#for the love of god please vote
iamafanofcartoons · 6 months
Why voting for Biden is Crucial for 2024
Right now, we're suffering an alarming issue. Next year we will be voting for the presidential election. It will be Biden vs Trump again. One problem. Biden has made some decisions that weren't popular. Because of that, people are somehow saying he's not deserving of their vote. Okay, I want everyone to remember the last time we had a flawed presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton. Like Joe, Hillary spent 8 years working with Obama and helping him heal America. in 2016, she ran against Trump. But she wasn't squeaky clean. So people decided that they would feel better staying at home or tossing their vote. So not only did we fail at getting the first female POTUS? We got trump in the WH and all that hard work Obama did over 8 years got undone. Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat its consequences. We vote Biden in for 2024, he and the Democrats can continue their work of healing America, and Trump can no longer run, and the GOP will self-destruct. Or? We repeat the stubbornness of refusing to vote for a Democrat who is flawed, Trump gets into the office again, and we basically lose America to religious fundamentalists. "But Joe is enabling Genocide!" If Trump gets elected, the genocide of women, POC, LGBT, and atheists will happen in our own backyard! Focus on what's happening right in front of you before you focus on a region 3,000 or so miles away. We can deal with the middle east in full after we make sure that there is still a democratic America left to deal with the Middle East conflict. You can't have your cake and eat it! Compromises are one of the things a leader has to make. And we have to decide what we want to compromise. You have the ability to learn from 2016 and make the right decision this time by voting for Joe, flawed democrat or not. I beg of you...please take it! America's future? Or short-term gratification? Choice is yours. Please don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
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missroserose · 1 year
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thebad---catholic · 2 years
I am fucking terrified for the future of this country.
I work as a fundraiser for planned parenthood. I’ve gotten a few unsavory characters. None of them bother me as much as the standard Republican. They’re so fucking smug.
“We don’t kill babies” is what a guy said to me, wearing, I shit you not, a pro-2A shirt. Killing babies is wrong unless they’re in 1st grade I guess?
“Follow the science” another guy told me, after every fucking medical professional I spoke to that day was firmly on my side and terrified for their patients.
“If you took birth control, you wouldn’t need it” a woman said to me, as though birth control isn’t next on the chopping block. As though it works all the time. As though that’s even the point.
I hate them. I hate them more and more every day. Conservatives are nothing but brain dead goose stepping morons who will happily march themselves into a mass grave. They don’t get it, and I can’t possibly convey to them that nothing they claim to believe matches what they advocate for. The core of their political framework is hatred.
I hate conservatives for what they do. Conservatives hate you for who you are.
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dead-vape · 5 months
You say you don’t vote because your vote doesn’t matter, but you play Among Us
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tokenducks · 4 days
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Charles “We’ve got literally forever to figure out the rest means” Rowland
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lostspelunker · 1 year
I've been thinking how to fix American democracy, because younger generations are just not playing along and its ruing life for the rest of us. Like, everyone knows the turnout numbers. Everyone can see that the under-25 demographic does not show up because they've been disillusioned, disenfranchised, and disinterested.
I think it's because voting is still a fairly boomer-centered activity. It requires waiting in lines, mailing things, looking things up on government websites. Snore.
So here's how to millenialize voting.
Make it easier. I mean, this one's obvious. Online voting, automatic voter registration, maybe a government voting app, I don't know, but don't make me hunt down a voting booth.
Make the stickers collectible. People love limited-release collectibles. Add the term and the year, change around the design and colors, maybe make it a nice vinyl for people to put on their Yeti water bottle. Drive up demand by having cooler stickers earlier to encourage people to show up on time.
Have a channel on each of the main social media sites that explain in clear terms what each bill or proposition being posted is for, and what a yes or no vote means. Have guest spots from Keanu Reeves, Jeff Goldblum, and Brendan Fraser (or whoever the current over-beloved celebrity is at the moment) who come in and talk about the policies in an approachable manner.
Make voting a common and even normal activity that creates demonstrable change, and not just during election season. Universities and schools should have polls for what's going to be on the menu at the food court, what the school colors should be at the start of each year, and so on. Jobs could elect UNION REPS, or at least vote on responses to customer complaints. Communities can vote on dates of the next farmers market, what plants should be installed at a local park, and the color of paint the local street signs should use.
Voting day should be a public holiday, but the day after voting day should be a special holiday for people who voted. If someone can produce proof they voted, they get the day off or holiday pay. If someone cannot, they have to work and wear a shame pin.
Ranked voting so the people can put their favorite meme votes in and still place a vote for the actual candidates.
Feel free to add your own ideas. I'm tired of being embarrassed by my generation.
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dragonflybeach · 2 years
For those of you outside our dystopian hellscape known as Florida Governor DeSantis: all books in schools, including textbooks, library books, and free time reading books, must be approved by a person who meets the qualifications I choose.  Governor DeSantis: the Scholastic Book Fair is canceled because they have unapproved books. Governor DeSantis: Teachers cannot have any rainbow flag or BLM stickers, shirts, accessories, keychains, etc visible on school grounds. Governor DeSantis: removes the (elected) Tampa area state attorney from office for saying that prosecuting people over abortions is not a good use of his office’s resources. Governor DeSantis: proposes legislation dictating that pension funds cannot decline to invest with companies based on the company’s environmental, social and governance policies. Governor DeSantis: pressures homeowners insurance companies to refuse to insure homes with solar power. Governor DeSantis: private companies are not allowed to require customers or employees to wear masks or show proof of Covid vaccine. Also  Governor DeSantis: running a campaign ad that says “Freedom is here to stay!”
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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To all the nosy neighbour enjoyers, thank you for being that. Anyway here's my propaganda!! Just some of my favorite moments tee hee
Sorry if my BigB looks weird (I tried really hard :( ) I'll pretend that that's intentional given my rabbit hybrid BigB thoughts under cut:
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I made a little post about this before but basically BigB has such rabbit behavior:
1. Cannot help but keep burying himself underground like it's his natural habitat (seriously he comes back on ground to build a house on a mountain and then immediately makes an elaborate underground hideout again. Or how he built backrooms in SL and kept retreating there. Or how he was literally underground when he ran into Pearl, for Pearl to inform him that it was night time and BigB immediately wanting to retreat back underground. Or how he was underground for almost the entire "red winter is coming" session. Or)
2. Often fidgety around others
3. Constantly cautious but doesn't let nervousness show if there is any
4. More prone to keeping distance and watching rather than engaging
Idk he is extremely prey animal behavior (positive, affectionate) and I can never see him as anything but a rabbit now. I considered giving him rabbit legs too but then I was like nah. Because I think him having weird rabbit posture in a mostly human body contributes some inherent awkwardness and a bit of uncannines (fitting with his gaslighting tendencies). After all he's kind of out of his element above ground (or that's how he acts!) and that's when people are going to be seeing him. But just you wait till he stands tall for a change to tell someone off (like Cleo in SL or Scott in LimL). And with such posture, he inadvertently makes himself look smaller, which certainly would help him weasel his way out of undesired situations like he often does, eg by talking people into pitying him to save himself from dying. I'd also like to imagine him to be smart enough to manipulate his rabbit ears to not betray how he's feeling or to make others think he's feeling a certain way, unless he feels particularly threatened or something. That's maybe half the appeal of animal ears to me, that they can be an added tool for emoting, but a hybrid moving them in deliberate ways is a fun concept!
Oh and he has caving boots!!
I do kind of seethingly hate how he looks with his ears drawn back but I did the best I could. I really hate having human ears in addition to animal ears personally, but if I put his ears any further up where they'd look cuter (Pearl's antennae for comparision) it'll look really weird. Aghh whatever he's supposed to be awkward so whatever please ignore it Im going to cry
Also if you think the old design is cuter, it's almost certainly because of the lesser facial hair lol trust me!! And I changed the curly hair to be a bit less curly in likeness to Lee from Walking Dead because I did not realize that BigB's skin is basically that and I couldn't help myself. I was overall really unhappy with my old BigB design so yay for redesign. I swear its not just animal features that make things interesting for me...... maybe somewhat....
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
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tabsters · 8 months
me and @iirexenii are in an argument so:
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*edit: changed buggy's picture because rexen said the previous one wasn't attractive enough
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
why do fanfic writers keep making jaurne the main char like I get they prob don't like female main chars but its not even him but an oc in all but name llike at that point just make an oc. and they make chars blander then most harem animes (like I swear a harem where a male char has 1 trait is more devolped then the chars these people write cause at least I understand what their goal is
Have you ever heard of Fate Stay Night? Impressive back in its day, but as misogyny and homophobia and pedophelia no longer became acceptable, it lost its value to many.
However, it gained an appeal to many fanfic writers and doujinshi artists.
Why was this?
Like RWBY, the Fateverse has a fantastic worldbuilding, with many different opportunities for RPGs.
But RWBY lacks something that Fateverse has in spades to this day, especially amongst the fandom.
Straight white male protagonists that are basically useless and fragile and stupid...and yet, the women who are so much stronger and smarter in the fateverse, must surrender any and all agency, authority and free-will to the men.
Oh that does remind me. Fateverse did have ONE spinoff where a female protagonist was there....it was lesbian pedophelia. So basically , fateverse ONLY allows lgbt content if its fetishized lesbianism. as for the pedophelia, they do that to an alarming degree, and anime fans stand by it because to them, lolicon is somehow not pedophelia.
Oh wait, it is! Anyway, back to the patriarchy issue.
Too many men, and even women? Have trouble with the idea of women holding authority,influence, or power over men.
How many shows have women as protagonists taking on the same roles as men? How many shows have women be LGBT or not have men be shipped with them, and said women being protagonists?
For Fateverse, there are no gay men. and women are only bisexual if they're shipped with a male character, otherwise they're straight.
Speak to a fanartist or fanfic writer or fan who hates on bumbleby. Ask them what is their favorite MlM ship. I asked many a rwby fan who hated on bumbleby and accused CRWBY of queerbaiting...what was their favorite MlM ship. They had none...they considered it gross. Because well...see for yourself.
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This was from a WlW fanartist who was part of the "Fixing RWBY" youtube channel where Roman Torchwick is the white male savior alongside Adam Taurus.
In case you're wondering, no, FatmanFalling was not the person I got this from. It was from his Christian friend who made Hogwarts Legacy Fanart on Twitter, but chose not to post it here for obvious reasons. you'll see that one of their ships involve Jaune x Weiss and I've already provided post explaining why WK is a bad ship. https://www.tumblr.com/iamafanofcartoons/715787142254772224/why-the-whiteknight-ship-makes-many-in-the-rwby
But you see Tauradonna there too. Blake is blamed for Adam being evil...because at the end of the day, women are blamed for the actions men, because to blame men means having men be accountable for their actions. And we know how men both in shows and in real life just CANNOT do that...they're too fragile, too hypocritical. So those men blame women. And their supporters parrot that misogynistic hate.
Coer Al alaran? the "king of rwby fanfics" is notable for several things.
He never writes a female protagonist unless said woman is not allowed to have agency, power, or influence over men.
He does not make a woman a major character unless she is straight and the love interest of a straight white male savior.
He will only write an lgbt character such as coco adel, as evil or hated.
He forbids bumbleby at any cost, and will write yang as throwing herself into jaune or adam taurus' arms while hating blake and defending men from her.
Couer has apparently stated he despises blake's bisexuality and hates the idea of people of different genders being attracted to her, so he either writes her as jaune's pillow partner, or makes her antagonistic to men.
Finally, couer writes jaune or adam as the straight white male savior who has yang or another women sleep with them, while said men are abused by women.
He basically gets his writing from rise of the shield hero. I'm honestly surprised couer didn't decide on including pedophelia in his fanfics.
but at the end of the day? A woman, no matter how complex or fascinating? will be tossed aside by critics in favor of a straight white male savior, no matter how bland he is.
You can say, but this is just fiction. How about a real life example?
Hillary Clinton. She never sexually assaulted anyone. She never mocked people with disabilities. She maintained a single successful marriage. She's a successful businesswoman. Served in the Obama administration. Friends with Joe Biden and worked with him. Managed to even get Republicans to support her over the opposition.
Now then...why did Hillary lose the 2016 elections?
Because people decided that she was somehow on the same level as DONALD FUCKING TRUMP! Lets look at his record: Multiple divorces. Multiple failed businesses. Sexual assault, more than once. Mocked a disabled reporter. And more.
Yet despite him being a horrible human being? Because hillary was a woman, people decided that her flaws made her just as bad as donald trump.
Thousands of people refused to vote for her. Despite multiple democrats pleading with people to recognize the threat?
People decided that because hillary was a flawed woman? they would either not vote, or toss their vote for the green party, an anti-semitic political group that sabotaged democrats in the past.
more than 5 years later, after the GOP continue to spread harm and poison? People still stand by their refusal to vote for hillary.
If Hillary was a man, people would have voted for "him" in a heartbeat, flaws be damned.
And for those who say "but women and POC"... Look at the GOP.
Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Bobert, ben carson, etc etc.
How many women and POC in the GOP support racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia?
You want to see what those people believe in? Take a look at Florida.
Your gender, your race, etc does not stop you from being bigots or prejudiced.
And people would rather defend the idea of a white male protagonist either in fanfics or real life, rather than a complicated woman with flaws.
Because at the end of the day? Feminsim isn't about "a man being able to punch a woman" despite what shows like Konosuba seem to gloat about.
Feminism is about things like stopping gender gaps in paychecks. Its about allowing women to have a voice. Its about allowing women to have independence without being tied to a man. Its about women having their choices without a man influencing them or telling them how they should live their life. Its about shutting down the god damn mansplaining that so many fanfics, anime, manga, etc seem to embrace with the same passion that misogynists defend Naruto. Its about letting women have access to the same rights and privileges as a male.
RWBY is about that. Women are written as equal to men. Women are written as being able to make their own choices without having a man decide for them. Mansplaining is removed. LGBT rights are embraced and encouraged. And women, not men, are the protagonists.
Is it any wonder that people influenced by male fragility, toxic masculinity, and the patriarchy have such a hatred for shows like RWBY and Legend of Korra?
And THIS is why I stand by my beliefs that RWBY Criticism is rooted in homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and misogyny. Also because the critics tend to be assholes on more than one occasion, but apparently people love men being assholes but hate the idea of women having a mood.
Honestly, It makes me root for Salem and Cinder Fall...at least they have a legitimate excuse for blowing shit up and setting everything on fire.
Also, this is a reminder to PLEASE vote in your political elections! No matter how flawed a Democrat Representative may be, do you really want a Republican holding power over you?
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closet-is-tired · 3 months
I just spent longer than I'd like to admit on this, but Happy Birthday to Maki & Mai Zenin!!!
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My celebratory offering to the Maki shrine and Mai plush wall
And the commemorative polaroid set that came out of this!
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Want to give Mai a win for her birthday? Boy, do I have the thing for you!
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d20unfuckability · 1 year
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"1) hot 2) he can do anything he wants to me with those ears 3) hot 4) he deserves better. please."
"This woman broke a familial curse and the first thing she did was teleport, grab a mans ass like it was the last thing she would ever do, and say she was going to fuck him HARD. Esther is an alt academic who wields powerful reality bending magic using a baseball bat. You already know she's a winner."
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vvanessaives · 3 months
refusing to vote in that least favourite companion in bg3 because minthara is not there too
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d3sire-97 · 22 days
was thinking about that chihiro v taka poll in PE today and didn't see a ball coming lol. Might be sprained my finger I'll update when I can😭🤚🏼
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real-hot-grl-shi · 24 days
yeah nvm 😞
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Bro I want to put her with kageyama but I don’t want to change my damn mind again 😞😞😞
(Update, im debating if I should have her with hinata 🙁)
(Another update: yeah she’s with hinata I made up my mind lol)
(Another another update: Kenma bc my 💖BELOVED FOLLOWER💖 helped me ^^)
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