#best crowd best music best group of people it was fucking amazing!!
feet hurt from jumping neck hurts from head-banging ears are ringing throat is very sore from screaming and honestly? I think I’ve just had the best night of my life!
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
"Sure, but only if you watch."
Based on this headcanon and a prompt by @beautyoftheships. NSFW and explicit, minors DNI
The party was loud. The house was so full of university students that James didn't even recognize most of them, though he lived in the house they were all occupying.
Music blared through huge speakers, courtesy of Sirius, and countless solo cups and beer bottles littered every available surface. A group of people threw ping pong balls into cups on the table and partygoers slurred words and stumbled around the kitchen as James walked by, clutching his own bottle.
Quiet. He needed quiet, of only for a second. He loved parties as much as the next bloke, but he had a bit of a headache, and he just needed a second.
Fighting his way through the crowd and down the hall, he found the door to his room, opening the door and slipping in, taking a deep breath.
"Needed a time-out, Potter? Sick of all the girls throwing themselves at you?" a low voice asked, and James's eyes shot over to his bed, where a pale, grey-eyed, dark-haired boy sat.
"Fuck yourself, Reg," James rolled his eyes, grinning.
Regulus was, of course, the only person he wanted to see at the party anyway. Regulus, who he could watch for ages. Regulus, who knew exactly how to make James worked up in the best way. Regulus, whose pout made James's cock twitch and heart ache. Regulus, who betrayed no emotions whenever he looked at James. Regulus, who was perfect.
But stunning gray eyes stared deep into James's and perfectly pouty lips muttered the best words James had ever heard in his entire life.
"Only if you watch."
Really, he was sure he'd misheard. Or that Regulus was joking. Or maybe Regulus had had too much to drink, and wasn't in his right mind. But a second glance at the other man told him that Regulus was sober, his eyes clear and no drink in sight.
"I-what?" James asked, flabbergasted, trying to pretend like the idea didn't make his knees weak.
"I know that you think about me, James. Maybe...maybe I think about you, too. D'you want to watch? While I...think about you?" Regulus murmured, small spots of pink appearing on the apples of his cheeks as he slowly (so slowly) dragged one hand to the button of his jeans.
"You're joking," James muttered hoarsely, convinced he was dreaming.
"Find out," Regulus shrugged, and suddenly his jeans were open with a small click of a button and the zip of a zipper.
James stared unabashedly as Regulus trailed his hand further, palming himself slowly, moaning just a little. "Reg," James whispered eyes widening as Regulus tightened his hand. "What-"
But he wasn't just saying James's name. He was moaning it, whispering it like a prayer as his slender fingers slipped underneath the elastic of his boxers. Without even realizing what he was going to say, James whispered, "Let me- let me see."
Grey eyes met hazel as Regulus stood, pulling his jeans and boxers down, revealing the most amazing cock James had ever seen. It was hard and ruddy, with a perfect, pink, already-dripping tip that made James's mouth water. God, he wanted to touch.
But he also wanted to watch. And his feet were rooted to the spot, so he stayed where he was.
As if reading his mind, Regulus wrapped his fingers around himself, still making eye contact with James, and began to slowly move, pulling at himself, eyes widening and glazing over just a little.
"That's it, baby," James found himself whispering. "Just like that."
And Regulus keened softly. Let out a high-pitched noise and bit his lip, let his eyelids flutter and sank back onto the bed, spreading his legs unabashedly.
My bed. He's going to come on my bed, James thought, watching the other man work himself over, twist his wrist slowly and cant his hips.
James was rock hard, himself, mouth wide open and palming at his extremely tight pants as Regulus adjusted his position, lying back on the pillows, knees wide and hand moving faster now. All the while, every time his eyes opened, they met James's.
"Fuck," James murmured to himself as Regulus's hips lifted off the bed and he cried out. "Those noises, love," he said louder, addressing Regulus, now. "So beautiful. Show me....show me what you want me to do to you, yeah?"
As if those were the magic words, Regulus's hand moved even faster, and he started whispering under his breath, just loud enough for James to hear. "Yes, James. Fuck, there. Please... James!"
It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to him. Watching Regulus on his bed touching himself while he thought of James, James's hand pressing firmly on his own cock, hearing his name whispered is such a needy, desperate way.
"Can you come for me, baby?" James asked hoarsely, slipping his hand into his pants to wrap around his aching cock. "Come for me, darling. Show me how lovely you lo-"
It was a good thing a party was happening outside James's room, because Regulus nearly screamed. He let out James's name as his release flew over his stomach, painting his muscles in a way that made James come with him, standing right there by the door, pants still on. He fought to keep his eyes open, to watch as Regulus rode out his orgasm, face twisted in a way that made him look ethereal.
Me, he thought as he came down from his own high. He was thinking of me.
And as they both panted, chests heaving, and Regulus finally looked at him, the shorter man smirked a bit. "Maybe next time you can come a bit closer?"
James could only nod eagerly.
This got so long that I decided to post it on ao3, so leave love on there if you want!
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fandomscompilation · 2 months
Bonding time with new wife
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alexalbon replied to your story
I didn't agree to this!
Jealous much? 😏
lilymhe replied to your story
Put your best dress on, we're going clubbing!
My legs are still killing me, woman..
That's the effect I have 😉
When Y/N agreed to hit the clubs with Lily she didn't picture the whole group to be there. Alex was the one to drive them there and when she got in the car she was met with an excited Lily, and quiet flirty Lando. They met before at the concert where George and Carmen were too. They all met up at the club and slowly Y/N let the music calm her nerves. She was a free woman and this was her comfort place.
They all quickly accepted her in their group like she belonged there, like they knew her for years. And suddenly she wondered why it never happened before. Why her ex never made any attempts at introducing her to this amazing people.
"Y/N! Come dance with us!" Carmen grabbed her hand pulling the girl behind herself and Lily. The boys stayed back looking over their drinks, while the girls had fun on the dancefloor.
"Girl, there's so many people looking at you." Lily giggled into her ear. They glanced around and Y/N could see few of her band's fans around the dancefloor. She smiled lightly trying to look welcoming enough to approach. She loved talking to their fans.
Her eyes scan the club again and her smile fades slowly. There, at the bar she can see him. His eyes on her already, the drink in his hand forgotten. She can see his body slowly turning her way and in a moment of panic she excuses herself to the bathroom.
She pushed through the crowd blindly. Hoping to loose him in the sea of body's and escape where he can't reach her. She was having fun, she was feeling good and here he was, ruining it again.
Some girls leave the bathroom when she comes in panting lightly. Y/N leans her body over the sink trying to calm her breath. Someone comes out the stall and stands next to her. She doesn't look up until the perfume hit her. Her body tenses and when she snaps her gaze to the girl beside, it's her.
"Hi." The girl smiles unsure of the situation. Of course she knows who Y/N is. And Y/N knows who's standing beside her. It seems she ran away from one nightmare to step right into hell.
"Fuck off." She grumbles but before she can escape again the girl speaks up again.
"What is wrong with you?" She shouts making Y/N turn around with a glare.
"How dare you?! You're asking me what's wrong with me, when you're the one that fucked up my relationship?!" She explodes with the anger and hatred she feels toward the girl that crushed her dreams.
"You weren't together!" The response makes Y/N stumble back in disbelief. They weren't? That's what she thought? Is that what he said?
"Wow.. I hope he breaks your heart the same way he did mine. Maybe then you'll learn how much of a jerk he truly is." Y/N shakes her head walking out. She bumps into him just outside the bathroom and she can tell the angry spark that light up his eyes. But before he can utter a word she's in the crowd, back to her friends, back to drinks and music.
She forgets herself in the beat. Her body flows with the music and soon she's laughing with the group. She dances with the girls and then she's paired with Lando while the pairs dance together. And she's feeling good. She's feeling hot with the way his eyes burn her skin, but this time she enjoys the warmth.
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padfootagain · 2 months
Only an Almost (II)
Chapter 2: The Dangers of a Night Out
Hi everyone! Here is chapter two! Let’s see how this whole mess began, shall we?
I hope you like it! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count: 3535
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Three months earlier
God, you were beautiful.
As he stared at you, Andrew felt like the rest of the world had disappeared. He was vaguely aware of Alex’s presence by his side in the booth, vaguely aware of the loud music playing in the pub, vaguely aware of people laughing while you walked in. You always looked stunning in his eyes, you always drew his gaze back to you, even in crowded rooms. But tonight… he was not certain why he was getting so awestruck by you but he did, and all the air was knocked out of his lungs, and the world vanished around you. You had chosen your outfit carefully tonight, it was obvious, like everybody else. Sam had warned all of you that he was not going to celebrate his engagement in sweatpants, and you all played along, dressing fancy, for a change.
And by all the goodness in this world, Andrew was about to faint as you sat by his side, grinning at him with this generous, infectious smile of yours. Your eyes were shining, your eyelashes were so long he could have slid over their curve. And your perfume drowned him into something more dangerous and marvellous than water, and he couldn’t fucking breathe, and…
“Hi! I’m glad you came, Andy.”
He was pretty sure that he had a stupid grin on his face, like the lovesick fool he was, but he didn’t really care. He was too stunned to do so.
Meanwhile, he suddenly realised that you were looking at the rest of your friends gathered around the table, and you were rolling your eyes at something they had said. Andrew blinked a few times, forced his mind back into action and finally listened to the words spoken among the group.
“Wow, Y/N you’re not joking around with the dress code!”
“You said dress formal, I dressed formal.”
“You are aware that I am not getting married tonight, right?” Sam jumped in with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes again.
“I am aware. But if you prefer, I can get changed and wear sweatpants again!”
“No! We’re just taking the piss… you look amazing.”
You turned to him then, and Andrew blinked like an idiot, lips slightly parted, trying to force his brain into working again…
“How are you doing, Andy?”
“Grand! Good…” he nodded, voice dropping by an octave, before he cleared his throat. “What about you? Did you have a good week?”
You nodded, started talking about work, about that colleague of yours that kept on pissing you off, and the other you spent too much time laughing with.
Your friends were soon divided into smaller groups, cut in small conversations that people jumped in and out of. A beer was drunk, and then another, and then a couple of shots. Andrew could feel his cheeks reddening, the flush creeping up his skin as the liquor kicked in and made him laugh harder, smile brighter, loosened up the knot in his stomach. You made him nervous. After all this time, after years spent as friends, you still made him nervous. He couldn’t help it.
There was a time, at the very beginning, when he didn’t see you like this; with butterflies in his stomach and a tightening throat and an excited jump of his heart every time his eyes met yours. There was a time when you were simply friends. He was not single, and you were in a relationship. There was no room in either of your hearts for anything more than platonic affections. And then his relationship crumbled because of touring, and when he came back to Ireland, everything changed. On his end, at least…
You, you were still living a happy life with your boyfriend, until he went on to break your heart. You lost yourself in your work, it was easier then to forget the pain rather than conquer it. A couple of months ago, you were promoted, and Andrew knew that you wanted to focus on your career for now. It was okay, it wasn’t like he would have the courage to tell you how he felt anyway…
Oh, he had thought about it. About telling you everything, about finally speaking up and revealing everything but then again… why take the risk? You had never given him any sign that you could feel that way towards him. And he knew you were not looking for a relationship at the moment. So why take the risk to lose you when all odds seemed against him?
Another round of Guiness was passed around, and you we still here, talking to him. A few friends had jumped in the conversation now and then, but you hadn’t wandered away and neither had he. And Andrew knew he was a fool for forming such thoughts, but he couldn’t help being glad that you were willing to spend your entire evening talking with him, out of all people…
He was halfway through telling you about his upcoming honey harvest when everyone around the group grew quiet. Sam and Daphne had risen, holding up their drinks, and you and Andrew turned to them as well.
“Well, we won’t be long with our speech, but we… Daphne and I just want to thank all of you for coming tonight to celebrate our engagement. Thank you for your support and your love over so many years of absolute craic. We’re counting on you all to help us for our big day, and to spare us both from your most embarrassing stories about us before our in-laws…”
The table cheered and laughed and clapped to congratulate the couple as they exchanged a kiss.
“And now, everybody up! We’re dancing!” Daphne ordered, and all stood, except for Andrew, who lingered with his beer, trying to escape…
… and failing.
“That includes you, mister!” Daphne dragged him away from the table, and he playfully tried to resist.
“Come on, Andy!”
Sam came to his rescue, wrapping an arm around his fiancée’s shoulders.
“Leave the poor lad alone!” he laughed, owning a grateful nod from Andrew. “Besides, don’t scare him too much, I have a favour to ask!”
“A favour? You? God, that sounds like trouble,” Andrew chuckled.
Meanwhile, Andrew had spotted you in the crowd. There wasn’t exactly a place to dance per say in the bar, just an empty space before a “stage”, if one could call a lonely stool and a jukebox that way. Still, it was enough for the group to have fun, and soon other people hanging out in the pub joined the merry party. Andrew looked away when a stranger started to dance with you.
When he turned to Sam again, his friend had grown serious, almost nervous. Andrew rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Sam, you’re okay? I was just joking. You know you can ask me anything.”
“It’s just… yeah, I don’t know why I’m nervous. I guess… it’s just important to me.”
Sam blinked tears away before speaking again, his voice deeper than usual.
“We’ve known each other since forever you and I, Andy. You… we go way back.”
“Too far back to mention that part, it will make us feel old,” Andrew joked, successfully making his friend laugh.
“Yeah, let’s not dive into that… what I mean is… I know that you’re busy, and you’re always travelling for your career but… It’s important for me that you’re here…”
“I’ll be at your wedding Sam. You don’t have to worry about that. You really think I would miss my oldest friend’s wedding? Are you insane?”
Sam nodded, but he still seemed nervous.
“Actually… I wanted to ask you to be my best man. Would you do that for me?”
It was Andrew’s turn to feel tears gather at the corner of his eyes. He stared at this friend who had been in his life for so long; felt the long, painful pull of love grow stronger by the second. He was one of those people Andrew couldn’t imagine anywhere but in his life. They had known each other since what felt like forever. Had been there for each other through first loves, breakups, disappointments, successes… He was a constant in his life. And Andrew was glad that Sam seemed to feel the same about their long friendship.
“It would be an honour, Sam. Of course, I would love to.”
“That means helping with the wedding…”
“You can count on me. You can always count on me, you know that.”
Before he could get another word out, Sam was giving him a bone-crushing hug.
“Thanks, Andy.”
“Thank you, Sam. Thanks for asking me.”
Daphne joined the embrace with an emotional giggle, and all three friends hugged for a moment, the moment blissful and light and full of love.
“Oh, by the way… have you heard about Y/N?” Daphne asked as they separated.
Andrew tilted his head slightly.
“What about Y/N?”
“She doesn’t have any plus-one for the wedding… and you don’t have a plus-one for the wedding either…”
Andrew rolled his eyes.
“Please, Daphne…”
“Come on! You two are meant to be together! Make a fucking move!”
“She doesn’t see me like that…”
“Andy, mate… she does. Trust me she fucking does. She’s just afraid to admit it,” Sam replied.
“Oh, and when did you become an expert in relationships?”
“I’m the one who’s managed to land the most beautiful woman in Ireland and make her marry me! So, I’d say I’m fairly better at this than you and your sorry single arse!”
Andrew heaved a sigh.
“Thanks for worrying about me, guys… but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“We’ve tried… again,” Daphne shrugged, before dragging her fiancé away for a dance.
They looked adorable and so disgustingly happy like this, wrapped in each other’s arms, swaying to the music, grins plastered on their faces and stealing kisses now and then…
Andrew was too busy looking at his friends to notice you walking towards him.
“Andy! Come on! Dance with me!”
He shook his head.
“No, no… really, you know I can’t dance. Too much limb…”
“Come on! Please! Just one dance with me!”
He heaved a sigh, his will already crumbling. God, he really couldn’t say no to anything when it came to you…
“Besides, there’s this guy trying to dance with me, and I need a bodyguard,” you went on, and Andrew wasn’t sure if you were lying or not, but it worked anyway, and he yielded.
He put down his beer on the table behind him, and let you pull him in the midst of the friendly group. He moved awkwardly to the beat, and yet he was grinning, seeing you full of joy enough of a wonder to make him feel warm. You were giggling at some of his moves, but he would have been lying had he pretended that he didn’t do it on purpose, just to make you laugh, just to see that expression of bliss on your features. You sang the chorus together, at the top of your lungs. And perhaps the liquor wasn’t helping, but Andrew felt light-headed as he watched you being silly and happy. The thought that he had something to do with the grin that adorned your lips made his heart expand against his ribcage, warm and full of happiness.
But then the rhythm faded, and another song was chosen on the jukebox, and Andrew’s heart started pounding as you walked closer.
Who had chosen a slow song…?
You stood before him, as if waiting for him to make a move, to hold you against him, to guide you in a dance. Andrew was too shy for it, too nervous, too afraid to overstep. He offered you his open palm instead, a silent way to ask for permission. You grinned, took his hand without an ounce of hesitation.
Were Sam and Daphne right, after all? Did you see him like that, too?
You leaned into him as he rested a hand across the small of your back, giving him a smile that was shyer than your usual ones. You seemed almost nervous.
Andrew was certain that he had a lovesick expression plastered on his face… and yet couldn’t find a way to care.
Your body was so warm against his. He wasn’t holding you too close, but sometimes your bodies touched or brushed, and he suddenly couldn’t breathe. He bent down a little to rest the side of his chin against your hair, and closed his eyes. He heard you letting out a shaky breath at that gesture, but you didn’t push him away. On the contrary, he could have sworn that you leaned into his touch…
Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald were singing of the beauty of New York in autumnal hues, and while the notes lasted, Andrew couldn’t think of anything but their voices and your hand in his, the warmth of your body under his palm, the tickle of your hair against his chin. He could barely register moving at all. Your perfume filled his senses, made his head spin. He was certain to be too old to be so moved by another person, by such innocent touches, by such a simple moment. And yet he was, worse than a teenager dancing with his first crush. If he managed to avoid a heart-attack tonight, he might just start believing in miracles…
This was dangerous, Andrew knew he was playing with fire. Or rather, playing with cardiac-arrest, but that was the same thing. How could another human have so much effect on him? It shouldn’t be allowed.
The music kept on playing, and you kept on following his lead as he gently swayed, movements slow and peaceful, even tender, he couldn’t help it…
He recognized the last notes of the song, took a deep inhale of your perfume as he knew he was about to have to pull away. He tried to carve the scent into his lungs, tried to remember it forever… that and the feeling of your hand in his, and the way you leaned a little closer as the last notes faded, like you didn’t want this to end either.
And yet, despite his reluctance, Andrew pulled away as the notes disappeared, vanishing into the heavy air of the room. Slowly, he took a step back, hand leaving yours, leaving the small of your back and the softness of your clothes. He looked at you for a moment, gaze catching yours and remaining hanging in the stillness of a suspended moment. But then the buzzing of the bar was back, and another upbeat song was played, and you moved away…
“Ermmm… I think I’ll take a break from the crowd for a minute.”
Before you could answer or protest, Andrew was striding towards the door, trying to ignore the pounding of his heart and the blushing of his cheeks. The air was cold as it hit his skin, he finally noticed he hadn’t taken his jacket. There was barely anyone around, just a few strangers passing by, a tipsy couple a couple of houses down the lane. Andrew took a few deep breaths, nervously brushing his hair back with a trembling hand.
Damn… what the fuck was that…?
He jumped at the sound of your voice, and it took him a moment to recover from the sight of you bathed in golden streetlights…
“You’re okay?”
“Sure, why? Just… needed a bit of fresh air, that’s all.”
You slowly nodded. And yet, you seemed worried, he asked you why with an inquisitive tilt of his head.
“You… I was worried us dancing together made you feel uncomfortable…”
He gave you a surprised look.
“No, I… I liked it. Dancing with you.”
A little bit of mischief came back to colour your gaze.
“Despite your long limbs?”
Andrew couldn’t refrain a laugh.
“Yeah, despite the unbearably long limbs and how clumsy they make me, yeah…”
“Good… cause then you… kind of awkwardly fled the scene. Suspicious, to say the least.”
“Just… many people at once,” he lied, and you weren’t fooled.
“Says the guy who sings in front of thousands of people at once.”
“It isn’t the same, and you know it.”
You nodded, merely half-convinced.
“Right… so… it’s okay if I stay with you for a minute?”
“Of course.”
“Good, thanks.”
“But… you would have more fun with all the others, wouldn’t you?”
“I don’t know… I feel like staying with you for a bit.”
His head was spinning again, Andrew reckoned that the alcohol was beginning to seriously kick in. That, and the fact that you should not be allowed to say things like this to him… it was too painful to be rejected after that. After having you acting like he was special to you…
He let out a trembling breath, one that made you frown a little. You tried to give him a smile anyway.
“So… where were we before we got interrupted by Sam and Daphne playing perfect couple?”
“I don’t know… I don’t remember.”
“You were telling me about your bees.”
He raised an eyebrow, surprised that you would still be interested in hearing him gush about his bees and the honey they made.
He didn’t say a thing though, his brain was slowing down more and more because of the liquor he had been drinking all night.
“Andy? You’re okay? You look… a little… unstable.”
“Thanks for assessing my sanity…”
“No, I meant… On your feet. You look like you might fall.”
“I’m okay.”
“You did need some fresh air.”
You took a couple of steps closer, until you were close enough to reach up and rest a hand on his upper arm.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Your voice was gentle. And soothing, so fucking soothing… Andrew could not remember hearing anything so soothing in his life…
And you were so beautiful under the streetlights, photons rushing to get caught in your hair and eyelashes and glimmering over your skin. You hadn’t pushed him away during that dance, and sometimes you acted like you longed for his company more than others’… what if Sam and Daphne were right? What if you liked him?
You were staring up at him with these beautiful eyes of yours, the ones he saw in his sleep, the ones he longed for every single second when he couldn’t see them. Damn… how could someone feel like that for a person they weren’t even in a relationship with. It was crazy, Andrew realised. It was crazy how much he could love you, even if only from afar.
And what if Sam and Daphne were right?
“Are you seeing anyone these days?”
You were clearly taken aback by the question, blinked up at him a couple of times.
“Huh… no? Why?”
“Would you have dinner with me?”
“Fuck all this shit…”
But before you could say another word, Andrew was reaching up to hold your face, a touch gentle, just enough to guide you into a kiss but one you could free yourself from easily if you wanted to. Then his lips were on yours, his long eyelashes brushing yours as they closed. And the world disappeared as he finally could touch you the way he had dreamt about for so long. Your lips were as soft as he had dreamt them, your taste as intoxicating as he had imagined… He expected you to push him away, but you didn’t. Instead, you reached up to run your fingers through his hair, and you let him deepen the kiss when his tongue brushed your mouth. You let out a small groan when Andrew took a step forward and pressed your body against the brick wall of the pub. But the kiss slowed down, growing more tender, more loving even. Something too intimate to be shared in a first kiss, and yet, Andrew couldn’t help it. His entire body was burning, he felt feverish, like he was losing his mind, like the whole world had disappeared, or rather… had shrunk down to rest within your arms. And he loved it. He loved it so fucking much… He loved you so fucking much…
He pulled away at long last, out of breath, heart ready to explode, dragging out your lower lip between his as he moved away because he was unwilling to stop. But when he blinked his eyes open, his heart sank.
You were staring up at him with something horrified in your eyes. He took a step back immediately, let go of you, shivering at the loss of contact.
You stared at each other for a moment, bathing in the golden light of an evening in Dublin. Still, both of you unable to move or say anything.
He finally opened his mouth only to be interrupted by Daphne opening the door of the pub and calling both of you back inside for another round of whiskey. You didn’t say a word as you followed her in, and Andrew remained silent as well, holding the door for you before being hit by the warmth of the pub.
Goddamn it… what had he done?
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
could u do johnnie guilbert smut? maybe with him being sub? like whimpering and shit 💀 idk how else to explain lmao 😭
Disco Stick. (Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.)
warning: consensual sex under the influence of alcohol.
im not sure if all of this is true so if its not pretend it is!
The club was definitely not my first choice of entertainment, but it'd do. Me and F/n pulled up to the most popular club near us, hoping we'd meet new guys to spice up our boring lives.
we got in surprisingly quick and went to find somewhere to sit and get drinks. we settled on the bar, sitting in the very far corner so we wouldnt bother anyone. I ordered my usual while f/n decided not to drink at all so she could drive us home. sadly, next time id be designated driver.
"its boring over here, once you get your drink lets go walk around or something." she offered, sipping her sprite.
i nodded in agreement. shorty after, i finally got my drink and we got up to walk around. i sipped on my drink as we began to walk into a crowd. i was worried id spill it. i pushed through a couple people carefully, making not to disturb anyone. 2 guys with black hair stood in front of me, i began to swerve around them before one turned around, bumping into me. luckily, my drink didnt get spilt.
"shit, i am so sorry." i heard an old, oddly familiar voice apologize.
"its all good," i looked up to see his face. "no fucking way, johnnie? do you remember me from chemistry?"
excitement twinkled in his eyes as he smiled. "yeah, you were the best lab partner i ever had. how could i forget?"
"i remember you too!" jake said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"sorry, jake! how could i forget you, you always made chemistry genuinely funny!"
"junior year chem was the shit with the 3 of us!" johnnie added as he giggled.
"we should catch up! ill buy you 2 a drink!" i yell over the blaring music.
"im down." he grinned. i grabbed his hand and we walked back to the bar, f/n and jake behind us.
as we sat back down, i introduced them to f/n. "this is f/n, she didnt go to the same highschool as us but we went to middle school together and weve been friends ever since."
jake shook her hand and johnnie waved. "im jake, and this is johnnie." he said, tilting his head towards johnnie.
"hey! its nice to meet you guys." she smiled sweetly.
we spent a couple more hoirs drinking and reminiscing over all of the awkward but funny moments we had together. the three of us were the chemistry group as people would say. although we fucked off a lot, all of us ended with a 95% or higher because we made that class bearable. id rather not talk about my other grades, though.
by the time we were leaving, me and johnnie were drunk as fucking sailors. we held onto eachother, stuck like glue as we giggled over everything. we frequently tripped, unsure of our footing causing f/n or jake to help us regain our shared balance. i had my arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other holding onto the arm that was wrapped around my waist. me and johmnie clicked, just like old times.
f/n and jake threw us in the backseat. johnnie laid his head on my shoulder and i rested my head on top of his. i was nearly asleep before i was awoken by johnnie gagging loudly. "ew, what the fuck was that about?" i slurred.
"i felt like it." he laughed. i rolled my eyes and got out of the car as we parked. i dragged johnnie out behind me and gripped onto him the same way i had before.
while i was drifiting off, f/n and jake had decided theyd just stay the night at our apartment. me and johnnie were estatic about our sleepover. "why dont we just share your bed?" he smiled and laughed, making his eyes squint.
i sighed contently. "that sounds amazing. you can be my pillow." i smiled sweetly.
"of course." johnnie slurred, following me into my room.
"goodnight, lovebugs, sleep tight." f/n teased while jake ooo'd from the living room.
i laughed at her comment and laid in bed next to johnnie. he looked deeply into my eyes, looking like he had something to say but holding back. but i knew what he wanted to say, and i wanted to say it too. "i was in love with you all throughout highschool." i confessed.
"really?" his face brightened, "i was, too. theres not a day where you dont cross my mind, still." he admitted.
"me too, i was so scared to reach out. i wish you said something before we graduated." i frowned.
"me too." he whispered, his eyes flickering down to my lips then back up into my eyes. his blue eyes pierced through mine, making my insides turn to mush.
we gazed into eachothers eyes for a solid minute before i leaned in and kissed him. he immediately kissed me back, grabbing my waist and pulling me in. it was passionate and needy, making chills run down my spine. i pressed into him, wanting more. his tongue swiped my bottom lip. i ran my fingers through his hair before flipping us over and sitting on top of him. his hands carefully slid down to my ass, giving it a gentl squeeze before moving down to grip my thighs.
johnnie pulled back. "is this okay?" he asked, breathing heavily.
i nodded fast, pulling him back in. i grinded down onto his hard member, making him whimper quietly into my mouth. he began to take off my shirt, breaking the kiss long enough that i could get his off, too. i lazily unbuttoned his pants, not bothering to break the kiss. i felt his hot breath heavy on my face. i pulled his jeans down just enough so i could see his boxers.
"fuck, y/n," johnnie whispered, pulling my shorts and underwear off from under my skirt. he didnt bother removing it.
i desperately oulled his boxers down, revealing his hardened cock. i bit my lip as i looked up at him. "youre okay with this, right?"
"yes, please, i need you so bad." johnnie moaned quietly, gripping my hips as i
lined up my entrance with his tip.
i slowly began to sit, just as eager to feel him inside of me as he was. "you dont know how long ive wanted to do this, pretty boy. fuck, you feel so good." i moaned, leaning down to kiss his neck, i sucked and bit, leaving dark hickeys all over his neck and chest.
his fingertips left prints in my hips, which were most likely going to bruise in the morning but the pressure was perfect. he melted under my touch, whimpereing curses under his breath.
i sped up the pace, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "youre so amazing," i moaned, placing my hands on his chest and tracing his tattoos.
"fuck, if you keep doing that im going to cum even quicker." he admitted, throwing his head back and biting down onto his lip.
i swiftly bounced on his cock, moaning and praises filled the room. "you fuck me so good." i tell johnnie, making his cock twitch inside of me.
"im going to cum," he whimpered and moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
"cum with me, johnnie." i cursed under my breath.
my body tensed as i felt my stomach swirl and knot. i hit my climax, slowly riding his dick to help him ride out his high as well. he pulled out and came all over my stomach. "fuck." he said one last time, his body going limp.
i dropped down next to him, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. "i needed that so bad." i admitted before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
wrapped in eachothers arms, we slept like rocks.
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
their secret weapon pt. 5
synopsis: brooks is in the crowd to watch Y/N’s match, but The Judgement Day is not thrilled when they see him. 
tags: violence, chair shots, good ole’ wrasslin’, angst. fem!reader, ex!brooks, poly!judgement day
A/N: i was gonna wait but i needed to put this out there bc i’m a sick individual...can i just say the love and support on not just this writing but others i’ve posted has been amazing and it makes my day when people message and send requests? literally ty all so much, i would kiss you all on the foreheads if i could 
mentions: @babybatlover​ @ripleyswhore​
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Y/N spent the rest of her time backstage before her match trying to relax. Her conversation with Brooks and the reactions of her partners were doing little to nothing to ease her nerves, but she knew she just needed to go out and do what she did best. She spent some time to herself getting ready before the others came back, and she smiled up at them gently as she laced her boots. Rhea took an eyeliner pen and did her signature TJD underneath one of Y/N’s eyes and Finn stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders to help loosen her up. “So this Brooks character…” Finn began. “He’s going to be out there watching your match?”
As Rhea finished her makeup, Y/N nodded and rolled her shoulders as Finn loosened her up. “He’ll be out there somewhere. And I’m asking you guys not to cause trouble with him.” Dominik scoffed as he tied a purple bandana around his neck. “We can’t make any promises, but we’ll think about it.” He smirked. Y/N wasn’t about to let her partners make a fool of themselves at ringside, so she turned to look at Dom with a small frown. “I’m serious, Dominik. I understand why you guys want me to distance myself from things in my past but I just…h-he’s a good guy.” She said softly. 
For being the largest of the group, Damian was also the biggest softy. He immediately took note of Y/N’s reaction and gave Dom a light slap to the arm. “She has a match soon and you really think this is the time to act like that?” He scolded Dom, who blushed and put his hands up in defense. Rhea rolled her eyes at the two of them and moved to finish getting herself ready. “We’ll behave as long as he behaves.” She said, deciding that would be the end of the conversation. “And you two need to quit fucking around in the corner, we have places to be.” Y/N closed her eyes as Rhea mothered everyone in the room, working to calm herself down and focus on her upcoming match against Candace LeRae. 
Eventually, The fivesome began to make their way to gorilla for Y/N’s match. She was in the middle, Damian and Dominik to her left and Rhea and Finn to her right. Damian and Rhea were definitely the most protective of Y/N and always placed themselves right next to her when possible. She adjusted her pink denim jacket one more time, placed her cherry lollipop in her mouth, and hit the cues with her partners as their lights and music hit. There was something about coming out to the crowds in this new persona, something about the energy that shifted when they all walked in a room…it made Y/N feel incredible. She could barely put it into words how it all felt. But she needed to channel that energy, as this match was huge for her in claiming her spot in the Women’s Division on Raw while also giving Brooks a show in the audience. 
When Brooks said he was going to be front and center, he wasn’t kidding. As The Judgement Day came down to the ring, she immediately took note of where he was and smiled at him; where Y/N thought she would be nervous seeing Brooks during this match, she now felt his presence comforting her. The other four also took note of him and where he was in the audience, but Y/N was able to distract them and have them stand elsewhere during the match. They all begrudgingly did what she asked, but still couldn’t promise they wouldn’t get into any mischief down the road. 
Truth be told, Y/N was also going to cause some chaos and rile them up. They couldn’t control her every move and she was going to continue being the same character she always had been, even before The Judgement Day came into her life. Y/N took the lollipop from her mouth and walked to where Brooks was standing, smirking as she held it out for him and placed the candy into his mouth. The audience around them cheered, having been aware of the history between the two, and Y/N went into the ring like nothing happened. The faces on her partners were not the most thrilled they’d ever been, but she knew she could defend her decision backstage if they had words about it. 
Once the match started, Y/N and Candace were both on a roll. Candace’s acrobatic, more athletic moves were a nice contrast to Y/N’s harsher striking and submission style. Rhea, Dominik, Damian, and Finn all kept to themselves at ringside and even stayed on the other side away from Brooks. But that didn’t erase the fact that every so often they would glare at him; at one point Rhea was even mockingly waving at him to get some kind of reaction. But Brooks wasn’t giving in, he stayed focused on the match and cheered Y/N on while he kept the lollipop in his mouth. Every so often, when she wasn’t looking at her partners, she would look for Brooks and he’d give her a reassuring nod and smile. This was exactly what she needed. At one point though when Y/N fell out of the ring after a pretty nasty hit, Brooks was front and center at the barricade making sure she was okay. 
“Baby, you good?” He asked, concern lacing his voice as he held his hand out for you to get back up. Without a second thought Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled herself up, smiling like the giddy girl she was whenever he’d help her in the past. Fuck, I can’t let him go. She thought to herself. Y/N turned her head though, when her four partners saw was Brooks was doing and made her way to the other side of the ring. “Don’t even think about it.” She told them, shaking her head and letting go of Brooks’s hand. “It’s fine, just go back over there.” Of course, Rhea wasn’t listening. She continued to step closer to them until she was standing in front of Brooks, even though Y/N was trying to keep her away. “If I were you, I’d stay away from our girl.”
Brooks shook his head and laughed in Rhea’s face. “She may be your girl now, but she was mine when no one else gave a fuck about her.” Y/N wasn’t even paying attention to them anymore but was now focused on the three boys. “I’m serious, go!” She knew she couldn’t handle being distracted like this, so she got back in the ring to continue her match. But when she did, Candace was ready to end the entire match and swept under her feet to bring Y/N to the ground. She was going to take advantage of her opponent being distracted, and once Y/N was back on the ground Candace climbed the ropes for a moonsault. Somehow Y/N was able to kick out at the two count, and that brought the attention of The Judgement Day and Brooks back to the match. “I’m not finished with you.” Rhea pointed at Brooks before following the boys back to the other side of the ring. “Come on, Y/N! Get up!” Her partners started to cheer as she took her sweet old time getting to her feet again. 
After everything that just occurred, Y/N was raging. Five people she loved and cared about almost made her lose one of the biggest matches of her career thus far, and she wasn’t about to let any of them live it down. Once she was on her feet again, Y/N started to pace and watch Candace’s every last move. “Get up!” She yelled at her opponent, standing in the corner of the ring to watch her. Once Candace was also up on her feet, Y/N came at her with a spear that practically flipped her inside out and positioned herself for a submission move Damian had been working on with her. Almost identical to a sharpshooter but with a slightly different leg position, Y/N locked Candace into the hold and put all of the pressure on her back. From there, it was only a matter of seconds before Candace tapped and Y/N was announced as the winner. 
She dropped Candace back down onto the mat and smiled as she caught her breath; Y/N didn’t even realize that her partners had made their way back over to Brooks in the crowd and immediately began to attack him. Brooks didn’t even have enough time to defend himself, as Damian lifted him over the barricade and they started to kick him while he was on the ground. “What are you doing?” Y/N yelled from the ring, watching as Finn picked Brooks up and threw him into the ring for everyone to see what they were doing.  “Step aside, Princess. He needs to be taught a lesson.” Rhea warned, stepping in front of Y/N as if to block her from getting to Brooks. But Y/N was small and quick, so she was able to get around Rhea and stand between Brooks and the other members of the group. “Don’t hurt him, okay? He didn’t do anything!” She begged, her hands up and Brooks gently reaching out to hold her ankle as a way of thanking her. 
The four of them were fuming. Finn was the first to speak up as he watched what was going on. “Remember what we told you, Y/N.” He warned softly. Brooks began to slowly get himself back to his feet and stood behind Y/N, a gentle hand on her waist this time. “Think about what’s best for you. Think of all we’ve done for you.” Finn said again. Dominik was already cracking his knuckles at the sight of someone else touching their girl, and steam was coming from Damian’s ears. No one touched their girl, and she was only making them more upset the longer she went without making a decision. 
Y/N looked back and forth between Brooks and The Judgement Day. Finn was right; the four of them had done so much for her and every day showed how much they truly cared about her even if some of their actions were flawed. They took her under their wing when barely anyone else in the company gave a shit about her. But on the other hand, Brooks had always served as the person she could confide in when she was struggling. He was the first person who made her feel beautiful in and outside of the ring. But where was he when she needed someone to stand up for her in NXT? Where was Brooks when Y/N doubted herself and debated leaving this company? She was stuck between two parts of her life, and they were all expecting her to make her decision. 
As the crowd roared around them, telling Y/N what decision to make, she slowly turned her back to The Judgement Day and wrapped her arms around Brooks’s shoulders in a tight hug. Y/N buried her face in his neck as he picked her up, his body relaxing into hers and holding her as tight as he could. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” He said in her ear as they slowly stepped away from the four (clearly pissed) individuals in the ring. Brooks even put his hat back on her head like they always did when she won matches; he was just happy to see Y/N was picking the right side. 
However, he had no clue what was coming his way. 
Brooks gently placed Y/N back on her feet and kissed her forehead before glaring at The Judgement Day from over her shoulder. He didn’t even say another word to them, even though they were already hopping out of the ring and climbing underneath it to find whatever weapons they could. Brooks protectively put Y/N behind him, watching Damian and Finn who had stayed in the ring and started to slowly move closer to the two of them while Rhea and Dominik tossed a couple chairs into the ring. Y/N being behind Brooks was the perfect opportunity for her to make it clear which side she was on, because she quickly dropped to her knees and delivered a low blow to Brooks. 
Y/N’s four partners immediately began to smile at her; Rhea was dying of laughter, pointing at Brooks as he fell to the canvas holding his manhood. Y/N looked down at him, his hat still on her head, and her own sadness and anger written all over her face at the decision she’d made. She had to prove herself to her partners, and that meant trusting them and their plan for her. Once Brooks was back on the ground the boys began to attack him again, and this time Dominik pulled Y/N into a hug as they watched. At one point when Brooks got up on his knees to hopefully defend himself, Rhea delivered a chair shot to his back. 
The four of them turned to Y/N once they all had a turn giving Brooks a piece of their mind. Damian held out a chair to her and smiled. “Finish it off, princesa. End it.” He told her. And while Y/N didn’t immediately take the chair, she eventually did and walked in a circle around Brooks’s writhing body. “Where were you when I needed you?” Y/N asked Brooks as she looked down at him. “You didn’t care about me. You never did.” The look on Brooks’s face said otherwise, but Y/n knew she needed to end this. She looked at each of her partners before lifting the chair up and delivering the harshest chair shot she could manage to Brooks’s upper body. 
She dropped the chair before taking off Brooks’s hat and dropping it onto his body, wiping away the one singular tear that had rolled down her cheek. The Judgement Day rolled out of the ring five deep, Damian pulling Y/N to his chest as they walked up the ramp to go backstage and Rhea continuing to taunt Brooks from a distance. They were all proud of Y/N and she was proud of herself, but the next step of this process was grieving the relationships she had to let go of in order to follow the plan. While The Judgement Day was prepared for that to happen, Y/N had no clue what was about to happen. 
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dirtybitfic · 4 months
Chris sturniolo x fem reader
(Story line- you go to a rave and someone kissed you but something happens after the kiss and you bump into your celebrity crush Chris sturniolo as your spiraling.)
Contains- drugs, throwing up, flirting and kissing
Red-your best-friend
Green- the guy you end up kissing and anyone else at the rave who compliments you and shit.
You and your bestfriend had dreamed of going to a rave for years but you never managed to actually get tickets but this year you got lucky and got tickets for your dream rave .
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You had rented an air bnb kind of close to the festival cause camping did not sound appealing to either of you.
You had just gotten ready and decided that walking to the festival would be better than trying to get an Uber.
(Your outfit)
(Your bestfriends)
You both grab your phones and lock up before starting your 10 minute walk to the festival.
Oh my god I can’t believe we’re finally going to electric forest
Literally we’ve been dreaming of it for so long
Like the lights …the music …in the woods is gonna be beautiful
A spiritual experience for sure
We just gotta be careful you know some people slip shit into peoples drinks without them knowing
Yeah I know kinda scary but I’m only buying water with a cap no one is getting anything in there
Smart I honestly don’t even wanna drink I wanna fully be in the experience
Yeah same I wanna be fully in control of my body for this shit
God how much longer do we have until we reach the gates these shoes are kinda hurting
Uhhh only like 5 more minutes
Thank god
Yeah I didn’t really think about my shoe choice either
You finally reach the gates and show your wrist bands as they check the fanny pack your friend brought just so you could store your phones safely and then walked through the metal detectors. Once you were in you followed the path as the music got louder and the lights got brighter.
As you guys kept walking people were roaming around talking going to the bathroom area and grabbing drinks
hey you wanna grab waters then head up to the big stage
yeah sounds good to me
You both went to buy water then made your way to the stage .
Hey I love your outfits
Thank you so much you look amazing I love your outfit so much
Thank youuu
Of course have a good time
You too
As you both approached the stage the lights went crazy as
Was playing.
Oh my god this song is good
Right brings me back to like middle school dude
Real as fuck let’s get into the crowd deeper
You both held hands tightly as you weaved through groups of people dancing around having a good time
You wanna go up further or go like middle crowd
Let’s get up further closer to the large tree line
You both got to the area you wanted to be and just started dancing around having fun with each other to some more songs .
Was playing as you both held onto each other laughing and dancing all over each other
You guys look great like those outfits wow a deep voice says from behind
You both turn to look at who said it . THE HOTEST MAN YOUVE BOTH EVER SEEN In YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. He had tattoos all over his neck ,chest and arms . He was GORGEOUS.
Thank you so much ! I love your tattoos by the way
Oh shit thank you I did most of them myself my friend who’s here with me did a good amount of them too
Wow you guys are talented. Are you a tattoo artist
Yeah we own a shop in new York
That’s so cool
Yeah it’s pretty fun he says smiling at you
So where is this friend your here with
He was following me he’s gotta be close
As he says that another super hot guy comes behind him
Hey man sorry I got caught in a big group and lost you
Nah your good man
So who are these lovely lady’s
Oh I’m y/n you say
I’m bf/n
Nice too meet you guys I’m John . I hope blain wasn’t annoying you guys he says smirking over at his friend.
Oh no not all
Would you guys care if we hung with you guys
Not at all the more the merrier you say smiling at him
He comes closer to you as his friend goes over to your bestfriend.
Blain wraps his arms around your waist from behind causing you to smile .
Is this okay
Yeah of course I don’t mind at all
You look over at your best-friend who is talking to blains friend smiling having a good time.
Starts playing as you and blain sway to the music you rest your head back on his chest.
Your both a little sweaty from how hot the June air is but it’s nice .
This song is so pretty you say looking back over your shoulder and up at Blaine
Yeah it is . I like the way you described it
Yeah it’s like cool but it’s just feels pretty
I get what you mean he says smiling down at you making you smile then look back up at the stage and lights
These lights are so fucking cool he says in your ear
You shudder a little from his breathe fanning your neck and his deep voice echoing through your ear
I know right it’s one of my favorite parts of a festival especially the glitter lights you say
Starts playing as you both continue fluidly swaying to the music as you look up the sky as a nice breeze blows over you .
Blaine spins you around to look at him as he grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
He’s significantly taller even on the shoes your wearing causing you to have to look up at him.
He smiles down at you as he lowers his face slowly til his mouth is at your ear.
Is playing as you feel his breathe hit your ear causing you to shiver a bit.
You are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen y/n
T-thank you Blaine you say getting week in the knees a bit from how close he is to you
He lifts his face a bit as he grabs his water taking a sip .
You look over at your friend to see her dancing with his friend watching the stage.
You look back at Blaine as he smiles at you and grabs your face bringing his closer.
His lips meet yours as you close your eyes and lean into the kiss immediately kissing back .
He slips his tongue in your mouth deepening the kiss . As your making out you swallow feeling something go down your throat but write it off as your mouth being dry .
He pulls away smiling down at you .
You smile at him as you spin back around too look back at the stage
Is playing as you bop your head to the beat.
Hey I’m gonna run to the bathroom
Okay sounds good
He walks over to his friend saying he’s going to the bathroom I’m guessing he had to go to so they both walk off .
Your best-friend comes back over to you smiling wide at you
I saw that kiss giiiirl they are so hot
I know right like damn also uh my mouth is dry and I need more water
Alright want me to come with
No no stay here have fun it shouldn’t take me too long I’ll just take my phone if I need you I’ll text you
Okay just be safe
I will love you be back in a sec
Love you too
You start walking through the crowd and back down the path through the trees to the drink areas
Playing as you make you walk.
Your head starts to feel fuzzy and your eyes have a hard time focusing causing you to stumble and fall into a hard object .
Whoever they are catches you
Wow you okay
I… um I don’t know you say trying to focus your eyes as you stand back up on wobbly legs
You definitely don’t look okay I mean that in the nicest way your eyes just look really weird
Y-yeah I can’t get them to focus I’m sorry for falling into you I don’t feel so normal right now
I’m sorry to ask but um did you take something
Hell no I would never ever take drugs
Your eyes finally start to focus but your limbs still feel heavy.
Did you by any chance kiss someone the guy asks causing you too look at his face causing your eyes to get wide
Did I just fall into . CHRIS STURNIOLO.you say in your head slightly still disoriented maybe you were seeing things.
I… um why would that matter
You say as you stare at him. Nope that’s definitely Chris sturniolo.
People will put pills on their tongue then kiss someone and let it go into their mouth . Pretty much drugging someone without them knowing
WHAT THE FUCK you accidentally yell In His face
S-sorry i didn’t mean to yell in your face
No your okay . But I’m guessing from that reaction you did kiss someone
Y-yeah I did but now that I think about it I felt something weird in my throat but I thought it was just my mouth being dry . Fuck how could I be so stupid
Hey hey your not stupid people are really sneaky about it it’s not your fault
It’s my fault that I’m such a whore for kissing a random guy without even thinking twice about it you say slapping your hand on your head disappointed by yourself
He grabs your hand taking it off your head
Well he was definitely hot wasn’t he he said laughing a little
Causing you to smile and laugh
Yeah sadly he was
I’m sorry he did that too you that’s really fucked up
Yeah I know how can people do that to someone else like drugs are dangerous I don’t even know what I am on right now
You say looking into his eyes . God is he beautiful through a screen but in person GOD DAMN .
Honestly it’s probably Molly or ecstasy that’s what most people bring to festivals
Fuck me dude this is bad you say starting to freak out . The last thing you expected is to be drugged your first night at the festival then stumble upon your fucking celebrity crush who has voiced he doesn’t like drugs causing you to be even more anxious knowing that this will be the way he remembers you . The drugged out girl who ran into him and waisted his night .
Where were you headed
Ummm … water I was going to get water
Okay come with me I’ll take you to get some water but uuuh… he stops talking
But what you say a bit confused
You wanna try and throw up before it fully gets in your system?
Actually that’s a good idea
Yeah okay I’ll hold your hair back but this way the trip might not come at all or at-least not as bad
Ugh Fuck okay I’m so sorry this is probably not how you wanted your night to go
No don’t apologize you definitely didn’t want your night to end up like this
No definitely not
You slowly bend over as he holds your hair back
You try pushing your fingers down your throat to make yourself throw up but it doesn’t work your fingers didn’t get deep enough .
Fuck it’s not working you say getting anxious you won’t be able to throw it up
Fuck okay try one more time for me
Mmm okay you breathe out
You try again but all it does is make your eyes water .
Fuck I can’t get deep enough . My gag reflex is barely there in the first place you say as you stand back up him still holding onto your hair
You look up at him as he looks down at you with a face you can’t read .
Okay what if I you know stick my fingers down your throat. I know that’s weird but my fingers are longer it might be the only way to get it out of your system
Oh Jesus are you sure that’s like really nasty
I’m sure I care more about you getting it out of your system then me having to stick my fingers in your mouth
Okay fine I’m sorry again this is so embarrassing
No it’s not trust me it could be way worse
Yeah your right
You bend back over as he brings his finger to you lips . You pause . Chris fucking sturniolo your celebrity crush is literally about to stick his fingers down your throat . How is this my life right now you thought .
Sweetheart you gotta open your mouth for this to work he chuckles slightly
Oh Fuck I’m sorry
You open your mouth as he slides his fingers down your throat hitting the back causing you to cough and gag on his fingers . He pulls them out as he hears you gag more .
Jesus how did you not throw up I was touching your uvula
Fuck idk maybe go deeper as deep as you can go
open back up he says causing you to laugh
Oh come on now is not the time to have a dirty mind
Sorry I’m sorry you say still laughing a bit . You look at him his face stern as his fingers move to your lips .
You look back at the ground as you open your mouth . He shoves his fingers deeper hitting the right spot as you throw up . He pulls his fingers out and that hand moves to your back rubbing softly as you get it out of your system.
That’s it’s let it out
You have tears running down your face as you gag and cough until your finally done and everything is definitely out of your system .
Your body and hands shaking a bit as you stand up and wipe your mouth .
I’m so sorry that was so disgusting
Again with the sorry . You don’t have to apologize to me about this really it’s okay
He moves his hand to your face as he rubs the tears away with his thumbs.
You smile slightly as the sweet gesture causing him to smile at you .
What he asks looking into your eyes
Nothing your just a really sweet person
Well thanks but let’s go get you that water and maybe something to eat since you just threw up everything you had all day .
yeah im really shake right now
I can see that he says laughing a little at you
hey don't laugh at me you say feeling still a bit embarrassed by the entire interaction you guys are having.
sorry sorry but come on you can hold onto my arm if you need to stay stable
you hold onto his arm as you both walk side by side slowly to the drink area.
so what's your name
nice to meet you y/n im chris
oh uhh yeah I know
oh ... you do
yeah ive watched your YouTube videos before you say awkwardly hoping that doesn't make him uncomfortable
he pauses walking
im sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable
no no it doesn't just uhh awkward I just stuck my fingers down a fans throat he adds an awkward chuckle after
I mean I wouldn't call myself a fan tbh just someone who stumbles upon your videos sometimes for a good laugh
I get what you mean by that to be honest
im glad you do I don't want you thinking im like a crazy mega fan
honestly I don't think a crazy fan would act so chill in this situation he says as he starts walking again pulling you along with him.
yeah true honestly they would probably stutter and cry
yeah probably
you both laugh as you finally reach the drink stand
here sit down ill grab the stuff alright
oh no I cant let you pay for my stuff
no seriously its no problem just sit down
you sit down as he grabs some waters and food them comes back over to you sitting next to you at the table
here you go hopefully it will make you feel a little less sick
thank you Chris seriously
of course he says with a smile
im glad you were the person I bumped into
oh yeah and why is that
honestly no-one would have even tried to help me get it out of my system or even been nice enough to notice something was wrong
yeah I guess your right about that most people would have just kept walking
you both are sharing fries he had gotten as you just share glances here and there.
so are you here alone or with people
im here with my best friend
ahh I see why didn't she come to get water with you
I told her to stay back I thought I was fine just had a dry throat
rookie mistake huh
Maybe but I wouldn't have met you so maybe it wasn't so bad she didn't come with me
he just looked at you smiling rolling his eyes playfully
so who did you come with
nick and matt and a couple other people
oh fun honestly im a little shocked raves don't really seem like your type of crowd
I mean I guess not but a brand sent us all here for promotions of their clothes that we have to wear every night so you know we thought why not
damn that's so cool ive dreamed of coming to this rave for years
so this is your type of thing
yeah I love raves and concert their like my happy place
yeah I get that music is one of my favorite things
yeah I don't know how life would be if music didn't exist
life would suck everyday would be dull and boring
I always like to say that music brings color to the world . I don't know if that makes sense but ... you look over at him seeing he's already staring at you . his eyes are soft and the smile on his face makes your breathe catch . he's looking at you with such love it makes you nervous.
w-what did I sound dumb
no that was just ... such a beautiful way to put it. I like the way you think
oh thank you you say as your checks flush pink from his compliment
no problem
I should probably call my friend ive been gone for a while I don't want her to freak out
yeah that's probably a good idea
you call your bestfriend
Hey are you okay you've been gone for a while
yeah im okay but um are Blaine and his friend back with you
ummm yeah why
you know how we kissed earlier
girl yeah obviously he was practically eating your face
yeah well um... he had a pill in his mouth and when we kissed he put it in mine and drugged me
no no im safe actually um I ran into someone... he helped me get it out of my system and we grabbed water and food
mmm okay why did you sound so weird when you said someone
ill give you a hint okay ummmm cc
girl wtf is this Morris code how could I ever guess what ccmeans
oh my god okay guy who ive showed you before
yeah bitch Jesus I feel like that was an easy guess
no it fucking wasn't
alright whatever anyways yeah that's where I am right now
so your telling me you are sitting ... with Chris sturiolo because you casually bumped into him as you slowly started tripping
yeah pretty much that's exactly what happened
you have insane luck I swear to god
I know right what are the odds
so how are you feeling as of right now
still weird my limbs are heavy my eyes keep loosing focus and my brain feels foggy
any other feelings im just trynna figure out what it could have been that he uh you know
I don't know like what do you mean
well Molly makes you insanely horny so is that a feeling your having at all
ummm I don't think so but who knows if however much made it into my system has hit yet
I feel like you'd feel that by now so we can count that out . what about like your vision you been seeing things like weird shapes and colors
fuck then idk maybe it did all get out of your system fast enough
yeah maybe hopefully that's the case
yeah lets hope so ... so im guessing you puked it up
yeah his idea of course
hes smart
I know right I would be tripping balls right now if I didn't run into him so praise the lords for him
for real but omg you threw up in front of your celebrity crush
don't remind me like how embarrassing is that and that's not even the worst part dude
how could it get more embarrassing
oh idk maybe the fact that I couldn't do it myself sooo
nooo y/n tell your joking he did not
yep sure fucking did
wow just wow
yeah not so pleasant but um im gonna finish off this food hopefully ill stop shaking soon and then ill head back to you but maybe move away from Blaine and his friend I don't want so be around him at all after what he did
oh girl I already moved the second you said he drugged you im closer to the middle now by the vip area
okay ill try my best to find you ill see you in a bit
okay just please be safe and no more kissing strangers
trust me im not planning on it
alright love you just look for the big pink bubble looking thing and im right bye that
okay big pink bubble thing got it love you bye
you hang up and look back over at chris
all good with her
yep she moved spots so that will be super fun trying to find her
don't worry ill help you im actually in the vip pink bubble thing so I know exactly where that is
oh thank god
you wanna head back to the stage or are you still shaky
im still super shaky and feeling really hot actually
really it doesn't feel that hot its cooled down a bit from earlier
yeah it like 48 degrees right now
shit I feel like its 100 degrees
y/n look at me
what why
just look at me
you look over at him his eyes widen as he looks at you eyes
wh-what why are you looking at me like that
your pupils are blown
fuck we didn't get it out of my system fast enough
judging by your eyes and the fact you feel hot and shaky probably not
fuck me this is bad like really bad
lets get back to your friend before it really hits and shit hits the fan
okay good idea
you both get up and start your walk back to the stage and crowd
as your walking back you start to stumble as your vision blurs
shit y/n you good
mmm y-yeah just my vision is a little blurry right now
come here he says as he pulls you closer
fuck your skin feels really hot
yeah tell me about it
he spins you around to face him .
you look up at him as his eyes move around your face with a slightly worried expression.
he moves his hands to your waist holding you tightly as you slightly started to lean back on uneven legs
you look into his eyes. Then study his facial features and the feel of his hands on your waist as your mind goes back to his fingers shoved in your mouth.
A wave of butterflies goes through your stomach as waves of heat flood your lower half.
fuck . I think it was definitely Molly .You thought as you started to feel the effects
why are you looking at me like that
like what you slur out
like you wanna eat me alive
w-what I wasn't
yes you were
im sorry I didn't mean to I just ummm I think its kicking in
what are you feeling
trust me you don't want to know
yeah I do he says as he brings his face closer to yours.
your breathing gets heavier .
lets just say .. it was definitely molly
oh ... OH uhhh well then
like I said you didn't wanna know
well at least now we know what type of trip your having .What type of asshole gives a girl Molly at a rave
I don't know but we all know what Molly does to people maybe he was trying to get me hot and bothered but that's fucked up . why give a girl drugs for that
there's definitely easier ways to get that effect that drugging a girl
Yeah like his tattoos were working well enough he could have I don’t know said things in my ear waited until the festival ended tonight and asked me to come back to his place
That is true I just don’t get guys like him
Me neither
You think your good to keep walking
Yep let’s just take it nice and slow my vision is crazy right now especially with the lights
Yeah your pupils are dilated as fuck probably making your sight super sensitive
Yeah your probability right you move to his side as he keeps an arm around your shoulder now keeping you close just incase you stumble again
Your mind wanders back to him holding your hair with his fingers down your throat as he spoke sweetly to you to let it out. Even though the actions were to help you puke your guts up . They were so dirty when you forgot about that detail .
What you thinking about he asks looking down at you smiling
Oh ummm nothing
No that pretty little mind was wandering I could tell by the smirk on your face
I wasn’t thinking was just looking ahead at the lights you try to play it off hoping he’d drop it . The last thing you want is to have to explain to him that the Molly is making your mind wander to his fingers in your mouth making you horny as a mother fucker.
Your lying to me right now
What Chris no I’m not just drop it
I’ll drop it for now but we’ll circle back later
You sigh and roll your eyes at him and you finally reach the crowd as the music is loud as ever and the lights are going crazy.
Was playing causing you to smile and look up at Chris
What you smiling for
I love this song
Yeah it’s pretty good
So where is this pink bubble bitch
Woah why are you calling me a bitch
No not you I wasn’t calling you a bitch I’m sorry
Your fine I’m only joking but it’s this way he says pulling you to the left
You start walking with him your limbs finally starting to move normally even though they still feel fuzzy.
Hey you stopped shaking and your skin isn’t as hot
Yeah but uhh all the other effects are still very much here
Mmm should I let go is that making it worse
No no your good I just gotta keep my mind on other things
Alright then he chuckles
Sorry that probably sounded weird I promise I wasn’t saying your hand on my waist was making me uh you know just uh
Your fine but you know if it was I would not be offended he says smirking down at you
Oh shut up you say smiling and playfully showing him a bit
I’m kidding he says making you look at him with a “you sure about that” expression
Okay maybe I wasn’t kidding but what were you smirking about earlier
Nope not telling you it’s gonna make this weird
Now you have to tell me that made me even more curious
Chrisss come on it’s to weird for me to say
I promise I won’t judge just tell me and we can blame it on the drugs if it’s that bad
Fuck ok fine I was… thinking about you having your fingers down my throat . You quietly said the last part from how weird it felt saying it out loud
Sorry what I couldn’t here you
I was thinking about your fingers down my throat okay there I said it . You cringed after saying it .
You look up at him as he stopped walking
I made it weird didn’t I
No you didn’t actually hate to say it but it was kinda hot even though you know the reason I did it wasn’t hot
Oh … well glad I’m not the only one
Mmm yeah come on let’s keep walking
So where are you and your friend staying
We’re staying at a house about a 10 minute walk from the gates
Wait you guys walked here he asks kinda shocked
Yeah it would have been an hour if we tried to drive or even get an Uber
Yeah I guess one luxury of being here with a brand is early access and they provide cars to take us . But how are your feet not killing you in those boots
Oh trust me they are . But I’m thuggin it out . And the drugs are making my limbs so tingly I can’t really feel my feet hurting so there’s that
Well I guess that’s one good outcome
Yeah I guess. Where are you guys staying
Oh a bigger house about 15 minutes out the neighborhood is cool . It’s got a cool fountain in the middle
Wait … a blue fountain
I think we’re in the same neighborhood then
What are the odds
Right crazy huh . Maybe this was fate you say laughing obviously joking
I don’t know maybe your right he says seriously
You look up at him a little dumbfounded by the sincerity in his voice
He looks down at you smiling giving you a small wink causing you to smile
Your eyes look crazy right now
Yeah I feel like I’m seeing everything through bright lenses right now
What is your friend wearing we’re getting close to the bubble maybe I can spot her
A white top with a long ish white skirt and like cool Pearl looking things all over it and her waist
Okay hum.. wait right there is that her
You follow where is hand is pointing .
Yes yeah that’s her
You both walk up to her
Hey bitch you yell as your approach her
Oh my god y/n how are you doing … oh god your eyes
Yeah yeah I know
And you must be the guy who helped her out thank you for taking care of her that’s was very kind of you
You looked at him smiling as he spoke
It was my pleasure you know she isn’t so bad
Haha funny but really Chris thank you . You were more than kind
Of course he says looking down at you smiling
your brothers are probably wandering where you are I know you should probably get back to them
oh I mean I was thinking of actually having them come to us ... unless you want me to leave
no no I wouldnt mind at all if you stayed
good cause to be honest I didn't want to
you both smiled at each other for what felt like hours but was only a minute
let me call them real quick
he calls them and tells them a small part of the story and for them to come meet up with us.
after a couple minutes you hear a couple voices coming from behind you .
you turn to see matt and nick walking up to Chris beside you
Yo Chris
Chris turns around
hey guys sorry I was gone for so long
hey it was for a good reason so its okay
facts well this is y/n and her friend ybf/n he gestures to you both
they look at you smiling you give a small wave and a smile saying hi
wow your outfits are amazing
aww thank you you look great the distressed looks on you and matt your mesh shirt is so cool
thank you they both same at the same time making you laugh a bit
so how you feeling Chris told us a bit about what happened
I feel okay I mean my eye sight is crazy right now but other than that im feeling better than before
that's good im glad you ran into Chris instead of someone else
was that a compliment orrrr
im just saying that out of all the people she could have fallen upon in her situation im glad it was you because you know we don't do drugs or drink so you were fully in your right mind unlike most people here
that is true
yeah I get what your saying
so what even happened with the guy that did this to you
uh I don't know ... ybf/n what did happen with them
oh dumb and dummer are probably still standing where I left them thinking were coming back to hang with them
damn poor guys how embarrassing for them
they can stand there all night for all I care
trust me if catch even a glimpse of the guy ill get violent
oh yeah what are you gonna do beat up a super muscular 6'5 man it came out a bit more sassy then you meant it causing matt and nick to look at you in shock and Chris to glare down at you
I-im sorry that came out more rude then I meant it
no its okay but yeah I would at least try and beat his ass
I wouldn't let you risk ruining that pretty face over him he's not worth the effort you say smiling at him
he smiles at you .
pretty face huh?
okay Christopher shut up
you all laugh as you guys stand around listening to the music playing .
you watch the light beams move around with the different tempos and bass drops
you decide to lean your head on chris's shoulder not even thinking about it.
he looks down at you smiling admiring the way you feel leaning against him and how fascinated you look by the show going on in-front of you all
don't you worry child started playing as you started to feel rain droplets fall on your skin.
it was about 2 am and you had forgotten there was a chance of rain but it made the experience so much better
everyone in the crowd is singing along it sounds so beautiful as the crowds voices blend together as the rain pours down.
the rain feels amazing
yeah ...oh god
he says looking at your face
w-what what's wrong you say scared something is wrong
no sorry just your mascara is running everywhere
oh fuck is it bad
kinda but here he says bringing his black shirt up to your face wiping at your face where the mascara had bled down
you hear an awww come from your left
you look over at nick who's smiling
sorry that was just cute i've never seen Chris act like this in-front of us
don't get used to it I wouldn't ruin my shirt for just anybody Chris says to nick . that brought a smile to your face . was he saying you were special. or Maybe you were just reading into it.
after about thirty minutes it was the end of the first night of the festival
god that was amazing I cant wait for tomorrow
I know right but we should start our walk back to the house
why don't we walk with you guys since were staying in the same neighborhood
yeah sure why not you say looking up at him smiling.
hey guys were gonna walk home since were all in the same neighborhood and Ubers are gonna take forever he says to his brothers
sounds good to me
how long is the walk
about like 10 minutes
oh that's not bad at all
yeah not too bad
you all start making your way through the wood path and out the gates starting your walk to the air bnb
after about two minutes your feet start to hurt really bad you really start to regret your shoes choices.
fuck dude my feet are on fire
those shoes are so cute but they don't look comfortable at all
yeah im fully regretting my choice of choosing them
Chris turns to you.
just hop on my back I got you
chris hahah no ill just take them off
and risk stepping on glass now way ...get on my back he says more in a demanding tone
chris no im too heavy ill just thug it out
he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder
too heavy my ass he says in a hushed sharp tone
everyone continues walking
chris come on put me down
you smack his back repeatedly
calm down were almost to the neighborhood
ughhhh you groan out as you go limp knowing he's definitely not putting you down
you see matt take a video laughing
your arms just swinging is so funny oh my god
nick laughs as you flick them off jokingly
making them laugh harder
all the sudden chris sets you down as he sees your best friend start to walk up the drive way to malls house .
y'all go a head ill catch up.
mmmkayyy nick says as they start heading to their house.
would it be weird if I umm asked you to come back to ours for the night
i... ummm no not weird just uhhh
If you don't like me like that I get it he says a bit hurt but still smiling
no...no chris not that I was just gonna say I need to get these fucking shoes off and change
oh okay cool ill wait for you then
alright well come in for a bit it might take me a second
alright he says as he follows you up to the front door as you open it and let him in
make your self comfortable ill be as quick as I can
no no take your time no rush
he says taking a seat on the couch as you head up the stairs to your room.
you get your shoes off thank fucking god and then go and find some pajamas to throw on . The only thing is you only sleep in t shirts and underwear so you have no pants to wear.
welp...thats gonna be awkward you say as you head into the bathroom your best friend is in there taking off her makeup.
hey girl what's up
oh you know just getting ready ... to spend the night with chris
she turns jaw dropped at you
whattttt... he asked you to go back with him
damn girl... okayyy get it
like im excited but also... im gonna spend the fucking night with my celebrity crush what is this life dude
I don't know but I cant wait to hear about it tomorrow
she heads to bed since its around 3 am.
you finish taking off your makeup , change and do your skincare.
you go to your best friends room planning to ask her if she has shorts you can borrow for the night.
hey ybf/n
she's already knocked out .
fuck me is all you can think . you go to the drawers where she had unpacked her stuff and sorted through to see if she had any shorts and to your luck . she didn't.
fucking great you whisper to yourself as you go to your room grabbing some socks and slippers putting them on then grabbing your phone charger.
you slowly walk down the stairs trying to keep you shirt from riding up.
hey sorry it took me a while
no your good you ready
ummm yeah
he turns to look at you smiling as he looks you up and down .
you sure you didn't sound like you were
no yeah im ready I just um... I only sleep in a t-shirt and underwear so I have no pants to put on
no worries you can always borrow some sweats if you want
oh alright that sounds good
you say as you walk to the door opening it letting him out first then using your key to lock the front door.
you follow him as he walks further down the road.
hey you look really pretty without makeup on
you smile up at him.
t-thank you
of course he says as he throws his arm over your shoulder keeping you close to his side as you continue walking.
so you wanna watch a movie or something or are you really tired
we can definitely watch a movie I just cant promise ill stay awake the whole time
fair but sounds good to me
you reach a really pretty house and he walks up the drive way to the front door, he opens it and waves you to walk in and you do.
alright were gonna be on the third floor he says as he starts walking up the long spiral staircase .
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you follow after him once you reach the third floor it opens up to a big room . it was definitely a renovated attic.
Chris walks over to the bed setting his phone down.
come sit down make your self comfortable i'm gonna run to the bathroom but here's my computer you can pull up Netflix, Hulu or prime video and pick anything. ill be back in a second
okay sounds good you say as you sit down and and type in prime video and start looking through for a movie.
You decide to put on The Visit since it looked good and waited for chris to come back.
the door opens and you look up thinking it was chris but it was matt.
oh hey y/n chris told me to bring these to you he says handing you sweatpants.
oh thank you you say getting up and taking them then slipping them on
they are freshly clean so be happy about that
you laugh lightly at that .
so you guys uhh seem to be getting along really well
yeah I don't think i've ever gotten this close with someone in one night
he hasn't brought a girl home since like uhhh honestly I don't know if he ever has so you must be special
oh god don't feed my delusions matt he's just being nice
nice... no he definitely likes you
you blush at that and you smile at him .
well thank you matt
no problem . im going to bed but tell chris I said good night when he gets back in here
I will goodnight
see you in the morning he says before heading out the door and back down the stairs.
after about 5 more minutes chris comes back up shirtless and in sweatpants hanging dangerously low showing his black Calvins band
you cant help but stair he's so attractive . but god his broad shoulders and collar bones have you drooling . His v-line though god that makes you clench your thighs together as unholy thoughts run through your head.
you good he asks with a smirk letting out a small chuckle.
y-yeah sorry
no need to apologize sweetheart he says as he walks over to get into the bed next to you
he settles into a comfortable position as you sit awkwardly on the opposite side of the bed
he looks over at you smiling.
come here he says as he puts his arm out and pats his side encouraging you to cuddle into him
you smile as you scoot into him and he puts his arm around your chest rubbing your right arm softly.
so what movie did you decide on
the visit
alright what genera is it
oh god okay he says making you laugh
you don't like scary movies do you
they are not my favorite but its okay . it cant be that scary right?
nahhhh we'll be fine you say as you click play
after about 30 minutes into the movie you cuddle into chris a little more since the movie was scarier than expected. He holds you close since he's also creeped the fuck out.
it gets to a scene that is super scary causing you to hide your face in his chest as he hides his face in your hair.
after that scene was done chris looked down at you.
hey uhhh this movie is really scary can we stop watching it
yeah agreed turn this shit off
he immediately exits out of the movie and closes his lap top.
he puts it on the floor as you slide down the pillow to get more comfortable.
what should we do now he says turning towards you
uhhhhh I don't know
alriiight ummmm you hungry at all ...thirsty anything
actually I am kinda thirsty yeah
time to raid the kitchen come on he says pulling you out of the bed.
you both make your way down to the kitchen as he turns on the lights blinding the both of you.
Jesus Christ its so bright
he flips the lights back off and turns his phone flashlight on instead .
okay whatchu want we got dr.pepper, water, sweet tea, Pepsi, cherry coke uhhh
ill take a dr.pepper
coming right up he says before grabbing one from the fridge and bringing it to you
thank you
he cracks open his Pepsi as he turns to you smiling .
of course
you smile back and he maintains eye contact as he takes a sip of his drink.
you take a sip of yours then break eye contact.
wanna head back up to the room
yeah sure
he takes your hand as you walk back up the stairs back into his room.
he closes the door and you go to set your drink down on the bedside table and crawl back onto the bed.
he sets his drink down and lays back down on the bed getting comfy under the covers.
god they need to add a fan in here it so hot
yeah it really is
do you mind if I take the sweats off
no not at all get comfortable
you slip the pants off and throw them on the floor .
you look over at him seeing him looking at you with a small smirk
why are you looking at me like that
like what
like your scheming I can see it in your eyes
no no I was just admiring you
oh really? you say in a teasing tone
yeah your just so beautiful inside and out
you blush bringing your hands to your face.
he brings his hands to yours pulling them off your face
I mean it you really are beautiful
thank you chris you say as he leans closer to you
your breathe catches and he leans into your ear .
his breathe fanning your neck making you shiver
I really wanna kiss you right now
I would be okay with that you say
he comes up from your ear and leans down kissing you .
it was a sweet but hungry kiss.
he moved his hands to your sides pulling you closer and pulling your leg over his side as he caress your thigh causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth .
he smiles into the kiss then pulls away his face still close to yours
you tired
eh not really you say smiling
good cause im about to do so many things to you he says as he brings his mouth down to your neck .
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orangeinecstasy · 10 months
pool party ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ eli hewson
paring: eli x fem!oc
summary: eli reconnects with an old friend.
wc: 2k
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*reblogs, notes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
Heat wafted in through my room's open window. It was the middle of summer, and the heat hadn't dissipated for the past few days. I was finally back home from university, but all I could do was lay in bed and feel like I would melt. A fan blew in my direction, causing the edges of the pages of the book I read to flutter gently. As I scanned the page, there was a soft knock at my door. 
"Yeah?" I bent the corner of the reading page, then shut the book. That's when Ryan, my brother, cracked the door open, slipping his head through the slit. "Hey Liz, Eli is throwing a little party later. Tonight want to come?" 
Thinking momentarily, I nod, "Yeah, that could be fun." 
"Okay, cool, I'll let him know. Just wear a bathing suit or something because we'll be using the pool." 
"Will do."
Ryan left with a nod, shutting the door behind him. I pulled a pillow behind my body, pressing my face into it and screaming.
I had been in love with Eli for what had felt like my whole life. Even if I tried to date someone, my heart always ended up going back to him. However, when I got into university, it was finally my chance to get away from him. It's not that he was this crazy horrible person. He was one of the sweetest, more caring people that I knew. But I just needed to find myself a little more. Last summer, I went to Italy and worked with a fantastic group of archeologists looking for early Roman artifacts. It was the best couple of months of my life, but because of that, I couldn't come home for a year. This meant a year away from Eli, and if I was honest with myself, I didn't know how my heart would react when I saw him tonight. 
Even though the party wasn't until later, I decided it would be a good idea if I picked out what I would wear now. Getting up, I tossed the pillow I was holding back onto the bed, then walked over to my dresser and rummaged through my bathing suits. I finally decided on a light green bikini with baby pink flower stitching across the bottoms and neckline hem. I wore one of Ryan's old band T-shirts and shorts as a cover-up. I put my long curls into a braid, deciding not to put on makeup out of pure laziness. 
A few hours later, I heard Ryan yell my name from downstairs. "Liz, if you don't get down here in the next five minutes, I'm leaving without you." I pulled my other shoe out from under my bed, slipped it on, and tied it. "Jesus, I'm coming. Just give me a sec!" I respond, grabbing my phone. I shove it in my back pocket before scanning the room to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, then running downstairs. "Is that my shirt?" Ryan said as he grabbed the car keys, his eyebrow cocking, "Oh my god, Ryan, let's fucking go!" I shove his shoulder gently, pushing him towards the door. 
Entering the backyard, I could feel the music from the speakers pulsing through the ground. My breath caught in my throat as I realized how many people there were. "I thought you said this would be a small party?" I yelled over the music at Ryan, who, as I spoke, was bending down to hear me more clearly. "That's what I was told," he shrugged, patting me on the shoulder. "I'm going to go find the guys," he said, disappearing into the swarm of people. 
"Fuck, I need a drink," I mumbled, then pushed through the crowd. As I moved through the crowd, a pair of deep brown eyes locked with mine, quickly growing wide with confusion and amazement. Eli's lips moved, but I couldn't understand what he said. My throat got dry, and I quickly looked away, pretending I didn't notice it was him. I pushed deeper into the crowd until I reached where the drinks were, rummaging through one of the coolers until I found a hard seltzer flavor I liked. Cracking it open, I took a few swigs from it before I felt a tap on my shoulder. 
My heart got tight as I turned around. Thankfully I was met with the smiling face of Anais Gallagher. "Liz! I thought that was you. It's so good to see you!" She hugged me, her cold beer can pressing against my back. "Why don't we move somewhere less crowded to talk?" Nodding, I followed her onto the patio, where only a few people were dotted around, a hot tub bubbling in one corner.
"How's Uni been treating you?" She leaned against the patio railing, taking a sip of her beer. "It's been amazing. I went to Italy last summer and love what I'm majoring in. But, honestly, it's just nice to get away from everything once in a while." I smiled a slight breeze that had picked up, tussling my curls. "That's really great to hear," Anais' smile got wider as she sat her beer can down on the railing, slipping her shirt off to reveal a pink and red patterned bikini. "Let's get in the hot tub while there's no one in it," She said, stepping into the warm bubbling water. I nod in agreement, slipping off my clothes and tossing them to the side before joining her. 
"Eli hasn't been able to shut up about you since Ryan said you were coming back home." Anais laughed, a hand pushing through her thick blond hair. "Ahh, really?" I glanced down at the top of my seltzer can before looking back at her, trying not to seem out of sorts at the mention of his name. "Ahh, sorry, love, did I hit a hard spot?" Her head tilted slightly, hadn't reached out, and gently touched my arm for comfort. "Hmm? No, don't worry about it." I smile, trying to convince myself what I said was true. 
Anais and I chatted for a while, the two of us catching up and laughing over old shared memories. Though it was nice, some of me just needed to get away for a bit. "Hey, I'm going to go for a smoke. I'll be right back," I said, setting down my empty can. "Do what you got to do!" She smiled, lifting her fresh can of beer to me as I exited the hot tub. 
I dried myself off with my t-shirt as best as possible before entering the house again. The crowd had grown in size, which made shoving through it even more difficult. I quickly climbed the stairs and entered the first room I could manage to get to. I shut the door behind me, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Once my eyes opened again, I realized that I had managed to end up in Eli's room. 
Though the room was dim, the only light coming from the party outside was just the same as I had last seen it. Clean, with posters, hung on the walls, guitars hung on the wall or resting on a stand, with boxes of records set next to an old record player. Bookshelves stuffed to the brim with literature, photos, and knickknacks. As I walked around the room, my feet pressed against the cold wooden floor, a picture on his dresser caught my eye. I picked it up and realized it was a picture of Eli and me together. It was during a trip that we had gone on together one summer. We stood there, the beach behind us, his arm wrapped around my waist as he looked down at me with a big smile. My hair was in a braid, and I had an equally as large smile on my face. The sundress I was wearing was paused in motion, presumably being swept up in the wind. 
I smiled, setting the picture back down, that's when the room filled with the light from the hallway, and I heard an all too familiar voice. "What are you doing in here?" Eli's silky voice cut into the silence of the room. I turned, my lower back pressed up against the dresser. "Sorry, I," I clear my throat, trying not to stumble through my words. "I just need to get away for a second." My arms wrapped around my bare midriff as I found the courage to look at him.
He was so beautiful. Plump lips, stubble, and those eyes always twinkled no matter how low the light was.
"Liz," he shut the door, then flicked on the lamp closest to him. "I didn't know it was you," his hand rubbed his nape as he made it over to the side of the room that I was on. "You look gorgeous," he smiled, his eyes filled with a slight sadness. "Thanks," I smiled weakly, trying to make this interaction as quick as possible. 
He had reached out but quickly dropped his hand to his side. "I missed you so much. It feels like it's been forever since I've last seen you," I nod, looking down as my eyes tear up. Soon enough, tears started to stream down my face. My hand quickly reached up, pushing them away, but it was useless. "Hey, hey, hey, you're okay," Eli's arms wrapped around me, pulling me close to his bare chest, a hand gently stroking my hair. "Look at me Liz," his voice was a gentle whisper. My crying had somewhat subsided, only a few loose tears slipping down my cheeks which Eli wiped away as I looked up at him.
"I'm sorry. I'm a mess. I didn't want it to be like this," I laugh, using the back of my hand to wipe under my eyes. "Like what?" his eyebrow cocks in confusion. "Like this! Me sobbing in your arms and you being you're perfect fucking self and making me fall in love with you all over again" The tension between us grows thick as I realize what I had just said. 
"Eli I-" my word are interrupted as Eli presses his lips to mine. I couldn't help but kiss back, my body melting into his effortlessly. "Liz, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember," Eli's words were slightly muffled as he pulled away to speak, breath slightly heavy. I laugh, my hands cupping his face. "We're so fucking stupid," I roll my eyes playfully, pulling him back into the kiss. The two of us fall back onto the bed, Eli's scent consuming me as the kiss continues to deepen. 
My breath was heavy as Eli's lips moved down to my jaw, then my neck, leaving a trail of marks along my freckled skin. My hands were tangled in his curls, my body arching against him. He paused, dark eyes looking up at me. "Can I?" his eye's flashed down to my bathing suit top, then back at me. I nod, and he leans up, kissing me again as his hands slip behind my back to undo my top. 
"Eli, lad, what the fuck are you doing?" A slightly drunk Robert says he opens the door, the two of us quickly splitting apart and rushing to opposite sides of the bed. "Shit, my bad, carry on," Rob lifts his beer, laughing as he realizes what he had walked in on before closing the door. The two of us look at each other, our faces flushed with embarrassment before bursting into laughter.
Once the laughing subsided, Eli took my hand, thumb rubbing over my knuckles. "Elizabeth, I really love you," his eyes moved from our hand to look at me. "And I never want to be away from you for this long," his grip on my hand got tighter. "I don't either," I smile gently as I lean over, kissing him. "Let's just be together already." His smile grows wider as I speak. "You read my mind," he says as he pulls me onto his lap, leaning up to kiss me once more as the two of us fall back into the sheets.
a/n: this one honestly isn't my favorite. i love eli but i felt kind of off writing this. i hope you guys still enjoyed it!!
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povofjustme · 11 months
Fake Lovers
Your are the singer of a band and a ‘rival’ of Tokio Hotel. The fans loved when you guy interact with each other. So the company make you fake date someone! 
Part one 
Georg listing x Black reader
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Have fun love<3 - bc its not pr. I wrote in at 3 am. Didn't have time(:
I am a part of a girl band from the US.  I have been singing since I was a little kid. At a church and  school, I would be in a choir. I met my best friends in high school. Nia the drummer, Jade the basses and Alex played the guitar. We all had a love for music and from then, it was history. 
Alex wanted to post a song that we had been working on for the longest. The next day the girls all woke me up, telling me that the song bowled up on YouTube. I never thought it would happen but now look at us. We made something of ourselves. Going on interviews and meeting up with big names. 
We had a tour in Europe, surprisingly we had a big fan base over there. Nia, Jade, and I we’re in our practice room, thinking of more outfits for the upcoming show in a few days. “Hey, guys!”  Alex came into the room with our drink she went out to get. “Hey babe,” I said with a smile. “So I was thinking, we can do a song for the stage broke.”  are heads all turned to the left.
“Okay listen, there's a band here called... Tokio Hotel” “Oh yeah, I heard of them,” Nia said. She has always been the quiet type. The things that came out of her mouth surprised us at times but she kept us on task. “They are a really big group here. Girls are in love with them” Nia added. “They are not bad looking” We looked to see Jade on her phone looking them up.
“Well, I was thinking we can do one of their songs when we hit Germany” “That sounds good but girl... I will have to learn it in like 2 weeks. I know German but it's Arsch”.  It was a really good idea, but I didn't want to fuck up anything. “I can help you G, you forget am half germen. I speak it at home,” Nia said. “I know, but people already hate me because am black. I don't want to give them another reason.” 
“G, we will all help you, we have 2 weeks. You got this, We got this” Alex told me, All I did was shake my head. For the days leading up to the preforms, we would do a concert and after I would spend m. In my time with Nia, I learned the lyrics to the song Durch Den Monsun.
Now the two weeks are up and it was time to sing. Walking out on stage, we have seen so many people. Signs with our names and faces on them. They were so sweet and amazing. 
 Now is the time “Wie fühlen wir uns heute Abend? Ich weiß, wir sollten Pause machen. Ich wollte euch etwas zeigen. Bereit Mädels?” (How are we feeling tonight? I know we should be on break but I wanted to show you guys something. Ready girls?)
The guys gave me a head nod and we started on the song. It was 3 seconds into the song and the crowd is going wild. I could remember a thing after that. Now am back in the hotel room lying down. “You know you did amazing, you got all the words right” We stayed in two hotel rooms. I got the share with Nia. “Thanks, babe”
“G, wake up. Addy needs to talk to us” Nia told me “Girl what time is it?” “7 a.m., come on and get dressed, I have to go wake the other girls.” “Is everything okay?” “I don’t know. She told us to meet her downstairs in an hour or so. She told us to dress like ourselves. So go in the shower first, it takes you forever to do your hair” I laughed while she was walking to the next door. 
We all met up in Nia and I's room to just do some finishing touches on our look. We all have a different look. Jade, Alex, Nia, and I all wore the same shirt differently but had the same dark blue jeans. I had washed my hair and it ended up in a curled-up afro which I loved. I had made my shirt into a high crop top so you could still see our band name and the dark blue jeans high-waisted.
We got downstairs to see Addy waiting for us. “Good morning my loves. I want to meet you guys to some people!” “Addy I know you are the manager and all but I might have to kill you if you try to wake us up again this early?” Alex said. “I got you guys food” “Okay I love you again” Alex added. “So what's up,” I asked 
“Tokio Hotel saw your guys perform last night and they wanted to meet you, in person,” She said with a smile on her face. “Wait are you for really!” “Yes I am, and we have to meet this in 3 hours. The place is an hour away and I want you all awake so we will drive there. Get more food and meet up with them. Okay” “Yes” we added at the same time
“Let us get this shit on the road. Am want to sleep in the car” Alex had always been the outgoing one. Always speaking her mind and not caring. Jade was that way too but she had a filter. The car ride was okay. We called for a bit until Alex went to sleep. We stopped and ate and 15 minutes later we were at a company building. The man who was driving told us we had to go through the back, due to the fans. 
Even going through the back there was still fans everywhere. All I could think was that this group made it far. Each of us had a security guard by our side until we got into the building and into the room we were supposed to be in. Addy opened the door, she was greeted by a man who I assumed was their manager. They chatted for a few seconds then he looked at us.
“It is so nice to finally meet your girls. My name is Max and am the boy's mangers.” “Hello, Max” “Hi” we each said. “Max can you give the girls a run down for today” “Oh yes, I know it's one of your breaks from your show and I premises you girls can all sleep in Tom-” All I was thinking at this time was just sleep. “You and the boys will have an hour to yourself. No cameras, no pictures, nothing. Just getting to know each other.” He looked down had his right wrist “Then in about, an hour and a half now. We will have you guys take group pictures together. Everyone in Germany loves you guys here and why not have two big groups show some love to the people but give them what they want? Yeah!” 
The girls and I looked at each other “Excuse me, sir, what do you mean?” Nia was saying what we all were thinking. “The people want to see the group interact with one another. Is that fine with you guys?” Just nodding our heads yes. “All right, follow me!” He took us to a room, from the outside we could hear voices. 
He knocked on the door. “Boys there here”  He opened the door. The girls and I looked at each other. “So who’s going in first?” I asked “I say you G, You are a singer” “Yeah, G” “ What the fuck, why.?” You are the face of the group. Now go show your face first” I walked in with a fake smile on my face. The first person I see he a tall, guy with long brown hair. His smile was to die for and I only looked for 3 seconds before taking my eyes off him. 
The rest of the girls followed right next to me in a line. “Now I want you all to mix in with each other. Bill, Tom, Georg, and Gustav. Meet G, Jade, Alex and Nia. We will see you all in an hour” I looked around the room, It was like an office space. A big round table that fit all 8 of us. Everyone got into a spot with a person we didn’t know. The brown-haired boy sat on the right of me.
“Am Bill!” He had the biggest smile on his face and his hair was as big as mine. He sat on my left “I always wanted to meet you all. You guys are amazing!” He finished “So are you! Your voice is beautiful by the way”  I feel like I could talk to him for days without getting bored. “Do you only go by G?” “Yeah it is a stage name. And It is easier to say for people” 
It took a while but everyone started talking to one another. It felt so good being about the talk to people who have the same passion that you do. We related to each other, not even an hour later and it felt like we had been friends for over years. Less than an hour. 
I found out his name, Georg. He was talking to Jade about the animal when she brought up my name. “Oh G loves animals, She has like 5 dogs. Right G?” “Oh what's their name?” Georg had asked me. “Princess, Prince, Zoey and Zion. I only have 4.” I laughed, he was looking at me the whole time I was talking or anytime we talked. He would always be the one asking me questions. I just felt so open with him, I didn't know how to act. He made me feel somewhat. A safe way but I didn’t know if I wanted to get too close, just to keep out of making a fool of myself. 
Right when I finished laughing with Georg the door opened. We didn't stop talking, we were all having a good time. “Okay guys, It's time to go,” Addy told us “It's off the the shot. Now would you all like to take different cars or take the bus?” Max asked. “We will take the same bus, I have so much to ask Alex” Bill and Alex were talking the whole time. They seem like they would become best friends by the end of the day. 
I made sure everyone got a chance to walk out the door before I did. Georg stayed behind me. “You can go first,” I told him “No it's fine, please go first” “I really hope we aren't gonna fight about this” “We are not, because you will be going first” I walked out signing. I walked out to see Max and Addy waiting for us. We walked ahead of them. I looked behind me to see them talking, I tried to listen but I could hear nothing with Alex and Bill talking loudly. 
We went through the first to get to the bus. There were fans everywhere. Since Georg and I stayed behind a little, we ended a stuck. With people trying to get on the bus. “Hold my hand, I will push us through this,” He told me and I told his hand and made it on the bus, safely.
I hoped you like it!
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rjwhite · 9 months
That's the Day I Throw my Drugs Away
The Morphine album Cure for Pain came out 30 years ago, on September 14, 1993. A few years back, I was on this music review mailing list, where each member had to take a turn writing about an album of great importance to them. This was mine.
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Ever since I was a kid, cities always held a fascination for me. I was not well-traveled, growing up in the middle of Michigan. The idea of being in some cosmopolitan, dense, East Coast metropolis was amazing to me, yet it took until well into college to even head out there, for a college television conference in Providence in 1996. We made the drive from Michigan State University, cut across Canada in the dead of night to spend a day in Boston, then head down to Providence in rush hour traffic. Checked into the hotel and one of the people in our group asked who was playing in town. Morphine at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel. A friend said we absolutely had to go, as the band was amazing. I’d never heard of them, but went along because, hey, a concert in an actual, real city and everything, you know?
A loud club with cheap beer. Lots of people crowded in. The band came on. It was one of those weird things you always remember. These guys were on stage- not young, one of them playing a bass with only two strings? The one guy playing two saxes at once? The lead singer going into some beat poetry? What was this? I’d never seen or heard anything like it. My mind exploded. The band, the crowd, everything was in sync. Leaving the club, being downtown in an old, established city- the whole weekend of experiencing something I’d built up for so long … it just cemented that I needed to be in a place like that. I needed to live somewhere with history, vitality.
We got back to East Lansing and one of the first things I did that week was go to Flat, Black and Circular (still one of the best record shops I’ve ever been lucky enough to shop) and pick up Cure for Pain. It wasn’t even the album they were touring for (Like Swimming). I think Cure for Pain was the first one I saw in the rack? But it grabbed me and entranced me and hooked me for life. I listened and listened and listened. This incredible, smooth, wonderful mix of I don’t know what- jazz? Rock? Stories of cheating and sleaziness and sadness and loss and regret?
It’s just a wonderful thing to just discover a band you had no idea existed and instantly be taken with them. To feel that connection you never knew was there and somehow know you’ll be listening to them for a good, long while. It’s almost like falling in love with someone, you know?
I just always associate the album with that time and it’s all smashed together in my head, making that absolutely certain decision that, someway, somehow, I was going to live on the East Coast, in an honest-to-god city where I could go to places like Lupo’s and see bands like Morphine for the first time.
Now, I live in Philadelphia and never go to shows!
Though the odd, strange miracle of the internet, I’m able to hear a bootleg of that very night, knowing that 21-year-old RJ is in that crowd somewhere, just happy and dumbfounded by what he is hearing and utterly enjoying being in that moment.
I don’t know if I can hear myself in there, though. That might be too strange, like thinking of the dead people in the repeated laugh tracks of old sitcoms.
But, the record! Just a pleasure to listen to, front to back.
“Dawna” and “Buena” kicking it off… “I’m Free Now” as a sad, incredible post-breakup song where you feel like that terrible jerk who’s made a bad mistake (I'm free now to direct a movie/Sing a song or write a book about yours truly/How I'm so interesting I'm so great I'm really just a fuck-up/And It's such a waste to burn down these walls around me)... That delicate mandolin of “In Spite of Me”... The barrelling train of “Mary Won’t You Call My Name”... That jazzy, smoky rambling of “Let’s Take a Trip Together”... “Thursday” is almost a short film, with the wenching title track slamming you right after… all of it...
July 3 will mark the anniversary of Morphine frontman Mark Sandman’s death from a heart attack in the midst of a 1999 concert in Europe. If you could throw this (or anything from their wonderful catalog, really) on, I think that would be nice.
Anyway, that's why I love this 30-year-old record and this band. Listen to it wherever you can, it's a hell of a beautiful thing.
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fadingmuse · 3 months
Story time!
Let me start this with an apology because I really am sorry for being MIA for so long. I'll be graduating college this year and am REALLY fucking nervous of what's the next chapter of my life would be like.
So I guess you could see why tumblr was the last thing on my priority list lmao. But thankfully I have a lot of free time in my hands now so I'll probably be here a lot now :)
Now on to the story.
Back then, my school used to held 2 days camping trip every year for us to 'get along with nature,' they said. We didn't mind it because it usually is a lot of fun.
We arrived and did the usual. Got divided into groups, set up our tent, eat, play games, etc. I didn't get to see H during that time, only a glimpse every now and then. Howevere, things eventually got interesting when the moon came to play.
We all gathered around a HUGE camp fire and each of the groups have to perform one by one in front of the whole crowd so it's basically a talent show. Being the lazy ass we were, our group decided to perform a song. It went by quickly, we sang, and I saw H in the crowd grinning and cheering me on. Had an overall wonderful time.
After the talent show, we scrambled and got back to our tent. Me and my friends talked for a while, and then we decided to sleep outside because it was too hot inside the tent. We put a big rug on the grass outside of the tent, got into our sleeping bags, and tried to fall asleep. And if you're wondereing, yes, the teachers were okay with it.
After some time, I realized that the others were asleep. I tried to do the same and just kept my eyes closed. Maybe a minute passed by before I hear a whisper near me saying,
"Ave, I know you're awake."
I opened my eyes and saw H, crouching near my feet, looking at me with that playful smile that I (used to) love. Being the teased that I was I just gave hik a look and shut my eyes again.
"You wanna take a walk and drink some tea with me?"
YES????? I got up so fast I'm pretty sure I had a head rush.
We took a little walk and then sit at this little gazebo where the teachers kept all the food and supplies. He made us some tea and for a while, we just sat there in silent.
"You were amazing back there."
When I tell you I blushed SO hard, thank god it was dark. We went on and chat for more than an hour under the stars. We talked about a lot of things; our family, his career, my future, our passion in music, we even gossiped about some of the people in school lmao. Truly one of the best moments I've ever had.
After a while we decided it was time to go back. By the time we got there, 2 of my friends were actually awake and were having a chat with one of the teachers. I went on to have giggly conversations with my them which ended up being a little too loud, so H and the other teacher told us to try and have a shut eye and decided to stay nearby so they could keep an eye on us.
At times my friends and I would stifled a laughter and H would give me (only me, might I add) a playful scold. At one point, my other friend made a noise and H laughed and said,
"Oh c'mon ave, go to sleep, the sun's coming up."
I was about to yell out that it wasn't me but the other teacher beat me to it. He was trying so hard not to laugh too hard while saying,
"It wasn't even her!"
"Wait, what?"
I ended up falling asleep with a huge grin on my face.
Tbh with you guys, I still can't believe that moments like this actually happened. If I come across a story like this the first thing that I would do is assume it was fake. Yet here I am, reliving it.
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alixident · 1 year
the perfect pair | lee felix
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a/n: hey loves! this is another felix story I thought of and I hope u like it!
disclaimer: fangirling, lovable felix, cringe? also please excuse the grammar errors. thanks!
__ it’s the day of the concert. My hands start to vibrate frequently as I take deep breaths to calm myself down. It’s no use. I can’t take my mind off of him. He’s too handsome and too amazing to forget. if your wondering what I’m doing, im waiting in line to go see the best of all K-pop groups. I’ve been a fan of them since day 1. What am I so worried about? Seeing him. Who is him? Felix.
I start bopping my head slightly before we start to move closer to the stadium. I start to shake more. I’m nervous but so excited at the same time. I don’t know what to think anymore.
Finally, from what seemed like hours, I’m finally in. I make my way to the front row as I stand up to look for him. A lump in my throat starts to form as my nervous side slowly takes over me. it’s time. I look up and I hear there music start playing around me, screaming everywhere, seas of lightsticks go up in the air as I join them. I see him. It’s him. I suddenly stop waving my lightstick in the air, I feel like I’m going to pass out. Is that really him? I think to myself. a lot of people are screaming his and hyunjins name, I don’t care. I scream louder. “LEE FELIX!!!!!” I yell at the top of my lungs. Some people around me stare at my reaction towards him. Again, I don’t care. they bow and they introduce themselves. After a bit of talking, it’s finally time for the songs. Felix starts walking around the stage close to me. I try to get his attention by waving, but of course that doesn’t work. Finally, he walks over to my side and gives waves to everyone, I say his name and he looks over at me and gives me the most sweetest smile. I see his small dimples and I feel my face warm up. I feel so much better now. “Felix!!” I say as I try to start a conversation, or at least something. But he just looks over at me again and smiles. I can’t do it. “Felix!! I love you!!” I say as I feel my face warm up again. He looks over at me and finally gets off the stage and walks over to me, the crowd around me goes wild as my face lights up. he sees my phones in my hand. “Do you mind?” He says finally. I look at my phone and then look at him. He say what now? I give him my phone as he swipes to the side and he puts it on video. he puts his arm around my shoulder as he starts singing his part of a song. Which I believe is MANIAC but I can’t hear over all the screaming around me. He finish’s his part and then suddenly gets closer to me. He kisses my cheek. i freeze as he laughs at my reaction and stops recording, he hands my phone back to me and pats my shoulder. He talks with other fans before getting back on the stage and interacting with the members. I'm still standing there in shock, people around me are screaming at me, filled with anger and jealousy. I start to smile. Pure happiness fills my body as I wave my lightstick again, all the worry in the world has finally faded away from my body. I keep staring at Felix. My eyes never leave his moves. I’m in love.
__ the concert finally comes to an end as I walk out of the stadium. I feel someone tap my back. I turn my head and see him. Felix. He’s holding up something to me. “Have this” he says as he hands the pieces of paper up to me.
“O-oh! Thanks!” I say with a warm smile, he smiles back at me as he walks off “Cya there!” He says as he walks backstage. I look confused. I don’t really bother to look at the paper because of the group of people around me won’t allow me.
I make it to my car as I get in and sigh. This was the best day of my life. I finally look at the paper felix gave me. I look closer and see the words VIP pass on it. My eyes widen as my jaw drops. Is this really happening? Is this really fucking happening?!
My face closes as I smiled wider, I must be the happiest person alive right now. This is a moment that I will cherish for the rest of my life. A moment that I will never forget. a moment that will make my dreams come true. “I love you Lee Felix.” __ this was so much fun to make.. Felix is the sweetest. 25 likes/notes for pt2! please feel free to request !
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kquil · 8 months
🧁- Hiii, I've never done one of these before but here I am.
I'm a 5'3", pansexual, Cis girl, and I'm open to many relationship dynamics (poly, non-sexual, stuff like that). I have shoulder-length wavy blonde hair. My style of clothing is sweatpants or ripped jeans with lots of graphic T-shirts. I don't do makeup very often but I love to dress up femininely with cool makeup looks (that cosplayers do) every so often.
I'm a super awkward nerd, who has anxiety and ADHD, but I can be pretty funny (sometimes) once you get to know me. I've been sorted as a Hufflepuff. My patronus is a deerhound, which I love because I love dogs.
I love all sorts of animals, horses & wolves especially. I love reading books, drawing, and listening to music (country, rock, old hits, 2000s, and pop). I'm not a big sports fan, but I enjoy watching American Football. I'm not very active but like walking with my dog. I grew up around car guys so cars interest me. I prefer hanging out with a small group of my close friends (or a quiet day with animals - like horseback riding alone or snuggling with my dog) over large crowds of people even if I know them all.
---sorry that was a lot, but I love your writing, I love your series heroes in tattoos! it's an amazing story!! Thank you for doing this, you are an amazing writer!!
no no! that was the perfect amount darling, not too much, not too little, thank you for celebrating my 1k milestone with me! and for enjoying my writing so much! ahhh! im so flustered! ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა but im so sorry this took me such a long time to write this for you, i hope it's to your liking
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i ship you with, Sirius Black
i. as a dog lover, you love it when sirius is in his animagus form; he loves it too because you cannot resist the urge to cuddle and kiss him and since he’s so touch starved he never gets tired of it. He will happily spend the entire day with you in his animagus form, in fact, you spent many weekends together with him in his animagus form just soaking up your love 
ii. sirius finds so much comfort in you and the two of you have so many memories together just spending time in silence or with music playing in the background, him doing his thing and you doing your thing and, most of the time, you two start or end up cuddling each other. he’s never felt so at peace and he loves you so much for it; you’ve become his safe space and him, yours. 
iii. he understands that you don’t usually like being around big crowds but you try to be there for him at parties because he’s such a social butterfly. Every single time, he kisses you as thanks and doesn’t leave your side when at the party, even when you encourage him to spend time with the boys, “you’re here with me, why would i want to spend time with the boys?” was always his response
iv. when he found out how much you like horses, he went out of his way to book a session on a ranch where you can take horses out on trails through forests and mountain landscapes. he was horrible at horse riding and was constantly getting overwhelmed by being with them but you were a natural and befriended your horse quickly. He loved seeing how gentle you were and how well you got along with them, it was as if you were a real life princess and he felt so lucky to have you in his life. you two had the best day together, you got to be around horses and sirius and sirius got to be around you and see you smiling and happy
v. he loves your not so feminine style of clothing, he thinks you look hot and the two of you easily borrow each other’s clothes. when you dress yourself up a little more, however, he is weak-kneed, faint hearted and red faced because “fuck, you’re so pretty,” you would laugh at his flustered response and eventually smile in thanks, which was just the final hit! next thing you know, he’s on the ground, unconscious but with the goofiest, love-sick smile on his face.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Would you write something with Eddie fainting?
So. This got away from me....oops. I probably didn't need to add as much background info as I did, but oh well. Have 2.6k of Eddie getting dehydrated/dealing with low blood sugar/getting a little too hot on stage. Enjoy!
Summer of '86, Corroded Coffin starts getting noticed. They're not well known by any means, but a handful of people start showing up the first few times they play at the Hideout, more than just their usual drunks, and then a handful turns into around fifty people, and Eddie's floored.
He's pretty sure it has something to do with his friends, because when they play, Steve and Nancy and Robin and Jonathan all seem to know most of the crowd. Even if it's not everyone's scene, they all seem to enjoy it, and it makes Eddie feel on top of the world. He's alive, he's graduated, and he has the best boyfriend on the planet. And now, his dreams are finally starting to take shape.
It's the beginning of August, it's hot, and they're finishing up a 5 day stint playing shows in cities near by. Last night it had been Fort Wayne, the biggest show they'd ever played, opening for two other bands in a tiny venue. There had been maybe 100 people, but considering the night prior had been maybe 50 people, it felt like they were playing in New York City.
Tonight, they're coming back to Hawkins to play at The Underground as their last little show until a week and a half from now. It's bigger than the hideout and somehow Jonathan had pulled some string with the owner, assuring him that Corroded Coffin would bring in more than just a few people. He's not sure it's completely true, but he'll take what he can get.
They're all exhausted and a little grumpy, it's the first time they've roomed together for four days and had non stop contact 24/7. They've all managed to keep civil, but Eddie swears if he hears Jeff talk about his damn girlfriend one more time and how she's going to Indiana University, he's going to take the mans hat and shove it down his throat.
The Underground has a stage outside during the summer months that means people can lay out on a lawn, have some beer and enjoy music without being stuck in a tiny square box packed together like sardines. They'd be lying if they said they weren't nervous. Metal music is supposed to be enjoyed in close quarters, and the idea of playing for a group spread out is more than a little nerve wracking.
All of Eddie's friends are coming tonight, as well as some of their families, at least that's the last he's heard from Steve when he'd talked to his boyfriend ten hours ago. As they unload equipment, the lead guitarist wipes at his face with his arm, cheeks red and sweaty, curls frizzy. He hates the heat and usually stays inside on afternoons like today. Fuck summer, the man thinks, as he lugs his amp up onto the wooden stage.
It doesn't help that he's not had any food today, and he can't remember if he'd really had much water either. He's nervous for the show, more than he had been for last nights, and his stomach twists uncomfortably when he thinks about all his friends and people he knows truly listening to his bands music. Sighing, Eddie plugs the amp in as Gareth works on his kick drum. The sound echoes in his head uncomfortably.
Two hours before the show, Steve brings food into the small green room that's located inside the building. Eddie's sitting in front of a fan, dark grey shirt soaked around the arm pits, neck and back. When his boyfriend walks in, the curly haired man jumps up, grinning widely. Dizziness that comes with the sudden position change gets brushed off in favor of hugging Steve tight. He looks amazing, wearing shorts and a band tee, looks so much more relaxed than he would have a year ago. Eddie presses a kiss to his lips.
"I've missed you."
"I've missed you too Princess," the older man kisses him again, then finally lets go. He takes a water bottle that's on the table and cracks it open, taking two sips before recapping it and throwing it on the chair he's been occupying. Steve sets the bags of food down. It's nothing special, just McDonalds, but everyone digs in, thanking Steve. Eddie however, stays next to his boyfriend, not hungry in the least bit.
"Hey, Eds, you okay? You look..." Steve trails off, gesturing into the air.
"What?" He's so hot he feels like he's burning from the inside out. He moves back in front of the fan, taking another tiny sip of water, his stomach feeling vaguely sloshy.
"...you look tired. I'm sure you're exhausted from this past week."
"Yeah, can't lie, m'ready to lay down in your bed and sleep for the next twenty four hours," he jokes.
Steve stays with them until they've got half an hour left before the clock hits seven. Eddie isn't feeling any better, at least not physically. He's calmer, more at ease thanks to his boyfriend, but god, he feels shaky and hot and tired. They're all going over their parts, talking through key changes, working out small kinks from the previous nights show.
Standing to go use the restroom, Eddie's world tilts. Instinctively, he reaches out and grips the first thing he can, Tim's shoulder. The bassist looks up in confusion, frowning. The guitarist swallows and blinks, equilibrium returning even though he feels worse than before.
"Dude, you good? You like...changed colors for a second."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I gotta take a leak," he assures, forcing himself to continue on to the restroom down the hall. head is still swimming. As he washes his hands after peeing, they tremble slightly, and Eddie looks at himself in the mirror, telling himself to get a grip. His lips are pale, face still red from the heat. Yanking his hair tie from his wrist, he pulls his hair up and fixes it in a bun, wispy curls falling to frame his face. He's about to walk out when the world tilts again. Leaning against the metal wall of the closest toilet stall, Eddie rests his head against it, trying to cool his forehead down.
A minute passes before he's good enough to make his way back to the green room. He's not sick, it doesn't feel like that, but it also doesn't feel like anything he's really experienced before. Sliding back in through the door, Eddie grabs his guitar and strums it idly once he's sitting down.
"I went to check a second ago dude, and there's like...way more people than I expected. Even a few people from old classes."
Eddie frowns, not entirely sure he likes the idea of people from school coming to see them preform. Even if Gareth, Jeff and Tim weren't labeled as complete freaks, he was, and his mind goes to getting attacked after the show or getting booed off stage.
"Great," he deadpans, sitting in front of the fan again, eyes shutting. He misses the way the other three look at him and then at each other.
Ten minutes later, they're on stage, doing the final tune up. There is a surprising amount of people, and Eddie swallows thickly. He spies Robin, Nancy and Mrs. Wheeler all talking, and his chest aches slightly, not having realized when they'd said parents they'd meant more than just Joyce. He blinks and tries to not overthink everything as he looks at Tim, making sure their guitars are tuned perfectly.
The show starts. Eddie introduces them, giving off his usual dramatic persona, explaining they're happy to be out tonight, happy to get the opportunity, and then he tells them to be prepared for the second most metal concert ever, grinning when Dustin yells loudly. Steve snorts and Robin says something to the kid, but Eddie's already starting to play, the others following suit.
In the middle of their third song, it starts going down hill- not for everyone out on the lawn, no, they all seem to at least be semi-enjoying themselves. No, it's while Tim is playing his solo that Eddie's stomach suddenly gives an intense flip, as if he's on a rollercoaster heading down the track at 90 miles an hour. Yanking some cord for slack, he turns away from their audience and moves to the back of the stage. Gareth, though continuing to play, turns his head to see what's going on, just as Eddie gets sick in the grass behind them, leaning over the edge of the stage.
He feels shaky as it happens again before he's able to use the bottom of his shirt to wipe his mouth then go back to the front, managing to get there right in time to continue singing. With all that's going on, he's pretty sure no one really noticed, having half hid behind Gareth anyway.
By the end of their fourth song, Eddie's energy is rapidly decreasing, like the life is being sucked out of him. He's pale, drenched in sweat, and his head is swimming. Honestly, the guitarist is amazed he's still able to hit every note on his Warlock, still able to sing all the lyrics to the songs they've written. They're over halfway through with the next song when Eddie fumbles slightly, hitting an Am instead of a C. It's barely noticeable in the grand scheme of things, especially to anyone in the crowd, but Tim looks at him curiously and Eddie gives a smile back, pretending nothing's happened.
Between the seventh and eighth song, the last of their set, while Gareth is fixing his high hat and Jeff tweaks his bass, Eddie moves to the back of the stage again, hands shaking, guitar moved to around to his other side.
"Eddie, you okay?" Gareth asks, turning to shield him and try to stay quiet.
"Y-Yeah...s'fuckin' hot..." Eddie mumbles before retching into the grass again. When he turns back, the curly haired man is wiping his face with his bandana, then his mouth, spitting a few times and taking a bottle of water from next to the drum shield, rinsing his mouth out.
"Man, maybe we should cut it sh-"
"We got one more song Gareth, I'll be fine."
The lack of dramatic flare has Gareth's stomach sinking.
Eddie moves to stand back in front, mouth pressing against the microphone. "Alright guys, we got one last song for you tonight. It's not an original, but a cover for my friend Dustin, the little brat," he jokes, making a bunch of the party's parents laugh. Max snorts but Dustin beams back at him. Looking back at the band, he lets Gareth count them off, and then they're shredding to Master of Puppets.
It's hazy. He's pretty sure he hits the right notes but the world is blurring dangerously as his fingers move lightning fast through the chords. When they finish, everyone is clapping and yelling, and Eddie gives a shaky grin.
"Thanks s-so much for coming out tonight to check us out! Have a good night!"
Eddie turns and instantly sets his guitar on it's stand. Usually he'll stay, play a few softer riffs, then hop off stage to meet people. Hell, that had been his plan up until about two minutes ago. Now, as he's walking towards the stairs of the stage, all three band members are watching, obviously confused and worried.
"Eddie, hey, what's going on?"
"Yeah man, don't you wan-"
"I need t-to sit...I don't... Eddie shifts restlessly as his head swims again. It's so fucking hot he feels like he might actually be on fire. He's so hot, so restless, so exhausted, that he yanks his t-shirt off over his head, throwing it, feeling slightly out of control.
The other three are surrounding him now, all worried. Tim turns and his eyes scan the grass. He runs over to the edge of the front of the stage.
"Yo Harrington! I think we might need you up here, something wr-" A clatter behind him has some people turning to look, including himself.
Eddie's laying on the stage, unmoving. Gareth is grabbing the water bottle behind him and Tim's shaking the guitarists shoulder, voice panicking as he yells for him to wake up.
Steve, Robin, Joyce, Hopper, Mrs. Wheeler and Dustin all go running at the same time. Steve and Joyce get to him first, Joyce sprinting just as fast as the ex-swim captain, jumping onto the stage. Steve slides next to Gareth, checking his boyfriend over to make sure he didn't hurt himself in the process, while Joyce shifts Eddie's legs up, bending them. Twelve seconds later, Eddie makes a noise and his eyes flutter open.
Well fuck...what the hell. He's looking up at his friends faces, all of which look terrified.
"Oh fuck, thank god."
"Dude what in the hell just happened?!"
"Eddie, hey, it's alright...you passed out," Joyce's voice cuts through all the insanity. "Hey..it's okay. Do you know where you are?"
Her gentle demeanor and calming voice puts Eddie at ease, even though he's thoroughly confused. Hadn't he just been starting Master of Puppets? He looks around slightly, trying to sit up. Steve puts a hand on his shirtless torso, effectively keeping him down.
Steve grabs the water bottle from Gareth's hand, uncaps it, then dumps the whole thing on Eddie before anyone can even realize what he's about to do. Eddie gasps and a few others follow. Dustin gapes at Steve, and Robin's eyes are wide.
"He's probably got heat exhaustion, he needs to be cooled down. I learned what to do for lifeguarding," Steve explains, already looking for another bottle of water, eyes darting around. Tim produces on and Steve dumps it on Eddie's chest and abdomen.
"When's the last time he ate? Or drank? Because he sure as hell didn't eat dinner before this," Steve looks at the other band members, who all look at him guiltily.
"He kept saying he wasn't hungry..."
"Fuck! So he's just been running on absolutely nothing all day?!"
"Steve," Robin cuts in. "Lets get him inside, okay? Get him inside, get him cooled off, that's what's going to help. I'll grab some food."
Steve nods and looks down at Eddie, who's blinking and staring at him.
Hopper and Jeff carry him into the Underground, everyone else following. Steve stays as close as possible. Moments later, Robin appears with some chips and a soda.
"They're going to find more stuff, but this is just to get something in him. He needs sugar," she explains frantically.
"Guys, m'okay..." Eddie mumbles, letting Steve open the bag of chips for him. "Really...just..got hot," he shrugs.
"Dude, you were puking while we were playing, you're not ok."
"You literally passed out."
"Honey, you need to take a few minutes to let your body calm down."
Dustin appears with a wet washcloth, and puts it on the back of Eddie's neck, making the twenty year old groan in satisfaction, the cold water euphoric.
Eventually, as Eddie starts getting his color back, a few of them start to give him space. The guys go to pack up their stuff, Ms. Wheeler goes to find Mike and Nancy. Soon, it's just Steve and Eddie, sitting at a table, Eddie sipping shakily on the coke that's been brought to him.
"M'sorry...I should have eaten.."
"Shut up. Just...right now, all I care about is that you're okay. That was scary as hell Eddie," Steve shakes his head. After looking around to make sure no workers are paying attention, he grabs the others free hand, squeezing it.
"Yeah well...scary for me too...can't even remember the last song at all," he admits, setting the coke down so he can rub at his face. "But..m'sorry, still. I love you."
"I love you too, you idiot."
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hanarchy · 1 year
i wasnt super close up and my camera sucks absolute ass and also i was so excited for skz i literally just forgot to film anything except maniac but. quick music bank recap:
nmixx were so fuckin cute i loved them, they did love me like this, o.o and young dumb stupid. they seemed really nervous at first but got more confident when they saw how many people responded to their songs.
mamamoo was amazing as always, like i know people say this all the time but they are such amazing singers but also they are just great live performers. like it was a venue full of 40k mostly 4th gen bg stans (and lbr mamamoo kinda make music for 30sth women who are single on purpose) but they managed to deliver something that connected with the crowd in 4 songs.
there was a special stage of nmixx doing TT and p1harmony did 2 baddies which was so fucking funny, and then them and cravity did that that by psy which was also really fun bc it got the hall going so much
enha had a little polaroid special stage and solar from mamamoo sang the ratatouille song 😭 and the boyz also sang one of their OSTs
i saw both ive and enhypen last year for kpop flex too and both of the groups have improved SO much when performing like this, like the nerves were wayyy less noticeable. ive did kitsch and all their titles and another song. enha really developed stage presence since then and also a big fanbase in france it seems..
skz were last up and the DIFFERENCE in noise… truly most people were there for skz and u did notice… highlights were mostly hyunjin being INSANELY happy, like i know he always gets excited on stage but it seemed like another level today. the venue cameraperson fuckin loooved jisung which i’m obviously never mad at. changbin looked AMAZING and so did chan like i dont say this lightly but stuling was goood today. felix tried to say a few words in french at the beginning and just forgot them, he did not get his sentence out but it was soso cute. hyunjin was the bounciest happiest little slinky and genuinely did not want to leave either time they got off stage.
they started with 143 then maniac then gods menu (people went IN.SANE) and then miroh and is2g the ground was shaking when they did miroh, jisung hyped everyone into the ‘stray kid hoo’ and that was insane too. miroh energy was crazy and it was the best end to such a fun concert
standouts were definitely mamamoo and skz, the boyz and ab6ix were a close second imo, the rest of them were really fun too and there were a lot of engenes so enhypen had an extra energy boost too but yeah they didnt grip me as much, but tbh i’m just always a bit underwhelmed by them so it might just be bias.
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thetimecrystal · 10 months
the concert report to end all concert reports
and i am back!!! without thinking, back in like... december and january, i got thursday passes for øya festivalen (the 10th) because blur was headlining and tickets for depeche mode at telenor arena (the 11th)
so noel and i got a hotel room and made a trip™ out of it! but read on as i try to make sense of what has just happened to me (i probably slept a combined 10 hours over the nights and just took a nap. bear with me lmfao)
so øya first! we headed in about midday because we're probably seeing someone who went on super early back here, but the first artist we saw was ARY, a norwegian singer who noel quite likes! and y'all... she was SO GOOD. we're quite used to seeing bands, so seeing someone with choreo and hairography had my jaw on the floor. 100% recommend to check her out, the bass on her set probably shook the anxiety out of my body.
after that, we got some food and went exploring. øya is fucking massive, i'd assume one of norway's biggest festivals next to tons of rock, and there were so many artists to see and so many booths to go to.
as we were exploring, we headed towards the amphitheater where blur was gonna perform. there we heard pusha t really clearly and y'all, this man was not playing around. i was so fucking amazed at him and kept just bopping around. i'm definitely gonna check out some of his music after this because wow...
then it was waiting! i did post a photo quite close to the stage, but ended up sitting in the disabled section with noel because i had a panic attack standing in the crowd alone (and that was before EVERYONE decided to come stand by the stage).
but fucking hell. blur was incredible!!! i had so, so, so much fun dancing in my seat and yelling along to the lyrics for songs like beetlebum or girls and boys (for the first time ever, i actually managed to sing the chorus to that song KSJHJGKJG) but also have a great time hearing songs like the narcissist or the universial live. they played a varied, energetic set of songs and just. wow. the amount of energy damon has on stage is so fucking infectious.
he did actually kind of call us out lmfao, by saying "you and we both have been quite mellow" and then announcing that he was taking his jacket off twice, because he didn't get enough of a cheer. and like. the way he was jumping around stage and screaming and going all the fucking way, while still sounding great... god i almost want to see gorillaz more now.... also, i know i am cold and was sitting so of course i was gonna freeze, but alex was in shorts and a t-shirt? dude??? w h a t.
my first festival experience went really well! we didn't get to see the most artists, but there was people everywhere so like. it happens. (shrug) i still had a great time!!!
day two!!! i got to sleep a bit more after hotel breakie, plus i shotgunned a monster, so i was quite awake for the depeche mode show. i am not entirely sure it sold out, but the arena was really full.
now. telenor arena is not known for its sound, and we heard that really well. both the warmup, hope, and depeche mode sounded really sharp and loud in an unflattering way, even with fancy earplugs... but!! both were fucking great!
we checked out hope beforehand, to know what was up, and they're this cool post-rock group with an incredible vocalist. incredible show as well!
and once again. wow. depeche mode was also SO GOOD. dave gahan sung and spun himself to be one of my favourite front people because the charisma... the stage presence... the VOICE. incredible, talented, wonderful, amazing, great, lovely, sounds exactly like the records.
plus their setlist was also stacked. getting to hear i feel you, precious, ghosts again, STRIPPED?? and enjoy the silence live... besties i was LIVINGGGG. even tho we went before the encore, because i don't have the best experiences leaving a big arena like that, the setlist was still so good (yes, we missed out on just can't get enough and personal jesus but c'est la vie)
now, if you were at either place and saw someone with bright red hair and a ginger, about the same height and both wearing all black, that was probably us! i hope you had a good time as well!!
because yeah, it was exhausting and not always the most fun of times, but i have had two great days and i am ready to sleep for a week...
photos (although they're not the best) incoming when i have more brain!
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