#back then it was mental but now its physical. does that make sense at all
callisto-corner · 2 days
Cooking at 3am | Geto Suguru
Pairing: Geto Suguru x gn reader
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You remember those words from Virginia Woolf: 'One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.' She had a point, didn't she? Food, it's like the engine oil for your body. Without it, you're just grinding gears. And right now? Well, let's just say you're feeling the effects. Since two in the morning, it's been a battle on all fronts. Physically, emotionally, mentally—you're feeling the strain, the emptiness gnawing away at you .
A solitary tear escapes, trailing down your cheek as you clutch your rumbling stomach, wondering why Geto hasn't stirred yet. Seriously, does he sleep through earthquakes? you roll over to the small table, the moon's feeble light filtering through the curtains, barely illuminating your quest for sustenance. It's a scene straight out of a tragic romance novel, only instead of longing gazes, there's just you and your grumbling belly, desperately searching for snacks in the dark and there was none. A tragic ending in truth but one you refused to accept.
You unplugged your phone and it blinked. The clock struck 2:30 and it was time to deploy. Guided by the soft illumination of the moonlight seeping through the curtains, you navigated towards the door with deliberate steps, each footfall measured and precise. You spared a brief glance at Geto, cocooned in the warmth of the duvet, his peaceful slumber undisturbed by the nocturnal activities unfolding around him.
With practiced precision, you reached for the doorknob, turning it slowly to minimize any noise. The hinges yielded with a soft murmur, barely audible in the stillness of the night. Casting one final glance at Geto's peaceful slumber, you slipped out into the hallway, leaving behind the cold of the room for the cool embrace of the night.
The darkness enveloped you as you ventured into the living room, the moonlight filtering through the windows providing little assistance. With a quick flick, you activated the flashlight on your phone's camera, its beam cutting through the shadows and revealing the path ahead.
Navigating through the familiar terrain, you made your way towards the kitchen, each step cautious and deliberate. After a few moments of searching, your efforts were rewarded as you located the switch for the kitchen's light. With a click, the room was bathed in illumination, casting a warm glow over the countertops and cabinets.
Relieved to have finally made it to the kitchen, you wasted no time in getting to work. With your stomach rumbling impatiently, you eagerly scoured the pantry and refrigerator, hoping for a quick fix to satisfy your midnight cravings. But as you peered inside, your heart sank.
As you scoured the pantry and refrigerator, your hopes dwindled with each empty shelf. No chips to crunch on, no crackers to nibble. Not even a solitary cookie to salvage the situation. Instead, all you found were ingredients that required cooking—nothing suitable for instant gratification. Not a juice box or an apple in sight.
And then, like a slap in the face, it hit you: today was grocery day. The realization hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of your oversight. With a sigh of resignation, you accepted your fate and prepared to face the challenge of cooking up a meal from scratch, determined to make the best of the situation despite the inconvenience.
With a sense of determination, you propped your phone up against the knife holder, relying on the video's guidance to cobble together a meal. But frustration mounted as you realized that key ingredients were missing, throwing a wrench into your culinary plans. With a heavy sigh, you cracked your brain, considering alternative options to salvage the situation.
As if on cue, Geto's voice pierced the silence of the dark hallway, catching you off guard. "What do you think you are doing?" 
You couldn't help but let out an involuntary gasp, your hand flying to cover your mouth in a feeble attempt to hold back your outburst. The sound of your own heartbeat thundered in your ears, drowning out any hope of a coherent response as you watched Geto's calm face from across the kitchen.
And then, with a pointed gesture, he directed your attention to the sign above the stove—a sign you had failed to notice until now. The bold letters spelled out your ban from the kitchen, accompanied by a flurry of exclamation marks that left no room for ambiguity.
"Really?" you exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and amusement coloring your tone as you turned back to face him. His upper body rested casually on the island's marble surface, his expression calm yet resolute. With a slight shrug of his shoulders, he met your amazed gaze. "I still want a house to live in," he stated matter-of-factly, reaffirming the rules he had set in place.
"Come on Sugu" you placed the pot on the stove. "It was an honest accident"
"And I honestly," he began, his voice gentle as he met your gaze, "would still like to live in this house and not its ashes." your small smile dropped as you watched him. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
“Can you teach me then?” you threw your hand in the air.
He gestured a hum to your request, as he washed the vegetables. “You’d like to learn?” he turned to you
You have never cooked anything out of a small childhood mac and cheese. It was simple and it was tasty. Only required boiling water and after simply separating the liquid from the macaroni then you added cheese.
Your admission hung in the air, a stark contrast to the warmth of the kitchen. It was a confession that spoke volumes, revealing a vulnerability you rarely showed. Geto's expression softened, his eyes reflecting understanding and empathy.
"Never cooked anything beyond a childhood mac and cheese?" he echoed, his voice gentle yet tinged with curiosity.
You nodded, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks. It was a humbling admission, but one you knew you needed to make if you were ever going to learn.
Without missing a beat, Geto turned off the water and dried his hands, his movements deliberate yet comforting. "Well, then," he said, a spark of determination lighting up his eyes. "It's time we change that."
"I'll leave the vegetables duty to you," he added, gesturing towards the colander of vegetables that he had placed in a bowl to catch the dripping water.
With a nod of acknowledgment, Geto set to work, his focus unwavering as he began to prepare the shrimp with practiced ease.
Throughout the cooking process, Geto patiently taught you how to julienne carrots and peel various ground provisions efficiently. His guidance was clear and encouraging, and you absorbed his instructions eagerly, eager to learn and improve your cooking skills.
As you watched Geto work his magic in the kitchen, a surge of excitement and anticipation bubbled up inside you. This wasn't just about cooking; it felt like the beginning of a whole new culinary adventure, and you couldn't wait to dive in.
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Geto, you are soaked in the sights and sounds of the kitchen—the sizzle of the shrimp hitting the pan, the aroma of spices mingling in the air. His movements were confident and sure, a testament to his expertise in the kitchen.
As Geto poured the shrimp into the pan, the sizzle of the seafood hitting the hot surface filled the air with an enticing aroma. With a deft hand, he sprinkled the perfect blend of seasoning over the shrimp, each movement deliberate and precise. You couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as you watched him work, eager to play your part in this culinary symphony.
Instinctively, you reached for the dishes, your fingers dancing across the smooth surface as you prepared to assist in any way you could. As Geto stirred the sauce, you moved seamlessly beside him, your actions perfectly synchronized as if you'd been cooking together for years. It was a fluid collaboration, each of you anticipating the other's movements with a natural ease.
And then, as the aroma of the simmering sauce filled the kitchen, it was time to taste. Geto reached for a fork and a small plate, his movements deliberate as he carefully selected a plump shrimp from the pan. With a gentle touch, he dipped the fork into the sauce, ensuring that each bite would be infused with flavor.
You'd like to believe that no other man could have held a candle to a man like Geto. He, a man whose essence radiated warmth like a cozy hearth on a winter's night. His patience wasn't just a virtue; it was a cloak he wore with effortless grace, never once allowing the chaos of the world to ruffle its serene folds. And his kindness? It flowed from him like a gentle stream, soothing the weary souls he encountered along life's winding path. Geto was the embodiment of tranquility, a steady anchor in a sea of uncertainty, his presence a balm to those fortunate enough to know him.
As he held out the fork to you, offering you the first taste, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your chest. Taking the morsel of shrimp into your mouth, you closed your eyes, savoring the explosion of flavors that danced across your tongue. You hummed as the food melted in your mouth, the spiciness and sweetness of the sauce mixed the spiciness erupting a tiny cough from you. .
“Is it any good?” he asked
You couldn't help but chuckle at his question, even after countless meals he'd prepared for you, his humility never faltered. “Now you're just fishing for compliments,” you teased, giving him a gentle poke in the chest.
“But if you must know, I think you know the fastest way to my heart”
His smile widened, a mixture of pride and satisfaction evident in his expression.
“Then I'll just have to keep cooking for you, won't I?”
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arukibii · 1 year
hi Kibii nation
i dont know how to announce this but i’m One with the Piece now. i love little silly men. fuck yeah eat that fruit i love the sea !!!!!!!
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
decided to switch things up and rewatch the first 4 min of season 1 and the tone is so different but also quite similar?
the first 4 min are the fight at the club and the beginning of wille's speech saying he's going to hillerska. it sets the tone that he's going to be this bratty privileged kid who's used to everything going his way and throws a fit when his parents tell him no but it also sets the tone that he's going to be alone.
whereas season 2 opens on him totally broken. the only 'happiness' wille experiences is a dream and once he's awake he walks through the palace like a ghost. he doesn't talk to or look at anyone. he physically shuts kristina out when he closes the door on her and although we see his responses to august we don't actually see him send them. he doesn't acknowledge anyone.
both seasons start with wille alone but the difference is this time he's also lonely. in s1 when he got sent to hillerska he was alone but he wasn't lonely because he could still text or call erik if he wanted to talk (like on parent's day and before rowing practice) but this time? he's lost his brother and has both loved and lost simon. he has no one. we know at some point he talks with felice but at this point in time he is well and truly on his own.
the opening of s1 was purposefully misleading because we had to meet the characters and get to know them to understand their motives. but by the second episode wille was already friends with simon and still had erik. but this season? all bets are off. we know how things were left. even though wille and simon didn't end on bad terms they still ended. ngl i was originally skeptical when all the actors kept saying s2 was darker because s1 was plenty dark. but after that opening. after feeling the hopelessness and grief wille's experiencing? i fear we've only begun to scratch the surface of how far wille is willing to go now that he has nothing to lose.
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bhaalble · 7 months
I like that Last Unicorn quote as much as the next guy but I do always wind up feeling a little detached from analysis that paints Astarion's disapproval as purely envy. Partly because. No one's doing this for Lae'zel for instance even though she has similar disapproval and similar trauma (all she can remember is a hostile physically and emotionally exploitative environment which expected perfect strength and obedience from her or else she would be punished or killed). But also partly because it feels pretty detached from everything he actually has to say about it.
The thing about Astarion is he loathes weakness. He loathes sentiment and he loathes dependence. You can see this when he actually opens his mouth up about the people he disapproves of saving, but also incredibly loudly when he talks about the other companions, as well as his fellow spawn. If Lae'zel submits to Vlaakith he talks scornfully about how some people just come to love their chains. He's confused and put off if Wyll submits to Mizora to save his father. In every conversation with his fellow spawn (at least when hes not actively manipulating them) he's dismissive and harsh, and clearly he's perfectly willing to sacrifice them for the sake of himself.
There's an obvious origin point of those feelings, of course. Cazador's abuse is designed to actively kill off empathy in his spawn, both towards each other and towards victims. The last time Astarion prioritized someone over his own skin he got locked in a tomb for a year. We can see glimpses of it with the other spawn too, how his siblings are (apparently uncompelled at first) willing to drag Astarion back to their master for their freedom, how Petras' first dream of freedom is getting to drain another person dry. Astarion certainly doesn't seem to feel any real sense of solidarity with them, likely because Cazador understands that them building a community is a threat to his authority the way it was to his own master.
I'd also argue its Astarion projecting his own self-loathing outwards. So much of his quest is about his desperate attempt to escape from who he was. He's been given a chance to slip free of the limitations of being a spawn. He clings to that because of course he would. He also instinctively begins to run over everything in his path, because if there's anything he has learned over the past 200 years its that good things can always be taken away unless you make sure to remove any and all possible threats to that scrap of well-being. He's disdainful of people in need of help because they represent who he fears to go back to being! He calls his siblings "poor fools" while refusing to confront the fact that had it not been for the tadpole he would be in exactly their position, forced to cling to the hope that Cazador is telling the truth for once because escape isn't an option either way. He becomes irritated when Tav slows down to help the unfortunate because they represent roadblocks on his own path to safety.
There's an idea in mental health stolen from airplane safety: that you shouldn't help anyone else until your own mask is secure. What they don't tell you, speaking from personal experience at least, is that PTSD, especially for long term trauma, has a way of making you feel like your own mask will never be secure. And while that's scary, and it sucks, and there should be the utmost patience for it: no one is going to realize that mask is secure for you. Eventually you are going to have to accept the fact that you are breathing just fine. Eventually you are also going to have to accept that people asking something of you isn't them endangering you, even if it can sometimes (often) feel like it. It doesn't make you obligated to help them. But it does mean you have to stop reacting to them like a threat, because not 5 minutes ago that was you.
I think the idea that he's only mad because he's jealous is a gratifying fantasy. He didnt feel safe before, but now through your PC and the power of love he'll feel warm and cozy enough to forgive you for not being there to begin with. But I also think Astarion cannot live in a reality where he's never pushed back on. His instinctive self-protective movements are a coping mechanism, yes, but coping mechanisms developed under survival conditions can also be a way of keeping you frozen in your trauma. Outside of the environment they were necessary for, they can even hinder you from growing in the ways you need to grow to move past what happened to you. Sometimes, you need to stop a baby tiefling from getting crazy murdered by a snake because it turns out. That can happen to anybody not just people who are weak and stupid and deserve to die anyways not like me I'm normal-
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eamour · 8 months
daydreaming and imagining
when it comes to manifesting, people like to either daydream or imagine their desires which does sound like pretty much the same. nevertheless — it's not. daydreaming does not equal imagining, vice versa.
meaning · thinking of your desire
to daydream replaces the term "thinking of your desire". when you are daydreaming, you occupy a state of mind where you view yourself as well as your desire separated from each other. you could also say that you only pass through your desired state without truly embodying it and end up going back to your old dwelling state (wavering). you don't claim to have your desire, nor do you declare yourself to be in possession of it. you feel distant to it, almost as if it's impossible, unrealistic or illogical to achieve. you are desiring, aware of wanting your desire, craving and longing for the feeling, making you experience the lack of it. you feel uneasy about how your current reality looks like as you are waiting for some sort of movement or shift. you are dissatisfied about the present moment and view your manifestation as a target you need to aim for, perceiving it as a goal to attain. internally, you know that your desire hasn't been realised yet and wonder how it could possibly materialise. you analyse and examine your outer world a lot, judging it by its looks. you often ask yourself if your desires are ever gonna unfold. thus, you rely on the evidence of your senses, using the 3D as a tool to validate you. by waiting for its confirmation that you ask for so desperately, you automatically assign meaning and also power to the outer world. you let the physical world determine and dictate your mental world. by doing so, you give away control, but still continue to feel responsible and guilty. you repeatedly spiral, wondering what you could be doing wrong, not having full faith or trust in yourself. you don't quite believe in yourself and tend to give in. you endure the 3D as best as you can but often times, you consider your desire to be out of reach. you dream of the mere possibility and depend on the next moment you feel a motivational boost. frequently, you start to doubt, feeling uncertain and unsure about your ability to manifest. you find yourself feeling incapable and scare away from seemingly "big" wishes and wants. you feel needy, irritated and confused. you fight feeling resistant or pressured towards how you want your life to be like. you are afraid that you might never manifest your desired life.
meaning · thinking from your desire
to imagine can be used as a synonym for "thinking from your desire". as the term says, when you imagine your desires, you think from the point of view where you have them already. you experience them and live life from having whatever it is that you desire. you occupy the state of your wish being fulfilled, knowing and accepting that what you want already exists within you. you understand that nothing can exist outside of you and that life happens from you, so you trust yourself, believe in your capabilities and have faith in the law. you feel calm, confident and content as you are fulfilling your inner self, leaving the outer world as it is. you don't feel the need or the urge to change or control the 3D. there is simply no need for you to stress, worry or struggle. you understand that everything is yours, creation is finished and it all exists already. all you do is step into the state of having and being, living in the end where you got it all. you are one with your desire, you are connected to it as well as all the other contents of your reality. your desire has now become a part of you and you are free to chill, relax and to surrender. you have full trust that your desire will and has to unfold exactly how you want it and don't disturb your inner peace by overanalysing or unnecessary questioning. you don't need to rely on external proof, making your state of being depend on the outer world. you are the owner of your desire, the owner of your reality and stay unbothered by any physical circumstance. you are unaffected by anything that isn't favourable for you and refuse to be led on or negatively influenced. you remain living in your imagination, declaring it to be your one and only reality. whenever you desire something, you know that you don't go outside of yourself, searching for what is already within you. anything you could possibly seek, exists in your mind.
with love, ella.
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pinkpearlgoddess · 4 months
PAC: How soon will your manifestation become reality ✨
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Please remember all PAC (Pick a pile) readings are for entertainment purposes and should not be replaced for mental, physical or financial advice
Free readings: my free readings will be open very soon, I will also be offering exchange readings🐇
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Pile 1:
Rebirth: Tower Card, Death Card
This pile has understood their own gift and method of manifestation, I feel like this pile has gone through its fair share of trial and error and have now understood which method works best for them. I see majority of you have already manifested a few things out of your list but there seems to be one or two main ones you are still working on bringing to reality. Be prepared for some major changes because to get these manifestation into reality I see a tower and death card moment that needs to happen. You have done a lot work when it comes to trying to manifest this in your life. However, the vision I’m seeing is for these manifestation to come to reality it’s not only practice but also a detox as they would not fit in your current life. March and April. Be prepared to see one of two of your major manifestation to come to reality. I don’t see you being surprised as you have been putting the work in. There is a strong inner knowing. Congratulations!
Key to make this work faster: Detox your life, anything that does not longer reserves you let go of it and NEVER and I mean NEVER look back
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Pile 2:
Nurture: Feminine energy, Inner Child
This group has not yet seen anything come to reality as of yet. Some of you have one goal and one goal only but are struggling to understand why your manifestations have not come to light. I'm here to tell you there is a blockage in energy, one that has to do with personal inner growth and healing. I see a gray cloud near your sacral chakra and throat chakra. This group would do well to start writing daily in a journal. I also sense this group may overthink the manifestation method too much, trying multiple methods to see if they're doing it wrong. The key here is you need to be in the right mind space to start receiving from the universe or God, depending on who you believe in. Your manifestation will come to reality six months into creating a healthy routine that includes catering to your feminine energy and inner child healing (the inner child part will be painful to go through but also refreshing at the same time).
Key to make this work faster: Play subs during the night while you’re asleep, Journal literally everything in your life, start working on self care, stop overthinking about others and focus on yourself, speak your mind OUT LOUD and clearly, take walks in nature, start scripting from an “I AM” point of view including gratitude.
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Pile 3:
Experimental: The Fool & The magician 
key word: Consistency
Collective from this pile feel like new energy, new to the practical side of manifestation or have done a full reset and want to start from the beginning. Most of you have studied and explored the mindset point of view when it comes to manifestation and would now like to test the practical side of it. I see a lot of you being very sceptical due to an influxes of information coming in regarding manifestation. When it comes to the practical side of things and the work you put in it’s important you meditate on which methods you would like to start of with, which methods spiritually calls to you, not every method works for everyone. List all the methods that call to you and truly mediate of which one would best serve the manifestation you’re currently looking to achieve. One you have made the choice… practice consistently. This pile definitely rely on logic and practicality, so I see you guys being successful at this. There is a strong magician energy to you all, an academia background. You guys may even make a book documenting how your journey is going, what you’ve notice, what you would try in a different ways. There is no time frame because it doesn’t really seem like this pile is looking for a time but mainly a method to which works best for them. After mediating on a time frame and pulling a few cards, I feel you manifesting your first goal in 10 weeks to 12 weeks, Congratulations!
Key to make this work faster: Consistency is very important here: it should be part of your daily routine, part of your lifestyle, mental diet: learn about your mind and how you communicate to yourself
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anemptypuddingcup · 21 days
Wishes aren’t real.
Samurai Zoro x Female Maid Reader.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Contains: Non-consensual to consensual fingering & pussy eating. Semi-public fingering & oral. Face-riding. Reader squirting for the first time. Guys Zoro has to have a long tongue in this fic idc what ANYONE says. Zoro does not know how to express love without forcing his affection onto Reader. Zoro genuinely loving Reader. Zoro obsessing over Reader’s body. Zoro obsessing over taking Reader’s virginity. Reader being patient with Zoro. Reader is allowed outside of the estate and in the backyard. Reader and Zoro drinking and talking. Intoxicated Zoro & Reader. Kinda gets heartwarming in this one. A bit of time-skipping.
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The feeling of soreness ran throughout the lower half of your body and slowly began to wake your body up as you slowly turned over onto your side. Your brows furrowed as you mewl and groan out sleepily, your eyes slowly opening and your vision blurry but still catching the tall and large frame of your master Zoro. A heavy sigh left your lips as you groggily prop yourself up onto your elbows, your head slowly raising as you struggled to get the sleep out of your eyes.
You slowly sit up and yawned, your hand unconsciously lifting the quilt to cover up your breasts from Zoro. Zoro looks down at you and smiles before moving down and peppering a kiss onto your temple. The feeling of his slightly-chapped lips touching your skin gives you a sense of warmth as you smile at his warm and loving kiss.
“Good morning sweetness.” He says, a loving sigh leaving his lips as he stared down at your smaller frame for a while. You sleepily look up at him before sighing out, your mind and body both mentally and physically exhausted from last night. “Good…Good morning.” You respond, your body wobbling a bit unconsciously as it begged for you to lay back down into Zoro’s futon.
“I see you’re not as energetic as you usually are. I’ll be tending to you today, so you don’t have to worry about doing any chores today.” Zoro’s groans out, his hand trailing up to his disheveled and unkept mossy strands before he scratched at his head. You whine out and slowly slide back into his futon, pulling the blankets over your body and huffing out in exhaustion.
Zoro stared down at your now frozen frame for a moment, his eye studying your body as it slowly rose and lowered from your breathing. He feels his heart beginning to pound again as he watched you fall back asleep, his body and mind growing feral and hungry for that feeling again.
That feeling of his hands and his mouth against every part of your body. Every orifice, every appendage. Every single detail on every inch of your goddamn skin. He wanted to tear you apart again- He wanted to break your body down into pieces just as he did last night. He wanted to hear those broken yet pleasured cries tear past your lips.
Fuck, nothing come compare to how bad he wanted to tear into you. How bad he wanted to just tear that hymen to pieces and make you bleed all over him. Taking away your pureness would be absolute love to him. Knowing that he’s the one to take you and have you for his own and not anyone else is what makes him so high and hot.
He couldn’t wait much longer, just a slight thought already had his cock so erect to the point where he felt his shaft hurting and begging to be inside of you. His breaths began to grow heavy yet shaky, and he could feel his body beginning to tremble and lose its balance.
He reaches a hand out to your body and grabs the quilt before slowly peeling the blankets off of your body. Your body shudders at the feeling of the blankets sliding off of your body, and you slowly peek over your shoulder to see your dearest master…staring down as you like a demon wanting to tear into your skin.
Your body unconsciously shoots up from the futon and you slowly scooted back and away from him. He moves in closer and reaches his hands out to you before grabbing your face and pulling you closer to him. You shut your eyes tightly and trembled in fear, afraid that he might hurt you or maybe even worse.
He peppers a kiss to your lips and huffs out, his thumbs caressing at your cheeks while you trembled in his hands and whined out shakily.
“I’m sorry…” He says, his thumb tracing over the softness of your lips.
You eyes slowly opens and widens in response and you could feel a bit of warm tears brew at your eyes while he tried to wipe them away.
“I…I know I had hurt you for my own selfish gain…and disregarded your feelings in the process…I can’t say I didn’t mean to but…I apologize deeply for my behavior…” He says, his hands pulling away from your face and lying down flat to his lap. He bows down low to you, biting his lip while his brows furrowed.
He was genuinely struggling to keep his composure with you and you could see some of it.
You sat there in silence, staring at him while tears continuously ran down your face. Sniffles had left you as you repeatedly wiped away at your endless tears, struggling to hold them back and yet feeling so much…relief.
At least he understood that what he was doing was wrong…
You press you hand to his head and he could feel how hard you were shaking. He was sure that he had scared you well enough, enough to the point where you’d flinch no matter what move he made.
“P-Please…You…You don’t have to bow…” You say, your voice slightly obscured by your sniveling. Zoro’s slowly raises his head and he sighs out before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it. His hand cups your face once again and he wipes your tears away before pressing smooches to them.
“I just…I can’t express myself to you correctly.” He admits to you, pulling away and crossing his arms before looking away from you. “What…Whatever do you mean sir?” You asked him, looking up into his eye while he huffs out in response.
“I have…I…I share deep feelings for you…you and your delicate body. Your body that’s pure and hasn’t been touched by anyone else other than my own hands.” Zoro admits with honesty, his voice empowering and emphasizing such obsession for your body and you.
You couldn’t help but to blush at his words.
“I’ve never really went deep into dating anyone, let alone touching someone…I didn’t expect myself to encounter someone who’s precious as a gem and yet still hasn’t blossomed to the fullest.” He continues, his face now growing flustered as he spoke out his feelings towards you.
You were swooned by his words yet still nervous. It was obvious that this man liked you and yet you couldn’t act like you didn’t like him either. Even if you wanted some type of relationship with this samurai, this just wasn’t the right approach. It wasn’t a good start.
“Zoro…” You spilled, your body uncurling and stretching your arms out to him for hug. His brows raise in response and he sighs out heavily as he held back the urge to just…snatch you.
He slowly yet shakily wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you into his embrace while he inhales your scent and adored the feeling of his fingertips against your skin. “I…I like you too. I’m willing to be patient with you, Zoro.” You whisper to him, giving him a warming smile while he smirks back before blushing softly.
“Thank you…”
Zoro was there on his knees, crouching down as he slid his hand along the warm and minty fresh-scented waters.
“I’ll be doing everything today. You don’t have to do any chores or anything for the day.” Zoro says to you, his eye peering behind him so see you sitting there on the stool, your body uncovered and naked on the wooden stool. You nodded and watched as stood up to his feet before staring down at you.
You stood up off of the stool and gripped his hand tightly, hissing in slight pain due to the soreness in your lower body. He slowly slips you up off of your feet and walks you over to the tub before gently setting you into the warm water. You sigh out in relief as you sink down into the water, your body loosening up as you began to relax and enjoy the temperature.
Zoro slowly steps into the tub and sits beside you before huffing out, his arms crossed as he sat there and enjoyed the warmth of the water enveloping his lower body. You shut your eyes and mewl out in relaxation, your body not moving an inch while you lied there. You prop your legs up against his stronger thighs, and you stare up at him before blushing a bit.
Zoro quirks a brow to you before looking away, a groan leaving his lips as he looked around for his washcloth. You grabbed yours and dug around for the soap, looking around for it in the water while Zoro watched. “W-Wh- Where’s the soap? I can’t find it…” You asked, looking up at Zoro with cute and sweet doe eyes. Zoro bit his lips and sighs out before handing you the soap, watching as you slwoly took it from his hands and began using it on your washcloth.
Zoro was already struggling to sit in the bath with you and watching you bathe really just made everything worse for him. Watching the soap-covered rag coat your body in soapy suds made him growl out lowly to you. Your body was so defined, beautiful with a bit of shape that Zoro was attracted to.
You slowly stood up out of the water to wash in between your legs and Zoro groans out in aroused irritation, his hand playing softly at his tip as he watched you scrub along your inner hips and in between your legs followed by your inner thighs. Zoro turns his head and waited for you to finish, his hand softly playing at his cock while he waited for you to finish bathing.
“What would you like for breakfast?” Zoro asked, looking down at you while you stood there all sweetly. “It doesn’t matter…Whatever you’d like I’ll eat it.” You say smiling to him, your hands reaching out for the tea-pot full of hot tea. “Alright, just take the tea to the tea-room and I’ll bring the breakfast in there.” Zoro responds, looking back to you and watching as you nodded.
You look around in the cupboards and grabbed two teacups before placing them onto the tea tray and walking down to the tea-room. Your body took slow and careful steps but you begin to hiss out suddenly as the soreness quickly began to kick in again. Zoro turns over to you, looking over his shoulder while he saw you just standing there.
“Everything alright? You stopped walking.” He asked you, his hands now slicing at some vegetables while he continuously stopped to dig around for his rice-cooking pot and wok. You then over to him and smiled, hiding your pain or at least trying to cover it up from him.
“Y-Yes sir! I’m fine!” You responded before quickly walking off and out of the kitchen. Zoro watched as you make your way around the corner before he sighed out, shaking his head while he continued slicing at some vegetables.
You walked down the corridor in silence with only your thoughts making it loud. It was a bit of a walk down but you make it to the doors of the tea-room, a little sigh leaving you as you slowly slid the doors open and stepped inside.
You set the tea-tray down and walk over to the sliding doors that lead to outside before sliding them open, your eyes glimmering as they landed on the beautiful scenery outside. “So beautiful…” You hum out to yourself, admiring the stone pavement, soft gravel and the beautiful garden of flowers. The Sakura tree’s petals flowed along with the wind and you watched as they fell into the river.
It was such a beautiful scene…it almost made you forget that…you couldn’t even go outside anymore. A sigh leaves your lips as you slowly turned around and freeze as you notice Zoro’s frame standing there, watching you stare outside. “S-Sir! I didn’t hear you come in..” You sigh out heavily, holding your chest as your heart fluttered slightly from sudden shock.
Zoro smirks at you before walking over to the low table, his hands carrying two plates for both you and him. “I thought you were supposed to be pouring my tea.” He chuckled to you, slipping his shoes off and setting your platters onto the table.
“Y-Yes sir!- S-Sorry!” You apologized, rushing back over to him and giving him a nervous smile. You make your way over to the low table and slide your geta off before sitting yourself down onto your cushion, now getting a good whiff of what Zoro had cooked you both for breakfast.
Your stomach growled as the scent of your breakfast fills your nose, a hum leaving you as you reached out for the teapot and pours you and him some tea. “Breakfast smells wonderful! What did you cook?” You asked, a bit of curiosity prickling at your mind as you stared up at him.
Zoro finally sits down before you and lifts up the tops covering your plates, revealing omurice alongside some rice balls. Your eyes sparkled at the food, there was so much on your own plate and his.
“Omurice. I added a few more meat and vegetables along with the rice to give it a bit more protein I guess.”
You scoop a bit of the loaded fried rice onto your spoon and blew on it a bit before taking a bit and moaning out at the taste.
“So good!~” You whimpered, covering your mouth while you chewed and enjoyed the flavors that melted and merged in your mouth.
“Thanks…I learnt it…from a friend. I stir-fried the rice in some butter and added a bit of MSG. That’s my personal touch though…” Zoro sighed out, his face beginning to burn a deep shade of red as he grew flustered.
You smiled and giggled to him before taking another bite of your breakfast, humming out at at taste and adoring how every bite was full. You turn over to Zoro and noticed that he was staring outside, listening to the beautiful noises of nature and the sound of birds chirping outside.
“Is there something wrong?” You asked him, looking up to him. Your voice catching his attention and making him gaze towards you. “Mmh? Just thinking is all.” He sighed out, his head resting both of his palms as he turned his head back towards the scenery. You look down at his plate and realized that he haven’t even took a bite at his food yet.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You asked him, pouting a bit as you stopped eating and turned over to him. He doesn’t answer you and you watched as he slowly stood up from his cushion and walk over to the outside doors of his tea-room. “Zoro…?” You called out to him, setting your spoon down and rushing up off your cushion and over to him.
Zoro stood there with his arms crossed, inhaling the fresh breeze as the wind blew and kissed his skin. “It’s been a while since I’ve been outside my backyard…Everything still looks as beautiful as it always did before…” Zoro says lowly to himself, staring outside while you stared up at him.
“It is pretty outside…I’ve never seen such a nice yard…” You responded to him, smiling as you watched the Sakura petals flutter in the wind.
Zoro looks down at you before looking back up and out his backyard.
“Would you like to go out there and have a drink with me? We both need some fresh air and my backyard is rather large for you to explore.” Zoro asked you, looking down at you while you stared up at him with widened eyes. “Y-Yes! I’d love to! I would love to go and sit outside with you Zoro!” You beamed, a smile appearing across your face while you stared up.
Zoro chuckles and walks away from you. “Cover up our breakfasts then and I’ll go get my sake.” He said, slipping his shoes back on before he walks over to the shoji doors leading back to the hallway. You stared at him for quiet some time and he smiles to you before walking out of the tea-room.
You sighed out and ran over to the low table, placing the tops back onto your plates before slipping your shoes back on and turning over towards the outside door. You ran back over to the outside doors and stared outside while you waited for Zoro.
He came back shortly with a large bottle of sake in his hand, his body trailing over to yours as he grabbed your hand. He steps down from the porch and guided you down, watching as you took your time and stepped down onto the soft gravel below.
“Come, it’s safe to walk around here.” He says, giving you a little smirk as he pulled you along and guided you throughout his backyard. You observed his beautiful backyard, noticing the colorful flowers and the Sakura trees flowing with the wind and leaving their petals behind. “So beautiful…” You hummed out in awe, walking with Zoro while he looks down at you with a smile.
“I didn’t necessarily worked on the garden that much, I’m surprised it turned out so beautiful.” Zoro responded, his frame halting before he slowly got down onto the gravel and sat there comfortably. You followed and lowered yourself down beside him, looking up at him while he pulled two small cups from his robe.
He hands you one and opens up his sake, pouring a bit into he cups before he lifted his cup first. “Cheers?” He asked you, holding his cup out to you while you stared at it for a moment. You gave him a little smirk before lifting your glass as well, making him smirk to you.
“Cheers, Zoro.” You said to him sweetly.
You both clicked your glasses together before downing your drinks in one sip, a heavy yet refreshing sigh leaving the both of as you sat there in silence for a little bit.
Zoro pours himself another cup before he turned to you, his smirk still spread across his face while you reach your cup out to him once again.
“I had more fun days when I was younger in my mid twenties. It’s so boring nowadays.” Zoro sighed out, a chuckle leaving him while he stared down at your gleaming face that shined in the sunlight.
You both had been sitting there for hours, talking and ranting about things that not even you had talking about with anyone. You giggled to him and took another sip of your sake, the alcohol clouding your mind though still a bit intact.
“I never had a lot of fun moments in my life…I’ve had more fun back when I was a kid but…if I had to be honest…I’m enjoying my time with you Zoro.” You admitted to him, looking up into his only eye while yours grew half-lidded.
Zoro smiles down at you before moving down to you, his hand cupping your face and caressing your soft cheek. He moves in and presses a smooch to your softer lips, the taste of the alcohol lingering on both of your lips.
“Well I’m happy you are…I’m enjoying my time with you too~” He hums out before pulling away from you, his hand moving away from your face while you gave him a bit of a pout.
You look away as your face grew a deep shade of red, the alcohol making you yearn for more of his affection.
You reach your hands up to his face and pulled him back closer to you, opening your mouth slightly before pressing your lips deep against his. A moan leaves your lips as you felt him sigh out before he’d softly wrapped his arms around your small and fragile frame. He groans out and pulls away but you pulled him back into your lips, startling him and making him groan out shakily.
He could tell that the alcohol was clouding your mind, but you couldn’t have been that drunk. You didn’t drink that much so he’d just assume that maybe you were just yearning for some of his affection. Or maybe this was probably your first time handling alcohol…
With your lips against his, he softly slid a rough hand up your leg which causes you jolt and pull your lips away from him so suddenly. You looked up into his eyes before looking away and that was when he could tell that you were probably still scared of him.
He grips your leg and pulls you closer to him, making you struggle against him before you fell down onto your back. You look up at Zoro and watched as he spreads your legs open before lifting them up, making you whine out shakily to him.
“Mmgh- Z-Zoro- P-Please Zoro!” You say frantically, inhaling deeply as you began to panic and flail around suddenly. “Please…Don’t be scared of me. I just want to…touch you.” He said with honesty, his hand shoving your kimono up which revealed your bare cunt to him. You stared up at him as you let out shaky breathes, turning your head away as you felt him touching pussy.
Running his thumb along your clit, he pulled it away and watched as a string of slit followed after. You were soaking…dripping for him in fact. He couldn’t tell if this was your genuine feelings or the fact that the alcohol was staining your system. For all he knows, your cunt could just be soaking from the previous night you both had. “You’re soaking…is that because of me…?” He asked you, his eyes gazing up to you and your fearful expression.
You didn’t answer him but he smiled to himself, happy that he had done something to make you feel this way. He teases at your slit to try and get your attention, a shaky sigh leaving your lips as your hips began to squirm beneath his hands. One of his larger hands gripped at your hip while the other teased at your pussy, trying to just get you to look at him while he’d please you.
He dips his head down between your thighs, pressing his lips against your slit before running his tongue through your folds. You moan out suddenly and turned to him, staring down at him while his emerald eye stared deep into yours. “Z-Zoro…Ahhh~” You mewled out to him and jolted from the sudden pleasure, feeling his tongue run against your clit.
You feel him slide two of his digits past your entrance, the feeling of your wonderful velvety walls suck his fingers in. God you were so warm inside, just feeling your walls tighten around his fingers made him grow an erection damn near immediately. His tongue began to swirl at your sensitive pearl before he’d move his tongue all along your labia, savoring your flavor and yearning for more of you.
You lied there above him, gasping and mewling out for him while he’d pleasure your pretty yet innocent pussy. He was surprised that his fingers hadn’t stretched you out and tore your hymen yet. That’s all he wanted, he just wanted to deflower you and take his innocence away from you so badly. You were someone that he wanted and needed, and even when he does deflower you he’s not just gonna ditch you afterwards.
He adored you too much to do so.
A moan leaves you as he behest thrusting his digits in and out of your pussy, his fingertips repeatedly kissing your sweetened spot while you couldn’t help but to squirm and melts beneath his grasp. “O-Oh~ Oh god~ Z-Zoro~” You moan out his name and reached out for his green mossy strands, pulling his head farther into his cunt while you whine out to him.
“M-More~ P-Please g-go faster~” You gasped out so sweetly to him, your words making his eye widen in response. His brows raise as he lifts his head to look up at you, his eyes staring down into yours while you stared back to him with a needy expression written all over your face.
“M…More…?” He asked, staring at your pretty face while you nodded in response. He wastes no time dipping his head back between your thighs, a moan leaving you as you felt him slurping at your cunt while he thrusted his fingers faster in and out of your pussy.
“Oh! R-Right there please Zoro!~” You whine out, biting your bottom lip rather hard while you arched your back. Your geta had slipped off of your feet as your toes curled, your hips thrusting up and rather hard against his mouth. “Mh- Wait! Wait…Hold on.” Zoro groans out and pulls away before rolling over onto his back, his fingers sliding out of your pussy before he suckled on them and indulged in your flavor.
You sat there and stared at him for a moment and realized that he wanted you to get on his face. “Come on, I promise I’m going to be okay. I just…need to feel you against my face.” He says, huffing out to you while he lied there. You nodded and moved over to him before holding your hips over his head, your cunt dripping a bit of slick down into his lips.
He licks his lips and huffs out before his hands gripped your hips, a groan of ecstasy leaving him as he watched you lift your kimono up for him. “Fuck please, please ride my face. I need your pussy against my lips.” He huffs out, his face giving off a look of pleasure as he stared up at your leaking cunt for a few minutes.
You sigh out and slowly lowered your hips but Zoro slammed them suddenly onto his lips before he began suckling at your cunt again. A moan leaves you as you felt him shove his tongue past your entrance and into your pussy, feeling around for your g-spot whilst still stimulating your walls.
“Ah~ Z-Zoro~” You mewl out and roll your hips against his mouth, your clit occasionally bumping up along his nose while you grind your hips against him. Zoro held on tight to both of your hips while you held your kimono up for him, his hands pulling and sliding your hips repeatedly against his face so roughly.
You breathe out heavily and arched your back as you grind up against his tongue, trying to to find a certain angle to feel his tongue kiss your g-spot. A gasp leaves you as Zoro lifts and slams your hips against his mouth, your body shuddering as you felt your lower tummy starting to tighten up.
“Ah! I-I’m close Zoro!~” You whined, your hips growing more frantic as you ride his face with desperation. Zoro grinds out and lifts your hips before gasping out slightly. “Cum on my face baby, just fucking cream on my face.” He groans out, his hands pulling your hips back down as he now focuses on your clit.
You whined out and gripped your kimono linen tightly, gasping out angelically as you grind yours hips against him a few more times. “Hah!~ I-I’m cumming!~ F-Fuck Zoro I’m cumming!~” You whine out and arch your back, your face scrunching up in adoring pleasure while your eyes rolled up uncontrollably. “F-Fuck, Fuck!~” Your mouth opens and releases a silent moan, your body shuddering heavily against Zoro’s face as you squirt onto his tongue with a deep and heavy gasp.
Zoro holds your hips still against his lips and he suckles at your pussy, lapping at your juices while your pussy continues to gush against his tongue. Warm tears brewed up in your eyes and began running down your face while a bit of drool unconsciously slips down to your chin, your face all sticky as you struggled to handle your orgasm.
You struggled to lift yourself off of his face but when you do, you fall down onto the soft gravel and lied there limp for a few moments. Zoro lifts his head and looks around for a napkin and shrugs, just settling on leaving his face dirty and sticky for the time being. He turns over to you before shifting over, his eyes looking down at you.
“Oi, are you alright?” Zoro asked, staring down at you while you breathed heavily and struggled to keep yourself together due to your orgasm.
“I-I’ve…I’ve never squirted b-before…t-that was my first time…” You gasp out shakily, wiping your tears away as you body fell weak and frail. Zoro holds your body in his arms and presses his sticky lips against yours, sighing out as he pulled you close and held your smaller frame against him.
“Did you feel good?” He asked you, his face softening as he stared down at you. You smile sweetly yet weakly to him. “Of course I did…I…I liked it this time…” You admitted, reached your arms out to Zoro and wrapping them around his neck. You pepper a kiss to his cheek before he turns over and kissed your lips once again, a groan leaving him as he pulled away and licked his lips.
He slowly stands up with you in his arms and sighs out, his frame turning around back over to the tea-room before he looked back down to you.
“I guess we’re gonna have to freshen up again.” He sighed out to you, giving you a little smile. “I’m…I’m fine with that, Zoro.” You replied to him, holding on to him tightly while he held you close.
Finally, you were overcoming your fear of him. Fuck, as much as he wanted to tell you he couldn’t…but he’s so…so proud of you, for trying to grow over your fear…your fear of his affection.
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egot1stical · 8 months
ramblings about how winter king is not a simon but an ice king from my insta story. no idea how much sense this makes
Not to post a serious analysis of mr oncest bait, but it's kind of... *wrong* to say the winter king is Simon? I think it's more accurate to call him an ice king who THINKS he's Simon. His whole bit is that he removed the madness of the crown from himself, but the ice king isn't just "simon but crazy". The ice king is the result of the wish crown's curse over the span of 1000 years breaking down Simon's psyche and replacing and warping and mixing it with Evergreen (specifically Gunther's warped view of him) and adding more madness and sadness till he basically experiences ego death. We know our Simon (at least at this point) considers he and ice king separate entities. They have pretty different personalities
Winter king is more like ice king than Simon:
* Physical stuff. Obviously. He's taller, has longer straighter hair, and is fucking bright blue+ still has evergreen's nose LOL. But also smaller stuff like the fact he dresses different and has different shaped glasses
* WAYYYYY more outgoing. Even before All That, Simon doesn't seem like the most outgoing guy. He would go on expeditions yes but could you imagine that guy throwing a party? No.
* Way more selfish and self absorbed. Which is in line with ice king, but now he's conventionally attractive so everyone else agrees. This is opposed to the fact Simon want to khs
* No consideration for PB. This is an interesting one, because it's the first departure from both our Simon and IK. Obviously ice king was terrible to PB LOL but like....he liked her.....because she was like betty..... And now Simon really respects her (and feels terrible about it.) while WK straight up does NOT care about her. Different from both, but closer to IK because he is a dickweed
* Deals with emotions differently than Simon. Seems to have completely blocked Betty out (assuming they were still close in this universe). And marceline bro... whatever happened there, ice marcy is the KID version of her. He has her bass, so she at least grew up and they've interacted. Maybe she saw him get "fixed" and was like.
Wow! You're not Simon!
* The name. Fionna's dream has the "ice prince", and that's what she calls Simon upon meeting him for the first time. If this was a True Simon, it would make more sense for him to be called the ice prince in universe, no? But he keeps the King title.
Simon spends a lot of the episode jealous of the winter king because he seems so well adiusted while he has the crown.
Simon has no magic, no nothing, but at least he has his brain back. The crown is very much directly linked to his loss of identity and to see WK be CONSCIOUS and LIKED and seemingly HIMSELF with magic is something he desperately wants especially at a time like this when his mental health is down the shitter while everyone talks about how much more fun he was when he was legitimately insane
The difference is that Simon spent every *conscious* moment FIGHTING the crown. Winter king is NOT fighting that shit. He says that he "conquered" it, but no you did not buddy. He is still dependent on it. He cannot survive without it. He just gave up. He's accepted that he's become one with it instead. So did ice king. Except without the madness of ice king, he can be a semi functional human being. He still gets the high of the crown and all its power, but this doesn't change the fact it Changed Who He IS.
Doesn't fucking matter rn becauee Simon hates himself and wants to be someone else but you get the idea. Winter king is just a version of Ice King LARPing as Simon. He can just do this way more convincingly even to himself because he can actually think now
Like “Betty? OH HAHA THE DEAD ONE” is an ice king ass reply and I swear to god at least part of the reason they didn’t get Tom Kenny to do his voice is because it would just be ice king’s voice again
also in regards to why candy queen is like that-Okay one, this goes with the name thing. Princess bubblegum. Normal. Candy Queen. Insane. Same as winter/ice king and ice prince. We cool?
The Madness manifested in Simon/ice king in regards to Betty as romantic obsession. With the madness gone, CQ is the one feeling the brunt of these feelings- which would explain why Winter king doesn't remember feeling so Strongly about betty. Because Simon's feelings about her are naturally just fucking insane, it's so intertwined with the Madness that when that part is removed, so are any feelings towards Betty.
CQ is probably also obsessed with WK and "being together" because the sane part of her mind recognises that this madness is HIS and this is her fucked uo way of trying to like. Give it back.
That’s all I got
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eddies-house · 11 months
Lost Like a Kid In a Supermarket - E.M.
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Eddie x fem reader
3K Words
Eddie comforts you and does what he can when he sees that you’re doing bad again.
Warnings - depictions of mental illness, mentions of issues with eating, I think that’s it
Feeling like you’re getting bad again because living starts to feel like a chore more than usual.  The simple act of getting yourself something to eat is impossible, every time you open the fridge you’re met with overbearing anxiety that almost has you in tears.  
Fatigue has its claws latched onto you, no plans of loosening its grip anytime soon.  Messes are becoming more prominent, the pile of clothes in the corner growing bigger with every passing day and your patience wearing thin, wishing it would put itself away.  The dirty dishes make themselves at home in the sink and you feel them stare you down with every pass through the kitchen.  Guilt bites at you like a mosquito and yet…
You walk away.
A temper tantrum builds in your mind only for your physical being to remain expressionless, stagnant.  You are a shell of the person you were days ago and you mourn how naive you were then.  It usually comes in waves and you can normally sense when you’re about to go under but not this time.  This time it swallowed you whole without warning.  The pile of unopened mail begs to be opened and the lampshade across the room demands to be tilted back into its upright position.
Houseplants plead with you to water them, to at least open the curtain for some sunlight.  The chair you usually occupy at the dining room table wishes to be pushed in.  Your greasy, unkempt hair desires to be washed and unknotted, teeth only hoping to be brushed.  There is so much to be done and yet…
You continue to walk away.
Your beloved Eddie shows up unannounced for the first time this week, working at the auto shop occupying him all week up until now.  His gaze catches the numerous blankets littering the couch and the half drinken glasses of water scattered on the coffee table, the mess of crumbs on the counter that would otherwise drive you insane and be swept away immediately.  The bags of takeout flooding the trash can, spill over from when you did finally have an appetite.  You’d either overeat or not eat at all.
Big brown eyes turn sad when they land on your curled up figure, practically one with the couch.  Your eyes are puffy and accompanied by dark bags that indicate the amount of sleep you’ve been getting.  Complexion dull and devoid of any glow, you mindlessly stare at the TV playing a rerun of Friends.  You look as good as you feel and you wouldn’t blame him for walking out.
He stays.
Your gaze travels to him standing in the doorway, a gentle smile playing on his lips despite the melancholy scene before him.  A silent way to let you know he’s happy to see you.  All you can offer is the most subtle upturn of your lip that is gone just as soon as it arrives.  Toeing his shoes off near the front door, he strides over and perches himself next to you, everything Eddie invading your senses in the moment, giving you a brief second of relief from the hell you’d been subject to.  The smell of his shampoo lingering from his freshly washed curls fills your nose, the green apple one you’d picked out for him and he continued to buy, his cologne that had hints of cinnamon.  If a look of sympathy crosses his features, you’re too far gone to notice.
A brush of his hand against yours with a soft ‘hi’ makes you turn to look up at him next to you.  He would surely get disgusted by you eventually and leave, right?  Become so fed up with your mental illness that he’d decide to find someone worth giving the time of day to.  Someone who could leave the house without a second thought, someone without so many issues.  There was no way he could love you with all of your baggage, your copious amounts of baggage.  But up until this point so far…
He’s stayed.
Unable to form a coherent word, you try another smile but it doesn’t reach your eyes, barely even reaches your lips.  And he just knows.  It’s obvious he knows, your apartment is in shambles and your appearance is gruesome.  How could anyone not notice how far gone you were at this point?  But unlike just anyone, he also knows how to help, how to pick you up while in such a frail state, and how to manage the demons that plague your every thought.  He understands all too well  just how suffocating it can all become, how isolating the dark corners of your mind can be—his own brain subjecting him to the same torment at times.
And rather than leaving or turning a blind eye like everyone else, he coaxes you up from your divot in the couch, despite the small protests coming from you.  Hand gripping yours while he tugs you up from the couch, he looks at you with such concern, such care behind his gaze—love, unconditional love in spite of the horrific disaster that is you.  “I missed you.” He speaks quietly as you stand in front of him, longing for your spot on the couch.  A gentle upturn of his lips has you cursing yourself for being unable to find the words he deserves, your nonverbal state all you are able to offer with the billions of thoughts swarming your mind and the crushing pressure of life dragging you down.  So you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head against his chest, a ‘thank you’ in the muted language he’s come to learn from you.  Your grip on the back of his shirt is tight, your way to communicate ‘I missed you too’.
A ringed hand brushes against your cheek, knuckles just barely kissing your skin as he ever so slightly pulls back to look at you again.  Big Bambi eyes scan your face, no doubt spotting your sunken eyes and worn out expression even closer up.  Biting his lip in some kind of anticipation while inhaling slowly, he speaks again.  “Have you been eating?” His tone is gentle, treading lightly among the heavy topic, not wanting to cause you more grief over yourself though his eyes are the slightest bit glassy.  Now staring at the floor, you inhale shakily before forcing yourself to at least whisper—that much he deserves.  “Sometimes.” You answer truthfully.  On the nights that you did eat it ended up being half of the actual meal, sometimes a third depending on when it began to make you feel nauseous.  There were a few days in between you’d overeat only to also feel nauseous.  The key factor being you would only eat one meal a day, a snack at most on some days.  His features are sad, brows knit together and frown painted on his lips.  And yet his reply says everything.  “Okay.”
A hushed voice in the dim lighting of your apartment displays nothing but empathy.  Though it’s only one word you hear several.  No judgement.  Only the vow that he’s there for you even when you weren’t there for yourself.  He’s nodding his head as he takes another glance around the room before focusing back on you.  Again, he speaks.  “Okay.”  As if he’s decided on something.  “C’mon.” He whispers, fingers interlocking with yours while leading you to the bathroom as he usually did when things got bad.  Turning the shower on, taking care to turn the knob to the exact temperature you like, he begins lifting your oversized sweatshirt over your head, your chosen wardrobe for the past week.  You know the drill, stripping off your remaining clothes as you hop into the shower but instead of standing under the steaming stream of water you sit with your knees tucked into your chest, water trickling down your skin.  Soon after the warmth of Eddie’s skin is on yours while he tucks himself behind you, his hair dancing over your shoulder while he curls his body around yours, his chest to your back.  “I’ve got you.” He mumbles against your back, lips caressing your skin.  Gentle kisses make their way up your back, over your shoulder, to your jaw, and finally your cheek where he nuzzles his nose into you softly.  Muted ‘I love yous’ scattered along your skin.  
The intimate act of washing your body always made him feel honored, suds lathering under his fingertips and the smell of your citrus body wash consuming the small space.  Washing your hair was a daunting task but not for him, he was patient as he worked his way through it, concentration etched into his features.  Everything you couldn’t do for yourself in the moment, he was glad to take over.  “Turn around for me, baby.” He talks quietly.  You oblige and face him, you crisscrossed in between his legs.  His curls are soaking wet, becoming longer with the amount of water filling them, bangs pushed to either side of his temples for a better view.  He grabs your razor from the little shelf on the wall, smoothing his hand over your leg.  He knows you don’t shave for the appearance but because the feeling of your legs rubbing together when you’re laying down makes you nuts.  He could tell it was getting to that point by the way you itched at your leg in the living room earlier as you always did when you desired a clean shave.  And so he carefully drags the razor along your leg, collecting the little hairs and tapping it off into the drain behind you, repeating until he moves onto the next leg.  The simple act of him assisting in keeping up with your hygiene made you want to cry for many reasons.  The main ones being that he shouldn’t have to fucking do this for you and that you never thought anyone could be this sweet.
While you’re standing in nothing but a towel in the middle of the bathroom, Eddie is gathering some comfortable clothes for you.  And sure enough he comes bearing one of his T-shirts—one of the many that he keeps in one of your drawers along with a pair of his boxers for you to wear.  He even goes as far as to dress you, finishing it off with a peck to your nose.  “Will you have dinner with me?”  He asks genuinely, eyes pleading while his hand finds yours and he presses an endearing kiss to your knuckles.  While you don’t have much of an appetite, the least you can do is try.  For him.  For all he’s done for you without a single complaint, a single hint of hesitance.  Only true and undeniable love, no intent to gain anything other than a smidge of your happiness.  You nod.  “Yes.”
That night he cooks you something safe, something he knows that even if you won’t touch a lot of it right now, it’ll be in the fridge for you to easily heat up with no extra steps.  He even goes as far as to light a candle on the countertop between you two as you sit on the bar stools nibbling at your dinner.  Anything to make the environment a little more serene for you, a striking comparison to how it’s been the past week.  One of your shared favorite shows plays on your laptop on the counter as well, giggles coming from Eddie every now and then while he eats.  A few from you as well every now and then.
His attention shifts to you and it’s evident that you’re poking around at your food after only taking one bite.  You feel his elbow bump yours, the sudden contact surprising you while you quickly turn to look at him.  He eyes your food, then you, then your food again.  A telltale sign that he’s begging for you to eat.  “I’m no chef but I didn’t think I fucked it up that bad.”  He jokes, worry still filling his chocolatey irises.  You mumble a ‘sorry’ while looking down at your plate ashamed.  “Sweetheart, don’t ever be sorry.”  He ducks his head down to catch your gaze.  “I don’t want you to be sorry, okay?  Just want you to eat and be healthy.”  He further explains.  His tone is pleading.  You nod and try again.  For him.  This time you’re able to stomach a few more small bites, leaving some food still on the plate but Eddie is satisfied with the progress.  
Your mind starts going into a frenzy after dinner, switching from being ignorant to the mess that is your apartment, to now being hyper aware of every misplaced item and dirty dish, every crumb left behind on the kitchen counter and every wrinkled up blanket that had been living on the couch.  The way your laptop sits on the countertop now has you cringing, it’s one more item that doesn’t belong.  Eddie notices this as you begin frantically gathering your belongings in your hands and arms, laptop balanced on your forearm,  half filled cups from the coffee table squeezed between your bicep and your chest, a book cradled in your other arm, and a blanket dangling from your other hand.  You’re quickly moving between rooms to put everything back where it belongs.  As you make your way back to the kitchen, the sight of the dirty counter, pots on the stove, dishes in the sink, and the nagging pile of mail make you inhale shakily.  At this, Eddie rushes to your side before you can make this worse for yourself.  “Let me help, you take the counter and I’ll take the dishes.”  He announces, knowing that you would never go to bed without cleaning given the dramatic switch of your mental state.  With a watery sigh and a sniffle, overwhelmed but determined, you nod and quickly start grabbing something to wipe down the counter.  He knows you don’t want to do this right now but you have to.  Otherwise you would drive yourself crazy and have trouble sleeping.  
The kitchen gets cleaned in no time thanks to Eddie’s quickness and your ability to multitask, your determination kicking into gear just before giving out again, most likely sending you into another pit of exhaustion.  You obsess over one last spot on the microwave, the debris not rubbing off as easily while you scrub it forcefully.  Strong hands place themselves on your wrists, Eddie’s tall figure shadowing over you.  Gently, he works the rag out of your hand and playfully bumps his hip against yours, nudging you out of the way.  “Darlin’ this stain has been in the works for weeks.  Trust me, I’ve been trying.”  He smiles, tossing the rag over the sink.  His arms wrap around your waist as he presses a kiss to your crown.  “I’ll buy you a new microwave if it makes you feel better.  Gotta wait til’ the morning though.”  He mumbles, fingers delicately sliding along the small of your back.  Finally finding your voice again, you look up at him.  “No, that’s ridiculous.  Can we just take turns every other night scraping at it?”  You gesture to the microwave, a hint of humor in your voice, finally.  “Maybe if we do it enough it’ll eventually go away?”  You say, squinting your eyes.  A laugh escapes Eddie, his hands squeezing your sides.  “There’s my girl.  Been looking for you.”  His smile is contagious, your mouth widening with him.  “It took a minute but here she is.”  You’re now gesturing to yourself with subtle jazz hands.  “Yeah, well it kinda felt like I was a kid lost in a supermarket there for a second.  You know how scared I get when I’m lost at the supermarket.”  He partially jokes.  He so totally does get scared when he can’t find you in the store, an ongoing problem due to his short attention span.  
You giggle, your head now against his shoulder as he holds you in the dim light of the kitchen.  “You know what?”  You ask, Eddie humming in response, his chest vibrating.  “I felt like a lost kid in the supermarket too this past week.  Except probably times a thousand.”  You admit.  His hand cradles your jaw as he makes you look at him, rings cold but refreshing against you.  “I know, baby.”  He whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead.  A look of sincerity takes over his features.  “Wish I could take it all away.”  A soft kiss is pressed to your lips.  “Fuckin’ supermarkets.”  His playful tone returns as he shakes his head.  “Fuckin’ supermarkets.”  You repeat, unable to contain your smile.
That night as you snuggle up in the sheets, Eddie’s arms around you protectively, you find yourself starting to drift off into a peaceful sleep for the first time in a week.  And before you let yourself drift off, a whisper is heard among the quiet of your room, only the moonlight bathing your surroundings.  “I love you.”  Shifting to face him, the glow of the moon gives you the ability to see his features, soft and endearing as he completely lets his guard down with you.  “I love you, too.”  You whisper back.  His lips find yours, pillowy and plump as he conveys his feelings to you in a slow, sensual kiss.  “I love you most.  You hear me?”  His finger grazes your bottom lip lovingly.  You kiss him again, arms wrapping around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair.  “I hear you.” You say softly.  “Supermarket boy.”  You tease.  He scoffs, pushing himself up to hover over you.  “Keep crackin’ jokes, baby but I’ll get the last laugh and I’ll make sure if it too.”  He warns.  Your hand finds his cheek, stubble underneath your fingertips, a fond smile on your face.  “Will you?”  You ask with a hint of doubt.  His face is now inches from yours, breath fanning over you.  “Sweetheart, don’t ask questions you can’t handle the answers to.”  He says breathily.  “I won’t.”  You state as if it’s a fact.  He traces your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb, your lip dragging down and then popping back into place as he releases it.  “You’re such a fuckin’ brat.” He laughs admiringly.  Within these moments, you're forced to recognize…
Eddie will always stay.
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slayingqueenchal · 11 months
busy days | marc spector x f!reader
Warnings : mentions of steven and Jake, but marc is fronting, ANGST, before harrow, ammit, and they already know about eachother
Summary : feels like the boys doesn't care for you anymore, read to find out!
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"Sorry sweetheart, Khonshu needs me"
"Oh, y/n, I'm so sorry but I can't go"
"Sorry, maybe we'll do it on Wednesday? I'm busy"
And so many other. You feel empty. Back before all of this, you used to cuddle every night, be all lovely, and even when this happened he still tried as hard as he could to get an extra minute to spend with you. But now, it's as if he doesn't even bother.
Even now, everything is some how your fault. When you gave him a book, a simple book at his birthday he was angry. After he told you about his mom, you understood, and that was your fault.
You couldn't do this anymore. He's always busy with work and, the only person that truly makes an effort is steven.
Still that wasn't enough. One time, he told you he asked you if you wanted to go on a date, and you obviously said yes, but, no one was by your side when you left the restaurant.
One time you held a birthday party, and you invited some friends from work and him. But no one came. If it was your co workers it would make sense, but your own boyfriend?
And, finally when he was home, you finally picked up the courage to tell him.
"Marc? " You said. He has not been Marc for a long time, he's often 'baby' or 'love'. You'd expect for him to notice, but he doesn't, getting a cold reply "what? Can't you see I'm tired".
"Marc. I think I need to take a break" You said, sitting on the couch. "Sleep" The guy said. "Marc! How-how much of an idiot can you be! You spread all of your love and care and when you come home there's none left for me! So I'm ending this! It's for the better anyways" You said. Strong, strong, you are strong, y/n you repeated to yourself.
"What? For the better? You're breaking up with me? " Marc says In shock, as his eyes move to you. "Yes, Marc, I'm breaking up with all of you".
"No, no, no, i-ill fix this, i-what do you want I can give it to you" He begs. "For you to stay here for at least one week at a row" You said,simple, just one week.
"Love, you know khonshu is not negotiable" Marc says, walking closer to you. "Then, neither is our relationship" You cried. And you felt so defeated when you let him hug you.
"This is our first hug in a few months, funny how it's when we're about to break up" You scolded. "No were not, we're not going to break up, I'm going to talk to khonshu, we're gonna be just fine"
"No, Marc, I need to take a break, and, I need a little getaway too, we're not breaking up I just, need space" You said, ending the long hug.
"Okay, I understand, but please come back, yeah?" The accent changed, and suddenly it was steven. "Of course ill comeback".
You didn't. You haven't came back since that awful night. And that was six months ago.
And finally Marc gets a taste of his own medicine. He has never felt more lonlier. Sure he had steven and Jake, but, he felt empty.
These days, Jake has been fronting the most. It's because he's the strongest mentally and physically amongst the three. So, Jake has been cruel. Now he works more for khonshu, and kills people without a single drop of mercy.
Steven has been miserable, he never really talks anymore, when he fronts he gets drunk, he's just a messed up guy now.
But there you were, talking to khonshu in a small, dark, alley.
"Y/n" The tall god says. "What? Now you stalk your avatar exes?" You said. "Sorry, he didn't say anything about breaking up. But it is important to me that Marc does well and lately he hasn't. You promised to come back"
"And so does he, he promised to go home and ne an actual caring boyfriend for me, and its not even his fault. It's because of you! He can't even stay home for three days before you ask him to do your work, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving him! And as selfish as this sounds I hope he's feeling miserable because I've never felt so alone and so terrible! " You said wanting to leave. B
Suddenly, someone grabbed your wrist. "Oh funny! You're here! Did you set this up? " You looked at Marc, then khonshu. "I'll go now" The God says, disappearing into thin air.
"Are you guys besties now? Partner in crime? " You scoffed. "Y/n I'm sorry, please just listen"." Fine, I bet I won't even hear a thing anyways" You looked away.
"If you come back with me I'll stop working for him" Marc says, half begging, half demanding. "M-marc that's not fair, Steven loves this whole thing with Egyptian gods, Jake practically worships him, you can't just quit it"
"I can actually, if that means I can have you back just please" He begged. "Marc.. You swear you love me right? ", " Right", "that's all I need to know. Go back to khonshu, cause, you gotta love your self too and you, Steven, and Jake kinda love this job" You said.
"We-we kinda love this job but we love you! Please y/n" Marc cries, which was a rare thing. "I love you too, but I just can't, alright? We should just stay what we used to be before this chaotic thing and I know that wouldn't happens so no, we can't go back with each other.
You left, expecting miracle to happen,but, the world just got darker.
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seramilla · 6 days
Can we please please pleeeeeeeeeeease have more of tour Exorcists are miscarriages and Vaggie is Carmilla’s daughter story.
Please please pretty please
Vaggie is released from Belphegor's hospital and back to the Pride ring a few days after learning about her origins from Carmilla. The arms dealer and fallen angel had spent several hours that first day coming to terms with the truth, and Vaggie had spent a lot of time grieving, processing, and realizing the life she'd always dreamed for herself was never real.
After that first day, however, the feelings were still too raw, too real, for the little angel to handle all on her own. She's coming to terms that she does, in fact, have a mother, but her previous words to Carmilla still ring true: they've known each other for little more than a month, and while Vaggie appreciates the opportunity to get to know her, and hear more about her family, and their life on Earth...it's still too soon, too early, to absorb everything at once. She needs time. She needs her girlfriend, Charlie.
Right now, she only wants the princess. She wants the familiar scent of her hair, the familiar warmth of her body, the familiar presence beside her at night that can help filter all the sadness and grief. She spends days, up in Charlie's room at Lucifer's mansion. The task of rebuilding the hotel is still at the forefront of everyone's mind, and she's feeling grateful, if not a bit guilty, for everything being put on hold, for her sake.
Charlie treats her with kid gloves; any other time, she might be annoyed by that, but right now, she craves it, longs for it, even. Charlie leaves her room only to bring her food, or help her bathe, or stand vigil outside the bathroom while she does her business. Vaggie can't remember a time when she felt this vulnerable, this weak before. Not even when she first arrived in Hell with her injuries. It's not even her body that's hurting, but primarily her spirit.
Carmilla calls daily, to check on Vaggie. Vaggie speaks with her briefly a few times, when she feels like it, to let the overlord know she's okay. But only for a few seconds or minutes at a time. She feels bad for Carmilla, but thankful that the older woman is respecting her privacy. The only human connection she wants right now is Charlie's; Charlie obliges wholeheartedly, cocooning her girlfriend in layers and layers of warm blankets, and curling herself around her at night. Even her tail wraps around the tiny angel's limbs, as if it knows instinctively that she needs more comfort.
"Are you okay, baby?" Charlie asks, constantly, and Vaggie always says, "Yes." She's honestly not sure if she is, but she doesn't want Charlie to worry. The response is on autopilot at this point. Charlie doesn't seem to mind, and only pulls her in closer, tightly against her chest. Vaggie lets out her wings, and encircles the demon princess in their warm comfort. Charlie sighs, and for a moment, Vaggie can almost forget about the world, and all the trauma she's had to endure existing in it.
She'll deal with it. She will. But right now, she just needs more time with Charlie. Before reality rears its ugly head again, and their responsibilities need to be front and center. The hotel needs to be rebuilt. More Sinners need to be saved. That's what she signed up for, and she can't keep feeling sorry for herself forever.
That will come, with time, she thinks. Right now, all that matters is Charlie. And healing both mentally and physically from her ordeal, as quickly as possible. Charlie still needs her. Carmilla probably does, too, in her own way. But she will have to wait.
Her responsibilities are mounting. There will be time to deal with everything, when she awakens again, and the world makes a little more sense. Right now, she buries herself further into Charlie's side, her strong, protective presence fueling her recovery. She allows herself to sleep one more fitful night's sleep. Just one more time, before reality has to finally sink in, and her entire world changes forever once again.
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doublerainebow · 8 months
Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Look, I gotta be honest, I've never actually watched One Piece outside of the episodes that would air on Toonami back in the day, and I only really cared enough about it because my brother-in-law and my irl best friend both LOVE One Piece... and now my older brother is getting into One Piece too... but like I said in a previous post, I caved and ended up watching the One Piece Live Action (though I guess it didn't help that seeing Taryn cosplay as Zoro kinda reawakened my crush on ZoloZoro as a 4kids)... and I'm also sick right now and I have nothing better to do than write some Zoro boyfriend headcanons apparently. Aside from watching the OPLA, I did do my research on Zoro.. research being reading his page on the OP Wiki 😂😂
Okay, I'm rambling too much and this is still the introduction asdfghjkl
EDIT: Added the links lmao
~ Masterlist ~
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The way Mackenyu said that he looked at his wife and knew that he wanted to marry her (supposedly, I couldn't find any concrete sources for this save for a YouTube video using TTS... but hey, it fed my imagination for this), I felt that so much for Zoro.
Of course, it doesn't happen overnight for Zoro. It takes a while, maybe even years, for him to look at you and be like, "I wouldn't mind settling down with you if possible." Oh boy, but when it does happen, he becomes very perceptive of you.
Just like his training, he takes his relationship with you very seriously, and even if he doesn't act on his feelings for you straight away--because one, he has a strong sense of duty to Luffy first, and two, you'd be his first and maybe only romantic partner ever--he'd still reserve a certain amount of softness and gentleness to you when not in the presence of others.
Let's go back to Zoro's perceptiveness really quickly. Yes, my man can be a dumbass at the best and worst of times and we all love that about him, but when it comes down to what's important, he knows how to analyze and read the situation. So, because he views you as someone important and someone he should take seriously, he's going to personally be making sure that you're okay, mentally, emotionally, and physically. He's that dedicated to you.
There will be times where his loyalty to Luffy might have to take center stage in the relationship, especially if its during a critical juncture, rest assured that he will do his best to make it up to you afterwards. He doesn't voice it often because of his strong loyalty to Luffy, but there are brief times in which he wishes that he could just spend time with you.
Now, Zoro isn't one for PDA, he gets very embarrassed by it because showing affection in public isn't something that he's comfortable with doing, but, get him out of public and into private, that man is on you, no question. The most affection he's comfortable with showing in public is you two taking a nap together, or even sharing a bottle together (which is very hard to get him to do, the man loves his alcohol, so congrats if you manage it).
As an official romantic partner, he's actually very sweet. Yes, he can come off as very blunt and cold sometimes, but he's just being honest with you. To him, its more important to be truthful than to sugarcoat things. For you, however, he's working on saying things more gently if in the case you get hurt by his initial blunt tendencies. Past that, however, he tends to you with the same care he tends to his swords. He sees a fruit or snack that you adore in the markets when he's helplessly lost? He'll absolutely buy it for you. Finds an item you've been wanting for a while? Don't worry, he's already paying for it. He finds out that you maybe feel a bit homesick? He'll begrudgingly ask Sanji to cook one of your favorite hometown dishes. He sees that you're feeling down on yourself? He's there to either quietly lend an ear or his presence, whichever you need. My man is an attentive boyfriend.
Also also, Zoro is a man of few words, so don't expect to hear him say, "I love you," very often, but that's okay. He's a man of few words, but his actions speak so much for him. You can feel him say those words in the way he kisses you thoughtfully, in the way he holds you so securely to him when you two nap or sleep together, in the way he dutifully monitors your alcohol intake (if you drink alcohol of course), in the way he tends to you carefully if you get hurt in a fight. To him, words are useless and actions mean so much more.
In other words, Zoro would make the best boyfriend in his special own way.
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nyimasu · 1 year
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PAIRING — yoshida hirofumi x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS — it just so happens that you and yoshida have been crushing on each other for some time and now it's time to take it up a notch.
CW — reader is a civilian, aki is really salty here y'all but deep down he's a cinnamon roll <3, canon universe (slight differences), mutual pining, wet dreams, blindfolds, multiple orgasms, creampie, monsterfucking at the end but nothing serious yet
WC — 4.9k ;; cross-posted on ao3
ANYA'S CORNER — all characters are aged up here and well, this might as well be the first of other fics about yoshida *sighs* time will tell but i hope you enjoy this in the meantime!
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"Oh, God. What the fuck did you do to your hair now?"
"And good morning to you too, Aki. Today you are bitchier than usual. Did the Fox Devil pee in your bed this morning?"
He gives you the finger, then unties your hair just to let out a frustrated grunt two seconds later. Despite what everyone thinks, you and the boy by your side are just best friends. Actually, more like platonic soulmates. Sometimes you wonder where you end and he begins and vice versa.
What led most of them to think so is Aki's antics. He's quite physical with you: kisses on the cheek, hugs, casual ass honking, you name it.
No matter the circumstance, you are always within reach for him to tease.
But this time around he does so much more than that.
"I get it: you wanted a fresh start after what that bastard did to you. You should’ve let me beat some sense into them, as I suggested to you when you were sobbing in my lap, and save your scalp from a mental breakdown at 3 AM in our bathroom. I would've never imagined it was this bad.
Just- do you smell it? Ugh. The chemicals are burning my nose.
I’m about to barf."
"Come on, don’t be such a baby. It’s not that bad."
Aki catches a strand of your hair between his fingers and tugs at it, annoyed. Its white-silvery hue is glossy, and unbeknownst to you both, the texture isn't so frizzy, either. But the stink of bleach is still here, haunting your best friend’s nostrils.
"After the shift you better go home and wash your hair again. I won’t come near you a minute longer if you ignore me."
"Will you stop patronising me if I say yes, you Karen?"
He eyes you, expression blank. He gives nothing away as he deadpans, "Probably."
"Still better than hearing you ramble like a grumpy old man, anyway." you walk past him hiding your smile before he can reply and go in the back, getting ready to start another day.
You both work as bartenders/waiters in a cute cafeteria nearby the college you and him go to. The paycheck is good and combined, you and the boy are able to make ends meet smoothly.
The only downside is the total lack of spare time: the moment your shift ends, Hayakawa has to hurry up and start his. Most of the time, you two have to work side by side during the busiest hours of the day, all due to your boss’ laziness in scheduling decent shifts.
The only moments you can talk a bit without worries are the ones outside the flat, college and in front of the lockers in the back of the cafeteria.
However, that day you feel good.Really good. You haven’t felt that way since your partner — now ex-partner — dumped you right in front of your family’s house three months earlier.
“My family doesn’t think you’re the one for me. You know what they say about those who don’t meet their standards, don't you? And you're so... weird. Yeah, you'll never be good enough for them.
We should stop our relationship before it gets any further.”
The idiot had the audacity to use their own relatives to cover their ass behind such blame excuses to justify cowardice. They didn’t want to commit, you could see that in those eyes you once found difficult to look away from.
When you did, it was too late. Your heart had already been broken.
On top of that, you are going to see them for the rest of the year; they are two years ahead of you and Aki, but they still attend some of your classes, as well. Moreover, you always see each other at the entrance every morning.
It's torture, looking at them living their best life whereas yours is still drowning in nostalgic waters.
Your hand closes around the uniform you have in the locker. The thin fabric of the plain black shirt cracks as you wear it, soon after joined by a tight pair of white jeans.
Then your eyes fixates on the shoes you're supposed to wear and let scoff, "Hell no, I won’t wear these infernal devices today."
The polished high-heels in the cabinet stare right back at you as you finish to dress up, even as you close the locker and head back to the counter. No need for them today.
Aki is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting. The moment you brush past him, his big hand takes one of yours to place them on his heart.
His pretty eyes scanned your figure once more, searching for any sign of distress as he breathes, "Are you really okay?"
Your gaze softened. "I’m more than okay, Aki. Stop worrying about me."
"How can I? It’s what best friends do: looking out for each other."
"And your best friend is telling you that she’s fine." you yank at the ends of his topknot with your free hand and smile, "Besides, today is a new day. From now on, I want to be a better version of myself.
They won’t have anything of mine anymore."
You both walk back but before any of you can do another step, the boy corners your body with his. Your back collides with the cold surface of the counter, yet the warmth in the eyes of your best friend makes up for it. His height engulfs yours by a lot, so it's no big deal for him to tower - no, hover - over you.
He stretches out a hand, fingers lightly grazing your cheeks. "Promise?"
"Yes, I promise. Let's get to work, now."
Your hand covers his for a split second and he finally nods, planting a kiss on your forehead as he lets you circle him to take position by his side.
There is no way he would give up so easily. He's up to something.
You want to investigate some more but it's not the right moment for it. Being it is almost opening time, and there are a lot of people already behind the glassy doors, students, mostly, you decide to postpone. If he's going behind your back-
The doors open right at that moment, and the momentum cuts off your thoughts. For now.
You are smiling a lot that morning and it doesn't go unnoticed.
The rings on your hands don't, either.
Some regular customers even dare to slip their phone numbers in the cash they hand you over to pay, grazing your slender fingers to catch a glimpse of the shiny bands wrapped around them, but you always turn them down with a shy smile.
The stares you can handle, but nothing more.
You make small chats with everyone passing by the register and at some point you must’ve gone to tie your hair into the usual bun because Aki’s slaps on your thigh stops you halfway.
Turning, you look at him, puzzled. "What?"
The boy looks at you up and down twice before replying, "That colour looks gorgeous on you. Keep your hair down."
"You should do the same, Pineapple Head." you reply, genuinely confused because to be honest, he is prettier than you with his hair that way.
The look your best friend gives you is murderous before nodding at the next client who walks to you you. And with that, the conversation hangs over your heads again.
That day, lots of students and teachers come to grab something to eat before rushing back to classes. But what surprises you the most is to see a familiar face among the group who just walked in, settling in a table not far from the bar counter.
Aaand goodbye good vibes.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Aki, don’t." you hiss, hand already reaching for the boy's. His knuckles turn white as his eyes melts your ex's chair, the idiot looking up right then. Seeing you and Aki, however, has them immediately bend their head forward and avoid your gaze. Pathetic.
Already feeling what's about to happen, you grab Aki by his bare arm and hiss, "Don’t do anything stupid."
"I won’t," his blue eyes pierce right through you and clarifies with a short, "Not in public, anyway. The same goes for you.»
"As much as I hate to admit it, they're a client. They must be respected even if they’re in the wrong.
But that won't stop me from being salty."
You leave without looking back, heading towards the rather noisy group. As soon as they see you coming their way, everyone stops whatever they're doing and stare at your silhouette. The one who doesn’t even flinch is the one who should’ve hidden behind the table, on their knees.
Their eyes lock with yours while one of their hands strokes a girl’s thigh right beside them.
So they were already with someone else, uh? Judging by looks alone, she's a far more “normal” fit than you've ever ever been.
Do they really think something like that would hurt you, after everything they said to you?
"Hello, eveyone. Are you ready to order?"
The friends who snap out of their minds first order straightway, while the person you thought you loved till some months before take their time, talking with the short brunette whose hand is now an inch away from their thigh. Then, acting as if you just arrived there, your ex turn to tell you what they both want.
You write it down quickly, adding ‘spit in their hamburger ♡’ right next to the order.
"I see you dyed your hair and got a new tattoo. Seems like I dodged a fucking oddball, after all."
You put down the digital pen and shoot your ex a customer smile. Finally the other shoe has dropped.
"You know what’s funny about oddballs? You never know where they’ll hit next. Next time it might be your face, how about that?"
You feel one of their friends trying to trip you. The reason why they do it? No idea… until you step on the foot that almost have you face-first on the floor, pushing on it with your whole weight.
"Hey, you stepped on my foot!"
You pin the boy next to your ex with your gaze, "I could do so much worse than this, but I won’t. You know why?» you lean closer and sigh. "You’re a client. I can’t do anything tangible now, but wait until my shift is over. I’ll shove my leg so far down your throat you’ll suff-"
"I’m taking it from here.
Aki’s chest crashing against your back cuts you off. Turning, you see him looking at the group with a customer smile. A real one.
Then his fingers take a hold of the tablet still in your hands with one, smooth move. You go to snap back at him, but you know better than being too petty.
If he hadn’t stepped in, you would’ve ended up picking a fight that would cost you the job and a demerit note.
The implications in his tone snap you out of it. Your eyes set on him as you smile, just as you apply more pressure on the boy's foor.
"Of course. I’ll be at the bar if you need me."
The blonde-haired stranger curses you out but does nothing else to stop you again. You don't look back, not even when you hear the chick next to your ex speak ill of you. It should’ve hurt your feelings, but that girl looks so naive that you actually feel bad for her. She's too caught up in your ex's spell to understand that they are just using her for sex.
What a disappointment your ex turned out to be.
The moment your best friend comes back to the counter, any sense of anger and annoyance has left you.
Clients keep you busy until you manage to push your ex’s presence in the darkest corner of your mind. Saying you are grateful to them is an understatement.
Time goes by pretty quickly and before you know it, it's almost lunch time. Meaning you are about to end your shift.
Despite this, once you have some time to talk, the tall boy next to you turns on his heels so abruptly you swear you hear his bones crack.
Aki is speaking through his teeth when he whispers, "What the hell was that? Are you trying to get fired or what?"
Your hand reaches Aki’s to press it against your chest. "I could never leave you and your pretty face all alone in a place like this, Hayakawa. But that bastard still has the power to push my buttons all at once and I just can’t stand the sight of them. And that poor girl… I feel sorry for her."
"Your ex is not your problem any longer, remember? You finally get to live your life away from that shithead."
All of a sudden, Aki isn't looking at you anymore. His attention shifts on a group of people that is walking in now, and you look at them too from above your shoulder. The five of them are so beautiful that the people still in the cafeteria turn to stare at them.
But most importantly, they are deadly.
You recognise their uniforms, how could you not? Devil Hunters are a big deal, especially around colleges and other crowded places. Most of the devils’ attacks affect those ones, so at least a couple of them are always around to patrol the area and call the police in case of need.
Something in your best friend’s gaze set off all your alarms and you push him away. "You know them."
"Oh, we both do." he deadpans, fingers itching to grab the cigarette pack in his pocket. He still have three hours left before he can go on break, so he can't really sit out this one.
You snap your fingers in front of him to get his attention and when you do, he raises an eyebrow, unfazed. The one who's boiling is you and you alone, and you implode with an esasperate sigh.
"So this is what you’ve been up to, uhm?"
Aki cracks his fingers. "I don’t like the accusations you’re trying to make."
"Oh, bite me. Don’t tell me I wouldn’t notice you looking at the door like a teenager in love waiting for their sweetheart to show up.
Come on, what is it?"
Aki leans against the counter, bringing you closer to him. "If I promise to tell you this, will you do something for me in return?"
Oh-oh. Every time he asks you to do him a favour, you end up tangled in things bigger than you.
As if he reads your mind, Aki rolls his eyes. "Nothing complicated, I promise."
You fold with a scoff, arms crossed on the chest. "Fine. What do you want?"
He tries to fight back a smile. Unusual, for Aki Hayakawa rarely holds back on his happiness. Not anymore.
When he first met you, five years ago, his perception of life turned upside down. Including his view on showing emotions.
"I have this friend… hey, listen to me before saying anything, okay?" his thumb draws little doodles on the counter's space close to you.
"Like I was saying, I have this friend who’s always been kinda into you. I wouldn’t mingle if I wasn’t sure he might be a good influence in your life.
You know how protective I am of you."
This time you're the one to raise an eyebrow, suddenly feeling self-aware. "So you want me to go on a date with him or something?"
His eyes widens in shock. You fear he might have a heart attack if he keeps staring at you like a lunatic on stereoids.
"Woah. You’re the one who suggested it, not me. I was going to ask you if you could do me the courtesy of grabbing a coffee with him, just to chat, but you went all in by yourself. I won’t be the one to change your mind, now."
You say nothing for a while. Rather, you glance at the table the Devil Hunters are at to see what all the fuss is about.
Three girls and two boys are chatting, and the closest to the counter are a boy with sandy hair and a girl with strawberry locks. Her horns look so cute but on a second glance, their pointed edges look very sharp. A Fiend, you correct yourself.
Another young woman with pitch-black locks that descend on her face like silk curtains sits across them, right next to the tallest girl out of the three. She wears her long, blonde hair in a ponytail and out of the bunch, she seems to be the most stoic one. An eye patch covers her right eye, but that doesn't mean she has her guard down.
As for the rest, you can tell they are quite unique: the boy with red hair is stunning, achingly so. He looks like an angel- Wait.
Aki nods, suddenly serious. "Yes. They are part of the same division I was in a few years ago. The one you convinced me to step back from when we got into college.
If you look closely, I’m sure you’ll recognise some."
Aside from Chainsaw Man — you got the chills just thinking about his true devil form — the Blood Fiend, Quanxi, the Angel and War Devil there is another person in the group. One you came across many times when you went to Public Safety’s Headquarters to hang out with Aki.
His dark eyes land on you just as you smack away your best friend's hand. By the time you regain your posture and finish staring at Aki, you turn and a scream build up in your throat.
The woman with the eye patch is now sitting at the bar counter, legs crossed and her gorgeous face resting on a hand.
She's fast.
Shitty human reflexes.
Her voice tone is quiet yet adamatine as she says, "Hello there. So you’re the one who convinced Aki to quit Public Safety."
You gulp and wonder if she hears it. Probably yes.
"H-hello, Lady Quanxi. I never thought I’d have the pleasure to make your acquaintance. And well, I wouldn’t say I forced him or something.
I just gave him a little push, that’s all."
She waves a hand in your direction, then looks at the tall boy next to you. "She’s cute, Hayakawa. Too cute for this world, I might say. Are you sure that she is your best friend? You seem too grumpy to have someone this cheerful around that can suck up with your dry sense of humour."
Your best friend exhales sharply, staring back at The First Devil Hunter without blinking. You don't dare to laugh, but a small snicker escapes you nonetheless.
It's as if you are watching an older sister scold her younger brother.
"Of course she is. And she's too cute for you, Quanxi. Hands off her, please."
The woman raises her hands, then returns to the table at human speed. After she does so, your eyes almost escape your skull when Aki pinches you. Out of surprise, you slap him across the face.
"Oh! What the fuck was that for?!"
"You startled me, you idiot. Were you trying to set me up with her? With Quanxi?" you start to sweat profusely. "Man, I don't know if I’m in for that type of thing. I mean, she’s the embodiment of ride or die — literally. I don't think I'm ready for that kind of carousel yet-"
Aki stops your rambling by shaking his head. Then he takes his hand into yours once more and points a finger towards the table.
"Look closer."
Dark, lush hair frame a slim face now turned in your direction, his beauty mark under the lips unforgettable. His eyes, despite being so piercing, carry the same warmth his smile radiates.
Yoshida Hirofumi.
Pretty sure the chemical burning Aki warned you about is eating your brain, you stare at the Devil Hunter in awe. "Nah, that can’t be. I must be dreaming. Pinch me."
Hayakawa does so again. Harder this time.
You punch his arm in retaliation and he simply huffs at your little tantrum. However, he drags you in a bone-crushing hug shortly after. Accepting it amidst laughs, you laugh in the crook of his neck and wait for your nerves to calm on their own.
So the person you had a crush on for the longest time ever feels the same about you. The fear of being rejected by him is what kept you from acting upon your feelings. Rather, you locked them away in a corner of your heart.
After all that time, after every heartbreak you went through, he's still there waiting for you?
An idiot. That's what you are.
Still looking at Yoshida, you dare to smile and your heart is filled with joy when he does the same. You whip your head towards Aki to look at him through the corner of the eye.
"Okay, I’ll go on a date with him. Let’s see how it goes."
The one to take the group's orders and bring them everything is your best friend. You prefer to watch the scene unfolding from afar. Hayakawa stays behind for a while, chatting with your crush.
Right before coming back he leans closer to Yoshida, whispering something along the lines of 'hey man, she wants to go on a date with you or whatever', but the group overhears it all the same and Hell breaks loose.
Not literally, but you fear for the well-being of the cafè for a good second.
Denji and Power are still howling, feet on the table and head thrown back in amusement, when Aki heads back to the counter with a satisfied grin; Quanxi and Yoru looked at one another for a moment, then each of them grab the kids by the legs and they facepalm on the table.
Angel is having none of it, and keep eating his ice cream as if nothing happened.
You and Yoshida seem to have the same thought because when you turn to look at him again, the dark-haired Devil Hunter is doing the same from above his shoulder. His smile reaches his pierced ears and something in your stomach stirs. Probably butterflies. Or hunger.
"He’s literally breaking his neck to get a better view of you. Goddammit, come here. Why am I doing all of this by myself?
Listen: now that we're settled, go and ask him when you two can go on a date."
Your heart drops at your feet. "Uhm excuse me, where you not there talking to him a minute ago? Hell no. You go."
Blood escapes Aki’s body, leaving him staring at you dead in the eye.
He acts as if you just said you killed his cat.
"I wouldn’t go on a date with Yoshida Hirofumi even if he was the last person on Earth. He’s your boo, not mine."
You stomp a foot, pointing a finger at him. "Stop it. I hate when you say “boo”. It's cringe.
Also, you were the one to set me up with him in the first place. Take the fall for it."
If looks could kill, you'd be burning amidst the flames of Hell by now. "No, I won't. And guess what? You're two adults perfectly able of talking to each other but neither of you was bold enough to confess, so I had to step in and set you two up. He never stopped asking about you, even after I left. And you talk in your sleep, don't you?"
His tone is steady, but there is a hint of amusement in his voice when he whispers:
"I’m tired of hearing you calling out his name in the middle of the night while you squeeze a pillow between your thighs. Fuck him and get over with it."
A shocked gasp falls past your lips and when you look back at the table, fearing the Devil Hunter heard you. They haven't, except one.
The man of the hour is gone. Oh, no. No.
Horrified, your gaze lands in front of you. More specifically, on the chair Quanxi was previosuly sitting on. Now Yoshida is sitting there for God knows how long, and a sly smirk is painted all over his face.
Aki follows your gaze, pinching your arm again. But you have no will or strength left in you to strike back.
Damn it. Your crush had just heard your best friend say out loud you have been dreaming about him for years. Wet dreams, at that.
Every night.
Hirofumi perches himself on the wooden surface, leaning so close to you that breath gets stuck in your throat.
"Have you now? Care to walk me through some of them over a coffee? Or dinner, maybe?"
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Actually, you did more acting than talking. In fact, you showed Yoshida pretty soon some of the best bits of your wet dreams with him. Date after date, week after week.
Now six months had gone by since Aki set you two up and that night, right after you came home from a dinner out with the Special Division, you both had gone insane.
It all started as a joke: you under him on the bed, riled up because of all the teasing at the table, with the blue scarf around his neck dangling between your faces with every kiss Yoshida left on your cheeks, your neck.
Then one thing have led to another, and you eventually started the fire with a simple smile. Hirofumi have come to know you pretty well over time.
He was damn sure it wasn’t an innocent one. “Time for another round, isn't it? Come here.”
Yoshida had giggled in your ear and just like that, you relaxed and returned to the present.
His hands graze your trembling ones for a split-second. The soft fabric of the scarf he used to cover your eyes smells like him and you take in the scent as he continues to worship your body, so tensed and ready to snap under his.
Even after you have come three times, once while your lips are wrapped around his cock with a hand shoved in your drenched panties and twice under the relentless attack of his mouth and fingers, sensory overload still hasn't overcome your body. Stamina is one of your strongest suits, and so is Yoshida's.
He wraps a hand around his dick, coating it in your release to pump it two, three times as his words reaches you.
"Think you got another one for me? Uhm?"
Your ragged breath fans over his face as he leaned down to kiss you again. His tongue came out to play with yours as you sense the head of his cock breaching past the entrance of your pussy — he is huge. You barely have time to moan and arch against him before Yoshida straightens his back and placs your hands on his waist.
"Hiro', you feel so good- Fuck."»"
His fingernails bury themselves in the tender flesh of your thighs as he bottoms out inside you, cock pulsing and twitching against your walls. Another desperate whimper leave you right after, because he isn't moving.
Is he really throwing a gauntlet? When he's balls-deep inside you?
Fire begins to boil in your veins and it feel amazing. Pouting, you brace yourself on your elbows. Even blindfolded, you can almost see his eyes transfixed on your boobs. But when you pout again, his gaze shifts to your lips.
Yoshida always make sure to reward you when you beg for his cock.
"Please, baby. I can’t take it any longer. Please, move.
I need you." your voice is feeble, tears already pooling in your eyes. You are at your limit.
He tries to control himself, yet another shiver runs across your skin when he suddenly pulls you flush against his chest. With the new position, his cock goes even deeper and you writhe in ectasy. He is dangerously close to hit your cervix.
"Of course. You asked me so nicely, princess."
His hips start to move against yours slowly and you sigh, relieved.
But now, his pace changes. You should’ve expected it, but nonetheless you find yourself resting your forehead on his collarbone as he fucks you stupid.
The bed creaked under his movements and Yoshida urges you to lay on your back once more; when you comply, he slips out of your pussy just to slam back in. His eyes fall onto your face.
"Come on. Cum for me one last time."
You let yourself go with a strangled moan, breathing heavily against Yoshida as he draws a fourth orgasm out of you, fucking you through it as his own has him curse under his breath.
You milk him dry, but he still thrusted a few times more to pump his cum back into you. Only when you twitch in overstimulation does he stop and as soon as the softness of his scarf leave your eyes, the dim light shed by the moonlight help you see Hirofumi’s proud grin.
"You did so well." he whispers in the dark, caressing your hair as you both calm down. His heartbeat follows yours for a while but once you are stable enough to speak again, your fingernails trace his cheekbones and he tilts his head.
"Box checked for 'Wet dream n° 52'. You're even crazier than me for following through with them." you chuckle.
"Oh, shush. How many are there again?"
"Roughly around a hundred but who's counting?"
His gaze darkens but doesn't move a muscle. Tonight, you've done enough exercise for a week.
"Poor Aki. He’s not going to be happy about it."
"He’s a big boy, he’ll manage. It’s not like we never had sex while he’s in another room, remember?"
His hips snap against yours, teasing you, and a whimper builds up in your lower abdomen. "Yoshida."
He whispers against your lips, unbothered, "I didn't do it."
"I did."
You try to scream, you really do, but your partner is holding you so tightly against him that you eventually muster up enough courage to train your attention towards the place where the voice came from. To your shock, it did come from Yoshida.
No, from behind him.
And a gush of lust escapes down your thighs, excitement dripping down the already ruined sheets.
It's really happening.
All you do is watch and whimper in anticipation as a tentacle climbs up your leg, its head reaching the strings of your and Yoshida’s mixed releases. Hesitating at first, the tentacle then lapped up the juices and poked at your clit. Your hips buck into its touch and after you do, it vanishes again.
It only lasted a moment but it left you craving for more and Hirofumi's lust-blown gaze shows he has enjoyed it, too.
"Well, it looks like the Octopus Devil likes you enough to come out and play."
"I figured. Let it be from now on. I want to try something out."
The dark-haired boy’s grin now reflects yours. "Is this a spoiler for the next wet dream we're going to reenact?"
You kiss his beauty mark, beaming with mischief. "Oh, yes. Wet dream n° 53: 'Paint it, black'.
Fitting, right?"
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© azanthys — do not copy, translate, repost and modify my works. do not recommend them outside tumblr and ao3.
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fricc-darn · 3 months
B.E.N dating hcs
(But make it moderately raw so tw for emotional abuse)
Kudos to you! You managed to get with a crazed computer entity! What's the worst that can happen? Well, a lot actually.
Let's start off with the bad:
BEN is ridiculously manipulative and will use every method in the book. It'll make you feel comfortable and even loved. Though it's never for genuine romance, it is all for his own twisted desires. Whatever you're lacking in life, it'll replace that gap. Slowly you'll start to rely on him and divulge all of your trust in him. Having all your fears and aspirations confided in BEN is the worst thing you could do. It's attentive and calculated nature means it will use EVERYTHING against you. Plus, BEN's cryptic responses makes the relationship even more "entertaining".
He's extremely controlling and will freak out if they feel like their grip is slipping. There will never truly be an equal footing between you two for obvious reasons. BEN cares little for boundaries and treats you more like a pet or a toy than an actual human. You will never feel at peace, with eyes constantly surveying your every move. He'll think it's amusing that you let yourself get treated like this willingly. All in the name of "love". It takes joy in seeing how its abuse impacts you physically and mentally. To make matters even more humorous; you always come crawling back. In a sense, he enjoys the attention. However, he'll never admit that.
Major superiority complex. He will judge you and will talk down to you whenever he sees fit. It'll be blunt and straight to the point as always. If you're not perfect, then business does he have respecting you? BEN knows every language, every problem, everything. Yet, you can't even wrap your head around something so trivial. On a good day, it's seen as amusingly pathetic (or cute). On a bad day, it is absoluetly pitiful.
Temperamental. It's argumentative in the sense that it will argue at you and you will listen. It is never arguing with you. It's the champion of mental gymnastics. He thinks he's above arguing and that he'd never waste his energy doing something so frivolous. Yet, he does it. (It certainly doesn't make life easier when the spirits within the network occasionally argue). BEN can be snappy and is always quick with his words. Whipping out the most out-of-pocket responses. Don't even think about talking back. If it's already annoyed enough to be arguing, the last thing he wants is for you to argue back. Who are you to talk back to him?
By some miracle, you manage to make him think of you fondly, it's emotions can shift into a few things. Generally speaking, he's usually in it to mess with someone. BEN knows having a healthy and long relationship is impossible. It's past the point of being curious about what love would be like. Nor does it have the urge to feel something they haven't felt in ages. If it's able to care in some way, they'd begin to distance themselves from you. As it is for the best.
On the other hand, what if it becomes fond of this new feeling? To be cared for in a way that's uniquely human? To be unconditionally doted and needed? If these feelings and delusions persist, the fanciful unlikeliness of this becoming an obsession becomes a horrifying reality. It will happen slowly, but once in full swing that is when true hell is experienced. Once it gets out of this mindset, they've already taken everything from you. You have served your purpose and now you are nothing like you were before. Whatever about you that made him feel this attached is certainly gone now. You're just a husk of what you once were. You'll die and will be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
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harrieatthemet · 1 year
One Is Enough III
Everyone is practically drowning in it now. 
The silence is insufferably deafening; swallowing the entire room whole, its occupants along with it. The most begrudging, loudest silence of all is radiating from the seat next to yours. Harry’s painfully quiet. And if you’ve taken notice, it’s likely so has everyone else. It’s likely why Anne leaps at the opportunity to jump in.
“Well,” her sigh is sing-song as she smiles, happy to be the one to break the tension, “s’wonderful news, honey. Absolutely wonderful really, I could just cry!”
You’d be lying if you didn’t admit to relishing in some form of relief. Keeping a pregnancy under wraps is mentally exhausting and putting it out there on the table, almost literally, was an un-ignorable weight lifted from your shoulders. Though it became his burden to carry, evidently, as Harry slides his wine glass back onto the table without uttering so much as an exhale.  
The subtle screeching of her chair across the floor is muffled by the onset of congratulations from everyone else; Gemma gushing on about having a nephew (she hopes), Clare and Mitch keen on the idea of a friend for their own little guy.
You accept the slew of kisses and hugs from your mother in law, agreeing to send her ultrasound photos and share name ideas once you have them. Harry keeps mum; expression stoic, barely moving when his mother rubs his shoulders and peppers him with kisses in congratulatory bliss.
There’s an onset of emotion, perhaps a little bit of everything all at once; anger, embarrassment, disappointment, befuddlement. hostility. The list runs onward and is so overwhelming that he, himself, is truly battling which one to address and digest first.
He’s like this for the rest of the evening; quiet, blank, and mentally removed from the physical atmosphere. You’ve been watching him out of the corner of your eye every so often, unable to ward off the ever-growing sense of uneasiness. The expression on his face hasn’t moved once, not even when everyone sang happy birthday and cheered as he blew out his candles. A weak smile was all he could muster up and give, though it was quickly wiped off. 
“No wishes needed,” Clare inquires, “(Y/N) gave you the best one!” 
Everyone hums in agreement except the two who are actually expecting. Of course, you smile meekly at Clare for the compliment before awkwardly adjusting yourself in your chair. But he says nothing, running his tongue over the front of his teeth behind closed lips. Unbeknownst to everyone else, you know he’s absolutely submerged in fury. 
Everyone starts shuffling out one by one, couple by couple until Anne and Gemma are the only two remaining. Once the last person leaves, the door closes and he does the lock, he’s sure to blow up; it’s almost like a silent understanding between the two of you. Each time one of you catches the other’s gaze, he makes sure to shoot you one of those glares. The infamous ‘I’ll deal with you later’ glare. 
“Give th’baby lots of kisses f’me,” Anne’s halfway out the door, coat hanging off her shoulders, “both of ‘em.”
About 90% of you wants to get on your knees and beg her to stay; just a little bit longer to wait out the inevitable conversation. But he’s got one hand on the door as he coaxes her out. You might not be ready to talk but he certainly is. If he didn’t love her as much as he did and adore her to death, he’d have given Anne a little shove out the door (as lovingly as possible, obviously) and shut it behind her. Biting his tongue this long and taming the fire in his gut was starting to feel impossible. He was one more photo of Anne’s recent holiday away from spinning off the planet.
The sound of the lock to the front door, even from all the way down the hall into the dining room, is almost blood curdling. The weight his footsteps are much, much worse. Each click of his heels against the wood sounded like impending doom. Closer, closer, and closer until he was standing right behind you. 
You can feel his eyes on the back of your head as you clean up the table, “Did you want to save the wine or-”
“(Y/N) I don’t fucking care about th’fucking wine.”
Upon turning to face him, perched like a statue in the archway of the door, you really really wished you’d just kept your back to him. The expression of his face is taught, riddled with aggravation as the line between his eyebrows becomes prominent as ever. With lips tight-lined and pressed, body stand-offish and tense, it’s obvious it’s taking whatever shred of self restraint he’s got in him right now to keep from flying right off the handle.
“Ok,” you huff in annoyance, “I’ll toss it than.”
The spout of the bottle is in your hand, gripped so tightly your knuckles have to be ghostly-white at this point. He knows you’re trying to dance around this because your execution earlier was so wrongly mishandled. And he scoffs when you walk past him out of the dining room and down the hall; mum and without word, head intentionally low to avoid eye contact.
“What the fuck is wrong with you” he growls, hot on your heels as you do the roundabout into the kitchen, “I mean, really (Y/N), how long have y’known about this?”
It feels like he’s about to crawl out of his own body, he’s so angry. Especially because you’re keeping your back to him, as though somehow emptying out the wine takes precedent over this conversation. And when you're done with that, you just move onto cleaning something else. Like he isn’t even there.
“Tell me how fucking long.”
The escalation in tone, as well as volume of his voice lands exactly how he wanted it to. The water in the sink stops running and and the clinking of glasses comes to an abrupt halt. His eyes are trailing your body, watching you begin straightening it out before turning around to look him right in the face.
“Three weeks,” still, you’re a lot smugger than he’d like you to be, “give or take.”
He swears he can feel the blood in his body come to a complete boil. There is no rash way to address this. Or you. Desperately, he tries to sift through his thoughts and find the right way to express what he’s feeling. Three weeks is almost a month; that’s what he can’t quite manage to wrap his head around. Of all the moments, big and small, within the past three weeks you had the opportunity to tell him you chose tonight; with an audience sat congregating at his own dinner table. 
When you turn to go back to the dishes as though you don’t see him vibrating with anger, he swears he might actually jump out of his own skin. And he’s honestly astounded at the audacity you’re exercising in a situation as heavy as this one. 
“Y’out of your bloody fucking mind?” he snaps at you before stomping over to the sink, moving your hand and shutting the water off again, “Sat on this f’three fucking weeks?” 
“Isn’t that literally what I just said?” 
“Christ enough o’ that, really.” he’s truly struggling to practice patience with you right now, especially when you match his anger with sarcasm, “Y’like a petulant child, (Y/N), with th’attitude. Grow up.” 
It’s admirable, really. There’s an incredibly stark difference in demeanor between you two. He’s writhing with enmity and embarrassment right now, but you’re smugness is unmatched. He would’ve thought hurling an insult would get you to waiver. Evidently, you’re not interested in backing down or waving a white flag because the expression on your face doesn’t even flinch. Unfortunately for you, neither is he. 
“Had plenty of opportunity t’speak up,” and his face is so close you can almost smell the remnants of wine on his breath, “but y’decided t’cause a scene, right? Had t’do it for an audience, give ‘em a show.” 
“Fuck you Harry, seriously,” and there it is, now he’s got you riled up, “I didn’t wait for your birthday dinner to drop the pregnancy bomb and unload our marital bullshit.” 
A brief puzzled expression flickers on his face. What about this pregnancy was unwanted? You take notice, though it’s brief, that he really does appear to be confused by that remark. But he reminds himself that he’s mad and has to channel that back. 
“Wanted t’embarass me f’something, than?” he asks, voice lower than before but still louder than you’d like, “What’d I fucking do tha’ was so awful you would keep a secret like this from me? Y’should’ve told me.” 
Honestly, you have to blink a few times to keep from crying. This is definitely not how you wanted to tell him you’re working on your family of three becoming a family of four. And past all that anger is an abundance of pain; you can see it just from the look in his eye. He’s angry you embarrassed him but he’s devastated you didn't allow him the privilege of being the first to know. 
“What did you do?” 
You repeat his own words back to him slowly, as though you can’t even begin to understand why he’d ask something that stupid. All he does is stare, maybe blinks once or twice. He doesn't say anything though; just waits for you to spit it out and give him a reason. You owe him at least that much. 
“Oh, yikes one is enough mum,” you pull a face mockingly as you do a shit job at mimicking his accent, “another baby is years off, right babe? Right love?” 
“(Y/N) I didn’t-”
“All that ‘two under two sounds so bloody fucking awful’ bullshit tonight” you drudge on and, God, that accent is so bad, “and you wanted me to tell you? You’re shocked that I didn’t jump up and down with a positive Clear Blue test and ask you for name suggestions?” 
The tension in his body starts to settle a bit before he can completely relax his shoulders, dropping them in total defeat. If you wanted to make him feel terrible you did an absolute stand up job. The guilt that’s starting to swallow him up is all-consuming, especially because he can see tears start to pool at your water line. Truly he had no idea. You know he just runs his mouth sometimes. He talks just to talk and he’s not fully aware of the capacity of what he’s saying. He’s always been so comfortable around you where he’s never felt the need to filter every thought. Clearly he should start. 
He completely comes off the defensive when he lifts his arm and extends his hand out a little, using his thumb to wipe away a spilled tear. With that he feels you start to soften a bit as well, relaxing your body and letting any renewing tension go with an extended exhale. 
“Hate seeing y’cry,” he pouts, “Especially if it’s ‘cos o’me.” 
You sniffle, “Then don’t be a dick.”
“Christ, would y’let me apologize, please?” His smirk makes a more prominent indent when he evokes a defeated chuckle from you, “M’so sorry, baby love. Just wanted t’keep mum off our backs ‘n thought we had time t’plan it all out.”
He feels like his apology isn’t really good enough. The guilt is so obscure he can’t even articulate how badly he feels. Truly the last thing he’d ever want is to create an environment where you felt like you couldn’t tell him anything. Which seems to be the exact thing he managed to do here. He wants to undo it so badly. 
“But this,” he hums, crouching down until he’s eye level at your stomach hand his palm is flat on top of it, “this is amazing, yeah? Angel baby - a big sister, s’amazing.”
Your tone is cautious, but you peer down at him as he glances up at you, “So you’re not.. upset.. about another baby?”
“Upset?” His exclaim is playful as he stands back up, hands rubbing your shoulders and then your arms, “M’thrilled, button. S’like our rainbow baby. But oi, next time tell me first, yeah? Makes me feel cool t’ know stuff before everyone else.” 
He’s so relieved to hear you laugh; even more relieved when you pout your lips out to ask for a kiss. To which, he happily obliges before smashing them with a slew of kisses. And as a way to settle the score, he wants to be the one to tell Angel Baby. 
“We gotta celebrate the right way,” you hum in turn, “but you pick! However you want. It’s my apology to you.” 
“Sex,” he breathes out in such relief and desperation you almost audibly snort, “my God, so much sex.”
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absolutely-esme · 5 months
Monster!Tim Coraline AU part 2
A while back, I posted an Idea I had For a Combination of a Coraline AU and a Meta!Tim AU. It's here assuming I made the link correctly.
Well, I had more thoughts on the matter, so I'm making another post.
First off, I want to expand/clarify on how Tim's powers work.
Tim fights (or otherwise challenges) various supernatural things and gains power from defeating them.  I touched on this before and mentioned that it was because it was symbolically similar hunting and eating prey.  I would like to talk a bit more about what this entails. 
Upon achieving victory, Tim takes a bit of power from the defeated opponent and incorporates it into himself.  Tim can gain abilities this way or just boost his own power level a bit.  He does not physically eat any part of his opponent.
The opponent is left a bit weaker, but does not lose abilities completely and is not permanently damaged.  They can get their power levels back up given some time.  Think of it like donating blood, they’ll be a little weak and woozy for a bit, but no lasting harm is done.  Now, I cannot stress enough that this is because of the choices Tim makes. 
Tim chooses to use his powers in the gentlest way available.  He chooses not to take more than they can safely part with.  He chooses not to simply consume them completely.  He chooses to pay careful attention to how much power his opponents can afford to part with and whether or not they are in a position to weather the recovery safely.  Tim grew up looking up to Batman and Robin.  He believes in harm reduction. 
That’s why the supernatural-leaning rogues fear him so much.  Their instincts are very aware that this is a predator that has simply decided not to kill them today.  He probably won’t next time either, but he could easily make a different decision at any time.  At least some of them are not entirely aware of their ties to the supernatural or why the third Robin inspires such primal existential fear.
The thing that drives Tim to keep doing these challenges is not primarily a desire for power (though some of the abilities he gains are useful), but rather because it makes the hunger more manageable for a bit.  It doesn’t stop it, but it takes the edge off for a little while.  Tim was incredibly suspicious of this at first.  He knows full well that his condition makes a point of being inconvenient and that it is easy to spiral out of control in a way that makes one dangerous to oneself or others.  He remembers how miserable the fallout of trying to eat to fullness was.  He made a careful study of the challenges and how they affected him.  He kept meticulous notes on his mental and physical state.  He also created and stuck to a very rigid schedule on how often he would allow himself to “hunt,” and made a point of not taking too much from his “prey.”
Tim starts off pretty close to a baseline human and gathers abilities over time.
When he is very young he gains improved stealth and the ability to sense secrets.  For a little while, that’s all he has, until he learns that there are other things in Gotham he can challenge.
 While he was still very young he collected the ability to make his fingernails razor-sharp, the ability to climb like a goat, some minor enhanced strength (just enough to somewhat offset the disadvantage of being so tiny), partial immunity to slipperiness caused by water (from the many rain/fog/whatever spirits to be found in a city as gloomy as Gotham), increased impact resistance (don’t know what that thing was, but Tim’s not sure if he actually beat it or if it was just so high above his level that it felt safe to feed him a scrap of its power purely out of curiosity over what he might do with it), and a bite like a beartrap.
Then the Beldam incident happened.  He got a lot from dealing with the Beldam because that wasn’t an ordinary challenge (by his way of doing things).  The Beldam was too powerful, too dangerous, too impossible to contain, too sneaky, too focused on targeting vulnerable victims who won’t be missed in time for any sign to be found.  Tim had to stop her for good right then and there because he only had one shot.  Even if he survived and escaped (which wasn’t especially likely if he held back at all) she would go right on killing children.  There was no way to put the Beldam in Arkham even just until the next breakout.  No way to track the Beldam.  No way of protecting other isolated, vulnerable children without lethal force.  So Tim killed the Beldam and consumed it entirely (he has to think of the Beldam as an it, he can’t afford to do otherwise). 
From defeating the Beldam, he gained a supernatural knack for fiber arts (especially spinning, weaving, and sewing), the ability to control things he makes with these skills to a certain degree, the ability to see through buttons he’s sewn on things, some slight shapeshifting, minor space-folding on the level of making his pockets a bit bigger on the inside, and illusory powers that allow him to make things seem a bit nicer/brighter/more pleasant.  He also gains a pretty huge general power boost that goes into enhancing his existing abilities.  He takes to spinning some very strong cord and keeping a few skeins on his person at all times because it’s useful for a number of things and makes a pretty good weapon, especially with his ability to manipulate it.
The shapeshifting isn’t much on it’s own, but it can combine with other abilities he’s taken on to let him make greater changes and take on forms that better support use of his powers.
After the Beldam incident, Tim’s power levels increase a good deal very quickly, allowing him to challenge and defeat stronger opponents and collect stronger abilities.  Tim continues wandering, continues fighting, continues gaining power. 
(Trauma?  What Trauma?  He’s fine.  It all turned out okay in the end.  The Beldam is dead.  The souls she trapped are free.  Tim totally doesn’t have complicated feelings about killing her.  It.  Tim is fine.  Tim totally doesn’t have nightmares about an evil Batman with buttons for eyes.  You would not believe how fine he is.)
He collects some extra senses that allow him to maintain greater awareness of his surroundings.  He gains the ability to produce and maintain a very small fire (like a candle flame on a tealight) at his fingertips.  He gets quicker reflexes from something he probably wouldn’t have been able to beat prior to killing the Beldam (he had to tank an uncomfortable number of hits in that fight).
He gains the ability to find and use what he decides to call shortcuts. They’re these odd little throughways tucked into out of the way places that he can pass through and go from one place to someplace a fair distance away.   One of them is an odd little opening in a wall between a dead-end alley and a rooftop on the other side of town.  The shortcuts don’t look odd or out of place.  He mostly recognizes them by vibes.  If he had been born with this ability rather than gaining it later in life he probably wouldn’t have realized that there was anything odd about the shortcuts or that no one else could see them.
Tim goes on doing his thing, pretending he wasn’t traumatized by the Beldam, and even managing to heal a little despite his somewhat unhealthy handling of it.
Then Robin dies, and Batman loses it.  Now Batman is self-destructing and looks like he’s going to take all of Gotham down with him, the Other Gotham Nightmares are back, and Robin is fucking dead. 
Tim is not okay.
Tim tries to get someone else, anyone else, to deal with the situation because a violent, out of control Batman is a pretty massive trigger for him.  No one else who seems like they might be able to do anything for Batman is willing to intervein.  Batman is getting worse.
It looks like Tim is going to have to be the one to do something about this.
When Tim eventually begins his training to be Robin, it is such a hassle learning how to fight without his powers.  Batman and Nightwing think he’s incredibly clumsy when he first starts his training and wonder just how the heck he managed to follow them undetected for so long.  Then the clumsiness clears up more quickly than they would have expected, and they are concerned that he might have had a concussion when he started training and they didn’t notice. 
It’s actually because he has to re-learn how to get around without using his powers in a way that Batman and Nightwing would notice, and he’s started to forget how to account for large bulky items that aren’t tucked away in a pocket dimension.  That said, he did do it all without powers in the beginning so he’s re-learning rather than learning something new for the first time.  Also, he figures out pretty quickly that he can use the stealth he got from secret hunters and the goat-like climbing ability he got from a Jersey Devil because neither Bruce nor Dick realizes just how unusual Dick’s childhood level of ability was.
While Tim is operating as the Bats’ emotional support child, he uses his illusion powers from the Beldam to look cute, comforting, healthy, and un-concerning.  When he’s not with the Bats, he drops the illusion and just goes about his business with his actual appearance.  When he has some shit to get done far enough outside of the Bats’ sphere of influence that he can be reasonably confident he can avoid them finding out about it, he turns into something out of a scary movie.
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Guess who gave digital art a try? Here we have Emotional Support Tim, Regular Tim, and Cryptid Tim.
I hadn't originally planned for Cryptid Tim to be showing that much skin, but i had to spend a lot of time figuring out the anatomy before I could figure out how to dress him, and by the time I realized what I was doing, i'd put so much work into the shading on the ribcage that i didn't want to cover it completely. Tim won't actually dress like that in Cryptid form, I just worked really hard on the anatomy. I should do more art to figure out his actual Cryptid Garb.
I went the stretched out, spindly monster route for Tim's Cryptid form because his magic/condition is called "afflicted with gluttony." I know a lot of artists make monsters based on the concept of gluttony heavyset with lots of excess fat tissue, but I feel like it makes sense to have a gluttony monster look hungry, like no matter how much it's eaten it's nowhere near enough.
The gray-ish skin with darker gray hands was just because I thought it would look spooky, and redoing the hands once they were done felt like it would be a lot of work. Hands are hard. Especially with foreshortening.
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