#can I call this a 'theory' idek
dreadark · 1 year
Originium Arts Assimilation
it’s this thing
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you can assume it’s a measure of how well someone can use Originium Arts, and as far as I can tell it’s an innate biological characteristic that can’t be improved by training. however it can change, usually by how Oripathy improves most Infected’s ability to use Arts (though not always, as with Earthspirit and Astesia)
most operators have a Normal/Standard rating. usually casters and other Arts users will have an Excellent/Outstanding rating. and then Amiya has a mysterious ■■ rating, and Rosmontis has...something else
(Arknights’s physical exam ratings are Flawed < Normal < Standard < Excellent < Outstanding)
so the “Flawed” rating is notable here. in fact you can broadly separate all* the operators with that into having a connection to Feranmut or Seaborn
Feranmut obviously have some kind of powers, but are noted to specifically not be Originium Arts. as Closure says, “[Dusk] has 'no connection' to Originium whatsoever”
Nian, Dusk, Ling: they’re fragments of Sui, self-explanatory
Kjera: an incarnation of Kjeragandr, self-explanatory
Surtr: ...this one’s more complicated
Invitation to Wine has this bit:
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suspiciously specifically mentioning ancient Sarkaz swords
Surtr’s sword is noted to be the source of her power, since she doesn’t use any Originium Arts, and the sword somehow also prevents her Oripathy from worsening Surtr has a condition where she has a bunch of memories that aren’t her own, so much so that she can’t even recall what her own memories are anymore. which sounds pretty similar to what started happening with Lee after he picked up the goblet with part of the second Sui brother in it
conclusion: there’s a Feranmut dwelling in the sword, and since Surtr picked it up she’s been affected by it
though unlike Lee and the Sui brother, this one doesn’t seem to be intentionally taking her over? they’re friends :)
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at least that’s what I’ll roll with until they give Surtr an event in 2025. aha...
for this one I’ll be using Seaborn and Sea Terror interchangeably, everyone just calls them all Seaborn anyway and there’s a few references to CN-only stuff, considering Highmore
Skadi, Specter, Gladiia: the Abyssal Hunters are revealed to be created by Aegir(nation) by somehow combining Aegir(people) with Seaborn
Gladiia’s a lead on this project, but Skadi didn’t seem to know about being part Seaborn until the events of Under Tides
Specter is unique among these since she’s also infected. she was injected with enough Originium to kill a town, but her Seaborn blood lets her resist Oripathy so she didn’t immediately explode  this also means despite being infected, she can’t use Arts at all as Gladiia’s profile puts it, they’re “insulated” from Originium (I’d guess she wouldn’t get infected normally either)
Mizuki, Highmore: also Aegir+Seaborn hybrids, but created by the Church of the Deep 
the process is probably different somehow; both the Hunters and these two have enhanced strength and are insulated from Originium, but the Hunters have their characteristic red eyes+white hair, while Mizuki/Highmore are more integrated into the Seaborn “hivemind” (at least that’s the cult’s goal)
these two were coincidentally both created by the same bishop Cicero, but he considers Mizuki a perfect creation while Highmore is a failure. probably because Mizuki accepted his Seaborn side and his way of thinking pretty much aligns with them, but Highmore rejected it and ended up turning into [the IS3 boss]
so being “imperfect” she has visible Seaborn cells on her arm, while Mizuki looks entirely like an ordinary Aegir
(probably shouldn’t get too into this before she’s in global but I just really like Highmore...)
oh and Mizuki’s abilities to cause hallucinations aren’t Originium Arts, but somehow a biological thing
Andreana: now here’s the slightly less straightforward case
she’s part of the Abyssal Hunter faction, but she doesn’t know the other Hunters. she’s similarly unable to use Originium Arts, but while she’s stronger than the average person she’s nowhere near Skadi’s superhuman strength
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a drop of ink vs an inkwell you can just take that pretty literally I think; Andreana just has a lot less Seaborn in her, so the associated traits she has aren’t as strong
as for how she got this way, there’s a few allusions to her being experimented on when she was a kid. in her module she remembers “someone wrapped in the smell of the sea, a robed Iberian” being involved, which is almost definitely a member of the Church of the Deep
conclusion: she’s one of the cult’s earlier experiments with combining Aegir and Seaborn
Gladiia’s operator record reveals the cult does experiments on Aegir who come to their churches for medical assistance, so I’d guess her mother took her to them when she was young and this ended up happening so...why is she classified as an Abyssal Hunter, when Mizuki and Highmore who are also Aegir-Seaborn hybrids created by the cult aren’t?
because of gameplay. now she can buff the other Hunters and receive their buffs ...that’s it, there’s nothing to suggest she's actually related to Aegir’s “Abyssal Hunter” project. she doesn’t even have the white hair/red eyes
until HG finally remembers she exists and gives her a story to contradict this, maybe. but I’d be happy with her existing at all...
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I mentioned it before but I really have no clue. he’s just like that
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as finally confirmed by her operator record, she is part-Seaborn just like the others (though she wasn’t even experimented on by Aegir or the cult...a Herald just gave her a “gift” directly, so that’s something. the two Heralds we know of are First to Talk and Endspeaker for reference.)
and since she is, she should have a “Flawed” rating here
so there’s 2 possible explanations for this discrepancy:
one, she’s a launch character they didn’t bother expanding on properly for 3.5 years. so they might not have had all this in mind at all when initially creating her
or two, she bsed her way through the operator exam and somehow tricked the tested into thinking she was using Originium Arts instead of.. whatever powers she has(??) they do make a point of how her casting method is weird and no one else can understand it, so
I’m inclined to go with the first one just because of how much they mention her skill with originium but Deepcolor is still so mysterious so who knows...
**wanted to mention the Blood Originium-Crystal Density of everyone but couldn’t find a good place to mention it, so it’s here now. wish I could put a readmore in a readmore
if you look through most uninfected operator profiles, the average is about 0.12-0.14 u/L
Dusk/Ling/Kjera all have 0.00 (Nian probably does too but she’s avoided physicals)
Surtr, despite being infected only has 0.10 u/L I assume she got infected before getting the sword, and it’s either keeping the progression of her Oripathy at bay or maybe even treating it
Gladiia has 0.011... Originium doesn’t exist in the sea though, so it could be because she only came up to land recently
Skadi has 0.013, which actually decreases to 0.012 in her alt. ignoring the special circumstances of her alt, I think her Seaborn cells might be “cleaning” the originium in her blood? 
Specter has 0.31 which increases to 0.34 in her alt. pretty standard numbers for an infected, but the progress of her Oripathy is notedly slower
Mizuki has 0.07 and Highmore has 0.08. these are lower than average, but not as low as Skadi/Gladiia, probably because these two aren’t from Aegir we don’t have a physical of before their transformation, but my guess is the same as Skadi’s; their Seaborn cells are decreasing this value
Andreana has 0.12, which is...totally normal I guess the tiny Seaborn part of her only fucked up her ability to use Arts but didn’t give her any resistance to this. RIP
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akagamiko · 2 years
Thinking about Shanks being able to freeze Greenbull with Haki without even being in Wano, all I can think about is that he probably could have saved Ace before he’d even gotten to Marineford but decided not to for the sake of the New Age or some shit
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dansevilpianotea · 4 days
what are some phancoded songs?
hiiii omg thanks for the ask!! i absolutely love talking about songs i associate with my interests!! (autism has been activated to the highest degree so this will be a long post, you have been warned)
here are some of what i think are classic dnp coded songs:
Guys by The 1975 (i see this as more about the phandom than about dnp tbh but its very very dnp coded no matter how you interpret it) That's So Us by Allie X Still into You by Paramore The Only Exception by Paramore
i have a whole ass 100 song long playlist about dnp but let me give you my favourites that aren't the usual classics:
Eighteen by Pale Waves
This city depresses me But you try to be everything I need We sat on the corner kissing each other Felt like I could finally see in colour I was 18 when I met you Poured my heart out, spilt all my truth I finally felt like I could feel for the first time When I met you
i mean????? thats 2009 dan and phil????? dip and pip??? hello!!??
also fun fact!!: this band is from manchester and this song was written by their non-binary drummer and lesbian lead singer (who lowkey gives lesbian version of dan). you should rlly listen to pale waves. idek if theyve heard of dnp but theyre true phannies to me.
Starlight by Muse
this song, man. never heard of muse until i got into dnp and then i this song was the first one is listened to.
Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms
i feel like it says sth about the expectations of being in a relationship while also presenting yourself on a massive public platform. wanting to be authentic and produce content^tm vs. being closeted and wanting to protect your relationship. 'I will be chasing a starlight, Until the end of my life, I don't know if it's worth it anymore'. Is worth it to constantly push the content out while feeling like a fraud for being inauthentic about your identity? 'And our hopes and expectations, Black holes and revelations'. the future may seem very dark and hopeless sometimes, it may not turn out how we expect or hope, but only once we face instead of fight it (embrace the void etc) we will forgive our past selves and see that the future really is bright. so yes, very dnp coded.
Anniversary by Autoheart
Years of nothing have subsided We have fixed each other up Giving you up? What are you on about? I'll never give up believing in us Giving you up? Now why would I do a thing like that? No I’m not giving you up, no way I will never stop when it comes to you
this song is not only dnp coded (kind of an october 19th theme song) but also has gained a new meaning since the return of dnp games <3. they didnt give up on us. they came back. and we really helped each other get here <3. think about it like that when listening and i guarantee you will be sobbing. the song also has some marriage themes bc theres wedding vows during the bridge so i will just let you live with that <33
Where the Lines Overlap by Paramore
Tracing patterns across a personal map And making pictures where the lines overlap No one is as lucky as us We're not at the end but oh, we already won Call me over And tell me how Well, you got so far Never making a single sound I'm not used to it But I can learn
we werent ready for their comeback / we're still learning to get used to it / just look at them / boiling frog theory / hard phaunch / do i need to say more
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Yellow by Coldplay
this song became part of my playlist when phil didnt know a single coldplay song. unfortunately i cant take it serious anymore after dan was turned into a golden pig, then was literally glowing golden during a book event all while #pissyourself4dan was trending and every phannie on twt made their pfps yellow. i will curse your mind to with the lyrics and mental imagery: (im sorry but im also not bc this is how my autism thinks humour works)
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow ✨✨ Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful ✨✨✨ And you know, you know I love you so 💛
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(im sorry again)
Safe & Sound by Tonight Alive
Dan in BIG: "for the first time since I was a tiny child I actually felt safe."
Nothing compares to what we share I don't have a care in the world Cause even if it all came crashing down, As long as you're around, I'll be safe and sound. 🧡
ending it with a nice one because its beautiful and sappy and its so them afterall. they really won rpf.
thank you for this ask, i enjoyed answering it!! (im sorry for taking so long. im on day 11 of a cold so ive not had much energy.)
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stinkrascal · 1 year
I wasnt attempting to offend anyone with my opinion but I guess thats not hard to do here. I personally do not see stories as an art. I think its very cool but to make it bigger than it is seems a tad egoistical,,, it’s not that deep simblr
why wouldnt it be an art? people are writing, setting up scenes, developing character motivations, symbolisms, themes, learning camera angles, playing w color theory, creating their own meshes in blender... just to post on simblr. like what part of that process excludes it from being art. a lot of those steps r the same steps one would take to write a novel for example, or film a movie, which im assuming you consider those to be valid artforms. like it's just a different medium, that's all
idek why calling something art is considered egotistical. like that doesn't even make sense to me. creating art is the best thing u can do for your soul imo, it gives you the opportunity to express yourself in authentic ways you wouldn't be able to otherwise. and that form of artistic expression can come from anywhere, and show itself in almost any way... dancing, writing, drawing, singing, painting, making sculptures, creating video games, animations, just to name a few... it isn't about being egotistical! calling art art isn't egotistical!! it's about expressing urself! so yeah this whole ask makes no sense to me and i think you should just keep your opinion to yourself next time bc i have made it pretty clear at this point that i don't agree with you
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drykoolaid · 3 months
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The running theory is thattt at some point while they take a tumble down that elevator shaft, they land somewhere in that facility, meanwhile a shit ton of flashbacks occur maybe from Tessa witnessing them first hand?? Dunno, BTWWW a cross/ THE cross and or idk monster warding shit will be keyyyy
And call this a stretch but I think that Uzi gonna get rlly pissed off over N killing his mom regardless of how much she probs (idek if it’s totes official) loves him
Dolls gonna be there hacking and shit in the lil fleshy palace bc she wants to know wtf happened Yk?
Anywayyysss at some point either Uzi goes ape shit and kills everyone, orrr they get split up some how, or ofc N just dies which will mentally impact Uzi 4 the rest of her life lmao ✨
Honestly that’s the only thing I can conjure up besides for the fact that N (not Uzi wooo) will get taken over by Cyn/absolute solver, and just start fighting Tessa <3
Ong im so FUCKING EXCITED and the team and Liam vickers r so talented so this gonna be a blast in a half for me to marathon <33 ☺️
Ep 7 and soon 8 will be a baller
Bye thx 4 listening to the rant
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dracoxsworld · 1 year
The Boy at the Bar - Draco Malfoy x Reader.
A/N: Hey friends here is another Draco Fic, I have one in my drafts but I am lowkey convinced it'll flop. Idek, haha. Enjoy this one. :)
Warnings/Summary: No warnings in this one! Slight innuendos, but nothin' serious. <3
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You enter the Three Broomsticks with Pansy. "Alright, y/n. Scope out the guys, who's your next victim?" She teased, playfully shoving you. You laugh at her joke. "Nobody tonight, I am getting drunk for me only." You say, and point towards yourself. Pansy nodded, however you couldn't tell if it was from her being shocked or impressed. Probably both.
You and Pansy went out every weekend, scoped out guys from your school, got drunk with them and well.. Had fun with them. It was just what you both bonded over. A strange topic some would argue, but hey; you're both young. No strings attached is the way to go.
"Hey, Potter is over there." Pansy motioned to the boy with the messy black hair and circle glasses. "Ugh, never in a million years." You shudder. "I'm sure he's.. good. But he's not my type." You add. "I am not sure he would lie with a Slytherin anyway." Pansy admitted. You nodded in agreeance. Pansy saw Blaise, and her face immediately turned red. You noticed and nudged her in his direction. "I think I found my pick of the night." Pansy said, biting her lip. You laugh, "Have fun, Pansy."
You sat at the bar, alone, mindlessly scrolling on your phone, when all of the sudden you feel a presence sit next to you, you looked and was shocked at who it was. Draco Malfoy. "Draco," You greeted. He looked down at you and smirked. "Well if it isn't y/l/n." You feel your ears get hot. He always calls you by your last name, even in school. To tell the truth, you've always had a fascination with the blonde boy. But he always seemed so busy with the other Slytherin girls. "Better believe it." You respond. "Snarky, as always." He huffs, sitting down next to you, but then slightly moves to get up again, as if he changes his mind. "Do you have a boy with you tonight, y/l/n?" he asks. You shake your head, motioning with your hand to tell him he can sit back down.
"Surprising." He leered. You do a double take. "Excuse me?" You stammered. "I am in this bar every weekend, too, y/n. Plus, Pansy always tells me your stories. I'm not stupid." Draco remarked. You stare at him for a moment. "Don't pretend you're all innocent, you have a new chick on your arm every week." You said bluntly. Draco laughed. "Are you upset about that?" He teased. "No!" You barked. He put up his hands defensively. You turn towards your watered down butter beer. "I have a theory, that's all." He admitted. You whip your head in his direction. "A theory?" You question. "Yes, a theory," Draco concurred. "Well? Let's hear it." You demanded.
"Impatient, are we? Well, I think you get all these guys' attention to replace the one who's you really want." He speculated. "Are you talking about yourself?" You said, raising an eyebrow. "I never said that, but if this is your confession-"
"You are ridiculous. I mean, actually insane." You sigh, starting to leave your seat. "Hey! You never confirmed my theory." Draco said, his hand flying to your waist. You freeze. His hands are cold, you look at him. You cautiously think about your next move. "Darling, you should be with somebody who will love you in the correct way." Your ears get hot again. "I notice the way your face gets red when I say your last name." He implored. You sit down again. "Good girl, now, let's speak- shall we?"
"Draco, I have had a crush on you since I met you. Is that what you wanted to hear?" You finally spit out, after a moment of putting the sentence together carefully in your now overwhelmed brain. "But every time I thought I had your attention for more than a second, like magic, another girl appeared on your arm. Like.. some trophy." Draco's expression changed, it was originally very ornery, but has changed to empathy. "I never thought you'd think of me like you think of them."
"Y/N." Draco started. "You don't even compare. You're so much better than them,"
"Then why didn't you like, ask me out?" You implored.
"That's a good question." Draco sighed, "I am a bit of an idiot sometimes." He said truthfully but you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're not an idiot. I get it. Neither of us knew really how the other felt." You said, Draco nodded. He then looked around, then at you. "Y/N? Can you follow me somewhere, do you mind?" He asked, holding out his hand, smiling at you. "Sure, where we goin'?"
Draco led you to the Black Lake, the moonlight shining on the water, you both sat on the ground, looking out on the water. Draco's pale face was perfectly illuminated in the moonlight, looking handsome as ever. There was a slight, warm breeze in the night.
Draco looks over at you, tucks your hair behind your ear. "You're so beautiful." He half whispers. You struggle to make eye contact without blushing to an embarrassing amount. "I mean, hell, y/n. You're breath taking."
"You're incredibly handsome, Malfoy." You finally got the courage to say. "Sorry I'm not good at flirting, usually I'm drunk." You confessed. Draco laughed in response. "You're adorable, I'm handsome, we make a good fit." he grinned. He stood up, holding his hand out to you again, you take it and he pulls you to your feet. His cold hand rests on the side of your face, he looks into your eyes.
"Draco.." You whisper out. "Yes, y/l/n?" You lean in and kiss him, he hums in the kiss. His other arm wraps around your waist. You feel his thumb on your face softly rubbing back and fourth. The kiss breaks. "Be my girlfriend y/n, please." Draco proposes. You nod softly, your face nuzzling into his neck. He embraces you, wrapping you in his arms. You feel warmth in your chest, and your ears go hot.
"I never fail to make you blush."
"Oh shut it."
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f4iryjeons · 2 years
protect you from myself. 🎃 (M)
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Ghostface jk x reader
genres: ESTABLISHED AU (obviously...) , horror?, this is basically the first scream movie, kinda very yandere, there’s a minor amount of smut idek if it could be called smut. 
warnings: murder, blood, yandere themes, jk is the king of gaslighting, describes unprotected sex, creepy neighbor, character death, jk low-key highkey almost gives the reader a concussion, I think he grabs her hair and licks blood from her head like once..., description of how jk loves 2 kill, jk fighting intrusive thoughts, jk kinda takes advantage of reader. knives!
an: im in a halloween-y mood, and I rewatched scream and I just had to... 
w/c: 7.7k
Things were getting hot. You could only focus on the warmth of Jeongguk’s body. His hands, his chest, his breath. Everything was so warm. His fingers left goosebumps in their path. His determined fingertips glazed your skin as they traveled up your skirt gradually. He’s testing the waters. He knows you want to wait until prom, but he can’t seem to obey. As much as he appears to agree with you, his mind and body are begging for other things. How can you be so cruel? You were such a tease. What did you expect? He’s a young 18-year-old boy who has needs, needs you keep toying with. You rocked your hips against the growing lump in his jeans, causing him to groan. “Don’t stop.” he sighs against your lips. His hands are now boldly gripping your ass. He swears he’s about to ascend to heaven.
The sounds of laughter and loud music were drowning out as you slowly slipped into the two of you, more and more. You and Jeongguk have been bathing in each other’s desire for almost a year now. You highly appreciate his patience. Most boys probably would dump you the moment you told them you wanted to wait to have sex. That’s how you knew it was real. He wasn’t in it for your body; he actually liked you.
You’re snatched out of your little world after a loud shriek seeped through the thin walls of the bedroom. Reluctantly, you pull away from him, placing your hands on his shoulders when he tries to chase you. You’re straddling him, his hands up your mini skirt and yours entangled in his hair. “What was that?” You mumble to him, looking down at him with alarm. “Someone probably drunk or something.” Jeongguk dismissed and leaned in to kiss you once again. Your lips met for a moment before you were pulling away again. “Kook, that sounded like Emily.” You were pulling away from him again, unable to shake the sound of her scream. He sighs, visibly annoyed. He’s about to dismiss it again when multiple screams erupted from the halls, and you were both quick standing to your feet and shooting out of the room.
The both of you come out to a large crowd of people swarming the bathroom. They were standing over what looked like someone passed out in the bathtub, but it was much darker than that. You glimpsed into the bathroom for a second, seeing the scene much clearly. You gasped, falling into Jeongguk’s chest when you saw Sara’s lifeless body laying in the bath, the tub overflowing with her own blood.
The next day at school everyone was talking: “did you see her body?” “I heard her throat was slit.” And the worse you’ve heard: “the killer was at the party.” Crazy theories about what happened to her aren’t all that haunt you. The fact that someone would do it is what shakes you up. Her murder wasn’t an accident, and it wasn’t meant to be kept a secret. It causes shivers to rush down your spine.
You were strolling through the quad when Nayeon put her arm around you. “Jesus Yn, you look like shit! Did you sleep last night?” She asked, noting the bags under your eye from your lack of sleep. “No, how could you? Our friend was murdered.” You reply, your eyes following all the police cars and news vans parked at the school. “I heard her organs were floating in the tub.” Nayeon uttered, looking at you for any type of reaction. She giggles at your disturbed expression. “Jesus Nayeon, she died just yesterday!” You exclaim in disbelief at the brunette’s insensitivity. “Well, I’m just saying what I heard. I heard Roseanne is grounded for life.” Nayeon gossips. “I mean, someone got gutted in their bathtub at a party, so, yeah, her parents are pretty pissed.” she adds and looks at you. She’s waiting for you to say anything, but you don’t. She fills the silence. “Everyone’s being interrogated. What’s your alibi?” Nayeon winks at you, she tries to ease the discomfort racing through you. “Hm? Fucking Jeongguk in the master room?” She taunts, pinching at your waist, causing you to shy away from her. You push her hands away.  
“No, we did nothing, not that it’s your business, anyway.” You say, and she looks at you with a bewildered expression.
“What?! The two of you have been dating for eight freaking months. Yn, what’s up with this weird waiting game? Still trying to see if he’s the one?’’ she asks, as the both of you stop at your lockers. “He doesn’t mind waiting. It’s not a big deal for us.” you shrug, opening your locker. You try to ignore the haughty giggle that leaves her.
“You actually believe that? Oh Yn, too naïve... Just remember if he’s not getting it from you, he’s getting it from somewhere else. He’s a boy, after all.”
Silence takes over you. Unable to bring yourself to reply, you become fixed in your mind. There’s no way Jeongguk is like that. He’d never cheat on you because he loves you. Nayeon doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You wish you could wholeheartedly believe your own assurance, but it just feels like you’re trying to convince yourself to being blind. You slowly realize the fact that Jeongguk was capable of lying to you, even if you didn’t want to.
You jump at the feeling of arms wrapping around your waist, but you soon melt into the familiar embrace that was Jeongguk. Taehyung is lifting Nayeon into the air and twirling her around; she lets out a surprised squeal and smiles at him brightly.
“What’re you two talking about?” Taehyung asks, pecking Nayeon on the cheek. “What everyone else is talking about. ‘The slaughter of Sara Barnes‘” Nayeon quoted, pulling out the school newspaper from her locker. Taehyung laughs, taking it out of her hand as he opens it up. “Damn, has anyone talked to Jae?” Jeongguk asks, and the both of you shrug. “Dude, Jae and Sara were broken up.” Taehyung answers, and Nayeon scoffs.
“Did you hear what happened to her body? She was completely mutilated.” Taehyung murmurs, a dark glint in his eyes as he leaned in closer to the group. Taehyung’s dad was the sheriff. Of course, he had all the gruesome details of her death. He didn’t care about the seriousness of the events, that was clear. “Stop Tae, Yn doesn’t like it.” Nayeon swats his shoulder. Taehyung just looks at you, a sinister smirk on his lips. “She was stabbed 56 times. She was dead since the party started,” Taehyung whispered, despite Nayeon’s protesting. You glare at Taehyung with a horrified look and he just chuckles. Jeongguk tells him off, pulling you closer into him. “If you ask me, I think Jae did it. Stabbed that many times? It’s personal.” Taehyung whispers, eyeing the passing students in the hallways. “Shut up Tae, you watch too many movies.” Nayeon mumbles, grabbing her books and closing her locker, right when the bell rings. There’s a spike of anxiety at the thought of a student running around with blood on their hands. Why did it feel like no one was taking this seriously? Jeongguk is walking you to class when you finally speak up. “Is it true?” You look up at him, and he looks back, confused. “Is what true?” He smiles at you. “What Tae said. Was she actually dead the whole time?” You ask, stopping as the two of you reach your class. “Babe, don’t worry about it, okay? I gotta go, Mr. Kim and his dumbass stats class.” He kisses the top of your forehead and walks off. Once again, dismissed. How could people live so normally after everything? They could be sitting right next to the killer and all everyone worried about was how this would affect them. Curfew was put into place and all people cared about was the lack of partying that would occur the rest of the week.
You could barely write anything on your paper, and it’s not like the teacher expected the class to. What happened was horrible, shocking. It had the whole town in shambles. During class, you’re called into the principal’s office to have your interview with the police.
“You were friends with Sara?” The officer asks and you nod. “Since we were in second grade.” You mumble, looking at your lap. “Did she have any issues with anyone?” He asks and you shrug. “Not that I know of, of course, her on and off-again boyfriend Jae, but other than that I don’t know, but he wouldn’t do something like that. They love each other.” You explain, the officer nods and the principal allows you to leave.
“I heard Roseanne is the number one suspect.” Taehyung gossips, causing you to look up at him with disdain. You’re laying on Jeongguk’s lap, his hands are combing through your hair and his back is against the tree as the four of you sit in the grassy quad of your campus. The day is pretty despite the circumstances. The sun is shining and birds are chirping. There’s a slight drift in the wind to contrast against the sun’s merciful rays. “How could they make that decision with no evidence?” Nayeon questions, munching on her carrots.
“In the interrogation, Jae had a full-blown breakdown and admitted to having an affair with Rose. Jae said Sara likely knew and planned to expose the two of them. How convenient is it for Sara to be found dead in Rose’s house?” Taehyung explains, and Jeongguk tilts his head, eyes squinting because of the sun. You continue to hold your silence. If Roseanne was the one who killed Sara, why’d she throw a party the day she died? Why’d she leave in the bathroom for all to see? It just makes little sense. You sit up abruptly. “Rose…” you whisper and Jeongguk hugs you tight from behind, only loosening his hold to rest his head on your shoulder. “I mean… I didn’t think Rose would kill someone out of all people, but we never know, do we?” Jeongguk says. His fingers toy with yours gently as he places a soft kiss on your neck.
Both you and Jeongguk are walking home when you speak. “Hey Kook?” You asked, and he hums in response. “My parents are going to some event out-of-town tonight and they’ll be gone all weekend, and I don’t really feel safe with everything going on, and I was wondering if you could stay the night?” You propose and shy away, thinking he’d say no, but to your surprise, he’s nodding. “Yeah, I’m glad you asked.”
Jeongguk had gone home to grab some of his things when you received the message. ‘Parents are being a bitch, gotta sneak out, you know, deadly killer out and all.’
You chuckle, placing your phone back on your desk as you continue to do your homework. Soon it rings and without a second thought, you answer it.  ‘‘Jeongguk just wait-’’ —“Hello?” The voice shocks you as you realize the person you’re on the phone with sounds nothing like your boyfriend. The voice is eerie,deep, and scratchy. “Who’s this?” You ask, mindlessly going back to doing your homework. “That’s not important Yn.” The voice states and, as if everything froze, you stop writing. “Seriously, who are you?” You say, this time more firmly. You’re standing up, glancing out of your open bedroom window, hoping it's Taehyung playing one of his stupid pranks. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” he questions and you freeze before you’re relaxing in the thought that Taehyung is on the other end. You sigh, “I don’t know? Nightmare On Elm Street.” You answer, sitting on your bed. “Hmm, which one?” He inquires. “1984.. the first one” you entertain his questions, it’s entertaining he’s trying to sound scary by asking what your favorite scary movie was. He needs to step it up. The voice hums, pleased with your answer. “Classic, I see you have taste…” he compliments, and you roll your eyes. “Your parents are gone… is that reminding you of something?” The voice quizzes, an eerie feeling bubbles within you. Jeongguk must’ve let it slip you were going to be alone tonight.
“I don’t know? Look, Taehyung can you stop? This is getting boring.” You sigh, laying back on your bed, eyes closing. There’s an ominous chuckle on the other end of the phone. “This isn’t Taehyung.” they state. You roll your eyes, “Yeah, whatever.” You close your eyes once again, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips. “Do you remember Sara?” The voice continues and you find a voice in you to speak. “This isn’t funny.” You whisper into your phone. “You should check your back doors more often. Your mom is so careless.” Like a switch was flipped, your eyes fly open and you sit up. Your breathing becomes heavy as you stare at your closed door. “Is your door unlocked?” The voice asks what seems like the thousandth question that night. Soon you hear heavy footsteps creeping up the stairs. You bolt to your bedroom door, locking it in a haste and backing up to your open window. You realize too late that your curtains weren’t drawn, and the streetlight was shining in. They could’ve easily been watching you this entire time. You rush to lock your door, timidly you retreat until your back is touching the wall across from the door.
You hang up the phone, quickly dialing 911. The first few rings feel like ages. It’s taunting you. The operator finally answers and you don’t even let them finish their greeting. “Help me please, there’s someone trying to get into my room.” You whisper, voice trembling and pupils shaking as you stare at the shadow approaching the door. You cry out when the operator asks for your name and address. “F-fuck okay, it’s 7663 Milsview Road, Yn Ln. Please hurry..” The operator’s voice fades away when you learn the call has been dropped. Your eyes widen in confusion as you try to dial again and again, but nothing.
You let out a loud scream when the doorknob rattles violently. The phone falls out of your shaking hands, and you don’t care enough to get it. Your heart is going at a thousand miles per hour. There’s a cloud of uncertainty that hangs over your head, that you could die tonight pouring over you. You look at the ground from your window. It’s a long way down, and if you were to jump, you’d likely break bones, or die. Still, that was better than being butchered by the psycho currently trying to get into your room. But what if you do jump and break your legs? What if they come down and brutally murder you? This can't be it. You can't fight the tears that spill, you feel so helpless. You don’t know why anyone would want to hurt you. You were nice to everyone, did nothing, and mostly kept to yourself. What if you died for no reason? The thought causes another wave of emotions to take over you. Dying just for the satisfaction of the killer — that was a waste. Surely, your life meant more than that. The jiggling didn’t stop, and neither did your cries as you hide your face with your hands in defeat. “Yn?!” The proximity of your boyfriend’s voice makes you scream—launching yourself away from the window.
The boy was crawling through your bedroom window. The killers attempt to get in stops once Jeongguk enters your room. He closes the window before crouching down to comfort you. “What’s wrong?” He asks, pulling you closer to his chest. ‘‘Jeongguk, there’s someone out there- please we- “you cried, unable to properly form sentences. Fear keeps its home within you and it’s getting pretty cozy. Scared isn’t enough to describe it. You're fucking petrified—traumatized even. Grabbing onto his arm in dread, you try to calm your shaking hands. Jeongguk’s jaw is locked as he stared at your door. Soon he was storming out of your room. “Jeongguk! No, please, what if he’s still there?” You wailed, standing to your feet and rushing after him. As you attempt to chase him down the stairs, your legs are on the verge of giving out. You watch him shutting your front door and locking it, jaw still locked and eyes conveying a dark look. “Are you okay?” He asks, still staring at your front door. You nod, falling into his arms. He grips you, almost suffocating.
“Open your eyes and look at me.” He orders, hands on your cheeks and a hard kiss to your lips. You do as he’s says. “No one is going to hurt you.” He promises, kissing your tears away. You can only nod at his words and hope it’s true.
You’re exhausted. The cops came around ten minutes later and proved themselves to be utterly useless. They only found a cellphone jammer and said it was likely a prank. You refuse to sleep, even with Jeongguk trying to reassure you.
“Yn, it’s okay.. no one is going to hurt you.” He soothes, massaging your back. You groan, shaking your head and turning to him. “It’s not that easy…” you’re annoyed. Everyone acts like everything about this was so easy. He sighs, “I know, I’m sorry..” He mutters, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
“Why don’t I help you relax?” He offers, his hands trailing up to your shoulders, where he resumes the massage he was giving you. You turn around so your back is facing him to allow him to massage the fear out of you.
“Did It work?” Taehyung asks, head hanging out of the window of Jeongguk's parent’s car, allowing the wind to drift through his hair. “No, it didn’t, actually. It was fucking stupid, made things worse.” Jeongguk hisses and Taehyung winces at his angered tone. “Fuck.. look, I thought scaring her would work? Then you could go make her feel safe and she’d put out.” Taehyung explains, rubbing his hands through his hair in frustration. “Well, It didn’t. You know how much convincing I had to do to get her to come to this party?” Taehyung rolls his eyes at Jeongguk’s complaining.
“Did you kill Mr. Shane?” Taehyung asks, ignoring Jeongguk’s ranting. “Yeah, the guy was a fucking weirdo. No one’s gonna miss him.” He shrugs.
When all of this started, Taehyung and Jeongguk were 15 years old. They never meant to start this killing bullshit the first time was an accident. Taehyung’s mother was seeing this asshole, and the guy hit his sister. Taehyung and Jeongguk tried to confront the guy and Jeongguk ended up killing the guy.
You wouldn’t understand. Some people had to fucking die for things to be better. Sara? She hated you. She was the one who told everyone about your father leaving you in Sophomore year, yet you never found out who was behind it. Just like her mother, she was a slut.
Jeongguk is weird. He’s different. Everyone makes jokes about signs someone is a psychopath. Like pouring your milk before your cereal or standing up to pick a pencil up. What about the actual signs? Some are too easy to go unnoticed. The scariest thing about him is his ability to appear so normal.
Even though Jeongguk is weird. On the surface, he’s the opposite. He’s athletic. After all, he is the star quarterback of Woodsboro. He’s smart, gets straight As. He’s creative, he enjoys drawing and is actually great at it. He’s funny. If he wanted to, he could be a comedian. He has friends; he has a girlfriend; he has admirers. He’s good looking, seriously good looking. He’s competitive, but rational. He’s playful, but level-headed. He’s passive, but not a doormat.
On the inside, Jeongguk fears himself. He fights himself constantly. There’s always a violent sea in his mind, thoughts he can’t even imagine anyone thinking. Jeongguk has always felt these things, ever since he was just a kid. The pressure to be the perfect first born was on his back. His father was a successful businessman in Woodsboro, his father was well respected, his family was respected. They were a powerful family. He couldn’t imagine if anything came out about the Jeon’s first born being a little psycho.
He could suppress it until his mother and younger sister died in a car accident. “Bad breaks,” they said. After that, all his progress went to shit. Jeongguk didn’t understand why he preferred gore sites over the typical porn site most boys his age frequented. He didn’t understand why he got too excited when his father asked him to go hunting, why he got a kick out of stalking the unsuspecting animal, and the high he felt when he had to catch the animal. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t stomach any other movies but horror. He couldn’t grasp why he loved looking up serial killers, their methods, photos, anything he could get.  It’s not like he was numb, he wasn’t completely heartless, he felt incredibly guilty for all the animals he’s killed, he feels guilty for the thoughts he has. It’s not like he only thought of all the ways he could get away with homicide. He had other thoughts too, just some more concerning than others.
He had feelings. He really fucking liked you. A lot. Maybe he’s not at that level of psychopath where he’d kill anyone for even glancing at you, but he’d surely gut anyone who dared to hurt you, He understands if you’d hate him if you found out what he really is.
He did experience hormones. In fact, the top thing in his mind was usually sex. Now, with his good looks and popularity, it was obvious he wasn’t a virgin. Actually, he lost it when he was in his freshman year of high school. That doesn’t matter, though. All he thinks about is defiling you. He loves how innocent you are. It gives him a rush. He’s ashamed by the urge of wanting to hunt you, scare you badly until you’re nothing but an obedient mess in his hands. He wants you to fear him; he wants you to put your life in his hands, to understand only he could allow you to live or not. It was sick, he knew, but he couldn’t stop. All he wants is to fuck you. He doesn’t know if he could wait any longer.
Two weeks ago
Three knocks on your bedroom window signal the much awaited arrival of your boyfriend. You glance back at your bedroom door, then you’re making your way to unlock the window, inviting the waiting boy in.
He wonders if you know what he’d just done. He wonders if you would forgive him.
He leans into you, pecks your lips, climbing into your bedroom and locking the window. “You waited on me.” He says aloud, his hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him. “Of course I did.” You whisper, placing your hands on his chest. He always smelled so good, like fresh laundry.
“Yn?” There are two knocks that follow the voice of your mother. Jeongguk is already making his way into your closet when you’re opening your bedroom door. “Yeah?” you answer. She’s in her nightgown, hair pinned up and a glass of water in her hand. “Are you okay? I thought I heard talking.” She says, peeking into your room and looking around. “Nope, just me. It was probably my TV or something.” you point behind you at the TV playing some show you weren’t really paying attention to. “Oh.. get some sleep baby, it’s late.” She’s sighing, kissing your forehead and walking off down the hall.
“Get some sleep, baby.” Jeongguk’s whisper of a voice is hitting your neck, causing you to jump at his suddenness. His arms are around your midriff, and his lips are finding your neck in a slow haste. He pulls you into him — your backside meeting his front as he sucks and licks at your neck. He grins against your skin when you’re letting out a quiet mewl. How could you not?
The ticklish feeling of his tongue meeting your neck was giving you goosebumps.
You feel his hands traveling to your thighs, and slowly under your nightgown. You let him explore for a moment, his fingers landing on the front of your underwear, just centimeters from grazing your clit when you’re stopping him.
You chuckle at his groaning, turning around to face him. “What’re you doing Koo?” You giggle, standing on your toes to place a kiss on his nose. “Yn~ you’re such a tease, it’s unfair.” He whines, backing up until his legs are hitting your bed. He plops down, his hair bouncing gently from the swift motion.
“Two more months until prom.” You remind him, walking over to him and sitting on his lap. “That’s eight weeks Yn, eight weeks.” He replies, voice in disbelief. “Please? Just a little bit? Just the tip?” He’s begging, lips wet, and eyes glossy as he stares at you with puppy eyes. You let out a soft chuckle, climbing off of him and onto your bed. “You sound so greasy.” You say. You’re laying on your back, staring up at him, who’s sitting on your beside.
“Can we do other stuff, then?” He suggests, laying down and facing you. “Like what?” You smile, scooting closer to him. Your nose is just inches from his.
“Well, I can be vague or graphic, your call.” he says, voice low and inviting. You whisper “graphic” as you lean in to kiss him and he smiles. “I could eat you out, you could suck me off, or I could eat you out while you suck me off. Maybe I could finger you? Maybe you could give me a handjob, maybe at the same time?” Jeongguk is scooting closer and closer until your chest is against his, his arm is around your waist and pulling you into him.
“Or we could just dry hump.” he adds. His fingertips draw shapes on your exposed shoulder. “Or sleep?” You suggest, leaning away to let out a yawn.
Jeongguk sighs and chuckles in defeat. That night Jeongguk strangled your next-door neighbor. He watched as his life drained from his eyes and he loved every bit. The power, the control he had to take someone’s life gave him a rush he couldn’t describe. He needs you to fix him to calm him down. Only you can.
Your neighbor was announced to be killed by some drug dealer he’d gotten into a fight with at the bar a few weeks prior. Jeongguk laughs every time he reads the articles. How could they be so off? Your neighbor deserved it. He was a creep. Took pictures of your legs and photos of you changing. Jeongguk did what anyone else would.
He desperately wants to be your first, he wants to be the first and the only person to you see you so vulnerable. He needs you to give it all to him and only him. He wants you to be so whipped for him you can’t help but remember him. You can’t help but cling to him, and you can’t help but forgive him. He wants you and him to be inseparable. He wants to leave indelible marks and be the only thing you think about. He gets excited just thinking about it.  
Timothy Crooks, the same boy who harassed you so badly he was suspended, twice. It boils Jeongguk’s blood. How dare he show his face anywhere after shamelessly making you feel so uncomfortable? How dare he? Timothy was an asshole pea-brained sicko on Jeongguk’s football team. He carelessly objectified every girl on campus, and he must’ve been a real fucking comedian to think he’d be able to do it to you. Even with your history, he still talks about you; Your body, what you’d be like in bed.
Jeongguk can’t stop the grin that appears on his face when Timothy goes down into the basement of Nayeon’s large home. He’s wearing that stupid letterman jacket that he’d likely doesn’t wash, and he’s whistling a song Jeongguk can’t take the time to decipher. As soon as he closes the basement door and descends the stairs. Jeongguk smiles underneath the ghost face mask. It’s a sick, twisted smile. He opens the basement door and follows him. He locks the door behind him.
He plays with the light switches, causing the jock downstairs to curse loudly. “Can you guys stop fuckin around?” He says through the darkness. The boy takes a few moments to find the lamp. He jumps, falling on his ass when he sees the cloaked figure standing in front of the staircase. He’s nursing a very sharp Bowie knife in his right hand. “W-what the fuck? That’s not even funny.” He stutters, too stunned to even stand to his feet. It’s amusing how long it takes for the flight or fight response to kick in. Jeongguk watches the boy's gaze at him curiously. It takes everything in him not to scoff. If this were a movie, Jeongguk would scream at his tv to fucking run, stand up, do something.
But no, he makes it boring, just lays there ready to die like livestock. Jeongguk takes a menacing step toward the boy, and he just stands there, waiting for a reaction. He grips the knife tightly, showing the boy that this was not a prank.
“H-hey stop joking like that with me man, I’ll fuck you up.”
Jeongguk tilts his head in amusement. Threatening to fuck up the daunting guy standing over you with a Bowie knife was a weird move, but at least it was something. Jeongguk takes another step toward the boy, who begins squirming backwards. “Just get up, fucking idiot.” Jeongguk can’t help but let the words slip from his mouth. As he straddles the boy, he doesn't give the boy a chance. He grips the knife tightly, plunging it into the boy’s chest. He pulls it out and watches the boy gasp for air, blood bubbling in his throat and spilling out of his mouth. The boy tries to get away, and Jeongguk tilts his head. He’s hanging by a thread, and Jeongguk stands up to allow him to pull himself against the brick wall of the dimly lit basement. He twirls the knife in his hands as takes disturbingly slow steps toward the boy. He does it for the rush that shoots up his veins when he sees the boy’s eyes widen in alarm. It’s so fucking good, better than any horror movie he’d ever seen by far. Every killer does it wrong, and he’s the only one here doing it right. He’s thinking he doesn’t kill for you, but he kills because he wants to. It’s his destiny to do this. It just feels so right. It’s like that of heaven to him. He enjoys watching his prey squirm. He enjoys seeing their determination to escape, but they won’t. There’s nothing he loves more than killing hope and watching it die in their eyes. He loves who he gets to be behind the mask. Who wouldn’t want to feel this? This power?
He’s not crazy, he’s just chasing a high, everyone does it.
He reaches the boy, grabbing a fist full of his hair. The way he cries out only fuels Jeongguk more.
You finally reach the party, even though you were reluctant to go. Nayeon only convinced you to come because she and Jeongguk would be there. When you arrived at the house, Nayeon is dragging you in, a smile on her face. You could tell she’d been drinking already. “Where’s Jeongguk?” You ask after she’s led you to the kitchen that’s filled with annoyed partygoers. “Where the fuck is Tim with the beer?” a girl groans over the music. “He’s probably passed out somewhere, fuckin’ lightweight.” A boy answers and the large group laughs. You cross your arms at the lack of Nayeon’s answer. “I dunno…” she shrugs after you call her name and repeat your question again. “He’s probably upstairs with Taehyung, shooting pool or something.” She adds, bringing a red cup she found on the counter to her lips. You wince in disgust. There’s no telling who’s lips were on that cup or what’s in it. You follow her guess and go upstairs where you surely bump into Taehyung, who is making his way down with an alarmed look on his face. “Woah, T you ok?” you ask, standing in front of him to block his way from getting down. “I just found Nayeon’s parent’s porn stash, so no I’m not okay.” He answers. “You must be looking for Kook. He’s in the billiards room playing 8 ball with Jack.” he adds and steps past you.
Walking into the billiards room, you sure enough spot Jeongguk whose eyes are on you the moment you are in the room. He drops everything he’s doing to come to you, ignoring the protests of Jack. “You’re here.” He states and you nod, “I am.”
“I didn’t expect you to come…” you sigh, “Nayeon begged me to.” You mumble, looking around the large room. “You wanna go somewhere else and talk?” He offers and you nod, taking his hand.
He leads you into a guest bedroom and closes the door, locking it.
He sits next to you on the satin sheets of the queen sized bed. “I can’t stop thinking about that night you were attacked Yn.” He says, looking down at the floor. Exhaling, you nod in agreement, “Me too.. it was really fucking scary, Kook, what if he comes back?” You ask, voice already breaking at the thought of you being targeted by the potential killer haunting your town. “He won’t.” Jeongguk states his tone is a little too confident, but you don’t notice. Instead, you fall into his chest, relishing in the security you feel in his arms.
“I won’t let anything happen to you Yn. I promise you don’t have to worry, you’re safe.” He’s stroking your hair gently, arms cradling your head as you take in his fresh smell. In this moment, all you can feel is comfort. You look up at him, coming face to face, lips barely touching his. “Thank you Kook.” You whisper, leaning in to kiss him. But he isn’t kissing you back and you pull back slowly. “What’s wrong?” He doesn’t answer. You call his name, finally catching his attention, and he deeply sighs. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to take advantage of you.” But that’s exactly what he wants to do. You shake your head, grabbing his face to make him look at you. “You’re not.” You say, pecking his lips again. Jeongguk reciprocates the kiss this time. Overtime the two of you become more daring, a pattern he’s used to. But he’s determined to fuck you tonight. It has to happen. And truthfully, you want it just as much as he does too. Jeongguk is an amazing boyfriend, he cares about you and his patience astounds you. He’s mature and always handles you with care. You don’t really care about waiting until prom anymore. You know he loves you, and what he feels for you is real.  
The two of you are in a heated kiss when you pull away, Jeongguk can feel disappoint form in his chest. “Kook.” His name is breathless on your lips. He hums in acknowledgement, lips ghosting over yours to make up for the absence of yours. “I think I’m ready..” you whisper. He’s been launched straight to the gates of heaven, but he hides his excitement. He nods, “You sure?” You better be. This wasn’t fucking funny. He needed you now. You nod, and that’s all it takes for him to kiss you with intensity. He straddles you and wastes no time stripping the both of you from your clothes. His lips never leave yours, and he’s getting needier and needier with each touch. His fingers trace over the untouched parts of your body as he touches you with the purpose of watching you fall apart. First on his fingers, then his tongue, and finally, his aching cock that’s been begging to be relieved for months.
It feels euphoric inside of you. Watching you writhe beneath him makes something animalistic stir inside of him. The whines that come from you give him every reason not to stop. He loses himself within the pleasure, and can feel an even darker presence creeping over him. He fights the urge to put his hands around your neck and choke you until you’re on the verge of death, begging him to stop. Just the thought alone makes him twitch inside of you. He tries to shake away the dark thoughts, and he does when finally comes, filling you up just like you were supposed to be. Made exclusive for him. That’s why he needed to protect you, but the dark truth was he needed to protect you from himself.
The two of you get dressed in silence. You don’t know if you did anything wrong, but after the two of you finished, he cleans you up with a rag he found in the bathroom of the bedroom then went silent. You bite your lip nervously. You don’t dare break the silence, you’re too scared to.
“Fuck..” Taehyung grunts. It’s way too hot in this mask and cloak and he’s regretting getting himself in so deep. In fear of what Jeongguk might do, he keeps it together. Everyone had left once they found out about the Mr. Shane being murdered. All cheering about not having to do anymore English essays. Nayeon didn’t make it easy. Taehyung loved her, he really did, but then she had to send nudes to K.C. Parker and now she needs to pay. She needs to just lie down to die. It’s too frustrating to chase her around the house. She’s screaming for help as she runs up the stairs, crying out for Taehyung to come save her. Jeongguk can hear her, and that means you can too.
The door bursts open and she’s covered in blood as she closes it and limps in. Your eyes widen and you rush to her. “What’s going on? Nayeon are you ok?” You question, checking for any wounds. “He’s trying to kill me!” she cries out, blood slipping out of her mouth. Jeongguk overflows with anger, fucking Taehyung, was he always so clumsy?
“We h-have to call 9—“ she coughs up a large amount of blood, and her legs become wobbly. You hold her up, her blood staining your palms as tears are sliding down your face. You’re too in shock to do anything. This couldn’t be happening. “Nayeon?!” You call her name out, hoping for a response. Jeongguk shoves you out of the way and there’s something large and black in his hand. It’s similar to a piece of cloth from where you stand. “Jeongguk?” You say and get no reply. His back is to you as he just stares at Nayeon and clicks his teeth in annoyance.
Like lightning strikes, he stabs the girl right in the stomach, and watches her fall to the ground helplessly. He turns around and looks at your horror-stricken face. You’re shaking, pupils shaking, heart going crazy. This felt amazing. He slides the ghost face mask he was holding on his face and begins walking toward you.
Your legs move on their own and make a run for the door. He lets you reach it because he knows who will stand at the other end. As soon as you open it, there’s another masked figure in a black cloak staring down at you. You back up, back hitting Jeongguk’s chest as he holds you in his suffocating embrace. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” Jeongguk sighs out, voice distorted, sounding similar to the person who attacked you that night.
You cry helplessly, struggling to get of his hold. His hand is loosely clutching the Bowie knife, and with a sudden rush of adrenaline, you know you have to grab it. He’s holding you tightly, constricting your arms, preventing you from going anywhere as he huffs in your scent shamelessly. “You fucked a serial killer. Tell me, how does it feel?” He taunts.
He lets you go, throwing you to the floor at the lack of an answer. He steps closer to you with the knife, gripping it as if he was preparing to gut something. You groan, your head hitting the harsh wood flooring and likely bleeding now.
As he’s pacing toward you, you find it in you to kick him in his knee, temporarily impairing him. He stumbles over for a moment, cursing as he cradles his knee. The other masked figure rushes to Jeongguk’s aid, and you take that as your cue to run. Your head is pounding as you sprint down the stairs. It takes everything in you to power through it. Adrenaline carrying you to the kitchen where you grab the largest blade in the knife block. You rush to the house phone, cursing when you find the lines have been cut.
“Where are you going?” The same daunting voice asks from behind you. He carelessly walks toward you, bloody knife in clutch. He’s wearing that stupid cloak, and he’s tilting his head in curiosity. You grip the knife tightly and push it into the guy’s chest. You don’t look back as you sprint to the front door, you ignore the disgruntled cries coming from the cloaked person. You try to rush to undo the locks, your hands trembling and blood trickles down the side of your head, constantly reminding you they want to hurt you.
Suddenly, your head is being banged against the door, and you almost feel yourself lose consciousness. You slide down onto the floor, holding your head as you cry out in pain. “You fucking bitch.” It’s Jeongguk. He’d ditched the mask and is now pacing over your injured form. He crouches down, bringing his knife face to face with you. “You kick me in my good knee, then almost kill my best friend?” He scoffs before he breaks out into maniacal laughter. “I wasn’t gonna kill you!” He suddenly shouts, grasping your hair roughly. “I was just gonna wave it around, maybe cut you a little, but I wasn’t going to kill you.” He says, leaning in to lick the trail of blood from your cheek to the temple of your head. “I just wanted to scare you.” He murmurs against your face. His adrenaline feeding from your cries and pleas for him to stop. His attention is turned to Taehyung who’s stumbling in the room, knife still in his chest. He falls against the wall. “F-fuck J… I t-hink I need an ambulance…” he stutters out. His mask is gone and there’s blood dripping from his mouth. “Shut up no you don’t.” Jeongguk hisses, turning his attention back to you. “I do!” Taehyung yells, “She went really deep, man.” He cries out, his mouth coated a crimson color. “Fuck! I think I’m dying!” He sobs as he slides against the wall. Jeongguk suspires and walks over to Taehyung. He couches down in front of him. “Save me a seat in hell, will you?” Jeongguk asks, tilting his head before he’s pulling the knife out of Taehyung’s chest. The boy cries out at the extraction of the blade. “Look what you did.” Jeongguk teases, walking over to you. You are barely conscious at this point. “Just don’t die.” Jeongguk says to Taehyung. He looks down at you briefly before he crouches down and slams your head onto the floor, knocking you out.
You wake up in a bed, your head killing you. You shoot up, clenching your head. All you know is you need to get out of here. “Baby! Woah!” Jeongguk says from next to you as he soothes you. You scream loudly, pushing him away from you. “What? What’s wrong?” He asks, tilting his head. He grabs your wrists to stop you from hitting him. “G-get away from me!” You scream. “Yn what’s going on?” He inquires, voice becoming louder than yours to silence you. “Y-you’re fucking crazy! You killed Nayeon and— “  
“I didn’t kill anyone. What the hell are you talking about?”
The light in his bedroom turns on and his parents are coming into the room. “What’s going on? Is everything ok?” His stepmother asks. “She probably had a bad dream.” Jeongguk dismisses. “Yn, Nayeon is fine, the killer was caught. Everything is okay now.” Jeongguk assures, looking into your eyes. He’s lying. You watched Nayeon die in front of you. “B-but my head?” you mumble, placing your hand on your bandaged head. Jeongguk sighs, “A couple days ago the killer was at the party. He attacked us, but he’s gone now, ok?” Jeongguk explains. You still don’t believe him. How could you when everything seemed so vivid?
“Here, let’s call Nayeon and Taehyung.” Jeongguk suggests, grabbing his phone. You can’t believe he’d go this far to lie, but what if Nayeon and Taehyung answer? “Hello? Sorry for calling you guys this late. Yn wanted to check on you guys.” Jeongguk says, putting the phone on speaker. You can’t believe your ears when you hear Nayeon and Taehyung on the other end. You don’t know what to believe at this point. Jeongguk hangs up with a quick goodbye and pats your back. “The doctor said you’d be like this for a couple of days.” Jeongguk sighs, kissing your temple. You groan, reluctantly laying your head on the pillow. “The killer was Timothy Crooks. Turns out that sicko still had it out for you.” Jeongguk says as he rubs your back.
“But you’re safe now. No one can hurt you, no one will hurt you, ever.” Jeongguk states as he watches you fight falling asleep.
No one will hurt you, except maybe him.
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ca-suffit · 4 months
Virginia's black anon has to be anon because we all know the only accounts who associate with her already and it's only 3 at most 😂 I guess nobody can make fake accounts when it's supposed to be for a black fan they don't hate.
There have been some racists comments floating around, but I never saw that from your blog.
Get your reading glasses then girl.
Your opinions have been a reflection of Louis as a character and not about Jacob as a black man.
This is where this nonny comment reads white as hell because what the fuck does this even mean? These are not separate things, baby. Louis is still a black man too! That's your whole fucking problem.
You can defend Jacob all day and say you love black people all day and still say the most antiblack shit ever in the next breath. You've been being told this and instead of listening, you and others keep targeting black fans as some kind of ignorant, illiterate mob out to get you. Idek why you started doing this but THAT is the antiblack part. It's not all just about claiming you "accept" this or that. You also have to actually DO THAT PART. Now it's clear why you think black fans gently teasing Jacob's hair is the real racism while you call Louis, Claudia, and Armand liars and manipulators solely to protect the character of Lestat (the REAL victim to you) and don't see a problem with it. This is why the white fandom mindset is dumb and dangerous af because it leads to stripping race from everything and defaulting to whiteness. This is why your insistence on "the books!!!" is bullshit and nobody cares, because the books are about white people and you're acting like that's still what this is when it's not! And when anyone says otherwise you make a big dramatic show of how you're being unfairly attacked.
IWTV fandom needs a scapegoat and that will be me so here’s my controversial takes..
And here's Neil's stupid ass once again missing the point of anything and still going on about fictional shit instead of reflecting on her antiblackness as well (why does everyone talk like a cartoon villain too lol). You love being the victim and changing topics instead of directly addressing anything. You all are the ones always saying you're such big critical thinkers, yet someone comes and spells it out real slow for you over and over and you still miss the point. This is why nobody is afraid of you or even takes you seriously, you're so fucking constantly stupid.
-way WAYYYY before the show I had a theory for the book that Louis killed Paul but now I’m afraid to talk about it even though it would make so much sense to him refusing to be labeled as a “killer”
Why are you so afraid to talk about it? Afraid the big, mean black fans might call you racist? If you have things to say, why don't you say them? Stop being such a baby about it. It's always the loudest mouths who want to say "I'm so scared u guys" over things that anyone else could just talk about. You're afraid to be called a racist because you only think about yourself and have nothing to really say after all.
You're the only ones who constantly move goalposts when it comes to talking about Louis. You make up this intentionally manipulative shit to say it's others (really just black fans tbh) who strip away Louis as a full character by not wanting him labeled as a liar or "bad person" but then you go around slinging this horseshit. If you think he killed Paul then write your big essay why. Why are you holding back now because they're black, you giant ass coward? Say it if you're gonna say it. This half assed ready-to-go-victim shit is ugly. I thought you were a tough book reader who could handle big topics. Pick a side already, asshole.
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borahaerhy · 7 months
Sorting the BTS Members into Hogwarts Houses bc I can
My credentials: I have two hyper fixations in my life, the only two things I actually care about, the only two things I spend all day and night thinking about and they are: Harry Potter and BTS.
Without further ado, here is how I would sort them
Jung Hoseok: Hufflepuff
Where tf else would he go
Sweetie pie
Always trying to be nice to everyone and make everyone seem loved and appreciated 
Possibly a stoner 
OBSCENELY humble and cool 
Mom Friend™
Min Yoongi: Slytherin
Smart as fuck
Knows what he’s good at and doesn’t need any validation whatsoever 
Not unwilling to cheat in order to win a game 
Along that note: Competitive 
EXTREMELY prideful in where he came from
Kim Seokjin: Gryffindor (?)
Cool Guy™
Funny, class clown type 
Studies well, but prefers to do just about anything else 
Competative, but moreso in theory
Like he goes to all the quidditch matches and screams so loudly for his team, and talks made shit on whoever they’re playing against, but would never actually play the sport. 
Overly Confident 
I could literally see him being sorted into any of the houses and it making sense. 
Sure, he’s a chill guy. 
Prefers to spend his time relaxing rather than doing things
Has known how to sneak into the kitchens since first year, and does it almost nightly. 
Why not? He’s smart and works hard 
Dad jokes are basically cheesy riddles, so he can get into the common room no problem 
Would probably be studying anything other than what’s been assigned to him. 
He might not fit in perfectly, but the traits are there
Smart mouthed and overly confident 
Doesn’t need validation from anyone 
Competative - very okay with cheating/lying in order to win the game 
It’s all in the name of fun, right? 
He could be literally any of them bro idek at this point.
Kim Taehyung: Hufflepuff
All for chilling the fuck out
Sporatically hyper 
Also possibly a stoner 
Doesn’t like when others are left out 
Also class clown vibes but more like he just wasn’t paying attention and was accidentally funny when he was called on
BUT I could see the argument for Ravenclaw:
So smart bro 
Would have an absolute blast with the riddles 
Probably loves researching niche topics that have nothing to do with anything but he’d much rather know if polyjuice potion would give it’s user the same ailments as the person they’re becoming than complete the essay McGonogall assigned two weeks ago 
You can’t really tell if he's just really smart or a little crazy (affectionate) 
Park Jimin: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
He’s a Slytherin because: 
Smart, but make it mischievous 
Knows exactly how to get what he wants 
Very sure of himself 
C O M P E T A T I V E 
Get’s top grades and will tell everyone about it 
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
But he’s a Hufflepuff because:
The most loyal and empathetic man to maybe have ever existed 
Will do anything to make his friends/loved ones happy 
There are more important things than academics (still gets top grades though)
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
Jeon Jungkook: Ravenclaw/Gryffindor 
He’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Very smart, and he definitely prides himself on it to some degree
A true Jack of all Trades 
Wants to be the best at everything, and is very willing to work towards getting it
Namjoon said he’d be a Ravenclaw (and who am I to argue with Joonie?) 
But he’s a Gryffindor because: 
Outwardly, he’s the most Gryffindor person you could get 
Academically driven 
Popular Jock type 
A mischievous little shit 
Seriously, would make the Marauders proud 
But he would take the house cup so fucking seriously guys 
I cannot stress that enough 
If they lost even one of the years he attended Hogwarts
He’d never let it go. It would keep him up at night for years to come 
(And I feel like that’s a very Gryffindor trait)
(Turns out I’m very willing to argue with Joonie. Sorry, babe)
Note: Regardless of all of this, I think it'd would be hilarious if Jungkook was still sorted into Ravenclaw. He's just outwardly extremely Gryffindor, bringing complete chaos and unprecedented success to Ravenclaw that they haven't seen in centuries. 10/10 concept.
Kim Namjoon: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw 
He’s a Gryffindor Because: 
Outrageous amounts of leadership potential 
Because Namjoon said he’d be a Gryffin– damn I already made that joke
But he’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Do I really have to say it? 
The smartest person I’ve never met 
An actual genius 
Would get top grades but only because he’s smart so everyone expects him to 
Would much rather be researching literally anything else 
The Philosopher's Stone
Literally anything because he’s in a magic school and anything’s possible 
(He would also be muggleborn, but that’s more of my own headcannon)
Really couldn’t give a fuck less about Quidditch 
Or winning the house cup 
Wtf is house pride? I’m just here to read, man
ALSO, in my PROFESSIONAL OPINION, he would really fw Divination, and I generally just don't think Gryffindor's really do, because it's so theoretical.
If you have any other points that I've overlooked please let me know, I love talking about this kind of shit.
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
[This ask is about a situation related to antisemitism and since I saw it's passover definitely skip or put off answering this if you need to. I'm not Jewish so I don't really know the significance of the holiday but I can't imagine it's pleasant to read abt this sort of thing then. This is not urgent.]
I'm anxious sending an ask off anon but I need advice and you have good well-educated takes and are one of my favourite Jewish bloggers, so you were the person I thought of to ask this.
I'm a gentile raised nonreligious but culturally Christian and I have a close friend who is a very devout Christian. About an hour ago I found out they believe a conspiracy theory that sounds incredibly antisemitic, I'm not sure if it is and looking it up returns nonsense but 100% sounds like a dogwhistle. It made me so upset I had a panic attack at the airport bc they're a very good friend of mine from my country's equivalent to high school and I'm worried about the path they're taking and how to stop them. Right now I have my Discord notifications off because I have a flight soon and I can't deal with this stress.
They believe Hollywood has an anti-Christian agenda and is trying to push Satanic imagery in the form of subliminal messages because "nobody in Hollywood talks about God but they love talking about the devil" and this is supposed to turn people against Christianity or something? I told them this was ridiculous, Christian and culturally Christian people dominate America and have most of the political and social power there (we don't live in America but we are both half-American and also we live in Europe so we have a similar issue although more with culturally Christian atheists like me), and we have a responsibility as the dominant group to not play the victim and act like we are being persecuted and oppressed. They said this was actually untrue because the problem Christians are "not real Christians" because "there is only one type of Christian which you would know if you read the Bible" and even that such people are actively and deliberately lying about being Christian and all this other really upsetting and scary stuff that absolves themselves of any systemic privilege that would make this as dangerous as I was saying.
I am not part of any religion, and I have few friends, let alone friends that are religious minorities specifically. I want to help support Jewish people and call out antisemitism but I actually have no idea how to do it when the person I'm talking to doesn't even believe they have the systemic privilege to do that harm. How do I, who have only an outsider's knowledge, explain Jewish people's oppression, which is notoriously poorly explained to goyim like me, to someone who won't even acknowledge Christian hegemony? Is it even okay for me to try, would it even be helpful? As someone who wants to be an ally, should I cut ties with my friend over this, should I try to educate them, should I just make sure they don't fall further? I think this is only in the early stages where they have no idea of the implications of this kind of mindset, idek if it is an antisemitism thing but it feels so obviously like a dogwhistle that my friend just isn't Hearing yet, and they've found an excuse that works for them so they can keep believing anything so I'm scared it's gonna get worse. It feels so awful to know someone I appreciate so much is plugging their ears and burying their head in the sand about something this important. They're a trans poc but they can't even find it in them to learn about the oppression Jews face? It just. it sucks.
Thank you if you're reading this, even if you don't respond. Have a nice passover. Sorry if I was rude or got anything wrong, I'm very clumsy with this sort of thing.
You weren’t at all rude, and I’m glad you took notice.
So I think you’re right that this is an early-stage dogwhistle your friend isn’t hearing yet. This seems like a weird cross between 1980s satanic panic, and the “the Jews control Hollywood” stereotype.
I’m having a very soggy-brain week, so I’m punting this to @athingofvikings and @aliciabenissa. I don’t know that your friend is unreachable, but you seem to feel you don’t have the tools to do it, and if you don’t it’s definitely better to borrow from someone else’s toolbox than to go in empty-handed.
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jackinalex · 8 months
Would love to hear your thoughts on Glitter & Crimson. It’s about Jalex isn’t it
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I really gotta stop mentioning things I'm afraid people will latch onto. Sigh. But tbh, I've been wanting an excuse to use my English teacher knowledge to analyze the shit out of that song in particular. If you took an AP English class, you know that it's 90% bullshitting you're way through claims and that is absolutely why I am who I am. This is so fucking long, dude.
I spent an embarrassing amount of time on this. Like I literally printed out the lyrics and annotated it like I was in college. But this is my shit, y’all. I love to analyze things. So, there’s a few different ways that I went about this: what the literary devices mean vs. what Alex (the liar) says the song means vs. the Jalex conspiracy theories that keep me in Delululand. Please scroll on if you don’t want to read about me being delusional about Jalex. Also, the very, very last of this is where we get into the absolute most delusional theory I have, so scroll to the bottom if that’s all you want. 
Let’s start off with what Alex has said about the song so that it can provide us at least a little context. Alex told Apple Music: “To me, this song is about two characters who are deeply in love, whose love is not allowed to be that by [a certain] society. They’re gay, and they don’t feel like they’re accepted in their own skin for who they are, or for who they want to love. It’s a cry out to seize that power back and saying, ‘No. You don’t get to dictate how we live our lives.’ Obviously, I can’t speak to that, being a straight guy, but I know a lot of people who live that experience every day. And it was something that felt very meaningful that I wanted to address for them because they can’t [in this way]. They aren’t songwriters.” This is less helpful context-wise, but he also told Kerrang: “This was dramatic to record (laughs). It was one of the last songs we wrote – in fact, it might have been the very last one. The record was almost done, but I felt like there were a couple of missing pieces. We actually went out to Big Bear [Lake, in California] – me, Jack, Zakk and Andrew. We rented a cabin and locked ourselves away for a minute. As we recorded Glitter & Crimson, it was one of those moments where we went, ‘Oh, thank god! We’ve got the thing that we were missing!’ I think the performance in the bridge is me almost knowing that it was the last take. It’s like when the director is about to call, ‘That’s a wrap!’ and everybody is like, ‘Holy shit!’ You feel that swell of relief and appreciation for getting through it.”
Most importantly, during the Wake Up, Sunshine Twitch Listening Party, Alex literally says he wrote G & C about Jack (starts at 1:36:26). Idc if he's joking, bro. It's good enough for me.
I guess the best way to go about the analysis is just to go lyric-by-lyric. Then, I’ll go a bit deeper into more of the bigger symbols. I want to preface this by saying that Alex probably did not mean for a lot of these things to mean what I’ve interpreted them to mean. And when I say I interpreted them, I mainly mean that I took what was given to me and recalled the connotations that these words carry (that was so wordy; idek if that made sense). 
It’s a typical story, three in the morning
You’re holding my head. 
To me, this seems fairly literal. Sitting with another person at 3 in the morning with them holding your head is really intimate. It could be after sex or just an intense conversation. I think that this is one of the lines that points toward this song being about a gay couple the most. I know he doesn’t specify what gender the couple is, but since Alex simply cannot write a song without inserting himself, I’m guessing they’re dudes. The holding my head kind of gives off that vibe to me, too. Anyone can hold anyone’s head, of course, but something about it just gives me the image of a guy holding a guy’s head. No matter how you spin it (head on the shoulder, head on the lap, etc.) it is super intimate, which means that this is a situation between two people who are very close. It’s vulnerable, too. There’s also the idiom “to hold something over someone’s head,” but I do think that the meaning here is literal. The idiom doesn’t make sense here. We gotta remember that Jack and Alex (and Zakk and Andrew) wrote this song together at a lake house. Every time I hear the opening lines, I think about Jack and Alex being together at 3 am in the lake house in one of those bedrooms, Jack holding Alex’s head. 🥺 
Caught in the tension, silent confessions
At the foot of your bed
The tension line could be in reference to the relationship, which we know is not accepted by those around them. It could also just be another reference to sex lol. I’m leaning more toward the former, though. I think the silent confessions depend on where the couple is at in their relationship. If they’re established, I think it’s probably a confession of love (like, we’ve been seeing each other, but I’m actually in love with you). But if it’s in the very early stages, the confession could be the confession of feelings. These two people are really close, so if they’re not yet a couple, then they’re definitely best friends. “At the foot of your bed” makes me think about sex again lol (specifically head because…Yeah). 
Glitter and crimson, fighting the friction
What a perfect mess
Glitter and crimson are massive metaphors/symbols in this song, so I’m going to hold off on going too far into that just yet. For now, we can discuss how the two are contrasting. Glitter is pretty and can symbolize the beautiful things in life (it can symbolize a lot of other things, too, which we will get to, promise). Crimson, on the other hand, often represents blood and violence (and a lot of other things, too), so this is one of the first instances of conflicting ideas and feelings. The two ideas come together despite being opposites. “Fighting the friction” could be another reference to tension, whether it’s conflict brought about because of societal pressure, or sexual tension. It could even be both. 
While I know that Alex definitely wasn’t trying to reference pride or the history of it, the mention of glitter was an excellent way of doing so. Glitter has a rich history with the LGBT community. It is tied with queer nightlife and the performance arts of drag, burlesque, and cabaret. In the past, it was a way to signal queer identity to other queer people, a practice that some people use to this day. It was also used as a kind of beauty and/or gender defiance when men were ostracized for presenting femininely and women were ostracized for presenting masculinely (Dorwart). Overall, glitter can also symbolize fakeness, materialism, greed, treasure, and excitement. In the instance of the lyric, I tend to think that the glitter is representative of the beauty of the situation, but also having to hide the relationship (the “characters” are being fake by hiding their relationship. 
While crimson can symbolize blood, violence, anger, warning or revenge (which is what I believe its main purpose is with the lyric), it can also represent vigor, passion, love, and courage. I definitely think that love and passion are an important part of this, too. Every facet of this relationship is intense, whether it be a negative or positive thing. This is also hedging into Delululand, but crimson (it’s called red in the flag, but the shade is definitely crimson) was one of the colors of the original pride flag, representing life. I’m certain that Alex was not thinking of the pride flag when he wrote this song, but there are so many references that he did accidentally that this song could be a gay anthem tbh. 
With the “perfect mess” line, Alex has given us an oxymoron and another example of contrast. The two words are technically opposites, but when they come together, they create a new meaning. In the narrative, this refers to the relationship feeling so good and right to the guys, but not allowed by society, those around them, and even maybe themselves. If we look at it through a Jalex lens, the “mess” could easily be the conflict between them having feelings for one another and the pressures of the band and their friendship (a very classic fanfic trope for a good reason). There’s a lot to lose if things don’t work out, so there’s a very real question of whether pursuing a relationship is worth it. As we’ll get to later, it definitely seems like it is to them. 
I wonder if you feel kinda like I feel
These lines feel fairly literal to me. To feel temporary means to feel impermanent or uncertain. I think that both could be prevalent here. I also think that those feelings pertain to both the relationship and just their lives in general. It feels like the relationship can’t last because that’s what society tells them, and the uncertainty comes from not knowing if they even want it to (because they too are influenced by society). Alex has always written a lot about existentialism and these two lines strongly evoke that concept (which, to me, is more proof of the song being written from his perspective vs some “character” but we’ll get into more instances of that later). 
Fixed on a moment just out of focus
And we can’t quite see 
Being us ain’t good for us
I put these three lines together because they finish out the first verse and because there is significant enjambment, too. The first line is literal in the sense that the two characters (air quotes) in the song are trying to imagine what a good life together could be like, but they’re struggling too because that future seems so impossible (as we see with the second line). However, “and we can’t quite see” also brings into the second idea here. They can’t see the future and it also seems like being themselves and together isn’t good for them (probably because it’s dangerous for a lot of queer people in the world, even still). That leads us into the chorus, which is where we get to the cry out of the chorus. 
And I don’t wanna wait till the sunshine fades
And bury our love in a shallow grave 
Sunshinesymbolized happiness and life, so by the sunshine fading, that has to do with the beauty and goodness of the relationship wearing off (whether that be due to societal pushback or just conflict between the two guys). Sunshine is also what the yellow represented on the original pride flag. Again, I do not think that Alex ever intentionally referenced the flag, but…Anyway, it could also just be a little wink to the album itself “Wake Up Sunshine” or the song on the album. That song is also about existentialism to a certain extent, though it’s directed toward someone else and not about the narrator’s issues with it. Meanwhile, typically, shallow graves are done hastily by criminals (not always, but that’s what it is most associated with) because they don’t take much time or effort to dig. Alex (and Jack; Jesus, I keep forgetting he helped write this song) probably chose to pair these two lines because they almost have the same amount of syllables (11 vs. 10), but it’s also possible that he chose this specific phrase because being gay was a criminal offense for years. A shallow grave also indicates urgency and haphazardness, which would mean that the burial would probably be unplanned and quick. The narrator (Alex) is clear about not wanting that. 
Cause the world could be cruel to us or
We could live for the dangerous so
Let’s start, let’s start a riot
Just like a few lines ago, I included these three together for the enjambment. The first line is straightforward, supporting the idea of society being unaccepting to the couple. When we put it with the second line, it’s reiterating that though the world is cruel, they could live for it instead of being afraid of it. When we pair the second line with the third, the narrator is saying that he wants to stop being afraid and instead embrace and fight for what he and his lover have. It is impossible for me to ignore the term “riot” being used here in a queer context because the first pride was a riot! I’m sure most of you know about the Stonewall riots, but if not, here’s a bit of background: there was a small dive bar in NYC called the Stonewall Inn, which LGBT+ frequented. In an article entitled "The First Pride Was a Riot: The Origins of Pride Month” for American University Washington DC, Patty Housman writes: 
 At the time there existed outdated “masquerade” or “cross-dressing” laws that suggested a “man” or a “woman” must be wearing a certain number of clothing items that matched the gender on their state-issued ID. The police took advantage of these laws to raid drinking establishments and arrest transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Just after midnight on June 28, 1969, the police raided the Stonewall Inn like they had many times before. Only, this time, something unusual happened: Stonewall patrons fought back.
There are conflicting stories about what actually happened, but essentially queer people fought back against the police brutality that had been plaguing them for quite some time. They were targeted, attacked, humiliated, arrested, and even worse, and they were fed up. Since this event took place in June, we now celebrate in America every June. And again, I’m sure that Alex and Jack didn’t intend to reference Stonewall, but I’m deep into queer theory now, so there’s no going back. Sometimes meanings can appear in works without the original composer even realizing it. Long story short, the riot is a way to take power back, whether it be the metaphorical riot in this song or the proverbial riots at Stonewall. And since this is supposed to be a queer song that references a riot, Stonewall must be discussed. 
Hard to sit still when your head’s on fire 
Oh, oh yeah
The saying “my head’s on fire” means that one is stressed or overwhelmed. However, “your head’s on fire” indicates that someone is lying. Therefore, I think this line has a dual meaning. I think that it references both here because a) the narrator is frustrated with having to hide his love from society, but it can also indicate that they’ve been lying (i.e, hiding their relationship). “Hard to sit still” calls back to the riot idea. It can be difficult to sit idly by when you know for sure that something is wrong. The narrator is tired of sitting around and hiding their relationship. 
‘Cause I’m a supernova 
And you’re my four leaf clover
These two symbols are the most important (besides glitter and crimson) in the entire song. This is entirely metaphor; there’s nothing literal in these two lines. The narrator compares himself to a supernova, which is the greatest explosion humans have ever seen. They are the “extremely bright and super powerful explosion of a star.” Supernovas signify destruction and renewal, so the narrator is seeking a new beginning of some sort. On the other hand, four-leaf clover have always symbolized luck, but they can also represent protection and the uncommon. Traditionally, each leaf of a four leaf clover signified something different: hope, faith, luck, and charity. Therefore, the narrator sees his lover as somewhat of a good luck charm. He’s different from others, but he’s everything to the narrator. 
This is where I get the most Delulu, so just keep that in mind as you’re reading. I’m now going to argue that the supernova represents Alex and the four-leaf clover represents Jack. I’m not pulling this completely out of my ass, I promise. Alex is obsessed with space. He brings it up every chance he gets and if you listened to Full Frontal, you know how annoying it could get lmao. Point is, the man loves some fucking space, okay? To Alex, Jack has always represented goodness. Nothing sums it up better than his birthday post for him here. He literally sees him as a “bright light in this weird world” and loves him “times a million.” But there’s been countless instances of Alex singing Jack’s praises (and even more of Jack singing Alex’s). This last tour, Jack’s been spending every moment trying to make Alex happy and keep him laughing, and ya know, Alex can lie all he wants and say that “Kill Ur Vibe” isn’t about Jack, but it absolutely fucking is, even if he doesn’t know that. Alex sees himself as a supernova and Jack as a four-leaf clover. Jack is not only a rarity, but also just a constant sign of goodness in Alex’s life and that, my dudes, is fucking beautiful. 
There is also a specific species of clover called crimson clover. I doubt that Alex thought about this while they were writing this song, but when I started working on this analysis, it occurred to me that I’d heard the two phrases before in a Lana del Rey song. And if you guys know Jack, he loves Lana. In “Venice Bitch,” she has a line that says, “Me myself, I like diamonds//My baby crimson and clover.” This line is a reference to the song “Crimson & Clover” by Tommy James and the Shondells. It’s a song about the potential for loving someone and what a relationship could be. I don’t know if there was any thinking about this song during the writing of G & C, but it’s interesting how the two songs are essentially about the same thing (just in different contexts). G & C is about the potential for loving someone and what a relationship could be, but through a more cynical lens (at first). The use of the ampersand in both songs is curious, too. I don’t doubt that Alex is aware of this song, but I don’t know that it had much of an influence on it. I do love the idea that Alex wrote about crimson and clover in the same song for Jack (who loves Lana) or even that it was Jack’s idea in the first place. It’s just cute. 
Crimson clover doesn’t have a ton of ideas associated it with it, but some people tend to see it as a sign of growth, resilience, love, and affection. The latter two are probably related to it being red and I would assume that the Tommy James and the Shondells song helped with that connotation, too. It’s the growth and resilience that really intrigues me, though. They grow throughout the winter, which is fascinating and definitely lets that resilience ring true. If we’re to link those concepts to the song, the narrator believes that their relationship is resilient and growing, maturing in a way that it necessary for them to thrive. Winter can symbolize hard, rough times, and so the narrator views their relationship as troubled (whether it be because of the way they’re viewed or because of their own issues), but resilient and able to survive the difficult times. 
Time to stop being insane about the last two lines and get into the second verse and bridge. 
Heavy as ever, light as a feather 
I’m caught in between
“Light as a feather” is a common idiom (and synonym) for having very light weight and/or being light and free. Here, the narrator is contrasting the feeling of being free and light because they’re so happy with their lover with the fact that he also feels “heavy,” which means hard to endure or emotionally taxing. When used literally, heavy refers to something being hard to carry because of its weight. So while the narrator is happy, he is also sad and probably anxious and unsure because of the oppression he and his lover are facing. The second line is telling us that verbatim; he is torn between focusing on being happy with his lover and the negative feelings associated with their sexualities and relationship. 
Hard to stay focused, process the progress
How long can we be
Happy if happy ain’t meant for us 
This calls back to the lines before it. Again, it’s hard for the narrator to focus on how happy the relationship makes him because of how bad society and oppression makes him feel. “Process the progress” probably means that it’s difficult for him to focus on how much their relationship has grown because of how anxious he also is. Progress is also a term used frequently with LGBTQ+ issues. We use “progress” to describe how things have improved for queer folks in the last few decades. I think the narrator could be referring to that, as well, that it’s hard to look at how much progress has been made as a society when things are still bad (especially for trans folks). The second and third lines see the narrator expressing his anxiety again. Yes, he’s very happy with his lover, but society is constantly telling him that they won’t work out, and he’s worried that some part of that is right.
Cause being less ain’t good enough
But being us feels good to us
To be less means not as good or esteemed as someone else. In this sense, I take it as the narrator saying that he has been suppressing part of himself (his sexuality and relationship), since to suppress part of yourself makes you “less,” in a way (I hope that makes sense). Essentially, if you’re not presenting all of yourself, part of you is missing, hence “less.” The narrator says that being less isn’t good enough, which I take as meaning that not being their full, authentic selves is not enough, and by enough, he means he doesn’t want to settle for hiding their relationship in the way that they have been. And besides, with the line, “being us feels good to us,” the narrator is expressing that being with his lover feels right despite all of the anxiety he feels. 
I’m skipping the chorus, obviously, so let’s get into the bridge. 
No compromise, no second best
There’s no stopping now, this weight on my chest
This is the beginning of the cry out in which the couple takes their power back. No compromise means no more suppressing themselves, which reminds me a lot of the old idea of gay people being allowed to exist and be with their partners at home and in LGBT+ spaces, but nowhere else. The narrator is saying that he’s not doing this anymore. This could be what “second best” is, whereas the best situation would be where they are accepted and allowed to be themselves everywhere, though I do wonder if second best could also refer to the concept of “playing straight,” which is where queer people date only people of the opposite sex in order to fit societal norms. People have historically done this to stay alive. It’s not as common anymore, but it’s definitely something that still happens. This could be a reference to the men dating (or even marrying) women in order to hide their sexuality and not ruffle society’s feathers. 
The narrator is putting an end to whatever the compromise and second best are, though. He’s going to be open and honest with himself, his lover, and the world, and that’s what the “no stopping now” refers to. He’s done pretending and making himself lesser to make other people comfortable. “The weight on my chest” is the huge uncertainty and anxiety of his relationship. He’s getting rid of it. It could also be anticipation, though, which would be the anticipation of taking his power back. It’s an important, hard thing that is going to change the course of his life forever. 
I won’t settle down, won’t settle for less
I won’t settle for less, I won’t settle for less
I think this is pretty literal. The narrator is not going to sit down and be quiet (and thus, hide his authentic self), and he’s not going to settle for anything but being his authentic self. I do think that the “won’t settle down” could be read as an allusion to Stonewall, since the queer folks that protested those three days were constantly told to just calm down for many years before they finally fought back. “Settle down” could also be a reference to playing straight since settling down often entails getting married to someone of the opposite sex and having children (*I look into the camera like I’m on a mockumentary*). This could also mean that the narrator is not going to be with a woman to appease society. They utilize parallelism (and thusly, repetition) here. Repetition is almost always utilized to emphasize a feeling or idea, create rhythm, and/or develop a sense of urgency. I definitely believe that the use of repetition here is used for emphasis. Not settling is an important theme of the song. Parallelism is also used to create emphasis, but also to create flow between lines, which is always necessary for songs. I’m sure there’s probably more literary devices in the song, but I doubt you guys want me to go too much farther into that lol. 
To sum up, the song is rich with metaphors and allusions (even if Alex wasn’t aware of the latter when they were writing it). I think it has the potential of being a great queer anthem. I don’t know that it will ever become that, but all of these possible references to pride and Stonewall are so fucking good (even if it’s just from happenstance). This may make me totally fucking insane, but I can’t ignore the fact that Alex wrote this song with Jack at a cabin in Big Bear, the album was released, and then like eight months later, Alex and Lisa were split up. Then, like another month passed, and Alex was living with Jack. I’m aware that I’m delusional, but this isn’t even me speculating; I’m just reporting events in the order they happened. Take that as you will. 
Works Cited 
Dorwart, Laura. “Inside the Fascinating History of Glitter and Gay Culture.” Byrdie, 15 February 2022. https://www.byrdie.com/history-of-glitter.
Patty Housman. “The First Pride Was a Riot: The Origins of Pride Month.” American University Washington D.C.,10 June 2022. 
“What Is a Supernova?” NASA, NASA, 23 July 2021, spaceplace.nasa.gov/supernova/en/. 
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akria23 · 3 months
I finished the episode - I was wrong about Masked shooter - it wasn’t Zouey. I’m not mad about it tho cause like I said I don’t actually want Zouey to be any type of killer because with him being so righteous he becomes the least likely character which therein means we all suspect him. Imo the only time the least likely character being the one one who did it in a whodunnit works is when the least likely character isn’t actually who the audience thought it was. I think even choosing the most likely character is better than the least likely because the audience spends so much time saying he’s the most obvious so it can’t be him - he’s the least obvious so it might be him - that can turn into a good payoff in the end. Altho I don’t want it to be Jason either 😂 that’s boring and makes all my thoughts feel wasted.
Anywhoooo we’re down to one episode and I’m starting to fear the ending may end up rushed…There still mega threads
Zouey’s secret
Nant’s phone call
This new video that Nuth had this WHOLE time. Nuth’s getting on my mf nerves he has the damn keys to the kingdom - damn near every big info is with him and he just keep mute if shit. Like wtf…
Nont and that plane ticket...Prom don’t have a home anymore - it’s sign buy a ticket Prom
Handling Jason cause if not everyone’s on run forever
I’m really hoping all major threads atleast are handled well and doesn’t feel rushed.
I feel there’s less to talk about even though we’re close to the end but I will say, I don’t actually care who killed Nant anymore…I could see them going that whole thriller-nontriller route tho I hope not. I do think I have a bit of drama fatigue because intentionally I haven’t really talked about my opinions of the production further than analysis and theories - but now the flaws are bothering me more. There were a lot of things in this episode that bothered me…def the parts that felt unnecessary like they were done just to elicit a reaction out of the audience rather than truly being story led.
Some of my feelings for certain characters has shifted as well - I’m trying to wait til the finale to give my overall opinion but this episode didn’t hit the way I’m used to. Even the PromNont moments. Idk…I might have to let the tags excitement carry me to the finale but I feel there’s been less post the last few episodes…
Idek what kind of ending I’m anticipating for this one anymore. I guess I’m just along for the ride in this last quarter of the series.
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jyndor · 7 months
Good. You should do your own research and not just believe me. Also, by saying "this might not be something you care about", I just meant that a lot of people do not care who the op of a specific post is if they agree with the specific post and honestly that's fine, too. But then there are people who will immediately block and delete posts if the hear op is a terf or a tankie.
fair enough but I will say it is actually a bit odd to me to compare tankies with terfs. tankies can be moronic and fall into enemy of my enemy shit with russia but terfs are fascists like ??? also edit but I feel like a lot of people call all communists tankies which... lmao naur. It's a term that I feel like sometimes people use for all sorts of communists, not just mls.
I block fascists, racists and terfs on sight. I give so-called tankies a bit of leeway until I see them being genocide deniers, and undoubtedly that does happen a fair bit. that user idk they seem more interested in the war ending than being like a shill for fascist putin but there were some posts that made me go ehhh definitely unfortunate "I'm annoyed about this bc libs care about Ukraine and I hate libs" vibes. as much as libs are unbearable, I don't discount all liberals as allies. like actually many of us were liberals before we were leftists lmao so I don't love that energy I'm seeing.
I will say that there is a lot more sympathy for Russian soldiers than there is for IOF soldiers. let alone American soldiers. tbh you're never gonna catch me feeling bad about any of these soldiers dying in expansionist, imperialist wars of aggression. like I understand drafts, I understand that it's easy for me to say I'd rather go to prison than ever serve in the military, butttt I would. so no sympathy for soldiers who do harm because ~they had no choice. there's always a choice.
it isn't Russian propaganda to discuss the azov battalion in theory but in practice most people who talk about it overestimate the n*zis in Ukraine and underestimate the n*zis in everywhere else lmao. yes actually there are fascists and n*zis in Ukraine. no that does not mean Russia is actually sincere in its "denazification" lmao. why is this hard for people to understand idek
I haven't looked to see if there's uyghur genocide denial yet.
one thing I will say is that everyone who talks about the news needs to start screenshotting the entire source - like including the header and title of the news source - and providing urls because this is something I am seeing on their blog but like that's not unique to tankies lmao everyone does it.
anyway idk I'm not gonna cosign that blog because there may be a bit of misinformation but I also think sometimes people just are wrong on some things. and very right on others.
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screechingzephyrr · 1 year
today i watched the first five episodes of cbs ghosts and as an avid enjoyer of bbc ghosts i decided to share my thoughts and comparisons!
so here are my thoughts… (its kinda long so beware)
Things I Liked:
-My favourite characters are Isaac and Thorfinn, because Isaac is a silly gay soldier man (can you tell i love the captain) and thorfinn is THE icon.
-My favourite parts of the episodes are when they move away from the original bbc ghosts plot and create something of their own- it makes it more enjoyable and interesting as someone who has watched each episode of ghosts so many times ive lost count.
-The characters bounce off each other quite well, there were moments, like when pete and trevor hugged each other after pushing over the pot and i was like haha nice. 👍 they feel like a group
-the show is americanised and i like that about it, it feels very different from the rest of the shows i watch (im british) so its kind of a breath of fresh air in that way
Things i Didnt Like (sorry :(
-The run time (20 mins) means the story is very compacted and, compared to the original, the plot is the same but feels more rushed.
-They sometimes try to have emotional moments??? but i dont feel anything. in the first episode they have one just after samantha goes to hospital and i was sat there like Ok???? It didnt have an impact bc i had only known them for 15 minutes.
—Trevors character….. i think if i saw him without watching bbc ghosts i would have felt better about him. hes a combination of julian and thomas, and he feels washed out because he has both their major traits (slutty politician + liking alison/sam) but toned down.)
Instead of a poet waxing romance and almost innocently adoring her (like thomas) he is a weird politican guy who kinda hits on her sometimes (calling her hot, wondering if they were flirting). i still think hes entertaining, i like him but when he makes comments sometimes i want to scream like someone please make this man stop. hes like julian if he had 0% slut, looked like thomas, and hit on alison.
—some ghosts i dont really see??? like sasappis and that high girl (idek her name😭) i barely see, and the greaser guy with his head chopped off ive seen twice??? they probably get more screentime later but damn where these ghosts at. i want to know more
—cbs ghosts doesnt leave any suspense to what most died of. they flat out state most of them. it leaves the suspense that came with bbc ghosts completely gone. you cant make theories bc they hand it to you on a silver platter and dont make you wait.
—jay and samathas relationship makes me want to commit a crime (in a bad way!!). jay is the worst. they were arguing in teh first three episodes. Jay didnt want to move into the house. theyre not a united front at all! hes kinda fighting with sam and mentioned multiple times about her “cute butt” which personally made me want to scream again. and they just dont have couple vibes
when they try to have moments, it’s stilted. compared to alison and mike who you can see together and who you are endeared to from the first episode, they DONT compare.
Alison sometimes borrows mikes coat in the show, and i dont get that kind of comfortable loving vibe from sam and jay. its not happening for me.
anyway sam should just divorce jay and run the bnb by herself, send post
— OKAY there was this moment where trevor raises his arms and the rest of the ghosts cringe and look away bc of his crotch. Then theres a shot where trevors crotch isnt covered by a pot or another object, its blurred out in pixels. anyway i hated it so much pls make it disappear from existence im begging
-the colour palettes are kinda jarring, its not really that cohesive
I do like it and i will keep watching it for Isaac, but mostly i still think bbc ghosts is the better option so far and if you are thinking about which to watch first, you should watch the original bbc ghosts.
im gonna keep watching and I really hope this show comes into its own.
BUT saying that, im probably biased because im super attached to bbc ghosts, so go check it out for yourself! i am a simple person on the internet and you’d probably be better forming your own opinion.
i’ll probably post my complete opinion on it if i ever finish it. so. yeah.
anyway if you read this far, i love you
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cubeberries · 1 month
I'm so sorry you're going through so much hate. Idek what to say. I just didn't agree with you about something (to check if you have replied to me) and then I come into your account and see all these hate. I want to say I'm horrified, no one should go through this. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with it. I was just pissed that you were calling Arthur and Molly horrible while praising Lucius of all people? So I just wanted to know why mock them when your own favourites aren't developed. I'm not a tomarry fan either. I don't understand that ship nor do I care? It's just you keep calling Harry annoying while making Voldemort sound like a god and keep downplaying his achievements for some reason? (Yes I might have called Voldemort one dimensional but that is because he is, I'm sorry. I'm fascinated with the idea of his character but I don't think JKR pulled him off I'm sorry). But anyhow, I'M SO SORRY you are going through this. All I want to say is you don't deserve this, some people are beyond horrible and you do you, it's your blog. I just got your post about you not liking Arthur on my feed (for SOME reason?) and that is why I checked your account out. But either ways, I want to say is I'm so sorry - I hope you know that whatever they are saying is utter bullshit. Sending people hate for what you think is right in a fiction is horrible and I hope they can shut up. Have a great day. You don't deserve any of the hate you are getting, it is so damn uncalled for.
it's alright.
again, with that stupid lucius/arthur post lmaooo i don't recall even tagging it, did i?
i don't recall ever calling molly or arthur horrible. i don't like them because i think they are annoying. also, molly is so immature it pisses me off, like, wdym she was rude to hermione because she thought her and harry were dating. MASSIVE ick. also, her blatant favoritism and treatment of percy pisses me OFF, like i have been a victim of favoritism and i promise you, it is not a good feeling.
never been a victim of being possessed by a book though. like, at least lucius is a good parent.
sorry if i sounded like i was downplaying harry's achievements it was not my intention. i just got annoyed that he's so glorified (the jesus parallels 🤢) in this fandom, that's all. it's really not that deep i promise.
i never said voldemort was well developed. it's just that in theory he sounds so so interesting and in practice he sucks. so im just thinking mostly about first war voldemort who was about to take over the whole of britain. i have always maintained that he was a one dimensional charcter in canon. voldy is a fictional character, lesser than a puff of smoke, so let's stop these wild comparisons, yeah?
hope you have a good day, too. <3
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pop psychology fans be like: *asserts the most nonsensical and incorrect ideas about the human mind as proven facts*
"the brain is fully developed at 25" - brains never "fully develop", literally making memories means adding cells, all that happens around 25ish (varying wildly between people) is in one area cells begin dying about as fast as they can be created. you don't fully develop, and there's certainly not some mythical point where all people's brains reach the platonic ideal cell count for making an educated decision, in fact the size of it will vary between people, while there's literally no evidence it directly and simplistically is perfectly predictive of your ability to make decisions, in fact any number of internal or external factors can affect that even more.
"all faces in dreams are strangers you saw, the brain can't make people's faces up" - this is the real life version of magic can't do romantic love from scratch for some reason, and it's not true, it makes literally no sense and has no evidence. you really think an ability to perfectly remember thousands of faces you briefly saw seems easier than just making them up? when we know we can imagine things far more complex from scratch? idek how to say everything wrong and backwards about this nonsensical theory.
"your thoughts can't change volume" - yes, they can. maybe you haven't experienced that, but thoughts getting louder is a major common symptom in a panic attack, this is an established fact. absolutely not unique to panic attacks either, it happens often.
"a figment of your mind can't be confused by what your mind is doing, because it's literally part of your mind" - I heard someone make this claim to dispute people who said a character in a film simply existed in his head (something explicitly stated in it), and instead claim she had to exist externally, but again it's disputed literally by symptoms of mental health issues (like DID, OCD, or MaDD), something the film was absolutely aiming to convey. it's genuinely weird to imagine how somebody can think your brain cannot confuse itself or parts of itself, at least for me, the mind absolutely isn't some mysterious magical singular force, it's just what we call the activity carried out by this squishy ball of meat.
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