#caleb’s follower celebration
randoimago · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a Caleb Widogast x reader confessing feelings while him and the reader are stargazing? Congratulations on 3000 follows by the way!
Brighter Than Any Star
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast
Type of Request: 3,000 Followers Oneshots
Note(s): Thank you!! Ngl I wrote this at work when the idea suddenly came to me. I did my best editing it when I got home but I hope you like it!!
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It's a peaceful night outside. Inside, it's rowdy as the group drinks and parties, Beau even started an arm wrestling contest. But outside, it's quiet and serene.
Caleb went outside to get some fresh air and you followed, not wanting him to be alone. When Caleb is alone, he gets lost in his thoughts like a maze. And you know him well enough to know that those thoughts aren't always the most pleasant.
So you stand next to him, leaning against a bannister, as you both stare at the clear, night sky and watch the stars twinkling. It's a peaceful silence between you and your friend. But the silence also causes you to become wrapped in your own thoughts of "what ifs". And the main point of interest in those "what if" thoughts is the man standing next to you.
"Do you think Exandria is as flat as Veth claims it to be?" You ask Caleb. You know Veth's words are bull, but it's an easy topic to start a discussion. Especially when it's met with the amused chuckle from Caleb.
"Do you look up at that sky and think that this world is flat? That there's nothing above us and it's just an illusion?" Caleb retorts with a small smile on his lips. That smile causes you to feel more warmth than a falling star.
"I know that this moment could never be an illusion," you respond and Caleb gives a hum at your words. A light pink graces his face and it's prettier than any twinkling star above you.
It's a pleasant silence between you two, but this time you're sneaking glances at Caleb instead of keeping your eyes on the sky above you. You think you're being clever, that he doesn't notice. But he does. He might not notice as much as Caduceus, but Caleb always notices you.
"You keep looking at me," he says with a gentle tone. He's not accusing you, but he still lets you know that it's what he noticed. You start to feel a bit flustered at being caught in the act, but you sigh.
"I have," you admit. Maybe it's because it's just the two of you here in this moment or maybe it's because of the comfort you always feel in his presence. But a surge of confidence hits you and you make eye contact.
"I'm in love with you," you tell the wizard. He seems taken aback by your sudden claim and you feel that confidence dwindling a bit as you glance away from your friend. “I didn’t mean to fall for you.”
You're figuring out how to explain yourself. You're trying to come up with words as to why you're in love with him, hoping he acts and doesn't reject you outright.
“And neither did I.”
You don't want to lose him due to you confessing your feelings. You don't want things to change for the worse because of that misplaced courage. You haven't processed what the fuck he had just said.
“…Fucking pardon?”  You can't help but blurt out when his words hit you like a meteor storm. You were deep in your thoughts of "what if" that you didn't hear the answer to one of your thoughts.
Caleb gives an amused smile as the blush on his face had deepened to a more prominent red on his pale skin tone. "I have also fallen for you," he tells you, his zemnian accent soft as if not to scare you away
It's another silence this time as you process what has just been said. But this time, the silence feels like it's on a time limit. Like one of you has to do something or it'll just remain an empty "what if".
But instead of thinking of this moment as a "what if" in the future, you focus on the present as your lips connect with his and his hands hold yours.
Two bright stars twinkle overheard, a constellation devoted to lovers celebrate this new step you and Caleb have made.
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thedarkcoven · 10 months
1000 Follower Celebration!!!
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For my 1000 follower celebration I will be doing a fun game/requests! You can do “would I rather” with characters, pick from diffrent characters (example:Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers lol), headcannons of characters, etc. I WILL BE DOING BOTH NSFW AND SFW <3 Characters: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo General Hux Poe Dameron Din Djarin Frankie Morales Jacques Le Gris Caleb Smith (Ex Machina) Nathan Bateman Officer Ronald (The Dead Dont Die) Commander Mills (65 film) Bill Weasley Sam Fortner (The Patient) Thomas McGregor (Peter Rabbit) Clan Techie (Dredd 2012) Moon Boys (Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley) Blue Jones Duke Leto Atredies II Miguel O’Hara Santiago Garcia Bucky Barnes Charles Blackwood Lee Bodecker Jefferson (Once Upon a Time) Chase (The Covenant) -You can request a character 
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Tropes: One Bed Age Gap Best friend’s brother/dad Injury Forced Proximity (example: snowed in) Step-siblings Arranged Marriage Yandere Enemies to Lovers Professor/Student Love Potion Sex Pollen Multiversal travel (multiple characters of same actor) University AU Inexperienced/Virgin reader -You can request a trope that isn’t listed
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Settings/Theme: Medieval College/Uni Modern (examle: Modern Star Wars character) Vampiric Horror/Halloween Celebrating holidays (example: cooking for thanksgiving, decorating for halloween etc) Party/Celebration Crossover (example: Scream x Moon Knight) -You can request a theme that isn’t listed
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Promps: 1. “Try me/Make me/Bite me” 2. “Where do you think you’re going?” 3. “Wanna bet?” / ”Oh yeah?” 4. “I don’t want to see you with anyone else” 5. “I’ve been thinking about you all day” 6. “I like when you say my name like that... Can you do it again?” 7. “Hmmm, I thought I told you not to fall in love with me?” 8. “Kriff, you look so pretty on your knees” 9. “Come on... you’re acting like you haven’t done this before” / “Wait, what- you haven’t?” ~You can request one that isn’t listed -promp ideas from @saradika @letsmakeitwrite @itsdrippingred Forgot to add all dividers I use are by @cafekitsune​ and @saradika​
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tailschannel · 11 months
IDW Sonic at SDCC 2023: Everything you need to know
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IDW Sonic had a panel in this year's San Diego Comic Con and many new issues, one-shots, and collections were announced.
Major announcements included new covers for Issue 67, preview pages for the 900th Adventure, and a tease of an upcoming one-shot issue for Fang the Sniper and Knuckles the Echidna.
This year's panelists included Evan Stanley, Adam Bryce Thomas, Min Ho Kim, Caleb Goellner, Michael Cisneros, and David Mariotte.
The upcoming arcs
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Issues 63 to 66.
Features Sonic, the Diamond Cuttersm Silvers, Blaze, Knuckles, the Chaotix, Cream, Gemerl, the Babylon Rogues, and more in a two story per issue format.
Between August, September, and October 2023.
Second Chances
Issue 67.
Surge and Kit makes a return to supposedly join the Restoration.
Out November 2023.
The Protector
Issue 68.
Sonic and Tails explore a mysterious cavern.
Out December 2023.
Upcoming one-shots
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The 900th Adventure
A special issue that celebrates 30 years of Sonic comics that span over 900 releases.
A Sonic adventure where Sonic and friends goes against some of his foes to get rid of the Warp Topaz.
Out August 2023.
Attribution for the 900th Adventure one-shot are as follows:
Story One: written by Ian Flynn, illustrated by Adam Bryce Thomas, coloured by Valentino Pinto
Story Two: written and illustrated by Evan Stanley, coloured by Gigi Dutreix.
Story Three: written by Nigel Kitching, illustrated by Mauro Fonseca, inked by Rik Mack, coloured by Reggie Graham.
Story Four: written by Daniel Barnes, artwork by Min Ho Kim.
Story Five: written and illustrated by Aaron Hammerstrom, inked by Matt Froese, coloured by Nathalie Fourdraine.
Story Six: written by Caleb Goellner, illustrated by Abby Bulmer, coloured by Heather Breckel.
Endless Summer One-Shot
Sonic, Tangle, Whisper, and Jewel just want to have a relaxing day at the beach... but won't if the Babylon Rogues have anything to say about it.
Out August 2023.
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IDW Sonic Halloween Special
A new adventure featuring the Chaotix where they have to face a candy-stealing monster alongside Sonic & Tails, releasing on October 2023.
Featuring Mark Bouchard, Jack Lawrence, and Gigi Duterix.
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Amy 30th Anniversary Special
Amy embarks on an adventure to save the small animals and her friends from Metal Sonic.
Out September 2023.
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Knuckles & Fang One-Shot
Newly teased 30th Anniversary one-shot issue for Knuckles the Echidna and Fang the Sniper
Out in 2024.
Upcoming collected editions
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Scrapnik Island Collection
Sonic and Tails are on an island of spooky forgotten badniks.
Out August 2023.
Seasons of Chaos Collection
Classic Sonic adventures.
Out October 2023.
IDW Sonic Artbook
A special gallery collection containing some of the art of the IDW Sonic series, including art from Tracy Yardley, Adam Bryce Thomas, Evan Stanley, and Jack Lawrence.
Out October 2023.
Knuckles' Greatest Hits
A collection featuring Knuckle's greatest hits throughout the IDW Sonic series.
Includes issues 3, 10, 11, the 2022 Free Comic Book Day special, and the "Guardian" mini-issue from the 2022 Annual.
Out October 2022.
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(Story contributed by Spectre from the Tails' Channel Newsfeed, images from Floof for Tails' Channel, with files via IDWSonicNews for Tails' Channel)
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nova-streyart · 9 months
The Thing about Belos Nobody Mentions
There's an aspect of Belos I haven't seen anyone talk about yet: him potentially being on the schizophrenia spectrum, or schizospec for short, and everything that means. Before you say anything, I am a schizoaffective person. This is my interpretation. This is based off my own experiences with this disorder, and my own research.
Analysis and rant under the cut:
So this all started when I learned that one of the color design pieces had Caleb and the grimwalkers labelled "Golden Guard Illusion". Artists credited in the image itself.
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It's weird to me that they're labeled as illusions and not hallucinations, because the latter is what the ghosts actually are. Illusions are images your brain distorts based off something that's there, while hallucinations are images your brain creates from nothing. The fact that these ghosts are actually hallucinations of Belos and not real ghosts doesn't say a whole lot about Belos on its own, because anyone can hallucinate if they experience intense enough negative emotions. But you'll see why I think there's something more to this.
Following this lead, I rewatched the scene where Papa Titan talks to Luz in the In-Between realm in the series finale. After Luz asks him whether her motivation to save her friends and family makes her just as bad as Belos, she tells her:
"Well, you assume Belos' goal comes from a genuine place. But that man doesn't care about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion."
Let me give you a short lesson about delusions in the context of schizospec disorders: Delusions are firmly held beliefs that the person experiencing can't be convinced aren't true. This can be extremely serious and life-threatening, such as as believing all your food's been poisoned. But it can also be harmless; it really depends on the delusion. The type of delusion referenced here would be a delusion of grandeur, which is a real thing in schizospec disorders. Such delusions can be serious, like believing you're the second coming of god, or more harmless, like believing you're better than others.
Taking both the hallucinations and the delusion into mind, it's very possible that Belos has some kind of schizospec disorder.
Let's talk about that scene where Belos goes to the grimwalker cave. Notice how the hallucinations are played for laughs? That's problematic. Hallucinations are not something you can just tell to "shut up" and they'll go away. Hallucinations are not things you can interact with. There's already other media with this problem, such as A Beautiful Mind, but the fact that it's in a show that's supposed to be celebrating neurodivergence is hypocritical.
Let's briefly go back to that Papa Titan quote. See how he used the word "delusion" to describe Belos' motivation?Yeah, that's really problematic in the schizospec community. As mentioned before, delusions can be life threatening, so tossing that word around like it's nothing is really frustrating and insulting. The show should have used a word like "fantasy" to get its point across more effectively if it was implying that Belos has a hero complex.
Continuing this train of thought, it gets worse when you consider how Papa Titan- and in essence the narrative- is essentially ridiculing Belos for experiencing a very intense delusion. Delusions are not something a schizospec person can control. I've already seen the fandom mocking Belos for this quality. It was one of those awful memes with the caption "schizophrenia," and had audio of markiplier doing a bit where he was bantering with an "inner voice". Such memes are awful because they're not real experiences schizospec people go through. They're assumptions about our experiences non-schizospec people make about us.
That would be the worst of it, but no, it gets far worse when you consider a few things:
Belos is the main antagonist. That would be annoying enough, considering the plethora of mentally ill villains in media, but nope. The narrative also treats him as this purely evil being who is incapable of any good whatsoever. Which, OK. It's possible for a schizospec person to be a monster. But the fact that the only schizospec representation we have is either of us as helpless victims, or as irredeemable monsters, is infuriating.
Belos is clearly meant to be a foil to Luz. Which, congrats to the show for having a neurodivergent lead, but let me tell you about some of the hardships schizospec people face: In real life, schizospec people are cast out of mental health advocacy groups. Schizospec people are treated as subhuman by doctors and psychiatrists. Schizospec people are demonized and vilified by society. Schizospec people are denied jobs and housing. With all this in mind the fact the narrative chooses to glorify a character with the "right," the "acceptable," kind of neurodivergence while berating a character with the "scary," the "monstrous," kind of neurodivergence is absolutely disgusting.
I feel like it has to be said that I am not condoning Belos' actions, or trying to woobify him. Belos, as a person, was terrible. No amount of mental illness tacked onto him will excuse any of his actions.
I'm also not trying to imply that schizospec characters can't be evil. I'm just saying that it's extremely tiresome that the only representation we get is either us as victims or as villains.
To conclude all of this, please, do your research before adding something like this into your story.
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girljeremystrong · 2 years
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*books with great love stories and plots that don’t just revolve around them.
Martha’s marriage is falling apart, because there’s something wrong with her but nobody has been able to tell her what. We go back in time to relive all the ups and downs of Martha and Patrick’s relationship to find out if they can make it out together. Beautiful story about mental health and love and family.
Sadie and Sam love each other but are never lovers and we follow their journey for 30 years, from Boston to California as they develop together a video game and a complicated personal relationship. Very fun book about gaming and being best friends who are often in love with each other and often very mad at each other.
UNLIKELY ANIMALS by Annie Hartnett
Emma flies home from California to New Hampshire as a Med school dropout when her dad is diagnosed with a brain disease. At home her parents are in a fight, her brother is just out of rehab and her childhood best friend is missing. She scrambles to find her feet and pull everyone together. This is such a CUTE, heart lifting book with great characters and GHOSTS.
NEVER LET ME GO by Kazuo Ishiguro
Kathy, Tommy and Ruth are three best friend who have grown up in an English boarding school. But throughout their childhood many things felt wrong and as they grow and leave school they realize just how many secrets were kept from them. It’s a love story! It’s a mystery! It’s a critique of human arrogance!
NO LAND TO LIGHT ON by Yara Zghaeib
Hadi and Sama are a Syrian couple living in the USA. As they are waiting for the birth of their son, Hadi leaves to visit his family and then their lives are uprooted by a travel ban. Sama and Hadi are forced apart and as the physical and emotional distance between them grows, they try to find their way back to each other. This is a pretty sad one, I can’t lie, but such a beautiful story.
YOUNG MUNGO by Douglas Stuart
Mungo meets James in their housing estate in Glasgow. They are young and lonely, they become friends and they fall in love. Unfortunately Mungo is a Protestant and James is a Catholic, and where they’re from these things matter, especially to Mungo’s brother, a violent gang leader. This is not a very happy book either but it is THE best story about being young and falling in love. PLEASE READ THIS. Then come talk to me about it.
REAL LIFE by Brandon Taylor
Wallace is working toward a degree in the Midwest. But he’s Black and he’s queer and he feels distance between himself and his colleagues. We follow him through a summer weekend he spends with his college friends, finding out truths about them and about himself. I will never tire of recommending this book. It’s just so interesting and well written. And lovely words about the start of a relationship.
THE NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern
There is a circus that arrives without warning and is only open at night. Behind the scenes two magicians, Celia and Marco, are involved in a duel they’ve been training for since childhood. But despite all that, they fall in love. This is a fantasy novel that will for sure appeal to any fans of the genre. It’s fun and the aesthetics are sublime.
OPEN WATER by Caleb Azumah Nelson
Two young people meet at a pub in South East London. Both are Black British, both won scholarships to private schools where they struggled to belong, both are now artists - he a photographer, she a dancer - trying to make their mark in a city that by turns celebrates and rejects them. Tentatively, tenderly, they fall in love. So beautiful, so well written. Reads like falling in love feels like. LOVE IT.
SWIMMING IN THE DARK by Tomasz Jedrowski
Set in early 1980s Poland against the violent decline of communism, a tender and passionate story of first love between two young men who eventually find themselves on opposite sides of the political divide. It’s beautiful and poetic and quite sad. Stunning characters, stunning descriptions.
Seventeen-year-old Lily Hu can’t remember exactly when the question took root, but the answer was in full bloom the moment she and Kathleen Miller walked under the flashing neon sign of a lesbian bar called the Telegraph Club. This is so SWEET. Lily is such a great character and her story fills your heart with pain and glee and pride. I love this book and this wonderful story.
Gilda, a twenty-something lesbian, cannot stop ruminating about death. Desperate for relief from her panicky mind and alienated from her repressive family, she responds to a flyer for free therapy at a local Catholic church, and finds herself  abruptly hired as a receptionist. Through all of this she finds a girlfriend. And it’s sweet and slow and lovely.
THE PROPHETS by Robert Jones Jr.
A novel about the forbidden union between two enslaved young men on a Deep South plantation. Isaiah was Samuel’s and Samuel was Isaiah’s. That was the way it was since the beginning, and the way it was to be until the end. Goes without saying, this is a sad story that will make you cry and will make you angry. But it is so so beautiful.
YOLK by Mary H.K.Choi
Jayne and June are two sisters living in New York after growing up in Texas. Jayne is struggling through fashion school, while her sister has a hot shot job in finance and a big apartment. They are sort-of estranged until June is diagnosed with cancer. The first love story in this book is between the sisters, but there is a budding romance for Jayne that is so sweet. This is a sweet book. I love it.
EARLY MORNING RISER by Katherine Heiny
Jane falls in love with Duncan easily. He is charming, good-natured, and handsome but unfortunately, he has also slept with nearly every woman in Boyne City, Michigan. A wise, bighearted, boundlessly joyful novel of love, disaster, and unconventional family. This feels like Gilmore Girls but better.
A TIP FOR THE HANGMAN by Allison Epstein
Christopher Marlowe, a brilliant aspiring playwright, is pulled into the duplicitous world of international espionage on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I. I also will never tire of recommending this novel about stupid Kit Marlowe becoming a spy while crushing hard on his best friend. It’s just so fun and so good.
It is 1995, and Anvar Faris is a restless, rebellious Pakistani boy whose family moves to start life over in California. At the same time, Safwa, a young girl suffocating in war-torn Baghdad with her grief-stricken, conservative father will find a very different and far more dangerous path to America. The fates of two remarkably different people intertwine and set off a series of events. It’s very good, the characters are great and the relationship is very realistic.
A. J. Fikry is cynical but lovable. His wife has died and his bookstore is experiencing the worst sales in its history. Slowly but surely, he is isolating himself from all the people of Alice Island. But there’s Amelia, the lovely and idealistic (if eccentric) Knightley Press sales rep who keeps on taking the ferry over to Alice Island. Such a lovely book. Lovely and heatwarming with amazing characters and unpredictable plot.
Blindsided by her mother's sudden death, and wrecked by a recent love affair, Casey Peabody has arrived in Massachusetts in the summer of 1997 without a plan. She waits tables in Harvard Square and rents a tiny, moldy room at the side of a garage where she works on the novel she's been writing for six years. When she falls for two very different men at the same time, her world fractures even more. Again this is just a lovely book. About love and grief and being lost.
Newlyweds Celestial and Roy are the embodiment of both the American Dream and the New South. He is a young executive, and she is an artist. But as they settle into the routine of their life together, they are ripped apart by circumstances. Roy is arrested and sentenced to twelve years for a crime Celestial knows he didn’t commit. BEAUTIFUL. Just masterful work. Will make you cry like a baby.
THE SONG OF ACHILLES by Madeline Miller
Achilles, "the best of all the Greeks," son of the cruel sea goddess Thetis and the legendary king Peleus, is strong and beautiful. Patroclus is an awkward young prince, exiled from his homeland. Brought together by chance, they forge an inseparable bond, despite risking the gods' wrath. I mean I like this. It’s poetic and romantic and it’s a classic story. Had to make the list...
TOM LAKE by Ann Patchett
Set during the pandemic when the main character and her three daughters are quarantining in their farm. The daughters get their mum to tell them the story of how she fell for and dated a famous actor while putting on a play in her 20s. VERY SWEET AND SPECIAL and also ann patchett can do no wrong!!!!
SIRENS & MUSES by Antonia Angress
The story of two very different girls who meet in art school. Lots going on in this book but it's all very poetic and interesting and the two main characters go through a lot but also like each other a lot.
IN MEMORIAM by Alice Winn
About two boys who meet in boarding school and then join war world I. It is insanely sad and it's a book about the war and about young people meeting terrible fates, but very romantic and they keep sending letters that are heartbreaking and they really love each other.
THE LATE AMERICANS by Brandon Taylor
About a group of friends and acquaintances who are all young and fucked up and all in different weird relationships but it's very interesting and Brandon Taylor also can do no wrong!!!!
TIN MAN by Sarah Winman
About two boys who meet in their youth and fall in love but then suddenly there's a time jump and it's been years and one of them is married to somebody else and the other one is nowhere to be found. Sad but also very special and definitely a book that is all about love.
LESS by Andrew Sean Greer
Pulitzer prize winning book about a novelist who receives an invitation to his ex boyfriend's wedding and is heartbroken so, suddenly, he finds himself coping by going on a world tour. It's funny and sweet and has a happy ending.
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 7 months
Moving in Together: A Shadowgast rec list
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This week, we have cohabitation!  Check under the cut for 13 fics that feature Caleb and Essek moving in or living together, and don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
I was the match and you were the rock by glittergarbage (70470, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek, a new researcher to Nicodranas, is financially cut off from his den and is in search of a roommate. He comes across an ad by a male professor in his 30's that looks like a good fit.
Reccer says: The "and they were roommates" trope is so brilliantly done in this fic! As a bonus it is a fantastic slow burn.
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Just the Essentials by ThreeGremlinsInATrenchcoat (6684, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek wants to read a book in peace and secret and Caleb is trying to figure out why. Just both of them being very cute with language shenanigans.
Reccer says: It is domestic, funny, very well written and sweet. I also just love the language shenanigans and Essek being the worst liar ever.
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Harvest Close Harpins by Beauteousmajesty (1770, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb and Essek coming home after celebrating the Harvest Close festival.
Reccer says: They are so sweet and domestic in this!
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Keys to the Castle by Anonymous (51812, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb gives Essek a magic key that lets him access the Tower from anywhere in Exandria. Except it's not a tower, its a cottage. And it takes them a stupidly long time (affectionate) to be honest about their feelings.
Reccer says: Very cute and domestic slow burn, with a pinch of misunderstanding for spice
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Troublemaker by SaltCore (1309, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb’s newly adopted kitten gets her claws stuck in Essek’s yarn.
Reccer says: It’s so cute!
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learning all the old things by hanap (1353, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek cooks for Caleb.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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little labels (I love you) by royalgreen (409, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek and Caleb are being sweet, domestic, and drunk at their house warming party.
Reccer says: They are very soft and sweet together.
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Organizing: Before and After by sansrecourse (1255, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek is unused to sharing a space.
Reccer says: Domestic fluff!
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A Pretty Facade by Chiaroscuro (18733, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: None
Caleb and Essek buy a house together. As friends.
Reccer says: It’s so sweet ahh
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[Name], The Wonder Cat by Professor_Rye (10020, General) Reccer's Content Notes: None
Caleb and Essek get a moorbounder together and work on training it. Several names are worked through to find the perfect one for it.
Reccer says: Just the whole thing honestly. Very wholesome and sweet and a good pick me up.
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and i never will be by burningafterdark (burningdarkfire) (3200, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Banter after dinner leads to Essek domming Caleb.
Reccer says: It’s so domestic, hot and intimate. I love their D/s dynamic in this with Caleb being needy and hungry.
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You'd be surprised what your own hands can make by Technojuicebox (6329, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Slowly, without speaking of it, Essek moves in with Caleb. Featuring knitting.
Reccer says: I love Essek knitting for all his friends and the world building of Dynasty lace knitting!
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And the following fic received two recs!
a sort of beacon where there used to be a dull roar by wordonawing (8781, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
After narrowly surviving an assassination attempt, Essek moves in with Caleb for a time to recuperate. Several thousand words of delightful pining and idiocy ensue.
Reccer 1 says: I liked it!
Reccer 2 says: There's so much thought put into all their interactions
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with older favourites!
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Mixing It Up
Part of my 500 Follower Celebration set in The Shape of Youniverse
The Prompt: You lavish some attention on Steven’s nipples for a change
Requested by: my literal everything @my-secret-shame
Pairing: Steven x afab!reader, background Jake x afab!reader, and Marc x afab!reader, Reader is married to the system
Spice-O-Meter: 🌶🌶🌶🌶 (Rated Tre Explicit, Minors DNI!)
Word Count: 3.1k
CW/TW: Bondage, nipple!play and lactation kink (m and f receiving), dare I say some soft!fem!dom dynamics, dirty talk, pregnant!sex, p in v sex, woman on top, mommy!kink, a bit of orgasm denial, handjobs, and mucho communication in the afterglow since Moon Knight and Moms are complicated. Oh and Jake makes an appearance in this, so mentions of anal sex
A/N: Oh man I surprised myself with this one 😅 I would like to thank @plethora-of-imagines as well as darling Fen here bc their list of “what will steven do with readers breast milk on the babymoon” made the prompt click for me! It clicked and then we sailed straight off the rails into kinkytown!! As always, Jake has a couple Spanish phrases here that I’ve translated below.
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“We should do this more often I think,” you mused with a quintessential “cat that got the cream” smirk.
The image before you was truly a sight to behold. Each Steven’s wrists were tied to a bedpost, and apart from the bathrobe sashes restraining his arms, your husband was stark naked atop the sheets. You salivated as your eyes drifted along the dips and planes of his golden skin, then to the dusting of wiry hair across his limbs, finally focusing in on his thick cock, flushed and standing at attention for you.
His length wasn’t the only part of him that was erect for you, each of Steven’s nipples were pert and pebbled on his chest. They were the object of your attention today.
“Ye-yeah,” your husband replied, craning his neck up from the pillows to look at you. You stood at the foot on the bed, completely nude as well, and unable to see your feet over your bump anymore.
This was another installment of “babymoon” sex at the country house you two rented in France which you were currently enjoying. The plan was to get in as much wild, nasty, uninterrupted fucking as you could before Caleb, your unborn son, arrived since soon there would be two children draining your time, libido, and energy.
Seeing Steven so submissive and prone for you was a novel thrill. You tended to be the more submissive partner in the bedroom - you had to be completely on top of it as a mother, in your career, with your friends - but when you were with your husband, it was the one arena where you felt like you could let go. Steven, though he could definitely take charge if he fancied it, skewed more submissive than his alters sexually. And in a happy coincidence, you enjoyed being a bit more in control with him when you two made love.
This was perhaps the most dominant you’d ever been though, tying your husband to the bed and towering over him with a glass of your breast milk in hand.
“I’m going to make you feel so good darling,” you purred, “just like you do for me.”
Steven nodded feverishly in agreement and you crossed to the nightstand to set the glass down temporarily. Any and all movement at 35 weeks pregnant took a lot of effort, and you need to situate yourself accordingly.
It was the most comfortable to lie on your side, and once you were in position, you began by dancing your fingers across Steven’s chest. You used the tips of your nails to draw little parallel lines from one pec to the other, building up the anticipation. 
“I always thought you had a nice chest,” you remarked lazily, the warmth of Steven’s shaky exhalations against your skin getting you even more drunk on being the one with the power here. 
“It’s true,” you confirmed. “You have these nice big broad shoulders, such defined pecs, and then these…”
You trailed off to swirl the pad of your fingertip around his nipple. The reaction was immediate. Steven whimpered, and even in your periphery you could see his cock jump. 
“Oooh you like that baby, don’t you,” you cooed, moving your fingers to the opposite side of his chest to give his other nipple the same treatment. “All this time we’ve only played with my tits, but you’ve been holding out on me.” 
You lightly pinched his nipple, ripping a yowl from Steven, the sound shooting straight down to your pussy. “So responsive. Can I give this one here a kiss?” 
Apparently Steven was too turned on to properly speak, but the enthusiasm of his nodding and his broken moan served as consent enough. Your husband’s entire body convulsed when your lips brushed the delicate skin of his bud. It spurred you on further, flicking your tongue across the peak while you applied pressure with your hand to its twin. Steven encouraged you with the most delicious breathy little cries while you narrowed your tongue into a point to draw circles around the circumference of his nipple.
Your ministrations were a mix of repayment and revenge. You were performing on him the moves that drove you wild and made you come, partly in gratitude for all of the bliss he’d bestowed upon you, and partly to assert that you could reduce him to the quivering mess Steven so expertly did when he suckled from you. 
You pulled off of him to check his features, searching for any discomfort or displeasure. But you recognized the hunger in his expression immediately, Steven wanted more. You sent him a devilish smile and reached for the glass. 
Before you did anything more, you checked one last time, “Shall we?” 
“Oh please,” he sighed, the breathlessness in his tone making your slit leak with arousal. 
You tipped the glass ever-so-slightly over Steven’s right nipple, withdrawing after a few splashes had coated the skin there. Then, you mopped up the liquid with your mouth, licking every square inch where it’d splattered.
“Fuuuuuuck,” Steven’s voice had dropped into his chest, his voice now a rasp. 
If you thought about it for too long, the fact that you were lapping up your own breastmilk might have thrown you. But just like Steven, you were too high on your shared lust to be too concerned. Besides, it was really just colostrum - the proper milk wouldn’t come in until Caleb was delivered, and the mild, nutty taste was offset but the tang of Steven’s sweat. That was a flavor you’d never get enough of. 
You repeated the action on the further of Steven’s pecs, moaning as you lavished licks and little nibbles on the skin there to add an extra layer of stimulation with the vibrations. When you pulled away for a breather, Steven’s sculpturesque features were wracked with pleasure to the point of pain. 
“I bet you wish you could touch your cock right now, don’t you, baby?” You inquired with put-on innocence. 
Steven’s response was basically a sob. 
“Hmm, I suppose I could for you?” Playing naive always drove Steven bonkers. “Would you like that baby?” 
More whining and nodding relayed his assent. You kissed down his stomach and when you reached straining member, now weeping and a dark ruddy hue, you cooed, “Look at that pretty prick. He wants his mommy, doesn’t he?”
You had no idea where that came from. Though you’d been calling your husband “daddy” long before Nyla entered the picture, you steered clear of its counterpart given Marc’s past trauma and abuse. 
Your heart dropped when you realized what you’d said, yet before you could backpedal and apologize, Steven replied, “Please mommy, please.” 
Given that he was still was so turned on and the word hadn’t thrown him, you continued with the act as you tried to mount him without too much wobbling, “So big and hard for me.”
“This is going to be quick,” he warned you while you took his dick in hand to position him at your entrance, “Can’t believe I haven’t come already, if I’m honest.” 
You found yourself answering, as if your mouth was independent of your mind, “You come only when I tell you to. And I’m going to first,” 
You could swear you saw a tear escape from the corner of Steven’s eye at the announcement. It made you pause for an entirely different reason. “That alright?” 
“Puh-please sit on my cock mommy. I’ll be so good I promise.” 
And with the go-ahead, you did just that. Both of you groaned in satisfaction and relief at becoming one. You’d been teasing your husband for the better part of an hour, therefore his eyes nearly crossed at the feeling of your warm, tight channel encasing his member so swiftly and smoothly. 
“Remember, no coming til mommy says so,” you sing-songed, “Gonna use this huge cock exactly as I like.” 
You were in no state to bounce on Steven’s dick like you usually did, but instead you allowed yourself an extra moment to revel in the feel of his thick girth inside of you, and squeezed around him just to drive him even more mad. 
It felt heavenly to simply be full of him, to catalogue every vein and ridge without any movement. Your hand dropped to your clit, strumming your little bundle of nerves and enjoying the sight of Steven’s drawn neck. You studied the prominent tendon in his throat as he struggled to behave for you while you gave him too much and not enough all at once. 
Soon the feeling of being full of your husband’s fat erection and playing with your clit wasn’t sufficient, you began canting your hips as much as your baby-heavy baby would allow you. Back-and-forth, back-and-forth, you writhed on Steven’s cock while you kept your index finger firmly working at your nub. You were entranced by your husband’s devastatingly handsome face while you took your pleasure freely from his body, transitioning from rocking back and forth on his hardness to swiveling your pelvis in a circular motion so his member could invade every crevice of you. 
“So deep,” Steven whimpered. 
“It’s good isn’t it?” You surveyed, “Making mommy feel so good. God you’re so hot, can’t believe I get to ride this dick whenever I want.” 
The revelation inspired you pick up the pace on your clit and embrace the burn in your thighs to slam your hips down just a little harder, “Oh Steven, fuck. Railed me so hard that you put another baby in me, then you even let me tie you up and use your fat prick however I see fit.”
“Jus’ wanna be good f’r you mommy,” he slurred. 
“So good,” you assured him without hesitation, “all my friends are jealous that I have such a fit, caring husband who drinks from my titties aaaah-and licks my pussy like it’s his goddamn job.” 
Steven couldn’t help but join your movements at your praise. He planted his feet onto the surface of the mattress and began meeting your stilted thrusts as best he could, his hands were still tied up which meant he didn’t have much leverage. It was enough though, because you could feel yourself barreling toward your climax like a runaway bullet train.
You were reduced to babbling at this point, “You’re so good for mommy, so good for mommy, so good for mommy, so good…suh—ohhhhhhhhh.” 
The orgasm was so intense you feared it’d send you into labor. Your eyes rolled back in your head, the pleasure so white-hot you momentarily forgot what year it was. Even though you felt like you’d entered a different dimension, you were aware of the feeling of your husband sneaking his hand between the root of his cock and your spasming cunt. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind you registered that Steven was staving off his own peak to follow your order. Your sweet, obedient husband. You were going to make him come so hard. 
As much as you wanted to lift yourself off of Steven’s now-sticky erection, demand a sponge-bath, and pass out, it was your turn to send your spouse to the moon and back. You powered through the exhaustion that had begun to descend over your limbs to dismount from Steven’s lap and scooted down the bed some, leaving a trail of your own juices on the sheets in the wake. 
You glanced at the glass on the nightstand and gasped, “Oh no! We’re out of milk!” 
Steven jerked and pulled at his restraints, letting a plaintive cry escape when he heard you. 
“Guess I’ll have to give you some fresh,” you pondered aloud as your hands snaked up your sides to cup your heavy breasts. They were already feeling a bit engorged since it’d been hours since Steven milked you with his hands or mouth, so it only took a couple pumps of your palm for more liquid to dribble out and coat your hand. 
Steven, who’d been holding up his head to watch your little display, dropped it at the sight of you wetting your hand with his favorite substance. 
“You were so patient for mommy, now she’s going to give you your reward,” you intoned wrapping your drenched hand around his cock, already made slick from your arousal and his precum. 
You stripped his length with firm, quick strokes, only getting a dozen or so in before Steven was lurching against the sashes and crying out as he came. His seed was spurting from his thoroughly abused cock so intensely that you swore that if you hadn’t gotten your mouth around his tip in time, his cum would’ve hit the ceiling. 
You jerked Steven through his release until you felt him soften, and when you glimpsed up at him, he’d sank into the pillows and against his bonds like a ragdoll. 
Immediately, you brought your clean (well, cleaner) hand to caress his forehead. “Baby? You okay?” 
You wasted no time untying the sashes from the bedpost, and a moment later, your husband’s lids fluttered open. You knew by the smug quirk of his lips it was Marc gazing back at you instead of Steven. 
“Hi sweetie,” you greeted him. “Not freaked out, are you?” 
“No I’m fine,” he assuaged you. “Who knew the gorgeous in-house consultant I was assigned to work with on my first job all those years ago would be even better in bed than she was at her job?” You preened at Marc’s praise, moving to untie his other wrist while he added, “And she was really fucking good at her job.”
“He came so hard he forced a switch, didn’t he?” 
Marc nodded, rubbing and twirling his wrists to get the blood flow back. “Also, Jake says he’s not crossing the English Channel to go home until he gets to fuck your ass. “
You rolled your eyes. “Despite my best efforts to be one on this trip, he knows I’m not a sentient sex doll, right? That I’m in the home stretch of cooking his second kid currently? I told him we’d do to it before we left, we still have all of tomorrow.”
“Anoche,” Jake pushed forward to demand. 
“Mañana.” you countered. “Unless you let me take a nap now and make dinner. And clean up afterwards.” 
“Always a pleasure doing business with you, Lockley.” 
“That’s enough of that,” Steven reclaimed the body to declare. “Let’s take a bath, yeah? Then you can nod off?” 
“Yes please,” you grinned. “But first can I just…I need to catch my breath.”
“‘Course darling,” he acquiesced, “Frankly, the offer of a bath was too ambitious on my end. I can’t move my legs right now.” 
“You were okay with all of that?” You needed to get straight to it. “I know that kind of got away from us just — got away in the best way possible if you ask me —but just…is there anything you wouldn’t want a repeat performance of? I know the word ‘mommy’, when we’re not referring to me with Nyla, is loaded for you.” 
It was if Steven’s tongue back too big for his mouth. He struggled to shape the words with his lips, and a crimson hue stained his cheeks while he searched for what to say. “No? I mean that’s actually worse, innit? Because I loved calling you mommy just now and I know I shouldn’t? After everything Marc actually went through…fuck, that’s messed up.” 
“I wouldn’t be so quick to judge,” you tried to comfort him. “From what you told me, your memories of her are so different than his. Intentionally so, right? It wasn’t until what, the last like six or seven years you knew otherwise.” 
“I suppose so,” he mumbled. 
“And you know how I much I love calling all of you daddy. I said it for the first time when I slept with Marc, ages before Nyla.”
“Guess it’s not too much of a stretch, given how obsessed I am with your tits,”  he surmised, then obscured his face with his hands, “Fuck, I’m a proper pervert, aren’t I? With a dose of D.I.D. thrown in with no extra charge.” 
“Stop,” you gently tried to removed his hands. When that didn’t work, you said, “You may be a perv, but you eat pussy like a champ, so who cares?” 
That got Steven to uncover his face. When you were met with his frown, you amended yourself, “I’m kidding. Obviously. Honey, if you want us to talk about this with Dr. Moorhead, I’m more than happy to do it so we can unpack it properly. But honestly? That was so bloody hot. It was fun to play with the power dynamics a little. I’m not sure if I’d want to do that every time we make love but…” 
“It was quite a treat for a special occasion, wasn’t it?” Steven admitted at last.
“Just think, in five weeks Caleb will be here and we won’t be having any sex whatsoever, so you’ll have plenty of time to mull over if we want to do it again.” 
“Well hopefully not ‘any sex whatsoever’,” Steven protested. “We snuck a lot in with Nyla.” 
“First baby luxuries,” you reminded him, “but don’t worry, your all-access pass to my titties will be restored.” 
Steven hummed in delight. “They’re just so big and tasty for me,” he murmured, his lips enveloping your nipple and tenderly suckling. 
It was your turn then to collapse back amongst the pillows. You carded your fingers through his wavy, salt-and-pepper locks as he relieved you, lost in the sensation. Steven switched tits, drinking from the other just as delicately as he did from the first. He only got a few sips in before the absence of his mouth sent a little shock of cold air on your nipple and you heard, “Eh! I’ve waited my turn.” 
“Then give me Steven back so he can bathe me,” you negotiated, too exhausted to open your eyes, “I’ll take my nap, you’ll make dinner, and I’ll be so naughty for you Papi, I promise. You can pound my ass until sunrise.”
“Joder nena, I’m not giving anything back when you talk like that,” he rasped, dropping a kiss to your neck. 
“Please honey? I need to close the loop on what we were talking about.” 
Thankfully, Jake agreed without any more fuss and Steven returned. 
“I think it might be good for us to talk with Dr. Moorhead,” he shared a few minutes later while you waited for cottage’s the copper tub to fill. “Because I want to do that again, but it’d be nice to not feel so weird about it.” 
“Sounds like a plan, love,” you grinned, drawing him in for a chaste kiss on the lips. “God, imagine what we’ll be like when there’s no weirdness.”
Steven’s open, wholesome smile turned wicked. “Exactly.” 
A/N: Y’all...what just happened there? Not even I know 🙈 but I hope everyone enjoyed!!! The more I write the more I realize my destiny is to be barefoot and pregnant with Oscar’s baby 🤷‍♀️🤰🏼The final prompt fill is 95% written and will be coming to all of you lovelies who have waited ever-so-patiently v soon! Also yes, I’m naming all the doctors in this AU after the MK series writers!
Taglist: @twwcs​, @rmoonstoner​, @hot-mess-express1​, @murdickdocked, @toracainz​, @saahmi​, @unspokenmoon​, @winterbiipp​, @avatarofseshat​ @ilikeoldermenhelp, @losers-club6​, @harrys-tittie​, @ninebluehearts​, @lucianadraven32​, @dawnsutopia​, @strawberry1042-blog @nikitawolfxo​,  @weirdo125  @damnzelsoul​ @missmarmaladeth
Anoche - Tonight 
Mañana - Tomorrow 
Bien - Okay 
Joder nena - Fuck babe 
442 notes · View notes
changingplumbob · 17 days
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 2
Saturday is date night!
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Back home Alexander works out his frustrations on a punching bag. Dina always manages to rile him up. He’s also discovered he has ADHD, Cassandra’s diagnosis had him look into it. James may fit in a workout but he does get very tired afterwards. What can turn that frown upside down? A cat! He goes in search of someone fluffy, Hamlet is playing on the cat tree upstairs.
James: Hey boy, can I have a couch snuggle
Hamlet: *meows* Of course dad
James: You look good in that cape. We must get you a special look for Harvestfest, we want to impress the guests
Hamlet: *purrs* We will if I’m there
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Settling down with the oldest journal Milton begins to read.
Dear diary, how exciting is that to write! I got 10 out of 10 on my spelling tests all month so daddy bought me the journal I wanted. I’m excited to start keeping proper track of things. Yes I’m 8 but never to early to organise. Michael makes fun of me but I know he’d never peek. Sometimes I think I have the best older brother in the world…
Milton: I know the feeling mummy
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Alexander: Can you follow the star Gertrude
Gertrude: *meows* Oh it is so dead
Alexander: Where’d it go? Where’d it go
Gertrude: *meows* I got it! Wait… get back here star!
Alexander: I think I’ve tortured you enough for one day *turns off laser pointer*
Gertrude: *meows* It… vanished???
Alexander: Here, how about a brush. You do look impressive in the armour but we must keep your coat looking as lovely as you
Hamlet: *meows* I am more impressive
Gertrude: *purrs* dream on son
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Milton: Alexander?
Alexander: We’re in here
Milton: I wanted to say thanks to you and Uncle James for the new room
James: You’re very welcome
Milton: I know you have your date but when you get back could we maybe… just for tonight… have a sleepover in my room
Alexander: That sounds fun but I don’t know if James’ back will-
James: I would love a sleepover Milton
Milton’s face lights up at this news.
Milton: I’ll see you later then. Come home safe... promise?
Alexander: We will Milton, I promise
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We head to Chez Llama where our normal greeter is on duty.
Caleb: Name?
Alexander: There should be a reservation under Goth
Caleb: Under Goth? Are you sure
Alexander: Yes I made the reservation myself
Caleb flicks his eyes over Alexander’s suit, his aged companion and the space where a celebrity shine isn’t.
Caleb: Yes... well we are very busy tonight
Alexander: No one is in the restaurant yet
Caleb: We have many distinguished patrons, we must keep room for them
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Alexander: My father was a five star celebrity
Caleb: Yes, he was
Alexander: My parents spent a fortune here
James: Are you sure we’re not on there? Sorry love, looks like we’ll have to take our service elsewhere *sighs*
Alexander: Look- Caleb? I know I made the reservation. We are long time patrons who wish to spend money here. If you have a problem with that perhaps I should ask to speak to your boss
Caleb: *stiffens* That won’t be necessary- sir, here it is
James: Just like magic
Caleb: If you’ll follow me
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The two are escorted to a small table just inside the restaurant.
James: What was that man’s problem
Alexander: I guess he didn’t think we were famous enough
James: Well make sure to leave a big tip so he knows we don’t have hard feelings
Alexander: We don’t have to
James: Maybe we don’t have to but we should. If anything maybe it will make him less judging of future guests that don’t have celebrity status
Diaz: Hello there, what can I get you tonight sirs?
Alexander: Nectar. White I think
James murmurs in agreement and the waiter’s pen begins to mark down the order.
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James: You order first love
Alexander: Could I please have the… hmm, the tiger shrimp broth sounds good
Diaz: very good sir
James: Can I have a space taco please
Diaz: Of course sir
The waiter speeds off and Alexander looks at James chuckling.
Alexander: Swanky restaurant and my husband orders a taco
James: Space taco. Maybe it’ll make me fly
Alexander: *laughs* Just don’t go getting abducted, they’ll impregnate a handsome man like you for sure
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James: I have been thinking pregnancy thoughts lately
Alexander: *chuckles* Of course. We’ll have a science baby with my hair and your eyes and-
James: Actually…
Alexander: You don’t want a science baby with me?
James: I’d love one, don’t misunderstand me. Raising a mini you would be great but we have to be realistic
Alexander: What do you mean
James: Love, I’m not getting any younger
Alexander: Ridiculous! You’re plenty young
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James: You’re sweet but we both know I’m not. Humans here seem to live to about 80
Alexander: Joey would say it’s the watchers fault
James: Yes, he probably would. But Alexander, I want a kid who’s going to remember me
Alexander: But… You’re only 74, you’ve got time left
James: Maybe but not enough time for an infant to get to know me properly. Not enough time for me to be able to pass on my life lessons. Not enough time… for me to know them
Alexander: So what are you saying sweets
James: I’d like to adopt a child or even a teen…
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James: What do you think
Alexander: It’s just… something we haven’t discussed before
James: I know, and I’m bringing it up now
Alexander: I mean… I’m not against adoption. Not at all. But… a teen?
James: I know how to handle teens from all my years teaching
Alexander: Yes but *quietly* who says I’ll know what to do
James: You’re wonderful with Milton. You're going to make a great dad
Alexander: Yeah but Milton is my brother. How am I meant to be a dad to someone only a decade younger than me?
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James: You won’t be doing it alone, I’m going to be here as long as I can
Alexander: You really want a kid that remembers you huh
James: I do. And I want to leave you with someone that can look out for you to
Alexander: What will I do when you’re gone
James: Pretty sure parenting has a pretty steep learning curve. By the time… well you will know more than nothing
Alexander: What if they don’t respect me
James: I’ll teach them to, we’ll teach them to
Alexander: *sighs* I suppose it can’t hurt to look in to it
James: I’ll win you over eventually
Alexander: *winks* You always do
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Criminal Minds Fic Rec Masterlist
Hey everyone! I've noticed that people have a hard time finding my Fic Rec Lists in my pinned post, so I've compiled them all here!
If you have any fics that you would like me to add to any of the following lists, please send me a DM or an ask (with a link to your work and which list you'd like to be added to). Also, if you have a relatively niche trope that you'd like me to make a list for, let me know!
Spencer Reid/Reader Specific Lists (for now)
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Reunions: Fics including a reunion between characters.
Fantasy AU: Fics including a magical aspect.
Fake Fiancé: Fics including the fake fiancé trope.
Poker Games: Fics involving poker (strip & regular).
Autistic!Reader: Fics where Reader is Autistic.
Reader's B-Day: Fics where it is Reader's birthday.
Spencer POV [Fluff], [Smut]: Fics from Spencer's first person POV.
Post-Revelations: Fics following Spencer's abduction and torture.
Love Triangle [Maeve]: Fics involving a love triangle with Maeve.
Secret Relationship: Fics including a secret relationship.
Post-Prison: Fics following Spencer's time in prison.
Assorted Character Lists
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Unsub!BAU: Fics where a BAU Member is an Unsub (includes Spencer and Hotch).
Roommates: Oh my god, they were roommates (includes Spencer, Emily, Hotchgan, Hotchreid, Temily, Ralvez, and MGG Characters Lesley and Wes)
Family Challenge/Father's Day/Kid Fic: Fics involving family dynamics (includes Spencer, Temily, Hotchgan, Garvez, Blake, Haley, Emily, JJ); fics where a member of the BAU is a father to Reader or OCs (includes Spencer, Luke, Ralvez, and Hotch); fics involving a child/pregnancy (includes Spencer, Hotch, Emily, Temily, Moreid, Ralvez, Gen)
Trick or Treat: Fics involving Halloween/Samhain (includes Spencer, Moreid, and MGG Characters Caleb, Thorn, and Wes)
Only One Bed: There was only one bed... (includes Spencer, Hotch, Ralvez, Ethan/S.R., and MGG Characters Franklin, Lesley, Chip, Raymond, and Kyle)
ADHD!Reader: Fics where Reader has ADHD (includes Spencer, Hotch, and Luke)
Disabled!Reader: Fics where Reader has a physical disability (includes Spencer, Luke, and Hotch)
Forbidden Love: Fics including the trope of forbidden love (includes Spencer, Hotch, Luke, Ralvez, Reidams, Temily, and Helle)
Enemies to Lovers: Fics including the enemies to lovers trope (includes Spencer, Hotch, Derek, and MGG Characters Kyle, Wes, and Franklin)
Winter Wonderland: Fics involving the Winter season (includes Spencer, Temily, Emily, Caleb, Luke, and MGG Character Wes)
Amnesia/Memory Loss: Fics where a character loses their memory (includes Spencer, Hotch, Luke, and Hotchreid)
CM Discord Fic Swaps (One, Two, Three, Four, Five): Fics written lovingly by my friends, for my friends. Includes a plethora of characters
Weddings and Proposals: Fics where characters get married (includes Spencer, Hotch, Emily, Alex, Garvez, Jemily, Temily, Moreid, Hotchreid)
Comfort Fics: Fics where a character is comforted (includes Spencer, Tara, Emily, Hotch, Luke, Penelope)
Valentine's Day: Fics involving Valentine's celebrations (includes Spencer, Emily, Hotch, Temily, Hotchgan, and Ralvez).
Damsel/Dude in Distress: Fics where a character is in distress (includes Spencer, Tara, Spencer, Hotchgan, Hotchreid, Gen/Platonic).
Summer Sunshine: Fics that take place during Summer (includes Spencer, Hotchgan, Temily, Penemily, Gen/Platonic).
Office Party: Fics that include a party attended by BAU members (includes Spencer, Derek, Hotch, Hotchgan, Temily, Hotchreid, Gen/Platonic).
Meet Cute: Fics that involve a first meeting (includes Spencer, Hotch, Emily, Derek, Hotchmontagne, Gen/Platonic).
New Beginnings: Fics that involve a new relationship, starting over, etc. (includes Spencer, Hotch, Emily, Derek, Hotchreid, Temily, Gen/Platonic).
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Evening all :) This is the second to last ep of s2. Unreal. I LOVE this episode. For so many reasons. I think its underrated which tends to be some of my fav moments and eps with them. Love this one for couple reasons. One of them being we’re re-tapping into why Tim is the best T.O. for Lucy. Little more look into Tim’s growing feelings for her. Also their continual growth as friends and their deepening bond. I love them so much. Like I said already this ep is underrated and one of my favs and you’ll see why. Let’s get started on this goodie.
2x19 The Q Word
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We start off with Lucy's alarm going off for her shift. She turns it off saying how she doesn’t want to work today. (Me either girl...) We see she has a special guest with her. Heh. It's Emmett. Dude still fine as hell. Guess she finally took him up on his offer. Damn girl proud of you cashing that card in haha Way to come back into the dating world.
He tells her to be few minutes late continues on to say ‘Bradford's chill’ LMFAO Not even a little and definitely not with training Lucy. You'll experience that soon enough and see how wrong you are sir. Lucy tells him she’s in the final stretch of her training. Just 30 more days and she’ll be free. (Like you really wanna be free of Tim…we'll let you believe that though.) She is excited to be free of the mind games, Tim tests and being chewed out in public. I can’t blame her there even though it molded her into who she is now as a cop.
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Emmett jumps on the chance about making her late after her probation. Lucy has to basically say down boy LOL It’s honestly really nice to see how happy she is. Like I said in the last ep with Tim. With not being Lucy level happy. In this case not Tim level happy or comfortable but nice to see none the less. She clearly has allowed herself to not let Caleb drag her down as much anymore. That's a massive victory for her. Should be noted and appreciated.
Can truly appreciate the relationships they had prior and what they had to give to them before they’re together. Lucy NEEDED someone like this post-Caleb. Needed a sweet goober. I am thankful for the role Emmett played in that. Helping her start to move past Caleb and the damage he inflicted. Her commitment issues showing themselves hard when she asks him to play it cool if they run into each other. To keep them on the DL. Also I don’t blame her she’s in the home stretch of this. Wants to do a final focused push to complete her training as well.
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We get to roll call. Grey announces today is the rookies one year mark in the program. He tells them congratulations on not washing out. Tim can’t help himself and poke the bear. Saying ‘We’ll see’ that shit eating grin of his and heart eyes I can not. How proud he is of her projecting off him.
Excuse me sir you’re doing a work flirt right in front of everyone. Look at the way he’s looking at her when he says it. A blind person could read his intentions. Her reaction is perfection. Like she can’t believe he’s doing their banter unabashedly in front of roll call… for all to see LOL Our marriage scene of the episode please enjoy.
Grey says this is the start of their 30 day push. To remind them they’re not there just yet. That they shouldn’t be celebrating until they cross the finish line. Pretty much a foreshadowing for Lucy in this ep. All of them but mainly Lucy and the SL her and Tim have in this one.
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Immediately following roll call we join them in their shop. Lucy mentions it’s weird they haven’t had any calls yet. Tim puts on his T.O. hat and barks ‘Crime doesn’t have a schedule boot.’ Lucy just smiles his T.O. company line having no effect on her. Tim notices it right away and asks ‘What she’s so happy about?’ Lucy plays it off says nothing. Can’t she just smile? Tim doesn’t let it go. (Wonder who he learned that from?)
Tells her she’s been doing it a lot lately is all...Lucy bites back she didn’t know being happy was an impediment to being a good cop. Tim remarks he’s just surprised she hasn’t talked his ear off about whatever it is. Tim Bradford speak for he actually wants her to. Whether he likes it or not he’s come to enjoy her sharing things with him. When she doesn't he gets antsy like in this scene. Questions what's going on with her.
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Tim acts like he can’t stand how chatty she is. When really he can’t handle it when she isn’t sharing stuff with him. Doesn’t want to feel left out in her life. Especially since she "granted" him re-access to it in 2x17. (He always had it she just had to remind of that fact) Lucy doesn’t budge on any info. So Tim starts taking shots in the dark. Asking random questions. 'Did she rescue a kitten?' 'Adopt a star?' LMFAO Timothy what? Haha god I love this man.
Lucy tells him what early s1 Tim would’ve been thrilled to hear. That her personal life is none of his business. He smiles and says there’s hope for her yet. Ok Tim I’m sure that’s EXACTLY what you want. Smh. My god these two. Do they even realize how much flirting just went down in that interaction? The banter, the looks, the cute little smiles. Look at them in those last two gifs above. As transparent as glass. These idiots I love them so much.
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If you needed to see their chemistry in one glorious shot. This is it. What a beautiful shot of these two. How the sun shines mostly on her is lovely nod to them as characters. They're checking in with one another silently as they hear a ‘shots fired’ call come over the radio. Processing the severity of the call together. The lighting is beautiful, the looks glorious, that silent communication ever present. I adore it.
They can hear how amped up the rookie on the radio is. Tim attaches them to the pursuit. Harper and Nolan attach themselves as well. Jackson hears his friends panicked voice. Tells Angela they we’re in the academy together. He the follows suit of the other two. Such an intense drive to where Chris and his T.O. are in pursuit.
Sadly Chris disobeys his T.O. to stay in cover while backup arrives. This kid has something to prove and leaves cover. His T.O. shouting at him to stay back. Unfortunately he’s shot instantly in the chest multiple times by their assailant. The guy takes off leaving Harper/Nolan to chase him as they arrive on scene. Tim and Lucy show up after all the chaos has ensued. Tim pulls Martinez Chris’s T.O. to the side. Says he’s going to need to talk to him since he was a witness to the shooting. Jackson decides to ride with Chris easing Martinez to go talk with Tim.
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Tim then does what he does best. Deescalates the situation. This man is trying to justify himself to Tim. Tells him how he taught Chris better than that. That he’s made mistakes before but not like this. Tim is incredible in this moment. This scene shows us how good Tim is at his job. How important he knows training rookies is to T.O.’s Why Martinez is panicking like he is. Feels like he failed this kid and is spiraling.
Tim uses that common bond to get through to an emotionally heightened officer. He's coming off his rookie being shot. He's not seeing straight and blaming himself. So Tim calms him down using logic and listening to get the statement from him. The empathy and understanding that follow are a skill that was sharpened by a certain rookie of his. (So damn proud) He's trying to relay to him this wasn’t his fault. He doesn't need to defend himself to him.
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I love how he relates to Martinez in this moment. All the while he is looking at Lucy. His words carrying extra weight to them. Almost like he's telling himself this as well as his fellow T.O.. This is hitting closer to home for him than he'd like. His look says so very much to anyone who is watching closely. Eric crushing it per usual saying so much with so little. The depth of how much he cares for her at this point. The man was gone for her long before they got together. (He just hasn’t been clued in yet about that fact.)
The way his eyes dart over to her while he’s comforting Martinez. What happened to this man is Tim’s greatest fear on the job. Not preparing Lucy enough and she gets hurt as a result. If he could only realize how much he’s already impacted her. She would not have survived 2x11 if not for his training of her. 'The Cop Eyes' he instilled in her to drop that ring for him.
She had the grit and determination all her own to survive no doubt. That 'No quit' paired with his training is why she made it. If you wanted to see Tim’s PTSD in action it’s this next portion. That deep fear of losing her the way he almost did back in 2x11. This next entire scene is screaming that PTSD from that. This moment a stark reminder for him that he could lose her just as quickly on the job due to a mistake. That it would be his fault. Again.
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Some may think Tim is too harsh here. He’s being a dick etc. That’s not what I see here at all. I see a man in emotional panic. A spiral really. Talking to Martinez shook him more than he’s leading on. Watching his biggest fear happen to someone else is triggering his PTSD more than he'd like. We all know even with Lucy’s forgiving him how he’s still haunted by her almost death. Tim is still learning how channel his emotions. Lucy has opened a floodgate of having them and he hasn’t learned to control them just yet.
I can relate so very much. When you’ve repressed feelings for so long, then allow them to the surface they can be overwhelming. The anxiety of drowning in those emotions comes out in one of two ways. Anger or a complete shut down. For Tim anger is an old friend of his. He can’t seem to tamp down how this situation is making him feel.
Nor does he know how to deal with why it is. So he sees a small mistake she makes and lashes out. His current anxiety is manifesting into anger right now. His fear taking a life of it's own. Losing it on her over something he wouldn't necessarily been happy about but not to this current level of anger.
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He is panicking because after the final 30 days elapses he won’t be by her side to protect her anymore. Its a harsh reality he isn't handling too well right now. Rios being shot bringing that into sharp focus. That this could happen to her without him there to guide her. So naturally he’s going to be hard on her especially in this moment. His way of controlling it and his emotions. He just watched a rookie get fatally shot and carted off to hospital due to a small error in judgement.
All those emotions and all that panic are coming through in spades in this moment. Tim isn’t handling his emotions about potentially losing her well. It more than shows in this scene. If he was trying to hold his emotional cards close to his chest about Lucy in this scene he failed miserably. It comes out when he asks her if she wants to end up like Rios? Showing his hand so much in this scene emotionally.
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Now Emmett making the mistake of trying to intervene bites him in the ass badly. It’s bad for a couple reasons. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say. Reason one it was a terrible idea. Don’t get between Tim and his person. Emmett caught an emotionally exposed Tim and ran into an actual buzz saw doing this. Today was the WRONG day to interfere with him. Not gonna lie I do love Tim going all alpha on him. Saying she’s HIS boot. Destroying Emmett completely asking if 'He's got it? Before walking away.
Second reason it was not his best idea. Lucy. I adore her telling Emmett she didn’t need him to save her. Damn right you don’t. She is capable of defending herself especially with Tim. That's one of her super powers really. It was more embarrassing for Lucy he tried to step in to "protect" her. Not only that but mess with her work dynamic with Tim. She asked him to be cool at work and he wasn’t. Lucy makes sure he knows that before she takes off herself. She isn't a damsel in distress and lets him know. Leaving Emmett stunned.
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Nolan and Harper get a finger print ID off the ditched car they pursued. They’re gearing up to break into Serj Derain's. Tim knows Lucy is shaken up for multiple reasons. Her friend Chris being shot, Him chewing her out and her mini fight with Emmett. He is always thinking of her first even when he doesn’t even realize he’s doing so. It's second nature at this point. He does this by resetting her mentally before they walk in the door of this man's house.
Saying how they already lost one cop today. She’s not going to be another. He refuses to lose Lucy by her potentially losing focus in this moment. This man just knows her like the back of his hand. It always floors me. Knows innately she needs these words of focus. That her mind is elsewhere and he needs it shifted back to the task at hand. The continuous proof of why he was the perfect T.O. for her. Tim reading her emotional state and directing her emotions. This is his version of taking care of her. By telling Lucy exactly what she needs to hear before they start this.
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Her look of understanding after he dispenses his words of wisdom to her is perfection. Complete understanding of what he's saying and doing for her in this moment. ❤️ Everything this man does for her has her best interests at heart and ultimately to protect her. (Just like she does for him) It’s a beautiful thing to watch honestly. The two way support these two have for one another. This is an underrated moment for them. I wanted to expound on it. It shows that bond they have.
That even though they’re closer than they used to be with how she can sass him from time to time when it comes down to it that instant respect she has for Tim and his guidance. It is evident in this scene. His wisdom is guiding her right now emotionally and she knows it. That when he is serious like this she takes notice and listens immediately. She would follow him into hell if he asked her to.
They get inside with no issues. He isn’t home and the house is cleared. They’re searching his home office. Lucy asks Tim what they’re looking for? He tells her anything that can tell them where he is. It’s then Tim runs across some disturbing info. Confidential Police files on the Derian’s. Makes sense why nothing has stuck to them now. Someone’s been leaking info to the Armenian mob. A dirty cop in their midst…
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We rejoin them in their shop. Lucy asks if they can talk about earlier? So much has happened today he’s not sure what she means. Lucy says about Emmett. Tim is immediately defensive. Tells her nothing to say about it. He tried to tell him how to do his job. On today of all days. Tim says he doesn’t care if he’s her BF. Lucy instantly cuts him off and corrects him. Says he’s not. (ahhh Lucy your commitment issues are showing again my dear) Tells Tim he’s a little dead to her right now anyway. I’m sure in the back of Tim’s mind that gives him a little peace.
Then comes one of the best parts of the episode for them. In not so many words this scene is Tim revealing something. Showing Lucy he cares about her in the most Tim way possible. He voices in a much kinder way his fears from earlier in the ep. That yes she’s only 30 days from the finish line. What scares him is when she crosses it he won’t be there to keep her from washing out anymore. 'Or worse...' The way she looks at him when he says this *heart clutch* Tim Bradford speak for I don’t want to lose you.
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He solidifies it by reinforcing yeah he’s going to be tough on her. That is a straight fact. Then rolls a compliment into it as well. (How far we’ve come. *wipes tear*) Tells Lucy he’s only doing that because he KNOWS she can handle it. No one one knows her better than he does. No one will ever look out for her best interests better than he will. Or will prepare her the way he can. He only has 30 days left with her. Tim is going to make her as sharp as possible. So he can let her go when the time comes. Only way he will have peace of mind is if he does it this way.
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Lucy’s reactions says it all. Beaming a little as she explains how sweet it is. She knows how he struggles with his emotions. That he tends to show them through actions rather than words. The fact that he told her this means so much. Tim in a roundabout way, told her he cares so much for her he’s afraid losing her after they're no longer riding together. That he can't protect her anymore after that. So he’s going to do everything in his power to safeguard her from this jobs worst moments and possibilities like today.
She makes sure he knows how 'oddly sweet' she finds his words. Tim is trying to bite back a smile above. That sunshine of hers seeping in just a little bit more. Trying to be a grump and be like 'That's not what I meant' when that's exactly what he meant. Revealing more cracks in that emotional wall of his. God I love it so Much.
Lucy continues on and says he’s not the one she’s mad at right now. That’s she’s used to Tim. Then he does something S1 Tim would be appalled at. Gives her advice on her personal life. Doing it not to please her or get her to stop talking. But because he genuinely cares about her. Giving me all the feels in this one. My shipper heart may implode.
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Tells her Emmett is a fireman. So naturally they’re idiots LOL He makes Lucy smile in a way only he can. Tim forges on saying they mean well and Emmett is a 'not bad fireman'. Tells her not to write him off just yet. That he meant well by it. Look at our boy. I’m legit beaming with pride as I write this. How far this man has come in 2 seasons hell just this season alone. Leaps and bounds all due to the the sunshine human to his right.
Lucy being herself can’t help but rib him about this. That the reason he’s giving her this advice is cause they’re friends. Honestly yeah. At this point they are. S1 finale was the start of the friends foundation but they weren't there yet. It was the beginning of that deeper bond of theirs and we’re nearing the end of s2. All that foundation has now been laid. The fruits of it are they are friends now.
Best part of this section Is he doesn’t even deny it really. He scoffs a little af first (denial isn’t just a river in Egypt Tim) but concedes at the end. The light in his eyes and the crooked smile. You know this man is happy to be considered her friend. Her confidant. Once again Eric saying so god damn much with so little. I’ll never be over how good he is with that. Like ever. Could go on for miles and miles but I won’t do that to you all haha That wraps up their scenes together in this one. SO much good content thought. Oh my lord.
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Sadly Chris passes away and Jackson is distraught. Lucy being there for Jackson is so sweet. Taking care of her business with Emmett but putting him first. I love their friendship. I do admire he came over to apologize and say he was wrong. Saying she’s the strongest woman he knows. That the last thing she needs is a protector. Well you as her protector yes. sorry Emmett lol That role is not meant to be yours. She has her fierce protector already. Tim is that but her emotional protector first and foremost. I mean he would smash a dude's face in for her LOL but she doesn't need that. That's it for this one. Such a good episode for them I can not.
Side notes-Non Chenford
Longer than normal cause the entire episode is so good. The Chenford would’ve been enough but the ep being so good on top of it I’m happy.
Angela seeing Smitty’s cam footage LOL he’s such an idiot and we all love him haha sadly how she finds out Erin Cole is a dirty cop though. Or one of them…
The whole SL with Chris, Derians and Armstrong it’s so solid and stressful to watch baha his SL was shocking when I watched it the first time. Watching this squeaky clean cop fall from grace and become a dirty cop. Tragic af but compelling as hell.
Rewatching it through the eyes of knowing you can see how much he was giving away in his scenes. So sad the ending for Cole. Debt erasure is a huge motivator for most it’s truly so sad.
Watching John and Grace continue to fall apart sucks. I truly liked them more so than him and Bailey TBH. Their chemistry was evident.
Harper thanking John for all his help in getting her kid back. That she wouldn’t be here if not for him. The impact he had. Such growth for her. Since day one she has marched toward growth and where she is now. I adore her arc and how far she has come in this moment. Such an overall amazing episode. Hell of an ep before the finale.
Thank you all for the continued support through likes/comment and reblogs. Means more than I can ever say. Our next ep is the finale. Woo. I’ll see you all then :)
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flower-yi · 2 months
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hello hello everyone!!!! just a few days ago, i hit 100 followers!
first of all, i want to thank everyone who picked up my works and dedicated a portion of their time to reading it. it means a lot! writing is a journey i've decided to embark on as it has been an interest of mine for such a long time, and i'm glad that you're all here with me!! this milestone wouldn't have happened without the stellaronhvnters network, the oracleofstars network, and of course to the people who supported me on my journey. (you know who you are!!!)
in celebration for this milestone, i've decided to open my asks for requests. for those unfamiliar with how i run my blog, most of my writing comes from a moment of inspiration—which is, actually, a fancy way to say i write on a whim—so this event gives me a chance to bounce off someone's ideas and bring them to life!
this is also to bond with you guys over your favourite characters... giggles mischievously 😭😭
(more utc!)
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naturally, as this is an event (and a time to put in requests!), rules must be put in order. here it is as follows:
i am a sfw blog, so anything nsfw is prohibited. suggestive content is allowed but limited.
romantic and platonic scenarios are both allowed! i will, however, prohibit any romantic scenarios with underage characters.
genres i will write for range from fluff to angst :D
it is entirely up to you how to decide phrasing your request. you may add concepts like, for example, 5:00AM, etc. (fics based on songs are allowed... :3)
as this is a multi-fandom blog, anyone from any fandom can go on and put in a request. i will list both the fandoms and possible characters* i will write here;
- honkai: star rail (veritas ratio, jing yuan, blade, topaz, acheron, argenti)
- genshin impact (alhaitham, kaveh, ningguang, thoma, kaeya, diluc)
- love&deepspace (basically all of the love interests—this includes caleb, by the way. looking at someone in particula
- twisted wonderland (trey clover, deuce spade, azul ashengrotto, jack howl)
- tentatively, jujutsu kaisen—more so from the reason i may deliver not so accurate characterisation of whom you'll request for. i am, however, up to the task of writing for the characters :3 (megumi fushiguro, satoru gojo, suguru geto, shoko ieiri, yuji itadori)
if you have any fandom in mind that you think i'll write for, feel free to ask if i do!
*characters listed here are examples.
this is more so a reminder than a rule, but please be polite and respectful when writing your request! remember, i am entitled to refuse any requests i deem unreasonable.
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the event duration will be from BST+1 april 21, 2024 to april 27 2024. as this is one of the (official) times i've opened my requests, i want to take it slow as to not overwhelm myself!!
if you have any questions, don't be shy to send in an ask. once again, thank you to everyone for making this milestone possible! ♡
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IMAGE FOUND ON pinterest
DIVIDERS BY @/saradika-graphics
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Clones mourning the Jedi
Ok, so, bear with me, my brain is constantly making up scenarios that I want to happen in Bad Batch Season 3. Most of the time I don't do anything with them, but this one today was especially emotional, so I just can't keep it to myself. Even though it doesn't fit into the story at all and is probably also very out of character. So… I need the connection between the clones and the Jedi to be appreciated, right? So my brain was like: How about we have the clones collectively, in their little community that they built, (which will also totally happen, right? I mean… clone rebellion?!?…please?!!), mourn the Jedi? And I was just: Umm… I don't think… And my brain went: Shut up, I've already made up a whole fucking ceremony and the precise camera angles and shots it will be shown in. So anyway, it starts with the Bad Batch needing Rex's help for a mission or something, so they go to him, and Rex is like: "Sure, but not today." So Hunter asks why, and he just says: "It's Empire Day." No missions till tomorrow morning." "Why? You're celebrating?", Wrecker asks jokingly. Rex huffs and flashes a sad little smile: "We're mourning."
Empire Day would be roughly the day Order 66 happened, right? I mean, I have no idea how space time works so I just assume that. So anyway, they go inside and meet all the other clones from Rex's little Network who sit together, talk and laugh, and many of them, most of them, are doing some sort of pottery. Echo is also there (which doesn't make sense because at this point he would have been back with the Bad batch already, but honestly, I don't care when this happens. Could also be way earlier. Actually, that would maybe be even better, so we can have Tech and Omega on board as well) so after some big hellos, of course the Bad Batch asks what's going on with this pottery stuff. Rex has excused himself at this point, but Echo shows them they're making little bowls and explains that it is part of the ceremony to honor the Jedi. At this point, it becomes a bit awkward for the Bad Batch since they never had such a connection to the Jedi and also experienced order 66 differently. But it gets better when Wrecker asks if he can make one for the little Padawan (Caleb), even though he hopes he survived. Just to remind of him. And Echo beams and says "sure" and shows them the bowl he's making for Ahsoka. He started it, still thinking she died during Order 66, but then Rex found out, teared up, and told him everything. He still makes her a bowl. To remember her. Because wherever she is now, even though she survived, the sassy, lighthearted, funny little commander he knew is definitely dead. So the Bad batch mixes with the other Clones. Wrecker makes his little bowl; maybe Hunter and Omega (if she's there) make one for Shaak Ti and Tech (if he's there) helps with the technical preparations for the ceremony and makes some valuable improvements. (Um, yeah, I have no Ideas for Crosshair. I'm open for suggestions! As said, not following any continuity/timeline here.) In the evening, everything is ready for the ceremony. It goes this way: Everyone who wants to has made a bowl for a specific Jedi, or several bowls for several Jedi, one bowl for multiple Jedi at once, or just one for all of them or no one in particular. They fill the bowls with a special material that will create a colorful flame when burned. Normally, they choose the color of their Jedi's lightsaber.
So for the ceremony, one after another lights up their lanterns, takes them to the little shrine or altar they built, says the name(s) of the one(s) they want to honor/remember maybe adds a little prayer if they feel like it, and then returns to the group to watch the flames leaping up to the sky. A colorful, beautiful mess, so bright, so hopeful, just like the Jedi were. Many bring blue ones for Shaak Ti, their beloved guardian on Kamino, who was killed by the ones she protected and watched over so lovingly. I'm thinking some of the Ryloth clones, the ones from Howzer's squad, maybe served under Mace Windu before they were stationed on Ryloth after the battle, so we get a few beautiful, strong purple flames. Wollfe brings one for Plo Koon, and his hands, ever shaking, now that his mind is no longer trustworthy, are steady when he sets down the bowl. His eyes, that are now mostly clouded by thoughts he can't voice, are clear for once as he remembers the brave man he fought side by side with, that he knows died wrongly even though his mind, corrupted by the chip for far too long, won't let him believe it. Cody's Hands (of course Cody is there, why wouldn't he be?) on the other hand are shaking as he brings forth the bowl he made for his general. It's not the only one for him on their little shrine, but it is probably by far the brightest and the most detailed. "Obi Wan Kenobi", he says, his voice is not shaking, but it's oh so quiet. He swallows hard and thinks for a moment before he adds: "Wherever you are right now… be safe. I miss you. I'm so sorry, love." And he wants to say so much more, but he doesn't know how, and now it's too late anyway. Echo's lantern for Ahsoka burns bright in the yellowish green he remembers, so fresh, so young, and so free. Rex is the last one to set down his lantern. "Anakin Skywalker", he says, making sure to place it right in the middle of the shrine, next to the bright blue flame that is Cody's lantern for Obi Wan and in front of the green one that is Ahsoka's. His voice does not shake, his steps do not falter, as he walks back to the group and turns around to watch the lights. (We see Hunter shooting Rex a quick, slightly worried, slightly curious glance because he's still convinced Anakin and Rex had something going on after that very suspicious scene in season 7.) We see the Bad Batch exchanging glances because they kind of feel like intruders. Because they suddenly feel grief over something they never even really knew. But then again, did any of them? We see Omega holding on to Hunter, deeply moved but not completely understanding why or what this is all about. We have a wide shot of all the clones standing in front of the lights, watching them with varying stages of grief. Some of them look deeply hurt; some of them smile sadly or even relieved as they watch the bright light resembling their friends, their mentors, their comrades, their idols. Only a very few of them are crying. Because even after all that's happened, they're still so strong. So used to the losses. Most of them watch the lights and gain strength. Grow a determined look on their face. They're going to make up for this. If there's one thing they can do, it's fight, so you bet that's what they're going to do. Cut to Rex staring into the flames and putting on his brave face for his brothers. His strong face as the leader. The determined face that makes it so easy, natural to follow him. He stares into the lights and knows this is his fight, the role he plays, the task he is set to fulfill. He is setting himself to fulfill. Their destiny is in their own hands now. And they're going to use it to make the galaxy the Jedi couldn't. It's what they owe them. And, most importantly, it's what they want to do, too. They were made to protect the galaxy, and damn well, they will. Because the Jedi gave them hope. Showed them that it can be different. Taught them to believe in themselves. In the human in every single one of them. 
Cut to the Lanterns burning on the table, the colorful dancing flames, and it slowly zooms in on the bright blue flames of Anakin and Obi Wan burning next to each other.
But it doesn't stop there. It continues zooming in on Anakin's flame. And slowly, through the flickering light of Anakin's flame, we catch our first glimpse of Darth Vader. I'm thinking a Kenobi-like reveal. With dramatically swelling music and then just…breathing.
And then the screen goes black, bam episode over, bam Vader is the villain of Bad Batch now.
I know none of this makes sense, but it made me emotional, so….
Anyway if somebody else is having feels now, go listen to "Goodbye" by Ramsey, it's the song that was stuck in my head while writing this and it makes everything 100 times sadder :).
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moonmeg · 1 year
What do you think of Belos? How do you think his story is going to progress?
Honestly I hope he dies ❤️
I think 400 years is enough, buddy, you're literally walking around as a goop/mud monster and decomposing by the minute. You've been to earth again. You stayed there for MONTHS. You most certainly saw the changes. And you still think you're going to be celebrated as great witch hunter? Bestie, you're delusional 😭🤚
No, seriously. I've said this more than once but while I absolutely hate him as a character himself, I love him as villain. He's one of my favorite Disney TVA villains. He's brilliant at that.
The thing with him however is... as much as I detest him, I pity him.
Being born in the 1600s is already a hard blow
He was only a little kid when he lost both parents and had only his older brother to care for him and love him unconditionally. If you research the Puritan way of living, it's safe to say his childhood was just sad and bland. He was able to escape that grayness of life with his brother. Caleb went against the rules and carved his baby brother a sword and mask, played witch hunt with him and just let Philip have fun. (Toys and fun are/were not exactly things Puritans looked upon fondly)
They didn't fit in with their new home. All they had was each other. Caleb was his last family and possibly his only friend. They were outcasts but they were outcasts together, dreaming of a better future together.
Caleb was always there. He was always around. Until suddenly he wasn't anymore. His brother had followed someone else into another world. Into a world that consits of everything they wanted to destroy. Caleb wouldn't go there on his own. Not in his right mind. He wouldn't just leave. He must've been forced to go by a third party.
Philip wants to get his brother back. He wants to save him, return with him home. He follows him, searches for him desperately and possibly was close to encountering death more than once during that search. And when he found him, his brother wasn't in distress. His brother was happy. He had lived there without any difficulties all this time.
He lived there with his lover.
His witch lover.
His pregnant witch lover.
Caleb chose to come here and chose to stay. He chose to leave Philip behind. Voluntarily.
Was it fully rational or more a reaction in rage? Planned or fully by accident? Whatever it was, Philip found himself having made a terrible mistake. His brother was dead. Stabbed by Philip's own hand. In attempt to save Caleb and get him back, he lost him entirely and can never get him back. But he needs Caleb. That's why he came to this world in the first place: to bring him back to earth and continue working towards their goal of being great witch hunters. But that can be no more. Philip no longer can have his brother by his side in this mission. Unless...
He creates a new Caleb. A living being that is almost identical to his deceased brother but one that doesn't betray him. A better Caleb. The perfect Caleb. He attempts the perfect Caleb once... twice... again... and again.... and again. They keep betraying him. They keep going against him. They never stay on his side. Just like the actual Caleb has done years before.
"Philip" slowly gets banned from one town to the next, all around the Boiling Isles, so he needs a new name.
He can't continue his mission as human, so he pretends to be one of the witches. He cuts his ears to resemble the pointy witch ears, he finds a way to live long past behind what is a normal human life span and he finds a new ally to help him achieve his goal. As "Belos", his newfound alias, he goes around the Isles playing the role of a prophet. He uses what to the people of the Isles is the equivalent of a god to get the witches and demons on his side. The way they have been living is wrong, he preaches and in his favor "helps" them to live like the Titan intended. He gains more and more influence and power until he becomes Emperor and nobody doubts him. The only doubts come from his right hand men: the replicas of his long dead brother.
He keeps getting rid of them and creating new ones, always hoping this time it's a different outcome. This time Caleb won't betray him.
At this point, he has lost sanity and is beyond all savings.
His body is barely human anymore, yet he keeps telling himself he still is human. That his home might have changed over the course of centuries doesn't strike his mind. He's determined to finally succeed in a 400 year old mission he created with Caleb, whatever it may cost.
The Philip he once was, died along with his brother.
And he is so close to reaching his goal and still fails. But he's still determined to keep going. The image of his brother is haunting him, silently watching almost emotionless at what he's become.
But Caleb has no right to be mad. He's the root to this all. Had Caleb not left, had he stayed with Philip on earth, all this wouldn't have happened. It's Caleb's fault. It's all Caleb's fault.
His life could almost pass as Greek tragedy and I love that. I love the complexity of his character. It's amazing.
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I headcannon the Frogs of Death as one big sitcom family.
Caleb - The hot supermodel dad that peaked in high school. Definitely played varsity football.
Nichelle - The hot supermodel mom that definitely peaked in high school. Leader of the cheer squad.
Bowie - The oldest. Came out as gay to his parents at the start of middle school. Plays a lot of sports.
Julia - The second oldest. Has 500 followers on every social media app and believes she’s celebrity level. She definitely sold slime one time.
Bowie and Julia fought a lot when they’re little, but mellowed out as they got older. They still fight but not all the time.
Wayne - The third Oldest. The only one who doesn’t fight with his siblings. Friends with Raj since preschool.
Emma - fourth oldest/third youngest. First of the siblings to have a boyfriend. She often fights with Julia on social status.
Emma is more YouTube famous while Julia is more instagram famous, so they argue on who’s better.
M.K. (Mary Kate) - Youngest. She’s that one little sister in every sitcom, she acts all cute and innocent but she’s a menace inside. She loves to steal from her siblings, food, makeup, clothes, and especially money.
Raj - (Friend that counts as Family) Raj hangs out with Wayne so many times, he practically lives with him. Friends with Wayne since preschool. Like in every sitcom, the best friend of one of the main characters falls in love with the older sibling (a.k.a. Bowie). But he actually succeeds in doing so.
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maxverstappensflatbrim · 10 months
Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [26]
chapter twenty-six, act three: so far (it's alright)
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April 14th 2015
Tommie sheds her jacket as she enters the bar she’s supposed to be meeting Caleb and his friends. She says goodbye to Phoebe, promising to meet her at her place when she’s done to run over a few ideas the upcoming singer has.
When she looks up, phone now in her back pocket and jacket on her arm she sees a new figure besides Caleb. For a second she thinks it's his little sister but then realises the blonde is too tall.
She remembers she's here to meet Shane’s new girlfriend and wonders if that's her, but a glance to their usual booth shows Shane with a girl on his lap as they get off.
She heads on over, sliding up beside Caleb who grins, kissing her cheek and then sliding an arm around her waist.
“Hey, babe, this is Emma, she’s an old friend of mine from Georgia. Emma, this is Caroline.”
Tommie raises a brow at the first name and stretches her hand out, “It’s actually Tommie, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Carol, can I call you Carol?”
Caleb nudges her and she shrugs a little, “You’re from Georgia?” Emma nods, “You just moved out here?”
“No, no, just visiting. And I bumped into Caleb here, thought we haven’t seen each other in a while and decided to catch up.”
She lifts her head in a nod, “I’m gonna get some drinks and catch up with Mitchell, you two want anything?”
“We’re good, we just got some. I’ll come find you when it's time to go yeah?”
She nods, “Six, right? Promised Phoebe I’d help her out tonight, so I’ll go there whenever we’re done, no rush.”
He nods and kisses her cheek, “You’re too good to that girl.”
She shrugs, “She’s my only friend outside of the band.”
“Maybe you and I can be friends.” Emma suggests and Tommie lifts her head with a tight lipped smile trying not to be rude.
She squeezes Caleb’s hand and he smiles at her again, leaning down to peck her lips before she rounds the bar to where Mitchell is sitting at the bar in self-pity. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He says quietly, eyes glued to Emma’s hair as she flips it over her shoulder.
“You okay?”
She follows his gaze across to Emma, “Old flame?”
“I wish, but no…”
“Yeah…” He sighs, eyes watching her push her hair over her shoulder.
“Wanna talk about it?”
This is what she learns from Mitchell , she’s here in LA to see some band she likes as a birthday gift from her best friend. She’s just celebrating her thirty-first birthday, she’s a few months older than Caleb.
And they dated.
Not just dated. They were highschool sweethearts who got engaged the moment they left school. Literally the moment, he proposed in the car park as they left on their last day of school.
Then he started the band, and her religious picture perfect American dream family didn't agree with it. They wanted her to get a stable job in their family business back home in Georgia and keep going to church.
So she broke up with him, and left him completely heartbroken.
Leaving  Mitchell, who had been in love with her for years before that, to pick up the pieces of his broken heart.
He opens up about how hard it was as he had been in love with her since they were kids, before either of them met Caleb. And then he cried over how hard it was seeing them so happy, how many times he'd comfort her when he saw her crying outside because stupid teenage Caleb had done something to upset her. She rubs his back gently letting him rant as she keeps her eyes on them. 
When Mitchell has finally stopped crying and she’s sure he’s safe, she’d had to drag him outside with the help of Shane who she’d forced off of his girlfriend, (she’s also introduced herself to her, she was a sweet, kind girl called Crystal from, here in LA). They’d piled him in a cab and sent him home to James who was waiting for him after getting their call.
She checks her phone, seven thirty, they’re late, missed the reserved fancy dinner they’d booked for date night.
She sighs and hesitates to go over to him but then she does quickly, he smiles down at her, “Hey, babe.”
“Hey, uh, we’re a bit late.”
“Yeah, it’s alright, I’ll sort it, just a few more minutes? Can you grab my jacket, I’ll say goodbye.”
She nods, saying goodbye to Shane and Crystal, waiting at the door with both of their jackets.
She waits for five minutes, then ten, then twenty, fourty, when it nears an hour she sighs and walks over to them.
“I’ve missed you a lot, you know.”
“Yeah, me too. You know, I was thinking about you the other day-”
Tommie doesn't want to listen to more, she puts his jacket down behind him and walks outside, calling herself a cab and giving Phoebe's address.
Phoebe lets her in, “I’ve got drinks, seem like you need them.”
She sighs, face planting on the sofa, making both Max, and Button, who Phoebe had agreed to dog sit for the day so they could have a playdate, look up at her.
“Wow, okay, what’s up?”
“Some pretty blonde woman who’s just- just perfect, with nice hair and nice teeth, and a nice smile, and she’s tall, and-and skinny. She’s nice. She’s the complete opposite of me.”
“Sounds boring.” Phoebe says lifting her legs to sit there and lets them fall back into her lap.
“I think I’m having a mental breakdown, what do I do?”
Phoebe shrugs, “Usually I just like, listen to emo music and dye my hair.”
Tommie sits up, “Will you help me?”
“Help you what?”
“Dye my hair.”
Phoebe frowns, moving to curl some ginger hair around her finger, “But, I love your hair.”
She sighs, “I only have the colour I use, so we’ll have to wait until the morning, when the stores open.”
“That colour will do, I like it.”
That’s how they ended up sitting in Phoebe’s bathroom on the floor, Tommie turned towards the wall while Phoebe sat on the closed toilet lid.
“Are you sure?”
She breathes in then sighs and as Phoebe lifts her hand she quickly leans forward, “Wait-”
“I knew you’d back out.”
“What if it doesn't suit me?”
“It will, you’re pale.” She says confidently then dumps it on her head quickly.
“Do you think you can cut bangs?”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Phoebe did in fact not cut her some bangs, claiming she wasn't a hairdresser and she should go to professionals if she wanted to make that decision.
She did however dye her newly cut hair to the platinum colour that she had hers.
“What are you gonna do? Keep dying it?”
She shrugs, still looking in the mirror, “I’ll let it grow then when the ginger reaches my shoulders I’ll cut it back to this length.”
Phoebe lifts some hair up and tilts her head, “It kind of suits you. I mean, being ginger will always suit you more, definitely, you just have the bone structure of a ginger, and the eyes.”
She rests her hands on her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror, “Gonna tell me what’s actually wrong now?”
Tommie shrinks back a little, “You’re gonna think I’m crazy.”
“Have you met me?”
She rings her hands together, walking out to sit on the settee, “I did a little internet stalking, found the three other girls he’s ever hooked up with since Emma, they all look like her. Tall, blonde hair, brown eyes, skinny, Christian citizen types. I’m- I’m nothing like that.”
Phoebe’s brows furrow, “Yeah, you’re not a boring carbon copy, he’s got a new type, so what?”
“The other girls, they’re the type you take home to meet the parents, yeah? I’m the type you have on the arm to keep an interesting conversation going. To impress someone. Not to- to love, to have a family with. I’m not the type his mother wants him to have.”
Phoebe scoffs, “What does that bitch know? You know, it’s amazing how much someone can say when they don’t know what they’re talking about.”
She shifts closer, “Look, we’ve only known each other literally like two months, but I already consider you one of- if not my closest- friend. Not just in the industry, in the whole fucking world, okay? I’m not saying this because of that, I’m saying this because it's the truth. You’re amazing, you’re beautiful, inside and out, you’re great at what you do and you’re so fucking perfect sometime it makes me what to physically hurt you or make out with you, sometimes I can’t decide.”
Tommie laughs and lets her head fall to Phoebe's shoulder, the singer pulls her closer kissing the top of her head affectionately, “If Caleb can’t see that then you should break up with him.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
April 15th 2015
George’s eyes widen as he looks up at the opening door causing the rest of the guys to look at the door.
Tommie pauses when she sees their eyes on her, she turns, finding no one behind her, then looks at them again, “What?”
“Who are you?”
Matty’s the first to reach her, eyes squinted as he tugs her head to the side, “Where’s the ginge?”
“I dyed it- well, Phoebe dyed it for me.”
He squints his eyes further, picking at it, “I don’t like it.”
“Thanks.” She says with a fake smile, she lifts her chin, acting like the comment didn;t just make her question every single decision she’s ever made.
Adam’s next in line, “What you do that for?”
She shrugs, “Just… fancied a change, that’s all. Is that a crime?”
“I think being a nice ginger and dying your hair should be a crime.” Ross says.
She tilts her head at him, he’s laid on his back on the floor staring at the ceiling, “A nice ginger?”
He nods, “You’re a nice ginger. But like… Ed Sheeran, he’s just like… fucking neon orange. Looks like a highlighter. But you’re like… almost like Emma Stone.”
“Almost. Emma Stone is fucking stunning.”
“Agreed.” The entire room says together.
Tommie lifts a hand to push the hair over her shoulder, “I just… I needed to do something dramatic, I mean, I’m not the worst out of us,” She lifts a hand to George, “G can’t even get a brush through his hair.”
“You said you liked my hair.”
“I do, when you’ve brushed it. It looks like a bird's nest right now.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
April 26th 2015
Tommie falls through the open door of the studio, running right over to the spare chair beside George that is usually occupied with Matty and slams her little leather notebook down.
“I wrote a song.”
George takes one half of the headphones off and hums as he looks over at her and she repeats her words, “I wrote a song.”
“Can I see?”
She nods, opening the book to that page and chews on her nail, “You know, it’s not finished, not yet. I think there’s a few things I can tweak, with help from you and Matty. I kind of have a whole guitar thing in my head for it but-”
“No tweaking needed, it’s great, Tommie.” He raises a brow then, “I’m a lesbian kiss’?”
She closes the book, “It makes sense to me, in my head, it’s my thoughts.”
“Why are you a lesbian kiss?” He perks up a little and leans closer, “Have you broken up with Caleb for a woman? Does she have a friend? A hot friend?”
“No, no and no.” She tells him quickly, “It’s just something Phoebe said to me last night.”
“She offered to kiss you?”
“No, it’s just- it’s a metaphor.”
He nods slowly, “What’s it about?”
“Well, you know, I’m atheist, yeah?” He nods his head, “And Caleb’s all religious and shit, and, I don’t know. Guess I just feel stupid compared to him, wonder if I believe in some kind of higher power, place all my blame and guilt on that will it make life a little easier for me?”
He starts setting everything up, turning things on with a quick flick, “Wanna jump in and record it?”
She shakes her head quickly, “It’s for Matty to sing, not me.”
“Well, if you want it to be your vision, you’re gonna have to jump in and set the tone for him to follow.”
She nods in reluctance, grabbing her acoustic guitar to strum a little tune as she sings the lyrics to her song titled ‘If I Believe You’.
She does it in one take, coming back out for them to listen together. George makes suggestions on what they can do, he takes the backing track from an unfinished and untitled song adding it in with her voice. He does a few cool echo effects as the time stretches on and even suggests all of them in there together for certain parts.
Tommie suggests a Gospel choir, to give the religious feel a bit more edge and George is calling Jamie, leaning back in his chair.
“What's this one?”
She hovers the mouse over the one labelled ‘Baby’, “Can I listen?”
“Wait, Tom-”
‘So I heard you found somebody else And at first, I thought it was a lie I took all my things that make sounds The rest I can do without I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else I'm looking through you While you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else-’
George turns the recording off the moment he can get out of the booth, turning to her slowly as she sits in the chair staring at the little play button.
She turns to look at him slowly, “Did he…” She pauses to take a deep breath in and then slowly lets her eyes lift back up to his, “Did he write that about…”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, George remains silent and she mutters his name softly but firmly at the same time.
He tells her, “But I wasn’t supposed to let you heart it, not yet, I mean-”
She gets up quickly, looking around for her phone and grabbing her hoodie to pull on over her vest, “Where are you going?”
“How long do I have? Until he’s set to be here?”
George scarves to look at the time, “Uh, forty minutes?”
She nods, “I’ll be back then.”
“Tom! Tom, where are you going?”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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carrinth · 1 year
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BOOM! Force Powers may have been slightly exaggerated for Dramatic Effect~! Caleb flashbacks to his old squad! And Gregor calls it like it is >:3
Hello guys! We begin 2023 with the long awaited continuation of Finding Fulcrum AU! As a special bonus to celebrate, ye shall receive THREE new pages at once. WOO! Thank you all for continuing to follow this crazy, meandering story! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ 💖
Read the first page: https://carrinth.tumblr.com/tagged/finding+fulcrum+au/chrono
Read the latest pages: https://carrinth.tumblr.com/tagged/finding+fulcrum+au
Thumbnail overview: https://carrinth.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/finding%20fulcrum%20au
(Note: If you’re having trouble with the links on mobile/app, try clicking the ‘Finding Fulcrum AU’ tag. Or view in a web browser)
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