#but thats what the app is rated
lesbienneanarchiste · 11 months
I'm basically an influencer now bc after 2.5 years of watching me use mine, my mom has finally started a book/reading journal 💅
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spectralpooch · 1 year
if i ever like ur textpost and dont reply theres a good chance its bc i tried to reply but tumblr ate it and im too nervous about it sending multiple times to try again
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toadprose · 3 months
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An Exchange of Endearments;
The one where a stolen phone united two people who were destined to meet. A story told through text messages.
☎ w.c: 3,1k
☎ pairing: ghost x soap // simon riley x john mactavish
☎ rating: pg
☎ archive of our own: link here
☎ genre: silliness, humor, fluff
☎ warnings: mention of an inappropriate app but only by name
☎ author's note: hello :) i wanted to experiment with writing a story in a different format. it's mainly just silly. there's only 3 chapters rn. i'm testing out different ways to end this fic but there will definitely be more chapters to come. thank you for reading! ALSO!! the plan was to have tho WHOLE fic like those imessage screenshots but they take too long to make and i am lazy so pls just use ur imagination
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Soap: dumbass. how many times u gonna drop ur phone at exfil? this is the last time i’m saving ur new number, gaz. venmo me $6 for the tea or i’ll give it to that hot dog cart guy.
???: ?
???: Wrong number.
Soap: fuck. sorry, lad.
Soap: wait. this is gaz’s number. what the hell?
Soap: how did u get this phone
???: I stole it from a drunk guy in a bathroom.
Soap: …
Soap: what the fuck, man?
???: I think he left his phone there.
???: And I need one.
???: This works out fine.
Soap: where tf r u, i wanna yell at u
Soap: and ask if u want any help getting back home. were u drinkin too?
???: Why would I tell a complete stranger where I am?
Soap: fair enough.
???: Why do you care about the well-being of me, a phone thief?
Soap: im a big brother. always looking out for the little guys. even when theyre stealing phones.
???: I am not little. 
Soap: ok then, big guy.
Soap: i know we just met and all, but maybe take ur new phone and get somewhere safe tonight. dont sleep on a park bench. or a strangers bed.
???: Who do you think I am, a hobo? I have a very nice home.
Soap: then why tf did u steal a phone in the first place?
???: Because I wanted one.
???: I did not have any money on me.
Soap: well now u do, so buy a fucking phone, mate.
???: But this one works fine.
Soap: and im not sure that the owner agrees with u
???: He will live.
Soap: not the point.
???: If he can afford this type of phone, he can afford another one.
Soap: not my argument
???: Are you saying I should buy my own phone?
Soap: yeah. thats literally what im saying.
???: But why, when this one is free.
Soap: jesus christ
???: And you can Venmo me the money instead.
Soap: ill venmo u my foot up ur arse.
???: I will pay you back.
???: You do not have to be mean.
Soap: how did u make me a dick in this conversation. i was trying to help.
???: Well, I still have the phone.
Soap: yea. but at what cost.
Soap: u got a name, phone thief?
???: Ghost.
Soap: is that ur name or are u hiding.
Ghost: Yes.
Soap: ok im calling the cops
Ghost: Please do not.
Ghost: I can explain.
Ghost: I can be normal.
Soap: not what i asked.
Soap: im joking. im not a cop.
Soap: but seriously, ghost. what the hell are u doing?
Ghost: Living.
Soap: not a lot of living happening in the bathroom of a bar, lad.
Ghost: I needed a new phone.
Ghost: And the bathroom was very clean.
Soap: thats it. im gonna go find u.
Soap: if u wont listen to reason then at least give me ur location.
Ghost: I would prefer if you didn't.
Ghost: I don't really enjoy meeting new people.
Soap: ur stuck with me now. i wanna meet the man who stole my mate's phone in a public restroom.
Ghost: Please, don't.
Soap: too late, i got u in find friends.
Ghost: WHAT
Ghost: WHY
Ghost: HOW
Ghost: WHEN
Ghost: DO NOT
Soap: relax, im joking. 
Ghost: This is not funny.
Soap: a lil bit funny.
Ghost: Fuck you.
Ghost: Do not text this number again.
Soap: too bad.
Soap: this is my new favorite thing.
Ghost: This is not an entertainment device.
Soap: u made it into one when u took the phone.
Ghost: I should have stolen your phone.
Soap: yea. u prolly should have.
Soap: maybe u still can.
Ghost: No, thank you.
Soap: im so glad to hear ur manners kicked in at the end there.
Soap: i feel better knowing ur not a total dick.
Ghost: That's not what my mom tells me.
Soap: oh god.
Ghost: Sorry.
Ghost: I didn't mean to send that.
Ghost: It was a joke.
Ghost: A bad one.
Ghost: I will never send another inappropriate message.
Ghost: Please stop laughing.
Soap: i cant
Soap: my face hurts
Soap: ur so awkward
Soap: im dying
Ghost: Thank you for your feedback.
Ghost: Now please stop messaging me.
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Soap: hey. gaz is rlly sad about his stolen phone. give it back. 
Ghost: What is a gaz?
Soap: the drunk guy u stole the phone from a few days ago.
Ghost: That seems like his problem.
Soap: yeah. but if u give him the phone back, he might let me play with his new sniper rifle. 
Ghost: Interesting.
Soap: he also has a big bag of jelly beans.
Ghost: I have his phone.
Soap: u wanna come over and trade it for the jelly beans?
Ghost: No.
Soap: :(
Ghost: Maybe.
Soap: yes!!
Ghost: You can have the phone.
Ghost: But only if you take a picture of him holding the jelly beans and send it to me.
Soap: that sounds easy enough.
Soap: do u like black liquorice?
Ghost: No.
Soap: good.
Ghost: ?
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Soap: hey
Ghost: This is not Gaz's number.
Soap: i know. it’s urs and we’re friends now
Ghost: No, we aren't.
Soap: yes, we are.
Soap: if ur not gonna give the phone back, at least tell me a name i can put in the contact for this number
Ghost: No. 
Soap: just gimme a name. or i'll make one up for u
Ghost: Do not.
Soap: u know what, i think u look like a jack
Ghost: You don't even know what I look like.
Soap: no, but that doesn't matter
Soap: i think i have an idea
Soap: and a friend named jack. it would be hilarious
Ghost: Please, no.
Soap: too late. jack it is
Jack: I don't want to be called that.
Soap: it's a nice name
Jack: You don't even know if I'm a guy.
Soap: are u
Jack: That's not the point.
Jack: It doesn't matter.
Soap: then what's ur name
Jack: If I give you a name, will you leave me alone?
Soap: yeah
Jack: Okay.
Jack: Call me Toad.
Soap: toad???
Soap: ok
Toad: Okay?
Soap: i'm not gonna call u that
Toad: Then why did you say you would?
Soap: why did u say u would give the phone back and then not give it back?
Toad: Fine.
Soap: fine
Toad: Good.
Soap: good!
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Soap: hey toad
Toad: Oh my god.
Soap: how are u
Toad: I hate everything.
Soap: what a coincidence. so do i
Toad: How wonderful for us.
Soap: yeah it is.
Soap: u want to hear about the mission i just got back from?
Toad: It’s Ghost, not Toad. And I literally couldn't care less.
Soap: well that's rude. it was very exciting
Ghost: Are you military?
Soap: u know i could have asked for the phone back a long time ago. but i'm not. i'm just a good samaritan who wanted to make sure u got home safe
Ghost: That was a lot of words.
Soap: i had a lot to say
Ghost: Are you always like this?
Soap: yes. anyway, i am military. sort of. i like making stuff explode.
Ghost: What's your rank?
Soap: sergeant. i'm pretty cool.
Ghost: Cooler than most sergeants?
Soap: probably
Soap: but i still wouldn't tell gaz i said that
Ghost: Who is Gaz again?
Soap: i already told u
Ghost: It's been a while. I forgot.
Soap: that's the same as saying u care. i know u care.
Ghost: I don't.
Soap: ok, u dont care.
Ghost: I don't.
Soap: so if i texted u at 3 am to say my roommate accidentally lit my bed on fire, u wouldn't care?
Ghost: That's different.
Ghost: If you're really in the military, you should be able to deal with it.
Soap: wow.
Soap: ur kind of a dick
Ghost: You don't even know me.
Ghost: Besides, I'm not a dick. I'm a ghost.
Soap: lol
Soap: did u just make a joke?
Ghost: I suppose I did.
Soap: nice. maybe i'll forgive u
Ghost: For what?
Soap: stealing a phone
Ghost: Stealing a phone that I found on a public bathroom sink.
Ghost: The same phone that is currently being used to annoy the hell out of me.
Soap: karma is a bitch
Ghost: Is it?
Ghost: Or are you a bitch?
Ghost: maybe both.
Ghost: Sounds like it.
Soap: i'm gonna text u every day.
Ghost: I don't even know your name.
Soap: john mactavish. they call me soap tho.
Ghost: Soap.
Soap: yea
Ghost: Your name is John, and people call you Soap. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Soap: i've heard worse
Ghost: I believe it.
Ghost: How the hell do you get Soap from John, though?
Soap: u could just call me john
Ghost: I will never call you John.
Soap: k
Ghost: Ever.
Soap: nice talk.
Ghost: Don't text me anymore.
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Soap: they call me soap bc i clean up real nice
Ghost: I thought we agreed you wouldn't text me.
Soap: oh did we? i don't remember that
Ghost: I hate you.
Soap: <3
Ghost: Was that an emoji? Never do that again.
Soap: but rlly. the reason i'm called soap is bc i set some kind of record time clearing a warehouse in basic and it just kind of stuck
Ghost: Why are you telling me this?
Soap: to help u sleep at night
Ghost: It will not.
Soap: what kind of name is ghost anyway?
Ghost: Not important.
Soap: i've seen some of the guys around here. they aren't ghosts
Ghost: That's the point.
Soap: i bet you have a boring ass name like timothy
Ghost: Don't be ridiculous.
Soap: markus
Ghost: No.
Soap: paul
Ghost: I'm going to block this number.
Soap: okay okay, sorry
Soap: can i call u smthn normal like dave
Ghost: You're not even close.
Soap: damn
Soap: what do i get if i guess it right
Ghost: Absolutely nothing.
Soap: i'm not gonna stop guessing til u give me smthn
Ghost: How about you stop texting me and I won't kill you.
Soap: no ur a nice guy. u wouldn't do that
Ghost: Try me.
Soap: fine, i'll leave u alone for a day
Ghost: A week.
Soap: two days.
Ghost: Four days.
Soap: three
Ghost: Three days and a photo.
Soap: what?
Ghost: A photo of you. 
Soap: why?
Ghost: I want to see what you look like.
Soap: why didn't u ask before
Ghost: Because I didn't care before.
Soap: send me a picture of u first
Ghost: No.
Soap: i'll think about it if u do
Ghost: I won't.
Soap: i'll take a bad picture.
Ghost: Why do you have a bad picture of yourself?
Soap: for situations just like this
Ghost: Okay.
Soap: u send one first.
Ghost: No.
Soap: i have pics of u already.
Ghost: What?!
Soap: lol
Soap: not really
Ghost: Don't fucking do that.
Soap: don't threaten to kill me
Ghost: Don't scare me.
Soap: ur not very good at this, are u?
Ghost: At what?
Soap: talking to people
Ghost: It doesn't seem to matter. You're still talking to me.
Soap: i guess it's a gift.
Soap: what would u do if i sent u a pic of myself
Ghost: Nothing.
Soap: that's a lie. u would look at it. perhaps save it to ur camera roll
Ghost: What do you want from me?
Soap: i wanna be friends
Ghost: Why?
Soap: u seem lonely
Ghost: I'm not.
Soap: u can keep telling me u hate me but i know that u don't
Ghost: I don't hate you.
Soap: so u like me?
Ghost: No.
Soap: we r gonna be the best of friends
Ghost: No, we aren't.
Ghost: Send me the picture.
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Soap: there. i cropped it so u couldn’t dox me
Ghost: Nice try. But I'm not a civilian. And I'm not an idiot.
Soap: ur not a civilian?
Ghost: Fuck.
Ghost: Pretend you didn't read that.
Soap: only if u send me a selfie 
Ghost: This is extortion.
Soap: yup
Ghost: I don't have a photo.
Soap: then take a new one
Ghost: Fine. 
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Soap: is that a skull mask? and skeleton gloves? are u sure ur not an edgy teenager under there?
Ghost: Just shut up.
Soap: this is great. can i post this on instagram
Ghost: No.
Soap: can i show my roommates
Ghost: No.
Soap: ok, can i save it for blackmail purposes
Ghost: I would prefer it if you didn't.
Soap: too late
Soap: i didn’t think u had brown eyes
Ghost: You have an unfortunate beard.
Soap: what does that even mean?
Ghost: Exactly what it sounds like.
Soap: fuck off. ur a beanie baby.
Ghost: ?
Soap: a beanie baby. theyre like those little stuffed animals and u collect them. except, yk, a beanie baby
Ghost: I know what a beanie baby is. Why did you call me one?
Soap: ur just a little soft, squishy man
Ghost: Fuck you.
Soap: :)
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Soap: did u know there are beanie babies of real people?
Ghost: What the fuck are you talking about?
Soap: i'm at walmart and i saw this miley cyrus beanie baby
Ghost: Miley Cyrus is not real.
Soap: they're called limited editions. u gotta collect them all
Soap: wait what do u mean miley cyrus isn’t real
Ghost: I mean that Miley Cyrus is an illusion. A fabricated idea created by a corrupt government and sold to the public. An industry plant to poison the minds of the youth. 
Ghost: But now you've ruined the surprise, and her secret is out. 
Soap: omg
Soap: i thought her secret was hannah montana
Ghost: You know nothing, Soap.
Soap: i can't believe you broke into gaz's phone, stole it, and now u won't tell me ur name
Soap: and yet u just tried to gaslight me into thinking miley cyrus isn't real
Ghost: I would have gotten away with it, too, if not for you meddling kids.
Soap: are u even a real person
Ghost: I have a question for you, Soap.
Soap: yeah
Ghost: Why haven't you reported this stolen phone to your authorities?
Soap: it's not that big of a deal. gaz has another phone. i think he just liked this one better
Ghost: And what about me?
Soap: what about u?
Ghost: How do you know I'm not a terrorist who is using the phone to spy on the military or steal secrets?
Soap: u don't seem like a terrorist
Ghost: Thanks.
Soap: and besides, u couldn't have stolen that many secrets if u didn't know miley cyrus is real
Ghost: I could.
Soap: how do u even use a phone with skeleton gloves on?
Ghost: With difficulty.
Soap: that helmet makes u look stupid
Ghost: Says the guy with the worst beard I've ever seen.
Soap: i'll have u know i've been told it makes me look handsome
Ghost: By who? Yourself?
Soap: well now i am not telling
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Ghost: I bet it was a mirror.
Soap: i would say i'd block u, but we both know i won't
Ghost: That's fine. We both know I won't give you the phone back.
Soap: that's true.
Soap: did u know gaz has a lot of games on his phone
Ghost: Like what?
Soap: the entire clash of clans series. a few versions of candy crush. and something called lovehoney. not sure what that one is.
Ghost: Are you sure about that, Soap?
Soap: ?
Ghost: Have you actually played LoveHoney?
Soap: no, it says its rated m
Ghost: I thought you said you were a grown ass man?
Soap: i can't play a rated m game without supervision
Ghost: Oh, really?
Ghost: Do you want supervision?
Soap: from who? u?
Ghost: Maybe.
Soap: u should come visit us sometime. we can play clash of clans together
Ghost: I'd rather stab myself.
Soap: :(
Ghost: Why do you keep using emojis?
Soap: to convey emotion
Ghost: But there are words for emotions.
Soap: u should try it
Ghost: Why would I do that when I have a mask and a helmet to hide my face?
Soap: why do u hide ur face anyway? are u ugly?
Ghost: Quite the opposite.
Soap: oh so ur pretty
Ghost: I don't see how that matters.
Soap: ur face matters a lot if it's the only thing u can see when u look at someone
Ghost: Then look elsewhere.
Soap: can't. the rest of u is covered up
Ghost: If you're lucky, you'll never have to see the rest of me.
Soap: if u were here i could prove to u that ur a real person
Ghost: Is that so?
Soap: yes. i would hold ur hand
Ghost: Gross.
Soap: maybe even hug u
Ghost: Definitely gross.
Soap: i'm a very affectionate person
Ghost: That's unfortunate.
Soap: i can be anything u want me to be
Ghost: Not interested.
Soap: ok fine, i can be anything u aren't
Ghost: Good luck with that.
Soap: do u always text like ur writing a report
Ghost: Yes.
Soap: it's boring
Ghost: You are boring.
Soap: and yet u keep replying
Ghost: I don't know why.
Soap: maybe bc we r friends
Ghost: That's not why.
Soap: yes it is.
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Soap: is that a dog
Ghost: It's a German Shepard.
Soap: i hate dogs.
Ghost: I thought you might.
Soap: why
Ghost: They remind me of you.
Soap: hahaha
Ghost: They are loyal and dumb and kind of cute.
Soap: omg
Ghost: But also aggressive and loud and have terrible breath.
Soap: did u just call me cute
Ghost: I did.
Soap: are u drunk?
Ghost: No.
Ghost: Maybe.
Soap: do u always get drunk and text random guys on stolen phones?
Ghost: It's the only way I can talk to anyone.
Soap: why
Ghost: Because no one wants to get close to a ghost.
Soap: that was so dramatic
Ghost: So is your fucking beard.
Soap: it's a fashion statement
Ghost: It's ugly.
Soap: and what, ur face is too pretty for the world?
Ghost: Exactly.
Soap: if u weren't a stranger, i'd probably be a little offended
Ghost: We're not strangers.
Soap: not really, i guess. but u don't know anything about me
Ghost: I know your name.
Ghost: I know your rank.
Ghost: I know you work for an unspecified organization.
Ghost: I know you're a complete idiot.
Soap: hey!
Ghost: I know you like jelly beans.
Ghost: I know you're not as much of an asshole as I thought you were.
Ghost: And I know I like talking to you.
Soap: i like talking to u too. even if u insult me every chance u get
Ghost: It's because you're an easy target.
Soap: u are literally the least charming person i have ever met
Ghost: Thank you. to be continued - subscribe on ao3 for next chapters :3
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captainjamster · 3 months
hi i have a request Price gives stress relief to reader
if youre too busy thats fine
i absolutely read your username instead of price and started writing for graves until i realised, so uhhh... this idea but with phil coming at some point! also wasn't sure if you meant stress relief or stress relief, so this gets nsfw!!
thank u for the ask my little sunshine i hope you enjoy, i am never too busy for a request, especially not from a fellow graves lover <3
Pairing(s): Price x AFAB!reader (no gendered nicknames or pronouns) Warnings: NSFW, fingering, light dirty talk Wordcount: 2.2k Summary: Price gives you a hand winding down after a frustrating day at work, though mutual satisfaction is on his mind. AO3 Link: Right here <3
Full fic is under the cut <3
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The pages rustle as John flickers through them, smoothing out with the tapping of your phone to create a peaceful, white noise. Yet despite the atmosphere, a heavy weight presses on your chest, brow furrowed and shoulders tight as you scroll through your apps. You can feel John's eyes on you, taking in your sullen form as you glare a hole into your screen.
"You're quiet, love."
John breaks the silence, looking down at his book again. You take a moment to compile a response, debating whether to delve into the frustrations of your week.
"Just a day, I guess."
He takes in the short, avoidant answer, thumbing the pages of his book. "Don't want to talk about it?"
"I don’t know. Not really."
John looks at you again, and this time, you turn to him too.
"Can I hold you?"
You nod, not trusting your voice. The moment your head inches forward, the book thuds onto his bedside table with a careless toss, immediately spreading his arms open. "C'mere, sweetheart."
You crawl into his lap, curling up and sinking into him. His arms wrap around you reflexively, bringing your head to rest against the bristle of his chest, the other arm rubbing up and down your back. He doesn't press the subject, just sets a steady pace to inhale and exhale with, rocking you softly with each breath.
After a few minutes, you initiate conversation yourself, mumbling against the skin of his sternum.
"So... Shit. Everything is so shit."
"Shit, love?"
You rub your cheek against his chest hair as you nod. "I hate people."
Drawing in a sharp breath, the feeling of burning frustration reignites in your lower stomach as you spill out an angry tirade. "God, I just want to tear their fucking heads off sometimes! I want one day, just one day, where I can speak my mind. I could ask them "oh, I'm sorry, is your fucking price wrong? Okay, now is it MY fault or YOUR fault that you didn't check the coupon was in date before you used it?" Maybe their fucking brains would start working if I didn’t have to just smile and say “yes customer, no customer! Whatever you want customer!” like the stupidest shit didn’t just come out their mouth!”
You turn, back pressed to his stomach as you gesture agitatedly. "I can't stand it! "Oh, oh! I dropped this jar and now it's cracked! Can I get it for free? Oh, my kid ate half of this apple, but he doesn't want it, so I'll just put it back on display! Let's berate this minimum-wage worker because the line was slightly long at midday, like they have any control over that!" Like, why do people become such monsters whenever they step foot into a store? My friend from that clothing shop down the street? She said someone tried to return a whole bag of dirty underwear, like what the fuck?"
Huffing, your jaw clenches tight as you cross your legs, flopping your head back against his shoulder dramatically.
"I'm sorry, baby." He murmurs lowly, running his hands up your arms, digging his thumbs into the tense flesh of your shoulder. "S'not fair, you deserve to be treated better than that, your friend too."
You soften into his arms, biting at the inside of your cheek. “I just wanna quit. Management sucks, everyone else working there is just as miserable. No wonder their turnover rate is so high.”
John’s hand drops down from your shoulder, running past your chest to rest against your midriff. "Always can, doll. Put in your two weeks, live off what I've got in the bank 'til y'find a better position. Y'know I'd let you never work a day in your life, if you'd let me."
His tone is gentle and passive, content in his reminder with your desire to keep financial independence and stay busy when he leaves for deployment. The room falls into silence again as you nestle into an arm, manoeuvring it to rest over your chest like a seatbelt and clip between your legs. His other arm rests along the length of your leg, and you feel him lean his weight back against the bed’s head as you continue thinking, playing with his arm hair absent-mindedly. John is content to let you fiddle away, his hand caught in the grip of your thighs comfortably, thumb traces little circles against the skin it rests between.
His body shifts underneath you after a few minutes of quiet, readjusting to move closer. You’re suddenly flush against him as he sits up, pulling you tighter against his soft, sturdy chest and pressing a kiss to the back of your head. The movement surprises a squeak out of you, squirming before a pressure against the crotch of your underwear stills you. Warm air brushes against your hair as John huffs in amusement, readjusting the hand cupped against your sex in an effort to tug you closer, intentionally positioning his hand to spread and fully cover your mound.
He hums in response against your neck, lips pressed into the skin.
"Your hand."
"My hand, dove?" He pulls away, leaving one last kiss behind your ear.
"It's, ahhh...”
He flexes his fingers tighter for a second, the increase in pressure barely stimulating the sensitive nerves beneath. “What? Just movin’ you closer, ‘n my hand’s nice and warm down there.”
The playfully avoidant answer earns him an exasperated groan, though the desire seeping into you leaves it breathier than you’d like.
“Want me to stop?”
You shake your head before he can finish the sentence, grip tightening on his forearm. The vibration of his chuckles jostles you against his torso, warming your cheeks. Before you can exclaim your embarrassment, he shifts under the blankets and nudges your legs open, his feet hooking round your ankles to pin them apart. “How about some stress relief, hm? Get all those yucky feelings out for the night.”
His fingers trail teasingly against the hemline of your elastic, running his nails over the soft fat that meets the cotton barrier. All it takes is a “yes, please” for his fingers to breach the elastic, honing to your entrance only to glide back up the damp skin of your lips. At your whining insistence, his fingers deftly pull your lips apart, using his middle finger to collect the slick gathering between your folds and lather it against your clit. Your hips jerk at the contact, and John tuts, chasing your hips to flick his thumb over the sensitive button. “Askin’ for it, but y’won’t sit still, huh? Jus’ wanna help my baby feel better.”
Moving his arm to cup your chest, his hand crawls under your shirt to pinch your nipple, sending shivers down your spine as he rolls it between his fingers. Your whimpers only egg him on, emboldening him to trace little circles around your clit as he works to build the delicious tension growing between your legs.
Warmth flushes through your body, combining with the body heat radiating from John’s chest against your back, leaving you burning up in your own desire. It only takes minutes of John’s ministrations to draw wet squelches from between your legs, filling your ears as your eyes flutter closed, focusing on the way John’s fingers curl and tease around your most sensitive spot.  
“John, please…”
He takes your unspoken request without argument, leaving the begging for another night as his fingers leave your swollen nub to graze against your needy entrance. Your hole twitches at the slight contact, clenching as if to draw him in, eliciting a chuckle from John that goes unchallenged in your distracted state. Catching a line of slick dribbling down your perineum, he guides it back up, coating his fingers before he dips a digit into your hole.
You hiss wantonly at the sensations, hips bucking up to urge his finger in deeper, and John tuts. “Keep still, needy thing. Tryna play with this pretty cunt properly.”
He teases you with a sole finger, crooking it to stroke against the spongey muscle that has you leaking with each pass. Despite the stimulation, the single digit leaves your needy cunt feeling empty, fluttering against the intrusion with a desperation until you’re mewling for more.
“I know, y’need more, pet,” he murmurs into the skin behind your ear, dropping kisses down to your jaw. “Let me take care of you.”
The thick finger retreats from within you, leaving you whining in complaint as your hips chase his touch. Your eager hips are met with a firm spank to your folds, leaving John’s fingers trailing with slick as you gasp and retreat to the mattress, back against the protruding bulge in his lap. The compliance is rewarded with a soothing swipe of his fingers along your stinging lips, collecting arousal against his calloused skin. His fingertips circle teasingly at your entrance again, tracing the quivering muscle as he chuckles at your reactivity. Sensing the protest rising in you, he silences it with a swift thrust of his fingers, filling you up again.
His fingers work like they were designed to coax the stress from you with each drag, replacing the tension with a buzzing need for release that has you flexing and relaxing in waves against him. The pressure builds in the pit of your stomach as his fingers pump in and out of you, his other hand abandoning your breast and travelling down to reclaim its spot nestled against your clit, rolling tight circles around the nerve ending in harmony with the drive of his digits. He masterfully orchestrates your undoing, timing each thrust with each involuntary grind of your hips, kissing the salt from your neck as your head lulls against his shoulder, panting.
“Fuck, right there, m’so close John,” you moan, hands fumbling to find something to grip, finding purchase in his hairy thighs. The way your nails sink into the meat of his muscle has him groaning in your ear, breaking his smooth rhythm with a particularly deep thrust as he struggles to contain his enthusiasm. “Fuck, sweetheart, my god.”
Your cunt tightens so fiercely around his fingers that you’re sure they’re being crushed together as your orgasm hits you, squeezing the digits like you could milk the life out of them if you tried hard enough. John hums praise against your neck as he waits for your walls to relax to resume lazily thrusting in and out through the last sparks your climax, his own breath laboured as you tremble in his embrace.
His hand remains between your legs, fingers snug within you as your breathing evens out, the other travelling to trace small circles on the inside of your thigh. You float on the high of your orgasm, sweaty and satisfied as the strain dissipate from your legs, relaxing against John’s.
“Any improvement?”
You give him a breathless giggle, pulling your eyes open to tilt back and look at him. “Yeah, don’t feel like decapitating someone anymore.”
“Good.” He gives you a pleased smile, dotting a kiss on the corners of your lips. His face is warm and flushed, eyes still hazy with lust as he looks down at you, which brings a thought to your mind.
“Do you want me to take care of you…?”
His expression flickers to something guarded behind the smile, gently disentangling himself from your body. “I’m fine, don’t worry,” he announces gruffly, clearing his throat as he ducks into the bathroom. You frown, gazing at his retreating figure as you shuck off your soiled underwear, waiting for his return. He re-emerges with a damp cloth, crawling across the bed to kneel between your still spread legs, wiping delicately at the mess of arousal sticking to the sensitive surface of your skin.
The cloth is slightly warm as he pats at any excess water, collecting your dirty underwear as he pulls away. Walking to the closet, he discards the used fabrics in the laundry basket, grabbing another pair of underwear for you. Readjusting the sheets and blankets, you watch him quickly tug off his boxers, grabbing another pair that he manages to pull around his knees before you gasp in realisation.
“John, you didn’t?”
He turns around with a bashful expression, tucking himself into the crotch as he grins. “What? Pretty thing like you grinding up against me like that, can’t help myself.” Giving up with discretion, he chucks his own soiled boxers into the basket, returning to the bed with your underwear in an outstretched hand.
You pull them on as he climbs in next to you, tucking himself under the covers as you turn off the lamp and join him. He raises his arm, holding the blankets up like a cave as you grin sleepily, shuffling across the sheets to scoot into his embrace. The covers descend on you as John takes care to tuck them underneath you, entangling your legs between his as his hand finds home in your hair.
“Thank you, John. Was feeling really shitty about that.” You whisper into his chest, blinking your eyes closed as a sleepy warmth grows heavy in your limbs.
John grunts, patting at your hair. “S’what I’m made for, lookin’ after you. Get some sleep 'n we’ll work everythin’ out in the morning.”
A smile tugs at your lips as the last whisps of consciousness fade from your mind, and a gruff I love you is the last thing you remember before falling asleep.
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selznick · 9 months
Hello all. If we want tumblr to listen to us then we need to express it in a way that tumblrs 'potential' users (that they care so much about) will see, and will likely prevent from using tumblr until staff fuckin listens.
Tumblr posts are limited to tumblr, any new users won't see as they'll mainly follow themed blogs, so staff doesn't care because it won't affect their goals in any meaningful way. Investors also aren't looking at tumblr posts to decide if they'll invest so tumblr isnt negatively monetarily affected by complaint posts.
Talking about tumblrs downfalls on other sites may help, but unless its a large movement at one time, staff and the general public wont see/care about any complaints.
One thing that new users will definitely see if theyre on mobile however, and investors can check easily, is the rating and review of tumblr on the App Store. This means that the rating/reviews is something that can directly impact whether new users decide to use tumblr or investors decide to invest. So is something that staff should directly care about.
So what do we do?
We rate the app badly.
But not just rating it badly, give a review and explain what problems you find with tumblr.
Some examples:
-bad moderation (incorrect flagging of posts, inappropriate posts not being flagged hategroups not being banned etc.)
-inaccessible (seizure inducing ads and posts, video player etc.)
-bad search function
-tumblr live and all the issues that have been brought up with it
-transphobia (queerest place on the internet my ass)
-anything thats a problem but i haven't mentioned
Why though?
Tumblr staff have recently started trying to monetize the site mote effectively while ignoring the requests/queries from current users in an effort to attract new users.
Since tumblr has many issues that negatively effect any users for the site but ignore any posts about them while encouraging posts celebrating them (think crab day), the only way to really get through to them is by means that will actually affect them.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 25 and 26: Confrontation and Re-creation
Since both episodes are out, I will review them both. Time to find out if the finale can bring it home
Spoilers below
-Gabriel and Tomoe think they are doing this for their own good. Should have called this episode Delusion.
-So they giving everyone nightmares, at least Adrien isn’t alone in suffering
-Ladrien dream was actually Marinette in ladybug armor. It looked cool but I wanted Ladrien
-Gabriel died in the dream, still don’t get how that’s a nightmare. (Marinette really forgot chat blanc existed
- okay Marinette’s parents dreams are adorable. Tom you sweet man, and Sabine care about their children and eachother.
-oh snap, Alya’s nightmare. Actually realistic and terrifying. For her at least.
-Tikki saw the food. Get it girl.
-Adrien technically been dealing with it the longest… but now it’s not special. Everyone be suffering
-they have a tech antidote for nightmares
-Damn, that is disturbing. And Adrien will probably use it… baby no.
-Okay he resisted. Good for him. Well it wasn’t an order, but still. Adrien is trying.
-Plagg mocking Gabriel.
-Plagg gonna be a menace today
-how many rings does that robot have
-Adrien giving up his miraculous out of despair. What a surprise, he’s gonna be out of the final fight. At least for now. Plagg gotta go get ladybug.
-Tikki ate all them bread. Respect
-“it’s not personal, it’s for Adrien.” That’s PRETTY FUCKING PERSONAL
-Nathalie’s nightmare is basically Gabriel winning. Glad she realized the truth on that… even if it was too little too late.
-Nathalie got a crossbow. KILL GABRIEL WITH IT
-oh damn, I knew all meditation apps were evil!
-Plagg flying across the ocean to get to Ladybug. Plagg will always be the light of my life
-Ladybug finding out Nathalie was A Lara croft
-Plagg gonna be smart about this
-Alliance showing why tech companies are all evil
-MYLENE THE GOAT! Mylene has shot up so much in my favorite classmate rankings
-Ivan's nightmare sounds adorable
-Mylene start slapping them please. NINO MUST BE DEEP HYPNOTIZED
-NO MYLENE DONT DO IT! And she dropped down in my rankings again
-Damn it, she was tricked by her friends
-Gabriel's cliche speech to Emilie. Blah blah blah. WHAT MORALITY?! YOU WERE ONCE A BRITISH CHIP MAKER?!
-Gabriel really did the 'Appeal to her humanity' then betray her. Dude said he threw away his morality.
-Imagine the last thing you see is that ugly ass costume
-Ladybug learns Nathalie had all of the stuff
-Ladybug just saw that Monarch was Gabriel. Damn. I think thats a first
-Gabriel really just out here slandering and then leaving her with the poison app.
-Okay this is silly how they are turning everyone against Ladybug and Chat noir
-Im convinced every adult in this show is an idiot.
-Oh good, alya is being logical.
-Oh wow, okay so the charm and Cataclysm that gabriel got actually are useful to his plan. Well played. Now die
-OH That is evil. Miraculize me.
-Damn it, i wanted cat alya.
-They tracking her.
-Well I gotta admit, the Alliance minion making is probably Gabriel's most effective plan. But like all plans, the women involved did the heavy lifting
-Ladybug hid by detransforming
-Gabriel is a little TOO enthusiastic about going to find a vulnerable teenage girl in his house
-Plagg finding out that Monarch was in his house the whole time.
-BUG NOIR!. Okay so I am very mixed on the outfit, but the entrance and that confidence is stunning.
(This is my reaction before watching part 2, so here is my quick thoughts)
For all the stakes and reveals. If I were to rate this by itself I would say... 7/10. I dont like how Adrien is absent for this whole thing. I really hope that this changes and Adrien somehow gets pulled in. Because quite frankly... THIS IS A BIG THING
Okay now for part 2, recreation
-Oh its Lila or Cerise or... WHOMEVER THE F*** SHE IS.
-Seems Alec also had a s*** father.
-What is Lila even doing?
-She's beating his ass!
-Meanwhile back on the boat.
-Rose showing why she has CRAZY ASS STRENGTH
-hold on, so NO FERNANDO!? 0/10. Needs more fernando.
-BUNNYX! Taking Luka to Paris.
-"I cant interfere, but YOU can."
-Please tell me Fang also knows mirakungfu
-Oh right, Majestia too. To a lesser extent.
-Majestia makes a point.
-Yo, they gave Knight owl an upgrade.
-So basically Majestia and Knight owl are if Super man and Batman were lesbians.
-Monarch does have a point. He has 15 miraculous.
-I do enjoy Monarch getting flipped and kicked
-Did he just cough up Dust? Oh he is dying in real time
-Doesnt he look so redeemable (Sarcasm)
-Darkowl was saved
-YO! I just realized that Eagle is the perfect counter for this power.
-Alya's sister split a building in half
-Power of the buffalo. I think the sub meant bull
-Bug noir brings the house down
-FANG!!!!!!!!!!! MVP MVP
-Luka has a cute name for his sister, thats adorable. Okay only 2/10 now
-Also this proves Mirakung fu is easy as hell to learn. so WHY DIDNT SU HAN TEACH LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR!
-Su han, "How can you resist the nightmare."
-Knight owl: "I am the nightmare." That is so batman its hilarious
-Why even use any other transformation, the Dragon is so OP.
-Okay so The typical back and forth between hero and villain. Yea this was expected.
-Adrien wouldnt want this. Adrien wants that. You know who should have a say here? ADRIEN! That would be nice.
-Marinette is clearly more right, obviously. but I still wish Adrien could speak for himself.
-Okay so the heroes are getting widdled down, lila is hacking into the mansion
-Yo! she got a ton of rings with glue and a boomerang. Nice
-She knocked the butterfly off. (which is my bet on how Lila got it)
-So bugnoir won. Nice!
"Check mate." DAMN That was a hard line drop
-And then its ruined because Ladybug sees this guy only has a few hours left to live.
-What is she doing?
-Marinette what the hell are you doing?
-You mean to tell me that Nathalie could have just tied his ass up earlier and made him watch it and that probably could have prevented the whole events.
-But lets be honest, the only reason Gabriel feels the way he does right now is because his plan failed and he is dying
-Yes, you did ruin everything. Now die sad.
-Gabriel is like "You make the wish"
-AND Marinette gets betrayed. She tried to Steven Universe this bit but ended up Venomed.
-Well at least Gabriel is still a dick.
-Reveal yourselves?
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-I can see a certain group of fans being happy with these designs.
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-Oh damn so thats their fused form.
-Wait, why didnt Ladybug and Chat noir just summon their kwami's god forms to fight?
-Gimmi is a whole ass mood
-Gabriel, you dont deserve to be remembered as a good father. You were s***
-So Gabriel wins. yea this f***ing sucks
-Universe gets wiped
-WTF. Its a utopia?!
-Adrien gets two moms
-Glad everyone is having a grand old time but... wtf
-Oh look a NORMAL BABY!
-There are so many jokes I can make here but I will abstain.
-A world without Gabriel agreste meme here
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-I really want to see this utopia completely uprooted and turned into chaos more than anything
-It sucks because there is some PRIME adrinette moment right in front of me, but it just feels like Adrien is left in the dark and gaslit.
-A cute kiss. But something seems wrong
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-So they fixed the miraculous but the butterfly is missing (called it)
-Wait, Everyone gets a miraculous now?!
-Even Sabrina?!
-Wait, so Argos is allowed?! but how though?!
-Wait, how many endings does this episode have?
-Lila back at it again
-Wait... What the f*** happened?!
Okay so this was a b**** and a half to finally watch
But yea. I do NOT like how this basically gave Gabriel his win.
Yea he's dead but he won.
Adrien has no idea that his father basically did that, and it makes the whole fight seem pointless.
Then there is all that utopia crap. (DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS. )
The adrinette is sweet and all that.
But ADRIEN IS BEING GASLIT. Its some bulls***
Also how does Marinette remember the wish? Wasnt it supposed to be some cosmic rewrite?
All I know is... I need some time to think. Do I even want to continue watching ML. Knowing that Gabriel wins and gets treated like a martyr.
Season 6 needs to start with some sort of Upheaval. Consequences need to be had.
As for my rating.
I cant give it an honest rating right now. I need to cool off.
Is it the worst written? No. But the ending has pissed me off
it feels tainted.
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Lost Fic #157
1. Hello, first of all thank you for all your hard work 🫶 really appreciate! I'm looking for a fic i read about a year ago: unfortunately i can't remember much, so i apologise if it's a vague description. I also think i might be mixing some facts with this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39533883 so i’m sorry if i’m making it hard to find. Trigger warning from here on (depression, su! c!de): the fic was set in the crowley's flat and the characters were canon (im pretty sure it was set a short time after S1's canon events, but somehow C still had holy water). Crowley had just suffered some sort of physical and emotional trauma (r@pe? sorry, i can't quite remember) and couldn't trust neither Aziraphale nor himself. He fell in a state of depression and couldn't see any other way out but use the holy water in his safe. (Spoilers) | remember a scene where he weakly walked to the safe and wrote a note, then tried to reach the thermos but was stopped last second by Aziraphale. Thank you in advance🫶; and if you manage to find it, congrats😅 - anon
2. Helloo I hope it's not too hard to find but I lost a fic on ao3 a bit ago I didn't finish reading and was hoping someone recognise it, it starts off with post apoca-nope Crowley being confronted by demons in his flat who tell him to stay away from aziraphale and summon a screen through which to view him. buuut since there was no audio they all missed a conversation between aziraphale and god in which god gives him a golden string (I think) and explains that metatron has been giving orders independently from god, then asks aziraphale to go to heaven and stirr up trouble. And that's when I accidentally closed the Tumblr app and lost it :( - anon
3. so theres this fic i was reading where its post canon but basically crozira gets locked up in heaven and crowley does his snake thing and releases them both (was in the beginning ish) but thats all i remember 😭😭 im sorry if this is too much to ask for, thank you in advance!!! - @stars-v3ria
4. Hello! I hope y'all are doing all right in what I imagine is a swamp of new asks from season 2's approach. (Writing this in the final few weeks til release.) I'm writing in search of a lost fic--I've scrounged through the Aziraphale's True Form tag but come up empty. It was T, M, or E rated, and more or less a true form sex fic, but may or may not have included genital sex. The part I remember (which I think was the focus of the story, it being a oneshot) was framed as a divinity/grace kink scene in which Aziraphale revealed his true form to Crowley. It was overwhelming to him (verging on pain iirc), but also very beautiful, intense, and possibly sensual or sexual. The part I really remember, though, came at the end-- Crowley, crying, used their safeword, which was "Amen." And after that I think it was more on the tender side. Would you happen to have encountered such a story? Thank you very much for your time, and potentially that of your followers-- I very much appreciate all the work you do for the fandom. <3 P.S. In case this reaches the author, and you with to remain anonymous, please know that the fic really stuck with me and I was merely searching for it in hopes of leaving a comment to that effect. &lt;3 - @elderly-worm
5. Hello! I was recently told about the (cursed) movie script and was told that there is a fanfiction of Book and Show Crowley saving movie Aziraphale from movie Crowley. The person said they're sure they read it on ao3 but cannot find it now and I'm extremely curious. Any help would be very appreciated and thank you so much for the library you're doing here, helped me to find a lot of gems. - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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ctheathy · 8 months
Hi !! Im not sure if my request sent but is it alright if I could ask for a miko (fnf skyverse) with a fem reader thats addicted to tiktok??
Skyverse anon
Miko[Sidney] w/ Tiktok addict!Reader
Miko x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author’s note: I appreciate seeing you back here, darling~!
Miko/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Miko has her own guilty pleasures herself, so she’s absolutely not gonna be taken aback by how much time you spend on your phone, your eyes glued onto your screen and just scrolling through Tiktok with no care in the world. In fact, I can see her finding it rather cute and enjoying the fact that you have your own hobbies to be passionate about. I mean, she used to be so attached to Friday Night Funkin' and obsessed with the game before you came around and pulled her into a healthier mindset. As long as it’s not affecting you in a negative mannered way; she’s going to be right beside you, enjoying every second of it while supporting you with whatever you wanna do on it and in any way she can.
There’s a massive chance that besides the activities and interests she’s all over herself, she’s quite a massive fan of the app as well. She’s been there ever since the beginning and stuck with it as soon as it became popular over all platforms. Your own devotion to it catches her a little by surprise, but she has no bad feedback over it either. In fact, she enjoys it to severe extents more than anything. It gives her a sense of connection with you and something she’s able to relate with. Among the topic, you two definitely just grow accustomed to your little lifestyle of Tiktok in no time and with ease nonetheless.
The conversations you both hold on a daily basis usually just goes towards one direction, but it seems to make you happy; so Miko happily goes along with it. You two just talk about the latest trends you’ve crossed paths with, some small hacks and tips you’ve came across for your daily routine, some of the satisfying and comforting videos incase either of you are feeling down and much, much more. You are certainly also one to gossip over the newest popular feeds that popped up in your recommendations. All it takes is one glance and you two will have another topic to gabble about for the next week. Having all nighters together on call through the entire time you both should be sleeping is a must. Usually resulting in you just laughing and giggling the night away.
I guarantee you that you two have at least a weekly schedule about what you two are gonna be doing on the app together. One day you both do these dancy dances in front of the camera while on the other you two just spend your time by scrolling in your free time. You two are really just two dorks who spend all of your time online, blabbering with one another and just having the time of your lives. Something I can also picture is that you both kind of grow this secret communication speech with one another. Just due to how much you both spend your time on the app, you get a little bit too used to the mannerisms and ways of talking the other other online users utilize. It grows to a point where those around you have literally no idea what the hell you’re rambling about. But at this rate, you both are so deep into your lifestyles where nothing can pull you out.
And you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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er1c-c4rtman · 9 months
disclaimer I don't ship all of these (apart from patbob) anymore so IVE CHANGED and I shipped these when I was a dumb young kid
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Allow me to explain my placements starting from the top to the bottom:
I find this ship to be cute plus I like the whole friends to lovers trope thing.
Chica x Foxy and Foxy x mangel:
These were very popular ship in the fnaf community back in 2016 or something. Plus, I share many old memories with these ships.
Also, I used to watch those amvs
Back when I loved Unikitty, I decided to search up fanart of Unikitty on my computer and I also used to watch animation memes based around Unikitty. Soooo one day I stumbled upon this ship and I liked it.
On my first days or months of this site, I searched up SpongeBob to see what's in the tags. I saw some good fanart n' some ships. But when I saw some Spongebob fancomic called "When fools Rush in" I just liked the ship and yeah that is my reason basically.
It was a cannon ship and I was rooting for Hawkodile to confess to Dr Fox
Serena x Ash and Misty x Ash:
Grouping these together for the same reason, they were both females with a male protagonist
Same reason as the last one (female x male protag.)
Sylveon x Umbreon:
Back when I was obsessed with pokemon, I used to watch those flipaclip story videos with the same plot and same ending
Plot if the Umbreon x Sylveon story:
-Sylveon has a crush on Umbreon
-Umbreon doesn't know that
-Eyspeon also has a crush on Umbron
-The physic variant proceeds to gaslight Umbreon into hating Sylveon
-Sylveon is now sad
-She proceeds to fight Eyspeon nearby a river
-The Sylveon wins (of course)
-Eyspeon gets knocked into the water and possibly dies
-Sylveon and Umbreon fall in love and live a happily ever after
Wandering around on an account that was Nicktoons Unite centric then just found a compilation of SpongeBob and Zim acting like or being a couple
Do I need to explain what's wrong with this??? I WAS SHIPPING A MINOR WITH AN ADULT and the reason is the same as spandy (female x male protag.)
Also, back when Sony sketch (rip that app it held so much memories) was a thing I used these shipping bases since it was fun for me. I used adorabat and Mao mao to fill them in; over time I developed a love for that ship.
I used to ship this and it was because I was new to the NU fandom and was looking on an account that has Nicktoons Unite art on it. I thought the ship was cute till I came to my senses and stopped Shipping it.
Again, I watched AMVs
Mikey x Raph (2012)
I was pretty young and had no idea what incest was. I was sitting on my Granny's IPad and watching those amvs. I bet she was wondering why her algorithm was full of Mikey making out with Raph (lol) but I'm gonna assume I liked the tough guy x chill guy (I used to like turtle yaoi lmfao XD)
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donaldgloversnephew · 3 months
I just thought I’d give my opinion of tumblr live as someone who treated it as a research project, but first some context. Hello anyone reading I’ve been on tumblr for 5+ years. Yes I run an aesthetics blog and am a cis gendered hetero male and thats no longer the demo here, but I’d still like to give some input. 1st I don’t think tumblr live was a bad idea. Poorly executed or not it pumped some much needed life into a floundering app. I embraced live with open arms as I do most things and found the space to be really vibrant filled with artists musicians and people just looking to vent. It was beautiful…at first then they integrated people from these quasi dating/livestreaming apps that really flooded the feed. Probably because of the cash they were making on micro-transactions and conversion rates for virtual flair. Now I don’t fault them for that get your bag tumblr, but what I will say is the culture here is overwhelmingly healthy. When you promote randoms that don’t have a space here you’re pretty much just giving away your user base because as much as tumblr is healthy theres also an environment of creeps pervs and miscreants (and we all have a naughty side no kink shaming unless you like kids which is gross) but when you get rid of those par-asocial relationships you leave your user base with no choice but to go to other sites to keep engaging with the people they created a bond with.
Now this could be a good or a bad thing. On the one hand you get rid of some of the creeps meaning less tumblr porn. On the other hand you get rid of some of the social butterflies that created a following and would like to continue. I think tumblr should try live again but only with tumblr users stop jamming it down the users throats and let the streamers and artists grow organically. It may take a few years but i do feel its a revenue base that could save the platform. I would also like to add they should set up a different monetization strategy to think that the users here (who are very educated and curious) won’t figure out what you’re doing and put you on blast is an insult. Victoria per veritatum which roughly translates to victory by means of truth. Make your metrics clear. Share with the user base what you need and how you wish to accomplish it. Be creative and continue to include us in the conversations and give it some time.
Thats all I have to say. I did also want to say to everyone celebrating the end to tumblr live grow up. The experience was a minor inconvenience but not half as bad as accidentally tapping an ad when you would scroll. Wanting to see the end of a new feature as opposed to wanting to see it improved is lame. Please aspire not to be lame.
Sincerely yours,
Viewer, gifter, streamer, blogger, observer
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hyeahgaku · 4 months
What do you think of the growing leaks culture that's becoming more prevalent in our fandom? Tbh I read leaks (via this user named Shinrako) and up to today, I still see people that get extremely mad when others interact with leaks. I mean there's no way to stop leaks anw it's bound to happen someday so seeing majority of the fandom denying leaks, especially on Reddit where you'll get banned, that's kinda surprising.
Yo. Ah, finally someone decides to ask my thoughts on the increasing engagement in leaks heh.
And..... Shinrako? Woah been a while since i last saw that name. So he has decided to translate leaks now huh.
Anyway, personally, I'm neutral (is neutral even the right word here lol) about leaks although I won't encourage anybody to start indulging in leaks. For me, I sometimes see them but I don't make it a point to religiously read them every single time the raws are leaked. If I feel like seeing some panels or read the whole chapter on leaks day, I would. But if I don't feel like it, then I wont. And most of the time, I don't anymore. But rest assured even if I might spoil my followers, I'd just mention ONE thing & i prefer to make it vague or just give a hint but thats it I dont spoil people w leaked panels or mention major spoilers. (If I had done so before I'm deeply sorry!)
However, MOST IMPORTANTLY! I would never go as far as to encourage others to read leaks. Leaks will have a significant negative impact on any manga series, in fact anything. If our fandom starts to increasingly read only leaks & dont bother reading the official translations when it's out on MangaPlus, it will affect SakaDays ratings (cuz they have Top 10 Manga list in app so less number of reads, cumulatively, WILL impact any series there). Dont forget the excitement & everythin around it; they will just dampen on the official release day if people who read leaks have alr discussed them & hype it up on leaks day. I want SAKAMOTO DAYS to gain more attention, become widely talked about, become everybody's "one of my favorite manga", get an anime adaptation, and I want people to recognise Suzuki-sensei's phenomenal art & wonderful storytelling. Leaks might just take those chances away...
I don't mind if you read leaks AND the official release when it's out. Cuz that's what I do before and that way you still help Suzuki-sensei. Fck, I even buy the Japanese volumes to support! But dear anon, I hope you arent that kind of person who encourage others to read leaks or help spread the leaks around & eventually not supportin Suzuki-sensei directly via reading it officially. I do not condone that.
And for Reddit, I think that's a good move banning someone for postin leaks. Sure leaks can never cease to exist but for the sake of keeping the SakaDays sub healthy & not promote a leaks-friendly community, particularly before it gets super famous like the JJK sub did, I think what the mods are doing is for the best for everyone there. I'm happy to know there are people who are against having leaks in the SakaDays subreddit btw. Simply put, one can read leaks all they want but don't try to drag or force everyone else to do the same, yknow?
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
You don’t have to speak to communicate. So many things mean “I love you”.
by henrylilac
He can feel Wilbur’s confused eyes on him as he goes into his notes app.
‘Im having a nonverbal episode’ he writes, and clicks the speech option so it���s said aloud in a robotic voice.
Wilbur’s face falls into relief, thankful that nothing bad had happened.
“Nonverbal?” He asks, “Isn’t that a symptom of autism?”
Tommy nods slowly, and can feel tears prick at his eyes.
“Oh.” Wilbur says.
Or, Tommy has a nonverbal episode while at his brothers flat and has to try to explain what’s going on. Wilbur never knew before this that Tommy was autistic.
Or or, Autistic Tommy and loving older brother Wilbur cuddle on a couch
Words: 1323, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Autistic TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Has ADHD (Video Blogging RPF), Neurodivergent TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Nonverbal Communication, Autism Spectrum, Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, TommyInnit Loves Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Like Siblings, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Autistic meltdowns, Nonverbal Episodes, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Forehead Kisses, Couch Cuddles, Caring Wilbur Soot, Crimeboys - Freeform, crimeboys cuddles, OH PLEASE MAKE THAT A TAG THATS ADORABLE, Protective Wilbur Soot, Older Sibling Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit Hug, Soft Wilbur Soot, Soft TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Happy Ending, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, SHIPPERS DNI, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Affection, i need nonverbal episodes to be a tag please
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green-graveyard · 1 year
reposting+byler fanart
In the byler fandom theres a recurring problem of reposting art and its been getting worse and its been frustrating me for a while now (especially since im an artist in the fandom) so i decided to make a post about it lol
im aware that theres lots of new young st fans, or if anyone simply didnt know,, what is reposting?
- reposting is basically just taking another users creation (whether its a simple word post, art, fic ex.) and posting it to another site
So whats the problem with reposting?
- the problem is that most times, the thing that is being reposted is posted without proper credit, or reposted when the creator doesnt want it to be reposted
why is this a problem in the byler fandom?
- reposting has been a problem in the fandom since forever (like most fandoms) however theres been a much bigger rise due to tik tok and pinterest, and ive never seen THIS much reposting (especially for just one ship) in a fandom before
- theres been an increase in popularity in tiktoks with a caption similar to something like "byler fanarts to make your day better!!" and then tons of different art by different artists being reposted- ALL WITHOUT CREDIT, AND ART THAT ARTISTS HAVE EXPLICITLY STATED THAT THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE REPOSTED
- there are TONS of pinterest accounts deticated to just reposting art from tumblr or instagram onto there (almost always without credit and permission)
all of this is bad because itll just increase the chain effect of reposting
all those fanarts reposted onto pinterest? theyre gonna be reposted onto tiktok, which people will resave to repost to yet ANOTHER app
- recently ive been seeing 'putting byler art into AI videos on tiktok AND THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING YOU CAN DO,, this basically means you STOLE an artists art, REPOSTED it without permission or credit, and then put it into a system WITHOUT the artists permission, that will take their art and steal their artstyle and hardwork
-another problem is "rating byler fanart" slideshows ive seen on tiktok too,,, thats so rude and disrespectful to artists. dont take artists for granted, without fanart the fandom would be in shambles,, rating peoples art and making rude remarks isnt cool, especially when youre stealing from them in the first place
also ive been seeing ways that people are "crediting" artists and:
-no, just because there is a signature or watermark on the art doesnt mean you can repost it
-no, putting "credit to artists" in the description isnt proper credit
- no, just because you DO credit them properly mean you are allowed to repost the art in the first place
- no, saying "oh i just found it on safari i dont know who the artists are :((" isnt a good excuse, artists spend hours on their work you can at least spend five minutes looking up who drew it
So, how do you repost art correctly?
1. Check the artists bio/description, if it says something along the lines of "reposts allowed" then continue, if it says something like "ask for permission before reposting" that means going to the art you want to repost and asking them if its okay to repost and name the where you want to repost it to! if there is nothing in the bio about reposting DONT REPOST IT OR SIMPLY JUST ASK, never assume
2. if you have the artists permission to repost, then repost the image, and in the description (or anywhere else that is clearly visible to viewers) state the artist's username and the app you reposted it from (ex, art credits to @/artist on *app*)
and if that seems like too much work to go thru to repost someones art,, then simply dont repost at all. artists get the most credit and recognition by posting things themselves. them letting you repost their art? theyre doing YOU a favour. artists spend hours on their pieces, and YOU refusing to give them credit is rude and disrespectful, and just blantant art theft
and no, "if theyre putting it online, expect it to get stolen" isnt a good excuse either,,, people dont park their cars in parking lots and expect it to get stolen,, and the same should go for art too
-if you dont know who drew it or if you are allowed to repost it, DONT REPOST
-artists take hours drawing things that make YOUR fandom expierence better, dont take it for granted, take the time to credit properly
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I'm just gonna repost this 18-49 thing until pants shitting jared stans accept they don't know more than top execs
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your opinion pieces from randos on Clickbait Dot Com do not supercede their top business partners and industry function discussing with Deadline directly just because a bunch of fucklechucks online refuse to learn how to read or understand a topic they try to talk about
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like dudes it's right there. start coping, or get better ratings. This has been public knowledge for MONTHS and beyond your own panic, the only reason you're really denying this is I was saying it a few months before THAT, and you REFUSE to understand the reality of why I know what I know. But it's still the fuckin truth whether you like me or not, you delusional fuckbags.
This hallucinatory style of arguing you use didn't prevent reality when 2po screamed "THE CW ISNT GETTING SOLD! THATS CULT GRIFTER TALK! THAT'S JUST HIM TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU HIS BOYCOTT WORKED"
how'd that go for you buddy.
like guys. for all the years of you screaming others were delusional, this is definitional delusional behavior on your part at this point, and suddenly your years of projection and froth become perfectly clear. It's right there in clear print from the top brass and some tumblr monkey thinks they can argue it away, because they're that divorced from reality and think the world will work like that after 15 years in a relativity bubble.
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Maybe I'll repost this like once a day until the denial goblins get so embarrassed they stop trying and information conditions improve.
I hate to break it to yall but Sook, Miller, Schwartz et all don't care about your bad opinions. Your attempts to respin how the universe works will NOT influence their decisions. No charitable PR headpat they've given a show to give it a chance is excuse enough to them. They know why they said those things. They're still gonna cancel shows that can't make primetime 18-49 money in either live or the app. If your show is failing at both, maybe you just suck.
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lode5tars · 1 year
27/01/23 -Wednesday 01th, Feburary.
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Some of my UX/UI daily excersize, a music player app
Keeps me going today:
ohhh the boys got a music show award so thats very sweet. things are messy at home rn, but im busy, and excited about the speed optimization thing. found this app to track productivity and goals which is very nice! I was considering making some Note and data of UX/UI design resources and tips for anyone insterested in building User Experience. what do you think?
For today:
WORK. WORK WORK + 30 professional
= screenshoot the 39 pages
=run them through the speed rating page
=make a list of plugins
=ask about credentials
=run the data through excel
=update the logs
Yesterday Stats report:
The Creator: +10xp
The Android: +15xp
The Monster: +0xp
The Professional +20xp
now playing:
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angeldiaries777 · 11 months
trigger warning mental health, online addiction. personal stuff!!! i don't want to post anymore. part one of two.
i don't want to try so hard anymore. going to be real here for a sec i don't like my life. i don't like who i am. i don't like this app. i don't like this world or any of the people in it. i do need help. i need a lot of help. i don't like this blog anymore. its not fun. its not carefree. its just something i do now subconsciously with zero effort. its not me. its not cool. i don't like it. i'm not enjoying it at all. since i deleted quite literally every other app this is where i go on for everything. and thats just toxic. i am not having fun like i said a thousand times before. i just want my thoughts and things i liked at the time to be docutmented somehwere on some account because i know i will forget. i am very miserable in my life and with myself. i know that i need to stop using this app as much as i do and same with a few others and certain accounts on websites i just have nothing left in me. i've always posted online. ive always interacted online. i've always been obsessed with watching content and consuming media books movies shows music etc etc. and i'm feeling fatigue from it. idk how many more fucking lana del rey gifs i can reblog till i lose my fucking shit for good and end it all. everything that inspired me is dull. the relationships and parasocial relationships i form with celebrities characters and people online is just plain unhealthy. especially when its causing me to ignore the ones i have in real life. i need a break. i need a break from all the media i consume. i need a break from music and from tumblr and from everything else that is slolwly rotting my brain. the attachment i have to these apps is unhealthy. the amount of time i spend on my phone or ipad or literally any other device is actually sickly. i need a break from looking at or even just holding my phone for so many hours a day. i need an actual sleep schedule and i need to not wake up at 4am and have my first thought be to open tumblr or to save pins on pinterest. i got rid of so many physical items and cut off so many people but the actual thing hurting me the most is my addiction to the internet and to media. i need to stop posting. i need to stop interacting i need to stop watching videos and movies and listening to music at the rates that i do. it is unhealthy at best and detrimental to my life and health at worst. its like those interventions they have for people with alcohol or other addictions. ive known this about myself for a long time and it only worsens the more time passes. i have issues!!!!! i have real issues in my real life that will not be solved by venting about it to my 8 followers. i need to stop. i need to sit alone with my thoughts without a podcast or an album playing in the background. i need to see what my life is like and who i am without all of this. without the things i thought i liked. the things i thought were keeping me alive and sane and healthy were actually the most destructive. i need to stop relying so heavily on things that don't exist. all these pictures and people are fake. i"m not a character or a stereotype. im a fucking person. whenever i got a negative comment i used to lay awake thinking about that. its not okay anymore. its affecting my life way too much. i don't want to think of the world and only think of what i see online because i don't love my reality. i don't want to be sad anymore. i don't want to know what that person across the world thinks of that topic or what kim kardashian had for breakfast. i want to actually live my life again for what it is and not what i wished it was. because truth be told i am very blessed in sooo many ways and i take it for granted so often. i am so much more than that sad face emoticon on somebodys phone screen. i don't want to see the same pictures of bella hadid on every fucking app with the same generic text and font over it. i don't want to consume copious amounts of self help content anymore whilst refusing to actually do any of that self help when im clearly not qualified and clearly need professional help.
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