#i may.... like him........... idk. just a thought. don't tell him i said that tho......
nygleskas · 3 months
hi everyone........look at him <33
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busycloudy · 8 months
"Happy Birthday Prefect!"
 • So...Guess who's birthday it is. That's right, it's mine!😁
 • This is basically what I think they would give you when it's your birthday 
• Tooth rotting fluff fanfic? Headcanon? Idk🤷‍♀️Either way it's tooth rotting fluff(The last part might make you shred a tear tho)
 • Reader is gender neutral. The first years/our chaotic of a group is last! 
• Enjoy! (And happy birthday to anyone else that has a birthday today!)
Riddle Rosehearts- A Necklace
He gave you a necklace with a Rose, to resemble him, on it. The beads are a bright red and black. In the center of it a beautiful and small glass rose is shown proudly.
Trey Clover- Favorite Sweet
He made you your favorite sweet! He made it specially, and don't worry, no oyster sauce was added!
Cater Diamond- A Phone Case
He got you a phone case that has your favorite thing on it. For example if you like cats he got you a phone case with a cat pattern on it.
Leona Kingscholar- A Ring
This ring was something that simply just reminded you of him. It was golden with silver lettering that said "Herbivore". He didn't tell you this, but he has one himself that says "Sleepyhead"
Ruggie Bucchi- Favorite Food
Ruggie got you some of your favorite food, free of charge! Well, all you owe him is to always have a smile on your face.
Azul Ashengrotto- A free drink + free food
He let you have a free drink, and a free dish from the monstro lounge. How very kind of him to do for a poor unfortunate soul like you! He may also let you sit with him in the V.I.P room and chat.
Jade Leech- Book- Terrainum
He got you a book about different plants, and a terrarium! When you decorate the terrarium, do get Jade if you need help! He will gladly do so!
Floyd Leech- Plush
He got you a eel plushie. He came across it and thought it was adorable, so he thought to give it to you! (He also has a matching shrimp plush)
Kalim Al-Asim- Pictures
Kalim knew for a gift like this, it couldn't be anything, it had to be sentimental, so he gave you some pictures the two of you had together. Hang it on your wall/fridge and he will be so happy!
Jamil Viper- Snake Bracelet
A golden snake bracelet that wraps around your wrist. He hopes this reminds you of him. (He'd be so happy if you wore it every day, please do so, or at least wear it as much as you can🥺)
Vil Schoeinheit- Hair Clip
He gave you a hairclip shaped like a crown. He was still the fairest of all, but maybe you could second him.
Rook Hunt- Bow and Arrow
Rook gave you a bow and arrow of your own Iff you ever would like to practice archery, come to him!
Idia Shroud- Controller- Headphones
He gave you a black and blue game controller with headphones that match, which also have cat ears on them. You can game with him anytime!
Malleus Draconia- Earrings
Malleus gave you dragon earrings, something to represent him. "Would you like to go on a walk tonight?" he asked you. The two of you looked at stars and constellations that night.
Lillia Vanrouge- Fingerless Gloves
Black fingerless gloves with a green bat symbol on it. He also says "You've grown so much since I first saw you" then patting you on the head.(KJDHSJHSHSDJ I DIED WHILE MAKING THIS PART)
Silver- A Blanket
This blanket had multiple squares of different shades of your favorite color(Like patchwork)The blanket was also very soft! If you wasn't already getting good sleep, this will definitely help!
Your friends, the first years, gave you scrapbook to hold all your memories, and matching bracelets
The scrapbook has pictures of everytime all of you guys have hanged out together, and some pages are still left empty to fill out more and more memories. The bracelets have all your main colors on each and every one of them, and connect to each other when close by. They have a striped pattern of Red(Ace), Dark Blue(Deuce), Yellow(Jack), Purple(Epel), Light Blue(Ortho), Green(Sebek), Grey(Grim), and [insert your main color](You).
Ace says the bracelets were "Duece's 'stupid' idea" But in all seriousness, he also loves them.
These things are something you can have so if you ever end up finding a way home, you can take it with you to remember them.
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 3 months
Obey Me! Brothers React to: Under the Table Fun!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! to this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. I don't know why I can't write the content I need to, and why I instead write weird content but uh yeah hopefully you guys like it. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎Caution: NSFW Post⚠︎
Cw: feet, foot jobs? Exibistism? Idk tell me if I missed any warnings. I have no idea what this is but enjoy.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Mc and the brothers are eating in the dinning hall like normal. Mc sits across the table from the character, and while everyone's eating and chatting Mc uses their feet to tease and pleasure the character. (I feel like once the brothers choose a seat at the table it never changes or a fight will break out, but we'll pretend for the scenario that sitting in different spots is allowed)
Lucifer's Reaction:
This man sits at the head of the table so good luck man. The odds of him sitting at a seat rather than the head of the table are low, but not impossible.
When Lucifer first feels something touch his leg he is surprised and suspicious, he immediately thinks it's one of his brothers pulling one of their idiotic pranks. Mans is traumatized by his brothers pranks.
..However when Lucifer glances under the table and sees it's Mc's foot he's amused. At first he thinks maybe Mc just wants to rest their feet on his lap while eating, but he quickly catches onto Mc's plans as they slide their foot up his thigh and begin rubbing it against his clothed groin. Lucifer will indulge in Mc's antics for a little bit, Lucifer may even let Mc give him a footjob under the table until everyone's eating dinner, if he doesn't think his brothers will catch them. But most likely Lucifer will stop Mc after a few minutes of indulging them. Lucifer will direct Mc's foot to a different part of his lap, allowing them to rest their leg on his lap as long as they behave and don't begin their actions again. Lucifer will even hold Mc's ankle with his non-dominant hand while he eats, no it's not cute and for comfort, hes just doing it to prevent Mc from moving their foot, don't let his trickery fool you.
Lucifer's reaction draws no attention to what's happening under the table, he's calm and collected and even when indulging Mc his face only gets a little red and he covers any sounds he makes with coughing or clearing his throat. If he gets to the point where he doesn't feel like he's hiding what's happening well, then he'll simply stop Mc's antics.
There is no way in the three worlds that Mc is getting the Avatar of Pride to cum during dinner with his brothers. An insane thought. According to him. Don't listen tho, remember nothing's impossible if you try hard enough, keep dreaming! One Lucifer is too prideful to pull his cock out for Mc to even give him a proper footjob so their job of getting him to cum with just their feet would be harder than it would be if he wasn't as prideful. Two there is no way, absolutely no way, anyone is getting this man to cum in his pants. Or so he thinks. That would destroy his ego, he's the Avatar of Pride man! That all said, Lucifer will be whisking Mc away as soon as dinner is finished, taking them to his room to finally get the release that is owed to him. After all he indulged Mc's bratty antics, and they got themselves into this situation in the first place.
Mammon's Reaction:
It's actually surprisingly hard to get a seat across from Mammon, I feel like he's the type to want to sit next to Mc on the side Mc's on, and he's not afraid to fight and complain over it, so it'll take effort.
When Mammon first feels something touch him from under the table, he helps or screams in surprise. What was he supposed to do?? It could've been a ghost or something scary! Mammon's reaction causes all the other brothers to look at him, and Mammon being Mammon he probably embarrassedly yells at Mc, so they have to play it off as wanting to scare him. Mc may wait to try again, or if they're bold enough they'll continue to try that night, it'll only take a few attempts for Mammon to adjust and get used to feeling Mc's foot touch his legs and be in his lap, so he'll eventually stop jumping and freaking out.
When Mc finally is able to get down to business and begins sliding their foot up Mammon's thigh towards his groin Mammon freezes, he tenses up and his face goes red, but he recovers quickly and eases up. He covers his face with his hand embarrassedly, but he stays silent, not throwing a fit or making a scene. Mc takes this as a sign to continue, they begin to rub their foot against Mammon's clothed bulge. Mammon will be a good boy and enjoy whatever attention Mc is giving him, he's greedy for all Mc's attention even if he is stressing. If Mc really wants to be spicy and bold, all they have to do is send Mammon a text. He'll do anything his human asks of him, even whip it out so Mc can give him a proper footjob under the table.
Mammon's Reaction does draw attention, I mean Mammon's loud and chaotic so for him to go quiet and his face to be all red, his brothers are going to be suspicious and tease him. Though his brothers probably won't catch on to what's happening unless Mc makes Mammon cum. If Mc makes Mammon cum then everyone in the room will know what's happening under the table, or at least that Mammon is cumming. Mans is too loud for his own good, couldn't even hold back if he tried, which he did.
Mc can definitely get Mammon to cum if that's what they are wanting. Mammon won't cum instantly but it won't take too much work to work Mammon off. When Mammon cums he moans loudly, even with his hand on his mouth everyone can hear it, so all attention is on him. Mammon makes his case worse, instead of trying to play it off Mammon panics and just bolts, he's gone running to his room so fast, leaving Mc with his brothers and his mess. I like to think Mc would have learned some cool spell that could just clean up the mess so they wouldn't get caught, they could just pretend they have absolutely no idea what's wrong with Mammon. Mammon is gonna be mad, he got embarrassed, humiliated even in front of his brothers, but he will get over it. He'll probably be going to Mc's room or dragging Mc to his room by the end of the night. He may even come up with a plan to try and get Mc back, though his plans usually backfire on him.
Leviathan's Reaction:
I'm almost positive that Levi canonly sits across the table from Mc, so doing this with him would be super easy. Just don't push your luck too much, Levi freaks and scares easily, if he doesn't trust that he can sit across from Mc without going through this every time then he'll just stop sitting across from Mc. So it can only be done occasionally.
When Levi first feels something touch him from under the table he freaks out, not nearly as bad as Mammon's reaction but that's because Levi freezes, he becomes a deer in headlights. He freezes his body tenses up and he looks terrified to see what's touching him. When he looks under the table and sees it's Mc's foot, he tenses up more, his face going red, if Levi could become any more frozen he would. I feel like Levi just knows what's going on, he just knows Mc's not just trying to be cute and rest their foot on his lap while eating.
When Levi feels Mc begin to slide their foot up his thigh towards his groin he knows he's done for. Levi is aroused and flustered before Mc even begins to rub their foot against his groin. Levi is frozen in place so Mc has time to tease and mess with the poor okatu. Levi will not be hard to get off, so if Mc doesn't want to put him through that they have to be careful with how much they push and tease him. No matter how long Mc messes with Levi, he'll be sweating, mans is stressing, he's an anxious frozen mess. If Levi snaps out of his panic he may take off running for his room, but he'll be sure to send Mc a D.D.D message. He may yell at Mc over text but he'll also probably beg them to come to his room and finish what they started.
Levi's reaction could cause suspicion and draw attention. It really just depends how much attention his brothers are paying to him that day, say Mc pulls this trick when Levi's in the middle of ranting, then his brothers are obviously going to notice how he suddenly freezes up and gets all flustered and sweaty. Levi darting away to his room actually doesn't cause that much suspension just because he runs away to his room so often. If Mc makes Levi cum he surprisingly won't draw too much attention, he may squeak when he cums but then he's gone, darting off to his room faster than ever before, nobody has time to see the wet spot on Levi's pants before he's out of the room, going to hide away in his room for like a week. Mans is too anxious to go to dinner for a bit.
Getting Levi to cum would be extremely easy. You don't even need to get him to whip it out, which he wouldn't do mans is too anxious for that, what if one of his brothers saw? He'd never live down the embarrassment. Depending on Mc and how fast they want the experience to be over they can have Levi cumming within the first few minutes if not seconds. Trying to give our boy the benefit of the doubt, so let's say minutes. As previously stated his reaction is so Levi like that even if he cums he won't raise suspension, just hiding in his room before anyone even realizes he got up. It doesn't matter if Mc makes Levi cum or not, they will be getting a D.D.D message, it'll probably be Levi yelling at them all embarrassedly. Mc is required to go bribe their way into his room and give him cuddles and apologies. Then Levi may end up wanting to have fun again, in the safety of his room of course.
Satan's Reaction:
Satan seems like the type to sit across from Mc, I think he sits like across to the right or left of Mc not directly across from Mc, but there are occasions when he sits directly across from Mc. So it's not too hard to do this with Satan, but it is a dangerous game to play.
When Satan first feels something touch him from under the table he tenses up, he doesn't know what to think, maybe it's one of the cats he's been hiding in his room. Maybe the cat escaped, followed the smell of food and naturally came to him to beg for food. The only way to see if his theory is right is to look and see. ...looking down Satan is puzzled when he sees it's actually Mc's foot. A million thoughts and ideas scatter his mind and he can't figure what's going through Mc's until he looks up and sees Mc's mischievous smirk. As soon as Satan catches on to Mc's plans his face goes bright red, but he doesn't make a scene or purposely draw attention. He sees what Mc's doing as a challenge, he likes winning especially against Mc. It's almost better than winning against Lucifer..almost.
When Satan feels Mc sliding their foot towards his groin he knows the challenge has started. He keeps himself calm and composed besides his face being bright red and him occasionally clearing his throat. Satan will do absolutely everything in his power to not focus on Mc rubbing their foot against his clothed bulge. Satan is thinking about everything possible, the type of stuff that's instant turn offs to him. Satan does not go silent either, he uses conversations as a distraction so he sits there chatting about the most random things possible. If Mc's doing a good job and he really needs a distraction, he'll start a random conversation with Lucifer, he thought having a conversation with Lucifer would distract him, since he knew it would piss him off. Imagine how awkward that conversation would be, mans is unintentionally drawing attention to himself. Talking to Lucifer does piss him off, but it doesn't take his attention off Mc and their actions under the table. If Satan gets mad enough he might just grab Mc and drag them off to his room in the middle of dinner. He may want to win but he's not the Avatar of Pride so he's willing to admit defeat. However if Satan can control his wrath, he'll try and make it through the whole dinner. He'll only give up if he has to, he's not cumming during dinner with his brothers right there. Do you know what Lucifer would say and think? Satan's not giving that to Lucifer, that prideful bastard would hold that over him for the rest of his life. "Satan couldn't control himself at the table" The arrogant prick would treat him like a child.
Satan's reaction does draw attention and suspension from his brothers. One he's incredibly flustered the entire time, and he's brothers are always pointing out and picking on him when he's flustered. Two he's talking about the most random things, kind of sounding like Levi, and he's only like that when he's talking about a good book or crime show, or cats. It's not that his brothers think that Satan's a "calm person", but his brothers know he can usually hold a conversation. Three, he willingly started a conversation with Lucifer, one that seemingly wasn't supposed to be a prank or an argument, that's immediately suspicious. If Mc ends up getting Satan to cum it will only draw attention because he'll stand up and just bolts to his room, which isn't normal for Satan unless he's mad.
I don't think Satan would let Mc make him cum at dinner with his brothers. Satan has some restraint, and he'll know when he's about to finish, so I feel like he'd just stand up and excuse himself, but before he actually leaves the room I feel like he'd grab Mc and drag them off to his room with him. He may want to win the challenge but he's not determined enough to cum in the middle of dinner with his brothers. If he didn't do that then he'd definitely be messaging Mc once he's in his room, Mc started this mess now they have to finish it. Doing this to Satan is dangerous as Mc has now made it fair game for Satan to get Mc back, so do expect to be experiencing pay back sometime during future meals at the house of Lamentations. Who knows, maybe Satan will be bold enough to do it somewhere besides the house.
Asmodeus's Reaction:
Like with Mammon, I believe it's hard to sit across from Asmo but not as hard as it is with Mammon. I feel like Asmo sits next to Mc because he likes being close to Mc, Asmo like Mammon complains and argues usually when he can't sit next to Mc. But all Mc would have to do is ask Asmo to sit across from them so they can stare at his beautiful face during dinner and Asmo would be all over it.
I can see this going two ways I feel like it'd just depend on Asmo's mood and how goofy and horny he's feeling, the joking way I would say is that Asmo jokingly asks Mc if they are getting friendly under the table, just to realize that Mc actually is. But in seriousness here's his reaction: When Asmo feels something touch him from under the table he squeals loudly and dramatically drawing everyone's attention to him. Asmo goes to make a huge scene, but stops when he sees what touched him under the table.
When Asmo notices it was Mc's foot that actually touched him he squeals again, but this time it's more out of excitement, he knows what Mc's up to before Mc even has to do anything. Even though Asmo has all his brothers attention on him he plays it off like a pro, Asmo will start chattering about some make up brand or something that he's just been DYING to tell his brothers, when. In all reality hes just trying to keep their attention off of what's happening under the table. Asmo's face may get a little red as Mc begins rubbing their foot against his clothed groin but he mostly plays off his arosual extremely well. Asmo will gladly let Mc do as much as they want with this situation, if Mc wants him to whip it out under the table all they have to do is send a message and he's quickly but discreetly unzipping his pants and getting it out. Getting Asmo to cum would not be too hard of a task, you just have to be really dedicated and willing to deal with any repercussions getting Asmo to cum may cause.
Asmo's reaction while it's happening is not too suspicious, his brothers may think he's being extra chatty but besides that he'd hide it really well, Asmo's the Avatar of Lust, he has done all sorts of things and knows how to mask his pleasure well. But making it so Asmo cums could be a problem, now I think he's extremely capable of not being loud when finishing if necessary, but this is Asmo we're talking about, I feel like he's saying he's blessing everyone's ears by letting them hear him finish. But he may also not want to get in trouble, because then they may stop allowing Mc and him to sit next to each other, so he may keep quiet just so it can be done again.
Getting Asmo to cum wouldn't be too hard so if that's Mc's endgame then they're in luck, cause Asmo will let it happen. Asmo has no shame cumming in his pants, he may be upset if it's his favorite pants or undergarments, but he'll just make Mc go shopping with him. If Mc had Asmo whip it out, he'll use a napkin or something so they don't make a mess, especially if he's not trying to get them caught. If Asmo doesn't moan loudly while finishing then he just casual hangs out for the rest of dinner, Asmo will whisk Mc away after dinner, if not to have more fun then to just cuddle and hang out. If Asmo can't whisk Mc away then he'll definitely send a D.D.D message, probably talking about how much fun he had and how naughty Mc is, but he'll most likely mention wanting to do it again.
Beelzebub's Reaction:
It's not incredibly hard to sit across from Beel like it is with some of his brothers. Beel enjoys just sitting at a table with everyone he cares about and eating some good food, though that doesn't mean that Beel doesn't prefer when Mc is in a closer proximity to him then not, Beel just won't make a scene cause he doesn't want to ruin a good meal.
When Beel first feels something touch him from under the table there's like no reaction at all, Man's is focused on eating, he thinks one of his brothers just kicked him whether it was on accident or because he stole some food he doesn't care he's just gonna keep munching away.
When Beel feels something sliding up the inside of his thigh from under the table he finally looks under the table. Seeing it's Mc's foot Beel is a little confused, but he doesn't mind Mc touching him so he just continues eating. When Mc starts rubbing their foot against Beel's clothes groin Beel's face may get a little red and he may make "mmm~" sounds while he's eating but other than that Mc doesn't really get much of a reaction, Beel continues eating all the same. Mc fairly mistakes the lack of reaction as a lack of enjoyment and goes to remove their foot from Beel's lap completely. Beel gently grabs Mc's ankle, moving their foot back to his clothed groin. Mc's confused until Beel ruts a little against Mc's foot while still eating the whole time. Mc gets the point and begins rubbing their foot against Beel's clothed erection. Beel munches away happily, enjoying the pleasure from Mc and enjoying his food, it's one of the best meals he ever had if not the best meal he's ever had.
Beel's reaction does not draw suspicion from his brothers, Beel is always enjoying food so him blushing or groaning in enjoyment is nothing new to anyone who's ever eaten with Beel. If Mc makes Beel cum his reaction will cause attention to be drawn just because of what happens.
Mc could make Beel cum but that's a really bad idea. Mans may start choking on the food he's scarfing down, if Beel started choking all attention is going to be drawn to him, and in a very fast manner, he'd literally be choking, man. So cumming during dinner with his brothers doesn't happen for Beel but he will sit there and enjoy Mc just rubbing their foot against his clothed erection and basically edging him until dinner is over. After dinner Beel will willingly follow Mc to their room to finish things off, Beel's a hungry man so the favor will be returned. Beel is one of the only ones that will straight up admit he wouldn't mind if Mc did it again during a different meal, it made the meal all the better for him, even if Mc doesn't do it again, it'll be memorable for Beel.
Belphegor's Reaction:
It's honestly pretty easy to sit across from Belphie, Belphie is a brat about a lot of things, but where he sits during dinner is not one of things he's a brat over as long as he's sitting somewhere around Mc. It doesn't even have to be close to Mc, as long as he can see and hear Mc he's fine and surprisingly won't throw a tantrum. So sitting across from Mc isn't going to earn any whiny remarks from Belphie.
Belphie is half asleep when he first feels something touch him from under the table. He jolts awake in surprise, causing his brothers to look at him confused. Belphie ignores his brothers's weird looks and looks under the table, seeing it's Mc's foot Belphie's tired mind is nothing but confused. He can tell by the mischievous smirk Mc has that Mc's up to no good, but he's still too half asleep to understand Mc's plan.
It's when Belphie feels Mc's foot sliding up the inside of his thigh that he realizes what Mc's planning. When Mc's foot reaches Belphie's clothed groin and begins to rub against it, Belphie's face gets bright red and his eyes go wide, even though he knew that's where this was going he feels suprised Mc was brave enough to go through with it. Belphie may have been half asleep before this but Mc's actions are enough to have the Avatar of Sloth wide awake now. Belphie is a brat, one would expect him to cause a scene or do something bratty, Belphie even expected himself to do that. But Belphie doesn't throw a fit and grab anyone's attention, nor does he try and do something bratty. Belphie moves his plate out of the way and then lays his head down on the dinning room table, not because he's tired, but because he wants to hide his flusteredness and reactions from his brothers and Mc. Belphie will keep his head laying down on the table like he's sleeping the entire time Mc does their actions, but that doesn't mean he's not enjoying it. The fact that Mc's foot is rubbing against his clothed erection is a clear sign that Belphie's aroused and enjoying it, but Belphie occasionally ruts his hips, grinding against Mc's foot which shows he's really enjoying it and being a needy brat. Like usual. Belphie is at Mc's mercy, he'll oddly be a good boy and just sit there and take whatever attention Mc will give him. Because he's an attention whore.
Belphie's reaction doesn't draw suspicion unless he cums or makes too much noise while enjoying Mc's actions. Belphie falls asleep at the table often, he falls asleep literally everywhere, honestly his brothers probably looked over to make sure he wasn't laying on food and then his brothers probably went back to doing their own thing while eating. The fake sleeping act totally would work for Belphie with this. If Belphie cums he may draw suspicion but he could play it off by saying he had a nightmare, Belphie would moan all high pitchedly because he'd be trying to hold back and not make sound, not wanting to be embarrassed by his brothers, so he may be able to say it was more of a scream in fear, but that'll earn teasing too. If Belphie can't get them to not take any lie or excuse he comes up with, he'll try and put all the blame on Mc, he's a brat.
If Mc wants to edge him til dinners over they can, if they want him to cum in his pants they just have to push him over the edge and he'll let it happen. Maybe it's the scenario, but Belphie's brain just blanks, no bratty way to combat Mc's actions, nothing but enjoying the pleasure Mc's ballsy enough to give him during a meal with his brothers. If Mc chooses to make Belphie cum they have to be willing to deal with any consequences if there are any. The rest of the brothers would def make a big deal out of it, and punishments could be dished out. Idk if they'd be the kinky kind this time man. If Mc and Belphie don't get caught he'd hide the wet stain on his pants from his mess with his little cow pillow, then after dinner he'd head up to the attic or follow Mc to their room. He's got pay back to give and then cuddles are deserved. Truthfully I don't think Belphie would mind it happening again, I could see him honestly just liking Mc keeping him awake at random times by edging him, and meals would be one of those times.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Sorry some of these aren't as great as others, I just spaced out writing each one too much. Do you guys want a version of this where it's the brothers doing something to Mc during a meal? Let me know if so. Anyways more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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adalricus · 6 months
(AMAB)Yandere!cat hybrid x gn!reader hcs:
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- You were just coming back home from your job and it was raining
- Unbeknownst to you someone was following you home during that rainy night
- As you were opening the door you felt a cat rubbing against your leg and meowing at you loudly
- You couldn't just leave this little cutie outside
-You fed it only the best cat food and obviously pampered it, despite the fact it kept nipping at you with somehow the most loving face a creature gave
- You came home early from work one day just to find who you thought was cat, since you only saw it's ears being a GROWN (pretty short tho) MAN ON YOUR COUCH WITH CAT EARS AND A CAT TAIL
- You were horrified to say the least "I can explain!" The black heard man said
-After explaining you were just kinda mad tbh
- Dw you eventually got used to him
- He scents you all the time and acts so betrayed when you dare come back home smelling like another cat, much worse a DOG
- He is such a spoiled little shit
- Yes you'll buy high grade salmon and yes you will cook like a high grade chef
- Yes you'll season his chicken to perfection or his not eating
- WDYM YOU'RE TO TIRED TO COOK, well chase the fatigue away or some shit
- If you annoy him to much he may break a few glasses and plates to put you in your place.
- but don't you dare give him silent treatment he will use as a scratching post
- It took you a fuck-ton of time to convince him to tell you his birth name.
- It's Lynx btw
- This motherfucker thinks he's the boss of you, when in actuality 5'1 but he could still somehow beat your ass so..
- Please don't adopt a normal cat he will be devastated, is he not enough for you?
- Please don't think he doesn't care about you, he just only wants you to take care
- Like as in until the heat death of the universe and will probably stab someone with idk a pen? (He did actually do that at some point smh) to make sure that is assured
- If you keep coming home he will start marking you
- Don't give him affection at the wrong time will scratch you the fuck up
- How will you know when it's the right time tho? Just fuck around and find out ig
- Congrats now you have a catboy who you don't what he's feeling and probably doesn't know himself, attached to you.
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katerina-marie · 25 days
Don't Go Slowly, Tell Me If You're Lonely (Series)
Chapter 1
Gojo Satoru x Reader & (past) Geto Suguru x Reader
Your relationship with Geto Suguru came to an end somewhere between the day of his betrayal and the day of his death. Your relationship with Gojo Satoru began somewhere in the midst of it all, even without you realizing.
WC: 6.2k
Content: Canon Divergence, Gojo x Female Reader (referred to as such but left descriptively vague), (past) Geto Suguru x Female Reader, Geto's canonical death, friends to lovers, angst, eventual happy ending, fluff later, reader is a sorcerer (left vague tho sorry), SFW (may change in later chapters idk), no use of y/n. More notes below.
Chapter Count: Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6 (Final)
Product of an angsty Suguru Tik Tok. I have roughly five or so more chapters thought out for this, but that is subject to change as none of it is written yet. Canon events are loosely followed from Hidden Inventory and JJK0, but future events (Shibuya/Kenjaku) will not happen.
I've taken liberties with JJK canon/timeline for this fic. While not explicitly mentioned in the story, reader, Gojo, and Geto are all 20/21 with Nanami and Haibara being a year younger when the hidden inventory arc starts. There would only be 5ish years between HI and JJK0, and then another year or two between JJK0 and present day JJK where Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara are at the school (their ages stay the same and I’m sorry cause I know that wouldn’t fit with the changed timeline, but they will most likely only ever be mentioned through conversation in this story).
Chapter 1: Don't Go Slowly, Tell Me If You're Lonely (For the Sake of Understanding)
The dial tone was constant and unyielding, just as it was with the previous four phone calls. 
Unanswered. Ignored. Avoided. Did it happen gradually, the pulling away of a boy who sat nestled in every major part of yourself? You could recall your last conversation, only a few days prior, and it was stilted in a way they hadn’t ever been before. 
His reply was delayed, as if the distance that separated the two of you actually affected how quickly your words reached him. There were currently hundreds, maybe thousands of miles in between each of your current locations on Earth—missions and curses…they never gave consideration to lovers or their quarrels—and for the first time, the distance felt detrimental and significant. 
“Hm, yes?” 
“I said, ‘I love you,’ and hopefully I’ll be home in three or four days. We’ll spend that evening together, yeah?” 
In the silence, all you could think was ‘he’s slipping, he’s slipping, he’s sl — ,’
“Sure, I’ll see you then.” 
Had his voice always been so tired and hollow? Had he always felt so distant and uninterested in the words coming out of your mouth? You were used to his rapt attention and soft affirmations in your conversations, always letting you know that he was focused on you. So when, in the last year, had Suguru become a shell of himself? You should have known, and your conscious would tell you that your level of intimacy (‘girlfriend’ felt like such a lackluster term for what you were to him, but your relationship hadn’t progressed further yet to earn you any other title) demanded you be aware of the moment things began to crack and crumble. All you knew was this: that there was the murder of a girl with a purpose that had been determined years prior—whose fate had changed under his watch—along with the brief but insurmountable amount of time that Suguru believed his best friend was also dead. 
Gojo Satoru. A close friend he was to you, once maybe out of obligation to your partner in the beginning, but there had been enough time to have built a friendship of your own over the years. Surely, now that you took a second to consider the situation, he would know what to do. 
“Satoru,” you mumbled, “I should call, Satoru.” 
And yet, the dial tone remained unrelenting. The A/C unit of your hotel room hummed under the bottom edge of smoke-beige curtains, and the muffled slam of a door down the hall caused you to jump from your seat on the edge of the bed. The phone remained tightly clasped in your hand and it pushed just hard enough against your ear that pain began to erupt from where the post of an earring dug into your skin. 
Your phone rang an hour after leaving the hotel room to begin your journey home. It was in the middle of a foreign airport, your clothes were sticking to your skin after the rushed shuffling through security, and Shoko had just told you that Geto Suguru was currently wanted for the murder of 112 people and his subsequent defection from jujutsu society. 
“Is he…does anyone know where he is?” The question slipped out quietly as you dropped into a black leather seat and dragged your suitcase in front of you so you could lean your elbows on it. You took a quick glance up at a screen and tried to decide if “Gate 7” was truly flashing in the top right corner or if it were the building tears in your eyes that were starting to blur the number into a different shape entirely. 
“No, he hasn’t been located, and he’s not responding to our phone calls either. Not even Gojo’s. Have you—,” 
“No.” You let out a wet laugh and the man in the seat next to you cast a long sideways look in your direction before getting up and moving a couple seats away. Did you look so distraught that the idea of possibly spending hours on a plane next to you was so unappealing? Another stare from a woman in the seat across from you and the tear-drop shaped spots appearing on your pants convinced you that you were better off not knowing. 
“I’m so sorry,” Shoko began, and for the first time, her voice brought none of the comfort and healing it usually did. “We debated telling you and waiting until you touched down back home, but Gojo figured you’d…”
Shoko trailed off without any other indication of what considerations for your feelings were taken into account during their discussion, and all that you could respond with was a shake of your head and a hushed “no, no.” You couldn’t decide if you were grateful to know immediately of what had transpired instead of being surprised with the news upon arrival home, or if you were appalled at their thought that sitting trapped in a plane with hours to despair at the unbelievability of it all was the better suited alternative.
A flurry of sudden motion and shuffling around you jolted you back into awareness, and you realized with a sudden panic that your plane was beginning to board. Your only connection to what was going on was about to be severed. You stood with the others and began the slow march to line up at the terminal. 
“Shoko, I’m about to board my plane but please—,” A sob cut you off, and you knew that you were further from finishing that sentence than you were from the one person you yearned to be beside at that moment. A heavy ache settled in your stomach at the thought. Suddenly, there was a realization that some great reconciliation was to be made in regard to who Suguru was to you before this point and what he would be now and going forth. In no possible scenario did you see yourself emerging totally unscathed. 
Shoko was silent for a moment before offering some reassurance you didn’t really hear and then muttered a quick goodbye. Between that minute and the next, you had boarded the plane, stowed away your suitcase, found a seat next to the window, and picked a spot in the sky to stare at lest the environment around you remind you of how trapped you were. 
Screaming your boyfriend’s name from across a crowded street wasn’t what you had envisioned when you thought of your return home, even after the news had broken. But time hadn’t let you attempt to catch up before it decided that the person you treasured most in the world was to continue unraveling on a schedule you had no hope of following.
You had barely taken your first steps out of the airport onto paved sidewalks when your phone rang again. The ringtone could only play its first few chimes before you had it up to your ear with a breathless reply already on its way out. 
“I found him.” 
Shoko sounded neither relieved nor any more worried than she had when the two of you had spoken hours earlier, but you didn’t have a chance to question her further before she set your whole being on edge. 
“Suguru confirmed the reports, and I’ve called Satoru already.” 
For a split second, dread filled your limbs and you stumbled in your step that took you from a standstill to a sprint. Why did the thought of Satoru confronting your boyfriend offer anything other than utter relief? 
“Where are you? Shoko, please tell me where you are, and I’ll be right there!” 
‘Right there’ had you struggling against the hold Shoko had on your shoulders as you watched from a distance as Suguru and Satoru stood opposite each other. People weaved in and around the two, unaware of the danger, the devastation, of the complete dismantling that was occurring just beside them. 
“Suguru! Suguru, Suguru, Suguru!” Your screaming seemed to have no effect on him, and you would have lied and told yourself that he just couldn’t hear you, but the disdainful stares of the oblivious people all around kept you from denial. 
Suguru remained placid as he stood and took the brunt of both yours and Satoru's desperate calls to bring him back. He looked so much like the boy you had fallen in love with, but then again not at all the same. His hair was different. Half of it laid unbound against his neck, though the piece that framed the left side of his face still hid the corner of his eye. You stared at him, and you weren’t sure if you were trying to commit every inch of him to your memory or simply beseeching him to spare just a glance in your direction. Had his cheeks always been so gaunt? Did the delicate skin under his eyes always bruise purple like they were now? What else had been missed in the last year that could be counted and added to this moment? 
Before you could damn yourself further for missing the signs of Suguru’s slow deterioration, the raising of Satoru’s arm had your whole existence narrowing until it was just the two of them in frame. The sound of your heartbeat thudding in your ears faded. The warm feeling of panic that had started in your chest, radiated down your arms, and made your fingers feel numb blended in with the shuddering of Shoko’s chest against your back. All the background noise—the clack of dress shoes on concrete, the whir of car engines flying by that also shuttered the view in front of you, to the incessant wailing of your boyfriend’s name—suddenly ceased as two of Gojo Satoru’s fingers began to close in on one another. 
One day, Gojo Satoru would be brave enough to remember what it felt like to hear you lament his name. He could recall fondly and effortlessly how his name and the one of his best friend could slip so seamlessly, interchangeably, from your lips. But now, when he swore you were moving your mouth though nothing else but his name came out, it would haunt him in his dreams, his memories, and everything in between. 
“Satoru!” Urging, demanding, and shrill. 
Do it, do it, do it. 
“Satoru!” Pleading, shrieking, and broken. 
Please, don’t do it. Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it.  
Satoru’s fingers remained a hairsbreadth apart, and Suguru’s back turned as he walked away with nothing more than an unaffected wave over his shoulder. Shoko still trembled, Satoru’s face crumpled, and your heart and mind had broken into pieces that scattered far beyond your reach.
All the while, there would be a day upcoming when all of this would have to be condensed into something that was capable of being understood.
Today was not that day. 
December 24, Years Later
Did your footsteps have to echo what your heart was chanting? 
Suguru, Suguru, Suguru. 
Your walk to the communal lounge of the Jujutsu High-Tokyo campus was different, in some ways, from usual. Familiar stone scraped at the bottom of your shoes. Acrid smoke still hung in the air, and pieces of wood and rock falling to the ground could be heard echoing from where buildings and walls were left in ruin. The fading orange of a winter sunset was dipping below the remaining trees, leaving behind a night that was dark and dreadful and devastated. 
Suguru, Suguru, Suguru. 
And then you were here, at the door you had to open and walk through before any number of questions you had could be answered. With a deep inhale, you took your first step forward to pass over the threshold and the room that was full of people, though couldn’t be considered noisy, went silent. 
Principal Yaga stood in a corner to the right with a cell phone at his ear. Nanami sat at a table with his spotted tie loosened around his neck and his suit jacket thrown over the back of his chair in an uncommon show of haggard exhaustion. Behind him, Shoko was washing her hands in a sink where the water swirled with something pink. You jerked your head to the left to avoid having to process the sight further, but what you looked upon instead didn’t spare you any relief. 
The underclassmen, Maki, Panda, and Inumaki, hovered around a loveseat where Okkotsu sat slumped with his head in his hands. All four of them were covered in varying degrees of debris, bandages, and scant traces of blood. It made you feel a little better to think that’s all Shoko had been washing off in the sink. 
What didn’t help ease the knots in your stomach was the way Okkotsu never raised his head to acknowledge the entrance of your presence—a contradiction to his normal deferential behavior—but also how the rest of the eyes in the room all looked at you with varying degrees of emotion. None were malicious, but unnerving nonetheless. 
Pity, unsureness, sorrow, regret, and condolence—,
Your sharp inhale was enough to make a person or two flinch, but no one else moved and you were left to contemplate whether fleeing to solitary misery would hurt less than receiving answers about what had happened tonight.
Before you could decide what to do, the door to the back of the lounge slid open and Satoru stepped inside. His bandages around his eyes were off, and he was looking at you in a way he never had until now. How you were supposed to interpret that look and what it could even mean…well, you didn’t have the slightest clue, and that would be the final blow to your being. 
You had already lurched back to reach for the door when Satoru called your name, and you were slow to turn around to face him. When you did, he used his head to nod to the garden through the door of the lounge in a bid to get you to follow him before exiting the room the same way he came. You took a deep breath and gave a helpless search around the room before following after him into the night. Someone had the grace to close the door behind you. 
The two of you walked a few steps into the garden, and while it did nothing to ease the turmoil you were feeling, the vastness of the night sky and coolness of the air was preferable to the atmosphere in the lounge you were just in. When you and Satoru finally came to a halt, you weren’t close enough to touch, but if you tried, your fingertips would just miss the fabric of his uniform. You waited for him to speak, swallowing once, twice, a third time to try and clear the tension out of your throat. Your hands began to tremble, and a stinging burn rushed up through your nose to prick at the corners of your eyes. 
With only a whisper of clothing as a warning, Satoru’s hand reached out to cup the back of your neck and draw you into his shoulder, his arms capable of closing the distance between you without requiring him to step nearer. His other hand settled between your shoulder blades while yours loosely gripped the fabric at his ribcage. The embrace only lasted another second before he was pulling away with a gentle squeeze around your arms and letting his own drop to his sides. 
“You’re aware of what led up to all this tonight, correct?” Satoru asked, gesturing vaguely to the campus surrounding you both. There was no preamble from him and you watched as his eyes flicked between yours.
“Yes,” you nodded, “I was there in the city with everyone, Satoru. I saw you leave, and once everything finished I stayed after to check on everyone from Kyoto before coming back here.” You let your eyes wander around over Satoru’s shoulder, and you could just faintly make out a persisting plume of smoke in the distance. 
“He was here,” you continued, no more asking him a question than you were stating what you already knew, “and this was him?” Even though it was meek, your voice didn’t crack. 
Satoru hummed out an affirmation, not needing to clarify what you said in order for him to know that you were referring to the damaged state of the school as a result of Suguru’s presence.
“Alright,” you started, firm and as prepared as you could make yourself in this moment, “where is he?” 
Satoru carried on without acknowledging the question you asked. “Some of the damage is from him fighting Maki, Panda, and Inumaki, but most of it is from his fight with Okkostu and Rika after the others became too injured. I arrived just at the end.” 
It was here that you started to feel like you were listening to his words from somewhere outside your body. There was an outcome that you were waiting to learn of, and you knew you either needed to ask a question or make some kind of noise or movement to prompt him to go forward. But really, your head felt like it was full of static and you couldn’t begin to piece the words together to make them sound even remotely coherent. 
The end, the end, the end, the e–,
“The end?” You asked on an exhale, stunned when you saw Satoru’s chin quiver just once. You realized then that you hadn’t ever really taken the time to study the world’s strongest sorcerer. Did the blue of his eyes always reflect even the dimmest of light, or was there something else that caused them to swim as they did now? He stood rigid, but then again Satoru always held himself up to his full height, unbothered by the weight that sat on his shoulders and unencumbered by the threat of a physical blow. Maybe now that you could notice, as you saw how his head hung slightly and weariness lowered his stature, it was apparent that the time Satoru spent constantly guarding his person never allowed for the same courtesy to his mind. You wondered if the vulnerability of it, of how he sacrificed himself to the heavy weight of emotional torment, was what eventually managed to dim the spirit of the person in front of you right now. 
“Suguru’s dead. ” 
One day, you’d look back and wonder if you already knew what was going to come out of Satoru’s mouth. The news had the ground beneath your feet tilting in different directions in a way that threatened the contents of your stomach, and it did expel the air from your lungs in a pained-sounding moan. But it didn’t send the electrical current of shock through your body that you were waiting for. You’d suspect that you were aware of it from the moment you set foot on campus, that the tension in the air and the stiffness of everyone in the lounge had been direct indicators that the worst had occurred. Perhaps you knew, but needed Satoru to deliver that blow in order for it to land. 
You struggled to find a way to think past the roaring in your ears, so you tangled your fingers together in order to dig your nails into the skin on the backs of your hands. When the pain didn’t register and the blood welling up underneath them didn’t scare you into looking away, you fixed your gaze up on Satoru’s eyes in a desperate attempt to pull yourself out from inside yourself. They were wide in concerned alarm from whatever he saw on your face.
“God, so…,” you heaved a breath and closed your eyes to try and focus on getting your thoughts into something more than garbled syllables, “so that’s why Okkotsu looks the way he does…in there? He, uhm, he ki—,” 
“No.” Satoru pulled his bottom lip under his teeth and rolled his head back to look up at the sky before returning back to you. Did he feel the same trepidation that snaked under your skin and knocked at your chest? Did your eyes reflect back to him the pleading that was going on in your head? To who, though? Certainly, the time for bargaining was long past. “No, Okkotsu didn’t kill Suguru. He wounded him…badly. But Suguru was able to retreat in the haze of the smoke and I…he…”
He what? Suguru? Okkotsu? If allowed, the endless possibilities of “what if” would steal whatever peace remained from you, and if closure wasn’t something granted to you, you would respond in kind. 
 “What, Satoru? He what? You have to be clearer. You have to tell me, for the sake of my own understanding.” 
The sliding of the lounge door caught your attention and interrupted whatever Satoru was going to say next. You glanced over, watching as Nanami stepped out from around the door, shut it, and leaned back against it with his arms crossed over his chest. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Satoru giving him the faintest nod and you wondered if he had asked him to come out here. The reason wasn’t quite clear to you yet, but you stared at him, trying to figure out what part the blonde-haired sorcerer was about to play in all of this. 
Ever present Nanami, stoic as he was strong, but soft spoken and never cruel for cruelty’s sake. Always maintained rigid self control and composure, even in the face of his best friend’s death. He was steady and stable, easily beat against but never yielded, made to never move under such intense pressure. 
The thought had you turning back to Satoru, perplexed about what Nanami’s presence might be implying. What was about to come out of Gojo Satoru’s mouth that made him think he wouldn’t be enough for you? Or—in an even worse consideration—that he was about to become too much for you. 
“I found Suguru after his fight with Okkotsu in some obscure corner of campus,” Satoru whispered, and you dared not move or breathe as you waited for his next words. “I found him…and I killed him.” 
You had to hold a hand up to your chest, right between your breasts and over your heart as it began to rise and fall with the rapidness of your breaths, if only to ensure that it kept beating as every second ticked past the next. You felt your mouth drop open, felt your throat vibrate with some wounded noise, and watched as Satoru held out his hand to you, immense regret tightening his features, along with glistening tears clinging to the tips of his eyelashes. What hurt more though was the memory of Satoru’s arm reaching out like it did now, some years ago on the day Suguru left, his fingers trembling as they inched towards each other in his best friend's direction. You wondered—painfully, regrettably—if that’s what Suguru saw too right before it all went dark, and the sight of it was enough to send you staggering backwards. Someone caught you with large hands curling around the tops of your shoulders and—,
Oh, that’s what Nanami was for. 
Taking advantage of your friend behind you, you wilted backwards against Nanami’s chest and sobbed, neither of you unnerved by the ugly gasping of it. The hand that wasn’t still clutched against your body in the hopes of keeping yourself sealed shut shot up to grasp at Nanami’s forearm in an effort to abate the buckling of your knees. Because in front of you, the honored one stood a few feet away from you with eyes made empty and full of loss, and you struggled to reconcile which one of you were owed more the space to fall apart. Perhaps it was you both, as grief in situations like this happened to be a great equalizer, and you considered, as your friend stared at you with pained hopelessness, that maybe—certainly—Satoru was entitled to his own moment of sorrow in front of you. The thought lent sturdiness to your stance and you pushed forward off Nanami and used the momentum to propel yourself into Satoru. You worried briefly that maybe the two of you wouldn’t make contact, that he wouldn’t allow you into the space of him, but your arms landed around his neck, your chest met his, and his hands pushed you past any remaining distance. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice shaking and hands hovering infinitesimally over your hips before they settled against you. All you could do was shake your head against his shoulder. There was no question about how equally wounded Satoru was. Where you now mourned the forever plans that once existed in the bright eyes and easy laugh of a man since gone, Satoru had the honor of shouldering the burden of knowing he was the one who snuffed those plans out, though the fault could be no more placed on him than it could you. Did he wonder as he waited for you, whether you would blame him for the duty in which he owed the world protection from people like Suguru? Where he would always be the one to know what it was like to take away the life of his best friend, did he worry about how you would look at him once you knew? Did you confirm his fear when you fell away from him? For a time, did Satoru bemoan the physical loss of Suguru and wonder if he would have to do the same for you when you couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes anymore? Satoru might have been the one who made you something akin to a widow, but Suguru’s choices and decisions were what put the two of you here, who really held responsibility for the damage inflicted on the two people he had valued most. 
You squeezed Satoru a little tighter and then tilted back some so you could peer into his face. 
“Don’t be sorry,” you said, shaking your head at him when he opened his mouth to protest, “at least not to me.” A weak smile pulled at your lips as you did your best to reassure him and the spasming of his grip at your waist. You didn’t have the energy to explain to him the depths of emotion that swirled around in your head. How you didn’t blame him, but regretted the situation Suguru thrust the two of you in. How you would never leave him to carry this alone, but that you would need time before looking at him didn’t make your heart throb with painful memory and imagination. Or how the two of you would be forever connected by the loss of someone so important to each of you in vastly different ways, but that you wanted nothing more than to flee from his presence now. 
So you moved away from him, trailing a hand down his arm because you could and because you didn’t know what else to do for him. You kept stepping back, already turning to retreat back the way you came and ready to seek solace in the privacy of your room. To do what, you weren’t sure. To cry, you guessed. To distract yourself enough that you didn’t replay every single second of the last few years over and over in your head so you could pick every word and touch between you and Suguru apart. Whether that was for the sake of your own memory or to try and figure out that which couldn’t be solved was unbeknownst to you. In the depths of your grief, maybe you would wonder what the last moments were like for Suguru. Did he think of you? Consider what he had done to you and to Satoru? What were the last words to come out his mouth? Were they for you or for—,
You whirled around from your spot halfway back to the lounge door and caught sight of Nanami placing a heavy hand on Satoru’s shoulder. 
“Did Suguru say anything to you?” Your voice carried out clearly on the emptiness of the night, but Satoru didn’t turn in your direction, nor did he hardly move. “Did he…did he have anything for you to tell me?” 
Satoru was still until he eventually twisted his head towards you just enough so he could look at you from the corner of his eye. They were guarded, maybe the slightest bit afraid, and you held your breath in anticipation. 
You deflated and were unsure how to feel about his answer. You had hoped, thought, that maybe having Suguru’s last words for you would bring about some relief for the burning heartache that had started at some point in the last hour—the last couple of years—but you had also been hesitant to receive one more thing to occupy the scant emotional bandwidth you had left for everything that Suguru was. It would be one more thing to keep you up at night. On the other hand, the fact that your lover had left the world with nought an expressed thought or word for your condition left a blistering bitterness to swell within you. Insignificant were you not, but maybe to Suguru, in his last moments on Earth, you were to him. And that thought was enough to tip you into the realm of excess, surefly filled and overflowing with enough contemplating and pondering and general overthinking to last the rest of your life. 
So you turned away from Satoru and Nanami and walked back through an empty lounge and out the door from which you came earlier in the evening. The night was still dark and devastated but relatively silent, the noise of utter ruin having mostly ceased. But your shoes still scuffed against stone and tiny pebbles skittered away from under feet, skipping and tumbling with every step you took. 
Suguru, Suguru, Suguru.  
“You were lying.” 
Nanami’s tone was no more judgemental than it was inquisitive, but nothing about him seemed to press Satoru for answers that he wasn’t yet ready to give—or understood himself. He did lie. He wouldn’t deny that. But under no circumstances was he prepared to tell you what his best friend, your other half, had told him in the minutes before his death. They replayed tortuously in his head as he tried to make sense of it all. Satoru would have to speak them to you one day, and the fear of doing so brought the same panicked apprehension he had felt as he watched you try and hold yourself together as he had told you about Suguru’s death. As he waited for you, he had imagined every which way your face could have pinched and drawn up in enraged despair as you threw yourself against him to beat as his chest, to wail in his arms as you cursed his existence before finally retreating in a similar fashion as how you did just moments ago, but perhaps with less acceptance and  a goodbye that would prove final in its anger. You hadn’t reacted that way, of course. You had fallen against him in sorrow and with a barely concealed need for comfort as much as you were ready to give it to him, and he had been filled with desperate relief at the feeling of you and how you hadn’t shied away from him. But maybe that was to come later one day, after Satoru spent time considering what was said and implied by Suguru’s words, and felt brave enough to share them with you. Surely then you wouldn’t have the same patience for him as you did tonight. 
“I was.” That was all he said back to Nanami, refusing to elaborate on the specifics of something he owed to you and couldn’t yet come to terms with himself. Thankfully, Nanami simply nodded and glanced in the direction of your departure. 
“I’ll check on her in the morning,” he offered, betraying no emotion or thought to the idea, but Satoru had a feeling it had something to do with how you had done the same for Nanami when, a few years ago, death had come for Jujutsu High and taken Haibara with it. Neither man said anything else as they departed, Nanami heading your direction towards staff lodging and Satoru leaving to walk aimlessly along crumbling corridors. His head spun, and he remembered. 
Satoru had heard Suguru before he came upon him, dragging his shoulder against stone walls and mumbling nonsense to himself until it came to an abrupt halt as he spotted Satoru a ways in front of him. It was painful to take in the sight of his best friend, covered in blood and viciously mangled, but looking so achingly familiar. But the ensuing conversation, a mindless back and forth of words that meant much and nothing at all proved that the person in front of him wasn’t the same as he remembered. 
“Tell me, do you have any last words?” Satoru had asked, a simple opportunity given to the man sitting in front of him, yet he cursed the universe for his lot in life, the unfairness of it all bittering the taste of his mouth and landing heavy in his chest as Suguru spoke back to him. 
“She's yours now, it would seem.” 
Satoru couldn’t ever say he had been rendered speechless before, but he choked on his own spit as he recoiled from Suguru’s words. He grit his teeth as he felt his face scrunch in anguished rage. 
“God, Suguru! You can’t just—that’s not something you—!” What came out in a fit of bewilderment was followed by more jumbled sputtering before Satoru could mind his tongue again. “You don’t just say that! You can’t pass ownership of her like an object. Not like this, not ever!” 
Suguru just chuckled, out of breath and clearly fading, and leaned his head back against the wall. “Doesn’t make it any less true.” 
“It does!” Satoru shouted, panic and desperation lacing his tone,“She doesn’t want me! She would want you to come back, to make amends and live your entire life trying to repair what you broke. You don’t get to decide our future for us!” 
“Consider it a dying wish,” Suguru said calmly, and Satoru wondered if anything else someone could ever say would hurt as badly as that (a picture of you flashed unbidden in his mind). 
“She would rather have you—I would rather have you!”
“You haven’t exactly said ‘no’, Satoru.”
His words pinned him in place and Satoru was stunned into silence. His friend’s dying delusions were no better for his psyche than considering what Suguru implied would mean for him. Satoru had never let himself think so far, to entertain a thought about his best friend’s girlfriend in any other way except strictly platonic. Sure, no one could ignore your beauty, and a couple times Satoru had silently envied what Suguru had and he did not—intimate companionship, physical comfort and pleasure, and the eagerness for a future with someone, all that could be had with a friend but on levels not belonging to such a term. However longed for, it was never with you strictly imagined, just a simple yearning for something of his own. 
“No,” Satoru managed, “not like this. Not without her consent, and certainly not in place of you being alive.”
Suguru made a motion similar to a shrug, or what one would look like if half of his shoulder wasn’t missing. “If you insist.”
“Do you not have anything to say to her? To leave her with?” Satoru beseeched on your behalf, hoping Suguru would tell him anything else to pass on to you other than his attempt to give you to him. Satoru would get his last words with Suguru, and it was all the same too much and not enough. He wondered if you would feel the same.
“What’s there to say?” Suguru said, his voice light, as if the discussion was more about the weather or something else equally mundane. “‘I’m sorry’ seems pointless without action behind it, and there will be none. ‘I love you’ is nothing she hasn’t heard before, and I would call into question the truthfulness of those words in light of my actions if I were her.” It was then that Satoru finally spotted a hint of regret and sorrow on Suguru’s face, but it disappeared only a moment later. “She would not want me as I am now, and there is no going back. The damage resulting from my choices is something the two of you will wrestle with, both individually and together, I suppose. Hence, why I said what I did.” 
Satoru would laugh at the absurdity of it all if it didn’t pain him so badly. Instead, he walked towards Suguru and dropped into a crouch to get eye-level with his friend. His head lolled toward him.
“Damn you for that, Suguru,” he said, “but you’ll always be my best friend.”
Shock fluttered over Suguru’s face before amusement wrinkled his eyes and a tired laugh shook his body. His eyes slid shut and as Satoru stood and willed his arm to move, he desperately wished he could be anywhere else. 
I hope I didn't ramble too much and that this made sense! The next chapters shouldn't be as thought/monologue heavy. I can't promise an update timeline, but I will do my best to not take too long. I am writing in the breaks between chasing my toddler around, so patience is appreciated:)
Cross-posted on ao3 as well.
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sundays-wing-piercing · 4 months
SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY this man got me feeling special and he doesn’t even to di anything but like a thought came to my head
what if he has an s/o who like he worships and love sso so so much but the s/o is a workaholic and tends to just pass out in random places due to lack of sleep :(( mans will be so worried for u, ready to bust down buildings to talk to ur idk supervisor or boss to lessen ur workload cause suddenly ur now turning to alcohol as an energy drink!!
one night they just lose their mind and have a breakdown while sunday rushes over to comfort them, telling them its okay and that hes always there for them, as he holds them in his arms letting them cry out their exhaustion.
no need to do if uncomfortable!!
I think at first he won't mind it that much since he's also quite overworked so you'll just find yourself at the unholiest of hours working while he also takes care of his own. But even he has his rest and when you start falling asleep all over the place to the point where he has to catch you man is basically begging for you to take a break and so, you do. But luck isn't on your side this time. Just as you were about to fall asleep you get a call from your boss and now you have even more work than before.
Even after countless of hours slaving away at your work you're nowhere near done. You're just trying to fufill your daily needs and even if you do get the work done no one seems to appreciate it and just assigns you more work. Dear Aeons when will you catch a break! And before you know it you start breaking into a fit of tears, catching the attention of your angel partner who runs immediately to your side, holding you close as your tears stain his clothing. He doesn't care he just wants to know why you're crying so much and when you vent to him all about your work....may the harmony have mercy on your boss because he won't.
It all started with just him giving your workplace a visit and going straight to your boss to peacefully sort it out with them. As much as he wants to absolutely rip their face off he holds his charming old smile. Afterall he is Sunday, the representative of The Family. Who wouldn't oblige to his very command especially when he orders it directly to them. And that's what happened. You got yourself some day offs and there he was serving you like the divine being he couldn't live without. He'll run you a nice warm bath and even wash you if you wanted him to. He'll cook you your favorite meals, buy you whatever snacks you're craving, hum you to sleep and even hold you while hes at it. Your wish is his command dear.
And if your boss returns you to the same unhealthy work routine then he won't hold back. He has what it takes to blackmail them, humiliate them, heck even take the business down. What about you tho? You can just sit back and relax! Enjoy every offering he gives to you. You don't need to work. You have him. You have him to please you, to serve you. He's yours afterall.
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caramelpenguin · 3 months
S3 EP6 (thoughts + theories)
I want to get all the insane predictions out so I can look back on how much I clowned.🤡
These are ideas based on the moments that were in the trailer/teasers/stills. Or things that I feel might be addressed before the end...
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Hillerska closing down🏫
We aren't directly told what Felice said in her interview. It's left ambiguous. So why wouldn't they tell us? Sure, there's a chance that she just praised the school but....
we got that very small snippet of the forest ridge boys yelling at each other. Could this be because they heard that Hillerska was going to shut down?
Simon (and his family) might move away 👋
they have the money now ig. this could be a reason why the ending, as ive seen around, has occasionally been described as 'open'.
this could be the context behind the shot of Linda's head on Simon's shoulder.
or maybe the 3 of them are doing smthn related to micke?
Abdication or King Wille? And August...👑
I think one of the reasons for August's storyline this season was for us to understand him more as a character so that if he becomes King, we know that he'll actually try or that he may not have been as bad as we thought. (my opinion of August isn't necessary here).
we really see how much the monarchy consumes Wille this season. Though I don't know how we'd approach the topic of abdication in just one episode.
wille has said that one of the reasons he wants to remain Crown Prince is bcos of Erik. Knowing what we now know, i'm intrigued as to what will happen.
will they acknowledge more of August's eating disorder?
August and Sara🤔
I think felice will (eventually) be fine with it. I don't know about Simon.
Things will work out, i'm sure.
Frederika and Stella💵
....they'll kiss in ep6. something will happen between them, anyway.
Shot of the 4 girls hugging
frederika has realises she likes stella by this point??
maybe Roussea will get a slight mention in a conversation with August. Or maybe not. Who knowwwss
Wilmon screaming in the car🚗
is this Sara's car? things need to be okay by this point, right? is it after the lake scene??
Wilmon stare down👀
how? will ? this? fit? in?
is it after the graduation ceremony but before the neon party and the lake scene? does the shot of wille (with simon's hands around his neck) come after this?
is the lake scene not the final scene? is this scene actually the next day during the graduation?
does simon tell wille he's going to move away?
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The Neon Party + Lake Scene 💧
the neon party is where they reconcile.
BUT i dont think it'll be a full reconcile. Simon's line 'Can't we just forget everything that's happened? Just for tonight?' makes sense to be here.
the lake scene with the swimming could happen because they both leave the party early, i dunno.
is this the last time they're able to hang out (bcos simon is moving away and bcos Hillerska will shut down)?
but we've all SEEN that it looks sad, which doesnt look all that great for endgame, and we've also been told that this is (most likely) the final scene. so. get tissues ready.
(am i crazy or is there a tiny smile on simons face in this scene? from that edmar promo we got? )
swimming happens after the sadness right? bcos (apart from the tears) they dont look wet.
if its the final scene idk what the hopes r for wilmon endgame icl
MUSIC (+Wille's birthday present)🎶
we know that 'Alice' by Rhys will play at some point. Doesn't mean it'll be a wilmon scene. it could be sara and august OR frederika and stella (?)
normally, there's a song in ep4 that's repeated in the final moments of the season. ep 4 in s3 doesn't end with a song and (from the one check I've done), i can't really hear any of the other songs used in that episode as the final song of the season. then again, i could be wrong
ELIAS SONG?? they could play 'revolution' again to make it a full circle (dont think this will happen tho). they might use a new song. i just rlly hope we'll hear an Elias song and...i feel like we will.
THE TRAILER SONG? I really pray this will be in the episode. I pray i pray i pray i-
we'll hear Simon's new song. I don't know how or when (especially if this is simon's gift to wille) but...c'mon
initially, i didn't think Redlight would appear in YR. Omar has a career outside of the show, but i do agree that the lyrics fit wilmon quite well. also, if we're gonna hear Simon's new song then I don't know how the script would work around Simon singing another song. He told Wille that his present isn't yet finished (which im sure is the song simon is currently working on), tho ig we could argue that he may sing a brand new song.
BUT then i realised that simon doesn't have to sing this song. redlight could just be part of the soundtrack ( it seems that everyone got to that conclusion before me). and the way that it's being promoted this week has me suspicious. I don't wanna get my hopes up, and maybe Omar is just being clever and promoting it during the week of YR hype, so i dont think redlight will be in s3. BUT I WILL BE VERY HAPPY IF IM WRONG❤️
ig we'll find out when the playlist gets updated
Football Field Scene
to my knowledge, we haven't got proof that they filmed there apart from that pic from Lisa (and are we sure this pic is from s3 filming?)
it would be AMAZING if they returned to this setting. ICONIC.
but idk how why they'd return here and how it would fit
it might not be a wilmon scene (could be simon + rosh + ayub, but i think theres a higher chance of it being a wilmon scene than the trio)
question- lisa said it was a wrap with a pic from the football field. which COULD mean that the last scene they filmed was there (tho it might not be the actual final scene) - was this where edmar couldn't stop crying?
they better or im going to riot
no but srsly, i dont think we'll go down a 'la la land' route. worst comes to worst, it'll be a positive open ending e.g. 'you were amazing. you'll be wonderful. we'll meet again with more freedom.' it'll be even better if there's a time skip here hahahha
like the end of ep5 gave me no hope cos idk how they're gonna get back together in one episode. but anything is possible.
arguably, the promo we've got since then leans towards endgame (?), but i dont think they'd reveal they're gonna be endgame if there wwen't gonna be more issues.
theres so much to cover in the final episode!! so i dont think everything will be acknowledged/addressed. things will be left ambiguous to keep the viewers thinking.
imagine if the break up at the end of ep5 wasnt that huge. that theyre still together (with tension) at the start of ep6, then they kidna ignore their disagreement. this culminates until the end, where they break up ( but very unlikely)
the future letters were there to show august's past. but could there be more to it? could we get a time skip? (again, unlikely imo. but would be sweet if done well)
a reference to the heart simon drew? maybe? probably not...
will simon give wille his orange jumper back? id love to see this on our screens but im sure we wont.
will sara's necklace make a comeback?
where does wille's 'what if I don't want to?' line come in? and the queen's line...
the shot of wille in the library (with that book in clear sight) hasn't yet appeared, right?
simon talking to sara by micke's house....hmmm. i would love a simon and micke interaction
volleyball scene + running into the lake happen as a connection to graduation?
wille with those sunglasses is a moment with felice?
do we hear anything more abt wille's birthday wish?
there are plenty of moments that happen that we don't see as viewers. so that jumper simon wears at the start of ep 2 looks like wille's. and if it is, then we didnt see the moment simon stole it wille gave it to him.
and when simon mentioned a mental health foundation, it implied that they may have had a discussion abt wille's anxiety before.
the piano scene in ep2 could have been a piano lesson that wille was giving simon, which probably means a lot more of these happened without us knowing
this makes me wonder how much wille knows about micke??
simon told august that sara's with her dad and all that- so does wille also know?
WHEN I FIRST WATCHED AND FINISHED S1 AND S2 OF YOUNG ROYALS, i knew wilmon would be together by the end of s3. like i was 100% convinced the show would end with them happy bcos that's what it had leaned towards the entire time. the vibe of it just screamed wilmon endgame to me.
i really hope past me was right, bcos the s3 promo really had me wondering. and then ep5 had me proper questioning. but netflix (and lisa) will have to pay for so much therapy if they arent endgame sooo🤷‍♀️
livelovelaugh wilmon ig
edit: ive just listened to omar's interview and now im qquuiiitteee sure redlight wont be in ep6🤷‍♀️
edit 2: will anyone else find out that it was august who posted the video?? will this prevent him from taking the throne??
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aonungyoufuck · 1 year
My Love of a Thousands
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Roxto x Gn Sully Reader
Part two
Synopsis: Roxto is pining for you. And isnt aware that you kind of like him too. Unfortunately he over hears a conversation which he doesn't know the full context too.
You were the shining star that blinded Roxto every time he looked at you. It was like the wind whispered your name and brought you to him. It was what he could say was a dream come true. 
That was until he heard Ao’nung compliment you. He hadn’t meant to, really he was just looking for you. 
“I do think your attractive”
He felt betrayed. He felt angry, he had confided in Ao’nung about you. It was as if he was betrayed by his own brother. He wanted to yell at Ao’nung. 
He didn’t bother to listen to the other stuff. He didn’t want to. He just went home. Angry and more so hurt. 
“Why do you ask tho? I thought you hated my guts?” Ao’nung asked you, you looking out to the water where your younger sister was. 
“Oh no i don't like you that way” 
He rose a brow looking At you. “Its about Rotxo huh?”
“How did you know?”
“Well i didnt” He said smirking at you. “But you just confirmed it”
“Oh shit” 
He could only laugh as you hit him on the head. 
It wa rather a stupid question to ask. You had often pondered if you were attractive by Metkayina standards. So who else to ask but the stubborn arrogant chief’s son. 
“I cant speak on behalf of Rotxo” 
“I know. But it seem he alway finds a way to not talk with me you know? I would like to get to know him some more”
“I mean why dont you? Whats stopping you”
Ao’nung could only nod. “I think you should still try you know?”
“Is Ao’nung giving me advice?”
He could only hiss as he walked off. Who knows where. 
You sat there. Wondering and thinking. Not really paying attention to Tuk who was now asking to go home. 
Ao’nung noticed the change before you did. He had known Rotxo for years. His brother at this point and yet it had seemed that things had changed. 
He didn’t know what it was. But he had become brash. A little bit more … angry. But at no one else but him. 
He noticed how his smile whenever he looked at you was dimmed, and almost pained. 
So he came to you to talk. “Hey”
“Oh Ao’nung hello”
“May I speak with you?” He noticed everyone staring at you. Seeing Rotxo turn his ears to you two but not looking. “Alone?” 
“Uh sure. I can” you excused yourself following him 
Once you were alone he turned to look at you. “Have you noticed anything odd with Roxto?”
“Now that you mention it. I have actually. He’s been.. Idk kind of upset?”
“Good so you noticed it too”
“Whats wrong with him? Did he tell you?”
Ao’nung only shook his head no. “i thought maybe he told you”
“Oh im worried about him He’s normally so keen on helping or just making light of the situation”  You spoke worried for your friend. Or more so the one person to have caught your eye. 
It was a little bit odd. You had done your best to try and talk with him. But It always seemed he avoided you now. It seemed that no matter what he just looked so .. so not Rotxo. 
And it only made you worry ever so more. 
“What’s wrong with you?” 
“Me? What’s wrong with me?” Rotxo could only look at Ao’nung in shock. “What’s wrong with you!”
“I told you! I let you know from the moment i knew that i liked Y/n” 
“Whoah whoah. What are you saying-”
“And yet you go behind my back. And do this? And to think i could trust you” Rotxo began. His frustration turning to tears. 
It confirmed every one of his doubts. He wasn’t enough. He wasn’t like every other man in the clan. Not built, no status and nothing like everyone else. 
He was just Rotxo, A boy, and you far out of his reach. 
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luvring · 1 year
Hiii! I hope it's not too suggestive since I saw your blog is mainly sfw OWBOANALA but I wanted to hear your headcanons about the main cast of Touchstarved, just in general tho, like who's a bottom, who's a top and who's a switch (I personally think everyone there is a switch bc y'know... whatever makes mc happy they're down for it)
If it's too suggestive or explicit for your blog lemme know and we can ramble about it together in chat if you're down for it! (In that case I'll send you my @)!
!!!! I AGREE!! AND DEFINITELY DID MORE THAN U ASKED! My Bad guys. indulged myself a little w one (1) nsft post. a gift 🫶 & OFC i'll also talk more in chat w u / anyone who wants to!!! i always want 2 hear everyone else's thoughts 👩🏻‍💻
switch...sub leaning.? they did Not have to tell me for a leader he sure likes it when others take control. that vere wouldn't spit on him if he were a fire, "oh no, he'd enjoy that far too much." leander saying he doesn't mind vere around since he's fun and "got a real...presence." when he said "anything you want." I Know What You Are.
smth smth addressed by a title, sensation play, degradation said in a praising way, body worship, size kink, overstim, smth smth. i trust vere. spit on him. leader who relishes in giving up control and being taken care of yeah yeah yeah
enjoying being a sub aside he can easily be a service dom
mfw leander gets on his knees and says he'll do anything to please you just say the word. when he touches you somewhere and asks here? is this good? oh the intimacy of interlacing your fingers and bringing your hands to touch him anywhere, everywhere, just as a reminder that you Can
switch - "gives it almost as well as he takes it, even if he's awfully greedy." thanks vere my buddy my pal
i know this little shit (said lovingly) is a tease like dragging his fingers slowly telling you to say please kind of way
figures out what pet names you like and has the most annoying smirk on his face. "oh? did you like that?"
edging. Needing you to tell him what he wants or he won't do anything.
idk i think this guy likes it when you take control though! like get on top and he'll have a stupid cocky grin before he eventually unravels and is moaning whimpering swearing 🤨
i don't have to say anything about the tentacles. moving on
i have a vision where if you let out a noise he looks at you with a raised brow before smirking and then whispering "cute." in your ear before trailing kisses along your jaw But That's Just Me Projecting I Think
switch in a bratty prove you can dom him way. "looks good in blood and better in tears." LETS BE SERIOUS AIS 😂😂 you don't have to tell me twice if bro likes rough sex or is into bondage or edging or overstim or marking or
smth abt predator/prey... i'm not even really into that but i can see it
same thing w u taking control and him saying a stupid joke then being caught off guard,, at least the first time. i know this guy would do shit to tease and rile you up in public just so you'd do something later
he made that biting comment and i believe him. nips at you. seems like he'd leave hickies in places people could see and if you did the same to him Well why would he hide them. also pull his hair
something about fingers in your mouth or vice versa. smth smth making u taste urself Sorry Woah this was bc he was licking champagne foam from his fingers. i had a vision
switch in an easily doms + teases you, may surprise you with a few kinks, takes a bit to be sub but ends up liking it kind of way. reminds me of om! barbatos + tot vyn. I know what you are. (brat tamer)
the sub thing. like the first time u ask he's Very curious about what you'd do. amused even. the joy of telling him not to touch and teasing him then stopping right before he finishes. and then telling him to be nice and ask for what he wants,, if u go long enough he'll finally groan w a little "please," where his voice cracks WHO GETS ME!
giving me blindfold + temperature play vibes. don't know why.
anyways. can also be soft i'm sure. like a traditionally romantic sort of sense. i don't know how to explain it.
btw "you know, on account of his massive...heart." thank you vere for being the realest person around
switch vry sub leaning for me but that's bc i like teasing them. and so does everyone else.... oh mhin...
but if u were a soft dom they could use that i think. like Let yourself be close and taken care of mhin. please. OHH praising them to tease them instead of being mean catches them a little off guard. they get flustered and look away again Yeah
i don't see them as particularly talkative during sex,, tbh i think they'd get embarrassed and try to stop themself from making Any noise until you tell them you like hearing their voice...
drags myself through the mud... breathing heavily... leave hickies on their chest... mhin leaving hickies on you... i have no grounds to explain this btw. i just get sensitive chest/collarbone area vibes
still figuring out dom!mhin in my head. charas who are easily teased can often switch it around on u if u say the right thing so. though i don't really see them as being very degrading during sex
misc / multichara thoughts i didn't form properly bc i have to go back to essay writing in a bit.
vere and ais would have the biggest impact on me w the first vulnerable soft sex scene. they deserve it
someone's into the sex after an argument thing. something about jealousy. marking you etc etc
leander telling you you can use him. leander shower sex. leander using magic. leander. help me
has leander just fucked everybody. can he stop blushing when talking about other people + the others' opinions what r u guys implying YOU ARE GOING TO DRIVE ME OVER THE EDGE /J /NM
i don't see kuras / mhin being very into quickies but well. the other 3.
something abt the bad ending w vere tells me he really enjoys when you're vulnerable and exposed to him. trust or whatever
scenario where you tell kuras u think something's wrong and u need a Check Up w the Doctor :( and he gives u a little look before reminding you if you want attention you could just ask then kissing you. Who gets me
mhin smirking . that's all. my legs wobble
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penofpenguin · 1 year
Ace, Deuce, Sebek, and Riddle (separate pls) with a f!Reader that keeps getting shy and flustered around them because of her crush on them?
Have a wonderful day!! <3333
Hehe ofc ofc!!
I suck ass at writing Sebek tho cuz...like....idk so i hope it's to your expectations :')
Hope you like it anon!!
Content Warnings: None
Their s/o keeps getting shy and flustered around them.
Riddle x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Deuce x F!Reader, Sebek x F!Reader
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Ok he's not as shy as you but he gets really....like REALLY flustered. He covers it up by pretending to be annoyed or mad.
He might be a bit oblivious at first.
Say he's walking in the hallways and he bumps into you by accident.
"Ah I'm very sorry Y/N....are you alright?" He looks at you, flushed.
You just tried to avoid his gaze and looked away, fidgety.
"Y-yeah!! Totally! Are you though?"
He thought the way you spoke was absolutely adorable. Great now he's shy too.
"Yes! I am fine."
Both of you scurried away.
He's kinda giddy the whole day. So are you :D
Seeing how sweetly you treat him...who knows, maybe he may invite you to a tea party of some sort :)
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Finds it cute. Teases you.
Ace is internally a HUGE simp for you....but hey....s-shut up....he's badass(words by ace himself XD)
He does not shut up if you're flustered though.
How did he find out about your behaviour? One faithful day, he grabbed your wrist to pull you back from bumping into some buff students.
And you just •\\\\\\•
Ace is observant af. He noticed you shaken.
"Hey...uh...earth to y/n??"
"Ah, yeah, s-sorry- You grabbed my hand out of nowhere."
His grin stretched.
"I was expecting a 'thanks man' or 'ah thx' but I guess this reaction is better~"
He looked good in that smirk. You wanna hide away. Now he suspects you like him.
That's alright though. He likes you back. Maybe one day he'll drop his stubbornness and you'll be confident enough to confess.
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Oh you're just like him.
You two are flustered messes around each other that Ace has to do all the talking.
If you two do end up alone....my god it's gonna be so awkward...but so fluffy 😭
You're both walking with Ace and everything's going well...until Ace runs off to see some of his friends.
It's so....like.....SO quiet.
"S-So....you needed help in Magic History right?" You asked.
He makes eye contact with you then looks away, blushing.
"Y-yes...If you d-don't mind..."
Bonus points if his hand accidentally meets yours during the awkward walk.
Ace comes back to see you both crimson.
"Did y'all kiss while I was away or...?"
Yeah...idk if Ace survived the punch Deuce might've thrown at him after he said that.
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He's confused.
Why do you act so fidgety?
He's on a speech about Malleus, and you're just twirling your hair, shaking your legs a bit, what not.
"Why are you moving so much? Are you not comfortable with the fact that I have a few of Young Master's hair under my pillowcase?"
"I'm sorry what?? And no! Not at all!!"
He goes to Lilia and Malleus for help on why you're acting like this.
Truth is....he thinks you don't like him and that you're uncomfortable around him. It makes him sad :(
Lilia tells him that you may have a crush on him and he's in utmost denial. Now everytime you walk by, he's also a bit flustered.
I'm sure Sebek is in huge denial of everything...but hey... that's Sebek for you :)
Hope you enjoyed!!
Sorry it wasn't the best of my pieces...I don't really know how to write a really shy reader 😭
Have a nice day💖
-Madeline 🐧
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enemiestoloversss · 1 year
Jealous gaviii
Warnings:Smut,unprotected sex (and there are probably some grammar mistakes idk? English is not my first language sorry!)
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It was 6:30pm.I was getting dressed up to attend a Barça event with my boyfriend.I finally managed to pick a right outfit to wear.It was a short strappy black dress and some black heels.I knew Pablo loved that dress, i wanted to tease him a little tonight.I applied some light eyeshadow and mascara to make my eye features stand out, and I applied some red lip gloss to my lips to make them shine.As I was getting ready my boyfriend Pablo was doing the same.Pablo could possibly be the best boyfriend on the earth ever.He was always so thoughtful and respectful even tho I have to admit we did break up a couple of times and we may had our differences in the past but we'd always run back to eachother.Pablo can be a very jealous type at some point but we'd always get over it.Forgive and forget. Jealous Pablo had always led to make up sex in wich I find incredibly hot in my opinion,it's just a big turn on.Sometimes jealous Pablo can get out of hand, but hey having Pablo is better than not Pablo am I right?;) Anyways I've always imagined a bright future with us,he's just so beautiful and pure and I know that we are going to be stuck with eachother for entirety.
"Y/N" Pablo called, "Are you ready bebé?"
I headed downstairs where he was waiting.
"Oh Y/N you look absolutely stunning baby" he smiled holding and giving you a kiss."Well you don't look so bad yourself" I winked and we chuckled. "Come on let's get going we are gonna be late" He took my hand we led me into his car.I couldn't deny how hot he looked tonight.Dont get me wrong he is always attractive but looking at him in the suit just makes me wanna do things to him.
Pablo's POV
As I was driving I took at small glance at Y/N and smiled to myself.How was she so perfect?How am I so lucky to have this women?She looks absolutely divine tonight.She's wearing that dress again, short black dress with the slit exposing her breasts.And her eyes twinkled exactly like the stars right now.I just wish at this moment I could just fuck her this instant.I won't be able to resist her.
A cold breeze flew last in the air whilst the stars shine upon us as it glistens in the atmosphere Night falls is what we call it when we first met.It was just a beautiful sight to gaze at.I could be lost in this sight for hours.
20 minutes later we arrived.Most of the Barça players and their girlfriends were already there and I was thrilled.They were like a second family to me.Sira (Ferran's girlfriend) and Anna (Lewandowski's wife) were always so fan to talk to,Frankie and Ansu always Crack the best jokes and Pedri...well Pedri was like a big brother to me and that's what I loved about him.
Me and Pablo held hands as we entered the garden.It was decorated with shimmering lights surrounding us and the tables were set poshly and there in the background was relaxing music playing.
"Pablo!Y/N!You're finally here!" Sira exclaimed as she gave us a hug. "It's good to see you too Sira!" We then met up with the rest of the group and we were just telling stories and having fun.I was hanging around with the ladies whilst Pablo was with the men
"Sooo...Y/N" Sira started "How's you're sex life with Pablo?" My eyes widened and I almost chocked on my drink. Typical Sira TY-PI-CAL SIRA.... "Sira!What the hell!" She smirked as the rest of the girls laughed "Come on Y/N.The chemistry is real between you.Pablo is definitely the one you need to keep the hold of. Besides do you remember the time in the dressing room when I walked in on you and Pablo Fu-" "Alright Sira I think we have had enough from you today" I laughed. "But what about you and Pedri?" Anna said is there any tension between the pair of you.I mean I've seen Pedri has his eyes on you for a couple of months." "Wait what?Me and Pedri? I don't think so.Hes like a brother to me I'd think it'd be wrong if he had feelings for me that was more than that" "Aww this is sweet Y/N.This is one of the things I love about you"Anna said. "Aww thanks Anna" "I think dinners ready!Come on girls!" Sira said.
One hour after we ate it was slow dancing time.Pablo took my hand and led me to the dance floor.I gripped into him as he put his hand behind my back and his other hand holding mine.Being in his touch was like heaven, everything was just so right about him.His personality,his hair,his face, his scent, everything.i grabbed onto my boyfriends neck and started to pepper him with kisses to tease him from his cheek to his neck he quietly groaned "Oh Y/N do you have to do this now" he said and smiled than I took his lips and smashed them into mine."Bebe you drive me absolutely crazy" I giggled "I know." You both gazed at the sky."Night falls." You both said and looked at eachother and smiled.He gave you a peck on the head.From the other side of the garden I saw Pedri and he gave me a smile as I exchanged one back.Minutes later Pablo's phone rang "Hold on a sec bebe let me take this." He said and he kissed my cheek before he went inside.
I sat back down on the table and poured myself a drink and Pedro came up to me and held out his hand "Come on love let us have a dance." I didn't wanna be rude and reject him so I politely took his hand and took me to dance.His style of dancing may not be the same as Pablo's but it was still somewhat calming."Have I mentioned how ravishing you look tonight?"he smirked and kissed my hand."No you haven't but thank you." I blushed. "Than my apologies love,you look extremely extraordinary."I looked down at my toes for the compliments he gave me as as my cheeks changed with a tint of pink but he held up my chin "No need to be shy little one."he smiled.He held me close wich felt slightly odd for some reason but he was my friend so why would it be odd?
A few minutes later Pablo returned from his phone call and was standing there,staring at me and Pedri dancing.I caught him noticing and he stormed out. "Pablo!"I called and looked back at Pedri "I'm really sorry!" I left to catch up Pablo. "Pablo, where are you going?"
"What do you think I'm doing Y/N?going home"
"You can't!"
"Why not?"
"Pablo why are you doing this?"
"So you actually care for me?Why don't you ran back to Pedri you both seemed pretty comfortable there?"
"Oh, so this is what it's all about,me and Pedri? We were just dancing! It was nothing he was just trying to be polite!"I fired
"Polite?No Y/N he's jealous.Hes jealous that I have you.Pedri has always liked you how are you so fucking blind to see that?"
"Pablo, you have to grow up he's just a friend who wants to take care of me."
"Take care of you?That's my job!I'm your boyfriend and it's my fucking job to take care of you Y/N!" He spat.
"You know what Pablo?!You can shove your jealousy right up your Dick coz I'll just leave without you!"
This was the moment of realization.I didn't mean to say those words to him.I felt guilt rushing upon me.i could see the anger in his face.We may have had arguments before but I haven't seen him filled with this much anger and jealousy in a while.
"Get in the car now."
"Pablo I didn't mean to u jus-"
"NOW." He raged
I can tell that this wasn't going to end well.He's never raged at me like that before.Tears were starting to form and slip from my eyes but i tried to hold it.I noticed he started driving more faster than usual,was he really THAT angry?.We than arrived at the house and he practically dragged me to the bedroom and slammed my back down onto the mattress and he got on top of me.
"Why do you think I brought you back home to the bedroom Y/N?Huh?"
I stayed silent but he slapped my thigh
"B-because....because you though I was flirting with Pedri?"
"Sweetheart I didn't 'think' you were, I know you were.And how do you think it makes me feel?Seeing my girlfriend have another man flirt with her?"
"Angry and upset?" I almost whispered.
"You were a bad girl today.You know what bad girls get?Punishments."he whispered in my ear and send chills down my spine.
He started to undress me by taking off my dress exposing my naked body and my red lace panties I was wearing.
"Red lace panties huh?You know they are one of my favorites....You know I'd be jealous so I could just come here and fuck you. Or did you wear these for Pedri to fuck you?You fucking bitch!"
"No it's not like that-" SMACK. Another harsh slap to my thigh
"Did I say you could speak?I heard all about your talk with the ladies, about your and mine sex life.About the time Sira accidentally walked in on us having sex?You're such a whore Y/N. I bet you want me to fuck you in from of everyone to show who you belong to hm?If you're gonna act like a whore...I'm gonna fuck you like one"
I gulped.he started to undress himself by undoing his pants exposing his member.
"Look at you sweetheart.Gazing and craving for my dick to be inside of you, how pathetic"
Without hesitation he slid into your cunt and already started to thurst into you hard and rough. I screamed. His dick was pushing in and out of my throbbing pussy. It feels so good yet it hurts so bad.I moaned at the pain and pleasure and the noises filled the room."MM PABLO" I cried,he started going even more faster."yeah, that's it scream my name,scream the name you belong to" I felt my orgasm built up intense heat in my stomach, I need to cum. "PABLO PLEASE LET ME CUM!" "Hold on a few seconds bebe, I'm so close!" He pushed even harder as both of your moans and groans got louder. "Cum for me" he says rubbing my clit. I reached my orgasm and let it go. White,slimy liquid existing my cunt as Pablo did the same.We were both a panting mess.
He than pulled up and laid down next to me, i put my head on his chest.We were laying in the bed cussing another whilst he was fiddling with strands of my hair. "I bet Pedro couldn't fuck you like that" he chuckled. "Hmm, I don't know, we'll have to see..." I fought back jokingly to see his reaction and next thing I know he was pinning me down whilst being on top. "Ready for round two princess?" He smirked.
A/n: Feel free to send me more requests but please try to be specific ty🙏🏼
And before ya'll come for me bc of writing smut js know that I'm younger than Pablo😭
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wildflowwer · 4 months
Hey I saw ur post asking for ideas so here's mine ??? Idk if ita any good tho so feel free to ignore this.
I'm a sucker for the reverse comfort trope istg. So maybe something like (any bts member) is feeling insecure about their body/weight bc of comments online or smth and reader comforts them and maybe sum body worship and soft pegging or u can make it totally fluffy upto u 💕.
heyy cutie. I hope you don't mind me being a day or two late and I hope you like this one<3
I added sum more stuff too, hope you don't mind and I hope it's the way you wanted it to be and the way you imagined ❤️
Warnings: sub jungkook, dom reader, pegging, nipple play, body worshipping, nicknames (mommy, pretty boy, my love, baby),jungkook is feeling insecure so reader try to make him feel better. There's more ig, let me know if I missed anything and excuse any spelling mistakes<3
it was 11pm when you came home from work. You expected to see jungkook running to you and hugging you like every other day but thus time it was quiet in the house. You wondering if he was asleep already so you didn't really think much of it. You went to the kitchen to grab a class of water and went upstairs.
you heard quiet sobs coming from the bedroom as you panicked and opened the door. You saw jungkook sitting at the edge of the bed, crying. You rushed and wrapped your hands around him
"Shhh jungkook. It's okay its okay baby shh" you patted his head trying to calm him down.
"y-yn" sobs loudly and hugged you back
"Im here jungkook, it's alr." Wipes his tears away
"What's wrong baby? You can tell me. I'm here"
"d-do you think I'm too heavy for you." Sobs
what escaped jungkooks mouth broke your heart. you hated how people make him feel this way. Jungkook was the type of person who always try go be perfect and enough for people. When someone mention his weight, look or anything like that he always take it in a bad way and think he's not enough. That literally breaks your heart.
"noo jungkook, look at me baby"
Jungkooks looks at you with teary, puffy eyes.
"Who said that? You know it's not true my love. No matter what you do people always will judge baby" holded his hands in yours.
"y-yn.. but what if it's true? what if I'm too heavy and overweight" looks down
"jungkook no my baby, youre beautiful. You're so so beautiful my love."
jungkook looks up at you
"make me feel beautiful yn. Please?" Jungkook said with a sad voice. He needed to feel beautiful again. who else can make him feel that way other than you hm?
You smiled, placing a kiss at his lips, then his cheek ,down to his jaw line and to his neck without stopping.Jungkook moaned softly, holding into your hair messily.
"I will make you feel so beautiful mu love" you opened his button up shirt, take it slowly off him and throw it somewhere in the room. You lean down kissing his neck once again, slowly pushing his body down.
you kissed down his chest, whispering sweet words between each kisses, telling him how beautiful he was and how enough he really is.
Jungkook almost cried out of happiness.
you stoped kissing him when you reached his pants, looking up at him with a smile.
"May I take this off?"
"Yes please" jungkook relaxed his body, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
you took off his underwear tossing them somewhere behind you. You placed a kiss on his pretty cock making him whimper.
You smiled at his reaction and got up to get your strap on. You wanted him to feel good. So so good that he will forget about those hated comments and thoughts.
"W-where are you going?" Jungkook said slightly panicking, thinking you will leave him like that.
"just to grab something real quick " smiled at him looking at his face relaxing a lil.
you came back with the strap wraped around your hips tightly. You went between jungkook legs, holding them up a lil so you can easily place yourself inside him.
"ah p-pleasd make me feel good mommy" jungkook said looking up at you, bitting his lips
"Oh I was planning to anyways baby" lean down to place a kiss on his lips. Jungkook deepened the kiss, wraping his legs around your waist, moaning into the kiss.
after a good short make out you pulled out and grabed the lub from the night stan drawer, putting sum on your fingers to prep your pretty boy before fucking him.
"Hold your leg up baby so I can prep you"
jungkook wraps his hands around his legs, holding them up letting you easily put your two fingers inside his hole,slowly moving making jungkook let out a whimper.
"a-ah~" mewls
"How's that baby?" Looks at him
"s-so good~" arch his back at the feeling of your fingers moving inside him.
he whimpered when you took out your fingers but quickly replace it with your cock. You put a lil more lub so you won't hurt him. You pushed it slowly in and started moving in a slow place.
"Oh god" jungkook lets out and rolls his eyes back.
"my beautiful boy, look at you taking my cock so well" the praise made jungkooks toes curls. He let out a whimper, pulling you closer to him and wraping his arms around your neck.
"p-pleasd move faster, I need to cum so bad~ please fuck your pretty boy" jungkook said between moans. He was so cute how he called himself your pretty boy. He really is your pretty boy tho.
You speed up your movement, jungkooks moans filled the room and the sound of skin agains skin slaping.
"Oh g-god please don't stop-ahh~" jungkook arched his back moaning loud as he was about to reach his orgasam
You started playing with his nipple, taking him at the edge. His nipples are so sensitive, so playing with them while fucking him really does drive him crazy.
"How beautiful you look right now jungkook. So beautiful just for me my love" you took his nipple in your mouth, circling your tongue around it.
"YESS~ just for you mommy!~" jungkook melws
"yeah baby? Is my pretty boy going to cum?"
Jungkook nodded his head
"Go ahead baby"
jungkook trowed his head back,eyes closed, mouth open in a silent scream, as he reached his orgasam making a mess all over him.
"A-ah fuck~" jungkooks body relaxed down on the bed, his eyes still closed.
You pulled out the dildo taking it off of you and putting it down on the drawer so you can clean it later or tomorrow.
"my beautiful boy" you said making jungkook smile softly and throw his hands around you, hugging you.
"are you okay my baby?"
"mhm, thank you sm yn"
"Ofc my love, one thing tho. Don't let those comments get into you again because you know they are not true and as I said, what ever you do people will always judge you for it"
"yeah.. you're right.. im sorry"pouts
"No baby it's not your fault, no need to be sorry. I just want you to ignore those comments. I'm always here with you no matter what and if you would like, I can always make you feel beautiful" winks making jungkook laugh
"You know yn, I'm happy to have you" smiles
" me too my love, I'm the most happiest person ever alive" smiles " I love you jungkook" pecks his lips "I love you too yn" smiles
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asmobeuses · 8 months
Asmo give me any atsushi hcs fluff, angst destory my atsushi lover self DO IT!!!!!
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Me ^
Atsushi HCS!
Warnings: Insecurity, mentions of bickering and arguments, hurt/comfort (u said angsty. Ask and u shall receive.)
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I apologize in advance if these r ooc, I don't know much about his character UEUEUEUEUE💔
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Tjis fucking loserboy!! He's completely whipped for u no doubt about it
He's constantly doting on you! Making sure you're okay, tending to any of your needs,
,,,making sure you're okaaaayyyy
(Ran out of things he does it's 3am spare me)
Treats you as if you're married lol
"Astushi we don't even live together"
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Him cuz u said that
"How could you" :(
Apologize rn.
> Angst below the cut
Angsty (this is my shit right here)
He was very insecure about your relationship when it first began
He would always make sure to go above and beyond because he thought you'd leave him if he "wasn't enough" :((
Hug kiss and tell him he's important to you right NEOW!!!
No but fr his love language besides physical contact r words of affirmation
He constantly needs reassurance.
He may not need as much further on into your relationship, but don't think that means u stop giving it to him 🤨 (pause.)
Obviously like any couple, yall will have occasional disagreements that MIGHT turn into arguments if you're not careful
He loves you but damn does he get heated and passionate when it comes to his views on smth
At the end of each one he feel rlly bad tho, even if he wasn't the one who started it
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Literally him after yall argue
Yall always end up making out up after every argument yall have.
You both end up forgetting about it after a night of movies n snacks n cuddles
The next day the Ada r like "you guys are on talking terms again?"
U and atushi in unison: "we weren't?"
Bonus angst
Thinking about atushi's reaction to you wanting a break and what caused it.
You love your boyfriend with every fiber of your being
But that doesn't mean you have the space on your shoulders to carry both his and your baggage.
Obviously you're there for eachother during your lowest, dont get me wrong!
There will be moments where his past is weighing in on him and he wants nothing but your reassurance!!
Butttttt his judgement gets clouded sometimes and he loses his emotional intelligence
Causing him not to notice when you're down in the dumps.
And this varies for whoever reading obv but in this case let's say you're the type of person to bottle up your emotions until one little thing tips the cup over
You end up blowing up at him over something small, really only because of how overwhelming your emotions got.
Now it's your turn to be like
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(Hopefully) You end up feeling very guilty about your outburst
"Look, atsushi, I really think we need some time apart."
Whether you say that bevause you feel horrible about blowing up at him or you just need time alone to process your emotions is up to you 🫡
Prepare to be bombarded with questions.
"Are you breaking up with me?" no "Are you getting tired of me?" no "Is it because of something I did?" no
The list goes on
For the love of all things holy please make him shut up tell him you love him and just need time to yourself!!
He will understand and respect your decision, but prepare for him to look like a kicked puppy
Er... kitten?
Some type of cute creature that makes your heart clench when it looks sad.
Sorry idk where I'm going w this anymore
Yall always have a happy ending tho!! No matter what, there's no force that can keep you away from eachother permanently.
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Would you like some coffee fluff with your sugar ansgt?
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reveriesofawriter · 4 months
book rambling don't mind me
the book kept saying anharion was his title... so was that also his name? did his name become a title when the Betrayal happened? does "anharion" translate to Betrayer or is that just what he's known as? was it a mistranslation from the old language? edit: I just reread the part where sarcean said he used to be called something else and now I feel like that's going to give away the whole ~is he the sun prince~ thing
I've seen some theories about the Collar and to what extent it actually controls james and like. as much as it would be less big and exciting to see it this way... what if the Collar is mostly symbolic? bc sarcean can talk people into doing what he wants anyway and james was obviously not immune to the charm (it's magnified for him even) well before will knew anything about himself or his powers so what if the collar was just a way to show other people that anharion belonged to him? but GOD if this moral stronghold of not wanting to manipulate james into kissing him and wanting him to do it of his own free will stops these boys from having a lil smooch for the majority of the third book I will Die
I've also seen people try to draw lines between will/sarcean and james/anharion as far as their past/present personalities and the consensus seems to be that will has a more clear line between himself and sarcean but I saw someone say it was more like intrusive thoughts and I think that's fascinating, also that will is seeing james and not anharion the betrayer when he looks at james but james in every sense is this cocky little asshole (affectionate) who flirts and uses his powers to take advantage of people while anharion in the past wasn't like that sooooo I think will isn't Seeing james as who he is I think he's seeing anharion for who he used to be before he turned against sarcean. which is so interesting when you think about will saying people shouldn't be judged by what they've done but what they can do
the tangled web of who hates who is so messy but I trust violet to, if not outright take will's side, then to convince the others to let him go like banish him or whatever instead of killing him right away (even if james's powers would physically protect him from that I just need violet to believe in him)
I'm still thinking about little 6 year old will setting a rich fucker's clothes on fire bc he laid his hands on a woman who was nice to him, how violet saved his life and he's spent every day after that trying to return the favor including using a newfound power he doesn't know how to control yet to set her free from a cage in another country
can't wait to see how the narratives shift when we get other perspectives on what the past was really like bc from what I can tell sarcean and the lady weren't really In Love they just had a fling one time
on that note I thought will was switched out for the girls somehow when they were kids but elizabeth was told her mother had a son before her and she believes that son is will, which would mean will is both blood of the lady and the dark king, which brings to question who his dad is bc they said it wasn't simon but I don't think his birth was a virgin mary situation, also I know sarcean got around but are will and simon's family related any closer than one ancestor thousands of years ago? is sinclair will's father?
I don't think tom and violet will fight to the death, tom may die in another way tho
what's the fourth kingdom and how does that pay into this? bc the first gate was in england the second was underwater somewhere and the third is in italy so the fourth...? on that note there must be more stewards alive who weren't in the hall when it was torn through, people who either left that life behind, or like cyprian at the beginning who didn't drink from the cup but still follow the lifestyle, or maybe like small covens of stewards who never went to the hall bc they found their own communities elsewhere idk it's just very eurocentric to think everyone from everywhere would meet up in this one place when the whole rest of the world exists
will needs some alone time after all this someone give him a safe place to rest and a hot drink
phillip and visander... and the unicorn....... love triangle of the ages... (I wonder if visander will find his way back into a man's body somehow or if he's stuck looking like katherine forever lol) (realistically. I don't think this man fucked his horse. but. metaphorically? metaphysically? whatever they had was probably as erotically charged as that magic scene right?)
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the-phantom-otaku · 7 months
My Astarion Origin run may prove to be the thing that finally gets me to finish the little oneshot I've been trying desperately to write for weeks now.
The issue I ran into is that I wasn't entirely sure how the others would react upon learning he's a vampire, so I've been stuck on that for a while. The option to just tell them and see their in game reactions really helps.
Gale - Surprised but relatively chill about it. Reasons his way through by saying he hasn't been bitten yet and he sees that as a sign that he can trust Astarion. A little surprised he didn't have his suspicions considering how well-read he is, but idk I guess he hasn't read up much on vampires. Honestly, he didn't seem very worried about the news.
Wyll - Actually knew immediately bc he's a monster hunter and has dealt with spawn before. Laughed at me when I told him bc, in his words, "It could only be more obvious if you painted a red V on your forehead." Was still willing to trust tho bc he doesn't easily abandon allies once he's made them. He also noted how charming Astarion was. Then offered a deal: Don't bite any innocents and he won't kill me. Overall, also pretty chill w it probably bc he's sure he can just stake Astarion if the need arises.
Karlach - Suspected but wasn't sure. She liked it when I told her bc she liked the honesty. Took it pretty well, didn't seem all that concerned. Probably wasn't worried bc a vampire isn't much compared to the devils she's killed. Her engine also protects her from being bitten, so there's that. Overall, she seemed very quick to accept and trust. Oh, she also said she'd break Cazador if he came to camp.
Shadowheart - Was surprised, didn't even suspect anything. Seemed more... annoyed(?) than anything. Said she "just wanted normal companions for once" and then asked if her neck was safe. Overall, she didn't seem terribly worried or against the idea of him staying, but she did still seem to want some reassurance that she wouldn't get bit.
Lae'zel - Exactly what you'd expect. Had no idea (to my surprise) and jumped to threats (tho I did fail a charisma check so she might not be so aggressive if you don't fail that). Not exactly trusting in him but trusting in her own ability to eliminate him if he were to glance at her neck. She also noted that he was useful, so she wouldn't kill him unless he gave her reason. I thought it was interesting that she had no idea until I remembered she's likely only been around githyanki her entire life. Humans, elves, tieflings, and so much more are a strange and new sight for her. As a result, she might not recognize the signs of vampirism in these species bc for all she knows, elves can have red eyes and long canines and be that pale naturally.
Anyway, that's their reactions summed up for anyone curious or also struggling to write their reactions.
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kennyieeee · 14 days
HI THERE may i rq muu x fem!reader ?? if its alr w pronouns they them but referred to w fem words iykwim ,,, t2 milgram setting if thats ok but besides that go WILD
Unconditional Favors
Kusunoki Muu x Fem! Reader
(ft. Es and Haruka)
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(Kenny: idk if you don't want a yandere one but this is lowkey a yandere blog so I played it safe with a soft yandere, do tell me if you want one without that, maybe I'll make another one. This is my first request please go easy on me,😭😭🙏)
Info/TWs: story/oneshot type, fem!reader with they/them pronouns, romantic pairing, trial 2 muu, kind of an enemies to lovers(???), fluff later on, mentions of suicide(Haruka), jealousy, forced affection, soft yandere(nothing crazy tho), analyzing for muu and her views, stuff might be inaccurate idk do tell me tho, grammar mistakes, written in 3rd person perspective
𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: [Name] informed Es about what they think about Muu and how screwed her way of connecting with people, so they decided to try and help her understand that not all attention and attachment needs to be conditional, but they just can't get her off their shoulders. (wc: around 1,554)
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The interrogation consisted of [Name] at first, until it diverted to the other prisoners, mainly now being Muu who kept following them around. Es seems to be curious about what it was about.
They sat laid back in the cold air of the interrogation room, Es observes them intently.
"To be quite honest, I pity Muu." [Name] boredly states across the table, Es nods and takes a mental note about what they said.
"Why is that?" Es interogates to them.
"I worry about the relationship she has with Haruka, didn't he say so himself? He'd do seppuku just because she gave her some accessories, that's too quite far-fetched isn't it?" [Name] sighs. "But then again, the motherly care she gives him has its own sentimental value too, I'm not in a position to say what values his life or not. Wouldn't you say the opposite? Warden-san."
"Not really, it's not that different from what I thought, but what about you? Do you really think that his life has the same value as Muu's care?"
"Mhm, nope." [Name] pops the P and rolls their eyes. Without a care, they spin the marker that was supposed to be used to write the interrogation questions later. "I always knew there was something wrong and messed up about Muu's way of thinking in somehow and someway, from her attitude and her honey-laced voice, nothing good ever comes up with that kind of person."
"You seem to talk so badly of her, even though she likes you." Es states.
"Come on now, I'm not that much of a trash talker." They defend, raising their hands.
"Like I said, 'I pity her', didn't I? A honey-laced voice can still be sweet, it's just that I'm worried about Haruka much more, I genuinely think that her maternal care for him could just be unconditional, you know? That doesn't really give you the right to vote her guilty, at the end of the day, she's just a teenager with mentally ill ways. She genuinely thinks that all relationships should be conditional, a favor has to be exchanged with one another, it might've been from the pampering she got in a wealthy childhood that she has that mindset, most of the prisoners here shouldn't be in prison, to be honest, they just need therapy. Muu, too, can grow up out of her ways." Es blinks at [Name]'s wall of words.
"Who said I voted her guilty? Anyways, Muu seems to like you a lot, why is that?" Es scoffs, unfazed by the onslaught of their words, and dutifully continues to interrogate.
"Oh... Yeah, I did her some favors. I didn't realize that it bothered her that much, I just want her to realize that not all favors need to be conditional."
"I see." Es nods. "What are those favors then."
"I don't know, the same treatment she does to Haruka, probably, or maybe Haruka's loyal treatment to her, but not too much, I didn't ask for anything in return, did it really bother her that much?"
"I see... Are you doing that because you want her to realize that Haruka's attachment to her is...wrong?"
"Wowie, you know me so well." [Name] nonchalantly replies. "But it had its cons, she keeps following me around to make up for those favors, it doesn't really bother her that much." A loud bell rang, indicating that the time was nearing.
"You know, why do you always observe Muu? Do you like her?"
"That's because— Wait, no I don't!"
"Yeah, sure." Es rolls their eyes.
"Worry and likeness are totally different things, I'm sure you understand what I mean by that—" [Name] rambled and they were about to go on and on until Es stopped them. How defensive.
"Alright, enough. We've chatted for so long."
"It's the time, huh?" [Name] says as Es stands up and gets into their position to speak. "I got voted innocent the first time, what'd you think about this time? Would the verdict would be different?"
"I'll let you know after I'm done."
"Alright, be sure to analyze me the best you can, okay?"
"Prisoner no. 11, [Name], sing your sins!"
Right after [Name] got out of the interrogation room, they saw the sight of a half-French girl tackling them eagerly.
"How did the interrogation go?" Muu clings on to them like a koala.
"I-It went well..." [Name] replies, taken aback.
"Really?? Did Warden-san threaten to vote you guilty? Just tell me and I'll knock— I mean, talk some sense into them, Haruka will help too. I think we should be friends. Ah, we three can hang out together, that would be nice right?" Muu hums and requests, eager to get the favors [Name] gave to her off her shoulders.
"Ah, no, I'm quite good, thanks for asking, I don't need any friends here either, thanks." [Name] passes and Muu huffs in annoyance.
"Muu's really sad you know, it's really unfair that you help me much but you don't let me be your friend..." She pouts.
"Well, Muu, I don't really think you need to be friends with someone to help them at all..." [Name] explains, leaving Muu to go through her last resort of paying back. To force her affection.
"Ah, I know, let's go dress you up, that messy get-up is no good after all!" She caught [Name]'s wrist with her hands and took her on the way to the warehouse that contained the newly added accessories for the prisoners, just when the first trial ended.
"Uh..." [Name] didn't have the time to protest as Muu dragged them along the corridor.
"This suits you!" Muu places a bow as a finale to her styling [Name]'s hair.
"Uhm... I think that this is a little too girlish for my liking..." The amount of thought Muu had put on the hairstyle was groundbreakingly immaculate.
"But I think you look cute." Muu smiled and [Name] couldn't help but blink in surprise, moments later, they found themselves feeling their cheeks heat up.
"It's a problem that you're too blunt." [Name] sighs at her antics.
"What?? Are you being shy?" Muu teases, and it doesn't help their flustered state. She giggles at their misery.
She's doing exactly what she did with Haruka, perhaps physical things are her way of paying back to [Name] and doing a favor for others in return. It doesn't help that she's good at it too.
"Why don't we move on with your clothes?" She smiles sweetly and eagerly moves on to the additional accessories for the prisoner's clothes, there is only so much that the prisoners can change.
Muu was grinning all the while. [Name] can't help but be reminded how much of a two-faced she can be. Is this fake? Is this real? [Name] would just have to dig a little more deeper. They knew her so well, but at the same time, they didn't.
"Hey," [Name] calls out to her with a bit of seriousness.
"Hmm?" Muu replies, still shuffling through the wardrobe.
"Why were you just calm about Haruka threatening to kill himself?"
"..." She stops shuffling through the supplies, her back is faced [Name], and they had no idea what expression they were making.
[Name] had a bad feeling.
"Why? Because he's my friend, and I actually love how he's backing me up." She replies with a chirpy voice as if it was no big deal.
It is a big deal.
"There's really nothing wrong with how he's trying to help me, I don't know why you all are so keen on telling me that these things are wrong, it's normal."
"It's not." [Name] cut her off.
"It is." Muu turns around to face them. "He's doing it by himself, why is it my fault?"
"When have I ever said it your fault? I'm just asking you why you're so normal about it."
"Because it's normal!" Muu's face was distraught.
"Would you tell people that you'd kill yourself for them? That won't sound so normal now, would it?" [Name] said, putting Muu on Haruka's shoes, in an attempt to reach her.
"Why are we talking about him!? It's just us two together, why do you need to mention other people!" She stomped her foot on the floor.
"Please... Can we just focus on ourselves? Muu doesn't like to fight... Aren't we friends?" She pleaded. [Name] sighed.
"But we're not friends, in the end, you're just doing this to repay all my favors, am I right?"
"Why are you so mean... Muu is just doing this because she likes you." She whines and [Name] winced.
[Name] felt a twinge of guilt, she's being genuine.
"Alright, I'm sorry." [Name] felt like they were trying to comfort a crying child.
[Name] was no therapist, but they tried to make her understand that affection isn't conditional, they could only hope that one day it would work.
Muu repays the favor.
[Name] looks at the mirror and sees themself, with a whole makeover by Muu, they look like a completely different person. Looking even more beautiful than before.
"Pretty girl." Muu's lips turn into a wide smile and she sneakily puts a little kiss on your cheek. [Name] felt their face turn blazing hot.
"T-T-This does not mean that we are friends!"
"Oh, do you want to be girlfriends then!?"
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