#demon slayer theory
linkspooky · 10 months
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Rengoku vs. Akaza
Hello, I’m back talking about Demon Slayer and what is probably considered to be the most iconic fight in the manga. So iconic, that they made the entire fight into a high budget movie that destroyed box office records. What makes the fight so iconic isn’t just that Rengoku is so likable a character, that his heroic sacrifice is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the manga. 
The fight is good because it’s got a strong thematic backbone, it is like many things in the demon slayer manga about death, and the way both Rengoku and Akaza react to the deaths they’ve experienced in their lifes. The parallels between the two become even stronger when we learn about Akaza’s backstory during his second fight. 
Weak vs. Strong
Rengoku and Akaza don’t only represent opposite elements (Akaza is ice/water, and Rengoku is fire), they also represent opopsite social ideals. Akaza is a social darwinist who believes in the right of the strong. Whereas, Akaza’s entire character is based around the idea of noblesse oblige. Strong people are obligated to protect weak people because they are more capable. 
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Akaza pursues strength at the cost of everything else, even begging Rengoku to accept a demon’s blood and become immortal because that will give him even more time to grow stronger. His opening act is to even attack Tanjiro while he’s helpless on the ground and injured, because he wanted to eliminate another weak person so he could talk to Rengoku without being interrupted. While he is a demon Akaza’s worldview that the only option the weak have is to die off and be taken care of by nature. 
Akaza however, only defines strength as martial combat ability. Rengoku is able to counteract his argument right away by pointing out that people can be strong in more ways than one, which cuts to a panel of the innocent people on the train who are not demon slayers but have the strength to keep going and crawl their way out of the wreckage of a disaster. In Rengoku’s world it’s difficult just to live because life itself is fleeting, therefore surviving is it’s own strength. 
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Rengoku’s opinions on weakness go even further in his own spinoff chapters, where you learn that his philosophy on strength vs. weakness doesn’t just come from his mother telling him he’s obligated to help others because he’s born strong, but his father also constantly trying to discourage him from becoming a Hashira by insisting he’s weak. His father’s own mental breakdown into lounging around all day drinking, came from the fact that he felt that flame breathing was inferior to sun breathing therefore it wasn’t worth trying if he could never measure up. 
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In response to his father’s words, Rengoku instead of insisting that the only people who are strong have value, searches for other values people have and other strength besides physical strength. His brother Senjuro being the example, despite Senjuro being incredibly eager to train he’s not talented enough to become Rengoku’s Tsuguko. In spite of that fact, Senjuro keeps trying without getting discouraged which Rengoku sees as a strength. 
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In Rengoku’s mind a weak person striving to be strong, even if they don’t accomplish anything, or make progress is a strength, because that ability to put effort in and strive is what matters not the results. Rengoku’s chapter further on goes to praise the rank and file members of thedemon corps who never become Hashira simply because they don’t have the talent to advance and yet risk their lives all the same. In his mind value lies in effort and striving for something not talent or results. 
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Rengoku’s ideas of strength and weakness comes from his admiration of the people around him and humanity in general he praises their strengths. While we learn in Akaza’s backstory, his social darwinism comes from the actions of people around him poisoning his viewpoints, to the part where he can only see their faults. 
The irony of Akaza’s backstory is how different his behavior as Kyojuro is from that of him as a human. Hakuji’s loved ones are two weak people entirely dependent on other people for their care, the kind of person that Akaza claims to despise. 
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Hakuji’s father dies because of the same social darwinist philosophies that Akaza espouses. His father needed medicine but couldn’t afford it because he was poor. Rather than just give him the medicine, society lets him die off like it was his fault in the first place for being poor, therefore he doesn’t deserve medicine that could heal him. Society punishes Akaza for simply trying to steal money for medicine when he was no other options, rather than just making the medicine cheaper, because the rich are right by the virtue they have more strength in their society. 
His second loved one is obviously Koyuki, the girl he nursed after being taken in by his teacher. Koyuki is also someone weak that everyone has written off as dead simply because she needs care from other people and can’t get better on her own. The simple task of taking care of her is apparently so dificult that her mother commits suicide and her father leaves it to somebody else entirely. 
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However, Koyuki’s recovery proves that this social darwinist philosophy is wrong, because after three years of nursing her Koyuki is fully recovered and finally able to take care of herself simply because someone put the effort in of giving her help when she needed it rather than letting her die. Because, society doesn’t actually function on social darwinist ideals, it’s cooperative. If everyone was out for themselves, people wouldn’t form cities and towns, they wouldn’t have jobs, they wouldn’t even bother taking care of the sick. 
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Hakuji believes similiar to Rengoku that it’s worth the effort to nurse sick people, and take care of people that can’t take care of themselves, he never once felt like either of them were a burden. They’re even both inspired to help others because of the dying request of a parent. Rengoku’s mother was too sick to continue living and told Rengoku before he died to live his life taking care of others. Hakuji’s father kills himself so Akaza will no longer have to steal to support him, and his last words are a request for Akaza to start his life over again. 
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They’re also very self-sacrificing in nature, Hakuji said repeatedly he didn’t care at all if he was beaten or marked as a crimminal for his father he would have endured all of it just to help him get better. Rengoku himself even endures his drunken father’s constant abuse with patience because he understands that his father became that way out of grief for their mother, and his dying words to his father are just requesting for his father to take care of himself. 
They are both strong people who wish to take care of the weak people in their lives, so what exactly was the branching off point where Hakuji turned into Akaza. 
Life vs Death
Demon slayer is a manga about death, and more particularly the difficulty of living in a world where no matter what you do all life ends in death and there’s no controlling when either you or someone you love dies. It’s why the first event in the manga is the senseless slaughter of Tanjiro’s entire family, which Tanjiro was not even around to witness simply because he slept in town for the night because it’d be dangerous to climb up the mountain in the dark. 
Akaza turns into Hakuji after the senseless death of his loved ones, something that just like the death of Tanjiro’s family happened when he was not with them. Hakuji only leaves for a day to visit his father’s grave to tell him of his marriage, and he’s back by nightfall on the same day only to discover they’re dead by a poisoned well. 
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Of course if Akaza had been there, it’s likely there was little he could have done but drink the poisoned water and died alongside them because nobody knew that the well was poisoned. There are two differences in this scenario of course, number one Tanjiro still had one person left in his life to take care of while Akaza was stranded alone. Number two, at that point Akaza gave up on living entirely and only wished to die alongside his family. 
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After this point Hakuji becomes Akaza, and his views towards life resemble nihilism. In his mind death makes life meaningless, because no matter how much you strive to take care or protect someone it’s always going to end in their death. Of course if he’d been allowed to make a few more happy memories with Koyuki instead of suffering such an early and tragic loss things might have been different, but the sudden loss of her robbed him of all strength to continue believing in any value in life. 
This is in contrast to Rengoku who insists that life’s epehemeral nature is what makes it beautiful. What makes it special and unique is that it doesn’t last forever, therefore people need to value the loved ones and the times of happiness they have because they’re not going to have them forever. Rengoku gives worth to what is fleeting, but Akaza suffered too much loss and seeks immortality even if it’s a pointless one. 
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Hakuji and Rengoku have the same values of protecting the weak, but Rengoku is able to live up to his goal of protecting weak people, even finally giving his life having succesfully protected not only everyone on the train but Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke. Rengoku succeeded at his duty, and Hakuji failed at his. 
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Which causes Hakuji out of guilt for his failures to flip his entire identity around. Even in the symbolism of his name. Hakuji has the same character as “Koma” in Komainu, and he lives his life like a Komainu protecting a shrine.
This philosophy of life vs. death even incorporates budhist values. Akaza is the third pillar because he represents the three universal truths held be budhism. Dukha, suffering (the idea that all suffering is inherent to life), Anicca (impermanence, the idea that everything is change) and Anatta (Non-self soulless / lack of self) the third being the way that he’s beaten by Tanjiro. 
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Akaza’s driven to become who he is because of his inability to cope with the first two values, the suffering inherent to life and it’s impermanence. His reaction to Koyuki’s death causes him to veer into nihilism, the belief that his whole life was worthless including his love of Koyuki, his father, and his master (there are three people in his life he decided to protect as well, and when he loses all three he’s no longer able to uphold the values in his life). 
In fact, impermanence is a running theme to his character. His relationship with Koyuki is symbolically tied to fireworks, she fell in love with him out of his belief that she’d be able to see the fireworks next year so she didn’t have to apologize for missing them this year. When the two of them officially get engaged there are fireworks exploding in the background. Akaza’s moves are all named after fireworks. Fireworks are, brief and beautiful explosions in the sky that fade quickly. 
When he becomes a demon he also violates all three of those values, he becomes immortal instead of impermanent like a human being, he causes suffering to others, and he’s unable to reach the state of “no-self” that Tanjiro climbed to in order to defeat him. However, Akaza prolonging his life only keeps him trapped in the cycle of suffering. This is also inherent to budhism, that as long as people are alive, their human desires will cause them suffering because they’re inherently selfish. In the cycle of reincarnation, people are born again and again until they purify themselves and escape the cycle completely. 
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When Akaza embraces both his painful memories of the past, he’s finally able to remember the things that were good about his life, the love that he had no matter how brief. It’s through embracing his suffering (finally remembering the people he lost instead of forcing himself to forget), and the impermanence of his life, that Akaza is finally able to die and escape the cycle of suffering. 
Rengoku and Akaza are finally the same in that their last and greatest act is to die. Rengoku dies protecting three innocent people and is consoled by his mother for his hard work in life, and Akaza’s redemptive moment is to finally let himself die rather than keep fighting pointlessly and he is similiarly embraced and reunited by Koyuki who makes the decision to go to hell with him. Even though death is tragic for both of them they’re also offered that final comort. 
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tinyperson00 · 15 days
ok.. I have a theory
spoilers ahead‼️
So we all know how Nezuko and Tanjiro are immune to sunlight right? But why is that.. why havnt any of the demons before been able to do this..? Have they just been too scared to test it? Well I dunno if this has already been put out there before by someone else, but this is my theory.
So later on in the manga its revealed that Kie (the Kamado's mother) knew the location of the blue spider lilies. The blue spider lilies were the sole thing Muzan was looking for throughout his entire life as a demon. This was because they held the ability to let the demons walk in the sunlight. So Kie Kamada knew the location to these flowers, which ended up leading to her death by Muzan. My theory is that what if when Tanjiro and Nezuko were little, Kie would harvest the flowers and use them in recipes to eat? This would explain why they are able to withstand the sunlight since they have the blue spider lilies inside their blood now. When the Kamado house was attacked it was later revealed that Muzan's reasoning for this was not actually to just find food and have a quick kill, but rather to find the location of the blue spider lilies from Kie and turn the rest of the family into demons. Most of them died from being injected with too much of Muzan's blood, however Nezuko managed to survive. Muzan didn't realize she was alive until he found out she was living in the sun, so he never took any interest in the Kamado's until finding Tanjiro. Back to the spider lilies, in Nezuko's memory of her lullaby with her mother they were shown walking a path most likely on the mountain they live on. In her lullaby she talked about having strange features from eating different berries and plants. What if this was also a hint at the fact that they were walking to the place where the spider lilies grew in order to harvest and eat them? This theory may be a stretch, but if you think about it its not too far off. In the sunlight countdown arc when Muzan is near defeat, he says to Tanjiro -
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Maybe Muzan didn't explicitly mention the spider lilies, but its still probable that he realized the connection between them and the Kamado's. Its very possible that they could have been consuming the blue spider lilies for a long time, even though a few generations.
This theory may be a bit of a stretch in assumptions, but Im sticking with it. Kie knew the location of the blue spider lilies, and both Nezuko and Tanjiro were able to withstand the sunlight. They lived high in the mountains in a secluded area, and they were often shown walking down paths when they were younger. Think about this theory when you read the manga again, it may seem strange but theres a lot of connections to it.
after reading the manga 5x and watching the anime at least 3x.. your brain starts to wonder and think of strange theories like these. What do you guys think? Is it really that far off..?
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 10 months
Demon slayer theory: Hantengu edition
Okay so I just came to this realization about half an hour ago. I think i have figured out why he is the way he is and why his main ability is to split into his clones.
That said, here is the theory: It is stated in the manga that ever since he was a child he was a compulsive liar but I suspect part of that may be a result of the lack of medical assistance for psychological problems during his time as a human. This in turn resulted in a victim complex that got so bad he started believing his own lies due to the adults around him not believing him when he was telling the truth which while understandable still did damage, which resulted in kleptomania as he believed that he could get away with just about anything because most people would believe him, which in turn resulted in anger issues that would flare up whenever he got caught stealing and his victim complex did not work which caused his violent outbursts and inevitably the resulting murders of anyone who called him out on his lies or crimes. But now you may be wondering "but wildfire what was he telling the truth about that the adults he grew up with didn't believe him about?" Well lemme tell ya; i suspect that "Hantengu" is part of a DID system and all six of the clones are his alternates, but since they didn't know what DID was back then they probably just thought he was making something up whenever he tried to tell them about his alternates, thought he was lying if he didn't remember doing something and thought he was crazy when he said that his hands did it but he didn't. Notice I put quotes around his name, that is because I suspect that one of the others may be the real original while hantengu is actually another alternate who had been fronting when they were turned and just kind of got stuck there. "But wildfire if hantengu is an another alternate than who IS the real one?" I hear you ask, so lets think for a moment shall we: our boy was turned when he was somewhere in his mid-fifties, Zohakuten is somewhere in his early teens, Aizetsu seems to be in his late teens-early twenties (he has a baby face so shush), Urogi and Karaku seem to be in their mid twenties and Sekido seems to be in his late twenties, that leaves Hantengu and Urami being the only two who appear to be in their fifties making Urami the original and Hantengu the oldest alternate which given the circumstances of what happened prior to being turned does make sense. It makes sense because at the time of being turned his crimes had finally caught up to him, nobody believed a word he said, he couldn't attack to escape or defend himself which left him all out of options, and he was set to be executed which would result in more fear than resentment. Fear being Hantengu's main emotion and Resentment being Urami's main emotion, thus causing hantengu to be fronting instead of urami when they were turned. This also explains why Urami is the most powerful of all seven of them, comes directly from the "main body" and they aren't defeated until Urami and hantengu go down as one and why hantengu is hiding inside urami instead of elsewhere like with the others and why beheading hantengu/"Fear" alone just brings out the others until urami comes out and the others fuse to form zohakuten who is the second most powerful. This is also why he refers to hantengu/"fear" as his "innocent self" because he knows what he did and acknowledges that hantengu/"fear" is technically innocent of the crimes he committed as a human as hantengu/"fear" would be to frightened to actually commit the crimes and thus isn't referring to all of them as one unit under hantengu/"fear" and instead only referring to hantengu/"fear".
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morgenjackson · 10 months
Fan theory: Demon Slayer
Yoriichi reincarnated
Have you ever wondered how powerful Tanjuro
(Tanjiro’s dad) was
We learned the idea in demon slayer about Reincarnation,
Now here is the thing, Back in the Sengoku Era Yoriichi Tsugikuni never wanted to fight. Yoriichi ever wanted a peaceful life with his wife and unborn child. Yoriichi could preform all forms of Sun breathing (Hinokami kagura) without fail. Yoriichi was born with the demon slayer mark and lived past 25, yoriichi could kill demons that was bigger than him. He had access to the transparent world and Selfless State
Now here is the idea that Tanjuro is Yoriichi Reincarnated,
Tanjuro was born with a mark on his forehead, which might be the Demon slayer mark pre-matured, he lived passed 25 but had an illness.
Tanjuro could preform the Hinokami Kagura dance from sunset to sunrise without breaking, even if he was sick he sill did it without weakening.
In the manga, Tanjiro states that when Tanjuro was sick he took down a bear that was bigger than Tanjuro himself. Tanjiro killed the bear with 2 strikes of the axe he had on him. And tanjiro said it would have taken multiple strikes but Tanjuro did with just 2. Tanjuro had Selfless State ability,
The Selfless State is a supernatural, esoteric and mostly mysterious state of being in which one completely erases their presence from the battlefield, completely getting rid of their fighting spirit/will to fight, bloodlust, anger, hatred, malevolence, drive and animosity. (Credit Demon slayer Fanon)
Tanjuro had everything Yoriichi wanted, A wife Kids, just a peaceful life with his family.
As theory goes there is a rumor that Tanjuro is the “chosen one” for the Taishō Era, Able to preform HinoKami Kagura, naturally born with a pre-Matured Demon slayer mark, and able to ender Selfless State.
This is Yoriichi Reincarnated
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bostrichidae · 6 months
humans evolving to combat demons? das crazy
so i've been thinking. about the shinazugawa family. and how both sanemi and genya each have a special thing about them that seems to help them survive against demons. and that got me really thinking.
humans probably developed certain traits to survive. during the demon slayer canon, demons had been around for at least a thousand years, which is plenty of time to create defense mechanisms against this overpowered apex predator.
so stuff like marechi and the whole demon eating thing are probably some sort of genetic mutation passed down through families, with marechi being the most common given that it's a blood type and not special organs.
this may also apply to mitsuri's increased muscle density; none of her siblings or parents were ever mentioned to have this, so it's likely either a recessive gene or mutation. this ties in to her increased appetite- her body dedicates most of the nutrients and sustenance she eats towards her muscles, so if she doesn't eat enough, she'll starve easily.
it's safe to assume that there's some sort of drawback to these traits, though. including mitsuri's increased danger of starvation. i also like to think that marechis have a natural resistance towards death- you can't kill them as easily as other people. however, they have poor eyesight (sanemi's colorblindness, even though it was trauma induced that doesn't just happen) and are more prone to conditions such as albinism (which sanemi likely has some form of. look at his hair. i'd say kyogo isn't the father but they look way too similar so. albinism it is).
as for the special digestive system/demon eating one, that is nowhere near as common as marechi or enhanced senses, but it's certainly happened a few times before. it was mentioned in the manga that kokushibo had encountered a slayer who did the same. there are likely other similar abilities, and the tradeoff is the lack of innate talent.
innate talent could be considered a dormant gene, and fighting demons can activate it in most people who have it. it was mentioned in regards to genya, who said he lacked it and it was the reason he couldn't use breathing styles. innate talent involves increased reflexes, the abillity to use total concentration breathing, and requiring less sleep. this particular trait is usually associated with enhanced senses and unusual hair and/or eye colors. some of these people have the potential to unlock the demon slayer mark. those with innate talent are also less likely to scar, which is why almost every character in that show has perfect skin.
enhances senses... where do i begin. i mean, they're observed in various people throughout the series, the prime examples being the main characters- the "kamaboko squad". those with enhanced senses are a subgroup of the innate talent group- you can have the first without the second but not the second without the first. however, they're also seen with many "survivor" characters- those who have survived the impossible or are the only ones left. these were simply developed to help evade and combat demons, and the people who have them are more likely to move up the ranks.
well. it's time to discuss yoriichi. the world really said "oh look a child to test our new invention on" and threw the demon slayer mark at him. he has innate talent, though it seems to be the most prominent in him as he not only has the potential to develop the demon slayer mark, he always had it and the power it granted. yoriichi never had any descendants, so this type of natural power was never really seen again. yoriichi was the first to truly utilize innate talent to the fullest, creating breathing styles that suited everyone's individual skills (and enhanced senses, if they had them). he really jumpstarted the whole shebang, honestly.
i'm done writing for now but i might make a follow-up/sequel to this sometime. idk.
biology nerds feel free to attack me about the whole genes business. i have never taken a biology class. i am relying purely off of my 7th grade science unit about genes
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wildfire317 · 2 years
Okay so, is anyone else getting late october scorpio vibes from Gyutaro or is that just me??? Cause Ngl he is giving me heavy scorpio vibes mostly leaning into october scorpio but still leaning a little bit into november scorpio. (Yes there is a difference between october scorpios and november scorpios)
Also Daki/Ume is kinda giving me february pisces-aquarius cusp vibes. (again yes there are differences between february pisces and march pisces as well as january aquarius and february aquarius)
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little-lee-froggie · 1 year
Guys, I think I know why Muzan looks like Michael Jackson. So Michael Jackson was a music artist who made some pretty cool music videos. You know what else is a cool thing you can watch?? DEMON SLAYER. I think demon slayer was meant to be a Michael Jackson music video where he was a demon lord, but he got stuck there, and that’s why we all think he’s dead, but really, he’s stuck in an anime.
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snowblueowl · 2 years
Theory/Thought on Demon Slayer
The whole story starts with Tanjiro finding his entire family slaughtered by a demon, only Nezuko survived but only due to her being turned into a demon herself. It was a horrible situation.
Later we learn that Muzan, the king of demons, himself, personally went and killed the entire Kamodo family. That stuck me as odd. 
Why would the king of demons, someone with many demons at his beck and call to do whatever he asked, go and kill this entire family on his own. It wasn’t even convenience, he wasn’t close by and just needed a meal. If he believed the family to be dangerous, (like the Rengoku family, who pass the art of Fire Breathing through the family.) Muzan could have sent any number of his underlings to deal with the Kamodos.
And yet Muzan did none of that. He instead went out of his way to personally kill this family.
(He turned Nezuko into a demon with the hope she could become immune to the sun and then he could absorb her and gain that ability, making him unbeatable)
Why did he do this? Well, there are a few theories.
One common theory is that Tanjiro’s father was a demon slayer who used sun breathing, who died failing to kill Muzan. Muzan then hunted down and killed the rest of the family in case any of them knew the forms of Sun Breathing with the goal to end all knowledge of the original breathing style.
This theory is very logical it explains why Muzan, himself would go and kill the Kamodo family. Though there is a huge glaring problem that makes this theory impossible. 
If Tanjiro’s father was a demon slayer who used sun breathing and he died fighting Muzan. Why wouldn’t the Corps go and protect the family? They would have known that everyone in the family had knowledge of all the forms of Sun Breathing, as well as knowledge that Muzan would go after them, just as he did with any student that Yoriichi taught. At the bare minimum they would want the family safe in order to document the forms. But this didn’t happen.
Even if everyone in the Corps were idiots and choose not to do anything, then why would nobody in the corps mention anything about Tanjiro’s father? Not even an offhand comment about looks or something. None of them said anything that would let on that any of them ever knew of the Kamodo family prior than meeting Tanjiro himself. Minus Giyu; though his knowledge of the family was more personal and had nothing to do with the Demon Slayer Corps. The fact of the matter is the Demon Slayer Corps had no knowledge of the Kamodo family, which wouldn’t line up if he worked with them.
Even if Tanjiro’s father was a rouge demon slayer, and never made contact with the Corps, it would be highly unlikely that word wouldn’t reach the Corps of a man with Sun Breathing extremely quickly; especially with their wide information network. I couldn’t find any angle where Tanjiro’s father would have been a demon slayer, rouge or otherwise, with the knowledge or use of Sun breathing that would never reach the ears of the Corps, or even mentioned. It just isn’t possible.
There is another theory or explanation that I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned.
The reason why Tanjiro is able to use Sun breathing is because of ‘The Dance of The Fire God’. A ceremonial dance that everyone in the Kamodo family learns, and preform once every year for ‘a blessing of health and safety’. This dance is actually Form 13 of Sun Breathing; which is just all 12 of the previous forms put together. While it is possible that Tanjiro’s parents knew that the dance was actually just the forms of Sun Breathing, that information wasn’t likely to be pasted down to Tanjiro till he was old enough to understand that if anyone found out the entire family would likely be killed by demons who feared the breathing style. Sadly both parents died before this information was passed on.
But how did Muzan find out about the family and their knowledge of the Sun Breathing forms? My answer, purely by chance. There are 2 people alive who would instantly recognize the forms of Sun Breathing, even in a ‘ceremonial dance’. Those would be Uppermoon 1, Kokushibo; Who was Yoriichi’s brother and watched as the breathing style was made. And Muzan himself; from living so long and being on the receiving end of the sword style. Between the two Muzan is the most inconspicuous and normal looking. If Muzan happened to see Tanjiro’s father preforming ‘The Dance of the Fire God’ he would instantly know the truth behind it. If he killed the father, but couldn’t get any information on who he was or if he had family, It would take a couple of years to find the rest of the Kamodo family. Muzan choose to kill the family himself so he knew the job was done, and the knowledge of the Sun Breathing style was dead with them. He didn’t know how many kids there were, so he hadn’t know he missed one. It was luck that Tanjiro was out of the house when Muzan arrived.
To me this make the most sense with the knowledge I have, if you have any thoughts or think I missed something, please either reblog or comment, I would love to read it.
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Hey, mod here I finally decided to write headcanons for the Hantengu clone and Zohakuten should have done that sooner. Anyways let's begin. Btw this is still in progress I accidentally added this to my queue ;-;
All four Including Zohakuten
Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu and urogi are more like quadruplets.
Sekido being the oldest and urogi the youngest of the four
They think of Zohakuten as their baby brother, and in return, he thinks of them as the annoying big brothers.
Like they have a brother dynamic, they stick together, they live together, they fight together and die together. If that's not quadruplet shit then I don't know what is.
All five of them consider Urami(hantengu) their father they would even call him Pa or father sometimes, they'ed even defend him like he's their dad.
all five are Blasien, specifically Nigerian. Like from the dub Aizetsu sounds like he might have a Nigerian Accent.
I have this theory, it's more like a headcanon tho and it doesn't really aline with Hantengus's backstory but anyways
The headcanon is that the clones were originally his sons and he lost all of them which caused him to become completely mentally and emotionally unstable
When he met Muzan, he agreed to turn into a demon but begged muzan to bring back his sons. when he turned, he gained the ability to split from his sons.
But that's just a theory, a game theory I'm sorry I had too
All four are 25(225)
Zohakuten is 13(213)
Urami is 80(280)
Hantengu is their last name, and is the name given to the main body they split from.
Urami (hantengu)
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The Father of all five and The oldest
He made them their clothes and fixes them, he does it i swear. fight me.
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Sekido is the oldest of the five and therefore takes the role of the angry and strict older brother, that bonks the younger ones on the head once in a while.
He sleepwalks and has an extremely creepy walk when he does.
Like he will walk around like he's gonna absorb the others.
My Man has back problems because he never relaxes.
He gets told by all his brothers and even Urami, that his back problems and stiffness come from that.
He also doesn't really stretch, so yeah.
The pain is the reason why he always stands so stiffly straight and only does minimal movements.
His favourite colour is actually blue.
He despises drinking and smoke
he absolutely hates it so much
He hates that Karaku smokes.
Urogi and Karaku probably take him out drinking just to piss him off or to have someone sober enough to stop them from doing stupid shit while under the influence.
I'm sorry but he is a control freak
Like he wants everything to be perfect
And everyone to do their parts correctly and how he want's it done
Absolutely hates slacking and making jokes on missions or meetings.
it's pretty much canon.
He can cook, he doesn't really have to but he can and he can cook good shit.
He loves his brothers tho more than he likes to admit to himself or anyone else.
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Like sekido, Karaku is the the second oldest of all four
He is the type of person that would make deez nuts jokes and perverted suggestions.
Would embarrass others on purpose just to get a kick out of it.
Gives good sex and Romance advice even tho no one asked him to.
But If you do ask for advice for anything to do with sex, flirting or romance he is the man for that.
Smokes weed but denies that he does it as a running gig,
because he tried to lie to Urami with a cigarette in his mouth which he forgot about, because he indeed was high at that time
Also offered his blunt once to zohakuten who ofc made a grimace at the smell and declined, as a joke
Got caught doing it and got his ass beat by Sekido and lectured by Urami
He can get very serious tho if he wants to be or if it's about kyogai or Urami or any of his brothers
He does deeply care for his brothers even if he annoys the undying shit out of them on purpose.
Sweats easily, like this man gets extremely hot very fast
Definitely has a fan,
Sleeps with the fan ON.
Not even Urami or Kyogai can convince him it's bad for him he.
Can cook but only the same simply dish and ONLY WHEN HE IS HIGH
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He is the emotional mess of the four
Emotional support brother
He is the person you go to when you feel like everything is to much and you just want to pour your heart out
Great listener.
Let's you speak and gives great advice and suggestions when asked to give them.
Only if you aske him tho
He is also the one that tries to resolve things between all of them
He doesn't talk much about his feeling which even kyogai and sekido find concerning and both are bad at expressing their feelings
The calmest of the four even when he was a human baby.
He rarely screamd or was Fuzzy definitely was the easiest to take care of.
Can cook too because the other two refuse to or can't cook.
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The youngest and the Hyperenergised of the four.
Gets the Zoomis a lot and I mean A LOT like he will fly and run giggling around and just pass out on the floor or a tree or even on someone else
Is cuddly and affectionate as fuck, like he will randomly hug all of them.
Has Autism a 100%
Gets distracted by birds or shiny things
Has a great sense of humour like, if you need a laugh or need some energy he will and can help.
Man can't keep his mouth shut for even a second.
He can talk for hours without stopping he can keep secrets under one condition
Five words
Remember when I said he can't shut up? It gets worse when he is drunk and he gets drunk fast.
Remember when I also said he can keep secrets? Yeah fuck that, He will spill the beans when he is drunk and there is nothing you could do if he is intoxicated and talking
unless you shut him up some how
This man doesn't shower or bath, he will fight you if you try to get him to do it.
Probably Used to scream like he is getting murdered when Urami would bath him when he was a human kid.
Still screams, even tho he is now a grown ass man.
But once he is in the water he refuses to get out or leave the shower
Absolutely would destroy the kitchen if you let him cook
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Absolutely hates being called baby brother but doesn't say anything about it tho.
Is the type of person to put the big boy pants on if his big brothers can't.
Gives off old-soul energy tho he is not that old. And says he doesn't.
Everyone thinks he does
Even Urami thinks that he does
He makes sure Their old man is taken care of when the others go on missions when separated
Is the defeniton of the "i'm surrounded by idiots"
He and Aizetsu Were and still are the calmest of all of them even when they were kids
has a very adorable laugh, like he has that cute baby giggle
And he still has that giggle
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hoe-4-the-clones · 10 months
Scientific analysis of Douma's and Akaza's diets as demons
(tw: violence, eating humans duh they're demons what do you expect)
doesn't eat women
hates weak people which means he mostly/only consumes strong men
assuming most of them were demon slayers trying to kill him, they would be rich in protein from their muscles if they're strong enough by Akaza's standards
if they were training to become demon slayers since they were young boys, they would've grown up developing high bone density which means they're rich in calcium when Akaza eats them
the protein and calcium content does a lot for Akaza's strength and durability as we seen in his fight against Rengoku who was literally struggling to cut through Akaza's neck
let's face it, he would've eaten that flaming hot donut if it weren't for the sun coming up
"women are more nutritious"
his creation of his ice clones are technically like reproduction
in terms of vitamins and minerals he might have a point
women eating more food during periods and pregnancy = high nutrient content for Douma
don't forget the stem cells from the endometrium, there's a reason why he can reproduce so many ice clones
convenient easy access from his cult where he can eat everyday unlike Akaza who's picky about who's strong enough for him to fight before eating them
it's NOT only about the nutrition content but also the frequency of consumption so with Douma's cult we don't know exactly how many women he ate all those years which adds up to the power of his blood demon art
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kittycole · 1 year
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My ship's color theory (So for the past week I have found out I have colored ships dynamic for purple/ magnet and red/yellow. I was like, " That can't be true?" So I think about my favorite ships, putting the pieces together and so far there are five of my favorite ships, but also those are the ones I drew them too! Which I'm now realizing those are my color ships dynamic. Also, I don't believe it is a purple color. I think it is also magenta or something else mix color. I'm bad at name color, so if any guys know the color for the character leave it down in the comment.)
Reblog to let everyone see! Thank you very much!
Commissions info/ Ko-Fi
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kohakurin8 · 6 months
~ Dissecting Kimetsu no Yaiba ~
Kyōjurō Rengoku, Dragonball, & The Tale of The Monkey King
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I'm sure you can already tell where this is going based on the title, but this is actually a post that I've wanted to make for a while now and just... couldn't find the words to put it in. Eventually, I just realized that the words probably won't come to me until I start writing them, so here I am!
Let's talk about a relatively obvious reference made within Kimetsu no Yaiba that a surprising amount of people completely missed. That is, the fact that the Hashira Rengoku is an uncanny, undeniable reference to the Monkey King, or Sun Wukong, from a very famous Chinese folktale -- Journey to the West!
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Fun Fact: Dragonball was originally a loveletter to Journey to the West, with Goku originally being a direct reference to Sun Wukong as well!
Haha, that fun fact may seem random but it actually plays a big role in what I'm about to say.
See, I'm no expert on Journey to the West, but thanks to the widespread popularity of Dragonball and the Shounen genre, you really don't need to be in order to understand the relevance and significance of Sun Wukong!
It's pretty well known that Dragonball was essentially the progenitor of the Shounen genre, and before it got into Dragonball Z with all of the aliens and galactic drama, the series actually focused on Martial Arts and its relationship with the mystical forces of the world. Of course, this means it's not at all surprising for Goku to be a reference to Sun Wukong since Journey to the West essentially defined the Martial Arts Movie genre of Eastern Asia.
You see where I'm going with this yet? 😏
Yes, Sun Wukong defined the Martial Arts Movie protagonist, and through him Goku defined the Shounen protagonist.
Sure, not every Shounen protagonist rides through the sky on a cloud like our beloved Saiyan Hero or the Monkey King, but there are still plenty of other shared character traits that became staples. An astounding, almost insatiable appetite; unyielding willpower; enough love for friends and family to move mountains; almost inhuman courage and heroics; supernatural power to rival even the gods -- basically anything that makes you think of a Shounen protagonist is a trait originally beheld by Sun Wukong.
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So now that we've done the background knowledge, let's shift our focus to Rengoku specifically.
I know what you're going to say. "But Rin, if Sun Wukong is in every Shounen protagonist we've ever drooled and cried over, what makes Rengoku so special?"
And to that I say sit down and have some patience, I'm getting to that!
Rengoku is special because he somehow masterfully represents all of the things that Sun Wukong was known for while avoiding the bland and boring tropes yet somehow simultaneously expressed everything you love about classic Shounen.
He has a razor-sharp wit and instinct, smoothly hidden beneath playful, charming, and almost clown-like behavior. His bright personality, warm kindness, and furious power remind one of the sun itself -- something that Sun Wukong was widely representative of.
Delightfully eccentric and quirky. A blazing glory that touches and warms hearts until he's etched into their very soul, shaping viewers into brave warriors the same way he shapes Tanjiro Kamado into one himself.
Kyōjurō Rengoku is a flawless loveletter to everything that ever was, and ever will be, The Monkey King.
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 2 years
Demon slayer headcannon/theory:
So this is a theory that involves Rui and certain habits of his:
I have a theory that being a Spider demon specifically effected Rui (and naturally the rest of the spider fam) quite a bit. Now that is already pretty obvious but I mean effected him more than is plainly shown. So it seems to be pretty obvious that Rui does not like loud noises and sure one could chalk that up to him being a demon and having more sensitive ears but looking at all the other demons shown so far the only other demon that is anywhere close to being that annoyed by loud noises is Kyogai who being a writer and an introvert prefers things to be quieter but even he doesn't get annoyed to the point of straight up attacking whatever is being loud (i feel like if tanjiro had been quieter rui would have been a lot less annoyed and maybe more reasonable). Changing lanes here for a bit but stick with me because these are connected. Rui also has a pretty broad attack range or an A.O.E (area of effect) if you will and his attacks tend to go in a sweeping motion even his "murderous eye basket" attack is pretty broad starting out as a large dome and steadily getting smaller until inevitably (unless the threads are cut) whoever is trapped inside is cut to pieces. Also similar to Kyogai whose main attack is a sweeping claw attack. Now you may be wondering "Wildfire whats the connection there?" Well lemme tell ya; Both Kyogai and Rui have bad vision but for different reasons (kyogai's being better than rui's) Kyogai has bad vision because he keeps his eyes rolled about 160-170 degrees backwards most of the time, Rui however has bad vision because he is a Spider demon and actual spiders are near-sighted to the point where they have to rely very heavily on their other four senses, movement and temperature sense as well for most things, which mean that his ears are even more sensitive than the majority of other demons. Which is why whenever Rui was fighting Tanjiro he only attacked with his actual limbs when Tanjiro was within a certain distance because thats when he could actually see what he was doing well enough to know that he wouldn't miss. This is also why he didn't really attack when Tanjiro was not moving and instead taunted him to try to get him to move so he could see or feel the vibrations of where he was. This could also explain why when he cut his own head off with his threads and when he was fading away respectively he had his hands out infront of him, because at the distance his head was from his body he couldn't really see where his body was going and had to feel for vibrations instead. This could also explain how he knew that Nezuko had passed out without even looking at her, because she wasn't moving around anymore and thus not causing his threads to vibrate. This is also how he could tell where that other slayer that tried to sneak up on him thinking he was an easy kill was before he ever started talking because of the temperature sense and while he could have been mistaken for some human sized critter, he decided to open his big mouth and after that he was screwed. Now you may be wondering "Wait if he has more sensitive senses than other demons why wasn't he distracted by the spider father's scent like tanjiro was" well since he lives with the rest of the spider family he and the rest of them got used to each-others scents so that was part of the "home-court advantage" and made the slayers scents more obvious and made it easier for them to guesstimate how many slayers were left because in theory every-time a slayer got either wrapped up and liquified, tangled or turned into minions they got covered in the spider scent, however since Rui was already pissed off and distracted by Tanjiro, Giyuu went unnoticed until it was pretty much to late. Also depending on what type of spider Rui inadvertently based himself on, his looking at the moon may or may not have been his way of giving himself a form of dark/night-vision.
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
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Sanzu//Yapper extraordinaire//Hobbies are wasting money on merchandise, scheming, dreaming and sobbing over lack of motivation to write//Interests are steampunk, manga, really old K-pop and modern J-pop//They, Them, It//American Born Chinese (ironically) in late teens
I'M INTO: Demon Slayer//Bungou Stray Dogs//Tokyo Revengers//Jujutsu Kaisen//Assassination Classroom//My Hero Academia//Fullmetal Alchemist//Spy x Family//Pokémon
SAMURAI CODE: No smut or anything that I deem uncomfortable for me//Respect if I choose not to answer you//Under no circumstances are you to repost without my permission or try to pass it off as your own work
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CONSPIRACY THEORIES - What ifs that could have happened, contrary to canon
AU - Alternate universe ideas (mostly fluff, maybe angst)
X READER - The occasional y/n fics
TEXT MESSAGES - X Characters once again
THE YANDERE ALPHABET - Short fics on toxic lovers
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keonamariearelis · 3 months
Mitsuri: How's your life?
Shinobu: Like everybody else's, subject to entropy, decay and eventual death. Thank you for asking. 😊
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space2wanders · 6 months
Does Sanemi Wind pillar live nearby to Giyu village
after seeing in demon slayer season 3. We got interest cameo
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We know that Shinazugawa sibling got tragic killed by demon Shizu (they own mother)
my theory is that Giyu’s sister was living nearby the village. That tragedy that has happened to Shinazugawa had happened first. later on story that Giyu’s sister got killed by demon. im not sure we might get expanded on Giyu’s backstory and to see what live was like with his sister of course what demon look like.
If get to see Sanemi’s backstory in season 4 for getting expanded on demon hunting. What if Sanemi had killed the demon that killed Giyu’s sister.
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If so it would create satisfying kill the demon.
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