ranaexpo · 5 months
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Background is shitty like always
But like its christmas but like then again its eternity's birthday so like um merry christmas (kill me)
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heart-songs · 1 year
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I’ve been wondering, lately, about the half-life of a heart…
Is it half of however many years we breathe life on this earth? Half of how many times it beats in a week, a month, or a year?
Do we subtract whenever it skips, divide for any breaks and multiply for every flutter? Is there any way to quantify a relationship like this?
How do we account for days shared versus days apart? Could it be measured in sunrises, sunsets, or stars? Would the moon and her phases also figure into the equation?
Perhaps, it’s simply half of us half of how long I’ve loved you. Yes, that sounds about right. Yes, darling, you do the math. Tell me, what is half of eternity?
- Cora Finch
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landgraf · 5 months
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heute möchte ich euch ein spannendes Projekt vorstellen, das euch die Möglichkeit bietet, euer Geld gewinnbringend und effektiv anzulegen: Eternity. Eternity ist eine Plattform, die euch Zugang zu den attraktivsten und lukrativsten Märkten bietet: dem Krypto- und dem Immobilienmarkt. Mit Eternity könnt ihr nicht nur von den hohen Renditen dieser Märkte profitieren, sondern auch von der Sicherheit und Transparenz, die euch die Plattform bietet. Eternity ist nämlich mit einer Versicherung von 100.000€ abgesichert, die euch im Falle eines Verlustes oder Betrugs entschädigt. Außerdem erhaltet ihr eine schriftliche Bestätigung über eure Investitionen, die ihr jederzeit einsehen könnt.
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Eternity ist aber nicht nur eine Plattform für Investoren, sondern auch für Partner. Wenn ihr andere Menschen für Eternity begeistern wollt, könnt ihr sie als Partner anwerben und von ihrer Aktivität profitieren. Ihr erhaltet nämlich eine Provision für jede Investition, die eure Partner tätigen, und könnt so euer passives Einkommen erhöhen. Eternity bietet euch also eine Win-Win-Situation: ihr helft anderen Menschen, ihr Geld sinnvoll anzulegen, und verdient dabei selbst noch mehr.
Ich bin selbst seit kurzer Zeit bei Eternity dabei und bin sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. Ich habe mein Geld in Einstieg -Projekte investiert, die mir die aufgezeigten Renditen eingebracht haben. Ich habe auch Partner geworben, die ebenfalls sehr begeistert sind von der Plattform. Ich kann euch Eternity nur empfehlen, wenn ihr euer Geld arbeiten lassen wollt und dabei sicher und transparent investieren wollt.
Wenn ihr mehr über Eternity erfahren wollt, besucht einfach die Website www.eternity.com und meldet euch kostenlos an. Ihr erhaltet dann Zugang zu allen Informationen und Angeboten, die euch die Plattform bietet. Ihr könnt auch gerne mich kontaktieren, wenn ihr Fragen habt oder mehr über meine Erfahrungen wissen wollt. Ich freue mich, euch bei Eternity begrüßen zu dürfen.
Auf den Erfolg,
Euer DGnetworker
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speechbuble · 10 months
The rose of the legions shines in the glory of victory
Shall we pronounce me as a liar?
Take me to you sinner!
As in me raises a glimmer
As my souls out to the forgiver
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lady-bee-holmes · 2 years
Salesman, hand phasing through the top of a ghost: this bad boy can fit so many metaphors in it
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jey-draws · 2 years
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And then she did
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sandxhanitizer · 3 months
I scene build in SFM. I love you Emesis Blue. Happy 1 year of existence
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Edit -we got Garry's Mod backgrounds now!!!
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disguisedcheezed · 1 month
If HS:BC doesn't add in the inherit homoeroticism of whatever the fuck Ult Dirk said to/about John in the meat timeline, then it's NOTHING.
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geekgirles · 1 year
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Edred, you are definitely one flawed character, but my God if they aren't deliberately going out of their way to make you the biggest little meow meow I've ever seen.
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qtubbo · 3 months
Also here is the endless list of people I’ve watched be assigned Tubbo’s parent on qsmp: Fit, Pac, Phil, Quackity, Wilbur, Roier, Cellbit, Bagi, Mouse, Niki, Tina, Luzu, Willy, Slime, Mariana, Lenay, Pol, Baghera, Etoiles, Aypierre, Bad, Rubuis, Foolish, and Missa.
I have seen every single one of these, Rubuis was a carry over from squidcraft, Roier was in combo with Cellbit, Pol was because he’s old enough to be Tubbo’s dad, Baghera was because art of them looked similar early on, Etoiles was because Tubbo can’t have friend they must be his dad, Slime and Mariana was through Sunny, and Foolish is I can’t even explain that one.
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yousayusei · 8 months
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no thoughts. head empty. only this rikuyusei photoset living in my mind. twenty-four seven. rent free.
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gwandaa · 2 months
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will you write something vampire themed for spooky season?
The coffin was luxurious, as far as coffins went. The protagonist had half-expected just a plain wood box, scratchy and full of splinters. They supposed, if they had to die, they could at least do so in style.
It didn't really make them feel better.
And it didn't make the coffin fit two people any better either.
"Stop squirming," the secret love of their life snapped. "You're just going to get us more stuck."
"I don't think it's possible to get more stuck." Their voice was only a little, reasonably, hysterical. "We're buried alive in a bloody coffin!"
The secret love of their life looked awful beneath them. Pallid, even in the crowded gloom of their shared grave. They felt clammy and cold beneath the protagonist's limbs.
The protagonist swallowed. They tried to stop squirming. There were no comfortable positions.
The love of their life hissed between their teeth with irritation, and if the protagonist could see properly, they were sure that a terrifying and wrathful and gorgeous glare would be pointed in their direction.
"I'm sorry," the protagonist said. For the squirming, sure, but mostly for everything else. For somehow getting them into this mess. For being the last idiot that the love of their short life would ever see. For not knowing how to save either of them.
"You should stop talking and conserve your air."
"You should stop talking and conserve your air," the protagonist mumbled. They closed their eyes. They tried not to panic. The panic closed in on them on every side, just like the too close suffocating padded walls, and the steady weight of six or so feet of packed soil crushing them on all sides.
"Someone's going to rescue us," the love of their life said. "Your friends - someone - will figure out where we are."
"Coffin. My first guess too."
"They'll get us out." The growl in their friend's voice was almost inhuman. Quite impressive.
The protagonist bit down hard on their lip, and the rather unhelpful response of 'before or after we die from the lack of oxygen? Because, you know, I read that people can survive five hours locked in a coffin. Tops. If they're not hyperventilating. But who's hyperventilating! I'm not hyperventilating! Are you?'
Their friend drew a sharp breath. Then they squirmed, hypocritically, before managing to place cool hands on either side of the protagonist's whirling brain.
"Easy," they murmured, abruptly far more gentle. "You're okay. You're going to be okay. I'm not - I won't let anything bad happen to you."
The protagonist felt tears prick the corners of their eyes. Absurd.
One of their friend’s thumbs grazed over their lip, wiping away the bead of blood there.
"Match your breathing to mine," their friend murmured, voice a little hoarse and trying-to-keep-it-together. "Concentrate on me."
The protagonist did their best. Their friend breathed very slowly, admirably calm really, given the circumstances.
"I won't hurt you," their friend said. "I love you. I won't."
"It's not you I'm worried about. Wait - you love me?"
It was impossible to see the love of their life's face, and really, a coffin was the worst place for a confession. Because the protagonist would very much have liked to have seen their face. At least if they were hanging over a lava pit, the protagonist would have been able to see their face, and make a judgment on if they meant that platonically or romantically.
God. They hated their brain.
Their friend didn't say anything and the silence was surely almost as agonising as dying. Almost. They brushed a tear away from the protagonist's cheek, feather-light.
"More than anything," their friend said. "Now shut. up. Please. And please, please, stop moving."
The protagonist shut up. Somehow. They rested their head against their friend's chest, letting the knowledge of that confession fill them with warmth, or try to.
At least they were dying in a coffin with someone they loved. Who loved them back. Someone's whose heart was so...
The protagonist stopped. It was a trick. A mistake. Something. But it felt, beneath their ear, like their friend's heart wasn't beating. Actually, when the protagonist really thought about it, now that their breathing was more or less steady, even in the squashed space they couldn't hear their friend's breathing at all. They couldn't feel it against their cheek and...
They didn't think the love of their life had always been so cold.
"Why." The protagonist resisted the urge to shift again. "Why do you think you're going to hurt me? Worst you're going to do is elbow me in the face?"
Their friend was silent a second time.
"Right?" The protagonist pressed.
"Someone will find us. They'll get us out. It's not a problem. It won't be a problem."
"What...what won't be a problem?" But the protagonist, with a dreadful twist in their stomach, knew. It should have been obvious, maybe, in the last twenty four hours.
The stomach bug. The dark glasses. The cringing from the sunlight.
"I won't hurt you." A mantra. Not a reassurance; a mantra, a plea. "I love you. I won't hurt you. You're going to be fine."
Five hours, suddenly, seemed like a lifetime.
The coffin was luxurious, as far as coffins went. Excellent quality. Top notch.
Nothing else, after all, would keep in a newly turned and starving vampire locked up.
"Shit," the protagonist whispered.
And that about summed up their current predicament.
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star-containment · 6 months
don’t listen to him! there’s no such thing!
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randombook4idk · 1 year
i'm not saying that they got my attention and heart
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but i am saying that they have my attention and heart
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ecto-stone · 5 months
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