#clone force 99 fanfic
gloomwitchwrites · 3 months
Cantina Mistake
Hunter (Bad Batch) x Female Reader
Content & Trigger Warnings: fluff, humor, misunderstanding, mistaken identity, brief mention of alcohol
Word Count: 986
A misidentification of a target lands Hunter in a messy entanglement on the floor of a cantina.
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The lights are low in the cantina. It is dark, and the only source of illumination are the purple neon lights and bright ads that run the length of walls. Some of it is Imperial Propaganda, but the majority of it pushes new products or services.
This cantina is a routine spot. A place to rest and recharge. A layover between jobs for Cid.
But there is also someone they’re supposed to look out for. Cid was not specific, giving the specs to Tech instead of Hunter, but even Tech seemed a bit confused by the instructions, insisting that the briefing held very little descriptive information on the target.
Hunter leans against the bar, arms crossed, a drink clasped in one hand. Surveying the large room, he finds nothing of particular interest. Everyone in the bar is preoccupied with something, and no one appears on edge or suspicious.
Omega is not here. Hunter usually doesn’t allow her to come. She is on the ship with Gonky. Hopefully she’s sleeping and not staying up late to tinker with one of Echo or Tech’s little projects. Omega loves picking things up to understand and explore how they work. She’s constantly looking over someone’s shoulder asking an absurd number of questions.
Wrecker is arm wrestling for credits in the corner, taking on every drunkard who thinks they can unseat him. It’s amusing because no one is going to win. Not against Wrecker. Even the droid that takes a seat before the big guy goes down quickly. Wrecker lifts his arms up high, punching the air.
“It seems we’ll be eating well tonight because of Wrecker,” notes Tech, adjusting his goggles.
Hunter smiles into his cup and takes a long drink. Whatever it is, it’s kriffing strong, burning as it goes down.
“Won’t matter if we can’t locate the target,” mutters Echo.
Tech shrugs. “Cid’s instructions were unclear. Even after calculating all possibilities, I am at a loss for what or who we’re looking for.”
Echo glances across the bar and smirks.
“What is it?” prompts Hunter, turning in the direction of Echo’s lingering gaze.
Tech pushes off from the bar to glance around Hunter, peering in the same direction, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“You don’t see it?” asks Echo.
Hunter frowns and turns back to Echo. “No,” he says, a little annoyed. “I don’t see it.”
Tech matches Echo’s smirk with one of his own. “I do believe that woman is watching us.”
“Watching Hunter,” corrects Echo, sipping on his drink before setting it down on the bar.
Hunter whirls around, searching every face in the cantina for a second time. He doesn’t see what they see, and that only frustrates him. Aren’t his heightened senses supposed to help him in situations like this one? What if this woman is the target Cid is sending them after? Hunter needs to be alert. He needs to kriffing focus.
But then a tug forms in the back of his head. Like a string tied to his brain, pulling taut, dragging his attention toward the far side of the room. Hunter sees you then, lingering near a table. Alone. You are alone and fiddling with your drink, perhaps out of nervousness. If anything, you appear rather innocent. Just a civilian. But years of military training and field experience tell Hunter that he cannot leave anything to chance.
Sometimes the most innocent and demure individuals can be the deadliest.
“Could be the target?” jokes Echo, shaking his glass slightly in the air.
Tech’s mouth opens slightly as he turns to his brother, a response forming on his lips, a bemused expression on his face.
But Hunter is not listening. Hunter is moving like his namesake, weaving through the crowd, gunning for you.
“Hunter!” calls out Tech, but Hunter ignores him.
You’re looking down at the table, not realizing that Hunter is closing in fast. He silently urges you to look up. He wants you to notice him. To know that he’s coming. That he is on to you.
When you do glance up, and your gazes lock, there is a brief flash surprise that passes over your face before it morphs into shock.
Hunter leaps, tackling you to the ground. Everyone standing around shrieks or yells, stumbling out of the way. His chest heaves, and your faces are so close. Your eyes are wide and round and—
He’s straddling your hips. Hunter has your arms trapped above your head, both wrists locked under one large hand while the other rests against the base of your throat. You are stiff and unsure beneath him, eyes darting in their sockets.
“Hunter. Hunter get off of her.” It’s Tech.
Echo is right behind him, alarm on his face. “I was kidding, Hunter.”
“Kidding?” splutters Hunter.
“I meant a target to buy a drink for,” replies Echo, hands outstretched at his sides.
Oh. Oh kriffing hell.
Hunter looks down at you. “Sorry,” he murmurs softly, swinging his leg from over your hip. “I’m sorry,” he says louder, more quickly, holding out his hands in an offer to help you off the floor. You take them and your palms are so warm.
Hunter eases you off the cantina floor, and then delicately assists you to standing.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks, cheeks flaming with embarrassment. You’re just as perplexed. Just as startled.
You laugh, and the sound is lovely. “How about you buy me a drink?” You nod toward the overturned table. Hunter immediately grimaces. “You spilled my last one.”
“Sorry about that,” mutters Hunter. He holds out his hand as if a simple handshake will fix everything. “I’m Hunter.
You clasp it, shake it, give him your name.
Tech and Echo start creeping backward, giving the two of you space. Wrecker comes barreling over but the two clones hurriedly herd him away before he can make the situation worse.
“Now, how about that drink?”
@padawancat97 @foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @garfunklevibes2012 @tiredmetalenthusiast @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @kayden666 @cherryofdeath @enfppuff @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @beebeechaos
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freesia-writes · 1 year
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vivaislenska · 1 month
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Happy Friday, TBB fanmily!
Excuse the wippery but I just love them taking caring of each other. I want to share it while it’s still baking so I’ll be held accountable to try to finish it this weekend 😄
Ficlet synopsis below
Tech: Crosshair, please hold still.
Crosshair: Speak for yourself.
Tech tends a deep wound in Crosshair’s forearm after a nearly disastrous mission to destroy a shield generator. Crosshair was so focused down-range on his brothers, that he didn’t notice the commando droid sneaking up in him until it was too late to dodge it completely. Tech asks Crosshair to keep still, but it’s actually Tech who is trembling because he’s so worried about Crosshair. 💗
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amandamadeathing · 1 month
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I can't find the original image to reboot and credit, but here you go.
TECH: When I analyzed Omega's DNA, I noticed an anomaly in her blood. Upon further research, she has a high volume of midichlorians."
WRECKER: What does that mean?
TECH: There was a correlation between a "high M-Count" and a Jedi's abilities using the Force.
OMEGA: Does this mean I'm a Jedi?!
TECH: Possibly. You would need extra training by a Jedi to use those skills.
ECHO: I've never noticed she has Force skills.
TECH: I thought her ability to connect with animals was an obvious manifestation of such abilities.
HUNTER: I am sensitive to vibrations. Do I have the Force?
TECH: It seems of the Kaminoans' experimental Clones, only Omega was specifically given a high M-count, which probably explains why she is so valuable to Nala Se and the Empire.
ECHO: Now we know what we're up against. Thankfully, we don't need to collaborate with any suspicious women to get this information. We must find a more secure location to hide. I will contact Rex immediately.
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stellarbit · 2 months
Shadows of the Order
the sad batch x reader
5.5k words themes hurt and comfort
You were separated from the Batch when Order 66 was executed on Kaller. Even as a Jedi dropout you weren't safe. Left behind, you have to recover and restart in the world after the Republic. You'd hoped to never run into Clone Force 99 again, but that hope ran out one day. featuring: a b1 battle droid
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You know who deserved better? The clones. You know who else? The B1 battle droids. So I stuck a clanker in here for funsies. Had a ton of fun writing this. Hope y'all enjoy a little anguish. I'll be doin a spicy one next.
You fought alongside Clone Force 99 for a long time before the Battle of Kaller. Before Order 66. After meeting the padawan, Caleb, at the rendezvous point, you’d split off from the group to assist a team of troopers on the mountain while the boys joined General Bilaba. 
The troopers you encountered recognized you from your days with the 501st. Despite your repeated efforts to clarify that you were no longer a Jedi, they seemed unconvinced. Fortunately, after dispatching a group of droids, the remaining Separatist forces were routed towards the main front, allowing your group to do the same.
As you neared the midway point down you noticed the troopers falling back. Sliding to a stop in the snow, you turned back. There were about 10 of them, all standing around one holding a holocomm of a hooded figure. Half of them looked at you in sync, fixing the grip on their guns, the rest followed a heartbeat later. 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. Somewhere far down the mountain you heard screaming and blaster fire at the same moment the troopers turned their guns on you. You took off away from the troopers before the first shot rang out. 
“Get the Jedi!” A lone trooper pierced through the chaos.
Quick thinking led you to drop a stun grenade, followed by another, as you sprinted onward. The explosions managed to incapacitate some of the troopers, but not enough. Switching your blaster to stun mode, you sought cover behind a nearby tree, emerging only to neutralize the nearest clones before a shot hit your right shoulder, propelling you into a desperate sprint away from them.
With escape and evasion as your only viable options, the Marauder seemed too distant to reach in time. Instead you aimed for a waterfall you spotted while landing. It was a slim chance, but your best hope for losing the troopers.
As you fled, you deliberately dug your fingers into the wound on your shoulder, leaving a trail of blood in your wake. It was a risky move, but if you had any hope of evading capture, they needed to track you. When you saw the water through the trees you wasted no time in ripping away your chest plate. As soon as you got to the crest of the waterfall you launched your chest plate over the edge.
With one glance over the cliff, you gritted your teeth, pressing into your injured shoulder, crouched, and lowered yourself over the ledge. You grabbed high over the ledge and drug your bloody hand back down over. One more look below to ensure a safe landing spot and let go. Relying on the Force to guide your descent into an alcove leading behind the cascading water. 
Once there, you swiftly shed the remaining pieces of armor, discarding them into the rushing stream as you shifted farther into the veil of the waterfall.
When you finally heard the troopers at the cliff edge, all you could do was listen, wait, and hope they fell for it.
“Looks like she tried to scale down,” one of them remarked, his voice carrying over the sound of rushing water.
“There! In the water, I see her armor!” Another trooper's voice rang out, sending a jolt of panic through you as you desperately sought cover. Their voices dropped too low to hear before you caught the tail end of the conversation.
“Confirmed, Commander Grey. The Jedi has been neutralized. Visual confirmation obtained,” a trooper reported, the cold finality of his words chilling you.
The clone trooper paused, most likely receiving transmission. “Yes sir. Alright boys, we are to rejoin Commander Grey and head out. His forces eliminated Bilaba and Clone Force 99 took care of the padawan. Gather the stunned troops and let’s move out.” That was the last thing you heard before the troopers left. 
Your heart stopped. The blood in your veins froze. You lurched for something - anything - to steady yourself on. One moment everything was normal and the next you were being gunned down by clones you risked everything for. Clone Force 99 took care of the padawan.
There wasn’t enough air in the tiny alcove to think, the waterfall was too loud, the water hitting your face too cold. Desperately, you gripped the slippery rocks as your legs gave out.
Nothing made sense. Questions raced through you, each more unsettling than the last. Had all of the clones turned on the Republic? Why were they targeting Jedi specifically? Clones that served with General Bilaba for years suddenly gunned her down. 
Nothing added up. If the orders affected all clones, there was a good possibility that the Bad Batch was also following them. Despite their independent streak, they were still clones, some orders had to be followed. It was a sobering realization - one that left you feeling vulnerable and nauseous. You weren’t going to be safe until they left. If they left.
The thought of aiming a weapon on the members of Clone Force 99 cracked something inside you. Besides, it was foolish to think you had a chance against all of them. With an entire army of reinforcements, attempting to take them on would be nothing short of suicidal.
Survival became your sole focus. There was no time to dwell on what went wrong or how to escape the planet's unforgiving terrain. For now, all you could do was stay hidden, biding your time until the coast was clear.
One by one, you discarded your armor and any identifiable markers into the water. It wasn’t about shedding your identity; it was a practical decision, one you could handle. Not long after, the sound of footsteps echoed from above. You pressed yourself against the rock again, your senses on high alert.
An eternity seemed to passed before the person moved. “The Jedi target was neutralized. If she’s not already dead, she’s as good as it.” It was Crosshair’s voice, cold and detached. 
There was another moment of silence before you heard Tech’s voice, “Affirmative. Blood stains indicate she attempted to scale down the cliff and subsequently fell.” His tone was as clinical as ever but you almost fooled yourself into thinking there was something else to it. “Pieces of her armor are wedged in the rocks below. Crosshair is correct, if she did not perish on impact the likelihood of her survival is negligible. We need to leave.”
They weren't out there to rescue you; they were there to confirm you were dead.
It was all too much to process. Every muscle, every bone, every nerve in your body seemed to fail, leaving you a trembling mess. When the two men finally left, you didn’t know.
“We don’t leave our own behind.” You heard Hunter’s voice and heard his lie.
They left you. You fought for them, yet they hunted you down and abandoned you.
Long after night had fallen, you mustered the strength to climb out of the alcove, your injured shoulder protesting every movement. Descending into the battlefield, you searched for a salvageable ship and supplies. Amidst the wreckage, you stumbled upon the one thing you weren’t looking for.
General Bilaba’s lightsaber. She must’ve lost it in the struggle. Such a valuable thing lost to the snow and wreckage, not even retrieved. Disposable. You held the cold metal in your hand before tucking it away.
You found one ship that might manage to get off the ground. Nearby, you spotted a partially disabled battle droid, still in remarkably good condition despite its current state. It appeared to have been incapacitated by a stun grenade. As you examined it, Tech's lessons on droid maintenance flooded your mind, particularly the techniques for reprogramming them for combat purposes.
Kneeling beside the droid you flipped it onto its back to access programming. You’d pulled it off before, reprogramming battle droids to counter attack. You just never thought you’d need the skills like this.
The process was far from seamless. You electrocuted yourself on the power supply, nearly damaged a circuit board while removing the restraining bolt, and the rewiring process dragged on longer than expected, especially under the cover of darkness.
Eventually, the battle droid sprung to life, clutching its head as it sat up. You lowered yourself onto one knee as the droid adjusted itself. "Where am I?" its questioning began, its metallic voice filled with confusion. "Is the battle over? Did we win?"
Hearing the droid address you instead of immediately engaging in combat felt oddly surreal, but given the day's events, it was perhaps the least strange thing. "What is your primary directive?" you asked, trying to gauge its functionality.
It clunked a hand against its head. "Huh, that's odd. I don't seem to have one."
That was a start. 
You rose to your feet and offered your hand. "In that case, how about we team up and find a way off this rock?"
Its head swiveled from side to side as it processed the proposal. "You mean, I get to choose?"
You let out a small scoff and maintained your outstretched hand. "Your options are coming with me or staying here to rust."
"Fair point," the droid responded, almost cheerfully, as it reached for your hand. "So, what's the plan for getting off this dump?"
You gestured toward the ship you hoped  to salvage. "Can you handle starship repairs?"
“Sure thing, boss. Want me to clean it up?”
You threw it a puzzled look, “Why would I-” You shook your head, “No, we need to repair it enough to get it off this planet.
“Well, that doesn’t make sense.” The B1 unit pointed at the ship. “That ship doesn’t need repairs, we just crashed it.”
Maybe picking a battle droid for an assistant wasn’t the best choice. “Was it your group that crashed it?”
“Yep!” It said too proudly. “Happens all the time. But I told you, this one doesn’t need repairs to fly.” The droid paused for a second, tapping a metal digit to the tip of its face, then added. “Yet.”
That didn’t bode well for survival. You waved for it to follow you, “Let’s see if you’re right.” Over your shoulder you asked. “What can I call you?”
“My identifier is OOM-672.”
Walking amongst dozens of disabled B1 units you mused, “Looks like you’re about to be one of the last OOM models in the galaxy. So why don’t we cut that down to O2?”
“Wow!” The way it vocalized almost added syllables to the word. “Yeah, O2 sounds much better! What do I call you? Master?”
You cringed at the sound of that. “I’m not your master, O2. We’re going to have to settle with being friends or buddies.”
“You got it, Buddy!”
Thankfully, O2 was right. The ship could fly and it had enough fuel to get you far from Kaller. Enough to get you all the way to the Outer Rim if you wanted. It was risky, but following the pattern of the day, it was your only chance at survival. You just didn’t let O2 pilot.
After the rise of the Galactic Empire, you and O2 settled on a planet in the Mid Rim. You scavenged and sold enough equipment from Kaller for a comfortable amount of credits to start off with. You pieced together a new identity, often concealing your face beneath a helmet and relying on a voice modulator. Being dead in the eyes of the Empire had its advantages.
The best way to stay hidden, you figured, was to stay in plain sight.
You wormed your way into ownership of a small inn. Although, your background as a Jedi and a soldier left you ill-prepared for running a business, and you struggled to turn a profit.
“O2!” You shouted from the lobby.
The battle droid sauntered in from the dining area. “Yes, Buddy?” The droid’s nickname for you always worked a smile out of you.
You tossed them a rusted-out metal part, which they scrambled to catch, their movements clumsy and uncoordinated. After a few failed attempts, they finally managed to grasp it securely. “The circulator for our boiler is busted. Can you head to the market and fetch a replacement? The parts dealer should have one available.”
“Roger, roger!” O2 chimed enthusiastically, ready to depart.
You yanked them by the shoulder. “O2,” You warned. “Do you remember how to pay?”
They rolled their head in an exaggerated display of weariness. “I know, I know - ‘charge it to the tab.’”
Raising an eyebrow, you waited for more. “And?”
O2 tapped a compartment on their chest, revealing a few credits inside. A result of some previous tinkering done by you. “And I have the extra credits.”
“And what’re they for?” You pressed.
“For ‘just in case.’” They replied
Stepping forward, you pushed the compartment closed. “In case of trouble, O2,” you reminded them firmly. Giving them a light knock with the back of your knuckles, you added, “Give me a call if you find yourself staring down the barrel of a blaster.”
As far as O2 was concerned, they had it easy. You rescued them from decommissioning and in return, all you asked for were simple tasks and the opportunity to tinker with their hardware. The tinkering, more often than not, turned out for the better - at least most of the time.
When you and O2 first arrived, the presence of a battle droid initially unnerved the townsfolk. However, they grew accustomed to O2's quirky demeanor. O2 was more goofy than intimidating almost by design. Plus, after a few instances of O2 causing trouble with the neighbors, they quickly learned to keep their hands off the droid. Often with a not so subtle reminder of a vibroblade at their throats.
O2 ambled through the town, exchanging waves with the occasional vendor. Stalls and shops lined the narrow, winding streets, colorful canopies providing shelter from the sun for the patrons below. Amidst the hustle and bustle, droids weaved through the crowds, delivering goods and providing services to customers. 
As O2 approached the parts dealer, raised voices caught their attention. Nearby, at a fruit stand, a vendor held a pear just out of reach of a young girl. "That's not fair!" the girl protested, reaching for the fruit. "I already paid you!"
Deviating from their path, O2 made their way toward the girl. She appeared to be a young human with light hair, a visitor to the town. 
"Hey, stop that!" O2 called out in their attempt at an authoritative tone. They reached the girl and bent slightly to address her. "Are you in trouble, young human?"
The girl turned to O2, visibly puzzled. After a moment of assessing the situation, she nodded slowly. "Uh, yeah," she replied, more confidently this time. "Yes. He's taking my money but insisting I still owe him more." She pointed a finger accusingly at the vendor.
O2 looked between the vendor and the little girl several times. When they finally grasped the situation, they exclaimed, “Ohh! You’re in trouble and need more credits. That’s perfect!” They poked open the compartment on their chest, revealing the credits.
The girl shook her head in disbelief. "N-no, I've already paid," she insisted, casting a disdainful glance at the vendor. "He's just trying to cheat me."
Raising a finger in a gesture of understanding, O2 interjected, "You're in trouble and these credits are for 'in case of trouble.'" They plucked out a few credits and pivoted at the hip to offer them to the vendor.
From behind the booth, the vendor's expression shifted to one of quiet annoyance, yet he begrudgingly began packing a bag with pears. "There's no trouble, O2," he retorted curtly, dropping the bag into the girl's arms. "Now, move along, kid."
The girl frowned at the man but did turn away. She looked up at O2 with a smile. “Thanks,” She pulled a curious face and stepped back from the droid for a better look. “You’re a B1 battle droid. What are you doing here?”
“I’m purchasing a new part.” O2 held up the broken circulator as proof.
She held back a smile. “No, no. I meant, weren’t all battle droids supposed to be decommissioned.” She gestured around her, “So what are you doing out here alone?”
O2 didn’t have time to respond when a man yelled, “Omega! Get away from that thing!” A male with a face tattoo shoved through the crowd and slammed the battle droid in the chest with the hilt of a blade. 
“Whoa!” O2 yelled, stumbling backward into the fruit stand.
The little girl squeezed between O2 and the man.  “Don’t hurt them, Hunter!” She threw her arms out to shield O2. “They were just helping !” Three other men arrived behind Hunter while O2 righted themself.
One of the men, with a socket for a hand, pushed to the front of the group and pointed his prosthetic at the droid. “Omega, you don’t know what that clanker is capable of.” 
“Hey!” O2 whined in protest and shook a fist at him. “You can’t call me that!”
“Says who?” Growled the largest man of the group.
“Says my buddy!” O2 started reaching for its head to send out a comm when the fruit vendor grabbed his hand.
“O2!” He laughed nervously and patted the droid harshly, “There’s no trouble.” The vendor pointed a finger at the men. “I’m not dealing with their friend today, so move out.”
“Friend?” The big guy repeated incredulously.
The cyborg hovered his hand over the blaster at his hip. “Where’s your master, droid?”
O2 thrusted their head in a sassy manner, “I don’t have a master.”
Hunter moved Omega to the side and put his knife just below O2’s head. “Why don’t you take us to this friend of yours?”
“That depends.” O2 said skeptically. “Are you looking for an inn?”
Hunter passed a look to the men behind him. “An inn?”
“Only customers can come to the inn. So - are you looking for an inn?”
Hunter lowered the knife and jerked his head to say ‘get going’, “Sure thing. Now, let’s go.”
“Roger, roger.” The droid said with a little salute and then tapped his fingers to the tip of his face. “Say, do I know you guys?
“Move it, clanker.” The cyborg ordered again.
Back at the inn, you waited in the lobby reading through bank statements. The front door was open to the street, allowing you to hear O2’s distinctive footsteps approaching. You pushed away from and around the desk to greet them. “That may have been your fastest run yet. How much - oh!” You stopped mid sentence when a young girl trailed in behind the droid. Behind your headgear you smiled, “Did you make a friend?”
The little blonde waved up at you, “Hello.”
A dent in O2’s chest plate caught your eye. You motioned for the droid. “O2, what did you do to your chest plate?” 
“Well, I didn’t do it.” The droid sassed, but moved forward and leaned down for you to inspect. You reached up, held their head, and moved it side to side for inspection. Other than the dent they were fine. You patted their face in relief when, from the corner of your eye four figures filed in.
You went stock-still at the sound of a familiar voice, Hunter’s voice. “You own this clanker?”
This was it. This was the day you died. 
Giving O2 one last pat, you turned to face the Bad Batch standing in your doorway, as formidable as ever. Hunter led the group, with Echo on his left, Tech on his right, and Wrecker flanking Echo. Crosshair was conspicuously absent. Their mismatched armor was newly painted in vibrant colors. 
Silently assessing them, you took a moment to compose yourself, shoving your fear and anger as deep as you could. Their demeanor said they didn't recognize you and you needed them gone before they did.
"Sure," you replied vaguely, your voice muffled by the voice modulator. Keeping your gaze fixed on the clones, you instructed O2, "O2, grab my satchels from the back." Without hesitation, the droid complied.
"What are you doing with a separatist battle droid?" Echo's voice bristled as he stepped forward. "Do you realize how dangerous that thing is?"
Images of Echo tending to your wounds flooded in, abruptly interrupted by the recollection of red blaster shots narrowly missing your head.
"OOM-672 has been reprogrammed," you replied, waving your hand dismissively. "They no longer pose a threat and wartime objectives have been nullified."
"Incorrect," Tech said as he tapped the side of his helmet to move his visor. "If the droid's reprogramming is faulty, it could revert to its original directives at any moment. Depending on the data stored in its memory, that could prove dangerous should it fall into the wrong hands." He advanced toward O2, pointing a finger. "Allow me to examine it—"
“Their programming is fine.” You instinctively took a step back, bumping into O2 with the bags you requested. One had spare credits for bribing them out of your parlor and, in case that didn’t work, the other contained a blaster and Bilaba’s lightsaber.
As you sorted through the first bag for credits, you spat, “No one lays a hand on the droid except me. Especially not a bunch of clones." With a flick of your wrist, you tossed a handful of credits at Hunter. "Now get out of my lobby.” You made the mistake of addressing them as clones and hoped the odd comment passed over them. They obviously didn’t look like other clones to the untrained eye.
"Oh!" O2's voice chimed in recognition, but you swiftly raised a hand to silence the droid.
“Do we look like we work for the Empire?” Wrecker asked, almost growled, with hands on Omega’s shoulders. 
Hunter glanced at the credits before tossing them back. “Just let us look at the droid,” he urged.
Without missing a beat you caught the credits, brandished the blaster, and aimed it at the leader. Immediately, the other brothers aimed their blasters at you. "Got a malfunction in those helmets?" You gestured toward the exit with your weapon. "I said leave. No stranger gets their hands on my droid."
“Strangers?” O2 stepped to your side and pointed at the group of clones. “They’re not strangers. We know them.”
Your blaster dipped for a moment, frustration nipping at you before you firmed up your grip. “O2, knowing someone for five minutes doesn’t mean you know them.”
“Just calm down.” Hunter said slowly.
“Five minutes?” The battle droid shook their head in confusion. “We go waaay back.” They hummed a thoughtful sound. “Although they did stun me on Kaller.” A chill gripped your spine at the mention of Kaller.
"Kaller?" Omega's gaze flitted between the men around her. "Where's that?" The rustle of shifting armor filled the lobby as the four men exchanged glances, their blasters trained still on you.
“Who are you and how did you get that droid?” Echo's voice carried a forceful edge as he pushed you.
“Get out.” You repeated with more venom. “Clones follow orders. That’s an order.”
Hunter slowly raised his hands, removing his helmet and revealing his tattooed face. The sight of him made it hard to breathe through.
"We're not with the Empire," Hunter declared. "And we're not big on following orders, either."
"Liar!" Your scream reverberated through the room, the voice modulator straining against your volume. Something flickered in Hunter's expression.
For someone with no skin in the war, you were proving to be  awfully reactive.
"Hunter," Tech intervened firmly, prompting you to swing your blaster in his direction. "Look at that blaster." You glanced down at your weapon, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
“What about it, Tech?” Hunter asked.
“That blaster has nonstandard modifications. Only five like it exist.” Tech explained, his tone serious.
“Not the time to be admiring blasters.” Echo snapped.
“The issue is,” Tech shot an annoyed look at his brother. “They are my modifications.” His grip relaxed slightly. “We have four of them and the other was - ”
You fired a shot at Tech before he could finish and attempted to fire another when Hunter lunged at you. He knocked the blaster from your hand and swung for your head. Wrecker shoved the kid behind him while you and Hunter exchanged blows, his hitting much harder than you remembered. 
You saw Tech activating a stun grenade as O2 reached for your blaster. Yanking a vibroblade from your hip, you rammed the hilt of it into the side of Hunter’s head, causing him to stumble back. Swiftly, you lurched in the way of the stun grenade, intercepted it, and threw as far as you could behind you.
Echo took no time in disarming and disabling O2 while Hunter regained his senses and grabbed for you. His touch was a breath away when you thrust out your hands and blew him back with the Force. Before Hunter could register what happened, Wrecker grabbed you by the neck, and yanked you from the ground.
You clawed at his hand but couldn’t stop the giant crushing your windpipe and ripping off your headgear. 
Seeing your bare face, livid and unable to breathe, shook Wrecker and gave you the chance to slam your feet into his stomach. He dropped you to the ground where you writhed and gasped for air. Your dropped blaster was nowhere in sight, but the other satchel was.
Still retching for air, you threw a hand out and the lightsaber flew to you. Green light blasted out of the hilt, parallel to the ground and putting a thrumming barrier between you and the clones.
“A Jedi?” Omega said in wonder, poking her head around Wrecker. Wrecker, notably, didn’t push her back behind him.
They all lowered their weapons and Tech, Echo, and Wrecker removed their helmets. Different shades of shock on all of them. “Sarad?” Tech spoke softly.
“Stay away from me.” You growled from the ground. Slowly, you repositioned yourself, strengthening your stance to pounce or run.
“We thought you were-”
“Dead?” You cut Wrecker off and cut a look at Tech. “Guess you aren’t as thorough as you think.” At that, Tech’s eyebrows hit his hairline.
“We didn’t follow that order.” Hunter interjected.
“Liar!” You lashed out. “I heard the troopers. ‘Clone Force 99 took care of the padawan.’”
Hunter started lowering himself to your eye level. “We let him escape.”
Echo stepped forward, his eyes avoiding yours. “We thought you were dead,” he admitted. He closed his eyes for a moment before finally meeting your gaze. “We thought the other troopers got to you, but we came looking for you as soon as we could.”
You didn’t dignify him with a response, in your eyes the only thing they deserved were holes through their chests.
Out of all of them, Tech stood the straightest, his demeanor showing no sign of shame in their handling of the situation. Still, he thought carefully on how to say what he needed, his hands clenching and unclenching as he processed it.
When he locked eyes with you, it was clear he’d considered his words meticulously, repeating the process in his mind multiple times before coming to the same conclusion
“With your blood and broken armor, there were two plausible outcomes,” he began, counting them out with his fingers. “First, that you perished either by the troopers or the falls. The second, that you…” His gaze momentarily shifted away, seeing your armor in the rocks. “... that you escaped.” Returning his gaze to yours, he continued, “In both scenarios, our intervention would have only made things worse. And Crosshair-”
You jumped to your feet in a challenge, Hunter quickly positioning himself between you and the others. “I don’t believe you,” you hissed, swinging the saber to the side before snapping it back in front of you. “So finish what you started.”
Hunter maintained his steady gaze as his brothers holstered their blasters. “We won’t fight you,” he assured, his tone resolute. Your eyes darted between them, searching for any sign of aggression. Seconds stretched on but the men held their ground.
“He’s telling the truth,” Omega whispered, joining Hunter at his side. "All clones were programmed to follow that order." She cast a meaningful glance at the men surrounding her. "But their altered states made them immune to the order."
For months, anger had been your constant companion, fueling you through each passing rotation. Anger at the Jedi Purge, at the failures of the Republic, and most of all, the seething rage at the Bad Batch for leaving you behind to bear the weight of it all alone. Months of grief and pain don’t just disappear.
The room seemed to warp and blur around you, your grip on the saber beginning to falter. Clinging to it tightly, you gritted your teeth, fighting to maintain your composure. The world snapped back into focus when tears finally breached your resolve, slipping down your cheeks unchecked.
“Then….” your arm dipped before falling limply at your side. “You left me for dead.” Your voice cracked and the words came out in a sob. “You left me behind.”
You thought the pain of them hunting you was the worst thing you could experience. The realization of abandonment was worse. A tight knot formed in your stomach, threatening to make you sick.
Driven by months of simmering anger, you shook your head through your tears. , “I survived without you, and I’ll keep surviving without you.” You let the green light of the saber fade. “So just leave.” The last words came out less like the command you wanted it to be and more like plea.
Wrecker ‘s eyes went wide, “You think after all this time,” he gestured toward you, “when we just got you back, we’d just leave?” A defiant look passed over him. “Sorry, not happening.”
“Sarad,” Tech spoke like it was just the two of you. YoYou closed your eyes briefly, savoring the familiarity of his tone. For a moment, you thought they might all disappear, as if they were never there. “Leaving you was a choice we never wanted to make. But it was the choice that led us here and ensured your survival. Keeping you alive was more important than keeping you by our sides.” He nodded, standing firm in his choices. “Your survival was the only acceptable outcome.”
The lightsaber grew heavy in your hand.
Wrecker reached out with a pleading gesture. "The regs would've— we couldn't..." He faltered, searching for the right words, but Omega touched his forearm and urged him forward.
Wrecker stepped through his brothers and although you flinched like you might run he reached out and touched your face. First with one hand and then a second when you tried to turn away. Holding you like that, seeing you safe in his hands, made it hard for Wrecker to ever imagine letting go.
Tears continued to flow down your cheeks, falling over his hands. Wrecker swept them away with his thumbs before pulling you into his arms. "Sorry, Sarad. We're sorry."
Your hands hovered on either side of you, it was the first time you’d truly touched another organic lifeform since Kaller. The lightsaber hit the ground and you fell into Wrecker.
You’d let yourself feel angry at them all those months alone, but, in an instant, it was overshadowed by the grief of having been without them. 
Pulling just out of Wrecker’s embrace you rubbed away the remaining tears. “I’ve missed you.”
“We missed you too.” Echo answered for the group.
Looking between them all, you felt like the world was a little safer. There were a few things standing out to you though. First being the little girl with them and Crosshair’s absence.
Immediately reading you, Hunter touched Omega’s shoulder. “A lot has changed.”
"I can see that," the girl smiled warmly at you, her expression oddly familiar despite never having met before.
Tech breezed past you, heading straight for O2. He knelt beside the droid, adjusting his goggles before turning to you. "So, you really salvaged this droid from Kaller?" You affirmed with a nod, prompting a look of mild disturbance from Tech. "And it's proven to be useful?" Another nod from you. "Well, that's just as surprising as your survival," he remarked, his tone tinged with genuine curiosity.
"Be kind to O2," you interjected, joining Tech by O2's side to rouse the droid. "They're my friend."
Echo scratched the back of his head, a sheepish expression crossing his features. "That's... going to take some getting used to."
Omega joined you and Tech, her eyes wide with fascination as Tech began to point out various features of the battle droid. A smile tugged at your lips as you watched the interaction unfold. The inn you had purchased never truly felt like home, much like Coruscant and the Jedi Order before it.
But here, amidst the Bad Batch, you finally felt a sense of belonging. You were home.
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decembermidnight · 2 months
Don't lose your focus
Summary: As a Jedi Padawan fighting during the Clone Wars, you and your Master are used to teaming up with Clones. But none are as intriguing as Clone Force 99 and their leader, Sergeant Hunter. Sparks fly immediately and it's difficult to keep your focus. With the mission complete, perhaps the two of you will finally give in and indulge in your desires...
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!fem!reader
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, Dom!Hunter, use of pet names (sweetheart), shameless flirting, mentions of alcohol consumption, masculinity kink, voice kink, light choking, hand kink, body worship, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, orgasm delay, creampie
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A/N: This is the result of me watching The Bad Batch while ovulating. This is (probably) not how the Force works but your honour I was horny. Thank you to my dear @thefrogdalorian for the immense help and support! I love you so much! Amazing divider by @saradika-graphics At the end of the fic you'll find the links to some amazing Hunter fanarts I found here on Tumblr! These were such an inspiration when writing and I wanted to thank and credit the artists for creating such amazing pieces!
Masterlist - Read on Ao3
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Another day, another dangerous mission in the Outer Rim.
Nothing new for you and your Master who are used to leading these missions successfully. The only difference is that this time you'll be assisted by Experimental Unit Clone Force 99. It’s the first time you even heard about them, but your superiors assured you they’re best suited for this job. A highly-skilled squad of defective clones with desirable mutations? Sounds interesting.
Apparently, The Bad Batch, as they call themselves, despise rules and protocol and adopt unusual methods to get the job done… Much like you and your Master.
Their ship has just made a bumpy landing on the field, causing a fuss. You watch curiously as the squad descends the ramp. There are four of them, and they undoubtedly look badass in their black armour.
The first one – their leader, you assume – removes his helmet and... damn. Damn. He's hot, with a confident look in his deep brown eyes. He also has long, wavy, dark hair; a feature which has always been a weakness of yours. His face is half covered in a tattoo that resembles a skeleton. He's undoubtedly the most charming of the Batch, and also the most attractive clone you’ve ever come across.
“I’m Sergeant Hunter,” he rasps as he greets you and your Master. His voice is deep and husky, very different from those of all the other clones you’ve met so far.
After introducing himself, Hunter moves to quickly describe the peculiarities that make each of the members of the team unique. As you stand back to observe them, you can’t help thinking just how much fun they are. Wrecker (the strong one) is getting reluctantly lectured by Tech (the smart one) while Crosshair (the laconic and lethal sniper) stands there in silence. He reminds you of your Master so much.
As much as you enjoy observing the rest of the squad, you find your gaze returns to Hunter, the clone with enhanced senses. You are unable to tear your eyes away from him. You know you have to keep it together, but you can’t help eating him with your eyes. Your gaze lingers on his body, on the way his pauldrons make his shoulders even broader, how much the black colour of his armour suits him. 
You have just begun fantasising about the way his strong body would look without the armour when you notice Hunter staring directly at you. Busted. You lock eyes for a few seconds and you just know that he understands the nature of the thoughts you’re having about him. Then, your pounding heart skips a beat when Hunter winks at you. It is a split-second gesture that is over so quickly amidst the chaos of the conversation, a little secret between the two of you. You smile flirtatiously at him in response.
The whole group begins heading towards their ship, The Marauder. While the rest of the Batch and your Master head up the ramp towards the ship that will take you to the rendezvous point, you and Hunter pause at the bottom.
“I’m afraid I haven’t caught your name, sweetheart?” Hunter asks, breaking the silence with his deep, raspy voice.
"I am a Jedi, not a sweetheart," you point out teasingly and look at him with crossed arms, trying to sound tough.
"A Padawan," he reminds you with a smirk on his face.
You watch curiously as Hunter takes your braid – the unmistakable sign of your rank as an apprentice – between his fingers. He gently rolls it between his gloved finger and thumb contemplatively as his brown eyes meet your gaze once again. 
"I technically outrank you, Sergeant," you say, challenging him.
"You do, Commander," Hunter nods, but makes no effort to move his hand away from your braid, or to interrupt eye contact.
Hunter can tell that you don’t mind the gesture. As if to push the boundaries further, he moves his hand from your braid to gently place it on your cheek. The leather of his glove feels soft against your face. You are stunned that a seasoned soldier such as him can actually be so gentle in the way he touches you.  
You can feel the tension coming from the two of you, a simmering fire somewhere deep within. It's only a matter of time before it boils over. You look at each other straight in the eyes, neither one of you daring to look away.
Just as you're about to tease him with yet another witty reply, you hear the sound of footsteps at the top of the ramp.
"Hey, Hunter, are you gonna come with us or what?!" Wrecker shouts, abruptly interrupting your shameless flirting.
"On my way," Hunter replies, without breaking eye contact with you.
His intense gaze lingers on you for a few more seconds before he looks at you apologetically and turns to head up to the ramp and onto the Marauder.
As soon as Hunter turns away from you, you realise just how hard your heart is thundering in your chest. His gaze was so intense that it made you forget to breathe properly. So much for the Jedi breathing techniques. It turns out if there is a handsome man with dark eyes flirting with you, they lose all effectiveness. You take a deep breath, filling your burning lungs with oxygen. 
When you enter the ship, you are still trembling. As you take a seat next to your Master, you try to ignore his accusatory glare. You feel his eyes burning into your soul as the guilt threatens to overwhelm you, even though nothing too scandalous happened.
As the Marauder enters hyperspace, your Master takes a seat on the cold metallic floor in an isolated area of the ship. Meditating before battle is a ritual he always follows and you immediately join him. It can help you shift your focus back to where it should be – on the mission. Only, you can't focus. 
Instead of your mind becoming one with the Force, you're highly attuned to the actions of the members of the squad. It is as though you can see them as if you were standing before them: Tech studying the holo-maps, Crosshair cleaning his sniper rifle, Wrecker taking a nap, and of course, Hunter. He is mindlessly playing with his vibroknife as he slouches on a crate. 
You are entranced by the way his fingers move across the handle and the blade. Maker, the movement of his hand and fingers – you can't focus on anything else as he makes the knife masterfully swirl between them. There's something so erotic about the way he plays with it. Your mind wanders to think about his hands roaming on your body, slipping between your thighs, skillfully rubbing your clit. You fantasise about how quickly Hunter would make you come, how hard your orgasm would be as it tore through you, leaving you a trembling wreck.
Your focus then goes to his muscular thighs. Hunter’s legs are spread wide and he looks so effortlessly masculine. The aura of confidence he radiates as he comfortably sits there, taking up the entire crate as he lounges on top of it, gives you even more thoughts that are unbecoming of a Padawan. It makes you almost dizzy with want as you think about how much you want to straddle him and ride him into ecstasy.
“Are you done?” your Master’s cold voice interrupts your filthy train of thought with a brief and concise message through the Force.
He heard your thoughts. Each and every single one. Your Master caught you red-handed. How embarrassing.
You are too mortified to even mumble an apology, through the Force or otherwise. Instead, you sit there wishing you could be anywhere else in the galaxy as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks and pull your hood up to hide your flustered face in your cape.
Luckily, before the awkward moment can continue for any longer, Tech announces the imminent jump out of hyperspace. You still cannot bear to make eye contact with your Master, shrinking into your blessedly baggy cape as you begin the descent into the planet’s atmosphere...
The mission was a success – you and your Master worked your magic with the precious support of Clone Force 99. What seemed like a desperate operation, turned out to be an extremely important victory for the Republic. Training with your Master has been so hard, but damn did that pay off. You slayed all your enemies elegantly and effortlessly, just like he taught you. The whole Bad Batch congratulated you two. Wrecker was especially impressed, electing the two of you as his favourite Jedi. What an honour. Hunter also invited you and your Master to celebrate the victory by having a drink all together in a cantina.
Just as you’re about to enter the cantina and join the Bad Batch, your Master calls your name. You stop in your tracks, scared that he might reprimand you for the way you acted today. You begin panicking and thinking back to what happened in guilt…
When you and your Master had taken off your heavy capes before engaging in battle, you noticed Hunter couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were wearing a skin-tight dark suit, after all.
It was a fact you decided to exploit after Hunter had given his squad their orders for the mission. You walked away swaying your hips, making sure you gave him a great opportunity to look at your ass. You remember how you could feel his eyes glued to it. You could also feel his desire for you. It was impossible for him to hide; it permeated him, radiated from him. Maker, you love making him crumble.
You think back to the way Crosshair rasped, "Hunter, don't lose your focus.”  You are certain that is what your Master is about to scold you for.
Instead, you watch in shock as a half smile appears on your Master’s face, something you don't see very often.
“You did good today. I’m proud of you,” he nods.
Since when does your Master pay you compliments like this?
“Th-Thank you,” you stammer, caught off-guard by how unexpected his praise is.
“You fulfilled your duties as a Jedi. Now, go and have your fun.”
You don’t have time to respond before he turns on his heel and walks away, cape billowing in the breeze. You know your Master doesn’t often like to stick around after missions, often needing some quiet time to himself to decompress and meditate. You let him go, knowing that he will find his way back to the Marauder before it departs, as he always does.
As you step into the Cantina, a smile spreads on your face when you notice the Bad Batch sitting at a table with a full flagon of booze and an empty seat for you to toast your success. You and Hunter lock eyes again as he invites you to sit in that spot close to him.
Hunter loses no time in placing his arm around your shoulders while smiling at you. You lean into his embrace, feeling comforted and protected.  The warm presence of his arm around you makes you smile contentedly. It feels so good to let the guard down for once, especially if you're in the arms of a handsome, strong and charming man such as Hunter.
As the night goes on, the three other members of The Bad Batch keep conversing with each other, giving you and Hunter the opportunity to speak privately. It’s as though the background noise fades out. You don't even bother focusing on the discourse the others are having. It’s just you and Hunter flirting shamelessly now.
“You know, I've never seen a ship like yours. I wish I had time to properly explore it... Thoroughly," you flirt with him while draining the last few dregs in your flagon.
"Want me to give you a tour, sweetheart?" he says with a smile on his face, perfectly understanding your intentions.
"Would be cool, yeah," you reply.
Hunter offers you his hand and you gladly accept it with a mischievous smile.
Just as you stand, you feel the alcohol has definitely kicked in. You’re not drunk though, just a little bit tipsy, enough to make you brave and go get exactly what you want.
As soon as you and Hunter get out of the cantina and find yourselves alone in the dark alley, you both give into the instincts you tried to suppress all day long. Hunter pins you to the wall as you pull him closer at the same time, until you join in a passionate, longing kiss.
You welcome his tongue in your mouth as his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His touch and the way he kisses you are so confident that you clench around nothing, holding him tighter as you moan in his mouth. Maker, you want him. His whole body jolts when he feels that, pinning you harder against the wall, mentally cursing the armour that is preventing him from feeling the softness of your body against his. 
He stops kissing you just so he can look at how stunning you are under the moonlight, hot and flustered after that first, heavy session of making out.
"Look at you. So beautiful," he whispers as he cups your face with his hand, the other one still lingering around your waist. Hunter is treating you like the most precious thing in the galaxy now that he can finally have you all for himself. You lean into his gentle touch as he takes in all the features of your face, especially the way your eyes glimmer with admiration and arousal for him.
You look at his deep, dark and expressive brown eyes and the strong, masculine features of his face that make you throb with need. Your hand caresses his cheek, following the lines of his skeleton tattoo and the contour of his chiseled jaw. He observes you as a sweet smile appears on your face, making you look irresistible and drawing his lips closer to yours once again…
"Hey! Where's Hunter?!" you hear Wrecker shout from inside of the tavern, just as your lips are mere inches apart.
You and Hunter both laugh as you resume the kissing. It's like the whole galaxy stops existing. For a soldier who has seen nothing but war, his kisses are to die for. Your tongues twirl in each other's mouths and it's like his greedy lips can't ever get enough of yours. His mouth is hot like a damn furnace as he takes all the time in the galaxy to worship you with his lips, letting his hands wander throughout your body. You're getting soaked already, feeling your arousal slowly dripping down your legs as a throbbing need pulsates between your thighs. You moan in his mouth as you dig your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss is getting deeper and more passionate as you go on. 
Hunter's lips start to trail down to your neck, making you sigh deeply as he covers it in kisses. Your scent drives him wild. He can smell your pheromones, feeling you're unmistakably full of desire. He can't resist and just gives a swift lick from the base of your neck to your ear that makes you sharply stifle a gasp, arching your back and tightening your grip on his hair.
"Let's go to the Marauder, shall we?" he rasps in your ear, a voice full of lust that gives you goosebumps.
"Y-yes…" you stutter, feeling light-headed with arousal and being incapable of hiding it.
He offers you his hand as you enter the ship. The two of you cut a clumsy path through the Marauder towards Hunter’s bunk, frequently taking breaks where Hunter desperately pushes you against the cool steel walls of the ship, your arms clinging tight to his shoulders and his face buried in your neck.
"Maker... Take off your armour," you plead as his teeth dig into your delicate skin like a feral beast would do with his prey.
He does, letting each piece fall to the ground as you go on kissing each other, leaving a trail of armour pieces on the floor as you slowly make your way towards his bunk. He looks stunning with just his tight black suit on. You take in the broadness of his shoulders, the way his pectorals stand out, highlighted by the tightness of the suit and grope the strong muscles of his biceps. Oh, fuck. How much do you love a man. Tall, muscular, strong, confident, with dark eyes and a head full of long, wavy hair. A Man. 
You moan in his mouth when you feel his thick biceps flexing under your touch. A smile forms on his lips as he feels how much you like this. As his arms wrap around your body, yours go in his hair. Maker, how safe do you feel in his arms. It's such an innate instinct – wanting to be held in the arms of a strong man, surrendering and trusting him, something that usually you would never be permitted to do in your life as a Jedi.
You can feel his erection against your lower belly, straining against his extremely thin black suit. His fingers hook in the hem of your pants, yanking them down over your ass, exposing your drenched cunt as he sits you down in his bunk.
He kneels before you, taking your boots and pants off and spreads your legs, his dark eyes looking into yours as a smirk appears on his face.
"Hunter–" you sigh.
"Wanna get you nice and ready for me, sweetheart," he coos as he starts to kiss your inner thigh.
The vision makes you tremble with lust and your hands helplessly clench into fists in a desperate attempt to grab the material under you to keep you steady. Your legs shake but he keeps them steady in his strong arms. He goes on trailing kisses on your inner thighs without ever stopping looking at you. He's taking his time with it, wanting to enjoy the way your whole body is throbbing with need. Your breathing gets more and more shallow as his mouth gets closer to where you want him the most. 
You lift your gaze from Hunter’s dark brown eyes, shutting your eyes for a mere fraction of a second, trying to alleviate the aching need you feel. Hunter chooses that moment to finally give you what you need. With a quick lick to your clit, your whole body jerks into his touch and a whimper escapes from your lips.
Hunter smirks up at you, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards in a smug, satisfied look. Then, he proceeds to bury his face between your legs and masterfully lick your swollen clit. His tongue brings you so much pleasure that your back arches involuntarily, pushing yourself further into his mouth. You moan his name and grab a handful of his long, thick hair. He purrs in your cunt when you entangle your fingers in his hair and you notice how his grip on your legs becomes tighter.
"Oh... Oh fuck!" you exclaim in ecstasy, barely able to form words.
One of his hands releases its grasp on your legs, which he has been using to keep you spread open for him. You throw your head back gasping as he slowly slides two of his thick fingers inside you. 
"So tight," he growls with a smirk on his face.
Hunter pumps his fingers inside of you, slowly increasing the rhythm, ensuring that you’re stretched out for him. It is a motion that brings you so much pleasure you wonder how it could possibly get better. Your whole body jerks in pure bliss under his touch. He enjoys looking at you like this, you can see it from how darkened his eyes are with lust.
For a brief second, his fingers and mouth leave your cunt, leaving you devastatingly empty. You watch in awe as Hunter sticks them in his mouth, without breaking eye contact with you. He sucks on his fingers, humming while closing his eyes to savor your taste from places where his tongue can’t reach.
"You taste so good, sweetheart," he rasps as he resumes fucking you with his fingers.
He watches you contort under him, moaning and begging for him to return his skillful mouth between your thighs. Your hips thrust up and down right in front of his face. You are shamelessly fucking yourself on his fingers, inviting him to bury his face back in your folds. You desperately bury your hands in his hair in an attempt to pull him closer.
"Damn, you're so beautiful like this," he says before his mouth goes back exactly where you wanted.
Then, Hunter does something absolutely devastating. While he continues licking your clit, he starts sucking it gently, all as he continues pumping his thick fingers inside of you. Hunter wants to draw an orgasm from you, his actions becoming more and more frantic as you grow closer to your climax. He can feel by the irregular way you breathe and shake that you're close. 
"Yes. Yes. Like this. Let go, sweetheart," he encourages you.
It's only a matter of seconds before you come, writhing under him. Your legs are wrapped around his head, squishing it. You scream his name so loud it echoes in the Marauder. Hunter is pleased as he looks at your blissed-out expression and feels your cunt clamping around his fingers. Your back arches as you ride your orgasm, pushing yourself further into his tongue so you can feel him licking you through your orgasm. Hunter purrs into your cunt, loving the way you let go around him. He loves how his face is getting soaked in your arousal, so addicted to the way you taste.
Hunter holds you steady as your orgasm fades out. When you regain your senses, you slowly release your grip on his hair. Only then he props himself up and slowly unzips his suit, showing you the beautiful golden skin underneath. A warm contrast under the black, tight layer.
The dark hairs on his chest are perfectly trimmed, accentuating each of his toned muscles and the tattoos which decorate his thick, masculine body. Your gaze is locked on his hand trailing down his abdomen, his muscles rippling as he approaches the hem of his pants. 
You shamelessly look at the bulge in his dark suit, a sight that makes your mouth water. Hunter’s lips curve into a smirk once again, noticing that you like what you see. The smug look on his face makes you throb with need once again, despite the fact that he just gave you an intense orgasm.
He hooks his thumb in the hem of his pants, watching intently for your reaction as he slowly pulls the material down to reveal the trimmed, dark hairs around the base of his thick cock.
Hunter notices the intense way you look at it and hears the whimper you just tried to suppress in your throat. He can feel your heart rate going up. It makes him smirk confidently as he goes on, finally freeing his hard, thick cock. You gulp while looking at it, as he uses the same fingers he had buried in you to cover it in your arousal. He gives it a few, firm strokes to ensure it’s nice and wet for you. The mere vision of it makes you bite your lip to muffle another impatient whimper.
Then he is on you, peeling your shirt away from your quivering body, rejoicing when he can finally touch it and worship it with his mouth. Hunter trails kisses across your collarbones and down towards your breasts. He swirls his tongue around the sensitive flesh there, before softly biting your nipples. You gasp when you feel his erection hard against your cunt. He starts to thrust his hips against yours so his cock can rub against your drenched core, getting it soaked in your juices. Your mind turns completely blank at that, heart thundering in your chest as his hands roam across your body. 
Hunter aligns himself to your entrance, groaning as his cock slowly makes its way inside of you. You admire his restraint. You know how much he probably wants to take you with one thrust, but instead he is being so gentle and careful with you, making sure that you are well-adjusted to his size.
He takes your jaw in his hand, looking deep inside your eyes as his thick cock stretches you open. You struggle to keep eye contact with him, unlike earlier when you were flirting with him. Now, your eyes only want to roll backwards. The pleasure you feel as he splits you open is overwhelming your body and senses.
You pathetically try to mumble some incoherencies, but he's quick to shut you up with a kiss. Hunter growls low in his throat when he feels your walls desperately clenching around him, as he buries himself into you to the hilt.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so good," he rasps, almost desperately before giving you another wet kiss. Then, he raises his hips only to bury his cock deep inside you, making you moan into his mouth.
"How – how can you feel so fucking good?" he whimpers.
Hunter’s large hands gently cup your face, as he continues placing passionate kisses against your lips while thrusting into you. You notice his kisses become more desperate as he slowly increases the rhythm. As Hunter picks up the pace, he buries his face in your neck, panting low in your ear. 
You are certain that he can’t go any faster, before he proves you wrong. He increases the pace to a brutal rhythm, fucking you so hard you start screaming.
"So loud,” he rasps, “They're gonna hear us in the Cantina." 
"Then make me shut up," you whisper daringly.
A blaze of lust glimmers in his eyes as you lay down that challenge. Something shifts inside of him as he gives you a feral, animalistic look. Hunter quickly covers your mouth with his hand, showing you his more dominant, commanding side which makes you clamp tightly around his cock.
"Oh, you like this," he smirks, satisfied that this is precisely what you wanted all along.
You nod frantically. There is no use hiding how much this turns you on. Despite how much Hunter shows care towards you, you suspect there is something darker which lingers below the surface. You want to draw it out of him. 
"What else do you like, hm?" he coos as he wraps his other hand around your throat, lightly choking you, his thumb rubbing your throat possessively.
The sight of you, looking so vulnerable under him as he can finally dominate you makes him frantic with lust. Gone are the measured thrusts and even rhythm of before. Something feral has overtaken Hunter, a desperate need to claim you. He continues silencing your moans with one hand around your throat and one across your mouth, muffling your gasps as he wrecks you with his cock. 
Having Hunter's hand muffling your own moans gives you the opportunity to hear his desperate grunts and pants as they mix with the obscene, squelching sound his cock makes each time he thrusts into you. You close your eyes in bliss, enjoying this moment of pure pleasure. 
"Can't keep your eyes open for me, sweetheart? Look at me with those pretty fucking eyes," he growls.
You can't help but whimper at that, at how authoritative he sounds. The Sergeant of The Bad Batch is dominating the fuck out of you. You are a moaning, gasping mess beneath him, unable to think about anything other than how good being furiously pounded by him feels. 
"I didn't catch that,” Hunter rasps as he slowly lifts his hand from your mouth. He leans down to put his ear against your mouth “What were you saying, sweetheart?"
"L-let me – fuck!” you gasp, too blissed out to form words.
“Use your words,” Hunter commands, slowing his thrusts down so you can finally speak.
“Let me touch you!" you beg, unable to care about how desperate and pathetic you sound. All you can think about is roaming your hands around the warm, firm expanse of his body.
Hunter smirks, intrigued by your request, only too happy to oblige you. He grabs your hand roughly by the wrist and positions it over his abdomen. You can feel his muscles flexing and contracting under your touch as he thrusts into you. His body is as hard as iron and on fire like a damn furnace, burning with lust.
"Maker…" you whisper.
You let your hand trail up to his firm chest. You grope his pectorals, appreciating the firmness of his muscles. Your cunt clenches around his cock at the sight of your hand against his golden skin. A smirk appears on his face, enjoying what he does to you.
Your hand goes up to his broad shoulder, rubbing over it before you move your hand towards his back. You feel how his muscles strain there with each thrust as he continues pounding into you at a relentless pace. Both of your hands are now caressing his back, feeling every single dimple under your fingertips. Just as you try pulling him close, he starts to give it to you even harder. You scratch your fingernails along his back. You watch in awe as Hunter moans in your mouth at that. 
"Could–could fucking smell how much you wanted me earlier. You distracted me the whole time. Couldn't think of anything else besides how good you'd look with my cock inside of you,” he rasps in your neck before biting you, growling wildly as he does. “I was so fucking hard for you, sweetheart," Hunter grunts. 
He's so feral for you, fucking you so hard. You can't even mumble a response.
"Smell so good – so fucking good–" he whispers in your ear.
"D-don't s–stop," you mumble in your cockdrunk delirium.
"I can't, sweetheart. This cunt's all I ever wanted,” he growls, “Gonna make you mine. Mine." 
"Oh, fuck… Yes," you pant as he props himself up, kneeling in front of you without stopping that devastating rhythm for even half a second.
He looks at your body, at the way your boobs bounce with each thrust as he gives it go you even harder, holding on tight to your legs, using them as leverage to bury himself even deeper inside of you. Seeing him like this makes you remember just how badly you wanted to ride his cock earlier.
"Hunter. Hunter. I want to ride you," you whimper.
"Is that an order, Commander?"
"Y–yes. Yes. Order. S–s-sergeant," you mindlessly go on as he keeps thrusting his cock inside of you.
The thought of you bouncing on his cock makes him throb. In an instant, Hunter lifts you in his arms as if you were weightless and makes you straddle him. He sits with his back against the wall of the bunk. His hands are on your waist and you immediately start rocking your hips up and down, giving into your fantasy from earlier.
"Such a good soldier… So good at following orders," you whisper against his lips.
"Yeah… Sometimes," he smirks before gripping your hair and stealing another wet, hot kiss that makes you melt into him even further.
Your head rolls back in pleasure at the way his cock feels from this position. It's devastating, hitting something deep within you. You almost lose yourself in that feeling, but Hunter won’t allow you to. Even though you are on top of him, Hunter is quick to remind you who’s in charge as he takes your jaw in his hand.
"Eyes on me," he orders firmly.
"Yes, Sergeant," you moan. 
You swear you feel him throbbing and choke a grunt when he hears the sensual way you pronounce his title. Clearly, using his rank in this context has done something to Hunter. He moves his thumb between your lips and you suck it provocatively, never stopping yourself from meeting his gaze. Hunter’s pupils widen at the sinful way your lips envelop his finger and your tongue gently touches it. His eyes take into your sensual, precious beauty, before bringing you to him and kissing you again.
Your bodies are damp in sweat and rubbing against one another. Your nipples deliciously catch against his hairy, broad chest. You continue moaning into each other's mouths; your tongues never stop touching.
"Hunter, I'm gonna come–" you whimper.
"Hold it for me, sweetheart," he rasps in a sweet, yet dark voice, having the opposite effect from what he intended.
"Please, I want to come on your cock," you plead desperately.
"Not yet," he smirks.
Hunter grabs your hips and guides your movements so that your clit starts to rub against his pelvis. You let out a loud moan as you hold on to him tighter, digging your nails in his shoulders.
"I can't hold it!" you scream with your eyes shut.
He grabs your chin in his hand, clearly uninterested in your desperate appeals.
"Look at me," he says firmly as you open your eyes. Your vision is too blurry to focus on him but you try nonetheless.
"Now come for me, sweetheart," he rasps darkly.
You obey his order and come hard around his cock. An overwhelming, intense wave of pleasure starts at your core and completely takes over your body. You’re wrecked by uncontrollable shakes as Hunter holds you in his strong arms. You scream and pant as you ride your high. Your eyes roll backwards while Hunter focuses on how beautiful you look when you lose control. Especially when he is the one responsible for it.
Hunter feels your heart running in your chest and every single contraction of your muscles around his cock. The unmistakable, heady scent of sex that fills the Marauder drives him insane, making him burst inside of you. He grunts loudly as he fills you up with his load, holding you tight in his grasp.
You moan in each other's mouths, your forehead leaning on his as you look into each other’s eyes. You never leave each other’s gaze as you both give into the highest of pleasure.
As you come down from your high, your rhythm slows down until it stops completely. Your bodies are intertwined like vines, naked and sweaty as you catch breath in each other’s embrace.
You really do make a great team, after all.
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Fanarts: Hunter's back + Shirtless Hunter by @mesvi Hello handsome by @corukant Wet Hunter by @iszapizza Hunter under the shower by @shakall Hunter and his vibroknife by @ve-ti-ver Hunter under the shower by @cloned-eyes Hunter taking off his shirt + Tech by @constant-brain-fog Hunter taking a shower by kaijurave (on twitter/x)
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Could you do one where the reader had been in a relationship with Hunter before being taken with Omega on Tantiss. Now that they're reunited, Hunter realizes that he wants to marry the reader?
With a little bit of Wrecker and Crosshair friendly teasing Hunter.
Marry Me?
Hunter x Reader
Summary- After an insufferable separation from you, Hunter realizes his true feelings. That he never wants to be apart from you- that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Part two right here!
A/N- SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3 OF THE BAD BATCH!!!! You have been warned! Thank you so much for requesting babes! Hope you like it! <3 <3
Word Count- 1,755
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Beautiful Screen Shot by @isthereanechoinhere96
"Omega... It's- It's been months. We don't even know if they're still aliv-"
You felt shame rise up in your chest when you agreed with Crosshair. He was right, time had gone by slowly and there was no way of knowing if Hunter and Wrecker were alive. Your sweet sweet Hunter. The man who only showed he heart for the people he deeply loved. You were lucky to be one of them.
"They'll be there." Omega stated. She was so sure... but all you could think about were the doubts. Omega was always able to be more trusting and optimistic than you. Constant fear of losing your family limited you severely.
You swallowed deeply and looked down to Omega, pushing your anxieties down. "They will be." Were you trying to convince Crosshair or yourself?
The next few minutes of hyper-space felt like days. You were so eager. Everything was either going to get a million times worse, or a million times better.
Omega guided the ship to a remote planet you had never heard of, a deep blue over taking you.
Picking at your nails nervously, you stood- ready to depart. Crosshair noticed this and eyed you. He was nervous as well, but for different reasons.
You almost sobbed when you saw the Marauder in the distance. Hope bubbled in your chest, all thoughts of doubt escaped you.
The second the door lowered with a steam, Omega ran out of the ship. You followed her quickly behind.
She stopped at the mid-point between the ships. Wrecker slowly exited the Marauder, "Now there's a sight!"
You laughed, the tension dissipated. Omega ran to him and Wrecker picked her up, spinning around. "Wrecker!" She responded.
The sight made tears of joy fall. To see Omega so happy was enough for you.
"And I wasn't even sure your message was real!" Wrecker half-joked, still holding Omega up.
"Wrecker, I knew you'd show up!" Her words made your ears ring, did Hunter show up? Well, of course he did! That would be dumb for him to leave Wrecker... Unless, unless he wasn't alive to leave.
Your brain ran wild, why hadn't Hunter come out yet? It was almost as if Wrecker read your mind, he rested a hand on your shoulder after lowering Omega.
Just then, another set of footsteps came out. Hunter skipped steps to get to you and Omega.
Your hands shot up to cover your gasp, tears falling fast now. Omega got to Hunter first- you knew she needed it more.
He crouched down and hugged Omega deeply, his words drowned out. What you did make out was him saying your name, an arm stretched out for you and an arm holding Omega tightly.
You met him as fast as your feet would let you. "Hunter..." You whispered, face immediately meeting his neck as he pulled you close.
His arm pulled you in, crushing you against him in a pleasant way.
He pulled back to pepper your face with kisses, then a deep one on the lips. A few of your tears dripped onto his face, mixing with his own.
Omega giggled and pulled on your arm, you pulled back to let her back in on the hug. All three of you were lifted when Wreckers arms grasped around the bunch of you.
Wrecker pulled everyone up, making the embrace tighter. It was like your perfect little family was back again.
That night, after abandoning the empire's ship, was filled with more hugs, catching up, tears, and awkward conversations with Crosshair. You couldn't have wished for anything better. Your family, all in one place. Save for Echo, but you learnt he was safe with Rex- that made you smile.
You helped Omega settle into her room. You noticed too many yawns and drifting off, she was worn out emotionally and physically.
You spoke with her softly, reminding her everyone would still be here in the morning. Picking up Lula, her doll, and tucking it under her arm gave out the last yawn.
"Can I talk to Hunter?" She questioned with big eyes.
"Of course, baby. I'll be right back" You pet her hair back and left to go retrieve him.
You stopped when you saw him, Crosshair, and Wrecker whispering in the cock-pit.
"Ahaha! Be a man, just ask!" Wrecker said as he patted Hunters back harshly. Ask who? What would he have to 'be a man' about?
"If you say it any louder he won't have to..." Crosshair remarked.
"Oh! Sooorry." Wrecker dragged out.
"Both of you hush, I'll do it when I feel the time is right." Hunter spoke, his husky voice immediately filling you with warmth.
"You got this!" Wrecker exclaimed again, this time he earned a "Shhh!" from both Hunter and Crosshair.
You slowly entered the cock-pit, this time making your appearance known.
"Oh! Hello!" Wrecker greeted loudly, signalling to Hunter you were in the room. Hunter just sighed and shook his head.
You were curious about the conversation, but thought it might not be any of your business.
Smiling, you started, "Omega wants you to finish putting her to bed, Hunter." The way his face lit up had you star-struck. Almost like he couldn't believe she wanted him. "Thank you."
He nodded and headed her way, a hand cupping and maneuvering around your waist as he passed you. His subtle but frequent small touches warmed your heart.
You took a seat in the co-pilot chair, swiveling to look at Crosshair and Wrecker. Both looked down at you with crossed arms and smug looks.
"What?" You wondered if there was something on your face, or if you just took someones spot.
"Nooothing, we will be heading off to sleep now. RIGHT Crosshair?" Wrecker spoke in a suspicious voice, elbowing him in the side. Crosshiar grunted but agreed, leaving you alone.
But then again, nothing was normal on this ship.
You took this time to lean back and take a few minutes of rest alone. It was nice being able to relax by yourself, knowing everyone was safe.
After a handful of minutes, Hunter made his way back from Omega. He took the seat next to yours, turning to face you.
"How are you doing?" You asked, sparking conversation.
"Fine, I'm just happy you guys are here... I keep thinking i'm going to blink and you'll both be gone..." His words shook at the end. You sat up, understanding the seriousness of the conversation.
"Hunter, Omega and I are alive and safe. We are here and we are not going anywhere." You rose and stood between his legs, hands cupping his face.
He looked up at you, tears filling his eyes slowly.
"What if I can't protect you two again?" He brought up a hand to rest at your hip, the other on his leg.
You rested your forehead against his, "That was a freak accident, baby. No one could have stopped that. Now we have Crosshair, Batcher, and we are ready for anything. We will keep Omega from the Empire. I promise."
He took a deep breath in, like he had just decided something.
He started by saying your name, "You always know just what to say. I wish I had that ability..." He closed his eyes and breathed you in for a moment, then he spoke again. "When... When we were apart I was so lost."
"I kno-"
"No, I don't think you understand. I couldn't think of anything but you and Omega. I was so broken without you." He repeated your name.
"I-I never want you to be away from me again." His voice got huskier as he spoke, and your legs felt like jello. You just looked at him deeply, nodding.
He started for a second time with a shaky breath, "No one can take you from me again. I will claw my way back to you every damn time." He nods his head up, brushing his nose to the side of your cheek with closed eyes.
You let him speak, even when your mind was flowing with your own comments, "It- The distance, made me realize. There is no one that can compare to you. No other woman I would ever want to be with."
Ah, so that is what they were talking about. You smiled big, awaiting the special phrase.
Tears filled your eyes with his words, he was speaking as raw as he was capable of.
"I can't promise you money or luxury, but I will spend every waking hour fighting to make you happy. Fighting to keep you safe." He pulls back, steadying you with both hands on your hips.
You take in a teary breath to speak, but he cuts you off. "Don't say anything yet, just- Wait here, just a second." He stands, reaching to Crosshair's old storage compartment.
He rushes back with a small box. You raise your hands to cup your own face, bright red. He lowered onto one knee, right in the middle of the cock-pit
"Please, for my own sanity and happiness, will you marry me?" He asks.
"Yes. Yes Hunter, there are no other words than yes." You fall down onto him, arms grasping around his neck.
He lets out a sigh of relief like you'd ever say 'no.'
"Thank you, oh thank you." He whispers into your neck, holding you tight. He only pulls back slightly to kiss you. A kiss so deep and full of emotions your head spun. You just held him, never wanting to let go.
It felt like time stopped, just for you two. Just for a clone trooper and a small girl...
"I never planned on you..." He broke the silence, head placed on top of yours. "But I- you were so damn perfect. Too perfect." You gave a small laugh, looking up to see his handsome face.
You rested a hand on his tattoo, thumbing it. "Hunter, if anyone is perfect it's you. You have so much love for me and Omega... How do you do it?"
"I manage." He smirked, leaning down to smell your hair. Something he used to do frequently when you snuggled in the past.
"Am I now Mrs. Hunter? Or is it Mrs. Trooper?" You joked, pulling back to sit fully on the ship floor. Your hands still filled with his much larger ones.
He smiled at you, another reminder on why he loved you so much. "We can figure out all the fine details later... Just let me kiss you again..."
So, you did.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I loved writing this one, I hope it turned out as good as I thought! Sorry It took me longer to post than usual, I was pretty busy this past week. As always, i'm open to constructive criticism!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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stardust-kenobi · 27 days
moonlight & heartbeats
Hunter x Fem!Reader
Summary: A year after being rescued by Hunter from near-death on Tantiss, your peaceful life on Pabu is plagued with rampant nightmares. Hunter, now your close friend, senses your distress one night and comes to check on you.
Word count: ~5.5k
Warnings/tags: SMUT (piv sex, fingering, oral, dirty talk), hurt/comfort, mutual pining, mentioned violence, friends to lovers trope, Hunter cheesily senses reader’s heartbeat, the usual “use of his abilities” smut tropes, sorry not sorry<3
A/N - this has maybe more backstory than necessary but I decided my porn would have SOME plot this time. Enjoy <3
Read on AO3
Partially requested by @yunggoblin. Hunter uses his hearing more than his scent here but still goes along with your prompt :)
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The rain poured relentlessly from the darkened sky. Your clothes now weighed heavy upon your beaten figure. The metal beneath your knees felt more unforgiving by the second. The trooper behind you, a clone trooper, held you by your shoulder, keeping you firmly in place.
Your trembling body barely had the strength to sit upright as you painfully craned your neck upward to the steel blaster barrel now level with your forehead. Just moments before, you were sheltering from the attack on the base inside Hemlock’s ship that you were repairing. A mechanic. You were just a mechanic. They’d accused you of treason, and there was no right to a fair trial if they’d thought you betrayed your mighty employer.
"The Empire thanks you for your service" The well-dressed Imperial officer spoke blankly as his finger hovered over the trigger. You’d never even seen him before, and somehow he held the right to take your life.
Your heart sat uncomfortably in your throat as your eyes squeezed shut in anticipation of the final breath you'd ever take.
Just as the blaster fired, your vision went hazy, and your eyes flashed open.
You found yourself sitting upright in your bed, panting frantically as a bead of sweat dripped down your temple. You grasped at your chest like it would help you breathe better, but you knew it was useless. It was only the third time this week you'd had the same nightmare, or at least, some variation of it. Usually in your nightmare, you were in the rain, as it truly happened. Other times you found yourself elsewhere on Tantiss base. Regardless, the dream always ended with a blaster at your head, reliving what you thought was going to be your final moments.
That is, if you had not been rescued by Clone Force 99. Had it not been for Hunter stealthily jumping into action. He didn't know you, not at the time. He saw a woman seconds away from execution and didn't think twice. You wonder, though, why he saved a woman in imperial dressings. What about you made him see you differently among every other imperial he and his squad killed without hesitation that day on Tantiss?
You were a mechanic for the Empire, and barely one at that. You were in training at the time of your near-execution. Somehow, your skills working on speeders on your outer-rim home world caught the attention of an Imperial Admiral during their invasion of your planet. You didn't have much choice, but you tried to make the best of it.
A few weeks into your job, you were accused of tampering with the safety of Admiral Tarkin's ship. It wasn't true, but your word meant nothing once you were accused. Truthfully, you never signed up for what the Empire had planned for you anyway.
Almost a year had passed since that day, but it never seemed to get any easier. The warm and happily endless days in your new home on Pabu were an oasis compared to your days serving the Empire. Unfortunately, though, even in a paradise of unbothered territory, the Empire still held you in its grasp with these unrelenting nightmares.
Your head rested heavily in your palms as you leaned over the side of the bed. Your roommate was thankfully gone for the night, so you were confident that no one heard your panting and muffled pleas for mercy in your sleep.
The beating of your heart began to pump the breaks ever so slowly. Looking around your home, you felt comfort in knowing you were safe. It always took you a few moments to let it sink in:
It wasn’t real.
The Empire cannot hurt you.
You are safe.
Your attempted solitude was abruptly halted by a sudden knock at the door. You rubbed your face to gather your composure before walking to the door and cracking it open.
Hunter’s face, illuminated by the glow of the moonlight, came into view. Your heart skipped a beat. His presence was always welcomed, but no matter how close you were to Hunter, he always gave the gentlest butterflies.
“Hunter, wh-” You began, your voice rough from sleep.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” He spoke gently, his eyes heavy with worry. He cared so deeply for you.
You couldn’t bring yourself to answer that question verbally. Pulling the door open, you gestured for him to come inside.
He entered, hesitantly. His eyes not so subtly traveled the length of your body, barely covered by the silk nightgown you wore. His jaw clenched as he made himself look away.
“Sorry, I’ll cover up” You said frantically, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Scrambling to find a tunic, he politely interrupted you.
“No, please” He begged. There was a hint of desire in his tone that you chose to dismiss, “I mean, it’s your home. Don’t worry about me”. His eyes still wandered. Hunter couldn’t peel his eyes away from your exposed skin. At least not completely before finally finding your gaze and holding it.
Setting down the tunic, you crossed your arms, nodding in agreement.
“I’ve…been better. Just a…bad dream is all” You struggled with your words, answering his initial question.
“I, um, sensed that you were…distressed” He started, nervously, “Sorry, It’s not by choice. But I couldn’t ignore it”.
It was no surprise that he could tell. The villa you were housed in was side by side with Hunter and Crosshair’s villa, with Hunter’s bunk being on just the other side of the thin walls of your own room. It wasn’t a lot of space, but it was graciously gifted to you by the Pabu government, and you were grateful.
But although it wasn’t surprising, you were startled by the idea that he could sense your nerves and heartbeat through the wall.
What else could he sense? What could he hear?
“What were you doing awake? It’s the middle of the night” You countered, shaking your head subtly, wearing a soft smile in admiration of his concern and derailing from the topic only slightly.
He sighed and sat himself on your bunk, “Was having some bad dreams myself” he confessed, his elbows resting on his thighs. You followed suit, sitting on your bunk next to him.
You nodded and let the silence between you fill the small space for a moment. It wasn't awkward. It never was with him.
“It’s been a year. I just…I can’t shake how real it feels. Every single time I have this dream -- it’s like I’m right back on Tantiss, staring up through the barrel of a blaster. But…in my dream— my nightmare—you never come to save me” You breathe out, almost choking on the last part.
Hunter’s brows furrow with concern and pain. He thought it over for a few seconds, reliving that moment when he saved your life, shooting the officer dead where he stood as well as the troopers surrounding you. His face twisted in sorrow once more before he spoke again.
“I see Tech” He began, his voice broken, “Every time I close my eyes to sleep. Over and over again, I see him die”
“Oh, Hunter” your voice cracks with his name falling off your lips. Your heart broke for him, for the others. You never had the pleasure of knowing Tech, but from the endless stories the others in the squad had to share, you knew he was extraordinary.
Hunter's eyes remained on the ground for a moment before looking over to meet your gaze. He reached out and rested his hand upon your knee. You were ashamed to admit that the gentlest of his touch was electrifying to you.
“I know what it’s like” He consoled you, “it’s terrible”.
You nodded and stared into him, communicating more in your expression than what your words could provide.
“That trauma — it’s a part of me now”
“It is. But it does not define you” Hunter countered, “That’s what I tell Omega. Shes a tough kid but…she’s haunted by the Empire, too”
You thought of her and smiled. Over the past year, you'd grown close to all of them and were so happy to have them in your life.
Hunter always tended to you back when you were trying to adjust to life on the island. He used check on you several times a day, just to see if you were okay. He still does occasionally, but he’s given you more space as time has passed. He was a good and caring friend.
A Friend.
You chuckled to yourself at the thought of that word. It wasn’t even a week after you met him that you’d fallen head over heels for him. He blissfully plagued your every waking thought. Often you’d worry that he noticed your fixation on him, and were weary of his possible rejection. Other times, you’d hoped he noticed and would do something about it.
There were lingering glances, brushes against one another in a hallway, kind and flattering words exchanged…but you’d both been too afraid to act on it. You accepted that it may never be anything more than that, but it wasn’t without disappointment. Everyone around you, the other guys specifically, all noticed the tension between you two, but it never affected your friendship.
“Can I ask you a question?” You broke the silence, seemingly curious in your tone.
“Anything” Hunter quickly responded.
“Is this the first time you’ve sensed that I was… distressed in the middle of the night?”
Slowly, he sat up straight, “Yes…and no” He answered, hesitantly. You swallowed hard in anticipation of what you already assumed.
You tilted your head at him inquisitively.
“It's your heart rate. But I uh...I don’t think it’s always nightmares" He trailed off, cautious of what he was insinuating. Your heart sunk to your belly. Surely he didn't mean that he could sense when you pleasured yourself?
"What do you mean, Hunter?” You pried, hoping to get him to bring it up first.
“I shouldn't have said anything. I was just worried about you and wanted to check in" He hurried through his explanation, standing to his feet and walking toward the door to look out your window.
Your cheeks burned red with both excitement and embarrassment.
"Sometimes it's the best way to get to sleep" You indirectly admitted, shrugging your shoulders and letting a playful smile sneak upon your face, “Don’t you do it, too?” You casually suggested.
His eyes snapped back to where you sat on your bed.
Touching yourself was the best way to relax. Truthfully, you were starving for Hunter’s touch instead, and you had been yearning for him all this time. It was always him that you thought of when your curious fingers traveled in between your legs.
Hunter swallowed hard, feeling the delicate tension in the air.
“Well, of course I do, I-“ he stumbled over his words.
“Hunter, it’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it” You reassured him, cutting him off before he felt any more flustered.
You approached him at the window, feeling so dangerously close as you placed your hand on his arm.
“Thank you for checking on me. I’m okay” You offered a gentle and reassuring smile.
“I want to protect you, cyar’ika. You mean a lot to me and I…sometimes I don’t know how to help”
Hearing endearing terms in Mando’a always melted your heart.
“Just having you around is enough protection for me”
“I’m on the other side of the wall if you ever need me. You know that”
“I know” You nodded, but couldn’t seem to break your attention away from his face. The tattooed side, something you’d always adored, was lit once again by the brightened moon. Stars, he was so beautiful.
It was a mutual exchange of a longing expression between you two. Hunter’s eyes searched your gaze for any hesitation as you both leaned into each other. Your body pressed firm against him as your hands rested on the back of his neck. In the quiet of your room, it was you who could hear your own heartbeat now.
His lips landed blissfully upon yours, sending a radiating current through your body. You sucked in a sharp breath, overcome with the feeling of this sudden intimate contact. You kissed him back delicately, letting your mouth become barely familiar with his after so much longing for this exact feeling. You pulled away only slightly, seeing if he had any urge to stop. You looked up at him, searching for any sense of regret but found none. Hunter’s eyes were hungry for you...so much more of you.
“Y/N…” he started, his voice low and desperate.
You ached for him. Maker…you had ached for him for so terribly long. His lips on any part of your body were near close enough to send you into a frenzy. As your lips returned to his, Hunter’s arms found themselves wrapped around your barely clothed waist, pulling you closer to him, and deepening the kiss.
Your fingers found the hem of his shirt ready to remove it, eager to continue this further. To your puzzling surprise, he stopped you.
“Oh, I-“ You began, flustered and confused.
“Mesh’la” he groaned.
“I’m sorry”
“No, don’t be. I just…I can’t” He strained through his words, shutting his eyes for a moment, finding it difficult to reject you but forcing himself to do so.
As you stood there confused, he looked at you with a wordless apology on his face.
“Goodnight, Y/N. I'm right here if you need me” He concluded, gently planting a kiss on your forehead before seeing himself out.
Emptiness consumed you as you stood alone in your villa. Had you done something wrong? Surely not, it was clear he wanted you too, but something stopped him.
With such worry on your mind, you laid awake for a while before your fatigue finally took you over, sending you into a deep sleep.
“Have a nice day!” You called out to your last customer of the day. You loved your job working in the marketplace in the city square. It was a peaceful and rewarding existence.
Throughout the day, memories of the night before played like a broken holoscan in your mind. You could still feel his lips against yours, devouring you. It was hard not to smile as you reminisced about the feeling, but your smile would quickly fade as you remembered how it ended.
The sun casted an amber glow over the sea, letting you know the day was near over. The entire day had passed without seeing Hunter, which made you anxious. You wanted to see him. To talk to him. To apologize for trying to go too far.
As you processed these thoughts, you felt a presence approach your booth.
“Oh, hi!” You said surprised.
“Hi” He began, his smile warm, “can we talk?”
“Sure. I’m just closing up for the day”, You grinned back to him.
“I’ll be at our spot by the cove” He said, pointing toward the side of the island where your secret spot was. Only you, the guys, and Omega really knew about it.
You nodded before hurrying to finish closing your shop. Never had you packed that quickly before.
You arrived on the shore, in the hidden cove on the beach to find Hunter sitting alone on the boulder.
“Hey stranger” You said, approaching him.
“Hey, you” He smiled. Maybe with anyone else, this would be awkward. But with Hunter, somehow it wasn’t.
“Everything okay?” You questioned.
“I wanted to apologize about last night” He started, not making eye contact at first, but finding your eyes shortly after.
“It’s okay, Hunter, really. I understand” You responded, not entirely sure what you were understanding. Truthfully, you still weren’t sure why he stopped you last night.
“I don’t think you do, sweetheart”
You sat next to him on the boulder, leaving a bit of space between you two, contrary to how close you’d found yourself the night before.
“I had to stop myself” He continued.
“I care about you” He sighed.
“I know you do, Hunter. I don’t see why that made you want to stop what we had started” You countered, growing flustered, shifting your hips slightly.
“Because no matter how hard it is for me to resist you, I cannot take advantage of you like that”
“Wha— you’re not taking advantage of me, Hunter” You subtly scoffed in disbelief.
“I want you. Make no mistake about that” He said confidently yet softly, sending a tingling feeling through your veins.
“I want you too. I think about you…a lot” You began, letting your tone lead his mind toward the deeper meaning of your words.
Hunter looked over to you and raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
“I don’t want to mess up what we have” He admitted, disappointingly, “you mean too much to me”
You wanted to fight it. You wanted him. But he made a fair point. Was it worth running the risk of ruining your friendship?
You nodded, offering no further comment on the situation. It made your heart ache terribly, but you couldn’t risk losing him due to your mutual desires.
“I’m lucky to have you, Hunter” You said, scooting closer to him before leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Me too, sweetheart. Me too” He concurred.
The sunset on Pabu had never felt so bittersweet. As its warmth and glow made a gradual exit, you felt any chance of something more with Hunter disappearing with it. You sat and talked with him for another hour, chatting about the weather and how his job on the island was going, and you were just grateful for his presence, even if you’d never feel his lips upon yours again.
Returning home some time later, you noticed your roommate had left you a transmission.
“Sorry, still off-world, be back tomorrow!”
You felt relieved. Having privacy was rare but welcomed and appreciated.
The steaming shower in your refresher washed the day away from your body. You didn’t bother to put on your clothes, as you preferred to sleep naked anyway. As you sunk into your bed, you feared this would be another night of endless tossing and turning.
To make matters worse, you couldn’t stop feeling Hunter’s lips on yours. Over and over again, you kept feeling the tingling sensation that came over you as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You were already wet just thinking about it, but as you rubbed your legs tightly together, you provided a friction that lit a fire in your lower belly.
He’d know if I masturbated, you thought. He’d sense it.
“Fuck it” You whispered to yourself.
Your fingertips found their place where they always did, right atop your sensitive bud. Rhythmically, you rubbed delicate circles around your clit, just beginning to tend to your aching needs. You whimpered softly. So softly that even you barely heard it.
What you were doing was going to drive him crazy. You knew that. The walls were thin, and he’d already told you that he’d sensed something in your heartbeat other than your nightmares before. But you’d be dammed if you’ll be left unsatisfied after the tease you’d felt last night.
You rocked your hips upwards into your own touch, biting your lip to suppress noises any louder than a heavy breath, especially with what you knew now. Visions of Hunter came to you as you fantasized. You pictured his fingers touching you like this, his body on top of yours.
Slowly, you felt your climax creeping toward you, inching closer like a looming threat. As you covered your mouth to keep yourself quiet, your orgasm was suddenly ripped away from you at the sound of a knock on your door.
You froze.
“Y/N” Hunter’s voice rang quietly from the other side.
Quickly, you pulled the covers to shield your naked body.
“Come in” you boldly called out. Sure, your door definitely should have been locked, but, you never worried for your safety here.
Hunter opened the door with caution. His eyes met yours immediately. As he closed it behind him, he leaned against the door as he took in the sight of you.
“Not a nightmare this time, was it?” He slyly suggested.
“No” you breathed, your heart now certainly beating in your throat.
He walked to your bed, slowly, “Tell me, mesh’la, all those times you’ve pleasured yourself, did you think I couldn’t hear those pretty little noises you make when you come?”
You stared at him, eyes heavy with intense lust and hint of blissful shame. There was a primal desire in his expression and demeanor, something you’d not seen but only a hint of last night, but it was undeniable tonight.
“Every time you touch yourself, I know” He whispered, “And you know what else? Every time you touch yourself, I can’t help but touch myself, too” He admitted, hovering above your bed, looking down to your delicately covered body. You melted at the image of him masturbating and getting off on the idea of you pleasuring yourself too.
“Hunter” you breathed.
“Use your words, sweetheart. Tell me what you want” He begged you. Hunter needed you to give him the green light he desperately needed.
“Please, fuck me” You begged shamelessly, “I can’t take it anymore. I need you”
Within the same second that the words left your lips, he was in bed above you, your lips tangled within his. He kissed you passionately, his tongue slipping into yours, exploring you further. You moaned at the satisfaction of his raw desire, picking right back up from where you left off. One hand held him up while the other ran through your hair. As you stayed covered beneath him, you reached up to grab his face and pull him into you and the kiss deepened between you.
The presence of his body above you pulled the blanket down, revealing your bare breasts. Hunter pulled away from your lips to look down at the sight. He growled lowly in approval and pent up urge to see you like this.
“Cyare” he whimpered, releasing his hand from your face down to cup your breast. He then redirected his attention to your stiffened nipples, taking one into his mouth, causing a gentle cry to fall from your lips.
With his mouth still upon your breast, he pulled the blanket completely off your body, tossing it to the floor, exposing your skin to the chilled air.
Maker, he was eager…so incredibly eager to see you fully bare beneath him. Every inch of your skin on display. Something he’d only dreamed of. Something that fueled every fantasy he had while he stroked his cock mere inches from you on the other side of the wall. And here you were, right beneath him, laid out pretty, just for him.
“You are so beautiful, sweetheart” He praised you, leaning back to fully take in the view. Swiftly, he removed his shirt, revealing the chiseled, beautifully scarred body beneath it. You stared in awe at his physique, your heart skipping a beat.
"Spread your legs for me, baby", He instructed. You obeyed, opening your legs to provide him better access to where you desperately ached for him the most. The moonlight gleaming through your window was enough to offer you both the light you needed. As Hunter caught sight of your pussy, already slick with desire for him, his face turned in pure adoration.
"Touch me, please, Hunter" You begged, feeling as though you could do nothing but beg him in this state of arousal. You were his. All his.
FIngertips trailed softly up your thigh before reaching the wetness between your legs. Hunter whimpered as he felt you.
"Oh sweetheart, is this all for me?" He asked, beginning to rub your clit gently while he whispered into your ear. Chills erupted down your body.
"It's for you. It's always for you" You responded breathlessly, letting your words flow in between your cries of pleasure. Hunter applied more pressure before inserting two fingers inside of you. While he does this, he watches you, enamored with the way your face twists in pleasure, all from his hands. Not yours this time — his.
With a curl of his fingers and a steady pace, Hunter fucks you with his fingers. His thumb remains at your clit, stimulating you beyond what you're used to. No one had paid this much attention to your body before.
His lips returned to yours, stifling a moan that escaped you as you felt your orgasm quickly approaching.
"I'm so c-close" You choked on your words muttered against his supple lips. The bundled coil in your lower abdomen threatened to burst at any second.
"I can feel you tightening around me. Come on my fingers, mesh'la" He encouraged you.
Hearing Hunter talk to you like this, after so long of being just friends, was exhilarating. His words alone were enough to push you over the edge, but the way he worked his hands to pleasure you was so good. Too good.
Your climax unraveled, washing over you gracefully, starting at your core and radiating like a fire throughout your entire body. Profanities flew from your lips as you instinctively rolled your hips against his palm.
"That's it, princess, right there" He coaxed you gently, unrelenting in the curling of his fingers, fucking you steadily through your orgasm, "good girl".
As you came down from the pure euphoria with stars dancing in your eyes, Hunter was careful to pull his fingers out of you slowly. Holding your gaze, he brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting you and savoring it like a last meal.
You leaned up, propping yourself on your elbows. Hunter stood, quickly pulling the hem of his pants down before removing them completely. You audibly gasped at his size when his cock came into view. Hunter was smirking as your eyes travelled back up to his gaze.
As he stood beside your bed, you got on your hands and knees and put your mouth level with his length. Hunter melted when your tongue licked up the side of his cock. His eyes fell closed when you took him into your mouth completely, or at least, as much as you could. You started to suck him off, using your tongue to guide your motions.
You peered up at him, watching his face twist in ecstasy as you bobbed your head back and forth. With a swirling of your tongue on his tip, you felt his hips twitch subtly.
“Fuck, Y/N. Just like that. Suck my cock” He growled through his pleasure, using a tone you’d usually only heard when he gave orders. This was an order you’d follow any day without question, “That’s my girl”, he praised through his clenched jaw.
His hand rested on your head, gently guiding you in your motions. The sound of his soft little whimpers that quickly turned into deeper groans made your cunt ache for him even more. You clenched your walls around nothing, pitifully empty and needing to be filled. As you moved your hand to your clit to relieve the ache, he reached down your back and plunged two fingers into your pussy from behind. You cried out, sending vibrations over his cock as you tried to still focus on his pleasure.
He pumped his fingers at a faster pace than before, sending you into a overstimulated frenzy and you couldn’t take it anymore. You pulled your mouth from him, desperately catching your breath and crying out his name.
“Fuck, Hunter, don’t stop” You begged him, but instead he disobeyed your request, removing his fingers completely.
Without struggle or hesitation, Hunter lifted you and placed you on your back on the bed. He positioned himself in between your trembling legs. He kissed you passionately once more while lining his cock at your entrance.
The whole world fell silent for you as your bodies seemingly fused together. You’d dreamed of this moment, this intimacy with Hunter, for so long. To have him inside of you was the most erotic experience you’d ever had. He bottomed out slowly, both of your mouths agape, overwhelmed by the pleasure and the connection you felt in that moment.
There was only a slight tinge of discomfort as he filled you completely. You winced only a little, before it was replaced by pure pleasure.
“Mesh’la” he moaned deeply, “You..ugh…you take me so well” he praised you through his expressions of pleasure.
“Feels so good, Hunter” you whine, staring deep into eyes, seducing him further.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to feel you like this?” He whispered against your ear before moving his lips down to your neck, kissing softly at your skin while he thrust deeper and faster.
You choked on your moans as his change in pace overwhelmed you. The room was filled with your whimpers, along with the irresistible sound of Hunter’s rough and deep moans.
“Such a good girl, letting me fuck you like this” Hunter’s praises lit a fire within you, and he could tell, encouraging him more.
You lifted your knees, pressing them against his chest, allowing him to slide inside of you at an even better angle. You cried out, overstimulated and overfilled in the most amazing way. The thin walls were no match for how good you made each other feel, but you cared very little about who heard you.
The year long pent up tension between you two was unraveling beautifully as he fucked you like he was making up for all that lost time.
With one hard thrust, he stopped, holding his cock fully sheathed in your cunt, “Gonna come on my cock, princess? Make those pretty little sounds for me?” He teased, grinding his hips hard against your thighs. Held inside you like this, he brushed against your most sensitive spot, driving you crazy.
You were drunk off him, drunk off his words, drunk off his body. You could barely form a response, but offered him a nod as you felt your next release building quickly inside of you. Maybe he just loved to tease you endlessly, because he then pulled out of you, making you whine pitifully at the sudden loss of his cock and your orgasm.
He was firm yet gentle with your body as he flipped you over flat on your stomach. Similar to how he reacted to your breasts, he growled at the sight of your ass, grabbing a handful to admire as he ran his other hand down your back.
He leaned down, his cock resting on your ass, and he moved your hair from your face, pulling you into a passionate kiss as he sunk himself into your pussy from behind. You moaned against his lips, so satisfied with being filled again.
He continued his pace from before, fucking you with raw desire to claim you. Hips slapped firm against the skin of your ass as Hunter grabbed your waist for even better leverage.
“Hunter!”, You cried out, “right there…right there…I’m gonna come”
Never would he dare to stop now. The sounds he emitted grew louder and more inconsistent, and you could tell he was close too.
The fire that burned inside you erupted into the a burst of absolute ecstasy. It took over every fiber of your being as your vision went hazy. A slew of profanities flew from your lips while your body convulsed, your cunt pulsing around his cock as you came harder than you ever had felt before.
“Yessss, good fucking girl, come for me just like that” He cursed, grinding and pounded hard to chase his own release as well. You tightened your walls for him, pushing him closer, even though you never wanted this to end.
You were breathless beneath him, still taking his cock like you were made for it.
“Come inside me, Hunter. Please” You pleaded. It seems your words sent him over his limit, because as the words left your mouth, his hips faltered and his breath grew shaky. Hunter filled you, coming deep inside you, marking you like he wished he’d done a long time ago.
Together you caught your breath slowly. Hunter was careful to remove himself gently, knowing that you’d be sensitive, as was he. You winced as the last inch of him left you. Exhaustion overtook your body as you lay there, floating on a high like no other.
Hunter laid down next you, your bodies pressed closely together on the small bed. You turned to your side, looking up at him in pure adoration.
“Y/N…” Hunter broke the silence that was only filled with panting as you both tried to catch your breath, “you are…so perfect”
“So are you” You smiled at him.
“I’m never letting you go. That’s a promise” He assured you. The words brought you comfort, and you truly believed him.
It wasn’t but shortly after that you both drifted into a deep sleep, holding each other close while your minds rested. The sleep was peaceful and uninterrupted, as neither of you had nightmares that night.
A/N: Please comment/reblog if you enjoyed. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!❤️
Thank you for reading 😊
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replaytech · 2 months
crosshair drabble cause that man has taken over my thoughts
- crosshair is the type of guy to literally act like your bodyguard. you wanna go on a mission by yourself? funny.
“I’ll be back in a few hours.”
He picks up his helmet, “That’s nice. I’ll meet you on the ship.”
- will absolutely pick you up and throw you over his shoulder whenever you give him attitude.
“roll your eyes again, pretty.”
so you did. the two of you had gotten a little agitated with each other on this particular mission.
he sighs and flicks his toothpick to the ground.
you see his hands reach for your waist, “what are you-“, you cut off with a yelp as he throws you over his shoulder.
“I’ll put you down when you’re done with that attitude.”
“I’m gonna kill you.”
he pats the area behind your knee, “how touching.”
- LOVES to pull you into a random alcove of the marauder and kiss you like the ship is going down. any minute he can get alone with you is a blessing. idc what anyone says, this man is a gentle kisser. the kind to put his hand on the back of your head to keep you in place UGH!!!
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winniethewife · 23 days
This isn't goodbye, this is simply, "see you later" (Hunter x F!reader)
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Warnings: Season 3 spoilers, Angst with a happy ending, time skips, pregnant!reader,
Words: 1838
“I don’t want to go.” Hunter whispered in her ear as he held her close, the hallway to the med-bay thankfully empty as he embraced her gently, wanting to savor the moments he has before he runs off on another series of missions
“I know, but we both have a job to do.” She insisted running her fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him, trying to be stronger for the both of them.
The never had enough time, that was the main problem. How much time could he reasonably linger in the med-bay without anyone asking questions. Hunter spent as much time as he could near her. There was a war going on, they were both needed. That was enough to help her wait, to keep her patience. Hunter pulls her in closer, his lips a whisper away from hers.
“I don’t want to say goodbye, I’m not ready.” His low voice tinged with sadness. She looks into his eyes and softly sighs.
“Then don’t…Don’t say goodbye.” She feels a tear run down her cheek. She presses her lips against his for a brief moment. “This doesn’t have to be goodbye, it’s just...See you later.” Her words against his lips are bitter sweet, the idea was sweet but the reality of the situation was a shadow over the moment. The fact was there was no guarantee that they would ever see each other again.  Hunter knows this, she knows this, but in the moment they choose to ignore it. He closes the distance one last time to leave a lingering kiss, taking in the moment in as much detail as he could. The way she felt, the way she smelled, the way she tasted, the sound of her breathing. Taking in every bit of her, to keep with him as long as he needed to be apart from her. After an amount of time that felt infinitesimal, he pulled away from the kiss and gave her a sad smile.
“See you later.”
“See you later.”
After the war was over and Hunter was on the run with the rest of the batch. He frequently thought back to the days he would regularly head to the medbay on Kamino in spent the days and nights with her in his arms. He often wondered if he should have actually told her goodbye the last time he saw her. That was what was on his mind as they left what was left of Tipoca city on kamnino. He thought about what Tech had told him AZI had said. That all the essential medical personal had been sent elsewhere, and those that had resisted were eliminated. She wasn’t one to follow orders, she wouldn’t have just gone with the empire, no questions asked. He couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he could picture her lifeless body lying in the perfectly white hallways of the cloning facilities. It was too much to bear. He had lost too much in the last few days he couldn’t imagine losing her too.
“Hunter?” The quiet voice of Omega reaches his ears and he turns to look at her. She looked worried, He couldn’t blame her, she had been through so much in the last day.
“Omega…Can’t sleep either huh?” He asks attempting to sound as supportive as he can, his own troubles pushed from his mind. Omega looks at him and shakes her head. “C’mere then…” He helps the smaller clone into his lap and they sit together. Hunter pets her head softly and keeps his breathing steady in an attempt to keep them both calm. He looks down at the young clone in his arms. He has to stay strong for her. Despite every urge to break down, he has to be strong.
As the Bad Batch walked into Cid’s parlor after another successful job done,  Hunter swore he sensed something familiar, a comforting scent, a melodic voice, his heart stopped when he saw her standing at the bar, chatting with one of the other patrons kindly. He froze for a second, this couldn’t be really happening. He feels her name leave his lips without a thought and as she turns to look at him he knows its really her, she’s here in front of him. There’s nothing that can keep him from her now. He quickly makes his way across the mostly empty room to take her in his arms, she’s there, she’s real. He looks into her eyes, speechless. She looks back at him, with love and affection in her eyes.
“Hello again.” She says softly reaching to touch his face, tracing the lines of his tattoo on his face, the corners of her mouth turned up in a slight smile. She looked exactly like he remembered, not a scratch on her, not a hair out of place.
“How- How did you know? How did you find us?” He had a thousand questions to ask but he wanted to start there.
“Rex told me where to find you. I ran into him while trying to get me and a few others off of Kamino and somewhere safe. He was very helpful.” She explained as Hunter pulled her in even closer, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, taking in her scent, never wanting to escape it, never wanting to leave it again, He was home again in her arms. She smiled softly and begin to run her fingers through his hair.  “It’s Okay Hunter…I’m here.”
“You’re here….you’re really here” He doesn’t care that the rest of the batch is watching this interaction, he doesn’t even care if the rest of the bar is watching, he just cares that she’s safe, and with him.
Settling in on Pabu was like a dream come true, as she tried her best to make their new home as comfy as possible. Home. That was new. She smiled at the idea, a home for her, the batch, Omega. She was busy cleaning up the kitchen when she felt a familiar pair of arms around her waist. She sighs, holding back tears, letting Hunter hold her while she works. He sighs. He knew they had to go investigate, find out what Crosshair’s message means. She knew that he had to leave, and she had to stay. Hunters hand grazes over the very beginnings of a bump on her lower abdomen, where their child grew inside her. He felt that familiar tightness in his chest. He rests his head on her shoulder.
“This isn’t goodbye.” He says softly, his low voice tinted with the recognizable sadness.
“No, this is not goodbye. Its…see you later.” She replies, tears starting down her face. Hunter turns her in his arms, using his thumb to gently wipe away her tears.
“We’ll be back before you know it….I promise.” He mutters softly trying to comfort her. She laughs quietly, shaking her head.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She looks at him as a few more tears slid down her face. Hunter chuckled and leaned in to kiss her gently, holding her face in one hand and the other arm around her waist pulling her in close, taking in the feeling of her skin, her lips, her body, one more time. She pulls away and looks up at him.
“I love you Hunter.”
“I love you too Cyar’ika.” He meets her gaze and hope she knows how much she means to him. How much he wanted to keep the promise. His comm-link activates with a shrill noise shattering the silence.
“Hunter, its time.” Techs voice, interrupts the moment. Hunter sighs and turns to speak into the comm.
“Copy, I’m on the way.” He turns to her with a sorrowful sorrow on his face. “See you later.”
“See you later.”
The next months would be the hardest that they had ever dealt with. The loss of Tech, the capture of Omega, it would weigh on them heavily, trying every angle to try to find her. while Hunter and Wrecker were crossing the galaxy time and time again trying to find Omega, She was constantly at the makeshift communication center she had gotten together to try to reach out to anyone who might know anything. She was half asleep, resting her head on her palm as she rests her eyes, waiting for a message from someone…anyone. She jolts awake as she hears the sound of a ship coming in to land, a familiar sound, The Marauder. She stands up as quickly as she could. She hurried to the landing platform, thankful she wasn’t far from it. As she arrived she was quickly greeted by an enthusiastic Omega who rant to her, wrapping her arms as far around as she could with the growing belly in the way.
“Omega! I’m so glad to see you!” She exclaims as she manages to get down on one knee to let the smaller girl fully embrace her. As Omega held on to her, she looked up to see Wrecker and Hunter disembarking the ship, and shortly behind them…Crosshair. Her heart leapt at the sight. They were all together again. After Omega let go she carefully got to her feet Hunter quickly closing the distance to help her.
“Be careful, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He says helping her to her feet, and into his arms
“Hunter I’m pregnant, not incapable.” She jokes, He shakes his head as he laughs. they press their foreheads together, Hunter felt like he could breath, for now, everyone he cares about was safe, everything he needed was here, and for now that was enough.
She waited patently for Hunter to return from seeing Omega off. Their son now a teenager asleep in his bed in the other room, Wreckers snores coming in from the adjacent hut, Crosshair had just bid her goodnight and went home. She sighed, reading over the last message she had gotten from Echo, who was off helping the rebellion in his own way, the door creaks open and she looks up to see her husband. Tired from the walk from the cove. She sets the data pad aside and smiles at him.
“Did she do alright? She have everything she needed?” She asked him as he comes to sit by her side, letting out a soft groan as he moved.
“Yes, just like we taught her.” He said proudly. “I just wish she didn’t have to go.” She takes his hand in hers.
“I know…She’s so stubborn. I wonder where she got that from.” She looks him over. He lets out a chuckle.
“Yes, well, what else could we expect?” He sighs “I’m just not very good at saying goodbye.”
“Ah ah, it’s not goodbye…” She looks at him with a knowing smile and a glint of mischief in her eye, He shakes his head, putting his arm around her and pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“I know, I know. It’s just simply see you later.”                                  
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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until we get a beach episode of the boys in season 3 I'll be providing my own shirtless Wrecker content
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mantellmix · 26 days
Not-Clone Force 99 💀
I read a fanfic where Omega was taken from Pabu by an entire Not-Clone Force 99. It was terrifying. I read it before the finale and I thought that was gonna happen (thankfully it didn't)
(If you're curious it's Not My Brother by Soundlessdowell on Ao3)
Who else could best Clone Force 99 but themselves?
Hemlock is SCARY
This scenario is WAY worse than just having CX-2 be Tech. Like bad ending worse, coz you know getting Omega back just quadrupled in difficulty.
They are gonna be called the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Batch 💀🤣🤣
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vivaislenska · 4 months
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(Still fantasizing about their escape 🤞🏼)
Non-f-word version below the cut
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myoongiverse16 · 1 year
Can I get a kiss?
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Summary: You and Hunter frequently kiss in secret. But, one day Omega walks in on you two. You and Hunter have to explain and it leads to an explanation of your love for Hunter and, how you love Omega.
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff, some angst
Warnings: Kissing, it’s a tear-jerker, Omega being literally the cutest 🥹
After long missions, it became a routine for you and Hunter to give each other a knowing look. That look only meant one thing. One question.
That’s all it took. You and Hunter would find each other, go to a secluded space in the ship and kiss.
Just feeling his lips on yours calmed your whole body. And for Hunter, just having you close and your scent enveloping his senses soothed his form.
The two of you looked forward to the end of missions, just so you could have an excuse to be close to one another. 
Usually, you weren’t interrupted. I mean, there were one or two times when one of the batcher’s would walk in on you two, well making out, and then having to awkwardly exit.
Those were embarrassing and uncomfortable situations. But luckily it didn’t happen too often.
However, what you both were not ready for, was Omega to walk in on you two.
It was just like any regular, “secret one-on-one” in the cockpit of the Marauder. 
Hunter whispered your name as he held you close. You breathed heavily as Hunter pushed you against the wall.
He grabbed your waist and trailed kisses down your neck. You moaned and grabbed Hunter’s hair roughly. Hunter leaned back and placed a soft kiss on your lips. He smiled, you grinned and giggled. 
“You sure know how to drive a girl crazy,” you said as you wrapped her arms around Hunter’s neck. He chuckled. 
“It’s kind of my speciality,” he winked. “But, only for you mesh’la, only for you.”
“Glad to hear that,” you smirked then leaned in. 
Unbeknownst to the two of you, someone was curious as to where you were. And that someone decided to find out. 
“Hey, Echo? Do you know where Hunter is? I haven’t seen him since we finished our mission,” Omega asked. Echo choked on his caf. He cleared his throat.
“Well, you, uh see,” Echo bit his lip. “He’s probably just, uh, you know discussing the next mission. Yeah, that's all.” He finished with a nervous smile. Omega arched a brow. 
“Okay?” Omega was skeptical, but decided to let it go and figure out for herself where Hunter was, because she knew you’d probably be with him.
If you two were discussing a new mission, she’d want to know what it was and how she could help! 
The first place she thought to look was the cockpit. She waltzed on up to it and the door slid open. She gasped. You and Hunter froze. Hunter cringed and turned around, you peered over him and both of your eyes widened.
Well, this was bound to happen. Omega tilted her head confused.
“What were you guys doing?” You both smiled nervously. 
Both of you simultaneously stuttered a couple “oh, nothing” and “we weren’t doing anything” as Hunter backed away from you. You looked anywhere but at Omega and Hunter awkwardly rubbed a hand behind his neck. Omega was even more confused.
“Huh? But you were clearly doing something. That didn’t look like you ‘discussing’ our next mission,” Omega said with hand quotations. She crossed her arms in front of her. You facepalmed.
We’re screwed. Hunter looked at you, silently asking you, “What do we do?” You huffed and nodded your head. 
“Well, you see, Omega,” you paused and motioned Omega to come forward. Omega obliged and sat in the pilot’s chair.
“Me and Hunter. We-we, love each other.” You smiled at Hunter and held his arm. Hunter grinned back and held your hand. Omega’s eyes widened a little, but she smiled after. You continued. 
“And well, when people love each other,” you bit your lip. “I don’t know how to put this,” you chuckled. Hunter rubbed your back to comfort you.
“They kiss. There I said it.” Omega’s face was confused but she nodded along, starting to understand. 
“Okay,” she pondered. “But, you say you love all of us, how come you don’t kiss the other guys.” Your eyes widened and you breathed a laugh. Hunter chuckled. 
“Well, Omega. That’s a different type of love.” Omega gasped.
“Really? There’s different kinds of love?” You and Hunter nodded your heads. 
“Yeah, we have a romantic type of love.” Hunter wrapped an arm around your waist. You looked at him then nodded at Omega.
“That’s right. The love I have for the other guy’s is different.” Omega was still confused.
“Different, how?” 
“Well, I love the other guys; Wrecker, Tech, Echo and Crosshair, in more of a brotherly type of way. I see them more as family.” Omega nodded along, then her face lit up in understanding.
“Oooh, that makes sense!” You and Hunter smiled at her. Omega giggled. Then, her eyes furrowed. 
“Well, then. What about me? You say you love me all the time. Is it in a sisterly way?” Omega asked, pointing to herself.
You gave her a warm smile then kneeled down by the chair she was sitting at. You placed your hands on Omega’s arms gently. Omega looked down at you curiously. 
“Omega, even the way I love you is different too.” You smiled. 
“Really?” Omega asked, eager to know. You nodded your head. 
“Yes,” You glanced at Hunter. He nodded his head. You looked back at Omega.
“The way I love you,” You paused and smiled. “…is more like a daughter.”
Omega gasped and beamed. She jumped off of the chair and into your arms. You were shocked but quickly wrapped your arms around Omega. Omega leaned back and looked at you, tears brimming her eyes. 
“And the way I love you, is like a Mom.” You gasped and smiled as tears fell down your face. Hunter smiled warmly and kneeled beside the two of you. Omega grinned and pulled Hunter in for a group hug. 
“And I love you like a Dad, Hunter.” Omega beamed. Hunter chuckled and ruffled her hair. Omega giggled and you laughed as she sniffed.
Omega stood up and held her hands out for Hunter and Y/N. You both looked at each other and smiled. You both took her hands and stood up. 
“I just have one question,” Omega asked cheekily. Hunter raised a brow.
“Can I get a kiss?” You laughed out loud.
“What?” Hunter chuckled. Omega only shrugged.
“If you love me, you give me kisses right?” You giggled and shook your head. Omega slumped.
“Wha-what? I thought you said that’s how it works!” You stopped laughing and frowned. 
“Omega, it’s different,” You gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “Me and Hunter, we love each other romantically. Only people who love each other like that kiss.” Omega nodded her head.
“Okay,” her eyebrows furrowed. “But, I saw you kiss the other guys.” Hunter’s eyes widened. You immediately shook your head.
“Again, that’s different. I didn’t kiss them on the lips.” Hunter’s face changed to understanding. 
“Huh?” Omega was still confused. 
“Okay, I kiss Hunter on the lips, because that’s what you do when you love someone romantically. I’ll kiss the other guys’ foreheads or cheeks, as more of a familial type of way. You understand?” Omega grinned and nodded her head. 
“Yeah! It all makes sense!” You and Hunter smiled. 
“So, you know why we kiss now, right?” Hunter asked with a raised brow. Omega nodded her head vigorously.
“Yep, it’s because you love each other, romantically,” Omega wriggled her eyebrows playfully. You and Hunter laughed. Omega smiled sadly.
“Does that still mean I don’t get a kiss?” Omega pouted. You smiled. 
“Well, I don’t see why not.” Omega’s face lightened up. You and Hunter laughed again. You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Omega’s forehead. Omega beamed. She turned to Hunter and smiled cheekily. He chuckled. 
“Oh, alright.” Hunter leaned forward and placed a kiss on Omega’s forehead as well. Omega was practically grinning from ear to ear. 
“Thanks you guys!” Omega skipped out of the cockpit giddily. Hunter chuckled and turned to you.
“Well, that was eventful, wasn’t it?” You sighed. 
“Yep, who knew parenting would be so hard.” Hunter breathed a laugh then pulled you close. He enveloped you in a warm hug. You stayed like that for a few seconds. Relishing in each other's warmth. 
“You know, seeing Omega so happy,” You leaned back. “It just makes my whole world. She’s a really good kid.” You smiled, thinking about her.
Hunter held your cheek. He hummed. 
“Seeing you and her together,” he paused. “That makes my whole world.” You beamed. Hunter leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. One filled with passion, love and happiness. 
You smiled but heard giggling. You pulled away and raised a brow. Hunter’s face turned confused, then his nose scrunched up. 
“Omega!” He shouted, then Omega screamed and ran away. Hunter playfully growled and chased her. You watched fondly, chuckling to yourself.
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oceansssblue · 20 days
Hello, I hope that you are having an amazing day. If requests are still open, I have a funny Star Wars prompt/or/oneshot if you want. You know how in Top Gun, after Maverick flirts with a lady at a bar, only to find out the next day that she is his superior officer. What about a similar situation in the Clone Wars era, in which one of the members of the Bad Batch, or one of the 501st like Fives, flirts with a female Jedi reader (who's probably in her early twenties) at the 79s, not knowing that she is a Jedi General. Only to find out the next day that she is the Jedi General assigned to them for their next mission.
Her appearance in the bar makes her look nothing like a Jedi. She just looks like a civilian until she is in her jedi robes the next day. She doesn't deliberately deceive them or anything. She just wanted to unwind after an undercover mission. She just didn't think bringing up that she is a Jedi was important, she assumed they already knew. The only hint she gave on their "date" night was a happy and playful "see you tomorrow" as they part ways to get to their respective homes/barracks. She is happy to see them the next day.
Cool fun little oneshot! Decided to go with Crosshair, seems more like his thing.
Hope you like it!
Your muscles still ache after a two year undercover mision in Alcaz. Spending long hours of running and hiding in the capital will do that to anyone; even a Jedi. Your first mision with the Order started years ago; even if you're still young right now. Everyone starts early these days; you went from youngling to padawan and Jedi Knight in just a blink of an eye. The war makes you feel older than what you really are.
It's weird being back in Coruscant. Back in a normal setting were you don't need to constantly be aware of your surroundings –even if it's instinctual, now–; where you're not constantly in danger. Entering 79's, your eyes quickly flickering over the crowd of tipsy clones and the dance floor, a tiny smile makes it up to your face. You feel inmediately relieved, somehow. You don't need to pretend here. You don't need to be a soldier, a Jedi Knight, a General. You don't have responsabilities and lifes dangling from your shoulders. Here, right now, you can just be you, a simple girl in her twenty-two's.
Happy smile still in your face, you make your way towards the bar. You order a sweet drink light on the alcohol side to start with; turning around and taking small sips while you scan the bar distractedly. There's a few eyes on you already. Not because you're necesarily pretty –though you believe yourself to look alright–; but simply necause you're one of the few natives around here, and more so a woman. Clones will always be ever the gentleman, it's ingrained in their discipline, their sense of honor; but they're still men, real humans, and they have urges like everyone else. Like Jedis do, too, no matter what many people think.
You're not really in the mood for sex, though. You're too tired for that; your plan is to spend a few hours drinking and chatting and then return to the Temple. You've got a meeting tomorrow, and you should make sure you get your well deserved, comfortable sleep. You're almost drooling thinking of a bed already, but you'd like to unwind a bit first; even though your body is tired, you feel your mind too active to surrender to dreamland yet. Plus, you need to disconect from your previous mision and adapt to your new situation; to the new changes.
A few troopers that you had the chance to meet before starting your jump around the galaxy to serve to the Jedi and the Republic recognises you, and you quickly find yourself chatting amicably in a booth with them. They're kind, and perfectly respectful; they speak to you as if you were a normal person, though –not a general, not a Jedi–, and you soon fall into a relaxed posture and a lazy smile. None of you speak about war, about their fears and worries; but of hopes and desires, jokes and secret lovers that await for them patiently all over Coruscant. Some look flustered after realising they've confessed such things in front of you; but you just shake your head and smile. You're glad they're finding some happiness wherever they can.
On your third drink in –and probably the last one, judging by your flushed cheeks and the low hum of carefree excitement & arousal spreading inside of you– you feel another stare on you. It's heavy, it's intent so clear it's almost screaming at you; and you listen to your Jedi instincts, eyes slowly flickering around the bar to find it's owner.
You come up with a pair of dark brown eyes. They're the exact same shade of most of the clones in the GAR; and yet, it's stare so much more intense. It could almost cut through you and hit someone on the other side.
You study him curiously in the same way he has been observing you before. Even sitting down in a booth with some other soldiers, you can tell he's taller than most; the shape of his body and muscles long and thin, agile, though still strong. It's impossible not to notice the tattoo around his right eye; it fits him well, really. What surprises you most about him –besides his stare– is his hair, though; a mix of greys so pretty it almost shines under the lights of the 79's.
He's still dressed up on armour, like a lot of other soldiers on the bar. His is black and grey with a few stripes of dark red; a white skull with a "99" underneath it on his right pauldron. It's right then and there when you understand who he is, who they are; and your eyes twinkle in amusement, your smile widening. This is Clone Force 99, the squad that will be under your command. The Council told you they were different, that they had special abilities very useful for battles; but they fail to mention you they were literally, physically different as well.
You understand... Crosshair's –he must be– cautious and curious study then; he might be wanting to find out who exactly their new General is, and how does she behave when she's not on duty like everyone else.
You shoot him a grin and Crosshair's neutral, almost uniterested face turns into a smirk. He arches an eyebrow, and makes a gesture with his head; a welcome for you to join them in their table. You nod and say your goodbyes to the troopers; smiling and shooting one or two more playful comments before making your way across the room, walking confidently to this squad of extraordinary men.
"Hey there, boys" you greet them, deciding for informality in order to not spoil their night of fun from the start. "Care if I join?"
There's various reactions around the table. Crosshair looks amused. Echo and Tech are purely surprised –the later one quickly scanning you almost as if trying to find information about you with just his eyes–; while Hunter looks hesitant. Wrecker is openly excited and happy.
"Yeah, take a sit!" He pushes his brothers to one side, making room for you in the circular booth their sitting in, ignoring the other's quiet, pained grunts.
They all look a little tipsy too.
You chuckle and take the offer, letting down your drink on top of the table and sitting besides Wrecker. Crosshair arches his eyebrow again, still finding amusing how you seem confident enough in a table –a bar– surrounded by men. He likes confidence in a woman, but such levels are a bit more rare.
"Comfortable?" He asks, his voice deep and smooth, almost a lazy drawl, and you grin back at him.
"Very" you answer, emphasising your answer by taking a long sip of your alcohol and laying lazily against the booths backrest.
After holding his stare for a few seconds, you turn your attention back to the rest of the group; scanning them curiously. They do de same with you.
"So, didn't have time to do a change of clothes?" You point out. "Did you come back from a mission today, or is this just an night outfit choice?"
Wrecker laughs, will Echo and Hunter show a tiny smile. Tech is completely serious still, lost in his thoughts without tearing his eyes from you. Crosshair also stares at you.
"We came back from a mission a pair of hours ago, yeah" Hunter finally answers, relaxing slowly. "Thought we should enjoy a bit of freedom before getting back to work tomorrow".
His voice is deep as well; a bit more soft yet raspy.
"Ah" you answer, smiling guiltily. "Got it. Well, I'm not going to cut out your fun, no worries. Feel free to drink and chat as much as you like. Also... This is still a good fit. Beautiful armour, guys".
This time Tech blushes, Echo clears his throat in silence and Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair, all smile widely. Ah, yes, you forgot; armours are precious to all Mandalorians, including clones, and you could have very well call them...
"So you think we're hot? That it?" Crosshair drawls, eyes interested.
You laugh shrugging your shoulders. Yeah, well, you might be a little too tipsy. This is definitely your last drink if you want to keep things professional. Force knows if you weren't a Jedi and this weren't your men you'd have had already tried to take one of them home. Huh, it seems you're not as tired as you thought.
"Pretty" you correct him, if only to mock him a bit and play with him.
Crosshair's stare darkens and you can feel his arousal and want calling you through the Force.
You smile down playing with the rim of your glass distractedly, and feeling a sudden wave of shyness. Alcohol is a dangerous thing.
The thought makes you giggle a bit.
The night goes on, and you switch to a non-alcohol drink as promised to yourself. The conversation turns normal and more easy as the clock ticks by; all of them being very interesting, fun people to chat with. Crosshair and Echo are more reserved than the rest; different types of quiet observing and thoughtfullness. You suspect the second one isn't as comfortable with your presence as the rest –while you have no doubt that that wouldn't suppose a problem in battlefield, you know he's an excellent soldier–; while Crosshair... Crosshair's intentions are still quite clear.
He's bold, you have to say. Most troopers wouldn't want to risk being reported for misconduct even if they know most Jedis would just gently shut their intentions down if it were the case. Clones usually don't want to risk it; though it's evident that Crosshair doesn't think you will or plainly, doesn't care.
It doesn't bother you. He's attractive, and it feels good to be desired; you're a Jedi, but you're also just twenty-two, and you can't help it yourself. Still, you're nothing but polite to him, if only a bit of playfullness here and there. You're not going to go to bed with him, not before your oficial meeting; not while you can still resist.
You sigh with a smile.
"Well, boys, it has been a pleasure" you start, standing up and patting Wrecker's shoulder besides you. "But I think I'm gonna go and try to shut an eye. Have your fun without me, see you tomorrow!"
Tech eyes widen slightly, observing your retreating figure while Crosshair makes a move to follow you out of 79's.
Tech grabs his brother's shoulder and pulls him back down, ignoring Crosshair's almost snarl.
"She expressed her desire to go to sleep, Crosshair. Let her be" he opted to say, still not 100% sure of his theory before proving it with a quick search on his datapad.
Crosshair sighed and gulped down the remaining of his drink.
No matter that the Batch had left 79's pretty late in the night, they were all rised and prepared to meet their new General at 0600 puntually. Their faces carried nag under their eyes and various degrees of tiredness; but they weren't being shipped anywhere, so there was no real problem with that. It was just a formal meeting so they could put a face to the name and greet each other; then they'll be left alone to enjoy the rest of their shore-leave day.
"I hope she's nice!" commented Wrecker while they waited up in a line in front of the Marauder.
Hunter hummed.
"I just hope she lets us do our thing" he muttered, clearly not very happy about the new placement.
None of them were particularly enthusiastic; they had never had a personal Jedi General before, and it would be a big change for everyone involved.
"I am confident she will" answered Tech, perhaps the only one holding positive thoughts about it. "I have thoroughly researched our General in the early hours of the morning and she has an impressive record on undercover missions and other side tasks. It seems she is usually sent on unusual requests as well, just like us. In adition, she is fairly easy going. I am positive we would all be able to adapt to each other well".
Right when Wrecker was going to ask with a deep frown etched on his face how did he know she was as "easy-going" as Tech affirmed, a female figure crossed the doors of the hangar walking towards them with wide confident steps.
Wrecker's, Echo's and Hunter's faces stared back in shock; while Tech nodded firmly as if he were explaining something to them, and Crosshair followed the young Jedi's movement full of intrigue and a masked surprise.
"Morning, troopers!" She greeted them, still a few meters away from them.
Her smile was radiant in the greyness of the hangar bay.
Crosshair leaned towards the smartest of his brothers, subtle.
"Punishment for fucking your Jedi General?" he asked in a distracted whispered, eyes never leaving the woman aproaching them.
Tech answered completely unbothered by his antics; posture firm.
"From an informal reprimand to proper decomissioning".
Crosshair smirked.
"I'll risk it".
He arched an eyebrow in amused defiance when she looked straight at him.
Taraaa! Here it is love, hope you like it! It was a little fun cheeky thing to write :)
Not checked after finishing writing it cause I have exam tomorrow and still got a few finals left, but I hope I didn't make a lot of mistakes!
Only two more requests left before I jump onto another tbb Mermaid fic. Don't worry, yall, I will reopen requests the future, just let me survive my exams first ;)
Stay tunned!
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toastyrobos · 7 days
**Unexpected swim leads to something more**
Hunter x Female reader
Word count: 4.6k
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((Relaxing on Naboo after several back to back stressful missions, the team finally gets a break. Hunter takes you somewhere. One thing leads to another and things start to turn steamy and heated very quickly))
⚠️Warnings: NSFW, smut, fem receiving, eating reader out, P in V, praising⚠️
"Finally!". You breathed out, your shoulders relaxing as you felt all the stress of the last few weeks wash off of you.
"I would agree". Tech said beside you as you stepped off the Marauder. "Some rest and a change of scenery will help to refocus our mind's cognitive function. Not to mention-"
Wrecker shoved past the intelligent clone. "Yeah yeah. Nobody cares. Let's party!"
Tech scowled at his reckless brother as he raced the sharpshooter to the secluded pools on the outskirts of the Naboo.
We had been dragged from one battlefield to another for several weeks and it was starting to take a toll on us. Cody took notice and ordered us to take some time away from the front lines. The boys seemed reluctant to do so. Especially Wrecker.
He lived for the thrill of war and getting to blow up battle droids. Or clankers as most clones referred to them as. Though you were not a clone, you spent enough time around them that you started doing it too.
You on the other hand welcomed some time away. It would do you all some good. Not to mention it would give you and certain Sergeant some time alone.
And speaking of the devil, you felt a pair of strong arms snake themselves around your waist and a loving kiss grace your cheek. You couldn't stop yourself from leaning into him. The moment becoming pure instincts. The smell of his pinewood musk hit your nostrils in such a way that tickled.
Hunter was well aware of what his smell did to you. The same way yours greatly affected him, and his ability to function in any sort of means. To some your smell would be dull, but to him it was the perfect mixture.
   "Finally". Hunter breathed out. His body relaxing, not just from the prospect of a vacation, but from being engulfed by your presence.
You nodded. "It's been too long". You breathed out, settling into him. It most certainly had. All of you had been craving for a break and thank the stars that it was upon you. You had been impatiently waiting for this just as much as Hunter had. You planned on taking full advantage of it.
And it appeared that Hunter already had. Or that he had something in mind. By the looks of it he wore a smile across his lips and had a nervous glint in his eyes. As if he were up to something.
    "Hunter? What's wrong?" You questioned him, twisting your body around in his embrace. Face to face you could see that he indeed had something up his sleeve. You could practically see the gears going around in his head.
He wasted no time in answering your curiosity.
"There's something I want to show you". He said. "May I?"
You simple nodded and slide your hand into his outstretched one. The curious part of you wanting to indulge in what he had to share with you. Besides you knew Hunter would never hurt you nor take you anywhere that wasn't secure.
Hand in hand, he led the two of you away from the ramp of the Marauder and down a trail that ran along the edge of the river bank. Naboo was such a wondrous planet. From the rich lush greenery, to the dazzling turquoise blue waters.
It came as no surprise to you that many came here to get away. It was truly was an actually paradise. And you still were in shock that you were here.
It wasn't long before a system of caves started to creep its way up on the two of you. Quickly becoming the walls of your intended path. The descent down was painstakingly slow, however.
You trusted Hunter fully. However that didn't stop your mind from wandering to the most terrifying of scenarios. Every few minutes Hunter would glance over his shoulder to see if you were alright. And each time you looked back at him, meeting his gaze, letting him know that you were with him.
You would always be fully with him. You loved him and you were positively certain he loved you back. He may have not outrightly said it, but you felt it in the way he kissed you, in the way he cared for you. Somethings didn't need to be exchanged to be true.
To be real.
They just were.
Suddenly he came to a halt. Your stumbled a bit into his armored back. "Where are we?"
    "Close your eyes". Was he response. You raised a brow. A strange request. What was he up to.
     "Are you sure?" You questioned him.
     "Do you trust me?"
You scoffed. Of course you did. You trusted him completely. "Always Hunter".
    "Then please close your eyes, mesh'la and let me guide you". The way he so tenderly, yet forcefully like a commander spoke that term made your heart flutter and you immediately shut your lids.
    "Led on then, I guess". And so he did. Your feet moved a few more feet into the cave before the two of you abruptly stopped again. You no longer felt Hunter's body in front of you. In fact you couldn't him anywhere near you and grew alarmed.
     "Hunter?" Your voice took on a more panic tone as you twisted your head every which way slightly.
    "It's alright". The sound of his voice immediately calmed your racing heartbeat. "Open your eyes".
You obeyed him and the sight before your very eyes was beyond incredible. You audibly gasped at what you were seeing.
Somehow in the deepest reaches of this cave was a hidden oasis. The clearest blue water you had ever laid eyes on reflected back at you. It covered the entirety of the cavern floor and sitting opposite of it was an extraordinary created waterfall.
Complimenting it all was the rich purple stalagmites forming from the ceiling. Dripping down as if they were made from thousands of tiny gemstones forged together. It was a display like nothing you had ever seen before. It was something out of a dream.
You whipped your body to where he voice was coming from. "Oh Hunter its beaut—"
You instantly froze up at the sight of Hunter bare chested. The pieces of his upper armor discarded on the floor beside him. You felt like you couldn't breath as you unintentional raked your eyes over his very well built physique.
You were quite aware of how toned he was. As evident by how his blacks clung to the forms of his muscles. But that was his blacks. This...this was different and you couldn't control how your body was reacting to it. Neither could Hunter as he took a step towards you.
   "Your right". He answered low. Oh by the maker was someone testing you. "Shall we?"
     "Sh-shall we what?" You stuttered over the simple words. To which made Hunter chuckle. The deep rumble of his laugh awakening something in you.
    "Go for a swim". He answered drifting towards the edge of the pool.
Your response was immediate. "O-okay". You were quick to cover your mouth with your hands. There was no hesitation in your voice. Even with the stumbling you knew what you wanted. What going for a swim could mean.
What it could potentially lead to.
However it didn't frighten you. You trusted Hunter with your life. Even more then that, you trusted him to not hurt you nor push you to do anything you weren't comfortable with doing. He could be rough around the edges, in both appearance and stance, but he was nothing less of a gentleman.
Thus he took to finish undressing first. His movements slow, yet with a purpose behind them. As if he was putting on a show just for you. His forearms bending in ways that made you bit your lower lip as he slipped his blacks completely off.
Seeing Hunter completely bare and exposed before you, on full display turned everything on its head. Everything in the cave shifted in that instance. The atmosphere had changed. Morphed into something more lust filled. Passionate in nature.
You were aware of it and as his eyes searched yours, he was aware of it too. The extreme pattering of your heart, the heat painting your cheeks. He witnessed all aspects of how he had affected you.
You wasted no time in undressing. Pealing layer after layer off until a pile of tossed aside clothes gathered at your feet. Nothing left to shield you from Hunter's intensive gaze as it raked over every curve of your body. Hitting places that, upon just a mere glance heated your body wildly.
Having captured his full attention made you feel both shy and brave at the same time. Shy for this was your first time bare before another human, especially one of the opposite sex.
Brave too because you had undressed in front of him and had greatly enjoyed the thrill of it. Of commanding Hunter's full focus. He was a sergeant on the battlefield. He commanded his men. But now, however, he was the submissive. Even if for only for a little moment, but you reveled in it.
You slowly descended into the lukewarm water inch by inch. His irises following the dip of your figure. He was absolutely captivated by your beauty. And once he got ahold of you he would make sure to show you just how much your presence encaged him. If you would allow him the chance.
You waded into the water until it came to rest upon the curve of your collarbone. The feeling of it felt so refreshing and spectacular on the roughness of your skin.
It was Hunter's approach, however that made your body nearly tremble from anticipation, painstakingly so. He reached out and glided his hand along the curve of your neck. Tingles of warmth sprinkled across your skin where he touched.
    "Your so beautiful". He whispered ever so softly.
    "So are you". You uttered before you could even give it a second thought. Realization of what you had just said made you slap a hand over your mouth.
Hunter chuckled at your mirrored compliment. "Thank you. Glad to know you feel that way about me".
You stared up at him. "Of course I do Hunter". You stated. "You are truly beautiful".
His lips parted slightly before he reached his hand up to title your chin up. "Then you must be truly extraordinary cyar'ika". The low rumble was doing things to the lower half of your stomach. Your legs twitched, making you have to squeeze them together.
When your bare back hit the rock wall behind you, that was when the full gravitas of the situation came crashing down on you. However it didn't deter you. Nor stop you from what was unfolding before the two of you.
Hunter's lean chest brushing up against yours. The subtle rise and fall your own chest. The tips of them ever so lightly touching him. Something the both of you, but especially Hunter, we're well aware of.
His tongue ran over his bottom lip. He craved you. Was dying to touch you in such ways, achingly so. Feel you up against every inch of his body. Molding you until you fit perfectly flushed into his.
You now shyly avoided his hungry gaze. Feeling as though you'd completely melt under it. Your heart beating rapidly inside your chest.
Intense make out sessions with Hunter closed up in his room, aboard the Havoc were not uncommon. The opposite was true in fact. Most nights you two found your bodies colliding together in heated kisses. But it was only ever that. Never had it ever crossed that point. Never had the two of you been naked before the other.
If that wasn't enough to make your heart race a million beats per second, it was the very notion that Hunter could hear it. Could feel what his close proximity was doing to you. To your body. But that also meant that your own close proximity was deeply affecting him.
The seductive dance of his roaming eyes, how his hands hovered barely over your lower hips now. Anxious to latch onto them and pull you into him. Feel those sensual parts of yours on his. The urges beginning to become too much for him.
By the maker he was burning up from just looking at you. Under his heated gaze you too were starting to unravel.
    "Hunter...." The heat radiating off your bodies was palpable. Swirling around in the air around you. Waiting to ignite.
    "We don't have to you". As much as he wanted to touch you in that way. Have you in that way. He understood if you weren't ready or if you weren't comfortable with what was happening. "I don't want you to feel pressured to—"
With a sudden burst of courage you wrapped your arms around his neck. The distance between you two was now nonexistent.
     "Hunter". The fall of his name from your lips caused his body to quake. Maker he was so in love with you. "It's okay".
Again Hunter searched your face. "Are you sure? I don't think I'll be able to stop once I've tasted you—"
     "Then don't".
That was all he needed to pounce. The fire between you finally becoming too overwhelming. His hands forcefully took hold of your hips. Pressing them into his. While his rough lips collided with yours in a feverish passion. A light gasp escaped your lips at the feeling of his growing member brushing up against your waist. Allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Tasting the waters to see how far you'd allow him to go. It was a sensation all new to you, but one that you did not shy away from.
Admittedly you wanted him. As much as he had wanted you. You had longed for a time for Hunter to take you in his arms and explore your body.
Though you were unexperienced in that field, unlike Hunter. You had no doubts that he would make the endeavor worth the wait.
Certain you were that there would be pockets of pain and uncomfortableness. That didn't matter. You were ready to give yourself fully over to him. Ready for him to take the last piece of yourself that was meant for him.
Whatever door the two of you had opened wasn't going to shut so easily now. You didn't care though. You wanted this.
Wanted Hunter.
The way his lips drifted along the curve of your jaw, his kisses piercing not just your fragile skin, but also your soul made you body shiver from those simple touches alone. Your body was warming up more and more with each feverish kiss.
You could feel his senses losing more and more control with the roaming of his hands on your back. Especially when his hands traveled lower, cupping your backside. The force with how he gripped it was powerful and it made your body ache. More so when you could fully feel his member poking just barely into your entrance. Making you audibly gasp out loud.
Exposed flesh that vulnerable brushing up against one another was a sensation that enraptured you. And Hunter had witnessed it. And as desperately as he wanted to continue, he wanted your confirmation again. Wanted to be sure that this is what you absolutely wanted. For there was no going back after this deed was done.
Pausing, he looked deep in your eyes. "Are you sure you truly want this—"
You placed a finger over his starting to swell lips. "Yes, Hunter". You answered him. "I want you. I've never been more sure of anything".
Hearing from your lips that you had no second thoughts about this, Hunter flashed a devilish grin. Then he crashed his lips back on yours. 
One of his hands slithered up to cup your chest. His inked fingers twirled around the sensitive part of your nipple, teasing and working you, eliciting grander and grander whimpers from your caged mouth. By the maker he would be your undoing. Fortunately for you, he was just beginning to pleasure you. His next action nearly made your body combust.
After playing around with your exposed chest, he wasted no time in putting his next act into motion. With quick work he pulled you completely flush to him. The minute that happened his flesh sunk deep into you. Crying out immediately in pure bliss, your head fell back from the sensation now inside you. Your body shook and jolted from such extraordinary pressure. The walls of your center pulsing, clenching onto it.
     "That's it". He groaned into your neck as he started a pace. It started out slow and steady, eliciting soft whimpers from you. Allowing time for you to grow comfortable to this new sensation. As well as the size of him. It was painful at first, like you had imagined. A small stinging cut. But soon the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes vanished, replaced by a twisting and numbing feeling beginning to blossom in the deepest parts of your core.
    "Hunter.." you moaned out his name without even realizing it.
Your thoughts were not coherent anymore. For Hunter surging forward again had quickened his pace. Bucking his hips again and again into your sweet spot. Each of his thrust rolling back deeper and deeper. Hitting sweet spot after sweet spot. You could feel your body beginning to engulf into flames. Nearing the spot that you knew would send you over the edge.
The freedom you felt in this moment was nothing like how you dreamt it would be like. No. Not in your wildest fantasy had you imagined it would feel like this. The rush of pleasure racing throughout your veins was electrifying and you craved more. We're literally begging for it as he slammed his hips back into you. Another burst of moans erupted from your mouth. Beats of sweat dripping down the side of your face.
   "That's it". He praised you. "Let everyone know that your mine".
If you didn't know any better, you were certain it was his plan to fuck you until you were past the point of seeing stars. And somehow that delighted you.
     "My girl". He whispered gutturally against your skin. Maker was his voice like pure silk.
If his thrust hadn't started to unravel you then his sensual commands alone would surely do the trick. You raked your hands through his locks as he continued to grind his hips into you. Your lower half riding him with such vigor as the tension was building and building. Moans of his own pleasure were coated out of Hunter as you both kept a rather steady pace. Him, however, still having the upper hand. Bringing the most euphoric pleasure to you.
The fire had started out as a kindling, but as the passions and desires were explored, an inferno raged forth. Spreading throughout your veins and moving down to your aching core. Hunter being the reason for all of it.
He did not leave even an inch of your body untouched. Your fingernails dug into his muscular back as you arched yourself toward him. Your whole being was overwhelmed by his owns passions as he filled you up with them.
That not being the only thing he filled you up with. He took his time worshiping every nook, cranny, and curve of your luscious figure. Claiming your body with his hands. His lips. Leaving no stone unturned. Your cries of emotional ecstasy all the answers he needed. A fever ran over you and the only cure was Hunter.
And he was more then happy to oblige you and that's what he did. The pressure of him inside you was becoming overwhelming and you knew you were at your breaking point. Hunter being able to sense it and his own threatening to blow, he made the quick decision to hasten his pace. Faster then before, he made haste with a raw force. Building the tension even more. The rope near it's breaking point now more then ever. Exciting you so much more however.
Drunk on his dominate fire. The hot steamy aura he exuded from within you thrilled him. Pushed him over the edge as he pushed you near your very own oblivion. You were nearly there. Both of you could feel it. Hunter had you right where he wanted you. A delectable mess. Caused by his own satisfaction. But all his.
Not being able to hold it in any longer, the tension snapped. Your figure jolted into him and a thunderous cry poured out of you.
Your vision turned dizzy and suddenly all you could see were rivers of stars.
Instantly your body relaxed into Hunter's embrace. Beats of sweat trailed down both your naked bodies, but neither of you cared. Too busy still riding the high from your shared passionate expedition. Panting shaky breaths exchanged between the two of you as his hands still gripped onto your waist.
In that moment you realized nothing could compare to Hunter buried deep inside you. The feeling of your walls clenched around him. Painting you with his feverish longing. Oh maker did you want him to take you again. Make you see stars until you passed out from pure bliss. Even if there was a slight pain in the beginning, It was well worth it. Now that you experienced such an intense and wonderful exquisite thing, you weren't ever going back.
Your extracted arousal by his hands, permeated the air and filled his nostrils. Devouring his senses and making him hunger for your taste once again. You saw his eyes darken and licked your lips. The devout passion, piercing euphoric thrusts and fire inducing kisses....maker you burning from the inside for more.
More of him.
The inescapable hunger pooling in his eyes made you positive that he wanted it just as much. No words were exchanged between the two of us as Hunter scooped you up and laid your body onto the cold hard floor of the cave. You wrapped your legs around his backside while he hovered over you. His bulky figure caging you in and stars above did it entice you. The thrill of what heights he could send you to next.
Aiming himself up to your entrance with haste, this time no little tease, he descended into you. Again you cried out. Still on the high from before. Hands snaked around his shoulder blades, dragging down his back as he brought you to life.
Pumping into you this time rougher and oh maker was it incredible. Back arched, fingers teasing. For a moment you swore that before he was holding himself back. Perhaps he was for your benefit. Maybe that was a good thing. Especially for your first time. But now he was a ferocious beast come to life. Devouring his prey with a fury.
But he wouldn't let you be brought to sweet release this time. At least in this position. Oh no. The sergeant had other plans. If he would allow such delicious release from you by his hands a second time, he would taste it on his tongue.
   "Your so breathtaking". He purred dipping his head further and further down your body. Oh maker he was going to unravel you if he kept this rhythm. His very intention.
And when his head found its way between your legs, you were done for. A melted mess on the rock floor. The swipe of his tongue on the walls of your center was all too much. How could such a small thing cause such a reaction? But did it. Oh how it did.
Guttural cry after cry escaped from you as his tongue took you to new heights. Exploring every surface and tasting places you thought not possible. He was a desperate animal on the hunt and you were his own grand personal feast.
And oh how he feasted. Your body quaking with each flick of his tongue over a new surface. Each new sensation he brought you closer and closer to. Waves of ecstasy pouring over you with each taste he took from you. Never had you felt such intoxicating emotions before, but you were dying to feel more. To which Hunter was more then happy to oblige.
He, himself was drunk off the taste of you. Savoring each and every drop of you. Never being able to get enough. Judging by the fever pace he set between your thighs. Wanting to taste you in his tongue sooner rather then later.
    "You feel so good". He cooed. "You taste so good mesh'la". Tension was building more and more in the pit of your stomach. Release was near.
    "Hunter..." you cried out in pure euphoric bliss. "Oh god...". You could feel yourself coming undone.
Taking advantage of it, with one deep forceful strike Hunter pushed you over the edge a second time. Stars exploded across your vision at the same time Hunter starting lapping up his delightful reward.
Maker, did you taste so damn delicious on his tongue. How had he gone this long without this sweetness on it? Simultaneously you were thinking how had you gone this long without letting him ravage you? As shy and reserved as you normally were, this shared experience made you feel electrified.
    "You did good". Hunter praised you, crawling up the front of your exhausted sweat stained figure. The two of you left panting. Out of breath. Your chest raised and fell in unsteady succession as he pressed a kiss to the side of your hair. Visible shaken as Hunter curled you into him.
     "By the maker Hunter". You couldn't think clearly, but you had to tell him just how much you greatly enjoyed that.
By your body language though, he already had a hunch. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself cyar'ika". He pressed another kiss to your hair.
   "I did". You quickly answered before turning over to face him. "Thank you Hunter. I love you".
He beamed, a small smile curling on the edge. "It was my pleasure love". Leaning in he brushed his lips over yours. "I love you too".
He brushed a single strand of your long hair out of your face. "Are you in any pain?"
You smiled sheepishly. Yes there was, but you figured he already knew that. It was sweet that he cared. Frankly he always would. You were so dearly important to him. As he was to you. You meant so much to him. It was only natural that he would worry.
To simply ease his worry, you snuggled deeper into the curves of him. Molding yourself to fit beneath his shoulder blade.
"A bit, but it's okay. I agreed to this Hunter. I wanted it and I will be forever grateful for this moment the two of us shared". You reassured him, intertwining your hand with his. "Your the only person who I'd want to give myself to in this way".
Hearing that made his heart swell. Stars above he loved you. So much that it hurt. In all the best ways possible.
"Good". He was also a very greedy man when it came to you. To know that you displayed like this would only ever be for his eyes alone, excited him immensely. "Because I'd let no other man have you like this".
"I'd let no other man touch me unless it's you that's for sure". You replied. "We should probably get back though before the others come looking for us".
Hunter nodded. "Good point".
The both of you stood up, untangling from one another, gathered up your clothes and proceeded to dress yourselves again. You adjusted your shoulder plating then slid your hand into Hunter's. Following beside him, hands linked together, as he guided you out of the cave. The cave that would forever be remembered in you eyes. And your bodies.
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