#george's massive puppy crush!!
bugpoasting · 2 months
i need to become a dylarrison understander
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
His parents were never home, even from a young age. That's how he got his first experience with makeup. The Harrington’s live-in Nanny, Olivia, was often the only person Steve interacted with when he was young, becoming his parent figure. She was young, maybe early 20s, but four-year-old Steve adored her.
His favorite thing was to watch her she put on makeup in the morning. He loved to see the beautiful lines she created with the delicate makeup brushes. He even began asking her what she was doing and why, taking it all in, learning.
One day he got up the courage to ask if he could put some on. She looked apprehensive but relented when he flashed his puppy dog eyes. She told him though that this has to be thier little secret.
Steve loved it. He loved how pretty he felt with soft, subtle makeup. He loved how cool he looked with bold bright colors. And they had fun together, doing this for months, she teaching him, and he adoring that someone was taking the time to do something with him that he loved.
But all good things had to come to an end, and that ending was abrupt. His parents came home early from a trip, finding them in the living room, Olivia doing Steve’s make up. Steve having just done hers, even if it was a little messy. His father snapped "Steven, get upstairs and wash that shit off your face."
"But dad...."
"Now!" He shouted. Steve ran upstairs, did what he was told.
The next day, Steve had a new nanny, a meaner, more boring one. He never seen Olivia again.
Still, as Steve got older, when he was sure no one was around, he would sneak into his mother's room, and put on makeup, loving feeling pretty, and loving the almost artistry doing makeup felt like. This was few and far between, as his nanny or his parents would inevitably catch him. He had a few good bruises from his father reminding him that makeup is for girls or freaks or faggots.
So he tries to ignore it. Even when he didn't have a nanny anymore, staying home alone from the age of 13 onwards, he was terrified to get caught. His dad was right. Makeup is not for boys like him. Popular boys with rich families. An all American athlete. The only child of Hawkins most affluent family.
But every so often, he would think about doing his makeup, watch as girls he date would do their own, admiring how pretty they looked. He would subconsciously keep up on make up trends, loved the loud make up of celebrities like Madonna, or the soft colors used by Molly Ringwald. He was obsessed, but hid it for a long time. Only pulling out his secret stash of makeup when he felt particularly sad, and wanted to feel better.
He thought about telling Tommy once. He tested the waters asking "What do you think of these dudes wearing makeup?" Being vague, pointing to the cover of some magazine at the grocery store they were Boy George was on the front, another one with KISS.
Tommy just laughed "They're all just faggots and freaks man." And Steve was crushed, didn't bring it up again.
That was until the summer of 1986. He became more relaxed, more open with his friends. But even so, there were still things he was afraid to admit out loud. He was afraid to tell anyone other than Robin about his stupid massive crush on Eddie. But he was even more afraid of someone finding out about his makeup, so he didn't even tell her. This was something of Steve's own, something he liked and if people found out, he may have to stop, like the last time someone found out. When his father found out.
But he did start a dangerous habit. He began wearing a light pink lip gloss out, nothing dramatic,nothing obvious. Something that he could easily pass off as his own pretty pink lips. But he liked the feeling of his own quiet rebellion to a society that has told him what he could wear.
And luckily for him no one seemed to notice, or so he thought. But he was wrong. One day Robin invited him over to hang out, but when he got there, Nancy was also there. They were all in Robin’s room.
"Ahh come on." He complains "I don’t want to third wheel in one of your date nights."
"No, it's not like that, Steve." Nancy interjects. "I...we just noticed something and wanted to talk you, is that okay?"
Steve scrunched up his eyebrows, obviously confused. "Sure?"
Robin rolls her eyes at the obvious bush Nancy was beating around, never one to mince words with Steve. She blurts out. "What kind of lip gloss do you wear? I think it's really pretty."
Steve immediately goes red. "What....what are you talking about? I don't wear lip gloss? What? That's crazy." He rambles, palms getting sweaty as he plays with the hem of his shirt sleeve.
"Listen, Steve..." Nancy starts before being cut off by Robin. "Dude, it's fine if you do. I wasn’t lying, I like your lip gloss."
"You do? You don't think I'm weird or whatever?" Steve asks, still finding it hard to believe his friends cared about his interests even if they weren't traditional masculine dumb boy jock things, never getting that support before.
They both smile at him "Well I never said you weren't weird, dingus. But not because of this." She sticks out her tongue.
"Steve you are allowed to like things, it doesn’t matter what other people say or think." Nancy chimes in.
Steve can’t help but smile. He takes a deep breath. "Okay, there is more."
That afternoon Steve told them both about how much he likes to makeup, his own and other people's. This leads to Robin pulling out all of her makeup, and the three of them spending the afternoon painting each other’s faces. They both are surprised when Steve's abilities as a makeup artist far surpasses their own, encouraging him and making him feel seen. They tell him he could do this professionally if he wanted.
But he still swears them to secrecy, not ready to share this, and not really believing some washed up jock from a bum-fuck small town could ever make money doing this. That doesn’t mean they don't spend many nights over the next few months doing each other's makeup and bonding over those secret.
Unfortunately though, his secret doesn't stay between them for long. One night, when he was home alone(like he always was, his parents not returning to Hawkins since the "earthquake"), he decided to go all out. He wanted to do a full face, feel beautiful in a way only make up does for him. He had just finished, examining himself in the mirror in his bathroom, makeup skewn about on the counter.
He had dark eyeliner with heavy mascara, a dark pink covering his eye lids. He had foundation with pretty pink blush, and light pink lip stick with a shimmery strawberry gloss. And he felt gorgeous. He loved the contrast between the feminine makeup and his decidedly masculine outfit, just a pair of jeans and his polo shirt with blue and purple stripes. He actually allows himself to smile at the image in the mirror.
But he was do wrapped up with the makeup, he lost track of time, forgetting Nancy, Robin and Eddie were coming over for a movie night.(read Robin and Nancy desperately trying to set up Steve and Eddie because they were both oblivious idiots when it came to love) They let themselves in, Robin having the key.
"Steve! We're here." She shouts.
Steve freezes, panic taking over. This would be fine if Eddie wasn't with them, but as it stands, the boy he likes is in his house, and he's in here playing with makeup like some pansy. He stutters. "Uh.. um...one minute..." He turns on the water desperately, scrubbing his face. He doesn't even think about closing the opened bathroom door.
Eddie though, always in tune with Steve’s feelings, hears the distress in the other boy's voice. He instinctively runs towards it. By the time Robin and Nancy catch on to what is happening, it is too late. Eddie is standing at the bathroom door looking confused as Stevd stares at him like a dear in headlights, makeup smeared and running down his face. He looks distraught, humiliated, ashamed. He wants to climb into a hole and disappear. Nancy and Robin are behind him moments after, looking horribly guilty.
"Steve, what's going on?" Eddie asks, genuinely confused by the scene in front of him.
Eddie’s voice is enough to snap him out of it. Steve shakes his head saying "I'm not...feeling well. Let's um reschedule, please just go." He chokes out before pushing past them, running to his room, Slamming the door. Robin tries to stop him to no avail.
"Fuck..." Nancy says.
"Fuck is right." Robin agrees. "We fucked up." She slides down against the wall, Nancy following suite.
Eddie is still confused, but more than that, he is terrified for Steve. He looked so vulnerable and little when Eddie caught him. He had never seen Steve like that. He turns his attention to the girls. "What do you mean we fucked up?"
Robin and Nancy exchange glances, deciding they might as well tell Eddie. "A few months ago, Steve told us he likes makeup and stuff." Robin starts "But he made us promise not to tell anyone. And now you know, and like I think that is particularly hard for him. "
Eddie is more confused. He thought he was getting closer to this group but apparently the three of them have secrets he can't know. He doesn't know why, but it hurts. "Oh. Right. I forget sometimes you all have this special bond, and I'm just the new guy. This is one of those things that wasn't for me to know. Um, I'm going to get out of here so the three of you can talk this out." Eddie turns to leave, knows he isn't being fair, knows he is not entitled to Steve's secrets, but it still hurts. Steve know all of his(well except for his teenie tiny ginormous crush on Steve.)
"Eddie, you got it wrong." Nancy says trying to clear the confusion. "He is just embarrassed, especially with you."
"Wait, why me?" Eddie asks, still clueless. "Why would I care?"
Robin and Nancy both roll thier eyes at Eddie’s sheer obliviousness. "Maybe you should go talk to him?" Robin tries.
Eddie isn't sure about that. Steve looked mortified and he doesn't want to make it worse. But he also would give anything to take away the pained look in Steve’s eyes.
For as long as he has known Steve, he has watched as the man did everything for everybody else, took interest in thier hobbies, drove them where they wanted to go. But all this time, Steve obviously felt like he had to hide what he likes and why? Because he liked putting on makeup? It kind of killed Eddie inside to know Steve was ashamed of something like this.
He pushes his palms to his eyelids before letting out a sigh, and looking back at the girls. "Okay..." He says as he turns, hesitantly heading upstairs to where Steve had just run up to. He makes his way to Steve's bedroom door, and knocks softly.
"Please go away." Comes from the other side. His voice sounds hoarse. Was he crying?
"Stevie, come on...I just wanna talk." Eddie begs in return. His voice is sincere, soft, just wanting Steve to feel better.
There is a long silence but after a minute he hears the door unlock, opening slowly. In the other side of the door stood a boy with glassy red eyes, and makeup smeared from panicked removal and the tears. Eddie knows he shouldn’t, but before his brain could catch up to his body, he throws his arms around Steve, pulling him close, just wanting to make whatever bad Steve was feeling go away.
When his brain finally starts working, he expects Steve to pull away, but he doesn’t. Steve’s arms wrap around his waist, burying his head in Eddie's shoulder. Little tears are felt against his shirt. He runs his fingers through Steve’s hair whispering "It's okay..." internally he tries not to short circuit, having Steve so close to him, reminding himself he is here to make Steve feel better.
After a few minutes, Steve lifts his head. Realizing where his hand are, he quickly pulls away, nervously picking at the hem of his shirt instead. "Uh...thanks Eds..." Steve manages to say.
Eddie suddenly feels empty where Steve just was. Realizing they are still in the doorway of his bedroom he say "Can....can we talk?"
"Uh yeah...um let me just get this stupid shit off." Steve says, instinctively putting down something he obviously likes.
"Don't..." Eddie says pushing into Steve’s room, Steve following him, closing the door.
"What?" Steve looks confused
"I mean...you can like fix it or whatever, but you don't have to take it off." Eddie tries to be cool. But he sees the uncertain look in Steve’s face, and after the hug, he decides to just go for it. "I think you looked really pretty..." his usual confidence not there, realizing he is about to confess his huge crush to Steve Harrington.
He isn't sure what he expected, but it was not the huge blush forming on Steve's cheeks, a shy little smile spreading on his lips. "You do?' Steve asks softly.
Eddie lets out another nervous sigh, before taking Steve's hand and leading him to the edge of the bed where they sit staring at each other. "Steve, I always think you're beautiful. But seeing you in makeup, is something totally new and I love it. And not just because you look hot, and did so well putting it on. But when you were staring in the mirror before you noticed me at the door, you looked so happy. I wish you would have told me sooner, so I could have seen that smile sooner."
Now Steve's brain was in danger of malfunctioning. The boy he is sure he is in love with just called him beautiful, didn't care that he wore makeup and lived doing it. "You know, um, when my dad found out, he tried to beat this out of me. And then when I asked Tommy about it, he just made fun of it. " Steve looks down, trying to block out the angry face, the ugly sneers. He looks back up. "I was afraid to tell anyone, tell you because I didn't want you to look at me like some stereotypically little queer boy who likes makeup."
Steve just admitted he was queer, and it takes everything in Eddie not to pull him into a kiss right there. "Stevie you are so much more than that. You are still the most badass person I know, well after Nancy," he jokes, Steve laughing and agreeing. "But even badasses are allowed to lile whatever the fuck they want. And for the record, I like makeup. I want to try black eyeliner and nail polish but I suck at it. So maybe you can help me sometime?"
Steve blushes, nodding his head. "Yea anytime you want..." Eddie smiles back. They both sit in silence for a few moments both wanting to say more. It was Steve who breaks the silence...well sort if.
"Hey Eddie?" He says shyly.
"Yeah?" Eddie’s voice is hushed and breathy, electricity obviously forming in the air between them. Without another word, Steve wraps his hand in Eddie’s shirt, pulling him close, pressing his lips against other man's. It takes Eddie a few seconds to catch up, but it isn't long before his hands are back in Steve’s hair, kissing back, tasting the lip gloss on Steve’s lips.
When they pull apart, they are all smiles. After that Steve slowly tells thier other friends, and with the exception of a few dumb remarks from Mike(that everyone jumps on him for), they are all supportive. It isn't long before Steve finds himself doing Eddie’s makeup before shows, soon moving to the rest of Correded Coffin. He loves going to the shows, knowing he could wear makeup and no one would bat an eye.
As Corroded Coffin gets bigger, over the next couple years, people take notice of thier looks, still metal but polished. Other bands and artists start asking for thoer makeup artist, and to Steve's surprise he was able to make a career out of the thing he loved, father be damned.
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bbreaddog · 1 year
Heya!!! For the Out of Context prompts, 28 for Julie and any of the guys?
28. “I was thinking add-a-lee?” “Who? Wait, Adele?”
“You wouldn’t happen to have any ideas, would you?”
Of all directions a conversation could take, this is not one Alex had expected when he poofed back into the garage after a chill morning out with Willie in another apparently huge celebrity’s backyard.
Julie has been desperately searching for songs to add to a playlist for what she’s been calling an anniversary party for Flynn, which isn’t for what Alex thought it was going to be.
“C-could you run by me what this is actually for, again?”
“It’s the one year anniversary of Flynn tripping over their own feet and falling into a pond.”
Alex blinks. “Uh huh. And this is significant because…”
“Flynn has an enormous crush on Carrie.”
“That… doesn’t exactly answer my question.”
“Carrie watched the whole thing unfold.”
Ah. “And they’re just letting you celebrate this anniversary? Actually, can we just backtrack for a second to the fact that you made the effort to remember the date in the first place?
“Okay, so what if I did? It was funny,” Julie shrugs. “And, well…” she hesitates. “She’s not not letting me do this…”
Alex heaves a sigh and looks at her. “It’s a surprise party, isn’t it?”
Julie smiles at him sheepishly. Alex pokes his tongue in his cheek, hoping he’s covering his eye roll enough by turning to face the doors. At least Luke and Reggie aren’t here. They’d be eating this up like Hoovers put in front of 50-year-old dust bunnies.
(Quietly he wonders what Willie thinks of surprise parties, and almost immediately answers his own question when he realises Willie would absolutely fuel this chaos without question.)
Alex shoves his hands into his pockets and turns back to Julie, who no longer looks sheepish, but is now giving him puppy dog eyes that say “Please help me in making this the best worst party of Flynn Taylor’s life”. Alex shuts his eyes and takes a breath. He just can’t say no to that face.
“Okay,” he huffs.
“You’ll help?” Julie’s face brightens.
It’s not exactly an anniversary Alex would celebrate (although he and Reggie never fail to remind Luke of the time he copped a huge splash on the side of the road when a car sped through a massive puddle), but who is he to judge? Not my circus, not my monkeys, he thinks.
Except since Julie’s asked, this party playlist is their circus now, and it’s in dire need of monkeys. 
“So?” Julie prompts. “You’re a musician. Can you think of any songs?”
“I mean…” Alex shuffles. “You’re a musician.”
Julie scoffs. “You know what I mean.” She doesn’t hide her smile when Alex chuckles.
“Well,” Alex starts, “are you looking for any genre or era in particular?”
Julie considers. “I think it’ll be really funny if we threw in some, like, sad break-up songs or something.”
Jesus Christ, that’s funny? Is this a generational thing? Willie was right: he does have a lot of catching up to do.
“Okay,” Alex says carefully after a moment, “what about ‘Careless Whisper’ by George Michael?”
Julie cackles. That is not what Alex was expecting to come out of her mouth at all.
“Yes, that is perfect,” she says. 
Well, then. A win is a win.
After a few more suggestions, a couple of yeses, and a slightly hurtful “Are you actually being serious about that one?” to a song that Alex used to love blasting in his room whenever he was home alone, the playlist begins to take shape. Alex is actually feeling pretty good about it, grateful that Julie seems to be liking (most of) his taste in music. That is, until—
“Yeah, like something more… contemporary. Pop. Indie. I dunno, just something more from today.”
“Julie, I was crying in a room for twenty-five years—”
“—And Willie hasn’t shown you anything new since then?”
Alex flushes. “Th-that’s- I mean, they have, I just—” he glances at Julie for a second. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” Julie smirks. Alex looks away, cheeks burning.
“You- let’s just- the playlist! We’re- we’re getting off track…”
“Alright,” Julie laughs. “So, know any music from this era? Or are you too old for that?”
“I’m not old.”
“Says Mr. Cried In A Room For Twenty-Five Years—”
“You know what, Julie Molina? I think I’m just gonna go now and not help you—”
“Okay, okay!” Julie pleads, arms flying out to stop him from leaving. “You’re not old,” she says, then flashes him a sweet smile. Alex turns to her and gives her a cutting once-over, pretending to consider. He perks up an eyebrow, prompting a giggle from Julie. 
“Alright, fine,” he sighs dramatically. “I guess I’ll stay and help you.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Julie proclaims, bowing her head low. “I am so blessed to bask in your glorious presence and receive such generosity from thee.”
“Stop it, making me blush,” he says, pushing a shoulder forward and waving her off with the other hand. He grins when Julie laughs. It’s not easy being the funniest person out of the whole group, but Alex believes in honest work, and he’s willing to take one for the team.
The next few minutes see them listing off celebrity names and seeing what sticks. Alex wracks his brain for anything that Willie might have shown him. He’s already mentioned Justin Bieber and Julie had shaken her head so soberly that Alex was afraid to even think of asking why. 
Where had Willie taken him this morning? He thinks back to the massive multicoloured garden they walked through, garden beds separated by pebble stone paths laid upon lush green grass, translucent petals glowing pink and orange and yellow and red in the sunlight. Never mind that they’re made of air, Alex swears he felt the breeze on his skin, that he could see it brush through Willie’s long brown hair. Willie’s dazzling smile was so charming, their hand in his, the sound of their laughter, the playful glint in their eyes…
“Hello? Anyone there?”
Alex blinks, looking at Julie. “Huh?”
“Ah,” Julie greets him with her best customer-service smile, “welcome back. Where did you go?”
“What?” He breathes out a small laugh. “What do you mean?”
“You just zoned out for a solid minute there,” she explains. Then, her smile pulls up into something more sly and she tilts her head slightly. “Were you thinking about Willie?”
“Wh-what?” Alex splutters. “N-no, no. I was just…” What was that name? Willie did mention it quite a few times while they sauntered through their garden, and it definitely started with A… Maybe it was Abigail? No, Abela? “I was thinking add-a-lee?” he tries.
Julie frowns. “Who? Wait, Adele?”
Yep, Alex can burst into flames right now and his ashes can blow away with the wind.
“No, no, you don’t have to be embarrassed,” Julie reassures him. “It can be a hard name.”
“Okay, well,” he murmurs, face still hot, “is that… something?”
“Yes.” Oh, thank god. “Adele is perfect for this playlist. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of her in the first place.”
Once they select a few of Adele’s most heartbreaking singles to add to the playlist, they continue spending the rest of the afternoon filling it out until Julie deems it officially complete. She thanks him and extends an invitation to the party to him and a plus one.
“Absolutely not.”
“What? C’mon,” Julie whines. “Don’t you want to be there to enjoy the fruits of our labour?”
“I—” Alex sighs exasperatedly. “Okay, I’ll be there. But I am not bringing Willie.”
“Hm,” Julie muses. “That’s funny.”
“What’s funny?”
“I didn’t mention anything about bringing Willie along.”
“Oh my god, you are worse than the other two. I’m getting out of here,” he declares, striding towards the doors. His hand passes through the handle and he pauses. He swivels back on his feet and he hears Julie stifle a laugh. “That’s embarrassing.”
“For you,” she snickers.
“Yeah, I got that.” He grunts. “Don’t know why I put up with you, honestly…”
“Because you love meeeee.”
“Alright, don’t get ahead of yourself,” he mock-scowls. He can’t hold that face for long when he sees Julie’s gap-toothed grin, and breaks into a grin of his own. “Just… don’t mention any of this to Luke or Reggie. They’ll go wild over this.”
“Oh, I know. They gave me the idea in the first place.”
Of course they did. It’s like he’s the only sane person here. “I gotta leave right now,” he mutters.
Julie laughs openly now. “Well, thanks for all your help!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
“I love yoooou.”
“Love you too,” he grumbles, just managing to catch Julie making a heart shape with her hands at him before he poofs out of the garage.
Send me an out-of-context prompt
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rekrappeter · 4 years
find yourself somewhere, somehow
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader, slight cedric diggory x fem!reader
summary: you and fred are madly in love with one another, but have never expressed your feelings to each other. every one else knows though. what if that one secret ends up ruining the friendship you both have been trying to save?
warnings: mutual pining, inaccurate Harry Potter timeline, swearing, typos
notes: some of this was requested, some not. this is my 3rd time trying to post it, please give it some love, I actually quite like it <3
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“I think I’m going to ask Angelina to the Yule Ball,” your lips macked together at your best friend’s words, letting them fall on deaf ears as you narrowed your eyes at the words on the page in front of you. You could feel that the twins’ gazes were on you, and you tried to suppress any form of annoyance or jealousy passing across your face.  A heartbeat passed before Fred Weasley spoke up again, “Did you hear what I said?” 
You looked up at the red-haired boy sitting in front of you, your attention being pulled away from your study notes that you were carefully highlighting. “You were talking to me?” you asked, feigning confusion. 
Fred gave you a puzzled look, his brows creasing together, “Who else would I be talking to?” he said, his voice lowering as Snape strutted by the table you were sat at. You all turned your attention to your parchment quickly, letting him pass before Fred tapped the top of your book to get you to continue the conversation.
“George,” you deadpanned, your eyes flickering to his twin. 
“I heard about this all night long,” George said, distaste evident in his voice and he rolled his eyes swiftly. You stiffened a giggle, watching Fred knock his shoulder with his, his own amusement evident in his smirk. 
“So, what do you think?” Fred beamed, a twinkle in his eye. 
“I-” you paused, glancing down the table at Angelina who was laughing quietly at something her friend said. There was no doubt she was beautiful, no doubt that she was good enough for your best friend and you would be ecstatic for Fred if she did accept his offer. You would be, really, if it wasn’t for the massive crush that you harbored for him since you were twelve years old. You remembered the moment it happened; he was trying to teach you how to play quidditch outside of The Burrow during the winter holidays and something went horribly wrong when you were two meters off the floor - you lost your nerve and tumbled off the broom, but Fred was there underneath it to soften your blow. You remembered staring into his eyes deeply, your mouth parting in shock at the sudden wave of feelings that welcomed you when you were so close to him. He ended up dislocating his elbow that day, but he never blamed you for it. 
You felt someone nudge your hand, bringing your gaze from Angelina back to Fred. You plastered on a fake cheerful grin, nodding your head excitedly, “Go for it, you will be great together.” 
Fred was waiting for your blessing, and within minutes of you edging him on, he had secured a date to the ball happening in two weeks’ time. For the remainder of the study hall, you had to listen to Fred gush about Angelina and you had to do everything in your power not to groan and lose your cool. You avoided eye contact with George, knowing that he’d give you an unimpressed look. He knew how you felt about his twin, despite you never truly admitting it to him. You’d brush off his question and change the subject, but it wasn’t hard to see the admiration you had for him. 
“Do you have a date yet?” George questioned, looking down at you. You were walking through the castle on the way to the great hall, the twins on either side of you. He hadn’t heard you talk about going with anyone or thinking of asking anyone. In truth, you had hoped that both you and Fred would be dateless the day of the ball and ultimately end up going together - but that plan was ruined. 
You pursed your lips, keeping your stare forward as you shook your head. “No, I don’t.” 
Fred draped his arm around your shoulder, you stumbled slightly at the heavyweight. “Imagine we have dates, and you don’t, who would have thought?” You knew that he was only teasing and sometimes he never uses his brain before he speaks, but that didn’t lessen the irritation that exploded inside of you. 
“Shut up,” you snapped, your retort falling in between his rambles of how surprised he was that you didn’t have a date. You pushed yourself away from him and stormed off in the direction of the common room, not feeling hungry anymore. Fred gawked at your figure rushing off, glancing at George to ask what was wrong with you. 
“You’re an idiot, that’s what’s wrong with her,” George sighed, shaking his head at his twin. He walked into the Great Hall, Fred trailing behind slowly. “Where are you going?” George turned to face him, placing a hand on his chest. 
“Don’t be stupid, you upset her so go fix it,” Fred sighed, knowing that he was right. He twisted on his heels and walked the familiar way to the Gryffindor dorms. Exasperating the password, he jumped through the entrance and spotted you sitting down on one of the love-seats. The common room was empty as expected, the light from the fire gleaming across your face. When you looked up at him, he saw the tears streaming down your face just before you wiped them away quickly. He hated the fact that he made you cry, but sometimes he just couldn’t control how he rambled on. He never thought about how his words affected you because often you would join in on his jokes but he didn’t know that this would be a sensitive subject for you.
“What do you want?” you mumbled into the sleeve of your jumper, bringing your legs up to cuddle into your front. Fred sat down beside you, wrapping his arms around you. He ignored the pain in his chest when you pushed him away from you, shuffling down the couch slightly. 
“y/n,” Fred whined, “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“The fact that I don’t have a date to a once in a lifetime event? Yeah, it’s not a big deal, Fred.” 
“You still have plenty of time to find one,” he said, “It’s not for another two weeks.”
“I don’t want to be someone’s last resort,” you cried, the emotions getting the better of you, “I wanted someone to be excited to go with me.” You looked up at your best friend, your vision slightly blurry from the tears forming and he looked like a lost puppy staring back at you. Fred was never one to be good with comforting you when you got upset, it was usually George who was the twin you’d go to for problems. Fred was great as a distraction, he’d bring you out and do something fun with you. This was new territory for him. 
Fred wrapped his arms around you again, and this time you let him. He sighed in relief letting his head fall on top of yours. “I’ll take you, I’ll forget about Angelina.” 
You laughed, rolling your eyes with an effort, “That’s not what I want, Fred.” 
“You don’t want to go with me?” He said, a teasing taunt in his tone. 
Placing your hands on his chest and pushing yourself up to look at him, you ignored the way his eyes followed your hand and trailed up to your face. His lips parted slightly, and he felt the sudden urge to close the gap between your lips but he refrained himself from doing so. Fred wasn’t the most observant person out there, but he knew that kissing you wouldn’t help the situation. “You know I would love to go with you but you asked someone else first,” you tried to play it off as teasing, but the sorrow was evident. Fred sighed, nodding his head, and the long strands dangled over his eyes. Giggling, you brushed them away with your fingers, letting your touch linger. “You need to cut all this.” 
“You don’t like it?” Fred pouted, his bottom lip jutting out. 
Your eyes scanned his face, the soft look in his own orbs making you wonder if you ever felt the same way about you that you did him. Considering that you’ve been friends for years without anything happening, you came to the conclusion that it was just a one-sided thing. You were the pathetic one head over heels in love with your best friend. “Your hair looks good anyway.” 
“Whoever asks you to the ball will be one lucky bitch,” Fred gleamed, jumping up from the couch and pulling you up with him, “I’m starving!”
The next few days passed with little memory of the conversation between you and Fred. Everything went back to normal; the trio that consisted of yourself, Fred and George returned back to being impractical jokers and the comments about not having a date to the Yule Ball became nearly nonexistent. With the Ball drawing in quickly, you tried your best to hide the panic that was looming inside you. It wasn’t a big deal to show up alone, if that’s what it would have to result in but it would be nice to be able to dance with someone while your best friends are dancing with their dates. You started to write up a list of potential candidates but from a discussion in Charms with a Ravenclaw, everyone that you thought you could ask already had a date. 
It was like everyone knew that you didn’t have a date to the biggest event to ever happen at Hogwarts. It was the sympathy looks from first-year witches, and snarky chuckles from sixth-year Slytherins that had their dates since the ball was announced. With a simple roll of your eyes, you smile regardless of what they think of you. If it resulted in you having to dance alone or in a group, you didn’t care. The Yule Ball was merely two days away and with a dress picked out, you couldn’t even think about the effort of having to change the colour to match some random guy’s bowtie. 
You had excused yourself from the Gryffindor common room where your friends were gathered around to go to the Owlery to send the letters that were piling up in your bedside drawer. “Do you want me to go with you?” Fred hollered as you were dunking out the entrance. 
“No, I’ll only be quick.” You called back, and started the short journey. A feverish chill had settled across the castle, people were on edge with the unknown of what the Triwizard Tournament could bring, and yet the bubbling murmur of excitement for the ball still settled over the fear and apprehension. You jumped up the steps, leaping two at a time but what you didn’t expect was the top step to be covered in ice. The moment your foot landed on the step, you knew you were done for. A squeal passed your lips and you were on route of tumbling backwards down the stairs, just as a hand grasped your wrists and pulled you up. Your breathing was heavy, ragged, as your life flashed before your eyes. 
“Woah there,” A deep voice interrupted the memory of when you were five years old. You opened your eyes and met the stare of Cedric Diggory, his grey eyes wide. His pink lips curled into a smile of relief, and he helped you steady yourself. “That would have been devastating.” 
You shook your head in shock, your eyes falling down the long stairs that you were almost laying at the bottom off, surely acquiring some broken bones on the way. “Th-thank you, Cedric,” you smiled at your saviour, before glancing down at how his fingers were still wrapped around your wrist. 
“Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, pulling back and taking a step away from you. “H-how are you? I haven’t seen you since-”
“The World Cup,” you finished, nodding your head at the memory, “I never thought Hogwarts was that big until this year, it’s filled with students now,” you mentioned, taking into consideration the extra students that were welcomed to Hogwarts at the start of the year, “I’ve seen you of course, you’re the big celebrity this year.” 
A light blush danced across his cheeks and you weren’t sure if it was the wind or your words having the effect on him. “I wouldn’t call myself a celebrity,” he chuckled, running his fingers through his brown hair. 
“You were really great in the first task, I did go looking for you but you were in hospital because…” you trailed off sentence, watching Cedric grimace at the memory of getting burnt by the dragon during the very first task. You slowly started to walk around Cedric to the entrance of the owlery, “I have letters to post, so I better get going… but best of luck for -”
“Do you have a date for the Ball?” Cedric blurted out, the cool composure that you were so used to seeing him dawn on gone. He let out a shaky breath, the cold air creating a cloud in front of him. 
You chuckled slightly, “Haven’t you heard? I’m the only sixth year that is completely undateable.”
“Well, not the only sixth year,” Cedric blushed again, he gulped, making his Adam's apple bobble slightly. 
“I thought you were going with Cho,” your brows creased in confusion. You remembered the conversation with Hermione and Ginny from nights ago when you were quickly brainstorming the last single men in sixth year that could potentially ask you out but Cedric was linked with Cho Chang, much to your dismay. 
“I was…” Cedric sighed, “But she called it off last night, s-she wasn’t comfortable going with me as a champion and have all eyes on her.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry about that.” 
“Would you be my date?” 
“Me?” you gawked, looking around for the twins to pawn this off as some sort of joke but your red-haired friends were nowhere in sight. 
Cedric nodded, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “I would have asked you sooner, but I kind of thought you’d be going with Fred and when I heard that he asked Angelina, I was a bit confused.” 
“Myself and Fred are just friends,” you smiled, “B-but I’d love to go with you, Cedric. It’d be a shame for both of us to go alone when we can go together.”
You returned to the Gryffindor common room with a large smile on your face. Your friends were still lingering around the fire, trying to get the warmth into them after having Quidditch practice after their classes. Fred stretched over the couch, looking over it with hooded eyes, he must have been sleeping. “What took you so long?” 
You swatted his legs off the empty cushion beside him, and took a seat before his legs draped over your lap and you sighed in content. “Bumped into someone, guess who has a date to the ball?” you teased, a smirk tugging at the side of your lips. That gained the attention of Harry and Hermione who were studying, Hermione’s ears perking in excitement. 
“You’ll see,” you teased, giggling at the yells of protest. You glanced over at Fred, who was unnervingly quiet. “You okay?” you mumbled, placing your hands on his legs and pulling at his leg hairs playfully. 
Fred didn’t answer straight away, his eyes scanning your face before he nodded, “Who is it?” 
“You’ll see,” you repeated, chewing on your bottom lip. 
“You’re not even going to tell me, your best friend?” 
“Nope,” you popped, a yawn passing your lips. You ignored Fred’s dramatic pout, moving his legs off your lap to lay down on the couch beside him. It was normal for you to do this, but something about doing it now made you tense. You couldn’t pinpoint it but when his hand rested on your hip to make sure you didn’t fall off the edge, you felt dizzy and lightheaded. You closed your eyes tightly, but when you breathed in, all you could smell was Fred’s aftershave. It wasn’t strong but it was enough to make you woo. 
Fred watched you softly, how your features became relaxed the moment he placed his hand on your hip and he wondered if he was being foolish not making you his. He constantly ignored his brothers pestering, even Percy had confronted him one christmas. “Are you excited now?” He breathed out, watching your eyes flutter open. 
“I was always excited, but now I know I won’t be left alone when you’re off dancing with your date,” you replied. It came out more snappy than you expected and judging from the taken back look in Fred’s eyes, you knew he took it in the way you didn’t want it to be taken. 
“Look, I did offer to take you-” Fred pressed but you shook your head, dropping your forehead onto his chest. 
“Can we not get into this? It doesn’t matter anymore, we’re friends, Fred. You shouldn’t feel obliged to take me to dances, we’re not kids anymore.” Fred’s face dropped into the crease of your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo and he nodded shortly. You both lingered in each other’s body, ignoring the gaze from your friends. George looked at Ron, giving him a pointed look and Ron shrugged his shoulders in return. It was obvious you were both so in love with each other, and neither of them knew why you were delaying the inevitable. 
Fred’s eyes scanned the crowd that were gathered in the Great Hall, that was overly decorated in white fairy lights and drapes that turned the bland gold room into a beautiful, magical event. Despite the gorgeous angel standing next to him, a wide smile on Angelina’s face, he couldn’t stop himself from looking at you but you were nowhere in sight. The worry started to settle over him, his overalls becoming slightly sweaty. “Is that y/n?” Angelina’s voice tore through his thoughts, his eyes following to where she was pointing. 
His mouth fell open at the sight of you, a wide smile on your face as your arms linked with Cedric Diggory’s, who was leading you to the dancefloor. His eyes scanned your body, his breathing hitched at how beautiful you looked. He knew Ginny said you were stunning in your dress but he didn’t believe how gorgeous you were until he saw you himself. 
“Wow, she’s beautiful,” Angelina whispered, eyes flickering between Fred’s face and your figure. 
“Yeah, she is,” Fred breathed out, his grip tightening on her waist. 
“Why didn’t you ask her?” Fred’s attention fell from his best friend to his date, confusion sweeping across his face and Angelina rolled her eyes. “Fred, everyone knows that you’re in love with her.” 
“Wh-what?” he sputtered out, but he didn’t argue any further. He knew by the pointed look that his date gave him that he wouldn’t be able to charm his way out of this situation. His shoulders deflated and his eyes flickered to your smiling face, his stomach churning at the sight of Cedric’s hand resting on your lower back as he spun you around elegantly. 
Angelina stepped towards the dancefloor, following the lead of everyone else, and started to lead Fred in the moves before he took over. His red hair was brushed around his face, and his pout grew with each second passing. “It’s not too late to tell her how you feel.” 
“That’s the thing, Ang, it is.” 
“Fred, don’t be so naive. She’s in love with you too, it’s so bloody obvious,” Angelina chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. Fred spun her around to the beat of the music, lifting her off the floor like he’s practiced it so many times. Fred was trying to come up with some sort of joke to maneuver the conversation topic from you but his mind was blank - actually, the only thing that filled his mind was you. The way you laughed so loud, the way your eyes twinkled underneath the torches, how you’d devour a cheese burger in half a second, how you were always so keen to participate in their jokes but always the first to flee the scene in fear of getting caught. “I don’t know if I should be offended or-” 
“I’m sorry,” Fred cut her off, feeling slightly guilty for using her as a decoy. “Let’s enjoy tonight.” He announced, taking one more look at you for the night, just missing the longing gaze that you were sending his way. There was no one else you’d rather be dancing with than him, despite the Hufflepuff prefect making you feel extra special tonight, his attention solely on you. It just wasn’t the attention you yearned for. 
The days following the Yule Ball were a mixture of madness and chaos. They blended into one as you were whisked away to the Burrow for Christmas break with your second family, only minutes after seeing your own family for the first time since the start of the new school year. You always knew how hectic this time of year got but you never minded it much, you always enjoyed being surrounded by the Weasleys and the smell of Molly’s homemade double chocolate chip cookies made it all worthwhile. Except this year was slightly different. 
It was always Fred that picked you up from your front porch, but this year it was George. You always shared a room with the twins while you stayed in The Burrow, but this year you were lodging with Hermione and Ginny. Fred was always the first person to run down the stairs and take the seat next to you in the morning for breakfast, but this year the seat was always the last one vacant. It wasn’t only you that noticed this either, Ginny and Harry had been whispering about it all day long, Ron and George pondered what could be going on between the two of you, and it was Hermione that confronted you about the odd behaviour. But you only had one answer, ‘I haven’t a bloody clue what is going on’. 
After the vaguest of conversations with Hermione, you trotted up to the twins’ room knowing that George was outside helping Arthur with the chickens he wanted to invest in. Fred was nowhere to be seen, the best bet would be his bedroom. You knocked quietly on the door, peeking your head through the open gap and seeing Fred laying on his stomach in the single bed. The image was laughable, his long legs dangling from the edge of the bed and the quilt a thousand different colours kicked to the floor. His arms were tucked underneath his pillow and his face was pointed away from you. 
“Freddie?” you whispered, trying to get his attention. Fred’s eyes squeezed tightly at your voice and he tried desperately to calm his breathing. Maybe if you thought he was asleep, you’d leave him alone. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to speak to you, it was more so the fear of blabbering out how he truly  felt about you and the prospect of ruining years of friendship. He heard his bedroom door click shut after seconds of silence, and he was just about to twist towards it when he heard your sock clad feet shuffle through the room. “Freddie?” you asked again, but he didn’t budge.
You sighed and chewed on your bottom lip nervously, you didn’t want to wake him up. He wasn’t the friendliest person after being bothered while sleeping, but your heart ached for feeling his warmth again. You unconsciously found yourself laying on the smallest bit of bed that was available to you, your arm wrapping around his torso to hold yourself up. His back was to your chest, and he shuffled slightly to let you get comfortable but you didn’t pay much mind to it. You nudge your face into his t-shirt, letting his scent take over all your senses and you place a soft kiss on the material. “I miss you,” you whispered into the silence. 
Fred was staring blankly at the wall, his heart hammering against his chest as your fingers grasped his t-shirt with all their might. He reached for your hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly. Your breath hitched in your throat but you didn’t say anything. You just lay there next to him in peace and quiet, your uneven breaths mixing with his. 
“y/n, this letter is for you,” Ron called from across the table, holding an off-white envelope. You looked up from the bacon and scrambled eggs on your plate in shock, you never got letters sent for you to The Burrow. Your parents would usually call to check up on you and all of your close friends were gathered around the table. 
“Who’s it from?” Fred wondered as he occupied his usual seat next to you. The previous night where you fell asleep next to him brought everything back to somewhat normal. He was finally acknowledging you in the mornings and spending his time with you. You shrugged, tearing the letter open and your eyes widened at the signature written so beautifully at the bottom. “Cedric Diggory,” Fred scoffed, a roll of his eyes gaining the attention of his brothers around him. 
“Cedric Diggory wrote to you?” Ginny gleamed, her eyes widening in delight as a contrast to Fred's displeased look. 
“What did he say?” Hermione asked. You were about to stand up from the table, and excuse yourself but from the peering eyes of your friends, you knew you wouldn’t get far without their curiosity minds following you. 
“Just read it aloud,” Harry cheered, and he frowned quickly when Hermione shot him a look to be quiet. But Ron soon joined in and it was like a dominios effect, you sighed and gave in, clearing your voice to read the letter for the first time. 
“Dear y/n,” you started, interrupted already by Fred’s sigh of annoyance, “I had tried to contact you at your family home but they have directed all my calls to Weasleys’ household. I have tried several times to get in touch with you but seem to be having trouble - I have left messages. I hope this doesn’t come across as desperate or obnoxious but I would thoroughly enjoy it if you were to accompany me to Hogsmede this weekend. I look forward to hearing from you..” you paused, before whispering the last part, “yours, Cedric Diggory.” 
There was a deafening silence as you finished the last syllable, the words blurring in front of you on the parchment as you tried to make sense of the letter. Of course you had a great time at the ball with Cedric, but you never had any intention of getting romantically involved with him. Not when your heart was obviously set on someone else. Your mind was brought back to the kitchen of the Weasleys’ when the girls in front of you gasped out loud, squealing as they grasped for the letter to reread it. The boys lost interest the moment you started to speak, except for Fred, who fell back in the chair and began finishing his breakfast. 
“What is your secret?” Ginny gawked. “Cedric Diggory wants to go on a date with you!” 
“I-It’s not a date,” you mumbled, sitting back down. The tension between you and Fred was back, the hour of normality that you were blessed with vanished. “It’s not a date,” you repeated, but your words were aimed at Fred, who creased his eyebrows in confusion. 
“It sounds like a date to me and a bloody good one at that,” he flashed you a smile, but you could see beneath it. Something was different between the two of you, like the aura has shifted and you’ve become one. It didn’t make sense but the way Fred was feeling, you could feel it too. How his heart was hammering and his stomach was infested with annoying butterflies. It’s how you felt when you looked at him. 
“We have plans for the weekend,” you reminded him. 
“Cancel them, it’s okay.” 
“No, Fred, it’s a tradition. I can’t just cancel them.” 
Fred sighed, tidying up his plate and standing up from the table. You followed his lead and left the group to analyse the letter, you went to call him but he swiftly turned around. Your chest hit his, his taller figure hovering over you. “I’ll make it easier for you, I’ll cancel them. There, you’re free this weekend.”
“What are you even talking about?” you sighed, frustration getting the better of you. “I never said I wanted to go out with him.”
“Why wouldn’t you not? He’s Cedric freakin’ Diggory!” There was no room for arguing, no matter what you threw at him, he’d have a comeback so you just sighed and gave in. Waving the white flag of surrender for the day and it wasn’t even ten in the morning. 
There was a lake not two miles from The Burrow, it was hidden beyond trees taller than churches and you’d have never found it if it weren’t for the adventurous boys that you grew up with. You were supposed to be nestled in the corner of a tavern with the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain, sharing a warm butterbeer and having that first date jitters but instead you found yourself looking over the frozen lake. It was always frozen at this time of the year. You had a large black coat on, fake fur decorating the hood as you breathed out and created your own night time clouds of air. You had your skates by your feet, too cold to change into them.
Every year on the last night before returning back to Hogwarts, it was a tradition with you and Fred to ice-skate across the lake. It was the one time that you were guaranteed to feel free and relieve any stress that has been building up on your shoulders. But it didn’t feel the same alone and you couldn’t bring yourself to put your skates on. You fell back against the grass that was decorated in white snow from the downpour earlier that day, letting out a strangled scream that you’ve been holding in. 
“Bloody hell, what was that?” A grin erupted on your face and you sat up, looking over your shoulder to see Fred standing there in a brown tattered coat, his skates dangling from his fingers. He had a yellow bobble hat on his head, his hair tucked beneath it. 
“You showed,” you smiled, kicking your shoes off and pulling your skates on with great difficulty. Fred followed your lead, sitting down next to you. 
“Of course I did.” 
You sighed, strapping the laces, “I wasn’t sure if you would, you’re acting really strange lately.” 
Fred gave you a sympathetic glance, a small smile tugging on his lips as he watched you stand up and stretch your gloved hand out to help him up. He took it, using his strength to lift himself up so you didn’t have to use a muscle. You slowly made your way to the iced surface, letting Fred test it out and he skated away in circles. “Freddie,” you called back, pouting slightly. 
A raspy laugh left his lips as he shook his head in disbelief and came back to you, letting you grasp onto his arm as you took your first steps onto the ice. “You do know you can skate, right?” Fred asked.
“I just need your help for the first five minutes, you know that,” you chuckled. You both skated around the nature-created rink, silence settling between you. The moon overlooked the two of you skating around, hand in hand - the perfect pair in a state of ignorance. Fred let go of your hand, skating in front of you and you couldn’t help but laugh as he showed off his skills. His lanky legs are quite talented at twisting around one another. Fred looked up at you, your smile beaming at him and that’s when he lost his balance, tripping over his own feet and tumbling to the ice. Your eyes widened but you were going to quick to stop and you fell over his limbs, your chin banging off the ice. 
“Fuck, are you okay, y/n?” Fred scrambled over to you, his hand cupping your chin and seeing the blood seeping from the cut. His worry was cut short when you erupted into a fit of unstoppable giggles, ignoring the pain that soared through your face. The image of Fred’s face falling flat on his ass will forever be sketched into your mind now. “Shut up,” Fred huffed, his hand dropping from your face. 
You crawled over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you tried everything in your power to stop from giggling but you couldn’t. It got to the point that your laughter became so contagious that Fred’s chest began rumbling with his own laughter. You sat in the middle of the ice rink, asses soaked and cuts on your face as you laughed for what felt like hours. 
“I missed this,” you announced in a heavy sigh, your stomach hurting from laughing so much. 
“I’m sorry for acting like an idiot the last few weeks,” Fred said. 
“What was the story with that?” you asked, reaching to fix the hat that was crooked on his head. His hands wrapped around your wrist, his gloves fingers maneuvering to hold your hands close. Your eyes connected with his, your breath hitching at the sight of his brown orbs telling you everything before he spoke a word. “Fred..”
Fred sighed, dropping your hands and scrambling to stand up. You followed his movements, skating to where your shoes and belongings were left. His broad shoulders were slouched as he got off his skates and you weren’t sure if he was going to walk away again. “Fred, please don’t shut me out again.” 
“I-I-” Fred mumbled, his eyes screwing shut before fluttering open again, “Why didn’t you go out with Cedric tonight?” 
The question took you off guard, confusion evident in your expression. “I told you already, we had plans! We do this every year!” 
“You cancelled plans with a future boyfriend for me?” Fred asked, trying to clarify the situation. 
“What are you talking about, Fred? We’re best friends, I’d always choose you over-” 
“Is that all we’ll ever be?” The words made you dizzy, the question heavy with every emotion you’ve ever felt for Fred. You looked up at him, your socks getting soaked as you stood there in shock, your shoes forgotten about. “That… That question came out more forced than I wanted it to, but I just need to know, will we ever be more?” 
“That’s not for me to decide…” you whispered, seeing his expression falter, “You’ve never- you’ve never told me how you felt about me.” 
“I thought I made it obvious.”
You scoffed, shaking your head, “By taking someone else to the Ball? Or by encouraging me to go on a date? Or when we were thirteen and you told George that you only seen me as a sister-”
“Okay, they weren’t my finest moments, I’ll admit that..” Fred wanted to slap himself for being so stupid and naive, “But do you feel the same way that I feel about you?”
“If you think that I’m the most amazing person in the world, that you can’t live without me, and that you’re sick of spending every moment with me and not being able to kiss me… then yes, I feel the same..” you breathed out the words, your chest beating rapidly. When Fred processed the words, a large grin filled with relief washed over his face. He took a step closer to you, and you took it on yourself to close the gap between your bodies. He dipped his head and connected his lips to yours, his hands placing themselves respectfully on your waist as you wrapped around his shoulders. The kiss wouldn’t have been deemed the most magical - your teeth hitting off one another and your tongues sloppy mixing together, but when he pulled away and laughed, your heart deemed it to be the most magical moment in your life. 
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Prompt: Veritaserum is one of the most powerful potions in the wizarding world, a few drops able to make the one who takes it to reveal their deepest secrets with no hesitation. So of course Fred and George learn how to make it for a prank, however it quickly backfires when they test it out on Y/N, who happens to have a crush on the older Weasley twin.
Warnings: swearing? Kind of angsty for like two seconds, That’s it really.
A/N: Sorry I haven’t written in so long, finals are kicking my ass and I barely have time to myself anymore. That being said, I hope you enjoy! This idea has been rattling around my brain for a while.
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You sat in the Gryffindor common room, sipping hot coco and enjoying the rare silence as you read a book. You had just gotten to the end of your chapter when a pair of red haired boys walked in, interrupting your solitude.
“Hello Y/N” George greeted you, sitting in the open spot next to you, George following his movements on the other side of you.
“What do you want?” You asked, not looking up from your book. You could tell by Fred's’ tone that he was planning something, and you had no interest in being a part of it.
“Now dear Y/N, why do you think we want something from you?” Fred asked, having a very similar expression to his brother.
Instead of replying you simply gave Fred a look as if to ask ‘do I look stupid?’ Fred got the message and his face shifted from a fake casual look to a smile.
“You know us so well” He laughed, causing you to shake your head and close your book.
“Unfortunately” You sighed, putting your book to the side to give the boys your full attention.
In fact, you did know the twins well, almost better than they knew themselves. You had met them in your first year, and when you were sorted into Gryffindor, the three of you became inseparable, in fact, you were one of the only people who were able to tell them apart. However, you couldn’t deny that you and Fred spent a bit more time together, whether it be in class or on the quidditch pitch, you were constantly making each other smile and laugh, and you knew you could tell him anything. Well, except for the fact that you also happened to have a massive crush on him since fourth year. That would remain a secret.
You watched as the boys moved to sit on the couch across from you, now facing you with a similar smile on their faces.
“We have what could quite possibly be, the best prank in Hogwarts history” George said, trying to sell you on their idea, which you still haven't heard.
“What would you say” Fred started “if you could ask Snape any question you wanted. Anything from test answers to the color of his underwear-”
“Eww” You interrupted
“Exactly! The blackmail potential, the humiliation, the revenge. What would you say?” George finished looking at you.
“I would say you’ve both lost your marbles. Snape hardly speaks let alone confesses those types of things” You said
“But what if... We had a way to make sure he did” Fred asked.
You finally put the pieces together, your jaw dropping to the floor. “How did you-”
“Snape has a book of rare spells and potions” George started
“And we checked it out for the weekend” Fred finished.
“So you stole it” You stated
“More like borrowed, for educational purposes” Fred argued
“Its all set up. We’ll sneak it into his pumpkin juice before class, spread out the word and by second period tomorrow, we’ll have gotten revenge from all the torment. All you need to do, is make sure the potion works” George said, making your eyes widen.
“I’m not taking that!” You practically yelled. You trusted the boys to not ask you any questions that were too personal, that being said, there was still a lot of room for embarrassment, or for the potion to go completely wrong.
“Oh come on Y/N, worst case scenario it doesn’t work” George defended, but Fred could tell you still weren’t convinced.
“Hey” Fred said, leaning forward and gently grabbing your hand, squeezing it comfortingly “I promise we wouldn’t ask if there were risks that could hurt you”
You were to focused on containing the butterflies that had erupted in your stomach from Fred’s touch to notice how George looked between the two of you, or how he suddenly seemed to have an idea.
“Ok fine” You said, causing the two boys to cheer, before George turned and dug out a small glass vial from his bag.
“Two drops should do the trick” George said, adding a few drops of the liquid into your drink from earlier. 
You picked up the drink and eyed it, considering backing out but the thought of finally getting back at Snape for humiliating you, and so many others took over. Taking a breath, you finished your drink and set down the mug.
“How long until it starts working?” You asked after a few seconds, not feeling any different.
“It should take effect immediately” Fred said, looking at you for any sign of discomfort or change in mood. “What’s two plus two?”
“Four” You said
“You need to ask better questions than that! Something to prove she can only tell the truth” George said, turning his attention back to you “How old where you when you had your first kiss?”
“Fourteen” You said, surprised at how the words seemed to tumble out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“What’s your most embarrassing story from Hogwarts?” Fred asked
“I once accidentally called Professor McGonagall mom in front of the entire class in first year... fuck you weren't supposed to know about that. Stop asking embarrassing questions you git!” You yelled at the older red head, who simply laughed and shook his head.
“No, I think this is quite fun actually” He said, before George continued.
The questions went on for a few minutes, asking you things from what your favorite color was, to the worst date you’ve ever been on, but finally, the two red heads seemed convinced.
“Alright, it seems like its working” George started, but the glint in his eye showed that he wasn’t quite finished yet. “Who do you have a crush on?”
You couldn’t cover your mouth fast enough. You couldn’t think to run away before the name was tumbling from your lips. You couldn’t do anything but sit and watch in horror, as you answered the question.
“Fred Weasley”
The room went dead silent, the only sound coming from the clock in the corner of the room. 
“Y/N I-” Fred started, but you stood up and ran out of the room before he could say anything else.
“I knew it!” George shouted with glee once you were out of earshot, causing Fred to whip his gaze to glare at his brother.
“George what the fuck!” Fred yelled, anger evident in his voice.
“What? You’ve been pining over her like a sad puppy for over a year. Now you finally know” George defended, watching as his older brother quickly stood to follow you.
You had ran as fast as you could, weaving through students and running through corridors before you finally found yourself sitting at a hidden spot by the black lake, finally letting the tears you had been fighting go.
You had liked Fred since fourth year. You had been yelled at in front of the whole class, and were so humiliated you skipped the rest of the school day. Fred had found you, and talked with you all day, making you laugh and smile, not leaving until you finally felt better.
Ever since then your feelings grew. This last summer, you had spent the summer at the Weasley’s and found it a bit hard to sleep one night. You had gone outside to watch the stars, and Fred had joined you. You spend hours talking about life, your futures, your friendships, and at one point, he had looked at you in a way that made you wonder if maybe your feelings weren't one sided. Now you could see that wasn’t the case.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching you. Without looking up, you already knew it was Fred. You were now sitting with your knees pulled into your chest, your chin resting on the tops of your knees as you looked out at the water.
“This spot taken?” Fred asked, motioning to the spot beside you. You didn’t answer, just shook your head, giving the boy permission to take a seat next to you.
“The potion should have worn off by now, so you shouldn’t have to worry about it anymore” Fred said softly, as if not to spook you.
“You don’t have to do this you know” You mumbles, still refusing to meet Fred’s eyes, who were now looking at you with confusion.
“Do what?” He asked
“Try and make me feel better. I know were friends and everything, but I know you don't feel the same way, and I’d really rather just be alone then pretend everything is ok between us.” You said, trying not to let anymore tears fall.
Fred heard these words and felt his heart break. Fred, unknown to you, had also shared your feelings. Your smile could light up any room. You were so unconditionally kind to everyone you met. Your laugh was his favorite sound, and he had made it his goal to try and hear it as often as possible. He had been trying to drop hints, flirtatious comments, or small gestures, and that one night at the burrow, where you were under the stars, he thought he had finally made it clear how he felt. Apparently not, and he didn’t want to waste any more time trying to be subtle.
“See, now I know the potion isn’t working anymore” Fred chuckled, causing you to look at him with a confused expression.
“What?” You asked
“I do feel the same way” Fred said softly
“Fred... you don’t have to say it if you don't-” You started
“Hold on” Fred interrupted, digging through his pocket and pulling out the same small vial from earlier, before tilting his head back and taking a swig. “Now ask me”
“Oh my god, Fred I-” You asked.
“Ask me who I have a crush on” Fred said simply.
“Fine... Who do you have a crush on Fred?” You asked quietly, almost afraid of what the answer would be.
“Y/N L/N” Fred answered, like it was the easiest thing in the world. 
“You do?” You asked, a smile forming onto your lips.
“Yes” He replied, a smile growing across his face as well.
“Well why do you like me?” You asked, a hint of teasing to your voice.
“Well, you’re beautiful, you’re the funniest person I’ve ever met, you are so kind to everyone you meet, you’re super smart, you have a great ass- wait fuck that wasn’t supposed to come out” Fred said, about to continue but you kept him from going on by finally closing the space between you and pressing your lips to his.
Fred responded instantly, smiling into the kiss before moving his hands to your waist, while yours went to hold his face. You stayed like this for a moment, moving in sync with each other before finally pulling away for air.
“Told you I liked you back” Fred said, making you laugh before re connecting your lips but only for a moment.
“So I’m the funniest person you’ve ever met?” You asked.
“Yes... hey not fair!” Fred complained, making you laugh once again.
“Ok ok fine” You said, allowing Fred to reconnect your lips once again, before breaking away again.
“You think I have a great ass?”
“Yes- Y/N!”
A/N: Hiiiii! I hope you guys enjoyed! I’ll hopefully be writing more in the future since the school semester is slowing down a bit, but until then check out my other work if you want or leave a request. Thank you all for reading!
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dreamerofasgard · 5 years
Marvelous Darlings Chapter 2
Disclaimer: Marvel belongs to its respective owner, RIP Stan Lee, we only own ourselves and what we do. Enjoy!
Figuring It Out
After Loki and Erica finished the Assassin’s Creed novel Loki lower the illusion as they scare almost everyone. 
“Loki! Erica! What the hell?” April said as she threw a pillow at the two as they both dodge it.
“Geez, April. Cool book by the way,” Erica said as she stood up and put the book back on the bookshelf as she chuckled at April’s reaction as Loki stood up.
“What is Assassin’s Creed anyway?” Loki said as April just had a shocked look on her face as she quickly got up and opened her laptop pulling up a video explaining Assassin’s Creed before she exploded in a fangirl rage.
“Bucky you get over here too,” April said as she made Loki and Bucky watch a video on Assassin’s Creed much to everyone’s surprise they both enjoyed the video. 
“So it’s a video game and novel series,” Loki said as he stood up before Bucky who was still slightly confused.
“So in the video game people get put into memories of people who died?” Bucky said as Pietro rolled his eyes a bit at Bucky’s description as Natasha was chuckling.
“Well when you get down to it, yeah, I think,” Erica said as she looked at April who was holding back her need to explain everything to Bucky. 
“Well, Assassin’s Creed is a game where the plot is set in a fictional history of real-world events and follows the centuries-old struggle between the Assassins, who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control. The game primarily takes place during the Third Crusade in the Holy Land in 1191, with the plot revolving around the Secret Order of Assassins, based upon the Hashshashin sect. The player is, in reality, playing as a modern-day man named Desmond Miles, who, through the use of a machine named the "Animus", is allowed the viewing and controlling of the protagonist's genetic memories of his ancestors, in this case, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, a member of the Assassins. Through this plot device, details emerge of a struggle between two factions: the Knights Templar and the Assassins, over an artifact known as the "Apple of Eden", an ancient artifact used to control minds,” April said in one big sentence as she took a couple of deep breaths after that explanation leaving Bucky impressed.
“I hate to leave you all but duty calls,” Natasha says as she checks her text messages. “It’s only the first weekend of school and I have to investigate 5 rooms. See you guys later,” Nat said giving April and Erica hugs before leaving for work.
“So while we are all here, let's go over class schedules,” Erica suggested as Wanda’s face lit up as she pulls out her phone as Pietro chuckles and pulls out his phone too.
“Well, unlike you guys, Thor printed out my schedule,” Loki says as he takes his schedule out of his pocket and unfolds it.
“Unlike you, I keep my shit clean and not folded,” April pulled out a small laminated schedule.
“Can we not fight over schedules?” Bucky laughed, pulling his phone out.
“Alright, we go one by one,” Erica said while smiling.
Erica’s schedule
Art History B (11 AM - 11:50 AM) MWF SH 120
3D Modeling/Rendering (12 PM - 2:50 PM) MW SH 200
Astronomy  (6 PM - 8:50 PM) MW GRIM 200
Constitutional History Of US (12 PM - 1:20 PM) TTH LY 108
Shakespeare’s Early Play (3 PM - 4:20 PM) TTH LY 206
April’s Schedule
Intro to Theatre  (10 AM - 11:20 PM) MWF SFR 212
History of Latin America: Colonial (12 PM - 12:50 PM) MWF LY 206
Visual Character and Story Design (6 PM - 8:50 PM) MW SH 201
Art History A (1:30 PM - 2:50 PM) TTH SH 120
3D Modeling/Rendering (6 PM - 8:50 PM) TTH SH 11G
Loki’s Schedule
Two Dimensional Design (12 pm -2:50 PM) MW SH 206
Intro to Painting (3 PM - 5:00 PM) MW SH 124
Astronomy  (6 PM - 8:50 PM) MW GRIM 200
Drawing 1 (9 AM - 11:50 AM) TTH SH 201
Shakespeare’s Early Play (3 PM - 4:20 PM) TTH LY 206
Wanda’s Schedule
Intro to Music (10 AM - 10:50 AM) MW SFR 112
Classical Guitar (12 PM - 1:50 PM) MWF OM 124
Astronomy  (6 PM - 8:50 PM) MW GRIM 200
Voice Class I (12 PM - 12:50 PM) TTH OM 125
Harmony and Theory I ( 3 PM - 4:20 PM) TTH OM 122
Bucky’s Schedule
Elementary French I (11 AM - 11:50 AM) MWF OM 221A
Causes of War (2 PM - 3:20 PM) MWF LY 206
Intro to Music (10 AM - 10:50 AM) TTH SFR 112
Constitutional History Of the United States (12 PM - 1:20 PM) TTH LY 108
Intro to Painting (3 PM - 5:50 PM) TTH SH 124
Pietro’s schedule
Intro to Sports Management (9 AM - 9:50 AM) MWF KY 106
Effective Composition (11 AM - 11:50 AM) MWF DF 212
Scientific Basis for Human Movement (9:30 AM - 10:50 AM) TTH KY 129
Art History A (1:30 PM - 2:50 PM) TTH SH 120
Leadership and Team Building in Sport ( 3 PM - 4:20 PM) TTH KY 109
“Okay, we got some classes together at least,” April muttered, seeing that she has Art History with Pietro. 
Erica and Bucky had the same History class. Erica, Loki, and Wanda have the same astronomy class together. Erica and Loki have Shakespeare class together, Erica and April have a 3D class with the same professor but different days. 
“You like Shakespeare?” Erica said as she looked at Loki who was smiling at her. “I do very much actually,” Loki said while smiling as Pietro looked at April.
Just then April’s phone rang with a notification. She checked and it was a text, so she responded back without saying a word.
“Who’s that?” Erica asked looking over at April with curiosity.
“Just a classmate from Theater class,” April responded, turning off her phone.
“You’re taking theater?” Pietro asked smiling at her.
“Yeah, I did say I like acting out things,” April said with a flustered face as Wanda looks at April with concern.
“I always wanted to get into acting. What is it like April?” Wanda says trying to change the subject.
“It’s amazing! It’s a great thing to do, it’s like creating a new personality of yourself to play that character you’re portraying,” April explained, her face filled with happiness.
“Well maybe sometimes you can help me with acting, hm?” Wanda says as Bucky looks over at April while Loki and Erica are talking about Shakespeare’s plays.
“Of course! But not this week, this week is important!” April said but she said it like it was to herself, making the others curious.
“What do you mean? You got a performance this week?” Bucky asked. 
“YES! Yes! Yes, I do and I’m so excited!” April said a little too loudly but she calmed herself.
“Who are you playing?” Wanda asked, feeling excited for her friend.
“I’m playing one of the main characters!” April let out, laughing in happiness.
“Who?!” Wanda grabbed her hands her face full of excitement.
“I’m not telling, you have to buy tickets to the musical,” April denied saying with a smile on her face.
“A musical?! You can sing? Since when?” Erica asked, shocked as she crushed April in a hug.
“It’s not as good as you Erica but it’s good from what my theater professor said,” April said, “And I’ve been singing since middle school,” 
“Where can we buy the tickets?” Erica asked, pulling back from the hug. 
“I’ll send you guys the link now,” April said pulling out her phone. She went quiet for about 5 minutes before a series of notification sounds went off. 
The rest pulled out their phones and saw the link to the ticket purchase.
“I’ll definitely come to see it! When is it?!” Wanda started buying the tickets already.
“It’s this Sunday from 3 pm to 7 pm. The play itself is 2 hours and 30 minutes and after there will be a Q&A to the actors and actresses after,” April explained.
“Done!” Wanda exclaimed once she bought the ticket, as well as the others,  did.
“You ALL are coming?” April was shocked.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we?” Erica asked with a smile on her face.
“Well, normally my friends wouldn’t care. They would either say they have something going on but they lie just to not go or they completely forget altogether,” April said with a sad expression.
Wanda felt her hurt, so she engulfed April in a warm hug.
“I wouldn’t miss your play for the world,” Wanda said, making April feel better. 
“Thank you, Wanda,” April said but was muffled by Wanda’s shoulder. 
“Wanda I think you are crushing her,” Pietro said before Erica joined the hug. 
“Group hug now,” Erica said as Loki and Bucky both smiled and joined the hug while Pietro sighed and reluctantly joined the group hug.
“WAIT! IS THE PLAY THIS SUNDAY, AS IN TOMORROW!!??” Erica realized, yelling.
“Yes, you guys actually got last of the tickets which you guys luckily sit in the middle aisle toward the front but not directly in the front,” April said.
“Are you packed?! Do you have everything you need!? Your costumes, your makeup, you're-” April cut off Erica by placing a hand over her mouth.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes,” April said, pointing to the corner of her room. There was a small duffle bag that was slightly stuffed.
“I leave at 10 am tomorrow morning. I have to be there early to help set up and rehearse,” April said, smiling to her best friend. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to organize this mess of a room,” April said as everyone nodded and left her apartment then going their separate ways.
The Next Day
It was 2:45 pm when everyone - Erica, Bucky, Loki, Wanda, Natasha, Pietro, and George - were in front of the theater for April’s performance
“So what’s the play she’s in?” Loki asked Erica, once they were walking through the glass doors to the lobby.
“I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell us yesterday,” Erica said back, they pulled out the phones of their ticket scans and they were allowed to pass into the massive auditorium.
“Apparently a big one if it’s in here,” Bucky whistled lowly at the size.
The gang took an hour drive to Bethlehem from the University.
“I know, but I’m not saying. That’ll be spoilers,” George said, sipping on his drink.
“George, come on! Can you tell me?” Erica begged, trying to give her the puppy eyes but George knew better.
“Bitch no, that’ll ruin the surprise April has for us,” George said, walking down the middle aisle to their row.
Erica groaned loudly that made the others laugh at her actions. The seating order was George, Wanda, Erica, Loki, Pietro, Bucky, and Natasha.
“I guess it’s a good thing we ate before coming here,” Pietro said, the others agreeing.
Once everyone was seated, the lights suddenly dimmed to complete darkness. The curtains were closed, when someone, most likely the professor, walked out from the left side. It was a woman in her fifties, about, when she started speaking to the audience.
“Thank you, everyone, for coming, if you’ll look underneath you is the brochure for the musical. I hope you all will have a great night being here and please enjoy the musical my students spent hours for you,” She said, causing applause, and disappeared back to the side.
Erica and the others picked up a brochure and saw it was a Hamilton musical.
“I fucking knew it!” Erica whispered, causing her friends to laugh.
They opened it to see that April play not only one, but THREE characters. She played Monsieur Marquis de Lafayette, President Thomas Jefferson, and Miss Maria Reynolds.
The curtains open to show the actors, actresses, with background people on stage as they start up the Alexander Hamilton introduction song.   
April was among the characters, she was wearing a white military uniform with her hair pulled up into a messy bun. 
Soon after the first song was played, Aaron Burr Sir was playing and halfway into the song, the three drunks come in, April was one of them, Lafayette, Lawrence, and Hercules. 
“Oui Oui, mon ami, je m’appelle Lafayette
The Lancelot of the revolutionary set
I came from afar just to say bonsoir
Tell the king casse-toi
Who’s the best, c’est moi” 
April in a French accent that was a little exaggerated to make it like she was THE shit. As she was saying her line, she was shaking her shoulders and made a hand motion of sweeping her hair over her shoulders when she said c’est moi.
This caused her friends to drop their jaws in astonishment as Erica just smiles being extremely proud. April can speak in a French accent fluently as if she was originally French as Bucky and Pietro’s hearts are racing. 
April continued to play as Lafayette, dancing around with a bayonet in hand on certain songs. But then, one song started playing and it was Guns and Ships.
Lafayette appeared after Aaron sang, raping and singing at a very fast pace that left her friends in shock. They see Lafayette look over to the audience and wink to the crowd. Erica knew April can see them.
The musical resumed into the Second Act. The Second Act where Thomas Jefferson appeared, played by April.
What’d I Miss started playing when Jefferson’s part started playing, April appeared wearing a red velvet vest and pants with white socks under the pants and a white poet shirt with a white cravat under the vest. She also had a red velvet coat with a cuffed sleeve with a cane in her left hand and her shoes were sleek and shiny black. Her hair was put into a low ponytail wrapped in a red ribbon.
April was playing Jefferson as if she was playing Lafayette except for the French accent. Her friends could tell she enjoyed playing Jefferson.
The dancing was fun to see, the beat was a bit groovy, Erica was semi-dancing in her seat with George.
The song then went into the Cabinet Battle #1, the rap battle between Jefferson and Hamilton with Washington as the introduction. The ending of Hamilton’s statement got Erica to go “oh” with the rest of the audience. 
The musical continued until it hit the song Take A Break was playing when George realized something. He quickly pulled his phone out and texted the group. Thankfully their phones were on vibrate when they checked.
Georgie;) - Hey, guys just to let you know, steamy shit is going to happen in the next song.
Erica X3 - This is gonna be good.
Loki ^_^ - Now I’m concerned.
Bucket - Wait, what? What is going to happen?
Georgie;) - You’ll see~~ ;)
After that text was sent, Say No To This, had started playing.
Aaron Burr started singing which transferred over to Hamilton. The moment Hamilton started singing, he was standing to the side as a woman started walking to him in the black spotlight.
“I know you are a man of honor
I'm so sorry to bother you at home
But I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone” 
The woman was...April?! She was playing this Maria?! She was wearing a deep red Victorian dress that showed her cleavage perfectly. Her hair was down in perfect curls with red lipstick, looking all seductive to Hamilton. Erica was tearing up seeing her best friend looking so beautiful as Loki handed her a tissue. Meanwhile, Bucky shifted in his seat along with Pietro as they looked April up and down as George just smirked.
“My husband's doin' me wrong
Beatin' me, cheatin’ me, mistreatin' me
Suddenly he's up and gone
I don't have the means to go on”
Maria lowered her voice and brought her hands close to her chest as she looked away from Hamilton as if she’s feeling the pain. Hamilton offered his arm to her as they ‘walk’ to her place.
When this certain scene was shown, her friend except George dropped their jaw AGAIN as George just drank his water.
“Then I said, well, I should head back home
She turned red, she led me to her bed
Let her legs spread and said
As soon as that part was said, April grabbed Hamilton’s cravat and pulled him with her as lay on the bed that appeared a couple of seconds before that line was said.
“No, show me how to say no to this
I don't know how to say no to this
In my mind, I'm tryin' to go (go, go, go)
Then her mouth is on mine, and I don't say”
When that sentence ended, they kissed making Bucky a little angry as Pietro was red in the face. Mouth locked as Hamilton grabbed Maria by her waist and pulled her close. Then he grabbed her by her thigh under her dress as he ravished her neck before the stage went dark. George looked over to Erica, Loki, Nat, and Wanda as they all looked proud while Pietro and Bucky were well sexually frustrated.
Hamilton appeared on the other side of the stage as he continued his part.
The audience laughed when Hamilton said Fuck out of realization. When Hamilton arrived at Maria’s place, April played good when she was in distress.
“I hid the letter and I raced to her place
Screamed, "How could you?!" in her face
She said:
No, sir!
Half dressed, apologetic
A mess, she looked pathetic, she cried:
Please don't go, sir!
So was your whole story a setup?
I don't know about any letter!
Stop Crying
Goddammit, get up!
I didn't know any better
I am ruined…”
Maria threw her hands down in her lap as she argued with Hamilton on the floor.
“Please don't leave me with him helpless (I am helpless — how could I do this?)
Just give him what he wants and you can have me
(I don't want you)
Whatever you want (I don't want you)
If you pay (I don't)
You can stay”
Maria had gotten up and tried to have Hamilton holding her by the waist but Hamilton struggled and released himself from her when Maria sang the last sentence. 
Once the song ended, it transitioned into the next one and the musical continued.
April was once again back as Jefferson, face clear of makeup, hair back in a low ponytail, and tailored outfit with her cane in hand.
Later on, the musical was coming to an end as the song Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story which was an emotional song. And once the song ended with Hamilton and Eliza standing back to back, the curtains closed and the audience cheered. The curtains opened once more to show the cast with the background people lined up as they bowed to the audience. April was standing in between the actor for Lawrence/Philip and the actress for Angelica.
The curtains closed once more and a moment had passed when they saw the main cast in casual outfits and sitting in chairs according to the first appearance. April was in between the actor and actress once more but in a black band graphic shirt with cargo shorts, converse and her hair was let loose.
The actors and actresses started introducing themselves along with the character they played when it was soon April’s turn with the microphone.
“Hello, my name is April Marie Flores. I played Monsieur Marquis de Lafayette, President Thomas Jefferson, and Miss Maria Reynolds.” April said as Erica smiled, giving the audience a small wave as the mic was handed over to the girl next to her.
Once the introductions were over, people started lining up on either aisle of the middle row for questions as microphone stands were placed so they can start asking questions.
Erica gets up with Loki as they make their way to the mic smiling as April sees them and instantly becomes worried. They were the first two to line up on the left.
“My question is for April: so how did you prepare for the role of Miss Maria Reynolds?” Erica said as she smiles at April wickedly.
“Okay, first off, I hate you,” April said, causing the audience to laugh.
“No, I’m joking, I love you, Erica. How I prepared to play as Miss Maria was...interesting to say. Uh, James and I actually practiced in private but that was only for the “sexual scenes” since we knew it was going to be a bit awkward for the both of us at first. But then we were like okay, we got this and then we started practicing with everything else in the studio.” April explained, making air quotes, as she lounged in her chair.
“So are you two dating?” Loki said as soon as he got the mic from Erica as they both smiled at April.
The audience ‘oh’ed at that question as Bucky looked straight at April, having the cast laugh at that. 
“NO! Let me clarify! I actually had to ask his girlfriend’s PERMISSION to do that scene, who is, by the way, Kerry; the actress for Eliza Schuyler. She gave us the okay since the scene was only acting.” April clarified.
“So how did that conversation go down?” Erica and Loki said together in unison smirking at April.
“I’m going to murder you both.” April placed her head in her hands, Erica and Loki laughing at her being embarrassed.
“So, this is how it went down: When they were giving out the parts for Hamilton, no girl was chosen for Maria. This caused some issues but I was like, I’ll do it, and I got the part. But that’s when I realized that I had to have an affair with Hamilton which meant I had to be sexual with James for a whole song. So, I told James and Kerry, about this and we agreed that that whole song was just acting. I didn’t want Kerry thinking I was actually trying to seduce him and have him, no, I didn’t want that.” April explained, pointing to Kerry when she first mentioned her. 
“One more thing then we are done torturing you for now. Who in the world made that dress you wore?” said Erica as Loki turned to look at Bucky and Pietro as they were both red in the face. Loki just smirked before turning back to Erica as he smiled a bit.
“The fashion was done by my good friend Gina. I knew her since high school and I asked her if she can come in and create the outfits I had to wear in the musical.” April said.
Wanda comes up and takes the mic from Erica as they then sit back down as George smiles. “So April how in the world did you perfect your French accent?” 
“So I actually took three years of French plus I went to France one summer. Je parle en fait français, allemand et espagnol.*(*I actually speak French, German and Spanish)” April said but when she spoke again, it was in French, shocking her friends as Bucky smiled.
“Clearly you demonstrated your French, can you do so for German and Spanish?” Wanda was so excited.
“Sure, first up is German. Alexander Hamilton war... so ein.. Schwanzlutscher?**(**Alexander Hamilton was… such a... cocksucker?) And here’s Spanish: Desearía que Erica no me avergonzara así.*** (***I wish Erica didn't embarrass me like that).” April said in fluent Spanish but she was struggling with her German a bit.
Loki chuckles as he understands every language as Erica looks at him. “What are you laughing about?” Erica says as he looks at her. “She said that she wishes you didn’t embarrass her like that,” Loki said as he accidentally places his hand on top of hers due to sharing the same armrest while smiling. “Next anand, im will reallui embarrass hen. “ (Next time I will really embarrass her. In Elvish/Sindarin) Erica said under her breathe as Loki pretended not to smile from ear to ear.
The questions continued and cast members answered based on their opinion or they answered directly to their given question. 
“Okay, we can answer one last question before we end this and everyone can go home.” James, the actor for Hamilton, announced. 
Pietro smiled and grabbed the mic as he looked at April. “So my question is for April,” he says as he rubs the back of his neck while April looks at him as he speeds away and comes back with a banquet of white and red gladiolus. “Will you go out on a date with me?” Pietro says as Bucky almost crushes his armrest before Loki and Erica stop him. “Bucky calm down,” Erica says as she realizes Bucky likes April. Romantically. 
“Uhhh, I uh.” April was shocked, she did NOT expect this to happen.
Pietro was waiting patiently, so was the audience as Natasha and Wanda facepalmed, as the audience started cheering for Pietro and called out to April to say yes.
“I uh- I really don’t know what to say.” April was speechless.
“Say yes. Please?” Pietro said as he walked up the stage side to her.
“....Yes?.....” April said, completely unsure of her answer as Pietro stood in front of her holding out the banquet for her. Meanwhile, Loki, Nat, Wanda, Erica, and George were all dragging Bucky out of the theater quietly because Loki knocked him out before he could kill Pietro.
April took the flowers as she was engulfed in a hug from Pietro, the audience cheering for them. April felt nice but not the way she imagined, Pietro wasn’t the man that held her heart, it was Bucky that did. 
Did she really said yes to Pietro or did she say it to not hurt his feelings if she said no?
George pulls out his phone and texted April.
George: What the hell was that? I thought you liked Bucky????? I’m sister confused
April: I DO! I really do! I just- I don’t know what just happened...
George: Well you have to fix it fast hunny. Loki and Wanda had to knock Bucky out before he killed Mr. Lover boy quick feet.
Text read at 7:11 pm
George saw this and became concerned. Bucky woke up when they were outside for the next few minutes as he texted her.
Meanwhile, April suddenly left the stage, as everyone packed up to leave. She went into the backstage room, collected her belongings and left to the parking lot. She put her stuff in the car and drove off back to campus. As she drives, tears were falling down her face, Skillet blasting from her radio.
Pietro walked off the stage, feeling happy, and met up with his friends outside, which got him a punch in the stomach by his sister and surprisingly a punch from Loki to the face.
“What in Odin’s name was that Pietro?!!” Loki says as picks him up and holds him against the wall because oddly enough he liked to see Bucky and April together as Erica watches.
“What do you mean, what’s wrong with me?! I just simply asked April out!! I want to take her as mine,” Pietro simply said, completely confused why his friends and sister was upset at this.
“Pietro, you practically forced April to say yes. You didn’t let her give a truthful answer!” Natasha wanted to skin Pietro alive for the stunt he pulled on April.
“Everyone calm down for one second,” Erica says as Loki looks at her a bit confused. “Trust me okay,” Erica walks over and puts her hand on Loki’s shoulder as he lets Pietro go but he still holds Pietro to the wall with Magic.
“Wait, where’s April?” Wanda realized, they were standing outside for the past twenty minutes, everyone went home already.
“I’ll try to call her,” George said, putting the phone to his ear. The call immediately went to voicemail. George tried two more times but he only got the same results.
“April’s not picking up, it immediately goes straight to voicemail,” George said, putting his phone in his pocket.
“Loki can I see your dagger for a second?” Erica says as she looks at Loki. 
"What for?" Loki questioned but Erica ushered him to give it to her with her hand.
"Please Loki?" Erica needed his dagger.
"Of course." Loki handed over the dagger. Before anyone realized it Erica was holding the blade of the dagger against Pietro’s throat.
"Listen well; You hurt my best friend and I don’t care if I have to fight every single one of the Avengers to get to you but if you don’t apologize to April I will gut you like a fish. And here’s the thing I really like your sister and don’t want to hurt her by hurting you so please find her and apologize,” Erica says while a tear runs down her cheek as Wanda stands next to her a little shocked but also proud as she puts her hand on Erica’s shoulder. 
“Pietro please just apologize. I know you like her but it's just she doesn’t like you like that,” George says as he walks over.
"How do you know that? She said yes, how complicated can that get? I asked her, I got my answer, and we ARE going on a date!" Pietro was so goddamn stubborn.
“BECAUSE SHE LIKES JAMES!!!!!!!! YOU INSUFFERABLE THICK HEADED MEWLING QUIM!!! How selfish can you really be to try and make someone go on a date with you because you made a public display of your affection for her? This play was something she was most likely looking forward to and sure Erica and I embarrassed her a bit but it was all in good fun. But you had to GO AND RUIN IT FOR HER!!!!” Loki says as he thought he was actually starting to become good friends with Pietro. “And people say I’m the monster.” was all Loki said before walking away as both Erica and Natasha went with him.
"You better apologize to April next time I see you, Pietro. Cause if you don't, I'll make SURE that you will suffer the pain I will make you feel." George also threatened.
Wanda could only look at her brother and give him a disappointed look as she walked away silently, her arms wrapped around herself.
“You messed up dude,” Natasha says as Pietro is released from the wall by Loki who was tossing his dagger.
Pietro couldn't say anything at this point. He could only follow his friends silently into the car as they got into the car and set off back to campus.
The drive back was extremely tense. No one said a word, they either listened to the radio or they had their own music playing through headphones.
The gang made it to Golden Bear South and upon reaching their floor, they see April sitting outside of her apartment, back against the door. She was wearing a thin sweatshirt and short shorts with her hair in a messy bun. Erica immediately ran to the girl.
"April?" Erica shook her to realize, April was sleeping. She picked April's head up to see tear stained cheeks and slightly swollen eyes.
"Oh hun bun," Erica pulled April into a hug as she looked at Loki.
Loki stepped up and pulled April into his arms as George opened the door for Loki. Loki then walked into April's room and put her under the blanket and tried to make her position as comfortable as possible before leaving.
Loki looked at the others and gave them a pained look.
Erica stormed off with a huff, giving Pietro a death glare as she walks by to her own apartment as Wanda and Loki follow Erica as she then face plants on the couch as Crystal and Tressa look at her with Wanda and Loki.
“Let me guess, something happened at the play?” Tressa said looking at Wanda as she sits down at the kitchen table with Crystal while Loki sits in one of the chairs across from the couch and Wanda joins Erica’s roommates.
“Yes. My stupid ass brother asked April out during the Q&A with flowers as the cast and audience looked at her which caused her to say yes just to be nice,” Wanda said as she holds her head.
“The question is why did Pietro really do it? I mean he didn’t know until we told him that Bucky liked April,” Erica said laying on her back now as she stared at the ceiling.
“I knew Pietro liked April but doing it this way was a bit extreme, even for me,” Loki said as he leaned forward in his chair.
“My brother when he wants something or someone he will do anything to get it or show that person how much he loves them. When we were little, he was the reason we got a dog. He bugged our parents for months till we got our dog,” Wanda says while Crystal gets up and grabs a stack of cups along with a water pitcher then comes back. The group talked for a couple of hours before turning in while Bucky was in his room thinking and Pietro was running around trying to figure out what he did wrong. 
Meanwhile, April was in her room drawing, after she woke up, as she drank monster while trying to figure out what to do with her current situation. That show was supposed to be her moment and how could she let anything happen that day.
“I’m so stupid!!” April moaned in aggravation, “I need to call someone,” 
April picked up her phone to see the time, 11:51 pm, and groaned but went to her contacts and called the one person who won’t reject.
It rang three times before it was picked up.
“April? What’s going on baby? Are you okay?” A male voice was heard on the other end.
“Hi, daddy. I’m honestly not okay, and I don’t know what to do,” April felt tears reappear, she blinked to try to keep them at bay.
“Tell me what happened,” Her father asked.
“The play was a success, my friends loved it until one of them ruined it at the Q&A session,”
“What did he do?” Her dad sounded pissed at this point.
“Well, he came up and asked me to go on a date with him. Normally, I would say no because I don’t see him that way but I had to say yes, since the ENTIRE audience and my fellow cast members were watching. While my friends had to drag my crush out before he killed his friend.” April explained.
“Well, how about you tell him down and tell him you are not interested?” 
“THAT’S THE THING, HE IS A PERSISTENT JERK!!” April screamed in anger.
“Kill him and I’ll hide the body for you,”
“I would Dad but no. That’s for another time,” April smirked.
“Did I help at all at least? Also, who is this guy anyway? Do I know him?” Her dad asked.
“Yes, you did Dad. And you somewhat know him, I guess. He’s Quicksilver in the Avengers…” April responded.
“You’re fucking kidding right?” Her dad asked.
“No, dead serious. My group of friends that attended my play, consisted of George and Erica but you already know those two. Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Loki and lastly Bucky,” April explained.
“So you’re telling me that you are friends with Blackwidow, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, the God of Mischief and the Winter Soldier? And they are attending your college?” Her dad was too calm about this.
“Yes I am and yes they are,” April said, getting a little worried.
“My baby is so awesome. They are welcome to stay over or even just come by. Except for Quicksilver, I’ll shoot his ass down before he can start running from me,” Her dad laughed but threatened Pietro at the end.
“I’ll let them know daddy.” April laughed at his response.
“Alright, I’ll let you go now, baby. I love you and I’ll transfer some money into your account tomorrow okay?”
“Okay, daddy. I love you too, have a good night,” April said. They said their goodbyes and hung up their call.
April leaned back in her chair, grabbing her monster and took a large gulp of it before swallowing. She released a large sigh and got back to drawing on her tablet. Just then she heard a knock on her room door.
“What do you want- Oh! I didn’t expect you to be here…” April said shocked at the person at her door
“It’s midnight, who else would it be? I brought food,” Erica says as she holds up two grocery bags.
“Does that mean you have my Spiced Ham?” April took a bag and saw it inside with rolls of bread, “You know me so well, get in here,” April pulled Erica into her room and closed the door.
“How are you holding up?” Erica asked her, settling on a spot on April’s comfy bed.
“Could be better honestly. My dad threatened to kill Pietro on sight though,” April laughed at her dad’s words.
“Well, Pietro will have to gain your trust back for sure now. All of us yelled at him,” Erica said as someone else then knocked on the door. “Might be Loki, I told him to go get you Oreo cheesecake ice cream from that place you like in NYC,” said Erica as she got up to go to the kitchen. 
“I fucking love you, Erica,” April said as she opened the door to actually show… Bucky?
“Hi Bucky, what are you doing still up?” April was confused.
“I just wanted to see if you were okay after everything that happened today, well yesterday,” Bucky said as he looked like he just got back from the gym.
“I’m doing okay actually. Thank you. You wanna come in, I have Oreo cheesecake ice cream,” April said.
“Well technically not yet but Loki should be back soon,” Erica said from the kitchen as she was looking for plates.
“Awesome, but just know this: I’ll only be sharing with ONE person!” April called out to her.
Bucky laughed at her response, the noise made April’s heart stutter. She blushed and brushed her hair away from her face.
“That’s me right? It better be me,” Erica said poking her head out from the kitchen, “Because you know I will cut a bitch right?” she said while looking at April with an innocent smile.
“Don’t worry you won’t have to cut anyone, I brought 2,” Loki said as he stood at the front door.
“Sup’ Loki,” April greeted, immediately taking a bag and dashing back into her room.
“What the fuck April?!” Erica was shocked at what she saw.
“What? It’s mine now,” April entered the kitchen, grabbed a kitchen knife and returned back to her room, Bucky and Loki just stood there watching.
“Well it's a good thing I got a third,” Loki said as he smiled at Erica. “May I come in?” he said as Erica let him in along with Bucky.
“Gwet out ofw my rwoom!” April whined but it was muffled due to a mouth full of cheesecake. The cheesecake was already a third gone as it sits on her desk with her in her chair.
“April, how the hell did you ALREADY eat a third of the cake?! You got the cake LITERALLY two minutes ago!!” Erica exclaimed. 
“I’m a fatass that’s why and I LOVE this cheesecake!” April said before stuffing her face with more cheesecake.
“And?” Erica said as she sat on the floor with Bucky and Loki as they both smile.
“And what? The hell you mean ``And?” April asked face scrunched up in confusion as she takes another large bite. 
“Could have grabbed a glass of milk first so you would choke,” Erica said.
“I don’t drink milk at all. I stopped drinking it in middle school. Always tasted disgusting. They lie by the way. Nutritionists say that drinking milk is healthy but bitch they are WRONG. Drinking so much milk will actually cause your bones to soak up the milk and build up calcium in your bones which make your bones weaker and easier to damage,” April said taking a sip of her Monster. 
“Bitch I live off of milk half the time. Now I’m gonna have to look up doctor articles now,” Erica said as she cut the cheesecake for her, Loki, and Bucky.
“Then you’ll die quicker I guess,” April shrugged nonchalantly, taking another bite of her cake.
“I’m actually curious about something, Bucky how many languages can you speak?” April asked the man.
“I speak German, Russian, Romanian, Latin, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese,” Bucky listed off the languages he learned while he was still under HYDRA’s control.
“Woah,” April said, completely in awe as Loki rolls his eyes.
“Why are you rolling your eyes Loki?” Erica said while handing him a slice of cheesecake.
“Not to show off or anything but I can speak all languages perfectly,” Loki said before taking a bite of his cheesecake. 
“You are a God!” Erica said in excitement with her hand covering her full mouth. Loki blushed a bit while Bucky looked at April as she continued to eat.
A couple of hours pass as the small group talks about what they did over the summer for fun as they all start to get tired Erica being the first one to fall asleep.
“Should we take her to her apartment?” Loki said as Erica was asleep on his shoulder as he looked at April. 
“She can sleepover in my room. Let me pull out the portable mattress,” April went to her closet and pulled out a large black thick rolled-up mattress.
“Why do you have a portable mattress?” Bucky said as he stood up to stretch while Loki brushed some of Erica’s hair behind her ear as he smiled hoping that she was having a pleasant dream.
“In case something like this happens,” April smiled at him, rolling it out so it was flat on the floor. April also pulled out an extra pillow with a galaxy print and an extra blanket in a red and black plaid design.
“Just lay her there,” April told Loki once she placed the pillow at one end. Loki carefully picked up Erica hoping that he doesn’t wake her as she just hugged him in her sleep. Loki just looked shocked for a moment as he looked at Erica then April.
“Does she normally hug people in her sleep?” Loki asked April a bit concerned but also smiling a bit.
“She does, it’s normal for her. Whenever she sleeps, she needs something to cuddle and hold close. That’s why she has so many plushies and stuffed animals in her room.” April explained as Loki “tried” to pry her arms off of him so he can lay her down.
“Hold on,” April went to her closet and pulled out a wolf plushie from her closet.
April went to Loki and pried Erica’s arms off of him then immediately replaced Loki with the plushie. Erica grabbed it and nuzzled her face into the tail. April then placed the blanket over Erica so she wouldn’t get cold. Loki just smiled as he wanted to be in the wolf’s place now.
“You like her don’t you?” Bucky asked Loki as April turned to look at them.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about James,” Loki said as he looked at Bucky then back to Erica smiling as he got up.
“Just admit it, you have feelings for Erica,” April as she gave the God a smirk.
“Maybe but if I might talk to you alone April about this?” Loki said with a serious tone as Bucky just nodded to April.
“I’ll watch her. You two go talk,” Bucky said smiling at April.
“Fine,” April says as she leads Loki to the living room where they both sit down as he then talks about what his mother told him about his soulmate and how he would be drawn to her. Loki also talked about how concerned he was if she wasn’t his soulmate because he doesn’t want to hurt Erica.
“So let me get this straight. If she is your soulmate on this year’s Blood Moon on Halloween Erica will get her powers unlocked by your magic,” April says as she looks at Loki.
“Correct,” Loki said while looking at his hands.
“And you obviously are attracted to her in more than one way,” April says while putting her hair into a ponytail.
“Yes. Last year around this time I felt a pull to Pennsylvania and I didn’t know why. It must be her but I can’t be sure till All Hallow’s Eve,” Loki said as he held his head in his hands.
“So just be her best guy friend until then. She hasn’t trusted a guy since her stupid ass bitch of ex-boyfriend broke up with her. So I say that you must have connected with her on some level other than you both being art majors and book worms,” April says smiling at the god.
“Well, our birthdays are both in February. Her’s is the fifth and mine the ninth,” Loki says as he smiles a bit to himself.
“Shut up no way!” April said almost yelling due to her being so surprised. Loki just chuckled.
“No, I’m being serious. Our birthdays are only 4 days apart,” Loki says as he smiles and looks at April.
“That’s just crazy though. Do you know the odds of that?” April asks Loki.
“About 1 in 5 million,” Loki says as he looks at the floor. “So what should I do honestly? Because I barely know her but it feels like I’ve known her all my life. Here I am a former villain who thought that all Midgardians were made to be ruled and for what. Gods, what was I thinking back then? I mean what will she think of my past, will she one day think I’m not worth it?” he says as he then stares out the window trying to keep himself together.
“All I can say Loki is, be yourself. Erica always hated people who tried to be who they aren't. She prefers people who are themselves and are true to her. So what if you were a villain? That's her type. I can tell you how many villain characters that she prefers over the hero character. The reason behind that: the villains always had a backstory that is more interesting than the heroes. If you love her, go get her Loki, cause I can tell you that she wants you too," April laid a hand on his knee and gave him a heartfelt explanation.
“Well, I might just get to know her first. I just don’t want to start something with her and her getting hurt because she may not be my soulmate. So if I may borrow your best friend till I know for sure?” Loki says looking up at April.
“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you nor I will ever,” April said as unbeknown to them Sam was listening.
“Thank you, Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be heading to bed,” Loki said while standing up.
“Goodnight Loki,” April said.
“Be good,” Loki said as he left the apartment leaving a sleeping Erica and a very much awake Bucky alone with April.
“So,...”Bucky said as he came out of her room to give Erica privacy to sleep. “Loki does like her?” he said as he sits next to April.
“Very much so but he’s uncertain so he wants to be her best friend for now,” April explained, pulling her legs underneath her, “Is it just me or are you still hungry even though we BOTH ate cheesecakes?” April asked, staring into the kitchen.
“Yeah, that cheesecake was delicious but I am still hungry,” Bucky agreed, causing April to stand from the couch and walk to the kitchen and grabbed a pan from the rack.
“Then I’ll cook something to eat,” April said, pulling out ingredients. She pulled out lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, breadcrumbs, rice, beef, sliced pork, and others.
“Are you really going to cook at- 2 in the morning?” Bucky asked, standing behind her, watching April pull everything together.
“Why not? I could also make my lunch in the process,” April said and closing the double doors to the kitchen, so it wouldn’t disturb her roommates, and started prepping the food.
“So what are you going to make?” Bucky saw her cutting the beef into small cubes.
“I’m making us white rice with steamed broccoli, salad, and grilled beef. As for my lunch and maybe yours as well, white rice with salad, fried pork and sliced boiled eggs. The eggs I can do in the morning,” April said as she started putting the beef on the squared grill and the broccoli in her steamer. The pot of white rice was also easy to make. As that was going she had given Bucky instructions to start on how to cook their lunch. 
Soon enough, their lunches were packed and put in the fridge at 4 in the morning and they were eating a nice plate of April’s cooked food.
“This is so good,” Bucky said as he stuffed himself with the beef.
“I know, you can thank my mom for giving me her recipes and teaching me how to cook as she does,” April agreed, her mouth full of food as well.
“I don’t mean to alarm you but Sam has been standing by the bathroom for the past couple minutes probably heard everything that you and Loki said. I’d be careful around him,” Bucky whispers to April.
“Of fucking course, he would...Fuck!” April whispered in a harsh tone, ”He probably wants Loki too and that’s why; he’s jealous that Erica could have Loki than him,” April thought, putting her dirty fork in the sink and throwing out the paper plate she used for her dish.
“He’s still there doll,” Bucky says as he puts his fork in the sink.
“Sam, go to your room and stop eavesdropping on conversations that don’t involve you!!” April said loud enough for Sam to hear as Sam sighs before going back to his room.
“Sam tends to eavesdrop on conversations I would have with my friends and involve himself in and just take over as if he was apart of it when he wasn’t,” April explained in an angry tone.
“So I take it that the conversation with Loki he heard and now is gonna try and do what exactly????” Bucky asked as he sat back down at the kitchen table.
“He’ll most likely either a: try to have Loki fall for him instead of Erica or b: literally fight Erica to the death for Loki which is honestly stupid to me,” April said.
“Why do I feel like that’s actually going to somehow happen?” Bucky said chuckling a bit as he looked at April.
“It will. Sam gets very, and I mean VERY, defensive on the people he fans so in return he WILL fight Erica for Loki,” April said as they walked back into her room.
Erica was knocked out, she was snoring but that made April let out a small laugh at the girl.
“You going to your room?” April asked Bucky as she pulled her sweatshirt off to reveal her thin black tank top and her red sleeping short shorts. 
“If I got to my room I might murder Pietro for what happened yesterday. If I may stay over, I’ll sleep on the couch,” said as he looked at her with those beautiful blue eyes.
“No, you can sleep with me,” April casually said until she realized what she had just said, “I-I mean if you want to!” April tried to defuse the wrong impression. Bucky just blushed a bit. 
“Sorry doll but I tend to move a bit too much in my sleep due to nightmares. I don’t want you to get hurt,” Bucky said as he looked at his metal arm.
“That’s okay. I don’t mind, I mean I move a lot, one time my sister was sleeping over and she left to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. She came back to see me hogging the entire bed somehow. But anyway, I don’t mind if you sleep with me, maybe I can help you with your dreams. Or maybe you just need someone close to you,” April suggested as she sat in her bed and started going under her comforter.
“Maybe,” Bucky says as he sighs, “Do you have an extra pillow?” Bucky said as he smiled.
“What for?” April scooted over to make room on the bed, “They’re in the closet,”
“So I don’t hog your’s,” Bucky said as he got up and went to the closet, grabbed two pillows, took off his jacket and sneakers, then walked back over to the bed where he then laid down next to April.
“Thank you Bucky,” April said as she snuggled into her pillow, her left arm touching his as she lay on her right side with her left arm over her chest.
“Goodnight doll,” Bucky said before turning the light off as he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
The Next Morning
Erica woke up, thankfully it was 9 in the morning when she has class at 11.
She looked around to see herself in April's room and looked up at the bed. She got up to wake her friend up but the sight she saw shocked her. But in a good way.
She immediately grabbed her phone from the floor and started taking pictures of the scene before her. A couple of minutes later Erica left for her room to go change as she texted Loki and Wanda the photos as she runs right into Loki. 
“Oh sorry. Oh morning Loki,” Erica said as she looked up at the God who was smiling.
“Good morning,” Loki said. “What are you so happy about this morning?” he says as he then gets a text notification.
“Take a look at your phone and you’ll see why,” Erica sang softly and happily as she continues to walk to her apartment as he looks at his phone.
“You’re joking!” Loki says as he calls after Erica.
“Nope!” was all Erica said before entering her apartment as Loki looked at the photo of April and Bucky cuddling in their sleep.
After a couple of minutes, Erica comes out of her apartment in a black pair of ankle boots, a black leather pencil skirt that ends right above her knees, a dark blue long sleeve poet shirt with a silver belt around her waist, two silver wrist cuffs on each wrist, and her smile natural makeup as her hair was brushed and braided perfectly leaving Loki in awe as he waited for her.
“What do you think?” Erica says as she puts on her backpack while looking at Loki smiling.
“You look amazing, something important today?” Loki said as they began to walk to the elevator as Wanda joins them.
“Well today I have a meeting with some people about some things, then I have to catch both of you up on the astronomy notes, and I have to catch you up on the Shakespeare notes,” Erica said as she pushed the elevator button.
“So what time should we meet up?” Wanda says as she checks her phone. “No way Bucky and April cuddling?” she says as she looks at Erica.
“YUP! Woke up and saw them cuddling. It was adorable,” Erica said as the elevator door opened as they all walk in.
“So we can meet a little after 5 before class and I can give you the notes to copy, sounds good?” said Erica as Wanda nodded yes.
“Just tell me where and I’ll be there,” Loki said smiling a bit.
“How about we meet at the library because it’s close to Grim,” said Wanda as the elevator doors open and they all walk together to North Campus.
“Sounds good to me,” said Erica and Loki in unison as they then look at each other and laugh while Wanda smiles.
Once on the Northside of campus Wanda says her goodbyes and heads to class then Loki and Erica go get breakfast at Starbucks order food and sit down waiting till they got their names called. 
“So how did you sleep last night?” Loki said as he got out his sketchbook.
“Well, I slept okay. The last thing I remember was the feeling of somebody holding or carrying me to bed,” Erica said as she looked at Loki was smirking a bit but before Loki could speak.
“Earl Grey Tea with Ham & Cheese Croissant for Loki and Dragon Fruit Refresher with Double-Smoked Bacon, Cheddar & Egg Sandwich for Erica,” said the barista
“I’ll get our food,” Loki said while smiling before he got up and walked to the counter as Erica smiled and watched Loki as he came back with their breakfast.
“Here you go m’lady, “ Loki said while handing Erica her drink and a sandwich.
“Why thank you, my lord,” Erica said while smiling before taking a bite of her favorite sandwich as Loki sat down.
“I think half of the room looked at me when I got our food,” Loki said as he put his tea down.
“Well, you are you. Some people give fake names for their order so people look at them,” Erica said with a full mouth.
“Maybe that’s it,” Loki said as he began to eat his breakfast.
After they finished eating they headed to Sharadin as Erica decided now would be a good time for Loki to get acquainted with the art building.
“So since you are new let me give you a tour of Sharadin or how all us art majors call it “Our Second Home”,” Erica said as opened the door for Loki.
“Thank you m’ lady,” Loki said before Erica follows him into the building. While Erica gives Loki a tour of Sharadin and talking about the professors and classes she had the last semester he listens happily before she stops outside her Art History classroom.
“If you need me, text me Loki, okay?” Erica said smiling at him.
“Trust me I will,” Loki said as Erica went in her classroom early to review notes with friends along with some other important matters.
Meanwhile in April’s Room
April stirred in her sleep, slowly waking up. She squinted to see the time on her clock, 10:01.
Guess it was a good thing for April’s theater professor to give them Monday off from having to perform Hamilton.
She felt a weight on her back and arms wrapped around her. She turned her head to see Bucky’s head resting on her shoulder, his metal arm wrapped around her waist and legs tangled with hers. 
She blushed red, not expecting this but she smiled and turned in his arms. She snuggled closer to his him, Bucky shifting and pulling her closer to him, as she is slowly pulled back to sleep. That was until Bucky started stirring and he slowly opened his eyes to connect to hers.
“What time is it doll?” Bucky said as he was half asleep not really knowing that he was holding her.
“It just turned 10. How did you sleep?” April asked, brushing the hair away from his face carefully.
“I slept good for once. Wait, did you say 10? I have class at 11,” Bucky said as he looked at April as he remembered that he was in her bed as he blushed a bit.
“You want breakfast?” April asked, knowing her roommates are already in class, except George, his classes always start at noon.
“I would like that very much,” Bucky agreed as he let April sit up. 
“Sausages, bacon and toast sound good?” April stretched her arms above her head, causing her shirt to rise up as Bucky told himself to look away and he did.
“Where did Erica go?” Bucky said as he looked at the empty mattress on the floor.
“She has class at 11 so she most likely left to go back to her room to get ready for class,” April responded as they walked out of her room and into the kitchen. George was sitting there drinking coffee.
“Did you just wake up Georgie?” April asked.
George only groaned as he looked through his phone.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Did you eat something or want me to make you a plate?” April asked, George, looked at her and gave her a pleading look.
“I’ll make you a plate,” April said pulling out the bacon, sausages, and bread as Bucky sits down at the kitchen table across from George.
“How did you sleep, George?” Bucky says as he puts his shoes back on.
“Slept alright, I was playing games until 4 in the morning so I heard April yelled at Sam for being nosy again. Honestly, Sam doesn't know when to keep to himself sometimes and it pisses me off,” George said to Bucky, April at the stove cooking.
“Sam always had an eavesdropping problem?” said Bucky as he looked at George.
“As far as we have known him, he does,” April said, plating the food in three portions and setting the plates on the table.
“Looks delicious,” Bucky says before eating. 
“Glad you like them. I prefer to use a pan than microwave them like the idiotic lazy people,” April said, shoving a sausage link in her mouth.
“Why do people put them in the microwave?” Bucky asks as he finishes eating.
“Because people are disgusting and don’t know how to properly cook,” April said.
“That explains it. Thank you for breakfast. Well, I have to be off doll,” Bucky said as he got up and put his plate in the sink as he washed it.“See you later?” he said as he turned off the water as he then dried the plate.
“Of course, Bucky, I’ll see you later,” April said as she finished her food as Bucky waved bye as he left the apartment.
“What?” April asked George, he was staring down at her. 
“He called you doll. Is that normal for you? Is there something going on with you two already?” George sipped his coffee loudly, causing April to laugh at his antics.
“No George, nothing is happening,” April said, releasing a breathless laugh.
“At least not yet,” George inputted.
“Exactly,” April declared.
 “So you are meeting him for lunch,” George said as he sipped his coffee a little louder. 
“Yes? What of it?” April asked, placing her plate in the sink.
“You have to deal with fast boi first,” George says as he drinks his coffee finishing it.
“Hey Erica threatened him with a knife so you should be good,” George said as he stood up and washes his cup.
“That’s my girl,” April was so proud of Erica.
“Loki gave her the knife too,” George said as he grabbed a glass for water.
“Hell. Yeah,” April cheered from her room, she was changing clothes for her classes. 
“Well, I’m gonna game for a while,” George says as he walks past April’s room. “Remember to use protection sister,” was all George said before closing his door.
“GEORGE!!” April blushed a dark red. 
“LOVE YOU APRIL!!!!” George yells through the door.
“He’s lucky I love him,”
 As the day went on Loki was getting his classes done due to not having the supplies he needs and the professors being terrified of him. When he decided he would surprise Erica and wait for her in the library with some food so he decided to text April about what Erica’s favorite foods were.
11:45- Loki( The Ultimate Slytherin) - Hey April what’s Erica’s favorite food???
11:46- April - Well it depends on what exactly she eats. I know she enjoys caesar salad, grilled chicken sandwich with melted cheese and BBQ sauce on both sides of the sandwich.  
11:48- The Ultimate Slytherin - Something that she would eat for a late lunch while she helps me and Wanda with notes for class.
11:50- April - Well, as far as I know, she enjoys pulled pork and sweet potato fries.
11:51- The Ultimate Slytherin - Thank you April.
After Loki found out what to get Erica he gathered his books and heading into town after the Professor let him leave early to get supplies. Meanwhile, Bucky was waiting for April.
Bucky was in the Library by the Book and Brew shop in a silent room. Bucky had texted Erica and had asked her what was April’s favorite coffee drink and snack to eat while studying.
11:50- Bucky(April’s BOI ^_^) - Erica, what is April’s food to eat during studying hours?
11:51- Erica X3 - Why you ask??   ?-?
11:52- April’s BOI ^_^ - Because I’m in the library, waiting for her so we can study. I wanted to buy her something to eat and drink.
11:52- Erica X3 - Well, she really loves that Starbucks drink Strawberry Acai with a cheese danish BUT!! If it’s a coffee drink, then get her a Cinnamon Roll Latte with extra cream from the Book and Brew shop inside.
11:53- April’s BOI ^_^ - Thank you, Erica!
11:54- Erica X3 - No problem Bucky!
Bucky got up and walked out of the room to the small store and waited in line. After he got the food and drinks, he almost bumped into Wanda as he exited. 
“Oh, sorry Wanda,” Bucky said.
“It's fine Bucky,” Wanda said as she looked over her stack of sheet music.
“What are you doing here? I thought you had guitar class at noon?” Bucky asked 
“He canceled the class for today but I have to go back to his class at 3 so he can catch me up. A little help?” Wanda said as the sheets were starting to fall.
“Of course!” Bucky grabbed some sheets and opened the door to the room he rented out.
“Thank you,” Wanda said, slightly letting the sheets slam on the large table. “ So you waiting for April?” she says as she sits down after taking her guitar off her back.
“Yeah, I asked her for help to catch me up on history since she already took the classes I’m enrolled in,” Bucky explained with a dust of red on his cheeks, “And I thought it would be nice if I bought her coffee and a snack,”
“That’s so sweet of you Bucky, “ Wanda says as she takes out her lunch.
“I guess,” He shied away from the girl.
“Nervous?” said Wanda as she took a bite of her sandwich.
“Yeah, I am. I feel so much with April than I have ever felt,” Bucky said, taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Oooooooo,” Wanda says while smiling at Bucky as she texts Vision.
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Disneyland Day ~ Blake Imagine
Prompt: can i request an imagine with Blakes GF (reader) and just a day spent with Blake, NHC, The Vamps etc (i’ve never gotten along with girls..) and they’re all like brothers to the reader (especially Reece because he is the best friend™️ ngl)
“Does everyone have their tickets?” Joe asked, trying to be heard over the crowd noise. Joe had surprised everyone on The Vamps international tour with a trip to Disneyland on an off day. You were surprised that Joe even bought you a ticket, since you were just visiting your boyfriend, Blake, for the day. 
You actually felt bad for Joe, you were all excited and looking forward to spending a day riding fun rides and messing around together. You were here with Brad, Tristan, Connor, James, Blake, Reece, George, and Ben. That’s a lot of wild guys to try and control. 
“Yes,” you are the only one to answer Joe’s question, making everyone start to tease you. 
“Aw, such a goody-two shoes,” Brad nudges you, while Tristan pinches your cheeks. You bat away their hands, pretending to be annoyed but laughing with the others. 
“Shut up,” you whine, feeling someone throw their arm around your shoulders. 
“Yeah, leave Y/N alone!” Reece joins your side, pulling you close to his body. You smile at him, you’ve always been closest to Reece out of all the boys. You met him first, becoming really good friends through your families. Reece was the one to introduce you to Blake, helping start your relationship. 
“Alright, let’s get inside!” Joe says, herding the group towards the entrance gates. 
“Ooh! Can we go on Space Mountain?” You ask excitedly, pulling on Blake’s hand. He looks hesitant, since he doesn’t really like rollercoasters. You pout at him, pulling puppy-dog eyes to convince him. He just rolls his eyes and sighs, giving in. “Yes!” You shout, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as a ‘thank you’. 
“Gross,” the boys fake gag, acting disgusted. You all hop in the long line, trying to figure out ways to entertain yourselves. You decided to play the game Head’s Up to make time go faster. 
When it was your turn to guess what action the boys were all describing, you found yourself getting them all right. You guessed correctly within a few seconds of frantic depictions from the boys. 
“How are you so good?” James asked you incredulously. You just smile and shrug. 
“She’s amazing at everything!” Reece jokes, high fiving you as Tristan counts up the ones you got correct to figure out who won the round. 
“Y/N got twenty right! She won, beating George by 7 correct ones!” Brad exclaims, jumping on top of you. George fake boo’s you, laughing. The other boys all cheer and pounce on top of you. 
“I’m being crushed!” You shout, trying to get out of the massive group hug, but all of them ignore you, continuing to squeeze you tighter. “Send help! I’m dying!” you gasp exaggeratedly, reaching a hand out for Ben or Joe. They just smile and shake their heads at you. 
“Alright, alright, let’s not kill my girlfriend!” Blake says, removing himself the hug. The other boys follow suit, all grumbling about Blake being a ‘buzz kill’. 
You finally make it to the front of the line, making groups of who is going to ride with who. 
“I want to ride with Y/N!” Reece shouts, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the spot next to him. George and Blake are riding together, mostly because Blake is scared but doesn’t want to show you. 
You get into your seats, buckling up, “I’m so excited!” You shout to Reece as the ride starts moving. He smiles back at you, feeling the ride begin. You and Reece scream excitedly as the ride goes. 
You climb off, talking happily about how fun it was. Your eyes were sparkling as you skip towards the rest of the group. “That was amazing! We have to do another ride!” You say, everyone laughing and agreeing with you. Blake even had a little bit of fun, still not comfortable with rides but not completely hating it. 
Blake holds your hand as Connor slings his arm over your shoulder, talking to you about the next ride you were all heading towards. 
You rode on a couple more rides before stopping to get lunch. Everyone was hungry and the food court area was pretty crowded. 
“I’ll go save us a table,” you say to the group after telling Blake what you wanted to eat. 
“Take someone with you,” Joe directs, not wanting you to go off alone. You nod, asking Reece and James to come with you. All three of you wander around the seating area, before spotting a large enough table. You quickly jog over to it, sitting down before someone else could snag it. 
“We will go get more chairs,” James says, Reece and him walking off to grab three more chairs so everyone has a spot. You sit at the table, just waiting while you answer some snapchats. 
“Excuse me, are you using all of these chairs?” A young guy asks you, standing with two other guys. You look up at them, noticing them smiling at you. 
You smile back a little, “uh, yeah sorry! We have a big group,” you said apologetically. You look back down at your phone, expecting them to leave. 
“Really? It’s so crowded and you’re going to sit here and take up a huge table alone? That’s rude,” the one boy says nastily to you, making you look up at him in shock again. You furrow your eyebrows, not understanding why they were arguing with you. 
“I’m saving it for the rest of my group. Go find another table,” you say back, getting an attitude with them. You hate when people were rude for no reason and you weren’t going to take it. 
“What a b*tch,” the other one says, glaring at you. They are cut off my someone clearing their throat. You see Reece and James walking up to the table carrying more chairs. They put them down and remain staring at the boys, James crossing his arms intimidatingly. 
“What did you just say, mate?” Reece asks, voice serious and with a slight edge. James raises his eyebrows, daring the boys to say something rude again. 
“Nothing, let’s just go,” one of them whispers to the others, backing away and leaving the seating area. You let out a breath of relief, glad nothing happened. Reece and James sit down next to you, asking what happened and if you were alright. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just annoyed. Thank you for making them go away,” you say genuinely, hugging both of them. You see the rest of the group walking towards you with food, weaving among the crowd. 
“Of course!” James says sweetly. 
“No one messes with our Y/N,” Reece says protectively. You smile, feeling happy you have such amazing friends to help you out when you need it. 
The rest of the day passes with no other incidents. You all continue to have fun and ride exciting rollercoasters. You have an amazing time with the boys, laughing more than you have in such a long time. 
By the time you get back in the van to head back to the hotel, you are exhausted. Everyone is falling asleep on the way back to the hotel, having tired themselves out on the fun day. You put your head on Blake’s shoulder, closing your eyes and humming happily when he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
You loved spending time with your amazing boyfriend and his friends, who were like the best older brothers you could ever ask for. 
This is kinda short and not great but hopefully you like it!
Thanks for requesting, much love 
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alovevigilante · 2 years
Everyone has one, but not everyone uses it to it’s fullest capacity. It’s a killer rock band, yes, but it’s also a way to describe the presence of love. Why is the heart usually so closely linked to the energy of love? Why is it the symbol of that wonderful feeling? And the word “heart” has so many charged idioms. Hearts can be broken, and hearts can be healed, and hearts can be full…. The list is endless. Let me feel on this for a moment…
The heart, anatomically speaking, is basically the center of your body. Moving down from the top, you have a head, a neck that houses your throat, an esophagus, lungs, rib cage and there, nestled securely, is the organ that is attributed to massive happiness. Americans even dedicated an entire day to celebrate it.
Love, figuratively, is housed in the heart. And a belief in love, is what gets us through life in a more balanced and peaceful way. The thought of love conjures all kinds of excellent feelings within the body from a physiological perspective. Love is complex, and comes in many ways and places in your body.
When I feel love, I feel a warmth in my chest cavity, that emanates outward to my torso and other extremities that I won’t go into. It’s a physical manifestation that I can explain and experience. And there’s all different styles and types of love to feel.
One love, is commonly called “puppy love”. I love my dogs, and when I see them, I start speaking in tongues in a very high pitched voice. But even though the words are utter nonsense, my dogs know that it’s love, and it’s all for them. It is transferred in a very direct way. And it is always appreciated and returned by them.
Another kind of “puppy love”, the collective “they” also call having “a crush”. I’m too old and tired for that kind of love, and I don’t feel that crushing puppies is kind, no matter how much you “love them and squeeze them and call them George…” (ala the overly exuberant monster from the old bugs bunny cartoon) and is not my cup of tea... anymore. 🙈🤷‍♀️😉🤣 https://youtu.be/jPdHaNr0OAY
Unconditional love is a love you can experience that feels freeing, and open, like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. You may experience this after you had something wonderful happen in your life. You may be so overwhelmed by the feeling of that amazingly stellar event, person, experience then feeling thing from the outside of you that it will wipe all of the crap feelings you’ve been holding clear away.
So much so, that you may be inspired to call up an old friend you no longer talk to, cause you have been holding a grudge for years cause they got your same new haircut, or bought the same outfit as you and wore it to the prom, so everyone thought you were the unoriginal copy cat, but in actuality you showed it to them first all excited about it, and they went out and bought it after you, and since they were prettier, thinner and more popular, so you looked like the Dufus and they became prom queen, so you got mad, and the pig’s blood fell on your head making your dress even uglier than it was before because late 80s/early 90s and not flattering, and you snapped, and systematically burned them and the gym down figuratively (in your mind) forever after that. (This was a made up story, partially by Stephen King, but it proves my point…whatever you take from it.)
But this great thing that happened to you was so fantastic, that you forgot all about that terrible situation of 80s/90s fashion and high school bs, and now you love the entire world, but unfortunately because of your past upset, you don’t have anyone to share it with, cause you held grudges, and listened to Urrrsher when he sang to everyone and you to listened. And he sang “Let it burn” and you took that piece of advice WAAAAAYYYY too literally, and proceeded to burn that shit, and all your relationships for the last 30 years WAAAAAYYYY to the ground. What do you want from you? You’re an overachiever in that regard only. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but Urrrsher doesn’t know you, and how far you’d take that advice cause you went nutball cause of your former, more sensitive emotions and upsetting feels that felt so big at the time but now with time and your more deliberate more positive focus doesn’t feel quite as bad anymore, so you can’t blame him. Just love and learn.
But this love feeling you feel right now feels great! And it even outweighs your current situation of being friendless in the present. You may even be so in love with the feeling of love at this point, that you say, “the hell with it! I’m ok with myself, and not mad at anyone or anything anymore!” And you may even be so inspired by the feeling that love brings that you decide to make a pilgrimage to the highest pinnacle in your neighborhood and yell for the 4 old ladies that are home during the day (because it happened before Covid) to hear, “I’m so in love with what just happened to me, that no one or no thing can get me down! Wheeeeee! I love the feeling of love!” Its a great feeling, that comes from the heart, or so “they” say.
So wouldn’t it be fantastic if we can control that feeling, by entertaining better more stellar thoughts the majority of the time? We can, actually. That’s a really solid and consistent way to stay “heart” healthy. Since we all have one, that may be of interest to everyone. 💓😊
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Hi there! I'm not sure if you're still doing ships on here, but could I request an Easy Co. and Pacific ship please?
I'm 5'5, pale and thin, longish reddish brown hair, very freckly and permanently blushing. My eyes are very massive and dark. I come from an Italian-American family. My dream is to one day work in science or become an engineer and also own my own Christmas tree farm and maybe have a couple of farm animals, too! (I've been told that I am an animal whisperer and I love my dog sm) My love language is Acts of Service. When someone does something to help me out that I know they don't really enjoy means a lot to me. I've been described as creative, generous and determined, but I'm really proud of my bravery and curiosity. I can become easily annoyed and self-pitying though. I love stargazing and traveling to new places to stargaze. I also love being a part of my astronomy club. I build model airplanes in my free time and (I used to be a huge theatre mom in high school) I love to sing and play guitar and write songs for the band that I'm restarting with my friends. I'm also an ENTP 6w7 if that helps! xoxo
Hi!! Of course!! For BoB, I ship you with… George Luz!
- He would instantly be captivated by you, though he would try to play it off cool.
- But let’s be real, boy has no chill. He thinks he’d be playing his crush off subtly but he really would be following you around like a lost puppy dog.
- George is sweet but sometimes he can just be too much & honestly his clinginess leads to a re-occurring fight for you all.
- It’s tough because his love languages are all about being together and sometimes you just need some space. (He would be attached at the hip if he had it his way).
- George eventually learns though that he can spend his time doing things with you in mind, and that is received much better by you.
- The times you guys are insuperable are usually when you’re on your adventures. You two love to travel and visit friends around the country and globe!
- One of the things George loves most about you is your diverse interests. He never gets bored listening to you talk.
- The two of you can really command a crowd. Talk about a charming and intelligent pair!
- You and George are such a warm, kind and good natured pairing
On the other hand, for The Pacific, I ship you with… Eugene Sledge!
- I feel like you two would make a really strong couple that could grow old together.
- Eugene would be attracted to your versatile intelligence.
- At first, you guys would bond over your dogs. But that’s jus the superficial conversation!
- You two would be able to sit and talk for hours about everything under the sun.
- You two would be a total power, career couple.
- But you both are so down to earth no one would suspect how wicked accomplished your family is.
- I can see you settling down on a nice piece of land together and living a low-key farm life with lots of animals around that all live like your pets- not farm animals.
- You would be good at helping Eugene get out of his shell a little bit. You have this power over him that just makes him feel instantly comfortable no matter what environment y’all are in.
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
Farmers Market Hot AU Nude Calendar
Okay as previously mentioned after the two tomato fight incidents Lewis Nixon entrepreneur and owner of the local Farmers Market has all the guys participate in a Nude Calendar to raise money for the market and all so to generate interest. It is an unbridled success. Here is a list of everyone’s pics/spreads. Because @aces-low asked for a full run down of what I was picturing.
January: Dick Winters with an honesty to fucking god old fashion butter churner between his legs on an old fashioned rocking chair. The picture is taken in the early light of day so he looks like a fucking greek god of sunshine and cows. One of the milk cows is legit looking over the railing at Dick like he hung the moon. It’s a cute cow. Nixon gets a large print of this image for their home because he is a weak weak man and Dick’s arms are so strong. 
February: Eugene Roe in the process of pulling a tray of buns out of the oven. He is wearing an apron and nothing else. The shot is from behind. He is looking over his shoulder. The buns have hearts on them.
March: Joe Liebgott pouring hot water out of his kettle into his pour coffee stand. His junk is only obscured by the coffee in the clear cup and some very crafty photography. Chuck Grant pouring coffee beans into a take away back next to him with a smirk on his face. They had to air brush some shit with him. He didn’t even fucking try. 
April: Shifty Powers and Skinny Sisk with watering pales watering their flowers. Shifty is wearing a bee keeper helmet. It’s fucking adorable. Skinny looks so pleased with his flowers. This is the month all the soft moms keep open because they look like good pure boys who like nature. 
May: Don Malarkey, Skip Muck, and Alex Penkala in the middle of a jam based food fight. Well fight is not the right term. Skip is making full eye contact with the camera while sucking jam off his finger. Malarkey and Penkala are attempting to cover Skip’s junk and their own but everyone has black berry jam hand prints all over themselves. It’s obscene. 
June: David Webster and Floyd Talbert in relaxed poses with puppies. One of the puppies is wearing a bandana that reads ‘Save a Life, Adopt’. David looks slightly pained because he has a puppy paw directly to his balls when the photo is taken. Tab’s eye brows looking fucking great. 
July: Joe Toye and George Luz shucking corn right over their junk. The photo catches George mid laugh and Joe looks so utterly fond that the local PTA claims this photo is promoting the homosexual lifestyle and Nixon tells them to leave.  
August: Frank Perconte, Bill Guarnere, and Babe Heffron making pasta. Making pasta is a loose term. Babe is basically just cover in flour and smiling while shaking it out of his hair. Bill has crushed tomatoes with his hands until he is covered in the red juice, a pile of tomato corpses covers his junk. Frank is rolling out the dough. He is short enough that they don’t need to do anything clever to cover him because the table is so low. 
September: A round up of some of the produce stand guys at an apple orchard. Buck Compton kneeling, about to lift several baskets of apples. Pat Christensen is leaning over working an old fashioned water pump so his ass is on display. Some of the younger guys like Jackson, Julian, and Garcia are on ladders reaching up to the trees for apples. 
October: Carwood Lipton is a patch of squash and pumpkins. He is kneeling so we can get a really good look at dat ass and his shoulders are bracing two carved pumpkins so we can really see just how broad they are. Halloween starts trending the week the calendar comes out and George is just like “It’s fucking JUNE why is Halloween trending on twitter and tumblr? What the fuck is this?”
November: Ronald Speirs standing in the center of a ring of knives stabbed into a table. He isn’t even posing. He is just standing there with his fists on his hips. It’s frankly terrifying. His junk is obscured by the sheer lens flare of his massive collection of knives. It is the embodiment of ‘mark me down as scared and horny’
December: Bull Randleman and Johnny Martin making sausage at a low table. Across the front sausages read the words “Happy Holidays from The Farmers Market”. If you look really close you can see that the photographer missed some air brushing on Bull because the sheer amount of dong shaped things on the table is confusing to the human eye. 
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lupiniiihighschool · 3 years
[Summary: Fujiko has cheer practice and is ready to be one of the top cheerleaders despite being a freshman. Everything goes well until someone personal in her life appears.]
Hey, y'all! A Fujiko-centric fic for the Lupin III High School AU! I hope ya'll enjoy it!
CW: Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Bad Parenting
Fujiko Mine would be the first person to admit she was a horrible person, though everyone around her would deny it. Bake-sales, community service, charity work, and most notably all, cheer squad member, the young Miss Mine seemed to be the perfect little schoolgirl. Fujiko, however, could care less about any of those things.
Who cared if the homeless had an extra meal? Who cared if the school had extra spending money from selling underbaked cookies? Who was really celebrating the fact that a bunch of stray mutts found homes? Fujiko's only goal was getting noticed by her peers and getting out of her glass prison she called 'home'.
The stench of overused perfume and the constant flashing of camera lights was something Fujiko needed to run away from.
The day had slowed to a crawl. She had only run into the energetic school menace Lupin and his lackeys once so, which was a plus. A successful math quiz was quickly followed by an agonizing science lesson then the school ended. Fujiko took her sweet time shoving books into her bag before leaving the class with a smile. It was cheer practice that day and a big one at that. Some event Fujiko couldn’t be bothered to remember was coming up and the captain (a girl with the last name Tanaka, Fujiko always forgot the rest) wanted all hands on deck.
The halls were flooded with students eager to leave campus. Fujiko maneuvered her way around the more massive groups to get to her locker. Freshmen muscleheads attempted to flirt with their female classmate, but Fujiko just brushed it off like their words were nothing more than bothersome specks of dirt. A deluge of voices swarmed her ears yet she pretended as if it didn’t affect her. Years of being forced into youth-group theater taught her how to disguise her discomfort as total calm. Once she reached her locker, the two-toned-haired student unlocked it and pulled out her normal shoes. As she returned her extra school books to her locker, a familiar voice caused her head to perk up.
“Hey! Fujiko! Did you hear me?”
Suddenly, a freckled face was shoved into hers. Fujiko nearly leaped out of her skin but settled down once she recognized who it was.
“Oh, hey… Ichika.” Fujiko said after spending a few moments wracking her brain trying to remember the name of the brown-haired girl.
Ichika Okada wasn’t a friend, though Fujiko wouldn’t have said it to her face. The junior was more of an acquaintance good day than anything. Nevertheless, Ichika was useful for friendly conversation if nothing else.
“Are you heading home?” Ichika asked, peering down into Fujiko’s locker.
“Nope. I got cheer practice. You?”
“Detention. I beat up some dude who took a girl’s phone charm.”
Fujiko inhaled sharply and gave Ichika a pitiful look. “Damn. History repeats itself, huh?”
“But I didn’t get caught saving your ass.” Ichika pointed out.
Fujiko slammed her locker closed and began trekking towards the gym. Unsurprisingly, her upperclassman followed.
“Maybe you should join cheerleading,” Fujiko said, stepping around a group of freshmen who choose to stand in the center of the hall, “you have the body for it.”
Ichika laughed. “Yeah, but I’m as graceful as a fish on land.”
Fujiko smirked. “I guess that’s something we can agree on.”
Ichika let out a dramatic gasp and playfully shoved the younger student. The two shared a chuckle before Ichika stopped in front of a staircase.
“I gotta go. If I’m late Mr. Okimoto will skin me.”
The freshman frowned at the thought but still waved her acquaintance off. Fujiko continued her journey down to the gym. She reached the metal doors leading into the girl’s locker room in no time flat. Fujiko would’ve just walked in hadn’t been for a certain sophomore covering her eyes.
“Guess who it is, Fujicakes!”
Despite being blinded by a pair of warm hands, Fujiko correctly pressed a finger against her cheek as if she was taking a long time thinking. “Hmm… An overly enthusiastic monkey?”
The hands dropped from her face, allowing Fujiko to turn and see the melodramatic sad stare Arsène Lupin the Third was giving her. He looked like a kicked puppy.
“That wasn’t very nice of you, Fujicakes,” he whined.
“I didn’t know I was obligated to be nice to you, especially since you got me sent to detention.” Fujiko countered with a smirk.
“Oh, c’mon! That happened weeks ago!” Lupin frowned.
“I still have teachers locking up their test answers because of you!” Fujiko flicked his forehead. She just sighed when Lupin continued to pout. “Anyways, I have cheer practice and no time to deal with one of your schemes.”
“Cheer practice? Oh, right. I remember you saying something about that,” Lupin gave her a devilish smile while making a squeezing motion with one hand, “mind if I give you something for good luck?”
“No thanks. I don’t want to be caught with Curious George any longer,” Fujiko looked him up and down. “I see you’re wearing your uniform but I’m guessing you still have detention.”
Lupin groaned. “Unfortunately.”
Fujiko smiled, leaned in, and gave him a peck on the cheek. The boy instantly turned red and almost melted at her touch. She stepped back before he collapsed on top of her and gave the boy a wave. “See you later, Lupin~.”
She didn’t wait to hear what Lupin had to say as she swiftly slammed the door behind her closed after entering the locker room. The room was already bustling with lively chatter and girls changing into their cheer uniform. Fujiko had strategically chosen to have her gym locker in the far corner of the room as to not have to talk to anyone or deal with any unwanted conversation. She took her time opening her locker and pulling the dark blue, gray, and white cheer outfit. Sliding off her regular school clothes, Fujiko took her time making sure she looked stunning. She reapplied her lipstick and eyeliner before following a group of girls into the gymnasium.
Like everything at ICPO Academy, the gym was humungous. It was freshly painted with the standard school colors with the floor being equally cleaned. The school’s crest was plastered on the east and west walls with its mascot, a dark-colored Akita, staring down at the group of cheerleaders. Fujiko shivered as she swore its eyes were both staring into her soul and looking beyond her. She noticed that everyone was standing around waiting for the captain and co-captain to show up so she joined a group of freshmen and started talking. She peppered the conversation with gossip to get some back in return. Fujiko liked to know about the darker side of the school. Before a mousy-brown-haired girl could finish talking about how one senior was caught having two freshmen girlfriends, the two cheer heads arrived.
The head cheerleader was a tall attractive senior with dyed blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She puffed her chest out so everyone could see how her uniform outlined her breasts. Fujiko observed that her lithe body hid powerful leg muscles underneath her gray tights. This Tanaka something or other clearly built herself to be the head cheerleader and her sharp gaze hid a deeper threat: Do not cross me. Her partner was an equally beautiful black-haired girl with the aforementioned hair tied in a ponytail and plain brown eyes. But what she lacked in typical beauty standards she made up for with her aura of mystery and grace. Her uniform also didn’t shy away from showing off her ample curves and strength. Fujiko was jealous but remained level-headed. She knew behind those powerful facades laid two power-hungry lions waiting for someone (or one of them) to slip up so they could launch for the throat.
Luckily the head is graduating this year so that’ll be one competitor out of the ring. Fujiko was gunning for the title of head cheerleader. All the freshmen knew it but she hid her deeper desires with a friendly smile. She didn’t want to get chewed up like the head’s former competition too soon. The freshman heard stories on how ruined their competition’s reputations were after they stepped a toe out of line.
The head stepped forward and clapped her hands twice to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone listen up! Silence!”
Everyone went dead silent. She eyed the group with a narrowed gaze before continuing. “As you all know, the judo team is going to start the season off with a match against Cagliostro Academy. As you know, those goat cowards have been our rivals for years now so it’s our duty to support our fellow sports team and hold up the reputation of ICPO Academy. I hope you’ve been practicing the routine but if you haven’t, please consult with co-captain Hatsuka Miyahara.”
The co-head bowed when her name was mentioned. Fujiko tilted her head slightly. She had forgotten the co-captains name. I should really remember who I’m fighting against before I make my move.
The head cheerleader pressed the palm of her hand against her chest with a look of determination spread across her face and eyes. “I, Okimi Tanaka, promise you all that I will lead us to victory. For ICPO!”
“For ICPO!”
“Good! Now, everyone, get into your groups!”
Fujiko and everyone else did just that. She was paired with two sophomore girls and a freshman boy earlier that year. The girls were close friends who choose to only speak with the others when it came to the sport. The boy was nice, but plain-looking, and had a very visible crush on Fujiko. Fujiko knew this fact might come in handy at a later date, but choose to use it for a later date. Her group skittered around the taiko players and flag wavers before getting into position.
“A-Alright, Fujiko,” the awkward boy said, looking at his feet, “I think we should pr-practice doing pyramids and flips. S-Since you’re the one ge-getting tossed.”
Fujiko beamed at that. Due to years of forced dance and ballet lessons, the naturally flexible Fujiko was selected to be the flyer (much to her female partner’s chagrin). The group did some basic stretches and lunges before building the pyramid. Then, Fujiko was off.
She started with the basics: thigh stand, extensions, split-lifts, liberties. But it wasn’t long before Fujiko found a rhythm. Following the beat of the taiko drum players, Fujiko started doing the more advanced stunts. Her heart fell into a steady flow as the group began doing tosses. Straight ride baskets, pike baskets, toe-touch baskets, all complex moves that Fujiko knew by heart. Her head emptied all worries and was filled with thoughts of winning. Her heart joined the drums in a perfect union as she did one of her more advanced moves. The girls in her group held the boy who in turn held Fujiko. Using their combined strength, Fujiko was launched into the air. She immediately angled herself onto her side and did a triple flip before her right leg was caught by her male partner. Fujiko could almost hear the fictional crowd in her head roar in applause. Her fantasy was quickly ended when she saw who entered the gym.
“Who is she?” one of her female partners, a freckle-faced girl with braces scoffed.
“I dunno,” her black-haired friend muttered, “but she looks awful.”
The woman who entered had a long horribly dyed bleached hair and a poor tan. She wore a pink tank top that was two sizes too small and shorts that hiked up her body too far. An overly expensive purse dangled from her arm by a gold chain. A diamond ring glimmered on her ring finger that matched her diamond necklace. Her lipstick was a gaudy hot pink with her eyeshadow a deep ochre. Her red heels clink-clacked on the wood floor as she walked towards the gymnasium stands. A school security guard raced in, panting heavily.
“M-Miss, you can’t be here!” he yelled.
She turned, lowering her sunglasses, and frowned. “I already told you, sir. My daughter is a part of the team and I’m going to watch her!”
“Do you know who I am? I can take your job away from you if you keep pestering me!”
“Excuse me!” a woman wearing a dark blue tracksuit came out of the crowd of whispering students and waved her clipboard in the strange woman’s face. Fujiko recognized her as one of the female gym teachers. “Who exactly are you?!”
The woman’s nose scrunched up. “I’m Eriko Mine, I’m here to see my daughter Fujiko. You should know her as she’ll be the queen of the school soon enough.”
Fujiko felt several eyes on her and heard people whispering and snickering, including the girls below her. All she wanted to do at this point was curl up in the center of the road and get run over. The gym teacher’s eyebrow raised. “The Eriko Mine?”
Fujiko’s mother sneered. “Finally! Someone recognizes me!”
“Who is she anyway?” Fujiko heard someone say.
“Fine, you can sit and watch if you behave.” the gym teacher said.
Eriko put her hand on her hips and glared. “I’m not a fucking dog but fine, whatever.”
The woman strode towards the stands and sat down. It didn’t take long before her deep brown eyes met Fujiko’s. Eriko winked, sending a shiver up her daughter’s spine.
“Alright, everyone! Get back to work!” Okimi called over the whispers, sending everyone scattering back to their places.
“U-Um, Fujiko?”
Fujiko glanced down. Her male partner (Tohaku Fujiko remembered his name is Tohaku) was looking up at her with both confusion and anxiousness in his eyes. “Do y-you wanna get started?”
Wiping the sweat off her brow, Fujiko nodded. “Yeah, lemme just stretch a little.”
After taking a few deep breaths and stretching out her legs, Fujiko went back to work. Cheer practice was hard in the way any sport was, it required so much physical exertion you were tired afterward. Fujiko could work through all of that, it was simple mind over matter. But the endless stare of her mother? That was another beast entirely.
The freshman started working once more, but it was different. Simple errors she never would’ve made were coming to the forefront and she kept stumbling. Fujiko would look back to see her mother’s ever-piercing stare. Fujiko’s heart was racing. She needed to get back on track- no, she needed to be better.
“I’m going to practice the triple spin,” Fujiko told her group.
“Whatever.” her raven-haired group member said, getting into position.
“A-Are you su-sure? You d-don’t look s-so-”
“Just get ready!” Fujiko snapped, causing Tohaku to flinch.
The pyramid was set, Fujiko was ready. The flyer nodded to Tohaku counted down before the group threw her up. She assumed the correct position and spun twice. When she was about to spin for the third time, she noticed she was too close to the ground. She was going to crash onto the padded mat face first. Fujiko let out a sharp cry and went to cover her face. Before she could slam into the ground, Tohaku managed to catch her by the waist. Due to the sudden force, the two girls lost grip and screamed as both Tohaku and Fujiko fell on top of them. Everyone let out horrified gasped at the sight of the fallen students. Co-Captian Hatsuka and the gym teacher rushed over to the group.
“Are you alright?” Hatsuka asked.
“I think-”
“Of course not!” the freckle-faced cheerleader whined, interrupting Fujiko. “Those two fell on top of me.”
“Alright, you four need to take a break. C’mon, on your feet.” the gym teacher said.
Both the teacher and Hatsuka helped the group up, making sure they didn’t have any serious injuries. As they walked to the other end of the gym, Fujiko looked behind her towards the stands. Eriko was nowhere to be found.
The practice went on but with a more nervous tone. The two girls in Fujiko’s group sat away from Fujiko and Tohaku, violently whispering and glaring at them. Fujiko had her hand hung low while she lost herself in her thoughts. Fear ran up and down her spine and clouded her vision.
She’s going to kill me. She’s going to rip me to shreds. She going to-
“Are you okay?”
Fujiko looked and saw Tohaku standing in front of her. She noticed that everyone else was leaving the gym and walking back towards the locker rooms.
“Is practice over?” Fujiko asked, realizing it was a dumb question once it escaped her lips.
“Uh, yeah,” Tohaku scratched the back of his neck, “say, are y-you feeling-”
“See ya, Tohaku,” Fujiko murmured, pushing the boy to the side and speed-walking towards the locker room.
Once inside, she quickly ripped off her uniform and hastily put on her normal school clothes before rushing out of the school. She thanked whatever God ruled the universe that she didn’t run into Lupin or Ichika as tears threatened to escape her eyes. As she exited the school, she walked towards the side parking lot and scanned the rows of cars. The freshman leaped when a loud horn blared. Fujiko turned and saw her mother’s red Audi Q2. Her mother had her windows down, sunglasses on, and a cigarette dangling from her mouth. Fujiko took a deep breath and walked towards the car. She shakily opened the passager’s door and tossed her bag in the back. She sat down and buckled, awaiting her mother’s response. None came as the woman continued to smoke, her bracelets tauntingly jingling every time she pulled the cigarette away from her mouth. Smoke flooded out of the woman’s mouth in thick dark clouds as if she were a dragon perched on a cliffside, waiting to strike. She tossed the cigarette out of the car and sped out of the parking lot, ignoring the fact she nearly hit a group of students trying to leave the school grounds.
The silence was loud. Every moment caused more dread to build into Fujiko’s chest. Cold sweat formed at her brow and ran down her back. Her already tight school top felt even tighter against her chest.
“You know,” her mother said with a long, disappointed sigh after severe more moments of lingering stillness, “that was pretty fucking pathetic, Fujiko.”
Fujiko didn’t know what to say. She just lowered her head.
“I’ve spent years- no, thousands of dollars on your ass and you flop just like that!” Eriko snapped her fingers to make her point.
“I’m sorry,” Fujiko whispered.
“You better be fucking sorry,” Eriko was seething, “I spent hours of my own goddamn time getting you a recommendation to that fucking school, I hemmed that shitty little outfit of yours to make you more appealing to model agents, I even let you go off and sell cookies or whatever the fuck you do in your spare time. All I asked was you go into cheerleading and become the goddamn Goddess of that waste of time but what did you do? What did you do?”
Fujiko yelped as her mother grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked it forwards her. She winced at the pain and the fact Eriko veered slightly off the road. “Look at me when I talk to you!”
“I fell!” Fujiko answered, tears falling down her face. “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I swear I won’t do it again!”
Eriko held her for several moments before letting go of her daughter. Fujiko fell back into her seat. She forced the tears to stop flowing and her knees to stop shaking as her mother sighed once more. This time, her sigh was sad and longing.
“You know, I used to be beautiful,” she said
“I know,” Fujiko responded.
Eriko continued to stare far ahead of her, beyond the road and what laid in front of it. “You ruined me, Fujiko. You ruined me and everything I had. Only something as horrible as you could do something like that.”
“...I know.”
“That’s why I do this. For us. We need a future, Fujiko. Your body and looks will get us there. You just need to try harder.”
Fujiko balled her fists with the edges of her skirt in her grasp. She couldn’t show weakness. Weakness was for those who had already given up. Fujiko Mine was a horrible person as would say, but she was not a quitter. She settled her breathing and looked up at her mother.
“I know.”
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