#harry styes news
gucciwins · 2 years
can we see bel’s reaction to the new tour dates? Or whiny/upset Bel and Harry taking care of bel because she’s overworked or too jet lagged 🥺🥺
because this was all I could think about I decided to write about it. so here's a quick little 3k blurb where bel feels overwhelmed and harry tries his best.
(from my series: love on tour)
Usually, after wrapping a film, you like taking a week to spend at home and relax, and Viola encouraged you to do that. She’d only reach out if anything urgent came up, but for once, you did not listen, not when you were eager to reunite with Harry. The reunion was sweet. You flew in on time to see him perform his second to last show in New York, meaning you had a few days to enjoy together, or so you thought. 
Harry saw his band every day, but they were also his friends, so it was no surprise they were all holed up in Harry’s hotel room, chattering in every part of the room. You mingled with Sarah and Pauli as they told you about their favorite shows. The best signs they’ve seen and how excited they were to explore a new city in a few days. They had all appreciated staying in one city for longer than a night. Before you knew it, you made your way through everyone and back to Harry. 
Harry happily made room for you to sit. You clung to his arm as you snuggled close, trying to focus on what he and Mitch discussed before you arrived. After a moment, you gave up and settled for enjoying the comfort of being by Harry’s side. 
“H,” you whisper, but he’s too lost in the conversation he’s having with Mitch to listen to you. Harry places a kiss on top of your head, settling you for a second, but it’s not what you need. 
You decide to try again, “H, baby,” you tug on his sleeve, and Harry grins, kissing your cheek. 
“Give me a minute, lovie.” 
You sigh and let him be because, of course, he wants to chat with his friend. No one wants to take care of a whiny girlfriend, so you allow yourself to settle down against his side and let yourself get lost in thought. You think about how many outfits you packed for New York and if it’s better to make a pit stop at your small New York loft for more clothes or to go shopping for new items. There’s a tattoo shop two blocks from your place. Maybe you could pop in and get inked like you’ve been saying for the last three years. The problem seems to be that you’re never sure what you actually want to get. Maybe Harry could help you decide. He’d even hold your hand during the appointment. You knew he’d even go far enough to help you keep it clean and make sure it’s healing nicely. All your thoughts lead back to Harry, and after months away from each other, you thought he’d be thrilled to spend time with you, but it’s as if you’re not even here. He ignores you, and now you’re left wondering why did you come? 
Did he even want you here? 
Was he upset you didn’t come earlier? Is he upset that you won’t be able to join the other city residencies he has scheduled? 
You’re shocked when you feel a drop of water land on your hand where you keep pulling the string of the bracelet you found in a shop in Budapest, watching as it begins to unbraid. You’re crying, and you know it’s a sign that you’re lost deep in your head, but Harry’s busy. He doesn’t need to know. You excuse yourself quietly. Neither of the men turns to look at you, no one sees you make your exit, and for once, you’re thankful. 
It’s not until you’re in the bathroom that you let yourself take a deep breath.
You splash water over your face, focusing on taking slow deep breaths, having felt how heavy your chest was getting. A panic attack is not what you needed right now. 
Deciding you needed a comfortable place to settle, you climbed into the large tub, leaned your head against the cool tile, and closed your eyes, allowing your body to relax for a second, and the next thing you know, you heard a knock against the door. 
“Bel,” Another knock. “Hey, baby, answer me.” 
You lift your head slowly, trying to shake away the sleep, and notice you’re still in the tub. You’re not sure how long you stayed here. 
“Bel, let me in. I really got to go.” Harry calls out. His voice was impatient. 
You scramble up because now you’re unsure how long you spent here while Harry and the rest of your company was outside. 
Harry laughs when he sees you pouting as the door swings open, “you look like you were taking a nap, Bel.” 
You don’t bother answering. 
“Everyone left. We’re going downstairs for a bit if you want to join us,” he offers after coming out of the restroom. 
“To do what?” 
“Just to drink, Bel.” He says casually. 
You don’t mind if he drinks. Of course, you don’t. You have your reasons, but right now, all you want is to cuddle Harry to relax in his arms as he tells you how much he loves you and how you won’t go that long without seeing each other again, but it seems he has other plans. 
Maybe you should have listened to Viola to relax before coming to New York because now you’re feeling overwhelmed. You’re feeling all your emotions pile up, and as much as you push them down, they claw their way to the top. 
“Think I’ll stay here.” 
“Okay, baby. I’ll be back later.”
You begin to change into an oversized t-shirt that Sarai bought you during their visit to Zion and climb into bed. As you bring the covers up around you, Harry grabs his key and blows you a kiss as he leaves you alone. With a single lamp on, you stare at the white ceiling and let yourself cry. The tears leak out of you quickly as if they were waiting to be released. The heaviness in your chest doesn’t lighten up. If anything, it tightens, and you feel your throat close. You want to scream, but you feel the walls caving in. 
You’re tired. 
That’s all it is. You’re not upset with Harry. He doesn’t have to pay attention to you every second, but it’s moments like these when you want to call your parents to hold your hand and listen to you spill your guts, so you don’t feel alone. That’s why after you managed to calm your breathing, you reached a hand out from under the covers to reach for your phone. You went to your favorites list, clicked on a familiar name, and prayed that she’d answer. 
It rang and rang until it reached voicemail. You tried a second time, but still nothing. 
With a sigh, you gave up and turned your phone off, setting it on the nightstand. You closed your eyes and began to count backwards, hoping sleep would come easy. Next thing you knew, morning had come, and you felt worse. Harry was not in bed next to you, but it’s clear by the covers that he returned to sleep. You sigh, turning over, bringing the blankets over your face hoping the day would end even though it had only just begun. You’re in no mood to go out or see anyone. Hell, you don’t even want to talk to anyone. You hope Harry spends the day out. 
To your luck, he doesn’t. You hear the door click and then the clock. His steps lead him to the edge of the bed. You don’t move an inch, hoping you could pass it off as if you were sleeping. 
“Morning, know you’re awake,” he sing-songs, “brought you a smoothie.”
No answer.
“Bel, come on.” 
No. You’ll be staying here, where it’s safe to be lost in your head. 
Harry sighs, “Mum said you rang her.” You stay silent. “At three am her time.” You don’t move, but you hear him move from the edge of the bed closer to you. “You got to talk to me.” 
“I’m tired.” 
“Doesn’t explain the call, Bel.” 
You’re not trying to be difficult, but you don’t want to have this conversation. Not now, not when you feel like you’re on the brink of breaking. You want to be alone and drown in your emotions until you get yourself back to normal.
“I’m tired,” you repeat, but your voice fails you this time, and you know Harry could hear the crack. You feel him reach forward as he reaches for the blanket, pulling it away from your face. You blink your eyes open, and crouched right in front of you is Harry; concern fills his emerald eyes as he sees your tears spill over. A loud cry leaves your chest as you turn your head into the pillow, embarrassed that you couldn’t keep your emotions in control.
“Hey, hey, Bel, talk to me.” Harry quickly climbs onto the bed, pulling you into his lap covers, not caring that you’re now tangled in the blankets. All he wants to do is make you feel better.
You keep repeating the same two words over and over as you let Harry rock you back and forth. That’s all your mind can focus on. You're tired and just want to rest. Want to stay here safe and forget the rest of the world. Harry keeps you close as he whispers that he’s got you and you’re okay. His kind words send you to sleep. You’re safe and relaxed; this is all you wanted and needed. 
Harry sighs in relief as he feels you slump against him, having gone back to sleep. He couldn’t handle you crying, not when it sounded like you were breaking inside. He reaches for his phone at the edge of the bed, careful not to jolt you, wanting you to sleep as he makes a call. 
He scrolls for a second until he gets to Viola. 
She’d know, right? He knew Naomi or Sarai might help, but he tried them after talking to his mum, and they hadn’t heard a word, so he figured she was the next best thing. 
“Harry! What a surprise,” Viola greets cheerfully. 
He mutters a hello wanting to get over the pleasantries, and he’s thankful Viola took note of that.
“What can I do for you?”
He hesitates. What if he was wrong? What if she was just having a bad night? Bad morning? 
“Bel—she’s,” he sighs. How does he say it? “She’s been emotional. She keeps saying she’s tired, and God, there have been so many tears.” 
Harry can feel Viola’s sigh of disappointment. “I told her to go home, to relax.” 
“What do you mean? What happened?” 
“When Bel is working, she gives everything. Every last bit of her goes into every character to every person she meets on each set. She works herself to the bone wanting to give nothing but her best to each project, and I’m proud of her. She’s an incredible actress, but she promised me she was fine and that she’d tell you. That you’d take care of her when she arrived in New York.”
“But she didn’t,” he whispers mostly to himself. 
“Bel is good at keeping her feelings locked up, but they will always fight to come out. You got to be gentle with her, Harry. She’s really fragile right now. I’m sure she’s still dealing with jetlag, lack of sleep, and wanting to spend time with you. Show her she doesn’t need to spread herself thin to do that.”
“After her last film, she slept fifteen hours. Emerson or Naomi is usually with her checking in on her, but she promised she’d get you to take care of her. The best way for her to pass this is to sleep.” Viola tells him, and Harry feels awful. You tried to tell him and get his attention multiple times, but he wanted to spend time with all his favorite people now that you were back with him but brushed you off when you needed him most.
God, he’s partial to blame, but so is Bel.
Harry holds you as you sleep, letting himself relax and think of ways to get you to sit still and sleep. He knows what you’re feeling, overworked, exhausted, and emotionally drained. It’s a big reason he sleeps after his shows, wanting to feel rested and energized for the next night. 
Now, he’s going to watch over you. He has many questions, but his biggest concern is taking care of you because you’re the love of his life. He wants to be here supporting you through it all. 
A few hours pass when you begin to stir, and he knows you’re waking up. He gently coaxes you awake, wanting to see your pretty eyes. He feels he’s been deprived of them too long. 
“Hiya angel, sleep okay?” 
You don’t answer, only tuck your head into his neck, breathing him in. You’re still tired and know that won’t go away immediately. Not with how little you’ve been sleeping. 
“Come on, want to hear my angel talk.” 
“Still sleepy,” you whisper, hoping he could catch that. 
“That’s alright,” he rubs his hand down your back, causing you to sigh and snuggle closer to him. He’s usually the little spoon, so you’ll enjoy this while you can. “Spoke with Viola. She told me you were told to relax but didn’t listen.” 
You know he’s chastising you, but it’s getting harder to think when you know Harry is upset at you.
“Silly girl, when’s the last time you slept more than eight hours?” The hands against your back freeze, and you tense up, knowing he won’t like your answer. 
You try to think it must have been before Dune a few months ago. “Don’t know.” 
Harry sighs, holding you tighter against his chest, wishing he could remove all the heaviness you’re feeling. “You need to rest. Why didn’t you rest?” 
You are why; is what you want to tell him. 
He is why you didn’t rest. You wanted to come home, wanted to feel cocooned in his love. You wanted to be with him because you’ve missed him, and you would rather be jetlag and tired with him than in your empty home in London. 
Instead of replying, you start to cry again. It’s all you can manage right now. 
“No tears thought we said no more.” He whispers, his lips against your warm forehead as he tries his best to settle you. “Bel, come on.” 
“D-don’t want you to be upset with me,” you manage to say between breaths. 
Harry brings you closer to his chest if it’s even possible at this point. He buries his face against your head, taking a moment to breathe you in, to keep his emotions at bay so he can focus on you. “Not upset, worried. I’m worried because you always talk to me, and I just want to know why you didn’t this time?”
He’s right; you told him how important it was for you to always have good communication, yet you kept it to yourself. You didn’t want to change the environment, the happy energy when you felt like you’d pass out if you had to make conversations for longer than five minutes. 
“Happy. You were so happy, and I was tired and overwhelmed.” You press a kiss over where you know his swallow lays right over his heart. “I didn’t want to be selfish.”
“Bel,” Harry breathes out. You try to burrow yourself further in his hold, but he pulls back from you. He holds on to your biceps, and you know it’s time to look at him. 
You take a deep breath, then raise your gaze to meet his. Those eyes you love so much are filled with concern, and you know you must look exhausted. That’s all you feel right now.
He offers you a soft smile. “You are not selfish. You hear me.” Harry leans in, pressing a kiss to your tear-streaked cheek. “You’re kind and put my needs above yours even though you knew you needed to rest. I’m sorry for not checking in. I knew how busy you were and still let you come here and join me for a show. I’m sorry, your feelings matter. They matter to me.”
You let yourself process all Harry told you. It’s everything you needed to hear. There’s so much you want to say, but your brain still feels scattered, so you lean forward and press your lips against his letting yourself sink against him as your lips familiarize with his.
“Baby,” Harry mutters against your lips, “we’ve got lots to discuss,” you don’t hide your groan as you pull away from him. “But,” he giggles, “got to let me finish.”
“H,” you plead. 
“Aish, impatient, mi sol.” Harry sets you down on the bed, and you swallow the urge to make grabby hands at him because you miss his touch already. “Let’s get some food in you, then you’ll sleep to your heart’s content.” 
“Going to leave me alone?” You frown at the thought. 
“Endless cuddles from you, I could never.” He leans over you, pressing a soft kiss to your nose, “I’m going to take care of you. I promise.” 
And well, that’s all you need. 
After eating half a sandwich and soup that Harry ordered for you, although you had initially requested pizza, Harry said it was too greasy and would gladly get you some after you slept. You laid back in bed together. You cuddled deep into Harry’s side as he put on a show. You didn’t even catch the open credits off as you let sleep take over, knowing that you were safe and being looked after. 
You rolled over as you slowly woke up, happy that Harry kept the curtains closed for you. Harry was gone, but his spot was warm, so you knew he had to be nearby. You were about to throw the covers off you when Harry walked in with a cup of coffee.
“Mi sol, you’re up,” he greets you cheerfully. 
“Mhm,” you sit up, raising your hands over your head, allowing your body to stretch. 
“Hungry?” He asks. 
He places his coffee on the side table and hurries out from where he just came from. He brings chilled water, coming to sit at your side. You go to accept the water from him, but he shakes his head and raises the water bottle to your lips. You take two large sips before letting Harry take it away, giggling as he wipes away a bead of water that dropped down the side of your mouth. 
“Thank you, H.” 
Harry grins, offering you a quick peck. “Feeling better.” 
“Much,” and it’s true. Your head no longer feels foggy, and your body feels lighter. “Glad I got a good few hours of rest.” 
Harry stares at you, glances towards the dark curtains, and laughs. “Baby, you slept the whole day away.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise, “what time is it then?” 
“Only seven am.” 
“Wow,” you mutter. “I need to go on a walk.” Your body is going to feel so stiff after all the lying down for hours. 
He chuckles, brushing your hair out of your face. “You look well rested.” 
“I feel lit.” 
“Mum always says feeling too many emotions leaves you exhausted,” Harry tells you, assuring you it was normal to sleep that long, especially with all you allowed yourself to carry after finishing filming. 
“Is Anne alright? I didn’t mean to startle her with the call,” you grimace, remembering how hopeless you felt to now feeling relaxed and loved. 
“She’s okay. Though she is waiting for a call. Misses you, she says.” 
There are so many people you have to get back to, but selfishly you want to enjoy one more day of it just being you and Harry. 
“Okay, but can we stay hidden another day?” You pout, looking at Harry, knowing there’s no way he’ll say no to you. 
“Course, lovie.” His lips meet your temple, and he holds it there for a few seconds, taking a moment to breathe you in, letting go of all the tension he had. “Think a bath sounds wonderful.” 
“With bubbles?” 
Harry laughs, throwing his head back, his gorgeous dimple on display for you. “It’d be a crime if we didn’t have any.” 
He holds your hand as he leads the way to the bathroom. You know that going through struggles in a relationship is normal. Still, after seeing how much Harry helped you and how understanding he was, he only made you more secure about your relationship. 
You were sure you’d love him for a lifetime and more.
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hsrockstargf · 4 months
Object of Desire*
AN: this is my first time posting on here so please be gentle☺️
summary: Honey Rose, one of the most sought after adult film actress, get picked to do a scene for director Harry Styes. What happens when she finds out that he will be the one doing the scene with her?
work count: 7.5k
tropes: pornstarry
warnings: 18+, language, explicit smut, fluff
Lights, Camera, Action. 
I’ve always wanted to hear those words be uttered before a scene- to feel the adrenaline rush as I make the script come to life. As a little kid I would whisper them to myself before I would put on a short skit for my grandma, and it made me feel like I was a real movie star. Now at 26 years old- I am the furthest thing from a movie star, but I guess an actress could be the term for my job. 
The adrenaline that I love to feel rush through my veins is present as well as the nervousness that is making my hands sweat slightly. The possibilities of today swirl around my mind as I walk down the long corridor to meet the director of today’s shoot. 
I never thought this is what I would be doing to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, but I can’t say I’m disappointed. What started out as occasionally posing for a lingerie company to help me get through school turned into signing up for an OnlyFans and making $7,000 a week. 
I never did anything too risque on my page, only posting pictures of me half naked without showing my face and occasionally taking a few requests from subscribers. My following grew exponentially and it continued until I didn’t know how to manage all of the content people were asking me to film. 
A few months ago, a manger reached out to me wanting to represent me. Although this was a far fetch from the job I’ve always wanted, I couldn’t turn it down. Having sex in front of a camera with a whole team watching you and a million more waiting to see it with a person you barely know is scary and intimidating- but I took the job anyway. I like the money and sometimes the sex is actually quite enjoyable when I can get out of my own head.  
This particular job came as a surprise to both me and my manager. Usually, my manager would reach out to a filming company, give them my head shots, and then wait to hear back if they wanted to use me for the scene they were wanting to film, but for this one the director himself reached out to my manager. Apparently, he had seen some of my work and wanted me to be one of the stars in his new video. 
Harry Styles- is the biggest name in the porn industry and someone you don’t say no to.  Not only is he one of the hottest and sought after pornstars, but he is also known for being a fantastic director. Every single one of his videos has at least a million views, if not more; they are hot and sensual, plucked right from all the fantasies that I’ve stored away in my brain. He started out just like everyone else, at the bottom of the totem pole, but he became so successful so fast that everyone in the industry wanted to work with him. Recently, he’s been focusing more on the directing side of his job, foregoing the acting part which many people have complained about, but of course he doesn't care. 
I’m not embarrassed to admit that I’ve gotten myself off multiple times from watching him. Just listening to his deep, slow, and raspy voice would make my cunt slick before reaching into my night stand to grab my purple bullet vibrator. I would press it to my clit and circle it around while I watched him kiss down the length of the random girl’s body before he would uncover her wet pussy and taste her for the first time. He would use both his tongue and fingers to get her off before fucking her into the matress, making her scream out in pleasure as he takes her from behind and slaping the plump flesh of her ass as she comes on his thick cock. He would fuck her through her orgasm, and the sound of both of their moans would make my stomach swirl with pleasure. I would always tease myself, not letting myself come until I knew he was about to orgasm. To not disturb my neighbors, I would flip around on my belly with my vibrator still pressed closely to my swollen clit and bite into my pillow as I listened to his deep moans as he came, finally finding my release alongside him. 
It’s gonna be hard for me to look him in the eye today and not picture him like that; to not think of the way his back muscles flex while hovering over his partner, thrusting into them as hard and fast as he can or the way the vein on his neck pops out when he tilts his head back in pleasure. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to focus on my costar as Harry directs us, only focusing on him and what he wants from me. 
“Honey?” A small woman stands in front of me, holding a clipboard and a pair of headphones hanging around her neck. “Honey Rose?” 
“Yeah, that’s me. Sorry, I guess I’m a little distracted.” I answer to my stage name, and laugh off my embarrassment. She giggles along with me, easing my nerves. 
With an extended hand she says, “Hi, I’m Jenny, Harry’s assistant.” I take her hand and offer her a smile. “I’ll be showing you around and then I’ll take you to meet him.” After we shake hands she pulls away and turns around. “Follow me and I’ll show you where you can put your stuff.” 
We make small talk while walking down the hallway towards an unknown destination. Jenny rattles off all the things she did this morning, preparing for the shoot and she also tells me how excited Harry is to meet me. 
My stomach once again flips at the thought of being in his presence, but I don’t get a chance to think about it more when Jenny stops in front of a door that says ‘Honey Rose.’ 
“I get my own dressing room?” 
Jenny looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Of course you do. Have you never had one before?” She opens the door, stepping to the side to let me walk in the room first. “Harry always makes sure his stars are taken care of.” 
I shake my head while walking in the room. It’s nothing too extravagant, with a love seat couch tucked in the corner with a small coffee table in front of it and a vanity on the far left wall, but it’s nicer than anything I’ve gotten before. Usually I have to get undressed in front of all the crew before slipping into a robe, so having this space puts me at ease. 
At least I’ll have some privacy throughout this shoot. 
“If you just wanna set your stuff down I’ll take you to meet Harry. He’s just now finishing setting up the bedroom set.” I take my coat off and hang it over the back of the chair and then place my purse on the coffee table. “You ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be.” I stick my hands in my pockets to hide the fact that they are shaking and follow after Jenny. For being as tiny as she is she sure can walk fast and I find myself wishing she would slow down so I can prepare myself. 
The set is a normal looking bedroom. It’s cozy, warm, and inviting. The bed is dawned in white sheets, a white duvet, and a tan throw with brown pillows. The bedside tables are decorated with items to make it look like someone actually lives here and a mirror leans against the wall across from the bed. 
There aren't a lot of people in this room right now, some are setting up certain light fixtures and others are testing out the equipment, but I immediately know which one is Harry. Dressed in long black flared trousers and a matching black shirt, he stands next to the mirror, angling it so it perfectly aims at the head of the bed. 
He hasn’t noticed us yet, but when Jenny clears her throat he looks up in the mirror and immediately makes eye contact with me. “Harry, this is -”
“Honey Rose.” My fake name rolls off his lips and I find myself begging to hear him use my real name. “I know who she is, Jenny. Would be kind of hard not to know.” Harry stuffs one hand in his pocket and makes his way over to me. “I’m Harry.” He extends his hand out to me and it takes me a second before I do the same. 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Harry.” I hope he doesn’t see the school girl blush on my cheeks, but I can’t help but find myself so taken with him. His hair falls perfectly in waves in a slight middle part that frames his face. There is a shadow of facial hair surrounding his jaw and around his lips, drawing attention to the pinkness of them. His eyes shine bright compared to the darkness of his hair; beautiful sea green staring straight at me. The tattoos on his arm stand out and I find myself looking over each and every one, but then I remember that I’m still holding onto his hand. I let go rather quickly and he chuckles at me. “I’m excited to work with you. I’ve heard nothing but great things.” 
“Well, I should hope so.” Two dimples pop out on the sides of his cheeks as he smiles while pushing his hair back and off his forward. “But I’m curious, are they talking about my directing skills or how I fuck?” 
I keep myself composed, even though all I want to do is tell him that my information is coming from the videos that I’ve watched of him. I gather up all the confidence in my body and say, “Both, but I guess I’ll only be seeing one of those talents today.” 
A confused look flashes across his face, but he doesn’t let it last. His lips perk up and he quietly says, “We’ll see about that.” Now it's my turn to be confused. I open my mouth to ask him what he means by that but he stops me. “Honey, would you mind joining me in my office? I just want to go over a few things with you, if that’s all right.” 
“Of course. Whatever you need.” Harry places his hand on my lower back and escorts us out of the room. His office isn’t too far away, but the walk is filled with a thick tension. He ushers me in, and tells me to sit on the couch like the one similar to mine in my dressing room. Harry takes a seat next to me, not sitting behind the desk which honestly makes me feel more equal to him. 
“As you may know, my videos are praised for how real and authentic they seem. I don’t do the corny pizza delivery guy bullshit or any of those cheesy porns that have terrible dialogue and even worse acting. I like to make everyone on set feel comfortable, so that they can actually feel the pleasure instead of faking it. Does that make sense?” He crosses one of his legs over the other, and the way his trousers move it showcases his thick thighs bulging under the surface of the fabric. 
“It makes perfect sense, and I really respect what you are doing here. Most of the time they just throw me in a room with a guy and just tell me to fuck him.” 
“I can promise you that’s not gonna be the case today, but I do need to ask you a few questions. You can answer whichever ones you want or not if you don’t want to.”  I nod my head at him, telling him I understand. That smirk reappears on his face, but this time I don’t get so flushed. The way he’s looking at me makes me want to sit on top of his desk and have his head be buried in my cunt. “I just need to know so I can fuck you just how you like it.” 
“Y-you’re gonna be the one fu- in the scene with me?” My heart rate picks up in anticipation and I hope I didn’t just hear him wrong. He hasn’t done a video in such a long time. Why would he start now? 
“That wasn’t the original plan.” Harry stands up, walking closer to me before crouching down in front of me. His knees touch mine and even through the fabric of both of our clothes I can feel his warm skin. “When I was looking for the girl for this shoot I came across one of your videos.” Harry’s fingertip grazes over my knee and he starts to draw circles on it. “It was just you, laying on a bed, with a vibrator on your pretty little pussy.” He looks up at me, and grabs a hold of my jaw. “You had beautiful moans coming from these lips. I just knew that I couldn’t sit there and watch someone fuck you, not when I could be the one doing it.” 
I turn my head, still keeping eye contact with him. His thumb that was on my jaw now rests against the skin of my lips. I puker them, softly kissing his thumb before taking it into my mouth for just a moment. “You want to fuck me, Harry?” His eyes are dark, lustfully watching as I kiss his thumb, suck on it, and then let it plop from between my lips. 
“Oh, honey.” Harry moves his hand away from my face, placing it on my knee again. With both hands, he pushes my thighs apart and situates himself between them. “You have no fucking clue.” I burn under his gaze. His touch is light and teasing, kneading the muscles of my thighs while he looks up at me. “I still need you to answer a few questions for me. Can you do that for me, honey?” 
“Please, call me Emma.” I don’t mind being called Honey. In fact it makes me feel confident and sexy, but right now I just want to feel real with him. 
“Okay, Emma. Are you okay with me warming you up before we shoot? I can do it right here, spread you out and make you come on my fingers so you're more sensitive while we film. You need to be warm, wet, and ready for me.” 
Harry kisses up the length on my pant leg, placing his lips right on top of the sem and stopping when he gets close to my center. “Yes, please make me come, Harry.” After I give him the okay, he doesn't waste a second before undoing the button on my pants and pulling them down my legs. He takes in the sight of my red lace thong and by the way the air creates a cool sensation on my panties, I know I’m wet for him; and he can see it. 
“I’m gonna ask you a few questions, but you have to promise me that you’ll answer them truthfully, okay?” 
Harry patiently awaits an answer, starting to slowly kiss up my thigh. He kisses both of my knees and continues to switch between both legs as he travels upwards until he reaches my midthigh and sits back up. “Yeah, I-I’ll answer them.”
“Let’s start with an easy one.” Harry drags his hands across my skin, nails scratching slightly. He finds my hips, tracing his thumb in the crease where my hip bends from sitting down. “Are you okay with me kissing you?” 
“Yes, I actually prefer it.” With the grip on my hip, he pulls me to the edge of the couch so I’m barely even sitting on it. He leans into me, pressing his chest against mine as he tucks himself into my neck. 
“Hmm,” His curls tickle my cheek, his sweet smell overpowers me, and his nose teases up my neck. “Is there anything that’s a hard no for you during sex?” I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” 
The fact that he isn’t even asking me these questions puts me at ease. Though I haven’t had a lot, my costars never asked me what I was or wasn’t comfortable with. The directors never cared, only making sure every piece of dialogue and every cue on the script was hit. 
“You can do anything to me. If it’s you doing it, I know I’ll like it.” 
“You’re stroking my ego here, Em.” 
The tip of his nose grazes my jawline before it's replaced by his lips. He is still holding onto my hips and even though I love his hands there I wish he would touch me elsewhere. Just from him being this close to me, my cunt is slick and my clit is throbbing, waiting to be touched. 
“I’ve watched you before. I know how you fuck, so anything you want to do go right on ahead. I can take you, Harry.” 
“Oh, I have no doubts about that.” Placing a kiss on my cheek, he stands up and sits down next to me again. “Stand up.” Obeying, I stand up on shaking legs and turn to face him. Legs spread, arms stretched out along the back of the couch, and a smirk on his face, Harry sits there eyeing me up and down. “Strip for me. Let me see what’s mine for today.”
I cross my arms, grabbing the hem of my t-shirt and pulling it over my head. His eyes move to my chest, taking in the matching red lace bra. Harry takes one arm off the back of the couch to adjust himself in his pants as he continues to take me in. “You know, it’s not fair that I’m half naked and you’re still completely clothed.” 
Harry clears his throat and reaches out to grab my hips to turn me around. “This isn't about me.” His fingers find the band on my underwear and my breath hitches when he starts to slowly pull them down. In the wake of the fabric, he kisses where it once laid. “So sit down on my lap.” Pulling on my hips, he sits my naked bottom half on his fully clothed lap.  “Spread your legs.” I hook a leg over each one of his thighs and lean back onto his chest. “And let me make you come, so I can fuck you how I want later.” 
The rings on his fingers are cold on my blazing skin. Touching over the expanse of my stomach, my hips, my thighs and briefly the tops of my breasts he teases me with everything I want while simultaneously avoiding the place I need him most. 
My pussy is soaked with my arousal, dripping down and probably landing on his trousers, but at this moment I can’t find it in myself to care. 
“Do you want me to just rub your clit and get you off that way, or do you want me fingers? Stretch you out a little bit so I fit nice and snug in you?” 
I tilt my head to the side to find him already looking at me. Our lips are so close I fainting feel his skin, but we both don’t make the move to lean in; to fuel the fire we both feel growing. “Want your fingers. Please.”  
Harry looks down at my lips for a brief second before turning his head away from me. Out of the corner of my eye I see him looking at my body that’s spread out for him and the lust in his eyes is unmistakable. 
I take advantage of his head facing forward and tuck my face in the crook of his neck. He smells even better this close up. His smell is sweet, reminding me of walking into a bakery while also being smokey, like a fresh campfire on a fall evening. 
I repeat his actions from early, gliding my nose across his neck. When his fingers finally touch my cunt I whimper into his skin. I accidentally bite into his neck from the shock of finally feeling him. “Hey. You can’t mark me yet, Em. Wait until later and you can leave your marks anywhere you want.” 
The tips of his fingers trace over my entrance, gathering up all the wetness caused by him. He drags them up and uses my arousal to start slowly drawing circles on my clit. Instead of biting him I kiss down the side of his neck to try and quiet my cries of pleasure. 
“Maybe I didn’t even need to warm you up. You were soaked before I even touched you.” 
In my desire induced haze I accidentally say, “I always get so wet for you.” My cheeks heat up with embarrassment and if I could bury myself into his neck anymore I would. 
“Oh?” His fingers speed up, making me squirm in his lap. “Are you telling me you’ve watched my videos while rubbing this little clit of yours? You’ve came from watching me fuck someone else. Is that what you’re telling me?” 
From the bulge pressing into my ass, it’s obvious this is turning him on. I let my embarrassment slip away and just let myself be in the moment with him. “Yes, Harry. I’ve always wanted to fuck you.” 
“Well, it’s my lucky day isn't it, baby?” He doesn’t warn me before filling my pussy with his fingers. Long, thick, and ring clad, his fingers work against my g-spot. Combined with the teasing and his relentless strokes on my clit, my stomach begins to tingle and the muscles in my cunt squeeze around his fingers. 
“God, Harry. I’m so fucking close.” His movements are slow and skillful, not needing to go fast and hard to make me reach my end. 
“You’re a sensitive little thing, aren’t you?” His fingers stop fucking me, but he presses his fingertips up into my g-spot and massages the spot that makes me see stars. Somehow he’s lifted the hood of my clit so he’s directly on my nerves. “Can’t wait to get you underneath me, so I can fuck you into the sheets. Spread your pussy out and take you just like I fucking want.” 
I throw my head back on his shoulder, needing some fresh air. My lungs can hardly keep up with my shallow breaths and I’m so dizzy I feel like I could pass out. “Please, Harry. I need to cum.” 
“You don’t have to ask me. Just let go, honey. Make a mess of me.” 
And so I do. I feel myself clench around his fingers and my ears start to ring. The sound of his voice telling me how good I am filters through the noise, but for the most part I can’t focus on anything except the pure bliss running through my veins. Harry kisses my cheek, as he coaxes me through my orgasm. “Good girl, Em.” 
I fully relax into his chest as I come down from the high. He slips his fingers out from me and puts them up to my mouth. “I would love nothing more than to taste you right now, but I want to make sure the first time I do it’s caught on camera.” 
Harry drags my come across my bottom lip before slipping his fingers into my mouth. He lets me take my time cleaning his fingers up and he keeps eye contact with me the whole time. 
“What do we do now?” I ask after his fingers leave my mouth. 
“You are gonna go get a snack, get your hair and makeup done, and get dressed.” He pinches my bare hip which makes me yelp, but he just smiles at me. “But you gotta get off my lap so you can do that.” 
It’s crazy to see him go from this sexy dominant male to someone who is also playful. It makes my heart beat faster in my chest when he looks at me with a smile. 
I climb off him and go to grab a tissue from his desk to clean off the mess between my thighs. “Nope. None of that.” He snatches the tissue from my hand and puts it in his pocket. 
“I can’t clean myself up?” I cross my arms over my chest and for a second I forget I’m just in my bra, but I’m reminded when Harry’s eyes travel down to my tits. 
“No.” He walks over to my underwear that were haphazardly discarded and kneels before me. Tapping on the side of my ankle, he silently tells me to raise my foot so he can dress me. “While you are getting ready I want you to think about how wet you are. I want you to feel your come on your thighs and think about what we are gonna do. How I’m gonna fuck you. How I’m gonna make you come again.” He kisses my hip bone before standing up, dragging the fabric along with it. Harry makes sure it’s in place and snaps the band against my skin. “I’ll see you later, honey.” 
Throughout getting my hair and makeup done I shift unfavorably in my seat. My underwear is absolutely ruined from my orgasm, but now it's slick with my want for Harry. I can’t stop thinking about what we are about to do. 
In front of me lies my ‘script’. There isn’t much in it other than some lines I need to say. The premise of the whole video is a couple waking up tangled in the sheets together after being away from each other for a while. 
I think about what I plan on doing to him as the girls around me talk amongst themselves. Usually I would partake in these conversations and make friends with them, but right now my brain can only focus on one thing. 
They curl my hair, fluff it out and apply some light makeup to my face. I didn't want any foundation on because it will just get smudged anyway and I don’t want to look sloppy, so all I have on is some mascara and a light lip gloss. 
A silk black robe is wrapped around my body with my skin bare underneath and matching black slippers are on my feet. It was awkard taking my clothes off in front of the wardrobe person, especially considering the poor excuse of fabric that was my underwear. 
 The air is cold in the hallway as I walk towards the studio room and I know everyone that passes me can see my nipples through my robe. 
The room that was once filled with maybe five people now houses twelve. It’s hard to walk in the room with how many bodies there are and I barely see Harry through the crowd. I protectively shield my chest away from prying eyes and lower my head. 
Harry has changed from earlier, now wearing a black fitted t-shirt that shows off his muscles and a pair of grey sweatpants. I can tell by the bulge in his pants that he isn’t wearing any underwear and the sight instantly makes my mouth water. 
He finds my eyes across the room and at first he smirks at me, taking in my skimpy robe and the exposed skin on my thighs. He must see the apprehension in my eyes because he looks around the room and shakes his head. “Anyone who doesn’t absolutely need to be in here needs to get out.” 
Disapproving sighs are heard around the room, but they don’t hesitate to listen to him. Harry is known for being a sweet and caring guy but I’ve also heard that he isn’t afraid to put his foot down when he needs to. 
He waits until all unnecessary personnel exit the room, being left with the camera man and the sound lady. “Are you ready?” Harry kneels on the opposite side of the bed and puts his hands on his hips. 
“More than ready.” I pull the blanket back, ready to slip under the covers and Harry does the same. “Do you usually wear that to bed?” I say referring to his outfit. 
“I could ask you the same.” He grabs the sting that keeps my robe closed and tugs on it, not hard enough to open it, but just enough to pull me closer to him. 
“No. I usually sleep naked. Shouldn’t we make this as natural as possible?” I wink at him and pull his hands so the string gets loose. The silk moves against my skin as the front opens, but I only allow Harry to see me. 
His eyes drink me in, looking at every exposed piece of skin I have to offer. “Are you trying to be the director now? Trying to steal my job are you?” 
“Maybe.” I shrug. “I bet I could do a better job.” 
Harry reaches into my robe, pinches my hip and says, “Get that robe off and get under the covers.” The dimples that I’ve come to love poke out as I do as he says. 
Harry walks over to the two other people in the room and says something inaudible as I get myself comfortable. He must have told them to leave, because after they check the equipment they both turn around and leave. I’m used to people seeing me naked now and I’m not ashamed of having sex in front of people. In all actuality it turns me on knowing that people are watching me and my partner, but we are only focused on each other. 
“You didn’t have to kick them out. This isn’t my first rodeo.” I lay my head up against the headboard and watch as he starts to take his shirt off. No matter how many times I see his bare chest I still swoon every time. This is my first time seeing it in person and I can't wait to leave little love marks on him like he said I could earlier. 
“I know. I didn’t want them in here.” 
“Just didn’t want them to be in here.” He bends down to take his sweats off, only leaving him in his underwear, before climbing into bed with me. 
“Won’t it be hard without them in here?” 
Harry turns towards me and leans on his elbow. “Those cameras over there are already filming and there are mics around the room to pick up your pretty noises that men are gonna drool over, so no, it won’t be.” He pulls the blanket down to expose my breasts. Leaning forward he takes my nipple in his mouth and lightly swirls his tongue around it. “Just lay down, act like you are asleep, and then wake your loving boyfriend up so he can fuck you senseless, okay?” 
“Whatever you say, director.” He chuckles at me and lays down. I press my naked body up against his half naked form and he groans. 
“Should have thought the whole naked thing through. I already need to be inside of you, so let’s hurry up.” I laugh into his chest and pretend like I’m peacefully sleeping on his chest for a while. 
Under the sheets, I discreetly sneak my hand from his tummy to the tops of his boxers. Being the professional he is, he doesn’t make any noise or give any indication that I’m close to touching him. 
I feel guilty because he got me worked up already and I haven't given him anything in return, so I pretend to wake up and lovingly look over at him. To portray the act of being his girlfriend, I caress his face, push back his hair, and take in the way he looks while he’s relaxing. 
I know he isn’t asleep, but he looks so cute and peaceful laying here like this with me. Throwing back the covers, I expose myself to the camera and run my hand along the top of his boxers. Harry stirs a little bit, trying to look like he’s waking up, but he keeps his eyes closed. 
“I’ve missed you, baby.” I whisper to him while dragging his underwear down his narrow hips. His cock is half hard, laying against his stomach. I take him into my hand, and his warm skin feels so nice against mine. I position myself between his legs while working my hand up and down his shaft. “Wake up, Harry. You’ve been gone for too long. I need you.” 
Once he’s fully hard, I put his tip in my mouth lightly sucking on it while my left hand reaches down to grab his balls and squeeze them. A little moan escapes him and he moves around more as he ‘wakes up.’ I take him further into my mouth, letting him tap the back of my throat before coming back up to lick at his tip. 
I hunch over him more, so I’m on my knees as I blow him. I continue to bob up and down, letting him stay in my throat for longer periods of time. His hands sneak into my hair and pushes it away from my face so he can watch me. “You just have to have my cock in your mouth first thing in the morning don’t ya, honey?” 
His dick pops out of my mouth and I replace it with my hand. I lay my head on his thigh, batting my eyelashes up at him while I jerk his dick in my hand. “I’ve just missed you, didn’t you miss me?” I pout my lip out at him slightly, playing into the needy and horny girlfriend role. Honestly, I don't have to even act that part. My pussy is a mess and I know the camera behind me is picking up on just how wet I am. 
“Of course I did.” He grabs the side of my head and hovers me over his wet dick. “Now, put my cock back in your mouth so I can show you just how much I missed you.” I don’t know why he asked me because he doesn’t wait for me to lower my mouth on him all the way before he’s thrusting into my mouth. 
Harry controls my head, fucking my throat while he lays under me. His moans are sinful, and make my cunt even more slick. I run my hands up and down his thigh, stopping over the tiger and scratching at it with my nails. “Fuck.” He moans at the pain and fucks my throat even harder. “Am I not fucking your mouth hard enough? Huh? You wanted me to go even harder?” 
I pinch his hip, telling him it’s okay to keep going and he does. Harry’s hips come off the bed while he pulls my head down over and over again. Tears leak from my eyes from the pressure, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Throughout all my sexual experiences I don’t think any man has even been this vocal in bed with me. His voice is rough and raspy and his moans are deep and sultry. Every word he says drips off his tongue like honey. 
Harry suddenly pulls out of my mouth and forces my head to look up at him. “Get up here now. Need this little pussy in my tongue now, before I fuck you.” 
The thought of his mouth on me makes me squirm and I move fast at his words. I crawl over his body,  touching his chest and arms on my way up. “Can I get a kiss first, please?” 
“Don’t have to ask me, baby.” Harry grabs the back of my head and pulls me down to his warm lips. Kissing him feels exactly how I pictured. He’s soft but rough, fast but takes his time, and in control while making me feel like I hold the power. His tongue works against mine and I find myself loving the way he tastes. 
I pull back from his lips, knowing if I don’t stop we’ll  just kiss the entire time. If this was just for us, I would kiss him until my lips bruise and all the air evaporates from my lungs, but this isn’t just for us. Grabbing his cheeks, I open his mouth wide. “Stick your tongue out for me, baby. I need to make sure you’ll be wet enough to fuck my pussy with your tongue.” 
“Don’t think I’ll need it with how wet you get, but I’ll never pass up the opportunity.” Harry winks at me as I spit into his mouth. My mouth is sloppy from the kiss we shared and the way he was relentless fucking up into my mouth causing a string of I admire how it looks sitting on his tongue, ready to be used. 
Harry grabs my ass and pulls me until I’m straddling his head. He yanks my hips down, forcing me to fully sit on his face. His moan is unmistakable as he tastes me for the first time and I simultaneously moan at the feeling of his tongue on my clit. 
Grabbing onto his hair for stability and also rocking my hips against his tongue I utter, “Fuck, Harry.” My clit is so sensitive from my orgasm and I know it wouldn’t take me much to finish again. His tongue licks from my entrance to my clit where he sucks it into his mouth and shakes his head to stimulate it further. I sound like I just ran a marathon with how heavy I’m breathing, but I can’t even find the time to be embarrassed about it. 
It comes to a surprise to me when I feel his hand smack my ass once on each cheek, making my skin sting. Harry pulls away from my pussy just for a moment, “Can you not take me sucking on your little clit, baby? Does it feel too good?” He doesn’t wait for a response, just dives back into my cunt and sucks my clit into his mouth once again. As he shakes his head back and forth, his stubble on his cheeks rubs against the inside of my thigh creating a nice achy burn that I will feel tomorrow morning. 
When he smacks my ass again, I cry out and lean my head against the headboard. “Keep doing that, Harry. You’re gonna make me cum.”
“You like me smacking your ass that much, honey?” I nod my head and whimper. He does it again and I nearly come just from that. “You’re such a dirty little thing.” 
After a few more licks at my clit, I come all over his face and start shaking above him. My legs feel like jello and I don’t even know how I’m going to move from the position. “I could make you come on my face like that all fucking day, such a great thing to wake up to.” Harry realizes my weak legs and he runs his calloused hands over my hips and down my thighs. “You still want me to fuck you? Show you how much I’ve missed being deep in your little cunt?”  
“Yes. Please, I need you inside me.” Harry reaches up and wraps his hand around my throat. Before I can even comprehend the fact that his long fingers, that I came around earlier, are around my neck he pushes me off his chest and down to the bed beside him. 
Instinctively, my legs part for him and he gladly slides between them. His dick slides between my slick lips, tip lightly touching my still aching clit. “I can’t wait til I slip right into you.” Harry presses a light kiss to my lips, trailing them over to my cheek, across my jawline, and down my neck. As he goes further down, sucking light bruises into the skin of my breasts, he pinches my chin and turns my head until I’m watching us in the mirror. “But you gotta keep your eyes on me.” 
He climbs up my body, and whispers in my ear, “Listen to me, Em. Be a good girl and listen to me, okay?” 
“O-okay.” My body shivers, hearing him call me my name during sex is everything I didn’t think I needed, but now it’s all I want. Harry trails my body in kisses again and this time I keep my eyes on him in the mirror. He buries his face into my cleavage, licking, kissing, and sucking my skin, leaving his mark behind. His large hands take in both of my breasts when he starts giving my stomach the same attention. 
“Are you dripping yet for me? Do you think I could slip right in?” 
“I don’t know. I guess you could always find out.” I tease. Harry turns his head and looks at me in the mirror. He takes in the smirk on my face and shakes his head while biting his lip. 
“I love that mouth of yours,” Fingertips trace the outline of my lips, taunting me, “but I think I can find a different use for it.” Now fully hovering me, he grabs my hips and wraps my legs around his waist. “I want to hear those pretty little noises you make.” Sitting up on his knees, Harry holds my hip with one hand while lining his cock up to my entrance. “You think you can do that for me? Can you tell me how good I’m fucking you?” 
“Yes, Harry. Just please, fuck-” Before I finish my sentence, Harry is already pushing into me, stretching my pussy out just for him. We both moan out at the feeling, and my nails dig into his abs. Red angry marks are left over the ink of his butterfly tattoo and I wish I had the time to admire the marks I made. 
“Yeah, that’s good.” Harry finally sinks into me all the way and both of his hands are now gripping my hips with a fierce strength. “Mark me like that, baby. Mark me however you want.” 
When my nails dig into his biceps he hisses and starts fucking into my relentlessly. Harry thursts into me while also using his grip on me to fuck my cunt onto his cock. The sound of our skin slapping against each other and the pleasure we are giving each other fills the room. 
I find myself thankful that he kicked everyone out. Usually in these situations I find myself faking the moans, the pleasure, on my face, and the way my body is moving, but with him everything is natural. 
I look at us in the mirror, with Harry now hovering over me and whimpering my name over and over again in my ear. His back muscles bulge and claim my attention as he fucks into me, deep and slow. His pelvis stimulates my clit every time he pushes deeper in me and I reluctantly take my eyes off him to throw my head back in pleasure. 
“Takin’ me so good, Em.” He captures my lips in a kiss and our tongues clash. “I’m gonna need you again, but next time I want you all to myself.” Harry picks up in pace and I can barely hear him over the sound of my own moans. “Just for us, no one else.” 
“I-I think I like the sound of that.” I clench down around his dick that’s soaked in my arousal and I feel the ache in my  stomach, begging me for a release. 
“But you like getting fucked in front of people, don’t you? You like getting fucked like the slut that you are?” He’s so close to my ear that no one will be able to hear his words in the video, but I can and it’s making me drip past him and onto the bed sheets. 
If I answer him I know it would be loud, so all I do is nod. Harry slips out of me and I whimper at the empty feeling. It doesn’t last too long though, because Harry flips me around till I’m laying on my stomach and quickly fills me up again. 
“I wish I could fuck you in every position, but you feel too good squeezing me.” The tip of his dick massages directly into my g-spot with every thrust he gives me and I bite the pillow to subside my screams. “Nuh uh,” Harry wraps my hair around his hand and tugs my face to the side so I’m looking at the mirror.  “Need to see the pretty face as you come.” 
The grip on my hair is released and placed back on my hips to angle them upwards. I slip my hand between my legs and rub lazy circles into my clit. The small stimulation pushes me over the edge, and by the way Harry’s face scrunches up and the deep moans escaping him I know my own orgasm caused his. 
Breathlessly he falls forwards; forehead resting against the space between my shoulder blades. We stay like that for a while, catching our breaths and taking in each other. Harry kisses the skin of my back repeatedly as I sink into the sheets with him still inside me. 
“Well, Em. I think we made a good video.” 
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You Don't Have To Go Home
part 6 of Look What We Became
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summary: secrets get exposed, feeling are complicated, new relationships are explored.
warning: angst, violence, domestic violence, parental abuse, mention of blood, mention of bruises, kissing, mention of cheating.
word count: 3,658
minors DNI
part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9
“Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. In so much as Harry Edward Styes and Y/n M/n L/n have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, having given and pledged their faith, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that you are husband and wife. I ask you now to seal the promises you have made with each other this day with a kiss.”
Harry saw you hesitating, now was not the time to have second thoughts about this. He could feel his father’s eyes on him, he could see people staring at them waiting for something to happen. And then he saw her, looking at you, with so much hate. And finally he looked at you, so timid, and shy, when he thought you were about to fall down in the aisle he almost ran for you, he had seen those cuts on your hand,  you acted all shy and calm but he had a feeling you were far from it. If he had waited even a second longer, people would start talking, and Harry didn't want that. 
Seeing as you were in some kind of transe and were showing no signs of moving, he quickly pulled you closer, that seemed to wake you up, he placed his other hand on your jaw, 1: to put your head in place and 2: to show the audience his love for you. 
He had not planned to be this rough but you seemed so rigid, he pulled you in tighter, as he continued to kiss you, which seemed to calm you down. 
Now Harry could finally focus on what was happening. Your lips were soft against his, and as much as he hated to admit, you tasted like something he had never tried before, so sweet, as if honey was dripping on his face, he felt your gloved hand on his face, it was delicate, the material was soft, and if you hadn't broken the kiss harry was sure he would have melted and fallen to the ground. 
When you pulled away, Harry felt disappointed for a second, opening his eyes to see your face. That's when he noticed you were breathless, your eyes were still closed, which for some reason brought him to reality. 
If Harry didn't know better he would think you are a witch. A sorceress who had put a spell on him of sorts. Laced your lips with love potion, or maybe covered him with some sort of pollen,  but Harry did know better than that. 
What he didn't know was the reason for his feelings, and when you opened your eyes, the reality started fading again. You doe eyes, staring into his, your chest heaving a bit. He was saved by the cheers, he looked around and his eyes met hers, she was not cheering, she was not crying, she had the most hateful look on her face, as she left. He wanted to run after her, but instead he took your hand, and walked down to meet everyone. 
Harry was nervous, and unintentionally was squeezing your hand, as you both went around, meeting people who had big smiles on their faces, saying congratulations. 
Harry was faking smiles left right and center. People were complimenting his look, and how beautiful his bride was, women were coming up to you asking you where you got this gorgeous dress from. 
It was a gorgeous dress, it made you look so soft. 
Yeah. harry needed to stop thinking about you.
You on the other hand were in utter pain, your husband was holding your hand so tight that you were sure the cuts on your hand had started to bleed again, but you didn't say a word. 
Your dress was getting a lot of attention, and god bless Martha, that woman had brought your dream to life. 
When your sisters came forward to congratulate you, Victoria looked down at your joined hands and looked up at you with worry.  Your eyes flick to your head and you can see the red seep through your gloves. You were scared. Because you knew if he squeezed your hand some more your whole glove would turn red and Harry would feel the wetness. 
“Prince harry, you just signed your life to utter pain, this one is trouble.'' Betty says, jokingly, Victoria elbows her in the ribs, and Harry chuckles. It was the first time you had heard him laugh. For the first time since holding your hand, he looks at you, and he gets a glimpse of your pained expression just before you change it to that of a shy one. He looks down to see your joined hands. 
“Could you excuse us for a minute please, I promise I'll come back to learn more about her.” he says. 
You looked at Victoria, frightened, she mirrored your expression. What are you going to tell him? 
Harry drags you inside the castle, carefully, not to hurt you further.  Once finds an isolated corner, he stops and looks at you, his eyes looking angry, but his actions were soft.  He slowly took the glove off your hand, you winced at the pain, once your hand was bare, he examined it, looking at the big cut going from your ring finger to the base of your thumb that was now bleeding. He rolled the sleeve of your dress up to see multiple gashes.
“Princess, I won't ask again if you don't tell me this time, but as your husband, it is my duty to protect you now, so tell me what happened?”  Harry asked, he didn't understand where this protectiveness had come from but it had, and he wanted to know how you had gotten hurt so severely. 
You avert your eyes, what were you to say? That your father had smashed a glass on your hand because you had slept, since you couldn't sleep at night because of what he had said to her the day before? You don't think so. 
“Princess Y/n?” 
“Why do you care?” you say, so softly that despite him being so close he had to guess what you were saying.  Why does he care? He doest know why he does.  
“Prince Harry,” both of your heads snap, as you see your father standing there, Harry rolls your sleeve down and takes a step back. 
“Could I speak to my daughter before I give her away to you?” he says.
You look at Harry, silently begging him to not let her go, but he doesn't seem to understand. “Of course.” he says softly, your father nods at you and you follow behind him. 
Not knowing what to do, Harry decides to go out to the garden, stopped in his tracks by your fathers voice coming from your room. 
“I didn't tell him anything father-” 
“Father, believe me I didn't tell him anything, I swear!” your voice was begging.
Harry then heard a sharp slap. 
He hit you. 
“Listen to me you wagtail, i will break a thousand glasses on you to make you come to your senses. If I have to break every bone in your body. Don't you dare go around telling people that your father is an abuser, you church bell!” 
Harry then heard you weep.
“I a sorry father, i didn't tell hi-”
“Stop lying to Y/n, and stop your crying, before i actually give a reason to cry.” 
“Please believe me i-”
Another sharp slap. And another and another and another.
Harry was frozen in place, he couldn't move his body.  He went into a total flashback. 
How you had entered the room the first time he saw you, scared to look at your father, how you had begged him to let her accept his proposal, how when his father had welcomed you, you were so happy. How while walking down the aisle you had looked at your father with pure terror when you tripped. How you refused to tell him what happened because it was your own father. 
He had called you a selfish woman, but now he felt like a self centered jerk. He was so busy thinking about himself, that he had failed to notice what was going on. If anyone would have seen him right now, it would look as if he had seen a ghost.  He ran out, trying to find his mother or sister or even his father. He was so scared of the man that was in the room with his wife, he needed to tell someone who could do something. 
“GEMMA! GEMMA!!” he called for his sister, as he saw her smiling and talking to one of your sisters, 
She turned to face him, and her smile disappeared. 
“Harry!? What happened? Where is Y/n?”  she asked.
Harry looks at the other woman, sarah or betty, he didn't remember, he couldn't form words.
“Harry, are you okay?” the other girl asked, Harry shook his head, and took his sister’s hand and took her away. 
“Harry, that was so rude, what has gotten into you?” Gemma says, but as she looks at Harry's face, her expression changes from disappointment to concern.
Harry was breathless, he looked at white as a sheet. 
“Harry? Harry what happened? Harry, you are scaring me! say something!?” 
Harry started crying, the guilt mixed with terror was getting to him. He was such a knob to you, 
He was so busy blaming you for everything wrong in his life that he failed to notice what was wrong in yours. 
Calming down a bit, he told Gemma everything.  Gemma knew Harry's feelings towards you, how he blamed you, how he didn't want you. And listening to what Harry was telling her, she only felt more sympathy for you, she was of course terrified and in a way relieved that you were now married to her brother. 
Yes she knew Harry could be an absolute pain in the arse, but he was a good man from the inside, and she knew that harry would do his best to keep you comfortable and safe, even if he doesn't love you. 
“Harry, have you told mother?” Gemma asked, he only shook his head, he just couldn't speak anymore. Afterall he was also just a kid. 
“I think we should get out of here as soon as possible.” 
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As Betty saw Gemma and Harry go away, she knew something was wrong. She rushed to your room only to find you on the floor weeping, your hair was a mess and your hand was bleeding. She gasped as she saw your state. 
“He did not.” is all she said, you only nodded, you were furious yet helpless. 
“What for this time Y/n” she asked
“He believes that I told Prince Harry that he smashed a glass on my hand.” 
“I am calling mother. You can't possibly go to your new family like this, what is wrong with him?” 
“What can she even do Betty? Hm? She hasn't done anything in 29 years! WHAT WILL SHE DO NOW!?”  you screamed. You were frustrated because you couldn't move, your hand was hurting really bad and you probably had to leave in a few minutes. 
“Fix me first, i need to leave in some time, don't go.” you say, calming down a bit. 
Betty rushes to you, helping you sit on your chair, she takes your veil off, and makes your hair. You thanked the stars that the blood had not gotten on your dress. While she made your hair, you took out the bandage from your dresser drawer, fixing your hand. 
You quickly wiped your tears and mended your do-over,  in a matter of 10 minutes you were looking exactly like you were while walking down the aisle. 
You try to stand up, but you fail. 
“I can't stand betty.” you look at her, scared
“What do you mean you can stand?” she asked,
“I am unable to stand, it hurts a lot.” 
“What hurts Y/n/n?” 
“The bruise, it's hurting, I can't stand properly let alone walk! How am I supposed to get to the carriage!?”
you were both panicking. 
“I'll carry her.” you both turned around to see your husband standing at your door, he looked like he had been crying, his eyes were watery and his nose was red. 
“If you had just told me Princess Y/n, I could have helped in some way.” he said, you just looked away, not wanting to see his face. 
“Who told you?” you asked
“I heard it myself.” 
“And now you feel guilty and sad?” you asked, and he just looked down betty took that as sign to leave you two alone.  “I don't want your pity, I want your love, that is why I didn't tell you.”
“I could have helped you! If you had just mentioned it, I could have done something to help you!”
“You couldn't have-” 
“I could have at least tried! Or I could have done things differently!”
“If I had told you, would you have loved me!?” 
There was silence in the room. 
“I am in love with someone else, i wouldn't have loved you, but I wouldn't have hated you either. I wouldn't have come that day to tell you those things. I wouldn't have done every horrible thing I have done to you!” he says “But I wouldn't have loved you, and i still don't love you.”
“Then what are you doing here? Why did you come now?”
“To get you out of this hell.”
He walks towards you, and you slide a fresh pair of gloves on, he bends forward and puts his hand on your back, as the other one goes under your legs and he picks you up, you hook your hands around his neck, your faces close and you stare into each other’s eyes. 
No words were spoken. You both had talked a lot in the time you both were out in the garden. 
Everybody was once again cheering and laughing, passing comments on the couple so in love. 
Oh what fools they were. What fools.
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You slept throughout the carriage ride, you were so tired and the day had been rough, for the both of you.  When you reached your new home, it was about 10:30 at night. Everybody was tired beyond words. You, Harry, queen Anne, the king and all the servants that had gone with them to prepare for the wedding. Everybody was tired. 
It was a given that you and Harry would be sharing a room, you were his wife after all. 
“I know you are tired dear, but we must assign you your women's bedchamber.” you nod as queen anne spoke. You were able to stand now, but walking was still difficult. 
You turned to see 5 women standing in a line.
The first one looked as old as you, she had slightly red cheeks and was not making eye contact. “Your first woman of the bedchamber would be Deborah,” said the queen, as she looked at the girl standing in front of her, there was something in her eyes as she looked at the girl that you couldn't place your finger on. But you let it slide nonetheless. 
“ Next is Rebacca,” you shifted your gaze to the slightly older woman, she was about the same age as sarah, she was smiling at you, and you smiled back and nodded. 
“This Abigail,” she was much older, she looked kinder, reminded you of Martha in a way, you continued smiling. 
“Then we have Alexandra and Casandra.” they were definitely twins, though they didn't look alike, you could tell they were. 
“It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” you say, in a sweet voice. 
“The pleasure is ours, your highness.” said abigail. 
“I think we should retire for the night, mother, we are all tired.” said harry. 
You turn around to face him and his mother nods, 
“Of course, dear, Harry will take you to the room.” 
You don't move till everybody has gone. 
Harry once again comes closer to you and picks you up, this time with a start, and you both almost topple over, which causes you to let out a yelp. 
Harry starts to laugh at this.
“It's not funny, Prince harry!” you try not to laugh as you pretend to be upset, but he doest stop, as he walks to his chambers. You hit him playfully on the chest, which only causes him to laugh harder. 
It was safe to say he didn't utterly despise you now, or was it? 
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He looked beautiful and your heart fluttered. So peaceful and so calm, you wanted to kiss him, but decided against it, you were just on friendly terms, he wasn't in love with you. 
He had offered you his bed so you could be comfortable throughout the night. While he took the big sofa in his room, and you don't know if that was the cause, but the pain in your shin had reduced tremendously. 
You had gotten up early and had gotten ready, once you entered your room again, you saw your husband still asleep. 
He looked beautiful and your heart fluttered. So peaceful and so calm, you wanted to kiss him, but decided against it, you were just on friendly terms, he wasn't in love with you. 
You busy yourself by exploring the castle. 
The garden was bigger than what you had back home, and the flowers were gorgeous. 
The halls had beautiful decorations, which your father despised, he would never let you decorate your room, he would call them a waste of space. 
The castle had so many rooms, the library was huge, and the throne room was marvelous.
As you made your way to the ballroom, you could hear voices from inside.
“You picked her up and took her to your room!” a female voice said
“She was hurt!” that was definitely harry’s voice
“What a great excuse! First you marry her and kiss her then you take her to your room to consummate your marriage, and now you are too scared to tell me! You love her don't you?” said the girl
“She has just gone through a lot, i don't love her, i love you!”
“Prove it then. Touch me, kiss me, show me you love me.” she said
“You know i-”
That is when you open the door, and find Harry and her.
Deborah. Your first woman of the bedchamber. She had both her hands on his face as if ready to kiss him. They both turned around to look at you. 
“Y/n” Harry says, but you run away, it hurt you to see him with another woman. You had assumed it to be a princess, but it was your chambermaid! You would have to see her everyday, she lived here! They could be with each other any time! 
You could hear Harry's footsteps behind you but you didn't stop. 
Unfortunately for you, your injury had made you slower, and harry caught up to you in no time
“Princess listen to me-” he said, while grabbing onto your wrist.
“It's okay Prince harry, what you do with the women you love is none of my-”
“Would you ever let me finish what I have to say, woman?” he says, and you immediately close your mouth. 
“Princess what you saw inside…its…its not what it looks like.” “You don't need to explain.”
“I do.”
“No. You don't. I won't be coming in the way of things any longer. If you want to touch her, kiss her, it's not my concern and you-”
“Even if I want to, princess, I won't.” he says “we,” he pointed to you then to himself “we are married. And even if it wast my choice, I do respect the institution of marriage. I will not commit lechery.” 
You didn't speak, he sighs and starts again “i love her, yes, and we will be seeing each other a lot, but i will not do anything with her anymore. I will just have to love her from afar.” 
“I would like it if she weren't my chambermaid.”
“Princess i can't-”
“I like you, prince harry, and though we have not known each other for long, i like you a lot, her being my chambermaid is only a reminder that i will never have you to just myself, i will have to share you with her for life. And i know i will fall in love with you eventually, and when i do, “ you choked a bit “i would not want her to be there to remind me.”
“You are suggesting I get rid of her?” he asks, offended, you again don't say anything and he scoffs
“I love her, princess, my day starts with her name on my lips, the sun doesn't shine when i don't see her. But I don't expect you to understand that.” and turns around to leave, “I know.” you say, and he turns around giving you a confused look, “i have never had someone love me so much, and i appreciate you respecting our marriage, when you could so easily do whatever it is you want with her. So thank you. I am not telling you to get rid of her, I just don't want her to be of any service to me.”
You sat wiping your tears and leaving Harry alone with his thoughts.
How could someone not fall in love with you, he didn't understand. And what he also didn't understand was why he thought this in the first place.
A/N: please take care of yourselves. also i wanted betty's personality to be like aimy, from little women. and deborah is like abigail from the crucible. and please contact hotlines if you are facing any sort of violence, and like i said before my messages are always open for you to talk to me if you feel like it. i understand what it feels like to go through abusive relationships, be it a friend, partner or parent.
stay safe❤️❤️
@strwbrrydaydreams @remuslupinwifee @inlikea-coolway @mypolicemanharryyy @sunshinemoonsposts @stilesissaved @novalunosising @sleutherclaw @dear-mylove @kiy0hime @rafaaoli @st-ev-ie
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
by lhhwasababy
Harry is off recording a new music video meanwhile Louis is at home alone with Cliff. Louis has been planning on proposing to Harry for years, but never got the right chance to do so. Who would've thought that one lonely saturday afternoon would change their lives forever.
Words: 2557, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Stomper - Character, Cllifford
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Harry Styles Thinks Louis Tomlinson is Pretty, Louis Tomlinson Loves Harry Styles, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are Saps, Louis Tomlinson Calls Harry Styles Pet Names, Harry Styles Loves Louis Tomlinson, harry loves cliff, louis loves cliff, harry brought a guest home, HE CAN DO TWIRLS, he winks at people, Accidental Proposal, it happens to the best of us, no beta we die like stomper in satellite mv, Song: Satellite (Harry Styles), satellite, stomper styes, stomper tomlinson, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, Domestic Fluff, cliff and stomper are besties, I have no idea what else to tag, enjoy, One Direction One Shot
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/DdMgaW1
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stevensalerno · 2 years
illustrator & children's book author STEVEN SALERNO -bio update
STEVEN SALERNO has illustrated 37 picture books for major publishers -with 5 of these titles being both the author & illustrator: Little Tumbo (Marshall Cavendish Children’s Books), Coco the Carrot (Marshall Cavendish Children’s Books), Harry Hungry (Harcourt Children’s Books), Wild Child (Abrams Books for Young Readers), and his most recent author/illustrator title is Tim’s Goodbye (Farrar Straus Giroux 2018).
Steven Salerno lives and works in Manhattan (NYC) and is a graduate of Parsons School of Design. (Note: while a student at Parsons his instructor for a year long picture book illustration course was the famed author/illustrator Maurice Sendak, creator of Where the Wild Things Are.) Over Steven’s long freelance illustration career, in addition to the 37 picture books he has illustrated thus far, he also creates illustrations for magazines, newspapers, print & web advertising, publishing, packaging, and retail graphics.
visit stevensalerno.com to view many samples of his editorial and advertising illustrations -and click here to see a list of all his picture books published through 2022.
In December 2022 Steven’s most recent illustrated picture book will be released, On the Corner of Chocolate Avenue -How Milton Hershey Brought Milk Chocolate to America (nonfiction) written by Tziporah Cohen and illustrated by Steven Salerno, published by Clarion Books/Harper Collins. The true story of the poor kid from Pennsylvania, Milton Hershey, who first introduced his innovative HERSHEY’S milk chocolate candy bar back in 1905 -and went on to create his massive chocolate empire, becoming one of the largest chocolate candy producers in the world.
During the past couple years Steven Salerno has been busy working on a very special picture book project for VIKING -an imprint of Penguin Random House. In 2019 the publisher had asked Steven if he would illustrate 5 new MADELINE picture books that are being written by John Marciano Bemelmans, the grandson of famed Ludwig Bemelmans (b.1896 - d.1962) who was the author/illustrator creator of the five original classic MADELINE picture books which were released from 1939 through 1961. Yes, THAT Madeline! The brave little girl in the yellow hat living in a Paris boarding school along with eleven other young girls, all under the watchful gaze of the towering Miss Clavel. This special project request meant that Steven would be required to create the illustrations for these 5 new MADELINE picture books in the recognizable drawing stye of Ludwig Bemelmans! Thus far Steven has competed the final illustrations for the first 4 titles in this 5 book series:
1) Love from Madeline (this book was released in January 2022)
2) Madeline’s ABCs (this book was released in June 2022)
3) Madeline’s 123s (this book will be released in November 2022)
4) Madeline’s SEASONS (this book will be released in Spring 2023)
5) the 5th picture book in the series is still in development.
In 2019 The Crayon Man -The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons (nonfiction) written by Natascha Biebow & illustrated by Steven Salerno was released by publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It’s the story of Edwin Binney, who loved color, but his chemical manufacturing company in the late 1800’s only produced black ink, black crayons, black powder, and black dyes… until the day in 1903 when Edwin finally came up with just the right recipe for making color crayons especially for school children, which he and his wife named CRAYOLA CRAYONS… This wonderful picture book not only was a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection, but in 2020 it also won the prestigious Irma Black Award for Excellence in Children’s Literature, voted for by children all around the world.
0 notes
loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry III. Grito por dentro
After Gemma called me, I tried to fight that longstanding negative feeling that finds a home at the pit of my stomach every time I talk to her. I’ve given up on trying to identify the nature of my own feelings, especially when they come from my sister or my past. I settle with knowing they’re not good. I really don’t want to go to Bellamond now but I can’t tell her that. I could never tell her or my mum that because they don’t deserve that. I feel like an spoiled brat every time I even think about it. I need another drink.
Danny’s been telling us about this girl he met last week for about fifteen minutes and at this point I don’t even know who he is trying to convince about the fact that he doesn’t miss his ex. We all know he does but it’s not my place to tell him that. He can try to fool as many people as he wants.
I hear him say something about how his apartment seems a lot bigger now when I think I see Sorry walking up the few stairs on our left. I frown. Am I going insane? Sorry is 21 years old and a student. I would have never made it here when I was 21 but then again I never had her face. I reckon if she wanted she could easily get inside, she just had to look at the doorman the way she sometimes looks at me and the man would even carry her inside on his shoulders. That’s the kind of eyes she has.
Danny grins at the girl who leans on the bar to order a drink and I smirk myself. He misses Cristina but he doesn’t deserve her. Danny’s my friend so I won’t say I’m happy that Cristina left him- because I’m not- but if Cristina was my sister, I’d be proud of her. That’s all I’m saying. He leans on the bar next to her and attracts his brother’s attention and only when the girl looks up at him I realize who she is. I then know that was definitely Sorry.
“What were you going to order?”
“Professor Gibbins.” Olivia smiles at him and I know my friend is smiling back even though he’s giving me his back. “Gin and lemon, please.”
Danny is very professional and I know he’d never cross that line with any of his students but Olivia is one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen and I know Danny thinks the same way. She shows Danny her perfect white teeth as she smiles before her grey eyes focus somewhere behind me and I see Indigo’s friend, Marie, holding Indigo’s hand as they both make their way towards the dance floor. I follow their route because my eyes can do nothing but follow Sorry. She wears a back fringe skirt and a matching top and even though I can’t see her fully because of the people standing between us and the fact that she’s moving, I can tell she’s showing the skin of her belly and half her back for the top ends where her ribs do. I wanna see her closer.
Next thing I know is Olivia’s disappeared from the bar because she just joined Sorry, Marie and Jason who was standing there on his own it seems. The four of them are talking and then I watch Sorry’s face contorting before her hazel eyes scan the crowd until they set on mine. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck bristling. She wears red lipstick.
“Oh boy, you’re wasted, Indie.” Jason holds my shoulders as he makes me look into his eyes. “Do you want to get some fresh air? Maybe eat something?”
I shake my head. He has very beautiful eyes and he’s a fairly handsome man. His blond straight hair is now shorter than ever and his green eyes stare into mine.
This time it’s me who holds his shoulders as I make sure I have his whole attention.
“If David hurts you, you would tell me, right?”
It’s very dark in the club, especially where we are standing now, but I can still tell he’s frowning. He takes a deep breath. We never talk about this. Every time I bring the topic up he gets defensive and we end up fighting. I know he doesn’t like to talk about it, but it’s precisely his reaction that makes me worry more. I do not want to anybody to hurt any of my friends and I reckon abusive relationships might be harder for us straight people to recognize on gay couples but God knows I know what I’m talking about and Jason does too.
“Jason, if he hurts you, I will kill him.”
I get ready for him to scold me for having insinuated that but to my surprise his lips tremble and he hugs me close to his chest. I feel his strong arms wrapping around my body and I rest my cheek on his chest but he doesn’t give me enough time before he pulls back.
“You’re tiny next to him, but I appreciate it, Indie.”
He grins at me and I smile back. My mood changes like the path of a leave falling from a tree in autumn. I might be a little drunk. I follow Jason’s moves and face my friends with a big smile but my eyes inevitable fall on Harry’s again. Danny, Mario and Harry himself joined us a while ago and both Ollie and Marie seem to be having fun with them. It surprises and pleases me on equal parts how Marie is letting go tonight and as I carefully watch her the corner of my lips turn into a smile. I still feel Harry’s eyes on me and it’s really making me nervous. I feel like I could puke but it’s not because I’m disgusted with his attention. Not at all. On the contrary, I think my entrance is somewhat slippery. I feel myself blushing.
“I’m going to order another one.”
Jason’s hand stops my arm and I glare at him. I frown and pull out of his grasp and he sighs again.
“I liked you better when you were a drunk like me and the girls.” He rolls his eyes so I go again. “David’s turning you into some boring guy without personality. It’s pathetic, really.”
I knew if I made him mad, he’d let me go. I walk towards the bar as I hear him calling Marie’s name. He thinks I need a nanny? I’m not even that drunk. Plus, I just wanted to get away from them and from my mentor’s stare. It’s embarrassing for me that he sees me like this if I’m being honest. He probably thinks I’m some pathetic girl trying to play the adult, or worse that this look is too much for me. I did tell Olivia it was.
I lean on the bar and wait for the waiter to look at me- I’m going to order a drink now, to piss of Jason and to stop overthinking- when a hand rests on my back. My head turns on a second and my eyes stop at the green of his. He looks cheerful and amused as usual as if he didn’t have one single worry on his mind.
“You’re wet.” He notices.
Great, in addition to pathetic girl who isn’t hot enough to wear skirts this short, I’m sweaty. I run my hand across the skin of my back he just touched and my mouth frowns on a grimace of disgust. The way he’s looking at me though… He seems amused but I’d swear there’s something else on his eyes, something darker, as his eyes roam my body from my shoulders to my heels.
I feel myself getting hotter and I think I just blushed again. I can feel my face and my neck on flames. I can’t understand why it affects me so much. There are handsome men everywhere but it might be the way he looks at me or his carefree attitude. I don’t know. It’s pathetic.
“You haven’t talked to me all night.” He confronts.
Is he hurt? Is he asking for an explanation? I just shrug. I don’t know how to tell him I’ve been avoiding him so as not to get soaked through my underwear. My eyes fall down to his exposed chest. The first few bottoms of his shirts are undone so I can almost see his chest and I’m surprised- and turned on- when I see some ink. I didn’t think he’d have more tattoos than the little black cross he has on his hand but I can’t control my tongue licking my own lip as I imagine how many more he might have. He looks incredible. What a body, what a face, what a mouth, what a man. I need to leave.
“Do you come around here much?”
Are we doing this?
“No. You?”
“I don’t go out much at all.” He shakes his head.
I can’t believe how of all the women I’ve seen around here. He’s giving me his time. I nod.
“What did you want to order?”
I want to tell him I don’t need him to order my own drink but the waiter shakes his hand so I choose not to mention anything. I wouldn’t have gotten his attention faster.
“Bulldog and tonic.” I tell him.
I watch mesmerized how his perfect white teeth break through his thin pink lips and I wish I could kiss them. What?
“That’s a good choice.” He compliments. “And a bottle of water for me, thank you, Sam.”
Horrified, I see him getting his wallet out from the pocket of his black pants and I stop him.
“No, no, no.” I raise my hand. “I pay for my own drinks.”
He grins.
“I don’t doubt it but let me pay for this one. Please.” He insists.
I shake my head. I will not let him pay for such a expensive drink especially when he has just ordered some water. Moreover, I’d pay for his drink too and if he wants a real one, I’ll offer too.
“Come on. You’re celebrating tonight. Your group’s formation. Take it as a birthday gift.” He smiles. He really is charming.
“But it’s not my birthday.”
He shrugs but ends up paying and I start doubting whether he just wanted me to pay for my drink for that reason or whether he is one of those idiots that now think we have some sort of deal. I can’t even believe I’m big-headed to think he’s trying to flirt with me. He hands me my drink and smiles widely.
“It’s got grapefruit.” His eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, that’s how you drink it.”
“It’s a bitter taste. Not everybody likes it.”
“I do.”
As if trying to prove a point I bring the glass to my lips and take a sip holding his gaze because I really am drunk. I shouldn’t even be drinking this but I’m really enjoying the way his eyes drop to my mouth. His breath seems to get caught on his throat and his nostrils flare if only a little. I feel a drop of gin falling from my thick upper lip to the bottom one and his eyes darken. I bring my fingertips to my lips and touch them once before I suck them inside my mouth. Am I making Harry nervous? The only thought makes me smirk and his green eyes move from my mouth up to my eyes.
“Thanks for the drink.”
I try to walk away but his hand wraps around my wrist and stops me. I feel an electric rush between my legs. He’s very close when I turn around and his musky scent makes my knees go weak.
“You’re leaving already?” His raspy voice makes me dizzy. “Indigo, do I make you feel uncomfortable?”
I don’t like the way his usual cheerfulness seems no to be on his eyes then. What sounded like a teasing question to me ended up sounding sincere and making him look even vulnerable to me. Did I make him feel left out? I feel my heart falling to the pitch of my stomach and I almost caress his cheek to reassure him that I very much like it when he’s around. Long Way 2 Go by Callum Knight sounds on the background.
“No.” I answer sincerely.
My movements are very gushy and I end up throwing some of my drink of my cleavage. Harry’s eyes widen as they set directly on my breasts and his lips part. I feel my entrance reacting to the way he’s taking me in. I don’t know whether I’m going insane or whether he really is staring at my body like that. I need to find out.
“It’s very cold.” I start and his breathing gets worked up. “But I think I didn’t stain the top, did I?”
I move closer to him showing him my cleavage. I can hear him breathing despite the loud music. I can’t take away the longing that he’d press me against the wall and press his body against mine. What’s happening to me?
“No, you didn’t.” He answers. “It looks incredible on you.”
“What? The gin?” I smile showing him my teeth.
“That too.” He chuckles. “But I meant the colour.”
“It’s black.” I frown.
“I know. I don’t know what I’m saying.”
We both chuckle at that and I tack a strand of my wavy hair behind my ear in a nervous tick.
“Do you always wear your hair up to the hospital?”
I just nod.
“And down when you go out?”
“That depends.” I shrug. “But most of the time, yeah.”
“You’re stunning with your hair down.”
I blush but just like knifes, the first notes of Calling cut me deep and hurt me like it’s the first time I face this. My lips part and my drink falls to the floor breaking into tiny pieces at both our feet. My eyes fill with tears.
Can we freeze karma and surrender our rights and wrongs?
I run.
I run after her. I have no idea what just happened, there’s no way she took my compliment that badly. But I’ve never seen a woman running faster on heels and I’m afraid she’s going to fall any minute because she drank and she’s on top of those things that make her legs look endless but could get her killed too.
I follow her outside of the club and can’t barely keep my eyes open under the rain. It’s pouring rain but she doesn’t seem to mind as she keeps running. For a moment I think she might be running from me until she stops at the roadside edge and bends her chest over, resting her hands on her knees before she’s puking.
I didn’t know she was that drunk. I don’t want to intrude but we’ve spent almost 6 hours together for the last two weeks and we’ve seen all sorts of things and she knows I’m a doctor for God’s sake so I approach her and grab her hair on a ponytail with my hand, resting my other hand on the exposed part of her back as she throws out.
Fuck, she’s frozen. We left in such a hurry none of us took our jackets. Her phone is ringing on her little purse that rests against her buttocks and mine starts ringing too.
“It’s Olivia.” She sounds worried. “Are you with Indie?”
Indie. I like the way it sounds. I nod but she can’t see me.
“Yes, yes I am.”
“She’s with Harry.” She says but I know she’s not telling me that. “Where are you guys?”
“We’re outside. She’s… Um, I think she doesn’t feel well.”
“Oh, I see.” Olivia takes a deep breath. “But… How long have you been outside?”
“Not that long. She just… I mean I’ll let her tell you herself but she’s throwing up.”
“Oh, fuck. Mmm… But how is she?”
“Puking, Olivia.” Is she deft or just drunk as fuck?
Indigo stands up and rubs the back of her hand against her lips before she holds her other hand out silently asking for my phone. I hand it to her.
“I’m going home.” She tells her.
She presses the phone between her cheek and her shoulder as she looks for something on her black purse until she takes a small package of tissues out and grabs one, cleaning her hands and her mouth.
“I don’t want to go back inside, Ollie. No, I’m good, I’m good. I had a lot of fun tonight. I don’t want to talk either. I just… I don’t feel well. I obviously had too much to drink.” She chuckles a little but I think she has been crying, even though it could also be because of the effort of throwing up. “No, Ollie, really, it’s fine. Plus, I’m with Harry… I’ll call you tomorrow. Listen, could you please grab my jacket? I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”
I have been so focus on her conversation, trying to understand what just happened, that I kind of forget it’s raining but as soon as she hangs up and dries my phone with another tissue before handing it back to me, I realize I have water on my shoes.
“I’m so sorry that you had to see all of that.” She gives me a broken smile. “And I’m sorry that you got all wet because of me too.”
I don’t think she knows how incredibly sexy she looks right now but between her wet skin, eaten by goose bumps because of the cold, and the way her hazel eyes look even bigger I couldn’t look away even if I tried to.
“Do you want me to go get your jacket?”
She shakes her head.
“I can’t lend you mine… Because I don’t have one.”
She chuckles.
“That’s okay.”
For a few seconds we just stand there looking at each other. I don’t know what she wants me to do. She just told her friend she was with me. Does she want me to take her home?
“Bye, Harry.”
She waves her hand goodbye in front of her face but I frown.
“Where are you going?”
Her hazel eyes investigate mine and she bites her red bottom lip. She shrugs.
She lives about thirty minutes by foot from here. I know because I dropped her off there a few hours before.
“Do you want to share an uber?”
Her house is not on the way to mine but I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I left her go home alone, especially looking the way she’s looking and after she threw up. She shakes her head.
“I want to walk.”
I have a look at her feet. She’s wearing high heels and it’s raining. She wants to walk on high heels for thirty minutes under the rain with no coat on and no umbrella. I frown.
“But it’s raining.” I argue.
“But I don’t want to go home.” She confesses.
“Come over to mine.”
I can tell that took her as a surprise. It honestly took me as a surprise too but I hope she doesn’t reject me.
“I don’t want to impose.”
“Impose? I’m inviting you over.” I sound pathetic. “I don’t… It’s not… We won’t do anything.” I regret my words as soon as I hear them.
Her mouth reminds me of my mum’s homemade little donuts. I swallow.
“Are you hungry?” She asks instead.
I shrug.
“There’s a pizza place opened at Sanbad Street.”
I start walking on the direction she just said and she walks next to me. We walk in silence for the first few minutes. I’m dying to ask her what the hell is going on, whether this is her usual Friday night, why she doesn’t want to go home, why she left in such a hurry; but I don’t know where to start and I don’t know whether she would even tell me.
“Harry” I look at her “can I ask you a question?”
“How come you don’t have a girlfriend?”
My eyes set on hers and I watch her cheeks turn pink. Fuck, she’s adorable. When did she find out that’s an issue for me? It must be just a coincidence.
“Because you don’t have one, do you?”
“Of course I don’t have one.”
I shrug but I catch her little smile from the corner of my eye.
“How come you don’t have a boyfriend?” I fire back.
She shrugs too. I see the small pizza place less than five meters away from us and I’m glad to realize it’s completely empty. I open the door for her and she smiles to the pizza guy who smiles and nods at her before his eyes set on me. I understand he’s jealous but he could be more subtle. I can read the question on his face. How did he end up with her?
Indigo orders a bottle of water and tells me she’s not really hungry. I chuckle and order a piece of pizza for myself even if I’m not hungry either but it’s the only way we could take a seat here without having the nasty look from the pizza guy on us. Even though I think he wouldn’t mind it if Indigo sat here even if she didn’t order anything at all so he could look at her.
“I had a fight with my mum.” Indigo tells me before I can ask anything. “That’s why I don’t want to go home.”
I nod. She still lives with her mum.
“What happened?”
I look into the hazel of her eyes and I swear I’ve never seen a prettier thing. She talks to me as I devour my pizza.
“She… My parents are divorced.” It sounded as if she just remembered that and I nod because what she just remembered is that I didn’t know that. “My dad lives in Capitol and my mum lives here in Grad with my siblings and me.”
“You have siblings?” I ask.
She nods, smiling.
“I have an older brother and a younger sister.”
That time is me who nods. I think she can tell I don’t want to talk about my family and I appreciate her respect.
“My mum has a boyfriend now and don’t take me wrong, I’m very happy for her. She deserves to be happy but… Her boyfriend has a house in Portugal and she wants us to go there for the summer holidays and I… I don’t want to go.”
Her beautiful eyes beg me not to ask more on that and I respect that just like she respected me seconds before.
“I’m not asking her not to go, you know? I’m an adult. I can stay here on my own or I could even stay with dad if she didn’t want me to stay alone. I’m just asking her to understand and I really don’t think that’s too much to ask for.”
“Maybe it’s important to her that you go there because she wants the whole family to be together.” I shrug.
“There are other places to be together.”
Her lips are set into a thin line and her eyes are harsh. I don’t want her to get mad at me. I don’t know why she doesn’t like Portugal. I’ve never been but I’m sure it’s a very nice place.
“Why don’t you like Portugal?”
Her eyes set on her thighs and I regret having asked her that. I feel like she’s closed like a shell.
We both look up and I see Marie kneeling down hugging Indigo. Indigo’s face is turned to me but her eyes are shut as her cheek rests on Marie’s shoulder. A few seconds later, Olivia enters the pizza place catching her breath. She mouths a silent sorry to me and I frown.
“I told her not to come in” Olivia tells Indigo with clenched teeth.
“No, it’s alright.”
“You can sleep at our place if you want. You know that.” Marie tells her.
She nods and smiles.
“Can you girls wait outside?”
“But I want some pizza.”
“We’ll have a sandwich at home.”
Marie carries Olivia outside while the blond one pouts dramatically staring at the pizzas.
“Forgive her, she’s still drunk.” Indigo smiles. “I just wanted to thank you for being with me and for the way you’ve treated me and to apologize again. I’m sorry I ruined your night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” I smile at her.
I very much enjoyed this pizza and this conversation.
“Are you going home with them?”
Sorry nods.
I have a look at her friends. We can see her discussing through the glass. Indigo chuckles.
“Indigo” Her hazel eyes look into mine “Can I ask you to text me when you get home?”
Her face lights up and I can’t help but grin. The spark of her eyes has just come back after it went away inside the club before she ran outside and I followed her. She opens her purse and get her hand inside.
“Of course.”
She hands me her phone and I save my number before I grin and give it back to her. My heart is beating fast against my ribs.
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cheshirehunshine · 7 years
Dermot O'Leary announced the exciting news last night. While there is currently no confirmation as to what the former One Direction star will be performing, we imagine that he will use the gig as an opportunity to showcase his new hit 'Kiwi'.
This weekend will be Harry's first time back on the X Factor since 2015 with One Direction.
However, it's not just Harry who we can look forward to seeing on our screens this week.
While the 'Sweet Creature' star is taking to the X Factor stage on Saturday, Brit Award winner Paloma Faith will be performing on the show on Sunday. 
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Thurs 28 Jan ‘21
Zayn is doing a Zach Sang interview!! A whole long talk with someone we can trust to ask him good questions and be respectful and be funny, um YES THANK YOU?! What a good choice for such a rare interview, I love that. We don't know when, but Zach is asking for questions now. And parts 3 and 4 of the NIL comic are up, set to songs 3 and 4 off the album. Who is chasing our protagonist and why? Stay tuned for weekly updates! Meanwhile back in Bradford, Zayn's sisters Doniya and Safaa show off the mini Aristocats themed princess paradise they've created for baby Khai and Zayn's niece Zaniyah to share, complete with mini pink poofy furniture and their names painted on the walls with pink sparkles and pictures of Aristocat Marie. If that doesn't make little Khai feel wanted and welcomed for visits IDK what could!
Another set of pap pics of shirtless Niall working out in his garage in LA yesterday; he's tummy out, waving a laptop overhead while juggling a can of water and a phone and a towel and looking like a raccoon caught in the trash in most of them, just being a living meme. They (Niall) say you only get papped by choice and this is no exception- observe how he chooses to just stay right there in view staring the pap down while they snap him, doors still open (and is right on top of any opportunity to remind us about the wonders of canned water besides)- but that doesn't mean he's gonna look happy about it by god! The one of him craning his neck to look at the camera over his own crotch while weight lifting in particular was uh a choice and a half of a pose to drop into when you know there are paps shooting. He also won Irish Song of the Year in the RTE’s voted awards (of course he did!) for No Judgement.    
LTHQ posted the first of probably many things about the upcoming one year anniversary of the Walls release: a fanart contest, with chosen pieces for each song to be posted to spotify on Sunday, the anniversary. I look forward to the 'find the larry art they accidentally let slip in' treasure hunt! Fans hoped in vain that the 28th would bring a special anniversary merch drop (or We Made It merch, is it EVER coming??), but alas; no merch drop today. Louis just liked a post from footballer Steven Gerrard about a 40+ artist (including Liam Gallagher) livestream to benefit stagehand and food security charities (because ofc he did it’s like that post was crafted just for him) and another friend of his (Donny boy boxer Dave Allen) said they "just talked to him earlier", he's just on the phone all the time huh? Lockdown mood tbh, I get it.
And in today's Holivia watch? A NEW HIGH LOW... the tabloids are out to prove they've utterly lost the plot and will just write LITERALLY ANYTHING including just wholly making up the story of H and O's ENGAGEMENT!! I feel sorry for the fans who are dutifully trying to swallow everything they're being fed, the whiplash from last week's "Harry doesn't like marriage" stories must be painful! APPARENTLY Harry "dropped to one knee" (but was it the si knee or the no knee? Inquiring minds want to know!) outside "his LA house" (hmm) and brought Olivia to tears (of laughter I'm guessing) by quoting Shakespeare (“Love me!... Why?” perhaps, or “et tu brute?”...?) In case this wasn't Wattpad Imagine enough for you, they also tell us that Olivia "has always been a fan" like... ew? Also, since when? But that's not all! They've already had time to PLAN it all out-- for example, Harry is "designing the dress" aww- that's almost enough to make you wish it was true, I bet he'd look really pretty in something he designed himself! Anywaaaaay, if they're concerned about people not buying what they're selling this is uh, NOT the right approach to combat that lol, Jeff you might wanna have words with these people! If they're trying to make me laugh however, KUDOS it is going REALLY WELL. Also! Harry's "secret" finsta (hahhahaha we're beyond that surely, can we all agree that the things we're seeing with this account are very much for us to see at this point?) unfollowed someone, Harry recorded a message sending congratulations for his new music to 14 year old singer Jackson Dollinger, and another Harry from another band (Judd, McFly) shared a terrifying memory of being driven around LA by a gleeful Harry (Styes, 1D)  in a Ferrari and the realization that if they'd d*** he'd be relegated to a footnote.
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tommyhoelland2013 · 7 years
Cute concept; Ashton telling me to ‘fuck off’.
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heey!, can yoy explain the differences between neighborhood in CA like Calabasas, Hollywood Hills that your anons and you are talking, I'm not from the US and don't get it Are some more wannabe but more accessible than others? thks!
I’ll take a stab at it, but I’m not from California so I may get the subtleties wrong. Maybe a Cali anon can help out?
My impression is that Malibu is THE top tier celebrity neighborhood in LA. It’s where the billionaires and super-celebs live, and the beachfront homes are big trophy properties. I expect this was Meg’s first choice. LOL, it’s probably the only LA neighborhood Harry is familiar with. Leonardo DeCaprio lives in Malibu.
Big celebs that aren’t top tier and have families live in Brentwood in large suburban houses with no pedigree but tons of space and amenities for kids. Jennifer Garner lives in Brentwood and she’s a good example of the vibe.
Mid-sized or up-and-coming celebs with no families live in Hollywood Hills, which has nice rambler-stye houses with vintage Hollywood pedigree as they were owned by big stars in the 50s. They flip those ramblers when they have kids and then buy in Brentwood, so it’s a bit of a starter-celeb neighborhood. Some stay, though. I think Keanu Reeves still has his “regular working actor” Hollywood Hills rambler. Joaquin Phoenix and Benicio del Toro also live there. I think the place has a “real actor working on his craft” vibe in some circles.
Pacific Palisades is a big yuppie neighborhood for rich lawyers and business people. It’s a super nice place to be, but normal people live there. It attracts the celebs who don’t really see themselves as celebs. I think Reese Witherspoon lived in Pacific Palisades for a while (or may still live there). She wanted to be a normal person.
Hipster celebs live in Santa Monica (if artsy or alternative), or Los Feliz (if deeply granola). The Beckhams lived in Santa Monica because Victoria was feeling her designer vibe. Liv Tyler lives in Los Feliz.
Pasadena is the country-club suburb where rich conservative people live. It has preppy style and is where the “old money” (or what passes for old money in Cali) lives. Meryl Streep bought in Pasadena. 
Calabassas is all new McMansions and is where the Kardashians and the reality show elite lives. Athletes like it too.
Beverly Hills is tacky rich people who want to be famous, but really aren’t. Nicolas Cage had a house in Beverly Hills and he lost it to foreclosure. Ditto Bel Air, imo, although Bel Air has a bit more vintage Hollywood chic. Kim K bought a house in Bel Air, but I think she flipped it.
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michealharrypotter · 4 years
Clingy and Cows Chapter 5
Sorry about the POV’s, they’re a little choppy. 
Harry POV
The wind whistled in my ears as we ripped down the highway at 45 miles an hour which doesn’t seem too fast but when you’re in an open vehicle it is. Trust me. I watched as we passed pasture after pasture. Each one was unique. Some already had golden hay in neat lines, some fresh green still growing, and others completely different.
I was actually truly amazed by what I saw. 
We took a right onto a dirt road and continued up it until we came to this ring like thing. 
I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not scared……. I’m scared. 
I looked at everyone around me and they all had accumulated sunglasses at some point and I don’t know when. 
“Babe? Should I have a pair of sunnies too?” 
“Probably. That is why I packed yours. It gets really  dusty on the trail if you haven’t noticed already,” Laurie said. 
“Wow, okay. You are really prepared”
“Yep. I mean I spent my childhood here. I know the ins and outs of everything in this damn county”
We set off with us in the lead and everyone else behind us. 
It’s truly beautiful. 
There were sunflowers covering the whole mountain. As we got further up into the mountain, we started seeing huge pine trees. I mean huge. 
I felt extremely bad for not wanting to come here sooner. I assumed it was only going to be dead grass, but boy was I wrong. 
“Laurie. This is just so... “
“Yeah. If that’s even the word to explain it”
“You know, we’re coming up on this part where as a little girl I always imagined getting proposed to”
She pointed to a field to my left that was covered in wildflowers. 
Good Lord. She wasn’t kidding when she said she dreams of wildflowers. I would too if I had grown up here.
Laurie’s POV
We rode past the field of wildflowers that I have dreamed of getting proposed to for years. Jake and I used to talk about how one day he would propose to me. Although Harry didn’t need to know that detail
What would it have been like if I had never met Harry? Would Jake and I actually be married right now? Would I have my books? Would I be going to university to get my Phd? God, Laurie you need to stop. You are happy with him. You wouldn’t change it for the world. 
I snapped out of the trance when Harry said, “I need to pee.”
I nodded then signaled to my fellow riders that we were pulling over. 
Sammy pulled up to my side, “Why are we stopping?”
“My boyfriend has the bladder of a two year old, that’s why,” I said. 
Sammy rolled her eyes.
Jake’s POV
I wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t met that dickwad, Harry? Would we have been married? I mean probably, I love her still. I would have proposed to her in that field,  then   we would get married in my backyard with all of our friends.  We would live in a nice house with our dogs and horses. 
“Hey mate,” said Harry.
“I’m not your mate,” I said bitterly.
“Jesus, I’m just trying to be friendly,” Harry snapped back. 
“Well it ain’t working. So I suggest you move along now and stay out of my way. Okay?”
“Look if this is about Laurie coming over the other night crying, I’m sorry. We made up. We’re okay now,”
“Does it look like I give a fuck whether you made up or not?” I asked.
“Actually no. Let me answer that for you. I don’t care because either way, you made her sad. Men aren’t supposed to hurt their women. You hear me? So if I hear one more damn time that you were treating her wrong, boy you don’t even want to know what I’ll do.”
“God. You know what? I thought you were a cool dude at first but guess I was wrong,” Harry said.
“ Get out of my face,” I said back
“Or what?” 
I took a step forward ready to swing. 
“Jake no! Do you really want to do this? Laurie is less than a mile up the road with Sammy. I know damn well it would hurt her more than anything to see you beating up her boyfriend,” said Evan. 
“Fine, Styles. Be grateful I let you go so easy this time,” I said while glaring at him “Next time, I won’t be as forgiving” and with that I walked back to my fourwheeler. 
Laurie’s POV
“Hey we heard what sounded like arguing, everything okay?” I asked Harry? 
“Yeah, no problem here baby”
I was a little suspicious, I knew the boys don’t like each other all too well. 
“Alright, everyone ready?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Okay, do y’all mind if I take the lead with Harry”
“No that’s alright,” said Evan. 
I looked over just in time to see Jake rolling his eyes. 
What the hell was that all about? 
I dismissed it and started up the ATV again. 
Harry’s POV
We had gotten back to the house just over a little bit ago and everyone had gone home. 
“Yes baby?” she asked while hugging me. 
“Do you have any idea as to why Jake wouldn’t like me?”
“Well not really. I’m sure he’s just being over protective. I mean he’s basically family. I’m sure he’s just looking out for me” 
“Okay. Thank you baby” 
“Mhm. Would you like  to take a nap with me. I’m quite tired ?” I asked her. 
“No thank you baby. I think I’ll just head on outside to the porch and read for a bit”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, come and get me if you need anything”
“Mmm” I kissed her lightly then headed upstairs to take a nap. 
Laurie’s POV
I walked to the kitchen to get myself a cup of tea to sip on while reading my book. I chose one of my favorites, gingerbread tea. 
Once the tea was done, I grabbed by book and headed outside. I was currently reading Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan. It is quite lovely, yet amazingly sad. It’s about a young woman who is sold into a marriage but then her husband dies. The poor young girl has to live with her evil mother-in-law. The mother-in-law can’t stand her anymore and abandoned her in a city for widows. 
I had finished by tea and had gotten to the end of my book when I was letting myself indulge in the serenity around me. 
I have been blessed with this beautiful earth, loving boyfriend, and friends. 
I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Jake coming around the house to sit me. 
“Laurie,” Jake whispered. 
I jumped quite high in my chair, “Good lord man, I think you about killed me”
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled. 
“What are you doing here Jake?”
“Oh Laurs,” he said while looking at me. 
“Jake, why are you here?” I asked again. 
“You have no idea how much I love you do you?”
“Jake, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I love you Laurie! And have since the day we met. I have never stopped loving you. And when I drove past that field today, it just reminded me how much I miss you,” he paused for a second. “Laurie, I love you”.
“Jake don’t do this” I said quietly. 
“Why? Why not? I love you Laurie. Do you not love me?”
“No Jake, I love you, just not like that. I’m not 18 anymore Jake. I’ve grown. I have a new life in Utah. I have a boyfriend of whom I love very much”
“Oh fuck your boyfriend. The guys a dumbass anyway”
“Excuse me? You do NOT have the right to talk about him like that. I love him Jake. Why can’t you just wrap your head around the fact that I love Harry?”
“Because Laurie, it was supposed to be us. We were supposed to be here right now. I was supposed to be the one to call you baby and to ride with you through the canyon. We were supposed to be getting married in the summer of ‘17,” he said while his voice raised. 
“Jake, you can’t tell me that you still think after all these years that we are going to get married. God Jake, we made that promise when we were like 16. For God’s sake let it go. We were innocent. We didn’t think we would ever find love outside of ourselves” I yelled. 
Just then a sleepy Harry opened the door, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing Harry, just please go back inside”
Instead of going inside he walked over to me and stood by my side. 
“No, I want to know why I was awoken by the sound of Jake telling my girlfriend why he loves her and planned to marry her” 
“Baby, it’s nothing” 
Jake interrupted, “Actually, it’s not nothing. I was just about to say that Laurie deserves so much better than you. She deserves a gentleman, like me”
“Oh good Christ, would someone explain to me what I missed?”
I turned towards Harry, “Well baby, when we were younger, Jake and I used to be together. We were together for about 2 ½ years. We were convinced that we were going to get married. But then I got accepted into Uni, started writing my books and met you. I stopped loving Jake like that and loved him more as a brother. Although, Jake here, still loves me in not such a sisterly way”
Harry just stood still for a second then turned to Jake. 
“Mate, let it go, She’s mine”
“I’m not going to let it go” 
“Please, it isn’t worth it” I said. 
“Laurie, please. Tell me you still love me” Jake said desperately. 
“That’s the thing Jake, I can’t”
Jake quickly grew red in the face. 
“This is all your fucking fault, Styes,”He said, pointing a fingre at Harry, “If you hadn’t come along and charmed your way into Laurie’s life she would still be mine! We would be married! We would have kids! We would be living the dream!” He shouted. 
“Mate, you clearly don’t know anything about Laurie. She has told me on many occasions she doesn’t want kids. She told me she didn’t want to live the ranch life” Harry said. 
I looked Jake in the eyes and said, “Jake, please go home. I’m begging you. If you truly want me to be happy, leave me alone”
He looked at me for a while, then turned on his feet and walked back to his truck. 
Just when we were about to back inside, Jake turned back around and swung at Harry. 
“Ah fuck he hit me proper in the nose”
“Jesus Christ, Jake! Get the fuck out of here!” I said. 
And with that, Jake got in the truck and left. 
“I can’t wait to tell the boys about this,” Harry said while holding his nose. 
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virtualxriot · 7 years
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wellthatwasaletdown · 4 years
Miss Vogue UK: We’ve Listened To Harry Styles’s ‘Fine Line’ Album And This Is What You Need To Know
Two years on from the debut that turned a boyish heartthrob into an electrifying troubadour, Harry Styles is back with a new album. Unlike its predecessor – brazenly brassy; rattling with riffs – the upcoming Fine Line is something softer and more relatable.
The album comprises 12 tracks, each one more vulnerable than the next. Perhaps this is because it’s not been the easiest year for Harry, who reportedly broke up with French model Camille Rowe in July 2018, one year after the duo started dating. Listening to the album in full, it’s hard not to empathise with the 25-year-old, whose experience of a breakup sounds just like anybody else’s. Nobody, of course, is above the perils of heartbreak. Though we suspect Harry weaves his pain into art better than most of us, who, let’s face it, are more likely to reach for a tub of ice cream and a boxset than a notepad and a guitar.
Ahead of its release date next week, Miss Vogue listened to Fine Line from start to finish. Here’s everything you need to know:
It’s his most honest songwriting yet
While many musicians are reluctant to write about their private lives, often sending messages through symbolism and tacit imagery, with Fine Line, Harry has proven that he is not one of them. Instead of holding his cards close to his chest, he scatters them on the table and asks you to take a good look. Lyrics like “I don’t wanna be alone” (“Golden”) and “What am I now?” (“Falling”) invite us into the mind of someone on the brink of a breakup. While asking “Do you think it’s easy being of the jealous kind?” and referring to himself as an “arrogant son of a bitch” in “To Be So Lonely” reveals a new side to Harry’s character we haven’t seen, or heard, before.
His ex-girlfriend has a starring role
When Camille met Harry, she probably didn’t expect to have an entire album written about their relationship. But, as Nora Ephron put it, “everything is copy”. It turns out that “everything” is lyrics, too. Take “Cherry”, the track that fans have quite rightly speculated is about Rowe (it also happens to combine both Harry and Camille’s names). Not only does Harry directly reference Camille’s French heritage (“I just miss your accent”) and her new boyfriend, gallery owner Theo Niarchos, (“Does he take you walking round his parent’s gallery?”), he even remarks on her wardrobe choices, singing: “There’s a piece of me in how you dress”. He also laments the possibility of Camille recycling her pet names (“Don’t you call him what you used to call me”) and says he misses her friends. But Harry goes one step further because Camille herself features on the track, with a few seconds of her giggling and French speaking used to bring “Cherry” to a surprisingly uplifting conclusion. Sound-wise, the song has the same saccharine melodies as “Sweet Creature” (from the previous album), with delicate guitar picking and soft vocals that lend themselves to sentimentalism. That being said, “Cherry” is probably the best song on the album.
There’s something in there for One Direction fans
Harry has come a long way since his boyband days, but there are subtle nods to One Direction’s soul-baring sound throughout his new album. We hear them mostly in “Falling”, the weary piano ballad in which Harry is self aware – “I write too many songs about you” – but nonetheless wallowing in post break-up solipsism (“I’m in my bed and you’re not here”). Elsewhere, there’s “Golden”, which is the catchiest track on the album. With its addictive refrain and adoring lyrics (“you’re so golden”) – presumably also written in homage to Camille, who is blonde – it sounds like a classically playful 1D track, only with verve and the hindsight of a songwriter who knows better.
His influences have changed dramatically
With his last album, Harry ricocheted between David Bowie, Queen and The Beatles, blending rock, groove and acoustic sounds. This time, his influences seem no less eclectic, only they have become an even broader church. Songs including “She” and the title track “Fine Line” descend into balladic instrumentals in the style of Pink Floyd – but not before the former gives Arcade Fire a run for their money, while the latter nods to Bon Iver in its first verse. Then, there is the buoyancy of “Canyon Moon”, a fast-paced country track that wouldn’t sound amiss on a Mumford & Sons album, and the choral singing anomaly: “Treat People With Kindness”, which sounds a bit like it could have been taken from an advert in the 1950s. Harry’s voice has changed, too. It has become smoother and more effortless, at times verging on Years and Years frontman Olly Alexander’s distinctive falsetto to reach higher notes with satisfying ease.
There are some obvious (and less obvious) references to sex
In August, Harry told Rolling Stone that Fine Line was about “having sex and feeling sad”. The former is certainly more subtle than the latter. In “Watermelon Sugar”, Harry talks about “getting washed away in you” and calls on the listener to “breathe me in, breathe me out”. Fans who’ve suggested the song is about oral sex have gone viral on Twitter. But Harry brushed this claim off when asked about it by Zane Lowe in a recent interview for Apple Music. After Zane suggested that the song is about “the joys of mutually appreciated oral pleasure,” Harry simply replied: “Is that what it’s about?” There are other suggestive lyrics that Styles would have a harder time brushing off, like in “Fine Line” when he sings about “spreading you open” after referring to an elusive “temptress”. Meanwhile, in “Sunflower”, he admits to a lover that he “couldn’t want [her] anymore”, adding “let me inside”. Like with so many of the other tracks on the album, one can’t help but feel this is also aimed at Camille. Elsewhere in “Sunflower”, Harry sings: “I’ve got your face hung up high in a gallery”, possibly riffing off the fact that the model left him for a gallery owner. Everything is a song, after all.
Fine Line by Harry Styes is out on 13th December.
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paralleljulieverse · 6 years
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Across his long and illustrious eighty-year career, famed American caricaturist, Al Hirschfeld, produced more than 10,000 cartoons, using his inimitable style of playful line drawings to capture otherwise fleeting moments of theatre, film, music, and dance. Indeed, taken together, Hirschfeld’s work provides a singular archive of American popular entertainment of the twentieth century (Leopold: ix). 
Of the countless stars, artists, and show folk immortalised by Hirschfeld over the years, it is claimed that his most frequent subject was none other than our Julie (Hirschfeld 62). Starting with Julie’s Broadway debut in The Boy Friend in 1955, Hirschfeld “captured virtually her entire performing career, drawing all four of her Broadway appearances, one off-Broadway, and eight of her films ” (Leopold 2015: 186). His most famous depiction of Julie –– arguably, his most famous drawing of all time –– was the iconic marionette sketch used as key art for My Fair Lady, but Hirschfeld drew Julie on over fifty separate occasions, furnishing hundreds of individual drawings (Leopold 2001: 80).
A sizeable portion of that prolific output came from Hirschfeld’s work on Star! In what was “the biggest film assignment of his career”, Hirschfeld was commissioned by Twentieth Century-Fox to produce a series of special theatrical-stye drawings for Star! (Leopold 2015: 187). In May 1967, the cartoonist travelled from his New York base to Hollywood –– by train as he allegedly had a fear of flying –– where he spent several weeks making preliminary sketches of the production team at work before returning to New York to complete the assignment (Lyons 14). 
By the end of the commission, Hirschfeld had delivered close to forty seperate drawings for Star!. They showcased Julie, most obviously, but also other members of the cast and crew “including the director, Robert Wise; the producer, Saul Chaplin; the choreographer, Michael Kidd; the costume designer, Donald Brooks; the composer, Lennie Hayton; and the cinematographer, Ernest Laszlo, as well as the co-stars Richard Crenna and Daniel Massey” (Leopold 2015: 187). 
Hirschfeld’s drawings featured widely in publicity for the roadshow release of Star!. A selection was included as postcards in the film’s lavish press kit, and they were reprinted prominently in the souvenir programme and the film’s novelisation by Bob Thomas. They also formed a centrepiece for many US press reports including a major spread on Star! in the June issue of Saturday Evening Post (Frankel 1968).
In keeping with the stylistic conventions of caricature, Hirschfeld typically exaggerated key physical features of his subjects. In Julie’s case, it was her trademark ski-jump nose and chin. The former was fair, because inevitable, game but Julie recounts how she rather balked at the caricature of her chin:
“When Hirschfeld drew a likeness of me, he always made my chin quite pronounced –– even slack-jawed. This began, I believe, during the My Fair Lady years when my portrayal of Eliza as a Cockney girl did have a somewhat slack-jawed air. And I guess the impression stuck. Some thirty or forty years later [during the Broadway production of Victor/Victoria] –– by which time the chin had definitely filled out –– Tony Walton tactfully suggested to Hirschfeld that he modify the likeness a bit and the dear man did!” (Hirschfeld, 202).
As a postscript, most people will likely know that Hirschfeld was renowned for including the name of his daughter, Nina, in all of his cartoons. What started as an affectionate tribute from father to daughter with Nina’s birth in 1945 became a playful convention and stylistic signature of Hirschfeld’s work as he devised ever more creative ways to incorporate a ‘NINA’ somewhere in his pictures: “in folds of sleeves, tousled hairdos, eyebrows, wrinkles, backgrounds, shoelaces—anywhere to make it difficult, but not too difficult, to find” (Leopold 2015: 2). Like an early version of Where’s Wally?, Hirschfeld’s drawings spawned something of a popular parlour game as readers rushed to play ‘spot the NINA’ with each new cartoon. It is even alleged that Hirschfeld’s illustrations were adopted for use in training exercises by the U.S. airforce as a way of improving pilots’ detection skills (Leopold 2015: 94). 
At the suggestion of a fan in 1960, Hirschfeld began to let readers know how many ‘NINAs’ were included in each image by way of a small numeral printed to the side of his signature in the lower corner (Leopold 2015: 94). So if you’re after an old-school break from Minecraft, FarmVille or Candy Crush, see if you can hunt out all the ‘NINAs’ in these delightful Hirschfeld cartoons for Star!
Frankel, Haskel. ‘The Sound of More Music!’ Saturday Evening Post. 29 June 1968: 28-33.
Hirschfeld, Al. Hirschfeld’s British Aisles. London: Glenn Young Books, 2006.
Leopold, David. Hirschfeld’s Hollywood: The Film Art of Al Hirschfeld. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2001.
Leopold, David. The Hirschfeld Century: Portrait of an Artist and His Age. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015.
Lyons, Leonard. ‘The Lyons Den’. The Baltimore Sun. 2 August 1967: 14.
Thomas, Bob. Star! New York: Bantam, 1968.
Copyright © Brett Farmer 2018
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x-wearethefuture-x · 5 years
What do your muses want for Christmas?
((This is going to be a slightly long post because I have a lotof muses, but I’ll try to keep it somewhat concise.
Sooyeon: She wants to try switching up her choicesin perfume (she’s been wearing the same one FOREVER, and it would be nice tochange it up), so maybe like one of those perfume sampler gift sets? Also maybesome new makeup brushes. And, lastly, books. Genre, stye, author, etc don’tmatter. She just wants something new to read and she doesn’t know where tostart.
Seunghyun: There’s nothing in particular thathe wants? He doesn’t admit it easily, but he’s a fan of some kpop girl groups,so if someone knows him really well they might get him a new album orsomething. He doesn’t, like, collect posters or anything like that though, sono need for merch- he just enjoys the music. Also, he needs a new pair of bootsand a new watch ^^;
Hyuna: Eyeshadow palettes: the Morphe x Jaclyn Hill palette, theViseart Editorial Brights palette, and the Fenty Beauty Moroccan Spice paletteare the ones she’s most interested in (they’ve all been used on her forphotoshoots and she loves them, but she doesn’t actually own any of them). Alsoat least one Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick, preferably in bikini babe,wifey, or heartbreaker. Also, maybe some new heels? Something strappy andblack- like this or this. Oh!And, lastly- a pokemon hoodie! Preferably a size or two too big for her. Also,the ones that are either simple (with like a single pokemon on the front orback) or the ones that have the hood with the ears on it (she’d love a shinyumbreon one, without the tail tho if possible. It seems like it would just getin the way). Alternately, maybe thisSailor Moon jacket, she absolutely loves it!
Kyuhyun: Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragonball Fighter Z, or Assassin’sCreed Odyssey. He also intends to preorder the ps4 vr bundle that comes withBorderlands 2 and Beat Saber (mostly for Borderlands), but that’s expensive, sothat’s more of just something he’s getting for himself ^^; Also- he likes 2player video games so that Chanmi can join him if she wants to. He knows she’snot, like, super into them or anything, but if he can find something she enjoysplaying, then he wants to get it. After all, what’s better than getting to doyour favorite leisure activity with the one you love? He also needs a newwatch (he goes through one or two a year because of work oTL), and some newwinter gloves. Also, maybe a new phone case- his is looking dull and worn. ALegend of Zelda related one maybe?
GaIn: She’s been trying to learn how to play the piano, but it’sdifficult when she doesn’t have one- so maybe a keyboard. Nothing expensive orfancy, just something functional that she can learn on. Nail polish, redlipstick, and black eyeliner are things she always needs, so any of that would be great, too! Also, she’sbeen meaning to get a suit that’s better tailored to her own body rather thankidnapping Kwon’s all the time (they’re a little big on her). So something likethat would be nice. Or a slinky, red, dress.
Kwon: A guitar rest for his acoustic guitar at home (hisrecently broke, so he’s resorted to lying it in places he hopes are safe forit). Some new heels- he’s in love with this pair. Otherwise,Kwon doesn’t really want for much. Maybe just some new music notation sheets. Acalligraphy kit would be nice, too.
Hyojin: She needs CASH. Like, that’s what she really needs. Notstuff, just CASH. Though some new headphones would be appreciated (not earbuds,but actual headphones), as would a new winter jacket with a faux fur trim onthe hood. Hyojin is the kind of person that doesn’t care much for gettingpresents. She never knows what she wants until it’s right in front of her- soshe prefers money in order to get things for herself.
Hyuk: A new tripod for his camera. He already has one, butanother one would be awesome because he keeps losing his other one somehow?? Hewould also like a nice water bottle, something sturdy and easy to carry- he’sgained a little weight lately and now he’s trying to carry water with himeverywhere so he’s not tempted to drink sugary stuff (because he likes both hiscoffee and tea WAY too sweet). Lastly- he’s a big movie buff, he’ll watch justabout anything. So movie memorabilia? Or literally just, like, the actualmovies because he has hardly any and he’s just stuck with whatever’s availableto stream on Netflix.
Yongsun: Mostly she just wants stuff for her dog, Aayla. So, like,dog toys and dog treats, maybe a new leash. Also some running shoes- she won’tuse them much at this time of year, as soon as it’s warm she likes to go onjogs with Aayla not just through the park, but outside of the city too, likealong forest and mountain paths. She grew up surrounded by nature, so the cityis stifling to her. That’s why she’d also like a couple easy to care for plantsfor her house, too. Nothing that will die if she doesn’t have time to tend toit for a day or two, but something to brighten up her place. Also- some coloredpencils because she bought a Harry Potter adult coloring book and hasn’t beenable to use it, but she keeps forgetting to by colored pencils oTL And,finally, one of those Star Wars Death Star waffle maker because who /doesn’t/want Death Star waffles?! Or the Millenium Falcon one!On one last note: Yongsun doesn’t need much. She makes a fair amount of moneyfrom her job (not as much as you’d expect, but she has plenty). Honestly, thebest gift for her is someone who will come over and help her bake Christmascookies and pies and things for her family and friends. She usually cooks andbakes alone, which is fine because it’s very therapeutic to her, but sheprefers it when other people want to join her.
Junsu: He also doesn’t want much, he usually just buys whateverhe wants. But copic markers don’t come cheap, so maybe a nice set of those. Newsketching pencils and pens for inking would be nice, too. Books are always agood choice, as well. When he’s not drawing or writing, he’s usually reading.You could get him just about any book and he’d still read it, so you can’t gowrong with anything, really. He does prefer adult fiction, but as an author ofyoung adult novels, he reads a lot of books in that genre for inspiration.Otherwise, there’s nothing in particular that he desperately wants. He livespretty simply. Though, just a small hint with Junsu- he doesn’t seem it, buthe’s fairly sentimental. He doesn’t care much about gifts- for him, the card isusually much more important. So get him a card and write something in it. Heloves that. He has a small box of old Christmas cards, mostly from when he wasyounger and still living with his siblings and parents. His younger siblings usedto make cards for him all the time and he’s kept every single one.
Wheein: She mostly likes Christmas for the sweetsand baked goods. It’s why she always ends up spending Christmas with Yongsun’sfamily- they make a TON of food and bake a ton of cookies and Wheein can bringhome as many left overs as she wants xD So, seriously, load her up on sugarystuff. Her manager might be upset with you for it, but Wheein will appreciateit! Aside from that, Wheein cares less about gifts and more about time spent together.The best kind of Christmas gift is something as simple as taking her out iceskating or something. Usually she and Yongsun get a lot of time off aroundChristmas, so she has more free time to spend with people. Unfortunately, sheusually assumes that everyone is too busy with their families to want to spendtime with her, so she’s never really the one to initiate a day out with afriend. But if you want to get her an actual gift- she likes candles. She alsotakes a lot of baths, so bath bombs and such are perfect.
Youjin: He needs a new jacket, for one thing-preferably a leather jacket. Also new winter boots because he hasn’t had newwinter boots in like 4 or 5 years, so his aren’t in great condition ^^; Anotherthing that he’d actually like is something he wouldn’t really go out and getfor himself unless he was prompted to, but... a nice suit. Or at leastsomething to wear someplace nice. He’s a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, so hedoesn’t own many nice, dressy, clothes, but he wants to be able to take Eunbiout to nice dinners and things sometimes and he’d be ashamed to do so in suchcasual attire ^^;
Chloe: She’s always looking for new gloves towear year round- faux leather gloves, satin gloves, even ones that are slightlysheer. She’s been trying to trick herself with fingerless gloves or fishnetkind of ones, too, in the hopes that she can slowly kind of get into the habitof not wearing gloves at all eventually. So anything like that that’s a glovebut that forces her to actually make contact with things despite wearing thegloves is great. Otherwise, she kind of wants Overwatch now so she can playwith Lina ^^; And maybe just a few games, in general. She’s not much of agamer, but they’re a fun leisure activity, you know? Also... fake flowers. Thatsounds a bit silly maybe, but they last longer and they can look really prettyaround the house, too. Also maybe some new clothes? She doesn’t buy new clothesfor herself very often, so most of her wardrobe is from high school anduniversity ^^;
Jinyong: If you want to make a good impression, buy something forhis daughter instead of for him. He doesn’t buy much for himself outside ofnecessities because he focuses on getting things for Areum, instead. But ifyou insist ongetting a gift for him, he prefers not to get decorative things (like photos orknick knacks). He likes more functional gifts. Like a movie that he and hisdaughter can enjoy together. Or maybe a cookbook because he’s been trying tolearn how to cook and bake better. Actually, any kitchen necessities would begreat because he’s always missing something. Likea rolling pin, a hand mixer or stand mixer, new pots and pans or a nice knifeset. Stuff like that. Also, he’s someone who actually enjoys getting ties for Christmas, so don’t shy away from that!He’s almost always wearing a tie at work so he likes to have a variety.
Hyemi: Hyemi is a tricky person to buy for. She’s minimalistic inmost aspects; she doesn’t like a lot of clutter. No artwork or figurines. Herhome is pristine and plainly decorated with basically just essentials. Most ofher clutter comes in the form of clothes, makeup, shoes, purses, jewelry, andsunglasses- things like that. She makes money off of her youtube videos whichmostly involve makeup and fashion stuff, so it makes sense that she has quite acollection of these things. That said- I guess the best things to get her forChristmas would include functional items (think headphones, a phone case (gold,white, or a soft pink preferably), even bathbombs, perfumes, and such) orsomething like makeup, jewelry, shoes, and the like. She may seem like a fussywoman who will only wear high end stuff, but seriously, so long as it looksgood she doesn’t care if it cost $5 or $5000, she’ll wear it.
Jaewon: Jaewon is a big dorkwho loves things with science and math puns. Yes, you read that correctly-science and math puns. The more ridiculous, the better! There’s not really muchthat he needs, but he’ll be happy with just about any gift, honestly. Mysuggestion for this Christmas would be something like I mentioned above, ormaybe a new controller for his PS4 because he recently broke one of his and nowhe only has one (don’t ask him about it because he’ll lie, but he got mad andthrew it oTL). He’s not like a huge gamer or anything, but he does play themsometimes to chill out. 
Ericka: Ericka is all about those “gothy”clothes- black, black, and more black! Anything witchy is totally cool, too!She likes crystals a lot and kind of wants a new Ouija board, too. Alternately,she’s a huge gamer- she’ll play literally just about anything! So you want toget her a new game? Go for it! A new gaming headset? Heck yeah! Just somefigurines or hoodies of characters etc. from a game? YES! She also likescooking and needs some new pots and pans and things but she’s pretty broke, sothat would be cool, too!
Nick: My dear sweet boyjust wants a cat tree for his kitties. He’s been trying to find a good one, butthey’ve been a bit out of budget lately. Basically, anything for his cats is agreat gift for him. He loves his cats so much
Sarah: Sarah likes cute things.Plushies, decorative pillows, little figurines, stickers, etc. She’s also fondof cuter clothes, especially anything in a soft pink color (a cool toned babypink is her favorite), so anything like that would be nice! She also reads alot, so books are a great gift! She mostly reads fantasy novels and sometimesromances or detective novels. Sarah also likes journaling and does those cutelittle bullet journals. She’s going to need a new one for the upcoming year!That said, other things that go with bullet journaling would be great, too-like washi tape, gel pens to add some color, even stamps and ink for stamping(things like mini calendars, days of the week, etc). 
Donghae: Donghae has basicallyeverything he could want, to be honest. The best kind of gifts to give him are allpretty functional- a new wallet, some earbud headphones, even just a tie orsome festive socks? Lately he’s been writing a lot though as he intends tocross over into more musical pursuits soon (releasing an album sometime thiscoming year), so nice notebooks are a great choice of gift, too!
I hope that that’s enough ideas? Some of my muses are hard to buy for ^^;))
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anisanews · 3 years
Sex abuse rituals at NJ boarding school exposed in cartoons
Glenn Head didn’t wait 50 years just to pull punches. After all, he survived a child’s waking nightmare at the hands of a pervert – not to mention the self-destructive sex-and-substance abuse streak it spawned in his adulthood. He didn’t get out alive by throwing fights. 
Don’t let that whimsical cover art throw you: “Chartwell Manor,” the veteran cartoonist’s harrowing new graphic memoir, recounts his two years at the Mendham, NJ boarding school run by headmaster “Sir” Terence Michael Lynch — a serial sexual abuser who manipulated young boys into “cuddling sessions” after fondling and beating their nude bodies. 
Head’s “bland, suburban” existence was shattered at 13 when he scored subpar marks in the 7th grade. On a rainy Sunday in fall 1971, his parents sent him packing to the fancy “British-stye” prep school hyped as a haven of “healing and reform” for troubled kids. He started cartooning at 14 to cope with “entering a real-world horror comic — depraved, criminal and corrupting to so many who attended it.”
Now, five decades later, Head’s critically acclaimed triumph-over-trauma tale could help bring a measure of justice to his fellow victims — at least the ones who managed to go on living with their emotional scars.
“I always feel like, with an autobiography or memoir, you’re wasting your time if you’re not risking something. I sort of bet all my chips on it,” Head told The Post of sharing his darkest secrets. Faded photos from his “Chartwell Manor” era capture an unsmiling kid in a smart school uniform, with curly blonde hair tamed into a side-part — and haunted blue eyes concealing revelations “it took a whole lifetime” to make.
Glenn Head in 1973 during his time at Chartwell Manor. He told The Post, “I’ve been in touch with some alumni — and a lot of people I knew who were kids then committed suicide or are dead from drug overdoses. Others [got into] criminal things. A lot of that grew right out of that school.”
Courtesy the author/Fantagraphics
Head’s “merciless self-examination” — as legendary cartoonist Robert “R.” Crumb declared in his “masterpiece!” review — almost dares mainstream comic fandom to disapprove. He doesn’t ask readers to like him as he struggles to stick a pitchfork in the adult demons born of his warped school days — he gambles on the truth instead.
“My bottom-line approach: You gotta know what I know,” said Head, now a youthful 63 with a mop of unruly silver curls, at his home in Brooklyn. “You gotta know what I feel like. What’s it like to experience sex abuse and what sexual behavior that may have grown out of that feels like. That’s the deal that’s made when someone picks up the book.”
Every great comic needs its evil villain. Head’s came in the form of UK-born “Sir” Lynch, who was eventually charged in a 103-count sexual abuse indictment for his sick crimes against young boys.
Some readers might be momentarily disturbed by the cover art: It sparks a bizarro world sense memory of another legendary prep school: Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School of Magic and Wizardry. 
“I was aware of the books — but I didn’t so much get into the Harry Potter thing,” Head said. Obviously, no magic happened at Chartwell — but it did share a certain “gothic” Hogwarts’ vibe — chandeliers, high ceilings, otherworldly architecture befitting an idyllic mansion and estate named after Winston Churchill’s country home — that he wanted to recapture.
“Really, the only way I can put it is: I grew up in Madison … public schools were institutional settings and all the same no matter where you went,” Head recalled to The Post. On the other end of the spectrum was “an ominous castle in the woods, this boarding school was gothic, haunting, atmospheric, to my 13-year-old eyes. Chartwell Manor, I always felt, was begging for the comic book treatment,” he said in a statement to the Hollywood Reporter.
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Glenn Head’s unflinching memoir opens with him as an adult struggling to deal with the psychological damage he suffered as a boy at the hands of “Sir” Lynch. The project was a cathartic pursuit of a “sliver of forgiveness.”
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Head suffered for years from substance abuse and sexual addiction he believes was caused by his time at Chartwell Manor.
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“Chartwell Manor” explores his time at the disgraced prep school — and his subsequent self-destructive sex, drugs and rock and roll era in the 1980s.
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When asked to describe his memoir, Head told The Post: “”This is an exciting, propulsive gothic memoir; a story of overcoming abuse, facing it, living life and accepting the scars of what happens to us and being able to move forward and not letting it wreck you.”
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However, legendary underground cartoonist Robert Crumb was unreserved in his praise: “This is a great graphic novel. I couldn’t put it down… Starkly honest, a powerful story…the level of merciless self examination…I was deeply impressed. Head has traveled a long way to get to this point. This is… well, okay, I’ll say it… A Masterpiece! Truly. Very few writers or artists ever reach this level of self-revealing truth. It’s good for the world.”
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Born in 1958 in Morristown, NJ, Head’s “bland, suburban” existence was shattered at 13 when he scored subpar marks in the 7th grade.
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Head described the prep school as “an ominous castle in the woods, this boarding school was gothic, haunting, atmospheric, to my 13-year-old eyes. Chartwell Manor, I always felt, was begging for the comic book treatment.”
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Every great comic needs its evil villain. Head’s came in the form of UK-born “Sir��� Lynch, who was eventually charged in a 103-count sexual abuse indictment.
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Lynch eventually pleaded guilty in 1989, and served seven years of a 14-year sentence. After his release, he was later sentenced in 2007 to one year in jail for assaulting three men at a drug rehab, where he posed as a volunteer doctor doing hernia checks, genital exams and spankings. He died in 2011.
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This Prime Day, Amazon has cooked up some great sales…
Meanwhile, every great comic needs its evil villain. Head’s came in the form of sick “Sir” Lynch, a UK-born perv who was eventually charged in a 103-count sexual abuse indictment for robbing his young Chartwell charges of their innocence.
Little is known about his life before Chartwell, but “‘Sir’ was a larger than life figure: clownish, exuberant, florid in his speech patterns, grandiose — almost a parody of a boarding school headmaster,” Head said. “He was also a pathological liar and a serial abuser of children. Too criminal for words, he needed to be drawn!”
Headmaster “Sir” Terence Michael Lynch in an undated photo. Author-artist Glenn Head in 1972. Nearly 50 years later, Head’s art has appeared everywhere from the New York Times, Playboy and Sports Illustrated to the Wall Street Journal and the iconic underground paper Screw.
Jeff Anderson & Associates/courtesy the author
Because of a vow of silence among students, many parents didn’t learn of Lynch’s sadistic abuse until after the disgraced school was shut down in 1984. Accusers testified about groped genitals under the guise of medical exams, creation and distribution of child pornography and “cuddling” after naked-buttock beatings, the latter an attempt to “comfort” his humiliated victims in a perverse ritual of emotional control, according to one student. 
Lynch eventually pleaded guilty in 1989, and served seven years of a 14-year sentence for molesting at least a dozen boys at Chartwell Manor. After his release, he got back to work. Lynch was sentenced in 2007 to one year in jail for assaulting three men between 2004 and 2005 at a drug and alcohol rehab in Morristown, where he posed as a volunteer doctor doing hernia checks, genital exams and spankings. Those adult victims received a $780,000 settlement — Chartwell students have yet to receive civil compensation.
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In heartbreaking detail, Head depicts attention-starved boys trying to survive at Chartwell Manor. In the early ’80s, accusers testified about “cuddling” after naked-buttock beatings, an attempt to “comfort” his humiliated victims in a perverse ritual of emotional control, according to one student.
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“[This is} material I believe had to be met head on,” Head has said. “Nothing in this book is invented, or exaggerated. It happened like this. To the very best of my ability I drew it just as it happened.”
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“Drawing Chartwell Manor and the truth of it became a matter of life and death to me. Without that truth, there’s nothing,” head told The Hollywood Reporter.
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After diving so deep into darkness, one might think Head was ready for some levity in his work. No way. “I’m not sure I’m really capable of lighter material. It sounds funny, but it’s just not really my thing,” he told The Post with a chuckle.
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Despite this apparent lack of sentimentality, Head does cop to one feelgood cliche: Art saved him.
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Lynch eventually pleaded guilty in 1989, and served seven years of a 14-year sentence. After his release, he was later sentenced in 2007 to one year in jail for assaulting three men at a drug rehab, where he posed as a volunteer doctor doing hernia checks, genital exams and spankings. He died in 2011.
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In 2011, the registered sex offender was charged with failing to notify police of a change of address. Lynch is believed to have died at 77 the same year in Parsippany.
Decades after Sir’s reign of terror and Head’s subsequent spiral into addictions depicted in his memoir, the artist-author is now married and a parent himself, to a 20-year-old daughter who hasn’t read the book — “but she knows she’s in it,” he told The Post. “She is sort of a very important figure in terms of my life taking a turn for the better.”
Self-destruction is in his past now but Head admitted there are emotional scars he’s still processing today. He knows he’s among the lucky ones. 
“I’ve been in touch with some alumni — and a lot of people I knew who were kids then committed suicide or are dead from drug overdoses. Others [got into] criminal things. A lot of that grew right out of that school. A great many students went through what I went through. Alcohol, drugs and sexual behavior followed that went part and parcel with this. I’m very lucky to have been clean and sober for some time.” 
Yes, Head has overcome a lot — but to reveal much more about how he got here would spoil what his peers and critics have hailed as an important book.
Meanwhile, the timing of the release of “Chartwell Manor” could shine a light on an ongoing push to bring compensation to survivors who were too traumatized to testify in the past.
Time is running out for victims to join those who’ve already filed claims against surviving Chartwell administrators accused of letting Lynch — and other accused faculty — cultivate a culture of abuse.
In May 2019, NJ Governor Phil Murphy signed the Victims’ Rights Bill into law, extending the statute of limitations window for child sexual abuse survivors to bring civil suits against those who hurt them.
However, time is running out for Chartwell Manor victims to join those who’ve already filed claims against surviving Chartwell administrators accused of letting Lynch — and other accused faculty — cultivate a culture of abuse.
“New Jersey law gives you an opportunity to seek justice and compensation, and more importantly, hold the abusers accountable and get your voice back,” said attorney Greg Gianfocaro, a state child victim advocate of three decades. “Claims must be filed by November 30. Hundreds of survivors have already come forward to make their voices heard. You are not alone.”
Survivors can confidentially consult with lawyers online or by calling 1-888-920-9849. (Note: Head told The Post it’s “amazing” that survivors are still seeking justice but he’s not affiliated with organized legal efforts.)
Glenn Head, seen here as a troubled 18-year-old in 1976, told The Post he’s conflicted about following the “Watchmen” or “Umbrella Academy” route into a film or streaming platform adaptation: “Never say never — but actually it’s kind of hard to do justice to a graphic novel. There’s a real tendency to let everything get watered down. It doesn’t do the art any favors. Maybe if the offer was right from people who knew what they were doing and were going to capture it well.”
Courtesy the author/Fantagraphics
After diving so deep into darkness, one might think Head was craving some levity in his work. No way.
“I’m not sure I’m really capable of lighter material. It sounds funny, but it’s just not really my thing,” he said with a chuckle. In addition to his award-winning contributions to alternative comic books and “comix” anthologies, Head’s art has appeared everywhere from the New York Times, Playboy and Sports Illustrated to the Wall Street Journal and the iconic underground paper Screw. However, the graphic novel format allows him to strive for something deeper within his panels.
“Not to make light of other material, but what I’m really fascinated by is human behavior and how it affects us, how it follows us,” he said. “I tried to give as much as I could in terms of honest characterization to both parents, Lynch, a pedophile; and the other kids I knew. I really wanted to flesh those things out with as much humanity as possible. Those are the things I strive for.”
As he recently told “The Virtual Memories Show” podcast: “My whole interest in comics and autobiography is to show the dirt that’s under everyone’s fingernails, to capture that and not look away from it.”
Despite this professed lack of sentimentality, Head does cop to one feel-good cliche: Art saved him.
“I’m really convinced it did, actually. For three years [in the ‘80s] at the School of Visual Arts, studying under Art Speigelman, I was a profoundly heavy drinker. But I learned a lot from him and it was really helpful to me,” the husband and dad told The Post. “One gets up to a lot of stuff in the 20 to 30 years — but studying comics held me in good stead. It’s something more than just an escape — it can save you. I think it really did.”
from Anisa News https://ift.tt/3zRKM6z
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