#i just cant get over him and it might be a problem lol
warnersangell · 3 days
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- pairing: dad!jameson hawthorne x mom!reader
- summery: headcanons about dad jamie <3
- warnings: fluff, domestic life, married reader, literal babies, baby problems, family life, both dad jamie because i cant see him with only a boy but i also cant see him with only a girl
- words: tbr
- tags: @sophiesonlinediary @urbanflorals @tornqdowarnings (click here to be added to my taglist! <3)
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✰ he’d totally be the type of dad to try to purposely try to embarrass his kids. whether it be teasing them about their crushes, or telling embarrassing stories about them to their friends.
✰ he lowkey will try to cause chaos with his kids. not enough to annoy you persa, but just enough to make you and the kids laugh.
✰ oh you KNOW he’d be spending money all on his kids. of course he only knows a bit about clothes so you’ll have to come along to help.
✰ he’d make a gmail account for them and make little riddles for them that get harder whenever they grow up.
✰ he’ll be the fun chill dad that everybody loves but he might be a bit overprotective at times like whenever his daughter gets a date.
✰ he’d totally be the type of dad to try to purposely try to embarrass his kids. whether it be teasing them about their crushes, or telling embarrassing stories about them to their friends.
✰ totally will get mad if one of your kids gets into a fight but the second you’re gone he’d be all like “who won?” and “did you beat them up?”
✰ when they were born, he’d just hold their little hands and stare at them. he’d also cry a bit too.
✰ you’ll DEFINITELY be naming them. either it was because of a dare that jameson had to name his future child lighting mcqueen or he’d just wanted to for fun. though those will probably be small nicknames for them soon (much to your demise)
✰ if they’re into sports, he’d definitely go to their games and scream his head off. you’d have to practically smack your hand over his mouth to shut him up lol
✰ he wouldn’t be worried that he’ll be a bad father but he’ll sometimes wonder if he’s doing the right thing or not. he won't really dwindle on it but he’ll ask that to you before bed.
“hey, do you think i’m a good father?” “of course, jamie, why?” “just wondering.”
✰ totally will play dress up with his daughter. he’ll be INTO the act too, whether he was the knight, prince, or princess, he’d act it for her. you and his son would just be trying so hard not to laugh.
✰ lowkey will make them watch pixar, disney, all those movies. he’ll totally make sure they’re watching cars too. (his son realized why he always called him lighting then)
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Junkrat headcanons because I cant get over this stinky man
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i just think he's adorable, okay?!??!
he smells like gunpower and armpits, so please force him to take a bath
will he resent you after said bath????? probably for a few days, but now he smells nice
bro, if he's mad at you, just know that he doesnt hold a grudge, so expect to be cuddling in his arms that very night
this man will ENCASE you when you cuddle. he's literally 6'5", so if you're shorter than that, expect every one of his limbs that's left to wrap around you
once he is asleep he is ASLEEP. you cannot expect to wake this man up or move him because he becomes a literal boulder that you cannot move
if you need to use the bathroom at night or something and he is wrapped around you, sorry about that, you're stuck with a rat on top of you
he definitely leaves food around his room along with dirty clothes
if you clean his room, he will pout
go on boba dates with him please
when he gets comfortable enough around you, he will just walk around in his underwear
he gets tired so easily, so please take him to bed when he falls asleep working on one of his projects
give him head scratchies and he will go FERAL. and by feral i mean he will melt to your touch and fall asleep more than likely
please be friends with roadhog because the three of you would be a really goody gang
this man, surprisingly, is a really good kisser. at first, absolutely not. but when you taught him how to kiss, he became the BEST kisser ever
and now he cant go a day without a kiss
this man makes a killer lemonade... idk why i just see it
expect lots of love from him frrrr
cup his face and he will smile at you like a cute lil baby
kiss his cute little cheeks please
he will ask you to go to junkertown to bring him little trinkets since he was kicked out
when he's having some really bad phantom pain, give him lots of love
he will 100% give you goo goo eyes while youre not looking and while youre looking too lol
he will call you when he's lonely, even when you're in the other room
there are random rats that just chill in his room, you say it's unsanitary, he says they're friends
or whisper his name in his ear and he will shudder
he just loves when you call him Jamison or Jamie <3
just know that he has eyes for no one but you and will never stop loving you <333
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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privitivium · 4 months
lol back again 4 more teacher :3
sub!teacher x mean!dom!ftm reader, d/s because theres no sex but like theirs the dom one (us) and sub (him), reader just teasing T's dick whiles hes on a break or something, (forced) feminization? like 'ur dicks so small its like a clit, even i have a bigger one than this pathetic thing' kinda kinda :3, taughting him with the fact he has a wife still to! heheheheh
obviously take ur time no rush 🤍🤍
yes.. thank you dear 🍸 going on break for weekend. maybe. catch me posting in the midst of being "on break"...... but shhh
sub teacher w mean dom mtf student ....
cw;; age gap [ yr 18 t is 24 ] dick referred to as clit!? feminization, dacryphilia-ish, exhibition
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watching in glee as the others begin to flush out of the huge room... glancing down at the desk where your lone man sat, fiddling with papers. what better time than now to show your favorite professor some love as he so begged you with a mere look? that needy whore!
"look at this thing..." you scrutinize as you thumb around the head of his flushed cock - face darkened in arousal and embarrassment scrunched, while yours looks on in faux disgust as you were feeling up the icky fleshy tip. admiring it really... "even my clit is bigger than this. how are you even pleasing your wife?" languidly jerking him off as he tries so hard not to whimper at the way you talk to him - biting on his bottom lip to hold back his little noises. not even glancing at his picture of his wife that he faced down on his desk - this was all about you... his lips, bruised and red that you were just sucking at.
your free hand you lift to his eyes that were glazed as though he were seriously about to start crying... "are you upset? are you really gonna cry? is it because your dick is small..." continuing without fail to tease your professor, grinning to yourself. he fidgets - gripping at the armrests of his stupid wheeling chair as he accidentally lets a soft moan pass his saliva slick lips - bucking into your hand needily. "please..." he speaks, finally. after minutes of not vocalizing... "please what?" you hum, merely circling his sticky cockhead with your digits.
"p-please... uah... w-wrap your hand.. around my ah... clit. touch me." he murmurs, voice choppy and broken... how sad, to make a disgusting pathetic mess of your professor like this... hn.
"hey hey... be quiet. someone might come in here to get a glimpse of your engorged clit. do you want them to see this fucking thing? i wouldnt. it's sad..." you tsk, shaking your head - thighs shifting together to ease your own problem that you were most definitely not focused on. you cant help but... stare at the way cum dribbles from his slit... thumbing over the opening, plugging it up as he trembles from his orgasm, whining under his breath.. dramatic much?... "jeez.. better clean up this mess before your time is over huh.." you sigh, hand pulling away from his limp cock before he was reaching out - tugging you on his lap, narrowly avoiding his softening cock.
ㅡ"... wait a moment..." he buries his heated face in the crook of your neck, breathing hard. it was a bit gross, feeling his breath hit your neck like that. but you allow him to... hold you... not for long, as you need some cold water... making sure to berate him for making you all aroused that bastard... leaving no time for you to ride his thigh.. ugh!
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wolfytae-exe · 10 months
hi!! can u do a spiderman gyu smut^^?
Hey!! I can sure try! Cant guarantee it’ll be good-
Genre: smut
Pairings: Spider-man!Beomgyu, Afab!Reader
Warnings: Manhandling, Degradation and Praise, Edging, Bondage, spitting, orgasm denial, overstimulation, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, squirting, facial, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it),creampie, mating press, forced orgasm, this was written on multiple occasions so if it sounds like a broken puzzle i apologize.
Note: unedited, i’ve been getting a lot of asks and i’m VERY behind LOL i need to catch up so i cant edit these after writing them. I kept procrastinating this im sorry- it might seem a bit rushed
Summary: in which you confront your boyfriend whose been hiding a secret from you for years
You had been sitting in your bed for an hour waiting on your boyfriend to come over and spend some time with you. All you had gotten was a quick text from him telling you there was a ‘problem’.
You and Beomgyu have been dating for 2 years now, now both juniors in college, and he’s been keeping a secret from you the whole time. Not like you didn’t know his secret already, but when he would text you like this and call his crime fighting a ‘problem’ instead of straight up telling you he was Seoul’s very own spider-man you always felt your heart crack.
You know the man like the back of your hand and he still managed to not trust you enough to tell you. You’ve known since before you both even dated, your crush on him prominent before you even knew.
You would notice every time he wouldn’t show up to class, coming in late or missing lunch after watching a news recording on his phone. He always came back disheveled and flushed, like he had been running or working out. At first you had assumed he had sex a lot, always ditching class to get his dick wet.
But soon after that thought crossed your mind you caught him. You watched him take off the mask after throwing some petty robbers into prison. It only made your love for him grow, knowing he was so strong and brave enough to risk his life everyday just did something that made you fall for him harder than before.
Eventually you both began hanging out, he managed to keep his eye on you as well as being a hero and being top of his class. He really made you feel special that way so you always made sure to understand that when you have to wait for him, it’s okay because he’s saving lives.
As quickly as you fell into your thoughts you were dragged out of it by the sound of your phone ringing, notifying you that your boyfriend finally had a time of peace to come see you.
A smile was now stuck on your face, excited to see Beomgyu after a few days of him practically ghosting you. You quickly responded, throwing in a couple hearts out of excitement before hitting send.
Half an hour has passed since Beomgyu sent you the text that he would be coming over. You’ve started to lose hope already, the food you made him,, your mothers tteokbboki recipe she gave you before you left for college,, was now cold.
As you began packing the food up back into the fridge you heard a knock. Closing the Tupperware of rice cakes you walked to the door, peeking into the peep hole just to find no one there. “what..?” you muttered before hearing a louder knock, this time behind you.
Slowly you looked behind you to the balcony your dorm was accompanied with. There was no way Beomgyu was coming in through your balcony right? You live on the 5th floor for fucks sake, this wasn’t really how he was going to tell you his secret right?
Your feet pattered against the floor as you made your way to the balcony, opening up the door with a confused look sketched all over your face, and there he was, Choi Beomgyu standing there with a bashful grin and annoyingly normal clothes. “Hi pretty.” He spoke with a slight rasp and whisker smile.
You just blinked, looking behind him at the drop of your balcony. “How did you get up here, Gyu?” You asked with faux confusion, more so wondering what he would say.
Beomgyu turned to look over his shoulder, peeking at the drop as well before looking back with a now nervous grin. “I- well- I climbed.” He admitted, unsure how to explain how he even did that.
His answer stunned you though, he just straight up told you. “How did you even do that, there’s nothing but balconies up here and it’s the fifth floor Gyu.” You called him out as he you gave him room to walk in and get his jacket off.
As Beomgyu walked in he took in your words trying to find an excuse. He only showed up on the balcony cause he forgot his spare keycard in his dorm, used to just jumping out his window whenever he’s needed by the police. “I sorta maybe forgot my keycard at my dorm.”
You rolled your eyes as you closed the balcony door. “Well no need to dwell. I made my mom’s tteokbboki, find a movie and i’ll heat it up.” You spoke, getting some pressure off his back as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before making your way to the kitchen.
Beomgyu gave you a firm nod before making his way into your room. You proceeded to reheat the food you packed up already, thinking about whether to tell him you knew his secret or not.
Once the microwave announced that the food was ready you took it out, giving it a quick stir and grabbing some drinks before heading into your room. You were a little tense, mentally pushing yourself to tell him after keeping it from him all this time.
As you sat down, Beomgyu moved closer, helping you get settled on the bed with him. “So what movie did you pick?” you asked while passing him a soda can. Beomgyu happily took it from you, thanking you in the process before responding. “I picked that new spider-man movie, the new york spider-man everyone keeps making movies about.”
Beomgyu spoke with a tinge of jealousy. “Well he must be really good if he has this many movies.” You responded while fishing out a rice cake from the red sauce. “I like our spider-man more.” Beomgyu said firmly. With a giggle you nodded. “I like our spider-man more too.” You agreed, ignoring the way his face lit up in response.
Beomgyu reached for the remote to play the movie and you took a bite of the chewy and spicy meal, humming at the taste of it. After the movie began playing Beomgyu grabbed his chopsticks and went for the boiled egg at the bottom of the bowl, it was always his favorite part of the dish.
You watched through your top eyelashes as he practically scarfed down food. He must have grown an appetite from fighting. “Hungry Gyu?” You questioned him and he stiffened, pausing to actually chew and swallow his food before nodding. “I didn’t eat at all today.” he admitted as he grabbed more rice cakes and sauce.
You shook your head. “Why didn’t you eat?” You asked, half concerned and half scolding him. You knew the answer but if he wasn’t going to tell you, you might as well make him feel a little guilty about it. “Ah w-well..” He muttered, using his index finger to move his bangs out his eyes. “I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you.” He said with a pout.
You just stared, waiting. There was no way in hell he was going to come clean after all this time of leaving you in the dark. You watched as he lifted the sleeve of his hoodie. It seemed normal enough, but then he went and reached under the scrunched sleeve and pulled out the red sleeve of the suit, the iconic spider web design laced into it. No fucking way.
You just stared at it. Do you act shocked? Do you tell him that your knew? You were panicking. “I knew.” You muttered, looking back up just to freeze at the darkness in his eyes. You were expecting everything but that. “Since when?” Was all he said. He never let his satoori slip around you, he knew it sounded a bit harsh at times but in this point in time it seemed like he genuinely didn’t care, practically spitting it out harsher than it needed to be.
You frowned, not even wanting to answer his question. “Before we started dating.” You answered anyways, waiting for the harsh response to come in. But all that was given was a sigh and a soft “Why did you never tell me?” Your frown stayed however, knowing he was still upset. “I didn’t want to add on to your stress, being spider man is already hard enough without someone knowing your identity, why would i make it harder for you?” you answered with a question back, knowing there was no answer.
“Show me..?” You asked, leaning forward into him a bit more. Slowly but surely Beomgyu turned his wrists upward, the small holes in his wrists were barely noticeable, opening and closing with his heart beat only slightly. You watched as he reached across your room for your unplugged lava lamp. Nothing happened for a moment and you just looked at him, finally realizing he was staring at you. “You really knew for that long?” He questioned you again but all you did was nod, watching his wrists once more.
You had expected his to throw his hands into those iconic spider-man signs but instead he kept it open, flexing his forearm for a second before the webs came shooting out to the lava lamp, sticking to it immediately as he pulled it back to you both and catching it with one hand. You flinched at how close it got to your face but calmed down when you registered you were safe.
Slowly you reached over to touch the webs as he set down the lava lamp, it was thin and stringy, sticky and elastic. “So cool..” You muttered as you dragged a thumb over the holes against a wrist, jumping back when you heard him let out a noise. “Did that hurt? I’m sorry, Gyu!” You apologized ferociously, panicked that you had went too far.
Beomgyu just laughed at you. “ I liked it.. Felt good, I never had anyone touch my spinnerets before.” He admitted with a small blush to his ears. “Then may I?” You asked this time, unsure if he would be fine with it or not. Once he gave you a firm nod you went back, pressing a finger on the pulsating holes. You slightly grazed your nail over it and felt beomgyu squirm.
“Does it really feel that good?” You asked him, raising a brow. All he did was hum in response, a tight lipped nod following. “do the webs only shoot out fast? oh my god do you eat insects?” You threw questions at him left and right, now curious about how much of him is spider.
Beomgyu just snorted. “I eat like a normal human being Y/N, I’m not a complete spider. and my webs have always come out fast, sometimes there’s a blockage sometimes where they won’t come out at all but they’re never slow.” He answered tugging at his bottom lip as you kept running you thumb over the holes, fascinated. You never got to see them before, it’s all so new to you.
Beomgyu soon let out a whimper when you wouldn’t let up on his spinnerets. “Y-Y/N..” He whined and clutched his hand into a fist, not wanting to rip his hand from you because of the sensitivity all while trying not to make it so known he we slowly getting aroused by the feeling.
Eventually you pulled back, noticing how he was panting, practically begging for air. “Was that too much? I’m sorry I’ll calm down.” You said, now wondering how good it must feel if he’s reacting this way. It didn’t take long to figure it out however. Your eyes glanced down for a moment only to double take onto his gray sweat pants, specifically his crotch, a small patch darker than the rest in a tattletale manner that the superhero was leaking precome ready to cum in his pants untouched, not to mention the bulge that accompanied this small spot.
Beomgyu saw your eyes, flushing in embarrassment. “I- I didn’t know that would happen Y/N. I swear-“ He tried to explain himself, cheeks red. You cut him off however, placing a finger on his lips before leaning down to his wrist where the holes rested.
Once your finger moved he questioned you. “What are you do- ah fuck-“ He gasped out as you licked over the holes. Wanting to see just how sensitive he could get. The reaction was good enough for you so have another lick over the hole and blew on it, letting the cold air cause him to shiver.
The feeling went straight to Beomgyus cock, making him buck his hips at the pleasure. “That really does rile you up, Gyu.” You said with a smirk, dragging your lips up his arm to his shoulder, then to his neck, jaw, cheeks, and finally his lips.
Food and movie now forgotten you crawled into his lap, his arms immediately pulling you in at the waist as you explored each others mouths, teeth scraping each other and tongues covering every area of your mouths. Soon enough he pulled off, both you guys catching your breath as he lifted your chin up, you being a bit smaller in his lap allowed him to sink you down enough to fully look over you.
Beomgyu lifted your chin, holding your mouth open with his thumb on your bottom lip before spitting into it. “Swallow it.” He said with a growl and you did, a hum following before you both went back in, your hand going straight to his sweats, palming and gripping his cock through it. You guys were never really aggressive when it came to sex or foreplay, but with the way Beomgyu initiated this and the way you teased him you just knew this was going to be fun.
Eventually you both broke apart, filling your lungs back up before Beomgyu quite literally tore off your shirt, grabbing it by the hem and ripping it into two just to get to your breasts. With a moan you let him grope you, feeling his cold hands glide over your bra before lifting it up and exposing your breasts and hard nipples.
Beomgyu was usually soft and vanilla with you, gentle and calm but tonight it’s like he snapped, a whole new person. “God I should just stick you to this wall and have my fun.” You hear him mutter into your chest. “Fuck, Gyu-“ You whine as he starts sucking on your nipples, let them harden in his mouth and grow more sensitive.
Once your nipple is hard and you’re squirming in his lap he lets go, taking off his own shirt before pulling off your shorts and underwear in one go. You’re helping by unclipping your bra and going for his pants, which he slaps your hand away and picks you up. You let out a yelp as he quite literally manhandles you.
Once you both are off the bed he’s pinning you to the wall, his bigger hands over your smaller ones, keeping them above your head. All you could do was look at him, surprised more than anything that he was going through with his thoughts.
At some point in you staring at him he flips you to face the wall, mushing your head against it as he webbed your hands in place. It was sticky but soft at the same time, like a silk glove that was wet before being worn.
You tried to wiggle out, testing the strength of his webs for yourself and you didn’t even budge, completely stuck to the wall. You whined as you struggled to see him but it didn’t last long because you felt his hands on your hips pulling you back into an arch, ass out and hands stuck to the wall. Once he let go you were about to move but felt more webs stick you down, unable to move out of this uncomfortable position.
“Shhh just let me use your pretty hole baby, don’t worry i’ll make sure you get to cum.” he whispers into your ear, running a cold finger down your bare back, giving you a quick shiver that ran all the way down to your cunt. You feel him pull away and try to turn your head but your arms blocked from your sight.
soon you hear him shuffling, you can’t pin point what he’s doing so you whine, wiggling your ass to him in an attempt to fuck you already. Your skin was already burning up at this point, feeling hot under his silky webs.
“So impatient..” You hear him whisper before letting out a moan, taunting you. What is he doing? His he just getting off and leaving you here. You can’t see what he’s doing and it’s driving you mad.
That feeling went away however when you felt something wet rub against your folds. “A-ah~ Gyu please don’t tease.” You mumble as he hums, enjoying your wet folds on his cock. After a minute of back and forth rubbing he pushed through, You were so wet, so warm, so tight. A moan slipped from you and your head fell forward, caught by the wall you were of so close to.
As soon as he bottomed out he began fucking you, hands on your waist like you were some fuck toy for him to get off with. Whatever you had done to him had him in a haze, slowly his hands left you, fucking you with no hands as you followed his thrusts back anyways and brought his wrists up to his mouth, breath fanning over the holes as he pounded into your cunt. His heart was racing like he had taken aphrodisiacs.
“Fuck what did you do to me.” He muttered before licking at the holes that were pulsating with his heart. The feeling did nothing but travel straight to his cock, twitching hard inside you as he bucked harder. Your legs were trembling, unable to handle how aggressive he was being. The pace was unforgiving and the knot in your stomach was tightening painfully.
Just as you let out a whine, knowing you were gonna cum he pulled out. Your hips fell back into nothing but air and your heat clenched around itself angrily at the denied orgasm. “Why-“ You begin, protesting at the loss of your pleasure only to yelp in sensitivity as beomgyu comes back, his fingers on your clit.
You bucked into his fingers, he knew your body like the front and back of his hand, you always felt the most pleasure in your clit, being fingered didn’t do much for you unless it was his doing the work. “You did this to me, Y/N.” He panted, the speed of his fingers rubbing you building your orgasm right back up. All you could do was shift weight on different feet to try an get away, the pleasure was too much for you to handle, but that didn’t stop him from chasing your clit.
Soon your voice was so loud Beomgyu was sure you’d end up with several noise complaints. You, on the other hand, couldn’t even hear yourself anymore, only able to hear your heartbeat and ringing. Beomgyu watched the way your cunt clenched around itself, threatening to release more juices than it already had dripping out.
“Almost there, doll.” He hummed before dropping to his knees, fingers leaving you to start crying in frustration. You were impatient and in pain from the constant denial. Beomgyu watched your heat drip more and more pleasure, almost as a lure for him to come back. Luckily for you, he did, lips to lips he licked stripes up your cunt before completely going in.
His hands held you by your waist to keep your squirming to a minimum before he took your clit into his mouth, tongue rubbing in figure 8’s with no abandon. “O-Oh” Was all your brain could let out, Beomgyu loved eating you out, if he could live life with you attached to his face he would.
Your legs trembled at the feeling of his hot tongue making out with your lower half, you could feel his nose rubbing against your heat, prodding and teasing you further. Whimpers and moans mixed with the sound of Beomgyu lewdly slurping up your cunt like it’s his sole purpose was all that could be heard, along with the occasional “You taste so fucking good” he’d mutter against you in a pussy drunk haze.
Your position left Beomgyu frustrated at some point, wanting you flipped, so he left your cunt and stood up, wrapping an arm around your waist before reaching to your hands and ripping off the webs you struggled with, with ease. Your arms fell and your upper half with it, but Beomgyu tightened his grip so you only slouched and rubbed off the webs that stuck your feet in place with his own. Once you were free you were being thrown back onto the bed, completely avoided the half empty bowl of food.
Beomgyu followed your body to the bed, looking at the food in the corner of his eye before quickly slinging a web to the top that rested next to it and pulling it towards him. Catching the top with one hand as he crawls over you he pushes the lid onto the bowl before putting it on the nightstand. In the meantime you were whining and trying to get friction from his hard on as he crawled on top of you.
Once he felt it was safe to continue, and not in fear of staining everything with tteokbboki sauce he went back down, grabbing your thighs as he pulled you to the edge of the bed. Your legs opened fast, wanting him back to finish you off. “So impatient” He teased, knowing damn well he was edging you on purpose.
You let out another whine as he kissed your inner thigh, hands gripping your knees to keep you from shutting your legs on his face, not that he’d mind. His kisses fluttered from your knee to your bikini line before he placed a few kisses on your clit. You squeaked as you felt him slowly trace kisses from the hood of your clit to licking the ball of nerves.
Your hands, now free, shot down to his hair, intertwining your fingers into it before pulling when he flattened his tongue on your folds. Slowly he built up your orgasm again, kissing and slurping your arousal. He wanted you to cum just as much as you did, he wanted nothing more than to taste your pleasure as a reward for treating him so well, keeping his secret, and well he just loved to eat you out too.
His tongue teased your entrance a few times before pushing in. Your grip on his hair only tightening as you pulled his face in, grinding on his nose and suffocating him. Beomgyu was loving every bit of it, he took a hand off your knee and plunged his middle and ring finger into the wet throbbing hole after moving back up to your clit. “Oh-“ you let out. The sound were oh so lewd, making your heart pound even harder.
Quickly, your arousal soaked his fingers as he curled them up, hitting your g-spot with the pads of his fingers. “Oh god- Fuck Gyu.” You pant, arching yourself into him in hopes he quicken the speed. The feeling of your cunt in his mouth and his fingers in you had you severely overwhelmed, so sensitive from the failed orgasms, you were scared he was going to stop again so you held him tighter, grinding even harder into his face.
You orgasm snuck up on you, crashed over you before you knew it. Your legs shook and you mouth hung open into a silent scream as you seen stars, not even aware at the fact that you squirted in your boyfriends mouth, pulling him into and keeping him there to take it all. The feeling left you numb, you were dizzy and your body was buzzing.
“Fuck..” You heard Beomgyu in a muffled voice, slightly gargled. You slowly came back, letting him go little by little with heavy pants before looking down at him. Your thighs were soaked, along with his bangs and his lips and chin, some even making it to his cheeks and nose. A small groan rumbled from him as he came on himself, reacting to your orgasm.
“We aren’t done.” Beomgyu said, slurring over his pussy drunk haze. The hero pulled himself up and pulled you even closer, planting his hips in between yours before he slammed into you. A groan fell from him and a scream fell from you, overstimulated to hell because of him. “G-G Fuck Gyu- A-Ah~” You tried to pull him off, struggling to keep your legs open for him as you clit throbbed painfully.
Beomgyu only responded by closing your legs and pressing your knees to your chest, holding you into a mating press as he fucked into your gummy walls. “You’re so tight- So perfect for my cock.” He rambled as he slammed his hips into yours, pausing for a second to rut into you deep and hard before pulling out almost all the way and slamming back in. Your eyes rolled back as he leaned his head next to yours, licking the shell before whispering dirty words into them. Before you knew it, your orgasms aligned with one hit to your cervix and a matched groan left you both.
Beomgyu slowed down, moving back to rutting against your clit as he pumped his cum deep into you, practically breeding you as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix, begging to get you pregnant. Slowly Beomgyu pulled out, letting a long moan fall from his lips while you whined. His cock coated in both your cum, a ring around the base of his cock from the constant rutting and his cum came oozing out onto the sheets as he fully slipped out.
“Let’s get you cleaned up baby.” He panted, fighting another boner at the sight. You, however, didn’t hear him; completely passed out from the strength of both orgasms. “Fuck.” He muttered before pulling you up into his arms. “Ill have to clean you up myself.” He whispered before planting a kiss to your sweaty forehead and making his way to your dorm bathroom.
im sorry this took so long to get out😭
I’ve been swamped with work.
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rayroseu · 1 year
!!! book 7 spoilers
content: general lilia vanrouge chibi animation, general lilia and baul zigvolt full sprite, knight of dawn full silouette, and princess malenoa full silouette (source: @alchemivich) (advisable you use a light theme tumblr bcs u might have problems viewing the silouettes lol)
THE MOMENT IVE BEEN WAITING FORRRR WAYAUDGAUDHSHGSHA general peepaw at his 300s cracking his spine 💕💕✨💕✨💕😍
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AAAAHHH hes so tired from making sure the silver owls go extinct JSHAJJS also for always dealing with the Draconia's tantrums😭💥
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do YOU see the fricking flips hes doing on top of swinging a pure stone around??? GURL, THEY WERENT JOKING ABOUT HIS STRENGTH EVEN IF THOSE ARMS LOOKS AVERAGE 😭💥💥
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I love his new expressions are more sinister than what we knew ✨✨✨
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his cape is too long Jbdjaa I cant make up his form too much AAA😭✨ I'm very interested for more lore about him thoughh-- 😳✨ knight of dawn... pls be a good and likeable guy lol
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the way i gasped and she is so exuding of power and elegance ✨💕✨💕
everyone go home this is the best character design ever
*malleyuu insert* man, imagine introducing yourself as her son's bf/gf 😂😂💥💥 we're truly that meme where it goes -> the guy you like, his mother, his father, etc etc 😂😂💥💥‼️
HER FREAKING STANCE-- I CANT GET OVER IT ITS SO EFFORTLESSLY AUTHORITATIVE!!! Prince Levan scored a baddie holy freaking gosh--
Now, I really believe theyll release an actual sprite for Princess Malenoa ✨✨ She looks too detailed to just end it like this lol
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serejae · 7 days
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myung jaehyun x doodler!reader
syno; a pencil lead you to him now
a/n ; uncapitalization is intended, some kissing, inspired on our beloved summer besides the exes factor lol :-), enjoy
it was a late night, jaehyun wasn’t home yet and you couldn’t quite fall asleep yet. so you decided to kill two birds with one stone. ever since you were young you had a hobby of drawing, it was normal for you to get asked from people to draw them. unfortunately for them your drawings don’t focus on people but rather sights. as you organized your old drawings you came across a dusty folder hidden all the way in the back of your shelf, curious to see what it is you grab it and clear the dust off. the cover of the folder doesn’t go unnoticed with masking tape messily on it with the words “DO NOT OPEN. YOURE CRAZY.” written on top. you laugh to yourself slighty and take the risk going against your past self. when opening the folder a tiny pencil falls out and all the memories suddenly flash back. picking up the pencil, you immediately sit down and go through the folder.
it was almost 2 years ago. you were sketching in a cafe when you got distracted by your phone that you didn’t notice one of your pencils falling out of your pencil case. someone suddenly diverts your attention away from your phone. looking up you see the most (not even exaggerated) mesmerizing man, his lips turn up slight and he clears his throat “sorry for bothering you, but your pencil fell” he said with a slight blush on his face and reddish ears. you laugh slightly and thank him expecting that to be the end of your conversation but to your suprise he paused for a second thinking about what to say
“are you here alone?”
the wise answer wouldve been no, i mean you dont even know the guy
“can i sit?”
while reminiscing the moment you played with the pencil, the pencil was special, not only because it lead you to jaehyun but the steps it took to realize you loved him.
there were 2 drawings of jaehyun. the only drawings you ever drew of a person
drawing 1 .
its been 2 weeks since you met jaehyun. you both had been talking regularly and you hated it: not because you disliked him or anything but rather the opposite. you found yourself developing a
crush. :-/
as you sat at your table shaking your good pencil between your fingers staring at the blank paper that seems to be staring at you back. thats when you started imagining eyes, nose, lips, a face on the paper but not just anyones face. it was myung jaehyun’s. you never had the urge or willingness to draw a person but something inside your soul was telling you to. trying to push the thoughts back you starting thinking to yourself
“i don’t even remember his face accurately”
“its been 2 weeks pfft”
pausing at the notification you flip your phone over and the screen illuminates.
myung jae !
“if your not too busy do you wanna ft?:p”
before replying back (a obvious yes) you scramble your desk for the pencil he had handed you that day. the pencil was tiny, you kept it because you kept forgetting to throw it away but once you find it you reply with a
cant seem too desperate right?
and as he calls you and the screens connect, your met with a familiar face and start doodling. focusing on his voice and you drew, you looked up every so often studying his face.
after finishing you date the corner and shove it in the back of your drawer.
drawing 2 .
your crazy.
its been 9 months since you first met jaehyun and it takes every muscle in you to not draw him. you can’t feed into your delusional or into the thought that you might have a crush on him. at this point its more then a stupid crush. you would say you just really really really like jaehyun but you guys werent even dating yet and thats the problem.
everyday for these past 9 months the two of you have become incredibly close, might i add a little too close.
all you could think about was him and normally in situations like this you would draw things you like to get your mind off of whatever you were stressed about which sadly wouldn’t work in this situation
as he was what you like and all you could think about.
after a hour on debating (3 minutes) you sigh and open your camera roll, opening the album “mjae<{3” your favorite photo of him, one you didnt even know you took but there was something different about the photo
his eyes.
theres no way he couldnt feel the same about you, right?
shut up.
you stopped the thoughts and started doodling, sketching all the details on his face. youve memorized his face probably more then your own now that you think about it.
adding the finishing touches and dating it, you back away from the paper and stare at it
how does he have you wrapped around his finger so well?
grabbing your phones you search variations of questions into google
“why cant i stop thinking of a guy”
“how to know if you like a guy”
“does my crush like me????” you made sure to find one made bv a guy to insure accuracy.
unfortunately the answers didnt help you
they all lead back to love
and thats when you realized
you don’t really like myung jaehyun
your inloveeeeeeee with myung jaehyun.
jumping onto your bed you scream into your pillow and go into a rage. scrambling around your room you find a folder, empty everything inside, get tape from your desk and aggressively put the tape on there. taking your marker you write “DO NOT OPEN. YOUR CRAZY.” you stuffed the current drawing in there as well dug in your drawer for the previous one. once inside you grab the pencil that started it all and put it inside too. then shoving it to the back of your shelf.
a year after meeting jaehyun thats when he finally asked you to be his partner, he had asked to meet in the same cafe you 2 had met. you arrived on time while jaehyun was a bit late, you didnt mind too much though. while waiting you scrolled on your phone when you suddenly heard a voice
“excuse me?
i think you dropped this.”
you look up confused and see a bouquet of flowers with a sticky note attached to it
“be my partner? (plz)” as well a silly drawing of you and jaehyun as cat and dog. looking up you see his familiar face that has a reddish tint
“of course.”
you hear the door open snapping you out of your thoughts
“baby? im home!”
“at my desk jae”
you hear him shuffe his way to your desk and kisses you on the head before looking at your desk
“oh look! its the pencil i gave back to you when we first met, you still have it?” he laughed, his eyes shift over to the two drawings on the table of no other then, him.
he said as he picked up the drawings seeing the dated marks
“these are amazing babe, but i thought you didnt draw people?”
you look down at the pencil and smile
oh you couldn’t wait to tell him the storied behind the drawings
you looked up at the sticky note on your wall before opening your mouth
“funny story…”
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cherubispunk · 7 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (CHAPTER ONE) -Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: The Canary Club. Illicit. Underground. Dangerous too. But nowhere near as dangerous the affair you and Joel start there.
a note from Lucy: chapter one! I'm digging my own grave here. thats all im saying. i promise it is focused on joel and the reader later in the chapter. im just setting the scene for differnt relationships in the series.
wc: 6969 (haha lol) Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20’s and Joel is in his 40s), smut. p in v sex, oral - f receiving, oral through panties, choking, groping, sexism, mentions of racism, touch starved joel, me being back on my bullshit, drinking, ,smoking, throwing fists because men are stoopid and cant talk things out, cheating on the readers part, but joel knows this and still fucks her like the horny bastad he is. *sigh*, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, ww2 references, an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged. 6969 words of unedited bullshit because im piss drunk and cant for the life of me edit.
series m.list | m.list
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The jazz band was one of the finest groups in the city. ‘Only the finest for The Canary Club’, as Johnny had put it. 
Johnny Boy Finnick. 
Now he was a man. Played sports in college, muscular, strong arms that pinned you to the wall or mattress or table. Hands that shuffled playing cards with ease and had you screaming far after the night was over. Deep blue eyes and blonde hair that never fell out of place from its slicked back style. Not even after he had crushed someone's jaw under the weight of his pummeling, bloodlusting fist.  
Johnny made a name for himself bootlegging liquor, too young to fight in the first world war. Took over as The Boss of Boston. It’s how he got his name. Johnny Boy. Fresh faced but the heart of a ragged old man. Lost it all after the second world war, gained it back not long after. A killer with a bone deep yearning for blood, money, violence, and you. 
He sat in his pressed suit, legs parted as he leaned over to display his full flush to the table, flashing a killer smile when he collected the money off his right hand man and three more of his boys. You smiled from the bar, beads of your dress twinkling in the low light of the speakeasy, ready to waltz over with another old fashioned and drape yourself in his lap.
“Thanks, Henry.” You smiled at your oldest friend, taking the drink he had placed down in front of you on the bar. Henry was your age, 25. A boy from Hartford, Connecticut, grew up in Kansas, then moved here looking for work in a big city. Honest, hardworking. Sweeter than cherry pie. And his little brother Sam was just the cutest pip you'd ever seen. 
“No problem, Doll.” He teased, which deserved a roll of the eyes from you. 
“How many times have I asked you not to call me that?”
“This would make it…” he glanced up for a second, as if calculating within his mind, “one too many times to count.”
“Funny.” You gave him a quick bitter smile. All in good fun, clearly, for he took no offence. He just shot you a smile, running a clean rag over the bartop, collecting two glasses and wiping the rings of condensation they left upon maplewood. 
“Your man looks thirsty. Might wanna take him his drink now. Before he gets the wrong idea about me talking to ya.” You sighed, craning your head slightly to look back at Johnny who scanned the place with a scowl. It made your skin crawl the thought of his temper snapping again. Despite it, you left Henry with a playful wink his way before swanning back over, placing Johnny’s drink in front of him and a vermillon kiss to his cheek. 
Johnny sneered at the affection, wiping your lipstick stain from his cheek. All the confidence you had fell to the floor and shattered miserably. Liquid courage sloshed on the cured wood floor.
“Fuck’s sake, Doll. What you do that for?” He demanded of you, the disgust in his cruel cerulean eyes sending a chilling, agonising jolt down your spine. 
“Sorry, Johnny.” You shied away, folded your hands together, eyes on the floor.
“Ain't you gotta powder your nose or something? Go on. Piss off.” 
He was right. You’d be on soon. Drenched in the spotlight. Under the scrutinising, side cramping glare of everyone's eye. You could do with the quiet. So you shuffled off to your dressing room without a word more, holding back tears with your breath. 
In the mirror, you mourned the girl you were. Mourned the life you had before it all turned upside down. Mourned the man you fell in love with. And the monster you had no choice but to stay with. 
Joel was fuming. If you touched his skin you'd reel back with a scorched yelp because his blood ran hot, fast and thick under his flesh. Trust Tommy to catch himself in the web of underground crime. Always a joiner. Always a deserter too when things got heated. And who was left to untangle him from its intricate, venom snared weave? Joel ‘Gubbins’ Miller. He might as well have ‘mother to my brother’ branded on his forehead. Because that's what he was now. 
The war ended four years ago and ever since Tommy had been searching for his purpose. Preached about it round the dinner table in their grimy, mildew inhabited apartment like a preacher would his sermon. And every time it set Joel’s teeth on edge. Because he knew what came after the downfall. The pickup. 
Now, however, Joel was determined to nip this lunacy in the bud. Tear it up from the soil by the new roots. 
The Canary Club was one of the few remaining speakeasies around in Boston. To a cop it was practically a ghost of an establishment. Might as well not be there. But to a man like Joel, whose brother never stopped babbling on about the next best thing he had cooking for himself, it was as easy as pie.  
A shroud of cloud hung just above Boston’s looming buildings, teaming with the early moon to create a murky gloom over the dim city’s sin. It seemed to fill the hollow, smoggy air as they cast dark, taut shadows over the slick, grimy roads. The sky threatened rain for the third day in a row. A place that reeked of underground crime, drug rings and watered down, once bootlegged alcohol, laced with what one can only assume to be illegal too. All of that was washed down with the constant sour smell of new rain upon dirty tarmac. A city plagued and tarnished by its own rejects.The promise of work bought them in. But the lifestyle spat them back out. Chewed up and ruined by their own humanising hope.
He and his brother came in search of work. They were getting nowhere down south in Texas. On the dole and barely able to afford a loaf of bread between the two of them. Even their own mother hardly recognised her boys after the war. Said they were empty shells of men. Husks of the boys she raised. Killers. 
The woman was a pacifist at heart. And it was a trait that Joel not only saw as weak, but typical of women. Or that's what his father had socialised him into thinking. He didn't know where his father’s ideals ended and his started. As the days went by he saw more of the violence his father harboured in himself. Grimaced at the lug in the looking glass. 
Joel was no pacifist. But he didn't storm through the doors either. No gun was in hand ready to send people screaming bloody murder. That was stupid. A mistake that he knew could wind him up on the concrete in the flooded gulley with a bullet in his head where blood and water could finally mix. Instead he stole in quietly in the ambience of playing cards and a Jazz band, ordered himself a drink, and sat at the far corner of the bar where it was dimly lit. Just enough for him to see his drink and the room, but his face still remained shadowed. 
While he sipped in ponder, he took the chance to people watch. Scan the patrons for any uncanny resemblance of dear Tommy. But nothing. He seemed distracted by the careful and steady hand that polished glass after glass, though each of them were spotless before touching the rag. 
A pointless task. Some may say sisyphean. But the boy doing so knew when eyes were on him. It was a very rare occurrence if not related to his race. People of any darker colour were ogled often in these parts despite it being more accepted within the north of America. There was still divide and segregation. However, this new patron wasn't looking for Henry’s skin colour, rather contemplating how on earth a boy such as him had ended up in such a place. What connection he had to the gang. Was he like Tommy? Roped in at the side of the side of the road and choking on his remaining pride. Or in a sticky financial situation? All these questions seemed to circle like the rag in the crystal glass Henry held. 
“What’s your name, kid?” Joel asked him with an ex-smoker's voice, brow dark in the shadow. The boy looked up, eyes youthful, but they'd seen things no man should have to. 
“Henry.” He said after a beat, quick to refill Joel’s glass when it was empty besides a drop circled thin and amber in the bottom. “Yours?” Joel lifted his head, taking a sip before placing his glass back on the bartop in furrowed brow contemplation. 
“Joel.” He leaned forward on his forearms, haunched over the bar, before looking around again. “Whatcha doin’ here, Henry?” 
Henry laughed slightly, looking down at his feet before back in Joel's eyes. And what he was met with was the hollow ache of a man scarred by war. Henry’s face fell flat. 
“No…I mean in Boston.”
Henry cleared his throat at the sudden, and even brash way Joel approached his question. So much that it took him a second to frown and then reply. 
“Came from Kansas. Hard for a black kid to find honest work there. Especially with a family to look out for.” His words were solemn and reflected a truth Joel knew all too well growing up down south. Even if he never lived it in his own white skin.
“You look a little young to have a kid.” 
“I don’t. I got a brother.” Joel nodded as he listened, waiting for him to go on. Which he did after a beat of silence. “Bright kid. Bright future too. He’s deaf though. Got a lot stacked against him in this world. Mom can't bring in enough to fund education for ‘im. So I stepped up.”
“No Daddy?” Joel asked and Henry shook his head. “How’d you end up here then?”
“A girl.” The look Joel gave Henry was sceptical. But the young boy was soon to put a stop to it all. “Not a girlfriend. Just a girl. We grew up in the same building. She moved up north for a life and I followed a few months later. She met a guy. A wealthy guy. And she wrote to me often of how swell Boston had been for her.”
Joel wasn't the questioning type. Neither one to beat around the bush. But Henry intrigued him. Reminded him a lot of Sarah. The challenge she had faced with the colour of her skin that he, as a white man, would never understand. He felt a guilt about it every day that flared up in the dark of night before his eyes closed for restless and futile sleep. “And this guy?”
“Him.” Henry nodded subtly over to the table of men playing cards. Poker. A game Joel knew well in the frontline and in Egypt where he fought. Him and a few others often huddled together in their own game. Nothing but the last pair of intact socks to bet on, or a single cigarette to get them through the night. Joel quit smoking the moment he got back. Knew it was something that made him unpredictable and jittery in the best of situations. “Johnny Boy Finnick. A big name in these parts.” 
Joel followed Henry’s gaze, but his attention was snagged by the unmistakable head of dark curled hair facing away from him. He knew his brother anywhere and his blood began to boil as he threw back his second drink and slammed the empty glass on the bartop. 
“Hey, man-” Henry tried, shoulders straining as he stood to attention. Joel didn't pay him any mind. Merely wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before his bar stool sharied upon the varnished wood floor. He cared not for the noise. Only the feeling he would get once his closed fist met the bone on the bridge of Tommy’s nose. 
Trumpets flailed to a stop and drums failed mid blow. The room fell silent after a chorus of gasps. 
He loved his brother. Deeply. So much it caused a chasm of a rib cracking hole in his chest every time Tommy slipped up. But he saw red now it all caught up behind his lids that blinked once. That split second of not seeing and before he had a chance to second guess, he was gripping the back of tommy;s collar and wrenching him up to his feet to deliver a shiner to the face. 
Tommy staggered back, and everyone at his table stood up with the intention to harm. Yet no one but the brawling brothers fought. As he gained his footing again, he also gained his senses, recognising Joel anywhere. 
“Joel, what the fu-” He was hardly able to finish before another shooting pain split his bottom lip open and Tommy’s mouth was filled with the taste of his own bitter blood. Blood he and Joel shared and were now shedding in a futile fight of nothing but testosterone. That was enough to send the same foul blow to his kin. Joel winced, knowing the crescent of a bruise that would bloom on his cheekbone overnight. One of Tommy’s many rings sliced his skin. He felt warmth in crimson dribble from a fresh flesh wound. 
“Hey!” One loud and bellowing voice that had the power to command a whole unit of men boomed out before neither Joel or Tommy had the chance to throw another fist. It was for the better. Any more and Joel’s knuckles would have bruised purple. A colour of shame. 
It was Johnny. And his face was stoic as he stared each brother down with a burning gaze that had even Joel’s hairs stood on end at the nape of his neck. Like an army stood to attention before the first charge. Except he didn't move. Joel knew now where he stood in the food chain of this speakeasy. And it was right at the very bottom. “You!” He pointed at Tommy. Go clean yourself up.” And Tommy went as pale as a funeral sheet before nodding meekly. His face melted from shock to shame in the blink of Joel’s very eye before he grumbled something under his breath and passed Joel with a sharp clip to his shoulder. 
It's his turn now. 
At this point you'd come out to see what the commotion was for. The walls, while thick upstairs in the printer's press, were thin in the basement. And you;d heard silence and the spit of a man as his blood splattered with spit on the floor in the doorway. 
“The fuck do you think you’re doin throwin’ fists in my god damned club for?!” He roared. And Joel had to take the duration of both inhale and exhale to get his lips and tongue to work. But the scowl on his face said it all. “Huh?!” Jonny’s nostrils flared like a spanish thoroughbred bulls’. 
“That’s my brother you got workin’ for ya. I ain't havin’ him in some shady drug ring you got goin in. I aint!” 
Jonnly was no stupid man. Hr was smart. Quick minded and knew a man with balls. But Joel also knew very little. So this one time, he took the approach of calmness, and used his usual lying tongue for truth. Any other time it would she forked like Lucifer's serpent form. But now he was a man of coolness. “Right.” Johnny nodded at him, his tone was one that could soothe a ravenous bear. But with an edge as sharp as a knife. So sharp it could slice skin in one swift swoop. “Sit down.” He commanded calmly. “Let’s get you a drink.” 
With a wave of his hand a cha was pulled out. Two heavy handed brutes shoving Joel down into a chair, an old fashioned presented to him by Henry in front of him on the maplewood table. Then Johnny addressed the room gently. Set its patrons at ease. The music played its jazzy, jolly tune once more. People spoke again.And Johnny took his seat opposite Joel. 
“Look here…” The gangster waited for Joel to give him his name. Which he did. “Joel, I appreciate a strong swing as much as the next guy. But I don't appreciate it in my establishment.” Joel nodded in understanding. His temper ashamed him. How it ran hot under his skin. Fizzled white when provoked until he saw red in rage and swung. Never blindly though. He wasn't a loose cannon like the  broken soldier stereotype enforced. Just a fractured man. 
“You’re a soldier aint ya?” “Was.” Joel said gruffly. Curtly and he brewed a stare across from Johnny.
“Oh, nah.” Johnny shook his head, swirling his drink in the crystal glass, “Once a brother in arms, always a brother in arms. The war sticks with ya. You’re a soldier.” “Fine. Yeah, I'm a soldier.” 
“I know the war. I served like you. Left a boy and came back a shell of a man. Now look at me.” Joel took a moment to calculate his motive here. Johnny’s arms stretched wide with a smirk of pure pride as he gestured to the heart of his Boston crime empire. “I got money. I got birds.” He held up his glass to Joel, “I got liquor.” then leaned forward and spoke in a grave tone, "What you got?” 
Joel swallowed harshly, unable to answer because he had nothing in reality. 
“You got a job?” He shook his head, exhaling through his nose. “No.”
“Figured. Hard finding work when all the women are competent enough to do it themselves. Fight for your country. End up on the streets. You don't die a hero like you thought you would. No one knows your name.” He scoffed, holding fingers up in air quotes around competent. It left a bitter taste of disgust in Joel’s mouth as the father of a daughter. Curled the edges of his tongue distastefully. Made him kiss his teeth to hold back the insult. “Well, people know my name.” Johnny paused again, the air grew thick between them and smouldered on their shoulders. He was squinting at Joel opposite him, sizing him up. Joel was rugged. A strong build and most likely a strong character too. Something Johnny could always do with having in abundance. And so when the devil's own smirk curled at his lip, Joel felt a question brewing at the very tip of his tongue. One that would change his life for better or worse. Regardless of it he declined or accepted. “And they could know yours too.”
Joel didn't want to admit it for the sake of his crumbling pride, but the man had it all. Even a good five years his junior, the man made a living for himself. Picked himself up from the dirt and used bloodshed and bodies for the foundations. 
“I could use a guy like you–”
“No.” Joel put his offer down flat before it had the chance to meet the air. 
“Hear me out.” He said calmly, and held up a hand, “A roof over your head. A steady income. A little extra dough in ya pocket?” Johnny rubbed his thumb and index finger together in the older man's face. An action to which Joel’s nostrils flared. It was embarrassing to even mull over. “Come on,” Johnny smirked. “Give it a go.” 
The southerner’s lips pursed, as if he was thinking it over. Which he was. But to what lengths would he go? Sure, Joel was conditioned in a short few months to kill. He was good at it. Mowed down men on the frontline like clockwork. And his trigger finger twitched at the thought of holding that power once more. But that didn't mean he was a man without morals. The men’s blood he;d coat his hands in had families. They were someone's son. Probably someone's husband or father. Joel knew the hollow ache loss left. The imprint of a shadow it left. The chasm ripped in your chest. Loss felt like an agonising, deep, helpless pit. But here was Johnny, throwing him a rope 
“You know, you’re right. This ain't the time to talk this over.” Johnny held his hands up and leaned back in his seat before they clapped back in his lap. Now you were at Johnny’s side once more. But the figure of Joel in his chair had something jumping in your bones. Tongue curling to taste his very words.  “Dollface here will patch you up.” 
You raised a brow, giving the two of them a dirty look. “Excuse me? Do I look like a nurse?” You shut up when Johnny glared. Swallowed your pride, and sighed inwardly. You both hated and loved the power he held over you. As much as you despised it at times, Johnny had your being wrapped around his finger like a puppeteer holds his strings. And tightly. You felt his tug at the strain in your limbs. 
“And you come back here tomorrow. We’ll talk in my office over a drink and a cigar. A good fucking drink.” 
Joel swallowed harshly when he saw you. Eyes, wide and decorated by dark mascara lashes, white liner on lower waterlines, face of a doll like Johnny’s nickname for you suggested. The red lipstick you had re-applied moments prior was glossy, inviting him to stumble over velvet words he would hear you speak. Lean closer so the blood red could graze the shell of his ear while you would whisper a dirty joke at him. 
He followed as you led him down a corridor off to the other side of the bar. Your dress seemed fit for hypnotising him into your bidding. Surely you were a siren who climbed the strats of a pier of the east coast and arrived here. Something about the beauty you wielded was not the everyday sort. It was the type you see women bend over backwards to achieve even a glimmer of for their man who came back after work. He could see himself now. Loosening his tie, hanging up his coat and hat. Leaving his briefcase and sanity at the door to see you in a pinafore and pin curls. Pretty gingham dress. He’d sit at the table and either be presented by you or a meal for his satiation. He’d prefer to devour the sweetness between your legs. 
Your hand in front of his face had his attention now. Fingers snapping. Nails manicured and painted the same shade as your lipstick. 
“Hey, you listening?” You asked, face set into displeasure. Joel straightened as he cleared his throat.
“What?” His tone was gruff and he mirrored your expression to you. His southern accent catching you off guard, but is intriguing. 
“I said sit down.” 
Joel looked over at the chair set at a vanity mirror you gestured to with an extended arm. The second time he had been asked to be seated. The second time he obeyed. 
You took your time to wet a washcloth in the small basin in the corner with warm water. Took the bottle of whiskey you stashed last week from the bottom of a rickety chest of drawers. Joel watched you in the mirror, eyes narrowed a fraction to make sure you were of no threat to him. He knew he could take you easily. In more ways than one. The power imbalance had his length twitching in his trousers. 
Your hands weren't gentle as you sat on the vanity between his legs. You took his stubbled chin in your grasp and jerked his head up into the light, tilting it to take a closer look at the gash. 
“Stay still.” You said curtly, holding the rag to the opening of the bottle and wetting it. You then pressed it over the pad of your finger. The initial touch made his teeth bare at you and a hiss to escape his mouth. His large wrist enclosing around yours to make you stop. “I said,” And you yanked your wrist from his hold, “stay still.” 
He did as he was told again. Silence setting his between the odd hiss from him and twitch of muscle under weathered skin. The crows feet at the side of his eyes were old. He clearly had lost his smile to something in the past. But you didn't ask, only wondered as you wiped the dried blood clean from his wound. “Fuckin grown man and you cant take a little sting of a cut.” You mumbled under your breath to yourself in amusement. Followed by a small huff of dry laugh.
“Maybe if you weren't digging your fingers into a fresh bruise I wouldn’t be wincin’.” You shot him a look and let go.
“All done.” And you held up your hands for good measure. 
“What are you doing here anyway?” You asked, tossing the rag aside and crossing your arms. He reached for the whiskey and took a large gulp, pursing his lips at the slow burn in the back of his throat. 
“None of your business.” 
“What’s your name?”
“You know my name.” He stated lowly. He was right. But you found a sick satisfaction in having any man you liked bend to your will. Answer any question you so pleased to hear the answer to. 
His bones groaned as he stood up from the chair. Your coat draped over the back of it fell to the floor and you swiftly got up to swipe it from the floor and hand it on the hook on the back of the door before pressing your back to it and facing him. Blocking his exit.  “Move.”
“Tell me your name.” You crossed your arms, jutting your chin up at him. 
“Don’t make me move you, princess.”
“Tell me your name.” 
Joel bit his tongue, the vein in his neck starting to pulse visibly under his skin that once again went hot. 
“Why do you wanna know?”
“Because I’m nosy.” You smiled, sarcastic and saccharine. “And i want to know the name i’ll be moaning tonight as i touch myself under the covers.” 
“Fuckin-” His jaw ticked, nostrils flared in his disdain. You kept your smile as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a small guttural noise from the back of his throat. A headache was starting to coil behind the strain of his eyes. “Joel.” And he looked back up at you. It still wasn't enough “Miller.” Your smile was genuine this time, just as sweet. You uncrossed your arms, standing up straight from the door to hold out your hand and give him your name in return. He rolled his eyes, reaching for the handle and swerving you. He pulled the door but you used your body weight to slam it shut with your back again. A loud slam and a creak of protest from its hinges.
“Where are you from, Joel?” 
“Is this a game to you, girl?” Joel growled. 
“Yes.” The smile you had was sly. Foxy. A  single finger ran down his chest and dared to slip just under his shirt’s collar. “I like games.”
“You don't wanna do that.” He warned, dark eyes burning you up inside from your very core. It was the look of a man’s lust that had been left untouched, unloved for quite some time now. It strained at his morality. But who were you to give up the warning and keen hand of a man who so desperately needed a release to the coiling tension of his shoulders. You saw it. Felt it in the rhythmic yet chaotic hammer of his heart against his ribs. As if it were trying with all its might not to break his own bones clean in two and lurch from its enclosure of flesh and bone. 
“And why not?” This was a devils game of chess. Careful calculated words from loose tongues and taking each other's moves in as you exhaled a counter. And oy had him three moves from checkmate. His king weak in defence, your advances stronger  by each word that fell into his eras from your red painted, enticing lips. He could feel his limbs being string up for you to pull at like a puppeteer in an advanced level of her craft. But he was no kind man. His words were even less forgiving than his disposition. 
“Because I aint a kind man. Haven't been for a long while. And I know types of things a man like me would wanna do to a pretty girl like you.” 
“I doubt it would be anything new.” You cooed, watching your finger as it traced a line lower over his buttons,  stopping at the top of his belt buckle and just shy of teasing at the growing bulge in his trousers. 
The tension between you was thicker than molasses. And it seeped through the cracks of his better judgement to the part of him that hungered for touch. That was ravenous for a single one of your fingers. 
“I don't think Johnny would like that.” 
“And I didnt like the way he spoke to me earlier.” You pouted. The way a child would when dined a sweet treat before dinnertime. 
“That aint a good reason to start an affair with me. Because when i get my grubby hands on ya there ain't no going back, doll.” 
His words were enticing you more. To have a man obsessing over your body. Your curves. Your voice singing his name as he fucked you dirtier than anyone into anything. Joel was that man now. He knew it in the very marrow of your bones that you were trouble. His new little minx. So it was no surprise when his lips crushed yours under the full weight of his sexual frustration. 
It was needy. Heated. A clashing of tongues and teeth as he pressed you with his entire simmering being into the wood of the door. His bulge grinding desperately into your thich that parted his legs. 
His tongue swiped your lower lip before drawing it back between his teeth for him to suckle on until it tingled deliciously. He was jealous with his touches. Groping your hips as the sating of your dress that crumpled to the floor. It revealed sweet sweet skin. Skin Joel wasted no time in delving in for the first damning lick. A pleasure to every sense. Sight, taste, touch, smell, sound. 
Heavy breaths were exhaled into the dewy skin of your clavicle, tongue languidly sliding over the high points of your collarbones and enclosing in a sharp suck over the skin just above your right breast. It sent a chorus of heavenly sinful, light and airy monas from your mouth and floated into his ears. His lips were chapped and weathered in contrast to the silk smooth of your skin. It was delightful. 
He went lower, got to his knees as he drank up the sense of a woman's skin for the first time in years. This was the taste of true damnation. He was past the opening of hell's gates and somehow found heaven in the parting of your thighs down the newly trodden path of your navel. 
He pressed his open mouth to your clothed cunt, tasted the seeping slick you gave him on his tongue and gluttonously inhaled your musk right at the apex of your thighs. Your fingers tangled into the curls of his messy, wind wrecked hair. Keening your hips up to press into the curve of his aquiline nose, and riding the burning in the pit of your belly starting to grow. Your head fell back against the door. Your mouth unhinged and letting out moan after sigh after mewl of his name. His face buried between the meat of your thighs as his hands gripped your asscheeks and spread them so he could push his face deeper between your folds. Your underwear drenched and ruined from your wetness and his spit while he tongued your hole through the flimsy lace. 
You pulled him back, smirked at the wreck he was with his lips sticky and shiny in the light of your dressing room. To then pull him up to your lips so you could curl your tongue into his mouth and taste yourself on him. It’s where the taste belonged. Among notes of whiskey and chewing tobacco and drugstore gum. 
His large hands pawed at your hips once more, listing you so your legs could wrap obediently round his waist. That's how it worked now. He wanted, you gave. And willingly like the sounds that fell into his motu like sweet, freshly harvested honey. Ut had the feel of money. Powerful and green like spring leaves. But with the warning of rotting when summer meets its tragic and fatal end. It was like trying to cross a canyon with a broken limb. Near impossible. The last sip of a drink that would ensure drunken and slurred movements. It took even the nest of a man his entirety to deny you, But deep down, Joel was a weak man. Strong in body, maybe mind too. But weak in soul. And he gave in with the cashing of your back against the vanity mirror. 
He had his faults. He knew that. And you did too. It had you wondering how a man like Joel loves. Did he change for his chosen lover? Or was he just as rough a callus as he was with everyone else. Would he destroy and ache and leave you wondering when your body would be at his whim next and how he would bend it to his will. Or would he let you lean into his embrace as he kissed down the column of your throat to the holy entitled epiphany between your thighs. The glisten of your hot cunt aching to be touched by anything. His everything. 
So you reached for his belt. So you undid it along with his buttons to touch his heated skin, To feel the blood flow beneath as the strain of each of his muscles. You ran a hand across his chest and he let his head fall back as a woman touched him for the first time as a man of war. A veteran.
He felt like he had been cast in gold by the sun for the first time in his life. Shed his skin for a new layer reserved just for you. As if he was thanking whatever resided up there for you. He was no believer in god, but, Jesus Christ, he was starting to believe in some form of higher power. You were proof that there was a blessing for him to steal away from the world. It was in your sound. Your taste. Your touch. It beckoned him the way your finger did, curling into the collar of his shirt to clash your lips with his and let. He had no autonomy over the moan that fell into his mouth where it festered at the back of his throat and was swallowed with a desperate and heady inhale. 
You trod roads into his skin with your touch. Ones he knew he would follow later that night in an erotomaniac’s pleasure. And you finally pulled his length free from his trousers. Your underwear was soon to follow and your slick aided the way he managed to sink so smoothly into your sopping heat. A squeeze he would commit to memory and savour like the taste of fresh and ripe fruit. Because you were. Fresh and youthful in age. Ready to be devoured to the core as a gleaning red apple would be. The very same one that even took in the garden of eden. Temptation. Fruit flesh to signify sin. 
He took his first bite out of you with a satisfying crunch. And keep devouring until there was nothing left but the remnants of your birth, ready to be resurrected, grown again in the form of a new tree. 
He stilled once he bottomed out, letting himself bask in the moment. The first time he was nestled deeply in the walls of your cunt. He heard your quiet whimpers for him to move. Felt the way your pert nipples brushed his sweat slicked skin. It was a ghost of a memory the last time he felt this. The heat of someone in the throes of intimacy. And it was all over him. It was the very air he wes starved of. The past was all paled in comparison because of the way your hips bucked pathetically to feel his thrust inside you. To get him going. No one had needed him this rawly, this undignifying before. 
A single hand clamped over your mouth, stilling your movements. He felt the tickle of your exhale against the pinky finger. 
“Stay still…” He commended with a swallowed down groan when you clenched around him, ironically repeating your words from earlier.
You looked at him. The glazed over, far away look in his eyes. His voice low and laden in a gravelly tone that came from the very back of his throat. You pulled him forward to lick it out again with your tongue when his hand fell to your throat. It gave a warning squeeze. And you once again canted your hips in protest. 
This time he moved. And it was like poetry as it hit that toe curling spot inside you. Made your eyes close in blissful ignorance of what this would do to you. YOu slick drooling from your cunt onto his shaft until it shined at his very base and dripped down his heavy balls. 
His hand squeezed your throat tighter. Had you yelling for him in a suppressed squeal. His other hand clamped around your mouth for you to moan into. Your words of praise lost on his ears, listened to by his palm instead. Every devil was fuelling this act of infidelity. This act of carnal sin you both needed. Ut unwound your bones, but had the coil in your belly cramping with each swift buck of his hips. 
You met his swift thrusts in a desperate attempt to be of use to him. Finding it hard to breathe, yet alone Your cunt spasmed delectably. Searching for a new feeling. A feeling primal and dirty as the streets of Boston. Your eyes rolled back in your head as your legs trembled while he went on, giving you something you would remember from this day forward, A sentence of being binded to him.
You were in the arms of the devil himself. St his ,ercy. Nsd nothing felt more thrilling than the pleasure that rolled at a landslide's power and pace down your spine into your core. 
Another squeeze round your throat. Another unhinged moan into his hand. He snarled, baring his teeth at you before pressing his face into the crook of your neck and biting down. Your eyes closed and painted a picture of stars. You were close to seeing angels by now and the deep ache of pleasure grappled your flesh and had goosebumps flicking up to attention over your flesh.
His chest heaved with each curl of his hips. Your exhales heavier by the second while you moaned his name like a mantra to his hand. His teeth imprinted on your back like a randhishing. A mark of the sin that was witnessed by the two of you that day. Your voice was shrill. A repeated ‘Joel! Joel! Joel!’
“Fuck, yeah, sing f’me doll. Sing f’me. Let em know who’s doin’ this to you.” He panted in vain. “Tell me.” “Feels so good–”
“Again.” He demanded. 
“Feels so good! Too good!” 
And it was. He had you burning white hot at the end of an illicit teather. You gripped his back with talons of hellbirds. Clawing at his shirt clad back. The wings of hi shoulderbales. The snake length of his spine. 
“That’s it. Tell ‘em. Tell me! Tell me in making you feel fuckin’ good.” 
“You are. Harder Joel.” His pace was like poetry. Ripped you in tow and had you displayed to him. One knee was hooked over his hunched shoulder, spine curled as his forehead pressed to yours. `The new angle had you singing like a songbird. High and melodic in tune.  Your kitten heel slipping off and clattering to the floor without a second thought. The head of his cock nipped your cervix. The lewd wet sounds of your pussy smothering him in your slick and your shared moans filled the room. Everything of you was his now. You couldn't even think of giving this up to Johnny. Yes, he fucked you dirty. But Joel fucked you like it was his sole purppose of living. Like it was what gave him life. 
You fell. You fell as soon as you hit your climax with a mewling moan that ended Joel right there and then. Coming together with heavy breaths and shaking, trembling chests. His release inside of you, strings of his come smearing you in him. Marking you for later. Well and truly ruined for any other warm body that dared to slip into your sheets. 
But falling was not the problem. Only when you hit the ground is what causes all the grief. And the look you shared once the gold haze of afterglow faded was what confirmed this. 
What have you done? How would you live without this?
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onboardsorasora · 1 month
If Max gets a real dog, like all the sausages Verstappens have a penchant for, how would Daniel feel?
Oooh this is a good question bestie!
I think it would create some negative feelings initially. Like maybe Sophie gifts Max a dog because a) she knows he loves them and wants on (let's be honest he probably sent her so many pics of dog Daniel when he was taking care of him). And b) she doesn't know Daniel is a shifter
So Max gets a puppy, it's adorable and lovely and Max is in love and doting and the cats are curious because well now they're used to having a dog around regularly so they're curious about this one. Does it change too?
Anyway, Daniel's feeling some type of way. Irrationally like annoyed at the pup because well, he thought Max liked him as a dog.
Let's be real, Daniel might be making strides about his self acceptance of himself and his other form but you cant just delete over a decade of minor self loathing with maybe a few months of scratches and praise.
So Daniel avoids the dog and busies himself when Max is doting on it and loving it up. And maybe slowly, after a while, he stops shifting. Maybe he'd only shift in his apartment when he'd go home or like just to do his Dr mandated hour. Until he just stops altogether.
Max doesn't notice this at first. Nothing seems wrong to him. Until maybe he offers Daniel one of the cookie treats, he already gave the new puppy one and he ate one and was handing the third to Daniel. And Daniel's like 'nah I'm good' and Max is confused because they always eat them together.
And Daniel goes for a run so he doesn't have to answer any questions. He pays attention and doesn't get hit by any cars thankfully.
So yeah, he resents the dog. Irrationally starts to think that Max doesn't like his dog form anymore because now he has a real dog to play with and lavish attention. And it isn't until he objectively refuses to go on a walk with the little fucker that Max realizes that something is very wrong.
Queue Daniel denying and Max pushing and Daniel blows up and says something like "go play with your real dog or something" and Max is like
"what? Daniel-"
"you clearly like him more than me so just go."
"I don't? I love you too both forms."
"when was the last time I shifted then?"
And Max goes quiet while he thinks and realizes he can't remember and Daniel looks at him in both 'i told you so' vindication and 'i knew it' devastation.
Daniel leaves to go back to his apartment and Max follows him and they argue a little in the hall. Well Daniel's arguing and Max is pleading.
And it takes a bit but Max gets to the bottom of the problem and he apologizes for not noticing for being caught up. For not realizing how it could affect him.
And they make up and maybe it's like starting all over again where Daniel only shifts because he needs to. And he doesn't do at Max's place. Not around that other dog. And then something happens where maybe he doesn't have a choice but the shift at Max's and he tries to like lock himself in a room or something but the puppy (who has a name but I haven't decided it yet lol) gets in and tries to maybe sniff him and cuddle him and Daniel is like trying to stay away from him.
And maybe Jimmy and Sassy bridge the gap and they curl around Daniel like commas and Daniel calms down a little. Enough for the puppy to curl up near Jimmy's back and goes to sleep.
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hiii i got a little insane over haskills characterization in the other elder scrolls games / material. teehee rambling abt these ^ quotes under the cut (long). also im not that serious abt any of this tbh im just glad haskill appeared in any other elder scrolls material at all LOL
OKAY. okay. about these quotes. idk why other TES media does this, but in these quotes from elder scrolls legends + the interview with haskill it seems like the writers are pushing to give the impression that haskill slightly resents or is even indifferent to his position / the isles / sheogorath ?? (unless haskill is being a little bit more flippant or hyperbolic than usual...?) which is characterization that is NOT what i got from playing oblivion at all skdskdjfn
like... when i played oblivion i thought it was very clear that haskill prefers to be in the isles, serving sheogorath, more than anywhere else. (<- i think this is actually the reason he's technically "mad" even tho he seems sane outwardly. if you enjoy being among madmen it probably means you're mad yourself ykwim). i think haskill does like the isles, his ass is just reserved abt it, like he is about everything... yknow just like jeeves, whose character he's been compared to lmao:)
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i think unfortunately some writers take his annoyance with the player and his slight second thoughts about sheogorath's plan in oblivion, and mistakenly assume that he's just annoyed at his whole position. haskill does have his moments of exasperation, but the thing is it's usually only exasperation and it never verges into anger or bitterness or resentment like the top quotes seem to indicate. for example, haskill says this abt his idea of you mantling sheo / the clowns debacle:
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^ This quote is a good reference point for haskill's view on sheo bc its pretty much the most critical-of-sheogorath quote from oblivion i can recall, and it tells us a lot of things. in this quote he expresses some exasperation about the clown idea (because he's a prissy bitch who doesn't want to get his outfit dirty /affectionate) and shows some apprehension about one of his lord's ideas (because it involves you, and haskill doesnt like you). but these 2 points he has beef with aren't really reflective of sheo himself but of other issues - ie he doesn't directly question sheogorath. and IN THE END Haskill defers to sheo's judgement because haskill trusts him and values sheo's ideas. in all of his oblivion dialogue, this is the most critical toward sheogorath he gets, and he never outright insults or shows resentment toward him or the isles like in the above quotes bc his loyalty to sheogorath eclipses it
on the contrary (and i dont know why the writers for non-oblivion elder scrolls content dont seem to see this??), theres so much evidence that haskill actually does, you know,,, enjoy being in the isles. here are just some snippets i can think of:
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"the isles are hardly a place for anyone, really" <- i BEG to differ, Haskill likes it here, he likes listening to prisoners being tortured in xedillian, he likes wearing his ridiculous frilly high collar outfit emblematic of the fashions of the isles, he doesn't care about morality and it suits him just fine that it doesn't matter here!! (the end quote might be him being a little facetious about relmyna but to be honest i wouldn't be surprised if he thought decency and morality WERE provincial notions because he certainly has no problem killing people lmao). and again, to enjoy doing these things / being around madmen probably says something abt haskill being mad himself. lol
not to mention he likes a bit of joking around. which i imagine sheo does a whole lot. when YOU rib him a little he says this:
his derision in the first bit i think indicates, "i cant believe you would joke around at a time like this," and the upturning of the "very good" i think indicates, "it was a good joke / maybe they could mantle sheo after all". he's not all dour - he appreciates a good joke, especially from (someone who's about to become) his Lord!!
and going a little deeper into haskill actually liking the isles... haskill clearly holds what sheogorath and the isles represent (chaos, free will, individuality) very highly. a good example of this is when you ask him about dyus, and he gives this snarky reply:
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^ he says this with such VITRIOL its so funny :p and the amount of disdain in this line indicates (to me) a real conviction in his belief in the free will, chaos etc that sheogorath represents.
this is why i dont think this quote makes sense. "i cant remember why i put up with [sheogorath]" <- haskill wouldnt say this bc he understands fully why he puts up w sheogorath, and his own convictions in sheo that lead him to keep doing it, and even if this quote is him being hyperbolic, i dont think he'd joke about his faith in sheogorath like that because, yk, one of his characteristics is that he's extremely loyal, and moreover he never said anything to this effect in oblivion sdkjskdjs
him having a strong belief in what sheogorath / the isles represent is also evidenced by the language haskill uses when talking about sheo. whenever haskill mentions him, there is an element of poetry and respect to his words that shows that haskill thinks about him highly at the very least:
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^ haskill constantly stresses sheogorath's intrinsic unknowableness and power and unique wisdom in a way that feels very respectful. saying "to attempt to fathom [sheogorath's will] is a foolish endeavor" shows that he knows there are unexplainable aspects to sheogorath that he takes note of, respects, and knowingly keeps his distance from... he gets sheogorath and reveres him (at least more than most others or the HoK). in these quotes especially, it feels a bit like hes trying to illustrate how impressive sheogorath is to the HoK, hyping up his boyfriend if you would. who said that. and combined with this respect is (i believe!!!!) a deep care. he is invested in the isles and sheo and wants to help them out of more than just duty. he gets fearful and even loses his composure at some points in the story when sheo/the isles are threatened which i think indicates that he deeply cares for them both!!:
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i think this is a care that, combined with the respect he has for sheo, makes it really unlikely for him to get more than exasperated with his behavior and verge into resentfulness. i dont think anyone truly understands sheogorath, not even haskill, but haskill respects sheo as a god, and also gets him in a more familiar/personal way i think - like the way that a cat owner loves their cat but gets exasperated with it when it gets its head stuck in a tissue box. he doesn't angry or anything because he understands that it's the cat's nature to get stuck in the tissue box / sheo's nature to be wild and unpredictable and messy. (the difference being that sheogorath is an all-powerful god cat..... do u see my vision???)
anyway this got crazy long JHDSHFSD... to finish i wanted to look at this extra bit of characterization i found that was wild to me:
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^ like. i truly dont get where they got THIS characterization LMAO sheo constantly calls haskill faithful and smart and knowledgeable in oblivion, he practically begs you to summon haskill for help, hyping up his boyfriend so to speak, they care for each other your honor so of COURSE sheo trusts haskill to do his job. what are the legends writers doing in there!!
ANYWAY dear god this got long im going to bed <3
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papakhan · 9 months
Lol why would someone even say that. Like... idk im transmasc im personally mortified of the idea of getting pregnant but... its none of my business if another man wants to be pregnant why would there be any judgement there 😭😭😭 plus the post was very funny people need to stop projecting over a sillay little post. Have a good night king the haters dont get it
the thing is I totally understand trans guys being uncomfortable with the concept of (trans) men getting pregnant. In our society its a very gendered concept, it gets fetishised by weirdos online all the time and to a lot of (especially queer) afab people its strongly associated with control and abuse. I totally get it. That was me not so long ago but after a lot of research I became more comfortable with it because I want to have children one day. I shouldn't have to expose this part of myself as a defence against people calling me transphobic when I am literally trans and half the fight for trans people is "my body my choice"
what gets me is that the tumblr fallout community gets in this fucking argument allll the fucking time over whether the fallout universe should be "dark and gritty and ~realistic~" in regards to Everyone being transphobic Or if the wasteland should be some kind of trans haven without the binds of society. I personally lean on the latter and get a lot of comfort out of the idea that the Great Khans specifically are a bastion of trans joy and experience and to them women having dicks and men giving birth is just. normal.
the end goal for trans people should be to de-gender concepts like pregnancy and penis but we're never gonna fucking get anywhere if trans people project their dysphoria onto each other and start self-flagellating themselves whenever someone steps out of line or makes a stupid joke.
And yeah this is an overreaction to someone critising a stupid post of mine but I'm more mad at the wider culture of the fallout community (and tumblr) regarding this topic because like I said shit like this keeps happening. part of my job is about educating people about trans bodies and saying shit like "don't assume who can and can't get pregnant" and trying to help fellow trans people find comfort in a country that's actively trying to get them all murdered. To then log onto tumblr dot com and get called transphobic because I said I love headcanoning Papa as trans and him being able to deflect the Legion's misogyny because of his transness is like a slap to the face. you guys are meant to be the transgender love website what the fuck are you talking about?? Also Saying that I'm enabling transphobia by allowing people who arent trans men to reblog my post is also stupid and for the record most people in my notes right now are either trans people who are genuinely agreeing that Papa is trans or ghost fans who think I'm talking about their band (but are still trans and still agreeing).
sure maybe I should have put a trigger warning on the post or something because it might trigger someone's dyphoria, but just say that. Don't act like I'm the problem and that I'm too stupid to recognise internalised transphobia and calling me "too comfortable with joking about trans bodies" when 1. I wasn't joking About trans bodies and 2. ITS MY FUCKING BODY
My joke was about how Caesar cant handle Papa being trans. it was a joke about how society cant handle trans people who they can't clock. it was also a joke about how Papa comes from a society where transness is so normalised that he wrongfully assumes that its something everyone can do. At no point was I "nasty about trans bodies" like this person claims I was. In fact I think that pretending that I was says more about how they view trans bodies than it does about how I do, That I can mention trans pregnancy and they automatically assume I'm fetishing or being disrespectful.
anyway. that's a lot of shit. thanks for letting me ramble and tucking me into bed so sweetly <3
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privitivium · 3 months
Yandere risotto? YANDERE RISOTTO.
Definitely the type to stalk you when you tell him not to lol (ESPECIALLY when he use his invisibility)
Overprotective in a way? Idk
I just need yandere risotto content tbh lol.
,,ye,,, yes,,,, yandere risotto nero,,, teehee. i agree. overprotective nero is so real bro ufhghhgh sry for any mistakes that mightve slipped by...
yandere subbot risotto nero rambles!!
amab reader, cw;; stalking. masochist nero - mild nipple play, mild exhibition, nsfw in general. creep nero.
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risotto being overprotective all nonchalantly bro,,, so cute. you hanging around him, but not one to make eye contact for too long... you didnt really wanna tell him he's just too much of an edgelord with his piercing crimson eyes that he technically had no control of the color - making sure to compliment him instead of saying something that might make him upset - and those carelessly muttered compliments send the hulking edgy mass of muscle into a fucking tizzy. gotta keep up his cool and enigmatic nature though, so he cant be all squirming around out of giddiness... he has an equanimous nature to uphold...
getting all weird when you get ready to leave the base as usual, having nothing else to do - it was randomly that you would suddenly leave... he was always so curious on where you were going, you know??? he cant help that he follows you - even if you explicitly tell him not to... just to find you owning some sort of condo, slinking in from behind after you leave a gap between you and the door - managing to survey the surroundings. what was this place? someone else obviously lived here. family?.. bringing it up when you get back to base...
ㅡcomplaining to him, a little careless that he admits indirectly to stalking you, "it's just stuffy in here with this sausagefest, man... sometimes i need space." you shrugged, huffing in mild annoyance that he had followed you to the shared apartment you owned with some stranger you had no contact with usually - of course, risotto couldnt resent them more. except he could?!
that other person youre strangely roommates with, soaking in your presence and scent that you leave behind on the furniture?! how dare they and you. he's so polite to you, a gentle hulking beast of a man, treating you as his lovely subordinates yet reprimanding you when needed. it may not seem like it, but there's a drastic difference between how he treats the others and you. notably... mildly gentle. can't that be enough? i mean... he's fine with it... he just has to find a way to make you like being around the base and the others instead of leaving him. but - then again, he has no problem following you;; his darling subordinate.
bro he'd be a fucking weirdo straight up,,, like. bro rooting through your clothes just to find material to jerk off with. he'd keep the articles of clothing, not one to give them back after making a mess of them - but the thought of you wearing your underwear he dirtied with his cum makes him all giddy and rock hard he releases a huge load onto your underwear.
imsgine ur getting out of the shower and not catching the way the light hits off a certain invisible character in the corner of the bathroom, him watching so intently as you dry your body off, admiring the way the water droplets cascade down your flesh,,, taking the time to leer and ever so slightly thumb over his bulge in his striped skin-tight pants that were invisible to the eye. fucking whore.
bro,, he would beg,,, pls. yeah he's supposed to be this hardened bad ass who's all edgy and cool but can't you indulge your boss for one second and make him moan like a girl.......... yandere risotto would. be the type to manipulate you lowkey. you immediately seeing the signs and shutting that shit down rq !!
"punishing" him by having him in yr lap in his chair and tugging at his dick fluidly - trying your best to make him moan aloud as you tweak his perky ass nipple with your free hand - the others fucking around outside of his "office", quietly asking risotto if he's the kind of whore who wants others to hear his disgusting whimpers. having an intense makeout session and having to make half-lidded eyecontact just to stare into those eyes you once dubbed creepy. it makes him all warm and fuzzy like a tween schoolgirl with her crush that you want to stare into his glazed crimson orbs. mocking him by calling him boss while fucking him over his desk or in his room and abusing his poor prostate while simultaneously rubbing on his thick cock - risotto...... enjoying overstimulation..... but also,,,, plugging his dick up and him actually begigng to cum on yr cock bro jeez louise
Something an edgy cool badass like him shouldnt feel - like a tween schoolgirl, he tells himself......... yet, risotto taking advantage of your affection and asking you nonchalantly to jerk off with his underwear so he can wear it... is this some kind of embarrassment thing? and does he even wear underwear. yan risotto constantly checking in on you, being a little obnoxious... but he tries to cool it, not wanting you to run off somewhere. i mean, he'd follow you without complaint, but it was still a bit tedious. he has to settle for being invisible in the same room as you as you want "alone time" and watching you jerk off into a fucking toy that he so desperately wishes was his hole - jerking off and leaving the mess on your floor for you to see just so you can "punish" him LOL.
also i love the thought,,, of fucking him while watching horror movies,,,, risotto on his back on his bed, tummy covered in his own cum and sweat, cock limp against his body. head hanging off the edge of the bed and flushed, teary face observing the television that displayed some movie that relied on jumpscares and shock value;; making him cum over and over while balls deep - abusing that magic, mystical little button along the inner walls of his taint and him relishing in the sting of his hole being stretched... he'd generally love being stuffed bro,,, wanting to cockwarm you whenever he can and whenever you allow him to. ekekfjrjgnnv
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hibiscussoupbowl · 5 months
Yk what ive already made all my statements abt the teen wolf movie on instagram but imma say it here
As much as i love and breath teen wolf, its not the perfect show which is fine bc recognizing that is what makes its good. The thing is the movie? Godawful. The one thing i can appreciate is that the movie had an opening and the graohic design was cool
My problems with it?
-the plotline being abt allison. I think alisson (is it allison or alisson?) Is a fine character especially in s3, however, you killed her off. That whole s3 ending was abt her dying and isaac leaves BECAUSE of allison dying. Now ur gonna reopen that plotline that was TIED OFF? Ur not even gonna get stiles or isaac back into play even tho theyre arguably the most important for that season. And ur not gonna tell us how s6 ended??? Even with a flashforward of 2 years??
-the fbombs. Im sorry, what? U make a show that doesnt use f bombs at all and u make it creepy and horror but when u make the movie thats r rated meaning u can go even harder... u use it on fbombs? Might i add in the worst way possible. "Darkness motherfucker" wow. It just sounds so cringey. Either use it once meaningfully or dont drop one at all. U managed to make s3 be creepy without it do it again
-why the absolute fuck was liam in japan. By the hour and a half mark that question wasnt explained and it never was. Him and this girl hikari (whos gr8 actually) are just in japan and i guess own a bar??? I dont even know what they are to eachother let alone how they ended up there. I only knew that they love eachother bc they say that in jpn but like still??? Is it a sibling ily or a were dating and ily?
-the actors. Im sorry but if ur gonna get all these actors like masons and parrish and malia and whoever but u give them like what one line? Mason had legit like 2 lines in that movie. And u dont even know how he beacme a police officer! He just is! And they dont even say anything abt corey??? U could easily get his actor i know he aint doin anything rn. Liam and hikari? Also have like 3 lines in the movie
-personal thing lol but not everyone looks good with a beard and a shaved head
-lydia and stiles. Just bc u coudnt get dylan obrien cuz hes like the most succesful does NOT mean u just break up the couple that u built for six. seasons. You couldve said literally anything you couldve said stiles was dealing with some fbi shit or another supernatural disaster. Lydia having the dream? Tragic but stiles wouldnt have cared bc he loves her and wouldve just wanted to be with her forever.
-how can u not tell us who elis mother is. We ALLLL wanna know who derek banged im sorry but he slept with the enemy like three times and with his history and family history everyone just wants to know who it was.
-dereks death. WHAT THE FUCK this man survived a *pipe* going thru his back for like 10 minutes and survived, got brutally slashed and survived and ur telling me he died by magical fire. Sure teen wolf sure.
-if ur gonna introduce a character like alec in the season finale, bring him into play somehow recast him idc but do smt. Even nolan! Someone !
-what was with the whole nogitsune temple thing?? It was so... not scary at all and it looked bad. Like idk it was just so kiddy. Like oh noooo we re trapped bc we re tied to a pole with rope -_-
-sorry but again why continue a plotline that has been tied off? And not continue with the one that was open ended when u cant even get the significant actors for the s3 plotline? Bring daniel sharman into play, medicis over he has the freetime.
-malia and scott breaking up is also stupid bc again they were "endgame" and they had no reason to break up other than the fact that allison was alive again and for plot reasons.
-harrison coming back was so stupid i was so glad they killed him off even tho i guess they never found his body. I was hoping
-are argent and melissa not dating anymore? Its been like 3 months since ive seen the movie so i dont rememeber that but if they arent, why are the writers/producers, whoever, so desperate to break up everything great they had goin at the end of the show.
The interesting parts of the movie were
-the intro
-elis backstory with his dad, except why would u hate derek its literally tyler hoechlin
-and scott having an animal clinic bc i think thats funny
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mueritos · 8 months
Hey. Idk if this is me growing up or just being disillusioned with inter celebs etc. Im a 23 yr old trans man so I grew up and was inspired by chella on the YouTube community. But now I just…don’t like chella man anymore. I feel like…he became an industry plant? Over the pandemic asking fans for money to send to him directly to help others and not showing where the money was going exactly incident as well as just becoming older I noticed he seemed to almost want to become the next Keith haring or basquiat? He almost…now seems very fake? He takes deals with brands to be representation but doesn’t do much to call out certain brands for their faults etc.
Idk anymore
I give Chella credit in that he was one of the few transmen that I looked up while I was young, especially with him being BIPOC. Showing him to my family helped them understand me. But that's where the inspiration kinda stops, because it was painful to be surrounded by years-in-transition trans men online when I was absolutely nowhere I wanted to be. That was a me problem tho. But I also didn't know much about his whole donation incident.
Ig heres what I have to say. It's not great to view other people as your justification of your morals. We don't know how people have had to live or how they live now, we don't know what decisions they have to make, and we dont know what kind of fears or goals they have. Chella is allowed to do whatever he wants with his art or his modelling career, just like how I genuinely believe anyone else in the world is capable of making the right decisions for themselves (even if we dont like those decisions!). Im not really concerned with figuring out if hes an industry plant or a "class traitor" (lol) or even if he's "fake". To be honest, I'm all for BIPOC folks getting their $. Does that mean I enjoy seeing wealthy BIPOC folk perpetuate classism and racism? No. Just cuz someone is succeeding for themselves doesn't mean people cant critique them. I guess what Im saying is I see waaay too many people online take the things they enjoy and the people they follow as projections of their morals: "no! stop [Insert celebrity name] you're being problematic and its makes us fans look bad!" Like....Okay lmfao. People are grown adults and are going to make decisions for themselves. Just because you might enjoy a celebrity does not mean your morals are based on how good of a person they are.
and youre allowed to not like the same things anymore just like how people are allowed to change, for better or for worse. I think within online communities there is way too much pressure on "looking" like a good person versus actually being one...because sometimes BEING a good person makes you look absolutely vile in terms of online spaces/communities love of isolating, removing, and deleting "problematic" (and vulnerable) people from their spaces with no trial, discussion, or attempt at conflict mediation. Yea yea I do think people have every right to be criticized just as they have every right to make whatever decision they want, but what Im trying to get at is to really stop viewing anyone with a platform as someone you can other once they dont meet your standards. This is not the same as denouncing or critiquing someone for really egregious behavior (white supremacy, harrassment, bullying, interpersonal violence). Once you kinda start living by your own morals without needing other people's actions/behaviors to justify/define them, you learn to focus on building connections rather than destroying them.
again, this is a much nuanced topic and you prolly werent expecting me to go into this. but ive grown over the years and have engaged in some nasty and vile mob mentality behavior that i just dont vibe with anymore. im not really the kind of person now to speculate online or publicly what other people are doing or should be doing or whether theyre problematic or not. I don't really care about Chella man or most celebrities rn. People r just gonna be people, and I will always have empathy for those of marginalized identities. Free will, autonomy, and self determination goes both ways, but so does accountability, transformative justice, and reconciliation.
but also like kill ur idols lol
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livindeadgirlgrav · 9 months
The Monster's Den
Pairing: Otis Driftwood x fem reader
Warning: Violence, bad language, gore, nsfw, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome its Otis Driftwood lol
A/n: This is my first story on this account! I use to write a lot but my account got deleted so iIm staring over! Just note I type really fast and I'm also dyslexic, I'll try my best to proofread every post but please tell me if I miss something or made a mistake:) - This story is a work in process, I'm still getting my creative juices back!
This story is written in the readers pov and alternating povs!
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Getting a flat tire is a stressful experience already, but getting a flat tire in the middle of no where in the Texas heat is even worse. You knew this would happen sooner or later but you hoped your piece of shit car would make it a little longer. Tying a old shirt to the door you decided to walk, having no idea where you were walking to just hoping a house or gas station would pop up so you could use the phone. After what felt like hours of walking you finally stumbled upon a house, carrying your wedged sandals you decided to knock on the door. The house in your mind was creepy, it look as the vines were eating the house with hanging baby dolls trying to escape from the walls. the yard itself was littered with items. You tried not to be too judgmental for working in this heat had to be killer. "Oh hello darling?" You smiled at the warm presence of a older woman. "Hi, i'm sorry to bother but my car broke down a few miles back-" before you were able to finish the lady pulled you in "Oh honey you look terribly hot! why don't you have a sit and I'll get you some iced water" Taking a sit on the couch you watched as the lady came into frame with a sweaty glass of water. "Thank you so much! Do you have a phone I could use by chance?" You said accepting the cool beverage. "Noo,I once had one back in 57, I don't quite remember you see there isn't anyone here I feel like jaw flappin' at no more."She said taking a sit beside you. "But RJ has a tow-truck, I bet he can get it for you. Might be able to fine the problem." You took a sip of the heavenly water and brightened up. "Really? that would be wonderful! Thank you" You said sweetly admiring the generous woman. She smiled and nodded "Well it might take him a few hours but you are free the stay here." You smiled "I would love that thank you!" The woman giggled a little before deciding to go find RJ to talk to him about your car, leaving you alone in the living room.
After a few minutes of looking around and sipping your water you heard a noise behind you, turning to see if it was the woman- you were met with a tall, pale man with stringy blonde hair. Feeling your heart flutter as the man stared down at you sitting on the couch remaining eye contact as he walked around to get a better view of you. "H-hello, I'm y/n the older lady welcomed me in, I-I broke down a few miles bac-" Before finishing your sentence the man spoke up. "Can you speak girl?" He glared down. You nodded fast. " Then speak up!" He shouted making you jump with the outburst. "Yes" Otis stared at you watching your face heat up and your eyes flutter. Gasping, your eyes quickly widen when the strange man grabbed your neck pulling you up from the couch harshly. Grasping his wrist to try to free yourself but it was no use. "I bet you are soaked already huh?" He admired your struggling form for a moment before he slammed you down on the couch by your throat. You winced in pain. The man decided to sit on your legs to keep you from kicking tighting his grip. You tried to scream but nothing came out. "p-please!" struggling to form words you squinched up your face in pain. "i-I cant breathe!" trying your best you begged breathlessly. Before everything went black you saw the man smirk.
Your eyes fluttered awake, starring up seeing a ceiling as your eyes came into focus. Moaning at the pain, you knew there had to be a bruise on your neck. Realizing your arms are tied behind your back and a gag was in your mouth you tried your best to look around the room. You started to breath heavy realizing what just happened. You jumped when you heard the door open and the same man who was just choking you walked in. "Hey there mama, you sure are pretty hogtied like that!" You cried out and pushed against the rope. Earning a chuckle from Otis. "Now look I'm going to remove your gag but if you make anything such as a fucking peep. I'll gut you like a pig and make you eat your own intestines!" You nodded as tears rolled down your cheek. Otis pulled the rag down and stared at your face looking at your puffy lips. "W-what do you want?" you stuttered making Otis chuckle, "You."
Thank you for reading! I might make a part 2 Im not entirely sure but I hope you guys like it! I haven't written in forever so this was great!
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hi guys, sorry for dying lmao. anyways... do you guys want some ninjago ethnic and cultural headcanons??? (theyre almost all east/south/southeast asian btw // srry if u wanted more central/western asian rep.. caucasus dont count theyre too european /hj)
Arin: y'know the fact that there's like a ton of different tribes in papua new guinea? yeah, maybe one of those but i don't wanna be disrespectful so i'll do more research first before fully commiting. other thoughts are timorese or other indigenous groups from/near eastern indonesia.
Sora: look at those cat ears and try to tell me that she is NOT japanese. just- cmon man. plus, imperium is like a futuristic imperial japan or a futuristic version of that time the tokugawa family was in charge and locked down the country.
Lloyd (as well as the entire FSM bloodline): either tibetian or bhutanese. FSM just gives some budhist vibes so yeah. this isnt going to be about religion but religion does kind of affect ethnicity and culture so it does have a very minor role in making these headcanons. nepali works too but nepal is kinda nore hindu so yeah..
Kai and Nya: indomalay. mostly the indo part.. like- cmon, fire and water, indonesia is an archipelago with a shit ton of volcanoes (philippines too but we'll get there, sandali lang muna ;) ) i cant get into specifics cuz im not too well-researched but yeah. also, vibes 👌
Zane: siberian or he's from one of the islands extremely north of japan that japan and russia keep on disputing over. purely because of geography and ✨vibes✨
Cole: mixed black latino-filipino. as a filipino myself i wanted to make someone filipino =). since a lotta people were making cole black, i thought that i might as well make him mixed <3. plus, the philippines is also a former spanish colony so it just makes sense. if you want a more specific country, either colombia or the dominican republic are cool. not very well-researched on the different latin american countries so if anyone wants to tell me the most appropriate country for cole pls let me know 🥰.
Jay: umm, i sorta have a dillema over this. im thinking either korean or he's from somewhere in the gobi desert like mongolia or inner mongolia (its a province in china btw). korean bc the entertainment and beauty industry as well as the student and work culture kinda fit him. but somewhere in the gobi desert is nice bc the desert is where he grew up. maybe he's korean but grew up in a mongolian-chinese environment but yeah, im not too sure about him 🤷‍♀️. im leaning more towards korean but yeah, not sure.
Wyldfyre: i um... this was very hard. first of all, she's not gonna be asian since i couldn't find a good enough area in asia and well, im pretty sure she's not from ninjago so she doesn't have to be asian. so, i got maori in northern new zealand but 1. i know nothing about the maori people 2. it might be disrespectful to portray them like that. and 3. er, the geography is kinda off. where she grew up looks very desert-y and volcanic. i think a more suitable reigon is in south america towards the coast like peru or chile but um i know even less about the those reigions than new zealand. plus, it has the same first 2 problems i listed earlier. (yes im ignoring her clothes for these headcanons srry guys my brain loves topography too much) TLDR; idk man shes too hard to sort out lol. it adds more to her mystery and chaotic energy anyway so yeah.
if u know more abt latin american countries, pls give me pointers so that i can have more accurate headcanons for cole and wyldfyre. i can do my own research for kai, nya, and arin but any help with that is also very much appreciated 👍. peace ✌️
(this is what happens when u become a geography nerd... im not at my full potential yet bc my latin american knowledge and all of africa knowledge sucks. but yeah. bye fr this timeee)
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