kitsunesongs · 8 months
When attempting to summon King Arthur using Avalon as a catalyst, Emiya Kiritsugu accidentally summons a man with white hair and tanned skin, who refuses to give his name.
Heroic Spirit Emiya, meanwhile, is startled to find himself in a position to actually stop the fire that lead to his being rescued and also empty and cligning to Kiritsugu's ideals and therefore becoming a counter guardian....provided he can convince not just Emiya Kiritsugu but also the other servants and masters that the grail is corrupt.
Also, he ends up impressing and entertainingand aggravating Gilgamesh - who still ends up proposing marriage to the Fourth Grail Wars Saber Servant.
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onifunashug7 · 1 year
Mystery about Lancelot (Fateverse). He is SUS, believe me.
Maybe there is another reason why Zekerlot is more handsome than Saberlot who is actually his younger version.
1. It was Saberlot who tricked his own face into being ugly in order to avoid being the center of attention and reduce the abuse he experienced during his lifetime. (he purposely dyes his hair lighter and make-up to make her face more grumpy and drier)
2. This the reason why he cut his hair... Maybe?
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Well... I predict, whether Nasu is drunk or not, Lancelot Fateverse is more like Kushina. Great power from birth, being used by other regions because their speciality
Kushina: Uzushiogakure -> Konohagakure
"Because she is a good vessel for kyuubi with special chakra even though she is from the Uzumaki clan which incidentally is a clan known for longevity. She was brought by force to Konoha to replace Uzumaki Mito who was the first Kyuubi jinchūriki secretly under the direct orders of Hiruzen (3rd Hokage)."
Lancelot: Benoic (France) -> Camelot (Britain)
Because of his extraordinary strength from birth. Has very high ability and talent in fighting, especially swordsmanship. That's not if Nasu really intends to include the Vulgate element. Elaine is a descendant of Solomon and David who are known as the kings of magecraft. Maybe Lancelot has decent magecraft potential. Knight of Owner is SUS.
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Maybe that was the reason Vivian took him even though her mother was still alive and had been searching for Lancelot all her life. Vivian is Morgan too in Fateverse so... You can conclude for yourself with Morgan who has the attitude to justify any means for the sake of Camelot which she loves."
It's a mystery why Lancelot had to be in Camelot from the start.
1. His mother was still alive and left him for a time.
2. Elaine had begged herself to tears and said in the Vulgate, "Please give me my son. He will live a hard and miserable life later.", which IT REALLY HAPPENED 💀.
3. Vivian ignored Elaine and took her son to the Lake. (DANCOK VIVIAN AKMJ AAAARRRRHGGGGG EMOSI TOK ISINE SUUUUU)
4. If you think Lancelot was taken because if he was with his mother it wouldn't be safe. Biji kau gua jadiin lato-lato anyink.
Mana? Kagak ada anyink. Elaine wasn't even found by Claudas' troops after that and was safely in the church. Just the same, Lancelot would still be safe in his mother's grasp. Better yet, he would be even more intelligent than when he was cared for by Vivian despite being weak in battle.
It's strange to see in FGO material Lancelot Saber and berserker. Both of them do not include their mother (Elaine Benoic) in detail, in fact only their father is clear.
It might be a spoiler if her mother is listed in detail, because in the Vulgate itself, Elaine is descended from David and Solomon. (Moreover, Galahad is likely to come in Ordeal Call)
Well... When Galahad comes, it's certain that Lancelot will be completely exposed with all the secrets he's been hiding all this time.
Don't underestimate this person. He could even tell that the grail in HGW Fuyuki 4th was tainted due to the evil manifestation (Angra Mainyu) of HGW 3. Only people like Kerry know this information 💀 (eyo! Orang mana kamu anyink?)
He also predicted Ozy's attitude when he was going to convince Ritsuka and his friends. And well, Lancelot is right. But it's just that if they say that King Hasan is on their side, Ozy will immediately agree without exception 🗿(bruh moment)
SUS, right?
He's got a lot of potential. Even the story alone will grow as new KoRT's emerge in FGO. Don't believe it? Just listen to Percival and Gareth about Lancelot. Surely more new fun facts will emerge for Lancelot.
There are more...
His stats are always changing and here is the latest one. Nasu is really drunk to just fix it in 2022 after 7 years of FGO release.
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Mletre ngambu lem tenan wong sitok i.
Nih gua udah list semua stat yang ada dari dulu punya Saberlot.
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Dah lah. Capek...
But. Try to focus on NP and Mana.
The NP has changed. Somehow. But I predict, Lancelot indeed since his appearance there must be something odd.
The first time Lancelot appeared. The NP of Lancelot saber is A++. Same as the newest FGO material. But in 2017, there was an update that the NP had dropped to A. (please mark this sentence)
Back then, Lancelot saber's FGO materials were far different from those in the game. That makes his stats both confusing and unique because the stats in FGO Material are the same as Tristan 🗿
It will continue to be Saberlot's official stats from 2017 to early 2022. (Buset, lama uga master 🅱️lan-nya Nasu)
In that same year, 2022. The latest e-book version of FGO material has come out from series 1 to the latest.
I thought maybe they only put out the e-book version. It turned out that something exceeded my initial expectations. Yes, they did correct the Lancelot saber's stats 💀💀💀 (jujur gua gak bakal tahu ini kalo bukan kawan Twitter yang post stat di atas itu. Sampe titik ini, gua beneran mikir, "asu... Mletre tenan wong ini. Kepungkur 6 tahun baru diganti sak iki.")
Yeah... This is what it is.
Saberlot's stats are finally aligned with those in the game.
There are interesting changes in it.
The NP is back to A++ same as 2016.
His Mana became B rank. What started out as C became B.
Not to mention in August 2022, Saberlot got NP strengthening from A to A+.
That means, Arondight Overload has A+ power.
But... Does it make sense that Arondight Overload has A++ power? Remembering Arondight Overload is a technique created by Lancelot himself (missused). The original Arondight is the same as Excalibur, namely the beam.
Supposedly, the single target Arondight Overload is less powerful than the Arondight beam (anti-army).
If we look at Mélusine (FK Lancelot), she has 2 NPs. Innocent Arondight and Hollow Heart Albion. They are Arts and Buster respectively.
So, with Saberlot's NP stat it's actually A++,
1. Is the Saberlot we see today still not as powerful as he could actually put out?
2. Will he have 2 NP?
Like Mélusine 💀
3. Speaking of his Mana rank increase, did he really have such sealed magical energy potential? (Like my theory that I marked above 💀)
Think about it again. Saberlot is a knight, and his class is saber. Wouldn't it make more sense if STR or AGL went up. But why is Mana/Prana being increased. I mean, he's not a caster right... RIGHT?!
And I have another theory. This is crazy but... Could be...
In Zekerlot's FGO Material, it has been explained that he was born with a high-spec body and is multi-talented.
If he became a servant, his stats should be even higher than they are currently. Does not make sense?
Look Bedivere!
Bedivere who is that great can only have good stats after becoming a servant (yes, even if it's because of the Excalibur in his arm.)
Compare now with Lancelot who is said to be high-spec body and multitalented. Saberlot's stats should be more than that. Or maybe the stats are the same as when Lancelot activated the blessing from lady of lake. Yes, the stats should be like that even without a blessing.
Now. The theory here is, Vivian did DELIBERATELY weaken Lancelot ever since he was in her hands.
Well… Apart from sealing away the magic energy, she might as well be sealing away some of Lancelot's true power.
There are several reasons I think in this conspiracy theory.
1. So that Lancelot doesn't know where he comes from, who his real parents are and why he is there.
2. Perhaps because of its great strength it would pose a dangerous potential.
The first reason it could be like that is because of the Vulgate itself. When Lancelot asked, "Are you calling me a prince because I'm really a prince?". Before this, Little Lancelot met a middle-aged man who said that he was similar to King Ban, King of Benwick who had been colonized by Claudas.
Instead of answering Lancelot's question, who was crying, Vivian seemed to be avoiding his question and preferring to calm his tears. And you know what Vivian's reaction was after hearing that question?
Yeah... She panicked.
Nih emang Vivian. Biang keroknya Lancelot aslinya emang elu anyink. Mau kapan pun, nih orang emang kudu di bully terus. Sama aja kau kayak Morgan. Cuman beda cara aja, lembut pelan tapi mematikan, anyink.
Dah sementara itu dulu. Sebenarnya masih ada penjelasan lagi lebih rinci... Nanti aja kalo udah inget lagi...
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lex-munro · 9 months
[Fateverse: The Traveler] (We’re Not a) Team
you guys You Guys YOU GUYS YOU GUYS
i found it.  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =3
i gave the file the wonderfully accurate and unhelpful title of "TEMP," because i was adding its HTML tags and got interrupted.
Wade and Forecaster land in a Titans-verse on their first solo assignment (thanks to Jormungandr’s map).
Warnings:  Dimension-hopping.  An alternate DC timeline based on kind of a mashup of Titans and Young Justice, diverging somewhere in the middle of Titans season 2 and just stealing little tidbits of YJ; as such, contains spoilers for Titans but not for YJ (for example: Hank is alive and Blackfire is still on Tamaran living it up and reforming their objectively gross caste system).  Language: PG-13 (primetime TV plus s*** and f***).
Pairing:  background Dick/Connor (do we still call that rarepair SuperNight, or am I out of date again?).
Timeline:  several years after Titans season 2.
Disclaimer:  recognizeable characters and properties belong to DC, Marvel, WB, et al.
We’re Not a Team
Wade looks around.  An involuntary shiver creeps up his spine.  “Whoa.  I don’t feel right, Effcee.”
~It’s the phase misalignment.  Wades aren’t used to not matching their surroundings.~
“If I’m misaligned, doesn’t that mean I’m damaging the stability of this branch?”
~A little.  But we shouldn’t have to worry about that for a couple of days, at least.~
“Which is when what happens, exactly?  The destabilization gets too bad to fix?”
~Nahhhh.  Usually, local loci—heh, that’s fun to say—will come do some automatic tuning before it gets that bad.~
“Meaning one of this branch’s plot devices is gonna come kill the fuck outta me.”
~Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude.~
“Should I have tried to sound more cheerful about my potentially impending horrible death?”
~Always look on the briiight siiiide of death!~
Wade blames his somewhat Pavlovian response to song fragments for the way he automatically whistles along.  “So, where’s that subject shrapnel we’re chasing?”
~Scanning, please wait…  Whaaaaat?~
“What?” Wade echoes.  “What ‘what’?  Q’est ce que ‘what’?”
~Uh.  It’s…you?  But not you-you?  Resonance says it’s a Wade, but everything else is way outta whack.  And we’ve got a Bishop around here, prolly chasing him.  That’s all I got from local residue.  Find me a wifi hotspot, and I’ll see what the Interwebs turns up.~
So Wade heads for the Starbucks he sees at the end of the block.  He gets a triple-shot breve while he waits, and may or may not accidentally hear some radio chatter on a police band about some sports team losing some game.
~Okay, so according to this universe’s version of Reddit, we’re on Young Justice turf.  Let’s see…we got Teen Titans on each coast…we got some celebrity couples…  Nice TikTok vid of the green-haired kid and the goth chick acting out key Disney romance scenes with reversed gender roles…  Oh shit, son!  Not-you is a baby—the most talked-about baby on the planet right now.  Billionaire philanthropist tech mogul Bruce Wayne’s adopted grandkid, Wade Grayson, mysteriously vanished from the public eye one year ago today…  Wade, my guy, baby-you is Dick Grayson’s kid, how freaking awesome is that?~
“Oh, shit—is that where we are?  Damn, son!  His other dad is Superboy.”
~Missing as of yesterday.  The Internet is aflame with conspiracy theories, because of the timing.  Young Justice is poking around…their little Atlantean dude is closest, by my scans.~
“Sweeeet, let’s book it.”
~Nobody says that anymore, Wade.~
Wade chooses to ignore that.  He follows Forecaster’s map a few blocks and into an alley—where some young guy is going waterbender on Bishop.
“You!” Wade and Bishop say at the same time (and possibly with the same level of annoyance).
“Aren’t there any other time-traveling douchebags out there?” Wade complains.
“I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
“And don’t you have anything better to do than twaddle around the Timestream circumventing free will and murdering babies?”
Bishop ducks a spear made of water and says, “That’s a gross oversimplification!”
“Your face is a gross oversimplification!” Wade retorts, and squeezes off a few rounds.
Blocked by the nifty robot hand, but it was worth a try, and it gets the kid an opening to bash Bishop in the face with a hammer.
“Pffft, water-hammer…  Who said physics isn’t funny?”
“Enough!” yells Bishop, and he does his obnoxious blinding glowworm trick.
When Wade can see again, the creep is nowhere to be found.
“Who the heck are you?” the kid asks Wade.  “And how do you know Bishop?”
“Eh, I’ve had to kill a couple Bishops before.  As for who I am?  Short answer:  good guy.”
“Long answer?”
“Wade Wilson, meta-human Swiss Army Knife and dimension-hopping do-gooder.  I’m pretty sure I’m here to stop Bishop from killing Nightwing’s kid, who is both me and not-me.  Gonna assume at the moment that means my first step is finding and-or rescuing the boytoy.”
“Superboy,” the kid says helpfully.  “Robin and I found a clue and split up, and suddenly I’m facing off with sci-fi-Wilt-Chamberlain.  From what he was up to the last time we saw him, that means I’m on the right track.”
Wade turns a circle.  “In an alley?”
“I’m pretty sure there’s a secret LexCorp lab nearby.”
“Better call the gang, then.  Effcee, anything secret-labby?”
~Like the suspicious amount of shielding on the building to your right?  Hard to tell for sure, but the scans I can get make it look abandoned.~
“Huh.  Guess we don’t need a team, then.”  Wade shrugs, extends a blade, and takes an experimental swipe at the wall of the building in question.  The brick is easy, but he whacks something solid enough that he pulls something in his shoulder.
~Try the eye-lasers.~
“I hate the eye-lasers.”
~You got a better idea?~
“One of the Just Youngins goes punchy-punchy, right?  Whatever the current Wonder Woman equivalent is.  Is it another Wonder Girl, or did they go with something less derivative?”
~Narp.  The current Wonder Girl is a Teen Tighty.  Super-Dad is the team’s punchy-punchy, thus currently indisposed.~
“Stupid useful itchy eye-lasers,” Wade grumbles, and focuses on glaring the wall to death.
“Oh, sh—” Waterboy yelps, ducking behind Wade.
Something heavy falls inside the building.
Hope that wasn’t structural…
Wade kicks down the door he cut into the wall.
“Can we slow down a little?  I called the team, so we’ll have backup in a few minutes.  Martian or Nightwing would be super-helpful.”
“When it looks like we just hit money?” Wade scoffs, craning his neck to survey all the nifty LexCorp doodads.  “How awesome would it be to find and rescue a Superdude without any help from a bat or a bird?  That’d finally get the Water Tribe some respect, right?  I mean, there’s whole universes out there that mock Aquaman as the absolute lamest member of the Justice League.”
“What!?” squawks the younger man.  “After he made a literal dragon out of seawater and crunched a battleship in half?”
“Huh.  He can do that?”
“Yes!  It was extremely badass.  He even did a hair-flip after, and I’m pretty sure half the bystanders swooned.”
“Can you do that?”
“Not that big, but you saw me earlier.”
“No, the hair-flip.”
Damp Scamp, who has very short hair, is Not Amused.
“Kidding, kidding, jeez,” Wade mutters with a grimace.  “Could you have, for instance, seeped the water from these puddles into the mortar of the wall and then made it explode?”
“Yup,” the kid says, clearly not a fan of Wade’s fail-better-faster approach to problem-solving.
“Uh.  Oops?  My bad, yo.”
The current Robin drops into the alley from somewhere (Wade looks up, but there’s no fire escapes or open windows).  “Three questions:  who were you fighting; who’s the new guy; and are we going in, or what?”
“Three answers:  Marxist Baby-Killer; Wade Wilson, big fan of your work; and sure, let’s find some clues to where the baddies stashed Super-Dad.  How do you not know who Bishop is when Sokka over here said you guys have fought him before?”
“That was Bishop?  I was dealing with my own thing at the time—Dick didn’t even tell me it had happened until he’d sent Hank and the baby into hiding and they’d already put Bishop in Iron Heights Prison.”  Robin makes a face that Wade would hazard to classify as thoughtful.  “How’d you cut through the wall?”
“Itchy eye-lasers.  It’s a mutant thing.”
“Hm.  Let’s go.”
A yellow blur resolves itself into a kid with auburn hair and a dorky super-suit.  “Sorry I’m late—pizza craving.  You buzzed, Kaldur?”
“LexCorp lab, and try not to break anything,” Robin says.  He pauses to level each of them with a stern look.  “That goes for all three of you.”
“Have we met?” the new kid asks Wade.
“Wade Wilson, interdimensional bounty hunter, here to unfuck this shit with Bishop and the presumably-super-powered mysterious baby.”
“Wowsers.  I’d try to be skeptical of you, but it’s been that kinda week.  Plus, said mysterious baby has always tickled my brain with questions his dads refused to acknowledge, like, ‘where did this creepy baby come from’ and ‘how can the creepy baby change his DNA’ and ‘why the hell was the creepy baby’s first word “Donna” when I am clearly the superior babysitter’.  Anyway, I’m Kid Flash, nice to meetcha.”
“What do you think Bishop was after?” Aquadude asks as they try to figure out whether anything’s been taken or disturbed.
“Truth serum?” Robin speculates.  “Kryptonite tools?  Some sort of mind-reading device?  Kryptonian DNA tracker?”
“This looks computer-y,” Wade declares, and thrusts Forecaster at a large array of electronics meaningfully.
~Y’know, a ‘please’ would be nice.~
“Please crack into Lex Luthor’s evil network so we can do our job and not get fired on our very first solo mission.”
~Sheesh, you’re so grumpy these days…~
Screens and control panels light up.  Gibberish scrolls by.
~Well, no convenient ‘we got Superboy stashed here’ signs, but logs say ol’ Skywalker came and got a control chip for some doohickey that’s supposed to let you view and record somebody’s memories.  They got some kooky drug that makes people more suggestable, but apparently that adds a risk of brain damage.  Ooh, doesn’t seem to work on Kryptonians, so that’s good news.~
Flash Junior’s comm buzzes, and he answers it.  “Yello!”
~“Nightwing is missing.”~
~Yikes,~ says Forecaster.  ~Guess we know whose memories they’re planning to poke through.~
“That’s pretty terrible news, Meggles,” the auburn idiot relays.
~“My name is not ‘Meggles.’  I have alerted Outlaw, and he has decided to make an attempt to locate Nightwing with Raven’s magic.”~
~Found a map.  Might need a ride.~
“Okay, Mug—Mig—look, Martian, I really suck at pronouncing your name, so I’ll just go with the bastardized American version and call you Megan—we’ve got a couple of leads, too.  We’ll call if we get anything concrete.”  And the Quicksilver knock-off hangs up his comm.
Robin is currently staring at the map Forecaster has projected on a nearby wall.  “I’ll take the west side; you three check the remaining five sites.”
“How come you get a whole side to yourself?”
“Because I’m not as easily distracted as you, Kid Flash,” Robin dismisses.
“Is it ‘cause I’m white?  It’s ‘cause I’m white, isn’t it.”
“What?  No.  Dick and Jace are white.  Rach and Cass are white.  Hell, Clark and Bruce are white.”
“Clark’s an alien.”
Wade puts a hand over the chatterbox’s mouth.  “We probably don’t have time for this,” he interrupts.  “You take the bottom three, if you’re so hot to trot.  Me and Moist Boi can knock out the other two.”
“Transportation?” Aquakid asks.
“Does teleporting make you carsick?”
“I have no idea?”
Wade grabs the kid and fwumps them across the room.
“Oh,” he says in a tiny, awkward voice.  “No, but it’s really rather unpleasant, isn’t it?”
Wade waves a hand.  “Don’t be a wuss.  I’ll drop you at one site and bamf along to do the other one.  Woohoo, teamwork, all right!”
“Go team!” Kid Flash agrees (“We’re on two separate teams, and he’s not a member of either of them,” Robin says, and gets ignored).
“Go team,” Aquabro says with a distinct lack of esprit de corps.
“You would suck at a pep rally,” Wade says, and grabs his shoulder to start chaining teleports.
Five minutes later, he drops off the Liquidator, gets his bearings, and heads for the last site.
“I got a good feeling about this one, Effcee,” Wade says as he stares at a dockside warehouse that basically screams ‘secret lab.’  “You tapped the Justice Scouts’ comms, right?”
~Yeah, but I got no signal on Flasher and Puddles.  Maybe that’s just from getting into secret bases full of shielding.  Or maybe somebody broke their communicate-y bits.  Want I should try Birdy the Third in case of fowl play?~
“Nahhhh, he’s got important shit to do.  Let’s just bee and ee without any bee-ing.  Teleportation is so convenient, even if it makes my bones chilly.”
~Wade.  Fowl.  Fowl play.~
“I’m not going to dignify that with a response.  Get me some scans so I don’t splinch myself.”
~So you don’t splinch yourseeeelf…?~
Wade rolls his eyes.  “Please.”
~Coming right up, O Humorless One!~
“I’ve got tons of humor.  I’m funnier than you.”
~Hah!  Good one.  But hey, once we’re in, then what?~
“So many questions!  I’ll do what Jamie’s best at.  Y’know…all those ‘ain’t nice’ things involving violence and dismemberment.”
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shanesfandomhub · 1 year
Does anyone still make Shimeji?
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anjels001 · 2 years
Does anyone know how long the legend of Cú Chulainn is? I believe it came before the Arthurian legends, right?
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darksaiyangoku · 7 months
Fateverse Remnant/Arc Kingdom
Fateverse Remnant - 202 Age of Kings - Kingdom of Rosaria
It was a quiet night in the Kingdom of Rosaria and a young boy with blonde hair was playing with a wooden sword in the forest. He was Jaune Arc of the House of Arc.
Jaune: Hiya!!! Ha! Take that! Agh! You will never defeat me!! Wah!
He swung his sword and whacked it against the tree trunk several times. He gripped his weapon tight and started to increase the speed. Pieces of bark started flying off the tree until with one haed thwack, the sword had broken. Suddenly, a large hand grabbed Jaune by the shoulder and he jumped in fright.
Jaune: Gaaaaah!!! *turns around* F-Father?
Jaune's father was Leon Arc. He resembled him many ways, though he had light green eyes compared to Jaune's dark blue. He wore a golden yellow tunic, with two white pauldrons on his shoulders and a blue cape dangling from his shoulder. Sheathed to his waist was an elaborate sword with a blue gemstone embedded in the pommel and a ring shaped crossguard.
Leon: *chuckles* I was wondering where you had run off to. Come inside, the King and Queen of Rosaria are about to enter.
Jaune: But you said that I had to practice my sword skills. It's the only way I can truly be a knight!
Leon: There are many ways to be a knight, my son. Also, I didn't say to practice every day *chuckles* Come on, let's get you inside.
Jaune: Aww, okay father.
[Rosaria Castle Hall]
Jaune stood awkwardly with his father, mother and three sisters; Rouge, Saphron and Verte. For what seemed like forever, there wasn't any sign of the Royal Family.
Jaune: Where are they?
Rouge: Just be patient. They'll be here shortly. Oh look!
Descending from the staircase was the Herald. In her hand, she held a roll of parchment.
Herald: *unrolls parchment* Presenting the Royal Majesties; King Taiyang XIao Long and Queen Summer Xiao Long. Presenting the Royal Highnesses, Princess Yang Xiao Long and Princess Ruby Xiao Long.
The room erupted with applause at the sight of the Royal Family as they walked down the stairs, waving and smiling. Jaune's eyes were wide as he saw the two sisters. They were beautiful. His cheeks flushed red, causing Verte to tease him. As Ruby and Yang continued walking, the younger princess accidentally stepped on her sister's dress, causing the two of them to trip. Without think, Jaune raced over towards the staircase and caught the two of them just in the nick of time. They both blinked at him and he blinked back.
Jaune: Uh... hello, Your Highnesses.
Ruby/Yang: H-Hello.
Taiyang: *ahem*
Jaune: Oh! Uh, I am so sorry! Your Majesty, I saw the Princesses fall and I-
Taiyang: *chuckles* It's quite alright, young man. I thank you.
Summer: It seems like we have a little hero. What's your name?
Jaune: M-My name is Jaune of House Arc. Youngest son and first son of the Arc Family, Your Majesty *bows*
Taiyang: Well it's nice to meet you, young Jaune. Thank you very much for saving our daughters. You have our family's gratitude.
Jaune: *chuckles and blushes* Y-You're welcome, Your Majesty.
Summer: Alright. Now, let us carry on with the party.
Once again, the hall erupted with applause. The party was in full swing, with the bards playing the Song of the Roses and everyone dancing. All except Jaune, Yang and Ruby, who snuck out to the family's courtyard. The three of them looked at the sky and gazed at fhe shattered moon.
Jaune: Wow... it looks so beautiful.
Ruby: I heard that a dragon broke it when he flew into the sky.
Yang: You read too many fairytales, Ruby. That didn't happen.
Ruby: Yes it did! *pouts*
Jaune: *giggles and looks up at moon*
Yang: What is it, Jaune?
Jaune: Say Ruby, Yang, do you ever have dreams of what you want to be when you're older?
Yang: All the time. I want to be the best fighter ever! *boxing stance*
Ruby: I wanr to be a hero! Save people from bad guys! Just like the ones in the fairytales!
Jaune: I want to be a knight just like my father. Fighting bad guys and saving princesses!
Yang: Well you already saved me and Ruby, so you're almost there. *giggles*
Jaune: *giggles back* I'd love to be a knight at your dad's Royal Court. It's the only one that hasn't been taken over by Vortigern. Eugh!
Yang: I'd love to give him a left hook right in the face! Pow!
Ruby: Alright then, I say we make a pact! On this night, we all vow to achieve our dreams! Jaune, Yang, place your hands in the middle!
The three children placed their hands in the middle and spoke their pact.
Yang: I, Princess Yang, promise to be the greatest fighter on Remnant.
Jaune: I, Jaune, promise to be an honourable knight in the Kingdom of Rosaria.
Ruby: I. Princess Ruby, promise to be a legendary hero and protect the people of Remnant.
Yang: *smirks* I now pronounce you two husband and wife!
Jaune: Wha? *blushes*
Ruby: *blushes* Yang! Stop it!
Yang: *laughing while running inside*
Ruby: Get back here! *chases Yang* Mommy, Yang's bullying me!
Jaune laughed very hard. The princesses were a fun pair. He looked back at the moon and reached for it with his hand. Someday, he would honour his family's legacy. .
Fateverse Remnant - 216 Age of Kings - Kingdom of Vale
Jaune coughed a trail of blood as his chest was pierced by large, silver lance. In his hand was a silver and red sword, stabbing another knight in the chest. This knight had blue hair, crimson red eyes and wore silver armour. He was Arthur Azure, the King of Vale. The two of them slowly looked at each other. Tears fell from their face as they both realised what they had done.
Jaune/Arthur: I'm... sorry...
With their last ounces of strength, the two of them removed their weapons and collapsed to the floor in a pool of their own blood. Friends. Comrades. Brothers-in-arms. Turned enemies on the battlefield. The sky was black. Soot and embers slowly descended onto the blackened ground. Everything was burnt. The trees crumbled to ash, the ruins of castles toppled over and there countless bodies of dead warriors. The roars of a dragon shook the skies. A terrible thunder.
Standing in the center of what was left were two magicians. One had light skin, short silver hair, green eyes and torn and tattered green robes. The other had light skin, long, pale blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a dark blue dress and a crown with red gems embedded at its center. The green-robed magician took one step before toppling to the ground, panting. The blue dressed mage approached him and grabbed him by the hair.
???: Come on, Ozpin. Why don't you just admit defeat and join me? We are now at our full strength thanks to the Holy Grail. We have been blessed with a miracle.
Ozpin: *stares coldly* Miracle? How can you call all of this destruction and death a miracle, Salem?
Salem: Ozpin, we were about to be rendered powerless. The mana of this land was fading and I took action to prevent such a tragedy. And look what's happened. I have restored the Age of Gods. As for all the death? Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. *leans down and picks a handful of ash* One day, a new form of humanity will be born from these remnants and they'll know nothing but gratitude. I will be everything to them. We will be everything to them.
Ozpin: No... don't you dare drag me into this. You're nothing but a monster!
Salem: *lowly chuckle* Says the half-spawn of an Incubus. Tell me, did you enjoy invading the dreams of men? Promising them all the riches of the world? Or what about that young boy? The one who pulled the Sword of Selection from the stone.
Opzin: Shut... up...
Salem: It must've given you such excitement to raise the perfect warrior, the perfect king, the perfect hero. All while denying him the chance to have a normal life. To ride horses just for the fun of it? To lay on the grass and gaze at the clouds? To dance to the tune of his favourite music? To fall in love and marry?
Ozpin: I said shut up!
Salem: Your meddling of this boy's life led him to his death and the downfall of Vale. Yet you brand me as a monster?
Ozpin: I will.. agh! stop you!
Salem: *laughs* How? Look at yourself. You're pitiful. Join me. I can heal you. Together, we can rule this land and even spread our influence further. We can be the New Gods of Remnant. *offers hand*
Ozpin: I... would much rather... burn in the depths of Hell itself...
Salem: *sighs* You always were stubborn. So be it. I'll grant you your wish and I will make sure you suffer every, agonising moment.
Salem reached her hand out in front of Ozpin and dark purple flame manifested in her palm. Ozpin, weakened and broken, closed his eyes and accepted his fate as the flames scorched him to a crisp. In his final moments, he wished he could do it all again. To select the right King and save Vale. To save all of Remnant.
Remnant - 730 AGW - Kingdom of Vale
Ozpin woke with a fright in the middle of the night, his papers flying everywhere across his office. He clutched his chest, his heart was racing.
Ozpin: That... couldn't have been a dream. A memory? From one of my past lives?
???: It's a vision, actually. But not from a past life. Rather, from an alternate present.
Ozpin turned around to see a youthful looking man wearing a hooded, white robe and black baggy trousers and simple black shoes. Ozpin blinked twice. Over millennia of reincarnations, he had encountered many oddities over Remnant. But this was truly something incredibly strange. How did this man get into his office? And how did he do so without him even noticing. What was even more strange was that Ozpin didn't feel threatened by him at all.
Ozpin: Who are you?
Merlin: You may call me Merlin. *bows* It's nice to meet you, Ozpin.
Ozpin: ...how do you know my name?
Merlin: Oh, I observe all the different universes in my dimension. I know everything there is to know about you, my friend. *smiles cheekily*
Ozpin: That's... very creepy.
Merlin: Don't judge me. I don't have much to do in my prison. I gotta entertain myself somehow.
Ozpin: You're imprisoned?
Merlin: *sighs* Yeah. I ended up crossing paths with a scornful woman and she trapped me in this evergrowing tower.
Ozpin: *winces* I'm sorry to hear that. Believe me, I have a scornful woman of my own.
Merlin: Small world. *chuckles*
Ozpin: So, why is that you've come here? More importantly, how is it that you're even here in the first place?
Merlin: It's a special skill called Independent Manifestation. I am able to project myself into various worlds, like right now. What your seeing isn't the real me, but rather just a spiritual manifestation.
Ozpin: *circles around Merlin* Fascinating.
Merlin: Now, as for why I'm here, well... it's to save you. Or at least, a version of you. *snaps fingers*
Several glowing orbs appeared right in front of the two men, the largest of which was in the middle.
Merlin: What you see here is a representation of all the worlds in existence, branching from this one. *points to the center* Endless worlds with endless possibilities. Some are mindane and some are more fantastical. Imagine a Remnant where magic still thrived. Imagine a Remnant where superheroes were the primary protectors. Imagine a Remnant where multiple Gods ruled it with iron fists. This is the multiverse.
Ozpin's eyes were wide in shock. He had read theories proposed by multiple academics and even lighthearted discussions. But the fact that he was actually seeing it with his own eyes was unbelievable. This couldn't be real.
Merlin: Many of thses universes share some commonalities, one of them being the conflict between you and the witch, Salem. Your victory is assured in almost every world. However, this one is not so lucky. *grabs orb*This world is known as Remnant 531, or as I like to call it 'Fateverse Remnant'. Through clairvoyance, I have forseen Salem's victory. It's... barbaric, to say the least. She kills you and burns down all of Remnant. *sighs* That's not a world that I want to see exist. One ruled by evil.
Ozpin: *clenches fist* Salem will win?
Merlin: Not if we can prevent it. With my help, we'll be able to alter this world's fate. I have a plan. It's unorthodox, but it will get the job done. Will you join me?
Ozpin: I can't allow for Salem to win, no matter what universe. Her depravity and hatred have no limits. I will do it.
Merlin: *smiles* Thank you, Ozpin. I promise, you won't regret this. Together, we will save this world.
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time for the first (of many!) team fate rambles because hooh boy they've been taking up my brainspace for the last couple months and I love them so much so first, a quick rundown of the party we're lookin' at! Farrah - a shy human knight, it sucks for her when she has to talk to people, but somehow, on the opposite hand she gains all the confidence when leading her teammates into battle. Her father, Darryon Wynvale, has recently been enlisted into the Rosehaven militia to help defend Rivershield, but this has left her feeling a little lonely. For consolation, she usually heads to the quiet and serene Dreamland Inn to either catch a night's rest slumbering in a home away from home, so to speak, or to talk out her feelings with Katia, the inn's owner. One day, after looking at her pet dog that sits atop the counter, she decides that when she turns 18 (she's 14 as of the recent Team Fate album Fablevale Forest) that she'll get a dog or cat of her own. Perhaps to keep her company, or to just satisfy her childhood want for a pet. Alluin - a headstrong elven ranger. He's cocky and arrogant as all hell now, but back when he was a budding monster hunter, training with both Farrah AND Esmond in the same school, albeit in different divisions of Rivershield's Knight Academy, he was not so confident in his skills to kill monsters. In fact, due to his hesitation, he was forced to miss out on the very prominent Graduation Monster Hunt celebration because of his fears and doubts of his abilities. However, in spite of this... one late night he snuck out to the deepest part of Wyvern Winterlands (back before there was the single benevolent wyvern resting in it's depths) and steeling his nerves, managed to slay an Avalan Aberration, the strongest of it's kind dwelling within those lands. It was then he went around flaunting his newfound monster hunting abilities to everyone. Some found the skills awe-inspiring, others, like unfortunately Team Fate, found it annoying that he kept bringing it up day after day. Terrel - a mindful human healer / cleric. All that Terrel is willing to share, is that from the day he turned ten, he wanted to assist people's wounds, out of the goodness of his heart.
Esmond - an anxious elven mage. Poor Esmond, has been afraid of the world at large for years. As Farrah acts as his sort of guardian, he's found comfort in playing around with certain types of magic which come from his comfort object, a sapphire staff. Much to Farrah's terror, however, Esmond has recently discovered that his sapphire staff is so immensely powerful that it can pull and store magic from the nearest location that Esmond points it towards. However, since it's navigation isn't so great, one night when pointing the wand up to the sky to capture the magic of the stars... it aimed right at Goblin Grove's dungeon entrance, and bottled all the dark magic from it's enemies inside the staff.
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lanliingwang · 8 months
thinking again about how the one reason I look forward to fgo tunguska's release is bc of jiang ziya also being added to the game
like genuinely I know fgo doesn't necessarily do enough with his character (which is a surprise I'm sure /s), but there's so much they could do with what they did give (his "too clever by half" moments while genuinely being smart in various ways, his various moments of genuine compassion and capability of immediately making up for mistakes while expressing genuine remorse...), and even if they don't embark on digging into that, I definitely will (when I can find the muse to write proper fics)
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computerram · 2 years
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A Fateverse AU commission of Orphea from @shinpen-kidoku! Thank you so much 🥰💕
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castelleve · 1 year
@solivcgant asked: “Do ghosts like Netflix?” @ stonks damian😎
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“Us heroic spirits are ghosts and.. hell, I do like trashy netflix shows. Ever seen the Ultimatum? Love is Blind? Messy shit and I live for it.”
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#girl half these servants would eat me
Tragically not in a sexy way I’m like the extreme hermit fusion of jinako and mxha so they’d just make fun of me for being overweight and then kick me around like a hackysack
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the8thsphynx · 2 months
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The duality of Vlad III in Fateverses...
(do not repost/use w/o permission)
[text from the image written below]:
Grand Order:
Good relationship with Master
Still not happy about being Dracula, but he's coping
-Picked up crafts for selfcare
Trusts teammates
"Not now, Rider; mommy needs another drink because I'm stuck as Dracula and we're a Servant down before the war has even begun."
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onifunashug7 · 11 months
Short Story
(After battle)
Musuh itu telah dikalahkan. Tumbang dengan bebannya yang sangat besar dan berat. Meskipun naga itu tidak sekuat Vortigern, tapi ini sudah cukup merepotkan. Artoria dan Gawain terengah-engah setelah pertarungan selama 1 jam itu akhirnya selesai. Dipihak yang lain, dia menggerutu dengan nafas api yang padam, tidak bisa menerima kekalahan untuk kesekian kalinya. Cahaya matanya yang tersisa menatap ke arah seorang remaja berambut hitam yang tengah mendekatinya perlahan.
Naga itu mengendus berat dan picik. Matanya bahkan lebih pedih ke arah Artoria dan Gawain yang ada di sana.
Naga itu bisa berbicara. Nadanya sangat berat.
"Apa?" Artoria menatap penuh naga yang tiba-tiba berbicara itu.
Ritsuka menghentikan pergerakannya setelah mendengar naga itu bisa berbicara. Matanya melebar.
"Kau... Bisa bicara?"
Naga itu tidak menjawab pertanyaan Ritsuka, tapi dia mengatakan tentang 2 orang yang telah mengalahkannya. Naga itu yakin di saat-saat terakhirnya.
"... Aku... Dikalahkan oleh Kesatria Meja Bundar... Lagi?
Ini menyedihkan..."
Gawain menatap Artoria dan Artoria juga menatap Gawain dengan bingung. Mereka berdua baru kali ini bertemu dengan naga ini. Kesatria siapa yang dia maksud?
"Apa maksudmu lagi? Para kesatriaku?"
Artoria tidak mengerti siapa yang dia maksud dan mengapa dia mengatakan itu. Nafas naga itu semakin pelan dan kaku. Energi yang tersisa hanya bisa dia gunakan untuk mengucapkan kata-kata terakhirnya. Matanya lesu. Tubuhnya hampir menghilang.
"Terpanggil sebagai kaki tangan seorang sampah dan dikalahkan oleh Kesatria Meja Bundar untuk kedua kalinya.
Harga diriku sudah terinjak-injak.
Dahulu, salah satu dari pria anda menghadapiku. Aku sudah tercemar oleh suatu kekuatan yang sangat gelap, tapi bukan dari penyihir itu. Karena itu, aku kehilangan kendali dan menghancurkan satu wilayah menjadi lautan api.
Kesatriamu mengetahui hal itu. Awal dia bertemu denganku, raut wajahnya sudah sangat sulit. Dia bertempur membunuhku seorang diri. Kekuatannya sungguh luar biasa, mungkin kalian belum pernah melihatnya sebelumnya.
Dia berkekuatan iblis, tapi cerah memberikan harapan. Sebuah permata di kubangan lumpur. Tapi aku tidak tahu, setelah terkena energi hitam ini, berapa lama dia masih bertahan. Melihatnya masih hidup 1 menit saat sebelum ajalku tiba, benar-benar sebuah keajaiban."
Gawain melotot. Kakinya tiba-tiba bergetar. Tulang punggungnya dingin seketika setelah mendengar cerita dari Naga ini. Ini semua...
Gawain Akhirnya sadar, siapa yang dia maksud selama ini.
Gawain membuka mulutnya yang sempat tertutup dengan satu tangannya.
"... Jangan bilang yang kau maksud..."
Sebelum Gawain mendapat jawaban yang sudah ada di kepalanya, naga itu sudah tidak berbicara lagi. Dia telah mati.
"Tragedi Gaunnes..."
Lebih dari 3.000 penduduk wilayah Gaunnes dan Benoic beserta daerah sekitarnya meninggal akibat wabah dari energi misterius setelah beberapa hari setelah naga itu dikalahkan. Energi gelap misterius menyebar dan menular dengan cepat. Diagnosanya bahkan sangat aneh dan tidak wajar pada masa itu, bahkan sangat mengerikan.
Banyak anak-anak yang meninggal dan orang dewasa yang tiba-tiba menjadi gila dan halusinasi seiring waktu. Semakin hari, keadaan semakin memburuk. Mereka yang gila mulai membunuh satu sama lain. Bahkan pasukan penjaga pun terkena imbas dari wabah ini.
Hampir seluruh warga yang ada di daerah sana terjangkit wabah misterius ini, tidak terkecuali Sir Lancelot itu sendiri. Sosok yang telah mengalahkan naga yang tercemar itu seorang diri. Sebuah keajaiban untuk Lancelot bisa bertahan hampir 2 bulan lebih bertahan hidup dari berbagai gejala dan tekanan psikis yang mengurangi imunitas tubuhnya, mengontrol dan mengatur semua warga yang terjangkit, dan menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya untuk menekan radiasi energi ini seorang diri tanpa henti selama hampir 2 bulan itu.
Merlin, Morgan sampai seluruh penyihir yang ada di seluruh penjuru pulau Britania turun tangan menuju Perancis untuk menghentikan wabah ini. Energi misterius ini amat sangat berbahaya. Morgan bahkan mengakui jika energi gelap ini bisa menyebar sampai daratan Spanyol dan sampai ke tanah Inggris jika tidak segera di hentikan dan disegel.
Sir Bors, Sir Lionel, Sir Hector de Maris dan Sir Gawain atas pemberitahuan Merlin, segera datang menuju Perancis. Mereka bahkan rela tidak tidur agar segera sampai ke Perancis secepat mungkin. Akan menjadi masalah yang lebih besar lagi jika Lancelot sampai tewas dalam wabah.
Tetap saja, mereka sedikit terlambat karena perjalanan yang sangat jauh dan energi ini sudah 90% menyebar di seluruh negeri Perancis. Energi seperti penghalang yang mengurung energi ini di dataran Perancis pun dapat dirasakan oleh Merlin. Dinding misterius ini sudah sangat lemah dan hampir menghilang. Kekuatan Lancelot sudah tidak lama lagi akan bertahan.
Bahkan saat sampai ke Gaunnes dimana Lancelot berada, dia masih bisa berdiri dan berjalan meskipun energinya sudah diambang nihil yang bisa membuatnya mati kapan saja. Bau amis darah dan busuknya energi kegelapan ini benar-benar langsung berefek pada semua rombongan penyihir dan 4 kesatria Meja Bundar.
Semua orang sampai bertanya-tanya bagaimana Lancelot masih hidup sampai detik ini dan tetap menjaga pikirannya tetap waras sekalipun.
Pemurnian ini butuh waktu hampir satu tahun lamanya. 5 kesatria Artoria beserta Merlin dan Morgan juga harus absen dari Camelot selama itu di Perancis. Korban dari wabah ini telah mencapai 10.000 korban jiwa.
Lancelot berhasil diselamatkan dan harus diisolasi sangat lama di dalam ruangannya. Energi gelap itu ternyata beresonansi dengan tubuh Lancelot yang menjadikan Lancelot itu sendiri sebagai sumber dari energi gelap itu sendiri.
Disaat kritis seperti itu, Vivian bahkan tidak akan pernah memberikan izin untuk melepaskan kekang energi sihir yang tertanam pada tubuh Lancelot. Merlin dan Morgan benar-benar kecewa dengan keputusan egois ini.
Tragedi ini benar-benar sangat rahasia sampai Artoria pun tidak mengetahuinya sama sekali.
Disinilah Gawain. Saksi yang mengetahui salah satu tragedi terkelam dalam sejarah Arthurian ini. Tapi, Gawain tetap tutup mulut sampai mereka kembali ke Chaldea.
Sosok Lancelot telah menunggu dengan sabar bersama Mash yang ada di sana membawa keranjang berisi kue dan minuman jika mereka membutuhkannya. Mash tersenyum pada mereka semua dan menyambut mereka dengan antusias.
"Eh... Sepertinya ada pertarungan besar. Apa yang kalian lawan tadi?" Lancelot mendekat dengan senyum lebarnya.
Gawain hanya terkekeh menggaruk rambutnya. Jangan sampai Lancelot ingat hal itu.
Jika boleh jujur di dalam hati, di pangkal rambut poni Lancelot lah letak bekas luka hitam yang abadi itu.
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lex-munro · 10 months
[Fateverse] (Un)Elected
a new Fidelis Chair of Theory has been elected!  now they just have to tell him that he won a race he never entered.
featuring the return of the chair Traveler!Wade found so very comfortable in The Impossible Chair.
AU/multiverse, crossovers, original ace-spec character (this Ned is unrelated to any/all Marvel Neds), brief bad language (mostly Wade’s fault).  Recognizeable characters belong to Marvel, DC, Fox, CBS, MGM et al (seriously, SG-1 went on a long time and was made by several companies), and Warner Bros.
Ned slides his key into his office door and gives it a practiced jiggle to get it seated.  A quick turn, a creak of hinges, a juddering zip of the key withdrawing as he ducks through the doorway to keep from hitting his head.  He doesn’t mind being stuffed into a dusty corner of an antique building; any proper physicist can get by just fine in a broom closet, provided there’s a half-decent computer and a steady supply of caffeine.
Besides, Ned has the only modern luxury he really needs.
“The so-called Imaginary Chair,” says a man—sitting in Ned’s Imaginary Chair, in fact.  “A chair so ergonomically perfect as to vanish from the perception of more than seventy percent of the people who sit in one.  Un-tradeable.  Available only in Pacifica and the Fidelis Sovereign District.”
Ned glances around to see if the guy is alone (and if he moved or damaged anything).  “You Pac PD?  It was a gift.”
The guy smiles a very charming smile.  “Dr. Edmond ‘Ned’ Edmondson, Jr.  The University lists your field of focus as ‘complex molecular dynamics.’  Nice way to spin chronometric resonance when you’re asking skeptics for grant money.”
Very carefully, Ned closes the door.  “Who are you, exactly?”
“My ‘field of focus’ is reading people.  The intricate web of biometrics, visual and tonal recognition, a touch of psychology, a dash of psychiatry…  It seems you’ve been crossing the Span quite a lot, lately, for instance.  Not so strange, for a professor in the sciences—the Network has the most extensive library on the planet, after all.  Very intriguing, however, that you’ve been in a section of our library that only a handful of non-Network humans can access.”
Our.  So the man is with Fidelis.
Is Ned in trouble?  Is he in the middle of some weird inter-departmental feud?
“Thesis work,” Ned says casually.  “I got the appropriate permissions from your Network Concordat.”
“Who are, evidently, very impressed with your work.  Congratulations on your election, Mr. Chairman.”
Ned frowns.  “What election?  I didn’t run in any election.”
The guy grins.  Something about it is unsettling, despite the fashionable suit and open body-language.  “That’s the funny thing about being elected to the Concordat—you don’t actually have to run if a Chair or the Head of one of your prospective departments nominates you.  They just kinda…run the election without you and send a welcome wagon like me to come congratulate you.”
“What if I say no?”
“I will personally be very sad,” the stranger says with a little sigh and a rather lingering once-over.  “And then the guy who nominated you will very probably turn up to convince you.  Despite his gruff, admittedly misanthropic demeanor, I assure you he is downright seductive when it comes to job offers.”
Ned grimaces.  “Ew.  What?  Who even—”
“Nobody special…just a certain Dr. Wade Wilson.  Oh, hey!”  He makes an exaggerated face of surprise.  “That’s the name of the guy who wrote all those nifty papers you got a dispensation from the NetCon to read!”
“Okay, but he’s not actually, literally, going to seduce me, right?”
“I was being figurative.  But if literal seduction is on the table, I volunteer my services.”  The guy raises an eyebrow, and he is, admittedly, textbook handsome and charming.
And Ned is textbook aromantic asexual.  “Flattered, but hard pass.”
“Suit yourself.  So, here’s the greatest hits from our recruitment ads…  Leave behind everything you know to join a much bigger world.  Room and board provided, all expenses paid.  Radically different sovereign legal system.  Job placement assistance when you leave office.  You’ll get to meet the scientific genius who intuitively understands time travel in a way absolutely unequaled in all of known existence—but you’ll also be responsible for corralling him.”
Ned considers all of that and tries to think of the down-sides.  “Do I get one of those uniforms I keep seeing?”
“Our uniforms offer a wide variety of cut and coverage to suit almost any personal taste,” the stranger replies with a smile.  “And while you’ll be required to wear it during official duties, you’ll be free to wear civilian clothes while off-duty or traveling outside Network facilities.”
“Do I have to have office hours?” Ned asks, thinking of daily interruptions from students who can’t get their shit together or parents of such students.
“Not as long as you answer your calls and texts.”
“Sold,” Ned says, grabbing his lunchbox and his Chia Pet.
“We’ll send someone for the rest,” Mr. Charming assures him with another winning smile.
“You never did tell me your name.”
“Oh?  Terribly sorry, how rude of me…Napoleon Solo.”
Ned makes a skeptical face.
“A man named Edmond Edmondson who is the son of Edmond Endmondson, himself the son of Edmond Albertson, has no business making that kind of face about anybody else’s name.”
He locks up and allows himself to be led downstairs to a disturbingly fancy-looking black car.
“It has tires,” Ned notes nervously.
“Ladies and gentlemen, one of the foremost scientific minds of our day,” Solo replies, starting it up.  “And it runs on unleaded gasoline.”
Ned hurriedly fastens his seatbelt and hugs his poor Chia Pet.  “Positively primeval…”
“If you relax, you might get to like it.”
“Yeah, that’s what the last person who tried to sleep with me said.”
“Oof, sorry.  Retracted.”
“Thank you.”
It’s actually less unnerving to be able to feel the vehicle’s vibration, and Solo seems perfectly adept at handling it, even without hoverpads or computer assistance.  In fact, the only trouble on the trip is an unavoidable feature of the route to the Fidelis District due to its location out in Grand Pacific Bay.
Ned closes his eyes as the car pulls onto the Veritas Span.  There’s just something deeply perturbing about a bridge that long…
Nothing but sea and sky for ten miles.  It feels…precarious.  Balancing on the knife-edge of disaster.
“Don’t like heights?” his welcome wagon asks brightly.
“Don’t like voids,” Ned corrects.  “Zero interest in flying or space travel as a result.  Tried a cruise once; I was fine as long as I was indoors.”
“Well, time travel is surprisingly low on gaping voids.  Realities are apparently packed pretty densely as a general rule.”
At last, the car slows and stops within sight of solid ground.  Two armed guards watch while a third scans the vehicle.
“Confirmed two living passengers.  Submit your left wrist for ident verification.”
The windows roll down, and Ned holds up his ident while the guard scans him.
Napoleon Solo-Kuryakin NC208-Delta, Senior Proctor 2109.  Edmond Edmondson II NC225, Network Concordat Chair of Chronometric Theory.
The guard steps back and rests his hand on his holstered weapon.  “At this time, I am required by United Western Territories law to inform you that you are leaving the UWT.  Your identity will be scanned several more times without warning, any actions you take within certain areas will be monitored, and should you violate any portion of the Network Legal Code, you will be subject to punitive action—including but not limited to deportation, incarceration, and Trial by Concordat.  Congratulations on your election, and welcome to the Fidelis Core District, Mr. Chairman.”
Solo drops him off in his office at the Core Tower, a Babel-like structure that makes him anxious.  The office itself is tall and narrow and high enough up that the majority of the view is empty ocean.
“Nope,” says Ned, turning around.
Outside, he prods a wall panel.
“Um.  Directions to the office of the Concordat Chair of Chronometric Theory?” he asks it, knowing that he has a second office somewhere.
The panel flashes red, then displays a message:
Appointment Who:  Head Theorist Where:  Here When:  Now Sorry. =\
He blinks.
“Right on time,” says someone behind him.
Ned doesn’t scream, but he does jump.
The man who startled him has close-cropped hair, a wrinkled uniform, and a placidly grumpy sort of face (resting unimpressed face?).  The tag on his uniform says ‘Wilson 042’—the very man who nominated Ned and landed him a job as an elected official without his knowledge.  “Something wrong with your office?”
“It’s a little…thin.  And high up.”
The placid grumpiness doesn’t change; the man turns and walks toward the lift.  “Keep up, beanpole.”
So Ned follows.
Down the lift, through the lobby, out the door, onto a hovertram (Ned has never ridden one before, but has seen them through the windows of the library), to almost the farthest edge of the island.  This building has a lot of points and curves and swoopy metallic surfaces.  Armed guards watch them enter.  After several twists and turns, they pause at a door marked with a plaque.
Chronometric Theory Concordat Chair Edmond Edmondson II NC225
“In you go.”
He scans his handprint, and the door opens.
It’s a much nicer space—wider and lower, with blank walls where he can stuff his bookshelves, a window looking onto a courtyard full of flowering trees, a desk that probably doesn’t wobble like his old one, and another Impossible Chair.
“Welcome to your secondary office, Chairman.  I’m your Department Head.”
“I’m aware,” Ned admits.  “Pleased to meet you, Dr. Wilson.”
Dr. Wilson’s body language screams ‘boredom,’ but his eyes are twinkling and intent every time they dart back to Ned.  “So you’re Edmondson.  I thought you’d be shorter.”
Ned feels gawky for the first time since high school, and tries to tug subtly at his sleeves.
“Call me Wade.  You’ll hear me referred to as Senior Chrononeurologist, Keeper 056, and The Savant—but for your purposes, the important part is that I’m the first and only Head Theorist there has ever been in over three millennia of Network Operations.  I read some of your work, and I think you’d be a moderately tolerable Concordat Chair of Theory, so I nominated you.  After due deliberation, the election was run and you beat out the competition by a landslide.”
“What happened to the last Theory Chair?”
“I found him more incompetent than his predecessors and had him removed from office early.  That requires a review from the Competency Board, approval from the Theory Department Head—or a simple majority of Seniors, if there isn’t one, which there wasn’t at the time—and ratification by three-fourths of the Concordat.  So.  It’s difficult, but not impossible.  Do your job, and I got no beef with you.”
“That all sounds very complicated.  A lot of this sounds very complicated, especially for somebody who knows almost nothing about the Network.”
“That’s why you have a very clever assistant in the office next door.  Rory knows all the pertinent legal junk, knows all the paperwork, knows all your responsibilities, knows all the people you need to talk to.  Trust the plastic.”
Ned flounders.
“And don’t fuck up the theory curriculum—Hogan and I just got it settled on something I consider useful and she considers fair.”  Wilson waves his hand dismissively and turns to leave.
Wilson hesitates at the door.  “And don’t go pissing off my Seniors—they’ve got delicate temperaments.  Loki literally unmade a whole planet once.  Hm.  There’s…hm.”
Ned shrugs.  “What?”
“I just realized there’s five classified projects you gotta be read into so you don’t accidentally fuck ‘em up.  Well, shit.  No time like the present, Neddy.  Heh.”
That’s how Ned spends his first day of work meeting the strangest people he’s ever seen.
There’s Daniel Jackson, who is working on non-medical means of life extension (medicine isn’t his forte; he’s an anthropologist at heart, a scientist, an interpreter, just trying to interpret how long-lived human-adjacent species have done it; please don’t touch that) and has thus far accidentally uncovered fourteen medical means (yes, thank you; try, try again).  There’s Walter Bishop, who is making something called ‘Nullres bubbles’  (just pop and stopped, no pain, no blood, no injury) that he believes could be the ultimate nonviolent pacification (a tad alarming but very humane; er, don’t touch).  There’s Stephen Strange (yes, it’s really his name; yes, he knows it’s odd; no, he sees no reason to change it; put that down, please), who has been using Astral projection to observe other universes in order to see how they study space-time and the multiverse (stop touching things).  There’s Soji Asha, who has been working on something she calls ‘meta-dimensional intra-spatial micro-interstice overlayment’ (sorry it’s so long, but it’s the most succinct name that’s still accurate, maybe it could be called medismio for short…no no no, don’t touch), which she says can control the Fidelis effect to a limited extent in preliminary trials (oh, ignore that two-headed spider, that’s, um, the research has progressed quite a lot since then; NO TOUCHY).
There’s Bruce Wayne, who runs something called ‘Auxiliary Cartography,’ and is a great source of pride, excitement, and consternation for Dr. Wilson.
“This is the real bleeding-edge shit, right here,” Wilson says as they approach the guarded lab as a group (Dr. Strange and Dr. Asha have been promised a chance to observe the project for some time, apparently, and Rory is meant to be at Ned’s service during all work hours but is probably mostly accompanying them to smack Ned’s hands away from things after his experience in the first four labs).  “Hold onto your butts while I page Batboy.”
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anjels001 · 2 years
Fateverse masterlist
Fictions: The Queen of Knights - Guinevere SI Warning ! Now I have another specific page to post my fanfictions/stories, if you want to read any of them and just go there
Fiction-based arts: The Queen of Knights - Guinevere SI Old: Guinevere SI - Made in paint New: Under development.
Lady of the stars: Old: Chaffutton (Blade of fortune)-Made in paint. New: Under development- The shadow of EMIYA (Prologue) Old: ShadowJewel of Fidelity: ObsidianGarden of longing New: Under development
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darksaiyangoku · 7 months
Swords of Fate/Arc Kingdom
Fateverse Remnant/Arc Kingdom
Aside from the title rebranding, I've reworked who the Arc Kingdom versions of RWBY characters are going to be now:
Jaune Arc- Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Azure- ???
Nora Valkyrie- Percival
Pyrrha Nikos- Galahad
Mars Nikos- Lancelot
Lie Ren- Tristan
Oscar Pine- Gawain
William Meadow- Bedivere
Ruby Rose- Richard I
Weiss Schnee- Charlemagne
Blake Belladonna- Scathach
Yang Xiao Long- Miyamoto Musashi B
Sun Wukong- Diarmuid S
Sage Ayana- Siegfried
Scarlet David- Roland
Neptune Vasilias- Cú Chulainn
Adam Taurus- Senji Muramasa
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