#his hair has to be oily af right
frankenstaning · 1 year
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Creature creator 🤮🤮🤮
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prince-kallisto · 6 months
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Crowley Levan is Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband”…wouldn’t it be cool if the one who married into the Draconia family had a crown/headpiece that resembled horns, worn for ceremonies, public appearances and the like?!
We haven’t seen Levan yet but I know in my heart he’s just a silly little guy as long as you ignore The Killings 💞
I talk more about concept art and costume details below the cut!
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Levan’s headpiece is designed to have more of a live-action Maleficent feel, where she wrapped her horns in…fabric? Snakeskin? Whatever it was, it looked really shiny, oily, and really cool, so I tried to depict that texture to show how his horns are fake.
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And sort of elaborating on the Draconia crown idea, perhaps each crown from every ruler who married into the family has its own unique shape? Levan’s halo-like shape is unique to him, so ones before him perhaps had more “traditional” dragon-like horns, and others had twisting ones like a sheep, etc etc. Since I’m OBSESSED with TWSTs religious symbolism- the Dawn Knight popped off with that winged helmet- I also wanted a halo shape to make Levan look slightly angelic.
The beads on his horns were slightly inspired by the mianguan, a formal headdress worn in ancient China. He also wears nail guards covered in shiny jewels… Let him be extra ✨
Levan having wings over his eyes like the Dawn Knight would be a fun parallel, and as a reference to him being Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband.” Like I mentioned in the comic, he covers his eyes and disguises his body under bulky clothing to be publicly dramatic af 😭 he takes his title way too seriously haha. The idea is that when he isn’t around Meleanor, he sheds his mask so he can report what he sees to Meleanor. But when he is with her, he “blinds” himself as a demonstration of trust. I’m sure he can actually detect his surroundings very well despite the mask- he just likes to play around and act dumb to make Lilia and Meleanor laugh haha. I haven’t thought much about the clothes under his cape, but I imagine it’s very like Malleus’ masquerade outfit. Something very streamlined and agile in case he has to enter a sudden battle or fly into the air.
And with my concept art, he was meant to have the shoulder feathers like Crowley and Malleus! They were like pauldrons covered in feathers. But when I was working on the final piece, I spontaneously changed it to fit the sketch for something more flowing and bulky haha. In my head, this bigger cape has a more “General” vibe to it? Something that draws your attention when Levan walks into a war room! Speaking of, I really love the fantasy-vibe of the costumes in Book 7- I feel like I can really go all out with Levan’s costume if the Dawn Knight is allowed to have a helmet like that!
This was super last minute in the painting process, but I’d like the inside of his cape to have constellations and stars all over it! I tried to draw the Corvus, Crater, and Hydra on the visible parts of his cape.
I prefer painting with ink far better than acrylic or even watercolor…so doing this in mostly black and white inspired me to give Levan porcelain-like skin, shading his skin almost like he was a doll and not a person. I think about how Diablo in Sleeping Beauty was turned into stone, so it’s meant to be a bit like marble too
I imagine Levan to have long, wispy hair that resembles briars and a bit like live action Aurora from Maleficent. Its very striking how he’s repeatedly described as “beautiful,” and although short hair is very beautiful in its own right, something about his mysteriousness and beauty gives me Aurora vibes specifically. Speaking of, Book 7 seems to be more obvious with combining elements from the original Sleeping Beauty and the live action Maleficent. Perhaps Silver could be the OG Aurora, but I can still give Levan live-action Aurora’s pretty hair haha.
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When he wears his headdress and cape, he has his hair pinned up in the back. I’d like to draw my interpretation of Levan more in the future so you can see how his hair would look when it’s all down or in a ponytail. Perhaps Raven-Fae do more elaborate hairstyles that incorporates jewels/shiny things into their hair? Also, this inspiration is VERY specific haha, but if you ever read or watched Cardcaptor Sakura, Nadeshiko’s hair is very close to how I imagine his hair to be- very full and flowing! (Cardcaptor Sakura’s aesthetic snatched me up many years ago and has never let go since haha)
I don’t know, I just think it’s really cool yet ironic that Meleanor and Lilia talk about Levan as someone whose a crybaby, kind, beautiful, airheaded, but then Lilia casually drops that Levan is one of the top generals, an extremely skilled diplomat, and battled the DAWN KNIGHT and survived, when even Lilia hasn’t at that point. So I thought it would be fun if he had angelic themes in his outfit, while still making it clear that he’s dangerous.
Whoops this got pretty long! ∑(゚Д゚) Haha, I think I like sharing my designs- not for the art it self but just to ramble about my entire thought process/inspiration/details! Although I try to get better at depicted all these ideas through the art itself, I can’t help but want to talk about it haha
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llau-ren-ti-a · 1 year
Bad Batch Headcanons - Skin Conditions
I’ve had this on my mind for way too long now and I NEED to write it down.
For context: I think that their mutations and “enhancements” had some side effects and actually made them more sensitive or gave them some other issues, this is one of many. Maybe Regs have to deal with this too, but I’m running with the Bad Batch for now.
TW: skin conditions, acne, eczema, a little blood? self-harm and injury
first of all - he has like the most sensitive skin ever
I’m talking unscented, only natural ingredients, ph-neutral, everything you can imagine
soap made from ash, lime and oil, like, really specific and gentle shit
but on the other hand worst mixed skin ever, goes from crazy oily to dryer than Tatooine at least once a week
he’s either looking like a glazed donut or a shedding lizard
he’d straight up put cooking oil on his face bc “oil is good for dry skin, right?
someone tell this man how to take care of himself istg
bandana hides his greasy roots
bandana may be tied in different styles to hide his dandruff
he‘s highkey insecure about it
he‘s shedding like a dog, his hair is everywhere
in the shower, on the bed sheets, in the food if he cooks
if he ever shaves, doesn’t matter where or how he’s getting the worst razor burn and ingrown hairs ever
he’s getting all the issues
also, a big candidate for body acne?
he gives me back acne vibes
doesn’t wash his bedsheets or towel nearly often enough
they actually all (accidentally?) share a towel and never wash it, I’m convinced
his skin is dry af like, eczema / neurodermitis / psoriasis dry
especially his hands and joints, like the inside of knees and elbows
and around his eyes, especially because of his goggles/glasses, but also in the corners
he researched everything but sometimes just can’t help it and almost scratches his skin off
Hunter makes him wear cotton gloves when he goes to bed
that’s why he never sleeps
Crosshair straight up ties his hands with bandages so he can’t scratch himself
also a very dry scalp / dandruff candidate
should spend all of his time moisturising
tinkering around the marauder and getting into contact with motor oils/hydraulic liquids/fuel only makes it so so so much worse
doesn't wear skin protection, especially not gloves because it 'inhabits his motor functions'
don't get me started on his nails and nailbeds, because I can see how inflamed and irritated the skin is
the skin also peels off
sweaty hands
has a lot of moles?
stresses about said moles
has the nicest skin ever
except for a big pore / blackhead here and there
usually around the nose or on his forehead
literally the guy who either doesn't use soap or uses the same bar of soap to wash everything
it works
healthy glow might be mistaken for oily skin but it's actually not
actually gets a sunburn often, especially on his head, but refuses to do anything about it
turns into a lobster on uv-light-intense missions
red skin, really tight and shiny
sometimes, if crosshair is feeling really mean he gives him a brotherly slap on the sunburnt shoulder
he gets mouth sores sometimes, like cold sores?
also very attractive to mosquitos? he sweats a lot
scratches his mosquito bites so there are little scars all over his body
really random but occasionally he gets like one big aggressive butt pimple and can't sit for a few days
is very vocal about said butt pimple
my beloved
he's also getting all the issues
had very bad acne as a cadet
especially around his chin and cheeks to the point he straight up refused to take off his helmet
now that he's done with puberty he has a bunch of acne scars left
still breaks out sometimes
very sensitive to water - he just washes his face like usual and suddenly breaks out because that particular planet's water is 'weird'
so much acne but dry af skin, it's hard to combat
skin picking as self harm
aggressive nail biter; not only the nails but the skin around it
he's actually one big hangnail
and his nailbeds and sides are always inflamed
toothpicks to stop him from picking his skin
or to try to stop him from smoking but this is not a mental health / addiction headcanon
I'm convinced he has the ugliest, driest old man elbows and knees, I just know that they look weird
technically a reg, I know
but his prosthetics sometimes don't sit right, so there's a lot of friction and a high risk of irritated skin, blisters and sores
he's so pale - not surprised at all if he gets sunburnt quickly
reminds everyone to use lotion / sunscreen
learned the hard way bc he listened to Fives
tries to keep everyone from making stupid mistakes
buir mode activated
baby skin
for now
Echo attempts to keep her in check
gets one really bad sunburn and learns her lesson
can't move for 3 business days
also, not a skin condition but she spends 5 seconds in direct sunlight and is just covered in freckles
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
It Was An Accident
[ for @the-children‘s Nightmare Before Endwalker, and as a response to @rodarin-calrise’s post here! ] 
[ i didn’t reblog it because of how long it’d all be and i am constantly anxious about taking up peoples’ dashboards lmao so i’m so sorry if this is done wrong in advance, i haven’t rp’d on tumblr in like... years and i feel awkward af but the adderall and need to write are curb-stomping the anxiety (okay this is like... half prompt half rp reply i’m so sorry) ]
[ this is in direct sequel to this prompt! ]
The first sign should have been that he woke up... semi-peacefully. No nightmares, nor terrors, nor screaming; he was startled awake by nearly falling out of his chair.
Gods, his head hurt. He couldn’t even rightly blame the drink for it - he drank far more than that on a daily basis... or maybe it was the withdrawal. No, it had to be the damned voices. He heard them again, and the more he blamed them, the more prominent they were.
He stuffed his hand into his pocket.
The watch chained to his belt said it was mid-afternoon, and yet... it was just as dark outside as it was when he arrived. What time was it when he arrived, even? He brushed himself off, straightened the bags that settled at his waist, and set to stepping outside of the inn... the thought still rattled.
What time was it when he checked in? How long was he asleep?
He couldn’t rightly remember.
It was still damp outside when he made it there. It killed whatever mood he could have had, really. And killed his hair too. He was trying deperately to cling to something small - his book came to mind, and he fished it out to begin writing in it again. All of the questions in his head.
“What time is it? Has it passed, even? Is there a fluctuation we should be aware of?” He could feel it - that something off, the one that crawled through his blood with a sickening ichor; it paced his own, matched his breathing. There it was again. “What is this feeling that keeps dragging its way into my throat? Should I be worried? Should I be scared? Should I embrace it? For it feels so much like...”
He stopped in front of a fountain, staring at the pearlescent water as if it’d give him answers. Watching it ripple as any other fountain would--
It shimmered, oily, like soap - waving an array of muted colors underneath the candlelight. How strange. How--
How could he even see it?
Maximiloix pulled his eye patch over his aetherial eye, revealing the world as it truly was - blinking to gather his bearings on the suddenly bright darkness that assaulted his vision. It was just the same. The water was like that of liquid pearls, how could he see it so clearly without sight? He slid the patch back over, now leaning back to write in his book again.
No, he was going to draw this. He needed some sort of evidence that he wasn’t as mad as he was being made seem - he stood for a few minutes, crudely sketching out the shape of the fountain, and the colors that plagued it. No, he wouldn’t let the curiosity end there, with a picture. He fumbled through his bags for the containers he brought. He was right in bringing materials to conduct research, an island that springs up over a literal night must have some interesting characteristics. It was before he could truly grab what he was looking for, that a hand had found itself firmly planted on his shoulder.
It was a simple gesture which had warranted the simplest of defenses - of course, Maximiloix was anything but “simple” and the fear that shot through him to rupture his deep concentration formed a splattering of flames that emanated from his feet and spread outward to gain distance on whatever creature or person had the utter audacity as to touch him.
What followed was a laugh - of course it was. Many found his defense funny in some strange way, and his eye found the perpetrator in the form of a man. Tall for a hyur... short, compared to himself. He tilted his head at him,
“Welcome to Westmoore~”
He had chimed. Some vague semblance of happiness found in the dreariness of the area - yet the expression on his face was devoid of any such emotion.
There was something wrong here. So very wrong. He couldn’t place it. He ignored it.
“Thank... you, I suppose.” What else was he supposed to say? The citizens had barely spoken a word to him, unless initiated himself. This man came from outright nowhere, spooked the magic right out of him, and suddenly... talks to him. He was torn between asking questions and keep silent. Something wasn’t right about this man - in fact, the voices-- Maximiloix rubbed at his forehead to try and quiet them down. “Apologies for the... display. I am Maximiloix Voilinaut, sent by the Maelstrom to... investigate the place, I suppose. I- I am sorry, did I catch your name?”
It was foggy, the voices, the sights - the aether that faded in and out, with colors the swayed as much as he felt like he currently was.
“I’m Rodarin Calrise, the Mayor of Westmoore. Come — let’s get you settled in.”
Right. Rodarin - had he heard the name before? He couldn’t remember. Everything was beginning to get... hazy.
“Settled in? Oh, there is no need - I have found my own way for the time being.”
But he insisted... and he couldn’t refuse. His feet followed the Mayor regardless of his qualms. He had only been this entranced once in his life, and... well, it didn’t end up too terrible, he had thought. Not that he truly noticed it all.
“I will say... time is easy to lose track of here, is it not? Or...” Maximiloix drew the watch from his pocket again. The time hadn’t changed. “...Or it cannot be lost at all, can it.”
What was going on? Why did he continue to follow? This all should have settled wrongly in his stomach. There it was again, the cold ache that chewed through him - that turned the ice in his bones to water, it heated him from the inside. Was he sweating again? What in the hells was happening?
They turned the opposite direction of their intended destination - where he stared at the sign in disbelief, and yet... he could not question it. The words that came from his mouth were of an entirely different subject. His mind had shut down all sense, and defaulted to his usual state of... conducting research.
“Do you find that the characteristics of your flora and fauna may differ from that of Vylbrand’s? Despite arriving in the area... it would seem strange some magically appearing island would have the same as us. Much like Val when it was rediscovered - the entirety of its character had shifted in the short time it was gone. New creatures, new habitats, even a change in how magic worked within its bounds. Despite the usage of aetherytes on it, teleporting to it still remains largely impossible - what of your island? Is yours just the same?”
The error of attempting to compute the danger he was walking into resulted in a string of nonsense, the floodgate of voices released with no filter - and for a moment, anyone that had known his grandson would know exactly where the man obtained his penchant for not shutting up.
His questions were cut... somewhat short by the pain in his head, the nagging and yelling and gods-awful screeching picked up again. He kept the grunt of pain to himself, but when he was able to focus again...
“A forest?” He hummed under his breath. Nothing was adding up anymore. Was anything adding up before? If it was, it wasn’t now. He looked at his watch. No time had passed. It was broken. Or time was broken. Something was broken. Where were they headed? He couldn’t remember. Was he going senile already? He predicted at least another decade before that.
What was happening - what was happening -
Maximiloix shook his head to clear himself of the fog, blinking the haze from his eyes to be met face to face with... what was this mess? He looked down at himself. The melting disfigured man shaped pile had his colors. That was his signature he was looking at, but no. That was impossible. Instead of being deterred by the sight, by even the creature that was supposedly eating chunks of the damned thing; he stepped forward. He moved towards it. The curiosity, it would kill him in the end, wouldn’t it... and yet, he didn’t care.
“Welcome back to Westmoore. I hope you enjoy your stay. Try to avoid the Woods next time, won’t you?”
The voice of the Mayor cackled in his ears as he tried to make heads or tails of what he was looking at; his eyes turned up to a face of sharpened teeth - the predator seeing its prey. And he...
His own laugh bubbled up from his chest, through the searing and burning pain in his chest - he laughed, he laughed. There was no one here to be scared of this unexplained jovial attitude - there was no one to look at him strangely but the strangeness that surrounded him. He laughed as his knees hit the grass, as he clawed into his own chest, as the edges of his vision began to grow dark.
“This is no nightmare - this better be the best damned sleep of my life!” He laughed. And laughed. And laughed more through his words, up until there was no air for him to laugh with - up until he passed out there.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Justice League Indispensable: JLA #222: Beasts II: Death Games
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January, 1984
I’ve noticed over two-hundred and twenty plus posts that villains love being tall and dangling heroes from their fingers.
That tactile sensation... It must feel amazing. And a little squirmy.
Not much else to say about the cover. Except that Hawkman’s legs seem to not exist.
Last time on Justice League: the Justice League have been dealing with a lot of weird animal/people hybrids. Has Dr. Moreau finally been adapted into DC? Probably not. But Flash, Elongated Man, and Hawkman all get badly injured in separate locations by these Ani-Men. And Firestorm catches a catgirl named Reena robbing the Empire State Building. She asks him for sanctuary so he takes her to the JL Satellite to spill the beans on the Ani-Men.
This time: Superman is in the hilarious position of interrogating catgirl Reena who has forgotten how chairs work.
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Just sitting on the table. Probably getting hair everywhere.
Firestorm tells Superman to chill out with the hardnosed animated Justice League approach (I mean, he doesn’t, but animated Superman also needed to chill out, amirite?) because Reena volunteered to help.
Reena says she has no choice but to trust the League and that she’s lived in DAILY TERROR for the past few months.
She asks if any of them have heard of Repli-Tech?
Dang, shame Batman is off having recently formed the Outsiders because I bet he knows all the companies. All of them.
Ooooorrrr Aquaman does?
Aquaman: “Repli-Tech Industries... They were one of the first of the genetics companies to go public on the stock exchange, weren’t they? I remember they made quite a splash a year ago... But I haven’t heard anything about them since.”
Oh, Aquaman, you punster, you.
So Reena lays down some exposition about how Repli-Tech was a hilariously mismanaged company, where the executives forced a rapid capital expansion beyond its market niche and how a recession just bankrupt the overextended company.
But despite the dismay and panic of the other execs, hilariously mustached CEO Rex Rogan had a daring plan to save the company!
Rex Rogan: “Dr. Lovecraft and his genetic discoveries were the basis for our initial success, developing new forms of medicine -- new fertilizers -- even new fuels! He’s come up with a way out for all of us, involving a new, experimental form of DNA manipulation. It could kill us -- but the alternative is disgrace, financial ruin, and imprisonment.”
Oh, sure. Of course. Why not trust a guy called DR. LOVECRAFT.
But due to faith in Rex Rogan, CEO, or just fear of prison, the whole board all agrees to this wild plan.
And the wild plan?
Dr. Lovecraft uses SCIENCE to put them all in cocoons where they are transformed into furries.
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Rex Rogan Maximus Rex: “We are reborn -- we are above the beasts, and above mankind! We will do more than merely survive -- we will conquer -- we will rule!”
Then with company guards also enhanced by Dr. Lovecraft, Rex has them steal a whole bunch of shit which is used to protect Repli-Tech from bankruptcy.
Uh. I don’t really get how becoming furries was an essential part of this plan.
If the plan was just to steal a bunch of shit to make up for poor financial management. But live your best lives, Repli-Tech board of directors.
Anyway, having super hunky animal powers is handy when the superheroes inevitably become involved which oops look its happening. It happened last issue and this issue so good thing they had turned themselves into furries.
(Do the Repli-Tech board of directors not have to make any public appearances? They’re a publicly traded company, apparently.)
Also, Maximus Rex buys a warehouse to turn into an arena for some death games where humans fight beast-men for the amusement of the rich and powerful like politicians and corporate executives.
Not really sure how this specifically saves the company but I think that’s more of a personal project for Maximus Rex, lion hunk.
The blood sport did make Reena start thinking that maybe Rex was the asshole.
‘Uh no shit’ chimes in Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman who determine now is a good time to interject that Reena is just as much of a monster for sitting idly by as people were killed in blood sport.
Firestorm, Superman, and Zatanna counter ‘hey lets hear the rest of the story, mkay?’
Reena grew unable to stomach all the death and as luck would have it Rowl, one of the Repli-Tech guards recently transformed into an animal hunk also found the whole situation gross.
He helped Reena escape but wound up captured himself.
He did manage to high kick a scorpion man though. So that’s something.
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Anyway, Rowl getting caught is why Reena was breaking into the Repli-Tech office in the Empire State Building. She wanted to find evidence!
Hawkgirl: “I don’t believe it. Not a word. She’s obviously a plant -- she said herself, she was Rogan’s mistress, that she always did everything he told her. Why should we believe she’d turn against him?”
Firestorm: “Look at her, Hawkgirl -- me, I believe her.”
Aquaman: “We can’t ignore what she’s told us, Shayera.”
Even Superman goes yeah lets believe the catgirl. And I’m sorta wondering about all the male Justice League members believing the catgirl while two out of three of the woman leaguers are like uhn uh I don’t trust that darn cat.
But we shortly see that Reena was telling the truth about Rowl, if nothing else.
Guards at the Arena snooze gas Rowl to drag him from his cell into the Arena.
A Guard: “Y’know, I used to be friends with this guy, when he was still human. Rex gives him a chance to be something special, and he goes and blows it helping some damn cat.”
Rowl comes to in the center of the Arena with the crowd roaring for his blood.
He tries to talk to the crowd, win their sympathy by saying he used to be human like them but they’re rich dicks who want to see someone horribly murdered for their amusement.
Trying to talk to them was a non-starter. And Maximus Rex even mocks him for trying.
Maximus Rex: “Human you may have been -- but you were never like them. Smell the air: it’s so thick you can taste it -- the oily sweat of a blood-hungry mob! They want a death, Rowl... They want your death!”
Maximus Rex asks the crowd what Rowl deserves and they chant DEATH and KILL HIM so Maximus Rex jumps down to the Arena floor to see to it personally.
He’s kinda like Roman Emperor Commodus from the historically adjacent movie film Gladiator who liked to gladiate instead of just watching Gladiator gladiate.
And unlike movie Commodus, Maximus Rex is no slouch.
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Right off the bat, he blocks Rowl’s ultimate technique, a jump kick.
Poor Rowl is doomed.
And he doesn’t even know it yet. He manages to hit Maximus Rex once and thinks he’s winning.
Rowl: “You’re just as you were in the boardroom -- you’ve no stomach for a real battle! We used to laugh about you, Rogan, down in the ranks! All of us -- we called you a gutless wonder!”
Maximus Rex retorts by disembowling Rowl.
Maximus Rex: “So, Rowl... Which of us has no stomach now?”
Savage af.
Then he knocks Rowl down and RIPS OFF HIS HEAD TO SHOW TO THE CROWD??
Geez! This is a gory story! I mean, we don’t see anything really except for some dark blue blood but geez!
A lion man just ripped off a jump-kicking wolfman’s head in a gladiatorial arena for the ultra rich!
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You’re bonkers, superhero comic books!
RIP Rowl, Justice League #222 (1984) - Justice League #222 (1984).
Back at the Justicey part of the plot, 22,300 miles above the Earth, the League receives an emergency message from Dr. Hamid of Cairo Hospital.
Or he says he’s Dr. Hamid of Cairo Hospital.
He looks like Tony Stark, that Ironman guy from Marvel.
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Anyway, he got the JL’s top secret broadcast code from a device on Hawkman’s uniform.
Yeah. Hawkman. Remember how he was attacked by a giant scorpion last issue? Well, he’s in the hospital with an acute case of too much scorpion venom in him. And Dr. Toby Stark fears he may not last the night.
Hawkgirl is understandably upset and wants to rush to his side as fast as possible. And since the League has cool teleport booths, that’s... still not that fast because the booths only go to other booths and Cairo Hospital doesn’t have a booth.
She also asks Wonder Woman to go with her.
Superman wonders if Hawkgirl is maybe too emotionally torn up to go see her scorpion’d hawkguy.
Zatanna: “I won’t stop her, Superman. Will you?”
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WHILE GIVING AN EXPRESSION THATS LIKE ‘please do not drag me into drama.’
Reena tries to commiserate with Hawkgirl but Shayera is having none of that.
Hawkgirl: “Your people did this. If Katar dies -- you killed him!”
Zatanna tries to contextualize Hawkgirl’s outburst by explaining that Hawkman and Hawkgirl are just super close but Reena says she understands because she and Rex were that close.
And that despite everything she still loves him and it makes her feel like shit.
Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl arrive at Cairo Hospital and Dr. Hamid tells them that Hawkman isn’t the only one who got scorpion’d.
Dr. Hall and his students were attacked by giant scorpion man to rob some archaeological relics they found. Several of the students are in the hospital after being stung and two have already died.
As for Dr. Hall, why he’s just plum gone missing. (Because he’s Hawkman)
From his hospital bed, Hawkman weakly (because of getting scorpion’d) apologizes for the argument they had before he left for Cairo and Hawkgirl claims she doesn’t even remember the fight. Because nothing makes you put aside hurt feelings like possible death by scorpion.
Dr. Hamid tells Wonder Woman that Hawkman is very likely to die unless they can get some giant scorpion man venom to develop into an anti-toxin.
And while they walk by, a random janitor mopping the floor reports the presence of the Justice League members to his ring.
I think that I suspect that this humble janitor is in fact actually a plant for the Rex Squad.
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That janitor was up to no good.
With two Hawks down with sleep gas, its left to the Rex Squad unit leader to handle Wonder Woman.
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Of course, a hero as strong as Wonder Woman isn’t going down to a single rhino punch.
It takes a second whole punch to knock her out.
Womp womp.
Rhino Man: “Gas her and shove her in the ‘copter with the others, Mac. The boss wants ‘em all for a little TV show he’s planning. Way I hear, it’s gonna be a ratings smash!”
Rhino puns.
About an hour later, the Justice League subteam nicknamed Sit On Their Thumbs is still in the satellite wondering why Wonder Woman hasn’t called to tell them how Hawkman is doing.
But gosh darn it, if they don’t hear from her in two more minutes in time for the regular hourly check-in, then they’ll just have to do something maybe!
But they get a signal from Hawkgirl’s code and Aquaman main screen turns on... to reveal a big sneering lion man who is not Hawkgirl at all.
Reena: “oh god... he’s found me.”
Maximus Rex, full incoming ham: “Yes, Reena, I’ve found you. When this is done, you’ll suffer the fate of all who betray me. But first, tell your new friends who they face! I am MAXIMUS REX, LEADER OF THE NEW ORDER!”
Firestorm: “Y’know... Somehow, I’d already guessed that.”
But Maximus Rex warns them not to mock his lionness and has the camera swung over to reveal that he has Wonder Woman and the Hawks as his hostages.
Hawkman is definitely going to die (from being scorpion’d) but Maximus Rex is Magnanimous Rex and instead of immediately killing them, he’s going to turn them into furries too.
Maximus Rex: “I think the Amazon would make a very proper pig, don’t you?”
Man, this guy must have loved the “This Little Piggy” episode of Justice League Unlimited.
Buuuut he won’t turn them into furries and make them fight in his Arena if the Justice League do him some small favors.
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First thing, turn Reena over to him.
Second thing, “I want your full cooperation with my plans.”
When Superman tells him ‘obviously no’ Maximus gets mad.
Oh, Maximus the Mad. That’s a catchy name for him.
Maximus Rex: “In the hours to come, you will regret this decision, Justice Leaguers. My new order is the future. You cannot turn the tide of destiny. It will sweep over you... Draw you under... Drown you in the sea of history! Ours will be a struggle to the death -- your death! HA HA HA HA”
He is.
Frothing a little.
And as the mad lion lad continues just belly laughing on this collect call, Superman shakes his fist determinedly.
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Superman: “Enjoy it while you have it, Maximus. We’re bringing you down.”
I mean, sure, half of the League is captured or in the hospital already from tangling with these Ani-Men but the League is probably due for an upswing, right?
Or maybe they’ll all get captured and I’ll get to see what the Justice League’s fursonas are.
My guess for Superman is the noble capybara, friend to all.
Follow @justice-league-indispensible or @essential-avengers​ which is my real liveblog. I’m sorry, this has all been a lie. A jape. A delightful jest. An April Fool. Like and reblog maybe. The more notes this gets the more I go oh no look at what kind of response Justice League gets and I’ve backed the Avengers horse, the April Fool turns out to be me! That’ll show me.
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Are you kidding me?! Part 10
Bucky x Reader
Word count: 1611 Warnings: Swearing? Slow burn af
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The next morning I wake with a new found determination, I will do better. I have too. After the quickest shower of my life I dress in my gym clothes, put my hair in the messiest ponytail and run to the kitchen. Surprisingly I’m in a pretty good mood despite yesterday’s altercation with Bucky. As his name rings through me I do my best at blocking out the thoughts that follow it, determined to prove him and the rest of the team that I belong here. I find the kitchen is already occupied by Bruce, Clint, Tony and Bucky. I steel myself and walk through the threshold. Tony looks up as I walk in, smiling he greets me.
“Hey Kid, you joining us for breakfast? Bruce made waffles!”
Tony waved his fork with a piece of waffle on it in my direction, without speaking I walk to the cupboard, grabbing one of the many protein bars that were stocked there.
Confusion laced Tony’s question, so without looking at any of them I started making my way back to the door. At this point the room was now silent and all eyes were on me. Before I could make it through the door to safety Clint stepped into my path blocking my escape route, he gently touched my lower arm in a comforting manner, it took a lot of restraint not to pull it from his grasp.
“Y/N I’m so sorry about yesterday, I should have remembered everything that happened with you.”
Clint's words were quiet and seemed sincere, for a moment I almost believed him- wanted to believe him with everything I had in me but Bucky’s words still hung around like a weight pressing upon me, without thinking I glance at him over my shoulder. The scowl directed at me reaffirmed my thoughts, I could almost hear him telling me that nobody wants me here. He was probably right, everyone else were stuck with me so were just too nice to say anything. So I turn back to Clint trying to conceal all my feeling as look at him.
“Whatever, It doesn’t really matter does it? What’s done is done, so if you will excuse me I need to get going.”
I go to walk around the archer catching Bruce and Tony’s dumbfounded looks at each other, my momentary distraction costs me as Clint catches my arm and turns me to face him fully again. I am now facing the room, back to my exit.
“It does matter Y/N, what’s going on?”
Clint tries to catch my eyes as he speaks but I refuse to meet his stare. With a sigh I look at everyone but Bucky, they may not want me here but I definitely do want to be here and the best way to do that would be to keep the peace between us.
“Look it really is fine man. If anyone needs me I will be in the gym, not that anyone will.”
I turned away this time nobody tries to stop me.
For the rest of the day I train. I train to gain some muscle mass, to up my stamina, to just get better. I missed lunch, much to Steve and Tony’s dismay, both men interrupted my workout to try and feed me, both men left sorely disappointed as I waved them off claiming on not being hungry. The next time I look at my watch I have just over an hour before my training with Natasha, so I decide to return to my room to shower and change so I’m not all gross in front of the flawless assassin.
I wait for the lift to take me back to my floor, dreaming of that shower but luck just isn’t on my side today. As the doors open I come face to face with a very oily, dirty Bucky and Sam.
“Going up sweetheart?”
Sam smirks and hold out his hand to stop the door from closing in my face. I take in his hand, then him, then Bucky. He seemed pretty relaxed until just then, now his arms have crossed in front of his chest, eyes narrowed in my direction.
Yeah fuck that.
“Nope, bye.”
I spin on my heels and start running up the 13 flights of stairs to my floor. By the time I get there my legs are screaming at me, I should have just gotten in the lift. After the steamiest shower I could have, I put on my clean gym attire trying to mentally prepare myself for the next 3 hours of absolute fucking torture that is Natasha Romanoff.
Side step.
My legs are swept from under me and a fall to the ground again. I land on my ass with a thud, frustrated with myself I slammed my hands on the gym floor. I was barely lasting 2 minutes now, I was doing so well earlier on, holding my own against Nat.
“Calm down shifter, we have been at this for an hour, plus all the extra training you’ve been doing…”
Nat held my gaze, question in her eyes, waiting to see if I was going to explain my new found determination. When it became clear I was not going to talk about it she continued speaking.
“You are exhausted, I am cutting this session short. Go rest and I will see you tomorrow.”
Without waiting for me to reply she strode to the exit, the door slamming shut behind her. Sitting there in the middle of the room I have never felt more worthless. I couldn’t help the tears falling from my face. How could be an Avenger when I couldn’t even last one stupid fucking training session with Natasha?
Maybe I can’t do this. I wipe away the lingering tears and get up thoroughly done with today. I make way through the tower, the kitchen my destination. As I approach the living room I hear voices.
“What happened yesterday James? She was making progress and now it’s like she doesn’t believe she can do it anymore?”
I stop just before the threshold listening to Natasha’s voice, it took me a couple of seconds to realise Bucky was the said James she was talking to.
“Nothing, we just trained.”
Bucky’s answer was short and curt just like every time I am around or mentioned these days.
Nat sounds pissed now, like she already knows what happened between us yesterday which to be honest wouldn’t surprise me.
“She gets under my skin Natalia, she puts me on edge and I can’t figure out why! It makes me uneasy around her, although I may have been a little hard on her…”
Bucky’s voice trailed off and to be honest I’ve heard enough, continuing my path straight to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge I slide down the side so I am sitting on the floor, back against the wall. I keep repeating the words in my head.
I can do this.
I can do this.
I can do this…
Third Person POV.
After Y/N had made her appearance Natasha had gone on the offence.
“Go and apologise now. I mean it James.”
Natasha can’t help feeling a little protective of Y/N these days, she is trying very hard and is improving at a speedy rate, yet she never wanted this, it all got thrust upon her. Which made it even worse that James was being a dick with no motivation as far as Nat could tell.
With a scowl that promised death Bucky stalked to the kitchen,
“Y/N I want to apologise for my behaviour, it was unnecessary and rude…”
His reply fell off his tongue as he beheld the girl asleep upright against the wall. Bucky surveyed Y/N as she slept. She looked younger, more innocent somehow. Some of her Y/H/C hair had fallen out of the scruffy ponytail holding it back, she looks peaceful.
“You know it’s rude to stare.”
Natasha broke him from his chain of thought.
“She’s a good kid James, I’m quite proud of her. She has also only been kind to everyone here so I don’t know what feeling’s you have about her but just give her a chance.”
Suddenly Bucky realised he might have actually been in the wrong, maybe she was genuinely curious and trying to get to know him yesterday, guilt stirred in his stomach.
Nodding to the redhead, Bucky moved forward and brushed a strand of hair edging closer to Y/N’s eye. Slowly Bucky placed one hand under her knee and one on her back, lifting Y/N carefully being sure not to wake her. Turning to see a knowing look on Natasha’s face he made his way to Y/N’s room.
During the trip Bucky tried to keep his thoughts to a minimum but as she nuzzled closer to him in her sleep he couldn’t help it. It was weird to get this kind of intimacy, he wasn’t used to it. Y/N didn’t seem to be scared of him yesterday which also confused him greatly. When he arrived at the girl’s quarters J.A.R.V.I.S had the door open ready for his arrival, placing her on the bed she instantly turned to face the wall.
Intending to leave straight away Bucky examined her room. Nearly bare apart from the essentials one photograph, a picture of an older lady and a young girl. Sadness hit Bucky at that point, where were all the pictures of her friends? Her family? Sighing Bucky left the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.
Tomorrow, he would start again tomorrow.
Part 9                                                                       Part 11
Tags: @projectxhappiness @captain-chimichanga @fuckthatfeeling @thebandomwhore @laramitk 
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
A Second Guanlin Soulmate Au
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Anon requested another Guanlin Soulmate au with pieces of Barista au mixed in, (I have no idea how there is still more soulmate keys left to write about) so yanno, here we go.
• Your soulmate sign was odd, different to many of the other signs,
• A possession, a necklace,
• I mean, the first worry is forgetting it right?
• Nah this thing is like a magnet - magic or something- if you lose it, it’ll appear around your neck again within the next minute,
• ( Y'all know Percy Jackson and his sword/pen? Like that voodoo),
• It’s quite a rare Soulmate sign, but you’re pleased with what you’ve got,
• Who needs quotes or music or tattoos when you have a literal thing to hold to signify your soulmate,
• The pendant that’s hangs on the inky black string is metal and cold and delicate,
• A light blue and silver moon littered with patterns and careful designs make your little sign one of the prettiest things you own,
• All swirls and linking patterns and quite beauty,
• A lot of people ask where you got it from,
• You just smile and say your soulmate made it for you,
• hA who could hand craft something so beautiful?
• Being the moon, it’s always cold, occasionally becoming slightly warmer on its own,
• Because it’s such a rare sign you don’t know it actually warms up when you get nearer to your soulmate,
• So you wonder around in your life peacefully, occasionally skimming people’s necks or chests to see if they also have a moon,
• Nope,
• But you’re in no rush, always quite relaxed and cheerful,
• So you’re in university Despite the threat of crushing student loans,
• But because you’re a student you’re actually broke,
• (but so is everyone else so at least you’re not totally alone),
• So you decide you’re going to have to find yourself a job,
• I mean you knew you where going to get one Anyway but you have a huge essay due and a hell of a lot of work from your course,
• Looks like you’re going to have to say goodbye to your social life rip,
• So you go scouting at all the cafes to see what they’re like and if they’re hiring,
• You had a job at a cafe in your old home so you’re pretty sure you could score one at uni as well,
• So you set off on a mission™
• You Jump around businesses because there’s many busy places,
• But you’re walking down this road and your necklace is warming up and you’re slightly surprised but used to its ‘random’ temperature changes,
• But then you spot it, seemingly glowing and calling your name, a cute cafe on the corner,
• But that could be because by now you’re Hella tired from walking around with a lot of course work to try to complete while scoping places out,
• You slide Through the door and glance around the cozy place and you swear you just walked into a fic (Whoops) because this place is too picture Perfect,
• The place is casual and bright and smells sweet with odd tables and chairs with soft music,
• The place looks to be half full of students meeting up or studying, the atmosphere relaxed,
• There must be a con - everything has a con,
• Like the very cute barista must be an idiot because if he isn’t you might cry and beg them to let you work for them,
• But oh shit how you’re wrong,
• You slide up to the counter to order a smoothie,
• (because although you’re apparently an adult now coffee hadn’t miraculously become something you crave),
• “Hey, what would you-”
• The barista spins round with a smile and as your eyes meet his beautiful ones you come to realise,
• Your necklace is near enough burning your damn chest and glowing,
• It’s hot as hell but it doesn’t actually hurt it just sorta tingles,
• Inner you is screaming that this is weird as hell you have burning metal on your chest why doesn’t it hurt,
• But it may look weird if you did that,
• So outter you is just like 'huh, you feeling this as well?’
• It’s actually funny because you can see the Batista’s own inner turmoil as well,
• So you take this moment of mutual panic to check your supposed soulmate out,
• A toll bean™
• That’ll be handy for when something’s on the top shelf,
• Or spotting him in a crowd,
• A face so delicately pretty and striking that you’re starting to question if Photoshop irl is a thing,
• Your eyes trail down to his chest, where a pendant sits on an oily black string, just like yours,
• Although there’s no moon, but A small and simple sun hangs from his neck, careful oranges and yellows and whites blend together seamlessly and in an eye-catching way, one that draws attention with an easy aura,
• Not an identical moon, but something that matches perfectly - You can’t have a moon without the sun, 
• You want to take it into your hands and examine it yourself,
• Except 1) that may be a creepy right now, factoring in the fact you’ve only just met this cute boy,
• 2) it is also slightly glowing and hot looking like yours, His is a brighter, burning glow, whereas your moon in more of a pastel glow,
• Except you do take it into your hands anyway because self control is a myth,
• The Sun is warm and sends tingles up to the top of your head and back down to the tips of your toes, making you feel like you’re floating,
• You feel him take your moon and you only hope he’s feeling the same rising absolute joy that’s filling your heart,
• You already want the absolute best for this stranger,
• This soulmate,
• You need to calm the hell down,
• “It’s just as pretty as you,”
• You’re about to call yourself out for being cringy AF with your first words but you decide to let yourself this once,
• Because if your necklaces are representatives of your soulmate, like you always had a suspicion about,
• Because there had been a rumor, and people had told you before you where cheerful and bright like the sun,
• ( A coincidence? I ThiNk nOt),
• He’s the moon - shyer, quieter, more aloof and graceful,
• Because he looks so, like the shining moon hovering in a black sky, providing the perfect amount of light to illuminate everything,
• Except he doesn’t have craters of course, 
• (although craters add a charm, a unique beauty),
• So yanno, you figured you might as well talk first,
• He laughs at that, eyes shaping into crescents and his ears turning shades redder,
• He moves his hands up to carefully run through your hair, which makes love explode in your heart and you’re automatically content with him being your soulmate,
• Honestly, someone playing with hair? A kink™
• You already know the years ahead are going to be filled with new experiences, ones that’ll make your heart ache and your head dizzy,
• An adventure calls in the eyes of your soulmate and you’re ready to explore the unknown,
• Which starts with you getting a job at that cafe the very same day,
• Honestly, it’s suspiciously perfect,
• But I guess everyone has a different perfect, so maybe it’s not so suspicious for you to find your perfect,
• You seem to co-exist so perfectly, you can work together in perfect harmony, knowing who needs help with what or how to complete an order with each other without so much as a word,
• And when it’s quite you share smoothies or sandwiches and chat or read or silently send each other memes which is true love,
• Or you listen to each other rant, or play stupid games or make up stories about the people that walk past,
• If you’re with the right person, nothing is boring,
• And you find out what it feels like to depend on someone with utter, unquestionable trust,
• But you also realise your whole life isn’t about soulmates,
• While spending time with Guanlin makes your heart race and your heart fill, if he’s in class you can still enjoy lunch with friends or walk cute dogs from a centre,
• It just makes the time together cherished,
• And because Guanlin is a goof, there’s never a moment that’s dull,
• A lot of lazing around in pajamas and blankets and in front of TV’s,
• (Because we all know Guanlin is 2nd lazy in wanna one aka very relatable ),
• Your necklaces are always a content warm when you’re together, a cold when you’re apart,
• And even when you can’t meet, you have your moon,
• A quite reminder that you have someone to lean on, someone to cheer you on,
• You have someone to support you until their arms give way and they can’t anymore,
• Although they’ll still try everything they can to give you their all,
• It’s a comfort, a soft glowing light for the darkness that occasionally appears,
• You know that time together doesn’t need to be jam packed with activities, and that sometimes quietly keeping each other company is love in its own way
We hit 800 followers yesterday, so tysm for that, It means a hell of a lot!
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mysme-hcs · 7 years
RFA + Minor 4 HEADcanons
(that absolutely no one asked for but you’re all getting anyway)
Saeran: -he grows his hair out after leaving Mint Eye and then redyes it back to it’s original red color -but he kind of,,,,doesn’t trust anyone to cut it bc that involves scissors really close to his face -Vanderwood convinced him to let him cut it but Vandy ended up cutting off too much, which freaked Saeran out -So Saeran  allows it to grow a few more inches so it’s halfway to his shoulders and finds that he really likes the length. He can pull it into a ponytail (which is handy) and it’s different from Saeyoung’s hair -he usually ties it into a low ponytail, but if it’s particularly bothering him he’ll put it higher up -Saeran’s hair is thinner than Saeyoung’s, where Saeyoung’s is particularly unruly, Saeran’s is thin and doesn’t tangle easily -his hair is soft af, play with it and honestly he’ll melt
Jumin: -he sheds like an absolute madman??? -like, if Jaehee thinks Elizabeth 3rd is bad, one time he sat down on her couch and she found at least fifteen hairs afterwards -honestly at this point, it’s pretty normal to pick his hairs off of everything and anything -in your food? Somehow all over your clothing? yes -he has a big spot of discoloration on the right side of his head that’s grey-ish brown canon, check his after end! that he either keeps hidden or sometimes dyed if he has to. It’s super noticeable when he slicks his hair back so he doesn’t do it often. Plus he just,,,hates the way his hair feels when it’s slicked back. It’s greasy and kind of stringy?? it looks like he hasn’t showered and honestly he hates it -his hair also grows super slow so he doesn’t get haircuts very often -the whole thing with his hair sticking up everywhere started when he was a kid. He always had this spot at the back of his head that stuck out no matter what he did, so he just started styling his hair the way he does now. -he gets hella bedhead in the morning because of this, and V also loves to tease him about the pieces that stick up
Yoosung: -his hair is naturally brown but this babe dyes it because he thinks it’ll help him get a girlfriend -he usually bleaches it every month. His parents were super against it because his natural hair color was perfectly fine in their eyes, but they compromised and said that as long as Yoosung used proper bleach and took care of it, they’d pay for it. -his hair grows at a normal rate, if not a bit slower -its not super soft and he has a lot of split ends, but it always looks nice! -he spends way too much time on it in the mornings though, his mother’s friend is a hairdresser and she taught him how to train his hair by combing strands over to one side and then back again every time he gets out of the shower. It’s a technique he swears by, and he always uses it whenever he can’t get his hair to flick out -if he just leaves it as usual though, it’s pretty straight!
Zen: -he once found a split end and he cried for 15 minutes while simultaneously rushing to the nearest beauty supply shop and then bought out said beauty shop -he uses hair masks, high end shampoo and conditioner, anything that guarantees his hair’s maximum hair potential -his mother used to forcibly cut it when he was a child, and it used to make her mad when it’d grow back within a week kinda like aunt petunia with harry potter -other than that, this boy’s hair feels like silk and it’s so aggravating. The color is completely solid all the way through, but it never looks flat. It’s always perfectly shiny and ugh, just ugh. -his ponytail is surprisingly thin but it’s a bit too thick to be considered a rat tail, plus he gets kind of upset when people call it a rat tail for some reason, no one knows why
Saeyoung: -curls for daysss -when he gets out of the shower his hair is a straight dark brown but gets super curly and bright red when it’s dried -he usually has to brush most of the curls out because otherwise his hair naturally gets tangled easily -his hair is softer than Zen’s! 2nd softest hair in the RFA. Where Zen’s is silky smooth, Saeyoung’s hair is baby soft
Jaehee: -Softest hair in the RFA confirmed -she takes really good care of it, but it’s pretty prone to being oily! -when it’s grown out it is h eckin gorgeous, not that it isn’t anyway -she has the kind of hair that makes you want to wear it as a sweater okay maybe not that far but it’s as soft as a cloud  -she uses just regular drugstore shampoo but it always smells like either honey or cherry blossoms, depending on which shampoo she choses to use -she also like,,,,never uses conditioner that coordinates with her shampoo
Vanderwood: -it’s layered because he’s a terrible hair stylist and accidentally ended up cutting chunks off of his hair and looked ridiculous -so he had to go in and have it fixed, which led him to the hair style he has now -it used to be completely straight and always with a ponytail & bangs (kinda like Takeda Shingen’s from SLBP but with straighter bangs whoops) -but he loves his new hair! Some of the pieces gets on his nerves because they never go into a ponytail so he always carries around a pack of bobby pins -bobby pins are his savior ok -when Saeran gets angry at him, he calls Vanderwood’s hair a mullet -it’s neither soft nor coarse, but somewhere in between. He doesn’t care what shampoo he uses, sometimes he just uses plain bar soap whenever he runs out & can’t get more right away. ….um, as long as it gets the job done?
Rika: -her hair is smooth as h eck and super wavy -it’s gorgeous honestly -she uses vv high quality shampoo and conditioner and it pays off -her hair always smells like cherry blossoms even if it’s been a day since she’s washed it what is her trick -it almost never gets oily unless it’s been two or three days since it’s been washed. Not that she ever goes that long without washing it though!
V: -listen,,,,,I know these characters are in anime style,,,,,but there is no way V’s hair is naturally blue -he probably dyed it for attention but then decided he really liked it and kinda kept up with it -he gets it professionally done every three months, his hair grows suuuper slowly, but once he goes completely blind he probably has it dyed back to his original color (I think it’s an identical color to Jaehee’s but idk lmao) -his hair is pretty thick and unruly, he pretty much just drags a comb through it and heads out for the day
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
The Game(15)
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Well the day is here. Our first away game. Unlike how things use to be from what I'm told when games are on Friday's they moved to Saturday. It's not a big change but we get a little relaxing time before games instead of going from school straight to practice and then the game.
Since it's the weekend I'm at work. I've been a junior mechanic for a couple years but my dad just started paying me. He's taught me everything I know. My first car actually was one out of a junk yard that we put back together ourselves. It was good bonding for us and I learned a lot of what I know now.
I enjoy it nice pay plus I spend most weekends with my dad his girl and my sister. She's the sweetest little thing. I call her cupcake just cause she's small and cute.
"Miss your car is ready." I drop the tip half of my jumpsuit over my waist. "Everything should be moving nice and smooth now if not blame my dad he taught me this stuff."
"You are so handsome and look so much like your father." She winked punching my cheek. "Can you take tips?"
"I'm sure I can." I smirk.
She nods slipping something on my hand kissing my cheek. I pass her the keys and open her door.
"You mackin on the job son?" My dad grabbed my shoulders. "Cougars huh?"
"Nah just being nice." A hundred dollar tip...I'll be nice more often. "That was my last one I think."
"Yeah go ahead and head home I should be there soon."
"Ok you need me to pick up cupcake?" On the weekends she goes to some camp thing. It's just somewhere for parents who work on weekends to leave their kids.
"If you can Beth should be home by now."
The day no one saw my dad moved on. It took him so time to finally see mom was through with him. He use to constantly ask me about her shit got on my last nerves.
By the time I got to the school they weren't out yet but it was almost time. I killed it by being on my Snap. Everyone I follow username goes by their name in my phone outside some ppl from Instagram or celebrities.
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Looks like some got their hair done for the game. I swear she makes my heart skip a beat. That smile just....uh!
"Joan hey." I've seen her around school a lot we have a few classes together. "You picking up a sibling?"
"No I work here everyday after school and a few weekends. What are you doing here?"
"Picking up my sister."
"Cool you look nice."
I had on my oily jumpsuit. "Uh thanks you to."
"So are you ready for the game tonight first of the season and it's away."  She sat next to me smiling wide.
"Yeah way ready we gonna bring home a big win. You coming to the game?"
"Of course I'm gonna be the loudest one there cheering for you I mean the team."
"Julian!" My sister came running over.
I scoop her up spinning. "Hey cupcake." She kissed my cheek hugging me but pushed off me.
"Who are you and why are you talking to my brother?"
Joan gasp looking at me. "Um hi I'm Joan a friend of your brother."
"Oh well ok just don't be so close to him he already has a girlfriend. Right Julian?"
"Um who you talking about?"
"Stanley duh!" She hopped out my arms.
"Your cousin?"
"She's not my cousin but that is who she's talking about."
She looked at me for a second with this look. Yeah I know she got some crush or whatever on me but I'm taken. Stanley may not be my girl officially yet but we're taking things slow which doesn't mean I can go entertaining other girls just because. My feelings for Stanley are beyond real so the day she says she's ready I'm going all out.
We gonna go on a bomb ass mind blowing first date imma spoil her rotten she'll never question my feelings for her. Is the feeling love? I don't think it is but I just know that will come soon.
After that awkward encounter I walked off. "Julian isn't Stanley your girlfriend?"
"Not yet but she's very special to me."
"Well why isn't she yet what are you waiting for!?"
"She wants to take things slow because I would be her first boyfriend."
Me and my sister are really close as you can see. I tell her everything and treat her like a princess. She already knows how a guy should and should treat her when he likes her. It's a instant thing to be super protective over any woman in a mans life from family to friends.
Before heading home I got us some slurpee's.
"Hey Beth."
She's nice pretty good in a kitchen. "Hey Julian thanks for picking her up. Dinner should be ready for you leave for the game."
"Cool you coming?"
"Yeah...you think your mom will be ok with this I just don't want any drama." She placed a plate in front of me. Meat loaf mashed potatoes and greens.
"Trust me my mom is not worried." ******** "Let's go cobras lets go! Let's go cobras let's go!"
The team walked off the bus into the graffiti covered school. The cheer leads wave the pompoms as we enter the gym. Both sides covered in students from each school.
I love this the big hype before the game. After setting my things down I started shooting around with the other players.
"Man I am so ready for this game to start!" Mike my best friend said shaking me around. "We gonna stomp these niggas to the ground."
Laughing I shoot still hearing the sweet swish even with all the other noise.
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I know I should’nt be as nervous as I am since I'm just a cheerleader. All we do is keep our side hyped up and try to throw off the other side. This is my first time cheering in front of more than the girls and a few students. I can just feel my nerves getting to me...I need a breather.
"Stanley ah this is it!" Mona jumped shaking her pompoms in my face.
"Girls smile!" Mom called out blinding us really quick. "Ah you two look so cute!"
"I don't remember those skirts being that small." Dad came up behind her.
"Oh please Chris like you cared how short my skirt was back then."
"Yeah you right...see if you can barrow one we can do somethings." He kisses her neck and walks off.
"He's so gross. I'm gonna go get some air really quick." Mona nods going back to the rest of the cheer team.
After standing outside for a while I went back in and to the water fountain. While drinking someone laughed.
"Mighty thirsty huh?"
Blushing I step away from the fountain. "Just some nerve drinking. Shouldn't you be on the court?"
"Yeah but I saw you come out here and wanted to make sure you were ok." He walked up taking my hands.
"Oh I-I'm fine just a little nervous...kind of silly huh?"
"No I'm nervous to buy I have you here cheering me on there no way I'll lose tonight."
My face had to be cherry red by now. "I guess so but we should probably get out there the game is starting soon."
"Ok but first...good luck kiss?"
One kiss wouldn't hurt right? But is this really the perfect place for a first kiss? Smiling I moved a little closer his hands moving to my waist. Before we could even try it that girl from the hall came out the gym doors.
"There you are look I made this shirt." She ran up pulling him from me. Turning her little fake jersey had his number hand written on both sides with "#1 Fan" on the back. "Cute right!?"
"Uh yeah. Joan this is Stanley...pookie this is Joan she's new to the school."
"Hi." I waved.
She nods chuckling. "Cheerleader huh? You know I thought about joining the team."
"Oh you should it's really fun."
"I heard big I'm not sure if I'm ready for what comes with the name." She shrugged.
"What you mean?" Julian came back next to me. I noticed her tense up but I don't think he did.
"Well for one the uniforms always so small and tight plus the whole purpose of them is to entertain...it's like the beginners for a life as a stripper." She laughed. "And then you know it's the whole thing that most cheerleaders are sluts who sleep with anything wearing a varsity jacket."
"I think that's more of a stereotype planted by tv shows. We simply just keep everyone pumped there's nothing wrong with putting a smiles on people faces. Only a simple minded person would actually believe everything they hear or see especially if it's something you personally know nothing about. But then again cheerleading isn't for everyone. Only so many have the spirt, personality, and overall it factor to be a cheerleader."
She looked me up and down sly but quick. "Very true I just have to much self respect to down myself as something so degrading to young woman."
"Clearly not to much since you considered it." Julian chuckled beside me. "I think we should head in it was nice meeting you."
"Yeah you to. Win big Julian see you on the side line Steve." She smirked.
"As well John remember go cobras!"
After she was out I look at Julian. "Baby that was dope as hell you really took her down a level." He squeezed me kissing my cheek.
"Why did she come at me like that? I don't even know that girl."
I hate when people are just rude for no reason. All that dumb stuff she said about cheerleaders like for what!?
"I don't know I think she got a crush on me or something. Who cares tho cause I got my girl already. You coming out with us after the win tonight?"
His arms wrap around my waist pulling me in closer than before. "I might."
Chuckling he cups my face. "I want you to be there ok?"
I nod not being able to form any real words right now. Leaning down he kisses my cheek inches from my lips.
Eventually we go back into the gym just before they started the national anthem. While standing I look just randomly around the gym and happen to unfortunate see that Joan chick. She was already looking at me but rolled her eyes.
"Who the hell is that?" Moan whispered.
"Joan some new girl."
"Well why is she looking over here rolling her eyes and shit. Does she not know I beat ass?"
Chuckling I turn away. "She likes Julian or something and makes it so obvious. She made a shirt with his jersey number and #1 fan on the back."
"Really well you need to tell her to take her thirsty ass back wherever she came from. She know about y'all?"
"She does now...she caught us in the halls talking. Turns out she a petty little thing just talked about cheerleaders saying we're beginner strippers then had the nerve to call me Steve."
"You wanna jump her after the game!"
"No Mona I'm just gonna leave her to be jealous and petty. Julian doesn't want her so I haven nothing to worry about."
I look back over she she's whispering and laughing to some other girls pointing our way.
"And if she continues to try at Julian?"
"I'll just politely ask her to back off. Not everything has to end in violence Mona." She put her hands up shrugging.
The game was about to start with the tip off. Julian went to center court. Looking my way he points then makes a heart with his hands. Blushing I blow him a kiss. I haven nothing to worry about.
"Go Julian!!"
"Damn could she be any louder. I say you do something to just show her that she needs to back off."
Through out the game I just cheered on for our team. One of the guys from our side just made a shot and everyone erupts in loud screams. The other team got fouled and went up to the free throw line. We shake around our pompoms to distract him making him miss.
By the end our school won. Everyone ran to the center crowding the team. Someone grabbed me from behind. "My good luck charm." Julian kissed my cheek before letting go.
"My boy!" His dad came putting him in a head lock.
The rest of the family came over praising him.
"Y'all see those shots man took me back to my high school days." Dad sighed.
Some lady and a little girl came over hugging him. "Guys this is my dad girlfriend Beth and my sister as you all know." They both waved. "This is my aunt Camila uncle Chris cousins Mona Maurice Maliki Morgan Mylan, this is Stanley their adopted daughter, my mom Isabel future step dad Max brother Chase, my other aunt Rebecca and my fake cousins Elias and Amanda."
"Wow big family. It's nice to meet you all."
"So are you her mom." Mona asked her.
"No but I love her and Julian like my own."
Everyone left out the gym ready to head to the celebration party. Julian said it's at some pizza place. Mona said she's gonna call it a night.
"Please come you know I'm gonna be the outsider." I begged trying to pull her out the car.
"Julian will be there relax and have fun."
"But not to much fun and be home by 11." Dad said turning me to him. "If I don't see you by 11:02 I'm hunting somebody down."
"Ok ok got it."
"Pookie come on girl everybody leaving!"
I slowly walk over getting in his car. We drove not to long before getting to the pizza place. I didn't see any of the others cars actually it wasn't many cars at all around here.
"Where is everyone?" I asked when he came opening my door.
Ignoring my question he lead the way into the restaurant. "Hi welcome how many?" The host greets us.
"Two please."
Two? She took us to a table leaving menus.
"Uh Julian what's going on?"
"This isn't where the party is I told you a little fib." He smiled taking me hand.
"Then why are we here?"
"I wanted to just spend time with you. Now this isn't a date per say but I see it as like a pre first date."
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Does Heliocare Combat The Sunlight's Rays?
Ann CENTIMETERS Smith, MA, DSc (hon), CGC, Kerry E Boyd, MD, FRCP( C), Sarah H Elsea, PhD, FACMG, Brenda M Finucane, MS, LGC, Barbara Haas-Givler, Medication, BCBA, Andrea Gropman, MD, FAAP, FACMG, Gonzalo Laje, MD, Ellen Magenis, MD, FAAP, FACMG, as well as Lorraine Potocki, MD, FACMG. Scientists at the Skin Cancer cells Structure note that sun block cosmetic items are verified to be greatly, however not totally, efficient at blocking ultraviolet radiation that hurts healthy skin. Computer mice in the research study that were fed an apple-enhanced diet plan revealed greater degrees of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze examinations than those on a normal diet. Deluxe brand names often have added ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbal removes, anti-oxidants and alpha-hydroxy acids, which could make a spray tan a skin therapy. A chemical peel gets rid of the leading layers of skin so that the new skin that expands back is younger-looking. Before applying a cream, I would suggest to utilize a skin roller to create small openings in the skin so the cream is supplied to deeper layers of skin. Tone: Apply a non-alcohol toner in the T-zone just in cold weather, around when the climate's cozy. http://cristallinedelabeaute.info won the coveted RITA honor from the Romance Writers of America for her book Perfect Chemistry. Medical professionals had figured out how you can guide a beam of intense light at the skin to burn the top layer, enabling brand-new skin to grow in its area. For dry skin, rub hempseed oil, jojoba oil and also MSM cream directly right into the skin. Rosemary is also an abundant source of manganese, a mineral that helps decrease creases and safeguards the skin from damages. Applying a hydrating cream to your face helps to treat and protect against completely dry skin with noticeable outcomes as soon as possible in most cases. My skin isn't really as most likely to burst out as it utilized to be, so I have actually exchanged out pepper mint as well as tea tree oils for anti-agers like Argan and antioxidants like climbed hip seed. If you have basic cell cancer (BCC), after that you typically won't call for additional examinations, as the cancer is unlikely to spread out. She is renamed Lily, as well as compelled to conform to a psycho's vision of the best family. Currently you can consist of the superfood in your skin care regimen as well to help deal with under eye bags as well as darkness. Some skin tags are growing on my Face they are really tiny i am afraid of doing shaving on face as one of my buddy cut his face after his laser treatment, with in few days several skin tags show up on his face & now after every 6-7 months he goes for laser treatment but they keep coming each time. Soft cells fillers, on the various other hand, could provide a medical option to mouth wrinkles. An additional option in order to help make skin look more youthful: a radio-frequency-emitting device, which utilizes heat to agreement collagen and also tighten the skin, without harming the external epidermis. This tasty fruit aids your skin stay healthy by boosting your collagen production, maintaining your skin company and wrinkle-free. I simply attempted this specific combination for the First time today and after washing it off my skin really felt smooth and extremely soft ... Practically like child's skin. Nurturing plant oils calm and also relax level of sensitivities in addition to moisturising the skin. You know that an excellent cream can relax inflammation or flare-ups from skin issues like eczema if you have delicate skin. Attempt them, and when you discover the best one for you, utilize it faithfully, every day. For hair in particular, changing up one's routine with the period makes good sense. Skin tags aren't transmittable, however moles spread out really conveniently, so an abrupt outbreak or cluster of developments is most likely to be moles. WE SAY: So I utilized this the day after a heavy evening of drinking, in the want to rid the dark circles under my eyes and dehydrated skin I was currently sporting. Marshall University researchers located that danger of bust cancer dropped when diet plan consisted of walnuts. The very best thing about the No7 Beautiful Skin BB Lotion is there are 3 types to suit different skins: Normal/Dry; Dry/Very Dry; Normal/Oily so you could get the best formula for you. Maintain it natural as well as non-pore-clogging with this aloe-rich formula, which leaves skin looking tranquility, healthy and balanced, and also totally under control many thanks to natural fruit essences and also beneficial algae-based nutrients. The way it looks after cancer cells, the nanoparticle goes just to cancer cells, none of the healthy cells," he claimed. After utilizing it before bed, I awakened the following morning with my skin looking well slept and exceptionally hydrated. The benefits of raw shea butter are that it could be utilized as an exceptional moisturizer with all natural vitamin A, an anti-inflammatory, a minor sunscreen agent (as much as SPF 6), and it likewise reduces wrinkles (researches show skin renovation in 4-6 weeks with day-to-day usage). Biochanin A is an all-natural prevention of DHT, suppresses hair loss, and also modulates cost-free radical damages to the skin and scalp. It's especially advantageous to those that experience yeast infection or fungal infections, which could lead to acne and also skin irritations. Banana peels off - Massaging banana peels on breakouts is a wonderful means to calm inflammation, because they have a multitude of anti-oxidants and minerals that assist the skin recover itself naturally. Previous studies recommended the existence of autosomal recessive ocular albinism, offering with supposedly normal skin and also hair pigment in men as well as ladies in a sibship; however, this interpretation seems to have been inaccurate, as well as people with this evident phenotype are currently identified to be component of the spectrum of OCA1B as well as OCA2. You might identify by hand which make-up removers do and do not work for their skin, however we have actually conserved you the thrown away $$$ and the prospective breakouts with this guide on the very best make-up cleaners for your dry/overly reactive/fickle skin. I plan to try the milder gum goes down just to compare, but this has truly transformed my dental treatment routine. It is vital for individuals with completely dry skin to avoid removing their skin with overly rough cleansers. There are less oil glands in the neck than face, so the slim skin obtains dry and creases easily. The compound is not a vital sun block component, states Baumann, who suggests that producers put retinyl palmitate in sun blocks as an advertising and marketing device in order to case anti-aging benefits even though the compound is amongst the least-effective retinoids for battling creases. When these dimensions and also information are revealed as numbers and also put into the formula they return an excellent rating of 100 out of 100. I am 42 years old and simply lately I have actually started getting brown spots on my skin and skin discoloration. Vernix (the white sticky material that covers your infant's skin in the womb) should always be entrusted to absorb naturally. It's a way to look glowy AF that's best for individuals like me that despise shimmery highlighters: When you're finished with your makeup, face powder and also all, dip your already-damp Beautyblender in a face oil of your choosing (I like Vintner's Little girl's Active Organic Product or Immunocologie's Super 7 Potion ), and also dab it along your cheekbones, up your temples, as well as around your eyebrows in the exact same C-pattern you 'd utilize if you were applying highlighter. A http://cristallinedelabeaute.info could do a world of great done in one bottle, as well as this natural charm is produced from a blend of necessary oils as well as organic superfoods that assist to reverse signs of aging as well as sun damages. Holding true to Aveda's use of botanicals and also all-natural ingredients, this 4 step starter set consists of a cleanser, treatment printer toner, brightening adjustment product as well as correcting creme that work to bring luminosity to the skin. Dermabrasion attains similar results, although it includes a controlled medical scraping instead of chemicals to remove the skin layer. Instead I begin utilizing my daily cream (body lotion) on my face ... the outcomes: the very same day that horrible crease that I got on my forehead disappear! Apple cider vinegar, like garlic as well as tea tree oil, is also an all-natural antibacterial.
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valkyri-anna · 7 years
Unusual asks because I got here an hour early
Unusual Asks Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify is your room messy or clean? Clean, only because it’s also my girlfriend’s room. My desk is messy af what color are your eyes? Blue-gray kinda do you like your name? why? I’d say so. Got it from my dad and his dad and they’re both cool so what is your relationship status? Taken describe your personality in 3 words or less? Thoughtful, pragmatic, idealistic what color hair do you have? Light brown/blonde kinda color what kind of car do you drive? color? A silver Honda Civic where do you shop? For groceries, usually Aldi’s, for other stuff usually the internet how would you describe your style? Simple and comfortable, if I’m dressing up, sharp favorite social media account? Tumblr probably? My Libertarian relatives aren’t on here what size bed do you have? Queen any siblings? 2 if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Sweden or China. My girlfriend and I want to move to Sweden but I think living in China would be really cool too. We like Sweden because socialism but I speak a little Chinese and I wouldn’t mind re-learning it and living there. Great culture and great food favorite snapchat filter? Don’t use the filters I basically only have it to stalk people’s stories favorite makeup brand(s)? No clue, don’t wear makeup how many times a week do you shower? 3-4ish favorite tv show? I really love 30 Rock but ATLA has a special place in my heart shoe size? Men’s 10.5 how tall are you? 6′2″-ish sandals or sneakers? Sneakers do you go to the gym? No describe your dream date? I cook dinner and we eat together watching a movie or something. Validation and a show how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $0 what color socks are you wearing? Just normal-ass white ones how many pillows do you sleep with? 1 do you have a job? what do you do? I work as an IT Assistant at my former high school how many friends do you have? I don’t fuckin know whats the worst thing you have ever done? Are you a cop? whats your favorite candle scent? Probably vanilla or something I don’t know 3 favorite boy names? Honestly I have no clue. 3 favorite girl names Kaya, Leona, Lily favorite actor? Michael Cera? favorite actress? Natalie Dormer is hot but in all seriousness I like Anna Kendrick and I still have a crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead so there’s that who is your celebrity crush? The aforementioned Natalie Dormer and Mary Elizabeth Winstead favorite movie? Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, as I’m sure you could have guessed by now do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I don’t read a ton anymore, but I love the Scott Pilgrim series, surprisingly. money or brains? Like for eating or what? do you have a nickname? what is it? Not really. Some people call me by my last name and my family calls me Johnny how many times have you been to the hospital? Twice for myself, don’t know how many times visiting, probably like 4 or 5? top 10 favorite songs? This changes too often for me to actually give you an answer do you take any medications daily? Yes, one anti-depressant what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Normal? I guess? I think I’m a little oily what is your biggest fear? Uncertainty how many kids do you want? None whats your go to hair style? Short so it doesn’t annoy me or look stupid what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) 2 bed apartment with two roommates who is your role model? My dad, I guess? Both of my parents? what was the last compliment you received? Something about how I delivered a line what was the last text you sent? “I wasn’t doing anything at home” how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I have no idea what is your dream car? A working one? opinion on smoking? I hate it if you smoke near me I hate you too do you go to college? Federal government sucks so not right now, but I’ll be back eventually what is your dream job? Tenured professor/researcher would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburb, but I prefer a city to both honestly. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I don’t stay at hotels do you have freckles? Just a few do you smile for pictures? Yeah, generally how many pictures do you have on your phone? 38 have you ever peed in the woods? Yep do you still watch cartoons? Yeah, every so often. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Wendy’s in general, but sometimes I get in the mood for McD’s Favorite dipping sauce? Barbecue for its taste, soy sauce for its versatility what do you wear to bed? Nothing have you ever won a spelling bee? I won a school spelling bee once and probably would have won district if the person had pronounced “eclectic” right what are your hobbies? Games, anime, YouTube, I guess? Sometimes I draw can you draw? Kinda do you play an instrument? Bass guitar what was the last concert you saw?  Weird Al Yankovic tea or coffee? Coffee Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks I guess? I just think Dunkin’s pastries suck do you want to get married? Probably. I’d like to at least have a partner for most of my life
what is your crush’s first and last initial? ET are you going to change your last name when you get married? Probably not but I’m open to the idea of creating a last name. what color looks best on you? I think color matters less than the fit of the clothing. I probably look good in dark colors do you miss anyone right now? A few people, every so often do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed do you believe in ghosts? Nope what is your biggest pet peeve? Mispronunciations last person you called? Girlfriend favorite ice cream flavor? Peanut butter and chocolate regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular, golden oreos are an abomination chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate what shirt are you wearing? T-Shirt what is your phone background? DIOOOOOOOOOOO are you outgoing or shy? Not particularly shy, but not outgoing. Just reserved. do you like it when people play with your hair? No opinion do you like your neighbors? The upstairs ones are tools and I don’t know any of my other neighbors do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? When I shower, usually at night have you ever been high? No have you ever been drunk? Yeah, somewhat tipsy. At least to the point of slightly blurred vision and a little lack of balance last thing you ate? Angel hair pasta and Italian sausage favorite lyrics right now? “I’ll be your garbage man” summer or winter? Winter probably I don;t go outside much and during winter I have a good excuse day or night? Night dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk favorite month? August, for my birthday and the general weather what is your zodiac sign? Virgo who was the last person you cried in front of? My dad I think
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sgt-peppersmanager · 7 years
Well it's a good thing I can't sleep right now. 1.Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?: Spotify for more accessible stuff, SoundCloud for more local bands.2. is your room messy or clean?: messy. 3. what color are your eyes?: brown. 4. do you like your name? why?: it's alright I guess. I think it's boring but I've definitely given it pizazz 5. what is your relationship status?: Single. 6. describe your personality in 3 words or less: Angry Salty Bitch7: what color hair do you have? Black but I have copper and brown highlights show when I'm in the sun for awhile. 8. what kind of car do you drive? color?: Shitty blue Toyota. His name is Dirty Sanchez. 9. where do you shop?: Goodwill, online, or I don't cause I'm poor. 10. how would you describe your style?: Trashy but classy. 11. favorite social media account: my finsta or my tumblr. 12. what size bed do you have?: Full. 13. any siblings?: Yes. I hate her. 14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?: Europe probably or Canada. Because it's not America and they're both pretty. 15. favorite snapchat filter?: I like the older one with the stars in your hair. 16. favorite makeup brand(s): Jeffree Star Cosmetics, BH Cosmetics, and Kat Von D.17. how many times a week do you shower? Everyday cause I workout and do farm work and I have a job18. favorite tv show?: Always Sunny In Philadelphia or 70s Show19. Shoe size? I think 10?20. how tall are you?: 6'3"21. sandals or sneakers?: Sneakers 22. do you go to the gym?: no but I will this summer because I'm tired of working out at home with limited equipment. 23. describe your dream date: in all honesty it's just chilling. I'd love to do some star gazing and then take a nap cause I'm lazy af. 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?: I think uh 8 dollars? 25. what color socks are you wearing?: Flesh (none)26. how many pillows do you sleep with?: 2. Sometimes 1. 27. do you have a job? what do you do?: I sell clothes. 28. how many friends do you have?: idk anymore tbh. 29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?: idk because I don't really regret anything I've done. 30. whats your favorite candle scent?: vanilla lemon. 31. 3 favorite boy names: Axl, Warren, and River. 32. 3 favorite girl names: Raine, Arabeth, and Rhiannon. 33. favorite actor?: John Malkovich or Robin Williams 34. favorite actress?: Hellen Mirren 35. who is your celebrity crush?: James Dean. 36. favorite movie?: Dead Poets Society37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?: I try to read a lot. Catcher in The Rye. 38. money or brains?: Brains. 39. do you have a nickname? what is it?: K.Swizzy, Kat, Kit Kat, or K40. how many times have you been to the hospital?: like 6 times for scoliosis X-rays 41. top 10 favorite songs: Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams, Whole Lotta Rosie by AC/DC, Jimmy Jazz by The Clash, Vienna by Billy Joel, Ruby Tuesday by The Rolling Stones, So Whatcha Want by Beastie Boys, Echoes by Pink Floyd, I Hope I Don't Fuck This Up by The Dollar Signs, Brain Stew by Green Day, and Lined Lips Spiked Bats by G.L.O.S.S.42. do you take any medications daily?: no.43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc): combination 44. what is your biggest fear?: idk actually. 45. how many kids do you want?: depends on my situation. I'd like a few tho. 46. whats your go to hair style?: what I wake up with. 47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc): big but it sucks cause my family actually could never afford it and we can't sell it to anyone :/ 48. who is your role model?:I don't have one. All the adults in my life have failed me. 49. what was the last compliment you received?: I can't remember 50. what was the last text you sent?: "as legal as the Appalachians can get" 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?: like 5.52. what is your dream car?: 90s chevy van or vista cruiser. 53. opinion on smoking?: gross but aesthetically looks cool. 54. do you go to college?: I hope I will. 55. what is your dream job?: record label and show organizer. 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?: depends. Rn suburbs. 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?: no. 58. do you have freckles?: yes. 59. do you smile for pictures?: depends on what kind of picture. 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?: like 80. Mostly memes. It's a pretty new phone. 60. have you ever peed in the woods?: Nope. 61.do you still watch cartoons?: of course. 62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?: I'm vegan. 63. Favorite dipping sauce?: BBQ 64. what do you wear to bed?: t shirt and underwear (or pajama pants) 65. have you ever won a spelling bee?: never been in one. 66. what are your hobbies?: drawing, painting, playing guitar, sewing, writing music 67. can you draw?: yes. 68. do you play an instrument?: yes. 69. what was the last concert you saw?: never been to one. 70. tea or coffee?: Tea. 71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?: neither. 72. do you want to get married?: if the person is right, sure. 73. what is your crush’s first and last initial?: I don't have one. 74. are you going to change your last name when you get married?: No. 75. what color looks best on you?: black. 76. do you miss anyone right now?: Nope. Everyone's dead or dead to me. 77. do you sleep with your door open or closed?: closed. 78. do you believe in ghosts?: I do think paranormal stuff can be real. 79. what is your biggest pet peeve?: loud eating and one worded texts. 80. last person you called?: one of my good friends. 81. favorite ice cream flavor?: mint chocolate chip. 82. regular oreos or golden oreos?: regular. 83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?: rainbow. 84. what shirt are you wearing?: black tank top. 85. what is your phone background?: Metallica. 86. are you outgoing or shy?: depends on where I am 87. do you like it when people play with your hair?: yesssss 88. do you like your neighbors?: yes. 89. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?: both night and morning. 90. have you ever been high?: Nope91. have you ever been drunk?: Yes. A lot. 92. last thing you ate?: Orange?93. favorite lyrics right now: "everybody in the hood has had it up to here" -Sublime 94. summer or winter?: Summer95. day or night?: Night. 96. dark, milk, or white chocolate?: Dark. 97. favorite month?: I guess June? 98. what is your zodiac sign: Aquarius. 99. who was the last person you cried in front of?: My whole writing class.
0 notes
sacahoewea · 7 years
I'm pretty sure people are supposed to ask me a number and i answer it but it's 3:30 am and I'm not tired and I've watched everything I want to watch on netflix so imma answer them all now. And no one would ask me any so like ok here we go. 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify 2. is your room messy or clean? Messy but I want to keep my next apartment clean and if I get a greyhound I'm gonna have to. 3. do you like your name? why? Eh yeah no complaints. 4. what is your relationship status? Single 5. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Better when drunk 6. what color hair do you have? Brown 7. what kind of car do you drive? color? A 2008 black mercury grand marquis aka Tom I love you my child ❤️ 8. where do you shop? I realized I haven't gone to a store for anything other than food since like Christmas. Maybe I'm wrong idk it's 3:30 9. how would you describe your style? Trying while trying not to seem like I'm trying 10. favorite social media account? snapchat 11. what size bed do you have? Queen 12. any siblings? 27 yo sister 13. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and idk. Maybe Orlando I'm not sure. Hopefully Greenville nc 14. favorite snapchat filter? I guess the current city one. It's cool when you're in an interesting place. 15. favorite makeup brand(s). Is this supposed to be for girls whoops? 16. how many times a week do you shower? It varies a lot week to week but I'd say an average of 5 lol 17. favorite tv show? The office duh 18. shoe size? I've been a 12 since high school but lately I've been wondering if I've been buying shoes too big for years so im going through an existential foot crisis. So maybe 11 19. how tall are you? 5' 9? Plus or minus an inch 20. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers 21. do you go to the gym? Mostly run but sometimes I do but nothing crazy. I always feel like I'm doing the machine or exercise wrong and people are laughing at me. 22. describe your dream date. Sex and then a big meal. Not the other way around for obvious reasons. Is that even a date? Idk it's my dream I can do what I want. 23. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Probably like $80 idk I'm too lazy to look. 24. what color socks are you wearing? None 25. how many pillows do you sleep with? 0 FUCK pillows 26. do you have a job? what do you do? I DO 😬 I'm an environmental engineer. I haven't started yet though 27. how many friends do you have? Like 8 I think 28. whats the worst thing you have ever done? I can only think of stuff I don't want the world to know. 29. whats your favorite candle scent? Cozy nights lol 30. 3 favorite boy names. Luke Tom Wilson 31. 3 favorite girl names. Crystal idk that's all I can think of 32. favorite actor? Jim Carey? 33. favorite actress? Amy pohler 34. who is your celebrity crush? Connor mcgregor lol 35. favorite movie? Yes man 36. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Nope but the glass menagerie by Tennessee Williams or the pearl by john Steinbeck 37. money or brains? Both 38. do you have a nickname? what is it? Not really. 39. how many times have you been to the hospital? Like for myself idk not many maybe like once to get stitches when I was 8 40: top 10 favorite songs. Top 3 are sams town, loner phase, and shake me down. After that it's hard to rank them. 41. do you take any medications daily? No I can barely take a multivitamin daily 42. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc). A little of both at times. I like my skin though it's served me well for how little effort I put into it. 43. what is your biggest fear? Being stuck in a life I hate without hope of it getting better. 44. how many kids do you want? -1 I'd like to return myself. 45. whats your go to hair style? Like normal and then a lil swoop to the side in the front lol 46. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)? A 5+ acre property with a stream running through it and a large two story house in the middle with no neighbors in sight and a long drive way leading up to it and on the second floor i want the master bedroom to be on the corner of the house and have floor to ceiling glass windows and my bed be in that corner so I can look out and be relaxed as I fail at falling asleep. 47. who is your role model? Small parts of several people. 48. what was the last compliment you received? Having a good idea? Idk 49. what was the last text you sent? Happy pi time. Wait no I said yaaaas after that. 50. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Idk like 12 I have no idea tbh 51. what is your dream car? I'd like to keep Tom and then get a Silverado and a grand Cherokee. 52. opinion on smoking? Cigarettes gross. Weed ok but not for me 53. do you go to college? Just graduated UF woo 54. what is your dream job? An R&D engineer researching alternative energy. 55. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I want the population density of rural but the proximity to urban of suburban. Which probs doesn't exist. 56. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No but my dad does 57. do you have freckles? Yeah mostly on my back. 58. do you smile for pictures? Yeah but not with teeth 59. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 5202 lol. 60. have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah aw reminds me of tailgating :( 61. do you still watch cartoons? Yeah but like bobs burgers 62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Chick fil a idc if that's not a choice 63. Favorite dipping sauce? Chick fil a sause 64. what do you wear to bed? XXL boxers. I hate wearing anything at all tight to bed 65. have you ever won a spelling bee? HA bitch please 66. what are your hobbies? Soccer running taking self adventures netflix YouTube 67. can you draw? If I try really hard but I don't have the patience so no 68. do you play an instrument? No 69. what was the last concert you saw? Sia! 70. tea or coffee? Neither. Water 71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Neither but DD if I had to choose 72. do you want to get married? No 73. what is your crush’s first and last initial? AH 😏 74. are you going to change your last name when you get married? NA 75. what color looks best on you? Like a dark blue grey. I think it has a name but idk what it is 76. do you miss anyone right now? POOP :( 77. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed for sure 78. do you believe in ghosts? Not in the traditional sense but like maybe in a scientific way of like multiple dimensions overlapping or something like that. 79. what is your biggest pet peeve? Absent minded slow people. 80. last person you called? Dad 81. favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip 82. regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular 83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow. I would lol 84. what shirt are you wearing? None 😏 85. what is your phone background? A person jumping off a cliff on the outside and a greyhound overlooking a meadow on the inside. 86. are you outgoing or shy? Shy 87. do you like it when people play with your hair? Usually no but lately in some settings lol 88. do you like your neighbors? Yeah we've never said more than hi but they're quiet so I like them 89. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Neither lol 90. have you ever been high? No 91. have you ever been drunk? Yes I wish I was drunk rn 92. last thing you ate? Chuys ❤️ 93. favorite lyrics right now? The entire song goats in trees by foster the people. Applicable af rn for me 94. summer or winter? Summer 95. day or night? Night 96. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark 97. favorite month? June but maybe not anymore. I liked it bc it was the beginning of summer with the comfort of knowing you still had another whole 2 months of vacation left. But now that I'm gonna be working so idk 98. what is your zodiac sign. Sagittarius 99. who was the last person you cried in front of? Honestly no one. I cried on the phone to my parents freshman year of college but no one will ever see me that vulnerable. 100. what color are your eyes? Blue/green
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