#he's trying to protect himself
misc-obeyme · 5 months
Every time Lucifer acts controlling like that train trip with him and MC in Nightbringer, I think about MC being grumpy about it and not hiding it either
like when Lucifer chooses their meal for them they just straight up don't eat maybe? i dunno but i would love mc to be like "well if you're going to make this trip a nightmare for me i'm going to make it a nightmare for you"
Oh man, I hated that lol.
So I went through a phase of straight up hating Lucifer and that right there is exactly why.
I'm a very independent person and I would lose my entire shit if someone tried to order for me or choose outfits for me or do anything like that without asking first. Whether or not I can refuse such things depends on how well I know the person. But assuming we're at the level Lucifer & MC would be at that point in Nightbringer, I would have refused him entirely.
Lucifer's problem is that he's used to having to keep everybody under control all the time. He's so annoying because he feels like he has to preserve some kind of reputation or whatever and that includes with his brothers. He just needs to let go.
I eventually came around to him when I realized he probably desperately wants someone else to take control for once. But I think when he feels threatened, like he's afraid MC is getting too close, he gets crazy and starts acting all controlling again.
My MC Ciaran would absolutely refuse to eat the food or wear anything Lucifer picked out for them. I am a little more easy going and while I wouldn't like it, I might go along just because I don't want to deal with the conflict. But Ciaran? Absolutely not. They would probably be very curt with him, too, all one syllable answers to things lol. If he kept pressing, it'd end up an all out argument.
But yes, that was not my favorite thing. And Lucifer's tendency to do that sort of stuff makes me crazy. He really needs to take the stick out of his ass so I can beat him over the head with it. Er. I mean that lovingly.
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Danny died young. That wasn't what made him powerful. No, but it was part of it. His obsession was Protection due to that being one of the only forms of love he ever received. His parents swearing to protect him from monsters that they never found and his sister protecting him from his parents more...extreme actions.
He died at 6 and if there was one lesson he had learned from his short life, it was that to love was to protect and to be loved is to be protected.
So Danny, ever the explorer, had spent another 6 years after death wandering around the zone and saving people. One day he slipped out of the Infinite Realms and into a new reality but he didn't expect to see a kid around his own age dressed in black and red.
The kid jumped from rooftop to rooftop, doing flips and handsprings with a small smile on his face. Danny stared at him wide eyed while standing frozen on the ground like an idiot. Just like that, Danny developed his first crush.
Following behind the kid was a large man in a gray and black outfit. Supervillian? He watched as this guy jumped from rooftop to rooftop running after the kid.
Danny almost blasted the guy right then and there if it wasn't for the kid turning around and talking to him. Eavesdropping wasn't exactly polite but Danny needed to know if he needed to rescue his crush this kid. Luckly it didn't come to that as "Batman and Robin" discussed a case and left.
Later, back in the IR, Danny was caught by Kitty while he was picking flowers. Upon asking what he was doing he stated the obvious. This of course, led to Kitty following Danny back to Gotham and getting front roy seats to Phantom popping his head up from the rooftop while Robin was running and startling him.
Robin got into his battle stance alongside Batman, all the while Danny didn't ride up from the roof any farther than his shoulders. Danny was too nervous to say anything and just blushed before he chucked the bouquet at Robins feet and bolted.
Robin jumped back, fully expecting the object the kid threw to be a weapon or explosive of some kind. Even after realizing they were flowers and the other kid was gone they still suspected it might be a trap.
Eventually they brought the glowing flowers to the batcave where they were examined. Alfred took the liberty of putting the ones that weren't being examined in a vase.
"I don't get it. Was he trying to send a message? I don't even recognize any of these flowers, what was he trying to tell us?"
"If I may, Master Tim." Alfred interrupted the boy, "Is it possible he gave you flowers for another reason? One more...mundane?"
Aka Danny gets a big ole crush on BTAS Tim and the other ghosts coo at Danny for "baby's first crush"
The bats are never normal so they're absolutely convinced Phantom is up to no good
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
I'm at that part of chapter three my friends, so let me be a reminder that Colm O'Driscoll's plan to lure in Dutch after taking Arthur failed because nobody came looking for him.
He would have died being held captive any longer, he barely escaped.
The gang did not come for Arthur.
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ryssbelle · 4 months
Does the flower from your first n2 post have any significance? Why isn't it blooming?
Yes the flower here does have significance!
It’s a memorial flower, the exact species of flower is one I made up, it’s one that has a strange growth period, there’s no real way to tell when it’s going to bloom but it does only bloom at night.
John Dory got the seeds while on one of his searches and gave it to Floyd since at the time Floyd was severely depressed and was spending all day everyday in his room in the bunker. JD had given Floyd a bunch of seeds for a garden but Floyd ended up only planting one which he’s been taking care of since he planted it.
He planted it on Clays birthday so they refer to it as Clay’s flower, but it’s a memorial for all their lost family members, so their parents, grandma, Clay, and Spruce/Bruce
Other than just maintaining it, Floyd also talks to it like the ones they lost can hear him through the flower, he visits it at least once everyday while the other brothers only visit on anniversaries and birthdays. (They also only bring the lights and photos out then as well, to keep the photos safe from damage)
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It’s Floyd’s way of grieving :)
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
IMAGINE!!! You’re a Princess from a neighbouring kingdom hand picked by the Midoriya dynasty to marry the young Prince Izuku. A man who has riches far beyond your own city, and it’s a marriage that could unite the two kingdoms to forge an even stronger bond.
Except, while you’re living in the castle and preparing for your marriage to Prince Deku— you end up falling for the King’s bodyguard, Bakugou Katsuki.
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codename-adler · 9 months
i’m afraid of diving into good omens tumblr discourse but i just–i have to say
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Aziraphale’s face. it’s. that is the expression of someone who does not want to be kissed, but knows it’s inevitable. though even more subtle than that, it’s the face of someone who does not want the thing to happen not because they don’t want it, but because they do, they really do, and yet it is not the way they wish it would be. Aziraphale knows something here. and he isn’t telling Crowley, nor us. he’s got some kind of higher pressure weighing down on him, forcing him to act against his nature and heart, forcing him to act against Crowley. he backs Crowley into a corner with his talk of joining Metatron in Heaven, and knows it. and that is what he wants, because that’s where he needs Crowley to be–away from him; but he pushes too strong, pushes Crowley to risk it all and end up cornering Aziraphale right back. all Aziraphale wanted, all he needed to do, was protect Crowley by breaking his heart and abandoning him, but you can’t undo 6,000 years of companionship without a miracle. it’s a failure.
whatever the Metatron told or did to Aziraphale that was hidden from us, it terrified him enough to make up a wobbly plan that could keep Crowley safe, if he would just go along with it. Aziraphale may have been strong enough, may have loved Crowley that much, to put his heart on the line and sacrifice himself if it meant Crowley could live on, but he underestimated Crowley’s love for him. underestimated Crowley’s courage and capacity for honesty.
the angel lied and the demon spoke his truth and everything crashed and failed.
and it is painful failure and remorse that i see on Aziraphale’s face.
it’s Please don’t ruin my attempt at saving you and Can’t you see what I’m trying to do and I’m sorry I’m breaking your heart but I have to if I want to keep you and To choose you I have to choose Heaven but I know you’re not seeing it that way and Crowley look at me I’m lying just go along and
Oh no, you believed me entirely too much, what have I done?
with the kiss, Crowley seals his fate as undeniably tied to Aziraphale’s. and Metatron will know.
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bestjeanistmonster · 3 months
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Dc au- made Amy a villain clown outfit for a fun monster of the week type adventure
(Do not tag as ship)
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leovaldezdefender · 5 days
frank is destined to die by his firewood burning out, so what about other methods of death? the logical (and probably canon) answer to this would be that if he dies by something else, then the firewood also spontaneously burns up.
but okay. look. listen. what if. frank could survive anything that would otherwise kill him, but every time he heals it burns his firewood more and more. what if he could shapeshift back lost limbs and organs but at the cost of his life energy, sapping him bit by bit. what if he destroyed himself in the pursuit of duty.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 184
“Well damn.” 
Jason wrenched his gaze from the mess of red and green spattered across the room, searching for the source of the voice. His head hurt, he wanted his Dad. He wanted Bruce. He… his head hurt. His everything hurt. 
“Honestly, didn’t expect them to find another half-breed. Didn’t think there was another halfa out there…”  
He tore his gaze away from the floor- when had it gotten there- finally finding the other… person? The person giving him an empty smile through some sort of muzzle and missing an entire arm. Well, he couldn’t judge, he’d torn his nails off while digging out of his grave before… this. 
“Hey, kid, don’t sweat it, it’ll grow back,” the man apparently noticed where he was staring, shoulder twitching as he shrugged and more green pouring out. Jason couldn’t stop staring, eyes slipping from the growing pool to the rest of the chains apparently keeping the person on that side of the… room? Cage? Cell? 
“Shit, hey, kid, kid, don’t cry, uh, fuck, shh, kid don’t cry-” the person made a noise, some sort of hum or croon that caused him to relax. To his already brain-damaged confusion. “C’mere, away from the door now, shh…” 
Oh, when had he started to move? It was like he blinked and was stumbling away towards the chained person, practically tripping over a limb before the person managed to catch him. “Ope, oh you’re just a little baby-” a hand, clawed, carefully ran through his hair, tucking him against a rumbling chest that nearly made him tear up again. He wanted Bruce. 
“It’s alright kid, shh, they won’t get you,” the man rumbled, everything about him green to his rapidly closing eyes. Pale skin like a corpse, black scales like rot, hair white like snow, all stained green with blood.  “They’d have to kill me again for that.” 
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
Bruce dies in the Past
So! When Bruce was sent back in Time and got stuck in the Past, he was never saved. Tim failed to bring him back to the future, and Bruce was stuck in the Past for the rest of his Natural Life.
Then he died, came back as a Ghost, and regained his Lost Memories.
He didn't really know what to do, he was stuck Millenia in the Past, his Family won't be born for Literal Ages, and most of all he is Dead. He doesn't really have alot of options.
If you go with the Idea that Batman is a Liminal, then you could say that his Obsession was Protection. And that Obsession was focused primarily on Gotham and his Family.
So what is a Ghost to do when the object of his Obsession had been ripped away from him? He breaks a little. Bruce kind of goes Insane.
He decides that if he is going to he stuck in the Ghost Zone, he may as well protect it as if it were Gotham. So, he finds the quickest way to do that...by becoming the Ghost King.
So, he finds the Castle of the Ghost King, and challenges him to Single Combat. And he manages to Win. But the King needs to choose their Title, and he doesn't think he wants to include the name of Batman in the distant Past. It may affect the Future.
So, he chooses the name, Pariah Dark.
Bruce Wayne, is Pariah Dark.
He started as a Good King, but gradually he let his Broken Obsession get to him. Becoming King did nothing to fill the void in his Core, so he fell more and more into Insanity. It didn't help that he became the King in such a vulnerable emotional state. The sudden Power Increase caused his mind to fracture even more.
The Seven Ancients didn't seal away Pariah Dark just to save the Zone, they also did it to save Pariah himself.
Then one day, Pariah's Seal is Broken and he is presented with a Portal to the Human Realm. A Human Realm where enough time has passed that Gotham finally exists again. He may have gotten a little overexcited, he'll admit.
Thankfully, Danny was there to knock some sense into him.
He took the Throne and the power associated with it from Pariah, leaving him as just Bruce Wayne again. The existence of Gotham and his Family in the present world helped mend a few of the Cracks in his Core, and for the first time in Centuries Bruce Wayne felt somewhat whole again.
Basically, Bruce dies in the Past, goes Insane because his Liminal Obsession was broken, and becomes Pariah Dark when he takes the Throne of the Ghost Zone.
Unfortunately, his Broken Obsession was only aggravated by the sudden Influx of Power, and he went Insane. When Danny took the Throne from him, he took the power that was clouding Bruce's Mind and helped him heal a bit.
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writer-room · 2 months
Hey. The Finders have no idea that Bonzle was captured. Fritz and Spitz are still waiting, playing video games in the Monastery, for Cole to bring their sister out of hiding now that the blood moon is over. Geo is still sitting by the window, watching and waiting for a dragon on the horizon to return his kid safe and sound. Cole took a very unsure Bonzle, assured them all everything would be okay, and they'd be back soon. He promised he'd find a way to protect her.
Don't think about how they'll smile when Cole finally trudges back, happy to know he's okay. Especially don't think about the Finders stopping, looking out over the group, and how Cole can't look them in the eyes when they turn to him and ask; where's Bonzle?
#ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#lego ninjago#dragons rising#bonzle#finders#cole#cole brookstone#geo#fritz#spitz#text post#angst#talk#LISTEN TO ME#COLE LOST 2 WHOLE FAMILY MEMBERS DURING THAT BLOOD MOON#HES GOING TO NOT BE OKAY!!!!!!! HES DOING SO BAD#mans is a FATHER and he PROMISED he'd keep his kid safe. he promised it to the OTHERS#and hes going to have to walk back up those steps and admit to being a LIAR and a FAILURE#hes not obviously sht just went sideways but you KNOW he blames himself#geo very worriedly stayed behind w fritz & spitz FULLY TRUSTING that cole would keep bonzle safe & bring her back#he loves him so much (in a gay way. u know it to be true) so he trusts him IMPLICITLY to keep them safe. hes done it before#can you imagine the HORROR when cole comes back and hes...alone. with no one else but the other ninja (minus 1)#geo realizing what happened before the kids. the way everything just freezes and drops. cole curled so tight in on himself#and cole cant say hes sorry because he cant even look at them. he lost family hes had for over a decade & a kid he claimed his own for year#you saw how he was w child wu. you saw how desperate he was to keep bonzle safe. AND KAI IS GONE TOO???#homeboy is having the literal worst day ever. imagine him trying to tuck fritz & spitz close while on one knee trying to explain it all#and bro jsut feels like hes literally the worst person in the world#something something 'you dont get to stay with the ninja & be happy. i tried to protect you from what hurt me as a kid'#'and instead your right in the thick of it'
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abitofboth · 7 months
no HANG ON the fact that original timeline loki sacrificed everything to save the universe against thanos. and this timeline’s loki saw himself die saving his brother, his universe, in that time theatre, and he did it again. he sacrificed everything again to save the multiverse.
in both timelines, he went from having nothing, to having everything- a love for thor, for asgard, the universe, and a love for mobius, for the tva, for the multiverse- and his love for for everything was the very reason he sacrificed himself and went straight back to nothing again.
Loki could never be a villain again. his heart is too big for that
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
I'm so annoyed. @kingcrow01 tumblr ate your ask about Danny's opinion on the League. tumblr i pressed 'save draft' why didn't you sAVE DRAFT.
ANyways I'm making a post instead. For everyone else, the ask was in summary:
What was Danny's opinion on the League now that he's left it? If he missed the familiarity of it, if he recognized the cult-like behavior inside it, and if he now detested his grandfather.
And to answer (again, grrr): It's complicated! We love complicated <3. Yeah, Danny does miss the familiarity of the League, it was still his home for the first ten years of his life and he has a lot of memories there. Plenty of good along with the bad, and while he's less homesick than he was when he was 10, it still hits him like a truck at random intervals.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are great, and he likes the Drs. Fentons enough that he's contemplated murdering Vlad for his meddling, but if he wants to eat the same food his mother used to make him and Damian, he has to do it himself and he can't get the taste right. No one knows arabic so he speaks it to himself because he doesn't want to forget his mother tongue, and he has a few books too. Frankly? He genuinely misses training.
Getting to use Sam's gym helps with his restlessness, same with training with Maddie, but he has no one on or above his level to go against other than his mother. And he only sees her twice a year at most. He knows that he's getting stagnant and he fucking despises it like a bad itch he can't scratch.
He feels conflicted about missing the League, however, since by now he recognizes the flaws and what was wrong with it, and he recognizes that it was cult-like. But even that is kinda, hrm, complicated? If this was a fic I would be able to go better into depth about what he has and hasn't unlearned because cult deprogramming is hard and Danny's doing most of this on his own.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz have helped with the more obvious stuff: like the ecofascism, the disregard for human life, his emotional constipation; the more obvious stuff that shows in his behavior and personality. But none of them are professionals nor do they actually know the full extent of what Danny's life in the League was like. They only have snapshots since Danyal is very tight lipped about it. So they can only help with what they see themselves through Danny's behavior or word of mouth.
But in summary: He sees, for the most part, what's wrong with the League and disagrees with some of the stuff they do now. But he's very conflicted, and trying to dissect his feelings on the League confuses him. His protests about it whenever Sam and Tucker joke about it have at this point become mostly empty (altho it still causes him some discomfort), and its an inside joke between them three.
As for Ra's? Despises him. If only because Ra's wanted him to kill his little brother -- thinking about his motives with the League confuses Danny, cognitive dissonance and stuff, -- a lot of his hatred stems from "He wanted me to fight my baby brother to the death. I destroyed my relationship with Damian because of him, I had to fake my death and leave my home, and I will never meet my father or see my brother again because of him. Fuck that guy."
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
We always make fun of Tim for being Not normal about Kon (and rightfully so) but it overshadows Kon being absolutely not normal back at him
i was going to put a bunch of caps here of "moments kon has been Super Normal about tim" but by the 4th one i was like oh this post is going to get obnoxiously long and changed my mind hksfhjd but like. it is absolutely mutual.
mr kon "hey bro haha your voice gets so deep when you're being authoritative haha" el. guy who goes to bother tim on patrol when he's feeling lost and uncertain. guy who loses his powers and his second choice of who to ask for help learning to fight without powers, after guardian, is "maybe robin" (this idea makes me insane, btw). guy who (with bart) gets So Mad when anyone's being shitty to tim. guy who just likes to pick tim up?? wf3 kon i see you.
and do i even have to mention how fucking bonkers robin!kon is???? like that's before cissie even leaves the team. he's already that insane about tim. okay!
and uh. lest we forget. "you're my robin. always will be."
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movedtodykedvonte · 9 months
Even if Betty got Simon back without Golb I feel like the effects of the war and fallout would have made him a different man anyway.
Like they’re living in Ooo and while Betty sees that these are reminiscences of their old life, Simon remembers the bombs falling and people getting sick and dying. He remembers having to run for his life and care for someone who he probably believed he was lying to about things ending up okay. He watched the world, not just his personal world, fall apart.
I mean it’s somewhat hinted that Betty jumped to the future before any real effects of the war hit meaning she can’t really understand his feelings on that even if she gets the whole magic madness is a theoretical post Magic Betty state.
I like the idea that even if together something will forever separate them from being as close as they once were.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
AU: Dick When Bruce "Dies."
When Tim comes to Dick with his evidence (it's literally just a family portrait) of Bruce being alive, Dick pauses. He's a detective as well. He knows that unless the Waynes committed a lot of in-breeding, it's impossible for a late late late family member of Bruce's to have both the Kane and Wanye genetic traits. It's not possible for someone to look so such like Bruce.
Unfortunately, this would mean that Tim is right.
Dick glances up at Tim and plasters on a sympathetic and concerned smile. "Tim... I understand that losing Bruce is hard, especially with all of the lo-"
"You don't believe me." Tim's voice is filled with betrayal, disappointment, and incredulity.
Dick winces as his gaze drifts away. "I'm sorry."
And Dick is. He knows that the lack of support will hurt his younger brother. He knows he's betraying Tim's trust. He knows what this will do to Tim and to their relationship. Dick watches as Tim's barriers get thrown down, and his face loses all tells. He watches his younger brother put emotional distance between them as a form of protection. He watches the immediate damage and knows that, if he fixed it now, they may return to normal. He knows the consequences of his next words.
"There's a grief counselor in Metropolis-"
"You want to-" Tim cuts himself off as he stares at the older man in shock. "You think I'm crazy."
"No! Tim. I think you're going through a rough time right now and yo-"
Tim's laugh is sharp, and his eyes, the only tell the younger one has left, are full of pain. "I see."
"Tim, I-"
"No," Tim shakes his head. A bitter smile is flashed before his face melts into impassiveness. "It's okay, Dick. I understand."
Dick doesn't think the teen does. If Tim truly did understand, he wouldn't react this way. If Tim knew why he was being rejected, the teen would do what Dick is trying to prevent him from doing.
Instead, Dick is a silent observer to Tim becoming more withdrawn. Dick reaches out to the Justice League and expresses his concern for Tim (while implying that Tim's theories are from a mental breakdown). Dick takes Robin away from Tim and cuts out any support the young man might receive. He knows it will hurt Tim. He knows it is currently hurting him.
Dick still does it.
When Tim returns to Gotham with evidence of Bruce's presence in the timestream, Dick grieves. All of his effort, all the pain he put them both through, it was all for naught.
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