#i like them btw. family. father son moments. god.
imfinereallyy · 1 year
Father Figures, pt. 2
I swear it was a one-shot. But then my hand slipped and "oh oops there's Wayne". You can access part 1 here. This is rated m btw. The full version will be available on ao3 (my first time posting on there...) which is linked here. Anyway, enjoy :)
The first time Wayne Allen Munson meets Steve Harrington is in a hospital room. Sure, he has seen and heard about the kid in passing. It was hard not to in a town like Hawkins. With the kind of money his old man has and the pretty face his mother parades around, the Harringtons become a sort of household name. Especially in Wayne's household.
See, Wayne may not be much of a talker, but his nephew sure is. Especially when he gets angry about something. And boy did Steve Harrington make his Eddie mad. During Eddie's first time around with Senior Year, Steve's name comes out of that boy's mouth so often that if not for that tone of his, he would have thought the kid had a crush on him.
Actually, Wayne regretfully asks at one point if he does have a crush. Wayne finds out pretty quickly that Eddie doesn't, which isn't the problem nor why he regrets asking. The problem is apparently at that very moment in time, Eddie hasn't exactly come out to Wayne. The boy shakes so much that Wayne is afraid that Eddie might cause an earthquake. Wayne has to calm Eddie down and explain very carefully he doesn't care, he's his kid no matter what. Eddie cries, and asks "Dad, what made you think to just casually bring that up?"
Wayne shrugs and simply says "Didn't think it was a secret."
Eddie lets out a wet laugh. Wayne doesn't mention how it's the first time since Eddie showed up on his doorstep that he calls him Dad.
His heart swells.
So, with absolutely no crush in sight god Wayne he's an asshole, Steve's name is brought up quite often.
"Steve Harrington just parades himself around like he's a king."
"Steve Harrington just stands there while Tommy continues to be a piece of shit. Worse, he acts like he's bored."
"Girls just hang off of Harrington, he's even got Nancy Wheeler on his arm now. What a prick, thought she was smarter than that."
"Looks like Harrington got the shit kicked out of him by Byer's. You gotta love Karma sometimes."
Wayne watches Eddie frown at the last one before saying, "Kinda gotta back Steve up on the pictures though. That was creepy."
Eddie shakes his head then continues to rant "But smashing his camera? Dick move. Doesn't understand what it's like to be poor."
Wayne is still not completely convinced it's not a crush.
Wayne Allen Munson seems to know all about Steve Harrington before he actually has the chance to meet him. None of which he has learned makes Steve seem all that good.
Imagine Wayne's surprise when he finds the Harrington boy next to his son's hospital bed.
"What're you doin' here?" Wayne asks, startling Steve from his chair. Wayne watches as he hops up from the ground, straightening himself out.
"Sorry sir, I was just uh, keeping him company. The kid's families won't let them out of their sight and Dustin wanted him to have a familiar face with him if, sorry when he wakes up. Because we weren't sure we were allowed to grab you yet. So I volunteered to stay with him, seeing as I don't have a job anymore, and well I sort of feel responsible for Eddie now. And, god I am hanging out with Robin too much because I am rambling. Sorry, Sir. "
Wayne raises an eyebrow at him. He has seen Steve around town before, hard not to in a small place like Hawkins. Eddie points him out once, scoffing at his perfect hair and holier-than-thou attitude. Wayne originally is prepared to yell at him. The sight of a boy who looks very much like the very ones who hunted his Eddie down just a few days ago ignites something protective within him. Hearing this boy ramble though, flustered and making himself hopelessly small in front of Wayne, makes him hesitate.
"Boy, I don't know half-em names you're sayin' right now. I do recognize that kid Dustin though, ya know him?"
Steve nods his head up and down, "He's like my brother sir. Our brother." He looks down towards Eddie's bed.
Wayne avoids looking at his boy and chooses to look directly at Steve. "Well, he's a good kid. Came to me when Ed was missing, at the school. Told me he was a hero, and that he'll be missed. Guess now it was probably cause he wasn't sure if he was gonna make it and didn't want to get my hopes up. Don't know what made him change his mind either when he found me again today, told me they had him here."
Steve's face softens as Wayne talks about Dustin. Wayne pushes on, "If that kid trusts you, I don't got a reason not to trust you either. Well, until Eds here wakes up at least. He can tell me otherwise."
"Okay, Sir." Steve makes his way to move around Wayne and leave. Wayne grabs him by the wrist to stop him, and Steve flinches. Wayne decides to file that away for later and lets him go.
"No need to leave kid. And stop calling me sir. I'm not your old man. "
Steve's lips lift a little bit like Wayne just brought up an inside joke he isn't a part of. "Okay, sir—I mean Wayne. Okay, Wayne."
Steve and Wayne sit side by side next to Eddie. It's then Wayne finally looks down at his kid. He can't help but the rush of tears that come up at the sight of him. He is paler than usual, curls flat and dirty, tubes coming out of every part of him.
"My boy." He chokes.
Steve thankfully stays silent as Wayne weeps. They sit for a while in silence before Wayne asks, "You gonna tell me what happened?"
Steve, who Wayne doesn't point out has bloodshot eyes, says "You going to believe me?"
Wayne simply returns "I'm willing to try."
So Steve tells him. Tells him everything that has happened over the last week. Tells him of monsters and other worlds. How it isn't the first time, how it is hopefully the last. How scary it is for them. How Eddie is stupid but incredibly brave. How Eddie barely makes it. How Steve will be the first to yell at him when he wakes up.
Wayne listens carefully through the whole thing and can't help but think of how fond Steve sounds when Eddie's name comes up. This isn't the boy Eddie once spoke of. Albeit, it has been a long time since Eddie's spoken his name. Wayne isn't used to tigers changing their stripes though. It's a pleasant surprise he doesn't comment on.
Wayne rubs his thumb across Eddie's hand. "How did he get out? If he was practically dead?"
"Oh, I carried him Sir."
Wayne's head snaps to Steve. "What?"
Steve shrinks a bit, "Sorry I mean Wayne. Sorry I didn't mean to disrepe—"
Wayne cuts him off, "Dammit kid, I'm not mad at that. I'm not mad at all. It's just—you saved him. You carried him out of what I can only understand is what I think hell is, and you didn't think to mention that when I first saw you?" Wayne looks at Steve for a moment. Really looks at him. He's in clean jeans and a polo, but that's where his old persona ends. When Wayne looks at him closely, he can see the dark bags under his eyes, the purple bruising all over his body, and the angry red scar around his neck. Steve looks exhausted, physically and emotionally. Steve looks like a boy, desperately trying to be a man. He looks like a soldier after war.
"It's not a big deal. I did what anyone else would do."
Wayne shakes his head. "Steve. That's just the thing, I'm pretty sure no one else woulda done that. And even if they would, it doesn't make what you did any less important. So, thank you."
Steve's eyes mist a bit when Wayne says "it doesn't make what you did any less important." He looks away from Wayne and just nods.
"Okay, Sir. Okay, Wayne."
When Eddie wakes a few days later, after a night of breathing on his own without the tubes, he interrupts Steve and Wayne's conversation on the Chicago Cubs, and says "Dad?"
Wayne is up in an instant, crowding his boy's face. "Oh, Eds. I am so glad yer alright. You scared me."
"Mmm sorry," Eddie mumbles nuzzling Wayne's chest. He then looks up towards Steve, who is watching the interaction between the two men. "Harrington?"
Steve leans forward on his elbows, and chokes out "I told you not to be cute."
Eddie giggles, his tears reflecting Steve's "Sorry big boy, can't help what you're born with."
Steve looks up at the ceiling with a wet laugh. It eventually turns into a deep sob. The only other time Wayne witnesses Steve break like this over the past few days is when he's reunited with Hopper. "You shithead, you're not allowed to be funny right now. Don't. Don't do that again. Okay? You really scared us." Wayne can hear Steve's unspoken you really scared me.
Eddie's tears are rushing down his face now. "I'm sorry Steve. I'm so sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong. Just—next time, don't let there be a next time. Okay?" Steve's not making much sense to Wayne as he leans his head on Eddie's bed face down.
Eddie seems to get it though. He hesitantly strokes Steve's head with his fingers. "Okay, Stevie. I promise. Now, get some sleep. It's your turn, I've had enough."
Steve's shoulders sag as he gives in. Wayne shares a look with Eddie, and Wayne knows right there they have the same thought.
They've collected another stray.
When Eddie is home, Steve becomes a regular occurrence in their newly acquired government-funded house. He helps a lot the first month especially. Takes Eddie and the Mayfield girl to and from physical therapy. Cooks dinner on the nights Wayne works (which is most nights) and makes sure to have leftovers specifically labeled for Wayne. Keeps both Wayne and Eddie company when one of their stress becomes too much for the other. Steve's even there on the nights the nightmares get bad. Spends his time on the couch until Eddie wakes up screaming, and calms him back to sleep so Wayne doesn't worry about him at work. Or so Wayne can get a full night when he's off.
Steve's there so often enough, that when one night he isn't, Wayne's concerned.
"You're going to pace a hole into the floor boy." Wayne looks at Eddie in their living room from the couch. Wayne doesn't tell Eddie he's concerned too. Doesn't think it would help much.
"I'm sure he's just held up, or got plans Eds. Not like he was plannin' on coming here tonight."
Eddie stops and faces Wayne, biting his thumbnail instead. "Sure we didn't have plans. But Steve's been here every day for the past month Wayne. And when he hasn't he's called. I haven't heard from him in like 22 hours—" Wayne doesn't point out that Eddie did the actual math "—and that's weird. He doesn't do that. We don't do that."
Eddie's anxiety starts to seep into Wayne's. He can't help but think of the worst-case scenario. Car accident. A run-in with that Andy kid. His mind even jumps to when Eddie was in the hospital, and his stomach sinks. Wayne can't help it, he has grown attached to Steve.
"Why don't we call some of yer friends, yeah? Maybe they've seen your boy."
Eddie is so incredibly distressed and doesn't even rebuke Wayne calling Steve his like he usually does. "Yeah okay, good idea."
As Eddie reaches for the phone though, there is a light knock on the door. Eddie rushes to answer it.
"Steve thank god I was wondering—Oh my god sweetheart what happened?" Eddie drags Steve in and places him on the couch. It's then that Wayne sees him.
There on Steve's jaw, is a bruise the size of Indiana. Steve's eye is swollen, and he is breathing heavily while clutching his ribs. Wayne remains frozen and Eddie frets over Steve.
"Stevie, who did this? Where does it hurt? What can I do?"
"Eds I'm fine."
Eddie looks like he's about to yell but restrains himself. "You are most certainly not fine. Do not give me that look Harrington—"
"Oh I'm Harrington now."
"—Yes you are Harrington right now because only a Harrington would be this stubborn and ridiculous. Now tell me what happened and tell me what hurts."
Steve's resolve loosens slightly, and his head falls onto Eddie's shoulder. He lets out a painful whine, "My stomach. It—fuck—it hurts so bad Eds."
Eddie brushes his fingers through his hair and whispers to him gently. "It's okay baby, I got you."
Wayne realizes three things at once.
One, Wayne isn't sure Eddie has called Steve that before. He calls him names across the board. But baby isn't one of them. Wayne knows for a fact the two aren't together yet. They have been dancing along the line for a few weeks now. Wayne thinks about pushing the timeline along, but the boys don't seem to be there quite yet. This seems like a step in the right direction.
Two, in the past month and a half Wayne has gotten to know Steve, he realizes that the boy doesn't do well around older men. He flinches at every sudden movement Wayne makes, and won't even let him give him a pat on the back let alone a hug. Also in that time, Steve has barely gone home. Knows his parents didn't visit him at the hospital, but did come home two weeks later to make sure nothing is damaged from the earthquake. Assholes.
And three, Steve avoids the question as to what happened. Eddie seems to let it slide. Wayne doesn't give the same courtesy.
"Who did this?" Wayne says abruptly, startling Steve who seems to realize Wayne's presence only now.
"Wh-what?" Steve shakes.
"I'm not mad boy. But I'm not stupid. I know this ain't a what but a who. And I think we can both conclude who. But I'm going to ask you anyway. Who. Did. This?"
The last of Steve's resolve crumbles as Wayne puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. It is as if he hadn't known a gentle touch from a father before. Maybe he hasn't.
"My dad. He uh, we got into a fight last night. Found out how much time I was spending here, with Eddie, with the kids. He started saying how I was spending time with the wrong people. I tried to just nod and go upstairs because it was just easier to ignore him than fight him sometimes. Like what's he going to do right? He's only here a couple of days a year. But then he mentioned Robin and he called her a slur, and that said her kind was an abomination. And oh god I don't even know how he found that out Robs is going to be pissed she's been so careful—"
"Babe." Eddie squeezes Steve's hand.
"Right sorry, he just was going off about Robin. And it just set me off, I just lost it on him. How dare he talk about her that way? And I just told him that if he's got a problem with her, then he's got a problem with me too. And God Wayne, the silence that came after. It was like all the words had been sucked out of the room. Next thing I know he's grabbing me by the jaw and throwing me on the floor. And he just starts kicking me, screaming about how I am no son of his. I didn't know what to do. My mom just watched it all. I just laid there... I should have fought back—I—" Steve trails off trying to collect himself.
"When he was done he sent me to my room and told me to think about what I'm doing to this family. I just laid there all night and all day, just waiting for them to leave. I had to wait til they left for dinner tonight to get out. I can't—I can't go back there. Me and Robs were planning on moving in together next week, we made a deposit on this two-bedroom downtown, but I don't think I can spend another week there, and oh god, all my stuff is there. What have I done." Steve puts his head in his hands.
Eddie is crying with Steve by the end of it. Neither he nor Wayne comments on how Steve just came out to the both of them. It doesn't seem important at that moment. Wayne crouches down to eye level with Steve.
"You did nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. You did what you had to do to survive, and even if you didn't it still wouldn't be your fault."
Wayne stands back to his full height. "Now, you can stay here until you and the bird girl have your place. Do not fight me on it. Anyway Steve, I know it's difficult right now. But I'm going to need you to let me know what you need from your house."
"What, why?"
Wayne just sighs, "I know you ain't stupid. Just tell me."
Steve seems hesitant but tells Wayne anyway.
He nods at both his boys when he speaks next. "You two stay put. I'll be back soon."
Steve and Eddie both look like they want to fight Wayne on it. Steve wants to stop him from leaving at all, and Eddie probably wants to stop him from going without him. They both smartly stay silent.
"Okay, Uncle Wayne."
"Okay, Wayne."
Later, Wayne comes back with three duffle bags and bruised knuckles.
Steve hugs him without a second thought.
A few days pass and the three of them are in the kitchen when Eddie asks. "Did ya tell hop?"
Steve snorts in his coffee. "Hell no."
Wayne can't help his curiosity as he watches the both of them across the table.
"Steve, you have to tell Hop. He's going to find out anyway." Eddie pushes as he puts an ungodly amount of sugar in his coffee.
"No I don't. He'll just flip out, there is no good reason to tell him."
Eddie puts his hands on his hips. It reminds Wayne of Steve the past couple of times he's seen him around the kids. "I can think of one good reason. He's practically your dad. And I'm pretty sure your Dad would want to know what your old man did to ya."
Wayne can't help but hum in agreement. He knows if Eddie's old man comes around, he wants to be the first to find out.
Steve looks at Wayne briefly before saying, "No he's not. He's just like that with everyone."
"No, he's not. With El? Yea, that's his daughter. Maybe even Will. But not with anyone else. Except you. Why do you think I'm afraid of him?"
Steve gives him a look, "Cause he's an ex-cop Eds."
"Please that doesn't scare me. Didn't scare me when he was an actual cop either."
Wayne isn't sure that's entirely true. He remembers a very specific incident of Eddie tripping over his laces to get away from Jim.
Eddie carries on, "No, he scares me 'cause he's your dad, and I know he'll hang me by my toenails if I so much as make you cry. So yea, I think you should let him know. Besides, we both know he's going to be way more pissed when he finds out from literally anyone else. And we both know he will because you told Robin, who definitely told Nancy, who probably told Joyce, and you can see where I am heading with this."
Steve throws his head back and groans. "He's going to full government name me when he finds out."
Eddie lets out a manic giggle, "Ooo, you never told me what your full name is. Now you gotta tell me, Stevie."
Steve gives Eddie an exasperated look, "It's Steven James Harrington."
It's now Eddie's turn to groan. "Of course, you have his name. Well, I guess it's better than Richard. Hop must love that. Was kinda hoping you had my name or something."
Wayne makes a mental note to talk to Jim himself. Knows Steve will avoid it. But Wayne's got to make sure someone is looking after Steve when he can't. Wayne's been meaning to thank the man anyway. For all his done for Eddie. And now, for all he's done for Steve.
"Want me to make you feel better Eds?" Steve says with a smirk.
"Please. I'm not sure if I can go on any further with the torture of knowledge that contains your middle name."
"Hopper's middle name is Edward."
The scream of joy Eddie lets out nearly punctures what's left of Wayne's hearing.
By midsummer, the boys are an item. They haven't said anything to Wayne but he can tell. One day, the boys come back from their friend's weekly dinner holding hands. So they didn't have to tell Wayne. Not really.
It is just that, Wayne has gotten to know Steve Harrington over the past few months. He has gotten to know him as "Friend Steve" and "Brother Steve", and even after one intense game night, "King Steve". Wayne has a feeling though that "Boyfriend Steve" is different. As much as he likes the boy, his kid comes first. Wayne feels he needs to give Steve a talk.
The problem is he can't really give him a talk if neither of them has really told him. He has made that mistake once with Eddie, assuming, he won't be making it again.
So Wayne waits. And waits. And waits. And just as he is thinking he might never get the verbal confirmation from the two, he gets the image clear as day of what the two are on a Tuesday when he gets to go home early from work.
It's just not in the way he expects or wants.
Wayne can't really blame the boys. They didn't know Wayne would be coming home early, it was a surprise to Wayne himself. So they probably didn't think that anyone would be coming around the Munson household on Tuesday at midnight.
That doesn't make the situation any less scarring.
See, Wayne Allen Munson wasn't a god-fearing man. He can't be with what his Eddie had been through. But he can't help but think this is some sort of cosmic punishment when he gets home and hears moaning.
Wayne stands there in the foyer as a loud, "Yes baby just like that" and "Oh god, harder" and even the unfortunate "You're so tight, it's like you were made for me."
Wayne thinks god might be laughing at him. Wayne can't really go upstairs and stop them. They are both adults and he feels that having an image of what they are doing would be substantially worse than the noises.
Wayne decides to put some earplugs in (which thankfully cut off the noise, since his age made him half deaf anyway), sat in his armchair, and waits it out.
About an hour later (jesus an hour later) Steve comes downstairs to the kitchen in only his boxers. He doesn't seem to notice Wayne. His head is in the freezer when Wayne decides to clear his throat loudly.
Steve slams his head in fright and whips around with an icepack in his hand. "Oh shit."
"Oh shit is right."
All the color drains from Steve's face. "How much did you hear?"
Wayne appreciates that Steve cuts right to the chase. "Enough." He knows he can explain to the boy that he didn't really hear that much, and the earplugs are firmly in his hands as evidence, but he decides to torture Steve.
Just a little bit, can't have him too comfortable.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Munson, I—"
Wayne cuts him off. "No need to apologize, just as long as you boys are being safe that's all I care about. No that ain't what I want to talk to you about."
Steve visibly swallows as he sits across the counter from Wayne. "What about then?"
"Look, I'm awfully happy for the two of you. It's about time you boys got your shit together—"
Steve lets out a small laugh at the comment. Wayne continues. "—but I need to make things clear with you Steve. You hurt my kid, I hurt you. Eds has been through a lot. Not just with the whole spring break situation. I mean his whole life. He bounced around from place to place until he landed on my doorstep. He's used to giving his all, and not getting much in return. Eddie loves with his whole chest, and he doesn't know how to do it any other way. You better make sure you're worthy of it because I am not sure anyone is...including me. You're pretty damn close though, I know it. I can see it. You're a good person. But that boy is my whole world. I know where to hide a body if need be."
Wayne expects Steve to cower in fear, but instead, he smiles softly at him. "Don't worry. I'll dig the grave myself. I'll try my best not to hurt him, sir. I can't promise much, but I can promise I'll love him every day without fail."
"You tell him that yet kid?"
Steve shakes his head, "No. I think soon though sir."
Wayne nods feeling satisfied. "Good, and enough of this sir crap I thought we've been over this."
"Okay, Wayne."
"Better. Now, who's the ice pack for? You or him, because I don't want to have to grab the shovel outta the shed tonight."
Steve's blush spreads from his cheeks all the way down to his chest. "Uuuh, for me sir. I mean Wayne."
"Good. Go grab my son for me now will ya?"
Steve stutters, "Wh-what? Why?"
"Just go grab 'em."
Steve runs upstairs and brings down a smug-looking Eddie. Wayne's sure Steve gave him the rundown of what he heard, and Eddie doesn't appear to be ashamed like Steve had the smarts to do.
Little shit.
"Sorry Wayne didn't know you were home. Was that what you wanted to talk about?"
Wayne looks from Steve to Eddie, before narrowing his eyes at the latter. "Nope. It's your turn."
"My turn?" Eddie's confident face turns confused while Steve's flashes surprise.
"Yea kid your turn." Wayne contemplates for a second what to say, but knows in the end that Eddie will get the message loud and clear from one sentence alone.
"You hurt him—" Wayne turns to point at Steve, before facing Eddie again "—I hurt you. Got it?"
All the color drains from Eddie's face. That's the reaction he is looking for.
"Got it." Eddie grabs Steve's hand to make his way back upstairs. Before they are completely out of sight, Steve catches Wayne's eye. The boy looks softer than he did before. He looks like he wants to say something but settles on,
"Goodnight Wayne."
"Goodnight Steve."
Steve doesn't ask Wayne about that night until months later in October. Wayne is on the couch with a beer when Steve walks in (he has the key Eddie gave him in September). "Eddie's not here right now. Think he's running late with band practice."
"Oh I'm sorry. I can come back later." Steve stands awkwardly in the doorway.
"Don't be silly come sit. I'm just watching the game. It's no cubs considering they didn't make it far, but it's still a good game."
Steve nods and makes himself comfortable on the couch. Since spring break, Wayne and Steve have built a friendship of sorts. Steve still shows signs of apprehension in the first few seconds, but the conversation becomes an easy flow after a while. They usually talk about sports, cars, or cooking. All stuff Wayne enjoys but Eds won't show the slightest interest in. It's nice, to have someone to share this stuff with.
Today they mostly talk about the game on tv and Eddie's habit of running late. It's after a particularly funny joke about Eddie being late to his own birth that Steve asks, "Hey Wayne, can I ask you something?"
"Ya just did kid."
"God, you sound like Eddie."
Wayne chuckles, "Sure Steve. Shoot."
"Why did you talk to Eddie too? About the whole, hurting each other stuff? I mean Eddie's your kid, and I'm just the guy who gets to spend time with him." Steve waves his hands around, it reminds Wayne of Ed.
"Well, I love ya both," Wayne says easily while he takes a sip of his beer, like it isn't hard to say. And it isn't really. It was quite simple to Wayne. Just like Eddie, Steve might not be his kid by blood but he is close as he can come.
"Oh." Steve takes a deep breath, as if he is holding back tears, and says "Thanks, Wayne. I love you too."
Wayne almost mistakes the pain as Steve's voice as reluctance. The happiness that shines in his eyes says something else. Says he doesn't hear that from fathers very often. Says he hopes Wayne means it.
He does mean it.
Eddie walks in the doorway to find the two men silently staring at each other, and Steve close to tears. "Well hello there my lovely family how are—Wayne what did you do to Steve? Did you yell at him? I promise the bruise on my face was from dropping a wrench while trying to fix the van. Nothing else." Eddie pulls Steve up and squishes his face between his hands. "What did he say to you, baby?"
Steve shakes his head and laughs lightly at Eddie's antics. "Nothing bad. Promise. Happy tears."
"Happy tears?"
"Happy tears."
Eddie stares at him for long moment before deciding he believes him. "Okay. Okay. I relent." He grabs Steve's hand and throws a wave at Wayne. "Let's go upstairs though, I have to tell you about practice and how Gareth brought a boy with him! And you'll never believe what boy it was! It was our little baby Byers himself..."
Wayne hears Steve's gasp and Eddie's giggle as he continues on up the stairs. Wayne can't help the warmth that settles in his chest.
Because Wayne Allen Munson is lucky to have two wonderful boys. And he is even luckier that his two boys love each other. Because they deserve that and so much more.
Okay, it’s a lot I know. I just couldn’t resist. I wanted to write Steve and Wayne too. I think this one is less sad and more funny but I think that kind of speaks for the kind of relationship the two of them would have. Also it contains much more steddie than the last one. I’m thinking about maybe writing a part 3 with Steve’s relationship with the kids and how he’s their father figure? But for now it ends here. Also this took me like two days to write? I’m sorry for any mistakes or rushed parts. I am one woman show. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
Also I have finally posted on ao3!!! Can’t believe it, I’ve been so nervous about it especially because I am still without a beta. But this felt long enough to put there and I wanted to be able to share with more people.
access part. 1 here and ao3 here
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vyntilador · 1 year
Let Me Cherish You
The boys catching you talking oh-so affectionately about them🫶
Genre: Fluff / Romance
Character/s: Marius, Artem, Luke, Vyn
Fandom: Tears of Themis
A/N: me rn screaming into my pillow and getting all giddy writing vyns part LMFOAOAWHSHAHAAHH
(you talking is color red, marius is purple, artem is blue luke is orange n vyn is green btw)
You were over at his family home havinf a small chat over tea with his father when he suddenly raised the question; "What did you find in Marius that made you love him?" You pondered the question for a moment, gathering it all and smiling to yourself as you thought more about him. "Well, for starters, I love his eyes. That maybe sounds a bit basic but I love the way he looks at everything as if it's the most priceless thing in the world. He uses everything he sees as an inspiration either as a painter or a businessman. Even if he had this.. 'annoying' laid-back attitude, I admire him for still being able to make me smile and comfort me in dark times." You were unaware of the smile blooming on your face as you kept going. "In all honesty, there's kind of a lot of things I like about him. Maybe some, I haven't found yet or some that are just so amazing that I can't put it to words." Austin von Hagen laughs softly and later then turns his gaze into the doorway where his son stood, frozen and staring fondly at his lover.
(god he deserves all the wholesome energy in the world so here😭)
You and Artem were stationed in an orphanage for a task in the law firm. The job you were given was connected to a child that resides within the orphanage which led you to your situation right now. You were sat on the floor with a number of children surrounding you as they 'interrogate' you. "Miss, is he your husband?" A little girl speaks up, her big, innocent eyes gazing into yours as if she sees your soul itself. "Uhm, no—" You were taken aback by the child's sudden inquiry that you stuttered slightly. "Mr. Wing is my co-worker. He's not my lover." You smiled sweetly at the child as you explained to her. "But how come you act like a married couple?" What..?—"Yeah! My mommy and daddy act exactly the same!" two kids now spoke and your panic increases. "Missy, if you're not married, then surely you like him, right?" A little boy asks and you sigh internally at the sudden turn of events. "Look! Miss attorney is turning red!" Many of the kids cheered and you sighed once more, not knowing how to deal with them. The children begged you to answer their questions and you were left with no choice. "..Yes, I kinda like him." You responded in a soft and quiet tone, making sure he doesn't hear. "But why do you like him?" a child asks, gaining the other kids attention. "Why do I like him..?" you ponder for a moment then spoke. "Well, he's really kind. Whenever I'm working, he's always looking out for me. And also, I look up to him! He's such a great person overall that I want to be like him. And.." "Look! She's smiling! " A little girl interrupts and the room full of children erupt with cheerful voices. "That's what my dad always does whenever mom comes home from work." The hoard of children discuss amongst themselves once more and you felt helpless until the sweet sound of a voice all too familiar was heard amongst the voices of the children. "Hey now, let miss have some rest. She's been very busy and I want you all to take good care of her, not tire her, okay?" "Okay!" the children agree in unison. Artem smiles to himself as he thinks of the words you described him as. He makes sure to stop by at the flower shop before going to work tomorrow.
A karaoke booth packed with 'adults' screaming singing their hearts out. That was the kind of situation you were currently in with Luke and your old classmates. Luke held the microphone in one hand while his eyes were trained on the tv displaying the lyrics. Your gaze stayed unmoving on him until somebody spoke up from beside you. "So, you still like him?" You whip your head to the direction of the voice to see one of your old best friend along side Luke back then snickering. You stayed silent, not knowing how to answer. More of your friends heard the topic of discussion and crowded around you for an answer. "What'dya like about him?" "If I had to guess it's probably his academic ability." "No! Not only that! Look at his build." "I can't believe you guys only look on the outside. It's his personality!" They all argued about which it was you liked about him but the answer was clear in your heart. "I don't like him just because he has a well built body or he's very intelligent but, I love him because he's always sincere. Ever since we were children, he was always honest with me. He never hesitated to do anything just to cheer me up and I love him for that. Though, I think he's gotten used to basically throwing his own well-being away just to save me and I wanna keep his mind at ease that it's not only him that has to protect the other. I'll protect him too, even if I'm not really capable." The girls that swarmed around you all swooned and squealed in excitement, saying how your love story would be just like a kid's fantasy novel about princesses. A blush bloomed on your face, mimicking the color of red flowers while trying to avoidtheir gazes but what you were unaware of was that Luke was looking straight at you the whole time, falling in love all over again.
You were only supposed to bring him lunch when you're suddenly swarmed by his students, all asking you questions as per your sudden appearance within the school. All the female students all talk amongst themselves while the others interrogate you and suddenly, a voice pierces through the noisy atmosphere. "Wait! You're all asking the useless questions! Miss, are you and Professor Richter dating?" The room goes quiet as all the students' attention turns to you. They all move closer to you demanding an answer and you sigh, defeated. "No, we're just..." as you thought of an answer, you suddenly cut yourself off , thinking if you were friends, acquaintances, work partners or...lovers. "... friends?" you finish your answer in an unsure manner. The students scoff and others laugh. "Come on miss, we're psychology students. There's no way in this green earth that Professor Richter looks at you like that and you're only friends!" students all agree and nod as they talk loudly once more. "Well, let's just say you're just crushing on him, what do you like about Professor Richter?" A rosy tint slowly emerges to your cheeks as seconds pass while you thought deeply about it. "Well— uhm.." you sigh and just decided to speak your thoughts. "He's very kind and caring. The moment I saw him, I already felt comfortable around him, with that soft expression he has. He's good both inside and outside. And uhm, please don't tell him but, I was already captivated by him on our first meeting. I mean— if you'd all just seen how cute and...attractive..? he was! I swear, I could've melted right then and ther—" the sudden sound of a low chuckle in the tone and voice you're all too familiar with interrupts your words as you look up and see all the students' eyes wide while some cover their mouths and you slump knowing that he's right behind you. "My rose, can we speak privately for a moment?" his voice was calming and smothered with loving affection and you take a quick look at the students again all hurrying out the room to give you privacy all the while snickering amongst themselves. "I've told them to get home as soon as classes are dismissed but they still don't listen." he takes a few steps to stand in front of you and he puts his finger underneath your chin to gently tilt it upwards so that he can lay his eyes upon your face. "But I guess I have them to thank for letting me overhear how much you adore me." he takes your hand in his and gives a chaste kiss on the back of it. "How about a dinner date then, my love?"
A/N:this shit messy fr💀
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bones4thecats · 5 months
HEYAAAA HOW ARE YOUUU , btw hi hi hiii
Uhh if this doesnt brother you can i request a indra , Loki , Hermes (and maybe Odin??) W the same thing that the lizuannn girl request , just her req but w these charas , ty and have a great monthhh
(please ignore this if you cant do it srryyyyyyyy))
A/N: Doing this was quite fun, I love writing for Odin tbh, and while he's not my favorite character, he's awesome! Anyways, enjoy~~
For Info on Req: Lizuannn's Request
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🌊 When you were called upon by Zeus, one of your oldest allies, to fight in Ragnarok, Indra was initially very persistent on you not doing this
🌊 But seeing how your opponent, Timothy Dexter, also known as the ‘Luckiest Idiot in History’, he felt a bit more at ease
🌊 Then the fight ensued and he kept, somehow, dodging and your attacks missed
🌊 Shiva and the other Hindu Gods could sense his slight nervousness from miles away, and it made them look at you with suspicion, maybe this human would be the death of you
🌊 Indra watched as you summoned your 12 Shikigami and he smirked, lightning his second cigarette with his lightning, knowing now you were getting serious
🌊 Seeing the human tranquilize and turn into shattered glass made him fully smile, knowing you were safe
🌊 Afterwards while he watched you mess around with Shiva, since he had only one arm while the others were regrowing, his joy grew
🌊 You were safe, and that's all that mattered
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🐍 He wanted to fight in Ragnarok himself
🐍 But watching you fight could suffice his urges for the moment
🐍 Once the human known as Timothy Dexter tried hitting you, his face turned from his prideful smile, to a deadly grimace
🐍 Loki did not like watching a human try harming his S/O, especially with their own attacks
🐍 He has seen you fight Gods, so he knew how powerful you were, but this human’s luck was immaculate, it even scared him!
🐍 When he saw you start getting serious, his smirk grew until he started to cackle like a psychopath
🐍 That's when everyone knew, that human was done for.
🐍 Eventually the match ended with Humanity's loss and Gods' win, and everyone on their side cheered for you, especially your husband
🐍 Loki hugged you and cooed how strong and amazing you were against that pathetic and feeble human
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📨 Hermes knew who was fighting before anyone else, as he was the Messenger of the Gods and sent out the requests for Ragnarok
📨 When he heard from his father that he needed a very strong opponent for Humanity, as he knew Brunhilde would pull someone out who was very strong
📨 He had recommened you
📨 You were giddy when he told you of your upcoming battle in Ragnarok, and he followed with a chuckle as you hugged him, thanking him for the opportunity to smash a human to bits
📨 Hermes watched next to his father as you smiled and made fun of this so called 'Luckiest Idiot in History' and he couldn't help but laugh with you
📨 His luck was immense, but he knew your 12 Shikigami could defeat him with ease
📨 Nobody had survived it yet, and nobody ever will. Unless you said they could, of course!
📨 When the round ended with your smooth victory, he relished in the happy smile you gave him and Zeus as you strolled up to where your husband was
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🪶 It was as if the whole Norse main family was fighting
🪶 Thor, Loki, Odin, and you were all set to fight in Ragnarok, and after Thor's first round, you were set for the third, before Poseidon and a random human
🪶 Odin watched as you smiled, patted your nephew and son's heads before kissing your life-long husband and preparing for battle
🪶 He knew you could handle yourself to any degree, you've fought in many wars together throughout the years
🪶 You stared at the human with sadism in your eyes while you husband glared with your son, and your nephew cheered you on loudly from the stands
🪶 Timothy Dexter? What a pathetic mortal. It made your husband's birds caw vicious words at him, causing Loki to laugh at him
🪶 Your battle was quick and sweet, only being delayed for 14 minutes because of your wish to see the human gain confidence before shattering their entire beings
🪶 It made Odin smirk sadistically as himself as the human shattered into nothing while you floating around Heimdall before returning to the comfort of his lap
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shoyoist · 1 year
rekha :(((( just to torture ourselves what kind of angsty scenario do you imagine would bring hanma to tears if he’s in a relationship with you? sobs or is it only the death of those few he cares about that can break a man like him :(((( bye i’m so sad over him now pls
content: fem!reader (feat. my selfship content), established marriage, papa! shuji, angst. accidental pregnancy. mention of not wanting kids, family-related insecurities. thank you for indulging me rivvy<3
note: ok listen! i've been thinking about this all day. shuji isn't much of a crier, but when he does cry, it's over the people he loves.
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shuji always says to you that he doesn't wanna have kids. and hey, you're cool with that. you don't need kids to make a family and a home with him.
just the two of you is plenty enough<33
but you get one accidental pregnancy after the other, and you find yourselves with two or three kids that shuji ends up loving more than life itself.
he jokes to you every now and then about how he doesn't know why he was so apprehensive about the idea before.
he's so happy! he loves his little kids, they share his and your features so evenly, their bubbly giggling at his silly faces are so adorable, taking care of them is so fun and god, he's just so full of love and joy.
until he's painfully reminded of why he didn't want to have kids— when they grow older and their personalities start clashing with his.
as a father, shuji jumps from too easygoing to too overprotective real quick. he finds something like their secret cigarette stash, that they've been drinking at parties, or they miss a curfew or two and it gets him irrationally mad at them — and when shuji's angry, he yells </3
he's just concerned for his kids because he knows full well what a reckless, dangerous childhood is like. and while he wants to be the chill parent so bad, he gets scared sometimes.
and his fear for his kids' safety comes out as anger and yelling. and his kids take after him, so his anger only makes their tempers flare up — which often results in a shouting match between father and children.
and while shuji tries to stay kind, sometimes, his kids say the meanest things at him.
(credits to my gf for these lines btw! this is actually from my selfship 🤭) one time, shuji is trying to confiscate his son's phone and ground him for a bit for staying out of the house a whole day and night after a prior argument, and it goes like this ↓
“give me your phone”
“what the fuck, you're not serious- i'm a grown ass adult!”
“give me your phone. you're not fucking grown. you're grounded, and i'm keeping tabs on you from here on out. now hand it over or i swear to god, i will take it from you”
his tone is threatening enough, and your son has no choice but to hand over his phone and shuji shuts it down and pockets it.
your son hisses under his breath like “this is bullshit”
and shuji retorts with a “this is how being a parent is”
and then his son says, in the meanest tone he could muster— “yeah, because you and mom were sooo smart for having so many fucking kids while being world's most wanted.”
and for a tense moment, there's a silence before shuji just heads to the front door and his shoes on, takes helmet and jacket and storms out, slamming the door shut behind him. he drives somewhere like yokohama wharf and just. breaks down and cries. all by himself. imagine ;( </3
he lights himself a smoke for the first time in years, tears rolling down his cheek and hanging for a moment at his jaw before they fall and stain his jeans with tears, and he's just wondering if he's a good father at all in the end.
he cries and cries and cries— and when he finally comes home to you late at night after everyone else has gone to bed, his eyes are puffy and red, and his hair is dishevelled. he looks so sad.
and when you hold out your arms for a hug, this big, 6'6 (because he was 6'4 at age 16. he's grown at least a couple of inches since then!) tall man, smelling of cigarettes and tears in his leather jacket and ripped jeans just slumps into you, his wife that he loves so much and just wants to be good to.
he's silent as you lead him to bed and help him undress, and while you're in bed, wrapped up in eachother's arms under the blankets, he asks you in a raspy, hoarse whisper, “am i... am i a good father to the kids, baby?”
and god, you kiss him, kiss his forehead and his face and his hair and you tell him yes, yes shuji you're such a good father to our children, and you're so good to me! so good to me and so good to the kids, shuji. you're okay.
he can't help but cry again after he hears that. he cries quietly but he sobs out loud, body racking and shaking your shoulders along with his own each time he takes a ragged breath in.
shuji knows he's not a family man. but god, god he wants to be one so bad. he wants to be good, for you and for his children that he loves so fucking much. and it makes him cry, whenever his fear overtakes him and convinces him that he may not be enough.
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moon-swag-tourney · 10 months
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Propaganda below!
Luther Hargreeves
He is a weird huge monkey man with daddy issues. What’s not to love 
Della Duck
just look at her shes badass she amputated her own leg and made a prosthetic out of spare rocket parts shes not perfect but shes trying her goddamn best to be a good mother okay she is The character ever
greatest character of all time!
dear tournament runner i am so so sorry for the essay i'm about to write but i am not normal about my girl della
della duck is donald duck's twin sister and huey dewey and louie's mother
the whole history behind her is so interesting bc she unintentionally became the greatest mystery of the disney duck comic verse
one of disney's many weird rules is that their main 6 characters are not allowed to have children or parents. this rule is kinda wobbly in the sense that on one hand, it does get broken (goofy has a son in some canons & donalds mother is shown in some comics (though only in scrooge's flashbacks, she's never allowed to interact with donald)), on the other hand, it also tends to sometimes get applied to characters who are not part of the main 6 but still main characters. this rule meant, that when they wanted their main characters to interact with kids, they invented nieces and nephews. which had the added bonus that when they wanted to stories without them, they didn't have to explain the kids' absence (like for example mickey's nephews, which barely ever appear and, fun fact, were actually invented before huey dewey and louie). so, in one newspaper comic strip, huey dewey and louie were introduced and with them, della was mentioned for the first time, in a letter asking donald to take care care of the boys while their father is in a hospital from a prank they pulled. (said father was never mentioned again btw.)
after that, della didn't appear again for a while, and several shorts and comics revealed that donald has legally adopted the kids. different comics implied that donald has been taking care of the triplets their entire life, instead of just since recently like in their first appearance.
later comics actually showed della for the first time - however, only in flashbacks to donald's childhood. these comics also made her donald's twin. the only piece of media that showed her as an adult was her portrait in the duck family tree.
that is, until 2014 the first comic showing adult della and her fate was released - a dutch comic that was only reprinted in brazil, germany and the netherlands, and even in those countries, anything containing this story is pretty hard to get. it was never officially translated to english (thank god for fantranslations, tho). this comic showed della as a pilot, who tested a rocket and got lost in space when huey dewey and louie were babies. this is where her association with space and a lot of her ducktales 2017 characterisation originates from.
so, let's get into her biggest ever appearence - the ducktales reboot!
from the very beginning of this show, she's set up as the big overarching mystery - a little bit like the author from gravity falls. the pilot ends with dewey discovering a painting of her. it's a very shocking moment and for most viewers the first time they've ever seen della.
so like in the comic, she's a pilot, and she's been going on adventures with donald and scrooge for years. scrooge builds a rocket for her as a surprise gift for when her children hatch but she finds out about it and decides to take it for a test ride, during which she crashes it on the moon. so, she's stuck there, but nothing can stop della duck! she spends the entire 10 years fixing the rocket until she finally manages to get back to earth to her kids.
della is funny, strong, determined and just one of the best characters in the entire show. and she tries so hard to be a good mom to her kids after being absent for a decade even though she struggles so much to adjust back to life on earth.
i just love della so so much
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Here are the issues I have with the book. Since it's a lot, I'll try to keep it as short as possible and only mention my biggest problems with it. So this list is not complete and I could write pages about it.
Let me start by saying that a good autobiography (or any book that highlights a real life person) should be balanced. It should not glorify that person or pretend that person is a god and without mistakes. I also have no problem with critizing Ze, because, let's face it, yes he made mistakes and fucked things up in the past and not every war decision or speech or whatever was good or perfect. The point is: the critique should be fair and balanced (this obviously doesn't apply to bad people in general and the books about them; but since Ze isn't a bad person...you get what I want to say). The portrayal of Ze in the book is anything but fair or balanced. Or true, for that matter (unless literally every person in Ze's life and who knows him better, including the Kvartal fam, Olena, Andriy or people like them, have been lying to everyone for decades).
Throughout the whole book Shuster does say that Ze is Ukrainian (and Jewish) but also always tries to paint him as an "Ukrainian Russian" - so Ze is actually Russian despite being a "Ukrainian" (basically using one of Russia's Propaganda lies). Ze is basically a stubborn "Ukrainian" who kind of deserves all the hate and arrogance he gets from "real Russians" during KVN times (and later) because Ze is an insufferable asshole during his KVN times. And that Russian treated Ukrainian (or from other former Soviet Union countries) teams badly (including racist remarks, looking down on them, treating them like slaves, insulting them, not giving them a fair chance,...) teams awfully is, in Ze's case, deserved. Because Ze was oh so focused on always winning - no matter what and the cost.
Speaking of KVN: According to Shuster, Ze was terrible as a person during his first years of stardom. A maniac who only lived for applause and needs it to survive and was willing to do absolutely everything to win and beat other teams. Because, you know, he's so obsessed with winning. To a point were even he gives a flying fuck about the Kvartal team and their members (Shuster basically hints that they all disliked Ze and he was some kind of group dictator who only wanted to work and win all the time and was reckless and took to many risks and almost destroyed everyones lifes). When Shuster finds something positive to write about, he quotes people from Kvartal but what he quotes are just general statements or people saying what KVN was like during the 1990s and early 2000s. The moment Shuster writes about Ze and was he (allegedly) like during this time it's almost only "team members" and "people who knem him" and "classmates" and all that stuff - so anon sources. Or it's just Shuster telling stuff without saying what his source is or him just have feelings and thoughts and drawing conclusions. If people get named they - surprise, surprise - have a lot of times bad things to say about Ze or are people who we never ever have heard of as being part of Ze's life. Btw, it's not very hard to guess who the "team member", who talked the KVN years and adds a lot of negative talk about Ze, is... . Denys (yes, THAT Denys) contributed to the book with pictures, so chances are high he also talked to Shuster. If you ever wondered if the asshole would ever get over the fact that he fucked up and Ze kicked his ass out of the group - well, the answer is no. He now just tries to cash in on Ze. And since we are talking about Denys' obvious contribution to the book - he, once again, gave out private photos. How much we all wanna bet that he, once again, didn't ask for consent?!
Shuster also tries to paint Ze's family in a bad light. The father a tyrann who sacrified his wife's (Mama Ze) health for his job and money. Also rarely being at home and giving a fuck about his son and family. Mama Ze spoiling her child and making him entitled. Both to unloving and hard and more or less making Ze's life a living hell. Also that Ze's family was suddenly rich. Not to mention indirectly questioning the trauma his family had to go through (and Ze talked about in the past) under Stalin and the Nazis and family members that are suddenly alive (despite Ze stating in the past that they were dead). Also, Shuster sees in the childhood and family of Ze a part of the explanation why Ze is such a horrible person today, to stubborn to just give up and end the fight (and all that nonsense) and won't win this war. Because the parents put Ze in all kind of activities without him finishing any of it but letting him believe he can do everything and always demanding excellent perfomance in every aspect of his life (to keep it short). So of cooourse Ze had to grow up into a maniac who can't loose and always continues despite what people may tell him and who needs the constant validation and love from others.
There are also a ton of negative remarks about Ze as father and husband in regard of his own family. Not to mentiont hat a ton of informations are factually not correct. Things like birth dates or dates in general, how and where Ze's family lived (missing important context several times), Ze basically being as awful as his father, Ze not giving a fuck about his families safety during the war (Olena was the voice of reason who protects the poor, poor children because their father just wants them back for egoistic reasons and doesn't care about their safety) or not seeing anything concerning about his sons military obsession and instead fueling it (again, it's the poor poor wife who has to protect the son from the awful father), Ze giving zero fucks about his relationship with Olena right from the start and that poor, poor, poor woman always staying behind and having to go through hell and hate because of Ze's maniac ambitions and facing an unsave future in the early 2000s because Ze was so full of himself and had the biggest ego,... . (reading several parts you would think that this "poor, poor woman" is trapped in some abuse situation or Ze somehow tied her to himself and the whole marriage is fake and there is no love) (also Olena simultaniously romantizing things and her life and Ukraine but also being the only who who sees the truth about Ze or several parts of their lives but, of course, can't tell her terrible husband because bad, bad Ze) Also Shuster indirectly claiming that Ze and Olena lied about their relationship and they didn't date for eight years but for a shorter period of time. Because suddenly Olena also was a part of KVN long before Ze (???) and was essentially just his work buddy and friend for a while and somehow and for whatever reason they ended up in a relationship one day. (Also prepare yourself to read about a new version of the "Basic Instinct" story we never have heard before...and Ze and Olena never said.)
Btw, the way Ze is portrayed during his KVN years is essentially with little variation how he's portrayed in later stages of his life. Including his presidency and the war (I'm not going to write several more paragraphes because I think you get the picture Shuster tries to paint of Ze).
Only one thing about Ze's war portrayal: Shuster swings back and forth between Ze as wanna be dictator who will turn Ukraine into something bad as soon as the war is over (and is already starting with that) and who already makes his own rules and gives zero fucks about people and is only interested in his own fame and people applauding him and all that stuff. And Ze being the worst President ever because the war and the current state of Ukraine (which is, of course, very bad and they are about to collapse and loose and big Russia and winning and blablabla) are somehow also his fault. Yes, Shuster really manages to make Ze (and with that Ukraine) partly guilty.
Throughout the whole book he also, sometimes more obvious sometimes hidden, Shuster portrays Ukraine in the worst way possible. He does mention how "bad" Russia is but somehow justifying it several times or leaving out important facts and, once again, context. Also the portrayal of Putin, especially in comparsion with how he writes about Ze, is a joke.
Oh, and, the "inside look in the bunker" life Shuster used for his marketing campaign and that the claim of the book - yeah, bullshit. It's nothing now and anon and all that stuff. Also, once again, portraying Ze in a bad light. Like, yeah, the first weeks of war affected him but to such a worrying point (according to Shuster) that Ze was actually unfit to rule any longer as President but continued (because, you know, he loves power sooo much...). And now he's the mini dictator of Bankova who is always grumpy and changed into a (an even more) awful person and... .
What can I say at the end?! As mentioned earlier, the book has a ton of fake news and wrong facts. It's incredibly poorly researched - if sources exist at all. A lot of times it's Shuster just sharing his feelings or thougths or conclusions or interpretations or whatever. Or just saying things without context. Or writing stuff without giving sources. And to be honest, in some parts it also feels like that Shuster just made stuff up.
If you have no idea about Ze and his life or know very little - that's not the book to get informed. If you know a bit more about Ze, you will surprisingly often feel that certain parts of "exclusive interviews" or "when I talked with XYZ" are strangely familiar...with interviews we all know from Ze's (and several other people) past...because it is these interviews. Just a lot of times missing context, shortening what was said, adding stuff or giving it a new meaning.
Speaking of using old stuff: Shuster also really used his old articles to include them in the book...to a point where it's basically almost word for word.
Overall, the book is in large parts poorly written (so poorly that you wonder how he became a TIME journalist in the first place).
In the end, you probably haven't learned anything new or interesting about Ze, his life, the war or Ukraine. When we talk about Ze, I may have read one, maybe two new things I haven't read before (but questioning both of them and will do research if they are true or just made up by Shuster). It's over 300 sites of wasted paper and ink. I know articles who did a better job than this "book". It's a waste of time and money. And in the end it's a Pro-Russia Propaganda book, trying to undermine the support for Ukraine and hurt Ze and his image (as well as Ukraine's). Shuster tries to be subtle at his try to do this but he isn't not. He tries to come off as critical thinker who wants to portray a balanced picture of Ze and also writes about the sides no one dares to talk about. But nothing about this is balanced. It's just 300+ sites of trashing Ze and backstabbing him and using every possible way. Same applies to Ukraine.
#thanks anon!!!#HOLY FUCKING SHIT#😱😨😰#im actually so shocked right now#if this is really the book than this is basically shuster trying to destruct ze and ukraine#ze and olena as well as his kvartal fam probably have better things to do right now but if this book has that many false informations...#...i hope someone at some point starts a law suit#im so shocked about what i just read#i didnt expect much from the book since shuster changed so many things about it#and my expectations were almost zero after his latest articles#but thats...something...#denys being part of that?! i probably should be shocked but after the le monde (?) thing im not really...#also read online that people think people close to poroshenko or other political opponents of ze as well as ares-asshole and people like...#...that are shusters sources#i agree with anon that a “balanced” look at a person is always good in suck a book#but also agree with anon that there is nothing balancing if that is zes portrayal#also agree with anon if this is zes portrayal than something really doesnt match up with what his friends family olena and people close...#...to him of from his life said about him since forever#i think its also highly suspicious that before all that (or presidency if you want to go further back) no one could say a bad word about hi#quite the contrary actually#but suddenly everyone thinks badly about him and hates him and ze is such an awful person and all that stuff#and using already existing interviews and his articles and pretend its exlucive and said it to him and its something new???? thats very wil
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
More fic for KHR!
Still mostly on ffn
Odd-Job Tsuna by ShamelessDilettante
Tsuna decides he doesn't want to rely on his absent father's money. So he gets a job. Or two. Or twelve. The 10th Gen gets together early. And there's no way he's leaving Namimori. It will fall apart if I leave, Reborn!
Little Prince by Scheming Rabbit
Iemitsu should have had a closer look at Nana's background before he married her. Nana's father decides its time to teach Tsuna the Family Business. When Reborn comes, he's got to get Tsuna out of his grandfather's reach to make him a Mafia boss. And did I mention they're royalty?
The Epic Rivalry of Sasagawa Kyoko and Sawada Tsunayoshi by Dandelion-san
Tsuna and Kyoko are really, really good at cooking. But who's the best? Unfortunately, Ryohei and Hibari-sempai were terrorized during the Rivalry.
The Senju Brothers by Tsume Yuki
Naruto/KHR If Tsunade had known the kind of chaos her sons were unleash upon the world... well, she still would have had them. The Arcobalenco and 10th Gen are reborn into Naruto. Drabbles, discontinued
Game On! By nordiamus
The first in the series. HP/KHR for the first, FMA, YYH, 1/2 Prince, Inuyasha, Naruto and Percy Jackson for the rest. After FemHP dies, she learns the price her mother paid to save her, that Halloween night. Desperate, she accepts a deal with the gods. Guide and prepare the new Hero to his destiny. Chaos wants to make things fun and turns life into a video game for her. So, so great. Amazing series, fleshed out, lots of characters follow femHP through the series. FemHP/Reborn
Uchiha Kyōya by Tsume Yuki
Naruto/KHR Fugaku wished they'd stopped at the first son. There's nothing wrong with the youngest, it's just... the middle one. Drabbles, technically discontinued but it's good as it is.
Vigilante Tendency by Kyogre
Tsuna tries to follow his dad's advice. It does not go according to plan. At least he has friends now. If only they weren't so inclined to fight crime. Oneshot, super good.
The Varia Next Door by Renegade Warrior
After the Cradle Affair, Xanxus is shipped off to Namimori instead of frozen solid. Xanxus hates it, he can't feel his Flames, his Elements are still in Italy. And why is this brat so difficult to scare off? And why does it feel better when he's around Tsuna? Tsuna is 5 years old when the King moves in next door. What a nice man! Funny povs from the Varia workers in the mansion.
Soldier Series by Tempestes D. Uzu
HP/KHR Harry is Skull! Discontinued but really good completed fics. Shows the povs of the other Arcobalenco to the truth about Skull.
A Murder of Crows by Cyanide Lemons
Reborn is touching down in Namimori just as Sawada Tsunayoshi leaves it. Reborn had to hunt the world for his wayward student, promising death to Iemitsu all the while. So great. I love everything Reborn is put to.
The Bloody Boys by Luki Fanfic
Dark AU! Nana's family are a bunch of serial killers. When Iemitsu allows the Seal on Tsuna, rejecting him from the Vongola, Nana decides to teach him her own family traditions. The 10th Gen in this are all killers. Also, Nana does what we all wish to do.
Aeolian by Tsume Yuki
When Kyoya and Tsuna are kidnapped, Tsuna will have to shed her herbivorous skin and become a carnivore if she wants to survive. Kyoya/Tsuna
Scarily Attractive by Hweianime
Tsunas twin Giotto becomes Decimo and Tsuna is in Germany since scary people are drawn to him all over in Namimori. Tsuna/Xanxus
My Heavenly Judgement by colbub
Complete! 100/10 Downloaded to read whenever. OC Alice has to complete a task to enter Heaven after she dies. She must help Tsuna become Decimo. So amazingly good! I laughed, I cried, I shipped. BTW, endgame Kyoya/Alice slow burn. Super slow burn.. Alice is "born" into the Brighteye Family who, just like her, have to complete a task to go to Heaven in the KHR world. So many tear jerker moments. So many Soft (minorly Angsty) Feels. Wonderful looks into the family Alice left behind, the people working with Alice now and the Angel who set her her task. I can't recommend it enough.
I Hold With Those Who Favor Fire by infaredphaeton
Naruto/KHR Oneshot When Gokudera died, he didn't expect to wake up again. Definitely not with pink hair! Gokudera is Sakura
You Plus Me Plus Kids by Seito
Tsuna/Reborn are gods and they somewhat accidentally end up adopting the kid versions of the arcobalenco and more.
Mutual Hatred by exocara
Tsuna forms a vigilante group to oust the Yakuza from his town before Reborn ever comes near Namimori.
Game of Life by exocara
Tsuna wakes up and his life is suddenly a video game. Complete. Humor
Xanxus' Adventures in Parenthood Piracy by InsaneScriptist
OP/KHR Not my usual thing, since I'm really not a fan of OP but IS did so well and it's mostly just using the OP world as a backdrop. When Portgas D. Rogue finds a man who mysteriously (i.e. standed in an alternate dimension by scientists and had to swim a lot and then climbed a cliff) appeared on the island where she lived, she decided to take him home. Then she names him godfather to her unborn child. Amazing worldbuilding with Flames in this. Xanxus using his Sky Flames to build personas for himself(splitting his Flames into their components and assigning a different alias to each Flame type) to build himself a lifeline until those scientists get him back. My favorite is when he meets who he describes as an unholy combination of Squalo and Mammon as a girl, who eventually brings him home to meet her sisters who also remind him of a genderbent combo of people he knows in KHR. (All he does is hire the girls for the company makes)
Of Dreams and Hope by skyhgem
Tsuna wakes from a week long coma and finds out the last four years of his life (manga) went real. In Italy and even his hometown, 7 others wake from a coma and try to piece their lives together.
Momento Mori by exocara
When Tsuna is 13, he is visited by Checkerface and is told he can save the world by dying on his 15th birthday. Similar to the Tri-Ni-Sette, in this world, there's one more System that keeps it running. Tsuna has been chosen as rhe 10th sacrifice.
Conspiracy Theorist Tsuna by ariathal2410
Tsuna is ridulously accurate when it comes to his conspiracy theories. It's hard to keep a straight face in front of him.
The Lucky Rope by Breathless02
Giotto is jealous of his Gaurdians, of their children. He, himself, wants to be a father. One day, his life changes. 1st Gen raises 10th Gen
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glad that at least from the impression i’m getting from ur rr posts im not the only one who doesn’t like the season that much and for the same reason.. i literally only like like less than half of the cast 😭 and even those that i like i like so much less than other td characters, i need to rewatch but i feel like the characters coming in pairs was both a blessing and a curse bc it meant so many got basically no interactions with other characters from what i remember. the flop to slay ratio is dire
The show is overwhelmingly full of moments I think "I could have written this better" or "I think they would have benefited with more obstacles at this part of the race" or "who the fuck keeps screening dirty cops for game shows. I HATE cops in game shows. Game shows are MY baby's first obsession. RR is one of those shows were you're like "ugh I liked PARTS of it so if they had another season it'd be GREAT because they couldn't do that stuff again." Which is 100% sunk cost fallacy, do not be me.
The lack of attention and care when it came to elim order of the familial duos kinda irks me. With the exclusion of The Rockers (which btw, I was INCORRECTLY informed that they were more shippable. You guys ship THAT!?) all the non-sister family duos get canned in a row (Mother/Daughter, Twins, Stepbrothers, [Rockers], Father/Son). While there's a lot of downtime with non-elim eps, it's still PAINFUL how ship focused it is. HELL, Kitty falls into nothing but a shipper of Emma and Noah which. I'm so sorry but I skip all their scene and their musical sting oh my god barf city. (Earlier I was trying to make sick because I accidentally possibly ingested mold, and honestly a comp of them might have done it.)
So few characters interact with anyone outside of their teams and that kinda blows??? Like I swear this is the perfect show to have Aftermath type things instead of non-elim eps, where it's just "behind the scene" content, like what everyone actually did on their 17 hour flights. I wanna see The Tennis Rivals treating Junior like their darling innocent grandson, but then complain Dwayne doesn't work hard enough. The Vegans temporarily befriending The Adversity Twins for their dislike of dairy, but then going "actually nevermind" because they're just lactose intolerant. The Goths just glaring everyone down and Owen is like "You remind me of a girl I knew once! She was emo too!" and Crimson is internally screaming because she's NOT emo. She is GOTH. Also the fact Owen and Geoff NEVER talk is downright CRIMINAL. YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER... TALK...
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gazingatmydoom · 9 hours
just finished book III of Babel by R.F.Kuang and i am. losing my fucking mind. i'm insane. what the fuck just happened. i mean, with the bar that lovell gave robin??? passed through the whole family from son to father to son to KILL THE FATHER???? "And rage derived from madness." WHAT. HUH. robin not asking but DEMANDING lovell say his mother's name AND COMMISSIONER LIN BURNING THE OPIUM. TWO MILLION POUNDS. wait i need to take into account inflation one sec A HUNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO MILLION POUNDS WORTH OF OPIUM. AND HE BURNED IT. robin was . oh my god. what a fucking. i can't believe it. i put down the book just before they arrived in canton like a week ago and i pick it up to THIS?? WHAT THE FUCK. i've augh. holy shit!!!!! back to that fucking conversation lovell and robin had in the cabin holy fuck. holy shit. words were sure said. fucking rolling my eyes when lovell brings up ungratefulness AGAIN like BROOOO THE POINTS BEEN MADE!!! BROOOO WASN'T EVEN A VALID POINT THE FIRST TIME U SAID IT!!!! GET REAL BE FR. i loved robin's internal monolouge too talking about he wasn't just a walking dictionary and how china wasn't just a fat golden goose cos like that's EXACTLY how lovell and baylis and babel and BRITIAN view them both!!!! OH MY GOD WHAT'S ANTOHNY GONNA THINK WHEN THEY GET BACK. AND GRIFFIN. FUCK what are they even gonna do... what are the gang gonna do where are they gonna go surely they can't go back to babel now lovell is DEAD they're gonna have to like. can they fake their deaths like antohny and griffin did? all four of them???? i thin ramy and victorie would do that, and robin might with some encouraging but honestly after that interaction INTERACTION yeag let's call it an "interaction" with lovell like bro oh my god he might just go fucking shove playfair and the rest of them off babel's rooftops at this point. but letty? i don;t know..... i don't think she would. she's. i mean she's the only one to not join hermes so far, how did ramy and victorie join? i presume like antohny contacted them somehow. it must've been. like so far letty's been pretty like. not not bothered i don't think but she hasn't been. idk. i feel the most aware of what britain does. or like IDK. i've been reading this book over the course of too long i can't recall specific character moments on the topic of britian's colonization althought there was that one lunchtime i think they talked about it briefly and YEAG it was the one where robin considered briefly telling ramy about hermes but held back on it cos he wanted to preserve what they had at the time speaking oframy CAN U BELIEVE HE WAS SO CHILL IN THAT CHAPTER???? bro was standing on a bridge after his birdie smokes OPIUM about to LEAP OFF and he's all like "yeah....lol.....crazy stuff bestie...." LIKE RAMY. I KNOW UR MAD AT ROBIN FOR NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOTU HERMES BUT PLEASE. like idk tho maybe it was an act maybe he was freaking the fuck out cos robin was clearly Not Good so maybe ramy was like ok gotta remain calm gotta talk birdie out of this one gotta get him down gotta get him some WATER. i was headass reading this over some cereal btw. like i was just chilling on the sofa having some breakfast like hrm i wonder what's gonna happen in canton cos ofc it's where robin is from like i didn't KNOW it was all about the opium trade. and when baylis i think that was where shit like. started. slowly it was building up when baylis started being a raving white british racist about chinese people ohh my god when lovell was all like "country full of stupid backwards barbarous people-" and robin SNAPS doesn't interrupt or say he SNAPS at lovell "it's a country of people" that man had had enough!!! he was mad!! like god it was painful sitting through baylis tho bro i had had enough i was sitting there like jesus fuck this is a nightmare i mean u finally go home and it looks different and the layout is different and ur home is replaced by an opium shop!!!! of all things and u spend the entire time being dragged around by racist men who think ur no better than a dictionary i mean goddamn!!
tumblr telling me there's a 4096 character limit per block ok u FUCKING NERD CAN'T LET ME LIVE OR SOMETHING HUH CAN'T LET ME RANT CAN'T LET ME BE CAN'T LET ME TYPE bitch ass fuckass motherfucker well now i've lost my train of thought. humph. but holy fuck. the train of thought is gone but the AFTERMATH of the train is there the rails are still hot the sound echoes in the station my thoughts are still there they're just scattered and i cannot fucking believe the shit i justread. that was insane. i think it speaks to me that like. i mean i've only read two books in the past like year and a half (it's a habit i've lost and i'm TRYING to bring it back i miss reading so bad) and babel was one or is one ig i'm still reading it and the other was hang on lemme check bitterthorn which i thought was really good tbh and like both bitterthorn and babel have had me GLUED have had me ENRAPTURED they've SHAKEN ME like idk i think. reading perhaps is an activity i need to do more. maybe it's the imagination. maybe it's the descriptors. cos when u watch a movie or a show or u play a game everything is spoon fed to u u can see and hear it all there's no space for interpretation when it comes to tone of voice or setting or lighting or character positions or actions it's all shown to u but like i mean maybe it was just the scene with robin and lovell in the cabin and the part where victorie sees the burning of the opium by lin but like i feel like i could direct those scenes. i feel like i could paint the fires above canton. i feel like i could write poems about it. the image was so visceral in my head it's so REAL like i can imagine exactly how robin looked snapping at lovell i can hear lovell's chair being pushed back across the wooden floor of the cabin i can feel the atmosphere in the room where the four of them huddled together before lovell called away robin OH MY GOD speaking of like that american missionary was so funny. like what a bitch but also what a funny fucking idiot. like "ooh do u guys go to sunday church?" and ramy's like "yeag but i'm whispering prayers to Allah the entire time" like RAMY u MOTHERFUCKER and the missionary is HORRIFIED like he's so sharp with his words that man does not hold back and i love him forever for it and the thing is i wouldn't be surprised if he was doing that too like tbh being forced to go to sunday church when ur like wholeheartedly believeing ina different diety idk is diety the right word for Allah is god a better word idk but either way it must be fucking torturous and then the fucking author's note at the bottom where lovell is telling robin that religion is fuckign stupid and u should just practice recitations under ur breath instead like i love how this white british man in fucking 1830s england has DISDAIN of all things for christianity like can u imagine being that guy in such a christian centric time for england it's actually now just getting to me how little religion is mentioned in the book like we don't hear much about it despite it being like a very prevalent thing at the time i mean i'm gonna say i'm assuming cos i don't know fuck about history besides a couple major points so idk maybe england forsook religion entirely in the 1830s for no reason and it;s only in america but like i seriously doubt it yk. like a really fucking doubt that. i mean ig it speaks to how focused on logic the proffessor is but at the same time he still thinks chinese people are animals??? like we dodge the christianity but the racism we lean into still ofc that man is strange ugh bad idea mopping spilled milk with my shirt and then wiping my nose with it that shit smelled horrible. ok i'm done my thoughts my immediate thoughts are out i'm gonna be thinking aboutt his all fucking week but i'm done for rn i need to take a bath. or something. ig.
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iguinn · 10 months
hi hello I want the divorce arc deets pls 🤲 (+ whatever you wanna share! Free card to gush abt your wol!)
ok so first two very important facts:
1 - Arenvald is Berry's adoptive son and by proxy also Ilberd's adoptive son and he cares about both his adoptive dads a lot like obviously and thats important to how fucked up this was for everyone involved
2 - Berry and Ilberd werent dating before griffin griffin on the wall, everyone thought they were and they were obviously in love with each other but they werent dating so calling it divorce arc might not be accurate but its so break up/divorce vibes were calling it that anyway
ok so when all that first started they had a fight, mostly on Berry's part because Ilberd knew this would happen. he knew she would be upset enough to make a scene right there and then because it would hurt her a lot because of course it would she loves him. she said she hated him multiple times and he just took it cause he really had no right to argue back or ask her to not be mad because well he did all that well aware of how badly it would affect her emotionally and unlike in the game she was actually just removed from the premises fairly easily cause after all the yelling she was just too emotionally devastated to react to anything until she was sitting outside the city and had a crying breakdown because by the gods what was she to do now? what was she to tell her son about any of that? what could anyone tell their child in this situation? it was a shitty fucking situation for her and Ilberd too but at that point Ilberd knew all of that would hurt like a bitch he would just have to push down his feelings cause eventually it wouldnt matter anyway which was a choice on his part considering every fucking time they met after that ended in some of the most tense fucking moments of their life specially after Berry began to have her future sight dreams more and more often and it dawned on her what Ilberd was going to do and it she didnt want to tell anyone because it would get him in even more trouble but its not as if she could act as if she knew nothing about it. she would have crying fits and would ask to sleep in her father's bed because it was horrible and stressful for her. Ilberd just couldnt sleep at all for the most part during that it weighed on him at every waking moment making him unable to even rest. it was horrible emotionally for the both of them and each time they met each other after that it was horribly tense and yeah a lot of yelling happened and Berry did bring up Arenvald in an almost weaponized way to make Ilberd feel more guilty about all this shit because what he put her through? bad it sucked! but what her no THEIR son was feeling? it was worse and he should feel awful for it! (was she perhaps being too harsh? yes but u really cant blame her for being upset) and like Ilberd already felt pretty shit about hurting her and their son and that really just made it worse and he got upset and yelled back at her which is understandable, but in a way Berry knew there was nothing anyone else could do to fix the problem Ilberd wanted to fix cause no one gave enough of a fuck about it. and that hurt even more cause she knew there wasnt really nothing she could tell him to make him stop cause he also knew there was no other way. but she just wanted him to stop and come back home to her which btw she did ask him directly when she saw him in griffin outfit for the first time cause in the gayest most faggy moment they had so far she recognize him simply by the way he walked and carried himself. because thats just how gays act. but yeah a lot of nasty very parents going through a messy divorce fights going on there sometimes and well if u want al elaboration on how it traumatized Alphi and Alisaie... well theyre both very close to Berry. and we actually write them very often so they bond with Ilberd due to all three of them having lost family they deeply cared about during the calamity (partly cause we like to shove the people Berry cares about the most towards Ilberd cause Berry wants everyone she likes to get along obviously) so u can imagine what it was like for those two literal kids to see two people they cared about we were obviously having the worst fucking time of their lives get into awful fights that they both knew would lead no where just so they could pretend they had some semblance of control over their own messy feeling over this messy situation that shit stays with kids all the way to adulthood we know this as a child of divorce. they gave the twins child of divorce trauma when they arent even their parents. Arenvald got fucked up over it too! three traumatized teens in one fell swoop!
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fruithoods · 3 years
“b,” dick says, clambering up the railing with only half his usual ease. he has strawberry ice cream on his cheek. “b. look. i’m taller than you now.”
bruce looks down at him. he’s short by about a foot, and beaming.
“are you.” he says.
dick wrinkles his nose and glares back defiantly. “yes. obv-i-ous-ly.” he puts careful emphasis on the syllables, puffing out his chest to look more intimidating. it doesn’t succeed very well. “okay fine— maybe a little suspension of belief is needed here.”
“you mean suspension of disbelief.”
“no. i mean suspension of belief. which of us is in acting beginning right now.”
bruce reaches over and rubs a bit at the ice cream, trying to get it off. “sure.”
“what- b. stop that. stop. we’re in public.” he squeaks, batting at the hand with both of his small ones, and any projection of adult intimidation vanishes in the face of a classic ten year old boy.
bruce smothers his smile in time only through years of ninja training. “am i embarrassing you.”
“hm” he pretends to think. “too bad.”
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Pregnancy Series - Part 6
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Meeting the baby for the first time 
⚠️ Sensitive content -> mention of: labor pain, blood, fluids ⚠️
Pregnancy Series: Part 1 // Part 2  // Part 3 // Part 4.1 // Part 4.2 // Part 5
Last chapter! So, I hope you all enjoy this one! Feel free to tell me in the comments or send me a message ( even as anon if you want ! ) Soon new requests will be posted again...it was a nice time with the series....I will miss it, you too? 
BTW! The request was that the baby doesn’t look like them despite being their baby! 
Your husband stroked your head after the hard time you had giving birth to your first son.
Well, the labor itself didn’t really last long but you still had a hard time.
You were sleepy and at some point you had the feeling that you couldn’t even breathe, almost giving Jumin a heart attack.
But when the both of you finally heard your baby cry for the first time, you all relaxed.
,,IT’S A BOY!’’ the midwife announced happily, making Jumin cry as he praised you, proud to be finally able to call himself a father.
The nurses and medics around you guys got everything ready and you were carried into another room so that the maid could tidy up the room. Your baby was also weighed and checked up on.
Jumin was really happy that you guys decided to give birth at home. Of course, this was only possible because everything was alright with you and the baby.
,,So, meet your mommy and daddy,’’ the midwife whispered as she approached you, softly giving you your baby boy.
,,Oh,’’ you gasped, surprised by the beauty of your boy.
But your eyes quickly met Jumin’s.
,,Was your mom blonde?’’ you asked him.
He looked over to you. He was smiling and not even a bit concerned that the baby wasn’t looking like him at all.
Maybe it was even better that the baby was totally different.
Jumin shook his head.
,,Don’t worry, I can already feel the bond between us. I trust you,’’ he whispered and kissed his baby on his head softly since he was still so soft.
,,Wanna hold him too?’’ you whispered and waited for his response.
Jumin nodded excitedly, wanting to hold his own little baby in his arms.
Finally his wish came true.
Jumin held him and cradled him, just like a real father.
,,Mr Han,’’ Jahee softly called him. ,,I informed your father as well as the RFA and will take my leave to prepare everything in the company,’’ she whispered.
,,Jaehee,’’ you called your friend.
,,It’s impossible that the aunty goes without seeing the baby! Step in!’’ you called her.
Nervously, Jaehee stepped in and looked at what Jumin held between his arms. 
,,He looks so handsome…’’ she gasped.
You chuckled as you laid back. ,,It’s our son after all,’’ you yawned and slowly fell asleep…
Three years later, you once again were pregnant. Your son by now was almost turning three.
He was blonde and had blue eyes. Apparently your mother’s family was blonde. 
And even though no one could believe at first that this was Jumin’s son, as soon as they saw how he acted, they all knew that this was indeed a Han. The bloodline was still in the heir of C&R.
,,Father, I believe that the maid made a mistake with organizing my toys. I think we need someone better!’’ he whined, pulling his father.
Jumin took his son seriously, but of course he knew that his son was still three. What didn’t hold him back from making everything possible was his might.
You heard how Zen nagged at someone, but before you could try to concentrate on what he was saying, another wave of pain hit you, making you scream in pain.
,,I‘m here, baby, I‘m here,“ Zen whispered, holding your hand.
You turned around to him and smiled with the last of the strength you had.
,,I wanted to have a barbecue,“ you whined, making him chuckle.
,,As soon as you give birth, I will send them to get you food,“ he promised.
,,I can’t wait to eat kimchi,“ you laughed, breathing the pain away.
Zen smiled apologetically. ,,You can’t eat spicy food while you’re breastfeeding,“ he told you.
,,AHHHH!“ you hissed. He wasn’t sure if you screamed in pain or because you were angry that you still couldn’t eat spicy food, but whatever it was, he was scared.
,,It’s open by four centimeters. Soon we will be there,’’ the midwife smiled.
Well, that soon changed into an hour, two, three, and finally four hours.
,,You’re doing so well,’’ your boyfriend told you. By now you had to wear an oxygen mask because you couldn’t breathe.
,,Maybe we should do a C-’’ before the nurse could even end her speech, you moved your head, pressing Zen’s hand stronger as you pushed.
,,Mc!’’ he called you, holding onto you stronger.
You pushed and pushed. You sometimes had the feeling that air was missing, but you kept pushing until finally a cry was heard, making you collapse onto the bed.
,,MC?!’’ Zen whined, but the nurse next to you calmed him down as she checked your vitals.
,,It was hard. She will sleep for a few minutes, don’t worry,’’ she smiled.
Zen nodded and looked over to his baby. She had a little dark hair and also her skin was a bit darker than his, but she was still the most beautiful baby he had ever seen.
,,Would you like to cut the cord?’’ the midwife asked, explaining to him how to do it.
Just when he was about to take the baby, you weakly called him. ,,Hyun, let the mother hold her first!’’ you whined.
Zen smiled as he nodded, observing how the baby was placed in your arms.
,,Princess, hello,’’ you whispered, tearing up at her sight.
,,She is so… perfect,’’ you whispered.
Zen couldn’t help but kiss your head and his baby’s as he decided to go out to tell everyone the news.
Of course he saw how shocked they were, maybe because he was crying like an idiot, but as soon as he told them that your baby girl was beautiful, they all looked so happy.
,,Take her! Show us!’’ Jaehee hissed as she began to cry too.
A few seconds later he and the nurse stepped out, a pink bundle in his arms as he showed the RFA his newborn girl.
,,She doesn’t look like you. She must be happy,’’ Jumin teased Zen.
,,She looks even better,’’ he whispered.
,,I really thought that your DNA would be stronger,’’ Yoosung commented.
,,It’s okay, I don’t mind. She’s still mine,’’ Zen said and smiled. He already loved her so much…
A year later, you and the RFA finally could do what you missed last year - the korean barbeque.
And this time, a special guest had her appearance too.
,,Say, cheese!’’ Zen blabbered as you held your daughter in your arms, her long dress fit perfectly with the big birthday cake she had on her face, liking her little chubby fingers.
,,Say, Daddy come too!’’ you whispered, taking her hand and waving at Zen while Jumin tried to take not so blurry pictures of you…
Thank God Jaehee used her phone too...
,,Dr Kim! Finally! A dog was hit by a car and needs medical assistance immediately!“ a co-worker of Yoosung said as he cut the call.
He looked inside, seeing from the windows that a young girl sat on the floor, her dog in her arms, crying over a pet.
If he didn’t know about Rika‘s and Sally‘s death, he would believe that this was his cousin.
The young man hesitated, his phone still in his hand.
At a totally different place, you were trying to keep your breath in rhythm as your mother stroked your hair.
Half an hour passed ever since you finally arrived at the hospital with the ambulance you called, your‘s and Yoosung’s mother with you in the room.
It was a kind of stressful situation. Your mother was happy, but at the same time a bit disappointed that Yoosung was still missing and his mother, your in-law, was worried over her son as he still wasn‘t there.  
It was his first born. He fought so hard for this son that there was no way he would miss this opportunity.
,,I‘m going to call him again,“ she said as she was about to open the door to your room as it suddenly opened by itself.
,,I‘m here,“ he said, out of breath.
,,Where- why did you take such a long time?“ you asked him, worried and annoyed at the same time.
,,I- I was almost fired because they didn’t seem to understand that I wasn’t running away from work, but on my way to support you,“ he gasped.
,,What did I miss?“ he asked you, as you smiled, telling him that he was just in time.
Again, a wave of pain hit you as you gasped and tried to breathe through the pain.
Yoosung was a good support, telling you sweet words, stroking you, everything went well.
Finally, you were ready to push and from then on everything took about five minutes.
Yoosung was there when his first born took its first breath, when she cried for the first time. Yoosung was there to cut the cord, he saw how the little, also bloody, human being
to wash the baby for the first time and give her to you, making her stop crying as soon as her skin met yours.
,,She’s so beautiful…’’ you whispered. The tears didn’t want to stop falling as you held her in your arms.
,,But she has blonde hair. You still can’t match her,’’ you chuckled.
Yoosung nodded. ,,She doesn’t look like me at all. Maybe that’s why she’s so beautiful?’’ he asked you.
You laughed as you heard your comment, but your eyes never left your baby's little body.
,,Daddy is handsome, right?’’ you whispered, stroking your newborn's arm.
A few moments later, the nurse asked if Yoosung would like to hold her and wash her, since you were in too much pain to do it, something he agreed to immediately.
With the nurse telling him what to do and how to do it, Yoosung gave his baby their first bath, slowly and softly and with so much love.
,,You need to be really careful with the head,’’ the doctor explained and also told him the reason.
After your baby was fresh, you were allowed to have it again and just when you felt your baby's warmth again, your mother and mother in law entered the room, crying over their first granddaughter.
,,You looked exactly like her, Mc!’’ your mother proudly said as Yoosung’s mother looked at the baby with lovely eyes. ,,I hope my next grandchildren will also not get a single DNA from your looks!’’ she teased him.
The car ride was a rather calm one. Luckily, you were a bit in pain, but nothing like in the movies where the women cry and groan in pain.
,,Everyone reacts differently,’’ Jaehee told you as she stroked your arm, proud of you for handling this pain.
,,We’re here,’’ Seven announced, stepping out of the car and opening the door for you to help you.
Just when you stood next to the door, both feet on the ground outside the car, you felt a fluid coming out, running down your legs and wetting the ground below you.
,,Shit, this almost landed in my car!’’ Seven gasped as Jaehee climbed out of the red car, seeing that your water just broke.
,,Oh my god, the baby will come soon, Seven. Please call a nurse and bring us a wheelchair!’’ she whined and helped you walk a bit as Seven began to run towards the entrance.
,,Are you still okay?’’ Jaehee asked you worriedly and helped you to keep moving.
You nodded. There was a sharp pain indeed, but you could still handle it.
All you wished for was a hospital bed because for sure you wouldn’t give birth on the street.
,,Please sit down here. A midwife is already on her way!’’ a nurse called and helped you to sit down on the chair, rolling you quickly towards the entrance, followed by Jaehee with her bag.
Indeed, you all really had to hurry. As soon as they helped you change and laid you down on a bed, the contractions began to hit you.
You felt the urge to push and you moaned in pain.
,,We can begin!’’ a midwife announced and looked at Jaehee. ,,She will give birth now!’’ she told her.
Jaehee got nervous and finally the time came.
Holding your hand, she nodded. ,,Mc, you can do this!’’ she encouraged you while you spread your legs apart, pushing and leaning forward to put pressure on your belly.
,,UGH!’’ you groaned and laid back, gasping for air.
,,Okay, another push!’’ the midwife said, the same game again, you groaned again when you felt something slowly coming out.
,,I can see the head! Keep pushing!’’ she laughed.
Jaehee looked over to the midwife. She could also see the top of the baby, feeling more excited when the baby moved again.
,,The last push!’’ the midwife called and you did what she said.
Falling back, you gasped for air as the room was filled with a loud baby's cry.
Immediately, they handed you the baby boy, where you put your arms around him, holding him.
,,Oh gosh, he is so tiny!’’ you whined and looked at him.
Jaehee was also sobbing by now. ,,I’m so sorry that he looks nothing like you, but I am so thankful that you are here. He is your son too,’’ you told her.
Her lips were pressed together as she nodded.
,,Our son,’’ she whimpered.
A few days later, the three of you were finally ready to go home. Jaehee was carrying the baby in her arms and buckled him good in the back seat of the taxi as you slowly got in yourself.
,,Let’s go home,’’ you whispered to Jaehee, holding her hand.
,,Let’s go,’’ she said as she took yours, smiling.
The red haired man didn’t come much later than you to the hospital room and was quickly by your side as your belly was connected to some tubes and wires. 
They were monitoring the baby. Saeyoung knew that they weren’t there because something was wrong or bad, but still, it kind of scared him to see it all.
,,How are you?’’ he asked you while you had your eyes closed, opening them a bit to look at him.
,,Good, now that you’re here,’’ you whispered and squeezed his hand with your fingers, making him endure the pain.
,,Sorry,’’ you groaned when it got better, making him shake his head.
,,You are enduring much more than I am, so feel free to squeeze my hand,’’ he told you and stroked your head.
Suddenly, the machine made some beeping sounds, making him shriek and look at it, not understanding what was happening.
,,Move aside!’’ a nurse called as she entered, followed by your midwife and a doctor.
Saeyoung was quickly pulled aside as they told you something.
He was so overwhelmed by all his feelings that he forgot to listen to them.
He just somehow came back to life when he heard you cry and scream.
,,Once more!’’ the nurse said loudly and made you exclaim some words he didn’t get while you were pushing.
Saeyoung watched the whole scenario as you were pushing a little, brown haired baby out of you, covered in blood.
He began to sob when he realized that it was his daughter you just gave birth to.
,,The first girl is here!’’ the nurse happily laughed.
Saeyoung just focused on the baby and saw how she carried the crying baby away.
When his eyes couldn’t follow the nurse with his daughter anymore, Saeyoung focused on you again, seeing that you were still pushing and giving your best.
He also noticed that by now, some of your fears had come true. He had to press his lips together to not laugh and to not make you feel bad, but even though you were giving birth to a second girl, you saw him and seemed to understand his thoughts.
,,CHOI SAEYOUNG! ONE WORD TO ANYONE ABOUT ME POOPING AND I WILL KILL YOU!’’ you screamed and finally, a second scream filled the room.
,,There’s no need for me to do that! You did that yourself,’’ he laughed and came to you, kissing your nose.
The first baby finally came back and was immediately brought into your arms, followed quickly by the second twin.
,,Both are brown haired. I can’t say Tomato Girls anymore,’’ Saeyoung whined as he observed them.
,,Nope, you can’t tease my girls indeed,’’ you chuckled.
,,They totally don’t look like Saeyoung, I’m happy,’’ Jaehee commented in the chatroom when Saeyoung posted a picture Saeran took holding his babies.
,,I am too,’’ Saeran commented, teasing his brother.
,,They look just like Mc,’’ Yoosung said, but Saeyoung put his phone aside since right now his top priority was to observe his three ladies sleeping. ,,I know that you three are all mine, so I don’t care about your looks,’’ he mumbled and enjoyed the sight of his family.
And so, as soon as you cut the call, you dialed the ambulance’s number, hoping that they would be there just in time to help you.
You were happy that you were finally giving birth, but on the other side, you were more than scared.
You knew that twins arrived earlier, but as a mother, you still were concerned.
Unable to think of anything else, you felt as if you drowned into your fears until the door rang, showing you that help was already there.
,,I honestly didn’t think that this would hurt so much,’’ you whined as Saeran was next to you. You knew that he had to keep himself together to not cry with you as you endured the pain.
Saeran looked down to your trembling hand as he sighed.
Hours passed and the pain just increased. Saeran was now massaging your temples and cleaning your sweat.
Suddenly, a loud sound made him turn around and look back to you, noticing that you were really pale.
,,Mc?’’ he called you, making you look at him.
,,It hurts,’’ you gulped and closed your eyes, hoping that it would get better.
,,No use, we need a C-Section!’’ someone said and roughly pushed Saeran away.
He couldn’t follow the medical words as you were suddenly brought away from him.
,,Wait, MC!’’ he tried to run after you, being held back by a nurse who was trying to calm him down.
More hours passed and Saeran was left alone in the big room, waiting for you and some news of you and his boys.
,,I can’t believe that three years passed so quickly already,’’ you laughed as you kissed one of your son’s heads, watching them eat their breakfast.
,,I know, back then those hours I was waiting for you were the worst. I’m happy that they could help you and at least stop the pain for a bit,’’ Saeran sighed as he thought back to that time when the nurse came up to him with one of the babies.
,,At first I thought it was a joke when the nurse told me you didn’t want to hold him!’’ you chuckled.
Saeran blushed.
,,He… first of all she just brought me one baby! I couldn’t have known that the other boy was too weak to see his daddy,’’ Saeran said, not so loud and observed his second son who apparently was too weak that day.
,,Our Haru was still too weak while Haneul was eager to see daddy,’’ you said, smiling.
,,Besides, I expected them to be red haired. He didn’t look like me at all. I thought she mistook the baby!’’ Saeran defended himself.
Maybe the next baby will have your looks,’’ you said, patting your belly and observing your sons making a mess on the table.
You were breathing heavily after the third push as nothing seemed to move forward.
The doctor kept telling you that you were doing great, but you didn’t trust him at all.
You felt impatient, nervous, frustrated, and in pain.
Jihyun seemed to feel that you were unhappy with the situation and kept stroking your head and patting your arm, encouraging you.
,,I love you so much,’’ he whispered.
Suddenly the doctor said something that gave you new hope. ,,I see the head, come on, we will be finished soon!’’ he smiled and gave you another push of strength as you finally let go of the tension.
You were just enjoying the cries of your baby. Finally, you could meet the little baby you were carrying for so long under your heart.
The baby was placed on your chest and immediately stopped crying, making you tear up.
So this was the connection between a mother and her child? You asked yourself.
You looked over to Jihyun who, too, was crying, enjoying the sight of the both of you.
He was probably implanting the sight of the both of you in his head.
Later on, Lucy too was allowed to visit you and her little sibling.
,,But he doesn’t look like daddy at all!’’ the little girl exclaimed, making you laugh.
Well, she was right.
But you all knew that this was for sure Jihyun’s baby, even though no one would say so.
Days passed and finally you guys were allowed to go home, something that made you more than happy. Sleeping, or at least laying in your own bed, made you feel much better than you thought.
,,Is he asleep?’’ Jihyun asked you when you stepped out of the room. It was three pm and you were honestly also ready for a little nap.
Laying your head on his shoulder, you nodded in response and felt his warm hands on your back.
,,Lucy must feel neglected,’’ you whined, feelings overwhelming you since you noticed that these days you didn’t do much. It was either sleeping, eating, or taking care of the baby.
,,No, she is such a caring child and understands, don’t worry. I am with her,’’ Jihyun tried to calm you.
,,Actually, while you and the baby were sleeping, she helped me with something. Come with me,’’ Jihyun whispered and led you to his working room, making you gasp.
,,It seems as if someone took a picture of us,’’ you gasped, again in tears as you saw the moment you held your son for the first time in your arms from the view of someone behind you.
He also managed to insert Lucy into the portrait as if she was there in that one, special moment.
,,She really helped you?’’ you asked him again and couldn’t believe what your eyes were observing.
,,I indeed have the best family,’’ you sobbed as Jihyun hugged you firmly.
,,Are we all sure that this isn’t a false alarm?’’ Saeyoung asked loudly so that even you, in your room, where you were currently being examined, heard him.
By now you were somehow nervous, agitated.
You glared at Vanderwood who seemed to understand.
As soon as the doctor told you that you were doing well and that you didn’t even need an epidural, Vanderwood went out of the room for a short moment to tell Saeyoung to ,,Either shut the heck up or go and buy your bed on your own!’’ making you feel kind of bad afterwards, but you just needed it.
,,I’m honestly so happy that you aren’t in pain,’’ Vanderwood said when he returned. It was amazing how quickly he could change his mood.
You smiled at him and took his hand.
,,It’s a bit painful, but not that bad. I’m managing,’’ you smiled and looked down to your belly.
Soon you would be able to hold your girl.
,,Three more centimeters are missing,’’ Vanderwood whispered and put his head on yours, smiling as you closed your eyes to feel the warmth your body was sending you.
Time quickly passed and you were finally able to push.
You were rather quick and everyone in the room was positively surprised.
You didn’t scream or cry like most women, you just pushed and gave birth to your sunshine.
The midwife quickly took the baby while you and Vanderwood heard her cry and all your fears of any possible complications vanished.
,,The father can cut the cord if he wishes,’’ the nurse said and of course, Vanderwood didn’t wait and did what he was told, already tearing up.
The baby was quickly put in your arms where you could finally take a good look at her.
You chuckled when you saw her. ,,She is yours, I swear,’’ you told him as you looked at Vanderwood.
,,I know. I feel it even though she doesn’t look like me at all,’’ he smiled.
,,You know, she will probably only have my looks and be totally you with your characteristics,’’ you told him.  
After a while, you decided that Vanderwood, too, had the right to have his baby in his arms and while he did so, holding that little miracle in his arms, you decided to take a hidden picture of him and his little girl. The first picture.
,,Why are you crying? Are you in pain?’’ Vanderwood asked you when he looked at you again.
,,No,’’ you sobbed. ,,It’s just that… you again look like a handsome man and… with the baby you look even better and I… I look like shit!’’ you hiccuped.
Vanderwood chuckled when he heard your words and handed you the baby. ,,You look like this baby. You’re still saying shit?’’ he asked you, calming you down.
The day was pretty emotional for you, which was a reason why Vanderwood decided to send the boys, who were waiting for you guys, home after greeting you shortly, to a shop for a bed for the whining grown up man while he could enjoy time with his own little family.
🤰🏻ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ sᴇʀɪᴇs🤰🏻Masterlist here
23.05.2021// 23:20 MEST
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thesmpisonfire · 3 years
@samathekittycat sam I love u (doing this bc of the ask bug that idk if its fixed) also @beepboopgalaxies my beloved (loved that one ask btw im keeping it <3)
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The 4 Horsemen AU
Here, the 4 horsemen are entities that choose a host each time there's a big catastrophe approaching. A lot of people are suited to be hosts, but only the ones that channel the most energy are chosen
The first to be chose, in the Dream SMP, was Wilbur.
Conquest was already using him as a host since SMP Earth days, but only could improve his abilities when he started L'Manberg
Then, Fundy was born. The son of Conquest captured War's attention, specifically after Wilbur started the Independence War so Fundy could be safe. Since Fundy was born, War was waiting for the right moment to choose him as host
Famine waited, they were patient, after all.
Death? They already had someone as host
Philza, Angel of Death. Father of Conquest.
While War waited for Fundy, they already had a very suited host: Technoblade, Blood God.
Famine observed, and found in Schlatt a very strong channel. Famine helped Schlatt so he could starve his country, Famine slowly drained Schlatt so he could break and Famine could take over.
Conquest made Wilbur spiral and lost his mind. Whispers about how L'Manberg was HIS. And only his. Conquest was ready to win the control over Wilbur.
But Wilbur knew it, he could see Conquest slowly taking over. When he, no, Conquest pressed the button, Wilbur had a last moment. He asked Death to finish it, to kill the dragon. And Death tried to deny it, but Phil stabbed his son even if he didn't want to, because Phil knew that there was no way back.
Death didn't like it. Conquest should thrive so the Apocalypse could start.
Schlatt also died, his mind not strong enough to handle Famine. It was a shame, but Famine was patient. Someone would be a good host.
November 16th happened, and Techno retired. War was bored, so they decided to go after their next host.
Fundy, the guy who said "There's a world, it has 3 letters and I want you to say it" when he started the Pet War.
Fundy was breed for War, and it started slowly. Little voices, that Fundy brushed aside. War made his way through Fundy's mind, contaminating it, waiting for the right moment to break him
Doomsday was almost it
Fundy was completely alone and lost, wanting for a purpose. The voices of War whispered to him, and he saw how it was useless fight against it. When Ranboo saw Fundy that day, he looked into War's eyes.
But Funboo's argument brought Fundy back. His worry for Ranboo was what made him drag himself out of the spiral and take a time to heal. But War knew that it wouldn't take long. Fundy was a challenge to win over.
Now, Death
The entity was already mad at Phil for killing Contest, and when they saw Quackity organizing the Butcher Army, Death finally decided to change after centuries. They chose Quackity as a host. Quackity makes people kill others, he convinced Karl to sacrifice a life.
Famine still waited, until a certain creeper fell down a hole
Sam starved during those days, eating himself. Famine was attracted like a moth. Famine wanted to make sure Sam was the perfect host. They whispered so Sam also starved Dream in the prison, made Sam take care of a small farm at the island. But Sam wasn't the perfect host, and, knowing Death plans, decided to wait for when the former host would be brought back
Quackity's yellow and small duck wings started to grow the more he accepted Death. They become dark and big. Phil didn't even noticed his own wings getting weaker, since they were already broken
Techno was hibernating, he didn't noticed as his voices were slowly tunning down, as Fundy tried to ignore the new ones
Phil and Techno actually took Ranboo under their protection bc they thought Ranboo was the next War Host because of the destruction of the Community house, and when he talked about the Dream voice, they were sure they could take care of Ranboo so the kid didn't suffer like Techno did with the chants and the blood lust. They were so wrong about it.
When Wilbur and Schlatt are brought back, Contest and Famine go back to them. And they aren't strong to fight back. Death, Contest and Famine offer Fundy a chance with them. A family in Las Nevadas. And Fundy accepts, War looming and waiting for the perfect moment to strike
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fanficmemes · 3 years
Okay, how about this one? Is old but gold for me:
The scene open with Loki being fucked by his (adoptive) father, a.k.a. the King, on the throne. It became very clear very quickly that 1) Loki dosent want it, 2) he dosent have any intention of fighting it and 3) Loki have a cunt (and a penis but this will became more relevant later). In an explanation of literally two phrases we learn that Amora (a sorceress) tried to make Thor (Loki's brother) drink a love potion, but Loki stopped it, so for revenge Amora cursed Loki to being a living sex-magnet for every being in Asgard (yes, EVERY BEING, this include every men, woman and in-between, his family, every single children and animal. Again, it will become relevant later.) after wich, quote, "his father had stripped him of his princely rights and declared him a common whore - free for all of Asgard to use.".
The father-son bonding rape continues with a lot of daddy kink (as expected) and Odin forcing Loki to come. Now that Odin finished he have the gut to say, again quote, "I Wish that I could, but I can not keep you all day. It would be selfish, and a good king is not selfish. Go, son, to your mother’s garden. She awaits you there.”
Cool, cool, cool. We are now is 398 words. The whole fic is 2137.
So Loki (still naked because he isn't allowed clothes) go to his mother (that is a sorceress herself btw) that bound him in vines on his knees and make him eat her out while more vines play with his cock and nipples. This whole encounter is described in a lot more details than the previous one btw, but let's continue. After some time Loki found himself seated on a bench, still bound, his mother sit on his lap before starting "bouncing up and down his cock". Then another vine start fucking him in the cunt as his mother belittle him by telling him how little and small and cute is cock is inside her, then another vine start fucking his ass. Still fucking herself, Frigga takes Loki's head and made his suck on her nipples, then a vine start rubbing her clit as another start rubbing Loki's. THEN the vine that was rubbing Loki's clit became a mouth with teeth and BITE. HIS. CLIT.
I admit that I had to stop a moment because the sheer pain I experienced only reading it made me want to drink bleach.
 Anyway, Frigga laugh then start playing with his nipples herself and then makes so that Loki's tits start to grow and fill with milk (sorceress, remeber?), then she drink it (i want to remeber that all you have read up until now is still very much happening). Then two mouth/vines substitute her in drinking Loki's milk.
Frigga climax, Loki climax inside her, Frigga push Loki down between her leg and smear his come all over his face. Then his mother tell him that Thor his waiting for him on the other side of the city and he better hurry up of he dosent want to anger him and then free Loki from the vines.
Okay, we are halfway there.
The walk in the city is... something. Quoting directly from the fic "People groped him the entire way there. Some shot their loads on him. A young boy buried his face in Loki’s cunt when he stopped to ask for directions. A homeless man had dry humped his bare puss as he stood and waited to cross the street. He was embarrassed to say how good it felt to feel the clothed erection penetrate his wet cunt.". Is it even possible to penetrate someone while wearing pants???
It dosent matter because in the end Loki manage to get on the other side of the city but his brother isn't there anymore. One of Thor's friend is there and fuck him in the ass, then tell him that Thor have gone to see Heimdall. So Loki goes to him and Heimdall (basically the city guardian) make him sit on his sword while some others stranger feel him up (is not clear if Loki is fucked by the hilt of the sword or by the cutting part of the sword and honestly I don't want to know). Then Thor found him, so he fuck Loki's cunt as Heimdall shove the sword hilt up Loki's ass and masturbate over it before coming all over Loki's face.
"After that, he was gifted to Tyr. Tyr fed him his own cock before passing him to Freyr and Freyja. Freyja made use of his mouth, while Freyr took his pleasure between Loki’s legs." (yes, I quoted again because it needs to be read)
Then he is permitted to go back to the castel, but while walking a man put him on his knees and start fucking his mouth and Loki feel a child start fucking him. Yes, a literal child, of 12 maybe 13 years old. Is even described how little his 4 inch cock is and how it was unable to shoot sperm, but able to became arused and so part of the curse. Then a teenage girl take one of Loki's hand and start masturbate herself with it while drinking Loki's milk (you hoped the fic would make you forget this detail? NOPE! Also at one point in the fic a couple of homeless drank Loki's milk for substance. Yay!)
After that another of Thor's friend find him and decide to take him back to the castel by horse. By quoting "Fandral helped him up onto his horse, seating Loki on the blonde’s cock which bobbed into his arsehole with each trot that the horse made." and also the horse is excited and want to fuck him too. Thank god the fic is not tagged bestiality and so nothing happen.
Back at the castel Thor fuck him again, this time in the ass while on the throne. Also at this point the writer decide to let us know that Thor's cock is a respectable 11 inches soft. Okay.
Odin enter the throne room finding them and decide that while Thor use the ass he can use Loki's cunt and so that happen. We are also given a detailed description of Odin's cock in case anyone was wondering.
Odin start playing with Loki's nipples wondering at the milk saying how it will be the substance of their future children and how they are planning to put 6 children in him by the end of the century, one for every harvest festival. Forced pregnancy kink? I go back and wouldn't you guess it, it was tagged, I just forgot in the midst of all. Then is decided that the first son will be Odin's.
They keep fucking Loki and Thor drink his milk before saying that is good milk and his future little brother will like it for sure.
Loki cries.
The end.
There is so fucjing much to unpack here that I’m gonna burn the suitcase!!!!!!!!! 9/10 yeah no hate it
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yetanotheremptypage · 3 years
can we get 47 with canon divergence?
love your work btw you’re talented asf
Canon divergence: No bee sting! No carriage accident!
no escaping your love #67: ruin (a regency au) (Read 1-66 here.)
Kate felt like a complete and utter idiot the entire carriage ride back to London from Aubrey Hall.
When Anthony withdrew his suit of Edwina, there was one golden moment where Kate thought he was going to kiss her, take her into his arms, or even get down on one knee in front of her. None of it happened, of course, and she walked back up to her rooms fighting back tears.
Especially because without Anthony, what were they going to do? Edwina needed him. Their family needed him: his money, his name, his protection. Without it, they had few prospects—they, of course, being Edwina. Daphne Bridgerton being courted by The Duke of Hastings brought the suitors to her doorstep; Edwina Sharma being courted by The Viscount Bridgerton seemed to have sent most (though not all) of them running, for what Anthony may have lacked in title he made up for in money and reputation.
The season continued on, though. Edwina and Kate danced and promenaded and sat for tea over and over and over. Mr. Bagwell, the youngest son of a baron, seemed quite taken with Edwina. Daphne took Kate around as much as she could in her condition, introducing her to lords and heirs and many more who never called but perhaps once.
She saw Anthony at almost all of these events, lurking in the shadows, eyes on the dance floor, eyes on her. It always made her shiver, the intensity with which he stared at her.
The morning of Daphne’s end-of-season ball, a letter arrived for her from The Right Honorable Viscount Bridgerton. She frowned as she opened it.
My dearest Kate,
Please forgive me for my tardiness in extending this to you. I have been a right fool these last weeks, attempting to put a distance between us. Let me explain.
I told you that my father died from a bee sting at thirty-eight. Ever since I have known, somewhere deep in my bones, that I cannot ever outlive him. Last year, on the dueling field with Simon over my sister’s honor, I thought that perhaps my time had finally come. But it had not, and thank God it didn’t, because then I never would have met you.
Kate, I cannot express in words how quickly I have come to care for you. The kiss we shared in my study set ablaze a passion for you that simply your smile had already ignited. You held the mallet of death in your hands and I was gone. I have been ruined for another. Any other.
When I came to this realization, in the library of Aubrey Hall, I knew it was for naught. How could I let you into my life when I was to die? How could I cause you the unspeakable pain that my mother, and your father, and your Mary, have all I had to endure? I knew I would one day have to marry and sire children, but I intended to find someone like Edwina who would keep me company and raise my children well, someone whom I could free with my death.
And instead, I found you, my light, my everything.
What changed my mind, you must be wondering. My family has seen me more miserable these last weeks than ever before. Colin, infuriating, wonderful Colin, who arranged our first introduction, who made sure you caused all of your maddening Pall Mall mischief, he made me see that denying either of us this now will only cause more pain. If I only have a decade left to live, I want to spend it in your arms. If that makes me selfish, then God damn it, I want to be selfish. You make me want to bend time to my will and live in an eternal moment with you. God can punish me for it later. Anything that takes me away from you will be punishment indeed.
I do not know if you feel the same. I do not know if you can forgive me for the hurt I know I’ve caused these last weeks. And I do not know if my words will sway you. All I ask is that tonight, at Daphne and Simon’s ball, you meet me on the terrace during the first waltz.
Forever yours,
She did not know she was going to meet him until the music began and her body seemed to walk outside of her own volition. He stood in the corner, nearly hidden behind a hedge, alone. The whole place was quite deserted. She could stride to him and kiss him and no one would know.
And that was exactly what she did.
“Did you get my letter, then?” he had the gall to ask.
“Yes, you unbelievably insufferable, idiotic man,” she replied, running her hands through his hair, wishing she could remove her gloves and feel the softness of each lock against her fingers. “You’ve ruined me, too.”
“Then can I ask for your hand?”
“Without kneeling? Why, Lord Bridgerton.”
“Oh, I intend to kneel. I have much devotion to express,” he breathed into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “Would you like a sample?”
She should say no. She should go back inside and make him do all of this respectfully. Responsibly.
But she was already ruined for him. Why not make it official?
With a smirk, she dragged him by the lapels into the hedges.
They were married a week later.
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tamakissimp · 3 years
headcanon- secretly rich s/o
request: @rayanicaraynbow​ Hi! This might be a little weird, but could I get headcanons for Todoroki, YaoMomo, Shinsou, and Jiro with a s/o that is the child of a pro hero/someone who's just generally rich, but they have a different last name than their rich parent, so nobody knows their rich. I'm not sure if this is *too* specific or not specific *enough*. If not, that's fine, it was just a random 1 AM thought, and I couldn't find a rules list if there was one. I love your blog btw! :)
a/n: I wrote Shouto’s differently because this boy 100% has a rich people radar. idc it’s true.
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He'll probably know that you're rich before you tell him. He most likely saw you at a 'rich people' party when he was younger.
He knows how much it sucks to be judge by your parents' name so he'll ignore the topic of your family all together.
Shouto thinks it's cute and sad at the same time how much you try to hide your wealth.
He loves how nonrich you act. Going to thrift shops as dates, always sharing bills, checking price tags, not always getting name-brand stuff.
He loves how normal he feels around you. No pressure to go out to fancy restaurants. You tow can just make a nice homecooked meal.
Absolutely adores the low maintenance dates. You two can go for a walk in the park and call it a date.
You've already gone through your 'allowance' (while you have a couple hundred thousand in your bank account) and still need a sweater. He'll use this as an excuse to gift you his clothing. Seeing you in his shirts makes his heart do summersaults.
"Shouto.". The half-and-half boy turns around at the sound of your voice. His hearts warm up at the sight of you, a big smile plastered on your cheeks while you hold a shirt in front of you. "Look how cute this is! And it's only 300 yen.".
Shouta walks over to you and presses the shirt against you slightly. He tries to imagine how it would look on you. "It's pretty," he says. "But it'll look even prettier on you.". You give his chest a playful swat as you hide your face behind the shirt. "What, it's true.".
"You are a flirt, mister," you say before twirling around and walking to the changing rooms in the thrift shop. Shouta doesn't know what he's feeling. Maybe it's love, maybe it's happiness, maybe it's longing. He doesn't know. All he knows is that he's hooked on how domestic things like going shopping together feel. How normal everything feels. He isn't Shouto Todoroki, son of Endeavor. You aren't Y/n Y/L/n, child of one of the richest family in Japan.
No, you're just Shouta and Y/n. Just a young couple wanting to spend their afternoon together.
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She is very rich herself. Even though she should be able to recognize a fellow rich person, she doesn't.
She always pays when you go out to eat, she buys you the most extravagant gifts while yours are just average.
You even got a job, not wanting to solely rely on your parents' money.
Every time she offered to pay for something or gift you something, you had to stifle your laughter. Her intent is kind and sweet but at the same time useless. You could easily buy all the stuff she gifts you yourself.
You like to DIY stuff with her. Upcycling old clothing, tailoring thrift shop clothing, mixing broken items. You make it a bonding experience for both of you.
If she thinks that you're on the poorer side than she'll spoil you to death. Either with basic things like your favourite snacks or with that shirt she's seen you eyeing in the store.
She had no clue about your wealth so when she found out, she was perplexed.
It isn't weird for Aizawa to take attendance, though he forgot to do so most of the times. "Bakugou," he says. Bakugou grunts in response. You and Momo are too caught up in your own hushed conversation to pay attention to what the teacher is saying.
"Tanaka," Aizawa says. Fuck. Your attention is suddenly turned to the teacher. Students look around themself for the said Tanaka. "Oh, sorry. Y/l/n.". You raise your hand and drop it back down the second Aizawa acknowledges your presence.
You turn back to Momo. Her jaw has dropped and she's looking at you with wide eyes. "You're a Tanaka?". You nod at her question. Everyone knew the Tanaka's. They're the richest family in Japan, owning multiple renown hero agency.
"Yeah," you say as you awkwardly scratch at the back of your neck. "But I go by my father's name.". Momo nods. She understands the pressure of being seen as the 'rich kid'. The assumptions people make about you just because of your financial status.
"Don't worry," she says. "You're still Y/n to me.". You smile at her before continuing your conversation. God, how did you get lucky enough to end up with someone like Momo?
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Shinso never cared about how much money you had or how little. All he cared about is that you're with him. That you don't judge him for his quirk.
So he never noticed the few designer pieces of clothing you had mixed between your wardrobe. Or the fact that you always had the newest model phone on the market.
He thought that you were just being kind and wanted to treat him when you offered to pay the bill whenever you went out to eat.
When you were younger, you tried to hide who your mother was more but as you went older and went to the U.A, you started to accept it more.
So, when Shinsou found out you're the child of a pro-hero, saying he's shocked is an understatement.
Guest speakers come every often. At least once a week, the school arrange a pro-hero to come and give the class a pep talk or give them tips. Due to this, you knew that it was only a matter of time before your mother would be standing before your class.
"I'll pick you up at your dorm.". You read over your mother's text a hundred times. Even though you weren't the one who's going to be standing in front of a class full of hyperactive, overly excited students you're still nervous. You tap your foot against the floor as you bit your nails.
"Y/n!". You turn to your left. You see your mother standing in the elevator, waving at your happily before mentioning you to come over. You take quick steps towards her. The moment you're within arms-reach she pulls you in for a hug. "I missed you. Have you gotten taller?".
You swat her hand away as she tries to ruffle through your hair. "A little. And I missed you too.". The elevator doors close and you two start to move downwards. You tell your mother all about your class but your conversation is interrupted when the elevator stops and another person enters.
"Baby?". You look up as you see your boyfriend standing before you. His eyes wander from you to the pro-hero, your mother, standing beside you. He bows slightly to her before standing beside you.
"Is this the boy you've been telling me about?" your mother asks as she nudges your side. Your cheeks heat up as you nod your head. "He's handsome!". You look over at Shinso, who's eyes are wide. He tilts his head as you can almost see the gears in his hand turning.
You smile at him. "Shinso, this is my mom," you say. With that his jaw drops. Sure, he saw how much you two looked alike but he didn't think much of it. His mouth opens and closes a couple of times as he tries to think of what to say.
"You didn't tell him about me?". You shake your head at your mother's question. The elevator doors open against and your mother quickly slips out of the it, leaving you and a barely functioning Shinsou behind.
You lace your fingers through Shinsu's and pull him out of the elevator. "You're.....She's your mom?" he asks. You nod while keeping your eyes fixed on the ground. Will he judge you? Will he be mad that you didn't tell him? "Huh, never would have guessed.". You're taken aback by his cheery tone but your confusion doesn't last long as Shinso drags you along with him to your classroom. Well, that went smoother than you imagined.
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Much like Shinsou, she doesn't care about your wealth. She doesn't care about your money. All she cares about is that you love her.
She'll start to grow suspicious when you buy concert tickets and new instruments for her like it's nothing but she won't bring it up.
Jiro will probably try to 'compensate' with your gifts and goes out of her way with cute dates and romantic gestures.
She doesn't say a thing about your wealth until you gift her a new guitar for the third time.
And when she accidentally sees your true last name on a letter your parents send you, she's surprised. You, her Y/n who's she's been with for so long, is filthy rich.
"Surprise," you say as you push the beautifully wrapped box towards her. Jiro quirks up her brow as she carefully rips the patterned paper of the box. She opens it to reveal a new guitar.
She recognizes the model. You've seen her eying it for a week now. Your heart warms up as you see a smile spread across her lips. "Again?" she asks. You nod.
"I couldn't help myself," you explain. "I wanted to hear you play on it.". Jiro just shakes her head with a smile as she continues to unbox the instrument.
You watch her intensively as she places the now fully unwrapped guitar next to her older ones. It stands out. It's shinier than the others. "How do you afford this?" she says. "A guitar is like 60,000 yen.". You just shrug as you pull her towards you.
"Oh, it's...inheritance.". You feel bad for lying straight through your teeth but you don't know who she'll react if she finds out about your family. You plaster on a smile.
"I saw the letter," she says. Your blood runs cold. Maybe she saw a different letter. Yeah, it must have been. "I don't care about your family.". Oh crap. She definitely read the letter.
Your smile falters a bit. Jiro notices and cups your cheeks. "Is something wrong?" she asks. Her voice calms you down a bit. You just shake your head.
"No, I just..." you say. "I just thought you might...act differently when you found out.". She shakes her head and plants a kiss on your forehead.
"God no, you're still my Y/n," Jiro says.
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