#he's gonna get to the bottom of this by any means necessary
ferdiefields · 8 months
@davisdrake (continued from here):
Well, this was awkward. Davis knew about Ferdie of course, but he wasn’t expecting to run into Louie's ex with Louie, especially when their recent kiss was still so fresh and, well, undiscussed. Davis looked from Ferdie to Louie, trying to gauge what the hell either of them could be thinking right now. He couldn’t help but feel like he wasn’t supposed to be part of this interaction, even if he was literally paying Louie to hang out with him. It felt necessary for Davis to say something to make things less weird. An introduction, perhaps? “— Uhhh, no tension. Just .. surprised. Ferdie, right?” He held out his hand to shake it, despite the obvious discomfort. “I’m Davis.”
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Finding out that Louie was a sugar baby was one thing Ferdie hadn’t expected upon arriving back in Echo Isle, but all things considered it truly wasn’t that surprising. Louie had always been willing to do (almost) anything to make money, and a gig like this—where he got paid just to hang out with a rich guy and partake in his lavish lifestyle—was a double win. The only catch was that he seemed to be rather reluctant to introduce his friends to the guy. They all knew who he was, of course, but there remained a clear separation between Louie’s friend group and his sugar daddy, maybe to maintain the boundary between his work and personal life. Whatever the case, Ferdie would just have to see what he could gauge about the situation from this interaction, because running into the two like this was a rare opportunity. He couldn’t help commenting on the weird atmosphere that seemed to linger even after Davis denied any tension. Interesting. Maybe trying to push some buttons would reveal a little of what was going on here. He accepted the handshake. "Surprised...Didn't Louie mention I was in town? I'm sure it was only a matter of time before we met. Then again, Louie does seem to be doing his best to keep you all to himself."
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em1e · 1 year
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⠀若年 // THIEVES AMONG US ⠀ ༝ ༝ wakatoshi ushijima ⠀ ༝ ༝ 1k words ⠀ ⚠︎ fluff to make up for the heartbreak i've been posting ⠀— ushijima is tired of having no hoodies left
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ushijima wakatoshi was a lot of things. 
standing at a strong 189.5 cm, all muscle and intimidation to those who don’t know him. quiet and kind to those who do. 
patience is not something that ushiwaka finds himself lacking in the slightest. it’s actually one of the few things he prides himself in, tolerance for things at another level compared to others. on rare occasion does he find it wearing thin, and today seems to be one of those rarities. 
he’s looked everywhere for the stash of hoodies he keeps hidden in his room, locked away from your sticky fingers that manage to take home every other jumper, t-shirt, or jacket you can grab. as the days begin to get colder, leaves turning and falling off of their trees with fall turning to winter, he finds it necessary to have one of the few hoodies he has left under his roof before he goes out the door, and he cannot seem to find a single one. 
he almost wants to be amazed at how quickly you manage to grab them - unknowingly to his analytical eye, but frustration bleeds its way under his skin as he stands from looking under his bed for the third time. 
not in his closet, not shoved in the backs of his drawers, not even at the bottom his laundry hamper. poof, gone. disappeared into the wind with no evidence to prove they were ever there in the first place. 
ushijima heaves a sigh, pulling on his old, thin volleyball jacket with the decision of that needing to be enough. it’d have to be, with the fact of not having anything else to pull on over his long sleeve looming bitterly over his head. 
and to think you hate the color of his shiratorizawa jacket - now worn and dull compared to how it looked when he was still in high school. but, if he had to pick between your distaste for the jacket or be uncomfortably chilly for your date,  he’d choose the former. at least then, he can have some amount of satisfaction with being able to point out that you are the reason he’s been pushed to such measures. 
this bit of spite is enough to spur him on to your house to pick you up for your date. 
you looked excited when you pulled open the door, only for your face to drop and your nose to scrunch as you take in the sight of his jacket. faded purple clashing with the off-whitish-yellow shirt he’s decided to pair it with. 
“waka . . .” you almost whine as he steps inside so you can slide on your shoes, “we’re gonna take pictures, you don’t have any other jackets to wear?” 
“i think you know better than i do the answer to that.” the baritone of his voice cutting through you as you stand on your toes to press a quick kiss to his lips. it forms into a giggle when he returns it, leaving you to be the one to step away so you can finish getting ready. 
“‘m not sure what you mean,” you wave off easily, but you grab his hand to pull him towards your room so he doesn’t hover in the entryway while you put the final pieces of your outfit together, “can let you borrow one of mine, though.” 
he makes a noise, low in the back of his throat, that tells you he knows you mean one of the many you’ve robbed from him, but he doesn’t voice a complaint because even the short walk to your home was enough to leave goosebumps on his skin - his shiratorizawa jacket doing nothing to protect him from the elements. 
he watches as you grab a sweater of your own to pull over your shoulders, cute and matching the outfit you’ve picked perfectly, before getting on your knees beside your bed and pushing some stuff around under it, pulling out a large storage container with a huff. 
“don’t be upset,” you’re starting to say, popping open the lid and taking it off to reveal . . . every single hoodie he’s been missing in the past three years you’ve been dating. 
“how . . .” he starts, brows shooting up in shock before they furrow, “why?” 
“i like the way you smell,” you pout, puffing out your cheeks to fight the heat rising to them as you avoid his stare to dig through the tub, “s’nice for when you’re out of town for games.” 
you pull out one of the neatly folded hoodies you’d been searching for. a sage green that goes well with your own outfit and the shirt he’s got on. 
you offer it to him with a grin, “i can let you borrow this one, but i’ll need it back.” you say matter-of-factly, pulling it back to yourself when he doesn’t say anything to the comment, “i need confirmation you’ll give it back!” 
you have the audacity to look serious right now. deadly so, as if your life may be on the line without this very hoodie. 
“i’ll give it back.” he affirms, “but i need at least three back if you don’t want to ever see me in this jacket again.” he gestures to the worn jacket he’s began to pull off his shoulders, offering it to you in exchange for the green one still being held hostage in your hands. 
your eyes flick from the shiratorizawa jacket to the container at your feet. thinking. calculating. 
“fine,” you hold the hoodie out to him, “but i get to pick which ones.” 
he pulls the hoodie over his head, just barely catching the way your eyes eat at the portion of his abs that shows when his shirt rides up. he grins, “i’ll take that.”
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The One
Prompt: Hours away from your wedding, you visit Gibbs, needing to ask him a question that’s been on your mind for years.
Various family members had come in and out of your room, helping you get ready for your wedding that was set to happen in 6 hours. It wasn’t a big venue, just mainly close family and friends and their plus ones. The location was a botanical garden your fiancé’s parents had decided on, even after you had voiced that you preferred it in a small church. During most of the wedding planning you didn’t get much say at all, all of it being organized by your future mother in law who felt she knew best.
Your fiancé was too submissive to go against his parents wishes, not wanting to ruffle anyone’s feathers at the cost of making you feel unimportant.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, hair finished as your curls fell over your shoulders and sighed. Something was keeping you uneasy all morning. You could just blame it on cold feet but that wouldn’t explain why you couldn’t stop thinking about a certain someone that wasn’t your husband to be. You looked down at the multiple unanswered texts you had sent him throughout the day, telling him you really wished to see him at the wedding.
He was your friend of 5 years, you two met on a joint operations case between the FBI and NCIS. The both of you kept in touch, meeting up for a quick cup of coffee and chat almost every week. You would be lying if you said you never thought of him more than just a friend but for whatever reason, it never exceeded friendly conversations and occasional late night cafe dinners. The last thing you wanted was to ruin your friendship by catching feelings that most likely weren’t returned.
4 years later and multiple bad breakups later, you found the one you wanted to marry. Or at least think you did. Sure, the two of you weren’t as compatible as you’d like but it’ll work itself out with time, right?
Another big sigh from you, it became clear what you were gonna have to do. Getting up and dressing into something casual, you grabbed your keys and left your room. No one stopped to see where you were going, all too worried about whatever task they had been given by mother in lawzilla, so getting in your car and leaving went smoothly.
The drive wasn’t long as you pulled into the quiet neighborhood and parked just outside his house. His old truck parked in the driveway told you he was there as your hands suddenly became clammy with nervousness. You got out of your car and made your way up to his door. You knew it was unlocked and all you needed to do was walk in but you were frozen. You hadn’t thought your plan all the way through and now your head was filling with doubts.
As if your body knew something you didn’t, your hand opened the door and your legs carried you in. Surely, he had heard you come in so there was no turning back now. The house was quiet except the sound of power tools being used from down below.
The floor creaked as you walked towards the basement and began to descend the stairs. You were going to call out his name in announcement but he was already standing there looking up at you. Dressed in a plain blue plaid button down and some cargo pants slightly dusted in wood shavings, it was a good look for him.
“Hey Jethro,” you started.
“Hey Y/N.”
You made it to the bottom of the stairs and continued until he was only a few feet in front of you.
“You haven’t been answering any of my texts.”
He licked his lips and looked down guiltily before responding. “I know.”
Feeling antsy, you walked over to the boat and ran your hands over the newly sanded edges. He took that time to grab two small glasses and pour 2 fingers of his whiskey in them, handing you one.
You took a bigger sip than necessary, hoping it would help the building anxiety.
“I can’t believe I’m getting married in less than 6 hours,” you said, leaning against his workbench.
“Lucky man,” he responded flatly.
“Is he?” He gave you a look of inquiry. “I mean we don’t have that much in common. His parents don’t really like me and..”
You stopped, refraining yourself from finishing the sentence and took another sip of the whiskey.
“I don’t know. I mean did you think your ex wife was gonna be the one when you married her? Marriage is a big deal, you don’t just go and marry anyone. What’s so special about me?”
“I don’t think I’m the one to ask about marriage,” he said with a short chuckle. “But I’m sure he has many reasons why you’re special to him.”
“I don’t know Jethro. I never really thought in depth about our relationship until now. It almost feels as if the last year and a half was a blur, nothing standing out too much. Our relationship isn’t like what they describe in all the romantic books and movies. Sometimes I feel like he’s more of a platonic friend than fiancé.”
“Then why say yes to marrying him?”
You didn’t have a straight answer for his question. The proposal had gone so fast and in public, you didn’t have much time to think about it without looking like you were gonna say no.
“I don’t really know. Because it was the logical choice? We’ve been together for almost 2 years now.”
He shook his head and swirled the amber liquid in his mason jar, taking a step towards you.
“You don’t marry someone because it’s logical Y/N. You marry them because you can’t see yourself with anyone else and want nothing more than to spend every day coming home to them. You marry all of their traits that you fell in love with, including the weird ones. Marriage is a team effort and if you aren’t both absolutely on the same page, it’ll never work.”
Tears welled in your eyes, his words making you realize just how dumb you have been. You knew your fiancé wasnt your soulmate. You had more in common with Jethro than him. And that’s what bugged you the most. Being best friends with the person you wanted something more from and not having the courage to say anything. But now it’s time. It’s time for you to know if there could’ve been anything between you and Jethro.
“I just need you to answer one question Jethro. Is there something more between us than just being friends? Because every time I’m with you, I can’t think straight. I enjoy every moment we spend together and can’t wait for the next one. You always make me feel so happy and cared for but am I alone in those feelings?”
He sighed and finished his drink, turning to walk away.
“Don’t ignore the question Jethro! Please. Just talk to me.”
“What do you want me to say Y/N? That I’m jealous that your boyfriend of 1 year gets to marry you instead of me? He doesn’t know you. He doesn’t know that you like to look up at the stars at night when you’ve had a bad day at work. He doesn’t know that you actually have a PhD in science but don’t tell anyone because you don’t want to feel like you’re better than anyone else.”
He turned back, now headed your way, confessions continuing to spill from his mouth.
“I bet he doesn’t notice the way you arch your eyebrow when you’re lying. Or how you pour half a gallon of milk into your coffee after adding a cup of sugar. You’re right Y/N. There is something more between us but it’s too late. You’re gonna marry him and I’ll be there for you just as your friend.”
You let the tears fall, elated and heartbroken at the same time.
“But I want to be the one,” he said cryptically, /settng his whiskey down.
“One what?” you asked as he came closer, causing your breath to hitch.
“The one to kiss you before he takes you away from me,” he breathed, closing the gap between the two of you. Almost reflexively, the glass you had dropped to the floor and overcome with so many emotions it made you light headed, you kissed him back, holding onto him for support. One hand on the back of your neck and the other holding you tight, your tongues met and danced with each other until both of you were out of breath.
Both of you let out heavy breaths as you pulled apart but he didn’t let you go. He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead, your nose, your jaw and your neck, making your eyes flutter closed. He then released you and took a step back. His words and actions had changed everything.
You couldn’t get married now knowing what you knew. You weren’t sure how to put it into words but something told you that Jethro knew that as well.
“Thank you,” you finally answered. You were sure your makeup was ruined from all the crying and stress but it didn’t matter any more. You pulled him in for a hug, arms wrapping around his neck and just breathing him in. Without hesitation, his arms held you close again. Yeah, you could get use to this.
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tinykonig · 1 year
König x Reader Headcanons
this is my first post!!!! im so excited!! i have had an extremely annoying day and just wanted to write these down to cheer me up a bit- hope you guys like them as well :) some of these are self indulgent so forgive me. im writing my könig fic but its taking a while since finals are upon me :/ Warnings: NSFW at the bottom, I put an indicator before :)
He is an extremely active listener. If he’s standing and you are talking to him, he has his feet pointed towards you and his head ducked down a bit so he can hear you better since he’s so tall. Nods along to whatever you say and generally has attentive body language
Remembers the smallest details from any conversation. You tell him a story about your childhood pet and months later he will casually say the pet’s name in another conversation. It always takes you off guard a little
When he realizes he likes you, he panics. Writes frantically in his journal for about 3 hours about it.
You catch on to his little crush pretty quickly, given how he lingers near you more than anyone else and gets shy at the smallest interactions
When you finally confess to him that you feel similarly he is so incredibly happy but flustered. Had to take a cold shower that night to calm himself down
Gives you little gifts all the time (one of his love languages for sure). A drawing he did, a flower he saw on the side of the road, some candy he brought from home, etc
Also collects anything you may gift him. Hoards them and protects them like they are living and breathing
Goes through them on nights when you two have to be apart. He can be extremely sentimental
If you are an artist in anyway, he is your HYPE MAN. Hangs up your drawings/poems/photographs, whatever it may be, in his little dorm room
He melts if you cook/bake him something homemade. Like seriously might get choked up. He loves the smell of baked goods, it always makes him feel right at home. You always try to bake him something on his birthday and he is over the moon about it
Protective but knows you can handle yourself most of the time. Despite his introverted nature he will defend you loudly and aggressively if he senses that it’s necessary
He loves any little weird quirks you may have. You love the smell of clean laundry? He thought it was so cute when you would sniff the shirts coming out of the dryer
Accidentally bumps into/knocks you with his hands or arms soooo often. He’s a big boy who doesnt quite have spatial awareness sometimes
He feels so bad everytime it happens and just cradles your face in his hands and apologizing so rapidly (it never really hurts but you like the attention so)
If you dont know german he will give you a “german word of the day” and will say it to you the entire day in context until you guess what it means
Is so excited when you guess right
Not gonna be into PDA it’s too much for him. He’s just constantly your shadow 24/7 in public. The most is having a hand on your back or shoulder so you don’t get lost in a crowd
In private however. Clingiest boy alive (his other love language is physical touch)
Lives for you laying your head on his lap. Plays with your hair or traces your features while he talks to you about his day or a book he started reading
Has the most expressive eyes in the world
I headcannon him as ginger, his hair slightly shaggy (haircuts give him anxiety so he does it himself when it starts to get in his eyes) and wavy
light freckles on his cheeks and across his nose!!!
With his blue eyes he is truly such a picture of beauty
He isn’t super weird about showing his face to you. When you start hanging out outside of work duties he doesn’t wear it, and appreciates that you dont bring attention to it
Sometimes you make a little comment about him being pretty and his face is on FIRE but he just quietly says thank you and has a little smile on his face
Compliments you shyly but often, will not make eye contact with you when he says it
Writes you super heartfelt notes that he will leave you to find because he can better express himself that way
Don’t get me wrong though he has his moments where he can be very very cocky!!
For example: right after a successful mission when he is still riding the adrenaline rush, he is much touchier with you even in front of others
If you need him to reach something he loves that and gets a little power trip. Teases you and makes you jump to get it from him a bit
If he notices that he made YOU blush, wooo boy he loves to tease you. “Did you like that, hmm?”, with a sickly sweet smile
The first time was extremely soft and slow and sweet. He was very eager but very unsure of himself. Didn’t know where to put his hands. You had to guide him and reassure him and he didn’t last very long but it was sweet
He whimpered the entire time
After that, he slowly gains confidence and learns what works for you two
Still likes for you to be in control mostly, with rare soft dom moments
Will try almost anything once!!
Loves praise. Too insecure for degradation and absolutely can’t degrade you either
Loves to eat pussy sooooo much… You have a bad day? He’s on his knees in the shower with one of you thighs on his shoulder. Its your birthday? He got you like 9 presents but the finale is cumming on his tongue 4 times
He fucking growls sometimes when he’s overstimulated and its the greatest thing to grace your ears
Says “I love you” like a chant when he’s cumming in you
Wants to see your face the whole time
Ironically he is great at making eye contact in the bedroom
He has the sexiest thighs in the world
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hyomaluvr · 9 months
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cw // reader is gn, objectification, sub shidou (top&bottom),, breeding, single mention of period, not proof read, sorry for any odd formatting :(
Aftercare: I’m really sorry, but you’re taking care of him. He likes his hair brushed and a bath, if you’re willing to spoil him.
Body parts: His favorite part of himself is his dick. I wish I could say something like “his smile” or “his eyes” or even “his chest”, but he just wants to show off his cock. Truly a toddler within the adult world.
Cum: Is it even necessary to say? He will blow his load any and everywhere on your body. Unsurprisingly, cum plays a huge role in his enjoyment of sex. He frequently talks about giving you his load, how you’re full of his seed and he’s truly laid his claim on you. If he’s fucking you, it’s going right inside that cute little hole he loves so much.
Dirty secret: He’s never once been a dom ever. He’ll try to act like just this once you’ve forced him into submission, but he just can’t dominate that well since he’s really such a slut. Now, he’ll fuck the shit out of you, that much is for sure, but it’s more like he’s your puppy who does whatever you command. He’s just itching to get inside you.
Experience: Not much actually. Shidou’s disposition isn’t exactly popular, and he’s more of a chaser than the one being chased. That said, it’s not gonna stop him from coming onto you as hard as he can, and he doesn’t back down when you let him have his way with you. The only problem in his mind is that he just can’t quite get ahold of this “daddy dom” concept he always envisioned for himself. Quite the opposite actually.
Favorite position: Missionary (or pegging). If not pegging, cow girl. He really likes looking at you and groping you, so anything with your back turned is a no-no. If you want him on top, he’s going full mating press, drunk with his obsessive breeding kink.
Goofy: He makes a bunch of dirty jokes and flirts so openly that you’d think he considers himself to be pretty unserious during sex, but he’s actually fully serious when he says those things. If he tells you he feels like he’s gonna cum in public like a crazy person, he fully means that he wants you to get him there. He doesn’t mind cum spurting into his underwear or spattering onto his jeans. Because of this, he honestly considers himself to take sex pretty seriously, although by any normal standards, you could say he’s pretty…quirky, to say the least?
Hair: Shidou is well groomed. He’s the kind of guy that shaves his hair into shapes, like a thin triangle above his cock that crawls up towards his belly button. Sex is a pretty important part of self expression too, right?
Intimacy: Shidou would consider himself an intimate person, but to be honest he has a very warped definition of intimacy. Because he’s so shameless and transparent about his desires, no matter how disgusting they sound when cried out during a match, he finds himself drunk on lust and intimacy at any touch. Realistically though, you’re not getting a soft love making session. Either he’s ramming his hips into you, or you’re doing it to him.
Jerking off: Fuck it, he’ll jerk off in public. Of course he’s not so shameless that he’d do it anywhere, but palming himself under the table, fucking his fist in the bathroom, or popping a boner in the middle of practice aren’t necessarily uncommon when you’re near him. He loves to tease you and he loves making himself feel good, so he’s gonna do his best to not get caught and take care of his business, somewhat reasonably at least. Those times when Shidou does get more ‘intimate’ by normal standards are when he’s alone, fisting his cock with drool trailing down his lips. It’s fun when he can tease you, but when you’re not around, he’s dizzy with how much he misses you. He’ll do anything for you. His abs flex and tighten while he writhes when he pinches his nipples, imagining your hand. The only time he’s not chattering lewdly away is when he doesn’t have you on a silver platter in front of him.
Kink: Experimental. But mostly, he lives to breed you, pump you full of his sperm, make sure your body is getting what he believes it needs, especially if you have a certain time of the month.
Location: Anytime, anywhere, he’ll make it work. Do you hate exhibitionism? Fine, he’ll make absolutely sure you don’t get caught. Just let him get inside you!
Motivation: Did you seriously believe he has a reason to want to do you? Please, he feels entitled to being able to since you’re his. But at the end of the day, he does whatever you tell him to, so nothing gets him going more than your permission or request.
No: He’s very willing to do most things. However, he refuses to let anyone else cum inside you. That’s reserved for him. He’ll beat the fuck out of anyone who even jokes about it.
Oral: Seriously, anything you ask, he’ll do. Burying his tongue in you, sucking and kissing you, drinking in your juices…is that supposed to be a chore for him? Because he’d do it for hours if you let him. There’s never just one orgasm with him, and it’s mostly because he’s greedy.
Pace: “Fast, fast, faster, faster, more, harder!” He’ll slam his fists down on the sheets, clawing them hard enough to tear. It doesn’t matter if you’re jack hammering your hips into him, it feels so damn good he just can’t get enough! Thus, he’ll treat you the same way when he’s returning the favor. Of course, if you commanded him to slow down, he’d be forced to listen, panting and drooling as he begged for more, and that’s not so bad either, right?
Quickie: To be honest, he likes taking his time with you (although that really means he just likes getting as many orgasms from you as possible), but quickies are frequent when someone who needs nothing more than to be tamed like Shidou. Sometimes you just have to find some way to shut him up.
Risk: He’ll take whatever risks he wants. There are certain times he’s adamant that no one is allowed to see you, namely Itoshi Rin, but generally he’ll fuck you anywhere you want. Honestly, he likes it when you make him try to keep quiet, it’s a huge turn on.
Stamina: Unlimited.
Toys: Cock rings, butt plugs, floggers, hand cuffs, ball gags, leashes, dildos, vibrators…he’s got quite the extensive collection. You bet he’s been saving up for them.
Unfair: He’ll tease you to the ends of the earth if you want him too, but normally he’s just glad you’re letting him get his dick wet. Maybe unfair in regards that he’s more concerned about his orgasm than yours a lot of the time, but it’s not like he doesn’t make you finish anyway. Sometimes he’s kind of possessive and doesn’t let you wear certain things around people he hates. Not unfair in terms of teasing though.
Volume: Screaming, crying, whimpering, whining, hissing…all of these come at varying volumes at yet he somehow manages to be heard no matter which he does. Part of the reason he likes being told to keep quiet so much is because it makes his nut that much more stimulating since it’s so difficult.
Wild card: He secretly loves when you patronize him and call him cute, especially not in bed. It makes him want to curl up in your arms and squeeze the life out of you. Call him your good boy and he’ll be punching holes in his walls from how riled up it makes him.
X-ray: Chiseled abs, pretty average sized pecs, thick thighs, shapely but toned ass. His favorite though is his fat cock, veiny, curved, not too big but definitely made up for in shape.
Yearning: Are you kidding?? That’s all he does. In a non sexual sense, he just wants to see you. Just let him look at you, and it makes him feel so much better. He feels somewhat unsettled when not seeing you for several days.
Zzz: You’d think this puppy falls asleep in seconds after you tell him you’re done, and that’s what he wants you to think too. Really he just cuddles up to you and closes his eyes until you fall asleep. Then he sits up and looks over you. For someone who’s always making a racket, it’s silent for once as he lays a small kiss on your forehead and watches your still form rising and falling, his chest tightening almost painfully in endearment.
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djarrex · 2 months
Captain Rex x f!reader
read on ao3 | masterlist
Falling in love with each other is just not sustainable.
finally have some juice to work on a couple of my half-baked and forgotten wips that would have otherwise sat in my drive to rot. enjoy 1.7k words of this smutty rex angst. 18+ only. explicit.
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You grip his shoulders just a little harder as you double your efforts, chasing the feeling you’ve longed for since the last time Rex was here. You’re slick with sweat, your top clinging to your skin. Rex is still wearing some of his armor, only having removed the pieces that would keep him from entering you comfortably. Hardly any of his skin is exposed, except for a patch around where you’re speared on his lap – where he hastily pulled his cock from the waistband of his compression suit. 
“I’ve missed this,” you say breathily, bouncing harder on his lap. You reach for the waistband of his compression suit, sliding your hand up and along his abdomen, something made easier after he removed his cuirass. His skin is always pleasantly smooth and soft, warm as the thick muscles flex beneath your palm. 
“I’ve missed your fat cock – how it feels when you stretch me open.” Rex groans at that, tilting his head backward as you keep going. “You’re such a good fuck, Rex. Always know what I need and what gets me off.”
You can’t help but get talkative with Rex – it’s something about the way he reciprocates. He’s always listening – astute – to your words and to your body. If you get the ball rolling, Rex takes it and runs. It turns you both on even more.
“Yeah?” He groans again, meeting your eyes. His pupils nearly swallow the deep brown in his irises and you’re utterly lost in them. “Fuck – keep talking like that. I’m so close.”
Rex takes over then, his hands gripping your sides as he rocks his hips upward. 
“Shit, Rex. Just like that. I’m gonna cum.” You let your head fall backward only briefly as you let him take over. Heat brews in your belly. Fuck, you missed how it felt to have Rex reach so far into your cunt, knocking the breath out of you. 
Breaths, words. 
Rex grunts with the extra exertion – complies with your request.
“Harder, Rex.”
His forehead beads with sweat – his breath becoming ragged. It’s so good. You’re floating – drifting among the stars. Cool sparks prick your skin. It’s so much and not enough. You need him. All of him.
“Yes! Rex – right there.”
More breaths. More words. His name.
“I love how you feel–”
Then – the wrong choice of words. A mistake.
“–I love you.”
And just like that – you’re snatched from the edge, pulled away when Rex halts all movement. When you lift your head, his lips have sealed into a thin line, his brows furrowing. He’s watching you. Picking your brain. Your hands fall into your lap.
It slipped. You didn’t mean to let it out. Fuck.
You can't love him. He can't love you. It violates the very necessary agreement the two of you had discussed at the beginning of– of whatever this is. Loving the other means attachment. For you, attachment could end in heartbreak, among other things. For Rex, though – attachment will inevitably lead to distraction. You'd both agreed long ago that anything more than sex just would not be sustainable. Impractical. Dangerous – for both of you. 
You must not fall for each other.
Not again.
He exhales softly, but squeezes your thigh with just enough reassurance to pull a little apologetic smile from you. Still unmoving on his lap, his cock twitches with want inside of you. His eyes are still pooled with desire and you can’t help the little gasp you make when he carefully adjusts his angle against the bunk.
Rex runs the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip. “Do you want me to keep going?”
You do. You really do. And you thank the Maker that Rex isn’t lingering on your comment – that he won’t let it ruin the moment. You nod, dragging your palms under his compression suit, this time reaching his firm, heated chest, feeling the raised skin of his scar. Leaning toward him, you whisper, “Make me forget.”
Rex is great at making you forget – and he prides himself in that.
He smirks. “Yes ma’am.”
You’re lifted off his lap and tossed onto your back. As your head hits the surface, Rex pulls down the bottoms of his compression suit, granting himself enough give to spread his thighs. The blood rushing  in your ears like a rapid river, you clench at the sight.
The rush you feel is only amplified when Rex just as quickly slots himself between your legs, pushing against the underside of your thighs and spreading them to his liking. He sinks into you with a single breath – and doesn’t waste any more time with getting you both back to your peaks. He has you crying out his name in moments, and he gets right into the talking – ever his usual self.
“You’ve missed this, yeah? I’m gonna make sure I make up for it – gonna fill this pussy.” He swallows thickly. “Ask me to fill you. Beg me.”
“Rex…” you gasp. Your cunt sucks him in so perfectly, making the most obscene sounds. “Fill me, Rex. I need you to fill me.”
He growls at that. “Good girl.”
It doesn’t stop there. You’re beyond floating now – more like crashing through hyperspace. You’ve since been flipped onto your stomach, laying completely flat with Rex pounding into you from above. His weight is hovering over you, bits and pieces of his remaining armor imprinting your skin. You feel his breath against your ear – hot and ragged. 
“Tell me how much you're gonna miss this when I’m gone,” his broken whisper comes. The sound of it goes straight to your cunt. “Tell me you’re gonna think about this – about this right here – while I’m gone.”
Before you can begin to formulate your gasps and moans into a response, Rex’s arm snakes around your hip, his newly-bare fingers finding your clit. You know he still has armor pieces on his arms, and you’re sure there are going to be impressions of it in your skin, but you’re unable to feel anything other than the molten pressure building in your core. Your orgasm hits you faster than the blink of an eye – knocks you off your axis.
You scream. Rex lets out a loud, shaky groan. He holds you there, pushed into the mattress.
“Good girl. Now take it. Fuck, yes, that’s a good girl. So good for me. Take it all, mesh’la.”
You do – and you allow yourself to bask in the moment, knowing it’ll disappear–that Rex will disappear–far too soon. 
When he finally climbs off of you, you feel entirely too empty. 
Instead of getting up with him, you just lay there, trying not to think about how his cum seeps out from you with every relaxed breath – how he’s claimed you so long ago – ruined anyone else for you – and this is a reminder. 
You can hear Rex reattaching parts of his kit, but he’s silent otherwise. You begin to mentally kick yourself again for slipping. It’s the fear that you’ve ruined everything. Again. The only thing you can think to do with your already sky-high anxiety is to keep talking. You turn to lay on your back, not having it in you to get up and dressed just yet. It’s easier to not meet his eyes this way.
“I’m sorry, Rex,” you say more to the ceiling than to him. 
He comes into view then, peering down at you. There’s an unreadable expression on his face. You’re unsure of what he’s thinking – and you’re even more confused when he sits down at your bedside, taking your hand into his.
“Stop apologizing.”
Finally meeting his eyes, you can only press your lips into a line, unsure of what to say next. Unable to stop it, the burning feeling of tears heats your eyes. You go to turn your face away, embarrassed, but Rex doesn’t have it.
“Hey,” he soothes, reaching to instead hold your cheek in his palm and gently redirecting you to focus on him. You’re forced to meet his eyes, but something’s changed. His expression is now clear, a distinguishable look of sincerity written in the way his features have softened. Even his eyes don’t feel as intense – a rare sight – something you haven’t seen from him in a long time.
“We– we tried before,” he begins, the pad of his thumb running along your cheek. You miss the way his hands feel, too used to the rough material of the gloves he wears. An extra layer of him that adds to keeping his true feelings buried far beneath the exterior. “I know it’s hard, but it’s better this way.”
Your voice finds its way back to you. “It’s not hard.” Pausing, you level him with a stare. “It’s impossible to not love you, Rex.” 
He considers that for a beat, sighing heavily. 
“You know how I feel about you. That will never change.”
It’s far from a confession, but it’s something. It’s all you’re going to get from him.
When all you give him in response is a faint nod, you could swear you see those deep brown eyes begin to swell, the faintest glimmer or tears brimming as his words sit like dense fog in the air. 
Just then, his commlink beeps faintly from inside his helmet, briefly redirecting Rex’s attention over to where he set it down across the room. It seems like a thousand seconds go by until he finally meets your eyes again, both of you hiding your disappointment. 
“I have to go,” he says quietly, almost a whisper. It’s like he forces the words out, tasting bitter as they leave his mouth. He stares at you, seemingly waiting for you to say something, anything. Maybe he’s waiting for a fruitless argument for him to stay, or one last unnecessary apology – or even one final declaration of your feelings. 
But nothing you could ever say to Rex in this moment would change how the two of you can never be together, would never supersede the duties he feels he has to free his brothers, would never stop the Empire from committing more atrocities, would never stop Rex from fighting.
The words feel just as bitter in your own mouth, even before you can speak them.
“I know.”
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lord-of-the-harvest · 11 months
TPOF Ren Hana Heat headcannons with you as his pet!
(Coming from someone who has very little understanding on the omegaverse)
WARNINGS: NSFW, mentions of somnophilia, bondage, bodily harm, forced pregnancy, hiding medication
I WILL be incorporating these heat/rut headcanons into my TPOF Ren fanfic, Pleasure, Pain, and Power, at a later date. Not sure when it'll come out, but I'd like to do one chapter per day he's going through it :)
Technically it’s a rut, but who cares
It happens once a year in early/mid September
Lasts one week, with the first few days making him more horny than usual, but his main focus is on nesting, stocking up on food, lube, medical gear, etc. He also takes the whole week off work
He’s gonna get super clingy, and will make sure all your needs are met…for these few days
Want him to make your favorite snack? Done. When him to get you new shoes? Done. Want him to do that weird sex thing you really like but he doesn’t? Double done. He wants you happy and taken care of
Clinginess starts with him mindlessly pawing at you, and following you everywhere, but escalates to not letting you leave the nest at all
He tries to restrain himself during this time, as he knows it’s about to get bad, and wants to protect you from it as much of it as possible
He nests on the bed and brings out all of his blankets, pillows, and soft clothes. He likely has to replace all of these after his rut since they’re all going to get ripped apart
During his peak he will bite, scratch, and keep fucking you till he passes out. Many times he’ll pass out while still inside you and keep fucking you when he wakes up, or even hump at you while still asleep
All your clothes will be ripped to shreds, so you both go mostly nude for a few days
If you try to leave the nest without him, even to use the restroom, he’ll drag you back by any means necessary. He might even tie you to the bed or attach you to a leash
His peak lasts a day or two, then starts to decline. He uses this time to lick your wounds, patch you up, and assure you that he loves you
Way prefers topping/domming, but will power bottom if he needs to
Might use toys? I could see him using a fleshlight while he’s still somewhat in control, and even let you peg him on the first or last day
Breeding kink goes through the ROOF and might even try to prevent you from taking birth control if you’re on it. -hiding pills, clawing out an IUD, etc, even if you don’t actually want to get pregnant
A LOT of cockwarming, especially with his knot becoming much more prominent and more painful to take out. Again, will absolutely fall asleep after knotting you
Barely sleeps, and with much more restlessness than usual when he eventually passes out
He gets insanely hungry, and packs in as much protein and carbs as quickly as possible
His only focus is making sure you’re full of his cum, in the nest, and on your way to being pregnant. It’s the only way to ease the pain of going through his rut, poor guy!
Edit: this is getting a lil attention!! If anyone wants to write with these HCs in mind, please tag me!Purely for…science :)
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riddlebot · 1 year
Welcome Home - Beginner's Guide!
Want to get into Welcome Home but overwhelmed and not sure where to start? This post is for you!!
I've seen a lot of people who are interested but aren't sure where to begin, or even how to begin! Lucky for you, we are currently in the prologue, so it'll be easy to get caught up!
I'm gonna put this under a read more because it's quite a big chunk of text.
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For starters, I'm going to post some of Clown's (the creator of WH, @partycoffin) wishes as far as fandom and engaging with content:
No publicly posted NSFW (as of right now) of the characters! Clown has stated they aren't sure how they feel about this just yet, and so have asked people to not do this. Do not sell merchandise or art with WH characters! This is Clown's intellectual property and he is just one person! The only person that should be making money from WH is Clown! Please don't repost people's art, including Clown's! It's really sad this has to be stated at all - everything on the website is free to use and spread around, but don't repost Clown's art from his blog or twitter! Not everything is canon and reposting old art confuses newcomers and is also just rude. Shipping is fine, as is fan works, making OC's for WH, and cosplay! Do not send Clown theories, fanscripts, comics, ect. They are still working on the story and do not want to accidentally use someone else's idea.
CONTENT WARNINGS! This is directly from Clown's website.
Common attributes in Welcome Home that may not be suitable for all audiences are listed below!
Eyes, eye contact, or staring.
Unreality or derealization.
Puppets or mannequins.
Exploration of heavy topics, like death, isolation, and mental health.
Auditory unease, such as unpleasant sounds.
Its also important to note that this is currently the prologue and the story itself will not actually start for quite some time. Also, the only things that are currently canon are things that are found on the website. Any of Clown's concept art or art found not on the website is not canon within the story at this time.
Now, with that out of the way - here is where I would recommend getting started! Like a lot of other current WH fans, watching NightMind's video introducing the ARG is a great start! He also has a second video outlining some of the clues he and his audience found.
The second video isn't a necessary watch as I will be going over all the clues here, but it's there if you want it! (Note, the second video is a stream VOD of his and his stream alerts can be quite jarring and loud so just be warned.)
There is also this google document with an outline of clues, but I'm going to list most of them in this post as well in a more cohesive way.
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HARD EVIDENCE - I'll be outlining them page by page, and only listing things that are not speculative evidence.
Intro Page (/welcomehomeyou) - Scroll down to the blurb at the bottom of the page titled Website Updates. In the first paragraph you should notice the letter Y in the word "your" is offset from the rest of the text.
Welcome Home (/whats-welcome-home) - Underneath the black and white drawing of Howdy there are 2 paragraphs of text. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the W of Wally's name is offset from the rest of the text.
About Us (/about-us) - In the FAQ there are several things of note. - First, in the answer to "How did you begin you research into WH? There is hidden text visible when you highlight over it that reads "But it hurts." Seemingly in response to them being thankful to be the first to start this journey. - There is text laid over (or under?) the answer to "Why did you make this website?" It reads: "When I unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open. Open. Open. I want it out. I’m going to get it out." At the end of this answer, the apparent restoration team says "It mean it is inside of you too, then," in relation to other people having said they remember the show. There is also more hidden text that seems to follow this, asking: "Does it hurt?" - Further down, after the end of the answer about episode numbers, there is more hidden text that reads: "The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can’t see them."
The Neighborhood (/your-neighborhood) I will be listing every individual's introduction page here despite them all having their own site pages just for simplicity. There are several things to note here as well- starting off with another offset letter. In the blurb at the bottom of the page, the X in expand is offset. - If you click and drag the picture of Home (mobile users can sometimes see this right away, or see it if you zoom in/out on the page) you will see that behind Home is a dark abyss with a spiral in the center of it. In front of Home there is an invisible link, if you click it, you are taken to So Below (/so-below) which shows a gif of Wally on his knees in front of one of Home's windows/eyes, which is shaking rapidly. - Clicking on the you in "you're" directly above Home in the blurb at the top of the page takes you to the secret page, You. (/you) This page resembles the neighborhood introductions pages, but the blurb is blank. There are dancing letters at the top that say You, and a white paint stroke appears and then text slowly types "Wally is your best friend." - Every resident's page says "go back" in colorful letters underneath them, aside from Wally, who has black lettering that says "good bye!" - Every character is presented in past tense in their bios aside from Wally. - Every neighbor's bio mentions them being a puppet aside from Wally, Eddie, and Julie.
News (/welcome-home-news-page) - The letter E in the gif that says News is out of sync with/below the other letters.
Links (/welcome-home-links) - Two things of note: the only gif on this site that is clickable is Barnaby's, and the WH gif that cycles through every character's eyes always pauses for a beat on Wally's.
Guestbook (/our-guestbook) - The guestbook is a beast in itself so I've left it for last because there is a lot to cover. - First: We find out last offset letter in the guestbook, on page 5. There is an entry that reads "I love you ♡" from Silly mc Billy, that has a crayon doodle repeating the words back. The V in love is offset. - On page 8, in 2 of the blank entry places, are hidden text notes. One is from Wally that reads "You're looking for me. Silly. Silly." The other is from W a L L y that reads "You won't write back." - Almost every crayon doodle over the guestbook entries are hidden messages from who we are assuming is Wally. If you open the images in a new tab, the end of the url (aka the name of the pictures) will have a message in response to the entry he's doodled over. I won't outline them all because there are a lot but definitely take a look at them!
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SECRET PAGES - The result of finding all the offset letters! There are 720 combinations of the letters but not to worry, there are only a handful of pages to see! The letters are YWXVE.
try again (/yxwvoe) - Leads to a bugged version of the 404 page. Instead of Home, it shows (assumedly) Wally's telephone, and the text reads "Uh Oh!  Uh Oh Loooks like you Wandered wandered wandered tooooooooo far away from Home! Head back." The ck of the word back is in a different font. - If you click on the gif of the phone, it leads to the page duet (/singingmp4) - there is a playable file here of Wally singing the song Beautiful Dreamer. After he is done singing, he says that those are all the words he knows as that is all Barnaby taught him. He asks "Do you like it?" Home answers in a series of bangs and Wally replies, "That's good, I think."
answer (/eovwxy) - a video of a static filled television. there is a lot of brown noise here, nothing can be clearly made out though. a pair of eyes flash in the video at one point as well, seeming to be Wally's eyes. they flash on the screen and roll upward.
try again (/wyxoev) - a gif of home with various cropped eyes cycling quickly over where home's eyes are, before freezing on a single pair. The word "OPEN" slowly is spelled under the gif.
try again (/voywex) - The word "Hello." is slowly typed out and a cropped gif of Wally's eyes suddenly appears. The eyes shake rapidly. More text follows, reading, "You’re there. I can't see you. Do you see me?" And then much more rapidly appearing text, "Then stay quiet."
try again (/woxyve) - This page is covered in various images. Multiple cropped images of a script for an episode of Welcome Home. A gif cycling through the resident's eyes, much like the one on the Links page, but each time it gets to Wally it pauses longer and longer - His pupils also dilate more each time and he gets closer and closer. The gif ends on Wally's red background but he is no longer there.
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IMAGES - outside of the guestbook, a lot of the images on the website have interesting details of note.
At the bottom of the What's Welcome Home page, there are several images in a gallery. Several of these have interesting details. I do want to say though that several of the images in this gallery come from art Clown did in response to asks, ect. So I am not sure how much of this weirdness can be chalked up to inconsistencies and how much of it is genuine hints or clues. - Image 1: A page out of a magazine or catalog showing off some Welcome Home merchandise. The merchandise in the picture all have lettering, A-C, and the corresponding description of said merch at the bottom of the page. But there is also a letter D in the image next to a blank space, with no description. The D is crossed out. - Image 3 + 4: A We'll Be Right Back screen featuring Frank and Julie cooking. If you mess with the exposure of the B/W version of this image, it reveals faint white text over the "We'll Be Right Back!" that reads "May Your Home Be" - Image 5: At the bottom right, the text along the side of the image reads "Hello you" - Image 12: Wally's Halloween costume is a red devil. - Image 13: Wally creepily looking outside of a pitch black Home, with text that reads "There he is!" - Image 26: The book Wally is reading shows the same scene he and Barnaby are portraying in this image.
About Us has 2 interesting images: - the original version of the Julie and her siblings is covered in paint and very wrinkled, as well as the picture taken of it being very dark. The bottom of the image depicts a human hand in a blue latex glove holding the page. - in the gif of Frank's head spinning, the titles of the books next to him read (from top to bottom) Hello / It’s You Know Who / I'm your neighbor / Do you think about me? You do / I’ve felt you.
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If you read this whole post, wowza! I hope you enjoy getting into WH! Despite laying out most of the hints and clues in this post, I still very much recommend going to the site yourself and poking around. There are a lot of little things I didn't cover here as they aren't concrete, so there is still plenty to discover!
Also, if you haven't already, you should go follow Clown, and consider supporting him on ko-fi so he can continue to work on this project, as well as continue their education and hopefully move into a safer home!
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3xen · 1 year
under the gentle sky; i. r                                                               when you see a fellow classmate—in dire need of help, it’s only a natural instinct to assist them in any way.
n. as you read, my writing gets worse. possible pt.2 (?)
c. strangers to lovers, rainy day au, “soccer” is portrayed as “football”, profanity, reader & rin are hs students
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raindrops pitter and patter across the brick tiles of the sidewalk—water flooding the streets of kamakura. the sole of his shoes, drenched, as the result of the sudden downpour. his hair soaked—almost as if he stepped right out of his bath. rin knew better. when the murky clouds begin to conceal the once mellow sky, it should have clicked in his mind—an umbrella would be of great use in this kind of weather.
his mother informed him of the weather that morning. but even so, he was reluctant to bring proper protection. the traveling distance from his home wasn’t far. he wasn’t going to be stopping anywhere on the way home—an umbrella was not necessary.
but here he was; jogging—surveying the area to find a place for shelter. rin mentally cursed the weather gods—if he caught any sort of cold from this weather, he’d be furious. just the thought of skipping football practice was a no-no.
after a few more moments of jogging, his eyes darted directly to a bus shelter—just at the corner of an intersection. he neared closer—finally having the chance to take a relieved breath as he sat seated on the metal bench. he slicked his hair back—away from his line of vision. he wondered, how could he get home now?
he could always resort to calling his mother—no. he couldn't do that, that's totally disrespecting his mother. sae? no. he shook his head—maybe the storm would cool down after a while. once the storm passed, he would leave.
“fuck.” he sat in silence for six solid minutes. the rain, in fact, spared no mercy for him today. the rain hadn’t stopped, even till now.
suddenly, rin hears a few light footsteps from beside him. he doesn’t pay any mind to them—ignoring their presence as a whole. but, the shoes look so familiar. his eyes scan the figure from the bottom of their feet till he can see their face—where he can clearly make out the identity of the person.
you wring out the water from your hair, almost like a shirt. you, too, don’t pay any mind to him—until you notice his lingering gaze. immediately, you can easily identify who it is. that football genius.
he looks away—shoving his fists down his pockets. you had never seen the football genius so powerless. itoshi rin? forgetting to bring an umbrella? something as simple as that?
you bask in the silence for a few more seconds—really not knowing what to say. i mean, did he even wanna hear anything at all? he was a quiet individual and didn’t seem like the type of person to tolerate others. it was already difficult enough to even approach him without some sort of unease.
“did you forget your umbrella?” his ears perk up at the sudden question. though his eyes are mainly focused on the somber road before him—you know he’s listening.
“you can have mine.” you continue, offering him your umbrella with a gesture of your hand. he turns—giving a short, quick glance to your offering, then back up to you. he looks displeased, but nonetheless, takes the umbrella.
his expression is visibly questioning your antics but he can’t urge himself to ask. it’s foreign—the kind gesture of yours. it caused a spiral in his head.
it was the first time—anyone witnessed his venerability. he let himself fall victim at your hands. it was shameful—rin never allowed hospitality from outsiders.
rin’s eyes flickered over to you as you begin to rise from your seat—all he could think was, oh. you weren’t gonna head home in the rain were you? it’d be pretty shitty of him to take something that you would desperately need in weather like this.
you pointed to the approaching bus—his eyes followed the direction of your finger and finally he understood what you meant. he felt somewhat relaxed—reassured that you giving up your umbrella was for good purpose.
he remained seated on the cold bench—watching your soaked figure enter the vehicle. you gave a brief, respectful bow to the bus driver and hurriedly went to find an available seat.
rin walked in silence that night—his thoughts in a daze. it was such a small, simple act. and it had him in shackles just like that. the reminder of your gesture quickly became the only topic on his mind for the remaining night.
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© 3xen
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
Fractured and Adrift
I was going to write a big huge post with lots of screen shots and chart data and analysis that I'd saved on my phone, but honestly I'm too sick right now to sit up and organize all that. If you go on twitter, you see in real time what is happening, anyway.
Bottom lines:
it's very clear to me that ads, payola, pay to play, vpn and other "networking" tactics that go against what BTS has always been about have pretty much come into play--for a catchy, but ultimately impersonal and generic, pop single that was given to only one member.
I'm not just disappointed, I'm gutted. I don't know where to go from here, as someone who used to take pride in being an ARMY and stanning artists who made it to the top the organic and hard way, by being genuine and talented and real with us.
As always, I look to my ult-bias, Jimin. His debut album was abandoned the moment he hit #1, yet he continues on with this company and to be a team player. He was with JK on private time during a couple's holiday. He's been filmed with and is likely working on some sort of project with JK right now. These are my cues. So without any further information about what is happening, I will continue to follow Jimin's lead.
I am a person who believes in the potential and the very best of others until I just can't any more. But I also cannot hide from the glaringly obvious. Jimin was mistreated, and Jungkook was prioritized in ways I personally find dishonorable.
I don't know how much, if any, input JK had in this. He's got a Masters in Communications, a decade of industry experience, and owns stock in his company; but I also know that talent are very rarely given complete insight or say over sales and marketing strategies--that's external, executive business decisions. I don't know what conversations, trade-offs, or internal pressure came into play here.
At this point, I would say I'm very adrift.
I'm a good soldier. I bought the CD, I bought each version of the song, I added it to my playlists. But I no longer feel needed as a fan for Seven; I feel replaced by Scooter's dollars. And I don't feel any personal connection to this particular song, as catchy as it is. I was excited when the styles JK helped choose seemed to be an homage to Jimin's Face, but... now a lot of the elements of this work seem rushed and disjointed. I just don't know.
I'm very worried about what this rollout means for our 7, especially how they are supposed to come together in a fair and equitable way after military service. I'm trying to read through their book when I can stay awake long enough. Trying to trust and hope and manifest the best.
I wish there was more transparency, more communications around what the game plan is, and if the members are all on board with everything.
All I can think to do is to keep loving Jimin and the people who are good to Jimin, keep working hard for what I want and not invest energy and time into what I don't. I do believe that Jungkook and Jimin love one another.
But I'm... fracturing... inside. It hurts.
I'm very ill. Maybe I'm just too emotional right now because I'm so sickly. Maybe I just need more time and more data to have a more rational perspective.
All I can think to do is hang in there and wait to be more anchored in facts before I can decide what all this means--for Jikook, for BTS.
I'm sorry if this post isn't very coherent. I'm on a bunch of steroids until I can get to a specialist and the brain fog is immense. I'm gonna go rest now. I think I might stop posting memes and thirsts and other things for a bit, while I just focus on getting well. But I'm sending you all so much love.
Hang in there. Deep breaths. We will find our way. We will make our way, if necessary.
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talaok · 1 year
I’ve dreamed of this (pt. III)
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Summary: You are a part of the BAU, and for the longest time you and Dr. Spencer Reid had been best of friends, even when it was clear to everyone else, and at times to you, that you should be more than that, and when something almost happens on a night out with the team, everything is destined to change. 
This is a double pov story (each chapter will be alternated between y/n's and spencer's pov)
Chapter summary: you sort things out with Spencer.
<if you want to be added to the tag-list comment or write to me>
previous part | next part 
He was avoiding you.
You could tell.
He didn't stay in the conference room for one more second than necessary before dashing through the door.
He was weirded out, it made sense.
He didn't know what to do, how to act, or what to say.
And it was all your fault.
one stupid moment of weakness and he was now avoiding you, him, the only one that couldn't.
But it was for the best.
You were gonna talk to him, and this moment, this feeling, was gonna pass in a heartbeat.
Because nothing happened, everything was just like it was before.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, had changed.
and that was good,
_   _   _
"Hey, Spence" you knocked on his cubicle 
He was surprised to see you, it was clear on his face when he turned around.
"Can I ride with you to the jet?"
"Yeah" he tried speaking nonchalantly "sure" 
"Thanks" you smiled at him, and he stopped a moment, seemingly distracted, before grabbing his bag.
"all set?" you asked
"yep" he nodded "let's go"
You walked to the elevator, pretending not to feel Morgan's eyes on you.
_  _  _
You cleared your throat.
God, this was awkward.
"so" you turned towards him "About last night," you said shily.
He kept looking at the road, but you noticed him swallow nervously.
"y/n, it-it's fine" he shook his head.
"I know, I just wanted to make sure that" you took a deep breath "that everything was ok" you bit your bottom lip "you know, between us"
his mouth opened, and you could see his eyes struggling to stay put, but he said nothing for a moment.
"of course" he glanced at you " of course everything is ok" he forced a small laugh.
"alright" you smiled "I'm glad" you kept your eyes on him "I was scared for a moment when you ran out of the conference room"
"Yeah, sorry," he said " I-I just had a thing to do"
"oh no, don't worry" you waved him off "I'm just paranoid"
"You shouldn't be," he said with a firmness you didn't recognize coming from him.
You frowned, confused "mh?"
"I mean" he gripped the steering wheel "not when it's about us" he peeked at you again "Everything will always be ok between us" he smiled "anything could quite literally happen and I-I'd still want you by my side" he laughed softly, looking fully at you now "You-you're important to me y/n" 
You couldn't help but smile, and blush, and feel all squirmy inside.
it was a mess.
"I-" you grinned "you're important to me too, Spence" you put a hand on his arm "and I agree," you said truthfully "Everything will always be ok between us" you stared into his amber eyes "no matter what"
_  _  _
God you hated the jet, you weren't even on it yet, but your stomach was already starting to revolt.
You had tried everything, pills, bracelets, teas, and even meditation at one point, but there was nothing to do.
The moment the plane took off you panicked, and had to spend the next hours heavy breathing.
Hotch had at first suggested that you take a car, but you refused.
you didn't want to seem weak or in any way unsuitable for the job.
You had fought and worked so much to get there, you weren't about to risk it all for a few hours of excruciating terror.
And even though years had now passed, and you had definitely had your fair share of practice, it was still scary, you had gotten better, but not enough not to purposely walk slowly before walking on those stairs.
Spencer snorted once, turning around, he saw your panicked expression.
"shut up" you laughed.
"it never gets old" he laughed too now
"If I wasn't panicking right now I would punch you, doctor, I hope you know that" you joked, your legs feeling weak from all the anxiety.
"ok I'll shut up" he smiled "can I do something?" he said more seriously now.
"no it's fine" you shook your head "go ahead, I can do it" you nodded at Hotch and Rossi near the jet stairs.
"you sure?"
You laughed at the worry on his face "I'm a big girl Spence, I can do it"
"Alright," he smiled at you one last time before walking towards the men.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
It was gonna be fine.
Just like it always was.
you flinched, taking a step back "what the f-"
"hey hey hey" you finally recognized morgan's voice "it's just me y/l/n"
"you scared me," you said, bringing a hand to your poor heart.
"sorry" he smiled, as he put his hands in front of him in defense "I forgot about the whole plane thing"
"It's fine" you shook your head and started walking again, as he followed beside you.
"so uh" he cleared his throat "I wanted to ask you something"
He seemed uncomfortable, which was weird, Derek Morgan was always at ease.
"Sure, shoot" you shrugged.
"Did something happen with Spencer?"
You swore your heart stopped
"I just noticed him acting weird today" he scratched his neck "and yesterday you seemed close" he explained "so I was just wondering"
The fear of flying was long forgotten.
You had just solved the problem with Spencer, you couldn't handle another one with Derek.
"No," you said "nothing happened"
"ok" he nodded, and just when you hoped he had finished, he kept going "Because, I know I tease you a lot about him, but" he tilted his head "Spencer" he looked at him in the distance "he's sensitive" he sighed "he gets hurt and then pretends he isn't" you followed his line of sight to the tall man entering the jet "so just- be careful," he said "that's all I wanted to say"
you smiled sadly "I know Derek" you sighed "trust me I know" you turned to him "and I am, I am being careful"
_  _  _
"fuck me" you sighed, finally getting off that hellish aircraft.
the Wright brothers deserved their special place in the circles of hell, you were sure of it.
"Everything ok?" JJ asked, stoking your back 
"depends on your definition" you chuckled
"you should really take the car y/n" she scolded you "I don't get why you're so stubborn" 
"It's fine JJ" you reassured her "see" you stood up straight "I'm alive and well" you smiled, and she sighed disappointedly.
"You're unbelievable" she shook her head
You laughed "that I am"
She rolled her eyes jokingly at you before starting to head towards the car.
You looked around.
The sky was orange, with shades of pink infiltrating the canvas.
And you could see, after the airport's tarmac, the trees, so thick and small, you couldn't see anything behind them, just imagine, imagine what you wanted, what you wished.
anything at all.
it was beautiful, peaceful almost, and you soaked it in as you took a deep breath of fresh air.
God, each time you got off the jet you were reborn and had to have a little thankful moment for not having died.
It was routine at this point.
"Y/l/n, you coming?" hotch's voice startled you
"yes sir" you mumbled to yourself, as you followed him to the car.
_  _  _
"I've called the chief and he's got no new information for us, so we're just gonna go the station tomorrow and set up then," Hotch said, with that executive voice he used when giving orders.
"so now we're just gonna go to the hotel and try to get some rest" He walked through the hotel's automatic doors "everything clear?"
"where's Rossi?" Emily asked
Hotch blinked slowly, transmitting all his displeasure "he found a place for himself"
Emily laughed "This one wasn't good enough huh?"
You all chuckled 
"I guess not" a smile ghosted hotch's face, before he walked up to the front desk.
Something was wrong, 
you could see the receptionist's worry in her eyes.
"Guys, we have a problem" Hotch turned around
"what is it?" JJ asked, ready to help
"there are only 3 rooms left"
"I'm really sorry, we had an unexpected prolonged stay" the woman behind the desk explained.
You all looked at each other.
You either stayed here, or waited another hour to even get a glimpse of a  bed.
the choice seemed pretty easy to make.
"we can work it out" Emily said
"yeah, it's fine" you agreed.
There was a moment of silence, and you looked at each person surrounding you.
The problem was evident, just like the solution.
Everyone was thinking the same thing,
everyone except maybe one person.
"I can stay with Spencer" you offered.
You saw his eyes slightly widen before he forced himself to get back to normal.
"Are you sure?" Hotch asked
you laughed softly "It's fine Hotch, don't worry"
"ok" he nodded, turning to Spencer "Reid, is it ok with you?"
He gulped loudly, and you had to bite your lip to not laugh.
"Y-Yes, It's ok" he struggled out.
"alright then" he clapped his hands "we'll meet here tomorrow at 7:30"
You looked at spencer, still visibly surprised, and smiled as he caught your eyes.
well, maybe you weren't that careful after all.
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grumpycakes · 1 year
So as the house gets warmed up to go let me give a few updates I found out!
Voting Present LOWERS the number necessary to win, so it SHOULD be 219 with the full house but because Spartz votes Present it's 218
ARGUABLY if more Republicans vote Present but the 20 stick to their guns, the Democrats COULD win with 212 but Republicans don't want that
Buck who left for a non emergency medical procedure yesterday may not be back
We're starting up with only 275 reps present cause it's more than half but YIKES. Though I would assume more are showing up
a Californian Republican just got up to nominate McCarthy just to see how fast he loses. He's saying it's NOT ABOUT McCARTHY. FRIENDO YEAH IT IS. Lolll he's talking about serving the country with "Pure and Selfless intent~" and like idfk if any human can do taht.
ughghg the Republicans also keep bringing up fentinol overdoses and immigration and how it's going UnChEcKeD while we vote.
oh interesting, he thanked the national police (happily everyone got up and clapped for them) to pretend like Republicans care AT ALL about them.
... Sir why we talking about China, I don't think this is gonna move anybody you wanna move???
Jesus, he's trying to scare ppl into voting together cause the world is in DANGERRRR but like, THESE ARE THE PPL THAT REFUSED TO WEAR A MASK CAUSE IT MADE THEM UNCOMFY while people DIED. So loll ur talking for nothing sir. Hahahaha he's like, I agree w you shits but I WOrk w OtHeRsss and that's how you gotta WoRk!!! lolll
Oh here we go, telling the Dems they're on the EDGE of a VERY IMPORTANT VICTORY. Loll sure you lil dipshit. OH OH RUDE he just said, looking to the Dems I realize i haven't met many of you cause you're not here, voting by proxy. WOW, rumbles in the crowd and then the Clerk had to bang the gavel and be like HEY, UR SUPPOSED TO DIRECT COMMENTS TO THE BENCH.
Ur useless dude, this is too long of a speech. And stupidly blaming all of it on the Dems
South Carolina Rep is up for the Democrats
Awww he thanked the Clerk who's been running this circus and all the Dems rose and the Clerk smiled and mouthed thank you.
He's talking about learning lessons and working to be a better govt but flowery-er. Ah okay he's bringing up Jan 6. Resiliency. USA was made for liberty, justice, and freedom. Pointing out that it's the first time in over 100 years that they can't figure out who to vote for. The goodness of the american people is at stake??? Jeffries is a good dude i guess lol.
Oh lord almighty Gaetz is up and saying HE TAKES EXCEPTION TO THE CALIFORNIA REPS STATEMENTSSS. LOLL oh shit and he's saying that McCarthy is only speaker if he GETS THE VOTES and he DON'T HAVE THE VOTES. And he's saying it's vanity making McCarthy keep going. LOLL AND I THINK THE DEMS CLAPPED FOR THAT. hahaha ppl are yelling at him and order had to be called. HAHAH Gaetz just called him LaBron James but that would mean that McCarthy was a WINNER AT SOME POINT.
Oh dude don't fucking bring up PURITY you lily white fuck. Damn he's just calling out his own party. He's saying their intentions when trying to negotiate w him weren't PUUUREEE. Again humans, nothings gonna be pure my dude.
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Bottom line, they don't trust McCarthy, saying it's for the ppl
Boebert is up to nominate Hern. She keeps pointing out that he was unanimously voted as chairman for something and that he's gonna be united. Blahblahblah inflation, republican talking points. Oh yay quickly ended
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deadprompts · 3 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
i’d like to think that you knew me better than anybody else.
what if i give up too soon?
i don't know what i heard.
there is a crow that i can see on my street almost every day.
what's a word for lonely that doesn't mean alone?
you're all that i've got to lose.
i saw the end of the world last night.
you were mad at the whole world.
you think you look older, i think you look alive.
i don't wanna need anything.
it didn't save me like i thought it would.
if i loved you at the start then i would love you at the end.
i don't wanna die anymore.
am i brave if the noise doesn't scare me?
i’d stay but i don't wanna bore you.
i have more than enough
i can't fix all the things that you couldn't.
and it's a damn shame you're good at winning.
bury me under gravel just deep enough so nobody finds me.
mark my words, there's a thousand things that don't wash out with anything.
i have to find it and cut it out.
now you're taller than you've ever been.
your costume's in the basement at the bottom of a shelf.
and just like that, we’re starting over.
well i have more than enough for the both of us.
i keep you clean.
was it just like you had before?
there isn't really much to say.
i know it's not what you thought i'd say.
i love you carefully.
i know you're probably standing there wishing that i wasn't here.
i'm sure that someone will draw a new one and cover it before they leave.
i know you don't like the sound.
i can still hear the sound of you laughing all the way down.
does it get too hard being a good person every day of your life?
sometimes i'm scared that i'll only ever feel everything once.
you were angry it didn't stop when you did.
i can't handle when the fight runs out.
i'd do anything but ask for your help.
living takes more than to just survive.
it's gonna rain soon.
i can never feel the same thing cause i change too much.
would i have to forgive you still?
some part of me had to care for you.
pretty soon i'm gonna say something that i’ll eventually regret.
will you still walk me home?
just because she told you so it doesn't mеan that she's right.
you still have more fight in you than you ever really did when you were young.
what would it take for me to be cared for, too?
look at us, carefree.
i'm hardly brave, i know.
did you want to be something more?
i act like i'm dumb for my age.
what you tell her, she will take to her grave.
there is no reason to be someone else.
do you still want me here?
don't worry now, it's already dead.
i would've died for it.
i can hear her disappointment from here.
there's a mark on the wall, you see.
you wouldn't talk even when somebody was listening.
i'll show you how.
something is rotten inside of me.
aren't you tired?
he lets me watch him there as long as i stand far away and as long as i am quiet.
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inherstars · 7 days
Spring Thaw | The Last of Us (2 of 7)
Last bit for tonight.
Previous section here
As if he needed the reminder that every decision he’d made that day was ill-advised, the rain intensified as Joel led the way down.  While it wasn’t a completely sheer climb, the slickness of the available hand- and foot-holds, and the steadily dropping temperature, required far more physical and mental energy than Joel was prepared to expend.
He had to stop halfway down, tucking his face against the sleeve of his hiking slicker, to sneeze twice in shuddering succession.  The force made him slip, scramble, and grab for a protruding root to anchor himself, and Ellie looked down at him with a flash of panic.
“You alright?”
“Fine,” he sighed.  “Lost my damn footing.  Ellie, be careful.  And watch for the rocks under you, this rain ain’t making things any easier.”
They both made it to the bottom of the cliff with no further calamities, much to Joel’s surprise and relief.  Ellie looked at him plainly and hopefully for a full ten seconds before he sighed and swung his arm in the direction of the falls.
“Go on.  Not like you’re gonna listen to me to be careful, anyway.”
“I’m going to totally be careful.”
“No you won’t.”
“No I won’t.”  She was already running.
Fortunately, the base of the falls was arguably the safest place to see them.  Though the water churned and flowed into ever-more perilous rapids just a few hundred yards from here, the plunge pool was relatively shallow by comparison.  Ellie’s swimming had gotten progressively better since he started lessons with her the previous summer, but she was cautiously self-limiting in situations where she knew she was -- literally and figuratively -- over her head.  If there was one thing he wasn’t worried about, it was her taking chances around water.
Joel followed her, leisurely, keeping his hooded head down to keep the worse of the rain from his face.
He was… not feeling great.  Head was getting heavier, a band of intensifying heat across the back of his neck.  Maria warned him upon their return to Jackson that reintegrating into a close-knit society meant a necessary adjustment period of rebuilding his immune system, but it had been a rough winter.  Nothing truly debilitating, thankfully, and It got progressive better as time went on, but he’d hoped that by now the worst was behind him.
If there was one small silver lining, it was that Ellie’s resistance to such things seemed to extend beyond just cordyceps.  As much as she hovered over him when he was sick, he lived with a pit of fear in his stomach that he would constantly pass it along to her.  He didn’t know if it was dumb luck or some small additional mercy, but the kid was consistently as healthy as a fucking horse.
“Joel!” she called to him, waving an arm from the mist at the bank of the plunge pool.  “Come check this out, it’s so cool!  Can we come back in the summer and go swimming in it?”
A stubborn, headstrong, infuriating horse with an aggravating lack of self-preservation.
Goddamn but he loved that girl.
“Maybe if you improve your back stroke,” he called back, but plodded nearer.
He stood for a time as she continued to explore the area immediately surrounding the falls, excited to find a rock with a small fossil embedded in it, and a dead bird of a type she’d never seen before, that he had to insist she not slip into her pack to take home.  When she discovered a crayfish among the rocks, he thought she was going to lose her everloving mind.
“Don’t touch it,” he warned.  She crouched over it, as near as she could get to it without actually touching it, absolutely rapt with wonder.
“Are they poisonous?”
“No way!  Where does it come out?”
“No,” he explained. “I mean the word is venomous. And no, they’re not. They’re just real mean, and they’ll pinch the shit out of you if they get the chance.”
“It’s so cute!  Look at its little claws!”  She used two forefingers to mimic the crayfish’s claw-waving fury, which seemed only to infuriate it more.  “Joel, look at him! He’s so mad!”
Joel smirked, arms folding as he watched the interaction.
“Yeah, he’s awfully brave for something that tastes so good.”
Her face flashed up at him.
“For real?  You can eat them?”  She stood, overwhelmed with curiosity.  “Have you actually tasted them before?”
“Hell yeah.  When we get back, ask your Uncle Tommy about the annual Miler Family Crawdad Boil.”  He caught himself, correcting with a fragmented stammer. “I mean.  Ask Tommy.  He’ll tell you.”
Ellie spent a second just studying at him, absorbing both the mistake and the correction, then looked back down at the crayfish.  She made claw fingers at it again.  “Rawr.  So cool.”
Joel allowed a chuckle, arms relaxing from their fold. “You ‘bout done?”
“I guess.” She marched back to his side, wiping the dapple of drizzle from her face as she tracked the course of the river where it carved away from the falls.  “So… where do we go from here?  Looks like there’s kind of a path.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Looks like.  River’s gonna get wider and faster from here, but… there ain’t no way across here that I feel safe making.  Tommy said they made a bridge out of an old cedar a couple years ago, couple miles above the head of the dam.  If we keep on this way, we should be able to cross there, and follow it back to the dam.  Bit of a roundabout way, but… it’ll get the job done.”
Ellie shielded her eyes to check the sky, the sun too hidden behind scudded clouds to even make out the position of the sun.
“Think we’ll make it before dark?”
That was the real question.  “One way to find out.”
Continued here.
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gren-arlio · 8 months
Ah, Visual Novel Disc System games, my beloved. Welcome to Episode 8 of (Waku) Puyo Extras.
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(Serilly reading a fashion magazine is pretty nice honesty. Too bad that Honey Bee and Momomo are gonna appear any second now.)
Hello everyone, it's the guy whose computer exploded on him once as well as the only Ciel fan in America (Seriously, I'm glad some fans know about Quest nowadays). Thankfully, the computer's slowly but surely getting fixed, so who knows, maybe I'll continue Arle's route next month due to every week having something planned this time around. (Apologies, Arle route watchers)
As the silly meme about PuyoLympics comes around and goes around (Thanks Witch,) I haven't neglected to speak about what the poll wanted to speak about: Serilly's Happy Birthday.
Would you call this a character speculated episode? It's more of a game starring a character, but I dunno.
With that, I think we can begin. Hope you enjoy.
First, let's talk about its origins:
Serilly's Happy Birthday was released in 1998 from Disc Station Volume #18, a magazine that carried either demos of games or full blown games, on the Windows 95.
(For some extra info, there were 2 sets of magazines. Issues #0-32 and Volume #1-27.)
It's a little unclear what month this was released, but we can make do with what we got.
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(Cover page for the Volume.)
However, and idk if this is big news or not, but I think I found an page covering Serilly's Happy Birthday, though not in the best quality out there.
I haven't seen this anywhere on the Puyo Nexus, or anywhere else really, so take this with a grain of salt. If true though, I adore how it looks.
Apparently it was made by the people who made the Tower of the Magician artstyle, which would make a ton of sense, but take this with a grain of salt.
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(No Schezo though. Yeah he just makes a cameo, but hey, would've been nice.)
Also, tiny Carbuncle. You love to see it.
So, whats the game about?
The game itself is a Princess-Maker (Or in a better term, Social Simulation, didn't know the name first time around,) type game, a genre where you see the world of our own and the fictional world. Take Animal Crossing or Tomodachi Life for example. Or The Sims.
The story is that Serilly was given the ability to go on land, but she still doesn't have any legs. Minor misconception but an understandable one.
You then...simply put, plan Serilly's birthday as a whole, going through a week by week basis to get to the end of the year.
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(A screen showing the days. From the Japanese characters from top left to bottom right, its Arle, Rulue, Suketoudara, Witch, Draco, and Owlbear.)
You may wonder what the numbers mean on the left. I'm glad you asked. They're stats that increase whilst doing activities with Serilly, such as dancing with Incubus, studying with Satan Masked Principal, I believe training with Samurai Mole, cleaning with Kikimora, etc.
From top left to bottom right, it goes Power, Head(? Due to Samurai Mole,) Cuteness, Story(? Or negotiation.), Kindness, and fatigue. These points are given in random increments, and doing too much tires Serilly, so heads up on on that.
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(Cleaning with Kikimora. This is the best quality I could find this.)
Speaking of characters, here's some that appear in this game:
Masked Principal (NOT Satan. Wrong guy.)
Kikimora (Man. She's everywhere.)
Schezo. As a cameo in I think one of Witch's supports, and he's not the best written here.
Wait, Supports?
Now you may wonder what I mean by supports. Well, to get an ending, along with Stat Points, you need to talk to the person themselves, which is why with my little Fire Emblem brain, call them supports. You have to have spoken to them enough, as well as get the necessary stats to get their ending, which is why it's so hard to get Draco's ending, least from what I see and hear. And Witch flat out won't talk to you if you're too stupid for her apparently.
However, while a little one-note, the supports and talks themselves are very charming in their own right, and they look stupid good to boot.
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(A small support you can get with Witch.)
So, with those 6 characters I mentioned for the endings, there's 7 possible endings. One of them is NO ONE going to Serilly's birthday. If I ever got this ending, I'm retiring from everything.
Serilly herself is still fairly shy, but much more outgoing than what we're used to, which is nice considering she's the star of the show. I genuinely like how she's written here. Not Waku Puyo levels of great, but still top 2 IMO.
The characters themselves are roughly the same, with some expections. For example, the Masked Principal is actually incredibly nice to you, which is just...amazing tbh, Rulue is more dedicated to her training than anything, and Schezo...sucks as a character this time around. He's just a dude walking around saying "I want you!" like an actual pervert rather than just being a goofball about it. Oh, the misery. (Everybody wants to be my enemy...)
But what do some of these endings look like? Unfortunately, our old pal "The 10 image limit," has attacked us once again, and so, I can only show 4 of them.
But they're the popular characters so...I guess we win this time.
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I genuinely love how this game looks, man. And the endings themselves are super charming in their own way. I believe in the Masked Principal ending, she helps people swim (Panotty, Archan?, Honey Bee, and Kodomo Dragon,) and it's honestly super cute.
So what do I personally think?
I think this game is incredibly interesting, as it's something that Disc Station or Puyo has a whole hasn't really seen. They chose an interesting character with Serilly, and they honestly made this game look visually stunning. The music is nice to listen to, and the characters are fairly nice to you for the most part, which is a nice change of pace considering it's, well... Serilly.
Overall, if you can ever find a way to see gameplay of the sort, check it out.
This is a shorter Puyo Extras, but I think I covered most of the basis of this game. That'll be all for now.
Cya guys.
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karmic-vibes · 1 year
If I Can Dream
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23 - Out There In the Dark, There’s a Beckoning Candle
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr / lazyjunebug on twitter
cw: mentions of period, being uncomfortable in body, general puberty angst
Year: 2001
“Um… papa? Dad?” Bobby started.
She was standing at the bottom of the stairs, timidly making her way over to the couch where her parents were sitting. Eddie reached for the remote and muted the show they were watching so full attention could be on Bobby.
“What’s up, pumpkin?” Eddie asked.
“So, I just went to the bathroom and there was blood…”
“What do you mean? Like did you shit out blood, was there blood in your pee? Like what’re we talking?”
“Eddie!” Steve hissed.
“What? They’re valid questions!”
“Be a little more sensitive, Christ. She’s thirteen—don’t you think it’s more likely it’s just her period?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s more logical…”
“What’s a period?” Bobby asked.
“I… you… do you not know what a period is?” Steve asked.
“Do you know what a period is?” Eddie raised a brow. “Sweetie, did they not teach you any of this in health?” She shook her head and pouted. “Okay,” Eddie sighed, “I’m not gonna go too much in depth, but long story short, you bleed once a month for like a week.”
“For how long?”
“What do you mean?”
“How long am I gonna be bleeding once a month for?”
“Oh, sweetie… roughly until you’re fifty.”
“You’re joking.”
“Afraid not,” Eddie mumbled.
“So do you still bleed? O-Or get your period, I mean.”
“No, thank god. I got a hysterectomy when you were born.”
“Oh… can I get one?”
“No,” Eddie chuckled. “You’re still too young. Maybe when you’re older.”
“You were only twenty-two when you had me… isn’t that still pretty young?
“Yeah, but I had you. Most doctors don’t like doing stuff like that unless you already have a kid. Or unless the husband gives the okay. And it was dad’s idea, so it worked out.”
“Huh… that’s not fair.”
“No, it’s not... Bobbs, why don’t you go take a nice warm bath. I’m gonna run to the store and get some stuff for you.”
“Stuff… what do you mean stuff? Why do I need stuff?”
“Dear lord, we need to find you a new school. I’ll be back.”
That night, Eddie and Steve pampered their daughter more than they ever had before. Steve prepared her bath and cooked her favorite meal, while Eddie got anything and everything she could’ve needed, from pads, to Midol, to a heating pad. Bobby was insistent that none of the spoiling was necessary, but that didn’t stop the boys.
More than anything, they wanted to show their daughter how she deserved to be treated. They wanted her to know from a young age how special she was and to never settle for less, even with ‘taboo’ subjects.
A few months passed and Bobby was slowly starting to realize why her dads spoiled her so much every month. She was becoming increasingly uncomfortable in her body. Between her period, random patches of acne, and not being as gifted as the other girls, she was miserable.
One day, Eddie noticed that she was wearing exclusively larger clothes. Bobby was gathering her belongings for school—as she headed for the front door, Eddie latched onto her bicep, pulling her back. She let out a sigh, rolled her eyes, and met her father’s gaze.
“Yes, father?”
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, why?” she lied.
“Bobby, I know you like the back of my hand. Something’s wrong.”
“Nothings wrong.”
“Really? Because you’re wearing clothes that are like two sizes too big. Your face is caked in foundation. It’s just… if this is what you like to wear and stuff, that’s fine, but you just don’t seem like you.”
“Papa, I’m fine.”
“Bee… when I was your age–”
“It doesn’t matter what you felt at my age. Of course you were hiding everything!”
“So you are hiding,” he smugly smirked. “Bobby, what’s going on? Hmm?”
“For the last time, I’m fine! Let it be, pops. I gotta go, I’m gonna be late.”
“You don’t want a ride?”
“No, Sandy’s coming to pick me up.”
“Alright… have a good day… I love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
Later that night, when the boys were cleaning up after dinner, Eddie tried bringing up the morning’s incident with his beloved husband.
“Hey, Stevie?”
“Hmm?” he hummed.
“Have you noticed something off with Bee?”
“She’s just a teenager, Eds. She’s moody, she’s insecure, and she’s just trying to fit in. It’s already hard enough on her that she has two dads, one of which is famous, and… it’s hard for her. I’m sure you remember what it’s like being her age.”
“Yeah, but I’m not a fair comparison, Steve. Kinda had other things going on.”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t. I-I literally don’t know how to relate to her. While other girls were trying to make their chests look bigger—I was binding mine down. Everyone was looking at boys to figure out who to date—I was getting gender envy from most of them. It sucked Steve, sure, but I… I dunno, I wasn’t worrying about the same stuff most people were.”
“I know, honey… so, did you get gender envy from me?” Steve smirked.
“Stevie, I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to be you or fuck you. Turns out it was the latter.”
“In all seriousness,” Steve laughed. “Should we talk to Robin or Joyce or someone?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“Are you guys talking about me?” Bobby frowned. She had walked into the kitchen with an empty water glass, hoping to get a refill.
“Oh, honey… we’re just worried. That’s all,” Steve said.
“For the last time, I’m fine!” she cried.
“Bobby, we love you and we just want you to be happy. It kills us to see you become this basket case.”
“Dad, since I’ve been a kid, people have made fun of me. I’ve been getting called a ‘freak of nature’ since I was what, five? I just… I just don’t fit in. My body doesn’t look like everyone else’s, my face always breaks out… it sucks.”
“Oh, sweet pea.” Both boys pulled her into a tight hug. Steve sighed, “I’m sorry your father and I’s marriage is making school hard for you. People are mean.”
“Yeah, they are,” She sniffed.
“It gets better, though,” Steve smiled.
“Yeah, bug, it does.”
“Oh, what do you two know? I mean, dad, you were popular in high school, and papa, you were popular by default because you were dating dad.”
“Honey, I was dubbed a freak, even by dad. And I was convinced he was going to leave me when I told him I was trans. Your teen years are gonna be rough, I’m not going to sugar coat that. You’re figuring out who you are, who you like, what you wanna do with your life. But, so is everyone else, and everyone has different ways of projecting that. Some people will try the fake it till you make it approach with their confidence. Some bounce from persona to persona until they find what they like. Then, some people—like you, my beautiful bug—become basket cases and shut out everyone until they realize who they are.”
“I’m not a basket case,” she pouted.
“But you are, love bug, and we’re worried about you,” Steve said with soft eyes. “How can we help you? Because we miss our bubbly girl.”
“I don’t think there’s anything you can do, dad… you’ve never been through what I have.”
“What about papa? He may be trans, but he still dealt with some of the girly stuff.”
“I mean, sorta,” Eddie shrugged. “Like, I got my period—obviously, or you wouldn’t be here. I had to deal with my boobs growing, body changing, and of course all the fucking torment from all the other girls.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was constantly made fun of for the clothes I wore, how ratty my hair was, and how small my boobs were.”
“So we’re all late bloomers, huh?” Bobby tiredly chuckled.
“I mean, I was actually kinda ‘gifted’, but I bound myself down everyday. The only time I didn’t was our first date.” He motioned to Steve and smiled.
“Oh, yeah… huh, I loved that dress.”
“I’m glad someone liked it,” Eddie scoffed. “Because lord did it give me terrible dysphoria.”
“I know, but I hated when you bound your chest.”
“Why? Missed staring at them?” Eddie teased.
“No, no! I mean… it hurt you,” he frowned. “You have scars left over from it being too tight for so many years. My heart broke the first time I unwrapped you.”
“I know,” he sighed, “but, Bee, it’s all the same shit. You’re gonna feel different, people are gonna project their problems onto you, and you’re gonna feel awkward in your skin for a while. Unfortunately, there really isn’t a way around it.”
“I wish there was,” She whispered.
“I know, bug.” Eddie pulled her in for a hug, gently rubbing her back. His cheek rested atop her head and the two swayed back and forth.
“I’m glad you’re my dad…”
“And I’m glad you’re mine, bug. I wouldn’t want anyone else. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“Of course,” Eddie smiled contently, still holding his daughter close. “Y’know, I never wanted kids, and was super nervous when I got pregnant, but as soon as I saw you, I was in love. Now, I can’t picture a day away from you.”
“Good thing you’ve never been without me, then,” she giggled.
“Huh? Sweetie, I was gone for like three months when I went out on tour.”
“Oh, yeah… I totally forgot about that.”
“I haven’t gone back on the road because I couldn’t, and still can’t, stand being away from you. You are far more important than some money or some extra gigs.”
“I love you, papa.”
“I love you more, bug. Don’t be afraid to come to us with anything, okay? We’ll always do everything we can to help you. And if there’s nothing we can do, we’ll find someone to help.”
“I know, papa.”
“Alright…” They both pulled out of the hug—Eddie rubbed her arm in reassurance. “So, have you finished your homework?”
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