#i also managed to make a few that aren't 5-drops
dravidious · 11 months
You are very... uhh... Very.
I made the fanfic sagas!
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hungercityhellhound · 2 years
Things People Don’t Mention About Top Surgery or Mastectomies
There is reluctance to do the surgery if you live alone, even if you have a good support system. One of the most stressful things was the hospital constantly asking about who would be looking after me, picking me up, etc. I really felt the bias towards people who are married and against people who are single. I don’t think it was intentional but it was definitely there. (Please read more about this situation here) That being said you will definitely need a robust support system of some kind to get through everything in the first 4 -8 weeks or more after surgery. 
All your pill bottles will have safety caps and you won't have the strength to open them on your own without a lot of struggling.
There are soooo many medications. Take them as prescribed and when they say take the level of pain meds you need to manage your pain, do it. I got opiods and ibuprofen. If the pain is bad 5-7+ on the 1-10 scale take the stronger meds. Pain can slow healing by causing stress on the body.
Drains are a pain in the ass. Every hour pushing the hoses so they don't clog. Major drag but they are very important and if they get clogged it can cause issues
Sleeping sitting up, prepare for this. Lots of pillows or recliner or something. Practice for a week or more before surgery to get used to it. 
Sleep as much as you need. Don't feel like you should stay awake or whatever because you are supposed to or it is day time or whatever. Listen to your body.
Drink lots and lots of fluids. You may think you are drinking enough but you probably aren't. The fluid in the drains and the medicines and peeing all the time and sweating from the tight wrap. You need to replace all of this fluid. I think I have been up around 80+ oz the past few days.
The month before and a month after surgery eat a high protein and higher calorie diet. It will help with surgery and recovery. You need the energy and the protein to recover. 
Cut out added salt, caffiene, alcohol, and nicotine before surgery and during recovery. All of these can increase fluid retention, slow healing, or be dangerous with the meds.
Your chest will feel very strange. At first you can't feel anything and then the skin feels tight everywhere and still strange. The recovery process feels real weird. Your whole torso feels kind of bizarre and new.
Ask all the questions. No question is stupid. It's trauma to your body ask all the questions. YES all of them.
The tube (intubation) from surgery irritates the throat. Coughing from this sucks so damned much because of the binder and the chest tightness and what not. Find lozenges (Both cough drops and just candy) that you like. I say candy because too many cough drops can upset the stomach and you don't need that after anesthesia and with all the meds. Also get popsicles.
Take everything out of packages you can before surgery. They are damned hard to open. Those paper cartons holding the apple sauce and snapping apart pudding cups and pulling apart pill blister packs.. ugh I should have taken them apart before the surgery.
Scissors are your friend and every package is an enemy. Seriously, get a good pair of scissors for packaging.
Also, skip 2 liters of pop, gallon of milk, etc. They will be too heavy to pick up after surgery. You can be more independent if  you get smaller size things.
Timers are your friend. All the phone timers forever. Also, handwritten or some other chart type to keep track of drain cleaning and taking meds. You will be sleepy and forgetful the first few days. Use other things to help you keep track.
Take stock of how your lights go on and off. Can you reach them while pretending you are a T-Rex. If not, especially ceiling fans and that, put long strings on the pulls so that you can operate them while you can't raise your arms.
Also check your doors to make sure they don't stick. You won't be able to tug hard on doors or drawers or whatever.
Get yourself some treats. Food related or clothing or whatever. Treats will help.
Before surgery plan out and prepare at least a week of meals. Be sure to include some that are easy on the stomach like crackers, rice and chicken, etc. Just in case you have stomach upset from the anesthesia or meds. Gentle foods include starches and chicken/tofu that is low fat and low spice so that it is gentle.
Soft fuzz free and easy to get on clothing is essential. I went out and got a couple of those shorts and button down shirt pajama sets. Life savers. Also, get a size or two bigger than usual to accommodate drains and padded bandages and things. 
Strange pains, you will probably have them. 
Be sure to do the arm exercises as directed by your surgeon and watch your shoulders hunching. The shoulder hunching is from the chest tightness but you don't want your back to start hurting. Try to sit up as straight as you can.
Pump action soap dispensers will be too hard to use the first few days.
Weeks before surgery, start teaching yourself how to do things without your arms; like standing up, getting into and out of bed, squatting, getting up from chairs, etc. Practice doing things with your elbows next to your chest like a t-rex; getting food and drinking, brushing teeth, taking meds, etc This will be very important
I am sure there are more but I thought some of you might benefit from the things I have learned so far from going through surgery.
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keystonepublishing · 7 months
The Saga of Hermitcraft on r/Place (1 April 2022 - 4 April 2022)
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On the 1st of April 2022, Reddit unveiled a white blank canvas where every user had the ability to place one colored pixel in every 5 minutes. At its height, about 4 million people participated in one of the biggest internet collaborations ever made. The ripple effects reverberated into news reports as far away as Turkey, and the final canvas represents a snapshot of the multiple communities, events, memes, and what was popular around the world at that time.
This is a documentation of the Hermitcraft mural on r/place 2022.
Remember what I said about my latest ficbind being a distraction? This is what I wanted to be distracted from.
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After Reddit's API fiasco of this year and the subsequent controversial event that was r/place 2023, I decided to save as much documentation about the 2022 event as I could. Luckily, I remember how there are already a series of posts by @riacte who documented the progress of the Hermitcraft mural throughout the whole event, from beginning to end. Her blogposts form the bulk of this book (like, 95%!) and I cannot thank her enough for preserving the happenings of the block men mural.
With that said, I quickly realized that someone who's not a Hermitcraft fan - or me if I'm older - might not get the gist of who's who on the mural. The solution? Make several pages dedicated to just listing who's who on the murals! Because of the sheer number of heads, the mural was divided into several pieces for easier labeling. As a bonus, I also threw in another mural nearby which was connected enough to the Hermitcraft community.
For consistency's sake and preserving focus, I decided to not label the peeps from Dream SMP or the MCC secondary mural. Wrangling Microsoft Word to create an infographic was hard enough, let alone 3! If I inadvertently left out a few bits of extra context from this decision, mea culpa.
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When it came to typesetting the entire text block, I decided to make some consistent rules. Titles denoting each day or stage of the mural are on their own pages. New sections are titled using the Bahnschrift font and colored blue, while the first paragraph has their beginning lines look Minecraft-coded and topped with a drop cap (aka. those super-large alphabets).
The names of Hermitcraft and Minecraft players in general are bolded when they first appear in the text. Afterwards, they are bolded if they are contextually important to what's being said.
Extra context would be placed in the footnotes section at the bottom of the page. This is also where I dump some background information that would be invaluable for any readers who aren't Minecraft fans, which is why the SpaceX page looked like... uh, that.
My image policy is to go with the flow; I used as many images from riacte's posts as possible, but I also added-in some of my own if more context is needed. Placing them to look smooth with the text was harder - some are small enough to not cause any problems, others are large enough to fill entire pages without any problems, but a few like the Dream SMP mural (hey there! I managed to put you in!) are too wonky to fit perfectly without leaving no empty spaces.
So in that mural's case, I placed them to the side and let the contextual text flow around it. This principle was also used for the Dota2 / Love Live images and in a few other places throughout the book. The biggest case of this are the few images that are just too wide.
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Like this one.
Making double-page spreads is not the easiest thing to do in Microsoft Word, and there are a few r/place images that are too wide to fit perfectly in a single page. Confining them to one page would also mean losing all their details, so making them a double-page spread was necessary.
Didn't make it easy though, especially when there are paragraphs of text and other images that needed to be shuffled around. Mess up the double-page images, and they won't meet in the middle. Mess up the text and other pics? There goes the layout and overall flow!
In the end, making this book took a lot longer than I expected, but I am still grateful to have made this as I have now read through many posts from Tumblr, Reddit, and even Youtube - people expressing joy that they have collectively made something together. I can only hope I have made some justice to them by compiling their work and (even if a small sliver) preserving their testaments.
May this r/place be remembered.
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lihhelsing · 6 months
Part 5 - Catfish Steddie
You can also read it on AO3!
Eddie isn’t sure how many doubles he pulled in the past week, but he’s not too interested in counting, anyway. He just needs to keep himself busy. Just busy enough. 
He’s also trying to stay out of the house as much as he can because he can’t seem to find it in him to face Gareth. Not right now. 
Not when Gareth was fucking right. 
He didn’t say it to be mean, Edie knows it, but in all the time they’ve known each other, nerdy, weird Eddie was never the one to get the attention of guys built like a Greek god and Gareth had been wary of it from the beginning. 
Eddie couldn’t even get himself to tell him about the catfish because, in the end, he managed to get a date with Steve, and what Gareth didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right? 
But the joke’s on Eddie because he’s the one who ended up hurt. 
So yeah, maybe he’s been doing that avoidance thing that annoyed Gareth ever since middle school when Eddie would pretend to not be interested in playing with Max Steel anymore just because he had broken Gareth’s favorite figure and couldn’t find a way to tell him. 
Eddie can be a real piece of work sometimes and he knows that all too well. Gareth knows it too and it is beyond Eddie to understand why does he still put up with his shit after so many years, but after some nasty fights where Gareth had to yell at Eddie to believe he fucking likes him and is definitely sticking around and that Eddie needs to drop that shitty way of acting, Eddie prefers not to say anything.
He’s also aware Gareth can tell something is up and that he’s on borrowed time but that’s for future Eddie to worry about. 
The good thing is that the bar keeps him busy. He's always making a drink or another, cleaning something up and when there are no clients, Eddie can just let the music take over. Let his brain swim in the blissfulness of loud, angry music. 
"Can I get a vodka soda?" Eddie is nodding before he even looks at the person, his body moving with the familiarity of the bar work. 
He grabs the vodka with one hand and twists it around just to show off. His other hand is already filling a glass with ice cubes. Then it's alcohol, measured to be sure, soda, and a half lime wedge at the rim of the glass. 
It's as easy as breathing and it feels good to do something that doesn't involve thinking. 
"Here you go," he slides the glass in front of his customer and it's the first time he looks at her. She has short, brown hair and is looking straight at Eddie, not moving to get her drink. 
"Thanks, Eddie."
He frowns for a second. Doesn't remember telling her his name. Doesn't remember seeing her before, but at the same time, her face looks familiar. 
"Did you need anything else?"
Maybe she asked for another drink and Eddie didn't hear. His mind isn't the most reliable lately, hence why he can't quite place where he knows her from. Maybe she's a regular at the bar and Eddie has just forgotten about it? 
"When's your break?" she asks and oh. Oh, no. Can't she tell Eddie would prefer to suck face with any one of the other patrons that aren't a woman? 
"Sorry. I don't, uh, mess around with paying customers," he says even though he followed a few cute boys out through the back door for sloppy hand-jobs and messy kisses. 
Her frown deepens and Eddie thinks maybe he offended her. He tried letting her down easy but maybe-
"Uh, first of all, gross. Second of all, I just want to talk. Please."
Something isn't adding up. "Do I know you?"
She offers her hand as if she's in an indie movie and she's the edgy main character. Eddie doesn't take it but it doesn't seem to bother her. 
"I thought you knew. I'm Robin Buckley. Steve's roommate."
Oh, fuck. 
Eddie feels like he needs a cigarette even though he hasn't smoked in ages. He tends to stay with just weed for most of the time, but this situation right now is so fucked up it calls for one. 
He wonders if he should tell her he's going to 7/11 to get one but he realizes he's just stalling. He doesn't particularly want to hear what she has to say but he couldn't find it in himself to say no. 
Steve tried calling a few times but he gave up once it was clear Eddie wasn't picking up the phone. He wonders if Steve sent her. 
"I have 15 minutes and I was really counting on a nap during my break so make this quick," his voice comes out harsher than usual and Eddie's not mad about it. Maybe if he can put on a hard front she and Steve will leave him alone. 
Eddie's brain has been trying to trick him into believing Steve really didn't have anything to do with the catfish thing, but it just doesn't add up. He spent way too many nights awake thinking about Steve laughing at his expense, at how dumb he was for falling for the thing not once but twice. 
He just wants to move on, forget all about Steve and about how stupid he was to fall for his game. 
"You're bitchier than I remember," she shakes her head as if she can't believe it and Eddie frowns again. He really doesn't remember her. "Guess you're just not that bitchy when it comes to pretty boys, huh."
It takes a second for Eddie's brain to get the message but then…
She nods and even though she sounds playful as if all of this is nothing more than a joke her face is pinched up. 
"Guilty. Sorry about that, by the way."
Now Eddie is sure Steve sent her and he really doesn't want to hear whatever excuse he has for this. He doesn't even understand what's their goal here. Do they want Eddie to forgive them just so they can feel better about themselves?
"Tell Steve I don't need any apologies. You both can just forget it and leave me alone."
He hopes he doesn't sound too pathetic because he sure feels like it. But Robin doesn't move, she just blinks at him.��
"Steve doesn't know I'm here."
Eddie huffs out a breath. He's getting annoyed at this conversation really fast. 
"Will you just say what it is that you want to say and leave me alone, then? I really need a nap."
"Steve doesn't know I'm here and he didn't know I was, uh, using his face to-"
"Catfish people."
"Is it considered catfishing if I had no intention of dating anyone?"
Eddie frowns. What the fuck is wrong with this girl? 
She closes her eyes and presses her hands to her face. "Shit. I'm fucking this up even more, aren't I? I'm not good at this."
Eddie is honestly so fucking done with her. He's confused and honestly a little angry at this person he doesn't know but thought it was ok to mess with his life for apparently no good reason. 
"Well, I'm gonna go."
Eddie pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on and is walking back to the bar when she calls for him. 
"Wait. Please. I'm sorry… I have this tendency to joke around whenever I'm feeling bad or uncomfortable. It's just a shitty defense mechanism that I kind of can't control."
He honestly wants to tell her to fuck off but at the same time… He gets it. He is the same, after all, and Gareth would probably call him out on his bullshit if he ever complained about it. He can hear what she has to say, at least. 
"Ok. Go on, but I desperately need a Slurpee and you're buying."
Slurpees beat cigarettes every day of the week, no doubt. 
Robin's story was… Kind of crazy if Eddie was being honest. He was still confused about some things because how the hell did her professor support that idea? 
"I knew it was a crazy thing I was doing. I thought it would be harmless but once I realized it wasn't it was a little too late to back down and he was all over my case."
Eddie clicks his tongue. "You should report him, you know."
She looks completely terrified. "I thought about it but it's probably going to spill all over me."
Eddie shrugged. "Maybe you deserve it."
Robin worried her lower lip in between her teeth. "Maybe I do."
"I'm not saying that to be an asshole, it's just the way things are. When I fuck up at work I have to deal with the consequences and it fucking sucks so maybe you just need to deal with yours. It's not going to be the end of the world."
Robin sighs loudly. She's clutching her blue Slurpee as if her life depends on it and Eddie wants to warn her that it's going to melt. They are both sitting on a bench outside the store and Eddie is probably already running late to get back to his shift but he thinks he needs to be here right now. 
Robin's explanation was not what he was expecting. She swore Steve had absolutely nothing to do with that and proceeded to tell him Steve wasn't even speaking to her anymore.
He still can't wrap his head around the whys. Robin doesn't seem like a psychopath so it makes no sense that she would do something like this. It's an asshole move, especially given she and Steve weren't even friends. But Eddie had been an asshole before. He has fucked up with people he loves and he doesn't think that makes him a bad person.
He doesn't think it makes Robin a bad person. She at least looks really ashamed. 
"Are you going to throw that Slurpee at me?" Robin asks when the silence gets too long. Eddie looks at her and she's joking. Or at least he thinks she is. 
"Would it make you feel better if I did?"
"Honestly? Maybe. I can deal with screaming and fighting and saying dumb shit to each other. It's harder when all he gives me is silence and blank stares. It's like I'm not even there anymore."
Yeah, Eddie has been there. It fucking sucks. 
"Sorry," she says. "I didn't come here to make you feel bad for me. I know I fucked up and you have no obligation in forgiving me but I thought you should know what happened. Steve…"
Eddie has no idea if he can afford thinking about Steve right now. He misses the hell out of him and if he's being honest he misses Robin, too. 
"I know. He didn't know about any of that but I think maybe… Maybe he won't want to hear from me after I shut him out, you know? Maybe he'll be better off forgetting this whole thing."
Robin finally drinks her Slurpee. It's probably all water now, Eddie thinks. She looks at him and there's a glint in her eyes. 
"I think I've never seen him that happy. When he was talking to you, I mean. He was always glued to his phone, a dumb smile on his face. It was kind of adorable, if you like cute puppies."
Eddie did have a soft spot for puppies. 
"It doesn't matter anyway. Like I said, I don't think he will want to hear from me. I think I offended him, too."
"But would you want to? Talk to him again?"
He thinks for a second but he nods before his brain even registers the question. There's this ache in his chest that tells him he's probably going to miss Steve forever if he never talk to him again. 
"Ok, good. Because I might have a plan."
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little-fairy-forest · 11 months
The interview
pro hero Dynamight is questioned on his choice of partner. Will Dynamight be honest with the press about his secret love life?
Bakugo x gn! reader, fluff, romance, foreign reader, protective bakugo
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Pro hero Dynamight wasn't interested in the whole world knowing about his private life. Numerous news outlets and journalists try and squeeze the tiniest amount of information out of the stern hero, ending with no information worthy for a click bate title for their blog.
Dynamight only shared what he sees as 'necessary' to the public. His workout routine? sure he will demonstrate what he does in the gym, what he eats in a day? sure but he does the voice over. He is very strict with what gets posted about him. He can't always choose what the press posts about him, knowing the hero will react a certain way if the information is twisted beyond belief.
You both wanted to make sure your relationship was private from the public as you liked your privacy. Even the slightest hint of bakugo having a partner will put you in danger of villains. So when Katsuki was approached by a tabloid to do a questionnaire, he insisted his assistant and manager triple checked the questions to make sure he was safe and prepared.
"So Dynamight! Welcome to our annual hero questionnaire to start the hero year after the popularity polls - congratulations on number 5! that is an amazing achievement for a young hero like yourself. " The host asks bakugo as he waits for the questions to start. The sooner, the better so he can go home.
"Right, lets get into the questions, firstly how did you and your partner meet"? the interviewer was listening with big ears as Bakugo huffs and bluntly explains how you guys met
"They where workin' with Earphone jack, they arrived to Red Riots birthday a few years back. Couldn't take my eyes of em" Katsuki says with a small smirk paired with a light chuckle back on the fond memory
"That's wonderful, Did you wait long before getting together after meeting?" Katsuki slumps back in his chair, thinking about his answer before replying to the eager interviewer
"After a few dates I asked them just before I dropped them home, Couldn't let them make the first move– I'll always be number 1" Katsuki says with a shit eating grin on his face as he waits for the next question confidently,
"That's so sweet, but why did you want to date a foreigner? do they understand much Japanese at all?" The interviewer didn't seem to pick up on the level of disgust his question brought to the hero in front of him. More questions like this, and he will blow a fuse
"What type of fuckin Question is that huh? Doesn't mater to me where they're from. Once they aren't a pain in the ass" Katsuki tries to blow over the question like his agent told him to when he is asked an inappropriate question. Unfortunately this interviewer didn't get the memo.
"Is this an arranged quirk marriage?" The interviewer jumps straight to the question most of Bakugos haters want to know. He has a large follow across the world, but his haters really know how to piss him off. They can say all they want about him, but you? that's too fucking far for this blond boy
"So what? you thinking we're gettin married for some quirk marriage or some shit? what makes you think that, huh? because they have a cool fuckin quirl? or is it because they're from (home country) and Japan is on the decline of arranged quirk marriages?" Katsuki asks sternly as he sits up in his heat, He was moments away from blasting the man in front of him to the moon if he even dared make a racist comment about you next
"Look at the people from that country! they're in need of strong quirks as their ratio to quirkless to quirk users in on the decline. They also seem very comfy in your penthouse sitting on their ass all day, rather working a hard job like you do Dynamight. No hate is meant from my answer, but it is alright of you having an arranged quirk marriage. " How dense was this interviewer. Bakugo has found a hater who clearly is asking biased questions. None of his real fans would care who where why when and how he gets married.
"They work so god damn hard. They don't need the media blowing smoke up their ass for just lifting a finger like most pros sniff for. Not only do they own their own franchise, but they are also the ambassador of (luxury brand) . What do you do? except asking people invasive questions all day?" The film crew was hinting to the interviewer to cut the questions short before the explosive hero kicks off.
"Think we're done here, don't message my team." Katsuki stood up before walking off the set, leaving the interviewer pissed off as he wanted to ask more invasive questions to the fiery hero. Too bad he didn't follow the script
@heronews247 : pro hero Dynamight storms of out interview after hurtful remarks towards his fiance !😲 follow for more updates 🔔
@heronews247 : pro hero Dynamight threatens any news outlit with a lawsuit if they make racist comments towards his fiance 🤯
@Ilovedynamight33 : any true Dynamight fan knows not to make fun of y/n! they give us all the gossip! 😍❤️
@RedRiot : very manly 🥹💪@OfficalGodDynamight stading up for y/n!
@OfficalGodDynamight : Whisper lies about @y/nlovelylife your days are numbered.
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maxislvt · 11 months
DROP IT!!!!!
warnings: horny thoughts towards the end, no specific genitals
you're so proud of yourself for buying your first house and moving out. it's definitely not your dream home, but it's a start so you go out of your way to keep it up. the lawn stays mowed, walls get repainted, and the house is always clean.
the garage is strangely difficult though. you don't know how to fix the garage door so you hire someone else but narrowly avoid a freak accident fixing it. all your friends get sick after trying to help you clean, so you just brave it alone after that.
it takes weeks to get it clean and usable again. after enough cleaning you realize there's an attic of some sort in it. you make the choice to open the hatch and climb up only to immediately climb back down once you see the rune and the altar. Maybe you believe in witchcraft, maybe you don't but you know better than to touch mysterious shit you don't know the origin of
for a few days you consider just ignoring it and going on about your life without the extra space. unfortunately, whatever is trapped in that had other plans because it keeps appearing in your dreams and it's accompanied by a voice that makes you feel....odd to say the very least.
after like 3 weeks of weird dreams and getting wet/hard over a disembodied voice you climb back up to the attic and try to figure out what to do and you spend like 30 minutes looking around trying to find some sort of instructions only for the portal to randomly spark up and Wanda crawls out
Wanda can't even explain anything because you spend 5 minutes just screaming your fucking head off 😭
Eventually she manages to explain her whole situation. don't ask me what the situation is but she's bonded to the house and can only leave for so long
I'm not sure if I want her to be a horny demon or one you can sympathize with. either way, I imagine that you two are roommates for a bit.
Wanda still needs to eat and uses normal human amenities so she covers her half of the rent with cursed and strange objects you can pawn at the local occult shop
I meant for this just to be funny but she fucks hard!!!
maybe she isn't immediately focused on having sex with you but once she gets the idea she can't let it go. if Wanda was normal and respectful then, she certainly isn't now. Wanda gets a lot weirder. she doesn't force anything but she's definitely messing with your dreams and thoughts again!!
Wanda plays all innocent and unassuming at first. She acts like she's so confused why you're too shy to even look at her or aren't as comfortable cuddling as usual.
you don't know if you've gone off the deep end and are suddenly okay fucking a demon or if Wanda is fucking with you, but eventually it gets to be to much and well 🥴
she's as rough or gentle as you prefer, assuming you give up easy. if she has to spend a long time chasing you, she definitely goes a little overboard regardless
she tries to start out slow so you can get adjusted, but eventually she gets really needy and is just as whiny as you are. Wanda overstimulates both of you because she doesn't wanna stop.
despite being a demon, she's very praise heavy. even if you're just laying there, whining, and taking whatever Wanda is kind enough to give you. she won't shut up about how adorable you are or how good it feels inside of you.
if you're not loud, she's going to make you loud! Wanda knows she's doing a good job but she wants to hear you beg and whine like a needy little pet
oral is her go to. if Wanda could live between your legs, she would. sometimes she does it to tease you. she does whatever to make you cum as hard as possible and you have to keep going on with your work or watching your show
also you make a joke along the lines of "this isn't going to bond my soul to you or anything is it?" and Wanda gets really quiet 😭
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age-of-play-i-say · 1 year
Puppy Fever, pt. 1
I just have a cold, but I woke up aching and foggy, barely able to manage texting Daddy for help. Daddy appeared quickly, with a warm milk drink for me to wake up with. He coos as I take my medicine, and cannot stand my eyes watering as he breaks the news that he has to return to work while I languish in bed. He’d prefer I stay comfortable in my cozy bed, but I can’t bear to have him out of my sight when I’m like this.
He holds a finger up in the doorway and says “Give me 5 minutes, little one, and then Dada won’t leave your sight again” and I can hear him in every room, shuffling around with purpose. I doze unhappily, drinking my sippy cup and hugging my teddy bear stuffie.
Daddy reappears in the doorway and strides for my bed, sliding his arms underneath my body before bracing himself to scoop me up, blankets and all.
I moan, sore and miserable, and snuffle into Daddy's neck.
He does his best not to jostle me, walking slowly. As he does he whispers "I was saving this for your birthday, but today seems like the right time for a treat."
We round the corner to his office and I peer around his neck to see something new - a large plush doggie bed designed to fit under his desk, with grooves for his legs and feet to fit too. I cling to him and kick my feet happily before groaning from the exertion.
He bounces me lovingly before setting me down to explore my new spot. He adjusts my blanket to wrap around my shoulders and gives my bare bottom a pat. 
"Go on, sweetie, there are other goodies in your little baby corner. I'll be right here the whole time, and this way you don't have to go anywhere for my Zoom meeting later on."
I drop to my knees and crawl in. Out of sight, there's a small space heater, a DVD player with my comfort movies queued, starting with Lilo and Stitch. My favorite stuffies are all in attendance.
He also set up a small breakfast tray of different drinkies, snacks, and cold meds. As a final touch, the cold meds have a sticky note slapped on top that says 'grown ups only, Daddy will take care of it'
I coo happily, feeling warm all over for the first time since this cold hit me hard. I peek my face out and mean to thank Daddy, but no words come out. Instead my eyes get watery and I fling myself forward, hugging one of his legs.
He relaxes and settles into his chair, petting my upper back and hair before murmuring, "Sick as a dog, so I figured you might want to be my puppy for today." I whimper and hug his leg tighter, my bare bottom pressing on his socked foot. I'm turning pinker than my fever flush, not sure why I'm so blushy.
I look up at Daddy curiously. 
"Puppy?" I ask. He nods.
"Puppies don't have to speak, they get pets, tummy rubs, snacks." I nod, laying my head back on his knee before he says, "and any accidents or humpies without permission aren't naughty when you're a puppy." My head swivels to meet his gaze.
He was waiting for me. He leans down and pats the bottom of my puppy pen. It crinkles. He grins and leans back up.
"Lined with puppy pads and the base cushion is washable, so my sweet pup doesn't have to think about anything at all if they don't want to."
My lil winkie pulses against his leg without any movement from me, giving away my thoughts. He chuckles before continuing,
"You can also make humpies if you're up to it, or you can ask Daddy for help. No limits on anything that makes my baby feel good today, okay?" 
I nod, still fever-flushed but so aroused by his love and care. I don't look up at him and instead start rolling my hips against his leg.
He chuffs happily and focuses back in on his laptop, ignoring his puppy-baby churning their growing winkie on his bare ankle.
I squeal a few seconds later when my orgasm hits unexpectedly, leaving me gasping and shaking. I've been feeling so awful that getting off felt like a chore, and now Daddy has put me deep in headspace, caring for me more deeply than I've ever known.
No wonder I'm sensitive.
I sigh contentedly and give my sore hips one final waggle before lifting off, grabbing a drinkie from the tray and two stuffies and settling back between Daddy's legs, safe and sound.
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Warcraft Men and How Much I'd Trust Them With My Drink
Khadgar: 10/10. He would put a ward on it. He would be so good with holding people's drinks. He has a lot of experience from holding Medivh's drinks.
Anduin Lothar: 6/10. He won't p0ison me, but he might drink it, or if he's already drunk he'll drop it.
Llane Wrynn: 9/10. He's a very nice man and he won't p0ison me, but he's not very good at seeing when people aren't actually good people (Looking at you, Sargeras in Medivh)
Medivh: 7.5/10. I trust MEDIVH with my drink. I do not trust Sargeras with my drink. Also I feel the need to mention that Medivh is amazing and I love him.
Belo'vir Salonar: 8/10. He's a very nice man but he has a small tendency to a$$a$$inate people.
Rommath: 8/10. Same reasons as Belo'vir.
Gul'dan: -10/10. I will hand him a glass of champaign. I will get the bl00d of Mannoroth.
Illidan: 5/10. I leave for two minutes and he's drunk flirting with a completely uninterested Khadgar.
Anduin Wrynn: 3/10. He'll get k1dnapp3d while I'm gone.
Mathias Shaw: 0/10. He's gonna see the chance to 0ff me and take it. I love him tho.
Flynn Fairwind: 2/10. He'll drop it because he's wast3d.
Genn Greymane: 0/10. I get a bad vibe from him. I don't know why.
Wrathion: 7/10. I love the boy, but he's an idiot who makes terrible decisions. Still better than Sabellian for Aspect, though.
Nielas Aran: 10/10. One of the few people who actually cared about Medivh, and that's all I need to say.
Moroes: 10/10. See Nielas' answer.
Edwin Vancleef: 8/10. I don't work for the Kingdom of Stormwind so we're all good.
Durotan: 9/10. I just get chill vibes from him.
Thrall: 5.5/10. He's probably h1gh as ba||s.
Halduron Brightwing: 5/10. Manwh0r3.
Lor'themar Theron: 3/10. I don't like him. He should listen to Rommath more.
Baine Bl00dhoof: 7/10. He seems nice but is not particularly effective.
Orgrim Doomhammer: 1/10. No.
Velen: 10/10. Will see if someone is going to p0ison me and stop them.
Turalyon: 0/10. I get suuuuper sketchy vibes from him. I think he's in a cu|t.
Malygos: 7/10 pre-insanity, 4/10 mid-insanity, 0/10 post-insanity. I play a mage. He seems sweet before he goes crazy, and when he's crazy he's a giant spider.
Kalecgos: 9/10. Will find a powerful mage and sleep with them immediately, somehow managing to keep my drink in his hand the entire time. I like him.
Nozdormu: Yes/10. He will put it in a pocket dimension.
Murozond: See Nozdormu.
Magni Bronzebeard: 10/10. I f*cking love this guy.
Brann Bronzebeard: 8/10. Easily distracted by shiny objects.
This got way too long, so I'm gonna have to stop here.
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homesickn · 1 year
Isn't bite also touch?
Chapter four, check chapter 5!
(Loki x Female demon!reader)
Summary of the chapter: You try to observe how the humans act and then proceed to annoy Loki even more. As always.
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Loki was at a loss, now enduring the pain that is dealing with his unforgiving thoughts. Lost inside his own mind he questioned what he could do to get away from the superheros, including the demon that got ahold of him and was settled on clinging on to him for life.
He couldn't yet figure why he was so angry, he didn't know if it was the simple interaction you had with his brother that left him feeling this way. His golden brother was so charismatic he could manage to get anything from him, he always did. It would only be a matter of time for you to switch sides and notice how Loki truly was— meant to be alone.
Seeing the way you behaved with the group made him realize you were difficult in the matter of interacting with them, however, that didn't mean it would be impossible for you to adapt. If Fury gets what he wants you'll be nothing but another pawn for Earth's delight, not that Loki minded (that's what he told himself), but he also knew that it was all just a matter of time. In the back of his mind, he knew the lingering feeling of loss he felt was strongly attached to the thought of you becoming another one of them . Because he despised them, that's surely the only reason.
You wouldn't want to be with him for too long, no one did. The Avengers will make you realize that sooner or later, then you'll see how much of an outcast Loki truly is, how he doesn't fit in with any of them nor ever really did anywhere else.
He told himself he wasn't bothered, he just had to keep his distance.
And then you touched his arm bringing his attention to you, “What are you doing here?” He asked, startled. “You were still in the meeting room a few seconds ago.” He briefly looked at the hallway he recently got out of.
You just smirked at the remark and gave him a look as if he doesn't remember a key detail, leaning your body close to him. He rolled his eyes. 
“Why are you following me?”
“You just walked away, I was concerned.” You shrugged.
“Concerned? You?” His eyebrow raised at the imposition.
“Why yes, am I not allowed to be?” You kept your mischievous gaze on him.
“Doesn't seem very honest to me.” He shared the same mischief in the eyes, the one he always has most of the time.
“I wonder why,” You pretend to be curious. “You know I won't leave.” 
He stopped the staring and looked around the futuristic-themed main room. Huffing at the sight as if to underestimate the midgardian's choice in… probably everything. Or this demon is really messing with his abilities to keep his patience. His shoulders drop before he speaks up again.
“You won't leave?” He inquired, “You can leave, anytime, you know that. I bet they wouldn't keep you here, they aren't going after you.” He says softly.
“I know. I just don't want to.” You quietly made your way to sit on the puffy seat next to a window. “We could still run away.” You brought up.
“And where would we go? We'd be found in no time. And the cycle would repeat, you heard what they said.”
“I know, but I could try another spell…”
“They seem prepared to deal with your underworld magic, I don't see us getting any success from this.” He wanted you to get over this and stop trying to prove your worth, moreover he soon kept walking to a room that's supposed to be his for now.
“Is this where we're going to stay?” You arrived far too quickly in the room after him.
“You have to stop teleporting when it's unnecessary.” He jumps when hears your voice but recomposes himself quickly, putting his hands on your arm as you're really close to him. You clearly didn't mind personal space.
“I didn't, I walked,” You lift your pinky finger midair. “I promise.” And gave him an innocent smile, this time he didn't sense any lies.
He just closed his eyes and massaged his temple, turning to his room and just now realizing what you said. “No, no. You have your own room.” He crossed his arms. You could notice the muscles defining his body as he completed the movements. You should probably stop looking when that happens, you gulp looking guilty and look elsewhere.
“No one told me anything about me having my own room.” You whined, “If that were true they would warn me.”
“Then you should go,” He turned your body around and softly pressed his palms on your back as if to induce you to walk away, gesturing the way out, “and solve this issue with them.” Referring to the people that would likely be at the main room by now.
You frowned at him, turning yourself back in a quick motion. For a few seconds you thought if you should say anything as your mind went through your options.
“What?” He asked after your uncharacteristic silent response.
“Nothing… doesn't matter.” You muttered as you decided on a quick plan. “I-I'm…going to talk to them.” 
'Nothing suspicious about that…' Loki was left to think, he only shook his head one more time and decided to leave it behind.
As you left Loki all alone, he took the time to breathe out in relief, locking the door afterwards. He was aware it was useless when it comes to you, nonetheless, one could never be too cautious, he enjoyed his single privacy for while it lasted.
It didn't take too long, when the moon came along so did you, tiptoeing your way into his room, not-so-elegantly. 
“The Avengers said–” You almost stumbled as you stepped in.
“You should knock.” He exclaimed motioning to the door by your side, trying to persist in his harsh posture even after your clumsy display. You just shook your head and made a dismissive movement with your hands.
“The Avengers are convoquing us to…dine. In a friendly manner.” You finished announcing with a smile. “You and me. With them.” You gesticulated your finger back and forth to where he was, and where you were.
The god closed his golden-speckled leather covered book with a hard breath that you couldn't even hide the amusement it gave you. Your lips fought not to curve up more than it would be politely acceptable in response to his frustration. 
“You good?” You asked, blinking at him.
“I wanted to stay alone for a second and you're here despite the lack of invitation.” He accuses.
“Well, yes…about that…” You lifted your finger up. “There just happens to…not be any other room left for me, they weren't planning on adding another treasure to their box, you know.” Loki's eyebrows went up with the implication that you could possibly be a treasure, you just kept your glee very well known. He also knew you were lying.
“What does that mean?” He asked, fearing the answer you'd come up with already.
“They said I could stay around! The room's big enough for two.” You sounded very cheerful, he gave you a curious look, but said nothing. You were prying into the room all ready to present your ideas to future changes, and what you're going to add.
“My stuff is not moving anywhere, if you want to move in make sure to stay very far from whatever is mine.” He said sternly and you turned around with the same intensity as his in your eyes, it wasn't often when you looked seriously annoyed. But you rapidly changed your expression, softening your eyes once again.
“Sure, I'll try and remember that.” Loki just knew something about your reaction felt out of place to him, he tried to keep in mind that being from Hell makes you look weird nevertheless, but there was something about it that was still incredibly off-putting even for him. “They will probably hunt us down if we delay any longer. Shall we go?” 
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You didn't know what to expect out of dining with superheros, honestly the experience made you feel like an outsider. You kept fumbling with the cutlery blissfully unaware of the clear expression of boredom you were wearing. However you held the consciousness of how uncomfortable you made the people around you, their stares would be descriptive as suffocating to human eyes.
But you were used to the uneasiness, you just never had to spend so long bearing it. To you, Loki's stare from the other side of the table was the one that burned the most. 
Your plate was filled by the deliciously-scented and recently cooked chicken breast, unconsciously giving you a reminder of the food Loki prepared for you, making the tip of your lips unintentionally curve up without your permission. You wondered if you'd scare them away by saying you prefer it dead , you wondered which sentences would be the limits for their fears.
“You're quite unlucky I'll say.” Clint began, starting serious and then coming closer to mention his next words. “You arrived just the night it's Steve's turn to cook.” He finished with his lips deep in a proud smile.
Thor's hand touched Clint's back as support as he laughed. “Imagine having this bad of a first impression! Oh poor you.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes. “If I had to experience Captain America's food as my first midgardian meal, I'd perish on the spot, death would be a preferable option than coming back!”
“You wouldn't want to defend the humans with this thing!” Hawkeye burst the words out with mirth as his eyes began to tear up. You looked at both of them, feeling very entertained, you always stayed in quite awe watching humans cry out of joy.
“Ok, ok, I see.” Steve took it lightly, coming out of the kitchen and giving a kind smile to the group. “You're already tainting my image in front of this… being.” You could see he was trying to be nice.
“Rogers is one of the only ones here who believes in God.” Bruce explained quietly to you, hesitant.
“Really?” You answered amusedly, looking back at the mighty and heroic American symbol.
“Yeah. He doesn't fully accept the Gods from space here either.” Pointing to both Thor and Loki. “Says there's only one God.” 
“That's because they're more aliens than gods.” Again, Steve explained, ready to put some more chicken from the frying pan to Nat's plate. “I didn't think I'd need to explain, to be honest. It's pretty obvious. Just look at them.” 
“I'm surprised Loki didn't correct him yet.” You joke around.
Loki who had his posture rigidly strict against the chair as he was giving you a death glare, now rolled his eyes at your statement. “I don't need to correct him, he's Steve Rogers, everything, from his heroism to his morals are imprecise. But midgardians think he's an example for his undying sense of justice and serum applied to his veins that make him look like an angel compared to their frail lives.”
“You're one to talk, calling out others for being morally questionable.” You expressed. Loki opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.
“I see we're starting dinner well.” Stark bumped in, “I enter the room and I see someone putting the Captain in place.”
“Look, Tony…” Steve begins and doesn't finish, instead just turns around with the pan holding the chicken. It made him look like a babysitter or a housekeeper of this team of adults, you could see he was trying his best to be understanding and take everything as a joke. You put your elbows to the table and cross your fingers to rest your head on top, so you can observe them. "Let's just not. Not now.” 
Whilst Tony made his way to sit and prepare his part, everybody began talking about something with one another, changing the topics. Some were forcing themselves to remain casual in their speech and act as if you're not there. Thor tried to make his brother speak more but Loki just seemed lost, and, by all means, a bit tired. 
You could sense he himself seemed impressed by his own lack of energy, although he didn't want to show any sign of weakness, you could see it. Your head tilted to the side as you tried to read him with clarity, until the moment Thor tried to bring up their reason to be on Earth.
“If it happened to you, father would have made an excuse to keep you on Asgard.” Loki snarked his words in a fit.
“I have been banished before, as you remember. And you were on Asgard, you had the throne.” Thor accuses and tries to remain cool about such touchy subjects for both of them.
“The throne?” He chuckled humorlessly. “Don't even mention those times.” He looked pained to remember, “You don't know what I had to do. In my turn, he just keeps me here locked up on this planet.”
“At least he still kept your power. His punishment could be way worse.” The other god seemed sensible in his arguments.
“He didn't even want to see me to make his decision!”
“He doesn't need to–” Thor tried to speak.
“Hey–” Natasha cut your gaze, bringing your attention to her while they're both still discussing. “Come with me.”
She brought you to the kitchen that was only occupied by Steve and his venture at cooking. “Thought you needed an out.” She said, giving you a small smile. Steve tried to ignore you two and focused on his task. 
You could sense they all tried their best not to be too…offensive, with their words.
You just looked at her, you could see she was tormented by grievous memories, and yet somehow she seemed the lightest in welcoming you, incredibly genuine in trying not to be judgemental, you gave her a quizzing look.
“I was asked,” she said looking at Steve, smiling, and then back at you, “to make some smoothies. Thought you might wanna help, if you want.” She offered. “If Fury wants you here, I want to be sure not to stick to your bad side.” She said but seemed unafraid. Then, wandered off to say again. “And…I know what it's like, I just didn't want anyone to feel left out. This team, as chaotic as it is, is still pretty special to me.” She finished giving you a smile that could surpass a lot of…humane feelings unable to be described.
“Will you help?” She pointed to the berries casually, as if you're already part of her considered family.
You looked at the strawberries sitting on the cupboard, they looked unwashed and recently harvested. “Sure…” You affirmed diffidently. Moving to grab some strawberries with your hands, tainting them with their red juice, the texture being new to you. It's not as if you ever had to deal with such a mundane task.
“Perfect! Clean them and put them in this bowl right here.” She placed the bowl near your arm, so you began your small work with a certain detachment. “The ones that are too weak,— you'll notice when you give them a tiny squeeze or when they don't seem red enough— it means that they're rotted. In that case,” She finishes, “you throw them away.”
You blink at her. And then blink to look at the strawberries on your hands. You begin to do as she says whilst keeping an ear to Thor and Loki's conversation in the area just next the kitchen.
The seconds barely pass when you see a vivid green flash coming from this area, and you hear Thor's grunt and small bluish flash following.
The ones that are too weak, they're rotted. Your muscles shake to squeeze the tiny berry. In that case, you throw them away.  
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The only place you actually felt moderately calm was when you're not around them, and that finally happened when you settled on Loki's sofa before his arrival. Summoning a dark blanket out of thin air to keep you company for the chilliness of his room.
Loki came in afterwards, not at all surprised to see you're already there. His mood was worse than possible, he actually seemed more agitated after speaking about his father, or maybe it was the fact he had a fight with his brother. Or maybe, all the situations happening today, that in itself is pretty draining.
You noticed he had some bruises and a paleness that you assumed appeared to be a cause of electric shock.
He just tossed his shirt off his body and let it fall somewhere in the room, your eyes round at his offhand act, then you bite your lips shamefully, looking away as he does so. Loki tries to hide his glee, stifling his smile at all costs and looking at you seriously once again. You were beginning to get used to his expression of demand.
“Behave.” He pointed at you.
“You're the God of Mischief, and you want me to behave?” You asked excitedly about the prospect, wishing to misbehave.
“I'll take a shower and I expect you to be on your best behavior around my chambers. That is all.” You reckoned he meant the room with the term 'chambers', you had to be mindful of where he came from.
“A shower?” You lifted an eyebrow, almost making him snort with the unexpectedness of your next words. “May I watch?”
“Tempting, if I didn't know you, I might've even accepted. Your body would probably make up for all your peskiness.” He let his eyes wander to your figure lying on the sofa, trying to snitch further the blanket covering you still looking playful.
You gasped, forging shock and bringing the blankets higher to reach your neck. “You were a gentleman before, at the tunnel…”
“And you can make a bed appear out of nowhere if you want to, no need for deceit.”
“I much prefer to comment on your chivalry.” You sing, “For someone that gave me a blanket when I was cold to suddenly leave me to hurt my delicate muscles on this hard couch.” You dramatically hit the skeleton of the sofa to prove your point, Loki lightheartedly shakes his head at that. “So painful, who would even keep this weapon in the comfort of their place?”  
“The sofa's not mine. That's a problem for you to deal with.” He turns his back and goes to shower, ignoring whatever you could say next.
When he goes to bed, you try to rest, and moreover, snicker to yourself at the moment the hard surface makes itself present once more as you lay. You wait a few minutes, closing your eyes and checking on what Loki's doing. And he's reading. 
You shift tensely on your tiny space, unquiet. Loki thinks to himself “how long does it take for you to drop the act?” and keeps absorbing whatever the pages of his book has to give to him, blocking your huffs and —quite prominent —fake grunts of pain. 
He notices you peek out of the blanket to look at him, then just slips the blanket further on the couch, and moves on your tiptoes to come closer to the bed.
You approach with a suave stance and saccharine charming smile, your hands putting down his book to make him pay attention to you. “Let me sleep here.” Your tone is all soft-spoken and gentle as you give him your best puppy dog eyes.
He lets the book fall and hitches his breath unwillingly as he looks at you. You see his pupils dilating as he struggles to keep from shivering, your heartbeats beating loudly in comparison to the silence from his answer. 
He felt so alive to you at the moment, your hands twitch to touch his chest and feel his rapid breathing beneath your fingertips, you hope your admiration isn't so perceptive. You wondered what you've done to make him so responsive.
This feeling dries your mouth so you lick your lips and bring your right hand up to cup his chin carefully. You could see he was in a fight with himself behind his eyes.
“Are you really a Succubus?” He quivers under your gaze and heaves to keep his hands stuck in place. You straddle his lap on the spur of the moment and he gapes in response, a grin plastered on your face so nefariously you wouldn't think twice before assuming that his words were factual.
“You feel so alive. I've barely even moved.” Your voice was raspy and your smile thrilling regarding the circumstances. The closer you got the more you could feel his blood beating fast-paced under his skin.
He grits his teeth at your statement, not sharing the same amusement as you, and uses his strength to push you off him. Thinking he caught you off guard but you keep your cheerful mood, his attempt at making whatever it is stop only making it all more interesting to you.
“You won't fool me, devil.” He spat with a fury he carried only towards you. 
You trembled in your position due to his comment, his usually-luring voice was low and soaked with denial in the tone of each word, you were still graciously smiling up at him in delight, “Who knew the only thing I had to do is take the first step to share your bed?” You swiftly move to approach his thighs, easily now that he moved position, kneeling to him. “Is that all it takes? Have you desired me since the cabin?” Your eyes darken as you say.
He licks his lips, feeling the lust clouding his mind. “I… I could always make use of your warm body, seeing as your passion won't allow you to leave.” He smiles menancily, allowing his desire to take place. “Demoness, I was starting to think your beauty was a scam and all too useless. Seeing as you wouldn't put it to good use.” He leaned his body against the headboard as he looked down at you, breathing out air thinly through his gritted teeth. The sight of people kneeling for him would forever be his weakness. The power dynamic in the vulnerable performance makes him weak on his knees.
You make your way between his thighs and grip them firmly with your delicate hands, never taking your eyes off him on your allure, seduction certainly wasn't unfamiliar to you.
“Will you let me rest in your bed, with you? If I do you a favor?” You give him another sinful look and voice edges on pleading. “You know, I would be restless in the morning if I were to be kept awake, the pain down my spine as a result of that torturous couch, we wouldn't want that…” Your hot breath neared his clothed hardening erection, you let yourself enjoy the pleasure of having your face in such an intimate part of him. Nuzzling your face gently against his crotch, his rushing blood was deafening to your senses and you were drowning on it.
He grips your hair forcefully pulling you away and bringing your face up to his in one sturdy, although clumsy, move. 
“Do I make you nervous, Loki?” You fluttered your eyelashes as you asked, now face-to-face.
You are smiling like the devil you are while he increases his rough hold on your hair strands, making a ruffling mess under his fingertips, giving you a threatening glare with such a dark gaze that your shivering makes you seem human.
“Cease the act.” His voice is demanding and powerful with his rich accent. 
His jaw is clenched and his breathing unsteady as he locks eyes with you, you were persistent on your teasing and bucked forward his chest to get your body closer to him. Ignoring what he asked of you.
Proceeding to lick his lips as he continued to express his moodiness, catching him off guard, his eyes closing as the cold of your tongue made contact with his face.
His shock is clear and he gapes at you, for a moment you can see the blatant touch-starving man presenting all the vulnerability of finally having someone wishing to touch him. Of having someone touching him.
At first you think he's going to indulge in your touches and continue, but his sudden rage comes like lightning and now he has the full intention of hurting you.  
His grip doesn't relent as he shoves you off him like falling off the spell of a wicked siren luring a jolly sailor to the sea.
His force actually takes you by surprise, he manages to grip your wrists with such strength it would undoubtedly leave marks even on someone like you, you could feel the skin scratching but he has no clue during his wrath. You struggled against his furious dragging, feeling like a monster getting repelled and caught in your deceitfulness. 
He madly drags your body out of his room and pushes you on the floor of the main area. You fell with a hiss, looking up at him and deranged by the audacity, you felt the stinging pain on your scalp and the burn on your wrists. 
“This is where you deserve to sleep.” He said as coldly as one could muster. You tried one last time to reason, even knowing you could reach his chambers in no time no matter how much he tries to keep you away.
“Loki…you can't possibly leave me here.” You smiled forcefully through your rage. “You should know I'm going to enter no matter what you say.” It's as if another mask is falling off as you speak.
“Oh no, little demoness.” He smiles, giving you the same amount of mock-up kindness. Kneeling to reach your height where you now sat. “Try that again and see where that'll lead you. You don't want to mess with me, trust me. I'm not in a good mood.” He warns.
“When are you ever in a good mood?” The cold contact with the floor was making itself very present by now. You were beginning to get impatient. “Let's stop this game, and I'll let you rest.”
“You never cease your games. You are a creature born in addiction.” He cups your face with both his hands and grins cruelly at you. “And I won't be tricked by the devil.” Pressing his nails further in your flesh as he's done and tosses your face aside, leaving you fuming by his disrespect.
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gritsandbrits · 2 months
@g0blinwitch asked for context so you all get KANÉ LORE
IN THE BEGINNING Cain got cursed right i believe he was struck with immortality. He did have children and descendants called the Caanites and while they were advanced for the era they also weren't... Very good people.
So THOUSANDS OF YEARS LATER cain has outlived most of his family, and has busied himself by travelling the world. He attends a shindig at a little quaint town called Woodstock, and meets a young mixed Black woman named Cassidy Smith.
They hung out a few months, until cain left again.
Cassidy found out later she was pregnant and tried to look for him. No matter who she asked know one knew him. Any files or info she managed to get ended up being a dead end. Cassidy later gave birth to a child, Flora. They moved to florida to be close to some relatives
Cassidy did her best to support themselves, working odd jobs and getting a gig as a secretary. Flora grew up to be a resourceful and smart woman, getting good marks and teaching her kids the value of nature. But her love life was a different story.
Flora always had this naive idea of love and often dated guys who were crappy. One of these men became of father of her kids, Evangeline and Avaline.
Father left when Evangeline was 5 and Avaline was 2. By that point Flora was burned out and decided to move back to her mom's house. She got a job at a supermarket, working the floral department.
When the girls were preteens, Flora died of cancer. Cassidy worked long hours to help pay off debt and crematory expenses (a standard funeral was beyond their pay). It was also when Evan started to sorta act out struggling with her loss. She often skipped class to go skating and parkour with her friends.
By the time evan was in her teens she was a delinquent and drop out. One night after a nasty argument with Cassidy, Evan stormed off and was walking around when she was found by a woman named Richina. Richina took her to see her boss friendly man named Balthazar Webb. Balthazar said he was looking for some performers for his play and was scouting out potential recruits. He says he saw Evangeline out doing parkour with her friends and impressed by her talent. He wanted to see if she could join.
Evangeline leaped at the chance. Not only would that get her away from her ramshackle neighbourhood but also means getting money ti help support her sister.
Wait her sister! Wouldn't she miss her?
Balthazar promised Evangeline will see her sister again, and that she will be taken care of. With that Evangeline took him on his offer.
What she didn't know is Balthazar's circus wasn't his only venture.
The circus travelled the eastern seaboard, often staying at one place for months at a time. Evangeline used her middle name "Akane" as her stage name "Kané." She was also given two swords that she discovered was imbued with a mystical green energy.
Balthazar often sent his top performers on missions to steal from the wealthiest patrons. Sometimes he even had Evangeline go, using her skill in parkour to scope out targets and break in. Evangeline didn't mind it actually, the rich pigs could deal with a loss of a few hundred dollars and a diamond necklace. As long as they don't target the poor or kill anyone it was fine!
All the while poor Cassidy wonders about her missing grandchild. And the envelopes of cash that keeps appearing on her doorstep.
Balthazar also told Kané that her birthmark was the mark kf Cain, making her a direct relative if the First Murderer himself. At first Kané thought it was horrible, only for Balthazar to say this means she cannot die. Not by normal means that is. Kané asks how come her mom didn't get the mark & Balthazar says the mark tends to skip generations. He says he has done a lot of research about biblical theology and demonology, and thinks Kané is very special.
Kané also discovers that most people in her family aren't accepted into heaven and hell because it's a part of Cain's punishment. Believing this to be unfair and seeing the same fate befallen her mother, Kané vows to get rid of both systems. Or die trying.
Eventually the circus arrived in Chicago. Kané and one of the senior Performers is tasked with giving money to the same organization I.M.P., with the intent of double crossing them. However the agents caught on to the trick. A fight ensues and in the fray" the cops are called.
In the chaos shots ring out and a bullet grazes Kané. She's fine but admits she'll definitely feel that in the morning.
At that point me and Lucifer are in the tentative early stages of dating™, but I'm needed in the mortal realm because someone stole a precious heirloom from a friend who also lived in the windy city. While investigating, I come across a poster announcing the arrival of Balthazar's circus. Out of curiosity I go to the fairgrounds and see Kané in the middle of practice.
She's okay but I notice her left arm is bandaged. She says it's from a misstep and gives me a couple of free tickets to see the real performance later. Lucifer pops up in a mini form and tells me he got some weird vibes from this circus but I tell that applies to every circus including his own. He pouts and that night, attends the show with me disguised as a hooman named Luca.
At the same time Lilith is on the beach in Heaven when Lute tells her about Cain's surviving relatives. Lilith asks for any pictures and is given on of Flora, Evangeline and Avaline. some similarities between her an Eve. Lilith thinks Evangeline looks so similar to Eve that she could be a Direct descendant or even her reincarnation. She learns about Balthazar's circus and in a rare moment, Lilith panics because she knows who Balthazar is and that he is up to no good.
In the meanwhile Seth (Cain and Abel's brother) is sent to watch over Avaline and Cassidy, because he believes they are innocent and doesn't deserve to be punished for Cain's sins. Abel stays in heaven unsure if he could forgive the man who took his life and shown no real remorse for it.
On the Hotel side, Charlie has grown successful and is ramping up her political prowess when she meets a familiar stranger.......ADAM??
Turns out Adam was reborn as a sinner, because he was killed by nifty and as a punishment for being an affront to feminism. Adam HATES IT. He makes sure to let everyone else know it by being as loud and rude as possible, also he makes sockpuppet accounts badmouthing the hotel.
Somehow Lili gets into contact and tells him about the Smiths, Adam is like "so the little brat spawned more hellions".
Through a convoluted plan Evangeline is dragged to hell and forced to stay at the hotel. That's where she meets Adam. The former angel goes "ah hell NAW not this shit again!!" And the family reunion quickly devolves into a curse fest. Charlie calms them down, I explain that Evangeline is safer at the hotel. Me and Lulu go back to try to stop Balthazar. Charlie starts to see it as a way to help Adam learn to care about someone else, and help Kané learn to handle her anger is a healthy way.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Pls Ari the amnesia!verse is literally killing me ITS SO GOOD! The angst… it’s everything!!! Desperately craving for more
Bruce watched, arms folded as Dick stood in the middle of your workshop. Half-finished projects lay waiting for you to come back when they were dry or the glue had set or when you got the hardware you realized you needed halfway through.
Drop cloths. A paint-spattered blue tooth speaker. A tall tool chest, a small heater for when it was cold. Artwork from little cousins and friends' kids on a corkboard. Aprons and a few family pictures- a space at the counter perfectly clear, dusted, and tidy. A tiny memorial to the grandparents who raised you- that you'd inherited the shop from after 5 grueling years of tending to your grandmother through cancer she just couldn't fight anymore.
He knew this, because Dick was talking. Trying to piece together that last week. The last day. Anything that might give them some clue. Some insight that the police had missed.
"Did she have any bad business deals, lately?"
Dick paused, thinking. "Not bad really," he said. "But-" He broke off and went to the tool chest, opening the top small drawer and pulling out the shop laptop- the one where you kept accounts and kept lists of inventory. "Someone," he said plugging it in, "Managed to sell her an actual fake a few months ago."
"Replicas aren't that-" But the Sherriff didn't get to finish that though.
"Not a replica," Dick said shaking his head. "A fake. It had papers and everything. At first, she just kinda wrote it off... Guns aren't really her thing, you know? She's got a buddy. Will Cole-"
"Good guy," The Sherriff intoned to Bruce, by way of explaination. "Does War reenactments. Never knew a guy to get more mad about improper plaement of buttons on a coat-"
"Right," Dick said nodding. "She usually takes Will with her if she's gonna go look at guns. But she was in a hurry and figured if it was bull shit she'd just make something out of it and eat the cost."
"And this was a fake?" The Sherriff prompted, watching Dick put in the password. Not realizing he was also copying the entire hard drive to Tim.
"Yeah," Dick said nodding, "And this wasn't the only one. She kept running into a bunch of fakes. Guns. Paintings. Jewelry- stuff. When she found it, she bought it. At first I thought she ran out of storage space when she started putting odds and ends in the basement-"
Bruce raised an eyebrow and looked around at the workshop in askance and Dick smiled a little, "Furniture takes up a lot of space. Sometimes when she buys things she doesn't have floor space for it right away so she inventories it and stores it in the garage- or the basement if it needs something with more temperature control."
When Bruce nodded, Dick stepped back to show the file he pulled up to the Sherriff, "I don't know what she thought was happening, but she started marking what she bought, where, and who was selling it in that spreadsheet. I think she was noting the information from the paperwork too, but I don't know here she was keeping that-"
The sherriff nodded, "Son, I'm gonna have to get your prints and we're gonna have to get forensics in here to-"
"Whatever you need," Dick said earnestly, wondering if Bruce was going to have Babs process whatever they found again. The Sherriff was a good guy. But this was above his pay grade and Dick wanted his Honey home. Preferably yesterday.
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jess-moloney · 7 days
I seriously think Jamie's been facing financial difficulties for a while. Don't want to mention his expensive merch drop gambling games he plays with his fans fooling fans they will get their purchase orders but so many never to receive. Some of his fans have been waiting for months to finally get their merch.
I don't mind to pay $200-$400 to get his merch but after I've read so many complains about his merch. I'm not gonna pay at all.
What we see on his social media can't define his financial state as he's always show us his glam luxury lifestyle. But let's have a real talk, Jamie is not a Hollywood Big Name. He's never been on a lists of highest paid actors. Facing financial crisis indeed he has no need to say a word as he acts totally loud. Convention to convention, Built up music duo BloodMagic, Fliming ST, and Merch Drop Scam.
For me personally I think Jamie is living life paycheck to paycheck with a few savings. What he's doing nowadays is for Money.
His merch drop is a gambling scam. Think twice wisely before place an order.
Summary: Jess more than likely barely makes any money because her employment can't be verified by anyone and Jamie is her personal bank account. He never acted this way before her and she lives way above her means with the lifestyle she demands. I don't think Jamie is trying to scam anyone I think Jess is making him fund the lifestyle she wants to live but doesn't want to work for.
That being said, I wouldn't fault anyone for not wanting to gamble on buying his merchandise, at this point, given the problems it's shown to have had and the favoritism he plays towards certain fans on Twitter.
A longer explanation follows:
He may not have ever been a big Hollywood name but he also never seemed to be struggling so hard for cash. Not until Jess. Let's take a look at that for a second:
What is Jess's job?
Well, she claims that she's a celebrity manager of some type but if you look it up she doesn't have a license to practice that (under that name) in the state of California. It cannot be confirmed that this is what she does as a job. Not legally anyway.
She also has some weird claim to being co-founder of Ice Studios. However, it's entirely unclear what her job for them actually is. She doesn't shoot photos, she doesn't arrange photo shoots, and she doesn't go to an office or have an office, Ice Studios as an entity is based out of New York where she rarely (if ever) visits. Renell is doing at least 98% of the work and somehow Jess probably gets a cut of this but it can't be a large cut (unless she's tricked her way into getting 50% of everything Renell makes by being co-owner).
However, even if the case is that she gets 50% of Renell's cut, how much can Renell be making? I mean specifically for Ice Studios. Jess would only get the cut that is attributed to Ice Studios (or is only entitled to that) and she'd only be entitled to a cut from whatever alleged jobs she gets anyone and probably not a high level either.
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The higher end of the scale would be for people with A-List clients (and a lot of them), not the 2 or 3 photographers and not actors that she claims to represent. If she's representing more than that it can't be a lot and they definitely aren't A-List or super famous. This means that she's possibly only making around 100K but it's more than likely less than that since it's impossible to verify she even has clients at all.
We also know that the Ice Studios webstore can't have been making any money in the past 5 or so months because they shut down and if Jess even got a cut of what they sold at the sample sale, that's up for debate as well.
So then let's break down Jess's living expenses:
Botox treatments every few months
Lip fillers every 6 weeks
The expensive skin care treatment she's promoted
$300 dollar haircuts in Beverly Hills by celebrity stylists
Designer bags, clothing, jewelry
Lavish trips and hotels with Jamie
Any other plastic surgery she's gotten within the time she's been with Jamie
Paying for her to maintain a business license in the UK for a business she doesn't even use
Getting her tattoos touched up every few months (which she'd have to do with the ones on her hands as they'd fade)
Whatever she has to pay to keep filing with Ice Studios and that business
This is just what we know she has spent money on and would have to keep spending money on, over and over because these are things she maintains and does over and over. I didn't even bring up her manicures and obvious hair extensions when she has them. Jess, herself, is living well above her means when it comes to the income that she surely brings in by herself.
This directly points to Jamie being the one to supplement the lifestyle she wants to live but can never afford on her own. Why he doesn't just leave her instead of working himself half to death to give her all this money to make her look as fake as possible while she hogs all of his credit and acts like she's queen shit, I don't know, but I think that all of this has way more to do with Jess being a money hungry fame queen (who doesn't want to work for it) than Jamie, on purpose, trying to scam anyone out of anything.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
So, for the ask game, got any more headcannons for the "Dalinar thinks Time-Traveling Kaladin is his illegitimate son" AU from the last ask game?
(in reference to this one)
1. Well now I have to make the call on if there's a younger Kaladin still around. I'm going to go ahead and say no, and I would explain more but the explanation involves secret project spoilers. Point is, Kaladin has been missing from Hearthstone for a few days, and suddenly shows up after a high storm. Looking years older. And with Prince Renarin Kholin, and a shardblade.
2. With Kaladin missing and possibly not sheltered during the storm, Hesina is freaking out, Tien is terrified, Lirin inconsolable. And then Kaladin lands, and hopes to see a younger face of himself- but it isn't there. Renarin pats his shoulder awkwardly. Kaladin isn't sure how to explain what happened. These aren't the parents who helped him at Urithiru. He's not the son they were looking for. He asks Tien to show Renarin his rock collection, and pulls his parents aside to explain- Tien died, in the future, and Kaladin was trying to save him. This happened instead. Lirin and Hesina assume it was Nightwatcher Old Magic, and Lirin doesn't like the soldier he sees in his son now - but he can understand Kaladin trying to prevent fighting, trying to prevent his little brother's death.
3. Kaladin then goes to Roshone, with Renarin. He spells out very clearly that Hearthstone's leadership will be reexamined, that Jasnah and Elhokar final say and he just did Jasnah a pretty big favor, and that he absolutely should not do stupid stuff while hunting, especially not with his son. Kaladin genuinely would prefer nothing happen to the guy. Roshone, who isn't sure who this guy who looks weirdly like Lirin's brat but has a shardblade and is "making threats" assumes that he's trying to secure a marriage with Laral, ousting Roshone and his son. Kaladin is like "no really. I am super not doing that. You'll get a spanreed from the kholins in a second authorizing me to do what I need to, and I'm about to take away the only surgeon in town so you shouldn't get injured. Also, Prince Renarin needs all your Sing- uh Parshmen. Yeah all of them." Renarin just nods at everything Kaladin says, Laral gets the message, and they book it out of there.
4. Out of Hearthstone (only managing because Kaladin promised to have another surgeon sent to town when Lirin dug his feet in), Kaladin has A Time transporting everyone. It's a longer journey even with him using all the stormlight they can get from spheres between storms, but when they stop in Kholinar at least they can resupply. Also he keeps asking Renarin to look for any strange spren. He almost gets a heart attack when Tien pipes up instead and asks if this is what Kaladin meant, holding up a bag with a swirling patterned spren on it.
5. I don't know what it'll mean that Tien has an enlightened cryptic but I bet it'll be great. Anyway Kaladin hasn't slept for a week when he drops everyone at the Plains, so he's not really in the mood to explain everything to Dalinar, who has been trying to figure out how Kaladin is the illegitimate son the Nightwatcher removed all memory of if he has two parents with him now. Hesina certainly doesn't show any sign of recognition, though Lirin doesn't look like he likes him? Well weird Nightwatcher magic can handwave everything. Point is Kaladin just says "hey btw we got two more new baby knight radiants. After I catch some z's I'm going to fly out and talk to the Listeners about about a peace treaty, which I'm going to just assume I'm fully authorized to do because giving battlefield promotions is what I do. Good night"
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dreamings-free · 4 months
putting these dogwalker asks under a cut..
and just answering these two together (first one’s from yesterday before the mirr*r decided to dig up a dead dogwalker..)
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asjhdgkk what do you mean? she gained like.. 5 new followers on her (dead) tiktok since yesterday i think lmaoo
but honestly I don't necessarily think her name needs to be attached to L for her to make it as an influencer. problem is she's just too boring and more importantly too lazy to make herself a for career. like even when she was posting regularily her content was too dull and inconsistent to attract interest from anyone but her exsisting stans. Im pretty sure she was dropped by her prev management in april and now it looks like she signed with a new agency a few months ago but still she isn’t doing anything?
it's so obvious when you look at the people she should be comparable to - L's sisters, the other 1D ex-gfs, her old buddy Max. all of them have build themselves a platform and a business on socials because they are putting in the work (of course having even moderate talent and a personality also helps lol). look at how much Lottie is doing, on top of being a mother to a toddler - the tanologist business, lots of brand deals, modelling at LFW etc etc. the content she produces is of such high quality (I can recognise that even if it doesn’t appeal to me personally) and more importantly she's consistent, she posts every day multiple times, she has a certain style and things to say that aren't just "here’s some free shit i got photographed on the same white couch yet again" lol
E was served every opportunity for an influencer career on a silver platter and yet.. couldn’t make it happen. and first anon, you’re so right about 'nobody stayed on her side'. reminds me of Lou Teasdale posting that photo w Lottie, Gemma and Sophia captioned "the whole gang" around a 1D anniversary and the E stans being 'what about E ??'. lol no one likes her.
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eyndr-stories · 1 year
I Think I Smell A Rat (FNAF SB fanfic) C4 - Into The Void
In Summary:
Being a robotic repair rat who lives in the walls of the pizza-plex is a pretty great gig, all things considered! You fix the wires instead of chew them, and you get into tight spaces those silly humans can't reach and fix things up behind the scenes. You do your little tasks diligently, and all is well. That is, until one night when you realize all of your other repair rat friends have gone missing, and almost all of those animatronics outside the walls are acting strange... You aren't sure what it is that needs fixing, but by golly you'll fix it! You just might need a little help along the way...
Things To Know:
Not a lot of warnings for this one! There is some peril and danger, damage to robots, and damage to. Uh, whatever the heck Afton is at this point??
Reader insert! You're a little rat shaped robot a handful of inches long. Lots of borrower-related themes in here
Daycare attendant centered, though the other animatronics make brief appearances. You hang out with Sun in the first half of the story and Moon in the second half!
A little over 17000 words in total, just a lil guy! 5 chapters, they're all pretty short
I somehow managed not to swear once in the entire story, aw hell yeah! Wait-
Ao3 link: Here!
Start Here: Chapter 1
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
C4 - Into The Void
     After a brief detour to a spare parts storage room and one quick casing attachment later, Moon was fully repaired and the two of you were off.
     It was a surprisingly smooth ride for the most part. Moon moved just as gracefully as Sun. Although when the time came for you to fix the lights for the area ahead, Moon would snatch you up off his shoulder and plop you carelessly in front of the port. You found yourself taking your time with the light controls, not especially eager to return to his company.
     Moon didn't seem especially eager to get chummy with you either. The journey was mostly silent, until you ran into trouble about halfway there.
     Chica hadn't seen you and Moon yet. She seemed to be busy violently attacking some apparently offensive trash cans. She was unfortunately standing right in front of the hallway you and Moon needed to go down. Moon retraced his steps back around the corner and crouched down to conspire with you.
     "I think I can take her," Moon whispered.
     "No, that's a bad idea." You quickly shook your head. "You'll get damaged again."
     Moon scoffed. "You think I'd loose??"
     "I think it would be a bad idea to risk it. We don't have time to repair you again," you argued.
     "Do you have a better idea, then?"
     You nodded. "If you prop open that staff room door, I'll make a distraction and draw Chica's attention. When she goes into the room to investigate, you sneak past. When she looses interest, I'll sneak by and meet you at the end of the hall."
     Moon paused. "…That is actually a good idea," he grumbled.
     You would have smiled, if you could. Perhaps even gloated a bit, if you had the time. Alas, there was no time for such things. You only had about two hours left until 6AM, when the building would open to the unsuspecting human staff looking to get ready for the day.
     Moon carried you into the staff room. A break room, by the looks of it. A recharge station for humans, to your understanding. There were plenty of items up on a long counter across the room from the door, so you had Moon drop you off there. He left the room, leaving the door open behind him.
     You nudged a wide tin full of plastic silverware towards the edge of the counter, then paused. You realized you'd need a place to hide after you'd made your distraction. Not only that, but you'd have to get back down to the floor without Moon's help. You could worry about that after Chica had left the room, though. First, a hiding place…
     There were a few boxes and containers you weren't very confidant about here on the counter. There was also a coffee machine, and next to it… ah ha! A wicker basket full of sugar and powdered creamer packets. You could dive in there and be totally hidden.
     With a plan in mind, you confidently turned back to the tin of plastic silverware. You set your two front paws against it and pushed it over the edge of the counter. You were already running for the basket before it even hit the floor.
     The tin clattered loudly, and the silverware spilled out everywhere. You peeked through the little gaps in the side of the wicker basket just in time to see Chica stalk into the room to investigate.
     Chica swiveled her head around, studying the room. Through the open doorway behind her, you could see Moon creeping silently and slowly past. Chica straightened up. She seemed satisfied that nothing was amiss, and she was starting to turn back around…
     No no no, not yet! Moon was right behind her! You panicked and leapt out of the basket, packets of sugar and creamer flying across the counter. You were flashing your tail light, though the motion was already enough. Chica's gaze fixed right on you.
     The real panic set in as Chica started lurching towards you. You had no easy way off the counter, and you couldn't hide. You dashed across the counter, thinking you'd improvise along the way.
     Chica made a grab for you and missed, her faux feathered arm whooshing just behind you and swatting a box of crackers off the counter instead. You focused on one of the closest tables as you rapidly approached the end of the counter. There was no time to calculate if you could make the jump or not, Chica was swiping at you again. You reached the end of the line, and pushed off the edge of the counter as hard as your little joints would allow.
     For a moment, it really looked like you'd make it. The table was approaching… and then you were arcing downwards sooner than you'd hoped, and the edge of the table flew overhead, and you fell straight towards the hard tile floor at top speed.
     There was a hard metallic sound, and suddenly you were no longer falling. To your confusion, you hadn't hit the floor. You had just registered the metal fingers around you before the world was rushing by again, this time in the opposite direction as you were lifted quickly upwards.
     Moon smoothly ducked as Chica made a hard swipe for his head. With his free hand, Moon shoved Chica back. She was already off balance, and fell backwards onto a different table. It collapsed under her weight, splitting clean in half. Moon ran for it as Chica struggled to pull herself back up.
     Moon pulled the door closed behind him and sprinted down the hall, holding you tightly and close to his chest.
     "I told you I could take her," Moon said smugly.
     You poked your tail out from between his fingers to argue. "My plan would have worked! If only she'd taken a few moments longer to look around."
     Moon suddenly skidded to a halt as he reached a door. He stood to the side and cautiously hit the controls. The lights were on in the hall beyond; you'd been through this hall earlier with Sun.
     "Crap. Be quick," Moon said, already lowering you towards the ground.
     Without a word you leapt from his hand and dashed into the walls. You made it to the light controls in record time, undoing your work from earlier and returning the lights to their proper setting. Instead of leaving the walls, you went to the door controls next. When you didn't see signals shooting back and forth from either control panel, you took that as a good sign that Chica hadn't caught up to Moon, and made your way back out of the walls.
     Moon was already on the other side, his hand hovering over the controls in case Chica tried to follow him.
     "…Do you think she lost interest as soon as we were out of sight?" Moon asked cautiously.
     "The other bots did seem to forget about Sun pretty quickly anytime we got out of sight of them," you remembered. "I think we're probably okay now."
     Moon sighed and relaxed. He bent down to scoop you up, then cast one last look at the door before hurrying off down the hall.
     You felt Moon's hands shift under you, tilting you slightly. You looked up at Moon, realizing he was looking you over. Moon quickly snapped his face plate back up, focusing on where he was going instead.
     You swung your tail around, making sure Moon could still see the light. "Thanks for saving me back there, by the way."
     "Yeah, yeah. If you get decommissioned then there'll be no one left who can help Sun. That's all," Moon insisted.
     "Sure," you said.
     Moon made a grumbling noise. "I wasn't just going to leave you to face Chica by yourself! You're so puny, even if you had made that jump, she would have crushed you."
     "Shut up! Stop looking at me like that or I'm stuffing you in my pocket," Moon threatened.
     You were not dissuaded in the slightest. "I think you're not as rough and tough as you like to seem after all!"
     "In the pocket with you, tiny terror!" Moon huffed and made good on his threat of stuffing you in his pocket.
     You wiggled in the dark space for a moment until you were able to get your paws under you. You poked your head up out of the pocket, but with all the stomping Moon was doing, watching the world rush by was a little disorienting. You accepted your pocket fate, which actually wasn't too bad. It was dark and cozy in the pocket, like your charging nest. If only you could actually charge in here; your battery was starting to get a little too low for comfort.
     You got bored of the pocket after a while and finally climbed out. You grabbed hold of Moon's capelet, the pointed ends dangling just low enough for you to use to climb your way back up to his shoulder. You decided against teasing Moon any further, at least for now.
     "We're close to your pathway now," Moon said.
     You and Moon had made it to Rockstar Row. You hadn't been here with Sun, so the lights were already off. Moon strode past darkened display cases and old framed posters, artifacts from long closed locations. Moon briefly eyed a weathered old metal hook in a smaller case. You wondered if the older buildings also had rats like you and your friends looking after them.
     Moon came to a stop in front of a small stage near the end of the hall, past the rope lines leading into the animatronic's rooms. There was a sign set in front of the stage, reading 'Coming Soon; the iconic pair that started it all! Freddy Fazbear and Bonnie Bunny currently under renovations'.
     You could see your port, in the base of the wall at the back of the stage. You could not see any sort of door near it that Moon would be able to fit through.
     "Hmm." Moon ignored the sign and the lackluster rope fence in front of the stage and climbed up onto the wood platform. He investigated the curtains and tapped at the wall, then kicked at the floor. "Any ideas?"
     You brought up your mental map. You could see where the map ended right below Moon's feet. Your sparse self-mapped paths wound downwards, circling the exact circumference of the stage.
     "…Stomp on the floor," you told Moon.
     Moon did as you asked and stomped a foot on the wooden boards of the stage. The sound echoed, as if the space underneath was hollow. You and Moon reached the same conclusion at the same time.
     "There's nothing below the stage! I can get down through here," Moon said excitedly. He plucked you off of his shoulder and set you down on the stage. "Wait here." He jumped back down to the floor and dashed around the corner, out of sight.
     A moment later, you jumped at the sound of glass shattering. Moon returned with an old metal hook in hand and a mischievous pep in his step.
     You shook your head and resolved to make Moon put the hook back once this was all over. You watched him use the hook to pry between the boards and wrench them up far enough for him to wiggle his fingers under them and pry them up. He tossed the boards aside, and in a matter of moments had torn a decent sized hole in the stage.
     A damp, cold air wafted up from the darkness below. You shared a look with Moon.
     "Well. No turning back now, little rat." Moon offered a hand out to you.
     You glanced back at the hole. Your map told you the empty space below didn't exist, despite your eyes stating otherwise. You felt uncomfortable just looking at it. You realized this must be what humans felt like when they were faced with dark places. For you, the dark was usually friendly, safe. You were built to see and navigate in the dark. This darkness however, was much different. You couldn't see in this darkness. It was dauntingly unknowable, shapeless and unfamiliar. You wouldn't be able to figure out where you were going, and you wouldn't be able to easily escape.
     You thought about Sun, and all the other rats. Your hardworking friends, still missing somewhere, probably suffering from the virus like all the other bots. You could do this. You had to.
     You climbed up onto Moon's hand and gave him a nod.
     Moon crouched at the edge of the hole. "Right. Here we go."
     He jumped through the hole, holding you securely in his hands, and together the two of you plummeted down into the darkness.
     Moon landed smoothly on his feet and straightened up. You both took a look around.
     Trusting your eyes alone was strange and disconcerting. Your map was entirely useless, and your pathfinding wouldn't even send you warning pings. You couldn't make any sense of the paths you'd made previously, couldn't even be sure they were at all accurate.
     Trying to focus on the space was difficult, and it felt like something important was missing, or like you were malfunctioning. You thought about playing I-Spy with Sun, when you had studied the world around you from his hand, without your pathfinder program working properly. Using just your eyes, you started to process what you could.
     You and Moon were in a kitchen. It was by no means functional. There was rubble everywhere, missing equipment, and strange puddles and stains. The cracked checker tile floor was weathered and warped, and you thought that this place must have been down here for ages, well before the plex was built.
     "Who decided to build on top of this dump?" Moon mumbled. He picked his way carefully across the kitchen, eying the puddles disdainfully.
     "How's your pathfinding?" you asked.
     "There's a few snags. My map keeps trying to tell me this place doesn't exist, but the pathfinding seems to be working well enough."
     "My map won't even work anymore. I can't even tell what direction we're facing."
     "Hm." Moon gave your head a sympathetic pat with a finger. "My whole system probably works a lot differently than yours."
     The kitchen doors groaned miserably as Moon pushed them open. Here, you were too far from the faint light trailing down from the hole Moon had come through, now in total darkness. Red lights clicked on in Moon's eyes and swept over the room, casting just enough light for both of you to see by.
     The dining area was in a similar state of decay to the kitchen. Only a few tables and chairs remained, though the wood was rotting and heavily warped. There were a few doors set into the walls. Moon made his way to the nearest one.
     You checked your internal clock as Moon explored. There was about an hour left until 6. You were trying not to worry, but this place had you feeling all sorts of stressed.
     The old restaurant was quiet and musty. The only sound was Moon's shoes over the floor and the quiet clicking of his joints as he walked. You didn't move much yourself, choosing to focus more on the constant of Moon's hand below you.
     You had no idea where you'd come from or what direction you were going. You couldn't remember a turn even a moment after Moon had made one. The turn did not exist, because this whole place did not exist. Your map was resolute on that front. Dingy walls and sparse peeling wallpaper passed by in a blur beyond Moon's fingers.
     "Not too much left to explore down here. We haven't run into that computer console yet. If my map would behave, I could at least see what direction it's in," Moon grumbled.
     A few minutes later, Moon came to a stop in front of a door. There was a small plaque still clinging to the wood surface of the door, reading 'Main Office'. He tried the handle, but it appeared to be locked.
     "Uh oh. Maybe there's a key around here somewhere?" you wondered.
     "I have a key," Moon assured.
     You found his tone suspicious. Before you could say anything else, Moon gripped the doorknob and ripped it clean out of the wood of the door, sending chunks of wood scattering across the floor. Moon tossed the doorknob over his shoulder.
     "…Well. Not the most traditional key, but it did get the door open," you remarked.
     Moon chuckled and pushed the door open, stepping inside the office.
     You were both speechless at the scene you found yourselves in.
     At the other side of the room, beyond a few rusty foldout tables, was the computer console you'd been looking for. When you scanned it, the ID matched the one you'd found earlier in the update files. It was connected to something clearly not human, but the bot had no ID at all. It seemed to be missing quite a lot of parts and casing, instead full of an unidentifiable purple colored substance. The stuff looked leathery in some places, wet in others. The bot should not have by any means been active, but he looked up at you and Moon none the less. You thought he might have been a rabbit model, once.
     Your attention wasn't on the weird bot, though. You were looking down at the ground, because the floor was covered in rats. Nearly a hundred little repair rats, metal casing dingy and scuffed from navigating this place. Your friends were clearly having trouble, bumping into rubble and the walls and other rats. A few of them were carrying small parts, slowly but diligently making their way to the bot sitting on the other side of the room, made of old scraps and spare parts and the work of a hundred diligent little repair rats.
     "Ah. So that's where all your friends went," Moon said. "They've been repairing… that." He tried to step carefully, but the rats didn't seem to understand enough of what was going on to know to move out of the way. Before he could even take a full step, the bot spoke.
     "I don't know how you've found your way here," he snarled, his voice raspy and faintly doubled by a voice box struggling to push out static, "but I'd take a good look around. Because it's the last place you'll ever see."
     You could tell Moon was ready to retort with some snarky reply, but before he could get a word out, the bot across the room raised a finger, pointed right at Moon, and spoke one word as the heads of every single rat in the room other than you turned to focus on Moon.
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pricklyest · 1 year
What e reader did you buy? Do you recommend it?
I was waiting to answer this when I stopped being sick so I could maybe be coherent but at this point idk when that's going to happen so we're just going to go w it and hope this makes sense sorry
I bought a kobo clara 2e. I wanted the smallest ereader I could find that was a reasonable price and also waterproof because I like to read in the bathtub and I am not immune to dropping things in the water. have ruined more than one book that way, have also ruined a nintendo switch that way.
the kobo ecosystem is not bad in terms of ereaders if you exclusively buy your ebooks from the kobo store. the kobo store is better than the amazon ebook store imo bc it lets you download drm-free versions of your purchases without having to go through any conversions, which I don't think is true of the kindle store.
kobo also lets you upload your own epubs and pdfs to the ereader from your computer pretty easily (you can add them like you would to a flash drive or you can use something like calibre to manage your library for you). there have been a few times when I've plugged my kobo into my computer and it hasn't automatically connected so I had to disconnect and reconnect it but then it worked fine. so it can be finicky but ultimately you should be able to get it.
the software that actually opens the ebooks and that you read with is actually different based on whether it's an epub in the kobo format (the filename will end with .kepub.epub) or literally anything else. kepubs will support more features, like annotations and faster page flips and easy word lookups in dictionaries (especially useful for reading the locked tomb which is Full of vocab words). you can also actually make changes the the font type and size. whereas anything else it just displays and doesn't let you highlight, annotate, or select text text. you can zoom in on things, but that's about it.
the good news is there are a lot of tools that let you turn things into kepubs. I currently use a plugin you can get for calibre, but I'm thinking about trying kepubify bc some of the epubs I've downloaded have turned into funky formatting with the calibre plugin.
right now my kobo clara 2e downsides are 1) device is still bigger than I'd like*, 2) kepub vs other file formats thing is mildly annoying, 3) can't buy ebooks from kobo store via app on my phone, have to either buy from kobo website or from my ereader, 4) screen is often less sensitive than I'm used to with other touch screen devices (this may just be an ereader thing), 5) I can't send books to my kobo wirelessly unless I've purchased them in the kobo store (idk if this is something I could do for other ereader systems, I haven't looked).
*there aren't really any devices from any of the major ereader brands with screens smaller than 6in (which is what the clara 2e has). I also looked at the xiaomi inkpalm 5, which does appear to be an ideal size for me, but you have to do some annoying command line shit to get it running in english and it doesn't appear to be waterproof. I may look into it again if I get sick enough of not having my ereader actually fit in my pants pockets. you could also get an eink phone and use it as an ereader, but they're phone prices instead of ereader prices, and most of them have the same language support issues the xiaomi has. the other thing I looked at is the open book project and the m5 paper which are both diy ereader kits and I'm more inclined to fuck with one of those than the xiaomi if I decide to do something more fun in the future, but I don't have the bandwidth for that right now.
kobo also supports integration with overdrive so you can check out library books, but I have recently discovered my library card is expired and bc I'm sick I haven't gone in to get a new one yet so I have no idea what that looks like and whether or not reading library ebooks uses the good reader (like with kepubs) or the no features reader.
one last annoying thing is the kobo store on the reader keeps trying to tell me to subscribe to kobo plus, which is basically like spotify premium but for ebooks and/or audiobooks. but not all titles ever are included so I haven't really looked into it v much bc rn I've found what I wanted to read through other methods (shout out to standardebooks.org)
anyway overall I would say I'd recommend it if your use case is exactly the same as mine, which is I wanted something small to read in the bath and carry around to hopefully replace my doomscrolling habit with reading like I used to when I was a kid, and it so far has been mildly successful. I did start wearing a fanny pack on a regular basis so that way I could actually carry it around everywhere like my phone, but even with a fanny pack I don't think you could fit something much bigger than 6-7in screen, so I'm not sure anything else would work. if you wanted a bigger ereader, I know someone else who has one of the larger kobos (not sure which one, we don't talk super often) and seems p happy w it. I briefly entertained the idea of getting one from kobo w a stylus and using that to take notes in class bc I saw some people in the ereader subreddit say they liked using it for that, and then I remembered I have an ipad and apple pencil to do that exact thing already and I'm already really happy w that setup.
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