#i just want the sketches to be good because ugh they're
angel-of-the-moons · 7 months
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Mentions of sleeping aids, some alcohol
A/N: For this chapter I've given Layla a helmet one for protection and two, like... I have this badass design in my head I plan on sketching out. But imagine it slides over her head like this. Also, featuring another hobby headcanon for the boys done by the lovely @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction!
Taglist: @bad4amficideas @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @lokisremainingsanity @mundivagantsoul @furblrwurblr
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Chapter 6:
Whiskey Rose
Layla put her hands on her hips as she paced back and forth on the rooftop.
"There is just no way they haven't figured it out at this point. No absolute damn way!"
Taweret sighed, her hands clasped in front of her as she refrained from smiling at Layla's frustration.
"Well, dear, we both know how--ehm--daft those boys can be, at times... It doesn't surprise me that they haven't noticed their soulmate has been living down the street from them for ages..." She said.
"Ugh!" The woman said, ruffling her hands in her curly hair. "I know that! But her? How could she possibly be so blind? She's smart! Did they not even notice that she just happens to have vegan-friendly items on the menu? Marc's favorite coffee? Steven's favorite tea?!"
Layla tossed her hands up in the air, sighing. "This is ridiculous! It could all be a coincidence, sure! But her hand! Her hand, Taweret!"
Layla grabbed the same hand that you had burned, the same hand Marc felt pain in the day you said it happened. "No way is it a coincidence on that!"
"Well yes, of course, there is that..." The goddess smiled finally, her tone even and soft so she could soothe her frustrated Avatar.
"But you can't always force soulmates to realize these things. They just have to happen naturally. Maybe because they haven't realized it yet means that they're not ready to realize it yet?"
Layla stopped in her tracks and squinted up at her.
"You said you were going to help me on this."
"I am."
"You're literally contradicting that promise by basically saying it's "not their time, yet"."
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I could just be helping in a different way."
Layla made a frustrated laugh and rubbed at her temples. "Why are Egyptian gods like this?!"
"Part of our charm, I s'pose, dear." Taweret giggled.
"Okay, okay, fine. I'll drop it for now." Layla sighed, looking up at her with a tired smile.
"But you're not off the hook for this." She warned playfully.
"Oh, but of course, my dear!" Taweret replied, her hand over her heart in a dramatic gesture. "I would never break a promise to you!"
Layla shook her head and snorted in an effort to keep down the fit of laughter that wanted to escape. She lifted her gaze and looked out on the cityscape of London, the grimy dirty streets that were teeming with life.
But also teeming with crime and cruelty. It was like lifting a rotted log; look in the right place and criminals will scatter like bugs beneath the surface.
"...I wish they boys could talk with Khonshu like I do with you. Their lives would be so much easier." She murmured, crossing her arms.
"I know, darling." Taweret sighed softly, her ears flattening in distress. "That old codger! He's so... so rough with them! I would hate to see how poor Steven gets spoken to. He's such a sweetheart!"
"Oh, trust me... Steven, when he wants to be, can be very, very, very sassy." Layla smirked playfully up at her. "From what Marc has told me, he can give as good as he can take verbally, especially to Khonshu."
"Oh? But Steven is such a doll! It's hard to imagine him saying such things." Taweret gasped in surprise. "I would love to see it if he ever does snap at the old bird, though!"
"Oh, definitely. Next time it happens? I'm having Marc spill everything. Or Steven. Whichever feels like talking."
"Oh, I'd rather be a fly on the wall next time it happens!" Taweret giggled, rocking on her heels.
She had such a cute appearance and personality, despite being a large gal, her little physical tics just served to endear her to Layla even more. She was so sweet; the only thing she was missing were tiny little glasses at the end of her muzzle and a little bonnet to complete the look of an adorable cartoon animal mum or grandmum.
"Ugh, so do I!" Layla laughed along with her, laughter finally tumbling out from where she kept it held in.
The two laugh amongst one another for a moment, until their levity dies down. After a pregnant pause, Layla looked back up at Taweret and sighed deeply.
"Well... Should you do the honors?" She asked. "But... Let's keep our suspicions about her a secret from him. Last thing we need is the old bastard using her as a bargaining chip with the boys like he tried to do with me."
"Of course." The goddess replied, giving a curt nod of her head.
She lowered her head and closed her eyes, her hands clasping in front of her once again.
When her eyes reopened, they were glowing with a soft golden light, her ears flicking about.
The moment stretched on for what felt like an uncomfortable length of time. She finally blinked and the light went away from her eyes.
She looked back at Layla and let her gaze. "He should be here momentarily. Though, I will warn you he is very cross you "took" the boys from him for the night."
"Oh, please! They need sleep! They can't go out every night and do his dirty work for him and he just expects them not to suffer from sleep deprivation!" Layla scoffed.
"I know, but he seems more angry that it wasn't brought to his attention first..."
"If that old bastard has a problem with it, he can--"
"I can what, Layla el Faouly?" Khonshu's gravelly voice rumbled out, a chill sweeping through her body.
Layla frowned and glared at him where he sat, perched on the edge of the roof, his staff resting casually against his shoulder.
"You can shove it and go get your kicks somewhere that isn't at my ex-husband and his alters' expense! Or better yet I can kick your ass!"
"I'd like to see you try, little bug." Khonshu sneered.
She knew he couldn't emote, with that stupid, dessicated skull that hovered in place of his head. But she could feel the condescending expression he surely would be fixing her with just by his tone of voice as well.
And boy, did it piss her off.
"Oh yeah? Why don't you keep trying that shit with me. I'm not Marc, or Jake, or even Steven. I will fight your bony, mummified ass!"
Khonshu stood, taking lumbering steps towards her.
"You insolent little worm. I will--"
"Do nothing. Layla is my Avatar, Khonshu." Taweret said, her tone unusually hard as she stepped between Layla and Khonshu.
Her motherly role decided to come out. And nothing was scarier in the animal kingdom, logically, than a pissed off hippo.
Let alone a pissed off hippo goddess who happened to be one of motherhood.
"You will not lay a finger on her. You are still in deep trouble with the Ennead for the stunt you pulled with the night sky, and having Jake kill Ammit and Harrow. Do you really want to push your luck by attacking another god's Avatar because you can't take a few quips?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously, a sharp glint to the normally kind and warm depths.
Khonshu leaned back a bit, turning his head with a scoff, rolling his shoulders.
"Fine. Now, tell me why you have taken my Fist from me this night. Tell me why you two kept them from performing justice on those who have harmed the innocents under my protection."
Layla had to physically bite her tongue to call him out on his hypocrisy.
"Because, Layla and I agreed we would arrange a deal with you. Whilst Layla is here in London, she will handle the dispatching of justice on those you deem need it." Taweret huffed.
"The boys need rest. You are overworking your Avatar to a dangerous degree. Lack of sleep can and will kill. Then what would you do? You can't exactly serve justice without your Moon Knight. And the time you spend looking for another deserving of the title, too many evildoers will slip through your net, yes?"
Khonshu stamped his staff on the rooftop, not speaking.
Layla smirked.
'You go, Hippo-Mama.' She thought. 'Tell that bastard what-for.'
"But you will understand that Layla will only kill if she absolutely has to. If it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, she will leave those individuals for the authorities, understand?" She jabbed an authoritative finger at him.
Khonshu was silent for a long moment, his grip tightening on the bleached wood of his staff.
"...Very well. I agree to your terms. I will let Marc and the other two rest. For now."
"Now that all the unpleasantness is out of the way..." Taweret rubbed her hands together as she spoke. "Who do you want Layla to go after, first?"
"There are individuals tied to the trafficking group that Jake Lockley eliminated not too long ago. They will be what you start off with. They have already moved on to other groups and are already stalking their next kidnappees." Khonshu grunted.
"I want you to stop them before they move. Start at the Avernice Packing Plant. It is a front."
"Human trafficking, eh?" Layla sighed. "Disgusting. I'll help, like we promised."
"Yes, you will." Khonshu growled.
He stomped his staff twice and disappeared in a puff of mist.
Layla cracked her knuckles, "Well, let's get this done."
"Oooh, of course! You go get em, babygirl!" Taweret said, pumping her fists in encouragement.
Layla turned and stepped to the edge of the roof. Shrugging her shoulder softly, a golden and bejeweled helmet slid in place, her hair tucked safely away inside.
"Let's go save those people."
She threw out her arms, her gleaming golden wings slinging out from her sides as she leapt off the rooftop.
For the next few days, Layla would come to visit you, chatting you up and listening to you talk. You had the feeling that something was bothering her, but you didn't want to pry. It seemed to be weighing on her a little bit.
Perhaps you'd ask about it. Later
Today, on the other hand, Layla was already there, perusing your stock for any more books she may have been missing. You were happy you had already set the kettle to boil and had the coffee freshly brewed before she arrived.
You'd given her a polite smile as you passed, carefully balancing the tray of tarts you had finished, and Layla gave you a small wave and smile in return, plucking a book off the shelf in front of her.
What you didn't expect however, was to spot a man in one of your nooks.
He sat like a dark shadow being cast; a golf cap hanging low over his forehead, raven hair slicked back beneath, a dark leather jacket and worn leather gloves made up most of his attire as he sat with his fists balled on the table, watching people walk past the windows of your shop.
Like Marc, he looked a dead ringer for Steven. But unlike Marc and Steven, this man looked absolutely miffed about something as he sat in quiet thought.
This must be the third brother. Jack, or something like that? Marc had told you about him but his name slipped your mind. He mentioned they were triplets or something like that, so... maybe...
He had dark bags under his eyes, making him look exhausted and... well... pissed about something.
You decide to forgo your usual greeting and leave the man to himself, carefully slipping the fresh treats into the display case.
Then, you turn and walk over to the counter that held the mini fridge, coffee machines, and tea kettles along with all the proper dishes you'd need to serve such things you had on your menu.
You grab the pot from the coffee machine and pour the bitter black brew into a freshly cleaned mug.
Something tells you to skip the sugar and cream, leaving it black.
You take a half a step before looking at the small drawer beneath the checkout counter.
You decided to add something after all.
Jake sat, glaring out at the passerbys as they went about their daily lives, never the wiser about the evil creatures that walked amongst them.
The monsters that were laying in wait to pounce like a predator on their prey the moment the sun went down. The very monsters that he wanted to protect everyone from.
The very monsters Khonshu gave him bidding to hunt each night.
Except he hasn't been hunting them all night. Not as often as before. Not since Layla decided to come to London and stay for a while, taking the load off their shoulders a bit.
Jake knew Khonshu was pissed that he and the other two gave in to Layla and Taweret's urging that they rest. As much as he hated passing the reins off, as much as he hated not doing his duty, he relented. They were indeed overworked and exhausted.
It wasn't easy to go against Khonshu's will, let alone without warning him first.
But Marc and Steven welcomed the rest, even if they weren't precisely well-rested. The nights they were used to prowling the streets, they couldn't help but wander the flat. Steven would clean, or cook new things, Marc would watch recorded sports events, and Jake would sit in the recliner by the window and knit. He decided on making something for Layla, as a bit of a thanks.
He knew she didn't trust him still, not very much anyways, but she deserved to be rewarded for her hard work covering for them and trying to help. Maybe he could even knit something for Taweret...
However, their respite didn't last long. The three of them were in agreement that they didn't want Layla to bear the burdens of dispensing Khonshu's justice alone. That while her intentions were noble, she simply couldn't do it alone. She wasn't used to it like they were, and the short time she was doing it, the strain was already taking a toll on her.
So, the past few nights they'd all been up well into the wee hours, hunting criminals, fighting and defeating them together.
Jake was a bit overbearing at times, but it was only because he didn't want Layla to get hurt. Even before Marc or Steven or even Layla were aware of him, he did what he had to do to protect them. To protect her.
Like killing Harrow and Ammit.
She just didn't fully understand that he wasn't cruel, or callous. He simply knew what--
His thoughts were cut off when a mug was placed in front of him, the steaming dark contents waiting up into his nose.
He lifted his gaze to meet yours, and your sheepish smile.
"Uhm... Sorry to interrupt you. But uh. Here..?" You said to him a bit nervously.
"...Thanks." Jake muttered, taking the mug, feeling the warmth seep through his gloves.
"So, uh... You're... Er..." You tried, your expression twisting slightly.
John? Jack? Joe?
He nodded, looking back up at you, raising a dark brow in curiosity.
"Sí, I am." He told you.
You couldn't help but grin.
"So we have the Brit, the American, and the... Spaniard?" You tried to joke.
He laughed tightly, almost like dry leaves blowing in the wind. A bit chilly, but not entirely devoid of humor.
"Something like that." He said, tipping the mug to his lips. He was impressed. Most people tended to put cream, milk, or sugar in it despite his wishes. Insisting he needed flavor. It looked like you left it entirely black, for him.
Only... You didn't. He could taste it.
He pulled the mug away, looking down at the coffee and back up at you.
"...Did you put whiskey in this?"
"Well... Um. Yeah... I keep a flask under the counter for... uhhhhh... emergency... purposes..?" You saif, your sheepish smile returning.
It looked cute on you.
Jake blinked at you in shock. He reached into his pocket and fished out an old, beat up and tarnished flask.
"I... was actually going to add some of my own." He replied.
"You kinda looked like you needed it..."
Jake stared at you in shock for another moment more, his jaw clenched not in irritation at your assumption, but in an effort to keep it from dropping.
'...I think I'm in love with this woman.'
"So, um. Welcome to my shop..." You tell him, introducing yourself and the name of your store.
He repeated your name under his breath, finding that it blended well with the taste of the smokey honey whiskey and coffee he'd just sipped.
"It's nice to meet you. My... Brothers and Layla have told me about you. I'm Jake. Jake Lockley." He offered you a hand to shake in polite greeting.
After you pulled away, you noticed his sleeve ride up a bit on his wrist and spot the edges of a tattoo? Or maybe... a mark?
It wasn't any of your business... You only just met the man, after all. You pushed your curiosity aside.
"It's nice to meet you too, uh, Mister Lockley." You replied curtly.
"Ah, just Jake. Please, señorita. "Mister" just sounds awkward and too formal." He chuckled.
You giggled softly, "Er... Yeah. Sorry about that. So uhm. Are you looking for anything in particular today? Or did Layla drag you along?"
Were you... teasing him? He couldn't tell.
It takes him a moment for him to come up with something. Deciding to ignore how you might look at him, he goes for it anyway.
"I was looking into making a gift for someone." Jake said to you.
"Oh? You're looking for craft books then? Something specific?" You chirped, your eyebrows raising.
"Eh... Knitting, if you can believe that. I'm looking for patterns I haven't tried before, and I hate looking them up online. Because at the start of those stupid articles..."
"Someone writes a ten page essay about their god-forsaken childhood?" You finished with a smirk.
"Exactly." Jake grinned at you, flashing his white teeth.
"Well, I actually don't know if I have anything on knitting in particular, but I can check for you."
"Ah, gracias señorita."
It wasn't until you walked away, that he realized Layla was looking at him, a wide, shit-eating grin on her face.
His expression immediately soured as he sipped at his spiked coffee.
"What're you looking at?"
"Nothing." She hummed, opening her book to flip the pages innocently.
"I see you're reading another one of your bodice-rippers." He sneered softly, jabbing at her preferred genre of romance.
"And I see you were gawking at the store clerk." She shoots back, not looking up from her book.
"Maldita mujer tonta! I was not!" He hissed, careful not to slam the mug down too harshly.
He feels a presence envelope him, a pressing feeling like someone just sat on either side of him.
Marc's voice comes from within.
(Jake. We heard you.)
Chapter 7: Link
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oops-all-concrete · 2 months
Hello lovelies, 💘HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!💘
I'm back with more BG3 headcanons! Today's prompt is;
💕Modern AU; Ways the BG3 (romanced) companions are idyllicly sweet with Tav!💕
No spoilers! Tags are; A whole heckin lot of fluff and cuteness!
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Lae'zel -
You have to be careful with what you say around Lae'zel. Made a minor comment 3 months ago that you wanted to revisit somewhere in the Sword Coast? Get packing, you guys are all booked to go. Asked Lae'zel to get you candy on the way home? She has 3 full bags. Say that comment her folks made last time you visited made you uncomfortable- you have a paragraph text apology from all of them the next day. She's not just someone who wants to spoil Tav, she fucking will. (If Tav manages to talk her out of going nuts with the pampering, she's surprisingly sentimental. You bet she keeps a rock in her pocket that reminds her of Tav)
Shadowheart -
She is so excited to post you. She doesn't like social media and tends to keep to herself, but after watching Tav post pictures of them both, she wanted to do the same. The minute she gets even the smallest romantic gesture, she's scrapbooking, she has a wall of Polaroids joined by a horde of hand made sketches, she's putting together little snack baskets and mailing them to Tav, she's about as obviously head over heels as a person can be, really. She's always got a camera aimed at Tav, even if they're just for her. (A good 90% are just for her eyes)
Wyll -
This man never plays games/gets online with both sides of the headphones in. It doesn't matter if the game is online, offline, urgent, time sensitive, dependent on his concentration- if Tav so much as makes a peep, he's out of his seat and across the room. Hells, he takes every chance he gets to go give Tav some attention. In the drift of leaving the waking world, Tav will definitely hear a little "One minute, Tav needs me" despite them not asking. Some footsteps. And then moments later, the warmth of the duvet being tucked all over their body and a gentle kiss to the cheek. Whispered "I love you"s and then a quiet. "I'm going to hop off for a few hours." So you can have some quiet.
Karlach -
She's one of those people that really makes you realise you have good taste in other people. Like, you can't think of a time you went on a walk and she didn't pick up some trash, help an elderly person across the street, immediately offer her seat to a pregnant woman. No matter how prideful Tav might be or not, there's a pride in the admiring looks other people give her. Little girls pass in the street and say "mum, I want to be like her when I grow up!" Everything she does makes Tav proud to be with her, yet somehow Tav is always the one under a spotlight to her. "Oh, me and my partner-" this. "Oh, my partner-" that. "I'm so proud of my Tav. Ugh, I am so lucky" she insists at every turn.
Gale -
He's a night owl, much to Tara's dismay. Wether that's because he can't sleep, he likes being awake in the dark hours or- his brain won't stop nattering at him for a gods damned minute, but either way. He's probably working, quietly cleaning, organising Tavs things so they don't have to worry. In quiet moments, between possibly making them breakfast because of course he's up that early- he's just kissing Tav on the forehead, gently, trying not to wake them. He needs them to sleep but there is not a moment in his day where he doesn't think: "Does Tav know I love them? Can I remind them once more? Even if its just for my peace of mind?" Because he will not rest if he has an inkling his live for Tav isn't at the forefront of their mind.
Astarion -
If you even suggest to this man that you should do matching outfits, he's excited. He always wants to take the wheel, but also wants Tav to have a foot in the idea. He will give ideas left and right, opinions up and down. He doesn't care if it's a date or not, cringe solstice photos, or just gym clothes, he's all for it. If you guys didn't have matching pyjamas already, you have them now, congrats. (If he's still a bloodsucker, he'll definitely still go out of his way to learn how to cook for Tav. Tokyo Ghoul rules though, so Tav gets to taste test a lot. Only the best for his little capri-sun) Overall he's just unashamed and excited to be with someone who very obviously wants to be his, visibly as possible.
(Bonus Halsin!)
Halsin -
This man lives for shared activity. He's quite alright on his own and can allow Tav their space, but going to get massages, haircuts/styles, wine tasting is his total vibe. Just relaxed gatherings together. Nobody lives a spa day like this man. It allows a level of intimacy that nature intends. Cleansing. Careful. Close. He will learn how to do Tavs hair and makeup if asked. Will take pleasure in being able to undress them and put them to bed at the end of a long day. Go on hikes and camping trips, walks through the woods, carving names into rocks and bringing back souvenirs to press into a book that's only getting thicker.
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hey y'all how's it goin' oh by the way happy new years~<3
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sketchy sketch~<3
no better way to start it out with an absolute right and proper BAAAANG--...er...
wanted to make them look slightly less like the actors and goddammit... welp-- havin' way too much fun playin' with that facial detail and other hwats like their expressions and mmmmmmhhmmmmmm~<3<3<3 no they're still not done cause i'm a fuckin' snail so please ignore the many flaws mah laziness~ and weird ass stray marks or like gimme pointers if yer good with male anatomy and especially growly expressions lmao but it's somethin' at least and here's the old one for comparison~<3
and learnin' moar about their features UGH<3<3<3 they've both got slightly crooked noses in opposite directions and it's just adorable, URBAN'S BIG BEAUTIFUL WIDE EYES AND CUTE SHORT NOSE--that beautiful soft baby boi jaw he hides under the damn beard... sir you are 50 some odd years HOW ARE YOU STILL SUCH A CUTIE--
ant just came out the womb fully manified with that square ass cut jaw i guess--he has such a nice fucking jaw lmao<3
same deal, probably tone it down once i do that style study<3
in this house~<3
we love to see those beautiful features as they come<3<3<3
in this house~<3
we love to give our bois MUSCLE<3<3<3
in this house~<3
we let these bois take over and play at their best~<3<3<3!!
no, we're not gonna talk about that random ass string thing in the middle of them--or billy bean's suspicious weight gain...
and no, we're DEF not gonna talk about butcher's boi bewbs... because then i will never shut the fuck up about butcher's boi bewbs. so please. really don't mention it i--
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den-ai-d · 4 months
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Ooof...a decade on this site eh?
Oh no, story time incoming!
10 years and yeah, so much has happened already. Originally, I made this blog back when I was in high school as a place to post my drawings; back then, it was all just pencil drawings on paper. Looking at them now...well it was obvious I still had a long way ahead of me LOL. And to think some people assume that everyone skilled enough in art must have had some innate talent for it. CLEARLY, they don't know what they're talking about because I was terrible at it early on!
But I mean, I didn't really think that of my art, did I?
No. In fact, I'm pretty sure that kid me was very much impressed with his own works. See, that child had a very bloated ego and a high opinion of himself. You should ask his poor friends; I'm sure they'd agree that the bugger could take a few lessons on humility with how he'd be sharing all of his silly sketches to them and pontificating on and on about how nice he thinks they are. Yeah, I was an insufferable kid.
But I do think that overinflated ego of mine turned out beneficial for my growth as an artist because without it—without my love for my own art—I wouldn't have stuck to it.
And stuck to it I did.
Went to college soon after that and took a program majoring in biology. Not much of a surprising choice since I've always liked the sciences and figured it would later on give way to a stable career; funnily enough, while I was very passionate about making art, I never thought it would be a profitable source of income. But that didn't mean I'd stop doing it on my free time though! Actually, this was when I got myself my first tablet! And what better way to start my digital drawing experience than to buy a FUCKING EXPENSIVE cintiq!!! With the extra motivation coming from the monetary pressure of such a purchase, you bet your ass I used the hell out of that thing. I was so intent on making use of it that—would you look at that—I still use it to this day! (Wow, they really made those old wacom tablets to last, didn't they?)
Obviously, college work ended up taking a lot of my time so I couldn't really draw as much as I did a few years ago. There were even times when I could only make one painting throughout a whole month; a far cry to my previous output. But even so, I never wavered in thinking that making art—being an artist—was something that was part of my identity; it was something that I always will come back to, no matter how much busy I got contending with course work.
And speaking of which, fuck that! Got my first honest-to-goodness mental breakdown because of all the studying I was doing at one point. See, I'm the type of student that likes getting good grades because BIG NUMBERS so I made it a point to be studious. To the point of insanity, apparently.
Anyway, I got better eventually and it all turned out nice. Even snagged all the awards I could've gotten for my thesis by the end of it! Yes, I am bragging. I deserve it, thank you very much! (For anyone curious, it was a study about plant pigments and using them in solar cells).
After that debacle, I found myself whisked into Adulthood which meant I finally had to find a job. Guess I was lucky since I didn't really have much of a hard experience searching for one. Got accepted into a cosmetics company for a lab position. Hmm, in hindsight, I think they just wanted a fresh graduate who wouldn't demand a high salary and that was me so I got in pretty easily. And honestly, the work was AWESOME. My job ended up with me coming up with formulas for new products. I got to make lotions, shampoos, soaps (ugh, I hated that one), perfumes, toners, balms, scented candles, and—oddly enough that one time—glue! It was a wonderful experience for me since it blended my interest in science and art with how it required me to think of creative ways of applying technical solutions in order to make products that needed to look, feel, smell, and perform a certain way.
As a bonus, I even got to make stuff for myself! I was particularly fond of making creams with menthol. The soothing chill on the skin is just so nice!
It wasn't all good though. I mean the menthol was fine and dandy, I assure you, but even if I was enjoying myself with the work, it just so happens that it just wasn't giving me enough money to provide for the family. Also, there was that one time I splashed chili oil on my eye. A very eye-opening and spicy turn of events to be sure.
With the bills stressing the hell out of me, I then thought to myself: if only I had a marketable skill that I could use in my off time as a way of engaging with a hobby whilst earning money.
Yup, I started my singing career!
LOL no. I opened art commissions for the first time!
It was a very scary experience, mind you. I don't consider myself a social butterfly and the prospect of talking with other people in a transactional context was a big reason why I haven't even considered doing it all this time. Turns out being poor and running out of money outweighed such concerns. Also, my keeping up with art and posting them online all these years seemed to have payed off well; my twitter having then recently crossed over a thousand followers which meant I had a decent pool of potential clients!
And so I bumbled through my first few commissions trying to appear professional and all put together in front of my clients while consistently shitting myself on the inside. Just like all well-functioning adults!
It was October last year when I started. I figured that I wouldn't have much in way of commissioners—what with being new to the business—and that was fine since I didn't have much time to put on them anyways since I did still had to go to work on my day job. What mattered was that it gave me enough of a financial buffer so that I didn't have to worry too much about going under.
This continued to the turn of the year where I was able to juggle both my job and doing commission without much of a hassle. In fact, I noticed that people were actually really interested in getting commissions from me. So much that at one point...I actually made more money in a month than what I would've with my monthly salary! At that point, it was so over! Like, I originally was planning to at least observe how things went within this year and then decide after if I would just keep it as a side gig or go full-time with art. Turns out I was much more impulsive than I expected.
It was on a bright sunny February morning (no cinematic storm clouds in sight, unfortunately) that I decided on a lark to approach my boss at work and tell them that yup, no joke, I was gonna be leaving. I handed my resignation letter a few days later.
I would've liked to say that it was a tearful goodbye with my cherished co-workers whom I've spent the last five years of my life with but...COME ON, I barely talked with those people! Instead, it was a lukewarm farewell between people who just happened to work in proximity to each other. Eh, like I said, I wasn't much of a social butterfly and no one really made an effort to get to know me so oh well. MOVING ON!
Actually, I couldn't just up and leave because there are laws around these kinds of things so I worked there for another month but all that was a blur. Soon enough, I was officially unemployed!
So like I mentioned earlier, I full on did not expect doing art as something that would bring in much in way of income. My parents too thought the same. They said that yeah, art was a good hobby but as job? Let's be serious here! Well, turns out we were wrong all this time. With me fully dedicated to commission work, I was able to take on a larger volume of clients. Not as many as some of you go for (I'm looking at you, people who take ten or more commissions per batch, you monsters!) but enough that I was actually making a stable living! And yeah, WAY more than my now previous job. What an absolute shock to everyone involved; me most of all.
Now it's almost the end of the year, my plans having all but shattered into tiny pieces. Tiny pieces that scatter with the wind as I look back on the past ten years that has led me to where I am today. A lot of time has passed. I graduated high school, college, then got a job. Then graduated from that too. Certain people have come and gone. Some more permanent than others. I've lost friends and made new ones. Tumblr got fucked. Twitter got fucked. The world stopped for two years. For some, it's still stuck in those two years. I made glue in a lab. Almost lost an eye in a lab. I bought chips with my very own money for the first time. I loved people. Hated them too. Things have happened. Things have changed.
I certainly am very different from that kid who was having troubles fitting in with others from his class, what with being bullied and suffering through a particularly angsty teenage (oh my god I was CRINGE). A kid who often sought drawing as an escape to all of those terrible things out of his control.
I guess I'm happy I can still relate to that kid.
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aidenlyons · 2 months
Jake had to leave fairly early, and that afternoon Aiden invites Tony over. After she gets there, he immediately flops down on the couch again.
A: You didn't miss much at Prom. It was pretty lame. Somehow I got Prom King though. I'm so confused by that.
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T: Soo... If it was lame, why are you acting like you danced all night?
Aiden blushes and clears his throat a little.
A: Jake and I, uh.. had our own party.
T: Hang on. Wait. Back up. So you and he..?
A: Yep. Not to kiss and tell, but we were up LATE.
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T: Daaaamn. How're you feeling about that?
A: Mmm. I am sore in ways I didn't know I could be sore. I still want Jake to come back so I can climb him like a tree.
T: Hah! Well I guess now you have a lot more inspiration for your sketches.
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A: Tony, you don't even know. Jake's always been hot. Like, WAY out of my league hot. But last night, he was.. something else. Sexy doesn't even cover it.
T: Damn. Who knew, he seems so wholesome. Because we're besties, I'm gonna ask. Were you safe?
A: Yes. Every time.
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A: Subject change, before I embarrass myself. How was your night?
T: Ugh, lame. I did find this hot guy's Simstagram account. He posts pictures of him and his boyfriend. Why are gay guys so hot?
A: I have no answer for you. Most hot guys I know of are straight. I wanna see.
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T: uhh.. look, see? They're both total beefcakes!
A: Uh. Wow. They just.. put that out there. If this is your type, I get why Jake's not your type.
T: What can I say? I like big and hairy. Give me a big ol' teddybear any day. And here, this guy!
Aiden only blushes. Damn.
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T: So... I gotta ask. You and Jake are pretty serious. Are you both going to college?
A: Jake is. He's trying to get a football scholarship. Eh, but not me. I don't think it's my thing.
T: What are you two gonna do?
A: I don't know!
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A: Jake is more of an in-the-moment kinda guy. I'm trying not to look too far ahead because I WILL freak out. I feel like I just found him though, I don't want to lose him. Maybe I'll try and find a place in Britechester?
T: Didn't you just move in here? You'd move again?
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A: Yes! This place is nice, but it's... it's too much for me, I think. Too big, too fancy. I miss Jake's house. It was.. cozy. It felt like home.
T: But then you have his parents to deal with. You know, you could just take some art classes. You're good. You could.. branch out.
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A: I don't know, I don't think I'm that good. I might die if my stuff was ever put on display.
Tony can think of quite a few people who would like Aiden's work. The internet exists afterall.
T: That's why you take classes! Maybe you'll find another style you like.
A: Maybe.
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A: Oh! Btw, what are you doing for Winterfest? I have something for you, should I just bring it to school?
T: You.. you got me a present?
A: Well. Yeah. We're best friends, right?
T: Oh.. yes! I didn't get you anything.
A: You're my friend and you listen. That's all I need.
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Tony is not always good with the touchy feeling and she half pouts, half grumbles at him.
T: You're such a sap, Aiden.
Aiden shrug, he knows that already. He steps in to hug Tony.
A: Yeah. Maybe. I've just been alone most of my life, Tony. I know how to appreciate friendship.
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-02-12
The sun is slowly coming back
Listening: Vienna Teng, because she posted a thing about the start of her Germany tour and I'm going to the tail end of that in March. I like how especially the Dreaming Through the Noise songs are often about relatively mundane modern things. Like "1br/1ba", which is about finding an okay but kinda crappy apartment for yourself, or "City Hall" which is about getting gay married in San Francisco in 2004.
Reading: While flipping through my Wishlist on Kobo, I saw they had Bloodchild available for free. Bloodchild is so good. It's a sci-fi love story. It's about commitment and responsibility and anxiety. It's about power dynamics. It's about mpreg. There are bugs.
Bloodchild especially lands because at no point does it other the Tlic. They're people, which makes them way, way more interesting.
Also, started rereading Gideon the Ninth because I should reread that series so I can see all the secrets and hoo boy are there secrets. God damn this is a whole different book. Dulcinea was like kind of vaguely ominous on a first read but she is so much more now. Almost done with that.
Watching: Good Bad Movie night was Yellow Submarine, the Beatles musical animated movie. It's absolutely bizarre but it's also very pretty, every frame is a worthwhile desktop wallpaper. Big bold colours and some very extravagant design.
Also more Gundam, and catching up to Gundam on Mobile Suit Breakdown, a Gundam watch-along-and-research podcast.
Playing: Oops All Dark Souls. Found my way back out of Blighttown, visited the Undead Asylum, went through Sen's Fortress and up into Anor Londo, but now I am trapped in the Painted World. I killed the dragon but there appears to be another dragon in my way so now I have to go around and deal with the fucking wheel skeletons.
It's great how Dark Souls makes you go from "ugh this is impossible" to "why was I having such a hard time" in like two hours, it took several tries for me to figure out the toxic hollows in Ariamis but by the time I took down the dragon I was literally sprinting through the level clobbering them with light running attacks.
Making: Parts for the NAS system are arriving so I am busy designing the case. Lots of sketching things, transferring them into CAD, and then throwing it out because it doesn't quite line up. I think I've got a good idea but it has yet to go into CAD.
I'm busy printing a dummy hard drive so that I can get a physical sense for the items because I don't want to heft my very expensive real drives around. Testing out Lightning Infill, a plastic-saving infill that is non-structural but can support solid upper layers with a minimal amount of plastic.
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Tools and Equipment: ACPICA is a weird little software tool for Linux made by Intel that you can use to dump, rewrite, and patch ACPI entries on your system. Dealing with ACPI is a goddamn pain in the ass but this dramatically simplifies it to just a pain in the ass. Here's a little doc on how to do patching specifically that I am busy dealing with at work.
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shutthyface · 1 year
Bendy and the Dark Revival Playthrough Thoughts:
Imma post my raw dog thoughts on Bendy and the Dark Revival as I play (currently in chapter 1), I shall bury the spoilers so continue at your own risk, I will also be completely honest about my opinions on everything, my qualifications are my 100% achievement score for Bendy and the Ink Machine and a deep adoration for the entire Bioshock series (yes, this is relevant)
Okay, here we go:
- first impression, hand animations are a lil weird but I can get past it
- Audrey is adorable, her winged liner is pretty thicc
- I knew a jumpscare was coming in that hallway but did it stop me from screaming? no.
- ALSO after coming back for the key you get a nice view of the signed photo of Bendy from Henry 🥺 So cute I can't even
- cut to me continuously ramming my body into the first Boris the Wolf poster throughout different points in the walkthrough area because I was looking for Meatly... (he was not there 😭)
-I hate Wilson, as a character, and I'm confused at his importance. But I also hate him as a person, as he makes me v uncomfortable (well done on that part)
- ahhh yes, the Ink Machine activation. I wish it wasn't so similar, maybe the podiums set up in different areas of the museum room like exhibits would have been a nice recollection without being exactly the same
- ohohoh, is that a Bioshock Infinite baptism I see? And a title screen eerily similar to the Bioshock logo. Not complaining really, I honestly miss the feeling of Rapture
•∆ Entering Chapter 1 ∆•
- Alice could have explained a bit more, I also feel like there's a lot of things I need to explore but can't yet, I love exploration and collection
- Gent Pipe is coming back and we gotta hide from these squishy men, so far so good. Really enjoying the new hiding mechanics, feels much more like a classic horror game, more immersive and anxiety building
- these ink men and women are getting rekt, cool that you can loot from their bodies
- puzzles BAYBEEE gotta love em, the first one is pretty easy to find but it almost feels like there's more to see there later?
- ooo we have another Bioshock-esque gameplay tool, sending ink creatures back to the ink puddles, like removing the adam from little sisters. Not sure if it will have an impact on ending or anything like that, but it adds a nice choice to more sneaky routes than head on aproaches
- I don't know what I expected but mr.hang-in-there editor made me feel more uncomfortable than I thought it would lmao
- BABY BENDY 😭 he's soooo cute and his LIL ANIMATED FACES!!!! i can't believe he was just chillin there all smol and adorable
- Audrey gotta be careful with that power she hurt the baby 🥺
- "do not knock" audrey: hmm .... this won't stop me, I can't read
- not the Ink Demon appearing and TALKING???? HELLO??? SIR?? 🥵🤒
- 😳😳😳 "sweet name to devour" lord almighty
- his new form is SICK, I LOVE the glove/white animation spots peaking through the ink, the multi horns, ugh so cool I want a better look 😩
•∆ Entering Chapter 2 ∆•
- Ink Demon: "You were born from it", me: "MOLDED BY IT!"
- I no longer enjoy the hiding mechanic because I am now more scared
-OOOH it tells me when he's coming, that I enjoy, thank the lord 😩✋
- I like these lil drawings mr. no-knock did, they're so cute! I think the Ink Demon likes em too that's why he's angry I'm collecting em 😮‍💨
- me after collecting the fifth drawing: damn he MAD mad he wanted those sketches bad 😳
- bro mr. no-knock attacking me after collecting his shit is NOT the vibe how DARE you sir
- the ink demon literally was about to attack me when I was writing that last thought, I thought I was about to have a break but NOPE not only did I almost die I almost pissed myself that was TERRIFYING
- I am now constantly on edge and I feel like mr. ink demon is coming for me at any second
- good news I haven't died yet, bad news my heart rate is goin NUTS
- second puzzle, finished, and Ink Demon only visited once! Yay!
- "come say hello" h mm don't mind if I do
- audrey: *crackin open this big ass spotlit box*; me: no no no no no; box: scary ass shy-guy-esque lady; me: noooo no no no...; audrey: *turns away to hide in barrel, turns back and box is empty*; me: NOOOOOOO THANK YOUUUUUU
- dude F*CK THAT GHOST B*TCH she scared my entire TIT off and made me slam my knee into my desk WTF is that 😭
- I survived the shy-guy-lady, thank the lord, but I had to run like hell and murder the lost ones in the area. I hope I grabbed all the collectables 😭
- Winnie the Porter stuck in the pipe is pretty adorable and I love him
- down the rabbit hole we go, I guess!
- oh my gosh I was thinking the glowing hand reminded me of Dishonored and now we can fuggin SHIFT just like Dishonored, love that
- the menus looked pretty familiar too, now I can't help but see little Dishonored pockets everywhere
- dude so many squishy lost ones how am I supposed to deal, I have realized I should not have eaten every snack I came across before 😭
- it's time for a break, I'm currently in the locker rooms for anyone curious, I'll come back sometime tomorrow for more thoughts ;)
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whitneydaniell · 2 years
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by: Tia Williams Published: Apr 12, 2016 Genre: Romance, Fiction, Contemporary 363 Pages, Audio Book (HH:MM) 11:48
GoodReads Synopsis:
Jenna Jones, former It-girl fashion editor, is broke and desperate for a second chance. When she’s dumped by her longtime fiancé and fired from Darling magazine, she begs for a job at StyleZine.com from her old arch nemesis, Darcy Vale. But Jenna soon realizes she’s in over her head. She’s working with digital-savvy millennials half her age, has never even “Twittered,” and pretends to still be a Fashion Somebody while living a style lie (she sold her designer wardrobe to afford her sketched-out studio, and now quietly wears Walmart’s finest). Worse? The twenty-two-year-old videographer assigned to shoot her web series is driving her crazy. Wildly sexy with a smile Jenna feels in her thighs, Eric Combs is way off-limits – but almost too delicious to resist.
My Review: ***SPOILERS***
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaby, hated it!
Jenna is too damn old to be making reckless mistakes like sleeping with this young photographer who turned out to be her new boss' son!
They say with age comes wisdom well, Jenna only has the age. Everything about the circumstances screams, LET ME FOCUS ON SELF but nooooooooo, she's perpetrating and pretending in front of people who couldn't care less about her. She's pining after this young man like she's never had some good D before! Cringe fest.
Jenna and Eric move from all-night sex benders in the house to being out in public, and guess what? Of course, some IG famous model who knows Eric sees them out. Obvious! Darcy threatens her job because of this close relationship between her and Eric. Obvious. Girl, this is an HR manager's nightmare.
All of that aside: the age difference between Jenna and Eric, the obvious plotlines, and the lack of critical thinking and good decision-making, were all bad but the ending is where I really wanted to throw this book into a dumpster fire.
I 1000% do not like when women feel like they're taking the "high road"* by not including a man, the father, in the lives of their children. I hated that Jenna said nothing about being pregnant, never reached out, sent an IG DM, or anything. That burned me up. Then (another obvious plot line) Jenna just happens to run into Eric 4 years later and then presents him with his son, Otis -- I hate this name -- and Eric is overjoyed. WHAT?! This man has been purposely left out of this child's life for 4 years and in the end, he just, walks off into the sunset with you. I wanted him to cuss Jenna's dumbass out! Hell, I cussed enough for him just reading this.
*by "high road" I mean, this idea of not wanting to upend the man's life or inconvenience the man by dropping a baby that he wasn't planning on having, into his lap. by volunteering to be a single mother so that you don't distract/disturb the man and his dreams and goals. It's bullshit and I hate it. Meanwhile, Jenna's whole life gets tossed into a Vitamix while she juggles her career and being a mom and Eric gets to live his best life. All the while, living said best life, he has missed out on years with his son. Ugh, I'm getting mad all over again.
One-Word Summary: Trash
Other Tia Williams' books I've reviewed: Seven Days in June
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12romy · 2 years
I love both of the prompt stories 😍
Could you maybe write something with Lewis/Val(/Nico)? Getting a tattoo together
Omg omg omg I don't know if you suggested a Lewis/Val/Nico or just Nico instead of Val, but I went with the first option. I am OBSESSED with this trouple idea XDD
So here you go, tattoo parlour AU ^^
Valtteri had known a lot of undecided clients, but that couple clearly won the title of most annoying clients ever. In a way, it was quite entertaining, to see the couple fight about what tattoo they wanted to get.
"You're really talented," one of the two guys told him - the one with a lot of tattoos.
"Lewis, we're not here to get something this extravagant!" the blond one replied, and 'Lewis' rolled his eyes.
"I know, I'm just looking... I might come back..."
"Well, focus on us right now, we're trying to decide on a tattoo to get together," the blond pouted in a way Valtteri couldn't help but find cute.
"Well, I already made a lot of propositions, but none of them were good enough for you!" Lewis protested. "Tell you what, why don't you choose something, Nico?"
"I wanted the date of our first date, but you're against it!" Nico replied.
"Well, yeah, a date a pretty lame!" the man protested, making his boyfriend pout again.
"It's not lame! Right?" he turned to Valtteri, and wow, no, that was not his job to get mixed to that.
"Er..." he hesitated. "I mean, a date is a bit simple... But if you want something discreet, I can make stylized symbols."
"Oh, a heart could be cute!" Lewis exclaimed.
"A heart? How cliché are you?" Nico protested.
"Ugh, nothing's good enough for you!" Lewis complained. "How about a flower, then?"
"Oh, a flower with a meaning, you mean?" Nico perked up, enthusiastic all of a sudden.
"Forget-me-not symbolises true love, if you're interested in that," Valtteri mentioned, the two of them turning to him. "Red roses are a little classic but very pretty. I can look into more flowers if you're interested..."
"Actually... Forget-me-not is a pretty good idea," Lewis blinked. "That's the flowers I offered to Nico for our first date."
"You remember?" Nico exclaimed, blushing.
"Oh, of course I do," Lewis cooed, and Valtteri wanted to throw up with how cute they were.
"I can think of a design for next time, do some sketch," Valtteri offered. "We can get an appointment next week for the actual tattoo, see if you like my design."
"That sounds amazing!" Nico exclaimed.
Valtteri didn't think much about the couple apart during his sketching, but he found himself quite happy to see them pass the door of his shop. He greeted them and got straight to business, showing them his drawings.
"They're all beautiful," Lewis blurted out, Nico was still silent, mesmerised by the drawings.
"I don't know which one to get," Nico bitted his lip.
"I like the second one."
"I like the first one and the third one," they said at the same time.
"... Do you want to take another meeting to have the time to decide?" Valtteri offered, and they ended up taking him on the offer.
But you see, the week after, they fought to know where to put the tattoo and delayed for another week.
During the fourth week, finally, they got their tattoo done. And so, Valtteri thought with a pinch of disappointment it would be the last he sees of them. That was until Lewis strolled inside his shop a few days later, with a cup of coffee, explaining he was passing by and wanted to come and say hello.
And then, Nico did the same, bringing pastries. And then the two of them again, and they stayed for an hour inside Valtteri's shop to chat.
It was around then that Valtteri understood he was in big trouble because he was getting a serious crush on the couple. They turned out to be fun, and truly interesting guys to be around, and they both were charming.
No, really, he was in big trouble.
"So, you know a lot about flower language... What flower means I love you?" Nico asked, one day they were sharing a coffee during Valtteri's break. He was the owner of the shop anyway, his break was whenever he wanted.
"Hmm, you have a lot, it's hard to pick just one."
"What's your favorite, then?" Nico cocked his head.
"Red tulip," Valtteri answered without thinking. Nico nodded with a smile.
A few days later, the couple was back again. With a bouquet of tulips.
Valtteri probably blushed as red as the tulips they gave him when they asked him out.
He obviously said yes, wondering how he got this lucky.
Send prompts!!!
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kirazdaha · 1 year
HAHAHAHA Every Turk Family has one of those names and unironically mine does too 🫡 Tell your mother thank you she is a very lovely lady
I know all of the artists you listed below because my dad blasts them on the radio everytime we go out... I call it old people music but hey I never said it was bad, they're awesome and I might have memorised some of the artist's songs from how much I listen to them... Barış Manço is a classic without a doubt! Fun fact my parents were able to go to his concert and got a signed picture with him I will always envy how lucky they were 😭 I love how women in the industry made the most iconic songs I hear them often in weddings too! Or clubs, even though I only went to one once I'm not very fond of them...
My questions were do you have any tips or inspiration with how you draw! I love your art and artstyle and it's honestly what I've been trying to achieve for a while, I can't believe I'm learning how to draw men because of a silly lawyer show it's a disease...
(We are just having a conversation at this point) (I feel like those people who speak out loud in public) (I hope you and anyone who's reading this is having a good day :) be kind to yourself and others everyone)
OH MY GOD i envy them too😭😭 also omg that sounds like heaven to me. the other day i went out partying and i felt sooo out of place because i only knew like 3 songs. omg it was so so bad.
hmmm tips and inspiration…. my number 1 tip would definitely be to look at a lot of other artists you like and analyze what exactly you like. and then try to emulate that in your own work. i try to look for inspiration everywhere - artists online, traditional artists, old masters, 3d artists, even theatre and poetry, etc. - doesnt mean that i am equally inspired by them all (because all these things at once sound so scary and big but they really arent!) but rather, i try to be open for anything and that helps me find inspiration :) 
ill try to explain my thoughts more under the cut because this got long:
for me for example, so far i only posted some art i made that was lined (which, i would say makes up maybe half of the art i draw - i mostly sketch and recently have been building up the courage to paint more) and one of my inspirations is meltow. i think if you go over and check out their art youll definitely see it lol. but also i love the clean look some comics have and my friends tell me my art looks like it belongs in a comic which, i guess yeah :) when it comes to colors and composition i LOVE this artists works. i still have a lot to learn and just looking at their works inspires me so much!!!
i will say i have ALWAYS struggled with lineart. its probably the worst thing in the world to me because it never feels right!!! i like lining on paper with harsh inks and stiff ink nibs that allow for like. very little variety in line weight, but i havent done that in over 3 years (i hope i can get back to that). but yes, something about lineart makes me feel so icky when i use any brush that reacts to the pressure you put on your tablet LOL i just hate it. ugh. i havent been able to work it out.
it was only in 2020 i think that i decided to try it out with a thick brush with some texture and no pen pressure. that probably was the first time i got actual lineart that (at the time) i liked done. and then later on, discovering that other artists are able to achieve beautiful drawings with similar brushes AND that lining with a very simple brush can feel so satisfying helped me evolve a lot! until 2022, i actually wasnt able to give my art the kind of finished look that i wanted. so what people consider my style is really just born out of my limits and working with them. that obviously doesnt mean that i dont try to challenge myself as much as i can. i do and i think everyone should! thats what makes art so fun
if theres any good advice i can give to a beginner itd probaaaaably be. okay this is difficult and i feel like im not really qualified for this. as a hobbyist much less so because a lot of the knowledge and skills i acquired was through an intuitive process (i could never stick with habits such as regular studies or warmups or whatever is meant to be good for you) which definitely isnt the most “productive” way but i mean it doesnt have to be. its just a hobby! you dont have to perfect art. but yes, i would definitely say dont stop drawing. youll always be your harshest critic and at the beginning, and especially if you begin at an older age because youve been training your eye your whole life but your drawing skills for only a relatively short time you will notice a lot of mistakes. and youll think you wont achieve the image you have in your head. and maybe you wont (because youll always strive for more and youll never really be satisfied as an artist bla bla) for a while. but you have to keep drawing! try out different strategies, find out how other artists draw, watch speedpaints, try out different papers and pencils, try everything that makes it more fun and keep going! it will all pay off!! 
in my eyes theres also no point in saying “i should wait till im better to draw this idea i have” because if inspiration strikes you you should use that. even though i still sometimes catch myself thinking like that. you can always redraw things later on!! if theres anything that will keep you drawing you should use that! like getting into shows and games that make me want to draw helps a ton LOL people are not joking when they say getting obsessed with one character is the quickest way to improve. i 100% agree!!! if you saw my first nachos you wouldnt even recognize him. not kidding wow this got long. thank you for the questions though!! i hope some of my rambling can help you. feel free to talk to me whenever!
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mihhkael · 5 months
Yk...lately I feel mentally overwhelmed. not that this is from a few days or weeks ago. It's been a long time since I've been satisfied with my art style or my painting. you can see this with my constant changing of little things in the drawings. some have more details than others. the painting changes frequently...I can't do something that makes me comfortable and that keeps me at it for a long time.
I feel like I need to change what is not good at my eyes. Whenever I finish a drawing and a little time passes, when I go back to look at it again, it's not as good as it was when I was still working on it. I wanted to change that...
I try to improve everything in my own way. adding little things here and there that I think are cute or sexy[???] but in the end it's not enough.
I wanted my painting to be as beautiful as Kawanocy's. I am inspired by the paintings in his drawings to create my own.
I wanted my lineart to be impeccable like that of many artists out there. but it never turns out perfectly the way I want. It seems like I'm always so close to achieving perfection but at the same time I'm so far away...
I don't know if I'm taking this "perfection" too high to the point that it's impossible for me to reach it at the level I'm at now or if it's because I really don't have the capacity to reach it.
In fact, I don't know if this is perfectionism or obsession...
I know it's a bit complicated to compare how much I know today with how much Kawanocy knows. all the years of study he needed to achieve the style he has today and everything. but it's so difficult not to compare myself... and I feel like I need to do that. I don't know why but I FEEL like I need to compare myself and be inspired by him and other artists so that, one day, I can leave where I am now.
but, why everything I study, all my effort. In the end, isn't enough?
I want to reach his level one day. I want to learn with him. learn with my mistakes and successes. with the mistakes and successes of others peoples too.
Something that really complicates me is that I want to do this in a short period of time. I know it's practically almost impossible to achieve something like this. even for someone who learns reasonably quickly like me and several other people who are also in this strange dilemma like me now.
I've been thinking about this for so long. I can't do something new. my creativity is acceptable. (To a certain point, I think?) You know... the slightly disturbed ideas I have sometimes. sometimes I think they are good. but they're not enough.
Perfection is something that's kind of difficult to talk about because the concept of perfection is individual and I think I have my own. but I can't verbalize or recreate anything that comes close to that perfection. the only thing I can do is feel whether or not I'm close to reaching it. this distorted thing that leaves me in a bad mood because I can't reach it lol.
But why do I only see that a drawing is "perfect" when I'm about to finish it but after a few hours the drawing is no longer "perfect"? It seems like a weird illusion. like those potion effects in Minecraft. All the magic you feel when you taste it disappears when the time is up. I feel like a child unable to make and enjoy something unique that they made themselves.
This feeling is strange... I make a sketch that, sometimes, is initially impeccable. but when I go to do the painting, rendering, those things. It's not as good as I expected. I know, I know that maybe I'm pushing myself too hard. that I shouldn't be... I don't know... creating too many expectations? but I can't. it's confuse.
Sorry for my strange way of expressing myself. communication is not one of my strong points :p
ugh... Anyway, this is just some weird girl's rant. ;3
I don't intend to give up on improving. of course. as much as I often wanted to.
In fact, I want to reach a level that I don't yet have the capacity to reach! I want to improve more every day. I want to get my basic skills to their maximum level!
I'm not going to give up on this so easily. I've already come so far...
Drawing is one of the only things I'm "good at". I just hope that my future self doesn't change the way I think today. I hope my future self isn't disappointed.
I just hope that all the effort I make today to learn and evolve, one day in the near or distant future, will not be all in vain...
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dearsnow · 2 years
hii ! aaaa i hope i'm not disturbing you or anything but i was wondering if i could get a male genshin impact matchup ?? if you're not taking any requests or so, please disregard this and i'm sowwy uwu 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 ( the last part is ironic PLS HAJAHSJWNEKNWJW 😭 )
i'm 19 ( turning 20 in a few months ew ), an architecture student, pansexual with a more male preference, libra, and my mbti is enfj if you need all that jazz ! hehe
appearance-wise, i have dark brown eyes, long layered wavy-curly hair that's dyed brown. i am short ( 4'11 - 5'0 😭 ), i have tanned skin, and long black nails as of the moment ! i also wear these transparent-rimmed glasses, though they're mainly used when i use gadgets or read.
for hobbies, i like to create art ( mainly sketch and paint using watercolor now bc of my major ), watch anime, do makeup, play video games, and read books ! i love anything horror, stephen king and junji ito are my favorites in the genre. i also love true crime and psychology !
personality-wise, people would say i am very sociable, outspoken, and friendly. they also say that i'm funny and very loud ( in a good way! ). i join a lot of organizations in my school and my friends and classmates would always joke about me being the next president or vice-president of our organizations. i call everyone 'babes' or 'babe' and i can easily make friends or joining in the crowd/bond with someone because i am bond to have at least one similarity with the person, may it be from our likes, dislikes, or experiences. my friends also say that i am a 'motherly' type of person; someone who loves love, who is protective, who tries to help in anyway they can, and who will love someone with all of their heart.
when it comes to love, i want someone who is lowkey in public, like people are surprised that we're together ( either they're too quiet about the relationship or acts more like a best friend in public ) but at the same time, aren't surprised bc we're already close friends or so. behind closed doors or when no one's around, they're clingy and very romantic HAHAHAHA. also, i want someone who can handle my happy and sad days and makes sure that i'm okay and is just physically there UGH the trauma and issues are peeking HAHAHAHAHA.
ig that's that HDKSJDKD i'm sorry if this is long but i hope you have a great day, babes ! mwah 💋
- 🍞 anon
I’m so sorry bread anon but my matchups are closed :( when they do open again though, feel free to send one in 🫶
Just a psa but I have been deleting the matchups that were sent in after I closed them up, so when they open again, send one in with a note that says yours was deleted in the past and I’ll do yours for sure
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dourpeep · 2 years
you being so happy in the tags is killing me
‘Look rue has an x reader tag now’
glad I contributed
oh my GOD that’s so fucking sad, because both of them would be crushed either way.
Rubedo trying soso hard for you, doing his absolute best to be there, to be your shoulder to cry on, to share your laughter from the dumbest of jokes, finally feeling what it means to feel special
Just to walk in one day to see you all over Albedo, and how his brother is holding your hand with such care. Why couldn’t it of been him? They looked the same, they acted the same... He was there for you. Albedo wasn’t. Why does he always get everything good? And why is it hun that feels inferior, no match to his twin, every single time? He’s the eldest, shouldn’t it be him who’s the golden child?
And Albedo,,, ugh
Albedo finally feeling like he could open up to someone about not feeling enough, about,,, something in his life is just,,, missing. About how he’s in pain and yet he doesn’t know why. Sharing those thoughts, finally, it feels like he could breathe again.
You know what else makes him better? Your smile. Your laugh. That look in your eyes when you see something you like, the twinkle that shines so brightly it’s almost blinding. He’s tried to capture that face so many times on his canvas, but nothing compares to you, the real thing.
I can just imagine him finally coming to the realisation that he’s completely and utterly in love with you. He gets this excitable buzz about him, his feet start moving on their own. Before he knows it, he’s running. He’s got this giant grin on his face for the first time in forever because he’s in love and it feels amazing.
And then... He stops. The smile fades. Because he sees you and Rubedo of all people sharing a kiss in a place where you and him first started to open up to each other. It’s your place. Yours and Albedo’s. And yet, his brother is holding you like he should be holding you, whispering how he’s waited so long to do that, to kiss you. And your face. That twinkle in your eyes is back. Now he’s happy he hadn’t been able to sketch it, because every time he would’ve looked at it, he’d be taken to that moment all over again.
The moment he lost you before he even had a chance to have you.
Rubedo + Albedo... so similar yet so different
One feeling old wounds reopen and fester, the other mourning the loss of something they never thought they wanted
Ahhhhh yes-
And ofc because they're twins (identical) YES there's that whole aspect that they look incredibly similar--Rubedo just wears his hair down and Albedo has his in a half-up style and a pair of glasses he never wears. Rue also has slightly bluer eyes, Albedo slightly greener. Other than that, the only visual difference is their preference of clothing nodnod
But daoisheofihe gosh
W/ Rubedo it's like...this is the one thing that he decides to allow himself to have. This one bit of selfishness after a whole lifetime of quietly living in the shadows. It's like reaching out to touch the flame and instead of feeling its pleasant warmth, he gets burned.
But he can't bring himself to completely cut things off with you.
You've become a staple, a constant, an addition to his little world that--even though it's platonic--he wouldn't dream of giving up. At least with you somewhat close he can enjoy the meager bit of light that shines.
And then Albedo?? He finds a place where he can let all of that stress go because how couldn't he? You're so sweet, so warm, so easy to talk to and he finds that with you he never stumbles on his words.
The comfort that you bring is immeasurable.
So when he realizes that you're in love with his brother? He pulls away. It can't hurt if he's too busy to say hi or if he's so absorbed in paperwork that you no longer lean over his desk to take a peek at what he's doing.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
excuse me? you can't just say you want to write Greg & Goose as best friends and then not expect me to request this? also all four of them going on double dates (with Kate & Anthony not really knowing how they feel about it) or them babysitting some of the kids? [and btw now I'm also imagining Katie, Charlotte & Sarah forming a band when they're teens, but they're just really really.. not good, but they're having so much fun, so everyone just suffers through it] 💖
Oh Man, Gregory and Lucy and Eddie and Goose are the Sunshine Kids of this AU. And I just can’t help myself where these guys are concerned. I just... love them. Matthew and Greg have Nerdy Guy oh my god, How is my wife this hot Solidarity and Edwina and Lucy have looks like a cinnamon roll, but secretly a badass solidarity. These guys would be friends. And you just Know Anthony is in the corner like “Kate, He’s taking my Greg now too!” 
And Katie, Charlotte, and Sarah are a power girl trio. You just know Charlotte is out there being chaotic as heck, Katie is the quiet mastermind and Sarah is trying to be the voice of reason like “Can we think about this for just a second please?! No? Okay well I’m at least going to make sure we’re sensible about this!” 
Without further ado: Goose and Greg: Bros for life!
Pssssst: @aspoonfuloffiction Gregory being a cutie
Matthew Bagwell had been very nervous when Edwina had tugged him along to his first Bridgerton family dinner. She’d kept a firm grip on his hand while she introduced him to everyone, trying to ignore how Violet Bridgerton had turned to Edwina’s mother and said Oh Mary. What a sweet boy. I see what you mean.  He’d met Hyacinth who looked at him and laughed brightly, Sophie and Benedict, who Matthew knew worked closely with Edwina. Eloise and her husband Phillip, Eloise looking at him sharply for a moment and then Edwina had settled on a man, wearing glasses, grinning happily, a tiny woman tucked under his arm And this is Gregory, Anthony’s youngest Brother and his Fiancée Lucy they’re getting married in September! Edwina had said tucking her arm around his waist. Matthew had smiled, as Gregory adjusted his glasses jostling his fiancée just slightly showing the front of his Tshirt and the words had been out of Matthew’s mouth before he could stop himself. Super cool Doctor Who shirt Man. I love Amy Pond hands down the best companion. Gregory had stilled for a second glancing down at his shirt, a Tardis sketched on it a speech bubble popping out of it with the words Come Along Pond!  written in it. And then a broad smiled stretched over his face, Matt! Are you a whovian?!  Matt had felt himself relax a little Should we not all be? He’d said smiling at Gregorys infectious smile and before Matt knew what had happened Gregory had leapt forward and spun Edwina around hooting Edwina Sheffield I think I love you! You’ve finally found a cool guy to date and I am ecstatic for you. Nay for us both! And by the end of the evening Matthew had the oddest feeling that he’d just made a new best friend. 
Hey Ummm la la la Lucy? Gregory had loitered nervously in the kitchen for several minutes already, his eyebrows frowning adorably, making him look a little like a lost puppy. Lucy clicked her tongue ignoring how her heart fluttered. Yes, honey? Why do you look like you’re about to tell me Gerald just ate a lego stormtrooper again? Gregory shook his head quickly. No um the cat’s fine. You know how I just got the new Zelda game? Do you think it would be weird if I asked Matt if he wanted to play with me? And Lucy’s heart fluttered with the adorableness of her Fiancé standing in their kitchen asking if she thought someone wanted to be his friend. Gregory hadn’t stopped talking about Matthew Bagwell since he’d met him too weeks ago and they’d discussed everything from Classic Nintendo to Jurassic Park. And it was adorable. No Honey, I don’t think that would be weird. Do you want me to ask Eddie for his phone number? Gregory nodded enthusiastically kissing her cheek happily as he skipped from the room Love You Luce! tossed over his shoulder. Lucy heart doing a ridiculous stutter as she typed out Hey Eddie, Can I grab Matt’s number from you? Greg wants to ask him to play Nintendo I think.  The response came back 3 minutes later Edwina Sheffield: Here it is. I already mentioned it to him though and he’s very excited. He’s going to make Hummus. 
Edwina sighed happily as she looked at her fiancé across the room, smiling happily in his eleventh doctor costume at Gregory in his Link costume. Ugh, Christ, Why is Gregory so fucking Cute?! Lucy said a little disgustedly as she took a drink from her glass. Watching as her husband’s arms moved around excitedly. Edwina hummed It’s a bit of a trap isn’t it? One minute you’re going about your life and the next a very cute boy wants to make jam for you and tell you about his feminist ideals. Lucy gasped Yes! So disarming! They can’t just pop out of nowhere like that with their stupid glasses! Edwina heard her sister cackle a little madly beside her You two are ridiculous! Thank god I was never like this with Anthony.  Edwina scoffed, Kate 25 minutes ago you told me you shagged Anthony in the laundry room because he was wearing one of Edmund’s socks as a bracelet, You’re in no position to judge. Kate for her part looked barely ruffled I stand by that. It is awfully adorable when they love their children. You’ll see! And Honestly, Edwina couldn’t wait too.
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4aloysius-porteu · 3 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | 1 | 2 | chapter 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed.
genre: fanfiction, fluff
wc: 2.6k
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She has met the tall, blonde, and bespectacled male yet again.
"Oh, the midget stalker is here."
"You again?! Seriously, I think it's you who's following me!"
"Hah, what do I get from following an extremely short person like you?" He said, borrowing her words from yesterday.
(Y/N)'s eyebrows creased further in irritation. "Why do you keep mentioning my height?!"
"It was you who started it. Anyways, can you shut up? Do you know that you're in a library?"
She didn't retort back and simply sat on the chair with her arms crossed. It was a fine day then —BOOM— this giant decided to appear out of nowhere. She was trying to forget this person who's associated with some of her embarrassing moments but those just got smashed back to her mind. (Y/N) sighed and pulled a book at the bottom of the stack to start reading, but noticed that the blondie is still standing near the edge of the table, hesitating to sit down while glancing somewhere and back to her.
"What?" (Y/N) frowned.
"Why am I unnecessarily stuck with you on this table?" He sighed, pulling out the chair.
"Because all of the tables here are taken? If you're worried about your glasses being knocked off, don't worry, I won't do anything reckless anymore."
"That's a nice reassurance," He settled down and brought out his studying materials.
Both of them shared the table in the crowded library. Ignoring the people, between them was a silent atmosphere. No one was talking as they both minded their own studies; he was reading quietly and turning pages of a huge book while (Y/N) wrote key points from the printed work and highlighting her notes. Sometimes, the other would leave to return books to their shelves and came back with new stacks. This went on for a few hours until her pen ran out of ink. She scribbled at the back of her notebook in hopes that the ink just got stuck, to no avail. She sighed, resting her head on the notebook. But she really needed to take down notes for her upcoming entrance exam.
"Hey." (Y/N) reluctantly said.
The blonde male looked at her, confirming if he's being called, "What?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your business but... do you have a spare pen?"
He stared at her with a straight face and placed his chin on the top of his knuckles, implying his refusal to lend one.
(Y/N)'s mentally gritted her teeth. I'm just going to borrow a pen and he's making it hard for me?!
Swallowing her pride, she said, "Look, I need to finish my notes. I'll return it to you right away when I'm done. I promise. Please?"
He scoffed as brought out a pen, "An inkless pen is all it takes for you to become a less lively puppy? You better keep your promise."
A puppy?! "You didn't need to compare me to a puppy but, thanks."
She continued her work but her focus was a bit shaken. This happens whenever she's interrupted or took a break away from writing. Soon, her focus vanished and boredom took over. She tried to read a book to review ideas but her brain won't cooperate. She groaned, her head and arms fell to the table again. The blonde saw but chose to ignore her.
She closed her eyes for a second, however, her gaze fell to the blank paper in front of her face. Her hands are itching to do something other than reviewing and writing, so she put down the pen she borrowed and took a pencil out of her pocket. She placed a pile of books near her notebook so that the male won't notice what she's doing. There, she started to sketch the base of the figure.
She would observe the four-eyed guy who's busy reading some sort of article while taking notes. He has a calm expression on his face rather than an irritated scowl or a mocking grin he usually has. He wears a long blazer and probably a long-sleeved shirt inside. His blonde hair is short yet the edges are a bit curly and his upper eyelashes are prominently long. This was the first time she stared at the jerk's face who she kept bumping into random places that irked the hell out of her, but for some reason, she felt that she had seen this person before the accident in the park, albeit she doesn't know where. (Y/N) came to a conclusion; he was a little good-looking.
The girl looked back to her drawing and shook her head at her own ideas. I can't believe I actually thought that this guy is handsome. How can such a mean creature be blessed with such looks?! Ugh, don't mind, (Y/N). I'm only drawing him because he seems like a great canvas subject, it's not like I haven't done this to other people before...
She went on drawing and drew details to the sketch similar to the boy in front of her. To make the drawing more accurate, she stole small glances at him. She kept things low key because it'll be another embarrassing event if he found out what she's doing. She made the lines smoother in one swift move. The hair and clothes' folds are already well-drawn while she focuses on the detail of his eyes and glasses. She was about to shade when the male finally caught her.
"What is it?" He questioned, closing his book with a low voice and creased eyebrows.
(Y/N) froze on the spot. As much as she doesn't like it, she maintained eye contact with him, thinking of the best alibi that he couldn't argue with. Then, she remembered that she doesn't know his name.
"Uhm... nothing. I was just wondering if you have a name." While talking, her finger subtly moved to grab the nearest object it could get to cover her drawing.
"I have, but why would I mention it to you?" He cooly replied.
"It's alright. I'm not asking you to. Unless you want to be referred to as he/him or the tall, blonde glasses guy all the time?" (Y/N) countered.
He silently turned a page before answering, "Well, it's not like we'll meet every day."
"Oh," was her only reply. Looks like he will stay a nameless guy in her head for a long time. She was about to get back to her business when he spoke.
"Tsukishima Kei."
(Y/N) looked at him in surprise. "I'm not going to repeat it." He added.
She smiled, having clearly heard it right away. "Can you tell me how it is written?"
He looked at her to check for ill intentions but found nothing in her eyes. He hesitantly wrote the characters of his name on a piece of paper.
"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you again, Tsukishima-san." She'd like to initiate a handshake for peacemaking, but she knows how he'd only decline it. She wrote her name for him to see as well.
Tsukishima Kei. She repeated in her mind. What a nice name.
With a notebook covering the upper portion of the paper where she had drawn his portrait, she wrote his name at the bottom. She proceeded to the shading and background features. Backgrounds are one of the things she hates in art because it takes too long to draw one compared to the subject itself. Luckily it's only a sketch so she won't have to suffer. Although she doesn't know if Tsukishima had seen whatever she's doing so she's still cautious. She peered at him for the nth time so she could distract his peripheral vision. Maybe to test the social initiative skills she hasn't used for a long time too.
"Uhh, can I ask something?" She started.
"Hm?" He responded without taking his eyes off the page.
"What school are you from?"
"Amemaru Middle School."
(Y/N) hummed, thinking of another question, "Then, what school are you enrolling to? It must be an upper class one since you had to read those large books and all."
"Not really," Tsukishima closed the book, "I plan to go to Karasuno High School. They may not have a difficult entrance exam, but these readings are for decent grades and some stock knowledge."
"Decent grades, huh... you look like you could achieve more though. I'm pretty sure you'll ace it." She answered, "I was from Kitagawa Dai Ichi. I'm taking an exam in Shiratorizawa soon."
"You're going to that high-class academy? I see, I failed to notice that because you don't look like one. Have fun clashing with other elites there."
"Elites? What are you talking about, you still believe there's such a hierarchy?" (Y/N) chuckled.
"There is though. A gap between them and mere humans in terms of skills and power."
"In the end, they're still humans though. Be it numbers, hard work, or some unique strategy, those 'mere humans' you say will always struggle to step on equal levels with those on the highest rank."
Tsukishima only hummed and stared down at her, "Perhaps I was wrong on assuming you're an elite. You're clearly not."
"Are you underestimating me?" She challenged.
"No, I was just saying. Can I ask something though?"
"Why are you suddenly talkative?"
She was caught off guard but tried not to stutter, "Me? Talkative? I'm always like this."
"Really?" He raised his brows, totally not buying it.
"Ugh, fine! I'm tired of studying!" She sighed, "I was scribbling some doodles on my notebook because I'm bored so I thought it wouldn't hurt to talk to Mr. Beanpole in front of me. Forgive me and my awkward social skills."
"Your social skills are not bad. I'm just thankful you aren't using the precious ink of my pen for drawing." He said, stacking the books he used.
She gasped, panicked inside, "You aren't looking at my drawing, are you?"
He got up to return the books,"Don't worry, it's none of my business."
She exhaled in relief, spared from another memory of embarrassment. Her eyes followed his walking figure and watched his movements. She looked at her drawing to compare and used her fingers to define lighting. When Tsukishima got back and placed new reviewers on the table, (Y/N) asked him once more.
"Do you ever get tired of studying?"
"Sometimes I take a break, but I can only do that if I have finished everything."
"What a diligent student you are."
"I hardly see any benefit in being dumb and slacking off all the time."
"Eh, I hardly see any benefit in studying Algebra and Calculus. I have a lot of questions. Do you use derivatives in counting money or salary? Do you use trigonometry in dividing pizzas or corn chips? Why do I need to find the limit of a function if numbers are infinite? Why do I need to get the formula of a certain point in each line or curve I draw on the graphing paper? What is the correct answer for?" (Y/N) complained.
Tsukishima looked at her blankly, doubting her chances of passing the Shiratorizawa's board exam. "I couldn't argue with that, I'd rather read a book composed of words than formulas, but you don't have a choice. Although, if you plan to be an engineer or something, that'll be a different perspective."
"No, thanks, I won't eat math books for breakfast. Other subjects are interesting enough to keep me awake in class, but numbers don't really entertain me."
"Then, what do you do?" He asked, writing on his notes.
"Not much. I just draw, paint, listen to music, and watch anime."
He let out an amused hum, "How about you? What do you do other than to study?" (Y/N) asked.
"I play volleyball, listen to music, and read narrative books."
"Volleyball? So that's what your height is for! I thought it's just for cleaning and reaching high places."
"That's rude."
"If I am, what do you call yourself? Besides, I don't want to make wrong assumptions."
"You just did."
"...right. I'm sorry."
The sense of familiarity took over (Y/N)'s brain, telling her that she definitely had met this Tsukishima guy before. Her face scrunched a little, trying to search her memories and connect the dots. Her eyes found his face again.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" His eyes narrowed, his annoyance towards the girl slowly rising.
"I HAD met you somewhere... before that accident, where did I see you?"
He was about to say something when (Y/N) stopped him, "Shh, I'm thinking."
He crossed his arms and frowned at her. Volleyball, Amemaru MS... She was about to say it but Tsukishima spoke first.
"Were you one of the audience who watched the middle school volleyball inter-high a year ago?"
"I was! Wait, you remember?"
"That was the only place where I could find someone from Kitagawa Dai Ichi." He confirmed.
"Correct. I was a part of the school paper where I was assigned in the sports category. I took a picture of you when my senior was interviewing you! You were the tallest middle blocker in the games! How could I forget that! So that's why whenever you irk me, it was familiar!"
"How am I annoying you? Aren't you the one who kept on talking right now?"
"I've figured out that there's no kind bone in you. And the way you keep on stuffing the spikes from the opposite team. It was never-ending that they didn't have a chance to score properly." She pouted.
"What do you expect from a middle blocker? It was my job to block spikes."
"You could've gone easy on them."
"The game would lose it's sense if that's the case."
"Fine. You're not wrong." Their conversation was cut short after she ceased talking. At least she found out where she first met Tsukishima. She finished the portrait sketch. Grinning, she believed that she captured his features accurately in her drawing. She'd like to hold it near him and compare to make sure though. Satisfied with her work, she went back on turning pages.
"So, you've finally decided to continue to study?" Tsukishima prodded.
She smiled, "I guess. Thank you for talking to me. That was a great stop."
Both of them worked quietly, but now, the irritation they felt towards each other lessened. After some time, a person in the speaker announced that the library will be closing before 6 pm. Tsukishima returned all the books he borrowed and packed his things.
"You're going home?"
"I don't want to come home late. You aren't finished with your notes yet?"
"Yeah, maybe I'll leave five minutes before six."
"Alright. I'll get going now." He swung his bag over his shoulder.
"Hey, wait! Your pen!" (Y/N) abruptly remembered seconds after.
"I don't need it anymore. It was useful, apart from its close on running out of ink."
"But it's yours and you told me to keep my promise!"
"Whatever. Keep it or throw it." He walked out and wore his headphones, having no intention to listen to anyone.
She sighed and checked the ink. More than half of it is gone, but she can use it again if she wishes. (Y/N) placed her fist to her cheek while writing.
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Random Tsukishima Kei facts:
In the second prototype chapter (unserialized, one shot, the first idea of the author on how haikyuu will go) Tsukishima was a second-year, which was changed in the serialized version where he's a first-year. His initial height in the prototype chapter is 184cm, a little shorter than his official height (190.1cm). In an extra sketch, Furudate commented, "Tsukki and Tanaka being in the same year would spell chaos!
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law. 
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