin rising on one side of his lips. 
I instantly recognize the content of the vial now swallowed down my throat. It was a potion brewed with lavender essence, peppermint, and a tiny drop of faebane extract, purposed to help people suffering from severe anxiety disorders. Such as soldiers suffering from PTSD or panic disorder, for example… but… wait. “Did you just use my own potions against me?!” I wanted to scream, to spit on his perfectly polished shoes, to bite his toes off… But the faebane contained in this concoction fastened the desired effects of the potion, calming down drastically its consumer. As much as faebane was harmful to Faes if used topically, but it was completely harmless if ingested in small quantities.
“Make sure she’s ready in not more than ten minutes, and take the restraints off her wrists. Wouldn’t want Eris to notice them until he agrees to take her to concretize this alliance. Keep the ones on her ankles though, make sure they’re unnoticeable under her dress. Wouldn’t want your nasty gremlin to run away, not that she would be able to… with this ingenious concoction…” Keir smiles devilishly, crushing the vial under his feet before walking away from his spot. Shit, those are expensive. I would’ve reused that… 
Thanatos unties my wrists and sits me down on the chair in front of my vanity as servants rush inside the room on cue to get me ready. Before leaving my room too, Father turns to me and sighs. “Just… behave. For once.” I bite the inside of my cheek, not wanting any sweet words to reach his ears. Nothing I wanted to say was sweet, kind, or gentle. But under the effect of the potion, I knew that my mouth would betray my brain. He exits the room quickly, probably off to prepare everything for the Devil's arrival. 
The servants start to brush my long hair, one of them working on each side of my head. It doesn't take long until I’m all freshened up, dressed, and ready to go. I discreetly fixed my favorite dagger in its sheath at my thigh when the two of them were rummaging through my jewelry box to pick the best set to match my attire for the evening. As one of them locks the silver necklace around my neck, I can’t help a snicker erupt from my mouth. She raises a brow and politely asks. “Is something wrong, miss?” “No… No. It’s nothing, I’m just a bit tired.” I quickly answer back.
It was in fact not ‘nothing’ at all. On the contrary… things were about to get quite… interesting. I had brewed this potion to help a little girl who was sadly already suffering from selective mutism since witnessing her parents' horrible death at such a young age. A little girl weighing not more than forty-four pounds… Which was almost four times less than my weight… And I was certainly going to keep this information to myself… For later. 
I’m quickly escorted to the giant dining room, the three males not taking any inch of their attention off their political discussion, or the price of my hand, who knows. The sound of the chains wrapped around my ankles on the ground was muffled by the carpet flooring. I sit across from the red-headed Devil, his hands are crossed over his head, his shirt lifted up slightly, exposing his hip bone. I can’t help but stare for a while longer, and grin. The sound of my chair moving as I sit down finally makes my presence noticed and the three pairs of eyes flipped in my direction.
“Ah, there she is. Eris, this is my niece. The one we were currently… discussing about. Isn’t she quite lovely…” Pig, brute, creep… All kinds of insults rush to my mind, but all of them are kept in my mind only. “Ah, sorry for my delay. The servants made sure I looked flawless for our… guest. It’s an honor to meet you, Vanserra.” I force a smile, playing my part expertly. My father doesn’t bother to open his mouth, as always. He knows his place, and Keir does too. Keir also takes a vile pleasure to remind Thanatos of his title inside this court. Thanatos may be a Lord too, and his brother, but he had always been under Keir’s orders, since Keir was the most powerful brother, even though the youngest of them both. 
Eris simply snickers, lowering his arms crossed behind his hands to rest his elbows on the table. I must admit, I thought a High Lord’s son would’ve had more… manners. His amber eyes are piercing through mine, looking deep into my soul… Well, two could play this game, but I knew that I didn’t need to. That man had probably no idea, or barely, of who I was. The last memories he might still have of me are when I was still an innocent teenager. I, on the other hand, know absolutely everything about him, his allies, strengths, flaws… 
The only thing that wasn't mentioned in the books I gathered pieces of information from was that the Devil, as cruel as he is, seemed truly… edible. I could easily take a bite off this man. For fun. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Alessia Mors.” He says with a feline grin. Yeah, cruelly handsome man that he is… 
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A/N (again 🤭): I really really hope you liked it! And what's going to come next... Woooo! They're not going to have it easy!! 😉💕
Taglist: @milswrites @sarawritestories
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WIBTA if I move into my own apartment for an internship instead of with friends like I initially said I (more likely than not) would for a while?
CW: kinda long but I don’t think I can put a readmore on anon :(
I (20sNB) have an opportunity to do an internship in spring of 2024. My friend (20sF) and her husband (20sM, we’re all within ~3yrs of each other) have been working on renovating a single-wide trailer in a trailer park in the same town as the internship, and it will be done with them living in it for at least a good few months before my internship. I’ve helped them with renovations whenever I’m in town and they’ve promised/shown me the room they’re reserving to be my space because they’re so sure I’ll move in with them.
I’ll be honest, I was planning to at first. But that changed with a variety of factors contributing, including but not limited to:
The trailer was reportedly full of black mold. Abandoned dressers would be opened and a puff of mold dust would emerge from the doors. It was also previously a hoarder’s house possibly due to the amount of junk in and around the trailer. Nobody wore PPE during renovations as far as I’m aware, and seem to believe they’re “in the clear” as they’ve shown no side effects yet. They’ve literally kept up only exactly what’s required to legally say they’re ‘renovating’ instead of tearing everything down and reusing the foundation, but it’s still a concern for me due to the casual way it was brought up and addressed.
My friends admitted that the neighbors don’t like them much due to the loud noises day in and day out from the renovation, resulting in the cops being called on them several times as a noise complaint. I have a rough time as it is being close to strangers, and that anxiety/paranoia? isn’t alleviated by hearing that and seeing people come out of their own trailers to glare at us whenever we work on the property.
My cat (20F) would be moving in with me. She’s indoor-only, but cats are bound to run around at some point. There are numerous unvaccinated and unfixed strays in the park and I’m concerned for her health; she’s having a hard enough time just keeping down food, a virus or infection would make me put her down.
My friends own a Pomeranian that does not respect other animals and continuously harasses them by barking and chasing after them. My cat does NOT like dogs, and my repeated warnings that having them in the same room would result in the dog getting blinded and possibly even more severely injured have been waved away with “The dog will learn soon enough to leave her alone!”. I would also have two relatively small lizards with me, both of whom leave their terrariums regularly for general holding sessions and to run around while I clean their tanks. There is a nonzero chance of them being beyond the safety of the glass and the dog eating them as the dog has a high prey drive.
Being with them would save me and my parents MASSIVE amount of money as rent is nearly nonexistent with how low it is in the park; I would mostly help with other bills (such as water, electricity, groceries) and general housemate things like cleaning up after myself and helping cook or chip in for takeout every now and then. Both friends know how restricted my ability to really develop is in my house due to my family (such as not knowing how to make anything more complicated than air fryer food) and have expressed that they are eager to help me learn and watch me grow into who I am.
But for a while I’ve been very strongly leaning towards an apartment instead despite rent being crazy (my parents are willing to pay half but with 0 guarantee of a paid internship and uncertainty as to whether I can hold a part-time job at the same time it would still be a blow to my savings). It’s gotten to the point where my language is full of “My future apartment will have….” “When I move into an apartment do you think I should….” when discussing the matter with my parents with zero verbal room for considering living with my friends. Advantages to the apartment include having my own space, being much closer to my internship location (though my friends weren’t all that far out themselves), and no concerns about my pets being around strangers or other animals. My parents and grandma agree that an apartment sounds the safest for my pets’ physical health and my mental health.
However, I have yet to tell my friends. The F is a friend of a decade now, and the M and I aren’t exactly close but regard each other as siblings. While she might be hurt but understanding, I don’t know if I want to risk him or both of them blowing up on me for my decision after at least 6mo of helping here and there and encouraging them to finish renovating their own place. The closest I’ve gotten to saying anything is warning them that it isn’t guaranteed I’ll move in with them when they use language suggesting it is and that I’m trying to keep my mind open to all housing options, including renting a space in a family friend’s basement. Neither of them seem to have caught on to what I’m doing, though. So, WIBTA if I finally break it to them that I’ve decided on an apartment and move into a space without them? This might seem like a non-issue to outsiders but it very much is to me :(
(For slight additional context: my friend is typically very understanding and we do our best to communicate our feelings about joint activities especially. Her husband is the type of guy to get mad at the ‘politics’ of the new Barbie movie and the joke made out of the Kens.)
What are these acronyms?
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dualumina · 9 months
Actual thoughts straight from the shower (spoilers for the entire SotO story):
Okay so Peitha is great, but many agree (including us) that she's EXCEPTIONALLY small and "classically" pretty in comparison to her brother.
Now, as someone who's done video game design classes, we get it. Anet wants to have a character that's easy to animate and so they went with a modeling skeleton (it's an actual animation term we're not calling Peitha thin) based on the majority of the existing player races for the sake of having the most amount of pre-existing animations to work off of (you can see her emoting during the last chapter). Sylvari, human, and norn all have a few different emote variations, like dance for example (can y'all imagine if Peitha started dancing...?).
Making a video game is freaking stressful and taxing, and you generally want to avoid making something that will be used for only one instance and one instance only UNLESS it will dramatically improve the game's feel. Take djinn and Isgarren for example. They're both four-armed races with the same body shape. There's already several animations the djinn have that are reused for Isgarren, with, as far as we can tell, one exception. Isgarren has a talking animation that has him moving all four of his arms. Djinn don't have this animation (unless it's going to be retroactively added) and Anet likely never intended to give them this animation to keep to the idea that djinn are very reserved and guarded around others. One animation loop is not going to break the bank, but more than that? Ehh...
So as cool as it would have been to make Peitha a unique and incredibly monstrous skeleton, any animations they would have given her might NEVER get used again, and that's a LOT of time used for such a rare scenario. Ergo, give her a design with the most animation reuse potential.
Now that's the technical/logical hypothesis for why Peitha looks the way she does. But here's our lore-based theories which are frankly more interesting.
There's a book you can find in Dagda's room that reveals that all of the taller wizards (Dagda, Isgarren, and Mabon) have gone out of their way to disguise themselves to look more normal and less threatening. Isgarren went out of his way to look like a djinn by making his skin blue (and probably hiding his legs and giving himself extra fingers because CANONICALLY GW1 seers have like 3 fingers and very obvious legs), Mabon chose to hide his wings (the black tentacle things you see other mursaat have? yeah that) and Dagda... we actually don't know WHAT she did to herself. The book avoids mentioning it.
With that said, this could be foreshadowing to the fact that maybe Peitha realized that the shorter mortal races are very distrustful in general, and chose to look as close to a more "conventional" mortal appearance when she began keeping her eye on the Commander (she WAS surprised the first time she's seen but she might have been playing things cautiously from the start in case the wizards noticed her).
Alright so that's the first theory. The second one has less evidence to back it up but its A way to explain the dichotomy between her appearance and her brother and keeping to the idea that Peitha legitimately does look the way we see her.
The only demons encountered to date have basically all been enemies. Peitha is one of the few or potentially only demons who has not tried to kill the player character on sight.
Perhaps Peitha is legitimately that unique due to the fact that she's not normal for her race. Perhaps she's considered a runt of the litter when compared to the other high class Kryptis. Maybe that led to her being acutely aware of how unjust the system in her world is, and the moment she realized that you, the legendary dragon/god slayer that you are, fell into her realm, Peitha had a moment and realized that maybe maybe this was the opportunity she needed to change things for the better.
In any case, we'll have to wait and see what other female Kryptis look like to figure out if the sexual dimorphism is simply.. well, that extreme for demons or if Peitha is the exception not the rule.
In any case, Peitha is wife who's loved regardless <3
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cupfullofpapas · 4 months
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(Yes I'm reusing this image too busy to doodle a new one :''( life has been super crazy as of late ) Second Vol in The Assistant series: In the arms of a Devil Rated: E F/M Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader Also read it on my Ao3 here Previous Vol. : The Assistant
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5: Screen Share
Sleeping was difficult that night, you tossed and turned until your body was too exhausted and you passed out, when morning came you reached out expecting to touch your Cardinal's sweet face but found only cold sheets, the confusion it hit you before your memory did. “Ah.. the tour,” you thought out loud with your hand still on the sheets.
Your Cardinal would be lying beside you, waking up to him you would crease his cheek and get a genuine smile from him, a smile you missed already. Grabbing your phone and tapping in the security pin, the envelope icon had a 1 on it. 
Copia:  Goodnight Cara Mia <3, call me when you get up
You smiled looking at the message the little heart he typed out made you giggle as you pressed the call button on his name, it rang a few times before he picked up.   "Dolcezza, good morning!."  He greeted putting a smile on your face as you sat up in bed leaning against the headboard.  "Morning Caro, how did you sleep?."  You heard Copia groan.  "Without you by my side, horrible I used to be able to wake up to an empty bed and not think anything of it, and now? it is the worst feeling in the world."  You couldn't help but chuckle at the dramatic tone of his voice her hand cupped over your face to keep any noise from escaping.  "Well it's only for a few months Copia, remember-"  "Cara" He interrupted "If you are, going to say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder  please Mountain has already given me the entire lecture about it, no wonder he  is Primo's favorite ghoul."
 A smile came to Copia's face as he heard you laugh on the other end ahh what a laugh you had he could listen to it for hours, there was a moment of silence the Cardinal swallowing hard trying to decide if now was the right time to say those three little words to you, he shouldn't be this nervous about it he'd already slept with you several times. Copia opened his mouth to speak however Rain appeared in the doorway his thumb pointing over his shoulder.  "Ah, dolcezza, I need to go and get started first concert is in a few days."  "I know."  You replied swinging your legs over the side of the bed and getting up.  "I need to get my butt up too."  At that moment there was a quick rapid knock on your door as one of your siblings of sin stuck her head into your and Copia's dorm room as you and Copia said your goodbyes. "Come quick!, Sister Gemma has gone into labor!." 
You stared at the sister in shock. "But" You started. "She isn't due until next month."  This made you get up quicker throwing on her habit, instead of brushing your hair you shoved it into the hat there was always time to brush it later. The closer you got to the infirmary the more siblings of sin and ghouls alike littered the hallway, pushing one of the shorter ghouls aside. 
"Sorry, Lenti!." You called back finally pushing the door open and heading down the hall.   "Sorella." Came Primo's worried voice taking your hands in his.  "We were in the garden when the pain started."  "Has her water broke?" you watched as Primo stared at you blankly.  "I'm not sure, I do not remember Sorella"  You knew he was worried and some information could have escaped his mind especially with everything moving so fast and his fear of losing a second wife. 
You heard Gemma call for him it took you aback for a moment to hear her like that, fearful, fearful was one thing you would never classify Gemma as. Primo had let go of your hands and rushed to Gemma's side.  "Mi amore, do not worry everything will be okay."   "I hope ah!- so caro."  You watched them for a moment and wondered.. if one day that would be you and Copia, shoving the thought aside you stepped into the room. "Gemma how close are the contractions?"  Before Gemma could answer you heard Sister Imperator behind you.  "They are close now, if you would please step out into the hall."  You wanted to argue about staying there, however, Lenti was already tugging you out of the room to stand with the rest of the ghouls, ghoulettes, and siblings of sin. The heavy doors kept Gemma's cries at bay, time seemed to stand still as you worked your way to the outer edge of the group squeezing out of the crowd. 
"You!." You heard a voice yell out and before you knew it you were tackled to the ground and with weight sitting on your stomach the air had been knocked out of you.  "Divine!." You heard Alpha's voice as he picked the ghoulette up off of you the blond giving a nervous laugh, meanwhile, Terzo and Omega helped you sit up you were about to thank them but only glared at Terzo. 
"Yes, yes I know I was a dickhead, look I've already called and apologized to him, as much as I didn't want to-" "He felt awful after the fight, he didn't even do his skin routine or bubble bath" Omega butted in, thankfully the young Emeritus had worn his paint or else you would have seen his cheeks go red. "Shhhh! Omega!."  He spluttered "What? it's not like it's a secret" You mustered out a small laugh looking up as Alpha walked over still holding Divine by the back of her top, like a cat that had been caught.  "What do we say Divine?" the ghoulette hissed only to get shaken slightly. "Okay! okay!."  The female huffed.
"I'm sorry for tackling you, I saw you and got too excited- now put me down Alpha!!." The Ghoul opened his hand dropping the girl who landed on the floor with a thud. "Ow! you motherfu-" She started but huffed making her way to Terzo on all fours taking a seat by him and Omega grumbling.  "I see she's still pretty feral."  "We're working on it." Alpha shrugged before asking.  "Any news on the baby yet?."  You shook your head. "Nope, Sister Imperator had Lenti pull me from the room, I think she's pushing right now." 
"She pushed you from the room? the old witch"  Terzo grumbled running his hand through his hair in annoyance. "She better be kind to my niece or nephew" Terzo hissed quietly. 
It felt like forever until the door finally opened and Sister Imperator stepped out.  "It's a girl."  She announced to the waiting crowd Primo being the next to step out of the room holding the baby girl wrapped in a yellow blanket.   "Alessia Anna Emeritus." He announced blinking as several of the crowd members were pushed aside Terzo forced his way to the front his eyes having a shine to them. "Fratello, she is beautiful"  He spoke his voice a whisper as those tiny mismatched eyes looked up at her father and uncles her little head was covered in soft blond hair.  "How is Gemma?." You asked as you made it through the crowd Omega, Alpha, and Divine having acted as bodyguards. 
"She is doing well, come"  Primo spoke as he turned allowing you and the others to walk in the older Emeritus considering you part of the family now.  Gemma looked up from her place on the bed. "Sister, there you are." She held her arms up allowing you to hug her Terzo was next followed by the two ghouls before Alessia was handed back to her mother. 
"They said she was early but strong with everything fully developed." Gemma smiled as Alessia's little hand took hold of her finger, you turned your attention hearing the door open only to see Secondo standing there he looked surprised or maybe shocked?, to see you there, you couldn't pinpoint it. 
Saying your goodbyes you headed out of the room so the brothers could marvel over their new niece, thankfully the crowd outside had departed making it easy for you to be on your way.  Time seemed to slow down and you hated it, you hated going to bed alone at night sure Copia and you would talk for a few hours until you both eventually fell asleep while still on video call there were a few times you woke up seeing him fast asleep you had learned a few things from this:  One Copia was a heavy sleeper. Two he sometimes talked in his sleep. And three he sometimes passed gas in his sleep, the first time you heard it, it sent you into a fit of laughter that woke the poor man up out of a dead sleep. When he asked what was so funny you spared him any humiliation and simply said that Bisscoti had done something funny, from then on if it happened again you always muted your side to laugh or giggle. 
Two months in and time started moving faster, thankfully mostly because you were watching little Alessia, rather watching Primo gush over his bundle of joy you had to remind the eldest Emeritus to take his medications and of his appointments with the abbey's doctors. You watched as Primo gave his daughters' belly a raspberry which made the youth squeal in laughter, feeling your phone buzz before ringing the screen and flashing Copia's name you waved to the two happy new parents before taking your leave and answering.
"Hey babe."  You answered giggling as you heard a wheeze of surprise on the other end.  "Hello sorella, how are you?." Your Cardinal asked once the camera had been turned on allowing you both to see each other, you swore he grew more and more handsome each day.  "I'm good, missing you, you have what, one or two more shows before you return, yeah?."   "Si, and non too soon." "Oh?, trouble in paradise?." "I wouldn't say trouble more like ehhh.."  He rolled his wrist looking for the right words to say. "Getting the ghouls and ghoulettes to listen to me, especially Omega and Alpha but enough about work how is la mia nipotina doing?"
You stared at him for a moment. "My little niece."  He respoke as you gave a thankful look. "She's doing well, a little small, other than that she's in perfect health." "Does she have the ehh, eye?." 
"Yeah she does, it's so weird, seeing a tiny set of eyes like that makes me wonder if there are any baby pictures of you lying around."  You laughed as you heard Copia wheeze a 'no'. You laughed while heading back to the dorm,  flopping onto the bed while holding the phone above you. 
Copia watched as you flopped down onto the bed seeing your gorgeous hair fanned out and the way the blankets hugged you... his mind started wandering, wandering right down into the gutter it had been too long since he had pleased himself, so long that seeing you sprawled out on the bed made him stand at attention. Copia was mentally thanking Lucifer and the infernal princes that he had remembered to lock his bunk door for some privacy. 
"Ahh, cara mia the things you do to me."  He whispered which put a smile on your face as you rolled over onto your belly the phone held out in front of you.  "Oh?, and what do I do to you?, my Cardinal?."  You watched as his face turned a soft shade of red.
"W-Well I-I that- that is uh... um.. eh... that- you see ehh..." He was flustered and you loved it.  "Well?."  Your voice took on a flirtatious tone. You watched as he smirked feeling the rare boost of confidence. "How about I show you, eh?."  Now it was your turn to turn red as you heard the rustling of clothes and a zipper and with the turn of the phone, you were face to face with his cock standing erect and proud. Copia's leather-dressed fingers came into the frame to stroke at himself slowly. You watched biting your bottom lip as you felt a tingle between your legs watching, listening to his breathing grow deep. 
"I see you miss me quite a bit hm?."  You giggled lifting your hips from the bed and rolling them feeling yourself starting to grow moist. You had almost forgotten how good it felt when he was inside of you, how good it felt while your Cardinal slammed into you hitting all the right spots while he had you on your hands and knees taking you from behind.
"More than you know tesoro."  You watched as his hand pulled away his cock throbbing, you watched it bounce with each pulse. Biting your lip you looked around as if to make sure no one was looking at your screen in your own damn room.
"You know- letting it go like that isn't good." You whispered. "Perhaps you should take care of it mio caro." You rolled your r and you swore you saw his cock bounce harder.  "Si, si dolcezza" You heard your Cardinal gasp as he took a firm hold of his cock starting to stroke his erect member soft moans passed his lips, moans that went right to your core making your slick walls throb and grow slicker, they gave a harder throb as you heard him groan your name.  "Fuck that's hot." You wheezed out in a whisper.
"Bellezza, what I wouldn't give to have you here with me right now bouncing on my lap, to be deep- so deep inside you." Copia panted out.
"Oh fuck, yes Copia."  The words came out in a hushed gasp of a whisper, they seemed to just spill out on their own as your hand snaked down between your legs slipping past your panties and feeling your moist lips.  "Sweet Lucifer, I'm so wet."  
You breathed you felt a slight wave of embarrassment however the feeling was pushed away as you sank two fingers into your cunt making yourself gasp his name, before you knew it you both were masturbating listening to one another, the phone had been moved so you both could also see each other while your hands went to work.  "Fuck, cara I want you, I want you so fucking bad."  Copia breathed as his hand pumped his leaky cock, beads of precum had welled and started to spill giving his erection a soft shine. 
"Ragazza birichina... I can hear your wet cunt from here."  Copia breathed making you clamp around your fingers.  "Oh fuck, C-Copia-."  You panted as you thrust your fingers in and out of yourself faster. "I want you here in me so fucking bad." You whined your back arching into the huge mound of pillows. 
"Ohh.. you have no idea how much I wish I was there." Copia breathed. "Amore I'm close." 
"Hold it baby, just a little longer wait for me."  You gasped as your second hand joined in rolling your clit, as good as it was it couldn't compare to the feeling of Copia's hands on you. Your mind trying to trick yourself into thinking it and surprisingly it works bringing you closer to your peak.  "Cara-."  Copia started but you cut him off.
"Now, now, oh fuck- now! oh baby I'm cumming I'm cumming!." You moaned as you felt the pressure snap in your pelvis it felt as if your blood rushed from top to bottom and back while your cunt squeezed your fingers.  Copia had sped his hand up until his balls finally contracted as he released. His head was thrown back as thick streams of cum splurted from his cock splattering onto the camera, you could only hear a faint breathless 'ah shit' as your body was starting to come down from its high falling back onto the bed. 
It took a few minutes before you finally had enough energy to get up and clean your mess, Copia doing the same on the other end wiping his phone clean.  Afterwards, you lay in bed with a pillow propping your phone up next to you as you both continued to talk into the night feeling even more in love as you said your goodnights and blew a kiss at the screen.  You were settling down for bed when you heard a knock at your door, mumbling you dragged yourself from the bed to answer it finding Emilia at your doorstep, your brow arching. 
"Mi dispiace, sorella, for coming to you so late but you are the only one I could think to ask."  "What is it Emilia? and it's okay."  "Mi dispiace, but do you- umm."  Her pale face grew red as her dark eyes looked away, she looked kind of cute that way almost too innocent to be in the church of Lucifer.  "Do I?."  "DoyouhaveanyextracondomsIcoulduse?."  She said quickly her voice hushed, there was silence for a moment while you both stared at each other before you laughed which made her face redder.  "Yeah yeah I do, come on in." You waved your fellow sister of sin into your dorm room while you vanished into your room grabbing the box from the nightstand and popping it open pulling a line of the foil packages out. 
Folding them you headed back to the living room where Emilia was still standing her face still red with blush.  "Here you go." You handed them to her as she gave a thankful smile.  "Grazie."   "No prob and don't think there is any bad blood between us just because you're with Secondo okay?." Emilia stared at you as if you had read her mind and seen right through her fears, you watched as her hazel eyes welled a little.  "Grazie, grazie sister."  She spoke smiling as you hugged her. 
"Now go, rock his world sis." You snickered as Emilia squeaked at your words, one final hug and she was off to nail the man of her dreams, you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she could go right to her lovers' room and be with him while yours was miles and miles away. Your final thought that night was if this was how Gemma felt when Primo was on tour during his era as Papa, if she could get through it then hell you could too!. Tag list: Please message me and tell me if you would like to be tagged! @thesoundresoundsecho @xpapaemeritus @copiasprincipessa
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cosmic-tuna · 29 days
Not sorry for The Amazing Digital Circus postong but. I have some theories about Gangle, Caine, Jax, and episode 2. Under cut for spoilers. Early apologies if my writing is a mess, it's been a few years since I wrote a fandom theory.
At the end of episode 2, Caine... 🎉 🎊 Gummigoo. He explains that it is because he might confuse the NPCs and... Lets call them PCs, player characters. Cause fuck you, TADC seems to be a game that everyone is trapped in.
Which.. I thought that was weird, since there's only what - 5 or 6 PCs? Pomni, Ragatha, Jax, Zooble, Kinger, and Gangle. Sure, there have been several old PCs that have since abstracted. However, unless Caine is full space cadet(1), it would be difficult to confuse an NPC and PC.
Many people suggest this means a PC is secretly an NPC, and I do kind of agree. Hoeever, I don't agree with the common consensus that it may be Jax. If I recall, Gooseworx did talk about how Jax was the worst and most irredeemable of the bunch.
(Funfact, at this point I went to search for a website that had all the character profiles and info. Can't find it anymore.)
Anyways, midway through ep 2 Jax gets onto Gangle by saying, "Aren't you supposed to be submissibe and breedable agreeable?" and that stood out to me.
All these characters were real people, humans. It explains why their personalities are so complex. But Gangle... How does she(?) switch back and fourth based on her mask? I wouldn't call this a shoutout to bipolar disorder or anything, as that is far more spontaneous.
We already understand that Jax knows far more than he lets on. He has keys to everyone's rooms after all! He quizzes Caine on whether or not Pomni is an NPC when she first appears, and he seems to go through the 'adventures' fully understanding that they're just digital games which allows him to do the murderhobo stuff that he does. He has complex emotions.
But Gangle seems a little more.. flat. Created. What if Gangle is the NPC, and Jax knows? That would prompt his query in the war rig - if Gangle is an NPC designed to provide companionship to everyone else, then of course she would be programmed to be agreeable.
Just a thought.
1. Regarding Caine, I do know he's pretty spacey. He forgets about the adventure in episode 1 until Pomni pops into the void and never checks in on people. He seems to be obsessed with making his games for everyone and forgets other things. But.. Wouldn't that make it more strange for him to confuse NPCs and PCs? He makes the NPCs, presumably. He reuses them sometimes too! And when making the games, he seems to keep everyone in mind. (Re the candy bugs for kinger, violence for Jax, a person to befriend for Ragatha, a location that seems to be intensely happy for Gangle. Nothing for Pomni because he doesn't know her well enough yet.)
As a dungeon master, I have never confused an NPC for a PC. HOWEVER, I can confuse some NPCs with other NPCs. So, it would make sense to keep Gummigoo out if I wanted to keep Gangle's secret, as I would only need to worey about one NPC.
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tropic-havens · 10 months
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Ruins of Tulum, state of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Tulum is the site of a pre-Columbian Mayan walled city which served as a major port for Coba, in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. The ruins are situated on 12-meter (39 ft) tall cliffs along the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula on the Caribbean Sea in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Tulum was one of the last cities built and inhabited by the Maya; it was at its height between the 13th and 15th centuries and managed to survive about 70 years after the Spanish began occupying Mexico. Old World diseases brought by the Spanish settlers appear to have resulted in very high fatalities, disrupting the society and eventually causing the city to be abandoned. One of the best-preserved coastal Maya sites, Tulum is today a popular site for tourists.
The site might have been called Zama, meaning City of Dawn, because it faces the sunrise. Tulum stands on a bluff facing east toward the Caribbean Sea. Tulúm is also the Yucatán Mayan word for fence, wall or trench. The walls surrounding the site allowed the Tulum fort to be defended against invasions. Tulum had access to both land and sea trade routes, making it an important trade hub, especially for obsidian. From numerous depictions in murals and other works around the site, Tulum appears to have been an important site for the worship of the Diving or Descending god.
Tulum was first mentioned by Juan Díaz, a member of Juan de Grijalva's Spanish expedition of 1518, the first Europeans to spot Tulum. The first detailed description of the ruins was published by John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood in 1843 in the book Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. As they arrived from the sea, Stephens and Catherwood first saw a tall building that impressed them greatly, most likely the great Castillo of the site. They made accurate maps of the site's walls, and Catherwood made sketches of the Castillo and several other buildings. Stephens and Catherwood also reported an early classic stele at the site, with an inscribed date of AD 564 (now in the British Museum's collection). This has been interpreted as meaning that the stele was likely built elsewhere and brought to Tulum to be reused.
Work conducted at Tulum continued with that of Sylvanus Morley and George P. Howe, beginning in 1913. They worked to restore and open the public beaches. The work was continued by the Carnegie Institution from 1916 to 1922, Samuel Lothrop in 1924 who also mapped the site, Miguel Ángel Fernández in the late 1930s and early 1940s, William Sanders in 1956, and then later in the 1970s by Arthur G. Miller. Through these later investigations done by Sanders and Miller, it has been determined that Tulum was occupied during the late Postclassic period around AD 1200. The site continued to be occupied until contact with the Spanish was made in the early 16th century. By the end of the 16th century, the site was abandoned completely.
Tulum has architecture typical of Maya sites on the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. This architecture is recognized by a step running around the base of the building which sits on a low substructure. Doorways of this type are usually narrow with columns used as support if the building is big enough. As the walls flare out there are usually two sets of molding near the top. The room usually contains one or two small windows with an altar at the back wall, roofed by either a beam-and-rubble ceiling or being vaulted. This type of architecture resembles what can be found in the nearby Chichen Itza, just on a much smaller scale.
Tulum was protected on one side by steep sea cliffs and on the landward side by a wall that averaged about 3–5 meters (9.8–16.4 ft) in height. The wall also was about 8 m (26 ft) thick and 400 m (1,300 ft) long on the side parallel to the sea. The part of the wall that ran the width of the site was slightly shorter and only about 170 meters (560 ft) on both sides. Constructing this massive wall would have taken an enormous amount of energy and time, which shows how important defense was to the Maya when they chose this site. On the southwest and northwest corners there are small structures that have been identified as watch towers, showing again how well defended the city was. There are five narrow gateways in the wall with two each on the north and south sides and one on the west. Near the northern side of the wall a small cenote provided the city with fresh water. It is this impressive wall that makes Tulum one of the most well-known fortified sites of the Maya.
There are three major structures of interest at the Tulum archaeological site. El Castillo, the Temple of the Frescoes, and the Temple of the Descending God.
Among the more spectacular buildings here is the Temple of the Frescoes that included a lower gallery and a smaller second story gallery. The Temple of the Frescoes was used as an observatory for tracking the movements of the sun. Niched figurines of the Maya “diving god” or Venus deity decorate the facade of the temple. This “diving god” is also depicted in the Temple of the Diving God in the central precinct of the site. Above the entrance in the western wall a stucco figure of the “diving god” is still preserved, giving the temple its name. A mural can still be seen on the eastern wall that resembles that of a style that originated in highland Mexico, called the Mixteca-Puebla style, though visitors are no longer permitted to enter.
The Temple of the Descending God consists of a single room with a door to the west and a narrow staircase that was built on top of another temple that served as its base.
In the niche located at the top of the door stands a sculpture that’s found throughout Tulum. He has wings, a headdress and holds an object in his hands.
Also in the central precinct is the Castillo, which is 7.5 m (25 ft) tall. The Castillo was built on a previous building that was colonnaded and had a beam and mortar roof. The lintels in the upper rooms have serpent motifs carved into them. The construction of the Castillo appears to have taken place in stages. A small shrine appears to have been used as a beacon for incoming canoes. This shrine marks a break in the barrier reef that is opposite the site. Here there is a cove and landing beach in a break in the sea cliffs that would have been perfect for trading canoes coming in. This characteristic of the site may be one of the reasons the Maya founded the city of Tulum exactly here, as Tulum later became a prominent trading port during the late Postclassic.
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fnf-fluffcanons · 1 month
Tabi and Sarv with a S/O or friend who has a seriously bad problem with hoarding or just getting attached to things easily? Like they have 1-2 rooms in their house just purely dedicated to randomly collected items from craft items to papers they were going to shred and reuse. They’ll look at a rock and think “that’s a nice rock” and then take it home. Say that some of these things can be played with so like a puzzle or wax warmer and they say they’ll use it(they don’t) I feel like sarv would be a bit in disbelief, basically “wow, y-you have a hoarding problem.” Tabi would probably be the same way but more like “you have to stop.” Bonus point if their S/O/friend can somehow sort through the items. It’s just like a thrift store at that point.
I hope you don’t mind me just writing for Tabi since this is such a specific request (which I don’t mind, i like super specific ideas!)
*you have a problem with getting attached to things/hoarding
*you have at least a room or two dedicated to these specific items. Like you’re out on a walk and find some cool rock on the ground and go “cool rock” and yoink it off the ground
*some of these items can be played with such as puzzles, but you just… don’t do anything with them.
*Tabi has noticed this the first time he visited you at home, and he was just in disbelief.
*one day, he went up to you, placed his hands on your shoulders, looked you in the eyes and said “Y/n, I love you, but you have a problem.”
*you were a bit taken aback by this, but… you knew he was right.
*you knew you had to stop and go through the stuff you had, but you were going to need his help
*which Tabi was more than willing to do. He grabbed several boxes for things that you would get rid of
*he also helped you go through the stuff in the rooms you had everything in.
*and also make sure you wouldn’t attempt to take anything back/put it back
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adz · 4 months
hi, can I ask how I can look good as a trans person? I love how I look but I can’t dress. Do you have any advice?
fashion is a lifelong journey, and my idea of what looks good changes every day. my partner went to fashion design school and gave me a basic education on do’s and don’ts (like, don’t fully button your blazer, do leave a little room when tucking in a t-shirt so it looks natural, learn some simple color palettes…) but there’s a lot that comes down to your own personal taste.
loving how you look is a great place to start though!! now you can peek around and take note of styles that appeal to you - what sort of garments, textiles, colors, etc do you like? moodboard it! and don’t feel like you have to stick to one style (i certainly never have, lol).
then i would prob hit the local thrift stores and depop to find some cool clothes that fit your taste, and build outfits from individual garments you love. try to get stuff you can reuse in multiple outfits. here it helps to keep staples to a conservative color palette - i have several pairs of pants with crazy colors or patterns on them, but i find it hard to match outfits with them cuz i kinda just have to pair them with plain shirts/shoes/jackets…
and finally, you gotta just be confident. think of it as cosplay if that helps. nobody is born with a great sense of style, and finding a look you like requires stepping out of your comfort zone. i spent a lot of time basically pretending things that were new to me were already my style. i worried a little about getting made fun of, but try not to care what other people think and focus on what makes you happy! and if your friends are cool, they’ll be supportive too :-)
good luck!!! if you have any other questions def hit me up, i’d be happy to help!
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