#hello can anyone hear me. is anyone else insane in the same way I am.
rainierest · 10 months
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(o)uroboros is often interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth
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taeraemisu · 7 months
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can you hear me? ; hanbin zb1
synopsis ; in which reader thought they were crazy when they start to heart a certain voice in their head, finding out their soulmate is universes away from them.
genre ; somewhat soulmates au, fluff but angst, different universes, the classic you-can-hear-your-soulmates-voice-in-your-head au
pairings ; hanbin x reader
word count ; 1.5k words
requested ! can be found here
a/n ; it’s been so long since i have written something how are yall doing :’)
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reality 831 . .
you slumped on your chair, groaning. the assignments never end. day after day, you were constantly staying up till 2am in attempts to finish up your work. you were getting barely two hours of sleep, that is not healthy at all.
you glanced at your phone sitting beside the papers spread all over your desk. 2:53am.
that’s a new record.
you stretched your arms around. you told yourself to finish one more assignment and then take a break. classes doesn’t start till 8am for you so you still have a little time to squeeze in an hour worth of sleep.
you sat up straight, picking up your pencil and went back to staring at your brightly-lit laptop. you kept reading the same words over and over again, your eyes kept dropping every second. you fought against yourself, trying to stay awake. but—
‘hello? can you hear me? is this working?’
you instantly snapped your eyes open. what the hell?
that was not your own thoughts, was it? were you that tired that you were starting to hallucinate the sound of your own thoughts? you shook your head, snapping your laptop shut. you needed a break.
you lay down on your bed, too tired to think when—
‘is this too late … are you asleep?’
you opened your eyes. that voice, again. there was no way it was just a hallucination at that point, right?
‘why is my luck so bad, do i seriously have no soulmate?’
“soulmate?” you whispered to yourself. how was that possible? at that point, you knew that voice was not your own. it was a sweet, melodic voice. for a moment, there was silence. and you wished the voice came back. it was so soothing, so calm. a few seconds of him speaking could put you to sleep for a lifetime.
‘hello …?’
there was no response so you gave up. maybe it was just your tiredness. you have been sleeping rather late—
‘you heard me.’
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‘so let me get this straight, soulmates exist?’
‘yes..? did you not know? it’s literally all everyone talks about.’
you finally figured out the tiny voice in your head, and for the first few weeks, you thought you were crazy. no one else had a voice claiming to be their soulmate, yet why was a strange little voice trying to convince you that he was yours?
‘soulmates don’t exist.’
‘i wouldn’t be talking to you if they didn’t.’
you scrunched your nose. you were on the bus, heading home and anyone looking at you would have thought you were crazy. you were making different facial expressions on your face. and you had a voice talking to you in your head.
‘i have never heard anyone talking about this before.’
‘really? it’s the one thing my parents have always been talking about. i have been trying for years and it finally worked.’
you tilted your head. maybe you should ask your own parents.
the bus came into a halt and you realised it was your stop. you quickly got up from your seat and got off the bus stop, still skeptical about this whole thing. he had a nice voice, you would give him that.
‘i must be crazy, there is no way this is real.’
‘i am real, i swear!’
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reality 832 . .
‘yn, let’s meet!’
the both of you have been talking for over a month now. hanbin has slightly convinced you that soulmates do exist and that he is one hundred percent real, but you were still skeptical of everything.
so what better way to convince you than meeting up?
hanbin got no response, did he scared you away?
‘meeting up? you are crazy, sung hanbin.’
your laughter echoed around his head. he smiled at your reply. he had only been hearing your voice for the last month and he never knew he could be smitten from the sound of your laughter. he would gladly choose to hear just your laughter for the rest of his life.
‘what if we are living in different countries? do you not think?’
‘i work at ludia cafe, do you know that place?’
there was a moment of silence and hanbin was afraid he had scared you away. maybe you were looking up the cafe right now, maybe you both were actually living in different countries—
‘i live near there.’
hanbin immediately beamed and gathered his things. he could not wait to meet you.
‘can’t wait to see you.’
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hanbin stood outside the cafe, looking around. he had no idea how you looked like, but he was sure that if he heard your laughter for even a second, he could recognise you right away.
his heart skips a beat whenever he spot a a figure approaching him, but his heart plummets when he realised it was not you.
‘hanbin, are you playing with me right now?’
‘no, i am waiting outside the cafe.’
it was silent for a few minutes. what happened to you?
‘are you sure you are outside?’
hanbin nodded even though no one else was around him to see it.
‘i am outside right now and i see no one.’
hanbin found it odd. he was outside too but there was no one standing around besides a stray cat mindlessly walking around.
‘the bright blue sign of ludia is staring right at me—‘
hanbin’s eyes widen when he heard that. blue? he looked up to the signage above him. it was purple.
‘what? are you at the wrong place? the sign is purple.’
hanbin looked around. maybe you were colour blind? yet, there was no one else on the streets besides him.
‘what? there is a banner right in front of the store. they have hamster decorations all over the place—‘
hanbin tilted his head. that was literally the cafe he works at. it was as if you both were standing at the exact same spot, but at different points of time.
‘—and they have a poster of strawb—.’
‘—strawberry latte.’
hanbin finished your sentence and that is when it finally dawned on him.
you weren’t from his reality.
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reality 831 . .
‘so your reality has soulmates, but mine doesn’t?’
‘seems like so.’
you pouted. why were you stuck in the boring reality?
‘that’s no fun.’
hanbin’s chuckle bounced around your head and you swear you could just faint at any moment. you wished you could just record his voice and keep it on replay for the rest of your life.
‘yet, how are you talking to me? shouldn’t you be talking to your soulmate?’
‘i guess i already am.’
you laid down in your bed, thinking. you and hanbin had tested the theory out, you both went to the same places over the past few weeks and you finally confirmed one thing.
hanbin is from a different universe.
it explained a few things, like how there were small differences between the places you both went to ‘together’. or how in his universe, the idea of soulmates actually exists while in yours, it was just a mere fantasy.
yet you both found each other.
though it was fun to talk to him, the fact you could not physically meet him frustrated you. he is your soulmate, yet how are you guys universes apart?
‘hanbin, i need to study right now. i can’t talk to you.’
you could imagine hanbin pouting and you had to resist the urge to tell the whole universe apart just to go over and see him.
‘i can still talk to you..’
‘i need to focus.’
it was silent for a moment before hanbin came back again.
‘okay, see you yn.’
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reality 832 . .
hanbin pouted when he didn’t hear a response from you. even though he was so glad that he finally connected with his soulmate after so many years, yet, why did you have to be living so far away?
‘yn, are you there?’
no response.
‘can you hear me?’
he started to notice your replies were getting shorter and shorter. and you would go days and weeks without saying a word. what happened?
hanbin almost leapt out of your seat when he finally heard your voice. it’s been weeks, where have you been?
‘what happened? were you busy with school?’
no response for the next few minutes and hanbin panicked again. oh no, were you going to disappear again?
‘can you hear—‘
‘we should stop this.’
hanbin blinked slowly. what? stop what?
‘this. us talking. it’s not.. good.’
his mouth went dry while he started to pace around his room. you were his soulmate, you both never physically even met. you both physically cannot ever meet.
‘we don’t live in the same universe. we are so far, i cannot spend the rest of my life trying to talk to my soulmate through the voice of my head.’
hanbin stood still. it’s true, he has been thinking about it for a while. but, you were his soulmate. even if you both were universes apart.
‘i’m sorry hanbin. if only life gave you a better soulmate.’
‘that’s not true!’
hanbin protested but he heard no response.
‘i will find you yn, trust me on this. maybe there’s a yn that exists in my universe. maybe there’s a hanbin in yours. we can talk lesser! just don’t stop talking to me?’
you didn’t respond and hanbin ruffled his hair. he wanted to hear you for one last time. he would do anything to hear you again.
‘yn, can you hear me?’
your voice never came back.
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© taeraemisu do not copy my works !
perm taglist ! (send an ask) ; @wtfhyuck
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farity · 8 months
Obsession, part 20
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Six Months Later
"Five? Are you insane?"
Aemond wasn't budging. "I can make it six."
His wife stood with her hands on her hips. "I am not going shopping with five guys surrounding me."
He walked around his desk, ran a hand down her arm. "Look. I am not letting anything happen to you and our baby. I can go with you if you wish."
She grabbed his hands. "Just you?"
"No. Five guards and me."
"How the hell is that less insane?"
He brought her hand to his lips, kissed it. "How about this? I will ask them to close the store for an hour so you can shop and I will only send four guards with you."
She hung her head and sighed. "Fine. Fine. I just wanted to shop for baby clothes."
Aemond's phone buzzed but he ignored it, cradling her face in his hands. "All I want to do is keep you both safe. I will tear apart anyone who tries to harm you, but I'd rather it not get to that."
She nodded quietly. "I know. And I love you for it. I just wanted to look at baby stuff like everyone else."
"I can make it happen, you won't know the men are there."
* * * * *
You invited Alicent to go along with you. Helaena was in Winterfell but she'd be back when the baby was born, and in any case, as much as she still made you wary, Alicent was your baby's grandmother, and she'd seemed delighted when you asked her to go with you.
"This is very sweet," she mused, holding up a little pajama set in the softest cream knit fabric.
"That is very cute," you agreed, letting her add the little jammies to the basket she held. She headed to the counter and you heard her asking if they could source the same but in green.
In the end, you spent more money on the baby than you had ever spent shopping for yourself - well, before your days included charity events and fancy dinners - and Alicent had asked that they hold a few items back so they could be monogrammed after the baby's birth.
At lunch, she told you how clueless she'd been with her own babies at first. She had been a very young mother and had no idea what she was doing.
"They turned out well in the end," you smiled. "They're all great human beings."
"I am very proud of them," she agreed, "and I know-"
Suddenly an explosion rocked somewhere a block away, and Alicent immediately stood to shield you as two of Aemond's men appeared and escorted you to the car.
"Do we know what is going on?" Alicent asked while you concentrated on keeping your breathing steady and getting the seat belt over your bump.
"We'd heard rumblings from Pentos, but we don't know for sure."
You looked at Alicent, "who's in Pentos?"
Alicent shook her head, exasperated. "Viserys's brother, Daemon. He surfaces every once in a while, trying to make trouble."
"The one who married Rhaenyra?"
Leaning in, Alicent smirked. "The one who cheats on Rhaenyra."
"I heard she'd thrown him out for good a couple of days ago. He's probably drunk and angry and decided to blow something up."
"Will he attack the family?"
Alicent considered this, "no, he just likes making trouble. We'll retaliate and he'll sink back into whatever hellhole he's living in now."
Back home, Aemond was waiting for you at the main gate. "Are you okay? The doctor is on her way."
You raised your eyebrows at him. "I'm fine, Aemond, I don't think I really need the doctor." But you didn't protest any further, because as you well knew, your husband would not be happy until you were checked over.
* * * * *
When the doctor walked in, you had been taken down to the medical wing, mostly used for Alicent's skin treatments.
"Thank you for coming in such short notice," Aemond said, shaking her hand. She looked at you and smiled.
"Not a problem, I'm close by."
"Hello, Dr. Alysanne," you smiled back. She was a distant cousin of the Targaryens and a world-renowned specialist in obstetrics, and you'd felt comfortable with her since your first appointment.
Alysanne walked around the hospital bed. "I hear you had an exciting lunch date."
You related the events while she took your vitals and then started the ultrasound machine. Aemond stood on the other side of the bed, holding your hand while the doctor spread gel over your belly and began running the wand over.
"Everything looks good, baby's active, oh," she turned to look at both of you, "last time baby was being shy and we couldn't find out the sex. Would you like to know?"
You turned to Aemond, and nodded. "Yes, please."
"What is my beautiful wife having, doctor?"
* * * * *
"Are you happy, my love?"
You were in Aemond's arms later that evening, after sharing the news of the baby's sex and the name you had chosen with the family, you had retreated to your home, where Aemond had slowly peeled off your clothes and kissed every inch of you. He'd needed to have you, despite knowing you were well, and that the pregnancy was going as it should.
After, you'd turned onto your side, letting him run his hand over your belly. The baby kicked as Aemond gently caressed your skin.
"Yes," you said, "very happy. I have you. I have our baby, it is more than I ever thought I would have."
He raised your face to his. "It is more than I ever thought I would have." He placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "You are more than I ever thought I would have."
You smiled, "well, I'm becoming more and more every day with this baby."
"You are a goddess," he replied, "you are radiant, glowing, sexy." He nuzzled your cheek, inhaling the scent of your skin. "I can't keep my hands off you."
He was right. He'd always had a high sex drive, but since you began to show, he had to be touching you at all times. Whether it was a quick grab of your ass, an afternoon spent in bed, or simply holding you on the sofa, he was always there. You felt cherished and safe, more than ever.
Aemond pulled your leg across his stomach so that you straddled him. He reached up to touch your breasts as you sank onto him and you gasped at how sensitive your skin was. He kept his touch light and gentle, and you began to roll your hips.
"Tell me if I hurt you," he murmured, fingers skimming along the curves of your breasts. They were fuller and rounder, and Aemond loved taking his time with them.
"You never do," you said, sighing as he brushed his thumb over your nipple. It was like lightning, the way the pleasure spread to the spot between your legs, and you moaned as he continued lavishing attention on your nipples.
He squeezed your breasts gently and your hips started moving faster. "That's it," he whispered, "so fucking good."
You grabbed onto his hands as you felt your release starting, letting your head fall back as you came. You felt him thrust up against you as the lashings of pleasure took you, felt him come inside you and fall apart underneath you.
* * * * *
"Hey, it's the Starks!" Aegon called out to his sister as she and Cregan walked in to the main house. "Oh."
A petite brunette walked in behind Cregan. "This is my sister Lyanne, she's on her way to Highgarden but I wanted her to meet you all." He smiled easily at her, and Aegon could see the similarities - the same grey eyes, the dark wavy hair.
"Ah, welcome," he said, walking toward the brunette, "I'm Aegon."
"Lyanne. You have a beautiful home."
He vaguely heard his sister and her husband walking to his mother, but could only stare at Lyanne. "You're beautiful," he blurted out, and immediately berated himself. "Sorry, I'm just, uh, welcome. I'm Aegon."
Lyanne smiled at him, "it is very nice to meet you, Aegon. I adore your sister."
Aegon simply stared at her until he heard his mother's voice.
"Stop monopolizing the girl, come on over here!"
"Sorry," he said, and offered her his arm, "mother wants to meet you. She's not as scary as you may have heard."
Lyanne laughed, a soft, musical sound that had him smiling in response. "We Starks don't frighten easily," she whispered, her eyes dropping to his mouth.
Alicent started speaking to Lyanne while he, Aegon Targaryen, who had bedded many a beauty, was left speechless. She was hardly dressed for seduction, her jeans and high necked shirt more practical than alluring, her well worn boots more suited to the countryside than the city. And still he couldn't tear his eyes away from her.
When Aemond and his wife arrived, there were more introductions, and as glad as he was to be around his family, Aegon wanted nothing more than to have Lyanne Stark all to himself.
She was going to Highgarden, Cregan had said, and he texted Aemond across the dinner table.
"Aegon, you know I don't like that during family dinners."
"Mother, this is of utmost importance," he said, very seriously.
* * * * *
"What are you doing?"
"Calling Milena Tyrell."
Aemond rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Aegon, you don't even know-"
The call connected, and Aegon signaled his brother to be quiet. Aemond listened while his brother asked, cajoled, and then threatened, until he got his way.
"Aegon, if I'd known what you were going to do-"
"You don't need to know what I am going to do, brother, you were asked to procure information and you did. Now, I believe we should join the conversation."
Aegon left his office, not giving Aemond a chance to interject. Not that Aegon would listen, Aemond thought.
While he sat next to his wife and listened as Helaena told them all about her new dog at Winterfell, he caught his mother staring somewhere behind him, and when he turned, he caught Aegon taking Lyanne Stark to the gardens in the back.
He turned back to find Alicent raising an eyebrow at him, and he shrugged almost imperceptibly.
"I've named her Dreamfyre, and she was so little just a couple of weeks ago, but they grow to be the size of wolves."
"Mine is Darkfyre," Cregan added, "they're such loyal animals, steady and protective. We've always had them in our family."
"Have you guys finished the nursery?" Helaena asked.
You laughed, " 'we' didn't really do anything. Alicent had a designer come in and she asked some questions about what we liked, and it's all done and ready."
"She is the best in Westeros," Alicent chimed in. "She doesn't take many clients, but of course she will work for us whenever we need."
"Do you want to go see it?" you asked, and Helaena jumped up.
"Hell yes!"
* * * * *
Three months later
"Is there anything else I can get you?"
You smiled sleepily at your husband. "I have everything I need right here." You looked down at your son as he fed at your breast. The first few days had been rough because of the c-section and because the baby wouldn't latch properly, so Dr Alysanne had brought in a lactation consultant who had worked with you both until things finally clicked and he began feeding in earnest.
Aemond had paid the consultant to stay in the estate for a couple of weeks, just in case, and there was a rotation of three nurses that worked eight hour shifts to help with the baby.
"I'll burp him," Aemond said, taking his son in his arms with practiced ease. He laid the cloth on his shoulder and then began patting the baby's back. "Come on, Aerys," he cooed, "can't keep those bubbles in your belly."
"May I?"
The night nurse knocked gently, peering in.
You nodded, and she helped you up and went to the bathroom with you. Being in labor for hours had drained your strength, and in the end, surgery had been needed for Aerys to be born. but you were starting to feel like yourself again.
Your surgery site was healing fine, the nurse said, and she helped you back to the bed, tucking you in and making sure you had everything you needed.
"Would you like me to take him, sir?"
"No, I got him, thank you," Aemond said, "he's ready to settle down."
"Very good, sir, I'll be next door."
You hadn't expected Aemond to be so hands-on with your baby. He had no experience caring for children, but with Aerys, he'd asked the nurses a thousand questions, watched everything they did, and then jumped in to care for his son while you recovered.
Helaena and Cregan were staying in the main house, and the new aunt was delighted with her new nephew. She had made several drawings of animals for him, and had cried with happiness when she saw that all the drawings were framed, filling one of the nursery walls.
Aegon had married Lyanne, with Cregan's approval, a month after they met, after her arranged marriage with Willas Tyrell was broken off by Milena. Lyanne, who was usually steadfast and sensible, had told her brother that Aegon was the one and either she married him or she married no one.
Daeron said he wanted to post photos of himself holding his nephew because "chicks like it," and Aemond had told him that his son would never be used as bait, but it was Daeron who had stayed up all night with Aemond as he cared for Aerys those first few days. Aemond had found a new maturity in his younger brother, and Daeron had expressed his desire to start working for the family soon.
Alicent delighted in her new status as grandmother, stopping by in the mornings to check on Aemond and his family. "You chose well, my son," she said one morning as she rocked baby Aerys after he'd been fed and burped. "She makes you happy."
"She does. I'm very happy, mother."
"I am glad to hear it, Aemond. You deserve every joy."
Aemond sat on the rocking chair, gently bouncing his son while his wife slept. He couldn't have envisioned this moment. Every hurt, every loss, every moment of grief he had experienced, he supposed it had all led to this. And he wouldn't change a thing.
* * * * *
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Thank you for reading, for your likes and reblogs, they all mean so much to me!!!
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doverstar · 6 months
abed/annie is my community otp, so I would love to hear your essay if you’re willing to share ♥️
girl it would be my pleasure
this is going to be an absolutely enormous word-vomit, please prepare-
I want to start off by saying I actually think Abed is genuinely a little bit crazy. Yes, he might be on the spectrum or have some disorder but the show is so loose with that it never really confirms it, so I’m not going to confirm it either, I just think there’s something-something-spectrum there but I’m not educated enough to understand exactly what they’re communicating he has or is dealing with. I think the safest thing to assume is indeed that he’s insane (he said it himself; he saw literal lava when Troy was leaving) but in a small, functional, unique way that doesn’t make him dangerous except when he wants to cut people’s arms off because “Evil Abed has taken over” hello someone do something about that –
Anyway. It’s super difficult for me to understand what goes on in his head episode-to-episode, but with Annie it’s actually easier? Abed has such a specific set of needs when it comes to relationships that it’s a miracle he found the study group at all. He’s so smart and creative and he’s actually very empathetic and sweet but he doesn’t always seem to know how to express things.
Annie is clearly Abed’s second-best friend in the show (it helps that the actor/actress are best friends too). When he can’t turn to Troy, he can always turn to Annie. She understands him and there’s never been a point where we see that start or end—it just naturally happened and they’re both used to it. Abed is always touching her, always sitting by her, always making eye contact with her, and if you pay close attention to even background scenes, he’s measuring her reactions to things more often than anyone else’s. If I had to guess, I think she’s the group member he understood faster than any of the others. Abed (this is, from what I’m told, part of being on the spectrum? but like I said I am uneducated and don’t want to definitively say something the show decided not to be clear about) needs certain things to be a certain way, or he can’t operate normally. He panics, or gets angry, or tries to mutilate Jeff Wingers. He genuinely thinks he is crazy, and he genuinely thinks no one he meets will be able to deal with him for an extended amount of time. (Let’s begin at the beginning from his POV.) Abed meets Annie (and the group), and she seems like the typical Molly Ringwald girl-next-door; pretty, smart, wants popularity, ambitious. That’s why he chose her when he created the study group. Annie is all of these cliched things, but hey, quickly it’s pretty clear Annie needs things to be a certain way. Annie needs structure and lists and good grades. So she gets it when Abed needs that, what a pleasant surprise! And part of that is that Annie empathizes with everyone around her, without even trying, so much so that she’s depicted often as the heart of the whole study group. She gets Abed, both because they’re the same in lots of ways and they’re the opposite. She can crush easily, explode easily, cry easily, laugh easily. Everything Abed has no idea how to emote. Annie is a volcano of emotions, and they’re triggered most when she’s feeling because of or on behalf of other people.
So here’s this girl near his own age who is orderly and structured, and knows how other people feel and can enter in with them emotionally, including Abed. She’s so nice, and tries so hard. She’s even good at playing pretend (Mixology Certification, party of one?). What a perfect leading lady for the life-movie Abed sees everywhere he goes (because that’s how he makes sense of the world). Annie is the ideal female star he’d want in any story: the girl full of passion and drive.
But then there’s Jeff—the study group’s Judd Nelson—presumably the perfect leading man. When Abed first handpicks the group in the pilot and first season, Jeff wants Britta. Hey, that makes sense, Britta seems to be the leading lady type, actually! She’s nice, she’s strong, she’s beautiful. Works perfectly. And look, Annie wants Troy—the brainy bubbly girl wants the dumb jock, that makes sense too. Everything works. Then things start changing within the dynamic. Troy is actually not that dumb, and not that sports-obsessed—he’s fun, and he’s the ideal bro for Abed, but he doesn’t work with Annie. Britta is not that nice, and not that strong—she’s bad at everything, and she doesn’t understand people, she just wants to and is constantly trying to portray (and then hopefully become) the kind of person that does. And Jeff is a stunted jerk who needs reformation.
Oh, Annie is Abed’s friend now too. She said it herself, and that’s rare in Abed’s life. She called them really good friends, and that’s so important to him that he’ll sit in a room for 26 straight hours with nothing to do because Annie asked him to do it. Troy is not the only character Abed would give up control for. There’s one other from the start, because the moment she told him with all her earnest doe-eyedness they were friends, she had him hook line and sinker.
Season 1 progresses. Jeff and Britta might still work, and Abed seems mildly interested in that if only for the cliches—maybe Britta can make him better. No, wait, Britta is bad at that too. Actually, they’re not good for each other. Actually, they’re bad for each other—they’re bad for everyone. But they have similar terrible flaws and habits, so maybe they do make a good pair. Still fine leads. Still works. And besides, Annie has filled in the place of Troy with hippie Vaughn, which is also fine. Doesn’t really work long-term, but Jeff and Britta drive the plot forward more anyway, so the focus should be on them, right? The group is working. The group is thriving. The TV of life moves along.
(Except Jeff kissed Annie to win the Man Is Good/Evil debate. And Abed predicted it. Which means he was thinking about that as a possibility, because he operates on variables and tries to understand outcomes so that he’s not surprised by anything and can keep his friends for longer by relating to and reacting to them better. Jeff has leading man vibes, Annie has leading lady vibes, that’s one potential outcome. And though he insists he’s just making hypotheses based on what he’s learned about his friends so far, when it does happen right in front of them in real life, they kiss, Abed is just as shocked as the others—he literally can’t take his eyes off them until the debate is won. Then afterward, he tells Shirley he can’t predict the future and uses his plans for Pierce being discovered as a genius next in his home-movies as an example, which he believes would never happen—then Britta calls Pierce a genius right in front of him and Abed looks visibly concerned. Maybe what he predicts about his friends will keep happening, even the things he thinks are the least likely of the potential outcomes. Maybe even Jeff and Annie as the two leads. But that doesn’t make sense, does it? Jeff and Britta are endgame, aren’t they? Annie is too young for a leading man like Jeff. Annie is too nice; Jeff is too selfish. Annie is gorgeous and driven, Jeff is handsome and needs fixing, that would work, no, it would change things too much, it’s too unlikely, back to Jeff and Britta, back to playing with Troy and studying film, don’t give it a second thought—)
Transfer dance happens. Annie is going away for the summer with Vaughn. Classic Annie, has his back, always doing the better thing for the plot, bringing a good end-of-Season twist, but it’s okay, as far as he knows she’ll be back in the fall and besides, Abed’s got to-roomie-or-not-roomie with Troy issues to deal with.
And then the new semester starts after the transfer dance. And Anthropology 101 happens (again, one of my favorite episodes for the group fight at the end when it comes to my lil ships). I’M GONNA TALK ABOUT ANTHROPOLOGY 101 NOW. For A CHUNK of time. Jeff and Britta are doing relationship-drama stuff Abed doesn’t quite care about, until Shirley suggests he’s being selfish and that a real friend would enter into Jeff and Britta’s [incredibly fake and nasty] “happiness” and Abed thinks that could work. Actually, progressing Jeff and Britta’s relationship is a goal he can definitely work with. In fact, if you pay attention to the show, whenever there is an opportunity to advance or out Jeff/Britta, Abed takes that opportunity. And whenever there is an opportunity to put JeffAnnie in an uncomfortable or inevitable, c’est la vie light (which two independence-heavy freaks like Jeff and Annie would consider negatively) he takes that too.
Abed urges Jeff/Britta to get married right there in the library before the fight, gives them the ring, because he thinks that’s the next logical step in their grossness. Special episode, all about Jeff/Britta, endgame endgame endgame! He can work with that. In fact, he’s happy to control that. He leaves the room to inexplicably get an Irish singer, dead-ringer Clooney, and a transportable wedding set.
When he comes back and tries to prep the group for the special wedding episode, everyone is tense and Jeff is bleeding from the nose, and Abed does not notice; he’s intent on advancing the plot and the endgame. Then Troy says, “Abed. Jeff made out with Annie.” And Abed’s immediate reaction is “What? Where? When?” And he looks unhappy, like the rest of them. Jeff made out with Annie, and that means everything Abed thought he understood is incorrect. (And I think it bothers the crap out of him and he doesn’t have the ability to unpack why that is the way most people do because he’s different. Surely he’s just angry for the same reasons the rest of the group is? That must be it. That must be why he’s angry specifically with Jeff, not Britta in any tangible way, or even Annie in a tangible way—until later, which I’ll talk about eventually.) Annie tells him they kissed after the transfer dance in a guilty voice, which is a sheepishness she does not respond with to any of the other members of the group. It’s almost like she’s picking up on Abed’s emotion specifically this time. And while everyone else in the group explodes, and Jeff reduces his kiss with Annie to something he should be ashamed of (accurate) because men are monsters who crave young flesh and Annie looks absolutely crushed like a deer in the headlights, Abed starts packing up to leave. And we only see how angry he is right then—he doesn’t enter into anyone else’s problems. We see him react to “Jeff made out with Annie”, and then this is the next time we see him react. Jeff asks where he’s going and Abed throws out a quippy “I now pronounce you cancelled” with a bounce of his eyebrows in an angry way, at Jeff, and when he tries to leave Jeff hurls insults at his back and Abed stops in the doorway, in a normal-person—again, angry—way and turns around and drops one of the sickest burns of the whole show, that TV makes sense and has “likeable leading men”, and says “In life, we have this. We have you.” And walks out. His anger is not directed at anybody else. He doesn’t help Troy with the Pierce situation. He doesn’t try to fix any of it. It’s like he heard “Jeff made out with Annie”, learned the specifics, and was standing there reeling until eventually he decided he couldn’t deal and went to leave, and wouldn’t have shown just how angry he was with Jeff unless Jeff had provoked him, which he did.
let me pretend I’m a 14-year-old shippy fangirl in my reasoning, okay-
Abed likes logic, and as Season 2 continues, Jeff/Annie gets more and more logical. In fact, even though he has noticed that Jeff and Britta are secretly hooking up in the background of the Season, he is not surprised in Paradigms of Human Memory when Annie calls Jeff out for the will-they-won’t-they he’s been enacting with her, and even says there is something between the two of them, matter-of-factly, which Jeff refuses to own up to. But Abed and Annie are getting closer and closer, too. It’s subtle, but it’s clear they’re 100% comfortable around each other. That becomes super clear by Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas, when, besides Troy, Annie is the only other character to enter into Abed’s way of thinking and play with him, because it’s genuinely important to him and she recognizes that this is what he needs, when everyone else kind of drops off. She helps Abed and Troy stop Duncan from dealing with Abed in a practical, normal way, because she sees that Abed is dealing with something and can only deal with it his way to get through it. That’s incredibly rare for Abed, we see. He’s very attached to her—like I said, often touching her, often sitting by her, often reacting to her.
(I mean hi, in English As A Second Language, Abed thinks he won’t be affected by Annie’s Disney Face; when everyone else obeys Jeff in closing their eyes to it, Abed doesn’t. “Oh don’t worry about me, I can only connect to people through...movies...” literally stops in his tracks when he sees her Disney Face with the cutest wistful twitch of a smile. Jeff has to Indiana-Jones-reference him to make him look away. He doesn’t only connect to people through movies—at least, Annie can get through to him without the need of movies; he’s not a quirky lil robot, he can have normal feelings, but boy does it seem like Annie is the one bringing them out of him more often than most. she gets under his skin ajhzsdkejdb-)
Abed definitely has a crush on Annie. But he doesn’t know how to deal with that or portray it. To his mind, Annie should be with a leading man. Any time he flirts with her, he is pretending to be a leading man from a movie or show. (For a Few Paintballs More, anyone?) Because that’s who she should be paired off with. And that’s what she wants, right? She loooves Jeff Winger now. Britta’s not the leading lady, she never was, that role was always Annie’s, and it makes sense she wants Jeff, and it makes even more sense that Abed is observing the love story, not part of it. Abed is not the leading man, he’s the computer. He watches, analyzes, does not get involved or get the girl.
But he still wants her around, and he can have that much—in fact, when he moves in with Troy and Annie tells him she loves their place, Abed instantly suggests she move in. Not Abed and Troy. Just Abed, and he does not discuss it with his roommate. And Troy seems confused and surprised and gives Abed such an interesting look right after. Annie moves in, Abed agrees to sacrifice some of his routine for her (blanket fort for he and Troy, full bedroom for Annie), things are happy. Things are fine. She puts away his buttered noodles when he’s not finished with them, but she adapts to his needs when he expresses he doesn’t want her to do that; she breaks his Batman DVD but he adapts by forgiving her in a role he can express that in—Batman himself, plus, bonus, he gets to flirt with her as that leading man—and things are better. But then Annie starts trying to control things. Annie starts trying to make life go according to the movie in her head. She tries to get Britta and Troy together, which not only robs Abed of his best friend for a day and disrupts his routine, it makes him angry with Annie. And not just because she tampered with the group’s dynamic, which he doesn’t want anyone else but him to do. okay we’re caught up NOW I get to talk about Virtual Systems Analysis, which is my FAVORITE COMMUNITY EPISODE-
Throughout that episode, Annie is trying to speak in Abed’s language in the Dreamatorium in order to teach him empathy. In the past, she’s had success in communicating with him on his level, but this seems extra hard for some reason. She sees somehow through his expressionless face right away and sees he is angry with her, and though he tries to deflect by saying she’s going to ruin the group by meddling, she eventually does recognize what the problem is. At first she’s convinced Abed just wants Abed’s way and that he needs to be taught how to think of others first (she’s right), but he hears her say that to Troy and it spirals him right into the worry he always has—that he’s crazy, that he’s a problem, that he’ll never fit in because of that, and that when Annie (and anyone else) tries to deal with or fix him, they will get sick of it, give up, and toss him aside. He was already angry with her for a different reason, not just wanting his way again—but now he’s sure she’s done with Abed, too. So he becomes someone else, everyone else, to make his point: that she’s just messing with Britta and Troy so that nothing will stand in the way of her and Jeff.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAYS WHEN HE IS PRETENDING TO BE JEFF TO HER? He says, “With Abed gone, and Troy and Britta together, there’s nothing standing in the way of us.” With Abed gone. Why did he say that? Because with Abed gone, Annie gets to be in control of everyone? Obviously not. Or is it because out of everyone, every variable, the only other match that makes sense for Britta is Troy and the only other match that makes sense for Annie is-
Oops, Freudian slip. Oh, she’s not falling for it. And Abed is mad at her because he thinks she set up Britta and Troy so she could be with Jeff. Abed is mad that that’s what she wants. And when she tries to argue it’s not, he literally pretends he is her, logicking it out at her, trying to convince her that that is what she wants, because that’s what he thinks she wants, and her controlling things to cause JeffAnnie makes him mad. But c’est la vie, it’s inevitable anyway, right? Why isn’t she seeing that? Why is she trying to talk about him, he doesn’t want to talk about him, especially not after what she said about him— Then she fights back and tells him that she does not love Jeff, she loves the idea of being loved and if she can teach a guy like Jeff to love her, she’ll never be alone. And then she finds out that’s what Abed is afraid of, too. No—that’s what Abed is used to. “I’ve run the simulations, Annie. I don’t get married. [Why is that the first thing he said?] I don’t etc. etc.”
He’s afraid he’ll be alone, and people will always be getting tired of him and throwing him away. Didn’t Annie get tired of him? But she doesn’t, she’s not—in fact, she understands him. She shows him other members of the group understand that feeling, too. She uses his language to explain to him that he’s wrong, and that neither of them should be trying to make life go according to a script in their heads. Abed sees that she does understand, and if she can get into his head and understand him, she really can do it with anyone, and if she can do it, maybe he can too. Annie helps him and makes him a better person, because she reminds him to empathize, which is something Abed didn’t think he could do. Okay I just spent a long time talking about Abed’s perspective. A tiny bit of Annie now, because this is going on too long. As for Annie, she is afraid of being alone and unloved. She’s “psycho”, she’s crazy too, because someone who empathizes that much and can exude that much emotion does seem crazy to other people. She’s a different crazy than Abed, but her brand of psycho lends itself well to getting and communicating with him, because his crazy is escapism and her crazy is confrontation. His crazy is emotionless, her crazy is emotional. His crazy is control, her crazy is compassion. Her parents cut her off, her high school shunned her, Troy never noticed her, of course she’s scared of being ditched. Of being unimportant. Annie’s need to be perfect comes from the need to feel valued. And doesn’t Abed understand the need to not feel left alone? Doesn’t he understand everything needing to be just so, doesn’t he understand wanting to feel important but never expecting it? Just the computer. Just the observer. Wait. Didn’t he invite her to live with him, voluntarily? Doesn’t he always seem to be choosing her to sit by, don’t they always seem to be reassuring one another with a look or a touch? He gets how she feels about Jeff and Britta and their monopolization (hi Basic Sandwich), he gets when she’s feeling insecure, he gets when she needs to escape, just for a second, to pretend to be someone else in any given scenario so that she can take a risk or get out of her comfort zone, and he excels at that so they often do it together. They don’t have to be alone, they have each other. Annie doesn’t have to be perfect, Abed doesn’t have to be normal, and neither of them have to be in control. But nobody listens to me and instead we have Jeff kissing Annie and Brie Larson in a sweater. And don’t get me started on VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing and why Abed and Annie are individually trying so hard to fight each other’s third-roommate preferences-
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dulcisaurantium · 1 year
𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙚  – Kozaki Taki
“…I know I haven’t been perfect, but I’m saying this as the man who was your husband for four years.”
“For the last time - go to hell.”, I muttered in hope that Ryoko wouldn’t be listening before hanging up on Tomohiro and turning back to her. She warns me once again, “MC…You should pack your things and go before he gets back!”
That’s the sensible thing to do, isn’t it? But there’s a note in my pocket that I can’t stop thinking about and looking back to. ‘Leave your schedule open when I get back. Wear these clothes and wait for me in the park from before.’ It’s written in the handwriting that I surprisingly remember. Would I have recognised it if I was still married? If I had completely forgotten about Taki?
“Taki wanted to meet up in a few days, Ryoko. I want to get the truth from him myself.”
“But he’s been seeing you everyday for the past few weeks! What if this time he’s selling you off?” It’s an insane idea. He told me he loved me…he looked so sincere saying those words. But this is what he’s been doing for the past 10 years. Am I a fool for let these words sink into my skin?
But that look he gave me…it was so nostalgic. It was the one of the few facets of him that hadn’t changed since high school. I want the truth and if it means I’ll put myself at risk, then so be it.
I took Ryoko’s advice of packing up and stayed at motel for a while. I’m back at square one again in my search for a job. I never received my pay check and I’m slowly gnawing at my savings once again. It’s only been a day but I miss the presence of Sydney. I feel guilty, looking back the face she pulled at me when I was at the front door, for letting myself be vulnerable again and more importantly, for leaving Taki without any explanation like a coward. It’s like I haven’t learned anything...
Not too long after that, my phone began with an unknown number popping up on it’s screen. Taki?
“Yosuke? Why are you calling me? How’d you even get my number?”
“Are you forgetting that I can easily get information about anyone? Taki told me to keep an eye on you in case a certain someone tried to harm you in any way. The GPS shows that you’re at that motel again. Taki is coming back tomorrow, what are you doing?”
“Well…” I feel stupid. I don’t have a genuine reason to have run away. I haven’t even tried to contact Taki and find out the truth for myself. What am I doing?
“Is it this about that article?”, Yosuke questions me and there’s this hint of judgement in his voice.
“Were you guys going to sell me off to some rich guy?”
“What? No.”
Yosuke lets out a quiet chuckle and carries on, “It's pretty naive of you to fall for a trashy tabloid like that.”
“Well, everything that you guys have been doing for me these past few days seemed to tell me everything else.”
I hear a sigh on the other end.
“I’ll let Taki talk to you. You’ve got this all wrong MC. But if you need anything, feel free to come back to you-know-where!” He hangs up and my plan is final. It doesn’t matter if I’m not living there anymore, I’m going to meet Taki tomorrow.
I’m a fool for thinking I could find love again. Why do I keep making the same mistakes over and over again?
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
Hello!! I love how we are all hoping that Jordan brings back the podcast, i need those two besties back so badly. I feel like they have so much stuff they could talk about especially now with the strikes, it’d be fun to hear their take on it. I am honestly not ready for him to find out how the filming and the aftermath of the show was on Gale and Randy. I know he’s gonna lose his shit to find out how some people were towards them (especially since his idea of Gale in his head is obviously different and in his mind Gale and Randy are bffs like how he is with his friends.) but also i think he will be shocked to find out they both kind of stepped back from the show and had certain issues with it. He did storm in my room randomly today and went ‘IS THAT WHY THERE WAS LESS SEX STUFF?!’ Which btw it was 10 am when he did that, I barely knew i was awake. Basically he was up almost all night thinking about the finale and the podcast (he is once again that conspiracy meme) and he realized in later seasons there’s less sex scenes and now he is distraught that maybe it’s because Randy was uncomfortable. He was having an entire crisis over it. While I don’t know what all i will show him/what he’ll see on his own (i wanna show him bts content and like obviously anything else i can find) but i will be keeping con videos/posts FAR away from him because some of those are the worst things ive ever seen in my life, no offense to anyone. I will say, If you or anyone has any ideas what else I should show him, let me know because he has been losing his mind begging me to let him listen to more of the podcast.
As for our mom, i swear that woman is actually pretty chaotic herself but unlike my brother she hides it better. Both of our parents are insane but for some reason only he doesn’t even make an effort to hide it. She did get a long email sent to her by my brother because she was ignoring his calls and he wanted to talk about s4 finale. It was titled ‘IMPORTANT! NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SHOW’ and then it was almost a short novel about the show.. He wanted to hear her thoughts since he is still undecided about Justin not saying yes to moving in. And he wrote a little bit about the podcast and he also asked her if she thinks Randy would like him if they met (clearly he is feeling a certain way about this) which caused a different crisis, a much bigger one: would Gale like him if they met. That crisis lasted almost 2 hours btw. Anyway as a reply to the email she just forwarded it to our dad who forwarded it back to me to tell me to ‘change the wifi password.’ And then I immediately got a call from my mom about the podcast asking me if it’s about the show and how he already has enough weird hobbies and why can’t I get him into something normal like a pottery group or painting group or something with normal people around. And then I heard in the background our uncle who went ‘after all the stories about him talking to DOCTORS, you want to unleash him on a person who is not medically trained?’ So he is now being encouraged to stay home and watch tv. Also: he is currently talking to his best friend about the finale, while writing down mind maps and lists of what he thinks season 5 will be. He’s having a bit of issues with it because the LA offer apparently fucked quite a lot of things up for him so his original list no longer makes sense. He is also talking to him at the same time (he’s jumping from topic to topic) about Gale and how shocked he was that Randy didn’t enjoy the qaf fame. I don’t know how this became my life. More importantly I would just like to say: i cannot wait for your new fic! I mean your last fic got us here so I can’t wait to see what happens next. But also bearded Brian>>
The podcast talking about the strikes would be amazing! I was hoping we would get a Barbie movie episode but alas. I really want to hear the besties talk about Greta Gerwig.
I have never seen the con clips and I’m grateful. I have too much secondhand embarrassment to sit through that boundary-crossing behavior and invasive questions.
I LOVE that your parents were like “change the wifi password” and uncle was like “unleash him into the world?” and they responded “jk never mind.”
I personally think Gale and Randy are still friends but we would never know with the one proof of life per year Gale gives us and Randy being tightlipped about his time on the show.
Wait until your brother realizes that one of Randy’s partner’s is named Justin (or is that the kid? either way there’s a Justin!)
I am dreading his reaction to S5 but we all watched it so he must as well…
And, yes, bearded Brian >>>
BUT I saw your request at the top - folks let’s start to pull together a post-S5 education for all necessary BTS for Brother Anon to fully understand QAF! In box me or comment on this post.
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Fearless (Taylor's Version) as One Chicago Ships
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Howdy! Here it is lyrics or whole songs from Fearless (Taylor's Version) I think apply to One Chicago Ships. Just like for Red (Taylor's Version) I'm doing all cannon ships as they are easier for me to connect songs and lyrics to.
Note: Some sound like I'm just having a conversation with myself oops. It's also a lot of Burzek cause of the status of their relationship and the types of songs from this album. I'm sorry, I hate it too.
Brettsey: “There’s a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there In the middle of the parking lot” You can’t tell me that Sylvie doesn't ask Matt to do this. She probably asked after they talked outside Molly’s in 10x5. 
Burzek: Verse 2. I am picturing this as Adam thinking about Kim, but definitely can be switched around.
Hawkami: “You take my hand and drag me head first, Fearless” Violet was so nervous and then Evan just reassured her we got this amazing ship out of it.
Upstead: “You pull me in and I’m a little more brave. It's the first kiss, it’s flawless, really something.” reading this really reminded me of their first kiss
Love Story
Burzek: “We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback stars I’m standing there.” I started crying when I realized this was them. I thought you should know.
I could have related more couples to this song but once I connected that first verse to Burzek my brain stopped functioning and I couldn't connect the song to anyone else.
Hey Stephen
Brettsey: “Boy, you might have me believing I don’t always have to be alone” “Can’t help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain” Sylvie is a hopeless romantic and wants to kiss Matt in the rain all the time and you can't change my mind.
Stellaride: “Why are people always leaving? I think you and I should stay the same” Ope little angst there, but everyone has left Kelly. BUT no worries cause, STELLARIDE IS MARRIED and they are staying the same.
Upstead: “I’ve been holding back this feeling So I’ve got some things to say to you” May I point you to the end of 8x3 where Hailey says “It’s been a long a long time since I saw you as just my partner.”
Burzek: “The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name It’s beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change” I read this and just thought of Adam calling Kim darling and I just know down in my heart Kim doesn't want him to stop calling her that.
Hawkami: “Come feel this magic I’ve been feeling since I met you” I’ve already determined that Sparks Fly is their song and this line is the same.
White Horse
Burzek: Unfortunately many of these angsty lyrics could relate to them being broken up and sad, AND I HATE IT.
You Belong With Me
All of the ships as they all belong together. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
Burzek: Hello another sad breakup song I am relating to them.
Brettsey: “I see your face in my mind as I drive away ‘Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way” Now I’m not saying they are broken up, because I don't think that has happened. I refuse to believe it until it is explicitly said. I can see this as Matt starts his trip out to Oregon from either one of them.
The Way I Loved You
Ok so hear me out. The verse where she talks about how wonderful the guy is I feel could go towards any of them. 
Also the line “You’re so in love that you act insane” could go for any of them. 
Examples: Casey jumping out of the truck for Brett. Stella staying back in multiple fires for Kelly and Kelly doing the same for Stella. Adam fighting with Kev while Kim is missing (still hate that they literally got in a fist fight during that and then just best buddies next episode and seemingly didn't talk about it). Literally everything with North and Voight in season 9 for Upstead. Evan doing everything he can think of to save Violet’s job.
The Best Day
Burzek and Makayla: They are this whole big round thing. I hear “But I know I had the best day with you today” and think of all of them together and the video of Adam dancing in the tutu. 
Jump Then Fall
BRETTSEY: I made a post one time when I was listening to the song and just knew it was them, especially in the beginning when they were happy.
I think of this song as just being so enamored with someone and could see this with any of them.
The Other Side Of The Door
Burzek: I can't do this anymore. This is me begging the writers to have them work their shit out and just get back together. Just honestly put us Buzek shippers out of our misery.
Today Was A Fairytale
It's just a good ole fashioned love song. What more can I say? It applies to all of them being happy and in love. 
You All Over Me
I think you all know where I’m going with this, but this time I’m giving you a lyric.
Burzek: “But no amount of freedom gets you clean I’ve still got you all over me” They will always be connected no matter what, especially now with Makayla.
Hawkami: Verse 2 the “And  your ‘Don’t you wish you had me?’ grin Well I did, so I smiled And I melted like a child” This is basically what happened at the Gala change my mind.
We Were Happy
Burzek: Unfortunately as the writers are cowards and won't give them back to us.
Brettsey: I know they aren't explicitly broken up, but I know they aren't happy as they want to be/could be.
That’s When
Brettsey: The way it starts out reminds me of the conversation about Matt moving to Oregon and Sylvie had to think about what she wanted to do. Then they just worked it out and everything is ok for now.
Bye Bye Baby
Refusing to say who I relate this song to, but I think you all know at this point.
Brettsey: Hear me out. Not in a broken up sense just a LDR sense.
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rankuros · 2 years
hello friend, i hope you had a great day, was your concert fun? -💜
yayyy good morning! sorry i missed this last night i was too busy being insane. i tried to be normal to everyone i talked to so i will be annoying here okok
i really enjoyed it! they did a couple of songs i didn't even know the words to bc HAHA they had a translator so they could talk to us (i've only seen performers who speak english so i wasn't sure how that would go) and they were so cute and excited. i know bands are like "we love this city!" at every tour stop but it's still so fun to be at a concert and hear the band say they're excited to be there with you,, and everyone else too but like no that was for me, they love me individually they were happy that i myself personally was there,
BM turned around briefly while the others were talking and then he was like "sorry i had to tighten my pants" and then after the next song he was like "are everyone's pants okay" he's ADORABLE - he also did his new songs which i didn't know the words to and UM???? i am going to be listening to them all day (i also have bad intentions BM - call me) he did a lot of the talking ofc. off to the side there was a sign that said like "i quit my job to come see KARD" and he was grilling this person and then he read it to the rest of them and they all lost it. i couldn't hear the person's explanation but BM said "i'm proud of you" askjfkskd and then WE all lost it
and jiwoo is the cutest thing ever and she has so much swagger i would do anything for her. she kept laughing and giggling and she dumped a bottle of water on j.seph right before his verse during the encore she's just. the best. i could just kiss her right on the mouth but i would be too intimidated. i was sending my friend snaps like "not to be lecherous BUT" because she is just so cool. if she looked at me i would instantly drop dead. oh my god. did you know that she like exists and furthermore that she existed in the same room as me yesterday? i cannot even explain
my voice hurts today for sure they are having a competition to see which city can scream the loudest, apparently there is a tie for first place and we missed it by .1db but they gave us five tries and then they made us work for an encore too. i feel like i drank pool water, you know that burnt feeling
it was my first time going to a concert by myself and i was so afraid to get really into it and look stupid without a buffer person, but it was literally fine and i did get really into it and i looked equally as stupid as anyone else there (not at all bc everyone is there to get baby stupid dumb dumb dumb dumb) i love concerts i wish i could go see my faves all the time. but i think it is so cool that they came all the way here and i got to see them at all!! i love them so much they're SO much to me
i also treated myself to $90 at the merch table and i've been giggling this morning calling the hoodie my boyfriend hoodie (wearing this bc it's cold out) and the tshirt my girlfriend shirt (packed safely in my bag)
a lot of people in the pit were talking about other kpop groups and other shows they've been to and they sounded like they knew SO MANY and i was like,,,,,,, literally i just love KARD so much i don't listen to any of those other people, KARD just scratches my brain in the exact right way i'm so obsessed. they're special and i'm happy they're back and i'm happy they came to see me <3
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soracities · 2 years
hello love, i really appreciate your takes on beauty. could you expand a little on facial hair? this is merely for reassuring purposes, and i would additionally love to hear your thoughts. adore you very much.
you're lovely, thank you ♡
to be quite honest, i don't know if there is much i can really expand on--for any physical feature, really--because, for me, i really want to look at them and treat them as just another thing: hair is just a thing, freckles are just a thing, cellulite is just a thing, hyperpigmentation is just a thing--they are all part and parcel of the myriad combinations of very ordinary things that your body just does. on its own facial hair is just a thing on the same level as toenails or rough elbows, but even then i don't like to look at them in isolation and assess them in terms of their beauty or potential beauty on that alone: they are part of a whole to me which is a living, breathing, moving, laughing existence. every part of me is something that has been passed down from generation to generation to generation. every part of me is something i've been gifted from another human who's long gone but lived long enough to leave me a fragment of their existence on this earth: somewhere in my family tree is someone who gave me my too-long arms and while i may not like these proportions i can't ignore that someone used those same arms to clamber trees, hug loved ones, pick up children, mend walls and roofs, or defend themselves in a fight. similarly somewhere in my family tree is someone who now only exists through the too-big forehead i inherited, or the weirdly curved knees, or the grey chin hairs of my mother and grandmother (which i could very well get), or the high hairline, or the small mouth, or any other physical feature that, yes, i could get insecure about and hate (and i do struggle with it), but whose history is too wide and far-reaching for me to reduce it to pure aesthetics or whatever is in vogue.
the way my body is put together--the way anyone's body is put together--is a miraculous ongoing conversation between various threads of human history, between disparate lives that never ever would have come together if it weren't for some insane statistical fluke that put your father's eyebrows above your great-great-great maternal grandma's nose, that gave your eyes the same colour as everyone else in your family but sourced the curve of their eyelids or their very shape from some obscure gene that hasn't been seen since some distant cousin a century and a half ago. and you are the site of that conversation, you're host to all these parts that have continued, uninterrupted, for millions of years to result in the person you see in the mirror. how are we going to dismiss all that for....what? for some arbitrary map society pins on your body telling you where you can and can't grow hair? that my genes didn't see fit to make sure my eyebrows align with the trendy new thing?
i want to be clear, i'm not saying it's an easy perspective to internalise and i know that different bodies are policed and politicised in drastically different ways. but i can only speak from my perspective and how i have tried (am trying) to deal with it all and again, for me, the most important thing is to look at every part of the body as just a thing--not more or less than any other part, no value or aesthetic potential tied to it, but simply a series of responses to different environments, speaking of different times, different places, different heritages. they are all working together to keep me alive, to keep that conversation with the lives i owe these features to alive. that i am here, that i get to witness it, that i get to live through this body--laugh through it and love through it and move through it and cry through it and hurt through it and heal through it, just as all those before me did--that's what i want to honour, if this makes sense?
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letsloveimagines · 4 years
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Title: Crush
Pairing: Corpse Husband x fem!youtuber!reader
Collab with: @the-winter-sxldier-posts
Requested by: @unicornblood4ever
Request: Hi I just saw your request post for Corpse, so if you're still taking requests I have one. The reader have been on a losing streak, and Corpse tries to help. But accidentally rats himself out as the second imposter. With fluff if possible, of course only if you have time to write and everything.
Word Count: 3963
Warnings: a little angts and fluff, i guess?
Note: The images doesn’t belong to me, all the credits go to the respective creators. I only made the collage. Also, I will not make anything to make Corpse uncomfortable, if he ends saying he doesn’t like fanfiction about him, I will delete this.
Part II: Here
Y/N sat down at her gaming setup, she was getting ready to start a stream she had been invited by her friend Felix (aka Pewdiepie) to play among us with him, and some other friends. She made sure everything was in order before starting it. She had been doing this for so long, but each time it felt like the first, and there was always that little chill in her belly indicating she was nervous.
She got onto her twitter quickly, just to let people know she was live in case they didn't get the notification about it.  As people started coming in, Y/N smiled at the camera. “Hey guys, welcome to the stream.” She read one of the comments from chat asking what she was gonna be playing on stream today.  “Today we are streaming some “Among Us’ with some friends, and I am getting to who they are before you guys spam it in chat. I’m going to be playing with Corpse, Sykkuno, Rae, Felix, Seán, Lily, Toast, Poki and Leslie.” 
She joined the discord call, as the game loaded up. Y/N had her facecam in the middle on the bottom screen to make sure that she wouldn’t leak the code, once Felix sent it to the discord. Once the code was entered they were in the lobby and Y/N, went to the little mini computer in the game to customize her astronaut, and as always she was quick to pick the white colored one with the pink flower on her helmet. “Hey guys.” Y/N said to her friends in discord with a smile. Felix was the first to speak “Y/N finally you’re here!” She and everyone else laughed as he kept talking, excitedly. “We are still waiting for Corpse and Seán to join before we start, they’ll be here in a minute.” Everyone had said their hellos to Y/N as Seán joined the discord call and the game, followed shortly by Corpse. “Hey, Seán, Corpse.” “Hey, Y/N.” “Whaddup baby.” They both said at the same time making everyone laugh once more, as they all had their characters customized. Y/N’s face turned a few shades of red at what Corpse had said, and her chat was quick to pick up on it. “That is everyone, we are starting the game now.” She muted her mic after Felix had started the game and the black screen with the red astronaut, said shhhhh. Then her screen read ‘Crewmate, there are 2 imposters among us.’ 
She blew out a breath talking to the chat. “At least we can warm up as a crewmate this round.” 
It didn't take much longer for her to get killed, which made her swear. She knew she couldn't trust Felix but she did anyway, and he literally stabbed her in the back… What a traitor. 
The time passed faster than it should have, or at least that’s what it seemed to the group of friends who were just having fun. 
Y/N had now been streaming for an hour, and she was on a major losing streak. She either got crewmate, or voted out first as imposter because she was a bad liar. Or when that didn't happen, she was one of the first ones to be killed, and had to spend the entire game floating from one side of the ship to the other as a little white ghost, completing tasks for her team to win. To be honest, she was already a little irritated about that. They were now in the lobby talking to each other while waiting to start the next game. Y/N's nostrils were flared with frustration after another round of failure at being an imposter. She sighed, unmuting her mic."I just wanted to say that in all of these rounds I must have played a full 8 seconds! Like come on, what's wrong with me today!?" 
That phrase was enough to make the others burst out laughing, including her chat. The comments came and went so fast, sliding on the screen on her right side, that she could barely keep up. 
Sykkuno, like the blessed and pure angel he was, replied amid laughter: "Don't worry, you're just on a bad streak. Better luck next time."
"Yeah, I guess." She answered while moving her mini white astronaut in circles, being quickly accompanied by the black astronaut with horns on his helmet. Y/N smiled at that.
"Stop talking guys, I'll start the new round now." Pewds, who was the host, almost screamed at them. 
Y/N cracked her neck and her fingers preparing herself.
"Stay with me this time Y/N, and I'll protect you." A deep voice was heard through her headphones, causing a shiver to go all the way down her spine. 
"Oh!" She exclaimed surprised, looking at her chat that was going insane with everyone saying how cute that was. "Thank you, Corpse, let's do that."
"No problem." She could hear the smile in his voice. 
The game was started and the black screen with the red astronaut, said shhhhh. Then her screen read IMPOSTER.
Y/N quickly muted her mic, as soon as she stopped listening to her friends speak. "Okay, I wasn't expecting that." She commented to her chat, very surprised, because next to her doll was Corpse's own little character. "Well, maybe my luck is changing. Everyone heard that Corpse and I were going to be together, so at least now we have an alibi if anyone suspects us." Corpse danced around Y/N, suggesting she follow him, and immediately she did. They both went through the ship as he was looking for innocent astronauts for them to murder. They ended up in medbay first, where Y/N faked her samples task, with Corpse watching over her and making sure that no one would find their behavior suspicious. 
And, oh, how her luck seemed to have increased when Felix walked in. Y/N immediately pulled up the sabotage map and locked the medbay doors, and Corpse was quick to kill him. That made the girl laugh hard, yelling out loud. "That was just karma having its way!" 
Then both vented out as the doors were still locked. 
Y/N smiled talking to the chat. “Pewds is dead, next if the opportunity arises we need to get Seán. They are the two that always sus me out even when I’m a crewmate.” She went back to the game as they vented into electrical, since nobody was there presently. They both faked tasks in electrical, Y/N going first with Corpse watching her back. To her surprise, Seán walked in all alone and right as she was going to get her first kill, when Felix’s body was reported. She rolled her eyes. “Damn, so close to getting them both.” She said to her fans as she unmuted the mic, and saw that Rae was the one that found Pewds. 
“Where is the body?” Y/N questioned trying to keep her voice level and calm, to not give herself away. “Pewds is dead in medbay.” Was the answer she got from the other girl. “Y/N and I were in Electrical with Seán.” Corpse said, trying to immediately shift suspicion off of the two of them. “They were already there when I entered the room, however. I don't know where they came from before, though." 
"We came in through storage, after Y/N and I both did the trash chute, Y/N stopped at the gas can and then we came to the electrical to do our tasks." 
Y/N quickly muted herself. "God, Corpse is gonna carry us this round, I can already feel it…I just want one kill and that is Seán, Corpse can kill everyone else... I just want to kill Seán!" She unmuted again as the friends decided that they didn't have enough information to vote anyone, so they skipped and no one was ejected. 
Corpse danced around again for Y/N to follow him and she did. This time they went through weapons. Y/N faked the task against the wall while Corpse faked one as well. Y/N brought up the sabotage map while they waited on the kill cool down to end. 
Y/N  sabotaged the lights, and the two imposters ran over there to turn them on as a way not to give anything that made them suspicious.
"Kill someone, don't wait for Corpse." Y/N read the comments, confused. "I don't know guys, are you sure? Today I haven't won any games as an imposter, so I don't want to give any reasons to make my team lose.” Looking back at the screen of the computer, she smiled seeing that the two little astronauts were touching each other, eye to eye, in what would probably be a strange little kiss. "Awww guys, look! Corpse just kissed me, this is too cute to handle."
But there was something that the fans did not fail to notice, and were quick to tell her that.
                                           User: She's blushing!
                                     User: This is so cute, I'm dying.
                             User: UGH, I ship them together so much!
"Oh, shut up y’all." She said with her face on fire, clearing her throat trying to make her voice normal again. However, the pink tone that painted her cheeks did not want to disappear, getting worse and worse as she thought about it. “Okay, as much as I don't like it, I'm going to do what you said. I’m sorry, Corpse." And then she quickly ran away, going to another path separated from Corpse, looking for someone alone that she could kill.
Hopefully it would be Seán.Y/n would be the first to agree that she was a little obsessed with getting her revenge. But could you blame her? Seán and Felix were almost always the reason she got voted out or killed first.
She went around the map, and on the navigation she found Lily alone. "Oh oh, poor Lily, but I need to do this." She was quick to press the button, kill and enter the vent, leaving Lily's body cut in half behind.
"Quickly, I need to find someone to be my alibi! Where's Corpse?" She came out of a different vent, running and seeing Rae nearby, quickly joining her. It didn't take long before someone reported the body. "Oh no, I'm sweating already."
“Lily’s body was in navigation.” Leslie said.
“And Toast is dead too, so it was a double kill this round.”
"Where have you been, Leslie?" Corpse asked with such a deep and calm voice that if Y/N were not the other imposter, she would think he was innocent. “I was with Sykkuno in security, looking at the cameras.”
“Yes, I was with him.” The mentioned boy said.
“Well, I was with Poki in medbay but I needed to do the asteroids in weapons. So, when I finished in weapons  I went down, and found the body." Leslie replied.
"That seems a little sus to me, to be honest."
"Yeah, seems pretty sus to me too." Y/N repeated after Corpse, trying to help.
"Okay, wait a minute." Rae began, suspiciously. "I was with Y/N for a while because we met in storage, but she came from the right side of the map, I saw it."
"Explain yourself, Y/N."
'Oh no. Busted.' Thought the girl nervously looking at the camera. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, and replied as calmly as she could: "Well, yes it's true, but I was in comms uploading. When I finished I left and that's when I found Rae in storage."
"It's her!" Seán accused.
"What!?" Y/N asked shocked. "No, I'm not the imposter guys, I swear!"
"Y/N, stop, it makes perfect sense. I'm voting." She rolled her eyes, that is exactly why she wanted to kill Seán. 
It was then that Corpse interrupted: "It couldn't have been her, she was with me."
'What?' Y/N asked herself, 'No, I wasn’t. What is he doing?'
"But... You said you were with Sykkuno."
"I... Yeah, but before that I was with her in Comms, but I left to go to the Security."
"And what path did you take?" Rae questioned.
"I went through storage, then electrical and I went up."
"That’s impossible because I went down the left side, and went through electrical and I didn't see you."
"They’re both the imposters, oh my god." Was Seáns revelation. 
"No, we are not. What he said is true!" Y/N tried to defend. 
"I'm going to vote Corpse this time just for his audacity!" Rae exclaimed excitedly. "Then we vote for Y/N!"
"What!?" Corpse said shocked. "No...!"
But it was too late, and quickly his little bean body flew off the ship. ‘Corpse was ejected.’
The girl could do nothing more than gawk at the computer screen, still shocked by what had happened. "No!" She said when she muted the microphone. "The game is already lost. What can I do?" She questioned, guilty.
                                           User: Noooo! Poor Corpse.
                                          User: He was defending her :(
                              User: It's her fault that they found out he was the other imposter.
Guilt weighed on Y/N's heart and she felt saddened. Why did she have to ruin everything? "I know, I'll apologize to him when I can." She whispered to the chat, quietly, running around with her character confusedly. "What do I do now? Do I kill someone or do I play innocent?"
But at that time a meeting was called by Seán who was camped by the emergency button, and everyone got together to speak.
"Well, we already know who the other imposter is. Are we going to vote her out or not?" He said laughing.
"Guys, please don't, it’s not me."
"Sorry Y/N, but you're the only one sus right now."
"What about Leslie?” Y/N tried. “She left Poki in medbay, she could have gone to navigation, killed Lily, self-reported and said she was in weapons!"
"No, don't believe her!" Leslie shouted. “She’s lying.”
"I know it's Y/N, I'm going to vote for her!"
And one by one everyone voted, and the game was over.
"Good job guys, we did it." The others celebrated while the girl almost pouted.
"What happened, Corpse? I’ve never seen you like that, well, playing so badly I mean." Sykkuno questioned his friend timidly.
There was silence from Corpse for a moment, before he simply said. "I don’t know.”
Swallowing hard, Y/N spoke softly. "Corpse?"
"I'm sorry."
"Ehh, don't be. That's alright."
But that was not enough to erase her guilt. "You know Seán this is exactly why I was gonna kill you in the electrical, before Rae found Felix's body. You always sus me out even when I’m  innocent." 
“But you were the imposter this time!”
After a new game where she quickly died (Seán was the one who broke her neck and left her body in admin), the girl was quick to open Discord and send a message to the deep-voiced boy, who as much - as she didn't want to admit it, even more to herself - was her crush.
                                                           Y/N:     I’m so sorry I got you voted out, honestly, I feel so bad about it. I’m such a bad imposter.
                                                       CORPSE:             Y/N, It’s fine, really. There’s no need for you to feel bad about it ♥.
This put a smile on the girl's face again, and her chat was quick to question what was going on. She shrugged her shoulders and gave no further answer, Y/N returned to concentrating on the game, with the corner of her lips lifted in a half smile that she couldn’t control.
Time quickly passed full of fun for the ten friends, and the thousands of people who watched them. Y/N didn't win any of the rounds, but she didn't care about it anymore. After another hour  of playing she decided to say goodbye and finish the stream, feeling the tiredness dominating her. She ate something and took a long and relaxing bath, which eased her aching muscles, and was already in her fluffy blue pajama pants, and was getting ready to go to bed when her phone rang.
Picking it up from the nightstand, she looked at the screen and gasped in surprise seeing who was facetiming her. A shiver ran down her spine. Shaking from head to toe, with her heart pounding, she quickly ran her hand through her hair making sure she was at least minimally presentable, before she answered it, saying nervously, "Hey, Corpse, is everything okay?"
The screen came to life, with her tiny image in the corner and the completely black screen dominating it. Of course he wouldn't turn on the camera, nor did she want him to do it if he didn't feel comfortable. It was already surprising that he actually called, since he has never done that before, and that was what made her even more nervous.
"I just wanted to check on you."  His voice came through the phone. 
That made her face heat up a little. She was thankful that the only light she had on was the lamp on her nightstand and he couldn’t see how red her face got. 
"Cute pajamas by the way." He said while laughing a little bit, provoking her.  
"Well, I would say the same thing, but I can't see anything."  Y/N provoked back.
There was a comfortable silence after that, a silence that the two of them seemed afraid to try to break. The girl laid down on her bed, curled up under her warm sheets, and looked at the black screen kindly, with her head resting on the pillow.
"I-" They both said at the same time, and immediately stopped talking when they realized that. “Go ahead-” “You first-”  they once again said at the exact same time. 
Y/N tried to speak. She really tried. She was so prepared to tell him the truth, to tell him how much she was into him, that she was in fact in love with him… She was prepared to say that meeting him, and having him in her life for the past few months was one of the best things that ever happened to her. Y/N was determined to speak, but when she tried, nothing came out.  She stood there, opening and closing her mouth, sighing with a frown on her face. 
"What's up?" Corpse asked seeing that, with concern in his voice.
"Y/N, you know you can tell me anything."
"I know that." And she really did, Corpse was a good friend, an excellent friend who was always there for her... And that was exactly what she was afraid to ruin with her confession. "You are able to make me so nervous sometimes, even when I think I'm feeling brave."
"Oh, yeah?" He asked, and she could practically see his smile, even though she has never actually seen it. She was in love with a faceless man and she had no idea how to tell him that. 
"Oh, shut up."
He laughed deeply for a long time, and that was enough to make her smile. Finally he stopped and said quietly, almost timidly. "I think what you wanted to say is exactly what I want to tell you."
Impossible, Y/N thought with a sad smile on her lips. I want to tell you how much I love you but… how could I? And who could ever love me?
"No, believe me, it isn't." “And how do you know it isn’t?” Y/N bit her lip a little unsure of how to answer him without revealing her feelings for him. “I-” But she cuts herself off, not having the courage to actually say the words. She pressed her face into the pillow to muffle the groan that came out of her mouth, at how much a coward she was being, but she mumbled out her response that was still muffled. “I just know.”
“What was that?” All he had heard were incoherent sounds.. She sighed, removing her face from the pillow not wanting to repeat what she had said, to save herself the rejection, since he couldn’t possibly feel the same way that she did about him.
“Are you really not going to tell me?” His voice broke through her thoughts. She sighed, trying to get away from the internal battle going on in her mind. “Y/N?” He spoke once again, breaking her out of her thoughts. 
“If I say it... everything is gonna be ruined and weird for us, and I don’t want that. Your friendship is so important to me, you're my best friend.” She ran a hand down her face, furious with herself. “How do you know that, if you don’t say it?” 
“Because I just do, okay?” Why couldn't he just let it go? "I-" She tried to say it out loud, once more. C'mon Y/N, just say it. "I gotta go!" She said quickly tried to end the call, but he wouldn't let her.
"No!" He screamed out sharply, taking her by surprise and then he did something she never thought he would do.
The screen, which was previously completely dark, lit up and his face finally appeared for the girl who loved him to see. Y/N sighed in shock, admiring all his features, from his ivory-white skin to his dark curly hair.
"I have a crush on you too." He confessed quietly, with a soft pink tinge appearing on his cheeks.
Did he just...? Oh my god!  
There was silence again, but this time it was a silence that had become tense and terrifying for both of them. Corpse was nervous waiting for her to say something, and she could tell. His mouth was pressed in a thin line, he didn't seem able to face her as his gaze traveled anywhere but to her, and he fidgeted immensely, touching everything within reach from the rings - that she saw he had on his fingers - to the chain necklace he had around his neck.
"Oh." She sighed softly, not knowing what to say.
He looked at her then, apprehensive and almost ashamed. "Ugly, I know."
"No!" Y/N was quick to interrupt. "You are incredibly handsome just… just as I always imagined." The girl managed to see a small smile appear on his lips as he blushed deeply.
"I’m in love with you too." She confessed, finally without fear. It felt like weight lifted off her to finally get it out in the open between the two of them.
Corpse’s eyes went wide, completely shocked but so, so happy. A huge smile full of shiny teeth on his face, as he focused all of his attention on Y/N. "You are?"
"Yes." She said blushing and smiling intensely as she snuggled up in the blankets, her face almost hidden when she looked at him dreamily.
"I-" He cleared his throat. "Good."
They burst out laughing, their voices mixing in hamornia. The two looked each other in the eye, separated by a mobile phone screen, separated by kilometers and kilometers... but even with everything that separated them, the world was not able to stop them from falling in love with each other.
"What do we do now?" He questioned.
"Well..." Y/N started. "We'll have to see, won't we? Why don't you start by giving me your address?"
Corpse smiled provocatively, his beautiful eyes shining maliciously. "Of course... But be careful now baby, the devil’s got his eyes on you."
Y/N laughed completely in love.
"Oh, shut up."
                                                            ♦⋅☆⋅♦ Tag List: @breathygasps
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Meant to be here❣︎
Amane Yugi x reader
Warning: talks about mental diseases like depression, talk about suicide, attempt suicide
A/n: okay this is self indulgence… This is also based on true traumatizing events that have happened recently to me so I wrote this to try and cope a bit..
When you get traumatized by something, what do you do? You write an Amane x reader about it-
This is also kinda random crap on a page so-
I hope you enjoy my pain of being taken to a mental hospital-
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You groaned as the lady behind you placed the cart down a second before the man in front of you did. The man walked over to the big hospital doors, making sure it was locked before he nodded at the woman. She walked in front of you, bending down she unstrapped the two straps around your legs that held you to the cart. 
“You can stand up now” She smiled. How the hell could she just smile at your misery? “You will be staying here for a few days..” You stood up, almost falling due to being strapped down for too long. You walked in what looked like a main room, a TV and table in the center of the room. What caught your attention was a boy that sat on the chair, messing around with a puzzle piece before looking at you. His amber eyes looked at you for a moment before you felt someone grab your arm. 
“Let me check your blood pressure and temperature! Sit, sit!” She pointed at a chair in the corner of the room with medical stuff hanging from it. Without saying anything you sat down, looking at the boy again only to see he was looking somewhere else. You sighed, lowering your eyes to your feet as the nurse put the thermometer in your mouth and quickly took it out again.
“Can I use the phone…?” You looked over at the nurse. 
“Of course! Here let me get it for you…” She stood up, summoning you to follow her which you did.
“Try and spend only fifteen minutes on it… others might want to use it too. And when the call is over, go to someone at the front desk, we will assist you from there.” She hands you a small, old phone. You quickly dialed your parents' number in praying they will pick up.
“Hello?” A woman said on the other line.
“Mom!” You practically shouted into the phone “How are you…?” 
“I’m good, just watching some T.V.” She said in a monotone voice. 
“Really…? You are at home…? You aren’t angry about the situation?” 
“No Y/n, I am very disappointed that you are there. This is very embarrassing for me, what am I going to tell my family? It’s your fault, you talked to the doctor and the doctor recommended you go to the er.”
“Yeah but I didn't know the er would take me to a loony bin!” 
“That's your fault. If they think this is what is better for you then it must be, I’m not a professional.”
“But mom…! Can’t you get me out of here?! I want to go home…”
“Sorry Y/n, but I have no more control over you. They took my custody away. And if child protective services get involved I can't stop them, you will be taken away from me and I can't do anything about it. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I’m not a good mom.” She said so bluntly, without any care. Not caring if you would be taken away from her. Tears formed in your eyes hearing her words not wanting to be taken away from an environment you were used to. 
“They are going to keep you there for three days to watch you… they already think you are a threat to yourself. The doctor said that you said ‘if I go home tonight I will kill myself’” Your mom said, causing your eyes to widen in shock.
“That I said… what…?” You could barely form words at the lie your doctor said using your false words against your true ones “But I never said that… I never said I was going to kill myself…”
“You didn't? Well it's not like anyone is going to believe you, it's your word against the doctors.”
“But the doctor's words aren't true..! It’s crap that only I know it's true… why wont they believe me...!” 
“This happens… doctors believe other doctors so they can lie all they want. You shouldn’t have got caught up in the system Y/n… it can break you if it wanted to…” 
“Ma’am.” The nurse interrupted you before you could say another word. “It’s 3:00… it's room time. You will stay in your room until 4:00.” 
“Room time…?” You repeated.
“Yes, no phone calls during room time.”
“Okay… mom I have to go. Talk later, maybe, okay..?”
“Sure, talk later I guess.” You hung up the phone and placed it on the table.
“Your room is right over there. You currently have no roommate but that might change soon..” The nurse pointed to a door right across the hall which you assumed was ‘your room’. You nodded and walked over to the room door, opening it with the weird door knob. You closed the door behind you, sitting down in the plain bed with a blanket and one pillow. 
You felt your body break as you fell onto the bed, tears leaving your eyes and staining the pillow. Your mothers words rang through your head, repeating over and over through your ear. 
“I’m… a disappointment now…” You mumbled to yourself, crying more.
You didn’t want this life anymore.
Around 45 minutes later, you finally calmed down a bit when you heard a knock at your door. The person outside didn't even wait for you to answer when they opened the door and walked in. 
“It’s almost 4:00, that means group activities. Let's go.” She said, holding the door open for you. You got up and followed the nurse into a room with a big table and some chairs, some chairs already taken by other patients.
“Go sit anywhere” The lady said and closed the door leaving you in there. You looked around, fiddling with the rim of your shirt as you looked for a seat. You quickly walked to a seat in the back, examining the room and all the people you should be staying with for a while. 
You heard the chair next to you pull out and you looked to who was sitting next to you. The same amber eyes that looked at you earlier were staring at you now as well. You jumped in your seat seeing the way the boy stared at you, growing nervous. You couldn’t help but blush at how cute he was, staring at you with intense eyes, but his eyes looked duel… sad almost. It might have been just you but he looked like he was crying…
Before you could even open your mouth to speak, an older blond woman entered the room.
“Good afternoon!” She smiled “How are you guys today?” No one made a sound. You could feel the awkward tension rising as you only got more nervous by it. 
“Okay then… Well today we will be questioning someone else like an interview about different things they like! I have a paper full of questions, you can work with the person sitting next to you.” You almost instantly looked at the choppy haired boy. The woman passed out the paper of the positive question you placed it between you and the boy.
“Amane.” The boy said, softly yet sternly.
“What was that…?” You asked, not sure what you heard the first time.
“My name is Amane. Amane Yugi.” He turned to you. 
“Oh! I’m Y/n, Y/n L/n” You smiled a bit, happy he was at least talking to you. 
“Why are you here?”
You didn’t want to answer that question… not right now...
“Well… It was more of a misunderstanding… I wasn’t supposed to come here, I was supposed to seek counselling with a therapist but the doctor lied about what I said and I ended up here…” 
“Oh… okay.” 
“How did you end up here?” 
“I don't want to talk about it…”
“Oh…” You felt shivers go down your spine hearing his serious tone.
“I do hope you get out of here, but that isn’t going to be easy…”
“Oh…” you turned to him “thanks then… I hope I get out of here as well”
“You should really be careful here as well… this place is the thing that drives you insane. If you act normal for three days you should be good to get out..”
“Right… but what about you…?” 
“I’m stuck here. I don't think there is hope for me to get out. But there is for you…” He aura got sadder and quieter as you looked at him in pity.   
“Amane I-”
“I’ll help you Y/n” 
“You… you will…?” 
“Of course… I have nothing better to do after all” He leaned back in his chair with a smile.
“But why…?” You asked nervously. Can you even trust him? He is in a mental hospital.
“Why?” He looked at you, his lips quickly forming into a smirk. “Well I guess… you are quite sexy~” 
“I-I’m what-?!” You punched his arm.
“Hey! Calm down, I was only teasing! But if you do end up staying, I promise I will protect you from this place. I guess you can say… I just feel like we were both meant to be here… meant to meet each other”
“Meant to be here…?” You repeated to yourself, confused. But not yet did you know that he was correct. You two were really meant for each other. 
Again, random crap but if this gets popular enough I might do a part two cause why not-
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angelicmark · 4 years
hello old friend (m)
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pairing: boyfriend!jaemin x reader
genre: angst, lovers to strangers, smut, fluff
warnings: unprotected sex, love making, a lot of fluff but sad ending, dry humping, fingering, a LOT of angst
wc: 12.2k
summary: you love jaemin, there was nothing more you could say. a part of you was convinced he was your soulmate, and more. but as time progresses, the more distant the two of you become. it tears both of you apart. soon, it starts to feel like you’re sharing a bed with a stranger each night. you turn from lovers, to strangers.
playlist: hello old friend - jeremy zucker & chelsea cutler | are you with me - nilu | godspeed - frank ocean | i couldn’t be more in love - the 1975 | yellow - coldplay | mr. loverman - ricky montgomery
➣ apart of ‘right lover, wrong time’ series
↳ masterlist
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you can feel the closeness of his breath as he leans in, completely and wholly giving himself to you. the way his breath fans your face makes your heart skip, your body reacting immediately in the way he loves. when he kisses you, the world seems to fade away. it was cheesy to say in your head, and you smile in thought as you kiss him. jaemin just can’t help himself in smiling back, despite not knowing why you were. it felt like you were falling in love with him all over again, the feeling swelling up your chest and basically consuming you. kissing jaemin did that. being with jaemin in general did that.
the air in your lungs seemed to belong to him. your hands made home in his hair, and his rested comfortably on your hips. there wasn’t any hidden intent in kissing him right in that moment. it was just that; kissing. kissing your boyfriend like you depended on him for the air you breathe. you could feel his love, and you were almost certain he could feel yours. with the way he licked your lower lip, asking for permission, you definitely knew he could feel your love. especially in the way his fingertips started to dig in your skin, a soft hum escaping his throat. the moment was nothing less of being perfect.
“i am so in love with you,” jaemin breathes, breaking apart just to tell you how he feels. it was classic jaemin, and you’ve heard it plenty times before, but it never failed to make you feel like you belonged there together with him each and every time.
“me too, jaemin,” you kiss him on the cheek, nuzzling your nose there briefly. in return, you got a dazzling smile that made your heart beat faster in your chest. you were so content with where you were, it was almost scary. you weren’t sure what you would ever do without him.
jaemin breaks your thinking with running a hand along your cheek, staring at you with stars in his eyes. there was no denying the intensity your relationship held. loving jaemin meant completely bearing your soul with him, but there was no complaining on your end. it wasn’t hard loving him. being around jaemin was easy, loving him was easy. he made it easy.
“i want to be with you for like,” you pause as you kiss the corner of his lips, which raises into a small smile, “ever. forever and ever. i can’t imagine myself with anyone else.”
jaemin makes you look at him, and you can feel his head starting to swim with thoughts of being with you for until the two of you stop breathing. he licks his lips as he stares just a bit longer before pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. and it’s so head spinning, making you clutch onto him. he hums when he feels your hands travel to his shoulders, nails digging just softly there. jaemin can’t imagine a life without you. he’s so in love with you, he almost worries that it’s unhealthy. but he didn’t quite care, especially not when you made way to sit in his lap on the couch. your legs were on either side of his, and he adores you from there. you were so beautiful in his eyes, and you didn’t have to try.
you’re almost certain jaemin could feel, or rather hear, your heartbeat by now. it was pumping so fast in your chest, but it wasn’t in a bad way. no, not at all. you would be lying to yourself if you said he didn’t make you go practically insane. jaemin always knew how to make you go crazy, just for him. and little did you know, you drove him just as crazy. everything you did, he loved. he loved every bit of you, and he was convinced that wouldn’t ever change. there was nothing like being around you, in his eyes.
you’re broken out of your daze with your boyfriend when his phone seems to ring beside him. he pouts, eyes breaking from yours as he checks the caller. he smiles softly, letting out a breathy chuckle. “jeno?” you ease into jaemin’s hold as he answers the call, and you can hear jeno’s voice on the other line as you lean your head on jaemin’s shoulder. jaemin absentmindedly rubs soothing circles into your back with his other hand, finding you absolutely adorable like that. you can feel his cold fingertips trail along your skin as his hand travels under your shirt. it’s comforting all the same, and you don’t mind the contrast between your warm skin and his freezing fingers.
his conversation continues while you listen to the rumble in his chest. it’s your favorite sound, listening to him talk and realizing just how deep and gravely it sounds so close in your ears. you sigh, and jaemin glances at you, as if asking if you were alright. you assure him, pressing a kiss to his neck and making him smile when you nuzzle your nose there. it was such a tender, soft moment. you were so in love with him. your fingers travel to his hair, running your hands through his strands and admiring just how soft it actually is. jaemin made it easy to relax in his hold, knowing you were safe. you would always be safe in his arms, that much you knew.
you slowly close your eyes, sleep threatening to invade your time with jaemin. you end up falling asleep there, right in his arms. when jaemin catches sight of your slightly puff lips, closed eyes, eyelashes resting peacefully on your cheeks, he’s once again reminded of how much he loves you. he’s convinced he’s holding the world in his hands. when his call finally ends, he places a soft kiss on your forehead, watching as you stir lightly in your dazed sleep. the smile on his face doesn’t fade once, and he never once loses that feeling of love tingling in his bones. you were everything he needed.
“angel,” he whispers softly, another kiss being pressed on your forehead that causes you to snuggle deeper into his embrace. he hums to himself, “tired?”
you let out a soft noise, the sound going straight to jaemin’s ears and being evaporated into nothing but love in his body. “yeah..” your voice was groggy, sluggish almost.
“let’s get to bed then, sweetheart,” he grabs your waist with both hands, slowly sliding you off of him before taking your hand in his and helping you to bed. when he lays next to you that night, he realizes that if this was how the rest of his life were to look, he wouldn’t complain.
not once would he complain.
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“you make me nervous.”
jaemin’s eyes shift, looking at you sweetly as he chuckles, “what?”
you pout, getting up from your bed and twirling his chair around so you’re standing between his legs. jaemin can’t help himself from placing his hands on your thighs, digging his nails in and making you look at him fondly. your hands travel to his hair, and he can’t stop the hum of approval falling past his lips. he had his own version of heaven right in front of him.
“we’ve been dating for over a year, but..” you pause, a sigh escaping you, “but you still make me nervous. i still feel how i did when we first met.”
jaemin’s hands travel to your shirt, and you can feel just how warm he is. how close he is. you watch as he lifts up the shirt slightly, before pressing a kiss on your stomach. you can feel his smile, hear the rumble of his soft laugh echoing off the walls. it warms up your temperature a bit, the slightly cold air starting to become hot.
“i love you,” he hums, pressing another, and another, and another kiss on your tummy. you giggle a bit, causing him to look up at you with stars in his eyes. “you’re so damn cute.”
the sudden movement of jaemin pulling you in his lap makes you jolt and let out a noise of surprise. you straddle his hips on the chair, looking at him with wide eyes. he smiles to himself, placing his hands on your thighs and staring lovingly. your shorts become almost invisible in this position, making his cold hands run along your exposed legs perfectly. you hum when he kisses you, his love leaking through the kiss. you can feel how in love he is, and you hope he feels your love too. he does.
he nibbles at your lower lip, silently asking you to open up, and you grant him the access easily. his tongue explores yours, making you let out a soft whine. his hands eagerly search for your hips, urging you to slowly and lightly roll against him. you can feel his growing erection against your clothed clit, making you gasp into the kiss. he chuckles a bit, pulling apart from you and resting his forehead on yours. his eyes are dark and hooded, making you want to please him. all you ever wanted was to make him happy.
when you press your hot core against him harder, he lets out a groan of approval, looking at you as his eyes flutter with pleasure. this wasn’t close to what you planned when you got his attention, but you certainly weren’t complaining. he felt too good to complain. especially when his dick rubbed just right against your clit, causing small whines to leave your mouth.
jaemin watched you roll your hips desperately against his, licking his lips, “using me to get off, huh baby?”
you place your hands on his shoulders, letting out a delicious moan that sends right through jaemin’s body down to his cock. his dick twitches in his pants at the sight of you trying so hard to get off on him like that. you can feel his fingernails starting to dig into your flesh as he lifts up your shirt just slightly enough for him to have his hands on your skin. your skin was burning under his cold fingers, making him smirk to himself. you were so worked up already.
the drag of his dick against your clit had you rutting against him quickly, “jaemin,” you sigh, your own nails digging into his shoulders. you started to bunch up his shirt in one of your hands, looking at him with glossy eyes that made him lose it inside. “jaemin, god.. your cock feels so good against me.”
he hisses when you pick up speed, dry humping him desperately as moans pour from your throat, “imagine me inside you, princess. i know you love getting filled, baby. my cock inside your warm.. cunt.” he groans when you drop your head into his neck, biting his flesh there.
“fuck,” you gasp, feeling as his hands start to guide your hips against his clothed cock, urging you to go faster and ride him harder. you feel his dick twitch beneath you, making you whine as you feel your stomach start to tighten. “love your cock so much.” you sound drunk, your words slurring together. he places a kiss behind your ear, making you shudder in his hold.
“are you gonna cum? just like this? my cock isn’t even inside of you, baby.” he whispers softly, his voice consuming your brain as you clutch tightly onto him and moan in his ear. he loves it, he loves the way you feel against him and he loves how he can feel how hot and wet you are, even with clothes on. you sound like heaven in his ears. “fuck.. i’ll cum soon.” “please,” you whine, lifting your head to look at him with pleading, wet eyes. “please cum for me, jaemin. wanna make you cum.” you let out a sweet noise as you lull your head back and close your eyes, losing yourself to the feeling of his cock bumping right against where you need him most. even with clothes on, he still feels so damn good.
he sighs, a groan slipping as he starts to leave kisses along your exposed neck, biting the skin and sucking. his hands trail to your back, feeling the arch as you lean into him, your body begging for him. as you feel yourself start to cum, you quickly push your head into his neck, trying hard to muffle the incessant moans leaving you.
“oh fuck,” you whine, high pitched noises traveling to jaemin’s ears. he loves it so fucking much, and you can feel as he starts to buck his own hips up in time with yours, making you fall over in his arms, “jaemin! fuck fuck, cumming.. jaemin.” you saying his name as you cum on his lap triggers his own release, a loud groan leaving him as he bites down into your shoulder, slightly dampening the shirt you’re wearing.
“shit,” he hisses, “so fucking pretty. cumming for me, and i don’t even have my cock in you.” he listens to the whines you let out as he fills his boxers and shorts full of his cum, his cock twitching while you both ride out your orgasms. your core clenches around nothing, resting your head on his shoulder as he soothes you in his lap.
“i love you,” you lean back, and you can feel his warm cum beneath you, making you laugh a bit.
he smiles with you, “i love you more.”
you pout, about to object before he starts to scoot the rolling chair towards the bed. when he reaches the edge, he lifts you up softly and urges you to sit there. there’s a burn in your thighs, making you frown.
“my legs hurt,” you complain, pressing your back into the bed as your legs dangle off the end.
he chuckles, looking at you with endearing eyes, “i’m sorry, baby. let me change you.” when you raise your head to look at him, you notice the change of clothes, “how did you change so quick?” you raise an eyebrow, which just makes him laugh some more. you can’t help from smiling back, too in love to care about anything else but him.
when jaemin removes your shorts, he takes notice of the lack of panties in front of him. he looks at you, “no panties?”
you cover your eyes with your forearm, “shut up.”
jaemin smirks to himself, before pressing a finger to your slit, making you gasp and quickly look down at him, “jaemin-”
“i fucking love when you say my name,” he interrupts, lowering himself to the ground on his knees, lifting one of your legs over his shoulder.  “you’re all mine. my pretty baby. my beautiful angel.”
“jaemin..” you softly whine, feeling as he starts collecting your juices along his fingers before prodding your entrance and making you lick your lips. “please..”
“please what?” he asks, looking up at you with hooded eyelids. you notice the shift in the atmosphere, making you throw your body back down against the bed as you thrash slightly.
“please, just please..” you let out a puff of air when he presses his fingers against your clit, rubbing in harsh but slow circles, making you more frustrated. “tell me what you want, baby.” his eyes travel down to your sopping wet pussy, smiling softly to himself, “want my fingers to fill you up? are you that desperate to cum again?”
you whine, raising your hips in his direction, making him tut at you and press your hips back down with his other hand that wasn’t assaulting your clit. “yes! fuck, please. want your fingers inside me, make me cum again, jaemin.”
how could he say no to his sweet angel?
he hums approvingly before pushing two of his fingers into your sweet cunt, watching you suck him in with each thrust. you let out a sigh at the feeling of being filled, arching your back for him. jaemin circles his other hand around your thigh that’s over his shoulder, pressing his forearm against your hips to keep you down. he looks at the blissed out expression on your face as he curls his fingers up inside you, and he feels your walls flutter around him, making you impossibly tighter.
“so tight, angel.” he kisses along your inner thigh, watching you closely as you fall into a pit of lust just for him. “but your greedy little pussy loves being filled, doesn’t it, baby?” he can hear just how wet you are with each thrust of his fingers, and he picks up the pace just to watch you fall apart and try to raise your hips.
“jaemin, jaemin.. fuck, jaemin,” you let out a soft sob at the oversensitivity you start to feel when jaemin increases speed and continuously curls his fingers up just to brush against your sweet spot. he knows your body too well, and your chest raises up, making you arch your back, when he presses the thumb of the hand pushing your hips down against your clit again. the pressure feelings so fucking good, adding well with his fingers filling you full.
“that’s it, baby. who’s fucking your sweet pussy, hm? who’s making you feel good?” he tilts his head, watching you with predatory eyes.
you thrash around as best you can, his fingers working at an inhumane pace and his thumb rubbing fast, hard circles into your swollen clit. “jaemin! you! fuck, you.. you’re making me feel good. only you.” you whine, your hands tugging desperately at the sheets below you. and he loves you. he loves you so fucking much, watching you fall apart just for him. you belonged to him, no one else. only he got to see you like this. “gonna cum,” you sob quietly again, your thighs starting to fidget.
“gonna cum, baby?” he asks sweetly, and you nod your head, “look at me.” his voice is low and demanding, making you raise your head to look at him. his fingers move so deliciously inside you, curling with every thrust and making you lose your mind. “look at me when you cum.”
you weakly raise yourself onto your elbows, looking at him directly as a long whine escapes your mouth. he looks at the fucked out expression on your face, smirking to himself while knowing only he could do that to you. your eyebrows are furrowed, mouth hung open as moans spill over and over again from you. you’re so loud, his name filling the once silent room. he has no complaints though, loving the way you fall apart for him. he’ll always love it.
“c- cumming, jaemin.” you stutter, your thighs resisting the urge to close around him as he keeps one of them around his shoulder. one final thrust has you struggling to keep your eyes on him as you cum around his fingers, clenching so tightly that his fingers stutter. he slows down the pace as you cum, helping you easily ride it out.
“there’s my baby,” he kisses your thigh again, leaving a few marks to admire later, “so pretty when you cum for me.”
when you hiss from oversensitivity, he slowly pulls away, dropping your thigh against the bed as you whine. “i thought you were just changing me,” you pout.
he laughs, “sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
you fall back against the bed again, “i’m so tired now.”
he hums, nodding his head as he picked out a fresh pair of shorts for you along with underwear this time. he sweetly dresses you, placing a kiss to your calve and smiling back when you smile for him. he finds you absolutely breathtaking. his heart tightens at the sight of you laying down, looking at him like he’s all that matters, all that ever will matter. he’s so in love.
“god i love you,” jaemin says, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your lips. you scoot up the bed, jaemin chasing after you and ending up resting on you with his head in your neck. you can feel his breath tickle you softly, but you don’t mind, closing your eyes and easing into his ocean of love.
“i love you, too, jaemin.”
as you start to run your fingers through his hair, coaxing him to sleep, he realizes he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world than right here with you. you are his comfort at the end of the day.
you are his home, just as much as he is yours.
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you can hear the front door shut as a very tired, and exhausted jaemin ushers through your door. you’re laying on your couch, about to ask him what’s wrong before he comes and plops right on top of you, arms circling around you and finding solace in your scent and warmth. you’re only slightly concerned, but you don’t push him to tell you what’s wrong. you never did, and a large part of him was thankful for it. you knew he would talk when he felt the time was right.
“i’m so tired,” he hums against you, sighing into your hold as your hands tangle into his hair. he was so at ease in your arms, nothing could replace this feeling.
you kiss the top of his head, “i can tell, baby.”
he closes his eyes, relishing in the warmth of your hold. you can hear the faint sound of cars passing by outside your apartment, the air being filled with nothing but his soft breathing and the cars. you find comfort in that small moment, realizing that the only reason was because it was jaemin you were spending the moment with. he carried the weight on your shoulders when you felt too heavy to carry it yourself. he loved you through your worst moments, and you swore you would love him through his. na jaemin was your stars on a clear night sky, he was your one true love. he healed you, and you were determined to heal him.
“i’m right here,” you tell him, and you can feel his body physically and visibly relax as you coax him to a realm of calmness. nothing else mattered but you and him.
jaemin raises his head slightly, having the sudden urge to need to look at you. your eyes meet, and he feels his heart tighten at just the sight of you. he knew he probably loved you more than he should have, but he didn’t care.
“i don’t think my love for you could ever be put into words,” he mumbles softly, his voice coming out more groggy and raspy than usual.
the soft smile on your face sends his stomach in a flip, “me neither, jaemin.” you brush his bangs out of his face, looking at him adoringly.
you turn your head to check the time on the clock, and realize just how late it is. you furrow your eyebrows as you look back at him, “it’s almost 12 in the morning. i thought you were staying back at your dorm for the night.” you say it in almost the form of a question, but it wasn’t pressuring.
he pouts, “i missed you. i couldn’t sleep without you.”
you chuckle lightly, “i love you, jaemin. but don’t you have lectures early in the morning?”
he hums, nodding his head lightly, “yeah, i do.” he sighs, “it’s so hard to sleep there, though. jeno stays up so late playing games with donghyuck.”
you laugh again, “i’m sorry, baby. you can stay here as long as you want. i love having your extra company.”
he smiles at you, softly pecking your lips. he kisses you again after a few seconds, this kiss lasting longer than the last. you can feel his body warming up the longer you kiss him, making you smile against his lips. he pulls back at that, giving you a cute pout. you only chuckle, kissing his cheek fondly. he can’t stop the smile stretching onto his face at your cute actions, accepting your love wholly.
“you’re a dream come true,” he whispers, looking at you with intent.
your smile fades slowly, the intensity behind his words making your heart pick up pace, “so are you.”
jaemin was a romantic by heart, you knew this. you knew he would always be this way with you. it was a given when it came to jaemin, but the way he worded everything he said would never fail to make you at least a little flustered. jaemin cared a lot, loved a lot, gave a lot. being in a relationship with jaemin meant you would get constantly spoiled, even when you didn’t ask for it. but you would never complain. jaemin was your comfort zone, he was the man who truly deserved the world and you only hoped to give him everything he deserved. loving jaemin was what love truly should be, and you were lucky enough to have him as your own, to call him your own.
jaemin nudges his nose against yours, “you’re my everything.”
you laugh a bit, “jaem-”
“i mean it,” he pouts again, but it’s a different kind of pout. he has a frown written on his face, and you gulp as he continues. “i don’t know where i would be without you. i don’t even know who i would be without you.” jaemin sits up unexpectedly, somehow dragging you with him so that you were seated in his lap. his eyes were twinkling at you under the soft light of the lamp. “i haven’t been in love like this.” jaemin pauses, his hands resting on your hips while his thumbs rub circles into your skin, “i think sometimes it scares me.”
you stare at him for a few seconds that feels like ages in jaemin’s world, “i love you so much, jaemin..” you kiss him slowly, “you don’t have to be scared around me.”
he knows this. the irrational fear of you leaving will never escape his mind. you are his whole entire world, just as much as he is yours. the kind of love you share is intense, but you wouldn’t trade loving him for anything else. you wouldn’t trade him in general for anyone else. he was all you needed.
“you are my light,” you kiss him again, showing him you truly meant it. and he accepts your words of comfort that night, sending his worries to bed for the time being. because if you were there right there in that moment, then that was enough for him.
you were more than enough for him.
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your mind was fuzzy, eyes blurry as you wake up. you go to reach for your boyfriend that’s normally beside you, but find the bed to be empty. you frown, eyes flittering across the room to try and find some kind of signal he was still there. but you end up finding none, reaching for your phone in the end. you check the time, and realize he probably already left for classes. sitting up, you let out a soft sigh. waking up without your boyfriend next to you was almost heartbreaking. call you clingy, but you loved waking up next to him every morning.
you can’t stop the pout that reaches your face at the sign of no text from jaemin. he normally texted you when he made it to class, or left your apartment. you try not to think much of it as you get up, stretching your limbs lazily. you debate on texting him first, but go against it. he was probably just extra busy, and you hated to pry on him too much.
as your day progresses, and the longer you go without a text from your doting boyfriend, the more worried you become. it wasn’t like jaemin to not text you all day, or not at all. jaemin was chatty, to say the least. and he was almost as clingy as you most times. so this was new for you, and you were unsure how to act. you weren’t sure if you should text him or not. if you should call him, maybe.
you let out a long sigh, grabbing a bottled water as your mind starts to bounce with endless possibilities. it just simply wasn’t like jaemin to leave you hanging for the whole entire day. maybe he was expecting you to text first? you end up getting over your fears, and text him first.
[to: nana] 15:52
are you okay?
you haven’t texted today :(
it doesn’t take long for a ping to sound through your kitchen, and you gulp as you see his name in your phone. you feel your throat go dry as you read the words on your screen.
[from: nana] 15:53
i’m alright, baby. sorry for not texting
i had a long lecture today and passed out the minute i got back to the dorms
you breathe out a sigh, shaking off the moment of doubt you felt. you shouldn’t have doubted him in the slightest, but you couldn’t help the ache you felt when he left without a word.
[to: nana] 15:55
come over
miss you
not a second later, jaemin replies with ‘otw’ and a cute smiley face following it. this was your boyfriend. this felt normal. you were probably just overdramatic, so you decided to just let it slip. you let that moment vanish from your thoughts, and you didn’t let it effect you for the time being.
maybe you should have been paying closer attention.
when jaemin arrives, you circle your arms around his comforting body, inhaling his scent and feeling the warmth he provided. it was so nice being back in his arms, feeling as he hugs you tightly. you feel as jaemin kicks the front door behind him, walking you backwards just slightly.
“i’m sorry if i worried you,” he hums, kissing the top of your head and tugging you as close as he could.
you smile, “it’s okay, you’re here now.”
he was. he was there, in your arms and right where he belonged. and you were in his, right where you belonged. when you start to pull back from jaemin, you look at him with a soft glint that makes his heart flutter. you made his chest hurt from how in love with you he was. he ached at the thought of worrying you, suddenly feeling guilt wash over his body.
“i’ll make sure to text next time,” he kisses you softly, his hands coming to rest on your waist and tug your chest against his.
his lips were soft, only slightly chapped, and he tasted like coffee, “it’s okay, jaemin.” you ease him back into the real world, bringing him back to his feet. you were the only reason why he was kept in place.
“god,” he huffs, kissing you a little rougher and digging his fingertips just softly into your skin, “i love you, so damn much.” his voice is deep, the vibrations sending a shiver through your body.
“i love you,” you lightly nip at his lower lip between kisses, making him hum again, “so damn much.” you reciprocate his words, making him lightly chuckle. your heart sings at the sound, loving the way you can produce such a heavenly sound. you could listen to jaemin forever.
jaemin reluctantly pulls back from you, giving you big, bright eyes. he loves kissing you. “it’s only 4:30,” his eyes glance at the time, seeing that it’s getting late in the evening. he pouts, realizing he left you worrying all this time. “why didn’t you text sooner?” he questions, kissing your cheek.
you hum, “i didn’t want to bother you.”
he shakes his head as he looks at you, “you could never, angel.”
the reassurance makes your heart pound, and you could never feel more safe in anyone else’s hands, but his. na jaemin was the love of your life, confirmed.
“i’ll keep that in mind,” you smile lightly, making jaemin press another lingering kiss to your lips. he found you irresistible.
“hungry?” he asks, finally taking a step away from you, but not without holding your hand and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
you laugh, “just a bit.”
he raises an eyebrow, “because i’m starving.”
he leads you to the kitchen, letting go of your hand to look in the pantry, “uh,” you start, looking nervous, “i only have pasta,” you pout.
jaemin nods his head, “we’ll have pasta then.” he gives you a smile, and he looks like a domestic husband in your eyes for a minute. and you imagine yourself marrying him, a smile planted on your own face this time. jaemin nods at you, “what are you thinking?”
you just shake your head, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “let’s make dinner, yeah?”
and he nods, agreeing to your statement.
you should have been paying closer attention.
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“i have to go soon,” he huffs, kissing you sweetly, but you can taste the tinge of need. you press your chest up against his, looking at him with sweet, innocent eyes. he couldn’t stop the blood rushing to his cock at the sight.
“fuck me first,” you kiss down his jaw, sucking hard at the spot behind his ear that has him shuddering above you.
“fuck,” he groans breathily, quickly giving into you as he pushes down his pants just enough to release his hard, throbbing cock before your eyes. you lick your lips at the sight, getting excited as you make move to remove his shirt that you’re wearing. he stops you, giving you a soft growl, “leave it on. i love looking at you in my shirts while i fuck you.”
you clench around nothing at his words, nodding your head as you leave the shirt on, just for him. he hums, only making work to push your panties to the side. he smiles to himself when he sees how wet you are, licking his own lips at the sight. he could eat you out for hours, but he didn’t exactly have the time for it right now.
“jaemin,” your hands claw at his shoulders, bringing him back to reality. “please..” your voice was so sweet and soft, he couldn’t help from leaning down to press a quick kiss to the side of your mouth.
“i’ve got you, baby.” he presses his tip against your hole, making you whine as he slowly pushes into you, “so.. tight.” he groans at the feeling of your walls clenching so tightly around him. “it’s like i never fuck you enough,” he breathes, leaning back up to watch the way his cock slides into your slick heat.
“jaemin..” the way you whine out his name sends goosebumps on his skin, and you can feel his cock twitch inside you. when he bottoms out inside you, he rocks his hips against your pelvis and listens to way you moan for him, watching you writhe for him. “please, move. fuck me. i need you to fuck me.”
he chuckles lowly, “yeah?” when you nod, he licks his lips again before slowly moving his hips, “is this good, princess?” you shake your head, eyes turning glossy, “no? but i’m fucking you, aren’t i?” you hated how much he loved to tease you.
“for fuck sake, please just.. faster! move faster!” you’re frustrated beyond belief, letting out a soft sob when he abruptly starts to ram into you. “o-oh! fuck,” you claw at his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as his own hands hold onto your thighs, spreading them apart and fucking you as he pleases.
his cock feels so good inside of you, you’re so full.
“such a tight cunt,” he groans, listening to both your moans and the way your slick coats his cock every time he thrusts into you. “your little pussy was made for me to fuck, wasn’t it, baby?”
you nod your head frantically, and he chuckles at the sight of you falling apart so quickly and easily for him, “yes, god yes, jaemin. my pussy is yours, all yours.”
he rewards you generously by pressing his thumb against your clit, rubbing in fast, harsh circles that make you keen and thrash below him. he finds it to be a sight for sore eyes, admiring the way you furrow your eyebrows and flutter your eyes closed every now and then, losing yourself in the pleasure he brings you. his hand presses against your pelvis a little hard, but you don’t mind. not when he’s fucking you so well, filling you to the brim.
you can feel his nails digging into the skin of your thighs with his other hand, making you whine and clutch onto him tighter. he feels your pussy start to spasm around him, and he smiles again.
“i can feel you clenching, baby. tightening so sweetly around my cock.” his words are filth, but they sound so sweet coming from him. “such a pretty girl, all for me. my good girl.”
“yours,” you breathe, letting out a loud moan after, “your good girl.” your hands fall to his biceps, clutching onto him tightly as your nails cause indents into his skin. but he doesn’t mind, not one bit.
“can’t wait to fill you up with my cum,” he groans, his thrusts turning uncoordinated as the head of his cock press right against your sweet spot with each thrust, “you’ll be dripping of my cum. pussy will be so... full.” he loses his composure a bit when you sporadically start to tighten around him, making his body feel like it’s buzzing to life.
“please, please fill me up,” you whine, reaching out for him and trying so hard to thrust your hips up at him when he quickens the pace of his thumb on your bundle of nerves, “want you to stuff me f-full, nana.”
he growls at the nickname, “gonna cum, will you cum with me, princess? please?” he pleads you, making it so damn hard to deny him of his wishes.
you nod quickly, “yes, yes. wanna cum on your cock while you fill me up.”
he groans, his moans growing louder as he sloppily thrusts into you. “cumming, f-fuck.” he stutters, his body shuddering as he releases into you, making you cry out his name when you cum with him. you can feel both his and your juices dripping down your core, but you don’t really care.
“nana,” you moan sweetly, “so, so full.” he slowly comes to a stop, letting you go as he lowers his body onto yours, chest to chest. you can feel the sweat on his forehead as he nuzzles his face into you, making you laugh softly. you press a kiss to his temple, holding him in your arms.
“i... have to go,” his voice is raspy as he speaks, but he makes no movements on top of you, instead opting to snuggle closer to you.
“your cock is still inside me.”
he quickly shoots up, laughing at the statement before pulling out of you. he groans softly at the sight of his cum dripping out of you, threatening to fall onto the sheets. he’s quick to press two fingers into you, making you jolt as he pushes his cum back inside you.
“don’t want any falling out,” he hums lowly, making you let out a sigh.
when he’s done and places your panties back in place, he reluctantly pulls away completely and pulls his pants back up. he stares at you for a few minutes, watching as you hum with a questioning look.
“something wrong?” you ask, sitting up so you’re at the edge of the bed while he stands there. jaemin stands between your legs, looking at you with stars in his eyes, but they almost feel empty.
“i love you,” he says quietly, leaning down to press a soft, lingering kiss against your lips. you accept him, just the same way you accepted him into your life.
“i love you, too, nana.”
his heart flutters at the use of the nickname, making him smile to himself. “i really have to go now, i’m already running a bit late.” he checks the time on his phone and pouting.
you nod your head, “i’ll see you later then?”
jaemin smiles at you, “of course, angel.”
and he rushes out the door, heading towards his afternoon classes. you press your back against the bed when he leaves, legs dangling over the edge still. you feel empty inside as you hear the door shut, and your heart tightens when you feel his presence completely leave the room. this feeling was different, and it never happened around jaemin. jaemin has never once left you feeling empty, and you wanted to believe that it was just this one time, but you were starting to grow afraid that this wasn’t a one-time-feeling.
you were so in love with him, unbearably so.
but time was growing, and things were changing.
things were definitely changing.
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staring at the clock on your wall, you’re starting to notice the change in pace with jaemin. the texting became less frequent, the hole in your chest grew bigger, and the kisses he gave you were shorter. so, you stare. you stare at the clock, watching as time started to pass and the heavier your chest got as the seconds passed by. you can hear the ticking pass through your ears, your eyes growing droopy and your pain subsiding into a dreamy state. you were tired, it was late. it was so, so late. you should be asleep right now, but you’re not. you’re anxiously waiting for a text or call from your boyfriend. the boyfriend you came to love the past year and a half.
when you hear your front door open, you don’t flinch. you don’t move as you hear the soft pattering of feet on the ground as the familiar scent of jaemin fills the room and invades your personal space. but it feels different this time. and you should have noticed the shift in the room as he laid right beside you on the bed, but you refused to notice it. you refused to feel the emotion you so deeply feared. you refused.
your eyes meet his as you swiftly turn towards him, and he sees the exhaustion etching through your skin. he can see it. hell, he can feel it. and it makes his heart hurt at the sight of you waiting all this time, just for him. it makes him drink down the guilt, seeing the bags under your eyes. all because you love him.
he hushes you as you let out a soft hum, “you need to sleep.”
“i’ve been waiting for you,” you reply groggily, and it makes his throat close.
jaemin licks his lips, kissing the top of your head, “i know, i’m sorry.” he pulls you into his embrace, “i should have came earlier.” he doesn’t explain, and you don’t push. you lay in silence, the air growing thick and your body falling limp into his hold.
you want to hold onto him for as long as you can. you can feel the distance as you hold jaemin just a bit tighter, hoping to keep him with you for as long as you could. and it may have felt different, and you may have noticed the changes, but you refused to act on them. you held jaemin, because he was yours. he was completely yours. and he held you back, because you were his. you were completely his.
you held onto him, even while knowing you were probably growing apart.
you refused to believe it, pressing a quick kiss to his lips and feeling your love linger there. and he kisses you back, his own love flowing over you. jaemin could feel it too. he definitely could. he could see the way his actions were tearing you apart, and it was hurting him just as badly. he was selfish, so damn selfish. he could never be able to give you up. you were everything he could ever wish for, and he wasn’t even sure where the distance began, or when it would end. he wasn’t sure anymore.
the only thing jaemin was sure of, was that he was desperately in love with you. but time was changing things, and you were indefinitely growing apart. it broke his heart, and he was fighting a battle in his head as he held you that night. he clutched onto you so tightly, watching as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep. he kissed your head one last time, before closing his eyes himself.
waking up the next morning was painful.
you look over, seeing that jaemin was still next to you. and you should have felt relieved, but you weren’t. instead, your heart ached. your mind raced, thoughts consuming your brain that probably shouldn’t have. you were so torn. you could feel your eyes start to well up at the sight of him, watching as his chest slowly rises before falling back down into a calm sleep. and you wondered how much longer you would have mornings like this. how many more times would you be able to see him so vulnerable, before he was gone. before the two of you went separate ways.
you bite your lower lip, trying to shake off the feeling as you lean into him for the time being. you feel him softly shift, letting out a soft croak that has you lightly smiling. distance was growing, but your love wasn’t decreasing.
“morning,” you softly whisper, and your voice dances around his mind and makes his ears happy.
jaemin smiles to himself, one eye open as he looks over to you, “good morning.” he says it sweetly, making your eyes sparkle just a bit. he notices all too well.
“sleep well?” you ask, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. he leans into the kiss and smiles more.
“yeah,” he hums, “especially next to you.”
you chuckle a bit, and the air turns lighter. the both of you can feel it. “good.”
“did you?” he asks quickly, worry flashing through his features. he remembers how late you stayed up for him. you nod regardless, “next to you? of course.” you use his statement against him, and he laughs lightly. the glow of the morning lingered on his skin, and you were almost jealous of how beautiful he was even when just waking up.
“are you hungry?” he asks lowly, letting out a soft yawn as he stretches. you scoot apart from him, but he’s quick to bring you back into his arms, “not yet. don’t leave yet.” maybe he meant it in more ways than one.
your heart flutters, and the love you feel for him never dissipates, “a bit, are you?”
he nods his head, nuzzling his nose against your cheek lightly, “starving. i didn’t eat anything before coming here to crash.” he yawns again, “make breakfast with me?” his eyes stare with love, and your heart tightens at the sight of him.
“of course,” you smile at him. and he smiles back, content with the way things were at the moment.
making breakfast was calm, nothing out of the ordinary. the occasional kisses, him hugging you from behind, you doing the same. and you wished it would stay this way forever. you hoped it would. but there was no denying the lingering distance the both of you felt the morning, both of you trying to push it aside for another day. even as you kiss him, even as you hug him, even as he hugs you; you can feel it. and that’s the hardest part of falling in love, you realize. it’s the falling apart, and having to push it aside because the both of you desperately want to work.
you’ll push it aside, for another day.
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studying for exams was stressful enough, you’ve decided.
you huff out as you highlight one last section, before dropping the pen on the table with frustration. it was beginning to become late and you check your clock to see it’s already a quarter after midnight. you notice a text from jaemin lighting up your phone saying he was on the way. you frown to yourself, starting to run into a pattern of only seeing him late at night nowadays. you sigh, sitting back into your seat as you gaze lazily at the materials in front of you. nothing was the same anymore.
getting up, you make way towards your kitchen and grab a water bottle. drinking the cold liquid eases your mind for a minute, only focusing on the temperature drop within your body. it feels good not to worry for the time being, especially with the circumstances given.
when you hear your front door open, you’re once again reminded of the fact that jaemin has a key to your apartment. you’re once again reminded that jaemin was your boyfriend that you’re heavily in love with. as he peaks his head through the kitchen, checking to see if you were there, your heart tightens, once again. and you were starting to become uncertain if it was a good feeling anymore. the thought scared you.
“are you always going to show up late?” you spit out the words before you can completely register what you were asking. your eyes go wide, and so do his. “shit, i-”
“i deserved that,” his shoulders slump as he let’s out a breath, a deep sigh lingering in the air. jaemin’s chest becomes constricted as he gazes at you, the uncertainty flashes through your eyes. it breaks his heart to see you this way, to know you’re doubting everything.
jaemin leans against the counter adjacent to you, making you frown again. he felt so far away from where he stood, and you were starting to understand the distance being created between the two of you more and more. as days go by, and as they turn into weeks, you’re starting to become painfully aware of the distance. he was there, but he wasn’t.
you were hoping it was just the stress of exams coming up, but the line between hope and fate were very thin.
“i didn’t mean it like that,” you say quietly, placing the water bottle down onto the counter. you look into his sparkling eyes, “i just miss you is all, and exams are beating me up.”
jaemin nods, leaning closer to you and placing his hands on your hips. he rests his forehead on yours, “i love you. i’m sorry for not being here much.”
you place your arms around his neck, and you try to engrave this moment into your mind for as long as you could, “i love you, too.”
he kisses you, and it’s a desperate kiss almost. not the lustfully desperate, but the painful desperate. you can taste the pain and distance the longer he kisses you, and he can taste the sadness and aching on your own lips. he wished this wasn’t as complicating as it was. he wished he knew what was going wrong in the relationship. he desperately wished he knew. the more he kissed you, the more he could feel how you felt. the more he knew it was only a matter of time before the distance got the better of you both.
and it pained him just as much as it pained you.
but you kiss him anyway, and he kisses you back. he runs his hands along your sides, nails digging into your skin as they lift up the light shirt you’re wearing to feel your skin on his. and he relishes in the sigh you let out, slipping his tongue in your mouth in a desperate manner. you taste of heaven, and he’s dying to stay there with you. to have you like this forever.
but the air in your lungs is begging to be released, so you pull back. both of you are breathing heavily, fanning each other’s faces. jaemin stares at you with a certain type of intensity that only really you could understand. and jaemin knows this. he knows you know him more than anyone else, and it breaks his heart at the thought of having to let you go. no one knows him the way you do.
he shakes it off, pressing a light kiss to your cheek, “you deserve the world.”
you smile softly to yourself, but your heart shatters, “you do, too.”
jaemin is left wondering if he was giving you the world that night.
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you were falling apart. your heart was aching, and your world was shattering. you were falling into a spiral, staring at jaemin as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration. it’s currently almost two in the morning, and you’re arguing for the first time ever. sure, you’ve had small brawls, but none close to this. none close to tears the way this one was.
it was uncommon for you and jaemin to fight. this was uncharted territory for the both of you in the relationship. your stomach twists as insecurities start to resurface, and you start to realize that this was the fall of your relationship. your heart tugs in your chest, and you heave out a loud sigh that catches jaemin’s attention. he narrows his eyes lightly, annoyance still etching his pretty face. you hated seeing him upset with you.
you sit down on the couch, exhaustion starting to poke through. it was late, as usual. and he said he would start to come by more often, but he doesn’t. he’s still showing up late every night. this leads up to you asking if he’s cheating, leading to this ridiculous fight. you knew you shouldn’t have doubted him, but it was starting to hurt. and you couldn’t help from asking.
“you really thought i would cheat on you?” he asks for the millionth time that night, picking at the wound in your heart.
you stare at him from your spot on the couch, eyes starting to well up, “i couldn’t help it, jaemin! you keep showing up late, barely answering my texts and calls. wouldn’t you think the same thing if your partner blatantly ignored you?” your voice was slightly strained from the previous shouting. you see his eyes soften at the sound. “i’m sorry, okay?”
jaemin eases up a bit, standing in his spot for a minute longer, before huffing a curse under his breath and quickly sitting himself next to you. you look away from him, a headache starting to grow from both being up so late and fighting for so long. you check the time and see it’s a little over half past two in the morning.
“i’m sorry,” jaemin starts, “i know i said i’d stop by more, and i didn’t.” jaemin fidgets in his seat when you don’t acknowledge him, not even sparing a glance or a hum.
it’s silent after this. and it starts to suffocate you, making your throat close up at the tears threatening to escape. you let out a shaky breath, starting to lean away from him. he notices the small movement, and he feels his whole entire world shatter below his feet.
“do you love me still?”
you freeze at the question, and for some reason, anger bubbles in your chest. you look at him with narrowed eyes, “do i love you?” you scoff, “jaemin, i love you more than i have ever loved anyone.” it wasn’t soft and comforting. you were spitting your words out with vile, “don’t fucking ask that.” you mumble.
it’s silent again, and you seem to soften up in the silence.
“jaemin,” you start again, looking at him finally and seeing how his nose was slightly red and his eyes were threatening to fill with tears. “because if you don’t think i love you, then,” you pause, and the air becomes heavy between the two of you, sparing dark glances, “what the hell are we fighting for here?”
and the world stands still at the question.
jaemin feels as if cold water had been dumped on him, and his heart tightens at the mere sight of you. the both of you were on the verge of tears, and you could feel your tears starting to fall down your cheeks. jaemin desperately wanted to wipe your tears away, kiss your lips, hold you close and tell you he was sorry. but he felt like he couldn’t do that now. you felt miles apart, even while sitting right in front of him. and he knew you felt the same way about him. you were breaking one another’s hearts in the silence.
“i should go.” jaemin announces in the cold air, and you want to fight him on it. you want to tug on his arm, tell him to stay. you want to kiss him and tell him you’ll get through it. but you don’t. you sit still, nodding your head at the statement as he gets up. “i’ll text you later, okay? i think we need to calm down for a bit.” and you knew that, in some ways, he was right. but you couldn’t stop the feeling in your gut that was telling you this was just the beginning of the end. maybe the both of you knew that.
“okay.” you nod your head again, and he hesitates to press a soft kiss to your forehead, lingering there, before walking out the door to leave you in your thoughts. and he leaves that night, his heart heavy and tears falling down the minute he gets in his car. and you fall apart the minute he shuts the door behind him, curling up and letting your emotions roam free.
jaemin realizes he has no one else to blame but himself. you loved him, he loved you. and that should have been more than enough for the both of you. but, somehow, it wasn’t. why wasn’t it enough? were you missing something? what was missing?
you fall asleep with puffy eyes, and a hurting heart. jaemin does the same.
when you wake the next morning, the ghost of him seems to linger around the room. you can smell his cologne on your pillows, and you can practically hear the stretch he lets out every morning, a small groan leaving his lips. your bedsheets are cold, although, and your heart is empty.
checking your phone, you’re not surprised at the lack of notifs from jaemin. you only sigh, falling back into your bed and closing your eyes. your mind starts to flood of you and your lover, and you can’t seem to describe the ache in your heart at the thought of him alone.
jaemin doesn’t contact you for three days after the argument, and neither do you. you’re starting to see a pattern of him contradicting his words. he says he’ll show up more, but doesn’t. he says he’ll text and call soon, but he doesn’t. and you say nothing, and you allow him to hurt you because you love him. and jaemin knows this. deep down, he knows this.
when jaemin shows up out of the blue, late at night, you can’t say you’re surprised anymore. and the aching feeling in your chest soon turns normal at the thought of him. and you invite him in, letting him in once again. and jaemin breaks, knowing you love him through it all. he won’t ever find anyone who loves him half as much as you do. he knows, jaemin knows.
and kissing jaemin soon starts to feel like kissing a stranger. and laying next to him feels like falling asleep next to someone you barely know. but you hold onto him anyway, and he holds you back. even if jaemin knows this is the beginning of the end, he still holds you and ignores the dull ache. and you do the same. kissing him like he’s the air you breathe, loving him like he’s all you’ll ever need.
“i love you,” he says, whispering in your mouth as he kisses you softly.
“i love you, too.”
and it’s not a lie, it’s never a lie with the way you love one another.
but you knew, deep down, very deep down; you were losing your lover.
you were losing na jaemin.
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you sip your coffee, stretching your limbs and letting out a noise of approval. you hear a bone or two crack and you huff at the feeling, your eyes closing momentarily before reopening again. you jump slightly in your seat as you hear your front door open. you check the time, noticing it was before midnight, hell it was before sunset, and you began to wonder if someone had broken in. and it made a twinge in your heart when you realized that him showing up late became a normal.
you leave your studies when you hear jaemin call out for your name, “y/n?”
your eyes grow heavy at the sound of his voice echoing around your apartment. you get up from your seat, heading towards the small living room section to become face to face to your boyfriend. when you catch sight of him, you notice the bags under his eyes, his chapped lips, and how he had gotten slightly thinner since you last saw him. jaemin hadn’t been visiting regularly like he used to, only showing up about once or twice a week now. the distance was tearing the both of you apart. it was strange how you could be right in front of someone, but still feel as if they were all way across the world.
“have you been taking care of yourself?” you rush towards him at the sight of him, and his heart aches from how much you still care for him. he doesn’t deserve you.
jaemin pushes your arm away as you go to reach out and cup his face. you frown at his actions, looking at him curiously. and he wanted to tell you that he doesn’t deserve you, that he shouldn’t have even came here, that you deserve better. but from just one glance into your eyes, he feels selfish all over again. and you let him be selfish for the time being.
“jaemin?” your voice was soft, and it made him melt at the sound. jaemin was so desperately in love with you. what the hell was he supposed to do without you? “you’re here early.”
ouch. that one pained him.
“yeah..” jaemin’s voice was low and croaky, filling the room as you watched his body slumping over in exhaustion.
“do you want to sleep?” you ask, wanting to reach out for his hand, but deciding against it. “you can sleep here for a bit.”
and you accept him into your home, the same way you accepted him into your heart. it makes him ache as he nods his head, following after you to your bedroom. his head is full with the scent of you as it fills the room, and he sighs at the smell. it brought him a sense of home as he laid in your sheets, noticing that you washed them and it now smells like your shampoo and laundry detergent. he watches as you climb in next to him, and he’s unsure if he should reach out to hold you or not. he wants to, his body itching to have you close just one more time. but he feels like a stranger, and you feel so far away from him.
he’s surprised when you make the first move, leaning into him as he instinctively wraps his arms around you. it was a natural position for you and him, falling into the routine that used to be there. but it felt different, so different. and you both noticed that shift in the air as you laid close to one another.
you soon realize it will never be the same with jaemin anymore.
your love soon turned into longing. it turned into chasing one another.
but you put it to rest for the time being, just one last time. one last time. you put it aside, once again, as you press a light kiss against jaemin’s lips. and he returns the gesture, holding you tighter in his arms. the aching is tangled between the two of you through the soft kiss. and he holds onto you like you’re slipping between his fingertips. and, in a way, you were. you are. the thought pains him, and he feels you pull away to rest your head back on his chest. but not before looking at him one last time.
just one last time, you swear.
one last time.
when you wake from the small nap, he isn’t there. but his cologne is, and the spot he previously laid is still just lightly warm, indicating he only left not too long ago. you swallow as you sit up in your spot on the bed, throat closing up while your eyes well up once again. this wasn’t the way it used to be. and jaemin wasn’t the jaemin you once knew.
jaemin leaves you empty.
one last time.
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the next time jaemin spends the night, he ends up staying until morning. you can feel how tense the air is as you both wake, separating from one another to get out of bed. you hear the soft stretch jaemin does, his noise of approval leaving his throat. and you try to remember it and lock it away for as long as you can.
as the two of you make breakfast, it’s silent. and there’s no kisses exchanged, no hugs, just silence. and it feels empty in the cold apartment. you remember the warm mornings with him as he eats beside you at the table, and your body starts to ache. but, most importantly, your heart was shattering as the love of your life slipped out of your grip.
when the both of you finish, you’re left in the deafening silence once again. and you can’t take it anymore. you can’t do this anymore and act like it’s healthy for either of you while knowing it’s not. you sniffle, and jaemin hears it, his head shooting up at the sound. he sees the way your eyebrows furrow and your lips tremble, and it breaks his heart. his eyes soften, rushing towards you like you did a few nights prior to him.
“hey,” jaemin hushes, voice groggy still from sleep, “why are you crying?”
“because, jaemin,” you sob, “i loved you. i loved you hard, i loved you bad, i loved you so..” you breathe and look at him with watery eyes, filling to the brim and falling over like an overfilled glass, “i loved you so, so damn much.”
he could feel it.
you could feel it.
this was the ending of the end.
he listens to the crack in your voice as you speak, and he desperately wants to keep fighting for you. he wants to be selfish, just one more time. but he realizes that it’ll always be just ‘one more time’ or ‘one last time’ with one another. it will always be that way, and it would only bring pain each and every time. jaemin feels his earth shattering as he realizes this was it. this was definitely it.
you place yourself on the couch, and he follows right after you.
“there’s no fixing this, is there?” the question makes his heart tighten.
“i don’t think so.” you sob again at his answer, even while knowing the truth beforehand. your love for him was so overpowering, and you realized you would only continue to hurt yourself if this kept going on any longer. jaemin became a stranger, and the distance grew stronger. you hoped jaemin would come back around once he was done being alone, and you swore you would wait forever if it meant not letting go. but you were tearing yourself apart, and he knew this. you knew this.
“you deserve the world,” he says to you, looking at you with sad eyes, his own eyes welling up at the sight of his lover falling apart because of him, “but i don’t think i’m your world.” he wasn’t giving you the world, he concludes.
and the nights you would stay up just for him come rushing back. the endless nights of you waiting, light on the side of your bed, phone off silent just to hear a notif fall through or a call to pick up. you remember the longing feeling you got each night. you remember jaemin slipping in all those night, pressing a kiss to your lips and forehead before telling you to get some sleep. you remember the days he would come over just to tell you how his day went. you remember his coffee order and how he would always drink an excessive amount. you remember nagging him for it and telling him it was unhealthy. you remember him cutting back on the coffee orders just for you. you remember the way he would always caress your cheek and kiss your lips before walking out your door just to catch one last glance of you before leaving. you remember hearing your phone go off with a text just seconds after he closes the door to tell you he missed you already.
you remember the jaemin you once knew.
and you knew that wasn’t this jaemin anymore.
as much as it pained you, you knew.
and maybe you knew all along this was going to happen. but you still managed to shove it aside, until it was completely tearing you apart and you were left feeling more and more empty than before. you sigh, trying to calm yourself down as the inevitable was laid right in front of you.
jaemin looks at you, “i loved you so, so damn much too.”
you huff out a breath of air as more tears start to stream down your face. you still love him. and you knew there was no erasing that feeling when it came to jaemin, and you knew you would never forget him. jaemin became someone so special to you. he became your first love, and it was quite cliche, but you swore that, in some ways, he was your soulmate.
this wasn’t how it was supposed to end.
but as you stare back into jaemin’s eyes, you know there’s no turning back from this. and you ache and hurt and it feels like the walls are closing in on you as you start the journey of letting jaemin go. walking him out the door had to be the most painful experience you’ve ever felt. watching as he gathered his stuff, took his clothes he left there for times he slept over, returning the key you gave him to your apartment, watching as he began to erase the memories of him being there.
“i love you,” he starts before walking out of the door, looking at you with sincere eyes and pressing a kiss to your lips and then your forehead. “i will never stop loving you, and i am so fucking sorry it ended like this.”
and, soon, the apartment was empty again.
but the ghost of him lingered.
and you ached like no other, and you were left crying the days away as you tried to wash your sheets every night to get rid of his cologne that still stained the covers. and you’re suddenly very aware of jaemin’s words once spoken to you a long time ago when the two of you first began dating.
“if there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. i’ll stay there forever.”
he was quoting winnie the pooh, and you remember lightly laughing at his dorkish behavior before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips and telling him that would never happen. and you remember feeling full of love, full of happiness. you remember when you had the jaemin you once fell in love with. and you remember when loving jaemin didn’t feel like loving a stranger. and you remember telling jaemin you’ll keep his words in mind anyway.
you wished you could tell him you remembered before he left.
when you finally manage to wash his scent out of your sheets, you’re left feeling empty once again. you lay on your bed and close your eyes. it’s only been three weeks and two days since the break up, but you’re still feeling heavier than ever. you never imagined a world where jaemin wasn’t in it after he showed up, and now you’re living the harsh reality of having to live without him.
you will have to learn the ways of letting go of na jaemin.
“i love you,” you whisper, knowing he was no longer there. knowing he was no longer your boyfriend. knowing you couldn’t kiss him and call him and text him and hug him whenever you wanted anymore. knowing he was going to find another person to give his love to in the end.
you knew. you know.
you sigh, rolling over and slowly opening your eyes.
this was the beginning of the undoing of na jaemin.
it’s when you hold eye contact for that second too long or maybe the way you laugh. it sets off a flash and our memories take a picture of who we are at that point when we first know “this is love.” and we clutch that picture to our hearts because we expect each other to always be the people in that picture. but people change. people aren’t pictures. and you can either take a new picture or throw the old one away.
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a/n: please give this lots of love!!!! i worked super hard on this one and it took a lot longer than expected lol thank you for reading ! i really hope you like this one, as it’s very personal to me :)
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greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA Ch. 323 - parallels and comparisons
Most important thing first: Mic name-calls “Jeany” after Best Jeanist interrupts him and insults the UA teachers, saying the citizens find it hard to hear the truth from schoolteachers. Excuse me, PRESENT FUCKING MIC IS A PRO HERO WHO FOUGHT IN THE WAR AND ARRESTED THE DOCTOR. Ultimately, Jeany is trying to take responsibility, which is good, but the way he does it is insulting. Is that really how the Top 3 feel about the UA teachers? (This started out shitpost-y, but I think it does actually matter….)
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On to Nezu, who, despite all his well-repressed rage, is still just a rat principal building a cage. He’s created an elaborate mecha-vault-campus to capture save humans and transport them around the country like Willy Wonka’s great glass elevator. Nezu says he did this on intuition, yet that can’t be the full story because his High Specs quirk gives him great insight into possible strategies the villains will use. In fact, the last time we saw his quirk in action, he was trapping 2 students in a maze, gradually blocking off all paths to the exit. Oh, and who else in BnHA is seemingly able to predict their opponent’s strategies and enjoys doing so? I’m not saying Nezu is “The UA Traitor,” particularly given his speech at the end of the chapter, but I AM saying there are parallels.
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In particular, Nezu seems to do a lot of work related to quirk morality, while AFO refers to morals as mere fabrications.
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Sticking with Nezu and jumping to the end of the chapter…this isn’t the first time he’s made a grand speech about UA students and the future. After DvK2, while Izuku and Katsuki are under house arrest, Nezu speaks to the school about All Might’s retirement and says how all of the students will “inherit this society.” The word “inherit” makes All Might think about his successor, and how Nezu reached out to him when he was searching in earnest (ie, when Nezu and Nighteye had Mirio picked out). Nezu’s “one step” language also ties back to an All Might monologue from the remedial course days — when Shoto, Katsuki, and the Shiketsu kids worked together to win tiny hearts AND All Might and Endeavor had their first real talk, leading Endeavor to reach out to Shoto.
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Speaking of the remedial class moving forward, the Katsuki/Shoto “we are not friends” mutual side eye at the mention of Shiketsu is A Moment. Will the remedial foursome be trapped in an underground classroom!??!?
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I think it’s clear that the heroes — pros, teachers, students — need to work together as one to win over “the citizens”. The heroes also need their supporters (hello kid in an All Might shirt!), parents (omg, Mitsuki holding Inko back from recklessly running into the crowd like the Midoriya she is!), friends, and rescued victims to take those steps to come forward. Izuku is moving forward for them, and they need to move forward for him.
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I’m not convinced that Nezu’s “ultimate hero” is Izuku; it could be Katsuki, Ochako, Shoto, Mirio (hello underground permeation!), Shigaraki, Class 1A, or the entire “new generation”, judging by his “inherit” comment. Izuku is All Might’s chosen one to inherit OFA, but Izuku is NOT the only one inheriting society’s future. Special, but also not. (More on that later!)
Final bit on the mecha-school…I don’t think anything good in this series has come from being “underground”. I think we’ve already established that “underground” is neither safe nor invincible. Underground Yakuza compound. Underground prison. Underground hero (sorry Aizawa!!) Even when talking about the “ultimate hero,” Nezu speaks in terms of rising.
The text leaks said Eri was with Class 1B, which made me frustrated, but the panel is actually a lovely soft Monoma comforting her. It’s really sweet and shows off Monoma’s heroic heart! (And his off-duty fashion sense, because those buttons add some serious dramatic flair.) But, knowing that Aizawa, All Might, Mic, Thirteen, and the Big 3 are Eri’s usual caretakers makes me really sad for her — why are they ALL gone?? Especially when (1) she’s listening to a crowd call her personal hero a weapon with a cursed quirk, exactly how Chisaki used to talk about her; and (2) Izuku doesn’t HAVE to be the one taking care of her, but I think they’d both LIKE to see each other.
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Speaking of the crowd, I do like having “the citizens” as a character. In the early chapters, we heard so much about protecting citizens and keeping society from falling into chaos, but it was all theoretical. With the jailbreak, the war destruction, and Dabi’s reveal, it’s good to see citizens who (1) question the value and robustness of the current hero society; and (2) are scared out of their minds. “The citizens” may be an obstacle for the heroes, but their fear and motivation is very rational under the circumstances. People who were forced to evacuate their home on short notice and hole up in a dormitory while skyscrapers crumbled due to villains gone wild (and, uh, Deku) are unlikely to trust the same people who created this mess in the first place. While WE know and love cinnamon roll Izuku, “the citizens” only know him as the target of Shigaraki’s destruction. He’s billed by Jeany as the One True Hope but the citizens know him as a dirty teenager insane enough to break his own bones in a school competition. He’s somehow related to AFO and is either a bomb for AFO, a Nomu-fied corpse doing AFO’s bidding, a target for Shigaraki, or a weapon against AFO that is falling apart at the seams. None of that is reassuring, so I can see why the crowd gets mad enough to make Izuku’s Danger Sense go off. The heroes need to take a moment to really empathize and understand the crowd’s fear and anger.
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What’s missing from this scene? ALL MIGHT. The focus on Deku and the OFA/AFO quirks completely omits that Izuku is All Might’s handpicked successor, and that All Might used OFA as a force for good for decades. Jeany and Ochako confirmed Izuku is the special powerOFA holder, so it’s all out in the open except for how Izuku came to possess OFA in the first place. So much for Mt Lady and Endeavor’s media discussion in Ch.317! Also, as Lady Nagant told us, the HPSC was well aware of AFO and tracked his movements. AFO may have been a secret from the public, but was NOT a blind spot for heroes. Same with Gigantomachia — Gran Torino and Tsukauchi failed to capture him, but they knew of him and his association with AFO. (Nobody, including All Might, knew about the doctor and his quirk duplication prior to Hawks’s spy work and the hospital raid.)
I want to see all of this come into the open because the hero failures stem from All Might working alone in secret to stop existential threats while other heroes fought each other for table scraps. (Think of Manual, who is such a plain and underpowered hero, but was clutch during the war.) Heroes STILL aren’t working together, and to fight dual AFOs they are going to need every last bit of help they can get from each other, from students, and from citizens — quirked or not. Anyone who is willing or able to help should join in.
Unease is referenced in this chapter, and unease is what happens whenever All Might disappears. At first when All Might retires, Twice notes the widespread unease with Endeavor as the new #1. Endeavor himself notes his unease with becoming #1 by default rather than earning it. Shigaraki has a persistent unease with his past (pre-awakening), arguably because All Might never came to save Tenko.
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Unease spreading through the citizens feeds into AFO’s win conditions perfectly. He WANTS as many fractured and walled-off groups as possible. To steal OFA and rule for eternity, he needs to prevent a “singularity” of will that opposes him.
Let’s see what happens next chapter — I still don’t think Ochako has quite hit her “light of hope” moment yet, and am not convinced this speech will be it. I do think she’s trying hard to humanize Izuku as the OFA holder, but the irony is, in doing so, she is denying he is a special person to her. Only a few humans are truly special at the societal level, but we all have friends and loved ones that think we are special. That’s right, you are loved, even if you don’t have OFA. You are loved even when you need saving. I think this is what All Might was getting at when he tells Izuku during the Sports Festival that there is something special in Izuku. All Might is saying he feels a connection and a trust with Izuku because they were both born quirkless, which makes Izuku special to All Might. This contrasts with Endeavor and Jeany, who view Izuku as special solely because he is the OFA wielder, and Izuku’s need to rest is in service to that duty rather than Izuku’s needs as a human.
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wickedw3asleys · 3 years
hey love! could you write a smut for George where it’s the readers first time and George is super sweet about it and is inlove with you and everything you do:)
MAKE YOU MINE (fluff/smut)
George Weasley x female reader
AN: Sorry for posting it so late! I had some troubles with tumblr and it almost didn't let me post this 🙄, BUT ANYWAYS, thank you for submitting something and I hope it's what you wanted and I truly hope you'll like it!!! ❤️ Love u too, and thank you so much for your support 🥰
Also, sorry if this is long, I like writing long stuff and giving details 👉🏻👈🏻
Warnings: insecure reader(a lil bit), fingering, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, cussing...
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When you first started dating George, not in a million years would you have thought to have your own expectations rising up. Not towards him though, but towards yourself.
George was that guy. Simply that guy. He was loved by everybody, one of the popular funny guys. And even though he was extremely sweet with you, you couldn't help but feel that something in you was missing.
Not that you weren't feeling enough for me, but at the same time, kind of...
One thing that made this feeling about you increase day by day was your virginity.
The concept of "virginity" was something that you particularly hated, hating the sense and meaning the modern society had given to it. But to shorten things up, yes, you were still a virgin. And even though you hated it as a concept, you couldn't stop but feel pressurized by yourself because of it.
And the fact that not even George knew about it made it only worse. For the few months you've been dating you've always tried to avoid it the best you could, but you could also feel George starting to worry about it, and why you would always push him away.
Plus, you were at that age where all your friends would start doing it, so you've had to see the parade of all your friends telling you one by one how excited they were that they finally lost their virginity. First was Ginny, then Harry, then Hermione, even Neville got to you to talk to you about it. So unconsciously, that weighted on you.
Today, you were hanging out again with George and his brother, both taking you to the Quidditch field to show you the new tactics they've been trying for their future match against Ravenclaw later that week. You could've been listening to George all day talking so passionately about Quidditch, but you had something else in your mind, and he could sense it. But he didn't say anything about it.
The thought of your bloody virginity was still in your mind and you didn't know how to make it disappear.
"... Y/N, are you okay?", Fred asked, seeing you totally off.
You sighed, "Yes! So, the bludgers..."
"You weren't paying attention, were you?", George asked gently, to what you sadly nodded.
"Sorry, guys... I've got things on my mind today..."
"Hey, don't worry. No need to apologize, it's okay", your boyfriend started to caress your arm, "We can head back in if you want"
"Yeah! I'm starting to get hungry anyways!", his brother answered.
You were grateful for them for being so understanding and not getting mad at you for being off, "Uhm... I'd rather stay here a little bit, I need more fresh air. Is it okay with you?", you asked George.
"Yes of course, sweetheart! Do you need anything?"
You said no and let them take off on their brooms, directing to the castle. You could see George's worried gaze, and you also knew that one day you'd have to talk to him anyways. He was your boyfriend after all. And seeming that he was so sweet with you always, you didn't quite understand why you were so scared to tell him.
After almost two hours of sitting there in the cold, you decided it was time for you to finally head back to the castle. Lunch would probably be over by now, fortunately you weren't hungry.
As you made your way to the corridors, straight to the common room, you crossed paths with the Weasleys; Ron, Ginny and the twins.
"Hello, darling! We missed you for lunch!", your boyfriend said, gently kissing your forehead.
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. I didn't see the time
pass...", you apologized.
"Are you okay? You're freezing, Y/N!", Ginny exclaimed, hugging you.
"Yes! Don't worry! I was just heading back to the common room..."
George could see your still worried look, so he thought for himself it wouldn't be the best idea to go there and have everybody all over you. He didn't know what was going on with you, but he didn't like to see you like this, and whatever was on your mind, he was determined to make you forget about it.
"You three can go!", he said to his siblings, "Y/N and I are going for a walk, I think. Do you feel like doing that?"
You looked at him, surprised, but you agreed to it. A walk with him sounded pretty good right now.
So as the other Weasleys said their goodbyes and went to the Gryffindor common room, you took George by the arm and let him lead the way.
"Where are we going?", you asked after a while of walking.
"I don't know... What about the Astronomy tower?"
"Yeah, sounds pretty good!"
You smiled at him and started to make your way up to the tower. Since it was around 5pm, the view was absolutely splendid up there. You could see how the sun was slowly starting to go down and making the sky changing into all these beautiful shades of yellow, blue and orange.
"So, are you going to tell me was has you so upset?", George asked, sitting down.
"Nothing... It's just silly, actually..."
"Nothing is silly if it bothers you", he pat the floor next to him, indicating you to sit next to him. "Come on, darling. You know you can tell me anything..."
You sighed as you took place next to him, snuggling into his chest due to the November cold.
"It's just...", you sighed, " I don't know... I don't want you to judge me or anything..."
"Hey, hey... I'd never judge you... Unless you kill someone, but I'm pretty sure that if you give me a valid argument I'd still understand your motives", he said, making you laugh. "Come on, tell me..."
"I'm so stupid...", you laughed, rubbing your forehead, " George, I haven't done anything... Like... Sexual... With anyone before..."
Your boyfriend looked at you, serious, "You mean, you're a virgin?"
"Mmhh... Yeah", you hummed.
"Sweetheart, is that why you're so upset?", he asked, you nodding as answer. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I don't know! It just feels... wrong... You're like so popular and nice, and I know you've been with girls and now you dating me doesn't makes any sense in that way!"
"Y/N, it doesn't matter to me!", he smiled. "I don't know who put you that silly idea in your mind but it's definitely not true at all. I love you, you know that. It doesn't matter to me if you have done it before or not..."
"Are you sure?", you asked, unsure.
"Of course I am! Besides, it would be such an honor for me to be the first one for you..."
He took your hands in his and kissed them warmly, making you laugh at the action.
"Thanks, Georgie..."
"No need to thank me, there's nothing to thank me for...", he caressed your cheek, "You just tell me whenever you feel ready... or not. That's up to you. I just want you to know that you can always feel safe with me, and comfortable."
"I do! I do feel comfortable! It's just... I don't know, I guess I can get pretty silly sometimes..."
"You're not silly, love. You're nervous... And it's
completely normal. I just want you to understand that it's okay, I don't want you to feel pressurized or anything"
With that, you thanked him with a small peck on the lips, and after a few minutes admiring the sunset, you decided to go back to the common room.
You were actually very thankful for George; you didn't know someone could be that understanding, and you appreciated that with all your heart. And surprisingly, all your doubts from earlier left your mind, finally being at peace with the topic.
It was insane how quick George could make make your problems disappear for a while.
And thinking about that, you started to feel determined. You wanted him to be your first.
After all, you've know him for a little bit more than three years now, and you've started dating a few months ago. And not once you've felt uncomfortable or upset because of him. And you knew you could trust him for all that virginity story. If you had to lose it now, you'd definitely choose him, even if you weren't dating.
"George, wait...", you interrupted him in front of the Fat Lady. "I want you to be my first... I want to do it..."
"W-what? Do you mean, right now?"
"Yes, right now...", you smiled to him.
"Oh, for Goddrick's sake... Flibbertigibbet!", he took your hand and took you inside with him, you laughed as you could see his excitement in his eyes.
"George! Could you hel-
"Not now, Jordan!", he left Lee speechless and shocked on place, which made you laugh, "Sorry, Lee!", you apologized.
You could hear a few 'ooohh's and some whistles coming from your friends mouths as you and George quickly went up to his dorm.
Went you arrived, your boyfriend made sure no one was in the room, and the proceeded to close the door shut with a charm. He strangely looked very nervous and excited at the same time, tripping on his own feet and making sure several times that the door was closed and everything was on place.
When he turned to face you and making sure that you were okay, he found you already sitting quietly on his bed, all smiles.
"Oh, darling... Sorry, I got carried away...", he says, embarrassed.
"Are you nervous, George Weasley?", you chuckled.
"Well, maybe...", he slowly started to walk towards you, "I've never had a pretty girl in my room..."
"You liar!", you laughed.
"But you love me...", he said, slowly leaning towards you.
"I surely do...", and with that, George starts kissing you gently, at first; making sure you were comfortable, and when he felt you deepening the kiss, he took it as a green light to sit next to you and push his tongue inside your mouth.
You moaned in his mouth; you felt extremely nervous, anticipating what was about to happen, but you knew that you wanted it. So to relax yourself, you put your hands on his chest, feeling his heart, focusing on its beat.
George took it as a signal to start touching your body. First putting one his hand on the back of your neck, asking more of you. Then, his other hand found its place on your thigh, his warm hand bringing you comfort.
As you kept kissing more and more passionately, his hand slowly went up and down your leg, making you shiver at his touch. You knew you wanted him, right there and right now. All your previous thoughts completely gone now, only replaced by excitement and anticipation.
Trying to lay you down on the bed, George accidentally placed his hand on the inside of your thigh, making you moan at the surprise.
What you didn't know, is that he swore to himself that it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, and he was way more than ready to hear more of you.
"Can I...?", he asked, starting to unbutton your shirt.
"Of course you can...", you cupped his face and arched your back to kiss him again, this time more passionately and deeper. You started to feel hot, to feel excited... Feeling a hot and extremely pleasing sensation in your lower abdomen. You lift up your legs a little bit, and accidentally rubbed your left knee on George's crotch, which made him groan in your mouth.
You stopped the kiss and looked at him deep
in the eyes, admiring him. His pupils dilated, his lips slightly swollen from the kiss and his messy long ginger hair falling on his face.
"Merlin, I love you...", you breathlessly say, before taking him for another kiss and slightly pulling his hair, making him groan again.
"I... *kiss*... Love... *kiss*... You... *kiss*... More...", he said between kisses, slowly going from your jawline to your upper chest, passing from collarbone to collarbone.
You've never had someone kissing you as hungrily as he was, and you swore it was the best thing you've ever felt.
"Come here...", you whispered to him, tugging on his shirt so you could take it off.
He wasn't extremely muscular, but he surely was fit. And the contrast of all his freckles on his pale skin made him look even more handsome than he already was.
Both of you continued undressing the other, taking your time to make the other comfortable and not wanting to end the moment, until you knew you were ready.
"George, please... Now...", you said, almost breathless.
He smiled at you, placing a last small peck on your lips, and slowly started a trail of kisses from your jaw to your stomach.
"W-what are you doing?", you asked, already feeling dizzy from what he was doing to you.
"I'm taking my time... I want to make you feel good...", he smiled back, bringing back his attention to your skin and his kisses. He made sure to kiss every inch of your bare skin, leaving here and there marks that would sure be visible for a few days.
"Can I take these off, darling?", he asked, playing softly with the elastic of your panties.
"P-please...", you whispered.
He delicately took them off, and continued placing few kisses around your waist.
"George, fuck..."
"What do you need, sweetheart?", he devilishly smiled, locking eyes with you.
"You, I need you"
"As you wish...", and with that, he took your thighs between his hands, gently spreading your legs for him. You thought your body would automatically close them due to your vulnerable state, but it was nothing like that. He totally made sure you were okay with it and you were feeling more ecstatic than ever.
George blew lightly on your -now- swollen clit, making you breathe heavily. And in seconds, you found his head lost in between your legs. The moment his tongue was on you, you starting moaning. You've never felt anything like that before, not even when you touched yourself.
You automatically brought you hands to his hair, which made him groan.
"George, oh my god..."
"You like that, darling?", he asked, leaving kitten licks on your clit.
"Fffffffuck... I do...", you continued moaning.
He was doing wonders on your pussy, you couldn't believe how good it was feeling. In just a few minutes he had you already squirming under him, moaning all for him.
"Ssshhh... Quiet, darling... You don't want the others to hear you, right?", he says, making his way back up to your lips, allowing you to taste yourself for the first time. "Are you ready for more?"
He went back to your clit, massaging it a little with his thumb, watching your reaction. George couldn't believe his eyes, you were, at this instant, the most beautiful view he could ever have.
With a smile he went back to work his tongue on your swollen clit, but this time, you felt some pressure at your entry. He put his arm on your lower abdomen to keep you in place, that being the hottest thing ever, and he slowly introduced a finger in you.
Since you were not used to it, you started to feel a light pressure, kind of annoying. But as his tongue was still working on you and he would introduce his finger very carefully in and out of you, the annoying feeling quickly disappeared. Only leaving more and more pleasure.
"George! Fuck...", you moaned again.
He didn't stop. On the contrary, he actually sped up a little bit his pace and slightly curled upward his finger, making your back almost arch by itself.
"Shit, that feels so good!"
"I can see that, darling...", he chuckled, licking and slightly nibbling your clit, "You're so beautiful..."
Almost unexpectedly, he introduced a second finger in you, owning a groan of pain in return. "I know darling, but I need to prepare you..."
You took a deep breath and tried to relax as much as you could, feeling your inner walls slowly relax around his fingers.
"Just like that, princess..."
The pleasure you were feeling now was insane. You couldn't even imagine how I'd feel to have him inside; and at the thought of that you started to feel extremely impatient, "Georgie, please, I need you... Now..."
"Are you sure?"
"For Goddrick's sake, yes!", you moaned, louder than before.
He smiled and started to replace his fingers with his tip, taking the time to use your wetness as lube. And then, he slowly entered you.
He put a hand next to your head, and the other one was on your upper thigh, helping him gain balance and not get too carried away and unintentionally hurt you. He watched your face slightly contort in pain, "Relax, darling... It's okay...", he tried to calm you.
You opened you eyes and looked a him, putting one hand on his cheek. He was so handsome...
When he felt you relax under him, he sunk deeper in you, completely stretching you. You didn't know if it was because it was your very first time or if it was because he was way above the average size... Maybe a little bit of both, he was huge!
But when the pain started to disappear, it only
made it better.
"George, honey... Please, move...", you pleaded, already feeling like you were going crazy at the feeling.
He did as you asked, sinking completely inside you and gently thrusting in and out. The firsts fee thrusts were still a little bit painful, but the pain was now accompanied with an extremely pleasing feeling, more powerful than the one you felt when George's tongue was working on your clit.
"O-oh my god... You feel so good...", you moaned, making him twitch inside you.
"And you're so tight for me, Y/N... You're doing so good... So good for me...", his grip on your thigh tightened, probably leaving marks for the next day.
Both of you continued enjoying the moment and the intimacy, George increasing a little bit his pace.
"F-faster... H-harder... Please...", you whined.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Fuck!", you threw you head back, your hand resting on your forehead.
George did as you asked and increased his pace. He could feel you tight walls closing even more around him due to your pleasure, and he felt like he could die right there and right now and he wouldn't even care.
"Fuck, Y/N...", he groaned, pushing into you and making you scream again, "I'm not going to last much longer... You feel so... Fucking... Good... FUCK!"
You were a moaning mess, you couldn't even think straight. The pain had almost completely disappeared, but the addition of it to all the pleasure you were feeling was a perfect combination.
And just when you thought you couldn't feel even more pleasure, George brought his hand to your clit and furiously started to rub it perfectly.
"FFFFFUCKKKK!", you nearly screamed, back arching into his chest. In just a few seconds you started feeling something warm build up in your lower abdomen, and it seems like George felt it too.
"Come on, darling. Let's do it together..."
He continued thrusting in and out of you, never leaving your clit and applying the correct pressure to it, making you come undone in seconds unexpectedly.
"GEORGE! Shit! I'm c-
"Me too, darling. Come on!"
And with a few more thrusts and a bunch of curses, you both came undone for the other. George helped you riding your orgasm, moaning at his own overstimulation, and when you finally calmed down, he dropped onto you.
Neither of you spoke, you were too busy trying to regain your breaths.
"That was..."
"Unbelievable!", he said, sounding like he was dying. That making you laugh.
"Are you okay?", you asked.
"Yeah, yeah! Don't worry about me!", he raised his hand and dropped it. You hugged him tightly and gently stroke his hair, "Thanks, Georgie... For this..."
He turned his head towards yours and locked eyes with yours. You could feel all the love and admiration in his eyes, warming your heart.
"No. Thank you... For loving me, and trusting me..."
You gently smiled and placed a loving kiss on his lips.
"I hope I didn't hurt you..."
"Not at all. You were perfect. More than perfect!"
He kissed your shoulder one last time, and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, "Let's take a nap..."
"It's almost 7pm!", you laughed.
"Mmhh... Don't care..."
You laughed and looked at him one last time, before slowly closing your eyes and fall asleep with you boyfriend in your arms. The last thought that crossed your mind was how much you loved that man... and how Lee and Fred were supposed to enter the room since George didn't have the time to lift up the charm on the door...
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Prompt: Y/N is having some trouble with Dexter’s new storyline, and he will have to use all of his tools to make her admit her feelings
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Dexter Lumis x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, dom x sub dynamic, brat taming (slightly), bondage (limb restriction), dirty talk (a shit ton), spanking (light), jealousy
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @moxgirl , @theworldofotps , @galens-mistress , @sassymox , @yungbludjazz360 and the lovely anon (who just like me) is a part of the “Thristy for Lumis” club 😈🤣
Notes: I wanted to “keep it light” with my first fic (hopefully first of many!) with this beautiful blonde man, so here we go. If you’d like to check out my other stories, you can find them on my Masterlist
Yes, I am a little jealous, ok? I’ll confess that to you, but to him? Never!
“Hey babe, I was thinking maybe we should-“ He stopped talking once he realized I was zoned out
“Y/N?” He asked, a little louder “Are you listening?”
“Yes” I spat
“Jeez, are you ok?”
“Peachy, just peachy” I mocked, applying the moisturizer on my skin, which was still damp from my shower
“You’re angry...and you’re angry at me, I presume” I could feel his blue eyes staring at me “What did I do? Did I say something? Do something? Or maybe, it was something I was supposed to do but didn’t?”
In the short amount of time since Dexter and Indi’s storyline started, it already irritated me deeply! I like Indi, she’s nice, funny, a good friend to me and a damn good actress! The way she convinced people that she was actually in love with Dexter was insane. Even I had a little trouble remembering that she isn’t.
But I’m...territorial, I don’t like people trying to get what’s ‘mine’ , so needless to say that the plot vs. reality is starting to get a little blurry for me (although it wasn’t for them)
I love Dexter, and I’m happy for him! I was also happy for Indi, but my brain was having a smidgen of trouble processing it.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N? Peanut...please talk to me?” He sweetly asked
I sighed “You’ve done nothing wrong, Dex. I’m just...it’s me ok? Don’t worry about it”
He sensed my insecurity and crawled to the very end of the mattress, kneeling when he reached the foot of it, staring at my still-standing figure.
Placing both of his hands on my hips, he trailed his nose up my neck and collarbone, saying
“You smell so fucking good” He tried to pull me towards the bed but I declined
“Dex, not right now” I took his hands off my hips and took two steps back
“Not right now?” He tilted his head to the side, in confusion, knowing I never decline to have sex with him “Something is wrong, what is it? What happened?”
“Nothing! I just...I’m not in the mood right now” I said
“You’re not in the mood?” He chuckled, in disbelief “Peanut, you’re ALWAYS in the mood! Fuck, even when I’m not in the mood you get me in the mood! So that excuse will not work for me. Tell me, what’s going on?”
“Dexter, please, not right now, ok? We’ll fuck as much as you want to later, just not now, damn it!” I said, angrily
“I’m not pushing you to talk because I want to fuck you, I’m pushing you to talk because there’s something on your mind, and instead of talking to me, your husband, like a grown woman would, you’re just pushing it to the side like a fucking teenager!” He grabbed my hands, asking “Don’t you trust me?”
I nodded, and he continued “So tell me what’s bothering you! I love you and I wanna help you! But I can’t do it if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, peanut”
“I don’t want to say it, because it’s dumb” I murmured
“Baby” He cupped my cheek “If it’s bothering you, it’s not dumb. Tell me, what is it?”
A muffled and inaudible ‘I’m jealous’ left my lips
“I’m afraid you will have to say it a little louder” He cackled
“I wish that storyline with Indi would be over soon” I looked up at him, to find a smug smirk
“You’re jealous?” He asked
“No! I’m not jealous! I don’t get jealous!” I crossed my arms in front of my chest
“Yes, you are!” He teased “I like when you get jealous, that way I know you still have the hots for me” He tried to grab my waist
“Stop it!” I shoved him away “The reason I don’t like the storyline is because you always receive a script with too many lines to memorize and…” I trailed off
“Babe, my character doesn’t talk!” He laughed “You will have to find another excuse for your jealousy”
“Stop saying I’m fucking jealous” I pouted
“Come here, my lil peanut” He beckoned me
“No, I don’t want to”
“Y/N, I said, come.here” His eyes were turning into a cold shade of blue
“And I said, no!” I stomped my foot
Dexter quickly grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me towards him
“When I tell you to come here, you better come here, do you understand?” He asked, with an icy tone in his voice
When I didn’t respond, he tugged on my hair harder
“Yes, sir” I said, nonchalantly
“Oh, she’s bratty today, huh?” His other hand wrapped around my neck “I’m sure we can fix that, can’t we?”
Part of me was mad at him for teasing me because of my jealousy but the other part was getting slightly turned on with his attitude. So I decided to test the waters
“Let me go” I yanked his hand off my neck, but Dexter stared at me amused, as he kept his grip firmly on my hair
“You don’t want me to let you go, do you?” He teased
I huffed in response, which made him laugh loudly
“Of course you don’t! You want me to fuck the jealousy out of you, don’t you, baby?”
“I’m not jealous” I tried to wiggle away from him, but that only made him tug on my hair harder
“Y/N, if you wanted me to make the jealousy go away, you just had to ask nicely”
“I don’t want anything from you” I spat
“Na ah” He slapped my face lightly “Don’t you fucking talk to me like that!” He warned “Ask for it nicely, like a good girl” He teased
“Fuck off!” I tried to push him away, but he was faster
Dexter pulled me towards the mattress, I landed on it facing down and he quickly straddled my hips, securing both of my wrists behind my back with one of his hands
“Such a dirty mouth for a pretty girl” He chuckled, dragging his cloth covered bulge against my ass
“You look so cute when you’re all mad like this'' Dexter bit my shoulder and scraped his teeth against my neck “So my lil peanut is jealous, huh?” He cackled “You think Indi will steal me away from you? That’s why you’re so angry?” He took my hair away from my face, so he could look into my eyes
I stared deeply at him, with something in my gaze making his blue eyes soften
“Baby, neither Indi nor anyone else could take me away from you, you’re the woman of my dreams! I don’t want nor need any other woman in my life. The storyline is just that: a storyline, pure fiction. I like Indi the same way that you do, as a friend! She’s never tried to cross that line and if someday she or any other woman crosses it, I know what to do. I love you and I’m more than happy with our marriage. You’re my best friend, my lover, my wife, you take care of me, support me, you’re my everything! My intelligent, sexy, funny and gorgeous everything! Do you understand what I’m telling you, peanut?” He asked softly
“Yes, Dex. I understand” I smiled
“Good, now” His eyes began to get mischievous again “About that attitude...” He trailed off, reaching down to his sweatpants and undoing the drawstring
“I’m sorry for my behavior, sir” I said sheepishly, with my eyes glued to his hand
“Oh, what a drastic change!” He smirked “If I knew that at the mere thought of a dick inside of you, you would change into a good girl so quickly, I would’ve shoved it in you earlier”
Dragging my oversized t-shirt up, Dexter began to slide one finger through my wet folds
“Please, sir” I moaned “I’ll be a good girl, I promise you, just please give it to me” I whined
“Such a greedy little whore for cock, aren’t you?”
I nodded, but that didn’t suffice to him
“Say it! I wanna hear you begging for it, I want you to say the words”
“I’m a greedy little whore for cock, sir. Please, give me your cock, sir. I need it so bad...please, I’ll behave. Can I have it? Please, let me have it” I begged
Dex knelt in between my knees and placed himself on my entrance, sliding only the tip in before he stopped
“You need it? So get it, it’s all yours!” He slapped my ass “C’mon, take it”
I moved back towards his dick, as much as my restricted arms and position would let me, but I couldn’t slide him as deep as I wanted nor could I move as fast as I wished, which made me whine in frustration
“Awww, my poor peanut, what’s wrong? You can’t go as fast as you want to, can you?” He teased and I shook my head
“Do you want me to do it for you instead? Do you want sir to fuck you deep and hard?”
“Yes, sir. Please!”
I gasped loudly when he finally gave me what I was begging for...hard, fast, rough and so deep.
“Is this what you wanted?” He asked
“Yes, thank you, sir”
The familiar burning was already starting to rise inside of me
“Are you gonna cum around my cock like a good little slut, Y/N?”
“Yes, sir” I said, breathlessly
“So what are you waiting for?” He chuckled in my ear, and that was the only confirmation I needed
Dexter slowed his pace as I came down from my high. Noticing he didn’t cum, I asked
“Why didn’t you cum?”
He slid out of me, released my wrists and turned me around, so I could face him
“Who said” He slid back in “I was done with you?” Smirking, he began to increase his pace bit by bit “I still need you to confess that you’re jealous” He winked
And I knew that this little game wouldn't finish until dawn..
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Something Old and Something New — Part Five (Final Part)
Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When life takes a turn and you take an unexpected break from college in Stanford with your best friend Sam, you return home to your job at your family’s co-owned garage. You return home to work alongside the guy you thought you hated—Dean Winchester.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: angst, swearing, arguing, jealousy, fluff, kissing
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You stood at your door, hand gripping the hardwood as you looked up at him with a crease between your brows and a narrowed gaze. He could see the confusion pooling in your eyes, could see the myriad of emotions flooding over your face. He could see it all and none of them seemed to be good.
He expected that, he did, and he also expected for you to slam the door in his face and he was fully anticipating it.
You swallowed thickly as your heart raced in your chest, gripping the door a little harder. “What are you doing here?”
“Well hello to you too, sweetheart,” he says, his unease in his tone as the corner of his mouth quirks up.
You roll your eyes in an instant then, a huff leaving your lips as you take a step back to turn around and close the door. Now was not the time for his teasing antics, now was not the time for him to be so lighthearted. You were trying your hardest to keep that pressure behind your eyes at bay, to try and stave off your tears because the mere sight of him had your heart squeezing in your chest.
“Y/n, wait,” he urges, palm pressed to the door to keep you from shutting him out.
“What exactly am I waiting on?” You ask, anger in your tone as your eyes squint up at him, and you try to ignore the race of your heart.
“I need to talk to you, really, I do.”
You rolled your eyes, watching his gaze narrow down at you in a flash of confusion and frustration. “I think you’ve said enough, Dean. I heard you loud and clear. I really don’t think there’s anything else you need to say.”
“Would you cut it with the attitude, Y/n?” He asked, voice a fraction louder as his frustration simmered in the pit of his stomach.
His jaw tensed as he bit back his anger, trying his hardest not to lose his temper because he knows it’ll only dig him deeper in that hole. He knows he’ll only blow it even more than he already did. So he bites it back as he looks at you, as he watches you roll your eyes at his words.
You laugh, humorless as you shake your head. You pull your gaze from him, looking away as you rub your tongue along the inside of your cheek. That pressure was building behind your eyes, threatening to boil over despite your annoyance with the green eyed Winchester. At this point, you couldn’t tell if he was making your decision to leave easier or harder the more he stood on your doorstep.
You spun on your heel and turned around, the door left open as you heard him huff behind you. “C’mon, Y/n. I really—”
You stopped in your tracks at the pause in his words turning and catching the way he eyes the packed luggage and duffel bags, his gaze lingering on every single one. You saw the way he swallowed hard, the way he nodded softly, the way he bit the inside of his cheek. Your jaw tensed as the crease between your brows smoothed for a moment as you watched him, returning once he looked at you once more.
He looks at you for a moment, eyes bouncing back and forth between yours. “You weren’t kiddin’, huh?”
That tension in your jaw increased for a moment. “Had a little encouragement.”
Your tone was sharp and your words were indirect, but he knew exactly what you were talking about, he knew exactly who you were talking about. It made that feeling in the pit of his stomach build and swirl there, made a pang in his heart.
“I didn’t mean that,” he says, quiet and soft and spoken through near gritted teeth as he looks at you with a spark of worry and fear.
You laugh softly, humorless as you nod and your arms cross over your chest. Didn’t mean that. Those words stuck in your mind in a loop in that moment, replaying over and over as you looked away, looking to the pile of packed bags by the door. Those words sparked a feeling within you, one of relief as you looked at them but it was quickly replaced with frustration.
“Sure as hell seemed like it,” you said, lips pursing as your gaze pulled to him.
“Y/n, I—”
“You said it was a great idea. You even said you’d pack my bags, Dean,” you said, faux amusement in your tone. You always did that when you were angry and he knew that, he knew you like the back of his hand.
“I didn’t mean it!” He said, voice louder as the words fell from his lips. Your brows furrowed more as you looked at him, watching as his chest heaved a little heavier than it did moments before. “I didn’t mean a damn thing I said.”
You look at him, the words rolling over in your mind as you did, the emotions flooding over you as you did. He was so clearly distraught as he stood in front of you, that much was evident and you couldn’t deny it. But that hurt, that feeling simmering in the pit of your stomach was still as insistent as ever in controlling the way you felt. In swaying the way those words made you feel.
You saw the way his cheeks tinged pink, rapidly making you all the more aware of the freckles spattering over his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose. You grit your teeth for a moment, that ever familiar pressure behind your eyes building again as that lump in your throat makes it’s reappearance.
“Then why’d you say it?” You ask, words so soft and full of something that tugged at his heart as you stood there, that look on your face nearly tearing him in two. But he stayed quiet as he stood there, swallowing thickly as he looked at his feet with a quivering frown, a mix of anger and regret coursing through him. “Why’d you say it, Dean?”
“I don’t know,” he says lowly, quietly as he shrugs his shoulders. He felt it was the hardest thing in the world to be out right with his feelings in that moment, couldn’t spit the words out for the life of him despite the way they sat on the tip of his tongue.
You scoff then, eyes rolling as you shake your head and turn away from him. “Yeah, right. Of course you don’t.”
His eyes narrowed then, his stare returning to you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You pick at the straps of one of your duffel bags, unzipping it to look inside despite having no real reason behind it as Dean stepped closer. “Y/n.”
You zip it back shut before brushing past him to get to your suitcases by the door, hearing his huff sound behind you.
You turn to look at him, tears beginning to line your eyes as you did and your breathing is a little bit heavier than before.
“You’re stubborn, Dean. You’re so damn stubborn all the time and you can’t even tell me just why it is you said what you said to me that day. You’d rather brush it off and act like you don’t feel anything like you always do. You always do that, Dean Winchester, and it’s driving me insane.”
“I was jealous!” He said, nearly shouting as his chest heaved and his lip quivered under the pressure of his emotions. “I was jealous, okay?”
The tension in your shoulders relaxed a fraction as they slumped a bit more, your brows furrowing. You may have suggested it that day, might have brought it up, sure, but to hear him say it, to hear him admit it was something entirely different. You didn’t know which emotion to feel first, didn’t know which one to express first.
You thought maybe he was but you didn’t fully believe it, couldn’t fully believe it. Confusion pooled in your stomach as you looked up at him, your eyes telling of that feeling.
He rolls his eyes then, his shoulders dropping as he looks away briefly and a sigh leaving his lips.
“Would you quit yankin’ my chain, sweetheart?” He said, frustration wrapping around his every word as he looks at you once more, your expression unchanged save for a little more of your own frustration.
“You’re seriously jealous of Sam?” The dimples by the corners of his mouth deepen at the question, his posture stiffening. “Why?”
You watch the way his nostrils flare slightly, almost unnoticeable to someone who hadn’t been paying close attention to his every expression, every feature on his face. But you were, you find yourself doing that a lot and you’ll never admit it, not for a long while.
“C’mon, Y/n.”
“No, I want to know. Why?” You ask again, arms crossed over your chest as you stare up at him.
“What is this, twenty-one questions?”
He sees just how unamused you are, he can see it with the way your frown pulls downward just a little more, and how your gaze narrows even more. It’s your silent way of asking him that same question, and he can see just how much it bothers you. It’s written all over your face on how badly you want an explanation because clearly you’d been far too oblivious for your own good.
You’re the smartest person he’s ever known, you along with his brother of course, you had a knack for picking up on everything. You had a talent for reading him like a book, could sniff out his lies from a mile away. You knew green eyes like the back of your hand even though you told yourself you couldn’t stand him, told him that on more than one occasion despite the words being followed by a smile you knew you could never fight. He knew how well you could figure him out and yet you were oblivious as ever when it came to this.
He wished you would’ve caught on, wished you would have realized because he doesn’t know how you haven’t yet. He became less and less discreet the more time went on and it nearly drove him crazy. Dean Winchester knew his way around flirting, knew just the right things to say. He could sweet talk better than anyone but he was a mess around you. A heart hammering, lovestruck fool when it came to you and it scared the hell out of him.
It was terrifying and exciting to feel so strongly for someone, for someone he deemed to be the embodiment of sunshine. You gave him a hard time, gave him a run for his money. He met his match with you and he always knew that. You weren’t afraid to toss his wit right back at him with a smile on your face that makes him weak in the knees. You’ve gotten good at doing that to him.
You make his heart race and his mind stick on you, you’re someone he knows he can’t stop thinking about even if he tries. He’s never been hung up on someone the way he’s hung up on you, never felt so strongly for someone that he’d do anything just to get you to stay even though he doesn’t feel like he’s doing a very good job. In fact, he feels like he’s blowing it as you stand there and give him that look that makes his stomach twist in knots.
But he stands there, his words caught in his throat and sitting on the very tip of his tongue as he looks at you with a tense jaw, his tongue swiping over his lips. He stands there and watches the flurry of emotions flicker across your face and none of them are helping his cause.
You look up at him for a second more as you bite the inside of your cheek, nodding softly as you brush past him with no real idea of where it was you were going—anywhere in your apartment but there would suffice.
“Sam and Bobby are gonna be here soon,” you say, tidying up things that didn’t need it.
It’s quiet and tense, near unbearable in that moment as he stands there. As he stands there with a million and one thoughts running through his mind, all of them revolving around you.
All of them.
“I love you.”
You stilled in your spot, heart jumping in your chest as you stand there with parted lips. Your gaze has yet to fall on him as it lifts from your hands. In fact, you’re not even sure you heard him correctly as you stand there for a brief amount of time that felt like hours to him, wordless and unreadable.
But you looked at him, brows furrowed and you watched as he swallowed thickly. You took a step or two closer, a couple more.
“You what?” You ask, soft and baffled and entirely unsure of the three words you just heard.
His jaw tensed some more, his gaze shifting to the side as he shook his head slightly, brushing his thumb along his bottom lip before his hand dropped down to his side and he looked at you.
“You know what, just forget I said anything,” he says, quiet as he turns on his heel in all but a few seconds before reaching for the door knob.
Without a beat of hesitation your hand wraps around his wrist, tugging him to turn around and he does. He does and he looks at you with that crease between his brows and those green eyes fall on you once more. He looks at you in a way that makes your heart race more than it already had been and anything you might’ve said in that moment dissolves on your tongue and slips from your mind.
Seconds feel like hours as you look at him, your gaze flickering downward to the way his lips remain parted, thinking about the way his breath fans warmly over you in a mere whisper of a touch.
But just as quickly you lift your eyes to his once more until you couldn’t, your hand settling on his cheek as you lean on your toes and press your lips on his. He parted from you for a brief moment as the beginnings of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, pressing into yours once more as he draws you closer, arm circling around your waist as his other hand hovers on your cheek.
Your hands drop to rest on his chest, his kiss gentle and firm all the same as his nose bumps against your own when he tilts his head. Breaths mingle and sweep over your lips, warm and soft and it feels as though your heart just might burst in your chest at the mere thought of kissing Dean Winchester. At the mere feeling of his kiss that was more than hard to part from.
But you don’t stray far, his lips brushing against yours softly as you settle back on your heels some. You’ve got that smile, the one that drives him crazy and it’s sitting pretty on your lips and making it all the more difficult for him to keep from kissing you for the rest of the day, for an indefinite amount of time.
“I don’t want to forget about it,” you whisper, soft as every word is nearly spoken against his lips.
He hums softly as he nods, the tips of his fingers tracing over the curve of your ear and the pad of his thumb brushing over your cheek as he kisses you once, twice, three times more. The last lingered longer than the others, lingered even when the thud of two car doors sounded, muffled on the other side of the door.
“They’re here,” you murmur against his lips, sinking back on your heels as he nods.
His hand is warm on your cheek as he stays for a moment longer, pulling away with all the reluctance in the world as his finger hooks in the curtain on the window, tucking it back in hopes it wasn’t so. In hopes he could stand there in that living room and kiss you for the rest of the evening, for the rest of the day. But he eyed Bobby’s truck, and he eyed the two of them walking up the stone pathway and his head tips back with a groan before he makes his way back to you.
In a matter of moments the front door pushes open, confusion crossing Sam’s face at the sight of his brother despite having already seen that ever familiar car parked outside. Bobby was soon to follow after as he stepped inside, his gaze bouncing from Sam to Dean to you.
“What?” He asks, speaking his own confusion.
You look at Dean and he looks down at you, the corner of your mouth tugging upwards as he bites the inside of his cheek, the beginnings of his own smirk shining through.
“Nothin’, Bobby,” he says, his gaze still on you with all the contentment in the world simmering within him.
Dean set the last box on the floor with a thud, sighing as he stood up straight with a stretch and a sigh before he kicked the door shut behind him.
“Have you always had this much stuff?” He asks, his groan in his voice as you put the last of your things on the shelf in your living room.
You laugh softly, rolling your eyes at the older Winchester.
“Have you always complained this much?” You counter, brow raised and you watched the way his lips pursed and his brows dropped to a neutral expression, one all too telling of his lack of amusement at his words.
His gaze followed you as you walked by, pinching his chin softly with a smile of more than enough amusement for the both of you.
“I already know the answer to that one,” you say, catching his frown as he catches your hand, letting it slip through his fingers as you brushed by him in favor of walking towards that last box.
“You’re a pain, you know that, sweetheart?”
“Actually, I do,” you say with the sweetest grin you can muster.
You sink to a squat as you swipe the scissors from your back pocket, gliding them over the seam of the packing tape before tossing them to the side. You opened the flaps of the cardboard box, the corners a bit dented and worse for wear. You knew exactly what was inside, you knew it all but you still sighed, still bit the inside of your cheek as you peered in at its contents.
Within the box sat all your law books, all your notes and all your assignments, some graded and finished and some left undone as they sat within a plethora of binders and color coded folders. A wave of emotions coursed through you and rumbled in your stomach, that familiar pang hitting your heart and weighing heavy in your mind.
You’d gone back to Stanford with Sam, you’d gone back a week ago like you said you would but for reasons entirely different than you planned. You’d gone back and packed up the rest of your belongings with a more than understanding best friend and even though he was sad to see you go he wouldn’t hold you back, not even for a second. You packed your stuff and moved back to Kansas, Dean Winchester waiting for you in the airport with that smile on his face and a kiss at the ready.
You were back and you were staying.
You heaved another sigh as you brushed your fingers along the textbook sitting on top of the pile, dust collecting in your fingers as they swept over the cover and wrapped around its edge. You lifted it from the box, heavy in your hand as you stood to your feet.
You looked up at Dean, his expression curious and confused for a moment until his eyes landed on it, and he nodded. He took it from your hands and set it back in its box, folding the cardboard flaps over it once more before shoving it off to the corner with a push from his boot.
He turned to you, a half smirk on his lips as he looked down at you. Your brow raises in curiosity, your gaze narrowing at him.
“What, Winchester?”
The corner of his mouth quirks up a little higher as his arms circle around your waist loosely, his hand coming up to brush along your cheek, thumb swiping away a bit of dirt that sat smudged along your skin. His lips purse in his smirk as your arms rest up and wrap around his neck, he tipped back slightly to look at him.
“I’m glad you came back here,” he murmurs, watching as your eyes roll and a laugh falls from his lips at that.
“Why, ‘cause you got me all to yourself now?” You ask, watching as his smirk turns to a grin.
“Well, yeah,” he starts, pressing a kiss on your lips. “That ain’t so bad.”
He laughs again when you shove at his shoulders, your smile shining through faux annoyance as he pulls you closer once more. His smile softens then, softens as he looks at you and the sincerity filling his expression is something you can’t miss.
“But I’m serious. It takes a lot of guts to make that kind of a decision,” he says, and you bite back your smile as you look up at him, head tilted as you sigh. Just those words themselves had settled your nerves on the subject, had put your worries at ease on committing to such a big decision. But your attention is quickly pulled to green eyes as his smirk returns, telling of the fact that he’s up to no good. “Especially considering you’re, you know, stuck with me.”
There it is.
You tip your head back and laugh, a sight and a sound that makes him weak in the knees as he gazes at you, his heart racing when you look at him once more with that lingering smile.
“You’re somethin’ else, Winchester,” you say, breathing out a contented sigh.
“I know,” he says, his smile softening as he drops a kiss to your lips before he sighs softly. “‘M sorry for being a pain in the ass, sweetheart.”
The corner of your mouth quirks up into a smirk. “Which time?”
His lips pursed and his head tilted as your smile remained. You knew exactly what he meant, could see it in his eyes and could see it in his expression that held all the sincerity in the world. But you didn’t want to think about that. It was over and done with and to be fair, you’re both a couple of stubborn idiots who were too in love to see it. Too caught up in your feelings to realize it.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” you start, watching the beginnings of an eye roll. “You’ve got that broody frown you do. Actually, maybe it’s even a pout—”
Your words are cut short with your squeal as he draws you close and lifts you off your feet for a moment, cut short as he lips press to your own to quiet your teasing as his smile presses into yours.
His lips were warm and soft as he kissed you, and any last bit of stress and worry, every last bit of anguish over your decision dissolved in that very moment. When you first came back to Kansas a few months ago you had no idea what you were doing, and you still wouldn’t say you do. When you first came back you had no idea you’d end up in this very moment, but life has a funny way of surprising you.
You were here and you were staying. You came home to something old, and you wound up with something new.
Series Taglist: @myloversgone @colereads @stoneyggirl2 @samsgirl93 @poptart06294 @bakugouswh0r3
General Taglist: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @campingmonkey @lanea-1 @deandaydreaming @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @taikawho
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