#but then my brain wouldn't let me before i set a few things up
hippolotamus · 26 days
Inspiration Saturday 🪩
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Tagged by the delightful @thekristen999 @daffi-990 @lemonzestywrites @bidisasterevankinard @wikiangela
@theotherbuckley for Fuck it Friday. Thank you darlin’s (tagging you back for today) mwah! 💖
Made a lil moodboard for today's snippet. I'm not in love with all the words but that's what editing is for. So, here's Buck visiting Eddie's workplace for the first time. Surprise (because I don't think I've mentioned this before???) Eddie's not a firefighter in this either. He's a mechanic who works with a bunch of homophobic jerks. But also with Hen! Buck knows Eddie isn't out to most people so this is an... enlightening moment for him. Some of it's under the cut to save your dash. masterlist of posts here and no I'm not writing this remotely in order
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“Oh, thank fuck,” he mumbles to himself when he pulls the door open and is greeted with a cool blast of air conditioning. 
Looking around the interior, he thinks it could pass for a museum. A snapshot in time, forever preserved exactly as it was. Gold framed articles about the 1973 grand re-opening hang on the wood-paneled walls alongside prints of hot rods and muscle cars. There are vintage metal signs mixed in for Shell, Texaco, Gulf, and some other brands he’s never heard of. 
“Do you have an appointment?” A gravelly voice asks from behind him.
Buck jerks around to the desk where a middle aged woman with auburn hair and green gray eyes glares at him with a mix of boredom and curiosity. Or maybe suspicion? He can't quite tell.
Her bronzed skin is littered with freckles and screams that she’s spent too much time outside with no sunscreen or other protection. A name plate, half hidden under papers and key rings, identifies her as Estelle. He’s heard a few stories about her from Eddie, but he’s not sure any of them did her intimidating demeanor justice.
“Uh, no?” He answers, not sure why it comes out as a question other than he’s not entirely convinced the five foot something couldn’t somehow manage to hurt him. 
It must take every ounce of strength to conceal the whole body sigh she wants to make as she looks down, licks her fingertip and begins flipping through a giant paper scheduling book. “If you don’t have an appointment I can maybe get you in next Thursday. Depending on what you need.”
“Actually, uh, I don’t need anything.” Estelle glances up, mouth slightly parted and eyes narrowed as if she’s about to ask what he’s doing standing in her lobby. He quickly adds, “Well, what I mean is, my car doesn’t need anything. I’m here to see Eddie? Uh, Eddie Diaz.”
She nods with something like understanding. At least he hopes that’s what it is as she picks up the phone receiver and punches in a few numbers.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Hey, is Diaz around? Someone here asking about him.” 
“No, it’s not the cops! What’s the matter with you? I don’t know. Just some guy here looking for Eddie.”
Estelle huffs an exasperated sigh and looks toward the ceiling like it’ll give her strength. “Jay, I don’t have time for twenty questions and, quite frankly, I don’t care.”
“About time you quit screwin’ around. Send him out.” She hangs up the receiver and mutters something about not caring that he’s a relative. 
“He’ll be a few minutes. Take a seat.” She gestures to a line of metal chairs with sticky looking vinyl cushions without so much as glancing in Buck’s direction. 
He momentarily gets excited when he spots a gumball machine in the corner until he realizes it would require actual coins that he definitely doesn’t have. And he’s not about to ask Estelle if she’s got change for a twenty just so he can satisfy his sweet tooth. 
“Buck?” Eddie appears from a side door, wiping his hands on a rag. His hair is sweaty and mussed, likely from pushing it out of his face. His gorgeous, kissable face that Buck very much wants to kiss even more right now despite the streaks and smudges of god knows what decorating it. The corner of Eddie’s mouth twitches like he knows what Buck is thinking, but he clears his throat and schools it just as quickly when Estelle grunts, reminding them they’re at his workplace. 
“Uh, Buck. Hi. What can I do for you?” Eddie tilts his chin in the direction of the parking lot. “Everything okay with the jeep?”  
“Hi,” Buck answers, a little too breathy for their current situation. He can’t seem to help himself. Eddie’s always cleaned up when they meet, whether it’s at the club, a date out somewhere or an evening in. He’s never seen him marked up from his job, in his grimy army green coveralls. 
“Uh, yeah. Jeep’s fine. Just, you know, was nearby and thought I’d stop in.” Buck tracks the movement as Eddie’s tongue darts out, wetting his lips, before sneaking him a flirty, amused smirk. 
“Glad you did.” Eddie chances a look at Estelle who still has her head down, shuffling some papers that probably don’t need it. He takes a step closer and lowers his voice. “I haven’t taken my lunch yet. Give me five and we can get out of here?”
Buck nods, not knowing how to respond without giving anything away. 
Eddie puts more distance between them again, sticking his hand out. Buck takes it, thrown by the familiarity of his boyfriend mixed with the very conventional, socially acceptable handshake. “Great to see you again, Buck. Check that place on Viscount Boulevard. I think you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
“Uh, yeah. Thanks,” Buck answers, reluctantly letting their palms slide apart. But he gets it. Eddie’s coworkers are all a bunch of ignorant, homophobic assholes. Well, except for Hen apparently. Regardless, Eddie can’t be risking his job and livelihood when he has Chris to think about. “I’ll go check it out. You said it’s about... ten minutes from here?”
“About that, yeah. Maybe fifteen.”
A warm, fluttering feeling washes over him as Eddie winks and smiles, seeming pleased that Buck caught on to his little game. He has to force himself to turn around and leave instead of watching his boyfriend walk away. 
“Have a nice day,” Estelle says as he opens the door, setting off a chime. It’s enough to snap him out of his haze, offering a weak ‘you too’ as he hurries back to his jeep.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @tizniz
@mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @saybiwithme @shipperqueen6
@ramonaflow @taketheplanspinitsideways @spotsandsocks @dangerpronebuddie @stereopticons
@kitteneddiediaz @mrs-f-darcy @drowsy-quill @your-catfish-friend @filet-o-feelings
@underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @queenmabcreates
@inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @shortsighted-owl @queerbuckleys
@bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck
@indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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the-modern-typewriter · 5 months
Hi, I love your writing! Are you still taking requests? What about a villain finding out his fav hero is actually an robot?
The hero went missing briefly and in their reunion his systems start to panic, the villain attempt to help? And finds out there is grey metal under his mask? Not skin?
"Oh," the villain said, soft. "Oh, I see."
"See what?" The hero stayed turned away, head bowed, frantically trying to shield his face. "Don't look at me. Just - what are you doing here?"
"I came to rescue you."
"R-rescue me?"
The villain stepped closer into the hero's cell. Heat radiated off the hero's back and, well. The villain pressed a finger to the back of the hero's neck; where the skin had burnt away, revealing the cold grey of metal and circuitry.
The hero gasped and whirled.
His face was - well, it was fried from the few short days he'd spent missing, captured. Where his enemies had tried to bruise him, bleed him, there were caved in spaces that revealed yet more metal. The hint of a perfect silver skull. Veins which throbbed with electricity instead of blood. Even one of the hero's eyes were gone, replaced by the startling blue of a machine staring back. Well, they were always blue but...so muffled, before, compared to what the villain looked at then.
The two of them stared at each other.
"You can't tell anyone," the hero said.
"I always thought you were too impossibly good to be true," the villain replied. "Too flawless."
"Don't," the hero whispered.
The villain took the hero's jaw, carefully, tenderly, in their hands. "Look what a mess they've made of you. I'll kill them for it."
The hero closed the one eye that he could. He trembled, so exquisitely life-like, so exquisitely alive, in the villain's palms.
"They must have been so angry when they found out what you were," the villain said. He let his finger stroke over the ruined curve of the hero's cheek. "I'm glad I got here before they destroyed you completely."
"Why? What are you going to do with me?"
The hero took a step back.
The villain let him go, for now, studying him with fresh eyes. More and more puzzle pieces clicked into place. "Do with you?"
"I'm not human."
"You're beautiful."
"I'm not - if people know -"
"I've never heard you talk like that before. System overload?"
The hero shook his head. Something sparked. "You're d-dodging the question."
"Well," the villain said, evenly. "I was going to take you out of here. Clean up your wounds at my place. That sort of thing. I could probably makeshift the kind of specialist support you currently need in my lab, but I imagine you have a much better set up at home. So I guess I'm taking you home. If that's okay with you."
"Home," the hero echoed. He stood frozen.
"You're not mad? Mad? Mad?" The hero managed to jerk to a halt. He heaved a ragged, shuddering breath.
"I'm not human. You came to rescue a human. Human." The hero shoved a hand over his mouth. The tremors were more forceful than before.
If the villain touched him again, he would be fever hot, wouldn't he?
The villain shrugged.
"I don't understand," the hero said.
"Unsurprising. You're not running at full capacity right now, are you? So shall we pick this up again when you're out of here? And feeling a bit better? It would be tragic if I came all this way just for you to overheat in front of me."
The hero stared some more. The blue eye contracted and expanded, whirring noiselessly. The villain wished he knew what kind of diagnostics the hero was running. How it all worked. He wanted to know everything.
His brain, such as it was, must surely be the most gorgeous thing.
He'd always wanted to know how the hero ticked but this...oh, this. He held out a hand and smiled.
"It's a relief, actually," the villain said. "I'm not mad. Now. Let's get you back in your mask, shall we?"
By the time the repairs were done, it was impossible to tell. It was extraordinary. Giddying. A love letter to the best that people could be.
And the hero looked shattered by the truth of it.
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shirefantasies · 2 months
Heyyy i just wanna say that I LOVE your writing. Its so so comforting 🫶🫶🫶
Can I request a story/headcanon about how Thorins company/ specifically Kíli would react if (fem) reader got her hair braided by her (non dwarf) friend, and it was just a friendly thing, but the dwarves thought it was a courting braid?
Pairing Fem!Reader x Kíli
Thank youu🫶💗
Omg thanks! Comfort writing is a big honor 🥹
Mission of Misunderstanding- Kili x F!Human!Reader
Shout-out to my girlies in the unbraidable hair community lmao 🤝 Warnings: one minor swear lol, a couple suggestive remarks
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One more step and your feet were going to fall off. Surrendering to the burn, you all but fell down onto the log, tilting your feet so only your heels rested upon the earth. A sigh escaped your lips and you didn’t even move when the rustling sounded at your back.
A familiar voice spoke your name. Bilbo. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yes, my friend,” you breathed, “so long as you don’t count anything below the knee. Or my hair. Can’t imagine how much dirt and leaves have gotten in it after all that.”
"Well, yes," Bilbo chided, ever the little mother-hen, "you've got to keep it back. Why don't I braid it for you?"
Your heart burst, and not from exertion this time. "You would do that for me?"
"Of course," the hobbit shrugged, "haven't had much practice of it of late, but certainly I can give it a go for you. I understand. I wouldn't want the mess either. Come here."
Thanking him again, you scooted closer to where Bilbo stood, gritting your teeth for the pain of him detangling your hair, only to relax at the gentle touch of his nimble fingers. Eyelids fluttering shut in contentment, you sat as Bilbo worked his magic neatening your hair up and making fresh braids of it for you. Feet still elevated and aching, but less so the longer you sat off of them. When the hobbit pulled back with a quiet, still-focused finished, your first instinct was to reach up around your head, touching the new set of braids with a widening smile.
"And now it shall be free of my face! Truly, thank you, Bilbo!" Pulling him into a quick hug, you vowed to repay him somehow with a teasing final statement. "Since I doubt you want me to braid yours."
"That is quite alright, thank you," he chuckled, "let's head back to camp before Bombur chases us down, eh?”
Camp was nearby, and still sparsely populated as you approached it. Bofur and Bombur were there building a fire, and Thorin stood a ways aside having a conversation with Balin. Dwalin and Gloin sat playing a game with a rock as their table, and Ori sat knitting. The others, you presumed, were hunting, saddling ponies, or else getting attention from Oin. Thinking nothing of it you sat down again, this time near Dwalin and Gloin, asking who was winning and if they were taking bets just to laugh at their responses. Bilbo helped Bofur and Bombur get set up for dinner a few feet off, propping up sticks strong enough to hold the cooking pot.
Sure enough, the rest of the company began trickling in, Oin, Bifur, and Nori first, the latter two with poultices and bandages. You winced. Perhaps you should complain less about your feet. Next up came Dori and Fili, who each carried one half of a felled deer, shot clearly with one of Kili's arrows. The younger prince had a bag in hand, likely having won whatever silly game determined who got the lightest load. Smiling and meeting his eyes, you gave a quick wave, indicating your amusement at the game behind you with your eyes.
Kili smiled back and waved, then swiveled his head away and back again in a double-take. You found yourself frowning as he averted his gaze to help his brother, blinking as you wondered what that was about. All you'd done was say hello. Not even say, really. Did he think you were making fun of the others?
Perhaps it was nothing, but considering your feelings for the prince, it was everything in your mind. Cycling ideas began overtaking your brain like mist. Had he suspected malice of your joke? Had he simply heard something? Why had his expression shifted so? Maybe he was just worried by what he heard.
"What did I miss while we were gone?"
At Kili's words, Dwalin simply frowned, peering at him like he'd thoroughly lost his marbles. "What do ya mean, lad?"
"Did...did anything happen?"
"Took Gloin for a right fool on the card table," the older dwarf replied with a smug look, chest puffing and shoulders widening.
"No," the prince shook his head, "not with you, with..."
Despite the way he trailed off, Dwalin gave him a knowing smirk, crossing his tattooed arms. "Ah, I see," he nodded, "not with me, not with me at all. With the lass, eh? Why, she didn’t greet you with a kiss?”
Having an older brother really steeled one to teasing. Much as Kili wanted to fight, to protest and say oi, quit that or I’ll make you, he knew it was exactly the rise Dwalin would’ve wanted to get from him. Beside the other fact that his elder could kick his ass easily.
“‘Course not,” he replied nonchalantly as he could, “I just noticed someone had braided her hair was all.”
Even Dwalin had cause for surprise at that, dark eyebrows shooting up to his metaphorical hairline. “Just since this morning?”
“Yeah,” Kili replied, trying not to sound as deflated as the words made him feel, knocking the air clean out of him now that he’d said them out loud, “thought maybe you’d seen who did it.”
“Hadn’t even crossed my mind, but I think it was like that when she and Bilbo headed back to camp.”
“Bilbo?” He’d lose to a three and a half foot…grocer? “Well now, I’d not have expected that, eh?”
“I can tell ye don’t actually want to laugh, son.”
Sighing, he finally let himself deflate. Bilbo? You and Bilbo?
“I hardly see them talk that much. Do you?”
“Not nearly enough to warrant a marriage. Those take time.”
“I know, Fee.”
“I know.”
“And I thought you two had it. Not even just saying that because you’re my brother. You know I’m honest with you. The only reason those two would have is both feeling like outsiders, and that hardly seems cause to f-”
“Thank you, Fili, yes. Perhaps I was just wrong. Perhaps she could never have loved me after all. She wasn’t my One.”
“Now, brother,” grabbing him by the cheeks with one hand, Fili pulled his younger brother’s gaze to meet his, “not so hasty. Have you talked to either of them yet?”
“Wasn’t ready,” he mumbled, shaking out of the squishing grasp.
“Well, perhaps you should. Knowing is pain, yes, but it is also the thing that keeps us going in the end.”
Kili dropped his gaze thoughtfully before meeting his brother’s eye again, smiling faintly. “Remember our old espionage days? Maybe it’s time we had another mission.”
“Alright,” Fili nodded and smiled, “for old times’ sake.”
“Well hello there, Master Burglar.”
“Whatever it is, I won’t fall for it.”
“Now, now, so dry and for what?” Fili wrapped an arm around the hobbit. “I was just wondering how you you were coming along with…a certain member of the company.”
At that, the hobbit’s face crumpled in disgust. By Fili’s reckoning, Master Bilbo seemed barely interested in romance and certainly not with any of the types he currently ran with. He needed someone more doilies and dishcloths and the lot. You may have been the closest to his type, but still far too much of an edge, far too much indeed.
“I beg your pardon?” Bilbo simply replied.
With a conspiratorial wink, Fili leaned in and whispered your name, glancing back to the hobbit’s eyes, which narrowed slightly. Suspicious.
“Uh, w-well I would say,” Bilbo stuttered, shrugging lightly, “well as we could be, all things considered.”
“All things considered?” Fili’s grip tightened a bit. “There are things to be considered?”
“There are plenty of things to be considered!” The burglar shot back. “Why, is she upset with me? Last I heard, she liked the braids and I made her feel much more comfortable. Have I done something today?”
Blue eyes closing to near-slits, Fili released his grip entirely, arm falling back to his side. “Did she ask you to arrange her hair?”
“She complained about it,” Bilbo replied, shimmying in his newfound freedom and using his released arm to slide his pack closer, “so I offered to do something about it. Can’t imagine that is much of an outrage…oh. Oh, good heavens! No! Oh, no. No. She could be my daughter, who on earth sent you over here to…?”
Blonde brows raising, Fili’s head shot back in surprising hard enough to send his mustache braids swinging. “Wait, so you do know about courting braids?”
“Gloin was just telling me all about his,” the hobbit replied, freezing in place even in spite of his awkward, hunched-into-his-pack-hands-deep posture, “neither of us thought a thing about it. Privately I was hoping she and Kili would do whatever it was to get the tension out there, you know?”
Fili did know. He knew, all right.
“Psst! Psst! Hoo! Hoo! Caw!”
Kili’s head snapped up at the sound, dark eyes meeting his brother’s fair head popping from the scraggly bushes surrounding camp. One gloved hand waved wild beckoning at the younger prince. Rising from the rock he’d sat down on, one with a strategic view of some conversation between you, Uncle Thorin, and Balin, Kili strode to the edges of camp.
“Reconnaissance successful,” his older brother hissed.
“What?” Jaw dropping, Kili felt his hands leave his chest and clench in surprise. “That was fast. Nothing for me to do?”
“Not true, brother. Not true at all,” Fili smiled, “your part is far more important. You have to go talk to her.”
With a sigh, Kili nodded despite the heavy clunk of his heart in his chest. All the childhood playtimes were nice and all, but at the end of the day he had to be a dwarf about things. Face his fears, just like Uncle Thorin and his father and even Fili.
“You’re right. Though I dread it in my heart, I must speak to her. Even if my love is never known.”
“I wish you the greatest of luck,” Fili patted his shoulder, smiling eagerly, “and trust me. She won’t do a single thing to hurt you. I know it. Alright?”
Another nod. “Alright.”
Inhale, exhale. One step, then another. It was hard sometimes. Putting on the bravado. Fili was always so capable and Uncle had high standards. Not that he shouldn’t, but…it just got easier to act unafraid of everything. In truth, there was much Kili didn’t understand. Much he feared. Perhaps even his own heart, and that was why he had allowed himself to play games with it for so long. No longer, though.
Crunching across the dry campsite ground, he marched up to you as your conversation ended and asked to speak with you, frowning slightly at the nod Balin and Thorin exchanged. Focusing instead on your gaze, the way your eyes were intent in his and the-admittedly quite adorable-way shock bloomed across your face before giving way to a smile and a nod.
“Of course,” you said, and that was that.
How was it that one little smile from you could simultaneously calm Kili's heart and set it leaping like nothing else? There truly was no denying that you were special. Perhaps Bilbo had seen what was so dazzlingly obvious, too. Guess that wasn't too much of a shock.
You both ventured toward the tree line, stopping next to a particularly sturdy trunk. Eagerness was written across your face as you leaned against the smooth bark, encouraging Kili with a smile he couldn't help faintly mirroring even as tears swam in his eyes.
"Are congratulations in order?"
"For me?" You asked, head tilting and hand reaching to your chest. "Forgive me, but what are you asking? I thought maybe I'd upset you last night, but now I really fear it. Or are you teasing me again?"
All thought was scrubbed from Kili's brain at your words, a thick blanket of confusion draping over the prince's mind and furrowing his brows. Is this what Fili meant? Were you not to hurt him because you thought him cross with you? That hurt a bit in and of itself. Perhaps you'd known he would be jealous. But then again, you had greeted him so casually, giving him a cute little wave when he came back...
"Please," he all but begged your name, "the suspense is just killing me. Is that not a courting braid you've been given? I know it is new as of yesterday."
"Is that why you looked so perturbed? Courting...courting braid? Kili," you laughed, "my hair was full of sticks and leaves and all manner of muck, so Bilbo detangled it and got it out of my face for me! Bilbo could be my father!"
Still a bit shaky, but Kili's face surrendered a smile at the teasing smack you gave his upper arm. "Oh, forgive me for being a dwarf," he shot back, "I was hardly the only one who noticed."
"But you were the only one who was jealous," you teased him back, "is that not right?"
Kili could tell by the faltering smirk you gave, by the dart of your beautiful eyes, that you did not truly believe it, but by Mahal, you would when he was done with you.
"Madly," he agreed, eyes boring into yours, "never let anyone but me braid your hair again."
Eyebrows shooting up to your hairline, you peeled yourself from the tree as if to get a closer look. "Kili..."
"I mean it," he implored your name once more, gently taking your shoulders in his hands, "please. This isn't a joke, but if you'd like me to convince you..."
Surging forward, Kili closed the gap between you two, his lips soft against yours and stubble pleasantly tickling against your skin, which shifted as you moved in response to his kiss. Your hands found purchase in his hair, tangling in it and eliciting a sound Kili was too focused on you to be embarrassed about. When you finally pulled away for air, he pulled you back, resting his forehead against yours with a growing smile.
"So, you convinced?"
Your eyes glittered with mirth, joy, mischief...perhaps even love, and Kili knew he should have never doubted you were his One. "So convinced I practically want you to rip out all of Bilbo's work and do it over again yourself."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
HIIIII I love your Mafia!Price Drabble and headcannons I was wondering if you have any ideas that involve Mr. John Price proposing to his gal or even mentioning having a wee baby :3
hi! thank you so much! i hope i'm understanding your ask correctly in that this is mafia!price you're wanting, so that's what i'm going to write on but if you were wanting captain price instead let me know and i can do another bit <3 i have too many thoughts in this pea sized brain anyway lmao also i decided to give you both the proposal and baby talk <3 (but the baby talk gets smutty cuz i'm feral)
warnings: fem!reader, mafia!price, head cannons mixed with drabbles, fluff and nsfw content, smut, mentions of pregnancy, mentions canon typical violence, hope i didn't miss anything (:
you can find more mafia!price in my masterlist <3
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The thing about Mr. John Price, is that he can get you anything in the world. He's sent you to lavish destinations for holidays, gotten you gifts that seem too expensive for a simple boyfriend to want to gift their partner; there wasn't a rock in the world he would refuse to move for you. So when he decided he wanted to make you his, to make his sweet girlfriend his wife, he finds himself stumped as to what to do in order to really make it stand out from everything else he's already done.
First, there's the ring. He had actually managed to obtain your ring size a few months into seeing one another. A dazzling necklace in a local jewelry store had managed to catch your attention, and he insisted that you go inside to check it out for yourself. While you were there, a ring that you claimed to be similar to your grandmothers had caught your attention, and the jeweler had taken it out for you to look at. You tried to put it on your middle finger, only for it to be too small, so you moved it over to the ring finger instead. It was beautiful, and in a style you kept gushing about. John snuck a glance at the tag, reading and memorizing the size and storing the information in the back of his mind. In the meantime, he bought you the necklace, of course. He ended up going to the same store in order to purchase the ring he wanted to propose to you with.
Then there's the location. Every idea that popped into his head didn't feel right. He was worried about trying too hard, about it feeling unnatural if he planned every single detail out, and yet feared that if he didn't plan enough it wouldn't be special enough. He was always a detail oriented man, and yet he felt as if he would drown in them.
So he lugged the ring around with him for months. Always hidden in his pocket, just out of sight, and yet he could feel it weighing heavier and heavier every day. His worry is something that you can pick up on. You feel it when you rub his shoulders in his office and attempt to melt away the knots in his muscles with your thumbs, you see it in the way he rubs his chin and stares off into space during meals.
John has always been honest with you, and so he made you very much aware of what he does for work before even attempting to pursue a relationship with you. And though he refuses to tell you any specifics in an attempt to keep you safe, you hear some of his men whispering about issues settling disputes with another syndicate. Fearing his stress comes from work, you insist on getting him out of the house. Though he suggests eating at the Greek place you enjoy in the city, or even spending the evening drinking away at one of his clubs (which is just a place for him to hide his tax fraud and money laundering "business"), you insist that you just want to go for a walk. And well, who is he to say no?
Darkness settled over the beach by the time you and John set foot on the shore, but the lights of the city emitted a golden glow that illuminated your face and had you looking as beautiful as ever. Salty water threatened to kiss your feet as you strolled along, and you felt John squeeze your hand while the two of you talked about anything that came to mind.
It was a sand dollar shell that caught your attention. A beautiful, round, and unbroken specimen that you nearly walked right over in the dim light. Fingers slipping out of John's hand, you stopped and bent down to pick it up, ogling over how pristine it was. You held it out, the item small in the palm of your hands as you pointed out each arm on the fossil.
Though you were enamored by the shell, John could only look at you. The way your eyes lit up, how you couldn't help but smile as you told him everything you knew about it, how you always seemed to find joy in even the smallest things. You were radiant, the only light he had in his life. Always smiling, always so kind to him despite how dirty his hands were from work. He didn't have a choice anymore, about being a bad man, but he had a choice when it came to you.
When you pulled away from him to wash the sand dollar off in the water, John found himself falling onto one knee. It was as if he wasn't in control of himself, like his body was telling him the time was right. Cold, damp sand seeped through the fabric of his pants, but he ignored it as he reached into his pocket and pulled out that small, velvet box that had been haunting his clothes for months. Despite all the bad things he had done in his life, he never found himself as nervous as he was in that moment.
Once you were certain all the sand had been washed off of your new possession, you turned around only to drop it to the ground in shock. John Price, the man who headed the most dangerous and effective mafia in the country, the man who always took care of you, who always stood tall and bowed to no one, was on one knee in front of you. The question in his eyes and stance was obvious, and yet you found your hand reaching up to cover your mouth.
"John?" you spoke, as if you were unsure of what he was doing.
He always promised himself he would never make you cry. Would never be the one to cause you any anguish or pain. So when he saw the tears starting to swell in your eyes, he couldn't ignore the way his stomach twisted.
"My whole life I've had whatever I've asked for given to me," he said, thumb brushing over the top of the box, "but I've never wanted something as badly as I want you."
His fingers gently flipped the top of the box open, revealing the dazzling ring you had looked at all that time ago; the one you told him reminded you of your grandmothers ring. A part of you couldn't believe he even remembered that moment, something that had seemed so insignificant at the time.
"I want to cherish you," John continued, "to care for you, to love you. To make you mine. Will you marry me?"
Your answer tumbled out of your mouth faster than you intended it to, nearly cutting the man off before he could fully get the question out.
"Yes!" you nearly sob, your own knees digging into the sand as you throw your arms around your now fiance's neck.
He wraps his arms around you in return, and his chuckle is low and rumbling and deliciously familiar in the way it vibrates through your chest. You can't wait to be able to feel that every single day for the rest of your life.
Baby Talk
Coming from a family born of violence, John was always a little scared to have children, but oh, did he crave being a father. More than that, he craved making you a mother.
But there were these worries that loomed over his head, terrified of dragging his children into the same life he was forced to live. So whenever he did mention children, he only ever sounded half serious.
"This room would make a nice nursery someday." "Maybe we could take our kids here someday, if we have some."
But you saw the look in his eyes. How his gaze lingered on a father playing football with his son in the park, how he chuckled at a young girl lecturing her father about something. Yet he never seriously sat down and talked about kids with you.
So you were the one who ended up really bringing the conversation up. Though, you didn't fully dive into it. Just simple little comments here and there. Ones that were more serious and promising than his own.
"John, look at these! Aren't they just adorable? I can't wait to dress our kids up in stuff like this." "Do you think we'll need a baby monitor? Might be a good idea if we set up a nursery, huh?" "Oh, I love this color. Do you think this would look good on the walls in the nursery?"
Half the time you spoke as if you already had kids or were pregnant, and your words left John's mind spinning. Torn between worry and want, his mind went back and forth between telling himself he shouldn't have kids, and giving into the desire to make you a mother.
And you certainly didn't make it easy on him:
John's cock always knew how to reach the deepest parts of you that turned your brain into nothing but mush. Legs thrown over his arms, he thrusted into you with such force he drew breathless moans from your mouth. His lips brushed against the side of your neck, breath hot and heavy against your skin as he grunted in effort.
Your hands pawed at his back, fingers digging into the rich muscle that covered his shoulder blades and neck. Sweat beaded in the dip of your throat just from the sheer intensity of it all; that burning feeling in your stomach, the tense muscles that shivered all throughout your body, and especially the words he grunted into your skin.
"So goddamn beautiful. Just can't get enough of you," he said, punctuating every word or so with a sharp snap of his hips that left you mewling.
When he was on the brink of his orgasm you could feel the neediness of his thrusts - the strained breaths against your ear - and you felt your cunt clench around him at the thought of him finishing inside of you. Before you knew it, your hands carefully danced across his skin until your palms enveloped his cheeks. You gently moved his head away from your neck, forcing him to look at you as he continued to push himself closer to the edge.
"I wanna give you a baby," you said breathlessly.
Never before had you seen your husband freeze so suddenly. His movements ceased as he buried himself so deep inside of you, you swore he was nudging against your cervix. The sensation ripped a tight moan out of your throat, but it didn't stop you from expressing your wants.
"Please, John, I want it so bad. Wanna be a mum so bad, wanna have your kid," you said, nearly begging. As you continued, you pulled him down until you were close enough to kiss him between words. "Please, let me do this for you, baby, I- fuck!"
John's thrusts continued with little warning, and they were just as passionate as they had been before, if not more. His lips silenced you as he smothered you with a kiss, and he ate up your moans like it was the only sustenance he would ever need.
"Yeah? Fuck darling, you don't know what you do to me," he muttered, voice strained with effort.
As he continued to pound into you, the sounds of skin on skin filling the room, all John could think about was you. You with a swollen stomach and breasts. He could imagine your giggle when you first feel your child kick, or laying in bed together rubbing your back when it ached too much. The thought of it all had him moving with a new sense of vigor, hellbent on filling you until there was no doubt at all that he'd make you a mother.
After all, whenever his wife wanted something, he would move heaven and earth to give it to her.
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so i have a confession to make - in this previous mafia!price piece i wrote, i really wanted to put in wife!reader begging price to let her have his kid to thank him for all he does for her, but i wasn't sure if that was too feral so i left it out. but then i put it in here instead and, well yeah. anyway i hope you all have an amazing day, and merry christmas if you celebrate! <3
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withleeknow · 6 months
six minutes.
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pairing: seungmin x reader genre/warnings: friends to ??, fluff; a couple of swear words here and there bc who am i if i don't swear, mentions of hurling but it doesn't actually happen, not really unedited lol word count: 0.8k note: HELLO FELLOW WIFEU (you know who you are), number 13 was "things you said at the kitchen table" lol. anywhomst people, my first seungmin piece!!
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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when blinding sunlight playfully slips through the curtains, you wake up with an ache inside your head, then instant confusion as you take in your surroundings.
this isn't your bedroom.
the clothes you're wearing aren't the ones you put on before you went out last night.
there's someone on the other side of the bedroom door, and the rummaging of cabinets, the clanging of pots and pans.
you sit up fully, clutching the duvet cover close to your chest, evidently disoriented. there's not much for you to go on - the room is clean, tidy, barely any decorations except for what seems to be a few baseball mementos displayed neatly on the credenza sitting opposite from the bed, surrounded by empty cream-colored walls.
a dumb, possibly-still-drunken thought pops up.
oh my god, i've been kidnapped.
you blink, feeling fatigue in every limb, slightly alarmed but not scared even though you probably should be. (you've been told that your survival instincts aren't very sharp.) the brain fog must also be a contributing factor, but even in spite of the thought of being kidnapped, you don't register any sense of imminent danger. just a growing perplexity because not everything has clicked into place yet.
your eyes notice a framed photo on the bedside table when the light catches on the glass. upon closer examination, you gasp sharply, because why the fuck is there a photo of your dog in this strange bedroom?!
oh wait.
thank fuck. you've been here before.
it's just kim seungmin's bedroom that you're in, and it's just kim seungmin's favorite baseball t-shirt that you're wearing.
after a moment of sitting by yourself in total dumbfounded silence, you venture out of the bedroom on unsteady legs - not even the good kind of wobbly legs that you wished you'd experienced as a result of a freaky night tangled up in the sheets - to find your friend in the kitchen with his back turned to you, hunched over something you can't see on the counter next to the sink.
you take a seat at the kitchen island, making sure to scrape the chair across the floor loudly to alert him of your presence. he turns around at the sound, a bit startled - cute - then throws a smile your way when he realizes who the intruder is.
"morning, sunshine," he chuckles upon seeing the disgruntled look on your face, courtesy of your stubborn headache. "sleep well?"
"i don't even remember what happened," you grumble, bypassing his question entirely. "why am i here? why didn't you take me home?"
"you wouldn't let me. you made me take you back to my place, then you practically demanded to sleep in my bed too," he tells you, filling a glass with water and handing it to you before turning back again to continue working on whatever task he was occupied with before you interrupted him. "thank god you didn't hurl."
you scoff, but you take a grateful sip of the water anyway. "you would've made me sleep on the couch?"
"yes." zero hesitation. motherfucker.
"and they say chivalry is dead."
"you'd be dead too if you had puked on my bed."
"i almost did. i woke up thinking i was kidnapped."
seungmin laughs, extending a hand to his right to grab a container of salt. you recognize it because it's part of the spice container set that you got him as a housewarming gift when he first moved into this apartment.
"would a kidnapper let you wear his favorite shirt and drool on his pillows?" he asks.
"i was practically blacked out. you could've thrown me a potato sack and i wouldn't have noticed."
"yeah, well, you wanted the shirt, so..."
for some reason, it makes you warm all over. though you still feel icky as hell from the night out, the soft material of his tee covering your body becomes more welcoming, makes you want to wrap yourself in the fabric even more.
you clear your throat, trying to dissolve the lump that forms in your throat upon hearing his words. the mischievous sun makes an appearance again, tiptoeing from the bedroom window to the kitchen window, sneaking through the cracks to saturate seungmin in a generous dose of golden light.
he turns around to face you once again, before you can think of anything else to say. he places a plate in front of you, and the sight leaves you a little taken aback. soft boiled eggs, already peeled and halved, sprinkled with your favorite sea salt.
"i don't think a kidnapper would get up early and google how to soft boil eggs either," he says with a casual shrug, but there's a hint of a smile there, tugging at his the corner of his lips.
"you had to google how to boil eggs?"
"soft boil eggs," he tuts, mildly offended that you'd think he's that incompetent in the kitchen. "because you like them."
he lets the smile take over completely now, the very second you feel heat rush to your cheeks.
"google said it takes six minutes, by the way."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 21.12.2023]
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avatar-anna · 10 months
so...i've had this concept rattling around in my brain, but i had no idea how to write it, so i used pictures instead. i definitely want to do more, but tumnlr only allows 10 pictures a post, so here's to hoping i remember to come back to this in the future!
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liked by taylorswift and 67,530 others
yourinstagram: had a very cool dude over today to make even cooler music
yoursistersinstagram: you let someone in the bat cave?!
y/nfan5: possible collab on the new album?
yourinstagram: more like i was helping someone with theirs ;))
harrystyles: Thank you for having me. X.
harryfan3: HARRY???
harryfan7: omgomgomgomgomg
y/nfan1: pls god let us have a harry and y/n collab on his next album i NEED it
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liked by gemmastyles, yourinstagram and 2,233,781 others
harrystyles: HS3. Coming soon.
harryfan8: NEW ALBUM ALERT
harryfan4: this has to be what he was working on with y/n right?
y/nfan3: i need them both on a song together
yourinstagram: had fun late night talking with you xx
y/nfan9: i'm sorry wHAT
harryfan5: is this flirting this sounds like flirting
harryfan13: honestly...here for it
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liked by harryfan7 and 4,320 others
y/nupdates: Y/n in a video for Vogue recently!
"A lot of people ask me how Harry Styles ended up recording at my house when we'd virtually never crossed paths before. It was actually Taylor (Swift) who kind of set the whole thing up. They spoke at the Grammys last year and she apparently gave him my number so we could work together...He called and asked if I was available to help with his album at all. At the time I was on the road, then working on stuff for the band, and it just kind of went back and forth for a few months while we tried to line up our schedules. Then I was done touring, but I was kind of in a weird state in life where I didn't want to leave the house or hang out with anyone. And I remember making up excuses because I wasn't really up to making myself presentable to a whole team of people I'd never met before and having our first meeting be this huge thing. I'd basically built it all up in my head about how our ideas would clash and we wouldn't get along and I just kept telling him maybe some other time. Long story short, Harry showed up at my place a week later by himself with just a guitar, a notebook, and my favorite takeout order. We spent the whole day together working on a bunch of different stuff from themes to genres of music to sampling and mixing. And writing. Lots and lots of writing. And now he's a dear friend. He's so sweet and so talented. I wish him all the best with the new album."
y/nfan8: ok i'm glad it worked out and everything but imagine a virtual stranger showing up to your HOUSE?? like she said no and he basically forced her to write his album for her
y/nfan4: that's so real of her tbh to not want to leave her house
y/nfan2: y/n is notoriously introverted it makes sense
harryfan13: girl...
y/nfan7: i don't think it was that serious. and if she really didn't want him there she could've said no
harryfan13: and y/n literally called him a friend?? stop trying to start shit that doesn't exist
y/nfan7: of COURSE mother brought them together
harryfan17: i can't believe that's what harry and taylor were talking about in the video!
harryfan2: chill harry doesn't need to be in a relationship with every woman he's associated with
harryfan4: wait but wasn't y/n at that grammys too?
harryfan9: it was still covid it's possible their paths didn't cross
y/nfan19: wait what if he was too shy to go up to her??😭
harryfan4: i love that they're writing besties now but i think they'd be so cute together 🥹
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liked by harryfan4 and 10,343 others
hsupdates: Harry about Y/n L/n for Rolling Stone:
"I've always admired (Y/n's) work. She and her band are incredibly talented, and are just so passionate about creating music. I wanted that same energy for my third album, the freedom to make whatever I want without any reservations, and I knew Y/n was the perfect addition to the team. It took some convincing, but once we kind of got started, we couldn't stop. As we've gotten to know each other these past few months, I not only respect her as a musician, but for the person she is as well. Her soul is one of a kind, and I feel like my album would be so different without her on it. So now not only do I have an album that I'm proud of and love, but I got an extraordinary friend out of it too."
harryfan9: so this is what people mean when they say platonic soulmates
y/nfan12: all we've gotten is crumbs and i'm already in love with their friendship. and the album of course
y/nfan2: i'm so interested to hear this album now. if y/n is on it it has to be good
harryfan3: "her soul is one of a kind?" if that's harry as a friend i don't think i can handle boyfriendrry😭
y/nfan7: i'm holding out hope for them honestly🤞🏼🤞🏼
liked by harrystyles and 23,724 others
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yourinstagram: you've fallen from the sky down to me, i see it in your face, i'm relief, i'm your summer girl
y/nfan17: shut up are those song lyrics??
yourbandinstagram: the tears behind your dark sunglasses, the fears inside your heart as deep as gashes🎶🎶
y/nfan17: HOLY SHIT those ARE lyrics!
y/nfan6: haven't even heard the song and i know the girls have done it again
harryfan4: could it...could it be about harry?
y/nfan8: you're grasping at straws
harryfan12: are they? they've been spotted together all over LA
harrystyles: ☀️☀️
y/nfan8: as friends. friends can hang out can't they?
harryfan3: new music from harry AND y/n? we're about to be fed y'all
y/nfan2: i bet they collaborated on this song together
Interviewer (I): What's one memory or experience you can share from making this album? Any trips to Japan or Jamaica?
Harry (H): We stayed in Los Angeles mostly for this one. But erm...in terms of a specific memory...I would say that while I was working with Y/n, one of the tracks was actually inspired by her cat.
I: Really?
H: Yeah. Whenever it did something to annoy Y/n, which was quite often, she'd call her a little freak. The song's obviously not about the cat, but the phrase was in my head and yeah. Things just kind of...snowballed from there.
I: The sound that Y/n's band has is more rock centric, a similar sound to your first album. Is that what we can expect for your third studio album?
I: You've become quite close to Y/n L/n it seems like.
H: Not necessarily. Y/n and I collaborated, but she also let me take the reins in terms of sound. She had opinions of course and we would bounce ideas off of each other...but she really just followed my lead and supported the vision I had. She is playing a majority of the instruments on the album, though.
H: It's hard not to.
I: How so?
I: It sounds like you could go on for quite some time about her.
H: She's just cool, you know? I was kind of intimidated when we met for the first time. She's quiet, but you never forget that she's in the room, you just want to go over and talk to her. Of course once you meet her she's incredibly kind and not at all intimidating, but still like chill and stuff. The first time we met we sat for an hour just talking about music we enjoyed and live shows we wanted to attend and things we learned while in lockdown. She's just effortlessly cool. An old soul, I guess. And somehow she translates that into her music. Her sisters, too. They're all just first-rate musicians.
H: Sorry. I kind of gushed for a minute there.
H: And the band. They're just so talented, you know?
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liked by jeffazoff and 4,211,323 others
harrystyles: From start to finish, making this album has been such an incredible journey. It was so fun to try new things sonically while also making something that I'm one hundred percent proud of. I've never felt more myself while making music than I did while creating this album for all of you, and I have so many people to thank for that. Hopefully you know who you are. I love, love, love you.
harryfan16: 😭😭😭😭😭
harris_reed: little angel👼
harryfan3: WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU
yourinstagram: congratulations h. you deserve it.💐💐💐
harrystyles: I couldn't have done it without you💐
liked by yourbandinstagram and 53,089 others
yourinstagram: for one night and one night only...but in all seriousness shout out to my friend and his incredible album. happy to have been a part of the magic :)))
harryfan13: HAPPY HARRY DAY!!!
harryfan4: is she in ny??
y/nfan7: yes! she was spotted with harry before the show today
harryfan9: they're literally so cute i love their friendship
harrystyles: You made the magic happen. Thank you for everything. X.
harryfan3: they're so...
y/nfan2: i genuinely think they like fucking with us bc i legitimately can't tell if they're dating or not
y/nfan7: at this point i don't even care i love whatever they're doing they both just seem so happy to be besties/lovers/collaborators and i love that for them
harryfan5: ^^
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liked by harryfan10 and 3,742 others
y/nupdates: Y/n performing Keep Driving onstage with Harry in NYC tonight at ONO!
y/nupdates: When he introduced her, he said: "Tonight is special in a lot of ways. I'm sharing my album with you for the first time, my family's here, my friends are here, and...a very good friend of mine is here to play a song with me tonight. This album wouldn't have been possible without her, so please give her as much love as you've given me. Y/n L/n, everybody!"
harryfan4: stop they're so close it hurts😭
y/nfan7: i was there they were staring at each other and smiling the whole time!
harryfan12: that's the one where he says choke her with a sea view!?
harryfan3: i'm choosing to believe they're in love idc what anyone else says
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hs/ynupdates: Harry, Y/n, and her sisters in New York after ONO tonight! Apparently Harry and Y/n were standing and walking very close to each other. Like arms wrapped around each other close.
harryfan2: that could literally mean anything tho. they're good friends why wouldn't they walk next to each other?
y/nfan14: i feel like they don't know if they're dating or not at this point😅
y/nfan8: her sisters are so unserious i love it
y/nfan5: i love that they all showed up for harry🥹
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liked by taylorswift, harrystyles and 710,225 others
yourbandinstagram: Thanks for having us, London!
y/nfan1: i can't believe i got to see harry and y/n perform in ONE NIGHT
harryfan3: sending my love and my tears to everyone who got to experience this historic night
harrystyles: Thank you for taking the time to share the stage with me. X.
yourbandfan2: how do y'all always look so good 😭
I: So you opened for Harry Styles a few weeks ago and performed a song with him in New York.
Y/n: My sisters and I did, yeah.
I: How did that come about? Did your team call his team? Or was it more casual than that?
Y/n: Oh, definitely more casual. I think we were just hanging out together one morning and he kind of just suggested it. No bells and whistles or anything like that.
I: So can we expect (Your band) to join Harry on his upcoming tour, then?
Y/n: I don't think so. We're working on putting out a record of our own at the moment, but we do want to get back out on the road soon, but I will definitely be attending more of his shows in the future.
I: And what can we expect from this upcoming record? Did Harry help you the way you helped him out?
Y/n: I've sent him a couple things to listen to, and I value his opinion a lot, both as a friend and as an artist. He also showed me a couple records recently which kind of influenced how I approached some of the songs sonically. He's got a huge vinyl collection at his house. I'm honestly kind of jealous.
I: There's been some rumors running around that you and Harry are in a romantic relationship. Would you like to put any of those rumors to rest?
Y/n: I could see where people might think that. Harry's very affectionate by nature, and over the last couple of months we've become very close. He's not just someone I admire in the music industry, but as a person in general. I feel incredibly lucky to call him a friend. And a close one, at that.
I: So just a friend then?
Y/n: Yeah. Yeah, just a friend.
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lucabyte · 2 months
obligatory ramble about postcanon loop ask
also your art is amazing
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Hiiiiiiiii :D thank you :)!!
and thank you for the excuse to post the. just absolute wall of text that i truncated down to form the tags of that post. (i did,,, hit the tag limit. i forgot tumblr had one of those...) so let me just paste that and tidy it up a bit...
I am putting this under a readmore because it's a bit long. but:
This is like. The General Context for all* of my postcanon doodles? (Except AUs obviously) Like this is the base idea I've been drawing them all in. So, feel free to backread with this in mind. I've basically had this 'postcanon' timeline set in my brain since finishing the game...
My general thoughts are that I like the idea of Loop (even if through dubiously ethical means) being able to slowly reintegrate with the party as a whole new person, because they are, in fact, their own person.
It's a muddle of thematic threads im pulling on and "wouldn't it be fucked up if", but. (at its core, it's powered by the fact that like, while narratively isat's theme of 'the only person who can truly take the first step to help you is yourself'. (wrt: loop helping the party help siffrin in act 5) which i LOVE AND IS GREAT NARRATIVELY…. would be super fucked up irl to learn that your friend 'learned as a lesson' while you stood by kinda uselessly. I know i'd be upset about it. but thats mostly background here. doesn't really come up. at least not until loop has to explain who they are and the party realises they had to fall back on literally themselves again for help, but i digress,)
The real core concept is: Occam's razor. It is like, inherently, a buckwild thing to accuse a person of being somehow a clone or copy of your friend. Even if they start vaguely alluding to a backstory it's far more likely they were some other person before all that. (I still think Odile has that theory in the back pocket but she's rational enough to know it's a really long shot without a solid explanation. and i think Loop deep down knows this, and would, if cornered into confessing, turn the situation around to go J'ACCUSE and make HER explain it instead. Ever longer dodging being direct with their emotions...)
And the party are nice! And if someone has changed and wants to keep stuff secret it's kind of not their business? (Though it's hard not to speculate… see: the main joke of the doodles) And they seem important to Siffrin so they just try to accept them abrasive quirks and all. And eventually the question of their prior identity just fades away since, well, they're Loop. Their friend Loop.
but yeah. personal headcanon is that a few months/weeks after picking up and getting aquainted with Nille** (since that was presumably the IMMEDIATE TASK postgame), Loop reappears (either after a literal period of nonexistance, or just spending a few months wandering the french countryside alone being attacked by wild dogs). Since Siffrin has had a while to be therapised by the party they're doing mostly okay, but Loop showing up and still being agitated/aggressive pulls them both into a bit of a backslide behaviourally and puts the party on the back foot again.
Hooowever, I do think that due to no longer being literally stewing in the worst pressure cooker of all time together, the two do mostly actually sort themselves out with productive conversation. (Via a cycle of: genuinely distressing argument -> weeeird lovebombing -> ok we're good -> repeat, that gets less intense over time)
Thus, allowing the party to just. Integrate loop as a new person. They and Siffrin shuffle into different ecological niches (Loop taking over stuff Siffrin is now too squeamish for, etc (see: hunting, mostly)), and while it's not exactly what Loop wanted they generally get that beggars can't be choosers and it's a pretty good deal. And the rest of the party does straight up just like them as a friend, especially when Loop quits trying to actively antagonise them after a few weeks of being around them, since they just can't keep up being mean to people they like forever.
As for how I think the truth eventually drags itself out. This is where I invoke The Isabeau Torment Nexus™. So its gonna get shippy here for a bit hold on.
Which is, I think giving them time before Loop reappears long enough that Siffrin and Iseabeau actually manage to become established, Isabeau has to be the one to nudge the pair of them and go. "Hey. You know we're in Vaugarde right. I'm okay with polyamory if we all communicate." Before Loop and Siffrin actually even acknowledge that whatever the fuck they have going on kinda looks a lot like a relationship of some kind. (or have already been agonising about that via fighting and arguing, depending) (Obviously this comes after Isa "Emotionally intelligent enough to keep a lid on the jealousy" Beau has managed to use that big brain of his to Not just go Scream somewhere on the daily because oh godddd they keep talking like theyre suicide-baiting each other jesus chriiist. is it overstepping his boundaries to bring that up?? god)
This, taking a bunch of the tension out of Loop and Isabeau's relationship (Since I imagine Loop is a. being weird for the obvious reasons and b. feeling kinda guilty about 'getting in the way of' Siffrin and Iseabeau), allows them to actually get close in a normal friend way. (I think an interesting turning point could be Isabeau actually taking Loop's side in an argument vs Siffrin, which would absolutely break Loop's brain. Especially if it's an argument that matters. Like what do you mean he isn't just going to play favourites. What?)
Then Isabeau, just actually open minded and charmed by Loop (and maybe even somewhat at Siffrin's suggestion?) tries to close the final open side on the polyamory triangle here and that's the final straw for Loop on "This lie by omission is too unethical to keep up, this is just actually sick and wrong. I can't do this while he doesn't know who I am." Though. Obviously it probably goes. Very poorly with emotions high like that. And the added element of several months of deceit. Getting dark here for a second but that dagger is going MISSING and so are THEY for a hot minute.
Then yaaay everything works out in the end 👍 yippieee!! all it took was maybe a lot of harrowed recontextualisation of all the weird shit your new friend said and did when it turns out they're your old friend. It's fine.
But yeah. this is basically the context all of my postcanon doodles have existed within? And those exist to give other people something to chew on. So this does too.
I suppose TL;DR: Imagine if sloopis almost fucking happens before isabeau knows who loop is. can you fucking imagine. can you imagine having to navigate that. nightmare.
*Yes this includes the implied cannibalism comic. Uhh. Comes part and parcel with headcanoning that Loop went way off the deep end similar to A5 Sif But Maybe Worse before giving in. Add weepy half-asleep confessions to murder wherever you see fit in your mind palace. 👍👍👍
**Re: Nille footnote. I don't have anywhere to put this besides here! I have some thoughts on Loop and Nille having an odd dynamic. I don't imagine Nille to be super gung-ho on trusting a bunch of adults (even if they are majority around her age) given their implied backstory. It's probably a big shock to the system, especially since Bambouche is a good couple hundred Kilometers up north from Dormont and these guys don't seem to have trains. She would've been unfrozen and without Bonnie for some time....
Which is to say: I think she's suspicious of them. I think she may be looking for excuses to distance herself, keep Bonnie safe. SO.... A new guy showing up? And antagonising the party? What do they know that I don't...? I should find out.
And since... Loop didn't ever know Nille, they have no ammunition or real reason to be cruel. Plus, if they're trying to stay on Bonnie's good side (SINCE... if Bonnie thought Loop was cringe they may as well kill themselves. In their mind.) they SUPER have no reason to antagonise Nille.
Mostly, they might be able to open up to each other easier than they can the rest of the party?
I feel like this resolves with Loop feeling compelled to apologise for what they and Siffrin let happen to Bonnie, though... Hmm... Depends on how you interpret Nille that they'd be glad nobody else had been told about that yet, or furious it had been secret this long. I lean toward the former.
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thegnomelord · 8 days
You ever hear the gross stories about people putting peanut butter on their junk and having a dog lick it off? This sounds bad but stay with me here, imagine it's marakov doing this with hound. Like it's a humiliation thing to break hound down or something and drive it into his head that he's no better than an actual dog. Marakov starving hound for awhile so he's famished and then pulling the peanut butter out. If hound wants to eat then the only food he can have will be the peanut butter he'll have to lick off marakovs cock.
Oh fuck that is disgusting and SOOO something Makarov would do. So here's a lil ficlet cause you got my brain going Brrrr
CW:NSFW, MDNI, Makarov x male reader, blowjob, peanutbutter food sex, toxic relationship, dom/sub dub-con, rough and quick, I дворняга - mongrel, mutt есть - eat, нет - no.
Rough fingers grip your jaw until it hurts, Makarov's thumb pressing down on your tongue to keep it flush with the bottom of your mouth. Drool and a bit of blood run down your chin, a small puddle already forming between your folded knees. The fingers on of his other hand wiggle your canine, uncaring of how your jaw trembles in an attempt not to bite him.
"Poor дворняга," Makarov chuckles, "Not liking your new teeth?"
Your 'new' teeth hurt like hell and that's saying something, gums around them still raw and irritated, knives stabbing at your entire jaw and down your throat whenever he wiggles the tooth even slightly. But you can't show that, don't bite the hand that feeds. So you swallow the sound of pain bubbling in your chest and shake your head as much as he allows you to do so.
You can see his smirk past the tears blurring your vision. "Good dog." He chuckles, pulling his fingers from your mouth to pat your head. "You must be hungry."
You are. Starving. You can't remember the last time you've been fed, probably before Makarov had your canines ripped from your mouth and replaced with metal, but the constant pain buzzing in your body makes it hard to keep track as the days blur together. You wordlessly nod your head, knowing better than to speak when he hasn't given you permission yet (you doubt you even could with how much your jaw hurts.)
Makarov leans back on your bunk, letting go of your jaw to fiddle with the jar of peanut butter. Unscrewing the lid he dips his pointer finder in and scoops up a big dollop of it. He holds it out for you, resting the back of his finger on your tongue. "Есть." He orders, tone leaving no room for arguing and you're quick to close your lips around his finger, tongue moving to lick it clean and trying to avoid nudging your teeth.
You've always hated the stuff since Price got you to try some when you were in America, the taste and texture making your skin crawl, but right now it may as well be ichor of the gods. Your stomach rumbles at finally being able to devour something, even if it's just a small scoop of peanut butter.
You open your mouth when you're done, spit clinging to Makarov's finger, and try your best to make a small whine. "Good, finally learning." He hums and sets the jaw down, unbuckling his belt.
Your heart stutters and drops to your stomach as you watch Makarov fish his half hard cock from his boxers, only needing a few strokes to get him fully erect. Makarov laughs at the face you make when he scoops up a good amount of the peanut butter and uses it like lube on his cock.
"Oh, did you think you would just get to eat?" He snorts, holding the base of his cock, "Нет, нет, нет you dumb mutt." He spreads his legs wider, patting his thigh. "You'll have to work for it, now есть."
You hesitate, some meager part of your pride absolutely unwilling, your stomach telling you to forget about that. Makarov waits, judgmental eyes locked on you, easily able to see the turmoil swirling in your eyes. He knows how to be patient, while he usually wouldn't tolerate disobedience, he knows he can't set up a hunting dog for failure and expect success so soon into your training.
His efforts bear fruit and you slowly shuffle forward on your knees. Even starved as you are, the wide span of your shoulders still forces his legs to spread wider. You hesitate some more, looking past his cock up at him, wondering if he really wants you to do this; is this a reward or just another way to tear you down?
"Do not make me repeat myself." He says, voice even and cool, but you're still perceptive enough to notice the sharp edge of danger in his tone, like a knife pressed into your throat.
Tentatively you lean in, fists clenching against your thighs as your tongue lolls out to hesitantly lick at his shaft. He doesn't rush you, doesn't degrade you, but his hand does settle on the back of your skull. You freeze, but he only hums, "Good dog." His hips twitch until his shaft bumps against your nose.
The hand on your head keeps you from pulling away, and your hunger soon wins out so you give a few experimental kitten licks. You start at the bottom, still uneasy about this, your tongue licking across his knuckles. Makarov purrs something in Russian you're not familiar with, his tone not sweet enough to make you think it's an insult, so you slowly continue up his shaft.
His precum mixes with the peanut butter, giving it a saltier tang that makes disgust curl in your stomach, humiliation making your face burn. Even your mind mocks you; Price's voice echoes somewhere in your ears "This is why we left you, you were just waiting for a chance to be a terrorist's whore." but that voice slowly gets quieter as Makarov's hand pets your head, making thinking about anything but the creamy peanut butter on your tongue difficult.
"Good dog, doing so well for me." Makarov hums, a pleased sound escaping his chest. The pleasure your mouth brings is miniscule compared to the sight of you - on your knees, eyes slowly closing as your malleable mind settles into static, drool smeared lips wrapping around his head to suck all the food your tongue missed - oh it's something else. He's seen many powerful men brought down to their knees, but nothing has ever made him harder than you right now.
You pop off his cockhead, chest frantically moving to draw breath, unfocused eyes staring at his drooling head before you look up. "Now wasn't that a good treat?" He asks, receiving your mumble in return, using your spaced out mind to smear more peanut butter on his head. "But you missed a spot. Go on, есть."
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hopeluna · 3 months
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ — 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐼𝑆 𝑀𝐼𝑁𝐸 (𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆'𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)
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✘ Part of the writing event by @carolmunson ! You can find the prompts n dialogue here, pls feel free to join in and write your own version <3
✘ the scene: a romantic night-in at the trailer. 
✘ CW: eddie munsson x fem!reader, very much rom com vibes cause come on it's me, first time writing for eddie pray for me, was tryna do fluff but turned into hurt/comfort, mentions of financial insecurity, eddie being the best bf material out there. 1k
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The trailer door creaks on it's hinges like it's going to fall off any moment. It hardly registers in Eddie's brain, pulling the door more forcefully open with a beaming grin to let you in.
He's practically vibrating from the pent up anticipation. It's been a few days since you both have properly spent any time with each other. Between you being busy with college and him playing to a steadily growing crowd at The Hideout, the past few days consisted only of short kisses and exchanging i love you's in passing.
Eddie didn't really wanna pester you much either. Even though he missed you these days like a starved man, the relationship was fairly new and blooming and he didn't have the heart to somehow accidentally mess it up right from the get go.
"What brings you to the freak's humble abode, my fair lady?"
He gives you a toothy grin when he sees you telling him to silently shut up. You weren't a huge fan of the 'freak' title. "I come with gifts!", you hold up the small pastel paper box like a medal.
Eddie lets out a low whistle, with a whisper of 'gimme', making animated grabby hands till you place the box delicately in his outstretched hands. He immediately digs in with hurried but careful hands, cautious to not damage the paper cause he knows you probably took hours to get it just right.
A soft smile pulls his lips up at the small pastries. It looks absolutely delectable. Whispy vanilla frosting coated all over the soft sponge, the scent of vanilla bean hitting his nose, little flecks of edible glitter and sprinkles all tied with a plump strawberry at the top.
"You made these?"
"Mhm! We did chocolate last week and red velvet the week before that, so I thought we could go for a classic vanil-"
Giggles fill the quiet space of the trailer, Eddie placing light, ticklish kisses all over your lips. His grin only stretches more when you shriek his name to let you go, "if you don't stop, we're gonna have a problem!"
"Oh yeah, sweetheart? And what is that problem?"
"I will-" you push Eddie away enough so that only your noses are touching "- revoke your kiss license." You let out a soft snort at your boyfriend's devastated expression.
"You wouldn't!"
"I would, baby."
Eddie's huffing away with a quiet 'meanie' as you shake your head fondly at him, nudging him silently to open the pastries. He carefully sets two out, putting the others in the freezer for Wayne when you come back from the kitchen with two chipped mugs. Eddie's heart falls a little at the thought of you maybe judging him for this.
You roll your eyes with a smile, "don't just stand there, open the damn thing!" You nudge the poorly made cat themed mug in his hands- his favourite. You watch with wrung fingers as he practically balances more than half the dessert on the fork to shove in his mouth, leaving flecks of whipped cream and frosting on the corners of his mouth.
"It's so....sweet."
You wince without meaning to, "and you like that?"
Eddie lets out a amused laugh at your anxiety ridden face. "Baby, that's probably the second best damn thing i've tasted." He shines a gleaming smile on you at your own grin of accomplishment.
"What's the first?"
"You." Eddie's loud laugh fills the silence at your disgusted but flustered expression.
His face falters a little when you shove the throw pillow on the couch behind you to get comfortable. Eyes follow your hands as you tighten your grip on your own mug, the handle chipped away from wear. Eddie's gaze flits around the trailer- the old video player, the less than impressive flooring, the comfy but worn out looking blanket that you've draped over yourself. It's definitely not the white picket fenced dream most want. He feels comfortable here but do you? Maybe you sometimes wished to hang out somewhere els-
Eddie snaps his gaze over to you, expression nervous and concerned. "Um- yeah." Clearing his throat, he shifts a little forward to pick his notebook from the table, mindlessly going through it in an effort to seem busy.
"I-uh, i ran out of like, nice cups,-" he briefly gestures to the one in your hand, "-is that okay?"
He would've found your furrowed, confused expression cute if it wasn't for the small ball of anxiety etched in his throat. "Yeah- i mean, of course it's okay." You look back at the cup in your hand, then to him and back at the cup again. "Are you okay?"
The curls on his head seem to bounce a bit as he nods frantically, twisting the cover of the notebook in his hand "it's just, you know, that thing isn't the nicest " he gestures vaguely with his hand around you, "i mean-none of this is-"
"The place isn't the most romant-"
"Eddie." His eyes go from looking around in the trailer to you, you who inched closer to him without him realizing. "I like- I love the trailer."
"No, don't be like that. That's not even true. Just because it's not a house with a big front yard and white roofs doesn't mean it's nothing. It's home." You smile as Eddie's eyes widen almost unnoticeably as you cup his face in your hands.
"It's home because it has you in it. And I wouldn't change that for anything."
A breathy chuckle escapes you, Eddie now burying his face in your chest with arms snaked around your waist firmly. His voice is muffled against your shirt that you have to strain to hear what he says, "sometimes, I feel like you being my girlfriend is a very detailed fever dream."
You feel his smile against you as you press a kiss on the top of his head. The silence stretches for a while before you break it, fingers making mindless circles on his back.
"I also come here for the trailer park cats."
The gasp Eddie lets out, finally releasing you from his hold, makes it hard for you to not burst out ugly laughing.
"You would choose the cats over me?!"
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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chrysalind · 2 months
sweet and sour
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pairing: suna rintarou x reader wc: 880 tags: fluff, fake dating, (real) jealousy, party setting ofc, reader wears makeup and is shorter than suna
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Sometime last Wednesday, Suna Rintarou had discovered inner peace.
It had been after his last linear algebra exam, during his third consecutive hour of mourning, when it finally occurred to him that it didn't matter. Of course, it mattered in the sense that it would affect his GPA, and as a result, his job prospects, career, ability to be approved for a mortgage and become a homeowner, and of course his retirement. But in a more 'in the moment' sense, it didn't matter at all.
This was because, he'd rationalized, it had already happened and there was no use agonizing over it after the fact. And so, for a few short days, Suna abided by the belief that if he couldn't change something, he simply wouldn't bring himself to care about it.
So when you drag him into the tiny bathroom of someone's apartment with a swipe of glitter under your left eye and a frazzled expression on your pretty face, Suna is fully prepared to put his new philosophy into action.
The door shuts behind you, muffling the din of music and people and he tries not to think about how precariously close your drink is to the edge of the sink when you set it down.
"I need a favour," you begin, wringing your wrists as he tries not to fall backwards into the shower. It is, in fact, a very tiny bathroom.
"Nah," he replies, managing to right himself against the towel rack.
"'Nah'?" you repeat, jutting out your bottom lip. "But you don't even know what I'm going to ask."
He rationalizes that it can't be anything worth putting in the effort for. Therefore would it even make sense for him to hear you out? He thinks not.
However, as he eyes the door behind you, your face bobs into view, obstructing his path to escape.
"Please," you whine, dropping down from a tippy toe. "Just hear me out."
He glances once at his reflection in the mirror before his gaze slides up to the ugly white light on the ceiling.
"Yes," you exclaim, your elbow narrowly missing the cup. Suna looks away.
"Okay, so my ex is here with his new girlfriend," you begin, your hands moving fast, "and so I would really, really be so grateful if you could maybe, possibly, pretend that we're together."
He blinks. "Nah."
Your face falls. "But I'm gonna look like a loser out there."
He wonders if the glitter is supposed to draw attention to your eyes. If so, why just one side?
"That doesn't even make any sense," he says. "No one cares that you're single." After all, no one cares that he's single. Except for himself, sometimes, although, he's learning to let go of that.
You're pouting again. "I care. And I'm pretty sure that he cares. Chiharu said that he told the other guys on the soccer team that he was bringing her because he knew that I'd be here. Like, isn't that kind of fucked up?"
Something like irritation wriggles in his brain but he quickly shuts that down. After all, what can he really change about the situation? Even if he does pretend to be your boyfriend for tonight, your ex will continue to be a convincing piece of evidence that Neanderthals might still walk amongst modern humans. And even then, you'll still be hung up on him and things between you two will just stay the same. So why should he bother?
"I'm gonna pass," he says dryly, squeezing past you to get to the door. Your elbow brushes against the cup and it falls, clattering into the sink and splashing red liquid down the sides.
"Just tell him to go fuck himself or something," he shrugs, before twisting the doorknob. "Or just pretend he's not there at all."
"But Rin," you pout as he lets the chaos of the party flood into the small space, "I thought we were friends."
And you are friends, he thinks, as he shoulders his way back through the crowd. That's the problem.
That's the fucking problem.
So when he spots you, fifteen minutes later, with your back up to a wall and that Cro-Magnon specimen crowding you, he thinks it's finally time to seriously reconsider his philosophy.
And sometime in the five steps it takes to cross the room does he finally come to the conclusion that enlightenment just isn't for him.
"Hey, angel," he says as he turns you around to face him. Your lips are parted in surprise and the glitter reflects fuchsia and gold in the low light.
He's acutely aware that the two of you are not alone, but he can't bring himself to look away. Something like a second epiphany dawns on him.
"Sorry it took a while," he murmurs as he leans down to meet your gaze.
"But better late than never, right?"
Sometime last Wednesday, Suna Rintarou had discovered inner peace.
But right now, tonight, as you let him kiss you in front of all the people you know, he decides that inner peace is entirely overrated.
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stormyjisung · 9 months
"So when did you know it was love?"
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Members. Skz hyung line (+hyunjin)
Synopsis. Asking them about the time when they'd fallen for you entirely
A/n. I woke up missing ji and decided to write something for skiz, it's been a long time since I've written for them anyway. I was watching a movie yesterday (more like analysing the poster) and the tagline said, 'so when do you know it's love?' And my writer brain went wee woo 🚨.
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Bang chan
"so when did you know it was love?"
The question caught chan off guard, eyes shifting from his phone to your face, eyebrows quirked up in amusement, "where's this coming from?"
Rolling onto your stomach you groaned, "I don't know, chan, it just randomly popped up"
A bubble of laughter left his lips, "well to answer your question, I think it was our last semester at uni? I don't really remember the setting love, but I do remember that I was having a bad day. That paired with a raging downpour pushed me over the edge and I called you, crying, definitely not one of my best moments" chan paused to shake his head, "you helped calm me down and said, 'I'll be right there' and before I could ask what you meant you hung up"
"And before I knew it, you turned up at the library soaked to the bone. You handed me my umbrella and gave me the biggest, warmest hug someone had ever given me, despite the fact that you were freezing,
We'd already been dating for a few months, and you'd stolen my heart countless amount of times but it was at that moment I knew you'd stolen my heart from me forever"
Your cheeks felt hot, chan had always been a man of many words but to hear him voice out the moment he fell in love with you word by word felt nothing short of ethereal.
"But I do wonder, why did you turn up looking like a wet dog when you had an umbrella with you?"
Shrieks of embarrassment and laughter filled the atmosphere, love seeping into your bones even deeper.
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"when did you know it was love?"
You saw minho's hand pause midway while petting dori, "is this one of those tiktok thingies where go around asking your partner if they'd love you if you were a worm?"
"What- no! I was genuinely curious" you whined as minho let dori down, placing a finger on his chin he pondered.
"Yeah!" You leaned forward excitedly.
"It was that time when you messed up a party's dress code and showed up wearing a chicken onesie."
"Fuck off" you replied, kicking a pillow at his face as he cackled, "No but how does one mess up that bad?"
Faux disappointment seeped into your features causing minho to break, "okay fine. But you dare not make fun of me or I'll set birds loose on you"
"You wouldn't dare" you gasped, "try me" Came his reply.
"It was late September, when we'd just been dating for a few months and when my self confidence was at an all time low. I remember you'd been begging me to show you one of my choreos until I finally agreed."
"Oh! I do remember it, and when the day arrived you made every excuse under the sun to not show me the choreography!"
"Yeah, because I've always been a little bit of a workaholic and a perfectionist and all the girls I've dated before would ask me to stop working or 'take a break',
nothing wrong with their concern but it just got tiring since I geninunely loved dancing, but then that day when I showed you my choreography, you sat there starry eyed; watching my moves like a hawk and your mouth left partially open as if me dancing was the single most enchanting thing you'd ever seen."
"It was!" you replied in a heartbeat, not missing the way his ears turned red instantaneously, "-anyway, then I told you I wanted to work some more on the choreography before I could come home and you said 'well, let's work together!' And started giving me all these ideas even when you had two left feet yourself"
You would've retorted with a 'hey!' Had it not been the soft gaze in his eyes. You knew minho loved you, it showed in the way he'd tone down his teasing once in a while and remind you that he still loved you.
But after this, you doubt any insecurity would ever cross your mind.
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"when did you know it was love, bin?"
Changbin almost dropped the plate he was holding, caught utterly off guard by a question he most certainly had the answer to yet didn't trust his words enough, "what do you mean, babe?"
"When did you realize that you were in love with me?"
"I fall for you every day." He deadpanned
"Yeah- but, like, when was the first time?" you asked flustered by his prompt reply.
"You're cute" He giggled, ruffling your hair as his eyes shone with admiration, "I think it was when we had our first serious disagreement? The first time the rose colored glasses shattered and we could see ourselves for who we truly were"
"You said something along the lines of, 'I'd understand if you left right now' and it was the first time in my twenty one years of life that I'd experienced true heartbreak. And it was also the moment when I realized no matter how many fights we had or will inevitably have in the future, I'd never want to walk out on you or us"
He ended his little monologue by peppering sweet butterfly kisses on your forehead, "I'll always love you" He whispered between the kisses.
The orange hues of the setting sun illuminated the two soul mates in that room who failed to realize that their souls were always meant to love each other, maybe the setting sun knew their story for it smiled as it set across the horizon.
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"when did you know it was love?" You asked hyunjin as he raked his fingers through your hair gently, a low hum escaping him
"When did I know I'd fallen for you entirely?" He confirmed to which you gently nodded your head, the serene atmosphere felt unreal with you laying on his chest and him alternating between patting your head and softly brushing your hair
"That's a question that doesn't really have a definite answer, love"
You allowed a beat of silence to pass by before you spoke up, "what do you mean?"
"Falling in love with you wasn't a spur of the moment... it was rather an entire journey.
From the moment we met to right now, it's been one hell of a ride. We've seen seasons, weather and people change. We've seen each other change for the better, I've see you through your good, your bad and your ugly" He paused to let his eyes roam all over your face as if memorizing every miniscule detail
"But despite all of that, I wanted you. I wanted you every waking moment of my life, I wanted you on the days you were too sad to even get up, I wanted you on the days you were cranky and moody, I wanted you on the days you'd blow up on me, I wanted you, I want you.
And when you want someone like that, above their flaws, imperfections and blemishes I think it's fair enough to declare it as love"
Hyunjin was always a romantic, never failing to make you feel loved and cherished and even after years of dating him, he still managed to take your breath away. He talked about loving you as if it was the most natural thing for him to do, as if loving you was easy.
And that terrified you because hyunjin was just as easy to fall for, if not more.
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Reblog to show your appreciation !
I love how I post once a week but am chronically online, tee hee.
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toomuchracket · 4 months
stupid cupid (d word matty x reader fluff)
day 3 of valentine's week, in which you realise you're in love with matty in an unexpected circumstance. cute as shit. enjoy <3
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you collapse forward onto matty's chest, both of you breathing heavily. he's still partially inside you, and you can feel his cum dripping from your hole and pooling below you on his body, but you don't mind; you like this sort of post-sex intimacy, when the orgasm haze fades from your brain but the stickiness and tiredness of your body still continue as reminders of how good it was.
and fuck, was it good.
matty strokes your messy hair. “mad how we've never had bad sex with each other, isn't it?”
“shut up,” you laugh, looking up at him adoringly. “you'll have jinxed it now.”
“impossible,” he grins. “i like watching you try to walk normally the day after a good fuck too much to not make an effort…”
“oh my god.”
“... and you are just too eager to please me to half-arse anything, my little princess,” matty boops your nose, laughing when you screw your face up. “in conclusion - great sex forever.”
you hum, tracing the chest tattoo next to your head. “that really was great, that. unexpected.”
“d'you mean?”
“thought you'd be exhausted after the show. s'why i insisted on being on top,” you laugh breathily while matty flicks your nose. “pleasantly surprised at how much work you did.”
“you've been running around in tiny shorts all day. course i was gonna go fuckin feral,” he smiles, hand weaving into your hair and massaging your scalp. “tired now, though.”
“same,” as if on cue, you yawn, and snuggle further into your boyfriend. “night night.”
matty giggles. “nope, not yet. need to clean you up first, darling,” you're not quite sure how he manages it, but next thing you know you're being scooped up bridal style and carried to the bathroom. he sets you down next to the toilet, and reaches in to turn the shower on. “you piss, i shower, then you come in with me. yeah?”
“mmmkay,” you nod, smiling as matty kisses your head before stepping into the shower. normally, you wouldn't let him in the room at this point, but the glass is so frosted that you don't care. you do what you need to do, giggling to yourself as you stand up and lean over to the sink to wash your hands and listen to your boyfriend sing (for what reason, you've no idea) lucky ones by lana del rey over the sound of the taps.
and then, you try to walk over to him, and your legs almost give way to the point you have to cling to the counter to stay upright. you yelp. “matty!”
he's over at you within seconds, sliding a little bit on the floor. concern on his face, he gently holds yours in his still-wet hands. “what’s wrong, angel? you alright? did you see a spider again?”
“no, i just,” you sigh, looking up at him with a pout. “i can't walk. tried to get to the shower and my legs gave way.”
“already? nice,” matty smirks. you deliberately wobble your lip, and his face softens. “oh, sweetheart,” he coos, kissing your forehead and lifting you up to sit on the counter. “give me a second to rinse my hair, yeah? then i'll take care of you. promise.”
“‘kay,” you sniffle. “you can leave the shower door open if you want.”
your boyfriend laughs. “it won't turn you on again, looking at me naked and dripping wet?”
you shrug. “maybe. but you're beautiful like that. s'nice to appreciate you.”
“flatterer,” matty's cheeks go adorably pink. he kisses you, long but chaste, before walking backwards to the shower. “front or back view?”
“back. you've got a cute arse, and i never get to see it.”
“not as cute as yours.”
“yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “hurry up, please, i miss you. wanna go to sleep.”
he grins. “alright, darling.”
in fairness to matty, he really only is a few minutes rinsing the hair mask from his curls - he's so quick, in fact, that you’ve half a mind to tell him to go back in so you can appreciate the view even longer. but as much as you like ogling his peachy little bum and the way his back muscles flex under the water, you like it when he takes care of you even more. so you keep your mouth shut and smiling, hand him a fluffy towel from the stack beside you (with a final bit of ogling as he runs it over his body and wraps it low on his hips), and let him do just that.
he kisses you as he runs a flannel under the hot tap, then wrings it out and presents it to you. “temp ok?” he smiles when you nod, tapping your thigh as a sign for you to open them so he can clean you up, cooing when you wince at the feeling of the warm fabric on your still-sensitive cunt. “i know, sweet girl, i know. just a second longer, yeah? need to make sure you won't be all sticky and uncomfy, that's all. alright?”
“mhmm,” you smile at the way matty’s concentrating on you, the same as he always does during aftercare - brows furrowed in focus, bottom lip between his teeth, whole face softening as he looks you over in satisfaction once he's done. it's almost reverential, the way he treats you, and still totally overwhelming, even after all these months. nobody else you’ve been with has ever been so caring towards you, nor so affectionate; once he's chucked the flannel in the laundry bag, the first thing matty does is straighten up and kiss you. it makes you melt. “thank you, baby.”
he pecks your lips. “just doing my boyfriend duties.”
“you do them very well,” wrapping your arms around his neck, you shuffle forward to hug matty, snuggling into him while he holds you tightly. you don't know if you've ever felt so safe in your life. “m'really sleepy. will you take me to bed now?”
“course,” matty gives you a final squeeze and pulls back, smiling softly; his eyes widen when he looks at your face, though. “wait, no, i can't. not yet.”
“you've still got your makeup on, darling.”
blinking tiredly, you look over your shoulder at your reflection. “oh, so i do. never mind. i'll sort it in the morning. let's just go to bed, yeah?”
matty shakes his head. “nope.”
“matty,” you whine, stroking his face. “please can we just go to sleep? m'too tired to do it.”
“angel,” your boyfriend sighs, taking both your hands in his. “the first time i stayed at yours, you made me promise - promise - to never let you fall asleep with your makeup on. said it was the worst thing i could ever let you do. so, yeah, we're not going to bed until your skincare is done. alright?”
a wave of something unfamiliar passes over you as you take in matty's words. it's not unpleasant, though; quite the opposite, actually. kind of warm, but not in an embarrassed way. you don't know what it is, or where exactly in your body it starts, but you like it.
you smile shyly. “i can't believe you remember me saying that. i was half-joking, honestly.”
matty copies your smile and shrugs. “well, i took it very seriously. so, to that end,” he kisses you quickly, resting his forehead against your own. “if you're too tired to take your makeup off and all that, would you let me do it instead?”
the warmth passes over you again as he speaks, increasing by a couple of degrees when you look at your boyfriend's adorably expectant face. god, his eyes. you want to drown in them. “yes, please,” you smile. “if you wouldn't mind, that is.”
“i never mind getting to touch your beautiful face,” he grins. “i know you're tired, darling, but could you put your hair up while i wash my hands, please?”
you oblige, reaching to the side for your claw clip and headband. matty quickly cleans his hands, fiddling about with the tap once he's rinsed. “tepid for skincare, yeah?”
“right,” you nod. “if it's too hot it…
“... strips the skin too much. makes sense,” matty carefully measures out your makeup remover on his palm, while you blink in surprise. wetting the cleanser, he brings his hands to your face. “let me know if i'm not doing it right, sweetheart.”
“okay,” you close your eyes, and he begins. his hands move gently across your face, the soothing circular motion of his fingers lulling you into relaxation - ironically, in total contrast to the circular motions matty was using on you earlier. when he giggles quietly, you keep your eyes closed, but smile. “what?”
“you look like a raccoon. your mascara's completely melted,” matty replies, and you can hear him smiling. “a really cute raccoon, though.”
“a callback to my emo days,” you smile, closing your mouth as matty wipes the makeup residue away with a facecloth. “is that us done?”
“yeah. take a look, please.”
you do as asked, turning to examine your totally makeup-free face in the mirror. “perfect, baby. thank you,” you turn back to peck matty - glowing with pride - and smile. “d'you want me to guide you through the rest of the routine?”
“oh, no, it's ok,” matty’s cheeks go pink again, and he looks bashfully at the ground before peeking up at you through his eyelashes. “i, uh, i actually made a note of it in my phone, one of the times i sat with you while you did it. just in case, you know, something like tonight happened, and i would be the one doing it for you.”
oh. your eyes widen, and matty starts some frantic monologue about… well, you've no idea what. you can't focus on anything he's saying, because now you know what the new warmth in your body is, spreading from your heart to your brain and tinting the world just a little bit brighter.
it's love. 
you're in love with matty.
as soon as the realisation hits, though, reality follows - all it took for you to realise was for him to offer to do your skincare for you? really? that tiny little gesture? christ. how pathetic of you.
but it isn’t a tiny gesture, though, is it, if you think about it; matty cares so much about you that he physically noted down which skincare products you use on your face and in which order. it might be a basic ritual, but it's intricate and intimate, and he's willingly offering to enact it for you because he knows you’ll feel bad if you abandon it tonight.
god, you love him so much.
shit, you still haven't said anything - you tune back into matty talking about “i'm sorry if that's a bit creepy or stalker-ish, i just know you spend a lot of time taking care of yourself like that, and really i think you've got it down to a fine art cos you always look amazing, and i don't know i just thought it would be useful to know if i was ever lucky enough to be so close to you that i could take over with it if necessary, and-”
“matty, baby,” you stop him before he talks himself unconscious, smiling. “i’m really touched that you would do that for me. really.”
he smiles, clearly relieved. “i'd do anything for you, darling.”
you swear you can feel your heart grow three sizes like the grinch. “well, in that case,” you kiss the back of his hand. “i'd like you to do my skincare for me, please.”
“alright. can i kiss you first?”
you say nothing, just pout your lips and close your eyes. matty chuckles and kisses you deeply, hands on your jaw; you sigh into him, lips parting to let him in, and he takes the bottom one between his teeth and releases it ever so slowly. when you whimper, he smiles, pecking your lips before pulling away completely. “right. cleanser time.”
you smile, too, closing your eyes and sitting back while he washes and hydrates and treats and moisturises your face. again, matty's so gentle with you, humming whatever tune is in his head and quietly murmuring instructions like “pea-sized amount of niacinamide, grape-sized amount of moisturiser” to himself - you huff out a laugh at those, and he stops talking to himself in favour of talking to you. “what?”
“nothing, you're just cute” and i'm very much in love with you.
“nowhere near as cute as you, sweetheart. just your lip balm left to do, by the way, and then we can finally go to bed.”
“thank god.” 
matty laughs as he quickly swipes your overnight lip mask on, tapping your thigh once he's done. “that's you, angel,” he washes his hands again, while you open your eyes and beam at him. “shiny and beautiful.”
“thank you, my darling,” you pull the claw clip and headband from your hair, shoving them in your cosmetics bag before making grabby arms at matty. “bedtime?”
“bedtime,” your boyfriend lifts you and wanders to the bedroom, laying you gently on the bed and kissing your hair; in complete contrast to the tenderness, he parkours over you to get to his own side of the bed, and you giggle as he winces. “fuck, that was a bad idea.”
“oh baby. c'mere,” you slide under the duvet and open your arms. matty slots himself between them, resting his head on your chest. “better?”
“so much,” he yawns, eyelids already fluttering closed. “night, baby. see you in my dreams, and then in the morning.”
“goodnight, darling,” you lean down to kiss his forehead, gently massaging his scalp until his breathing indicates he's properly, genuinely asleep. then you smile, and your voice drops to a whisper. “i love you.”
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forever-rogue · 2 years
ok so maybe Steve's at work doing his nurse thing when who shows up in the emergency room and didn't even call to tell him that she was hurt? his favorite girl, that's who.
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AN | More Nurse Steeb!🥺🥺 This can be read as a companion piece to this, but also as a stand alone!
Warnings | Mild Language
Pairing | Nurse!Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Nurse Steve, Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were dreading this moment. You really, really didn't want to be here. The temptation to just turn and run away was so high. It would have been so easy to just leave and go home…but the shooting pain in your arm told you that was an even worse idea.
The hospital was big…so maybe you wouldn't see him at all. Right? Right. Or that's what you were hoping for. The odds really were slim to none and yet… Maybe you didn't even need to go to the ER. Maybe you could just call and schedule a regular appointment with your doctor…
"Fuck," you sighed heavily as you looked between the entrance and your car. You had to do it. There was no way you could get out of this one.
Trying to collect your remaining dignity, you walked into the hospital and up to the counter. The woman behind the screen looked at you for a moment, recognizing you but not quite placing it.
"I-I think I did something to my elbow," you explained, tears already welling up and threatening to run down your cheeks, "I fell and it's stuck at this weird angle and I couldn't move it. Every time I try it hurts so bad."
She peeks over the counter before noticing the odd placement of your left elbow, "oh dear. Well, we'll get you right in with the doctor. First, let me get your name please."
You nodded and told her your first name and hesitated for a moment. She waited for you to go on and you sighed before giving her your last name, "Harrington."
And…realization hit her. She knew exactly who you were. You, him, and the disgustingly cute story of how you'd met in that very ER were well known around the hospital. You gave her a sheepish smile as she scribbled a few things down, "go ahead and take a seat. I've got everything here, honey."
"Thank you," the older woman's gentleness already made you feel better, despite your current predicament, "and umm…could we not tell him yet? Or at least don't put me in his wing?"
"I'll do my best," she promised with a knowing wink. You nodded softly before padding over to one of the stiff plastic chairs, careful not to irritate your arm further. 
A heavy, tired sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes for a few moments of solace from the piercing fluorescence of the hospital lights. A dumb little part of your brain even dreamed that maybe you'd get home without him knowing anything.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Well," the doctor, an older man with a calm aura - which did nothing to help your nerves - was almost silent as looked over your x-rays and studied the findings, "you've got yourself a dislocated elbow."
"No," you groaned as you looked at the ceiling. How could you be this clumsy and unlucky?
"Yes," he pointed at your arm, still stuck at an awkward angle as if to prove his point, "and that is nothing to scoff at."
"Umm, how do I fix it?" you asked softly, trying to ignore the throbbing, "can it be fixed?"
“Oh yes,” he seemed unphased by your question, as your panic had increased, “most of the time it can be corrected without surgery-”
“Without? S-so you mean you there’s a chance I would need surgery?” your lip trembled with effort as you tried to cry, “what are the odds?”
“The first thing I’m going to do is to try and set it back into place and then we’ll immobilize the arm for now,” he looked up at you for a moment and saw the distressed look on your features, “meaning you’ll be in a sling for some time. It’s imperative that you keep as still as possible for now. In a few weeks we’ll see how it’s setting and how your range of movement is. And onto physical therapy.”
“Physical therapy?” alright. This had to be some sort of cosmic joke. The last time you were in the ER was when you’d broken your ankle a few years ago. That had almost ended up with surgery and absolutely had required physical therapy, “oh.”
“It’ll be okay, Mrs. Harrington,” he insisted, “I’ve seen these before and while inconvenient, rest assured you’ll make a full recovery.”
“I’ll send in the nurse and have them set you up with a sling and the dos and don’ts and talk to you about painkillers,” he gave you a pat on the opposite shoulder, “I’ll see you back in about two weeks. Any questions you have the nurse will be able to answer.”
“Okay,” you nodded and slumped your shoulders as you watched him go. Steve was going to lose his mind when he saw you, “fuck me.”
After a few minutes of terse silence, a few gentle knocks came at the door. You confirmed they could come in and regretted your decision as soon as you did. It wasn’t just any nurse that happened to be assigned to you. It was your husband.
“I-” he’d all but dropped your charts and came over to you, his hands finding your face as he studied you. He’d read over your chart to read the doctor’s diagnosis, but had neglected to read the name. Otherwise he would have known it was you. As soon as you looked in those big, soft eyes all the unshed tears rolled down your cheeks, “I-I fell.”
“Honey,” he closed his eyes and let out a small sigh, whether of stress or relief you weren’t sure. He tenderly brushed away your tears before placing a kiss to your forehead, “it’s okay. I know it hurts, but don’t cry…please. I’ll take care of you. I’ll make it better.”
“It hurts so bad, Stevie,” you wanted nothing but for him to wrap you up in his arms, but were also terrified of hurting your arm further, “I’m so stupid, ‘m sorry.”
“You’re not stupid and there’s nothing to be sorry for,” he gently shushed by putting a finger to your lips, “I’m glad you came in, okay? I know how stubborn you can get, my clumsy girl. But I’m here to take care of you.”
“I asked them not to send you,” you sniffled, laughing ever so softly as he shook his head in amusement. He tutted, but it was nothing but warm and affectionate, “didn’t want you to worry or panic.”
“It is my job to take care of you,” he insisted softly, “both here in a professional capacity and everywhere else as your husband and best friend. Will you tell me what happened, angel? How did you hurt yourself so badly?”
“You’re gonna laugh,” a pout settled on your pretty, soft lips and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to them, “it’s silly.”
“I won’t laugh,” he promised, “scout’s honor.”
“You were never a boy scout, Steve.”
“Still counts.”
“Does not-”
“You’re stalling,” he insisted, already guessing your little ployl, “just tell me what happened, baby.”
“I was in the backyard and I went to move one of the lounge chairs off the deck and one thing led to another and I lost my footing and slipped and tried to stop my fall with my hand and then hit my elbow and the thing I knew it was lots of pain and I couldn’t move my lower arm,” you replayed the events in your head and silently cringed at yourself, “and I came here.”
You looked up and found Steve’s brows knitted together as he kept his eyes on your chart. He was silent, but then you could see the subtle shake of his shoulders. You used your good hand and slapped his arm, “Steve Harrington, you’re laughing! Don’t laugh at me, you said you wouldn’t!”
“Honey, honey, honey,” he took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, “I’m not laughing at you…I’m just amused by the situation.”
“You wouldn’t be laughing at another patient!”
“Other patients aren’t my wife,” he put a finger under your chin and turned your face up to meet his, “and I love you more than anything, so it’s affectionate teasing.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” you huffed, but there was no malice behind your voice, “now make it better…please.”
“I will,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I promise I’ll make it better, sweetheart.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Ugh,” you sighed for what felt like the millionth time as you tried to move around to get comfortable. You were exhausted - tired and worn out from your accident and the excitement of the day, but sleep had proven to be elusive. The worst part of all, there were only certain ways you could lie down to keep your arm still and without causing too much pain. None of the positions were working. Steve was lying in bed next to you, attempting to read but you were sure he wasn’t doing much reading from all your huffing and puffing. You turned your head and gave him an apologetic look, “sorry Stevie.”
“It’s okay,” he promised as he dog-eared his page and snapped his book shut, setting it on the nightstand, “I know it’s difficult to adjust to, baby. Let me try and help.”
“This sucks,” you huffed before looking over at him, both of you breaking into a fit of giggles, “I’m never doing anything else again for myself. It’s proven to be a bad idea.”
“I’d say the broken ankle worked out pretty well,” he grinned as you looked at him in confusion, “more or less. I got to meet the girl of my dreams right there in the ER.”
“And to think, if I hadn’t broken my ankle we’d have never met,” you said, touching his cheek with your good hand and giving him a soft smile, “the injury sucked, but the man I got out of it is pretty amazing.”
“Who knows,” he shrugged with a small smile, “maybe something good will come out of this too. You’ll just have to get better first. That means listening to me and taking it easy and -”
“Asking for help,” you finished softly, “I will, Steve. I will. But I have a request for when this mess is all healed…”
“Go on, I’m curious now…”
“Can we get a dog?” you asked with wide, curious eyes as his face softened. Of course you would use this for something like this. Truth was, he wanted a dog too, but it just never had been the right time, maybe now that dream would come true, “pretty please, Stevie?”
“We’ll see,” he promised and you could tell what he meant, which only caused your smile to grow, “we’re focusing on you first.”
“Fine,” you agreed happily, “but right now I just want to sleep.”
“C’mere,” he got out of bed and came over to your side, gently helping to move to the side he occupied just moments earlier. It was warm and smelled like him, which was immediately comforting. He adjusted your pillows and fluffed them, making it so you could lie on your side, but keeping your elbow propped up so you wouldn’t jostle or hurt it, “better?”
“Much,” you agreed as he slid into bed next to you, “and now I can sleep facing you. That makes me feel better.”
“Me too,” he promised softly, “plus, the view’s pretty fucking stunning.”
“Steve,” you playfully chided him, “I look and feel like a mess!”
“A beautiful, wonderful, amazing mess,” he joked, “that I love so very much. I promise it’ll be okay, angel. I’ll take care of you, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you leaned in as much as you could and he met you halfway, kissing you softly and gently, “I love you so much, Steve Harrington. You’re my savior, I swear.”
“I love you, clumsy girl,” he whispered against your lips, “I’ll always take care of you. I swear it.”
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solarlunarsstuff · 4 months
On Top 《|》 Dark!Coriolanus Snow X Tribute!Reader (CH. 2)
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Synopsis: Man, getting out of the stupid Capitol zoo and getting to he brutally fucked by a hot blonde is a dream come true.
Tw: P in V, unprotected sex, blood (😱), blood kink (?), rough-ish sex, js smutty shit.
Wc: 1785 (oops)
CH. 1 《|》 CH. 2 《|》 CH. 3 (COMING SOON)
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After awhile of running and staying out of the light, so you both wouldn't get caught. Coriolanus had brought you to some... house?
Either way, it was a huge house, had a penthouse near the top. No lights were on except for one room that seemed to be below the penthouse.
"Wait here." Coryo said
Without hesitation you backed into a dark corner of the outside part of the house. He entered the building and you heard what seemed to be a... Woman?
Confusion flooded your brain like a broken water dam. You stayed quiet though, Coriolanus was an intimidating man that you did not want to see the angry part of.
After about five or so minutes, he came back out and called you over. You both entered the house that was pitch black.
Coryo whipped out a flashlight, it was dim an it strobed a bit but it still gave you both a sense of direction.
As soon as Coriolanus opened up a door that was probably the penthouse door since you both stumbled up like twenty sets of stairs.
He threw his red coat onto a chair near a desk, it looked like a school uniform. It's hemming was sort of torn.
'He probably picks at it..' I thought to yourself as you awkwardly stood there. You took everything in, the plush pillows, soft mattress, and the way things go beautifully together.
He seated himself on his bed, the cushioning sinking in from his weight.
Coriolanus started to get himself situated, looking through his wardrobe for something more comfortable.
Out if the corner of his eye, he saw you standing there. Not knowing what to do, he thought it was kind of cute.
The way your dress compliments your body, except it was really dirty. His eyes would linger on you for awhile before turning back to his wardrobe.
Coryo got what he needed and set it down on his desk chair that way he could get ready for tomorrow.
"Come.." he told you, his eyes darting straight to make eye contact.
You wobbled your way over to him, he opened up a drawer of clothes that he had borrowed from the woman you heard a few minutes ago.
"Put these on." He said again, handing the clothes to you.
Sleep shorts, white tanktop, and...Panties? Either way, it felt like you were gifted a second life.
"Do you have a bathroom or..." I trailed off, wanting for his response
"No, you change in here. It would be to risky to let you change downstairs." Coryo told you as he undid his white button up.
No joke you were flustered as shit. Changing in front of a guy you barely met? You turned around, not wanting to ask him to turn around also.
You could feel Coriolanus' eyes watching your every move as you slipped your dress straps off of your shoulders.
Moving it down from your chest, and getting it near the underside of your ass. You had heard shifting behind you, paying no attention to it you continued.
Bending over and throwing the dress next to you. You hesitated but you gotten the courage to slip your panties off.
Coriolanus let out a low growl as he saw what the shitty fabric was covering from him. You were about to yell out and tell him to turn around but you kept going.
Finally taking your panties off, you had pulled on the pair that Coryo gave you. Along with the black shorts.
You had your old bra on but realized that he also gave you a bra, just your size.
Yet again you unclipped the backside of the old bra and threw it on the side along your old clothes.
Continuing with your shorts, just leaving your tits on display. You brought the bra up and slipped the straps on and turned to Coriolanus.
"Could you help me?" You pleaded as I faced him, holding the bra in place.
You couldn't reach the clip in the back, he turned you around and helped reclip the bra.
You took note that he had a subtle bulge in his red school wear. He had grabbed a pillow to cover it but he dropped it after he helped you.
You went back to grab your gifted tanktop and put that on and turned back to face him.
"It feels.... Clean.." you mumbled from tiredness and the adrenaline rush from having someone watch you undress yourself.
And not just anybody, a hot blonde.
Coriolanus just nodded and admired you. His cock basically aching to be touched by his hand. No. Your hand.
A better idea, your unused pussy could lull him to sleep, having you clench around his throbbing dick. Having you whine into his ear, and-
"Let's play a game.." a smirk creeping up onto his face.
You nodded yet hesitantly. You slowly walked yourself next to him, you sat down and tried not to squirm to much.
Coryo swiftly grabbed you by your wrists and pushed you onto your back. His smile was completely visible now, his hands achingly squeezing your wrists.
"Let's see how strong my princess really is.." he chuckled lightly
You squirmed, you tried but even if you got away from him, how would you outrun him?
You already had a difficult time running along with him over here. Your stomach did flips, his long legs are open and slotted between your open thighs.
His messy blonde hair falling to the sides of his face as he looked down at you.
"Such a pity.." his hands danced around your chest
"My pretty girl can't even fight, how are you going to win the Hunger Games?" He cooed
You whined, that did it for him, your whine wanted him to rip the clothes you just put on off of you.
His hips started involuntarily moving into your clothed cunt. You poor district girl, you're going to let your mentor fuck you?
I guess that's why they called you the town slut. You've never had sex with anybody, you only craved touch.
So to speak, you are a virgin. Or I should say soon that wouldn't be very true in the next few minutes.
"Fuck.." Coriolanus cursed
He got up, stripped his dress pants off and threw them onto the ground somewhere. He had tighty whiteys on.
Is it hot? Yes, yes it is. Did you want him to fuck you? Absolutely.
You propped yourself onto your elbows and watched how he got back and grabbed the top of your shorts and hastily pulled them down and tossing them.
"Oh my fuckin' god.." he mumbled as he saw how atrociously wet you were. Coryo's finger found its way playing with your clit like it was a toy.
Your hips jerked as he inserted his finger into your needy hole. His middle finger rubbing against the inside of your walls while his thumb was putting pressure onto your pretty clit.
Codiolanus's left hand pushed the bottom of your thigh up so he could reach deeper.
"Such a pretty pussy.." he mumbled, it was like he was in his own world
Your moans were erotic. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, he was knuckles deep in you. Already shoving two fingers into your wet cunt.
"Shhh, my cousin l' hear if you don't shut up.." he demanded
His fingers started to pick up the pace, "Fuck- hic -I-m sorr-ry Coryo- hic-" you started hiccuping
Your right hand held his hand that was holding your thigh up while the other was gripping his silky white sheets.
"Gonna c-" before you could finish his fingers pulled out. Coryo brought his fingers up to his mouth and lapped up your juices like it was water from the fountain of youth.
"So fuckin' sweet.." he moaned
Letting go of your thigh, he rubbed his clothed dick. Coryo pulled his bottoms down enough to where his cock flipped out and slapped against his abdomen.
Precum started to gather at his red tip, it looked sort of purple for being denied for so long.
You've never seen a dick this big, your mouth of basically watering when he started trying to hold back his whimpers when stroking himself.
You just layed back thinking about hoe you would survive the games but that thought was long gone once his tip started tugging at your entrance.
Your eyes shot open as you looked down to find him struggling to get inside of you.
"So damn tight'!" He groaned as he tried to bottom out.
After wriggling and praising your way through it, he finally bottomed. You both huffed out thankfully.
Coryo was actually nice enough to let you get used to his size. "This might hurt, love.." Coriolanus grunted as he started to roll his hips into your's.
Your moans were ecstasy. It was music to his ears, he wanted and needed more. Coryos' eyes dilated as he saw a bit of blood trickle out of your glory hole.
He smiled, this sadistic ass mother-fucker. Coriolanus' chuckled as he saw how your eyes rolled back, your mouth gaped open into an 'o' shape.
"Like that, huh?" He praised as his hips moved faster.
Coryo's thumb slithered onto your clit, rubbing it simitaniously as he thrusted his hips letting his cum-filled balls slap your ass.
"F-fuck, Coryo!" You breathed out
"Gonna cum baby?" He said as he continued to mark your body harshly
"C'mon, cum f' me" Coriolanus cried out in ecstasy
Your cunt clenched around his throbbing erection. But he didn't stop, no, you poor baby. He kept on going.
Your cries for stop and I can't go anymore where blocked out by Coryo trying to reach his own release.
He bent your legs back and held the back of your thighs, pushing your knees near your ears.
Your eyes shot open as the tip of his cock met with your sweet spot. Tears were threatening to fall out of your eyes from the pleasure you were receiving.
"Shit, gonna fill m' baby doll up with all of my cum!" Was the last thing he said before spilling hot ropes of his seed deep into your womb.
Coriolanus's hips slowed down a little as he silently pumped his cum deeper into you while breathing heavily.
He slumped up and grabbed a rag, he wiped the excess cum that flew out near your thighs. Pulling your panties up and keeping them snug on your hips.
Coryo gave a kiss on your forehead. "My snowflake..." he mumbled while wrapping his arms around you.
You both fell asleep as rain pattered at his window, lulling you to sleep.
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
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*gif created by me(thefallennightmare) feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: Possibly the last one for tonight but we'll see!
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday
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Things were different; weird.
It's been a few days since our time at the Airbnb and Noah's barely acknowledged what happened between us. And instead of avoiding me, he was always there. Before when I entered a room, he would find some excuse to leave, me doing the same. Now when I walk into a room or place he was in, he watches me with intense eyes. Not that I was complaining if I was being honest. But what happened between us still didn't excuse his previous attitude towards me. I'd done nothing to deserve his cold shoulder, and I planned to make sure he knew that if we continued this.
No, I rapidly shook my head. That was a one-time thing.
With a sigh, I kept my attention on finishing setting up the merch booth while the guys were on stage for a sound check. I bobbed my head along to the beat Folio smashed on his guitars, the opening to Artificial Suicide echoing loudly in the empty space. Thankfully, this venue had space for me to set up the booth in the main area so I could watch the show tonight.
As confusing as our relationship, if you could call it that, was. I still loved watching Bad Omens. They were electrifying on stage.
When Noah's voice came through the speakers, I cringed and turned on my heels to watch. He cleared his throat, the music halting before he threw his thumb in a circle showing that they started it from the top. They did and the same thing happened; Noah's voice cracked and sounded as if he was losing it.
"How does it sound, Y/N?" He asked into the microphone.
I walked closer to the stage with my face screwed up so I didn't have to yell. "Do you want the truth?"
"I wouldn't expect anything else from you."
That made me chuckle but then let out a deep sigh.
"You sound like shit, Noah. What's going on?" I stuck my hands in the back pockets of my jeans and put all of my weight on my left foot, cocking a hip out.
Noah sighed while handing the microphone to one stagehand before sitting on the edge of the stage, his long legs dangling off. I was a few feet in front of him and ignored the way my brain screamed at me to slink between them.
"I woke up this morning with a sore throat and thought it'd get better by now," he ran a hand through his hair.
Matt sighed next to me; stress clear on his face. "We've got about six hours until your set. Why don't you rest your voice until then. We can cover the rest of the sound check without you."
"You sure?"
Nick clasped a hand on Noah's shoulder and nodded. "We got it."
While they all conversed about what to do, an idea sprung to mind and I pulled out my phone to look up the nearest coffee shop. Thinking no one noticed, I slipped away from them while sending a text to Davis, who was still at the hotel, to see if he could finish setting up for me.
"Where are you going?"
Turning around, I noticed Noah followed me. I gave him a stern look, him already forgetting Matt's orders not to talk.
"You're not supposed to talk," I reminded him.
He rolled his eyes then whipped out his phone and typed something on his notes app before showing me; he asked again where I was going.
"I was going to get you a tea to help soothe your throat," I said, suddenly nervous that the gesture might have seemed too much coming from me.
Noah's mouth curved into a smile and motioned for me to follow, him clearly coming with me.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? There's a line outside, you're bound to be seen."
I'm sure he knew that but I wasn't worried someone would see him alone. I was worried he'd be seen with me. After almost a year working for Bad Omens, I'd done a pretty good job and not to be seen with them out in public. Of course, in group settings, it was harder, with fans snapping pictures of us when we walked around the town, we were sightseeing. But now, alone with Noah, I couldn't fathom what people would say if they saw the two of us. Fans knew I was the merch girl so maybe they'd think we were just grabbing coffee for everyone else.
That's exactly what you're doing. No need to overthink things.
Noah led us out the back where fans weren't allowed and when I told him where the shop was, we began walking in stride there. We didn't speak, the silence something we were used to between us, but every once in a while, our hands would brush together. A spark of heat and electricity shot through me every time. Something I knew Noah felt as well because, at one point, his fingers brushed against the inside of my wrist, on purpose.
As the shop came into view, we noticed there was a small group of people hanging around outside; all wearing Bad Omens merch. The two of us came to a halt, and I peered up at Noah, seeing what he wanted to do. He shrugged before typing something on his phone and showing me the screen.
Can't hurt to talk for a few minutes, right?
I narrowed my eyes at him, debating whether this was a good idea.
"If I get any flak from Matt because I let you talk and your voice gets worse, I'll kick your ass," I pointed at him.
Something dark flashed across Noah's eyes and he licked his lips, typing a new message.
Sounds like a deal, angel.
Ignoring the way my insides burned at the pet name, I told him I would be right back while he socialized with the fans. As I stepped inside, the group of fans started muttering under their breath that 'the Noah Sebastian' was standing right in front of them. The wait for the tea wasn't that long and as I waited, my eyes dared a glance outside to see Noah finishing up taking some pictures with the fans. As if he felt me staring, his eyes locked with mine and gave a small wave.
An action one fan noticed then followed Noah's gaze, landing right on me.
With a start, I turned back to the counter when my name was called and took the tea with a smile. By the time I made it back outside, Noah was alone, leaning up against the wall of the building.
I handed him the tea. "I don't think it will cure you completely but maybe enough for tonight's show."
Noah nodded his thanks and soon we began the short walk back to the venue, in silence. Thankfully, he was not speaking to save his voice because I wasn't sure what we would talk about. Clearly, we were supposed to think what happened that night didn't, and I was glad to do that.
Was I?
I couldn't dwell on the question for long because my phone buzzed in my pocket. Expecting it to be Matt wondering where I ran off to with the vocalist, it surprised me to see my mom calling. She never called me on her phone. When we did talk, which was rare nowadays, it was when Lana called me.
With a soft hand on Noah's forearm, I pulled him to a stop.
"Give me a minute?" I asked.
He nodded, so I took a few steps away to give myself some privacy.
"Mom?" I asked once I answered.
"Yes, I'd like to report a break in."
My heart rate intensified hearing her calm, eerie voice. It wasn't anything I'd heard before which made me wonder what the fuck was going on.
"Mom, it's me. Y/N. What's going on?"
"There's a lady in my house trying to give me medication. I told her I don't need it but she said it'll help me."
I pinched my eyes shut while letting out a shaky breath. I could practically feel Noah's eyes gazing at me but ignored him; right now, my mom needed me.
"Mom, that's Lana. Your nurse," I spoke low into the phone so Noah couldn't hear me. "We've been through this, it will help you."
"NO! She said it will make me go to sleep. I don't want that."
I bit my lip, trying not to break down. It had been a good couple of days for both my mom and I, now everything was slowly turning to shit once again.
"Just take it, alright? For me?" I begged.
"Who are you?"
It wasn't the first time she questioned who I was but every time; it chipped away at my heart. Having your own mother forget who you were was a different kind of pain. There was some rustling on the other end, a struggle almost as I heard Lana grunting and my mom yelling obscenities to her. For a split second, I almost told Noah I had to leave but when Lana's calm voice came through the speaker, it erased that thought from my mind.
"Hi dear," she breathed into the phone. "How are things?"
I scoffed. "Really? That's how you answer the phone? What the fuck is going on?"
"I promise its nothing-."
"I swear to the Gods, Lana if you say its nothing you can't handle I'm going to fucking loose it," I spat through gritted teeth.
Every single phone call, Lana would tell me her version of the day but end it with 'nothing she couldn't handle'. I was tired of hearing it; I demanded to know the truth.
By now, Noah had come around to face me, a wondering spark in his eyes.
"Everything alright?" He mouthed.
I nodded with a sigh before turning slightly away from him.
"It's been a terrible day, dear. Your mother is getting worse, and she really needs to go to a facility where they're better equipt to handle this."
Tears burned in my eyes, and I hastily wiped them away with the back of my hand. This was not a conversation I would have with Lana over the phone.
"I know," I spoke out in a deep breath. "I have a few more weeks left and when I'm home, we can talk about it."
There was a long beat of silence on the other end that I almost checked to see if Lana hung up.
"I really hate bothering you, Y/N. You deserve this time away because of how tired you were from taking care of your mother. You're too young to deal with this on your own."
My heart warmed at Lana's words, and finally, a lone tear rolled over my cheek. Noah reached out with his thumb to brush it away and I instinctively leaned into it, not realizing how badly I needed it.
"I have to go. Whatever happens, no matter the time, please call me."
"Of course, dear."
I stared blankly at the black screen, replaying everything that happened and knowing that eventually I'd have to decide. I kept my mom at home because I thought she would remember things easier, all the memories we made but maybe it was only making things worse for her. I knew I was being selfish letting Lana deal with everything on her own while I was hundreds of miles away living my life.
Would she even let me back to help? She already told me I didn't deserve to deal with it on my own.
"Hey," Noah cupped my cheek. "What's going on?"
His voice was quiet so he wouldn't strain it.
I sniffled while refusing to meet his gaze. Even if he heard the conversation, I wasn't ready to talk about my mom yet; if ever.
"I don't want to talk about it," I shook my head in his grasp. "Please."
His thumb lifted my chin so I had no choice but to look at him as his eyes darted back and forth between mine as if he was searching for something. Eventually, he nodded but kept his grip on my face.
"Alright, but I'm here if you change your mind," he assured me.
"Why? What's different now?"
The question tumbled out of my mouth before I could even stop it. Noah let out a deep sigh before stepping away from me and letting his hand fall from my face.
"I-It's hard to explain."
I chuckled darkly and extended my hands to the side, a silent way of telling him I had the time to listen. But Noah said nothing, only gripped his tea tighter in one hand while the other ran over his face.
"Forget it," I mumbled. "You shouldn't even be talking. Matt would kill me if you lost your voice because of me. Can we just head back to the venue?"
Reluctantly, Noah nodded, and with that, I turned my back to him as I walked away.
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A quick yawn fell from my lips as I loaded the last box of merch into the truck. It was a very long night and with his vocal rest and tea, Noah was able to perform tonight; not how he usually does, but no one noticed. Since I had been incredibly busy all night, I didn't have time to think about my mom but now as I walked back inside the venue, I couldn't help but think of her.
Was I a terrible daughter for leaving her?
Would she ever forgive me?
Would she ever remember me?
All the doctors and specialists I spoke to said never to think of that question, it only made things worse in the end. You couldn't dwell on the what ifs or the bad with Alzheimers, you had to relish in the good times.
A warm body slide up to me as I was aimless walking the back halls of the venue and I saw Folio smiling at me.
"I'd figure you left," I said.
"We're all still here having drinks in the green room. We couldn't find you so I came looking," he explained.
I tossed a thumb over my shoulder. "I was packing up the truck."
"Well, I've got some bad news."
That made me pull him to a stop, worry etched deep into my bones. "What is it?"
"Some members of the crew wanted to get a head start to the next city and left already. They were going to ask you if you wanted to go with them but no one could find you. I told them to go ahead, and you'd ride with us. I already grabbed your things from their bus."
I didn't know how to feel. Obviously, I wasn't mad for being left behind and I was thankful Folio thought to grab my things. I did, however, feel apprehensive about being on the same bus as Noah. Now there was nowhere to run. At least at the venues, there was a decent amount of space between us. But the small confines of the tour bus, it was inevitable it would force us to be together. Our little trip to the coffee shop earlier proved that there was still tension between us.
It didn't help that neither of us talked about what happened at the Airbnb.
I gave Folio's hand a squeeze. "Thanks."
"Come on," Folio pulled me along to the green room.
A part of me wanted to fight, the thought of crawling into my bunk on the bus sounded better but I knew right now I needed a distraction. We walked through the door seeing Nick, Jolly, and Noah in the room.
"I feel as if this is a Bad Omens only meeting," I laughed towards Folio.
He simply ruffled my hair before sitting on the couch next to Nick.
Noah was standing in front of a mirror in the room trying to undo his ear in's but he couldn't quite reach so I walked up behind him and removed them for him.
"Thanks," he said while taking them from me.
All I did was nod and was ready to sit on the couch until his hand grasped my wrist, stopping me.
"How are you doing?" Noah asked.
When we came back to the venue earlier, he tried to ask one more time what happened on my phone call but I denied him again.
"I'm fine."
I didn't mean to be cold towards him but I was exhausted after a long day, the last thing I wanted was to be asked if I was alright. I just wanted to forget. So I sat next to Jolly on the couch and actually thought about it when he offered me a beer. I said I drank little, depending on the situation, but after the day I had; more so the year, I accepted the beer with a smile of thanks.
Noah sat on the couch across from me and gave me a look that screamed apprehension.
I took a pretty large drink before setting it on the table in front of me.
"Don't worry, Noah. I won't get drunk and make you carry me back to the bus," the tone in my voice was icy.
Guilt ate away at me because there was no need for me to sound like that but the last thing I needed right now was to be judge. Especially from Noah.
"It's not that," he hesitated, thinking if he should have continued and ultimately decided not too.
I, however, was in a feisty mood so I pressed on. "What is it then? You don't want me drinking on the job?"
"Or is it an embarrasment having me drunk around you guys? Is that why you're holding that night in Chicago over my head."
Noah had a pinched expression, and his shoulders were rigid with annoyance. His knee bounced widely before he abruptly sat up from the couch and walked to the other end of the room, clearly needing a moment to cool off.
I wanted to follow to continue giving him a piece of my mind but Nick held up a hand to stop me.
"Do you even remember what happened in Chicago that night, Y/N?"
"Barley. There was this married guy flirting with me all night and when I found that out, it hit me hard so I drank," I answered Nick.
It was Jolly who spoke next. "Noah found you outside with that guy as he was trying to force you into his car. He claimed the two of you were supposed to head back to your hotel room together."
My face paled realizing what exactly Jolly was saying.
"I definitely did not have plans to go back to my hotel room with him," I informed them.
"Noah knew, so he was able to get you away from that guy," Folio finished.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That was the reason Noah held a grudge against me for that night. But that made little sense; if he saved me from whatever that asshole had planned, why did it make him so cold towards me?
"Why?" I asked while looking at him.
"You'd think I'd let you get into a car with some random asshole while you're drunk?" Noah snapped.
"No, of course not. But I don't understand why you're holding that night over my head. None of it was my fault," I defended.
Noah's jaw tightened. "I never said it was."
Suddenly, it all clicked into place. Seeing me almost put myself in danger made him so upset with me. I will be the first to admit, when I got drunk I didn't make the best choices. Hence why I decided against drinking all the time. It still didn't excuse the way he acted the way he did, but it explained why. Maybe now we could move past that night and enjoy the rest of the tour without the heated tension.
I stood to my feet and walked into his open embrace, wrapping my arms tightly around his back while laying my head against his chest.
"Thank you," I said softly.
Noah tensed for a moment before his own arms snaked around me, laying his chin on top of my head.
"You never have to thank me, angel."
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tillthelandslide · 4 months
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Insufferable Arsehole Part 15: You
A/n: hi everyone! Feels so surreal to say but this is the penultimate chapter of insufferable arsehole *cries*. I love this series so much so please feel free to send in any requests you want to see from these characters. But the main series is nearly over *sobs*. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I love you all so much and thank you for all your support <3. I want to give a massive shout out to @ughgoaway and @justanamesstuff for loving this series as much as I do. Without all of your support (but especially my loving ia stans) this series would've been over a long time ago. I love you guys so much. Hope you enjoy <3
Extra note: I wrote all the little poems in the notebook part of this series. They're all original (whether you think they're shit or you like them) please don't copy them.
Previous Part
Series Masterlist
Matty’s POV
The sofa I'm lying on feels way too comfortable, the warmth of it making it hard for me to get up. It’s soft beneath me and it lures me into closing my eyes.  I have things I need to do, I have people I need to call, meetings I need to attend, friends I need to make sure are okay, set lists to read and adjust. A wonderful and loving girlfriend who I need to show my love for. But lying here, listening to the soft strum of the guitar she's playing has my closed eyes fluttering and my body weighing down on the sofa. I don't fall asleep, I just lie with my eyes closed, letting her voice drift over me - consume me.
I had moments like these, moments where I felt... Numb. But she pulls me out of them, or at least fills my body with something other than numbness, she touches the parts that can't usually be persuaded on days like these. These moments were few and far between with the presence of Lou in my life and somehow it makes this time worse. I feel guilty for feeling this way, for feeling low, for slipping into a dark space. I shouldn’t be feeling like this, I had a wonderful girlfriend, I was finally with the girl meant for me. And I had friends, great friends who were more like family. I had adoring fans and I did what I felt like I was meant to for a living. Life was perfect… So why did I feel so unworthy of it all?
It had started earlier this morning when I had snapped at one of the music techs, I hadn't meant to and I felt guilty as soon as I did it. Her warm hand clamped around my shoulder almost immediately, telling me to go lie down and so I did. I heard her apologise for my actions, explaining that I was 'tired'. I felt thankful she didn't tell the guy the real reason. The guys understood it, maybe even more than Lou, so when she spoke to them before she came back to me, they got it. Jamie had once described me as someone with a huge ego but no self worth, in moments like these, I had to agree. 
The sound of the guitar stops and I hear her set it down, I hear the shuffle of the foot stall, feel a light bump against the side of the sofa, feel her soft hand drifting up my back, up to my neck and then my head, pushing the curls away and making my eyes flutter open.
My heart beat falters, my breath matching it, her beautiful eyes look down at me, soothing me. It was hard to describe them, they were ever changing. I wouldn't say they were green, but they weren't blue or grey either, it was as if those colours alone weren't enough for someone like Lou, they weren't special or unique so whoever created her (I don't believe in God but some greater being had to create a person like her) decided to make a new colour, a combination of all things beautiful. They had hints of grey and specs of yellow and sometimes the sun made them look piercingly blue but the sun could also make them look like emeralds. They were perfect, one look into them and I can feel myself slipping from the dark spaces of my mind. 
"Hi my sweet boy" it surprises me that I don't have to tell her what I need from her in times like these, she just got it. As if she had access to all parts of my brain, able to peek in and see what I needed and having the ability to just give it to me without a shred of hesitation or an ulterior motive. It shouldn’t surprise me, not anymore, not when I knew she was it for me, the only one I ever want to be with, to spend the rest of my life with. The person who was mine and I theirs.
"Hi" I don't recognise the voice that comes from me, a low, deep grumble of a sad man. One that felt like a distant memory, the voice of someone I used to know, not the person I am now.
"I want to show you something" she says and I find myself nodding, she places her black leather notebook in my lap and I find my heart beating three times as hard as I look at it. She had never shown me this before, showing someone this is like showing them your deepest thoughts and emotions, baring your soul to them. I had watched her scribble in it countless times, I had watched as she wrote lyrics that pulled her lips up at the corners, I had watched as she scribbled down angrily, tears falling from her eyes and coating the pages. 
I remember the only time I had come close to reading the lyrics, pinning her down to a hotel bed in some forgotten location, tickling her sides until the book slipped from her fingertips, holding the pages above her head just out of reach as our laughter was all that could be heard. I remember the way she begged me to give it back, of course I would never have read it without her permission. I remember her pleas made me drop the book and bury my face into her neck. She made me forget about the lyrics easily, too wrapped up in her to care about them. 
"Are you sure?" I ask, sitting up slightly so my back is against the armrest of the sofa, pulling the book towards me and playing with the frayed edges. She smiles at me, her hand resting against my jaw, her thumb running over her bone, making my eyes flutter momentarily.
"Sometimes I think you forget how much you mean to people, you forget how much people love you... And not just me, the band and the crew, your family, my family, the fans... Of course I can only speak for myself... So I want you to read this" she speaks, voice soft and delicate. Beautiful.
I want to speak. To tell her I love her. To thank her. I want to smile. To press my lips against hers. But my eyes won't leave the book.
"most of them aren't finished... They're not songs... They're just things I wrote, little poems" she says and I nod, looking up from the book.
"I love you Matty" she says, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to my forehead before leaving me. It takes a while for me to open the book, scared of what I'll find. My shaky hands eventually separate the cover from the first page.
I find a few I recognise, like the one she posted on Instagram, the one I loved:
"I'd stay with you here forever, you with those dark eyes and darker hair, the epitome of beauty, you put Adonis to shame, with the way you paint my brain, with everything that is you, you with those dark eyes and darker hair. The epitome of beauty."
Her handwriting is delicate, cursive and, for a lack of a better word, beautiful. I'm not surprised because everything she does is beauty. She is beauty.
I flick through the pages, little photos taped to the corners or wedged in, the photos make my heart swell. Photos of her and G, one in particular making me smile: a photo of Lou sitting on George's shoulders, looking as if she was scared to fall down, but she's laughing and so is George and his hands are clamped on her thighs that rest around his head ensuring she doesn't fall. A picture of her and Ross, pulling funny faces at each other, they both look younger, Ross’ hair is short and Lou’s is too, I wish I had her like that back then, even now, even still - I regret the time we lost.  I find a picture she took of me, her thighs resting either side of my waist as she takes a photo from above, I feel like a different person than the one smiling up at me. I see another one taken in a photo booth, one where we're kissing, it makes me smile.
I read on, my heart slowly being refilled with love and beauty and kindness and feeling.
I could bask in you for endless days and endless nights. For you are the sun that shines and glistens. For you are the one that warms my once cold heart and bones.
You're the sun in winter, warming up bones and creating smiles. You're rain on a summer's day, soaking the sweat away. You're all things good and kind and lovely. You're love and sex and beauty. You're the definition of passion. Cigarettes and coffee and fresh and home. You're my favourite scent. My favourite sound. My favourite sight. My favourite thought. My favourite feeling. You touch me and I feel you everywhere. Burying into my being. You're mine. My favourite scent. Cigarettes, coffee, fresh, home. My home.
I loved the complexity of some but simply adored the simplicity of others. Reading the ones which don't hide behind metaphors, they're purer somehow.
Pain engraved my brain. Hurt twisted through my mind. Envy soaked through my eyes. You appeared , all those emotions vanished. I began to love the way you loved me. I found myself loving you more. I used to hate you, I hated hating you. I love you now, I love loving you and  I love you loving me.
I smile, a huge smile and I feel it seep through my bones, warming my cold body, feeling finally flooding back in.
Red lips and brown eyes. Black curls and tattooed skin. I'd like to paint in you in my mind so I could have you here forever
The few words are the only ones on this particular page, the rest is filled with pictures of us, a picture of the M necklace I gave her, a picture of my marked neck, her marks. There's a picture of us kissing, ones in which any other circumstance would cause my skin to heat up and my blood to rush south. There’s sweet pictures too, of us in Rome, our hands intertwined, pictures of our tattoos we got together. 
The ropes within unwind under your command. Just say the word and I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.
Matty is sun kissed cheeks on summer days, cherry blossom on withered ground, swirling clouds amongst technicolour skies.
I turn the page and a larger piece of paper falls out, I unfold it carefully, taking my time in reading the words I find on the page:
Dear George,
I’m writing to you from Rome. Seems a bit weird to be writing you a letter knowing I’m going to be seeing you soon. Was feeling nostalgic I guess… Remember the days when we were both on tour and we’d write these big long letters to each other from wherever in the world we were. It was such a pain trying to make sure they were sent to you before you left that city or town. I remember us arguing one day because Jamie had complained about the amount of money he kept having to spend to retrieve the letters when had arrived a little too late. Grumpy sod.
Anyway, you’d usually write about how the tour was going, how Matty had been getting on your nerves. I always wondered whether you just said that to make me feel better for not getting on with your best friend. You’d send me pictures of you with Ross and Hann and I’d send you pictures of me and the girls (usually receiving a text from you or Macdonald after that made me want to hit you around the head - pervs)
Strange how different things seem now. Like now for instance - I'm writing this, by the pool (this place is fucking huge, you and Charli would love it here), Matty’s napping next to me. He’s sleeping with this dopey grin and… I love him George. So much. Please don’t try to cringe too much reading this. His skin isn’t as pale anymore. Shock right? Our pale boy has a tan!
 I want to thank you G. Thank you for everything. You’ve been the best friend I could have ever asked for… but thank you for bringing me him. Matty is everything George. The way he loves me is nothing I have ever felt before. I know now that everything up until now is worth it because now I have him.
I can’t help but wonder how I ever could have hated him. He cares so deeply for every one G… sometimes I wonder if it's too much, if he’s going to get hurt in the end. But that’s okay. Because he has me. And he has you and the boys. And together we love him deeply (still probably half as much as he loves us). I’m going to spend every day of my life proving to him that he is worthy.
So thank you George. He’s the love of my life. He owns my heart, now and forever. 
Your best friend - Lou x
My heart picks up in my chest, I love her, more than anyone I have ever loved in my life. I feel tears fall from my eyes, coating my cheeks. I swipe them away before they have a chance to hit the pages. 
But you... It was different with you
That's my favourite, my fingers find the page and I carefully tear the page out, I fold it gently and tuck it into my pocket.
I stand from the sofa, feeling weightless now, feeling love for her in every fibre of my being. I walk around the venue, trying to find her. I find George who smiles at me widely.
"glad to see you perked up a bit" he says with a hand to my shoulder.
"Where's Lou?" My abruptness takes him back but it doesn't stop him from answering. I appreciate that.
"She's with your mum in the kitchen, they're baking" George clearly sees my shocked face and he chuckles "yeah your mum is here" I hug him tightly before I leave him, heading for the kitchen.
My legs move too quickly for my brain to register but I don't care, I need to find her. My mum spots me before Lou does and she smiles widely.
"Hello Matthew, feeling any better?" She asks, Lou looks up at me as she finishes speaking.
"Explained to your mum that you were feeling a little tired" Lou explains and I nod, smiling at her.
"Much better mum, thank you" I say leaning down to place a peck against her cheek.
Lou's hands are covered in flour and it makes me smile. I squeeze past my mother with a gentle "excuse me" . My hands find Lou's waist and I hitch her up, making her smile.
"Matty put the poor woman down" my mother scolds me but I don't stop. Lou's hands find my shoulders as she feels like she's going to fall.
"I've got flour on your shirt now idiot" she says but she's still smiling. She looks down at me and I see everything in her eyes, every emotion, every indication that she loves me. I love her, god do I love you. 
"I don't care, come here" I say, one hand finding her chin and lightly pulling her towards me.
"Matty, your mum" she says, eyes flicking over my shoulder to my mum who giggles to herself, busying herself with the baking..
"I. Don't. Care" I say with the widest smile I think has ever graced my features.
"What has gotten into you?" She asks, smiling widely. Her eyes sparkle. God she's beautiful.
"I love you Lou, so much, you're everything. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you, if that's okay with you" I say, I hear my mum coo behind us and Lou smiles above me, her legs wrapping around my waist to support herself more.
"Fine with me Healy" she says, leaning down to press her lips against mine finally. The kiss is kept short to save my mother seeing us in a compromising position.
"But you, it was different with you" I repeat her own words back to her and she nods.
"Yeah..." She says and I see her eyes well with tears, I feel myself copying her, placing her back on the floor but moving my head down to kiss her again. I hold her to my side as I turn to my mother.
"I'll leave you both to bake," I say, pressing a firm kiss to her cheek, smiling at my mother. .
"Okay" she says with a smile. I hug my mum tightly before I walk out, but I don't miss my mother's words
"That boy is obsessed with you, I've never ever known him to love someone as much as you" she says.
"Trust me, the same goes for him. I'd do anything for him" Lou's words make me smile and so I continue walking.
I find George again, happy to find him with Hann and Ross.
"Good you're all here" I say, drawing their attention towards me.
"Everything okay mate?" Ross asks and I smile as I nod.
"I need your help"
"Anything," George says.
"I'm going to ask Lou to marry me" they all smile widely at me, I like that. My eyes flick to George’s. He seems expressionless for a second.
“If that’s okay with you” I ask, I see George’s lip quiver slightly and his fingers grip his bottom lip as he nods. I see tears coat his eyes as he steps forward, grabbing my hand in his and pulling me forward into a hug.
“Fuck yeah” I find myself crying too. I feel two more sets of arms wrapping around us. I smile.
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @promocodesorry75 @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx @k4tie75 @insidemymind19 @zzzhealy @maybeiwouldlikeyou @at-her-very-foreign @not-alien-girl-v @sinarainbows @friedlandblog @momentum2023 @youlooklikeshitandyousmellabit @Inhalerbea (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊, those with a line through are the ones i couldn’t tag)
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