#because there is a small portion of the posts on my blog
dinitride-art · 2 years
Might start drawing Max doing physio stretches and exercises so I actually remember to do mine. Like all her bones are broken and my bodies just like this- so in no way will it be accurate.
But it would be for me.
Or maybe I could just draw her complaining about it. And Guilt trip myself into doing them.
Or it could be like a weekly party thing where they all do them with Max for a day. And complain about it to no end as Max just leaves them in the fucking dust. Because stretching is hard actually. And there are muscles that don’t make any sense but apparently you need them to keep your bones from grinding together. Which is bullshit.
Anyways here’s to hoping that theyre not going to do the ‘oOh this character was completely healed by magic! And been better than before!’ Thing in season five because that’s annoying- and not how it works.
Give me Max with chronic headaches and pain in her limbs that is terrible but she lives with it. Because that’s just what happens. And give me Max who’s still happy and snarky and who’s angry and bitter and sad. But who has friends and a support system who she can rely on in every way. But more than anything- just to be her friends.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 2 months
📚 Small Intro To Polytheism📚
One of the most frequent asks I receive is how and where to get started when it comes to polytheism. This is a fairly broad subject and I’ll try to be as general as I can for advice but I will include specific references for Norse polytheists as that’s my shit. This information can be used to help you find a pantheon or to help you pick deities to work with it. If you’d like to use it to pick a patron deity that’s super, if you want to worship 20 gods and not have a patron deity that’s cool too. You do you dude. Please keep in mind this is all reflective of my research and personal practice. 🌻
Picking A Pantheon/Deity
This really boils down to personal preference. You’ll read a lot of posts and books that tell you many different ways and it’s entirely up to you because it is your practice.  That being said, there’s a couple of different ways to go about it. 
Research! This is one of my favorite ways to delve in. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with reading the stories of multiple pantheons and picking on that calls to you. You can also talk to other devotees and see what they have to say about deities and their religions. It is important to keep in mind that some religions are closed so please do proper research!
For example, I wasn’t originally a Norse pagan. I read some stories and thought the Hellenic pantheon would best suit me. I reached out to Eros for a while but after feeling no real connection to the pantheon I continued my research! After reading up on the Norse pantheon I decided to reach out to them out. Obviously, I fucking loved it because here I am. Point being, you can pick a pantheon based on research and not some divine message or whatever. You are also more than welcome to try out a religion, decide it doesn’t suit you, and move on. 
Divination! You can use runes, a pendulum, tarot, etc.This can go a few different ways. You can write pantheon/deity names on separate pieces of paper, mix them up, and place them face down then ask the pendulum to pick. You can assign a deity/pantheon to each suit of cards or major arcana card or even do the same thing with runes. 
For example, this is how I found a devotion to Frigg and Hel. I asked if there were any deities who were interested in working with me and pulled the runes Hagalaz and Berkana which read as Hel and Frigg to me. I followed up with tarot cards and pulled Death(Hel) plus the Queen of Pentacles(Frigg).
Asking/waiting for a sign. This isn’t something I’ve personally done so I don’t have much to say on the subject. You can go about meditating, praying, doing a ritual, or whatever and essentially wait for a sign after. It can come via a dream, something you experience, symbols you see in your daily life, it’s pretty much up to your intuition to decipher it. If anyone has information they’d like me to add in here please let me know!
If there’s a god you’re curious about and don’t want to do any of the above it’s totally cool to just reach out and ask if they want to work with you. 
Idk How To Research
Same, tbh my keyword search game is weak. Anyways, good portion of us are looking up dead religions with little reliable resources. To give those curious about the Norse an easy head start here’s a compiled list of  books by yours truly(click me!!) . It’s important to take everything with a grain a salt of salt when doing research. In my experience a lot of the retold Norse sagas have been Christianized or written under heavy Wiccan influences. It’s a good idea to do research on the author before reading one of their books.
Other blogs! There are tons of great witches and pagans on tumblr that have information waiting for you. 💗 You can search their blog/tags for good references for books, websites, podcasts, etc. Plus lots of blogs are open to answer asks. If you don’t know where to start for searching it’s best to try things based around your interest like: “norse polytheist”, “hellenic witch”, “gaelic polytheism”, etc.
Media! How lucky are we that we live in the age of technology? Knowledge is right at our fingertips! There are countless documentaries, podcasts, and audiobooks on youtube full of information for different cultures and religions. I’d personally recommend almost anything by BBC, Myths & Legends, and World Mythology!
Books! I love starting on goodreads to find good books and trust worthy authors. They’ve had almost every book I looked up with bunches of different reviews so you can get varying perspectives. Check out your local library as well! A lot of city libraries have online databases now of all of their books so you can “check it out” online and read the PDF(personal fave). 
Feeling Lost Still?
That’s completely reasonable and your feelings are more than valid. It can be overwhelming and lot of information to soak up. Just do your best and take it at your own pace, there’s no rush to find a deity or pantheon. 💞 Below are a few other general concerns I hear a lot that I was hoping to address.
“I’m leaving a monotheistic(Christian, Catholic, Jewish, etc) religion and it’s giving me anxiety.” This is entirely common and almost expected in my opinion. I was raised Roman Catholic and my first year to two looking into polytheism riddled me with anxiety. I was constantly concerned that god would smite me down or I’d face an eternity in hell for worshiping false gods. While I can’t speak for everyone that fear was entirely erased for me when I found my gods. I’ve never felt so safe and strong and hopefully with time you can find the same in your gods!
It’s okay to want to learn more or to seek something more. I can’t tell you how to handle your anxiety but please know you’re not alone in that fear. There’s whole communities out there willing to support you and help you find your safe space(including me)!
“What’s UPG?” You’ll see a lot of posts, mine included, that mention UPG - UPG is Unverified Personal Gnosis. This is essentially someone’s personal thoughts and beliefs about a deity. For example, I associate Sif with hazelnuts. There’s nothing in the lore or any book that says that she likes hazelnuts; that’s just a personal opinion(aka a UPG).
“How do I reach out to the gods?” I have a lot of information on my blog about this topic although a lot of it is Norse specific. You can check out my beginner polytheist tag here and my beginner norse post/ask here.
Altar! This is my go to typically. Altars aren’t limited to the cookie cutter image that comes to mind(no hate though I have a few); one thing you can make a side blog dedicated to your pantheon/deity, make a small one in a tin can, or even make one in a video game like Minecraft or some shit. You can be as creative or as to the book as you want. It’s up to you.
Prayer! You can totally just sit down and be like, “Hey man wanna work on some shit together?”. While I’m not 100% that all gods would be down with you being that casual it’s still something you can try.😂 You can reach out to them by sitting down in a quiet space and meditating into prayer, praying in the car or in the shower, or just pray at the altar you set up if you did. Again, I can not reiterate this enough, it’s your practice, reach out to them as you please.
Do something personal! This is more like devotional work in my opinion. Let’s say you knit and you want to reach out to a creative or domestic deity, you can knit something as a devotional act to them and as a way to reach out. For example I pick up litter in honor of the Vanir and Jörð, or I play Skyrim for Thor and Týr.
Most importantly just be honest and up front with the god that you’re reaching out too. Considering that statement be honest with yourself as well. There’s no point going into a relationship with a god if you can’t be upfront, it’ll end up in nothing but grief.
“Can deities reach out through gods/signs?” They totally can. However, it is up to you and your intuition if a deity has and it’s not likely another witch will decipher that for you. Sounds, experiences, images, all have different meanings to each of us - they may show you something that’s very personal to you but would be mundane to someone else. Trust your instincts. However, please remember that not everything is magical, sometimes a raven is just a raven and not Odin.
✨Take everything you learn with a grain of salt. Including this post.✨
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kevinornokevin · 6 months
a meditation on the nature of kevin
“kevin” came into our lives on July 9th, 2020, when auckie made the original legendary post. it is from this post that I derive five criteria for determining whether something is kevin or not. these criteria are:
a creature must embody these characteristics to be kevin. the post also calls kevin a “white little purse dog,” but I believe the idea of a purse dog is sufficiently encompassed by the combination of “little” and “bitch.” while in the context of dogs, “bitch” would seem to suggest a female dog, kevin can of course be any gender, as the original post specifies the dog will be kevin “regardless of it being a girl or boy.” instead, I believe bitch refers here to attitude.
“but wait!” you may be saying. “you said there were five keys to kevindom!” and indeed, I did. the fifth is as follows:
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yes, the gif itself is a criterion, for this gif represents the spirit of kevin. a dog can be as small, white, and bitchy as it wants, but if it does not embody the spirit of kevin, it may as well be a black big kind cat. in fact, if a dog sufficiently possesses the spirit of kevin, it can supersede the other criteria. I once saw a skinny little black-and-tan dog pathetically treading the halls of my university and thought, “well, that’s kevin if I ever saw him!”
indeed, it is the spirit of kevin that allows us to play this grand game of kevin or no kevin at all. using only the former four criteria, it would be a simple task to determine with relative objectivity whether a dog is kevin or not kevin. one would think my aunt’s dog george’s considerable height and brown-tinged ears might disqualify him from being kevin. and yet his spirit of kevin was enough to lead a significant portion of voters to deem him kevin.
but not everyone saw the spirit of kevin in george. we all have our own understandings of the spirit of kevin, and we will each see it show itself in different creatures. because of this we can foster healthy intellectual discussion over what is, in fact, kevin. and it is in that spirit I created this blog.
that great spirit of kevin.
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pomodoko · 10 months
@staff, because you need to know
Here’s my feedback message I sent to @support through feedback. Inspired by @getvalentined‘s post here.
“The recent post on the Staff blog about changing tumblr to an algorithmic feed features a large amount of misinformation that I feel staff needs to address, openly and honestly, with information on where this data was sourced at the very least.
Staff considers the main feed as it exists to be "outdated," to the point that you literally used that word to describe it, and the main goals expressed in this announcement is to figure out what makes "high-quality content" and serve that to users moving forward.”
THIS IS DONE COMPLETELY AGAINST THE WILL OF THE USERS. As a long term user of tumblr since 2012 and a current subscriber to your no-ads subscription service, I am highly considering ending my monetary support and send in a scathing review on the App store for how much misinformation @staff is distributing to the current userbase. Reverse-chronological dashboard is the lifeblood of users, and the MAIN FUNCTION of the dash is for users to curate their own experience and interests via following blogs they like. By pushing algorithmic content, you're taking away users' safe spaces and make it so smaller blogs will receive worse traffic than they already do, or vice versa, bigger blogs to stay in the spotlight, because that's what an algorithm is.
"Historically, we expected users to curate their feeds and lean into curating their experience. But this expectation introduces friction to the user experience and only serves a small portion of our audience." MAKE A POLL. Actually TALK to the userbase on what they want out of their feeds/dashboard. Actually, user @darkwood-sleddog has already MADE a poll about this for you, with an overwhelming 95.2% of voters OUT OF 130,205 PEOPLE voting for the dash to stay chronological, the way it's always been.
By switching to an algorithm For You feed for new users and now forcing this change on older ones, Staff is expressing that you are looking down on your userbase and assuming that we are not smart enough to curate our own experiences here on Tumblr, a MICROBLOGGING SITE. You are lying to your users with each and every new update and hiding the fact that people have been sending you feedback and complaints in droves. Tumblr's current traffic is at an all time high thanks to the fall of Twitter and Reddit, due to both websites DOING THE EXACT THING YOU'RE TRYING TO PUSH ONTO YOUR USERBASE. Twitter's forcing users to look at content they push rather than actual content the users follow, and Reddit's copying that from Twitter.
Tumblr is neither of these platforms, and Tumblr is not TikTok, either. This is the last stronghold of interactive, engaging social media/microblogging platforms that allows users to be authentic, funny, creative, and informative. You're making changes that the majority of users here do not appreciate, and I implore you to think twice.
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piosplayhouse · 1 month
Niche fandom happenings to take your mind after whatever stuffs happening in your fandom:
So as you can probably deduce, the model horse collecting hobby is made up mostly of older people. The hobby has been well established since the dawn of the Internet and I've talked a few times about how it's difficult to find some older resources about it/its history because of how every other link you click on which used to lead to a hobbyist artist's angelfire blog now is just a dead link or worse, bought out by some ad company sitting on the URL. Up until recently, a huge portion of hobby talk still relied on now-defunct Yahoo groups; now most have moved to either forums like Model Horse Blab or private Facebook groups. Individually most of these are pretty decentralized, but since model collecting by nature is a hobby that requires a significant amount of financial interaction (buying, trading, selling, commissioning, etc.), there has to be some kind of centralized marketplace for people to pitch their goods to as many corners of the hobby as possible.
Enter Model Horse Sales Pages (MH$P), a, well, site where people can post sales pages for model horses and accessories. It's an old fashioned sales pages site from the 2000s with a somewhat shitty layout but unparalleled detailed search functions-- to order things from a seller, you'd have to personally email them to negotiate for their listing. Though this seems somewhat inconvenient to our modern senses used to one click payments and speedy delivery, MH$P is undoubtedly a pillar of the model horse community.
... So that's why people are scrambling as it's allegedly been hacked and taken down for the foreseeable future. Worrying about personal information aside, now fans are left to wonder: what's the alternative? Well, the first one is of course eBay, which many hobbyists already use. However, eBay is obviously less catered to model horse hobbyists and is therefore a bit harder to search if you're deep in the hobby and can't be assed to look through 4000 "plastic horse" titled listings to find the 2008 SR glossy xX Devilish Girlfriend++ Thoroughbred you want. MH$P occupied a specific niche for long time fans looking for grails.
So what are our alternatives for people in the hobby looking to buy from others in the hobby? Well, there's a few decentralized official dealers like Chelsea's Model Horses or Triple Mountain who you can consign older models to, but going through a middleman takes time and you have much less freedom in your personal listings. Alternatively, you could go grassroots and post listings in Facebook groups and on forums, but those have reaches limited to the members of those specific, often small, groups, and it can be hard to move stock that way. So now people are looking for a backup marketplace platform, both for the current situation and longtime health of the hobby. But imagine my surprise when I went on Model Horse Blab and saw people suggesting an alternative site kickstarted by
STAR STABLE ONLINE YOUTUBER DENIS/DENISE WISESTORM. Denis has been a controversial figure in the SSO fandom (though there's pretty much no uncontroversial ssotubers especially on ssoblr because clickbaiting and weird reactionary takes are like the bread and butter of that side of the fandom) who's been called out for having some alt-right homophobic views in the past, as well as for his abject and unproductive negativity towards improvements made on the game. He's a lps customizer and pretty prolific breyer collector, though, so his drive to create a model trading and selling platform makes sense at least. But still! Why him!!!!!!
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I know this is a big joke blog and maybe I should stick to the jokes, but I thought I’d do a little experiment here and try something new. Because I think the number one response I see to my posts are some version of “these hitboxes are bad,” which gives me the impression that some of you might not realize how thin the margins are on what a good move or hitbox looks like. So let’s get educational.
We’ll start with something really obvious. This is Jigglypuff’s back aerial from Melee.
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Yellow is hurtbox, red is hitbox. You don’t have to have good eyesight to see that this move is almost all hitbox. It extends so far past the hurtbox, even past her leg in the animation, that even thinking about challenging this move is crazy. Puff’s bair is an infamously good move, and one of her biggest strengths as a character.
But let’s look at another strong move from a different game. This is Juri’s crouching medium punch from SF4.
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You might still be able to see that this is a good move, but it’s not as obvious as Puff’s. The empty green boxes are the hurtboxes here, and you can see that the red extends past them, but not as much. So is this merely a good move? Hardly. This is easily one of the best normal anti-airs in the whole game. You aren’t getting much better than this without a dragon punch or flash kick. You can’t jump in on Juri unless you have something to delay your jump timing, like a divekick, and bait the move. This thing hits jumps from far, mid, and can even hit jumping opponents behind her at times. This move isn’t OP, but it is a strength of the character and part of what made her neutral so strong. So let’s take a look at another one of Juri’s moves that made her neutral so strong. Here’s her crouching medium kick.
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Wait... the hitbox is behind the hurtbox? How can the move be good like that? But consider the way hitboxes are arranged. Juri can be counter-poked, sure, but this move had real good reach, was quick, hit low, and shifted her hurtboxes down to slip under a lot of stuff. At a glance, this doesn’t look like a good move, but when you take it in context with its frame data and the game around it, it’s quite good. And that’s the lesson here. A move’s hitbox is only a small portion of what makes a move good. It’s also important to consider how hitboxes are arranged around it, or other properties (looking at Persona and Blazblue’s attribute system). Fighting games are games of frames and pixels, and a handful of pixels can be the difference between a move being merely strong and completely OP.
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Life Update After a Few Days: October 18th, 2023 🎀
I’ve been a little busy with school, work, resting, and starting my workout routine back up, so here’s a little update!
I’m getting a tattoo soon! I know the aesthetic of my blog is pink and girly and coquette and I love everything that comes with the aesthetic and the lifestyle but I have an affinity for gothic style/spooky tattoos, so I’m getting a decent sized spider tattoo on my right thigh and I’m super excited! This is the first big ish sized tattoo besides the two small ones I have, and it’s the first tattoo appointment I’ve ever made so I’m really excited. A little anxious, especially for the shading portion of it, but I’m looking forward to how good it’s going to look when it’s finished and how much more confident it’s going to make me!
I’ve started working out at the gym again! My current schedule is three days of weightlifting (pull day, leg day, push day), and two days of just cardio. It feels so nice both mentally and physically to be taking care of myself like this again. I even bought some new workout shorts and gym clothes and I’m feeling better than ever! I’m focusing on improving my mental health right now and working out is doing wonders for me!
I’m working so much right now, but it’s worth it because I need the money for rent, tattoos, gym stuff, groceries, and whatever other necessities and wants pop up. I’m pulling doubles most Saturdays and it’s a little tiresome and energy draining but I’m managing pretty well. I won’t pull doubles every Saturday tho because that drives me straight into burnout and I’m trying to avoid that.
I hit 31 days on Duolingo and I’m at 28 days on Busuu, super proud of myself for keeping up with those two goals for now! I’m still working through the first two lessons of Genki and I’m still using the Kanji app but my studying has been a little bit more spread out because of my busy schedule. I’m trying to learn how to better balance multiple things without hyperfixating on just one and forgetting about everything else. I’ve noticed I tend to do that and that’s not the most productive thing for me.
I think I mentioned in a previous post that I spent a lot of money on stuff from Amazon (and Ulta) and most of it is here already besides the last couple Amazon items coming in today! I love the workout clothes I bought and the fitness/health tracker planner I bought is really interesting. I also got my language tracking bullet journal stuff in the mail so I am super looking forward to starting that up soon. Again, I noticed I tend to hyperfixate on one thing at a time but right now I’m trying to balance all my interests and things I need to do. My current “balance breakup” is: fitness/nutrition, Japanese language study, school/classes and academic success, work/making money, self care (sleep, skincare, reading, journaling, etc), boyfriend time, appointments, and chores/cleaning/housework. Sounds like a lot but there’s 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Not everything has to be done in one day and as long as I manage my time efficiently, then I’ll be successful. I also try to take into account my energy levels, daily tasks, possible “curveballs”, and my current physical and mental/emotional well being. Flexibility is a must in my life but I do like having routines and things to stick to, plan and schedule wise.
I’ve been working on some posts ideas for this blog so it’s not just daily updates and stuff, but actual tips, advice, and my current routines and schedules too, to maybe help motivate and inspire you guys! I have some things in mind currently, so hopefully I can find the time to type them up and post them!
Thank you guys for 850+ followers! I never thought my blog could grow like this and I’m super happy it has! This community has given me such a safe and comforting place where I can just be myself without worry. I appreciate all of you so much!! I hope all of you have amazing days, amazing sleep, amazing skin, amazing grades, and that life is going great for all of you!
that’s pretty much all I have to update you on for now. I will be posting a Daily Check In tonight about how today went as well, to help me get back on track with posting!
til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
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esthxio · 2 years
[SPIDER W3B..]: 〘Chapter 1〙
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‎ ❝ONII-SAN!❞
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[Warning: This post contains Character Death, Yandere behavior, sickly reader, Etc.][Pairs: Yan!Platonic!Daki & Gyutaro x M!reader | ??? x M!reader] [Blank, ageless, genderless blogs DNI | Fem aligned DNI | MDNI]
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{Third POV} - ♡
The young 13 year old female and male stood beside their elder brother, who was rather sickly, they glanced at each other and then looked at their brother with their eyes filled with so much emotion, they were worried and upset
their 20 year old brother refused to rest or sleep, rather the 20 year old pushed himself to hunt food for his younger siblings, the man pushed the bento he got towards the two with trembling hands yet a bright and proud smile was plastered on his face, it adorned his gorgeous face, even if his face was covered in dirt he still looked attractive and absolutely breath taking
something the man was grateful for, why? because he uses his looks to persuade stall sellers to give him what they sell for free, he uses his charm, body and looks just so he can feed the younger that was in his care and he does not regret doing it at all, he has no shame in doing it
The two younger siblings couldn't refuse their elder brother when he had such a proud and bright smile on his face, they couldn't refuse the food after their elder brother went all through those troubles just so he can feed them a meal everyday
as they start eating the food, they both glanced at their big brother who had a gleeful smile, the two thirteen year old's gazes softened when their sight landed on their big brother's beaming smile, they wished that their brother didn't have to suffer such illness
[Name] was confused, his younger siblings seemed more down and upset than usual, did something happen while he was gone? he was worried and so he couldn't help but ask
❝Did something happen while I was gone my dears?❞
There he asked with a trembling and quiet voice, as he looked at his siblings, his eyes filled with worry and confusion, Ume was thinking about what to say before she heard her other older brother speak
❝Nothing happened Nii-san, we were just worried because you took longer than you usually would❞
Gyutaro explained to the older, though this only made [name] upset, he didn't want for his siblings to feel worried and upset over him, he felt awful for making them feel that way and for taking longer than he usually would, he knew he shouldn't have created a conversation with the man he bumped into earlier
Ume noticed the frown on her older brother's face and nudged Gyutaro gently to which Gyutaro responded with a confused gaze until he realized he unintentionally made his older brother upset when he was trying assure him that nothing happened for them to be upset
❝But! don't worry because we're happy that you're here now Nii-san! you should eat with us too, there's enough food for the three of us and we don't want you to starve youself!❞
Ume exclaimed with a happy tone and a cheerful smile on her face, she lightly pushed her half eaten bento towards [name], who immediately tried to refuse to food claiming he wasn't hungry
this only upset Ume which put a small pout on her lips and a sad look on her face, [name] couldn't resist his little sister's sad face so he sighed whilst he grabbed the bento and took a few bites of the food until he saw his little sister become satisfied and happy again
While the scene was happening, Gyutaro let out a snicker knowing his older brother couldn't resister their little sister's face, this happens most of the time, having Ume guilt trip their older brother so he can eat food and not starve himself then he shares his portion with Ume so she won't starve as well too
Gyutaro wished for moments like this to last longer, where the three of them are together, safe, cuddled up together or eating with each other, he cherishes both his siblings so much that he would trade his own life just for them to have a happy and healthy life.
════════════ ஓ๑TimeSkip๑ஓ ════════════
It's been 2 months after that beautiful moment, [Name]'s sickness has gotten worse to the point he had to be bedridden, this greatly upset the younger two but still didn't lose hope that their older brother would heal from his illness
However since [Name] conditioned worsened and is bedridden the two younger had to find a way to earn money and find food for their selves and so they can feed their older brother, this absolutely made [Name] worried, upset, guilty and ashamed
worried because his younger siblings who are literally 13 year olds, getting jobs and working just so they can live, eat and take care of him
upset and guilty because he should be the one working and taking care of them but instead he couldn't do so because of his severe illness and because of him, they could not enjoy their childhood and they act too mature for their own age and that they should be having fun and playing games
Ashamed because he felt like he was being a burden to his siblings and also felt like he failed as a big brother, they're kids and they should be acting like kids, they shouldn't be acting like young adults who work everyday to earn money
God he felt so embarrassed and awful, if it weren't for this stupid incurable disease he and his siblings would be living a better life right now, [name] sighed as he remembered telling the two younger about his illness yet he did not mention how this disease of his did not have any cure...
the two 13 year olds on the other hand were determined to make a lot of money so that they can have the funds to search medicine or a cure that can heal and save their older brother from his illness
Gyutaro worked as a debt collector in the Rashomon Riverbank of Yoshiwara whilst Ume worked at a prestigious brothel, attracting suitors and customers to come to the brothel by using her charm and beauty
something she's starting to love having, it is an advantage that she can control and take
Though she believes she is the most gorgeous woman in the whole world, she believes more on how her oldest brother's looks are on par with gods or even way more attractive than the gods..
Gyutaro thinks the same as well, the both of them loved their older brother way too much and doesn't wanna let go him, they would kill and sacrifice anyone if it means that their older brother gets to live a healthy and happy life, hell even they would offer up their own lives for their older brother..
they would do ANYTHING for their older brother just to keep him safe and happy
════════════ Somewhere... ════════════
The man who was wearing a white fedora with a black suit sighed deeply once again, he was upset and disappointed that the gorgeous man he saw a few weeks ago was nowhere to be found at their usual spot
He decides to visit his dear friend at his home to see what is up and why he no longer goes to their usual spot..... - {You shouldnt be here.}
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ㅤ〘will you keep a secret?〙
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[Special mentions to: Tag list] @vyloy
- Others: 〘Masterlist〙|〘Rules〙|〘Guide〙
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thisisthinprivilege · 10 months
This privilege is being able to read a blog online without being threatened by your family.
This post is not about me, but rather my friend who I showed this blog to. We are both "small fats", her being a little larger than me. I found a lot of solace reading submissions on here, and knowing that she struggles with body image like I do, I showed her this blog.
At first, she was very enthusiastic. She got really into the activist side of it, became more confident, began to use a lot of the information she learned against her verbally abusive family members. I was glad to see her become stronger. Now, I have to say, her family is VERY unsupportive and very abusive when it comes to her and her weight. She comes from a family of fit people, both her sisters are in sports or cheerleading, her father is a coach, her mother is a yoga instructor. My friend is literally the black sheep, if you will, of her family. They constantly berate her, antagonize her, humiliate her in front of company. It's gotten to the point where her mother "rations" her food in labelled containers and she is not allowed to take anything extra from the fridge or pantry.
As it turns out, her family noticed her new attitude and sudden spurt of knowledge. Her sister logged into her computer and checked her history, and found various links to this blog. She showed their parents and all hell broke loose. Her parents yelled at her, told her it was vicious propoganda made by "fat lazy fucks who complain about not getting handouts in life" and that they'd be damned if she thought that this was an acceptable route in life.
Last night she called me sobbing. She has apparently been in the middle of submitting her own post when her sister saw her and ran to tell her parents. They came and confiscated her laptop, and after a long yelling match told her that this summer she would be attending a "rehabilitation" camp (I assume this is code for 'fat camp') as well as getting on a stricter dieting regiment (as I mentioned before, she is already only allowed "rationed" portions of food).
I told her to talk to a school counselor come Monday, but she is afraid of making the situation worse. She feels that what her parents are doing isn't enough for human services to get involved because it will just be seen as a "lifestyle" choice rather than the starvation and abuse it is.
Thin privilege is not being starved or frightened by your family for daring to diverge from the standard body type.
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rambling-stardust · 1 year
headcanons w mini drabbles for one piece's monster trio on the different sides of dating them.
afab! reader implied, gender neutral pronouns except sanji's portion
characters: luffy, zoro, sanji 4.4k words a/n: thought this would be a good first post for my new writing blog<3 my drafts have been piling up forever lol
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❥ monkey d luffy
the good
so in tune with his emotions
what he likes, dislikes, etc. he makes very clear, so pleasing him is such an easy task!
tbh i see him still being surprised even when you outright ask him what he wants
why is he so starry-eyed from the plate of bacon you're offering him? he said he was hungry, and sanji did tell you to help yourself to the leftovers from breakfast...
similarly, the strawhat captain isn't afraid to just go for it when he wants something
once it's clear you're both experiencing the same kind of feelings, this only doubles
physical affection is the perfect example of this
the sudden urge to hold your hand? he's reaching to lace your fingers together without a second thought. rubbery limbs are constantly wrapping around you in loops, luffy putting his whole heart into embracing you like he does anything else
in his mind, it's something that makes you both happy— so why fight it? especially when everything is "sooo much funner with you around!"
"You'd think they were attached at the hip," Zoro's grunt of a remark cut through the quiet on the upper deck. With the sea breeze teasing their clothes and hair, Nami brushed a few stray locks from her peripheral to follow the swordsman's gaze— only to land on their captain some distance away, with his arms hooked over your shoulders so he could cling to your back.
The added weight clearly disrupted your lounging, the navigator having seen you peacefully cloud-watching alone minutes prior, but there was no scolding or shoving like there would've been with some of the other crew. You seemed fine with it actually.
Rolling her eyes, Nami looked back down at the log pose that adorned her wrist. "If that's surprising to you, you're more clueless than I thought."
Oblivious to the now-bickering onlookers, you shot a small smile over your shoulder at Luffy. Though the signature hat on his head blocked most of his face from view at this angle, you could still see the edges of the dazzling smile that immediately surfaced in turn.
"You sure you don't wanna fish with Usopp and Chopper instead?" you softly question, fingers reaching up to trace invisible patterns across Luffy's arms, then wrists, then knuckles.
The captain insistently shook his head, ducking further into your neck until you felt the slight scratch of straw and the tickle of air from each exhale. "I like spending time with you." The answer was said simply, leaving no room for debate. It made your smile grow.
"Even doing nothing?"
Laughter, then— the kind Luffy did when he thought a question was silly. You knew it all too well.
"It's always something! Because we're together. Duh!"
the bad
not a single functioning braincell
okay, cutting the poor guy some slack, luffy isn't exactly stupid. in fact, there are plenty of times he's caught onto things faster than others
but don't let this convince you he's the next philosopher of our era
this oblivious man can miss signals that are the equivalent of a giant neon sign. this causes misunderstandings like no other
which brings me to the subject of the captain's stubbornness
you'll never understand how someone with so little patience can still manage to be one of the most stubborn pirates throughout the sea
it'd be amazing if that stubbornness could be used for the benefit of the crew, if you could somehow make him sit out battles, or stand off against his monstrous appetite...
however, what luffy often refuses to budge on are matters of the heart. good luck introducing any kind of logic to that
The symphony of battle was one you never quite got used to. Even now, after all the progress you've made, the adventures you've been on and endured... Sometimes it could still be overwhelming.
The clanging of swords and cries of rage. The explosions, both close and far. The shuddering sobs of the dying.
But right now, all you could hear was your own desperate begging— reverberating around your skull.
"Don't do this, Luffy. Please."
"I've made up my mind." The captain's answer was low, rough. Fitting, considering the anger twisting his features. Regardless of the fact it wasn't directed at you, the raw power in that stare made you shudder.
You had a terrible, terrible feeling about this.
"Please, Luffy! Don't—" you were choking on the words. You didn't want to say it, but you were grasping at straws. Nothing was working, none of the usual methods you'd learned over the months spent with the crew to distract or redirect Luffy's recklessness had any effect right now. "Don't be stupid! We need more time, more help! If we can just get back to the—"
"Shut up! I'm gonna end this now. I'll make it back, I promise." This was clearly the limit to his patience; the rubber man throwing an arm out, stretching it far in preparation to slingshot himself right to the heart of the enemy. Right to the strongest enemy he's faced yet.
You knew you should have faith in your captain, knew you should cry out in support of his strength and determination, but all you could feel right now is dread. Nothing was going to plan.
Before you could get another word in, your lover is gone, soaring across the sea of fighters.
the dirty (nsfw tags: public sex, alluded creampie, slight size kink)
a common war within luffy is the previously-mentioned obliviousness versus that naturally sharp set of instincts that have miraculously kept him alive
he's probably aware of sex in a roundabout way— sometimes people get together, touch in certain ways, and then go about their day?
definitely had some companions try to explain it to him, for his sake and safety, but didn't listen AT ALL because it just didn't catch his attention
however, with some hands-on experience... let's just say it has more impact on him
suddenly there are all these fun things to do, in different ways, in different places even! the combinations and experimentation get him hooked the most
good luck trying to keep any of your sex life private though
not only is he a blabbermouth, answering questions honestly without any hesitation— but it's also way too easy to give in to his spontaneous (and risky) whims...
your "secret" is out maybe a week or two after his introduction to this new, addicting pleasure
Nami owed you big time for this.
The money-hungry thief had set her gaze upon a new mark that was quite typical for the crew's adventures. The Strawhat Pirates were currently being honored with a royal banquet— and banquets usually meant castles or strongholds of some kind, which meant treasuries.
So the plan was mind-numbingly simple: keep the party going until your gracious hosts were robbed blind by your navigator.
The thing was, another common thing with these banquets was the hero treatment. So really the plan was easier said than done when your dear captain hated being called a hero and often jumped at the chance to leave such affairs after having his fill of food. Luffy never liked to sit in one place for long, and the plates had cleared out long ago. Only guests drunk on mirth and booze remained— cheering and shouting and singing.
When the captain's gaze combed through the crowds, landing on his various crew members, you immediately recognized the pattern: he wanted to find his companions and leave.
Thus came your role.
It was always easiest to capture your captain's 'attention' after he won a fight. It made sense, really: a post-battle celebration hosted all sorts of emotions from the aftermath of combat. Adrenaline, relief, desperation...
And never before were you more aware of the latter, your chest flush against the stone wall as muscle caged you in from all sides. Luffy's hands were gripping desperately onto your waist as he thrust into you like his life depended on it, a mix of cum and slick arousal clinging to the inside of your spread thighs. His gaze, though half-lidded, was intensely focused on where the two of you joined.
The plan initially involved a room, but in hindsight you'd already been a little needy for your boyfriend, so you may have done your job a little too well. You'd reflect more on it, but that coiling feeling in your core was far more compelling, especially when the hips behind you stuttered in their rhythm— Luffy shoving his throbbing cock deeper with small, broken circles. This time he'd pull you over the edge with him.
With the noises he was making into your neck, you had the fleeting thought that you were sure to get caught any second: after all, you'd only turned a few empty halls before settling for the wall. But you couldn't help it at this point. How could you deny yourself when the both of you were just so close?
❥ roronoa zoro
the good
this swordsman is the epitome of security
say hello to your new favorite safe space: zoro's arms
after an especially long or hard day, words don't even need to be spoken— he's folding you into his arms, and the familiar drum of his steady heartbeat echoes in your ears
you can always count on him for refreshing alone time
need a getaway from it all? you've got the strawhat's first mate around your little finger, dear, just give him that look and he'll be pulling you away from the group to have some space to breathe
he understands the demons one can mentally battle while the outside world remains ignorant, the weight of intrusive thoughts
which, despite being abrasive about it, zoro will always make sure to express his gratitude to you in small ways
it might feel passive aggressive, the way he's shoving a coat over your shoulders, but would you rather catch a stupid cold?
poke fun at these subtle generosities and the swordsman will get so pouty and pink
Maybe you were just weird, but there was something melancholic in the aftermath of a marvelous adventure. In the departure and days after, as you ease back into the quiet in-between moments on the sea.
Sometimes there's a restless itch under your skin during these weeks when the action is sparse. You know the rest of the crew can relate in their own ways.
But you think Zoro understands a little better than the others.
The first couple of times you'd squirreled away in the crow's nest on his watch, the swordsman would shoot you a weird look or even grumble about peace and alone time. However, he never explicitly asked you to leave, and so you remained.
It became a habit, these quiet hangouts, until one day you broke the silence.
"Does the training help?" you inquire aloud. Later you'd blame the exhaustion you'd felt at the time— it was late into Zoro's overnight watch, and he barely broke a sweat over the entire weight training period.
The faint rattling of metal sounded when the bar abruptly stopped, and Zoro met your curious gaze with a confused one. "Hah? What are you on about?"
Nervously, you fidgeted. "I know training makes you stronger. But... I guess I'm just asking if sometimes you train because it's something to... to keep yourself busy. Y'know," you gestured vaguely. "That restlessness thing."
Green brows relaxed, something in his eyes softening. Or maybe you were just sleep-deprived.
"I train to get stronger, and stay stronger," he answers, resuming the lift and drop of the barbell. Then another pause, although briefer. "But it's not too bad for that either."
"Hm..." Somehow you felt dissatisfied with the answer, but you didn't push. Instead, you balanced the weight of your head on your palm, fingers curling over your cheek.
"So does watching help any better?" It was facetious, teasing even. Heat immediately spread across your face.
It... Kind of does.
the bad
literally SO prideful it's infuriating
teaching this man vulnerability will be a full time job with no vacation pay, no 401k, nada. zip. might as well be raising a teenage boy who's father is toxic masculinity
also on that subject, i feel like he doesn't know how to handle emotional situations very well
gets better over time in the relationship, with guidance, but at the beginning?
ohhh boy, better reconsider going to him for coddling. chopper or robin would be a better pick for that...
double goes for trying to ask in front of others. i can just imagine you asking for reassurance and he'd just offer shallow, borderline inconsiderate advice only for nami to beat some sense into him...
power through his fear of emotional intimacy with him and you can get through ANYTHING bestie
good luck though because this man would rather shoulder the world for eternity than admit he needs help
The patience of a saint would still not be enough to handle this situation, is what you tell yourself. It's understandable if someone doesn't want to talk about something upsetting.
Last week had been hard for everyone. The entire crew grieved in their own ways, the Sunny a little quieter following the troubling loss you'd suffered at the last island.
A reminder to constantly improve, because there are always stronger foes to face.
The realization that you'd not seen Zoro since the incident struck you like a physical blow, winding you and making the next breath a little rushed. One could only imagine what was going through his head.
So, as his... friend— a complicated subject, really, and a headache you didn't need right now— you searched for him. To make sure he was alright.
However, you weren't expecting this much hostility in response to a simple inquiry. You just wanted to know if the dumbass was alright.
Whatever happened from his end of the battlefield must have been particularly triggering. Your brain ran wild with theories, speculating if it dug into his past. Maybe even his childhood. What kind of grief and scars were reopened by the things he witnessed that day.
At the very least, you wanted to offer some sort of companionship in the pain and misery. Remind the swordsman that he's not alone on the bitter nights.
Clearly, that invitation wasn't welcome.
"I don't need anyone's pity! If you want someone to cry with go bitch to Chopper or something," Zoro barks, all scowls and tension where he sat cross-legged on the deck.
Angry tears sting your eyes, and you don't know if you'd survive the humiliation of them being seen and confused for something they're not. So instead, you spin on your heel, taking his advice.
You retreat to the women's quarters, heart twisting painfully in your chest. Eyes practically burn their gaze into your back as you go.
the dirty (nsfw tags: possessiveness, rough play, degradation, praise)
zoro is a one night stand that turns into two. which turns into three. which then becomes a situationship i don't make the rules
i imagine both of you manage to convince yourselves that it's what the other wants, followed with further delusions of 'i can totally do this without catching feelings'
spoiler alert: there's already feelings
this is really evident when jealousy and possessiveness slip through— zoro is particularly susceptible to fucking out his frustrations after withstanding jealousy for so long
loves to mix degradation and praise. "pretty slut" is a favorite, but new terms come into play from time to time
will play rough and leave marks, even if you have to compromise and convince him to scatter them where you can easily cover the bites and bruises up
ask him to be gentle and he'll try
You couldn't say how you'd wound up here again. The situation was familiar, one that was surely getting too comfortable to be safe— but it was hard to say no to something that felt this amazing.
Joining The Strawhats was an adventure: an exhilarating one that you could only predict in your wildest dreams. But what you've found amidst the crew was a more dangerous, more... carnal thrill.
It was unexpected, but Roronoa Zoro was beginning to be your absolute downfall.
You could— and often did, these days— find yourself getting lost in the way your bodies meld together, head swimming from the unpredictable filth that would spew from his lips.
Why did it feel so good to be called a whore? To be demeaned and then uplifted in a whirlwind of lust? It was undeniable, the way you would clench desperately around Zoro's length each time he retreated from your heat with mean taunts; and the way he'd chuckle, the sound pure sin, before filling you once more. The little praises he'd sneak in, gems among the insults, only serve as better kindling to feed the fire raging in your lower stomach.
Though you had to admit you enjoyed this as much, if not just a little more. Seeing the swordsman beneath you as you ride him, hypnotized by the occasional strain of corded muscle, settles the icky feeling that had been lingering behind your ribs earlier at the bar. When some of the women from the town your crew was visiting tried to chat him up, batting their lashes and tossing their hair.
Another obscene noise is pulled from the man below you, and you can no longer fight the urge to collide your lips with his in a brutal kiss.
It's messy, full of teeth and drool and whines that are pushed from you each time Zoro snaps his hips up just right.
"'M gonna cum," you warn after putting a few inches between your lips and his, the words rushed and desperate. It's the only chance you get before he's pulling you back into that kiss with a harsh grip on your hair— tingles of pain simply sparking into a new, unique kind of pleasure.
"Do it," Zoro hisses against your ear. "Be a good slut and say who you belong to."
Maybe it's not so crazy that his kiss feels like it's claiming you, too.
❥ vinsmoke sanji
the good
might as well start introducing yourself as royalty because you're never getting anything less from this lover boy
he will pamper you and do his best to fulfill your every whim! would serve you the universe on a shiny silver platter. no, gold! no, an entire diamond eatery set!
honestly, no one will boost you more. sanji is your number one fan and will constantly strive to make you love yourself as much as he does
you won't ever have to even fathom being undesirable because this chef will not stand for it for even a second
could list a million different characteristics he adores about you for every single negative remark you could come up with
all he asks for in return is your attention, and to be around you<3
"It looks like someone's got an admirer," came Robin's amused voice from your left, startling you from your reverie.
"Robin! You just love sneaking up on me," you dramatically sigh, recomposing yourself before making a scrunched-up expression of confusion. "Admirer?"
The archaeologist simply laughed under her breath, peering at you from over her sunglasses as she tipped them down. "I can't even say a secret admirer. I'm afraid it's quite obvious— Nami and I noticed immediately."
You weren't above pouting. "I have no clue what you're talking about."
With one brow arched, the woman pointed a delicate finger down to the table before you.
Out on the deck, a table with a fancy cloth and delicate glassware was oh-so-carefully set; and the metaphorical cherry on top was the mouth-watering delicacies stacked atop. Sanji— obviously the one behind the romantically-designed dinner— had to physically fight off the ravenous Strawhat captain as the gluttonous pirate stalked the meal like a starving predator.
Not one to turn down a delicious meal, and hating the thought of Sanji's efforts as food bodyguard against Luffy going to waste, you didn't waste time asking questions and simply enjoyed the gift. The renowned chef, all the while, gushed and cooed in the background after Luffy finally realized there was no food for him.
"C'mon, you're smarter than that. You really think he doesn't mean anything out of all this?"
Heat prickled at your cheeks. Sanji's behavior was certainly flirtatious, but it was easy to understand why outsiders would confuse it for a genuine advance. But Robin? She should've understood your fellow crewmate better.
"It's not like that. Sanji treats every woman like this!"
Robin was giving you that amused, I-know-something-you-don't expression again. "Perhaps. But I've never seen him quite so smitten with every little reaction before, either." Her gaze left yours, roaming slightly to the right, and instinctively you were turning your head to follow it.
Meeting eyes with the ship's cook, you swear your heart skips a beat as his face immediately falls into a lovesick look, eyes practically hearts as he swooned and darted to your side.
"Everything was to your satisfaction, my dear?"
the bad
regardless if you mind clinginess or not, i can guarantee even you will need a break from him at some point or another
he's happy being together every second of every day without pause. sleep, wake, eat, shower together— the more time to cherish you, the merrier, so if you want personal space... you're gonna have to break his heart
just a little bit! only for the hour, or day. he'll sulk and pout every moment you're away, not unlike a puppy.
which reminds me: you will have to keep a tight hold on this man's leash
don't get the guy wrong, a committed relationship is sacred to keep! he'll keep certain things special for just you two, however...
sanji could never ignore a gorgeous lady. single or not
beauty is meant to be admired, right? well, he'll certainly admire them
If someone asked why you'd fallen for Sanji, any other time you could give them quite the winding list of qualities your boyfriend portrayed. In fact, despite the rough day, it's with startling clarity you realize you still could list those things about him.
Sanji was sweet. Romantic. Considerate, gentlemanly, talented, and generous.
Too generous.
Sometimes you seriously questioned how you managed to develop feelings for a total pervert. It felt like you'd gone through every stage of grief with this characteristic of his: denial, bartering, depression...
Currently? You're in the anger stage and would prefer to keep a five-mile radius between yourself and the blond.
"Princess, please," Sanji's apologetic whining can be heard from behind the door, the handle remaining untouched as his mannerly side showed face: he wouldn't cross that boundary, you would open the door when you were good and ready.
You wanted to be. God, you did. But... it was just so infuriating, the way he fawned after that dancer on the street.
...However beautiful she may have been. You weren't totally spiteful, even you could admit the woman was drop-dead gorgeous.
The frown on your face only deepened. You didn't want to sound like an insolent teen: you think she's prettier than me! So instead, you decided the best option was some time and space. You could get over your jealousy, then go back to your love when you were ready.
A little voice in the back of your head nagged that would probably happen before lunchtime.
the dirty (nsfw tags: praise kink, oral & fingering, switch dynamics)
an absolute service switch. sanji is there to please, indulging in the entire experience from start to finish.
like fine dining, you don't messily inhale all the food on your plate: first you revel in the aroma, admire the texture, sift through the different flavors and how they tickle the palette
this is just a way of saying he could wax poetic about using his mouth on you
doesn't matter how— whether his tongue is between your thighs, across your skin, or between your teeth. you're a delicacy meant to be savored from top to bottom and back again, in his head
when the tables are turned and it's his pleasure at focus, though?
baby boy gets so shy, ahw
nevertheless, so needy. will not stop rambling about all the (amazing, stunning, reverent, miraculous, etc.) things you make him feel. he sings your praise until his pleasure is too much for words
Island stops were always... interesting. Some of the crew's most chaotic shenanigans stemmed from the simple dispatch of a grocery shopping trip. At this point, you counted your blessings when everyone would meet back at the ship successfully— a quick head count reassuring you that no, Zoro did not get lost again and yes, Luffy somehow managed to stay out of trouble. And if Robin didn't mysteriously disappear just to reemerge with world-toppling news?
Close to a miracle.
But nothing would best the island pit stops where you got to stay behind on the Sunny with its famous cook. There was a wonderful, honeymoon-esque bubble that would suddenly surround your world when the rest of the crew left the ship and headed into town.
Honeymoon indeed, with the way Sanji becomes so taken with you during those hours of privacy. When there's time to be used, he spans out every second to bring forth as much pleasure for you as possible.
It was nearly overwhelming, at first. You'd had the strange urge to cry, the evening had been so intimate. No one ever focused on you for so long.
Despite the time that has passed, the sentiment still lingers today.
Emotion swells inside your chest like a giant tidal wave, thighs trembling against hands that held you as though you were an offering to the heavens. Sanji had lost himself what feels like hours ago to the essence between your legs, the very first taste sending his lashes aflutter before his eyes fully closed and he divulged in his favorite feast.
He'd once told you he couldn't help it— he wanted to see your beauty for himself, but he truly lost control the moment his tongue fell upon your sex.
Goosebumps trailed in the wake of the hand that caressed down your hip to your inner thigh. The touch was featherlight before Sanji was pulling back, much to your disdain, only for that touch to drag across every slick and sensitive inch of skin he'd previously tasted.
"Just let me continue to make you feel good, baby. I can do this as long as you'd like," he coos as his fingers slip inside, curling to reach that toe-curling spot he knows will drive you crazy.
Why would you ever decline such a beautiful offer?
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copias-girl · 10 months
Hey. I saw you deleted all the excitement/nonsense from the other day, wanted to check in on you. I realized that while I've been on this hellsite for 12 years and seen and experienced a great deal of my own anon drama, I forget how overwhelming & terrible it feels when it first happens to you.
I failed to notice that, in addition to being very new to this site, you're also only 18 (please note that this is not meant to sound condescending - tone is impossible to convey via text). I was a couple years older than that when I joined here, and I carried just as much excitement and energy into everything I posted and reblogged and quickly gained a reputation for myself. From what I've observed from your blog though, mine was decidedly...less fun & positive, so I got a LOT of anonymous messages telling me what they thought of me. I would spend a lot of time thinking about those anons and the terrible things they said to me, constructive or not, objective or not. It didn't matter how many support messages I got from friends or mutuals, or how much we mocked the anons or made light of the situation - I was angry, embarrassed, felt like nothing I did would fix it, and sometimes didn't want to log onto this site anymore, despite it being the only outlet I had to express myself in this way.
It is normal to focus on the small negative in spite of the overwhelming positive - healthy? No. But normal.
My point is: Please do not let this nonsense deter you from being you. Not everyone is going to like you, and that is totally fine. Not everyone is going to like how you post/reblog on your blog. Speaking solely for myself, I generally keep a more contained dashboard I can scroll through quickly at work, so I don't follow your blog, but I don't translate my personal feelings on how you blog into my personal opinion of you as an individual. Everyone blogs differently on this site, which is what keeps it interesting. I'm also not so chronically online to go out of my way to send you a 5-paragraph essay about consent or being hypersexual in a fandom for a gay Satanic band. Instead I'll send you a 8-paragraph essay trying to comfort you and to tell you not to despair, lmao.
I LOVE your enthusiasm about how you express yourself in your posts & reblogs, and it seems there's a shit ton of blogs around you that feel the same way & express themselves the exact same way. Don't lose that spark! Don't let them rain on your parade! [Insert another cliche phrase here]!
Take time if you need a break, but please understand you did nothing wrong. Everything said to you was someone's opinion they wanted to force on you to control how you behave because they themselves are terrified of the world around them and don't understand they cannot control others. Hopefully one day they'll realize how sheltered and, quite frankly, stupid they are. I did.
My advice: if you ever reopen anons and start getting those messages again, delete them and don't engage. Most of the time they're just looking for attention, to rile you up. Classic bullying tactics.
Or print out their messages and use them as firewood. Or toilet paper. Whatever works.
Lastly, you don't have to acknowledge this or publish this message if you don't want to. Genuinely, I just wanted to reach out and make sure you're okay and to attempt to longwindedly impart some advice from my own experiences over the decade.
You do you, dude. Fuck the haters.
Thank you so so much for this incredibly kind and comforting message ♥︎ I really appreciate it more than you could imagine, it even made me cry reading it. I feel like this message is a good closer for this situation, so I’m also going to use it as an opportunity to give a little PSA about how my blog will be operating from now on.
First of all, just thank you again. I’m honestly astonished because every single thing you mentioned is exactly how I feel. The hurt of it all despite getting so much support, the empty feeling of not wanting to go on tumblr anymore despite it being my only outlet. Tumblr was supposed to be my safe space, my escape, my home, and it really sucks because it honestly doesn’t feel like that anymore.
I think the thing that hurts the most is that literally no one reached out to me as a friend in the dms to tell me that I was bothering them. I’m not a mind reader, so if no one says anything then I assume I’m not bothering them. But I do pride myself on always being approachable, I’m ALWAYS open to people messaging me with their concerns.
It’s different when it’s some faceless anon who comes off as slightly passive aggressive. If someone would have just DMed me, I definitely would have put more thought into it and taken their suggestion. Since I haven’t been on tumblr long, I didn’t even know the difference between reblogging with a comment or reblogging with tags until literally just now during this whole situation.
I just feel like I’ve been serving spaghetti every night for dinner. 9 people say they absolutely LOVE it, but then I come to suddenly find out the 10th person doesn’t. But they never said anything all this time, so how was I supposed to know?
I’ve had two people block me who I thought were my friends. One who, during this situation, even said she’d always be there for me. Basically, she informed me that our mutual friend had been upset about my comments and apparently never said anything before this, so I reached out to that friend and apologized. She apparently got triggered by my apology, and they both blocked me. That hurt. A lot. And if I’m being honest I’ve been fighting so hard not to self harm during this time.
I feel like I’ve been treated like a malicious criminal over this, when in reality everyone should know damn well I’ve never done ANYTHING to deliberately make people feel bad.
And don’t worry, I definitely did not take the comment about my age to be condescending. In fact, I wish more people would have taken it into account. And the fact that I’ve only been on tumblr for 6 months, so I don’t really know much about it.
I have a life outside tumblr. I’m a student, and I’ve had to be a full-time caretaker to sick relatives who have now unfortunately passed away. I’m grieving. My father abandoned me and my mother, so I’ve had to take over doing all the things that he used to do.
I come on tumblr, I scream about everyone’s favourite satanic antipopes, I post some fics, and then I close the app and go about my life. I don’t research the history of tumblr and what’s deemed acceptable by certain groups of people. I’m a human. I’m a real teenage girl, with feelings. I’m able to be hurt, and triggered, and everything else. I know I’ve created a personality for myself on here, and I think people often forget that I’m a real girl.
I wish I could say I’m okay, but right now that spark definitely feels dampened into a sad little ember. Since this has happened, I’ve almost stopped eating entirely, and when I do eat, I immediately throw it right back up. My Mom took me out to eat and I threw up in public. This has honestly had my stomach in knots.
Today was the first day I actually didn’t feel nauseous. So hopefully time will heal this wound. I wouldn’t wish this on ANYONE, but I’m glad to see you got through it and made it out ok. I’m hoping for the same outcome for myself too.
Now for the PSA portion of this message (everyone please read):
Will I stop being unhinged? Hell no. But I will be moving any horny comments into the tags, as suggested by the people who had complaints. The absolute last thing I want to do is alienate people and make people uncomfortable. (I still have questions about reblogging with comments tho, for example, if I say something not horny should I still put that in the tags or is it ok to comment that?)
Secondly, my best friend suggested that I should just start taking my unhinged comments and making them into posts of their own, so I’ll probably do that too. I think I might tag them with some cheesy tag, probably a pun on nsfw (not sugar for work?) so that if you’d like to blacklist that tag, you can, and then your dash will be safe for scrolling at work or wherever. And you can just click ‘view post’ if you want to view it.
So, rest assured, the horny party will never stop! But since I’ll be putting my stuff in the tags, you probably won’t see it circulating as much as reblogged comments, so if you want to see me being unhinged, just come to my page and scroll through!
Also, I’ve gotten so many other supportive messages and I want to thank everyone for sending them in. I won’t be answering them, because I don’t want a lot of stuff about this situation on my blog. And this is going to be the last time I talk about this situation on my blog. But the supportive messages really do mean a lot to me, so thank you all ♥︎
I feel malaise, so I might still be absent for a little while, but I’ll try to get back in the saddle as soon as I can. I haven’t been in the best mindset to write, but I’m really going to try because posting fics and running this account genuinely make me happy.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope to see you all again very soon
Love always,
Sugar <3
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pan-magi · 5 months
On one hand, I hate that I'm making a vent post on this fandom blog. On the other hand, I am really annoyed and in a bad mood for unrelated reasons so I'm going to do it anyway.
I want to murder and destroy all the porn bots clogging the magi tags. It's infuriating.
"Because you follow #magi
*porn bot post*"
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No, no, no. GO TO HELL.
Magi is already a small fandom. A lot of religious and spiritual blogs also use it. Even if they don't tags things with magi exclusively, I get a lot of Madoka Magica blogs recommended to me because of the series' full name (Puella Magi Madoka Magica). Nothing against them, of course, love existential magical girls. Point being I can bet none of us give a fucking shit. Leave our small tag alone!
I could just not visit the your tags page but the "because you follow x" posts pop up on home and following regardless. And I like checking in on random tags sometimes. It helps to not miss posts from people who simply have Magi as their anime of the week or whatever.
I do hate just to make this a vent post, so I'll add some anecdotal Magi stuff that I've already been thinking to make a shit post about. Unfortunately, I have not had anymore fandom related dreams. *
I will blab about the screenshot I chose for this though. I lowkey adore that scene. Morgiana just casually kidnapping her friend, so they can talk it out. (For reference, it's when she meets Alibaba in the Fog Troupe hideout and then just picks him up and leaves).
The funny thing is, they're not really friends at this point? Out of the trio and their relationships so far, Alibaba and Morgiana haven't had much time together. Morg is grateful that Alibaba freed her, yet I'll say they both are better friends with Aladdin right now.
Morgiana does bring this up. Her reasoning for taking Alibaba is so that he can talk to Aladdin and they can sort out their shit. She could see that the kid from Alibaba giving him the cold shoulder and is like "no." It's heartwarming. It's not something I'll recommend, sometimes people need space from each other and kidnapping is bad, still though- I love it lmao.
Best trio, ngl.
*I have since had a sorta Magi related dream since first writing this about a week ago. In it I met Ohtaka, except I've only ever looked at a few pictures of her before and know for a fact that how she looked in the dream isn't how she is irl. Maybe that's why it took me forever to recognize her. The first half was us basically meeting and talking about trivial stuff, not Magi or Orient because of not recognizing her, and the second half was me realizing my missed opportunity of fangirling and trying to find her again when she was not busy to get one of my volumes of Magi signed. Not in a desperate way but more of "ahhh, I'm so dumb and missed my chance. Bummer." I was way more melancholic about it compared to if I ever had the opportunity in real life. As if I knew it was a dream and not get too worked up about it.
My dreams are a lot more convoluted and trippy but that is the gist of the Magi related portion of the dream. The rest is irrelevant for this. Don't remember too much of it anyway.
That's all I have. This turned out long and I may trim it up. I feel better after typing it. That is what matters.
Fuck porn bots and may this small fandom prosper without them.
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butch-reidentified · 2 months
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gotta be honest, I'm so tired of comments like this. it's a frustrating and unrealistic assumption to make. trans people are everywhere. how many of us HAVEN'T known trans people irl at this point?? what lesbian 20-something doesn't know trans people irl?? I run into trans people a pretty solid portion of times I leave the house these days. I mean, they're 5% of young adults and increasing.
but on top of that, if you even read my blog for 10 seconds you don't need to ask this. honestly you don't even need to read past my PINNED which links to this:
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but I also post frequently, including just yesterday, about particular trans friends, especially the ones who contributed to my becoming disillusioned with gender identity ideology by listening to them explain how it was becoming more and more harmful to sex-dysphoric transsexuals.
I went to a small liberal arts college famous for being extremely far left and predominantly lgbt(q+). I speak about my multiple years identifying as trans and being around trans people daily irl for years. it's no secret. but people would rather make unfounded assumptions than do any actual informing themselves about the person they're making those assumptions about. and I really am tired of it.
not to mention, not all trans people even do subscribe to the ideology. TRA =/= trans. these are not synonymous. plenty of TRA's call themselves cisgender, and plenty of trans-identifying folk are not TRA's.
not to mention, nothing about criticizing an ideology or its rhetoric necessitates hating the people who subscribe to it. you can critique something without hate. dissent is not hate. you can speak out about how an ideology is negatively impacting you/certain groups without wanting people dead or stripped of rights and freedom. in fact, even many people with dissenting beliefs on sex/gender still support protecting trans people.
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I will say, this study is flawed: while conservatives may believe that gender is determined by sex, this is not the same question as "can whether a person is a man or woman be different from sex assigned at birth?" this question only makes sense if you view "man" and "woman" as genders. radfems do not. radfems use the dictionary "adult human female" definition of woman, which specifies SPECIES and SEX, just like "doe" and "buck" specify for deer. gender does not factor into it.
gender refers to the patriarchal social construct that assigns stereotypes, roles, behaviors, styles, likes/dislikes, abilities, etc. based on sex. gender is assigning masculinity to male humans (men) and femininity to female humans (women). conservatives want to perpetuate this assignment of gender to sex, masculinity enforced in males and femininity enforced in females. TRA's want us to pretend sex doesn't exist, only gender, but it's fine because you can pick what gender label "feels right." radfems want to get rid of this patriarchal construct so everyone would be free to be themselves without the ridiculous pressure to conform to gender. radfems do not believe that simply relabeling oneself with a different gender label solves anything, but may actually worsen the issue by reinforcing the existence of the gender construct (which is inherently regressive and sexist). I don't want to call myself nonbinary or a man so that my body hair is more acceptable (for example); I want women to be allowed to just exist in our natural state. my body hair has NOTHING to do with "gender," it's just something every human being is born with and grows more of during puberty.
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
Chaz is a nothing character (Chaz Rant)
Chazwick Thurman is one of the two main antagonists in EXES and OHS alongside Crimson. I am going to make a blog in the future sharing my thoughts about Crimson. For this one, I’m going to talk about why I do not like Chaz at all and why I honestly don't even consider him to be a character of his own.
Ⅰ. He shares the same traits as many characters
One of the main things that lead me to conclude that Chaz doesn't have any defining character that sets him apart from the rest of the characters in Helluva Boss is that he shares the same character traits with the majority of the characters. That being he's horny and greedy. Those two traits are something that the majority of the characters in Helluva Boss share.
Stolas is horny, Blitzo is horny and greedy, Verosika is horny and somewhat greedy, Crimson is greedy, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are most definitely horny, Cash Buckzo is greedy, and Martha is horny.
Those are characters I listed from the top of my head within the show and that's like a small portion of the total roster. The difference between those characters and Chaz is that Chaz doesn't have any uniqueness or anything that makes him stand out. The only thing that makes him stand out is that he's Moxxie and Millie's EX, but that barely matters because it's revealed that he will just sleep with anyone with no hesitation. Plus we never even got to see what he did that made Millie so pissed off in the first place, so we can just say that he's Moxxie's EX and move on.
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Ⅱ. He's weak
Despite being a former member of Crimson's Mafia, Chaz is the most pathetic and weakest antagonist in Helluva Boss thus far. He's really afraid of Millie and cowers in fear whenever she goes crazy to the point that he hides behind his boss who's probably physically weaker than him for protection and he got killed by Crimson not long after Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo escaped.
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I honestly have no idea how this guy managed to get into Crimson's Mafia because he's literally the least threatening antagonist in the series and nothing can really convince me otherwise. You can argue that he can beat up Moxxie, but who couldn't? Even if he does he can't really stand up to Millie, he'll get turned into sushi.
Ⅲ. He's pretty stupid
I'd forgive the not being physically strong, if Chaz had some form of intelligence to him, but low and behold, he doesn't. Meaning that since he isn't threatening in the physical or mental department he's just an antagonist with no worth and what leads me to conclude this is his plan.
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Chaz's plan sucks ass because it doesn't have much thought put into it and somehow Chaz really did expect it to work out. The first step was to rent a suit which is decent compared to the other steps.
His second step in his plan is to convince Crimson that he's rich, and he's extremely lucky that worked because as mentioned in previous posts, Crimson didn't check if Chaz was telling the truth or not because if Crimson did check if Chaz was telling the truth then Chaz would've died before the events of EXES and OHS.
His third step is to marry Moxxie and he should have believed that it would never work since Chaz literally left him behind the last time they saw each other. But it doesn't matter because Crimson did eventually force Moxxie into nearly marrying Chaz.
And the step that pisses me off the most is the fourth step being "???", like I know this is for the meme and all that, but the man is literally risking his life to steal the fortune of the most infamous mob boss in all of the Greed Ring. Chaz was not thinking ahead at all when making his plan.
And his 5th and last step is to profit, but how is he gonna profit if he doesn't have a 4th step? I would assume the 4th step involves him taking the money, but he doesn't know how to even do that.
It's extremely lucky that Chaz had managed to get past the second step of his plan and into the third step because of the writers hadn't decided to make Crimson dumb for the plot then Chaz would've not made an appearance in Helluva Boss. If Crimson was smart and if the writers decided to give Chaz an appearance then I'm pretty sure the only thing that would've appeared was Chaz's jaws mounted on Crimson's wall.
Ⅳ. His true purpose
Vivziepop stated in tweet on Twitter that Chaz was supposed to be an example that the show was not afraid of killing off characters. This is honestly a really bad example to make out of a character that died in the same episode they made their debut. Chaz is an absolutely horrendous character and when I saw his teeth about to be hung up on Crimson's wall, I was joyful because of how bland and annoying he was.
Usually, when creators of shows or other forms of fiction kill off characters to show that they're not afraid to kill off characters in stories, they usually use characters that are well-developed and actually well liked within the community or characters that go through development in the arc they are introduced and are suddenly killed off. A great example of this is Junpei from Jujutsu Kaisen. Junpei is a character in JJK introduced in the "Vs Mahito" Arc and is one of the central characters of that arc from Chapter 18 to Chapter 27 in the manga. A kid with issues in school who has the innate ability to see curses and used cursed techniques, but due to the manipulation of the main antagonist, the sudden death of his mother and the past trauma he had due to bullying in his school, Junpei uses his newfound abilities for evil such as attempting to kill his bullies. It isn't only until Yuji Itadori, the series’ main protagonist talks him out of becoming a mass murderer, but it's too late. The manipulator, Mahito suddenly kills Junpei giving him a slow and agonizing death.
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And when Junpei eventually dies, that's when it becomes impactful because overtime we've learned to understand where that character was coming from and the potential he could've had if he stayed alive.
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Not to mention the death itself was emotionally painful and disturbing to see.
There's no motivation for Chaz getting the money aside from the fact he's poor but if he really needs that money, he would've robbed another place instead of attempting to rob an infamous mob boss that's known to kill people who cross him. I don't understand why Chaz wants to steal Crimson's money specifically because if he had a deeper motive then it should've at least been revealed within the episode, but there was not a deeper motive. Lastly, I most definitely do not like Chaz and I can't relate to him because he's really insufferable and I honestly don't know anyone who's similar to Chaz who isn't in jail right now.
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Vivziepop introduced Chaz in one episode and in that SAME episode, she killed him off without giving him any development to his character or even giving him a character at all. If Chaz was revealed in the series to show that the writers aren't afraid to kill off characters, then why didn't they develop him within the episode? It also doesn't make it any better that Vivziepop has killed off antagonists in the show that being Martha and her family who were also revealed and died in the same episode, so I do not care about the "We're not afraid of killing off characters" thing when the only characters you kill off are bland characters or characters you don't know what to do with. Because I am not sure if Martha and her family will appear in the series again as Sinners.
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Also, just a nitpick here, but how are you gonna say that you're not afraid to kill off characters when you're not going to show how they died? Because Chaz's death was literally off-screen.
It's very disappointing to see what the writers have done with Chaz because as always he could've been a potentially interesting character. Chaz being the ex of Moxxie and Millie, two characters who have the most functional relationship in the entire series was interesting but all they did was just made him into a sex-crazed dumbass. I'm glad that they killed him off because it would've been really annoying just to see him in another episode. Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day!
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snakxreader · 6 months
Uh, hey, hi, hello!
Before you go about your day, Bugsnax fandom, I’d like to ask a few questions!
Do YOU like self-inserting yourself into Elizabert Megafig’s expedition, prism of personality? Do you wish they were real and you could talk to them? So Filbo could give you a hug? So Wambus and Triffany could adopt you? So that you can kiss Floofty Fizzlebean on the lips?
(That one’s rhetorical. I’ve seen you guy’s tags on Floofty posts, y’all are insane/nm/pos)
Cause if so…boy, is this the account for you!
You can call me Mod Buddy, and I’m the single owner and runner of this account! I’ve made this blog for all the Grumpus kissers who are just a tad too afraid or unable to make their own content, as a bit of a self-shipper myself.
I do platonic and romantic scenarios, with all characters! Filbo, Floofty, Gramble, Alegander (because let’s be honest, he is kinda…), hell even Shelda, Clumby or Cromdo! I’ll do them all from hand-holding to parental affection! I do OCs, Self-Inserts or just generic -x readers! Headcannons or mini-fanfics, I don’t mind! Whatever makes you guys happier!
However, I do have some regulations and stuff I won’t do, as much as it might disappoint some.
NO NSFW. This one is kinda obvious, but I’m. Not doing those things? This is an account for all, including minors, and I don’t want that stuff out there. If that bothers you, hey man, A03 is right there.
NO GORE. This might disappoint some but uh. I blatantly refuse to do any of that. Don’t care if this is a horror media, I don’t feel comfortable putting these characters through that.
NO EXTREME ANGST. I’m fine with like breakup prompts, or hurt no comfort, but NO killing off characters, no tortue, and ESPECIALLY no harming them like. Physically.
OTHER THINGS: I’m not doing any sort of ‘deres’, ESPECIALLY YANDERE, they would not act like that idc.
I think these are pretty reasonable though, and from what I’ve seen, you guys are super normal.
Aside from that, I may be a little slow on requests with school and other activities, so my apologies if I’m late with anything and you’re free to be upset!! This is almost my first time doing this! I know there was an account similar to this before but it got deleted, I think? Anyways, that should be about everything I think?
I’m very grateful for the small portion that looks intrigued in this, and I look forward to writing for y’all! Til then, bye bye!! ^^
-Buddy :0D
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
i’m not entirely sure how ticket time works so let me know if i’ve done this wrong. could i please request a fic where reader (preferably male or gn) is having a sleepover with Near (Death Note)? perhaps with some blanket forts, snacks, cuddles, plushies, etc. thank you sm!!
Hi friend! Yeah this is how it works, you just send in a request and if it follows my blog rules which are in my pinned post, I’ll write it! I’m gonna make this one gn so more people can read it any enjoy, thank you so much for the ask! <33
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“Are you sure this is something you want to do?”
“Near,” You laughed airily, “You said we could have one night to do anything I wanted to do. I want a sleepover, what could go wrong?
“Do I have to wear this though?” He cocked an eyebrow and gestured towards his outfit.
Okay so maybe making him wear an arctic fox onesie was a little much but it was seriously adorable and besides, he needed to match you. Your brown bear onesie needed company.
“Absolutely!” You declared, “These are traditional sleepover outfits. Now, what to do first…”
You produced the sleepover list Near had made you write. He wanted you to write down all the things you were going to do tonight.
1. Onesies prolly
2. Pillow fight
3. Snacks/desserts deserts
4. Blancket fort
“Uh, so… blanket fort next?” You asked.
Near leaned over to look at the list. “Why did you put a C in blanket?”
You groaned, “I’m bad at spelling, don’t bring it up.”
“You spelled Monopoly with an I and a E… and you spelled dessert instead of desert.”
“Oh my god, shut up please.” You stood up and left the room only to return with a plethora of pillows, stuffed animals and blankets.
“Okay, have you ever built a pillow fort before?” You asked and chucked a pillow out him, he dodged but got hit square in the face with a panda PillowPet.
“No, never,” He adorably glared at the panda, “How do we do it?”
“I think it’s best if you just watch and follow along.” He nodded and you began stacking pillows, finding chairs and throwing blankets on top of them. Eventually the center of the room was a mountain of colorful cloth and chairs that you and Near admired.
You smiled and grabbed his hand, lifting up one part of blanket and crawling inside. You dropped his hand halfway in and made it entirely inside as he tried to follow you. He bumped a chair and suddenly the entire fort collapsed on top of you.
Laughing and pushing through the blankets in an attempt to move them out of the way, Near’s face appeared in front of you holding a pillow sheepishly.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” You chuckled and shoved a Squish-mallow off your lap. “ What do you want to do next?”
Very quickly you had moved on to the pillow fight. It only lasted a little while because poor skinny Near was not good with exercise and he kept getting pummeled in the face and falling over.
Next you played Monopoly and of course Near was going to win. He was fantastic at the game. Then you convinced him to turn around because there was something he had to see. Near couldn’t figure out how suddenly you had triple the amount of money you used to. He didn’t realize cheating was an option.
Finally you moved onto the snack portion. One failed, burnt cake and a quick Target trip later and you had enough Sour Patch Kids to kill an elephant.
Lazing on the pillow and candy covered floor, you watched an old movie together and munched on Oreos.
“That was worth it, I suppose.” Near said.
“You’re glad you gave me a night of your life instead of working like you always do? I’m honored.” You said sarcastically.
“Yeah… It was nice…” He gave you a small smile and you gave him one back.
“Good. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. We could do it again sometime.”
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