#he's getting older (he's like. 12?) and tbh i have. NO IDEA what im going do without him whenever he dies
whelpimnauthuman · 4 months
There's a special kind of love between a person suffering from a kidney stone and the cat worriedly following them to and from the bathroom
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ heartbeat (chapter 12)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 6k
chapter warnings- smut lol, cockwarming, swearing, pregnancy talk, some angst, fluffy fluff, I think thats all?
a/n- Hey babes, I hope you like this chapter, and again Im sorry for absolutely SLACKING with the request drabbles, Ive had a bit of writers block and it took me a while to even finish this chapter, so just bear with me a lil- I love you so much! mwuah! sorry for any typos
"hey little lady, you single?"
You rolled your eyes as you walked back out to the car from your apartment, "sorry im taken" you giggled at your boyfriend as he winked.
"what time is the appointment?" Taehyung mumbled as he checked the gps
"uh," you checked your phone, "12, so we have 15 mins to get there"
"hm" he smiled and began to drive once you were in and buckled. "I am really excited, actually"
"I am too, just a little nervous as well"
"how come?"
"it just feels all so real, especially after denying it for so long"
He carefully reached over and grasped your hand in his, voice low, "Y/N, remember what we talked about, it will all be ok, I just want you to enjoy this with me, its okay to let go and enjoy things"
"I know"you sigh softly, looking at the other cars on the road.
Once the two of you had actually arrived there, he quickly got out and went around to the side of the car, opening the door for you. "Thank you honey" you mumble, suddenly wishing you had not worn a sweater in the may heat.
He smiled and closed the car, locking it before taking your hand and walking in with you. He loved it so much, the idea of being here with you, being a father.
He had no idea how he went from trying to compete with kaito, to all of a sudden getting to have a child with you. Its crazy how life turns out, but he wouldnt trade it for anything, and the cute glances he gets from other people in the waiting room when you walk in only makes himself more prideful.
"Hello" you quietly speak, walking up to the front desk as taehyung stands behind you, hands on your hips. "appointment for Y/L/N, Y/F/N,?"
The lady working quickly types into the computer before smiling, "yup! Doctor Goe will be out to call for you in a few moments, please take a seat and fill these out" she hands you 2 clipboards with multiple questions written on them, along with a pen.
Taehyung leads you to a quiet seated space away from the other, older couples as you look over the paper work. "this is so awkward"
"why?" he smiled, peaking over your shoulder to see whats on there.
"its asking me if im sexually active, no shit" you whisper, making him laugh and immediately cover his mouth.
"shh" you giggle
"well maybe its like a virgin Mary type thing" he spoke, making you try not to laugh loudly. "you should check off no"
"stop, I cant, I have to be truthful" you begin to fill in the questions for a few moments, giggling and joking with tae before a nurse walked in and called for your name.
You followed her, bringing taehyung in behind you.
"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N, Doctor Goe will see you soon, but I just want to grab your vitals quickly, hop on the scale for me!"
You pouted a bit, handing your purse to tae as he leaned against a wall to give you privacy.
"ok...dont tell me the weight please" you whispered, the nurse nodding apologetically as you stood onto the scale.
"perfect, now lets go into the room so I can check you blood pressure and temp"
You and taehyung both sat as she did so, exchanging soft and silly glances once in a while. "okay, your doctor will be in momentarily"
You nod as she leaves, handing you a paper gown to put on.
"i hate these"
"its pink though!"
You giggle, "turn around"
"why?" taehyung pouted
"because I have to change!!"
"i have seen you naked before, you know that"
"thats different, corner. now."
He huffed and turned to look at the wall until you told him he could turn around.
"is it sexy or what?"
He smirked and folded your previous outfit into a pile on the chair, "you always look sexy"
"whatever" you sat up onto the bench when you heard your doctor walk in.
"hello Y/N, how are you?" she cheerfully spoke, setting her stuff down and looking over her charts.
"im good" you grew a bit nervous.
"who is this you brought with you?" she gestured to taehyung before opening her laptop.
"oh thats my boyfriend, taehyung" you smiled softly at him, his cute face blushing as he greeted her.
"Nice to meet you, and congratulations on your pregnancy, when you called me to set up an appointment I was so surprised"
"yeah, us too" you nodded, smiling.
"so today our goal is to get some labs done, do a little bloodwork, and then we will get you an ultrasound" she smirked, knowing that most parents are always excited to see their baby for the first time.
"sounds good to me"
She begins asking questions about your symptoms, before ordering a blood draw and urine test, which taehyung found funny for some reason.
"I really didnt have to go" you spoke afterwards, getting dressed again.
"so what did you do?" he snickered
"I had to concentrate and I didnt even fill the cup" you shrugged, throwing your sweater on before walking into the hall with him to head towards the ultrasound room.
Once you laid onto the bed, you began to feel excitement for the first time in a while, the nurse putting some cold gel onto your stomach, making you giggle a little as taehyung sat and held your hand tightly.
"so this is your first ever ultrasound?" the technician asked, smiling
"well no, ive had one before when I had a cyst or something, but this is my first pregnancy ultrasound, so obviously its under a bit better circumstances" you laugh, making tae kiss your knuckles softly.
She nodded, grabbing the probe and gently running it over your tummy as she watched the screen light up, "okay, okay" she smiled, waiting a moment to find what she wanted.
Taehyung kept his eyes down on you, hand holding yours as he felt his heart pickup with excitement, this really did solidify the situation.
The nurse offers a sweet smile, getting up to turn the screen towards the two of you, "are you ready to see baby?"
You feel your chest tighten a bit, but you nod and exchange a glance with taehyung, his expression matching yours: happiness and nervousness.
Once the screen was lit, you could have sword the world had stopped just for you.
There it was, the tiny little blob that was ever so slightly moving around. It was impossible not to tear up, especially for taehyung.
"oh..." he whispered, eyes stuck to the monitor as if he was in a trance, "thats our baby?"
"mhm" you finally look back at him to see small streaks of tears "Thats ours" you take a breath before the nurse spoke up
"want to hear the heartbeat?"
"yes! yes please!" he happily cut in, wiping his eyes and returning to squeeze your hand.
She nodded, turning the machine on so both of you heard a small but quick thump...thump...thump..
You closed your eyes blissfully, knowing that the babies presence was made, it was heard and it was there for everyone to see.
"princess..." taehyung pressed his forehead to yours, kissing the side of your face, "that is incredible"
"I know, baby" you smiled brightly as the nurse jotted some stuff down
"so the baby looks healthy, growing perfect, placement is good, and it looks about 2 months along, almost 3...so you are in the first trimester"
You nod as she begins to help wipe off the gel, sitting up a little.
"first trimester symptoms often occur as morning sickness, which doesnt mean just morning, it can be any time" she giggles softly as she reads her papers, "you may also have mood swings, sore breasts, food sensitivity, and fatigue"
"damn" you mumble, looking at tae as he listens to her, mentally jotting down everything she says.
"and have you been taking any prenatal vitamins? any medications?"
You shake yours head, "no I just found out I was pregnant this month"
"okay" she writes something down, "here is a list of recommended vitamins that I would get started on, good for baby and good for mom" she nods, "you guys can get situated and I am gonna grab the sonograms for you, how many would you like?"
You look at tae, "maybe 4? one for both of us, and the others for our families"
He nods "perfect, we will have just 4" he clarifies to the woman, as she goes to process them for you.
Taehyung moved your sweater to cover your stomach, helping you sit up before bringing you into a soft hug. "I love you....thank you"
You giggled quietly, hugging him back, "I love you too, but thanking me for what?"
"for this" he mumbled, pulling away to see your face, "going through this just for our baby, youre so strong"
You smiled gently, "not really anything has happened yet, the fun experience is when I start getting a giant ass stomach and swollen feet" you sarcastically spoke
"hey maybe you can get to use those mobility scooters in the grocery store now" he teased
You burst out laughing, shaking your head, "no!...im not doing that, I dont care if im on the verge of popping, I will be walking to the isles on feet"
He giggled and helped you stand to your feet now, "but for real...Im really excited about this" he looked at your intertwined fingers, "please let me know if you need anything, im here to support you, I dont care what the time or place is"
"taehyung youve already been so supportive, you are doing good, I promise" you kiss his knuckles
"well, thank you, but-"
"okay here you guys go, congratulations again!" the nurse spoke with a wide grin as she entered, handing us the 4 photos of the little baby.
"thank you so much, you've been so kind" you chirp, smiling at the pictures
"of course honey, and remember to check out the vitamins" she added as you agreed, walking out of the hall and back to the waiting room.
"went really well, huh?" you giggle, pushing the door open and walking into the parking lot with taehyung. "here you go baby"
you handed him the sonogram as you gently placed the other three in your purse.
He took it into his hands as his eyes softly grazed over it, Taehyung almost couldn't believe it.
It was all hitting him in this moment, the baby, the fact that you were actually pregnant, and you both were gonna need to change a lot of things in your lives, as well as probably moving into a larger apartment. Was it stressful? oh yeah, but did he yearn it, with you, more than anything? of course.
He was going to be a father, him
His heart jumped as he stared at the tiny photo in his grasp, how could he love someone hes never met? someone he knows nothing about? is it reasonable to be ready to devote your entire life to someone who has yet to enter the world?
"you coming?" you turn to see him standing, your voice knocking him out of his trance.
"o-oh, yeah" he smiled, being brought back to reality for a moment as his legs carried him to the parked car, getting into the drivers seat.
"its so early, do you wanna go shopping?" you ask, pulling your seatbelt over your body.
"mm that sounds nice, but we just went grocery shopping yesterday" he spoke softly, pulling out of the parking spot, checking the rear view mirror.
"well I was gonna say we can just walk down the strip of stores downtown, theres a pharmacy and I can grab the vitamins she recommended, then I think there is a baby shop somewhere around there as well.....for funsies." you shrug, looking out into the road.
His head turned to glance at you, God, you were so fucking beautiful. How did he ever deserve to be here in this position with you?
His hand crept up into yours, squeezing it affectionately, "youre so cute, baby" he smiled, watching as your hair gently blew from the cracked window, sun hitting your skin just right. "we can do that, we can do that" he whispered, eyes now on the road.
Taehyung never knew used to understand why parents bought so much fucking baby clothes for a newborn that was just gonna grow out of it in less than a month, it was a waste of money and it wasn't worth it.
Boy oh boy...you can say he gets it now.
"look how cute" he whispered, eyes boggling the tiny shoe isle inside the baby store, there was so many small items and it made his heart swell.
"im back!" you mumbled, walking into the store and immediately finding your boyfriend, his arms full of things.
"what do you have?" you giggled
"did you find the vitamins?" he retorted
"yes- now, what is in your hands?" you smiled brightly, watching the way his cheeks turn a dark shade of red.
"we obviously dont have to buy all of these, I just kept 'em with me to show you...look" he held up a fuzzy duckling blanket that came with a hood, it was stupidly adorable.
"aww...." you coo, taking it to examine it, "is it a towel or a blanket?"
"i think a blanket, I found it over there" he gestures, "I think we should get it, plus its gender neutral" he smiled
"hmm...Kim Taehyung, always tempting me" your voice was teasing, "fine...."
He grinned cheekily and held it for you, allowing you to walk past him and lead the way throughout the entire store.
"im thinking...I know its early...but when we do create the nursery we can make it like...a soft yellow?" you looked back to make sure he was following you
He nodded, "sounds good baby"
To be honest- Taehyung didnt care
Taehyung didnt care what color you chose for the nursery, or what clothing you picked, or what toys and decorations, as long as you were happy doing it, he had no problem agreeing to every decision you made. You could say he is your 'yes man'.
If it meant he could see you smiling all the time, he would let you get away with murder even.
"tae tae" you whispered, walking over to the shelf of stuffed animals, "can you reach up there and grab that?" you shyly asked, making him laugh as his eyes caught onto the small elephant.
He led his arm up and grabbed the one you wanted, handing it to you, "I had a stuffed animal like this when I was a baby, in fact its still at my moms house, I saw it when we were there" you gently explained.
"then lets get it" he quickly responded, his hand rubbing your lower back.
"we are such impulse buyers" you snorted, glancing around a bit more
"we will recover, im sure" taehyung teased, following you to the cashier to check out.
"We need to leave before we buy the store" you joke, placing the items onto the desk.
The both of you soon left with your bag of items, smiles on your face as you held each others hands, your feet leading you down the sunny sidewalk.
"what do you say, pretty girl? wanna head back home so I can make you something to eat?"
You squeezed his hand and nodded, suddenly excited at the idea of eating buttered toast, weirdly enough its the first and only craving youve had. "that sounds nice"
Taehyung walked closer to your apartment, he sent you inside as he made a quick run to the grocery market down the street by himself when you told him that you wanted to buy something pre-made for dinner tonight so neither of you would need to cook.
His eyes scanned the frozen foods section, opting to just pick up a small veggie pizza to share with you, knowing that is what you wouldve picked anyways.
He made his way over to the cashier, grabbing some mint gum for you as well as youve been extremely nauseous lately.
"is this all?" the man spoke, looking down at the items
"yeah....thats all-" taehyung looked up at the cashier and froze, it was Kaito.
they havent been this close since the party.
What is it with taehyung always running into kaito at his work?
"oh..." kaito quickly checked his items out and bagged it, shoving it to him. "$9.02, dickface"
"whats that?" taehyung glared, his voice filling with anger
"isnt that what you are? a fucking dick? hows y/n?"
"dont do this shit right here" tae looked behind him, "theres a line waiting" he whispered, pulling his wallet out.
"you dont have a right to be mad, youre the one who pulled her away from me" kaito bit, voice quiet but mad
"and arent you the one who hit her? you dont know the situation, stop assuming shit" taehyung pointed. "also- cut the spreading of rumors bullshit, really fucking childish kaito, even for you" He went to pull out his $10 bill
"plea-..." kaito stopped talking when some of the contents in taehyungs wallet fell onto the register, "whats that?"
the sonogram.
Taehyung swallowed, grabbing the picture along with his other credit cards and shoving them away, quickly tossing him the money so he can leave.
"is that y/n's......" his voice was shaky as his finger remained pointed at his wallet, "did you.....is that..."
"can you guys please cut the chit chat and hurry up? I have places to be" the middle aged woman holding her toddler behind them cut in, sounding impatient.
Taehyung kept quiet out of fear in admitting anything, so he just made sure he got the cash, grabbed his bag and left.
Although now thinking about it, mightve given off the idea that, yeah, that is yours. Perhaps he shouldve made some excuse.
"what took you so long, baby?" you smiled, walking into the kitchen holding Yeontan as taehyung opened his bag.
"sorry, it was crowded. pizza okay?"
"yes, thank you and sorry for making you run out again"
"its okay sweetheart" he whispered, placing the pizza into the freezer for later tonight.
Putting the puppy down, you walked over and hugged him from behind, head resting on his back.
He slightly jumped, startled by your actions.
"whats wrong?" your voice was soft, gentle.
"you seem kind of shaky, did something happen?"
he shook his head, turning to hold your hands
"tae I know when youre lying...what happened, talk to me" your hand gently crawled up to his cheek, rubbing the skin softly.
"its stupid, and not worth worrying about. Stress isnt good for you or baby so just drop it" he smiled, hands holding your stomach now.
You still protested, "im fine- just tell me"
He saw in your eyes that you werent going to let up, so he sighed before speaking. "um...kaito...he might know about...this" he circled his finger on your abdomen, watching as your eyes shot wide in fear,
"he was the cashier and of course I took his lane, anyways, i open my wallet to pay and the sonogram flies out" he whispered, guilt in his voice
Your hand squeezed his, shaky, "and what did you say?"
"and what did he say?"
"he kind of asked me about you and I was just too scared to speak so I paid and left"
"taehyung!!" you ripped away and walked into the living room, "hes gonna assume that its mine"
"well it is" he countered
"but he doesnt need to know!!!" you tried to calm yourself but it was too late. "our fucking parents dont even know and my ex boyfriend does?"
"We dont know what he might be thinking!"
"taehyung....hes gonna go tell everyone, like he did before, calling me a ... a whore" your voice cracked.
"hey...hey" he walked towards you, rubbing your back "its okay..."
"thats easy for you to say!"
"listen, I know my words mean little to nothing right now, but I do know that it will be okay, he might not tell anyone, and we cant freak out before anything has happened? yeah?" he whispered, "im so sorry baby, I really am"
You took a deep breath as his arms wrapped around you, "its just....this situation isnt planned but ive been feeling kind of excited recently, and everytime I let myself do just that, be optimistic, something happens."
"be happy, enjoy this, I wont let anything happen, I promise to take care of you both" his voice was guilty as you leaned into him. "i promise"
"do you think we should start thinking of telling our families?" you interrupt the silence after a moment.
He pulled away with wide eyes, "what? now?"
"soon" you nodded
"taehyung, they will have to know eventually....and if this does get out, kaito is friends with my moms social media page, all he has to do is text her and then everything is ruined. If she or anyone close to us is gonna find out, its gonna be from you and me."
He sighed, "okay.....I understand that, sorry I just got a little nervous....not entirely used to this whole thing yet"
"and thats okay, but we need to be there for eachother, because I honestly just want to try and make the best of the situation"
"me too...me too" he sighed once more, feeling the spot you were coming from. "we'll be okay" he promised once more, kissing small pecks all over your face to distract you.
You never knew you were able to have this much sex.
Before, you two usually had it whenever your schedules allowed fit, or if you were lucky, taehyung would give in the week before your period started if you hounded him enough. (although he didnt mind it at all)
but within the past two weeks, its like your body is seeking dick non-stop, leaving taehyung the poor victim of the situation.
when he gets home from literally anything? sex.
when you two shower? oh yeah, sex.
when you both are watching tv on the couch? you guessed it, sex!
its all the time...
"fuck, taehyung.....you feel so good" your voice was breathless as you rocked your hips on his lap, head thrown back as his cock fit inside you deliciously.
it was nearly 4am and you had woken him up because you were so horny, despite you two having it out just before you went to sleep.
"doing so well baby" taehyung closed his eyes and leaned his head against the headboard, groaning as you rode him, "oh, shit, just like that- yeah..."
"mmm" you wined, hands gripping his shoulders as he began to thrust his hips beneath you, making your mouth fall open as you silently scream. "shit, shit, oh my god-"
"dont stop moving, baby, keep your hips- yeah just keep doing that, oh god baby you feel amazing" he instructed you as his hands rested on your sides, assisting your movements. "gonna fucking cum" he groaned tightly.
"ah- im so close" you bounced your hips a bit, suddenly hiding your face into his neck as your climax approached. When he came, his hands squeezed your skin as he whispered your name over and over again, not stopping his movements until you came around his dick. He spilled into you freely, something he didnt know he would enjoy until you told him he didnt need to use a condom, at this point- it became an addiction to feel you.
"cum for me baby, its okay, I love you" he whispered in your ear, feeling you clench around him before releasing, a desperate moan escaping your lips.
"oh my fucking- oh god, tae...please, ohhh" you rocked your hips, riding out the last yet strong waves of your orgasm
He waited a moment until you both calmed down, he tried to pull your head back so he could see you, his hand pushing away your sweaty hair.
"you okay, baby?" he chuckled quietly, "why you hiding, hm?"
You remained silent, arms gently holding his waist as he heard a sniffle.
"what wrong? are you crying?" he began to grow more concerned, he moved you both so he could actually be face to face. "what happened? did I hurt you?"
"no- no you didnt do anything" you wiped your eyes, "i just feel like im using you"
"what?" he frowned, eyes looking into yours, "you arent using me, I dont feel that way at all honey, why are you saying this?" he trailed his hand to grab yours, entwining your fingers together.
You shrug, "i dont know...I feel bad because I just woke you up to do this, and then yesterday I did it too when you were busy putting together that new table I ordered, and then I felt guilty about the fact I made you put the table together in the first place because im the stupid one who ordered it and I feel like im irritating you and I want you to know its okay to say no to me, my hormones are just really crazy right now and-"
"y/n" he stared at you, a soft yet slightly amused expression, "stop"
You sniffled again and swallowed
"You arent bothering me in the slightest, if you think sex is bothering me you are crazy" he softly giggled, "and I know you are probably feeling a lot of things right now and its okay, I wont ever make you feel guilty about that, its normal."
he squeezed your hands, continuing
"and the table was hard to put together anyways, you would have been super confused, we need to stop ordering from ikea" he smirked.
"but they have cute stuff" you countered as he handed you a tissue from the bedside counter.
"I know but so does other places, If we decide to order baby shit from Ikea I refuse to assemble them by myself" he teased
"i'll help" you smiled softly, leaning back onto his chest as he rubbed your back.
"love you" he whispered
"I love you too"
the room was silent for a moment before he helped you up, gently rubbing your sore thighs before grabbing more tissues so that you could wipe yourself, his cum dripping out of you.
"see, im not used to that" you giggled, "kinda feels gross not gonna lie"
"we dont have to do it raw, I can wear a condom if its too messy for you" he offered
"meh" you shrug, walking to the bathroom to pee, "it feels good its just the cleanup I hate, you know?"
He smiled and cleaned himself up before you came back out, opting to grab one of his shirts from the closet and sliding it on and getting back in bed with him.
He hummed contently, turning the light off again and squeezing you close to him.
"I think I want to do online classes" you softly spoke, head against his chest.
"hm? what was that?" his eyes were shut, arm draped over your waist.
"college classes, I think its good if I switch to taking them online at home next semester"
"because of the baby?"
you hum, "yeah but also just the stress...I already feel nauseous a lot and walking to classes and seeing my old friends makes me sick to my stomach."
"too much drama" he added, "no I think thats good sweetheart" he yawned
"yeah?" you fluttered your eyes closed, tiredness setting in
"mm...stay home with me, i'll take care of you" he whispered before holding you tight and falling asleep not too long before you do too.
This morning you sat on the bathroom floor, grabbing a facecloth and wiping your mouth after you felt sure enough that there was no more vomit coming up.
out of all the changes you had recently, you wish this one would disappear the most.
"hey, you alright?" taehyung gently whispered, knocking on the door
"im fine." you stood up and washed your face as you felt the door move, his body pushing through to get next to you.
"why didnt you wake me?" he spoke, hand on your back as you quickly began to apply makeup.
"because Ive ben dealing with it for a bit now, and I can handle it" you shrugged, eyeing him in the mirror.
Your tone of voice suggested you were in a mood again this morning, so taehyung simply nodded, choosing to leave you alone instead of arguing. "okay, baby"
He wants to think hes been doing okay recently, regarding taking care of you. Taehyung knows that sometimes you just are angry or pissed for no reason, and unfortunately he is often the one who takes some of it, but at the same time he knows its not your fault and you feel awful about it, so he decides on just agreeing with whatever you say or do.
when you do come out of the bathroom, you are fully dressed and ready to leave, "I have to go to a job interview" you smile shyly
"oh the daycare place?" he looks over at you while he makes the bed
"yeah...I usually see college girls working there so I dont see why they wouldnt hire me" you shrug, gathering your stuff.
"what time is it at?" he asks, eyes taking in how cute you look in your red puffy sleeved shirt and jeans.
"um..." you check your watch, "holy shit, I have to get over there in 10 minutes, I have to run, bye baby" you kiss him quickly and began to walk away, speaking fast "dont forget to do the laundry please, also wash yeontans bed as well, its begining to smell like dirty dog in the living room okay byeeee!" you shut the door and began to run to the elevator, leaving taehyung alone in the bedroom.
"well buddy, its just you and me, huh?" he smiled, looking down at the puppy as he wagged his tail happily. "wanna help daddy clean?" he picked him up as he walked into the laundry room, tossing the dirty clothes into the washing machine.
Yeontan took no interest in helping, but he was fascinated by the black sock on the floor that took him no time to run away with.
"hey!" taehyung shook his head as he poured detergent, "I thought this was teamwork, huh?"
"honestly, you seem like a great fit, I think you would get along with the main teacher nicely"
Your eyes widened at the daycare leaders words, smiling a bit "really? thank you, oh my god"
The older woman smiled, nodding "yes, youre young, nice from what I can tell, and you said you have experience with children?"
"yes! when I was in high school I volunteered with the pre-school kiddos, super cute and I loved doing it every week"
"perfect" she wrote something down, "and how far away do you live?"
"oh I live not too far, I walked here today and it took about 7 minutes"
"oh thats great! and how do you feel about hours? we are open monday-friday, 8am to 3pm"
You thought for a moment, "well I just finished up my semester in college for the year, but I will be taking classes again in the fall, so what I choose now may change" you giggle softly, "um, right now I think about 3 days a week will be good, I should probably mention that I am pregnant too"
She smiled widely, "oh my God, congratulations, youre so young?"
"thank you, and yeah I know" you shyly smile, "um but..yeah 3 days I think is good, my boyfriend is also getting a job so he will work on the days I dont"
She nodded, finishing writing things down, "if you dont mind me asking, how far along are you?"
"oh just about 3 months, so no maternity leave until like..October or September."
"okay okay.." she put her clipboard down and smiled, standing to shake your hand, "well, Y/N, you are hired, I think you will be amazing here"
"I seriously cannot thank you enough!" you shook her hand and collected the papers, reciprocating the gentle hug she gave you before handing over the shirt you will wear.
"I'll see you next week"
you nodded and thanked her again, turning to head home as fast as you could so you can tell taehyung.
juggling with everything in your arms, you manage to take your key out and open the door, calling out his name "tae!! Im home!!'
when he didnt respond you gently placed everything on the kitchen island and walked through the hall, "baby? you home?"
"in here"
you listened to his muffled voice coming from his bedroom, "you can come in" taehyung added
You twisted the handle and opened the door, eyes wide as you gazed around at the room. "taehyung....what is all this"
He sheepishly smiled, "I know its early, like, really early, but I wanted to start by clearing some stuff out" he walked over "this can be the nursery"
Your face softened, "baby...you didnt have to- what about your bed? where is all this stuff gonna go?"
"we can sell the bed, and the old desk, I never even sleep in here anymore and your room is the bigger one anyways, this is perfect for the baby"
You looked at everything on the walls now in boxes, the bed stripped and everything pushed into one corner of the room, "baby....thank you, but are you sure?" you whispered
He nodded, pointing at the other corner "i put some of the things we bought over there, we can just toss it all in this room until we actually begin to decorate. youre okay with me bringing some of my things into your room?"
You smile, "yeah honey, thats ok" you look up at him and hold his arm lovingly. "youre so sweet....the baby will probably be with us for the first few months, in our room, you know that right?"
"yeah, but still they need a place of their own" he shrugged, kissing your forehead. "how did the interview go?"
You giggle, pulling away to jump around, "I got the job, I start next week and im working Monday through Wednesday, it pays super well"
"baby!" he smiled and picked you up, spinning around a little "im so proud of you, I knew you would get it, they would be crazy not to hire you!!"
He kissed you a bunch of times, making you smile even wider. "I love you sweet girl, so much"
"I love you too, I love you soooo much" you kissed him back, gently swaying in his semi-empty bedroom.
"we are doing good so far, like if we just paid attention to us and the situation....things arent too bad" he shrugged
"I agree, lets just hope it stays that way" you press a soft kiss to his neck.
"oh and 2 things, one, my check from the art show finally came in, they gave me 3k"
"holy shit, tae"
"I know I know but I think its a good idea to put it aside for a bit, life isnt that pricey right now but we know things will change, so lets make it emergency money."
You nod, "okay thats fine, thats a lot of money though, god"
He chuckles, "I know, oh and the other thing" he walks and sits on his mattress. "I think we should go on our Paris trip soon....I know you were feeling iffy about it, but almost everything is paid for, it'll just be a little one week thing....one last big trip before-" he glances down at your stomach. "hotel is already paid, and the food is too if we eat there. only thing we need to pay for is things we decide to purchase, and transportation"
You sigh and sit next to him, "hmm....I dont know...I mean I wanna go to Paris soon too but I also told my mom we, or I, would be with her this summer in Gwangju, but now that I have a job it will just have to be a short visit. Besides I thought we booked the Paris trip for August."
He frowned slightly, "I mean the trip isnt really booked unless I call them, but I was just thinking maybe its better to have it sooner, so youre not like 6 months pregnant when we go, and that way you can relax for a week or so with your mom after."
"hmm" you ponder, resting your head on his shoulder. "lots of traveling, I hope my work doesnt get mad at me"
"i mean....I guess we can try to go next month" you look at him, "but I would like to tell our parents before we go, because I think if I see my mom after she will definitely be able to tell if im 4 months pregnant"
He nods and kisses you gently, "okay baby, we will tell our families"
"dont worry...Im nervous too" you held his hand, eyes dragging to the small collection of baby things the two of you had bought.
"one way or another we will get through it."
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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milkstoner · 1 year
Since like, this summer, I’ve had this vague concept of a mallesil modern au, and it never really inspired me. I realized last night, while my mind was plagued by insomnia, that it didn’t give anything because i didn’t really flesh out silver as much as malleus. So here’s the concept.
Malleus —> like, 24 yrs old, just starting a masters in architecture. He’s the guitar in pop music club’s band. Also plays just about any instrument. Tattoo artist on the side. Rich boy, dead parents, grandma lives in a huge mansion, idk what his family does and why theyre so wealthy honestly like. Granny is strict and she disapproves of mal being in a band and living on his own, but he dgaf. He knows hes going to have to inherit whatever role granny occupies and tbh he’s comfortable knowing hes going to have like, some sort of authority. But for now he enjoys being sort of rebellious.
Silver —> like 18 (we need to do our best to parallel the human slash fae age gap, sorry). In the process of making a career out of being a ballet dancer!!! (Also does fencing and rides horses). Also a rich boy! Im paralleling the theory that silver is a stolen prince by giving him rich parents. Overprotected, strict parents. Idk what his parents do, but they work in the same domain as mals grandmother. (Perhaps theyre politicians…? That could add a layer of mystery around mals parents oh ooh… assassination? Im not fully decided yet but imagine.)
Pop music club (a band in this au);
Cater —> lead vocals. Not wealthy, really. Middle class. The band is his main income and he works as a ride operator in the summers. 22 years old. Dreams of fame and wealth. Art history student, met mal in a class they had in common.
Kalim —> drums. Rich boy. Mal’s childhood friend. Might be the son of politicians similarly to my idea for mal’s and silver’s families, and that’s how they know each other. The band is his hobby. He calls the shots. Spends his share of the money he earns spoiling his friends. Sweet angel. 21 years old.
Lilia —> bass (whore). Mal’s uni friend. He has spent so many years in university. He’s 28, like dude please graduate soon. Very mysterious. We dont know anything about his upbringing. Just a little freaky dude. Nomad. Malleus has no idea where that man lives. He crashes his apartment sometimes. Goes on road trips unprovoked. When he doesn’t show up to practice, the other three wonder if he really was just a collective hallucination. Then he shows up the next week like, oh hey guys i was (insert crazy adventure). The boys are used to it by now.
And of course, sebek —> 17. Silver’s childhood friend. Son of a dentist so hes relatively rich, not as much as silver/malleus/kalim, but still upper class. They’ve been rivals (according to sebek) since they were very small. They met during their first ballet class. He’s a fan of pmc+malleus’ band, and is especially a huge mal fanboy.
Mallesil have met a few times before. Think like, formal parties and such. They’re the 1%. It’s rare granny draconia and her grandson are invited, but when they do attend a party, everything gets real quiet. So mallesil have… noticed each other as children, think like, silver was 6 when he first acknowledged malleus’ (12) existence. Obviously the age gap is kind of significant at that stage so its not a problem that their guardians forbid them from interacting. (Though there was one time, when silver was 8 and malleus was 14, where silver got lost somehow, and malle was the only one he recognized in this huge mass of adults. He’s actually very straightforward, like « im lost », and mal guides him back to his parents without a word lol)
It gets a bit more problematic as silver grows up. Stolen glances, damn hes hot… silver is 17. He’d always been sort of fascinated by malle’s stature, his long, black hair, and his pale skin. Its like hes wrapped in mystery. Obviously, since silver is older now, he can finally recognize hes feeling attraction. Malleus… he cant help still seeing a child in silver since. Yk. Their very rare and brief interactions took place when silver was a literal child. But hey he can admit silver is cute… he sees him drinking like, non alcoholic cider in a corner and he comes up to him kinda nervous like… hey… u come here often. Its another brief interaction, but they find a secluded spot and malleus offers him a sip of his wine (im obsessed with the concept of mal making silver drink SORRY), silver is a bit shy and flustered… (hes a sensitive little gay boy). They have one thing in common, and its that they think these 1% parties are boring. There’s something scandalous about them interacting when their families strictly forbids them to like, even look at each other. (If were going the route that theyre politicians, granny has probably put into mal’s head that his parents were assassinated by silver’s family. He… believes her, but he cant blame silver for it, can he?)
They dont see each other again until like. A year later, when sebek drags silver to pmc+malleus’ show. Its late and silver shouldn’t even be there—he snuck out. He had no idea what he was going to see until he saw fucking MALLEUS on the stage. He’s in awe… the dexterity of his fingers, his large arms, the bright lights making him fucking shine, like wowww if he didn’t have a crush before, this is definitely what sells malleus. Now, imagine mal’s shock seeing silver in the fucking crowd—they make EYE CONTACT honey. His fingers fumble; his bandmates look back at him like ? For a single second before acting like absolutely nothing happened.
After the show, malleus calls to silver and they talk a bit in the alley leading to backstage of the venue (idk how any of this works)… like… what are you doing here i didn’t know u were into rock?… oh yeah I’ve seen sebek a few times hes kind of annoying. Need a ride home?
Next thing u know, romantic little motorcycle scene oooohhhhhh. Finally they exchange numbers… malleus has no social media presence lol the only way to contact him is to call or text him. As they are both children of important people, they cant exactly meet in public, but mal knows a bunch of secluded spots and he takes silver to quiet places on his motorcycle yasssss. They talk about anything, its secret, its scandalous, its exciting. Silver’s rebellious era.
One day silver takes mal to like, the dancing studio, & he practices in front of him, aww… mal plays the piano, idk some melody he had in his mind, & silver goes off track and lets his song guide his body, its all very sweet and cute… Harold theyre gay
Their relationship evolves real quick… it’s silvers first crush. It’s cute and exciting . His desires give him butterflies in his stomach. Malleus is filled with dread however lol, he’s super dramatic and he WILL write countless songs for silver AND SING THEM to him, while playing the guitar or the piano… he can’t breathe w/o silver ok
The sex… ofc mal is older and he’s the top so he takes care of silver. He’s gentle at first but after a while he can’t help roughing him up bc he just loves him that much. Cute aggression. Silver is a total slut for malleus… he’s a secret pervert, so he’s in touch w his desires. He knows what parts of mal’s body he wants, what parts of himself he wants pleasured… malleus got his perversions from old, female-written erotica 😭 (stolen from granny draconia). Silver had the talk but he unfortunately slept through his sex ed class in high school. He doesn’t dare watch porn in case his parents find out. So his desires are very… basic, i would say, no dirty kinks, but still, it’s this very strong, pure feeling of wanting flesh and skin to meet, intertwined w love, so it’s very sweet and intimate and erotic. Mal’s desires are similar but he plays around with like, mild dirty talk (it’s just praise and dramatic love confessions while he’s balls deep inside silver😭), mild teasing (going slow when silver is justtttt on the edge), etc… they worship each others bodies oh my goodness
Their dates are mostly @ mal’s apartment. Takeout, Netflix, they talk for hours, one thing leads to another and WHEWW they spend the night together even tho silver was supposed to be home at 10. Obviously this raises a lot of questions. On the draconia side, granny is very happy to meet silver. She thinks he’s such a respectable, cute, sweet boy. She welcomes him💜
Silvers parents on the other hand… he knows they’ve said terrible TERRIBLE things about the draconias so obviously he doesn’t want to put mal through that. There’s also the fear of being disowned… silvers parents ask him if, yk, he’s in love, bc he’s changed and he doesn’t come home on time… eventually they find out of his relationship and it doesn’t go well :( they threaten to disown him if he doesn’t block mal… obv he’s very afraid, so he does… mal is heartbroken :,( he actually drives all the way to silver’s family’s mansion and he… throws rocks at his window CTFUUUU silver starts crying on the spot when he sees mal from his window… he sneaks out in his pajamas and mal puts his jacket on silvers shoulders and they go to one of mals spots.
So silver explains he could be disowned… malleus had a feeling :( silver is young… he’s torn between his family and the security that comes with it, or his exciting lover… they have sex outside in that secret spot teehee💜 most intense session ever, the thrill of being outside, risking being seen… it’s hot
Silver still sees mal in secret at night. Yea ok they can’t contact each other, but mal still meets him every night. Until they’re found out one night lol and that’s the last straw, silver gets kicked out. Honestly, he’s lucky mal has money, so he moves into mals apartment, and yes it’s rly traumatic, it takes time to get used to, but their passion is stronger than anything (amor vincit omnia)… silver does get a bit depressed but he still attends ballet classes. He gets a little part time job as a barista and malleus visits him sometimes… he steals a kiss over the counter hehehe. Silver goes to mal’s shows & helps the band however he can… very sweet, sweet boy
I think it takes a whole year for silver and his parents to talk again. Like, ok you can’t just throw away your only son like that, be for real. They’ve been super overprotective for years, so of course they’ll worry about silver a year later, only to find out he’s doing okay, all things considered, and he’s been paying for his ballet/fencing classes on his own, and malleus helps out bc he cares about silver. It’s not enough for them to accept him, that takes a lot more time, because they truly feel like silver betrayed them.
Silver is very sad, but malleus comforts him and gives him so much love. His love language is… all of them. Words, physical touch, gifts, everything. He spoils silver lol. There’s this urge inside him that makes him want to protect silver since he’s younger. And silver doesn’t mind bc he is a Disney princess and disney princesses are spoiled + they’re the main characters even tho they don’t realize.
Am i insane.
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myarmsaretoolong · 2 months
20 questions (for fanfic writers)
cheers for the tag @sarah-sandwich <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
mcu but mostly just irondad, though i stopped writing that for a bit when a small (large) marauders obsession hit so now i write both depending on the fic im working on. also taken a side step into parkner recently
4. top five fics by kudos:
A Different Future - peter snaps one-shot
Futures are Made to be Broken - more in depth follow up to peter snaps one shot
The Best Day of Harley's Life (and the worst of Peter's) - classic field trip fic only harley is like the tourguide and makes it his mission to ruin peter's day. not actually parkner but for sure the beginning of my growing love for harley
Not my First Time - part of webpril challenge one-shot, tony and peter are stuck under a building, conversation ensue
Where Do You Think You're Going - urrrmmmm good question. its a whumptober one-shot so peter must get beat up. pretty sure its by quentin beck and his drones, lets assume tony finds him and saves the day (its less than 2000 words i could read it and find out but im lazy)
5. do you respond to comments?
i do my best!
6. what is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending?
ermmm *checks notes* Is This It? springs to mind first. you know the deleted scene of tony snapping and seeing morgan? well in this one he sees peter, only peter is a good few years older and has sorted his life out a bit. its sad obvi, but also kind of happy? the end lines are sad sad though :( so either that or 01/11/81 (if you're a marauders fan you already know that date) which basically very closely follows remus throughout the entire day after james and lily are killed etc. its very angsty all the way through, mary is a sweetheart, and at the end he's left all alone...
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most tbh. im going to say Past, Present, Yet to Come because that's my baby. (peter is the ghost of christmas present, tony is scrooge, only its like the ryan reynolds film spirited, very good)
8. do you get hate on fics?
nope! (and please dont :) )
9. do you write smut?
10. craziest crossover:
well ive only ever written one and it was mcu/glee and there's a reason i never finished it (nor am linking it [insert skull emoji])
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that ive noticed
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! im a solitary kinda guy
14. all time favourite ship?
what a question... wolfstar is a classic, ineffable husbands are precious to me, doctor/rose is nostalgic... i can't pick favourites
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
besides all of them? all of them.
no but really there are so many and i have this problem of thinking of idea -> getting excited -> writing beginning -> not knowing where to take it -> get excited by new idea -> repeat. im working on it though and do genuinely plan to finish them all
16. what are your writing strengths?
yknow i honestly think my general writing is at a pretty good level. defo room for improvement but there always it, int there? id say that's a general strength, but specifically i think im goooood at making things angsty. and i love doing it so win win
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
well... finishing anything. plotting out full stories is a big problem. (though ive recently started a notebook for random ideas for fics and its helping) um... tbh i can struggle with everything from time to time. i think getting characters voices right can be hard cos i often find people saying things they would never say and having to go back and and put them straight. er,,, action can be next to impossible if The Vision isn't there.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i dont have many. if its a language i cant read i just skim past and sometimes read an end note translation but if there's too much im just going to go with the flow
19. first fandom you wrote in?
20. favourite fic you've written?
again, Past, Present, Yet to Come is my babygirl. love him to pieces. can i say fics ive not finished yet? because parkner hunger games au and marauders doccy who are fire and one day will see the light of day (and get names)
tagging @winter-turtle @helloliriels erm ive forgotten everyone who has ever existed... @ anyone who i followed in the boopening who writes and @ anyone who just wants to (no pressure at all obvi)
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jules-of-the-sea · 2 years
I would love to see a Blorbo ranking for your blorbos from Les Mis, if you are willing to share :)
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so i made a character tierlist, i dont actually hate thenardier but its funny to hate him. for side characters: m mabeuf would be guy!!!, fauchlevent would be eh (although the graveyard scene was funny), and marius's relations would all be in eh/mildly annoying because i have no strong feelings about them.
you did say blorbo ranking though and i have no idea what exactly that entails so im just going to do everything i can think of. so heres a list of everyone on the tierlist and a few thoughts on each of them
enjolras 12/10 love of my life, top kin, red <3, hes literally just a guy god i wish i was him its all i ever want hes so !!!!!
grantaire 10/10 love him, probably more like me than enj lmao, jaded, alcoholic, cynic, ao3 always makes him an artist but i dont remember them saying that in the book??? maybe i missed it though, it did say that he knows all the best spots in paris though so thats pretty cool
feuilly 10/10 self taught king, he makes fans, he wants to deliver the world and i support him. we all need a feuilly in our lives
combeferre 10/10 (these ratings are a little redundant at this point) fan interpretation always makes him a bookworm nerdy guy (which i have also done) which i understand bc in the book hugo talks abt how he wants to learn everything and he loves progress and education, but honestly i feel like hes a lot warmer and more social than people characterize him. like they talk about how compassionate he is and how he focuses on the actual people in the revolution more than the movement as a whole
gavroche literally just a little guy, hes got his two children in his wooden elephant what more could a street urchin want
courfeyrac party guy, literally tholomyes but if he wasnt a dick, love him for it. actually thinking abt it, tholomyes was a poet right?? and hugo compares him w courf so,,, poet courf???
bossuet unlucky, actually named lesgle, bald, in a poly relationship w joly and musichetta
eponine bro she was not that close with marius in the book, and i dont think she even knew the amis. its fun to pretend she did though. also the musical makes marius actually care that she dies which is sweet i guess. also i love every queer eponine interpretation.
jehan jean provaire, medieval enthusiast, just a little guy i guess. trans/nb jehan is one of my favorite things actually
joly happy guy, apparently nicknamed jolly because of that, doctor(?), likes self diagnosing, must suck being a germaphobe in 1832
bahorel tbh i forgot like everything the book said abt him. im pretty sure he was the guy who saved marius from being kicked out of law school though?? and also visibly expresses disgust when he passes by law school??? king.
javert single-minded policeman, love the themes and internal struggle, javerts soliloquy and stars are some of my favorite songs in the musical
jean valjean all around a good guy, white bread personality but like,, nice. so i guess hes more like the pre-made pound cake you can get at the store. certified girlboss tho
cosette pretty? i like the cottagecore interpretations but also shes literally just a lonely child from 1832 so i guess its just by default. she seems like the type of girl who would be a pleasure to have in class
fantine sad lady, cosettes mom, i wish she had just gotten cosette back from the thenardiers when she had her job but oh well.
marius annoying little bitch boy mf i swear to god he deserves very little of what he gets. also isnt he like 10 years older than both cosette and eponine??? 1832 moment i guess. anyways hes not that bad but its funny to hate on him.
madame thenardier me when child abuse, kinda a girlboss in the musical but in the book shes just kinda there
monsieur thenardier little rat bitch man, fuck that guy, but also hes literally a cartoon villain and its funny
also the tierlist is made in mspaint, i would have found pictures for everyone but a lot of them arent in the 2012 movie long enough for anyone (me) to know whos who so. crunchy mspaint version
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blu3st4rzsysbl0g · 28 days
5/10/24 (5/11 at the time of writing this) Friday
school went as it usually does, which is basically not anything noteworthy, Marcie started this account after getting Ashton to approve of it so that's fun and cool I (AL) was fronting for most of the idea, Marcie kinda popped in last night after we had a bit of a meltdown so i've been getting to know her a little...she's fun, gives me cool older sister vibes (might just be because she's older than me)
most notable bit was it was Friday so we got pizza for lunch, ate alone per usual while watching a kurtis conner video on yt lol, did some drawing for Marcie's intro as well as my own that i'll probably get to tomorrow...idk we'll see ig, we also had a huge assemble today so we had to deal with that, got really blurry in the crowd while listening to the teachers scold the middle schoolers (i dont see why we had to be there since we're in highschool) lucky its the last assembly of the year, since our school has all school (k-12) meetings every month
Sock's sibling is home from college for the summer! they came to pick us up from school, so it was a fun drive catching up with them, let Sock front for that mostly, it's been around three weeks since I've seen him pop up, life's been too miserable for him ig, still front stuck (around 140 days atp) so that's great...maybe Marcie figured i was going insane being here for so long, who knows!
got home to our mother's house and got to talk to her for a while, ride there was fun too getting to talk to both our siblings, Sock fronted for most of that but walked off once dinner started (i barely even noticed him leave tbh..)
after dinner i drew some more art, Normal came into front because he heard about the blog..said he wanted to make an intro so I drew him a faceclaim, usually we could use fanart since he has a source (Normal Oak from Dndads) but since we're doing the intros I think it's more fun to actually draw him, especially since i like drawing his source anyway
Ashton was in the front room hanging around for a while eating mental-mcdonalds, idk why, but Normal started talking to him, said he reminds him of his uncle i guess? Normal is a pretty nice but kinda sad kid...it was something to witness. Norm's also got some daddy issues and Ash is a pretty prominent father figure...kinda like Joel from the Last of Us tbh...Sock and him have had a kinda father-son relationship since he formed back in 2021 (Sock wants me to add that they think its funny that there's a weird phenomenon in the system where all the teen alters tend to annoy the hell out of him lol...notably i dyed our hair three times w/o consulting him or anyone so i wouldnt say im exempt from this observation)
anyway, Sock called some of our friends for a bit (after practically ghosting them for like a month lol) played on my Stardew Valley file, thirsted over Harvey (Sock's aroace...idk what's wrong with him /aff) he had told our friends abt my little front stucky situation, (they're convinced i lost my mind because of how many times i changed our appearance drastically in the time ive been here...i dont deny this accusation) Sock also got Ash to try a Baja Blast for the first time, "It tastes like a heart attack, jesus christ..." is what he had to say...it was the zero sugar kind? idk im kinda addicted to them so
we've got a doctor's appointment fairly early tmrw...we've been having a lot of joint pain lately, our Mom thinks it's arthritis? we're not sure, she's not a doctor so...getting checked out finally! we'll see how that goes, also checking up on some meds stuff...
- AL 🍁 (She/They/He)
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brambletakato · 2 months
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
(Looks around)
I get to talk about my AUs?? I mean I already talked about this one but its the only one that fits the bill as well, and I think it’s been long enough since I last rambled about it
Well I wouldn’t say I alone came up with this one as it was a team effort with a friend of mine (it was originally a roleplay), but I have talked about Paper Descole before and I think it remains to be one of my AUs that is simultaneously crazy and funny. Paper Mario is very much a guilty pleasure of mine so when I combine it with my favorite character of all time it just gives me pure joy.
While I do think that having a paper offshoot of Professor Layton would be fun, the AU assumes Descole just got thrown into the paper world and he is constantly confused about everything. I would say “almost to the point of frustration” but tbh I don’t think it’s an almost. There has definitely been multiple times where real world logic got flipped upside down and he’d mald about it. Hates a lot of things.
… And I think Paper Mario and Descole would have an extremely fun dynamic, too; Descole needs to figure a way back home and Mario is the type to help anybody. Simultaneously Descole is a snappy dramatic villain while Mario is a quiet humble hero. I think the AU has a lot of potential if me and my friend continued it sometime…
Also, the fact that the two are coincidentally older brothers might lead to some interesting conversation starters. I feel like Descole would originally not be able to stand him, but eventually he warms up because of this one similarity. … Maybe he might even realize something from some of their talks? Presuming this is post-AL
Im still a little nervous sharing about this AU because I’ve yet to let go of self-shame but I hope that satisfies and thank you for asking :]
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dammarchy211 · 2 years
1. do u mind if ppl make ur art their icons? Just curious!!
2. I love your cryptid kidz take!! Im curious if youre planning on including any other fandoms, and the age differences between the kids (I HOPE THIS DOESNT COME OFF IN A WEIRD WAY i was wondering bc dibs so tall in comparison to the other kids)?? Im so curious about ur thoughts on their individual dynamics with one another!! Or what the gals think of each other :3!! or if tak will show up..
SORRY FOR THE BIG BLOCK OD QUESTIONS I LOVE STUFF LIKE THIS IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY... Ur art style is really cool so it really caught my attention!!
(I had a big paragraph written and tumblr crashed while I was writing it :,,-) )
It’s ok I love questions!!!
1. No I don’t mind! Just credit me in ur bio or smth
2. I probably won’t be including any other fandoms as to not clutter it, as well as the fact I was kind going off a formula of nerd kid + his sister. No particular reason, just for a pattern ig?
The age differences between the kids r Raz- 10, Jude- like 12 (I say like as he doesn’t actually have a canon age lol), Dib- 12 like in the iz movie, and Dipper- 13. I made Dib taller to add variety to their designs when put next to each other and also because all of the kids in iz are basically the same height I thought I’d say fuck it and have some fun with it lol
(For simplicity, Ford will refer to Ford pines, and Cruller will refer to Ford Cruller lol)
As for dynamics, Jude and Dib would get along Rlly well, just kinda as an instant click type thing since they have so many similarities. They’re all definitely friends but I feel like Dipper and Jude would but heads the most. Dipper tends to be really cautious, and while Jude does exercise caution, it’s usually for more ‘nonsensical’ reasons. Jude has a more reckless idea of problem solving (ie wanting to just shoot the cultists and burn down their hideout in act 1) and that wouldn’t really sit well with Dipper lmao. Dipper also would try to like, assert himself as letter with all of his planning shit but it probably wouldn’t work that well. Jude and Dib are also the most unhinged out of the 4 so Dipper and Raz are like 🤨 a lot. Raz would get along with all of them very well, however there’d definitely be at least a little bit of “you’re like 10 how come you get to be able to do all of this cool stuff???” And the other 3 would ask him a bunch of questions constantly because “omg you’re really psychic???? Lemme take notes.” Dammek would try to lead them around or “supervise” them as like the “cool older teen friend” but he has even less common sense then the 4 of them and the worst advice— Dammek high school bullies Zim. Gaz, Frazie, and Joey would kinda just be like “ew it’s my nerd brother and his nerd friends.” But still hang out with them, Mabel on the other hand just regular hangs out with them bc she doesn’t want Dipper to go on adventures without her! The girls would get along pretty good as well, however I feel like Joey would be Kinda cold to Mabel bc she has a tendency to be a little mean to people when they’re more social or optimistic than her, but she would get over it eventually and they can talk about animals or sparkly stickers or something jfhdjdjd. Xefros is a little upset that Raz is psychic because telekinesis used to be his thing and now there’s a kid that’s like 4/5 years younger than him and better at it 😔 the 4 boys would probably follow Roxy, Ford, Sasha, and Cruller around a lot because they wanna! Do science stuff n go on adventures and missions! Stan would also try to have fun with the kids but in a Stan sorta way. Sasha would so get into an Argument w/ Prof. Membrane they would hate eachother— Any of the alien enjoyers would be SO STOKED about Dammek, Xefros, and Zim (even tho zim keeps insisting that he is, In fact, not an alien). Tbh Dammek n Xef probably already know what Irkens are and Zim probably already knows what trolls are (and would probably freak out if he found out the condensce/Betty Crocker was on earth lol) Raz and Zim also get “huh u guys sound similar” a lot (I wonder why D-: /s).
OK THATS ENOUGH RAMBLING!! I just have so many thoughts for this flghdkgfisheudd
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samsflannel · 3 years
survey results are in!
sorry, this is gonna be a long post. yesterday i posted a survey with a list of polls regarding Supernatural, and it was SO much fun. I got over 300 responses, which was A LOT to sort through for the short responses, but I’ve gathered all the “data” and here it is! My responses to each poll will be under the screenshots (they are in groups of 2). I’m going to include the short answer responses in another post. ENJOY!
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1. Starting off strong.
2. Pleased with this one as well.
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3. Yep, I expected this response from most of us.
4. Sami, I made the wincest and destiel response just for you. YW.
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5. CMON YOU GUYS......live a little!!! samjack sexy
6. I’m not really surprised that Playthings got the bulk of votes here, but I think my vote would have been 8x23.
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7.  :)
8. i’m disappointed that more people didn’t choose the yellow one tbh
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9. it is sexy. it is. wake up.
10. i love Dean, but he’s definitely an asshole. and that’s what makes him a great character!
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11. hehe.....i understand why not a lot of people picked noncon bait....u r valid its ok im gross.
12. WHO THE FUCK PICKED NO......have you ever consumed media
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13. WBK.
14. damn, Dean kinda got the short end here! a lot of samgirls took this survey
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15. i get why you wouldn’t like Bugs bc it does have harmful stereotypes about native ppl but the rest of it is peak season 1 wdymmm
16. almost 50/50 here! old vs new fans we love to see it. I am definitely wincest old guard.
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17. YEP. Eric Kripke needs shock therapy for that one
18. The fact that some people admitted to being dry.....tragic. I think Eileen is a great character but they are NOT endgame.
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20. ugh. yeah. same.
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21. who tf picked blue. cmon. red meat incest agenda.
22. SAM MOMMY MILKERS!!!!! hucow sam <3
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23. Mixed on this one! My response is obviously yellow :)
24. I do think Bobby favored Dean somewhat.
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25. Johnzazel agenda so true
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27. someone requested a combination of blue and yellow and you’re so right i apologize.
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28. mixed on this one for top vs bottom fans! almost a 50/50 split
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30. I can’t believe this one is almost 50/50. Ruby girlboss you guys are haters
31. again. admitting you’re dry. THEY FUCKED
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32. yeah :(
33. Q-anon level conspiracy theory.
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34. I actually fall into the blue. I do believe Cas was in love with Dean, but not the other way around. I think Cas loving Dean makes wincest so much more spicy
35. I love sam so much
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36. those of you who answered yes........join my movement.
37. c’mon. even if you don’t ship wincest you need to admit this one.
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38. sorry this one was self-indulgent.
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40. idk, i personally think Cassie deffo pegged Dean. She has top energy.
41. So all the people who answered no have definitely not read the fic (were too young to remember it) or are squicked by underage which is ok! its one of those fics i read back in 2010 so i have fond memories of it
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42. hahahah you guys were mean on this one
43. it’s canon bro sorry
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44. thank god this one was majority yellow
45. i give wincestiel a valid pass! dean has multiple holes
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46. Jack is hole <3
47. I actually think both are great (and ppl were mad I didn’t have that option srry) but deanpussy is incredible and underrated.
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48. SEXY>>>>>>
49. thank you for enabling me.
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50. can you guess the redacted part? it was: insert various objects into himself :))))
51. ok heres the big question! i’m not surprised ilysmmbb won, but i personally vote for “yeah, there he is” !! i think its underrated and such a tender moment.
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52. i’m in the blue. i like cas.
53. i actually am in the yellow on this one. i think its more realistic, although blue is hot forsure
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54. top 3 cas moment right there.
55. objectively yes on this one. thank god for COVID- *gets shot at*
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56. sorry this was shady i’m not really like this usually haha. i think death is my fave besides Rowena
57. obviously i’m in the red. i’m shocked that so many people said Yes.......
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58. Clearly.
59. I enjoyed fan fiction! i love campy episodes as you all know (like Dog Dean afternoon and such) so i loved fan fiction. it was a nice nod to someone like me who has been watching for a long time.
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60. HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO ANDY IS. i wish he would have been in the show longer........
61. uh....yeah.
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62. Yeah c’mon. Dean would and you know it.
63. Thank god you guys didn’t fuck this up. I would agree, but Corbett is a close second for me.
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65. we love a man bleeding out. we do.
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66. i actually think misha is chill with J2 but.....you can’t deny J3 have more chemistry.
67. I uh......don’t think Dean would be a great father. is this me projecting my own issues with my father onto Dean? maybe,,,,
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68. i’m surprised this was so negative! I think i would be interested
69. thanks for reading my shitty poetry!! i also had s4 dean in mind when writing this
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70. CMON.....ITS KINDA SEXY CMON.......that spice of battered wife syndrome.......violent man in the house.......sam beaten down....im barking
71. haha yessss go yellow.
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72. go yellow again.
73. I think I would actually vote yellow on this one. what a sweet and beautiful thing to say to someone, and its so very DEAN.
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74. mhm. i think so. 
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76. no idea why people answered yes to this one. that punch was fucked up. was it sexy? thats another story,,
77. WOKE. 
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78. I do. I love pilot Dean.
79. Dean is a carfucker. any side of the fandom can recognize that
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80. thank you GREEN!!!!!!
81. Sam is bi wtf! Sera Gamble erasure
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82. Padackles commune <33333 they all fuck and they don’t know whose kid is whose!!!! (not really but this is sexy)
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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funny-house · 3 years
huhu u got me to watch opal the other day since u keep talking abt it and im glad bc i Really Enjoyed It but !! anyways , i saw u mention mirror man doing makeup for someone and i keep thinking about it so Thoughts Incoming sorry in advance lmao. i think he would like to do claires makeup (and teach her abt it in general) when she gets a bit older,, both bc it seems like a legitimate hobby he would enjoy (i imagine if he werent Like That he probably could have been a makeup artist or something similar!) and bc he would like to ‘prettify’ her a bit.
and ah well,,, a lot of parents Like Him sometimes try 2 make their child a carbon copy of themselves or of an image they enjoy so if he grew to like claire more or already does like her enough for that (or just, wants things to revolve around him More) hed try to nudge things in that direction. and in his own way i think He might think hes doing something good, he knows when he was her age he would have killed to have a parent so eager to help him learn makeup and stuff but. claire isnt him. she probably isnt even interested in it at all but shes kinda desperate for Nice Moments and also doesnt wanna risk making him angry so she goes along with it. she always has her head in the clouds so all the things hes saying is too much at once but shes trying to comprehend it,,,,,
nd he keeps giggling at her for how awkwardly she moves her arm when putting on foundation and blush nd gets kind of annoyed with her for repeatedly flinching when he tries to help her with mascara nd teases her a bit for trying to taste the lip gloss (and keeps pointing out a flaw or two on her face “well, youve always had a sort of weird shaped face but youve always had the cutest little smile, its like Mine :)”) but they do it !! together !!! and nothing (that) bad happened !!!!!! so claire is happy,,,,,,,,,,, until that inevitably opens the gates of him trying to pick out what she wears for her and “””suggesting””” hairstyles for her and getting manipulative and even flatout Angry when she doesnt do what he wants her to (bc even when things Seem like theyre about claire they Are Not, its what He wants for her , in the end its still all about him) but, ive rambled enough to you already <:o) sorry for talking so much i just wanted to chat a bit abt opal with you !!!! hope ur doing well hehe . and im sorry this is rambly nd probably incomprehensible i just did a lot of work hkehri
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ohhhhhhhh !!! FIRST  I am super glad that all my constant rambling about this man has allowed you to go watch Jack Stauber’s awesome little short, it’s really good and deserves all the support !!!
also i totally appreciate you wanting to share your thoughts with me ;u;
AND I TOTALLY AGREE  the whole idea of him projecting himself onto her, trying to take over her, I think that is so fitting for the short itself tbh, because it’s a reflection ( mirrors, hehe ) of what the mother wants from Claire as well. The thing that terrified Claire near the end is the mother reaching to hold onto her, specifically after the mom said that she was going to become just like her. The idea of her becoming her parents? it terrifies her, clearly!!
And Mirror Man, he is what they call a “archetypal narcissistic abuser”, in my eyes at least,  and it would be really really common to see someone like that not only be so controlling and self absorbed that they treat their child like a decoration to themselves, but also use that child, especially as they get old enough to have opinions on the situation, to turn them against their partner-- such as.... the mom
so picture this
Claire is like 10-12, and she’s bright and she’s got a good heart but she’s WELL and truly Affected by the years of being brought up in that ridiculously toxic hell hole-- I mean house no idea if the grandpa would live that long uhhh in his state, but even if he does, he’s still very sick, disabled, and senile and he isn’t going to be much help. and Claire, she’s starting to have Opinions,, on how things are running around here,,      but in swoops Mirror Dad
He’s like........ it’s your mother’s fault. Oh, absolutely, have you seen her? I mean look at her, she’s disgusting. she’s a drug addict, she’s a drunk, she’s ugly, she’s the reason you feel like this-- and maybe some of that is understandable, i mean she’s a real mess of a mom, no mistake, but hey
Nobody’s going to tell Claire who made her that way! Nobody’s going to tell her Mirror Dad was the one who trapped her in an unloving, possibly violent relationship, with a kid, and ripped apart every inch of her self worth !!!
Nope. she just sees the aftermath. So mirror dad...... turns claire on her. And she starts to side with him on things and she starts to even kinda talk like him maybe even....... learns how to do that dark and scary insecurity voice of his and one day She walks by the.... Reflection Chamber and Mirror Man is there in that way He Always Is in that seat he always sits in, and he says something very very odd to her!   he raises a finger and curls it in and says    come sit on my lap you haven’t gotten too big to sit on my lap have you?? come here!! and i mean Claire is still very very uncomfortable even being near him, and this feels like a trap, but i mean she can’t just say no, and there’s a part of her that’s kinda hoping... maybe he really is trying to be nice. and so she does and she sits with her but you’ll notice he is never looking directly at her. Even as she’s approaching literally right in his line of sight, he stares straight into her reflection, never her face.  It’s like she’s not even real unless she’s in those mirrors.
And he tells her he wants to do her makeup! yay! how fun! and he tells her to close her eyes and pout her lips and try not to flinch when the sculpting starts or he’ll use his deep voice-- and how he’s going to finally FIX her. Goody!! then maybe the constant barrage of insults and negs and criticisms will stop!! (p.s. they wouldn’t have )
And so she opens her eyes..... and the face of her abuser is looking right back. It’s her face. Or it used to be-- now it’s literally his and it’s hideous-- it does not AT ALL belong on that body, and the only thing left of her is her big shiny eyes
and she  S C R E A M S that way Claire does,,,
but this time, loud enough to crack the mirrors, and stun the dad just long enough for him not to catch her in his hands when she leaps off his lap and books it for the attic the attic, the view of the billboard with the same worn out, not updated ad for Opal’s in the window. She locks the door, it doesn’t take long for mirror man to come banging on it, telling her she’s ungrateful, she doesn’t deserve what little she has, taking back every nice thing he ever said, etc,,,
and Opal just starts clawing off the makeup/clay/whatever from her face in the mirror’s glass reflection, putting her hair back into the pigtails her father said made her look stupid
but she isn’t Opal, she’s changed, she’s aged, but Opal-- she’s always the same!! happy!! cared for!! and what is she supposed to be under the makeup? huh? Who is she besides the abuse she’s put through, that billboard and what it sells to her?  she doesn’t know! nobody does nobody ever bothered to get to know what it even means to be Claire.
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Mental Health Headcannons - Tsukishima, Kageyama, Ushijima, Tendou & Bokuto
All these are from my knowledge and based off of each character’s actions haikyuu, this is all my opinion so feel free to discuss other thoughts! I’m happy to talk about each more in depth if anyone would like it :) this is just me projecting my own problems on fictional characters
You can also message me if you wanna talk about these too!!
This is going to be long
TW: Mental health, learning difficulties, eating disorders, self-harm
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Tsukishima - Depression, Anxiety & OCD
Tbh someone else (I’ve been trying to find their username to tag them but I can’t find it, they’re called something like theguessmonta but idk) has amazing posts about Tsukishima and his mental health which I totally agree with all of it so some of this is going to be pretty similar
I think his mental health problems started when he was quite young, around the time when the Akiteru drama happened so he’s been dealing with these for a while
Having depression can often make a person seem very disinterested/sarcastic/negative as a way of pushing back emotions and self-protection which explains a lot of the way Tsukishima acts towards some people (I have a whole post on how he isn’t just some asshole)
His anxiety stems from a place of terrible self-esteem and self-image, it’s clear to see he has a bad sense of self-worth when he talks about how people are obviously a lot better than him, he’s just there to ‘stop trouble happening’
Tsukki suffers from panic attacks quite regularly (especially when he was a bit younger) but he tends to shut himself off then they happen, he doesn’t want anyone else to see him like that
His anxiety and overthinking is often why he keeps his headphones on him at all times, listening to music helps drown out the sounds around him and those in his head
His OCD got worse over time - first it was things like turning the light switch on and off repeatedly until it felt right, or tapping on his desk before he went to bed, but as his anxiety and self-esteem got worse it developed into him needing himself to be perfect
This included only eating a certain amount of calories a day (no where near the amount he should be eating) or getting a very specific grade on an exam, where even one number over or under set him into a panic
Things got to their worst for Tsukki around the age of 13 - this is where he was much too underweight and self-harming on his hips (so no one else could see)
Probably also thought about suicide a couple times around this point
He has tried a couple different types of anti-depressants in the past, however none have seemed to help
He likes a lot of time alone - he gets too overwhelmed dealing with other people
The only person besides his family and Yamaguchi that knows about his OCD is Kageyama - they both noticed each others odd, repetitive habits until Kageyama asked him about it one day, while they don’t get along too well, they feel some comfort in each other understanding their actions
Kageyama - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
wow what a smooth segue 
this boy is like a walking definition of ASD - coming from a person with ASD
Kageyama was diagnosed with Type 1/High-functioning Autism when he was very young (probably around 3-5 years old)
He struggles with social interaction, knowing what to say to people and most importantly, how to say it, e.g. when he smiles people often think he looks angry
Kageyama has never had many, if any, friends before Karasuno, as he has often struggled with conversation and speaking in an inappropriate tone that may make some people uncomfortable or even scared
He isn’t very good when it comes to remembering academic studies but if it relates to his fixations (volleyball) he is extremely intelligent - this is seen clearly when Daichi shows their team hand gestures and Kageyama says he remembered them in a day
Kageyama uses masking a lot - it’s a technique people with ASD tend to do which involves copying other peoples actions in order to understand social situations, he does this many times in the anime/manga such as his awkward BBQ song dance, or high-fives
He visited a social worker once a week while he was little until he started middle school, resulting in his behaviours getting worse
Towards the end of his first year at Karasuno he went back to therapies regularly and has anger-management training in order to help him express himself in a manageable way - he probably won’t admit it but it helps a lot (key note is that having anger-management training often does not have anything to do with anger, simply just managing emotions in general but it often a great type of therapy for those with ASD although he is a bit of an angry boi sometimes)
ASD comes with repetitive, almost OCD-like tendencies - two examples include filing his nails every single day and having a very specific routine before going to bed that consists of drinking milk, putting on pjs, laying in bed and throwing + catching a ball, brushing his teeth and going to bed on his left side - if he doesn’t do these things at the right times/in the right order, he gets extremely anxious and agitated
It is important to remember people with ASD tend to also have another mental health issue, such as anxiety or depression
Ushijima - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
autism buds with kageyama
I kid thats probably a bad idea
Ushijima was also diagnosed with Type 1/High-Functioning Autism when he was 5
Unfortunately due to the stigma around Autism, his family (besides his father) were not very accepting of this and he was put into therapy at a young age
While this was actually helpful for him, his family insisted his therapies should ‘cure’ him and were dismissive of the many times a doctor told them that ASD is not a curable disorder
Outside of therapy he does not receive much support from his family, except his father who got him a pair of noise-cancelling headphones he used to wear until he 8 whenever they went out together - he was only allowed to wear them if it was just him and his father, the rest of his family thought it made it too obvious there was ‘something wrong with the child’
Extending on this, Ushijima was very sensitive to sensory input as a child, and while he still is, it has become easier to manager as he has gotten older
His ASD is most prevalent in his lack of understand ways of communication, such as sarcasm or jokes, and tends to take things very literally 
@simp4satori and I came to the conclusion that if you were to call him daddy during sex, or ask him to ‘punish you’ the poor boy would have NO CLUE - would probably call your dad and tell him you needed to speak to him, or say you can’t watch anime for a week lol 
He is extremely direct when he talks, to the point where it comes across rude or hurtful but he doesn’t realise this until someone mentions it
Tendou probably helps him rephrase things from time-to-time in order for him to get his point across
He gets very anxious when faced with things he doesn’t know about or understand (this is mentioned by Tendou in the manga), this can include people, going to new places or trying new foods
It is important to remember people with ASD tend to also have another mental health issue, such as anxiety or depression
Tendou - Depression and Anxiety (also a highly sensitive person - that’s not a mental health disorder or illness but it does affect him)
Tendou’s mental health suffered from a young age due to bullying in school
This caused a lot of low self-esteem and low mood, and he was later on diagnosed with depression and anxiety
Only his family, Ushijima and his coach know about this, and even then, only his family know any details
No one would really expect Tendou to deal with such mental health issues as he always keeps a bubbly, happy persona around others - he doesn’t want people to think he is weak or cowardly
It is also hard for others to see and he is someone with high-highs and low-lows, so when he is happy or excited his emotions are quite extreme
Tendou’s anxiety relates a lot to his image, mainly his appearance and the way he acts, but he is also a general over thinker
He doesn’t have panic attacks as often as Tsukishima does, however they do happen occasionally when things just get too much
He often thinks that people are staring at him, or talking about him whenever he goes out, and he tends to hid this by seeming overly cocky or sardonic
When his depression hits, he tends to just feel sad or hopeless instead of numb, which tends to trigger his anxiety too
Tendou used to self-harm often around his hips/thighs however he hasn’t done so since the end of his first year of high-school 
Probably makes a lot of dark ‘jokes’, especially around suicide and people semi are like ‘...dude...you ok?’ and he’s just like ‘hahaha yeah im fine what’
He doesn’t like alone time too much as he tends to get trapped in his own thoughts
As expected of the guess monster, he is extremely good at reading and understanding people, which is how he finds it easier to help and communicate with Ushijima
Bokuto - ADHD
A lot of people at Fukurodani think Bokuto is just stupid, however he actually has ADHD
He was diagnosed a lot later than the rest at 12 years old
Bokuto tends to struggle with his studies as his attention-span is very low and can get distracted easily - either by things in the classroom or his own thoughts
He’s very forgetful, often forgetting his lunch at home or forgetting to do/bring in his homework, and this goes into volleyball too where he forgets how to do certain moves
Taking exams are the worst for Bokuto, he hates having to be still and quiet for such a long time and is very sensitive to little sounds or movements that distract his attention - you’ll often find his bouncing his leg or fiddling with his pen
He tends to butt into conversations or interrupt people when they are talking, he just gets a bit too enthusiastic to share his thoughts
He has extreme mood-swings too which we see often in the anime, especially when he is stressed or someone mentions his behaviours
Is very reckless - Akaashi has probably had to stop him from leaning too far out the window and almost falling to look something
The whole Fukurodani volleyball team are aware of his ADHD and do their best to help him and make him feel comfortable or accepted
They are the only people allowed to call him stupid - they will fight anyone else
I think there are more characters with mental health illnesses or disorders, such and Yamaguchi, Yachi, Kenma and Asahi having anxiety so I might write more at some point!
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fmdjaewonarchive · 3 years
hey besties, ya girl jamie here with a quick plot call for the current event. this one is gonna be long as usual so i’ll detail what all four of my idiots are doing below the cut! there should be a good variety of things so there should be smth to work with for everyone. ofc i’m more than open to any ideas that anyone else has. if u wanna plot just like this post or hmu in the ims/on d*sc*rd: yujeong hand in marriage pls#5703 .
he’s staying in bungalow c and yeah... not gonna lie he’ll probably spend a bunch of time there whenever he’s not expected somewhere, not like jaewon ever goes anywhere he doesn’t have to be
june 10: he’s teaching a songwriting class at the local community center so like anyone that is present hit him up (this was a terrible idea btw, jaewon’s english is abysmal and he’ll suffer but whtvr)
june 11: he’ll probably check out the foodtruck festival, nothing too crazy
june 11: he’s performing at the pop-up concert (performing jasmine, fiancé, run away and lost in a crowd) i’d love to do something with other performers
june 11: he’ll probably forego the pool party, jaewon isn’t too big on parties (or getting drunk in front of other idols, rip the halloween party) and he’s trying to micro-manage unity less so he’s not likely to attend (tho he might be swayed if anyone really wants him there)
june 12 & 13: both concert days he mainly focuses on the concert. he’s kinda annoyed about having to perform jopping, also a lil hmh about unity not performing kick it but it shouldn’t make him more disgruntled than usually? tho he’ll still be a bit annoyed
he’s staying in villa b and rip to everyone there because he Will be a menace about it. he’s not looking for a roommate tho cuz he and jaeyeol are gonne wreck havoc together, rip everyone there
that being said he’s probably also frequently over at villa e for the sole purpose of annoying his boyfriend so catch him around there too
june 9: he’s doing a fan makeover and he’s absolutely over the moon about it, we all know yuanjun loves fashion and make-up things
june 10: also participating in the dance class, go off nation’s main dancer (im kidding ofc) but yeah he will be in his element and eager to have fun w the other ppl present
june 11: at the foodtruck festival, someone pls make the mistake of offering to buy him food and watch him work through an absolute impossible amount of food
june 11: he will be watching the softball game and rooting for the blue team (and oggling his boyfriend in the process) anyone willing to come hang out with him is more than welcome!!
june 11: also DEFINITELY going to the private pool party and honestly, i rlly want to have yuanjun going stupid crazy, he only needs like three drinks to get fucked up anyway so this is gonna be fun. come cause chaos w him, or attempt to reel him in, either one goes
 june 12: he’ll def be hungover the next morning, offer him some helpful advice maybe? 
june 12: luckily he has the rest of the day off and he’ll be back on his cheery bullshit by the time concert rehearsals and the concert rolls around (this applies to june 13 as well, he’s just glad to be here man)
staying at bungalow d, as im writing this still all by herself but i’m sure that will change soon enough anyway!
june 9: taking a floral dessign and arrangment class cuz she’s a wholesome lil hag, i love her for that
june 10: has a lot of free time on her hands, probably spends a lot of it calmly hanging around her bungalow, maybe writing some songs, but also just spending time with friends who prefer a calmer day in as well
june 11: most definitely attends the food truck festival, will buy people meals 
june 11: also will probably attend the softball game to be a supportive friend, not rooting for any team in particular, theyre all winners!!! 
june 11: most definitely will forego the pool party, the sole exception of her coming near that place is to pick up drunk friends if they text her they need help to get back to their accomodation
june 12 & 13: eager for the concerts like you’d expect from minah, truly just happy to be here, even if she wished they’d get to perform some bigger, older hits, even if just one (genie > news)
june 13: also partaking in the busking event, i’m super excited for this one, down for any sort of little collabs and duets so any muns partaking pls do hmu!!!
villa a ladies this is gonna be funnnn!! for yena at least, she’s just here to be drunk and look hot at the poolside. she does however still need a roommate tho, just saying
june 9: participating in the fashion show cuz shes a model who models!!! god this pretty bitch rlly will be in her element just walking around looking EXPENSIVE
june 9: probably goes to the open mic night to ‘support the other idols’ aka drink cocktails, she can multi task okay
june 10: will be spend in the villa lazing by the pool i do Not make the rules
june 11: im rlly not set on any of the afternoon activities, she might go to the foodtruck festival + softball game if it lines up for a thread but otherwise its also far to assume she didn’t bother
june 11: she IS however attending the pool party, dear lord as if yena would ever let that go, truly just here to look hot and get drunk, when does she ever do anything else
june 12: does have the billboard pictorial shoot in the morning and she’s definitely hungover showing up there but that’s okay she makes it work
june 12: still hungover by the time the concert creeps around and tbh cuz she doesn’t care for the concert she will do the Bare Minimum, as nam yena does
june 13: this time she’s not hungover but she still doesn’t wanna be here so truly, what’s the difference!
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vagarius · 4 years
misukazu 21
(if you saw me fuck up the other one no you didnt)
questions from this post, and answers originally written for this thread!!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?    their canon first meeting is already so good SHDGFLJASHG but if i had to choose a different one that's still within the context of mankai... meeting as kids and losing touch and coming back together completely different at mankai
What song fits your pairing the most?    uhhHHhhHHH i don't have a real answer but i do have a partial playlist for one of my misukazu aus and the only two songs in it are furaregai girl by sayuri and champagne's for celebrating by mayday parade and i feel like that says enough sldhgalsdhfalsh
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?     ALL MISUKAZU AUS ARE GOOD but. i really love any au where their first meeting is in the future and both are still kind of lost but they're Older and it's hard to let themselves fall into the easy trust they find in canon. i just think that'd be neat.
Favorite canon moment of them?     THERE ARE SO MANY but the one that immediately comes to mind is misumi carrying drunk kazu to bed (latest bday line) because drunk kazu is so soft and it implies that misumi wanted to wish happy birthday to kazu pretty late... what did he want to give him...
Least favorite canon moment of them?     hmm... there's not really one i can think of??? IM SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I LOVE ALL THEIR CANON MOMENTS
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)    this is somehow both vague and very specific but i think misukazu gives off this vibe: He's beautiful. I can't tell him. or "Kazu is always beautiful~" Don't call me that, Kazu thinks. I'm not. so... insecurities i guess ????? AJSHAJJD
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?     THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SO CHEESY but i love how /real/ they allow themselves to be around each other. misukazu at their best is when one thinks "you're you. and i love that you" and the other knows this. i just. THEY VALIDATE THE OTHER SO MUCH CRIES
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)     this isn't a "least fav" so much as "it makes me sad" but if either of them showed any sign of not being interested anymore the other is more likely to give up then push anything. sort of like "it was bound to happen, so i'll enjoy now until they drop me" or EVEN WORSE they think the other would be better off without them and pushes them away. so yeah the fact i can see one of these happening makes me sad.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?     they give off "everyone knows we're dating but us" energy but at the same time i feel like they'd acknowledge there's something and just not define it bc a) they don't need to (misumi) or b) they're too nervous to (kazu). in other words i think one day they are holding hands and misumi says "kazu? is this dating?" and kazu holds his breath before asking "do you want it to be?"
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?     i think theyd be hilarious in any sports animanga (kazu is manager tho bc noodle arms but maybe they bond when misumi walks him through some of his usual training menu one night - ahem. anyway) BUT ALSO horimiya au...
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.     AJDHAJDHSF I REALLY LOVE THEM SO IT COMES PRETTY EASILY... but sometimes you try to put them in tropes and realize they would Just Not Work Like That. idk where i'm going with this. but yeah. anyway 3 for sankaku.
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?     in terms of what i ship, i tend to ship kazu and misumi individually with a lot of dif charas AJDHAKD. but in terms of like... in-universe "rival" pairings: kazu side: tsuzukazu (maybe, lbr it would take them 273924 yrs to actually get together), kazu x someone from winter (i... have my reasons but they'd take longer than what this answer entails) misumi side: ... surprisingly none that i can think of ahdjahd
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)     you know that tweet that's like "sometimes a ship is just your two favs"? yeah that's misukazu for me. but if i had to choose... misumi AJDHAJHDSF I HONESTLY WASNT THAT INTO YUME UNTIL THESE TWO CAME AROUND (NOT COUNTING 707)... but yeah if they wanted to hold me in their arms i wouldn't oppose
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?     OOOOOH BOY well. i think it could be either of them. i don't think they'd break up for lack of love but too much love and wanting the other to be happy and thinking that the only way to give them that is to let them go. so i guess the question is which of them would be more likely to be selfish and hold on. thinking this way, i think misumi would be more likely to break-up, bc kazu has lots of friends who are better than him!! and misumi is more ready to leave if he thinks he needs to than kazu is. now im sad.
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?     THE NUMBER OF TIMES I'VE BEEN CALLED KAZU KIN... in all seriousness kazu's struggles with speaking out and (shinobi spoilers) his uncertainty over his future hit real close to home... while i don't relate as much as misumi, his struggles always manage to tear my heart into pieces... ((oversharing alert) i guess what really separates me from misumi is his struggle with his desire to connect with family who has treated him poorly... whereas im more "lol fuck you") tldr i relate to kazu slightly more LOL
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?     i never disliked them but i was NOT expecting either of them to shoot up so quickly into my favs list ahdjahdjf. also i started shipping them Immediately After reading summer main story so there's that
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?    as of september 28th 2020 i make up 11/78 fics on ao3 in the romantic misukazu tag and 2/12 in the platonic one. i may have brainrot.
What made you decide to ship them?     TBH I FINISHED THE MAIN STORY AND WENT "OH MY GOD... THAT'S MY SHIP" but now that i'm here i continue to ship them because they have the potential to bring out both the best and the worst in each other and i'm all about that
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)     angst. i just. angst hurt/comfort all the way. im so sorry babies.
lol you thought there would just be 21 ANYWAY EXTRA 1: how do they spend breaks/vacation?    they'd travel a lot when they're older!! kazunari loves to travel and misumi would follow kazunari anywhere (also, new triangles!!) so they go somewhere new whenever they have the time. however i think eventually one or both of their future careers will take them anywhere and everywhere anyway, so their "ideal vacation" might turn into an evening in, cuddling and catching up (as if they didn't already send play-by-play updates over the phone of whatever they did during the day)
EXTRA 2: first date?     i don't they ever have an explicit first date, but if asked they'll cite the time they had a picnic in the park turned triangle hunt turned accidental dip in the duck pond. at least, kazunari will. misumi just tilts his head and wonders what you mean.
EXTRA 3: gifts?     IM FEELING REALLY CHEESY SO I'M MAKING THIS ABOUT ANNIVERSARY GIFTS they both end up getting each other jewelry (although kazu was really really nervous bc he wasn't sure if misumi would wear it). kazu gets misumi a bracelet (with triangles, of course although misumi only wears it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose it) and misumi gets kazu a pair of triangle earrings "so we can match!" and kazunari combusts at the implications
EXTRA 4: sharing clothes     THEY'RE ACTUALLY AROUND THE SAME SIZE (and tend to wear baggier stuff barring kazu's skinny jeans)... but they have completely different Styles so it's still really obvious when steal each other's stuff ahdjajdkaf. as cute as kazu would look in sumi's sweatshirt i think the much more likely scenario is kazu wrapping misumi in his jackets because this boy nEVER BRINGS HIS ANYWHERE anyway just. accidental shared wardrobe misukazu.
EXTRA 5: lake house au    consider: kazunari living in a house on the shore of a lake for a summer for Art Purposes (and a little bit for Dealing With Life purposes but he's not gonna admit that) and meets his lake neighbor misumi who kazu thinks might be a ghost or spirit for a while but he actually just lives further down the lake and misumi unknowingly helps kazu with his Life Issues and maybe they fall in love
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lgcjungah · 3 years
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hiii, everyone!! i’d like to introduce to you choi jungah, a twenty-two year old aspiring entertainer from busan who has ... way too many layers to her personality. will get more in depth about it underneath the cut, or you can read up about her right here ( still wip,,, ). please give this post a like if i can slide into your ims for plotting! twitter or discord are also available. looking forward to writing with you andddd necessary info on jungah + plot ideas ( until i set up a proper plot page ) can be found under the read more cut!
a bit about her bio
she’s from busan, younger twin by 2 minutes to @lgcxjongsuk​.
grew up being dotted on by her older brother and was very close to her mother. never had a good bond with her father, however  (because he was stricter and she didn’t like his attitude. even less when she discovered he initially got with her mother for the sake of the mom’s fame).
[ TW BULLYING MENTION !! ] as a child she was nowhere near as outgoing and bubbly as she is today. rather withdrawn and shy, easily overlooked at school or bullied for preferring to stick to herself. she saw her mother as her only female friend and her twin brother as the only best friend in her life.  [ END TW BULLYING MENTION !! ]
[ TW DEATH MENTION !! ] at age 12, the twins lost their mother due to illness. their father took up on a better paid job in seoul and they moved to the capital.  [ END TW DEATH MENTION !! ]
adjusting wasn’t easy. the people in seoul appeared even more uptight and strict than back home in busan and jungah always left like the odd one out with her accent. life really didn’t seem to be too blooming for the girl.
until jongsuk signed her up for a national talent show that was broadcasted on tv. jungah managed to score first place, won the prize money and suddenly gained the affection and fondness of those around her. her classmates took interest in who she was, made attempts to befriend the new transfer. this was ... a brand new experience, but nothing jungah actually seemed to mind. suspicious about their motives at first, the girl soon grew to love the attention she got. she’s never had that before, after all.
throughout the end of middle school and all of her high school time, her personality underwent a huge change. once shut in, preferring books over human company, she did her best to appeal to her peers and stay the focus of attention, the girl they all adored and liked. she was coddled by her twin, still berated by her father, but life was great.
it became even greater when she took the chance of an audition after being dragged there by her classmates. a part of her knew that, mayhaps, all of these people claiming to root for her were only awaiting to see her fail and not get accepted. but much to their dismay, and jungah’s happiness, she passed and signed under legacy on january 2018.
her goal is to become an entertainer and she doesn’t stop at anything to achieve it.
personality !! most of it is covered on her about page, but here’s a summary
she’s ... really something. has multiple masks she wears daily, depending on each situation and company she’s in
 they’re not bad, and never mean. maybe not very genuine at times, but she does whatever it takes to be liked by literally everyone around her. she’s very attentive, borderline cunning, notices little details about people and uses them to her advantage to make herself look nice and friendly.
your muse likes anime and mentions it briefly? next thing you know you have jungah approach them about having an anime marathon together when time allows for it to.
she is friendly, outgoing, helpful, can be pretty flirty, likes to talk a lot and likes to make jokes. she appears as the bubbly girl, everybody’s darling, but really? she has no idea what or who she actually is.
the deeper thinking surfaces when she’s mostly alone or in the company of someone she really trusts.
that’s not to say she’s always an angel. she has outbursts of pouting or sulking when something doesn’t go her way, and can display “diva” behavior, namely when she’s required to pay something and simply finds ways to make everyone else pay for her.
honestly, she just wants to succeed and make her dream of being an entertainer come true. she doesn’t react well to the past, especially the death of her mother or the way she used to be as a child. pro tip: just don’t mention these things around her, ever.
plot ideas !! these can be fleshed out more 
people/friends/acquaintances from busan who knew her back when she was still very much an introvert. totally different from the way she is now. maybe they kept in contact, or reunited at lgc after years and the chance has been shocking
a penpal friend she’s had since she was a teen, and you two realize now, years later, that you are attending the same company.
ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, she had two relationships. how they ended can be discussed in detail! must be around her age and no younger than 99er.
best friends. whether it’s genuine friendship or not can be plotted out, but basically the people whom she feels most comfortable with, or whom she has no problem sharing her quiet, thoughtful moments. moments in which she’s not that bubbly girl trying to make everyone happy. 
anything antagonistic. she’s loud and she makes herself present no matter where she is. your muse happens to not like this kind of behavior at all, maybe even questions whether or not her personality is actually real or if she’s just setting this up for attention and fondness. i’d love to see her being called out on it tbh
fellow anime lovers. she’s a huuuuuuge anime geek and it’d be great if she had someone to be geeky with together, be it by flailing over ships or bonding by binge watching stuff, anything is possible!
someone she tutors in english. she’s never been the best in p.e. but languages? she loves them. she’s been self-teaching herself english aside of the mandatory english classes in school and has reached a pretty advanced level. your muse needs help and she gladly provides them with just that. of course she demands something in return - icecream, maybe? <:
hookups. sef-explanatory. though this is limited to two muses. 
i’m pretty sure i’ll come up with more but !! 
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starry-bi-sky · 4 years
SW Clone Wars Au! I would like to put a disclaimer and say now that I am not all that knowledgeable on star wars, much less the clone wars. But i AM beginning to watch the show. I’ve literally never seen the movie trilogies
Literally ask @the-navistar-carol this is the only au i’ve been talking about for the last WEEK
Why am i making this now??? Well @myvividreams got an ask on the jedinette art she made thinking that it was her au and I thought I could clear up the confusion
Okay so, first off; There’s like two verions of this au. The MB Au version and just the straight up crossover
The difference???? One has DC and one doesn’t
Okay second off!!! padawans have silka beads they get in their braids, the colors of the beads depend on the skills. Ma’ri had a few.
Ma’ri’s skilled in: the unifying force (pale blue), martial arts and lightsabers (yellow), artificing (bronze), and diplomacy/scholarship (brown)
Yeah I know thats a lot but last time I checked Jedi don’t have to be tied to ONE skill plus its always a good thing to NOT be a one-trick show pony
Ma’ri!!! Has a saberstaff. No. I dont take criticism
And like I said I am not all that knowledgeable on the Star Wars verse, so there’s like, nothing stopping me from giving Ma’ri’s staff the ability to split into two sabers
There’s a button on one side of the saber (similar to a phone ringer) that, with the right force, can break the two sabers in half from each other and become dual sabers
Uhhh how they connect?? My explanation rn is magnets. Really strong magnets. The button cuts the connection off and that’s how they split in half
So there’s that. Ma’ri had to practice A LOT to get to the point where she can do it no problem
Uh no ships!! Sorta. There’s karanette but tbh that’s not really the main focus. The focus is more of like,,, found family
Tbh anybody can be shipped with Ma’ri in this au
Except for the batfam. No batinette
Why??? Well, first off they’re a large family and Idk how that’d work considering Jedi are taken from their families when they’re babies and lbr i dont want to do the loops to fix that
Sue me. I can be lazy when I want to
Also!!! Damian. Damian is Ma’ri’s padawan
dont get any ideas he’s like 12. This is where the found family comes in
We’re gonna go a slight Anakin Skywalker route and say thta Damian was taken in as a padawan when he was older. So he didn’t grow up in the crèche
The LoA??? Yeah we have that. Damian’s a force-sensitive child assassin that was taught the force by the LoA. He’s a tad more advanced than the rest of the Initiates/Padawans in his age-clan because hey, the LoA don’t have no ROOM for failure
Ma’ri and Damian meet on what’s essentially Damian’s ‘initiation’ into the LoA. Aka they meet on a mission. Ma’ri was sent to protect one of the senators and Ma’ri and Damian meet when Damian tries to kill the senator during the night
How i’m summing it up;
Ma’ri: who is this... sassy, lost child???
Damian: is this a parental figure???
Look Damian ImprintsTM enough said
Will this be OOC??? Perhaps. But lbr i know less about dc than i do star wars im gonna do what i can
Im not kidding i’ve never seen a dc movie or show ever. Other than the flash but that doesnt count
Damian!!! Will Not Behave for ANYONE but Ma’ri. Like i said, he Imprints
Ma’ri: he don’t bite
The Council: yES HE DO
The council pulls an Anakin and makes Damian a padawan because his other options are jail or returning to being an assassin and they don’t want a force-sensitive assassin walking arounf
Plus he’s!! Powerful, they’re not going to get rid of this oppurtunity
So!!!!! Congrats General Chen!! Meet your Padawan!
Part two??????
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